agriculture of the czech republic in the 21st century


agriculture of the czech republic in the 21st century
Antonín Věžník1, Michael Král1, Hana Svobodová2
Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Manuscript received: January 13, 2013
Revised version: September 1, 2013
Věžník A., Král M., Svobodová H., 2013. Agriculture of the Czech Republic in the 21st century: From productivism
to post-productivism. Quaestiones Geographicae 32(4), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 7–14, 8 figs. DOI
10.2478/quageo-2013-0029, ISSN 0137-477X.
Abstract: During last two decades Czech agriculture has gone through significant changes: the transition of agriculture in the 1990s and the entrance of the Czech Republic into the EU and its commitment to the Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP). Both of these changes contributed to the structural and regional differentiation of Czech agriculture and
exposed it to competition with the whole of Europe. Furthermore, CAP exposed Czech agriculture to uneven conditions for farmers within the EU. The most significant results of these changes have been a decrease in the agricultural
sector output, a reduction in farm animals bred, and shrinkage of arable land. On the other hand, many non-productive
and non-agricultural activities in the rural areas are subsidised, which offers farmers new possibilities of development.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the structural and spatial change in Czech agriculture between 2000 and 2010 on the
basis of Agrocenzus data supplemented by opinions of farmers gained in a series of interviews.
Key words: agriculture, EU Common Agricultural Policy, Czech Republic, post-productivism, Agrocenzus
Hana Svobodová, Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Poříčí 7, 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic;
e-mail: [email protected]
1. Introduction
The changing character of rural areas, changes
within agriculture, and a weakening relationship
between rural areas and agriculture have been explained for the past twenty years by a number of
geographers as a transition from productivism to
post-productivism. The change in European rural
areas and agriculture over the last thirty years has
been examined by several Anglo-Saxon authors,
who also describe it as a transition from an era of
productivism to the era of post-productivism (Ilbery, Bowler 1998). Some authors speak about a
transition to a multifunctional regime of agriculture and rural areas, which would better reflect
the currently observed changes. The gist of these
discussions is multifunctionality. The concept of
multifunctional agriculture or rural areas is a response to significant changes which have taken
place here in the last twenty years, both in Western Europe and in the Czech Republic, although
the changes occurred (and still do) with differing
intensity and timing. Sometimes the changes differ in nature due to differing conditions (mainly
political or historical aspects) (Konečný 2013). We
can say that the production function of rural areas
is now being overshadowed by recreational and
residential functions. This drives further change
when a previously dominant agricultural sector
is increasingly replaced by industry and services
Antonín Věžník, Michael Král, Hana Svobodová
(in terms of employment of the rural population)
(Svobodová et al. 2011).
Czech agriculture has gone through significant changes, including a reduction in employment. During the last 30 years there has been
a rapid decline in some livestock species and a
change in livestock production structures and
methods. The structure of crops and the position
of agriculture within the whole food industry has
changed. Czech agriculture has gradually become
more extensive and ecological, as mentioned by
Niggli (2008); however, there are significant regional contrasts with respect to development (cf.
Jančák, Götz 1997; Perlín, Hupková 2010; Věžník,
Konečný 2011).
This paper follows up on a series of papers
about the development of Czech agriculture after the entrance of the Czech Republic into the
European Union in 2004 (e.g. Věžník, Konečný
2011; Svobodová, Věžník, 2011 etc.). Similar analyses have been made in all European states. In
Slovakia, which had similar initial conditions of
agricultural development due to a common history with the Czech Republic, Spišiak (2005) discussed the development of agrostructures, and
Neméthová (2009) did the same using the Nitra
region as an example. In Poland, Hasiński (1999),
Zawalińska (2004), Grykień (2004), Kołodziejczak
(2006) and Kołodziejczak and Kossowski (2011)
have long studied the development, changes and
competitiveness within the agrarian sector. After
Poland joined the EU in 2004, these authors have
focused on new possibilities in the development
of agriculture and on the diversification of activities in rural areas, like tourism, ecological agriculture, and forestry. In spite of differences between Czech and Polish agriculture (the history,
farm size, crop structure, etc.), the conditions for
diversification are similar.
2. Materials and methods
The objective of this paper is to analyse structural and spatial change in Czech agriculture between 2000 and 2010 based on Agrocenzus data,
supplemented by farmers’ opinions collected in
a series of interviews in Czech regions. It reveals
some specific problems within the Czech agricultural sector.
Agrocenzus is the only report with results published at the district (NUTS 4) level. All other agricultural data in the Czech Republic are available
only for the regional (NUTS 3) level. For the period 2000–2010, the calculated 2010/2000 change
index for selected livestock and crops indicates
changes in agriculture during those ten years. Index values are illustrated in cartograms. All cartograms have the same unit range (up to 25%) for
each commodity for good comparability of changes in breeding/cultivation. Selected data are also
depicted by a development method, whereby the
development of the agrarian sector from 1990 to
the present is documented. The main barriers to
the development of Czech agriculture in the opinions of farmers (corporate farms and private farmers) are stated at the end of the paper.
3. Results: Agriculture of the Czech
Republic in the 21st century
Since the Czech Republic entered the European Union in 2004, the overall frame, philosophy, level of support, and level of regulation in
agriculture and the agrarian sector have basically
conformed to the rules and limitations of the EU
Common Agricultural Policy (Bečvářová 2008).
By joining the EU, the Czech Republic gained
an opportunity to receive annually significant financial resources for the development of its agriculture. The income of the agricultural sector increased rapidly after the entry, and this funding
kept the agricultural sector profitable (in 2010, a
total of 6.2 billion Czech korunas, CZK). However, the contribution of agriculture to total GDP
has continued to decrease, and so has employment in the agricultural sector. Almost 170,000
people worked in agriculture in 2000 (4.4% of the
economically active population), but this number
had fallen to 100,000 by 2010 (2.6%). Over 60,000
employees have left their job in agriculture since
2000, whereas approximately 15,000 people have
left their jobs in the period of integration of the
Czech Republic with the European Union.
The agricultural output, expressed in 1989
prices, fluctuated below 80 billion CZK. The crop
output surpassed livestock output (see Fig. 1) and
extension type farming spread. The number of
livestock decreased in the last twenty years, but
Agriculture of the Czech Republic in the 21st century: from productivism to post-productivism
the livestock yield increased. The expected stabilisation did not happen after the Czech Republic
entered the EU; on the contrary, the rate of decrease accelerated for some livestock.
The most significant changes in Czech farming have occurred in livestock production (Fig.
2) when unequal conditions between the old and
the new states in the EU, combined with an incorrect distribution of funds, brought about a
large reduction in the number of pigs and cattle,
causing the Republic to lose its self-sufficiency in
meat production. The dependence on the import
of these commodities is deepening (Svatoš, Smutka 2012).
Raising cattle is the most demanding sector of
livestock production in terms of work, material,
and organisation. Despite the falling numbers of
livestock, it is still, together with the production
of milk, one of the major areas of Czech agriculture. Cattle breeding and milk production are
irreplaceable not only from the point of view of
agricultural entities, but also of the dependence
of crop production on livestock production (the
nutrient cycle, crop yield, grassland), employment, and environmental issues of landscape
The number of cattle in the Czech Republic
fell by almost one-fifth (the index amounting to
84.9) during the examined period and is now the
lowest since 1990 (Roubalová, Vodička 2011). The
decreasing number of dairy cows contributes significantly to this decline, although the situation
has stabilised somewhat after the Czech Republic entered the EU, mainly due to the increasing
number of cows without market-production of
milk. A grant policy supporting the use of meat
cattle for both landscape management (especially
in less favoured areas) and production of quality
beef has helped to increase the number of cows
without market-production of milk. Despite this,
the development of the production of meat cattle
or beef has been unsatisfactory up to the present
day. Stock feeding is not profitable in the long
term, yet it remains fundamental for the total output of the sector and cattle farming. The reason
for the decline is primarily the situation on the
beef market, which causes a large export of cattle,
calves, and also beef cattle (at relatively favourable prices) for butchering abroad. The decrease
has been the steepest in fertile areas (the Elbe
area, south Moravia) where the lower profitability of cattle farming has caused it to be replaced
by crop growing and pig farming. The largest
decrease has occurred in city districts (Prague,
Brno), where the number of cattle is less than
a quarter of what it used to be, and in districts
near cities (see Fig. 3). An increase has occurred
in mountain areas (the north of the Czech Republic) due to an increase in cows without market production of milk. This fact is caused by the
agro-environmental CAP measures, which force
farmers to put farmland to grass in less favourable areas and use it for pastures where they often raise cattle. A high increase has been attained
80 000
mil. CZK
70 000
60 000
50 000
40 000
30 000
Fig. 1. Crop and animal output in the Czech Republic since 2000.
Source: Czech Statistical Office.
Antonín Věžník, Michael Král, Hana Svobodová
5 500
35 000
EU entry
5 000
30 000
4 500
25 000
3 500
20 000
3 000
2 500
15 000
2 000
thous. head
thous. head
4 000
10 000
1 500
1 000
5 000
Poultry (thous. head)
Fig. 2. Head of selected species of animals in the Czech Republic after 1990.
Source: Czech Statistical Office.
only in districts where the number of cattle was
relatively low and therefore the absolute increase
has not been so high (mainly the north-western
part of the Czech Republic).
Over the last years there has been a decrease
in the number of pigs which started in the 1980s.
This trend has rapidly accelerated since 2007. It
is due to rising prices of feed, fluctuations in the
market price of pork, and the import of cheaper pork and live pigs from abroad; hence many
farmers have reduced their pig herds significantly or closed down pig farms altogether (Pavlů,
Roubalová 2011). This reduction in pig breeding
has occurred in all districts of the Czech Republic
except five. A decrease of over 90% has occurred
in four districts (the north-western part of the
Republic). In another six (mainly Bohemian), the
number of pigs has decreased by 2010 to less than
a quarter of the 2000 value. It has decreased by
more than half in forty districts, which is more
than half of the districts of the Czech Republic.
Changes in crop production have not been
so significant; even so, there has been a decrease
in the crop area and a substitution of traditional
crops (e.g. potatoes, sugar beets) with those that
are subsidised (especially rape, partially maize;
see Fig. 4).
The most important crops of the Czech Republic are cereals. There was a very moderate decrease (the index at 93.5) during the observed period. The most important cereal is winter wheat,
which covers about 55% of the cereal crop area,
with spring wheat covering about 59%. The second most important cereal is spring barley, whose
Fig. 3. Change in the number of cattle and pigs in districts of the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2010.
Source: Agrocenzus 2000, 2010, own elaboration.
Agriculture of the Czech Republic in the 21st century: from productivism to post-productivism
3 500 000
EU entry
3 000 000
Fodder crops
on arable land
2 500 000
Sugar beet
2 000 000
1 500 000
Grain maize
1 000 000
500 000
Fig. 4. Area of selected crops in districts of the Czech Republic between 1990 and 2012.
Source: Czech Statistical Office.
crop area has decreased and now covers almost
18.5% of the total cereal crop area. Together with
winter barley, they account for about a quarter
of the cereal crop area. The amount of maize for
grain is rising and takes up about 7.5% of the
area. The other cereals have marginal importance
in general terms, but may be more important at a
regional level (Kůst, Potměšilová 2011). The most
significant decrease in the area of cereals has been
recorded in districts at higher elevations, where
the shrinkage of arable land has been more significant. The largest increase has been noted in districts with the best conditions for growing cereals,
especially the south Moravian and Haná districts,
but also in regions where the landscape has been
reclaimed and the land under cereals has grown
together with farmland (see Fig. 5).
The area under potatoes in the Czech Republic dwindled by about one-third between 2000
and 2010 (the index at 62.7) due to rising yields
and a lower consumption of potatoes, especially
of potato starch, and potatoes as livestock feed
(Fig. 6). The crop area increased in districts where
production of potatoes is less important and the
area is small; therefore even a small increase in
the crop area makes it relatively high. A signif-
icant decline has been noted in districts where
potato production is traditional and where the
crop area is large (the central part of the Republic). The potato crop area has shrank to less than
a quarter in thirteen districts and less than a half
in forty-three districts, which is more than half of
the districts of the Czech Republic.
The sugar beet crop area slightly decreased in
the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2010 (the
index at 94.1). Sugar production was roughly at
Fig. 5. Change in the crop area of cereals in districts of the
Czech Republic between 2000 and 2010.
Source: Agrocenzus 2000, 2010, own elaboration.
Antonín Věžník, Michael Král, Hana Svobodová
Fig. 6. Change in the crop area of potatoes and rape in districts of the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2010.
Source: Agrocenzus 2000, 2010, own elaboration.
the same level and the yield increased slightly between 2000 and 2010, therefore the crop area did
not change significantly. The major areas of sugar
beet production are lowlands close to sugar refineries (Adamec, Franěk 2011).
In response to these changes the use of land
has changed. The area of arable land has decreased in the Czech Republic, as well as in other
states with developed agriculture. The country’s
2010/2000 index is 91.2.
Arable land dwindled in most districts of the
Czech Republic during the observed period (Fig.
7). City districts (Prague, Brno), where arable
land was used for residential buildings, industry,
and transport infrastructure, or mountain areas
where it had been grassed over, noted the greatest reduction. There was also a large decrease in
districts at higher elevations and steeper slopes
where arable land had been substituted by per-
Fig. 7. Change in arable land in districts of the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2010.
Source: Agrocenzus 2000, 2010, own elaboration.
manent meadows and pastures, or afforested
(Budňáková 2009). Conversely, an increase in arable land was recorded in districts where there
used to be heavy industry and coal mining (the
Ostrava region, north-western Bohemia). The
land there had been reclaimed and partly transformed into arable land.
4. Barriers to the development of Czech
Apart from the livestock production issue and
the small change in the crop production structure, the entrance of the Czech Republic to the
European Union has brought a number of other problems which farmers must deal with. As
found from a series of interviews with farmers,
these issues have a different impact on corporate
farms and on private farmers. Fig. 8 presents the
results of surveys in the Vysočina region in 2010,
where 114 farmers (from 47 corporate and 67 private farms) were interviewed.
Corporate farms perceive the greatest barrier
to development to be the low protection level of
the domestic agricultural products market, administration, and problems with purchasers and
their payments. Private farmers perceive administration problems as the biggest barrier to development. This could be explained by the contrast
between corporate farms and private farmers.
Private farmers have no support for statement
and request processing and this work represents
a large burden for them. Low protection of the
domestic agricultural products market is the sec-
Agriculture of the Czech Republic in the 21st century: from productivism to post-productivism
Lack of processing capacity
Difficult access to bank loans
Farming on rented land
Unfinished restitution
EU hygiene standards
Own poor economic situation
Problems with purchasers and their payments
Low protection of home market with agricultural products
Corporate farms
Private farmers
Fig. 8. Barriers of agriculture development in corporate and private farms.
Source: own questionnaire survey.
ond barrier, and troubles with purchasers and
their payments is the third. There are also concerns expressed by private farmers which did not
affect corporate farms: difficult access to bank
loans and lack of a processing capacity. Unequal
conditions for the new and the old EU states were
indicated by both corporate and private farmers
as being a significant problem.
Farmers often see an increase in financial resources as positive. Paradoxically, according to
the survey, 85% of corporate farms and 81% of
private farmers would not be able to farm without funding.
5. Conclusions
Czech agriculture and related sectors have
gone through a fundamental change since 1989,
which was necessitated by changes in the socio-economic situation. The response to the entrance of the Czech Republic to the EU and the
period after this entrance were fundamental.
Agriculture had to adapt not only to conditions
of the common EU market, but also to the conditions of a globalising world market.
Profits in agriculture increased rapidly after
joining the EU due to the rise in funding which
maintained agricultural profitability; however,
the total volume of agricultural output decreased
significantly. The Czech Republic has lost food
self-sufficiency and the problem of uncultivated
land reappeared. Import of cheap agricultural
products from abroad has affected the development of agriculture recently (Svatoš, Smutka
2009). The decrease in employment in agriculture and related sectors as well as low salaries in
agriculture has also affected rural development
(similarly to the situation in Poland, cf. Kołodziej­
czak, Kossowski 2011). To preserve some dimension of agriculture, it will be important to support
a lifestyle and activities in rural areas, invest in
the diversification of the activities, generate new
jobs, support the involvement of young people in
rural areas, and complete appropriate infrastructure. Also important will be better preservation
of farmland, water sources, landscape, and biodiversity. Those are important tasks for agricultural
entities which must be retained.
Further development of the agrarian sector
will be affected by the setting of CAP in the period 2014+, not only in the Czech Republic, but
across the whole of the EU. The proposed changes
do not look optimistic for the Czech Republic. For
example, the change implemented in the Czech
Republic in 2012 (a decrease in the total amount
of all direct payments by over €300,000) already
puts Czech farmers at a disadvantage. The CAP
does not respect different conditions in member
states, mainly those which are based on high-volume agricultural production. The future setting
of the CAP is still being discussed, and the ques-
Antonín Věžník, Michael Král, Hana Svobodová
tion is what consensus will the member countries
work out.
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