Newsletter March 2012
Newsletter March 2012
Newsletter March 2012 WALTER’S OPEN HOLLAND CUP, 6th of May 2012 ETTEN LEUR We are pretty busy with preparing our next contest "WALTERS OPEN HOLLAND CUP 2012"at the 6th of May in the city of Etten Leur. Recently we had a meeting with Eddy Mangnus, Marcel Honingh. Wesley van Staveren, Rudy Getteman and Chris van Crombrugghe. This group and many others are working very hard to make this contest a real succes. Last year we had 75 competitors, and it looks like this time we will have even more athletes. Several nearby countries have already showed interest in sending athletes to participate in the OPEN HOLLAND CUP. Countries like England, Ireland, Italy, and this week we received an email from the Chinese Bodybuilding Federation from Beijing, informing us that they will send athletes to compete. We have added several exciting points to our contest program, we will have bodybuilding and fitness and entertainment as well. A mix of both, extra surprises, come and watch and enjoy, you will not be disappointed !! Again we have some good sponsors, who are prepared to support us financially, so the overall winner in Mens category will again receive 1000,euro, plus other extra prices for the women overall and beginners overall. We added a D-class category, for the athletes who have never competed, the very beginners. Also for the best poser a hugh trofee. We will also make a selection to represent the NBPF at the European Championships Men and women in Rumenia. If you want to compete in the OPEN HOLLAND CUP 2012, please let us know as soon as possible!! email to [email protected] and copy to [email protected] also look at TEMPORARY REVIEW SPONSORS OPEN HOLLAND CUP EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 RUMENIA. The Rumenian federation, will organize the European Championships Men and Women this year from 25th till 27th of May in the city of Timisoara. Our international WBPF president, Sheikh Maksoum Bin hamd Sharqi, from the United Arabic Emirates will donate 7500,-Euro prize money, the Mens overall winner will receive 5000,- euro. One of the co organizers is Florin Teodorescu, who in the past organized the GP of Rumenia, and is the owner of two big gyms. In front of one of these gyms, you can see big statues of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Cory Everson, Linda Murray, Eugene Sandow., which also can turn around. It is an extra attraction to the city, and is also mentioned in their city tourist guide program. Look at Our sincere thanks go to Mrs. Ildiko Buranits (president Hungarian Federation) and to the president of the Rumenian Federation Mr. Voicu and to Florin Teodorescu for the enthousiast cooperation. SEA (SOUTH EAST ASIAN) BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONSHIPS, MYANMAR. (22-27 Febr.2012) I was invited by the Myanmar Federation to judge this international contest, the countries from this region can compete in this competition (like Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia). This happening was organized in the most superior way, you could imagine, really unbelievable, the smallest details got their attention. There was the full cooperation of the city of Yangon ( before Rangoon).More than 75 assistants and officials were present, every day, for a full week. In Western Europe we only can dream about something like this. During the prejudging and final competition day there was a live broadcasting on TV. At the opening banquet the Mayor of the city of Yangon was present, Mr. U Hla Myint, a nice show of music and dance was part of this banquet. Every day we had a private driver and car waiting for us, whole day, outside the hotel. What more can you ask for.! The contest day, the big hall with balcony, was totally sold out, with an extreme enthusiastic public. Besides the Mayor of Rangoon, also the Minister of Sport and Tourism was present. Regarding the contest, it is still amazing how these Asian bodybuilders can build such amount of muscle and definition, with a bodyweight of 55 or 60 kg!! (see pictures below), perhaps they have some strong genes inside their body. It is fascinating. Next year the SEA GAMES (part of IOC) will be organized in Myanmar. Also including bodybuilding, we have to be thankful to the Myanmar Parlement, because they wanted that bodybuilding should be included. Do not forget, Bodybuilding is the second popular sport in Myanmar. The overall winner of the SEA Championships was Abdul Mutalib Mdis from Malaysia. TRAINING AND NUTRITION Recent medical research shows, that aerobic training, like running on a treadmill, sometimes for 30 minutes or even longer, does not mean that much for improving general health and fitness. Look around in your gym, and you see many people running on the treadmill, or riding the stationary bike. For sure it does not have any muscle building effect. Recent research tells us, that building and strengthening muscle mass is much more important for health and fitness and prevention of diseases. I have read some interesting articles, written by dr.DOUG Mc CUFF, (USA) medical doctor of internal medicine and power trainer, in which he explains the importance of training the Fast Twitch Fiber. When you use the treadmill or bike in the gym, you are training mainly your Slow Fwist Fibers. Even the positive effect of this kind of aerobic training (Slow Twist Fibers) on heart and blood circulation is questionable. PAGINA 3 New research says, that we should prefer HIT Strength training, High Intensity, Intermittent Training, in this way the Fast Twitch Fibers will be trained. The training of these fast muscle fibers increases the production of your growth hormone. This kind of training will also increase the strength and functioning of the heart and blood vessels, compared to aerobic training. HIT training will stimulate the size of the muscle mass.(size of the muscle fibrils will increase) and at the same time a bigger uptake of glucoses in the muscles, and insulin senility will be higher. Your total body metabolism will be on a higher level, altogether a much better way of stimulating hart and blood vessels function. The total amount of glucoses in muscle tissue is around 250grams, compared to 70grams in the liver. Muscle volume plays an important role in the metabolism and health of our life. Dr.DOUG Mc CUFF writes in his book "BODY by SCIENCE" that SLOW strength training is the most effective way of stimulating the FAST TWITCH fibers. Each repetition of each exercise is done in a very, very SLOW way, with maximal or submaximal resistance. so no fast reps.! FAST TWITCH fibers, however do not recover very quickly, they need AT LEAST 48 hours of recovery time. The next training day will only take place 3 or may be 4 days later. Dr. Mc CUFF even tells us, that it sometimes can take a week to recover. You start training again, only when you feel healthy and recovered, your body tells you, very easy. You start too early your next training session, the amount of cortisol will increase, and you will break down muscle tissue (catabolic), in place of building up. When you exercise SLOW training, it means that all your muscle fibers will be extremely fatigued and exhausted in a short period of training. In this way the metabolic capacity of the muscle increases and muscle mass will increase as well. At the same time we see an increase of blood volume to the right heart ventricle, and thus more blood is pumped to the left heart ventricle, for the blood circulation. Like said before the exercise is done in a VERY SLOW way, during about seven seconds, at the end do not extend fully, and go back during 7 seconds to the starting position, all done in a controlled way. After your finished you rest 10- 30seconds, and go to the next exercise. Every exercise movement is under control , every inch you move, till full exhaustion of the muscle group, than you go to the next exercise in the same way. After 12 to 15 minutes you have finished your workout, and experience total muscle fatigue. Big muscle groups will be trained: five basic exercises. -leg press/chest press/compound row/pulling motion horizontal pull downoverhead press. e.php Mc Duff even advises at the beginning of each rep to hold on for 3 seconds ( or even longer!) and then move on with the exercise in the SLOW way as said above, with sub maximal resistance. The meaning is create maximal exhaustion in your muscles in a short time. Next time, we will talk about what kind of nutrition to use in this kind of training, and why it is not wise and even unhealthy to run a marathon. Warm regards. Walter vd Branden, Physiotherapist. NBPF Team. for information: [email protected] PHOTO’S for information: Terbregse Rechter Rottekade 178, 3055 XH Rotterdam phone 010-818 3436 [email protected] Preparing "Walters Open Holland Cup 2012 " 6th of May in Etten Leur, Netherl.with Eddy Mangnus, Wesley van Staveren, Marcel Honingh, Rudy Getteman, and Walter vd Branden.Everybody is working as hard as possible to make it this time a big HIT. WALTERS OPEN HOLLAND CUP 6th May 2012, Etten-Leur Everybody in action, in between, selecting and sending the posters. PAGINA 5 Selecting also medals, trophies, arranging everything. This time also a super trofee for the best poser. ( Zhang Ping and Eddy Magnus) Overall winner SEA Championships in Yangon (Malaysia) Abul Mutalib Mdis. (Malaysia) Category 55/60 kg, unbelievable muscle mass and definition with these super lightweights. Walter receives a present from Mr. U Hla Myint Swe, president of Myanmar Bodybuilding Federation PAGINA 7 Walter with secretary of Myanmar Bodybuilding Fed. Mr. U Kyan Than. Walter with the Mayor of Yangon City, Mr. U Hla Myint, during the opening banquet. During opening banquet and at the opening of the contest some very spectacular dance demonstrations Top athlete from Malaysia with his coach. Malaysia is well known for producing world class bodybuilders.. PAGINA 9 Dancing demonstration Adain the Overall winner from Malaysia. together with Datuk Gan Boon Leon, one of the most famous personalities of Malaysia and his wife. Also on stage Mr.Patrick Chang, President Malaysian BB Fed. Together with presidents of Malaysia and Vietnam Winner light weight category Adya Novali. Indonesia. PAGINA 11 Datuk Paul Chua abd Valery Lutsak, president Ukraine BB Fed. during the banquet. Christina Kam (Hong Kong) and Walter both active as members of the WBPF Judging committee Datuk Paul, and Christina, together with the overall winner Abdul Mutalib Md Isa.(Malaysia) ) After contest party dancing and singing the night away. Here president and his wife of Cambodja BB Fed. PAGINA 13 Sightseeing in Yangon with the impressive big Pagode in city center. If you would like to advertise in our newsletters, click here for contact [email protected] When you have nice, interesting, spectacular ideas for this newsletter , please let us know by sending a mail to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] Sign out for the newsletter, click here to send a mail for sign out [email protected].
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