PIECE-BY-PIECE PACKS - RollerCoaster Tycoon World
PIECE-BY-PIECE PACKS - RollerCoaster Tycoon World
PIECE-BY-PIECE PACKS SPECIFICATIONS FOR UGC LET’S GET CREATIVE ! In RollerCoaster Tycoon World, Piece-by-Piece buildings are created by assembling preset, tilable combinations of pieces. The best part? You can even create some new pieces yourself, thanks to our RCTW UGC Plugin ! One of the Premade buildings of RCTW was made with the Modern Pack of pieces. CREATING A PACK OF PIECES STEP 1 – GET UNITY 1. Download and install Unity 5.3.5p7 from the official Unity page. https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patchreleases/5.3.5p7 Choose Unity Editor Download Assistant. 2. Launch Unity, and create a new Project. Give it a proper name like “MyFirstRCTWPack” and choose a good location to save it to. You can leave the “3D” option selected. 3. Click on “Create project”. STEP 2 – GET THE PLUGIN 1. The RCTW Plugin should already be downloaded via Steam. To find it, go to the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps \common\RollerCoaster Tycoon World \RollerCoaster Tycoon World_Data \UGCPlugin\RCTWContentPlugin.unitypackage 2. Open the file RCTWContentPlugin.unitypackage. 3. You should see the import window in Unity, click Import. 4. You are now ready to start creating Packs of pieces! CREATING YOUR FIRST PIECE STEP 3 – CHOOSE THE UGC TYPE 1. Open the Plugin window by clicking in the menu bar on RCTW > Open. 2. In the new window click on “Create New …” and give a name to your new Pack like “My First Pack Version 1”. 3. Enable the checkbox “Piece by Piece Pack” 4. Choose the theme for your Pack, and add a nice description. 5. Click on “Piece by Piece Wall” to create your first piece! STEP 4 – CREATE THE PIECE 1. In the new window, give it a name and drag the FBX of a 4x4 wall into the model slot. Here we used “PxP_GEN_Wall_4x4_03.FBX” that you can find in the templates folder, under FBXs. 2. Click “Create”. 3. You should now see a piece and a human for scale reference like in the bottom screenshot. Move the human where you like to help you verify your scale. STEP 5 – VERIFY THE OPTIONS 1. Select the prefab that was created for you and placed in the scene, and look at the Inspector. 2. Enter a good name and description. Make sure those are relevant, as this text is used by the Keyword Search functionality in the Piece-by-Piece Builder. A good convention is to use the following format: • Name: “Beam Wall” • Description: “4x4. A red steel beam wall. Modern Pack, Generic themed.” 3. Checkboxes are already setup by default for you. Here is how they work: • Edge Snapping is for Walls: snap to inside edges of the current 4x4 cell. • Intersection Snapping is for Extras: snap to the intersections of the 4x4 Grid. • Floor Merging is for Walls and some Extras: this allows some selected pieces to “sink” into a floor tile if there is one at its feet. 4. Choose a placement audio that corresponds to the physical aspect of your piece. 5. Cost and resell values should be the same. A good price for one piece is between 1 and 10. Prices can vary based on the size and importance of the piece. 6. Choose an excitement value around 0.1. Excitement can vary based on the size and importance of the piece. 7. Choose a Theme and a Theme Value around 0.5. 8. After doing modifications on one of the prefabs in the Hierarchy, always make sure to click on “Apply” then in the menu bar File > Save Project. STEP 6 – VERIFY THE COLLIDER The colliders on the piece must respect specific rules: 1. If you are creating a Wall, Roof or Tile, the collider dimensions must use the dimensions specified in the table at the end of this document called “Pieces Dimensions Specs”. 2. The bottom face of the collider should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 3. Multiple colliders are supported for Walls, Roofs, Extras, Deco & Lights. • They must be on the parent GameObject. • One of the colliders MUST have its bottom face at Y = 0. • For Walls and Roofs the multiple colliders should still fit within the dimensions specified in the table at the end of this document called “Pieces Dimensions Specs”. 4. You can find more information for each type of piece and how to setup their collider(s) in the section called “Piece Specifications Per Type”. 5. After doing modifications on one of the prefabs in the Hierarchy, always make sure to click on “Apply” then in the menu bar File > Save Project. STEP 7 – VERIFY THE MATERIAL 1. In the Hierarchy, select the mesh inside your prefab and look at the Inspector. 2. The mesh should already have a material. You should either choose a material you already created (like “PxP_GEN_Bridge_01” in this example) or modify this existing material to use one of 4 Nvizzio shaders provided in the Plugin. 3. Here are the guidelines for the shaders: • NvizzioStandard_PBP is for any piece with no emissive, like our wall here. • NvizzioStandard_PBP_Emissive is for any piece with emissive, such as the Sci-Fi walls with a glowing part. • NvizzioStandard_PBP_AT is for any piece with cutout transparency, such as the Mayan plants. • NvizzioStandard_PBP_AlphaBlend is for any piece with blended transparency, such as the flat roof with transparent windows in the Modern Pack. • S/O/E/G are four channels in one texture that correspond to your Specular / Occlusion / Emissive / Glossiness. 4. You can find more information on how to setup your textures to be compatible with the Colors tab at the end of this document in the section called “Textures Specifications for Colors Tab”. STEP 8 – VERIFY THE CAMERA 1. Notice that in the Hierarchy a camera has been created with the same name as your FBX and your new prefab: “Camera_PxP_GEN_Wall_4x4_03”. 2. This camera will be used to take a screenshot of your piece when finalizing the Pack, so make sure to place it so that it’s looking at the piece in a nice way. 3. You can also adjust the lighting of the scene, even replace the grass to something else if you prefer. Note: a general screenshot will also be taken for the image of your Pack by the camera named “Main Camera”. STEP 9 – REPEAT 1. You want to add more pieces to this Pack? You can do so! Open again the Plugin window by clicking in the menu bar on RCTW > Open. 2. Without changing any options, click on the type of piece you would like to add to your Pack. 3. Repeat Steps 4 to 8 until you have all the pieces you want in this Pack! STEP 10 – BUILD THE PACK 1. All the pieces are ready? Then open again the Plugin window by clicking in the menu bar on RCTW > Open. 2. Click on “Build My First Pack Version 1”. 3. Click on “Include Previews in Pack”. 4. You should now see some information below that tells you if there were any problems generating the Pack, like the orange warning here about an incorrect collider size. If everything is OK, it’s time to jump into the game! FINAL STEP – ENABLE ! 1. Launch RCTW and open the Social Hub. 2. Click on the Packs tab, and select the “My Local Content” category. 3. Click on your new Pack, and select “Enable”. 4. If you think your new Pack is looking good don’t forget to share it with the community ! Note: if you are overwriting an existing Pack, you don’t have to quit the game. Simply open the Social Hub again, with “My Local Content” selected in the Packs tab, select your Pack, click “Disable” then “Enable” again. You should now be able to place new pieces that use your updated Pack. PIECE SPECIFICATIONS PER TYPE WALL SPECIFICATIONS 1. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 2. The bottom face of the collider should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 3. Collider X, Y, Z size should be precisely the dimensions specified in the table at the end of this document called “Pieces Dimensions Specs”. 4. Edge Snapping ON. 5. Intersection Snapping OFF. 6. Floor Merging ON. 7. To reduce Z-fighting, you can add a tiny offset of 0.005 m on your mesh on the X axis. Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. OPEN FAÇADE SPECIFICATIONS 1. The open façade is a regular wall with precise dimensions. 2. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 3. The bottom face of the colliders should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 4. The 3 colliders should follow precisely the dimensions specified on this image. Note that both open and closed façades MUST use a collider depth of 0.25 m. 5. Edge Snapping ON. 6. Intersection Snapping OFF. 7. Floor Merging ON. 8. To reduce Z-fighting, you can add a tiny offset of 0.005 m on your mesh on the X axis. 1.5 m 0.55 m 2.9 m 2.5 m Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. CLOSED FAÇADE SPECIFICATIONS 1. The closed façade is a regular wall with precise dimensions. 2. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 3. The bottom face of the colliders should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 4. The 4 colliders should follow precisely the dimensions specified on this image. Note that both open and closed façades MUST use a collider depth of 0.25 m. 5. Edge Snapping ON. 6. Intersection Snapping OFF. 7. Floor Merging ON. 8. To reduce Z-fighting, you can add a tiny offset of 0.005 m on your mesh on the X axis. 1.5 m 0.55 m 2.9 m 1.5 m 1m Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. ROOF AND TILE SPECIFICATIONS 1. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 2. The bottom face of the collider should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 3. Collider X, Y, Z size should be precisely the dimensions specified in the table at the end of this document called “Pieces Dimensions Specs”. 4. Edge Snapping OFF. 5. Intersection Snapping OFF. 6. Floor Merging OFF. 7. To reduce Z-fighting, the side faces of your mesh can be slightly indented instead of being flat. Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. EXTRAS SPECIFICATIONS 1. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 2. The bottom face of the collider should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 3. Edge Snapping OFF. 4. Intersection Snapping ON or OFF, depending on if the object should be placeable at Grid intersections. 5. Floor Merging ON or OFF, depending on if the object should “sit” on floor tiles or not. Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. DECO & LIGHTS SPECIFICATIONS 1. The mesh of the piece should be lying on its back as seen in the picture. 2. The pivot should be at the bottom of the piece. 3. The bottom face of the collider should start at the pivot Y position, i.e. bottom at 0. 4. Edge Snapping OFF. 5. Intersection Snapping OFF. 6. Floor Merging OFF. Note: under the template folder of the Plugin you can find an FBX of this mesh as well as its prefab with proper colliders, pivot, material and textures. TEXTURES SPECIFICATIONS FOR COLORS TAB TEXTURES SPECIFICATIONS FOR COLORS TAB To be compatible with the Colors tab: • • • • • Your Albedo texture must be mostly white/grey, and most of its color should come from the “Tint Color 1” value in the shader, which is red here. This value will be changed by players when using the Colors tab. If you’re using NvizzioStandard_PBP_Emissive, “Emission Color” is used instead of “Tint Color 1”. The tint chosen by the player in the Colors tab will be applied only on the Emissive part. If only a portion of the piece should be color tinted, your alpha in the Albedo texture should be using black and white: the piece will be color-tinted only on the areas specified as white. For quick tests, you can use the following values in the 4 channels of your S/O/E/G texture: • The red channel (used for Specular): all black • The green channel (used for Occlusion): all white • The blue channel (used for Emissive): all black • The alpha channel (used for Glossiness) all black You can look at the template folder, which include example textures that you can reuse for quick tests on your own pieces. PIECE DIMENSIONS SPECS PIECES DIMENSIONS SPECS • These values are measured precisely for the bounding box around all colliders of the object. • The actual mesh inside can be taking a slightly smaller or bigger amount of space, such as for a crumbled wall or slanted roof. • The prefab can use multiple colliders as long as all of them fit within these dimensions. Typical Height (Y axis) Typical Width (X axis) Typical Depth (Z axis) Walls 4m 4m 0.25 m* Roofs 2m 4m 4m Tiles 0.1 m 4m 4m Min Height (Y axis) Max Height (Y axis) Min Width (X axis) Max Width (X axis) Min Depth (Z axis) Max Depth (Z axis) Walls 2m 4m 4m 4m 0.25 m* 0.25 m* Roofs 0.5 m NA 4m 4m 4m 4m Tiles 0.1 m 0.1 m 4m 4m 4m 4m * Note that some walls such as the Mayan walls use a depth of 0.5 m instead.