Activity 1 : As Girls Arrive ? Do You Know Who?/ Kaper Chart


Activity 1 : As Girls Arrive ? Do You Know Who?/ Kaper Chart
Activity 1 : As Girls Arrive ? Do You Know Who?/ Kaper Chart
Time Allotment
10 minutes
• Do You Know Who?
• Girl Scout Trefoil Template
• Poster board for the Kaper Chart
• Markers/colored pencils/crayons
• Pens/pencils
Have the supplies setup for girls to color their Girl Scout Trefoil Template for the Kaper Chart so that
girls can start coloring them as they wait for others to arrive. As soon as girls are done with their trefoil,
they can start getting signatures on their Do You Know Who? paper. Have the following instructions on
the table so that girls can self-direct themselves with this activity.
• Kaper Chart
• Color the Girl Scout trefoil any way that you would like
• Write your name in big easy-to-read letters.
• The first girls to arrive at the meeting can place their trefoil on the Kaper Chart and do those
kapers at today’s meeting. The remaining girls will be rotated in for all future meetings so
that everyone gets a turn to try all the kapers.
• Do You Know Who?
• Grab a Do You Know Who? paper and a pen/pencil
• Find out more about your Girl Scout sisters by going around the room and finding girls who
can answer Yes to one of the questions. Write girl’s name in the box. Try to get a name in all
the squares.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
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Activity 2 : Opening Ceremony- Our Big Adventure
Time Allotment
10 minutes
• Girl Scout Promise and Law
• Poster Board with the Promise and Law
• Girl Scout Junior Adventure Map
Invite girls to gather in a circle or to have a seat in the meeting space. Have girls open their meeting any
way they want. Remember to stick to the timeline given for this activity. Girl who is listed on the Kaper
Chart for the Opening would lead the group in the Opening Ceremony. Note: If girls are brand-new and
are still learning the Girl Scout Promise and Law, you may want to include the Girl Scout Promise and
Law in your opening until girls have them memorized.
• Welcome to our second Girl Scout Junior meeting!
• How would you like to open your meeting today? We could start with a traditional flag ceremony
and recite the Girl Scout Promise. We could sing a song, recite a poem, or you could do something
completely new and/or different. It’s up to you — this is your Girl Scout troop and you get to make
the decisions!
• OK girls, are you ready to start your Junior Adventure?
Hold up the Girl Scout Junior Adventure Map so that you can show all the fun things to do as
you talk about each one, SAY:
• This map shows some of the fun things you’ll be able to do this year. Along the way, we’ll have the
opportunity to learn Girl Scout traditions, sell cookies, take trips, explore the outdoors, help
others, and earn badges and awards. As Juniors, we can work on earning our Bronze Award if we
want to, which is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn.
• Just like on any adventure, there are lots of different paths we can take.
• We have an important choice to make today. We need to choose whether we want to go on a badge
adventure or a Journey adventure. If we choose the Journey adventure, there are two journeys to
choose from. So we will have a total of three choices about what we do this year but we can only
choose one.
• Are you ready to find out more about these different adventures?
• Awesome! We have three activity stations set up, representing the three choices. You’ll have the chance
to learn about each adventure and at the end of our meeting you will get to vote for your favorite.
• Does that sound good?
• Great! Let’s get started.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 3 : Introduction to the Get Moving Journey
Time Allotment
10 minutes
• Get Moving Journey Awards
Show the Get Moving Journey Awards as you talk about the awards girls can earn.
• Welcome to the Introduction to the Get Moving Journey. If you choose this track, you’ll go on the
Get Moving Journey — plus, you’ll be able to earn a few more badges that you choose.
• This Journey is all about energy — your own energy and the planet’s energy. Energy can be found
everywhere! In one form or another, energy is connected to almost everything we do.
• You’ll do fun activities like conduct a paper-making experiment, make beads from newspapers and
magazines, and form a “perpetual human motion machine.
• You’ll also be able to earn three Journey awards: the Energize, Investigate, and Innovate awards.
• Since this Journey is all about energy, let’s use our energy to play a game.
Gather girls in the center of the room or, if the weather is nice, take it outside.
• OK girls, I’m going to ask you to move around and mingle with each other.
• Then I’m going to call out a number
• When I call out a number, you will need to group yourself with that many friends.
• Let’s try that now!
• Number 3! Quickly — form a group of three other Juniors!
• Now I’m going to say the name of an object that uses energy, then you’ll need to use your bodies to
form or act out the object with your group.
• Let’s try that now!
• The word is popcorn. So your group of three will form or act out popcorn. Try it!
• OK, does everyone understand?
• Great, let’s keep playing.
• Everyone go back to mingling with each other.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 3 : Introduction to the Get Moving Journey Continued
Here are some examples of more numbers and words that you can use, or come up with your own.
• 5 - Dancing
• 2 - Waterfall
• 6 - Wind
• 1 - Lightning
• 4 - Windmill
• So, the Get Moving Journey is full of energizing stuff to make and do! But before you decide what
you want to do this year, we’re going to explore some other possibilities.
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of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 4 : Introduction to the aMUSE Journey
Time Allotment
10 minutes
• aMUSE Journey Awards
Show the aMUSE Journey Awards as you talk about the awards girls can earn.
• Welcome to the Introduction to the aMUSE Journey. If you choose this track, you’ll go on the
aMUSE Journey — plus, you’ll be able to earn a few more badges that you choose.
• On this Journey, you’ll find out how many roles you can play in your life. Whether you want to fly
a plane, lead a rock band or win a gold medal, aMUSE will help you take center stage and try out
more roles than you ever thought possible
• On this Journey, you can earn three awards. You earn the Reach Out! Award by understanding the
many roles women and girls play in the world, and the leadership skills used to play them. You
earn the Speak Out! Award for learning how stereotypes can hold girls back from trying on roles,
and then doing a Take Action project to help stop stereotypes. You earn the Try Out! Award for
promising to continue trying on new roles, and as a recognition that you’ve developed the courage
and confidence to do that.
• Let’s do an activity similar to an activity we might do on this Journey.
• We all play different roles in life. Some roles you might play now include friend, sister, Girl Scout,
student, and teammate. As you get older, you’ll take on new ones. Do you want to be an astronaut?
How about a firefighter?
• Let’s try out some of these roles by playing charades.
• Let’s start by making a circle.
• Who would like to go first?
• Great! Think of a role to act out. This is just like charades —no talking, only acting! One player
should go at a time. Choose any role you can think of, such as a doctor, teacher, or police officer
and then we’ll get started.
Let girls act out different roles by playing a quick game of charades.
Variation: Instead of playing charades, each girl could give clues and let other girls guess their roles. For
example, if her role is a firefighter, she could say I have a hot job, I help others, Water is my best friend, etc.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 5 : Introduction to Junior Badges/Snack
Time Allotment
15 minutes
• Junior Badges
• Scavenger Hunt List (one for each team)
• Sleeping bag
• Flashlight
• Bandana
• Pair of long socks
• Hat
• Graham crackers
• Marshmallows
• Chocolate
• Graham crackers
• Fruit or veggies
• Plates
• Napkins
Show the Junior Badges as you talk about the Badges girls can earn.
• This activity will give you more information about the Junior Badges.
• If you choose this track, you’ll be able to earn badges for learning new skills. For example, you
could learn about camping to earn the Camper badge. You could build your detective skills to earn
the Detective badge. You could learn how to be healthy and active by earning the Staying Fit badge.
• Those are just a few badges you could earn.
• We’re going to do an activity that incorporates parts of all three badges. We are going to be
detectives by going on a scavenger hunt. We are going to look for camping gear and stay fit while
we do it because we are going to be active.
• Are you ready?
Divide girls into teams of 4 to 6 girls.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 5 : Introduction to Junior Badges/Snack Continued
• I’ll give each team a Scavenger Hunt List. You need to be detectives to find all the items. The
items all have to do with camping. You will need to hurry as fast as you can to find all the items
and follow the instructions on the scavenger hunt card before the other teams.
• Are you ready? Ready, set, go!
After girls have found all the items and followed the instructions on the scavenger hunt list, they can
enjoy their S’mores snack.
Note: The girl who is listed as the hostess on the Kaper chart can pass out napkins or paper plates or any
other snack supplies. Remember to include a healthy snack with the S’mores, such as fruit or veggies.
While girls are enjoying their snack, SAY:
• If you choose the badge path, you will learn new skills and then you will use those skills to find a
way to make a difference in the world by taking action and doing a project that you care about.
After Snack: Make sure everybody helps clean up. Sleeping bags will need to be zipped and rolled up,
and all the scavenger hunt items will need to be cleaned up and put away. Remind girls that Girl Scouts
always leave a place cleaner than they found it. Make sure to let girls know which jobs need to be done,
such as clean up and put away snack supplies, wash tables, pick up trash, sweep floor, push in chairs, etc.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 6 : It’s Your Junior Adventure ? Choose it!
Time Allotment
15 minutes
• Junior Badges
• Get Moving Journey Awards
• aMUSE Journey Awards
• Sticky dots, stickers, or Post-it Notes (1 per girl)
• Tape
Gather girls back together to vote on which adventure they would like to choose.
• OK girls, it’s decision time. It is time to choose your Junior Adventure.
• Let’s take a quick minute to review the three choices, and then you’ll vote on your favorite.
Show the handout of the Junior Badges
• How many of you love to learn how to do new things? That’s what’s great about badges — you can
learn how to do all kinds of different things, from camping to geocaching to taking great photos.
On the badge adventure, you’ll choose the badges that you want to earn based on what you’re
interested in. Once you’ve learned some new skills, you’ll figure out how you can use those skills to
help others or help make the world a better place.
Share the handout of the Get Moving Journey Awards
• How many of you are already interested in saving the planet? One way to do that is to learn how
to save energy and tell others how they can do help. On the Get Moving Journey, you’ll take action
to help the Earth, plus you’ll learn more about the energy that you use every day to stay healthy
and fit.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 6 : It’s Your Junior Adventure ? Choose it! Continued
Share the handout of the aMUSE Journey Awards
• How many of you have big dreams about what you want to do when you grow up? How many of
you would love to try on some new roles right now? When you go on the aMUSE Journey, you’ll
learn about who you are and who you want to be. You’ll learn about stereotypes and you’ll take
action to help stop them.
Keep It Girl-Led Tip
Girls may want to have a discussion before casting their individual votes. Give them time to talk over
their choices before holding the vote.
After you explain all the choices, tape the printouts of all three choices around the room at a height that
girls can reach.
• Is everyone ready to vote?
• I am going to give you each a sticky dot, and you are going to put your sticky dot on the track that
you are most interested in doing.
• Ready, set, go!
After girls have voted, collect the voting sheets and start a discussion based on which adventures
received the most votes.
• Does it look like a lot of you are interested in the same track? Which one?
• Is there a track that only got a few votes or none at all that someone really wanted to try? Would
you like to tell the group why you wish that choice had gotten more votes?
• How do you think we can make a final decision that our whole Junior troop will be happy about?
Variation: Divide girls into the patrols they formed at the previous meeting. Encourage girls to discuss
which track they can agree on starting on first. Coach girls to come to an agreement and make a decision.
• Congratulations, girls! You have shown excellent leadership skills in coming to an agreement and
making your choice. I think you will really enjoy this choice.
• Are you excited?
• Me, too! At our next meeting we will start our new adventure.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!
Activity 7 : Closing Ceremony
Time Allotment
10 minutes
• None
Note: Girl who is listed on the Kaper Chart for closing will be the one who starts the Friendship Squeeze.
Gather girls in a Friendship Circle.
• Let’s take turns naming one of the things you are most excited about doing this year.
When every girl has had a chance to speak, SAY:
• You brought up a lot of interesting ideas in just a few minutes! We are going to have so much
fun together!
End by doing a Friendship Squeeze and singing Make New Friends.
Reproduced from GSNETX Volunteer Toolkit – For a year’s worth
of meeting plans and so much more, register as a leader today!