West Charlotte County Republican Club PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE
West Charlotte County Republican Club PRESIDENT`S MESSAGE
West Charlotte County Republican Club “One Nation Under God” WCCRC * P.O. Box 271 * Placida, FL 33946 Editor – Peter J. Watson 2012 OFFICERS President – Ray Corcoran First V.P. – Ross Witschonke Second V.P. – Doug Curtis Secretary – Nina Stamoulis Treasurer – Dick Wieland Director – Pete Watson Director – Debra Rodi Director – Skip Conroy Past President – Doug Tucker COMMITTEE CHAIRS Webmaster – Peter Watson PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE for OCTOBER, 2012 My Fellow Republicans, We were pleased to see how Mitt Romney performed in the debate without the liberal media bias that has been protecting Obama. We saw how pathetic Obama performed when asked hard questions without his teleprompter. Now the only reply that liberals can give is that Romney lied. No basis for this statement, but they just hope to say it enough and maybe they will get away with it. It is up to us to not let that happen. Please vote, and ask your relatives, neighbors, and friends to do the same. Let us not forget that we have our local candidate Bill Truex running for County Commissioner in District #3, and he needs your support to beat the Democrat opponent also running for that seat. Also, Paul Stamoulis; Supervisor of Elections; Ken Doherty; County Commissioner District #1, Trisha Duffy; County Commissioner, District #5, Vicki Potts; Tax Collector, Paul Polk; Property Appraiser, and Barbara Scott; Clerk of the Court, all have write in candidates opposing them. So, again, please get out and vote. Respectfully, Ray Corcoran, President Newsletter – Peter Watson Membership – Debra Rodi LINK OF THE MONTH: Fundraisers – Debra Rodi Legislative – Skip Conroy What the “bleep” just happened? A DINNER MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR OAA The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the West Charlotte County Republican Club, its Board, Officers, or Members. They represent the views of individual writers who are solely responsible for the content. Not responsible for typographical errors. A DINNER MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 16th. THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER WILL BE: Congressman Tom Rooney ALSO SPEAKING ARE THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES FOR STATE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICE, COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, AND BOARD OF AIRPORT COMMISSIONERS. Paul A. Stamoulis Barbara Scott Vickie Potts Paul Polk Ken Doherty Tricia Duffy Bill Truex Paul Andrews Gary Stasko THE MEAL CHOICES FOR THIS MEETING ARE: Baked Fish Tuna Salad Plate Pot Roast of Beef All meals include Iced Tea, Water, Coffee and Dessert. A cash bar is available beginning at 6pm. The meal price is $12 for members and $15 for guests. Please Email Doug Curtis for reservations, or call him at: (941) 697-6490 no later than Saturday, October 13th. MONTHLY MEETING INFORMATION FOR ALL OF THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY REPUBLICAN CLUBS West Charlotte County Republican Club: A Cocktail Social Mixer. The first Tuesday of every month at Johnny Leverocks Seafood House, Placida Road, Cape Haze, 5-7 pm. $6 p/p - includes 2 drinks plus hors d’oeuvres. No reservations required. Casual dress – dinner afterwards if you please. West Charlotte County Republican Club: Dinner Meeting - 6:30 p.m., The third Tuesday of every month. American Legion Post 113, 3436 Indiana Road, Rotonda West. Contact Doug Curtis for reservations: (941) 697-6490 or [email protected] Charlotte County Republican Club: Dinner Meeting - 6 p.m. The second Monday of every month. Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club, 4400 Lister Street, Port Charlotte. Contact Peg Thompson for reservations: (941) 391-6610 or [email protected]. Also ~ A Monthly Mixer on the fourth Monday of every month from 5 to 7pm. Beginning July 23rd, the mixer is being hosted by the Laishley Crab House in the Trabue Room (upstairs). A new price of $6 p/p has been established. Mid Charlotte County Republican Club: Luncheon Meeting The third Monday of every month at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St, Port Charlotte. Lunch 11:30am Meeting 12 til 1 PM. Guest speakers for October are Paul Andrews and Gary Stasko, candidates for the Charlotte County Airport Authority - District 3. Peace River Women's Forum: The second Wednesday of every month. The Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda Social 11:30 am., Meeting 12 pm. Contact Darlene Queener for reservations: 624-2185 or [email protected]. THE WCCRC IS SEEKING CLUB OFFICER CANDIDATES The following positions are to be filled for 2013: PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER FIRST VICE PRESIDENT SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Candidates need to have been a club member for a minimum of six months in order to qualify. Nominations are made at the November meeting, and voting takes place at the December meeting. All of the club officer positions are for a term of one year, and would require a desire to be instrumental in the success of our club. You would need to be available to participate in the planning and execution of all club activities, and be able to attend all regular meetings as well as monthly board meetings. R.E.C. members are particularly encouraged to become candidates. If you are interested in running for any of these positions please contact John Stanwix - Chairman of the nominating committee. [email protected] (941) 828-0132 Wow! Special Pricing Holiday Gift for the very Special Person! West Charlotte County Republican Club Golf Shirt A dozen Charlotte County Republican Golf Balls A Charlotte County Hat or Visor (Red or White) $53.00 value all for $45.00 You not only support the West Charlotte County Republican Club but the products are made in the USA including the buttons on the shirts Email [email protected] for this great offer Hats or Visor (Red or White) $13.00 each – makes for a perfect gift for the holidays or special occasion or for the person who is proud to say they are from Charlotte County, Florida and proud to be a Republican Email [email protected] for this great offer Hat or visor (Red or White) plus a dozen Golf Balls all for $30.00 Support the Republican Party and Charlotte County Republican Clubs Every Golfer needs a hat and golf balls (Some need more balls than others) Email [email protected] for this great offer Golf Balls $20.00 a dozen or $5.00 a 3 ball sleeve Great Christmas Gift, Birthday Gift, or for the person who needs a lot of golf balls Email [email protected] for this offer Charlotte County Republican Hat or Visor plus a sleeve of 3 Republican logo balls $15.00 Great gift for the person who loves the Republican Party and loves to golf The hats and visors come in Red or White Email [email protected] for this offer VICTORY(TRAINING( ! ! Interested(in(making(a(difference(for( your(country?(Unsure(what’s( involved?( Come!to!Victory!Training!to!see!what! goes!on!at!the!Englewood!Victory! Headquarters!! Trainings!are!held!Tuesdays!at!10:30! AM!and!Thursdays!at!6:00!PM!and!are! generally!fifteen!minutes!in!length.! Please!come!join!us!! Trainings(are(nonCmandatory.(( Volunteers(are(always(welcome.( ! For!further!information,!please!contact:! Evelyn!Kuzma,!Victory!Field!Director! 317M341M0786;[email protected]! PAID FOR BY ROONEY FOR CONGRESS Re-Elect Congressman Tom Rooney - VISION - LEADERSHIP - EXPERIENCE FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: RAUL FERNANDEZ - (941) 258-6149 The ABC’s of Success AVIATION EXPERIENCE • • • 20 Years of Airline Flying Experience Instrument Rated Pilot Licensed Aircraft Mechanic With Over 35 Years Of Combined Military And Civilian Maintenance Experience BUSINESS EXPERIENCE • • • Broker Associate/Realtor/ Property Manager Former Vice President/Partner of Blue Dolphin Builders Former Michigan Licensed Builder and Owner Of Inspect-All Inc. Home Inspection COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • • • Past President Of The Charlotte County Airport Tenants Association Member and Mission Pilot with the Civil Air Patrol, Charlotte County Composite Squadron Member of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 565 West Charlo,e County Republican Club Business Adver9sing Sponsors – Rates Full Page Ad $150.00 a year – ½ Page Ad $100.00 a year ¼ Page Ad $75.00 a year – Business Card size $50.00 a year Poli9cal Adver9sing – Rates 1/2 PAGE AD – $150.00 FOR THE DURATION OF THE ELECTION. Please contact Doug Cur9s at (941) 468-‐2949 Cell, or at [email protected] to reserve space. Adver9sing informa9on, along with art work must be submi,ed to the editor no later than the first Wednesday of the month for publica9on in that, and subsequent issues of the club newsle,er. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A SPONSOR OF OUR NEWSLETTER, OR SUBMIT INFORMATION FOR PUBLICATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE EDITOR - PETER J. WATSON WCCRC Director of Communications Newsletter Editor Webmaster
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