THE List 2016 - SMillerDesign
THE List 2016 - SMillerDesign
THE LIST for 2016 SEASON Dear parents, As promised – here is the packet of paperwork that we said every player needs.. Please look it over carefully and fill ouall pages as marked. You must bring the completed packet with you on to the mandatory parent player meeting on MONDAY , November 23rd . 1.USAV medical form- this is a one page document. Please fill it out completely- USAV requires us to have this on file for every player. 2.Contract- this is a one page form which is the legal contract between Whoosh, you and your daughter. You received a copy of our club policies when you registered and they are also posted on the club website. Both parent and player must sign this form. PLEASE REMEMBER – this contract must be accompanied By a $ 300.- payment – you may give cash or check or credit card . 3.Birth certificate copy- we must have a copy of your players birth certificate on file. We are asking every player for a copy this yeareven if you have played before. We do NOT keep theses from year to year – they are shredded at the end of every season. 4.Player profile form every player on an U 17 and U 18 team needs to fill this form - please write neatly and give all the requested information-please be truthful about your grades and SAT scores. 5.Fundraising requirements and options: please read this section carefully- you must sign up for your fundraising option on November 23rd.. You will receive all the appropriate paperwork for the option you select. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for your tournament work shift in January. 6.Contact sheet- please fill this out- write neatly and clearly. We use this sheet for the information included in our club Contact book. Every player will receive two club contact books in December . 7.Tournament work shift sign up- please read this so that you are prepared to sign up for your tournament work shifts. Please be aware that if you do not sign up- you will be signed up where we need people which is not necessarily at your most convenient time. Please also be aware that players cannot work your shift in your place. 8 .Parent volunteer information- we are an all volunteer organization- if every parent signs up for one job-everything we need to do can be accomplished. Please consider what you can do to help keep our club functioning! 9. Active Ankle form – it is possible that your prescription plans to get active ankles covered by your insurance company. These two forms must be filled out and turned in for us to start this process. We will be starting promptly at 6:30 PM and we expect to be done at approximately 8:30PM. Your child will need to bring non perishable food items as discussed by her team. Players will meet with their coaches in the Christian Education Center – parents will meet with me in the church hall. We hope to have a tentative tournament schedule for you, a reminder of practice times, locations and starting dates, a reminder of payment schedules, and other paperwork. We will have a player ledger for each player set up for you when you arrive- please be sure to pick yours up on the way into the meeting room. We will allow time for you to meet with our club finance chairs if you would like to set up a payment schedule or take advantage of our early payment discount. We are happy to work with you regarding the payment schedule- as long as we are paid by March 12th- but we need to make the arrangements on the 23rd. This is a large amount of paperwork- but we can get through it as quickly as possible with everyone’s cooperation! If you have a question or would like to sign up early for your work shift or volunteer job-please e mail me at [email protected] . I look forward to seeing you on the 23rd THIS FORM IS TO BE CARRIED TO ALL SANCTIONED COMPETITIONS & PRACTICES. 2015-2016 USAV YOUTH & JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYER MEDICAL RELEASE FORM This must be completed - legibly - and signed in all areas by both the player and his/her parent or guardian. I understand and agree that this document will be kept in the possession of authorized adult team personnel and that reasonable care will be used to keep this information confidential. By signing this form the participant affirms having read and agreed to the terms and conditions listed below. Club: Team Name: Male First Name Last Name Primary Contact: Parent or Guardian Name: Female Age Address: City, State & Zip Alternate Phone: Primary Phone: Secondary Contact: Parent/Guardian Name: Primary Phone: Birth Date Other Alternate Phone: Primary Insurance Co Primary Group/Policy # Family Physician Name Physician Phone / Please elaborate on any medical conditions of which we should be aware: Please list any medications currently being taken: In the past 24 months, have you been tested, diagnosed and/or treated for a concussion: Yes No If yes, provide the date (months and year), who performed the testing/diagnosing/treatment and what was the outcome: Please list any allergies: If None, please write None. Participant Signature Date: (regardless of age): Participant, , has my permission to participate in training, competition, events, activities and travel sponsored by USA Volleyball or any of its Regional Volleyball Associations (RVAs). I approve of the leaders who will be in charge of this program. I recognize that the leaders are serving to the best of their ability. I certify that the participant has full medical insurance with the company listed above. I understand and agree that this document will be kept in the possession of authorized adult team personnel and that reasonable care will be used to keep this information confidential. I agree to allow the authorized adult team personnel to release this information in the event of a medical emergency to a third party medical provider. I also certify to the best of my knowledge that the participant named hereon is physically fit to engage in the activities described above. Parent/Guardian Signature: Relationship to Participant: Date: If, during the course of my daughter's/son's activities in volleyball, she/he should become ill or sustain an injury, I hereby authorize you to obtain emergency medical/dental care. I will assume financial responsibility for the bills incurred through my insurance company. Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian or I do not authorize emergency medical/dental care for my daughter/son. Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian 2015-2016 Season Reviewed 7/30/2015 WHOOSH VBC – CONTRACT 2016 SEASON THIS AGREEMENT made this____ day of______________,2015 between WHOOSH VOLLEYBALL CLUB[ Hereinafter WHOOSH ] and______________________________, the parent of an athlete seeking admission to WHOOSH [ hereinafter “parent” ] and said athlete [ hereinafter “athlete” ]. WHEREAS, ___________________________ is an athlete who seeks admission to WHOOSH, and WHEREAS, WHOOSH is only viable as a club and as a program if its budget is funded, its rules observed and its practices and tournaments are attended without fail and without exception. NEW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Parent acknowledges that the consideration of this agreement is the enrollment of Parent’s child in WHOOSH and the programs, practices and tournaments made available thereby. 2. parent and athlete affirm that each will observe without breach the club policy of WHOOSH and that the athlete, absent from WHOOSH’s express permission [ obtained from their team coach ] shall attend all scheduled practices and tournaments and participate fully in WHOOSH mandatory fundraising activities. 3. parent acknowledges receipt of the schedule of WHOOSH, including scheduled practices and tournaments. 4. Parent acknowledges receipt of the schedule of due dates for fees and fundraising. 5. parent acknowledges a binding contractual obligation to make payments as scheduled to WHOOSH to underwrite the continued viability of WHOOSH and its programs 6. parent acknowledges receipt of club policy of WHOOSH. 7. in the event of parent’s breach of any of the obligations herein undertaken, parent stipulates venue in the city court of Middletown and further agrees that in the event that the parent is found to be in the breach, the parent will be responsible for payments not timely made together with interest, costs, disbursements and reasonable counsel fees. 8. the invalidity of any element of this agreement shall not invalidate the whole. 9. this agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of new York. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be signed the day and year first above written. WHOOSH VOLLEYBALL CLUB By ________________________________ Hazel R. Goldstein Club Director ____________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Athlete BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED ALL PLAYERSWe need a Clear copy of your birth certificate. This is required by USA Volleyball. YES THIS APPLIES EVEN IF YOU PLAYED BEFORE!!!! ********************************************************* MANDATORY FUNDRAISING Whoosh requires each player to do $170.00 in mandatory fundraising : Parent participation by donation[$20.00 cash or check] and work hours at the Whoosh Bowl tournament on January 23rd and 24th [NOTE; parents with more then one player have only one work shift and pay only one food donation] You may choose one of the following ways to complete the balance of the requirement: Write a check for $170.00 due on January 13th Sell 15 super bowl lottery tickets at a cost of $10.00 each. All tickets and money will be due January 13th. Tickets and selling information will be available at the December 9 th meeting. You may choose to sell more than the 15 tickets for the SuperBowl – you may sign up for and receive additional ticket packets. Players make $ 2.50 per ticket for each additional ticket sold. Super Bowl tickets MUST be turned in on January 13th – there is a great deal involved in getting the squares assigned and numbers back to each player. SuperBowl tickets turned in AFTER the deadline will NOT be accepted and will be returned to the player. Players who chose the Super Bowl Lottery must pay the $ 20.00 concession fee on January 13th. PLAYER PROFILE FORM- ONLY players on the U17 and U 18 teams need to fill this out. BE TRUTHFUL!!! FILL OUT EVERYTHING!! PLAYER NAME___________________________________________________ PARENT NAMES__________________________________________________ ADDRESS;_______________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP_____________________________________________ PLAYER E MAIL__________________________________________________ PARENT E MAIL__________________________________________________ ACADEMIC INFORMATION: GRADUATION YEAR_____________ SCHOOL_______________________________________ AVERAGE_______________________________ PSAT____________SAT___________ACT___________ COLLEGE INTEREST______________________________________________ VOLLEYBALL INFORMATION HEIGHT______________ POSITION___________________ SCHOOL EXPERIENCE: MODIFIED_______years, JV__________years, VARSITY______years CLUB EXPERIENCE: Whoosh __________years, Other club name ______________, played for______years VOLLEYBALL HONORS:_____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATION OTHER SPORTS:__________________________________________________________________________ OTHER SPORTS HONORS______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ACTIVITIES:__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ NON SCHOOL ACTIVITIES _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ****************************************************************************************** HELP!!!!!!!!!! Each whoosh team carries a medical kit with them to practices and tournaments. Every year we solicit help from the community and parents for this task. Following is a list of items we need to refill our med kits for the 2016 season. If you or someone you know can connect with any of these items- please call Laurie Muollo at 342-4019 and let her know how you can help! Bandaids- regular size Bandaids-knee/elbow size Bandaids- butterfly Athletic tape Pre wrap 2x2 guaze pads 4x4 guaze pads Alcohol prep pads Bacitracin in individual packets *********************************************************************** GIFTING OPPORTUNITY The club has a large number of volleyball tee shirts and spandex that we are not interested in keeping in stock – we will have these items at the November 23rd meeting and you can purchase them at a cost of $ 5.00 each. These items normally sell for anywhere from $ 15.- to $ 25.- each – we need to clear out our inventory and these items will make great Christmas gifts for your volleyball player !! CONTACT INFORMATION Please take the time to fill this completely and neatly. We will be using this information for our club contact book- every player receives two of these books in December. Player name______________________________________ Date of birth_____________________________________ School___________________________________________ Parent names_____________&________________ First Name First Name ________________________ Last Name Mailing address______________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP_______________________________________________________________ Home phone______________________________________ Cell phone-Player__________________________________ Cell phone Parents Mom:___________________Dad______________________ Work phone- Mom_________________________Dad______________________ Can we call at work?__________________________ Fax__________________________ Parent e mail - Mom________________________________ Dad________________________________ Player e mail_________________________________ ********************************************************************* Is there a parent living at another address who needs to get information? Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Home phone__________________________________ Cell phone____________________________________ Work phone___________________________________ Can we call at work?____________________________ Fax__________________________________________ E mail________________________________________ TOURNAMENT WORK SIGN UP Whoosh will be hosting four tournament days this season January 24 Whoosh Bowl Minisink Valley MS and DRIVE Sports January 25 Whoosh Bowl Minisink Valley MS and DRIVE Sports Every FAMILY is required to work ONE three hour work in January If you have more then one player you only work one shift. Sign up for this will be on November 23rd at the parent meeting. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1.everyone needs to work one shift in January 2.when the parent works we would like to have the player there as well to help us as assignedscorekeeping, running, whatever is needed. Obviously if the player is playing that cannot happen and we understand that – but if she is available we would like her there to help. 3.there are two possible days for each event - make one of them work. 4.if you do not sign up- I will sign you up and you may not like where I assign you. 5.parents who do not fulfill this commitment will be assessed a $75.00 charge. 6.players may NOT work the shift for their parent-players who appear and tell me that they are working for the parent will be sent home and the parent will be assessed the 75.00 charge. JOBS TO BE SIGNED UP FOR ON NOVEMBER 23RD 1.Concession- helps with preparing, selling and serving food for the shift. January 7 – 10 am , 10am – 1 pm, 1 – 4 pm THERE WILL BE A LARGE SIGN UP SHEET FOR EACH OF THE TOURNAMENT DAYS AT THE NOVEMBER 23RD MEETING AT THAT TIME WE WILL KNOW WHICH AGE GROUP PLAYS ON WHICH DAY AND AT WHICH LOCATION. CHECK YOUR CALENDAR NOW SO YOU ARE PREPARED TO SIGN UP!! Parent Volunteers We couldn’t function without parents …we need you to help us with so many things! Please consider signing up for something-if each parent signed up for just one job-we could all get so much more done! We will be asking you to sign up at the mandatory parent meeting on November 23rd or you may email Hazel before that! TEAM PARENT… with director, travel coordinator, parents and coaches to facilitate team drivers for tournaments. Helps coach and other chairpersons with phone/ emails for team business as needed. Works with parents to assemble team basket for raffle at club banquet at end of season! TIME COMMITMENT: entire season PEOPLE NEEDED: 1 per team ************************************************************************ UNIFORM PARENT…works with club staff to assemble uniform parts, deliver to uniform night and distribute. TIME COMMITMENT: January- 1 evening-2-3 hours PEOPLE NEEDED: 1 per team ************************************************************************ TEAM FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR acts as the distributor and collector for all team fundraising efforts. Works with the club director to get paperwork to distribute and works with the team to collect orders and keep fundraising finances in order. TIME COMMITMENT:8-10 hours over the course of the season. PEOPLE NEEDED:1 per team ************************************************************************ CONCESSION CHAIRS…coordinate work shifts, food and money donation, sales and purchase of food for whoosh tournaments-January 23 & 24 TIME COMMITMENT: ½ day at tournament at each site PEOPLE NEEDED: 2 for each tournament day total of 4 people for Minisink and 4 for DRIVE ************************************************************************ SUPER BOWL LOTTERY COORDINATOR….works with the club director to collect money and information, set up charts, notify the players of their numbers. It helps if you watch the game[or assign someone to watch it] and keep track of the scores at the quarters half and final. TIME COMMITMENT: mid January approximately 2 hours PEOPLE NEEDED 1 per team ************************************************************************ TEAM HISTORIAN…works with the team during the year to get pictures of many team events- practices, tournaments, players eating, sleeping, being silly, and just being kids and so on! The club has a small budget for each team for film processing and a scrapbook which we can keep and share! TIME COMMITMENT: January through April-time would vary PEOPLE NEEDED 1 per team ************************************************************************ TEAM BANQUET CHAIR works with club director to collect money and responses for club banquet held on May 9, 2016 TIME COMMITMENT: April, May 3-4 hours PEOPLE NEEDED: 1 Per Team ************************************************************************ Dear parents, Yes-we are asking quite a lot of you….but as an organization we cannot go forward without your help. Each of us is involved with club as a coach or administrator has another full time job-we love what we do with your children…..but still have to make our living in the real world. So please- look over these volunteer opportunities ….and plan to sign up for one of these jobs! We can’t do this without you! If you have questions about any of these areas- or want to sign up before November 23rd please do not hesitate to email Hazel.