News from President Tom Jackson, Jr.


News from President Tom Jackson, Jr.
News from President Tom Jackson, Jr.
May 18, 2016
BHSU Honors Nearly 400 Spring Graduates
More than 390 candidates for graduation were recognized during the 171st Black Hills State University
Commencement Ceremony held May 7.
The commencement processional was led with the University mace carried by Dr. Nicholas Wallerstein,
professor of English at BHSU and the 2015 Distinguished Faculty Member. Dr. Rod Custer, provost and
vice president of academic affairs, and Dr. Kevin Schieffer of the South Dakota Board of Regents offered
separate greetings to the graduates. President Jackson, with the assistance of April Meeker, registrar at BHSU,
presented diplomas to the graduation candidates.
Jodi Gillette, former special assistant to President Barak Obama for Native American Affairs was presented
an Honorary Doctorate of Public Service degree. Gillette was honored for her leadership in resolving
long-standing disputes between the U.S. and Indian nations, as well as for her commitment to providing
opportunities for youth. Watch the commencement video and visit the BHSU Class of 2016 page to learn
about graduates’ future plans.
As a society we place great
value in the success of our
students and college graduates.
We have invested in them and
their education with the hope
they will do all they can to
better our world.
During commencement
earlier this month, we honored
both the graduates and those
supporting them in their
journey to a college degree.
We asked our graduates to
make us proud and inspire us
through their work, families,
and their dreams. At BHSU,
we commit to the same – to be
innovative, to be open to ideas,
and to ensure the best possible
future for all who walk through
our campus doors.
Graduates listen as Dr. Nicholas
Wallerstein, professor of English at
BHSU, delivers his commencement
address as the 2015 Distinguished
Faculty Member.
Left, Dr. Urla Marcus, director of the
Center for American Indian Studies
at BHSU, presents a Star Quilt to
Jodi Gillette, former special assistant
to President Obama, after Gillette
received a BHSU Honorary Doctorate
for Public Service.
BHSU Opens Underground Campus
Sanford Science Education Center
Father-daughter-duo John West
and Mercedes West from Box Elder
graduate together with their bachelor’s
degrees in business administrationaccounting.
Sanford Lab
Black Hills State University
celebrated the completion of
two projects - the creation of
the Sanford Science Education
Center (SSEC)/Jonas Science
renovation and the outfitting
Go Jackets!
of the BHSU Underground
Campus at Sanford
Underground Research Facility
(Sanford Lab) with a Grand
Opening on campus May 9.
The SSEC draws upon the
science of Sanford Lab and the
educational resources of BHSU
to inspire, engage, and connect
learners of all ages including
K-12 audiences.
The BHSU Underground
Campus at Sanford Lab is
Left to right: Dr. Brianna Mount, Dr. Charles Lamb, Dr. June Apaza, Pat Lebrun,
already in use by BHSU along Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., Mike Headley, Dana Dykhouse, Dr. Kathryn Johnson, Dr. Kay
with regional and national
Schallenkamp, Dr. Rod Custer, and Dr. Ben Sayler.
partners. BHSU students and
faculty are conducting multidisciplinary research using the cleanroom and adjoining workspace at the 4850’
[Where ANYTHING is possible] Level of Sanford Lab. Take a tour of the BHSU Underground Campus and watch a video about the SSEC.
May 18, 2016
Out and About: BHSU
Pursues New Collaborations
President Jackson recently met with
Dr. Marjorie Kaiser, Superintendent of
the South Dakota School for the Blind
and Visually Impaired, to share ideas
impacting education statewide.
May 9
US News and World Report’
coverage of the BHSU
Underground Campus
at Sanford Underground
Research Facility and the
Sanford Science
Education Center...
Thomas Shortbull (left), President of
Oglala Lakota College, greets President
Jackson during Jackson’s recent visit
to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to
discuss opportunities for collaboration.
The Presidents were also joined by Dr.
Urla Marcus, director of the Center for
American Indian Studies at BHSU, and
Dr. Dawn Frank, VP for Instruction at
Oglala Lakota College.
Follow President Jackson
on Twitter @tomjackjr
BHSU-RC Recognize Outstanding Students
Black Hills State University and BHSU-Rapid City honored several students and student
organizations for their campus leadership and community volunteerism recently.
A record number of nominations were submitted for the student awards. Erica Whitiker, student
engagement and programming coordinator at BHSU, said she is proud the students make the decision
to invest in themselves and others through their campus and community involvements.
Amongst many other awards, students in the Jacket Pack received recognition as
Outstanding New Student Organization for championing school spirit during the Swarm
Days pep rally, athletic, theatre, and music events on campus.
At the BHSU-RC Student Recognition Awards Program students were recognized
from each of the state universities offering courses in partnership with BHSU in Rapid
City. Awards were given to Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Students and an
Outstanding Veteran Student, amongst others.
Rodeo Team Wins Regional Championships
The BHSU Rodeo Team captured both the Men’s and the Women’s Regional
Championships this year. This is the first time in school history that BHSU has swept the
titles within the same season. Glen Lammers was named the Great Plains Region Coach of
the Year after leading both the men’s and the women’s teams to the regional championship.
Ten BHSU rodeo scholar-athletes will compete in the College National Finals Rodeo to be BHSU Rodeo swept both the men’s and women’s regional
championship titles this year for the first time in BHSU history.
held in June.
It is also the first time in recent memory that any school within
the region has claimed both titles in the same season.
BHSU-RC Student Honored for
Accomplishments and Persistence
Black Hills State University-Rapid City (BHSU-RC) student Colton Jacobs received the
Director’s Award for Academic Achievement this spring, an award honoring a BHSU-RC
student who has overcome significant barriers.
Colton, business administration major, credits the GEAR UP program, which he attended
throughout his high school years, as a major factor for his success. GEAR UP is an acronym
for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs, a federal
program that is administered in more than 40 states.
Colton works in the BHSU-RC technical assistance office in addition to taking a full load
of university classes. He attributes his ongoing academic and personal success to GEAR UP
and the caring people who inspired challenged him.
Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., BHSU President, says that it’s these kinds of stories that spurred
BHSU to take on administration of the GEAR UP program.
“I commend Colton for his achievements. He’s truly an amazing student and I see a
great future for him,” Jackson said. “GEAR UP is here [at BHSU] for the students. It’s for
Colton, and the many other students with dreams, dreams that start with earning a college
Colton Jacobs, a BHSU-RC student who was recently
honored with the BHSU-RC Director’s Award for Academic
Achievement, credits the GEAR UP program for his early
academic success and preparing him for college.