Newsletter February 2013
Newsletter February 2013
Newsletter February 2013 TEMPORARY REVIEW SPONSORS OPEN HOLLAND CUP The Organisation Team for Walters Open Holland Cup at 12th of May 2013 is very busy the make again a spectaculair contest of the cup. With Eddy , Marcel, Patrick, Walter en Rudy. WALTERS OPEN HOLLAND CUP 2013 The preparations for WALTERS OPEN HOLLAND CUP 2013 at sunday 12th of May are in full swing. Already many athletes have sent their entry form, intending to compete.Also from surrounding countries like Luxemburgs, Ireland, Hungary, China will be present with thecomplete ladies and mens team. For the very first time, we have added a new category , called Mens Sports Model.(Beach Boys) This category is for those athletes, who do not have the intention or wish to compete in Bodybuilding or Classic (Athletic) Bodybuilding. We can promise you a great bodybuilding and fitness contest, with lots of surprises and ofcourse prize money and more extra presents for the competitors. If you want to compete, please let us know via [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] Order your tickets on time via [email protected] , because sold out is sold out.!! RUDY GETTEMAN BELGIAN TOP COACH. I know Rudy for a very long time, since the period he was still active as a competing bodybuilder. Since 1977 his interest in Bodybuilding and fitness started to grow, and his drive and motivation is still as high as when he started. It became even more than a passion, he told me. After he had several injuries, he decided to stop with competitive bodybuilding, and followed many courses in nutrition and different trainingsystems. He is now advising and coaching many top competitive bodybuilders, who come to his gym in Belgium. (Body Fit Gym, Muisstraat 47, 9450 Haaltert, Belgium)([email protected]) . Recently he has prepared new trainingprograms for the top bodybuilders in Belgium, and it looks likes he is succesfull, judging the the results of his athletes during the recent European and Worldchampionships. Rudy also emphasizes to thanks me again, for our friendly cooperation, and ofcourse the feeling from my part is the same. Pictures see below. MEDICAL NUTRITION CONGRESS AT MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM At the end of last year I was present at an international nutrition congress, which took place at the University of Amsterdam. A very interesting day, on which many professors and University teachers presented research that was done during the recent years. All related to nutriton and healthy lifestyle. From the very start, it was clear that all the seminars had a scientific background, so called Evidence Based Medicine. No bull shit stories ,which is important.Scientific research and prove was the baseline of the different presentations. One of the speakers was dr.Frank van Bentum MD (internal medicine) and writer of topselling book “Losing weight by dr.Frank”. He told us, that most of the medical doctors do not know very much about nutrition, because during their medical study, there is not much interest. Many people with chronic diseases, have a fattening of the liver and have diabetis. His interest is focused on treating diabetes in a natural way, and says that most of these patients can recover from diabetis, and get a healthy pancreas.(where insuline is produced) Many of his patients can get rid of their medicine or can reduce it, or even some do not have to inject insuline anymore. Many of us seemingly healthy patients, are in a pre-diabetic status, and we are not aware of it, but a simple glucose bloodtest can give you the answer. PAGINA 3 We just eat too much (“overeating”), too much carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index, and we do not exercise anymore. Diabetes is becoming am epidemic problem. In the very near future we expect younger people to become a diabetes patient, judy because of the wrong lifestyle. While in the past, diabetes was a disease of the older ones. Dr.Frank advices his patients a calorie- restricted diet (between 1000 and 1200 calories a day), including lots of vegetables, and little fruit (has also sugar) combined with training and exercise and weight reduction. Also adding 1/2gr per kg of protein (not more than 120 gr of protein a day), and also omega 3 fatty acids. After following this lifestyle program for a few months, we notice a stabilisation of the sugar metabolism, and a reduction of fat in liver tissue.(whey protein also reduces fat in liver cells). Ofcourse the above mentioned program has to be done under medical supervision! pLease note we are talking about Diabetes type 2. At this same medical nutrition congress, two scientists of Maastricht University, mentioned the importance of adding extra protein to your diet. Especially, during strenght training the importance of protein and carbohydrates is crucial. Also consuming protein every two to four hours, and also before going to sleep.(caseine protein). Especially at night the proteinsynthesis will be stimulated. 20 grams of protein is the maximum that your body can digest with each meal. Taking more protein at a meal, does not create a bigger effect.This according these scientists. When people get older, the protein synthesis is going down, a we see a loss of muscle mass. (sarcopenia). The elderly, need to consume extra protein, especially the amino acids are important for extra muscle volume.Combined with strenghttraining, the uptake of protein is higher, and muscle mass and strenght increases.But we knew this for a long time! And do not forget more musclemass means a better body- and sugar metabolism. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BANGKOK 2012/ASIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS GUANGZHOU 2012. Den Bosch fitness vechtsport sportvoeding Both championships were very well organised, and that’s why I enclose some extra pictures, below. PICTURES FROM THE PAST. Again I have added some pictures from long ago, some of our readers seem to like it. . BRUSSELS AUTOMOBILE EXPO 2013 Has nothing to do with our sport, but I visited this expo in Brussels,Belgium, and loved looking at the special cars, only looking. I took some pictures, and I am sure, some of our readers love watching these special cars and bikes. Pictures below. Walter vd Branden NBPF Organising team PHOTOS RUDY GETTEMAN Rudy, here together with Nadine Aerts, Belgium and Zhang Ping (Shanghai) before the start of a trainingsession at his gym in Haalter (B) Rudy is serious, two more extra leg extensions for Zhang Ping. PAGINA 5 Nadine Aerts during a Legg Press, also for Zhang Ping. Rudy explains the right technique. Here Rudy, with Ildiko Buranits, executive memeber of WBPF, and succesfull contest organisor, like 8th of June in Budapest, and organising the World Championships WBPF 2013 in November also in Budapest Walters Open Holland Cup 12th May 2013 PHOTOS MEDICAL NUTRITION CONGRESS AT MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM One of the speakers was dr.Frank van Bentum MD (internal medicine) and writer of topselling book “Losing weight by dr.Frank. Picture taken at the medical nutrition congres at the medical university of Amsterdam. Walter with Prof. L. van Loon, Professor Exersice Physiology, Univ.Maastricht, at the medical nutrition congres at the medical university of Amsterdam. PAGINA 7 PHOTOS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BANGKOK 2012 Yada vd Hoek, World champiom 2012 with Hungarian competitor. Asian Championships 2012 in Guangzhou, China, with some of the winners in the Model Bikini category. Xin Jian Chinese and Asian champion. PAGINA 9 Some spectacular legs at the wordlchampionships in Bangkok 2012. PHOTOS FROM THE PAST Essen. 1972, Walter with the late Sergio Oliva, during Mr.Olympia contest. Sergio The Myth, according to some vieuwers, should have won over Arnold Schwarzenegger. In June 1972 at Guiseppe Deina Gym, a young Appie Steenbeek, together with (also) the late Serge Nubret, where Nubret was guestposing. PAGINA 11 During wintersport vacation a bodybuilding contest? yes.! Location Zermatt, Switzerland. Here we see a young Michel van Halderen, during that time secretary of our federation, and Willem Doolhof, trainer and coach of Berry de Mey, our famous bodybuilding star. All ready for going down on the skies. Picture taken around 1980.Who is the one at the right side? Also present in Zermatt, Piet vd Have, gym owner and Arnold Buurman, who died too early. Another competitor, which name I do not recall. Jetty admires the biceps of Roy Callendar, succesfull bodybuilder from England, but originally from Bahamas(?) Jammo Brizzi, for a long time committee member of the Dutch Bodybuilding federation and former gymowner at the city of Tilburg. Later on he studied law to become a lawyer. Here together with Casey Viator. Casey was the youngest Mr.America ever. He was a pupil of Arthur Jones. Arthur Jones was the creator of the Nautilus machines. Casey Viator told everybody that is was because of the Nautilus machines he was so succesfull in bodybuilding. PAGINA 13 Pierre van der Steen, One of the best Belgium Athletes Winner in the past of many international titels. (IFBB/NABBA etc.) Bodybuilding poster from long ago, (1966) with guestposer Pierre vd Steen from Belgium, one of Belgiums best athletes. . John Bluming. (Amsterdam) the famous Dutch Martial Art champion and intructor, gave many demonstrations at different bodybuilding contests in the past. They called him the Dutch John Wayne, as he looked similar to the American movie star. He received many invitations to go to Hollywood. But John preferred Amsterdam. Alwin Djaoen and Walter during worldchampionships in Tokyo in 1987. . Walter and Guiseppe Deiana and Serge Nubret in Enschede, Holland (1972) Guiseppe, was one of the best bodybuilders we ever had. Originally from Italy, but at a young age moved to germany and later to Holland. . PAGINA 15 World championships Malaysia 1990, with hans bender, jetty and Walter during the farewell banquet. World Championships 1990 with Gan Boong Leon, organisor, who went on to organise another two worldchampionships, and well known politician and strongest man of Malaysia, together with Walter. PHOTOS BRUSSELS AUTOMOBILE EXPO 2013 Maybe this Lamborghini, in the colour orange. Or the ordenary SQ5 Audi, with 363 Diesel horsepower in red colour Just RR is also possible, but cabriolet, is more fun, in white colour. PAGINA 17 . Spyker, made in Holland, but with Audi engine, very fast.. . A red coloured Ferrari, ofcourse in red. Bugatti is the most exciting one with 1000 horsepower?? Citroen the looks of the a driving living room. But the fastest one is the Ducati Street Devil motor, in black colour. (Baba may be you like?) . Or very slow with this two seater motor bike, enjoying the countryside. PAGINA 19 WALTER’S OPEN HOLLAND CUP, 12th MAY 2013 If you would like to advertise in our newsletters, click here for contact [email protected] When you have nice, interesting, spectacular ideas for this newsletter , please let us know by sending a mail to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] Sign out for the newsletter, click here to send a mail for sign out [email protected].
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