C' "qikT 6fq 6rl gqlr|-t" eqfuing o( Wa{ Uni& Wefcome fo Om Services, providing cofering services to coporote ond privcte evenls. We occupies o unique spoce in cotering business of Ahmedobod. We provide the best menu on otfer. with methods of new ideos. We one o group of troined ond experienced Chefs, Woiters ond Helpers. Our Director (Ops) Mr. Uttom, is on ex-Servicehon ond vide experience in evenfs monogement of coporotes ond dohesfics ond our Executive Chef ond Director (Production), Mr. Sorvesh is o renowed chef, he hos beer&oking for tnore thon 18 yeors wilh exprience of 5 yesrs in 5 stor hotels ond more thon 600O persons in on event. Om services ensunes thot your guests hove the besf ond memoroble experience. Whotever the occossion, f rom o simple breokfost to o lorge to provide best coterirg services to your desired stondord. event , we con ossist. We ossure Services Overview . Menus to suit oll toste ond budgets. . First closs service. . Hine of Chino,Glosswore and Cutlery. . Fully froined, Professionol ond Courteous . . . uniforned Woiter Stoff . Cote-ring for privote individuols, business ond public functions. Speciolist calering f or weddirg. Asistonce with flowers ond their orronoements. Speciolist in Catering Services your elent is o truly speciol occosion, os your event colerers, we would like to odd thot extro touch of mogic! ;r r hl lrl ,ll l', - Delicious tostirg food BeotifulDresentotion Wellturned ouf ond helpfull stoff This, ond more is whot Om Services olferl Our teom hove mony years experience in the hospitolity sector ond, os o result, you con be ossured of guoliiy service. We provide you i' Speciol Occossions : eddirg / Sangeet/Receptions/B irthdoy Porties/ Anniversories/Form House Porties / Coororole Events/ Troinirgs/Business MeetlFoshion Shows/Product Lounches/Theme Events. W Choice of Cusines : Authentic World Cuisines like Co nti nent al / Gr eek f lt : lion / f op anes e Lebonese/ i\itexiconlOrientol Thoi. / Weleomp Ddnftrt . . , . . . . . . . . . Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh o Fresh Fresh . Oronge Juice Anor Juice 6reen Grope Juice Blck Grape Juice Woter riAelon Juice Sweet Lime Juice Coconut Woter Sr.rgorcone Juice Pineopple Juice Pineopple Oronge Pineopple Kiwi 6ongo Jarnno Folso 6uovo . Blue Heoven . Cronberry lAojito . 6reen Apple lrl\ojito . Peach AAojito . Ororge rlAojito o Torg Sling . Blue Logoon . Cranberry Cooler . Kiwi Pineopple Colodo . Litchi Limco Floot . Aco Pulco Delight . Pink Lody . Howwoin Punch o Fruit Punch . Lemon A\int Fizz . Pino Co lodo . Pineopple Cooler . Orarge Blossom . Peoch Appricot Cooler . Strowberry Coolen . Block Current . Bodom Shoke . Khus Shoke . Koju Droksh . Pisto Shoke . Keshor Pisto Shoke o Itolion Green Herb Souo . . . Losko Souo lAexicon Chilli beons Soup rlAo<icon Toriilo Soup e Sweet Corn Vegeioble Soup . Smoked Tonoto Pesto Soup . Hot N Sour Soup . . . rlAanchow Soup Lemon Corieonder Soup /\ inestroni Soup o Tomoto Ononge Cinnomon Soup (With Roosied Bell Pepers) . . . . . . . . . Cheese Corn Tomoto Soup Broccoli Almond Soup iolden Corn Pumpkin Soup Pototo Chowdwer Soup Golden Peorl Sor.lo Leek Pototo Soup Vegetoble cleor Soup Tomoto Dhoniyo Shorbo Chowol Dhonivo Shorbo o Dol Shorbo Itolion Soup . . . heese Poneer Wonton Corn Vegetoble Somoso c Ve4etoble Horo-bhoro . . . Kebob Chinese Wonton Corn Kebob Tondoori BBQ o Tondoori Somi Kebob Tondoori Poneer Chilli-Milli Peshwoni Poneer Tikko Lehsooni Poneer Tikko o Tondoori Seek Kebob . . . . Subz Seek Kebob . Dohi Ke Kebob . Vqeloble Corn Tikki o Corn Copsicurn Tikki . Aloo Pudeeno Penut Tikki . Cottoge Somoso . Vegetoble Roll . Cottage Cheese Sev Roll . Ve-geloble Cheese Bolls Continentol Storter Orientol Storers Vietnomese Sprirg Roll Pototo 6 Water Chustnut Loi Stvle Poneer Sotoy with Penut Souce Crispy Vegetoble Loi Style Vol-en-Vets Chilli Cheese Toost Garlic Breods French Breods Bruschetta Crustini Solso Breods Herbed Breods Nachos Tocos Bnowen Breod lri\osolo Breod Che,se Cherry Pineopple Sficks Jl/hinQnryue Continentol Chinese . Vegetoble Noodles . Singopure Noodles . French Revolee . Ve4eto6le Frenky . SPring Roll . Veg lAonchurion . Dry /vlonch urion . Noodles Horgomo . Ye4eta6le Cryspy . Ye4etoble Spring Roll . Spr"4elle Cheese Roll Mexicon Chilli Rolenos Aiexicon Three Beons Curry AAexicon Enchildos Wild Rice Risoito 6inger Copsicum Fried Rice Tomoto Bosil Risotto Corn Jocket Pototo Bocked rlAocroni with Pineoople Bocked Spogetti with Pineopple Bocked Stuffed A ubergin Spinoch Mushroom Losogno Vegetoble Connelloni with Peppers Backed Ponne Posto with Vegetoble Boked Veoetoble Florentine Orientol o lr\exicon Brobaque Vqetoble with CoItqe Cheese . . . . ' Ginger Smoked Fried Rice with Vegetoble wiih Solso Verbe & Sour Creom Vegetobla Burritos Mexicon Chilli Corn Fried Rice Thoi Thoi Flot Noodles Thoi Reod Curry Ihai Green Curry Thoi Corn Bollos Curry Stir Fried Vegetob le with Flot Noodles in Thoi 6reen Souce Thoi Corn Fried Rice Cottqe Cheese Vegatoble in 6orlic Butter Souce V egel able rilonch uri on Sweel ond Sour Vegetoble Vegetoble in Peonut Souce Schezwon Vqetoble Mushroom Boby Corn Coulif lower with Black Beons Souce Yegelble Hokko Noodles Yegetoble Chownin Ihree PeoersPeonut Noodles Veoetoble Thoi Chi Jndiile Jt(nin &uxae PoneerA kbori Aiu loyom Poneer Kodoi Poneer Poneer Paneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Poneer Dol Dal Dol Dol Dol Tikko Lobobdor Mokhonwalo Rulod /v\okhoni Koccho-6ulo Tikko /vlosolo Butten lvlosolo Posondo Hondi Khodo Mosolo Koli lAinch Kodoi Tikko Achori Khoyo rlloloi Kurchan Shohi Potyolo Polok Stuffed Avodhi With En9lish Vegetob le(Live) Todko Mokhoni Ponchmeli Honiyoli Hyderobodi Dol 6ujoroti Dol Ponchkuti Dol Fry AAoorg Dol Dol Awodhi Keoti Dol Rojosthoni Dol Gujoroti Dol Dhon Sook lvlefh i Dobko Dol Kali Dol Block Rojmo Dol Gujaroti Kodh i Rojosthoni Kodhi Dobko Kodi Bundi Kadhi Onion Tomoto Kodhi Punjobi Kodhi Kodhi Fuloori .V eget oble /\Aokhonwolo .5ubz Kosturi .Vegeloble Hondi .Corn Vegetable .Vegetoble Kadoi .Subz Do hozo .Koshmiri Dum A loo .lJteih i li\utter lv\oloi .Corn Alteth i ly'\olai .Aloo 6obhi .Tomoto Corn Bhorto .Polok Corn Copsicum .Vegetble Joipuri .Aloo Jodhpuri .Vegetoble Joltrezi .Vegetoble Kolhopuri .Sutffed Potofo .Punjobi Chhole .Chono lvlosolo .Vegtoble Bodsohi .Nowoton Kormo .lAoloi Methi .6obhi /\Aog loi .Polok Bby 6orn ./v\otiyo Polok .Bhindi Do Pyza .Towo Vegetoble(Live) .lAutter Mushroom . . Tondoori Roti/A\issi/Khasto Tondoori Porotho/fu\ethilPudino/Lochho o Tondoori Noon/Horiyoli/6orlic/ Chese o Roomoli Roti Tondoori Kulcha/ Chese/Paneer / Onion/Till . . Puri . Fulka Roti . lAoloi Kofto . Kotthol Kofto . Ve4etoble Kofta . Norgishi Kofto . Kofto Som Sovero . Vqetoble Pokol Kofto eftant d" Sqlad Live Polok Potto Rogddo Choot (Crypsy Polok Pottc with Boby Somoso+Pcpdi+rt^ix Sprouts Rogdq iopsrith Sweei Chutney + Gorlic Spicy Chutney+Green Chutney top srith Sev ond Coriender) Live Delhi Choot (Popodi + Potcto + Onions + Tomoto + Curd + Swee Chutney + ,1 int Chutney top with Frash Crender) Live Palok Pofte ki Dohi Woli Choot (Whole Spinoch Leves Bqtter Fried with chickpeas Live Poneer Aur lAutter Ki Tikki Youghert nd Chqot ,i\osolo) (Crypsy Palok Potiq srith goby Somoso+Pcpdi+Mix Sprout3 Rqgdd topwith Sweet Chutney + oarlic Spicy Chutney+Oreen Chutney top with Sev ond Coriender) Lire Towa Aloo AAutter Choot (Fried Poictose + 6reenPeos) Served with Khojur Chufney + Mint Chutney Top with Anordono cnd Live Rojokochori Choot (Stuffed Mini Kqchories wifh Peos + WhiPPed yoghourl + Soufh with tl{int Chufney) Julieonnces 6inger. . a + Mosolo Dhoso Mysure Mosolo Dhoso Uftopom Spring Dhoso Jodhpuri Rows Dhoso Poper Dhoso Iron Solod . (Soff Dqhi Bhqlla with Curd + Sweet Chutney + 6orlic l inf Chutney Top wiih Fresh Corionder ond Chulney + 5ev) 6reen Solod . Live Poni Puri with Flovours of Woter Live Dohi Bhollo Choot Woldrof Solod Exotic Vegetoble In Ororge Dressing Sprouted Salod Three Beons Solod Idlee(Rou6/Tokotok) Russion Solod Sprouted Beons Solod Colslow 5olod Indonesion 6od 6ado Solod (with indonesion Peonut Souce) Meduwodo Konch ipurom Idlee Poniyolom Idlee Rosom Wodo Sombhor Wodo . . Live Asorted Thin Crust Pizzo (Pizzo Crust with Pizzo 6rcvl Topping with Corn + Bll Peppers + Onions + Olives + Jqlapem + Chilli Flqsk otrd Oregorn). Live Worm Folofel (Bcby Pitfo + Chick Pea Fritters + Hummus + Tohini + Red Tomoto nd oorlic Souce + Tomtoes + Letiuce shredded Onion Served with Sundried Tormto + Oorlic Tahini Souce ond Babo Ooonoush) . . . \ry Liw Cocktoils Boby Buns (with Sauteed Bll Peppers ord Onions) Live Chilli Cheese Toost (wiih Souieed 6reen Apple ond Onions Lire Stuffed T$ro + JalaPeno + Olives) Bogel Boor Typ6 Stuffing (Cheese + Jolopeno + Olives, Vegptqble) Tno Type + of Souces- 4lrease Souce qfd Torufo Solso Live /v\editerroneon Soo Wrops 5pinoch Tortillos Stuffed with Rocsted Pepers +Ice- Live Sponish Woier Chestnuts Live : Brocolli, Woter Chesinuls, Vegeta6le Cheese berg lettuce + Cottge Cheese + Olives + Sundried Tomqtoes + Jqlqpenos + Chutney; Bosil + {arsley + Bolsomik Vingr + Olive Oil + Blqck Olives Pepers odd Row rlt\ongo Solso with rockel leoves lo gqrnish Live rlAoloysion Soufe Live: Flot Nbodles with red qnd Yellow Pepers Live Coribbeon Soute with Steomed Dimsum Live r Exotic Vegetable Woter Chesfnut + Scooped Polqto + Corn + Bob Corn + Bll Pepers Top with Steoneed Minsum Tossed in Lemon Chilfi Oinger Souce + Cobboge + Corrots + Chinese Cqbbqge + Pock-choy Beqns + Green Garlic + Green Onion Pecnuts Tossd in Red Spicy Sizwon Souce + ',vith Round Lcrge Nochos + l Roosted Peppers Sauce) dxicon l-lot Souce Ye4elable iy'redley wifh Lentil Bolognese Souce (Coulflower + Bqby Corn + Broccoli + French Beons + Sguce + Pqrmeson Cheese Roosied with Exoiic Vegetoble ond Bell Peppers Live Sponish Roosti Live Mexicon with o Twist (llexicon Refried Beqns with lAexicon Seosoning + Aubergines + Tomalo Souce + Bosil ond Spinoch Live Itolion Posto Counter Three Type of Posfo (Ponne + Frfelle + Fusley) Three type of Souces (Arobiefo + Alfredo + Pesto) (Sponish Spoghefti Rosti Choy + Red Co66age + 6reen Onions + Onions Choppd Lenongross Tossed in Spicy BosilGorlic Coconul [\ilk + Pok- Leek + Corrots) with ltoliqn Lentil Bolognese Sauce Live Gre,ek Aubegine Polento Live Mongolion Wok Live 1 Exotc Vegetable (Couliflower + Bqby Corn Bslls iossed in Sponish oinger and lemongross uce Lrve Indr bnel (Peqnuts + Beons + Kobuli Chqna + Deshi Chono + Fresh Coconut + Three Bell Peppers + Spring Onions wiih Tornrind Souce) Live rlAexican Quesodi llos (Live Psncake Stuffed with Refried Beqns + + Yellow Cheese Squce + llexican Solso + Guqcmole + Sour Creqm + Topped Shredded Solcd) Live Beetroot ond Onion Rovioli in Mix Souce (ftolion Pomodoro Souce + Italiqn Bechomel Cheese Squce +Pesto Souce) Live Hokko NoodlEs + Live Vegetoble l'lonchurion Dry Live Poneer Chilli * Live Chinese Bher + Red low Peppers + CollsEe Cheese + Let'tucce) Served with Spicy Red Solso + Chees Souce Yef + A\irchi Dol Vodo with Fried Onion Somoso C&pe with Sweet Bhutney + lfiinth Chutney Vqeto5le Crudets with Spicy Tongey Souce Chotpoto Corn Bsket with l/tini Chutney ond Sweet Chutney Top with Sev Banarn Grecn Peos ond Cheese Somoso with AAint Ch utney ond Sweet Chutney llini Punjobi Sohoso wi+h Sweet Chutney ond lAint Chutney Liho ni Kochori with Sweet Chutney Vegetoble Gvghro with llAint Chutney Corn Copsicum Tikki with /lAint Chutney Rotolu Votono Petties with/l int Chuiney Corn Tikki with lAint Chtney Coltqe heese Sev Roll with ,'/tint Chutney nd Sweet Chutney Green Vqetoble Tikki with /tAint Chutney Mix Bhojiyo wiih Fried Chilli ond Onion Spoghetti Cheese Roll with Tonoto Solso Rojkot Bhojiyo with Kodi ond fried chilli Ve-getable Spning Roll wi+h Spicy Tongy Souce Chinese Cigar wiih Hot Souce Live Dhoklo Undhiyo Khondvi . . Churmo Kesor Boti Dol Boii 6otto Nu Sook Rom Khichodi Pnchkuti Sook li\ix Vegetoble Sook Ker Sorgori Sook Dohi Bhindi Sook Lilo Holdor Sook AAethi Vodi Sook Popod /'/tethi Sook Rojosthoni Aloo Kondo Tometo Kodhi Bhindi Kodhi lAutter 6otfo Puloo Kohomon Dhoklo Mix Dono(lAuth io+Khondvi+Potro) Jeero Rice Steom Rice /rAix Votono Peos Pulov Lilw Rotolu Vagela5le Dun Biryoni Hyderbodi Dum Biryoni Hyderobodi Quobuli Biryoni Kothol Biryoni Toj Loving Bhot l,/tix Kofhod nu Sook Kofto Dono Popodi AAuthio l/\ix lAohorostrion Rice Dono Botoki Bhrelo Porvor Green Chaho Vqetoble Ponchrotno Korelo Turiyo Patro Vatono Altint Lemon Rice Fonsi li\okoi Votono Flower Copsicum At\asolo Puloo rrrongor ruG0 Koshmiri Dum Puloo . I AAotio Puloo At\ushroom Dum Biryoni Polok Bhot At\osolo Khichodi Stuffed Bhindi Sweer Corn one Tindodo nu Sook Vool nu Sook Desi Botoko Nu Sook Stuffed Rovoiyo ond Botoko Jodhpuri Tohori 6otto Puloo i\Aung Chowol (6hee Buro) Amritsori Chhole Amritsori Kulho with f ried Chilli ond Onion PneerToko-Tok with Kulcho I'rree Towo Subzi Ploin Curd Vegetoble Roito lJtint Roito Pineopple Roito Anjeer Roita rlAosolo Dohi Dohi Dohi Dohi Dohi Wodo Bholle Altungouri Chillo Deooedt . Chocolate Wolnut Pudding Fresh Fruit Crumble Fontoncy with Tiromisu Pudding Blue Berry Cheese Coke Fresh Fruit Chocolote Custerd Pudding Fresh Oragnge Pudding Morzipon Chocolate Pudding Puddi ng (Pinecpple / f if lle / Cho colate/ Or ange / Mango / Kiwi / Anar/ Folso/ Tuf i-f ruf i/others) Live Fresh fruit Soutee Live 6hocolote Orange Pound Coke with Hot Chocolote Souce qnd Nuts Fresh Orange Cream Lrve : Frash Cut Fruits (Green Grape * Block 6rope + Cquliforniyo 6rape * Woter Melon + Pqpoyo + Apple * Green Grape) Bosundi Keshor Pisto Bosundi Seetofol Bosundi Strawberry Bosundi Mongo Dalight Ghewor with Robodi Rabodi with Live Jolebi Robodi with Live Imirtee Backed Three Loyer Holwo Assorted Sondes /r\oorg Dol Holwo Ros /v\oloi Fresh Fruit with Creom Coconut Holwo Youghert lv\ongo Cups Shrikhond Live Kesor Jalebi Hot 6ulabjomun Live Imirtee Matko Kulf i llowo Kochori with Robodi Keshor Pisto Rabodi 6ojor Holwo Live Towo Holvo (Diffrent Types of Holwo) Enjog Varities o{ I".,-Crearr {"o* Ila..*or, Vadilal, A*...1 o{ our choice Items Swagtam Menu Satkar Menu Atithya Menu Rajwadi Menu Welcome Drink Any One Any two Any two AnyThree Soup Any One Any two Any two AnyThree Starter Any One Any two Any Three Any Four Live Counter Any One Any two Any Three Any Four Chat Any One Any One Any two AnyThree Farshan Any One Any two Any two AnyThree Vegetable Any two Any two Any Three AnyThree Indian Bread Any two Any two Any Three Any Four Main Course Sweet Any One Any One Any two AnyThree Daal Any One Any One Any One AnyTwo Rice Any One Any One Any two AnyTwo Salad Any One Any two Any Three Any Four Desert / lce-Cream Any One Any One Any two AnyTwo O Buffet Food Counters to be provided by the guest O Decoration, Sound System, additional lights etc. ifrequired pax pany and within Ahmedabad O Above packages rates are applicable for minimun _ only O Extra charges applicable lor other cities. o ln hall and party plots, charges of decoration, crockery and other iterns will be according the char-ses of hall or party plots. o For flower decoration. (sajan-got) sitting table service. tables, water supply and other items are supplied by us it will be charged extra. o Charges will be taken for actual no. of persons are booked lor the party. If persons are more than actual charages will be extra per person. O Extra charges will be applicable for items not included in the menu. O Taxes will be charged extra. O Subject to Ahrnedabad Jurisdction. O Payment. 50?ir in advance and 50% on the next day ofthe function. O Crockery and cutlery charges extra. o All kitchen waste dispoable area to be provided by guest at site. o This includes basic waiters senice (PRO extra). Your Sugggestions are welcome. Uttam :9725008195 Sarvesh :9999837196 "qdei o,rd 6{ trrfltK" @M SM]R\ruGMS e
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