Vol. 1 Section 2 Meeting Notification
Vol. 1 Section 2 Meeting Notification
North Houston Highway Improvement Project Meeting Notification Cooperating Agency Meeting • Notification by Mail Participating Agency Meeting • Notification by Mail Public Meeting Legal Notice • Houston Chronicle (October 15 and November 4, 2013) • La Voz (October 13 and November 3, 2013) • Defender (October 17 and November 7, 2013) Electronic Notifications • TxDOT Twitter Announcement • TxDOT Facebook Announcement • TxDOT Website Announcement • IH45NorthAndMore.com Announcement • TxDOT Email Announcement with Mailing List Notifications by Mail • Letter to Elected Officials • Postcard and Mailing Lists Messaging Sign • Dynamic messaging sign placed by TxDOT Area Office on November 14 & 19, 2013. Related Newspaper and Newsletter Articles • I-45 Coalition – October 21, 2013 • Northeast News – November 05, 2013 • Yourhoustonnews.com – November 8, 2013 • Yourhoustonnews.com – November 11, 2013 • Blog.chron.com – November 12, 2013 • Offthekuff.com – November 14, 2013 • Houston Chronicle – November 14, 2013 • ABC13.com – November 14, 2013 • KUHF – November 2013 • H-GAC Vision – November 2013 • Chron.com – January 14, 2014 (comment period extension) Agency Meetings ~ I Texas Department of Transportation® P.O. BOX 1386 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1386 • (713) 802-5000 October 11, 2013 «Salutation» «FirstName» «LastName•• «Organization•• «Department•• «Addr1» «City••, «ST» «Zip•• Harris County North Houston Highway Improvement Project Environmental Impact Statement Control 0500-03-554 (formerly 0912-00-146) Dear Name «Salutation•• «LastName»: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will hold a meeting for participating agencies for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. TxDOT and FHWA are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this project, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects to the human and natural environment that may occur from the construction and operation of proposed transportation improvements in the project area. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of 1-45 and Beltway 8 North, a distance of approximately 16 miles. The study area includes portions of 1-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North; and 1-610 and Beltway 8 North between 1-45 and Hardy Toll Road. Additional information is available on the project website: www.IH45northandmore.com. If your agency has not yet formally agreed to be a participating agency, we extend this invitation to become a participating agency with FHWA and TxDOT in the development of the EIS for the proposed project. This designation does not imply that your agency either supports the proposal or has any special expertise with respect to the evaluation of the project. Pursuant to Section 6002 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), participating agencies are responsible for identifying, as early as possible, any issues of concern regarding the project's potential environmental or socioeconomic impacts that could substantially delay or prevent an agency from granting a permit or other approval that is needed for the project. We suggest your agency's role in the development of the above project should include the following as they relate to your area of expertise: 1. Provide meaningful and early input on defining the proposed project's need and purpose, determining the range of alternatives to be considered, and the methods and level of detail required in alternatives analysis. 2. Participate in coordination meetings and joint field reviews, as appropriate. 3. Timely review and comment on the pre-draft or pre-final environmental documents to reflect the views and concerns of your agency on the adequacy of the document, alternatives considered, and the anticipated impacts and mitigation. OUR GOALS MAINTAIN A SAFE SYSTEM • ADDRESS CONGESTION • CONNECT TEXAS COMMUNITIES • BEST IN CLASS STATE AGENCY An Equal Opportunity Employer NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Cooperating and Participating Agency Notification by Mail Type Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal County State State State State State State Cooperating/Participating Salutation First Name Last Name Cooperating, Participating Cooperating, Participating Cooperating, Participating Cooperating, Participating Cooperating, Participating Cooperating, Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Mr. Ms. Col. Capt. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ron Edith Richard P. James H. Laura George Carter Rebecca Donna Mark John J. Jeffrey Curry Erfling Pannell Whitehead Wallace Greanias Smith Hensley Phillips Wolfe Tintera Davis Agency Title US Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator US Fish and Wildlife Service Fish & Wildlife Biologist US Army Corps of Engineers US Coast Guard District Engineer Commander Federal Transit Administration, Region 6 Community Planner METRO President & CEO Department Region 6 Galveston District Houston-Galveston Sector 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, 6RA Dallas 17629 El Camino Real, Suite 211 Houston P.O. Box 1229 Galveston 9640 Clinton Dr. State TX TX ZIP Phone No. 75202214-665-2100 2733 77058 E-mail [email protected] 281-286-8282 [email protected] Houston TX TX 77553409-766-3059 1229 77029 [email protected] 713-671-5100 N/A TX 76102 817-978-0575 [email protected] Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. Regional Director Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Area Director Texas Historical Commission Division Director Texas General Land Office City 819 Taylor Street, Room 8A36 Fort Worth P.O. Box 61429 Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. Executive Director Texas Railroad Commission Address 4200 Smith School Road Science & Policy Resources Archeology P.O. Box 12276 P.O. Box 12967 La Porte Field Office Austin Dickinson TX TX TX 77251713-739-4000 1429 78744512-389-4802 3291 77539 [email protected] [email protected] 281-534-0108 [email protected] Coastal and East Texas 5425 Polk St., Ste. H Executive Director Field Office Director 1502 FM 517 East Houston 11811 N. D. Street Houston Austin Austin LaPorte TX TX TX TX 77023713-767-3659 1452 78711512-463-5863 2276 78711512-463-7068 2967 77571 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 281-470-1191 [email protected] State Participating Ms. Tara Mealy Texas General Land Office Biologist 11812 N. D. Street LaPorte TX 77572 281-470-1192 [email protected] County County County Regional City Local Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. John R. Peter Mike Alan C. Marlene Robert Blount, P.E. Harris County Key Talbot Clark Gafrick Eury Director Harris County Toll Road Authority Director Harris County Flood Control District Director Houston-Galveston Area Council Transportation & Air Quality Manager/MPO Director City of Houston Director Houston Downtown Management District Architecture & Engineering Div. 1001 Preston, 7th Floor Houston TX 77002 713-386-4877 [email protected] 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 832-601-7800 N/A 9900 Northwest Freeway Houston TX 77092 713-684-4000 [email protected] Executive Director P.O. Box 22777 Planning & Development 611 Walker St, 6th Fl. Houston Houston TX TX 77227713-993-4585 2777 77002 [email protected] 713-837-7701 [email protected] 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 Houston TX 77010 713.650.3022 [email protected] Public Meeting Legal Notice Page 1 . Hou~m.~"r.!1l0nicle -----------------~~---- 125861443 AECOM GROUP Oct 15 2013 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF HARRIS: Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas; on this day personally appeared I the Newspaper Representative at the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in Harris County, Texas and generally circulated in the Counties of: HARRIS, TRINTY, WALKER, GRIMES, POLK, SAN JACINTO, WASHINGTON; MONTGOMERY, LIBERTY, AUSTIN, WALLER; CHAMBERS, COLORADO, BRAZORIA, FORT BEND, GALVESTON, WHARTON, ~ACKSON, and MATAGORDA and that the publication, of which the annexed herein, or attached to, is a true and correct copy, was published to-wit: 25861443 41921003 AECOM GROUP RAN A LEGAL NOTICE SIZE BEING: 1 X 131 L product date class hc Oct 15 2013 1245.0 NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVE Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the 16th. Day of October A.D. 2013 810 I Tuesday. october 15.2013 I Houston Chronicle LEGI\L NOTICES PUBUC MEEnMG NOTICE NOJmt HOUSTON HtGHWAY ItAPflOVWENT ~~as Department of TranSPOrtation (TxDOn, 1n cooperation with the fedNal Highway AdmilJ" istration. will hold public • the North Ho pr way ject. pr the n er 1m The are from ange of US 59 and SH 2M to the Inter change of HS and Belt" way'S NQrth. The study area lncludes portions of j.l0, US 59, and Stl 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy iol! Road frnm north of downto 'wit HOUS ton to Beltway 8 (BW 6) North; and I GIG and SW 8 North between 1-45 and Hardy Toll Rood. 1)(DOT 15 preparing an En vironmental Impact Statement (EIS). in aCcor· dan~ with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze poten tial direct, Indirect. and cumulative effects to th!! human and natural erM mnment that may OCfOr from the constructiOn and operation of pro posed transportationJm provements In the prOject ~ identical public meetings will be held as follows: NOV. 14, 2013 at Aldlne Ninth Grade ScllOOI. 10650 North free way, tfovston, Hi and Nov. 19, 2()13 at MIetSoo Davis High School. lHH Quitman St., HOuston 1X. fhe meetings wlll be held In an openhoose format from 5:30 O.m. to l;30p.fT\. The RLlTpose of the public meetll1)is IS to present in formation about, and re celve publlC feedback, on, reasonable altematM!S fur hlQhway improve· ments rn the North HQlJ5 ton corridor: the alterna tives evaluation J)f~S; and how community feedback has been incor· porated in the planning O(Ocess. A short video regarding theproject can be viewed dUring the meeting.. Maps of the study area and ex· hibits shoWing reason' able alternatives and the study process will be on dlspf~, Pr0j'ect team members wi! be avail· ab~to answerquestl0.ns. The same illformatloo will be pr€Sented at both meetings, After the meet~ Ings, the information pre sented will be avaIlab!e for review ami reproduc tion on the project web site wwwJU45Northand MMacoor. and at the lX DOT Houst()fl District Of· fice, 16(1) Washington !w enue, Houston, Texas 11007 1which lsopetl Mon day tnrough frroay from a.m. t() 5:00 p.JtL. ex cluding state 'hOlIday§' Meetinl:l materials willl>e 8:00 in Engllsl1 wjiliSW'lt:ma· t~rials ai'so in Spanish. Spanish-speaking project team members will be available to talk with $paOJSIl·speaklng attensi MS, Persons Interested In attending the .meeting who l1ave spcaal com municatiOn or accommo· datron needs are eticour ase:d to oontaet TxDOT's District Public Informa tion Office at all) 802 5072 by' Nov. 12,2013, Tx· ~OT WJ!I make every (ea sortable effort to accom modate ~ial needs, For more information, visit WVIYf.fH45Northand MMe.com Written comments re garding the project: will be accepted at tile meet· i~s: on the project web site www.lH45NbrthartO More.ccm; by mail to Di rector of PtQlect Develop ment. Texas De artment (if T P.O, Box 1 Texas n251~ ail Page 1 125878271 AECOM GROUP Nov 04 2013 AFFIDAVIT OF Hou~~,.li!N0niCle ~UBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS; COUNTY OF HARRIS; Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary ~blic in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared, the Newspaper Representative at the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in Harris County, Texas and generally circulated in the Counties of; HARRIS, TRINTY, WALKER, GRIMES, ~OLK, SAN JACINTO, WASHINGTON, MONTGOMERY, LIBERTY, AUSTIN, WALLER, CHAMBERS, COLORADO, BRAZORIA, FORT BEND, GALVESTON, WHARTON, JACKSON, and MATAGORDA and that the publication, of which the annexed herein, or attached to, is a true and correct copy, was published to-wit; AECOM GROU~ 25878271 41921003 RAN A LEGAL NOTICE SIZE BEING: 1 X 131 product hc NEWSPA~ER L date Nov 4 2013 class 1245.0 REPRESENTATIVE Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the 5th Day of November A.D. 2013 Notary Public in and BlO I Monday, November 4, 2013 I Houston Chr0!J-ic)e lEGAL NOTICES Pagel [25861343 AECOM GROUP Oct 132013 Houston Chronicle ClASSIREDS ,,,.,; AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF HARRIS: Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared, the Ne\tlspaper 'Representative at the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in Harris County, Texas and generally circulated in the Counties of: HAIUUS, TRINTY, WALKER, GRIMES, POLK, S1>.N JACINTO, WASHINGTON, MONTGOMERY, LIBERTY, AUSTIN; WALLER, CHAMJ3ERS, COLORADO, BRAZOJUA, FORT BEND, GALVESTON, WARTON, JACi(sO'N, and MATAGORDA and that the publication, of which the annexed herein, Or attached to, is a true and correct copy, was published to-wit: AECOM GROUP 2;;8.61343 .41921003 RAN A LEGAL NOTICE SIZE BEING: 1 X 151 j, product date class Iv Oct 13 2013 1245,0 ~ ~~ ..... NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVE Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the 14th Day of October A,D. 2013 Notary Public - _ . - - - - - - - - - - _......_-------- V 32 LA VOZ DE HOUSTON 1245 ANUNCIOS ~tOAl£S DOMINGO 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2013 lln breve video sobre el proyecto se podra vct' du fante!a reunion. Los rna pas de Ia lona del estudlo YCxPQsiciones que mues· tran las altemativas ra· ztmables 'I el pr~SO de ' estudl(j /.!Staran en ex· hibicl6n, los. miembros del eQuiPO dei preyetto estaran dlsllOi\jbles para contestar preguntas. La mis-rna informacl6n serA presentada en ambas re unioocs. Despues de las reooiom;!s la mforruaclGn presentada mara dilt Ilonlble para su revisi6tly ta reproi:iycd6n ell la pa. g'Ula web del proyecto WWY/,IH45NorthandMore .com. y en la oficina de h OOT en eI Oistrito de Houston, 7600 wastdng ton Avenue, HOUston, Texas nOO1, Que esta abi· erta de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 de la mal'lana a 5:00 de la tarde. excluy· enda los elfas festiV05 es· ....,... Materiales de la re;Jnion sera en ingles, con al gunos materiales en es PMoL 1..0$ miembros del e<!uipo que hablan eli' pailo! estarM dis IXInibtes para ilabrar con los asiStet\tes que hablan eSjallot las personas In teresadas en asistir a la reunion que tienO:n necesidades de alo· Jamiooto 0 l'1eeesidades espeeiates de comunj· cacl6n se les recomjen dan contnctar a la Of/cina de Informaci6n PUblica del Distrito de TxDOT aI (713) 802-5072 antes del 1200 Noviembre del 2013. TxOOT ham. todos tos es fuerzos l"3.lMab[e,s para acomodar las necesidades espedales. Plra mas Informaci6n, vlsite www.1H45Nor1:ftand Mm'!.COr'n. Los comentarios escritos aceptados en las re uniones:en la p4git'la web sobre e! proyecto se~fl del proyccto www,IH45 Northi'lfldMore.com' ~pqr cOntlO al Director Of PrOt· Oelfartmmt of 'Ttanspor· ect oevelopment. TeJ(as tatiCtl, P.O. Sox 1385, Houston. Texas 71251· l386; y par correo .elec tr6rnco aHDU·pfoweb mai1@t«iot.!Jov< comen taMs reclbfd'os y mata· selfados en 0 antes de vi emes 6 de ditiembre del 2013 se incluinin En et ref/lstro !:l.e ta fl;unl6n @!ica. 125876307 AECOM GROUP Nov 03 2013 Page I Houston Chronicle CLAS$IFlEOS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF HARRIS, Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared, the Newspaper Representative at the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in Harris County, Texas and generally circulated in the Counties of: HARRIS, TRINTY, WALKER, GRIMES, POLK, SAN JACINTO, WASHINGTON, MONTGOMERY, Lr'BERTY, AUSTIN, WALLER, CHAMBERS, COLORADO, BRAZORIA, FORT BEND, GALVESTON, WHARTON, JACKSON, and MATAGORDA and that the publication, of which the annexed herein, or attached to, is a true and correct copy, was published to-wit; AECOM GROUP RAN A LEGAL 25876307 41921003 NOTICE SIZE BEING: 1 X 151 L product date Iv Nov 3 2013 class 1245.0 Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the 5th Day of November A.D. 2013 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas LA VOZ DE HOUSTON V 29 \ 1245 AIIUIICIOS lEi>.l.ES AYISO D£ _16. PClBllCA . l'IOYECrOD£ MFJORAMIENTOS PARA LACAIIRmRA. Nom HOUSTON E! Departamento de Trans~orte de Texas CTx DOT}, en cooperaCion con la AdminIstration Federal de carreteras (fHWA). II· evara a "cabo reuniones f?tibl!cas para el Proyecto de Mejoramientos de fa carr~ra Norte Houston. Los lfmites del proyecto SOO desde eI cruce de la US 59 .SIl "" hasta eI cruce del 1·45 Y - """""iii po,. • SH de HoUston; Hardy TolI.Road desde el no~e del certtro de Houston hasta Belt· way B {BW 8} Norte; 1-610 y BW a Horte entre 1-45 y Hardy Toll Road. lXDOl est;! ereparando una Deciaracl6n de lin" pactQ Ambiental (EIS), en conformidad con la Ley de Polftfca Ambiental Na. donal (HEPA) de 1969 ~ra analizarlos pasibles efectos dire~s, indlrec tos y acumulativos aI me dic ambiente natural y humane que ppede ocur· rtr par la .eoostrucciOn y operaelPt; de las mejofaS propuestas en .eI area del nlones p\iblfca$ . a eta: J4 e: nov em e del 2'013 en la EsCi.lela:Alaine del Nuew: Gfado, .1Q650 I North Freeway, Houston, TX; 'I el.!9 de noyjembre de! 2013£n laEscuetajef· ferson Davis tfmh School, 1101 Quitman 51., Hous too, tt las retlniones se llevarAn a cabo en un for mato de foro abierto de 5:30 de la tarde a 7:30 <Ie ta nocne. El prop6slto de las re unlooes pUblicas es pre stotar informaciOn yreci blr tomentarios del publico 501ft las meJOI'95 propuesl;as de las car· reteras en ~I cmredor de Norte HWston. el Proceso de evaiuaci6n de altema· tWas y c6mG la ,opinion tle laoolTilmldadsi:; ha inoor !)9rado en el Proceso de prnnlfieaelo!'l! , • . DOMINGO 3 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2013 AFFIDAVIT OF NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § § Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Sonceria Messiah Jiles, who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the publisher ofthe Houston Defender Newspaper and that said newspaper (i) devotes not less than 25% of its total column lineage to general interest items, (ii) is published at least once each week, (iii) is published and is generally circulated within the territory of Harris County, Texas ("Harris County"), and (iv) was published regularly and continuously for at least 12 months before October 17. 2013, the ftrst date on which AECOM published the attached notice in said newspaper. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this the 3. til u,j-day of --=-"'-"--'=----_ _ 201 -- -. :®- HOU:3134513.1 - .... - ..... ..- ANGELA MROGERS My Commission Expires December 21.2015 - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ My commission expires: J2/ZI/2DJ3 OCTOBER 17120131 DEFENDER lID PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. will hold public meetings "for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I 45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of 1-10. US 59. and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 (BW 8) North; and 1-610 and BVV 8 North between 1-45 and Hardy Toll Road. TxDOT is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. to analyze potential direcl, indirecl. and cumulatiw effecls to the human and natural environment that may occur from the construction and 'operation of proposed transportation improvements in the project area. Two identical public meetings win be held as follows: Nov. 14. 2013 at Aldine Ninth Grade School. 10650 North Freeway. Houston, TX; and Nov. 19. 2013 at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quilinan St. Houston, TX. The meetings will be held in an open house format"from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the public meetings is to present information about. and receive public feedback on, reasonable altematiws for highway improwments in the North Houston corridor; the altematiwsevalua tion process; and how community feedback has been incorPorated in the planning process. A short video regarding th e project can be viewed during the m!l6ting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable altEimatiws and the study process will be on display, Project team mem.~is will be available to answer questions. Too same information wi.1l be pre sented at both meetings. After the meetings, the informatiori:~ent ad will be available for review and reproduction on the proje'ctwebsite www.lH45NorthandMore.com; and at the TxDOT Houston·District Office. 7600 Washington Avenue. Houston. Texas 77001; whicll.is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a:m. to 5:00 p.m;, 'eXcluding slate holidays. '::., . . Meeting materials will be in English, with some materials alsQ in. Span ish. Spanish-speaking project team members ·will be available'to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. Persons interested in atteil<!lng the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact TxOOT's District Public InformatiOn. Office at (713) 802-5072 by Nov. 12,2013. TxDOT will make every reasona ble effort to accommodate special needs. For more information, visit www.lH45NorthandMore.com. . . Written comments regarding the project will be accepted at the meet ings; on the project website www.lH45NorthandMore.com; by mail to Direclor of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1388, Houston, Texas 77251-1388; and by email to HOU plowebmail@txdotgov. Comments received or postmarked by Friday. Dec. 6, 2013 will be included in the public meeting record. AFFIDAVlT OF NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS § § § Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Sonceria Messiah Jilcs_, who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the publisher of the Houston Defender Newspaper and that said newspaper (i) devotes not less than 25% of its total column lineage to general interest items, Oi) is published at least once each week, (iii) is published and is generally circulated within the territory of Harris County, Texas ('"Harris County"), and (iv) was published regularly and continuously for at least 12 months before November 7,2013 the first date on which AECOM published the attached notice in said newspaper. , SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this the 20~ 12 day of )/D~~ ANGELA M ROGERS My Commission Explru December 21. 2015 My commission expires: HOU:}134513.1 /20 IJ~ J21/1. 1 II!JPEFENDER 1NOVEMBER 712013 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The Texas Oepal1ment of Transportation (TxOOT}, in cooperation with the Foderal Highway Admlnislratlon, will hold public meetings ror the: North Hooston Highway Improvement Project. The prOject limits. are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 10 the interchange of I~ 45 and Beltway a North, The SlUdy area includes portions of I~ 10. US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downlOWn Houston to Beltway 8 (8W 8) North; and 1--610 and BW 8 North between 1-45 and Hardy Toll Road. TxOOT Is preparing an Environmental Impact stalement (EIS}. in accordance 'With the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze potential direct, Indirect, and cumulati...a effects to the human and natural enwonment that may occur from the construction and operation of proposed transportation Improvements in the project area, Two Identical public meetings will be held as follOW'S: Nov. 14.2013 at Akline Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway. Houston, TX; and NOv. 19, 2013 at Jefferson Oavls High School. 1101 Quitman St.. Houston, TX. The mootings will be held In an open house fofmat from 5:30 p.m. 10 1:30 p.m. The put"POM of the public meetings is to present Infonnatlon about, and recefvo ~Ic feedback on, reasonable altematlws for hlghway improvements In the North Houston COI"Iidor. the alternatives evalua~ lion process; and how community feedback has been incoq:x:>rated to the planning process, A short 'Vi~ regafdlng the project can be "ewoo during the,-meetlng, Maps of the study area and emlblts showing raasooable a1tematlws and the study process wi!! be on dls.play. Project team m6f!1ber$ wi" be available to enswer qUe$tions. The 68me Infofmation will be pi'& semed at both mootlngs, After the meetings, the Infonnatlon present· ed will be available for re'o'iew and reproduction on the project website www.1H45NorthandMore.com; end at the TxDOT Houston District Office, 1600 Wasl'tlngton Avenue, Houslon. Texas 77001, which Is open M.?oday through Ftiday from 8;00 e.m. to 5:00 p,m" excluding state holidays, Meeting material$ will be In English. wi1h some materials elsa In Span~ Ish. Spanlsh-speatJng Pfoject team memben:l wrn be available to talk with Spanlsh-speaklng attendees, Parsons lnlerested in attendlog the meeting WhO ha~ special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact TxOOT's District Public Infonnatlon Office at (113) 802~S072 by Nov. t2, 2013, TxDOT will make everyreasona ble effort to. accommodate Specia! needs. For more !nformation, "sit www.IH45NorthandM:ita.com. Written C<.n1ments regarding the projectwlll be eccapled at the meel~ ings; on the project website WWW.lH45NorthandMore.com; by mail to Olrector or Projttct Development. Te)G:lS Depertment of Transportatton, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Ta)Q!S n251-1388; and by email to HOUK plowe:bma!l@b:dot.gov. Comments rece!ved or postm6tf<ed by Friday, Dec. 6. 2013 will be Induded In the public mooting record, K Electronic Notifications Texas Department of Transportation - Austin, TX - Government Organization | Facebook Page 3 of 10 Another football Sunday. Share this to remind fellow fans to have a plan for everything – including a sober ride #gameplan. Like · Comment · Share 4 Tom Ginest, Randy Bowers, Vincent M. Morales Jr. and 41 others like this. Texas Department of Transportation November 9 Like · Comment · Share Howdy, Aggies! Come by our event before today's game. We’ll be in College Station set up outside Memorial Student Center from 11:30 – 3:30. Make your #gameplan for a sober ride before kickoff. 3 Johnny Halliburton, Amy Garza Rodriguez, Tom Jennings and 10 others like this. Texas Department of Transportation November 8 We want to hear from you! TxDOT will be holding two meetings this month re: the North Houston Highway Improvement project: Nov. 14 at 5:30pm at Aldine Ninth Grade School: http://bit.ly/1c6xZLk AND Nov. 19 at 5:30pm at Jefferson Davis High School: http://bit.ly/17kphf1 Like · Comment 1 Johnny Halliburton, Angie Cantu Brown and Lisa Gonzales Erkila like this. Lisa Gonzales Erkila It reads the "evaluation of". Is additional ROW going to be acquired for these projects? Any Relocation necessary ?Thank you. November 8 at 2:47pm via mobile Like · Comment · Share 3 Elizabeth Hart, Johnny Halliburton and 21 others like this. Texas Department of Transportation shared a link. November 8 https://www.facebook.com/TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation November 8 11/13/2013 Public Meeting - North Houston Highway Improvement Project Page 1 of 1 Public Meeting ‐ North Houston Highway Improvement Project Home > Inside TxDOT > Get Involved > Hearings & Meetings > Schedule Where Aldine Ninth Grade School 10650 North Freeway Houston, TX 77037 When: Nov. 14, 2013 5:30 p.m. ‐ 7:30 p.m. Purpose: To present information about the project and give people an opportunity to provide feedback on reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor. People also will be able to comment on the process being used to evaluate these alternatives and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. Description: The proposed improvements are designed to manage congestion, enhance safety, and improve mobility and operational efficiency. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project involves the evaluation of: • The I‐45 North corridor from near downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North • Beltway 8 North from I‐45 North to the Hardy Toll Road • The Hardy Toll Road from I‐610 North Loop to Beltway 8 North • I‐610 North Loop from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road • Portions of I‐10 and US 59 near downtown Houston The meeting will be in an open house format with a PowerPoint presentaton. Downloads: • Meeting Notice • Map of Project Study Area • Map of Meeting Location Contact: TxDOT Houston District Public Information Office (713) 802‐5072 Email http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/get-involved/about/hearings-meetings/houston/111413... 10/23/2013 Public Meeting - North Houston Highway Improvement Project Page 1 of 1 Public Meeting ‐ North Houston Highway Improvement Project Home > Inside TxDOT > Get Involved > Hearings & Meetings > Schedule Where Jefferson Davis High School 1101 Quitman St. Houston, TX 77009 When: Nov. 19, 2013 5:30 p.m. ‐ 7:30 p.m. Purpose: To present information about the project and give people an opportunity to provide feedback on reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor. People also can comment on the process being used to evaluate these alternatives and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. Description: The proposed improvements are designed to manage congestion, enhance safety, and improve mobility and operational efficiency. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project involves the evaluation of: • The IH 45 North corridor from near downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North • Beltway 8 North from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road • The Hardy Toll Road from IH 610 North Loop to Beltway 8 North • IH 610 North Loop from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road • Portions of IH 10 and US 59 near downtown Houston The meeting will be in an open house format with a PowerPoint presentaton. Downloads: • Meeting Notice • Map of Project Study Area • Map of Meeting Location Contact: TxDOT Houston District Public Information Office (713) 802‐5072 Email http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/get-involved/about/hearings-meetings/houston/111913... 10/23/2013 North Houston Highway Improvement Project Page 1 of 2 North Houston Highway Improvement Project UPDATES 3rd Public Meeting Dates: November 14 and 19, 2013 Quick Links 3rd Public Meeting Documents (Notices in English & Spanish) 2nd Scoping Meeting Documents 1st Scoping Meeting Documents NHHIP Need & Purpose Statement NHHIP Agency Coordination and Public Involvement Plan North-Hardy Planning Studies A Citizen's Guide to the NEPA Process 2nd Scoping Meeting Summary Report and Responses to Comments Posted The Texas Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, is initiating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for highway improvements in the north Houston area. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project involves evaluation of the IH 45 North corridor from near downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North, Beltway 8 North from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road, the Hardy Toll Road from IH 610 North Loop to Beltway 8 North, IH 610 North Loop from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road, and portions of IH 10 and US 59 near downtown Houston. The primary objective of the NEPA evaluation is to assess the needs of the project area and evaluate possible alternatives, including a no build alternative. Environment impacts will be further evaluated for those recommended alternatives that meet the need for and purpose of the project in order to select a preferred alternative. The Environmental Impact Statement process will include participation and involvement of the public, elected officials, cooperating agencies, and other interested parties. http://www.ih45northandmore.com/ 10/17/2013 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, will hold public meetings for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 (BW 8) North; and I-610 and BW 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. TxDOT is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects to the human and natural environment that may occur from the construction and operation of proposed transportation improvements in the project area. Two identical public meetings will be held as follows: Nov. 14, 2013 at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, TX; and Nov. 19, 2013 at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman St., Houston, TX. The meetings will be held in a open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the public meetings is to present information about, and receive public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor; the alternatives evaluation process; and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. A short video regarding the project can be viewed during the meeting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable alternatives and the study process will be on display. Project team members will be available to answer questions. The same information will be presented at both meetings. After the meetings, the information presented will be available for review and reproduction on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; and at the TxDOT Houston District office, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays. Meeting materials will be in English, with some materials also in Spanish. Spanish-speaking project team members will be available to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. Persons interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact TxDOT’s District Public Information Office at (713) 802-5072 by Nov. 12, 2013. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate special needs. For more information, visit www.IH45NorthandMore.com. Written comments regarding the project will be accepted at the meetings; on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; by mail to Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386; and by email to [email protected]. Comments received or postmarked by Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 will be included in the public meeting record. AVISO DE REUNIÓN PÚBLICA PROYECTO DE MEJORAMIENTOS PARA LA CARRETERA NORTE HOUSTON El Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT), en cooperación con la Administración Federal de Carreteras (FHWA), llevará a cabo reuniones públicas para el Proyecto de Mejoramientos de la carretera Norte Houston. Los límites del proyecto son desde el cruce de la carretera US 59 y SH 288 hasta el cruce del I-45 y Beltway 8 Norte. El área de estudio incluye porciones de I-10, US 59, y SH 288 cerca del centro de Houston; Hardy Toll Road desde el norte del centro de Houston hasta Beltway 8 (BW 8) Norte; I-610 y BW 8 Norte entre I-45 y Hardy Toll Road. TxDOT está preparando una Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (EIS), en conformidad con la Ley de Política Ambiental Nacional (NEPA) de 1969, para analizar los posibles efectos directos, indirectos y acumulativos al medio ambiente natural y humano que puede ocurrir por la construcción y operación de las mejoras propuestas en el área del proyecto. Dos reuniones públicas idénticas se llevarán a cabo de la siguiente manera: 14 de noviembre del 2013 en la Escuela Aldine del Nueve Grado, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, TX; y el 19 de noviembre del 2013 en la Escuela Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman St., Houston, TX. Las reuniones se llevarán a cabo en un formato de foro abierto de 5:30 de la tarde a 7:30 de la noche. El propósito de las reuniones públicas es presentar información y recibir comentarios del público sobre las mejoras propuestas de las carreteras en el corredor de Norte Houston, el proceso de evaluación de alternativas y cómo la opinion de la comunidad se ha incorporado en el proceso de planificación. Un breve video sobre el proyecto se podrá ver durante la reunión. Los mapas de la zona del estudio y exposiciones que muestran las alternativas razonables y el proceso de estudio estarán en exhibición. Los miembros del equipo del proyecto estarán disponibles para contestar preguntas. La misma información será presentada en ambas reuniones. Después de las reuniones, la información presentada estará disponible para su revisión y la reproducción en la página web del proyecto www.IH45NorthandMore.com, y en la oficina de TxDOT en el Distrito de Houston, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007, que está abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 de la mañana a 5:00 de la tarde, excluyendo los días festivos estatales. Materiales de la reunión será en inglés, con algunos materiales en español. Los miembros del equipo que hablan español estarán disponibles para hablar con los asistentes que hablan español. Las personas interesadas en asistir a la reunión que tienen necesidades de alojamiento o necesidades especiales de comunicación se les recomiendan contactar a la Oficina de Información Pública del Distrito de TxDOT al (713) 802-5072 antes del 12 de Noviembre del 2013. TxDOT hará todos los esfuerzos razonables para acomodar las necesidades especiales. Para más información, visite www.IH45NorthandMore.com. Los comentarios escritos sobre el proyecto serán aceptados en las reuniones; en la página web del proyecto www.IH45NorthandMore.com; y por correo al Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386; y por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Comentarios recibidos y matasellados en o antes de viernes 6 de diciembre del 2013 se incluirán en el registro de la reunión pública. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, will hold public meetings for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 (BW8) North; and I-610 and BW 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. TxDOT is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects to the human and natural environment that may occur from the construction and operation of proposed transportation improvements in the project area. Two identical public meetings will be held as follows: November 14, 2013, at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, Texas; and November 19, 2013, at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman Street, Houston, Texas. The meetings will be held in an open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the public meetings is to present information about, and receive public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor; the alternatives evaluation process; and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. A short video regarding the project can be viewed during the meeting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable alternatives and the study process will be on display. Project team members will be available to answer questions. The same information will be presented at both meetings. After the meetings, the information presented will be available for review and reproduction on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; and at the TxDOT Houston District office, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays. Meeting materials will be in English, with some materials also in Spanish. Spanishspeaking project team members will be available to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. Persons interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact TxDOT’s District Public Information Office at (713) 802-5072 by November 12, 2013. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate special needs. For more information, visit www.IH45NorthandMore.com. Written comments regarding the project will be accepted at the meetings; on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; by mail to Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386; and by email to [email protected]. Comments received or postmarked by Friday, December 6, 2013, will be included in the public meeting record. Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Miriam Calle Aaron Jones Aaron Steichen Aaron Amjadi Aaron Lytle Abby Fogelson Adam B. Adele Houghton Alan D. Eyler Alice Laguarta Braynard H. Werner, III Andrew P. Alma A. J. Abby Fogelson Anna Almond Amy Boyers Angela Spieldenner Angelina Farris Angie Keller Anna Sundrud Trang Andrea Pacheco April Sears Arielle McMahan Syed Ali Tabatabi Ayham Victor Barbara Tennant Barry Shatswell Brennan Rosates Steve & Beth Fischer Becky Houston James Mackey Barry Klein Brad Kagan Blake R. Masters Blake R. Masters Nery Hernandez Dan McMillan Jon Berry Laura Bodenhelmer Brad Robbins Brett Richards Brie Kelman Brooke Harris Bill Shirley Richard Simpson Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Carrie Marr Carrie Sutherland Carrie Noxon Christina M. Cicack Cecil Gammill Christie Samson Christina DeHaven Clint Acree Chris Mongeon M. Williams Dana Williams Pete Stockton Coyia Richter Carolynn Ruth Carly West Daniel S. B. David Leftwich Daniel B. Barnum Deborah Milner Dee Rader Debra Elliot Griffith Debbie & Stephen Greco Dion Laurent Deb Snyder David L. Kelly Dolores Santos David Olson Donna Bennett Donna Beene Donna Perkins Cay Cunningham Doug Villaescusa Damon Thomas E. York Eric A Dieckman Lydia Henn Eloise Chartes Elizabeth Covalla Nicole Broyles Emily Braswell Emily Brandenberger Evan Michaelides Francisco Blasco F. I. Clark Shiela Ferguson Florence Clark Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Philip Smith Brooke Harris Frances DiStefano Frank Blake Frank Liu Frank R. Fred Lindner Carrie Carter Gretchen Myers Bernardo Garcia Garrett Hohmann G. K. Wendy Parker Carl Doby Gregory Robertson Avijit Halder Harry McMahan Hugo Guerrero Hanna Bibliowicz Heather Laureles Heather McIntyre Heather Thomas Ann Herbage Hugo Guerrero H. Landin Heather Greenspan Elizabeth Fairchild Doug House Howard Sherman Laurence Stuart I-45 Coalition Rowan TwoSisters Jack H. Sunghwan Yoon Jaime Martinez Joe Aker James More Janette Lindner Janice Martinez Janie Garza Janis Barnard Jarret Webb Jaymie Mielke James Castillo Jane Cahill West Jeanette Chinelli Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] John C. Robertson Jonathan Day Jeff Hooge Jeff Tomlinson Jeff Jeff Liddle Jerry Marshall Jessica Farrar Jim Weston J. E. Willcockson Julian Arezpa Jan Mattenson Jim Mozur Joseph Norton Joseph Hayles John M. Barnard Jonathan Roque Jon Cooper Jennifer Ostlind Joe Muscara John R. Bonica J. R. Engle Jonathan Richmond, Jr. Jerry Breed Jamie Showalt Judy Benavides Judy Crain Bonica Julia Lovett Julio Calle Jason Beck Jim Weston Kim Hoyle Kevin McNally Karen Covington Kallie Benes Kay Donahue Kathy Goodwin Karen J. Kimberly Davenport Kelley Devine Keville Ware Kevin O’Leary Sonal Damani Kathy Bolger Kristen W. Devin Robinson Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] K. K. Kenneth Taylor Lindow, Jr. Kristi Flink Kristin Netherland Judith Chang Linda Marroquin Kyle Baker Kurt Kopczynski Kristen Mueller Lana Gordon Dawn N. Fudge Laura Harrison Francis Levinson Larry Wilkerson Lindsey Oneal Lisa Pounds Lisa Hayes Liz Van Burkleo Louise Smith Adam Scheuli Larry Thomas Julie Hauptman Madilyn Stein Cody Risner Benjamin Warfield Manuel H. Jimenez Marcus Greenspan Marcie O’Malley Mark Stratton Margaret Dower Mary Hayslip Martina Strbuncelj Mark Beebe Matthew Emal Mary Lawler Mary Jane Buschien John McGary Maria Mendoza Jeff Mechelm Rev. Michael Dorn Liz England Monica Kressman Melissa Noble Melissa Nicholson Sternfels Arturo Meza Maureen Hall Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Michael Zak Jose Pina Michael Margle Mike Prochaska Michael Alberts Mike Ator Anne Stovall Nancy Kern Megal Mastal Lindsey Oneal Marco Antonio Roberts Mary Ellen Quarles Mark Jackowski Melanie Martinez Nathan Radtke Kristen Burke Nick Riviera Dave Nickerson Nancy Moon Noah Brenner Fernando Mladineo J. Royce Simpson Nathan Watkins Pat Henry Patty Matthews Paula Lenz Paula Snyder Mike Vance P. Dilip D. Craig Perkins Phillip Durham Peggy Lindow Peter H. Brown Paul Kellogg Paul Liffman Elizabeth Brooks Paige Bailey J. N. Ham Patricia Perkins Robert Proctor Paul Rodriguez A. Quiroz Richard Latter Tamela Jones Rebecca Reyna Rachel Dvoretzky Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Reginald Evans Martha Meyers Rex Friedman Randolph Hurst Carrie Carter Christy Chomin Angela Robert A. Maxwell Robert Muhammad Robert Griffith Robinson Block Roland Vega Soheila Jahangiri Randy Raimond Richard Taylor Patrick W. Rutledge Randy Walters Ryan Hazen Mary Robbins Sameera Mahendru Sara Fernandez Sarah Madrid Scott Jernigan Jay Schroller Sue Schwalter Scott Zersen Scott Kelman Scott Epps Sean Filipow Sean Murphy Eleanore Orgish Seth Eaton Steve Fischer Stuart Greene Shaida Libhart Bonnie Sheeren Sherwin Jahangiri Skiles Kelley Selma Peterson Scott Johnson Sandra Lynch Erica McCready Sabrina Shaw-Strawn Judy Weng Paige Clarke Stephen Preston Email Name [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Susan Ralph Scott M. Stolz Stephanie Riceman Stacey Saunders Stacie Hohmann Stephanie Kinzel James Wixted Heidi Landen-Greene Suparna Salil Suzette Lane Susan Queen Susan Snider Suzanne Webb Tami Merrick Tammy Eggleston Tara Mather Travis Downs Travis Downs T. Smith Fontana Smith-Levinson Larry Wilkerson Scott Brown Robert Thalmann Tim Lankau Thomas Helm Thomas W. Shephard, III Jackie Harrison Larry Lambert Shea Sandefer Hill Jose Trevino Thomas Rodriguez Tom Dornbusch Marci Perry Jay Jahangiri Victoria Harrison Valerie Webb Valerie Prilop Troy Hall Carl Matthews Viula Torgerson Jim Weston W. Bryan Bagley Wendy Parker Peter Cho Sarah Lankau Yvonne Pacheco Email Name [email protected] Yvonne Pacheco Notifications by Mail {.~ I Texas Department of Transportation® P.O. BOX 1386 I HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1386 I (713) 802-5000 I WWW.TXDOT.GOV October 11, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL «Certified» «Title» «FirstName» «LastName» «Position» «Organization» «Addr1» «City», «ST» «Zip» Harris County North Houston Highway Improvement Project EIS Control 0500-03-554 (formerly 0912-00-146) Dear «Salutation» «LastName»: Attached is a Notice of Scoping Meeting to be held by the Texas Department of Transportation regarding an Environmental Impact Statement that will be prepared for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The limits of the proposed project begin at the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 and follow northward along 1-45 to the interchange of 1-45 and Beltway 8 North, a distance of approximately 16 miles. The proposed project area also includes portions of 1-10, 1-610, US 59, SH 288 near the downtown Houston area, and the Hardy Toll Road located north of downtown Houston. The purpose of this public scoping meeting is to present information about, and receive public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor, the process being used to evaluate these alternatives, and how community feedback has been incorporated to date in the planning process. You, or your representative, are cordially invited to attend the meeting that will be held as follows: Thursday, November 14, 2013 Aldine 9th Grade School 10650 North Freeway Houston, Texas 77037 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Jefferson Davis High School 1101 Quitman Street Houston, Texas 77009 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We are available to meet with you prior to the scoping meeting to answer any questions that you may have or to review the proposed project. If you have any questions in the interim, please contact the Director of Project Development, Pat Henry, at (713) 802-5241. Sincerely, ~~W~rr:d District Engineer Houston District Attachment cc: Pat Henry, P.E. OUR GOALS MAINTAIN A SAFE SYSTEM • ADDRESS CONGESTION • CONNECT TEXAS COMMUNITIES • BEST IN CLASS STATE AGENCY An Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The Texas Department of Transportation {TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, will hold public meetings for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of 1-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of 1-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 (BW8) North; and 1-610 and BW 8 North between 1-45 and Hardy Toll Road. TxDOT is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, to analyze potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects to the human and natural environment that may occur from the construction and operation of proposed transportation improvements in the project area. Two identical public meetings will be held as follows: November 14, 2013, at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, Texas; and November 19, 2013, at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman Street, Houston, Texas. The meetings will be held in a open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the public meetings is to present information about, and receive public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor; the alternatives evaluation process; and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. A short video regarding the project can be viewed during the meeting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable alternatives and the study process will be on display. Project team members will be available to answer questions. The same information will be presented at both meetings. After the meetings, the information presented will be available for review and reproduction on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; and at the TxDOT Houston District office, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays. Meeting materials will be in English, with some materials also in Spanish. Spanishspeaking project team members will be available to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. Persons interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact TxDOT's District Public Information Office at (713) 802-5072 by November 12, 2013. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate special needs. For more information, visit www.IH45NorthandMore.com. Written comments regarding the project will be accepted at the meetings; on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; by mail to Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386; and by email to [email protected]. Comments received or postmarked by Friday, December 6, 2013, will be included in the public meeting record. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOVEMBER 14th and 19th, 2013 North Houston Hwy Improvement Project CSJ 0500-03-554 (formerly 0912-00-146) The Honorable Stephen The Honorable Melissa The Honorable Andrew C. The Honorable Jack The Honorable c.o. The Honorable Jerry The Honorable Wanda The Honorable Edward The Honorable James The Honorable Anoise The Honorable Ed The Honorable R. Jack The Honorable Steve The Honorable Jack The Honorable El Franco The Honorable Adrian The Honorable Alan The Honorable Ron The Honorable Victor The Honorable Steve Sylvester The Honorable The Honorable Armando The Honorable Garnet The Honorable Jessica The Honorable Sylvia R. The Honorable Rodney G. The Honorable John The Honorable John The Honorable Gene The Honorable Sheila Jackson The Honorable Ted John The Honorable Costello NorieRtl Burks, Jr. Christie Bradford Davis Adams Gonzalez RodrilnteZ Parker Emmett Cagle Radack Morman Lee Garcia Rosen Hickman Trevino Toth Turner Walle Coleman Farrar Garcia Ellis Whibnire Culberson Green Lee Cruz Cornyn . Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Cowtcil Member Council Member Mayor Judge Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Sheriff Constable Constable Constable Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator ., . Cowtcil Member, At Large Position I Cowtcil Member, At LarRe Position 3 Cowtcil Member, At Large Position 2 Council Member, At Large Position S Council Member, At LarRe Position 4 Council Member, District B Council Member, District D Council Member, District H Council Member, District I Mayor Judge, Harris County Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 3 Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Harris County Commissioner, Precinct I Harris County Sheriff Harris Cowtty Constable, Precinct I Harris Cowtty Constable, Precinct 4 Harris Cowtty Constable, Precinct 6 State Representative, District 15 State Representative, District 139 State Representative, District 140 State Representative, District 147 State Representative, District 148 State Senator, District 6 State Senator, District 13 State Senator, District 15 United States Representative, District 7 United States Representative, District 29 United States Representative, District 18 United States Senator United States Senator ... . City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston Citv of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston ... Houston 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston 900 Bagby, First Floor 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston Houston 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston 900 Bas:by, First Floor Houston 900 Bas:by, First Floor Houston 900 Bas:by, First Floor Houston 900 Bas:bv, First Floor 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston 1001 Preston, Suite 911 Houston I00 I Preston, 9th Floor Houston Houston I00 I Preston, 9th Floor I00 I Preston, 9th Floor Houston I00 I Preston, 9th Floor Houston 1200 Baker Street Houston 1302 Preston, 3rd Floor Houston Spring 6831 :)>presswood Drive 333 Lockwood Drive Houston 8105 Kuvkendahl Road, Suite 200 The Woodlands Houston 6915 Antoine Street, Suite E ISO West Parker Road, Suite 700 Houston 5445 Almeda, Suite 50 I Houston P.O. Box 30099 Houston 5425 Polk Street, Suite 125 Houston 440 Louisiana, Suite 575 Houston 803 Yale Street Houston I0000 Memorial Drive, Suite 620 Houston Houston 256 N Sam Houston Pkwy, Suite 29 1919 Sntith Street, Suite 1180 Houston Houston 1919 Sntith Street, Suite 800 5300 Memorial Drive, Suite 980 Houston Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas . 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77251 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77379 77011 77382 77091 77076 77004 77249 77023 77002 77007 77024 77060 77002 77002 77007 . . 7010 1870 0000 2723 8497 7012 1640 0000 5999 2045 7012 1640 0000 5999 2052 7012 1640 0000 5999 2069 7012 1640 0000 5999 2076 7012 1640 0000 5999 2083 7012 1640 0000 5999 2090 7012 1640 0000 5999 2106 7012 1640 0000 5999 2113 7012 1640 0000 5999 2120 7012 1640 0000 5999 2199 7010 1870 0000 2723 8503 7010 1870 0000 2723 8510 7010 1870 0000 2723 8527 7010 1870 0000 2723 8534 7010 1870 0000 2723 8541 7010 1870 0000 2723 8558 7010 1870 0000 2723 8565 7010 1870 0000 2723 8572 7010 1870 0000 2723 8589 7010 1870 0000 2723 8596 7010 1870 0000 2723 8602 7010 1870 0000 2723 8619 7010 1870 0000 2723 8626 7010 1870 0000 2723 8633 7010 1870 0000 2723 8640 7010 1870 0000 2723 8657 7010 1870 0000 2723 8664 70 I0 1870 0000 2723 8671 70 I0 1870 0000 2723 8688 7010 1870 0000 2723 8695 7010 1870 0000 2723 8701 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HOUSTON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENVIORNMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, will hold public meetings for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 (BW 8) North; and I 610 and BW 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. The purpose of the public meetings is to present information about, and receive public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor; the alternatives evaluation process; and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. The same information will be presented at both meetings. Meeting materials will be in English, with some materials also in Spanish. Spanish-speaking project team members will be available to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. After the meetings, the information presented will be available for review and reproduction on the project website www.IH45NorthandMore.com; and at the TxDOT Houston District office, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007. The meetings will be held in an open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 14, 2013 Aldine 9th Grade School 10650 North Freeway Houston, TX 77037 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Jefferson Davis High School 1101 Quitman Street Houston, TX 77009 Comments may be submitted: On the project website at: www.IH45NorthandMore.com By email to: [email protected] By mail to: Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386 Comments should be emailed or postmarked by: December 6, 2013 AVISO DE REUNIÓN PÚBLICA PROYECTO DE MEJORAMIENTOS PARA LAS CARRETERAS NORTE HOUSTON By email to: [email protected] By mail to: Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386 Comments should be emailed or postmarked by: December 6, 2013 AVISO DE REUNIÓN PÚBLICA PROYECTO DE MEJORAMIENTOS PARA LAS CARRETERAS NORTE HOUSTON DECLARACION DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL Después de las reuniones, la información presentada estará disponible para su revisión y la reproducción en la página web del proyecto www.IH45NorthandMore.com, y en la oficina de TxDOT en el Distrito de Houston, 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77007. Las reuniones se llevarán a cabo en un formato de foro abierto de 5:30 de la tarde a 7:30 de la noche. Jueves, 14 de Noviembre, 2013 Martes, 19 de Noviembre, 2013 Escuela Aldine 9th Grade School Escuela Jefferson Davis High School 10650 North Freeway 1101 Quitman Street Houston, TX 77037 Houston, TX 77009 El propósito de las reuniones públicas es presentar información y recibir comentarios del público sobre las mejoras propuestas de las carreteras en el Comentarios pueden ser presentados: corredor de Norte Houston, el proceso de evaluación de alternativas y En el sitio web del Proyecto: www.IH45NorthandMore.com cómo la opinión de la comunidad se ha incorporado en el proceso de la Por correo electrónico: [email protected] planificación. Por correo postal: Director of Project Development, Texas Department of TransportaLa misma información será presentada en ambas reuniones. Materiales de tion, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386 la reunión será en inglés, con algunos materiales en español. Los miemComentarios deben ser recibidos por correo electrónico o tener matasello en o bros del equipo que hablan español estarán disponibles para hablar con los antes del: 6 de Diciembre, 2013 asistentes que preferían hablar español. El Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT), en cooperación con la Administración Federal de Carreteras (FHWA), llevará a cabo reuniones públicas para el Proyecto de Mejoramientos de las carreteras Norte Houston. Los límites del proyecto son desde el cruce de la carretera US 59 y SH 288 hasta el cruce del I-45 y Beltway 8 Norte. El área de estudio incluye porciones de I-10, US 59, y SH 288 cerca del centro de Houston; Hardy Toll Road desde el norte del centro de Houston hasta Beltway 8 (BW 8) Norte; I-610 y BW 8 Norte entre I-45 y Hardy Toll Road. Texas Department of Transportation c/o Community Awareness Services 4544 Post Oak Place Drive, Ste. 224 Houston, TX 77027 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Federal Mr. Mr. Michael Halpin Federal The Hon. Consulate Jacques E. Bouchez Federal The Hon. Consulate Andrew Millar Federal The Hon. Consulate Jim Westmoreland Federal The Hon. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Congresswoman District 18 Federal The Hon. Congressman Gene Green Congressman Federal The Hon. Congressman John Culberson Congressman Federal Federal The Hon. The Hon. Senator Senator John Ted Cornyn Cruz Federal Mr. Mr. Jose Federal Ms. Ms. Federal Federal Mr. Mr. Address City State Zip 1919 Smith Street, Suite 1180 Houston TX 77002 2009 Lubbock St. Houston TX 77007 1000 Louisiana Suite 1900 Houston TX 77002 4544 Post Oak Place, Ste. 350 Houston TX 77027 US House of Representatives 1919 Smith St., Suite 1180 Houston TX 77002 District 29 US House of Representatives 256 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E., Suite 29 Houston TX 77060 District 7 US House of Representatives 10000 Memorial Dr. Suite 620 Houston TX 77024-3490 Senator Senator US Senate US Senate Houston Houston TX TX 77007 77002 Rivera Community Liaison Congressman Green's Office Houston TX 77060 Sophia Gutierrez Scheduler Congressman Green's Office Houston TX 77060 John James Ortega Smith Fannie Mae Fannie Mae 5300 Memorial Dr, Ste. 980 1919 Smith St., Ste. 800 256 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 29 256 North Sam Houston Pkwy East, Ste. 29 2 Allen Center 1200 Smith 1200 Smith Suite 2335 Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77002 Federal Kathy Dimpsey Federal Highway Administration 300 East 8th Street Austin TX 78701 Federal Luis Lopez Env./Trans. Planning Coordinator Texas Division Federal Highway Administration 300 East 8th St, Rm. 826 Austin TX 78701 District Engineer District B Federal Highway Adminstration 300 East 8th Street, Rm 826 Austin TX 78701 Federal Transit Administration 819 Taylor Street, Room 8A36 Fort Worth TX 76102 200 River Point Dr. Suite 304 Conroe TX 77304 1919 Smith Street Suite 800 Houston TX 77002 Trade Commission of Denmark 15710 John F. Kennedy Boulevard Houston Suite 260 TX 77032 U S POSTAL SERVICE MAIN POST OFFICE 401 FRANKLIN AVE Houston TX 77002-1519 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 17629 El Camino Real Suite 211 Houston TX 77058-3051 US Army Corps of Engineers US Coast Guard US Environmental Protection Agency PO Box 1229 9640 Clinton Dr. 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, 6RA Galveston Houston TX TX 77553-1229 77029 Dallas TX 75202-2733 US Fish and Wildlife Service 17629 El Camino Real, Suite 211 Houston TX 77058 State Representative Farrar's Office PO Box 30099 Houston TX 77249 Federal Mr. Mr. Gregory Punske, P.E. Federal Mr. Mr. Jesse Balleza Federal Heather Montgomery Federal Al Davis Federal Lars Obro District Administrator Bus/Org Congresswoman Jackson Lee's Office Consulate General of the Kingdom of Belgium Consulate General of the United Kingdom Consulate of the Portuguese Republic North District Office Federal Federal Mr. Mr. Carlos Mendoza Federal Federal Col. Capt. Col. Capt. Christopher W. Brian Sallese Penoyer Commander Commander Houston-Galveston Sector Federal Mr. Mr. Ron Curry Regional Administrator Region 6 Federal Ms. Ms. Edith Erfling Project Leader Ecological Services State Ms. Ms. Sarah Melecki District Director Page 1 of 75 Office of Congressman Kevin Brady Office of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip State The Hon. Representative Sylvester Turner State Representative District 139 Texas House of Representatives 6915 Antoine St., Suite E Houston TX 77091 State The Hon. Representative Armando Walle State Representative District 140 Texas House of Representatives 150 W. Parker Rd., Suite 700 Houston TX 77076 State The Hon. Representative Garnet Coleman State Representative District 147 Texas House of Representatives 5445 Almeda, Suite 501 Houston TX 77004 State The Hon. Representative Jessica Farrar State Representative District 148 Texas House of Representatives PO Box 30099 Houston TX 77249 State The Hon. Representative Steve Toth State Representative District 15 Texas House of Representatives 8105 Kuykendahl Rd, Suite 200 The Woodlands TX 77382 State State The Hon. The Hon. Senator Senator Rodney G. John Ellis Whitmire State Senator State Senator District 13 District 15 Texas State Senate Texas State Senate 440 Louisiana, Suite 575 803 Yale St. Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77007 State The Hon. Senator Sylvia R. Garcia State Senator District 6 Texas State Senate 150 West Parker Road, Suite 603 Houston TX 77076 State Mr. Mr. Jeff Wolverton District 4 Office of Senator Tommy Williams PO Box 8069 The Woodlands TX 77380 Dyanne Clark District 150 Office of State Representative Debbie Riddle 3648 FM 1960 W Suite 106 Houston TX 77068 Damon Williams District 147 Office of State Representative Garnet Coleman 5445 Almeda #403 Houston TX 77004 Arlene Nichols District 140 403 Sulky Trail St Houston TX 77060-4431 150 W. Parker Rd, Ste. 700 Houston TX 77076 5206 Irvington Blvd, Ste. D Houston TX 77009 Houston TX 77008 MC 172, PO Box 13087 Austin TX 78711-3087 PO Box 1386 Houston TX 77251-1386 11812 N. D. Street 11811 N. D. Street LaPorte LaPorte TX TX 77572 77571 Texas Historical Commission PO Box 12276 Austin TX 78711 Texas Historical Commission PO Box 12276 Austin TX 78711-2276 Texas Historical Commission PO Box 12276 Austin TX 78711 PO Box 13087, MC 205 Austin TX 78711 PO Box 13087, MC201 Austin TX 78711-3087 Mail Code 164, PO Box 13087 Austin TX 78711 4200 Smith School Road Austin TX 78744 State State Mr. Mr. State Ms. Ms. Myriam S. Aldimar District Director Office of State Representative Kevin Bailey State Rep. Walle's Office State Ms. Ms. Ann Edwards District Assitant State Senator Gallegos' Office Canzata Crowder State State Texas Commission for the Blind 427 W. 20th Suite 407 State Ms. Ms. Kelly Keel Linden State Dr. Dr. Stanley Cooper State State Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Tara Jeffrey Mealy Davis State Mr. Mr. Lawerence Oaks State Mr. Mr. Mark Wolfe Executive Director State Mr. Mr. Mark Denton Program Director State Mr. Mr. Dan Burke State Mr. Mr. Randy Wood Wayne Young Kathy Boydston State State Ms. Ms. Area Director Biologist Field Office Director Coastal and East Texas La Porte Field Office Archeology Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Department of Transportation Texas General Land Office Texas General Land Office Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Texas Parks & Wildlife Page 2 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title State Mr. Mr. Carter Smith Executive Director State Ms. Ms. Rebecca Hensley Regional Director State Mr. Mr. Milton Rister Executive Director Diane Keller State Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. 4200 Smith School Road Austin TX 78744-3291 Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. 1502 FM 517 East Dickinson TX 77539 Texas Railroad Commission PO Box 12967 Austin TX 78711-2967 Project Rio Texas Workforce Commission 2000 Crawford St. Suite 1600 Houston TX 77002 Project Development TxDOT, Houston District Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston-Galveston Area Council PO Box 1386 Houston TX 77251-1386 PO Box 22777 Houston TX 77227 PO Box 22777 Houston TX 77227-2777 PO Box 22777 Houston TX 77227 PO Box 22777 Houston TX 77227 PO Box 22777 Houston TX 77227 Science & Policy Resources State Mr. Mr. Pat Henry, P.E. Director Regional Mr. Mr. Jeff Taebel Director of C&E Planning Regional Mr. Mr. Alan C. Clark Director of Transportation Planning Regional Mr. Mr. Jack Steele Executive Director Regional Mr. Mr. Kari Hackett Manager of Special Studies Regional Ms. Ms. Lydia Abebe Transportation Planner Regional Mr. Mr. David W. Gornet Executive Director The Grand Parkway Association 4544 Post Oak Place Suite 222 Houston TX 77027 County County County County County County County County County The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. The Hon. County Judge Sheriff Commissioner Constable Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Constable Constable Ed Adrian El Franco Kenneth W. Jack Steve R. Jack Ron Victor Emmett Garcia Lee Berry Morman Radack Cagle Hickman Trevino County Judge County Sheriff Commissioner Constable Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Constable Constable 1001 Preston, Suite 911 1200 Baker St 1001 Preston, 9th Floor 1302 Preston, 3rd Floor 1001 Preston, Room 924 1001 Preston, 9th Floor 1001 Preston, Suite 950 6831 Cypresswood Dr. 333 Lockwood Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77379 77011 Richard Zienter Transportation Advisor 1001 Preston Suite 911 Houston TX 77002 Pamela Rocchi CIP Director Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Harris County Judge Emmett's office Commissioner Jack Cagle 1731 Hugh Rd Houston TX 77067 County Richard Zientek Transportation Policy Advisor County Judge Emmett's Office 1001 Preston, Ste. 911 Houston TX 77002 County County County M.R. Swayne Mr. Mr. Arthur Storey HCPID Executive Director Harris Co FWSD 45 Harris County Harris County 355 Southbrook Circle 1001 Preston, Ste 400 1001 Preston Avenue 7th floor Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77060 77002 77002 County Mr. Mr. John R. Blount, P.E. Director Harris County 1001 Preston, 7th Floor Houston TX 77002 County County Dr. Dr. Chou Dorothy Buu Washington Harris County Harris County 2223 West Loop South 1001 Preston Suite 950 Houston Houston TX TX 77027 77002 County Mr. Mr. Charles O. Dean, P.E. Planning Manager Harris County 1001 Preston, 5th Floor Houston TX 77002 County The Hon. Don Sumners Tax Assessor-Collector 1001 Preston, 1st Floor Houston TX 77002 County Ms. Catherine Elliott 9900 Northwest Freeway Houston TX 77092 Martha Juch Harris County Harris County Flood Control District Harris County Flood Control District 9900 Northwest Freeway Houston TX 77092 County County County Ms. Ms. Ms. Precinct 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 4 Precinct 6 Harris County Precint 4 Architecture & Engineering Div. Health Department Precinct 1 Public Infrastructure Department Tax Office Page 3 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name County Glenn W. Laird County Kenneth Sheblak County Mr. Mr. Mike Talbot County Ms. Ms. Madalyne Barrett County Lisa Gonzales County Bernard L. Koundelka Title Department Director County Mrs. Mrs. Anita Stevens County Mr. Mr. Peter Key Director County County Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Thomas C. Christina Lambert Moreno-Conner Interim President & CEO Stakeholder Affairs Representative Clint Harbert Senior Director H. Moreno Mark Mooney County Engineer County County Mr. Mr. County North Corridor System Planning and Development Engineering Department Bus/Org Harris County Flood Control District Harris County Flood Control District Harris County Flood Control District Harris County Toll Road Authority Harris County Toll Road Authority Harris County Toll Road Authority Harris County Toll Road Authority Harris County Toll Road Authority METRO METRO 77092 9900 Northwest Freeway Houston TX 77092 9900 Northwest Freeway Houston TX 77092 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 7701 Wilshire Place Dr Houston TX 77040 PO Box 61429 2613 Fulton Houston Houston TX TX 77208-1429 77009 METRO PO Box 61429 Houston TX 77208 METRO PD 810 N. San Jacinto Houston TX 77002 Montgomery County 501 North Thompson, Suite 103 Conroe TX 77301 City of Houston PO Box 1562 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, First Floor Houston TX 77251 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77002 611 Walker, 13th Floor Houston TX 77002 PO Box 3066 1809 N MAIN ST 900 Bagby, Public Level Conroe Houston Houston TX TX TX 77305 77009 77002 Annise Parker Mayor City The Hon. Council Member Stephen Costello Council Member At-Large 1 City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Andrew C. Burks, Jr. Council Member At-Large 2 City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Melissa Noriega Council Member At-Large 3 City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member C.O. "Brad" Bradford Council Member At-Large 4 City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Jack Christie Council Member At-Large 5 City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Jerry Davis Council Member District B City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Wanda Adams Council Member District D City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member Edward Gonzalez Council Member District H City of Houston City The Hon. Council Member James Rodriguez Council Member District I City of Houston City Linda F. Barrett President City City City Brent Sherrod Engineering Department Nelson Espitia Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care (BARC) City Of Conroe City of Houston City of Houston Citizens' Assistance Office Page 4 of 75 Zip TX Mayor Division Manager State Houston The Hon. Mr. City 9900 NW Freeway City Mr. Address North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip City Ms. Ms. Katye Tipton Director Department of Neighborhoods City of Houston 901 Bagby, 4th Floor Houston TX 77002 City Ms. Ms. Charlene Hunter-James Director Harris County Agency on Aging City of Houston 8000 North Stadium Drive, 3rd Floor Houston TX 77054 City Mr. Mr. Joe Turner Director City of Houston 2999 South Wayside Houston TX 77023 City City City Ms. Ms. Gregory A. Marlene Thomas Paul Gafrick Buchanan Director City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston 2999 South Wayside 611 Walker St, 6th Fl. 611 Walker, 12th Floor Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77023 77002 77002 City Mr. Mr. Harry J. Hayes Director City of Houston PO Box 1562 Houston TX 77251 2640 Fountainview Dr, Ste 400 Houston TX 77057 611 Walker, Suite 600 Houston TX 77002 900 Bagby, First Floor Houston TX 77002 900 Bagby, 1st Fl Houston TX 77002 900 Bagby, 1st floor Houston TX 77002 16930 JFK Blvd. 16930 JFK Boulevard Houston Houston TX TX 77032 77032 4501 Woodway Drive Houston TX 77024 2001 Holcombe, Suite 602 Houston TX 77030 P.O. Box 1386 Houston TX 77251 300 North Post Oak Lane 1200 Travis St. 1200 Travis St. 9455 West Montgomery Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77024 77002 77002 77008 4434 Oak Shadows Houston TX 77091 6130 Wheatley St. Houston TX 77091 6719 W. Montgomery, # 2 Houston TX 77091 P.O. Box 38460 Houston TX 77238-8460 Houston TX 77039 Houston TX 77007 American Bureau of Shipping & 16855 Northchase Drive Affiliated Companies Houston TX 77060 Asian Chamber of Commerce Houston TX 77072 Houston Parks & Recreation Department Parks and Recreation Planning & Development Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Management Department City of Houston Housing Authority City of Houston, A43 City City Mr. Mr. Robert Litke City Mr. Mr. Jerry Peruchini Chief of Staff City Ms. Ms. Sandra Puente Constituent Services/Research City Mr. Mr. John L. Daniel Constituent Director City City Mr. Mr. Bill Mario C. Zrioka Diaz Director of Aviation City Ruth Milburn Executive Director City Phoebe Tudor Chair City Robert Eury Executive Director City City City City Roksan Anita Alma C. Okan-Vick Fuentes Gonzales Webber Executive Director Organization Mildred Henry Organization Roy Douglas Malonson Organization Brenda Lakey Ms. Ms. Organization Ms. Ms. Teri Koerth Organization Mr. Mr. Clyde Bailey Organization Ocie Mae Green Organization Susan Gonzalez Organization Theresa Chang Councilman Gonzalez' Office Parks and Recreation Executive Director Councilmember Bradford's Office Councilmember Gonzalez' Office Houston Airport System Houston Airport System Houston Arboretum & Nature Center Houston Archeological & Historical Commission Houston Downtown Management District Houston Parks Board Houston Police Department Houston Police Department Houston Police Department Acres Home Beautification Organization Acres Home Citizens Chamber of Commerce Acres Home Community Development Corp Airline Improvement District Aldine CID 5415 Aldine Mail Route American Association of Retired 170 Heights Boulevard Person Board Member Page 5 of 75 6833 W Sam Houston Pkwy North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Organization Maria Guzman Organization Phyllis Kissman Organization John Long Organization Nicole Miller Organization Gina Rodriguez Organization Mary Lawler Executive Director Katharine C. Lord Executive Director Organization Kevin Shanley Past Chairman of the Board Organization Aida Araissi-Christie Organization Anne Olson Organization Ms. Ms. Department Bus/Org Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Avenue Commmunity Development Corp. Address TX 77007 5022 Hialeah Houston TX 77002 2400 Washington Houston TX 77007 2505 Washington Ave., #400 Houston TX 77007 2505 Washington Ave., #400 Houston TX 77007 2505 Washington Ave., #400 Houston TX 77007 Bayou Preservation Association P.O. Box 131563 Houston TX 77219-1563 Bayou Preservation Association P.O. Box 131563 Houston TX 77219-1563 5271 Memorial Drive Suite 206 Houston TX 77007 1113 Vine St, Ste 200 Houston TX 77002 12415 Woodthorpe Lane Houston TX 77024 3100 Main Street, 12C06 Houston TX 77002 555 Community College Drive Houston TX 77013 1100 Louisiana St, Ste 400 Houston TX 77002-5211 5011 Autumn Forest Houston TX 77091 1200 Smith Suite 700 Houston TX 77002 6420 Richnond Avenue, Suite 658 Houston TX 77057 6420 Richmond Ave, Ste. 658 Houston TX 77057 PO BOX 66532 Houston TX 77266-6532 685 North Post Oak Ln Houston TX 77024 685 North Post Oak Ln Houston TX 77024-4606 600 Jefferson St, Ste 2050 Houston TX 77002 Conroe TX 77305 5820 Beall Houston TX 77091 319 East Cowan Dr Houston TX 77007 Ms. Ms. Rachel Powers Executive Director Organization Ms. Ms. Katie Molina General Manager Organization Marci Perry Chair Organization Carol Caul Organization Bill Ware Organization Connie Boyd Organization E.S. "Stew" Darsey Conroe Chamber of Commerce 505 West Davis, POB 2347 Organization Laconia Cain Organization William Owens Mr. Mr. David Hutzelman Organization Mr. Mr. Winston Dahse Organization Mr. Mr. Warren Hurd Organization Charlie Briggs Organization Donald Wasson Organization Marilou Schopper Council for Comm. Improvement, Acres Homes Crestwood Architecture Committee Page 6 of 75 Zip Houston Organization Organization State 2505 Washington Ave., #400 Bilateral Arab-U.S. Chamber of Commerce Buffalo Bayou Partnership Bus CAR - Business Community Against Rail c/o Houston Community College c/o Houston Community College c/o Smith, Murdaugh, Little & Bonham LLP Candlelight Oaks Village Maint. Fund, Inc. Center for Houston's Future Citizens' Environmental Coalition Citizens' Environmental Coalition Citizens' Transportation Coalition Citizen's Transportation Coalition Citizen's Transportation Coalition Coalition for the Homeless President City North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Organization Ms. Ms. Leslie Martone Organization Organization Organization Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Jodie Guy David Sinclair Hagstette Hawes President & CEO Organization Mr. Mr. Anton Sinkewich Executive Director Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Bobbie Sidney Kidd Thomas Organization Andrew P. Johnson III Organization Shunney Nair Organization Jewell Houston Department President Bus/Org City State Zip Cy-Fair Chamber of Commerce 11734 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 105 Cypress TX 77433-2769 Downtown District Downtown Houston District East Aldine District East Downtown Management District Emergency Aid Coalition Fallbrook UD Fallbrook UD c/o Johnson, Radcliffe & Petrov Family Service Center 909 Fannin Suite 1650 909 Fannin , Suite 1650 5333 Aldine Mail Rt Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77010 77039 815 Live Oak Houston TX 77003 5501 S. Main 1002 Dellbrook Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77038 450 Gears Rd. Suite 700 Houston TX 77067 4625 Lillian St. Houston TX 77007 2026 Ferguson Way Houston TX 77088 Fifth Ward Coalition of Civic Org 4413 Lyons Houston TX 77020 Houston TX 77067 Ferguson Street Citizens For Neighborhood Improvement Organization Address Organization Joseph Stunja Friendswood Development Company Organization Sidney Evans II Galleria Chamber of Commerce 5005 Woodway Dr Ste 215 Houston TX 77056-1780 Organization Organization Organization Nancy Jane Ron Godshall Elioseff Parry Garden Club of Houston GHASP GHASP 5360 Spring Park 5353 Institute Lane #13 2492 Bering Dr Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77056 77005 77057-4938 Organization Darline Herrmann Greater Conroe/Lake Conroe Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 2347 Conroe TX 77305 Houston TX 77223 Houston TX 77060 550 Greens Parkway Suite 100 Greater East End Management PO BOX 230099 District Greater Greenspoint District 16945 Northchase Drive #1900 Organization Organization Mrs. Mrs. Sheila-Redmon Jones Organization Ms. Ms. Treena Dockery Greater Greenspoint District & Redevelopment Authority 16945 Northchase Drive, Suite 1900 Houston TX 77060 Organization Mr. Mr. Jack Drake Greater Greenspoint District & Redevelopment Authority 16945 Northchase Drive, Suite 1900 Houston TX 77060-2140 Organization Jocklynn Keville Houston TX 77060-2140 Organization Deborah Milton Houston TX 77008 Eric R. Lyons Houston TX 77004 Organization Max Hoyt TX 77064 Organization Toy Wood TX 77064 Organization Gordon B. Bonfield TX 77002 Organization Mr. Mr. VP, Marketing & Public Affairs President Greater Greenspoint 16945 Northchase Dr #1900 Management District Greater Heights Area Chamber 545 W. 19th St. of Commerce Greater Houston Black Chamber 2808 Wheeler Avenue Greater Houston Builders' Association Greater Houston Builders' Association Greater Houston Coalition for Educ. Excellence Page 7 of 75 9511 W. Sam Houston Parkway Houston North 9511 West Sam Houston Parkway Houston North 712 Main St. Suite 1550 Houston North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Organization Gerard J. Tollett Greater Houston Convention & 901 Bagby Suite 100 Visitors Bureau Houston TX 77002 Organization M. Joan Johnson Greater Houston Hotel & Motel 901 Babgy Suite 100 Association Houston TX 77002 Organization Jim Kollaer Greater Houston Partnership 1200 Smith Suite 700 Houston TX 77002 Robert W. Harvey Greater Houston Partnership 1200 Smith, Suite 700 Houston TX 77002 Alistair M. Macnab 111 East Loop North Houston TX 77029 Stephanie Ann Jones 3272 Westheimer Road, Suite 2 Houston TX 77098 Wayne Norden 5222 Council Grove Houston TX 77088 5305 Irvington Blvd Houston TX 77009 1415 Fannin 6922 Katy Rd 15906 North Bend Ct. 2300 First City Tower, 1001 Fannin Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77024 77073 Houston TX 77002 1100 Louisiana Suite 400 Houston TX 77002 3776 Harper Houston TX 77005 1301 McKinney Ave. Suite 5100 Houston TX 77010 14138 Magnolia Springs Houston TX 77066 Organization Mr. Mr. Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Organization President & CEO Greater Houston Port Bureau, Inc. Greater Houston Preservation Alliance Greater Inwood Partnership Greater Northside Management District Gulf Coast Legal Foundation Gulf Coast Rail District Harris Co MUD 154 Harris Co MUD 221 c/o Vinson & Elkins Executive Director Organization Ms. Ms. Rebecca Reyna Executive Director Organization Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Mario Maureen Edward L. Caballero Crocker Wade Executive Director Organization Frank E. McCreary Organization James D. Bonham Organization Charles W. Evans Organization Fredric A. Weber Organization Margaret Cox Organization Robin Bobbitt Harris Co MUD 33 c/o Johnson, 1001 McKinney, Ste. 1000 Radcliffe, Petrov & Bobbitt Houston TX 77002-6424 Organization Maria Salinas Parker Harris Co WCID 110 c/o Coats, 800 First City Tower, 1001 Fannin Houston Rose, Yale, Holm, Ryman & Lee TX 77002 Organization J. Ron Young Houston TX 77002 Organization Timothy Green Houston TX 77096-0307 Dan Barnum Harris Co WCID 91 c/o Young & 1415 Louisiana, 5th Floor Brooks Harris Co WCID 92 c/o Coats, 3 Greenway Plz, Ste 2000 Rose, Yale, Ryman & Lee HBL Architects 3701 Kirby Dr # 1166 Houston TX 77098-3924 Organization James Jackson, Jr. Homeowners Aid Association 7210 Curry Rd Houston TX 77093 Organization Sylvia Brooks 1301 Texas Avenue Houston TX 77002 Organization Bernadette Dames 1301 Texas Avenue Houston TX 77002 Organization Eugene Waddis 1301 Texas Avenue Houston TX 77002 Organization Lucy Fisher 1001 Fannin, #1300 Houston TX 77002 Organization Mr. Mr. Harris Co MUD 231 c/o Smith, Murdaugh, Little & Bonham Harris Co MUD 321 Harris Co MUD 321 c/o Fulbright & Jaworski Harris Co MUD 33 Houston Area Urban League, Inc. Houston Area Urban League, Inc. Houston Area Urban League, Inc. Houston Bar Association Page 8 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Organization Surname Salutation F Name L Name Kay Sim Organization Al Calloway Organization Glenn Lowenstein Laura G. Murillo Organization Suzan Deison Organization Sonia Garza Organization Jack Searcy, Jr. Organization Sandy Turbeville Organization Mark Clark Organization Dr. Dr. Title Department Bus/Org Houston Bar Association Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce Houston Geological Society Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Houston Intercontinental Chamber of Commerce Houston International Protocol Alliance Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce Address 1001 Fannin Suite 1300 City Houston State Zip TX 77002 2808 Wheeler Ave. Houston TX 77004 6106 Hummingbird Houston TX 77096 1801 Main Street, Suite 890 Houston TX 77002 250 N Sam Houston Pkwy E # 200 Houston TX 77060-2009 901 Bagby Suite 100 Houston TX 77002 3920 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 120 Houston TX 77068-3512 3920 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 120 Houston TX 77068-3512 Houston Police Officers’ Union 1602 State Street Houston TX 77007 HOUSTON PROFESSIONAL FIRE 1907 Freeman FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION Houston TX 77009 Houston Sierra Club 5431 Carew Houston TX 77096 President Houston Tomorrow 3015 Richmond Avenue, Suite 201 Houston TX 77098 10370 Richmond Ave Ste 125 Houston TX 77042-4278 4400 North Frwy Suite 300 601 Jefferson Suite 125 600 Jefferson 600 Jefferson Suite 900 Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77022 77002 77002 77002 600 Jefferson, #900 Houston TX 77002 President Houston West Chamber of Commerce Houston Works Houston Works Program Houston Works USA Houston Works USA Houston Works/Houston Job Training I-45 Coalition 4800 West 34th St, Suite B-1 Houston TX 77092 601 N. Shepherd Drive Suite 330 Houston TX 77007 1001 McKinney, Ste. 1000 Houston TX 77002-6424 1800 W Loop South, Ste 1120 Houston TX 77027 6110 Wister Lane 2375 Bolsover 10600 NW Fwy, Ste 200 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77008 77005 77092 202 AVENUE OF OAKS ST Houston TX 77009 Houston TX 77056 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77073 77002 77025 President & CEO Organization Organization Mr. Mr. Brandt Mannchen Organization Mr. Mr. David Crossley Organization Carolyn Wright Organization Organization Organization Organization Reginald Gayland Henry Terry Pierson Capps Gonzalez Hudson Organization Rae Zamarippa Jim Weston Christopher A. Bean Jewel Debardelaben President Alex Di Bagno Board Member Peter Polly Gabriele R. Tyler Ledvina Merrill Organization Mr. Mr. Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Organization Organization Organization Organization Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Gr. Houston Chapter Inverness Forest ID c/o Johnson, Radcliffe, Petrov & Bobbitt Italy-America Chamber of Commerce of TX Just Transportation Alliance Katy Corridor Coalition Kiwanis Club of Houston LINDALE PK MASONIC LODGE # 1347 President Organization Organization Ed Wulfe Organization Organization Organization Robert Mavis Loren Skinner Kelsey, Jr. Hopkins Ind. Electrical Contractors, Inc. Chair Main Street Coalition Memorial Hills UD Memorial Park Conservancy Mothers for Clean Air Page 9 of 75 1800 Post Oak Blvd, 6 Blvd Place, Ste 400 2119 Millhouse 3417 Milam 2903 Staton North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Organization Organization Organization Surname Mr. Salutation Ms. L Name President North Corridor Coalition President North Forest MUD North Green MUD Address PO Box 330594 4027 Irvington 16945 Northchase Drive, Suite 1900 411 Shady Glade 1301 McKinney St, Ste 5700 Nelson North Houston Association 16825 Northchase Dr., Suite 160 Houston TX 77060 Rea-Gaubert Wright Lenz Executive Director PO Box 73643 16825 Northchase Ste 160 16825 Northchase Dr, Ste. 160 250 North Sam Houston Pkwy East, Ste. 200 7602 Del Monte 282 PINE HOLLOW LN 7500 San Felipe Suite 600 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77273-3643 77060 77060 President North Houston Association North Houston Association North Houston Association North Houston Economic Development Council North Park MUD North Town Service Center Northgate Crossing MUD 1 Houston TX 77060 Houston HOUSTON Houston TX TX TX 77063 77056-1502 77063 Northgate Crossing MUD 1 c/o Schwartz, Page & Harding 1300 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 1400 Houston TX 77056 Northline Commons Northwest Harris Co MUD 23 c/o Strawn & Richardson NW Houston Business & Prof. Women Oaks of Inwood Community Improvement Assoc. Oaks of Inwood Section V Improvement Assoc. Petroleum Club of Houston Project GRAD Project Grad 4400A North Freeway #900 Houston TX 77022 6750 West Loop South, Ste 250 Bellaire TX 77401-4111 PO BOX 681421 Houston TX 77268-1421 3835 Elmcrest Houston TX 77088 3415 CHERRY FOREST DRIVE Houston TX 77088 800 Bell Ave., 43rd Floor 4265 San Felipe St Ste 900 4265 San Felipe St Ste 900 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77027-2929 77027-2929 Houston TX 77002-6424 2505 Fannin Houston TX 77002 2515 Yoakum, #10 PO Box 3021 P.O. Box 3021 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77006 77253 77253-3021 11555 Beamer Suite 500 Houston TX 77089 1401 Richmond Ave, Ste. 270 1401 Richmond Ave, Ste. 270 2814 Quitman St. Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77004 77004 77026 2656 South Loop West, Ste 130 Houston TX 77054-2207 3809 Main Houston TX 77002 Miller Jerry Lowry Dale Joe Crawford Fogarty Ms. Tina Mr. Organization Organization Organization F Name Glenn Title Organization Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Vesta Carolyn S. Paula Organization Mr. Mr. Reggie Gray Organization Organization Organization J. Kenneth SEYED ALI Lawrence Anderson TABATABAI Thompson Organization Abraham I. Rubinsky Organization Stephen Preston Organization Sue Strawn Organization Myrna Galan Organization Jernl Evans Organization James Fails Organization Organization Organization Werner Barry Javier Sanz Mills Parra Organization Dennis Cain Organization Isaac Amaro Organization Organization Organization Martha Arlene Frank Bowman Diehl Blake Debbie Thomas Katy Susan Carole Butterwick Young Little President Organization Gregory Joyce Vice President Organization Lawrence Hope Mr. Mr. Organization Organization Organization Organization Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Department c/o Fulbright & Jawwski President Richey Road MUD c/o Johnson, 1001 McKinney St, Ste. 1000 Radcliffe, Petrov & Bobbitt President Chair Bus/Org Nature Heritage Society Near Northside Outreach Houston Regional Group Page 10 of 75 Search - Emergency Aid Resource f/Home Sierra Club Sierra Club Sierra Club South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce South Main Alliance South Main Alliance Target Hunger Texas Paralyzed Veterans Association The Center, Inc. City Houston Houston State Zip TX 77233-0594 TX 77009 Houston TX 77060 Houston Houston TX TX 77090 77010-3095 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Organization Becky Vance Organization Anna Gonzales Organization Organization Organization Organization Rand Guebert Roland Don Chambless Norrell Essie Hill Mr. Mr. Organization Title Department Drug-Free Business Houston Division Bus/Org The Council on Alcohol & Drugs PO Box 2768 PO Box 2768 Houston TX 77252-2768 535 Portwall St 1500 AUSTIN ST 1500 Austin St. 2801 Technology Forest Blvd Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands TX TX TX TX 77029-1332 77002 77002 77381 Tidwell-Jensen Area Council 1803 Arrowhead Ct Missouri City TX 77459-3755 4149 Bellaire Boulevard, #130 Houston TX 77025-1031 Houston TX 77056 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77024 77007 77056-3078 77073 77000 77009 4014 Market Suite 105 Houston TX 77020 1411 Edwards Street Houston TX 77007 6700 Sealey Houston TX 77091 5503 Mountwood Houston TX 77091 5410 Oak Cove Houston TX 77091 7707 Vickijohn Dr Houston TX 77071 Mr. Howard Bingham TX Association of Rail Passengers Organization Mr. Mr. John Breeding Uptown Houston District Jill Bessie T. Gordon Alan McDonald Stratton Landwermeyer Hughes Alma Martinez HOA Ms. Ms. Janice Martinez HOA Ms. Ms. Thelma Lastrap HOA Mr. Mr. Charles Ingram HOA Steve Linekin HOA Barbara Hite Urban Land Institute Washington Ave Coalition Westador MUD Woodcreek MUD YMCA YMCA Young Father's in Families Program 1st Ward Civic Club Acres Home Historical Community Association Acres Home West Area Civic Club Antoine Forest Estates HOA, Inc. Arbor Oaks Civic Club Organization Zip 77252-2768 Mr. President State TX Organization Organization Organization Organization Organization Organization Organization City Houston The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse The Houston Food Bank THE SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army The Woodlands Township President/General Manager Address 1980 Post Oak Boulevard Suite l870 9337 B. Katy Freeway, No. 299 1419 Cohn 1300 Post Oak Blvd, Ste 1400 2902 Blue Glen Lane 1600 LOUISIANA 705 Cavalcade HOA Ms. Ms. Laura Devinney Audubon Place Assocation, Inc. 2615 Waugh Drive, #108 Houston TX 77006 HOA HOA Mr. Mr. Jason Carson Avondale Civic Association Bomar Avenue HOA Houston Houston TX TX 77006 77006-1407 HOA Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Chouinard-Grandich c/o Augustana Lutheran Church 2001 Wheeler St Houston TX 77004 HOA Pat Blaha Candlelight Forest Civic Club 6410 Menwood Circle Houston TX 77088 HOA Mark Hendricks Candlelight Forest Civic Club 7206 Bayou Oaks Houston TX 77088 HOA Brenda Scott 5118 Birchmont Houston TX 77091 HOA Mike Herman 2018 Candlelight Place Houston TX 77018 Tom Michael Carol George Ransom Tinsley Thibodeaux Rensink Martinez Craddock Candlelight Oaks Village Candlelight Place Civic Association Candlelight Plaza Civic Club Carver Estate Civic Club Cherryhurst Civic Club Cliffside Civic Club Cora Street Civic Club 1151 Lehman Street 6913 Covington 1617 Haver Street 117 Rosamond 7506 Dyer Street Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77018 77091 77006 77076 77088 HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. President Page 11 of 75 2405 Genesee 536 Bomar St North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) HOA HOA Type Robert E. Taylor Smith HOA Sandra Price Tyrone Errol Batiste Bell Bus/Org Cortlandt Civic Association Cottage Grove Civic Club Council for Community Improvement Civic Assoc. Cranbrook HOA Cranbrook POA Address 22 Courtlandt Place 5635 Kansas City Houston Houston State Zip TX 77006 TX 77007 754 Davidson Houston TX 77091 1627 Clear Valley 13819 Sandover Houston Houston TX TX 77014 77014 HOA Dan Baldwin Crestwood Glencove Civic Club 6018 Floyd Houston TX 77007 HOA Dan Doyle East Montrose Civic Association 1013 Peden Houston TX 77006 HOA L.C. Dunn 10515 Lazy Nook Houston TX 77076 Cleo Thus 6915 Curry Rd Houston TX 77093 Carol Raju Tammy Marcia Bert Pickering Adwaney Price Perry Tibbits 1354 Del Norte 4010 Standford 1411 Edwards Street P.O. Box 4119 1102 Dart Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77018 77006 77007 77210-4119 77007 HOA Charlene Raus 5805 Lumberdale Houston TX 77088 HOA Frank Broussard 3212 Delia Houston TX 77026 HOA HOA Keith Carolyn Silas Thomas East Sunnyside Civic Club Eastex/Jensen Super Neighborhood Ella Lee Forest HOA First Montrose Commons First Ward Civic Club First Ward Civic Club, Inc. First Ward Civic Council Forrest Lake Townhome Association Frenchtown Community Association Garden City Civic Club Garden City Civic Club 2814 Stallings Drive 2814 Stallings Drive Houston Houston TX TX 77088 77088 HOA Madine Lewis Garden City Resident Council 9601 W Montgomery # 103 Houston TX 77088 HOA HOA HOA HOA Clifford Paul Shirley Ruby Harris Havlak Reed Bennett Glen Oaks Civic Club Greater Heights Assoc Green Forest Civic Club Inc. Green Meadows Civic Club Greenridge Townhome HOA, Inc. Hawthorne Place Civic Club Heights Stude I Estates Civic Association Hidden Valley Civic Club Hidden Valley Civic Club Hidden Valley Civic Club Highland Heights #2 Huntington Neighborhood Council 250 W. Twickenham Trail 1447 Allston 4835 Otterbury Dr. 744 Boeneman Drive Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77076 77008 77039 77091 15470 Chipman Ln Houston TX 77060 11316 Glaser Houston TX 77076 1032 Nadine St Houston TX 77009 914 Hidden Valley Drive 1135 Mosher Lane 1135 Mosher Lane 6611 Morrow Street Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77088 77088 77088 77091 2606 Caplin Houston TX 77026 HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA Surname Mr. Mr. Rev. Ms. Ms. Mr. Salutation Mr. Mr. Rev. Ms. Ms. Mr. F Name L Name Title Department HOA HOA Jane McGuffee HOA Margaret Landrum HOA HOA HOA HOA W.W. Hershell Hershell Robert Thorne Vaughn Vaughn Runnels HOA Herma Barnes HOA John Branch Independence Heights Community Action Org/SN 13 4430 Castor Houston TX 77022 HOA HOA HOA Terrence June Anthony McGreevy Lewis Domingo Indian Trail HOA Inwood Forest Village HOA Inwood Pines Homes Assoc. 1001 Fannin Ste 3519 3311 Vega 7514 Lemon Tree Cr. Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77088 77088 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Page 12 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org HOA N Punch HOA Lois Lee Ray Anderson Brian Mitzi Sammy Kevin William Van Tubergen Altersbergen Dyer Hoffman Sullivan Kashmere Gardens Super Neighborhood Kingwood Area Super Neigborhood Leeland Park Civic Club Lewisdale Civic Association Lincoln City Civic Club Lindale Park Civic Club Little York Civic Club Sebastian Francis HOA Judie HOA City State Zip 2711 Bringhurst Houston TX 77026 3301 Vintage Houston TX 77026 2819 Golden Leaf Dr. Kingwood TX 77339 1302 Waugh Dr #848 2302 Brun St 7615 Mount Dr 516 Ave of Oaks 11206 Normeadow Lane Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77019 77019 77088 77009 77076 Lower Heights Civic Association 1045 W. 8th Houston TX 77007 Cross Magnolia Grove Civic Association 4312 Rose St Houston TX 77007 Ron Patterson Magnolia Grove Civic Club, Inc. 4226 Gibson Houston TX 77007 HOA Dinah Martinez Mandell Place Civic Association 1517 Marshall St Houston TX 77006 HOA HOA HOA Clare Donna Jesse Nonmacher Espados Clark Meadowlink Civic Club Melrose Civic Club Melrose Park Civic Club Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77076 77022 77037 HOA Leroy Flowers Montgomery Terrace Civic Club 8618 Easter Houston TX 77088 HOA Juleena Masters Montie Beach Civic Club Houston TX 77009 HOA Fernando Cisneroz North Central Civic Association 3804 Robertson Houston TX 77009 HOA Kirby Mears 1829 Maryland Houston TX 77006 HOA Robert Moreland 4503 Mierianne Houston TX 77093 HOA Juanita Reyes North Lindale Civic Association 316C Aplin Houston TX 77022 HOA Hector Hernandez North Lindale Civic Org, Inc. 430 Lindale Houston TX 77022 HOA Hector Hernandez North Lindale Civic Organization 316 Caplin Houston TX 77022 HOA Mary Taylor 807 Marcolin Houston TX 77088 HOA Willie Lee 3301 Vintage Houston TX 77026 HOA Mary Ann Bullard North Plaza Civic Club, Inc. Northeast Concerned Citizens Civic League Northline Terrace Civic Club Northside/Northline Super Neighborhood Northside/Northline Super Neighborhood Oakridge Houston Civic Club Old Sixth Ward Neighborhood Assoc PO Box 91494 Houston TX 77291 7314 Nordling Road Houston TX 77076 11316 Glaser Drive Houston TX 77076-2404 420 Fenn St Houston TX 77018 2214 Kane Street Houston TX 77007 HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA HOA Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. HOA Mr. Mr. Richard Leal HOA Ms. Ms. Paula Parshall HOA Donna Lomas HOA J.D. Bartell Jensen Neighborhood Council Address North Cherryhurst Civic Association North Houston Heights Civic Org, Inc. Page 13 of 75 7706 Meadowview 614 Westford 1035 Castledale 1309 W. Patton St North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name HOA Brantly Minor HOA John Rigby HOA Carol Kleiber HOA Cory Ortigoza HOA c/o Butler Spears HOA Edward Jamison Title Department President Bus/Org Old Sixth Ward Neighborhood Association Park Square HOA Address 1914 State Street City State Zip Houston TX 77007 Houston TX 77008-3276 Houston TX 77091 1415 Ash Meadow Houston TX 77090-2401 14811 St. Mary's Ln, Ste 270 Houston TX 77079 2114 Paul Quinn Houston TX 77091 712 W. Temple Houston TX 77009 321 Birdsall Houston TX 77007 1710 West T C Jester Blvd Apt 2118 6200 N. Shepherd HOA Ms. Ms. Kathy Cameron HOA Mr. Mr. Joel Riecheck Parkway Civic Club Ponderosa Forest Area Civic Association Ponderosa Village TH Association Inc. Precinct 576 Civic Club Proctor Plaza Neighborhood Association Rice Military Civic Club HOA Ms. Ms. Rebecca Jaso RJ Realty Management , INC. 730 N. Post Oak Rd Ste 330 Houston TX 77024 HOA HOA HOA Barbara Chester Phyllis Baker Carr Nervis 714 Dunkley 507 Dunkley Drive 125 E Rittenhouse Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77076 77076 77076 HOA Rosa Hawkins Rose Garden Civic Club Rose Garden Civic Club Rose Garden Civic Club Ryon Addition Action Association 5404 Terry St Houston TX 77009 HOA Gary Lahey P.O. Box 690269 Houston TX 77269 HOA Paul Meza 123 Christensen Houston TX 77003 HOA James Rasmus 5403 Brinkman Houston TX 77091 James Rasmus PO Box 924064 Houston TX 77092 HOA Detlef Kimnitz 5631 Sheraton Oaks Houston TX 77091 HOA c/o CIA Services Silverglen North HOA 8811 FM 1960 Bypass Rd, Ste 200 Humble TX 77338 12719 Greenshire Dr PO Box 30062 PO Box 540331 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77048-4011 77009 77254 PO Box 541346 Houston TX 77254 2003 Indiana Street Houston TX 77019 4208 Spence Street Houston TX 77007 HOA HOA HOA HOA Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. President Williams Ridgway Easterly HOA EVALYN RUDY HOA Cay Dickson Carrie Wilson Southwood Civic Club Sunset Heights Civic Club University Place Assoc. UNIVERSITY PLACE ASSOCIATION Vermont Commons Civic Association West End Civic Club, Inc. HOA Fred Lazare White Oak Bayou Association 1015 Grovewood Houston TX 77008 HOA Ollie Hawkins White Oak Terrace Civic Club 3614 Garapan Houston TX 77091 Anissa Mary Mary Jane Mitchell O'Fiel O'Fiel Yale Victoria Civic Club Yale Victoria Civic Club Yale-Victoria Civic Club 507 East Janisch 207 E. Burress 207 East Burress Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77022 77022 77022 HOA HOA HOA Mr. Second Ward Residence Association Shepherd Park Terrace Civic Club Shepherd Park Terrace Civic Club Sheraton Oaks Homeowners Assoc. Kelvin John Kathy HOA Mr. Sablechase HOA c/o Preferred Management Services Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Page 14 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation HOA F Name Ben L Name Title Department Mask Institution Institution Stephen Valleskey Institution Institution Phillip Moore Institution Institution Gary Seager Institution Barbara Eddin Institution Jeff Adams Institution Institution Doug Bussey Institution Carlos Diaz Institution M.B. Donaldson Institution Emmett Hill Institution Nadine Kujawa Institution Rick Ogden Wanda Bamberg Institution Dr. Superintendent Institution Institution Institution Evelyn Johnson Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Belinda Italo Suzanne Richard McGrew Dell'oro Wilson Shearer Institution Adams Dorothy Institution Institution Institution Institution Don Williams Page 15 of 75 Bus/Org Yorkdale Civic Club, Yorkdale/White Oak Terrace 34th Temple Church of God Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Abundant Life Church Acres Home Church of God Adele Looscan Elementary School Advent Presbyterian Church Airline United Methodist Church Aldine Christian Church Aldine First United Methodist Church Aldine Independent School District Aldine Independent School District Aldine Independent School District Aldine Independent School District Aldine Independent School District Aldine Independent School District Aldine ISD Aldine United Penecostal Church Anderson Memorial Church Antioch Baptist Church Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Apostolic Tabernacle Assumption Catholic Church B & Y Community Center Bammel Baptist Church SBC BAPTIST MISN CENTER Baptist Mission Center Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Bella Vista Missionary Baptist Church Beneke Memorial Methodist Church Bethany Lutheran Church Bethel Community Church Address City State Zip 2635 Cliffdale Houston TX 77091 1317 East 34th Street Houston TX 77022 17123 Red Oak Houston TX 77090 713 East Airtex 8211 West Montgomery Road Houston Houston TX TX 77073 77039 3800 Robertson Houston TX 77007 115 West Road Houston TX 77037 165 West Road Houston TX 77037 2233 Aldine-Mail Route Houston TX 77039 4623 Aldine Bender FM 525 Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Road Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Road Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine-Westfield Rd. Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Road Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Rd. Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Road Houston TX 77032 14910 Aldine Westfield Rd. Houston TX 77032 322 Aldine Mail Road Houston TX 77037 3303 Orange 5902 Beall Houston Houston TX TX 77020 77091 500 Clay Houston TX 77002 5547 Cavalcade 901 Roselane 501 West Gulf Bank 106 Bammel Westfield Road 1913 Fletcher Street 1901 Fletcher Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77026 77037 77037 77090 77009 77009 161 West Road Houston TX 77037 807 East 36th Houston TX 77022 9104 Harrell Houston TX 77093 522 Lindale 2414 Lauder Houston Houston TX TX 77022 77039 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Institution Bob Steming Bethel United Church of Christ 1107 Shepherd Houston TX 77007 Institution Jimmie Connan 3938 Melbourne Houston TX 77026 5514 Hirsch Houston TX 77026 Institution Institution Bethesda Baptist Church Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church Bethlehem Baptist Church Bible Baptist Church 1208 Meadow 11721 Aldine-Westfield Houston Houston TX TX 77020 77093 Institution BIBLE DAYS REVIVAL CHURCH 501 Quitman Street Houston TX 77009 Institution Institution BIBLE DAYS REVIVAL INC Bible Way Outreach Center PO Box 147 4508 Eddie Houston Houston TX TX 77001 77026 Institution Institution J.L. Parker Bibleway Church of Holiness 6201 Hirsch Houston TX 77026 Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Kathy Goode Charlotte Jesse Parker Woods Bob Paul Marguerite VanDyke Duplechain Belkin Bread of Life Burbank Church of Christ Burbank Middle School Burrus Elementary Calvary Baptist Church Canaan Baptist Church Candlelight Bible Church Catholic Diocese Christ Church Cathedral 2019 Crawford St. PO Box 16028 315 Berry Road 701 E 33rd 3431 McGowen St 5117 Lockwood 4333 West Little York Road 1100 Louisiana, 33rd Floor 1117 Texas Ave. Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77022 77022 77022 77004-2158 77026 77091 77002 77002 Institution Woodrow Gordon Christ Community Fellowship 605 West Parker Road Houston TX 77067 Institution Jenny Jefferson Christ Temple Apostolic Church 6202 Lockwood Drive Houston TX 77026 Christain World Center Christian Fellowship Baptist Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Christian Life Center Assembly of God Christian Science Churches CHRISTUS Health St. Joseph's Hospital 4400 Fulton 4717 Kashmere Houston Houston TX TX 77009 77026 3920 New Orleans Houston TX 77020 12330 Vickery Houston TX 77039 1717 Travis Houston TX 77002 1919 La Branch St. Houston TX 77002 Christ-Way Missionary Baptist PO BOX 21274 Houston TX 77226-1274 16331 Hafer Houston TX 77090 9521 Sunnywood Hidden Village TX 77038 2604 Hampton Houston TX 77088 3510 Deschaumes Houston TX 77026 406 Harbor Boulevard Houston TX 77020 3112 Druid Houston TX 77091 Institution Institution Institution Institution R. Rodriquez Institution Dallas Evans Institution Sally Jeffcoat Institution Institution David Noble Institution Ron Hill Institution Ray Wilkerson Church Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Church of Christ In Hidden Valley Church of Christ In Highland Garden Church of God In Christ Buck Street Church of Seventh Day Church of The Lord Jesus Christ At Hou. Institution Institution Institution Page 16 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Institution Surname Salutation F Name Patricia S. L Name Title Department Gonzalez Institution Institution Institution Institution M. R. McClua Institution Institution Institution Carolyn Leroy Diane Walker Ross Troyer Institution Bonnie Russell Institution Debi Shay Institution Eliabeth Primeaux Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution L. F. Diane Margarita Katherine Chaney Mulet Ortiz-Miller Brooks Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Kurt Kopczynski Facilities Manager Institution Bus/Org Clement Martinez Elementary School Community Baptist Church Community Church Community Missionary Baptist Church Conroe Independent School District Cornerstone Baptist Church Creston Baptist Church Cy-Fair College Cy-Fair Independent School District Cy-Fair Independent School District Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Damascus Baptist Church Davis High School De Chaumes Elementary Dogan Elementary Schools Durkee Methodist Church Ebenezer Baptist Church Ebenezer United Methodist Church Ecclesia Church EL MESIAS METHODIST CH Evan Chapel Baptist Church FIRST BAPTIST CH HOUSTON First Baptist Church Aldine Address City State Zip 901 Hayes Houston TX 77009 4005 Kress 4521 Englewood Houston Houston TX TX 77026 77026 6420 Radcliffe Houston TX 77091 108 Galdstill Conroe TX 77301 14314 Walters Road 3201 Creston 9449 Grant Rd. Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77014 77026 77070 11430 Falcon Houston TX 77064 11430 Falcon Houston TX 77064 110655 Steepletop Dr. Houston TX 77065 PO Box 221 1101 Quitman 155 Cooper 4202 Liberty Road 502 John Alber Rd. 1814 Jensen Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77001-0221 77009 77076 77026 77076 77026 7302 North Main Houston TX 77022 1100 Elder Street 2004 FULTON 5009 Neches 7401 KATY FWY 2046 Aldine-Bender Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77007 77000 77026 77024 77032 First Baptist Church Heights SBC 201 East 9th Houston TX 77007 Institution Becky Howard First Baptist Church North Houston 4422 Lauder Houston TX 77039 Institution R.D. King First Christian Baptist Church 2006 Ellington Houston TX 77088 4611 Los Angeles Houston TX 77026 6221 Crane Houston TX 77026 2008 Gregg Houston TX 77026 PO Box 21481 Houston TX 77226-1481 First United Methodist Church 1320 Main Sreet Houston TX 77002 Freewill Baptist Church 10331 Veterans Memorial Drive Houston TX 77038 First Morning Nebo Baptist Church First Morning Star Baptist Church First New Mount Calvary Baptist Church First St Mark Baptist Church Institution Institution Gwendolyn Parker Institution Institution Institution William Hinson Institution Page 17 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Institution Bus/Org Address Garden Grove Christian Church 4802 Pardee City State Zip Houston TX 77026 8311 Fulton Houston TX 77009 5621 NORTH Freeway 762 Enterprise Houston Houston TX TX 77076-4503 77088 Institution Institution Gideon Baptist Church Private School GLEN ROSE BAPTIST CHURCH God's Holy Place Institution God's Romany Christian Church 607 East Rogers Houston TX 77020 Institution God's Words of Deliverance Good Samaritan Missionary Baptist Church Good Shepherd Christian Church Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church Gospel Hill Missionary Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church Grace Missionary Baptist Church ABA 3814 Folger St Houston TX 77093-5807 5901 Cavalcade Houston TX 77026 1020 W Mount Houston Road Houston TX 77038 3405 Nance Houston TX 77020 3917 Wipprecht Houston TX 77026 7602 Fulton Houston TX 77022 1823 Aldine-Mail Route Houston TX 77039 Grace Primitive Baptist Church 3620 Hurley Houston TX 77093 2508 McDaniel Houston TX 77093 3915 Kelley Houston TX 77026 4441 Haygood Houston TX 77022 8901 Jensen Drive Houston TX 77093 2702 Caplin St Houston TX 77026-1106 3301 Brewster Houston TX 77026 5005 Liberty Road Houston TX 77026 1823 DeWalt Houston TX 77088 840 Ringold Houston TX 77088 2003 Ferguson Way Houston TX 77088 3609 Broyles Houston TX 77026 1620 Dolly Wright 3318 Link Road 11703 Walters Road Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77088 77022 77067 11250 Bently Houston TX 77093 Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Fred Dickens, Jr. Institution Institution Margie Burchfield Institution Institution Jasper Greater Community Baptist Church Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Church Greater First Baptist Church Greater Jerusalem Baptist Church Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church Greater Metropolitan Baptist Church Greater Mt Nebo Baptist Church Greater Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Greater Progressive Baptist Church Greater St Luke Missionary Baptist Church Greater St Paul Missionary Baptist Church Greater Zion Baptist Church Green Chapel AME Church Greenspoint Baptist Church Greenwood Village Baptist Church Hayward Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Forrest D Kindley Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Curtic C. Earl Victor Lewis, Sr. Foster Williams, Institution Nancy Ivey Page 18 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Institution Clara Bilal Maynard Salahuddin Institution Shelton Bady Institution Institution Institution Margaret Raul David Forde Ortegon Cunningham Institution Leroy Flowers Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Address Hakeem Da Wah Islamic Center 202 Main Street Institution Institution Institution Bus/Org Ms. Ms. Branch Librarian Branch Librarian Aldine Branch High Meadows Branch HARRIS COUNTY HOSP DIST CASA D AMIGO HEALTH CTR Harris County Public Library Harris County Public Library Harvest Time Evangelistic Church HCC-Northeast HCC-Northeast Helmers St Baptist Church Highland Heights Church of Christ Hogg Middle School Holy Cross Catholic Chapel Holy Light COGIC Holy Name Catholic Church Holy Rosary Church City State Zip Houston TX 77002 1615 N Main Houston TX 77009 11331 Airline Dr 4500 Aldine Mail Route Houston Houston TX TX 77037 77039 17770 Imperial Valley Drive Houston TX 77060 401 Northline Mall 401 Northline Mall 7721 Helmers Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77022 77022 77022 PO Box 91068 Houston TX 77291-1068 1100 Merrill 905 Main 4200 Hershe 1917 Cochran St. 3600 Travis Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77002 77020 77009 77002 Michael Barrett Brendan Murphy, S.V.D. Institution Gerlin Taylor Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 7822 Northline Houston TX 77037 Institution David Tart Hosanna Lutheran Church House of Prayer & Life Fellowship Center 16526 Ella Boulevard Houston TX 77090 784 Davidson Houston TX 77091 Houston COMMUNITY COLLEGE 4638 AIRLINE DR Houston TX 77022 Houston Community College PO Box 667517 Houston TX 77226 401 Northline Mall #119 Houston TX 77022 9400 Irvington Houston TX 77076 6700 FULTON ST Houston TX 77022 4400 West 18th St Houston TX 77092-8501 4400 West 18th St Houston TX 77092-8501 4400 West 18th St Houston TX 77092-8501 710 FM 1960 West #560 Houston TX 77069 500 McKinney Ave. 500 McKinney Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77002 Rev. Rev. Pastor Institution Institution Institution Winston Dahse Chief Administration Officer Houston Community College Northeast Houston High School Houston Independent School District Houston Independent School District Houston Independent School District Houston ISD Houston Northwest Medical Center Houston Public Libraries Houston Public Library Institution Institution Institution Institution James LaVois Institution Cecilia Guerra Texas Scholars Coordinator Institution Terry B. Grier Superintendent Institution JIm Kelly Institution Institution Barbara Gubbin Institution Librarian Acres Homes Neighborhood Houston Public Library 8501 West Montgomery Houston TX 77088 Institution Institution Institution Institution Librarian Librarian Librarian Librarian Carnegie Neighborhood Heights Neighborhood Moody Neighborhood Oak Forest Neighborhood Houston Public Library Houston Public Library Houston Public Library Houston Public Library 1050 Quitman 1302 Heights Blvd 9525 Irvington 1349 West 43rd St Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77009 77008 77076 77018 Page 19 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Institution Title Librarian Department The African American Library at the Gregory School Bus/Org State Zip TX 77019 Houston TX 77037 Houston TX 77007 Institution Iglesia Ni Cristo 402 Frazer Lane Iglesia Pentecostes Ilulminados 5525 Kansas Por Su Pala Irvington Church 4413 Edison Street Houston TX 77009 Institution Irvington Pentecostal Church 4400 Fulton St Houston TX 77009 11815 Adel Rd. Houston TX 77067 1701 Chestnut Street Houston TX 77009 2100 1/2 Harwick Houston TX 77093 3906 IRVINGTON BLVD Houston TX 77009 Institution Institution North Zone Institution Institution Terri Severson Islamic Society of Great Houston Jerusalem Church/St. George Syrian Church Jesus Center 1300 Victor St City Houston Institution Houston Public Library Address Institution Joyful Church House of Prayer Institution Jubilee Church of God In Christ 4518 Lockwood Drive Houston TX 77026 Institution Kashmere Baptist Church Kashmere Garden Baptist Church Kashmere Garden Church of Christ Ketelsen Elementary School Latter Day Deliverance Revival Church Laws Memorial Church of God in Christ 4320 Los Angeles Houston TX 77026 4302 Cavalcade Houston TX 77026 4315 Leffingwell Houston TX 77026 600 Quitman Houston TX 77009 4036 Lyons Houston TX 77020 4807 Wayne Houston TX 77026 Institution Lincoln Wood Baptist Church 11803 Adel Houston TX 77067 Institution Institution Institution Institution Lindale Assembly of God Lindale Baptist Church Little York Baptist Church Lyons Unity Baptist Church Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Mallalieu United Methodist Church Marshall Middle School PO Box 30130 6615 Irvington 609 Little York Road 3215 Lyons Ave Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77249-0130 77022 77076 77026 995 Dolly Wright Houston TX 77088 1918 Hickory Houston TX 77007 1115 Noble Houston TX 77009 Memorial Baptist Church SBC 22333 Kuykendahl Rd Spring TX 77379 Messiah Lutheran Church Methodist Willowbrook Hospital Metropolitan Baptist Church Miles Chapel CME Church Minister of New Jerusalem Miracle House of Prayer 816 Roy Houston TX 77007 18220 Tomball Parkway Houston TX 77070 4511 West Hunting Rd 4315 Lyons 7630 Fawnridge 604 East 38th Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77026 77020 77028 77022 Institution Institution Institution Alma Lara Institution Institution Norma O.C. Jean Johnson, Sr. Institution Institution Carolyn McCall Institution Roberto Gonzales Institution Institution Julia Scott Institution S. Jeffrey Ackerman Institution Institution Institution Institution Cornelius Shephard Page 20 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Institution Surname Sis. Salutation Sis. F Name L Name Licinia Perez Institution Randy Bates Institution Institution Institution Institution Larry Leanard A. Meal Jones, Sr. Institution G.T. Curry, Sr. Title Department Bus/Org Missionary Carmelites of St. Teresa Montgomery Community College District Morning Star Baptist Church Mount Ararat Baptist Church Mount Ararat Baptist Church Mount Olive Baptist Church Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Address City State Zip 9600 Deer Trail Dr. Houston TX 77038 1018 Saddle Rock Houston TX 77088 5110 Crane 4503 Noble Street 5801 West Montgomery Road 1306 Pannell Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77026 77020 77091 77020 908 East 32 1/2 Street Houston TX 77022 1450 West Gulf Bank Houston TX 77088 Institution Mount Pisgah Baptist Church Institution Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 4819 Hershe Houston TX 77020 Mt Sinai Baptist Church Mt Zenora Missionary Baptist Church 902 West 8th Street Houston TX 77007 7711 Orebo Houston TX 77088 Multiculture Ed. & Counseling 1900 Kane Houston TX 77007 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Houston TX 77060 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Houston TX 77060 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Houston TX 77060 250 North Sam Houston Parkway Houston East Tx 77060 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Houston TX 77060 3535 Brewster Houston TX 77026 13223 Aldine-Westfield Houston TX 77039 9833 Bonazzi Houston TX 77088 6301 Hirsch Houston TX 77026 916 West Little York Road Houston TX 77091 11249 Crown Park Houston TX 77067 4910 Canterbury Way Houston TX 77069-2134 3221 Bain Houston TX 77026 Institution Samual Gilbert Institution Institution Robert Betancor Institution Steve Head Cathy Owen Institution John Pickelman, Institution Steve Scheffler Nellie Thorogood Institution N. Harris Montgomery Comm. College District N. Harris Montgomery Comm. College District N. Harris Montgomery Comm. College District N. Harris Montgomery Comm. College District N. Harris Montgomery Comm. College District New Bethel Baptist Church Institution New Covenant Praise Church Institution Institution Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Dr. New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church New Jesus Way Missionary Baptist Church New Life Church of God In Christ New Light Christian Center New Mount Olive Baptist Church New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Institution Institution Institution Carl Davis Institution Institution Vincent Wilson, Sr. Institution Cecil Banks Institution Mildred Self North Central Baptist Church 2102 Tidwell Road Houston TX 77093 Institution Paul Emerson North Central Church 25130 Aldine Westfield Rd Spring TX 77373 Institution Robert Golf North Houston Baptist Church 706 Cather St Houston TX 77076-4104 Page 21 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Institution Institution Rev. Rev. Robert Staggers Institution Institution Randy Tolman Institution Louise Mitchell Sam Daniels Institution Adrian M. Shapiro Institution Institution Institution Kim Michael Beasley Gibson Rev. Rev. Institution Scott Townley Institution Pearlie 77076 Northside Antioch Baptist Church Houston TX 77026 Houston TX 77090 5008 Lucille Houston TX 77026 661 Aldine Mail Houston TX 77037 7029 Appleton Houston TX 77022 3711 Harriman 3006 Kashmere Houston Houston TX TX 77026 77026 Houston TX 77073 1811 Stevens Park Temple Baptist Center Parkwood Baptist Church Payne Chapel AME Church Perpetual Missionary Baptist Church Pine Grove Baptist Church Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church 4027 Irvington Blvd 5210 Aldine-Bender 2701 Lee Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77009 77032 77026 3216 Collingsworth Houston TX 77026 3518 Aldine-Bender Houston TX 77032 2801 Comti Houston TX 77020 Prairie Graden Baptist Church 3134 Frick Houston TX 77038 Houston TX 77009 944 Annex Houston TX 77088 5203 Fulton Houston TX 77009 Progressive Missionary Baptist Church REID MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Tyrone Institution Zip TX PRIMERO IGLESTA CHRISTIANA 5709 FULTON ST EN ESPANOL CHURCH Institution State Houston Our Lady of the Lake University 2700 W. W. Thorne Drive Houston Weekend College Institution City North Side Baptist Church S B C 10110 Bauman Norton Temple Church of God In Christ Oak Glen Church of God of Prophecy Oakwood United Methodist Church On Track Ministries Our Lady of Sorrows Church Institution Institution Address Northwest Assistance Ministries 15555 Kuykendahl Institution Institution Institution Bus/Org Institution Resurrection Lutheran Church 915 Zoe Houston TX 77020 Institution Rittenhouse Baptist Church Rose Garden United Methodist Church Ryan Elementary Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Second Cavalcade Baptist Church SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Seventh Day Adv. Church of N. Houston 513 West Rittenhouse Houston TX 77091 406 East Rittenhouse Houston TX 77076 4001 Hardy 1111 Pierce Houston Houston TX TX 77009 77002 6022 Cavalcade Houston TX 77026 215 Goldenrod Street Houston TX 77009 626 Canino Houston TX 77076 Seventh Day Adventist Church 12211 MacNaughton Houston TX 77039 Institution Institution Institution Institution Marvin Anderson Institution Institution Institution Page 22 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation Institution F Name John L Name Title Department Woody Institution Institution Institution Institution Frank T. Read Institution Hernan Silguero & Felipe Chicas Institution John Folks Institution James Leo Malcom Thompson Anselm Walker Institution Mr. Mr. Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Fr. Fr. Lubomir Kupec Institution Rev. Rev. Bill Laucher Theresa Leal Salvatore F. Sal DeGeorge DeGeorge Institution Institution Institution Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Pastor Page 23 of 75 Bus/Org Shepherd Drive United Methodist Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church Shining Star Baptist Church Smyrna Seven Day Adventist Church South Texas College of Law Spanish United Pentecostal Church Spring Independent School District Spring Independent School District Spring Independent School District St Basil's Byzantine Rite Catholic Center St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church St Francis of Assisi Church St John Neumann Catholic Church St Joseph's Catholic Church St Luke Baptist Church St Luke Christian Church St Luke's Lutheran Church St Marks Baptist Church St Mark's Missionary Baptist Church St Matthew Lutheran Church of Westfield St Paul Lutheran Church St Paul Missionary Baptist Church St Paul's Missionary Baptist Church St Theresa Catholic Church St Thomas More St Timothy's United Medodist Church St Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church St. Alban's Episcopal Church St. Joseph Church - Social Ministries St. Patrick Catholic Church St. Patrick's Catholic Church Address City State Zip 600 Shepherd Drive Houston TX 77007 9410 West Montgomery Road Houston TX 77088 327 Walthall Houston TX 77022 4411 Leffingwell Houston TX 77026 1303 San Jacinto Houston TX 77002 6518 Fulton Houston TX 77022 16717 Ella Boulevard Houston TX 77090 16717 Ella Boulevard Houston TX 77090-4299 3730 FM 1960#200 Houston TX 77068 1815 Parker Rd Houston TX 77093 501 Tidwell Houston TX 77022 5100 Dabney Houston TX 77026 2730 Nelwood Drive Houston TX 77038 1505 Kane 5415 Marcus 915 Wall 11025 Aldine Westfield 5306 Lyons Avenue Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77007 77026 77088 77093 77020 1920 Mansfield Road Houston TX 77091 21434 E Hardy Rd Houston TX 77073 602 Lathrop Houston TX 77020 2022 Ellington Houston TX 77088 5525 Kashmere Houston TX 77026 6622 Haskell 1700 San Jacinto Dr. Houston Houston TX TX 77007 77002 8787 N Houston-Rosslyn Rd Houston TX 77088 24 Tidwell Road Houston TX 77022 420 Woodard St Houston TX 77009 1505 Kane St. Houston TX 77007 4918 Cochran St. 4918 Cochran Houston Houston TX TX 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Institution Institution Surname Salutation F Name Bus/Org St. Patrick's Catholic School St. Stevens Star Bether Missionary Baptist Church Texas Health Human Services Library Texas Houston Mission Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Travis Elementary Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church True Faith Missionary Baptist Church True Light Baptist Church Unity Baptist Church University of Houston University of Houston Downtown University of HoustonDowntown Address 4916 Cochran 170 Rittenhouse City Houston Houston State Zip TX 77022 TX 77076 8407 Carver Houston TX 77088 1459 East 40th St Houston TX 77022-4105 16333 Hafer Houston TX 77090 5000 Sharman Houston TX 77009 3311 Beauchamp 800 Houston Avenue 5201 Spring Cypress Road Houston Houston Spring TX TX TX 77009 77002 77379-3438 5806 Hirsch Rd Houston TX 77026 7102 North Main 2102 Ellington One Main Street Suite 910-S Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77022 77088 77002 1 Main Street Houston TX 77002 One Main Street Houston TX 77002 Institution VANGUARD BAPTIST CHURCH 5621 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77076-4503 Institution West End Baptist Church SBC 802 Shepherd Houston TX 77007 Institution WISDOM HOUSE CHURCH 9600 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77037-1443 Institution Woodland Trails Baptist Church 9615 North Houston-Rosslyn Houston TX 77088 Institution Woodsdale Baptist Church SBC 2518 Trenton Rd Houston TX 77093 Institution Institution Institution Business Business Business Business World of Faith Wright Grove Baptist Church Zion Hill Baptist Church 1997 FORBES FAMILY LTD 1stop Insurance & Tax 2016 Main Condominium 3 Cheers & The Boat 7700 NORTH FWY BUSINESS PARK LTD 9820 N FRWY INC c/o LAWRENCE K LEE 9924 NORTH FREEWAY INC A & B PROPERTIES INC ABS Accountemps Acres Home Legal Clinic Adams & Adams Law Firm Administaff, Inc. 9522 Veterans Memorial Drive 9702 Willow 4120 Crane PO BOX 17209 5324 North Freeway 2016 Main 2470 FM 1960 West Houston Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77038 77088 77026 77496-7209 77022 77002 77068 1221 MCKINNEY ST STE 3100 Houston TX 77010-2009 9320 HARWIN DR Houston TX 77036-1816 PO BOX 66715 11655 NORTH Freeway 16855 Northchase 333 Clay Suite 4820 6130 Wheatley 17010 Sugar Pine Dr. 19001 Crescent Springs Dr. Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Kingwood TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77266-6715 77060-3705 77060 77002 77091 77090 77339 Harold L Name Title Department Gregory Institution Institution Librarian Institution Institution Institution Institution Institution Pastor Don Rich Christian Noack Senior Pastor Institution Institution Institution Institution John Bowie Mr. Mr. David Bradley Institution Mr. Mr. Chris McCall Institution Mr. Mr. Chris McCall Miram Fran Fred Calle Bregenzer Grundmeyer Downtown Downtown Owner Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Ms. Ms. Faith Kim Angela J. Kent Jay Lee Deneau Howard Adams Mincks Page 24 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Business Otmar Kolber Aegis Asset Management, Inc. 700 LOUISIANA ST STE 4600 Houston TX 77002-2845 Business Steve Watson Aerodome Ice Complex Houston TX 77070 Business Steve Hensler Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Houston TX 77067 Business Business Business Paul Paul Cathy Layne Tetrault Casella Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77002 77007 Business Larry Lipton 2611 FM 1960 West, #D-100 Houston TX 77068 Business Cindy Rayburn 49 San Jacinto, #220 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Business Hamid Bill Ameri Blackwood Allen Center Alley Theatre Alliance Rehab, Inc. Allstate Insurance/the Lipton Agency Alternative Resolution Dispute Center AMBA MA CORP Ameri Health Clinic American Color Corporation 8220 willow Place N. 12600 Northborough Drive Suite 196 1200 Smith Suite 2600 615 Texas Ave. 3122 White Oak Drive 8505 NORTH Freeway 5324 North Freeway #120 16178 W. Hardy Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77037-2809 77022 77060 AMERICAN FREIGHTWAYS CORP PO BOX 840 Harrison AR 72602 902 Washington Ave. 902 Washington Ave. 4014 Market 600 Travis Suite 4200 Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77020 77002 Clinic Director Business Business Business Business Business Josephine Martha Fares Landa Howard T. Ayers Amtrak AmTrak N.R.P.C. Anawim Works, Inc. Andrews & Kurth L.L.P. Business Steve Buck Angelika Film Center, Houston 500 CITADEL DR STE 300 Commerce CA 90040-1572 Business ANJU ENTERPRISES INC 6101 NORTH Freeway # I45 Houston TX 77076-3003 Business ARA FINANCIAL INVSTMNT INC 4921 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77022-2518 Business Business Business Business Business 8711 NORTH Freeway 1001 McKinney Suite 1700 431 W LITTLE YORK RD 7676 NORTH Freeway 1150 Richcrest Drive Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77037-2722 77002 77076-1304 77037 77060 Christopher E.H. Ross Perry King ARCHER MOTOR CO Arthur D. Little, Inc. ASAD DEVELOPMENT CO ASHTON DE PEYSTER ATSER Business Gail Schubot Attorney 11210 Steeplecrest Dr. Suite 120 Houston TX 77065 Business Business Business Gina Judy Richard Talbert Ryan Johnson 1905 Milam 1000 Louisiana Suite 2000 910 Louisiana Suite 3000 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77002 77002 Business Gary L. Brown Avis Rent A Car Baker & Hostetler LLP Baker Botts L.L.P. Balmoral Group International Inc. 1902 Rankin Road Houston TX 77073 Business Mark Stratton Bap/ Geon Import Auto Parts 3403 Gulf Freeway Houston TX 77003 Business Tony Ayala Manager 5900 North Freeway #106C Houston TX 77076 Business Tim Nuber Owner Bap/Geon Import Auto Parts BapGeon Express Texas Auto Parts Inc. 3403 Gulf Freeway Houston TX 77003 Business William Barnier Barnier Building Systems, Inc. 1105 Northville St. Houston TX 77038 Business Business Edgardo Colon Bechtel Corporation BELLAIRE CAPITAL PTNRSHP 5131 Hummingbird 5550 NORTH Freeway Houston Houston TX TX 77035 77076 Mr. Mr. Page 25 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Business W. David Roberts Business Business Business James Jose Rafael McNeillie Butron Alvarado Owner Business Dan Parsons President Business Business Business Nery Diane Hernandez Mullins Owner Business Kelly Business Business Business Business Business Business Department Financial Bus/Org Address City State Zip Bering Comm. Serv. Foundation 1440 Harold Houston TX 77060 Bertling Logistics, Inc. Best Deal Furniture Better Bags, Inc. Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Houston, Inc. BIG BOX PARTNERS BNW Auto Repair Bowne 19054 KENSWICK DR 5900 North Freeway, Ste 132 6419 Toledo Street HUMBLE Houston Houston TX TX TX 77338-8157 77076 77008 1333 W Loop South, Ste 1200 Houston TX 77027 PO BOX 219169 5346 1/2 North Freeway 1015 S SHEPHERD DR Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77218-9169 77022 77019-3607 Frels Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P. 711 Louisiana Suite 2900 Houston TX 77002 Kent Alfredo Mike Heather Glen Joel M. Fleshner Brener Garver Kaldis Nelson Wehner TX TX TX TX TX TX 77043-3236 77055-7234 77061 77060 77068 77002-5623 Robert Sutton Houston TX 77032 Business Business Mark Mourey 1665 TOWNHURST DR STE 160 1234 N POST OAK RD STE 100 7600 South Santa Fe, Bld. A-1 15603 W. Hardy Suite 300 3410 FM West 1201 LOUISIANA ST STE 750 3663 N. Sam Houston Parkway E. Suite 200 PO BOX 20783 320 Westcott Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Business Miami Houston FL TX 33102 77007 Business Robert Royall 4802 Travis Houston TX 77002 Business James R. Tardy Brand Coffee Service Breco Holdings, Inc. BRH-Garver, Inc. Brinks Home Security, Inc. Brookside Funeral Home Buck Consultants, Inc. Bureau Veritas North America Inc. BURGER KING CORP Burns DeLatte & McCoy, Inc. Business Extension Bureau of Texas Inc. Business Extension Bureau of Texas Inc. C D REALTY INC 4802 Travis Houston TX 77002 926 N SAM Houston Parkway E Houston TX 77032-1621 PO BOX 2558 Houston TX 77252-2558 ATTN PROP TAX Business Business KIRBY BELREDDER C/O TEXAS COMMERCE BANK Business Sandra Gonzalez Career and Recovery Resources 2525 San Jacinto Houston TX 77002 Business Vernus Swisher Career and Recovery Resources, 2525 San Jacinto Inc. Houston TX 77002 Casa de Amigo Health Center 1617 N MAIN ST Houston TX 77009 Casas Catering CASPIAN ENTERPRISES INC 5519 CAPLIN ST 1717 W 22ND ST Houston Houston TX TX 77026-1809 77008 CENTERAMERICA CAPITAL PTNR 5402 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77076 CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy Central Graphics Central Houston, Inc. Chachos Chachos Restaurant Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Martin 2301 W. Gears 2301 W. Gears 1200 Smith Suite 1730 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 5350 North Freeway 5350 North Freeway Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77067 77067 77002 77010 77076 77022 1200 Smith, Suite 1400 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Business Theresa Casas Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Herman Frank Oscar Robert Jonathan Carolyn Haude Jeanes Agundez Eury Enquiez Fleetwood Business Robert Waters Manager Vice President Page 26 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Business Charles H. Grube Charles Grube Properties, Inc. 1200 SMITH ST STE 1060 Houston TX 77002-4505 Business Business Business Business Yolanda Joaquin Londono Berrios Chase Bank Childcare License Church's Fried Chicken Church's Fried Chicken PO Box 2558 5425 Polk 2706 FULTON ST 4701 IRVINGTON Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77252 77023 77009 77009 CLEANCAR PARTNERSHIP LTD 619 W 19TH ST Houston TX 77008 601 Jefferson Suite 4000 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Wihelmina (Beth) Robertson Cockspur, Inc. Business Bob Lund Compaq Computer Corporation 2055 SH 249 Houston TX 77070 Business Paul Morgan Compaq Computer Corporation 20555 SH 249 Houston TX 77070 Business Dan Tinnell Computer Tech Consumer Product Safety Commission Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Cook Roach & Lawless, LLP CRESTAR ENTERPRISES LC Crowne Plaza Downtown @ Cullen Center CWA Local 6222 D C DEWALT REAL EST LTD Dairy Queen DAIRY QUEEN INC 029 Data Industries Davis Commercial Development, LLC Davis Commercial Development, LLC DEE FOUNDRIES MYERS LTD DEE FOUNDRIES MYERS LTD Dee Foundries, Inc. 1140 Cypress Station Houston TX 77090 1919 Smith, 7th Floor Houston TX 77002 1600 Smith PO Box 4607, HQSEQ 1111 Bagby Suite 2650 6 Deerfoot Court Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands TX TX TX TX 77002 77210-4607 77002 77380 1700 Smith Houston TX 77002 7202 Wemer 4545 NORTH Freeway 310 CAVALCADE ST 4011 Waterview Court 440 Louisiana Suite 900 Houston Houston Houston Missouri City Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77076 77022 77009 77459 77002 510 Bering, Suite 300 Houston TX 77057 510 Bering, Suite 300 Houston TX 77057 2408 Everett Street PO BOX 8727 PO Box 8727 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77009 77249 77249 Business Business Business Business Business Nene Ellen Ron Foxhall La Pointe Cook Business Ruben Guevara Business Business Business Business Business Jo Cole Gloria Lloyd State & Civic Affairs Business Mr. Mr. Jeffrey P. Davis Business Ms. Ms. Jacqueline Lambert Business Business Business Dee Bob Foundries Colton Business George DeMontrond III DeMontrond Automotive Group 14101 North Freeway Houston TX 77090 Business Business Business Business Ronald Sarah McDaniel Kellner 100 Sandman 1117 East Freeway PO BOX 8929 2836 FULTON ST Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77007 77002 77249-8929 77009 Business John Binick 400 Dallas Houston TX 77002 Business Business Charles W. Duncan, Jr. DePelchin Children's Center Diverse Works DOLLAR TREE CO INTL DONERAKI RESTAURANT INC Doubletree Hotel at Allen Center DS MPS PARTNERS LTD Duncan Interests Houston Houston TX TX 77070 77002 Business Joaquin Gay Dynasol of Houston Houston TX 77014 Business Business Chuck Watson Dynegy Inc. E A S Y PROPERTIES 10607 CYPRESSWOOD DR 600 Travis Suite 6100 14340 Torrey Chase Boulevard Suite 250 1000 Louisiana Suite 5800 PO BOX 30133 Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77249 ATTN TAX DEPT Page 27 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Business Business Business Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. F Name Tommy James T. James T. L Name Title Department Smith Edmonds Edmonds Business Bus/Org East Park LTD Edmonds & Associates Edmonds & Company Address 3100 Greens Road 55 Waugh Drive Suite 808 55 Waugh Suite 1120 City Houston Houston Houston State Zip TX 77032 TX 77007 TX 77007 EL PALENQUE MEXICAN RESTUR 1485 SPRING CYPRESS RD Spring TX 77373 Business Business Business Business Business James Denise John Al Arthur L. Elkins, Jr. Hamsher Conway Zimmerebner Gerhart Elkins Interests Enbridge Midcoast Energy Entex Entex EPI Services Inc. 1001 Fannin Suite 1166 1100 Louisiana Suite 2900 20806 Hardy PO Box 2628 15626 Silver Ridge Suite 108 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77073 77252 77090 Business James Fuller Epsen, Fuller & Assoc., LLC 11811 North Freeway, 5th Floor Houston TX 77060 Business Business Jacqui Richard Hooker Coleman 1310 Nance Suite B 3617 White Oak Drive Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77007 Business Priscilla Clues ETime Solutions Eulan Corp Exclusive Temporaries, Incorporated EXXON LAND DEVELOPMENT INC ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Exploration Company ExxonMobil Exploration Company Fast Park LTD Fiesta Fiesta Mart FIESTA MART INC First Bank and Trust FIRST CAPITAL INTEREST LLC 3918 Woodmont Dr Houston TX 77045-3514 PO BOX 2567 Houston TX 77252-2567 1122 Harvard Street Houston TX 77008 16945 Northchase Drive Houston TX 77060 16945 Northchase Drive Houston TX 77060 3100 Greens Road 5235 Katy Freeway 5235 Katy Freeway 4711 AIRLINE DR 2402 N Main St 2512 Southmore Blvd 14503 Bammel North Houston Suite 220 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77032 77007 77007 77022 77009-7734 77004-7421 Houston TX 77014 FORGES FLANGES & FITTINGS 8900 Railwood Dr Unit B Houston TX 77078-4535 Frost Bank FULTON SE LP 1200 Smith Suite 200 1400 POST OAK BLVD STE 400 Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77056 FULTON STREET PARTNERS LP 6906 ASHCROFT DR STE 200 Houston TX 77081 6006 North Freeway 17140 Rolling Creek Pennzoil Place 700 Milam Street Suite 400 700 Milam Suite 400 15711 W. Hardy Road Suite 8 Houston Houston TX TX 77076 77090 Houston TX 77002 Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77060 800 Victoria Drive Houston TX 77022-2908 Business Business Scott & C. Barboza Business Mark Boudreaux Business Jon Thompson Ethan Trini J. Barry Ferguson Mendenhall Hart Richard Acosta Malcolm Stonehouse Business Business Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Business FKI Rotating Machines Inc. Business Business Business Robby Shelton Business Business Business Business Ms. Ms. Business Business Jim Kim McInvale Beckman Gallery Furniture GBC Valerie Weber Gensler Jim Grace Furr Cervin Gensler and Assoc. Arch. Geo Solutions, LLC Geotech Engineering and Testing Business Mr. Mr. David Eastwood Business Mr. Mr. Durwood Gould GGHA 500 North Sam Houston Parkway Houston TX 77060 Wayne O’Neil Gilbane Building Co. 1331 Lamar Suite 1170 TX 77010 Business Page 28 of 75 Houston North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Business Business Business Business Business Ramsay Toni Tai- Shen Peter Gillman Lawrence Fong Coneway Owner Business Bus/Org Address City State Zip GILBERT MORENO ENTERPRISES 4214 Chapman Houston TX 77009 Gillman Acura, Inc. Glass Wholesalers, Inc. Global Learning Goldman, Sachs & Co. Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77073 77088 77076 77002 GONZALEZ CAMERINO 3141 W 26TH ST TAQUERIA LOS COMALES NO 2 Chicago+C270 IL 60623 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77022 77014 77076 77002 77009 501 Rankin Road 7047 Bent Branch Dr. 5900 North Freeway Ste. 137 1000 Louisiana Suite 550 Business Business Business Business Business Mike Gene Damon Ben Cerny Gowan Bender Good Luck Wireless Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gowan Inc. Grant Thornton LLP GRANTHAM & ARDOIN LLP Business A. Frank Baca Great Lakes Carbon Corporation 1450 Lake Robbins Dr Ste 320 Spring TX 77380-3252 Business Joseph Chernow Greater Houston Transportation PO Box 8728 Co. Houston TX 77249 GREENRIDGE COMMONS INC 2537 S GESSNER RD STE 200 Houston TX 77063-2027 Greensheet GREENSPOINT SELF STORAGE LTD PTR Halff Associates Hardy Street Partners HARMONY HOUSE INC Hart Information Services HAWKINS BROS HEALTH B Heritage Texas Properties HHL Group Inc. 2601 Main St. Houston TX 77002 11911 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77060-1701 1201 North Bowser 4 ASBURY PL 602 GIRARD ST 415 Shepherd 5620 NORTH Freeway 609 Colquitt 102 Vintage Park Blvd Ste C 14110 Briarhills Parkway Richardson Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 75061 77007 77009 77007 77076-4703 77006 77070-4080 77077 Business Business Kathleen Douglass Business 5324 North Freeway Ste. 100 2000 Goodyear 5550 Airline Drive 333 Clay Suite 2700 2411 N Main Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Mark Janicki Preston Edith Witt Harrison Pam Hughes Business Vanessa Sola Hill, Long, Frierson & Co, P.C. 11 Greenway Plaza Suite 1100 Houston TX 77046 Charlie Mark Michael Baughn Cover Wilk Candace Margaret Sanderson Vahalik Lincoln Hines Hines Hirsch & Westheimer, P.C. HOGAN K B LLC Homewood Suites by Hilton Horizon Capital Bank 2800 Post Oak Suite 5000 711 Louisiana Suite 2200 700 Louisiana Suite 2550 PO BOX 22957 23320 Hwy. 59 North 1500 N. Wayside Houston Houston Houston Houston Kingwood Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77056 77002 77002 77227 77339 77004 Eric Buitenhuis Hotel Sofitel 425 North Sam Houston Parkway Houston TX 77060 Business Rodolfo Arroyo 2150 W 18TH ST Houston TX 77008 Business Business David C. Williams 1201 Louisiana Suite 210 505 W LITTLE YORK RD Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77091 Business R. David Gockley 510 Preston Suite 500 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Director of Services Houston Area Community Services, Inc. Houston Delivery, Inc. Houston FAST FOOD INC Houston Grand Opera Association Page 29 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Business Jon Gossett Business Scott Blalock Title Department Business Bus/Org Houston Grand Opera Association Houston Mariott North at Greenspoint Houston Outdoor Learning Academy Address City State Zip 510 Preston, Barrow Suite Houston TX 77002 255 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E. Houston TX 77060 2731 Houston Avenue Houston TX 77009 Houston TX 77027 4550 Post Oak Place Drive Suite 225 1200 Smith Suite 2940 1001 Fannin Suite 700 Business Tim Duffy Houston Savings Bank Business Business Paul James A. Frison Elkins III Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77002 Business Rang Nguyen Houston TX 77065 Business Julie Caggiano Houston TX 77002 Business Donna Henderson Houston Technology Center Houston Trust Company Huffmeister Family Chiropractic 11015 Huffmeister Rd. Clinic Hughes, Watters & Askanase, 1415 Louisiana, 37th Floor L.L.P. Hyatt Regency Houston 1200 Louisiana Houston TX 77002 Business Dory Familiant Hyatt Regency Houston Airport 15747 J. F. Kennedy Boulevard Houston TX 77032 Business Business Patricia Piech 450 N Brand Blvd. 810 Gears Road Glendale Houston CA TX 91203 77067 22499 IMPERIAL VALLEY DR Houston TX 77073-1148 110 Buckboard Houston TX 77060 214 County Fair Houston TX 77060 6910 North Eldridge Parkway Houston 15600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard Houston Suite 900 TX 77041 TX 77032 3138 OLD SPANISH Trail Houston TX 77054-2215 2218 Rosedale 14003 Timbergreen Drive 1401 Mckinney St 5995 Gogerdale Road Houston Magnolia Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77004 77355 77010-4034 77072 Houston TX 77249-8643 Houston TX 77004-5611 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77077 77249 77252-2558 1301 Fannin St. Suite 2400 Houston TX 77002 600 Travis Suite 6500 707 Travis, 2nd Floor 1011 Wood Street 5300 Memorial Drive Suite 600 Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77002 77007 333 Clay St. Suite 4480 Houston TX 77002 John Cornett Business Henry Gutierrez Business Stephen Bertram I-HOP RESTAURANTS INC IKON Office Solutions IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY c/o MARY E HALEY Imperial Valley Imperial Valley Maintenance, Inc. Independence Bank Business Jim Gillespie INTEC Engineering Inc. Business Business Mr. Mr. J D ENGINEERING & CONSTR CORP J. C. Jones Foundation Jacabson Family Trust Jackson Walker L.L.P. Jacobs Business Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Mr. Dave Jones Kurt Nondorf Thomas Mr. Business JACQUIN ELECTRICAL SALES CO PO BOX 8643 Business JOHN HANSON INVESTMENT Business Business Business David Box Business Clint Harrington Business Business Business Business Bill Alan Burton Buckwalter III Gary Rome Business Nobuyoshi Morooka Texas Region Page 30 of 75 Johnson GT JOMAA LTD PTNRSHP JONES BETTY ERICSON TR Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue JP Morgan Chase & Co. K B Hogan LLC K2 Integration Kawasaki Heavy Industries (USA), Inc. 4200 MONTROSE Boulevard STE 500 5050 North Freeway PO BOX 8771 PO BOX 2558 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Business Business Business Business Surname Salutation Business Business Business Business Business Business Ms. Ms. F Name L Name Title Department Albert J. Stanley Michael Perrin Bus/Org KEENAN LTD Kellogg Brown & Root KFC NATIONAL MGMT CO King & Spalding Robert Chapman King Chapman & Broussard, Inc. 700 Louisiana Suite 4220 Houston TX 77002 Rachel Steele Cheryl Edgar R. Dotson Giesinger KLN Properties Inc. Knudson & Associates KOSOCO INC KPMG KPMG LLP KROGER C/O REAL ESTATE DEPT HP 159 8518 Westview Drive 8588 Katy Freeway Suite 441 2102 N Main 700 Louisiana Suite 3100 700 Louisiana Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77055 77024 77009 77002 77002 PO Box 1309 Houston TX 77251-1309 KUO CHARLES CHUNG LIANG TR 9014 COVENT GARDEN ST Houston TX 77031 Kushman & Wakefield Kwik Copy Printing #709 Lantana Communications Lawing Gallery Leadership Success Institute, Inc. Liddell, Sapp, Zivley, Hill & LaBoon Lockard & White, Inc. Longoria/Peters Mach Industrial Group Madres de Madres 1330 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 2700 9744 Whithorn Drive 440 Benmar Suite 3040 214 Travis Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77056 77095 77060 77002 2204 Louisiana Suite 200 Houston TX 77002 600 Travis Suite 3500 Houston TX 77002 1B W Bronze Ln 2235 McClendon St 6119 Fulton PO Box 271018 Bryan Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77807-9701 77030-2019 77022 77277 MAGNOLIA PROPERTY UNITED 3100 WESLAYAN ST STE 300 Houston TX 77027-5752 Management Systems MARIA PEREZ ESTATE Marriott Airport Marriott Greenspoint MARTIN KENNEDY LTD Massa's Restaurant, Massa's Seafood Grill Mattress Firm (Multiple Locations) Mayer, Brown & Platt MAZOL ENTERPRISES McCord Development Inc. 14355-A Torrey Chase 213 Hogan 18700 JFK Boulevard 255 North Sam Houston Pwy 645 SAM ST Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77014 77009 77032 77068 77091-2519 1160 Smith Houston TX 77002 5900 North Freeway #146A Houston TX 77076 700 Louisiana Suite 3600 14 Kendall St 1021 Main St. Suite 1400 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77003-1950 77002 MCDONALDS CORP 042/0253 2017 MAIN ST Houston TX 77002 MCG/Dulworth, Inc. MedPro Billing MELNICK JOSEPH ESTATE Meridian National, Inc. MERRY HOMES INC 1021 Main Suite 1300 3438 Kennonview Drive 7652 BELLFORT ST 121 N Post Oak Ln Apt 2606 PO BOX 1614 Houston Houston Houston Houston Bellaire TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77068 77061 77024-7714 77402 Business Business Business Business Business Business Kelley Rosemary Chet Doug Parker Gaulding Hanks Lawing Business Denis Orme Business Bruce LaBoon Marcus Rafael Harry Elizabeth Lockhard Longoria Mach Kelly Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Business Business Business Business Business Business Stephen MARY Tom Jerry Blakesley GARCIA PEREZ Rosepink Paduano Business Michael Massa Business Michael J. Foster Business Business Business Shannon Burdett Frederick R. McCord Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Director of Construction Business Business Business Business Business Business Charles N. Helene Bracht Cunnigan Charles Miller Page 31 of 75 Address 2900 WESLAYAN ST STE 530 601 Jefferson 95 E CROSSTIMBERS ST 1100 Louisiana Suite 3300 City Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX Zip 77027-5150 77002 77022 77002 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Business Business Business Surname Salutation Gasper F Name Mir L Name Title Department Marty Kamerbeek Bus/Org Mir, Fox & Rodriguez, P.C. MOORE BLDGS M Moore Supply Company Business James A. Black Moran-Gulf Shipping Agencies Business Business Business Business Stephen Robert Trauber Mosbacher, Jr. Roger Ebert Business Ms. Ms. Business TX 77060 Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77076 77002 PO BOX 4369 Houston TX 77210 1140 Cypress Station Suite 300 515 W. Greens Rd. Suite 1200 Houston Houston TX TX 77090 77067 Carolina Weitzman Natex Corporation Architects 2500 Wilcrest Suite 300 Houston TX 77042 Manny Herrada National Construction Rental 14222 Henry St. Houston TX 77060 NATIONAL THRIFT STORES Natural Legacy NCI Building Systems 7018 Harrisburg PO Box 541125 7301 Fairview Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77011 77254 77041 Houston TX 77005 Houston TX 77060 Houston TX 77088 5050 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77022 400 Northline Mall Suite A 1526 Yale St. 711 Erin Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77022 77008 77009 2203 Fulton St Houston TX 77009-8132 5640 North Freeway 5203 Kirby Drive Houston Houston TX TX 77076 77098 Rhodes Koetting Business Monte Large Business T.A. Sugalski Nexen Chemicals U.S.A. Business Ada Jones North Plaza Willow Run NORTHERN TRUST CO TRUST 07032 Northline Mall Northside 2000, Inc. Northside Custom Cycles NORTHSIDE REDEVLOPMENT CENTER Northtown Service Center OBANIONS CAR WASH Director of Retail Development Business Ms. Houston Powell Clark Debbie Fred Ms. State Zip TX 77056 TX 77001 TX 77041-5370 Steve Randy Business Business Business Business Business Business City Houston Houston Houston Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Mosbacher Energy Company MOTIVA ENTERPRISES LLC Motiva Enterprises LLC MOTIVA ENTERPRISES LLC c/o EQUIVA SVCS LLC Motorola, Inc. Nabors Industries, Inc. Business Business Business Address 1300 One Riverway PO BOX 805 15090 Sommermeyer ST 333 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Suite 125 600 Travis Suite 3700 712 Main Suite 2200 6451 NORTH Freeway 1100 Louisiana Suite 1060 Rebecca A. Patricia Victor Rodriguez Business Owner New Living & The Green Painter 6111 Kirby 12450 Greenspoint Drive Suite 1350 1563 Fashion Hill Business Business Syed Ali Tabatabai Business Gaye Jones OnSource Consulting, Inc. 15603 Kuykendahl Rd. Suite 114 Houston TX 77090 Business Business Mr. Mr. Robert Onstead Onstead Interests Ltd. OSBORN & POTTER 5298 Memorial Dr 6201 BONHOMME RD STE 400 Houston Houston TX TX 77007-8260 77036 Business Mr. Mr. Henry Johnson Othon 11111 Wilcrest Green Suite 128 Houston TX 77042 Hans Roth Othon, INC. 11111 Wilcrest Green Drive, Suite Houston 128 TX 77023 OVERNIGHT PRINTING COMPANY 403 Carl Houston TX 77009 Panasonic Copier Co. 321 Century Plaza Drive Suite 110 Houston TX 77073 PAPPAS PROPERTIES I 1919 SAN JACINTO ST TX 77002 Business Business Business Mike Malinovsky Business Page 32 of 75 Houston North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation Business F Name Ann L Name Title Department Taylor Business Bus/Org Address City State Zip Paradigm Communications Inc. 550 Westcott Suite 310 Houston TX 77007 PARKER ROAD OUTPARCELS L 438 W PARKER RD Houston TX 77091 55 Waugh Drive Suite 1111 Houston TX 77007 3900 ESSEX LN STE 710 Houston TX 77027 Business Parkway Investments/Texas, Inc. PASCHALL NORTH MAIN LTD Business PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES INC 10 STROKES ST Houston TX 77022 Business Business Business D.V. “Sonny” Debbie Flores Capko PATTON STREET CORP PEC Corporation Pegasus Inc. Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77249 77223-0710 77032 Business Regina Kyles People 1st Healthcare Network PO Box 3687 Houston TX 77253-3687 Megan Frank Sigler LaPointe Perry Homes Phibro USA, Inc. Houston Houston TX TX 77234 77002 Business Jess McAngus Pilko & Associates, Inc. PO BOX 3436 9701 Manchester 16945 Northchase Drive Suite 2000 Houston TX 77060 Business Delora Wilkinson Plus Relocation Services, Inc. 5710 Green springs Houston TX 77066 Patrick L. Pollan 602 Sawyer Street, Suite 100 Houston TX 77007 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Paul Dan Massey Julio Alvin Tracy Sandra Kessler Yankowski Villarreal Calle Bledsoe Dubose Quiroz 515 West Green Rd. 1585 Sawdust Rd Ste 300 2925 Brairpark Suite 1100 5330 North Freeway 1201 Louisiana Suite 2900 1111 Fannin, #1335 1111 Fannin, #1335 Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77067 77380-2095 77042 77076 77002 77002 77002 Business Pat Miller 3100 Main St. Suite 900 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Carolynn Karen Ruth Gardstein Glendale Houston CA TX 91201 77002 Randall E. Siemon, P.E. 701 Western Ave 600 Travis Suite 4600 12121 Wickchester Lane, Suite 200 7447 NORTH Freeway 5900 North Freeway 2630 MANORWOOD ST 730 North Post Oak Rd Ste 330 1200 Smith Suite 1600 PO Box 1700 PO Box 1700 4114 NORTH Freeway 7018 HARRISBURG BLVD 4302 NORTH Freeway 812 MCDANIEL ST 440 Louisiana St Ste 1050 2010 LOUISIANA ST Houston TX 77079 Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77076 77076 77478 77024 77002 77251 77251 77022 77011 77022 77022 77002-1650 77002 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Ned Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Holmes Pollan Hausman Real Estate Services, LLC Pool Energy Services Co. Praxair, Inc. Precision Task Group Premium Autoplex PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Sector Initiative Private Sector Initiative PROS Revenue Management, Inc. Public Storage Pulse EFT Association Principal Owner Real Estate Paralegal R.G. Miller Engineers Elias Duran Owner Malladi S. Liassine Cindy Don Reddy Talbi Conte Jordan General Partner Samir Haddad RADHASWAMI SAHAI CORP Ranchero King Buffet RASSU SAMSON ESTATE Reddy Partnership Regus Business Centers Reliant Reliant Energy - HL&P REUVEN ENTERPRISES DBA RFT ENTERPRISES RICHWOOD Houston INC RIVERA JUAN DIEGO TRUST Riyad Bank, Houston Agency ROYALAT LTD Page 33 of 75 PO BOX 30068 PO Box 230710 3204 Lodestar Road North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Title Department Bus/Org Address City State Zip Business Mitchell Peairson RSCPF 1201 Louisiana Place, L.P. 1201 Louisiana Suite 304 Houston TX 77002 Business Business Business Business Rocky Dewbre Ira Ben Green Luera Rusche Distributing Co., Inc. SALMAN CORP SalvageSale, Inc. Salvation Army Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77073 77009 77002 77249 Business Robert Bork Sam Houston Race Park Houston TX 77064 Business Kerry Graves Sam Houston Race Park Houston TX 77064 Business Danny Riggins Sand Dollar Thrift Store SANTA MARIA HOSTEL INC/ JAMES J MADDEN SCF Partners SCHWARZ EVALEE TR c/o CHASE BANK OF TX SCI Texas Funeral Services SEAFARER'S HIRING HALL SEYR INC SHAHEEN UNITED INC SHELL OIL COMPANY 555 E. Airtex 1023 HOGAN ST 1001 McKinney Suite 700 PO Box 8849 7575 N Sam Houston Parkway West 7575 N. Sam Houston Parkway West 7018 Harrisburg Houston TX 77011 807 PASCHALL ST Houston TX 77009 600 Travis Suite 6600 Houston TX 77002 PO BOX 2558 Houston TX 77252-2558 1929 Allen Pkwy, Flr 7 1221 PIERCE ST 2424 SPRING ST 10034 NORTH Freeway PO BOX 2099 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77019 77002 77007-2827 77037-1247 77252-2099 Sheraton North Houston Hotel 15700 J.F. Kennedy Boulevard Houston TX 77032 4940 North Freeway 600 Travis Suite 1600 5135 NORTH Freeway 16740 Hardy St. Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77076 77002 77022 77032 600 Travis Suite 6900 Houston TX 77002 1111 Bagby Suite 2020 Houston TX 77002 5330 NORTH Freeway 323 N. Sam Houston Houston Houston TX TX 77022 77060 3400 White Oak Drive Houston TX 77007 1010 Lamar Suite 800 Houston TX 77048-4011 Business Business David C. Baldwin Business Business Business Business Business Business Michael Decell Business Ray Hammer Business Business Business Business David Deborah Menges Douglas Doug Rock Business Gerald B. Smith Business Paul Cornell Johnny Brooks Business Shelly Nesloney Business David Maldonado Sherwin- Williams Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP SKYLANE NORTH LTD Smith International Smith, Graham & Co. Asset Managers, L.P. Societe Generale Houston Branch SOURCE OF SUPPLY CORP Southwest Bank Space Age Laminating & Bindery Co., Inc. Special Counsel Business Amy Kenyen Spectrum Apartment Locating 156-M F.M. 1960 Houston TX 77073 SPP INC DBA SPP INC DBA JAMES CONEY ISLAND Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. 4200 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77022 1750 Stebbins Dr Houston TX 77043-2807 600 Travis Suite 6250 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77090 Houston TX 77002 Houston TX 77091 Business Business Mr. Mr. Vice President Store Manager Business Business Business James Allen Business Rob Emr Staff It, Inc. Business Steven Lehmann Stephanie Leigh's Inc. STORAGE PARTNERS OF PARKER 430 W PARKER RD LP Business Page 34 of 75 110 Cypress Station Drive Suite 153 700 Louisiana North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Business Business Surname Salutation Paul George L Name Robison, Jr. Strake, Sr. Bus/Org Strake Energy, Inc. Strake Foundation Address 712 Main Suite 3300 712 Main St. Suite 3300 City Houston Houston State Zip TX 77002 TX 77002 Business Richard Latter CEO Student Movers Inc./ Building Owner on I-45 Corridor 8630 Lipan Road Houston TX 77063 Business Govind Agrawal Owner Subway Sandwiches 5586 North Freeway Houston TX 77076 Business SUDOXE CENTRAL VENTURES 4545 POST OAK PLACE #100 Houston TX 77027 Business SULTANA FOODS INC Sumitomo Corporation of America 1100 COWARDS CREEK DR Friendswood TX 77546 1000 Louisiana Suite 6800 Houston TX 77002 SUN DEVELOPMENT INC #231 5716 NORTH Freeway Houston TX 77076 9575 Katy Freeway Ste. 200 5716 North Freeway 5617 NORTH Freeway PO BOX 430386 2020 N. Memorial Way 1225 W. 20th St. 777 Benmar Suite 400 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77024 77076 77076-4503 77243-0386 77007 77008 77060 1111 Fannin Suite 110 Houston TX 77002 10001 Westheimer Suite 2888 Houston TX 77042 PO BOX 2558 Houston TX 77252 Texas International Real Estate 4928 Feagan Houston TX 77007 Texas Tool Traders The Affiliates 5900 North Freeway 333 Clay Suite 4820 Houston Houston TX TX 77076 77002 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. Houston Agency 1100 Louisiana Suite 2800 Houston TX 77002 910 Travis Suite 500 3200 Travis Suite 200 700 Louisiana Suite 3800 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77006 77002 1001 Fannin Suite 2210 Houston TX 77002 811 Rusk Suite 700 615 Louisiana Suite 102 Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77002 Business F Name Shunichi Title Department Arai Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Orlando Mamun Teran Faruque Thomas Lupe Howard T. Reiser Fraga Tellespen, Jr. Sunland Engineering Co. Sunmart (Texaco) SURYA INVESTMENTS INC SWEETWATER ROAD L L C Technical Risks, Inc. Tejas Office Products, Inc. Tellepsen Builders, L.P. Business Christina Woolwine Texaco Grand Prix of Houston Business Margaret Chionis Owner Texas ASLA c/o Richmond Investment Corp. TEXAS COMMERCE BANK (1203) Business Business Diane Hodde Business Business Leonard Danya Anders McIntyre Bogart Business Yoshio Nozaki Mary Rick Stephen Nell Reck Beverlin Lasher Business Linda Clarke Business Business Mohammed Rodney Gulamhussein Margolis The Coronado Club The Goodman Corporation The GulfStar Group, Inc. The Houston Annenberg Challenge The Houston Club The Houston Symphony Patrick Van Pelt The Mid Continent Companies 1218 Webster Street Houston TX 77002 THERON INC Thomas BBQ Thompson & Knight LLP THREE F LAND COM INC TNT International Express 7301 Fulton 5594 North Freeway 1200 Smith Suite 3600 5231 NORTH Freeway 16544 Air Center Boulevard Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77022 77076 77002 77022 77032 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Manager Owner Aimee Ford Anthony Faia Page 35 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Surname Salutation F Name L Name Business Gunder B. Schoepe Business Jim Sinclair Business Business Business John E. Dan Quinn, Jr. Tidwell Title Department Transmacro, Inc. Transwestern Commercial Services Transworld Oil USA, Inc. Treebeards TREELINE PTNRS LTD TREVINO & SONS FUNERAL HME TUFFLI CO INC TXU Communications U HAUL INTERNATIONAL Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Barry Carpenter Business Scott Edwards Business Joe Adams Business Business Rick Bus/Org City State Zip 3920 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 230 Houston TX 77068-3569 808 Travis Suite 102 Houston TX 77002 910 Travis Suite 800 315 Travis 1 E GREENWAY PLZ STE 930 Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77002 77002 77046-0103 3911 Fulton Houston TX 77009 Long Beach Conroe Houston CA TX TX 90813 77305 77022 Houston TX 77032-2591 Spring TX 77373 Public Affairs Union Pacific Railroad 2345 W 17TH ST 350 S. Loop 336 W 5333 NORTH Freeway 4760 World Houston Pkwy Ste 100 24125 Aldine Westfield Rd PROPERTY TAX DEPT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO 1700 Farnam Street Omaha, Ne United Parcel Service 8330 Sweetwater Lane Houston TX 77037 UNIVERSAL TERMINAL WRHSE PO Box 1399 Houston TX 77251 8330 Sweetwater Ln. 10101 Woodloch Forest Dr Houston Spring TX TX 77037 77380-1975 U.S. Filter Operating Services Vice President Address Robertson Business 68102 Business Business Michael R. Dale Lazarte Ross UPS US Oncology Business Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. Vaughan, Nelson, Scarborough 600 Travis Suite 6300 & McCullough, L.P. Houston TX 77002 Business Business Business Roger Flink VC REALTY INC Vector Technology Corp. VILLA DE MATEL Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX 77055-6403 77014 77023-3913 Business Vijay Goradia Vinmar International Ltd. Houston TX 77060 Hank Karen Helen Peter A. Maurice Chris Alan Coleman Musgrove Vollmer Wareing Myers Wilmot Gover Vinson & Elkins L.L.P. Vinson & Elkins L.L.P. Vollmer Public Relations Wareing, Athon & Company Waste Management, Inc. WCW International, Inc. Weil, Gotshal & Manges WEINGARTEN REALTY INVESTORS Weingarten Realty Management Weller, Anderson, Cheneviere & Co., Ltd. Wells Fargo Bank West End Business Group WHITNEY BANK Wickliff & Hall, P.C. Wilbur Smith Associates 1303 CAMPBELL RD 15111 Mintz Lane 6510 LAWNDALE ST 16800 Imperial Valley Drive Suite 499 1001 Fannin Suite 2300 1001 Fannin Suite 2300 808 Travis Suite 501 700 Louisiana Suite 3920 1001 Fannin Suite 4000 1001 Mckinney St Ste 1250 700 Louisiana Suite 1600 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 77002 PO BOX 924133 Houston TX 77292 2600 Citadel Plaza Houston TX 77008 811 Rusk Suite 715 Houston TX 77002 1000 Louisianna Suite 660 5701 Washington 2402 N Main 1000 Louisiana Suite 5400 3050 Post Oak Blvd Ste 300 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX 77002 77007 77009 77002 77056-6585 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Mr. Mr. Business Business Patrick Manchi Business Fenner R. Weller, Jr. Business Business Business Business Business Effie Betty Worrell Heacker A. Martin Bret Wickliff, Jr. Kreast Mr. Mr. Page 36 of 75 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Business Surname Salutation Ms. Ms. F Name L Name Address 3050 Post Oak Blvd Ste 300 City Houston State Zip TX 77056-6585 1703 Westfield Loop Road Houston TX 77073 Huff Pourhaghi Bus/Org Wilbur Smith Associates Wisenbaker Builder Services, LTD WorldMed, Inc. Yale Dental Clinic 1314 Texas Ave. Suite 520 510 W. Tidwill Houston Houston TX TX 77002 77091 Aimone Yancey-Hausman 441 North Sam Houston Parkway Houston TX 77060 Laura Kulecz Business John Wisenbaker Business Business Walton Ruth Carol Business Ms. Ms. Title Department Business YOUTH EDCUATIONAL SERV INC 4330 Fulton Houston TX 77009 Business Media ZAVER ENTERPRISES INC Michael Rue Houston Houston TX TX 77037-1443 77252 Media S.A. Malonson Publisher African American News & Issues 6130 Wheatley Houston TX 77091 Media Bede Emuka Editor African Community News Digest 9896 Bissonet St Houston TX 77036-8104 Josh Roy Lenora Carol Betty Mike Von Pramod Carmona Kent Carter Christian Martin Snyder Jiles Kulkarni PO Box 90014 907 E. Main St 4411 Almeda Rd 801 Texas Ave 801 Texas Avenue Box 4260 PO Box 8005 7457 Harwin, Ste. 262 Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77290 77338 77004-4999 77002 77002 77210-4260 77288-8005 77036 Media Robert Lai 9288 Bellaire Blvd Houston TX 77036 Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Connors Hurst Nolan Bourne Bradley Rul McFarland Doerr Martinez Cox Radio East Montgomery Observer Forward Times Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle Houston Defender Indo-American News International Daily News (Chinese) KFTH (Channel 67) KHOU (Channel 11) KHOU (Channnel 11) KIAH (Channel 39) KNWS (Channel 51) KPFT-FM KPRC (Channel 2) KPRC (Channel 2) KRIV (Channel 26) KTMD (Channel 48) 5100 Southwest Freeway 1945 Allen Parkway 1945 Allen Parkway 7700 Westpark 9896 Bissonnet, Ste. 402 419 Lovett Blvd. P.O. Box 2222 8181 Southwest Freeway 4261 Southwest Freeway 1235 North Loop West #125 Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houson Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77056 77019 77019 77063 77036 77006 77252-2222 77074 77027 77008 KTRH 2000 West Loop South, Suite 300 Houston TX 77027 KTRK (Channel 13) KUHT (Channel 8) KXLN (Channel 45) KXLN (Channel 45) La Informacion La Voce Italiana La Voz de Houston Northeast News Northeast News Northeast News/North Forest News 3310 Bissonnet 4343 Elgin Blvd 5100 Southwest Freeway 5100 Southwest Freeway 6065 Hillcroft, Ste. 400-B 1101 Milford 801 Texas Ave 1915 Lacewig Ln 5327 Aldine Mail Route Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77005 77204 77056 77056 77081 77006 77027 77067 77039 5327 Aldine Mail Route Houston TX 77039 Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Keith Greg Joe Chris Duane Michael Rick Tom Ana Mr. Mr. Jon Sullivan David Jack Ray Jessica Emilio Strickland Neal Chavez Rivera Martinez-Paula Aurora Julieta Julieta Losada Paita Paita Gilbert Hoffman Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Editor Publisher Assistant Editor News Editor Editor Transportation Editor News Director News Director News Reporter News Director News Director General Manager News Director News Director Assignment Manager Vice President, News Station Manager News Director Assignment Manager Editor Editor Editor Television Department Editor Publisher Page 37 of 75 9610 NORTH Freeway P.O. Box 2222 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Media Media Media Media Media Media Surname Salutation Jamram Benjamin John Norma Catherine F Name L Name Jilan Frieventh Robbins Inafuku Dominguez Title Chief Editor Editor Marketing Manager Editor Editor Editor Media Pluria Marshall, Jr. Publisher Media Greg Densmore Media Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Mr. Mr. Department Address 9494 Southwest Fwy, Ste. 230 6601 Tarnef Dr, Ste. 200 11122 Bellaire Blvd 9118 Burger Ln 1600 Lake Front Cir, Ste. 190 3821 Caroline, Rm. 145 City Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX 77074 77074 77072 77040 77380 77004 Box 3086 Houston TX 77253-3086 Editor Bus/Org Pakistan Times Semana Southern Chinese News Southern Journal Spring Observer The Egalitarian The Informer and Texas Freeman The Leader 3500-A East T.C. Jester Blvd Houston TX 77018 Editor The Vietnam Post 10515 Harwin Dr., Suite 100-120 Houston TX 77036 100 E CROSSTIMBERS ST 104 ROBERT E LEE RD 1049 Arlington 105 MELBOURNE ST 1116 Winston 12207 Appleby Dr 1511 North Blvd 1902 N MAIN ST 201 SUE ST 201 WOODARD ST 2014 Gentry 2121 N MAIN ST 2211 N MAIN ST 223 CAVALCADE ST 226 CAVALCADE ST 2330 N MAIN ST 2416 FULTON ST 2422 FULTON ST 2445 FULTON ST 2521 N MAIN ST 2523 N MAIN ST 306 Hogan 311 CAVALCADE ST 3300 Elser 3403 IRVINGTON BLVD 3522 IRVINGTON BLVD 3700 IRVINGTON BLVD 3707 IRVINGTON BLVD 3719 IRVINGTON BLVD 3720 IRVINGTON BLVD 3810 Weems 3902 IRVINGTON BLVD 3919 IRVINGTON BLVD 3921 IRVINGTON BLVD 4005 IRVINGTON BLVD 4319 IRVINGTON BLVD 4323 IRVINGTON BLVD Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022 77009 77009 77022 77009 77031 77006-6327 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 Occupant Occupant Resident Occupant The Wainwright Family Rodriguez TOOMEY GUSEMAN FAMILY Occupant Occupant Occupant The Ramirez Family Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER Occupant The Allen Family Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant The Vallejo Family Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Page 38 of 75 Zip North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. F Name Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant The Vincent Household Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Talley Occupant Occupant Occupant Finke Occupant The Rodroguez Family Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant L Name Title Department Page 39 of 75 Bus/Org Address 4331 IRVINGTON BLVD 4335 IRVINGTON BLVD 4401 IRVINGTON BLVD 4609 IRVINGTON BLVD 4620 IRVINGTON BLVD 4632 IRVINGTON BLVD 4634 IRVINGTON BLVD 4702 IRVINGTON BLVD 4717 EDISON ST 4719 AVERILL ST 4720 SIEGEL ST 4721 HAIN ST 4801 AVERILL ST 4802 HAIN ST 4803 HAIN ST 4807 SIEGEL ST 4930 FULTON ST 4934 FULTON ST 5007 FULTON ST 5019 FULTON ST 5100 FULTON ST 5119 FULTON ST 5316 FULTON ST 5430 FULTON ST 550 Redan 5607 FULTON ST 5611 FULTON ST 5616 FULTON ST 5701 FULTON ST 5719 FULTON ST 5802 FULTON ST 5903 FULTON ST 5906 Leon St 609 BOUNDARY ST 619 BOUNDARY ST 6204 FULTON ST 631 West Cottage 6311 FULTON ST 6315 Lodge 6505 FULTON ST 6702 FULTON ST 6703 DONLEN ST 6712 FULTON ST 6910 FULTON ST 7018 FULTON ST 7020 FULTON ST 705 BOUNDARY ST 7100 FULTON ST City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77022 77092 77022 77022 77022 77022 77022 77022 77022 77009 77022 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Mr. Salutation Mr. F Name Occupant Occupant Occupant Occupant Villarreal Occupant Occupant RHBA & C CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER Mary LOUIS Nancy Charles Kristi MARK FRANK FRANK Sergio & Esperanza Larry ELVIND SAMUEL Meredith HENRY Victoria Hugo Thomas & Danielle Ricardo DINAH Seth DA & KR Tom IGNACIO ROBERTO & LUCY Mary Anna HECTOR EUGENIO Nina BERNARDO JUAN Victor Yolanda Gloria Nina Bruce & Darlene Jeff Mildred Donald L Name Title Department Abarca ABERNATHY Abrego Adams Aday ADKINS AGEE AGUILAR Aguirre Aguirre AINSWORTH ALBA Alberto ALBRIGHT Albright Alcaraz Aleman Aleman Jr. ALFORD ZALESKI Allen ALLEN Allen ALMAGUER ALMAGUER Almendarez Almond ALVARENGA ALVAREZ Alvarez ALVAREZ ALVAREZ NUNO Amaro Amaro Amenedo and Ham Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Page 40 of 75 Bus/Org Address 7105 FULTON ST 7127 FULTON ST 7133 FULTON ST 7215 FULTON ST 810 Hurley St 915 BOUNDARY ST 94 E CROSSTIMBERS ST 9650 North Freeway PO BOX 924033 3614 Moore 3608 Irvington 13081/2 Idylwild 408 Woodland PO Box 7859 10618 Bayou Glen Road 26488 Lori Lane 115 Marie 205 E. Woodland 2815 Larkdale Dr 4 W SHADY LN 12323 Tennis 713 Byrne St 218 James 416 Sue St 7217 Rittenhouse Village Ct 138 Vieux Carre Dr 502 Woodard Street 2322 Gentry 202 Munford Street 2317 ADDISON RD 608 Euclid 2204 Keene 2803 Cetti 608 Joyce 930 Merrill 1118 SUMMER ST 1007 James 2414 Terry 908 Boundary 314 Hogan 1919 Maury St 415 Lathrop 300 Kelley Drive 2711 Morrison St 2631 North Freeway 550 Greens Parkway Suite 102 5711 Hardy St 802 Ridge City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Porter Houston Houston Pearland Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77022 77022 77022 77022 77022 77009 77022 77037-1443 77292 77009 77009 77009 77009 77387 77042 77365 77009 77009 77584 77063-1304 77099 77009 77009 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77008 77030-1127 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007-4257 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77020 77009 77009 77009 77067 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. The Hon. Consul Mrs. Mrs. F Name Shirley Lydia WILLIAM Lucretia Rich DANIEL DANIEL Joe Blanca Marie JOSE & RAQUEL JOSE & RAQUEL Yolanda Laura Salvation OL & EMMA FC Rosie Jack Keiji Olafur JUDITH JOSE Lucy SUSAN MODESTO & VICTORIA James/Joyce Maria Patricia TELMA RAUL REUVEN REUVEN A JR James Bart MARTHA AJ VICTOR Bobby CARLOS Helen Carol ISABEL NOAH SCOTT & LAURA Irene L Name Andries Angel ANGER MILLER Angermiller Anhorn ANTOON SR ARAIZA Arando Archilla Arcos ARIZMENDI ARIZMENDI Arlubved Armstrong Army ARREDONDO ARRENDONDO Arrisola Arthur Asakura Asgeirsson ASHE ASUNCION RIVERA Atkinson AULBACH AVALOS Avey Aviles Aviles AYALA AYALA AZARIAHU AZARIAHU AZIOS Bailey Baker Baker BAKER BAKER BALABAN Balderas BALDOVINO Banks Barajas BARBOSA CERDA BARBOZA JR BARD Bari Title Department Page 41 of 75 Bus/Org Address PO Box 925987 26 Columnberry Court PO BOX 30462 3001 Houston Ave 822 Byrne 402 Paschall 918 Graceland 1716 McKee 1617 Weber Street 1832 Banard 302 Morris 306 Morris 2807 Houston Avenue 4807 Laguna Ln 4516 Irvington 4718 Billingsley Street 303 Henry 3413 Robertson 501 Euclid 328 W. 32nd Street 2348 W. Settlers Way 4714 McEwen ST 120 LINDALE ST 2105 Common 411 Henry 412 Marie 14902 Mossex 2313 Churchill 7217 Rittenhouse Village Ct 1102 Flamingo Drive 5616 Fulton 17303 Rothko Lane 4212 NORTH Freeway 4532 Bryn Mawr Lane 417 Sue St 114 West Higgins 16945 Northchase, Ste. 1900 19103 CHALLE CIR 2507 Montrose Blvd, APT 55 9135 AIRLINE DR 4311 Fulton 1030 Kern Street 3812 Terry 4634 Norhill #1 1804 Fulton Street 11210 Champion Wood Drive 114 Alma 4502 Edison City Houston Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Austin Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Leesburg Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Tomball Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX FL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77292 77384 77249 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77098 77009 77009 77007 78746-1230 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77018 77380 77009 77022 77009 77009 77009 77396 77009 77076 34748 77009 77379 77022 77027 77009 77338 77060 77373-0000 77006 77037-2353 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77375 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Sister Sister F Name Scott Henry John & Janis Frank T. Michael Shanna Marcus L. Dan Betty Erwa Annette Mary Zelma James Max Tony JESSIE Ruth DANIEL & BLANCA Jane Linda Donna Jerry & Olga WILLIAM EVERETT Daniel & Ruth W Anna Armando Fidel Alfred & Vicky Jesse Vanessa Sarah JOSEPH Staci NORMAN Burke Susan Dorothy Sandra Kathleen Joe RG Rob Carolyn HECTOR Guadalupe Calvin L Name Barker Barker Barnard Barnett Barnhill Barnstone Barnum Barnum Barr Barrett Barril Barth Barton Batt Beaurecard Bee BEER Bello BELTRAN Beltz Bench Bennett Benson BENSON Berger BERGERON Bermudez Bermudez Bermuedez Bettis Beuitez Beyer Bezugly BIEDRZYEKI Biggar BINZ DEWALCH Biow Bishop Black Blair Blakesless Pferd Blanton BLICKHAN Block Bolden BOLIVAR Bollweg Bongers Title Department Page 42 of 75 Bus/Org Address 1801 Main 4 Asbury Pl. 1012 Edwards 507 Spell 9425 Pinecroft 3923 Baden 1330 Lake Robbins Dr #20 3108 Austin St 702 Fairbanks 1330 Foxwood 532 Euclid 2701 Westheimer Rd Unit 10B 2504 Woodard 5410 Karcher 1426 Columbia PO Box 16007 19514 Scenic Loop Road 500 Canadian 805 Boundary 5214 Prairie Creek Dr 7610 Moody Circle 528 Harvard 2611 Morrison 6449 NORTH Freeway 943 West Bertrand 619 Cotter Drive 401 James St 405 James Street 1309 Tabor 504 Woodland 602 1.2 Fairbanks 314 Moss St 9707 Moss Rose Way 911 RAINY RIVER DR 1005 E 7Th St PO BOX 2558 11414 East Hardy Rd 4802 Stillbroke 406 Canadian 706 Byrne 947 Bayland 411 Fairbanks 15234 South Drive 4617 Rusk St 1410 Lee 101 OBION RD 1915 Marion 1038 Richelieu Lane City Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Helotes Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Orlando Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Channelview Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX FL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77002 77007 77007 77022 77380 77009 77380 77004 77009 77008 77009 77098 77026 77009 77009 77022 78023 77009 77009 77084 77040 77007 77009 77076-3005 77088 77373 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 32832-5807 77088-3502 77009 772522558 77093 77035 77009 77009 77009 77009 77530 77023 77009 77076-2943 77009 77018 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation JAMES John B CANDE WILLIAM CHARLES Les Brady L Name BONHAM Bonica BONILLA BOOTH BOSCH Bottoms Boudreaux Individual Ron Bourbeau Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Wilton Clay Anna Gail William & Amy Bob Brenda Elizabeth Roy Emily Emily John CESARIO & LORENA PASCUAL R Michael Tom Daniel Kris Lynell John Bonnie Nancy J.J. Gloria Frank Brown Kenneth Greg Brooke Thomas WILEY Sharon VAN Raquel Chris Clair Tom Marita David Boutte Bowers Bowlin Bowlin Boyers Brackman Bradley Brand Brando Braswell Braswell Brauer BRAVO BRAVO BRENAN JR Brewster Broad Brockermeyer Broderick Brooks Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Browning Broyler Broyles Brummett BRUNSON Budgise BUI LAM Bunge Burke Burleson Burley Burns Bush Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. F Name Title Department Page 43 of 75 Bus/Org Address 4816 Siegel Street 1322 Dart St 202 Marie 1717 Congress 610 WOODROW ST 3402 Morrison St 2401 Mauffered Street City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77007 77009 77002 77006-5900 77009 77009 1400 Woodloch Forest Dr Suite 50 The Woodlands TX 77380 1506 Hamblen 22855 Banquo 609 Canadian St 7007 Wimbledon Estates Dr. 919 Ridge St 5110 San Felipe St Unit 201W 400 Randal Way Suite 200 5902 Nelwyn St 2914 N. Main 909 Fanin #1650 P.O. Box 421526 9303 Cobbleshire 202 Morris 408 Quitman St 411 Cavalcade 935 Teetshorn Street 18951 Memorial North 800 Houston Avenue PO Box 4490 17046 Stuebner Airline 19939 Gatling Ct. 305 English 308 Joyce 4400 Fulton 5211 Dunlop 802 W Temple St 352 Link Rd 2612 Green leaf 208 Teetshorn 435 Concordia 918 Royal Crest Drive 5314 Karcher Street PO BOX 3231 2328 Addison Rd 712 Byrne 410 Merrill PO Box 4569 213 Parkview 712 Main St #110 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77373 77009-2712 77979 77009 77056-3723 77388 77009 77009 77010 77042 77037 77009 77009 77009 77009 77338 77009 77210-4490 77379 77449 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77450 75149 77009 77253 77030-1128 77008 77009 77210-4569 77009 77002 Houston Spring Houston Spring Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Spring Katy Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Katy Mesquite Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. F Name Verna Mike LaVerne Brenda Gloria CARLOS & ROSA BEATRICE JOSE & SILVIA FRANCISCO Rickey & Julie Adrienne GUSTAVOS RUDOLPH BENNY Manuel Janie Rosaelia AURORA MARIO EUGENE DAN Gayland Colin Angie Noe Emma Margaret Don Joseph David Mark MARIA MARIA Donna Don Carrie ROBERT Jesse & Carol Jesse GUADALUPE Augie Sylvia SYLVIA Jimmy & Sarah SARAH LUIS & NORMA Max JULIAN L Name Byars Byers Byrd Caillonet Calderon CALDERON CAMACHO CAMARENA CAMPA Campbell Campbell CAMPOS CAMPOS SR CANELA Cano Cano Cantu CANTU CANTU CANTWELL CANTY Capps Carandang Cardenas Cardenas Cardenas Cardwill Carlson Carmouche Carpenter Carpenter CARRILLO CARRIZALES Carson Carson Carter CASALE Casas Casas CASAS Castillo Castillo CASTILLO Castillo CASTILLO CASTILLO Castillo CASTRO Title Department Page 44 of 75 Bus/Org Address 407 Euclid 110 W. Main Street 5708 Hardy St 1118 E. 61/2 th Street 17114 Sunshine Bay Dr 701 Hogan 2503 Churchill 8904 Memorial Drive 2519 Fletcher Street 1208 Idylwild P.O. Box 12276 610 Sue Street 1918 Gentry Street 3408 Irvington 5718 Hoover 906 Woodard 3526 Churchill Gardens 419 Henry 8019 Swiss Lane 10998 North Fwy 2618 Morrison 4400 N. Freeway, #300 308 Bremond 1718 Depelchin 213 Milwaukee St 237 West Rocky Creek 909 Euclid 3606 Beauchamp Ave 1718 Pannell Street 1023 Cheyenne Meadows Dr. 14822 Sandy Creek Dr. 400 Quitman 2101 Gentry 1235 Rutland 824 W Temple 612 Arlington St 135 Snapper 1113 Aurora St 205 Parkview 310 Frawley Street 1103 Erin 1108 Paschall 1908 Gentry St 307 Winnie Street 309 Morris 311 Quitman One Main Street 216 Quitman City Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Austin Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Freeport Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77338 77009 77009 77060 77009 77009 77024 77009 77009 78711 77009 77009 77009 77092 77092 77066 77009 77075 77037 77009 77022 77006 77007 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77450 77070 77009 77009 77008 77009 77077 77541 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77002 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname F Name Dorian Alfred & Linda Joel & Maribel JOSE VERA CESAR & JESSICA DOMINGO JUAN Michael Elvia Scott KUN LAN CAM RICHARD & BARBARA JUAN Gerard Lam PEDRO & LEONOR MARIA Enrique JESUS Joe Randall CA Peter Nancy L Name Castro Castro Castro CASTRO CAYETANO CAZARES CAZARES CENTENO Cerrier Cervantes Chadbourne CHAI CHAN CHAPPELL CHARGOLLA Charles Charlie CHAVARRIA CHAVEZ Chavez CHAVEZ Cheatham Chestnutt CHIMENE Cho Christopherson Address 2216 South St 2903 Cetti 3209 28Th St 9819 Hambleton Way Circle 12613 COULSON ST 205 Milwaukee Street 307 Hogan 4724 Hain Street P.O. Box 630 847 4014 Chapman 3325 Morrison 5714 WERNER ST 3606 Irvington 79 BRIAR HOLLOW LN 1401 Caplin 19707 Hwy. 59 N. 112 Country Lane 4725 Beggs ST 2123 Chestnut 304 Quitman 7011 Fulton 100 I-45 North #260 7302 Foxwick Lane 5631 BENNING DR 4045 North Freeway 719 Redan City Houston Houston Lubbock Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble League City Houston Houston Houston Houston Conroe Humble Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 79410-3055 77065 77015 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77076-4716 77009 77027-9315 77022 77338 77573 77009 77009 77009 77022 77301 77338 77096-6135 77022 77009 Individual Jena Church 14339-D Torrey Chase Boulevard Houston TX 77014 Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Steve LG JORGE & ALICIA Peter Joel Fernando & Eva Fernando Romulo Donna James & Paige James Ciapi CICHERSKI CIFUENTES Cipolla Cisneros Cisneros Cisneros Cisneros Clanton Clark Clark Houston Huffman Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77336-2594 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 Individual Reba Clark Houston TX 77009 Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Ted James & Paige Gail VIOLASANA John James DENNIS & VICKIE Clarke Clarke Clayton CLEMENTE Cobyrn Codd COELHO 532 Euclid 311 Spruce Lake Rd 3820 Fulton Street 2007 Fulton 3411 Gano 3415 Gano 3804 Robertson 623 Omar 4411 Beggs 423 Woodland 623 Woodland 8403 Apothecary Ln (for 3711 Maury ) 1031 Peddie 423 Woodland St 4105 Bissonnet 2240 Jean Street PO Box 130896 2400 Julian St #3 615 E DELZ DR Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77005 77023 77219 77009 77022-1706 Mr. Ms. Salutation Mr. Ms. Title Department Page 45 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. F Name Christine MAGARET L.P. Robert JOHNELLE GAYLE Kathy BENITA MAXIMO & MAURICIA Jon Jon MARIA & HENRY Paul Barbara Cliff Josephina CARLOS Jonathan Jonathan Daniel Carl Martin ARMANDO Paul & Rebecca Gloria JESUS EULALIO Leighton David Stan FRANCISCO FRANCISCO Omar & Lydis EUGLIO JUAN & YSABEL JOSE SANDRA Nadine Jim Charles Cay Robin Bonnie Claire FAWZY TERRY SAMUEL JOSEPH Jesse JOSE & DOLORES L Name Cole COLEMAN Collier Collins COLLURA CONDON Conley CONTRERAS CONTRERAS Cooper Cooper CORDERO Cordova Cormack Cormier Coronado CORREA Correia Correin Corrigan Corson Cortes CORTEZ Cortez Corvin COSSIO COSTILLA Courillou Creel Cross CRUZ CRUZ Cruz CRUZ CRUZ CRUZ SIBRIAN CUELLAR Cullins Cumming Cunningham Cunningham Curtis Dadidakis DAMOUD DANIELS DANNA Darlsome DAVALOS Title Department Page 46 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3904 Ruskin St 1116 SUMMER ST 806 Avenue of Oaks 19638 Teller Boulevard 11943 Drexel Hill Drive 3131 Southwest Fwy, APT 14 54 Flickering Sun Ct 1022 Rainy River Drive 7136 Fulton Street 5305 Irvington 614 Westford 1960 Gano Street 21006 Grovedale Dr 1642 Althea Drive 4906 Elysian 2609 Atlantic PO BOX 1923 1220 Wrightwood St 1220 Wrightwood 3006 Houston Avenue 308 Cordell 4615 Edison 2103 Fulton 5327 Angelo 203 Redan 716 Firnat Street 214 Quitman 16706 Capewood Dr. 307 Woodard St 3004 Beauchamp 406 Henry 408 Henry 418 San Julio Dr 4310 LA BRANCH ST 7015 Fulton 2503 Fletcher Street 5615 Fulton PO BOX 31601 1030 Voight 19301 Hightower Lane 411 Euclid St 1331 Foxwood 2702 Lexington Woods 5938 Beaudry Drive 4012 CHARTERS ST 6511 Fulton 130 Bizerte 305 Henry City Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Tampa Houston Humble Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX FL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77005-4333 77007-4257 77009 77388 77077 77098 77382-5785 77088 77022 77022 77022 77009 77073-5464 77018 77026 77009 77251 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77396 77009 77009 77009 77009 77091-5748 77004 77022 77009 77009 33631-3601 77009 77338 77009 77008 77373 77035 77004 77022 77022 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. F Name Margaret Jeanette Charlotte Jonathan & Kate Diana Thelma JAVIER Remedios Gerardo Lauren L Name Davila Davis Dawson Day De Cruz De La Cruz DE LA GARZA De la Rosass De Leon Dean Kemba Anton Christina RAUL Mickey Xavier & Brenda GILBERT VELINO HUGH BOB Michael Joy Chris Robert Robert Margaret Rachel EC Alex LYDIA PE Jeremy John & Dee Margot ED Carl Carl Mary Kay Joe Tom Margaret CAROL Robert Travis Jerry Gary Patricia Title Department Address 2902 Houston Avenue 1116 Euclid 1300 Hickory St 1100 Studewood St 611 Walter, 6th floor 4412 Edison St 1302 Castle Hill Trail 3917 Cotswold 1205 Lee St 411 Graceland St City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77007 77008 77002 77009 77339 77009 77009 77009 DeGroot 2204 Timberloch Place Suite 250 The Woodlands TX 77380 DeGuzman DeHaven DEHOYOS Deison DeLeon DELEON DELEON DELERY DeLitta Demark Denison Derr Deutsch Dewhurst Diaz DIAZ Diaz DIAZ DIKE ODINGBE Dilbeck Dillman Dimond DINKLAGE Doby Doby Domask Donahue Dooley Dornbusch Dower DOWNING Downs Downs Drabek Drabek Draeger 410 Quitman St 236 East Woodland 509 Westfield Lane 307 N San Jacinto 2415 Thomas St 631 E DELZ DR 7010 Fulton 4018 CHARTERS ST 20 Hidden Pond 13043 Taylorcrest 4576 Researh Forest Dr. 1101 East Fwy 828 Heights 1122 Harvard 159 Greyfriar 2207 FLETCHER ST 506 Aldine Mail Rt. 920 LINDALE ST 2424 HAMILTON ST APT 410 5707 Enid St 3109 1/2 Morrison 712 Teetshorn 1116 E 7TH ST 401A Winnie 401-A Winnie St 711 Temple St 126 Payne St 800 Burnett St 6110 Tyne St 1112 Highland St 7530 NORTH Freeway 124 West 8th 343 Parkview 1039 Candlelight 611 Walker 5th Floor 14500 East Hardy St Houston Houston Friendswood Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77546 77301 77009 77022-1705 77022 77004 77381 77079 77381 77002 77007 77008 77037 77009 77037 77022 77004-1228 77009 77009 77009 77004 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77009 77037 77007 77009 77018 77002 77039 Page 47 of 75 Bus/Org Zip North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. F Name James A. STEVEN LARRY R Kevin Diana Virginia Andrea Deborah Alicia JOAN Ivon Keyla E.L. & Gloria Ken Alissa Barbara Anne Barbara Linda David Lore IRENE Justin Joyce Stanley Sandra Matthew Lisa Maria Michelle Carlos Michael Brenda NORMAN ANN HATTIE MARIR Jesse Manuela Celia & Albert Carlos JOHNNY Javier Jeribai Sylvia Beatrice David L Name Drake DREXLER DROMGOOLE DUARTE Duboas DuCroz Duke Dulany Dunter Duplan DUPLANTIS DuPont Duque Duran Dykes Eason Ecke Edwards Ehrhard Eilar Eisenbaum Ellis ELLISOR Elmore Els Els Elzerman Emal Emerson Endieveri England Enriquez Ereti Erickson ERICSON ERICSON COLWELL ERVIN ESCAMILLA Escamilla Escobedo Espadas Espinosa ESPINOZA Espinoza Esteban Estrada Etnire Euscher Title Department Page 48 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3621 Trout Street 103 Janice St PO BOX 25133 616 BROOKS ST 3102 Morrison 915 Fairbanks St 211 Eleanor 415 Merrill 1123 Highland 3602 Reagan 1025 ALLSTON ST 3324 Morrison 1312 Malvern 917 Milwaukee 3002 Brookshore Court 4928 Junius St 16211 Ruffian Dr 711 Byrne St 215 Teetshorn 905 Milwaukee St 1407 Quaker Ridge Dr 10336 Rebel 211 BELLMAR DR 935 Merrill 212 Graceland 415 Canadian 725 Omar 2910 Houston Avenue 128 Payne St 803 Judiway 9030 North Freeway 1718 Freeman St 611 Walker St, 5th floor 715 Redan PO BOX 2558 PO BOX 2558 3102 SAINT EMANUEL ST 1828 WELLINGTON ST 201 Payne Street 1218 Wrightwood 1405 Bunton 1027 Spring Cypress 2527 Fern Hill Dr 517 Caplin Street 16307 Bohnh of Strasse 1606 Elysian St 3416 Chapman 2425 South Gate Boulevard City Houston New Iberia Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Kingwood Dallas Friendswood Houston Houston Houston Austin Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX LA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77093 70563-2353 77265-5133 77009 77009 77009 77009-1383 77009 77009 77009 77008 77009 77009 77009 77345 75214 77546-2472 77005 77009 77009 78746-6215 77016 77037 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77018 77030 77009 77026 77009 77252-2558 772522558 770041347 77093 77009 77009 77009 77373 77373-8931 77022 77070 77026 77009 77030 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name JERRY Alan MARIA John FRANCISCO Linda A. Monica Mary Sheila JORGE & REBECA RILEY JORGE & REBECCA REBECCA Gilbert Jose RAUL JOHN & SHIRLEY Steve & Beth Ann Joe JOSE & ELIZA Leticia MIGUEL & GERARDO Carmen Flores ABLE Salvador Hortense Mirtha SALVADOR RAMIRO & IRENE Abby Louis John STEPHEN & MAURY Mark Robert Richard Eric Paul Megan MICHAEL MAX Dawn MARCOS Joe JESSE J L Name EVANS Eyler FALCON Faraguna FARIS Farris Farris Faulkner Feeley Ferguson FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ Ferreyra Figueroa FIGUEROA FISCHER Fischer Fischer Fletcher FLORES Flores FLORES Flores FLORES Flores Flores Flores FLORES FLORES Fogelson Fontenot Fordham FORMAN Foteh Fowler Franco Frederickson Frederickson Freemantle FRETWELL FRIEDMAN Fudge GACIA Galindo GALINDO GALINDO Title Department Page 49 of 75 Bus/Org Address 8257 GULF Freeway 3222 Morrison St 2601 N MAIN ST 3008 Morrison 900 HOGAN ST 1124 Walling St 4028 Weems PO BOX 30099 3016 Morrison 3305 Morrison 404 SUE ST 419 CAVALCADE ST 4312 FULTON ST 5426 FULTON ST 3911 Orange Gorve Dr. 2111 Union 3310 SAINT EMANUEL ST 1648 CORTLANDT ST 3015 Morrison 404 Woodland 703 E. 19th St 1107 WINDING WAY DR 11226 Sharpview Lane 1911 KEENE ST 2407 Fletcher 2517 GANO ST 2520 Airline 2824 Robertson 3806 IRVINGTON BLVD 908 JAMES ST PO BOX 15904 609 Cordell St 4101 San Jacinto 514 West Cottage, Apt B 2814 HAMILTON ST 13918 Hempstead Road 307 Bayland 5114 Dunlop 1830 S. Millbend Drive 29811 I-45 North 516 Bayland Ave 5 TALISMAN CT 5005 RIVERWAY DR STE 350 313 E. Woodland 906 Henry 2009 N. Main 3602 BRAEWIN CT 507 JAMES ST City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Friendswood Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Shenandoah Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77017-4503 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77249 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77056 77007 77004-3145 77008-4332 77009 77009 77008 77546 77072 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77220 77009 77004 77009 77004 77040 77009 77009 77380 77381 77009 77076-3922 77056 77009 77009 77009 77068 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Mr. Salutation Mr. F Name ROSA Rose Laura Jose & Mayra Rosa Dona Cecil CECIL & JACKIE Ralph VICTOR Jorge Bernardo Raymond Rafael Melissa Mercedes ANTONIO Benjamin JOE Hope Jennifer & Amado JULIO SHIRLEY M Robert Robert MANUEL MANUEL & MARY Arthur Ramon Francisco DIANE & MR Joe Jr. & Valleri GILBERT Veronica Ramon Sylvia R. SALVADOR IGNACIO Dave Teri Patrick Hector ROSARIO Jamie Angelica ANTONIA & JUAN Tammie FRANCISCO & ALICIA L Name GALINDO Gallardon Galvan Galvan Galvan Gambrel Gammill GAMMILL Garcia GARCIA Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia GARCIA Garcia GARCIA Garcia Garcia GARCIA GARCIA Garcia Garcia GARCIA GARCIA Garcia Garcia Garcia GARCIA Garcia GARCIA Garcia Garcia Garcia GARCIA JR GARCIA JR Garrett Garrett Gary Garza GARZA Garza Garza GARZA Garza GARZA Title Department Page 50 of 75 Bus/Org Address 8431 BLANKENSHIP DR 2320 Watson 12507 Eastbrook Dr 204 Goldenrod St. 2315 Keene 210 Tabor 5214 North Freeway 5214 North Freeway 1526 Yale 1802 Freeman 1820 N. Main 1901 N MAIN ST 1911 Gentry St 2007 Hardy St 2011 Spring Street 2026 Everett St 2119 FLETCHER ST 2313 Churchill 2324 GENTRY ST 2836 Cetti 2914 Robertson 2919 HAVNER LN 3110 SAINT EMANUEL ST 405 Main Street, Ste. 3 405 Main Street, Suite 300 4107 Chapman 505 FAIRVIEW ST 5123 Dunlop St 5426 Fulton 5531 Karenbeth 5902 BIHIA FOREST DR 5919 Nelwyn St 701 JOYCE ST 811 Reid St 916 BOUNDARY ST P.O. Box 8530 306 Quitman Po Box 1757 302 Fairbanks St 727 Merrill 2828 Ellington St 1020 Quitman 1201 SHEARN ST 145 W. Sunnyside 1912 Marion 209 Gessner Road 4012 Cetti 405 Boundary City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77080 77009 77013-5005 77009 77009 77009 77022 77022 77008 77009 77009 77009 77009 77026 77007 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77093 77004-1347 77002 77002 77009 77006-2901 77009 77007 77084 77088 77009 77009 77022-5953 77009 77249 77009 77251-1757 77009-1810 77009 77088 77009 77007 77076 77009 77024 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name Letty Gloria FELIX & PAULINE GUADALUPE EDELMIRO Theresa & Tracey Susan Maria Linda Harry Phyllis Peter and Maria Jeannine AURORA Malcolm & Beverly Terry & Rene June David Josh David & Minera Sheila ROBERT RICHARD & ORALIA FREDERICK A.C. ISAAC Greg Otto JAMES & HERB Ben GUILFORD Ramona Claude Gene Anne LEON & PAULA Rosa Frances Maria Jaime Tina Fernando Norma Miguel Theresa & Mario Anthony & Pamela Josephina Henrietta L Name Garza Garza GARZA GARZA ROJAS GARZA SALAZAR Gass Gates Gauthier Gay Gayton Geisler George Georgiou GERALDO Gerber Gerhart Giacona Giannini Gibson Gilbert Gilbert GILBREATH GILMORE GILPIN Ginn GINSBURG Gladden Glaser GLASS Glazer GLAZER Glenn Glover Goins Goldsmith GOLDSTEIN Gomboa Gomez Gomez Gomez Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Title Department Page 51 of 75 Bus/Org Address 4602 IRVINGTON BLVD 607 Lindale 901 Boundary 3920 IRVINGTON BLVD 4002 CHARRITON DR 1107 Egypt 3522 Kings Mountain Drive 2625 Morrison Street 22306 Aldine Westfield Road 3212 Morrison 200 Westfield Street 110 Payne 919 W. Gardner 1919 Chestnut 12151 Pipine Rock 1120 East 61/2 102 Cosmos 3007 Morrison St 910 Hidden Valley 3806 Weems 5910 Leon St 6221 Fulton 110 E Crosstimbers Street 14826 Imperial Valley Court 6501 Helmers 4543 POST OAK PL STE 209 3017 Houston Avenue 12111 Medina Bend Lane 1744 Norfolk 15 Middleton Rd 4711 AIRLINE DR 946 Woodland 405 Pecore 3410 Robertson 714 Teetshorn PO BOX 55509 1403 Firnat 2710 Gano 3402 Cetti 6828 Irvington 1104 East 26th 122 1/2 North Street 1302 Pinckney 2115 Fletcher 217 Hogan 224 East Woodland St 2818 Gano 309 Eleanor City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Kingwood Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Newtown Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CT TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77022 77009 77009 77039 77009 77345 77009 77338 77009 77022 77009 77009 77009 77077 77009 77009 77009 77076 77009 77009 77022 77022 77060 77022 77027-3160 77009 77041 77098 06470 77022 77009 77009 77009 77009 77255-5509 77022 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Ms. Salutation Ms. F Name PORFIRIO David L Jerry Matthew Tiffany Contreras Uriel Vanessa MARIA Victor GUADALUPE MATIAS & PETRA Monica Rodrigo ISRAEL & YOLANDA Guadilupe ELENA Aurelia JOE & PHILLIP B. Trebor Pete Dave Judy David JUDGE Lisa James Heidi Heather James Andrea Sharon DAVID Abigail Rob Debra MANUEL Jonathan Jane MINERVA John LORENZO SYLVIA OTONIEL Terri Yvonne Hugo SANTOS LF L Name GONZALES Gonzales GONZALES Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales GONZALES Gonzalez GONZALEZ GONZALEZ Gonzalez Gonzalez GONZALEZ Gonzalez GONZALEZ Gonzalez GONZALEZ Gordon Gordon Graber Granberry Greaves GREEN Green Green Greene Greenspan Greenwood Greer Greiff GRENADER Griffith Griffith Griffith GRIMALDO Groh Groielerry GUAJARDO Guajardo GUAJARDO GUERRA GUERRA Guerra Guerrero Guerrero GUERRERO GUSEMANO Title Department Page 52 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3817 Fulton 4514 Moore 4807 Siegel 5602 Robertson 620 Omar 7018 Cochran St 706 E. 16th Street 906 Boundary 1109 Summer St 2026 Everett 208 Henry 219 Thornton 2205 Fulton 2409 Keene 2803 Robertson 310 Hogan 3820 Chapman 503 W NELDA RD 10907 Gulf Bridge Cir 3700 Main St 609 Cordell St 620 Ridge 5740 W. Little York PMB 167 2110 ISABELLA ST 2324 South Street 2514 Stephens Grant Drive 342 Parkview 118 Payne St 1221 McKinney Suite 3800 606 Highland 826 Woodland Streer 4708 CAROLINE ST 13119 Jennywood Court 1610 Alamo St 2525 Yupon 303 Paschall 906 Grove Road 3001 Beauchamp 207 Marie 311 Marie 4502 Edison Street 1013 James 1015 James 940 Ridge 1011A Edward St 2016 Main St #1822 4207 Pickfair St 5211 CHAMPLAIN BEND ST City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Kemah Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77009 77007 77009 77009 77018 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77037-E42716 77075 77002-9504 77009 77009 77091 77004-4328 77009 77479 77009 77009 77010 77009 77009 77004-5025 77429 77007 77006 77009 77565 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77002 77026 77056 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. F Name Alfred Ninfa LUIS Stefania Mark JERRY David Tommy Tom Jerry Duane Tory Pat & Truitt Jayle Bill John Jay John Mary Margaret Carrie Dianne IDA Anthony William Jim Mike Doug & Patrice Lynda Marsha Jeff Abby Heather Matt & Allison Robert Ronald OLIVIA BOB Holly Carla Deborah Lydia Matt SCOTT Lynn Debbie Andrew Dora Socorro L Name Gutierrez Gutierrez GUTIERREZ Guzman Haas HAGGIO Haim Hale Hale Haley Hall Hall Hallmark Halloway Halpin Hambrick Hamburger Haney Hansen Hardaker Hargig HARMAN Harnden Harper Harren Harrington Harrington Harris Harrison Harrison Harrison Hart Hartzell Hayden Hayes HAYWARD HEATH Hellinghau Helmer Hemphill Henn Hennessey HENRY Henson Herbrich Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Title Department Page 53 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3623 Cetti 412 PASCHALL ST 4301 FULTON ST 7530 North Freeway 20400 I-45 North 4201 CAROLINE ST 631 East 81/2 Street 5906 Leon 5914 Leon 9214 Cobbleshire 522 LONG SHADOWS CIR 5903 Nancy Ann 3010 Norhill 5005 Georgi #67 16214 Green Sands Dr. 223 Forest Cove Dr 1817 State 1023 Euclid 4600 Gulf Freeway Suite 620 114 Payne 13502 Monarch Rd 4604 Ne Columbia Ave 515 Euclid 222 Cavalcade 1918 Collingsworth 1938 Garden Road #166 2311 Hyde Park 239 Cody 129 Payne St #2 632 Merrill 712 Caplin 4220 Walker 521 Omar 12319 Boheme Dr 2313 Park 2412 WICHITA ST PO BOX 66732 15230 Penn Hills Ln 2412 White Oak 3210 Morrison 319 Reid 1018 Preston 897 Scott Lane SW P.O. Box 1562 912 Ridge 11521 O'Donnell 1815 Gano St. 2405 Fletcher City Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Kingwood Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Lawton Houston Houston Houston Pearland Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Marietta Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX OK TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX GA TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77009 77037 77373 77004 77007 77009 77009 77037 77388 77009 77009 77092 77090 77339-4000 77007 77009 77023 77009 77047 73507-7323 77009 77009 77009 77381 77014 77009 77009 77009 77022 77023 77009 77024-4901 77019 77004-6023 77266-6732 77062 77009 77009 77022 77002 30008 77251 77009 77076 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name Abel Frances ANTONIO Alba Yvonne EFRAIN LETICIA Mary Irma ENRIQUETA IGNACIO Theresa JUAN ARMANDO & MARIA SALVADOR RIGOMAR Kim Cynthia Joe & Marzell Donald Steven Harold Cynthia JACKSON Patricia Jack Kevin Robert Jenny Donald Russekk Keith Darrel FRANK L Name Hernandez Hernandez HERNANDEZ Hernandez Hernandez HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ Hernandez HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ Hernandez HERNANDEZ RAMIREZ HERRERA HERRERA HERRERA, JR Herrington Hester Hick Hickey Hicks Hilburn Hill HINDS JR Hinson Hofberger Hoffman Hogan Holbrook Holliday Holliman Hollingsworth Holub HOLUBEC Individual Karen Holyman Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Rubin THERESE VICKIE Lonnie CARL & CHARLEY Joy Barbara Becky Betty Stephanie David Kenneth Nicolasa Holzer HONEY HONG-PHUC VO Hoogeboom HOPSON Horak Brown Horn Houston Houston Hrabar Hrivnatz Hudson Huerta Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Title Department Page 54 of 75 Bus/Org Address 2721 Morrison 2815 Houston Avenue 307 Paschall 3803 Irvington, suite A 4012 Robertson 419 Hogan 4718 Averill 5406 Angelo 704 Boundary 824 Yale 920 Highland 3813 FULTON ST 3821 Fulton 566 CHARLIE VOIX ST 5914 Nelwyn 303 Sue St 617 BOUNDARY ST 4507 Elysian St 4576 Research Forest Drive 2115 Taft St 405 Avenue of Oaks 15115 Dogwood Tree 1800 Augusta Drive, Suite 370 1106 Peddie 1338 Oak Tree Drive 516 Avenue of Oaks 3410 Elser 947 Teetshorn 13921 Rock Road 900 Gardner 1938 Hawthorne 717 Euclid 1600 Keene 1400 Woodlock Forest Dr. Suite 500 1306 Fairview 2028 Dryden Rd 2015 MCILHENNY ST 909 Fannin, Ste. 1650 22631 Old Hwy 105 1117 Texas Ave 101 Parkview 3011 Morrison 5011 Morrison 5005 Georgi Ln #63 14800 Bridges Rd 703 E. Carrell St. 2413 Thomas City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77009 77009 77009 77015 77074 77009 77009 77009 77381 77006 77009 77060 77057 77009 77055 77009 77009 77008 77306 77009 77098 77009 77009 Zip The Woodlands TX 77380 Houston Houston Houston Houston Cleveland Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Willis Tomball Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77006 77030-1206 77004-1311 77010 77328 77002 77009 77009 77009 77092 77378 77375 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. F Name Arthur & Laurel Jim DAVID Jessica Claude Angela MIHAI Randolph Richard PHUONG CONG HONG Kim JOE Carolyn JUAN & IRMA Mark Doris RICHARD Jann Louise NATALIA C.P. JUAN & CRISTINA Bruce HARRY Justine Roy Chris & Julia Scott & Katie Cynthia Laurel MORGAN Deborah Eric Sheila JOSEPH Jacob RUDOLPH & GLORIA Elliott JOHN & BETTY WILEY HELEN Jana EUTIMIA JESSIE LE Charles Margaret L Name Huffman Hughey HULSEY Hulsey Huntor Hurbrough HURGOIU Hurst Hussein HUYNH HUYNH Inman INOCENCIO Irwin IZAGUIRRE Jackowski Jackson JACKSON Jackson Jacob JAIME Jaimes, Jr. JAMAUX Jamison JANAC Janak Jefferson Jenkins Jernigan Jimenez Johnson JOHNSON Johnson Johnson Johnson JOHNSON Johnson JOHNSON Johnstone JONES JONES JONES Jones JUAREZ JUAREZ JULIE Kaffner Kallsen Title Department Page 55 of 75 Bus/Org Address 2807 Morrison St 3058 Antler Way 212 Rittenhouse 4809 Brady 2 Twonsond Place 820 Fugate 11831 Lynda Drive 2803 B Houston Ave 423 Bayland 5902 Fulton 9511 Willowbridge Park 3102 F.M. 1960 East 2001 Gentry 1027 W. Melwood 6304 Fulton 210 Payne St 13500 Monarch Rd 4105 CAROLINE ST 824 Euclid 6234 Linton 423 CAVALCADE ST 1706 Gentry 2515 Keene 1620 Maury 102 ROSAMOND ST 1015 Eleanor 5107 Hardy 513 English 903 Highland 310 Quitman 1038 Columbia 1418 WASHINGTON AVE 1510 Hamblen 17806 Refuge Lake Dr 3201 Silver Creek Dr 807 MULBERRY LN 9030 North Freeway PO BOX 14727 1019 Euclid 2243 GOLDSMITH ST 3213 MARZELLE 3911 CHENEVERT ST 4025 Searle Dr 402 James 404 James 6218 FULTON ST 3014 Norhill 1331 Tulane City Houston Missiouri City Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Cypress Plano Bellaire Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77459 77076 77011 77381 77009 77038 77009 77009 77009 77064 77338 77009 77009 77022 77009 77047 77004 77009 77008 77009 77009 77009 77026 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77002-1551 77009 77433-3564 75093 77401-3807 77038 77221-4727 77009 77030 77093-4846 77004 77009-4743 77009 77009 77022 77009 77008 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name Jeffery Walter V. Elizabeth R.W. Susan Skiles David Charles Cili Robert Dorie Carolyn James David Michael & Caroline LUU TET DAVID REX Stephanie Jannie Barry Robert Jenny Connie JUSTIN & SHEILA Ben Christina Martin RONALD & DONNA LENA Alan RUDY MARION PERRY & ROBERT JULIO Suzanne Monica NOSRAT Aretha Mary Suzette Diana L Name Kamm Karnauch Kavanaugh Kehlenbach Keil Kelley Kelly Kelly Kemp Kennedy Kerr Keys Khyne Kiatte Kiefer KIM KING KING Kinzel-Tapper Kirkham Klein Knetsch Koehler Koehler KOH Kokenge Kontos Kopacz KOSKA KOSKA Krathaus KROGER KROLL KYLES LA TORRE Labarthe LaBelle LAHIJANI Lakey Landry Lane Lara Individual Morton Individual Individual Individual Individual James Chris Richard Lyndel Rev. Mr. Rev. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Title Department Address 912 Woodland 409 N Loop East 122 Vieux Carrie Dr 17611 Rustington Dr. 3006 Norhill 128 Payne St 110 Byrne 1917 Cochran 1840 Longmire Rd Apt 3103 PO BOX 8902 721 Highland 4726 Sandydale 2813 Houston Ave 6363 Woodway #975 549 W 26th St 5402 FULTON ST 5642 Del Monte Drive PO BOX 8744 1011 E. 7th 1/2 St 1036 W. Temple 1509 Everett St 702 West Temple 1006 Omar 845 Augusta #E85 PO BOX 20272 142 Vieux Carre Dr 1501 Crocker St Apt 1 948 Redan 5103 TIMBER SHADE DR 6407 Cindy Lane 312 Bayland Ave 112 WILLOWEND DR 710 Cather Street 2101 TRUXILLO ST 1022 W MIERIANNE ST 605 Algregg 13078 Trail Hollow Dr 9706 CHIPSTEAD CIR 940 St. Clair 2816 Delta 5914 Leon 818 E Rittenhouse St City Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston SPRING Houston Port Arthur Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77022 77009 77379 77009 77009 77009 77009 77304-2117 77009 77009 77009 77009 77057 77008 77009 77056 77249 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77057 77225-0272 77009 77019-4371 77009 77345-1732 77008 77009 77024-E2847617 77076 77004-4333 77088 77008 77079 77379-6592 77088 77642 77009 77076 Large 2170 Buckthorne Place Suite 325 The Woodlands TX 77380 Larimore Larson Latter Law 2934 Smokey Forest Ln 710 Omar P.O. Box 630 847 124 Vandel Spring Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX 77386 77009 77263 77022 Page 56 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Dr. Salutation Dr. F Name William Mary Rick Leticia JAE David Maria Harry TONY & LINDA Linda Marc Sarah AUGUST Jeff Chip Yolanda Alan Christy ARMONDO Paul Fred & Janette Ken and Peggy Lauren JEROME LEE FELIX Kay Stephen Roger ROGER TRAN& MINHCENTER GEORGE Hector EDWARD Joe & Monica Josefina John MANUEL Ana REYNALDO & MARIA LUDIVINA ROSIE LUCY PABLO & TERESA PABLO & TERESA JUAN ISRAEL Dick Christian L Name Law Lawler Leach Ledezma LEE Leftwich Leija LeMaster LEMON Lemon Lenoir Lessman LESTER Lewis Lewis Lewis Liczwek Liddle LIEHTENSBOY Liffman Lindner Lindow Lindsay LISTVAN LIZCANO Lockard Loden Lohr LOHR LONG LONG Longoria LONGORIA Lopez Lopez Lopez LOPEZ Lopez LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ JR Loser Love Title Department Page 57 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3200 College Park Dr. 402 Euclid 5811 Irvington Blvd. 22540 Aldine Westfield Road 9922 NORTH Freeway 4616 Oak Ridge St 4639 Irvington 3715 Acorn Springs Lane 1305 LUZON ST 5127 FULTON ST 611 Woodland 343 Parkview St 717 HEIGHTS BLVD 1115 Key Street 2120 Welch 9614 Bob White Dr 21327 Golden Dove Dr. 1407 Dart Street 4410 T.C. JESTER #18 429 Highland St 4018 Oak Ridge 3317 Morrison 2808 Morrison St 12910 FOX BRUSH LN 8666 RAYSON RD 508 Archer 1139 Candlelight Lane 314 Morris PO BOX 3721 6318 SEEGERS TRAIL DR PO BOX 713 3003 Beaushamp PO BOX 30449 110 Alma St 2012 Gentry 209 Milwaukee 221 HOGAN ST 301 Eleanor 3709 KENNON ST 409 MARIE ST 4721 BILLINGSLEY ST 711 HOGAN ST 725 CAPERTON ST 905 QUITMAN ST 907 PASCHALL ST 315 GRACELAND ST 21825 Bridgestone 1801 Lockwood Drive City Conroe Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Charlotte Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77384 77009 77009 77373 770371246 77009 77009 77389 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77009 77019 77096-3710 77388 77002 77018 77009 77009 77009 77009 77041 77080 77009 77018 77009 77253 77066 78011 77009 77249 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77009 77009 77388 77020 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Ms. Salutation Ms. F Name Pam Sarah Sarah Susan Mark Mario Maria Manuel & Sylvia YOLANDA Ted OLIVA ESTELA Jost Nancy Christine Nancy Phuc WADE & DARLENE Dewitt Ali MYRTLE ARNULFO JR & CLAUDIA ARNULFO & CLAUDIA ARNULFO & ALICIA SYLVIA Monica Kenneth Jim BARBARA Stephen CAMILLE MARY Dorothy Anthony Elizabeth Robert Tom PABLO & GLORIA Myriam MARIA VICTORIA Mamie John Janet John Vincent Larry Lynn Liz DANIEL L Name Lowel Lowery Lowery Lowry Lowther Lozano Lozano Luna LUNA Luna LUNA MIRELES Lunstroth Lusty Luthi Luthy Luu LYONS Macafee Mace MACFARLAND WEAVER MACIAS MACIAS MACIAS MACIEL Mack MacKenzie Mackey MADDEN Maek MAENZA GAUDIANO MAGALLON Mahlmann Maluski Mancha Manna Manning MARCIAS Marin MARIN Marino Marks Marlow Maron Marquez Marr Marsh Marsiniak MARTIN Title Department Page 58 of 75 Bus/Org Address 1520 White Oak 515 Omar 515 Omar Avenue 502 Canadian 811 Key Street 1202 Hogan St 520 Turner 1909 Gentry St 4615 FULTON ST 618 MORRIS ST 907 Quitman 620 Woodland 220 Fairbank Rd PO Box 61429 1520 Arlington 4902 FULTON ST 4311 LA BRANCH ST 4501 Elysian 1206 Aurora St 13602 Boca Raton Dr 421 Paschall 715 James 802 Hogan 5428 Fulton 405 Omar 2314 Gentry 6002 Delange 510 English 405 Omar 5300 Maple St 1918 Freeman 931 West 31 1015 Bayland 3311 Houston Avenue 14 Greenway 13 N 1206 La Rue 2211 Tiller Street 2813 Houston Ave 415 HoganT 5205 Chapman 5207 Terry 729 Bayland 6827 Flaminco 3401 Hardy St 2915 Blue Glen 450 W. 18th Street 3007 Morrison St 13403 FOREST KNOLL ST City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Riverside Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Bellaire Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Pasadena Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX IL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 60546 77208 77009 77009 77004 77009 77009 77069-2421 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77092 77009 77009 77401-4809 77009 77018 77009 77009 77046 77019 77502 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77087 77009-5928 77073 77008 77009 77049-1507 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname F Name J.A. Minnie RALPH GUADALUPE ROGELIO & MARIA Virginia RAMIRO HELIODORO Patti & Joe Jessica & Lidia CARMELA Gilberto JOSE FOSTER JR & BERTHA R.L. Donaciano Alicia Melanie JUANITA HELIODORO & SANDRA Hattie Dinah Tom Megan Blake Bernardo and Veronica Robert & Donna PG L Name Martinez Martinez MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ Martinez MARTINEZ MARTINEZ Martinez Martinez MARTINEZ Martinez MARTINEZ MARTINEZ Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez MARTINEZ MARTINEZ JR Mason Massie Massimin Mastal Masters Mata Mata MATA Individual GLORIA MATEJOWSKY Individual Individual Victor Mary Matinez Matteson Individual Lloyd Matthews Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Mary Arthur Rob Rebekah Gustavo CHRISTINE Michael Dominic Chester John Stephen & Mary Jane Scott Michelle Joel Mattson Maudry Maxwell Mayfield Mayorga MAYORGA GARCIA Mazoch Mazoch McBride McCayne McCready McCready McCune McGlasson Mr. Salutation Mr. Title Department Page 59 of 75 Bus/Org Address 115 Cottage 1215 James Street 1516 Everett 1718 Freeman 2003 Fletcher 2419 Freeman 2517 Keene 308 James 3402 Robertson 3806 Calendar 4512 Fulton 606 Vincent St 704 Morris 7503 Dixie Drive 800 Heights Blvd APT 30 815 Boundary 815 McIntosh 910 Woodard St Po Box 8926 303 James 6750 West Loop S Ste 687 808 Graceland 806 East 27 418 Byrne St 1309 W. Patton 118 Redan Street 1205 Collingsworth 2024 CHESTNUT ST 3614 MONTROSE Boulevard APT 902 715 Willard St 3535 E. Panther Creek 9450 Grogan's Mill Road PO Box 7859 11411 Slash Pine Place 815 Houston Avenue 8406 Barmby Ct 808 W. Temple St 4114 Fulton 417 HENRY ST 110 West Rocky Creek Rd 110 West Rocky Creek Rd 5822 Glenn Lee 514 Omar 411 Omar 708 Merrill St 5319 Karcher P.O. Box 1306 City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Bellaire Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77087 77007 77009 77009 77009 77249-8926 77009 77401-4106 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 Houston TX 77006-4653 Houston The Woodlands TX TX 77006-1348 77380 The Woodlands TX 77387-7859 The Woodlands Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77380 77009 77389 77009 77009 77009 77076 77076 77396 77009 77009 77009 77009 77251 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation The Hon. Consul Mr. Mr. F Name Patrick Sharon SYDNEY S Debra MAUREEN Dan Amy Martha Louisa Onisa Daniel Tracy Adam Sylvia Ben Max Maria & Dana Carline Marilyn EVA GENEVA The Maria & Angelica Margaret Maria Isabel Linda Tami Yvonne Kimberly Martha Evan Joe Howard Trena Craig Sarah Kelly Carol Kevin Lamar Aurora Santos & Herminia Joann Syble Wilhiam Patrick & Donna L Name McIlvain McLandon MCLENDON McLoad MCMILLAN McMillan McQueen McRae Meacham Meacham Meacham Medelez Medina Medina Medrano Meindl Mejia Melendez Melin MENDEZ MENDEZ Mendiolas Mendoza Meng Menocal Mercer Merrick Meyer Meyer Meyers Michaelides Michels Middleton Milan Miller Miller Miller Mills Mineo Miramontes Miranda Mireles Mireles Missildine Mitchell Mitchell Carol Mitchener Title Department Page 60 of 75 Bus/Org Address 221 Knox 739 Heights Boulevard 1001 FANNIN ST STE 300 509 Euclid 5901 NORTH Freeway 5901 NORTH Freeway 342 Longview Blvd 1125 E 61/2 Street 3008 Morrison 3008 Morrison 9019 Newcroft Ct 404 Quitman #1 3805 Weems 3811 Edison 3725 Fulton 5 East Austin St P.O. Box 30571 3907 Calendar 806 Aurora 205 ENGLISH ST 2519 KEENE ST 25018 Twister Trail 2405 Fletcher 1939 W. Gray Suite 201 58 Brushwood Court 5807 Kansas 1515 Houston Avenue 133 North 732 West Temple 604 Eleanor 3012 Beauchamp 25025 I-45 North Suite 525 1011 Creekmont 5906 Nelwyn 2402 N. Main 4800 W 34th Street, Ste c5 612 Fairbanks 3627 Chappel Square 811 Highland St 2208 McKee 3815 Weem 202 North 2407 Fletcher 18951 Memoriak N. 402 Omar 514 East Janisch Rd City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Saint Louis Houston Houston Houston Tomball Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX MO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77007 77007 77002-6707 77009 77076 77076 63122-4455 77009 77009 77009 77375-1116 77009 77009 77009 77009 77007 77249 77009 77009 77009 77009 77375 77009 77019 77380 77007 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77380 77091 77009 77009 77092 77009 77388 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77338 77009 77022 2170 Buckthorne Place Suite 200 The Woodlands TX 77380 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name ROBERT BRETT L. Blaise GUADALUPE EVANGELINA Alma JAMES Juan Holly Tony Michael HUMBERTO Manuel BENJAMIN MINERVA Maria David L Name MIZE MIZE Mladenka MONCIVAIZ MONDRAGON Monreal MONROE, Jr. Monsivais Montalbano Montalbano Montalbano MONTALVO Montana MONTANO Montealvo Moore Individual Kim Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual ELIDA Taylor Greg Diana Yvonne Frank Claudia JOHN LAURA Yolanda Monica GILBERT Ralph Al & Diane Carlos Susan KATHY Helen LeStella Ramsey John Bruce Jesse John & Louise Arthur Jim Virginia Mike Alan Felicidad Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Title Department Address 1518 WEBER ST 2009 KANE 4611 Norhill Boulevard 410 HENRY ST 7115 FULTON ST 1503 Terry St. 4502 STANFORD ST 5600N. Freeway # 152 130 Sawdust 1302 Houston Avenue 1309 Houston Avenue 5009 FULTON ST 207 Shadow Wood Dr 418 BISHOP ST 803 JAMES ST 1507 North Street Ste. 1 City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Austin State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77007 77007 77009 77009 77022 77009 77006-5934 77092 77380 77007 77009 77009 77498-2692 77009 77009 78756 Moore 4800 Research Forest Boulevard Spring TX 77381 MOORE Moore Moore Morales Morales Morales Morales MORALES MORENO Moreno Moreno MORENO Moreno Morin Moron Morreale MORRIS Morris Morris Morris Moschioni Mosier Mosqueda Moss Mournian Mozur Mullenix Mullins Munger Munguia 5206 MAPLE ST 610 E. 5th 8686 New Trails Drive 1050 Quitman 1218 Mooney Road 303 Fairbanks 5105 Libbey Ln 917 MORRIS ST 19506 STAMFORD DR 2519 Fletcher St 423 Omar 4307 CHAPMAN ST 615 Spell 1910 Kane 817 Moody 604 Woodland 1202 SUMMER ST 1239 Hill Road 2925 Briarpark, Ste 850 3709 Wickerstan 1515 Houston Ave. 1512 Heights 2915 Elser 709 Wendel St 5933 S Meadow Hills Loop 1220 Wrightwood 5315 Angelo 501 W. 22nd 16803 Eastex Freeway 809 Carl Street Bellaire Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Tomball Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Huoston Houston Houston Houston Green Valley Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AZ TX TX TX TX TX 77401 77007 77381 77009 77037 77009 77092-5232 77009 77375 77009 77009 77009 77022 77007 77009 77009 77007-4259 77037 77042 77027 77007 77008 77009 77009 85622-6331 77009 77009 77008 77347 77009 Page 61 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. F Name CESAR Salvador Chris JOSE & DORA Russell James Clyde Frank CATHY Roy Gretchen KENNETH & SHEILA SAN & OMAR MOBASHERI ELIDA OCTAVIO Samir Scott E Jerry Marlene Jorge Walter William Melanie Trey SAN & LAN Tri KIM & HONG Carlos CARLOS & MARIA EMILIANO Angie Julia Pete David & Guy Carmen Joseph Anna TERRY Vince MARIA ANGELINA & NORBERTO Connie Jay F. Richard S. Francesco Ana Lupe L Name MUNIZ Munoz Murillo MURO Murrell Murtha Muske Mustachia MUSTACHIOHUSBANDS Myers Myers NARINESINGH NARVAEZ NASSRIN NAVARRO NAVARRO Nazie Neal NED Neel Neeley Nefrete Negley Neill Nelson Nelson NGUYEN Nguyen NGUYEN Nieto NIETO NINO Nobles Nolte Norloh Norris Norris Norton Nunez NUTT Obregon OCHOA O'Donnell Oedrick Olenchak Olivares Olmeda Olmos Title Department Page 62 of 75 Bus/Org Address 11811 Moss Branch Rd 311 Hogan 833 Wilkes 10219 Silvercrest Street 3738 Locke Ln 411 Euclid St 1710 Stonecrest 405 Henry 4037 WOODSHIRE ST 70 East Neyland Street 721 Redan 14533 STATE HIGHWAY 249 920 Firnat Street 4011 WATERVIEW CT 209 Paschall 5813 Fulton 1128 E. 27th Street 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd 2105 ISABELLA ST 5920 FM 5920 726 Woodland 505 Cottage St 1510 Gentry 2411 Coachlight Lane 2411 Blue Water Lane 506 Redan 10328 Shadow Oaks Drive 10403 Cedar Park Ln 308 Hogan St 1211 Fletcher 2411 Fletcher Street 2218 William Tell Street 824 Bayland 866 W. 42nd Street 1015 Worthshire 20130 Rose Dawn Ln 4716 Hain 126 North Street 13731 Vickston Ln. 19825 Miller Wilson Road 1900 Main St 220 Quitman 6211 Allentown 4606 FM 1960 West, Suite 300 35 Lattice Leaf Place 4406 Moore 827 Omar #1 2715 Houston Avenue City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Missouri City Houston Houston Houston San Ramon Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Crosby Houston Houston Spring Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77043-1110 77009 77009 77076 77027-4006 77009-7222 77018 77009 77025-5720 77022 77009 77086-4205 77022 77459 77009 77009 77009 94549-5514 77004-4327 77388 77009 77009 77009 77384-E663348 77009 77009 77043 77086 77009 77009 77009 77093 77009 77018 77008 77379-5260 77009 77009 77014 77532 77002 77009 77389 77069 77382 77009 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name David & Kaela ESTEBAN LUCIANA Michelle Beverly Alice ROSE HECTOR & LINDA Ignacio JOE & JANIE FP&EA CELIA Steve & Jennifer Martin Yvonne ROBERT Geraldine Tracy Alma Alitta Karen John Wendy Kelly Michael Manuel Todd VINOD & TR Gary Jeff & Jenny JOEL MARTINA Anna Rosa EDUARDO Kim Carl JESUS Jaime Stacy Marsi PASCUAL Aurora MARY Christopher Kim James Mai L Name Olson OLVERA OMETTO O'Michael O'Neal O'neil ORLANDO ORNELAS Ortega ORTIZ ORTIZ ORTIZ MUNIZ Ostlind Otto Pacheco PACINI Padgett Painter Palacios Palomo Pappas Pappas Parker Parker Parr Parr Parsons PATEL Patel Payne PELHAM JR PENA Pena Pena PENA Pennie Pennland PEREZ Perez Perry Perry PESINA Pesina PETERS Petit Pettis Phelan Phuong Title Department Page 63 of 75 Bus/Org Address 1520 Spring Street 411 James St 2510 HAMILTON ST 933 Dorothy 1305 Carolyn 403 Euclid 703 Canadian St 19010 CHALLE CIR W 2915 Cochran 404 Henry 4201 LA BRANCH ST 907 James St 525 Ridge 425-B Sawdust Rd 2016 Main St #1822 5350 NORTH Freeway 5910 Leon St 204 Byrne 4116 Walker 323 Reid 417 1/2 Omar 429 Omar 209 E. Woodland St 2929 Allen Parkway Suite 2100 512 Ave of Oaks 833 Booth 1007 E 71/2 Street 6009 NORTH Freeway 9821 West F.M. 1960 414 Omar 6620 Fulton 1114 SUMMER ST 2206 Chapman 2316 Churchill 2402 Freeman 5527 Yorkwood 711 Ridge Street 230 RED REPPLE RD 4005 Baden 18314 Forest Elms Dr 523 E. Canino Rd 2122 EVERETT ST 2714 Chapman 2931 KENROSS ST 2711 Morrison St 504 Byrne 1701 Huldy 5402 Fulton St City Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77007 77009 77004 77009 77338 77009 77009 77373 77009 77009 77004 77009 77009 77380 77002 77022 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77009 77009 77019 77009 77009 77009 77076 77338 77009 77022 77007-4257 77009 77009 77009 77016 77009 77076 77009 77388 77037 77009 77009 77043 77009 77009 77019 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname MARK Mary Jose Asti GEO Lenora Jayne Rick MICHAEL Claudia Ken Adela Malissa Valerie L Name PIERCE Piette Pina Plear PLETCHER Pohlman Porter Potthoff PREMAZON Price Price Prieto Prieto Prilop Individual Jeff Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual ESTEBAN & CARMEN Robert Andy Frank & Eloise MARY Jeff CHUNG Maryellen and Patrick Frank Allen Alan Jose JONATHAN Annie Jennifer & Scott Eric Randy & Susan Frank Ramiro Anastacio & Isabel Phillip MICHAEL Joe VIRGINIA GUADALUPE & MARIA LUISA KARLA Virginia JOE Joe Jose MELVIN Rafael & Ana Mr. Salutation Mr. F Name Title Department Address 4408 AUSTIN ST 811 Redan 257 West Riverwood Dr 200 Hollow Tree Ln 2929 ALLEN Parkway STE 2700 2314 Tannehill 607 Gladys 1814 Pine Village 5801 NORTH Freeway 112 Redan 401 James St 527 Redan 722 Redan 303 Sue St City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77004-4906 77009 77076 77090 77019-7102 77008 77009 77080 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 Proceu 4400A North Freeway Ste. 9100 Houston TX 77072 PROCOPIO Proctor Pruzantt Puente PUENTE Pugh QB NGUYEN Quarles Quezada Quick Quintero Quintero QUINTERO Quirr Rachek Radjef Raimond Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez RAMIREZ Ramirez RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMIREZ Ramirez RAMOS Ramos Ramos RANDON Rangel 15218 MERRITT LN 402 Byrne St 202 Tabor 4023 Edison 505 WINNIE ST 603 Highland 2522 Lance 403 Byrne St 22800 Aldine Westfield 801 East Sunnyside 15510 Rambling Riverway 1617 Weber Street 22506 KENLAKE DR 204 English 914 Teetshorn 1320 Althea Drive 1315 Goliad 10218 Green Tree Rd 1218 Common Park Dr 1307 Amundsen 13802 Barone Bridge 16707 MARKET ST 2708 Cochran 6202 NORLAND ST 635 W 24TH ST 819 HOGAN ST 827 Waverly 1212 PINCKNEY ST 1815 Common 202 Walton 8135 ROCKFORD DR 2707 Treesdale Ct Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Stafford Houston Spring Houston Cypress Houston Katy Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Channelview Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Katy TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77060 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77477 77009 77373 77076 77429 77007 77450 77009 77009 77018 77007 77042 77009 77009 77069 77530 77009 77022 77008 77009 77007 77009 77009 77008 77033-3017 77450-8516 Page 64 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name L Name Juan Kay Jeanette Charles Jeanatte Oscar THOMAS A. Rangel Rankin Rash Rash Rash Rausel REED Reed Individual Wesley Reeves Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Anita Tom Michael Gil Arthur Gloria HAZEL Lawrence Flores Current Current Current GUADALUPE Fernando MARIA Jose Sonia HECTOR & ESPERANZA Ed Joviat & Rafael Jamie Ed Martin Maria BRAULIO & SANDRA Stephen Bart John Angel Brian Joseph Justin Kerrie Sarah HECTOR Joseph Alex MARTHA Israel Reeves Rekuc Reliand Rendon Rendon Renek RENFRO Rennell Residence Resident Resident Resident REY Reyes REYES Reyes Reyes REYES Reyes Reyes Reyes Reyes Reyes Reyna REYNA Reynolds Reynolds Reynoso Rhodes Richard Richard Richert Richmond RICO Rife Rigsby RINCON Rios Rev. Mr. Rev. Rev. Mr. Rev. Title Department Page 65 of 75 Bus/Org Address 624 1/2 Post 1324 Harvard Street 2104 Lyons 2104 Lyons Ave 2104 Lyons Ave 1002 Sue 3902 HAMILTON ST 837 Ashland St 1201 Lake Woodlands Drive Suite 2132 9214 Colendale Dr 1132 E. 61/2 th Street 21920 Northwest Freeway 2613 Atlantic 6487 Creekbend Drive 317 English 415 Mill Place Ct 520 Omar 4817 Elser 4314 Billingsley 4704 Fisk 910 Firnat 307 Bishop 1615 Fawnhope Dr 1734 DUNAWAY ST 1901 N. Main 2013 Chestnut 207 CARL ST 218 Joyce 2927 Cetti 502 Highland 509 Fairbanks 9603 Bissonnet 112 Weisenberger 2001 CHESTNUT ST 4419 N. Main PO Box 130873 3600 Fulton 1128 Euclid Street 1128 East 61/2 Street 3809 Main Street 621 Ridge 419 Fairbanks 3135 WINDMILL ST 307 Woodard St 512 Ave of Oaks 1103 PASCHALL ST 1105 James Street City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77022 77008 77020 77020 77020 77009 77004 77007-1426 The Woodlands TX 77380 Houston Houston Cypress Houston Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77037 77009 77429 77009 77096 77009 77498-2678 77009 77009 77009 77009 77022 77009 77008-3022 77015 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77036 77022 77009 77009 77219 77009 77009 77009 77002 77009 77009 77479 77009 77009 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Sister Sister Mr. Mr. F Name SILVESTRE IRMA Siwat Brad & Mary Karen Cyndi JW Ron Ron Gilbert & Alma IRENE Pamela Greg TOMAS & JOVITA Esperanza Cecilia Alejandra Antonio OSCAR JUANITA Arturo Cesar REYNALDO Josie Sebastian & Virginia Raul FRANCISCO MARY M. Minerva ANTONIO & FLORENCE Trini Jesse ESTHER David EDMUNDO & EVA Ryan Rosenda ANTHONY Avi Jonathan Michael Bernardo & Bea Joanna Ralph & Rosalie Wendy ROGELIO Amy L Name RIVERA RIVERA Rizel Robbins Roberts Robinson ROBINSON, Jr. Robles Robles Robles ROBLES Rocchi Roche RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez Rodriguez RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez Rodriquez RODRIQUEZ Rodriquez Rodriquez RODRIQUEZ Rodriquez RODRIQUEZ Rohanna Rojas ROMEO Ron Roque Rork Rosales Rosario Ross Ross RUBEN JR Ruf Title Department Page 66 of 75 Bus/Org Address 2123 FREEMAN ST 801 BOUNDARY ST 111 E. 24th Street 411 Bayland 12088 Murphy Rd PO Box 61429 PO BOX 8027 2324 N. Main 2328 N. Main 3815 Calendar 8831 VALLEY VIEW LN 22540 Aldine Westfield Road 3302 Beauchamp St 10904 NORMEADOW LN 1111 Paschall Street 1217 Hogan 1706 Chapman 1917 Everett 200 CARL ST 2014 COMMON ST 2206 Mckee 2836 Fulton 3404 MORRISON ST 3404 Morrison St. 3811 Baden 4001 IRVINGTON BLVD 408 PASCHALL ST 419 MARIE ST 4219 Edison Street 121 Eichwurzel 2019 CHESTNUT ST 2118 Thomas 2820 Fulton 309 PASCHALL ST 333 Lockwood 410 MARIE ST 711 Temple St 3405 Morrison 5834 CARTAGENA ST 4 Asbury Place 7718 Lumber Jack Dr 7902 North Freeway 805 Joyce St 5309 Elysian 1307 Guese 505 Byrne 6529 WESTVIEW DR 604 Omar City Houston Houston Houston Houston Stafford Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77008 77009 77477 77208 77288-8027 77009 77009 77009 77074 77373 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77023 77009 77009 77009 77035 77007 77096 77037 77009 77009 77008 77009 77055 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name ROBERTO & MARIA Luis Alberto Manuel PEDRO ANTONIO Claudia Lori John MARTIN Les & Adrienne John Patrick Brad Luis Judith FLORENTINO MARK ANTHONY Antonio ANASTACIO Kimberly Rad RICHARD & YVONNE BRUNILDA JOSE & IMELDA Bobby George J.B. Mike Geronimo & Carmen Fernando TEODORA Richard GEORGE & ESTHER Mercedes Ignacia Yolanda Dotty Vincent Aurthur ALFREDO LUIS Hector Joe Dolores L Name RUIZ Ruiz Ruiz RUIZ Ruiz Rumfield Runduzeker RUSSO Ruthven Rutledge Rutledge S Sacramento Sadler SAENZ SALAZAR Saldang SALDIERNA Saldivar Salee SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS Sallie Salmeron Sampson Sampson Sanchez Sanchez SANCHEZ Sanchez SANCHEZ Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanders Sands SANTIBANEZ Santos Santos Santos Individual Norma Santoyo Individual Individual Individual Individual HUGO & ROSE JH RAYMOND PORFIRIO SAPIEN SAPP SARABIA JR SAUCEDA Title Department Page 67 of 75 Bus/Org Address 123 TWISTED SPRUCE CT 1658 Enid St 3507 Cochran 410 JAMES ST 709 Vincent 706 Moody 707 Redan 6102 HURST ST 708 Euclid 2201 Lakewoodlands Dr 607 Gladys 3108 Houston Ave 319 Grove St 15320 Clevedon Ln 719 BOUNDARY ST 2802 Allyson Ln 3000 Houston Ave 10130 Woodico Dr 2935 Cetti St 12633 Memorial Drive No. 178 2402 CRESCENT HOLLOW CT 302 JOYCE ST 706 PENNINGTON ST 3814 Elysian 630 Nest Lane 2103 Noble 717 Texas #1500 115 Morris 1511 Hardy St 2109 THOMAS ST 214 Payne 2521 CHURCHILL ST 4815 Cochran St 612 McIntosh Apt 1B 7322 Farnsworth 904 Milwaukee 10907 Villa Lea Lane 4000 Research Forest Dr 4000 FULTON ST 122 Vieux Carre 205 FRAWLEY ST 5319 Angela City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Tx TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77015 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77008 77009 77380 77009 77009 77020 77040 77009 77373-5871 77009 77038-2434 77009 77024 77388 77009 77022 77009 77022 77026 77002 77009 77026 77009 77009 77009 77002 77009 77022 77009 77071 77381 77009 77009 77009 77009 2950 North Loop West, Ste. 1150 Houston TX 77092 3122 PEACH TREE LN 5503 FULTON ST 4715 SIEGEL ST 219 HOGAN ST TX TX TX TX 77459 77009 77009 77009 Missouri City Houston Houston Houston North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name RAMON RAQUEL ESTHER SIDNEY JAMES & JO Jennifer & Janice L Name SAUCEDA SAUCEDO SAVALA SCALISE SCALISE Schaafs Individual Denise Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Address 4305 FULTON ST 401 JAMES ST 2019 FULTON ST 2321 Fulton St 5303 Jackwood St 215 Parkview City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77009 77009 77096 77009 Schaefer 1450 Lake Robbins Dr Suite 150 The Woodlands TX 77380 Phil RICHARD JR &NELDA Jonathan Mark Mary Ann Lowell Joel James Karen Ron Anna Anna Victor Jim Randolph V. Sue Roger Ken O Ken Mark MARIO & MARIA L.D. Janis Helen Glen Douglas Sheila Don Betty Sugo Schawe SCHELL Schenck Scheyer Schindler Schneider Schramm Schriver Schroder Schroeder Schulte Schulte Schultz Schultze Schulze Schwaller Schwandtner Schwartz SCHWARTZ Schwartz Scioneaux SCOBEDO Scott Scott Seaback Jones Sementelli Sen Serck Seributra Serio Serna 1522 Glen Oaks 101 ROSAMOND ST 207 Teetshorn 517 Merrill 1802 Crockett St 4407 Adonis 12707 Cloverwood 1808 Lubbock St 6030 DeMilo 11534 Overbrook Lane 408 Archer PO Box 30142 19503 Lockridge Dr 27045 Hanna 60 E. Sandalbranch Cir 502 East 12th St PO Box 1958 25734 Timber Lakes Dr 274 W TWICKENHAM Trail 594 Sawdust Road #267 802 West Temple St 210 Moody St 2706 Gano 304 DeHaven St 6234 Wynnwood Ln 719 Euclid 15230 PENN HILLS LN 312 Canadian 7023 Dickson Way 419 Dunkley 3522 Irvington Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Cypress Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Conroe The Woodlands Houston Humble The Woodlands Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77008 77076-2905 77009 77009 77007 77373 77429 77007 77092 77077 77009 77249-0142 77373 77385 77382 77008 77347 77380 77076-2023 77380 77009 77009 77009 77029 77008 77009 77062-3527 77009 77489 77076 77009 Individual Lindsey Serna Culinary Institute, 7070 Allensby Houston TX 77022 Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual ALI TABATABAI Susan Kevin Kevin & Evelyn Jim Chad Jeff SEYED Shank Shanley Shanley Sharp Shaw Shell 5610 NORTH Freeway 12231 Academy Rd Ne 1815 W. 14th St 1815 West 14th St 309 Woodland 616 Highland 924 Euclid Houston Albuquerque Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX NM TX TX TX TX TX 77076 87111-7236 77008 77008 77009 77009 77009 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Title Department Page 68 of 75 Bus/Org Zip North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. F Name Jeff Tom & Anne John Michael Pat Bob Dawn WILFREDO & FRANCISCA ROSENDO & CLEMENTINA LEAH Ed Royce Royce Constance Anton Greg JOANN Cliff Bill Henry Scott Oscar Wiley & Sharon Mary Ann Fred Charlie & Anne Frances Nat Earvin Marianne KEVIN Jeff Jonathan Ronald Susan Paula Steven Homero Laura DAVID Ike Peggy L Name Shell Shepard Shiller Shirl Shively Shumway Shumway SIERRA SILVA SIMON Simpson Simpson Simpson Singleton Sinkewich Siptak SIRAGUSA HAYDEN Skinner Skinner Skupin Slaney Slotboom Smartt Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith SMITH Smith Smullan Snelson Snider Snyder Sohns Solis Solomon SONG Sparks Sparks Jarrett Christof Weldon Courtney Richard Title Department Address 934 Euclid St 117 Payne St 5240 North Freeway 1410 Lee St 7402 Wernen 212 Teetshorn 312 Bayland 2215 Keene 2505 Churchill St PO BOX 300713 1034 East 7th St 3805 N. Main 400 W. Cottage St 215 Bayland 132 Pineview 704 Graceland PO Box 114 52850 Pine Canyon Rd 222 Laura Lane 2506 Arlington St 1245 W 18Th St 8803 Langden 1035 East 7th 1118 East 61/2 th St 2407 N. Main 2810 Morrison St 2812 Morrison 3011 Morrison 5635 Kansas 818 Highland St PO BOX 540103 PO Box 691 1231 Arlington St 7638 Spring Cypress 2812 Morrison 407 Archer St 1612 Meadow Edge 302 Fletcher 19318 Caledonia 1073 Silber Rd 1718 Moody 2822 Florence City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Barker King City Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Conroe Houston Spring Houston Houston Spring Houston Katy Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77022 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77230-0713 77009 77009 77009 77009 77012 77009 77413 93930-9688 77385 77008 77008-3342 77036 77009 77009 77009 77009-7616 77009 77009 77007 77009 77254 77305 77008 77379 77009 77009 77388 77009 77449 77055 77009 77009 Spence 10077 Grogans Mill Rd Suite 550 The Woodlands TX 77380 Spiecer Spies Spillane Sprouse 915 Franklin 4403 Elser 611 Walker St 8042 Barnhill Dr Houston Houston Houston Humble TX TX TX TX 77002 77009 77002 77338 Page 69 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. F Name Rich DOLORES ALBERT Bob and Mady DAVID JOHN & SARA JOY Kristin Donna Pamela Mark TINA DAN LILLIE ELISA Caroline Melissa Roma Carol Andrew Ross Antonia Linda Charles IRENE ROBERT Bob Bob John & Anne LEWIS WALTER Sandra Christina Belen Brent Terrie Steve Gary FRANSISCO Connie MARK JAMES CHARLIE & GRISELDA Anthony Kim Deidre Jean LA L Name Squire ST JOHN SANTOS STAFFORD Stahl STALLINGS STANLEY STAPP Starbuck Steen Stephens Stephns STEPP STERLING STERLING STERLING Sterner Sternfels Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stewart Stewart Still STOCK STOHR Stokes Stokes Stovall STRAUSS STRICKLAND Stronberg Stubbe Sulas Sullivan Sultan Sumner Sundstrom SUREZ Svlevser SWAIM SWORD TAMEZ Tanger Taurins Taylor Taylor Teehan Title Department Page 70 of 75 Bus/Org Address 11011 Richmond #700 5319 ANGELO ST 4009 Fulton 2027 Chantilly 27215 Long St 911 GENOVA ST 1150 CORTLANDT 2100 Huldy St Apt 4 6918 Louetta 1112B Edwards St 1408 Richmond #248 218 WROXTON DR 9323 TIMBERSIDE DR PO BOX 21184 PO BOX 2558 1136 Cortland 2623 Morrison 14922 SANDALFOOT St 3306 Marigold 6238 Hurst 800 Burnet 1809 N. Main 2 Shadow Ln 2711 Quenby Ave 6208 NORLAND ST 1602 BURNING TREE RD 3114 Canyon Oak Ct 3719 Irvington 2218 Singleton St 3921 DREW ST 4001 ALMEDA 416 Merrill 2214 Bagby St #2321 1524 Nashua 910 Omar 19 Fairbanks Ct 1450 Lake Robbins Drive # 410 24130 Red Sky Dr 1901 ISABELLA ST 928 Merrill 1415 LOUISIANA ST STE 2220 18731 Casper Dr 102 MELBOURNE ST 611 Walker 6th Floor 810 Euclid St 19225 Sears 546 Granberry 1132 E. 61/2 th St City Houston Houston Houston Houston Splendora Sugar Land Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Conroe Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Water Mill The Woodlands Spring Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Humble Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77042 77009 77009 77018 77372 77478 77008 77019-6535 77379 77007 77006 77304 77025-4542 77226-1184 77252-2558 77008 77009 77095 77009 77008 77009 77009 77080 77005-2429 77022-5919 77339-3922 77068 77009 77008 77004-2526 770044025 77009 77002 77008 77009 11976-2341 77381 77373 77004-4157 77009 77002-7355 77373 77022 77002 77009 77338 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Ms. Salutation Ms. F Name Juanita Alfred MICHAEL & LYNNETTE Phuc Vien Ande Deborah Robert LE CHINH Mark Marvin & Gery LILLIE CLAYTON E.C. H Jim John Todd Bert Barbara Barbara Joseph T Conrad STAN & LINDA Robert Nestor Viula Delphine FILEMON & ERIKA Alberto JULIAN & ROXANNE Lorenzo EDUARDO Bruce Emilio Vicente Nataly Rodolfo, Anabel & Maria GERARDO Jerry HENRY & JEANETTE Sergio & Gerardo William WILLIAM Gary GEORGE VIRGINIA SAM & LENA L Name Tellez Tello TELLO Temple Tensae Tesar Thalmann THANH Thering Thieleman THOMAS THOMAS Thomas THOMASSON Thompson Thorne Thurber Tibbits Tichy Tichy Tijerina TILOTTA Tips TITLOW Todd Torehy Torgerson Torres TORRES Torres TORRES Torres TORRES JIMENEZ Tough Tovar Trevino Trevino Trevino TREVINO Trevino TREVINO Trevino Trevino TREVINO JR Trietsch TRIGG JR TRIJILLO TRITICO Title Department Page 71 of 75 Bus/Org Address 9210 Goldcrest 2212 South St 4009 Baden 14101 Eastex Freeway 1050 Quitman 305 Morris 4025 Amherst St 12910 ISLAND FALLS CT 1305 Prairie St STE 300 7610 Hammerly 2113 CLEBURNE ST 4501 STANFORD ST 6306 Jadecrest Dr 476 County Road 294 3600 Michaux 944 Merrill 5354 Dumfries 3409 Morrison St 1030 Voight 1039 Voight 49 Annette Ln 4321 GARROTT ST 1007 Highland 6340 NorthFreeway 722 Omar 1603 Northwood 4010 Pineridge St 2308 Everett St 3 TALISMAN CT 3811 Cochran 5400 Fulton 719 Ridge 1501 ASBURY ST 2201 Lakewoodlands Dr 1700 Seaspray Ct Apt 1239 208 Danna Ln 2313 Churchill 2320 Churchill St 3918 Irvington 4325 Irvington 4615 Cetti 4901 Irvington 5305 Irvington 2303 Chestnut 14111 Kimberly 6916 Fulton 2414 Tackaberry St 2118 South St City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Alvin Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77022 77009 77009 77032 77009 77009 77005 77041 77002 77055 77004 77006 77389 77511 77009 77009 77096 77009 77009 77009 77076 77002-9707 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77009 77076 77009 77009 77009 77007 77380 77008-3144 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77079 77022 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Mr. Salutation Mr. F Name FELIX Audrey Dagmar Robert LUBERTHA Helen Drexel Frank JOHNNY LARRY & JEWELL Randy Tim Dale Mario & Celia ARMANDO Rose MANUEL HERMENEGIL & VIRGINIA Maria Gloria Valero EUGENE Mike F.B. Donn TRAN KIM V Arnold & Adrianna Francisco & Cecilia TONY & BERMALDINA CONSUELO Guadalupe BERNALDINA Nicholas Jesse Maria RAUL & SOLEDAD Al Jamie Maria Susan Rebecca OFELIA VENTURO Erik Doug & Julie ROSABEL ENRIQUE Moses L Name TRIVENO Trotti Truckses Truman TUBBS Tuch Turner Turner TURYFILL TUTT Twaddle Tyler Tyson Umanzar VAGA Valdes VALDEZ VALENZUELA Valenzuela Valerie VALERO Valle Valouch Van Skike VAN THI VANDEFORD III Vanek Vargas VASQUES VASQUEZ Vasquez VASQUEZ Vastakis Vaughan Vazquez VELEZ Vera Vera Verbolovskis Vesteng Victor VIDAURRI VIDAURRI Vidor Villaescusa VILLAGOMEZ VILLAGOMEZ Villalpando Title Department Page 72 of 75 Bus/Org Address 3917 Fulton St 1406 Welch St 1314 Brownwood Dr 2 Shooting Star Place 2019 ALABAMA ST 928 Byrne 2222 Swift Blvd 915 Redan 7114 North Freeway 2015 ALABAMA ST 808 Ridge St 408 Omar 5427 Winford 1622 N Main St 2317 Gentry 5310 Angelo 410 Paschall 2601 Keene 307 Paschall 3702 Billingsley 4721 N Main 816 McIntosh 2323 Tackaberry 23515 Verngate 5700 BROOKGLEN DR APT 543 5126 French Creek Dr 619 Euclid 2409 Churchill 7015 Amarillo St 1023 Point Blank Dr 109 Carl St 609 Burnett 502 Omar PO BOX 571301 4201 IRVINGTON BLVD 8111 GOLF GREEN CIR 1038 Candlelight Ln 2122 Everett St 1133 Columbia 1239 Hill Rd 4400 North Freeway 2120 Gentry 417 Bishop 3333 Weslayan #1222 1314 Dart St 210 James 302 James 314 Lindale City Houston Houston Rockford The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Katy Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX IL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77006 61107-3041 77381 77004-4309 77009 77030 77008 77076 77004-4309 77009 77009 77449 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77373 77017 77017 77009 77009 77020 77038 77009 77009 77009 77257 77009 77036 77018 77009 77008 77037 77022 77009 77009 77027 77007 77009 77009 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation F Name Richard Sergio Maria IVAN GUILLERMO ARTHUR MARY Dorothy Laura BERNARD & AVA Andrea David James Toni Michael Chris Ron LLOYD Scott JOHN Diane Victoria Heather Stephen Stephen B. John Alice Joe Mary Ann DONALD Don CHESTER Jane Evelyn Heather Jim Jim Sam L Name Villanueva Villarreal Villarreal VILLARREAL VILLARREAL VILLASENOR VINSON Vinson-Keys Vitanza VLAHAKIS Vodennal Vogt Voigt Vollman Wa Waggoner Waldbillig WALKER Walker WALTER Wardell Wardle Wardle Waters Watts Waugh Waymire Weaver Webb Weishaupt WELCH Welch WELLMAN West Westbrook Westerlage Weston Weston Weston Individual Charles Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Daniel G. Kacey JAMES Jill Walter Charles John & Joy Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Title Department Address 3915 Cypress Lake Dr 1925 Chapman 2122 Everett St 4515 LILLIAN ST # C 9215 Helmers St 7302 Fulton 615 E DELZ DR 8914 Lazy River 2939 Cetti 701 E BURRESS ST 3414 Wasson 73 Indian Clover 17110 Sweed Rd 2327 Cades Cove 100 West Cavalcade St 1133 E 61/2 St 15322 Climbing Branch Dr 1204 CROCKETT ST 706 Redan 201 W OBION RD 819 Highland 702 Teetshorn 705 Euclid 5403 Irvington Blvd 4228 Banner Dr 1615 Cortland P.O. Box 130786 14915 Nickelson 3707 Kirby Dr, Ste 916 2309 Tackaberry 11185 GUINEA 608 King 5805 Fulton P.O. Box 61603 511 Omar 121 Alma 3301 Morrison 3301 Morrison St 4800 West 34th St, B-1 City Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Washington Spring Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77388-5771 77009 77009 77007 77022 77022 77022-1705 77088 77009 77022-1805 77009 77381 77880-5108 77373 77009 77009 77068-2117 77007-4216 77009 77076-3006 77009 77009 77009 77009 77013 77008 77219 77060 77098 77009 77055 77022 77009 77208 77009 77009 77009 77009 77092 Wexler 25227 Grogan's Mill Rd. Ste. 125 The Woodlands TX 77048 Wheeler III White WHITEHEAD JR Whitter Wienbroer Wiese Wiitala 2313 Fletcher 941 Ridge Street 1940 1/2 SCHILDER DR 402 Byrne St. 1212 Wrightwood 5059 Yarwell Dr 221 Parkview Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77009 77093 77009 77009 77096-5329 77009 Page 73 of 75 Bus/Org North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Surname Salutation Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. F Name Nancy David Larry BRANT AL Mark Margaret JACQUELYN John John David Trish Jerry David Ashley Amy Raquelle Vye Edward D. Tom Thane MARTIN VICTORIA Edward ROBERTO Virgil Pauline Byron Pauline IDELFONSONO Carlos CONSUELO Israel Matt JUBENTIO Felicia Kamil Rachel Scott JAMES CARL Renee FARAON & CELESTINA Gloria Ann EUGENE EST OF GUADALUPE YNIGUES GALINDO L Name Wilcox Wilcox Wilkerson WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, Jr. Williamson Williamson WILLIS JOHNS Wilson Wilson Winters Wise Wood Wood Woodard Woodward Wooten Wright Wright Wyant Wyka Wyman YAKLIN YANEZ Ybarra YBARRA Yoakum Young Young Young ZAMARA Zamora ZAMORA Zamora Zamzow ZAPATA Zbranek Zeman Zepeda Zersen ZUCCONI ZUCKER Zuelke ZUNIGA Zuniga VALERO Title Department Bus/Org TRUSTEE % CONSUELO YNIGUES % JESUS ARAIZA NEMORIA Page 74 of 75 Address 1515 West 21st 416 Sue St 1305 Glourie Dr 2323 S Shepherd Dr STE 924 2024 ALABAMA ST 1433 Columbia 3206 Morrison 2010 TUAM ST 3015 Richmond Ave, Suite 201 518 Woodland 71 W. Indian Sage Circle 6900 S Rice Ave 2807 Greenbriar 718 Horn Run 506 Redan 117 Delaney St 12315 Split Rail Ln 11261 Riverview Way 3309 Morrison 10322 Sweetbrook 112 Stones Edge Dr 2611 Thelma Dr 4309 JACK ST APT 1 317 Morris 16302 El Camino Real #2604 PO BOX 557 1 Noontide Circle 3021 Cambell St 709 Temple St 945 McKinney PMB #307 401 Boundary 207 Goldenrod 2120 Fulton 9627 Berridge House Court 125 Payne St 809 Erin 714 Merrill 2623 North Freeway 704 English 309 Bayland Ave 6935 NORTH Freeway 6014 CRAB ORCHARD RD 1444 Arlington 1920 Everett St 2117 Freeman 4721 N Main St Ste T 7330 BURKRIDGE DR 215 HOGAN ST City Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Bellaire Houston San Antonio Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Montgomery Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston The Woodlands Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77009 77009 77055 77019 77004-4310 77008 77009 77004-1349 77098 77009 77381 77401-4439 77098 78245-3448 77009 77009 77071 77042 77009 77038 77356-9052 77009 77006-5927 77009 77062 77001 77381 77026 77009 77002 77009 77009 77009 77086 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77009 77076 77057 77008 77009 77009 77009-4400 77041 77009 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Non-Landowners) Type Individual Surname Salutation GUAJARDO OSCAR Individual Jennifer Wagley Program Manager Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Abby H FELIPA & CECILO MARY HENNAGER ESTATE KUAN & LI-YANG Bob Leigh HENRY J N Joe Dessie B. Robert Stacie Rachel Fogelson RITZEN LOPEZ Technologist CHAO Eury Arrington TAUB Prelli Coleman Maxwell, P.E. Hohmann Dvoretzky Infrastructure Program Manager Technical Pofessional-Process Vice President at Large Bus/Org % ROSA GARCIA ZEPEDA Avenue Community Development Corporation Bush Elementary School C/O GENEVIEVE MORRIS C/O IRMA LOPEZ C/O ROBERT L HENNAGIR CHANG LI HSIANG & ET AL Downtown District E. Sunnyside ESTATE OF BEN TAUB Greens Crossing Highland Heights #2 JACOBS KBR Technology Montie Beach Civic Club 4409 Edison City Houston State Zip TX 77009 707 Quitman Houston TX 77009 13800 Westerloch Dr 115 GUENTHER ST 603 STILES ST 5439 Apple Creek Road 2231 SOUTHGATE Boulevard 909 Fannin #1650 10511 Lazy Nook Street 333 WEST LOOP N 440 Benmar #2288 6819 Morrow St 5995 Rogerdale Road 601 Jefferson Ave, KT-439C 404 Cordell St Houston Sugar Land Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77077 77478-3237 77011 77017 77030-1120 77010 77076 77024-7709 77060 77091 77072 77002 77009 Ann J. Robinson Executive Director Montrose Counseling Center 3017 Houston Ave Houston TX 77009 Douglas & Alice CATHERINE Santos George Leisia Doris Laguarta CASH Rodriquez Sofka Risse St. Mary Plantasia Landscaping Post Oak Precinct 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 4 Rebecca Mark-Jusbasche Houston Houston Houston Houston Spring Houston TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009 77027-6338 77002 77002 77373 77002 Thomas Rodriguez RSL Funding, LLC 3004 Morrison 4234 WHITMAN ST 301 San Jacinto, Room 310 301 San Jacinto, Room 310 22540 Aldine Westfield 1100 Louisiana Suite 3160 1980 Post Oak Blvd, Two Post Oak Central, Ste. 1975 Individual Houston TX 77056 Individual Karen Covington 1929 Allen Parkway Houston TX 77008 Individual Lou Shirley 217 Woerner Houston TX 77090 Individual Wendy Parker Owner 448 W. 19th St, Ste. 260 Houston TX 77008 Individual Tim Lankau Partner 2929 Allen Parkway, America Tower, 42nd Floor Houston TX 77019 Individual Robert Proctor 1236 Studewood St Houston TX 77008 Individual Tom & Teri Helm 1528 White Oak Dr. Houston TX 77009 5757 Woodway, Suite 101 West Houston TX 77057 4544 Post Oak Place, Ste. 224 Houston TX 77027 P.O. Box 22777 Houston TX 77227-2777 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Ms. Ms. F Name L Name Title Director Team Ms. Ms. Patty Matthews Assoc. Vice President Team Ms. Ms. Jerri Anderson President June Farrell Team Department GO Neighborhoods Corporate Communications South Region Service Corporation International Shirley Acres Tiderman Real Estate Enterprises Ware, Jackson, Lee, and Chambers LLP Whitten & Proctor Fine Art Conservation Woodland Heights AECOM Community Awareness Services, Inc. Houston-Galveston Area Council Page 75 of 75 Address North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) Mailto 11605 & 11609 W HARDY CO LLC 12 3 BUFFALO BAYOU LP 12 3 BUFFALO BAYOU LP 1201 CROCKETT ST PTNRSHP 1211 REGAL ROW PROPERTIES LP 125 WEST CROSSTIMBERS LTD 1306 NORTH LOOP LLC 13123 WEST HARDY LP 14204 HARDY LLC 1818 HAMILTON LTD 1901 PRESTON PARTNERS LLC 1997 FORBES FAMILY LTD PRTSP 2000 CRAWFORD MISSION INVESTORS LP 2001 PRESTON PARTNERS LLC 2009 CPT COMMUNITY OWNER LLC 2015 MILAM STREET LLC 2016 MAIN OWNERS ASSOC INC 2016 MAIN OWNERS ASSOC INC 2016 MAIN OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC 2016 MAIN OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC 2020 MCKINNEY LLC 2222 PIERCE LLC 3 T INTERESTS LTD 340 NORTH BELT LP 415 E HAMILTON LLC 4525 AIRLINE DRIVE LLC 4615 INVESTORS LLC 4911 NORTH FREEWAY VENTURE INC 4940 NORTH FREEWAY LLC 4H RANCH INC 500 TEXAS AVENUE LTD PTNRS 5177 BUILDERS LTD 5401 WERNER STREET LLC 6015 HILLCROFT LP 610 FULTON NORTH PPTIES 7700 I 45 NORTH LLC C/O SOUTHWEST SURPLUS 8223 NORTH FREEWAY LLC 8345 NORTH FREEWAY LLC 9030 NORTH FREEWAY CORP 909 CHARTRES LTD Mail_Addr_1 7711 GLENVISTA ST 2000 WEST LOOP S STE 1050 2000 WEST LOOP S STE 1920 2429 BISSONNET ST STE 195 1211 REGAL ROW PO BOX 2423 5900 MEMORIAL DR STE 305 9818 E HARDY RD 14330 E HARDY RD 10440 VALLEY FORGE DR # E9 1649 JIM SIMMONS PO BOX 17209 3300 S GESSNER RD STE 270 1649 JIM SIMMONS P O BOX 27329 5810 S RICE AVE 2016 MAIN ST APT 613 2016 MAIN ST STE 109 9555 W SAM HOUSTON PKWY S STE 250 9724 BEECHNUT ST STE 200 109 N POST OAK LN STE 200 1814 RUSTIC HILLS CT 5444 WESTHEIMER RD STE 1680 720 N POST OAK RD STE 500 415 E HAMILTON ST 4238 RAINFALL DR 4615 NORTH FWY 15110 CEDAR RIDGE DR 6615 BELMONT ST 707 N SHEPHERD DR STE 700 601 E PRATT ST STE 600 1520 OLIVER ST 2825 WILCREST DR STE 538 PO BOX 27023 6119 FULTON ST 7700 NORTH FWY STE C 203 DOUGLAS AVE 8111 LONG POINT RD 1955 W T C JESTER BLVD 607 CHENEVERT ST Mail_Addr_2 Mail_City HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FLAGSTAFF SUGAR LAND HOUSTON FLAGSTAFF HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PASADENA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BALTIMORE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WOODWAY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 1 of 53 Mail_State TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AZ TX TX AZ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MD TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Mail_Zip Mail_Country 77061-2117 77027-3516 77027-3529 77005-1451 75247-3613 77252-2423 77007-8008 77093-5309 77039-1405 77042-1900 86005-4235 77496-7209 77063-5197 86005-4235 77227 77081-2912 77002-8843 77002-8842 77099-2145 77036-6645 77024-7789 77479-5582 77056-5398 77024-3928 77076-4514 77505-3890 77022-2917 77082-4014 77005-3805 77007 21202-3118 77007-6035 77042-6009 77227-7023 77022-5901 77037-4220 76712-6714 77055-2005 77008-1256 77003-3010 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) 9818 EAST HARDY LP 9930 NORTH FREEWAY LLC A & A PARTNERS LLC A & A ROYAL CROWN PROPERTIES LLC A T & S F RAILROAD CO RR A T & S F RAILROAD CO UT % PROPERTY TAX DEPT AAA INVESTMENTS % FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BK AANA MICHAEL B ABC INVESTORS GROUP ABDELLATIF IBRAHIM ABDERRAHMAN BENHMTIN ABREGO ALONSO & NORMA ABREGO VENTURES INC % DANNY ABREGO JR ACES AC SUPPLY INC ACOSTA JOSE P ADAME RICARDO ADAMO ROBERT A ADAMS JOSEPH J ADAMS JR JOHN Q & DEBORA ADICKES DAVID ADVANCE STORES COMPANY INC AGARWAL TARSEM LAL AGTECH INTERNATIONAL INC AGUILAR AURORA R AGUILERA EFREN G & NORMA AGUINAGA ROSA M AHMAD F AYOUB REALTY LP AHMED REALTY II LTD AIRLINE DRIVE PARTNERS LP AIRTRAN REFRIGERATION LLC AKERLUND MARK F ALAMO & YOUSEF INV LLC ALAMO & YOUSEF INVESTMENTS ALANIZ ALBERTO II ALBA BEN & MARY ALBA BEN & MARY A ALCALA CHRIS ALDINE ISD ALEMAN AUSENCIO & JUANA ALEMAN OSVALDO ALEXANDER SAJI & LIZZY 9818 E HARDY RD 9911 GULF FWY 230 CHATHAM AVE 12450 EAST FWY STE 140 900 N POLK ST RM 514 PO BOX 961089 7400 NORTH FWY PO BOX 430143 PO BOX 672226 801 NORTH LOOP W PO BOX 631381 9210 MCGALLION RD 2102 MCCARTY ST 5801 SOUTH LOOP E 1109 CROMWELL ST 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2402 UNIT 1902 FLR 19 10 SANDALWOOD DR 5410 BRINKMAN ST 2409 KINGSTON ST 5008 AIRPORT RD NW 5106 TARNBROOK DR 1727 CHATEAU BEND CT 2414 WOODGATE ST 106 W SUNNYSIDE ST 4111 BALMORHEA AVE 3122 ASHFORD BEND DR 13648 HWY 249 4808 GIBSON ST 13306 ALBELIA MEADOWS DR 1918 WINTER ST 8310 E HARDY RD 1208 MELWOOD ST 2417 NORTH FWY 7202 COCHRAN ST 7126 COCHRAN ST 1220 POST ST 14910 ALDINE WESTFIELD RD 78 REID ST 124 DELANEY ST 15010 T C JESTER BLVD 2016 MAIN ST Page 2 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON AMARILLO FORT WORTH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ROANOKE HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX VA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77093-5309 77034-1042 77479-6719 77015-5559 79107-3714 76161-0089 77076-1315 77243-0143 77267-2226 77008-1726 77263-1381 77022-2234 77029-3840 77033-1605 77037-3516 77002-8848 77002-8848 77024-7122 77091-5613 77019-6603 24012-1601 77084-2380 77450-5058 77039-3138 77076-2907 77039-2511 77082-3652 77086 77007-5480 77083-7902 77007-4419 77093-7916 77009-5319 77009-5412 77022-4512 77022-4509 77022-4539 77032-3028 77022-5924 77009-1301 77068-2095 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) ALI KARIM R ALIBRANDI ELENA ALIEF PETROLEUM INC % ALMEDA SHELL ALLEN ELMER C JR ALLEN HOUSTON R ALLSTATE RESTORATION INC ALVARADO RINA BAIRES & ALVAREZ DELSY S ALVAREZ EVERETT ALVAREZ FELIPE ALVAREZ MIGUEL & HERMELINDA AMADOR MARCELA AMADOR MARCELA AMEGY BANK NAT ASSOC AMERICAN ARC MANAGEMENT CORP AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY FOR AMERICAS BEST VALUE AMERIFORGE CORP AMIN RAFIQUE PROPERTIES INC AMINA PROPERTIES LLC AMJ INVESTMENTS LLC AN PROPERTIES LLC ANAYA HIPOLITO C ANDERSON GLOYD D & CHERYL ANDRADES MARCOS & ANDRUS DEBORAH F ANDRUS EMEAL & CECILIA ANGEL LYDIA ANGELONE CARL M ANTONELLOS ELENI APARNA INVESTMENTS LLC APPLE FINANCE CO INC AQUARIUM-DOWNTOWN AQUINAS COMPANIES LLC ARAUJO LYDIA ARBI INVESTMENT LP ARCENEAUX BRENDA ARCHER CAROL A ARCHER DIANE E C/O HAYES GROUP AREC 14 LLC PROPERTY TAX ARELLANO NOEMI & AURELIO 5324 PALM ROYALE BLVD 2803 CHARTRES ST 4102 ALMEDA RD 905 ROBINHOOD LN 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 1516 PO BOX 8646 10112 E HARDY RD 8815 W HARDY RD 12707 W HARDY RD 225 DELANEY ST 8511 W HARDY RD 11010 WINSPRING DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 2111 5 N POST OAK LN 11111 RICHMOND AVE STE 242 7334 BLANCO RD STE 200 11011 NORTH FWY 13770 INDUSTRIAL RD 4515 MESA CROSSING LN 15000 W AIRPORT BLVD APT 921 150 W PARKER RD STE 300 11510 KINGSBARN CT 535 E DELZ DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1413 265 W TWICKENHAM TRL 7210 ATHLONE DR 1522 E 32ND 1/2 ST PO BOX 925272 1335 WAKEFIELD DR 6248 CEDAR CREEK DR 2016 MAIN ST # 0409 9510 NORTH FWY 410 BAGBY ST 3900 ESSEX LN STE 1200 506 DELL CT 4771 SWEETWATER BLVD STE 337 UNIT 3 229 W ROCKY CREEK RD 8455 NORTH FWY PO BOX 29046 1318 CHARNWOOD ST 2805 PROVIDENCE ST Page 3 of 53 SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON ANGLETON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TOMBALL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND SUGAR LAND HOUSTON TOMBALL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PHOENIX HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AZ TX 77479-2592 77004-4195 77004-4869 77515-3525 77002-8848 77249-8646 77093-5214 77022-2327 77037-2601 77009-1300 77022-3438 77377-8735 77002-8945 77024-7701 77082-6709 78216-4933 77037-1007 77015-6821 77479-5430 77498-7256 77076-2951 77377-2512 77022-1703 77002-8844 77076-2022 77088-7457 77022-5318 77292-5272 77018-5251 77057-1804 77002-8848 77037-1450 77002-1510 77027-5486 77009-5425 77479-3121 77020-3754 77076-2017 77037-2807 85038-9046 77022-3430 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) ARENAS GILBERTO M & ESTHER B ARGO GROUP INC ARGUELLO RUBEN ARIA MANOOCHER ARJONA ALMA ARMENDARES PEDRO & ERNESTINA ARMOR ENTERPRISES INC ARMSTRONG CONNIE EST ARNOLD JAMES WESLEY ARNRON INVESTMENTS ART & ENVIROMENTAL ARCHITECTURE INC ASCENCIO SAMUEL ASCENCIO SAMUEL ASHBROOK SIMON HARTLEY ASHBROOK SIMON HARTLEY CORP ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL 2016 MAIN ST 3505 N MAIN ST 13114 BIRCH GROVE DR 5206 HARVEST BEND CT 12425 W HARDY RD 12124 E HARDY RD PO BOX 5908 1710 EUEL ST 908 BASILWOOD DR 7400 NORTH FWY 1654 BONNIE BRAE ST 333 1/2 NORTH LOOP W PO BOX 701126 11600 E HARDY RD PO BOX 16327 105 DECKER CT 12517 W HARDY RD 250 E JOHN CARPENTER FWY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON COPPELL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON IRVING HOUSTON IRVING TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002-8848 77009-5641 77099-2227 77479-4214 77037-3523 77039-5108 77491-5908 77009-1609 75019-6319 77076-1315 77006-5219 77008-2028 77270-1126 77093-1021 77222-6327 75062-2767 77037-3524 75062-2710 ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL PO BOX 660711 DALLAS TX 75266 ASTRO INN LTD ATA GABY B AUTOFIT INC AVELLANEDA RAFAEL AVILA ANGEL R AWODEIN CHRISTINA A AXO HOLDINGS INC AYALA ARTEMIO & MARIA A AYALA MIGUEL AYALA RICARDO & ANA M AYDOGMUS GUNGOR AYRES ERNEST WALLACE AYTAC AHMET U AZAR PHILIP AZIZI MATTHEW AZIZI MIR B & D PROPERTIES INC B & G REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP BABAEVA MARINA V BABALOLA OLAYTWOLA BACCUS ORAN E PO BOX 30163 7555 BUBBLING SPRING LN 4555 AIRLINE DR STE 135 12609 W HARDY RD 26 PARKER RD 608 W MOUNT HOUSTON RD 5600 ROSE ST 614 MILWAUKEE ST 210 DELANEY ST 1207 CASTLEDALE DR 4023 UNDERWOOD ST 410 ROBMORE ST 102 QUITMAN ST APT 406 2000 SMITH ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 4 101 CRAWFORD ST STE 100 20723 RIO VILLA DR 6 BERRY RD 4319 EVERGREEN ELM CT 2016 MAIN ST APT 1217 225 W ROCKY CREEK RD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77249-0163 77086-3001 77022-2937 77037-3525 77076-3525 77037-1561 77007-5167 77009-1937 77009-1300 77037-2610 77025-1717 77076-4328 77009-7645 77002-8652 77004-3173 77002-2198 77049-3258 77022-3012 77059-3120 77002-8854 77076-2017 Page 4 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) BAER INVESTEMNTS LLC BAHARDOUST KATHERINE D BAHLO GABRIELA BAKER ELMO & JACK BAKER JACK & ELMO BAKER MARTHA S BAKER ROBERT W BALABAN VIKTOR BALAJI HOLTELS INC BALAJI LODGING GROUP INC BANDA FRANCISCO BANEGAS CARLOS A BARAJAS JESUS BARBOZA ELVA LINDA BARNES JAMES E BARR BLAKE BARREZUETA ALBERTO R BARRIENTOS PATRICIO BATY INTEREST ET AL BAUM ERNA BAUTISTA ADELA BAUTISTA ARNOLD & ART BAZARSKY ROBERT M BCO NORTH FREEWAY LTD % BILLINGSLEY CO BEARD ANDREW & SARAH BEAZER EAST INC % THREE RIVERS MGMT MANOR OAK ONE BECERRA HAZAEL R & MARIA BECKER MICHAEL N BEESON JOHN S BEHRINGER HARVARD BEK-SCOTT MONIKA BEL EMANUEL HOLDINGS LLC % EATON VANCE MNGMT BELL JULIE MEDINA BELTWAY 8 & HARDY LP BENNETT SYLVIA K & LUE A BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH BERNAL GARON BERNSTEIN IRA & JO ANN BERRIOS AQUILINA C BETHLEHEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH BHUCHAR FAMILY LTD PRTSP PO BOX 540051 1314 BURNWOOD LN 1612 STUART ST 4219 BAYGLEN CT 6300 NORTH FWY 19103 CHALLE CIR E 2016 MAIN ST APT 713 9135 AIRLINE DR APT 25 6613 NORTH FWY 2510 HAMILTON ST 110 SUNNYSIDE 147 THERON ST 214 DELANEY ST 9640 E HARDY RD 1415 NORTH LOOP 16410 PELICAN BEACH LN 12417 W HARDY RD 10113 W HARDY RD 2912 FROSTWOOD CIR 2016 MAIN ST APT 805 2016 MAIN ST # TH1501 9520 NORTH FWY 533 S 3RD ST 4100 INTERNATIONAL PKWY STE 1100 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 203 1910 COCHRAN RD 1314 SADLER ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 905 550 WAUGH DR 15601 DALLAS PKWY STE 600 526 S BONITA AVE 2 INTERNATIONAL PL FL 8 9730 E HARDY RD 2211 NORFOLK ST STE 803 2016 MAIN ST APT 1710 10250 NORTH FWY 2016 MAIN ST APT 801 102 QUITMAN ST APT 208 6 TALISMAN CT 1208 MEADOW ST 1631 NORTH LOOP W STE 100 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DICKINSON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE CARROLLTON HOUSTON PITTSBURGH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ADDISON PANAMA CITY BOSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 5 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA TX TX TX TX FL MA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77254-0051 77073-1304 77004-2945 77068-1011 77076-2904 77373-5508 77002-8850 77037-2348 77076-2025 77004-1229 77076 77022-6218 77009-1300 77093-6110 77022-5332 77044-1223 77037-3523 77076-4424 77539-4207 77002-8851 77002-8848 77037-1441 77401-5003 75007-1973 77009-7661 15220-1203 77022-3468 77002-8851 77019-2002 75001-6026 32401-3979 02110-4101 77093-5343 77098-4030 77002-8858 77037-1251 77002-8851 77009-7645 77076-3922 77020-3851 77008-1539 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) BHUCHAR VIJAY BIAN CHIA PHONE BIEDIGER DAVID W BIEDRZYCKI ENTERPRISES CO BIG BOX PARTNERS BILLROY LC BI-RITE FURNITURE INC BIRK MARY BIRK MARY K BITRAN JAIME BJ&JP INVESTMENT LLC BLASDEL TERRY L BLEACHER REALTY BLECHER PAUL BLIZZARD WILLIAM A & JACQUELENE BLOCKER NATHAN & MAGNOLIA H BLOODGOOD KATHRYN LEE BLUE STONE INVESTMENT LLC BMI INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED BND PARTNERSHIP BOARD REGENTS UNIV HOUSTON BODENSTEINER HENRY B BOILEAU SEBASTIEN BOKONON LLC BOLGER DAVID F REVOCABLE TRUST BOLIVAR HECTOR E BOLIVAR PARTNERS LTD % ESTATE OF ROBERT S BRACKMAN BOND WILLIAM M BONIUK INTERESTS LTD BONTON MANUEL BOOKER GREGORY M BOOTH CHADWICK L BOWDEN BOBBY BOWEN ANDRE J BOYLES HOWARD BRADFORD BOBBIE J % BOBBIE J BRADFORD TRUST BRADLEY HARRY E ESTATE % ENGEL JONES P C BRADLEY TONY W & CHESTER SR BRAGER ONELL DARIL BRAGG ELIZABETH A BRANCH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY 16 SAINT PETERS WALK 4818 N WOLCOTT AVE # 1 22402 FINCASTLE DR 10814 E HARDY RD PO BOX 219169 PO BOX 1069 7114 NORTH FWY STE I-45 2016 MAIN ST APT 814 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 0620 1814 ROSALIE ST 5414 GABLE MEADOWS DR 1930 W MCKINNEY ST 1617 ENID ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1422 1806 FREDONIA DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 716 9610 E HARDY RD 1802 SNAKE RIVER RD STE B 1925 SOUTHWEST FWY 11312 KINGSWORTHY LN 4211 ELGIN ST # 200 3403 HOUSTON AVE 502 ANITA ST 2600 FOREST LN # 250 79 CHESTNUT ST 3514 AMESBURY CIR 5116 BISSONNET PMB 398 2016 MAIN ST APT 2304 3720 SAN JACINTO ST 214 W OBION RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1820 307 E WOODLAND ST 13429 W HARDY RD 18042 FOREST CEDARS DR 621 BANKERS MTG BLDG 2016 MAIN ST APT 1817 PO BOX 1168 6319 NORTH FWY PO BOX 16457 2016 MAIN ST APT 1004 2400 REYNOLDA RD SUGAR LAND CHICAGO KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON PORTER HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS RIDGEWOOD PEARLAND BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MARBLE FALLS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WINSTON SALEM Page 6 of 53 TX IL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NJ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NC 77479-2525 60640-4005 77450-1649 77093-3217 77218-9169 77365-1069 77076-1309 77002-8851 77002-8848 77004-3040 77479-8803 77019-2601 77009-2503 77002-8844 77073-4222 77002-8850 77093-6110 77449-7743 77098-4800 77024-7433 77004-2619 77009-6741 77006-3414 75234-7306 07450-2563 77584-4895 77401 77002-8946 77004-3922 77076-3007 77002-8895 77009-6744 77060-5607 77084-5946 77002 77002-8895 78654-1168 77076-3004 77222-6457 77002-8800 27106-4606 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) BRANCH VICTOR EST OF % MARY ANGELA BRANCH-JONES BRANDO DENNIS M BRANDT GARY L BRAVO IGNACIO A BRAVO JULIAN & SOLEDAD BREAD OF LIFE INC BREAD OF LIFE INC % R V RASMUS BREED MARY JANE BRIGGS THEODORE R BRIGHT STAR INTERNATIONAL LTD LIABILITY BRIGHT WILLIE S & MILDRED B BRIGHTON LANE PARTNERSHIP BRINKMANN JOHN P BRISENO MARC A BRITAIN ELECTRIC COMPANY BRITTEX HOLDINGS LLC BROOKS BRUCE & DIANE BROUSSARD YOLANDA BROWN LAWRENCE & BEATRICE BROWN MORRISON BRYAN MATTIE K BUCHANAN H R BUCHANAN TIMOTHY J BUENROSTRO TRADING LLC BUHR BRIAN BUI CINDY BUI HIEU BUI HOA K BUILDWEALTH COMPANIES BUILES RUBEN D BUKVAR FRANK A & LETICIA E BUMSTEAD RICHARD & SYLVIA BURDETT BRENT BURKETT ROBERT BURTON WILLIE C BUSA LOUISE BUSA RALPH J BUSTAMANTE CRISTIAN C & TANYA BUTLER KATIE BUTTERFRAS RANDY & KAREN BYBEE JOHN C 2005 RODEO DR 4115 LEHIGH AVE 2702 SPRING CREEK DR 1243 CASTLEDALE DR 1708 ALABAMA ST 2019 CRAWFORD ST 1714 PATTERSON ST 242 W ROCKY CREEK RD 25 THORNHILL OAKS DR 12207 WESTMERE DR 4375 N MACGREGOR WAY 505 W CANINO RD 3102 HAMILTON ST 218 DELANEY ST 2011 DALLAS ST 2502 HARRY WURZBACH RD 3201 WOODLAND LN 11835 MURR WAY 1002 EARLSFERRY DR 539 E DELZ DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1815 1501 BERRY RD 21938 WHITETAIL XING 24514 GLEN LOCH DR 1833 ROSALIE ST 3212 CRAWFORD ST 16703 SHADOW RIDGE BLVD 7426 DRESDEN AVE 15419 STABLE STAR CIR 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 19 137 CEDAR HILL DR 2435 WOLF RD 209 KELLEY ST 3304 JACKSON ST 2023 TRUXILLO ST PO BOX 920692 PO BOX 437 10215 RAYMONDVILLE RD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 19 9207 CABIN CREEK DR PO BOX 79244 AUSTIN HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO ALEXANDRIA HOUSTON CHANNELVIEW HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NEW CANEY SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND CYPRESS HOUSTON LIVINGSTON HUFFMAN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PLANTERSVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 7 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX VA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 78727-3412 77005-1932 77373-6129 77037-2610 77004-4104 77002-9002 77007-3408 77076-2018 77015-2059 77077-4023 77004-6552 77037-3717 77004-3027 77009-1300 77003-3514 78209-5054 22309-2255 77048-2527 77530-2304 77022-1703 77002-8895 77093 77357-4740 77380-2519 77004-3039 77004-2925 77095 77479-2785 77429-7093 77004-4198 77351-0977 77336-3737 77009-1341 77004-3036 77004-4331 77292-0692 77363-0437 77093-4552 77004-3174 77064-3809 77279-9244 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) BYRD LAVERNE M C & B UTILITIES INC C & R2 PROPERTIES LP C D REALTY INC C/O DOGGETT WILLIAM LESLIE CABELLO JOSEFINA CABOT & ROWE CABRAL TRACEY CADENA VICTOR R & VERONICA CANDELARIA CAIN CASEY CALCARA LP CALDERON REINA CALIXTO YNEZ VELASQUEZ & MARIA CALMAF TX INVESTMENTS ONE CALTEX INVESTMENTS CAMARENA CAROLINA CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST CAMP0S ORLANDO N & MARIA L CAMPO EUGENE CANALES JOHN P & NICOLE M CANALES LOUISE CANO PEDRO N & ANGELICA M %TEAM CONCEPTS CANTER D R CANTU IGNACIO L CANTWELL EUGENE CAPLAN HARDY INDUSTRIAL REAL EST INC CAR 1 MOM LP CARBAJAL GASPAR CARDONA ELIZABETH CARLISLE BRIAN & DEBORAH CARMONA GLORIA CARRIE S & DAVID J ARATA TRUST CARRILLO ARNULFO & NURIA M CARRIZALES MARCO CARROLL CHRISTOPHER T II CARSWELL MARK CARTER JAMES J & SANDRA T CARTER MARY L ESTATE OF CASH CATHERINE M CASIRAGHI SANDY K CASTANEDA ALFREDO & MARIA CASTANEDA JAVIER M & 5708 HARDY ST 13420 E HARDY RD 1200 ROTHWELL ST 7110 NORTH FWY 703 FRISCO ST 1237 OXFORD ST PO BOX 66481 TH 1905 FLOOR 19 2900 HAMILTON ST APT 21 5850 SAN FELIPE ST STE 210 910 FRISCO ST 1930 ROXELLA ST 1334 CROSSTIMBERS ST 2626 NORTH FWY 25803 COYOTE SPRINGS CT P O BOX 27329 601 KELLEY ST 2242 PARKDALE DR 1413 DE BOLL ST 9111 W HARDY RD 2811 COCHRAN ST 3210 NORTH FWY 3120 NANCE ST 1827 VANDERWILT LN 6019 GOLD ST 800 GESSNER RD STE 500 14802 REGNAL ST 1211 KINGFISHER CT N 19 HICKORY SHADOWS DR 6609 COCHRAN ST 999 W TAYLOR ST STE B 19214 DARBY RIDGE CT 2016 MAIN ST APT 817 2016 MAIN ST APT 1502 1602 ELGIN ST APT 15 5425 ENID PL 1529 E 32ND 1/2 ST 4218 MARKHAM ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1601 14018 LONG GLEN DR 1223 CASTLEDALE DR 2016 MAIN ST Page 8 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON KINGWOOD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN JOSE SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ALEXANDRIA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX VA TX TX TX TX TX 77009-1611 77039-2823 77002-1157 77076-1309 77022-5529 77008-7002 77266-6481 77002-8848 77004-3172 77057-3070 77022-5612 77093-5208 77022-4202 77009-3928 77373-4935 77227 77009-1349 77339-2349 77022-2307 77022-2330 77009-6913 77009-1852 77020-6037 77449-1777 77026-2022 77024-4498 77039-1020 77584-2586 77055-6750 77022-5728 95126-1850 77379-8026 77002-8851 77002-8855 77004-2853 22312-6428 77022-5317 77027-6325 77002-8857 77039-2452 77037-2610 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) CASTANEDA MARIA CASTILLO ANDRES CASTILLO CARMEN F 5405 ANGELO ST 11442 E HARDY RD 3038 OAK FOREST DR HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX 77009-1827 77093-1019 77018-7123 CASTILLO P ANDRES ET AL 6629 ROOS RD HOUSTON TX 77074-6329 CASTILLO RICHARD M CASTILLO RICHARD V CASTILLO RODOLFO CASTILLO ROGELIO & ROSA CASTILLO UBALDO G CASTON DONALD W CAVAZOS GABRIEL CAVAZOS GABRIEL B CBCD REAL ESTATE LLC CBS OUTDOOR INC CCG HOUSTON I LP CEDILLO MARCIANO ANTONIO CELESTINE JOSEPH W CELLARS CHARLES E CENDEJAS FELIPE & MARIA CENTERAMERICA CAPITAL PTNR CENTERPOINT ENERGY HOU ELE CENTRO CRISTIANO EL ALFA Y CENTRO CRISTIANO EL ALFA Y CENTRO NP HOLDINGS 12 SPE LLC CEPEDA CLESTINTO ET UX CERDA JOSE JUAN & LAURA I CERDA MAURO & OLIVIA CETTA INVESTMENTS LLC CFT DEVELOPMENTS LLC CHACHOS HOUSTON NO 2 LLC CHAI KUN LAN ET AL CHAN SORITHEA CHAN WAYNE ET AL CHANDLER & COMPANY COMMERCIAL CHANG SHENG PROPERTIES LP TREY LIPSITZ TRUSTEE CHAPA PAUL & VICKY E % JAMES MCDONALD R SR CHAPA TONY & FELIPA CHAPMAN WAYNE CHAUVET CEDRIC CHAVEZ EUFEMIA 1009 KELLEY ST 110 OBION RD 12603 W HARDY RD 910 CONNORVALE RD 72 REID ST 5206 NICHOLS ST 722 E 27TH ST 232 THERON ST PO BOX 941761 1600 STUDEMONT ST 3131 TURTLE CREEK BLVD STE 900 1408 DUFF LN 1512 E 31ST ST 1114 TIMOR LN 1907 WALTON ST 3901 BELLAIRE BLVD PROPERTY TAX DEPT 38TH FLR 5621 AIRLINE FREEWAY 5621 NORTH FWY 420 LEXINGTON AVE FL 7 913 KELLEY ST 12507 W HARDY RD 1006 WALSTON LN 2910 CREEK TERRACE DR 1683 WALNUT GROVE AVE 4320 INDUSTRIAL CTR 5714 WERNER ST 3416 ST EMANUEL ST 1307 CHIPPENHAM CT 70 S TRANQUIL PATH 5850 SAN FELIPE ST STE 500 74 N MISTY CANYON PL 5700 HARDY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2511 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 202 6315 W HARDY RD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NEW YORK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY ROSEMEAD SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY SPRING HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NY TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009-1445 77076-2943 77037-3525 77039-1818 77022-5924 77020-2821 77009-1012 77022-6221 77094-8761 77007-3825 75219-5486 77022-2316 77022-5312 77090-1240 77009-1229 77025-1100 77251-1475 77000 77076-4503 10170-0799 77009-1443 77037-3524 77060-5639 77459-2372 91770-3711 78217-4812 77076-4716 77004-4262 77459-2747 77380-2738 77057-8003 77385-3532 77009-1611 77002-8897 77009-7661 77022-5734 PO BOX 1475 Page 9 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) CHEN TOMMY F CHERNE DONN A & PATRICIA CHIN ALFORD CHIN KAY CHOCOLATE JAM INVESTMENT LTD LIABILITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH THE OLD PATH CHRISTUS HEALTH GULF COAST CHUNDRU RAVI K CHUNG ALLEN CHUNG DAVID CHUNG KYUNG S ET AL CHURCH OF CHRIST IN CIFUENTES JORGE CILURSO FREDERICK S CIRCLE G BUSINESS INC CITATION LAND LLC CITY OF HOUSTON CITYSIDE HOMES LLC CJC PROPERTIES LLC CLARK PAUL JR CLARK VIRGINIA LANG CLAUSON ARABELLA MARY CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR INC CLIFTON HERMELINDA F COANE BRUCE A COHEN DIANA REE & ETAL % BURGER KING STE 1158 COHN PEARLE F MRS COLE MP MUY PORTFOLIO I LLC C/O PAK FOODS LLC COLEMAN ALAN C COLVIN & COLVIN LLC COMPLETE PROP DEV LP C/O TURK INVESTMENTS LTD COMPLETE PROPERTY DEV LP COMSTOCK ERIC B CONDADO FELIPE CONDE CANDIDO F CONG DINH NGUYEN & PHAN CONLEY ERIN C CONNOR JOEL D CONRAD CATHRYN CONTRERAS MARCELINO M CONTRERAS SANDRA 2003 PEASE ST PO BOX 4176 2910 TRIWAY LN 11546 WHITTIER BRIDGE LN 8035 SPRING BLUEBONNET DR 9600 NORTH FWY 1700 WEST LOOP S STE 1200 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 405 1217 TAMY LN 8719 BELLAIRE BLVD 110 W TROY RD LINDALE 107 KELLY ST 223 MCGOWEN ST 9207 PETERSHAM DR 10959 CUTTEN RD PO BOX 1562 10778 VINECREST DR STE 100 PO BOX 94 2602 PIERCE ST 238 W ROCKY CREEK RD 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 914 200 E BASSE RD 6304 FRISCO ST 5177 RICHMOND AVE STE 770 13015 GOLDEN RAINBOW DR 800 BERING DR STE 210 17154 BUTTE CREEK RD STE 200 712 RUTHVEN ST 15200 E HARDY RD 3001 FONDREN RD STE A 2700 POST OAK BLVD STE 1120 2016 MAIN ST APT 1214 118 DELANEY ST 307 KELLEY ST PO BOX 720958 2016 MAIN ST APT 2103 1718 WOODARD ST 4522 BANNING DR 1420 DUFF LN 13602 BALLANTRAE CT 6502 ENID ST Page 10 of 53 HOUSTON HORSESHOE BAY HOUSTON SUGAR LAND SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CANTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77003-5138 78657-4176 77043-1318 77498-0939 77479-7016 77037-1443 77027-3008 77009-7662 77055-6523 77036-4605 77076-3009 77022-4313 77009 77006-2235 77031-2730 77066-5003 77251-1562 77086-1778 02021-0094 77003-6038 77076-2018 77002-8848 78209-8328 77022-5765 77056-6751 77429-3545 77057-2130 77090-2333 77019-5234 77032-2718 77063-4900 77056-5767 77002 77009-1301 77009-1343 77272-0958 77002-8944 77009-1625 77027-4806 77022-2316 77015-1420 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) CONTU FRANCESCO COOKSEY JEFFREY D & ANDREA H COOPER BURJIS CORDOVA JOSE M & ROSA T CORNELIUS EOLA CORNELIUS EOLA CORONADO ENRIQUE O & ROSA L CORPUS GUSTAVO T III CORTEZ PABLO JR & REBECCA CORY INVESTMENTS INC COWART NOEL B & BARBARA C COYLE ROBERT L JR CRAFT BRYAN D CRANCER JACK D CRAWFORD BRIAN J CRETON DAVID W CROSBY DALLAS PARTNERS LP CROSBY DALLAS PARTNERS LP CROWN CASTLE GT CO LLC CRP DIG SAM HOUSTON LP % DAVIDSON HOTEL COMPANY CRUZ BLAS U & TERESA CRUZ LUIS CASTILLO & SOCORRO CUEVAS MANUEL CUPID RETAIL PROPERTIES INC CURA FRANCISCO & MARIA L % EARL GILBERT CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 2016 MAIN ST APT 701 4018 CHARTRES ST 2915 CHARTRES ST 7510 GREEN LAWN DR 10205 W HARDY RD 10207 W HARDY RD 273 W SPREADING OAK DR 1200 SHEARN ST 5327 ANGELO ST 6445 NORTH FWY 2016 MAIN ST APT 1414 2016 MAIN ST APT 911 2016 MAIN ST APT 1901 706 RUTHVEN ST 722 RUTHVEN ST 5704 HARDY ST 2700 POST OAK BLVD STE 2450 5177 RICHMOND AVE STE 1125 4017 WASHINGTON RD PMB 353 3340 PLAYERS CLUB PKWY STE 200 12730 CARDIFF RD 6926 COCHRAN ST 5303 ANGELO ST 5750 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E STE 809 12423 W HARDY RD 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 407 1501 W 18TH ST APT 141 1602 ELGIN ST APT 6 1717 SAINT JAMES PL STE 118 200 WESTFIELD ST 208 WESTFIELD ST 22A STILLFOREST ST 3424 S MACGREGOR WAY 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 8 3938 FIELD CROSSING LN 4107 UNDERWOOD ST 4408 CHAPMAN ST 5103 SWEENEY PARK CT 746 E CREEKSIDE DR 7623 W GULF BANK RD PO BOX 191 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CANONSBURG MEMPHIS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING Page 11 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA TN TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002-8843 77004-4122 77004-4142 77088-5402 77076-4425 77076-4425 77076-2019 77007-4254 77009-1825 77076-3005 77002-8844 77002-8852 77002-8895 77019-5234 77019-5234 77009-1611 77056-5713 77056-6778 15317-2520 38125-8942 77037-2608 77022-4505 77009-1825 77032-4087 77037-3523 77009-7662 77008-1533 77004-2853 77056-3409 77022-6215 77022-6215 77024-7518 77021-1230 77004-4199 77498-7426 77025-1719 77009-3407 77084-2279 77024-3209 77040-3807 77383-0191 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER C/O LERENO LLC CURRY SANDRA CURTIS ISAAC L & JUANITA CWS LOFTS 150 LP D R LEAL LLC DACY OPAL H % DACY J C ESTATE OF DALY CLARISSA DANIELS TERRY E DANIELS VICTORIA DARLAND PARTNERS LTD DAUGHTRY DEAVRA A DAVIDSON SUSAN DAVIS BROTHERS DAVIS DORIS L DAVIS JOSEPH T ESTATE OF % JAMES DAVIS DAVIS ROBERT G DAWLETT BASHAR DAWN INVESTMENTS INC DAWSON CHARLES & DIANNE DEAN WIMBERLY L DEARBORN DEVELOPMENT LLC DEARBORN DEVELOPMENT LLC JOHN W V SCHWARTZENBURG DEBES GEORGE JR ESTATE OF DEEB NADIA DEES FAMILY PARTNERS HIP LTD DEFOE WILLIAM DEL FIERRO NORMA L DELATORRE MARIA OFELIA DELEON FRANCISCO DELEON JERONIMO & JULIA DELGADO JOSE S DELGADO SANDRA L DELSANTER THOMAS DELZER GARY DEMOLITION & CONSTRUCTION DENNYS OF HOUSTON #691 DERKS RONALD DERRY JON D DESAI PRATAP PO BOX 40703 PO BOX 460442 2726 BISSONNET ST # 240-56 5346 S CORNELL AVE 3217 CRAWFORD ST 9606 N MO PAC EXPY STE 500 6724 SHERMAN ST UNIT A 5906 COCHRAN ST 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 3 4008 CHARTRES ST 2016 MAIN ST 8111 MARSHALL FALLS DR 3519 BROKEN ELM DR 417 VALLE VERDE LN 1221 MCKINNEY ST STE 3100 14826 YARBERRY ST PO BOX 937 1028 STUDEWOOD ST 1211 LARKSPUR LN 5458 BEECHNUT ST 15302 CHELSHAM LN 2016 MAIN ST APT 715 14500 E HARDY RD 1401 MCKINNEY ST STE 1900 935 EUCLID ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 207 19939 GATLING CT 1409 KOWIS ST 1015 CRESTBROOK DR 1234 MOONEY RD 2626 MIERIANNE ST 1404 DUFF LN 1293 HOPPER RD 12802 CARDIFF RD 7016 COCHRAN ST 1717 AVENUE M 421 EICHWURZEL LN 11320 NORTH FWY 1414 KNIGHT ST 115 ALMA ST PO BOX 27023 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CHICAGO HOUSTON AUSTIN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING SPRING WEST COLUMBIA HOUSTON HOUSTON TOMBALL HOUSTON SEABROOK HOUSTON CHANNELVIEW HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON GALVESTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 12 of 53 TX TX TX IL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77240-0703 77056-8442 77005-1319 60615-5655 77004-2924 78759-5960 77011-3526 77009-1431 77004-4199 77004-4184 77002-8848 77379 77388-5152 77486-9651 77010-2009 77039-1033 77377-0937 77008-7140 77586-4727 77096-1216 77530-2270 77002-8850 77039-1407 77010-4037 77009-7134 77009-7661 77449-3314 77093-3201 77038-2207 77037-3529 77093-1144 77022-2316 77037-3517 77037-2609 77022-4507 77550-6193 77009 77037-1014 77022-2352 77009-6730 77227-7023 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL DEVILLALOBOS MARCOS DIAL SHERRI DIAZ ADOLFO & DIANA DIAZ DAVID & JUANA DIAZ JOE DIEC SHEILA L DIEGO RICARDO DIGAT ALEXIS RICARDO DIGITAL GREENSPOINT LP DILLARD PROPERTIES INC PROPERTY TAX DEPT DIMARE JOSEPH S III DINH NU THI DIPAULO JOSEPH P & CHRISTINE K DISTRICT & URBAN TEXAS INC GREATER HOUSTON GROUP DIVERSIFIED INC DKVLVN LLC DL COELHO INVESTMENTS INC DOMINGUEZ JASON P DONALSON SONYA DONATTI POBLO L & DIANA N DONOVAN BAILEY D DON'S SEAFOOD DOOLING ROBERT J & BERTHA M DORON DANIEL A DORSETT SAVANNAH M DOUGHERTY LES T DOWLA NAJMUD & NAZNEEN DOWNS TRAVIS DOYLE JOHN W DOYLE LAWRENCE W DREXLER CLYDE DRUMMOND ELLA B DUEITT JERRY O & DUNNAM TOM N DUONG HA MANH DURAN DIANA M DURASTONE CORP DUSTON KAREN L DYSON PAUL EAGAN F M 1661 WORTHINGTON RD STE 100 2016 MAIN ST APT 1116 113 DELANEY ST 230 W ROCKY CREEK RD 7113 RITTENHOUSE VILLAGE CT 701 KELLEY ST 12058 CREEKHURST DR 2209 LOCKWOOD DR 823 E SPREADING OAK DR 2323 BRYAN ST STE 2300 4501 N BEACH ST 4101 NORTH FWY STE 102 507 W PATTON ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1715 262 N SAM HOUSTON PWY E STE 440 3782 PLUMB ST 40941 TONOPAH RD 607 E DELZ DR 4007 MCCULLOUGH AVE APT 476 111 DELANEY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1007 3218 YELLOWSTONE BLVD 4410 W 12TH ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1804 842 BUSCHONG ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2014 5602 FEAGAN ST UNIT D 22926 EMILY TRACE LN 343 PARKVIEW ST 1529 19TH AVE N 3511 HOUSTON AVE 2300 PIERCE ST 615 GAMMON DR 114 N SAN JACINTO ST 2600 CAVALCADE ST 8910 E HARDY RD 2414 SHOREBROOK DR 9815 NORTH FWY 2625 HICKLIN ST 1915 HOLLY ST 2010 BRON HOLLY DR WEST PALM BEACH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON RANCHO MIRAGE HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON TEXAS CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON ALVIN HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 13 of 53 FL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 33409-6493 77002-8853 77009-1363 77076-2018 77076-1317 77009-1351 77099-3227 77020-4510 77076-2318 75201-2605 76137-3218 77022-4219 77009-4679 77002-8858 77060 77005-2810 92270-3402 77022-1705 78212-2420 77009-1363 77002-8800 77054-2311 77055-7208 77002-8895 77039-1002 77002-8944 77007-7163 77494-4457 77009-7620 77590-5218 77009-5456 77003-5942 77022-1711 77301-2842 77026-3210 77093-7228 77584-2554 77037-1346 77511-3757 77007-4252 77018-7148 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) EALY WILLIAM E EARTHMAN NORTH FUNERAL HOME % SCI CORP FL 9 EASLEY ROBERT A INTERESTS EASTHAM DAVID EASTMONT FINANCIAL LLC ECCLESIA CHURCH ECCLESIA CHURCH ECKERT ANITA L EDD NICHOLAS EISENHUT KERMIT P EL BAR INVESTMENTS INC EL MONTE CALVARIO CHURCH EL REFUGIO ELBAR INVESTMENTS INC ATTN VINCENT BUSTAMANTE ELDRIDGE LAND LLC ELECTRA COMMUNICATION CORP % LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATION ELIAS VICTOR J & VICTORIA ELIZONDO MIGUEL & ZENAIDA ELLIE LOFTS LT ELLIOTT BARBARA A ELLIS BETTY MAE ELLISON DONALD R ELLISON DONALD RAY ELMORE BUFORD C ELSTON FAMILY TRUST ELVIS FRANKLIN GATTIS EMERALD LAND COMPANY EMICHO LLC END HUNGER NETWORK ENERPRISE TEXAS PIPELINE LP ENGLISHBEE PATRICIA A ENRICHMENT OF COMMUNITIES LLC % JESUS TERRAZAS ENTERPRISE LEASING CO ENTREPRENEUR PARTNERS LLC EPSTEIN J M & R B SISSON % RMS LIGHTING INC ERDMAN ROBERT W & LINDA S ERHR REALTY LLC ERNST JOHN A ERTZINGER MARY JANE % RAY G ERTZINGER EST OF ERWIN GRAHAM ESCAMILLA DANIEL R & ANITA M 5608 ENID ST PO BOX 130548 1450 CAMPBELL RD STE 100 2016 MAIN ST APT 2504 1323 ALDINE MAIL RD 1100 ELDER ST 2115 TAFT ST 3410 ST EMANUEL ST PO BOX 66118 2016 MAIN ST APT 822 11922 WESTHEIMER RD # 4390 1306 CORDELL ST 4619 FENHAM LN 2206 HAZARD ST APT 15 111 E JERICHO TPKE FL 2 1025 ELDORADO BLVD 515 KELLEY ST 1006 DUNWOODY DR 101 CRAWFORD ST STE 100 10203 CLUBHOUSE CIR 12726 CARDIFF RD 2618 PIERCE ST 3008 WEBSTER ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2216 1422 SANTA MARGARITA DR 746 SUE BARNETT DR 8181 N STADIUM DR STE 100 11205 BELLAIRE BLVD STE B-33 2445 NORTH FWY PO BOX 4018 13850 E HARDY RD 2260 W HOLCOMBE BLVD STE 281 10401 CENTREPARK DR STE 100 4203 MONTROSE BLVD STE 230 1802 NANCE ST PO BOX 69 18519 VINLAND DR 5314 PAGEWOOD LN 266 W TWICKENHAM TRL 2016 MAIN ST # TH1810 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 14 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUMBLE HOUSTON MINEOLA BROOMFIELD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MAGNOLIA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FALLBROOK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LIVERPOOL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 14 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NY CO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009-1207 77219-0548 77055-4648 77002-8897 77039-4103 77007-6214 77006-2115 77004-4262 77266-6118 77002-8851 77077-6604 77009-3133 77338-1181 77019-6533 11501-3145 80021-8254 77009-1347 77076-1920 77002-2198 77354-6937 77037-2608 77003-6038 77004-1747 77002-8845 92028-1634 77018-5412 77054-1847 77072-2541 77009-5412 77210-4018 77039-1826 77030-2008 77043-1345 77006-5466 77020-5723 77577-0069 77058-4235 77056-7227 77076-2023 77002-8848 77004-3174 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) ESCAMILLA KARINA Y ESCOBEDO LISA M ESCOBEDO VALENTIN ESCUADRA TERESA ESLICK SARA A ESPARZA JORGE I ESPARZA MRS ADALIA ESPINOZA JANIE A ESPINOZA SERGIO ETB LLC EVERS MASON A EXCEL CAPITAL GROUP LLC EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION FAILING DUANE M FAITH TABERNACLE CHURCH FAJARDO JEFFREY O FALDYN RICHARD P FARASEY JAMES D FARGASON KEVIN FARIAS OCTAVIO FARMAMEDICA LLC FATHY ERIK FAULKNER CONTRACTORS INC FAVELA OSCAR FAWCETT TREVOR C FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP FERGUSON TRACY FERNANDEZ REBECCA FERRARO ANA L FESPERMAN WILLIAM II FIELDS CHARLEY FIELDS STEPHEN T FIELDS STEPHEN T FIESTA MART INC FIGUEROA JULIO R FINE LINES INVESTMENTS LLC FIRAT IBRAHIM C FIRST DAY INVESTMENT INC FISCHER JOHN & SHIRLEY E FISHER REDWOOD FLAT STONE II LTD 113 W TROY RD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 2 1401 MESQUITE ST 36 TOWNE PARK DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1816 1314 REID ST # 1 509 KELLEY ST 3106 EUNICE ST 1114 SUNNY DR 520 S 3RD ST 611 KELLEY ST 5023 WASHINGTON AVE STE 201 PO BOX 53 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 304 45 NEYLAND ST 1927 W CLAY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1405 102 QUITMAN ST APT 205 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 6 10321 W HARDY RD 3226 RIVER BIRCH DR 2016 MAIN ST 205 ODDO ST 2603 NORTH FWY 714 RUTHVEN ST 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 22 7625 MELROSE ST 1723 HADLEY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1104 2016 MAIN ST APT 2414 10 CANYON OAK PL 405 ROBERT E LEE RD PO BOX 7481 2 DOVECOTE 1216 YALE ST 651 BERING DR UNIT 1105 5353 W ALABAMA ST STE 610 PO BOX 1167 6314 1/2 FRISCO ST 11144 FUQUA ST STE 200 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LAWRENCEVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FORT MILL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PORT BOLIVAR HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 15 of 53 TX TX TX GA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX SC TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77076-3008 77004-3173 77093-1038 30044-4665 77002-8895 77022-5752 77009-1347 77009-6706 77037-3418 77401-5004 77009-1349 77007-5307 77001-0053 77009-7645 77022-6206 77019-3703 77002-8844 77009-7645 77004-3173 77076-4426 77584-7768 77002-8848 77022-6210 77009-3807 77019-5234 29715-7203 77004-3174 77022-6133 77003-5812 77002-8800 77002-8947 77380-3817 77009-1857 77248-7481 77382-5905 77008-6925 77057-2135 77056-5932 77650-1167 77022-5765 77089-2544 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) FLEMING ETHEL BROOKS FLEMING KENNETH R II & KENNETH R FLOECK CAROLE & TRUST FLORES DAVID S FLORES ENRIQUE JR FLORES FRANCISCO S FLORES HERLINDA V EST OF FLORES JESSICA LIZABETH FLORES JORGE L FLORES MARGARITA FLORES MARIA FLORES PROPERTIES FLORES RAFAEL FLORES RUBEN & TERESA FLORES RUBEN H FLORES RUBEN H FLORES SILVIA FLYNN CHRISTOPHER F & ALICE M FONTANA INVESTMENTS LLC FORBES JUDITH A % DANIEL FORBES FORD ALFONSO FORD MARGIE C/O JOHNNIE D FORD ESTATE OF FORTUNE JERRY E JR FOTEH ISSA ET AL FOUR STAR INV CORP FOWLER BILLY & SANDRA FOWLER JORGE FOWN GREGORY A FR CAL NORTHPOINT CROSSING LLC FRAME JAMES FRANCES F CHABYSEK FAMILY FRANCESCON + INCRAPERA FRANCISCO KRISTOPHER FRANCO MANUEL FRANCO MANUEL FRANCO MAURICE C & SANDRA FRANK NEIL L & VELMA FRANKLIN HAMILTON GROUP LP FRED LOYA INSURANCE FREDY AUTO SALES & GLASS FREEMAN C GREGORY 3446 BINZ ST 32642 RYDER CUP 25914 PEREGRINE RDG 1409 HARTWICK RD 6212 NORLAND ST 118 W SUNNYSIDE ST 1006 REID ST 1517 CAPLIN ST 1219 CASTLEDALE DR 10130 ROSBROOK DR 2020 TEXAS ST APT 1137 11007 W HARDY RD 12703 W HARDY RD 11011 W HARDY RD 11007 W HARDY RD 1101 BECKMAN ST 531 E DELZ DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1002 422 SPRING LAKES HVN 6310 MEREDITH DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 704 2641 NORTH FWY 1428 W 43RD ST 16526 DARBY HOUSE ST 424 E TIDWELL RD 9936 E HARDY RD 3419 HOUSTON AVE 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 21 PO BOX 638 2016 MAIN ST APT 2003 10103 CANDLEWOOD DR 8115 GLENCREST ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 30 11548 E HARDY RD # 1 11552 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1222 32726 WEYBRIDGE ST 3307 HELEN ST 1800 N LEE TREVINO DR 1115 W 20TH ST PO BOX 266112 HOUSTON MAGNOLIA SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ADDISON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FULSHEAR HOUSTON EL PASO HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 16 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77004-7816 77354-6862 78260-3582 77093-1024 77022-5919 77076-2907 77022-5958 77022-5708 77037-2610 77038-2430 77003-3057 77076-2720 77037-2601 77076-2720 77076 77076-2710 77022-1703 77002-8800 77373-8169 77401-3330 77002-8843 77009-3807 77018-4100 77429-6843 77022-1626 77093-5310 77009-6757 77004-4278 75001-0638 77002-8944 77042-1517 77061-1313 77004-3175 77093 77093-1020 77002-8844 77441-4132 77009-6622 79936-4100 77008-3313 77207-6112 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) FREEZIA LLC FRENCH DALE FUDGE DAWN N FUENTES ELIDA F FUENTES RACHEL LYNN FUNES JOSE I & ANA GADDY WILLIAM GRAY GAGAI SAMEED S GAJKOWSKI WYNN A GALDAMEZ JOSE & RIGOBERTO GALICIA DAVID GALINDO LUIS S GALLARDO ARISTEO & MARIA R GALT HUGH A GALVIN JOHN & GAMEZ RICHARD C GANDHI JAYANTILAL GANDHI YOGESHI & MANISHA GANESH CHARURTHI LLC GANGA KRUPA LLC GAR ASSOCIATES III LP % OAK LEAF MANAGEMENT GARCIA A Z GARCIA ANTONIO M & VIRGINIA GARCIA ARMANDO JR & DORA L GARCIA BERNARDO C & MARIA GARCIA CESAR GARCIA CIRO & ROSEALBA GARCIA CYNTHIA A GARCIA DAVID A GARCIA EDGAR GARCIA ELIZABETH ANN GARCIA GREGORIO & MARIA GARCIA IRMA Y GARCIA JOANN GARCIA JORGE GARCIA JOSE & ROSE GARCIA JOSE R & TERESA GARCIA JULIAN & GLORIA O GARCIA LUDIVINA I GARCIA NORMA N GARCIA RAY & MANUELA G 414 ISOLDE DR PO BOX 550765 313 E WOODLAND ST 1420 DE BOLL ST 405 SYLVESTER RD 2 JADE CT 6211 KIRKWOOD ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 27 1303 COLUMBIA DR STE 217 19003 SANTA ELENA CANYON CT 12314 FOXRIDGE DR 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 4 109 DELANEY ST 131 DRIFT WOOD DR 2023 DU BARRY LN 2016 MAIN ST APT 804 7766 NORTH FWY 2911 CHARTRES ST 917 GRAND AVE 7447 NORTH FWY 9555 W SAM HOUSTON PKWY S STE 250 5307 ANGELO ST 1401 LONE OAK RD 8507 OLD MEADOW LN 5608 ELYSIAN ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 306 2007 HARDY ST 1040 ROBBIE ST 9211 BINTLIFF DR 12511 W HARDY RD 1922 TABOR ST 11138 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1201 2607 NORTH FWY 1239 CASTLEDALE DR 13802 E HARDY RD 12515 W HARDY RD 14703 W HARDY RD 8811 W HARDY RD 1751 NEWMARK DR 705 KELLEY ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON RICHARDSON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SEABROOK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BACLIFF HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 17 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77024-4753 77255-0765 77009-6744 77022-2308 77009-1319 77076-3002 77022-5914 77004-3175 75081-2957 77388-2609 77037-3408 77004-4198 77009-1363 77586-4701 77018-5061 77002-8851 77037-4206 77004-4142 77518-2332 77076-1314 77099-2145 77009-1825 77093-3237 77064-8016 77009-1629 77009-7645 77026-6713 77009-2947 77074-7317 77037-3524 77009-1228 77093-2321 77002-8854 77009-3807 77037-2610 77039-1801 77037-3524 77060-4605 77022-2327 77014-3654 77009-1351 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) GARCIA RAYMUNDO R GARCIA RUBEN GARCIA SALVADOR S & STEVAN GARCIA SAN JUANITA & GARRETT CYNTHIA GARRETT DAVID I III & SUSAN HOLLIS GARVER C M TRUSTEE GARZA ANTONIO SR & PHYLLIS GARZA BALDOMERO P GARZA JENNIFER GARZA JULIO M GARZA PAUL JR GARZA RAMIRO GARZA TRINIDAD P GAUDIANO CAMILLE MAENZA GAYTAN SONIA GEORGE CHRISTOPHER B GEORGE JEFFREY J GEVER INVESTMENTS INC GGD INTEREST LLC GHI LLC GIAMMALVA SAVERIO V GIBBONS GLENN GIBBS C E GIBBS VICKIA J GILLESPIE JENSEN DEVELOPMENT LLC GILMARTIN ROBERT E GIPSON TOMMIE R GITE LLOYD GLAZER GUILFORD GOLCONDA VENTURE GOLDEN PARTNERSHIPS INC % ACCOUNT SERVICING GRP GOMEZ CESAR A & LUCILA GONGORA EVARISTO GONGORA UBALDO GONZALES BELISARIO C GONZALES E G GONZALES FRANCISCA GONZALES JESSE GONZALES LOUIS M GONZALES VALERIE Y 8622 E HARDY RD 1416 DE BOLL ST PO BOX 9783 283 MAPLE LN 2002 SAUER ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1520 1901 LEXINGTON ST 624 E 19TH ST 1433 HEIGHTS BLVD 5504 ELYSIAN ST 3401 N MAIN ST 1021 KELLEY ST 1818 HOLLY ST 911 WOODARD ST 5300 MAPLE ST 114 W TROY RD 14310 BUSH SAGE DR 6122 RENA ST 3375 WESTPARK DR STE 236 18526 EDEN TRAILS LN PO BOX 630847 1800 SAINT JAMES PL STE 218 1002 1/2 REID ST 1247 CASTLEDALE DR PO BOX 450348 PO BOX 15667 2020 JEFFERSON ST # 204 213 W OBION RD 2024 ALABAMA ST 9440 SANTA MONICA BLVD STE 610 3040 POST OAK BLVD STE 800 PO BOX 722 9002 E HARDY RD 1802 BERRY RD 1802 BERRY RD 3501 N MAIN ST 302 PAYNE ST 301 DELL CT 6403 W HARDY RD 301 KELLEY ST 2515 IDEAL ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NEW CANEY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BEVERLY HILLS HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 18 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77093-7225 77022-2308 77213-0783 77357-2812 77004-1735 77002-8856 77098-4219 77008-4423 77008-4248 77009-1627 77009-5639 77009-1445 77007-4251 77009-1413 77401-4809 77076-3009 77429-8355 77092-2527 77005-4262 77094-2638 77263-0847 77056-4109 77022-5958 77037-2610 77245-0348 77220-5667 77003-5127 77076-3006 77004-4310 90210-4619 77056-6590 77383-0722 77093-7229 77093-7408 77093-7408 77009-5641 77009-7626 77009-5512 77022-5735 77009-1343 77009-5655 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) GONZALES VENTURA S JR GONZALEZ ARACELY GONZALEZ DINORAH CRUZ GONZALEZ GERARDO & GONZALEZ HENRY GONZALEZ ISRAEL H GONZALEZ JESUS GONZALEZ JUAN & FLOR GONZALEZ JUAN ANTONIO & MARIA GONZALEZ JUAN M & ALMA GONZALEZ ROSA V GONZALEZ URIEL D GONZALEZ VINCENT GOODEN JEROME & DORIS GOODMAN BERNARD H & EDNA C GOODWILL MISSIONARY GOODWIN JOSHUA & KATHERINE GORDON HERMAN GORDON R MORRIS GOTHARD TOMMY J GPM HOUSTON PROPERTIES LTD GRAHAM JESSIE RAY GRAY JOHN W GREATER MT OLIVE MISSIONARY GREATLAND INVESTMENT INC GREEN ELISABETH A GREEN JESSIE ESTATE OF GREEN RHONDA G GREENE KAY T GREENE STUART R & HEIDI C GREENRIDGE COMMONS INC GREENSPOINT ENTERPRISES LLC GREENSPOINT INVESTORS LTD GREENSPOINT PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP GRENADER JONATHAN GRIFFIN LAURA L GRIFFINCHER REAL ESTATE L P GRIMES MICHAEL C JR GRITZEWSKY BENITO & ELENA GROH DALIA M GROUP 1 REALTY INC 609 KELLEY ST 6306 NORLAND ST 513 KELLEY ST 113 ROSAMOND ST 6827 QUEENSCLUB DR 13529 SACRAMENTO ST 218 WOOD CIRCLE LN 6517 ENID ST 7120 COCHRAN ST 1624 AIRLINE DR 305 KELLEY ST 7018 COCHRAN ST 1506 3RD ST 3939 HOLDER FOREST DR 9023 CHATSWORTH DR 3405 NANCE ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 31 8307 LA ROCHE LN 13826 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1111 10850 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 1050 13107 W HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 916 1317 NORTH LOOP 11602 BELLAIRE BLVD STE G 2324 SOUTH ST 2110 ISABELLA ST 2015 ALABAMA ST PO BOX 177 342 PARKVIEW ST 1955 W T C JESTER BLVD 7501 HARWIN DR STE 108A 9545 KATY FWY STE 450 16945 NORTHCHASE DR STE 150 4708 CAROLINE ST 7114 COCHRAN ST 7 HERITAGE TRL 2016 MAIN ST APT 2217 3303 W GREENRIDGE DR APT 9 906 GROVE RD 800 GESSNER RD STE 500 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON GALENA PARK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LOS ANGELES HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ANDERSON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MAGNOLIA HOUSTON HOUSTON KEMAH HOUSTON Page 19 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009-1349 77022-5922 77009-1347 77076-2905 77069-1201 77015-4424 77015-2058 77022-4312 77022-4509 77009-3608 77009-1343 77022-4507 77547-3306 77088-7437 77024-3711 77020-6144 77004-3175 77036-7397 77039-1800 77002-8853 90024-4326 77060-5604 77002-8852 77022-5331 77072-2575 77009-8042 77004-4328 77004-4309 77830-0177 77009-7621 77008-1256 77036-1922 77024-1460 77060-2148 77004-5025 77022-4509 77354-1339 77002-8845 77057-6647 77565-2505 77024-4498 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) GSM WINGS I LLC MANISH AGRAWAL GTV LTD CO C/O RE PROPERTY TAX DEPT GUARINO ROY J & LINDA S GUERRERO ARTURO GUERRERO GEORGE GUERRERO HUGO GUIDRY STANLEY + FANNIE GUILLORY DAVID GUILLORY DOLORES W GULF WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATES LTD GULFWAY ENI INC GULLETTE ILEY GUMIENNY BENEDICT R GUREVICH ALEXANDER M GUSEMANO FAMILY LTD PRTSHP GUSEMANO L F GUTIERREZ ALBERTO GUTIERREZ DANIELLE C GUTIERREZ LUIS A GUTIERREZ MARTA GUTIERREZ MARY M GUTIERREZ RUBIELA % ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL GUZMAN CRISPINIANO AND ANGELICA GUZMAN JAQUELINE H B + T RY CO RR H D HOLDINGS NUMBER FOUR LLC H D MANAGEMENT GROUP LP H T LAND COMPANY HAAR JEREMY HACHEM SANDRA & MICHAEL HADI AMNEH HADI AMNEH A HADLOW DAVID HAGERMAN JOHN D & LINDA L HAIRE LESTER C HAJYONES GHANEM & HANA HAJYOUNES GHANEM HAL PROPERTIES LTD HALAWE ALI ABBAS & NADIA S HALE STEVEN E & AMANDA C HALEY MARY E 15415 HIGHWAY 6 B-200 5011 MEADOW LANDING CT 201 KELLEY ST 607 KELLEY ST 406 ROBERT LEE RD 3105 BOND ST 1405 NORTH LOOP 9720 BROADWAY ST 4703 ENGLEWOOD ST 4801 WOODWAY DR STE 379 14422 SWEENEY RD 3106 ST EMANUEL ST 5413 ANGELO ST 403 E 23RD ST 1052 RICHELIEU LN 4866 POST OAK TIMBER DR 1403 NEWFIELD LN 4217 EIGEL ST 5510 ELYSIAN ST 4 JADE CT 1003 KELLEY ST 12611 W HARDY RD 1405 HARTWICK RD 13913 KERSHAW ST 2425 SH 146 NORTH 535 NORTH LOOP 535 NORTH LOOP 12219 MAPLE ROCK DR 36 KITTANSETT LOOP 9514 RIVERLAND LN 2218 HILTON HEAD DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1511 1212 WRIGHTWOOD ST 24800 I 45 STE 100 102 TROY RD 105 OBION RD 106 OBION RD 8000 NORTH FWY 10302 WILLOWCROSSING CIR 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 22 945 WAKEFIELD DR SUGAR LAND SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PASADENA HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON AUSTIN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TEXAS CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HENDERSON HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 20 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NV TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77478 77479-4292 77009-1341 77009-1349 77009-1858 77503-1303 77022-5332 77584-8451 77026-3119 77056-1884 77060-5658 77004-1347 77009-1827 77008-2626 77018-2034 77056-2210 78703-3928 77007-3519 77009-1627 77076-3002 77009-1445 77037-3525 77093-1024 77037-1738 77590 77018-8432 77018-8432 77077-2532 89052-6694 77040-4374 77459-3314 77002-8856 77009-7632 77386 77076-2908 77076-2943 77076-2943 77037-3706 77064-5726 77004-4278 77018-6203 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) HALL ANDREW E HALL COURTNEY HALL DAUNISHIE HALLE PROPERTIES LLC HALLIEJO LTD HAMILTON HOSPITALITY INC HAMILTON LLC HAMILTON PROFESSIONAL BUILDING INC HAMMER-MORRIS HELEN HAMMONS BEVERLY HANN ASSETS LTD % ASSET PLUS CORP HANZL BRENDA R HARMON JEFF W HARMONY HOUSE INC HARRINGTON BRETT E HARRIS ANASTASIA N HARRIS COUNTY HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUCATION % GEORGE M CROWSON HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY MGMT HARRIS COUNTY FRATERNAL HARRIS COUNTY HOU SPORTS HARRIS COUNTY ROW DEPT HARRIS COUNTY ROW DEPT HARRIS COUNTY ROW DEPT % COUNTY JUDGE JON LINDSAY HARRIS COUNTY ROW DEPT 1001 PRESTON ST STE 400 HARRIS COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY HARRIS FREDDIE O HARRIS PAUL J HARRIS XZVAIN HARRISON MICHAEL S HARRYLALL SATISH & RASHIKA HART HEATHER L HARTMAN INCOME REIT PROPERTY HATTIE L ERVIN ESTATE HAYSLIP MARY HBS WAREHOUSES TEXAS INC HD DEVELOPMENT PPTIES LP HEAD SHARON E HEINE DARRYL W HEISENBERG INVESTMENTS LLC HELEN GORDON INTERESTS LTD 2016 MAIN ST APT 811 609 PITTMAN ST 1515 BROADWAY ST DEPT 1100 TXH52 PO BOX 9 1814 RUSTIC HILLS CT 2131 SAN FELIPE ST 2424 HAMILTON ST 1239 HILL RD 11510 GALBREATH DR 675 BERING DR STE 200 2805 CHARTRES ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2514 602 GIRARD ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 4 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2405 PO BOX 1525 6515 IRVINGTON BLVD 9900 NORTHWEST FWY ORDER OF POLICE LODGE 39 9 GREENWAY PLZ STE 1717 1001 PRESTON ST STE 692 10555 NORTHWEST FWY STE 210 1001 PRESTON ST STE 911 1001 PRESTON ST STE 400 7701 WILSHIRE PLACE DR 715 COUNTY ROAD 36 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 1509 19931 IMPERIAL BROOK DR 2303 HWY 249 1834 ANITA ST 521 BYRNE ST 2909 HILLCROFT ST STE 420 3102 ST EMANUEL ST 118 ALMA ST 5898 BURGOYNE RD PO BOX 105842 5715 ENID ST 1500 FAREWELL ST OFC 31 PO BOX 1086 2601 MAIN ST 20225 N SCOTTSDALE RD 3130 NORTH FWY Page 21 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SCOTTSDALE ONALASKA SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ANGLETON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ATLANTA HOUSTON BRENHAM MANHATTAN BEACH HOUSTON TX TX TX AZ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX GA TX TX CA TX 77002-8851 77009-3837 77012-3719 85255-6456 77360-0009 77479-5582 77019-5620 77004-1200 77037-1929 77066-3932 77057-2268 77004-4195 77002-8897 77007-6218 77004-2853 77002-8848 77251-1525 77022-5623 77092-8601 77009-2616 77046-0915 77002-1816 77092-8215 77002-1817 77002-1816 77040-5326 77515-9795 77002-8848 77073-6166 77038 77004-3002 77009-7211 77057-5815 77004-1347 77009-6731 77057-4621 30348-5842 77009-1208 77833-3947 90267-1086 77002-9201 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) HELLINGHAU SEN D & HOLLY HEM LUNDI DBA AUTONET HENDRICKS CHARLES B & THERESA HENLEY TYRRELL & KRYSTLE HENRY BRENDA & CRAIG SHERWOOD II HENRY STREET INVESTMENT LTD HENSHAW JAMES S & BETTE HENTON JOHN EST HERMAN PATRICIA K HERMAN THOMAS HERNANDEZ AGNES C HERNANDEZ ALBERTO HERNANDEZ ARTURO R HERNANDEZ CANDELARIA HERNANDEZ CENOBIO HERNANDEZ CRECENCIO HERNANDEZ ELSA HERNANDEZ FRANCISCA HERNANDEZ GUILLERMO HERNANDEZ JOHN G HERNANDEZ JOSE R HERNANDEZ JOSE R HERNANDEZ MIGUEL HERNANDEZ PATRICIA GOMEZ HERNANDEZ ROBERT & SARA HERNANDEZ STEVEN HERNDON PRICE C & DANIELLE M HERRERA JUAN A JR HERRERA MYRA J HERRERA MYRA J HERRERA RIGOMAR JR HESS BETTY K HEYEN LINDSAY HIDALGO INTERNATIONAL INC HIGHTOWER CHARLES D HILL CATHERINE HILL ROSLYN HILL SUSAN E HILLCROFT VENTURE HINDS FAMILY PARTNERS LTD HINOJOSA HUMBERTO H 2029 PEMBROKE BAY DR 11607 TORREY VIEW TERRACE 3131 SOUTHWEST FWY APT 46 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 9 TH 1105 FLOOR 11 2006 SUFFOLK DR 298 SUGARBERRY CIR 1510 E 31ST ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 18 2016 MAIN ST APT 2115 411 KELLEY ST 109 W SUNNYSIDE ST 1222A APACHE ST 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 1 1915 WALTON ST 228 BURBANK ST 618 GAMMON DR 5902 GANO ST 270 W TWICKENHAM TRL 5401 ANGELO ST 10114 E HARDY RD 10118 E HARDY RD 5409 ANGELO ST 5907 LEON ST 5617 ELYSIAN ST 1502 HENDRIX ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 305 706 REID ST 1000 REID ST 5915 NELWYN ST 5914 NELWYN ST 109 TROY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2602 9337B KATY FWY STE 328 1041 CAPERTON ST 2105 ISABELLA ST 506 TIMBER TERRACE RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1404 550 WAUGH DR PO BOX 2509 206 DELANEY ST 2016 MAIN ST Page 22 of 53 LEAGUE CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ORANGE HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77573-3937 77095 77098-4518 77004-3173 77002-8848 77027-3801 77024-7248 77022 77004-2853 77002-8945 77009-1345 77076-2907 77022-3412 77004-4198 77009-1229 77076-5005 77022-1711 77009-1557 77076-2023 77009-1827 77093-5214 77093-5214 77009-1827 77009-1306 77009-1653 77093-7231 77009-7645 77022-5949 77022-5958 77009-1310 77009-1311 77076-2908 77002-8948 77024-1515 77022-3809 77004-4327 77024-5604 77002-8844 77019-2002 77631-2509 77009-1300 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) HIRSCH CHAYA D 735 FULLES AVE APT 722 STAFFORD TX 77477 HIRSEKORN JOYCE HISTORIC HOLLYWOOD HO THU BINH SI HOANG HIEN HOANG NANCY T HOFFERT LOUIS & SUSAN HOFFMAN DYLAN HOGAN NOHEMY ELIZABETH HOGANS MARVIN & LARA B HOLDER MEGAN J HOLMAN VENTURE INC HOMEYER BARBARA A HONEY LETHA M ESTATE OF HOOD MAE HOOVER SORAYA ESTATE HOPWA HOUSING CORPORATION HORNBERGER BROS PPTIES INC HORNET INVESTORS LP HOSCH E ALVIN JR HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSTON CENTER OF TECHNOLOG LLC HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE HOUSTON EUREKA INVESTMENTS LTD HOUSTON EUREKA INVESTMENTS LTD HOUSTON FAST FOOD INC % PATRICIA B BENDER HOUSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSTON ISD HOUSTON MUN EMP CR UNION HOUSTON OUT PATIENT %PANDYA P HOUSTON PIPE LINE CO LP ATTN: TAX DEPT HOUSTON PROCESS SYSTEM INC HOUSTON PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS HOWARD KIRSI R HOWARD RICHARD L HSBC BANK TRUSTEE HUANG MEINA HUBZER HOLDINGS LTD HUDGINS MARGARET 32242 ROCHEN RD 2077 S GESSNER RD STE 139 1625 KIRBY DR 1055 W 22ND ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 7 1400 ROTHWELL ST 1607 STUART ST 7926 DARNAY DR 710 RUTHVEN ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 1 3749 ERIE ST STE F 209 ELEANOR ST 1607 FRANCIS ST 643 E DELZ DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 2420 2310 ELDRIDGE PKWY S PO BOX 542178 800 BERING DR STE 350 2016 MAIN ST APT 1115 2640 FOUNTAIN VIEW DR STE 400 770 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E 22 WAUGH DR 1201 OLIVER ST 1520 OLIVER ST 2856 CAMP ST 1919 RUNNELS ST PO BOX 1561 4400 W 18TH ST 608 E TIDWELL RD 515 W LITTLE YORK RD STE E 800 E SONTERRA BLVD STE 400 11950 E HARDY RD 609 CHENEVERT ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1608 110 W ROSAMOND ST 1661 WORTHINGTON RD STE 100 16103 PASADERO DR 10333 WINDFERN RD 6434 JOHNSON LN WALLER HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NEW ORLEANS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WEST PALM BEACH HOUSTON HOUSTON LUMBERTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX LA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX FL TX TX TX 77484-9149 77063-1128 77019-3315 77008-1803 77004-3173 77002-1136 77004-2944 77033-3629 77019-5234 77004-3173 77017-3000 77009-1323 77004-2934 77022-1705 77002-8897 77077-5254 77254-2178 77057-2185 77002-8853 77057-7610 77060-5904 77007-5888 77007-6002 77007-6035 70115 77003-1030 77251-1561 77092-8501 77022-1820 77091-2494 78258-3941 77039-5223 77003-3010 77002-8857 77076-3919 33409-6493 77083-3815 77064-5288 77657-6724 Page 23 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) HUERTA ENRIQUE HUETTEL JOHN G II HUFF MICHAEL B HUFFMAN MARGARET HUGUET MICHAEL N HUMMELL DOUGLAS A HUNTER LOYD % LOIS WILLIAMS HURGOIU JACQUELINE HURTADO JOSE LUIS & MARIA HUSET LLC HUYNH BROTHERS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP HUYNH DAVID H & CHRISTIE HYDRAULIC EQPT SER INC ATTN: SONNY BARKO HYPERION COMMUNICATION % LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS PR I R THIRD TEXAS INC % WALGREEN CO REAL ESTATE PROP I-45 NORTH TRUST C/O KINDRED HEALTHCARE TAX DEPT#4 IBARRA ARINDA ICV NORTH HOUSTON LLC IGLEHART JUSTIN C IGLESIA ALIENTO DE VIDA IGLESIA CRISTO VIENE INC IGLESIA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL IGLESIA DE DIOS PENTECOSTAL M I IHOP RESTAURANT INC IKE LINUS I ILLUMINATI PROPERTIES LP IMU & RESHU BUSINESS INC INCLAN RAMON G & MARIA L INDIAN CREEK HOLDINGS LTD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS INFILL PLANNING INIGUEZ JAIME ALBERTO INTERNATIONAL DO FOODS %THAI DO INTOWN SUITES HOUSTON INTERCONTINENTAL INVESTCO GROUP LLC ISBELL ALLEN C IVEST LP IWU NGOZI IZAGUIRRE CELIA O IZAGUIRRE JAIME & LEONOR J C YANG LLC % HUSEH PING YANG 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 1602 17223 BENDING OAK CT PO BOX 70148 5810 LAKEVIEW CIR 6219 PADDINGTON ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 206 597 COUNTY ROAD 3202 E 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 12 3417 HOUSTON AVE 3008 HAWKINS ST 12411 SHADOWKNOLL DR 13407 ANDERSON WOODS DR 1021 N SAN JACINTO ST 1025 ELDORADO BLVD PO BOX 1159 680 S 4TH ST 500 COTTAGE ST 5750 GENESIS CT STE 130 3408 ST EMANUEL ST 8416 E HARDY RD 1333 BERRY RD PO BOX 431722 9304 E HARDY RD 6000 S STAPLES ST STE 304 11018 LANDSBURY CIR PO BOX 66099 7303 SPRING CYPRESS RD STE 524 6404 FRISCO ST 1002 RIVER GLYNN DR 5420 LYNDON B JOHNSON FWY STE 1275 1505 ISABELLA ST 266 W RIVERWOOD DR 1915 BISSONNET ST 2727 PACES FERRY RD SE STE 2-1200 PO BOX 52472 202 TRAVIS ST STE 208 9215 SOLON RD STE D1 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2001 2710 VALLEY FORGE DR 5120 BLANCO DR 9450 FAIRSBANK N HOUSTON RD HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON AUSTIN HOUSTON HOUSTON MOUNT ENTERPRISE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BROOMFIELD DEERFIELD LOUISVILLE HOUSTON FRISCO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CORPUS CHRISTI HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ATLANTA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PASADENA PEARLAND HOUSTON Page 24 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CO IL KY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX GA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002-8848 77429-6342 77270-0148 78731-3616 77085-3236 77009-7661 75681-9504 77004-4199 77009-6757 77003-2764 77082 77070-2832 77002-1138 80021-8254 60015-6002 40202-2407 77009-5422 75034-4186 77004-4262 77093-7917 77022-3421 77243-1722 77093-6628 78413-2952 77099-4219 77266-6099 77379-3379 77022-5767 77063-1515 75240-6273 77004-4041 77076-2014 77005-1644 30339-6143 77052-2472 77002-1726 77064-1236 77002-8848 77502-4339 77584-1434 77064 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) J CAMERON INC J L & P PROPERTY TRUST J RIOS INC JACK MARKHAM TRUSTEE JACKSON BERTIE PAULINE JACKSON HARVEY & CAROLYN E JACKSON SAMUEL M JACKSON SHERMAN JACOBS DOUGLAS JACOBS RUTH B JACOBUS CHARLES J & TRUSTEE JACOBY JASON B JADE DRAGON INC JAEGER VICKIE L JAHANGIRI HASSAN JAMES BOND INC JAMES CONEY ISLAND INC JAMES SEVEY HENSHAW II JANAC MARY J JANAK JUSTINE J-GREENS LANDING LTD JH ZIPS MARKET I LLC JIMENEZ ELADIA C JLC OMNI LLC JM APARTMENTS I LLC JOE STEPHANIE JOELED INVESTMENTS JOHN HOANG INC % JOHN HOANG JOHNSON ALIAN JOHNSON CHARLES L JOHNSON EMMA P JOHNSON JEANENE JOHNSON NOAL E JOHNSON ROBERT D & BARBARA JOHNSON RUDOLPH & GLORIA JOINER JACOB JONES CAROLYN B JONES DAVIE S JONES JERRY & DEBORAH JONES JESSE C ESTATE OF %LYNDA ROBERTSON JONES JOHN & BETTY 2900 NORTH FWY 1832 FOREST HILL BLVD 433 W 23RD ST 1925 SOUTHWEST FWY STE 200 7204 COCHRAN ST 7206 COCHRAN ST 5912 CRANE ST 8129 TALTON ST 2400 EUCLID AVE 5623 JACKWOOD ST 6750 WEST LOOP S STE 615 1312 S COLLEGE ST UNIT 1509 2010 HOLMES RD 6207 KIRKWOOD ST 3226 PEBBLE TRACE DR 2711 NORTH FWY 1750 STEBBINS DR 2526 GEROL CIR 707 W 43RD ST 1015 ELEANOR ST 11000 BRITTMOORE PARK DR STE 100 98 WINWARD COVE 8814 BRACKLEY LN 1985 W BIG BEAVER RD STE 200 PO BOX 540304 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2413 9230 ALBERENE DR PO BOX 20354 2016 MAIN ST APT 1704 14709 W HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST 1421 NORTH LOOP 13111 W HARDY RD 1107 HARTWICK RD PO BOX 14727 909 KELLEY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1101 3309 SWANSON DR 24506 ROLLING MEADOW DR 3611 HERITAGE COLONY DR 1212 W WEBSTER ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON AUSTIN HOUSTON BELLAIRE CHARLOTTE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON GALVESTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON TROY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PLANO TOMBALL MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON Page 25 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NC TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MI TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009-3244 77023-2514 77008-2032 77098-4810 77022-4512 77022-4512 77026-4116 77028-1437 78704-5518 77096-1105 77401-4130 28203-6260 77045-1225 77022-5914 77068-2089 77009-3808 77043-2807 77551-1582 77018-4401 77009-1436 77041-6939 77381 77088-3203 48084-3409 77254-0304 77002-8848 77074-1302 77225-0354 77002-8857 77060-4605 77002-8848 77022-5332 77060-5604 77037-3427 77221-4727 77009-1443 77002-8800 75025-5364 77375-5070 77459-3980 77019-5540 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) JONES NELSON M III JONES WILLIAM JORDAN MARK E JORDAN MARY A JORDAN RAY E JOSEPH & JOLLY CORPORATION JOSEPH CONTI FAMILY LP JP MORGAN CHASE BANK JTH CONSTRUCTION & LENDING LLC JUAREZ DANIEL & DOLORES JUAREZ JESUS JULES BLOCH JR FAMILY LTD JUNKER ROBERT J JW MCLENDON PLAZA PARTNERS LLC JW OXFORD PLAZA PARTNERS JWR INVESTMENTS LLC K & B INTERESTS INC K & O SONS LLC K BARNETT LLC ET AL K C PIPE REPAIR INC K P LODGING LLC KAGAN PROPERTIES VENTURE I LTD KAHLOON MOHAMMAD A KALDIS GEORGE C/701 % TIMEWISE # 701 KAMOJU LACHANDRA KANALY TRUST CO TR ET AL KANDIYOTI BEKI KARNAUCH WALTER KARPEN 1994 FAMILY LP KATHLEEN S WILD FAMILY TRUST KAWAI JIRO KOBAYSAHI KELLEY R SKILES KEMPSPRING INV LTD % FRANK M K LIU KENNEMER MARY E KENT GEORGE H JR KERN CAROL KEX INVESTORS INC LLC % SAMUEL NAKIS KEY WEST INTERESTS LLC KFC U S PROPERTIES INC % KFC NO Y343329 KHAKI-FIROUZ FARIBA KHALIG IHSAN ABDEL 2016 MAIN ST APT 1701 822 ALDINE BENDER RD 8211 CAYTON ST 1450 SENIOR DR APT 2 2016 MAIN ST APT 607 4306 PENINSULA PL 918 HEIGHTS BLVD APT 1 PO BOX 2558 913 BIRDSALL ST 1014 REID ST 1408 1/2 MESQUITE ST PO BOX 26883 12426 MILLRIDGE FOREST CT 16661 HUERTA RD 16661 HUERTA RD 1625 KIRBY DR 412 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E # I 4820 AVENUE H 11017 NORTH FWY 909 PINAFORE LN 4221 NORTH FWY 8801 KNIGHT RD 431 W LITTLE YORK RD 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 520 E BURRESS ST 4550 POST OAK PKWY STE 139 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 1910 409 NORTH LOOP E PO BOX 570728-520 4409 MOUNT VERNON ST 9 TALISMAN CT 12014 NAUGHTON ST 1520 OLIVER ST 1914 EAGLE FALLS ST 1322 NORHAM ST 904 REID ST 1966 CHESTERFIELD RIDGE CIR PO BOX 7386 PO BOX 35370 13619 STARLIGHT HARBOUR CT 11210 HYLANDER DR HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MANSFIELD HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON OKLAHOMA CITY HOUSTON ENCINO ENCINO HOUSTON HOUSTON ROSENBERG HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CHESTERFIELD HOUSTON LOUISVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 26 of 53 TX TX TX LA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX OK TX CA CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MO TX KY TX TX 77002-8857 77032-2702 77061-3203 71052-4855 77002-8843 77459-4365 77008-6946 77252-2558 77007-5107 77022-5958 77093-1039 73126-0883 77070-4869 91436-3546 91436-3546 77019-3315 77060-3508 77471-2008 77037-1007 77039-1415 77022-4206 77054-4301 77076-1304 77042-4739 77022-1728 77027 77002-8848 77022-5932 77257 77006-5813 77076-3922 77024-6246 77007-6035 77077-4951 77022-3462 77022-5900 63017-7290 77248-7386 40232-5370 77077-3420 77070-1336 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) KHAN ISHRAT J KHOSHBIN PROPERTIES LP KIM JIN HAK KIM RICHARD KIM SON REALTY L P KIM SON REALTY LP KIM SON RESTAURANT INC KIMBREL W G KINARD NORMAN KINARD NORMAN & ANNIE KINARD NORMAN & DOLORES KINZIE WALTER J KIRKLAND DEBBIE KISZKIEL JERZY ET UX KJD AUTO STORAGE LLC KNA BUSINESS INC KO MINDY H KO SHAU C KOA GROUP INC KOBA COMMERCIAL REAL KOBE REAL ESTATE KOBOBEL KENNETH C KOENIG BRETT KOHL WERNER ESTATE OF KOLAR DENIS A KOSKA RONALD P & DONNA L KRAEMER PHILLIP G JR & RECIE KREMPA JOHN A KRISHNAMOORTHY VANI KROG RALPH L S KUNTHARA MARIE KYLES ROBBIE L KYWAH LLC L GLICK COMPANY LADERER RONALD J % HALE ENTERPRISES LAGUAN MANUEL A LAIRD VERNON LAKEY OWEN T C/O MARY LEE LAKEY LALANI FARHAN LAMESITA LLC LANDIN FRANCISCO & ELDA M 2016 MAIN ST APT 813 18071 FITCH STE 100 18514 WINDSOR LAKES DR 1105 LONE STAR DR 1801 ST EMANUEL ST 1613 ST EMANUEL ST 1801 ST EMANUEL ST 3403 GANNETT ST 804 REID ST 804 REID ST 804 REID ST 213 N RUPERT ST 1 SUNNYNOOK ST 19418 WHITEWOOD DR 1522 BROOK GROVE DR 12635 W HARDY RD 1611 FRANCIS ST UNIT B 2016 MAIN ST APT 1114 9600 BELLAIRE BLVD STE 211A 9502 E HARDY RD PO BOX 7929 134 W LITTLE YORK RD 10605 W HARDY RD 704 E ROGERS ST 106 ROSAMOND ST 1234 ELKINS LK 1815 19TH ST 2004 JEFFERSON ST 11923 CANYON MILLS DR 804 HYDE PARK BLVD 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 14 2102 TRUXILLO ST 2005 CANAL ST PO BOX 980988 1204 HAYS ST 8601 MCGALLION RD 3222 REGAL OAKS DR 915 SAINT CLAIR ST 14925 S OX CART LN 3226 MAINFORD ST 6400 FRISCO ST HOUSTON IRVINE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FORT WORTH HOUSTON SPRING KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUNTSVILLE GALVESTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON DRAPER HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 27 of 53 TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX UT TX TX 77002-8851 92614-6086 77094-3512 77055-6516 77003-5108 77003 77003-5108 77025-3711 77022-5954 77022-5954 77022-5954 76107-1427 77076-2021 77373-5541 77450-5864 77037-3525 77004-3096 77002-8853 77036-4535 77093-6637 77270-7929 77076-1408 77076-2853 77022-1810 77076-2906 77340-7321 77550-8040 77003-5127 77095-6560 77006-2818 77004-4198 77004-4334 77003-1005 77098-0988 77009-6318 77022-2705 77581-6412 77088-6241 84020-3405 77009-5643 77022-5767 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) LANDIN VIVIANO & CLAUDIA LANDMARK INDUSTRIES ENERGY LLC LANE CHRISTOPHER M & ROSA M LARA JORGE & VIRGINIA LARA MARCO ANTONIO LARA MOYES & MARIA D LARASON PATRICIA A LARSON IVAN E LARSON MICHAEL LATCH LARRY D & TANYA P LATHAM J W LATIMER SOUGLAS F III LAW OFFICES OF STEVEN C LAWHON JOSEPHINE LAWRENCE WILMA J ARCHIE LAWRENCE CO LAWSON AQUANETTA LEACH MARK K THE LEACH FAMILY TRUST LEAL ELISANDRO R LEAL JUAN & LEONIDES LEAL ROSIE LEDBETTER COLBY A LEDESMA AURORA LEE DUKE VIRGINIA LEE SHUH S & INING H LEECO PRECISION SPRING LEIGH MAUREEN MALLET LEMOINE DAVID & BRENDA LEONARD M BENCH ET AL LEONG FLORENCE V LEVERETT B L LEWIS DANIEL & ALBERTIE % HELPING HANDS CHURCH OF LI XIANFANG LICHTENBER ARMANDO JR LIM SUNG SU LIMAS MAURILIO & YOLANDA LIN HUIYIN LINCOLN JOHN M LINDA ANNE DIXON REVOCABLE TR U/A LINDALE ASSEMBLY OF GOD LINDENWOOD PARTNERS LTD LINMAC CORPORATION 605 KELLEY ST 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 909 SUE ST 9234 E HARDY RD 11302 SPRING GLEN DR 1217 SADLER ST PO BOX 667117 14210 W CYPRESS FOREST DR 720 ANDREWS ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 303 6960 FM 1878 3410 GARDEN GATE WAY 1300 MAIN ST STE 1533 524 BOYLES ST PO BOX 670487 1326 CHARNWOOD ST 76 REID ST 1529 FRANCIS ST 14910 REGNAL ST # 3 127 BURRESS ST 2007 PORT ROYAL DR 9950 E HARDY RD 211 ELEANOR ST 2900 HAMILTON ST APT 3 PO BOX 16058 3600 BAYOU DR 2643 W DALLAS ST 7610 MELODY CIR 114 DELANEY ST 1719 MEADOW EDGE LN 1604 EUEL ST 26107 INTERSTATE 45 12831 FOLKGLEN CT 4612 BEECH ST 714 BAYOU ST 1614 STUART ST 1257 SUNSHINE RD 1930 VILLAGE CENTER CIR PO BOX 30130 10000 MEMORIAL DR STE 450 6006 NORTH FWY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NACOGDOCHES HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON PULLMAN LAS VEGAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 28 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX WA NV TX TX TX 77009-1349 77042-4739 77009-2033 77093-6627 77070-1363 77022-3465 77266-7117 77070-2917 77019-5207 77009-7645 75961-0328 77059-3760 77002-6803 77020-5200 77267-0487 77022-3430 77022-5924 77004-2932 77039-1045 77022-2005 77058-4221 77093-5310 77009-1323 77004-3172 77222-6058 77022-6426 77019-4100 77040-2519 77009-1301 77388-6230 77009-1608 77380-1902 77034-3871 77401-3602 77020-6018 77004-2945 99163-9030 89134-6299 77249-0130 77024-3455 77076-4029 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) LIRA JOSE A & IRMA L LITTELL GEORGE S LITTLE ROBERT J & VIRGINIA LITTLE VIRGINIA LITTLE VIRGINIA R LITTLE WILLIAM P LITTLE YORK & STUEBNER J V %PULIN K PANDUA & TRUST LITTLES SABRENDA T LIU GARY LIU YUHUNG LLANAS ARMANDO & MARIA LLOYD DONALD LOCAL UNION NO 51 ET AL LOFTIS J C LOMELI HILARIO LONE PINE PROPERTIES LTD LONE STAR COLLEGE LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEM LONE STAR FORD LONE STARR MULTI THEATRES INC LONGANACRE DANNY W LONGORIA ALBERTO & MARIA LONGORIA WALLACE R & JANIE LOPEZ ARNOLD LOPEZ ARNOLD R LOPEZ DAVID R & MARIA L LOPEZ ELEANOR LOPEZ FRANCISCO E & NORMA LOPEZ KATHERINE E LOPEZ MARIO JR LOPEZ RANULFO S & MARIA T LOPEZ ROBERTO LOPEZ VICENTE & AMANDA LOREDO ALEJANDRO LOREDO JOSE A & MARIA L LORENZO EUGENE JR LOSOYA JUAN M & MARTHA P LOZANO ELCO JR LOZANO EMILIO & MARY LOZANO EMILIO & MARY LUBY'S FUDDRUCKERS RESTAURANTS LLC 9622 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2404 10419 W HARDY RD 10409 W HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT PH4 2016 MAIN ST APT 901 515 W LITTLE YORK RD STE E 9171 IMOGENE ST 1618 FRANCIS ST 12808 W132ND 702 REID ST 14905 WILLIS ST PO BOX 403 PO BOX 88135 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 15 3253 AVALON PL 250 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E 5000 RESEARCH FOREST DR 8477 NORTH FWY 8100 NORTH FWY 2016 MAIN ST APT 2122 1294 HOPPER RD 1510 BEALL ST 4617 BRISTOL ST 6636 RODRIGO ST 228 THERON ST 1226 YORKSHIRE ST 10518 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2211 3919 HIGHPINES DR 1210 ENID ST 1613 TIDWELL LN 1422 KNIGHT ST 12613 W HARDY RD 1609 TURNER DR 604 RAYMAC ST 6119 COCHRAN ST 2900 HAMILTON ST APT 28 13824 E HARDY RD 520 TURNER DR 13111 NORTHWEST FWY STE 600 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON OVERLAND PARK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 29 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX KS TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77093-6110 77002-8947 77076-3841 77076-3801 77002-8948 77002-8851 77091-2496 77036-7372 77004-2935 66213 77022-5949 77039-1028 77001-0403 77288-0135 77004-4198 77019-5917 77060-2009 77381-4356 77037-2807 77037-3708 77002-8945 77037-3527 77008-3444 77009-3207 77007-2045 77022-6221 77022-4549 77093-4006 77002-8845 77068-2913 77009-3107 77093-6635 77022-2352 77037-3525 77093-6128 77037-1420 77022-5718 77004-3172 77039-1801 77076-4345 77040-6392 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) LUCCIA PAUL LUKKES SCOTT LUNA CARLOTA J LUNA JEFF LUNNON GEORGE W JR LUNSFORD NORTHWEST LLC % BOB LUNSFORD NW HONDA LUPRETE ANTHONY G JR M & T INTERNATIONAL INC M ARCHITECTS HOLDINGS LLC M ARCHITECTS HOLDINGS LLC M& J REALTY M2 PROPERTIES LTD MABRY CHARLES E & BETTY MACMILLAN DAN C SR MADANI-ZADEH MASOUD MADEWELL JOHN CASEY MAGIDS FAMILY REAL EST % MARC MAGIDS MAGNIFICAT HOUSE INC MAHON ROSA D MAIKA PARTNERSHIP LTD % MOHAMMAD R MOUSIGHI MAINTENANCE TO GO INC MAKM ASSOCIATES INC MALDONADO ARMANDO MALDONADO JOEL MALLETT CHARLIE A TRUSTEE MAMBO HOLDINGS LP MANCHA ELIZABETH V MANCINI WILLIAM F MANI ALBERTO MANJOS JOSEPH & ALEYAMMA MANNING FAMILY PARTNERSHIP MANRIQUEZ FELIX MANRIQUEZ RICHARD & OLIVIA MANSURI IDRIS B MAR AHNIKA MARES BERNADETTE C MARIGOT CAPITAL LLC MARKANTONIS FRANK MARLIN MORTGAGE CO % KEN ROLSTON MARROW TERESA D MARSHALL AUDREY TRUSTEE 1237 OXFORD ST 3733 S BORDER AVE 2411 LAKE VILLAGE DR 2016 MAIN ST # 0705 11005 NORTH FWY STE A 51 WINTERGREEN TRL 4034 N BRAESWOOD BLVD 2010 HOLMES RD 1204 NANCE ST 1206 NANCE ST 4000 NORTH FWY STE 102 PO BOX 130630 1328 WEDGEWOOD ST 5901 NORTH FWY 13619 STARLIGHT HARBOUR CT 18602 DUKE LAKE DR 5631 JACKWOOD ST PO BOX 25415 19426 REMINGTON MARTIN DR 1600 POST OAK BLVD STE 1002 10536 E HARDY RD 6419 GREENVALE LN 10106 E HARDY RD 11811 NORTH FWY STE 105 7600 W TIDWELL RD STE 306 6101 AIRLINE DR 3311 HOUSTON AVE 703 ANDREWS ST 2543 MARUFO VEGA DR 6828 STAFFORDSHIRE ST 820 S FRIENDSWOOD DR STE 203A 5306 GREEN COVE BEND LN 2503 IDEAL ST 8406 ROSE GARDEN DR 26 PENNY GREEN ST 407 NORTH LOOP E 4040 MYERWOOD LN STE 100 645 HEIGHTS BLVD 1445 NORTH LOOP W STE 100 2016 MAIN ST APT 2307 7651 WINKLE WOOD LN HOUSTON WESLACO KINGWOOD HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON FRIENDSWOOD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 30 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77008-7002 78596-4185 77339-3608 77002-8848 77037-1007 77382-4800 77025-2904 77045-1225 77002-1122 77002-1122 77022-4324 77219-0630 77093-1833 77076-3904 77077-3420 77388-2029 77096-1105 77265-5415 77073-4434 77056-2900 77093-4006 77066-3938 77093-5214 77060-3244 77040-5791 77076-4211 77009-6740 77019-5206 77386-3935 77030-4108 77546-4665 77041-6684 77009-5655 77083-5345 77479-2931 77022-5932 75244-7333 77007-2523 77008-1654 77002-8946 77086-3031 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) MARTECH FOOD INC MARTIN KENA V MARTIN THOMAS A MARTINEZ ADRIAN & YOLANDA MARTINEZ ALFRED C MARTINEZ CESAR A & LETICIA MARTINEZ EDWARD J & MYRNA MARTINEZ EVA MARTINEZ GILBERT MARTINEZ JAIME MARTINEZ JESUS M MARTINEZ JUAN B MARTINEZ KENNETH YOW MARTINEZ RICHARD A MARTINEZ RICHARD B MASON PATRICIA C 7070 ALLENSBY ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 2 2016 MAIN ST APT 1802 13530 E HARDY RD 5311 ANGELO ST 814 FIRNAT ST 113 TROY RD 1009 VINCENT ST 2513 IDEAL ST 5214 NORTH FWY # I-45 1321 CHARNWOOD ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1811 2016 MAIN ST APT 1211 2016 MAIN ST APT 1005 635 E DELZ DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 2107 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-4322 77004-2853 77002-8895 77039-2824 77009-1825 77022-2732 77076-2908 77009-3841 77009-5655 77022-1815 77022-3429 77002-8895 77002-8854 77002-8800 77022-1705 77002-8945 MASON WILLIAM 8100 CAMBRIDGE ST APT 1 HOUSTON TX 77054-3104 MASRI SALIMEH A MASSIMIN THOMAS B MASSLATTE VERONICA MATA FRANCISCO & ELENA S MATANGKASOMBUT PHAIBUL & VORAPONG MATCH LLC MATHESON TRI-GAS INC MATHEWS ROOSEVELT MATIAS J FELIX & MARIA D MAURICIO CARLOS R MAXWELL CHARLES W MAYORGA SOTENES MAYS MARK MBCI OPERATING LP MC DONALD CORP STATE SITE # 422155 MC DONALDS REAL ESTATE COMPANY MC TURBO CONSTRUCTION INC MCBRIDE DEBRA A MCCALL STREET PARTNERS LP MCCARTNEY KATHLEEN R MCCORMICK BILLIE L MCCRARY HOLDINGS LP MCCULLOUGH MARIE H 3501 CHENEVERT ST UNIT 5 352 LINK RD 1102 MAJORCA DR PO BOX 7444 12046 MIRAMAR SHORES DR 2322 MARONEAL ST 150 ALLEN RD 9946 E HARDY RD 246 VICTORIA DR 210 W OBION RD 217 N FOREST DR 1518 WELLINGTON ST 11827 BEVERLY DR 10943 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY W PO BOX 66321 5021 FAIRMONT PKWY 9 EPERNAY PL 2016 MAIN ST APT 1120 4808 GIBSON ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 14 2 TALISMAN CT 305 W LD LOCKETT RD 2929 W HOLCOMBE BLVD APT 261 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BASKING RIDGE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WILLIS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CHICAGO PASADENA JERSEY VILLAGE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON COLLEYVILLE HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX NJ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX IL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77004-4198 77009-2615 77076-2744 77248-7444 77065-3944 77030-3218 07920-2977 77093-5310 77022-2418 77076-3007 77378-8027 77093-5240 77065-1807 77064-5758 60666-0321 77505-3725 77040-1201 77002-8853 77007-5480 77004-2853 77076-3922 76034-3431 77025-1538 Page 31 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) MCCULLOUGH WILLIAM D & MARIE H MCCULLOUGH WILLIAM D & MARIE H MCCURLEY CECILE E MCDONALDS CORP 042/0253 MCDONALDS CORP LC MCDONNELL ROBERT A MCFARLAND VAN E III & DAWN E MCGEE JOSEPH T MCGHEE KAREN J MCKELVY BRANDY MCKENNA JAMES D MCLAURIN BRIAN K MCMULLEN DARYL ET AL MCSWAIN DONALD & BRIDGET %TEX STAR MOTORS MCWHORTER JOHN W & ANNAH MEADORS JARED MEAS MENGTEK MEDINA BENJAMIN A MEDINA BENJAMIN A MEDINA MARCO A & RACHEL V MEDINA OLIVER R MEDINA VICTOR A MEEK JOHN S MEGA SHIPPING LLC MEGAN ROSE DITTOE TRUST MELCHER PARILEE RACHEL MELDRUM GLADYS MENDEZ LUZ MENDIOLA MICHAEL MENDOZA JOSE MENDOZA ROSA MENMON GROUP INC MERCER WILLIAM K ET AL MERWIN SAM M ET AL METAL BUILDING COMPONENTS LP METAL IMPROVEMENT CO METRO TRANSIT AUTHORITY MEZA GUSTAVO & LUZ MGM MOTOR SPORTS LLC MH HOUSTON REALTY LTD MICHAEL A & JOANN ORLANDO FAMILY LP 2016 MAIN ST APT 1622 2016 MAIN ST STE 112 14119 VERDE MAR LN PO BOX 66207 PO BOX 182571 PO BOX 2005 1743 HADLEY ST 2102 SNOWDROP LN 2016 MAIN ST APT 1920 1312 LIVE OAK ST APT 202 2016 MAIN ST APT 2502 2510 ENCINO LN 2016 MAIN ST APT 2403 1717 STEVENS RD 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 302 PO BOX 541842 5458 BEECHNUT ST 9718 E HARDY RD 9732 E HARDY RD 1124 E 28TH ST UNIT 2207 FLR 22 9728 E HARDY RD PO BOX 215 2520 W MOUNT RD 5511 W 43RD ST 3404 ST EMANUEL ST 700 LOUISIANA ST FL 6 3214 NANCE ST PO BOX 6046 219 ODDO ST 6009 RICHMOND AVE STE 212 1207 HILL RD 106 MERCER RD 5100 SAN FELIPE ST UNIT 191E 10943 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY W 80 E ROUTE 4 STE 310 PARCEL HV-KT-M-F-93-1 1228 POST ST 17510 RED OAK DR STE 100 11757 KATY FWY STE 1500 17626 BAMWOOD DR 2016 MAIN ST PO BOX 61429 Page 32 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CHICAGO COLUMBUS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON ROCKWALL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON RYE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN RAMON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LAROSE HOUSTON HOUSTON PARAMUS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX IL OH TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX LA TX TX NJ TX TX TX TX TX 77002-8857 77002-8842 77095-3458 60666-0207 43218-2571 77252-2005 77003-5812 77067-3352 77002-8899 77003-4435 77002-8897 77478-3605 77002-8947 75032-6704 77009-7645 77254-1842 77096-1216 77093-5343 77093-5343 77009-1110 77002-8848 77093-5343 77369-0215 77038 77092-5002 77004-4262 77002-2700 77020-6039 94583-0746 77022-6210 77057-6218 77037-1909 70373-4802 77056-3688 77064-5758 07652 77208-1429 77022-4539 77090-1304 77079-1727 77090-2156 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) MIDTOWN GROVE LLC MIDTOWN INVESTMENT INC % CHENEVERT CUSTOMER SERVIC MIDTOWN REDEV AUTHORITY MIDTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MIDTOWN SCOUTS SQUARE PROPERTY LP MILLER HAROLD V MINTZ JORDAN H MIRANDA JUAN & FILOMENA MISSION INDEV LLC MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY MMMS LTD MOCK ROBERT & CHERRY MODA INVESTMENT LTD MOGAS INDUSTRIES INC MOLINA ISIDRO & SYLVIA MONKS RUTH % J M MONKS MONROYRIOS DANIEL A MONSIVAIS MIGUEL R MONTEMAYOR ERNESTINA MONTEREY HOUSE INC #13 MONTOYA NEMESIO MONTOYA RACHAEL E MONTOYA RUBEN Y MOON JUSTIN MOORE KATHLEEN MOORE LATONYA E MORALES ELVIA MORALES JAIME MORALES SANDRA O MORENO ALFONSO MORFIN FRANCISCO & JACLYN MORTON EVA L MOSS ROBERT E MOTON YAKOOB Z MOUSAVI HASSAN MOYE HARVEY MULLENIX BOBBY L MUNNS KYLE & LISA MUNOZ DOMINGO MUNOZ LUIS & DAMARIS MUOI LUONG 2401 MAIN ST STE 100 PO BOX 542212 410 PIERCE ST STE 355 3401 LOUISIANA ST STE 355 8305 KNIGHT RD 1200 MAIN ST APT 204 3646 BLUE BONNET BLVD 6031 PEBBLE BEACH DR 2114 WOODHEAD ST 1400 DOUGLAS ST STOP 1640 307 GABLE LODGE CT 10406 TREERIDGE PL 1500 NORTH LOOP 14330 E HARDY RD 1213 E SUNNYSIDE ST 4615 SOUTHWEST FWY STE 520 1619 HOLMAN ST 722 DORCHESTER ST 6420 FRISCO ST 1331 CROSSTIMBERS ST 7004 COCHRAN ST 110 DELANEY ST 218 DOVERFIELD DR 1602 ELGIN ST UNIT 11 1060 PRATER ST 19919 IMPERIAL STONE DR 12509 W HARDY RD 903 KELLEY ST 12413 W HARDY RD 1310 ERWIN RD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 12 PO BOX 16067 1133 CONNECTICUT AVE NW FL 5 9030 EAGLECOVE DR 409 HOPE AVE 1505 E 33RD ST 5315 ANGELO ST 306 E WOODLAND ST 11522 CLOVER LANE CT 5246 PINEWOOD TER 2002 DALLAS ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON OMAHA HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DAYTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WASHINGTON HOUSTON FRANKLIN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON Page 33 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NE TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX DC TX TN TX TX TX TX TX TX 77002-9103 77254-2212 77002-8722 77002-9551 77054-3905 75202-4300 77025-1304 77069-2535 77019-6819 68179-1640 77024-7020 77380-1338 77009-1216 77039-1405 77076-3827 77027-7174 77004-3838 77022-4936 77022-5767 77022-4201 77022-4507 77009-1301 77037-3913 77004-2852 77535-6222 77073-6172 77037-3524 77009-1443 77037-3523 77039-5204 77004-3173 77222-6067 20036-4360 77064-7017 37067-2639 77022-6405 77009-1825 77009-6745 77066-3816 77493-1345 77003-3515 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) MURILLO VICTOR M MURPHY WILLIAM R JR MURRAY LEE ROY III MURSKI PAUL A JR MUSACHIA G J MUTYALA RAMA MYARK GROUP LP MYERSE RODNEY N & Z HOTELS LP NACEANCENO JUAN & MARIA NARCISSE BOBBY O NASCHKE MARY JO NASIZADEH BEHZAD NATURAL ROOTS LLC NAZARI BEHZAD NEGRETE AUGUSTIN C NELSON BOYD L NELSON JUANITA B NEUFELD MATTHEW J NEW OMEGA INVESTMENT PROPERTY LLC NEWTON JEREMY NFW 5715 PROPERTY LLC NG ROSALIND JWG CORP NGUYEN BINH T NGUYEN BINH THI NGUYEN DUNG Q NGUYEN KIEN NGUYEN PHUONG T NGUYEN VAN NGUYEN VAN VIET NIAZI FAMILY INVESTMENTS NIELSEN SHERRIE NIETO FRANCISCO & YADIRA C NIETO RODOLFO DIAZ NIETO YADIRA C NINE PLUS PROPERTIES INC NINO ISABEL S NOBLE DON 6606 FRISCO ST 12310 QUEENSBURY LN 1113 VINE ST STE 125 8638 SHADOW LN 1710 CEDAR CREEK CT 3733 WESTHEIMER RD STE 1-683 5150 HIDALGO ST UNIT 603 9515 SUNNYWOOD DR 6 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E 8629 BRANNON ST 2913 CHARTRES ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2311 615 KELLEY ST 4114 NORTH FWY 8702 CYPRESSWOOD DR 2423 NORTH FWY 1234 W ARGYLE ST APT 3R 2016 MAIN ST APT 602 2016 MAIN ST APT 815 1251 S KIRKWOOD RD 8518 HALLS RETREAT CT 5812 PRESTON FAIRWAYS DR 64 W 48TH ST STE 510 3116 HAMILTON ST 3118 HAMILTON ST 151 W BRENDA ST 3207 POLK ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 25 2016 MAIN ST APT 2407 2016 MAIN ST APT 2011 14825 WILLIS ST 1016 TRI OAKS LN APT 72 12713 W HARDY RD 2709 FOLGER ST 12810 CARDIFF RD 3820 SHERWOOD LN 1201 TWIN OAKS ST PO BOX 10033 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MAGNOLIA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON CHICAGO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY DALLAS NEW YORK HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX IL TX TX TX TX TX NY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-5757 77024-4126 77002-4503 77354-5183 77077-5125 77027-5271 77056-6406 77038-3917 77060-1821 77093-7219 77004-4142 77002-8946 77009-1349 77022-6201 77379-7298 77009-5412 60640-4488 77002-8843 77002-8851 77077-2602 77459-7552 75252-4957 10036-1715 77004-3027 77004-3027 77076-2901 77003-4720 77004-3175 77002-8947 77002-8944 77039-1025 77043-4647 77037-2601 77093-5501 77037-2609 77092-7992 77076-2812 77206-0033 NOOR AMIN 10 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E HOUSTON TX 77060 NOOR REAL ESTATE LLC 7815 LONG SHADOWS DR SUGAR LAND TX 77479-6485 Page 34 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) NOOR REALTY LLC NOOR YOSEPH & TARANA M NORDLING PROPERTY LLC NORRIS RANDOLPH & STEPHANIE NORTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES % SHAN U SIDDIQUI NORTH AMERICAN WESTERN DATA SYSTEMS INC NORTH FREEWAY LLC NORTH FREEWAY PARTNERS LLC NORTH HENRY NORTH LOOP STORAGE LP NORTHEAST HOLDINGS LTD NORTHERN TRUST CO NORTHLINE COMMONS LLC C/O NORTH AMERICAN DEVELOPME NORTHVILLE PLAZA I LP NORTHWEST HONDA NRE LLC NRH FAMILY TRUST NSL INVESTMENTS LTD NUNEZ JASON P NUNEZ JUAN & FELIPA OCAMPO LEON B & NICOLASA R OCHOA JOSE JR OCHOA LETICIA OFFICE NORTH BELT LLC OLAJUWON HAKEEM OLIVAREZ REYNALDO CASTRO OLIVO SAMUEL OLVERA RUBEN ONE ALLEN CENTER CO LLC ONIPEDE WOLF B OPPERMANN CORINNE M OROZCO CIRILO ORTEGA CARMEN E ORTEGA GUADALUPE ORTIZ FRANCISCO P OSBORN VIVIAN E & DAVID M OSTERRIEDER ERIK J OUTDOOR SYSTEMS INC % VIACOM OUTDOOR OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTORS INC OWENS DOROTHY % OWENS J L ESTATE OF PACINI ROBERT L 10135 BAYOU MANOR LN 6015 N SHEPHERD DR 10600 S POST OAK RD APT 49 6609 SHOREWOOD DR 1810 BELL ST 14722 REGNAL ST 10310 WESTPARK DR 1001 WEST LOOP S STE 880 1155 LEHMAN ST 1440 NORTH LOOP 3414 PERSIMMON ST PO BOX 1354 2851 JOHN STREET STE 1 1001 WEST LOOP S STE 880 10102 NORTH FWY PO BOX 111759 5104 HUISACHE ST 2012 LOUISIANA ST PO BOX 925683 5509 ELYSIAN ST 535 1/2 KING ST 2410 MEADOW WAY DR 107 DELANEY ST 2500 WEST LOOP S STE 255 9010 SANDRINGHAM DR 2603 GRAYSON ST PO BOX 16155 12411 W HARDY RD PO BOX 4900 2016 MAIN ST 1115 THORNTON RD 11258 E HARDY RD 3 JADE CT 5604 HARDY ST 4201 LA BRANCH ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1210 1109 GROSS ST 185 US HIGHWAY 46 PO BOX 111279 118 TROY RD 3200 SOUTHWEST FWY STE 1400 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ARLINGTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CHICAGO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX IL 77064-5126 77091-4247 77035-3327 76016-2545 77003-4206 77039-1042 77042-5313 77027-9085 77018-1347 77009-1200 77093-8453 60690-1354 MARKHAM ONTARIO CANADA L3R 5R7 CANADA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SCOTTSDALE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FAIRFIELD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 35 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AZ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NJ TX TX TX 77027-9085 77037-1249 77293-0759 77401-4930 77002-8644 77292-5683 77009-1626 77022-5531 77459 77009-1363 77027-4513 77024-5823 77020-5825 77222-6155 77037-3523 85261-4900 77002-8848 77018-3232 77093-2368 77076-3002 77009-1639 77004-4848 77002-8854 77019-3713 07004-2321 77293-0279 77076-2908 77027-7551 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) PADILLA JESSE H PAINTER DAVID M PALACIOS JOEL A PALADIO DEVELOPMENT LTD PANJWANI PROPERTIES LTD PANNU MANJIT PAPPAS RESTAURANTS INC PAPPAS RESTAURANTS INC PARADA RAFAEL PARADA RAFAEL PAREDES ANA M & RAMON PAREDO GLORIA M PARISE KENNETH R PARISH ANNA L PARKER LOIS PARKER ROAD HLDINGS LLC PARKINS THOMAS & DEBORAH PARKWAY PROPERTIES INC PARSONS W DANIEL PATEL CHAMPAK & JENISE C PATEL DILIPKUMAR PATEL DILIPKUMAR & PATEL HASU PATEL INDIRA PATEL KSHITIJBHAI K PATEL RINA G % RGDM ENTERPRISES INC PATEL SANJAY PATINO JAVIER G PATNANA MADHAVI PATT RICHARD B & PAULINE M H PATTERSON JAMES L & KAYE H PATTERSON LELA MAE PAYNE JOHN H PEARL ROBERT WAYNE PEASE + DALE PECOT TINA PEDIGO JOSEPH & KIM PEDRAZA ABEL B PEDRAZA DAMIAN PEDRAZA JUAN PEDRAZA LAZARO 121 WEISENBERGER DR 2016 MAIN ST 10510 ELMSWORTH DR 1415 ELDRIDGE PKWY APT 919 6161 SAVOY DR STE 1111 13702 BARONS BRIDGE DR PO BOX 3141 PO BOX 41567 14215 KINGSTON FALLS LN 7835 TRINITY HILLS LN 2016 MAIN ST APT 1717 5910 COCHRAN ST 11214 LYNBROOK DR 1215 CASTLEDALE DR 2801 PROVIDENCE ST 3800 SOUTHWEST FWY STE 304 13331 W HARDY RD 188 E CAPITOL ST STE 1000 2016 MAIN ST APT 2317 9797 NORTH FWY 6101 NORTH FWY 6103 NORTH FWY 4602 KATY FWY 11064 63RD AVE 5617 NORTH FWY 9821 FM 1960 RD W 15355 W HARDY RD 1211 CASTLEDALE DR 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 405 315 EMBRY ST 3733-1 WESTHEIMER APT 679 1715 WOODARD ST 1503 LAZY PINES ST 9106 E HARDY RD 4043 TRINITY ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 8 732 YALE ST 10524 E HARDY RD 518 BELLMAR DR 12607 W HARDY RD 2014 FIRNAT ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUMBLE HUMBLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON JACKSON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON FOREST HILLS HOUSTON HUMBLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LOS ANGELES HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 36 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MS TX TX TX TX TX NY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-4427 77002-8848 77099-1808 77077-1641 77036-3360 77069-2763 77253-3141 77241-1567 77396-1931 77396-1954 77002-8858 77009-1431 77042-1355 77037-2610 77020-3754 77027-7585 77060-5606 39201-2136 77002-8946 77037-1344 77076-3003 77076-3003 77007-2202 11375-1406 77076-4503 77338-5702 77060-3645 77037-2610 77009-7662 77009-5654 77027 77009-1624 77093-7442 77093-6626 90011-2921 77004-2853 77007-1536 77093-4006 77037-4004 77037-3525 77093-7208 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) PEDROZA SIMON PEDROZA SIMON & CARLOTA PENA EUFEMIA PENTECOST T FULLER PEPSIPARK PITSTOP & PEQUENO SAMUEL PERALES MATIAS G PERALTA JUAN M & LAURA PERESKI MELTON M & JANE PEREZ ARTHUR A PEREZ CATALINA PEREZ JOSE & VIOLETA PEREZ JUAN M PEREZ KIMBERLY M PEREZ MARGARET G PEREZ MINNIE PEREZ RUBEN PEREZ RUBEN C PERRY EARNEST L PETROLEUM WHOLESALE #326 PETTY WILLIAM A PHAM AMANDA PHAM HIEN & TUAN PHAM TONY & ANNA PHILLIP GONZALEZ PHILLIPS CLARICE PHILLIPS EMANUEL & PHUA JAMIE PICARD-MARQUEZ NUAGE PINA EMMA A PINA JOSE J & MICHELLE PINE VIEW CHAPEL PINEDA JUAN & MARIA I PINTER RANDALL & MARK PINTO REALTY DEV INC PIZZA HUT INC % PHI TAX UNIT 312020 PJC BROTHERS LLC PKY 400 NORTH BELT LLC PLACENCIA ABEL & MARIA L PLANS & PERMITS INC PLAZA AT GREENS LANDING I LP 1317 OLEANDER ST 3303 N MAIN ST 8618 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2213 PO BOX 131542 6305 NORLAND ST 6312 FRISCO ST 1010 WALSTON LN 116 HAWTHORNE ST 9204 E HARDY RD 10554 E HARDY RD 8704 E HARDY RD 814 FINESSE DR 1912 CROMWELL ST PO BOX 73166 606 REID ST 13403 LUTHE RD 13326 E HARDY RD 619 E DELZ DR PO BOX 4456 2016 MAIN ST APT 1013 543 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DR 4614 OAKDALE ST 4700 GRAVOIS AVE 14860 CALVARY RD 1614 FRANCIS ST 6303 BATTERSON ST 1602 ELGIN ST UNIT 9 4006 ASCOT LN 237 W ROCKY CREEK RD 257 W RIVERWOOD DR 9746 HARDY 1310 ROXELLA ST PO BOX 111969 1000 MAIN ST STE 3250 PO BOX 35370 10155 NORTH FWY 390 N ORANGE AVE STE 2400 10433 WIGGINS ST 1527 SKINNER RD 1001 WEST LOOP S STE 880 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE SAINT LOUIS WILLIS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LOUISVILLE HOUSTON ORLANDO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 37 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MO TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX KY TX FL TX TX TX 77009-5652 77009-5661 77093-7225 77002-8848 77219-1542 77022-5920 77022-5765 77060-5639 77006-4004 77093-6627 77093-4006 77093-7226 77032-1604 77093-3120 77410-1617 77022-5947 77039-2813 77039-2822 77022-1705 77210-4456 77002-8800 77037-2019 77401-2502 63116-2465 77318-6712 77004-2935 77026-1001 77004-2852 77092-8310 77076-2017 77076-2034 77000 77076-4441 77293-0969 77002-6338 40232-5370 77037-1262 32801-1679 77029-2556 77093-4022 77027-9085 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) PLEASANT GROVE FAIRMONT PLEASANT GROVE MISS BAPT PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY PLEASANT GROVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH PLETCHER GEO E PMI BLOCK 307 LP PMI EADO BLK 179 LLC PMI EDO LP POPELKA NORMAN A & GREGORY A POPKIN PROPERTIES LP PORINCHAK ALEXANDER & MARTHA PORINCHAK ALEXANDER E POTTER LARRY E POTTER LARRY E POYNTER PAMELA H PRADO CHRISTOPHER A PREMAZON MICHAEL PREMAZON MICHAEL A PRESSWOOD JOE + FOREST L PRICE TAMARA PRINCE JOHN PROPERTIES INC PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES PUENTE MARLENE PWS FINANCIAL GROUP INC PYWAR MARGUERITE QUASAR LAND LTD QUEST IRA INC R A R ESTATES LLC R C PROPERTIES LLC R C PROPERTIES LLC R V T INC % RUBEN FLORES RAFF SHAELA R & CHRISTOPHER RAFFETTO MARY RAJA FAHIMEH RALLIECO LC RALPH SUSAN RAMIREZ JUAN & LORENA 1520 OLIVER ST 2801 CONTI ST 2708 PROVIDENCE ST 2712 PROVIDENCE ST 2718 PROVIDENCE ST PO BOX 15256 2702 PROVIDENCE ST 2929 ALLEN PKWY STE 2700 11205 BELLAIRE BLVD STE B-33 11205 BELLAIRE BLVD STE B-33 11205 BELLAIRE BLVD STE B-33 1021 COUNTY ROAD 348 3102 W LAURELHURST DR NE 102 QUITMAN ST APT 307 105 W PALM BLVD 14306 BLENHEIM PALACE CT 7214 N HEARTHSTONE GREEN DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1610 PO BOX 3424 1342 SUE BARNETT DR 5900 NORTH FWY STE 102 1629 W 34TH ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 614 153 WINSTON TER 1608 MARGARET ST DEPT PT TX 20914 309 MAGNOLIA ST 2000 TUAM ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1110 4808 GIBSON ST FL 3 17171 PARK ROW STE 100 803 CHILDERS CT 2117 OPELOUSAS ST PO BOX 15651 11007 W HARDY RD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 8 102 QUITMAN ST APT 402 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 27 2016 MAIN ST APT 1707 210 HAWTHORNE ST # B 5931 HIGH STAR DR PO BOX 25025 Page 38 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LEXINGTON SEATTLE HOUSTON MONTGOMERY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN DIEGO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK HOUSTON GLENDALE CHANNELVIEW HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON STAFFORD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX WA TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX AR TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77007-6035 77020-3716 77020 77020 77020 77220-5256 77020 77019-7102 77072-2541 77072-2541 77072-2541 78947-5318 98105-5346 77009-7645 77356-4964 77095-3546 77095-3568 77002-8857 92163-1424 77018-4424 77076-4041 77018-6215 77002-8843 71913-9131 77093-4010 91221-5025 77530-3116 77004-1349 77002-8853 77007-5480 77084-4935 77477-5839 77020-2005 77220-5651 77076-2720 77004-3173 77009-7645 77004-4278 77002-8857 77006-4006 77081-4322 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) RAMIREZ PHILIP RAMIREZ PHILIP J RAMIREZ VIRGINIA R RAMOS ANTHONY & ELVIA RAMOS ANTONIO RAMOS URIEL & MARIA RAMS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC RAND KENNETH M JR RANDALL DOMONIQUE Y % MDR REAL ESTATE RANDALL SIMON & LATANYA RANGEL RUMALDO & MARIA G RANOSTAJ LINDA L RAO P SYAMASUNDAR & P HYMAVATHI RASH JEANETTE A RATCLIFF JOHN M RAUL PEREZ RAYMOND HERNANDEZ & MODEL RAZMDIDEH ABODOL REZA RCM REAL ESTATE INC REAGAN VERLINE REAUX JEANETTE REBOLLOSO GABRIEL & JOVITA REBOLLOSO GEORGE RECYCLE 2 LLC REDDY MALLADI S & PRAVINA REDDY PARTNERSHIP ET AL REDDY PRTNERSHIP PARKER REED KENNITH D & REGINA L REED THOMAS B II & PATRICIA L REEVES CASEY REFAI PROPERTIES LP REGAL STEMMONS INC REGAN STEPHAN C REGENCY PARTNERS LLC REMENCHIK ALEXANDER P RENEAU HEATHER N RENTFRO WAYNE E REPLAY AMUSEMENTS INC REQUENA MARIA RESENDIZ SALVADOR & ALMA RETTIG GAYLE 915 KELLEY ST 13803 BARONS BRIDGE DR 5809 COCHRAN ST 1201 SPRING ST 307 S GATE STONE 9749 BAUMAN RD 7519 NAREMORE DR 601 JENSEN DR 206A S LOOP 336 W # 267 2019 ALABAMA ST 6505 ENID ST 1602 ELGIN ST UNIT 7 4603 BRAEBURN DR 21968 BLAZING TRL PO BOX 3305 1015 KELLEY ST 11806 PROCTOR ST 7611 EMERALD MEADOW CT 13510 E HARDY RD 308 ESTES DR 2809 PROVIDENCE ST 1605 1/2 LONE OAK RD 706 FAIRCREST LN 14215 KINGSTON FALLS LN 730 N POST OAK RD STE 330 730 N POST OAK RD STE 330 2012 HAGGIN OAKS BLVD 1519 CHARLES RD 12722 CARDIFF RD 701 ANDREWS ST 3819 FONDREN RD 7017 JOHN W CARPENTER FWY STE 225 2016 MAIN ST APT 604 15420 W HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST 708 RUTHVEN ST 608 E 11TH ST 5106 ELM ST 258 W RIVERWOOD DR 12519 W HARDY RD 730 MARCHMONT DR HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE NEW CANEY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON ROCKPORT HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUMBLE HOUSTON HOUSTON BAKERSFIELD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 39 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77009-1443 77069-1943 77009-1428 77007-4261 77007-8343 77076-5107 77379-4661 77020-5835 77304-3300 77004-4309 77022-4312 77004-2852 77401-5501 77357-4730 77253-3305 77009-1445 77038-2702 77494 77039-2824 78382-9758 77020-3754 77093-3241 77076-1216 77396-1931 77024-3816 77024-3816 93311-1513 77093-4405 77037-2608 77019-5206 77063-5819 75247-5111 77002-8843 77060-3602 77002-8848 77019-5234 77008-7110 77081-2929 77076-2014 77037-3524 77024-5301 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) REX LAND COMPANY LLC REYES ALFREDO REYES GABRIEL & IMELDA REYES JOSE A & BENERALDA REYES JUAN FRANCISCO & REYES LUIS B & ANA D MONGE REYES SANTOS H REYNA JOSE L REYNOLDS TONY R & GAYLE R RFP LINCOLN GREENSPOINT LLC RHODES THOMAS J & MICHELLE S RICE THOMAS O RICH LAWANDA RICH NORTH FREEWAY LLC RICHWOOD HOUSTON INC % KARIM ALI MOMIN RILLING AVENUE LLC RIOS CARLOS O & JUANITA C RIOS FRANCISCO J & LILIANA RIOS MARIA A RIVAS JORGE RIVAS MARY & DANIEL RIVERA JOSE E & MARIA A RIVERA LEANDRO RIVERA MANUEL RIVERA MARGARET RKJS INVESTMENTS LLC RM REAL ESTATE ROBERTS THEODORE K ROBINSON CHRIS C ROBINSON EUGENE & SHERRY ROBLES LUIS A RODARTE G JOSE M RODRIGUEZ EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ JUSTINO & MARIA I RODRIGUEZ RENE & MIRTA RODRIGUEZ ROSALIO & CHRISTINA RODRIGUEZ SERGIO RODRIGUEZ TOMAS & JOSE RODROGUEZ RENE & MIRTA ROESLER HERMAN C F JR ROGERS T/A 74119 00 PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO 2000 LYONS AVE 6918 COCHRAN ST 1714 FAIRBANKS ST 8813 W HARDY RD 9013 W HARDY RD 7247 JUNCO DR 205 W OBION RD 206 NORTH ST TH 1814 FLR 18 500 N AKARD ST STE 3300 13427 BREAKWATER PATH LOOP 13420 E HARDY RD 8819 HILLSGROVE CT 1000 N WESTERN AVE STE 200 PO BOX 1687 PO BOX 4070 1002 REID ST 1716 WOODARD ST 13963 BENTPATH DR PO BOX 550521 5606 ENID ST 15207 HENSEN CREEK DR 14003 TWISTED RATTAN LN 114 W SUNNYSIDE ST 503 KELLEY ST 1412 CYPRESS CREEK PKWY STE 462 PO BOX 131298 5603 HUNTINGTON DR N PO BOX 381615 2016 MAIN ST APT 1103 234 W ROCKY CREEK RD 415 KELLEY ST 3422 KENNONVIEW DR 124 PALMYRA ST 647 AUTUMNWOOD DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 2322 12605 W HARDY RD 200 STYERS ST 647 AUTUMNWOOD DR 18603 MOCKINGBIRD LN 5525 NORTH FWY 2016 MAIN ST Page 40 of 53 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DALLAS HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN PEDRO STAFFORD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING LOS ANGELES DUNCANVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TOMBALL HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77020-2028 77022-4505 77009-1635 77022-2327 77022-2329 77040-4472 77076-3006 77009-6710 77002-8848 75201-3347 77044-2675 77039-2823 77088-3432 90732-2402 77497-1687 77210-4070 77022-5958 77009-1625 77014-2765 77255-0521 77009-1207 77086-1150 77015-1659 77076-2907 77009-1347 77090-3311 77393-1298 90032-1325 75138-1615 77002-8800 77076-2018 77009-1345 77068-1315 77022-6110 77013-5634 77002-8946 77037-3525 77022-5425 77013-5634 77377-3526 77076-4502 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) ROGGE MARK D ROJAS ALFREDO & KAYLENE ROJAS JOSE A & MARIA G ROJAS PEDRO ROJO DANIEL ROJO FLAVIO ROL AD INC ROLKE RANDOLPH J ROLKE RANDOLPH J ROLLINS LEASING CORP ATTN: REAL ESTATE DEPT ROMAN ANTONIO BUSTAMANTE ROMAN JUAN & ELENA ROMERO FREDIS A ROMERO HILDA M ROMERO JOSE ANDRES ROMMAN DANNY ROSALES MIGUEL A ROSALES RUPERTO ROSEHILL PROPERTIES LLC ROSETTE ZOILA ROSS JEFFREY D & TARA T ROSS JOHNNY L ROSSONIAN CLEANERS ROTHCHILD JOSEPH B ROTHCHILD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES INC ROTHWELL CORPORATION ROUSSEAU LAWRENCE A ROWLAND ROGER CHARLES RPI INTERESTS I LTD BRUCE M LEVY RUBIO & HARRISON INC RUDNICKI ANTHONY & MARIA RUIZ ARMANDO RUIZ JOSE REYNA RYHOLT CHRISTIAN E S & J ANGELO PROPERTY LLC S & S INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES S A T INVESTMENTS S E T INDUSTRIES LC S K LODGING GROUP INC S K LODGING GROUP INC SACRED HEART CHURCH 12214 CARRIAGE HILL DR 3108 EUNICE ST UNIT A 503 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DR 1110 ARCHER ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 13 5701 ELYSIAN ST 74 N MISTY CANYON PL 520 REID ST 521 NORTH LOOP E PO BOX 563 4911 NORTHRUP DR 13215 LUTHE RD 1115 W 20TH ST 12711 W HARDY RD 9702 E HARDY RD 211 KELLEY ST 15914 LOS ALTOS DR 12505 W HARDY RD PO BOX 38690 5604 ELYSIAN ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2517 106 W TROY RD 3921 ALMEDA RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2101 920 S FRY RD 1320 ROTHWELL ST 2016 MAIN ST STE 102 507 KELLY DR 5333 GULFTON ST 315 LINK RD 5219 PINEWOOD SPRINGS DR 6208 NORLAND ST 5606 TERRY ST 18519 VINLAND DR 14029 W HARDY RD 10137 NORTH FWY PO BOX 670683 13627 W HARDY RD 2536 NORTH FWY 4602 KATY FWY PO BOX 907 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON HOUSTON READING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 41 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77077-2511 77009-6709 77037-2019 77009-3119 77004-2853 77009-1601 77385-3532 77022 77022-5933 19603-0563 77092-3344 77039-2809 77008-3313 77037-2601 77093-5343 77009-1341 77083-2955 77037-3524 77238-8690 77009-1629 77002-8897 77076-3009 77004-4023 77002 77450-3060 77002-1135 77002-8842 77009 77081-2801 77009-2614 77066-2809 77022-5919 77009-1649 77058-4235 77060-5304 77037-1248 77267-0683 77060-5609 77009-5520 77007-2202 77001-0907 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) SAENZ CIPRIANO M & ELISIA SAGE DURHAM LTD SAI DARSHAN CORP SALAZAR FELIX III SALAZAR HECTOR SALAZAR HELIODORO SALAZAR JESUS & CAROLINA SALAZAR JOSE SALAZAR MARIA LUISA SALAZAR MARK A SALDANA A M SALDANA TRINIDAD JR SALDIERNA ANASTACIO SALDIERNA STACY S SALGADO ANTONIO & CRISTINA SALGADO VICTORIA M SALHOOT MOHAMMED SALIER KEVIN E & LISA C SALINAS D M SAM M MEINEKE INV CORP SAMPLES LOYD D SAMS REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST % PROPERTY TAX DEP SANA INVESTMENTS INC SANCHEZ GUNARO SANCHEZ JESUS & JOSE L SANCHEZ JULIO C SANCHEZ NELSON F & SONIA SANCHEZ REYNALDO SANDERS AILEEN S SANDERSON STEPHEN SANDO0AL JUAN SANDOVAL DANIEL & ROSALINDA SANTA FE SOUTH HOSPITALITY GRP SANTOS DOLORES ST JOHN SANTOS JUAN J & LUCY SANTOS MARIA DEL ROSARIO SAQIB SHEHNA SARA FOUR INC SARDO STEVE SAS HOUSTON PROPERTIES LLC SASHKO LLC 514 REID ST 1520 OLIVER ST STE 202 4515 AIRLINE DR 2823 N BROMPTON DR 313 E TIDWELL RD 109 OBION RD 120 DELANEY ST 1226 POST ST 1052 LOGANDALE LN 2506 DEER FOREST DR 1226 TIDWELL RD 106 TROY RD 10130 WOODICO DR 708 BENNINGTON ST 1111 GRIFFIN ST 114 WILDROSE AVE APT 3 3716 FARBER ST PO BOX 3255 1009 PRIVATE ROAD 1024 1234 CENTER ST PO BOX 897 1301 SE 10TH ST 4314 BREAKWOOD DR 14810 REGNAL ST 1316 TIDWELL RD 1227 CASTLEDALE DR 14603 ROSEHILL DR 9301 W HARDY RD 5605 ELYSIAN ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2417 12822 BAUMAN RD 16022 ALDINE WESTFIELD RD 2324 SOUTH ST 5319 ANGELO ST 6207 BIRCHMONT CT 202 DELANEY ST 705 ANDREWS ST 1100 W SAM HOUSTON PKWY N 15458 W HARDY RD 6161 SAVOY DR STE 904 1410 SPRING CRESS LN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON SPRING HALLETTSVILLE DEER PARK RYE BENTONVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SEABROOK Page 42 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AR TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-5945 77007-6035 77022-2902 77584-2219 77022-1696 77076-2943 77009-1301 77022-4539 77032-1714 77373-5049 77022-2356 77076-2908 77038-2434 77022-4932 77009-2138 78209-3801 77005-3714 77383-3255 77964-6108 77536-3242 77369-0897 72716-0001 77096-3503 77039-1020 77022-2358 77037-2610 77070-2244 77022-2371 77009-1628 77002-8897 77037-3438 77032 77009-8042 77009-1825 77092-2365 77009-1300 77019-5206 77043-5010 77060-3602 77036-3316 77586-4719 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) SASHKO LLC SAWAN INVESTMENT CORP SCHAEFER ENTERPRISES INC SCHILLACI GERALD SCHMIDT DOLORES T SCHMIDT MARY HELEN SCHMIDT ROSEMARY SCHROEDER DAVID A SCHULER PLACE LP SCHULTZ THOMAS SCHULTZ THOMAS G SCHWARZ C BLAKE SCOTT BALLARD ARCHITECT LLC SCROGGINS THOMAS PERRY JR SCROGGINS TIMOTHY A SCULCO CHRISTOPHER SEABURY TOM SEAFARER'S HIRING HALL TRUST FUND SEALS LOUIS V SEAWRIGHT SIDNEY A SEC MCKEE & STERRETT LLC SEGOVIA BEATRIZ SEGROUP REALTY LLC SELF RONNIE L SEMONES JAMES K SERRANO RUBEN & VERONICA SERRANO SILVINO & GEOGORIA SEVILLA FRANKLIN & JESSICAL SG PROPERTIES LLC SHAFER BUILDING SUPPLY LP SHAH GIRISH V SHAH NITIN SHAHEEN UNITED INC SHAMROCK MACHINERY CO SHAPE COMMUNITY CENTER SHEA MATTHEW T & MELISSA J SHEEHAN CHRISTOPHER SHEEPFOLD CHURCH OF GOD SHELBY OPAL V ESTATE OF SHEMELEY GERALD & ROSAMOND SHEPHERD W M 6415 W HARDY RD 4602 KATY FWY 5555 WEST LOOP S STE 315 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 17 2521 FLETCHER ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2515 2016 MAIN ST APT 904 2016 MAIN ST APT 2106 109 N POST OAK LN STE 430 2016 MAIN ST APT 1514 2016 MAIN ST APT 1614 2016 MAIN ST APT 1707 2228 COLQUITT ST 1819 MCGOWEN ST 13425 W HARDY RD 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 34 3307 CRAWFORD ST 5201 AUTH WAY 2022 ELGIN ST 13802 ALDINE WESTFIELD RD PO BOX 1311542 118 OBION RD 1509 ALDINE MAIL RD 3308 ST EMANUEL ST 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 2201 5915 COCHRAN ST 5919 COCHRAN ST 207 WESTFIELD ST 11819 GLADEWOOD LN 17946 NE 65TH ST 241 BLANCHARD ST APT 5210 8505 NORTH FWY 146 CEZANNE WOODS PL PO BOX 333 PO BOX 300326 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 13 700 RUTHVEN ST 877 W LITTLE YORK RD 315 KELLEY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2305 800 GESSNER RD STE 500 HOUSTON HOUSTON BELLAIRE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SUITLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON REDMOND WEST MONROE HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 43 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX MD TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX WA LA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-5735 77007-2202 77401-2106 77004-3174 77009-7721 77002-8897 77002-8851 77002-8945 77024-7755 77002-8856 77002-8857 77002-8857 77098-3303 77004-1246 77060-5607 77004-3175 77004-2926 20746-4211 77004-3116 77039-2004 77219 77076-2943 77039-5317 77004-3145 77002-8848 77009-1430 77009-1430 77022-6214 77071-2612 98052-4963 71291-7385 77037-2809 77382-2055 77001-0333 77230-0326 77004-4199 77019-5234 77091-2352 77009-1343 77002-8946 77024-4498 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) SHERMAN SHAUN W SHEU GARY TRUSTEE % HANK LIN SHIVA LODGING GROUP INC SHIVA WORLDWIDE INC SHOMER II LTD SHOMER VI LTD SHOMER XII LTD SHORE DEBRA A SHUMWAY ROBERT B & DAWN L SICOLA TOM SIEGER JOHN A & MARY H SIEGFRIED HOUSTON LLC SIKES MARVIN E JR SIL FAMILY LP SILGUERO CHRISTINE R SILVA RUTH SILVER ANN E ET AL SIMIEN BERLEY NICHOLAS SIMMONS CHRYL E SIMPSON JOANNE L SIMS DAVID SIMS DEWEY K & CAROLYN S SIMS ERIC T SINGER DAVID & NICOLE SINGLETARY MICHAEL P SISLER ADAM W SITUS ESTATE LLC SJ MEDICAL CENTER LLC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SKAGGS RALEIGH R JR SKEETE PHILIP SKWERES DWAYNE A SLEDGE ELIZABETH SLOAN MEMORIAL METH CH SLOAN MEMORIAL METHODIST SMITH ADRIAN M SMITH HARRY LEONARD SMITH HETTIE N SMITH LASHONDA SMITH MICHAEL SMITH MORGEN C SMITH ROBERT E & PATRICIA % SMITH BROS TRUCK & TRL 1602 ELGIN ST APT 12 PO BOX 428 5212 AIRLINE DR 6009 NORTH FWY 450 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E STE 250 450 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E STE 250 450 N SAM HOUSTON PKWY E STE 250 2016 MAIN ST APT 2215 1719 HOUSTON AVE 6326 WILSHIRE FERN 2016 MAIN ST APT 620 2 HAGERTY BLVD 4210 GATEWOOD LN 237 NORTH LOOP W 1920 W ALABAMA ST APT 24 726 TURNEY DR 139 SAINT MILDREDS CT 5300 W GULF BANK RD APT 808 2016 MAIN ST APT 2117 105 DELANEY ST 2020 HOLMAN ST 703 NORTHVILLE ST 1838 ANITA ST 2300 MARONEAL ST 1602 ELGIN ST APT 10 2807 CHARTRES ST 7325 W SAM HOUSTON PKWY S PO BOX 52369 1803 BONANZA RD 7545 IRVINE CENTER DR STE 246 29730 GENEVA DR 1204 CROCKETT ST 3108 NANCE ST 3102 NANCE ST 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 5 4112 LA BRANCH ST 5719 ELYSIAN ST 4612 MARKET ST 14407 DALY DR 1903 WALTON ST 5702 ELYSIAN ST HOUSTON SAN MATEO HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WEST CHESTER DULUTH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DANVILLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON IRVINE SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 44 of 53 TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA GA TX TX TX KY TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77004-2853 94401-0428 77022-1902 77076-3913 77060-3556 77060-3556 77060-3556 77002-8845 77007-4139 77040-4434 77002-8843 19382-7594 30097-2304 77008-2245 77098-2729 77038-3920 40422-1263 77088-2909 77002-8945 77009-1363 77004-4238 77038-3103 77004-3002 77030-3218 77004-2853 77004-4195 77072-5251 77052-2369 77062-6008 92618-2932 77386-2134 77007-4216 77020-6037 77020-6037 77004-3173 77004-4823 77009-1601 77020-6429 77077-1059 77009 77009-1602 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) SMITH TODD R SOBHANI NOSHIRVAN SOGAD PROPERTIES LLC SOLAR CONTROL FILMS INC SOLIS EVELIA D SOLIS JOSEPH ANTHONY SORB-ALL COMPANY SOROLA SUSAN F SOSA HENERY JR & ELVIRA P SOTH JUNG J SOTO GUADALUPE SOTO TOMASA SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT LINES SOUTHERN GENERAL PARTNERS SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY UNION PACIFIC RA SOUTHWELL PROPERTIES LLC SOUTHWEST UTILITIES INC TEXAS AMERICAN WATER CO SS SOWERS CHRIS SPARTACUS PARTNERS LP SPARTAN INVESTMENTS SPIEGEL ROBERT M SPIGHT MARGREE D SPILLMAN R F & SOPHIA SPIVEY BESSIE SPP INC DBA SRI REAL ESTATE PROPERTIESLLC SRT REAL ESTATE LP ST ARNOLD BREWING CO ST JAMES FINANCIAL LLC ST JOHN'S UNITED METHODIST ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE INS CO STALNAKER-WOODARD MACON S STAR FUELS INC STAR OF HOPE MISSION % RANDALL L TABOR STATE DEPT HWY & PUB TRANS STATE DEPT HWYS PUBLIC STEEL SANDRA S STEEL SANDRA S STEPHENS CHESTER W STERLING FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC STEVENS TED PO BOX 460082 242 WICKWOOD DR 607 E DELZ DR 511 NORTHWOOD ST 9606 E HARDY RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2320 PO BOX 21148 10403 MIDDLEROSE LN 1225 POST ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1611 1322 W 23RD ST 1715 FAIRBANKS ST PO BOX 1691 PO BOX 1201 1400 DOUGLAS ST STOP 1640 2303 NANCE ST PO BOX 5627 6631 ROCKBRIDGE LN 220 MURPHY RD 5333 WERNER ST 102 QUITMAN ST UNIT 201 1704 FRANCIS ST APT 6 259 WOODSON RD 1613 TRUXILLO ST 1750 STEBBINS DR 300 JOHNNY BENCH DR 8224 NORTH FWY 2000 LYONS AVE 1885 SAINT JAMES PL 2019 CRAWFORD ST 385 WASHINGTON ST # 511A 3414 ST EMANUEL ST 941 N WILCREST DR 6897 ARDMORE ST PO BOX 1386 PO BOX 187 2016 MAIN ST APT 1008 8118 WAYNEMER WAY 830 HODGKINS ST 333 CLAY ST STE 4700 5411 HAVENWOODS DR HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON COLUMBIA HUNTSVILLE OMAHA HOUSTON CHERRY HILL HOUSTON STAFFORD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON OKLAHOMA CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SAINT PAUL HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 45 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX SC TX NE TX NJ TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX OK TX TX TX TX MN TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77056-8082 77386-1133 77022-1705 77009-5109 77093-6110 77002-8946 77226-1148 77070-3486 77022-4538 77002-8857 77008-1610 77009-1634 29202-1691 77342-1201 68179-1640 77020-5732 08034-0519 77023-4019 77477-5412 77022-1629 77009-7661 77004-3022 77060-5030 77004-4138 77043-2807 73104-2471 77037-3608 77020-2028 77056-4110 77002-9002 55102-1309 77004-4262 77079-3503 77054-2307 77251-1386 77001-0187 77002-8800 77040-2430 77032-2710 77002-4005 77066-2521 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) STEWARD IDA STEWART BILLIE ESTATE OF % DARYL STEWART STEWART DOUGLAS E & JOSEPHINE B STEWART JOANN F STOKES BOBBY L C/O LP 610 EAST INC STOKES REALTY HOLDINGS LLC STONE FAITH M STONE MONTY TRUSTEE STORAGE EQUITIES PS PRT STRICKLAND WALTER E STYER SYLVESTER A II & DONNA D STYER SYLVESTER A II & DONNA D SUAREZ FRANCISCO S SUAREZ JORGE & NANCY TAMEZ SUAREZ RAFAEL PERALES SUDELA LINDA S & FRANCIS E SUMAN ANDREW W SUMNER JOHN C & PATSY SUN DEV INC # 133 SUN DEVELOPMENT INC #231 SUN DEVELOPMENT INC % SUN DEVELOPMENT NO 147 SUNOCO PIPELINE LP ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL SUNSTONE COWBOY LP SURIYA LLC SUSAN M MANN IRA SUSSER PETROLEUM OPERATING CO LLC SWEETWATER ROAD L L C SWINEHART B J T D I GROUP INC TABATABAI SAYED ALI TAILLON MICHAEL R & CHRISTIE TALBOTT CHARLENE TALLEY D TAM ENERGY INTERNATIONAL LLC TAMEZ ELOY TAMEZ ELOY & MARIA TAN JERRY C TANDON NEERAJ TARSINA LLC TAUB FOUNDATION TAUB JOHN BEN EST 2010 MCILHENNY ST 2210 S PALM CT 637 S RIVERSHIRE DR 1709 WOODARD ST 3114 CANYON OAK CT 10 STOKES ST 3410 BINZ ST 311 CHAMPIONS COLONY III DEPT PT TX 24630 1711 CLEBURNE ST 2535 NORTH FWY 2539 NORTH FWY 4719 CALLERY CREEK DR 10217 W HARDY RD 6519 ENID ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2016 3334 RICHMOND AVE STE 200 13850 E HARDY RD PO BOX 4456 PO BOX 4456 PO BOX 4456 1735 MARKET ST STE LL 120 VANTIS STE 350 10648 FUSSEL RD 806 PARKVIEW CIR 555 E AIRTEX DR 5515 W RICHEY RD 1192 AUGUSTA DR PO BOX 740424 282 PINE HOLLOW LN 73 S CONCORD FOREST CIR 1214 POST ST 13623 PERRY RD 7102 NORTH FWY 5203 FULTON ST 10208 IRVINGTON BLVD 1611 FRANCIS ST UNIT C 2016 MAIN ST UNIT 1204 13526 CYPRESS HEATH CT TEXAN BUILDING 4TH FL PO BOX 27423 PO BOX 25025 333 WEST LOOP N STE 400 Page 46 of 53 HOUSTON PASADENA CONROE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON GLENDALE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PHILADELPHIA ALISO VIEJO CONROE HARLINGEN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77004-1312 77502-5632 77304-4903 77009-1624 77068-3122 77022-4321 77004-7816 77069-1807 91221-5025 77004-4128 77009 77009-4601 77053-3119 77076-4425 77022-4312 77002-8944 77098-3023 77039-1826 77210-4456 77210-4456 77210-4456 19103-7528 92656-2686 77385-7206 78550-5824 77073-6099 77066-3328 77057-2210 77274-0424 77056-1502 77381-6605 77022-4539 77070-4248 77076-1309 77009-1840 77076-4415 77004-3096 77002-8848 77429-2474 77024-7709 77227-7423 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) TAYLOR JOHN E & JUDY G TBDI LLC TEED W E TEJAS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC TEMENOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. TEOH ROLAND & ANDREA TEOH ROLAND & ANDREA TEXAN INN LTD 5 TEXAN LAND AND CATTLE II LTD TEXAS CARDIOVASCULAR INSTITUTE TEXAS COMMUNITY BANK TEXAS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION TEXAS HOUSTON HOTEL REALTY LLC TEXAS OMAHA GROUP LLC TEXAS PETROLEUM GROUP LLC #554 TEXAS PETROLEUM GROUP LLC #566 TEXAS PETROLEUM GROUP LLC #568 TEXAS PETROLEUM GROUP LLC #571 TEXAS WAREHOUSE PROPERTIES TEXASH I LTD %PL RUSTY SALLEE/DEPEYSTER THAWER & CARBONI DEVELOPMENT LLC THOMAS DENESE THOMAS HENRY LEE THOMAS LILIANA E THOMAS MARY L THOMASON FAMILY CORP THOMPSON ALLEN R THREE F LAND COM INC THREEPENCE LIMITED TICE JON K & KATHLEEN C TIDWELL CORNER LLC TIDWELL PARKWAY PROPERTY TILSON HOME CORP % SUE ANN PINGER CFO TIMBERLAND ENTERPRISES INC TITLOW STAN & LINDA TIU DANIEL TIZRAVESH ALI TLG PROPERTIES LTD TM BOWERS PROPERTIES LLC TNL ASSOCIATES LLC TOMLINSON STEPHEN J 200 LITTLE DOVE 1319 COLORADO ST UNIT C 802 PARKER RD PO BOX 90549 2019 CRAWFORD ST 10907 PAMA CIR PO BOX 820522 4045 NORTH FWY 333 WEST LOOP N FL 4 PO BOX 73328 16610 INTERSTATE 45 S PO BOX 1386 625 LIBERTY AVE STE 3110 10 SANDALWOOD DR 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 11111 WILCREST GREEN DR STE 100 2716 OCEAN PARK BLVD STE 2011 9125 AIRPORT BLVD STE C10 PO BOX 681132 2016 MAIN ST APT 917 1526 E 32ND 1/2 ST 2119 HICKORY TRAIL PL PO BOX 30227 PO BOX 21148 8719 W HARDY RD 1222 DEL NORTE ST 3118 W PARKWOOD AVE PMB 111 2016 MAIN ST 1001 WEST LOOP S STE 880 510 W TIDWELL RD 411 DURHAM DR 140 ARKANSAS ST 911 WHITESTONE LN 1903 OTTERBURY DR 4907 CAMBRIDGE ST 13250 FM 1960 RD W 4236 PURDUE ST 3926 CROWN RIDGE CT 2016 MAIN ST APT 2313 LIVINGSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON PITTSBURGH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SANTA MONICA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON KATY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON WEBSTER HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON MONTICELLO HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 47 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX PA TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AR TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77351-7816 77007-4080 77076-3806 77290-0549 77002-9002 77024-5444 77282-0522 77022-4204 77024-7767 77273-3328 77384-4130 77251-1386 15222-3115 77024-7122 77042-4739 77042-4739 77042-4739 77042-4739 90405-5261 77061-3467 77268-1132 77002-8852 77022-5318 77450-6648 77249-0227 77226-1148 77022-2326 77018-1306 77598 77002-8848 77027-9085 77091-4339 77007-7240 71655 77073-1238 77039-4225 77479-3974 77065-4005 77005-1042 77059-3711 77002-8946 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) TOMPKINS DARREN D TOOMEY GUSEMAN FAMILY LTD TORRES ANNA C TORRES BERTA A TORRES FILEMON & ERIKA O TORRES JOSEPHINE TORRES JUAN L & MARTHA C TORRES MARIA DE JESUS TORRES ROXANNE TORRES VICTOR M TORRES VIOLET O TOTAL SITE INC TOVAR EDENIA Y TOWNSEN DANNY R TQ INVESTMENTS LLC TRACY AND LAWRENCE FAMILY LIMITED TRADING FAIR IV INC TRAN DAVID & LEHAO TRAN HAI AU TREELINE PTNRS LTD TREJO YENI E & IRMA P TREVINO ADRIAN TREVINO DAVID I TREVINO ROBERT TRINITY RCT LP TRIUMPH MEDICAL PLAZA LP TAX DEPT #4495 TROTTER CAPRINA 3406 ST EMANUEL ST 1511 NORTH BLVD 311 KELLEY ST 12765 MCNAIR ST 6 TALISMAN CT 1416 REID ST 9615 TALA ST 1506 CORDELL ST 407 KELLEY ST 1416 REID ST 307 NEYLAND ST 11228 E HARDY RD 911 NORTHSIDE DR 11210 E HARDY RD 3154 DOUBLE JACK CT 7519 WOODVINE PLACE CT 8730 MEMORIAL DR 3519 SENOVA DR 2610 BRAZOS ST 6363 WOODWAY DR STE 525 2110 OLD ATASCOCITA RD 4901 IRVINGTON BLVD 1704 DON ALEJANDRO 1506 HENDRIX ST 4783 COUNTY ROAD 302 680 S 4TH ST 3412 ST EMANUEL ST HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON HOUSTON PEARLAND HOUSTON HOUSTON CROSBY HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON NAVASOTA LOUISVILLE HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX KY TX 77004-4262 77006-6327 77009-1343 77015-4931 77076-3922 77022-5754 77093-6238 77009-3103 77009-1345 77022-5754 77022-4661 77093-2322 77073-5423 77093-2322 77373-5889 77055-6875 77024-7011 77584-7059 77006-2214 77057-1757 77532 77009-2728 77091-5800 77093-7231 77868-5829 40202-2407 77004-4262 TRUJILLO MARINA & VERONICO 7710 N SHEPHERD DR HOUSTON TX 77088 TSCHOERTNER WAYNE L TUFFLI COMPANY INC TUNG DANIEL & TR ET AL TURYFILL JOHNNY G TWO CONDOS LLC TWO SILVER FORKS LLC U HAUL INTERNATIONAL % HORST THOMAS J U S GOVERNMENT U S POSTAL SERVICE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY UNION PACIFIC RAILR UNION PLANTERS NATIONAL BK UNITED BILT HOMES INC ATTN: RONNY BLAKELY 319 KELLEY ST 2780 SKYPARK DR STE 410 1126 CARDINAL AVE 31602 CHELSIE PL 5000 MONTROSE BLVD UNIT 20D 2220 AVENUE OF THE STARS UNIT 404 PO BOX 29046 PO BOX 1229 401 FRANKLIN ST 1400 DOUGLAS ST STOP 1640 250 RIVERCHASE PKWY E STE 600 9422 NORTH FWY HOUSTON TORRANCE SUGAR LAND MAGNOLIA HOUSTON LOS ANGELES PHOENIX GALVESTON HOUSTON OMAHA BIRMINGHAM HOUSTON TX CA TX TX TX CA AZ TX TX NE AL TX 77009-1343 90505-7519 77478-3430 77354-2298 77006-6564 90067-5608 85038-9046 77553-1229 77201-9901 68179-1640 35244-1832 77037-1546 Page 48 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA % REAL ESTATE DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REAL ESTATE DIV (7 PEL) UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV UNIVERSAL CHURCH INC URIBE MARIA G US SPRINT UTIGARD CAROLYN VAESA JULIAN VAESA RALPH R VALADEZ RAFAEL G & MARTHA M VALDEZ DAVID S VALDEZ GUADALUPE JR VALDEZ RODOLFO & ANA L VALLE ALDO VALLE CHRISANTA N VALLE ESTABAN VALLS HOLDINGS LTD VAN TRIES ANN O 2012 TRUST ETAL VANBEBBER GREG VANBRUNT AGNES ET AL % DAVID DU BUISSON VANDERFORD FRANKIE VANTAGE POINT HOLDINGS LLC VARA JESSE T & VIRGINIA VARA ROY JR VARELA HERLINDA M VASQUEZ ALBERTO M VAZQUEZ GUADALUPE GARZA VAZQUEZ LUIS CARLOS VAZQUEZ REAL ESTATE LLC VEGA MANUEL JR VEGA ROSIE VELA JOSE N VELAZQUEZ JOSE F & JULIANA VELEZ ALFONSO E VELEZ JORGE & CONNIE % DIOCESE OF GALVESTON HOUSTO VELOZ MARGARET S VELOZ ELOY S ESTATE OF VERNER GENTRY VIEWPOINT DEVELOPMENT LLC VILLAFRANCO ANTONIO & GABRIELA JOINERS OF AMERICA L-213 EPA REGION 6 PO BOX 1229 GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN PO BOX 667180 247 WALNUT ST 1527 BIRCHWOOD ST PO BOX 12913 3306 LAGUNA SHORES RD 6904 COCHRAN ST 6848 COCHRAN ST 11302 E HARDY RD 110 CARL ST 6716 WILDWOOD WAY 7438 LOGGING TRAIL DR 128 DELANEY ST 218 W OBION RD 261 W RIVERWOOD DR PO BOX 2505 1864 BIMINI WAY 220 NEVEL RD PO BOX 16065 8006 CARDIN DR 879 W 42ND ST 1921 TERRY ST 7123 APPLETON ST 3050 TIDWELL RD 7117 RITTENHOUSE VILLAGE CT 109 CARL ST 13007 ORCHARD HOLLOW WAY 700 VAZQUEZ LN 5606 HARDY ST 6930 COCHRAN ST 6514 FRISCO ST 9402 WILLOWVIEW LN 3108 EUNICE ST UNIT B 1330 BLUE BELL RD 5514 HARDY ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 2015 2444 TIMES BLVD STE 236H 12419 W HARDY RD 2600 HAMILTON ST 1445 ROSS AVE STE 1200 819 TAYLOR ST Page 49 of 53 HOUSTON DALLAS GALVESTON FORT WORTH DALLAS NEWARK HOUSTON OVERLAND PARK CORPUS CHRISTI HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUMBLE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CORPUS CHRISTI SEABROOK LUTZ GALVESTON AUSTIN HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON DONNA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX NJ TX KS TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX FL TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77004-1206 75202-2750 77553-1229 76102-6124 75266-7180 07105-1218 77093 66282-2913 78418-2922 77022-4505 77022-4502 77093-1811 77009-7702 77023-4024 77346-3148 77009-1301 77076-3007 77076-2034 78403-2505 77586-2924 33549-5417 77552-6065 78759-8702 77018-5309 77009-8254 77022-4927 77093-6826 77076-1317 77009-7701 77065-3335 78537-4549 77009-1639 77022-4505 77022-5769 77080-7322 77009-6709 77038-3012 77009-1637 77002-8944 77005-3253 77037-3523 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) VILLAGOMEZ JOSE L & ELOISA VILLALOBOS ERASMO VILLANUEVA LUIS VILLANUEVA MARGARITO VILLANUEVA WILIBALDO H VILLAPONDO JULIO A VILLARREAL ADAN N JR VILLARREAL D VILLARREAL ISELA J VILLARREAL SANDRA A VILLARREAL YVETTE J VILLASANA TONY VINCENT J RICHARD VINSON MARY L ESTATE OF % DOROTHY VINSON-KEYS VIONIS NIKOLAOS A VIRANI AHMADALI VLAHAKIS BERNARD VM MURILLO CONSTRUCTION CO VO QUONG VAN VOLENTINE ANGELA VONARB PROPERTIES LTD VU SON H VU VN INC W G INTERESTS LTD WALKER CAROL J WALKER FRANK E WALKER JAMES III WALKER MARILYN K ET AL WALKER MRS CECIL N WALLEY EDWIN JACK WAL-MART STORES EAST INC MS 0555 WALSTON W D ESTATE OF WALTON A JUDY WALTON KAY F WARD KIMBERLY SUE WARHOLS GROUP LLC WARWICK TRUST WASHINGTON GREGORY WASHINGTON ROMANUEL L JR WATFORD HUGHIE M & EVA K 1310 REID ST 10012 E HARDY RD 6301 AIRLINE DR 12503 W HARDY RD 8735 CYPRESSBROOK DR 12619 W HARDY RD 9801 IRVINGTON BLVD 810 REID ST 1087 W 41ST ST 139 W HAVNER LN 3501 CHENEVERT ST APT 6 12219 MAPLE ROCK DR 2016 MAIN ST APT 1220 8914 LAZY RIVER LN 11207 W HARDY RD 2814 ACORN WOOD WAY 8222 NORTH FWY 6606 FRISCO ST 2015 MCILHENNY ST 2900 HAMILTON ST APT 10 19711 ALDINE WESTFIELD RD 2016 MAIN ST 1951 LAKE WINDS DR PO BOX 1557 1710 WOODARD ST 9185 JAMAICA BCH 515 KILEY DR 18595 SOLOMON ST 114 OBION RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 2114 PO BOX 8050 13527 W HARDY RD 1930 HONEY LAUREL DR PO BOX 980623 117 MARLIN AVE 2016 MAIN ST STE 101 PO BOX 11901 2016 MAIN ST APT 1108 3300 CRAWFORD ST 13427 W HARDY RD HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HUMBLE HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON HOUSTON GALVESTON HOUSTON CLEVELAND HOUSTON HOUSTON BENTONVILLE HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON GALVESTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Page 50 of 53 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AR TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77022-5752 77093-5213 77076-3505 77037-3524 77095-3142 77037-3525 77076-5227 77022-5954 77018-5201 77037-2905 77004-4199 77077-2532 77002-8844 77088-3714 77076-2722 77059-5808 77037-3608 77022-5757 77004-1311 77004-3172 77338-3374 77002-8848 77459-1711 77251-1557 77009-1625 77554-9645 77073-4352 77328-6347 77076-2943 77002-8945 72712-8055 77060-5608 77304-2156 77098-0623 77550-3127 77002-8842 77293-1901 77002-8853 77004-2927 77060-5607 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) WEAVER WILLIAM 12806 CARDIFF RD HOUSTON TX 77037-2609 WEBSTER CARL T WEBSTER CHENEVERT LTD WEEKLEY HOMES LLC WELLINGTON FISHER LTD WELLS DAVID JR ET AL % DSS INVESTMENTS WELLS FARGO BANK NA TR WELLS FARGO BANK TRUSTEE WEREN G & J WERTHEIMER BROS % HENRY WEITHEIMER WESNESKI EDNA E A B WEST BILLY ET UX WEST HARDY PROPERTIES INC WEST ROAD INVESTORS LP WH CAPTIAL LLC WHATABURGER REAL ESTATE WHITCOMB EMMA WHITE JACK WHITE WELSLEY K WHITNEY LISA WICKS VIRGINIA M WIESE AARON WIESES LARRY C & PATRICIA P WILCREST 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Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) WOLFRAM LIONEL F WOLTER THOMAS E & KAY B WONG LY LIN % LIN WONG WOOD BOBBIE B WOODARD MARY A WOODLAND CHRISTIAN TOWERS INC WOODLOCH MHP LLC WOODS ROBERT L WOODSON NORMAN W WORLD AUTO PARTS INC WORLDCOM NETWORK % PROPERTY TAX C2-3-548 WORLDWIDE PACKING LP WRAY BRADLEY WREYFORD RONNIE M WRI AEW LONE STAR RETAIL PORTFOLIO LLC WRIGHT ELMO WRIGHT RUBY WROBLEWSKI ARLENE B WU BENJAMIN WU ZHILU WYKA BRIAN J WYNN A B & NELLIE B XIAN CHENG YANEZ IRENE S YATES CARY P & CLAREASE R YAZDCORP FUNDS V LLC YE QINGSHAN YOUNGBLOOD ALICE M YPI NORTH BELT PORTFOLIO LLC % ZAYA YOUNAN YSR ENTERPRISE INC YU ZHONG ZACARIAS MARTHA L ZAHRA TAYSIR A ZAMORA MARIA ZANZURI MOSHE ZAPATA FAUSTA 1331 NEELEY DR 39 RHAPSODY BEND DR 907 CHARTRES ST APT C 288 MAPLE LN 1403 BRAGG ST 600 TIDWELL RD 4771 SWEETWATER BLVD STE 188 2016 MAIN ST STE 111 2401 MAUFFERD ST PO BOX 16966 22001 LOUDOUN COUNTY PKWY 501 RANDON DYER RD 2016 MAIN ST APT 1407 391 VIP DR PO BOX 924133 2016 MAIN ST APT 2208 1580 COUNTY ROAD 3709 911 KELLEY ST 1623 AIRLINE DR 2900 HAMILTON ST UNIT 33 13921 HIGHWAY 105 W UNIT 167 3114 NANCE ST 6602 BERRYTREE LN 262 W RIVERWOOD DR 4006 ALEXIS TATE CIR 10405 TOWN AND COUNTRY WAY STE 105 9215 W BRIDGEPORT PASS CIR 121 N POST OAK LN APT 505 5959 TOPANGA CANYON BLVD STE 200 3926 GARNET FLS 2016 MAIN ST APT 2018 8311 CHURCH LIGHT LN 703 WINSTON LN 3106 MOHAWK ST 3226 MAINFORD ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1009 HOUSTON SPRING HOUSTON NEW CANEY HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON IRVINE ASHBURN ROSENBERG HOUSTON CANYON LAKE HOUSTON HOUSTON SPLENDORA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON CONROE HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON MISSOURI CITY HOUSTON CYPRESS HOUSTON WOODLAND HILLS SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON SUGAR LAND HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA VA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX CA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 77055-4812 77382-2000 77003-3501 77357-2812 77009-1503 77022 77479-3121 77002-8842 77009-7647 92623-6966 20147-6105 77471-7962 77002-8844 78133-3517 77292-4133 77002-8845 77372-9541 77009-1443 77009-3607 77004-3175 77304-5703 77020-6037 77479-6062 77076-2014 77459-5039 77024-1110 77433-2656 77024-7710 91367-3611 77479-4163 77002-8944 77064-8219 77479-5834 77093-2531 77009-5643 77002-8800 ZAREA KAYVAN R 10505 TOWN AND COUNTRY WAY UNIT 79668 HOUSTON TX 77279-0235 ZAVALA FRANCISCO ZEMAN KAMIL ZHANG LORI 2016 MAIN ST APT 1022 3508 DENVER ST 2016 MAIN ST APT 1708 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON TX TX TX 77002-8800 77003-4746 77002-8857 Page 52 of 53 North Houston Highway Improvement Project November 2013 Public Meeting Postcard Mailing List (Adjacent Landowners) ZIEHR CHARLES R & ALVINA ZOYA ENTERPRISES LTD ZULKA CORP ZUNIGA JOSE J 2404 SOUTH ST 223 KINGFISHER DR 19910 GLEN LAKE DR 143 W WELLINGTON ST HOUSTON SUGAR LAND SPRING HOUSTON Page 53 of 53 TX TX TX TX 77009-8043 77478-4712 77388-2961 77076-2909 Related Newspaper and Newsletter Articles Third public meeting for I-45 widening – Off the Kuff Page 1 of 7 Off the Kuff Knowledge Is Good Skip to Content ↓ • • • • • • Home 2011 Election 2012 Primary Election – Harris County 2012 Primary Election – Texas 2013 Election About Third public meeting for I-45 widening Oct 21st, 2013 by Charles Kuffner. From the I-45 Coalition, via the inbox: TxDOT is starting to roll again on the I‐45 project! TxDOT has just scheduled the 3rd round of public meetings to be held Thursday, Nov 14 at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway & Tuesday, Nov 19 at Jeff Davis High School, 1101 Quitman. Both meetings will be open house format from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. As a brief recap to remind you where we are … because it has been a while: TxDOT wants to ‘improve’ the I‐45 Corridor to alleviate current traffic and plan for future traffic. 1) TxDOT held its 1st Public Scoping meeting in November 2011 to hear from the public on what to do in the I‐45 corridor. After analyzing the input from the public from that meeting: 2) TxDOT held its 2nd Public Scoping meeting in October 2012. TxDOT broke the project into 3 segments: Segment 1 (Beltway 8 to 610); Segment 2 (610 to I‐10); and Segment 3 (Downtown Loop System). Each segment had 6 Preliminary Alternatives for a total of 18 alternatives for all 3 segments. TxDOT was to determine the 3 most popular alternatives for each segment (for a total of 9) from evaluating the responses from the public. Supposedly, “Within 2 months following each meeting, a report from TxDOT summarizing public comments and responses will be made available to the public”. After the 1st Public meeting, it took 10 months for the public comments to be available. After the 2nd Public Meeting, it took TxDOT a full year to post the comments .. it just went up this week! TxDOT has also just announced the 3rd Public Meeting in November 2013 (mentioned above). 3) This 3rd Public Meeting – is where they will announce the 3 alternatives for each segment (for a total of 9) and we, the public, will choose the final “winner” in each segment. So this is a VERY IMPORTANT MEETING! The results from this meeting will determine how & where the I‐45 corridor will proceed! Please mark your calendars now & plan to attend in November! I http://offthekuff.com/wp/?p=56525 11/19/2013 Third public meeting for I-45 widening – Off the Kuff Page 2 of 7 do not know which 3 alternatives in each segment received the most favorable input at this time. However, within the next 30 days, the I‐45 Coalition will be evaluating all comments to determine which alternatives appear to be most favored. You can find all the details of the 1st Public Meeting & the 2nd Public Meeting on TxDOT’s website for this project – www.IH45Northandmore.com. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE plan on attending either of the two upcoming meetings (they both should be identical) so you can (1) hear firsthand from TxDOT what they say are the 3 favored alternatives in each segment & (2) make an informed decision as to what you feel should be the final alternative! If you made a comment & submitted it to TxDOT after the 2nd Public meeting, I would suggest that you check to make sure your comment is ‘on the record’, by going to TxDOT’s website & checking. All comments are indexed, so it should be easy to find. If it is not recorded, or not accurate, please let me know. If you are not on the I‐45 Coalition email list, please add your name by going to www.I‐45Coalition.org and sign up. You can also find us on Facebook. Once on our list, we will notify you of any updates, meetings or changes to the project. Also if you would like to attend our Steering Committee meetings, just let us know! Please get involved and/or stay involved! This is important. These decisions will affect you, your family, your home or business & your neighborhood. If you ever use I‐45 or have any concerns about what will or will not be done on I‐45 … you need to be involved! See here for the most recent update, which was a year ago. As always, if you can make it to these meetings, please do so. Related Posts: • Reminder: I-45 public meeting tonight • TxDOT finally publishes comments from last year’s public forum on I-45 • Time for another report on how much traffic sucks Posted in: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Tagged: activism · construction · Houston · I-45 · TxDOT ← Endorsement watch: For the joint processing center Early voting starts today → One Comment 1. Reminder: I-45 public meeting tonight – Off the Kuff says: November 14, 2013 at 4:41 am […] here, here, and here for more on the meeting, and here for more on the giant downtown highway […] Leave a Reply Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) Website (optional) Submit • Subscribe to our Feed via RSS http://offthekuff.com/wp/?p=56525 11/19/2013 TxDOT schedules Public Meetings on North Houston Highway Project Page 1 of 2 Northeast News Х GrafikPress Corp Х 5327 Aldine Mail Route Х Houston, TX 77039 Phone: 281-449-9945 Х Fax: 713-977-1188 Х Email: [email protected] Meeting Room Manager ™ www.AsureSoftware.com/AsureSpace Reserve People & Rooms Seamlessly & Never Overbook Again. Get A Demo! Nov 11, 2013 News Index • • • • • Front Page Sports Entertainment North Forest News BW8/Atascocita/Humble Channels • • • • • • • • • • • • Community News School News Editor's Notebook Letters To The Editor Classifieds Crimestoppers Mercado Latino Obituaries Subscribe Today! Advertise with Us Place a Classified Ad Photo Galleries Columnists • Just Between Us • Keeney's Korner • McNeely's World • Thoughts of an Old Georgia Boy • Touch of Life • Special Columns Classic Columns • Ask The Attorney General • Columns from College • Horsefeathers • My Two Cents Worth • Where the Sidewalk Ends Cartoons • Doodles • Other Comics Useful Links • CNN National/World News • Local Weather • Daily Horoscopes • Driving Directions • Social Security TxDOT schedules Public Meetings on North Houston Highway Project By Staff • Nov 05, 2013 NORTH HOUSTON–The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, will hold public meetings for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North; and I-610 and Beltway 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. The purpose of the meetings is to present information about, and received public feedback on, reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor; the alternatives evaluation process; and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. This Week's Highlights: Front Page · TxDOT schedules Public Meetings on North Houston Highway Project this site The same information will be presented at both meetings. Materials will be in English with some materials also in Spanish. Spanishspeaking project team members will be available to talk with Spanish-speaking attendees. After the meetings, the information will be available for review and reproduction at www.IH45NorthandMore.com and at the TxDOT Houston District Office located at 7600 Washington Avenue, Houston, Texas 77077. The meetings will be held in an open house from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Thursday, November 14, 2013 at Aldine 9th Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77037. Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman Street, Houston, TX 77009. Comments may be submitted at: www.IH45NorthandMore.com, by e-mail to [email protected], by mail to: Director of Project Development, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, TX. 77251-1386. Comments should be e-mail or postmarked by December 6, 2013. Email Us Email Us This Week's Poll SHOULD THE U.S. TAKE MILITARY ACTION AGAINST SYRIA? YES. http://nenewsroom.com/txdot-schedules-public-meetings-on-north-houston-highway-proj... 11/11/2013 TxDOTto present ways to improve traffic conditions in the North Houston corridor at two... Page 1 of 1 TxDOTto present ways to improve traffic conditions in the North Houston corridor at two public meetings By Submitted | Posted: Friday, November 8, 2013 10:41 pm In an effort to address existing and future traffic demands on IH 45 North Freeway and the North Houston area, the Texas Department of Transportation will host a pair of public meetings on November 14 and November 19 to present information on the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. IH 45 North Freeway is already a heavily traveled corridor and connecting highways have reached full capacity during peak hours. Many motorists traveling between downtown, the Texas Medical Center, the Woodlands, and several major airports are doing so on congested roads. With population numbers for the Houston area expected to rise significantly by 2035, the project aims to provide a highway facility with additional capacity and other transportation remedies that will address demand. These efforts will help manage congestion, improve mobility, enhance safety, and provide travelers with options to get to their destinations. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North; and IH 610 and Beltway 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. The public meetings will be held on Thursday, November 14 at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, and Tuesday, November 19 at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman St., Houston. The meetings will be held in an open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this third round of public meetings is to present information on proposed options of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project, and receive public feedback on reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. During the second round of public meetings for the North Houston Corridor held in October 2012 there were over 400 citizen comments submitted. This helped to narrow the six preliminary alternatives for three separate segments down to three alternatives for those segments. A short video regarding the project can be viewed during the meeting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable alternatives and the study process will be on display. Project team members will be available to answer questions. http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/ranch/living/txdotto-present-ways-to-improve-traffic-c... 11/11/2013 TxDOT sets meetings to discuss I-45 north - Your Houston News: News Page 1 of 1 TxDOT sets meetings to discuss I-45 north By Robin Foster | Posted: Monday, November 11, 2013 3:00 pm Alternatives to improve 16 miles of I-45 from U.S. 59 and Texas 288 to Beltway 8 North will be discussed in a pair of public meetings scheduled this week and next by the Texas Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. Studies of the corridor alternatives date back to 2002. The study area includes portions of I-10, U.S. 59, and Texas 288 near downtown Houston; the Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North; and I-610 and Beltway 8 North between I-45 and the Hardy Toll Road. This is the third public scoping meeting since 2011, and central Houston residents who have followed the project’s progress are expecting to see potential alternatives for each of three segments along the corridor. Alternatives discussed to date have included a tunnel along I-45 between I-610 and I-10, widening the Hardy Toll Road for additional inbound and outbound lanes north of downtown and creating one-way traffic on the downtown loop system. Groups like the I-45 Coalition support use of tunnels to add capacity through the corridor and manage traffic flow through downtown. “We try to stay on top of it. We want to be part of the solution,” said Randy Raimond, a member of coalition and the First Ward Civic Club. No funding has been identified for improvements on I-45, but the upcoming meetings will guide future selection of a recommended alternative when funding does become available. According to its press release, TxDOT is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to analyze potential effects that the construction and operation that I-45 improvements would have on residents and businesses in the project area. The meetings will be held in an open house format from 5:30-7:30 p.m. as follows: Nov. 14, 2013, at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway. Nov. 19, 2013, at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman Street. The same information will be presented at both meetings, which aim to present reasonable alternatives and obtain feedback on them from the public. http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/west_university/news/txdot-sets-meetings-to-discuss-i... 11/21/2013 Upcoming meeting lays out options for I-45 widening - The Highwayman Page 1 of 4 Subscribe to the Houston Chronicle | Shopping | Classifieds | Obits | Place an Ad | La Voz Register | Sign In Thursday November 21, 2013 | Chron.com Home Local US & Wo rld Sports Business Entertainment Lifestyle Houston Weather W eb Search by YAH O O ! Jobs Local Directory Cars Real Estate The Highwayman Transportation in Houston with Dug Begley Upcoming meeting lays out options for I-45 widening Posted on November 12, 2013 | By Dug Begley Everything’s bigger in Texas, maybe even the freeway medians As officials take another step in the process of widening Interstate 45 from downtown north to the Sam Houston Tollway, one option to essentially make the teardrop-shaped inner loop created by I45 and U.S. 59 an odd confluence of I-45 running along both sides of the business district remains a possibility, according to planning to handouts for a Thursday meeting. Texas Department of Transportation officials have spent years planning for a wider I-45 north of downtown, holding public sessions for the past decade to gather comment. Residents, especially those within Loop 610 north of downtown, have vehemently and vocally opposed any idea that widens the freeway in its existing right of way. After a lot of winnowing of options, TxDOT officials have proposed three options for adding lanes between Loop Morning rush hour traffic heading for downtown 610 and Interstate 10. The first simply Houston on Interstate 45 South near Cottage widens the freeway by adding two Street in August 2012. Photo: Gary Fountain/ For carpool/toll lanes in each direction, either the Chronicle by taking more right of way or by burying the freeway and capping it with concrete so the frontage road is atop the freeway. Two other options add the managed lanes either as a center-bridge structure or double-decking the managed lanes. Things get even more complex south of I-10, where the three remaining options seem to be widening the Pierce Elevated portion of I-45 and making Pierce Street more narrow; moving I-45 to where U.S. 59 is and running the freeways parallel along the eastern side of downtown while tearing out the Pierce and turning the route into a parkway to get to I-10; and leaving I-45 southbound lanes on the Pierce Elevated and moving the northbound lanes to follow U.S. 59. In essence, the last option turns the distance between the Pierce Elevated and U.S. 59 into the largest freeway median on earth. It’ll just be occupied by several hundred thousand people on any given day. This differs from an earlier idea to essentially make the inner Loop o ne giant roundabout. For more details, check out the project’s documents page for th e upcoming meeting. The first of two meetings about the proposals is Thursday at Aldine Ninth Grade School. Details can be found on the project site and TxDOT’s meeting notice. http://blog.chron.com/thehighwayman/2013/11/upcoming-meeting-lays-out-plans-for-i-4... 11/21/2013 Reminder: I-45 public meeting tonight – Off the Kuff Page 1 of 7 Off the Kuff Knowledge Is Good Skip to Content ↓ • • • • • • Home 2011 Election 2012 Primary Election – Harris County 2012 Primary Election – Texas 2013 Election About Reminder: I-45 public meeting tonight Nov 14th, 2013 by Charles Kuffner. From The Highwayman: As officials take another step in the process of widening Interstate 45 from downtown north to the Sam Houston Tollway, one option to essentially make the teardrop-shaped inner loop created by I-45 and U.S. 59 an odd confluence of I-45 running along both sides of the business district remains a possibility, according to planning to handouts for a Thursday meeting. Texas Department of Transportation officials have spent years planning for a wider I-45 north of downtown, holding public sessions for the past decade to gather comment. Residents, especially those within Loop 610 north of downtown, have vehemently and vocally opposed any idea that widens the freeway in its existing right of way. After a lot of winnowing of options, TxDOT officials have proposed three options for adding lanes between Loop 610 and Interstate 10. The first simply widens the freeway by adding two carpool/toll lanes in each direction, either by taking more right of way or by burying the freeway and capping it with concrete so the frontage road is atop the freeway. Two other options add the managed lanes either as a center-bridge structure or double-decking the managed lanes. Things get even more complex south of I-10, where the three remaining options seem to be widening the Pierce Elevated portion of I-45 and making Pierce Street more narrow; moving I-45 to where U.S. 59 is and running the freeways parallel along the eastern side of downtown while tearing out the Pierce and turning the route into a parkway to get to I-10; and leaving I-45 southbound lanes on the Pierce Elevated and moving the northbound lanes to follow U.S. 59. See here, here, and here for more on the meeting, and here for more on the giant downtown highway roundabout. Personally, I think all of these choices are lousy, but if you forced me to pick one anyway, I’d take the bury-the-freeway option. I have a schedule conflict and can’t attend this meeting tonight, so if you go please feel free to tell us about it in the comments, or drop me a note at kuff – at – offthekuff – dot – com. Thanks. UPDATE: Today’s Chron story has some more detail. http://offthekuff.com/wp/?p=57045 11/19/2013 TxDOT considering options for widening I-45 - Houston Chronicle Page 1 of 3 Smiley N. Pool, Staff Pierce Elevated cuts through downtown between the St. Joseph Medical Center and its Professional Building. TxDOT has three options for widening I-45 near downtown. November 14, 2013 Moving more traffic along Interstate 45 in downtown Houston could mean moving the entire freeway, or at least many of its lanes, regional transportation planners say. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/TxDOT-considerin... 11/19/2013 TxDOT considering options for widening I-45 - Houston Chronicle Page 2 of 3 Confronting how to carry cars and trucks through the city's central business district is one of a handful of issues officials are tackling with a massive corridor plan for I-45, from the north Sam Houston Tollway to U.S. 59 near St. Joseph Parkway. Along the way, officials are hoping to fit two carpooltoll lanes in each direction and improve freeway interchanges and on-and-off ramps. Planners will hold public comment meetings on the proposals Thursday night and Tuesday night. Because of the complexities of adding the lanes in various areas along the more than 15-mile route, officials have broken the project into three segments, each with its own challenges. 1 From the Sam Houston Tollway to Loop 610, officials are considering widening the freeway to four lanes and two managed lanes in each direction or elevating the managed lanes. 1 Between Loop 610 and Interstate 10, options include widening the freeway and covering it to put the frontage roads on top; elevating the managed lanes in a single four-lane structure over the general use lanes; or double-decking the managed lanes to, essentially, create a sunken, three-tier freeway. 1 The downtown loop segment, probably the most complex of the three areas because of limited space, has three viable options: widening the Pierce Elevated portion of I-45 and narrowing Pierce Street; moving I-45 to where U.S. 59 is and running the freeways parallel along the eastern side of downtown while tearing out the Pierce and turning the route into a parkway to get to I-10; or leaving I-45 southbound lanes on the Pierce Elevated and shifting the northbound lanes to follow U.S. 59. All of the options represent major changes to what TxDOT traffic counts rank as one of the state's most congested freeways. "The thing that is somewhat astonishing is the amount of traffic going through that is not destined to downtown or around downtown," said Bob Eury, executive director of the Houston Downtown Management District. "It gets snarled up by people getting off and on." Don't hold your breath Do not expect the changes or a wider freeway anytime soon, however. "If funding were made available today, this project would cost $1.13 billion and would be ready to begin construction in 2025," state transportation officials said in a recent report. Moving or restructuring the freeway will be a major change for drivers and potentially reshape downtown Houston road connections. Along with a planned extension of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown, shifting I-45 is a major piece of overall traffic improvements, one that potentially could have the freeway surrounding the central business district. The Thursday meeting begins the third round of public comment. Two previous sessions in 2010 and 2012 generated huge discussion and dissension. The latest plans were released online earlier this week. "I had a lot of hope after the second meeting that they were going to consider the public's choices," said Jim Weston, a Woodland Heights resident active with the I-45 Coalition, which sparred previously with TxDOT on some of the widening proposals. "After looking at the three (alternatives) they have picked, I have lost a little faith in that." Tunneling is a no-go The plans for the downtown and center segments are expected to draw the most interest and criticism. None of the options for the stretch between Loop 610 and I-10 include acquiring significant right of way, something nearby residents have vehemently opposed since talk of widening the freeway began in 2004. Weston said the options also do not include what most residents said was their preferred choice: Tunneling so the freeway would be separated from the neighborhood and the downtown area. Though expensive, Weston said tunnel construction would not affect the existing freeway as much as other proposals, and the added cost would be worth it. Many of the 400-plus comments TxDOT received favored the tunnel plan. TxDOT spokesman Danny Perez said the tunnel was taken off the list of reasonable alternatives because of engineering challenges. "There would be no available space for roadway shoulders within a tunnel," Perez said. "This creates a safety hazard in the event of an accident and greatly reduces access for emergency vehicles." Vehicles also would face slower speeds in a tunnel, Perez said, defeating part of the purpose of the widening and its ability to handle the growing traffic demand planners predict. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/TxDOT-considerin... 11/19/2013 Your opinion wanted to fix North Freeway traffic issues | abc13.com Page 2 of 9 ◦ Coupons Enter search phrase Local Your opinion wanted to fix North Freeway traffic issues Thursday, November 14, 2013 Tags: local • • • • • • • • • • Comment Now Email Print Report a typo HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Commuters on the north side of Houston already know what's wrong with traffic on I-45. Now they're going to get to tell officials how to make things better. Related Content More: Free ABC13 iPhone, iPad and Android apps More: Got a story idea? Let us know! In an effort to address existing and future traffic demands on I-45 North Freeway and the North Houston area, the Texas Department of Transportation will host a pair of public meetings on November 14 and November 19 to present information on the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. The project limits are from the interchange of US 59 and SH 288 to the interchange of I-45 and Beltway 8 North. The study area includes portions of I-10, US 59, and SH 288 near downtown Houston; Hardy Toll Road from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North; and IH 610 and Beltway 8 North between I-45 and Hardy Toll Road. The public meetings will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway, Houston, TX and Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman St., Houston, TX. The meetings will be held in an open house format from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this third round of public meetings is to present information on proposed options of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project, and receive public feedback on reasonable alternatives for highway improvements in the North Houston corridor and how community feedback has been incorporated in the planning process. A short video regarding the project can be viewed during the meeting. Maps of the study area and exhibits showing reasonable alternatives and the study process will be on display. Project team members will be available to answer questions. The same information will be presented at both meetings. Karla Barguiarena will have more on this story on ABC13 Eyewitness News this afternoon. Find Karla on Facebook at ABC13KarlaBarguiarena or on Twitter at @KarlaABC13 Take ABC13 with you! Download our free apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices (Copyright ©2013 KTRK-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) Get more Local » Tags: local • Comment Now http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=9325699 11/20/2013 TxDOT Seeks More Public Input On How To Ease Congestion On The North Freeway Page 3 of 5 Graphic courtesy of North Houston Highway Improvement Project TxDOT is asking for more public input as it tries to find ways to deal with increasing traffic on the North Freeway. With explosive growth north of Houston, TxDOT is trying to figure out how to handle the increasing load of traffic coming into downtown and the Medical Center using I-45. The agency is now having a third round of public meetings on what can be done to address the North Freeway's needs. http://app1.kuhf.org/articles/1384273797-TxDOT-Seeks-More-Public-Input-On-How-To-... 11/19/2013 TxDOT Seeks More Public Input On How To Ease Congestion On The North Freeway Page 4 of 5 TxDOT's Danny Perez says they're looking at various options for the stretch of I-45 between downtown and the North Loop. "Including widening 45 at certain sections, some work extending the Hardy Toll Road into downtown. Right now we're in the process of just getting comments from the public." And Perez stresses they're still early in the process as they develop what's known as the North Houston Highway Improvement Project. "We still have a long way to go as far as the selection process and when it's under review, so it's years down the line. It could be 10 to 20 years." There's a meeting on the I-45 study this Thursday at Aldine Ninth Grade School on the North Freeway. Another meeting is set for next Tuesday at Davis High School on Quitman Street. Both meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. ©2013 Google Imagery ©2013 TerraMetrics, Map data ©2013 Google - View North Houston Highway Improvement Project meetings in a larger map Gail Delaughter Transportation Reporter Gail Delaughter joined KUHF in October 2008 as Saturday morning news anchor and host. A native of New Orleans and a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University, Gail has extensive experience in Texas and Louisiana as a radio news reporter and morning show anchor and co-host... Read More By Author Email Author Read Full Bio Sharing Options Print Share via Email Social Networks Like 11 Share on Facebook Tweet Share 1 0 Listening Options listen download Podcast Feed KUHF News Related Articles Texas Streamlines Process For Getting A Car Title Major Freeway Connector Ramp Project Starts Next Year Metro Is Offering Free Rides To The Polls This Election Day http://app1.kuhf.org/articles/1384273797-TxDOT-Seeks-More-Public-Input-On-How-To-... 11/19/2013 Houston-Galveston Area Council November 2013 In This Issue Transportation Policy Council - October 25, 2013 TPC - October 25, 2013 On Friday, October 25, 2013, the Transportation Policy Council reviewed and approved amendments to the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update (RTP). The amendments awarded an additional $2.6 million to support increased costs on the County Road 48 widening project in Brazoria County, programmed $1.6 million to the City of Houston to perform rehabilitation work on Cambridge Street and reconciled the TIP with a $3.8 million program of transit projects jointly developed by the City of Conroe and The Woodlands Township for their urbanized area of responsibility. Our Great Region 2040 Plan Public Meetings for North Houston Highway Improvements The Greater West Houston Mobility Plan FM 1092 Access Management Study US 90A Access Management Study Teens in the Driver Seat Mobility NOW Presents... Blast from the Past Did you know...? H-GAC in the News Meetings & Events TAC - Canceled TPC - Friday, November 22, 2013 'Our Great Region' Open House Wednesday, November 6, 2013 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Lone Star Convention Center 9055 Airport Road Conroe, TX 77303 'Our Great Region' Open House Thursday, November 7, 2013 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Leonard E. Merrell Center 6301 S. Stadium Drive Katy, TX 77494 'Our Great Region' Open House Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. H-GAC Conference Room A 3555 Timmons Lane Chair Ed Emmett appointed four members to the 2014 TPC Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee recommends candidates for four officer positions (Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, and Secretary), to serve for a term of one year. They also recommend candidates for a representative and alternate for the at-large position on the TPC for Other Transportation Interests and appoint candidates to the 16 at-large positions on the Technical Advisory Committee. The Nominating Committee appointments are Mayor Robert Fry - West University Place (Smaller Cities), Mr. Scott Elmer - City of Missouri City, Mr. Dan Krueger - City of Houston, and Commissioner Stan Kitzman - Waller County. TxDOT District Engineer Mike Alford gave a brief update on the upcoming public meetings concerning the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (I-45N corridor). Public Meetings will be held on November 14, 2013 and November 19, 2013 to discuss the scope of this work. This corridor encompasses IH 45 N, one of the state's most congested corridors, as well as the Hardy Toll Road, portions of BW 8 North, and the interchange complex around downtown Houston. TxDOT is exploring ways to improve mobility and safety in the corridor. More detail in the article below. The TPC agenda with audio is available with one click. Our Great Region 2040 Plan Underway and Online Houston, TX 77027 North Houston Highway Improvement Project Public Meeting Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Aldine Ninth Grade School 10650 North Freeway Houston, TX 77037 H-GAC has launched Our Great Region 2040, a long-range draft plan for improvements in the 13-county planning area. This draft plan focuses on six areas: strengthening economic competitiveness; securing a clean and ample water supply; cultivating places where people can lead active, healthy lives; providing balanced housing choices; achieving a better transportation system; and increasing resiliency to disaster and changing environments. North Houston Highway Improvement Project Public Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Jefferson Davis High School 1101 Quitman Street Houston, TX 77009 Three open houses will be held this month to provide more information on the plan and to gather comments and concerns from residents. The draft plan and summary are available for download. Lone Star Convention Center Wednesday, November 6, 2013 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9055 Airport Road Conroe, TX 77303 H-GAC's YouTube Channel Click to subscribe! Leonard E. Merrell Center Thursday, November 7, 2013 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 6301 S. Stadium Drive Katy, TX 77494 Houston-Galveston Area Council Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Conference Room A 3555 Timmons Lane Houston, TX 77027 For more information, visit www.ourregion.org and nominate a topic you see as a priority for your community. Public Meetings for North Houston Highway Improvements Two public meetings will be held to discuss and receive public comments on improvements proposed to IH 45. TxDOT, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is initiating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for highway improvements in the north Houston area. The time, dates and location are as follows: Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Aldine Ninth Grade School 10650 North Freeway Houston, TX 77037 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Jefferson Davis High School 1101 Quitman Street Houston, TX 77009 The primary objective of the NEPA evaluation is to assess the needs of the project area and explore possible alternatives, including a nobuild scenario. Environmental impacts will be further studied for those alternatives that meet the need and purpose of the project in order to select a preferred alternative. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project involves evaluation of the IH 45 North corridor from near downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North, Beltway 8 North from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road, the Hardy Toll Road from IH 610 North Loop to Beltway 8 North, IH 610 North Loop from IH 45 North to the Hardy Toll Road, and portions of IH 10 and US 59 near downtown Houston. Visit www.ih45northandmore.com to learn more about the project. The Greater West Houston Mobility Plan H-GAC, in partnership with City of Houston, the West Houston Association, the Westchase District, the Energy Corridor, the Texas Department of Transportation and others, is conducting a study to develop long range mobility and land use strategies for the greater West Houston area. The Greater West Houston Mobility Plan was launched in early 2012 to address transportation challenges posed by the explosive population and employment growth in west Houston. The study area is approximately 180-squaremiles bordered by FM 529 in the north to Bellaire Blvd, and Campbell/Blalock Roads in the east to Grand Parkway. On October 15, 2013, seventy-five attendees gathered at a public meeting to learn more about the plan. During the meeting, attendees received an overview of the study and discussed and submitted comments regarding traffic congestion, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit issues. This was the first of three planned public meetings. A second public meeting is scheduled for early January 2014, with a final meeting planned for next March. If you missed the meeting, you can still participate in the study by visiting the project website at www.mywesthouston.com, or emailing comments to [email protected]. TxDOT solicits opinions on roads for North Houston Highway Improvement Project - Ho... Page 1 of2 WEATHER ALERT See an updated list of school closures, delays TxDOT solicits opinions on roads for North Houston Highway Improvement Project By Flori Meeks I January 14, 2014 Comments 0 1 E-mail I Print Community members have been given an extended deadline - until Jan. 31 - to submit comments to the Texas Departrnent ofTransportation about proposed road improvements in north Houston. TxDOT presented infonmation on the North Houston Highway Improvement Project during November public meetings at Aldine Ninth Grade School and Jefferson Davis High School. At that time, community members were asked to submit comments by Dec. 6. "The reason we extended the deadline was to give folks more time to comment, including the business community, residents and the traveling public," said Danny Perez, TxDOT spokesman. The North Houston Highway Improvement Project encompasses the following: 1 Interstate 45-North corridor from north of downtown Houston to Beltway 8 North 1 Beltway 8 North from 1-45 North to the Hardy Toll Road 1 The Hardy Toll Road from 1-610 North Loop to Beltway 8 North 1 1-610 North Loop from 1-45 North to the Hardy Toll Road and 1 Portions of 1-10 and U.S. 59 near downtown Houston. "We've looked at everything from elevated lanes to even a tunnel to the downtown area," Perez said, adding that the tunnel option has been dropped. The overall goal of the project is to reduce congestion in the area and enhance safety, Perez said. "1-45 North is one of the top congested roads in the state, not only the city of Houston, but the state of Texas. We want to do something that's long term, something that will hold the area over for a long tim'e. "That's why we want to get folks' input." TxDOT Is conducting this effort In cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The improvement options presented during the November public meetings include widening 1-45 In a segment spanning from Beltway 8 to 1-610. This work would result in a 12-lane section with eight general-purpose lanes and four managed lanes. This option could Involve acquiring additional right-of-way on either side of 1-45. Another alternative would Include eight general-purpose lanes and four elevated managed lanes on a single structure at the center of the roadway. TxOOT would acquire right-of-way on both sides of 1-45. Similar options were presented for 1-45 in a segment between 1-610 and 1-10. TxDOT could widen 1-45 there to a 12-lane section with eight general purpose lanes and four managed lanes. The project also could involve a 12-lane section with eight-general purpose lanes and four elevated managed lanes on a single structure at the center of the road. A third option here would be to construct the four elevated managed lanes on a double-decked structure at the center of the roadway. TxDOT's goal is to narrow the field of road improvement options to three: one for each of the three segments described. Those options will then be evaluated In more detail as TxDOT prepares Its Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project. Details: To submit comments, visit www.ih45northandmore.com. or submit an e-mail at www.txdot.gov/contacl-us/form.html?id=hou-emall. Write to the Director of Project Developments, TxDOT, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, TX 77251-1386. http://www.chron.com/neighborhood/woodlands/news/artic1e/TxDOT-solicits-opinions-o... 01/28/2014