Sessions - College Art Association


Sessions - College Art Association
Tues evening
Wed afternoon
6o30-7o30 p.m.
3o00-5o00 p.m.
East Ballroom, third floor
CAA Annual Conference
Orientation for
and Candidates
Business Meeting
Hudson Suite, fourth floor
Committee Members Only
Wed evening
5o30-7o00 p.m.
East Ballroom, third floor
Welcoming Remarks
John R Clarke, CAA President
Presentation of Awards
Keynote Address
Christo and Jeann&Ciaude
Thurs mornln
7:30-9:00 a.1
CAA CommittE
Intellectual P1
Business Mee
Hudson Suite, four'
CommiUee Members
CAA CommittE
in the Arts
Business Me'r
Green Room, fourtl
Commillee Members
CAA Educati01
Business Mee
Midtown Suite, fou
Committee Members
Wed evening
7o30-9o30 p.m.
Business Mee
Harlem Suite, four1
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd St.
(between 5th and 6th Aves.)
Admission by pre-purchased
Hekel only.
Committee Members
CAA Professic
Practices Con
Business Mee
Lincoln Suite, four1
Each regular or special session has
been assigned a code. The letter
refers lo the day of the session and
Committee Members
!he number corresponds to the order
National Com1
for the Histor1
Business Mee
of the session within the day. The
session code is used to identify session participants !n the Index to
Participants on page 151.
Holland Suite, four
Committee Members
Women's Caut
Visual Cornmi
Thursday morning
Thurs morning
9:30 a.m.-noon
4th Annual
Artist Interviews:
Ken"y James Marshall
a11d Alice Aycock:
Olbson Room 1 second floor
Kerry James Marshall will
be interviewed by Jonathan
Fineberg, University of Illinois,
Alice Aycock will be interviewed
by Katy Siegel, Hunter College.
Jewish ~iolocaust in Art
Trianon Ballroom 1 third floor
Matthew Baigell, New York;
MartyJ. Kalb, Ohio Wesleyan
Marty J. Kalb
Ghosts: Strategies of Memory
Ziva Maisels, Jerusalem
Humor and the Holocaust:
An Italian Film Folly
Donald Kuspil, New York
@;; Th2
Studio Art Open Session.
Video Art Magic, Memoqt,
and Molancholy: Is Video
Art Dead'!
Sutton Parlor North, second floor
CHAIRS: Melinda Barlow,
University of Colorado, Boulder;
Mary Lucier, New York
Video and the Afterlife?
Millennia/ Thinking
about an Art Medium
Deirdre Boyle, The New
School for Social Research
Owning Your Tools:
The Effects of Digital
Technology on Artists' Video
Charles Hagen,
University of Connecticut
How Polluted Is the
Ocean of Streams of Story?
A Nostalgia for lnteractivity
Grahame Weinbren, New York
Cinephi/ia, Slow Motion,
and the Death of Video Art
Chrissie lies, Whitney Museum
of American Art
Art after Maus
Norman Kleeblall,
The Jewish Museum
Emblems of Atrocity:
Holocaust Liberation
Photographs by Margaret
Bourke-White and Lee Miller
Carol Zemel, State University
of New York, Buffalo
Artistic Dtwotiom
Private Practice
and Public Images
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
CHAIRS: Anne Bertrand, Bard
College; Ann Sutherland Harris,
University of Pittsburgh
Tintoretto's Judgment
Frederick !lehman,
Columbia University
Giuseppe Valet
Religious ArchJ
and Secular lm
Maria Ann Cone
National Design
Devoted Catha
Religion in Anti
Oeuvre and ReJ
Emilie Gordenk~
voor Kunsthislo1
The Issue of SelnterpretaUon ir
Century in the~
Context andRe
Barbara Haeger
Ohio State UnivE
Bernini's Churc
Towards a ComJ
/conology of Ne
Damian Dombro'
lnstitut fUr Kunst
der Universitat VI
£3 Th4
Crossinu Aot!!
of "Oody" and
after the Erne
NHw Media
Murray Hill Suite, s
&HAIRS: Ursula Froh
Christian Katti, 8
The Difference c
in Contemporaq
Cultural Practic•
Lydia Haustein,
Staatliche Hochs
Gestaltung Karls1
"Oculus": GPS, Ritual,
Body, Time, Space,
and Consciousness
Lynn Tjernan Lukkas,
Oberlin College
Silos: Mirror for Meyer Schapiro
and 20th-Century
Art History
Elizabeth Valdez del Alamo,
Montclair State University
Watch Me! Web cams
and the Public Exposure
of Private Lives
Brooke A. Knight,
University of Maine
The Banal and the
Monumental: Reading
Claes Oldenburg's
Co/ossa/ Monuments
Ellen Tepfer,
School of Visual Arts
On-Line & in the Streets:
"Circulation," A Site-Specific
Public Art Work and Dedicated,
Interactive Web Site
James Costanzo, Pratt Institute
DISCUSSANT: Catherine Bernard,
Studio Art Open §:esBiom
Painting. Abstraction as
West Ballroom 1 third floor
Southampton College
CNAIR: Richard Kalina,
r.::l Th5
Fordham University
The Historiographic
Ups and Downs of l\1y
Special Monument
Transcribing, Not Transmitting
Lisa Corinne Davis,
Yale University
SuHon Parlor Center1 second floor
CIIAIR: Creighton E. Gilbert,
Yale University
Shifting Meanings,
Static Images
Stephen Ellis, Harvard
University and Cooper Union
The Chapel at Versailles:
God's or the King's?
Martha Mel Edmunds,
independent scholar,
Bryn Mawr
Site, Scale, Context:
Abstraction at Actual Size
Julia Fish,
University of Illinois, Chicago
A 12th-Century Psalter as Post·
Revolutionary France Saw It
Jean Brodahl,
Portland State University
The First Rule: Tools Are
Good, Rules Are Bad
Lucio Pozzi,
School of Visual Arts
~ liJ Th7
CAA Museum<
A Team Appro;
Study of Objec
and Conservat
within the Mus
Gramercy B, seconc
CHAIR: Marilyn 8. Kt
Brooklyn Museun
Resurrecting a 1:
Egyptian Collect.
Therese O'Gormc:
University; Peter l
Carlos Museum
Vuillard, oecorat1
Distemper Techn
Gloria Groom and
The Art Institute o
Exquisite Fakes:
Treachery of the,
William Robinson,
Cleveland Museu
Conservation am
Changes to Davi<
Drawing, Untitled
Antoinette Owen,
Museum of Art; PE
Collection of Cane
Rebecca Smith
r.:J ThB
Beekman Parlor1 se~
CHAIR: Ralph Lieben
A Michelangelo Downgraded:
The Minerva Christ
Laura Agoston,
William Paterson University
Williamstown, Ma:
Poetry or Prose?
How Photograph:
Define Renaissar
Ideal Portrait Reli
Alison Luchs,
National Gallery o
Thursday morning
Photography of Sculpture and
the Vision of Sigmund Freud
Art and Science in the Digital
Age: Hybrid Forms of Inquiry
Mary Bergstein,
Rhode Island School of Design
Christiane Paul, editor,
on tho Mm'!Ji
Representing 'Anti Form':
Robert Morris and Photography
Richard J. Williams,
Liverpool John Moores
Edward Steichen's Rodin.
The Thinker: The Rhetorical
Genealogy of a Photograph
Claire C. Black,
Longwood College
Patrons, Printmakers,
and Paper Statues:
Picturing Antiquities in
Early Modern Europe
Intelligent Agent
You Could Be Me
Nell Tenhaaf, York University
DISCUSSAHTS: Ann Pasternak,
Executive Director, Creative
Time, New York; Shaun Lovejoy,
Margo Hobbs T
University of Nc
Shaping the Tools:
Erfi(H'ginu Genres of
Art Hie.toric:al Literature
in the 19th Centw·y
Sutlon Parlor South, second floor
CHAIR: Margot Lovejoy,
State University of New York,
The Critical Initiative:
The Computer as the
Convergence of
"The Two Cultures"
Maureen Nappi,
New York University
Artists, Users, and the
Simulation of Science
Joseph Delappe,
University of Nevada
Queer ldentityJ
James H. Sand
Sawtooth Cenh
Gramercy A, second floor
CHAIR: Johannes Nathan,
World Views=~Art and
Tulane Universi
r1J Th10
Artists' Assistants and Color
Manuals: A Hidden Genre of Art
Historical Literature
Nogotiatiny the 'tensions
&HAIR: Michael PI
McGill University
Universilat Bern
bet1ueon Two Divergent
Queer Cultm
Rendezvous Trial
Constructing 6
Diaspora: The
American Lest
Katherine M. Bentz,
Pennsylvania State University
ROf:JiOi1i11ist t
Thomas Schmutz,
UniversitS de
Publish or Perish: The Role of
the Market in the Creation of the
First History of American Art
Maura Lyons, Rocky Hill, Conn.
Homosexual L4
Ireland: The La
of Arthur Kings
Janice Mann,
Bucknell Unive1
The Truth aboc
Henry Adams, <
Reserve Univer
Cleveland MusE
r1J fiil Th12
l'empus Fugi
1'ime and the
Making Art History in General:
Franz Kugler and the
Universal Survey
CHAIR: Jan Schall.
Dan Karlholm, Rochester
The Development of the
Artist Oeuvre Catalogue During
the 19th Century
Another Time-!
The Web Muse
Alex Ross, Stanford University
The Historical Survey:
Narratives and Picture
Hubert Locher, Akademie der
Bildenden KUnste, Stuttgart
Regent Parlor, se
Michele White,
City University c
Progress, Process, and the
Problems of Temporality:
Murals and National Narration
In Mexico's National History
Mary Coffey, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Museums and History,
Avant-Garde or Fascist
T.J. Demos,
Columbia University
The Time of Art and the
Time of Life at the Musee
Gustave Moreau
Philip Walsh,
Northeastern University
Timing: Exhibiting Academic
Art at the Dahesh Museum
Thomas O'Brien, Long Island
University, C.W. Post
Connectinn Netu--oscience
Rendering the VIewer
Conscious: lnteractlvity
and Dynamic "Seeing"
Tiffany Holmes, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor
East Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR: Barbara Stafford,
University of Chicago
Experience and
Experiment in Art
Alva Noe, University of
California, Santa Cruz
Visual Ergonomics: Linking
Aesthetics in Neurobiology
Warren Neidrich, New York
An Ecological Approach to the
Phenomena of Consciousness
LeGrace Benson, Ithaca
Floatino Worlt
Petit Trianon, third
Abstract Painting and
Cognitive Metaphor
Power Boothe,
Ohio University
!'.iJ Th14
Gods? Cults'? K:)citics'~
The Prob!em11tic
of tho Spiritual in
Non~Western Ad:
Nassau Suite, second floor
CHAIR: Carolyn E. Tate,
Texas Tech University
Stone and Spirit in
Inca Architecture
Carolyn Dean, University
of California, Santa Cruz
to the Art of Seeing
!'.iJ Th15
Gw-ronts in Ht
Soul Loss of an 8th-Century
Maya City: Retrieving the
Spirit of Intentional Urban
Design at Copan
Allan L. Maca,
Harvard University
Shamanism and the Artistic
Enterprise in the Ancient
Americas: "Beyond" and
"Between" as Primary
Aesthetic Problems
Rebecca Stone~Miller,
Emory University
Liminalities In Threshold
Architecture at Tala, India
Deborah Stein, University
of California, Berkeley
CHAIRS: Juliann Wol
University of Cali
Northridge; Julie
Oberlin College
in Its Own Days
Matthi Forrer, Rij
Aesthetic Expen
as a Means to D{
Consumers of U,
Allen Hockley,
Dartmouth Colle!
Reconsidering t1
Typological and
Boundaries of UJ
the Subject of Tr
Tokyo Keizai Uni\
Beyond Mitate: I
and the Edo Hail
Candice F. Kandc:
Yale University
Thursday morning
(! Th16
The Prohlorn of
lnterdiscipiina rity
in Art History Today
CHAIR: MichaelS. Roth,
Gelly Research Institute
Thomas Crow,
Yale University
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann,
Princeton University
Lydia Goehr,
Columbia University
Robert Nelson,
University of Chicago
Catherine Soussloff, University
of California, Santa Cruz
This session wlll be held at1
The Roy and Nluta Titus Theater 2
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd St.
(between 5th and 6th Aves.)
Conference badge or single lime-slot
ticket is required lor admittance.
Thurs afternoon
12o30-2o00 p.m.
Th 18
Arts Council
Studies Asso
fconoc:lasrn i
Gramercy B, sec'
American Society of
Hispanic Art Historical
Turning Point: hnagininH
of Thne and the
Visual Traditions of the
iberian Pcminsula
CHAIR: Z. S. Stroll
Columbia Unive
Ikern Stanley 01
Northwestern U
Annie E. Cooml
College, Univer
Gibson Room, second floor
CHAIRS: Janice
Bucknell University;
Marie-Tere Alvarez,
J. Paul Gelly Museum
Codes of Conduct for the
Modern Woman: Femininity and
Its Representation in Turn-ofthe-Century Spain
Carmen Lord, Pennsylvania
State University
Columbia UnivE
Association f
Scholarship I
The l~ivos of·
Sutton Parlor Sou
Liana De G
University of Ma
Ignore It and It Will Go Away:
The Obliteration of the Self
and the Cultural Deaths
of ai-Andalus
Cynthia Robinson,
Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton University
The Beginning of the End:
Creation and Representation of
Time in Spanish Apocalypse
Cycles around 1500
Barbara Anderson,
J. Paul Gelly Museum
Christine's Min
A Study in Auto
and Self-Portra1
Mary Weitzel Gil
independent sc
Leon Battista A
Painting" as Au
Gabor Hajnoczi
Catholic Univen
The Toad Spaw
Bag/ione's Otis
Maryvelma Smil
Webster Univen
Rear View Mirror:
Moving Forward, Looking
Back, Paula Rego's "Artist
in Her Studio," 1993
Memory Holloway, University of
Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Association of Art Editors
The futun_; of
SPUKERs: Deborah Johnson,
The Museums at Stony Brook;
Maxwell L. Anderson, Whitney
Museum of American Art;
Annette Blaugrund,
National Academy of Design;
Mary Sue Sweeney Price,
The Newark Museum;
J. David Farmer,
Dahesh Museum
the Al'i Maga:eine
Sutton Parlor North, second floor
A roundtable discussion of art
magazine editors to address the
future of the art magazine as we
enter the 21st century.
MODERATOR: Janet A. Kaplan,
Executive Editor, Art Journal
Walter Robinson,
ArtNet Magazine
Otu Oguibe, NKA: Journal of
Contemporary African Art
Betsy Sussler,
Bomb Magazine
ri.'§ lii!JI
Association of
Historians of Art
Catalogue Raisonne
Scholars Association
W:ac:tualitics: f.\ rlobate
on tho Value of Factual
n.esean~h for tho Now
Beekman Parlor, second floor
CHAIRS: Nancy Mowll Mathews,
Williams College Museum of Art;
Melvin Laden, George
Washington University
SPfAKERS: Michael Ann Holly,
Sterling and Francine Clark Art
Institute; Stephen Eisenman,
Northwestern University; Francis
V. O'Connor, independent
scholar; Anne Adriens·Pannier,
The Museum of Modern
Art, Brussels; Gary Tinterow, The
Metropolitan Museum of Art
CAA Committe•
DiversityfCAA 1
on Women in tf1
Re,writiny the
ol 201h"Ccnlur
American Art: J
RoumJtahlc Oif
Sullon Parlor Cente1
CHAIRS: Melanie Her.
Edgewood Colleg
Ferris Olin, Rutge
Jersey City MuseL
Ann Gibson, UnivE
Delaware; Margo I
independent schc
Nicholas D. Mirzo,
University of New·
Brook; Julia Moon
Abrams; Isabel Na
Center for Art and
Rutgers Universit~
Rando, Rutgers U
James Smalls, Uni
Maryland at Ballin
Gail Tremblay, ThE
State College; Alar
College of William
CAA lnternatiot
Director's t-ioundttlblo:
Business Moeti
Yho Independent Scholar
Hudson Suite, fourth
and Hw Ever,Ghanginu
Regenl Parlor, second floor
Barbara J. Mitnick,
independent scholar, New York;
Mary Emma Harris, independent
scholar, New York
CAA Board of Directors
A rUsts Want from the
Cf1,.A, A11yway~i'
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
Committee Members 0
Historians of G1
and Central Eut
Board of i>irec:i
VIdeo Room, fourth t
Officers and Members 1
the Board of Directors (
Thursday afternoon
International Center
for Medieval Art
Petit Trianon, third floor
National Endowment
for the Arts
Transparency and
Candor at the NW£A
Gramercy A, second floor
CAA Museum Committee
The Role of the Curator
in the Art Musew·n 2000
Saralyn Reece Hardy,
Director of Museums
and Visual Art, National
Endowment for the Arts
Trianon Ballroom, third floor
Peter Kenny, The
Metropolitan Museum of
New York; Bruce Robertson,
University of California,
Santa Barbara
Keith Christensen,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York;
Anne D'Harnoncourt,
Philadelphia Museum of Art;
Daniells Rice,
Philadelphia Museum of Art;
Alan Shestack,
National Gallery of Art;
Lowery Sims, Studio Museum
in Harlem, New York
Saralyn Reece Hardy will
discuss the ways in which the
Museum and Visual Arts staff is
striving to create more direct
interaction with artists, curators,
and other arts professionals.
She will answer questions about
the panel process, decisionmaking criteria, political
ramifications and financial
Thurs after•
2o30-5o00 1
(3 Th26
and Conscio
Murray Hill Suite
CHAIR: Roy Ascot
University of W
University of PI'
To See Knowir
Dissociative C
Kristine Stiles,
Universal PattE
Use As Mind T<
TylerVolk, New
Art, Science, a
Embrace the ~
Piet Hut, lnstitu
Study, Princeto
Tracing Netwo
Victoria Vesna,
California, Los,
Toward a His
T<~achino Art
Sutton Parlor Cer
&rrAIR: Eli Bentor,
Appalachian St
Illustrating Art,
Carl Goldstein,
North Carolina,
The Efficient E<
of Helen Gardn
Barbara Jaffee,
University, Dek~
Luisa Becherucc/ and the
Teaching of Quattrocento Art
"Neue Slowenische Kunst" and
the Semiotics of Suprematism
Deborah Strom Gibbons,
Hopewell, NJ
Myroslava M. Mudrak,
Through a Glass Darkly: Visual
Technologies and the History
of Art Historical Pedagogy
Beth Rayfield, University of
Ohio State University
zofia kulik: From
Warsaw to Cyberla
Sarah G. Wilson,
Courtauld Institute of Art
Jean Robertson, Herron School
of Art, Indiana University, Purdue
Don C.luixote
Trianon Ballroom, th
CHAIRS: Patricia Em if
California, Irvine
Foundations of a Feminist
Classroom: A History
r:.!3 Th30
Society of Ame
Rccalibrating f:
Culture fro1n [};
r}J Th29
PrenColumhian and
Colonial Latin American
Art Histont
University of New I
Peter Parshall, Na
Gallery of Art
Nassau Suite, second floor
Classical Ruin an
Landscapes of D1
CHAIR: Tom 8. F. Cummins,
New York Universi
Leonard Barkan,
r:.!3 Th28
University of Chicago
Historians of German
and Central European
Art and Architecture
Modernism and
Georgia de Haven on,
independent scholar, New York
Postmodernisrn and
Colonialism and Tiwanaku:
Perceptions and Implications
Setting the Stage,
Staging the Set
Ecstatic Journeyt.
Subterranean Wo.
Ingrid Rowland,
University of Chicc
Leon Battista Alb<
as Collaboration
Anthony Grafton,
Gibson Room, second floor
Jaime Lara, Yale University
Princeton Universi
CHAIRS: Peter Chametzky and Anya
Romancing the Ruin:
Modernity Meets Maya
Michelangelo's "l
Half-Forgotten Ev1
Jennifer Ahlfeldt,
Columbia University
California, Los An!
University of Bolo~
Brzyski-Long, Southern Illinois
Modernist and Anti-Modernist
Theories of National Art
in Latvia During the
1920s and 1930s
Stella Pelse,
Institute of Literature,
Folklore, and Art, Riga, Latvia
The Dilemma of Hungar/anness
and Internationalism in
Hungarian Modernism
and Post modernism
Eva Forgacs,
Art Center College of Design
Race and Historiography
of Colonial Art
Charlene Villaseiior-Biack,
University of New Mexico
Carlo Ginzburg, Ut
(3 Th31
The Muse Is Wi1
of the Mind
Iconography, Ideology,
and Propaganda:
Sutton Parlor South,
Mesoamerican Art History
after Marx and Panofsky
CHAIR: Lynn Gamwell
Dana Leibsohn, Smith College
Art Museum
Binghamton Unive
Psychoanalysis a:
Ellen Handler Spit;
Stanford Universitl
Thursday afternoon
!MindJing the Store:
C/aes Oldenburg and
Freudian Dream Theory
Lisa D. Freiman,
Emory University
Psychological Insight
and ArUstic Creativity
Lucy C. Daniels,
Lucy Daniels Foundation
Louis Bourgeois's Poetics
of Space: lntersubjective
Psychoanalysis and
Embodied Feminism
Lynn M. Somers, New York
The CurGe of Sameness:
Uorllogeneity in the
Global Art World
Sullon Parlor North, second floor
CHAIR: JohnS. Gordon,
Prall Institute
Art in Parliament: The FaUure
of Stale Patronage in the
Berlin Reichstag
Sebastian Preuss, Berlin
Heuristic Principles for
Making Pictorial/mages
Adele Lau Rossetti Morosini,
New York
Toward a New E/eusis: Burning
Man as Cathedral Vivant
Mark Van Proyen, Bolinas, Ca.
Toward a Moral Paradigm:
The Vocation of the Artist
in the 21st Century
Mara Adamitz Scrupe,
Bremo Bluff, Va.
DISCUSSANT: Berta Sichel, New York
(3 Th33
Sandy Skoglur
Rutgers Unive1
West Ballroom, third floor
&HAIRS: Caroline A. Jones,
Boston University;
Amelia Jones, University
of California, Riverside
Disciplined Bodies:
Medieval Automata
between Literature and Art
Katharine Park,
Harvard University
Raoul Hausmann's World
Revolution: The Cyborg as
Performance and Spectacle
Matthew Biro,
University of Michigan
Delay In the Machine Age:
On the Teleprompter
Laurence Rickels, University
of California, Santa Barbara;
Nancy Barton, New York
Extending Sight and Making
Sense(s): Engineering the
Gesture in Contemporary Art
Joanna Roche, University of
Colorado, Colorado Springs
States of Confusion
Perry Hoberman,
School of Visual Arts
Gregory Greer
Nuclear Enchr.
Patrick Nagata
University of N1
Face to Face ~
Bomb: Nuclea
after the Cold
Paul Shambroc
r.i.'l Th35
Shape of Art
Regent Parlor, s1
of Massachuse
Photography a
Geraldine A. Jc
Villa I Tatti, Flor
Photography, c
Meyer's Fagus
and the Const1
Modernist Arc1
Anne marie Jae
lnstitut !Dr Kun:
Universitat Karl
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
African Art, Ph
and the Shape
Modernist "Pri.
Wendy Grossm
University of Mt
College Park
CHAIRS: Joan Marter, Rutgers
University; Mona Hadler,
Brooklyn College and CUNY
Graduate Center
The Art of Resc
Malraux's Mus
Peter Geimer,
University of Kc
(3 Th34
Art in the Nuclear Age:
Fertile or Subversive
(3 Th36
Building a ltiodv of
Architocttu·e: Design
on an Organic Model
Beekman Parlor1 second floor
CHAIR: Jayne Merkel,
Designing beyond the Visual:
Life, Death and Trade-oils in
the Garden of Art
Patricia Johanson,
artist and park designer
Rethinking Tropical
Abidin Kusno,
New York University
Deep Breath
Deborah Gans,
Deborah Gans and Mall hew
Jelacic, Architecture
Making the Classic Comic:
The Sages Comment on Caca
John R. Clarke,
University of Texas, Austin
Germany's Holo!
Memorial Prob/e,
James E. Young,
of Massachusett:::
Myth as Model:
The Mythological Portrait
and Soc/a/Identity of
Non-Elites in Rome
Eve D'Ambra, Vassar College
Not a Place of He
A Monument of A
Julia Bryan-Wilsor
of California, Ber~
"Soldatenkunst" Revisited:
Art on the Roman Frontier
Natalie Boymel Kampen,
Barnard College
The Art ollnlill
Measuring Athena: The Use
of Pagan Symbolism on Late
Roman Commercial Weights
A. L. McCianan,
Portland State University
The Human Landscape
in Architecture
James Hubbell,
Santa Ysabel, Ca.
f.i.'l Th37
Elite to Non .. ~&.lite:
f.i.'l Th38
Part 2 of this session will be held
Sat, 2:30-5:00 p.m.
CHAIRS: RobertS. Nelson,
University of Chicago;
Margaret Olin, School of the
Art Institute of Chicago
York University, Toronto
Roman Salons of Literati:
Social Pretense or Sage
Christine Kondoleon,
Worcester Art Museum
Intersections: Lieux de
Memoire in Algiers
Zeynep Celik, New Jersey
Institute of Technology
Greek and Roman Art
Gramercy A, second floor
CHAIR: Guy P.R. Metraux,
The Visual Arti!
the Museum Co
Rendezvous Trianon
&HAIR: Rosamond P1
Medford, Mass.
in the Renaissanc€
Lisa Melandri, Lev
the Arts in Philade
College of Art and
East Ballroom, third floor
Sights of the Medieval Pasts:
The Politics of Restoration
at the Great Mosque of
Damascus and the Krak
des Chevaliers
Heghnar Watenpaugh,
Rice University
Tile Success Story of
liiil Th39
Reflecting the Pal
t:Jiaces of Memory: Pnrt 1
Architecture for the Living
Terry Brown, Cincinnati
Bad Penny: For M1
Purchase Only
Robert Thill, New)
Mark Sloan, Halse~
College of Charles
Kirsi Peltomaki,
University of Roche
Charles Stainback,
Saratoga Springs
Thursday afternoon
!'.:.'§ liil
American Institute for
Conservation of Historic
and Artistic Works
In Retrospect: The I·Ustory
of Art Conservation
Oramercy B, second floor
Rebecca Anne Rushfield,
Flushing, N.Y.; Susan Anne
Mathisen, Conservation Center,
Institute of Fine Arts, New York
Through a Glaze Darkly:
The Idea of Patina and the
Rhetoric of Controversy
Barbara Keyser, Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario
The Physical and
the Metaphysical:
Controversies about the
Cleaning of Paintings
Joyce Hill Stoner,
of Delaware
Thurs eveni1
2000 CAA
MFA Exhibi
Hunter Colleg1
Times Square
450 W. 41st s
Necessity Introduced These
Arts: Pietro Edwards, Director
of the Restoration of the Public
Pictures of Venice
Elizabeth Darrow,
Montana State University
What Do Andrew W. Mellon,
John D. Rockefeller, Samuel H.
Kress, and J. Paul Getty Have to
Do with the History of Art
Jean D. Portell, independent
scholar, New York
Museum, Classroom,
Laboratory: The Early
History of Conservation
and Technical Studies at
the Fogg Art Museum
Francese a G. Sewer and Ron
Spronk, Straus Center for
Conservation, Harvard
University Art Museums
Art under Fire: The
Lessons of World War II
Krysia Spirydowicz, Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario
ChinesH Painting in Its
Matei'iai Culture Context
Petit Trianon, third floor
Kathleen Ryor,
Carleton College
Developing t
the Annual C
the Program
Fan Paintings in Song Dynasty
Material Culture
Ankeney Weitz, Colby College
When Stones Speak: Dialogue,
Discourse, and Dialectic in the
Response and Relationship
of Chinese Painting to the
Material Culture of Mongol
Rule in Quannan, Fujian
Jennifer Purtle,
University of Chicago
Beekman Parlor,
Bruce R<
University of G
Barbara; Emm:
College Art As
CAA Board<
Strategic PI•
Murray Hill SuitE
"Culling Flowers and Planting
Bamlioo": Paintings of Penjing
and Botanical Arrangements
in the Late Ming
Kathleen Ryor, Carleton College
Recycling Cathay: Images of
Tilling and Weaving in Chinese
Painting, Prints, and Porcelain
Philip K. Hu, Institute of Fine
Arts, New York University
Craig Clunas,
University of Sussex
Coalition of Women's
Art Organizations
Books about or by Women
Artists: An Important
Contribution to Art History
of tht) t4ew Millennium
Sutton Parlor Center, second floor
CHAIR: Kyra 891an,
Thurs evening
8:00-10:30 p.m.
Authority, Ritual,
~h~fJCtnony, Perfonnance
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
Broward Community College
Women Artists:
A Historical Perspective
Nancy G. Heller,
The University of the Arts
From Coffee Rings to
Coffee Table
Peggy Barlow, Woman's Art
Journal, Hugh Lauter Levin
Earth, Spirit, and Gender:
Visual Language for the New
Kyra Belan
Woman Artists of Color:
A Blo-Critical Sourcebook
to the 20th Century Artists
in the Americas
Phoebe Harris,
Purdue University
&HAIR: Jeffrey Abt,
Wayne State University
The Group Critique
as Symptom
Richard Roth, Virginia
Commonwealth University
An Ethnography of the "Grit":
Learning to Become an Artist
David W. Penney,
Detroit Institute of Arts
What We Talk about
When We Talk about Art
Christopher Shipley, Maryland
Institute, College of Art
Aesthetic House Calls:
Critique and the Visiting Artist
Buzz Spector, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Business Meeting
Harlem Suite, fourth floor
A Victorian Mav1
Queens: John R
Artistic Educati<
Anthony Lacy Gu
Arizona State Un
Ruskin: The Poli
Rhetoric of Lane
and the Landscc
Political Rhetori•
Emily Carr lnslitu
and Design, Vane
Perpendicular LJ
Ruskin and BaU£
Jonathan Ribner,
Boston Universit)
Ruskin Library, L<
The 1"1annony
Sphere:;: A Mo
Into rd isc;ipli na
Murray Hill Suite, sE
Renaissance Society
of America
The Work of Art:
Labor and Vatu<
Thought of Joh1
Timothy BarringE
Yale University
Historians of British Art
,John nuskin at the
Millonniurn: A Ccmtennial
Commemoration and
Analysis of Bis IA~!J~~cios
Regent Parlor, second floor
CHAIRS: Alice Beckwith,
Providence College;
BarbaraApelian Beall,
Providence College
CHAIRS: Greta Berm!
Juilliard School; C
Princeton Univers
Color Me Synestl
Jack Ox, New Yor
Manet's 1880 Pa'
Cabanet as a Syn
Therese Dolan,
Temple University
Thursday evening
"Ancient" Music and
Modernist Art in Britain
Melinda B. Parsons,
University of Memphis
A Transcendental Language
of Color: Synesthesia and
the Astral World
Kevin Dann,
The University of Vermont
"Waves of Colorful Ether
in Forms Moving":
Ruth Lynda De yo and Her
Grand Egyptian Opera
Ann H. Murray,
Wheaton College
l3 Th47
intei'IH'oting Wild tunorica:
Reality, Mythology,
and Aoencv:
Tho triintofioqraphy of
Beekman Parlor, second floor
Mary Ann Calo,
Colgate University
A VIsual Paradox:
Art and Aesthetics In
Air/can-American Thought
Lisa Gail Collins, Vassar College
Folk or Fine? Life Magazine,
Air/can-American Art, and the
Construction of Racial Identity
Joyce Henri Robinson,
Pennsylvania State University
Art as an
[;nvironme11f:at Len5
Re-Examining Charles White's
Five Great American Negroes
Andrea D. Barnwell,
Art Institute of Chicago
Stopping Time
Cathey Billian
What Role to Take? Robert
Blackburn as a Case Study
Deborah Cullen,
El Museo del Barrio
Sutton Parlor North, second floor
Cathey Billian,
Pratt Institute; Jack Becker,
publisher, Public Art Review
Nature Trails
Jack Becker
Mapping Place
Patricia Seitz,
Massachusetts College of Art
Writing Air/can-American
Art History, 1925-1998
Jacqueline Francis,
Kenyon College
Writing Place
Scott Slavic,
University of Nevada
The Product/<
and Sexual Rl
Julia A. Assan1
Columbia Uni'
San1:o As It Never Wr~s:
lss.uos in the HistOi'iouraphy
of Ancient Art
Gramercy B, second floor
A. A. Donahue,
Bryn Mawr College;
Mark D. Fullerton,
Ohio State University
The Fate of PI
Precious Mat~
a Histor/ogra1
Greek Minor I
Kenneth D. S.
Boston Univer
Evaluation an
In Pliny's Hlst
Jacob Isager,
Odense Unive
Inventing the
The DefinitiOJ
in Victorian C
Mary Beard,
University of C
Cold War //fur
Classical Pas
on the Athenl
Elizabeth Mar
Columbia Uni
(jJ;: Th50
Studio Art t
Design. De:
for tho 2 ''i sl
Sutton Parlor S
CHAIR: Cynthia l
College of Ne
York City Tecl
The Role of II
Arts in Deslg1
Parsons Schc
and School o·
Design as Cultural Artifact:
Teaching Design History
Ellen Lupton, Maryland
lnslitute, College of Art
"Still Liles In a Bottle":
Zoological Cabinets in
Early Modern Holland
Julie V. Hansen, Durham, N.C.
Seizing the Digital Future:
Shaking the Foundations of
Design Education
Candice Wolff Sanders,
University of Rochester
Wondrous Science in Claude
Perrault's "Memoires pour
servir l'hlstoire naturel/e
des animaux"
Masumi lriye, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Virtual Drama and
the Cyber School
Rebekah Higgins, Moore
College of Art and Design
Pentagram Design
CHAIR: Joy Kenseth,
Dartmouth College
According to Maps:
Art, Collecting, and
Scientific Culture
Francesca Fiorani,
University of Virginia
Hand-Stones: Specimens
of Art or Artefacts of Nature
Catherine Levesque, The
College of William and Mary
The Science of Wonder:
The Musaeum Kircherianum
in Rome
Angela Mayer-Deutsch,
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
University, Frankfurt/Main
Tho Pantheon
tl:eccption in tl
Antiqu0 World
Gramercy A, secon1
CHAIR: Tad Marder,
International Center
for Medieval Art
'tho tato Modioval Ar·Hst
in ·rheo1·y and
Sutton Parlor Center, second floor
East Ballroom, third floor
Arts, New York Ur
Rutgers Universit
The ~nd of Wonder·? Yhe
f:loginning of §c:ienco?
Alexander, InstilL
CHAIRS: Sherry C. M. Lindquist,
Saint Louis University; Stephen
Perkinson, University of Denver
Artistic Politics in the 14th
Century: The Princely and
Papal Courts of Naples
Cathleen Fleck, Georgia
College and State University
The Practice of Italian Stained
Glass: Santa Croce in the
Early 14th Century
Nancy Thompson,
College of William and Mary
The Artist as Storyteller:
The Case of the Chatelaine
de Vergi Casket in the Louvre
Paula Mae Shoppe, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In Search of the Jewish
Artist in Late Medieval
Christian Spain
Michael Batterman,
Northwestern University
The Pantheon as
Medieval Churc~
Sible de Blaauw,
Dutch Institute in
The Asses' Ears (
Deconstruction c
Kathleen Schrad<
University of Virgi
Giovanni Paolo P
of the Pantheon: J
Document of 18t
English and ltalia
Kerin Murtagh, c,
Reserve Universit
Rationalism and 1
of the Unseen: 01
Due's Recontruc
Dome of the Rom
Rejean Legault, C
Centre for Archile
Canadien d'Archil
Secularizing the J
the Service of Pol
Robin B. Williams,
Savannah Co/leg<
f'.i.'l Th54
Art History :JI'ld
iiintOi'lf of Scoi
Trianon Ballroom, th
Thursday evening
CHAIRS: Douglas Nickel, San
Francisco Museum of Modern
Art; Leah Dickerman, Stanford
Riegl and the Visual
Disclosure of the Past
Erika Naginski,
Harvard Society of Fellows
Embodied Vision: Empathy
Theory and the Modernist
Juliet Koss, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Purifying Vision:
French Purist Esthetics and
the Limits of a German Model
of Collective Perception
Nina Rosenblatt,
New York University
The Casual Theory
of Perception and the
Optical Unconscious
Malcolm Turvey, October
Rauschenberg's Screens
Branden W. Joseph,
Harvard University
Yho Art of Ma~dnu
f"m11ilion: Pm:Jor,
Patt'fHH'tgo, and
in nenaiHH:OH'iGG Homo
Petit Trianon, third floor
CHAIRS: Marjorie Och,
Mary Washington College;
Ria O'Foghludha, Whittier
Household Gods and
Venerable Houses: The
Colonna Family and the
Archaeology of Nobility
in Renaissance Rome
Brian A. Curran,
Pennsylvania Stale University
Building on Nero's Tomb:
Sixtus IV della Rovere, Santa
Maria del Popolo, and the
Creation of a Family Pantheon
Anne Dunlop,
Concordia University
Peruzzi's Sa/a delle
Prospellive: Staging the
Banker's Dynasty in
Renaissance Rome
Stefanie Solum, University
of California, Berkeley
Orsini Patronage and the
Construction of a Public
Image at Monte Giordano
Kristin A. Triff,
Brown University
What's !:he Artist'n
(Critic's, Bi~;torian'n,
Curator's, Dealor'r;) ,Job
in Hw Q·1st CenlW'J,(?
Wesl Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR: Mel Pekarsky,
State University of New York
at Stony Brook
From a Gallery Perspective
George Adams,
George Adams Gallery
Running Free in the 21st
Century: Art/Futurist Fantasies
Leon Golub, New York
Kim Levin, Village Voice
lntervisuality: The Practice
of Visual Culture in the
Era of Global Capital
Nicholas Mirzoeff,
Slate University of New York
at Stony Brook
World on a Stri1
Dan Cameron,
of Contempora
University of Rc
Landscape a
in Historical
Rendnvous Trial
CHAIR: Greg M. Tt
The University<
Natural Laws: ~
River School a,
Preservation o
Patricia Likes R
Elizabethtown I
Vignettes of Ar
Parks, Distant ,
Thomas Patin,<
Mother Deares
Pastoral Longi1
Interpretation c
Suzaan BoettgE
City College of
Preserving the
The Fountainbr
and the Schoo
Veronique Cha1
Graduate Cenh
City University<
The Mundane I
In Search of th'
"Ecological" 0
Monumental L•
Heping Liu,
Wellesley Colle
Frl morning
7:30-9:00 a.m.
CAA Committee on
Women In the Arts
Annual Recognition
Awards Rreakfast
West Ballroom. third floor
Ferris Olin, Chair, CAA
Committee on Women in the
Fri morning
9:30 a.m.-no'
Association of Historians
of 1gth·Century Art
Gibson Room, second floor
Matorial into PJ
Regent Parlor, seco
CAA Board of Directors
§P~AKOUT! Whal Oo Ar!
~iistodant> Want frorn the
(;A.A., Anyvwy?
&HAIR: Suzanne An~
School of Visual I
The Church of Dl
Lynn A. Petrullo,
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
College of New R'
CAA Museum Committee
Neither Here Nor
Non-Living DNA
Arts, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey
Frances Yeatts WI
Midtown Suite, fourth floor
School oflhe Art I
Commitlee Members Only
of Chicago
Rando, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey
PRESEHHR: Judith A. Barter,
CAA Student Committee
~usiness Fih;-0ting
Field·McCormick Curator
Hilton Board Room, fourth floor
of American Arts at the
Committee Members Only
Rhetorical Origin
of the Genetic Cc
Richard Doyle,
Pennsylvania Stat
DNA, Art, and the
Art Institute of Chicago
Robert Shapiro,
1wtwnr.r: Norman Broude,
The American University
PRESfNJER: Yael Even,
University of Missouri-St.
Community College
Professors of Art
and Art History
Business lVteetinn
Gramercy 8 1 second floor
Mary D. Garrard,
Joanna Frueh,
University of Nevada, Reno
Kristine Stiles,
Duke University
110uunEE: Carolee Schneeman
Art Histon1 Ope
Session: !Egypt
Uw Ancient Wo
Gibson Room, secon
The American University
New York Universi
Italian Art Society
Busines~J 1'/h:oting
New York Suite, fourth floor
CHAIR: Jane 8, Carte
Tulane University
Egyptian Imports
Minoan Textiles
Brendan Burke, U
of California, Los J.
Friday morning
I Am a Lion, I Am Virile: Royal
Identity and the Collecting of
Exotic Animals in Neo-Assyrian
Texts and Images
Allison Karmel Thomason,
Southern Illinois University,
Greek Statuettes In Egyptian
Dress in the Archaic Period
Carol A. Benson,
The Walters Art Gallery
Augustus and the
Obelisks of Egypt
Paul Rehak, Duke University
Divergent Views: J. B. Greene
and Leavitt Hunt and Early
Photography of the Near East
William F. Stapp,
Washington, D.C.
Tho hi'l)Jnct of tho Artistic
lmaoination o1 Science and
TcH~hnology f)urillfJ
Hw SccoruJ l'ialf of Uw
20th Gonhuy
SuHon Parlor South, second floor
Anne F. Collins, University
of Virginia; Cynthia Pannucci, Art
and Science Collaborations,
Inc., Staten Island
Performing a Marriage
of Science and Art
Aviva Rahmani,
Vinalhaven, Me.
Merging the Performing Arts
with the Science of Speech
Michael Edward Edgerton;
Stephen M. Tasko,
University of Wisconsin
Open Bossiom
f4l<:c,di0va! Arl:
Sulton Parlor Center, second floor
CHAIR: Michael W. Cothren,
Swarthmore College
A Moses Capital at Jaca
David L. Simon, Colby College
Seeing Is Believing: Directing
the Gaze in the Book of Kells
Heather Pulliam,
University of St. Andrews
Disparate Piers In NOtre-Dame
de Donnemarie: An Irregularity
Embraced or Necessary Evil?
Evelyn Staudinger Lane,
Wheaton College
Cathedral and Cloister,
Imagery and Audiences:
The Case of Chartres
Laura H. Hollengreen, University
of Arizona
Refounding the Holy City:
The Labyrinth Pavement
at Chartres
Daniel K. Connolly,
Western Michigan University
r.::l FS
Art as Research
Stephen Wilson,
San Francisco State University
In Surgical Sleep
Louise K. Wilson,
Devon, United Kingdom
Beekman Parlor, se«:ond floor
Photof1raphs FH» Art,
&HAIRs: Patricia Johnston, Salem
State College; Joanne Lukitsh,
Becoming Pho
Towards a Vern
Geoffrey Batch'
University of Ne
Paris 1871: Th<
Photography, ~
Jeannene M. P1
San Francisco
Telling Historie
the Triangle Sh
Company Fire
Ellen WileyTod,
George Mason
Revisiting Arc/
De/ending the
Photomurals lr
Pavilion, Paris
Jordana MendE
of Illinois at Urb
Art and /ndustr
Notes on the B
Blake Stimson,
University of Cc:
The Look of In/
Martha Buskirk
Monserrat Co Ill
r.::l F6
the Past in
Gramercy A,
Claudia La
Cornell Univers
Old Masters, N
Exhibitions of J
Abroad under 1
Emily Braun, H1
CUNY Gradual
Let's Go Italy: A Tour of
the Restored Middle Ages
D. Medina Lasansky,
Agents, 0/sembod/ment, and
Posthuman Transgressions
In Simulated Worlds
Cornell University
Lynn Hershman, San Francisco
Shaping the Fascist
"New Man": Donatello's
St. George and Mussolinl's
Appropriated Renaissance
of the Italian Nation
Marina Grzinic Mauhler,
Institute of Philosophy ZRC
CHAIR: Keith Moxey,
SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia
College, Columbii
Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky,
Music Art, New York
University of Dayton
or, How George I<
Stole the Time In
Pamela Lee, Stan I
The Return of the Repressed:
Tradition as Myth in
Futurist Fascism
AldiCiYilf of AnatotHJ!:
Art, Scionco, <H~(l tlw
Dir;soetnd tlody
Pragmatism Aest1
Empirical Search
Christine Poggi,
Nassau Suite, second floor
David Raskin,
University of Pennsylvania
Mussollni as Pilot: Fascist
Aeronautical Symbolism
and Imperial Rome
Gerald Silk, Tyler School
of Art, Temple University
Social Simul:ltion in
the Digital t)omain
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
CKA.IRS: Barbara London,
The Museum of Modern Art;
Kathy Rae Huffman, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute
Whoa/ Frankensteins
of (VIrtual) Reality
Steve Dietz, Shorewood, Minn.
The Avant-Garde as Software
Lev Manovich, University
of California, San Diego
Sayonara Diorama
Adrianne Wortzel, New York
r:::l F9
Art WrHinu (If tl
·H}UOs aud '60:
East Ballroom, third
University of Akro1
lyle Massey,
Northwestern University
Forgetting Marcu.
Claudia Mesch,
Caravaggio's Coroner:
Medicine and Art Criticism
In Selcento Italy
Cleveland State U1
Todd P. Olson, University
Lukacs, GreenbeJ
and Ideology
of Southern California
Tom Huhn, Weslev
Ostensible Bodies: Anatomy
and Its RepresentaUons at
Leiden University ca. 1600
Clement Green be
Claudia Swan,
Northwestern University
Anatomy, Cartography,
and the New World Body
Mark Cheetham,
University of Wesle
r:::l FlO
New rler:HHlrch i
Valerie Traub,
University of Michigan
Doctored Images:
Physiognomy, Phrenology,
and Non-Invasive Dissections
of the Mind
LisaJ. Nicoletti, University
of Wisconsin, Madison
Meat, Anatomy, and
Selfhood: The Still Lites
of Raphaelle Peale
Alexander Nemerov,
Stanford University
Mercury Ballroom, tl1
CHAIR: John T. Paolel
Wesleyan Universil
The Material Rena
Shopping and the
of Consumption ir
Evelyn Welch,
University of Susse
Friday morning
The Widow as Ma(r)ker
of Memory In 16th-Century
Italian Portraiture
Allison Levy, Bryn Mawr College
The Santa Trinita Magdalene by
Desiderio da Settignano and
Giovanni d'Andrea
Louis Alexander Waldman,
University of Texas, Austin
Michelangelo's Florentine
Pieta: A Digital Study
Jack Wasserman,
Temple University, emeritus
Renaissance Atrocity: A
Decorous Reception
Robert W. Gaston,
Latrobe University
New J)irections in the
Study of Devotional Art
in f'Jorthorn Europe,
1 :JOO -·1 !10()
Rendezvous Trianon, third floor
Andrea J. Pearson,
Bloomsburg University of
Pennsylvania; Bret Rothstein,
Rhode Island College
Virtutis tacitae ut lumina non
videart? Love, Judgement,
and the Trope of Vision In
Benedict us Arias Montanus's
Divinarum nuptiarum conventa
et acta and Christ Jesu
vitae admirabiliumque
actionum speculum
Walter Melion,
Johns Hopkins University
The Invention of a Performative
Image: Representations
of Purgatory on the Eve
of the Reformation
Christine Goettler,
University of Washington
Octagonal Ha,
Ceilings: Arch
Renascence i.
Nancy S. Steir
University of P1
16th-Century Gothic and
Problems of Authority
Ethan Matt Kavaler,
University of Toronto
"The Heaven/)
How a Gilt frOJ
to be Portraye
Horse at the ~
Lauren Arnold,
Ricci Institute I
Western Cultut
Looking Elsewhere: Early
Netherlandish Painting and the
Altarpieces of Lluis Da/mau
Henry Luttikhuizen,
Calvin College
Corporeality and Correctness:
Frans Floris's Celestial Seige
Anne Woollett,
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Jacques Daret's
Presentation in the Temple:
From Theological Debate to the
Churching of Women
Penny Howell Jolly,
Skidmore College
r.::l F12
Art <1;; !"-iistonn
.At'Gh::tif:im and ncnnscence
in Chineso Art
Pellt Trianon, third floor
Negotiating T•
Vessels of the
Susan N. Eric~
of Michigan, D
Not Our Fa the
Dong Qichan!
Katherine P. B,
University of C
r.::l F13
Outsiders L1
Art Historio!
Sutton Parlor Nc
CHAIR: Gary Sch,
Godart. Maars
Robert Poor, University
of Minnesota, Twin Cilies
Catharism am
David Carrier,
Carnegie Melli
Archaism and Renascence
In Chinese Art
Robert Poor, University
of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Who Gets toE
Rembrandt C•
Catherine Sea
Western Reset
A Poet Writing
Otto Julius Bil
on Franz von~
Michael Fuhr,
Gutenberg Un
"Chronology: Five Decades
of Contemporary Art,
1916-1968"(1972): When
Artists Beat Historians
Reiko Tomii, independent
Fri afternoon
12o30-2o00 p.m.
"Visual Literacy
the Politics of Sl
American Art
Kirsten Swinth,
Fordham Univen
scholar, New York
The Man with the Blue
Guitar: The Discrete ArtHistorical Subversions
of the Electronic Media
Peter Walsh,
Davis Museum and Cultural
Center, Wellesley College
oo;: F14
Studio Art Open Session:
Painting. Repositioning
American Council for
Southern Asian Art
Business Meeting
New York Suite, fourth floor
Then What?
Association fo
American Art
Business Moe1
Rendezvous Trianon, third floor
Green Room, fourtl
CHAIR: Helen Shannon,
Trianon Ballroom
Sarah Lawrence College
CHAIR: Joan Semmel,
Bailey Doogan,
University of Arizona
Julie Heffernan, New York
Attila Richard Lukacs, New York
Washington Univ
U Not Teaching,
the Nude
Rutgers University
International Pe,
Maren Stange, C
President, Curator, Inc.; Nancy
Harrison, Senior Vice President,
Director of 19th-Century
Paintings, Sotheby's; Suzanne
Lemakis, Curator, Vice
President, Citigroup; Julie Saul,
President, Julie Saul Gallery;
CAA Board of I
§Pii:AKOIJ'I'! c;,
Strategic Plan
Murrav Hill Suite, s
rJ.I;] (::J F 17
Foundations ir
Theory and Ed
·r,·ansfer Issue
Hanneline R0geberg,
Rutgers University
Kimberly Camp, Executive
Director, The Barnes
Foundation; Kathy Walsh-Piper,
Joan Semmel,
Rutgers University
Associate Director for Public
Programs, Dallas Museum of Art
CHAIR! Barbara Nes
~ F16
Association of Historians
of American Art
'rho Commodity PoiHic:s of
Academic Exchanne:
Arnerican A1·t tiistory,
A.rrHH'ican Studies, and
Visual Culture
Gramercy A, second floor
CHAIR: Shirley Teresa Wajda,
Kent State University
r.oundations A
Beekman Parlor, se
Range Communi!
Linda D. F
Dana Fritz, Univer
Nebraska, Lincolr
Savannah Colleg1
Design; Reigh Wo
County Communi
Friday afternoon
ri.'§ F18
Italian Art Society
Continuity and Chango
in Italian Art
Gramercy B1 second floor
CHAIR: David G. Wilkins,
Univetsity of Pittsburgh
independent scholar;
Ivan Esteban Castaneda,
Kunsthistorisches lnstilut,
Florence; Fred Licht, Peggy
Guggenheim Collection, Venice
DISCUSSANt Bernadine Barnes,
Wake Forest University
~ ji (;;! F19
CAA Museum Task Force
Roundtable Discussions
ji F20
National Endowment
for the Humanities
·raking New
Art History Public
CAA Cultural
Business Me{
Sulton Parlor South, second floor
CommiHee Member
Sarah Ridley, Senior
Program Officer, National
Endowment for the Humanities
Patricia McDonnell,
Frederick R. Weisman Art
Museum, University of
Minnesota; Danielle Rice,
Philadelphia Museum of Art;
James Christian Steward,
University of Michigan Museum
of Arl; William H. Truettner,
National Museum of American
Art, Smithsonian Institution
Midtown Room, fourth floor
CHAIR: Christine
Kondo leon,
Worcester Museum of Art
This year's topics include:
Curatorial Departments: How
Do We Divide the Spoils,
Cultural Policy: A Closer Look
at the Pew Charitable Trust
Initiative, The Museum and
Controversy: Constructive
Strategies from Within and
Society of Historians
of East European
and Russian Art
and Architecture
Business Meeting
Hudson Suite, fourth floor
ri.'§ F21
Women's Caucus for Art
Creative Relationships:
Tea<~ hers and Students
Constructing Women's
Place in liistory
Sulton Parlor North, second floor
Cynthia Millis,
Houston Community College
Rikki Asher, Queens College,
City University of New York
M.G. Martin, Westover
Preparatory School for Girls
Hilton Board Roor
CAA Educall<
Special Sassi
Regent Parlor, se1
CHAIRS; Kathleen [
Central Missour
Edward Forde, 1
University, Los I
Presentations b
be followed by'
responses and t
Frl afternoon
2:30-5:00 p.m.
Studio Art Open Session;
Befh:ctions on tho
CAA Committee on Women
In the Arts
Lcarnir'lg in Mind and rlody:
Influential ·roachora
A Subtle Balance
Student n.elationships
Is Math/Art Lang,
a New Visual Hyt
West Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR: Maria-Elena Buszek,
Past/Intimations of the
University of Kansas; Johanna B.
Futuro: Printmakinu
Burton, New York University
at tho IViillennium
Trianon Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR: Judith K. Brodsky,
Rutgers University
The Matrix and Serial
Monoprinting: Marking
Time, Space, and Change
Robert Glasgow,
University of Iowa
Multiples and the Museum
Beauvais Lyons, University
of Tennessee, Knoxville
Los Angeles-Sarajevo Under
Seige: Olympics, Politics, and
Print Production at the End ot
the Millennium
Victoria and Albert Museum
Ocular Prosthetic
Visuality and lnte
Brian Goldfarb, U
Rochester; Usa C
University of Nevada, Reno
Out of Academia's Closet:
Emotion and Intellect
as Knowledge
The Aged at 200,
Harriet Casdin-Sil
Flavia Rando and Stacy Frymier,
Brookline, Mass.
Purdue University
Does This Head Go
with This Body?
Carolee Schneemann,
New York
The Snake-Haired Boy
Meets the Black Tarantula
Jillian St. Jacques, independent
artist/scholar, Rochester
New York
Studio Art Ope
Sessiom Textil1
Textiles: Real,
Metanhoric & V
in tho 2 ·1st Con
Sulton Parlor North,
CHAIRS: Virginia Davi
Notions of the Nortn:
independent artis
Modeling <Uld Remodeling
Berkeley; Ana Lisf
the Self
La Honda, Ca.
Sutton Parlor South, second floor
Rosemary Miles,
David Kremers, C
Institute of Techn,
The Amorous Stepmother
Willie Cole, New Jersey
The Black Diaspora and
the Changing Patterns in the
Victoria and Albert Col/ecUon.
Laura Fergusen, I
Joanna Frueh,
Endi Poskovic, Whittier College
How and Why the Printmaking
Esthetic Influences an
Artist in Our Time
The Spiritual as I
Dui Seid, New Yo
CHAIRS: Joyce Cutler-Shaw,
University of California, San
Diego; Bettyann Holtzmann
Computational M
Maggie Orth, Mas
Institute of Technc
Kevles, Art Center College
of Design
Technology and I
Discontents: Wor
with My Digits
Genetic Self-Portrait
Lynn Cazabon,
Gary Schneider, New York
Bucknell Universil
Friday afternoon
Images in the Air:
A Technology for
Urban Installations
Ronit Eisenbach,
University of Detroit, Mercy
School of Architecture
Textile in/of/through
the Virtual
Christopher Burnett,
Kansas City Art Institute
The Sensual/mage:
Weaving in the Digital Age
Lia Cook, California College
of Arts and Crafts
The Riverfront of Florence and
Its Streets and Buildings
Brenda Preyer, University of
Texas, Austin; Caroline Elam,
The Burlington Magazine
We're Building the Most
Beautiful City in the World/
Annie Gerin, Leeds University
JackS. Blantor
University of Te
Nassau Suite, second floor
The Lantern of Our Art:
Notes on the Invention
of the Sistine lgnudi
William Hood, Oberlin College
Pia tea Vetis, Pia tea Nova: The
Construction of Public Space
in Parma's Piazza del Duomo
and Piazza Comunale in the
13th Century
Areli Marina,
New York University
Cultural Encounters and
Urban Vision
Qigdem Kafescioglu,
Bo9azici University, Istanbul
CHAIRS: Shifra M.
t.onrninH from Uw Body:
The City as Artistic Form
Among the Columns:
Producing an Experimental
Understanding of the
Roman City
James F. D. Frakes,
Columbia University
Regent Parlor1 st
Lifo tlrnvJinn <H" ld<Ht and
Object, 150()--·t 950
CHAIR: Carter E. Foster,
University in Florence
University of C<
Angeles; Mari (
Cleveland Museum of Art
CHAIRS: Barbara Deimling and
Alick McLean, Syracuse
Art: New Visi
Latin American
Rendezvous Trlanon 1 third floor
T!1o ~Hstorio
lVlodcrn ~_.ath
Expressive Bodies: Duchenne
de Boulogne's Photographs
and the French Academy
Ali sa Luxenberg,
University of Georgia
Women and Life Drawing
at the Academle Julian:
An Obstacle Overcome
Jane R. Becker, independent
scholar, New York
Charles Darwin, William
Rimmer, and Frederic Church:
A Case Study in the Practice
of Life Drawing in the
United States
Elliot Bostwick Davis,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Nude as Ordinary Truth:
Henry Tonks and the
Slade Tradition
David Cast, Bryn Mawr College
Art History as<:
Critical Proce~
Mapping Cant
Argentinean A
Andrea Giunta,
Universidad de
Necessary Dis
Commentary c
Artistic Practic
Social Respon
Mario Ontivero:
of California, L(
Beyond /den tit
Critical Issues
in Latin Ameri<
Mari Carmen R.
Luis Camnitzer.
State Universil)
Old Westbury
a t-li
Gorpso: Hew
Cnntury Roli·
Sutton Parlor Ce1
&HAIR: Cordula A.
German Histori
Washington, D.
Art/History: Competing
Narratives of Secularization
and Re-Chrlstianization
Cordula A. Grewe
The Resurrection of Religious
Art: Death, Art Criticism, and
the Salon of 1819
Brian Grosskurth,
York University, Toronto
Eugene De/a croix,
Religious Paintings:
Revealed, Revived, Revised
Joyce C. Polistena,
Pratt Institute
Writing Religion Out:
On the Secular Revision
of the Pre-Raphaelites
Alicia Craig Faxon,
Simmons College
The "Crise Catho/ique":
Avant-Garde Painting
and Catholicism in
Fin-de-SiBc/e France
Maria E. DiPasquale,
Universily of Texas at Austin
Reconceiving the Museum:
The Societe Anonyme as the
Model tor the New Museum
John Angeline,
The Museum of Modern Art
Beyond Recover
Art, Homosexual.
Historical Past
Richard Meyer, U
of Southern Calif(
The Language of Things:
Stewart Culin Collects tor
the Brooklyn Museum of Art
Deidre E. Lawrence,
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Reading and Wril
"The Philosophic
Lisa Fierman,
Ohio State Univer
The Museum That Never Was:
American Institute Fairs
and the Grand Palace of
Art and Industry
Ethan Robey,
Columbia University
Wealth Judiciously Expended:
Robert Leighton Stuart as
Collector and Patron
Paul Sternberger,
Rutgers University
!'jJ F32
WteadinfJ and Writing
~lit> tory
East Ballroom, third floor
li F31
CHAIR: Michael Ann Holly, Sterling
The Orioinn of PubliG
and Francine Clark Art Institute
C:ollec:tions in the
Grontor t4ow Vork A.1·on
Gramercy A, second floor
CHAIR; Barry R. Harwood,
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Building the "Cloisters" in
New York City: Patron John
D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the
Curator James Rorimer
Kyung-hee Choi, Institute of Fine
Arts, New York University
Why Warburg N01
Michael Roth,
Getty Research In
C:entrnl Asian E
Expandinu a Pih
Petit Trianon, third f
CHAIR: Angela
F. Hm
Rutgers University
China and Centra
the 3rd to 6th Cer
James C. Y. Watt,
The Metropolitan I
A Central Asian Tr
Cultural Identity ir
Diana P. Rowen, ir
scholar, New York
Focillon's Bergsonian
Rhetoric and the Possibility
of Deconstruction
Andrei Molotiu, independent
scholar, Rochester
Tejapzabja: An Uy
Painting Reexami.
Lilla Russell-Smith
University of Land<
Writing/Picturing Art History:
Visual Difference from
Wincke/man to Warburg
Ulrich Keller, University of
California, Santa Barbara
The Art of Westen
and Its Chinese G
Asian Connection
Deborah Klimburg·
lnstitut fUr Kunstge
Universitat Wien
DISCUSSANT: lothar le<
Universitat Heidelb
Friday afternoon
13 F34
Art Advances Science
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
Michigan State University
Presentation of Art Work
with Hydroponics
Michele Brody, New York
Ellen Levy, Cooper Union
Nature's Geometry:
Claude Bragdon and
Buckminster Fuller
Jonathan Massey, New York
Hyperspace, Hyperseeing,
Nat Friedl!lan, State University of
New York, Albany
Inventing "Indian" Art:
New Deaf Indian Polley
and the Native Artist as
"Natural" Resource
Jennifer Mclerran,
Ohio University
fnd/anness and Modernity:
Yelle Kimball In New York
and Oklahoma, 1945-1950
Bill Anthes,
University of Minnesota
The Body In Place: Concepts of
Space, Land, and Identity in
Recent Native American Art
Lisa A. Roberts,
University of Illinois
Primordial Perspective
Charlotte Townsend-Gaul!,
University of British Columbia
Sienese PalnU
and 15th Cent,
Participation v.
Benjamin Davie
Progress, /den
Architecture a,
of Historicizin!
Alina Payne,
University of Tc
In the Name of
Nicholas Newn
University of Rc
Early Fllodet'
as Art Criti<;i
ca. 1500-HI
Gramercy B, sec
Mariet W1
Florida State University
Rutgers Univer
H. Perry Chapr
University of Dl
DcscdimeTtting Time:
Nature and Arl
Critical Topoi j
Mark A. Meade
of California, S
Vicki Goldberg,
New York Times
Open Session:
American Art
Gibson Room, second floor
W. Jackson Rushing Ill,
University of Missouri,
Saint Louis
Hopi Art/Consumer Art
Zena Pearlstone, California
State University, Fullerton
The Trade In Navajo Textiles
and Culture at the Hubbell
Trading Post
Carolyn Kastner,
Stanford University
Tov.nud a Cl'itical
Oiachronics of Arl: History
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
Marvin Trachtenberg,
Institute of Fine Arts, New York
Desedimenting Time? Pros and
Cons of Stratigraphic Models in
Art History
Robert Bark, University of Iowa
On Medieval Chinese Art
and Other Hybrid Monsters
Jonathan Hay, Institute of Fine
Arts, New York University
Vasari's Victirr
of Francesco I
Robert G. La F
of Fine Arts, NE
Finding Fauna
Fathers in Flar
Larry Silver,
University of Pl
University ofT<
Studio Art Open Senoion:
5:30-8:00 p.
Photography. Visualizinn
f.i.'l (! F39
the Body
MethodolorJies of
Beekman Parlor, second floor
CHAIR: Deborah Willis,
Smithsonian Institution
Akin & Ludwig: The Women
Series, 1992-1994What about Women?
Dana Self, Kemper Museum
of Contemporary Art
The Odalisque Suite
Martin Gantman, Los Angeles
Casual Encounters with
Strangers: Relational
Aesthetics, Photographing the
Body of the Other, and Using
a Camera to Pick Up Men
Cinthea Fiss,
University of Denver
The Site of Transformation:
From Female to Male
Clarissa Sligh,
Washington, D.C.
and Zofia Burr, Washington, D.C.
Comrnunictltinn Afl'ican
Systcnts of Thought and
(! F40
Belief through Artifacts
Art History Op
CHAIR: Ailsa LaGamma,
Greek and Ro1
The Metropolitan Museum ol Art
Petit Trianon, third
Ultimate Mambo
Robert Farris Thompson,
Yale University
CHAIR: Carla M. Ant
Mary Nooter Roberts,
Fowler Museum, University
of California, Los Angeles
From Fragment to
the Original Art Form
Frederick Lamp,
Balli more Museum of Art
Wesleyan Univer!
Building (on) th€
The Arch of Sepl
and Conceptual
Penelope Davies
University of Texf
Ajax, Achilles, ar
On the Creation ,
Greek Visual Nat
Guy Hedreen, Wi
Mary Jo Arnoldi, National
Museum of Anthropology,
Smithsonian Institution
Suzanne Slier,
Harvard University
Monica Bock, Willington, Conn.
Fri evening
Uris Auditorium
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Ave. at 81st St.
Enter at street level, at the 81st St.
entrance. Conference badge or single
time-slot ticket is required lor admittance.
Attic Vase Palntfl
the Athenian Co1
Perception of Va1
Kathleen Lynch,
American School
Studies in Athens
The Minoan "Sm
A New lnterpreta
Costume and Ide
Bernice R. Jones
Queens College,
University of New
Bangles, Bauble:
The Trier Ceiling
in Context
Marice Rose, Ne~;
Friday evening
l'he Mediterrat'iCHm
as Place and Vision
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
&HAIR: Nina Athanassoglou-
Kallmyer, University of Delaware
A Mediterranean of the Mind:
Action Fran<;alse, Classicism,
and the Dilemmas of
Traditionalism in France
Neil McWilliam,
University of Warwick
Recentering the Axis:
Configuring the Mediterranean
in French Modern Architecture
of Marseilles and Algiers,
Sheila Crane,
Northwestern University
Fantasy lsland(s):
Dance, Sculpture, and
the Classical Body in Early
20th-Century France
Sarah Kennel, University
of California, Berkeley
Mediterranean Mythology
and French Nationalism in
the Art of Pablo Picasso
Victoria Beck-Newman, State
University of New York, Buffalo
The Creation of a
Mediterranean Identity
in the Architecture of Tourism
In the Italian Colonies in
North Africa in the 1930s
Brian Mclaren, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
r.i!3 F42
r.i!3 F43
Women's Caucus for Art
Inventing A PJow Visual
and SitcHlpec:ific
of Art Critics.
They Were 'f~
Critics and A
Euvironmental Art
at the End of
for the 21st Century
Wesl Ballroom, U1
Regent Parlor, second floor
CHAIRS: E. Margaret Gurley-Clay,
Northeastern University; Betsy
Damon, Chendu and Beijing,
China, and St. Paul, Minn.
Water Talks:
Our Bodies-Our Selves
Betsy Damon
The Intersection of Ecology,
Municipal Parks, and Public Art
Galen Cranz, University of
California, Berkeley
Practicing Nature:
Licking Our Tails
Jackie Brookner, New York
Leila lslkantar, Community
Institute for Development, Cairo
Integrating Water Management
and Recreation
Sara Kontoff Baker,
The Art Institute of Boston
al Lesley College and
Northeastern University
DISCUSSANTS: Yin Xiuzhen, Beijing;
Rebecca Bellmore, Toronto,
CHAIRS: Monroe 0
of Visual Arts; A
Peter Schjeldat
The New Yorke1
Through the Lc
Modernism fro.
European Pers,
Marek Bartolek
Cooper Union, I
Roberta Berns!·
University of Ne
Cai Guo-Qiang,
Roberta Smith,
New York Time'
CAA Student
~ntedng the
Tips for Visu;:
History, and
Nassau Suite, sec
CHAIR: Michele Gr
Fine Arts, New'
Michael Aurbac
Vanderbilt Univ1
Melissa Kepke 1
MKG Art Mana(
En a Heller, The
American Bible
Matthew Lawrence, George
Ross Elementary School
Diana Mille, Fairfield University
00:: F45
Studio Art Open Ses~oion.
Public Art: When Is It Art?
SuHon Parlor Soulh, second floor
CHAIR: Jim Hirshfield, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
An Intimate Act: Swimming
the River as Public Art
Billy X. Curmano
Public Art and the
Space of Imagination
Patricia Phillips, State University
of New York, New Paltz
Public Art:
Time·Based Approaches
Terri Cohn, independent artist/
writer/curator, San Francisco
Recent Public Art Projects
Carl Pope, independent artist,
Chapel Hill
r.iJ F46
Marxism and Art
History 'foday
Reconsidering International Art Lucas d'Heere's ·
Movements: Conceptual Art
de tousles peuple
and Cultural Imperialism,
A Geographical
Michael Carris,
Tine L. Meganck,
Oxford Brookes University
Princeton Univers
Primitivism, Modernism,
and Communism
Stephen Eisenman,
Northwestern University
Art and Globalization
from Below
Barbara McCloskey,
University of Pittsburgh
Andrew Hemingway,
University College, London
r.iJ F47
Alternatives to the
Vasarian Tradition
Beekman Parlor, second floor
&HAIRS: Elizabeth Pilliod, Oregon
State University; Thomas
DaCosta Kaufmann, Princeton
University and Getty Research
Marx, Engels, and
Architectural History
Tom McDonough,
Binghamton University
Sacred Art Theory as
an Alternative to Vasari:
Gabriele Paleotti and
Giovanni Domenico Ottonelli
Pamela M. Jones, University
of Massachusetts, Boston
Paul Jaskot, DePaul
University; Barbara McCloskey,
University of Pittsburgh
Visual Culture <
American Relig
Sutton Parlor Center.
Marcantonio Michie/:
A Venetian Vasari?
Monika Schmitter, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst
Trianon Ballroom, lhlrd floor
Gem Connoisseu
and Early Art Histo
Pierre--Jean Marie
Traite des pierres!
Kristel Smentek,
University of Delav
National Gallery ol
&HAIRS: Sally M. Pron
of Maryland; David
Valparaiso Univers
The Holy and the I
The Gothic Reviva
Antebellum South
Amanda Badgett,
Columbia Universil
Reframlng the Pic.
of Old New Eng lao
Roger B. Stein,
University of Virgini
Religion and/as At
Isabella Stewart G
Palace Chapels
LindaJ. Docherty,
Bowdoin College
Religion as "Powej
Cultural Resistanc
Harlem Renaissan
Caroline Goeser,
University of Houst<
Friday evening
Witnessing the
Beloved Community:
Tim Rollins and K.O.S.
Erika Doss,
University of Colorado
Nature in ihe Microchip:
Art and Atiificiaf Uft)
SuHon Parlor North, second floor
CHAIR: Kenneth E. Rinaldo,
Ohio Slate University
Our Works Are Making Us
Randall Davis, New Rochelle
Art Is Nature
George Gessert, Eugene, Ore.
The Fine Art of Creating Life
Amy M. Youngs,
Art Institute of Chicago
Lies That Tell the Truth:
A Thousand Turing Tests
Paul Badger, Brown University
Writing as Art:
Kana Calligraphy as a
Visual Intermediary in
Japanese Painting
John T. Carpenter,
University of London
Enshrining th
The Relation
Byzantine Jm,
So-called Sta
Holger Klein,
and Universit~
The Thousand-and-One Words
of Classic Maya Artifacts
Dorie Reents-Budet,
Smithsonian Institution
The Santa Cr•
in Images of I
of Saint Greg
Melanie Com
University of l
Chinese Writing in
Chinese Contemporary Art
Patricia Karetzky, Bard College
The Meaning and Manipulation
of Stoichedon: From the
"Hekatompedon Inscription" at
Athens to the Honorary Decree
of Scipio Africa nus at Delos
Patricia A. Butz, University of
Southern California
MiHennia of Uw
WdUon Word <1nd lmaqe:
ltH!esHgation of the
lnterfat;o IJ:3tweon
Wi'iting and Art
Gibson Room, second floor
Denise SchmandtBesse rat, University of
Texas, Austin; Megan O'Neil,
Yale University
The Insular Decorated Letter:
An Anthropological Approach
William J. Diebold,
Reed College
The Expres
Saroque Ar
Rendezvous Trl
within hnaues
Gramercy B, second floor
DISCUSSANT: Carol Gigliotti,
Technical University of
British Columbia
A Veneto-ere
an Ethiopian
Marilyn Heldn
of Missouri, S
Nancy Patterson Sevcenko,
Rutgers University
Annemarie Weyl Carr,
Southern Methodist University
"Something Old, Something
New, Something Borrowed... ":
Venerable Images in the
Decorative Programs at Santa
Maria Antigua, Rome
Stephen J. Lucey,
Washington and Lee University
The Case of Anagni
Martina Bagnoli, Peabody
Conservatory of Music and
Johns Hopkins University
CHAIR: Joaneatt
Walters Art Gr
of the Emotio
Baroque Art:
Rubens, and
Joaneath Spic
Anger in the I
Jane Kromm,
New York, PUI
and Emotion
Dutch Narrat1
Stephanie S.
School of Art,
or, How to Oil
Benjamin Bin:
New York Uni,
Characterizing the Passions:
Michel Auguier's Challenge to
LeBrun's Theory of Expression
Julia K. Dabbs,
Hollins University
Emotional Display In
the Animal Subjects of
Jean-Baptiste Oudry
Masumi lriye, University of
Illinois, Urbana·Champaign
(!§ F53
Open Session: The
Archives of the
Garde (Archiving the
The Archive as Muse
Mary Ann Staniszewski,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
P<Jrt 1
Part 2 of this session will be held
Sat, 2:30-5:00 p.m.
Gramercy A, second floor
&HAIR: Martha Wilson, Franklin
Furnace Archive, Inc.
Overview of Archiving
the Non-Archival: Archivist,
Researcher, Librarian
Darlene Tong,
lfiil F54
Visual Display:
Science, Art, and Wonder
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
CHAIR: Carla Yanni,
Rutgers University
"Parts of the dress & c. of the
Natives of Columbia River, and
animals totally unknown":
Narratives of Nation in the
Display of Artifacts from the
Lewis and Clark Expedition,
Elizabeth Hutchinson,
University of New Mexico
Strange Impressions:
Anima/Images from Buffon's
"Histolre naturelle"
Elizabeth A. Liebman,
University of Chicago
San Francisco State University
(New Volumes from) the
Alternate Encyclopedia
The Evolution from
Document to Work of Art
Sue Johnson, Saint Mary's
College of Maryland
Catherine J. Morris, New York
The Jean Brown
Digitization Project:
Avant-Garde Surrogates
Museum of Memory:
Photography as Taxidermy
Jesseca Ferguson,
lynda Bunting,
The School of the Museum
of Fine Arts and the
The Getty Research Institute
Massachusetts College of Art
The Library as Activist:
Documenting Contemporary
Women Artists
The 19th-Century Photograph
Album as Encyclopedia:
The Albums of the
Brassey Museum
Ferris Olin,
Mabel Smith Douglass library,
Rutgers University
Nancy Micklewright,
University of Victoria
r1.'l (! F55
the Oecorativ
Minor t
to "Material C
CHAIR: Beth Halma
Bard Graduate C
Studies in the D<
Introduction: OJ.
Decorative Arts
Have a Renaissl
Beth Holman
Roman Images 1
Ann Kuttner
University of Pen
Under Wraps: By
as a Major and A
Molly Fulghum,
Harvard Universi
Objects and Oth
Material Culture
Cross-Cultural C
Laurier Turgeon,
Laval University
Pedagogy in Am
Decorative Arts,
Culture: Gende~
and Academia
Catherine Whale
Yale University
The Bard Graduate
Studies In the Decc
18 West 86th St.
A reception wHI follow
Conference badge or
ticket is required for a
Saturday morning
Sat morning
7o30-9o00 a.m.
CAA Annual Business
Meet the Candidates
for the 2000 Board
of Directors
Sat morning
9o30 a.m.-noon
Recent Research in Early
Medieval Architecture in
Clinton Room, second floor
C. Edson Armi,
University of California, Santa
Barbara; James Morganstern,
Ohio State University
f1.'l Sa2
Writing Tow2
Sulton Parlor Ce1
CHAIR: Jane Bloc I
University of Mi
Two Boys Mad
Carol Mavor, u,
North Carolina,
Happenings in
Gavin Butt, Uni·
Madison Room, second floor
Association for Textual
Scholarship In Art History
Business Meeting
Olbson Room, second floor
Catalogue Raisonne
Scholars Association
Business Meeting
Holland Suite, fourth floor
Saint Georges-DeBoscherville: From the
Gal/o-R oman Temple to
the Collegiate Church
(1st Century B.C.-12th
Century A.D.)
Jacques Le Maho,
CNRS Universite de Caen
The Early Church of the Former
Benedictine Abbey of Saints
Peter and Paul at Psalmodi
in Light of its Excavations
Whitney S. Stoddard,
Williams College and Brooks
Stoddard, University of Maine
Saint-Germain at Auxerre
and the Carolingian
Heritage in Burgundy
Christian Sapin,
CNRS Universite de Bourgogne
The Medieval Building:
An Archive of Stone
Nicolas ReVeyron,
UniversitS de Lyon~ll
Mathematical Principles
of Design In the French
Maris-Therese Zenner,
CNRS Universite de Poitiers
Not to Betray E
John Paul Rice•
Texas Tech Uni
Repetition, Rit
and Remains
Rebecca Schn
Cornell Univen:
University of Ca
Harold Rosel
West Ballroom, tl
CHAIRS: David Cat
of Kansas; Dan
Sheldon Memo
and Sculpture (
Revolution anc
Harold Rosent
Opposition of,
Glen R. Brown,
Kansas State U
Harold Rosent
Painting, and E
Robert Hobbs,
"Action Painting"
and American Poetics
Matthew Rohn,
St. Olaf College
The Wfistoriooraphy
of Pilrn as a Visual Art
Sulton Parlor North, second floor
Creative Misreadings:
The Allan Kaprow/Harold
Rosenberg Correspondence
Elaine O'Brien, California State
University, Sacramento
DISCUSSANT: Stephen C. Foster,
University of Iowa
CHAIR: Susan Felleman,
Southern Illinois University
"The Thumbprint of the
Nation": The Discourse of
National Style in the Late
Silent and Early Sound Periods
Ingrid Periz,
oo;: Sa4
University of Melbourne
Art ~iistory Open
Session: Oceanic Art
From History Painting
to History Film: Visual
Constructions of History
in Modern France
Gibson Room, second floor
CHAIR: George A. Corbin,
Lehman College and
The Graduate Center,
City University of New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
"Rector Marium"
Patriae": The Pori
Andrea Doria as I
Friedrich Polleros
of Vienna, Vienna
Edward Burne-Jo
of an Ancient Tah
University of Mas~
Paul Klee and the
Emblem of Aphro
Pamela Kart, Barn
Film as a Visual Art?
Historic/zing the 1960s
Liz Katz, Columbia University
Bryn Mawr Colleg,
Art Writes Film History:
Theory/Praxis and
Contemporary Women
Artists as Bricoleurs
Anne Ciecko,
University of Massachusetts
ri.'§ Sal
Historians of
The Changing F
of Netherlandis
Regent Parlor, secor
Samoan Tattoo:
Identity and History
Diverse Approaches to tho
San Diego Stale University
Visual Representation of
Greek: Gods and Heroes
Hawaiian Petroglyphs
Universitat Jena, I
Roberto Longhi and
the Development of
an Italian Art Film
Columbia University
Anne D'AIIeva,
University of Connecticut, Storrs
Gerlinde Huber-F
Liana De Girdami
James S. Cheney,
Tattoo as Crime
and Punishment in
19th-Century Tahiti
Renaissance an(
and Psyche: The I
Eric Kjellgren,
Deborah B. Waite,
University of Hawai'i, Manoa
Caroline Camp bE
Museum, Oxford
Kirsten Strom,
Grand Valley State University
Mingmarriya: The Life and
Art of Queenie McKenzie
Lt. Boyd Somerville in
the Solomon Islands
Mythology's Hist
Envisioning Jasc
in Early Renaisst.
Petit Trianon, third floor
as Historical Narratives
CHAIR: Luba Freedman, The
Jerome Feldman,
Hawaii Pacific University
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
&HAIR: Amy Golahny,
Lycoming College
Not Giorgione, Nc
but Drost: How a I
Pupil Became a 11
Venetian Artist
Jonathan Bikker,
Utrecht University
Saturday morning
"Purged of all Grosser
Substance": Rembrandt's
Jews 1800-1945?
Shelley Perlove, University
of Michigan, Dearborn
Eduard Ko/loff and the
Historiography of Rembrandt
and the Jews
Michael Zell,
Boston University
Reinventing the Biography,
Creating the Myth: The
Formation of Rembrandt's
Artistic Persona in 19thCentury France
Alison McQueen,
Mt. Allison University
rl§ s,a
Italian Art Society
Rome in the HHh Century:
Continuity ;'-lnd hmovation
Nassau Suite, second floor
CHAIRS: Christopher Johns,
Continuity and Innovation in
Settecento Roman Patronage:
The Zondadori Commission
for a Family History
In Ten Paintings
Melissa Bryan, Rochester
Institute of Technology
Battling the Sacred Heart
in Settecenlo Rome
Jon L. Seydl,
University of Pennsylvania
DISCUSSANT: Edgar Peters Bowron,
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
(;1 s,g
Strm;turaf Intuitions
in Art and Scienee
East Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR! Martin Kemp,
Oxford University
The Soft Earth
Joan Lederman,
Woods Hole, Mass.
University of Virginia;
Steven F. Ostrow, University
of California, Riverside
Form and Chaos
Athena Tacha, Oberlin College
and University of Maryland
Rome's Modern Art: Italian
Caricature in the 18th Century
Amelia Rauser,
Skidmore College
Art and Mathematics: Specifics
of Four Dimensional Space
Tony Robbin, New York
The Sociability of Virtue:
The Painting and Rhetoric
of British Virtue in Early
18th-Century Rome
Cinzia Sicca Bursiii-Hall,
Universitil degli Studi de Pis a
Papal Charity and
Enlightenment Ideals:
Art Instruction for Orphans
in Rome, 1752-1797
Laura Foster, Duke University
Observing, Part I
Susan Gamble, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Observing, Part II
Michael Wenyon,
Massachusetts Institute
r.&ew Vorl< Cit
Trianon Ballroom
CHAIR: Sarah Brae
New York UnivE
Clubs by Des/f
White's First P1
Houses in NetA
Mosette Brode
New York Unive
The 1897 New
Library Comp<
the Beaux-Arts
Ingrid Steffens•
Brookdale Con
The Corporate
The Metropoiil
Insurance Cor;
Home Office
Roberta M. Mo
Cornell Univen
Le Corbusier.:;
Mardges Baco
Northeastern L
Modernism an
York City: The.
Their Co-Ex/sf,
Isabelle Hymar
New York UnivE
1iJ s'"
Art Apprcci.:
Mercury Ballroo1
DISCUSSANT: Jon Ippolito, Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum
CHAIR: Margaret I
University of S<
California; Do~
Divine Wood C
Teaching Art Appreciation
Selma Kraft,
Siena College
A Paired Course Approach
to the Survey of Art
Susan J. Baker and
William Gilbert, University
of Houston, Downtown
"The Industry of Socialism,"
1935-41, and the Formation
of Socialist Realism
Susan Emily Reid,
University ol Norlhumbria
But Is It Authentic
The Collecting a<
Casts in the Stud~
Medieval Sculptu
Lisa Reilly, Unive"
The Other "International Style":
Garden Variety Ar
The National Gal/,
Sculpture on the 1
Marla Prather, Wh
Museum of Ameri<
Socialist Realism and the
Design of Postwar Germany
Greg Castillo, University
of California, Berkeley
Art Appreciation: The Course
Foisted upon the Young
Annabeth Headrick,
Vanderbilt University
Queering Art Appreciation
Richard G. Mann,
San Francisco State University
The Web of Art and Culture:
A Digital Solution
Kathleen Rogers Cohen,
San Jose State University
Art Appreciation in Teaching
Art Technology Practice
Ron Saito, Pasadena
Floyd Coleman,
Howard University
Society of Historians
of Eastern European
and Russian Art and
What Is Socialist Beaiimn?
Rende:cvous Trianon, third floor
CHAIR: Sarah Bingham Miller,
New Painterly Realism and the
Transition from Avant-Garde
to Socialist Realism
Jennifer Cahn, University
of Southern California
How the West Corroborated
Socialist Realism in the East
Katarzyna MurawskaRMathesius,
independent scholar, Norwich
Erika Wolf,
University of Rochester
li1liiil Sa 13
ri~;~On} 1 S
r:J Sa14
f"inyering h19i'C
Beekman Parlor, sec
CIIAIRS: Susan Siegfr
ol Leeds; Adrian R
Middlesex Univers
Le Violin d'lngres
Appropriation, an
The History and Problen1s
of lngres betweer
of Se1.dpture Display
Kristen H. Powell,
Middlebury Colle"
Murray Hill Suite, second floor
Debra Pincus, Washington,
D.C.; Shelley E. Zuraw,
University of Georgia
Into the Light: Sculpture in the
New Greek Galleries at The
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Elizabeth J.P. Milleker,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
What Do We Know
about the Display of
Renaissance Medals?
Arne R. Flaten,
Indiana University
Displaying Sculpture at the
Getty Museum: Opportunity
and Compromise
Peter Fusco,
J. Paul Getty Museum
Academic Gym no
lngres and the Po
Sarah Betzer,
Northwestern Uni\1
lngres Versus.Oel
History Versus Le,
Andrew Shelton,
Massachusetts Cc
lngres In ReprodL
Stephen Bann, Un
Kent at Canterbur~
lngres as a B/aste
Karen L Klein Fete
California State Ur
Saturday morning
Art History Open
Session: lnlamic Art
Gramercy B, second floor
&HAIR: Priscilla P. Soucek, Institute
of Fine Arts, New York University
Christian spolia and Muslim
Propaganda: From Aural to
Visual in the Counter-Crusade
Fin barr Barry Flood,
independent scholar, Edinburgh
Topos and Truth:
Odilon Redan's Childhood
Memory of Visual Imagination
Dario Gamboni, Case Western
Reserve University
Roger Fry. Marion Richardson,
and the Missing Text
Sue Malvern,
University of Reading
The A-Dimensional Space
of the Childhood Ego
Jonathan Fineberg,
University of Illinois,
Trends in Aud
Interactive An
Bruce Wands,
School of Visu
Interaction: Si
Meaning? Act
4 Questions, ·
Douglas Davis
artist, author, s
[!! (:;;)
Sa 18
Eclecticism in an
Umaygad Structure:
Sasanian Hel/enistic-Roman
and Manlchean Paradigms
at Quseir Amra
Cynthia Finlayson,
Brigham Young University
Massager's Cahiers:
Reconsidering the
Formation of Jeunes F/1/es
Issues in the
WodqJiace: "i
Rebecca J. DeRoo,
University of Chicago
University, a
New Thoughts on
the First Illustrated
Ottoman Manuscript
Aysin Yoltan, Institute of Fine
Arts, New York University
On the Child Self and
Feminine Subjectivity In
Stieglitz's Modernism
Kathleen Pyne,
University of Notre Dame
Objects of Desire:
Interpreting the Arab
and Byzantine Gilt Lists
Anthony Cutler,
Pennsylvania State University
lntet·active Art: A
The Esthetics of Geometry
in the Alhambra
Valerie Gonzalez, School of
Architecture, Marseilles-Luming
An ABC for A1·t Uistory:
~ Sa17
Year Retrospective
Sutton Parlor South, second floor
&HAIR: Julie Wosk, State University
of New York, Maritime College
Interactive Art: A Thirty-Year View
Seeing and Believing
Nancy Burson, independent
photographer, New York
and Modernisrn
Gramercy A, second floor
&HAIR: Jack J. Spector,
Rutgers University
Art, the Spectator, and
lnteractivily in the Sixties:
Groupe Recherche d'Art Visue/
Valerie L. Hillings, Institute of
Fine Arts, New York University
of War betwt
for Rights to
of Contmnpc
&HAIRS: Robert A.
independent s1
David Green, !\
for Networked
Participants to
This session will
The Roy and Nlul
The Museum of ~
11 West 53rd St.
(between 5th an1
Conference ba
time-slot ticket
A follow-up sessl
12130·2•00 todaJ
Sutton Parlor Sm
Modern Landscape:
Sat afternoon,
12o30-2o00 p.m.
t.Jew Perspectives
CHAIR: Magdalena Dabrowski,
The Museum of Modern Art
!'.i.'§ Sa20
Representing Nature and
Country: Paul cezanne's
Grandes Baigneuses and
the French Pastoral
CUNY Graduate Center
American Council
for Southern Asian Art
Roundtable Discussion:
Using Religious Categories
for Southern Asian Art
The Landscape as a Discerning
Continuum in Wassily
Kandinsky's Painting,
CHAIRS: Alka Patel, Harvard
Clinton Room, second floor
The Architecture of
Landscape: Rethinking
Mondrian's Pier(and Ocean)
Marek Wieczorek,
University of Washington
Alfred Stieglitz and the
Musicality of Landscape
Katherine Hoffman,
Saint Anselm College
This session will be held ah
The Roy and Nlula Titus Theater 2
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd St.
(between 5th and 6th Aves.)
Conference badge or single lime·slot
Hekel is required for admHtance.
Sutton Parlor Cen1
CHAIR: Gabriel P. \fi
University of Min
SPEAKfRS: Melissa S
University of Ne1,1,
Coughlin, New y,
Christine Neal, Te
University; Sonya Rhie
Quintanilla, Havard University
liii'J Sa23
College Boar<J
Advanced Pla1
In the History
Patrick McGrady,
Pennsylvania State University
!'.i.'§ Sa22
Association o
of 19th·Cent•
Nev1 Voices ir
Century Scho
Association for
Latin American Art
Open Session:
Latin Arnerican Art
Gramercy B, secon
CHAIR! Susan Bake
Gibson Room, second floor
Southern Methoc
CHAIR: Patricia Joan Sarro,
Hunter High Schc
Eric Frank, Occid
Frima Fox Hofrich
Institute; Yu Bong
High School, Oral
Youngstown State University
Abstraction and Number in
Middle Horizon Tapestry Tunics
Susan E. Bergh,
Texas Christian University
Prob/ematizing Gender In
Olmec Art and Archaeology
Billie J. A. Follansbee, University
of Maryland, College Park
Landscapes of Lineage:
Nahua Pictorial Genealogies
of Central Mexico
Delia Annunciata Cosentino,
University of California,
Los Angeles
~ Sa24
CAA Committe
on Women In tl
Beekman Parlor, se
CHAIR: Hilary Robim
University of Ulste
Saturday afternoon
SPIAKERS: Renee Baert, Concordia
University; Whitney Chadwick,
San Francisco State University;
Deborah Cherry, University of
Sussex; Katy Deepwell,
n.paradoxa; Phoebe Farris,
Purdue University; Dori Lemeh,
Pennsylvania State University,
Marsha Meskimmon,
Loughborough University;
Janet Wolff, University of
Rochester, Cornell University.
[i,"§ [;I Sa26
Community College
Professors of Art
and Art History
The Associr:1tc D~gree <H>
the Student's f'inal Goah
Is f.he Comr01unity College
Offering a !ermined Degree
or a Stepping Stone to
Higher Education?
SuHon Parlor Norlh1 second floor
cHAIR: Thomas Morrissey,
Community College of
Rhode Island; Patricia Bailey,
Sussex Community College
CAA Committee
on Intellectual
Properly Rights
Intellectual Property
Issues in the Academic
Workplace: The Tug of
War between Facultlf,
University, 3nd Publisher
for Rights to Ute Products
of Conterrtporary
CHAIRS: Elizabeth Rodini,
SuHon Parlor South 1 second floor
independent scholar, Chicago;
Mary Weitzel Gibbons,
independent scholar, New York
CHAIRS: Robert A. Baron,
independent scholar; David
Green, National Initiative for
Networked Cultural Heritage
This follow-up meeting continues
the morning session held at The Museum
of Modern Arl and be will open lor
questions and discussion.
What Time Is It Then?
The Place of Chronology
in Art Historical Writing
Petit Trlanon 1 third floor
Sat afternoo1
2:30-5:00 p.
(3 Sa28
The PracU1::ai
of Ideal Beau·
Gramercy A 1 seco1
CHAIR: Kirby Gook
New York Unive1
Building the Bo
"La Culture Phy
New Artistic An
French Radical
Fay Braver, The
of New South W
Abstraction am
the Empirical lc
Charles A. Gran
Suffolk Universi
Bodies of Art: J
Italian Female I
19th-Century P
Marie Lathers,
Iowa State Univ1
What Time Is the Revolution?
Vivian Rehberg,
Northwestern University
The Anxious Jd,
Zeuxls Paints h
Elizabeth Mansi
University of thE
Time and Eternity In FifteenthCentury Flemish Painting
University of Chicago
Ideal Beauty ar
Darrell Moore,
DePaul Univers
Art Historical Time and the
Time of the Artist
David O'Brien, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hw §oeiai 1\r
East Ballroom, th
In Praise of Chronology
Lew Andrews, University of
Hawai'i at Manoa
CHAIR: Marc GoW,
University of To
How Close Can We Come to
Admitting We're Really Writing
Mostly about Ourselves?
James Elkins, School of the
The Buddy System and
Other Survival Tips
Paul Pak-Hing Lee,
Washington State University
Work in Progn;
Art Institute of Chicago
DISCUSSANT: Michael Aurbach,
Social History and Social
Art History: What Kind of
Phillip Nord,
Princeton University
Vanderbilt University
&HAIR: Katie Hoi/am
fiJ Sa31
CAA Director of C
Ornament and
and Special Proje
its Discontents:
Family Feuds
Anne Higonnet,
Wellesley College
Visual Culture, and
Histories of Art
How Thinking Matters
Ohio State University
CHAIRS: Mimi Hellman, Princeton
University and Center for
Advanced Study in the Visual
DISCUSSANT: Thomas Crow,
Yale University
Arts, National Gallery of Art;
~ [;l Sa30
Gender, Ornament, and
the Rococo in France
Rochelle Ziskin, University
of Missouri, Kansas City
CAA Professional
Practices Committee
Everything You Want to
Know about Tenure but
wc~rc Af~·a:id
to Ask
Trianon Ballroom1 third floor
CHAIR: Vanalyne Green, School
of the Art Institute of Chicago
The Art Historian's
March to Tenure
Charles Mayer,
Indiana State University
Tenure and Promotion:
Educating Faculty Outside
the Department
Bruce Bobick,
State University of West Georgia
Tricks of the Trade: Decoding
the Faculty Evaluation System
Edward Forde, California State
University, Los Angeles
Rocio Aranda-Aiv;
Sharon Corwin, J
Pearson, Jeanine
Sutton Parlor North, second floor
Stephen Melville,
Rendezvous Trlanor
Barbara Kellum, Smith College
Loos and the Fashioning
ofthe Surface
Helene Furjan,
Princeton University
Sonya Shah
Association of
of 191h·Centur
Out of the Ac<'H
into the A read~
Murrary Hill Suite, s
&HAIRS: Sura Levine
College; Susan M
College of New R<
':4 Series of Sub/<
Year 1805 Worth)
of British Artists":
Gil/ray. Drawing a
Entrapment of th<
Ornament as Crime: Adolf
Loos, Karl Kraus, Oskar
Antisemitic Politics of
Ornament in VIenna 1900
An Arcadian Vis/c
Claude Cernuschi,
Panorama of Algie
Boston College
the Consumption
Colonial Landsc'
Century France
John Zarobell, Un
Exile as Ornament: Groplus
House and Historical Montage
Karen Koehler, Yale University
Retraming the Pattern and
Decoration Movement
Glenn Adamson, Yale University
Timothy Hyman, ir
painter and schol<
of California, Berk
Craft, Commerce
Consumption: Th
of Object and Orr
in Paul Signac's !J
Saturday afternoon
The Wanamaker Arcade:
A Passage in Narrative Space
Louisa Iarocci,
Boston University
Publicity, Identity, and the
Culture of Consumption:
Modern Women's Icons
In Fin-de-Siecle Posters
Ruth E. !skin, University
of British Columbia
oo;: Sa34
Studio Art Open
Session: Studio Glass
Sutton Parlor Center, second floor
CHAIR: Ellen Driscoll
Exemplary Models and
Success Stories of the
Goals 2000: Educate
America Act into Today's
Public School Art Curricula
Shelli Goodwin,
Putnam City North High School,
Oklahoma City
The Goals 2000: Educate
America Act: An Overview
of Its Origins, Implementation,
and Impact
Lee-Ling Ee, Lamar High
School, Arlington, Tex.
!'.iJ Sa36
Places of Memory: Part 2
West Ballroom, third floor
PARTICIPANTS: Kiki Smith, Andy
Keating, Lillian Ball, Jocelyn
CHAIRS: RobertS. Nelson,
Prince, Walter Zimmerman
University of Chicago;
liJ Sa35
Has American Public
School Art Education
Met Its 11 Goals 2000"?
Mercury Ballroom, third floor
CHAIR: Mark Moilanen,
University of Tennessee-
The Role of Higher Education
in the Implementation of the
Goals 2000 into Public School
Art Classrooms
Christine Thompson, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Did the Goals 2000 Plan for
Today's Instructional
Dustin Schuhmacher, University
of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Margaret Olin, School of
the Art Institute of Chicago
Local Memory and National
Aesthetics: Amiens Cathedral
in the Early Eighteenth Century
Richard Wittman,
Columbia University
The "Looshaus" (Vienna,
1909-1912) as a Place of
Memory and Forgetting
Leslie Topp, Oxford Brookes
University, Oxford
Mutations of Empire at the
Musee des Arts d'Afrique
et d'Oceanie
Chloe S. Georas, State
University of New York,
Landscape and Incident: Eye
Witness to a Ritual Whale Hunt,
Baffin Island, July 1998
Jonathan M. Bordo,
Trent University,
Ancients ant
Italian Art, 1
Nassau Suite, se
CHAIR: Catherine
Rutgers Univer
Mapping the 7
Architects anc
Study at the Br
16th Century
Ann C. Hupper
University of Vi
Reconciling Po
Patronage anc
Veneto in the 1
Mary L. Pixley,
Philadelphia M
Accademia di
Ruling on the 1
Moderns in Eat
Peter M. Lukeh
Trout Gallery, C
Apelles, Pouss
the Significan<
Venus Anadyo.
the Opus U/lirr;
Victoria C. Garc
Shaping A Nev
and the Discot
Sebastian Schl
Universitat MUr
oo;: Sa38
Art History 0
Sutton Parlor So1
'"'"' Allen F. Ro
of California, l<
Moving through Clothing:
African Textile and
Global Fashion
Victoria Rovine, The University
of Iowa Museum of Art
Nsibidi and Contemporary Art:
A Global Perspective
Sufi Dargahs in Pandua and
Gaur in India: The Cult of
Saints, Tombs, and Tomb
Visions of the Virgin: At Home
with the Virgin of Guadalupe
of Southam Florida
J. Michael Walker, independent
Harvard University
artist, Los Angeles
Gramercy B, second floor
CHAIR: Walter Smith,
Mississippi State University
A "Florentine Ambrose": The St.
Zenobius Chapel in Florence
Cathedral SallyJ. Cornelison,
Savannah College of Art and
The Countess Matilda and the
Revival of Popular Female Cults
in Seicento Rome
Scott A. Schweigert,
Pennsylvania State University
Worshipping the Universe
Within: Nath Painting at the
Court of Maharaja Man Singh
of Jodhpur
n .... hr..,
&HAIR: Christopher,
Yale University
Laura Weigert, Pa
Furnace Archive, Inc.
Imaging Htunan Sanctity
Petll Trianon, third 1
Garde (Archiving the
NonHArchival}: Part 2
Dana Rush,
Northern Rena
Tapestries of CoL
and the Texturinf
CHAIR: Martha Wilson, Franklin
DISCUSSANT: Allen F. Roberts
oo;: Sa41
Art History Op(
Open Session: The
Archives of the Avant~
Beyond the Globe:
Time, Space, and the "Idea"
of India In West African
Vodun Art and Thought
University of Michigan
Richard Rinehart,
Museum/Pacific I
Naseem A. Banerji,
Weber State University
Amanda Carlson, The University
Drumming and Dancing in the
Danish Forest: An Unexpected
African Diaspora
Aimee Bessire,
Conceptual and
lntermedia Art 01
Gibson Room, second floor
I'll Be Your Mirror, Reflect
What You Are: Post modern
Documentation and the
Downtown New York Scene
from 1975toPresent
Van Eyck to Holb•
Origins and Extm
of Northern Paint
Jeanne Nuechterl
Hans Holbein anc
Fatherhood of Sir
David Smith,
University of New
Marvin J. Taylor,
The Image versw
the Emblem ca. 1
Fales Library & Special
David Kilpatrick, E
Collection, New York University
Accounting for New York City
Artists' Organizations
Alan Moore, New York
Alternative TradWons in
the Contemporary Arts:
Subjugated Know/edges
and the Balance of Power
National Coalit
Against Censo1
Looking Forwa
Looking Back:.
Funding Contr(
from Finley to t
Beekman Parlor, se1
Estera Milman,
University of Iowa
See a new film, Tt.
a documentary ab
Collecting the Uncollectab/e:
A Unique, Yet Commonizing
Jack Waters,
ABC NO RIO, New York
for funding the Na
Endowment for tho
Lamarre and Melif
participate in a dis
public funding for
Saturday afternoon
oo;: Sa43
Stuido Art. Open Slession:
Regent Parlor, second floor
CHAIRS: Ursula von Rydingsvard,
New York; Sylvia Nelzer, Cily
College of New York
Considerations of the Treatment
of Space In Ducc/o 's Maesta
Luciano Bellosi,
University of Siena
This session will
Uris Auditorium
The Metropolltar
1000 Fifth Ave. I
Enter at street IE
This session will be held at1
The Frick Collection
1 East 70th St. (at 5th Ave.)
and will be followed by a recepllon
open only to session aHendees.
Conference badge
ticket is required fo
Participants to be announced
Conference badge or single !lme·slot
ticket ls required for admi!tance.
fl1 Sa44
Cnwsing the flel<lVUH'o''
of Christ on the Mountain"
<HHl Other icons of
National fdentHy
in the Frick Collection
&HAIRS: Barbara J, Mitnick,
CHAIRS: Andrew Lad is, University of
Georgia; Susan Grace Galassi,
The Frick Collection
independent scholar,
Morristown, N.J.;
Mark Thistlethwaite,
Texas Christian University
The Painter and the Devil:
Conjuring Temptation
Hayden B. J. Maginnis,
McMaster University
Auctoritas and the
Athenaeum Washington
Dorinda Evans, Decatur
The Voyage to the
Frick Collections
Jane lmmler Satkowski,
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Crossing the Racial Divide in
Emanuel Leutze's Washington
Crossing the Delaware
Dan Lewis, University of Iowa
The Construction of Visual
Ideology: The Temptation of
Christ on the Mountain in
Ducc/o's Maesta (1308-1311 J
and in the Church of Christ at
Chora 11321)
Bissera V. Pentcheva,
Harvard University
The "Vel/ of Race" in Thomas
Crawford's Statue of Freedom
Vivian Green Fryd,
Vanderbilt University
The Technique of Duccio's
Temptation of Christ in Context
Norman Muller, The Art
Museum, Princeton University
in the §tudy
liiill Sa46
"fhc Role
Custer's Last Stand: The Last
Stand for History Painting?
Patricia M. Burnham,
University of Texas, Austin
'1\ Genuinely American
Painting": Grant Wood's
American Gothic and
Regionalist Ideology
Nancy Rose Marshall,
Yale University
CHAIR! RogerS. \
The Morgan Lil
On the Margin
Manuscript Pa
the Time of Ph
Gregory Clark,
University of th
The Blossom if
Flowering: Ext,
French Late M
Renaissance I
Myra D. Orth, i1
scholar, Bosto1
The Status oft
Attitudes Iowa
in the 19th C01
Sandra Hindm;:
Northwestern l
Princely Pleas,
Patrons: Three
Exhibiting the
the Book
Marianna Shre1
Walters Arl Gal
Little Deer Isle,
This session will
The Morgan Llbro
29 East 36th St.
Conference badge