European eGovernment Awards - Donau
European eGovernment Awards - Donau Contact: E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +32 (0)2 296 17 40 European eGovernment Awards 2007 Exhibition Catalogue European Commission, DG Information Society and Media - eGovernment & CIP Operations European eGovernment Awards 2007 Exhibition Catalogue 4TH MINISTERIAL eGOVERNMENT CONFERENCE LISBON European eGovernment Awards 2007 Exhibition Catalogue 4TH MINISTERIAL eGOVERNMENT CONFERENCE LISBON For further information European Commission, DG Information Society and Media - eGovernment & CIP Operations Contact: E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +32 - (0)2 296 17 40 LEGAL NOTICE By the Commission of the European Communities, Information Society and Media Directorate-General. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in the present publication. The European Commission is not responsible for the external web sites referred to in the present publication. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official European Commission’s view on the subject. Please note that all information disseminated through this catalogue has been provided by the project-owners on a basis of confidence, as well as on the agreement that it may be disclosed to the public. © European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Europe eGovernment Awards website: Designed and typesetting by Ciannetwork, Barcelona, Spain Photos: ©Fotolia Printed and bound by Filmideal, Spain D.L.: B-43416-2007 Acknowledgements We are grateful to the European Commission DG Information Society and Media for entrusting the European eGovernment Awards Consortium with the opportunity to assist in making the 2007 Awards and the Ministerial eGovernment Conference and Exhibition, 19-21 September 2007 in Lisbon, a success. Special thanks to the following people for their valuable contribution to this exhibition catalogue: • Giovanna Galasso and Luca Caldarelli for compiling and editing the thematic introductions and finalist cases; • Clotilde de Bellegarde and Manel Trias for editing, designing and publishing this exhibition catalogue; • Daniella Cicirello for correcting and proofreading all of the sections of this document; • Sara Loisa Matikainen for compiling and editing more then 300 submissions; • Christine Leitner, Marleen Haase, Jamal Shahin and Jeremy Millard for providing content; • Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen for providing content and ideas, editing and not least coordinating the process. • Alejandro Moya and Trond Arne Undheim at the European Commission for editorial overview. Furthermore, thanks to all the consortium partners: CEPA (Center for European Public Administration), Danube University, Krems (; DTI (Danish Technological Institute), Århus/Copenhagen (; P.A.U. Education, Barcelona (; and, RSO S.p.A., Rome (, for their valuable assistance and comments throughout the process. European eGovernment Awards 2007 | Table of contents Foreword by Viviane Reding, European Commissioner........................................7 FINALISTS SORTED BY THEME.................................................................................9 Awards evaluation..................................................................................................10 Good Practice exchange........................................................................................10 1. Better public services for growth and jobs......................................................11 Information Centre and Business Creation Network for Private Limited Companies..............13 Jekabpils City Council Information Centre Residential and Business eServices........................14 Évora Distrito Digital - Évora County Digital Project............................................................................15 The National Programme of Computer Literacy...................................................................................16 One-stop-shop for Hotel Restaurant Café licences..............................................................................17 35 local governments from three countries sharing one GIS infrastructure..............................18 Formulaires en ligne- Online Forms...........................................................................................................19 2. Participation and transparency........................................................................21 Internet voting in Estonia..............................................................................................................................23 Mypage Self-service Citizen’s Portal..........................................................................................................24 Madrid Participa: citizens’ eConsultations in the city of Madrid......................................................25 Virtual Cities over one thousand words...................................................................................................26 ePetition...............................................................................................................................................................27 e-Citizen Charter...............................................................................................................................................28 MEPA eApplications.........................................................................................................................................29 Donegal Online Planning Services.............................................................................................................30 The German Environmental Information Portal....................................................................................31 e@SY Connects - Transformational Petitioning.....................................................................................32 Vicky – A virtual assistant for social security in Italy............................................................................33 Gencat: mass-scale deployment based on transparency and web 2.0.........................................34 3. Social impact and cohesion..............................................................................35 Multi-channel Citizen Service Centres......................................................................................................37 Multilingual Infobank - website for immigrants................................................................................... 38 Besancon.clic......................................................................................................................................................39 UK online centres and myguide..................................................................................................................40 Connect Project.................................................................................................................................................41 eGAIANIMA, cohesion in education: pupils, parents, teachers and administration..................42 Equal Access to Information through Digital Library Service..........................................................43 | Exhibition Catalogue Table of contents 4. Effective and efficient administration.............................................................45 Transforming Access to Services in Local Government......................................................................47 Electronic Document Archives of Courts in Austria.............................................................................48 Electronic Conveyancing...............................................................................................................................49 Digital Identity in Dutch e-government services..................................................................................50 Speed up the publication of notary acts through SOA platform....................................................51 Integrated electronic declaration and one-stop-shop for foreign workers................................52 Import/export of endangered live animals, plants and products thereof...................................53 Consulting your personal data in the National Register....................................................................54 Online public tendering information system.........................................................................................55 Innovative e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in the Netherlands...........................................................................................................................................56 Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System.............................................................................57 The Norwegian national portal for geographic and environmental information services.................................................................................................58 Company Registration Portal - Create Your Own Company in 12 minutes.................................59 Spatial Data Infrastructure, Government of La Rioja...........................................................................60 The Flemish Infoline........................................................................................................................................61 PloneGov.............................................................................................................................................................62 SAM Internet - electronic application for agricultural support in Sweden..................................63 SPT - Our future is today................................................................................................................................64 Directgov - Transforming digital public service information...........................................................65 Compensation for Sickness in Denmark..................................................................................................66 German Administration Services Directory............................................................................................67 Online Police Station.......................................................................................................................................68 Integrated aid system.....................................................................................................................................69 Integrated Title Registration Information System................................................................................70 Danish eHealth portal - Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system........................................................................72 ELIGIBLE SUBMISSIONS (BY COUNTRY)................................................................73 EUROPEAN EGOVERNEMENT AWARDS 2007 EXHIBITION STANDS Index / Finalists by theme and exhibition stands.................................................................115 Index / Finalists by alphabetical order and exhibition stands.........................................117 Venue map and layout of the Exhibition........................................................... 119 European eGovernment Awards 2007 | Foreword I am proud to present to you the achievements of European champions in the field of eGovernment. The 52 cases included in this booklet have been selected by a panel of experts from more than 300 submissions received in response to the awards call. These cases demonstrate how public administrations across Europe have become better connected to their citizens and businesses, saving time and cutting costs for themselves and, most importantly, for their users. It is clear that the people who have worked to develop these services were ambitious and explored new ways of delivering services, which put the needs of their users at the centre. I am sure they faced difficult challenges in reaching their goals; however, they were not afraid to think on a broad scale, and open their work to wider scrutiny by entering for these awards. We can all gain knowledge and learn from the experience of these 52 finalists. We have therefore put them in the spotlight at the Ministerial eGovernment Conference 2007 on 19-21 September in Lisbon, where each of the finalists will exhibit their work. There are myriads of other excellent European examples of eGovernment projects on the website ( The website features Web2.0 style interactive and networking tools with which you can meet, contribute, share and learn from others. It is our aim to support good practice exchange. The ePractice environment enables a large number of experts in the field to examine cases and influence the way in which public administrations across Europe design and deliver services. As the website is accessible globally, it also provides an excellent platform to showcase European achievements worldwide. I would like to congratulate all the finalists and encourage you all to get involved and to build on these achievements so that Europe can maintain its lead in implementing eGovernment. Viviane Reding Member of the European Commission In charge of Information Society and Media European eGovernment Awards 2007 | Finalists European eGovernment Awards 2007 1 Better public services for growth and jobs 2 Participation and transparency 3 Social impact and cohesion 4 Effective and efficient administration Introduction Awards evaluation A panel of independent European experts, drawn from across Europe and with a variety of backgrounds to ensure the widest possible coverage in terms of geographical balance and specialist knowledge, was commissioned to evaluate all of the entries submitted to the European eGovernment Awards 2007. Out of more than 300 applications, 52 cases were ultimately shortlisted as finalists. Following the closure of the call for submissions on 14 June 2007 and subsequent eligibility screening, each application was evaluated by the panel of experts. The experts worked separately in the first phase of the evaluation process (25-29 June) and agreed on a ranking in the second phase (3-5 July) to ensure the highest standards and complete impartiality. A threshold was established for a case to proceed from phase one to phase two of the evaluation process. All finalists were required to attend the Workshop for Finalists on 26-27 July, and to participate in the Ministerial eGovernment Conference and Exhibition in Lisbon on 19-21 September 2007. Four winners will be selected from the finalists of each theme identified in the previous two phases by a committee of judges (Jury). The Jury will attend the Ministerial eGovernment Conference and will judge the exhibits on visual appeal, content and overall presentation on 19 September. In addition, all 52 finalist cases are published in, where registered members have been invited to vote online for the winner of the fifth “Most Inspiring Good Practice” Award. Good Practice exchange is an interactive initiative of the European Commission, providing a new array of services targeted at the eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth community. empowers its users to discuss and influence government policy-making and the way in which public administrations operate and deliver services. The European Commission ePractice project combines online activities with frequent offline activities, such as workshops, face-to-face meetings and public presentations. With a large knowledge base of real-life case studies submitted by professionals from across Europe, is committed to becoming a strong point of reference for the exchange of practical eKnowledge. Finalists and winners of the European eGovernment Awards are especially encouraged to play an active role in this innovative portal. One of the important features of is the Good Practice label, awarded to a limited number of cases after a careful screening and editing process. This exclusive quality distinction awarded by does not expire over time. The criteria followed when awarding a case the Good Practice label include its overall Community and Expert ratings, and whether or not it is qualified by an external best practice project. All 2007 eGovernment Awards finalists will receive the Good Practice label, as will a number of other cases of extraordinary quality. Holders of the Good Practice label will be able to use it unconditionally in their communication activities (i.e. letterheads). The distinction will remain highly visible in, next to the labelled case, in the user profile and in several areas of the portal. 10 | Exhibition Catalogue Better public services for growth and jobs 1 Finalists European eGovernment Awards 2007 Online public services directly contributing to the economic growth and job creation strategy of the European Union, known as the Lisbon Agenda. Theme 1 Modernising the European public sector represents one of the key challenges for the achievement of the Lisbon Objective, i.e. making Europe the most dynamic and competitive knowledge economy in the world. Public sector modernisation means, above all, providing Member States with a set of infrastructures, tools and shared service delivery processes needed for boosting competitiveness and fostering innovation, with the aim of exploiting the benefits the Information Society can bring to citizens and enterprises. Member States have committed themselves to giving all public administrations across Europe the ability to carry out 100% of their procurement electronically (where legally permissible) and to ensure that at least 50% of public procurement above the EC threshold is carried out electronically by 2010. Member States recognise the importance of eIDM for ensuring that, by 2010, European citizens and businesses will be able to benefit from secure and convenient electronic means, issued at local, regional or national levels and complying with data protection regulations, to identify themselves to public services in their own or in any other Member State. i2010 eGovernment Action Plan This theme focuses on technology and management-related factors which are crucial for supporting the achievement of the European policy objectives, thus taking into account not only the hard dimension related to standards and regulations, allowing for a massive takeup of advanced transaction services, but also soft aspects connected to the set-up of delivery architecture and processes for high-impact services. Document management systems, in this perspective, can be seen as the cornerstone of complex service provision frameworks. Replacing physical archives and facilitating information processing activities significantly mark the switch from traditional delivery procedures to integrated and seamless ones. Actively promoting the free movement of people across Europe is also related to identity management issues: public key infrastructures based on eID cards will provide a massive boost to the achievement of this policy objective, thus contributing to the establishment of a shared and approved European cultural environment. Finally, integrated multi-service platforms contribute to the increase of eGovernment service take-up rates. Reorganising back-office activities by adopting a citizen-centric perspective paves the way for a radical rethink of the way in which public services are provided, adding features such as multi-linguistic information sources, interoperable data exchange devices, and modular system architecture. The cases covering this theme reflect the abovementioned issues by focusing on policy programmes (NPPG), services reducing the enterprises’ administrative burden (CIRCE SRL), service infrastructures (EDD), GIS-based information distribution applications (Log-IN GII), eGovernment portals for businesses (HoReCa1) and eGovernment portals for citizens (AdminH24, JCCICRABES). 12 | Exhibition Catalogue Better public services for growth and jobs CIRCE SRL Information Centre and Business Creation Network for Private Limited Companies Spain Multi-channel delivery, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business Faster and simpler procedures developed for entrepreneurs through ICT use and process re-thinking The objective of CIRCE SRL is to expedite the creation of new companies in a quick and flexible manner and ensure the creation of more robust and competitive companies. To achieve this, the administrative procedures and paper forms associated with the company creation process have been simplified, thereby offering an integrated advisory service that assists the entrepreneur from the early phases of the business idea to the formal creation of the business and through its first years of activity. CIRCE SLR has also created an IT application for the start-up of companies, involving entrepreneurs, public service agencies and other bodies related to company creation. This case is a good practice example of how red tape can be reduced for the benefit of SMEs when ICT is used to improve service functionality. Impact The time required for creating a limited company has been reduced to nine working days by reducing the up to 15 paper forms required to formally create a limited company to a mere two visits - one to PAIT (Puntos de Asesoramiento e Inicio de la Tramitación) and one to a notary - and one electronic document to be completed by the entrepreneur. As a result of the CIRCE SPL initiative, the network of one-stopshops has been increased by 74% over three years and now comprises more then 180 such access points. Lessons learned • Administrative procedures may be improved by simplifying existing administrative processes and paper forms through the appropriate use of ICT. • Project management should be coordinated with clearly defined areas of responsibility and deadlines. • The appropriate procedural and legal framework must be in place and, if not, this point should be raised with the appropriate decision-makers at an early stage. Contact details Stand A01 National Government [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 13 Better public services for growth and jobs JCCICRABES Jekabpils City Council Information Centre Residential and Business eServices Latvia Local, eServices for Citizens, eAccessibility Local leadership and ICT improves access to public services and leads to greater transparency and participation in local decision-making The project aims to improve public knowledge of the use of IT and the quality of and accessibility to eServices. In addition, the project seeks to improve administrative capability for implementing eGovernment solutions while facilitating the use of eServices by citizens and business. Citizens and businesses are free to choose the means by which to contact Jekabpils City Council, as well as the access channel that most suits their needs. Residents with no Internet access can submit their queries either by telephone or by visiting the city council authority in person. This case is a good practice example of management and leadership, which, combined with a cost-efficient solution, has led to good take-up and impact rates at local level. Start-up costs in 2004 were €166,974. Impact Jekabpils City Council is the first in Latvia to launch a large number of electronic services with the aim of enabling local government to work more efficiently. Quantitative indicators include 2,600 resident visits to the one-stop-agency, as well as the registration and electronic processing of some 15,000 incoming and 9,000 outgoing documents in 2006 alone. Quality indicators include increased public awareness of local government work, greater public participation in local government work, and more efficient communication and exchange of opinions. Lessons learned • Public sector, citizen and business requirements should be focused on from the outset, including objectives, target users and potential problems. • Making the interface of the solution as user-friendly and accessible as possible helps to ensure take-up once implemented. • Well-designed and simple solutions based on ICT can help increase citizen involvement in local government work. Contact details Jekabpils City Council [email protected] 14 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A02 Better public services for growth and jobs EDD Évora Distrito Digital - Évora County Digital Project Portugal Regional and Local, eServices for Business and Citizens, eAccessibility Regional cooperation results in better access to ICT infrastructure, public services and improved skills The Évora Digital District (EDD) project has been a turning point in the implementation of the knowledge society in the district of Évora. The partnership brought together the Évora County Association of Municipalities, the 14 municipalities of the county, the local tourism agency, and ADRAL (Alentejo’s regional development agency). From September 2004 to June 2007, EDD implemented a vast set of projects, including portals specifically developed for the regional portal, tourists, business and eCommerce, as well as a geoinformation portal, a business extranet, the Inovévor@-Innovation Centre, a number of municipal intranets, and websites offering online services. In addition, regional hotspots, a regional data centre, Évora Municipality – Memory and Online Services, and an Internet mobile vehicle were set up. EDD is a good practice example of achieving a common goal and an integrated vision of ‘going digital’ through local cooperation. To date more the €6 million worth of investments have been related to the project and related activities. Impact Investments of more then €6 million have been made and transparency and efficiency have improved by exposing internal services to the Internet. As a result of the project, Évora municipalities now see the Internet and online services as crucial tools to ensure that municipal employees are more informed. There are currently more then 2,500 users in the region and over 100 rural locations where the Portuguese equivalent of the European Computer Driving Licence is taught. Local organisations are now more aware of, and react to, the low PC/Internet penetration, and have started collaboration with local IT experts to share solutions. The SME online solution, MarcaÉvora, has resulted in a regional directory of more then 500 local SMEs and 10 new IT SMEs have settled in Évora. Lessons learned • A strong focus on objectives, capacities and results is important and must be combined with leadership. • Dividing project objectives and tasks into shorter, simple tasks makes it easier to design, implement faster and evaluate the results of the project. • Sustainability is essential for the long-term success and promotion of the project, and early success (internally and externally) helps ensure visibility. Contact details Stand A03 Associação de Municípios do Distrito de Évora [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 15 Better public services for growth and jobs NPPG The National Programme of Computer Literacy Czech Republic Digital literacy, eInclusion, eCompetences Improving the lives of disadvantaged groups through better ICT skills The Ministry of the Interior implemented the National Programme of Computer Literacy (NPCL or NPPG in Czech) in the 2003-2006 period in order to facilitate the acquisition of basic computer and IT skills by the general public. This included lessons on how to use the Internet and overcome any fears relating to new technology. The programme was developed in the form of two-hour courses, taught by experienced teachers, during which participants gradually acquired basic PC, Internet and e-mail skills. As opposed to similar courses available commercially, the NPCL courses were affordable to almost everybody, in particular older people, who do not have the same access to computers and the Internet as the general public. Spin-offs include special projects for disadvantaged groups, such as people with disabilities, as well as the transfer of the project in various forms to Uganda, Kenya and South Korea. NPCL is an effective, high impact programme, promoting computer/Internet literacy and paving the way for future initiatives, particularly in terms of eLearning applications. Project costs to date are €1,052,600. Impact Old(er) people have, as a result of the project, started to use ICT, including eGovernment services. Now, 61% of people aged 51 years or above (the largest of the predefined target groups) use the Internet to access public services. An added benefit has been that participants in the NPCL project have often found a new sense of purpose and motivation for further IT-related education. This is also the case in a special project for disabled people, which has enabled participants to develop skills that help them to overcome obstacles and facilitate everyday life. Through participation in the NPCL project, and with the help of the European Computer Driving Licence, many participants have found new jobs. Lessons learned • eLearning has proven to be the best format for advanced preparatory courses, with participants upgrading their IT skills at home, work, Internet cafes, etc. • Partnerships with public libraries and schools have proven beneficial, with schools testing life-long learning courses and libraries gaining more users. • Thought-through concepts have proven to be transferable to other user groups and countries if content, methodology and technology are adapted to the situation. Contact details Ministry of the Interior [email protected] 16 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A04 Better public services for growth and jobs HoReCa1 One-stop-shop for Hotel Restaurant Café licences Netherlands User centric services, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business Simplification and one-stop-shop reduces the administrative burden for bars, hotels and restaurants in Amsterdam For a bar, hotel or restaurant in Amsterdam, one needs to obtain licences and dispensations from more than 18 different authorities, creating a difficult obstacle for those setting up their own business. Through the HoReCa1 one-stop-shop, an entrepreneur can easily find out which selection of 40 governmental documents has to be obtained by answering 20 questions and filling out a single form for seven local licences required in the City of Amsterdam. This project is an excellent example of how to promote new SMEs in the service sector through the integration of 18 different national procedures governing business development. Start-up costs for the project in 2006 was €350,000. Impact With savings per applicant of €1,506, it is possible to save some €30.2 million a year in administrative costs in the Netherlands, while reducing the burden for both the authorities and the individual businesses. In addition to a simpler, more effective service with real financial benefits for both the provider and the user, the project has proven its flexibility and transferability to other municipalities and other sectors. Lessons learned • It is important to take one step at a time, dividing the project up into smaller, more manageable tasks and goals. • It is important to harness internal knowledge, much of which is not formalised, thereby increasing transparency and efficiency. • Investing in the organisation and its people will increase the acceptance and subsequent take-up of a solution. Contact details Stand A05 Economic Development Department, City of Amsterdam [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 17 Better public services for growth and jobs LoG-IN GII 35 local governments from three countries sharing one GIS infrastructure Belgium Regional and Local, eServices with pan-European scope, eCompetences Local development promoted by powerful web application developed jointly by 35 local authorities in Europe Local governments play an important role in providing services that enhance the environment for local business. However, local governments may often be reluctant to assume this role. The LoG-IN Generic Information Infrastructure (GII) is a powerful infrastructure owned by 35 local authorities in the UK, Germany and Belgium. It is based on open standards, XML/GML and web services, with local authorities being able to build powerful web applications using only a web browser. The GII allows local authorities to manage and publish their geographic data supporting a multi-channel approach. The case is a good example of ICT and geo-information used for regional cooperation and common service provision to promote local development. To date the project costs are in the region of €175,000. Impact Though the re-engineering of seven protocols and procedures, with additional ones in the pipeline, savings to date amount to €1.5 million, along with a calculated saving of 15 employees. Other benefits include more empowered employees, with 50 power users and 1,500 public sector employees having received training in eGovernment Academies. For businesses working with the participating public sector organisation, the benefits include an improvement in effectiveness of up to 50%, as well as up-to-date and correct data available at all times for sharing. Lessons learned • The co-development and design of solutions among local government software companies can result in multiple benefits. • It is important to understand the needs and circumstances of partners and target users from the outset. • The bottom-up approach works if there is a common need and coordinated approach; however, in all cases, ICT is just a tool to achieve a certain goal. Contact details Intercommunale Leiedal [email protected] 18 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A06 Better public services for growth and jobs AdminH24 Formulaires en ligne – Online Forms France User-centric services, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eAccessibility Fast and simple solution developed by national one-stop gateway with 24/7 access is a one-stop gateway developed to give its users access to a large number of public services. The project is based on the premise that access should be possible any time, from anywhere, in a simple manner via a unique entry point. The portal is integrated in the Formulaires en ligne ( website, which offers electronic versions of forms traditionally available in paper version. Forms are available to the users 24/7, and can be completed and submitted online before being transmitted to the corresponding service provider in a back-office process. This well-integrated management model and solution has a high potential for transferability. Impact Positive impacts for users include 24/7 access and availability, as well as a faster and simpler solution. For administrations, benefits include improved quality of the information submitted and stored through a set of online controls and help functions available to the user, the online transmission of forms, which, in turn, can be automatically integrated in a back-office application, and the fact that administrations can transmit information, such as acknowledgement of receipt, electronically to the user. Lessons learned • Clearly defined objectives and results are important in order to derive the maximum benefits of digital solutions. • The importance of change management should not be underestimated, as change can always be better managed and issues will arise. • Clear communication of the reason for and benefits of a project is key in order to enable change and take-up both internally and externally. Contact details Stand A07 Directorate General for Modernisation [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 19 Participation and transparency 2 Finalists European eGovernment Awards 2007 Interactive initiatives that empower citizens and business to influence open government, policy-making and the way in which public administrations operate and deliver services. Theme 2 Technological progress on the one hand, and the increasing demand for enhanced citizen participation in policy and decision-making on the other, are challenging traditional democratic processes and mechanisms. Better decision-making and more extensive involvement of citizens in all phases of democratic decision-making, including at European level, are critical for the cohesion of European society (i2010 eGovernment Action Plan) and thus contribute to the Lisbon objectives. The European Commission’s role is to enable cooperation at European level, notably in eParticipation, to increase understanding, accelerate progress by sharing re-usable solutions from […], and support, by means of ICT, the transparency of European institutions and the involvement of citizens. i2010 eGovernment Action Plan Participation and transparency are the building blocks of modern democratic societies. They encompass a variety of related issues such as enhancing transparency, supporting political activity, improving consultation, building democratic knowledge, bridging social and political inequalities, facilitating community development, and/or enhancing deliberative space. Integrated information and service provision solutions allow citizens and enterprises to effectively participate in democratic dialogue: the gap between the government and its constituency can be filled only by removing, or at least significantly reducing, information asymmetry between all the actors involved. eParticipation initiatives are still rather experimental in nature; nevertheless, some interesting examples point to the future potential of digital solutions applied to participatory and voting processes in the short and medium term. eID management platforms will ensure the security of sensitive data, thus contributing to the confidence citizens and businesses have in using digital solutions and thereby supporting the increased take-up of eVoting and eConsultation systems. The cases covering this theme are indicative of the broad scope of participation and transparency objectives. They focus on various aspects mentioned above, in particular enhancing transparency (DOPS, PortalU, MEPAeApps, Gencat 2.0, MyPage), supporting political activity (iVote), improving consultation in decision-making and service delivery (epetition, e@SY, Madrid-p, Vicky), and enhancing deliberative space and facilitating community development (VirtuoCity). Some cases follow a remarkably integrated approach, including the provision of monitoring tools to support citizens and governments in their new roles in digital environments (e-CC). 22 | Exhibition Catalogue Participation and transparency iVote Internet voting in Estonia Estonia Legal aspects, eIdentity, eParticipation, eDemocracy, eVoting Estonia becomes electronic voting pioneer In 2005, the Estonian National Electoral Committee opened a new chapter in the history of electoral administration: for the first time ever, Internet voting was applied nationwide with binding results. The use of iVote is now mandatory in all elections and referenda in Estonia. iVote aims to enhance accessibility and increase participation by offering citizens an additional voting channel. The project is fully in line with the Estonian Government’s goal of using technology to make public administration more efficient and user-friendly. This innovative application is supported by a well-developed public key infrastructure based on electronic identity (eID) cards and takes advantage of an already existing remote authentication infrastructure. iVote will inspire other governments when implementing their eParticipation strategies. Impact In the 2005 elections, a total of 9,287 iVotes were cast, which corresponds to 0.9% of the voters. A remarkable increase was seen in the parliamentary elections in 2007 with 30,275 iVotes cast (i.e. 3.4%). The number of voters who used their eID cards electronically for the first time increased from 5,774 (in 2005) to 11,894 (in 2007). The total expenditure for iVote amounts to €400,000 over a period of four years, starting from the development of the system to the 2007 elections. The cost of establishing the new voting system in 2005 amounted to approximately 20% of the total electoral costs, while in 2007 the cost was significantly lower, making up 6% of the total electoral costs. Lessons learned • Internet voting is a substantial part of eGovernment and may encourage people to use existing eServices and technology. • Previously laid foundations can serve as a good basis for the development of new services without the need for major investment. • However, the provision of an additional voting channel via the Internet per se does not have an immediate effect on election turnouts. Contact details Stand A15 National Electoral Committee [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 23 Participation and transparency Mypage Mypage Self-service Citizen’s Portal Norway User-centric service, Inclusive eGovernment, Interoperability Norwegians are going for personalised, on-demand government services Mypage was launched in mid-December 2006 and currently offers more than 200 services for citizens. Only four months later, more than 200,000 users had already been registered on the portal. It is a userdefined and secured citizen portal, on which users can carry out personalised public eServices in one place and on demand. Citizens can also control information about themselves held by various public authorities. The goal is to have all relevant services from all levels of administration available through Mypage by the end of 2009. Mypage is a good example of interoperable architecture that supports a self-service solution. Impact From May 2007, some 200 services from more than 40 public authorities have been provided, serving more than 200,000 registered citizens, which corresponds to 5% of the population. The two most popular transaction services had approximately 60,000 users each, with ‘address information’ and ‘property information’ receiving more than 500,000 and 230,000 visitors respectively. Lessons learned • A focus on user needs is essential to ensure the eventual take-up of an eService. • The involvement of all actors in the public sector (including municipalities) from the outset is indispensable. • Even though this has been widely recognised as a key success factor, the project shows that the commitment of political leaders is crucial. Contact details [email protected], 24 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A16 Participation and transparency Madrid-p Madrid Participa: citizens’ eConsultations in the city of Madrid Spain User-centric services, Multi-channel delivery, eParticipation, eDemocracy Madrid’s choice: trust and multi-channel dialogue in local eParticipation Madrid Participa is a highly efficient instrument to increase citizen participation in the local decisionmaking process in the city of Madrid. It provides a platform for a more dynamic and continuous dialogue between political representatives and citizens. When compared to traditional consultation tools, the approach of using secure eVoting technology in parallel with traditional channels enables the Madrid City Council to carry out more convenient and user-friendly consultations, while avoiding the costs of a traditional voting system. Madrid Participa provides a variety of technical improvements in authentication systems and multi-channel voting opportunities. The lessons learned and the expertise acquired will be in high demand due to a growing interest in eParticipation in local government across Europe and beyond. Impact The engagement of local citizen associations in the city council’s activities and initiatives has increased, and there is evidence of a direct relation between this type of eEngagement and participation rates. To date, the eConsultation platform has been used regularly in 22 citizen consultations, involving more than 3.5 million citizens. For example, 53.29% of the participants cast their votes via the Internet in Madrid’s central district in a consultation on pedestrian zones, and 35.23% cast votes in the Hortaleza issue, for which an eConsultation related to the local park was conducted. The city council has received very positive and useful feedback from citizens, political parties and citizen associations alike. The total cost amounts to approximately €120,000. Lessons learned • An eConsultation platform must guarantee the critical and specific security requirements to generate trust between citizens and the city council. • Multiple voting channels will enhance participation, but registration and voting processes must be simple in order to be attractive. • Use all media channels and local associations to increase marketing efforts and focus on issues that really affect the everyday life of citizens. Contact details Stand A17 Madrid City Council [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 25 Participation and transparency VirtuoCity Virtual Cities… over one thousand words Netherlands User-centric services, Multi-channel delivery, eParticipation The ‘second life’ of three cities in the Netherlands Virtual Cities is an initiative of the Dutch city governments of Apeldoorn (population 156,000), Helmond (population 86,000), and Tilburg (population 210,000) that uses virtual technology from the University spin-off known as Cebra. It is an interesting organisational cooperation model to support the participation of citizens in discussions and decision-making processes concerning important city reconstruction projects. Visitors can enter the virtual three-dimensional presentation of the city, as it is at present or as it will be in the future. They are provided with all kinds of multi-media information, can leave their remarks in a forum, vote for alternative designs, and chat with other visitors. The Virtual Cities concept – which follows the trend set by ‘second life’ in cyberspace – has successfully been used in three Dutch municipalities, where the main issues were quite similar, as they are in many municipalities. Impact A great achievement of Virtual Cities is easy access for citizens. One of the success stories is the marketplace of Helmond, which has finally been reconstructed after ten years of discussion. In Tilburg, for the first time, an online vote was organised concerning the citizens’ preferred design for the central marketplace. There are about 75,000 visits per day and regular virtual chats between citizens and the members of the city council. The way in which public opinion is taken into account is very innovative and shows wider ranging (indirect) impacts. For example, only very few citizens currently try to block reconstruction plans in court. This is due to the extensive engagement of the population in discussions, the virtual presentation of all relevant material, and the provision of mechanisms to take into account public opinion. Lessons learned by the finalist: • Citizens respond very positively to the approach; they feel better informed and take their involvement more seriously. • Exchange of experiences and ideas is important, but follow-up and implementation are crucial. • Innovation requires a vision and entrepreneurial skills; the implementation should be part of the municipal infrastructure to ensure a standard approach. Contact details Stand A18 City of Apeldoorn [email protected],, 26 | Exhibition Catalogue Participation and transparency ePetition ePetition United Kingdom User-centric services, Inclusive eGovernment, eParcitipation, eDemocracy eEngagement: the Prime Minister’s Office in Britain shows the way ePetition is a high-impact participation project on a national scale. The ePetitions initiative was launched by the Prime Minister’s Office in November 2006 to enable citizens in the United Kingdom to address and deliver an electronic petition directly to the Prime Minister and collect signatures via the Downing Street website. This project focuses mainly on enhancing citizens’ political engagement by digitising an old tradition through which citizens made representations to government, and enabling two-way dialogue by allowing government to address those concerns and explain policies in e-mails back to signatories. The service is addressed to every citizen in the UK or in the UK dominion; in other words, the target group is even broader than the electorate, in that there is no (lower) age limit. ePetition is an open source application and can be used by others, which is to be encouraged. Impact By August 2007, about 8,500 petitions were live and 3,600 completed. There have been over 5 million signatures collected (originating from 3.5 million different e-mail addresses). This means that around 6% of the population has engaged directly with the Prime Minister and been motivated to join the political process. The site itself is marketed by the users, who are encouraged to e-mail the URLs of their favourite petitions in order to generate support for their cause. Lessons learned • The power of viral marketing should not be underestimated; this kind of communication is very costefficient. • ePetitions are powerful tools to convey messages to politicians and policy-makers as to what people are concerned about. • ePetitions is an important mechanism for public debate and encourages political engagement, creating an unprecedented level of dialogue. Contact details Stand A19 Prime Minister’s Office [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 27 Participation and transparency e-CC e-Citizen Charter Netherlands Policy, User-centric services, Inclusive eGovernment A Charter for eCitizens in the Netherlands ensures quality public services through the use of standards What can citizens expect when eGovernment is finally implemented? The e-Citizen Charter provides the answer. This charter consists of quality standards that define the digital relationship between citizens and government in the field of information exchange, service delivery and political participation. These standards are formulated as rights to which citizens are entitled and matching obligations on the part of government bodies. The charter allows citizens to call their government to account for the quality of online contacts. The government can use the charter to examine the external quality of eGovernment. Thus, the charter is an instrument used to stimulate eGovernment from a citizen perspective, aiming to establish standards in a non-regulated domain. It has been adopted by the Dutch national and local governments, and recommended by the OECD as guidelines. A pioneer in the field, it has great potential for good practice sharing. Impact e-CC was adopted as a standard for public service delivery in the Joint Dutch Authorities Declaration in April 2006. It was also used as a selection principle for the annual national eGovernment Awards in 2006 and 2007, as the quality standard in NORA (the Dutch Government Interoperability Framework) in September 2006 and received international recognition by the OECD in December 2006. In January 2007, the charter was adopted as a quality standard in the national portal project (Overheid heeft Antwoord), and used as the guiding principle for the eCitizen Panel’s evaluation of eGovernment building blocks in May 2007 and formally adopted as a policy aim by a number of provinces and cities. Lessons learned • External pressure can support internal change initiatives, creating independent platforms for permanent citizen feedback, such as the eCitizen Programme. • Stimulate the use of standards: voluntary adherence is preferable to legal obligation (comply or explain). • Facilitate autonomy: a national standard should leave room for local innovation and sector differences and adoption. Contact details [email protected] (e-Citizen Programme) [email protected] 28 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A20 Participation and transparency MEPAeApps MEPA eApplications Malta User-centric services, Multi-channel delivery Transparency and cutting red tape in land planning in Malta The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) handles over 8,000 applications for development permits every year. Plans, documents and correspondence with various stakeholders are processed for each application. eApplications brings together different platforms and technologies into one homogeneous system, which allows clients to view application details, submit and pay for applications online and send/ receive correspondence digitally, thus increasing participation, efficiency and transparency. Internal case processing is digitised and minutes and all internally generated documents are digitally recorded within the system. A role-based security system allows users with various rights to interact with the system in a secure web-based environment. This is a technologically advanced platform, with interesting multichannel aspects, focused on cutting red tape. Impact The main impacts are transparency, increased efficiency and user involvement. Transparency is reflected in more accessible data achieved through full electronic data including plans and file ‘minutes’. Agents, applicants and the general public use the online systems to obtain up-to-date detailed status reports of all applications directly from internal databases. Efficiency is a result of a direct, secure communication with verified receipt mechanisms and the availability of document uploading through the system that has replaced physical mail communication. This has resulted in a significant reduction in waiting time. Parallel case processing has now been established for different parts of the life cycle of an application. Direct online communication with consultancy bodies and agents has been proven to increase efficiency and reduce turnaround times. This system provides the user with GIS functionality online, enabling greater access to information, as well as dynamic data querying facilities. Lessons learned • The seamless integration of systems and components into one homogeneous system is a key for success, as is flexibility to cater for the specific needs of the organisation. • Effective use of geographical information systems: representing data on a map can be more informative and user-friendly than in other formats. • User focus and system sharing: back-office staff, key users, stakeholders and the general public all share and update the same system. Contact details Stand A21 Malta Environment and Planning Authority [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 29 Participation and transparency DOPS Donegal Online Planning Services Ireland Local, User-centric services, eServices for Citizens Ireland counts on partnerships and informed customers for online land planning services Donegal County Council (DCC) processes on average 8,000 planning applications annually. Those providing information to the public in a traditional over-the-counter manner were unable to cope with the volumes of information needed. DCC adopted web technologies to deliver this information to customers on a 24/7 basis. Customers can now access and search for planning application details, related scanned documentation, locations via web geographic information systems (GIS), pre-planning site analyses, local and county development plans, FAQs and general planning process guidelines. Aware that the Internet is another channel for communicating with its customers, DCC is providing up-to-date planning information in a transparent and accessible manner. DOPS is an interoperable web GIS solution that increases transparency for local governance. Impact There has been an increasing growth in the use of DOPS since 2004. The Eplan Search has risen from 35,250 hits in 2004 to 104,460 hits in 2007. The same applies to the Gplan (GIS) search, which has also increased from 22,625 (2004) to 159,116 hits (2007). The use of the scanned document search has grown from 6,775 (2004) to 25,583. The Permits Planning Department provides a higher quality service. It is reflected in reduced general enquiry telephone calls and no follow-up from website referrals, and it enables planning customers to be better informed. Moreover, DOPS has increased transparency in the planning process and encouraged increased participation by relevant parties – the public, public agencies, business community and politicians. Lessons learned • Create a partnership with business owners: convince owners it is their application. • Adopt a modular approach to development: deliver increasing enhanced services over time. • Need to consult with end-users about system functionality and deliverables: conduct extensive user requirements surveys. Contact details Donegal County Council [email protected] 30 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A22 Participation and transparency PortalU The German Environmental Information Portal Germany Policy, eServices for Citizens, eParticipation Germany takes the lead in transparent environmental information services PortalU was launched in June 2006 and is the central online information portal of the environmental authority in Germany. The portal is the result of long-term cooperation among the 16 federal states and the federal government. To the citizens of Germany, PortalU provides a highly accessible, comfortable and central access point for publicly held environmental information and data. In the spirit of the ÅrhusConvention and the EU Environmental Information Directive, PortalU offers information services with the goal of making government more transparent, educating the public about environmental issues, and thus enabling and enhancing public participation in environment-related decision processes. PortalU has a well-organised central information structure, using distributed data sources in federal and central governments. It is based on cooperation agreements among federal administrations. Impact For the partners, PortalU has had a significant impact on the support of their environmental information infrastructure. The portal is being used by all partners to comply with their obligations under national, regional and European legislation. Further positive results include the harmonisation of data management, data presentation and technology. Firstly, a common model for metadata has resulted in the harmonisation of data management. Secondly, a common thematic categorisation has led to harmonised data presentation. Finally, the PortalU software is used to build regional information portals and achieves harmonisation of technology. An average of 10,000 visits and 400,000 hits are registered every month. The total cost amounts to €750,000, and the main contributor is the federal government (approximately 40%). Lessons learned • In-depth involvement of all key stakeholders: developments in PortalU are discussed and decided upon by all parties involved. • A sound financial basis helps: a long-term administrative agreement between federal government and states provides funding for technology and human resources. • Affordable technology is important: the use of licence-free open-source software makes it easier to spread software. Contact details Stand A23 Coordination Centre PortalU [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 31 Participation and transparency e@SY e@SY Connects - Transformational Petitioning United Kingdom Multi-channel delivery, Inclusive eGovernment, eParticipation, eDemocracy Transformational petitioning is easy in South Yorkshire, UK e@SY Connects delivers true citizen and business-centric services whilst simultaneously reducing the demand on providers of the service through a partnership of public, private and voluntary sector providers – a true win-win scenario. e@SY has now taken a previously recognised European award petitioning system to another level by making it more accessible for all, regardless of socio-economic group or computing skills, through the delivery of the enhanced service over a wide range of access channels (Internet, digital interactive television, mobile telephones, kiosks, gaming stations, etc.) with a new generic replicable interface, used in the UK as well as in other European countries such as the Netherlands. This is a high impact project, including tools for active participation based on an effective multi-channel strategy, with an effective marketing strategy. Impact The empowerment of citizens (and businesses) through a generic, replicable, transparent solution is one of the main impacts. Moreover, active participation has been achieved not simply by means of a one-way information flow or two-way consultations, but by creating a partnership between civil society, elected representatives and government officers, i.e. a community of practice. Finally, real inclusion could occur through a larger number of participants and better decisions through the use of multiple channels. For example, since more people have access to Digital TV than the Internet in South Yorkshire, e@SY made developing interactive solutions on these channels vital. Lessons learned • Internal and external marketing efforts are essential. • Involve and empower the citizen: this approach is recognised across Europe. • Working across Europe opens up further opportunities: in vital service areas, e.g. authentication and authorisation, colleagues bring interesting experiences, views and skills to any new development. Contact details e@SY Connects [email protected] 32 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A24 Participation and transparency Vicky Vicky – A virtual assistant for social security in Italy Italy User-centric services, Multi-channel delivery, Efficiency & Effectiveness An Italian public authority that can listen, learn and respond to the different needs of all types of citizen The National Social Security Institute (INPS) in Italy communicates with over 42 million people with different needs and languages through 600 contact points, a contact centre and an online portal. Vicky is the innovative interaction system that the INPS has put in place on its web portal to extend its efforts for an increasingly effective way of communicating with citizens. A multi-channel virtual human assistant, Vicky, can be reached via the web and mobile phones and, in the near future, via TV, with the ability to answer complex questions and understand the user’s language, and the intelligence to learn from user input. The main novelty of this project lies in the way in which traditional communication schemes of public authorities are being transformed. Impact Vicky became operational in May 2007. The impact measured at the launch recorded that over 90% of visitors used the kiosk and over 50% could fully satisfy their requirements without the need for human intervention. There were over 3,000 dialogues with Vicky within the first four days. The impact measured shows about 5- 6,000 accesses daily and about 2,000 queries answered. Vicky eliminates barriers common to online and multi-channel self-service systems by creating easy and natural communication with citizens. The result will be a public authority that can listen, learn and respond to the different needs of all types of citizen. The total costs of Vicky amount to €2.5 million. Lessons learned • Assist the user with information and services in a natural way: a virtual assistant used only to navigate through information does not improve the service. • Interact with the user: supply correct answers to questions posed in the same language as the user. • Learn from the user: citizens are the best source of information when it comes to understanding their needs. Analysing their questions is the best way of improving the service. Contact details Stand A25 National Social Security Institute [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 33 Participation and transparency Gencat 2.0 Gencat: mass-scale deployment based on transparency and web 2.0 Spain Regional, User-centric services, Efficiency & Effectiveness Catalonia shows the way in the development of citizen-centred service Gencat 2.0, the Internet website of the Catalan Autonomous Government, is an example of a radical redefinition of the eGovernment portal concept and a mass-scale deployment based on transparency and Web 2.0 philosophy in public administration, fully backed by a policy-driven political strategy focused on an integrated citizen-centric approach. With its 70 million visits per year and more than 1,200 million pages served per year, Gencat is the sixth most visited website in Catalonia and the thirtieth in Spain, according to the latest Internet user survey carried out by the Association for Communications Media Research (AIMC), positioned at the level of mass media or financial services. This is an evolutionary case with high potential impact due to the effective use of state-of-the-art technologies. Impact An increase (in number and quality) in online citizen services, as a result of mobilisation and involvement in the project, of the overall organisation lead to 69.8 million visits. Additionally, the cross-syndication affecting 289 websites takes place, with 2.3 million annual RSS feeds, 135,764 newsletter subscriptions, a fully electronic Regional Official Journal and an AA accessibility compliance of 83.72% resulted in economies of scale. Starting from exploratory pilots, Gencat has turned out to a consolidated operational implementation involving more than 4,000 participants (social mediators, health professionals, cultural promoters, lawyers and teachers) in 30 communities. Lessons learned • Offering transparent access to information: stimulating citizen involvement involves a complex decision process and the use of new tools. • The role of innovation processes: re-think existing processes, commit to the reorganisation of any necessary component or organisational structure. • Think big – scale matters: the ultimate objective for eGovernment services is to reach the same level of popularity as media, financial or entertainment services. Contact details Directorate General for Citizen Attention, Generalitat de Catalunya [email protected] 34 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A26 Social impact and cohesion 3 Finalists European eGovernment Awards 2007 Public service initiatives contributing to improvements in the social environment and social cohesion. Services can be local, national, or European, and user-oriented, inclusive, and interoperable. Theme 3 Public administrations play a fundamental role in promoting cohesion and stability on behalf of their constituencies. In this perspective, the involvement of the widest possible set of social actors is not only an economic imperative, but also ethically desirable. Excluding disadvantaged or unconnected citizens from an interconnected Information Society would endanger the very basis of the European socio-economic system, which is increasingly based on ICT and technological innovation to function and deliver its benefits. Member States have committed themselves to inclusive eGovernment objectives to ensure that, by 2010, all citizens, including socially disadvantaged groups, become major beneficiaries of eGovernment, and European public administrations deliver public information and services that are more easily accessible and increasingly trusted by the public, through innovative use of ICT, increasing awareness of the benefits of eGovernment and improved skills and support for all users. i2010 eGovernment Action Plan This theme embraces a series of topics related to inclusive eGovernment and highlights in two specific ways the direct link between technology innovation and public service provision. First, making eGovernment accessible to disadvantaged people requires special design and delivery systems, thus stimulating scientific ICT-oriented research in areas such as biomedicine and ergonomics. Second, supporting groups such as the elderly or the disabled requires consistent and intelligent involvement strategies and therefore considerable management innovation. In this sense, the full exploitation of the multi-channel potential represents a significant step towards achieving the European inclusion objectives and marks the shift from computer-based or silo-organised eGovernment to comprehensive service delivery approaches. A further important issue relates to accessibility requirements and codes of conduct: European public administrations need to proactively participate in setting up these regulatory frameworks in order to ensure that the needs of the disadvantaged are properly addressed from the very first phases of the inclusion process. The cases covering this theme focus on highly different issues referring in various ways to the theme, ranging from large- and small-scale eInclusion initiatives (UKOLM, Connect) to service delivery and information distribution platforms (CSC-KEP, Infobank), from educationoriented IT-based initiatives and applications (DLS, eGAIANIMA) to local service delivery interfaces (Besanc.clic). 36 | Exhibition Catalogue Social impact and cohesion CSC-KEP Multi-channel Citizen Service Centres Greece Inclusive eGovernment, eAccessibility, Multi-channel delivery An example of multi-channel service delivery, providing over 1,000 products and services to Greek citizens, revealing the importance of clear communication and publicity for success The Citizen Service Centres (CSC) provide an advanced multi-channel system for the delivery of public services to citizens and businesses, regardless of their digital literacy level, social orientation or locality. It has proven to be a high profile eGovernment project and its impact on citizens and administration alike has been remarkable. Several thousand citizens every day across Greece can walk into any of the more the 1,050 Citizen Service Centres, call the call centre 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit the dedicated website in order to carry out their affairs with the various departments in the public domain through this seamless suite of integrated channels. Impact CSC-KEP has over 1,050 service centres, offering more then 1,000 products and services through 1,025 standard national forms. The number of transactions through all channels (via the portal, phone or faceto-face) totalled 3,126,853 in 2006, with over two million interactions taking place to date in 2007. The number of customers in 2006 was 1,920,000. The rolling total has now reached 4,945,681. Every day, the Citizen Service Centres answer around 1,700 phone calls and receive 6,000 portal visits. Lessons learned • Central support, consensus and local implementation, as well as a strong public image, are needed for widespread success. • National projects need strong political support. Project leaders should be high-level politicians, such as deputy ministers. • Technology alone cannot achieve better services. Better use of information, people, processes and technology are required. Relationships with the public and advertising support are essential. Contact details Stand A08 Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration & Decentralisation [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 37 Social impact and cohesion Infobank Multilingual Infobank - website for immigrants Finland User-centric services, eServices with pan-European scope A highly inclusive multilingual information website for the immigrant population of Finland, which has already expanded from one city to several others in the country Infobank (Infopankki) is a multilingual web service targeted at the 120,000 immigrants living in Finland, as well as the authorities providing them with public services. The information on the website is available in 15 languages. The site ( contains basic information on everyday questions, including healthcare, social services, education, employment, and links to other relevant websites offering comprehensive and complementary information. This national web service was launched in 2003, and receives approximately 50,000 visitors per month. Project-related investments to date amount to €95,000. Impact Originally, this website used to be part of the web service of the city of Helsinki but, due to the good results, others have joined in and started to use the information for their own needs. The Infobank currently has five partners and contacts with several others. In 2006, Infobank had 40,000 visitors per month and 1.9 million pages were uploaded. In 2007, the number of visitors increased to 50,000 per month. A web-based questionnaire for Infobank users carried out in May 2007 had positive results: 70-90% of respondents felt the information on the site was useful and the themes well covered. More than 90% of respondents felt that Infobank is easy to use and the information easy to read and understand. The impact of Infobank is sustainable because it supports the long-term integration of site users. 38% of users visit the site one-three times a month. The site has also been successful with public authority officials themselves: 40% of users are authorities providing services to immigrants. Lessons learned • Networking is highly important when it comes to the production and dissemination of information. • It is important to target the information through frequent surveys, etc., to find out the needs of users. This requires a constant updating mechanism. Contact details International Cultural Centre Caisa [email protected] 38 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A09 Social impact and cohesion Besanc.clic Besancon.clic France Infrastructure, Regional, eCompetences A case revealing the impact of recycling computers for public spaces, focusing not only on digital access, but also cultural diversity and other social policy goals Since 1999, the city of Besançon and the Greater Besançon Community have been reducing the digital gap by financing IT equipment in the region. The computers were donated by firms and rebuilt in a centre for disabled workers. Recipients have included primary schools and hospitals, associations, retirement homes and, since 2006, some schools in Senegal, through the distribution of an eBook pack to all of the pupils in the third year of primary school (CE2). Common training courses between Besançon and Dakar universities are currently being considered, as well as an exchange network. The eBook pack consists of a computer with a digital workspace and the installation of public multimedia access points in every neighbourhood. Computers use open source software, which is downloaded from servers located either in the data processing department of the city council or in schools for external sites. The project has so far cost €350,000. Impact Firstly, the case has contributed to a reduction in the digital divide and the improvement of social and cultural links. Besançon should be, very soon, one of the best connected towns in France. The free training sessions for parents bring families closer together, and enable children to surf the web safely with parental guidance. The collective training sessions in municipal “cyber-bases” (digital access points) improve the exchanges and the desire for learning. Secondly, the extension of the programme is facilitated due to its low cost. The huge increase in IT equipment now being used in the city allows for revitalised methods of teaching to be used. Pupils studying in Besançon gain more ICT-related skills than the national average. Thirdly, the disabled workers benefit from the chat functionality available. Lessons learned • This case highlights how ICT can be used positively for multiple purposes, including social and cultural goals. • Collaboration between the various parties has made the project far more successful than it would otherwise have been. • Allocated budgets do not constitute a major difficulty. Use your own resources. Contact details Stand A10 City of Besançon [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 39 Social impact and cohesion UKOLM UK online centres and myguide United Kingdom Inclusive eGovernment, Cohesion, Empowerment Access for communities to ICT tools is facilitated by a 6,000-strong network of UK online centres, which provide support to develop skills for ICT competence The 6,000-strong network of UK online centres is a unique public asset in the United Kingdom, and could be a model for other EU states and regions. UK online centres support communities and regions in economic development and regeneration and provide outreach to the socially excluded, providing them with support and skills that build independence. The network improves lives and life chances by opening up ICT skills, the Internet and online government services to people who are not online at home or at work or who need support in using computers. The network provides community ICT access to close the digital divide. The project is a good practice example with a clear focus on closing the digital divide, and depends on 3,000 centres and an extremely large target group. Its large impact is therefore also ensured in terms of economic growth. Impact UK online centres engage over 8.67 million people per year and improve peoples’ lives and life chances. Each year, UK online centres take around 1 million digitally excluded citizens, a boost of €335 million per year of Gross Domestic Product from eGEP efficiencies alone. Lessons learned • Community-based solutions and sense of ownership are critical to the sustainability of the network. • Central facilitation, support and knowledge transfer are essential for the coherence and impact of the network. • Ultimately, it is the assumption that groups such as the elderly or disabled people can be fully-fledged ‘e-citizens’. Contact details Department for Education and Skills [email protected] 40 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A11 Social impact and cohesion Connect Connect Project Ireland Infrastructure, ICT & Social Capital, eCompetences A high-impact initiative across a wide range of agencies, including social, education and community bodies, to promote basic ICT literacy in the local area Connect is a range of projects that are being implemented in South Dublin County. The combined impact of these projects working together will help achieve our objectives. Connect will place South Dublin County online by enabling all of its citizens to use technology in innovative ways to achieve their goals and change/shape Internet content to be more relevant to local interests and needs. Connect envisions a future in which everyone in South Dublin County uses the Internet as an everyday tool to improve quality of life and develop opportunities for lifelong learning, leisure and personal and social development. The project investments to date are €360,000. Impact In the last 12 months, Connect has counted 30,372 users, with 3.5 million hits to the website. Usage has increased by an average of 240% per month in 2007. There are 110 Community Group Websites live and approximately 30 in development at any one time. Connect has 14 centres (community centres and libraries), with five currently in development. Regarding the schooling environment, teachers say that 60% of students engage better in the classroom, and 78% of teachers want to utilise more of the virtual learning environment facilities than are currently used. Students say that 46% are more interested and active in their own learning, 37% now do more school work beyond the scheduled hours they expected, 46% find classes more interesting, 40% now study or learn outside class time, and 30% will access schoolwork via virtual learning environments when they cannot or do not attend classes. Lessons learned • It is important to focus on evaluation and project outcomes to create an environment of innovation rather than measuring achievement of identified targets and indicators. • The data capture process should be embedded across council work practices as part of change management and performance management processes within the council. Contact details Stand A12 South Dublin County Council [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 41 Social impact and cohesion eGAIANIMA eGAIANIMA, cohesion in education: pupils, parents, teachers and administration. Portugal Digital literacy, eParticipation, Inclusive eGovernment A tool providing managed forum and eLearning capabilities, thus promoting public debate and participation in decision-making in a learning environment for social cohesion The Programme of Curricular Activity Enrichment in Public Primary Schools was a measure launched in May 2006 by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. In Vila Nova de Gaia (VNGaia), the programme is managed by GAIANIMA E.M., a local public enterprise to which the VNGaia authorities have delegated the project. eGAIANIMA, an online IT tool to facilitate and promote interoperability in the education community, was developed in complex circumstances. The aim was to provide a real-time and efficient class management (teachers and schools), report control and management tool (GAIANIMA EM) and facilitate parental involvement in pupils developing the education process (parents and civil society). To date, €47,650 have been invested in the project. Impact The impact of this case can be seen in technological, social, political, and environmental terms. Technological impact is reflected in the adoption of innovative and creative new skills and the broader use of ICT by the target groups. Social impacts include an increase in parental participation in their children’s education, and new methods to share experiences and best practices. The political impacts include faster and more agile processes, which reduce bureaucracy, and an increase in citizen participation in decisionmaking, which fosters democracy. The case has served as a booster and facilitator for the introduction of new processes and procedures in participation in decision-making, which have resulted in a broader change in attitudes towards democracy. Finally, the environmental impacts include the implementation of digital processes, leading to a huge reduction in paper use. Lessons learned • To bring the public authorities closer to the citizen community, governments must use tools that are easily accessible, simple and easy to use and, above all, must provide targeted and relevant information. • The use of IT in administration acts as a tool for gaining new skills, especially among parents and teachers, stimulating human and economic development. • The use of eGovernment means that human resources can be freed from the back office and re-allocated to services in the front office. Contact details GAIANIMA E.M. [email protected] 42 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A13 Social impact and cohesion DLS Equal Access to Information through Digital Library Service Denmark eAccessibility, User-centric services, Inclusive eGovernment Through the National Library for the Blind website, visually impaired or dyslexic individuals can order digital books via a fully automated system The Danish National Library for The Blind (DBB) provides a digital library service for the visually impaired and dyslexic in the form of eBooks, digital talking books (DTB) and Braille materials. The process from the moment library users order material via the E17 Internet portal ( to the production of the media is fully automated and the material arrives at the designated address within a day or two, either on CD or on Braille paper, with downloads of eBooks instantly available. This 24/7 service allows for the speedy delivery of library material that enables users equal access to information and, hence, social inclusion. Impact DLS enables a 24/7 automated digital library service with superior products – towards a Global Digital Library Network. The increasing number of users can be served at the same costs. Due to equal access to information, social inclusion is strengthened. In addition, the scalability of the DBB systems means that it is possible to accept people with dyslexia. The systems are also flexible, as they are built in modules and can easily be adapted to new ways of distribution, e.g. via the Internet at low cost. The investment in digitisation is therefore future-oriented and will have lasting effects. With the digital material, it is also possible for those users who are in the labour market to join in the continual upgrading of competences, which is quintessential in this day and age. Previously, a user would not have been able to acquire the necessary education. This also applies to students, who can now successfully pursue higher education. Lessons learned • In terms of innovation, one must think outside the box and make useful alliances with various partners, with win-win situations envisaged for all stakeholders. • It is important to ‘think’ digitally, rather than trying to simply superimpose new methods on old strategies. • International cooperation can provide many benefits, particularly when a specific target group is concerned. Contact details Stand A14 The Danish National Library for the Blind [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 43 Effective and efficient administration 4 Finalists European eGovernment Awards 2007 Innovations in, or reorganisation of, services and processes, which make administrations more efficient and effective and reduce the administrative burden. Theme 4 European public administrations are increasingly being pushed to cut internal costs and better allocate their resources in order to avoid having a negative impact on the EU economic and financial system. At the same time, the expectations of citizens and enterprises in relation to the public sector have increased significantly during the past decade, both in terms of service availability and required quality. A strong focus on efficiency and effectiveness has become an essential strategy for all public administrations at whatever level they operate. Member States expect eGovernment to contribute to high user satisfaction with public services and significantly lighten the administrative burden on businesses and citizens by 2010. Moreover, the public sector should achieve considerable efficiency gains as well as increasing transparency and accountability through innovative use of ICT by 2010 i2010 eGovernment Action Plan This theme addresses the transformation and innovation of eGovernment services obtained by reducing red tape within administrations, facilitating the exchange of information between administrations, citizens and enterprises, and by achieving accountability and customer satisfaction objectives. It also explores policies and good practice relating to backoffice reorganisation and delivering public value, while at the same time achieving efficiency savings. Reorganisation of administrative processes is a key factor allowing administrations to provide their constituencies with more effective or brand new services. Traditional delivery channels are supported by electronic processing, thus facilitating the gathering of information as well as the completion of transactions between the public sector and its stakeholders. Linked to the above, the topic of accountability, transparency and user satisfaction refers to the take-up of renewed services among businesses and citizens and calls for thorough monitoring exercises in order to keep track of progress. The efficiency dimension also plays a fundamental role when rethinking the public sector service provision framework. Reducing the administrative burden, redeploying monetary and human resources, and identifying and managing innovative service delivery channels produce sizeable benefits for the whole European economic and social system. The following cases cover this theme to illustrate the variety of applications within: collaborative initiatives tackling the digital divide and supporting sustainable development (PloneGov, IAS), local service delivery initiatives (TATS), data interchange applications (DigiD, e-Depot, LIMOSA, OLPS), integrated information distribution platforms (ELAN, Bandi, geoNorge, IDERIOJA, CVI, DVDV), document management platforms (COURTDOC), eGovernment portals for citizens (SIMAC, Directgov), services to reduce administrative burden (e-CITES, I&R animal, CReP, SAMi, ITRIS), databases and services managing sensitive information (My File, SPT, CSD, sdk, @INPI). 46 | Exhibition Catalogue Effective and efficient administration TATS Transforming Access to Services in Local Government United Kingdom Efficiency & Effectiveness, User-centric services, Multi-channel delivery Transforming access to local government services in the UK The Newport City Council Transforming Access to Services (TATS) agenda encompasses a multi-channel contact centre, a centralised face-to-face contact centre, and online interaction via the web using a common and integrated technology platform. Driven by citizen preference, the council started by implementing a multi-channel contact centre enabling direct access to all services via one single telephone number. This improved services for both citizens and businesses, reduced bureaucracy, and resulted in shorter response times and resolution at the first point of contact in the majority of cases. The award-winning contact centre is seamlessly integrated with back-office functions and handles in excess of 500,000 contacts per annum. The production of detailed performance management information enables targeted business improvements. Impact TATS has led to significant improvements in services to citizens, including improved access by extending opening hours, reducing waiting times and creating one single telephone number for all services. Complaints have been reduced to almost zero by increasing the number of access channels and using performance management information to improve service quality and ensure consistency in response when engaging citizens. Lessons learned • Organisational commitment is important in terms of capital investment and realistic expectations about revenue generation, but also through ongoing support and engagement. • Citizens and businesses need to be involved early on in the process to identify service access priorities through public consultation. • There is a need for appropriate procurement decisions and professional project management using suitable methodologies and performance information. Contact details Stand A27 Newport City Council [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 47 Effective and efficient administration COURTDOC Electronic Document Archives of Courts in Austria Austria Legal aspects, Efficiency & Effectiveness, Interoperability and infrastructure Austria’s court documents go digital The aim of the Austrian Ministry of Justice’s electronic document archive is to replace the multitude of physical archives maintained by individual courts. It was set up in 2005, and is designed to store all documents that constitute the legal basis for entries in the Commercial and Land Register and then make these available to the public via the Internet. The electronic archives are legally valid and can be used as original documents. They are also fully interoperable with similar electronic archive systems used by Austria’s Civil Law Notaries (cyberDOC) and the Austrian Bar Association (Archivium), so that all documents can be seamlessly exchanged and accessed. The project thereby provides an increased level of legal certainty and predictability, and also has the potential to become a pan-European service for the consultation of land and business registers. Impact The interoperability of different eArchives, with direct links to relevant attachments, has provided a much more user-friendly and accessible system for all users. It has also been decisive in terms of giving electronic documents the same legal status as their hard copy counterparts. More than 350,000 documents were accessed in 2006 at a fee of €0.70 per document, obtaining a saving of €1.00 each time. Lessons learned • The simplification of operational procedures is a key factor in obtaining acceptance by all users, and this has dramatically improved efficiency and effectiveness, thereby leading to better performance and value for money. • Processes need to be built, or optimised, according to the maturity of current operations, and then double-checked by all parties involved. • The early involvement of partners and stakeholders drives technological development and ensures interoperability at all levels, as well as take-up. Technology should be chosen with long-term availability and durability in mind, and the importance of multi-channel issues should not be underestimated. Contact details Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice [email protected] 48 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A28 Effective and efficient administration ELAN Electronic Conveyancing Netherlands Legal aspects, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business Huge savings from Dutch digital conveyancing Every year, the Kadaster (the Dutch Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency) processes one million property deeds. Until 1 September 2005, deeds could be submitted to the Kadaster only by post or in person, which caused a delay before the deed was recorded, and thus a short period of legal uncertainty and a delay in transaction payments. With electronic conveyancing, the notary or court bailiff can submit the deed to the Kadaster digitally at the touch of a button. The deed is automatically given a unique identification and displayed digitally, with proof of receipt and registration created automatically. Impact An average 2.64 minutes are saved per deed processed in the back-office, and there is a time saving for notaries and bailiffs of about 5-10 minutes per deed. In addition, the price has been cut by €10 per dead certificate submitted, adding up to substantial savings over the course of a year. Lessons learned • When complex legislation is necessary, it is important to take action to influence stakeholders and decisions and ensure that implementation serves all identified needs. • Define clear goals to seek multi-purpose solutions through the use of standard services already available on the market, rather than developing unique solutions. • Focus on your business, define what is needed from others, and convince users through clear communication as to the beneficial impacts they can expect. Contact details Stand A29 Kadaster [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 49 Effective and efficient administration DigiD Digital Identity in Dutch e-government services Netherlands eIdentity & eSecurity, Efficiency & Effectiveness, Open Source Interoperable and multi-use electronic ID makes big splash in the Netherlands DigiD stands for Digital Identity, and is a system shared among cooperating public administrations. It enables the digital authentication of citizens and/or business representatives applying for electronic services, and uses a growth model with different methods and levels of authentication. Right now, over 5.7 million Dutch citizens have a DigiD login code, which they can use to access services offered by more than 220 local, regional and national administrations. When connected to DigiD, administrations need not develop and maintain their own authentication systems and, for citizens and businesses, there is no need to memorise numerous login codes, as one code is sufficient. Impact To date, 5.8 million citizens have requested a DigiD, which can be used in 255 administrations and 241 municipalities nationwide for services as diverse as tax administration, notifications, objections, requests of documents and permits, booking appointments, etc. As a result, DigiD has had a direct impact on the quantity and quality of services available and has helped reduce the administrative burden for citizens and businesses and between public sector organisations. The project is also based on open source software, which means there is a high potential for transferability. Lessons learned • Think big, act small, and do not wait for complex solutions, but start simply, and then build up and expand in tune with what users need and can cope with. • Large national administrations can act as a launch platform by generating a knock-on effect for other administrations and thereby create critical mass. • Partnerships between different organisations are vital, and all participating organisations should be able to influence the development of the final solutions. Contact details GBO.Overheid [email protected] 50 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A30 Effective and efficient administration e-Depot Speed up the publication of notary acts through SOA platform Belgium Legal aspects, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business Speedy company registration and significant back-office savings in Belgium e-Depot offers notaries a quick and easy way to complete, sign and deposit the forms and documents required to create a company in all administrative databases. Tax, social security and land registry information can also be researched electronically. As a result of collaboration between the Federal Public Service Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries, an electronic point of contact has been established based on an infrastructure that is interconnected with the National Registry and Federal Public Services for Economy and Justice. A company can now be set up in just three days, in comparison with the three months required previously. Overall, e-Depot provides complete and integrated services for notaries and their clients, as well as the authorities. It improves their work by providing access to a complete database, reduces time and costs, facilitates trade, improves administrative work, and allows for paperless interaction. Impact The quality of the service delivery process has been substantially enhanced by simplifying the administrative procedure through the use of authentic data sources. This not only eliminates front-desk tasks, thereby freeing up capacity for other added-value tasks, but also facilitates official data entry by civil servants, resulting in cost reductions (for example, by minimising paper use and error correction) for 4,000 to 5,500 transactions daily. Electronic procedures take from 10 minutes to an hour, and the e-Depot has completely eliminated three forms, as well as approximately 12,000 pages and 4,000 letters per month. The case can be transferred to other countries, taking into account national notary regulations. Lessons learned • A step-by-step approach to automation and digitalisation of services provides short-term success and long-term sustainability based on solid architecture and gradual extension to other target groups. • A good solution should also enhance the transparency of administrative information systems for the benefit of internal and external users. Contact details Stand A31 Federal Public Service Chancerelly of Prime Minister [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 51 Effective and efficient administration LIMOSA Integrated electronic declaration and one-stop-shop for foreign workers Belgium Efficiency & Effectiveness, High Impact Services, User-centric services Electronic one-stop-shop facilitates the movement and monitoring of employees and the self-employed across borders into Belgium LIMOSA consists of a unique declaration of cross-border activities in Belgium to achieve an integrated service delivery and monitoring system for the correct supervision of compliance with social regulations. In accordance with the European Directive 2006/123/EC of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market, the case encourages the free movement of employees and the self-employed, and aims to achieve administrative simplification for all parties involved. LIMOSA creates a one-stop-shop, where those concerned can post all their requests and declarations (e.g. concerning work permits, professional ID cards, residence permits, etc.), which are automatically dispatched to the competent institutions. In this way, the project facilitates and reduces complexity and time in the registration of foreign employers and the self-employed through significant back-office integration of all the relevant data in one database and the coordination of electronic data flow among all competent institutions. It is a one-stop-shop for foreign workers, where users can submit requests and applications, providing cross-border integrated services. It provides better services for workers, guaranteeing their rights and reducing the time needed to process applications. Impact Efficiency gains include the reduction of costs as a result of a single, multifunctional and electronic information storage system, integrated information processing, and reduced clearance times with immediate confirmation of receipt for the 200,000 to 250,000 declarations processed annually. In addition, process time has been reduced from seven days to five minutes, and services have been integrated throughout 750 institutions. Additional benefits include the improvement of social protection for migrant workers, facilitating the free movement of workers and services, and ensuring permanent user access to the processing status of requests or declarations. Lessons learned • Basing electronic service delivery on optimised processes, which are agreed upon between users and the different public service providers concerned, dramatically improves results. • Services should be attuned to the needs of target users and actively involve all stakeholders in their development by matching governmental processes with user behaviour, thereby ensuring user-friendliness. • Develop electronic service delivery in accordance with a service-oriented architecture approach, and reuse available ICT components and information in validated databases, thereby developing added value for services. Contact details Crossroads Bank for Social Security [email protected] 52 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A32 Effective and efficient administration e-CITES Import/export of endangered live animals, plants and products thereof Switzerland Efficiency & Effectiveness, High Impact Services, eServices for Business Major savings from Swiss Internet-based import-export permit system The CITES Convention regulates the international trade of plants and animals (and products thereof) threatened by over-exploitation. In Switzerland, the issue of up to 100,000 import, export and re-export permits imposes administrative burdens on management authorities and delays the economic activities of the watch industry (export value of CHF 13 billion). e-CITES is an Internet-based system with multiple functions, from simple paper-based applications to highly confidential data management features for large importing/exporting companies. It reduces the delivery time of permits to a few hours, and allows for considerable savings in personnel whilst guaranteeing the respect of the CITES treaty. This is an excellent example of an eService in an unusual environment which covers many different aspects: good application, several actors, good economic return on investment (ROI), and the establishment of a worldwide convention. The advanced use of technology results in clear improvements in efficiency with great benefits for the user. Impact Permit processing time has been reduced from 10-20 days to between five hours and five days, with 60% of all permits being processed through the system after six months. Today, more then 95% of permits are processed through e-CITES by more then 180 companies and 600 users. The return on investment is 19.94%, with an average payback time on the original investment of 2.39 years. Savings in personnel costs to date are €975,000, whilst non-quantifiable benefits include a better image and greater customer satisfaction. Lessons learned • Convert outside pressure into positive innovative actions by identifying and assessing these pressures. • Involve all stakeholders from the beginning, accepting different views and areas of competence, and aim for consensus and shared responsibilities. • Be open to new ideas and different concepts, and thus leave behind old habits where beneficial. Contact details Stand A33 Species Protection, Veterinary Office [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 53 Effective and efficient administration My File Consulting your personal data in the National Register Belgium Efficiency & Effectiveness, User-centric services, eServices for Citizens Citizens access and control their personal data held by the Belgian National Register My File offers citizens an online instrument with which to check and rectify their personal data held in the National Register in Belgium. It also enables users to see who has consulted their data. Official documents can be downloaded and transmitted, including birth certificates, family composition documents, civil status documents, etc. Documents are electronically signed by the National Register, and can be used for all official business. The eID card, its authentication certificate and PIN code enable access to citizens’ personal files. This is a clear example of a transparent, user-centric, low-cost, and privacy-enhancing eGovernment application. It also supports the participation of citizens as active and accountable actors in government and society, and has high potential for transfer to other European administrations. Impact Citizens are now able to consult their personal data and correct errors by sending an e-mail directly to the relevant contact person and municipality. It is also possible to extract personal data in official document templates, and e-mail these to third parties, thus reducing the administrative burden for citizens and the authority. Lessons learned • For a service involving personal data, there is a need for a reliable electronic ID system, reliable software and a good telecom network. • Coaching and support by dedicated staff 24/7 is important to ensure high levels of use and therefore impact. Contact details General Direction Institutions and Population, Home Office Belgium [email protected] 54 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A34 Effective and efficient administration Bandi Online public tendering information system Italy eProcurement, Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business Fully integrated and standardised electronic public procurement in Italy The Bandi system allows for the online scheduling of all public tenders, as well as Internet broadcasting of all communications related to the assignment of public tenders. It also includes a facility for the online management of each step of the contracting process (additions, possible changes, cancellation, etc.), online rectification of publications, and e-mail communication to all registered applicants. In addition, Bandi enables easy and transparent monitoring through the public administration of, for example, building progress, project variations, costs, etc. Statistical data are collected and evaluated in the system, and the information system can be accessed by external users free of charge. Bandi goes beyond the mere presentation of information on the web by providing a fully integrated approach to public procurement in the region of Alto Adige, and provides valuable implementation lessons. Impact The impacts of Bandi include the standardisation of tender procedures and their execution according to EU templates and the quasi-total elimination of formal errors. Since mid-2005, 355 successful tenders have been concluded via the portal, which in 2006 involved approximately 4,200 public works and the monitoring of 3,180 executed projects and 128 tenders. Currently, approximately 9,000 users are registered and make regular use of the service. 1,000 of these users are local government agencies, and the rest are mainly companies. Time and money saved by companies in 2006 are estimated at approximately 12.54 workdays per tender, and about 7,950 workdays in total were saved by all local municipalities and agencies in the Alto Adige region. In addition, Bandi has helped reduce paper and mailing costs, as well as publication costs. Lessons learned • Common, clear and detailed objectives, agreed upon by all partners and stakeholders, are necessary, including the cooperation of local authorities with appropriate legal endorsement. • To ensure take-up, user manuals and instructions should be readily available and clearly communicated. • The standardisation of tenders in accordance with existing templates (such as EU templates) can facilitate tendering procedures, as this increases the transparency of the monitoring of public activities (from programming to execution) with regard to costs, progress status, project variants, etc. Contact details Stand A35 Amt für Wirtschaftsstatistik, Landesinstitut für Statistik der Autonomen Provinz Bozen [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 55 Effective and efficient administration I&R animal Innovative e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in the Netherlands Netherlands Efficiency & Effectiveness, eServices for Business, Multi-channel delivery Electronic registration and monitoring of livestock in the Netherlands Since December 2006, it has been mandatory for cattle farmers in the Netherlands to use the National Service for the Implementation of Regulations’ electronic Identification and Registration (I&R) system for cattle. This system avoids the huge amounts of paperwork involved in reports, requests for amendment and surveys. Cattle farmers can report electronically in three different ways (web services, online, voice response), seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Further, they can survey their company records at any time using the new central ICT system. The system is indispensable for the effective control of animal disease and to guarantee food safety. The I&R system is a good example of a high impact service attuned to European legislation in an area of great concern in recent years because of the increasing transport of animals and meat within Europe, outbreaks of mad cow disease, and similar. The case is thus also highly applicable to other European countries and beyond. Impact Operating costs have been cut from €9.7 million to €5.7 million, with 40,000 cattle farmers and 90,000 sheep, goat, horse and pig farmers using the I&R solution, resulting in an administrative burden reduction of approximately 416,000 hours, equivalent to €12.5 million for small and medium-sized enterprises. In the next six months, over six million animal reports will be processed, and 140,000 animal ear tags will be replaced and more then 200,000 new ones issued, resulting in faster trading, slaughtering and transport of animals and meat. The system also allows for faster tracking of potential sources of contaminated animals during disease outbreaks though a geo-information system with only a 0.94% failure rate, thereby minimising potential economic damage, victims and the spread of diseases. Lessons learned • It is important not to commence full project implementation before the solution has been extensively tested and found to operate successfully under all conditions, thereby ensuring user confidence right from the beginning. • Communication with internal and external users is important, also after the introduction of the service solution. • An active and positive message will build trust and facilitate the introduction of a solution, whilst motivating staff and users. Contact details National Service for the Implementation of Regulations [email protected] 56 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A36 Effective and efficient administration SIMAC Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System Spain Multi-channel delivery, eServices for Citizens, eCompetences Valencia reaps efficiency gains by focusing on integrated, multi-channel citizen services The SIMAC Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System sets out to achieve intelligent, interconnected, integrated, efficient and high quality administration with a citizen focus. SIMAC receives more than 10 million requests for information annually through its various channels and approximately 19 million visits to its different websites, with some 275,000 requests submitted electronically. SIMAC follows different paths of development: the design and implementation of a new service model, plus the design and implementation of a new technological platform to support the different players involved in this model. The project is a good example of efficient use of a variety of accessibility channels, and has a significant impact, as illustrated by the high number of requests received from citizens. To date, approximately €3 million have been invested in the project. Impact Some of the advantages following the introduction of SIMAC include improved management organisation, with real-time access to information. More then 200 employees have received training and become more empowered “knowledge workers”, ensuring high quality of available information and a more proactive approach to the content management process. The results have been greater transparency and participation by citizens, as well as improved contact through better communication, easier access and a common eSolution look and feel. Lessons learned • Change management enables the organisation to develop new capabilities, eliminating resistance to change when introducing new services. • It is essential that the right people use the right tools to ensure the successful implementation of a complex technological and organisational transformation. • User and stakeholder involvement through focus groups, surveys and complaint channels is important to ensure the correct focus of the solution. Contact details Stand A37 Generalitat Valenciana [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 57 Effective and efficient administration geoNorge The Norwegian national portal for geographic and environmental information services Norway Efficiency & Effectiveness, High Impact Services, Infrastructure Norwegians make innovative use of geographical information and technology The geoNorge portal is the national portal for geospatial infrastructure under the Norway Digital initiative. Norway Digital is a large public partnership, comprising all major users and producers of geospatial information at local, regional and national level. The portal itself is the umbrella for numerous geospatial eServices, making basic geographic information and a variety of thematic information readily available to the user. The information provided through the portal enables geospatial information to be used by different communities, including public administration and environmental management bodies. The infrastructure also includes a gateway for distributing the information to non-partners and the private sector. The result is an extremely powerful tool embracing a large number of stakeholders and users through an easily accessible and user-friendly site. The application is based on cutting-edge technology and provides an innovative solution to the management of emergency situations, with high potential for transferability. Impact The importance of easy access to geospatial information is proved by the 40 or so government organisations, 17 out of 19 counties, 356 out of 431 municipalities and 93 utility companies that have signed up for the project. In 2008, it is expected that all ministries and the remaining municipalities will join the project. In addition, the portal facilitates the downloading of more than 250,000 geographic datasets, thereby increasing information accessibility and replacing the physical media with metadata supported network access for finding and assessing data. Content on the portal is structured according to reference, such as topographic and environmental information, and gives users access to around 200 different distributed geospatial online web services. Lessons learned • Political support at the highest level is important and it is advisable to work with the relevant decisionmakers to raise political awareness. • Formal and informal stakeholder engagement in transparent processes is important as it can create a clear vision and enthusiasm for the solution. • State-of-the-art operational technology and the use of open standards and service agreements can be beneficial and also help to ensure interoperability. Contact details Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority [email protected] 58 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A38 Effective and efficient administration CReP Company Registration Portal - Create Your Own Company in 12 minutes Estonia Legal aspects, User-centric services, eServices for Business Process redesign, digital signature and ICT dramatically improve company registration In Estonia, it is possible to register a company within 12 minutes without leaving home. All that is needed is an Estonian ID card and an Internet connection. The process is fast and can be completed online! To enter the system, you will have to authenticate yourself with an ID card or through an Internet bank. In Estonia, every citizen has an ID card and easy access to the Internet, and CReP provides entrepreneurs with the possibility to handle all communication with the Commercial Register through the portal without the need for additional paperwork. The portal also allows users to submit applications for either standard or expedited processing. CReP is an inspiring and excellent example of how reforms can be deliberately linked across legislative areas and authorities, thereby providing better services, as well as supporting more efficient and effective public administration while improving national competitiveness. The case is an excellent and inspiring example of sharing on a European level, showing how legislative and administrative reforms, design and implementation of digital services can be linked to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the public sector. Project costs to date are around €1.3 million. Impact It is now possible to register a company in Estonia, by using an ID card and an Internet connection, in only 12 minutes. The standard procedure takes two-three days, whilst the expedited service takes two hours. A reduction in workload for civil servants constitutes an additional benefit. Lessons learned • The existence of a national ID card proved important for the authentication process, as well as to guarantee the legality of the processes in CReP. • Integrating the solutions with Internet banking has reduced process time and brought on board online banking users. Contact details Stand A39 Centre of Registers and Information Systems [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 59 Effective and efficient administration IDERIOJA Spatial Data Infrastructure, Government of La Rioja Spain Regional and Local, User-centric services, Open Source Users benefit from innovative use of geographical data and cartography In 2003, the Government of La Rioja in Spain initiated the IDERioja Project, the main objective of which was to design an authority based on spatial data. Based on Oracle Spatial, using ISO geographic information standards and Open Geospatial Consortium standards, a geographical and management application has been developed, resulting in improved access to cartography information via the Internet. In addition, the solutions have allowed for the integration of cartography information in administrative management applications, thereby fulfilling the European INSPIRE guideline, ensuring interoperability with other cartographic systems. The IDERioja project is a real example of what can be achieved with public geo-data when combined in innovative ways, for example, combining geo-data with regional elections, past election results with local temperatures, etc. Impact The solution has resulted in global access to geographic information in accordance with the EU INSPIRE Directive via a portal enabling free downloads and unlimited searches within the database. Resources have been optimised by creating a single data repository with unique data for all users, organising and documenting the process using metadata under ISO 19115, and managing the system through an Internet application. In 2006, IDERioja was visited by 228,391 users, who made 312,676 requests and completed 286,413 downloads. Lessons learned • Geo-data should not be considered as an odd component in an information system. Demystification can lead to better integration with administrative applications and better quality of data, as well as ensuring take-up. • Clear communication of the benefits and meeting user expectations and requirements is key. • Proactive participation in relevant fora and the involvement of stakeholders in the development and implementation result in better designed solutions. Contact details Agencia del Conocimiento y la Tecnología, Gobierno de La Rioja [email protected] 60 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A40 Effective and efficient administration CVI The Flemish Infoline Belgium Multi-channel delivery, Regional and Local, eAccessibility Multi-channel access to services and information dramatically improves citizens’ lives The multi-channel contact point known as Contactpunt Vlaamse Infolijn (CVI) is an integrated customer information service developed by the Flemish Government. CVI provides reliable, unambiguous information to citizens through a variety of communication channels, including telephone, e-mail, online chat and assisted browsing and web support, the portal site, and channels providing opportunity for self-service. Information is also provided via Interactive Digital Television and Teletext. Not only does CVI offer information and interaction, it also enables a number of transactions for citizens, including the ordering of brochures, reporting lost property to the bus company, and asking for updates of personal files related to housing taxes or grant applications. CVI is an innovative application, which has also enabled access by marginalised user groups, such as the disabled. Investment and running costs to date are in the region of €12.5 million. Impact The number of citizen contacts has increased from 60,000 in 1999 to almost 1.2 million in early 2007. CVI started in 1999 as a guide for citizens through the Flemish authority related to contact data, with about 100 types of information. By 2007, CVI had incorporated specific guides, more than 1,000 types of information and five transactional services. Lessons learned • Cooperation between different departments and levels of government is crucial, with communication and proactive consultation resulting in a win-win situation. • Information provided to the public must be unambiguous regardless of channel utilised for dissemination. • Include as many useful value-adding service channels as possible and ensure that evaluation based on feedback is regularly carried out and acted upon. Contact details Stand A41 Flemish Government - Contacpunt Vlaamse Infolijn [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 61 Effective and efficient administration PloneGov Belgium Open Source, Regional and Local, eServices with pan-European scope Cross-border and sector cooperation result in tangible results for participants and citizens across Europe 43 Belgian, French, Spanish and Swiss cities and regions participate in the CommunesPlone project – renamed PloneGov on 1 June 2007 – with the objective of gaining independence from IT service providers through the joint development of applications and websites for use by their own organisation, as well as citizens. The PloneGov strategy relies primarily on the open source tools known as Zope and Plone. The project is a good practice example for other administrations of open source, innovative and cost effective solutions with high potential for transferability. Impact PloneGov is a new, open source, development model for public-private interaction implemented in 45 towns on three continents. It currently comprises 14 concrete and usable tools. The benefits of PloneGov include the enhancement of the consistency of applications in relation to user needs, the promotion of collaborative websites, use of the most recent technologies while avoiding licence fees, and the guaranteed publication of sources. Lessons learned • Public value can be created when public, private and open source communities cooperate. • Cross-border and sector cooperation can lead practical solutions that respond to real needs through efficient and effective service provision. • Cross-border collaboration need not be a hindrance, but should be seen as a way of ensuring potential sharing and transferability of a solution and business model. Contact details Sambreville [email protected] 62 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A42 Effective and efficient administration SAMi SAM Internet – electronic application for agricultural support in Sweden Sweden Regional and Local, User-centric services, Geographical eInclusion Easy-to-use and innovative application system increases efficiency and effectiveness for farmers and public sector employees SAM Internet, or SAMi, is an electronic application system for agricultural support within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy. SAMi makes applications made by farmers easier, swifter, safer and more entertaining. The applications received by the authorities are almost error-free, thereby saving time and resources. SAMi was developed with farmers in mind and can be used even with small Internet bandwidths, as most farmers still have dial-up connections. Approximately 55% of applications for agricultural support in Sweden are now submitted electronically, and SAMi recently received the GoldenLink Award as the best and most innovative eService developed recently within the Swedish public sector. The solution is a good practice example due to its high impact and innovative features, such as its mapping facilities and decision support tool. Regions are encouraged to investigate the transferability potential of SAMi. The project cost to date is €650,000. Impact The introduction of SAMi has resulted in almost completely error-free applications, a 30-40% increase in time efficiency in the application process, and resources worth approximately €12 million. The service is shared across 21 counties, and includes partnerships with the private sector. Lessons learned • Know your target group, e.g. through feasibility studies, focus groups and evaluation, and take their situation as the starting point. • Identification of the factors that really matter and are of actual use for the target group should be an essential part of the development process. • Cooperation and partnerships are necessary, particularly if services are shared across organisational boundaries. Contact details Stand A43 Jordbruksverket [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 63 Effective and efficient administration SPT SPT - Our future is today Italy Multi-channel delivery, Efficiency & Effectiveness Back-office solutions leading to real benefits and savings SPT is a multi-channel service provided by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the management of salary information and related data entries, and the printing and delivery of payslips for Italian public authorities. It is one of the most advanced payroll systems currently in place and enables the processing of more than 1.5 million payslips monthly. It is implemented by 32 central authorities, with more than 12 different types of employment contract. The total efficiency benefit is estimated at about €60 million as a result of savings on overheads and personnel costs. SPT is a good practice example of a back-office solution resulting in significant cost savings, including a 10% reduction in the average processing time. Impact Service efficiency has allowed for a reduction of the number of employees involved in the process from 8,000 employees providing services to less then 0.5 million users in 1999 to 1,500 members of staff providing more then 1.5 million payslips in 2007. Backlogs have been eliminated, the implementation time of legislative and collective contracts has been reduced and human resource personnel have been reduced by 70% across 32 central authorities. In addition, user access to information and data has improved and payslip delivery time has been reduced from three days to less then one. A 10% reduction in the average processing time has been recorded. Lessons learned • The end-user should be at the centre of any eGovernment service and IT systems should be employed to satisfy user needs and requirements. • It is essential to listen to users, identify future needs and requirements, and follow up accordingly. Contact details Ministry of Economy and Finance [email protected] 64 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A44 Effective and efficient administration Directgov Directgov - Transforming digital public service information United Kingdom User-centric services, High impact services, Multi-channel delivery Directgov reveals what can be done with a government portal and how ICT can contribute to Public Sector Transformation Directgov, the Government’s flagship digital service, supports the Prime Minister’s Transformational Government agenda of amalgamating all public services online by 2011. The citizen-focused digital channel for government offers a single point of entry for citizens to all key government services, information, tools and transactions through multiple channels, including Digital TV, mobile phones, and the Internet. Currently, 18 departments contribute to the development on Directgov, with links to 240 local services covering 388 local authorities. Benefits for departments include reaching a larger audience and reducing costs. Citizens benefit from faster government transactions, making services more accessible, easier, clearer and concentrating them in one place. To date £8.6 million have been invested. Impact From May 2004 to July 2007, the number of visitors per month has increased from around half a million to more than 5 million. By March 2007, Directgov was known to 38% of regular Internet users, with over 9 million adults responding that they knew of the Directgov site. 83% of people who visit Directgov agree that it is a good place to start searching for information. User satisfaction surveys show that Directgov scores 52% higher than the average for UK government sites, which is around 40%. The success of Directgov was emphasised by the UK Government, which announced in its January 2007 website review the decision to close 688 central government sites by 2011 and place the information on Directgov. Lessons learned • An appropriate, robust and sustainable funding model is necessary from the outset, allowing for future expansion without contentious renegotiation. • Communication and stakeholder engagement strategies, senior level support and managerial support should be guaranteed from the outset. • A comprehensive governance structure involving the most senior level support of cross-government working groups is necessary. Contact details Stand A45 Directgov [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 65 Effective and efficient administration CSD Compensation for Sickness in Denmark Denmark User-centric services, Efficiency & Effectiveness, Interoperability Denmark automates compensation for sickness, condensing the 15 old paper forms into one online solution through simplification and use of ICT Danish companies can apply for economic compensation when a company employee is absent from work due to illness or maternity leave. Every year, Danish companies submit about 1.5 million applications for compensation to local governments. The paper-based compensation workflow is very time-consuming; therefore, the Danish authorities decided to provide an ICT solution. The digital solution is based on advanced ICT technology solutions, increasing interoperability and facilitating the re-use of data. Impact Project impacts included better, faster and cheaper processes for both businesses and government as a result of cutting red tape by 40% through process simplification and electronic processes. 15 paper-based forms have been condensed into one online form. These efficiency gains have resulted in estimated savings of €9 million for companies and approximately €13 million for the authorities. Today, more then 23,000 transactions are processed through CSD every month. User satisfaction is high due to the improvements in the working procedures facilitating the regulation, forms already including basic data, guidance available to users and the validation of entered data. Lessons learned • The value of user participation should not be underestimated and one should always aim to address the real needs of citizens and companies. • External and internal promotion of the project from the outset is important to ensure awareness and subsequent take-up. In addition, consultation of relevant target groups and stakeholders should not be taken lightly. • Offering support can help to increase accessibility and ensure that marginal user groups are not excluded. Contact details Danish Commerce and Companies Agency [email protected], [email protected] 66 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A46 Effective and efficient administration DVDV German Administration Services Directory Germany Efficiency & Effectiveness, Infrastructure The Service Directory developed by the City of Bremen helps save over €1 million per month and reduce errors for 5,200 civil registration agencies The German Administration Services Directory (DVDV) lists electronically available eGovernment services and thus fulfils an important need in terms of creating a secure and reliable communication infrastructure, based exclusively on open Internet protocols and allowing for cross-organisational, paperless processes. In operation since 1 January 2007, it has helped more than 5,200 German civil registration agencies to save more than €1 million per month. Worldwide, it is one of the first and largest standardised Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementations in the government area, and was made possible through unique cooperation between the various levels of government and sectors in the Federal Republic of Germany. Impact Return on investment is good, with €1.3 million in cashable financial gains per month on a €0.3 million investment over three years and €0.25 million in annual operational costs. In addition, a nationwide standardised infrastructure with three new services is being implemented, with 11 services in the pipeline. Effectiveness has improved through the automation of the processes, thereby saving citizens a second trip to the registration office and reducing the number of errors. Lessons learned • Electronic service directories are effective IT components, which can create real savings through process design. • Communication of the application should be clear, focused and showcase results. • Cross-organisational cooperation is possible and can enable effective public services if developed and implemented with thorough management, process and organisational methods and IT solutions. Contact details Stand A47 Senator for Finances Free Hanseatic City of Bremen [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 67 Effective and efficient administration OLPS Online Police Station Italy Legal aspects, User-centric services, High impact services The Online Police Station in Italy enables citizens to file complaints, seek information and talk to experts online The Italian police force has created the world’s first online police station, launched on 15 February 2006. The website allows citizens to seek general information, download forms and make online complaints about computer crimes. In addition, it is possible to receive valuable advice, interact with experts and report illegal conduct and events directly on the web. The police station is the point of reference in the event of difficulties. Impact From February 2006 to June 2007, more than 700,000 Italians, 38,000 Europeans and 21,000 visitors from the rest of the world have used the Online Police Station. 17,000 requests for information have been processed during this period. The online complaint service has been used over 6,000 times and the functionality for reporting content and events of an illegal nature on the net has been used 12,000 times. The project has been presented to members of Interpol and other EU police forces, with a resounding interest in developing the model further. Lessons learned • Developing content and the underlying technical platform requires constant effort to make a service accessible and easy to use for all. • Accessibility and easy-to-understand information and instructions are key to ensuring effective takeup. • The creation of a forum can enable citizens and experts to share knowledge. Contact details Italian State Police [email protected] 68 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A48 Effective and efficient administration IAS Integrated aid system Spain Regional and Local, Multi-channel delivery, Infrastructure Spain develops multi-channel system for online filing of claims for aid relating to rural development to ensure access for rural communities The Integrated Aid System (IAS) allows for the management of aid corresponding to the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the regional government of Cantabria. The tool gathers and validates applications interactively through the Internet, verifying the accredited information and facilitating subsequent inspection, control and payment. This totally eliminates the manual exchange of data. It incorporates open-source solutions, 3G communications, and GIS and GPS tools to improve the quality of the management, control, and payment of the 7,000 applications and more than €40 million per year dedicated to developing the rural environment. In general, it takes advantage of the Internet, the security of authentication with electronic certificates, the advantages of GIS tools that can locate and provide immediate access to plans and land plots, GPS localisation tools in real-time and the use of mobile devices such as PC tablets and 3G cards for locating and measuring plots electronically. Impact This case is centred on the rural environment, a field that is not very well supplied or with easy access to new technologies. The new way of filling in an application benefits the whole community of stockmen and farmers: the process is now easier and more reliable thanks to the high-quality information they can consult at any time and in any place, at work or at home. Human resource and cost efficiencies have been noted. It helps public employees to manage applications and guarantee correct payments made on time by directing freed resources towards the development of new means to benefit the citizen. Other advantages of the geo-information system include the location of and immediate access to plans and land plots, realtime GPS localisation tools and the use of mobile devices such as PC tablets and 3G cards for locating and measuring land plots electronically. Lessons learned • Support and guidance to users are required to guarantee success. • ICT and geo-information systems can generate tangible benefits for rural communities if the eSolution is developed in a clear and easily accessible manner. Contact details Stand A49 Emcanta, S.L. [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 69 Effective and efficient administration ITRIS Integrated Title Registration Information System Ireland Efficiency and Effectiveness, High Impact Services Land registration is made easy in Ireland with ITRIS and 90% of land registration services are now provided online and by self-service In Ireland, the Property Registration Authority (PRA) operates a system known as the Integrated Title Registration Information System (ITRIS), accessible via and This facilitates land registration and the online consultation and certification of data. Since its introduction, there has been a gradual move from a paper to an electronic register, which has paved the way for further developments in the areas of eRegistration and eConveyancing (i.e. the electronic act of transferring the legal title of a property from one person to another) and supports the further integration of property-related services such as property transfers. The system has enabled the PRA to participate in national and international initiatives such as the Irish Spatial Data Infrastructure (ISDI) and the European Land Information Service (EULIS). Impact Increased productivity has been noted, with the number of cases processed since 1999 increasing by 125%, with only a marginal increase in staff at ITRIS and a reduction of staff requirements at local offices. 90% of certain services is provided on a fully self-service basis with no delay through In addition, some 500,000 annual changes requiring 40-50 staff members have been automated. The paperbased document repository is now electronic, containing some 8 million pages of title records and over 2 million pages of map records, all held in a variety of page sizes. Some 80% of applications for services made online was completed within 24 hours in 2006; this figure is expected to reach 100% in the next two years. Lessons learned • Clear goals should be defined at the outset, and the effective engagement of stakeholders and management is necessary for success. • Productivity gains are possible through the automation of some processes and the move from paper to electronic formats, thus resulting in shorter response times. Contact details Property Registration Authority [email protected] 70 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A50 Effective and efficient administration Sdk Danish eHealth portal - Denmark Health Portal, eServices for Citizens, Efficiency and Effectiveness Health portal promotes public health and increases the efficiency of the Danish health sector Global healthcare is at a crossroads. There is an urgent need to break down industry silos and increase collaboration to drive progress towards a patient-centric and cost-effective model. Denmark has been at the forefront of many IT initiatives within health services. The majority of these initiatives are based on a common infrastructure, which has helped put Denmark in pole position. The Danish National eHealth Portal, known as (“sundhed” means “health”) helps promote the optimisation of resources in the Danish healthcare sector. is a public, Internet-based portal that collects and distributes healthcare information among citizens and healthcare professionals. Impact Use of the portal has had an impact on efficiency, effectiveness and democracy. In terms of efficiency, faster treatment has resulted in less redundancy, and the empowerment of healthcare professionals has led to improved decision-making. Furthermore, the re-use of technical infrastructures has avoided redundant investments in ICT. Effectiveness is reflected in the availability of health data on a cross-sector basis. Moreover, decentralised structures have resulted in a reduction of additional bureaucracy. Access to the one’s own health data and, hence, increased opportunity for active patient participation can be regarded as having an impact on democracy. Lessons learned • The development of a patient-centric cross-sector healthcare infrastructure is possible, with all the benefits of efficiency and effectiveness that this entails. • Giving individuals control over their own health data can increase patient participation. • Local and regional websites should be embedded in national infrastructures. Contact details Stand A51 Danish eHealth portal - [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 71 Effective and efficient administration @INPI Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system Portugal eServices for Businesses, Efficiency & Effectiveness Filing intellectual property claims is now easier in Portugal, thanks to the online search and filing system This project aims to enable online access to the Portuguese Intellectual Property (IP) register free of charge. Searching is possible by legal status, applicant, and other register data, as well as by requested act. Moreover, the availability of the information has been improved, as a daily publication (searchable, downloadable, and free of charge) of all acts/decisions affecting IP rights (130,942 acts per year) is now published. It also enables the online filing of applications and other IP rights management acts, such as the electronic payment of renewals and other taxes. The procedural status of the requests and applications submitted is available on the INPI portal on the day following submission. @INPI enables lower fees and extended service availability 24/7, as well as the elimination of physical travel costs, faster procedures and simpler processing workflow. @INPI also ensures public transparency of the office activities. Project costs and investments in the 2006-2007 period amounted to €302,299. Impact The savings for users of the service are estimated at €7.7 million per year net benefit. The savings to INPI amount to €40,000 per year net benefit. The number of searches increased from 6,500 in 2005 to 450,000 in 2007. The number of IP acts also grew from 32,451 in 2005 to 57,778 in 2007. Time savings for citizens and businesses to submit an intellectual property claim decreased from an average of 40 minutes to eight minutes. Executing a search now takes around two seconds, whereas it used to take 15-40 minutes. Lessons learned • Transparency and efficiency can help promote trust and respect for services provided. • The free dissemination of information in the IP system has a positive effect on use. • The implementation of an online relationship with clients, if well adjusted to their needs, can create benefits for all stakeholders. Contact details Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial [email protected] 72 | Exhibition Catalogue Stand A52 Submissions European eGovernment Awards 2007 Finalist Good Practice Austria ARS Administration Reservation System for Public Authorities (“Terminreservierung-Online”) Contact details: Federal Chancellery [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration ARS allows citizens to make appointments with public authorities via Internet, thus providing them with the invaluable benefit of being able to access public administration regardless of time and place to make their appointments. Moreover, public authorities can better organise and prepare themselves for peak periods. BBK Broadband Initiative Carinthia “KÄRNTEN KLICK” Contact details: Entwicklungsagentur Kärnten GmbH [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency BBK gives all Carinthians access to broadband Internet and encourages them to use broadband services. Furthermore, it encourages providers to implement services, thereby creating demand for the use of BBK. BBK is an integrated approach that aims at coverage and use at the same time, for the benefit of the Information Society. COURTDOC Electronic Document Archives of Courts in Austria Contact details: Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice [email protected] CRR The central register of residence in Austria Contact details: Federal Ministry of the Interior - Support Unit ZMR [email protected] Theme 4 . Effective and efficient administration The mission of the CRR is to support the residential registration process in an optimal manner, to make residence data accessible to citizens, the economy and administration to the extent admissible under the law, and to provide a basic data pool for eGovernment. EBG Education vouchers for parents Contact details: Family Department of the Government of Upper Austria [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Upper Austrian childcare bonus for 4- to 6-year-olds and the educational vouchers for parents have initiated an innovative service for families. The main goal is to support the development of parental education. All parents qualifying for the scheme receive a € 20 voucher per year. A maximum of € 60 per child is available for parental education. The vouchers can be used at events that develop relationships among parents and between parents and children. eCard The Austrian eCard as a Citizen Card Contact details: Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The aim of COURTDOC is to replace the multitude of physical archives maintained by individual courts. The cyberDOC electronic document archives of Austria’s Civil Law Notaries and the Austrian Bar Association’s Archivium allow for the exchange of original documents, because the data contents saved in these archives are regarded by law as originals of the documents. Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The Citizen Card function on the eCard contributes to the modernisation of administration. The eCard incorporates “sleeping” signature functions in line with the Signature Law and the Administrative Signature Regulation and includes three signature applications: the “administration” signature, the “customary” signature and the “social insurance” signature. CRCO Criminal Records Certificate Online eGraz Process oriented eGovernment platform for smooth and cooperative implementation of online administration services Contact details: Ministry of the Interior [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The CRC gives information on possible convictions. Previously, the CRC had to be requested at police headquarters or city councils, and delivery took about seven days. With the CRCO, it is possible to request and have the CRC delivered online; police headquarters or city councils are able to issue the information immediately. 74 | Exhibition Catalogue Contact details: Municipality of the provincial capital of Graz [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eGraz, the eGovernment platform of the City of Graz, is an open, universal framework not dependent on a given producer. It is a generic approach which enables swift and cost-effective implementation of online procedures. Submissions It takes no more than a few hours to transform each procedure into a transactional eGovernment service by way of virtual processes. EUROSPEAK EUROSPEAK Online Contact details: Federal Chancellery [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EUROSPEAK-Online provides specialised, tailor-made training in the language and communication skills required by civil servants, embedded in core topics from their fields of work. The whole programme covers approximately 50 hours of training. 2- Content-wise aggregation, and 3 Prioritisation. It represents a political decision-making process incorporating a citizen-centred participation approach with clear and applicable results. PALLAST Digital Parliament Contact details: Landtag Steiermark [email protected] ewEKO Workflow for Austrian Social Insurance Code of Reimbursement Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Digital Parliament, or PALLAST, is a workflow system that secures worldwide access without the need for any downloads. It is the first workflow program in Europe that allows parliamentarians to work without the use of any paper. This saves up to € 200,000 per year and speeds up the legislative process by reducing the amount of time spent producing new laws from two months to two weeks. Contact details: Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions [email protected] V-Opti V-Opti - enhanced public procurement for upper Austrian municipalities Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Code of Reimbursement is a list of medicinal products that have a marketing authorisation in Austria or the EU, a guaranteed supply and are reimbursable. The ewEKO has established an electronic workflow system for these companies. In this manner, the workload of the groups involved has been reduced immensely as a result of the new form of communication. k-net Kommunalnet - The Austrian Municipal Intranet Contact details: Austrian Association of Municipalities [email protected] Theme 4 . Effective and efficient administration, or the k-net, was established as a PPP model, to be able to offer commercial services besides eGovernment applications. It establishes a common webbased platform as a nationwide working environment for municipalities, leveraging inter-municipal communication and knowledge sharing. At present, more than 75% of Austrian municipalities are members. Contact details: OÖ Gemeindebund [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration V-Opti enhances cooperation between Upper Austrian public authorities, improves the quality of public procurement and supports bidders by offering them a homogeneous public procurement procedure. Particularly for SMEs, a homogenous public procurement environment is an advantage. V-Opti is a step from eGovernment to eGovernance! WAI-AAA Website-CMS for Local Communities with WAI-AAA in Austria Contact details: Marktgemeinde Kremsmünster [email protected] --> move your future Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion WAI-AAA is a cms-based website for communities, which fulfills the eGovernment rules for disabled people. The cms of RiS-Kommunal is able to fulfill the WAIAAA criteria so that, for example, blind people can hear web content with a screenreader or people can surf the website easily. Moreover, usability is improved and the design is more flexible. Contact details: BRZ - Austrian Federal Computing Centre [email protected] bmskgleich Information Platform “Equality law for people with disabilities in Austria” Theme 4 . Effective and efficient administration is an eParticipation procedure for young citizens for the development of political relevant future concepts for Austria. It follows a three-step-model for citizen participation: 1- Contribution collection, Contact details: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 75 bmskgleich is an information platform on equality law for people with disabilities in Austria. The development focus was on a website accessible to all. It was implemented with WAI guidelines of the W3C, but content was established as an easy-to-read version, along with videos in Austrian sign language. Belgium chiplib With your chip to the lib Contact details: Gemeentebestuur Avelgem [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration When the municipal public library of Avelgem was converted into a self-service library, the chiplib project made a unique combination of RFID technology and eID, resulting in improved possibilities for users, e.g. to access the catalogue and initiate reservation and extension services via the Internet by means of eID. CONSUNET CONSUNET: Improvement of consular services to Belgian citizens abroad Contact details: FPS Foreign Affairs [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CONSUNET offers consulates the possibility to gain online access to the central Belgian register and to offer the same service as town halls in Belgium. Belgium’s 135 embassies and consulates abroad serve as town halls for the more than 300,000 Belgians who live abroad and, in the event of emergency, for more than 1 million Belgian tourists. CVI The Flemish Infoline Contact details: Flemish Government - Contacpunt Vlaamse Infolijn [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The multi-channel CVI contact point is an integrated customer information service organised by the Flemish Government. The CVI provides reliable, unambiguous information to citizens through a variety of communication channels. Furthermore, not only does CVI offer information and interaction, but it also enables a number of transactions. e-Depot Speed up the publication of notary acts through SOA platform Contact details: Federal Public Service Chancellery of the Prime Minister [email protected] 76 | Exhibition Catalogue Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration e-Depot offers notaries a quick and easy way to complete, sign and deposit the forms and documents required to create a company in all administrative databases. It provides an electronic point of contact, which will significantly reduce the time required for the procedure. A company can now be set up in three days, in comparison with the three months previously required. Fed-eViewC Fed-eView Citizen - Listening to citizens’ needs Contact details: Strategic Cell Federal Ministry of ICT and e-government [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Fed-eViewC is used to measure citizens’ eGovernment needs and uses. Studied domains were eInclusion, eGovernment, eSociety and eDemocracy. Representative panels have been followed and supplemented with specific focus groups. Based on those experiences, the federal Ministry of ICT is developing a general measurement framework that will make it possible to follow the evolution of eGovernment through an integrated dashboard. KlasCement KlasCement - Educational portal - Exchange and share Contact details: KlasCement [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion KlasCement is a portal by and for Dutch-speaking teachers, with about 24,000 members. Here, it is possible to exchange documents, e.g. sites, learning objects, educational software, exercises, and photos for free. It is possible to announce events and make comments on and award stars for every item. In other words, it is a social network of teachers and students. Lifebadge Contact details: LIFEBADGE SA [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion World Health Personal Record. A personal website for health data, managed only by patients themselves. LIMOSA Integrated electronic declaration and onestop-shop for foreign workers Contact details: Crossroads Bank for Social Security [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Submissions LIMOSA consists of a unique declaration of cross-border activities in Belgium, for integrated service delivery and a monitoring system for the correct supervision of compliance with social regulations. LIMOSA creates a one-stop-shop, where those concerned can post all their requests and declarations, which will be automatically dispatched to the competent institutions. LoG-IN GII 35 local governments from three countries sharing one GIS infrastructure Contact details: Intercommunale Leiedal [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The LoG-IN Generic GII is a powerful infrastructure owned by 35 local authorities from the UK, Germany and Belgium. It is based on open standards, XML/GML and web services. All local authorities can build powerful web applications using only a web browser. The GII led to savings of over € 1.5 million. My File Consulting your personal data in the National Register Contact details: Home Office Belgium, General Directorate of Institutions and Population [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration My File offers citizens an instrument with which to check and rectify their personal data online in the National Register in Belgium. It also enables users to see who has consulted their data. This is a clear example of a transparent, user-centric, low-cost, innovative, privacyenhancing eGov application with high efficiency and effectiveness. PCS Personal Civil Servant Contact details: Departement RWO [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration PCS is a generic application that enables civil servants without programming skills to model their knowledge so that citizens can be guided in a question-answer format to the answer that applies to their specific question. In this way, specific answers can be given without the need for experts present. Moreover, PCS provides its users with the correct application form to start the procedure. PloneGov PloneGov Around 43 Belgian, French, Spanish and Swiss cities and regions participate in the PloneGov project. In doing so, they aim to gain independence from IT service providers by developing, essentially by themselves and in a cooperative manner, applications and websites for their own use as well as for their citizens. POW Police-on-web Contact details: Fedict [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration POW is a site that enables citizens to submit online declarations of theft or vandalism to the Belgian police. It currently supports four kinds of claims, which are automatically routed to the competent police department. POW provides significant time gains for citizens as well as the administration; in addition, it makes the service more accessible and easy to use. SMETest Are you an SME? Do the test! Contact details: Walloon Region - Commissariat EASI-WAL [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SMEs play a key role in Europe’s economy. However, there was no simple way for companies to know whether or not they were considered SMEs by Europe and Member States. The SMETest fills this gap by providing a website so that companies can determine whether they are considered to be SMEs. SubAssoc Subsidies Management using Open Source Software exclusively Contact details: CoCoF [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The SubAssoc system manages societies, subsidies, inspections and budgets in a user-friendly way through a web browser. Previously, 20 different departments maintained separate lists of associations that benefited from these subsidies, making it impossible to answer in due time. The technology enables the translation of the whole system into another language by editing a single file. URBAIN URBAN Development Information Network Contact details: Sambreville [email protected], Contact details: Tâches de l’Administration du cadastre, de l’enregistrement et des domaines (ACED), Service Public Fédéral Finance [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 77 The Belgian Land Registry has made the URBAIN web application accessible to all municipalities, allowing bi-directional data communication. The benefits are: paperless communication, single data collection and entry, improved data quality, additional information to speed up tax collection and accelerated updating of patrimonial documentation. URBIZONE An urban wireless network scenario for the Brussels region Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eOn-line is an easy and secure means of transferring services provided by the regional administrations. The system helps the regional administrations to organise their work and enables faster communication with citizens and businesses. It complements the existing systems and database contents with valuable information and provides a secure and reliable access mechanism. OSH Municipality Intranet Contact details: BRIC [email protected] Contact details: Municipality of Shumen [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The Brussels Region has undertaken experiments to launch a free high-speed urban wireless network in order to create the largest free access Wi-Fi area in Belgium covering a whole university campus. The next step involves extending the network gradually to cover the whole Brussels region. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration OSH covers the main activities in Shumen City Council, and allows the administration to perform its duties effectively. Management information is available on the spot to all involved parties, depending on privilege levels. Integration with the municipality website allows citizens and businesses to access relevant information, the status of their cases, dues, inquiries, etc. WebDIV Online vehicle registration Contact details: Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration WebDIV is an IT application developed by the Mobility and Transport Federal Public Service so that insurance companies, agents, brokers and leasing companies can register their clients’ cars online. The administration’s aim is to improve the services offered to DIV clients. WebDIV is now enjoying success all over the country. YWP Youth Work Project Contact details: VDAB [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The YWP is an integrated plan to reduce unemployment amongst young people under 25 years of age with poor and average skills in Flanders. Young people now receive information regarding job vacancies electronically from their first day of unemployment. From that point onwards, they agree by contract to deal actively with the information received. Bulgaria eOn-line Online Services provided by municipalities to citizens and businesses Contact details: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria [email protected] 78 | Exhibition Catalogue Croatia VRH portal Web portal of the Government of the Republic of Croatia Contact details: Government of the Republic of Croatia [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The VRH portal is the first public administration website in Croatia with RSS, a notification system, registration, user profiles and W3C standards. It includes a central search index for more than 100 public administration websites. It has a user-oriented structure and design, and makes great use of multimedia, broadband quality, etc. Cyprus eOAS Ministry of Finance - Department of Information Technology Services Contact details: Department of IT Services, Ministry of Finance [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The aim of eOAS is the electronic management of all civil service documents, as well as the automation of the procedures and regulations governing their creation, archiving, security, distribution and disposal, including their final destruction or long-term storage for future accessibility by the public and researchers. Submissions Czech Republic Denmark Contact details: Vysocina Region [email protected] Contact details: Danish Commerce and Companies Agency [email protected] GoldenCrest Golden Crest Award and EuroCrest Award on ISSS/LORIS conference Theme 2. Participation and transparency The Golden Crest Award is an annual best of the web competition for Czech towns, municipalities and regions. It is part of the EuroCrest Award, which is a European-wide best of the web competition. It has real motivating power for hundreds of municipality representatives to improve the quality of their websites, services and IT accessibility. NPPG The National Programme of Computer Literacy Contact details: Ministry of the Interior [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The MICR implemented the National Programme of Computer Literacy (NPCL) to help the general public learn the basics of computers and the Internet. It was based on two-hour courses, and it was affordable to the public, particularly older people. Moreover, there were special projects for disadvantaged groups, such as people with disabilities. TC-PVS Czech Government Gateway - a way of achieving effective and successful eGovernment Contact details: Ministry of the Interior [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Government Gateway is an integral part of the Public Administration Portal, enabling documents to be sent electronically between citizens/businesses and public administration entities. The savings, in time and money, made communicating via the Government Gateway have been passed on to end users, who appreciate the option of submitting their documents electronically. VIS Vezensky informacni system Contact details: Vezenska sluzba [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The VIS is an information system, used for the administration, operation and daily activities of the Czech Prison Service. CSD Compensation for Sickness in Denmark Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration According to law, Danish companies can apply for economic compensation when a company employee is absent from work due to illness or maternity leave. Therefore, the CSD ICT solution was developed in order to enable effective online applications and provide increased service for companies. More efficient administration has resulted in savings of an estimated € 13 - 25 million. DLS Equal Access to Information through Digital Library Service Contact details: Danish National Library for the Blind [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Through the DLS, the Danish National Library for the Blind provides a digital library service for the visually impaired and dyslexic in the form of eBooks, digital talking books and Braille materials. This service allows for the speedy delivery of library material that enables users equal access to information and, hence, social inclusion. DOPCAF Digitalisation of Public Childcare Administration in Frederiksberg Kommune - Denmark Contact details: Frederiksberg Kommune [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration DOPCAF is a self-service system with new and improved options for childcare administration. Here, applications are registered by users. This process has resulted in an increase in both employee and user satisfaction. Furthermore, it has created an opportunity for Frederiksberg Municipality, parents and day-care institutions to share data. LER Danish Register of Underground Cable Owners Contact details: The National Agency for Enterprise and Construction [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration LER ensures contact between owners of cables and European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 79 contractors. When a contractor enquires about a construction site, contact details on all the owners of underground cables on the site is made available. It is having a significant effect on the aim to prevent damage to underground utility cables and pipelines, lower administration costs in the contracting sector and increase supply security. NES Northern European Subset Contact details: National IT and Telecom Agency [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs NES is a cooperative initiative between a group of countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, the UK and potentially other countries) and organisations with the aim of establishing a common platform for eCommerce in national and cross-border trade. It is based on openness and agility in developing just-in-time specifications, tools, business cases and best practices to national and international stakeholders in the public and private sector. RPDK Rejseplanen - User-centric and crossadministrative service Contact details: Rejseplanen A/S [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The Danish Travel Planner is a digital multi-channel service providing user-centric information from all public transport companies and some private entrepreneurs. The service is accessible through the Internet, automated telephone service, mobile Internet and touch screens. In addition, it helps the public transport authorities to reduce resources spent on providing information to their users. Sdk Danish eHealth portal - Contact details: Danish eHealth portal - [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration is a public, Internet-based portal that collects and distributes healthcare information among citizens and healthcare professionals. It creates new ways of using existing solutions and includes new groups of users in solutions that could previously not be shared, and at a very limited cost. Webbooking Internet web-booking/registration and administration system in Gladsaxe Kommune Contact details: Gladsaxe Kommune [email protected] 80 | Exhibition Catalogue Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Webbooking is for the administration of participant registration for Gladsaxe Municipality’s Summer Holiday Activities offered to children and young people. The participants will be registered on a first-come-firstserved basis handled by the system, as all entries are registered at precise logging hours. Estonia CReP Company Registration Portal - Create Your Own Company in 12 minutes Contact details: Centre of Registers and Information Systems [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With the CReP, it is possible to register a company within 12 minutes by using the Internet and an Estonian ID card. It provides entrepreneurs with the possibility to handle all communication with the Commercial Register through the portal without extra paperwork. The portal allows for the submission of an application as a standard or an expedited procedure. iVote Internet voting in Estonia Contact details: National Electoral Committee [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency For the first time in the world Internet Voting with binding results has been applied nationwide. The main goal of iVoting is to provide voters with an additional channel to cast their votes in order to broaden accessibility and increase participation. In 2007, the iVoting turnout from all eligible voters was 3.4%, and 18% of all votes cast during advance voting days was electronic. Finland AMKOPE AMKOPE - Online application for vocational teacher education in Finland Contact details: The Finnish National Board of Education [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The aims of the AMKOPE are to provide equal service to all and to improve the level of information applicants receive about the processing of their applications. Online application reduces the time spent processing applications, and applicants can check the status of their applications any time and anywhere. Submissions EdOcFin - One-stop access to education and occupational information Contact details: University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre for Further Education [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs national is a portal that assembles all information about post-elementary education and occupations, provides people and intermediaries with information about educational opportunities and encourages people to study and use information independently. Furthermore, it enhances awareness of the multiple opportunities people have throughout their lives. ETS-PMRV Emissions trading permits, monitoring, reporting and verification application Contact details: Energy Market Authority [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The ETS-PMRV is a web-based platform that is used to facilitate governmental actions related to emissions trading. It handles the permits, monitoring, reporting and verification processes of emissions trading by centralising all relevant information in a single database. It is estimated that a yearly workload of approximately two people is saved as a result of the ETS-PMRV application. FDPWP Finnish Democracy and Participation Web Services Contact details: Ministry of Justice, Finland [email protected], Theme 2. Participation and transparency The FDPWP project provides the public with information and participation channels related to decision-making. promotes public citizen participation in decision-making processes. Kansanvalta. fi supports active citizenship by providing information on issues including citizen rights, means of influence, parties, etc. The aim is to increase government openness and the diversity of participation methods. Infobank Multilingual Infobank website for immigrants Contact details: International Cultural Centre Caisa [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Infobank is multilingual web service targeted at immigrants living in Finland, as well as the authorities providing them with public. The site contains basic information on everyday questions, including healthcare, social services and education. This national web service was launched in 2003, and receives around 50,000 visitors per month. MFactory MagazineFactory Contact details: Finnish National Board of Education [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs MFactory is a web tool in 13 languages that publishes international electronic magazines for school communities. It is an easy and enjoyable publishing tool, which provides teachers and pupils with an opportunity to work as editorial staff in the classroom and publish a web magazine of their own. NKCN North Karelia County Network Contact details: North Karelia Information Technology Centre Ltd. [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration NKCN is a network platform for technological innovation, new utilisation solutions and online services for the entire municipality sector in NK. The CN is a region-wide service platform for online services and networking operations to be used by divisions of municipalities, such as healthcare and administration services. Quick@work Quick@work - Portal for seeking and recruiting temporary workers Contact details: Town of Nokia [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs Quick@work was developed to help overcome problems regarding recruitment. People seeking temporary work can leave their information and update it on a regular basis on the web, and people in charge of recruitment can easily search for suitable applicants. The contacting procedure is carried out via SMS messages. SID-FIN Safer Internet Day Finland Contact details: Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The SID-FIN awareness raising project aims to improve safe use of the Internet among schoolchildren and European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 81 home Internet users. The project has been effective and, according to many surveys, the deliverables and messages have been well received by the target groups. SocialGate National Support Channel for Social Workers Contact details: National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration is a professional web portal that supports social workers and other professionals in the social sector. Social Gate offers classified information, a space for virtual communities and other high quality services, such as eConsultation. The aim is to support knowledge exchange between professionals and encourage collegial support. TCO Tax Card Online Contact details: National Board of Taxes [email protected] Theme 4 . Effective and efficient administration TCO is the first interactive eService offered by the Finnish Tax Administration. With this service, citizens can order their tax cards online, free of charge and at any time. In 2007, almost every fifth tax card (16.2% of 432,300 tax cards) was ordered on the web. VETUMA Citizen eIdentification, signature and payment for public authorities in Finland Contact details: Ministry of Finance, Public Management Department [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration VETUMA offers a uniform government and municipality eServices interface for citizen identification with national eID cards, individual pin codes of Finnish eBanks and mobile identification in the services of two Finnish mobile operators. VETUMA can be used for citizen payments via eBanks or VISA and MasterCard credit cards. WebNurse Web Nurse Service Contact details: Seinäjoen seudun terveysyhtymä [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The WebNurse is a service whereby citizens can ask anything concerning their health and a registered nurse will give them an answer within 1-3 days. The population distribution makes this kind of service 82 | Exhibition Catalogue attractive as a means of enhancing services to rural and remote populations. WELLCOM WELLCOM - eHealth Services for Turku Citizens Contact details: Turku Health Care Department [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The WELLCOM project improves public service for Turku citizens by developing eHealth services. It uses the Internet and related technologies, including SMS. Customers are satisfied as accessibility to healthcare services has improved and services can be used at any time anywhere. Healthcare professionals are also satisfied that work management has improved. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia AOLS System for Online Application for jobs in state and local administration Contact details: Civil Servants Agency [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Unemployed people were frequently unable to afford to apply for jobs because of the obligatory cost of € 80 per application. Through AOLS, the process is entirely free of charge and candidates are evaluated in a fully trustworthy manner that cannot discriminate between gender and ethnic group. AOLS has brought about a significant increase in applications and candidates. France AdminH24 Formulaires en ligne- Online Forms Contact details: Directorate General for Modernisation [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs Admin24H was designed to enable French citizens easy access to as many public services as possible at any time, from wherever they wish, and via a single entry point. The portal is complemented by the Online Forms website (, which provides an Internet version of forms approved by the authorities, accessible via Internet. The forms available to users can be obtained, filled in and sent online before being transmitted to the processing services. ADULLACT Common patrimony of free software for local authorities and administrations Contact details: ADULLACT [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Submissions ADULLACT seeks to constitute, develop and promote a common patrimony of free software in professional areas, thanks to public funds and member competences. It privileges the use and development of free software in investments made by our cities and regions, so that these investments can be used by other local authorities., or FPSME, is part of the governmental SME simplification plan. Its mission is to inform SMEs about their rights and obligations, facilitating the carrying out of their procedures, in particular online, and to direct them towards the appropriate organisation or service to deal with. Besac.clic Besancon.clic INTEROPS INTERoperability among Social Protection Organisations Contact details: City of Besançon [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The City of Besançon and the Greater Besançon Community have been reducing the digital gap by financing IT equipment for primary schools, hospitals, associations, retirement homes and some schools in Senegal, through the distribution of an eBook pack to all of the pupils in the CE2 class and the installation of public multimedia access points in every neighbourhood. Civilcerti Digitisation and dispatch of civil status certificates by Internet Contact details: DGME Ministry of the Budget [email protected] php3?id_article=253 Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The Civilcerti service enables citizens to request civil status certificates online through a one-stop-shop. The portal offers municipalities a complete and free digitalised service, with the possibility of processing files automatically by their offices.The result is an 80% increase in productivity compared to the previous manual processing method. e-Pro Extranet Professional Contact details: City of Toulouse, IT Department [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration e-Pro software avoids all administrative processing concerning land occupation consultation. The procedure is executed directly from the estate agencies with direct access to the City of Toulouse database and automatic certificates. This efficiency gain has resulted in faster processing with better production costs for citizens. FPSME French civil service’s official portal for SME and freelance workers Contact details: La Documentation française [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Contact details: State Modernisation Branch of the Budget Ministry [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The INTEROPS project opens up the various information systems of the Social Protection Organisations. It simplifies access, giving greater effect to the role of service providers or their equivalents, optimising investment and improving the finances of the state. Currently, the project concerns 30,000 civil servants of the Social Protection Organisations. Issy iCC Interactive City Council (Issy-les-Moulineaux, France) Contact details: Issy Média, City Hall of Issy-les-Moulineaux [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The Interactive City Council, or Issy iCC, enables Issy’s residents to watch and actively participate in city council meetings live from the comfort of their living rooms. To take part in the council meetings, residents simply have to tune in. They can address questions live to their elected representatives by phone or e-mail and receive immediate answers. MAREVA MAREVA - Value creation analysis for government transformation projects Contact details: Ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique – Direction [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MAREVA is a methodology to assess the value of public sector transformation projects. It helps administrations to prioritise initiatives, manage them and build knowledge for further projects to optimise the value of the projects portfolio. It has been rolled out for about 100 eGovernment initiatives in 10 government ministries and public organisations. NetSubsidy Digitisation and shared processing for public subsidy requests European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 83 Contact details: DGME Ministry of the Budget [email protected] php3?id_article=253 Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration NetSubsidy has been implemented by the French State as a new online service targeting associations: an online one-stop-shop in order to process all association subsidy requests. The digitisation of subsidy requests aims to facilitate the submission of the dossier to all public actors; one part of the subscription form is core, and the second can be customised by each public financer. The process offers a specific space for each financing organisation in order to keep supporting documents and enables all public actors to share their positions and comments online. OSIRIS Office Central de Repression du Trafic Illicite de Stupéfiants Contact details: DCPJ - Ministere de l’Intérieur [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The OSIRIS project is a rich Internet application interfacing a critical database dealing with the trafficking of illegal drugs, held by the Narcotics Division. The application does not require extensive training; it offers shorter answer time and is contributing actively to optimising the fight against the trafficking of narcotics. PMé_A.SEM A Multimedia Plan for Schools in Saint-Etienne Métropole Contact details: Saint-Etienne Métropole [email protected] Presto benefits both administrations and solution vendors. Procure eBourgogne: Procure Contact details: Regional Council of Burgundy (France) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Procure brings together all public entities of Burgundy for their purchases, to give companies a single entry to all tenders, be the pilot eGovernment project in France and demonstrate the applicability of this approach to other regions in France and Europe. RES National inventory of sports facilities, sports areas and sites Contact details: Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency RES is a complete inventory of over 325,000 sports facilities and sites for the whole of continental France and its overseas territories, including information on over 100 variables for each facility. The site enables anyone to search for a sport facility, using search criteria such as location and type of practice. SATI Automated solution for inspection management Contact details: Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The PMé_A.SEM project has developed the Multimedia Plan for Schools, which promotes communication and information technologies for teaching purposes. The aim is to eliminate the digital divide at its source, develop the functionalities of the system, and provide equal access to means of acquiring knowledge. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SATI is a solution that enables agents from the Department of Fisheries to register inspection results on an XML-based form on the tablet PCs they carry during inspections. The data is then uploaded onto a centralised portal. If a tablet PC is not available, results can digitally be registered using any computer and any browser with an Internet connection. PRESTO Profiling open international standards to achieve interoperability in eAdministration exchange TéléDMMO Tele-procedure for monthly declarations on job turnover in firms Contact details: DGME - Ministère du budget [email protected] php3?id_rubrique=165 Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Presto is a protocol aimed at promoting international standards used in the private sector for eAdministration. By defining lightweight multi-technological standards to achieve interoperability in a multi-technological context, 84 | Exhibition Catalogue Contact details: Ministry of Labour, Labour Relations and Solidarity [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Télé-DMMO enables the online declaration of monthly job turnovers, mandatory for private and public companies. Previously, a single paper form was used by companies for their declarations. With Télé-DMMO, two new services are offered: a website for online Submissions declarations, and an EDI service for declarations by file transmission. VITALE Electronic claims for healthcare costs in France Contact details: SESAM-VITALE EIG [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration VITALE removes the need for paper health claim forms in order to modernise, simplify and accelerate exchange through the use of new technologies. The main benefits include easier and faster reimbursement of healthcare fees, as well as important gains in administrative productivity while processing patient identification, social rights and financial data. Germany DEHStEW Integrated Electronic Workflow for Enforcement of Emissions Trading in Germany Contact details: Emissions Trading Authority [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration All internal and external business processes of the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) have been planned and implemented entirely electronically. The DEHSt is responsible for the allocation and issue of allowances, monitoring and control tasks, and the administration of the national registry, as well as national and international reporting. Dioxin-WS POP-Dioxin-WebService Contact details: Federal Environment Agency [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Dioxin-WS is a web service for environmental data on persistent organic pollutants. The service supports access to these data and their evaluation on the basis of a defined role concept. It includes a service that offers the possibility for interactive data input via an XML interface to enable data suppliers from competent Länder authorities. DON Discourse On The Net improved and the software system re-implemented. eParticipation is now a pivotal part of Hamburg’s eGovernment strategy through the DON project. DVDV German Administration Services Directory Contact details: Senator for Finance, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration DVDV lists electronically available eGovernment services and thus meets an important need in terms of creating a secure and reliable communication infrastructure, based exclusively on open Internet protocols and allowing cross-organisational, paperless processes. Worldwide, this standardised Service Oriented Architecture is one of the first and largest. eHealth eHealthNews.EU Portal Contact details: eHealthNews.EU Portal [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency eHealthNews.EU seeks to advance the European eHealth industrial and research sectors, and promote awareness of the latest trends, achievements and technology in the field. So far, the eHealthNews.EU portal has more than 300 unique daily visitors. eShop Efficient buying at federal level in Germany with the eGovernment shop Contact details: Procurement Agency of the Federal Ministry of the Interior [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The eShop benefits in particular all authorities on a federal level. The procurement staff of federal authorities can select commonly supplied goods and services from an electronic catalogue. The procurement agency concludes a framework agreement with the suppliers. The ordering of standardised goods thereby becomes faster and easier. MCSERV Mobile Citizen Services in Germany Contact details: Finanzbehörde Hamburg [email protected] Contact details: Berlin Senate of the Interior and Sports [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency To date, the City of Hamburg has conducted four Internet discourses on political subjects. The first was conducted as part of the EU-funded project DEMOS. Subsequent to the project, the methodology has been Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MCSERV is a wireless system developed to offer the same citizen services at various temporary sites, such as hospitals, shopping centres, etc., available at stationary offices. The majority of citizen requests when using European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 85 mobile citizen services concern passports, identity cards, driving licences, etc. NEWPROCSYS Implementation of eProcurement-system in administration Landratsamt Ostalbkreis Contact details: Landratsamt Ostalbkreis [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The administration of the Landratsamt Ostalbkreis implemented an eProcurement system, including a just-in-time-delivery of “C-Articles” (paper, office supplies and toner and ink cartridges). The results include savings of € 100,000 per year and significant improvements in terms of service for the administration departments. OX-BRN OX-BRN: Modern School Management at Bavarian Realschulen Contact details: Bayerisches Realschulnetz [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration OX-BRN is a groupware that is specially designed for the needs of schools. It is a multi-domain and multi-user system that offers central data definition, professional e-mail management, document management and workflow management to schools. It can be used from every computer connected to the Internet and enables teachers to carry out efficient teamwork. PortalU The German Environmental Information Portal Contact details: PortalU Coordination Centre (KST) [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency PortalU is the central online information portal of the environmental administration. It provides a highly accessible, easy-to-use and central access point to obtain publicly-held environmental information and data. The aim is to educate the public about environmental issue and enable and enhance public participation in environment-related decision processes. RISER Registry Information Service on European Residents Contact details: Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten Berlin [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration RISER is a trans-European eGovernment service, was set up to offer official civil registry information to 86 | Exhibition Catalogue companies and administrations from across Europe in an easy-to-access manner. The service is supplied by national or local authorities with data from the respective registries. RZKKA RZKKA-Online Contact details: Bavarian State Ministry of Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration RZKKA-Online was developed as an Internet-based platform for handling the funding procedure of small sewage treatment plants. The objective of the funding directive is to provide incentives for the necessary construction of new small sewage treatment plants and for retrofitting such plants with biological treatment stages. STiNE STiNE: Integrated campus management at the University of Hamburg Contact details: University of Hamburg [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration StiNE is a fully integrated campus management system, connecting all academic and administrative processes. It manages the entire set of academic life and was an important tool in the establishment and organisation of an in-depth transformation process. STiNE is now the first completely integrated university platform of its kind in Germany. TPO TranspOnline – Truck Mangement System for heavy duty goods transport Contact details: City of Muelheim an der Ruhr [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The goal of the TranspOnline platform is administrative simplification for requesting permission from a local viewpoint, and for refinancing on a country and European-wide basis. The platform facilitates all of the necessary information between all those concerned; it currently usually takes place by fax. VitoC Virtual workspaces for multiteamoriented communities Contact details: Ministerium für Umwelt, Forsten und Verbraucherschutz Rheinland-Pfalz [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency VitoC provides a collaborative environment for experts Submissions and a development platform for new applications and scenarios. VitoC supports the eGovernment strategy (G2G, G2B, G2C) for services in multi-level teams working in distributed locations. It is based on three pillars: tools, services and applications. ZEDAL ZEDAL - electronic waste proof procedure with qualified electronic signature Contact details: SBB Sonderabfallgesellschaft Brandenburg/Berlin mbH [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration ZEDAL is an eGovernment system for the management of, and compliance with, the Ordinance on Records of Proper Waste Mangement. Through this system, a formerly very complex administrative procedure involving a large number of forms and handwritten signatures has been replaced by a manageable, completely electronic method. Greece CSC-KEP Multi-channel Citizen Service Centres Contact details: Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration & Decentralisation (MIPAD) [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The CSCs are an advanced multi-channel system for the delivery of public services to citizens and businesses, regardless of their digital capabilities, social orientation or locality. The CSCs have become the single entry point through which citizens can access the realm of public administration. This has proven to be a high-profile eGovernment project. Hungary ClientGate Client Gate - Hungarian customer entry and identification system Contact details: Electronic Government Centre, Prime Minister’s Office [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The transactional gateway, Client Gate, accessible via the Hungarian eGovernment portal, allows users to securely identify themselves online and gain access to any available transactional eGovernment services, even without electronic signature. Client Gate is free of charge both for clients and public administrations. E-PIAD Electronic Pension Insurance Administration and Declarations Contact details: ONYF/CANPI [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The E-PIED provided electronic forms are used by citizens for administration, and by employers required to submit declarations regarding beneficiaries. It is faster and more convenient for users, as they receive replies earlier and can deal with administrative issues 24/7. The system leads to a more effective service e.g. faster processing and less ques at the service centres of pension and insurance bodies. IKeR Integrated System of eAdministration for Special Sub-Regions led by Hajdúszoboszló Contact details: Self-government of Hajdúszoboszló [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The IKeR system enables authorities and clients to manage administrative procedures in the field of local public administration via electronic means, from the moment they submit an application via the Internet to the moment the ultimate decision is approved. Iceland eCG Electronic Consumer Gateway Contact details: Consumer Agency - Neytendastofa [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The objective of the eCG is to re-engineer government consumer protection processes involving consumers and business operators as active participants in these processes. The portal gives customers 24/7 access and leads to improved market focus and surveillance. OCE-OLA Online Credit Evaluation and Online Loan Application Service in Iceland Contact details: The Housing Financing Fund [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The aim of OCE-OLA is to achieve paper-free, faster and more secure loan application processes, improving home finance information, overcoming geographical boundaries, increasing product availability and offering the best combined loan product in Iceland. The service is fast, free and efficient, available to anyone buying a home in Iceland. eReykjavik eReykjavik - Service applications online Contact details: City of Reykjavik [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 87 Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eReykjavik offers a wide range of automatic and interactive online applications. Citizens can apply for schools, extracurricular activities, jobs and grants through the portal and receive instant automated responses including the status of their applications. In addition to these fully automated (green) applications, citizens can apply for 16 different services online through semi-automated applications (yellow) plus 28 other online service applications. Ireland CCP Customer Contact Project Contact details: Revenue [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The objective of this CCP was to make a wide range of services available online to our 2.2 million PAYE customers using a multi-channel approach. This entailed the use of VOIP, SMS and web services. All paper contacts were also scanned and stored in the same system, leading to increased efficiency and better customer service. Connect Connect Project Contact details: South Dublin County Council [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Connect is a range of projects that are being implemented in South Dublin County. The combined impact of these projects working together will help achieve the administrations objectives. Connect will place South Dublin County online by enabling all of its citizens to use technology and shape Internet content to be more relevant to local interests and needs. Online Addiction Information and Support Contact details: Crosscare [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The online resource provides factual evidencebased information to individuals on the subject of substance misuse and addiction. Since the launch of the site, it has received well over 1 million requests for information and online support. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The came about as a result of the desire on the part of the department to upgrade and improve, as well as provide greater levels of service and usability to our customer base. The departmental website provides information on the departmental composition, what areas of responsibility belong to each minister, etc. DOPS Donegal Online Planning Services Contact details: Donegal County Council [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency Donegal County Council (DCC) processes on average 8,000 planning applications annually. DCC adopted web technologies to deliver this information to customers on a 24/7 basis. DOPS DCC provides up-to-date planning information in a transparent and accessible manner. eREPS Harnessing online GIS to increase the efficiency of farm surveying Contact details: Teagasc [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eREPS is an online system that enables agricultural advisors of the semi-state advisory services, Teagasc, to download maps, digitise farms online and produce fully integrated farmer-friendly maps and reports. This system means that all data can be hosted centrally and enables policy-makers to assess the scheme with a greater degree of accuracy. IFTDPS Ireland’s Framework for Transforming Delivery of Public Services Contact details: Reach [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Public Services Broker is an engine for integrating and providing agency services, both from agency to agency and from agency to customer. The integration framework is based on service-oriented architecture running on a secure hardware platform. The principal aim is to improve and transform the delivery of services to the public. The website of ITRIS Integrated Title Registration Information System Contact details: DCMNR [email protected] Contact details: Property Registration Authority [email protected] 88 | Exhibition Catalogue Submissions Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Since the introduction of ITRIS, there has been a gradual move from a paper to an electronic register, which has paved the way for further developments in the areas of eRegistration and eConveyancing. The objective underpinning this project is the continuous improvement in the quality of service delivered to customers. a range of online information resources through the library website. Service points are staffed by the partner organisation and supported by the branch library network. MCCS Multi-Channel Customer Contact Service Contact details: Department Communications, Marine and Natural Resources [email protected] Contact details: Cork County Council [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The MCCS is a Multi-Channel Customer Contact Centre with a Contact Centre Management system, CRM with CTI, integration middle-wear for back office systems, VoIP for over 90 locations. Moreover, it is engaging consultancy and mentoring skills in the set-up and running of the contact centre. ROS PAYE Irish Revenue’s New Electronic Services for PAYE Citizens Contact details: Irish Revenue Commissioners [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration In June 2006, Irish Revenue introduced a suite of online self-service facilities for PAYE taxpayers (employees). These are based on ROS and are a major investment in improving customer service and reducing costs to Revenue. Citizens can now carry out their tax business at a time and place that suits them. SSPS Self Service PrePlanning System Contact details: Mayo County Council [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The SSPS system allows customers who are thinking about applying for planning permission to draw their site on a map and then submit it for spatial analysis. The system then returns a customised report highlighting possible limitations on development. TaTi Taobh Tíre - A better library service for isolated communities Contact details: Donegal County Council [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion TaTi is a network of service points that consists of a collection of books and a PC with access to the Internet that gives access to the library’s online catalogue and eGov Corporate Governance for Government Departments in Ireland Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration is an online information management application that manages and provides corporate governance of all commercial and non-commercial state-sponsored bodies under the aegis of a particular department under the Code of Practice. These procedures relate both to internal practices and external relations with the government, the relevant minister, the minister for finance and their departments. Italy AIDA AIDA - Automazione Integrata Dogane ed Accise Contact details: Italian Customs Agency [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration AIDA is an information system set up by the customs administration to control the complex customs operations and automate the submissions of customs declarations in an integrated manner. The procedures that involve the exchange of data have been redesigned to take advantage of simplifications deriving from ICT. 3MsPOLICE Multimedia, multilingual and multiplatform web policing Contact details: Polizia di Stato [email protected], Theme 2. Participation and transparency The official websites of the Polizia di Stato, the Italian national police, have a multifaceted mission: institutional communication, information and services to citizens, media professionals and the police community. Besides informing visitors about the organisation of the Polizia di Stato, our websites offer a wide range of services. ALPT Piedmont Telematic Municipal Notice Board - Albo Pretorio Telematico Piemontese Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 89 The ALPT service makes it possible for public administration institutions to manage the publication of administrative and regulatory deeds that, according to existing regulations, have to be made known to and can be consulted by citizens. and companies. It facilitates data flow between clients and municipalities. The portal offers a common, accessible and unique presentation to different kinds of services and municipalities, ensuring simple and effective communication to users. Bandi Online public tendering information system eBudget Unox1: eService for participatory budget Contact details: Landesinstitut für Statistik der Autonomen Provinz Bozen, Amt für Wirtschaftsstatistik [email protected] Contact details: Comune di Modena - Civic Network [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Bandi online information system allows for online scheduling of all public tenders, Internet broadcasting, online management of each step of a contracting method, online rectification of publications, e-mail communication of rectifications to all registered applicants, easy and transparent monitoring, and collection and evaluation of statistical data. BDMC BANCA DATI MISURE CAUTELARI Contact details: Ministry of Justice [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration BDMC is a solution that manages the entire process of personal supervision pre-trial measures. The key issues are faster procedures, data reliability, integration with other penal area systems, security and privacy of information. With BDMC, the process of supervision measures (25,000 proceedings/year) has reached 10,000 users. CAD Confiscated Assets Database Contact details: Ministry of Economy and Finance - Tax Policy Department [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency Participatory budget, implemented by the Civic Mo-Net Network and the Participation Office of the Municipality of Modena, aimed at promoting citizen participation in the definition of the administrative budget. It is based on offline tools and online modalities (such as forums, polls and video streaming) and is accessible through Unox1 (one for one). eGov-AIDA AIDA: A model of innovation and simplification in eGovernment practice Contact details: Municipality of Livorno [email protected] php?id=2787&lang=it Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The eGov-AIDA applications for interoperable digital administration provide a shared model and online implementation for the whole life cycle of bureaucratic services for local administrations targeted at citizens and businesses. This allows for an easy process composition for the eDelivery of administrative services, as well as effective process formalisation. EPAIP eProcurement for all in Piedmont Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The Tax Policy Department, via the CAD project, provides a specific online public service, allowing police bodies, other governmental entities and third sector actors to apply for the custody of goods confiscated in the fight against contraband. This service helps reduce the costs relating to the custodianship and sharing of information about seized assets. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The EPAIP eProcurement project was launched by the Piedmont region, with the aim of setting up a regional service targeting all public administration regional offices. It enables them to manage electronically (over the Internet) calls for tenders and subsequent awards, electronic catalogues and eFramework agreements. COMUNAS Sardinian Municipalities online ETHNICITY ETHNICITY - certification of accommodation eligibility Contact details: Regione Autonoma della Sardegna [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Comunas is not only a network of municipalities, but also an online system for providing services to citizens 90 | Exhibition Catalogue Contact details: Prato Municipality [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The ETHNICITY project has developed a software Submissions solution to organise the work of the internal administrative offices. The solution encourage friendly interaction with applicants via SMS and e-mail including agreement on date and the decentralisation the issuing of certificate. EU-Pay Multichannel and pan-European payment system for public services and taxes Contact details: Comune di Prato [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The EU-Pay service provides a multi-channel, Europe-wide payment collection mechanism for public authorities which integrates seamlessly with existing payment methods. Its usage does not require any specialist knowledge; the underlying system makes a significant contribution to improving accessibility for all and reducing the digital divide. GeoKM Knowledge Management System of Public and Private Yards Contact details: Comune di Massa Lombarda [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The GeoKM project in the Municipality of Massa Lombarda is promoting a completely web-oriented system of knowledge management based on F/OSS technology for communication, partnership, management and control of parks and public facilities on the municipality and private land. GiusLina Giuseppe e Lina Contact details: ASL Teramo - P.O. Atri (TE - Italy) [email protected] - Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The GiusLina service allows for healthcare appointments to be made via SMS and the Internet in all healthcare structures belonging to the Teramo ASL. It makes it possible to make reservations for any service in any of the structures (also those that are not free) belonging to the Teramo ASL. HSC Health Services for Citizens Contact details: Regional Health Agency [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion HSC is based on an Intranet/Internet system that allows for the integration of medical data concerning services provided by GPs and hospitals to citizens through a web portal. Citizens can access online health services via the RCS, which guarantees total compliance with privacy regulations and the protection of personal data. IPSAG Integrated Portal System for Administration Governance Contact details: Regione Autonoma della Sardegna [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The IPSAG system offers a wide range of documents and services to all sorts of users, from citizens to business and administrative entities. The system is intended to achieve participation and transparency and enforce the bond between public administrations and all of their ‘customers’. MyCiP My City Pass Contact details: Monza Municipality [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MyCiP exploits existing tools (smart cards given to all Lombardy residents, along with software and PIN codes) to offer citizens eServices, so that they can, for example, book medical examinations, change their family doctor, etc. It gives civil servants a new working concept and marks the start of a new form of management with increased citizen participation. OLPS Online Police Station Contact details: Italian State Police [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Italian police force has created the world’s first Online Police Station. It is a website, on which citizens can find general information, download forms, and make online complaints about computer crimes. Citizens can also interact with experts and report conduct and events of an illegal nature occurring on the Internet. RFEDP Participation in Regional Financial and Economical Programming Document (RFEPD) 2007/09 Contact details: Regione Lazio [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The RFEPD consists of a document containing an outline of strategic objectives and related policies, which will then be incorporated in the regional expenditure budget. Citizens, private and public bodies and all local European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 91 authorities can participate by sending in their comments and proposals regarding the RFEPD. PARTECIPA PARTECIPA.NET: Citizens and Public Administrations Dialogue in Emilia Romagna Contact details: Emilia Romagna Regional Government [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency is based on a permanent connection system of telematic tools, known as the eDemocracy Kit, which enables citizens to be informed, discuss and be consulted during the decision-making process. The kit offers four services: information newsletters, a mailbox to address questions to decision-makers, discussion forums and polls. partePUG Participate in building a new master plan for our city Contact details: Comune di Monopoli [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency partePUG aims to launch the process of a master plan for a city of 50,000 inhabitants. Three different phases for participation have been organised, and they work offline and online: a listening procedure open to everyone, a procedure for constructing collaborative scenarios about the future, and an open evaluation of scenarios. PCT Processo Civile Telematico (Online Civil Trial) Contact details: Italian Ministry of Justice [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration PCT is an infrastructure developed by the Italian Ministry of Justice to enable online services. It performs a two-way data and document interchange and enables application interoperability between all external users, the courts and public administrations involved in civil cases through high-security PKI architecture and adoption of state-of-the-art technical standards. PLAIN Piedmont Local Alliances for Innovation Network Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration PLAIN targets municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and its main goals include the simplification of the joint management of eGovernment services and ICT resources, eGovernment good practice dissemination and vocational training. The initiative 92 | Exhibition Catalogue has allowed for the re-utilisation of know-how and investments made by the Piedmont region, provinces and larger towns. PM@PaT Online People Management in the autonomous province of Trento Contact details: Provincia autonoma di Trento [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The aim of PM@PaT is to improve the management of human resources by increasing transparency and efficiency in the working relationship. This is done by using e-mails to deliver pay slips and the adoption of an electronic management system for managing employee leave. This leads to remarkable savings in terms of administrative costs. SANA The application of the administrative penalty system in Rome Contact details: Ministero dell’interno [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The aim of the SANA project is to automate the application of the administrative penalty system in the prefectures. The principal component of SANA is a computer procedure, which manages the administrative procedure through the digitisation of all the necessary documents for processing document transmission between public autorities and citizens. SAPUSQ Accessible Website for a High Quality School Contact details: School District of the Montecchio Emilia Municipality [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency SAPUSQ is a school website and acts as a noticeboard for keeping track of events and issues in the school district. It increases the visibility of the six schools in Montecchio Emilia. Parents and local educational agencies are key partners in the project. The website was developed in 2007 with the aim of complying with the legislative framework regarding the accessibility of school websites. It has been awarded the Official Accessibility label by the Italian National Centre for IT in Public Administration. schoolhost A school for friends Contact details: azienda ospedaliera universitaria ospedali riuniti umberto I GM Lancisi-GSalesi [email protected] Submissions Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Children in hospital are given valuable integration to school life through video communication, enabling them to study from hospital, not only with a remote teacher, but also integrated in a remote class. The schoolhost project has developed learning procedures, video communication links to the schools involved, and training for teachers and students in the hosting classrooms. SES Italian National School Portal “Scuola e Servizi” Contact details: Italian Ministry of Education [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The National School Portal, or SES, is designed according to a federal model, consisting of the main portal site and websites of each single participating school. The project offers these schools the possibility to develop their skills and become independent in the management and updating of their school website through tutor-led eLearning courses, help desks and online services. SIAR-PFR Environmental Risk Management Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The Assessment Risk Informative System, or SIAR, aims to prevent accidents involving dangerous substances and limits their consequences for citizens and environment. Moreover, it enables the digitalisation of data related to risk activities. SIGCAP Public Administration Accounting Management Information System Contact details: Consip S.p.A. [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SIGCAP enables public administrations to electronically manage their financial and economic accounting and to digitalise the payment process. The system is connected to the public administration and banking networks and is composed of the Sicoge accounting system, the electronic payment system and the substitutive conservation of accounting documents system. SIPPI Southern Italy Prefectures and Prosecutors’ offices IT System Contact details: Ministero della Giustizia [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SIPPI intents to assign confiscated assets to social and productive purposes; it is a display of justice brought closer to citizens. The benefits achieved by SIPPI include supporting the fight against criminal organisations, transparency in assets management procedures and timely measures in giving assets back to the community. SISL SiPiedmont Employment Service Integrated System Contact details: REGIONE PIEMONTE [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and job The aim of SISL is to support workers during (re)placement and offer a prompt response to the employment requirements of regional enterprises. SISL primarily manages the employability evaluation and the matching of work requirements and offers. SPC&RIPA The Italian Public System for connecting public administration sites Contact details: CNIPA [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Italian Network for Public Administrations and the International Network for Public Administrations, or SPC&RIPA, are two telecommunication building initiatives to give public administrations the tools to promote eGovernment services, improve back-office applications, increase security and efficiency, decrease the use of paper and generate savings. SPT SPT - Our future is today Contact details: Ministry of Economy and Finance [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SPT is the multi-channel service that manages the process of payroll data entry, printing and delivery of payslips for Italian PAs. It allows for the processing of more than 1.5 million monthly payslips and is implemented by 32 central administrations. The total efficiency benefit is estimated at about € 60 million. STPDP Optimisation of purchase and delivery processes for school textbooks through PosteShop Contact details: PosteShop SpA [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 93 Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion The Ministry of Education and Poste Italiane signed a three-year agreement aimed at optimising the process of school textbook procurement. On this basis, the STPDP project has created a new purchacing model as an alternative and innovative channels for families purchase textbooks required by schools. communication and video collaboration solutions to enable the collaboration of people in different locations. It favours communication between public administrations, citizens and enterprises, thereby providing an opportunity to experiment with new and effective technological solutions and reduce transfer costs and time. SUAP One-Stop-Shops for Productive Activities Information System in Piedmont Latvia Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Contact details: Electronic Procurement State Agency [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SUAP is an integrated information system related to one-stop-shops for productive activities, set up by the Piedmont region to simplify and standardise relations between public administrations and enterprises involved at a regional level and to simplify and reduce start-up costs. Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The EPS operates as an eCatalogue current practice system, primarily focusing on achieving the following three goals: reducing product and procurement process administrative costs, achieving transparency, and introducing benefits for suppliers through automated processing. SyC SyC - Show your Card! JCCICRABES Jekabpils City Council Information Centre Residential and Business eServices Contact details: Comune di Torino [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The City of Torino designed Show Your Card, a system that enables users, on an optional basis, to use their own webcams to identify themselves by means of a software device that reads, through the webcam, a 2D barcode identifier printed on the Torinofacile card. Users simply have to type in their passwords to be easily identified by the local eGovernment portal. VICKY Vicky - A virtual assistant for social security in Italy Contact details: National Social Security Institute (INPS) [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency Vicky is the innovative interaction system that the National Social Security Institute has put in place on its web portal to extend its efforts for an increasingly effective way of communicating with citizens. The aim is to allow for effective and clear dialogue and, most importantly, means of understanding the real needs of citizens. WEBCON WebConference Contact details: Regione Piemonte [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration WEBCON was launched to integrate video 94 | Exhibition Catalogue EPS Electronic Procurement System (EPS) Contact details: Jekabpils City Council [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs Jekabpils City Council is the first council in Latvia to provide access to a variety of eServices. The aim is to improve the quality and accessibility of eServices and the administrative capability for implementing eGovernment, and to facilitate the use of eServices by residents and entrepreneurs, thereby improving the overall knowledge of ICT in society. RETA RIGA Multi-channel support for real estate tax administration Contact details: Information Technology Centre of the Municipality of Riga [email protected]; Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With RETA RIGA, the process of collecting and administering real estate tax in Riga’s local government is upgraded. Residents can now receive tax payment statements in electronic form and check the balance of their taxpayer accounts. The number of documents to be submitted to the Land Registry has decreased dramatically. Lithuania EDS eDeclaration system in Lithuania Contact details: State Tax Inspectorate Under the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania Submissions [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EDS provides an option for taxpayers to electronically submit Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate-administered tax returns and to receive necessary information regarding STI document acceptance. It improves the efficiency of tax administration making EDS tax procedures altogether less complicated. ISED Information System on Excise Duties Contact details: Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The introduction of the eJobCentre resulted in a drop in the unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.7% in 2006. This was achieved by reaching more clients (especially those at the lowest strata of society) via its multichannel approaches. Furthermore, it is estimated that the corporation saves almost 1/3 of its total expenditure each year. MEPAeApps MEPA eApplications Contact details: The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration ISED is a web-based system for the administration of excise duties. It helps to improve the administration of duties through stricter data control. Those paying excise duties are now provided with more convenient electronic media-based methods to fill out declarations and reports. The system is available 24/7 on the Internet. Theme 2. Participation and transparency MEPA handles over 8,000 applications a year. eApplications brings together different platforms and technologies into one homogeneous system, which allows clients to view application details, submit and pay for applications online and send/receive correspondence digitally, thus increasing participation, efficiency and transparency. Malta Netherlands CASPA Online Application for Child and Supplementary Allowances Contact details: Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity [email protected] AhA! Amsterdam has Answers! (Amsterdam heeft Antwoord!) Contact details: Gemeente Amsterdam [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion CASPA is an eGovernment service that allows citizens to directly submit applications for child and supplementary allowances. This service reaches 29,000 child allowance beneficiaries and 27,000 supplementary allowance beneficiaries. It affects approximately 25% of households and therefore has quite a significant impact. Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs At Amsterdam Antwoord, citizens can find answers to questions concerning local government. Amsterdam consists of 14 neighbourhood councils and over 30 departments, creating a very complex situation. However, with AhA! citizens can find the answers to their questions quickly and easily. Moreover, public services have improved by approximately 30%. e-ID Electronic Identity (Malta) CDS Development of eGovernment services Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology - MALTA [email protected] Contact details: Gemeente Den Haag [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The eGovernment service portal relies on the eID, which is the single most trusted authentication mechanism. The eID provides a one-stop-shop for all eGovernment services. The portal enables the management of user eID profiles, which contain personal details, as well as functions for assignment and delegation. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The Hague built an identity framework as one of its first online services. Thereafter, it developed a “spiral” development method to constantly innovate and extend this framework. This method resulted in a bi-directional influence and, in its seventh year, has grown to become a leading example of software development within the government sector. eJobCentre The Electronic Job Centre Contact details: Employment and Training Corporation [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 95 ChainCity ChainCity: The Basic Registry Chain Simulation Game for a Fair Society Do It DO IT Dordrecht Digital Office with Innovative Transformations Dordrecht Contact details: ICTU [email protected] Contact details: Municipality of Dordrecht [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The ChainCity simulation is part of the Dutch national eGovernment programme. The introduction of registries requires municipal departments and governmental organisations to rely on information that they alone no longer maintain. Civil servants in departments depend on one another in order to maintain accurate records of citizens and buildings. Theme 2. Participation and transparency Dordrecht Municipality has developed generally applicable software that offers eServices, such as multichannel post, web, telephone and mail, of a higher quality due to the exchange of information; it enables online connectivity of the municipality and related organisations. It provides over 100 digitised processes and facilitates the management of work. Dev-pspe Public services in a personal environment eBRP/eGDI Innovative eParcels registration in the Netherlands Contact details: Municipality of Deventer [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Dev-pspe is an environment to support full digital communication, interaction and transactions with citizens at front as well as back office. The process is transparent for citizens, employees and management. It includes authentification based on a highly secured platform. Legal products are automatically fully digitally delivered. DigiD Digital Identity in Dutch eGovernment services Contact details: GBO.Overheid [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration DigiD is a system shared among cooperating public administrations. It allows for digital authentication of citizens and business representatives applying for electronic services. Right now, over 5.7 million Dutch citizens have a DigiD login code, which they can use to access services offered by more than 220 local, regional and national administrations. DKD The Digital Client Dossier Contact details: BKWI [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs DKD is an electronic dossier designed to collate information about unemployed people from the different local authorities and social services. DKD ensures that repeat requests for the same data are no longer necessary and correct data is always available for both professionals and clients, thus immensely reducing administrative procedures. 96 | Exhibition Catalogue Contact details: National Service for the Implementation of Regulations (NSIR) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration NSIR manages the parcels register of all agriculture companies. Among other information registered here is who uses what plot of land and what crop is grown there. eGovernment initiatives have made it possible for citizens to see on the Internet how their plots are registered and enter changes concerning registration via the Internet though the eBRP/eGDI. e-CC e-Citizen Charter Contact details: [email protected] (e-Citizen Programme) [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The e-CC consists of quality standards that define the digital relationship between citizens and government. The charter allows citizens to call their government to account for the quality of online contacts. The government can use it to examine the external quality of eGovernment. It is an instrument used to stimulate eGovernment from a citizen perspective. ELAN Electronic Conveyancing Contact details: Kadaster [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With ELAN, the notary or court bailiff can submit a deed to the Kadaster digitally at the touch of a button, because electronic conveyancing automates the handling process. The deed is automatically given a unique identification and displayed digitally, with proof of receipt and registration created automatically. Submissions eVoice Dutch eVoice: Citizens and the interactive information society cost reduction of € 711 per entrepreneur and a potential structural cost reduction for the local government of € 1,677,450 a year. Contact details: Municipality of Groningen [email protected] I&R animal Innovative eIdentification and Registration of farmed animals in the Netherlands Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion With eVoice, two municipalities have developed a community website to involve citizens actively in events concerning their neighbourhood, society and local administration. It deals with interaction and the exchange of information on social and physical developments in their villages, eGovernment services, planning and interactive local policy-making. Contact details: National Service for the Implementation of Regulations (NSIR) [email protected] GovUnited GovUnited: Working together towards better service Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The I&R animal system avoids the huge amounts of paperwork involved in reports, requests for amendment and surveys. Cattle holders can report electronically 24/7 in three different ways (web services, online, voice response). Also, they can survey their company records at any time using the new central ICT system. Contact details: Govunited [email protected] IGIS GIS integration into SAP at the Dutch State Property Service Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration GovUnited is an innovative alliance of and for local governments in the domain of eServices. GovUnited started out as an initiative among nine large municipalities. The result has been a broad-based construction unique to the Netherlands, a large-scale roll-out of a standardised digital service desk and concrete collaborative projects. GPC Flevo Policy and map, standing strong in the Province of Flevoland Contact details: Province of Flevoland [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency In the Province of Flevoland, dynamics in the field of land use planning have led to the development of a chain-specific working method within the geoinformation flow. Through the GPC Flevo method of working, policy-makers, geo-visualisation and geo-ICT specialists work closely together with the objective of improving transparency and exchange of information. HoReCa1 One-stop-shop for Hotel Restaurant Café licences Contact details: Economic Development Department, City of Amsterdam [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs Through HoReCa1, an entrepreneur can easily find out which selection of 40 governmental documents has to be obtained through answering 20 questions and filling out one single form for seven local licences. This leads to a Contact details: Dutch State Property Service (Ministry of Finance) [email protected] ; Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration State properties and facilities and millions of plots are managed and spatially enabled through this innovative SAP-GIS solution. All business entities in SAP are visualised in a detailed map without leaving the SAP user interface. This integration of geospatial content in SAP has led to better information exchange and the optimisation of business process support. MIBG Mijn IB-Groep: Secure information and transaction portal for students Contact details: IB-Groep [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With the MIBG project, the IB-Groep has tied in with a prevailing social trend in the form of increased Internet use. Customers, mainly students, are now using this new channel more and more intensively. The My IB Group portal allows customers to view and alter their own details so they do not have to resort to the official channels. My Desk My Desk - Personalised pro-active web services for citizens Contact details: City of Enschede [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency My Desk is a proactive personalised web service. My European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 97 Desk enables users to consult information regarding the expiry dates of documents, tax value of real estate, events, proposed land use plans and the permits requested. The system enhances transparency, improves service quality and reduces lead times for different client services. NL-Riskmap Netherlands Risk Map System (Overijssel province) Contact details: Provincie Overijssel (Dutch province) [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The NL-riskmap system in the Netherlands is an interactive computer system based on geographic positioning of several risk types. A riskmap is a powerful instrument for public awareness and a legally embedded instrument for citizens and professional users. Styleguide Web Style Guide for corporate ministry websites Contact details: New Media Commission (CNM) of the Dutch Central Government [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Styleguide is the key to developing a common web policy for the Dutch central government. The aim is to harmonise the presentation of ministries on the Internet. It provides obligatory guidelines, conventions and best practice advice. Benefits include improved user experience, lower implementation costs and better web communication overall. VirtuoCity Virtual Cities… over one thousand words Contact details: City of Apeldoorn [email protected],, Theme 2. Participation and transparency VirtuoCity supports participation in important city reconstruction projects as a first step towards eGovernment and eDemocracy. At the same time, these virtual cities enable visitors to access the virtual 3D presentation of the city, as it is at present or as it will be in the future. Visitors can leave their remarks in a forum, vote for alternative designs, and chat with other visitors. Norway Autoreg eService for efficient registration of vehicles Contact details: Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Directorate of Public Roads [email protected] 98 | Exhibition Catalogue Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With Autoreg, citizens can now launch a browser to register new vehicles, re-register ownership, etc., whenever they want. A key enabler for this service is the online banking payment service integrated in the same process. This has saved a substantial amount of manual work and time, and increased service levels for both car dealers and the public authority. egovchange eGovernment and Municipal Organisational Change Contact details: Lyngdal kommune [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The egovchange initiative has resulted in integration between front-end interactive portals, online maps and a back-end case processing application, providing construction entrepreneurs with a powerful tool to plough through documentation demands for construction. The results include reduced case processing times and streamlined case processing. geoNorge The Norwegian national portal for geographic and environmental information services Contact details: Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration geoNorge is the portal for the Norway Digital national geospatial infrastructure. The portal is the umbrella for a large number of geospatial eServices, making basic geographic information and a variety of thematic information available. The information currently provided allows for geospatial information to be used by different communities. Helsefilm - Film in healthcare Contact details: Hospital Sørlandet sykehus HF [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion With the online Helsefilm (health film) service, audiovisual pedagogical content can be accessed by patients and their next of kin. Providing information and education for patients and their relatives constitutes an important and expensive part of modern healthcare. Communications and the exchange of personal experiences among peers are similarly important. Submissions Høykom Høykom - A support initiative for broadbandbased eGovernment services Contact details: Norges forskningsråd [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Høykom is an innovative programme launched to support eGovernment projects. It has provided up to 50% of total project costs in financial support for close to 500 projects on a shared financing basis. Extensive project descriptions and reports from all the supported projects are available on the website. LTO Annual certificate of Pay and Tax deduction (Norwegian: Lønns-Og-Trekkoppgave - LTO) Contact details: The Norwegian Tax Administration [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs With LTO, payslips and tax information are now filed electronically by employers via their ERP system or the Altinn portal. 22 ERP suppliers have integrated the Altinn interface, representing more than 90% of employers. The LTO service is unique, as filing is done directly by third party ERP vendors based on open standards. MEPK Min Epostkasse Contact details: Midt-Telemarkrådet, Bø kommune [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs MEPK gives citizens the option to interact with local government through the Internet and a personalised ePost box. There are two levels of access, the first requiring simple registration and an e-mail account, the second verifying user identity through BankID, a system that 80% of our target group already uses. MobileXray Mobile digital X-ray services in healthcare outside hospitals Contact details: Ullevål University Hospital [email protected] asp?iCategoryId=54&iInfoId=5381&i Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MobileXray, which brings mobile x-ray equipment to patients in nursing homes instead of transporting them to stationary equipment, is cost effective (one examination in an institution saves 30% of costs and two examinations 60%) and complies with national strategies to organise healthcare on the lowest effective level of care. Mypage Mypage Self-service Citizens’ Portal Contact details: [email protected], Theme 2. Participation and transparency Mypage is a user-defined and secured citizen portal on which users can carry out personalised public eServices in one place. Citizens can also control information about them held by various public administrations. Society will benefit from improved transparency and data quality and better services. Regelhjelp Contact details: Norwegian Pollution Control Authority [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs is a service for companies that need a guide to the vast body of regulations. The website makes it easier for users to find out about requirements related to health, safety and the environment that government authorities have established for the industry. For each requirement, contact information is provided for the relevant agency. Studmoney Student funding and personalised information provided on the Internet Contact details: Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration StudMoney: Lånekassen customers can now be served through fully automated, user-friendly online services. Customers may apply for funding, track their application status and receive information as to the status throughout the process. They can sign debt certificates and transfer money. This has led to substantial savings in administration costs. Pan-European ETS-CITL EU Emission Trading Scheme - Community Independent Transaction Log Contact details: European Commission [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency The CITL monitors, registers and validates all greenhouse gas emissions trading transactions between EU Member States. It implements the EC directive and EU regulation pertaining to greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Europe. It is operational three years before the agreed Kyoto protocol timeframe, and acts as a coordinator and facilitator of greenhouse gas emissions trading. European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 99 Poland BACHUS National Computer System for the Monitoring of Excise Goods Movement Contact details: Ministry of Finance - Customs Chamber in Lodz [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration BACHUS is an electronic processing system that targets businesses trading in excise goods and excise officers working directly with businesses. It replaces paper declarations with electronic messages. This solution makes the system accessible by excise officers for operational data input from virtually any location. e-ASMG The ‘Malopolska Gateway’ Regional eAdministration System (Poland) Contact details: Mayor’s Office of the Malopolska Region [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration e-ASMG delivers online citizen and business services and ordered information resources from various social and public spheres which are edited and published by means of innovative technological and organisational solutions. This uniform information and service platform is intended for all kinds of local administrations in the region. eLodz Documents & Information System (DAISy) eLodz Contact details: The City of Lodz Office [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eLodz’s strategic and long-term objective is to streamline and automate business processes. The direct objectives are to improve administrative services, deliver eServices, improve ICT in the administration and to bring the administration closer to customers. eLodz delivers about 250 digital forms, which makes it possible to process 250 types of case. Portugal @INPI Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system Contact details: Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration @INPI is an element of the service modernisation and qualification strategy implemented in the Industrial 100 | Exhibition Catalogue Property Office, with the main purpose of enabling easy and free of charge online access to IP information. Moreover, it ensures public transparency of office activities, allowing for searches by legal status, applicant, and other register data. ASRGA Assessment of Services of the Regional Government of the Azores Contact details: Regional Directorate of Organisation and Public Management [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency ASRGA: with the goal of delivering higher quality services to citizens and businesses, the Regional Government of the Azores has created a questionnaire for citizens and all regional administration services dealing with the public on the Internet. The solutions has been available online since the beginning of 2007. AvDi-PT Aveiro Digital Region of Portugal Contact details: Associação de Municípios da Ria & Associação Aveiro DIgital [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion AvDi-PT is based on a regional mobilising system in order to promote the social, economic and cultural development of the Ria Region through the use of ICT in the everyday life of companies and educational, social and cultural institutions, etc. The main objective is to increase the quality services by rising the qualifications of people and organisations (public and private). B2GEF B2G Electronic Folder - Your Business Online Contact details: Agency for Public Services Reform [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration B2GEF: when an enterprise submits any kind of information to a public service through this portal, from the launch of a business to the closing of an activity, it does not have to give the same information again unless the content has changed for some reason. In order for this to be possible, a large number of processes were completely reengineered. BASE-NET Online compilation of the administrative sources of Azorean companies Contact details: Observatório do Emprego e Formação Profissional [email protected] Submissions Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration BASE-NET enables Azorean companies to fill in forms on the Internet, providing information that they are legally obliged to submit to the tax authorities. Previously, all information submitted on paper, and its manual processing required extensive human resources. The information is now available on the OEFP webpage. DocInPorto DocInPorto3G - New Electronic Document Management in Oporto Municipality Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion eGAIANIMA is an online IT tool to facilitate and promote interoperability between education communities. The aim was to provide a real-time and efficient class management, report control and management tool and to facilitate parental involvement in the developing education process of pupils. EOL Online Business Registry Contact details: DMSI - Câmara Municipal do Porto [email protected] Contact details: Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado, IP [email protected] www.irn.mj.ip Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration DocInPorto is a solution that supports electronic document management. Some of the main phases of implementation included customisation of the standard commercial version. Plans included the installation of a new data centre, load tests and training, and making the system work for the entire organisation. Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs EOL: the registration of company information aims to publicise relevant facts and a company’s legal situation, and/or those of other entities. In Portugal, such registration is mandatory. In 2006, the government approved a package of measures designed to facilitate company life and dramatically simplify these procedures. eBox RAPID eBox RAPID - Automatic Registry of Passengers Holding Travel Documents E-TEA Electronic Teaching Application Contact details: Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eBox RAPID allows for the automatic inspection of passengers in possession of electronic passports, thus eliminating the need for human input. This worldwide system combines the operations of reading and checking electronic passports with a feature for assessing biometric data which operates an automatic gate opening device. EDD Évora Distrito Digital - Évora County Digital Project Contact details: Associação de Municípios do Distrito de Évora [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs EDD is a turning point in the implementation of the Knowledge Society in the district of Évora. From September 2004 to June 2007, EDD implemented a vast set of projects, a regional portal, a tourism portal, a business portal, a GIS portal, a business extranet, municipal websites offering online services, an eCommerce portal, regional hotspots, etc. eGAIANIMA eGAIANIMA, cohesion in education: pupils, parents, teachers and administration Contact details: GAIANIMA E.M. [email protected] Contact details: Direcção Regional da Educação dos Açores [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration E-TEA transforms the application for teaching staff into an integral electronic online process. It is now possible to provide schools with the necessary teachers through an error-free process, with reduced costs and presented in a simple, transparent, reliable and appealing manner, thus obtaining the satisfaction of everyone involved. FCP Ficheiro Central de Pessoal Contact details: Regional Directorate of Organisation and Public Administration [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration FCP was created to achieve a fast, effective and efficient human resource management and administration tool. FCP manage, through an appealing browser, a decentralised register of the monthly movements of the employees by service. HSMDesktop Medical Desktop - Desktop do Médico - HSM Portugal Contact details: Hospital de Santa Maria (HSM) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration HSM Desktop was launched to bring cohesion and efficiency, quality and innovation. It is a powerful tool European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 101 that breaks boundaries in the process of attending to patients. All internal work processes and systems are computerised. Results show that, in each of the 13 specialist areas, the treatment rate has improved. HSMPortal Hospital de Santa Maria Intranet – eRevolution in Health Administration Contact details: Hospital de Santa Maria (HSM) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration HSM Portal and Intranet provides useful and updated information about general facts and events, and access to software applications from x-rays to analysis, calling an ambulance or any form of office supply request. Decision-makers are thus able to receive activity indicators and statistics on a daily/monthly/annual basis about almost everything going on in the hospital. HSMSSOCIAL HS-GISS Social Service Information Management Tool Hospital de Santa Maria Contact details: Hospital de Santa Maria (HSM) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration HSMSSOCIAL was launched because of the high inefficiency rates when it came to dealing with social service files. This case sets out to simply and accurately register all relevant data, providing an easy-to-use way of accessing and dealing with useful information, thereby maximising efficiency and facilitating the activity of social workers in this area. kNOWing Knowledge by Googling Parliamentary Information Contact details: Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma dos Açores [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency kNOWing aims to offer a logical means of searching for topics free of charge and through a wide range of parliamentary document formats and databases. The benefits of the project were: internally, a powerful tool enabling representatives to make policies and, externally, a means for citizens and organisations to access knowledge. MAIA Maiambiente Contact details: Maiambiente [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Maiambiente’s MAIA project has implemented a 102 | Exhibition Catalogue complete portal based electronic solution consisting of a document management workflow, GIS and quality: MAIA gives the organisation a complete electronic service from the entry point to the conclusion of any process. NETemprego IEFP NETemprego – Interactive Employment Services Contact details: IEFP Employment and Vocational Training Institute [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs NETemprego is an online portal for recruiters and job seekers. It delivers a wide range of interactive employment services in order to increase speed, diversity, accessibility and quality in the IEFP service delivery channels, enhance the penetration rate, improve the IEFP’s job-matching efficiency and provide 24-hour service delivery. OLP Online publication of company acts Contact details: Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado, IP [email protected] www.irn.mj.ip Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration OLP: the online publication of company acts is a procedure that allows companies to make mandatory publications on an official website, instead of the paperbased National Gazette. This measure of administrative modernisation makes the publication process simpler, faster and cheaper, giving benefits to all companies and users. OMS Online Management of Services Contact details: Câmara Municipal do Seixa [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration OMS is a new platform for the dynamic generation of forms, as well as request management, through joint technological support to all civil servants in the organisation. The platform has already enabled interaction between more than 500 citizens and the Municipality of Seixal each month. PBC Permanent Business Certificate (PBC) Contact details: Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado, IP [email protected] www.irn.mj.ip Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs PBC was developed to provide an easier way of sharing the company registered information and facts. It is an online service that can be subscribed to by all those seeking company information available on the official Submissions business registry. The PBC is always up to date, as every entry and registration made are immediately recorded and visible. PCE–CMP Electronic Shopping in Oporto Municipality Contact details: Municipality of Porto [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The main aspects of the PCE-CMP Electronic Shopping Platform are: the definition of a process that includes all the activities of procurement, allowing for an improvement in the efficiency, control, supervision and standardisation of the whole process, identification of contingencies in the process, reduction of errors and storing costs, and greater global efficiency. SBI [IES] Simplified Business Information [IES] Contact details: Ministry of Justice [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SBI [IES] is a new way for companies to deliver information online to public services by using a totally dematerialised procedure. This service makes it possible to fulfill all obligations. After submitting the information online in a moment, this information is spread. This will generate a revenue of € 85 for each set of information for a target of 350,000 companies. management, and was implemented with promising results. SISone4ALL SISone4ALL Contact details: Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion SISone4ALL: one of the requirements for achieving the free movement of people by abolishing internal border controls is the exchange of information through the Schengen Information System (SIS), which is an instrument for police cooperation that allows for the reinforcement of alternative controls over people and goods. This has resulted in SISone4ALL. TEIA TEIA - Development of Human Resources at the DGRHE Contact details: Ministry of Education - Government Department for Education Human Resources [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration TEIA aims to promote investment in HR at DGRHE following the ‘putting people first’ principle, focusing on four key areas: technology, involvement, computer systems and improvement, through the improvement of internal and external interface processes and raising standards in HR. SDonline Unemployment Benefits Support System WTTC Easy way to the canteen Contact details: II, IP [email protected] Contact details: Escola Básica Integrada Diogo Bernardes, Ponte Barca [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SDonline: implementation of a computerised interface between the IEFP (SIGAE) and social security relevant subsystems, under a cooperation protocol envisaging greater control of unemployment benefit provision and the simplification of the claim filing process. All information related to the status of unemployment benefits is automatically integrated in SIGAE. SIGCM ELECTRONIC DRUG MANAGEMENT CIRCUIT (SIGCM) Contact details: Hospital Pulido Valente, EPE [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SIGCM: electronic prescription of drugs is a very important step in hospital quality, mainly because it diminishes transcription errors by pharmacists related to the handwriting of GPs. This practice is optimised through the existence of electronic integrated drug Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration With WTTC, access to the school canteen is improved. A schedule is now made, so that every class in the school knows, in advance, when, before and after which class, it will be having lunch, and it is called through the school’s loudspeaker system. This reduces stress on the part of the children and allows time for more interesting activities. Romania EAR eAdministration in Romania Contact details: Constanta City Hall [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EAR: due to the large volume of documents administered by public institutions, document management digitalisation was set up by constituting the electronic registry. It is now possible to follow the European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 103 document flow within institutions, analysing their progress and status, electronically sign documents and create electronic archives. EuDiS European District System - integrated IT&C solution for Mehedinti County Contact details: Mehedinti County Council [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EuDiS aims to facilitate communication between citizens and local public administration representatives at county level. The solution turns the current public administration infrastructure, based on traditional technologies, into an integrated information and communication system, using the latest IT technologies KEP Knowledge-Based Economy Project Contact details: Ministry of Communications and IT - Knowledge Economy Project Management Unit [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion KEP finances the establishment of 260 local communities eNetworks, through which communities will be offered access to services and technologies in rural and small urban communities. The benefits are modern communication services, support for business and community development, improvements of education, etc. NED NED - Romanian National Education Database (NED) Contact details: Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration NED is a suite of software tools that enable the Romanian Ministry of Education a permanently clear and complete overview of the education system. The National Education Indicators constitute the system’s most important output; they provide accurate information regarding the schools, teachers and students in the education system. SEN-SDK National Electronic System – Software Development Kit Contact details: National Regulatory Authority for Communications & IT - ANRCTI [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SEN-SDK is an open source public administration 104 | Exhibition Catalogue initiative, which helps implement standardisation and interoperability at national level concerning eGovernment. SEN-SDK represents a ready-to-use collection of documents, software libraries, code samples and electronic test services for the implementation of eGovernment. STEPS State Treasury Payment System (STEPS) in Romania Contact details: Romanian Ministry of Economy and Finance [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration STEPS was deployed to electronically process the Ministry of Economy and Finance’s daily payments and collections. It uses banking instruments and standards, thus creating an interoperability bridge with the business community. The implementation has dramatically improved the service provided by the Treasury and Public Debt Directorate. VPO Virtual Payment Office - Ghiseul Virtual de Plati Contact details: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration VPO was launched to facilitate citizen interaction with public administration through an online payment platform for fines and other financial obligations in a transparent and efficient way. The main objective of the VPO is to promote general access to public information and services through information technologies and the Internet. Slovenia eVEM One-stop-shop system (Vse na enem mestu) Contact details: Ministry of Public Administration [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The basic purpose of the eVEM project is to provide suitable electronic support for future entrepreneurs, so that business operations can be commenced within the shortest period possible. All procedures are available online or at physical entry points. Since the project was implemented, it has achieved an average increase of 26% in registration. RAB Reduction of Administrative Burdens Contact details: Ministry of Public Administration [email protected] Submissions Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration RAB is the adopted methodology for the implementation and supervision projects aiming to reduce administrative burdens within the Slovenian public administration. RAB is considered a key factor for increasing the competitive position of Slovenia and in its strive for an effective and financial efficient state. Spain AVAE Virtual classroom for educational suppor Contact details: Vigo City Council [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion AVAE is a community initiative with the objective of integrating a system to follow up on basic education in hospitals and at home. This facilitates continuity of education for those students who are unable to attend school during long periods of hospitalisation. CIRCE SRL Information Centre and Business Creation Network for Private Limited Companies Contact details: National Government [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs CIRCE SRL was launched to expedite the creation of new companies quickly and flexibly. The administrative procedures and forms associated with the company creation process have been simplified. An integrated advisory service is offered and an intensive application of information technologies for the start-up of the companies has been created. CLARA Customer service and relationship with the Head Office of the Andalusian Government Contact details: Andalusian Regional Government [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CLARA is the component responsible for providing citizens with general information as well as special applicant information. It provides an integrated vision of all the existing proceedings. The procedures in CLARA enables the integration and consolidation of information related to the processing in a single interface. CLAUER Universitat Jaume I Clauer Projec launched by the Universitat Jaume I to promote the use of digital signatures in administrative tasks and formal relationships among community members. The project covers the design and deployment of legally valid certificates and the implementation of applications that make use of digital signatures. CVO-CIP Inclusive and Interoperable Cadastre: Cadastral Virtual Office and Information Points Contact details: CADASTRE GENERAL DIRECTORATE [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The CVO-CIP service allows for the consultation and certification of alpha-numeric and graphic data, information interchange and a web service-based interface, permitting online maintenance and interoperation with other systems. In addition, so as not to exclude citizens who do not have access to the Internet, 2,400 Cadastral Information Points were created. eA_CARM eGovernment in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia Contact details: Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eA_CARM has implemented a flexible modern eGovernment platform focused on service quality, internal management improvement and interoperability with internal back-office systems and other public administrations, to offer citizens online processing services in the fields of, education, health, taxes and other. eLOCAL Strategic Plan for the Introduction of eGovernment in Local Corporations Contact details: Government of Cantabria [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eLOCAL is part of the regional Governance Plan, and was launched by public and private partners. The Teleprocessing Platform was designed to give support to procedures carried out between town councils and the government, thus generating more efficient management, increasing response capacity and simplifying administrative relations. Contact details: Universitat Jaume I [email protected] EMPRENDECM The Entrepreneurs Portal of the Community of Madrid Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CLAUER, the Catalan word for keyring, is an initiative Contact details: Servicio Regional de Empleo. Consejería de Empleo y Mujer de la Comunidad de Madrid European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 105 [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EMPRENDECM promotes and supports entrepreneurial activity as a source of job creation, and regional wealth as a priority task. The portal was created to offer a set of web applications that centralise and enable 100% virtual management of all the services available for entrepreneurs, based on the premise of administrative effectiveness and efficiency and the best possible public service for citizens through multiple channels. EPS-PA Principality of Asturias eLearning and personnel selection platform Contact details: Principality of Asturias IT General Directorate [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration EPS-PA is an example of how the application of communication and information technologies in an area of the administration can contribute to providing better service to citizens and, at the same time, improve efficiency in management. The areas tackled include training public employees and management of the personnel selection process. Gencat 2.0 Gencat: mass-scale deployment based on transparency and web 2.0 Contact details: Generalitat de Catalunya - Directorate General for Citizen Attention [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency (the Internet website of the Catalan Autonomous Government) is an example of a radical redefinition of the eGovernment portal concept and large-scale deployment based on transparency and Web 2.0 philosophy in public administration, fully backed by a policy-driven political strategy focused on an integrated citizen-centric approach. IAS Integrated aid system (IAS) Contact details: EMCANTA, S.L. [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration IAS allows for the management of aid corresponding to the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund and the European Regional Development Fund in the regional government of Cantabria. It gathers and validates the applications interactively through the Internet, thereby totally eliminating the manual exchange of data. 106 | Exhibition Catalogue IB-ONLINE. Telematic Transactions Web Portal for the Government of the Balearic_Islands Contact details: Government of the Balearic Islands [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration IB-ONLINE is a new tele-management platform that enables citizens and companies to interact with the public authority by means of specific telematic services. It enables users to fill in intelligent application forms, attach electronic documents, etc., by using digital signature and telematic registry capabilities. IDERIOJA Spatial Data Infrastructure, Government of La Rioja Contact details: Gobierno de La Rioja (Agencia del Conocimiento y la Tecnología) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The main objective of IDERioja is to design the corporate administration of spatial data by means of Oracle Spatial and its use in geographical and management applications. This data model, designed as a relational database, makes access to geographic information universal, enabling full access to spatial data. INFOHEALTH Information is Health Contact details: Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs The aim of INFOHEALTH is to develop a system that allows the general public to access multimedia healthcare information via different media, such as the Internet, 3G mobile phones, hospital television networks and digital television. Emphasis is placed on providing quality checked and validated healthcare information in an organised manner on demand. Konpondu New channels of public participation in peace-making Contact details: Basque Government [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency Konpondu aims to promote direct online and offline channels of participation, enabling all local citizens to convey their contributions and proposals to institutions and political parties. As a consequence of this programme, over 20,000 opinions and proposals were received, and more than 1.2 million website hits were registered. Submissions Madrid-p Madrid Participa: citizens’ eConsultations in the city of Madrid to use eAdministration and general architecture applications, and provides for various levels of security and confidentiality. Contact details: Madrid City Council [email protected] SIGIA Principality of Asturias Government Archive Management and Information System Theme 2. Participation and transparency Madrid Participa is an efficient instrument used to increase citizen participation in the decision-making process in the City of Madrid. Its approach of using secure eVoting technology in parallel with the paper channel enables the city council to carry out more convenient and user-friendly consultations while avoiding the costs of a traditional vote. Contact details: Gobierno del Principado de Asturias [email protected] MPVP MultiPKI Validation Platform for eID and eSignature Services Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The SIGIA system was conceived as part of an integrated system of administrative production, which covers the complete documentary cycle. This model entails the incorporation of new systems: traditional systems that work with mixed systems of administrative management and working with paper and electronic records, along with full digital systems. Contact details: Ministry of Public Administrations [email protected] SIMAC Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MPVP: in order to promote eGovernment and encourage the use of the new citizen eID Card, a MultiPKI Validation Platform has been set up to provide free eID services for eGovernment applications. These eID services are applicable to all the qualified electronic certificates issued by all accredited certification service providers in Spain. Contact details: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA [email protected] OROM OROM - A new way to manage building work permits Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SIMAC is a project that includes several performance lines with a common objective: to achieve intelligent, interconnected, integrated, efficiency and high quality administration focused on the citizen. It receives more than 10 million information requests annually through different channels and about 19 million visits to its different websites. Contact details: Barcelona City Council [email protected] SumaTech Collaborative technology in local tax administration: the case of Suma-Alicante Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration OROM is a multi-channel integrated solution to manage permits for building works in Barcelona. It represents a complete re-engineering effort, including changes in legal, organisational, staffing, process and system issues. In most cases, the new system has reduced the time to obtain licences from months to minutes. PETM-BCS Public Electronic Tendering Model of the Basque Country (Spain) Contact details: Basque Government [email protected] (See English version: http:// www.ogasun.ejgv.euskadi). Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration PETM-BCS: the Basque Government is the first administration to introduce eProcurement in Spain, having developed an integral eTendering system for the entire procurement process. The system is developed Contact details: Suma, Gestion Tributaria, Diputación de Alicante [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SumaTech has implemented an efficient system that has enabled municipalities to improve tax collection rates, increase access to information for citizens in its offices and Internet Virtual Offices, and improve the quality of work by employees through the provision of tools for the autonomous and complete solution of taxpayer problems. UGUMU Ubiquitous Government in the University of Murcia Contact details: University of Murcia [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs UGUMU describes the experience of the design and European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 107 development of electronic government infrastructure and applications. Students, teachers and staff can use these government services in person (face-to-face) or from a computer. Services were developed with the aim of improving internal management, offering added-value services and interoperating with other governments. webEIEL Web services for the re-use and sharing of Geographic Information Contact details: Diputación Provincial de A Coruña (A Coruña Provincial Council) [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration webEIEL is a database containing information related to public infrastructure, facilities and services at the local level. The launch of webEIEL, which became the first provincial web mapping site in Spain, made this the corporate geographic information database, which is shared with municipalities, other administration bodies and citizens. Sweden ECHOES Föräldramötet (The Parent-Teacher Meeting) Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SAH: Suecia antiqua et hodierna (1660-1715) is an extensive illustrated work from Sweden’s period as a great power. The images are often reproduced in newspapers, periodicals and books. Through this project, the entire work has been digitised and catalogued to preserve the original, whilst making it even more accessible than previously. SAMi SAM Internet – electronic application for agricultural support in Sweden Contact details: Jordbruksverket [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SAM Internet is an electronic application system for agricultural support within the Common Agricultural Policy, making applications by farmers easier, swifter and safer. The majority of applications received by the authorities are almost error-free applications, and thus save time and resources. About 55% of applications for agricultural support are submitted electronically. TPI The pocket interpreter Contact details: Child Service and Education Office, Municipality of Sundsvall [email protected] Contact details: National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion ECHOES: the parent-teacher meeting is an eService that enables daily contact among the school, teachers and parents on easy terms. The development process has been citizen driven, with the active involvement of potential users. 87% of those evaluated believe that it now is easier to get information from school. Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion TPI: the pocket interpreter is a national communication service that makes it possible for deaf people using sign language to communicate with hearing people. Anybody can call the service, which is manned by several sign language interpreters located in different studios in different geographic locations in Sweden, free of charge. Net-test Testing for Chlamydia by using the net Contact details: Family Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå Univers [email protected] roger_karlsson2.htm Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Net-Test: all inhabitants of the local county can now order a kit for Chlamydia testing through klamydia. se. A personal code comes with the kit. The urine test is performed in the county laboratory and participants can obtain results by entering their personal code on the site. So far, all infected people have been treated. SAH Suecia antiqua et hodierna Kungl. Biblioteket, National Library of Sweden Contact details: [email protected] 108 | Exhibition Catalogue Switzerland e-CITES Import/export of endangered live animals, plants and products thereof Contact details: Veterinary Office/Species Protection [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration e-CITES: the CITES Convention regulates the international trade of plants and animals threatened by overexploitation. e-CITES is an Internet-based system with multiple functions, from simple paper-based applications to highly confidential data management features for large import/export companies. It reduces the delivery time of permits to a few hours. Submissions eLicensing eLicensing: Online award of radio licences using service-oriented eGovernment framework Contact details: Federal Office of Communications OFCOM [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eLicensing is a service-oriented eGovernment framework, created with reusable solution models and reusable services to make the Swiss Federal Administration’s online services cheaper and more efficient in the future. eLicensing is an online service for awarding national radio licences, and is the first application to use this new eGovernment framework. GIVA Geneva Internet Voting Application Contact details: State of Geneva [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency GIVA: the State of Geneva developed, under Swiss federal guidance, a remote voting application using the web. Nine official ballots have been organised so far, including elections as well as referendums. A controlled voting environment is created by uploading an applet to voter PCs and reinforcing the SSL channel. Turkey ARBAT Online search and file monitoring services Contact details: Turkish Patent Institute [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency ARBAT: via this service, patent, trademark and industrial design databases of the Turkish Patent Institute have been opened up to the world. In this way, applications can be searched and monitored by everybody. CDB Child Data Bank Contact details: Governorship of Istanbul [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CDB was enforced in 2005 after being developed for the first time by a Governorship Computing Service. The aim of CDB is to obtain health information on children who have been benefiting from services to protect them from being forced to work and live on the street and face abuse of all kinds. eMIA eMinistry of Interior Affairs Contact details: Ministry of Interior Affairs [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration eMIA standardises and speeds up internal process. It makes eGovernment more efficient, procedures are easily set up, and it makes it easier to integrate electronic forms and delivery forms and easier to access information stored in electronic files. eMIA thus saves costs, time, personnel and archiving. EMK eMunicipality in Kadikoy Contact details: Kadikoy Municipality [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency EMK: it is essential for the Municipality of Kadikoy that citizens have access to municipal services such as tax payment, complaint and suggestion forms, eLibrary, etc., in their homes, so as to save time and increase citizen satisfaction. For tax payment services only, 20,000 online transactions were made last year. ESV Eskisehir Software Valley (Eskisehir Yazilim Ussu) Contact details: TURKISH INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion ESV was established to increase the process of transformation of the City of Eskisehir. The project supports young entrepreneurs. At the end of the project, Eskisehir will have a technopark above international standards and an ESV Young Entrepreneur Training Centre, which is already in its initial phase. ETUM eTransformation in Uskudar Municipality Uskudar Municipality Contact details: [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration ETUM constitutes a sample of the Turkish eTransformation programme, set up in the scope of eGovernment strategies in the EU harmonisation process. During the development process, the system has been continuously improved and its area of influence was widened, accompanied by IVR and mobile services. IL-BIS Iller Bank Information System Contact details: ller Bank [email protected] European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 109 Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration IL-BIS is an eTransformation project, launched to transform Iller Bank into an eInstitute. The project was launched to change the institute’s culture, business model and process, product and services to benefit employees, citizens and partners by using information technology effectively. The loans process was accelerated by up to 130 times. Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration UYAP is an eJustice system that forms part of the eGovernment project, developed in order to ensure a fast, reliable, and accurate judicial system. All judiciary processes and transactions were transmitted in an electronic environment to improve the functioning of the judiciary and create an effective judicial system for institutions and individuals. PPNMS-TR Public Procurement Notices Management System in Turkey YerelNET YerelNET - Interactive WEB Portal for Turkish Local Governments Contact details: Public Procurement Authority [email protected] Contact details: Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration PPNMS-TR is a G2G and G2B web-based application launched as a sub-component of the Electronic Public Procurement Platform in order to facilitate the preparation, submission and publication of public procurement notices in compliance with the current regulations on public procurement in Turkey. All public procurement notices are now handled electronically. SASF SASF Joint Data Contact details: Governorship of Istanbul [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The SASF Joint Data Project makes it possible to centralise all records on poor and needy citizens throughout Istanbul and for aid to be delivered through effective auditing and control. All aid is collected in a fast and functional data repository. This enables easy and flexible reporting and a statistics presentation system. Theme 2 - Participation and transparency YerelNET is a local government web portal, which was created in order to collect Turkish data on local governments. YerelNET is an interactive knowledge exchange network that serves local civil servants, academics and citizens without requiring any fees or passwords. It offers effective and easy access to all sorts of service delivery. United Kingdom BIP Business Improvement Package Contact details: Department for Communities and Local Government [email protected] TRAMER Motor TPL Insurance Information Centre Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration BIP provides councils with strategic guidelines and tools on ways to improve customer service and addresses a number of efficiency themes as part of an integrated model for organisational improvement. It is an active response to the UK’s Transformational Government - Enabled by Technology strategy. Contact details: Prime Ministry of Turkey Undersecretariat of Treasury - General Directorate of I [email protected] CIS UK Department for Work and Pensions Customer Information System (CIS) Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion TRAMER ensured uniform implementation in Motor TPL Insurance and handles a healthy pricing process. It collects insurance data in a central database and provides its users with a data query and reporting service. As a result, the uninsured vehicle rate fell from 31% to 23%. It is a successful example of government and private sector cooperation. UYAP National Judiciary IT System Contact details: ICT Department of Ministry of Justice (Adalet bakanligi) [email protected] 110 | Exhibition Catalogue Contact details: The Pension Service [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CIS was created by the DWP. The system migrates and enriches legacy data, and re-engineers legacy processing systems to utilise new CIS services. Several other programmes immediately exploited this new capability for efficiency saving and provided a platform for improved customer service. DWP has now launched Phase 2. Submissions CWHIC Cheshire Warrington and Halton Information Consortium, Website Deeplinking Contact details: Cheshire County Council [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration CWHIC has created a local area search and A-Z directory facility for the people of Cheshire, Warrington and Halton. This joins up local councils, police and fire services through a single, sustainable shared information network, providing easier access to citizens and reducing the administrative overhead of passing enquiries between authorities. DigiTV DigiTV: Government services on DiTV and mobile Contact details: DigiTV [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency DigiTV is a multi-channel technology designed, owned and managed by local governments for local governments and partners in the UK. It provides the public, voluntary and community sectors with the tools to publish information and offer interactive services via digital interactive TV, kiosks and mobile phones. Directgov Directgov - Transforming digital public service information Contact details: Directgov [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Directgov: the citizen-focused digital channel for government offers a single point of entry for citizens to all key government services, information, tools and transactions through digital TV, mobile phones, and the Internet. Benefits for departments include reaching a larger audience and reducing costs. Citizens benefit from faster government transactions. e@SY e@SY Connects - Transformational Petitioning Contact details: e@SY Connects [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency e@SY Connects delivers true citizen and business-centric services whilst simultaneously reducing the demand on providers of the service (a partnership of public, private and voluntary sector providers) - a true win-win scenario. e@SY has made the system more accessible for all through the delivery of the enhanced service over a wide range of access channels. eMS in UK The eSourcing Managed Service in the UK Contact details: [email protected] esourcing.asp Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The objectives of eMS in the UK and its eSourcing Managed Service is to modernise public sector contracting through innovative web-based technologies, thus enabling buyers and suppliers to securely manage their interactions online. It supports procurement professionals by offering tools that improve efficiency, reduce sourcing costs and improve the quality of sourcing decisions. eParticip8 eParticipation - European Network for Democratic Renewal & Citizen Engagement Contact details: Waverley Borough Council [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency eParticip8 enables accessible and transparent communication between government and citizens through a cost-effective multimedia webcasting system. The technology is complemented by a comprehensive methodology, which supports democratic bodies opening their democratic processes up to the wider public. ePS eProcurement Scotland Contact details: Scottish Executive [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration ePS offers the Scottish public sector, including central and local government, a higher and further education sector, and enables the NHS to make eProcurement cost savings and increase efficiency. ePS is a hosted and managed eProcurement service. It is a common technical platform for all public organisations to use. MPRB Managing the Portfolio, Realising the Benefits Contact details: Criminal Justice Information Technology [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration MPRB developed and implemented an integrated suite of repeatable processes for investment appraisal, portfolio prioritisation and benefit management. The approach encompasses financial and economic analysis, active portfolio management and capturing all forms of value. The benefits of the CJS IT programme are forecast to be in excess of £ 2.6 billion. European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 111 NeAT Newham Advanced Telecare Contact details: London Borough of Newham [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion NeAT operates in two related EU policy contexts: ICT in ageing and digital inclusion. It is the largest assistive technology implementation in England, with some 3,000 users. Financial benefits net of costs are on target to reach € 6 million a year by 2010 and all users report a significant improvement in their quality of life. OST One Salford - Think Contact details: Salford City Council [email protected] Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs OST: One Salford offers world-class customer service for residents, with other partner organisations to provide new services based on customer needs, and not the providers’ convenience. This project has transformed Salford through unique services, e.g. flu jabs, partnership working, innovative services, e.g. Tellytalk, and a home working project. RTI Real Time Passenger Information - The Rural Dimension Contact details: Argyll and Bute Council [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion RTI: the Regional Transport Partnership and the local authority wanted to provide better information to passengers to improve confidence in services and increase patronage levels. They wanted to encourage more people to use public transport and introduced the first real-time passenger information system on a longdistance coach service in Scotland. SCIGATEWAY Secure Electronic Clinical Messaging in NHSScotland Contact details: Scottish Executive eHealth [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration SCIGATEWAY uses web-based technology to securely transmit patient-centric clinical messages between healthcare locations, building on national XML messaging and data standards to generate, transmit and receive structured messages and integrate disparate computer systems. TATS Transforming Access to Services in Local Government Contact details: Newport City Council [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration TATS encompasses a multi-channel contact centre, a centralised face-to-face contact centre and online interaction via the web utilising a common and integrated technology platform. The award-winning contact centre is seamlessly integrated with back office functions and handles in excess of 500,000 contacts per annum. TDT Better choices for how and when to travel in Britain Contact details: Transport Direct team [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion TDT: Transport Direct is the world’s first national online journey planner that allows users to get both car and public transport door-to-door journeys and compare which option is quicker or cheaper for them. A comparison of the CO2 impact of using a car with that of taking public transport is also given. S.E.M.P Swindon Electoral Modernisation Programme Triple C ‘Connect to your Council’ Campaign Contact details: Swindon Borough Council [email protected] Contact details: Department for Communities and Local Government [email protected] Theme 2. Participation and transparency S.E.M.P. uses ICT to enhance participation and transparency through a multi-channel, multi-language, ‘vote anywhere’ election that combines paper ballots with interactive ICT features, including online citizen feedback, SMS and e-mail reminders, and Internet and telephone voting. 112 | Exhibition Catalogue Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Triple C: the local authority sector ‘Connect to your Council’ marketing and communications campaign is designed to increase the number of citizens experiencing the improved public services that eGovernment can bring and the efficiency of service delivery through the optimisation of web-based self-service. Submissions UKOLM UK online centres and myguide ePetition ePetition Contact details: Department for Education and Skills [email protected] Contact details: Prime Minister’s Office [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion UKOLM: UK online centres support communities and regions in economic development and regeneration and provide outreach to the socially excluded by providing them with support and skills that build independence. The network provides community ICT access to close the digital divide. Theme 2. Participation and transparency ePetitions enables citizens to create and sign petitions on the Prime Minister’s own site and expect to receive a response direct from the government addressing those specific issues and spelling out what action the government intends to take. VOICE VOICE of the community Contact details: ICELE [email protected] Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion VOICE is a national directory of community groups in the UK and robust content management system with built-in eDemocracy tools. It is built on open-source code and allows local authorities to host their own portals and subsequent community group pages at very low cost. WEBTECH Transformational improvement in clinical practice using wireless-enabled bedside technology Contact details: Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration The main purpose of WEBTECH is to improve patient safety during blood transfusion by ‘re-engineering’ the transfusion process through the use of barcode patient identification and bedside handheld computers, to make it easier for staff to ‘get it right, first time, every time’ and providing end-to-end control. Zanzibar Zanzibar - The Strategic Public Sector eProcurement Solution Contact details: Office for Government Commerce [email protected] Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Zanzibar has been developed by ProcServe to deliver a world-leading eProcurement transformation system and programme. Zanzibar has enabled public sector bodies to make process savings of £ 41 per procurement transaction. It has created and delivered a change management framework to enable buyers and suppliers to maximise their benefits. European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 113 European eGovernement Awards 2007 / Exhibition stands Index / Finalist by theme and exhibition stands For location of exhibitors please consult stands on map (see p.120) Theme 1. Better public services for growth and jobs Stand Name of case A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 Information Centre and Business Creation Network for Private Limited Companies Jekabpils City Council Information Centre Residential and Business eServices Évora Distrito Digital - Évora County Digital Project The National Programme of Computer Literacy One-stop-shop for Hotel Restaurant Café licences 35 local governments from three countries sharing one GIS infrastructure Formulaires en ligne- Online Forms Page Theme 2. Participation and transparency Stand Name of case A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 Internet voting in Estonia Mypage Self-service Citizen’s Portal Madrid Participa: citizens’ eConsultations in the city of Madrid Virtual Cities.... over one thousand words ePetition e-Citizen Charter MEPA eApplications Donegal Online Planning Services The German Environmental Information Portal e@SY Connects - Transformational Petitioning Vicky – A virtual assistant for social security in Italy Gencat: mass-scale deployment based on transparency and web 2.0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Page Theme 3. Social impact and cohesion Stand Name of case A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 Multi-channel Citizen Service Centres Multilingual Infobank - website for immigrants Besancon.clic UK online centres and myguide Connect Project eGAIANIMA, cohesion in education: pupils, parents, teachers and administration Equal Access to Information through Digital Library Service Theme 4. Effective and efficient administration Stand Name of case A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 Transforming Access to Services in Local Government Electronic Document Archives of Courts in Austria Electronic Conveyancing Digital Identity in Dutch e-government services Speed up the publication of notary acts through SOA platform Integrated electronic declaration and one-stop-shop for foreign workers Import/export of endangered live animals, plants and products thereof Consulting your personal data in the National Register Online public tendering information system Innovative e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in the Netherlands Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System The Norwegian national portal for geographic and environmental information services Company Registration Portal - Create Your Own Company in 12 minutes Spatial Data Infrastructure, Government of La Rioja 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Page 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Page 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5 9 60 European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 115 European eGovernement Awards 2007 / Exhibition stands A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 The Flemish Infoline PloneGov SAM Internet - electronic application for agricultural support in Sweden SPT - Our future is today Directgov - Transforming digital public service information Compensation for Sickness in Denmark German Administration Services Directory Online Police Station Integrated aid system Integrated Title Registration Information System Danish eHealth portal - Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system Hosts and sponsors by exhibition stands S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 116 | Exhibition Catalogue CRITICAL SOFTWARE HP MOBICOMP SAMSUNG IBM CISCO NOVABASE STAND PORTUGAL UNYSIS ADOBE ACCENTURE EUROPEAN COMMISSION STAND 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 European eGovernement Awards 2007 / Exhibition stands Index / Finalists by alphabetical order and exhibition stands Name of case Stand 35 local governments from three countries sharing one GIS infrastructure Besancon.clic Company Registration Portal - Create Your Own Company in12 minutes Compensation for Sickness in Denmark Connect Project Consulting your personal data in the National Register The Flemish Infoline Danish eHealth portal - Digital Identity in Dutch e-government services Directgov - Transforming digital public service information Donegal Online Planning Services e@SY Connects - Transformational Petitioning e-Citizen Charter eGAIANIMA, cohesion in the education: pupils, parents, teachers and administration Electronic Conveyancing Electronic Document Archives of Courts in Austria Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system ePetition Equal Access to Information through Digital Library Service Évora Distrito Digital - Évora County Digital Project Formulaires en ligne - Online Forms Gencat: mass-scale deployment based on transparency and web 2.0 German Administration Services Directory Import/export of endangered live animals, plants and products thereof Information Centre and Business Creation Network for Private Limited Companies Innovative e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in The Netherlands Integral and Multi-Channel Citizen Service System Integrated aid system Integrated electronic declaration and one-stop-shop for foreign workers Integrated Title Registration Information System Internet voting in Estonia Jekabpils City Council Information Centre Residential and Business eServices Madrid Participa: citizens’ eConsultations in the city of Madrid MEPA eApplications Multi-channel Citizen Service Centers Multilingual Infobank - website for immigrants Mypage Self-service Citizen’s Portal One-stop-shop for Hotel Restaurant Café licences Online Police Station Online public tendering information system PloneGov SAM Internet - electronic application for agricultural support in Sweden Spatial Data Infrastructure, Government of La Rioja Speed up the publication of notary acts through SOA platform SPT - our future is today The German Environmental Information Portal The National Programme of Computer Literacy The Norwegian national portal for geographic and environmental information services Transforming Access to Services in Local Government UK online centres and myguide Vicky – A virtual assistant for social security in Italy Virtual Cities… more than thousand words Page A06 A10 A39 A46 A12 A34 A41 A51 A30 A45 A22 A24 A20 A13 A29 A28 A52 A19 A14 A03 A07 A26 A47 A33 A01 A36 A37 A49 A32 A50 A15 A02 A17 A21 A08 A09 A16 A05 A48 A35 A42 A43 A40 A31 A44 A23 A04 18 39 59 66 41 54 61 71 50 65 30 32 28 42 49 48 72 27 43 15 19 34 67 53 13 56 57 69 52 70 23 14 25 29 37 38 24 17 68 55 62 63 60 51 64 31 16 A38 A27 A11 A25 A18 58 47 40 33 26 European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 117 Venue map and layout of the Exhibition Presidência do Conselho de Ministros Secretaria Geral Address: Rua Professor Gomes Teixeira n.º 6 - 5.º Andar 1350 - 265 Lisboa Portugal E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +351 213927942/66 European eGovernment Awards 2007 | 119 Contact: E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +32 (0)2 296 17 40 European eGovernment Awards 2007 Exhibition Catalogue European Commission, DG Information Society and Media - eGovernment & CIP Operations European eGovernment Awards 2007 Exhibition Catalogue 4TH MINISTERIAL eGOVERNMENT CONFERENCE LISBON