CAMP MECHUWANA CAMP CAMPCAMECHUWANA MECHUWANA MPANA A R G MU SIC UNITED METHODIST CAMP OF MAINE TH EAT E RE F R u y r n an T Minist A d Ca ars of HeE Y ring 0 T 6 r Staf OveSIC MUSIC THEATRE f U M O PR PROGRAMS PRO GRA M E W C U H U H W C A N E A CAMP MECHUWANA M P M UNITED METHODIST CAMP OF MAINE UNITED METHODIST CAMP OF MAINE E FuF UN try nuan N syT iI n r i I t ndan s M i f n o i E s Ca A r M a driC f e D o Y s 5 na 6ar M r g rSitn e M e Y v O 0 ag ff St FETH Over 6 aff Over 65 YearsPo O f OS f a t D g f M n in I i is ST M dtrCyar A T C n Fun a CA MP OF IS Fu MA D n O IN a F H E UNITED METHODIST CAMP OF MAINE n r d T ien C Spirituality in F Nature E ds ar un a M y istry h inip n r i n M t d f o gS s 5 Years Cari i NG ED n ng S ta ei r 6 v T MIN OM taff ff f TR IoS s Y STRY Fr ear ien Y Spirituali ty in Nature ds 65 hip p i h s d n e Fri F A S RY rie Spiritua Sp lity in Nature n ds iritu hip re u a t l ity Na in N n i atu y t re F i l ri a u t en i r i g n i t p d a Fr BSo Spirituality in Nature sh & ien g n i ds ip Swimm hip Mu saitc g n i T & Bo he g n i m Adventure Camping atr m Swi Mu e sic Swimming & Boat ing The Adventure Camping a ting g & Boa u ic T h e Mu sic a tr e Th ea ng i tre t a g e o iBn t a atr o e B h & T g & n i c Swimm ng u Musi M i m sic Th im ea w S tre in mp a eC r u t s in Swimm g tre M en v d A AAdventure dven Camping ture Cam ping Adventure Camping D ike H E r e P PROGRAMS OFFERED axtSewing PROGRAMS OFFERED B R R s tHike Soc Soccer Grandparent/Grandchild Week Week Music Creative Arts Baxter OBasketball E I Amek Soccer Basketball Grandparent/Grandchild MusicTheatre Theatre Creative Arts e ArBaxter irls mHike v p G i G asketbTimers Firscter BFirst t Young Adventurers Mom and Child Outpost Camp Girls Sewing F R Ca Me We mp iesSewing First Adventurers Mom and Child Outpost Camp CreaCaGirls iAroostook mers all Young GCounty e r A F r a Aroost TTimers d t n Camp Photography Night Camps Native American Studies Camp I Am t dparen a pos Youn Camp StuCamp andI Am The utYou Night Camps Native American Studies O k CoCounty n tPhotography g ARally u /GranM a MAroostook c o S i c issionoCoMission Special Needs Moose River Canoe Aquatics and Me Week dvenCamp Y untyCamps i s u d O mer tics d turSpecial O amp PCamp S k MChilAquatics a A ers cMhild Needs MissionamCamps Moose River Canoe You and Me Week W e u ps RallCRally e e e e q F h v k om a MusicMiF ti noe AWeek DayCamp togr y Camp oWorkshop nd s NaOldies ld W aGolden nd Cand h Hike Theatre I Camp Acadia T c a h E p e m d C a Speciaalphy NighEarth hildranO M treo Cr Cam R t Camp A G erusOFFERED eative River E t N / e t t h p e R s g d n o PROGRAMS s Moospare Nnattuirve y Nist Coaoms Arts B D Arts Baxter Hike a M h e A d G x e p R m p t n s e i v a Soccer Basketball Grandparent/Grandchild Week Music Theatre Creative e G v r a d r irls S Hike Oall Gr g Ad eorOFFERED toCgarno l Neeican St PROGRAMS e p am yC Da k e e Acad sW ia HiAcadia Hike Theatre Workshop Earth and I Camp Golden Oldies Week DayieCamp d ke T l O heat en re Wo d l o rksh pG op E m a arth C and I dI n a C am udies wing Girls Sewing etboun Mom 143445_brochure.indd 1 12/18/13 1:33 PM First Timers Young Adventurers Camp Aqrutah Outpost Php Gand eciaeChild p Mechuwana’s Story… “Remove your sandals from your feel, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5 God has blessed us in so many ways in the past 5 years! - celebrating over 65 years of ministry - hundreds of dedicated volunteers - thriving mission camps reaching out to those in need - 2 new staff cabins - building 2 Retreat Building - new roofs on the Commons and Lodge - 2 new lakeside cabins by the Lodge - new windows in Asbury Theater - thriving youth program - new roofing on many cabins - new bathhouses in the Village and staff area - new swimming area docking system - storage buildings in maintenance area - a Yurt behind the Commons - new double cabin in the Village Looking to the future - finish Retreat Building 3 - increase awareness of camp programs - a generator for the Commons and the Retreat Buildings - renovation of the Gus Building - replace the Commons Walk-in refrigerator and freezer - increase our endowment - new roof for Recreation building in the Village - solar hot water and solar electrical systems in the retreat buildings - renovation of the Lodge - continue to provide camperships for any camper in need What you can do to help? - Tell people you know about Mechuwana and the great things that happen here all year long - Support Mechuwana financially and encourage your local church to support Mechuwana - Join Friends of Mechuwana to ensure that Mechuwana will be around for many years to come - If you have never been or if it has been awhile since you were at Mechuwana come and visit to see for yourself how God has blessed us! 143445_brochure.indd 2 12/18/13 1:33 PM THE ARTS CAMPS Girls Sewing Camp #14 For Girls Finishing Grades 5-8 Photography Camp #26 For Campers Finishing Grades 5-7 Come and learn to sew or improve those skills that you already have. We have an experienced staff of sewers ready to teach you basic sewing skills and more. We’ll be sewing something for missions and to take home. So you’ll be helping others in need, and you’ll go home and show your friends what you can do with your new skill! There will be more fun at camp by doing the other camp activities. Come boys and girls, you will be working with digital cameras and computers to enhance digital pictures. You will need to bring a digital camera and basic equipment. Emphasis will be on basic camera and related skills. Returning campers are welcome and will benefit from discussions and practice of advanced editing and composition. Dates: June 22-27 (Fri.) Leader: Pastor Elizabeth Bailey-Mitchell Limit: 12 Girls Fee: $310.00 Come join Creative Arts as it relocates to the Yurt for its 30th season. Experienced instructors continue to provide unique opportunities in a supportive atmosphere to develop our God-given creativity doing arts not commonly found in school. In addition to boating, swimming, campfire and a night walk, options may include: Synchronized Swimming, Origami, Kirigami, God’s Eye, Ukrainian Egg Painting, Quilling, Silk Screening, Scherenschnitte, Beading, Drawing, Calligraphy, Sewing, Native American Arts, Stamping, Candle Making, Creative Writing, Dancing...and of course “Kriklum.” There will be a gallery and performance on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Limit: 16 Campers Fee: $310.00 Elementary Music Theatre #27 For Campers Finishing Grades 3-6 A story can be told in many different ways...a story, passed down from grandparents, folklore, written in a diary and even through drama, songs, dance, art and games. Come and learn the different ways to tell or hear the stories. Remember “it’s all about the story” and the greatest book, The Bible, has some of the best. Come to Elementary Music Theatre Camp to act and sing your way through a brand new musical written just for you entitled “It’s All About the Story!” And of course, there will be lots of fabulous activities, arts ‘n crafts, swimming, boating, and great camp stuff! The week will conclude with the first ever public performance of this new musical on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Come to camp! Come and be part of the story! Dates: July 20-26 Leaders: Rev. Laura Church & Bonnie Heatley 143445_brochure.indd 3 Limit: 12 Campers Fee: $320.00 Elementary Creative Arts #20 For Campers Finishing Grades 4-6 Jr./Sr. Creative Arts #33 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-12 Dates: June 27-Aug. 2 Leaders: Rev. Linda Campbell-Marshall & Pastor Jen Curran Dates: June 13-19 Leaders: Chris & Shannon Connor Come and try some specialized creative arts in a fun and supportive environment. Pottery, weaving, sewing, drawing, screen-printing, painting, quilting, candle making and macrame are some of the choices you will have fun with. Plus, you will have all of the other fun things to do at camp. The week ends with a gallery on Saturday morning at 9:00. Dates: July 6-12 Leaders: Amy Story & Cindy Kropp Limit: 40 Campers Fee: $310.00 Scrapbooking Camp #25 For Campers Finishing Grades 4-7 Come learn basic scrapbooking skills. No experience necessary. This year our studies will be the Ten Commandments. Do you know them? We will decorate ceramic tiles, make bookmarks, learn new skills to make three different 12x12 pages (water color, weaving and tearing), and create a unique folded album. Plus we will design a 2014 calendar and learn how to tags for all occasions. There will be plenty of time for singing and dancing around the campfire, and swimming in the lake. All supplies are included and projects will go home with the camper. **Toby Mac Cat will be joining us. Dates: July 13-18 (Fri.) Leader: Anita Cantara Limit: 20 Campers Fee: $320.00 Limit: 40 Campers Fee: $310.00 12/22/13 3:02 PM Elementary/Junior Music Theatre Camp #11 For Campers Finishing Grades 3-9 Junior/Senior Music Theatre #37 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-12 Campers will have opportunities for participation in acting, singing, dancing, directing, writing and technical assistance. Led by professional performance artists, and a team of seasoned theatre experts, cabin counselors, and Bible teachers this camp will focus on a full-scale musical theatre performance by the campers. This camp is a lot of fun and hard work which will be shown on Friday and Saturday’s polished performances in Asbury Theatre. The camper will still have time to meet new friends and unite with old friends while getting the opportunity to participate in a full range of activities and worship experiences. Public performances will be Friday, Aug. 8th at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 9th at 9:30 a.m. Dates: August 3-9 Leaders: Jeff Munson, Mitch Thomas & Cynthia Blanchard So you love to act, sing, and have loads of fun, well this camp is for you! The musical has been written especially for you and your friends which has parts for all ages. From the time that you arrive on Sunday afternoon until performances on Friday and Saturday, you will work with a seasoned group of counselors to learn the music and script for a fun production. Still you will get to have more fun with campfires, swimming, arts and crafts, boating and our spiritual growth. Come full of energy and get ready to sing, act, dance, and have fun together. Performances in Asbury Theatre are Friday, June 27th at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 28th at 9:30 a.m. Dates: June 22-28 Leaders: Chip Simpson and Barb Petersen Limit: 50 Campers Fee: $310.00 Limit: 70 campers Fee: $310.00 MECHUWANA’S MISSION STATEMENT It is the purpose of Camp Mechuwana to complement the local church ministry by providing a unique Christian setting for persons of all ages for personal growth and experiences which enhance one’s relationship to God, neighbors, and the natural world. Methodist Camps and Retreats In New England Wanakee United Methodist Center 75 Upper New Hampton Rd. Meredith, NH 03253-9516 (603)-279-7950 Camp Aldersgate 1043 Snake Hill Rd. North Scituate, RI 02857-2826 (401) 568-4350 [email protected] Rolling Ridge Center 660 Great Pond Rd. No. Andover, MA 01845-2099 (978) 682-8815 Covenant Hills Christian Camp 246 Covenant Hills Rd. Cabot, VT 05647 (802) 426-3340 143445_brochure.indd 4 12/22/13 3:02 PM CAMPING/HIKING/SWIMMING Elementary Outpost Camp #35 For Campers Finishing Grades 4-6 Intermediate Outpost Camp #15 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-9 So you like to camp out in a lean-to and do a short hike daily while learning outdoor living skills, that makes this camp for you. Have fun learning to cook over the campfire. Learn more about what it is out there in nature and work together as a camp family. You will get to go swimming, do some boating and much more. This camp is designed to prepare campers for going hiking and canoeing. Each day you will have the opportunity to improve your camping and hiking skills. Most days you will head off campus and go hiking and sightseeing, working as a team. No previous outpost experience required. Dates: July 27-Aug. 1 (Fri.) Leaders: Peter Crockett & Carissa Miller Dates: June 22-27 (Fri.) Leaders: Peter Crockett & Dan Grant Limit: 8 Campers Fee: $330.00 Limit: 8 Campers Fee: $295.00 Aquatics Camp #19 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-9 So you like to swim and maybe are thinking about becoming a lifeguard. This camp will focus on sharpening your present swimming skills and achieving one more level of competency using the American Red Cross Program standards. The number of campers is restricted to 16 so more personal time can be given to each swimmer. Dates: June 29-July 4 Leader: Rev. Michele St. Cyr Limit: 16 Campers Fee: $295.00 SPORTS CAMPS Co-ed Elementary Basketball Camp #40 For Campers Finishing Grades 3-6 This camp has changed from being just for boys to adding the girls. This camp will be focusing on developing skills needed to become a successful team player. Players will have an opportunity to use their skills through drills and games. Special emphasis will be placed on sportsmanship and team building. There will be plenty of time for traditional camp activities such as campfires, boating, swimming and much more. Dates: August 3-8 (Fri.) Leaders: Rev. Peter Remick & David Swett Limit: 25 Campers Fee: $310.00 Co-ed Elementary Soccer Camp #34 For Campers Finishing Grades 3-6 Have you been a part of the Mechuwana Moose? Don’t worry if you haven’t, just come and enjoy playing soccer! We’ll help you maximize your team and individual skills as a soccer player and a Christian. We are at our best when we are using our gifts and helping others use theirs. With an emphasis on sportsmanship and team building campers will learn and practice basic soccer skills passing, dribbling and shooting, in a series of drills and scrimmages. Other daily activities will be arts and crafts, boating, swimming and more. Start getting in shape; this camp is fun but it’s hard work. Dates: July 27-Aug. 1 (Fri.) Leaders: Rev. Ernie Farrar & David Swett Limit: 30 Campers Fee: $310.00 Co-ed Middle School Basketball Camp #22 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-9 Want to learn more about being a team player? How about learning more skills by doing drills and scrimmages? You will have the opportunity to improve what you already know about the game of basketball and learn more as an individual and team player. Success is at hand for you and new friends. Other fun will be swimming, boating, campfires and more. Dates: June 6-11 (Fri.) Leaders: Camp Staff Limit: 25 Campers Fee: $310.00 Email Address: [email protected] 143445_brochure.indd 5 12/20/13 8:42 AM SPECIAL OVERNIGHT CAMPS 2014 ALL THESE CAMPS RUN A HALF WEEK Mom/Child I #17 II #38 You & Me #39 Moms come and bring your children ages 4-9 for a half week of sharing quality time without the pressures of school, jobs, or home routine. Share cabins with other moms, kids, and youth leaders. Activities include swimming, boating, crafts, worship, music, games, and fellowship. THESE CAMPS FILL FAST SO DON’T DELAY ON REGISTERING!! Dads, moms, aunts, uncles, friends or pastors this is your chance to come to camp with a child or a special child. You will boat, swim, do arts and crafts, make new friends, sing, play games, enjoy campfires and more. This is a chance to get away from your busy life and have fun!! For children ages 4-9. Date: (#17) June 29-July 2 Limit: 10 Moms/20 Children each camp Leader: Amy Story Fee: $220.00 for 1 mom and up to 2 children $85.00 for each additional child Date: Aug. 6-9 Limit: 10 Adults/20 Children Leader: Amy Story Fee: $220.00 for 1 adult and up to 2 children $85.00 for each additional child Date: (#38) Aug. 3-6 GrandCamp 1 #12, 2 #13, 3 #31, 4 #32 Spending special time together at GrandCamp experiencing nature, worship, campfires, share crafts, swimming, boating, music, storytelling and lots more. GRANDparents invite at least one grandchild, ages 5-11, to share this special time with you. Children must have finished Kindergarten. (GrandCamp #3 will accept 4 year olds.) GRANDkids, talk with your grandparents to let them know that you want them to bring you to camp this summer. Dates: June 22-25 (#12), June 25-28 (#13), July 27-30 (#31), July 30-Aug. 2 (#32) Limit: 10 Grandparents/16 Grandchildren Leaders: #12 #13 Peggy & Lisa Swett #31 Rev. Linda Grenfell & Elizabeth Beane #32 Pastor Marilyn Rohdin Fee: $220.00 for 1 grandparent and up to 2 grandkids $85.00 for each additional grandchild First Timers #18 For Campers Finishing Grade 2 So you were too young to come to camp and have wanted to follow in your brother or sister’s footsteps and NOW it is your time to have fun at camp since you are completing 2nd grade this spring! You will enjoy activities such as campfires, boating, arts & crafts, swimming, nature walks, Christian studies, singing and much more! Dates: June 29-July 2 Leader: Bev Michaud Limit: 35 Campers Fee: $225.00 Golden Oldies #41 For Adults ages 55+ Summer camp is not just for kids!! Come and enjoy camping like you remembered from your childhood. For those adults 55+ you will get to do most of the same things that the kids get to do. Bible study, swimming, boating, nature and crafts, plus more. Dates: Aug. 3-6 Leader: Rev. Joan DeSanctis Limit: 18 Campers Fee: $225.00 OVERNIGHT CAMPS Young Adventurers #30 For Campers Finishing Grades 3 and 4 Native American Camp #28 For Campers Finishing Grades 5 and 6 One week of exploring Gods world for young people finishing 3rd and 4th grades. Come and enjoy a week of laughing, arts & crafts, boating, swimming, singing... A chance to find out about yourself, others and God! Diversity and its role in our society will be an ongoing topic of discussion while we discover ourselves through the rich and varied cultures, customs and stories of the Native American people. We will explore their impact on the world in food, medicine, government, games and stories. Swimming, hiking, canoeing and crafts will be part of our journey. Dates: July 27-Aug. 1 (Fri.) Leaders: Rev. Thom Blackstone & Todd McKinley 143445_brochure.indd 6 Limit: 50 Campers Fee: $285.00 Dates: July 20-25 (Fri.) Leaders: Rev. Carol Stevens & Rev. Kelly Harvell Limit: 12 Campers Fee: $295.00 12/20/13 8:42 AM Camp “I am” #21 For Campers Finishing Grades 4-6 This program, held within a loving caring Christian community helps young people realize their inner strengths and beauty. It is our hope that campers will learn a new sense of self-worth that will allow them to walk more confidently in today’s world. Experts tell us that feeling good about one’s self is critical to success and happiness. Experts also tell us that more and more people, especially young people, in today’s society do not feel good about themselves. Instead they feel inadequate and empty. Special activities include: Special music/concert, drumming, a talent show, environmental awareness skills, and much more. Along with activities around the theme of self-esteem, campers will take part in more traditional activities of campfires, arts & crafts, boating and swimming. Dates: July 6-12 Leaders: Rev. Linda Grenfell & Rev. DanaBeth Wells-Goodwin Limit: 30 Campers Fee: $295.00 Sr. High Rally Camp #33 For Campers Finishing Grades 9-12 Attention all Senior High Campers! Please come and join us for “Around the World in Six Days”! From Europe to Africa to the East to North America and all over the world come and learn of different cultures, customs and religions. We also have our games, activities and our Olympics on Friday! Dates: July 27-Aug. 1 (Fri.) Leaders: Dawn Zarecki-Reidy & Courtney Carter Limit: 28 Campers Fee: $285.00 Night Camp #16 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-12 The favorite camp of Middle & High Schoolers is filled with games, night walks, boating, swimming and much, much more! While the other campers are in bed, you will be staying up to the early hours of the morning and while you get to sleep in, the other campers will be up early. If you are a Night Owl this camp is for you. Don’t miss out on this week of fun, get your registration right in. This camp fills up fast. Dates: June 29-July 4 (Fri.) Leaders: KK Merrill & Camp Staff Limit: 50 Campers Fee: $310.00 Science Camp #29 For Campers Finishing Grades 4-7 Science Camp Returns!! Help us discover answers to the following: What is a flinker? And what does it do? What is bubbleology? How can birds and flowers be identified? What objects can be seen in the night sky? Come to science camp and find out! In addition we’ll enjoy all of the usual camp activities such as boating, swimming, and crafts. We will also have daily devotions, singing and campfires. So much to do and so much fun!!! Dates: June 20-26 Leader: Shirley Jackson Limit: 20 Campers Fee: $320.00 Middle School Rally Camp #24 For Campers Finishing Grades 6-8 Let the games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor! And they will be at this year’s Middle School Rally Camp: The Hunger & Thirst Games! This year’s Middle School Rally Camp will include all the usual Mechuwana fun-- swimming, boating, arts and crafts, campfires, a night walk, and tons of wacky games-- plus a week packed with surprising adventures. Come on, grab your 30 or 40 closest friends and let’s explore what it means to live by faith as people who hunger and thirst for righteousness! Dates: July 13-18 (Fri.) Leaders: Rev. Jeff Hunt & Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill Limit: 40 Campers Fee: $285.00 Adult Special Needs Camp #23 Lead by an experienced staff of volunteers this very active week for Adults with Special Needs camping will be fun filled with activities. We’ll boat and swim, have a dance and a talent show, plus make new friends. Part of the registration process is the completion of a questionnaire so that we may best meet the needs of each camper. Final acceptance will be given once the questionnaire is completed. Contact the camp for further details. If this is your first time attending, please call Martha or Dan Ames at 802-878-3189 or email [email protected]. Registration for special needs week is on Monday at 9:00 a.m. Dates: July 14-19 Leaders: Martha & Rev. Dan Ames 143445_brochure.indd 7 Limit: 40 Campers Fee: $290.00 12/20/13 8:42 AM HOW TO REGISTER 1. Please fill out the application for free and reduced price meals on back of the registration form. 2. Choose a camp experience. Select your choice(s) of week(s) to attend. Write your choice(s) in the area on the registration form showing 3 event lines. Beneath these lines please put in your choice(s) for substituting camps in case your first choice(s) are full. PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THE REGISTRATION FORM FOR YOURSELF. 3. Send along the $50.00 non-refundable registration fee for each camp chosen with your registration. Remainder is due 3 weeks prior to your camp week, unless you have made other arrangements with the camp registrar. 4. Investigate with your church/agency whether they will have any scholarships for camping. If available, please supply that information to us on the registration form. Any payment made after registration must be accompanied by name of camper and name/week of camp for which that payment is for. 5. Camp fees, except registration fees, are refundable for non-participants who notify the camp registrar at least three weeks before the camp begins. 6. Confirmation packets will be mailed to the camper in early April (first round). Please open immediately!!! THE HEALTH HISTORY FORM NEEDS TO BE FILLED OUT (3 PAGES BY THE PARENT(S) AND THE LAST PAGE BY THE DOCTOR). MAKE SURE TO SIGN IN ALL PLACES REQUIRED AND RETURN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE CAMPERS CAMP. ************************************************************************************** ARRIVAL AND CHECK-IN FOR CAMPS IS ON SUNDAY FROM 1:00 PM TO 3:00 PM. EXCEPTIONS: ADULT SPECIAL NEEDS — Monday at 9:00 am GRAND CAMP #2 & 4 — Wednesday at 1:15 pm YOU & ME — Wednesday at 1:15 pm VOLUNTEERS NEEDED… Mechuwana could not exist without its volunteers. Every year over 200 individuals come to Mechuwana to counsel a cabin of campers, lead a program, teach a craft, help in the kitchen, or help with maintenance. It is because of this great volunteerism that we are able to keep the cost of camp down. We have many openings for people who want to volunteer in 2014. We hope you are able to come and spend a week or more with us at Mechuwana. Remember: Parents and guardians who volunteer get a $75.00 credit toward the price of their child’s camp. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact the camp. Mechuwana Camperships We believe that no camper should be denied the opportunity to attend Mechuwana for financial reasons. Over the years, local churches have worked hard to provide financial assistance for their campers. Mechuwana will support that effort with camperships to those families in financial need. If you are in need of assistance to send someone to Mechuwana, please contact the camp office and ask for a scholarship application, telephone 207-377-2924. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT MECHUWANA Mechuwana does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed or color. ACCEPTING VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CALL CAROL AT MECHUWANA 207-377-2924 TUES.-FRI. 9:00 AM-4:30 PM CAMP MECHUWANA, P.O. BOX 277, WINTHROP, ME 04364-0277 143445_brochure.indd 8 12/18/13 1:33 PM REGISTRATION FORM Name ________________________________________________ Age _____ ’13-’14 School Grade ________ Sex F___ M___ Mailing Address ______________________________________ Town ______________________ State ______ Zip___________ Tel.# ________________________ Cellphone# __________________________________ Email Address____________________ Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Signature_________________________________________________________________________ Church or Sponsoring Agency ______________________________________________________ If your Church or Sponsoring Agency will be providing a campership/funding for your chosen camp, please, supply the following. (PLEASE PRINT) Name of Contact Person _________________________________________________ Tel.#_______________________________ Name of Church or Agency__________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________ Town ______________________ State ______ Zip___________ PLEASE REGISTER MY CHILD FOR THE FOLLOWING CAMP(S): Event Name ______________________________________________________ Camp #___________ Date__________________ Event Name ______________________________________________________ Camp #___________ Date__________________ Event Name ______________________________________________________ Camp #___________ Date__________________ PLEASE SUBSTITUTE THE FOLLOWING CAMP(S) IF THE ABOVE IS/ARE FULL Event Name ______________________________________________________ Camp #___________ Date__________________ Event Name ______________________________________________________ Camp #___________ Date__________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Camp Schol. ___________ Reg. Fee Pd. ___________ Church Schol. ____________ Add’l Pd. ____________ Credit ____________ Agency Payment ____________ Balance Due ____________ PAID IN FULL ____________ IF YOU ARE AN ADULT FILLING OUT THE ABOVE INFORMATION FOR MOM/CHILD, GRAND, OR YOU & ME CAMP: PLEASE REMEMBER TO FILL OUT A FORM/SHEET OF PAPER FOR EACH CHILD ATTENDING AS WELL AS FOR THE ADULT ATTENDING WITH THEM. ************************************************************************************** MORE INFORMATION WANTED PLEASE FILL OUT THE BACK SIDE OF THIS PAGE TOO. IT IS FOR THE FREE/REDUCED SCHOOL MEALS. YOU ARE ELIGIBLE IF YOU RECEIVE FOOD STAMPS, AFDC/TANF, THE CHILD IS A FOSTER CHILD, IF YOU QUALIFY AT SCHOOL, OR YOU ARE LOW INCOME. THIS HELPS US WITH THE COST OF FOOD. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PROGRAM, CONTACT MY OFFICE. TELEPHONE: 207-377-2924. EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected], FAX#: 207-377-4388, WEB PAGE: MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.B. 277, WINTHROP, ME 04364-0277 143445_brochure.indd 9 12/18/13 1:33 PM 143445_brochure.indd 10 12/18/13 1:33 PM 2014 SUMMER SCHEDULE DATES June 22-28 June 22-25 June 25-28 June 22-27 June 22-27 AREA Lakeside Village Village Retreat #1 OutPost NAME OF CAMP El/Jr Music Theatre GrandCamp #1 GrandCamp #2 Girls Sewing Intermed. OutPost SCHOOL GRADE ‘13-’14 3--9 See Write-Up See Write-Up 5--8 6--9 CAMP# 11 12 13 14 15 COST $310.00 $220/$85 $220/$85 $310.00 $330.00 June 29-July 4 June 29-July 2 June 29-July 2 June 29-July 4 Lakeside Village KK Retreat #1 Jr/Sr High Night Camp Mom/Child #1 First Timers Aquatics 6--12 See Write-Up 2 6--9 16 17 18 19 $310.00 $220/$85 $225.00 $295.00 July 6-12 July 6-12 July 6-11 Lakeside Village Sports El. Creative Arts Camp I Am Co-ed Basketball 4--6 4--6 6--9 20 21 22 $310.00 $295.00 $310.00 July 14-19 July 13-18 July 13-18 July 13-19 Lakeside Village KK Retreat 1+2 Adult Special Needs Mid. School Rally Camp Scrapbooking Photography See Write-Up 6--8 4--7 5--7 23 24 25 26 $290.00 $285.00 $320.00 $320.00 July 20-26 July 20-25 July 20-26 Lakeside KK Village Sports El. Music Theatre Native American Camp Science Camp 3--6 5--6 4--7 27 28 29 $310.00 $295.00 $310.00 July 27-Aug. 1 July 27-30 July 30-Aug. 2 July 27-Aug. 1 July 27-Aug. 1 July 27-Aug. 1 July 27-Aug. 2 Lakeside Village Village KK Village Sports OutPost Retreat 1+2 Young Adventurers GrandCamp #3 GrandCamp #4 Sr. High Rally Camp El. Co-ed Soccer El. OutPost Jr/Sr High Creative Arts 3--4 See Write-Up See Write-Up 9--12 3--6 4--6 6--12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 $285.00 $220/$85 $220/$85 $285.00 $310.00 $295.00 #310.00 August 3-9 August 3-6 August 6-9 August 3-8 August 3-6 Lakeside Village Village Sports Retreat 1+2 Jr/Sr High Music Theatre Mom/Child #2 You & Me El Co-ed Basketball Golden Oldies 6--12 See Write-Up See Write-Up 3--6 See Write-Up 37 38 39 40 41 $310.00 $220/$85 $220/$85 $310.00 $225.00 MECHUWANA DAY CAMP SCHEDULE WEEK #1 JUNE 23-27 (MONDAY-FRIDAY) WEEK #2 JUNE 30-JULY 2 (MONDAY-WEDNESDAY) WEEK #3 JULY 21-25 (MONDAY-FRIDAY) Day Camp at Mechuwana offers boating, swimming, story time, arts & crafts, exploration of the camp and much more. Call or email the camp office for a brochure. Day camp runs Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost: $125.00/$75.00 per child per week or half week. Snacks are provided and you supply the child’s lunch. 143445_brochure.indd 11 12/20/13 8:43 AM Mechuwana P.O. Box 277 Winthrop, ME 04364-0277 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WINTHROP, MAINE PERMIT NO. 71 Camp Office (207) 377-2924 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Mechuwana P.O. Box 277 Winthrop, ME 04364 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CAMP MECHUWANA 143445_brochure.indd 12 12/19/13 9:18 AM