Sunday, July 24 will be a Great Day for our Trinity Church Family to
Sunday, July 24 will be a Great Day for our Trinity Church Family to
Volume 85, Number 7 July 2016 A Monthly Publication of Trinity Lutheran Church The Messenger Sunday, July 24 will be a Great Day for our Trinity Church Family to Gather Summertime Outdoor Worship at 10:30 a.m. with Pig Roast and Potluck to Follow Our third annual Outdoor Worship Sunday will travel home to Trinity’s west lawn, with great views of the Cross Tower enveloped in scaffolding. We will gather on the church lawn on Sunday, July 24, for a single worship service at 10:30 a.m. The brief outdoor service of Holy Communion will be followed by a Pig Roast, with roasted pork catered by Ms. Piggie’s BBQ. The Trinity congregation is invited to add to the “porkfest” with a good old fashioned church potluck, with the following direction offered as you plan to bring a dish to share: Last name: A-I : desserts J-Q : salads and fruits R-Z : vegetables Come for food, family time, fun and fellowship. Bring a friend and meet members of the church who attend a different worship service! Pig and beverages will be provided, but vegetarians and vegans are also welcome! Make sure to bring a chair or blanket to sit on and a side dish to share. Welcome New Members of Trinity Lutheran Church Welcome to our 45 newest members of Trinity Lutheran Church, received in worship on May 22 and May 29, 2016! Please take time to greet and get to know our newest partners in ministry! And check out the New Members Directory included in this mailing of The Messenger. Page 1 Josh and Marci Anderson and their daughter Isla Jason and Kelly Montgomery and their children Madison and Taylor Jennifer Brown and her daughter Brianda Josh and Anna Peterman and their daughter Ruby Charles and Jing Cairns and their daughters DeeDee and Mimi Beth Reimel Dylan Rodriguez Morrie and Cindy Fongers Carol Fornberg Pastor Dan and Alexis Schewe and their son Sam Fritz Kilcrease Drew and Jodi Hutchinson and their children Parker and Spencer Greg and Lori Law and their children Gavin and Maya Brittney Themm and Dan Zielinski (Dan is actually a 15-year member of Trinity; the “new thing” will be his marriage to Brittney in September of 2016) Bill and Meri Leidel Jan Themm Matthew and Brittney Mencarelli (Matt’s family joined Trinity in 2007; he and Brittney have found a home together at Trinity since their marriage in October 2012) Tom Villalobos Phil and Kelly Wittry Rick and Michelle Wolner Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 What’s Happening at Trinity in July? Daily Calendar Monday, July 18 Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. Outreach Committee Meeting, 1 p.m. Oasis Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 1 High School Youth Mission Trip SpringHill Day Camp, 9 a.m. Marriage of Jessica Gast and Adam Tiefenbach, 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 19 Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. Saturday, July 2 High School Youth Mission Trip returning home Summer Worship Schedule Continues through Sunday, September 4 Rejoice Contemporary Worship, 9 a.m. Traditional Worship, 10:30 a.m. Monday, July 4 Independence Day - Office Closed Rejoice Worship Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Oasis Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 8 Wedding Rehearsal, 6 p.m. Sundays Rejoice contemporary worship, 9 a.m. Traditional worship, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 9 Marriage of Samantha Nelson and Cody Van Drunen, 4 p.m. Mondays Rejoice Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Sunday, July 10 Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Tuesdays Al-Anon, 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 11 Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 12 Endowment Fund Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. Thursdays Al-Anon, 7:30 p.m. visit for event details Monday, July 25 Campers at Stony Lake Blood Drive, 1:30 p.m. Human Resources Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 Campers at Stony Lake Catholic Diocese Using Parking Lot Spiritual Growth Committee Meeting, 5:45pm Wednesday, July 27 Campers at Stony Lake Wednesday, July 13 Stephen Ministry Peer Support Meeting, 6 p.m. Fridays AA, 8 p.m. Al-Anon, 8 p.m. ACoA, 8 p.m. Thursday, July 21 Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m. Greater Hopes Support Group Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 5 Executive Committee Meeting, 7:15 a.m. Friday, July 22 Worship and Music Committee Meeting, Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. 7 p.m. Youth & Family Committee Meeting, 7 p.m. Sunday, July 24 Campers to Stony Lake Wednesday, July 6 Outdoor Service at Trinity, 10:30 a.m. Messenger Submissions Due Blessing of the Campers, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, July 7 Girl Scouts - Forest Hill Service Unit, 7 p.m. Picnic & Pig Roast at Trinity, 11:30 a.m. Weekly at a Glance Wednesdays Quilting, 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 20 Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. Thursday, July 28 Campers at Stony Lake Friday, July 29 Campers return from Stony Lake Thursday, July 14 NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 15 Dégage (Day Team), 6 p.m. Sunday, July 17 Richmond Pool Party, 5:30 p.m. Page 2 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Message from Pastor Bob Linstrom Finding Community and Giving Thanks for the Small Stuff “Those who love their dream of a Christian community more than the Christian community itself become destroyers of that Christian community even though their personal intentions may be ever so honest, earnest, and sacrificial . . . We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts . . . Who can really be faithful in great things if he has not learned to be faithful in the things of daily life?” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible It was forty years ago this month that I found myself embedded in vehicle wreckage in the right lane of I-70 outside of Columbus, Ohio. My 19-year old self almost died that day. What followed was four hours of cutting me out of the wreckage, emergency surgery, three weeks in intensive care, a dozen subsequent major surgical procedures, five months in traction, and a year and a half in leg braces learning to walk again. It was after that two-year pilgrimage that I began again to make my way anew into the independence of young adulthood. I was whole but broken, and different. Physical challenges have been a part of life’s journey in the decades since but I have been deeply blessed to live well and with so much to be thankful for every day. Life is so very good. Well-meaning people, hearing parts of that story, will often determine that the experience of my accident and recovery, miraculous in multiple ways, was the source of my call to ordained ministry. That must be true on some level. However, it was in the discovery of Christian community, manifest in the life of the congregation, that I found my place as a pastor. Even after beginning my journey through seminary I withdrew from that course of study, certain that I was not cut out to be a pastor and absolutely certain that I did not want to be affiliated with the ‘institution’ of the church. I’m still not sold on the institution of the church. But I love congregational life and the privilege of pastoral ministry in the life of a congregation. In the life of a congregation we find community, a precious gift of mutual engagement and accountability, a wonder of compromise and flexibility, worship together despite our differences, all grounded in what our God has done in Christ Jesus to redeem the world. And it is the “small stuff,” the kind word, the willing visitor, the meal quietly delivered, the card sent to one newly grieving, the teaching of children, the Sharing of the Peace with generous engagement, the welcome of the stranger, the baptism of an infant, the bread broken and the cup passed – it is in the “small stuff” that I am most encouraged that the life of the congregation in Christian community is most beautifully alive and well. It is in the “small stuff” that God’s redeeming of the world continues to unfold in the life of a congregation. Bonhoeffer called it “life together.” It was life together in the small, simple beauty of Christian community that provided the context for my discovery of a call to ordained ministry. I am grateful for life together with you, my sisters and brothers at Trinity Lutheran Church, the ongoing community that is the center of my celebration of the “small stuff” that binds us and send us out into the world. Broken and made whole, simultaneously sinner and saint, every one, we have much for which to give thanks. The community of Christ itself is a gift – let us share it well in lives attuned one to another in love, forgiveness and mercy, manifest in the “small stuff,” yet really not small . . . Grace to you and peace, Pastor Bob Linstrom Page 3 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Council Corner With summer time upon us many of our schedules slow down a bit and we look forward to some rest, relaxation and restoration prior to things speeding up again in the fall. However, here at Trinity you’ll find we still have an abundance of opportunities and activities for adult and youth involvement. Trinity Congregation Council Members 2016-2017 Standing committees of the Congregation Council coordinate the mission & ministry of Trinity and provide their leadership in developing new programming. Each committee has a council committee person who acts as the liaison between the council and committee. Executive Committee members and Committee contacts are: Two weeks ago we kicked off our “slower” time with the Start of Summer Celebration, along with our Art & Music Camp, and we just recently completed our Springhill Day Camp. We also sent 30 of our senior high youth off with eight parent chaperones for a mission trip to Somerville, TN. Congregation Council Executive Committee President: Brad Blair, 616-430-7529, [email protected] Vice President: Mike Mason, 616-826-8501, [email protected] Treasurer: John Basher, 616-974-9482, [email protected] Secretary: Carrie Wygmans, 616-481-2489, [email protected] Senior Pastor: Rev. Robert Linstrom, 616-949-2492, ext. 15, [email protected] Associate Pastor : Rev. Dan Schewe, 616-949-2492, ext. 24 [email protected] This month we will enjoy an evening at Richmond Park Pool on July 17, Vacation Bible School from July 18 to 22, and help with a Habitat for Humanity project on July 23. We also have planned an outdoor Sunday worship service at Trinity on July 24 followed by a Pig Roast and potluck luncheon. Later that day we will see our middle school youth off to Stony Lake Camp from July 24 to 29. By the time you read this our iconic Cross Tower remediation project should be well under way with scaffolding in place and limestone pieces being replaced and restored. We also continue to move forward in our volunteer recruitment and planning for our exciting “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign which will help us in achieving our goals for the new master building plan revision which we reviewed with the congregation in May. Based on all the above activity you may question my initial assertion that summer is a time when things slow down. But such is the life of a vibrant, loving, generous and giving family of Christian brothers and sisters. How blessed we all are through our faith, fellowship and commitment to Christ and to His work on this earth. Congregation Council Members Children’s Ministries: Kathy Bush, 616-485-0031, [email protected] Congregational Life: Neil Sendler, 616-581-1853, [email protected] My summer prayer is that we do all find some “down time” to gain some much needed rest this summer. Our Savior recognized this need for His servants in Mark 6: 30–31: Endowment Fund: Mike Mason Fellowship: Brenda Heacock, 616-915-0717, [email protected] Finance: John Basher Health Ministries: Hospitality: Carrie Wygmans Human Resources: Dan Babin, 616-8189122, [email protected] Outreach: Wendy Johnson, 616- 940-3130, [email protected] Property: Jim Coates, 616-254-9447, [email protected] Property: Gene Gunderson, 231-409-0106, [email protected] The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Enjoy your summer and try and take some time for rest and relaxation! Your brother in Christ, Brad Blair Brad Blair Congregation Council President Spiritual Growth: Stewardship: John Fox, 616-949-2510, [email protected] Worship and Music: Rick Radke, 616-682-1198, [email protected] Youth and Family: Tess Lundgren, 616-889-9503, [email protected] Youth and Family: Emma Hall, 616-551-7511, [email protected] Youth and Family: Taylor Sytsma, 616-914-1862, [email protected] Paul Crist, 616-813-6150, [email protected] Page 4 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Message from Associate Pastor Dan Schewe We are in the Middle of a Time of Transition! I find one of the most foundational passages in the Bible to be Genesis 12:1-5: Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Abram took his wife Sarai and his brother’s son Lot, and all the possessions that they had gathered, and the persons whom they had acquired in Haran; and they set forth to go to the land of Canaan. – NRSV In this passage we are introduced to Abram, before he becomes Abraham. We are told very little about him, but here he is called by God to go. Yet he is given little information about his destination, only the vague direction ‘to the land that I will show you.’ He is to leave everything familiar to him, his places of comfort, and go toward wherever this land is that will be shown to him. Yet he is given promises about the journey. As he follows, he and his clan will become great, and be blessed. Not just for their own benefit, but for the benefit of all families of the earth. On his journey, as he follows, he will be blessed to be a blessing. I cannot imagine how difficult this transition must have been for Abram and his family, yet they went and we are blessed because they did. We are in the middle of a time of transition in our Children’s, Youth, and Family Ministries. Brittany Fischer has an amazing vision and passion for what our Sunday morning education time can be for our children. We are looking at transitioning to a lectionary-based curriculum, which means that the lessons for our children will be based on the same scriptures we read in worship. Her focus is helping our children get back to the basics of our faith, and strengthening their relationships with one another and the adults who are helping them. Look for a preview event for you and your family in August and join us for a kickoff event on September 18! Taylor Sytsma has a deep passion for our middle school youth and an under standing of those years can be extremely important in their faith formation. She is helping develop a middle school youth group around our confirmation programs and periodic fellowship and service events. Taylor is focused on helping our students establish deeper friendships and start to see how their faith can be lived out daily. Ashlee Wetherington’s commitment and passion for our high school youth is contagious. She is helping develop a robust event calendar with the youth. Our hope is they continue to see how their faith can lead them in all aspects of their lives and deepen their relationships with the church and one another. We invite the families of high school youth to join us on the afternoon of August 14 for a kickoff event to this program year! We are currently filling the final position of the team who will be focused on our larger group events that help families connect with one another across all of these various age groups. While we are in the middle of a time of great transition, we are faithfully trying to follow God as best as we can. We may not know exactly what the future ahead of us looks like but we do know that as we follow we will be blessed and we will be a blessing. We are excited to embark on this journey with you! Shalom, Pastor Dan Schewe Associate Pastor Page 5 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Building Endowment Fund Matching Gift Challenge Met! In April of 2016 a $50,000 matching gift was offered to Trinity to bring the new Building Endowment Fund to a level of active distribution as a resource for the ongoing care of Trinity’s facilities. It is a privilege to report that, as of the compiling of this newsletter, $50,160 has been received to meet that matching gift and another large gift is anticipated to bring the Building Endowment Fund to life. Initiated with a $5,000 seed gift in 2015, the growth of the Building Endowment Fund has been a remarkable success story as the “forever gift” nature of this fund seeds the future care and maintenance of our beloved church facilities. Watch for a final report of the summer of 2016 Building Endowment Fund Matching Gift Challenge in the August issue of this newsletter! Please Remember Your Offering When You Are Away As you travel this summer to vacation destinations, the lakeshore, the family cottage or family reunions, remember that the ministry of your congregation continues all summer long. Mail your offering or make your gifts electronically but don’t forget your church! If you would like assistance with options for electronic giving, contact Ashlee Wetherington in the Trinity church office at [email protected]. Trinity Lutheran Church Budget vs. Actuals Month of May 2016 Total Income Total Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Budget 85,500 75,817 Actual 102,788 68,908 9,683 33,880 Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) 17,288 6,909 16.8% 10.0% 24,197 Giving was higher than budget with one-time gift larger than pledge. Spending was lower than budget for Payroll (Parish Nurse was on medical leave), Property (although higher on YTD basis), and Administration (local Synod Assembly). 2016 Fiscal Year to Date February to May 2016 Total Income Total Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Budget 335,500 318,745 Actual 351,803 305,710 Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) 16,303 13,035 16,755 46,093 29,338 4.6% 4.3% Giving was higher than budget with one-time gift larger than pledge. Spending was lower than budget for Payroll (Parish Nurse was on medical leave), Utilities (favorable weather) and Administration (local Synod Assembly). These were partially offset by higher Property spending on the Boiler. Page 6 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Music Scholarship Fund It has always been a pleasure for the members of Trinity’s Worship and Music Committee to offer scholarships to students attending summer music camps. However, the Pauline Tweddale Music Scholarship Fund is currently depleted. Your donations to this music fund, established in memory of a former Trinity member, would be greatly appreciated at this time. Checks may be made payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with “Tweddale Scholarship Fund” in the memo line. Diane or Larry Biser or Sid Hoeksema would be pleased to accept your donation. We have been awarding scholarships to students involved in Trinity's music program for many years - let's do our best to continue that wonderful history. Report from North/West Lower Michigan Synod Assembly The Assembly was held in Grand Rapids at the Crown Plaza May 15 to 17. Trinity participants were Pastor Bob Linstrom (Synod Parliamentarian), Carrie Wygmans (Synod Organizer), Dawn Brackmann (Synod Attorney), and voting members Pastor Dan Schewe, Sue and Jim Coates, Jan Palm, and Vince Schumacher. As Jan observed, the three days were "inspirational, educational and challenging." It was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other at a deeper level and meet Synod attendees from other Churches. Following an opening prayer service on Sunday, various organizational topics were addressed. On Monday we received status reports on several of the synod's ministries including Living Waters, Samaritas (LSSM), Portico, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, ELCA World Hunger Fund and WELCA (Women of the ELCA). During the afternoon attendees split into three activities: 1) Prayer for World Justice, 2) Preparing for meeting the needs of the World and 3) visiting/working at two community centers in Grand Rapids doing gardening, painting, clean up etc. After dinner we witnessed a musical prayer service recognizing the needs of over 50 countries in the world, one at a time. It was very moving. On Tuesday, the final day, we were presented with a daunting task. Each of 30 tables (6-8 per table) were asked to discuss and report to the group on four questions. What kind of church do we believe God is calling us to become? How do we become an inclusive diverse church that is inspiring and relevant in different communities? If we had to decide that some things were more important than others in the next 5-10 years, what are your top three things? How do we become a more connected church? (with other congregations, synod, national church and all their ministries) It was realized that this is an ongoing challenge that needs to be addressed by our church at all levels. The Synod Assembly concluded with a prayer service highlighted by Holy Communion being offered at each table and served by us to each other. This was a very nice touch to the conclusion of a most inspiring three days. Each one of us would like to thank the congregation for giving us this opportunity. Respectfully submitted, Jim Coates Page 7 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Trinity Pool Party - Sunday, July 17 Richmond Park Pool 5:30 to 8 p.m. Make plans now to enjoy some summer fun and splashin’ around during Trinity’s Pool Party on Sunday, July 17, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Richmond Park Pool in Grand Rapids. Join us for this great Trinity summer tradition! Trinity’s annual pool party is always a highlight of the summer. Admission is free and we have the whole pool all to ourselves. Invite your friends, family, the kids’ friends - the more the merrier! This HUGE pool features: an amazing water slide zero-depth entry so the littlest swimmers can walk into the water several water playground areas and water spray features diving boards swimming lanes shaded picnic area - bring snacks, dinner (snorkels and other water toys are not permitted at Richmond Pool) Richmond Park Pool is located 1637 Tamarack NW, at the intersection of Richmond and Tamarack on the near northwest side of Grand Rapids. Vacation Bible School at Trinity - July 18 to 22 Welcome to Cave Quest: Following Jesus - the Light of the World 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Each day kids participate in small groups, called Cave Crews, and discover practical ways to follow Jesus, the light of the world! Not only will they experience exciting Bible adventures but they’ll also watch for God in everyday life through something called “God Sightings.” You and your kids will discover that God is active in our lives and that His light shines for us to see it daily! Cave Quest is filled with unforgettable Bible-learning experiences kids will see, hear, touch, and even taste! “KidVid Cinema” shares real stories of real kids who are shining God’s light in everyday life! Team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats keep everyone on the move. Camp VBS promises to be an over-the-top, underground adventure! Kids will walk away understanding what it means to follow Jesus and shine His light. Sign up today on Trinity’s website: (go to Children’s Ministry under the Ministries tab). Are you Expecting or Adopting? The Trinity staff would like to celebrate and share in your happy news of being pregnant or adopting a new bundle of joy. We like to know about it so we can pray for and support your family. Our ministry to your baby begins before they are even born. Contact Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis with details. Page 8 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Summer Blood Drive at Trinity - Monday, July 25 Pump Up for the Summer Blood Drive After falling substantially short of our goal in May because of no-shows and folks deferred for various reasons (iron deficiency, travel to Zika affected countries) it's important for us to rally and make a better showing in July. A congregation our size should be able to offer more than the two dozen or so donors who come out to donate each and every time. We are so grateful for our faithful donors and wish to honor Don Barsema, Carol Eriksen and Joyce McKenzie for earning their 1, 3, and 5 gallon donor pins, respectively. If you're a new church member or haven't donated in the past, please consider participating in this most rewarding ministry, if only to nibble on Linda Grinstead's BEST COOKIES EVER! Thank you, Linda! Remember, each donation can save up to three lives, and blood supplies tend to be erratic over the summer with vacations, etc. even though the need is constant. So come out and donate on Monday, July 25, from 1:30-6:15 p.m. (note the time change.) Please contact Sue Babin at [email protected] or 616-272-3902 to schedule an appointment so we know you're coming and Michigan Blood can staff adequately. Thank you! Trinity’s Prayer Ministry Trinity has a prayer ministry through which our members and friends benefit greatly from the power of prayer! There are many ways you can become involved in our prayer ministry: Electronic Prayer Chain – submit your name and email address to the church office and we will get you added to the list of people who regularly pray for those in need. You will receive emails periodically with information about individuals for whom prayer would be appreciated. Prayer Group – a face-to-face prayer group that meets once a month on the second Sunday of the month. This group explores various methods of prayer. Submitting a prayer request – you can contact the church office by phone or email or fill out one of the yellow “Let’s Connect” cards available at any of our worship services. You can also personally speak to one of the pastors or staff members. Prayer Tree – this ministry began in the fall of 2015. We will once again kick it off in September as the adult members of Trinity choose a child to pray for until the spring. Then in the spring we come together for a celebration and a time of sharing a meal and fellowship. Trinity’s High School Youth Mission Trip is Underway! Please keep Trinity’s high school youth and their adult chaperones in your prayers as they are in Somerville, TN for this summer’s Mission Trip from June 25 to July 2. The group will demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion in tangible ways, serving those in need by working on projects like building wheelchair ramps, painting and doing various home repairs. Thank you, Mission Trippers, for your willingness to be of help to the people of Somerville. May you all be a blessing to each other and to all of the people that you encounter on your travels together! Page 9 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 New Nursery Coordinator – Hiring Staff for Trinity Nursery Adult and High School Youth Sought to Staff Trinity Nursery Beginning July 1, 2016, long-time church nursery staff person Awilda Diaz will be taking the helm of that program as our Nursery Coordinator. This summer Trinity will be interviewing prospective adult and high school youth to serve as paid nursery staff to join a veteran team for our Sunday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening and special event offering of nursery care for Trinity’s youngest members. Are you interested in joining our nursery team? Contact Pastor Linstrom ([email protected], 616-949-2510, ext. 15) for more information . Help With Habitat for Humanity - Saturday, July 23 Trinity members are invited to help DEMOLISH a home for Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, July 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1248 Davis NW in Grand Rapids. Yes, you read that correctly - the scheduled task for that day is demolition. Sounds like it might be rather therapeutic and more fun than usual, right?! Our volunteer crew will help clear the old house that is currently on the property in advance of later crews coming in to help build up a beautiful new Habitat home. Volunteers 18 years of age and older are welcome to participate in the demolition. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in an important outreach ministry that focuses on building houses for qualified families using mostly volunteer labor and donated materials. Trinity member Gloria Von der Heide is our Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Coordinator. Please contact her at 616-454-7454 or [email protected] if you would like to volunteer to work that day and/or help provide lunch for the volunteer crew. Buy a Book of Bus Tickets! You are invited to support our community’s most vulnerable members by purchasing bus tickets to be distributed to community organizations including Dégagé Ministries, Family Promise (IHN) and Samaritas. Many area residents do not have cars and must rely totally upon public transportation to get to job interviews, work, grocery stores and appointments. Bus tickets can provide stability for individuals and families who are struggling. Please consider supporting this ministry by purchasing one or more packs of bus tickets. A pack of 10 tickets is now $13.50. Please place your donation in the offering plate on Sunday or drop it off in the church office. Make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with “bus tickets” on the memo line. We will collect for this special program through the end of August. Page 10 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Mitten Synod Is “Living Lutheran” in Honduras Eight people from our North/West Lower Michigan Synod ventured to Honduras March 9 to 15. Read about their adventure of accompaniment with the Lutheran Church of Honduras in the July insert of Living Lutheran magazine. Our Synod partners with the Lutheran Church of Honduras in a shared ministry called Honduras Health for Life, in which several Trinity members participate. If you would like more information, please contact Wendy Johnson at (616) 940-3130 or [email protected]. On Tuesday, March 9, we set off. A group of almost complete strangers set off on an adventure. Traveling from Michigan, Washington and Florida, the group came together for the first time. John and Kris Fox, Turner Sytsma, Linda Stark, Mary Schmiedeknecht, Janet Alcántara, Kara Gee and myself came together in Atlanta making the final leg together. We were on our way to visit our companion sisters and brothers in Honduras, all but two of us traveling there for the first time; all of us open to the people and places we would encounter. From the moment we arrived to the moment we departed we were in the wonderful hands of the gracious hosts that make up ICLH (Iglesia Cristiana Luterana de Honduras – Lutheran Church of Honduras). During our time together our minds were opened to the joys and challenges of our Honduran friends. We heard from Professor Nelson Garcia Lobo of The Mennonite Social Action Committee, Hermilo Soto, the director of the Lutheran World Federation in Honduras, and Deputy Chief of Mission Julie Shechter Torres and staff at the U.S. Embassy. In these conversations we were able to hear not only of the realities, but of the great work that is being done alongside some of the more difficult struggles. The eight N/WLM travelers with some of our Honduran brothers and sisters. And some of that great work is being done by the people of ICLH. We had the wonderful opportunity to come alongside some of the leaders within the Lutheran communities and spend time teaching and learning, sharing resources and information, and bearing witness to the love of God found in Jesus and in one another. Part of our role was to provide dental education to the health volunteers and engage the Biblical narrative to see the love and compassion that is so very present in Jesus’ life and ministry and to grow in our understanding of how this love can and does dismantle prejudice and discrimination. Another piece of our role was to educate some of our younger brothers and sisters about how to care for their teeth and what a delight that was. There was a lot of energy and eagerness to learn and to share what they already knew and of course there were a lot of smiling faces to show off their sparkling whites. The week the eight of us spent was a grand adventure. We immersed ourselves into the lives of those we were honored and privileged to spend time with and to come alongside. The Spirit was moving in and among our group from touchdown to takeoff. It was a delight to witness to what our companion church has done, is doing, and has dreams to do. It is a pure joy to see how God is at work through our Honduran friends and how God is at work in our partnership. I can only speak for myself, but this is definitely an opportunity of a lifetime and I would encourage our entire synod to partake in this adventure of love, hospitality, and companionship. Pastor Sara Cogsil Page 11 Trinity Lutheran Church Kara Gee, dental hygienist with some of the 2nd graders the dental team taught about oral hygiene. Turner Sytsma playing his guitar at sunset near where the dental and spiritual workshops were held. 616-949-2510 Cross Tower Project Underway The erection of scaffolding began on June 7 around Trinity’s iconic Cross Tower as the long-awaited remediation project finally began. Demolishing of old limestone facing will likely be underway by late June in a project that is currently projected to continue through the month of August. During construction the entire parking area on the west side office level has been closed off as the construction staging area and the exterior office door to Trinity has been closed off for the safety of our congregants. Please know that the kitchen door entrance on the east side of the church building is the main point of entry during office hours Monday through Friday and for weeknight and weekend meetings and activities. Join us in praying for a safe and productive construction season at Trinity and for a great conclusion to this first phase of our building project. Did You Know? . . . that conceptual design images and the Case Statement for our Master Plan Revision for the building project and the “Strengthen to Serve” capital campaign are now available on our website? Check the CAMPAIGN link at www.tlcgr .or g. . . . that the “Strengthen to Serve” capital campaign is underway with the people of Trinity asked to prayerfully consider how they will participate in supporting our emerging building project? The official congregational kickoff event will be on Sunday, September 11 – watch for more details in coming weeks! .. . that Youth and Family Staffing interviews for the Family Ministry Coordinator position have been held with several candidates in June of 2016? Watch for a profile of our new Youth and Family Ministry Team in the August Messenger. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / PixelsAway . . . that a couple of thank you events for ushers and greeters will be held on Wednesday, July 6 and Sunday, July 10? All of Tr inity’s cur r ent usher s and greeters will be invited – if you would like to join us as a new usher or greeter, contact the church office for more information. . . . that during July and August we continue to worship on Sundays at 9 a.m. for the Rejoice contemporary worship service and at 10:30 a.m. for the traditional worship service? We r etur n to the four ser vice wor ship schedule September 11. . . . that “Reformation 500” events are being planned in the Grand Rapids Conference? Tr inity will host one of the fir st events of the 500 th anniversary of the Reformation observance in the Grand Rapids area with a Hymn Festival on Reformation Sunday, October 30, 2016. Watch for details later this summer. . . . that Pastor Linstrom is hoping to hear from Trinity parents who are interested in a brief class to prepare young children for Holy Communion? Tr inity is a congregation that welcomes all of the baptized, including young children, to participate in the Lord’s Supper, and a wonderful, simple curriculum entitled “A Place for You” provides a meaningful introduction to Holy Communion for young children. Early in the fall each year Pastor Linstrom gathers with parents and their children for a brief Saturday First Communion class followed by bread baking in the church kitchen. The bread the children bake (with a bit of help) will be shared the following Sunday morning in worship along with a blessing of First Communion children and their families. Page 12 A class is being scheduled for the fall on Saturday, September 10 at 11 a.m. If you are interested in more information about Holy Communion with young children, contact Pastor Bob at 616-949-2510, ext. 15. Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 A New Women’s Social Group is Forming at Trinity! Do you wish you could go out socially more often but find that you are spending much of life alone at this point? It can sometimes be uncomfortable to go out to eat by yourself and perhaps you would really enjoy the company of friends for pleasant conversation over a meal. SOLO If you are a woman at least fifty years of age and are widowed, divorced or are single without a significant other, this new group could be for you. Plans are for women to meet together for lunch at area restaurants at noon on the first Tuesday of most months to simply have fun! Women will order from the restaurant menus and each guest will pay for their own meals. Savoring Our Lunches Out Together! Reservations will be made for the group in advance so it is important to RSVP. Please contact Trinity member Marjorie Paul at 616-209-5263 to let her know you would like to attend or if you have questions. On Tuesday, July 5, the group is going to Cork Wine and Grille at Watermark Country Club. The deadline to RSVP is Thursday, June 30. On Tuesday, August 2, the group plans to go to the Cherie Inn. The deadline to RSVP is Thursday, July 28. “SOLO Together” just might be a great way for you to get out more often and enjoy the company of other women. Trinity Travelers “In the Footsteps of Martin Luther” in July Twenty-six will journey together July 13 to 23 “in the footsteps of Martin Luther” through the cities of Luther’s Germany. Highlights of the trip will be Mainz, Worms, the Gutenberg Museum, Erfurt, Wartburg Castle, Lutherhaus, Eisleben, Dresden, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church, Wittenberg, St. Mary’s Church and Berlin. Pastor Bob and Rebecca Linstrom will be leading the Trinity delegation on a guided tour through Collette Travel. The Trinity Travelers Group for Luther’s Germany, July 13-23, 2016 includes David and Wendy Johnson, Norm and Jan Palm, Ken and Bev Block, Pastor Bob and Rebecca Linstrom, Curtis and Elizabeth Druckrey, John and Kris Racek, John and Kris Fox, Marjorie Paul and Jennifer Fouchey, Bill and Meri Leidel, Bob and Linda Heine, Frank and Annette Remsburg, Vince and Carol Schumacher, Doug Haneline and Jan Jacobson. Keep them in your prayers as they travel to Luther’s Germany in the 499 th year of the Reformation! Page 13 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Save the Date Trinity Connections Form Please use this form to share updates and requests. Our faith family at Trinity supports our daily journeys of faith, shares God’s gifts of love and grace, and responds to people in need. Complete this form and drop in the offering plate or Church Office, or mail to: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2700 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Please check all that apply: AUGUST Aug. 8 – Messenger Submissions Due Aug. 13 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m. Aug. 14 – Mission Trip Sunday Aug. 14 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Aug. 19 – Dégagé (Talsma Team) Aug. 28 – “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign Announcement Sunday SEPTEMBER Welcome Visitors - Let us get to know you! Have visited Trinity New to the area Seeking a church home Cares/Concerns Would appreciate a visit from a pastor Prayer request (describe below) Would appreciate being connected to a Stephen Minister Health concerns for self or family member (describe below) Please add a member of my family in the military (describe below include position, armed services branch and location) Family Changes We’re expecting or adopting! Anticipated arrival _________ Birth (share details below) Death of family member (share details below) Sept. 5 – Labor Day Observed - Office Closed Sept. 7 – Executive Committee Meeting, 7:15 a.m. Sept. 11 – Return to four worship service schedule Sept. 11 – “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign Kick-off Sunday Sept. 11 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Sept. 11 – “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign Kick-off Celebration, 5 p.m. Sept. 11-18 – Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Sept. 12 – Messenger Submissions Due Sept. 12 – Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 15 – Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m. Sept. 16 – Dégagé (Day Team), 6 p.m. Sept. 23 – Concert by Peter Heykoop, 7 p.m. Address/Phone Changes Address Change Phone or email change OCTOBER Other I’d like more information (describe below): First Name Last Name Oct. 4 – Executive Committee Meeting, 7:15 a.m. Oct. 8 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m. Oct. 9 – “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign Witness Sunday Oct. 9 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Oct. 10 – Messenger Submissions Due Oct. 10 – Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 – “Strengthen to Serve” Campaign Commitment Sunday Oct. 21 – Dégagé (Talsma Team), 6 p.m. Oct. 30 – Reformation Sunday Oct. 30 – Confirmation Sunday, 11:15 p.m. Oct. 30 – Trunk or Treat, 5:30 p.m. Address City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email Cares/concerns, prayer requests, family changes and ideas: Page 14 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 July Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations! July 1 Andrew Murray Jennifer Palm Joy Prusak Warren Veltman Elizabeth and John Derbin Joan and David Hansen Esther and Alan Sellman July 2 Ellie Brandstadt Peggy Demmon Haley Fisk Linda Grinstead Joe Rosloniec Calvin Steketee Micah Steketee Daniel Zielinski July 3 Nanci Guigue Isaac Johnson Janet Konen Yvonne Lynn John Moglia Ned Quinn July 4 Greg Battreall Oscar Heaford Donna Linsey Jeff Ulrich Shayne Wilson Linda and John Holm July 5 Bonnie Brandstadt Caden Budzyn William Cannon Victoria Elliott Oliver Ruble Susan and Dave Gutierrez July 6 Deborah Bambini Kim Brock Kristi Flatt Rachel Gosch Tony Lawrence Jr. Shirley Pearson Kristin and John Bradley Lisa and Dave Reierson July 7 Elena Griewahn Michelle and Marty Remelts III Melissa and John Ziech July 8 Kaitlyn Childers Kelly Hoffman-Hagmeyer Abigail Lamprich Matthew Mead Hudson Proux Rachel Vigna July 9 Coreen Beckett Angie Brace Hayes Dudley Annie Hudson Lisa Mead David Morrison Chloe Tesch Sue and Dave Wait July 10 Gordon Engstrom Kevin Henkel Karin Moglia Micki Smokovich Jonathan Sommers July 11 Connie Engel Tom Helzer Fred Ulreich July 12 Abigail Battreall Julianna Hahn Connor Krupp Judy Otten Mae Preston Colin Sawhill Andrea and Timothy Dudley Lisa Wilson and Keith Gohlke July 13 Sofia Crist Andrea Salasky Kelly and Grant Hagmeyer July 14 Sarah Huckstep Alexander Soule Diane and Larry Biser Carrie and Sid Hoeksema Ashley and Erik Perkins July 15 Lillian Czypera Laura Fisher Kathryn Langenburg Mary Wollen Laura and Steven Cairns Deb and John Potter Page 15 Trinity Lutheran Church July 16 Brooklyn Breon Bill Fisk Katie Grzelak Kaitlyn Landon Grace Lawrence Karen Smith Ingrid and Patrick Brang Jane and Nicholas Claus Kerry and Jim McKee July 17 Benjamin Cannon Darcy Moore Tadas Norris Tom Shannon Jr. Tom VanderWoude Peyton Wollen Beth and Bob O’Connor July 18 Sue Bakkila Kate and Bryan Bredwell Wendy and Joesy Johnson Yvonne and Dan Lynn Joyce and Ralph Schenk July 19 Fran Bolthuis Mikaela Bradley Nancy Krupp Laura Swain Connie and Larry Frazier Kelly and Jason Montgomery July 20 Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood Dave Reierson Michelle and Tom Albaitis July 21 Rachel Ahrens Ken Beld Benson Beuker Katelyn Tooley Shirley and Richard Tedford July 22 Keegan Coles Jordan Donahue Betsy and John McIntyre Rachel and Brian Vigna July 23 Fred Wilcox Bonnie and Todd Brandstadt Liz and Art Schmehling July 24 Kirstine Brocker Laura Elliott 616-949-2510 (July 24 continued) Charles Krug Megan Unruh Maggie VanderWoude Paul VanderWoude July 25 Susan Candela Karen and Dave Rozek Kyle and John Teichow Kathleen and David Young July 26 Tom Fredrickson Pam Gunderson Carrie Hoeksema Christopher Humphreys John Kendall Molly King Susan Youngren Ann and Michael Morin July 27 Peter Bowman Barbara Meyers Jay Rosloniec Dale Volkerding Christine and Richard Duyser Michelle and Ned Quinn July 28 Alain Carron Bruce Hungerford Beth Olson Steven Salasky Jamie and Jason Stevenson July 29 Peter Larson Ronald McNally Elaine Rongey Jennifer Salasky Kay Zeaman Kori and Jeffrey Grooters July 30 Zach Budzyn Grant Greiner Gene Gunderson Bryant Hicks Nancy Lindquist Kathleen Longstreth Emily and Roy Black Sharon and Bill Brandner July 31 Jillian Beld Brooke Croly Clara DeVita-Krug Mary Rasmussen Kirsten and Omar Zarou Thank You Notes! Bob and I would like to thank you all so much for your prayers for our grandson Carter and his parents Nicole and Todd. Carter still has some feeding issues but is really improving and finally gaining weight as well as developing into a healthy, happy 8-month-old. Nicole and Todd asked that you continue to keep him in your prayers - they have seen your prayers work! We would also like to thank you for your prayers during my surgery and recovery. I am doing very well and filled with gratitude to God for answered prayer and His mercy. God’s blessings, Linda Heine Thank you to all the volunteers and participants who made this year’s Start of Summer Celebration such a wonderful event! Thank you so much for the fine send-off at the picnic and the many personal conversations we've had with many of you from this wonderful church! As Peggy and I are transitioning from work to retirement and Grand Rapids to Dexter, near our children and grandchildren, we have many different emotions. We were both born in Grand Rapids, and other than our years away at college, we have lived, worked and worshiped here. We have been deeply blessed by our time at Trinity and will miss you very much. Blessings to you all! Tom and Peggy Demmon Trinity Lutheran Church 2700 Fulton Street East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main Office: 616-949-2510 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (M-F) Mission: T rinity L utheran Church is a dynamic family called by God to nurture each other in our daily journeys of faith and to joyfull y increase our response to all people in need, sharing God’s gifts of love and grace. Staff Direct Dial: 616-949-2492 (then dial extension #) Rev. Robert Linstrom, Senior Pastor (ext. 15) [email protected] Sidney Hoeksema, Trinity Choir Director 616-554-2998, [email protected] Rev. Dan Schewe, Associate Pastor (ext. 24) [email protected] Beth Humphreys, Wedding Coordinator [email protected] Diane T. Biser, Director of Children’s Choirs (ext. 18) 616-292-8211, [email protected] Cheryl Reeve, Rejoice Worship Coordinator 616-490-8316, [email protected] Larry G. Biser, Director of Music/Organist/Director of Bell Choirs (ext. 18) 616-304-7259, [email protected] Sylvia Stouten, Director of Discipleship/Messenger Editor (ext. 21) [email protected] Angela Davis, Director of Congregational Life (ext. 29) [email protected] Taylor Sytsma, Middle School Youth Ministry 616-914-1862, [email protected] Niki Ferguson, Sexton (ext. 17) [email protected] Jodi VanGorp, Office Coordinator (ext. 10) [email protected] Brittany Fischer, Children’s Christian Education Ministry 616-745-3798, [email protected] Dr. Elizabeth West, Associate Organist, 616-212-1584 [email protected] Linda Heine, Parish Nurse (ext. 19) [email protected] Ashlee Wetherington, Finance Assistant/High School Youth Ministry (ext. 11) [email protected] Page 16 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510