1985 - Intramural and Travel Newspaper Articles
1985 - Intramural and Travel Newspaper Articles
MSC So~s'traveling teams - M~ssapequCJSoccer Playing two very physical and Chris Perniciaro scored with games the Rawkeyes won both backup from '. Brian Newell, their league' and cup games this David Goudreau, and goalie Jeff -weekend in Massapequa boys' 'AlesI. travel action, In league play the In an awesome offensive Hawkeyes defeated the Valley' display, the 'Stolar System Stream' Pacman 3-1 and East defeated Valley Stream 8-2..Led Islip's Rascals 1-0 for the cup by Dean DeBlasio'shattrick,two game. Leading the offensive .goals' by ~chieAlbano, and one charge for both games were goal each by AndyVezzuto,John ~chie Langtry; Brian Driscoll Dalen and Alan Schwab, the' and Robert Beierle. Strong outcome was never in doubt. support came from defense men Matt Logan anchored ,the steady Cl1risPiccione,Charles Schwenk, defense: ' . . Jeff Garbutt, ,and Matthew LinThe Roadrunners lost to North dburg. Shore 3-1. Mike Abrescia scored . The Tomahawks defeated the' one' goal. Michael Henry, Roy Bayside Force 5-2. Goals were . Edmundson and Chris Jones had scored by DonaldWuerfl,Jayson outstanding games in the field. Johns and Dennis Murphy. An TheTornadoesdoubledup their excellent game was played by games this weekendwinningboth Paul Mcl,{ellar and I,{enny the cup game against the Sachem Arnesen. Bucks 7-5,'and in league play The strikers never gave up against West Babylon 4-1.In the from their opponents from Chase Cup A),lieMolenko made Merrick, They lost the cup game great ,saves. in the penalty but won the glory. Brook Smith shootouf after double overtime. • t;: ~ i ; "I ..; ''i .; \;,.;•.•' ~~; i:: ~;.J \ ~(j1/o Club------Goals were scored by Dean Strikers in the game against New Theodorousand halfbacks Bobby Hyde Parli. Dennis' Franke, Himmel and Steven Homan.' Steven Lashuk and Robert Lepre Chris'Burns and Robert Soricelli .deserve a big hand. '" were e){cellentondefense. The Tomahawks defeated the The Marvels continued their Glen Cove Comets 5-0. An e){-' winningways withvictoriesin two cellent game was playedby Jason . cup games. Defeating Gottschee Cullman,Jason Flashner, Jayme: by a 3-1 margin in a third round Francis, Robert Jeranek and state cup game, the Marvels' Brian Shapiro;. moved into the quarter finals. The TornadoSfell to Brentwood The team sparked by the out- 4-3. Brian Anselmoplayedwell on standing defensive abilities of offense .and Brendan Maloney Scott Serpico and Scott Devenish scoredonegoal.E1tcellentplaying and the aggressive attack play of by halfbacks ChrisLister and BilMichael Kelly and Chris ly Masciovecchio and sweeper DiBenedetto.In the first round of John Smith. the Chase Cup, the Marvels, led In an intense contest the by the fine defensive play of Hawkeyes were defeated by the Sweeper Steven Donovan and AlbertsonFalcons 2-l. Givingone keeper Charlie Harris and the all hundred and ten. percent on . around. midfield skills of Adam. defense were Jeff Garbutt and Abramson and Chris Lyon; BrendanLeddy.Leadingthe offentoppedsachem 4-0. 'sive charge were Kurt 'Mann; ,It was the super goal tending of Jamie McCarthy"and Nicholas Mike Dougherty that kept the Perez. M~.~~~~\~~ ",~or:>~" ,;r,~~~~ing__~. ,~~.~_~lers ti~. I;I.~!:!!:.:~.~d.. dominated' Plainview 5-3. Chris daeyens, Pat Coleman, Bob Michell,Jim Martinand T.C.Himmel played super. The Stolar System, led with Ii: two goal performance' by. Lee Stolar, powered past ColdSpring Harbour 9-1. Also scoring were ChrisHanseIi,Brian o'Connorand Larry Martino. <:;)Iris Pinnero anchored the deferife. The Olympians played the Auburndale Rebels to a 3-3 tie. GoalsscoredbyAndrewHuksloot, MichaelO'Connorand Joe Haley. Fine playingby RichardAnderson and Ryan O'Connor. The Marvels won both their league gameS this past weekend shutting out WestBabylon 3-0 and defeating Bellmore 2-1. The. Marvel's victorieswere led by the strong offensiveplay by Tommy Roller, and aggressive defense of Chris Sulli and Eddie Dolan and the creative midfieldplay ofKevin Haug a~~ f~ ,.M.~?be. 'MSC~:;I(.";':"'" .'.,. .. ..,;, " ":;' .......''.'.;;,.Jf;k:~,~J§~l()tJ~t;rIVlS,C','Fl9C,ketts" ~~.O i'age'.12. M ••••apequan Obll~i"t~r..,'1'~u\'Jd8Y,':~p.r4'1~, ,:C'" '•. <0, 1985 , .•.•.•• ' • a _ •• a. _ •• ; ••• _ •.•. , •••.•.••••• '. a•• ·..- ••.• _ ••.•••••••••••• ,0-.;"<'.':>< '71-7Hilrlt' . ",'Stars WlllI Lori l'enll~~/A.pY":':;~<··.'w':''''77 (>1rIt,:f' , ,"" c".' Anne'Johmton' scO!'<;dtJ.I~ BoaI.::- Paul Amalfitano, KeYIIj Field and The followinll \$ a report of the Newtlln and LllnllUle Gpllo played ,The Goal Busters beat the . Anne Mane Hams. and Andrea ,~obert Gearon playcd super. games played by the Massapeq. U1'. welL Scoring.' for.tIle.Soccet.t.es Shinkickers 1.0 .. Goal Buster.' Janas w~re excellent in lloal., , The Devils and the Cowl>oyse Soccer qub this past weekend: ' .was Susan Paul! Erin Dohertyalld ' Brynn Rail did a terrific job as . ,'71.'72 Boy. bed 0-0. Phil Mappes. Mike loso The Kickelts downed the Rocl:- Dolllla Drake excelled.; '. '., goalie. Beth' StrQmstedt and Lisa The Steamers beat the MantllS and Anthon)" Porgololti played etls 5-0 witll bQth ~ideaplariPJl' , ',; -'75-'76 Gir. . Sicignano were good players,' with goals sC\>redby Jeff Maragowell. Justin 'Platzer and Chris short. ". ' . ", 'The' Grasshopl"'rs. beat .the ; Shinkickers Cindi Hodne. Erica lis. Erk Orns and Steven Pulsch. McIntyre showed excellent skills. Outstanding at forwan!' was Hone~ Bees ,U, 4-2,., I(.imbedy Lambert and Cylltllia Piccione dill. Excellent playing by Chris Cun· Great defense by 5tevell GoldJenniferStipo,SCIlriJlgfaurlloab,··B\a$I,Sta\:)' ,Miller lUld Lisa a fine job. " ,". , 'lliffe.PeterReddyandJs>eNappo waser. . for .tIle Kicketts. - with forward PlUlllOIle.u' played an· excellent The "Pinkpantllereltes and the of the Mantas. . ' . The Falcons shul',?ut the Colts Suzanlle Varonal!CQring a goal. ;,game.,for the; Grasshoppers. Thundercats played to a 0·0 tie. The Tillers beat the Jokers. 3·0, All around g.oo play by FuUbllCkDani<;l4'; jl.~' ",",.,.DQnIla DelV~lUo lUld· Kimberly'" Alison McCauley, Kimberly Neist Tigers Scolt DeRoss, Joe Bolton Ale~ander Sandler and Frank formedgteat •. ' ....' Rabin ~ach ~red a lloal for the jIJId H')hnabi Saikia gave their all and Steve. Mazzola played a 'Recco, Jason McCauley played Rocketls Jenny Donavan,. full. Honey Be",' U. Lisa DQnllelly.·· for the PinkJ>ll!ltherettes. terrific game, J\lkers Chris Tomesuper. The Colts displayed good back and halfbacks-Michelle Carplayedwell.: • ' .... , The Pellua' Sq~a'Ys trounced zyk. Eric 'Schuler and' Peter skills. . • penter and,T~ M,iIler "" played. The .. Pon)'Tai14 and the. S~re the Ljttlli Rascals, 6·0 game. ,Ra~ics played well, '78 Boy. lOUllh.' ; ". '.". Sh014tied '1·1; Aliso.l! Call'l'nterSquaw Stephallie Fehmel.seoreil '73·'74Boya, • The Gremlins defeated the '7).74 GbIa ..' scored for the Poni T!IUs .with :. alloal. joanne Greve lUld,Heather The Santos beat the Tillers in a Silver Bullets 3.0. Forwards Jim 10 a make·up game the Soc. RounneCaccavo exc~llent· in '. Greenberll played good offensive, 3-0 game. Goals were scored for ,Fleischer and Eric Guliani teamed cettes and Peq~a Ga14 battled to a goal. Danielle' Pelliui played .' :' '.' '78 GIrIt .• . the Santos by Robert Winkler'and with centerforward Michael law· I-I tie. Scoring for the Soccettes, greal· .Sure Shots' Jennifer Weel ... The Blue Jays ,¥ere, victorious Phil Cantone with help from 'r"nce lolelld lbe 'altack,'Tbe hat was Jeanne Watt.JenniferG.!:einscored a goal. Karen YOURIland ,.over theUnicQrllS by a score '1f Kevin Durnin. was asuper goalie. For the Peqllll, Carrie.R~Uplayed a~essiv~"", .1:0 tllllllks to excellent defensive TwogoaJs by Robert Klej'led 'trick .wa Iscored by ;;o,,;:;,y 'Ga,Js Di&Jle P~J.lZino and·.,.\!W.),Y,'" ',";' ,.'·'·play.byMari~ Di"Paolo, The theStrikerstoaj-lwill\l:(erthe '·Cjerpik, uletsChristop er <Bnody shQWe4 gOOC\plllY, "'.,' 'The Kickelte& beat tile Baby ,wlOnlDll goal' jVllS scored. by ,.A.Team, . Good play by 'Dave Namara, Brial! Olexy and NichoThe Peq~a Gals defeated. the".' lIooIuers •. 2·0, .Melillda ' F'tnkel De.bbie Wal.h jVith an assist by Gjodesen and' Joe Delise, The IllS Rheulbach played well.-, Arrows 4-2, witll a hat \ri~ by.: scored 0D\1 gO&l ll!Id ~i4ted in Lisa Brooks. UniNtD Dawn Jack, A.Team's Kevin Scully': Scott . Thellurricanes blew past the Crissi :Ambrosio, goal . br. JilF the goal scored, b~ JellDifer son 011<1 ~,errY Martin were great, Tega and Scolt Fehme! played GoalbusteNi 5- I,' Scoring four of Leterio and gpod play by Ilarbara. ,Allison, who also playl:dshutout -Super ',goaitenqillil" by J,enllifer great. .' the goals was Lenny Vaccaro, L~eY,' For the ~rro~ ••. :r:racy . goalie for tlIe Kickeltes. Casaun· ..2ervakos; .•. , . The F1asl1 remain u,!defeated J~':n~ti.,~~,DG:::lb~~:~eFr:~~ Kilbnde an4 Stin Kilbnde led the:.lIra Jllllles .played 'beautifully. The Care Bear. beat the Golden after a, victory over the Eagles'palmiliano, John Mueller: Jona .• forwardline,wit/Jl'IikklJ',ennel\y Baby Bo<!mefliJ\IlUlna Delgandio.GirIs3·0. Tracyl'emlltj scored all Mike Lomgibard",of . the .F1ash th~Q Pelu. and Robbie landon Illaking great saVel. " . , ..Sh/onIlQll Fletcl1~ ~ AntQnietla three'gQllIs for her team. Super scored, two 'IlOals '~nd':Edwin Peq\la Queenll!ld Ihe Higllkick· DeSanto played a lerrificllll1lle. " 4.efense by SUSll!IAltman, Great Deneell" and ,Milt~.. SchiaveUo had a great time. ers fQugl1j to,.~"~~.tandoff,,.< The'~y-DooI;' ~lIt.,!lIe goaltellding by llach~I' Piskind. showed good play,·Good play for. The Rowdies he"t the Scorpions HighkickersJiltrbara Abitabilo.~~. 3-0; Allioon C;011~1t di!! • Golden, Girls Jl!lIl1ifer .Giache!ti,· the Eagles by Mike Derop. pary B~I~~ c:n~~I. ~re~icl.~:l· andCl1eryI G~yer .Sj:Ored goa,1s, greal job /lS.sh~tout jloalkeeper ,Lauren MattlJew.!, llIIlI: Den!". Raucher and Evan Fra~" ,;! W I k' nd Ch' B" hoff .wjt/l MIchelle Doyle ou~tandinll .for tile. Scoobyi~. ChetrulF '~pz~'1 played great.··. .' : ~ " ' '75.'76 Boya ',. '.. 0S I a os ISC ~ as ~oaIie.KeUy Friedrich, Debra ·, ..Sl!1itll lllId tdeail/lail'McKlODJIO; .,. ,The.Muppelsand 11ie PeanutS The·T.hunders tied the G.oal • defense~ and Juslt~ Schwartz In , Stemweg and Ther\"illl~ •••~llell: belpc;d le~ the tealli; Sockelle.!iecl'hl,. The Muppet goal was. Buslers. QolIJ Busters' Andrew Jhe goal du;la great Job. SCOrpiOns fu.e Pequa Queen.··" ";'~; :';L,~,!~clppokmi;',1I<llI!l~II:,Grell" ~i:oNaby.CjndyGeraghtr. Chris; Molinari.,Jo~P KeUy aod T!lQma$ ~~be~g S"!,d I~a~~y . The. Super Slarli ll!Id ~~ttes,.~ If!'j,~,~~4,lI;.;M.~~1lIaYIl<\;', Wle~rpi ~,1)ialle Belgra~ ., C"putoplayed .p. aro!lnd fine • t~:m~ ,e~ en !mCQ e ~~ 33,1l~~~?!.the,~~pe~WeU·"<"';":"'ii".r ,:d ,~~!ill,,".~JlI:tJI~~. Peanuts. soccer. Th~nders,~wayneRe,d, . ThSt W'" dth ·0.· " .••• •• ':.l, "," "". ., ". ., '.' 1, ' ....•. ,,..,' "r" "i ' .. ' , head, Drew RicchlutJ. and Chns. '.. ear, amars an e I s ':ri~ ~h~ '"1:riY~tEt,' .... \,:1. 013.i'l... i~lgr:io,.u.$.;;~'.~;~I·:r:.::.:. 1.: :;e..... ti1 ~.R.~.Jf.;.~.1~ ..~~~ er"f N~~~~~'~\~i:,~', ;/g~~~: ~ :·.:;,G~NVEl/', :'h1!i~ '0 'beat Lin~e.;i,~~t < ~artd".:l~ TWil'l:'~~;:-¥n4~: Mi~haeJtt?'!l!~ a\\4'.8I'$!iti"S.,en: . , The Ilar~~e ~Jls, 1!'3yel~~, l$l_,l,\li\,~"~~ ..~\I~ plll¥·.Ult,;~, ""~the':$\<IIIl~.-eyP~;play; ." lli~fn erh~eds/ Ce ; '. cw MIl}J!ljn p4l>'e,L wel1;, The Lmdenl\lIrst, ,~n ~aturdl\Y .anII.~'ll;enegadl:~UllveW4 tQ E;oajF~h. .' AllthQn~ ~m~I'S0's. super goal-. . Spart:"s' kefth vOIf.'k:ne~ ...Rascals.' goal was scored by. Todd came hllJJle \'fItllll 2·0 VIctory" It "I>iUlllId ~ped a hellt\b~nll ,~n~iII11' alon~ jVitll Allie Molen" Prushjk ilI!d Kevin' Eml/ler ,play; B~~~hardt, wjth' Eri1: Bernsteln was,a lloo4"17am,ef:i~ Wlth,:'14 ~~!OIl,·'f¢ormlDll:',qllt:ko,'Steph$.',Ve<;QU\lne,and.-ed,well.· ',.' . ,','the~'I,around player. Ethan .1'C\llll1me.lltiQD·fQf Kl'Isl\!! Peg··, .tandin$ "I,Q: gPll1 ,lV4,SSh/onnOlj '~l}bert ~or~Ul'S ~cellent defen. The' Tran~formers' beat. the ,Hauser was active as the go;>he. llan, Came HClI'an.. O!ane ~~~i '. Woods,lIU~ted· by.th«: ~trongl ~IYf I'~y ... and a goal by John. Long Shots. Anthony Contorne., The Sharks beat the Destr~yers leur and ~ Schiff" .. " .. play of Vewlllca Varncehlo, Paul· ,,: '§Jll\th. 'Iiflell ,tjle. team,lo a 'Anthon La ano and T .. J. Jivllr, 2·0. ,ScorlDg hiS first goal In a . ,The F;'"ebll"dJ plaYed Garden elte Orlalldo aIId Nore,'?" RQbem.,( ,'II.~ihll \"e~k,cl\!l./: '" ':' ~idzi le~ thfir lealll.:' '::/ ':1' g~me w~s Dave Cush.,.,al1. Shawn CIty ~conng 4;4. Two !loalss~req ..,:I'he R.QW~I~SWP,!-4· llll:lllea:" l";Th~'~~llU1'r5ti<;4l'1Q1'thBa~Ylon The Chief. he~t the Ranllers.· Llnett "!'do John RIZZI played ,by Tmaliosa; aIld .t;lDdy 'Relter~ ,;.W1thjll\lY."l\e glll\hc'Qted IIgalllst,' 4+ 1lL;:,leagueYl'layand. bea.t Chiefs j3d' Bialog, ,Sean Frailey .\"el1.. ' '.. .. )iweeper. NJlti~ Saitta an<! C~' ,'flli:i" w~ lIuet(> 'tile,' super' Northp"i1 p·OllUhe State.Cup .. an4 Te Bennert la edexce], The Rovghrlders edged out the ler Halfback., ,Jackie Bambll}~, '. gPll1~dlDg!lf l::lIpn HaUerllll anf ) l}~n Cbanda;"John Var~s; and lent Zr'Rang~";, Mjcliael CQugars l·O, The !loa! was scQred t;nntrlbute<\ to the fine eff'?r!,. ",; ,Jel\DO .¥cl\eOll' Of. the ..8 goal, ,Tllm· FII~caldt> :~ed Wltll·fine Danlihauser; R an 'DijJeand by Keith Bitd. Michael Posa led -'. The Mas~apequa Torn,dc:>es scoree\. 2 w";Ie ~ed by ~lD . ~upp"rt by~\q!t'n .. Ilf!')"l\, , alld Anthony MCMa~~spla,ye~ :'lln<wl th~ attack. aided by Robert lost to Northport outstand~ll "RYllll, C1aud~ SUDon. playe4. ~~;iOIl$"!~' lIame,': ,,'. '''; :":, ".i,:;,,',. '~~~' Grimes I;Ild. Rob~rt LoPresh. defense play!?y the g~le,very '~""sslvely '. dunnl!~ '':'.'Jb'l·1970De'''l. 1000' S.l to the ..'" T1ieT~dos.beal the'Fi,rel Cougars Scott.PrushJk. Matt Hlpp Suzanne Deters, ,l'ennifer H~Jk,Q" lIames.'··· .' , .. ' ,. ", i .' ." .. "'It,,,· ,. '" : ','" .. " '. ." .. ' .; .~nd Jeremy Riddle played a great and Melissa Cutrone Good offep.,,:\:- TheM'<sa q ••B••.. te '. MAC Crijshl'l'~. lJoals by Tom hawks, Tornados Bnan la~gtree •.~ .' , . , I bJ---'" F'" .7"' pe ua . ,am o'Keeffe"ood"'JoeGirimonte:D~D1s CaUagher and DaDlel' Me,/,llame. . ' Slve ,P ay. ~ ••.•••••er. aglUl, lUld., .defeated "ew J,:lYlie.Park 3.•0 m a GoOd play and ~kill~'dis layed by :' Guinness played excellent soccer:' ' The T?rnados were boaten by Jackie,Modlca. .,' llame. played well. by the, entire Marc Rapjeri'anc:l Pe'~/Bav. Firel1awks 'Daniel' Corpelius;: the MIDI ~ht •• 2.0, Tornadoes 10 a well play~d game, tb!;iealll, T\Voll~sw~re scored bY,;.. "'.'',.' ".,;'."" . QSq Adam Horowitz'and Keitll fack" RICky Hall, Jordan Mandel and Slllurfettesl~t III ,a' ~tronll teal11., ~y ,M~l<iran?c' just"ljllr~)' .. ··'i'·The o)9~· I),rifters ,defe,ated, SOltp41yed )\'ell.' ,.'. '/; '/:-.> Pau'. Tate w,ere 'super, Mini·Mite from East Jl;bp ~,O.Jodi Yl:ryS,gllsslOg~h<lttrickandColleell NQrthLlndy2.0IDHerye;relting' .......•.. "'.;" goahe KevlO Buckley, Mlch"lil was, OC\lsiand,ill&: at 'll0al: '!!JIc;i,;\M~al! ~ed t4c Qt~.l'erri'\:' ga~e; Goalie Jeff AJe§j, ful1backs "i. '.. .1:77, Boy. . . ". ( Sav~la and Thomas ,MessIneo , pIaYI'!8$tronll,.t'F~b~ were:~. 'hy~ RQli6mary'''~~''''',:~naa l:l~weu.., P<1l\Il. "CMslma!iS .. ',The llitgl~ beat ~he Hol Shots . played gteat .'/C"er .... LorrlUleZuch.Jennifer DiPac!lft.!.1:'.4efeDJe·l;py m~'ancrf'iand l'Inan Bor811t'M\\!.,baltbsck, 4-1.S~epheIlAspetli scored 1I hat. '~ •• KarenHess aJUlErin Stew~rt:'!;,J ..... itdryc;kit'f;Cl;IIr~ l\I9';'~~tephelt?M~PlI' ~)I'::e1aYllO·.t,rick; Philip Heerr gave excellent· '>.lightlling lIeat HBC Z-o.l!.ehiJid,-,'f.lulillUt,' 1;1,f:.i,~ '5!~, ',l""I~:;' ..' ~ : ."jl¢r.'" .. ", '. \';i:,' ',,! ("',::'i~upport.p,n" Wing and David Mott the gOol,l scoring of Lorrai1le,~:; ;'" '" ,NlOl'~'l'Jl4VEl.; M' i~i'j . '." ,~.;, '. ,proville11 '~uper g~lteruling.:, Ans~hPQ,and t1uHI!lonll.lllidfielc:h,,;:: TbellIl1\e15~w~A the~ . The 1973 Stec:l~r$ beal;J(lnlls Bobby Joyce scored the IioaI for', play of Jill MU\lJl,Yvell~. 9~!er •,Nortli~~, ,Wildl'illf.' ,iJt~. 4-(1\ Park 4.0:. Johll RClIIlOlo.,~cotl, ~the flot Shot~, witll gOOd play by, Francc:~ ~2/ll.~,;.~'C~.fWq~v'Cll!l~~t4ichi1~Jl3J:!ckll!lA,gevilJ;:.R&ll~mski, Mark Matu/oll15 ~qd:.ql1S ··AlIbrUZl..... anl\ Kyle ~rbel'l," .' ; .? ..•. '"., ","" '+' ."<":HavewlI.s<:beame up,fron!.thei{.,: . TraVIS l;I~scored. :Th~ team ,.Appell. . ..', ! 10 tl1e leaguewn{th~ ..Allgel.l; fulll!~pqsitiolWi9.'$CQre; 'Johll? played sp we~ ~t g~el(.rls: , :rhe ¥a,sWrll tJ~i lheJ~4i. 1·0.: ,<lefeateq HOC 501, ~ll for the: :.Ca.v~JlCY..~e4 t.W(fg~ lIy bi$>. ~aeyens, bad. I\Plhmll· to do,. . John Nesci scored the ,only goal,; An.gels.".'.W.lIS.Ra.c.he .. Ie. Phe..Il. lUld ... ctelll\Ciws. ~ 1'1.'4Y .. fr.Oll .. t.;of th~..lIel,.:;:.,The Marvels h~.. II busy soccer. Mathew C..sajko .was .excell. ent at Tracie·JilJ.'!Ol!."N~:. llrIllle\lko' Mark "J.iiill4~,c"ael MC::\:i:'~eekend" defea~g KlOlls Park defenser ,JOlieph Camposmade~ added tq a&li~t. 111 tile Stale Cup,,:, J\~,!V!;re outstan4inll overall;:~. ~~ in~, re~r ar:re ga::, ""sev~ral gteat, saves as ..lloolie. game ·.tlIe Anllels ~ot pul C\'W". The aawl;(ly~.werli l1Il!Il:d.by{ : ~e 109 ,e e .e , yanl) ~r.;Jedis Aaron, Perretta. Jo~eph H~b\lf,H beh~ ,l)eb~ Bliu.;,{thekYittQwll1'iglll't~-o,"Sl1oW';'.t lI~lit~te W~bin~.vi1l~ te.m In" PlllIicoand .1'YWk ~n~shpw!;d ~lelD's 'lloaltendilll!' Scc»ing the. ",lng the,waY'l~1l offe_ Welf GreSI s~O()tOJ'l;(~~,l,';Cltpjg S~W ;/e;JcelleDt s.kills.:, " ' ,,', ,;; '\ '.: goal ~as Jamie Hodne, wl1ile:;,Pittelli!'N~;f,,\,~~:>Jam~~ . p' g~e '.,' .ell ~":9l'f1e~~ :,; i' Th~ Knighll;lUld t,he. Rough;, Chnsti~ ~~'.?Dltr~l!· ~~"M~~f.I11llW, ~\\I!h~.IleI~* ~4:4:thrij O\!~~~~~~~~e, 1:, nec~~ plaY~ II) a O,~ ti~; KDlllhts:' d~fens.e.:.·,"~ ~.\''':',v, \ \"'·;.L,1.Pb.iliP::~\<;\I4~yl:jl'l~~~' ,F~! .. '>.: " ..,.,,;:,'. 'c' :l(.urtS,a~lDger, Bnan Kennedy Satllfpay, the ~ve~. 4effl;lte4 " kJtl:,9!*I1$¥ll\~,,; Stephcmt"P9!lIlVU 'was ol!ti'c" ,and iMICh<l~i Brennan. played a. Cliftolllieights HI Ill. t~f~j, .• ,c:Jl! p'l9lit:l,y :plaYell.g~1l)e thef,~tan4ing'at I\ll:'.weep~r positiOJt:, fin~ !lame., ROUllhneck~, Qriall. roundot the ~''s~ (;IIP\ ,~\l!".l4qll; IeP Jo tile ~t R~awa:t,r 10 b~~b glI!!l~ti•.,llll<lkeeper, Marc, .8elll:ville" Nicholas OeLOIU,saand lone g~I W/lS .~ by, ~1iJt, •. ~lllFs,HI,Jll!'rC; W~ fJllci,offellf' Th~ISlllger \"~ exceUelltm ·tlJ~ " ,.adl ,Ml"1In, playetlAll' e~~ell~ltt. Roberts:COJttli!1!ltinl: to llll! lVl~,~"OV\l pli!y llf~tt ~t,rlls.er, iyalt,; 8Q111/lSIll: ~ept t/ll'llet emply"inYliame., , : : fi',',,,.. • J, willi gOP<!p!ay ,~e~ Te~esrlle:"'b.'MOD&g~(-IObn' Resem\Jli' anlft ljoth g~!II~s~'J!nr '~C(;abe'·Was·' ':The Beayers beafthe Stri4ers .Coursey and Christine ~uch, OD" Robert GIItO,' Raymond Murphy, superb as center half ID one game 3· L Good goaltendmg hv Sh,wn Sundaj't,j,e ,ilavensl>eat i''''nd '~~i~pJiJyed 8~:a,ljllroun.li·ptay. ;,'1,an<l stopperilt the other, Scott· Pel~rs"n,: Scott McMilliUl '. ·Tree. ~.(l.,SCC\fi.llgforth~R",v~Ilti"f;:"c(;lIl''', !;l1i.~Y••••e'!1\e!l~~!1orna·:i, Devenish' ~nd, 'l£\Iv.itJHaug, "Is!, '. and A"l'l" l;\~l\SChw~re'exeellent. / - )Ne~e t'ltt(iali!ll~'.;~I'~.ij~~~1"~~mCII~'i!!~!!'I*"'~r;~.,:'I~~Il~~~, ~isp.la'y'~~:,W·9j1~.IlII<W~I9 'Skl.ll" •.,'. :'f,be..S Irtke;s!:11C?1l\1 V~.S~CPI1'9:~ <. ": >_ r'-:'" ;:.;'-,: ' ',,,,'-~,,:,;~./:'<-::-~, .,:'~(i~;:;,_~,,::':~j:,::~i~"',_~<""~'::; ':;';-,-,-"~~;;"'" :< . ".:;> ~'; ';"l:J, J.l.·.~,-·,' • '>,''"' ,';' 4.q. V' Cu ~IlM"~f &1"" 4, :' . .. ",.,.,. ; '" ,v/·,·p",;;,,;· "''':',:', '~-.' '" ,~;',/";',~ ".:~, \' ,.-r:n,., ",~ '~>:n~ cJ'~-';*'''''''''I"f~''')~''~' ,f}O':' "•.•.. :'l':":'~ ".;",~ , A···,f- , ,'/2i,~; ...;"a:<{/,;{p:~~· " . ,,~;~tft:{I...Q-;'__ ",:; ,:,"'~'~~""\".~'.('": ~'k' '"~;~:,~;,~AC~''''''' ":J,j•.•.;. ~.~,.~~~("'i:"\,~~ .~ .•. +,,&J ,¥. '~~~4t;;i;:;, ·';";f·"~i~:O';';<·,L,'t:i.,;',.>"";';' ~;@"rb~~~:Ooll sl;S~,~orid,~W~n ,t: ·;.v:~-GifIITravel··' .. Ortolani. KelT)' liebrollllll4 Cris: . Meryl Krantz;' Debbie Lam~The' ~i~QoIl.$ ,WOD;',their>",tie:Cl!'rp~,.;.; , ,:.'',' anlt Debbie Ilgger Il~ca well. C, : seCQlld ~ ,ofthe·Ch.~ 'Cup'-:" The"Rellegades were edged "1-0 "", , in •• Chue Cup"',galIIe the, I wi~"~R~overth~~achem ,bY, Cow!i:arbor in C~e·Cup,Ange\i.,defCllted East Me.a~ Pornes". "~".",-< <c,: c,'; 'i'.:',i ,;: play, LorralDe Page, Amy Yerys S-ObehlDd 2 goals each by JIlDUI:. laurll Martin scored two' goals: 'and :Jackie Diarco played, out· ::HodDe and Raudi Goldblatt'IYhile ,; Sanqra Gjtto; Carrie HQran aD<!·stanlliJ!g. All wish MaqEUeDCherylllXlwd"M1d Kelly H~·.; . Mallreen·lil!.beeb also scored;, ;;Harveya speedy recoyery.;,-,played well.$. , . ' Ktisti\l D.egDADbad two' saves;'··" Saturday,!; "C!Ia4e Cup game" The Ughtnlngs won their thi,td,,, TbeYileD~ lost their State ~up ,Wil,$ ,WODby <the' Rowdies S.() game 1-0 behind goaltending of . game 2.~.·Jj!nnifer ~iUu:i;' Alisa,again,st Bay Shore with two ll0llis: ' MegllD "Fennell and Beth Sam-( Goldfarb ,allp Jamie' ,ZickmuDd'" scored by Jill Wennerstrom and' ilerg,Carri.e Schroeder, Jennifer'l were excellent. TIle Vixense lost .. oue by Kim Trainor. Rowdies Aed CutrOJie aDd Michele laMonica.' : 1;9 to <:olq,Spring H"r!>or"Lindjl" N011hport 1·1. Rosemary, Fusco. The Massapequa "8" team. Frl'~e" Cmll: HiPP;llDl1 KareD' llnd Jessie Savooa playe4 well." advanced to the q~erfinals qf, Frese'displiiyed good .skills .. " 111·Chase Cup play the Super,.' the . (::hase.·, Cup by ,,aefeatjng;' TheSmllffettes JosH-O. Special' Stars' lIeat West Babylon Fl: Syossetb-1. Goals wete'$COre<!by mellti0ll 'gQe~ to Laura iLetterio. ' Goals' scored 'by . MarianD<I, (.:\llleen McGOW<lll,Chrissy Maio-., Pame\a'~ P~tracca •. , <;;anie Ann fleisciu!lann and ·Kristin YOUDg. ·rano, Lisa, PuglieSe, G!gi Malthy' . and JCemanne'·laudy ••· Sunday", they lost 1-0 to East Meadow ~ Superb play by 'l'ef* AndersoD, Jennifer' Loehr;" JeaD Eckhardt. Debbie McElwee and -Regina .Stewart. . . . Boy. Travel ": '," The 1976 Bullets!livi4ed thj:, n Auburndale United 3-1.. Chris' Cuomo, AdaIJl";Delligattiiand" , Mark Josling" ,p!'OVided,"the. . offeDsel while· DaVi(j fiess and" , Rolan(\!Clark. were ou~~ • . The 1974 Marvels'· advanced iDtot!le· Dext roilJi4 ,of the ChI.se ;'. .Cup by defeating Rockville Centre " 3,2; ~d Dolan, Mi~ael ~elly and'; ,:,Jeff" Garbutt, 'Ed '.Z~i:.1)eIli:;and j ,;,}'ummy Roller play¢ well •• r /, . ;.., In ·the secoDd' ~d 'of' the . ';C~e Cup.'the ~fellt~l"Port"" 1;W lISbingtou' 2-1••..RaIDS' " Billy' ~ ~oller, J\DdYVradellblU'gh,J:)avid. Lewl\Adowsld., BQbby; (4i~,1a4 .. . Chris Smith plaYed weU.· .. .,.,::.';.. The 1973 Steelers be ••t KingS,,'! Park'in .~. Ci1aseCup ~Dtest ' 3-2.T.C. liiomwl scqred ~, _kick.' while clvii .&ara\l'QI'fI ..ond ; .JljIlyl.oscl\iJi well( eitlielJeDt WI;; ,..defeuse.~t offeusi~-pIaY 11)',JlJhu ~rotU.&Dd llogert Moore. TIle 1972' Driftl:nl defeated Farmi/lg4le'J.,2:"r't.ea4inir i: the', P~rs ~~ Chris Kraly, De.uI~. Giss1WJtis. SteveD I.&shuk•.fl'lllt" .'l.aBeUA lIlI4 Brian Borget,;, ';' The 19!9P~viIs lOl!tto ~d. l' Ttee~3•.1U1, the Cllas,e.(:IIPi II1lV ;we~e~ea~ iJ! lea$QeplaY ~l )Gllgs Park" S-O.""Michae1 Gan •• . i;Stevell-Le¥t·~\)Il1 .•Q·K:l'efe.alld ."panie.1Brenuap ~ played well . .' ~_.,The 19f19Il~ll oo.t the i ;"J:JmolltRe\!eh l-,jl.AuthIlIlY Fiore \ scored, Clwlie 'lC91l!lek. TOl1io ;. Livorno;. PlI~, ll\lllllCJ' and Chris' J 0lle,~p~aYIi~l\fea~ s~~f ~,[', ,. ' ., '" •.•• _ '.·'C',·c] ~,i~_~,.·,,,~"1 ,,,,'.~ 41 1,,.,, t r- .~- ..•...•....... M~C§UP~i'Star$cBeafl;laldwin;~ End Season GhU l'rIYlll ',' " , The Vixens were' the winnen; in The Driften; defeated Plainview The Super Stan edged Bald- Uleir Bame a,Bainst Mel'rick..Jen- Old Bethpage 7.fJ. Goals were win, 2-1, behind tealP, support of nifer Fountain scqred a goal. Pam' scored. by Michael' Dougherty, Jennifer 1;)'AntonQ. Lauren BavPage. scored a goal· lIlId Kliren 'Jeff Alesi, Brook, Smith and II hilt . 050, Marianna F1e~hmann, . Frese played well. '. tri~kbY"Derinis Franke. Tricia Cooney and Chrissy Sll1itli.:" TIle·Barbie Dolls beat,Pix Hills The past two weekends.$&w the 7-1. Jennifer Contesine, Kristin '78 G1d6 Renegades win and,I9SC. 'They Degnan, Sandra Gitto; Jessica The ClIre Bears and the Peadropped a 4-1 decision to Deer Bertalonlllld Irma' Schiff played nuts ended their season with a I-I Park and because of the outstand. well. .' ". tie. Donna ,l;'errotti, Care Bears ing play of goalie, . Shannon Boy. Travel'" coach, would like-to congratulate Woods ~. midfieh;ler. "Jackie The' Massapequa Bullets bat: each member for a fine season. DeMarco the score remained tied Oceanside to, 11-.1 tie. JQhlt l'eanuts Celeste' Chalupa, Jacrespectable. However, they boun- • Caveney, Ch~ Cuomo and David quelyn Bertalon and Andrea Janced back with a 7.fJ v\ctory over Hess played well. Mark Josling as did 1 great job. Commack.led by Lorraine Page's lIIld Michael McKenna excelled The Unicorns. defeated the two Roals 'and the fIDe play of on defense. Golden Girls I-a. The goal was Julie Lambert, Candi Marklin and ·The Marvels beat· Rockville scored by Caryn Fletcher. Dawn Christina ~~, ", Centre, 4-2. The Marvels were Jacksoll a.nd Michelle Benton , led by Scott Serpico, Robbie were great. The Blue Jays defeatThe Smurfettes beat .. VlIUl'~. Reustle, Kevin Haug.' Tommy ed the. Muppets 1.fJ. Deborah Stream. 2·1; on gOlils by Karen Roller and Jeff Gllrbutt. Walsh, JuliannaAmorin, Meg· Hess and Pamela Pdracca, assist- .. The Hawkeyesb«:,at the .Alberthann 1.indberg played well. MupI'd by midfielder:Susan G\lre. son Falcons. 3-2. Kurt Mall1l', pets .Kerry Dl'gnan, Stephanie Jessica Levine allP, Lorraille' Zilch Brendan LeddY •. Ponaid Delaney, Bush and Cindy.Oerlighty lIlid a were excelll'nt. ' .' Philip Mascolo and BQbert Bei«:,r~ fine game. .' The Firebirds 100t 2.fJ to BllY. Ie played super soccl'r. ." "77 GIm sharI'. StefaniI' Girimonti. Pam . The Rams fell to the" North in the season finale, thePequa Geaghty. TlAARosa. Debra Paly' SlIore Arrows. 4.2. All thl' bon Squaws beat the Tundercats 3-1. and Julie Hunt played we~. played well. Scoring for the Sqllaws was Jilmie The Angels defl'ated the Torna. The J97;Z 'S~len; IQs! to ~s\ O'Connor, .S~nne .. Neuballer does 2.0, Go<l4 midfield play by Meadow 2·1. Scott Radomski. and CarolyilD Breyer played II Jamie HodDe, CheryU Dowl!; and Kris Blleyens, Billy Loschin, John good game. ... Kelly Homan with super gll\l1- Romola and M~k' Matulonis were tending by De,bbie 8Illustein. ' jlfellt. ' Baumann played well. Soccettes were great. Colts Kevin TammJennifer Cafiero and Jennifer any, Michael Perrella lInd Justin Schimmel" scored goals, with Tomljanovic played super. ,Christine Cannon providing great The Devils beat the Masten;, defense. . . 4-0, Justin Platzer, Brian Cordes The Pequa Queen shut out the and Kevin Schwab were terrific. 'Arrows with fine play by Suzanne . John Marino, Justin Duke and Seitz and Jennifer MacEwen and Jeff Knapp led their team. Ali Neithardt. Beth' Huff, Donna .Matt Biondi scored a hat trick LeDuc and Amy Ahlert led the and led the Falcons":to a J-I 'Arrows victory over the Kniglft.s. Danny .' '78 Boys .Smith and Robert WajDer were The Gremlins bellt the Little great. Knights Vinnie Perrillo Rascals 5-0. Michael Lawrence scored a goal and Adilbert Serna scored his first goals of the seaon. and Brian Kennedy played well. Matthew Malley also scored a The Rowdies beat the Beaven; goal. Excellent defense by Eozo J-t. Patrick' Brooks, Jason Breit,DeGuglielmi, and fine all. around man and Chris Vultaggio played play. by Eric Giulianl. Little well. Beavers Sean Mauon, Rascals Ethan Hauser, Michael Shawn Petersen and Kevin l'ittelli Culhllne and Chris Kelly played showed good skills. well. , The Jedi finished the see.son In their first win of the season, with a shut out of the Cowboys. the Star Warrion; defeated the I.(). The Jedi finished the season Destroyen;, 2-0. Both goals were with a shutout of the. Cowboys scor",d by George Loeffler: Rich· 1.0. Jedis Mike Pergamo, Jason ard Fulton played one of his best Maenza and Richllrd Winner games with Philip Iovino and were grea!. Garret Pendergast adding to the action. A speedy "get well" to Bryan Medvee, who was recently hospitalized. The Destroyen; were complimented on a game well played. Page I~ .t>fas.apeq\1an !"'l';"-""~."'" O~!'V~r~Ma)',Z~,198~, '·_·""-~_!I'f~·,;;'J'l"c,,,"·ij;j~'''_''_'·~·'';·'~-'·''''''''''''''''-_''''!'1:"Ilr,~-c.''''''''-'-'._.;'::'''':'·''',':,: ",',c'! '\ i' '.J 'c,; " .,:.~:.r-,._,~.,'~''''~'"''"_''',' _ :'-'.• .'H;C .••. , ..".· ••._,. ~ ".,.;:' ""~,'~::~'>'" ,'" i~~I~~~~"Blal!;~§.~Y;iI(t~Bicen.tenniar$, ·5;.1 .The aulleq; blasted the aayside .ville 2·1. S~nggoal;·~ere· Mike ~ 2: I.', Kirn Cella:,;J ~nnifer' Savery. The Barbie Dolls tied N,;'rthport ", goa( Michael' Kane. Adam Bicentennials S·I. Goals provided' 'Dougher!)' : and 'Robbie" LePre." Christina ."Amorin' and Jamie. (·1.' A 'goal by Cara Mooney' 'Kerschman. Frank Palmisano and by Adam Delligatti. Eric Hongan.,' 'Fullbac~ Chris Sullivan assisted Iiodne showed' gOOd' ski~. 'In,secured the point and' gOOd,all Matthew Duffy were all around Joh~ Caveneyand'Oavid Heu. ,With the goal. with e~~ellent play'. state Cup play the Angels ad. around "play by Ka.!'en Pfister',' .players for the Goalbusters. KevlD ,Haverb\1sch. excelled on .•l:!y Steven la$hu~ and fOl"llard vanced to. the semi· finals 'by Diane Man\llellr and Mallreell The COllgars were beaten by defense. In a muellp gam.e the '. Cbri~ Kraly. .c .• " •.••• ; :".' beating Rockville' Centre 4·0 be. H~beeb. the Sharlls 4·2. Jason Lista. Frank BlIllets.shot, p~C thfJlewlett C:"'TlIe ROjIp'flInne~s ~OY<:d-into; hind goals by Nicole 'Molenko, Th . 0 b' D II 0' th :;c,Petrllcce and Chris CalJlpolettano Pjlmas 2.0. ',', . first placllin their dIVISion \lyCheryl! Oowd alld 'Danielle .Pen.. ~ .,ar Ie 0 s w n el .',played well., Fo~ the COllgars, The-Tomahawkstit;d West.,: be.ating Plainview 8.1;;"and· th~ ',dergast: . ~, . ,.,. ope~mgrollnd of the Stat,e Cll~;:.Mark Ricchlliti. Pet~ Folal) and , Babylon 1·1. Sean Pale seo,rlldthe.' MIIl~r,Place'(:lIll!i"'llIS ~. \.',: ;, i . The' Yilceli~bllat Garden City beatmg st';: g'::thk~h ~~d. Kevin McGlIinaess IW're teiTific. goal, Sco~ Kelly, }aYsPIl, ,1QhJlS.· In the f'lflinview game. Robert '.. 4.2. Jennifer Arqtstrong, Kerie pipers. an ra I .0, a y II a. '77 5oy •. :' and Palll McKellar playe~ great Blurn. ,Sandy Stolar and C!lris' McGowan •. Alisa . Goldfarb and Kim Gable! Carne Horan and TheMasters defeated the Row· defense. with a sllper game from Jones had outs!llllding8~mes 'and '.C:hristina VarrichiO were great. La\1ra Ma,rtlll.played well. ",dies 2·0 in an exciting game. For Jayme Fran~ .. Robbie Jeranek sl:Or(d goals. ,,", ,i ,".' ,<.: . The Massapeqlla "B'" team " ; lthe· Masters Matthew' Csajko hllrry \lack; we need you. "In;the . Miller'" Place' galJle, 'tied with Rocivill.e' Centre 3-3. ? scored two goals, Brian Mark and . The Marveb remained lInde· Michael Abrescia had an e'l'cel; Regina Stewart" Chrissy Maio'78~ys John Marino were gOOd all featedby downing NewfieldS.O. lent game in the field. Chris Lara· rano,' Jeanie Eckardt. J;>ebbie Gremlin Coach Anita Cierpik around.' Keeper Marc Theisinger had cuenta hae! one goal ane! assisted McElwee and Jennifer.', J,oehr wOllld like to thank all the players . The coaches' for both teams another: strong. game in goal.. o~ the second. Charlie Kondek . played well Jor an undefeated season. Only. wish to thank the parents and the . supported by the superb defense' .scored one goal,: and the entire' ,The Rowdies'lost in the third one· .goal was .sco~ed· against \loys for an excellent season. of Robbie, Rellstle .ilnd Scott tellm is to. bel:COllgrlltlllllled,for .;i'ound of the: state CliP game, them. T0!Jl"!y,Clerpik s~red 17' '73.'745oy" Serpico. Davi4 Gf;lIlS)frand .E4die Illading!h.\' RoadW~~ ,.tllJ~t \',G'IOd plaY by Suianne HOOae., goal~ for Jti~'lfll!JI; ~lIJ:l~g)he. " The Flash defeated theSlintos Dolan were,strlln8Ireff~tlveOtl, ;,pl~ll: 'L~:" "\; -:-."""',:'GaU .Deega~ and. Jill Wenner- i seasQ1l. i '.; " "". ~-!,Coo<hlllll1'Ollnd play by the 80~~&i.o:·',l off;:eSte~;~is;;eat '3 The ~l~~ 41'f~t~~r Ne~eld, ,;~t%j~~g:ei~;ay.~he Smllrfettes: Wr~~Z~~~g.o~~~~a~~~~~:~:~~ i:iep~::t:; ~~~~~~~ t}:e~~~ The great defel,1siv~ play of PlllIl . Sconnj: ~e ~OjjjtthreP~te~,; beat HaC)· I on' goals by Jessica' his team for fine playing. and the iand Bill Reidway llnd Isaac GOll' , Pamone 'anl! Chris, C:aramore" errmalJll •. r ,!.q en,lln,: Levine; Karen', Hess and Christie' parents for their generous sup··"zalez. /Ie1p~d k~ep tlle bll1loJ,lt.of. the'<' ~:rco FelTante. Tlmmy,.,,J:lll'!",." Cierpeik. Erin Stewart was good ; port. ,Stat. Wilmor l;:ollcb Jane ... , ',In the second game the Strikers net. E¥cellent ~ensi,,:e play by,' e c~. Ser tb~e pl'wef~"." all,.arollnd·player.lln .State Clip . FlIlton thanks all the members of:.:.:defeated the Fo~ce.3.2; Gr~llt play WaIter'Monasteno,' Jim Martin" grcij, ua e ayer. play they beat Valley Stream 3.2, her team for a sllccessful season .. by Chuck Markhn. Joe Delise and and ROQert Moore by \leIpillg /: j~, .. enfil~ urp Y'" Karell Hess. Kerry Hebron, ,: The liurrjcalles outplayed the'"'David Feinberg .. ' ' ~core the goal that won the gamCl-· ....' ~Ir" Travel .. " Laura Letterio aliI! .Lorraine Zuch Scorpions' 6·2. Coach FeNante"""·'71·'71 Glr" ',' '" , The .Drifters' defeated' AlJlity- .'"' IThe An~~ls lost to Nortllwrt.l' played well. thanks' all ,his players for an In the final game of the spring . '. r .. ". exciting season. Scorpion-Danny', season, tlie liot Shot.s defe4ted the HZ. n::. a p .: %05'1 r" .,1,.~· • - ,... .1 T P<,\v".,,· 1.0 .•;., ...• :.•... ~ ,- "',.\,.,,,' •. Thursdar,!\lne6,'~&je Mauapcqllan Observer ~ f~~I~ ····SoccefCIUb·Tou·rnament Successful· For the three·dar weekend of Islip Pythons. Brooldrn FllIcons. Memorial Oar. the Massapeqlla .' Diy. S 1974 Girls 15t -Elm,' Diy. 241970. Bors 1st ~ayshore Soccer Club spollSl)red its sixth,..Meadow Thunderbolts. 2nd New· ~araude~. ~d TerryviJle Cel·· annual tournament. Almost four - ton. Ma. Tigers. tics.. I thoUS/llld ~pants from as far . Diy.. 6. 1974 Bors 1st East . DiY.,,2S 1969 Girls 1st New awafas Canada and VirgUlia. Meadow Run. Rebels, 2nd Mass, Hy~e Park Bobcats. ~~d Cold arriyed.forthe oceasion. apeqlla Marvels. '.' SprIng Harbor Sea Robbms. The Massapequa Solx:er Qub Diy. 7 1974 Boys 1st Massape· Div. 261969 Girls 1st East Bay turne41nan outstanding pertor.; qlla Hawkeye.s, 2nd ~ Islip Rhode Island, 2nd Massapeqlla I1WICCat its own toumarnent. Of' Ghostbusters.· .. . Express U. , the 34 divisions of teams, Massa· .. ' Div. 81973 Girls 1st Massape·Diy. 271969 B!lYs1st Massape' peqlla.won in 11 diyisions and qlla Anl!els.·2nd Hauppauge ~ .. _ came In :>ccondin 10 Pthers. A " VixeIlS.. .....•' ..•.. .. further~reWlQwn rev~ed .that :;.~'·.Div. 91973Girlslsf~pe.' • 11 \lIly~telIms ~~ In ~ or;..yqua Tornado.Znd PlaWVlCw/OII! seco~~.the 18dIVlsl~plllYlng ... ~ethJl1lge.HlIfIiclulcs. _. '" Tengids·.telIms~.~e 111 fir.s~. o~·" Iliy.l0 197~BoYs ht Massape • .seCQnd.i.U the 16Jli~tQ.IIS of BU'~:1~qua Steelers,' 2nd •CQld SPring' . teams.'" .... ,. . ···.'·;.'HarborRaiden .. · ..'·>··r.·.:·. I,am' Fredell",. toumament c1i •. : DiY.111973 Girls 1st Fanning· reclQr•.~d the MlI$Iiapel!Ui.? dale f1M1~;2pg M~ RaidFIre l)eparqnellt f\lf their help 4l .ers .. '·\".··. >. •••• '. aiding inj\U'cd players,during 1M:. Diy. 12 1972 Girls lat VielU1l\:. three ~)'s Qf the tovrnamellt;·';'VA.:V~ens. 2n~ Massapeqll;a Fredella ~ wanle!i to ~·."B"Team: Wernet, loth. formerly of· the '.. ' Div.13 1972 Girls 1st Arlington CosI\lOl.4lJ4·Mayor· George;.,v •.:llI~tio~s.~nd~. Nussbaum of Massapequa Park.".'. Thunderbirds..' ., •,. ,. •• : ~ortlIeir ~lICfO\l$h~p ~prelie!lt·,,;:. Diy.14197~ Boys 1st HUnting. mg aWIllQato the Wl1lJlII1B u:all1S.;;(ton BoyS Cl!lb.~hark&. 2114Mastic frede1JilllSl) ~ A~lllbly."';i'Stallions;; ,'':1: ;... ;.. ".: .•... .lIIIol1~y ~ ~ ~during; DiY.lS1mBoyslst~ed&e the m9fll1lli actiVIties. ." . .' ~lId ~pequa Priftel'S" '. . . ,(Gordon Bra.d!ey, the fortner' ;:,c' DiY; 1619n Boys 1st East ~.ofthe CQSlll.O$ and •. fornw ··.• ~eadow ~4m. ~1Id~(.Jr,oYe local res14ellt.· had &1sq.*n,·'Alrow" •....:.. ".:. ·.··r.:.: ':.',:.,.: ... , invi~.fW WU llnable to ~ll;:;;:~' Div.1H971Girls 1st Mass.ape-. .•1.$ hi.s folU' upper front teeth '!&4 '-qua SUptl{Stap. ~d Sterl1nti Va. \>een~0cke4O\Jtr~lIt1ypla~g . Kicks •.... ".... : ,'.',' .J:JCq~Il·i.'" ..": .:;~. Div.181971Girblst Masupe. The toli~ent . ~ttl:c\;,'q~ RowOiC4. ~nd MllsHpeql1f !'oted that this was the: finIt Y~:_. ~lIeg.. .' ". . ;'. '.~ tbe ~ tJl!ec tIl4t r~ !tad~;...Diy. 19. 1971 1st SllIit.ll, .:"'\Dterf~ WJthtbeactivjties.' .'. :!<:toWJIT~,'~ ~" ..;. Tbefpll~g ~tlIli ~~~;+T\V11Ilod,9c~:' "~!lsJp'Jace stall41n~';'.'" : ....:~(J;)i~: ~t!i'71 iWY5Jst J:l,arfI;Jrd '. 'p1V' I 197}-74 Glfla:.·JatEast':.JiOJ;~\ Mtl./:~4M~l!4 : .':'. Islip'~l!J;I~l; r~Wb Gir~,.~~"'Grassbop~.. ..... ;., ... ' '0 ••••• .: »Of' ",I- .... C" .••. '.""..' :M...~. \Jlll.IkdM..~t .•,P:,} ••.. 'I•.;~·..••~ ~J lQ;lJ,~.(Z..,. ....••••...•..... :7c':"'l"~''''lliY~''l9'T6'UoW'ht MasM~·.,;·Artow2nd F .' 11llII". \" • '·'c:q'¥l~i~:Wl!i~ • "", ~; '~;~ill4~P\V:;'h ~~ .DAv,~,.,t9.'7Q!iklyS··tli1·~plq·";';'q".'.'; Do"., . aI1e!S~<~: "'"! ••••••••.... '705";:,··,.··.-;;·i!.:'2.,,~~~~1. Leat" . $~;~l~;;: ~$. • 'i~ qua Jaguars, ~d' Free state. Md.Rogues. .' . .'" Diy. 281969 Bors 1st Wantagh Falcons. 2nd Maple Leaf. Canada. Div. 29 1969 Boys 1st M.A.C. .cougars. 2nd East. Bay. Rhode; Wand. Diy. 30 1968 Boys Isl Massapc. qua l\rsenal. 2n4 Hicksville Big Red. .. .Piy. 3,1 1969. Boys 1st Maple Leaf.' ~ ~4 Massapeqlla' Nationals. . . Diy, 321966 Girls 1st Massape. qua Falcons. ~d Rangers a. press. N.J.,. Diy. 33 1966 Boys 1st Maple Leaf. Canada, 2nd Massapequa Cubs. Diy. 341966 Boys 1st Cambria Heights Eagles. 2nd TerryviJle Sparta.. ., '.' "",,",,_~_,..,..._,_,.t:2a._7...•.. .L_/_Z_tf_J"_'/ __ I _, _, -...- I\I.l~ssap~quaDrift~r~Take the Chase Cup , ',: Boy. Travol In an exciting game the Massapequil Drifters took the Uophy at the Cllase Cup ,finals. Each had an outstanding game. They were Jeff A .• Brian B., Dean C., Mike D.• Dennis F .• Mitchell G.• Chm K .• Frank L., Steven .L.• Robbilll... Ste~hen,M., Brian W., Brooke S.; an4 ChrIS ,S;' ': " The team waul? like to thank Fred and Barbara for theIr many great years of support of the Massapequa Soccer CIuQ., The To~ahawu defeate4 Wand Trees ~-.l ass~~~ the~~lves of second place 1D the diVlS10llmlSswgfirst pl~e by one point. ~r. Jarllllck and Mr. Bliidwill would ltketo thank the 75 boys team' 80bby, 2,,; Lawrence B., Tommy C.. Jason C.,Pellll D.• Jason F., Jayroe ,F.;: Robert J:. Jayson J .• Scott K., PauJ Mc., Brillll S.,William T., Donald W.• for an excellent season. . ' The Bullets defeate4 Cow Harbour 3·2 in the Chase Cup finals. Once again the bullets fine team effort.~ !hell' tl) victory.' Congratulations to.a team of 3-0, making this their 17th shutout of a Chase Cup. ' ' dedicated haw working boys. long and successful season. The coaches Their accomplishments for this season ,The Marvels lost to Sachem in the wish to thank all the players and their include going undefeated in their Long ' finals of the Chase Cup by a margin of parents for a fine season.Island Junior Soccer League Division 1 3'Z, This second place finish, coupled The Vixens were Once again victorious and winning the title of division cham· with the team's first place 9.0 record in in their game \IS. Brentwood. The con. pions. winning the New York State " reguJat ~ason competition can be atUh stant pressure of Aimee Allison. Chris· championship cup at West PQint and buted to the great play and effort of the, .' tina Varrichio <md Pam Page helped the, finally, the Long Island chase Cup .at whole teilm' Adam Abramson Scott,' team score.3 goals, Hlllfback, Deborah,. C. W. Post. It is 1I0teworthytbat while' Devenish. Bliward Dolan, Stephe~ Donl>Reyes and Linda. Frese proVided sn,ong" sC?ring 19 goals in the Chase Cup ~li~jnvan. Jeff Garbutt: David Gensler, Kevin , support. The VIxens remalch agaInst .'·!ati9l.1itbey10U~,ed~be·sa,IlIe::wtn)llng, "'I Hilug. Micbael Kellyr' JameS' 'McCabe;"'" j Cold .Spring HlIr~ore,,\l.¢d ~lI:a.~S"t\e~"~· - p!'ttern'1IS the li~te ~VbY'l1lgi ~5'wmg a "Robet Reustle, TholllllS Roller. SCQtt· JenQlfer Founta~n once agatn scored" ,. smgle goal aglllnst.. '" ~,' • "Serpico. Chris SuJli, Marc Theisinger and assi~ted by Jenmfer Arm~trong. Both Coach Barbara GItto, lISS~tll.1ltcoach -Eddie Zuchelli Thanks to all the parents Keme McGowllll and Jellllme Bulatook Tom Horan and manager- Dick Bertalon for their coop~ration. ~uPPOrt and assis. turns iic~ing the ball illto th~ Ilet. 'J!te wo~ld Iik~ to congratulate the c!ub for tance. ! Vixens WIshteammate Pat Racme a qUlclt theIr fme tntr:am\lral program .which has . GIrIaTra"e1 ,recovery from her l!rokell wrist and the. offered the gIrls the opportwUty to play Congratulations to all of the A-ngels • l:oach thanks the'. entire team for a alld develop their skills. Congratulations Christina, Graham. Debra. Kimberly. 'successful season. to Jessica Bertalon, Kathleen Bula. JenRachel. Cheryll. Randi. Jamie. Kelly, .,. The Massapequa Soccer Club 1975 nifer Contesini. Kristin Degnan. Kim. LisaMatie. Nicole,.Trllcie. Danielle. Judy girls A- travel team the Barbie tlolls - Gabel, SllIldra Gitto. Maureen .Habeeb. llIld Jennifer for clinching first place in, completed the triple crown this' past Carrie Horan, Dane Mandleur. Laura Division 1.' They shut out both Cow weekend as they beat a tough East Islip Martin. Cara Mooney, Sara Pendergast, .ialbor aJ!d the Massapequa Tornadoes team ZoO in the fmals of the Long ~!and. Karen Pfister and Irma Schiff. G1Rl.STRAVEL TEAM: The Mu.al'cq~ So~ ChlbSuper 8M cappedtheir198S SprjngSelj,Sonwitll. 2-1 victory over HauPPauge in: the Ch~ CUPFinals cnllblinll them tll ))eC01JlC ChlloSeCup.Challlpio~ Iii the 1971 Girli Division. To rcacll thefmaiJ. the tcam defeated West Babylon. D~ Park' an~ Roe~ville.c.cntre; III all four games, the Super' Star defcll$.e held their oppllnents to onI>, two iOals, Mr. and Mrs. Stashin Wll\lldliketo.COllllllcnd tbeir pla¥era for &ll olllltandingahowma. good 'Pll~!ll1lllfhip. IlId .p~yin& witbtlle ~er!J1inalil;ln to be~me .winner, •. In photo (I-r).-altUna: San4yJ ~1IMk,~\l~J!: .LaMllllle.a. -, Jennifer S~hiP.Dcbbie EHC1,'Mi<ld!e:(.o.tm'Youlllo' Tara Weber. '. Trieill C\lQlIey;t.1e~l(.ran~)eQllifet D'Antomo;StJlldiJl~ CbJipy l Swtb; Lawen' Ba~oll~, MariillM 'Flciseh~p;' l-itf:.ye.«~o. A1lI1\ ! ,Carver~f,"'~~~O~~fIlIi.;.,:.~e~: "'i~;',.,.; ':',:", ))!'~\~rt~i~;:'":~:i:~~;'{' \' )::-', '. ... ~ .;,;-" , ~'~"'~'~'~ ;:~;:'" •••.•. Travelers Wind Down' Season 19jj'Rebel~. Playing oUtstanding and in a finely played game. Bobby ,G~Travel were Michell scored a direct penaltyIn a battle for fint plac~; the with ~uperenthu~iasm' Barbie Do~ defeated the pre, Mattl1ew Lindberg~ Chris Pic· kick from the 1~ yard line, Fine viou~lyundefeated HaC Kix in cione, Jamie McCarthy and Jamie aggressive plllY from Travis McDermott. Brown. Jim Martin. Walter MonDimion One play ~ past Satur· The Rams beat the Little Neck asterio. Paul Dllmone. day. Diane Mandleur and Cara Mooney added goab with eIcel:: Americans by a ~cOre of 5·1. In the third round Cha~e Cup Strong offense was ~played by the, Drifters defeated Lllke Grove lent ~upport by Sara Penderg;lSt Tony DiMonda. Ray Murphy. 2-1. Scoring gOals were Brook and Karen Pfister to complement Patrick Coleman, with great de· Smith and Stephen Moschetto. an excellent team effort. fense from Billy Roller and Scott 'Chm Kraly. Mitchell Gabel and The Mas6llpequa Ftrebird~ I~t to the MU$lIpequa Vixens J.l, Logan. Mike Dougherty played a Iltroug The Steelen tied ls1and Tree~ game,. Scoring for the Firebir&' was ~ I Natina Saittjl. with a good job by Karen .LaGo~.' Vicky SorvUlo,' Julie Hunt and Theresa T~, ,The MassaP\lqua Smurfetteli won. J·2. Goals .were ~4 by· Kelly HebrQll.,Laura Letterio and . 'Carrie Ortolani. Mari1ee Bonomo . and Jennifer 'DiPaola led the • ~fense,' co'" '",~. .,.... \ The MllIi6llpequll . Lighl!lillgl I~t J·2. ':A goal was ~ed by Jackie Am9rin, good field play by Beth Samberg, Chmtine BjIl'beri, Jennifer Cutrone and Lorraine Anselmo. ""'" . The Super Stan dc:fellted. Cow Harbor 2·1 inleag\leplay. Out· standing ..teamplay by Jennifer, Stashin; ',w "Are~tivo. Patty Cooney, Marianna .Fleisl:~ and Sandy Jeranek. ' In the Chase Cup quartedinala the Super Stan bt;at UeerPark J·O. . .:," . , The Row~e~ w9n the State Cup . ,game •. Excellent play by ...Kate Peten;· Jennifer . Dieter! and Michelle.~n. '. C Be» Travel ',' The· Bullets ~pped by the "BlIy,i4ePiceliteDllilijJ 1·0 over· ~ . time. The' Bullets noW move into· the ~mi'fiAAlS of t1,leFha$cCl,lp·,." John F1e~ an" ¥IC~I Sher·.: idan were ~t in gOll!. Michael " Bock. RQland Cillrk JIId. ~w . fichterl:Ol1Wbuted."\' . " .' The '. ~wb>." defeated. Hauppauge ~.l. GOIIlswere ~ •• , ed by Jasoll~hner and. LarrY BuckleY'PliUI MCKellar was elV, .wllent in gqai witIJ fine support. frQmJll~on 'Jo~alIdScott ~eUy on cWense .•:', ' •...;.:. ,,'c,: \. The MilfYeb swept both their &llmeS ~ weekend .. On ,Slltur~: day;'theY'S4:Qred wiU180 liCCQIi& 'left in tbe gartll:,to down II tough ~ ,Syos~etWlW. J;O~'mn;~' sea$pnplay.': --;(,,:;,:' ; .:.:' >, ~, On Sunday they def~teQ,Au·, ;burnda1e,"~f«i I!1VII!ICC:jlitll Uip: "mif\l1aIS of ~ Cup COlIIpeti·" tiOA. Srepl1eQ Donovan, Swtt; Serpico. ClIN SuIIi, Kevmlill~g, ~Iped 41J4¥l:_1 ~wyed' "", " "i,>, , , r"' '"•.i,. . ","" 'Y' ,',' :,c" m ~~>', 'be gOa1~nding of I!riaII. ~;/ '1e4~;~w~~toa ~.,(l,' 1:;~~~~:~~':: ·-Ma'$~ilP,eq~·a'Soccer···.CI ub's ~R,~IJ,g!Jd,,~~Oust Merri~k~1~O ~ GlriI'havel ... :,_Tile Smurfetles beat Cow Har- finals of the State Cup by' defeat'The Re/leglll1es>beat' Merrick llor 2-0 ~>ngOll1sby Laura.Lerterio ing East Islip 4-0, mcellent play 1-0. Denise Trench, Amy Yerys, .. andJ(ery Hebron, Clleryl Sial- by'Jolln DeBenedetto, Cllris LisJulie. Lambert ·an!!. ,,MlIllreen: berg, Marilee Bonomo and Minay ter, Bren(ian Maloney, Billy MasWalsh led the team.' .. Bitlermanled the game. ciovecchio and Dean TlIeodorous. . Lightning tied Valley Stream. The 1970 Devils lost to Farm2-2 Frances '"Cetu!lo' scored. ... ' ... Boys Travel ". ingdale3,O;TimmyPaul,Ricilard D~ana Emil!a. Mary: Hann~, ~l"i . The 1976 BulMs beat, the Mandleur, Patrick McH,ue and Gma Ge~l\iandJackl~ Amonn! Hicksville Tomahawks 4-1. Matt Daniel Brennan played.well. played well. .O~Hara,. Terry O'Hara, Cilris The Angels ,defeated ~ow H~- '" ~rma, and Michael Sheridan. ~or 3-0. D,ebble,Blaustem, Chns •. · scored. Eric Horigan played tie ~motUl, LISa· KOnkek and super. Trlll:le Noon were e,¥cePilent. IN a· The Massapequa Tomahawks',' State Cup game tJ.1.Albany the tieo Auburnc\ale 2-2. Fine play by . An~els defeated Clift~n Par/t'6-0 . Bobby Baldwin, Jason FJashner, behind goals by J~nnifer Savery, ·Paul.McKellarand Billy Tltyen. Graham Bergen, Rachel Cohen, . '" Randi Goldblatt. and Danielle'The Hawkeyes were victorious '" Pendergast (2). ; ,"over tQe POB Warriors. C!l!1-rjes . 'The BarbieOQIls beat.the Cow, Schwenk; Richard Langtry and Harbor Bobcats 3..0. Irma Schiff. Donald Delaney displayed e¥cel-' JessiCIl llertalon, J(im, Gabel" lent skills. Chris DiBenedetto ilnd Jenny COlltesini and KlIthy Bula Brendan LeddY led their team. led the tellm. . '" .. ,. The Marvels beat Bellmore 3-0.' The Super Stars ,lost to S. J(eepl'r Mrc Theisinger. Chris. Huntington. Chrissy Smith, Pat Su,Ui and Scott Serpico were -Corcoran, Sandy Jeranek, 'Tarll e¥cellent. Strikers Jeff Garbutt· Weber' and Jennifer' D'Antonio and Scott Devenish were superb . .played well. In State Cup match The Rams beat the Hewlett on Sunday they outscored Merrick Blue Cosmos, 3-2. Raymond M ur7-1. Lisa Arestiv.o, Meryl Krantz, phy, Scott Strasser, John Rese· Amy Carver, Debbie Lamonka mini. Andy Vradenburgh and and Pebble E:gg\lf ·li~oW\ld. g~ Scott Tullo showlld good skills. skills. ' , -- ,'. "., The J 972 Prifters lost 1-9 in a The. firebirds bej\i !hI: POB" good game. Playing their best, R~ettes 3-0. Go;Uliwere IOCOred were fullbacks Brian Borget, by Lisa Sichenzi4. and Carolyn l3rian Newell. Chris SuUivlln,. Gore. Jill Wolfman. Julie.lleirllf;l, '"'J Il.obbie LePre an,d Frank laBella. Pam.GeraghtyiJ.elped the tellm;" '. The Tornados made the: quarter I MSC.TraveI-Teams.Opeo Season with Win The Barbie Dolls won their openof theChlisei:::up oy a convincing played an excellent game. Glrb Travel In defense of their Chase Cup, ing round game of the Chase Cup 7-0 score ovc;rOcc;anside. The playThe 1969 Jaguars beat North the Angels opened up the season a'gainsllhetQugh Northport Sand·'" ers are. congratulated on their fine Babylon 2-1. GO'lls were scored by with the resounding 4-0 win over pipers by a score of 3-0,. ~im teamwork 'Ind their parents on Joe Rainone, with super defensive Cold Spring Harbor, SCoring for Gabel's scoring shot from the 18 withstanding poqr directions and skills by John Chanda, Scott Eagar, the Angels were Judy Ryan with yard line followed two quick goals 'cold winds. James Reisert and Robert Lyon. ~two goals and one each oy Danielle ' by Cara MooUi'yJrom in close and In a very hard fought Chase Cup The Tornadoes fell toN orth Pendergas.tand Kelly Homan. closed Qut the scoring in .the first match the Tomahawks lost to Babylon in the Chase-Cup 2-1. Handing out tWO assists was Randi half. Plainview' Old Bethpage 3-2. Good all around skills displayed Goldblatt. JenniferContesini dominated the Tommy Cuccaro, Brian Stephan. by Brian Anselmo, Chris Burns,. The Massapequa Bee Team de,defensivegamewithstrong,effective and DOllaldWuerfi sparked the John DiBenedetto, Bobby HimmeJ, feated Cow Harbof Lazers, winning tll:ckies and hllrd, well-placed clear" offense while Scott Kelly and Robert and John ~mith. the shootout 3-2. Outstanding goaling pas'ses. Constant pressure by Jeranek played excellent defellsive On the eve of SI. Patrick's Day tending by Rosemary DeRosa with Laura Martin and Kathy Bula ball. the 1975 Celtics defeated the goal saving defe,nse by Cynthia helped the team win. The 1976 Bullets shot down the Oceansidelncas 2-1 in an overtime Page and a spirited all around play 80Y5 Trllvel Sachem Cherokees 3-0. Chris Arma, victory ofttie opening round of the by Jennifer McShane and Debbie The Marvels opened the season, Eric Horigan and Adam Delligatti Chase Cup.-Goals were scored by with a strong effort and'defeated were great on offense. Kevin HaverCraig Ringel and Brian Shapiro. McElwee contributed to the win. Albertson 3-1 in the first round of bush and Roland Clark played The MVP were outside fullbacks The Renegades romped to a 3·1 the Chase Cup.. The superb defense great defense. -Danny Flynn and BrianPulsch. victory over Cold ,Spring Harbor of Chris Sulli, Rqbbie Reustle, a,nd The 1969 Roadrunrlers beat the Strong game at sweeper by Sean in Chase Cup play. Goals from the feet of Christina, Hart, 'Theresa sweeper Scott Dev'enish, combine" Miller Place Cardinals 4-0 in the, Roche whose hard tackHng ability with the potent offense of wingers ' Chase Cup opeller. Goals scored helped anchor the Yictory. DeMott and Carolyn Karver lead Tommy Roller and David Gensler 'by Anthony Fiore,Robert Blum The 1971 Massapequa B team the charge. Outstanding play was helped lead the ¥arvels to victory. and Anthony Fasano off a cross by "Grasshoppers" scored an'impresprovided, by attacking fullback, The Rams won their first round __'Chris Laracuenta .. Peter Marco sive victory in th~ir first round of MaryEllen Harvey, the New v"ork State Cup competition3-1 'over USA Youth, a top division 'team of the New York Cosmopolitan League. It was total teamwork, and team spirit, with Brian O'Connor, Robert Morgan, Michael Doherty, Dean DeBlasio ,and "Lee Stolar." The Tornadoes beat Smithtown 4-2 in the State Cup. Daye DiPaola led the team with a hai1trickllnd Dean Theodorous added to the score with a super goal. Allie Molenko, Robert Soricelli, and Stephen Vecchione helped preserve the victory with excellent defensive I p ~y. In the first round of the Chase Cup the Massapc;qlla Drifters defeated Stoneybroke 1-0 in an excitinggame. Jeff Alesi was outstanding in goal as were Stephen Moschello and Dennis Franke excellent at halfback. Chris Sullivan did a terrifle joh as fullback. .~ :to )y 'n I- Bullets Blast Levittown Team, 2;0 Boy~Travel The Bullets' shot down the Levittown United 2-0. Chris Arma and Matt O'Hara scdred. from their wing position, John Caveney and Chris Cuomo were outstanding at midfield and John Fleis,her played super in goal. The Celtics defeated the Beth· page Bulldogs 2·0 in their first league game. Goals scored by Brad Cohen and Peter Herrmann with an assist from Brial) Shapiro. The outstanding players were wingers Chuck Malone and Tim Lawrence. , The' Hawkeyes lost to the Merrick Rowdies 3-0. Kurt Mann, Michael Costello and Donald Delaney, .exhibited fine skills on offense. Leading the charge on defense were Chris Piccione and Matthew Lindberg. The Tomahawks opened the season defe~ting Plainedge 1-0. Larry Buckley, Jason Cullinan and Jayme Francis played well while Jayson Johns and Sean Dale anchored the defense., In the season opener the Mar· vels downed the HBC Cosmos, 3·2. The aggressive defense of Scott Serpico and Robbie Reustle, offensive skill of David Gensler and the soccer skills of Jim McCabe and Jeffrey'Garbutt contributed to the win. In a hard played match the Rams beat the Merrick Raiders 2-0. Several outstandingsaves by goaltender Keith Cuomo, offense ~y Ryan Monaghan, hustle at lalfback by Chris Smith, defense )f Patrick Coleman and good play )f Scott 'Logan helped lead the (arns to victory. 'The Steelers beat New Hyde 'ark 3-0 in the opening 'games. 'rom a defensive position vvalter Monasterio and ~obby Mitchell The Bad News won S-O.over scored. Excellent skills displayed West Islip. Girls played an out: by Paul Damone, Chris Caramore standing game. Goals scored by and T.C.Himmel. Dawn Eveline,. Rachel Sheridan, The Tornadoes lost' to .HicksChristine Carlucci, Jennifer ville 2-1. David DiPaola scored ,Walsh and Tara Weinstock. and Brian Anselmo, Carlos Lugo, The Vixens opened their spring Chris Burns and Bobby Himmel season with' a 3·2 victory over displayed excellent skills, Brentwood. Jeanine Bula led the The Roadrunners beat Elmont way with .two of the goals. 4·0. Goals scored by Brian Gera- Jennifer Fountain had an assist ghty, 'Anthony Fiore and Peter and scored the third goal. Kerri Marco. Outstanding game 'in McGowan and Deborah Reyes midfield by Michael Senisi, displayed good footwork and ball strong game by Sandy Stolar. control. ' The Massapequa Drifters de· The Barbie Dolls opened their feated MAC Raiders S·t in an regular season' with a solid 3-0 exciting game. Brook Smith had a victory over the Northport Sand· hat trick with Michael Dougherty pipers. It was an excellent team excellent in goal. Mitchell Gabel win with Maureen Habeeb saving and Robert Lepre were outstand· a goal, Karen Pfister great in ing in halfback. 'defense and Sandra Gitto adding Girl. Travel to the game. Sara Pendergast The Lightning won their first hung onto a tricky ball and game 1.0. Megan Fennell, Gina Jessica Bertalon..played well. Gerardi, Jackie Amorin, Kristin '71.72 Boys' Murchison, Mary Hannon and The Bulldogs took a win' over Deana Emma played well. The Jokers 2·1. Shawn Callahan scor- . goal was scored by. Michele ed a goal with excellent playing LaMonica. ' . by Angelo Lombardo and ,Scott In their season opener the 'Denis in goal.' For the Jokers Al)gels defeated Northport, 2-0. . there was George Zervakes who Graham Bergen' and Jennifer scored with good playing by Steve Savery played well. Scoring one Gallo and Jason 'Neist. goal was Lisa KOndek with Tracie It was the Saints over the Noonassisling. Mantas. Goals were 'scored by The Super Stars scored a l·O Dennis Duswalt, Chris Facenda shutout over Northport. The goal and Gerard Marlin. For the was scored by Tricia Cooney on a Mantas Marty Flood, Chris Moc· pass from Jennifer Stashin. Ex· niak, Adam Frank' and Mike cellent defensive skill was shown Malone played a great game. by Lauren Yaboso a,nd Lisa:Ares· Tigers outscored the Steamers tivo .. Amy Carver was super in 4-2. Michael Friedrich and John infield. Ferrente scored for the Tigers The Ravens won 2-1 over New with good playing . by halfback Hyde Park. Scoring was Christina Danny Levine. The Steamers Zuch and the winning goal was Dennis.Gorman·showed 'good ~,scored' by Tricia Camp~rlango. defense "nd Kyle Rabin' and ' Good goaltending by Marguerit!' Steven Pulse" played a great Spina. ' g;lrne.