Commencement 1981-1990 - JScholarship Home
Commencement 1981-1990 - JScholarship Home
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation ORDER OF PROCESSION MARSHALS Peter Newman Dennis A. Powers Paul R. Daniels Sidney S. Forrest Carol J. Gray Richard L. Higgins William H. Huggins Joseph L. Katz Warner E. Love Henry M. Seidel Carl E. Taylor Mack Walker Charles R. Westgate Ira William Zartman THE GRADUATES MARSHALS David S. Olton Saul Roseman THE DEANS MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF SCHOLARS THE UNIVERSITY THE TRUSTEES OFFICERS OF MARSHALS Matthew A. Crenson Paul R. Olson THE FACULTIES CHIEF MARSHAL Isaiah Frank THE CHAPLAINS THE HONORARY DEGREE CANDIDATES THE PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY ORDER OF EVENTS STEVEN MULLER President of the University, presiding PRELUDE La Mourisque TlELMAN SUSATO ( -1561) Sonata from Die Bankelsangerlieder Anonymous PROCESSIONALS The audience requested to stand as the Academic Procession moves into the area and to remain standing after the Invocation. is Marches from Belshazzar, Floridante, Ezio, Judas Maccabaeus, Saint Cecilia's Day and Rinaldo Georg Frederich Handel (1685-1759) THE PRESIDENT'S PROCESSION Fanfare Walter Piston (1894-1976) March from Scipione Georg Frederich Handel (1685-1759) INVOCATION CHESTER L. WICKWIRE Chaplain, The Johns Hopkins University * THE NATIONAL ANTHEM * GREETINGS ROBERT Chairman D. of the H. HARVEY Board of Trustees PRESENTATION OF NEW MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF SCHOLARS Maurice M. Bursey Michael Criley J. Elizabeth D. Carlos E. Eyzaguirre Hans Fuchtbauer Robert S. Gordon, Jr. Marvin A. Griffin C. Rollins Hay Gordon L. Kane David M. Kipnis Carl Kupfer Leonard T. Kurland Harry M. Orlinsky Hanlon Francine Schrijen SCHOLARS PRESENTED BY RICHARD LONGAKER THE FESTIVAL BRASS Ellery B. Woodworth, conductor The Earle of Oxford's Marche William Byrd (1543-1623) * CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES Sergiu Comissiona Benjamin T. Rome Ralf G. Dahrendorf PRESENTED BY RICHARD LONGAKER * ADDRESS Ralf G. Dahrendorf Director, London School of Economics and Political Science * CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON CANDIDATES BACHELORS OF ARTS Presented by SIGMUND R. SL'SKIND Dean, School of Arts and Sciences * * * BACHELORS OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE BACHELORS OF ARTS Presented by V. Dean, G. W. C. DAVID VANDELINDE Whiting School of Engineering CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON CANDIDATES continued CERTIFICATES BACHELORS OF MUSIC Presented by ELLIOTT W. GALKIN Director, Peabody Conservatory of Music ASSOCIATES OF ARTS ASSOCIATES OF SCIENCE BACHELORS OF SCIENCE BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Presented by ROMAN J. VERHAALEN Dean, Evening College MASTERS OF SCIENCE MASTERS OF EDUCATION MASTERS OF LIBERAL ARTS MASTERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE CERTIFICATES OF ADVANCED STUDY Presented by ROMAN J. VERHAALEN Dean, Evening College MASTERS OF MUSIC ARTISTS DIPLOMAS Presented by ELLIOTT W. GALKIN Director, Peabody Conservatory of Music CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON CANDIDATES continued MASTERS OF SCIENCE MASTERS OF HEALTH SCIENCE MASTERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH Presented by DONALD A. HENDERSON Dean, School of Hygiene and Public Health MASTERS OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC POLICY MASTERS OF ARTS IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MASTERS OF ARTS Presented by GEORGE R. PACKARD Dean, School of Advanced International Studies MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN CLINICAL ENGINEERING MASTERS OF ARTS Presented by RICHARD Dean, S. Scliool of ROSS Medicine MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING MASTERS OF ARTS Presented by V. DAVID VANDELINDE Dean, G. W. C. Whiting School of Engineering MASTERS OF ARTS Presented by SIGMUND R. SUSKIND Dean, School of Arts and Sciences CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON CANDIDATES continued DOCTORS OF EDUCATION Presented by ROMAN J. VERHAALEN Dean, Evening College DOCTORS OF MUSICAL ARTS Presented by ELLIOTT W. GALKIN Director, Pcabody Conservatory of Music DOCTORS OF SCIENCE DOCTORS OF PUBLIC HEALTH DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Presented by DONALD A. HENDERSON Dean, School of Hygiene and Public Health DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Presented by GEORGE R. PACKARD Dean, Sdiool of Advanced International Studies DOCTORS OF MEDICINE DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Presented by RICHARD S. ROSS Dean, School of Medicine CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON CANDIDATES continued DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Presented by V. DAVID VANDELINDE Dean, G. W. C. Whiting School of Engineering DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Presented by SIGMUND SUSKIND R. Dean, School of Arts and Sciences STATEMENT TO THE GRADUATES STEVEN MULLER President of the University BENEDICTION CLYDE R. SHALLENBERGER Director, Chaplaincy Service Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions RECESSIONALS Trumpet Voluntary Jeremiah Clarke (1673-1707) Rondeau-Fanfare Jean Joseph Mouret (1082-1738) The audience is requested to remain standing aftei the Benediction until the members of the faculties and graduates have left the area. JOHNS HOPKINS SOCIETY OF SCHOLARS The Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars was created on the recommendation Eisenhower and approved by action of the University Board of Trustees on May 1, 1967. The Society the first of its kind in the nation inducts former postdoctoral fellows at Johns Hopkins who have gained marked distinction in their fields of physical, biological, medical, social or engineering sciences, or the humanities, and for whom at least five years have of former President Milton S. — — The Committee of the Johns Hopkins whose members are equally distributed among the academic divisions, elects the Scholars from the candidates nominated by the academic divisions having programs for postdoctoral fellows. Each division has the privilege of nominating up to three candidates for each election year. The Scholars are invested during the Commencement ceremony, the Commemoration Day ceremony, or on some similar occasion and are presented with a diploma and a medallion with black and gold ribbon to be worn around the neck with their academic costumes. elapsed since their postdoctoral work. Society of Scholars, Today we honor 14 new members who have been elected Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars: Dr. Maurice M. Bursey, this year to the professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has contributed importantly to research in ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry. In addition, he was a collaborator in producing the first field desorption mass spectra in this country, and his recent work is in the development of laser-assisted field desorption. A bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. graduate of Johns Hopkins, Dr. Bursey did postdoctoral work during 196364 with Dr. Alsoph H. Corwin in the Department of Chemistry. He taught at Purdue University from 1964 to 1966, when he joined the faculty at North Carolina. Dr. UCLA J. Michael Criley, professor of medicine and radiological sciences at the Harbor-UCLA Medi- School of Medicine and chief of cardiology at the cal Center, has combined his skills as a cardiac physiologist and as a photog- rapher to elucidate a variety of conditions, notably hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Most recently, he has used x-ray motion pictures to clarify the physiology of closed chest cardiac resuscitation. A graduate of the Stanford University School was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins during 1956-62, working with Dr. Richard S. Ross. From 1962 to 1967 he was an assistant professor of medicine and radiology at the School of Medicine and director of the Cardiac Diagnostic Laboratories at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He assumed his present post in 1967. of Medicine, Dr. Criley Dr. Carlos E. Eyzaguirre, professor and chairman of the Department of Physiology at the University of Utah, has contributed significantly to the under- standing of the carotid body. His pioneering investigations have ranged from the neuroanatomy of the carotid body to sophisticated studies of its neurotransand ultrastructure. Dr. Eyzaguirre, who received his medical degree from the University of Chile, did postdoctoral work during 194750 with Dr. Joseph Lilienthal in the Department of Medicine, and during 195355 with Dr. Stephen Kuffler in the Department of Ophthalmology. He taught at the Catholic University of Chile before joining the faculty at Utah in 1957. basic mitters, electrophysiology, Dr. Hans Fuchtbauer, professor of earth sciences at the University of Bochum West Germany, is recognized as one of the world's leading sedimentologists. He has elucidated the mode of formation of a wide variety of sediments and has in also contributed importantly to the literature in carbonate geochemistry. Edu- cated at the universities of Bonn, Gottingen, and Zurich, Dr. Fuchtbauer was a and Planetary Sciences during working with Dr. Hans Eugster and Dr. Lawrence Hardie. He was with an oil company from 1949 until 1967, when he joined the faculty at Bochum. postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Earth 1974, Dr. Robert S. Gordon Jr., special assistant to the director at the National Institutes of Health, has effectively applied his background in biomedical sci- ence, especially in gastrointestinal physiology, to practical public health prob- known for his pioneering work on cholera in Dacca, Pakistan. In which he has held since 1976, he has been instrumental in the development of survey research as an important element in providing cost-effective health care. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Gordon did postdoctoral work with Dr. Leon Gordis in the Department of Epidemiology during lems, and is his present post, 1975-76, receiving a master of health sciences degree. He served for many years with the National Heart Institute and then with the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases until 1975. Dr. Marvin A. Griffin, professor of neering at the University of Alabama, has computer science and industrial engi- made significant contributions both in the application of operations research to a variety of problems, such as the cient telemetry of data, and in the use of simulated systems by managers. effi- Dr. from Johns Hopkins in 1960 and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Operations Research and Information Science during 1968-69, working with Dr. Eliezer Naddor and others. He joined the faculty at Alabama in 1961, and served as head of its industrial engineering, computer science, and operations research programs from 1965 to 1975. He has worked widely as a consultant to both government agencies and Griffin received his doctor of engineering degree private industry. Dr. C. Rollins Hanlon, director of the American College of Surgeons and professor of surgery at Northwestern University, tions as a teacher, investigator, rector of the American College and is recognized for his contribu- clinician in cardiothoracic surgery. the College in shaping health policy and has preserved the unity the surgical specialties within this major national organization. the Johns As di- of Surgeons since 1969, he has effectively involved of surgery A and graduate of Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Hanlon did postdoctoral work dur- ing 1938-40 and 1946-50 with Dr. Alfred Blalock in the Department of Surgery. He was on the surgery faculty came professor and chairman versity. He at Johns Hopkins from 1946 to 1950, when he beDepartment of Surgery at St. Louis UniNorthwestern in 1969. of the joined the faculty at Dr. Elizabeth Dexter Hay, the Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Embryology of Anatomy at Harvard Medical School, is one of the country's leading developmental biologists and has taken a national leadership role in the biomedical community. Her contributions include focusing the attention of developmental biologists on the inductive role of the extracellular matrix during embryogenesis. Dr. Hay received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Medicine during 1952-53, working with Dr. A. McGehee Harvey. She served on the anatomy faculty at Johns Hopkins from 1953 to 1957 and taught at Cornell Medical College from 1957 to 1960, when she joined the faculty at Harvard. and chairman of the Department known as Dr. Gordon made important ysis L. Kane, professor of physics at the University of Michigan, has contributions to elementary particle physics through the anal- of experiments that are crucial to the understanding of new theoretical ideas. His ability to understand the subtle aspects of both theoretical and experimental elementary particle physics has made him one of the most sought-after participants in international conferences in this field. Dr. Kane, who received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois, did postdoctoral work during 1963-65 with Dr. Thomas Fulton and Dr. Gordon Feldman in the Department of Physics. He joined the faculty at Michigan in 1965. M. and chairman of the Department Washington University School of Medicine, has done outstanding work on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in health and disease, and is recognized especially for his achievements in diabetes research. A graduate of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dr. Kipnis holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Johns Hopkins, where he was a postdoctoral fellow during 1951-52 in the Department of Medicine, working with Dr. A. McGehee Harvey. In 1956 he went to Washington University, where he has directed the Clinical Research Center since 1960, and he also serves as physician-in-chief at both Barnes and Barnard hospitals in St. Louis. Dr. David Kipnis, the Busch Professor of Internal Medicine at the Dr. Carl Kupfer, as director of the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health since 1970, credited with leading one of the best or- is NIH. He spearheaded a major attack on the problem of blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy by promoting a multicenter clinical trial on the role of photocoagulation in the treatment of this ganized and most productive divisions at condition. He also internationally recognized for his pioneering studies in the is A graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, work during 1952-54 and 1957-58 with Dr. A. Edward Maumenee in the Department of Ophthalmology. He taught at Harvard Medical School and the University of Washington School of Medicine before assumpathogenesis of glaucoma. Dr. Kupfer did postdoctoral ing his present post. Dr. Leonard T. Kurland, professor and chairman of the Department of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic, has made important contributions to the understanding of the influence of environmental factors in the etiology of neurologic disorders. In addition, he developed a record-linkage system that has been valuable in epidemiological studies of digestive and vascu- and cancer. Dr. Kurland, who received his M.D. from the University Maryland School of Medicine, holds his bachelor's degree from Johns Hopkins, where he was a postdoctoral fellow during 1950-51, working with Dr. Kenneth Maxcy and Dr. Philip Sartwell in the Department of Epidemiology and earning a doctor of public health degree. He was chief of the Epidemiology Branch at the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness at NIH lar diseases of before assuming his present position in 1964. Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, professor of Bible at Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion, is highly regarded for his translations of Biblical texts for both Jewish and Christian readers. While striving to maintain accuracy and faithfulness today's readers. to the original texts, He he gears his work to the sensitivities of has also written extensively in interpreting the ancient texts, drawing upon history and archaeology to support his analyses. Dr. Orlinsky received his Ph.D. from Dropsie College and did postdoctoral work during 193641 with Dr. William Albright in the Department of Near Eastern Studies. He taught at the Baltimore Hebrew College for eight years before going to Hebrew Union College in 1944, and has been a visiting professor at many institutions in this country and abroad. Dr. Francine Schrijen, master of research at the Laboratory of Respiratory Physiopathology of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in is widely recognized for her work on the effect of respiratory diseases on pulmonary bloodflow and on systemic circulation. She has used animal studies France, ns well as clinical studies involving humans to investigate the interrelations be- tween respiratory mechanics, gas exchange, pulmonary circulation, and systemic circulation. Dr. Schrijen received her M.D. degree from the University of Nancy in France and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Environmental Medicine during 1971-73, working with Dr. Solbert Permutt, Dr. Richard L. Riley, and Dr. Walter Ehrlich. France since 1960. She has been with the National Institute in Citation RICHARD P. Read by LONGAKER in Presenting SERGIU COMISSIONA for the Degree of Doctor of May Humane Letters 27, 1982 Master on the podium, you have transformed orchestras and audiences throughout the world. At the age of seventeen you began your conducting career, and have since conducted orchestras in 21 countries on six continents. Your repertory is as extensive as any of today's maestros. As artistic advisor of the Houston Symphony, as music director of the Baltimore Symphony and the American Symphony, as well as in your guest appearances before this nation's most renowned symphonic ensembles, you have been a fervent champion of music by American composers. From Bucharest to Haifa to Baltimore, from Brussels to Houston to Helsinki, orchestras under your baton have performed their works. Gifted with insight, imaginative stylistic understanding, and the ability to communication, you epitomize the conductor as a faithful servant of music and the most humane of performers. Sergiu Comissiona, for all your accomplishments, The Johns Hopkins University is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, establish instant honoris causa. Citation RICHARD P. Read by LONGAKER in Presenting RALF GUSTAV DAHRENDORF for the Degree of Doctor of May Plumane Letters 27, 1982 Educator and social theorist, you have by word and deed devoted yourself freedom and the strengthening of the liberal society. Throughout your career you have challenged conventional wisdom in order to promote reasoned debate. As an influential and respected politician in your native Germany and as a member of the European Commission, you have earned to the defense of commitment to cultural exchanges among naEuropean cooperation. As the first foreign-born director of the London School of Economics, you have continued to champion those goals, and you have strongly defended that institution's integrity and mission in redistinction tions and and praise for your to the cause of sponse to severe pressure for the dilution of standards. Your voluminous publications span three decades. As a writer and educator you have consistently distinguished yourself as an analyst of social and political trends, and you have contributed to the revival of serious discussion of the proper role of government in complex industrial societies. Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf, in recognition of your outstanding contributions to international understanding and individual freedom, The Johns Hopkins University is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. Citation RICHARD P. Read by LONGAKER in Presenting BENJAMIN THEODORE ROME for the Degree of Doctor of May Builder, philanthropist, friend of the and limitless By energy who is Humane Letters 27, 1982 arts, you are known as a man of vision devoted to world peace and brotherhood. and you have excelled as a businessman you have directed for more than two decades to a position of national prominence. In all your business endeavors, you stress humanity, quality, and excellence above all other considerations. Your beneficence toward this University, from which you graduated in 1925, and toward Catholic University, your other alma mater, reflects your abiding belief that education provides a forum for the rational discussion and solution of problems. Your efforts on behalf of ecumenism and understanding among all the peoples and nations of the world have won you high praise, and serve as a reminder of what a singular, private man can achieve. Benjamin Theodore Rome, for all you have accomplished and for your work on behalf of world peace and brotherhood, The Johns Hopkins University is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, and training an engineer architect, builder, guiding the corporation honoris causa. THE UNIVERSITY MACE The Chief Marshal, Dr. Isaiah Frank, was Day Exercises. University Mace carried by the used at the 1954 Commemoration Eight symbols are hand wrought in sterling silver on an ebony The symbols staff. first represent man's cultural development from ancient times, through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, THE PRESIDENTIAL to the modern era. INSIGNIA University President Steven Muller is wearing the Presidential Insignia signifying the authority vested in the President by the Board of Trustees. It is a chain of sterling silver links worn around the Johns Hopkins University Presidents are enOn the reverse are engraved the names of each President. Ten blank links for future use are included. Portraits of each of the ten neck. graved on the faces of ten of the and dates The of office links. University Seal completes the design. ACADEMIC DRESS The custom stems from the Middle Ages, of their monastic order. when of wearing academic dress scholars were also clerics The hood was and wore the costume originally a cowl attached to the gown, which could be slipped over the head for warmth. The cap was originally round, but has changed to the varieties that we see today. The gown The gown worn The Master's gown varies for the respective de- and can be distinguished by its long, pointed sleeves. is designed to be open with the arms worn through the slits in the elbows of the sleeves. The Doctor's gown, also worn open, has full, bell-shaped sleeves with three horizontal bars stitched across the upper arm. There is a velvet panel draped around the neck and stitched down the front edges. This velvet trimming may be either black or the same color as the velvet grees. Bachelor's is closed border of the hood. degrees. the base. one half rounded The hood also varies for the respective The Bachelor's and Master's hoods are of the same design, pointed at The Bachelor's hood is three feet long; the Master's hood is three and feet long. The Doctor's hood is four feet long, of fuller shape and at the base. The hood is bordered with velvet, the color of which indicates the field of study in which the degree was earned: Dark blue Light blue Orange — — — — — Philosophy — Education Green Medicine Salmon pink Public Health Pink Music Purple Laws — Engineering — Science Gold-yellow Arts and Letters White The I lining of the hood represents more than one degree is held, the the higher or highest degree is worn. The Johns Hopkins he institution which granted the degree. gown and hood of silk If University has adopted an alternative costume to be used by Hopkins doctoral of a gold robe with front and side panels in sable velvet academic cap with gold sweatband and academic procession may include: Black, old gold chevron a six-sided Purple — New — Duke Old gold, maroon chevron Old gold — Iowa — Illinois — North Carolina — Minnesota — California — Virginia Purple, gold chevron — London — Chicago Crimson — Harvard Carnelian, two white chevrons — Cornell Cardinal — Stanford Red, tri-chevron in center — Heidelberg Dandelion yellow — Michigan Maize, azure blue chevron — Sorbonne Yellow and white — Rochester — Northwestern Carnegie Tartan— Carnegie- Mellon THE UNIVERSITY MOTTO Veritas vos liberabit. The Dutch today's York University — Wisconsin scarlet Maroon Dark blue, two orange chevrons Light blue, two white chevrons in consists Bright red Plum, with Blue with white chevron Gold and linings seen — Columbia — Yale Gold, blue chevron The —Johns Hopkins Light blue, white chevron Dark blue tassel. holding Johns all The costume both earned and honorary. degrees, truth shall make you -St. John 8:32 free AWARDS IN THE SCHOOLS OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING ALEXANDER BUTLER PRIZE for the best research paper by a Awarded first year graduate student in History to Kristin Eldyss Sorensen Zapalac ADOLF KATZENELLENBOGEN MEMORIAL PRIZE for outstanding Awarded DONALD E. work in Art History Karen-edis Barzman to KERR MEMORIAL MEDAL undergraduate major in Physics to the outstanding Awarded George Redlincer J. Svnakowski to Edmund ARTHUR KOUGUELL to the outstanding PRIZE undergraduate major Awarded in History Scott Andrew Cook to ERNEST M. MARKS AWARD in recognition of excellence in instruction Awarded to in Chemistry Ellen Barrabee Daniel Talham MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AWARD for outstanding achievement by an undergraduate Awarded to Chester D. Andrzejewski E. Zmijewski Earl PAUL for the Awarded SARAH McCOY PRIZE A. most distinguished masters essay in & to Political Science Nancy Hirschmann ADOLPH ROSEMAN ACHIEVEMENT AWARD in recognition of outstanding Awarded to accomplishment in Chemistry Martin Hulce Susan Riblett ROBERT BRUCE ROULSTON PRIZE for excellence in Awarded JULIUS for the TURNER AWARD most distinguished senior Awarded German Thomas Michael Fynan to to thesis in Political Science Richard James Bozzelli JOHN BOSWELL WHITEHEAD AWARD for outstanding achievements in Electrical Engineering Awarded to and Computer Science Steven Brian Shauck THE WILLIAM H. BAIN AWARD achievement by an undergraduate in the Writing Seminars for outstanding Joseph William Levine Anne Phillippy Patricia IN THE EVENING COLLEGE DELTA SIGMA PI SCHOLARSHIP KEY in the Division of Administration and Business for the highest average for the entire course Awarded EDWARD J. to Marie Kelly Karpinski STEGMAN, C.P.A., MEMORIAL AWARD in the Division of Administration and Business for excellence in the study of accountancy Awarded to Marie Kelly Karpinski WALL STREET JOURNAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Administration and Business for outstanding scholarship and exceptional promise of future success in the Division of Awarded IN to Mary Sampson DeBlauw THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE HENRY STRONG DENISON SCHOLARSHIP for excellence in Awarded to biomedical research Elliot L. Chaikof Charles Williams Flexner Mark Richard Gilbert THE JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICAL SOCIETY STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD Awarded to Paul Christopher Freiman Mark Richard Gilbert David Alexander Potter PAUL EHRLICH AWARD in Basic Science Investigation Awarded to Gregory Raymond Reyes PAUL EHRL1CH AWARD in Clinical Investigation Awarded to Michaf.l Bressler Susan Beth Bressler LAUREL AND CLARENCE for most promise in Awarded to W. BARRY H. KOENNECKE AWARD the surgical field of gynecology Glenn Allen Weitzman WOOD STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD Awarded MICHAEL in 197$ to SHANOFF RESEARCH AWARD A. contribution in the medical sciences for significant research Awarded Stuart James Swiedler in 1981 to Drew Mark Pardoll SANDOZ AWARD for excellence in the field of Awarded IN to Pharmacology Gregory Raymond Reyes THE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH JOHN C. HUME AWARD I for significance of doctoral research in the Department of Health Services Administration Awarded JOHN C. to Donald Morisky HUME AWARD II To a Master of Public Health graduate for academic excellence and professional promise Awarded to Gerald Nestadt ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS to students of outstanding Awarded to promise David Campbell Winifred Hayes Angela Mickalide Nancy Yinger IN THE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL STUDIES WILLIAM C. FOSTER AWARD sound scholarship and a record of leadership and distinguished service to SAIS exemplary of the high qualities of integrity, lovalty and ability admired in Mr. Foster to a second year student for Awarded CHRISTIAN to the member A. to Taraneh Tavana HERTER FELLOWSHIP of the second vear class with the most outstanding record during the Awarded to first year Jan Gregerson Cherim Robert Elliott Rector HONOR SOCIETIES PHI BETA KAPPA From the Junior Class in the School of Arts Patrick C. Fann Clifford D. Korenfeld Albert H. Lee Jeffrey Neil Martin Inco From Werner and Sciences Robert Gerard Voigt Gilbert G. Whitmer, Jr. John Clark Mester, Jr. Nancy Beth Ring Bruce Neal Schlakman Lawrence Michael Wong Benjamin Karl Yokel Sprie the Senior Class in the School of Arts and Sciences Elected in 1980-81 Peter Thomas Simor Richard Miller Sneeringer John Edward Swift Deborah Judith Jeffrey Jeffrey Charles Lamkin Jeffrey Allan Moon Richard Jaaies Julie Farr Ehrich David Goebel Elected in 1981-82 Kathryn Susannah Rose Berck Lance Alan Besner Audrey Ellen Brandreth Brandon Anthony Brylawski Scott Paul Carnivale Hitesh Ramesh Chokshi Arthur Stephen Evenchik Robert J. Forsell, Jr. Paul Margo Elin Ross Samira Renee Saliba Lisa Ann Schimmenti James Anthony Schiro Leslie Bernard Scorza Marra Tammy Dawn Shannon Ann Maurice Minsen Mok Nina Teresa Morishige Lorna Collette Perkins Patricia Ayala Rachel Hecht Peter Harry Henderson Cory I. Singer Edmund J. Synakowski Richard Joseph Tamman S. Tolchinsky Robert Jay Wells Anne Phillippy Gary Kathleen Marie Pike Paul Anthony Potyraj the Doctor of Philosophy Candidates in the School of Arts and Sciences Richard Frederick Conrado Holman From the Richard Human Mun Kyung Hong Paul From Cm C. Pribitkin II George Redlinger Patricia James Jordan Gilligan Joseph M. Gonzalez-Heydrich Mark David Greenberg Alexander Georg Hauptmann From Edmund Jay Lowell Hess Mark James Johnston Edwin Hyun-Jin Kim Saul A. Kravitz Paul Daniel Lewis Juan Albert Lopez Wayne Jeffrey Lyle Santee Pointer Biology Program in the School of Medicine C. Kuo Ri< hard Michael Pomerantz the Doctor of Medicine Candidates in the School of Medicine Van Dang Mark Richard Gilbert Edward Norman Hughes, Mark Steven Dias William Thomas Gerson Louis Martin Weiss Jr. Rodney Erwin Willoughby, Niel Fisher Starksen From Louis Jacob Forster the School of Advanced International Studies Andrew Bruce Koslow Jr. TAU BETA PI National Engineering Honor Society From Nancy Nai-Hun Chang John Broddus Deaton Robert Fred Detrow the Junior Class in the G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering Michael Joseph Giovannoni Jeffrey David Guzy Jeong Hun Kim Lori Lynn Maixoy Scott Eric Gimpel Keith Shelton Nabors Brian Stuart Reilly Patricia Amelia Rodriquez John Francis Walker Oren Bennett Milgrome From the Senior Class in the G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering Elected in 1980-81 James Theodore Bradshaw James Grant Fleming Smiley Shung Hsu Kathryn Anne Kasper Edmund David Henry Sherry George Robert Wodicka Pribitkin II Elected in 1981-82 Mary Jean G. Cuaycong Mark Tober Duvall Timothy Robert Oechsler Thomas Jeremy Olson Audrey Kai Tsao Zenon Michael Waclawiw ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Honor Medical Joseph Michael Arcidi, Jr. Andrew Douglas Beamer Steven Arthur Becker Susan Beth Bressler Elliot L. Chaikof Chi Van Dang Society Charles Williams Flexner Alison Gail Freifeld William Thomas Gerson Mark Richard Gilbert Edward Norman Hughes, Jr. Clifford Todd Katz Peter John McDonnell III Roger James Pomerantz Donald Furstman Schwarz Niel Fisher Starksen R. Scott Strahlman Stuart James Swiedler Rodney Erwin Willoughby, DELTA OMEGA National Public Health Honor Society Robert Bertera Lundy Braun Mary Carnell Raman Chahal Colin Chinn Samuel Clark Cara Ehrlich Brian Flynn Jane Gulko Frank Hooper Elayne Kornblatt John Loomis Jay McAuuffe Eve Moscicki Stephen Moses Michael Mueller Gerald Nestadt Phillip Nieburg Gunta Obrams Stephen Rasmussen Alan Romanoski William Smith, Jr. Randall Stafford Sally Trippel Sherman Waite Miriam Were Jr. HONORS Baccalaureate Candidates in the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering Graduating Edith Elaine Agoff Chester David Andrzejewski Patrick Martin Antkowiak. Madelein Ruth Arnstein Robert Bagdorf Lawrence Bayuk Kathryn Susannah Rose Berck Lisa Ann Bergen Lance Alan Besner John Robert Bierly Richard James Bozzelli James Theodore Bradshaw Audrey Ellen Brandreth Brandon Anthony Brylawski Christopher Stewart Campbell Scott Paul Carnivale James Bruce Carroll Nancy Nai-Hun Chang Irmina Chao Grace Lynn Chien Craig Steven Chin Hitesh Ramesh Chokshi Carl G. Colton Mary Jean G. Cuaycong Andre Lucio Cardoso Denis Matthew Galen Diaz Michael Allan Duff Maureen Margaret Duggan Mark Tober Duvall Boyd Anthony Dwyer Arthur Stephen Evenchik Bennett Ira Fein Robert Louis Ferrer Michael Ira Fingerhood Hinda Judith Fink James Grant Fleming David Lionel Forester Louis Jacob Forster Thomas Michael Fynan Steven John Garrett James Jordan Gillican Ehrich David Goebel Sidney Evan Goodfriend Mark David Greenberg Alexander Georg Hauptmann Cynthia Westcott Hayes Ayala Rachel Hecht Kathleen A. Helm Peter Harry Henderson Jay Lowell Hess Mun Kyung Hong Jue-Teng Hsu Smiley S. Hsu zuilh General Honors Eugenia Thelma Alexandra Jacobs J. Jeffrey Mark James Johnston Harry Lee Kanter David Howard Kaplan Nancy Ellen Karol Kathryn Anne Kasper Stuart Dean Katchis Lois Smith Keyes Edwin Hyun-Jin Kim Jeong Hun Kim Joyce Myong-Hee Kim Deborah Young S. Kim Charles Christopher King Eric Richard Knies Andrew Bruce Koslow Saul A. Kravitz Paul C. Kuo Jeffrey Charles Lamkin Glenn Duane Legler, Jr. Robert Edward Lesser Kenneth Irwin Levy Brian Marc Lewis Paul Daniel Lewis Paul Hsu-Feng Lin Cecilio Cruz Lopez Juan Albert Lopez Mary Lunde Lystad Lori Lynn Malloy Alan Paul Marco Paul C. Marra Patricia Ann Maurice Phillip Alan McGee David Joseph Merkel Howard Randall Mertz Stephen William Mihalsky Deborah Ruth Miller Eric Barnett Miller Robert David Miller Minsen Mok Nina Teresa Morishige Harry Karpen Moskowitz Linda Murray David Jonathan Naddor Emily Frances Nye Paul John O'Brien Kathleen Marie Pike Katherine Alice Plough Richard Michael Pomerantz Paul Anthony Potyraj Edmund Pribitkin II Janetmartha Henya Rachmiel Krishnan Rajagopalan George Redlinger Stephen Michael Richmond Julie Ann Rindfleisch Beth Ann Rosner Margo Elin Ross Samira Renee Saliba Lisa Ann Schimmenti James Anthony Schiro Karen Elizabeth Schlain Leslie Bernard Scorza Tammy Dawn Shannon Steven Brian Shauck David H. Sherry Parag Sheth Alison Llewelyn Shipley Andrew M. Short Cory I. Singer Richard Miller Sneeringer Lincoln David Stein Steven Andrew Steinberg Akiva Sternberg Lewis Benjamin Stiller Carmen Josephene Sultana John Edward Swift Edmund J. Synakowski Jonathan Haskell Talamo David Thieme Talkin Richard Joseph Tamman Joanne Evelyn Tilley Joseph Anthony Tino S. Tolchinsky Audrey Kai Tsao Gary Shi-Ming Tu Carole Annick Vannier Mark Fdward Vargus ZENON Michael Waclawiw Michael Steven Wallk Jeffrey Scott Warsiiau Neil Farrell Watnik Raymond Joseph McBarnes O'Donnell Robert Jay Wells Barry Lowell Wilen Timothy Robert Oechsler Thomas Jeremy Olson George Robert WoDICKA David Wurmser Jennifer Ann Peake Sydney SUNCMOE Voon l.orna collette perkins Patricia Anne Phillippy Anne Jennifer Ziffer Earl Edward /mi jewski Frederick Sterling Pierce II Baccalaureate Candidates in the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering Graduating with Departmental Honors John Kathryn Susannah Rose Berck Lisa Ann Bercen David John Black Young S. Kim Jan Marie Koppelman Andrew Bruce Koslow Jeffrey Charles Lamkin Arthur G. Levy J. Beth Ann Rosner Tara Ann Rumbarger Kelleher Edith Elaine Agoff Chester David Axdrzejewski Lois Smith Keyes Richard James Bozzelli James Theodore Bradshaw Harry Mark Bromley Samira Renee Saliba Karen Elizabeth Schlain Steven Brian Shauck Jill Jeffrey Charles Levy Paul Daniel Lewis Cecilio Cruz Lopez Mary Lunde Lystad Steven Markbreiter Gabriella Amalia Bucci Mary Jean G. Cuaycong Mark T. Duvall Robert Quentin Eldringhoff Arthur Stephen Evenchik James Grant Fleming Louis Jacob Forster James Jordan Gilligan Ehrich David Goebel Linda Anne Gunshefski Louise McBride Shoemaker C Rafael Hernandez Mayoral Phillip Alan McGee Stephen Philip Menn David Joseph Merkel Eric Barnett Miller Minsen Mok Nina Teresa Morishige Ayala Rachel Hecht Warren Patrick Higgins, Jr. Smiley S. Hsu Eugenia Thelma Alexandra Jacobs Patricia Tu Carole Annick Vannier Zenon Michael Waclawiw Jeffrey Scott Warshaw Craig Robert Weinert Robert Jay Wells David Simpson Whittemore Barry Lowell Wilen George Robert Wodicka Gregory Y. M. Won Charles Robert Peifer Deborah J. Jeffrey James Chu Jeng Nancy Ellen Karol Kathryn Anne Rasper Andrew M. Short Akiva Sternberg Edmund J. Synakowski David Thieme Talkin Joseph Anthony Tino Gary S. Tolchinsky Audrey Kai Tsao Shi-Ming Harry Karpen Moskowitz Timothy Robert Oechsler Thomas Jeremy Olson Jay Lowell Hess Rachel Shellow David H. Sherry Anne Phillippy Kathleen Marie Pike Paul Anthony Potyraj George Redlinger David Wurmser Sydney Sungmoe Yoon Earl Edward Zmijewski Graduates from the Biology Honors Program James Chu Jeng Minsen Graduates pom tfie Mok Humanistic Studies Honors Program Beth Ann Rosner The Evening College Graduating with Honors Baccalaureate Candidates in Mark Irwin Bane Mary Sampson DeBlauw Lois Anthony David Ari Gross Mitchell Lee Harris David George Hewitt Michael Charles Hild Marie Kelly Karpinski Margaret Anne Meyers Jekutiel Minkowich Dean Loose Pendleton William Walter Robey, Dolores Marie Snyder Barbara Lee Starklauf Cary Scott Stone Elizabeth Green Trotter Mary Louise Williams Richard Otis Yeager Machinist J. Daniel Alexander Markowski David Samuels Jr. Sfikas CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES as of May 10, 1982 A number of the students included in the lists which follow completed their degree requirements earlier in the academic year and could not be present today to receive their degrees in person. BACHELORS OF ARTS in The School of Arts and Sciences Brandon Anthony Brylawski, of Washington, D. C. Gabriella Amalia Bucci, of Baltimore, Md. Alexander John Andriuk, of Darien, Conn. Madelein Ruth Arnstein, of Goldens Bridge, N. Y. Robert Bagdorf, of Dix Hills, N. Y. Lila Mojdeh Bahadori, of Upper Saddle River, N. J. Barbara Anne Bailey, of Bangor, Maine. Louis Gabor Balla, of Washington, D. C. Daniel Gary Bancroft, of Baltimore, Md. Christine Marie Barilla, of Bel Air, Md. Scott Alexander Barr, of St. James, Md. David Thomas Bellinger, of Fairfax, Va. William Joseph Bender, of Bowmansville, Pa. Alan Eric Benheim, of Silver Spring, Md. Robert Edward Benton, of Staten Island, N. Y. Kathryn Susannah Rose Berck, of Milwaukie, Oreg. Lance Alan Besner, of Forest Hills, N. Y. Karl Jeffrey Bickart, of Syracuse, N. Y. John Robert Bierly, of Rockville, Md. David John Black, of Stamford, Conn. Francis David Black, of Timonium, Md. Neal Barron Blaxberg, of Paramus, N. J. Jeffrey Harris Blum, of Bronx, N. Y. Richard H. Bodek, of White Oak, Pa. Jay Stuart Bond, of Baltimore, Md. George Manuel Botelho, of Roselle Park, N. J. James Brian Bourdon, of Glen Arm, Md. Richard James Bozzelli, of Rose Tree, Pa. Audrey Ellen Brandreth, of Bellmore, N. Y. Susan Brennan, of Wilmington, Del. John Richard Brett-Smith, of Princeton, N. J. Claude Mustafa Bridges, of Highland Mills, N. Y. Peter Neil Brieloff, of Wantagh, N. Y. Rachelle Bromberg, of West Orange, N. J. Barri Anne Brown, of Huntington, N. Y. Stephen Henry Brown, of Charleston, S. C. Thomas Daniel Brown, of Baltimore, Md. James Paul Buchman, of Fallston, Md. Anthony Ray Burgan, of Dayton, Ohio. Whitney Anderson Burke, of Winter Park, Fla. Margaret Nancy Burri, of Staten Island, N. Y. Anne Benedette Kelleher Bush, of Springfield, Pa. Richard Henry Buss, Jr., of Laurel, Md. John Steven Butterworth, of Houston, Texas. Jerome Cahn, of Baltimore, Md. Roger H. Cameron, of LaPorte, Ind. Christopher Stewart Campbell, of Columbus, Ind. Nina T. Camperlengo, of Albany, N. Y. Robert Anthony Campo, of Amherst, N. Gail Caplan, of Pikesville, Md. Y. Amy Abba Lewis Cargan, of Yardley, Pa. Charles vonKapff Carlson, of Baltimore, Md. Martin Philip Carlson, of Knoxville, Tenn. Scott Paul Carnivale, of Livingston, N. J. James Bruce Carroll, of Nancy Nai-Hun Chang, Hamilton, N. Y. of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. W'un Ling Chang, of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Irmina Chao, of Miami, Fla. Jan Gregersen Cherim, of Wallinford, Pa. (Diploma dated May 29, 1981) Grace Lynn Chien, of Winnetka, 111. Craig Steven Chin, of Alexandria, Va. Hitesh Ramesh Chokshi, of Reading. Pa. Althea Bern ice Clarke, of Rosedale, N. Y. John Charles Clayton, of Columbia, Md. Dean Michael Clerico, of Cinnaminson, N. J. Stuart Mark Cohen, of Merrick, X. Y. Neavelle Anthony Coles, Jr., of Lanham, Md. Kimberly Ann Colfer, ol Wesi Chester, Pa. Cail G. Colton, of Syracuse, X. Y. Craig Hunter Cook, of Pikesville, Md. Michael Andrew Bruno, of Pittsburg, Calif. 28 Grant Cook, of Baltimore, Md. Paul John Cook, of Manchester, Mass. Scott Andrew Cook, of Manchester, Mass. Spencer Richard Cooke, of Catonsville, Md. Marylouise Copeland, of Hackensack, N. J. Sean Michael Costello, of Portsmouth, Va. Cynthia Lynn Couchman, of Gaithersburg, Md. Christopher James Crowder, of Farmington, Conn. Harriet Eleanor Cummings, of Nogales, Ariz. William Patrick Daly, Jr., of Smithtown, N. Y. Andre Lucio Cardoso Denis, of Newport News, Va. Caitlin Jeffrey Debbi Ann Haacke, of Chestertown, Md. Gregg Stanley Haladyna, of Ridgefield, Conn. Edward Benjamin Hall, of Annapolis, Md. Michael David Hall, of Baltimore, Md. Cyrus Hamidi, of Bradford, Pa. Sean Patrick Hanley, of Forest Hill, Md. Alexander Georg Hauptmann, of Munich, Germany. Cynthia Westcott Hayes, of Virginia Beach, Va. Michael Christopher Hays, of Jarrettsville, Md. Ayala Rachel Hecht, of University Heights, Ohio. Kathleen A. Heim, of Haddon Heights, N. J. Gary Steven Helft, of Alpine, N. J. Peter Harry Henderson, of Glenwood, Md. Michael Donnelly, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Scott Fredric Drescher, of Houston, Texas. John Kenneth Dudek, of New Hyde Park, N. Y. Michael Allan Duff, of Olney, Md. John Dugdale, of Beaufort, S. C. Maureen Margaret Duggan, of Derby, Conn. Lawrence Roy Dultz, of Union, N. J. Boyd Anthony Dwyer, of Margate, N. J. Jacqueline Mary Dyer, of Linthicum, Md. James Fowler Edwards, Jr., of Upper Marlboro, Md. Yehia Felice B. Carl Albert Herbst, of Temple Hills, Sara Jo Herman, of Adelphi, Md. Eliza Hermann, of Woodstock, Vt. Jay Lowell Hess, of Southport, Conn. New York, N. Y. Nina Yvonne Esaki, of Chappaqua, N. Y. Bradley Jay Esterman, of Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Kathryn Garner Evans, of Parkton, Md. Arthur Stephen Evenchik, of Lorain, Ohio. Bennett Ira Fein, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Louis Fellman, of Woonsocket, R. I. Robert Louis Ferrer, of New Hyde Park, N. Y. Nelson Finney File, of Philadelphia, Pa. Michael Ira Fingerhood, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Hinda Judith Fink, of Baltimore, Md. Stephen David Fishman, of West Hartford, Conn. Michael Edmund Fitzgerald, of New York, N. Y. Frederick Elliot Foeppel, of Melville, N. Y. David Lionel Forester, of Fairfax City, Va. Sheila Hedda Forman, of Merrick, N. Y. Louis Jacob Forster, of Silver Spring, Md. Charles Kenneth Friedman, of Northport, N. Y. Michael Lewis Frigge, of Carmel, Ind. Thomas Michael Fynan, of Delanco, N. J. Michael Bryan Gannon, of Riviera Beach, Md. Brian Patrick Huntley, of Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. Mary Hurley, of Potomac, Md. Elisabeth Ann Immer, of Carle Place, N. Y. Mark David Iskowitz, of Suffern, N. Y. Charyl Kim Ito, of Pearl City, Hawaii. Juan Fernando Jackson, of Washington, D. C. Eugenia Thelma Alexandra Jacobs, of Bowie, Md. Lisa Paula Jacobson, of Staten Island, N. Y. Thomas Michael Jaffe, of Stamford, Conn. Douglas Maurice Jansen, of New York, N. Y. Stephanie Gail Jasuta, of Westfield, N. J. Deborah J. Jeffrey, of Baltimore, Md. James Chu Jeng, of Potomac, Md. Ronald Harvey Johnson, of Baltimore, Md. Mark Jeffrey Johnsson, of Braddock Heights, Md. Mark James Johnston, of Barrington, R. I. Sheila Patricia Kain, of Lynchburg, Va. Harry Lee Kanter, of Virginia Beach, Va. Robert John Kany, of Hillside, 111. David Howard Kaplan, of Worcester, Mass. Mark Geofferey Kaplan, of Carmel Highlands, Calif. Donna Jean Karnoutsos, of Plantation, Fla. Nancy Ellen Karol, of Lawrence, N. Y. Nancy Ann Kasten, of Newton Centre, Mass. Stuart Dean Katchis, of Scarsdale, N. Y. George Joseph Katzenberger, of South Orange, N. J. Scott James Kautz, of North Bellmore, N. Y. Ellen Hillary Kavee, of Larchmont, N. Y. John J. Kelleher, of Hightstown, N. J. Patricia David Robert Garmer, of Hampstead, Md. Steven John Garrett, of Alexandria, Va. James Jordan Gilligan, of Fort Washington, Scott Andrew Glasser, of Owings Mills, Md. Martha Kim Heyman, of Great Barrington, Mass. Nancy Catherine Higgins, of Bloomfleld, N. J. Warren Patrick Higgins, Jr., of Abington, Pa. Edward Joel Hoffenberg, of Bediesda, Md. David Benjamin Hollander, of New York, N. Y. Mun Kyung Hong, of Greenbelt, Md. Gary W. Hoyle, of Albany, N. Y. Jue-Teng Hsu, of Hyattsville, Md. James Chalmers Hughes IV, of Conway, S. C. Eissa, of Cairo, Egypt. Ekelman, of Griffith, of Philadelphia, Pa. Stephen Gucker, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Roy Moycr Gulick III, of Bethesda, Md. Darryl Edward Gurley, of Huntsville, Ala. Louis Michael Guzzi, of Johnstown, Pa. John George Deros, of Baltimore, Md. David Alan Derrick, of Chester, N. J. Karyn Rae Doddy, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Amr Ann David Clarence Grinnell, of Lafayette Hill, Pa. Adrienne Renee Grossman, of Bronx, N. Y. Md. Md. Stephen S. Glick, of Cresskill, N. J. Ehrich David Goebel, of Baltimore, Md. Annu Radha Goel, of Cherry Hill, N. J. Bonni Ellen Goldberg, of New York, N. Y. Anthony Andrew Golden, of Yonkers, N. Y. Jeffrey Stephen Goldstein, of Baltimore, Md. Joseph M. Gonzalez-Heydrich, of Lakeland, Fla. Sidney Evan Goodfriend, of New York, N. Y. Greta Goodman, of Philadelphia, Pa. Annunziata Octavia Gould, of Laurel, Md. Mark David Greenberg, of Baltimore, Md. Joseph C. Greenwald, of Bronx, N. Y. 24 — Jean Alisa Keller, of Hyattsville, Md. Christopher Alan Kennedy, of Garrett Park, Md. Ethan Wayne Kent, of Bellmore, N. Y. Lois Smith Keyes, of Baltimore, Md. Matthew George Kiernan, of Plainview, N. Y. Edwin Hyun-Jin Kim, of Potomac, Md. Joyce Myong-Hee Kim, of Dix Hills, N. Y. Kurt Kimmel, of Malverne, N. Y. Robert Monroe Kimmel, of Holland, Pa. Alan Paul Marco, of Oakhurst, N. J. James Frederic Margraff III, of Miller Place, N. Y. Steven C. Markbreiter, of Baldwin, N. Y. Charles Christopher King, of Huntsville, Ala. Kathleen Bridget King, of Ellicott City, Md. Linnaea Kristine Sandberg Knisely, of Mullica Hill, N. Kristina May Kokubun, of South Pasadena, Calif. (Diploma dated May 29, 1981) Jan Marie Koppelman, of Salisbury, Md. Andrew Bruce Koslow, of Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Jessica Lapchuk Krakow, of White Plains, N. Y. Barbara Susan Krasner, of Elizabeth, N. J. Saul A. Kravitz, of Rockville, J. April Christine McKnight, of Severn, Md. Kenneth R. Melton, of Richlands, N. C. Md. Stephen Philip Menn, of Newton, Mass. Merchant, of Silver Spring, Md. David Joseph Merkel, of Brookfield, Wis. Howard Randall Mertz, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephen William Mihalsky, of Philadelphia, Pa. Deborah Ruth Miller, of Miller Place, N. Y. Eric Barnett Miller, of Miami, Fla. Michael Allen Miller, of Rockville, Md. Minsen Mok, of Convent Station, N. J. David Morgan, of Briarwood, N. Y. Nina Teresa Morishige, of Edmond, Okla. Harry Karpen Moskowitz, of Parsippany, N. J. Linda Murray, of Harwichport, Mass. Laura Jean Nash, of Dix Hills, N. Y. Elliot Cary Nelson, of Skokie, 111. Betsy London Nessen, of Concord, Mass. Edmund Daniel Newman, of Philadelphia, Pa. Kenneth Richard Newman, of St. Andrews, Jamaica, Gregory Francis Kuntz, of Baltimore, Md. Paul C. Kuo, of Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. Judith Lakind, of Harrington Park, N. J. Vinay Lai, of New Delhi, India. Jeffrey Charles Lamkin, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Bernard Jay Land, of Baltimore, Md. John Todd Lanning, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Lawrence Bradford Lappin, of Baltimore, Md. Denise Marie Larson, of White Bear Lake, Minn. Philip E. Lassalle, of New York, N. Y. Miriam Michal Leder, of Arlington, Va. SeungKwon Lee, of Mars, Glenn Duane Legler, Jr., Ann Gage Pa. of Bethesda, Md. David H. Lerner, of Baltimore, Md. Alexander John Lesko, of Wyomissing, Pa. Robert Edward Lesser, of Searingtown, N. Y. William DeCourcy Levering, of Baltimore, Md. Joseph William Levine, of New York, N. Y. Arthur G. Levy, of Potomac, Md. Jeffrey Charles Levy, of Baltimore, Paul C. Marra, of Baltimore, Md. Mollie Meredith Marshall, of Savannah, Ga. Gary Royston Martin, of Westminster, Md. Sarah Lee Martin, of New York, N. Y. Robert James Martino, of Vernon, Conn. Kenneth Scott Marvin, of New Rochelle, N. Y. Patricia Ann Maurice, of Vernon, Conn. Dimitrios Vasilios Mavrophilipos, of Baltimore, Md. Mark David Mayer, of Baltimore, Md. Randall Taylor Down Mayne, of Winnetka, 111. Joseph Charles Mayo, Jr., of West Hartford, Conn. Rafael Hernandez Mayoral, of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Laurie McAdams, of Cincinnati, Ohio. William Woods McDowell, of Glenwood, Md. West Md. Indies. Chris L. Nguyen, of Bethesda, Md. Karen Ann Niederreither, of Garden City, N. Y. Michael Leslie Nimaroff, of Kenilworth, N. J. Marc Ellington Norman, of Bethesda, Md. Raymond Howard Nulk, of San Jose, Calif. Emily Frances Nye, of Santa Fe, N. M. Paul John O'Brien, of Alexandria, Va. Michael John O'Connor, of Liverpool, N. Y. Raymond Joseph McBarnes O'Donnell, of Claymont, Del. James Thomas O'Grady, of Newark, Del. Brian Nichols O'Leary, of Havertown, Pa. Thomas Bartley O'Toole, of Washington, D. C. Scott Alan Oresky, of Paramus, N. J. Gwen Meredith Page, of Kcnnebunkport, Maine. Michael O. Pansini, of Crestwood, N. Y. Kenneth Irwin Levy, of Pittsburgh, Pa. of San Mateo, Calif. Brian Marc Lewis, of Baltimore, Md. Janet Lisa Lewis, of Greenbelt, Md. Paul Daniel Lewis, of Bethesda, Md. James Andrew Libovicz, of Elmhurst, 111. Amy Lin, of Vienna, Va. Paul Hsu-Feng Lin, of Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. Karen Ann Loebel, of South Milwaukee, Wis. David L. Lohin, of Lancaster, Pa. Jon Whitcomb Lomasney, of Manchester, N. H. Cecilio Cruz Lopez, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Juan Albert Lopez, of Plantation, Fla. Maria Carolina Lopez, of Baltimore, Md. Dana Marlene Louttit, of New York, N. Y. Jeffrey David Lowenkron, of Merrick, N. Y. Gretchen Marie Luebbe, of Chambersburg, Pa. Mark Kevan Lyons, of Erie, Pa. Eric Maki, of Buffalo, N. Y. Hala Makowska. of Manchester, Mass. Elizabeth Mallor, of Murray Hill, N. J. Melissa Manlove, of Elkton, Md. Leslie Ann Marchal, of New York, N. Y. Chung Hyun Lew, Kenneth Leroy Parish, of Starkville, Miss. Lael Emily Parish, of Carbondale, 111. Park, of Baltimore, Md. Susan Marie Parkhurst, of Aurora, Colo. Aj.ivkumar Kantilal Patel, of Camp Hill, Pa. Jennifer Ann Peake, of Napcrville, 111. Thomas Joseph Darryl Byron Pedone, of Conyngham, Pa. Charles Robert Pcifer, of Albuquerque, N. M. Christopher John Pellegrino, of Commack, N. Y. — 95 Lorna Collette Perkins, o£ South Windsor, Conn. John Francis Pfister, of Baldwin, Md. Anne Patricia Phillippy, of Waynesboro, Pa. Frederick Sterling Pierce II, of Alexandria, Va. Kadileen Marie Pike, of Thornwood, N. Y. Jeanna Marie Piper, of Bessemer, Ala. Katherine Alice Plough, of Bethesda, Md. Richard Michael Pomerantz, of Scarsdale, N. Y. Christopher Abbott Pope, of New York, N. Y. Paul Anthony Potyraj, of Dundalk, Md. Brian Allan Powers, of Brick Town, N. J. Edmund Pribitkin II, of Lancaster, Pa. Reuben Quinn Pugh, Jr., of Summit, N. J. Ann M. Quigley, of Olean, N. Y. Mark A. Raccasi, of Bronxville, N. Y. Janetmartha Henya Rachmiel, of Detroit, Mich. Russell Timothy Ray, of Mount Airy, Md. George Redlinger, of Tokyo, Japan. Amie Louise Reno, of Baltimore, Md. Stephanie Suzanne Reynolds, of Washington, D. C. Kenneth Su Rhee, of Fort Lee, N. J. Stephen Michael Richmond, of Newton Centre, Mass. Julie Ann Rindfleisch, of Durham, N. H. Miles Robert, of New York, N. Y. Steven Andrew Roberts, of Forest Hills, N. Y. Robert Alexander Robinson, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Timothy Brian Robinson, of Greensburg, Pa. Robert Edward Rosenberg, of Glen Cove, N. Y. Beth Ann Rosner, of Silver Spring, Md. Kenneth Wayne Ross, of Farmingdale, N. Y. Margo Elin Ross, of Baltimore, Md. Christopher Charles Rousseau, of Daytona Beach, Fla. Tara Ann Rumbarger, of Hagerstown, Md. Samira Rene6 Saliba, of Emory, Va. Ellen Field Salisbury, of Kansas City, Mo. Jeffrey Franklin Salmore, of Encino, Calif. Mary Catherine Santos, of Dumont, N. J. David Edward Satola, of Brookfield, Wis. Lisa Ann Schimmenti, of West Islip, N. Y. James Anthony Schiro, of Farmingdale, N. Y. David Glenn Schoenberg, of Spring Valley, N. Y. Susanna Elli Schreiber, of Salina, Kans. Phillip Marc District Heights, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. MaryAnn Stephens, of Binghamton, N. Y. Akiva Sternberg, of Jerusalem, Israel. David Matthew Stewart, of Cherry Hill, N. J. Lewis Benjamin Stiller, of Baltimore, Md. Jeffrey B. Steinfeld, of Claire Prin, of Pittsburgh, Pa. David Aloysius Schule, of Richard Miller Sneeringer, of Towson, Md. Steven Layne Snell, of Garland, Texas. John Gorvers Snyder, of Swampscott, Mass. Louis Charles Solimine, of Westfield, N. J. David Brian Solomon, of Albany, N. Y. Russell Lee Speck, of Littleton, Colo. Sharon Melanie Spielman, of Great Neck, N. Y. Tracey Lee Stambaugh, of York, Pa. Wendy Ann Stansbury, of Millbury, Mass. Stephen Colton Steckel, of Kyoto, Japan. Lincoln David Stein, of Pound Ridge, N. Y. Steven Andrew Steinberg, of Westbury, Long Island, N. Y. Md. Schutzer, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Gary Jordan Schwartz, of Arnold, Md. Ginny Elise Schwartzman, of Sands Point, N. Y. Diane Schwebel, of New Rochelle, N. Y. Leslie Bernard Scorza, of Boonton Township, N. J. Gregory William Shamieh, of Valley Cottage, N. Y. Tammy Dawn Shannon, of Rahway, N. J. Edith Bell Dodge Shearman, of Needham, Mass. Louis Joseph Sheehan, of Camp Hill, Pa. Jill Rachel Shellow, of Washington, D. C. Parag Sheth, of Pearl River, N. Y. Alison Llewelyn Shipley, of Simsbury, Conn. Scott F. Shires, of Montgomery, Ala. Louise McBride Shoemaker, of Baltimore, Md. Michael A. Simpson, of Wilmington, Del. Lisa Marie Sinclair, of Towson, Md. Cory I. Singer, of Bedford, N. Y. Laura Kempton Smith, of Weston, Mass. Joy Ann Straus, of Chicago, 111. Nicholas David Alexander Suite, of Pembroke Pines, Fla. Carmen Josephene Sultana, of Maspeth, N. John Edward Swift, of Gaithersburg, Md. Y. Edmund J. Synakowski, of Utica, N. Y. Jorg-Uwe Volker Szipl, of Northport, N. Y. Jonathan Haskell Talamo, of Weston, Mass. Tina Marie Tamburello, of Richard Joseph Tamman, Cockeysville, Md. of Short Hills, N. J. Warren Scot Tanz, of Paramus, N. J. Laura Elaine Taschenberg, of Baltimore, Md. Douglas Taylor, of Columbia, Md. Cynthia Louise Thompson, of Scarsdale, N. Y. Michael James Tiemeyer, of Chatham, N. J. Joanne Evelyn Tilley, of Glen Arm, Md. Joseph Anthony Tino, of Adelphi, Md. Gary S. Tolchinsky, of Union, N. J. Mark David Trachtenberg, of Brookline, Mass. Barbara Emily Traub, of Baltimore, Md. John Frederick Triscoli, of Southampton, Pa. Ralph S. Truitt, of Wilmington, Del. Shi-Ming Tu, of Tripoli, Libya. Scott Thomas Raymond Tuszynski, of Divide, Colo. Sue Ellen Tyler, of Crisfield, Md. Gregory Daryl Urban, of Palos Park, 111. Guillermo Felipe Vails, of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. James Alden Vette, of Silver Spring, Md. Selwyn Maurice Vickers, of Huntsville, Ala. Steven John Viggiani, of Rochester, N. Y. Michael Drew Vinocur, of Tenafly, N. J. Pete Constantine von Braun, of Alexandria, Va. Michael Steven Wallk, of Chicago, 111. Lawrence Ward, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Michal Ann Warshow, of New York, N. Y. Maxine Wasserstein, of New York, N. Y. Melba Anita Watkins, of Alexandria, Va. Neil Farrell Watnik, of Jericho, N. Y. Iromie Marina Weeramantry, of New Rochelle, N. Y. Peter John Weigel, of Freehold, N. J. Geoffrey Robert Weigle, of Blairstown, N. J. Julie Beth Weinberg, of Beverly Hills, Calif. Craig Robert Weinert, of Allentown, Pa. Jeffrey Elliott A. Weinstein, of Baltimore, Md. Arnold-Peter Christoph Weiss, of Lathrup, Mich. Brian Floyd Weiss, of Pikesville, Gregory Y. M. Won, of Kaneohe, Hawaii. David Wurmser, of Baltimore, Md. Stephen Harold Yandel, of Tallahassee, Fla. Jonathan Paul Yates, of Washington, D. C. Sydney Sungmoe Yoon, of Potomac, Md. Julia Ann Young, of Fort Lee, N. J. Glen Rush Zelin, of Hopewell, N. J. Anne Jennifer Ziffer, of Tenafly, N. J. Md. Robert Jay Wells, of Pawtucket, R. I. Maureen P. Whalen, of Holmdel, N. J. William Gilbert Whartenby, of Jacksonville, Ala. David Simpson Whittemore, of Morris Plains, N. Gregory Jonathan Wilson, of Anniston, Ala. Bruce Edward Wiltshire, of Eastport, N. Y. Maryann Theresa Wittke, of Ridgewood, N. J. J. BACHELORS OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE in The G.W.C. Whiting Mary Lunde Edith Elaine Agoff, of Sweet Home, Oreg. Patrick Martin Antkowiak, of Baltimore, Md. Ralph James Artuso, of Laughlintown, Pa.; B.S. Bethany Farzin Mokhtarian, of Tehran, Iran. David Jonathan Naddor, of Towson, Md. Walter Knorpp Neese, of Beloit, Wis. Timothy Robert Oechsler, of Rosedale, Md. Anthony Usaburo Olsen, of Towson, Md. Thomas Jeremy Olson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Stephan Pavlos, of Timonium, Md. Kashif Chaudhry, of Lahore, Pakistan. Mary Jean G. Cuaycong, of Butler, N. J. Matthew Galen Diaz, of Baltimore, Md. Mark Tober Duvall, of Monkton, Md. Kenneth Ezra Dworkin, of Kensington, Md. James Keith Petnic, of Joppa, Md. Emmanuel Caryl Renee Sandler, of Baltimore, Md. Lane Kenji Sato, of Honolulu, Hawaii. Andrew Michael Shapiro, of East Brunswick, N. Steven Brian Shauck, of Baltimore, Md. David H. Sherry, of Baltimore, Md. J. Kama! Towson, Md. Mark Edward Vargus, of Clearwater, Fla. Zenon Michael Waclawiw, of Baltimore, Md. Jeffrey Scott Warshaw, of Brooklyn, N. Y. fames Wienke, of Pasadena, Md. Barry Lowell Wilen. of Baltimore, Md. George Robert Wodicka, of Malverne, N. Y. Neil A. Kleinberg, of Greenbelt, Md. Eric Richard Knies, of Manhasset, N. Y. Richard Howard Levy, of Oxford, Pa. N. Ismail Sirageldin, of William Paid Stevenson, of Bowie, Md. David Thieme Talkin, of Baltimore, Md. Audrey Kai Tsao, of Mequon, Wis. Carole Annick Vannier, of Baltimore, Md. Hsu, of Rockville, Md. Thomas Franklyn Hulbert, of Brewerton, N. Y. Thomas Alvin Hutchinson, of Baltimore, Md. Michael Shawn Johnson, of Baltimore, Md. Steven Jon Kaplan, of Baltimore, Md. Kathryn Anne Kasper, of Livingston, N. J. Patrick Noel Kearns, of Olathe, Kans. Jeong Hun Kim, of Pasadena, Md. Eric D. Kirsch, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. S. Hills, Peter Quets, of Indianapolis, Ind. Krishnan Rajagopalan, of Bethesda, Md. John Andrew Retta, of Bronx, N. Y. Leonard Ruvinsky, of Bowie, Md. Md. James Grant Fleming, of Brisbane, Australia. Jeffrey Alan Goldman, of Baltimore, Md. Jacob Larry Gordon, of Baltimore, Md. Robert Joseph Guanti, of' Baltimore, Md. Linda Anne Gunshefski, of Brick Township, N. Fric James Hall, of Ithaca, N. Y. Emil Joseph Hatfalvi, of Laurel, Md. Benjamin M. Lowe, of Short Md. Matthew Martello, of Cockeysville, Md. John Skain Mason, of Severna Park, Md. Philip Alan McGee, of Laurel, Md. College, 1979. Smiley Lystad, of Bethesda, John Preston MacVeigh, of Bethesda, Md. Lawrence Stephen Makow, of Clark, N. J. Evan George Bauman, of Great Neck, N. Y. Monika Susanne Bay, of Churchville, Md. Lawrence Bayuk, of Baltimore, Md. Matthew Beatty, of Wilmington, Del. James Theodore Bradshaw, of Old Hickory, Tenn. Richard Tze Chang, of Wilmington, Del. Karl A. Eisenhart, of Sewell, N. J. Robert Quentin Eldringhoff, of Baltimore, Mark Francis Fields, of Catonsville, Md. School of Engineering Yucel Yalim, of Baltimore. Md. Mark Douglas Zimmerman, J. 27 of Finksburg, Md. J. BACHELORS OF ARTS in The G.W.C. Whiting Chester David Andrzejewski, of Baltimore, Md. Lisa Ann Bergen, of Yardley, Pa. Robert Edward Blake, of New Orleans, La. School of Engineering Michael Eric Morrill, of Islamorada, Fla. Laurie Sue Nuger, of Baltimore, Md. John Andrew James Patrick Boulier, of Glen Burnie Park, Md. Harry Mark Bromley, of Wheeling, W. Va. Helene Olga Caloir, of Jackson Heights, N. Y. Barry Caplan, of Englishtown, N. J. Julia Lee Cohan, of Bethesda, Md. Gregory Michael Doudnikoff, of Mount Airy, Md. James Walter Fradkin, of Newport Beach, Calif. Peter Juen-Wen Huang, of Baltimore, Md. Young S. Kim, of Seal Beach, Calif. Lori Lynn Malloy, of Baton Rouge, La. Robert David Miller, of Baltimore, Md. Potthast, of Towson, Md. Robert Frederick Rosen, of Fremont, Calif. Anthony Joseph Santoro, of Baltimore, Md. Karen Elizabeth Schlain, of Cherry Hill, N. J. Paul Jacques Schwartzman, of New York, N. Y. Andrew M. Short, of Stormville, N. Y. Robert Gregory Stockton, of Sterling, Va. William Joseph Stromberg, of Baltimore, Md. Thomas John Tessitore, of Farmingdale, N. Y. Leslie Diane Weihrich, of Timonium, Md. Earl Edward Zmijewski, of Baltimore, Md. CERTIFICATE in The Peabody John Richard Conservatory of Music Peiffer, of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Horn. BACHELORS OF MUSIC in The Peabody Conservatory of Music Nelida Abascal, of Miami, Florida. Music Education. Luis Manuel Baez II, of Arlington, Virginia. Clarinet. Jeffrey Hallam Bauer, of Baltimore, Maryland. Piano. Leonid Berkovich, of Baltimore, Maryland. Violin. David A. Bishop, of Annandale, Virginia. Organ. Kathryn Brake, of Potomac, Maryland. Piano. Shawn Kevin Buck, of Brookside, Pennsylvania. Clarinet. Denise Lee Carey, of Oxford, Pennsylvania. Piano and Music Education. Howard Ralph Carr, of Springfield, Virginia. Voice. Angela Gaye Casagrande, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Oboe. Peter Frank Collins, of New Orleans, Louisiana. Piano. George W. Daniels III, of Baltimore, Maryland. Organ. August Adam Denhard III, of Randallstown, Maryland. Music Education. Elizabeth Denues, of Bloxom, Virginia. Violoncello. Guy Russell Ebersole, of Laurel, Maryland. Music Educa- tion. Christian Meredith Fletcher, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Voice. Ellen Frischberg, of Matawan, William Harry Garrison, of New Jersey. Virginia Flute. Beach, Virginia. Piano. Dana Michele Goode, of Andrew Garland Hardy, Dallas, Texas. Violin. of Catonsville, Maryland Violin. Robert Curt Haskins, of Roanoke, Virginia. Piano. Robert Hitz, of West Bloomfield, Michigan. Piano. Donald H. Holtzer, Jr., of Tampa, Florida. Trombone. Martha Lee Hunt, of Poquoson, Virginia. Flute. Bok Hwa Kim, of Memphis, Tennessee. Piano. Mirella Patricia Kuri, of Totowa, New Jersey. Music Edu. cation. Michelle Marie LaCourse, of Elk Rapids, Michigan. Viola. — 28- Stephane Michel Lemelin, of Mont-Joli, Quebec, Canada. Piano. Shayna Marie Malool, of Newport, New Hampshire. Voice. Robert Keith Nicolay, of Phoenix, Maryland. Guitar. Sherrie Norwitz, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Louanna Notargiacomo, Nelson Smith Padgett, Lincolnton, bia. Viola. Judith A. Schneider, of Catonsville, Maryland .Music Edu- Viola. tion. of Southgate, Michigan. Voice. of Mark Pfannschmidt, of Anoka, Minnesota. Viola. Jennifer Marian Rende, of Washington, District of Colum- North Carolina. Piano. Susan E. Panagini, of West Caldwell, New Jersey. Guitar. Ellyn Louise Peabody, of Waterford, Connecticut. Voice. Thomas Aquinas Warren, of Washington, District of Columbia. Guitar. Charles Grayson Weiss, of Baltimore, Maryland. Voice. Lisa Jane Wienhold, of Eagle RiveT, Alaska. Flute. William G. Zvarick, of Collegeville, Pennsylvania. Piano. ASSOCIATES OF ARTS in Karen Ann Atallah, of Baltimore, The Evening Md. College Ronald Christian Klimt, of Baltimore, Md. ASSOCIATES OF SCIENCE in The Evening College Ernest Albert Crofoot, of Baltimore, Md. Mary Catherine Latimer, of Sykesville, Md. Theodore William Lobus, Benjamin Anthony LeBorys Robert III, Mark Richard of Towson, Md. W. Jr., of Baltimore, Miller, of Baltimore, Md. Md. Schilpp, of Little York, N. J. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE in The Evening Mark Irwin Bane, of Baltimore, Md. Political Science. William Eugene Bellamy, of Jarrettsville, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. Management. Edward Bcller, of Baltimore, Md. Psychology. James Starling Brown, of Baltimore, Md. Management. Mary Artz Brown, of Columbia, Md. Social Sciences. Davis Edward Burgess, of Glen Burnie, Md. Psychology. Kathryn M. Cappadoro, of Baltimore, Md. Life Sciences. Lorraine Wolf Collctta, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. Ralph Dennis Corbin, of Baltimore, Md. Accounting. Jeffrey Lynn Crooks, of Glen Burnie, Md. Management. Mary Sampson DcBlauw, of Millersville, Md. General Business. Aaron George Ember, of Baltimore, Md. Liberal Studies. Md. Nursing. Eleanor Dorothy Fischer, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. Regina Marie Frank, of Columbia, Md. Social Sciences. Shirley Louise Erdmanis, of Baltimore, College Diane Jensen Glover, of Reisterstown, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Management. Earl Goldberger, of Baltimore, Md. Political Science. Dorothy L. Graham, of Lutherville, Md. Accounting. David Ari Gross, of Silver Spring, Md. Mathematics. Howard Clay Hackman, of Baltimore, Md. General Business. Dean Thomas Harrison, of Baltimore, Md. Life Sciences. Catherine Mary Hcllen, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. Hannah Rikki Hillman, of Reisterstown, Md. Nursing. Felicity Ann Hubbard, of Bel Air, Md. Nursing. Barbara Ann Jensen, of Baltimore, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Management. Mary Kelly Karpinski, of Baltimore, Md. A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, '>S0. Accounting. Mary |o Quick Lancaster, of Tiinoniuin, Md. Nursing. Lois J. Machinist, of Baltimore, Md. Psychology. 1 — 29 — Helen Marie Mackey, of Cockeysville, Md. Nursing. Vincent Joseph Marsiglia, of Baltimore, Md. Accounting. Linda Brinn McGrail, of Joppa, Md. Nursing. Dolores Marie Melianovich, of Upperco, Md. Management. David Simeon Messer, of Baltimore, Md. Political Science. Margaret Anne Meyers, of Reisterstown, Md. Psychology. Nora Potts Michael, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. Jekutiel Minkowich, of Baltimore, Md. Mathematics. Ann Moody, of Baltimore, Md. Management. Rosalie Ida Most, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. Wayne Michael Murphy, of Baltimore, Md. Political Julia Science. Dean Loose Pendleton, of Baltimore, Md. Psychology. Paul Arthur Poulsen, of Reisterstown, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Management. John Howard Propst, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Management. Albert Otto Emil Gunter Reinsberg, of Upperco Md. A.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Social Sciences. John Henry Ritz, Jr., of Bel Air, Md. Management. David Samuels, of Baltimore, Md. Life Sciences. Patricia Ann Sanders, of Reisterstown, Md. Nursing. Carole Ann Schenk, of Baltimore, Md. Life Sciences. Carolyn Sue Saunders Schoenberger. of Frederick, Nursing. Md. Anthony Jean Baltimore, Sharplcss, Md. Management. of Baltimore, Md. Liberal Studies. Kyle David Shetterly, of Baltimore, Md. General Business. Sibley, of Baltimore, Md. English & World Lynn Karel Literature. Helen Patricia Sigwald, of Baltimore, Md. Nursing. William Edward Skipper, of Baltimore, Md. Physical Science. Dolores Marie Snyder, of Baltimore, Md. Management/ Leadership. Valerie Jeanne Stankis, of Baltimore, Md. Social Sciences. Barbara Lee Starklauf, of Baltimore, Md. Social Sciences. Gregory Darnell Stewart, of Baltimore, Md. Liberal Studies. Anthony Michael Tirocchi, counting. Elizabeth Green Trotter, Jr., of of Phoenix, Baltimore, Md. Md. Ac- Liberal Studies. Md. Life Sciences. Melvin Leo Vogelsang, of Baltimore, Md. Psychology. Stephen Douglas Wajer, of Baltimore, Md. Mathematics. Diane Clatanoff White, of Annapolis, Md. Management. David Thomas Williams, of Gambrills, Md. Management. Mary Louise Williams, of Baltimore, Md. Management. Dalila Marie Villagary, of Baltimore, BACHELORS OF SCIENCE in Sfikas, of Thompson The Evening IN ENGINEERING College Dennis Dean Baughman, of New Freedom, Pa. Electrical. Irvin Lee Blackwell, of Severn, Md. Mechanical. Louis Charles Bocam, of Baltimore, Md. Industrial. John Wayne Cullum, of Delta, Pa. Mechanical. Lee Anthony Dregier II, of Baltimore, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Mechanical. Richard Paul Evans, of Waynesboro, Pa. Mechanical. James Alan Fadely, of Reisterstown, Md. Industrial. Barry Lee Finkelstein, of Baltimore, Md. Mechanical. Jay Douglas Nauman, of Severna Park, Md. Civil. M. Travis Neumann, Jr., of Hagerstown, Md. Mechanical. Donald Carl Perry, of Walkersville, Md. Electrical. Diana Chan Pon, of Ellicott City, Md. Mechanical. Gary Michael Pulliam, of Reisterstown, Md.; A.S. The Teddy Truman Green, of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. Edward Francis Hackman, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. William Walter Robey, Jr., of Glen Burnie, Md. Electrical. Samuel Albert Runge, of Laurel, Md. Mechanical. George Robert Shriver, of Sykesville, Md. Mechanical. Elec- trical. Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Electrical. Linton Carl Pumphrey, of Glen Burnie, Md. Civil. Nelson Medrano Ramos, of Gunpowder, Md. Industrial. Thomas Allan Ritter, of Owings Mills, Md. Civil. Mitchell Lee Harris, of Hanover, Md. Civil. Charles William Hendrickson, of Harwood, Md. Electrical. Jatinder Pal Sood, of Baltimore, Md. Civil. Patrick Lane Steiner, of Annapolis, Md. Mechanical. David George Hewitt, of Columbia, Md. Electrical. Michael Charles Hild, of Baltimore, Md. Civil. Walter Curtis Jacques, of Smithsburg, Md. Mechanical. Ronald George Karpinski, of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. Geary Steven Kelch, of Glen Burnie, Md. Electrical. Mark Franklin Kovach, of Baltimore, Md. Civil. Ross Allan Lindman, of Annapolis, Md. Mechanical. Charles Anthony Long, of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. Daniel Alexander Markowski, of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. John Corbin Mason, of Glen Burnie, Md. Mechanical. James Gabriel Miller, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. Gary Scott Stone, of Hampstead, Md. Civil. James Theodore Szczepkowski, of Glen Burnie, Md. Elec- trical. Roy White, of Baltimore, Md. Mechanical. Stephen Andrew Wilkerson, of Baltimore, Md. Mechanical. Paul James Willing, of Baltimore, Md. Civil. Albert Conrad Winterling, of Baltimore, Md.; A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Mechanical. Robert Alexander Wirth, of Baltimore, Md. Civil. Richard Otis Yeager, of Baltimore, Md. Electrical. Samuel Earl Young, of Hagerstown, Md. Mechanical. Gill MASTERS OF SCIENCE in Jerome R. Acks, College, 1971. The Evening of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State Numerical Science. Mary Kupres Baykowski, Jr., sity of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univer- of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1976. Education. Susan Stroup Baylor, of Lacombe, La.; B.S. University of Tennessee, 1975. Education. Daniel Alan Acton, of Fort Meade, Md.; B.S.S.E. United States College Naval Academy, 1977. Computer Science. Caryl Whiting Adams, of Towson, Md.; B.S. Bucknell University, 1961. Education. Gratz Charles Beehler, of Greenbelt, Md.; B.S. Frostburg Colleen Consuelo Adams, of Silver Spring, University of Maryland, 1975. Education. M.Ed. Susan J. Sacks Benesch, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1973. Education. James Lloyd Albert, of Bel Air, Md.; B.C.E. University of Delaware, 1973. Environmental Engineering. John Paul Benevides, of Severn Md.; M.S. University of Southern California, 1969. Computer Science. Martha Denise Alston, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Bowie State College, 1974. Applied Behavioral Science. Daniel Robert Benigni, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. Deborah Mandrell Anthony, of Bel Air, Md.; Md.; B.S. State College, 1976. College, 1969. Amy Towson State University, 1972. Education. B.S. The sity Punjab. 1971. Computer Science. North Adams Ann George Computer Science. Berger, of Honolulu, Hawaii.: B.A. Education. Jersey City State College, 1966. University, 1976. Randallstown, Md.; State College, 1973. Education. Astry, of Florida, 1973. Ivan Louis Berry Education. O'Connor of III, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel Applied Physics. Carolyn Jane Beuerle, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S. State University of New York, Geneseo, 1967. Education. B.A. Marcia Solomon Atwood, of Elsmere, N.Y.; B.C. State University College at Geneseo, N. Y., 1978. Education. David Stewart Beyerle, of Columbia, Md.; Jay Rowley Baker, of Arlington, Va.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1976. Space Technology. Joanne Rible Bianco, of Gerald Wayne Balkcom, lege, 1962. State College, 1974. Computer State University, 1976. B.S. Bloomsburg Science. Sykesville, Md.; B.S. Louisiana Education. Oklahoma John Patrick Bianco, of Sykesville, Md.; B.S.C.E. Rutgers University, 1977. Environmental Engineering. Barbul, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Skidmore ColEducation. Pamela Ensor Biddlecomb, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1980. Computer Science. State University, 1967. Ann Tarlov Vincent Bennett, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Kearney State ColEducation. Kathleen Asghar, of Potomac, Md.; M.S. University of College, 1969. St. Science. Dennis Alan Benson, of Washington, D.C.; Ph.D. Univer- Sandra Vickers Ashe, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Virginia State Barbara Computer Science. lege, 1975. Suzanne Ogilvy Arbogast, of Severna Park, Md.; Johns Hopkins University, 1974. Education. Muhammad Computer of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Computer Science. Timothy Joseph Barnes, Ralph Robinson Biddlecomb Linda Rae Barnhart, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1976. Education. John Joseph Michael George Barrett, of Severna Park, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1971. Computer Science. Donna Lee Richard Allen Baummer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1978. Urban Planning. Margaret Shelley Clara Bayarsky, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1975. Education. Michele Ranch Kahn Blair, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Frostburg State College, 1974. Education. of Alexandria, Va.; B.S. Catholic University of America, 1973. Space Technology. II, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1977. Computer Science. Bieler. of versity, 1964. Limbic Computer urn. Md. B.A. Temple Uni- Science. Bittner, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. University Maryland, Baltimore County, 1977. Education. Ann Sodee Blackburn, of Flkridge, 1!>7"). Education. Md.; oi B.S. University of Maryland. SI Natalie Francis Blaustein, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State University, 1972. Education. Towson Peter James Calomeris, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. College, 1974. University, 1978. Computer B.S. Towson Mindy Pat Caplan, Barry David Carleen, of Fulton, Md.; B.A. University of Tampa, 1964. Education. Thelma Lee Charlottesville, Va.; Bramble, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.S. Education. State Ellicott City, 1978. Md.; B.S. The Johns Education. Eileen Levy Cevera, of Princeton, N.J.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. Yoon Sam Chang, Evelyn Lobe Brager, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State College, 1965. Education. Ann Morgan Applied Behavioral Science. Debra Lynn Case, of Hopkins University, B. Aileen Jeter Boone, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Coppin State College, 1972. Education. Estelle Carter, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University, 1979. Tech. Pennsylvania State University, 1975. Urban Planning. of of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1977. Education. State Linda Lane Bogard, of Woodbine, Md.; M.Ed. University of Maryland, 1971. Computer Science. Bolig, Mary's Science. Jerry Lynn Boersma, of Herndon, Va.; B.A. Northwestern College, 1977. Computer Science. Kenneth Leroy St. Science. Donald Charles Cannata, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1968. Urban Planning. Michael Charles Blum, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola College, 1972; M.A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Applied Behavioral Science. Marian W. Bock, of Rockville, Md.; Computer University, 1976. of Silver Spring, Md.; Ph.D. Computer Ohio State Science. Carolyn Elizabeth Chanoski, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1971. Education. Towson State University, 1976. Edward Philip Wayne Brant, of Pasadena, Md.; B.T. Pennsylvania State University, 1975. Samuel Addison Computer Brasel, of Greenbelt, Computer of Delaware, 1976. Md.; B.S. University Allen Richard Breon, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania Computer Chatlos, Jr., of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E. Capitol Computer Science. Shue-Wen Chen, of Randallstown, Md.; B.S. National Taiwan University, 1976; M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1979. Computer Science. Science. Bruce Alan Bredland, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. Electrical Engineering. State University, 1976. S. Institute of Technology, 1980. Science. Han Hoy Steven Chin, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S.E.E. RutElectrical Engineering. gers University, 1979. Nancy Rideout Chisholm, Science. of Cockeysville, Md.; B.S. Uni- versity of Massachusetts, 1976. Education. Lisa Frosell Brierley. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Juniata College, 1978. David Sze-Lin Chu, of McLean, Va.; B.A. National Cheng- Education. chi University, 1966. Edward Brilliant, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Science. John Vianney Cignatta, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. University Maryland, 1974. Education. of Shirley Computer University of Soden Briscoe, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. Morgan Southern California, 1976. Environmental Engi- neering. State University, 1977. Education. Robert M. Clay, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. William Paterson Gary L. Brohawn, of Damascus, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1974. Education. John Theodore Bruns, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.A. mont Men's College, 1966. Computer Science Clare- Christine Eve Bruzga, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Villa Maria College, 1972. Education. Donna McGowan Buber, versity of of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.A. Uni- College, 1976. Education. Anne Venzke Clayton, of Bradshaw, Md.; B.S. 1979. Education. The Johns Hopkins University, Alice Rachel Conn, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Wisconsin, 1972. Education. Christina versity Maryland, 1965. Education. Ann Cook, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. State UniNew York at Cortland, 1974. Edu- College of cation. Nancy Lee Buckingham, sity of Maryland, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univer- Baltimore County, 1977. Computer Deborah Jan Nix Cook, A&M Science. John Henry Burdette, versity of Jr., of Dayton Minn.; B.S.E.E. UniMaryland, 1974. Electrical Engineering. Teresa Bernadette Burton, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1974. Education. of Whitehouse, Texas.; B.S. Texas University, 1978. Numerical Science. Gloria Wise Cornish, of Cambridge, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State College, 1971; M.Ed., 1975. Education. Lawrence James Cowles, of Institute of 32- Falls Church, Va.; B.S. Capitol Technology, 1981. Electrical Engineering. Renee Crandall, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1976. Education. Colette Anne Critcher, of Raleigh, N. C; B.A. Univerof North Carolina, 1975. Education. Cassandra sity Bradley Allan Culbertson, of Chambersburg, Pa.; B.S. Ship- Debra Steinbach Elsen, of Westminster, Md.; sity Kathleen O'Quinn Emery, of Silver Spring, Md.; burg State College, 1977. Computer Science. Univer- B.S. Frost- Richard David Emery, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Frostburg State College, 1975. pensburg State College, 1978. Computer Science. B.S. of Maryland, 1974. Education. Computer Science. Turgay Mehmet Ertugrul, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.C.E. UniAlice Carol Culman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of versity of Maryland, 1976. Environmental Engineering. Maryland, 1976. Education. Cunningham, of Severna Park, Md.; Virginia Bonita West Chester B.S. Adeline Veronica Esposito, of Glen Marist College, 1974. Education. Burnie, Md.; B.A. State College, 1972. Education. Sharon L. Dalrymple, of Baltimore, Md.; State College, 1978. B.S. Millersville Education. Management 1972. Science. Deborah Ann Davis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Hood College, State University, 1973. Education. Kathleen Deaver Fannella, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1977. Education. Pamela Turner 1975. Education. Farrell, of Ellicott City, sity of California, 1966. Carol Lee DeAndrade, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1976. Applied Behavioral Science. fane Nancy Dcibel, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Wilkes College, 1975. Education. Deirdre Foley DeVilbiss, of Lancaster, Pa.; B.S. State College, 1975. Education. Sharon Beshore Dietz, of College, 1969. Towson Lititz, Pa.; B.S. Millersville State Education. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1972. Urban Planning. Feil, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1968. Computer Science. Caroline Siegel Francisca Dominica College of Notre havioral Science. McEwan M.S.W. University of City, Md.; Columbia, Md.; M.S. Morgan Education. Fitzpatrick, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Virginia State College, 1961. Education. B.S. Huesman Ford, of Morris Plains, N. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Education. B.S. James Andrew Durkay, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1968; M.A., 1968; B.S.E., 1978. En- J.; Charlotte Epstein Forman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1967. Education. Thomasena Browning Dumler, of Ellicott Madison College, 1977. Education. Cynthia Ferris, of State College, 1974. Helen Fields Fernandez, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. of Maryland, 1976. Applied Be- Dame Kathleen Theresa Laurie Donzella Dixon, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Appalachian State University, 1975. Education. Paul Donato, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland, 1976. Education. Md.; B.A. Univer- Education. Lyle Rayfield Fechter, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1973. Applied Behavioral Science. Mildred Paula Suzanne Digenakis, of Newark, Del.; M.Ed. University of Delaware, 1971. Education. John Anthony Dix, BA. Towson Sharon Rebecca Fabian, of Manassas, Va.; Barbara Gibson Daly, of Glen Arm, Md.; L.L.M. George Washington University, Sandi Frank Ezrine, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1967. Education. E. Fortson-Rivers, of Capitol Heights, Md.; M.Ed. Bowie State College, 1979. Education. Catherine Joy Fox, of Washington, D. C; B.A. State University of New York, Geneseo, 1972. Applied Behavioral Science. vironmental Engineering. Bess R. Eastin, of Gambrills, Md.; B.A. Southern Illinois University, 1961; M.S., 1969. Computer Science. Joan Flaherty Fox, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland, 1977. Education. B.S. University of Eugene Ebaugh, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. James Joseph Frahcr, of Towson, Md.; M.S. Drexel Uni- The Johns Hopkins Barbara Leslie Frederick, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1973. Education. Eric William Ellis, of Monkton, Md.; University, 1976. Education. B.S. versity, 1961. — 33 — Computer Science. Alan Douglass Grifhng, of Germantown, Md.; B.A. Betty Thomas Freeland, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1972. Education. fornia Long Beach, College at State Cali- Computer 1970. Science. Linda Rae Freidhoff, of Cockeysville, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1970; M.H.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1972. Numerical Science. John Gerald Griffith, States Military of Fort Meade, Md.; Academy, 1978. B.S. United Electrical Engineering. Louise Avis Friendlich, of Randallstown, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1965. Education. Jon David Grossman, of Wheaton, Md.; B.A. University of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Pennsylvania Barbara Jean Hailes, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. District of Columbia Teachers College, 1972. Education. David Bruce Fry, of State University, 1975. Computer Chicago, 1977. Science. B.S. Uni- Linda Anne Hardesty, of Laurel, Md.; sity, Jeanette Johnson Gaither, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State University, 1976. Education. Morgan 1970; Computer Whee- College, 1969. Md.; B.A. Ohio Gillespie, of Baltimore, University, 1972. versity of Walter James Glowacki, of Silver Spring, Md.; Ph.D. Catholic University of America, 1973. Computer Science. of Baltimore, Md.; Education. B.T.L. technic Institute of Brooklyn, 1966. B.S. Computer Karen Ann Goldstein, of Greenbelt, Md.; Goodman, M.A. Lehigh B.A. North- Bradley Allen Hebble, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Ohio State University, 1975. Education. Mary Lynn Heblcr, Poly- Science. University, 1977. B.S. University of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Education. Towson Christopher John Heizer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State University, 1978. Education. of Maryland, 1979. Education. Gail Joy B.S. State Uni- Hazelwood III, of Baltimore, Md.; western University, 1976. Education. Ner State York, 1971. Education. Harry Jsrael Rabbinical College, 1980. Robert Henry Goldfarb, of Brookeville, Md.; New Morgan B.S. Science. Charles Eugene Hauss, of Baltimore, Md.; University, 1972. Education. America, 1960. Education. Marc David Goldberg, Computer Linda M. Hausknecht, of Columbia, Md.; Education. Marie Theresa Giza, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Catholic University of Science. Joan Smith Hash, of Baltimore, Md.; lock College, 1979. Education. Laurene Ciprian Boston Univer- Karen L. Harrower, of Alexandria, Va.; B.A. University of New Hampshire, 1972; M.S. University of Kansas, 1976. M.L.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1974. Education. Kristine Sheathelm Gerson, of Garrison, Md.; B.S. B.S. 1974. Education. Catherine Greenley Harger, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Delaware, 1977. Education. Carla Snyder Gehrig, of Kingsville, Md.; B.A. Muhlenberg College, Science. Sonya Valentine Hamilton, of Kingston, Jamaica; Cert. College of Arts, Sciences & Technology, Jamaica, 1965. Applied Behavioral Science. Susan Hill Fugate, of College Park, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1975. Education. Jean Marie Fullenkamp. of Silver Spring, Md.; versity of Dayton, 1971. Education. Computer State Towson Amrollah Hemmat, of Severn, Md.; M.B.A. Iron Center for Management Studies, Iran, 1977. Applied Behavioral of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1979. Education. Science. Kevin Joseph Grady, of College Park, Md.; B.S.E. Drexel Argena Winston Hendricks, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. University, 1978. Electrical Engineering. of Mt. Airy, Md.; Maryland, 1978. Applied Physics. Conrad Joseph Grant, B.S. University of Stephen David Hendry, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. University Angelo Fred Gravagna, of Glenwood, Md.; B.A. Elmhurst College, 1971. Computer of Rhode versity, 1975. Elyse Greenwald, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1967; M.L.A. The Johns Hop- kins University, 1973. Ann Grieb, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. University, 1974. Education. Patricia Electrical Engineering. of Glen Arm, Md.; bury State College, 1977. Education. B.S. Salis- Pamela Avery High tower, of Ashton, Md.; B.A. Antioch B.S. University Science. Towson Electrical Engineering. Robin Jean Higginbottom, Education. Marva Ivanhee Greig, of Kingston, Jamaica; of West Indies, 1963. Applied Behavioral Island, 1975. Ricky David Hess, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S.E.E. Purdue Uni- Science. College, 1974. Education. Francis Leroy Hobbins, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of State Dayton, 1975. Computer Science. 34 David Ricky Joseph, of Michael William Hogan, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. Ohio State University, 1970; M.L.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1974. Computer Science. Judith Miriam Hogg, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. Hood Hollis, of Hopkins University, Anderson Hope, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Michael Stuart Karp, of Hanover, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, 1977. Electrical Engineering. Michele Conard Karpathian, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Applied Behavioral Morgan David The Johns Hopkins University, Science. University, 1977. Electrical Engineering. Sylvia Huey, of Glen Burnie, Md.; College, 1973. B.S. of sity JoAnn James, 1975. Deborah Anne Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E.E. Capitol Insti- Electrical Engineering. Newark, Kiser, of George John Kispert, Del.; B.S. University of of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Education. Jr., State University, 1976. Towson Kathleen Taylor Kist, of Elkton, Md.; B.S. Radford College, 1973. Education. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland. 1976. Education. Deborah Lynn Klchm, of Cockeysville, Md.; State University, 1975. Computer Science. Appa- Education. Robert Edward Kleimann, of Adelphi, Md.; Barry Carl Jensen, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of Utah, Computer State Delaware, 1976. Education. Ashokkumar Lekhraj Jashnani, of Columbia, Md.; B.C.E. Gujarat University, 1976. Computer Science. 1966. Morgan David C. Kisak, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Akron, 1977. Electrical Engineering. of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State College, lachian State University, 1976. B.S. Education. tute of Technology, 1979. Towson Shelia Elizabeth Jeffus, of Randallstown, Md.; B.S. B.S. State University of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.A. Univerof the Punjab, 1960; M.A., 1962. Education. lege, 1978. Education. Nancy Ellen Jaslow, State York, 1955. Education. Key O. Kim, of of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola ColApplied Behavioral Science. B.S. Morgan Maryjean C. Kidd, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher Col- of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan Education. Harriet Liss Hyatt, of Owings Mills, Md.; State College, 1964. Education. The Johns Science. Mumtaz Naseem Khan, Yvonne Moten Hurtt, lege, 1978. New Rab- University, 1972. Education. Joy Nell Humphrey, of College Park, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland. 1975. Education. State University, 1976. Israel Applied Behavioral Science. Karen Long Kerr, of Baltimore, Md.; Mount Marty Education. Jonna Michelle Hundley Computer 1982. Marion Ek Keenan, of Arnold, Md.; Abigail Coulter Hudson, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. Mary Ner Science. Leslie Fischer Keelty, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Randall Michael Hoven, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Washington University, 1979. Computer Patrick Noel Kearns, of Olathe, Kans.; B.E.S. Joseph D. Houle, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Rutgers University, Computer Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. P. Katz, of binical College, 1978. Hopkins University, 1979. Goucher Col- Science. Horton, of Lutherville, Md.; B.S. 1967. Education. Selis Brigham B.S. Karamanlidis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1980. Computer Science. State University, 1977. Education. Barbara Md.; Science. Kiriaki Timonium, Md.; B.A. The Johns Computer Science. 1978. Joseph Patrick Hoolihan, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. State University of New York, 1972. Computer Science. Alice Computer Janet Weiss Kantor, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. lege, 1955. Education. B.S. Univer- of Maryland, 1973. Education. Andrew Wayne Sykesville, University, 1976. Susan Betty Kahn, of New Carrollton, Md.; B.A. Douglass College, 1973. Education. Col- Education. lege, 1976. Deborah Elizabeth Holley, of Baltimore, Md.; sity Young ton University, 1968. Computer B.S. B.S. Towson Washing- Science. Science. Dennis Michael Klein, of Susan Emily Johnscn, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. University of South Carolina, 1976. Education. of Baltimore, 1976. Sykesville, Md.; B.S. University Education. Lawrence Eugene Klein, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Rochester Technology, 1966; M.S. Worchester Polytechnic Brenda Bernadctte Jones, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1979. Applied Behavioral Institute of Institute, 1968. Science. Mary Margaret Computer Gary Robert Knapp, of Jones, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. Glassboro State College, 1975. Education. rado State University. ::.', Science. Ellicott City, 1968. Md.; B.S.M.E. Colo- Computer Science. Ruth Ann Knapstein, of Maryland, 1978. Anna Darby Knauer, Beth of Winchester, Va.; B.S. University Education. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Baltimore, of Md.; Bowling B.S. State University, 1975. Education. Bruce Merritt Lindstrom, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Earlham College, 1972; M.A. University of Texas, 1975. Computer College, 1953. Education. Science. Russell Kent Koehler, of Laurel, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Miami, 1969. Computer Science. Michael Rosario Loban, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1971. Education. Nancy Leighton Koenig, of Esmont, Va.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1972. Education. Mark Alexander Konodi, Ann Lindeman, Green Maryanna Frances Logan, of Virginia, 1973. of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Washing- of Fairfax, Va.; B.S. University Education. ton University, 1978. Electrical Engineering. Nicholas Martin Lombardi, Towson Alexandra Ernest Kosmides, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Delaware, 1977. Nancy Campbell Koza, lege, 1967. Md.; B.S. of Baltimore, Jr., State University, 1974. Education. Urban Planning. Lucy Look, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Smith College, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Olivet Col- 1977. Education. Education. Theodore Samuel Janet Amitin Kramer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. American University, 1959. Education. Elaine Osterman Loughrey, of Brookeville, Md.; B.A. Margaret Mary Kratzer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1976. Computer University, 1976. Science. Computer Science. Linda Robinson Kurrus, of Falls Church, Va.; sity of Maryland, 1970. Education. B.S. Computer Univer- Drew Science. Linda Mary Loughrey, of Severna Park, Md.; sity of Maryland, 1975. Education. Allan Jack Kroopnick, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. University of Manitoba, 1970. LoPresti, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Clark- son College of Technology, 1969. Computer Science. B.S. Univer- Miriam Twerski Lowenbraun, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Denver, 1971. Education. Richard Dwight Lake, of Alexandria, Va.; M.B.A. University of Chicago, 1975. Education. Mary Carol Luhrman, Glenn Allan Lane, of Springfield, Va.; B.S. United Military Academy, 1958. Computer Science. Joseph Victor Lutz, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. Towson State College, 1970. Education. lege, 1980. States Eliane Larduinat, of Silver Spring, Md.; M.S. University of California, 1975. Computer Jeffrey Science. University, 1971. Jeanne Elizabeth Latham, of Bowie, Md.; of Maryland, 1976. Education. Carole B.S. University Ann State University, 1976. B.S.E. Capitol In- Towson ence. Lendosky, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Education. Sharon Lee Mann, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Frostburg State College, 1975. Education. Daniel Stephen Lenko, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel University, 1975; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Electrical Engineering. J. B.S. Education. Donald Anthony Mangerie, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Georgia Institute of Technology, 1974. Computer Sci- of Maryland, 1969. Michael George Washington Science. Linda Jeanne MacNeil, of Baltimore, Md.; Technology, 1980. Electrical Engineering. stitute of M.B.A. Science. Education. Donald Lee Lawson, of Baltimore, Md.; 1968; Computer Michael Joseph MacGeorge, of Cockeysville, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1965. Applied Behavioral Diane Sussman LaSov, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Drew University, 1977. Benedict Lynch, of College Park, Md.; B.S.M.E. Purdue University, Jane Marie Larivee, of Fort Washington, Md.; B.A. Anna Maria College, 1973. Education. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola Col- Education. Dale Stephen Manwiller, of Columbia, Md.; M.S.A. George Washington University, 1974; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Liebman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Applied Behavioral Science. Baltimore, 1971. Chan Soo Lim, of 1970. Computer Electrical Engineering. Alfred Burton Marsh III, of Columbia, Md.; Laurel, Md.; B.S.E.E. In-Ha University, Johns Hopkins University, Science. 1972; Ph.D., 1979. Electrical Engineering. 1968; M.S.E., B.A. 1969; The M.S., Jean Beryl Marsh, of Kingston, Jamaica. Applied Behav- Mingo Mingyung Lin, of Silver Spring, Md.; M.S. University of Maryland, 1977. Computer Science. ioral Science. 36 Nancy Dexter Martin, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University Susan Elaine Moore, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1972. Education. of Pennsylvania, 1948. Education. Mary Morgan Martindale, of Havre de Grace, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1958. Education. Ruth Ann Matyuf, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania Marie Fisher Morris, of Gaithersburg, Md.; University of Maryland, 1977. Education. Patricia State University, 1978. Education. Leslie Wilmer Mauler, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson B.S. Virginia Lopez Morrissey, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Regis College, 1973. Computer Science. State University, 1976. Education. Abigail Morgan Celestine Baxter Morgan, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State College, 1967. Education. of Bowie, Md.; B.A. Emory UniM.S. University of Georgia, 1966. Com- Holmes Maury, versity, 1963; Ann Kathleen Murray, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan Education. State University, 1975. puter Science. Harold N. Mayerfeld, of Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Marcia Bessick Murray, of York, Israel Rabbinical College, 1979. Computer Science. Mark Joseph Mayr, Pa.; B.S. Millersville State College, 1977. Education. of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S.E.E. Milwau- James Charles Nash, of Reston, Nancy Massoud Navidi, of Gaithersburg, Md.; tute of Technology, 1978. Shaff McCaslin, of Joppa, Md.; B.S.N. Syracuse Uni- Education. versity, 1968; Melinda Fullmer McCormick, of Crofton, Md.; versity of of Pasadena, Calif.; B.S. Kevyn Barry Nee, of Glen Burnie, Md.; Bloomsburg Tsu-Jye A. Nee, of Gaithersburg, Md.; Ph.D. University of Maryland, 1969. Computer Science. Science. Peter Erwin Neperud, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Virginia, 1978. Numerical Science. Darrell Bruce Mclndoe, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Allegheny College, 1979. Computer Science. JoAnn McNair, B.S. State College, 1975. Education. LeMoyne College, 1959. Education. Computer B.S. Cornell UniPh.D. University of California, 1976. Com- Uni- Walter Alan McHenry, of Laurel, Md.; M.A. Indiana University, 1977. Va.; B.S.E. Capitol Insti- Electrical Engineering. puter Science. B.S. Nebraska, 1975. Education. Anne Lanni McGann, Israel Rabbinical College, 1980. Computer Science. Vincent Michael Mazz, of Severna Park, Md.; M.Ed. University of Maryland, 1974. Computer Science. versity, 1963. BTh. Ner Stanley Lee Naiman, of Baltimore, Md.; kee School of Engineering, 1978. Electrical Engineering. Sandra Posner Neuhauser, of Randallstown, Md.; versity of Maryland, 1963. Education. Md.; B.S. North Carolina Central University, 1969. Education. Uni- B.S. of Baltimore, Thanh Mini Ngo, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Drexel Univer- Computer 1978. sity, Science. David King McNamara, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Ohio Wesleyan University, .1969; M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Applied Physics. Steven John Nichols, of Burke, Va.; B.S. Southern Metho- Eugene Joseph McNulty, of Annapolis, Md.; M.A. Yale University, 1951. Urban Planning. George Maurice Noll, of Baltimore, Md.; Sarah Jane McPherson, of Fallston, Md.; B.A. University of Arkansas, 1969. Education. Louis L. Norbeck, Jr., of Jessup, Md.; M.A. Salisbury State College, 1977. Education. Louise Kane Mellington, of Columbia, Md.; M.A.T. Trinity College, 1976. Education. Gail Bonnie Jean Middleman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. Paul George Gregory Milne III, of Millersville, Md.; B.S.T.M. American University, 1979. Computer Science. Thomas Robert Lola Lou Minor, 1969. of Joppa, Md.; B.A. Stetson University, Education. dist University, 1972. Computer State University, 1976. Lynn Nusbaum, Science. B.S. Towson Education. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. sity Thomas O'Connell, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Univer- of Maryland, 1968; M.Ed., 1971. Education. Oleszewski, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. Computer Science. West Vir- ginia University, 1975. Jeffrey W. Opiekun, of Columbia, Md.; »77. Computer Science. B.S. Orlosky, of Columbia, Md.; U.S. University, William Mintzer, Jr., of Honolulu, Hawaii; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1978. Computer Science. |os> :ph J. nut \mii versity of Pennsylvania, S7- Towson State ( l 1967. Education. Indiana Uni- The Johns Hop- Charles Lee Orr, of Clarksburg, Md.; B.S. Computer kins University, 1976. Lynn Packer Postal, of Olney, Reisterstovvn, Md.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Computer Science. Louis Carmelo Ortega, of Md.; Glassboro State Col- Education. lege, 1977. Science. Karen Nancy Potts, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. University of Rochester, 1973; M.L.S. University of Maryland, 1975. Computer Science. Nancy Whitney Ottenritter, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Frostburg State College, 1973. Applied Behavioral Science. Cathleen Larner Palmer, of Seabrook, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. Robert Craig Palmer, of Baltimore, Md.; University, 1978. Computer B.S. Towson Mary Susan Powell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher lege, 1976. Computer Science. Col- Charlene Cecelia Pryseski, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State College, 1972. Education. State Joan Cody Pryseski of Baltimore, Md.; Science. B.S. Towson State College, 1969. Education. Anita Geraldine Pardy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1977. Education. Carolyn S. Parker, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. versity, 1976. Towson State Uni- Education. Linda Marie Raudenbush, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Joseph College, 1972. Applied Behavioral Science. Jana Lynne Raup, of Glen Burnie, Md.; M.Ed. Towson Education. State University, 1978. Maude Elaine Parker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. Raymond Matthew Parker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. son State College, 1975. Education. Tow- St. Karen Lynn Reeves, of Baltimore, Md.; College, 1975. Hugh B.S. Coppin State Education. Victor Rhodd, of Kingston, Jamaica. Applied Be- havioral Science. Frost- Bart Francis Rice, of Crofton, Md.; B.A. Rice University, 1965; M.S. Louisiana State University, 1967; Ph.D., 1969; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Electrical Engineering. Joseph Kirk Peebles, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Virginia Poly- Jean Ellen Richter, of Millersville, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. Education. Sallie Miriam Patterson, of Baltimore, Md.; State College, 1974. B.S. Barbara Volkman Patton. of Baltimore, Md.; burg State College, 1969. Education. technic Institute Towson Education. and State University, B.S. 1977. Electrical Engineering. College, 1974. John Edward Penn, of Columbia, Md.; B.E.E. Georgia stitute of Mark In- Technology, 1980. Electrical Engineering. Columbia, Md.; B.S. Georgia InTechnology, 1975. Applied Physics. Elliott Percich, of stitute of John Patrick Pergal, of Cockeysville, Md.; B.S.E.E.T. itol Institute of Technology, 1977. Computer Mary Kelly Perschy, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. Teachers College, 1967. Education. Mount Cap- Science. St. Joseph University, 1977. Education. sity of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola Jr., Urban Planning. Guy Wayne Riffle, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E. University of Maryland, 1977. Electrical Engineering. Saverio John lege, 1978. Rizzello, of Bowie, Computer Md.; B.S. Monmouth Col- Science. Katherine Eileen Roberts, of Severn, Md.; B.A. Indiana University, 1976. Space Technology. Sharon E. Roberts, of Baltimore, Md.; 1979. Rosemarie Laub Pesce, of Crofton, Md.; B.S.W. Temple John Edwin Donald Earl Rickert, Computer B.S. Loyola College, Science. James Post Rosenkrans, Jr., of Adamstown, Md.; B.C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1958; Ph.D., 1963. Numerical Science. Petersen, of Sykesville, Md.; M.S.W. Univer- Hinda Rosenthal-Jonas, of Maryland, 1976. Education. sity of Maryland, 1977. of Conowingo, Md.; B.S. Univer- Education. Constantinos Philippides, of Columbia, Md.; M.S.E. George Washington University, 1968. Computer Terry Rubin, of Greenbelt, Md.; Science. land, 1972. Dianne Keegan Pike, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. ster College, 1963. Computer Nancy Dodson Science. lege, 1976. Anthony Tyrone Plummer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.T. Capitol Institute of Technology, 1978. Computer Sci- University, 1975. B.S. University of Mary- Science. Tony Wilson Sacci, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Bates Col- Education. Sager, Jr., of Sykesville, Md.; B.A. 1977. Computer Science. Western Maryland College, ence. Marsha Susan Poole, Computer Westmin- of Timonium, Md.; Education. B.S. Towson State Howard sity Eric Saltzman, of Randallstown, Md.; B.S. Univerof Maryland, 1976. Environmental Engineering. Marlene Iris Sandler, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland, 1978. Education. versity of The Johns Robert Frederick Sauers, of Bowie, Md.; B.E.S. Hopkins University, Valerie Ann 1971. Computer Hood versity of Robert Wilber lege, 1974. Israel Sloss, Schecter, of Md.; B.T.L. Computer Science. Baltimore, Rabbinical College, 1980. Gary Howard Sniegowski, of Joppa, Md.; B.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Computer Science. Ner Anna Darken Douglass Somody, mond Kingston, University of Jamaica. Applied Be- Scott, of Alexandria, Va.; Virginia, 1978. Washington Pamela Cook Stearman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher havioral Science. Ann Education. Shirley Boefer Stahlheber, of York, Pa.; B.S. University, 1952. Education. B.S. Towson of Aberdeen, Md.; B.S. Rich- Professional Institute, 1959. College, 1976. of B.S. Paul Edward Stack, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. University, 1976. Education. Marlene Sclar, of Gaithersburg, Md.; Maryland, 1976. Education. Christine Snyder, of Edgewood, Md.; State University, 1975. Education. Kenneth James Schutz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Bucknell Valerie Lock Sara Catherine Sneeringer, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S. California State College, 1978. Education. Terry Ann Schum, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1974. Urban Planning. Scott, B.S. Schaefer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Uni- Janice Lucille Schmuck, of Felton, Pa.; B.S. Millersville State College, 1977. Education. John Evelyn of Columbia, Md.; B.S. King's ColScience. Computer Anne Bierkamper Smoot, of St. Inigoes, Md.; Haven State College, 1974. Education. Maryland, 1977. Education. Chaim Aaron Westminster, Md.; B.A. Thiel Col- Joan Sue Schabb, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1976. Education. Anne Mihok Slingluff, of College, 1973; B.A. Arizona State University, 1978. Education. Ingeborg Anna Schaar, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1973. Education. Paula Sliker, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Catholic UniAmerica, 1977. Education. James Anthony Science. Saxton, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Education. lege, 1976. Joan Mazan B.S. University of Computer Science. Ellen Hart Stein, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland, 1962. Education. B.S. University of Numerical Science. University of B.S. Arthur Brooke Stephens, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.A. University of Colorado, 1964; Ph.D. University of Maryland, Andrew Richard Scurachio, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Kent State University, 1973. Computer Science. 1969. Computer Science. David Edward Stewart, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. State University of New York at Fredonia, 1971; M.A., 1973. Nu- Donald J. Seaborn, of Fort Meade, Md.; M.B.A. Texas Tech University, 1971. Computer Science. merical Science. Chandra Sethi, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.E.E. Madhaw Engineering College, India, 1966. Computer Science. Satish Kevin Lewis Seto, of Ann Kathleen Notre Dame Columbia, Md.; B.S. Carnegie-Mel- lon University, 1977. Donna Jean Sheppard, Electrical Engineering. Baltimore, Md.; State University, 1978. Education. of B.S. Ingrid Persano Strange, of Fulton, Md.; B.A. Douglass College, 1960. Computer Science. Towson Dorina Purcell Strickland, of Bel Air, Md.; George Shulgach, of Cockeysville, Md.; B.S.E.E. Rutgers University, 1978. Malcolm David versity of Glenn Dale, Md.; Ph.D. UniMaryland, 1970. Electrical Engineering. Siliater, University, 1978. Morgan Marshall Brooke Strickler, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. State College, 1972. Education. Towson Education. Electrical Engineering. Susan Mitchell Strickler, of Pasadena, Md.; versity of New York, 1974. Education. Fareed Sultan Siddiqi, of Greenbelt, Md.; M.S. University Susan Mary B.S. State College, 1973. Shuster, of of Karachi, 1974. Stoll, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of of Maryland, 1978. Education. Computer B.S. State Uni- Science. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Education. Margery Cook Sippel, of Baltimore, Md.; of Maryland, 1975. Education. Towson Richard Ice Stum, of Columbia, Md.: B.A. Franklin and Marshal] College, l'»7L'. Education. State Richard Neil B.S. University Suit/, of Baltimore, Baltimore, 1970. Susan l'ortnoy Sklar, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. Hunter College, 1964. Education. Timothy foseph sity 39 oi Md.: B.A. University of Urban Planning. Sullivan, of Mt. Viry, Md.: B.S.E. UniverSouth Carolina, 1978. Computer Science. Robin Wynne Svec, of White Hall, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1976. Richard Wayne Swartz, of Greenbelt, Md.; of Maryland, 1976. Computer Science. Sweren, Applestein Betty Goucher College, 1953. of Reston, Va.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1975. Computer Science. B.S. University Harvey Walden, of of Owings Mills, Md.; B.A. Applied Behavioral Science. Victoria Taylor, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. land, 1973. Towson B.S.E. Fred Covell Ward, Union of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University Applied Physics. Lucy Fowke Wase, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Science. Baltimore, 1979. Education. Phillip Douglas Wattwood, nessee Technological Jr., of Fairfax, Va.; B.S. University, 1971. Computer TenSci- ence. Webb, of Gambrills, Md.; A.A. Glendale College, 1960; B.S. University of Maryland, 1975; M.S. Troy State University, 1977. Numerical Science. Patricia Morris of Columbia, Md.; University, 1963. B.A. Education. Douglas Jerry Troutman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State College, 1972. Jr., of Massachusetts, 1969. John David Thomas, of Sykesville, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. Education. Thompson Timberlake, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Vassar College, Science. Marguerite Eileen Walsh, of Randallstown, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1975. Urban Planning. The Kamal Jitendra Thakore, of Lanham, Md.; B.S.E.T. Capitol Institute of Technology, 1976. Computer Science. Virginia Rensselaer State Terry, of Havre de Grace, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1975. Applied Behavioral Science. Eleanor B.S. M.A. University of Mary- of Maryland, 1979. Education. Marc David Wall, 1977. Computer Anne James Lawrence Thacker, of Bel Air, Md.; Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Computer Spring, Md.; 1964; Applied Physics. Joanne Marie Walker, of Timonium, Md.; B.S.N. Univer- American University, 1977. Education. Ina Ardell Terry, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. College, 1972. Education. Silver Polytechnic Institute, sity Donna Sheila Thomas Raymond Wagner, Education. Education. Alton Bailey Trueman, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Towson State University, 1976. Education. Nancy Susan Weinstein, of Forest Hill, Md.; Rock State College, 1977. Education. B.S. Slippery Karl Heinz Wetzel, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Washington College, 1954; M.A Loyola College, 1976 Education. Rose Marie Trupiano, of Manchester, Md.; B.A. Southern Illinois University, 1973. Nina White, of Columbia, Md.; Education. B.S. University of New Hampshire, 1976. Education. Caroline Collins Turkus, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. State University, 1971. Education. Towson Robert Aden White, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State College, 1975. Education. Laura Davis Turner, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Queens College, 1968. Frances Rose Widdick, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1977. Education. Education. Rochelle Turoff, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Brooklyn College, 1970. Education. Nancy A. Valasek, of Baltimore, Md.; sity B.S. Indiana Univer- of Pennsylvania, 1977. Education. Michael Paul Valatka, of Landover Hills, Md.; B.S. Lowell Technological Institute, 1975. Electrical Engineering. Rosemary Watson Wilkinson, of Bel Air, Md.; M.Ed. College of William and Mary, 1976. Education. Dorothy Anne Wind, of Joppa, Md.; B.S. Eastern Michigan University, 1975. Applied Behavioral Science. Ann Charlene Lolita Van Meter, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of North Carolina, 1978. Computer McAllister Windsor, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univerof Maryland, 1975. Education. sity Science. Sharon Ryker Winemiller, of Baltimore, Md.; Louise R. Young VanSchoonhoven, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Eastern Oregon College, 1961. Education. Therese White Verchinski, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Marygrove College, 1969. Education. Thomas Patrick Vito, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel University, 1976. Electrical Engineering. William Joseph Wacker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State University, 1977. Computer Science. B.S. Computer Terry Bea Winston, of Columbia, Md.; Maryland, 1976. Education. B.S. Purdue Science. B.S. University of Susan Marie Witlin, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Temple University, 1971. Education. Morgan William Emil Witowsky, of Middletown, Md.; B.E. Stevens Institute of Technology, 1979. Computer Science. Towson Virginia Catherine Wolfkill, of Joppa, Md.; B.S. State University, 1971. Education. State College, 1973. Education. Martha Ann Wagner, of Baltimore, Md.; University, 1972; M.S., 1974. — 40 — Towson Ethel Scott Womble, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. North Carolina Central University, 1973. Education. Hui-Chu Yu, of Falls Church, Va.; B.S. National Taiwan Normal University, 1975. Computer Science. James David Wood, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. University of Missouri, 1976. Environmental Engineering. Denise Michele Payer Wood, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S. lege, 1978. Education. Durinda Yates, of land, 1975. Zangara, of Carney, Md.; B.S. Education. Mary Eirene Zasada, College, 1954. Mary- B.S. University of Towson State of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.A. Emmanuel Education. Janet Gail Zimmerman, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. Yeager, of Newark, Del.; M.Ed. UniverEducation. Michael Moshe Zywica, of Hartford, Conn.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rabbinical College, 1979. Education. of Delaware, 1972. Mary Lee Yelvington, sity Col- Education. Drew Delahunta sity Wheaton, Md.; Hood Ann University, 1976. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Univer- of South Carolina, 1973. Computer Science. MASTERS OF EDUCATION The Evening in Lawrence Gaines Depkin, of Delta, New Aaron Diane Lupashonski McAllister, of Eldersburg, Md.; Pa.; B.A. University of Fink, of Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rab- James Deniston Moorhead, of Severna Park, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Ner Gary Charles Rabe, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. State University College of New York at Buffalo, 1977. binical College, 1980. Andre Rudolf Gottdiener, Israel B.S. Frostburg State College, 1975. Mexico, 1975. J. College of Baltimore, Md.; B.T. Rabbinical College, 1977. Paula Meekins Riley, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S. Frostburg Martha Vickery Grimm, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Southwest Texas State University, 1975. State College, 1969. Gail George Dennis Humphrey, of San Antonio, Texas; B.S.Ed. Texas Tech University, 1974. William Neil Kehl, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson Hahn Sanders, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Indiana Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1974. Almeda Faye Shaw, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Community College of Baltimore, 1972; B.S. Morgan State University, State 1975. University, 1975. Gail Phillips Spicer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Frostburg State College, 1975. Julia Bosica Lombardi, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1974. Thomas, of Columbia, Md.; Columbia Teacher's College, 1966. Patricia Carpenter Merry C. Macer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Coppin State Col- lege, 1974. trict of Brenda Moore Wallace, of Baltimore, Md.; Robert Solloway Magee, of Havre de Grace, Md.; B.A. Pfeiffer College, 1964; M.A. Appalachian State University, 1965; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. 41 B.S. B.S. Dis- Morgan State College, 1968. Martha Daily Wetzel, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Baltimore, 1979. MASTERS OF LIBERAL ARTS in Jonathan Philip Aaron, of Owings Mills, The Evening Md.; B.A. Boston University, 1976. Donna Eckley Birenbaum, Towson of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Theresa Joyce Jordan, of Fallston, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1966; M.S., 1969. Robert Lawrence Klages, of Westminster, Md.; B.A. Christopher Clark Boardman, of Joppatowne, Md.; B.A. Anne Elisabeth Komer, of Wellesley, Mass.; B.A. George Washington University, 1975. University, 1971. Susanne M. Brown, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of Wis- Robin Ann Kroft, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Agnes Kaspar Bueno, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola Col- Rosanna Beth lege, 1973. Cieslicki, of Easton, Pa.; B.S. Bucknell Christina University, 1946. Rosalee Cohen Davison, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Syracuse University, 1952. John Francis Dean, of Baltimore, Md.; Canon MA. University of sity of Karen Sue Lowell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Kalamazoo College, 1976. Pa.; B.A. Mills Col- Margie Jean Mohr, of Baltimore, Md.; Hopkins University, Leilani Cochran Ellison, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. UniverJulia Boublitz of Maryland, 1968. Hopkins Md.; B.S. Towson M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins Univer- of Cumberland, State College, 1975; 1978. William Byerly Garman, of Reisterstown, Md.; B.A. Gettysburg College, 1978. Harcarik, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Towson Morgan, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns University, 1976. Gail Florence Ritter Muhl, of Westminster, Md.; B.S. son State University, 1976. Tow- Carole Dee Neidigh, of Towson, Md.; B.S. Indiana Uni- Jeanne O'Connor, of Havertown, Pa.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1978. lege, 1977. Mason Kathleen T. O'Connor, of Havertown, Pa.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1977. University, 1977. Robert Edward Holzinger, of Lanham, Md.; B.A. Albright Anne Kluge Pecora, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1968. College, 1962. David Richard Hoyt, of Washington, D. C; B.A. Indiana University, 1972. The Johns versity, 1970. Brooke Page Hearn, of Ruxton, Md.; M.Ed. Loyola Col- Hirsch, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. George B.S. 1980. Kathleen Linda Morotti, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1974. State University, 1978. J. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univer- Baltimore, 1979. Paul George Leroy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Vanderbilt lege, 1962. Peter Col- Susan Ann Leidy, of Cockeysville, Md.; M.S.N. University of Pennsylvania, 1972. State College, 1975. Lucy Reeder Eldridge, of Doylestown, Fields, Hood University, 1973. Stephen Anthony Edgar, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson Ann Laspia, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Timothy Arthur Lawrence, Chicago, 1975. Patricia Md.; B.A. Towson State lege, 1978. Betty Louise Cocking, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A.T. Indiana University, 1968. sity, Kroll, of Baltimore, College, 1971. Dorothy Huffman Linda Reed York University, 1975; B.A.A. Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, 1978. consin, 1956. sity Slip- pery Rock State College, 1976. State University, 1973. Temple College William Charles Piccirilli, Loyola College, 1975. — 42 — of Baltimore, Md.; M.B.A. ° The Johns Sandra Lee Sweet, of Phoenix, Md.; B.A. Frostburg State College, 1971; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Eleanor Wersebe Prout, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher Joy Lynn Undutch, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Jay Joseph Popowicz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Hopkins University, 1976. University, 1977. College, 1980. Walter Wells Rice, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. University of Baltimore, 1974. Deborah Ann Ventre, of Baltimore, Md.; Morehead B.S. State University, 1974. Teresa Romiti, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Lynchburg College, 1975. Leonard Milton Rothstein, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1944; M.D. Duke University, Wallace Richard White, of Timonium, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1970. Widman, Loretta Ellen Notre Dame of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of of Maryland, 1969; M.A. Morgan State Uni- versity, 1975. 1954. Joseph Maynard Russell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson Karen Hewitt Scarlett, of Robert Mason Wilson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E. Brown University, 1948. State College, 1971. Timonium, Md.; B.A. Gettysburg College, 1976. Wood Young, of Baltimore, Md.; Hopkins University, 1980. Caroline The Johns B.S. John Neville Stack, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Washington and Lee University, 1974. Richard Conrad Zasada, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.A. George Jacqueline Lee Stoller, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Joan Dolores Zelinka, of Towson, Md.; B.A. Towson State College, 1968; M.S.W. University of Maryland, 1972. of Maryland, 1977. Washington University, 1950. MASTERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE in Marvin Purnell Adams, of Baltimore, Md.; The Evening B.S. Morgan Benfrcd Bernard Alston, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan B.S. Towson State Michael Clayton Bender, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola College, 1976. State University, 1975. Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1971. Nina Sullivan Benz, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. University of Rochester, 1964. Sheryl Elaine Arneson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1977; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, William Leroy Becker, of Sparks, Md.; College, 1970. State College, 1972. Thomas Walsh Appich, College Mary Ann Coakley Birchctt, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Tow- son State College, 1975. 1980. Carolyn Miller Blanchard, of Maria Aron, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Mary- College, 1959; Seattle, Wash.; B.A. Hollins M.S.W. University of Man-land, 1971. land, 1971. „ _ Michael B. Asselin, of Bel An, Md.; B.S. Lowell Techno, Siri Lisa Ann j Rene Augustine, of Baltimore, Md, B.S. Daemon Col- F. Baird, of Columbia, Md.; M.Ed. P&tC ol 1978 Winthrop Col- Bohannon, of Baltimore, Md.; Bandola chestor Statc Coll logical Institute, 1974. ™A " R,11>(lt m Boi SV ' " Jayasree Biswas Basu, of Baltimore, Md.; Ph.D. University of Calcutta, 1978. — 43 f t' Coh,mbia > Md - BM " University 1 E«n McCarthy Bombick, University of Amerii lege, 1975. West n Island, 1977. , ' B.S. 1975 a, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Catholi( 1968. Judith Kempler Broida, of Columbia, Md.; Washington University, 1969. M.A. George Judy Eileen Brown, of Columbia, Md.; B.B.A. Pennsylvania State University, 1978. Cynthia Brant Burns, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1974. Donald Gregory Jean Marie Carpenter, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Lauren Marie Fiordelisi, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1973. Fiset, of Towson, Md.; B.A. Mt. Holyoke College, 1977. of California, 1969. Stephen Craig Carroll, of Hampstead, Md.; B.S. Juniata Michael George Fish, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. American University, 1974. College, 1969. Peter Towson Keith William Fields, of Perry Hall, Md.; B.S. State University, 1977. Edward Chin, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Wendy Louise Fortune, of Willowdale, Ontario, Canada; B.A. Brock University, 1974. Colorado, 1978. Joseph Marion Coble, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. Princeton Cynthia Lee Parker Fryer, of Baltimore, Md.; University, 1970. Dean Elton Cook, B.S. Towson State University, 1976. of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Indiana State College, 1974; B.A. Lock Haven Bruce Warren Cort, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Salisbury State Teachers College, 1971. David Allen Cowan, of Owings Petrovna Gakuba, of Owings Mills, Md.; Odessa Civil Engineering Studies, 1964. Alia State University, 1976. Mills, Mitchell Glenn Gold, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland College, 1978. B.S.C.E. B.A. Western Md.; M.S. PennsylPatricia Carnall Gongloff, of Fallston, Md.; B.S. University vania State University, 1977. of Pittsburgh, 1968. Arlene Sherley Cree, of Parkton, Md.; B.A. College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1980. Edward New Bruce E. Cropf, Jr., of Joppatowne, Md.; Goscicki, of Columbia, Md.; B.C.E. City College of York, 1973. B.S. Frostburg Frank Stanley Govern, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Salem State State College, 1975. College, 1979. Joseph F. Cupani, of Church Hill, Md.; B.S. Bloomsburg Douglas Albert Grady, of Edgewood, Md.; B.A. Bloomsburg State College, 1976. State College, 1972. Barbara D'Amico, of Huntington, N. New Hampshire, 1977. Y.; B.A. University of Joan Keller Deming, of Baltimore, Holyoke College, 1976. Harry E. Grant, of Baltimore, Md.; Md.; B.A. Renee Marie DuBois, of Carrollton, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1978. B.S. Shippensburg State College, 1978. Mount Angela Teresa Gross, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland College, 1977. B.A. Western Paul M. Hallacher, of Harrisburg, Pa.; B.S. Kutztown State Lucy Dubrowsky-Samorodin, of Ruxton, Md.; B.S. Towson College, 1976. State College, 1974. Jibran Yusuf Hannaney, Patricia Hikma Jo Dudek, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Pennsylvania Carolyn Dunmire, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher Col- Deborah Denise Harrison, of Columbia, Md.; B.F.A. lege, 1975. Roland Frank Hauser, of Pasadena, Md.; University, 1975. Ann Flor- ida State University, 1975. John Lawrence Eckenrode, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. Lehigh Sheila of Towson, Md.; B.S.C.E. AlUniversity, Iraq, 1969; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. State University, 1976. B.S. St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1974. Edwards, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Hood ColPatricia Dietrich Hess, of lege, 1976. Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Baltimore, 1977. Debra L. Saidman Egber, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. PennPaul C. Hickey, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Marist College, 1968; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. sylvania State University, 1978. Mary Ellen Maschinsky Evans, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1973; M.S. University, 1976. Lori Grimes Horton, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1977. Michael Robert Fake, of Hanover, Pa.; B.S. York College Michael Fuller Hosford, of Mt. Airy, Md.; B.A. Knox Col- The Johns Hopkins of Pennsylvania, 1978. lege, 1969. — 44 — Towson Janet Jean Imwold, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. State Denise Lynne Janssen, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Okla- homa Jr., The Md.; B.S. of Phoenix, Charity Honore Johnson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher James Robert Johnson, Sr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Univer- of Maryland, 1972. Walter Leslie Johnson, of Takoma Guard Academy, Park, Md.; B.S. United B.S. Knoxville Col- lege, 1962. of Columbia, Md.; M.S. Michigan State University, 1969; Ph.D., 1972. Dennis Donn Murphey, of Westminster, Md.; B.S. South- Guive Nabct, of Baldwin, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins Vir- ginia Polytechnic Institute, 1975. William Henry Nehring, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.T. Pennsylvania State University, 1975. Robb Wellington Newman, Cornell University, 1965; Hopkins University, 1978. Md.; of Silver Spring, M.S., 1966; M.S. Morgan State University, 1978. Miriam Storb Kimball, of Garrison, Md.; B.A. Dickinson College, 1976. Sylvia Nudler, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Mary- Timothy Charles O'Hara, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Al- Marilyn Leuthold Ojodu, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Johns Hopkins University, 1976; M.L.A., 1978. James Patrick Peters, of White Marsh, Md.; B.A. St. Kabara Kispert, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Tow- Mary's Chapman Francis William Plante, Jr., of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. Fitchburg State College, 1975. Paul R. Lebanik, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Allegheny College, 1972. Shahnaz Rahaie, of Shiraz, Iran; B.S. Pahlavi University, Iran, 1973. Saul Lebovic, of Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rab- Anne Henrietta Rakas, Hopkins University, binical College, 1977. David M. Lengyel, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S. Villanova University, 1975. Gary Sheldon Litke, of Oakland, Cecelia Coltrane Petro, of Arnold, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1971. of Reisterstown, Md.; B.A. College, 1974. Calif.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rabbinical College, 1979. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Arianne Schrodel Regester, of Upperco, Md.; Johns Hopkins University, 1970; M.Ed., 1972. Kathleen Zmuda The Johns 1979. B.S. Rescigno, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Carlow Miriam Weissman Rheinstein, of Severna Park, Md.; Bruce Walton Masland, of Towson, Md.; B.E.E. Rensselaer Jo Anne Zujcwski Riley, of Baltimore, Md.; Polytechnic Institute, 1956. MA San Francisco State College, 1968. B.S. Marquette University, 1976. Mattes, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Miriam Kathleen Roberts, of Laurel, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1976. Baltimore, 1978. Richard C. McElroy, of Timonium, Md.; B.A. Loyola College, 1973. Margaret Ellen Meade, of Fulton, Md.; The College, 1976. Nicolas James Markakis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. American University, 1976. Gus The Seminary, 1971. son State University, 1976. Peter B.S. The Johns bright College, 1974. Gail Josephine Kimani, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Andrea Fox Krupp, Victoria Blesila Navarro, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. St. Paul College, 1970. land, 1970. Shannon Patrick Kennedy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.Arch. F. Frost Mullins, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University 1974. James Franklin Jones, of Crofton, Md.; Mary Jane Denny University, 1970. College, 1976. Uan Gen Rang, Md.; B.S. Towson ern Illinois University, 1971. Johns Hopkins University, 1976. States Coast Hill, of Tennessee, 1975. State University, 1974. Alfred Davies Johnson, sity James John Milarcik, of Forest State College, 1973. University, 1975. B.S. Northeastern B.S. Mor- Janet Estelle Rones, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1975. University, 1968. Ernestine Louise Mikeal, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Reginald McGary Robinson, of Baltimore, Md.; gan State University, 1978. Morgan Howard Ely Rosenbaum, of Baltimore, Md.; University, 1978. State College, 1973. — 45 MA. Hoimi.i Gary Wayne Thome, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Lafayette Sharon Rachel Rottman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, 1973. College, 1978. Marsha Schochet Ruck, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University James Perry Thornton, of Maryland, 1979. Catherine Tom Sacker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Loyola Col- Burnett Thornley Vanish, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Claflin lege, 1978. University, 1963; Jack Talmadge Sanders, of Rossville, Md.; B.S. Leigh Uni- M.A. Fisk University, 1969. Donald Joseph Vincent, of Harvard, Mass.; M.S. Purdue versity, 1974. University, 1972. Robert Earl Schweitzer, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Marietta Bernice Warner Von Saleski, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. son State University, 1977. College, 1967. Eugene Clinton Shanoltz, Towson of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Dick- Jr., inson College, 1978. Jr., Tow- of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.M.T. Paul State University, 1979. Thomas Walker, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Morehouse College, 1964. Barry James Spangler, of Annapolis, of Baltimore, 1978. Md; B.S. University Anne Biden Winter, Ronald Young Spraker, of Columbia, Md.; of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. William Carl Womble, Polytechnic Institute, 1978. Joyce Hatcher Stanley, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Brown Uni- versity, 1975. B.S. Virginia Jr., State College, 1969; J. D. sity, 1972. Morgan of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Morgan North Carolina Central Univer- State College, 1967. Debra Gail Sterling, of Baltimore, Lisa Yarkony, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Vassar College, 1975. Md.; M.A. University of John Richard Yates, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Baltimore, 1974; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, Connecticut, 1973. Phillip Warren Stevens, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Ball State 1976. University, 1973. Richard Jude Young, of Timonium, Md.; Claude Floyd Stull, of Westminster, Md.; B.S.Ch. University of Maryland, 1971. B.S. Towson State University, 1976; M.S., 1977. Villa- Bradley Jay Youngman, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Western Larry Paul Sutusky, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania Carolyn Pfaller Zakens, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. Carlow Michael Walter Surowiec, of Forest nova University, 1965. Hill, Md.; B.E. Washington State University, 1975. College, 1975; B.S.E. University of Virginia, 1976. State University, 1968. William Henry Tallon, of Reisterstown, Md.; B.A. Georgetown University, 1975. Leonard Michael James Langdon Taylor, of Redmond, Wash.; States Naval Academy, 1970. Pamela Joy Clarke Zimmerman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Zeitschel, of Westminster, Md.; B.S. Uni- versity of Baltimore, 1975. United Towson 46 State College, 1974. B.S. CERTIFICATES OF ADVANCED STUDY in The Evening Elizabeth Brady Andrews, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Hollins College, 1973; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Education. Clarke, of Columbia, Md.; Tennessee State University, 1967; M.S. Morgan State Hales Laidlaw, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Brown M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins University, University, 1957; Education. Lenore Frances Lynch, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1974; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. University, 1972. Education. Gloria Jeanne Claybaugh, of Millersville, Md.; B.S. Towson State College, 1968; M.Ed. Loyola College, 1970. Education. Lois Anne McLaughlin, State College, 1978. John Lawrence Helen Lee Cleveland, of Columbia, Md.; Columbia Teachers College, 1957; M.A. versity, 1962. Patricia 1977. Gwendolyn Manlove Pillow B.S. College Mills, B.S. District of State College, 1969; New York sity, Uni- 1972. Education. of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Coppin Education. of Midland, Md.; B.S. Frostburg M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins Univer- Education. Education. Verna Ann Cunningham, of Aberdeen, Md.; M.Ed. University of Delaware, 1969. Education. Carolyn Watcheski Hanson, of Baltimore, Loyola College, 1975. Education. Md.; M.Ed. Anita Appelstein Potemken, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Pennsylvania, 1952; M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins University, 1970. Education. Ruth Carolyn Brown Powell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan State College, 1966; M.Ed. The Johns Hopkins Uni- Margaret Constance Harris, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978; M.S., 1980. Education. versity, 1973. Education. Pamela Ann Rice, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Coppin State Almeta Dunlap Johnson, of Columbia, Md.; M.S. Coppin College, 1980. Education. State College, 1973. Education. Carlyn Schlossberg, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1972; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Education. David Matthews Jones, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Coppin State College, 1977. Patrick Joseph Keilty, College, 1968; M.S. Education. Jr., St. of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Marist John's University, 1974. Paul Kennedy Shultz, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Edu- Hopkins University, cation. Teresa Ashley Krosnick, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Morgan State University, 1980. Patricia Libera] Arts. Ann 1973. The Johns Liberal Arts. Zeun, of Glen Burnie, Md.; M.A. 1976. Education. Towson State College, MASTERS OF MUSIC in The Peabody Conservatory of Music Deborah Sperlich Adkins, of North Palm Beach, Florida; Marc Alan Barron, of Baltimore, Maryland; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1981. Clarinet. B.M.E. University of Florida, 1977. Voice. B.A. Mark Bailey, of Roxwell, New Mexico; B.F.A. CarnegieMellon University, 1980. Piano. Mark Douglas John Anderson, of Mundelein, Illinois; Northeastern Illinois University, 1977. Guitar. A. Cromer, of Columbia, South Carolina; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1980. Guitar. Bill S. Cudek, of Buffalo, New York; B.F.A. State UniNew York at Buffalo, 1974. Lute. versity of Dorothy Dunham, of Washington, District of Columbia; B.M. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1978. Flute. William Adair Baker, of Steamboat Springs, Colorado; B.M. Boston University, 1977. Horn. William Beynon Feasley, of Pullman, Washington; ploma Estudio de Arte Guitarristico, 1977. Guitar. 47 Di- Stephanie B. Motahar, of Ann Arbor, Michigan; B.A. University of Michigan, 1970; M.A., 1972. Voice. Allison Evans Francis, of Columbia, Maryland; B.M. East- man School of Music, 1979. Piano. Teruko Futagami, of McLean, Virginia; Hugh Robert Murphy, B.M. Peabody of Daytona Beach, Florida; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1980. Piano. Conservatory of Music, 1979. Piano. Nancy Etta Ginzer, Janina Marta O'Brien, of Lowell, Massachusetts; B.M. New England Conservatory of Music, 1977. Instrumental Con- of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; B.M. Uni- versity of Calgary, 1979. Voice. ducting. Julian Ferguson Gray, of Brunswick, Georgia; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1979. Guitar. Nelson Smith Padgett, of Lincolnton, North Carolina; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1982. Piano. William James Harp III, of Jacksonville, Florida; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1981. Voice. Gregory West Parker, of Dana Point, California; B.A. Taylor University, 1978; M.M. Peabody Conservatory of Alan T. Hirsh, of Tucson, Arizona; B.F.A. University of Music, 1980. Voice. Arizona, 1979. Composition. Seth Perlman, of Bronx, New York; B.A. City College of the City University of New York, 1973. Piano. Mary Hook, of Knoxville, Tennessee; B.M. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1980. Piano. W. Pethel, of Greensboro, North Carolina; Greensboro College, 1981. Piano. B.A. Daniel Ivan Kazez, of State College, Pennsylvania; B.M. Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1980. Violoncello. Blair Kwang-Wu Kim, of Chicago, Illinois; B.A. Yale University, Linda Gale Probeck, of Arnold, Maryland; B.M.E. Baldwin-Wallace College, 1965. Music Education. Kinzler, of Grand Forks, North Dakota; B.M. University of North Dakota, 1978. Clarinet. Stephen Ernest Shivers, of Snellville, Georgia; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1981. Piano. 1980. Piano. Debra R. Ephraim Laor, of Jerusalem, demy of Music. Israel; Karen Marie Stopa, of Hamburg, Diploma Rubin Aca- RoseAnn Markow Lester, of Burlington, Caleb Tsai, of Sydney, Australia; B.M. Peabody Conserva- Janice Li-Yen Lin, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1981. Piano. tory of Music, 1980. Lillian Ruth Moran, Piano. Richard Earl Whitley, Jr., of Jacksonville, North Carolina; B.M. St. Andrew College, 1978. Piano. Michael John Maloney, of Lanham, Maryland; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1980. Composition. University, 1980. Tzu-Ling Wen, of Taipei, Taiwan; B.M. Hartt School of Music, 1980. Paul Anthony Maillet, of Baltimore, Maryland; B.M. Eastman School of Music, 1980. Piano. Sheila Piano. Edward Joseph Weaver III, of Baltimore, Maryland; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1970. Organ. Elizabeth Alexandra Lochanko, of Maple Glen, Pennsylvania; B.A. Douglass College of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 1979. Piano. of Kankakee, Illinois; B.A. York; B.M. State Piano. Vladimir Svoysky, of Baltimore, Maryland; Diploma Leningrad Conservatory of Music, 1975. Piano. Massachusetts; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1975. Violin. Dan Ross Marvin, New University College at Potsdam, 1980. Piano. Benjamin See Yuen Wong, sity Bob Jones Hawaii, of 1977; of Hong Kong; B.A., 1980. B.B.A. UniverInstrumental Con- ducting. Piano. of Rockville, Maryland; B.M. Young, of Santa Maria, California; B.M. Univerthe Pacific, 1980. Piano. Phillip D. Peabody sity of Conservatory of Music, 1977. Piano. Timothy Mark Zimmerman, B.S. Bob Jones University, Stephen A. Morrison, of Uniontown, Ohio; B.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1978. Guitar. ARTIST DIPLOMA in The Peabody Conservatory of Music Edith Hirshtal Nahas, of Cherry Hill, Temple University, 1973; New Jersey; M.M., 1975. Piano. 48 B.M. of Mt. 1978. Clemens, Michigan; Trumpet. MASTERS OF SCIENCE in The School of Hygiene and Public Health Anne Andrews, Charla Lucy Meoni Mead, of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland, 1976. Biostatistics. of Northvale, N.J.; B.A. Cornell Pathobiology. University, 1977. Paporavirus Infections in Renal Transplant The Interrelationship of Maternal Risk Factors and Adverse Outcomes of Pregnancy: A Reexamination of the Jerusalem Perinatal Study. Patients. Anne Betsy Caston, of Fairfield, Conn.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Maternal and Child Health. An Evaluation of the Recorded Hematocrits for a Baltimore Inner City Black Toddler Population En- The Johns Hopkins WIC B.S. University of Alfred Akihiko Pan, of Natich, Mass.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1978. Pathobiology. Pro- Cultivation of the Intracellular State of a leishmania Species in a Cell Free Medium. Celia Po-Yoke Chin, of Penang, Malaysia; B.A. Smith Col- Keith E. Saylor, of Williamsburg, Ya.; B.A. College of William and Mary, 1977. Health Services Administration. rolled in University gram. Environmental Health Sciences. lege, 1978. The The Effects of a Parent Involvement Telephone Intervention on the Availability and Consumption of Low-salt Snacks in the House. Effectiveness of Disinfectant Residuals Against EnViruses Introduced into a Water Distribution teric System. Samuel Drury Clark, sity of Iqbal Hussain Shah, of Islamabad, Pakistan; B.A. Govern- Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. UniverMassachusetts, 1978. Population Dynamics. Perception of Contraception Method Efficacy ment Never Pregnant Teenage Females Attending Family Planning Clinics for the First Time in 1980. Pressure, ments Velocity in a Model State University, Michigan, 1967. Changes in Group of Pa.; B.A. Bertram Mark Kestenbaum, of Brooklyn N.Y. .S. of Francine Shuger, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Health Services Administration. a Robert Douglas Teasdall, of Southfield, Mich.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Pathobiology. B.A. Brook- An Immunologic Evaluation of Rats with The Chronic Grafts Versus Flost Disease. of Early Retirement. Marcia Patient Education in of Del.; Risk Factors and Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. in Peter L. LeBrun, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1971. Health Services Administration. ment by Family Type in Cebu City, Pamela Anne Casey Spencer, of Wilmington, Harvard University, 1973. Biostatistics. Biostatistics. The Measurement 1973. Impact on Parents of a Therapeutic Trial of Plasma Exchange in Hunter Patients. Wayne Smoking Habit and Body Weight White Male Physicians. University, Arizona, 1964. and Detection Efficiency MeasureHuman Upper Airways. A.M.L.S. The University Health Services Administration. lyn College, 1969. Jill of the 4966; Punjab Philippines. B.Sc. UniEnvironmental Health Sciences. Martha Kasper Keintz, of Philadelphia, M.A. 1970; Fertility Differentials Chiemeka Simeon Izundu, of Enugu, Nigeria; versity of Nigeria, 1974. College, Population Dynamics. Among to 1975. of cent Females— To Facilitate a Gann Waldman, University, 1969. A Comparison Jamaica, West of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Syracuse Health Services Administration. of Providers' Attitudes formed Consent and Disclosure. 49 Towards Indies; B.A. Health Services Administration. Among In- Adoles- Smoking Cessation tervention in Family Planning Clinics. Needs Assessment. Leslie Timoll, Assessment of Correlates of Smoking the Hospital Setting: Develop- an Approach Isolyn Goucher College, In- MASTERS OF HEALTH SCIENCE in Mary Beth Hopkins Aist, of Camp The School of Hygiene and Public Health Springs, Md.; B.A. University, 1980. The Johns Mental Hygiene. Julie Bramnick, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. Clark Univer1977. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. sity, Yvonne Grandison, of Ettrick, lege, 1977. Mental Hygiene. Va.; B.H.S. Chapman Col- Larry Jeffery Harrison, of Woodbridge, Va.; B.S. Michigan State University, 1977. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. Pamela Brooks Campbell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan State University, 1979. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. Martin John Healy, of Morris, Conn.; B.S. Old Dominion University, 1978. Environmental Health Sciences, Oc- Yeou-Tsyr Cheng, of Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.; M.B. National Taiwan University, 1980. Environmental Health Sciences, Radiation Health Sciences. Janet Heroux, Colin Gregory Chinn, of San Ramon, Calif.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Epidemiology. Arthur Lawrence Davidson, West of Grand Cayman, Indies; B.A. University of Rochester, Georgene The British 1978. Hamburger Donnay, of Montreal, Canada; B.A. McGill University, 1980. Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Health. sity, Cara Wyatt Ehrlich, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Pittsburgh, 1976. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. William Francis Eisele, Jr., of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1977. Environmental Health Sciences, Radiation Health Sciences. Eleanor English, of Liberty Corner, N.J.; B.S. Cornell University, 1978. Kim J. sity, International Health. erations Research. Planning and Administration. Joanne Marie Kinnear, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1978. Mental Hygiene. Stephen Lawrence Kistner, of Bel Air, Md.; B.E. Manhattan College, 1970; M.E., 1971; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Health Engineering. Bernice Marie Kosla, of Severna Park, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1978. Environmental Health Sciences, Radiation Health Sciences. Kenneth Truett Lang, of Joppa, Md.; Hung-Hung sity, Mark Robert tistics. sity Li, of Fairmont, W.Va.; Environmental Health and Health. 1980. Safety Claudia Sanchez Glover, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1970. Biosta- Health Sciences, Tufts Univer- Lieberthal, of Milwaukee, Wis.; B.S. Univer- Marsha Denise of Washington, D.C.; Mental Hygiene. Lillie, Norman Duval Lowery, of Maryland, 1965. vironmental Health. 50- B.S. Sciences, Occupational of Wisconsin, 1977. Epidemiology. University, 1975. Bernardo Joseph Gonsalves, of Vineyard Haven, Mass.; B.S.N. Salve Regina College, 1973; M.P.H. Yale University, 1975. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. B.S. Atlantic Chris- Environmental 1969. Terry Lee, of Wheaton, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1980. Pathobiology, Tropical Public Health. Cedar Grove, N.J.; B.A. Bucknell UniverHealth Services Administration, Health Plan- ning and Administration. College, Radiation Health Sciences. Feier, of 1976. Horn, of Elkton, Md.; B.A. Antioch UniverMental Hygiene. Elizabeth Ann Keighley, of Fayetteville, N.Y.; B.S. Syracuse University, 1980. Health Services Administration, Health tian Carol Diane Eliasberg, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Yale University, 1977. International Health. S. 1978. Harvard College, B.A. Shuang-Yu N. Hsing, of Taipei, Taiwan; B.S. China Medical College, 1978. Health Services Administration, Op- Albert Judith Vetter Douglas, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Northwestern University, 1963; M.A., 1964. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. of Acton, Mass.; International Health. 1977. 1947; M.A., M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mental Hygiene, Alcohol Studies. 1949; cupational Safety and Health. B.S. Howard of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University Environmental Health Sciences, En- Marilyn Judith Spivak Menkes, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of British Columbia, 1965; M.Sc. University of Pennsylvania, 1967. Epidemiology. Gary Allmuth Miller, of Mount Holly, N.J.; B.A. Roger Williams College, 1979. Mental Hygiene. Lorraine Molofsky, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. Cornell University, 1977. Mental Hygiene. Susan E. Schober, of Westminster, Md.; B.A. Indiana University, 1976. Epidemiology. Keri Shochet, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Simmons 1978. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. Susan College, Martha Nicely Sigg, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Radcliffe ColSciences, Environ- Environmental Health 1953. lege, mental Health. Roscoe Michael Moore, Jr., of Rockville, Md.; B.S. Tus- kegee fnstitute, 1968; D.V.M., 1969; M.P.H. University of Michigan, 1970 Epidemiology. Greg Md.; B.A. University of WisconHealth Services Administration, Health Plan- Silsbee, of Bethesda, 1978. sin, ning and Administration. Shamsun Nahar, of Jamalpur, Bangladesh; B.Sc. Eden Girls Health Services Administration, Opera- 1969. College, LaVern Willette Smith, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan 1980. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. State University, tions Research. Faith Ellen Nathan, of Moorestown, N.J.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1980. Epidemiology. Paul Joseph Nevins, of Chevy Chase, Md.; B.S. Siena College, 1973. Environmental Health Sciences, Occupational William Stuart Smith, Jr., of Freehold, N.J.; B.S. West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1960; M.S. Ohio University, 1963. Environmental Health Sciences, Occupational Safety and Health. and Health. Safety Nancy Nicol, of Trenton, N.J.; B.A. Douglass College, Rutgers University, 1977. Environmental Health Sciences, Randall Scott Stafford, of Ashland, Oreg.; B.A. Reed College, 1980. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. Occupational Safety and Health. Yvonne Gibson Timmons, of Columbia, Md.; Rebecca Janice Blucher Outen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. State University, 1974. Towson Torsch, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1978. International Health. Patt-Corner, of Chevy Chase, Md.; B.A. Univer- I. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. sity Biostatistics. May Virginia Environmental Health. Robert B.A. University of Missouri, 1976. Environmental Health Sciences, of Maryland, 1979. Ann Trowt, of Wenham, Mass.; B.S. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1979. Health Services Admini- Stacey stration. The Johns Health Services Administra- Health Planning and Administration. Janet Elise Pescarmona, of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. Hopkins University, 1976. Health Planning and Administration. tion, College, 1973. Rasmussen, of Mansehra, Pakistan; B.A. Uni1979. Health Services AdministraHealth Planning and Administration. Stephen F. versity of Wisconsin, tion, Tina Ann Rosenthal, of Detroit, Mich., B.A. University of Michigan, 1978. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. Carol Sherman Dines Waite, of Denver, Amy B. Colo.; B.A. Wellesley International Health. Waldbaum, of New Hyde Park, N.Y.; B.A. Univer- of Florida, 1978. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. sity Jeanette Jenkins Washington, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. St. Mary's College, 1966. Health Services Administration, Health Planning and Administration. M. Ryan, lege, 1978. Safety of Newport, R.I.; B.A. Wellesley ColEnvironmental Health Sciences, Occupational Soudabeh versity, S. Weikert, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Environmental Health Sciences, Occupational Safety and Health. Md.; B.S. Towson State UniHealth Services Administration, Health 1980. Said, of Baltimore, 1976. Planning and Administration. Gretchen Engle College, Alan University, and Health. 1961; Schafft, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Antioch M.A. American University, 1965; Ph.D. Catholic University, 1976. Behavioral Sciences. Keith William Wilcke, of Hatboro, Pa.; B.A. The King's College, 1979. l'athobiology, Tropical Public Health. Merrylin goon S. Zaw-Mon, of Rangoon, Burma; B.C.E. Ran- Institute of Technology, 1971. Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Health Engineering. — 51 — MASTERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH The in School of Hygiene and Public Health Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; M.B., M.P.M. University of 1974; Christopher Columbus Colenda, III, of Richmond, Va.; A.B. Wittenberg University, 1974; M.D. Virginia Com- Gabal, of Cairo, Egypt; Ainshams University Faculty of Medicine, 1974; M.S., Susan Pember Conrath, of Fairfax, Va.; B.A. State University of New York, College at New Paltz, 1966; M.S. Abdul Aziz Abdullah, of Utkal University, Malaya, 1980. B.S. Ahmed Ismail monwealth University, Abou George 1978. Mohammad Ahmad Altobelli, of St. Louis, Mo.; B.S.N. Uni- St. Louis D.C.; B.A. of Washington, John Vincent Barson, of San Antonio, Texas; gan State University, 1976. Beatty, Corson, of Levittown, B.A. N.Y.; B.S. Thomas Thaddeus Bukumola Balogun, of Ibadan, Nigeria; M.D. 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, 1970. Florence of Waquoit, Mass.; B.S. Michi- Syracuse B.S.N. 1972; The Johns Hopkins University, 1977; M.D., 1980. Brenda A. W. Cuccherini, of Woodbridge, Va.; Washington University, 1978. University, 1975. Jennifer C. M.Phil., 1970; Stephen Bruce Corbin, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1970; D.D.S., 1974. Thomas Adams versity of Missouri-Columbia, 1974. Sharon A. Anthonis, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S.N. Mary Hudanish Aronson, Goucher College, 1974. Washington University, Ph.D., 1979. Alsharhan, of Kuwait; M.D. Alexan- dria, 1978. Laura Catherine 1977. George Culkin, of Mt. Holly, N.J.; Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1966; M.Sc, Pharm.D., 1970. B.Sc. 1969; David Ryder Cundiff, of Newark, Del.; B.A. University of Delaware, 1975; M.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1980. Jane Reid Cutler, of Thomasville, Ga.; A.B. Sweet Briar College, 1969; B.S. Duke University, 1974. University, 1979. Janice Merrill Berger, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S.W. Pennsylvania State University, 1974; B.A., 1974; M.S.W. Virginia Commonwealth Roger Adam lege, 1968; Bruce Atwood Dalton, Jr., of Davidsonville, Md.; B.S. Davidson College, 1965; M.D. University of North Carolina School of Medicine, 1969. University, 1977. Bitar, of Everett, Wash.; B.S. Wheaton Col- M.D. Hahnemann Medical College, 1972. Devra Lee Davis, of Washington, D.C.; Pittsburgh, 1967; M.A., B.S. University of 1967; Ph.D. University of Chi- cago, 1972. Mary Ann Carnell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Michigan, 1973; M.D. Indiana University, 1977. Giuseppe DeSole, of Rome, Rome, Italy; M.D. University of 1971. Raman Chahal, of Patiala, India; M.B.B.S. Government Medical College & Rajindra Hospital, 1973. Robert W. Chamberlin, of Rochester, N.Y.; B.S. Princeton University, 1951; M.D. Harvard University, 1956. Luiza Costa Dos Reis, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; M.D. Faculdade de Medicine de Petropolis, 1977. Jonathan Haruna Dowyaro, of Kwoi, Kaduna State, NiBello University, 1974; D.T.Ch. School of Tropical Medicine Liverpool, 1980. geria; M.B.B.S. Carl Jon Chancey, of Mt. Airy, Md.; B.S. Boston State College, 1969; B.S. Pharm. Northeastern University, 1974. Liloan Lilian Cheng, of Keelung, Taiwan, Republic of China; M.B. Kaohsiung Medical College, 1979. William H. Chickering, of Austin, Texas; B.A. Yale University, 1970; M.D. University of Cincinnati College of Ahmadu Thomas Christopher Draghi, of Locust Valley, N.Y.; M.D. Northwestern University, 1980. Pierre H. Durieux, of Paris, France; M.D. Faculte' de Medi- cine Pitie-Salpeture, 1977. Medicine, 1977. Susan Valeria Coleman, of Oakland, sity of Michigan, 1979. Calif.; B.S.N. Univer- Joseph Paul Eker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1976; B.A., 1976; M.D. University of Missouri at Columbia, 1980. — 52 — Magnor Feldman, Janice McLean, of Va.; B.S.N. Cornell University, 1968. Izhar Muhammad versity of M.D. UniM.O.H. University of the Fihir, of Jakarta, Indonesia; Indonesia, 1974; Philippines, 1977. Meng-Te Ko, of Chya-yi, Taiwan, Republic M.D. Taipei Medical College, 1980. of China; Adama Kon£, Luis Ricardo Flores, of Lima, Peru; M.D. University of Madrid, Spain, 1957. Gloria Piatt Furst, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S. Washington University, 1964. Abram Patrick William Kelley, of Norwalk, Conn.; B.S. Fairfield University, 1976; M.D. University of Virginia, 1979. Gabriel, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Gary R. Krieger, of Baltimore, Md.; A.B. University of North Carolina, 1973; M.D., 1978. The Jean Louis Lamboray, of Louvain, Belgium; M.D. Univer- Anita Jeannette Gagnon, of Manchester, N.H.; B.S.N. Catholic University of America, 1980. New Kazuichi Konyama, of Sayama, Japan; M.D. Siriraj Medical School, 1955; D.Sc.Med. Juntendo University, 1960. B.A. Harvard Uni- versity, 1977. Claudina Ghianni, of of Koutiala, Mali; B.S. Lyc^e de Badalabougon, 1971; M.D. Ecole de Medecine et Pharmacie Bamaks, 1976. sity York, N.Y.; B.S.N. D'youville of California, 1972. Adrienne Elizabeth LeBailly, of Wilmette, versity of Illinois, College, 1977. Bette A. Goldman, of Takoma Park, Md.; B.A. George Washington University, 1973; B.S.N. Catholic University, 1977. 111.; A.B. Uni- M.D. Rush Medical 1975; B.S., 1975; College, 1979. Rebecca Elizabeth Lee, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1973. Anne Lennox, Diane C. Gordon, of Albuquerque, N.M.; B.S.N. University of New Mexico, 1976. Elizabeth Youssef Wadie Youssef Guergues, Cairo University, 1975. Robert Kuang Chun Lin, of Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China; M.D. Chung Shan Medical & Dental College, of Cairo, Egypt; sity of Ottawa, Canada; B.Sc. Univer- of Toronto, 1978. 1975. Dilip K. Guha-Ray, of Baltimore, Md.; M.B.B.S. National Medical Institute University Calcutta, 1964. Helen Triol Hardy, of Chesapeake, Va.; B.S.N. Vanderbilt Suzanne Lizanich-Aro, of Adelphi, Md.; B.A. Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1975; M.A. Seton Hall University, 1976. University, 1974. Betty Lee Hillman, of San Francisco, Calif.; B.A. San Francisco State University, 1980. John Stebbins Loomis, III, of Winnetka, 111.; B.S. Stanford University, 1973; M.D. Northwestern University, 1978. Lilla Jing-Wei Huang, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; M.D. National Taiwan University, 1981. Debora Rice Hudgins, of Richmond, Dominion Va.; B.S.E.H. Old University, 1975. Robert Maurice Ingle; Jr., M.A. Susan Lydon MacRae, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Baltimore, 1973. of Tallahassee, Fla.; B.A. Flor- ida State University, 1969; New York, N.Y.; B.A. Radcliffe College, New York University, 1967; M.D. State UniNew York College of Medicine, 1977. Lyon, of 1958; versity of M.D. Washington University, Bonita Dale Malit, of Miami Beach, of Miami, 1974; M.D. University of Fla.; B.S. University Florida, 1978. 1977. Nuning Maria Kiptiyah Masjkuri, Vuruk Iyriboz, of Istanbul-Turkey, Izmir, 1958; Turkey; B.S. Robert College, M.D. Aegean University, Izmir- M.D. Gadjah Mada University, Hector Matus-Martinez, of Mexico City, Mexico; M.D. University National Autonoma de Mexico, 1977. Turkey, 1964. Mark Loomis Jacobson, University, 1974; of St. Paul, Minn.; B.A. Harvard M.D. University of Minnesota, 1978. Osie A. May, Phyllis Jones, College, 1976; cine, of Detroit, Mich.; A.B. Wellesley M.D. Stanford University School of Medi- Fallon Maylack, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hop- kins University, 1977. 1981. Carol Shannon Jordan, of Kensington, Md.; B.S.N. American University, 1976. Jerome John Karwacki, Loyola 1980. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Southern UniD.D.S. Howard University, 1976. Jr., versity, 1968; Camara of Jakarta, Indonesia; 1973. College, 1970; Jr., of M.D. Glen Gurnie, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, Jay Francis McAuliffe, of Birmingham, Mich.; A.B. Princeton University, 1971; M.D. University of Michigan, 1975. Patricia Marie McGannon, of Denver, Colo.; B.A. Loretto College, 1963; M.D. University of Nebraska, Heights 1973. — 5S — New Aerath Srikumar Menon, of University of Delhi, Delhi, India; M.B.B.S. M.D. All India 1976; Institute of Medical Sciences, 1979. Robert Warren Petzold, of Lakewood, Calif.; B.A. CaliLong Beach, 1973; M.D. Kansas University Medical School, 1976. fornia State College at Elizabeth Arlene Merchant, of Sydney, N.S., Canada; B.A. Dalhousie University, 1966; M.D., 1971. Debra Jane Pamela M. Mittelstadt, of Williamstown, Mass.; B.A. Uni- Maureen Ellen Power, Sandra Kaye Montgomery, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S.N. Uni- Eve Karin Moscicki, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Michigan State University, 1969; M.A., 1971; Sc.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Stephen Moses, of Toronto, Canada; M.D. University of Toronto, 1976. Mueller, of Dayton, Ohio; B.S. Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1972. Prasanna Nair, of Baltimore, Md.; M.B.B.S. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, 1956. Gerald Nestadt, of Baltimore, Md.; M.B., B.Ch. University of Witwatersrand Medical School, 1975. Nieburg, of Kensington, Md.; B.A. Western Reserve University, 1966; M.D., 1970. I. Joseph Awandak Nkwanyuo, of Victoria, Cameroon Republic; M.D. University of Yaounde, Cameroon, Anton ia Coello Novello, of Arlington, 1976. Va.; B.S. University B.A. Simmons John Douglas Prentice, of Nova Scotia, Canada; M.D. Dal- Mapule Frances Ramashala, of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa; B.A. University of Witwatersrand, 1961; M.A., 1964; Ed.D. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1973. Humberto Restrepo-Candelo, M.D. Uni- of Cali, Columbia; versidad del Valle, 1975. Brown University, 1975. Christopher J. Roesel, of Statesboro, Ga.; B.S. University of Georgia, 1973; M.S., 1977. Alan Joseph Romanoski, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. John Carroll University, 1972; M.D. University of Pittsburgh, 1976. Barbara Sattler, of Baltimore, Md.; more, 1981. David Gordon Schall, of B.S. University of Balti- Kansas City, Mo.; B.A. University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1977; M.D., 1977. Peter Schubarth, of Basel, Switzerland; M.D. University of Basel, 1973. of Puerto Rico, 1965; M.D., 1970. Gunta of Peabody, Mass.; Francine Diane Robbins, of Providence, R.I; A.B. Melissa Miller Munsey, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S.N. San Jose State University, 1971. Phillip Emory of Virginia, 1982. housie University, 1977. versity of Evansville, 1967. William B.A. of Charlottesville, Va.; M.D. Medical College College, 1975. versity of Massachusetts, 1977. Michael Phillips, University, 1974; Obrams, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1977; M.D. Albany Medical ColIris lege, 1977. Gary Michael Oderda, of Annapolis, Md.; Pharm.D. Uni- Dale Norman Schumacher, of Elkridge, Md.; sity of Arizona, 1964; M.D. University of Michael William Sdao, of Niagara York Maurice Louis Offen, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967; M.D. University of Mary- 1969; M.Ed., 1970. versity of Rochester, 1970; versity of California, 1972. B.S. Univer- Illinois, at Buffalo M.D. Falls, N.Y.; A.B. Uni- State University of New Medical School, 1975. Karen Ellin Weber Seaton, of Memphis, Tenn.; B.A. Memphis State University, 1971; M.S. University of Maryland, land School of Medicine, 1972. 1977. W. Oliverson, of Preston, Idaho; B.S. Utah State University, 1974; M.D. University of Utah, 1978. Forrest Susan Shanley-Cooke, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S. St. Mary's Col- lege, 1962. Emman Chuks Oyeka, of Onitsha, Nigeria; B.M., B.Ch. Flora S. Sibanda, of Zimbabwe; B.A. George Washington University, 1980. University of Nigeria, 1976. Radha N. Pathak, of Baltimore, Md.; M.B., B.S. Osmania Medical College, 1962; M.D. Osmania University, 1965. Sanya Patrachai, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.Sc. Chulalongkorn University, 1976; M.D. Chulalongkorn Medical School, 1978. Patricia Berry Pearson, of Hyde Park, Vt.; B.S. Boston Col- lege, 1969. De Bretagne, France; M.D. University of Rennes France, 1971. Pierre Michel Perrin, of Bain — 54 Denise G. Simons-Morton, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1973; M.D., 1979. Arthur Carmine Sippo, of Union City, N.J.; B.S. St. Peter's College, 1974; M.D. Vanderbilt University, 1978. Jack Willard Snyder, of Eureka, University, 1973; M.D., 1975. Wendy Kay 111.; Snyder, of Alexandria, University, 1981. B.S. Va.; Northwestern B.A. American Richard Martin Sobel, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.A. State University of New York at Binghamton, 1975; M.D. Herbert Lee Veney, of Warsaw, Va.; New Howard Univer- B.S. 1971; M.D.,' 1978. sity, York Medical College, 1980. Douglas Ralph Southard, of Warner, N.H.; Hopkins University, B.S. Sildren Josefina Vergara-Madriz, of Lagunillas-Zulia, Venezuela; B.S. College Maria Auxiliadora, 1968; M.D. Uni- The Johns versidad de Los Andes Venez, 1976. 1978. Enid Sobel Spielman, of New Boston, N.H.; B.S. Brooklyn College, 1964; M.S. Northeastern University, 1966. Robert Louis Stephenson, II, of University of Maryland, 1964. Camp Darleen Marie Vernon, of Crofton, Md.; B.A. University M.S.W. California of California, 1968; Tove Romsaas Wang, of Oslo, 1978. sity, versity of California, Berkeley, 1963. Paul Aloysius Terpeluk, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. LaSalle College, 1976; D.O. Philadelphia College Ostco. Medi- Bath University, England, 1975; M.D. University of B.A. Drew Mississippi, 1979. of San Antonio, Texas; B.S. Southern Illinois University, 1977; M.S., 1979. Modena Elizabeth Hoover Wilson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. McPherson College, 1967; M.S. Wichita State University, 1971; M.D. University of Kansas, 1976. M.D. Medical University of South Carolina, 1968. Benjamin Franklin Withers, Wayne Thorpe, 1970; N.J.; John Christopher Wilson, of Huddersfild, England; B.A. of Jackson, Miss.; B.A. Millsaps 1969; M.A. University of Southern Mississippi, Jr., Needham Joseph Thompson, versity, Pottersville, University, 1977. cine, 1980. Fred Edgar Thompson, Bruce of Juliana Tracy Weissman, of San Francisco, Calif.; B.S. Uni- David Randolph Wilson, of 1974; University Louis Martin Weiss, of Elmont, N.Y.; B.A. Lehigh Univer- of Joseph Anthony Tangrea, of Damascus, Md.; B.Sc. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 1970. College, Norway; Uppsala, Sweden, 1978. Tatsunori Suemitsu, of Tokyo, Japan; M.D. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1977. Chao-Huang Sun, of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic China; M.D. Kaohsiung Medical College, 1979. State University, 1972. Springs, Md.; B.A. of Richmond, Va.; B.A. Baylor UniM.D. University of Virginia, 1977. III, of Garfield, Ark.; M.D. University of Nebraska, 1973. W. Thorpe, of Richmond, Va.; B.S. University of Richmond, 1968; M.D. Medical College of Virginia, 1976. Marion Curtis State sity L. Woods, II. of Washington, La.; M.D. Louisiana University School of Medicine, 1976; B.S. Univer- of Southwestern Louisiana, 1981. Ulder J. Tillman, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1970; M.D. Harvard Medical School, 1975. Roderick Dale Woods, of Milwaukee, Wis.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976; M.D. The Johns Hopkins Uni- John Philip Tindall, of Kissimmee, Fla.; A.B. Duke University, 1956; M.D. Duke University, 1959. versity, 1979. Linda Helen Woodward, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Agnes Scott College, 1975. Jane Trippel, of Mishawaka, Ind.; B.S. St. Mary's College, 1970; M.D, Indiana University School of Medi- Sally B.A. cine, 1974. Pedro Santos-Burgoa Zarnecki, of Mexico City, Mexico; M.D. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1979. Carlos Nina Xing Tu, of Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China: M.D. Peking Medical College, 1958. — 5'> MASTERS OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC POLICY in The School of Advanced International Studies Owen Abdulla Al-Attiya, of Qatar; B.S. Western Michigan University, 1976; M.S.A. Central Michigan University, 1978. Nasser H. Al-Khalifa, of Qatar; Eudaldo Mirapeix, of Chevy Chase, Md.; J.D. University of Barcelona, 1965; Diploma Diplomatic School of Spain, B.A. Western Michigan University, 1977. Showqi A.A. Al-Mahmoud, of Qatar; Joseph Lustig, of McLean, Va.; B.A. Bellarmine Col- lege, 1963. 1971. B.S. University of A. Nabi Mussayeb Qatar, 1979. Abdullrahman Jassim Al-Muftah, of versity of Doha, Qatar; B. Com- Michigan, 1968. Gillian 1973. Mary Wycombe Kobsak Chutikul, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.A. Australian Perkins, of Washington, D.C.; B.Sc. High College, 1969. Anthony Ignatzio Ramuglia, National University, 1973. George Alfred Currie, of Alexandria, Va.; School of Economics, 1949. Graham Charles of Baghdad, Iraq; B.A. Uni- Diana Preuthun Page, of Reston, Va.; B.A. University of University of Cairo, 1974. Michael M. Chibba, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; B.A. York University, Mohamed, Baghdad, 1972. Evans, of Australia; B.Sc. versity of California, London of Great Falls, Va.; B.A. UniLos Angeles, 1965. John Charles Roney, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Fordham University, 1972; M.A. American University, 1974. B.A. University of Rene Rayala Ruivivar, of Quezon City, Philippines; B.A. University of the Philippines, 1968. Melbourne, 1964; M.A. 1967. Helen Ruth Freeman, of Forrest, ACT, Australia; B.Ed. University of Melbourne, 1971. Fatim-Zahra Fawzia Senoussi, of Casablanca, Morocco; B.A. Howard University, 1977. Jay Michael Houlahan, of Alexandria, Va.; B.A. Dartmouth James Dennis Spirides, of Annandale, Va.; B.A. George Washington University, 1949; M.A. 1951. College, 1961. Jo Louise Husbands, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Washington State University, 1970; PhD. University of Minne- Christine Guangya Wang, G. Alfred Kennedy, of Hillcrest Heights, Md.; B.A. University of Oregon, 1968. State University of New York Li of Beijing, China. of Shantung, China. Kwok-Pun Wong, at Buffalo, 1971. Edwin Laurent, Wang, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. College, 1972. of Shanghai, China. Guansheng Wang, Gila Kornfeld-Jacobs, of Northampton, Mass.; B.A. Bar Ilan University, Israel, 1962; M.A. Columbia University, 1964; Ph.D. Anne Stover-Romero, Mary Washington sota, 1977. of Singapore; B.S. University of Singa- pore, 1971. of St. Lucia; B.A. University of the Yeo West Indies, 1973. Hun Yoon, of Seoul, Korea; B.A. Seoul National Uni- versity, 1971. 50 MASTERS OF ARTS The in IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS School of Advanced International Studies Michael C.A. BergmeijeT, of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; B.A. Smith College, 1978; cand. hist. University of Amsterdam, Peter Bracke, of Ghent, Belgium; Lie. law Rijksuniversiteit te Rosino Salerno, of Naples, Hasan Fikret Toeman, Gent, 1980. New Milton, U.K.; B.A. University, 1979. Anthony Curran, of Galway, Ireland; B.A. University College Galway, 1971; M.A. 1975; B.L. Kings Inn Trin- Peter ity Laurea University of New York at of Ankara, Turkey; B.A. Ankara University, 1978. Jonathan Peter George Cooper, of Warwick Italy; Naples, 1976; M.A. State University of Albany, 1977. 1977. College, 1978. Alexander Daniels, of Shoeburyness, Essex, U.K.; B.A. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1979. Philip Godelieve Vandamme, Bruxelles, Belgium; Lie. law Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1980. Martin Jerome Westlake, of Wealdstone, Harrow, U.K.; B.A. University College Oxford, 1980. Boguslaw Wiecek, of Rzeszow, Poland; Jagiellon University Krakow, 1980. MASTERS OF ARTS in Taroub Nabil Abdel Hadi, University of New School of Advanced International Studies of Oswego, N.Y.; B.A. State York, Oswego, 1980. Thomas Christopher Adams, versity of The sity, of Dallas, Texas; B.A. Uni- Miami, 1978. versity, 1980. Roberto Teodoro Alvarez, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; D.L. Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, 1967; M.C.L. Georgetown University, 1976. Cynthia Joan Arnson, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Wesleyan University, 1976. sity 1980. Mohamed versite Mario Francis Alfano, of Canton, Mass.; B.A. Cornell Uni- Roger Claude Aubry, of Spencerport, N.Y.; Alexei R. Bayer, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.A. Columbia Univer- B.Sc. Univer- of Ottawa, 1979. Benazzouz, of Tangier, Morocco; Maitrise Unide Paris, 1972. Miguel Antonio Bensaude, of Lisbon, Portugal; B.A. The American University, 1979. Vahan Krikor Bezdikian, American University of of Beirut, Lebanon; B.A. The Beirut, 1978. Melanie Suzanne Bigelow, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. The George Washington University, 1979. Leonor Tannhauser Blum, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Welles ley College, 1967; M.S. Columbia University, 1968. Thomas George Bombelles, Stephen Michael Baron, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio; B.A. Oberlin College, 1979. Geoffrey Alan Basik, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1978. of Shaker Heights, Ohio; B.A. University of Michigan, 1978. Maric-Tluresc Bony, <>I Abidjan, Ivory Coast; M.E.A. University of Abidjan, 1977; D.E.A. University de Paris, 1978. Linda Gossack Bawer, of San Jose, Calif.; B.A. Stanford University, 1977; M.A. University of Wisconsin, 1978. Thomas Adam Babington Boulton, of Streatley, Berkshire, U.K.; B.A. Christ Church, Oxford University, 1980. — 57 — Lisa M. Buttenheim, of Stockbridge, Mass.; B.A. Stanford University, 1976. Garden Brett Duel, of City, N.Y.; B.A. Bucknell Univer- 1979. sity, Beatrice Marie Buyck, of Erps-Kwerps, Belgium; Lie Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1977. Stanley Alan Dionne Cliche Calloway, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Vassar Amy Dunn, of Riverside, Calif.; B.A. University of California, Los Angeles, 1977. Katheryn Dwyer, of Madison, Wise; B.A. University of Wisconsin, 1976. College, 1978. Bernard Theodore Carreau, of Far Rockaway, N.Y.; B.A. Brooklyn College, 1978. Stephen Earl Eisenbraun, of Largo, of Northern Iowa, 1969. Elizabeth Ferre Carroll, of Conway, Ark.; Farid Elias El Khazen, of Naccache, Lebanon; B.A. Southwest Missouri State University, 1980. B.A. Hendrix College, 1979. Alison Claire Noemi Cave, of Racine, Wise; B.A. Univer- of Wisconsin, 1978. sity Michael L. B.A. University Fla.; of Amherst, N.Y.; B.A. Oberlin College, Ellis, 1979. The Laurie Ellen Emrich, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Middlebury College, 1976. Michael Thomas Clark, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. Harvard Philip Charles Erquiaga, of San Diego, Calif.; B.A. Uni- Jan Gregersen Cherim, of Wallingford, Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Pa.; B.A. College, 1979. versity of California, Berkeley, 1977. Ann Peggy The George James Anthony Everard, of Ontario, Canada; B.A. Royal Military College of Canada, 1980. Md.; B.A. Michigan Richard King Fallon, of Weston, Mass.; B.A. Hampshire Clarke, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Washington University, 1979. Ora Musu Clemens, of Silver Spring, State University, 1980. David E. Clingman, of Rosemont, College, 1980. Pa.; B.A. Pennsylvania Clohesy, of Scotia, N.Y.; B.A. Trinity College, Dublin, 1977. Martin D. Finnegan, of Niles, versity, Mather Scott Cynthia Colleen Connell, of Lyme, N.H.; B.A. Dartmouth Rebecca Pendleton College, 1977. Creek, of Olympia, Wash.; B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1980. ' Simon Cruz, of West New York, N.J.; B.A. Rutgers University, 1979; M.A. University of Chicago, 1980.' ; 8 ' Ferguson Dale, of Scituate, Mass.; B.A. Middlebury College, 1978. Connecticut, 1979. „ B.A. Pomona Mary Ann French, of Washington, D.C. David Tobias Fuhrman, of ... . Cresskill, N.J.; B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980. , „,., T TT „ ^ Hall Gardner, of Wilmington, James , . ~ , Del.; . „ ^ A B.A. Colgate , University, 1977. P ines; BA " Mar Y kno11 City, Philip- College, 1977. Slty ' Beth Goldsmith Glassner, of Grafton, Wise; B.A. Oberlin D.C; B.A. Vassar Mark Edward Goebel, T , Bertrand J. Denieul, of Paris, France; Maitrise Universite de Paris II, 1979; Diplome D'Etudes Superieures Spe, cialisees, 1980. of San Francisco, Calif.; B.A. Uni- versity of Santa Clara, 1979. Andrew Nathan Goldberg, of Boston, Mass.; B.A. Bowdoin College, 1980. Olympia Marie DeRosa, of Centerreach, N.Y.; B.A. The Ruth Lynn Good, Catholic University of America, 1980. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Yale University, 1976. Liane Ren^e Dorsey, of Purchase, N.Y.; B.A. Yale Univer1978. Washington, D.C.; B.A. Con- College, 1980. „ Elizabeth Carroll Davis, of Washington, College, 1976. sity. Frailey, of Bonnie Sue Glaser, of Roslyn, N.Y.; B.A. Boston Univer- Scott Jeffrey Davidson, of Tarzana, Calif.; College, 1977. , Foster, of Salem, Ore.; B.A. Stanford Univer- 1976. Marie Lourdes Ayroso Gatmaitan, of Quezon Laureen D. Daly, of Stamford, Conn.; B.A. University of _ B.A. Northwestern Uni- necticut College, 1975. Tonya Ann „..,,.„ sity, 111.; 1980. Edi Margarita Cohen, of Bloemendaal, The Netherlands; Kandidat Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1979. Amy B.A. College of Fariel, of Brownsville, Vt.; William and Mary, 1979. State University, 1978. Thomas Matthew Thomas Peter Deborah Lynn Gott, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Mount Holyoke College, 1978. — 58 — Julie Deutsch Gottlieb, of University, 1979. Olympia Fields, 111.; B.A. Brown Young Allen Stewart Greenberg, of Santa Rosa, Calif.; B.A. Stanford University, 1979. of Geel, Belgium; Kandidat. Universitaire Antwerpen, 1977; Lie. Katholieke UniLeuven, 1980. Eddy Groenen, Sint Ignatius te versiteit Kay Alison Wilkie Guerci, of Albany, N.Y.; B.A. versity of New State Uni- York, Albany, 1979. Robert Otto Gurman, of Irvington, N.Y.; B.A. Union College, 1980. Casper, Wyo.; of Stephen John Hadley, of Philadelphia, Ala.; B.A. George- John Edward Jankowski, Georgetown University, of Arlington, Va.; Jr., University, 1977. Ann Mawr College, 1976. Reuben Jonathan-Lusack, New England of Banjul, The Gambia; of Menlo Park, Calif.; B.A. Stanford B.A. College, 1975. Michael Andrew Karie, of Detroit, Mich.; B.A. Wayne State University, 1972; M.A. Helsinki University, 1976. of Istanbul, Turkey; University of Istanbul, 1979. Kellner, of Riverdale, N.Y.; B.A. Diplome Amherst Col- lege, 1980. Conrad Kiechel, of Hoboken, Hall, B.S.F.S. 1977. Francesca Starr Jessup, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Bryn Nancy Jane Pa.; B.A., B.S. Yale Brigham B.A. University, 1980. Nazan Hidayet Karababa, William Mark Habeeb, of Birmingham, town University, 1978. Cheryl Miles Anthony Jacoby, N.J.; B.A. Columbia Uni- versity, 1978. University, 1978. V. Kirchenbauer, Oberlin College, 1976. Elizabeth Diane Baird Hallock, of London, U.K.; B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1979. George Arthur Halouzka, of versity of Ann Susan Arbor, Mich.; B.A. Uni- Michigan, 1979. Thomas Kernan Hanshaw, Washington, Kirkley, of Severna Park, Md.; B.A. Hopkins University, Noel Y. of Boylston, Mass.; B.A. Hamil- ton College, 1978. The Johns 1980. of Abidjan, Ivory Coast; Koffi, B.A. D.C.; Lie. Ivory Coast University, 1977; Maitrise, 1978. Patricia Krackov, of Visalia, Calif.; B.A. University of Cali- Craig Winslow Harden, of Greenbrook, N.J.; B.A. Harvard University, 1980. fornia, Berkeley, 1979. Georg Krulik, of Vienna, Austria; Doctorat University of Agnes M. Hardison, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. The Catholic University of Ann of Vienna, 1978; Certifkat Institut d'Etudes Politique, 1980. America, 1979. Carla Roger Knox Hardon, of Wilton, Conn.; B.A. Tufts Uni- Frederica Kruytbosch, of McLean, Va.; B.A. The American University, 1977. versity, 1980. Sandra Lei Kusumoto, of Aiea, Hawaii; B.A. Purdue Uni- May Kathleen Harrigan, of Osterville, Mass.; B.A. Boston College, 1979. versity, 1976. Mohammed Ludwig Heuse, of Hamburg, Germany; Diplome Staatl. Larbi Lalia, of Khenchela, Algeria; Lie. Univ. de Constantine, 1976; M.C.L. Georgetown University, Handels-und hohefe Handelsschule, 1979. 1979. Peter Donald Hollinshead, of Springfield, Pa.; B.A. George Washington University, 1974. The sity Torben Steen Holm, of Helsinge, Denmark; Cand. University Susan M. Hooper, of Springfield, Pa.; B.A. The Johns Hop- C. Hunter, of Highland Park, Mich.; B.A. Bryn College, 1975. Anne R.I.; B.A. The 1979. Hartzell Laurent, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Uni- Michigan, 1976. Melinda Faye Levitt, of St. Louis, Mo.; B.A. Brandeis Uni- Frank Andrews Linden, of Stuttgart, Germany; B.S. Ohio University, 1979. lege, 1980. [vie, of Joplin, dist University, Sharon Francine Cynthia Lamoriello, of Johnston, versity, 1980. Beatrice Imperiali, of Greenwich, Conn.; B.A. Boston Col- John Bradley of Winnipeg, Canada; B.A. Univer- of Manitoba, 1979. versity of kins University, 1981. Mawr Tat-Mun Lam, Georgetown University, of Aarhus, 1979. Leslie Peter Mo.; B.A. Southern Metho- 1980. P. Jackson, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of America, 1980. The Catholic Christoph Karl Lindenmann, of Papenburg, Staatsexamen Universitat Kiel, 1980. Germany; Bih-Rong Liu, of Chengdu ( — 59 — fniversity, 1979. Taipei. Taiwan; B.A. National Geoffrey Jenkins Longfellow, of Easton, Md.; B.A. Man- hattanville College, 1976. Albert Davis Lovata, of Alameda, Calif.; B.S.F.S. George- town University, David Woodruff Norland, of Washington, D.C.; Georgetown University, 1979. B.S.F.S. Diane Kathleen Norton, of Wichita, Kan.; B.A. Southern Methodist University, 1980. 1978. Laura Luftig, of Chula Vista, Calif.; B.A. University of California, Los Angeles, 1980. Dominic Kwang Ntube, of Buea-Fako, Cameroon; Diploma University of Yaounde, 1976; B.A. 1977; Law Diploma, Gail Lusby, of EDO de GTO, Mexico; Diplome Institut D'Etudes Politique de Paris, 1979. Lisette 1980. Fatima Nunez, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. Trinity Col- lege, 1980. Roman Lyniuk, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. The American William Russell Nylen, of Sunnyvale, University, 1978. sity of California, Stephen B. Maly, of Boulder, Colo.; B.A. University of Colorado, 1976. Robert Kenneth Manderscheid, of Annandale, Va.; B.A. Oberlin College, 1977. B.A. Univer- Calif.; Berkeley, 1980. Susanne Christine Oechsner, of Rottach-Egern, Germany; B.A. Ashland College, 1979. Beena A. Ollapally, of Tallahassee, Fla.; B.S. Florida State University, 1979. Barbara D. Manville, of Kansas City, Mo.; B.A. Tufts Uni- Matthew Sander Olson, versity, 1980. versity of John Anthony Marckesano, of Silver Spring, Deborah Orloff, of Huntington Georgetown University, 1980. California State University, Fresno, 1978. Christopher Kendall Mason, of Lewis and Clark College, 1973. of Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A. UniMinnesota, 1975; M.A. 1979. Md.; B.A. Milwaukie, Ore.; Valley, Pa.; B.S.F.S. B.A. Felipe Eduardo Ortiz, of Vina del Mar, Chile; Lie. Universidad Catolica, Chile, 1978. Elizabeth McCollum, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Johnson C. Smith University, 1969; M.A. University of Portia Illinois, 1971. Philip Lars Otterness, of Odessa, Texas; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1977; M.A. 1977; B.A. Cambridge University, 1979. Mark Granville McDonough, of Washington, The American University, 1977. D.C.; B.A. Robert Kimberly Marie McKeon, of Sioux Ann Ann Adelphi, Md.; B.A. Hofstra Univer- Dominic Pastore, of Stony Point, N.Y.; town University, 1980. McNall, of Los Angeles, Calif.; B.S.F.S. George- B.A. Scripps William Russell Patton, of Marion, N.C.; B.A. University of North Carolina, 1978. College, 1979. Carol Paris, of B.A. Augus- Falls, S.D.; tana College, 1980. Patricia Owen 1977. sity, McNally, of Crawford, N.J.; B.S.F.S. George- Mary Susan Pederson, town University, 1980. town University, Alan Meyers, of Manchester, George Washington University, 1977. Jeffrey N.H.; B.A. of Arlington, Va.; B.S.F.S. Goerge- 1975. The Ann Carol Peterson, of Almira, Wash,; B.A. College of William and Mary, 1974. Beatrice Berle Meyerson, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Vassar Donne College, 1952. sity Nzoko Moleka, Ellyn Pinsky, of San Marino, Calif.; B.A. Univer- of California, Berkeley, 1980. of Kinshasa, Zaire; Candit. University of Paul Marsh Pitman Liege, 1979. sity Alison Claire Moses, of Westbury, N.Y.; B.S. Georgetown University, 1972. III, Joseph Mark Pomper, of Stamford, Conn.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1976; J.D. Maria Filipinas Naldo-Fontelo, of Johnson of Santa Cruz, Calif.; B.A. Univer- of California, Santa Cruz, 1980. Tulane University, 1980. N.Y.; Yacov Ravid, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Haifa University, 1974; M.A. The Catholic University of America, 1980. Laurea University of Robert Elliot Rector, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. College of William and Mary, 1977. B.A. Wellesley Col- Proctor Page Reid, of Randolph, Vt.; B.A. Dartmouth Col- Carolyn Diane Nichols, of Spring Valley, N.Y.; B.A. State University of New York, Binghamton, 1980. Consuelo A. Ricart, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Repub- City, B.A. Gettysburg College, 1976. Loretta Napoleoni, of Rome, Rome, Italy; 1979. Catherine Nesbet, of Saratoga, Calif.; lege, 1977. lege, 1979. — CO lic; B.A. University of The Americas, 1976. Ronald Brian Richard, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. Washington Christian Young University, 1977. Marco Rimanclli, Rome, 1980. Rome, of Italy, Washington University, Italy; B.A. Menden, Idaho; B.A. Brigham Mass.; B.A. University Snyder, of Stroudsburg, Pa.; B.A. Harvard Alexander William Sokoloff, of Washington, D.C.; Georgetown University, 1980. Neil France; Diplome Edmond Spitzer, of B.S.F.S. Chatham, Mass.; B.A. Michigan State University, 1979. Donna Rae Stauffer, of Naugatuck, Conn.; Macon College, 1978. Institut Martha Joan Lois Rosenberg, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Univer- sity Falls, College, 1978. D'Etudes Politiques, 1979. Amy Numa David The George 1980. James Robert Robertson, of Spokane, Wash.; B.A. Eastern Washington University, 1980. of Twin Murray James Smith, of Medford, Laurea University of Bonar Mayo Robertson, of Georgetown, Guyana; L.L.B. University of West Indies, 1973. Rosdahl, of of Michigan, 1978. Gerald Charles Robert, of Rome, Lars W. Skeem, University, 1980. Stein, of Orinda, Calif.; B.A. B.A. Randolph- Lewis and Clark College, 1978. of Michigan, 1977. Bart Jean Lee Rosenheim, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Brown Stevens, of Kluisbergen, Belgium; Lie. Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, 1980. University, 1974. Paul Maass Sumerall, of Charlottesville, Va.; B.A. Millsaps Patrick James Rounds, of San Diego, Calif.; B.A. University of California, San Diego, 1976. College, 1976. Leo Bernard Swinderman, of Washington, D.C.; Johns Hopkins University, 1948. Leslie Carol Salama, of Flushing, N.Y.; B.A. University of B.S. The Pennsylvania, 1980. Masaru Tamamoto, of Yokohama, Japan; B.A. Brown UniSulayman B. Samba, of Banjul, The Gambia; B.A. Lewis and Clark College, 1976. Nancy Straub Savage, versity, 1980. Taraneh Tavana, of Tehran, of Los Angeles, Calif.; B.A. Stanford University, 1980. Thomas Brian Peter David Schechter, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. The sity Johns Hopkins University, 1981. lege, 1979. Lauren Whitman Titus, of Farmingdale, N.Y.; B.A. Wells College, 1980. Jack Randall Schultz, of Memphis, Tenn.; B.A. Mississippi State University, 1980. Schutte, Jr., Dennis Michael Tomes, of Santa Cruz, of sity Omaha, Neb.; B.A. Northwestern University, 1979. Gianni William Sellers, Palm Beach, Fla.; Duke B.A. Boston University, 1978. Jr., of Jacksonville, Fla.; B.A. University, 1979. University, 1980. Vera Lennea Yuki Uyehara, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of Arizona, 1977. Brent Edward Shay, of Hollis, N.Y.; B.A. Williams College, 1978. Paul Valdetaro, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. The American Uni- versity, 1979. David Bruce Shear, of Voorheesville, N.Y.; B.A. Earlham College, 1975. Romcu South Africa; B.A. Pepperdine Vanuci, of Belo Horizonte, Brazil; B.S. Faculdade de Ciencias Economicas da Universidade Catoli ca de Minas Gerais, 1977. of Flourtown, Pa.; B.A. Lafayette Hannes Floris van Wagenberg, of Princess Anne, Md.: B.A. Washington and Lee University, 1974. Shole, of Iketlo, University, 1979. Lynne Elayne Shrader, B.A. Univer- William Francis Treacy, of Wauwatosa, Wise, B.A. Cornell Catolica, 1979. Mfolwe Calif.; of California, Santa Cruz, 1979. James Joyce Townsend, of Alberto Setubal, of Sao Paulo, Brazil; B.A. Universidade College, 1978. Eric Sidgwick of Surrey, England; B.A. sity, Tesluk, of Sacramento, Calif.; B.A. Univer- of the Pacific, 1979. Cherry Teresa Thomas, of Los Angeles, Calif.; B.A. University of California, Los Angeles, 1980. Leslie Carol Schmida, of Aptos, Calif.; B.A. Occidental Col- John Paul Iran; B.A. Wellesley College, 1980. Donna Marie Walker, Wanvick Univer- lege, 1980. 1980. 61 of Demerest, N.J.; B.A. Vassar Col- Sulaiman Wasty, of Lahore, Pakistan; B.A. University of Punjab, 1971; B.S. London School of Economics, 1974. Stephen Douglas Wrage, of Erie, Samuel Robert Watson, of Raleigh, N.C.; B.A. Duke Uni- Elizabeth Longfellow Wright, of Cambridge; Mass.; B.A. Harvard College, 1979. versity, 1976. Brian D. Weese, of Falls Church, Va.; B.S.F.S. Georgetown University, 1978. Maja Charlott Wessels, of Bangor, Maine; B.A. Dartmouth College, 1980. Scott William Weyman, Georgetown University, of San Francisco, Calif.; B.S.F.S. B.A. Amherst Col- Tsuyoshi Michael Yamaguchi, of Hyogo, Japan; B.A. University of Tokyo, 1979. Leigh Ellen Yaple, of Virginia Beach, Va.; B.A. Virginia Wesleyan College, 1979. Bahar Susan Yolac, of Ankara, Turkey; Diploma University of Social Sciences, Grenoble, France, 1979. 1980. Michael Robert Whiteman, of Riggins, Idaho; B.S. College of Idaho, 1972. Jane Fields Wicker, of Chapel Pa.; lege, 1974. Hill, N.C.; B.A. University Kathleen Mary Zaffina, of sity of Michigan, 1970. Maria Dolores Zammit, of of Virginia, 1980. Ann New Arbor, Mich.; B.A. Univer- York, N.Y.; B.A. Kirkland College, 1973. Robert Edward Williams, Jr., of Odessa, Abilene Christian University, 1980. Texas; B.A. Joao M. P. Zerio, of Sao Paulo, Brazil; M.B.A. Fund. Getulio Vargas, 1974. MASTER OF SCIENCE in The IN ENGINEERING School of Medicine Kim Randal Fowler, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Missouri (Rolla) 1978. Biomedical Engineering. , Electrophysiological and Behavioral Recovery FollowRat Hippo- ing an Injection of Kainic Acid Into campus. MASTERS OF SCIENCE in The IN CLINICAL Douglas Mark Riker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. Johns Hopkins University, 1978; Biomedical Engineering. A Three-Dimensional Accelerometry System tification of Skeletal Movement. for ENGINEERING School of Medicine Quan- Elijah C. Walker, of Tacoma Park, Md.; B.S.M.E. Howard University, 1971; Biomedical Engineering. The Oscillometric Measurement of Peripheral Arterial Pressure in the Laboratory Dog. MASTERS OF ARTS in The School of Medicine Margaret Ellen Barry, of Basking Ridge, N.J.; B.A. Yale University, 1979; Art as Applied to Medicine. The Visceral Anatomy of Spheniscus Mary Elizabeth Fagan, versity of The Development San Dimas, Calif.; B.F.A. Miami University, 1978; B.A. 1979; Art as Applied to Medicine. as B.F.A. Uni- Applied to Medi- cine. Demersus, The African Blackfooted Penguin. Alan of Bridgewater, N.J.; North Carolina, 1978; Art gram on of an Audio-Visual Educational Pro- Arthritis. Elliot Branigan, of Fiber Analysis of Laryngeal Nerves. Michael Edward Leonard, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1980; Art as Applied to Medicine. Role of the Vagus Nerve and Carmella Marie Clifford, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Loyola College, 1978. Art as Applied to Medicine. the Development of the its Recurrent Branch in Ductus Arteriosus. Human Supporting Ligaments of the Globe. Thomas Xenakis, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.S. Brooklyn College New York, 1978; Art as Applied to Medicine. of the City University of Alternative Surgical Approaches to Clinical Sampling of Blood in the Rattlesnake. MASTERS OF SCIENCE in The G.W.C. Whiting Andreas Gregoriou Andreou, of Nicosia, Cyprus; Diploma of Tech. Engr. Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus, 1978; B.E. (equivalent) Council of Engineering Institutions, England, 1980. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Harry Mark Bromley, of Wheeling, W.Va.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Mathematical Sciences. IN ENGINEERING School of Engineering Matthew Galen Diaz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. David Scott Doman, of Bethel Park, Pa.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Silvio Peter Eberhardt, of Yi-Chao Chen, of Peking, Republic of China. Mechanics. Non-cylindrical Inflation of Elastic Tubes. Dipa Sarkar Choudhury, of Dacca, Bangladesh; B.Sc. Dacca University, 1975; M.Sc, 1976. Mathematical Sci- versity, 1980. Electrical Bethlehem, Pa.; B.S. Lehigh UniEngineering and Computer Sci- ence. Carl Lee Friant, of Baltimore. Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Materials Science and Engineering. ences. Demetrios Nicolaou Christodoulides, of Limassol, Cyprus; Diploma, Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus, 1979. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Laurence Gray Claggett, of Easton, Md.; B.S. Eckerd College, 1971. Mechanics and Materials Science. Ultrasonic Investigation of the Precipitation Hardening Process in 2024 Aluminum. Carol Denton Gorsuch, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, 1977. Mathematical Sciences. Model Emil Joseph Hatfalvi, of Laurel. Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Electrical Engineering and Anton Timothy Dahbura, of Hagerstown, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. David Charles Hecht. of Johnson City, Tenn.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. A Two-dimensional, Real-time, Water Quality Computer of an Estuary. — 63 — Science. of Taipei, Taiwan; B.E.S. The Johns kins University, 1981. Electrical Engineering and Yung-Lung Ho, Hop- Com- puter Science. James Lewis Hohman, ford College, 1980. Jr., of Newark, Del.; B.S. Haver- Engineering and Com- Electrical puter Science. Vitit Kantabutra, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.Eng. McGill 1979. Electrical Engineering and Computer University, Science. Rebecca Carter Quinn, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. University of Virginia, 1975. Environmental Engineering. Negatively Buoyant Surface Discharges. Edward Joseph Rapacki, Jr., of Enfield, Conn.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Mechanics. Static and Dynamic Constitutive Equations to Finite Plastic Strain for neering. Kouta, of Cairo, Egypt; B.Sc. MiliTechnical College, Cairo, 1972. Electrical Engineer- ing and Computer Taiwan B.E. Electrical Evaluation of the Radial DistribuFunction for the Characterization of Amorphous Materials. tion Dinesh Manilal Shah, of Bombay, India. Chemical Engi- neering. Mathematical Sciences. Tommy Feng-Shyang An Experimental Science. Huey-Miin Lee, of Taipei, Taiwan; B.Sc. National Taiwan Normal University, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Steel. Angela Leimkuhler Rosasco, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S. Loyola College, 1979. Materials Science and Engi- Mohammed Mahmoud tary Armor Determination of Henry's Liu, of Taiwan, Republic of China; College of Education, 1976. Law Constant and Activity Coefficient at Infinite Dilution. Provincial Steven Brian Shauck, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Electrical Engineering and Engineering and Computer Science. Hassan Mahgoub, of Cairo, Egypt. and Computer Science. Electrical Engineering Computer Science. Michael Barry Maurer, of Liverpool, N.Y. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Craig Canfield Sinclair, of Adrian, Mich. Mechanics and Materials Science. A Study of the Turbulent Interface Using Image Processing Techniques. Saleh Sanussi Mneina, of Banghazi, Libya; B.S. University of Tripoli, Libya, 1975. Electrical Engineering and Com- Adam Singer, of Great Neck, N.Y.; B.E.S. The Johns kins University, 1981. Electrical Engineering and puter Science. HopCom- puter Science. David Jonathan Naddor, of Towson, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Prasoon Tiwari, of James Joseph Pittman Tong Lai Yu, of Hong Kong; B.Sc. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, III, of Severna Park, Md.; B.S. Uni- versity of Delaware, 1977. A Environmental Engineering. New Delhi, India. Electrical Engineer- ing and Computer Science. 1981. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Hydrogeological Study of Water-bearing Units within the Upper Potomac Group in Northern Anne Edward Zmijewski, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Mathematical Sciences. Earl Arundel County, Maryland. MASTERS OF ARTS in Andrew Beattie, of Hartford, Conn.; University, 1975. Mathematical Sciences. Christopher Duke The G.W.C. Whiting B.S.E. School of Engineering Cynthia Ann Stenger, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.Sc. University of Toronto, 1979. Geography. A Ronald Gerald Fontaine, of East Hartford, Conn.; B.S. Michigan State University, 1970. Mathematical Sciences. Donald Gary Parker, of Sedgwick, Colo.; B.A. University Palynological Study of Sediments from the Chesapeake Bay Area. Virginia Stout Van University, 1977. of Colorado, 1975. Geography. Seed Dispersal of Black Willow (Salix nigra Marsh). — 64 — Siclen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Duke Mathematical Sciences. MASTERS OF ARTS in The School of Arts and Sciences Ellen White Abernathy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980. Psychology. Catherine Mary Busch, of Shreveport, La.; B.A. Centenary College of Louisiana, 1978. Psychology. Eskander Alvi, of Baltimore, Md.; Kathleen Dacca, Bangladesh, 1978. Political B.S.S. Mary Butler, of Corpus Christi, Texas; B.A. Corpus Christi State University, 1979. History. University of Economy. Reginald Dennin Butler, of Philadelphia, of Elm Grove, Wis.; B.A. Wesleyan College, 1978; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Univer- Mark Mansfield Anderson, sity, ern Washington University, 1968. German. 1981. John Caire Rosemary Arrojo, of Sao Paulo, Brazil; B.A. University of Sao Paulo, 1973; M.A. University of Essex, England, 1977. Humanities Center. College, 1980. Peter Damian Coats, of Washington University, Homestead, 1974. Someplace lege, MaryBeth B.A. Swarthmore Col- Carol of Middlesex, N.J.; Rutgers University, 1980. History of Art. Betzold, of Akron, N.Y.; B.A. George Washing- History of Art. Anne Copenhagen, of Orinda, Romance Languages. Calif.; B.A. Donna Marie A More Women and the Daytime Care of their ChilPublic Responsibility or a Private Affair? Corbett, of Marlton, N.J.; B.A. 1981. History. Perfect Representative: dency and The Johns The Jacksonian Economy. Jonathan Mitchell Cutler, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Amherst College, 1980. Earth and Planetary Sciences. English. Fanny Saul Demers, Reading Bloom: Troping Negation. versity of the Liberty, Independence versity of California, Santa Barbara, Calif.; 1978. Economy. B.A. Uni- English. Robert Victor Demicco, of Norwich. Conn.: B.A. Connec19?:?; M.A. Wesleyan University, 1977. ticut College, Eliot Michael Burka, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1979. Political Michel Demers, of Laval, Quebec, Canada; Diploma, Boisde-Boulogne College, Quebec, 1972; B.A. McGill University, 1975; M.A., 1981. Political Economy. and Autonomy. Martin Burbank, of Temple City, of Laval, Quebec, Canada; B.A. UniBosphorus, Turkey, 1975; M.B.A. McGill University, 1977. Michael Keith Briand, of Washington, D.C.; B.G.S. University of Michigan, 1974. Political Science. Jeffrey The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Psychology. Roger Lacey Blood, of Virginia Beach, Va.; B.A. University of Chicago, 1979. Presi- Its Critics. Catherine Patricia Cramer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Hjordis Bierman, of Grindsted, Denmark; Bachelor's Degree, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1967; M.A. MemPolitical Mills Hopkins University, Political Science. phis State University, 1970. B.A. College, 1977. Annette Marie Bickel, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Smith College, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. A Pa.; Chemistry. 1980. Anthony Dominic Colantuono, dren: George Else. James Vernon Coe, of Media, Peter John Bellis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Amherst College, 1977; M.A. University of Texas, Austin, 1979. English. Working B.A. Cornelia Francisca Cody, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, 1979. Writing Seminars. Md. Chemistry. Genevieve Belanger, of Outremont, Canada; B.E. Ecole Poly technique, Montreal, 1980. Physics. ton University, 1978. Fla.; History. Factors of Intermediacy in Nineteenth-Century Africa: The Case of the Issa of the Horn. Hamilton Psychology. Desiree Lee Bartlett, of Baltimore, of Fresno, Calif. Writing Seminars. Elizabeth Bobrick Carter, of Nashville, Tenn.; B.A. Marlboro College, 1976. Classics. Beginnings. of Gloversville, N.Y.; B.A. West- Night Child. Robert William Antoni, of Freeport, Bahamas; B.A. Duke University, 1981. Writing Seminars. Mary Lynn Bachner, III, Pa.; B.A. History. Faith and Planetary Sciences. Physics. 65 William Joseph Diebold, of Upper Nyack, N.Y. History of Bill of Kristine Alice Haig, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Rhode Art. Michael Donovan, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Texas at Austin, 1975. History. Economy. Political Psychology. Margaret Mary Hamilton, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univer- Eric Christian Dressier, of Swarthmore, Pa.; B.A. Oberlin College, 1977. Island, 1979. Margaret Marcus Hale, of Reisterstown, Md. Psychology. sity of Pennsylvania, 1979. Psychology. Ryan Edward George William Harrison III, of Milwaukee, Wis.; A.A. Concordia College, 1971; B.A. Marquette University, 1973; M.A. University of Wisconsin, 1975. Classics. Larry Michael Ellis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. George Washington University, 1979. History. Elizabeth Dolan Harvey, of Hanover, N.H.; College, 1979. English. Carol-Ann Emmons, of Chicago, Alexander Georg Hauptmann, of Munich, Germany; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Psychology. Droste, of Summerville, S.C.; B.S. College of Charleston, 1979. Physics. 1979. 111.; B.S. Carrol College, Psychology. Dana Yousuf Fakhru, Ann of Michigan, of Manama, Bahrain. Mathematics. Englewood Elizabeth Feder, of M. Harindra Joseph Cliffs, N.J.; Arbor, 1980. B.A. University hics Tasks. S. Theodore William Hendricks, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. St. John's College, 1977. Classics. Sciences. Michael Timothy Ferro, of Orchard Park, N.Y.; B.A. University of Rochester, 1979. Mathematics. Thomas John Comparing the Natural Language Mode of Problem Solving to a Formal Command Language Mode and a Menus Selection Mode in Simple Computer Grap- History. Fernando, of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; B.Sc. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 1978. Earth and Planetary B.A. Smith Md.; B.A. Middlebury College, 1976; M.A. University of Michigan, 1978. Fillion, of Baltimore, Robert Hershler, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1975. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Terrance Lee Hertz, of Hanover, Pa.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Psychology. Karen Ann Black Fish, of Allentown, Pa. Writing Seminars. Ice. Hilene Sue Flanzbaum of Takoma Park, Md.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1980. Writing Seminars. Nancy Joan Hirschmann, N.Y.; of Setauket, B.A. Smith College, 1978. Political Science. Consent Reconsidered: An Analysis of the Liberal Theory of Consent as the Basis for Political Obligation. The Empty Tuxedo. John Jean-Francois Paul Fourny, of Quebec, Canada; License, Universite de Provence, France, 1978; M.A., 1979. Romance Languages. Barbara Ileen Friedland, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, 1974. Public Policy. sity Mills Holder, of San Antonio, Texas; B.A. Univerof Texas at San Antonio, 1978. Political Science. Nigeria and Socialism: Ethnicity, Leadership and Politics 1945-1980. David Bruce Hon, of versity, 1979. Springfield, Va.; B.A. Columbia Uni- Physics. Congressional Redisricting in Maryland. Daniel Douglas Frye, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Idaho, 1979. Charla sity, Physics. Denise Georgette Seminars. Hritz, of Gabert, of Clayton, Mo.; B.A. 1979. Writing Seminars. Brown Univer- Departures. Humphrey, of Amherst, German. Nicolas Scott Laura Katherine Gardner, of Waynesboro, Ramona Montoya Humphrey, Pa.; B.A. Ober- at Arlington, 1979. Juliana Chacko Gonsalves, of Bombay, India; M.A. bay University, 1972. Political Economy. Bom- of Albuquerque, N.M.; B.S. Public Policy. Monitoring the Socio-Economic Impacts of the Devel- opment History. James Michael Gerding, of Framingham, Mass. Chemistry. Mass.; B.S. Indiana University, 1976. University of Idaho, 1980. History of Art. Lydia Magalhaes Garner, of Arlington, Texas; B.A. Uni- Texas Writing Chen-Min Hsu, of Chang Hwa Hsien, Taiwan; B.A. National Taiwan University, 1976. Political Economy. Hadley_Jay Garbart, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. University of South Florida, Tampa, 1979. Psychology. versity of Conn. Pocketsful of Posies. Ann lin College, 1980. Milford, of a U.S. Synthetic Fuels Industry. Susan Catherine Jones, of Signal Mountain, Tenn.; B.A. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1979. Writing Seminars. Holding Back. Joseph Jucewicz, of South River, N.J.; B.A. Connecticut College, 1976. Leadership, and the Voters' Decision: A Process— Oriented Model of Individual Vote Choice. Issues, Peter Kinnear Kafer, of Short Hills, N.J.; B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1977. History. Katrin Kandel, of Baltimore, 1974; M.S., 1976. Korea University, Celina Lin, of Hong Kong. Political The Johns Hop- Economy. Elizabeth Sandra List, of Dover, Del.; B.A. Salisbury State College, 1981. Writing Seminars. Long Physics. William Edward Klein, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Amherst College, 1976. Paul Daniel Lewis, of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. kins University, 1982. Mathematics. The Johns Lipartito, of Vineland, N.J.; B.A. University of Delaware, 1980. History. Md. German. B.S. 1982. Kenneth James Christopher Kauth, of Baltimore, Md. Political Economy. Chang-Heui Keem, of Seoul, Korea; Md.; B.A. Mathematics. Jeffrey Charles Levy, of Baltimore, Hopkins University, Political Science. History. Distance. Cheryl Eileen Lopes, of Providence, R.I. Psychology. Xing-qi Lu, of Jiangsu Province, China. Physics. David Somers Klugman, of Malibu, Calif.; B.A. Bennington College, 1981. Writing Seminars. Precipitations. Joan Rosensweig Lucco, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. Brown University, 1959; M.A. University of Chicago, 1960. Political Science. Deborah Kohl, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Representing a Constituency Group at the White House: The Case of Consumer Protection, 1962- Balti- more, 1980. Psychology. 1974. Susan Ellen Kohn, of Boston, Mass. Psychology. Lee Harold Lueking, of Oxford, Nebr.; B.A. Hastings ColSandra Jo Kolankiewicz, of Rocky River, Ohio; B.A. Ohio University, 1980. Writing Seminars. lege, 1979. Julie Cellophane. Physics. Holt Lutton, of Tulsa, Okla.; B.A. University of Tulsa, 1976. JoEllen Marie Kwiatek, of West Valley, N.Y.; B.A. Syracuse University, 1980. Writing Seminars. Between Eye and Object. Donna M. 1970. Kwilosz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Clarke College, Anne Chandler Mahon, of Cocoa Beach, Fla.; A.A. Brevard Community College, 1973; B.S. Florida State University, 1976. Psychology. John Christian Laursen, of Rockville Centre, N.Y.; B.A. Harvard University, 1973; J.D., 1977. Political Science. Three Theses About Rules. History. Margaret Waxter Maher, of Baltimore, Md. Mathematics. Chemistry. John Peter Mallamo, of State University, 1977. New York, N.Y.; B.S. Colorado Chemistry. James Bennett Mandrell, of College, 1977. Jules David Law, of Toronto, Canada; B.A. University of Beatrice Toronto, 1978. English. Prescott, Ariz.; B.A. Kalamazoo Romance Languages. Berryman Marie, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. Wayne Humanities Center. State University, 1970. Susan Elizabeth Lawrence, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Furman University, 1979. The Need Political Science. Poor in Volunteer Lawyers for Civil Legal Services for the Maryland and The Maryland Service. Kang Won land, 1977. Kathryn Ann 1974; B.S. MA. Thammasat Political Seoul National Thai- University, Economy. Lee, of Beaver Falls, Pa.; B.A. University, 1978. Bradwell Scale. Wake v. Illinois: Forest Litigation in the Web of the Nine- Mathematics. Aristotelian Perspectives in Habermas and Rawls. Seattle, Wash.; B.A. University of Washington, 1975. Political Science. The Collective Cognition of Political Leaders lowers in a Small Rural Community. Matthew Burke Lehr, of Wayne, Pa.; B.A. Yutaka Matsui, of Saitania-Kcn, Japan; M.A. Nagoya University, Women's Rights Movement. Kenneth Mark Leek, of Philosophy. University, 1979. Richard Steven Mathis, of Towson, Md.; B.A. University of Tennessee, 1979. Political Science. Political Science. teenth Century 1980. The Big Harold Ullmann Masters, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Harvard Lee, of Baltimore, Md.; University, Charles William Marvin, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. Indiana University, 1981. Writing Seminars. and Fol- Loyola College, Japan, 1978. Physics. Helaine Joyce Matz, of Baltimore, Mil.; B.A. Goucher College, 1979. Romance Languages. Demitrios Vasilios Mavrophilipos, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Chemistry. Russell Lee McCally, of Columbia, Md.; M.S. Hopkins University, — 07 — 1973. Physics. The Johns St. Lawrence Francis Scanlon, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Bran- Lawrence Thomas McDonnell, of Toronto, Canada; B.A. University of Western Ontario, 1979. History. Lawrence Francis Scanlon, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1977. Writing Seminars. Wilfred Mark McClay, of Severna Park, Md.; John's College, 1974. History. B.A. Thinking Hood Allyson Marie Mellott, of Catonsville, Md.; College, 1971. Psychology. B.A. Stephen Philip Menn, of Newton, Mass.; B.A. Hopkins University, 1982. Mathematics. The Johns of Maryland, 1976. Philosphy. Deborah Gloria Schoenfeld, of Boston, Mass.; B.A. Uni- Mitchell III, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.A. Colgate University, 1976. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Ann Shockey Morgan, of Decatur, University, 1968. versity of California, Irvine, 1980. lege, 1979. 111.; Gregory Ala.; B.A. Davidson Col- Maureen Anne Murray, of Baltimore, Md. Public An Urban Area of Analysis of Delinquency. Alice Peter Townsend of Ridgewood, N.J. History. Michael Mathematics. Pittsburgh, 1976. Psychology. Racine, Wis. Writing Frost- Constellations. Alan Bell Theis, of Bedford of Va. Adrienne Rachel Subotnik, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. University of California, 1980. Writing Seminars. Psychology. Md. History. Waynesboro, James Peter Stokes, of New Kensington, Md.; B.A. burg State College, 1977. Chemistry. Kimberly Andrea Quaid, of Linden, N.J.; B.A. Brown Uni- Kamau Thugge, Writing Seminars. Hills, N.Y.; B.S. University of Chemistry. of Nairobi, Kenya. Political Economy. Katherine Kellogg Towler, of Lansing, Mich.; B.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978. Writing Seminars. For the Movement of Seasons. Balanced on the Horizon. Sharon Lynn Richmond, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Univerof Colorado, 1965. Psychology. Robert Anthony University of Ann Rosner, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Humanities Center. Jeffrey Virzi, of Massapequa, New York B.A. State Psychology. N.Y.; at Buffalo, 1980. David Wallen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Stanford M.A. Columbia University, 1980. Ro- University, 1977; Patrick James Rushin, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Dayton, 1976; M.A. Ohio State University, 1979. Writing Seminars. It of Entr'A cte. Ray Petersen, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1980. Chemistry. Making Petersburg, Fla. Michael James Stern, of Seattle, Wash.; B.A. Sulpician Seminary of Northwest, 1969. German. Erica Beth St. Steele, Seminars. Robert Anthony Page, of Danvers, Mass.; B.A. Merrimack College, 1966; M.A. University of North Carolina, 1969; M.Ed. Harvard University, 1978. Psychology. sity Evans Stanford Romance Languages. Janet Ellen Steele, of Middle East Chwee-huay Ow, of Singapore; B.A. University of Singapore, 1969; M.S., 1976. Political Economy. Kay Reitsma-Chevako, Starr, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. University, 1978. Technical University, Turkey, 1978. Mari Light. Psychology. Economy. Gail Myers Rae, of Baltimore, Howard for Private/ Susan Elise Spear, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1971; M.U.S. Old Dominion University, 1976. Writing Seminars. Ortacgil, of Istanbul, Turkey; B.Sc. versity, 1977. Long Collecting the of Waterford, Mich.; B.A. Michigan Political A Model Public Intervention. Climate. Mary O'Connor, Ercument of Washington, D.C.; B.S. Claire Louise Skarda, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1979. Writing Seminars. Toshiro Ninomiya, of Yokohama, Japan; B.S. Waseda University, 1978. Writing University, 1975; B.A., 1977. Public Policy. Policy. Wolfgang George Natter, of Morris, Conn.; B.A. Wesleyan University, 1978. German. A Warmer Md. Solitary Confinement. Minority Business Development: State University, 1981. Classics. Baltimore, of Seagle, Sigmund Carr Shipp, German. Dawn Marie Newton, Michael Seminars. B.A. Rice Social Relations. Lloyd Woodson Moss, of Mobile, of Stations. David Carl Scharf, of Port Chester, N.Y.; B.A. University Raymond Weatheral Judith English. deis University, 1977. mance Languages. Nancy Shounan Wang, Work. University, 1975. (i8 — of Placentia, Calif.; Biology. B.S. Purdue Elizabeth Ives Webb, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Florida Atlantic University, 1978. Psychology. William Gilbert Whartenby, of Jacksonville, Ala.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Mathematics. Sandra Marie White, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.A. Rutgers University, 1979. Biophysics. of Texas at Austin, History. at Maria Soledad Zaragoza, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Miami- Dade Community sity College, 1977. Zochlinski, of Psychology. Bronx, N.Y.; B.S. Univer- of California, Berkeley, 1976. Biology. Mary Kay Antonio Yabar, of Bilbao, Spain; License, La Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, 1968; License, Universidad de Madrid, 1971; License, Universidad de Deusto, 1978. M.A. University of Texas 1974; Dallas, 1979. History. Howard Alan Michael Warren Wolfe, of Hyannis, Mass.; B.A. Boston University, 1979. Kristin Eldyss Zapalac, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Zuravleff, of Around Oklahoma City, Okla.; B.A. Rice Writing Seminars. University 1981. the Block. Social Relations. DOCTORS OF EDUCATION in Ann M. Bain, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Temple The Evening University, Barbara Woodruff Gould, of Towson, Md.; B.A. Cornell University, 1957; 1971. An College Investigation of the Arithmetical Skills of Fourth- Discriminant and Sixth-Grade Low Achieving Readers. Bannatyne M.A. Columbia University, Analysis of Categories, Selected 1958. WPPSI and Background Subtests, Variables with Respect to Early Reading. Arthur Francis Frotton, of Finksburg, Md.; B.A. Seton Hall University. 1954; M.A., 1969. A Longitudinal Study of the Predictive Validity and the Discriminative Validity of the Maryland System- atic Kathleen Joyce Steeves, of Baltimore, Md.; Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Memory as a Factor in the Dyslexic Teacher Observation Instrument. Children with M.Ed. The Computational Efficiency of High Abstract Reasoning Ability. Carole R. Vinograd-Bausell, of Towson, Md.; M.Ed. University of Delaware, 1976. The and Effectiveness of Supplemental PaReading Instruction in First Grade. Feasibility rental DOCTORS OF MUSICAL ARTS in The Peabody Conservatory of Music Michael Ian Campbell, of Macomb, Illinois; B.A. Amherst College, 1967; M.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1972. Piano. The Major Piano Works of Roger Sessions: A Style Analysis. Minger, of Towson, Maryland; B.M. Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1967; M.M. Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1969. Piano. Frederick A Style Analysis of the (1865-1935). Teresa Walters, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; B.M. University of Nebraska, 1972; M.M., 1974. Piano. Nadia Boulanger Musician and Teacher: Her Concepts and Influences. — C9 Life, Piano Works of Paul Dukas DOCTORS OF SCIENCE in The School of Hygiene and Public Health Charles Annecillo, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. Towson State University, 1967; M.A., 1971. Mental Hygiene. Impairment of Intellectual Growth Associated with Child Abuse and Recovery of Intellectual Growth Associated with Rescue from Child Abuse: IQ Change in the Syndrome of Abuse Dwarfism. Doris Storms Brenner, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Washington University, 1960; M.P.H. Yale University, 1968. International Health. Reproductive Intention, Service Implementation Subsequent Fertility in Rural Punjab. Frank Pittsburgh, 1974. Liver Cirrhosis Mortality and Selected County Characteristics. Jacqueline Alice Horton, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1974; Sc.M. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Maternal and Child Health. The Relationship Between High Intrapartum Risk and Neonatal Outcomes. md F. Chen, of Tampa, Fla.; B.S. University of Manitoba, 1963; M.S., 1964. Environmental Health Sci- Marianne Ricka Keeney Markowitz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Iowa State University, 1974; M.Ed. Towson State University, 1976. Maternal and Child Health. biologic Assays of Vitamin and Phillip in Human Howard of Radiometric Micro- B12 and Folate in Food Blood. Type of Child Care Used by Working and Non-Working with Children Less Than Six Years of Age. Women Investigation of Factors Relating to the ences. Development and Applications Hooper, of Quincy, Mass.; B.A. University of at Boston, 1972; M.P.H. University of Mental Hygiene. J. Massachusetts George Chapman Moore, of Moore, Ok.; B.A. University of Oklahoma, 1970; M.A. Cornell University, 1973. International Health. Farfel, of Baltimore, of Virginia, 1973; Md.; B.A. University M.S.W. University of Maryland, 1975. The and Cost-Effectiveness of an Outcome-Related Quality Review System for Developmentally Disabled Persons in Residential Facilities. Reliability, Validity, Spatial Organization of Health Services: and Case Study. A Theo- retical Analysis Health Services Administration. Donald Md.; B.S. University of M.S.P.H. University of Hawaii, 1972; University, 1977. Health E. Morisky, of Baltimore, Arizona, 1968; The Johns Hopkins Sc.M. Services Administration. Brian Stephen Flynn, of Shelburne, Vt.; B.A. Tufts University, 1966. Health Services Administration. Feedback of Blood Pressure Readings and AsymptoEducational Factors Influencing Adherence to Hypotensive Medication Regimens. matic Beliefs as Jeannine Marie Greenfield, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Columbia University, 1963; M.A. New York University, 1966. Maternal and Child Health. The Value of a Child: A Cost and Benefit Assessment. A Five-Year Longitudinal Study on Effects of a the Long-Term Health Education Program on Hyper- tensive Outpatients. Winnie Odessa Willis, of Pleasantville, N.J.; B.A. Jersey City State College, 1965; M.Ed. Boston University, 1970; M.S. Harvard University, 1972. Maternal and Child Health. Effect of Time of Initiation of Prenatal Care on Maternal Weight Gain and Hemoglobin Level in The Pregnancy. DOCTORS OF PUBLIC HEALTH in The School of Hygiene and Public Health Halida Hanum Akhter, of Dacca, Bangladesh; M.B.B.S. Dacca Medical College, 1968; M.C.P.S. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dacca, 1978; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Population Dynamics. Roberta Stone O'Grady, of Oakland, Calif.; B.S. Stanford 1958; M.A. New York University, 1962; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Meternal and Child Health. University, Comparing Subseque?it Birth Control Activities of Women Undergoing Induced Abortion and of Other Use of General Pediatric Health Services by Disabled Children. Family Planning Clients. Barbara K. Rimer, of Philadelphia, Michigan, 1970; M.P.H., 1973. Gani Ascobat, of Jakarta, Indonesia; M.D. University of Indonesia, 1979; M.P.H. University of Hawaii, 1978. Infor Health Services in Rural Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. versity 1967; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, Maternal and Child Health. Work, 1977. Selected Perinatal and Intrapartum Impact of Nurse-Midwives on Selected Maternal and Neonatal Health Outcomes in a Community Maternity Care Program. Factors. Sandra Eileen Services Administration. Effects of Miriam Among Gontracepting First Year of Life. Were, of Nairobi, Kenya; M.B.Ch.B. University People's International Health. Participation in Their Health Care: A Kenyan Experience. Women. Seung-Hum Yu, M.D. University of M.P.H. Harvard University, 1975. Health Felix Gutzwiller, of Basel Switzerland; of Seoul, Korea; 1970; M.P.H., 1972. Services Administration. The Role K. of Nairobi, 1973. Association of Bacterial Vaginitis and Pelvic In- 1974; Md.; M.S. The Johns Maternal and 1973; M.P.H., 1974. Determinants of Weight During the ment. Basel, of Baltimore, Child Health. Jean Ellen Cassidy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. St. Ansclms College, 1964; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1973. Maternal and Child Health. fection Seff, Hopkins University, Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring in the Workplace Using Automated Blood Pressure Measure- The 1968; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins Health Services Administration. of America, University, 1975. Robert Louis Bertera, of Newark, Del,; B.A. Fairfield University, 1968; M.P.H. University of Hawaii, 1971. Health The Ad- Irene Olivia Adelide Sandvold, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. University of Wisconsin, 1960; M.S.N. The Catholic Uni- Benedict, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Wellesley ColM.S.W. University of Maryland School of So- lege, 1961; cial Services Measuring Persuasive Healtfi Communications. Demand Iliff Health ministration. ternational Health. Mary Pa.; A.B. University of M.D. Yonsei University, International Health. Utilization of Hospital Services in and Non-Insured Patients. Government in Planning and Regulating the Composition and Distribution of the Health Labour Force in the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. of 71 - Korea by Insured DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY in Khaled Mahmoud Al-Alloush, of The Hama, School of Hygiene and Public Health Syria; B.A. Damas- cus University, 1973. Population Dynamics. Marilyn Beth Hirsch, of Great Neck, N.Y.; B.S. William Smith College, 1974. Population Dynamics. Labor Migration and Income Distribution: The Case of the Arab Region. Lundy Braun, 1968. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Skidmore College, Pathobiology. Papillomavirus Infection: Distribution in Tissues and Tissue Culture. Contraceptive Method Switching Female Adolescents, 1979. Elayne Sharon Temple Wilkes Barre, Pa.; B.S.N. M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins Kornblatt, University, University, 1977. Among American of 1972; Behavioral Sciences. Factors Associated with Mental Health Planning in Health System Agencies. Raymond Lourenco Chambers, of Canberra, A.C.T., AusUniversity of Western Australia, 1973; M.Sc. tralia; B.Sc. Australian National University, 1975. cliffe Biostatistics. Anne Koslowe, Patricia College, 1971. The Epidemiology Robust Finite Population Estimation. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. of Pyloric Stenosis in Infants. Stanley L. Lin, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Grace L. Chen, of Cockeysville, Md.; B.S. National Taiwan University, 1965; M.S. Purdue University, 1972. Hopkins University, Bio- Purification and Characterization of Human Placenta. of Neoplastic Transformation in vitro. Nathan Barry Dinces, of South Huntington, N.Y.; Tufts University, 1976. Biochemistry. of Polyoma Virus Inhibition as a Eukaryotic Ann Gulko, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. George Washington University, 1974; M.A. The University of New Mexico, 1976. Behavioral Sciences. Attendance of Psychiatric Patients in Rehabilitation Medicine Services: An Anthropological Perspective. of Boonsboro, Md.; B.S. Selective Targets for Antischistosomal Chemotherapy. Polygamy in Tanzania: Its Determinants and Effect on Fertility. Jane Jr., H-TdR and Pelad Paschal Namfua, of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania; B.Sc. Makerere University, Uganda, 1974; Sc.M. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Population Dynamics. B.S. Cloning Vehicle. Conrad J£an Heilman, 3 Christopher J. Molineaux, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1975. Pathobiology. and Somatic Genetic Aspects The Development The Johns B.A. Biophysics. DNase VII from Brian David Crawford, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1976. Biochemistry. Cellular 1974. Neoplastic Transformation by of Growth by Interferon. chemistry. Rad- Epidemiology. Kenneth Riegelman, of Columbia, Md.; M.D. University of Wisconsin, 1973; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. Epidemiology. Richard An of Utilization of in a Health Prepaid William Robert Taylor, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1978. Environmental Health Sciences. C.W. Long Island University, 1973; M.S. UniverPennsylvania, 1974. Pathobiology. Epidemiological Study Maintenance and Primary Care Services Health Plan. Coronary Artery Pressure-Flow Relationships. Post College, sity of Antigenic and Structural Analysis of Herpes Simplex Virus Proteins p40 and p80. Hector Hernandez-llamas, of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico; B.Sc. Universidad National Autononia de Mexico, 1973. Biostatistics. The Expansion Estimator Bruce William Thompson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Missouri, 1975. Biostatistics. Dose Response Models for Chemical Carcinogens, an Interaction Between Statistics and Toxicology. Elizabeth Marie Wagner, of Manitowoc, Wis.; B.S. Beloit College, 1976. in Two Stage Sampling. Environmental Health Sciences. Hydrostatic Determinants of Cerebral Blood Flow. — 72 — DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY in The School of Advanced International Studies Erick Erickson, of Provo, Utah; B.A. Brigham versity, 1974; M.A., 1976. Young Uni- The Making of Finland's Postwar International Position: 1944-1948. William Bruce Garrett, of Fairfax, Va.; B.S. United States Naval Academy, 1959; M.S. The George Washington University, 1969. Arms Transfers, Congress, and Foreign Policy. Case of Latin America, 1967-1976. The Chigbo Ofong, of Uwani, Enugu, Nigeria; B.A. State University of New York, Buffalo, 1975; M.A. School of Advanced International Studies, 1978. Trade Unionism in Nigeria: and Socioeconomic Analysis. Political An Historical DOCTORS OF MEDICINE in The School of Medicine Michael B. Albert, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Susan Beth Bressler, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.A. Smith College, 1978. Joseph Michael Arcidi, of Concord, Mass.; B.S. Boston Jr., College, 1978. Robert Louis Brooks, of Sharpsburg, Md.; M.S. University of Robert Wellesley Bailey; ' r _ , of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.S. Uni- II, _ ' . ' ' ' of East Brunswick, N.J.; B.A. Steven Arthur Becker, of Chatsworth, Calif., B.S. University of California (Irvine) 1978. , 1975. PhD . 1978 . . , \ versity of Pennsylvania, 1978. Andrew Douglas Beamer, Duke University 1977 Mary i andj t, A/f A d ., Ari c ., TT Myles Avery Brown, ofc Bethesda, Md.; „ B.S. xale Umverr , 197g Nancy Lee Carteron-D'Antonio, of Alexandria, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1974. Elliot L. Chaikof, of Va.; B.A. Toronto, Canada; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Ivor James Emmanuel Benjamin, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.A. Hunter College, 1978. Md, Richard Gordon Bennett, of Baltimore, mouth A.B. Dart- College, 1978. John Conrad Bernstein, of Baltimore, Md.; A.B. Harvard Eric William Bligard, of Thousand Oaks, Calif.; B.A. Johns Bonnie K. Boyer, of Louisville, Ky.; B.S. Eastern B.S. New Coo P er ' of Havcrtown Pa . -= ScB Brown Uni " - - Jeffrey Cooper, of Louisville, Ky.; A.B. Cornell Uni- 1978. Leonard Nicholas Cupo, of Jersey City, N.J.; B.S. St. Peter's College, 1978. Purdue Univer- 1978. Nancy Patricia Dalos, of Richland, Wish.; B.A. University of Washington, 1978. Neil Michael Bressler, of Tenafly, N.J.; B.S. University of Michigan, 1978. Mark - = " J ohn Allen versity, 1979. James Duane Bowen, of Portales, N.M.; Mexico University, 1978. sity, J*" versit y> ,977 College, 1976. Hopkins University, °™ Steven Roger Cohen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Illinois Innolo Sy- 1969 PhD ^ola University of ChlCag°' 1974 Chi V. Dang, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. University of Michigan, 1975; Ph.D. Georgetown University, 1978. — 73 — David Paul Dempsher, of Wayne, and Lee University, 1975. Pa.; B.S. Washington Edward Norman Hughes, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., Sc.B. Brown University, 1974; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univer- Charles Lawrence Diana, of Melrose, Mass.; A.B. Harvard Lowell Frank Inhorn, of Madison, Wis.; B.S. University of Wisconsin, 1978. College, 1978. ,, „ . Mark ,., . . Stevens Dias, of Martinez, Calif.; B.S. University of California (Davis), 1978. William Daniel Jackson, of Englewood, Colo.; A.B. Dart- mouth David Michael of Glendale, Calif.; Diffley, B.S. College, 1976. Stanford Stuart Jeffrey University, 1978. Janofsky, Hopkins University, Robert W. Dubois, of Beverly Hills, College 1978 Calif.; Baltimore, of Md.; B.A. Johns 1979. A.B. Harvard Kenneth Harold Jesser, of Wilmette, 111.; B.S. University of Illinois, 1978. Allen E. Eskenazi, of Elkins Park, Pa.; B.S. Haverford Colge iQ7Q /0 , r . T r „ Camp r , ^ nc Lee Johnson, of .„„»„. „ Springs, Md.; B.A. University . " of Arizona, 1978. ' Edward John Farmlett, of Laconia, N.H.; B.A. University of Maine, 1978. of Minnesota, 1978. Rruce . . M Ka]ow N of Wyckoff> t BSE . . Princ eton Uni- versity, 1978. Charles Williams Flexner, of Nashville, Tenn.; B.S. Stanford University, 1978. Un R j f Chicago, 111.; B.S. University of Chicago, 1978. Alison Gail Freifeld, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. Wellesley Col- Andrea Fran Katz, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; B.A. Wellesley Col- lege, 1978. lege, 1978. Paul Christopher Freiman, of Pleasantville, N.Y.; B.S. Yale Todd Clifford West Hempstead, N.Y.; B.A. Uni- Katz, of versity of Pennsylvania, 1978. University, 1978. Abram Charles Jchnsori> of Gunnison, Colo.; B.A. UniverRochestei 1978 sity of David Gregory Fine, of Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A. University Mark Gabriel, of Philadelphia, Pa.; A.B. Harvard Col- Robert Anthony Kolarczyk, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.A. Canisius College, 1978. lege, 1977. John Diedrich Ganssle, of Los Angeles, versity of Southern California, 1978. William Thomas Gerson, of Storrs, Calif.; B.S. Uni- Conn.; A.B. Harvard University, 1978. Heidi Lei §h Kolberg, of Fargo, N.Dak.; B.A. University of North Dakota, 1979; B.S. University of North Dakota School of Medicine, 1980. Richard Alan Koup, of Pickens, S.C.; B.S., M.S. University of Connecticut, 1978. Mark Richard Gilbert, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Johns kins Universitv Mils univcisiiy, i1979 j iv. Hop- „, Krempasanka, Edward,,,.,, Michael v , r of ,• „ n „ c Reading Pa.; B.S. ai Al- OTQ College, l1978. bright r-„n„„„ i_;„i,* Daniel Richard Glor, of Holland, N.Y.; A.B. Harvard Col lege, 1978. David A. Krusch, of Union, N.J.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Richard John Goccia, of Lambertville, N.J.; B.A. Johns Hopkms University, 1979. i Robert Richard Goodman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1976. sity, R.I.; B.A. Yale Univer- 1978. Gutstein, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; B.A. Johns 1979. Hopkins University, Donald D. Hales, of Salt Jane Lazcnby of Opelika, , Lake City, Utah.; B.A. Johns Hop- kins University, 1979. Ala.; B.S. Davidson Col- 197g Norman Elliott Lep or, of San Diego, Calif:; B.S. University of California (Los Angeles) Roger Allan Graham, of Warwick, Howard Bruce Aud , 1978. Hart Gedaliel Wool Lidov, of Poughquag, N.Y., B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1974. Ronald William Luethke, of Fall Branch, Tenn.; B.A. Uni- versity of Tennessee, 1978. Donald Mun Bun Lum, of Honolulu, Hawaii; B.S. Stan- ford University, 1978. Md.; B.A. Harold Leslie Manning, of Williamsville, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Peter Stephen Hersh, of Maplewood, N.J.; A.B. Princeton University, 1978. David Franklin Martin, of Moorestown, N.J.; A.B. Dart- Frederik Christian Hansen Brown III, of Baltimore, University, 1978. mouth — 74 — College, 1978. Peter John McDonnell III, of Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.; A.B. Dartmouth College, 1978. Harvey Scrota, of Dix Jan Marie Menefee, of International Swarthmore College, 1978. Francis Charles Sheng, of Beverly Hills, Calif.; B.A. Uni- Falls, Minn.; B.A. versity of California Gail Jeanne Mick, of Staten Island, N.Y.; B.A. Johns kins University, 1978. Grace Yei Minamoto, of East Northport, N.Y.; University of New York (Stony Brook), 1978. Hop- B.S. State Robert Francis (Los Angeles) 1978. , Siliciano, of Elmira, N.Y.; A.B. Princeton University, 1974. Jeffrey Paul stitute of Jack Ellis Moseley, Jr., of Grand Forks, N.Dak.; B.A. Abilene University, 1975; B.S. University of North Da- B.A. Johns Hopkins N.Y.; Hills, University, 1979. Snow, of Everett, Mass.; B.S. Massachusetts InTechnology, 1978. Niel Fisher Starksen, of Downey, Calif.; B.S. University of California (Irvine) 1978. , kota, 1980. Dorothea Jean Mostello, of Newark, Georgetown N.J., B.S. Donn Paul Stephan, of Cincinnati, B.A. Cornell Ohio; University, 1978. University, 1978. George William Niedt, of St. Dartmouth Louis, Mo.; A.B. College, 1978. Marcus F. Stoddard, of Baltimore, Md.; A.B. College of The Holy Cross, 1978. George Chapman Olive, Jr., of Neosho, Mo.; B.A. University of Missouri (Columbia), 1978. Gregg Whitney Stone, of Shaker Heights, Ohio; Max Endel Ranea, Sweden; B.A. Johns Hopkins R. Scott Strahlman, of Baltimore, Md.; A.B. Harvard Col- Johns Hop- Stuart James Swiedler, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.S. State University of New York (Albany) 1977. Ots, of Drew Mark Pardoll, of Elizabeth, N.J.; B.A. kins University, 1976. of Athens, Ga.; Patel, B.S. Uni- Michigan, 1978. lege, 1978. University, 1978. Arun versity of B.S. , University of Georgia, James Enlou Tcheng, of Fort Thomas, Ky.; sity of 1978. Roger James Pomerantz, of Hopkins University, 1979. Scarsdale, N.Y.; B.A. Johns David Alexander Potter, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S. Univer- Cincinnati, 1978. Dennis Sunil Thakor, of Bismarck, N. Dak.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Sandra Elaine Tong, of Potomac, Md.; Institute of Technology, 1978. B.S. Massachusetts 1978. Arthur Nathan Wang, of Staten Island, N.Y.; A.B. Cornell Nicholas Rajacich, of Easton, Md.; B.A. Brown University, University, 1978. 1978. Robert Alan Weisgrau, of Suffern, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hop- Hum Jeffrey Reese, of Palos Verdes, Calif.; Hopkins University, B.A. Johns kins University, 1979. 1979. Louis Martin Weiss, of Elmont, N.Y.; B.A. Lehigh Univer- Mary Anne Reilly, ofTuckahoe, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hopkins 1979. sity, University, 1978. Raymond Reyes, of Fresno, Calif.; B.A. University of California (Santa Cruz), 1976. Gregory Hugh Young Rienholf, liams College, 1975. Glenn Allen Weitzman, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. versity of New York (Stony Brook) 1978. Rodney Erwin Willoughby, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; Thorn William Rooke, of Trenton, Mich.; B.A. Wil- State Uni- , Jr., of Hillsborough, Calif.; A.B. Princeton University, 1977. Robert Patrick Wills, of Greeley, Colo., B.A. Johns HopB.S. University kins University, 1977. of Michigan, 1978. Stephen Lawrence Rose, of Houston, Texas; B.A. Vanderbilt Jr., of Glen Ridge, N.J.; B.A. Am- herst College, 1977. University, 1978. Harry Charles Sax, of Canton, Ohio; B.A. Northwestern David A. Wojtasek, of Fair Lawn, N.J.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. University, 1978. Donald Furstman Schwarz, of Dover, John Ryder Wittpenn, N.J.; A.B. Brown University, 1977. Peter Joseph Senatore, Jr., of Baldwin, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Julia Graydon Wood, of Villanova, Pa.; B.A. Brown Uni- versity, 1973. Ray Wyman, <>f Rancho Pomona College, 1978. Michael B.A. Palos Verdes, Calif.; Martin Andrew Yahiro, of Covina, of California Calif.; B.S. University Paul Michael Yen, of Newton Highlands, Mass.; B.A. Samuel Pai-Sun Yang, Am- herst College, 1978. (Irvine), 1978. of Concord, Calif., B.A. Johns Hop- Richard Charles Yocum, of Baltimore, Md.; A.B. Dart- mouth kins University, 1977. College, 1978. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY in The School of Medicine Stephen Howard Bryant, of Richmond Va.; B.A. University of Virginia, 1976; Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology The Crystallographic Refinement of Guinea Pig IgGl pFcf Fragment at 3.125 Angstroms Resolution. (St. Louis) , the of Mono- B.S. Univer- Iowa, 1968; Biomedical Engineering. of Aminoglycoside Interaction Pharmacokinetics and Bacterial Population Kinetics in a Chemostat. Linda Lai-Ming Mak, of Kowloon, Hong Kong; B.S. University of Wisconsin (Madison), 1974; Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. cular Activity. David Paul Dempsher, of Wayne, Pa.; B.S. Washington and Lee University, 1975; Biomedical Engineering. Transport Illicit Aminoglycosides in Escherichia of Coli. On the Control of Cortisol Secretion in Response to and Hemorrhage in the Conscious ACTH Joan C. Marini, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A., B.S. Brown University, 1974; M.D Johns Hopkins University, 1978; Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology— Physiologi- Dog. Robert Richard Goodman, of Schenectady, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1976; Pharmacology and Ex- cal Chemistry. Anomalous Behavior perimental Therapeutics. DNA of Kinetoplast Restriction Fragments. Multiple Opiate Receptors Radioligand Binding and in vitro Autoradiographic Studies. Mary Hrapchak Nunnally, University John Allan Hanover, of Tulsa, Okla.; and Development James Alvan Longstreth, of Baltimore, Md.; 1974; Physiology. Relation of Single-Cell Activity of the Primate Putamen to Direction of Movement or Pattern of Mus- Studies Distribution aminergic Afferents to Immature Rodent Neocortex. sity of Michael D. Crutcher, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Missouri Hart Gedaliel Wool Lidov, of Poughquag, N.Y.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1974; Cell Biology and Anatomy. Program— Biophysics. B.S. The University istry, 1976; Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Program— Physiological Chemistry. Transmembrane Assembly of Membrane and Secretory of Tulsa, of California and Cellular, of Canoga Park, at Berkeley, Molecular Calif.; 1974; A.B. Biochem- Biology—Physiological Chemistry. Biology Actin-Filamin Gelation: A Cytoplasmic Consistency. Model for Regulation of Glycoproteins. Drew Mark Pardoll, of Elizabeth, N.J.; B.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1976; Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology— Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- Daniel F. Hanson, of West Hartford, Conn.; B.A. University of Virginia, 1972; M.S. University of Connecticut, 1974; Molecular Biology and Genetics. Fever, peutics. The Role Endogenous Pyrogens and the Immune System. of the Nuclear Matrix in the Organization and Control Ralph James Jensen, of Long Beach, sity of Calif.; B.S. Univer- Gregory Southern California, 1976; Physiology. of Ganglion and Amacrine Cells of the Turtle Retina: Intracellular Recording and Staining. of Eukaryotic DNA Replication. Raymond California Reyes, of Fresno, Calif.; B.A. University (Santa Cruz), 1976; Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. The Morphological and Biochemical Transforming Regions of Herpes Simplex Viruses Types 1 and 2. Michael Laposata, of Johnstown, Pa.; B.S. Bucknell University, 1974; M.D. Johns Hopkins University, 1981; Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology— Molecular Lester William Schultheis, Johns Biology and Genetics. Hopkins Jr., University, of Catonsville, Md.; B.E.S. 1976; Biomedical Engi- neering. Disruption of Confluent Endothelial Cell Monolayers in vitro by Thrombin and Histamine. Cross-Axis Plasticity of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex in the Cat. 76 — Patricia Siuta-Mangano, of Yonkers, N.Y.; University, 1975; Biochemistry, Cellular, B.S. Fordham and Molecular Sandra Louise Watt, of N. Low Versailles, Pa.; B.A. Clarion Biochemistry, Cellular, and Mole- 1975; cular Biology— Physiological Chemistry. Biology— Physiological Chemistry. Synthesis, Processing, Assembly, College, State and Secretion of Very Purification and Partial Low Characterization of a Factor from Molecular Weight Angiogenesis Walker 256 Rat Carcinoma. Density Lipoprotein in Chick Liver Cells. the DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY in The G.W.C. Whiting Robert Gerald Marshalek, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Electrical Engineering Derrick Job Coleman, of Portland, Oreg.; B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1975. Geography. and Computer An Examination of Bankfull Discharge Frequency in Relation to Floodplain Formation. Tunneling Junctions. Nakamura, of Tokyo, Japan; Shinji Multiobjective Design of Transportation Networks. versity, 1966; M.S., 1969; versity, Robin Ann Dubin, of Dallas, Texas; B.A. Case Western Reserve University, 1975. Geography. Residential Location Decisions of Single Science. Photoresponse of Thin-film Nickel-Nickel Oxide-Nickel John Richard Current, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. DePauw University, 1969. Environmental Engineering. Worker School of Engineering 1977. M.S.E. B.S. Gakushuin Uni- The Johns Hopkins Uni- Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- ence. Lower Bounds and Product Designs and Multiple Families. for Concentrators. George Applegate Reigeluth, of New Haven, Conn.; B.A. Williams College, 1971; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Uni- Robert Edward Glaser, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975; M.S.E., 1977 .Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. versity School of Advanced International Studies, 1973. Geography. Municipal Reform Upsets in Microprocessor Controllers. in Birmingham, England: 1873- 1876. Donald Steven Graham, of Richmond Hill, Ontario; B.A. Robert Michael Summers, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Environmental Engi- McGill University, 1971. Environmental Engineering. Design Criteria for Pipeline Crossings: Evaluation of Current Practice and Proposed Tractive Force Numerical Model. Priscilla Ann Ward Kingman, neering. The Design of Dredged Spoil Containment Basins Using Mass Sediment Properties. of Baltimore, Md.; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1963. Materials Science and Engineering. Arthur Bruce Weissman, of Elizabeth, N.J.; B.A. Harvard University, 1970; M.F.S. Yale University, 1975. Geography. X-ray Topography of Shock Loaded Copper Crystals. Environmental Change from the Perspectives of Aesthetics and Geomorphology. Nezameddin Mahdavi-Amiri, of Shahi, Iran; B.S. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, M.S.E. 1973; M.S. Pennsylvania State The Johns Hopkins University, University, 1978. 1976; Jeffrey Mathema- Regan Wright, of Spokane, Wash.; B.A. University of Washington, 1975; M.S.E., 1977. Environmental Engi- tical Sciences. neering. Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares and Generating Test Problems for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization: Algorithmic Approach. A 77 Multiobjective Approach to Land Acquisition. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY in Maria-Viktoria Abricka, of Baltimore, The Md. School of Arts and Sciences Alethia Classics. Transcending the Mortal: The Philosopher in Plato's Phadeo. Leonard Ahl, of Shinglehouse, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1974. Biophysics. Patrick Chromophore Rotations within the Purple Membrane. Ida Louise Altman, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of Michigan, 1971; M.A. University of Texas at Austin, 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. History. Cdceres. Morgan State Biosynthetic Studies of Nocardicin A. Charles Valentine Carnegie, of Kingston, Jamaica; Cornell University, 1975. Anthropology. Human Maneuver, Option-building, and Trade: Essay on Caribbean Social Organization. Robert Edward Cashon, of Celina, Texas; B.S. B.A. An Midwestern Biology. The Malate Dehydrogenase Isozymes and Allozymes of Fundulus Heteroclitus. William Wilton Anthony III, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Colby College, 1971; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Univer1975. of Halsboro, N.C.; B.S. M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976; Chemistry. 1980. University, 1974. Emigrants, Returnees and Society in Sixteenth-Century sity, Mae Brown, College, German. The Narration of teenth Century the Marvelous in the Late Eigh- James Paul Castracane, of Clarence, N.Y.; B.S. Canisius College, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Physics. Grazing German Marchen. Incidents EUV Study of the Alcator Tokamaks. Steven Allen Atkin, of Paterson, N.J.; B.A. Wittenberg University, 1970; M.Sc. University of Washington, 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Magmatic History, Alteration and Mineralization the Clayton Peak Stock, Utah. of Bakul Chattopadhyay Banerjee, of Merrut, U.P., India; B.A. University of Calcutta, 1967; M.S. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Interpretation of Earth's Gravity Field. Katherine Stern Brennan, of New Mount York, N.Y.; B.A. Holyoke College, 1974; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. History. Culture and Dependencies: The Society of the Letters of Caen from 1652 to 1705. Thomas Edward Brennan, Men of Austin, 1979. Psychology. The Relationship Between Self-Ratings and Peer Ratings of Personality Characteristics: Aggregation, Moderator Variables, and the Validity of Personality Tests. Thomas Daniel Connolly, of Chicago, State University, 1973. 111.; B.A. California Biology. Binding Properties of the Rabbit Hepatic LectinStudies Using the Isolated Lectin and Intact Rabbit Hepatocytes. Catherine Patricia Cramer, of San Marino, Calif.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976; M.A., 1982. Psychology. Early Experience and Later Spatial Learning. Washington, D.C.; B.A. Catholic University of America, 1975; M.A. The Johns of Hopkins University, 1977. History. Cabarets and Laboring Class Communities in Eigh- June K. Bronfenbrenner, of Durham, N.C.; B.A. New College, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Chemistry. Rearrangements: Shift in a Rigid System. John Linforth versus San Francisco, Hydrogen B.S. Massa- Biology. Reed Way Dasenbrock, University, 1974; of Detroit, Mich.; B.A. McGill M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, English. Literary Vorticism: Painting thetic of — 78 Calif.; Characterization and Isolation of the Fc Receptor on Peritoneal Macrophages of the Guinea Pig. 1979. Phenyl Daiss, of chusetts Institute of Technology, 1974. teenth-Century Paris. Carbene Jonathan Mansfield Cheek, of Burke, Va.; B.A. George Washington University, 1975; M.A. University of Texas, and the Modernist AesEzra Pound. Wyndham Lewis and Robert Victor Demicco, of Norwich, Conn.; B.A. Connecti- John Michael Gardner, M.A. Wesleyan University, 1977; M.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Earth and Plane- cut College, 1973; I 'he tary Sciences. Comparative Sedimentology of an Ancient Carbonate Platform the Upper Cambrian Conocochegue Limestone, Central Appalachians. William Craig Diamond, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Uni- Receptor and Fibroneclin. Walter Peer Glannon, of Manchester, N.H.; B.A. Duke University, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Romance Languages. The Development M.A. University of Iowa, 1973; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. History. Public Identity in Restoration England: From Prophetic to Economic. versity of Chicago, 1970; cuse University, 1973. Urchin Sea in Mark Richard Dynarski, versity College at tisan Gene Heterogeneity. Sequence the H4-H2B Spacer. 1976. From Neutral Components to University, 1977. Unit Charge- Sachlichkeit 1928-1930. and the German War Novel from Cynthia Jean Hahn, of Chester. N.J.; B.S. University State University, 1973; Tectum 1976. Narrative and Liturgy in the Earliest Illustrated Lives of the Saints: Hanover, Niedersachsische Landesbibliothek, Ms. 189. John Couch Haltiwanger, Jr.. of Bethesda, Md.: University, 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Psychology. Learning by Rats. 1981. Roberto Paolo Franzosi, of Genoa, Italy. Social Relations. Strikes in Italy in the Postwar Period. Anne Fuhrman, of Westbury, N.Y. Biology. B-Lymphocyte Priming in the Development of tory Immunity. B.A. Pennsylvania Pa.; M.A. University of Chicago, History of Art. of Stephen Bruce Fountain, of Texarkana, Texas; B.A. Baylor University, 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Serial Pattern German. Neue Biophysics. Electrophysiological Investigation of the the Mudpuppy, Necturus Maculosus. 111.; B.A. Texas Christian M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Daryl Lee Gustalson, of Moline, Salts. An University, Shifting Point of View in Manzoni's I Promessi University, 1972; John David Ferchak, of East Orange, 1979. Par- to Sposi. of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.S. Saint Joseph's M.A. The Johns Hopkins of Scranton, 1965. Resistance M.A. The Johns Hopkins Romance Languages. The Transfer Organizational Futility? Realignment. of Pittsburgh, 1973; Structural Characteristics of Organic Charge-Transfer Salts: Political Clareece Gedeist Godt, of Indiana, Pa.; M.A. University Chemistry. 1979. 1976. munity, 1900-1930. The Johns ment. 1977; The B.A. N.J.; David Harold Glassberg. of Philadelphia. Pa.; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. History. American Civic Pageantry and the Image of the Com- of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.A. State Uni- Hopkins University, 1981. Political Economy. The Economics of Community: Theory and Measure- College, Ethics. Science. Petersburg, Fla.; B.S. Syra- Geneseo, N.Y., 1977; M.A. Thomas James Emge, Unamuno's Biology. Histone Polymorphism St. of John Henry Glascock, of Bound Brook, Johns Hopkins University, 1965; M.A., Electoral Robert John Donnelly, of Cheyenne, Wyo. Biology. of the Biosynthesis and Expression in Plasma Membrane and Extracellular Matrix of Myogenic Cells in Vitro: Studies on the Acetylcholine Glycoprotein B.S. Brown University, Political Econoniv. Implicit Contract Theory: A Reexamination and John William Harris. Jr.. of Atlanta. Ga.: B.S. in Humanities and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1976. History. Juliet Secre- A Slaveholding Republic: Augusta's Hinterlands Janet sity, Re- formulation. Lynn Furman, be- fore the Civil War. of Houston, Texas; B.A. Rice UniverM.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Economy. 1976; Political Responses hood F.u.i Uncertainty in the Market for Neighbor- Hauser, of Hollins College, Va. Anthro- Ethnicity and Class Consciousness in a Polish American Community, Characteristics. Christopher Ingebreth Fynsk, of Wilmington, Del.; B.A. Cornell University, 1974; M.A. University of California, Irvine, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University 1980. Romance Languages. The Krystyna pology. to David Calvin Hendrickson, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; B \. Colorado College, 1976: M.A. The fohns Hopkins University, 1981. Political Science. Imperial Policy, Theory of Imperialism. British Cast of Heidegger's Thought, 1927-19-17. 7!) I7t<<> 1765 : I Study in the Mitchell Kent Hobish, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.A. University of Rochester, B.A. Tulane University, 1974. 1971; Biology. Thermodynamic Characterization of 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate Binding to Human Hemoglobin A . Ann Hoffmann, of Rockville Centre, N.Y.; B.A. University of New York at Buffalo, 1975; M.A. The Kathryn State Johns Hopkins University, 1980. The Economy Marc Robert under the Reign of Louis XIV. Richard Frederick Conrado Holman, of Burlingame, Calif.; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Physics. SO[14] as a Grand Unified Theory. York, N.Y.; B.A. Bucknell Biology. On the Quantitation of Populations of by Electron Microscopy. B.S. The Concept of Enjoyment Jeremy Robert Trower Lewis, of Dartmouth, England; B.A. Keble College, University of Oxford, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Political Science. Freedom The of Information: versity, 1975. (Psy- chology) Pennsylvania State University, 1976; B.S. (Biology) , 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. of Forest Park, Spatial Properties 111.; Milford, Conn.; B.A. Speaker: The Pragmatics of Epideictic Rhetoric in Speeches of Racine and Bossuet. B.A. University of The Johns Hopkins New Romance Languages. Cornell University, 1973. The Delaware, 1977; M.A. 1979. Psychology. National Taiwan Uni- Geometric Quantization of Particles with Isotopic Spin. Theories of Personality Scale Validity. Mary Anne Johnson, British Experience. B.S. Mathematics. Richard Davidge Lockwood, of Psychology. Molecules Philosophy. Enbing Lin, of Taipei, Taiwan; John Anthony Johnson, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; DNA Howard Leonard Lehman, of Newark, N.J.; B.A. Pace College, 1968; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. Romance Languages. of Satire: Literary Polemics New Krauss, of University, 1974. Silent University, West Indies; B.A. Cave Hill Campus, BarThe Johns Hopkins University, 1976. Michael Louis, of Castries, of Chromatic Mechanisms University of the bados, 1973; M.A. the in Peripheral Retina. West St. Lucia, Indies, History. Amy Beth Kaplan, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. An Equal Right to the Soil: The Rise of a Peasantry in St. Lucia, 1838-1900. English. Realism Against Itself: The Urban Fictions of Twain, Eve Lubalin, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Syracuse Univer- Howells, Dreiser, and Dos Possos. Paul M.S. Karabinos, of Joliet, necticut, 1975; 1979. Earth B.S. University of Con- John Peter Mallamo, sity, /. Elizabeth Karwan, of Plainfield, N.J.; B.A. Cornell University, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, History. The LeCornier Legacy: Three Generations and an Chemistry. Carbon-Carbon Bond Formations: Michael-MichaelRing Closure Reactions. II. Asymmetric Induction during Conjugate Additions: Utility of Sulfur for Asymmetric Synthesis. Richard Edmund Manrow, of Sunnyhead, Calif.; B.S. Creighton University, 1970; M.S. California State University, San Diego, 1973. Biology. Dictyostelium discoideum Uridine Diphosphoglucose Pyrophosphorylase: Partial Purification and Rena- Political Science. ERISA Amid Changing 1981. New York, N.Y.; B.S. Colorado M.A. The Johns Hopkins Univer- In- Old-Regime Rouen. Beverly Marya Klimkowsky, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Kirkland College, 1975; M.P.A. Syracuse University, 1977. Assessing of State University, 1977; Nan stitution in Ambition and Senatorial Behavior: The on the Behavior of Incumbent of Ambition Politicians. Sciences. Deformation and Metamorphism and Cambrian and Precambrian Rocks on the East Limb of the Green Mountains Anticlinorium near Jamaica, Vermont. 1977. Political Science. Impact M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, and Planetary 1966. sity, Presidential 111.; Expectations. turation in Polyacrylamide Gels. Diane Kay Koester, of Aurora, N.Y.; B.A. Valparaiso University, 1970; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1972. German. Techniques of Character Portrayal in the German Novel of the Eighteenth Century: Schnabel, von Loen, Gellert, Wieland, LaRoche. Donald William Koran, of Long Beach, Calif.; B.A. University of Texas at Austin, 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Political Economy. The Welfare Katharine Eisaman Maus, of Rochester, N.Y.; B.A. Cornell University, 1978. 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, English Ben Jonson and the Roman Frame of Mind. Gary Wray McDonogh, of Louisville, Ky.; B.A. Yale University, 1973; M.A. University of Toronto, 1975. Anthropology. Good Effects of Airline Fare Deregulation. trial 80- Families: A Barcelona. Social History of Power in Indus- Edward Kirby Mclntyre, Jr., College of the Holy Cross, New of 1975; Bedford, Mass.; B.A. M.A. The Johns Hop- versity in Collisions. Keith Hollis McKenney, of Rockville, A Md. coli. James Hart Merrell, of Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A. Lawrence University, 1975; M.A The Johns Hopkins University, New Women III, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.A. of the Bahama-Type Shelf Carbonates of the Middle Ordovician St. Paul Group of the Central Appalachians. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Trinity M.A. The Johns Hopkins Univer- sponse to Pregnancy and Child-birth. Thomas Waid Regulation through Monocyclic Phosphorylation /'Dephosphorylation Cascade Systems. Karen Angelyn Nolan, of Providence, R.I.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University. Joan M. Roemer, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. Clarkson College of Technology, 1974; M.S., 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Psychology. Learning Performance and Attitudes as a Function of the Reading Grade Level of a Computer-Presented Tutorial. Shigeru Sakonju, of Tokyo, Japan; B.A. Columbia Union College, 1972. Biology. of a Control Region that Directs the Initiation of Transcription of the Xenopus 5S RiboGene and Its Interaction with a Specific somal Identification A Com- The Richly Sown of Riccardo Salvati Manni, of Tivoli, Italy; Certificate (Equivalent to B.E.S. degree) Universita de Roma, Italy, 1979. Mathematics. On Three Essays on Semiology von Hardenberg Field: Writings RNA Transcription Factor. William Arctander O'Brien, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Cornell University, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Humanities Center. the Relations. Modeling the Development of Women's Self-Evalua- Psychology. Lexical Access for Visually Presented Words: parison of Direct-Access and Search Models. in Columbus, Ohio; B.S. Ohio State M.A. University of Akron, 1977. So- Reilly, of 1973; tion in the Parental Role. and the Develop- of Motivational Processes. Emily Beth Shacter Noiman, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, College Park, 1975. Biology. 1980. cial Psychology. Lateral Hypothalamic Stimulation ment The Psychological Perspectives of Child-bearing: The Relationship between Personality and Attitude Variables and Type of Obstetrical Care-taker to Maternal Re- University, 1981. B.A. Limon, Costa Rica. The Comparative Sedimentology sity, N.Y.; Conformity and Dissension: Social Inequality, Values and Mobility among West Indian Migrants in Colgate University, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Earth and Planetary Sciences. College, Conn., 1972; an Afro-American Society. in Cynthia Sherrill Rand, of Fayetteville, N.C.; M.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Psychology. Mitchell Timothy Hayes Moran, York, 1750-1800. Trevor Washington Purcell, of Brooklyn, Brooklyn College, 1975. Anthropology. World: The Catawba Indians of Carolina, 1650-1800. Raymond Weatheral New Boston Mass.; B.A. Radcliffe College, 1965. Anthropology. History. Natives in a Houghton Sally Price, of Biology. Vector System for the Molecular Analysis of Transcription Initiation and Termination in Escherichia 1979. Pointer, of Tulsa, Okla.; B.A. M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Seedbed of American Pluralism: The Impact of Di- Search for Unusual States in Relativislic Heavy Ion A Wayne College, 1977; History. Physics. kins University, 1977. Richard the Not Identically Zero Nullwerte of Jacobians of Odd Characteristics. Thela Functions with Friedrich (Novalis). Kathleen O'Neill, of San Antonio, Texas; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Observations Vertically-Propagating, of Trapped Waves in the The Regulation of Marsh Plants. Equatorially- Western Indian Ocean. Pronab Sen, of 1972: Cynthia Newell Oliver, of Worcester, Mass. Biology. Robert lessen Owens, Mary Barber Schwarzbeck, of Shadyside, Md.; B.A. Yassar College, 1971. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Below-Ground Interactions Among Rhizomes of Salt Glutamine Synthetase Degradation. B.A. University of Illinois, 1969; M.A. Lincoln Christian Seminary. 1973; M.Div., 1973. Near Eastern Studies. Jr., of Springfield, The Genesis and Exodus MB. A. New Delhi, India; B.A. University of Delhi. George Washington University, 1974; M.A. Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Political Economy. The Inf>ut\ and the White Signor III, of Davis. Calif.; B.A. University Imported Theory of Currency Devalua- tions. 111.; Citations of Aphrahat the Philip of Rochester, 1972; 1979. Persian Sage. Earth ami Planetary Sciences. Shell — 81 — M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Form mid Function in Turritelliform Gastropods. Bruce Miller Simonson. of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Wesleyan University, 1972. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sarah Elizabeth Thomas, of Palo Alto, Calif.; B.A. Smith College, 1970; M.S. Simmons College, 1973; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. German. Sedimcntology of Prccambrian Iron-formations with Spcaal Reference to the Sokoman Formation and Associated Deposits of Northeastern Canada. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Anton Kippenberg of the Insel-Verlag: A Case Study of Author-Publisher Relations. M. Jeanne Sholl Smith, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.S. Bucknell University, 1967; M.S. Idaho State University, 1978; M.A. Daniel Barrett Thorp, of Rocky Mount, N.C.; B.A. Davidson College, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins University, 1980. Psychology. Are Cognitive Maps Like Real Maps? Daniel Snydacker, of Chicago, Jr., 111.; Carolina. 1978. Clinton DcWitt Van Siclen, of Houston, Texas; B.A. Vanderbilt University, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins History. Traders in Exile: Newport in the Quakers and Jews of New York and Neiv World Economy, 1650-1776. University, 1979. Harold Anthony Weaver, Physics. X-ray Variability of BL Duke Lacertae Objects. 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Economy. University, versity, 1976. 1977. 1975; Jr., of Charleston, S.C.; B.S. M.A. The Johns Hopkins Uni- Physics. Ultraviolet Spectra of Comets Observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite Obser- Borwornsri Chirarattananon Somboonpanya, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.Econ. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, tical Physics. Radiative Interference Effects and Crystal Field Splitting for Ions in Crystals. William Albert Snyder, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.S. Marshall University, 1969; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. History. Moravian Colonization of Wachovia, 1753-1772: The Maintenance of Community in Late Colonial North B.A. Oberlin Col- M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975; lege, 1979. vatory. Poli- Finite-Sample Properties of System Estimators of Structural Coefficients in a Classical Model. B.S. York College York, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Chemistry. Robert Steven Steneck, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. BaldwinWallace College, 1973; M.S. University of Maine at Orono, 1978. Earth and Planetary Sciences. William Herbert Wilson, Jr., of Sanford, N.C.; B.S. University of North Carolina, 1975. Earth and Planetary Adaptive Trend Crustose in Kenneth Wilkowski, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; of the City University of Purine-Metal Interactions. Sciences. Ecology and Evolution of Algae (Rhodophypa, Coralli- the Coralline New On the Nature of Density-Dependent Processes Marine Infaunal Communities. naceae.) in Kanok Wongtrangan, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.S. Chulalongkorn University, 1975. Political Science. John Stoeckert, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1975. Biophysics. Christian Communist Revolutionary Process: A Study Communist Party of Thailand. Platinum Atom Labeling and the Determination of the Histone Protein Positions within the Nucleosome. Geometry of the Snake River Range, IdahoWyoming, Thrust Belt. Structural Chemistry. Mott Transition Complexes, and Part 1: Part II: Resistance (Fc x P^B i: Mn^) the Nicholas Brugger Woodward, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Cornell University. 1970; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979. Earth and Planetary Sciences. James Peter Stokes, of New Kensington, Md.; B.A. Frostburg State College, 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. of Organic Charge-Transfer in Minima Al r 6 in Marilyn Wyatt, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Cornell University, 1975; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Humanities Center. Amorphous Doubletalk: Author-Reader Relations in Defoe, CreOliver Theodore Strand, of Kettering, Ohio; University, 1974; 1977. Physics. A B.S. Ohio M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Study of Impurities on the ment Using Extreme Tandem Mirror billon, Saleh Younes, of Cairo, Egypt; B.A. American University in Cairo, 1969; M.A. Bryn Mawr College, 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. Romance Experi- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Languages. Maupassant Alan Bell Theis. of Bedford Hills. N.Y.; B.S. University of Pittsburgh, 1976; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. and Moritz. Mona 'politique' ou le plaisir de conter. Laurie Lynne Zylman, of Sheboygan, Wis.; B.A. Calvin College, 1969; M.A. Northwestern University, 1970. German. Chemistry. Stereochemical Consequences of Reactions Occurring in the Late Stages of Cephalosporin C Biosynthesis. The Hesperus Fiction. 82 of Jean Paul: Aspects of India in his THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY • BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21218 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR July 15, 1982 For those who use the Commencement Program as an official record of the awarding of degrees, please note the following changes to the 1982 Commencement Program: 1. 2. 3. Bachelor of Arts Degrees Add: Lawrence Brian Wolfe, of Needham, Mass Delete: John Richard Brett-Smith Nancy Nai-Hun Chang Michael Christopher Hays Alexander John Lesko Arthur G. Levy Mollie Meredith Marshall Gary Royston Martin Rafael Hernandez Mayoral Bachelor of Engineering Science Degrees (Engineering) Robert Edward Blake, of New Orleans, La. Harry Mark Bromley, of Wheeling, W.Va. Delete: Kenneth Ezra Dworkin Bachelor of Arts Degrees Delete: 5. Stephen Philip Menn Ann Gage Merchant Miles Robert MaryAnn Stephens David Matthew Stewart Warren Scot Tanz Ralph S. Truitt Julia Ann Young Change: Change: 4. (Arts and Sciences) Eric D. Kirsch (Engineering) James Theodore Bradshaw, of Old Hickory, Tenn. Jacob Larry Gordon, of Baltimore, Md. Barry Caplan Gregory Michael Doudnikoff Bachelor of Music Degrees Sang Ok Choi, of Seoul, Korea. Delete: Jennifer Marian Rende Associate of Arts Degrees (change from B.E.S.) (change from B.E.S. Michael Eric Morrill Anthony Joseph Santoro (The Peabody Conservatory of Music) Add: Delete: (change from Engineering B.A.) (change from Engineering B.A.) Piano. (The Evening College) Ronald Christian Klimt ) -2- 6. Delete: 7. Dean Thomas Harrison David Simeon Messer Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degrees Delete: 8. (The Evening College) Bachelor of Science Degrees Ross Allan Lindman (The Evening College) Master of Science Degrees Add: (The Evening College) Boris Phillip de Souza, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Capitol Institute of Technology, 1978. Computer Science. Anne Antonia Eaton, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Western Michigan University, 1967. Education. Charles Carlton Grempler, of Severna Park, Md.; B.S. Capitol Institute of Technology, 1978. Computer Science. Deborah Michele Molitor Ray, of Naples, Fla.; B.S.N. Gwynedd-Mercy College, 1974. Education. Delete: 9. Master of Liberal Arts Degrees Add: 10. 11. (The Evening College) Robert Vincent Walsh, of Baltimore, Md . ; B.A. Manhattan College, 1943. (The Evening College) Add: Mohammed Abdul Ghani, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Osmania University, 1965; B.E. 1968, Delete: Patricia Anne Boisvert Nicolas James Markakis Master of Music Degrees (The Peabody Conservatory of Music) (The Peabody Conservatory of Music) Edith Hirshtal Nahas Master of Health Science Degrees Delete: Cecelia Coltrane Petro Mark A. Cromer Artist Diploma Delete: 13. Jane Marie Larivee Darrell Bruce Mclndoe Lola Lott Minor Master of Administrative Science Degrees Delete: 12. Daniel Alan Acton James Lloyd Albert Jay Rowley Baker Albert Hamburger Donnay Stephen Lawrence Kistner Kenneth Truett Lang Janice Blucher Outen (The School of Hygiene and Public Health) Susan Keri Shochet Martha Nicely Sigg Merry lin S. Zaw-Mon -3- 14. Master of Public Health Degrees Delete: 15. William H. Chickering Joseph Awandak Nkwanyuo Master of International Public Policy Degrees (School of Advanced International Studies) Add: Yahya A. Al-Shaykh, of U.A.E.; B.A.P.A. American University of Beirut, 1978. Delete: Nasser H. Al-Khalifa Michael M. Chibba Correction: 16. (The School of Hygiene and Public Health) Fatim-Zahra Fawzia Senoussi should be Fatim-Zahra Labidi Senoussi Master of Arts Degrees Add: Kobsak Chutikul George Alfred Currie (The School of Advanced International Studies) Ann Frances Blain, of Clifton Park, N.Y.; B.A. State University of New York, Binghamton, 1979. Catherine E. Dolan of Shawnee Mission, Kans.; B.A. Drake University, 1979. Lee Vincent Doren, of Rome, N.Y.; B.A. State University of New York, Buffalo, 1979, Tracey Sawyer Ehrlich, of Greenville, S.C.; B.A. Vanderbilt University, 1978. Blaine Alan Gibson, of Carmel, Calif.; B.A. University of Oregon, 1979. Jennifer Johnson, of Milwaukee, Wis.; B.A. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1979. Remigius Jurenas, of Waterville, Maine; B.A. University of Maine, 1973. Mary Enid Marks, of Tallahassee, Fla.; B.A. Smith College, 1978. Leonard Nihan, Jr., of North Andover, Mass.; B.A. Amherst College, 1977; M.A. Columbia University, 1979. Evelyn Webster Ofong, of Wichita Falls, Texas; B.A. Midwestern University, 1973. Mark Scott Oliver, of Valencia, Pa.; B.A. Antioch College, 1976. Spyros Papas, of Limassol, Cyprus; B.Sc. Queen Mary College, 1978. Ilya Prizel, of Baltimore, Md. B.A. Brooklyn College, M.S.W. University of Maryland, 1977. ; Karin Susanne Rindal , of Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A. St. 1973; Olaf College, 1977. Margaret Jean Shilliday, of Advance, N.C.; B.A. University of North Carolina, Gary Rung Yu Shing, of Kowloon, Hong Kong; B.S. University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, 1972; M.A. Marquette University, 1974. Paul Oken Sivley, of Walla Walla, Wash.; B.A. Utah State University, 1979. 1474, -4- Master of Arts Degrees, SMS (con't.) Joan Wilmarth, of Claremont, N.H.; B.A. Bryn Mawr College, 1976. Terence Francis Winsor, of Kingston, Ontario, Canada; B.Sc. Queens University, 1977 Thomas Durell Young, of Lakewood, Calif.; B.A. California State University, Long Beach, 1977. Delete: Thomas Christopher Adams Mohamed Benazzouz Miguel Antonio Bensaude Melanie Suzanne Bigelow Lisa M. Buttenheim Alison Claire Noemi Cave Michael Thomas Clark Scott Jeffrey Davidson Elizabeth Carroll Davis Olympia Marie DeRosa Liane Renee Dorsey Stephen Earl Eisenbraun Farid Elias El Khazen Laurie Ellen Emrich James Anthony Everard Rebecca Pendleton Frailey David Tobias Fuhrman Cheryl Ann Hall Agnes M. Hardison Torben Steen Holm John Bradley Ivie Sharon P. Jackson Miles Anthony Jacoby Francesca Starr Jessup Michael Andrew Karie Noel Y. Koffi Patricia Krackov Carla Frederica Kruytbosch Master of Science in Engineering Degrees Delete: (Arts and Sciences) Eskander Alvi Doctor of Philosophy Degrees Change: (Engineering) Saleh Sanussi Mneina Master of Arts Degrees Delete: Mohammed Larbi Lalia Geoffrey Jenkins Longfellow Albert Davis Lovata Christopher Kendall Mason Kimberly Marie McKeon Jeffrey Alan Meyers Maria Filipinas Naldo Fontelo Dominic Kwang Ntube Beena A. Ollapally Carol Ann Peterson Yacov Ravid Robert Elliot Rector Consuelo A. Ricart James Robert Robertson Lars Rosdahl Sulayman B. Samba Alberto Setubal Mfolwe Shole Eric Sidgwick Christian W. Skeem Leo Bernard Swinderman Masaru Tamamoto Cherry Teresa Thomas Dennis Michael Tomes Romeu Vanuci Donna Marie Walker Samuel Robert Watson Kathleen Mary Zaffina Arthur Bruce Weissman Christopher Kauth (Arts and Sciences) . (change from Doctor of Philosophy-Engineering
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