Programme - XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato`s Phaedo
Programme - XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato`s Phaedo
Monday | 4th Entrance Hall Registration 10.00 AM Auditorium Opening Ceremony 11.00 AM Auditorium Beatriz Bossi 9.00 AM Plenary Session 1 Chair: Rodolfo Lopes Back to the cock: on gratitude and care Annie Larivée Socrates as ‘Political Asklepios’ in the Phaedo 1.00 PM Lunch 2.00 PM Anf. I Parallel Session 1 Chair: Franco Ferrari Irmgard Maennlein-Robert Von der Höhle in den Himmel: Der Philosoph im Jenseitsmythos des Phaidon oder Sokrates im Glück. Harold Tarrant Argument from Similarity or Socrates’ Inspired Vision Part I? Oscar Velásquez ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ: Proposal about the Methodological Disposition of the Phaedo Francisco Gonzalez Why the Minotaur is Misology Anf. II Parallel Session 2 Chair: Richard Patterson Hallvard Fossheim Reading Socrates’ Drama of Death: Grief and Argument in the Phaedo Roslyn Weiss Fear of Death in Plato’s Phaedo (and Apology) Monday | 4th (2.00 PM) Radcliffe Edmonds The Song of the Nightingale: Word Play on the Road to Hades in Plato’s Phaedo Fulvia de Luise Il canto del cigno di Socrate. Una celebrazione della morte? Conf. II Parallel Session 3 Chair: Cecília Coelho Daniel Graham Plato’s Scientific Manifesto Gustavo Barbosa Due concezioni di dimostrazioni nel Fedone Manfred Kraus Dokein, Doxa and Eikos in the Phaedo Donald Morrison Egoism and Benevolence in the Phaedo 4.00 PM Coffee break 4.30 PM Anf. I Parallel Session 4 Chair: Marcelo Boeri Karine Tordo Rombaut Qu’est-ce qui, dans la question de l’anonyme, a pu troubler Socrate (Phéd. 103 a 4-c5)? Lidia Palumbo Filosofia e narrazione. Il caso del Fedone Francesc Casadesús La definición del verdadero filósofo en el Fedón o cómo construir una ortodoxia filosófica a partir de una heterodoxia religiosa Monday | 4th (4.30 PM) Anf. II Parallel Session 5 Chair: Evaldo Sampaio Arianna Fermani Concorrenti e vincitori nella “gara di malvagità”(πονηρίας ἀγὼν). Riflessioni sulle spirali e sui molteplici volti del male nel Fedone di Platone Lorenzo Ferroni Massimo Planude copista, lettore e editore del Fedone platonico Ivana Costa La comparación no me parece exacta”. Fedón 99e6-100a3 y la respuesta platónica a un dilema posmoderno Conf. II Parallel Session 6 Chair: Anna Motta Michele Corradi Il Fedone e la memoria dell’Apologia di Socrate: a proposito di una raffinata strategia letteraria Mario Regali La maschera di Socrate nel Fedone Marco Antonio Santamaría Alvarez Apology, Crito and Phaedo: Socrates’ tragic trilogy 6.00 PM Auditorium Keynote Lecture 1 C. De Vogel Lecture Chair: Gabriele Cornelli 8.00 PM National Museum Welcome cocktail Monique Dixsaut La mort, estimons-nous que c’est quelque chose ? 9.00 AM Tuesday | 5th Anf. I Parallel Session 7 Chair: Noburu Notomi María Angélica Fierro The Platonic epoidê against the volatilization of the soul: Rationalisation, simplification and ontological stability in the Phaedo David Ebrey Cebes’ Objection and the Final Immortality Argument Satoshi Ogihara Immortality and eternity: Cebes’ remark at Plato’s Phaedo 106d2-4 Anf. II Parallel Session 8 Chair: Dennys Xavier Geneviève Lachance La figure du philosophe: entre réalité et apparence Alonso Tordesillas Socrate et les antilogikoi Andrew German Socratic Iconography: Two Examples in the Phaedo Conf. II Parallel Session 9 Chair: Emmanuelle JouëtPastré Suzanne Obdrzalek The Extended Soul in Plato’s Phaedo Cynthia Patterson Body/Soul Metaphors in the Phaedo Marcelo Boeri ‘To act and to be acted upon’ in the Phaedo: is there any kind of interactionism between soul and body? 10.30 AM Coffee break Tuesday | 5th 11.00 AM Auditorium Plenary Session 2 Chair: Olivier Renaut Barbara Sattler Sufficient Reason in the Phaedo Graciela Marcos de Pinotti ¿Cuántos y quiénes “recuerdan”? El doble alcance de la reminiscencia (Fed. 72e-77a) 1.00 PM Lunch 2.00 PM Anf. I Parallel Session 10 Chair: Maria Angélica Fierro Anne Schultz A Story to Live and Die For: Socratic Autobiography in the Phaedo Gerard Naddaf The “young” historical Socrates in Phaedo 96a-99d; a re-examination of the controversial “autobiography” Lloyd Gerson Socrates’ Autobiography: An Epitome of Platonism Anf. II Parallel Session 11 Chair: Ália Rodrigues Olga Alieva Skiagraphia of pleasure in the Phaedo Paulo Lima Socrates’ comparison between Misologia and Misantropia (Plato’s Phaedo 89c1190d8) Makoto Sekimura Survenue de la beauté et illusion skiagraphique dans le Phédon Tuesday | 5th (2.00 PM) Conf. II Parallel Session 12 Chair: Alonso Tordesillas Vasilis Politis Plato on the Origin and Development of the Theory of Forms Thomas Tuozzo Sense Perception and Explanation in the Phaedo Luca Pitteloud Le Phédon et les deux paradigmes de la séparation 3.30 PM Coffee break 4.00 PM Anf. I Parallel Session 13 Chair: Fernando Santoro Andrea Capra Socrates’ conversions and the Phaedo’s ‘(anti-)Aristotelian’ poetics François Renaud L’autorité d’Homère et de la tradition dans le Phédon Anf. II Parallel Session 14 Chair: Nastassja Pugliese Silvio Marino Socrate fisico delle idee? Semantica eidetica e semantica fisica nel Fedone Federico Maria Petrucci There Should Be a Virtue for Everyone. Non-Philosophical Virtue in the Phaedo Chad Jorgenson Philosophical and Political Virtue in the Phaedo and Afterwards Tuesday | 5th (4.00 PM) Conf. II Parallel Session 15 Chair: Filippo Forcignanò Michael Shaw Anaxagoras in the Phaedo Nicola Galgano Socrate e Anassagora, vecchie risposte e nuove domande Simon Trepanier Empedocles in the Phaedo: under the Surface 5.30 PM Auditorium Keynote Lecture 2 Chair: Tom Robinson 8.00 PM Alberto Bernabé Pajares El destino de los justos en el Más Allá. Consideraciones sobre el mito del Fedón International Plato Society Concert Symphonic Orchestra of the National Theater ADUnB Cultural Center Wednesday | 6th 9.00 AM Anf. I Parallel Session 16 Chair: Giovanni Casertano Sophia Stone Being in the Phaedo Noburu Notomi The Soul and Forms in Plato’s Phaedo Renato Brandão On The Translation and Meaning of Phaedo 74 b7-9 Anf. II Parallel Session 17 Chair: Franco Trabattoni Laura Candiotto Feeling memories. The epistemic role of erotic visual perception in the recollection argument (Phaed. 73d5–74a1) Hua-kuei Ho The Role of Perception in the Recollection in the Phaedo Marisa Divenosa La tensión psykhé-sôma en Fedón y las implicaciones de lo sensible en el conocimiento de lo real Conf. II Parallel Session 18 Chair: Miriam Campolina Georgia Mouroutsou Are the Phaedo’s Pleasures of Learning Pure Pleasures? Richard Parry The Phaedo begins with two observations on pleasure mixed with pain Dino de Sanctis Socrate e le lacrime dei philoi: emozioni e catarsi nel Fedone Wednesday | 6th 10.30 AM Coffee break 11.00 AM Auditorium Plenary Session 3 Chair: Mauro Tulli Kathryn Morgan Paying the Price: The Coinage Metaphor at Phaedo 69a-d Edward Halper The Currency of Virtue: Phaedo 68c-69d 1.00 PM Lunch 2.30 PM Brasilia City Tour 7.00 PM Brasilia Palace Hotel Executive Committee Meeting Lucio Costa Room Editorial Committee Meeting Sarah Kubitschek Room Thursday | 7th 9.00 AM Auditorium Keynote Lecture 3 David Sedley The Last Argument Chair: Beatriz Bossi 10.00 AM Auditorium Book Reviews 1 Chair: Franco Ferrari 10.30 AM Coffee Break 11.00 AM Auditorium Plenary Session 4 Chair: Arnaud Macé Richard Parry D. El Murr, Savoir et gouverner (Paris 2015) G. Fine, The Possibility of Inquiry (Oxford 2014) Rafael Ferber Deuteros Plous Franco Trabattoni La ‘prima navigazione’ nel Fedone 1.00 PM Lunch 2.00 PM Anf. I PhD Session 1, in memory of Samuel Scolnicov Chair: Marcelo Marques Maicon Engler On Plato’s interpretation of his own philosophy: Phaedo’s testimony on the diaphorá between poetry and philosophy Richard Schorlemmer The Phaedo between Orphic-Pythagorean images and early Hellenistic philosophers Manlio Fossati The soul in the Phaedo: Socrates’ evidence for its intrinsically intelligent nature Thursday | 7th Mitsuyoshi Nomura (2.00 PM) First Hypothesis in Plato’s Phaedo Anf. II Giovanni Vella Chair: Harold Tarrant Amos Espeland PhD Session 2, in memory of Samuel Scolnicov Destino e morte metafórica nel Fedone Non-Philosophical Virtue in Plato’s Phaedo Michal Tarasiewicz La multiplicité des lectures et l’unité de la structure du mythe final du Phédon (107c-114c) Taichi Miura The immortality and imperishability of the soul: Plato’s final proof of the soul’s immortality in Phaedo (102a-107b) Conf. II PhD Session 3, in memory of Samuel Scolnicov Chair: Richard Parry Francesca Scrofani Etymological associations and the imagery of invisible in Plato’s Phaedo Natalia Rugnitz El último consejo del daimón y la duda de Sócrates (Fedón, 60d-61b) Rodolfo Arbe El anonimato de Platón. Un examen sobre la figura del alocutuario anónimo en el Fedón Thomas Davies The Theory of Forms as Natural Philosophy Thursday | 7th (2.00 PM) Room 109c PhD Session 4, in memory of Samuel Scolnicov Chair: Graciela Marcos de Pinotti Mariana Gardella “Contra dos ni Heracles puede” (Phd. 89c5-6). El tratamiento platónico de la antilogía en el Fedón Ni Yu Immortality of soul and form of soul (Plato, Phaedo, 100b-107a) André Luiz Braga Life rather than arguments: resailing Socrates’ second sailing Aditi Chaturvedi Soul as ἁρμονία: Phaedo (85e 3 ff.) and its Pre-Platonic antecedents Room 110c PhD Session 5, in memory of Samuel Scolnicov Chair: Francesc Casadesús Tonguc Seferoglu What Do We Know?: Research Method and Philosophical Purpose of Plato’s Phaedo Hugh MacKenzie Univocalising sumphonein in the Deuteros Plous explanation Christian Keime The use of Repeating an Argument. Metamorphoses of the Theory of Forms in the Phaedo Marco Romani Mistretta Platonic Hypotheses: Galileo’s “Analytic Method” and the Phaedo Thursday | 7th 4.00 PM Coffee break 4.30 PM General Assembly 8.00 PM Conference dinner Rubaiyat Restaurant Friday | 8th 9.00 AM Anf. I Parallel Session 19 Chair: David Runia Filip Karfik L’âme et la Forme de la vie Filippo Forcignanò Experiences without Self-justification: the “Sticks and Stones” Argument in the Phaedo Lucas Soares La relación de compatibilidad entre los paradigmas poéticos platónico y tradicional en la anécdota del sueño de Sócrates en el Fedón Anf. II Parallel Session 20 Chair: Edrisi Fernandes María Gabriela Casnati El concepto de ἐπωνυμία en el argumento final de la inmortalidad del alma Lenka Karfikova The soul and life – the soul and ratio Augustine’s criticism of the final proof in Plato’s Phaedo Matthew Walker Socrates’ Final Symposium Conf. II Parallel Session 21 Chair: Marcelo Boeri Mariella Menchelli Filosofia, vita filosofica e ordine dell’anima: le occupazioni del filosofo e dell’anima a Phaed. 64 a, Phaed. 84 b e l’ascesa del filosofo nel Simposio William H. F. Altman Plato’s Phaedo and “the Art of Glaucus”: Transcending the Distortions of Developmentalism Friday | 8th Sebastian Odzuck (9.00 AM) What, according to the Phaedo, is the appropriate explanation of actions 10.30 AM Coffee Break 11.00 AM Auditorium Plenary Session 5 Chair: Renato Matoso Marcelo Marques The exchange of pleasures and pains in the Phaedo David Runia The Middle Platonist and HellenisticJewish Reception of Plato’s Phaedo: The case of Philo of Alexandria 1.00 PM Lunch 2.00 PM Anf. I Parallel Session 22 Chair: Yuji Kurihara Fernando Santoro Dioniso smembrato dai Titani. Commentario al Fedone di Platone di Olimpiodoro di Alessandria Grant Dowling Why Does Socrates Characterize Anaxagorean Mind Differently than Simplicius? Anna Motta Strategie esegetiche neoplatoniche: qual è lo skopos del Fedone? Emilia de Morais Las “doctrinas antiguas y santas” en el Fedón: ‘inconclusiones’ Friday | 8th (2.00 PM) Anf. II Parallel Session 23 Chair: Maria Aparecida Montenegro Esteban Bieda “Le debemos un gallo a Asclepio”. El carácter político de la muerte de Sócrates en el Fedón Edrisi Fernandes El “Bien Morir” Y El Fedón En La España Quinientista Yasuhira Kanayama Socrates’ Last Words Panagiotis Thanassas What kind of death?” On Phaedo’s double topic Conf. II Parallel Session 24 Chair: Lucas Soares Richard Patterson Metaphysics, Malaria, and Causality in the Phaedo Willie Costello Platonic causes, in context Rubens Sobrinho Images of the Soul: Palingenesis and Causality in Plato’s Phaedo Cristina Rossitto Socrate, Platone, Aristotele e la causalità in Phaedo 97 B - 102 B 4.00 PM Coffee break 4.30 PM Anf. I Friday | 8th Parallel Session 25 Chair: Donald Morrison Guilherme Mota Are the Phaedo or Platonism lifedenying? Marianna Koshkaryan Le Phédon de Platon: les perspectives de l’approche complexe (philosophique et littéraire) Brian Marrin Socrates’ dēmōdē mousikēn: Mythos and Logos in the Phaedo Anf. II Parallel Session 26 Chair: Luca Pitteloud Jens Larsen Saving the logos that saves our lives: hypothesis as a raft Irine Darchia Re-thinking Plato’s Phaedo Using Digital Methods Nicole Ooms Equal Sticks and Stones, once more (teleology and recollection). On Phaedo 75 a-b Conf. II Parallel Session 27 Chair: Michele Corradi José Antonio Giménez Esperanza, confianza y temor como actitudes proposicionales en el Fedón Carolina Araujo Plato’s Phaedo on rational suicide Eli Diamond Pythagorean Mathematics, Platonic Dialectic, and the Incompleteness of the Second Sailing in Plato’s Phaedo Friday | 8th 6.00 PM Auditorium Book Reviews 2 Chair: Beatriz Bossi 6.30 PM Auditorium Keynote Lecture 4 F. Karfik G. Casertano, Platone, Fedone o sull’anima (Napoli 2015) C. Zafiroupoulos, Socrates and Aesop. A Comparative Study of the Introduction of Plato’s Phaedo (Sankt Augustin 2015) Giovanni Casertano Il Fedone, dramma etico in tre Atti Chair: Luc Brisson 7.30 PM Farewell Ceremony 8.30 PM Embassy of Greece in Brasilia Setor de Embaixadas Sul, 805, Lt. 22 Farewell Cocktail Procad - Leituras e Releituras da Filosofia na Antiguidade
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Programme - XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato`s Phaedo
Yuji Kurihara (Tokyo Gagukei University)
Representative for the C. J. de Vogel Foundation