Health Information For Plasma Donors


Health Information For Plasma Donors
Getting In Shape To Donate
Here is a brief listing of the most common medical
conditions that require us to defer donors. We have
also included some dietary and lifestyle suggestions
that may help you to qualify.
Low Red Cell Level: This can be caused by a variety of
things. It is most commonly related to low iron levels.
High Blood Pressure: Anyone can have high blood
pressure. Your chances are increased if you are AfricanAmerican, over 55 or have a family history of high blood
pressure. You can help keep it low by maintaining a
healthy weight, cutting back on salt intake, exercising
regularly, not smoking and not drinking heavily.
Increased Heart Rate: Some things that can increase
exercising just before donating.
Low Protein: This can be caused by not eating enough
protein. Also, protein levels may decrease during an
extended illness.
High Fatty Plasma: Eating a diet lower in fat and
cholesterol and making healthy lifestyle choices,
including regular exercise, will help reduce fatty plasma.
For more information on why these conditions cause
deferrals, please see one of our medical personnel.
your doctor.
For more information about your donation, visit
For Plasma
Donating Restrictions
Some conditions may prevent you from donating,
and listed below are some of the most common
reasons why you may be deferred.
Piercings & Tattoos
If you have received a body piercing, tattoo or tattoo
touch-up in the past 12 months, please let us know so
we can advise you when you would be eligible to
return to donate.
Other Blood & Plasma Donations
If you have given whole blood, you must wait eight
weeks before you can donate plasma. If you are
currently an active donor at another plasma center,
please speak with our
about your eligibility to
donate with us.
Plasma donors come from all walks of life — young,
old, male, female and all races and backgrounds. As
long as you’re healthy and meet certain criteria,
you’re welcomed and encouraged to give.
This brochure will provide you with information on
the screening and donation process, as well as how
you can continue to be a healthy plasma donor.
The Donation Process
• We will clean the area of the arm you will be using
to donate. All of the supplies we use are sterile and
disposable. Everything is used only once.
• To make the donation process easier, we
recommend that you wear clothing with sleeves
that can be pulled above the elbow.
• You may feel a brief “sting” from the needle.
• Your body will replenish the plasma within 48 hours.
Plasma donations can occur no more than twice in a
7-day period and there must be at least 48 hours
between donations.
Several types of illnesses and medical conditions that
will prevent you from becoming a plasma donor
• Diabetes requiring regular insulin injections
• History of hepatitis
• History of heart disease
• Active malignancy or history of cancer
We are not able to accept anyone who is pregnant.
A donor is eligible to donate six months after delivery.
Previous Deferrals
If you have ever been rejected as a blood or plasma
donor, you may not be able to donate or you may be
deferred. All new donors are checked against the
National Donor Deferral Registry database.
Thank you for donating your plasma. Plasma donors
like you are important, not just to their families and
communities, but to the patients who depend on
plasma-derived medicines.