Zion`s Watch Tower


Zion`s Watch Tower
.:: \To L. · I L · ·
N.o. 2.
form of God and the form of serva1~~} then bear the image oftheh~ave1~ly!" was Jesus)• It was ~~~the:r forrn. He
.· ·
. "' .
,;,:. ··
· · They are totally different and
W.- Yes, very true, but let. us' not work11 :i miracle giving them a boat
~,·fl~-pj~~:·:·~'·Jlt-* 1V 2Jl. m~!~~~~l~,t~~ti~~ ;z,~i:et t~~~~~~J; iii:~:~ ~~~~i~f~·n.I:ft~~ ifiJi~~e:~; f~~1i~: ~i:cf;I:, ~:::~~~~Jtl~~ie;~l~
~ :·! .,
r ·!'· ,:, . ; .,
form of.a se1Vo.nt . . We read:_for tHe .rection,notwhatweshall be;although ing'"of the · 3,000, ·. and\~5,000, the
suffering of death. God is a spirit;. the inferencial rea:ooning that our strange days in which they· were
has a spiritual body, and could not ,yile and earthly bodies mu!>t'under- living, and that Je~us had.appeared
l:'ri~:··,.',Puni,ISHED ·M:iJNillr,Y.'
· : die under. any circumstances, for .a. go so great a . change~.to be·lil~o l;Iis to t~~m already.,. He sc~ms at once
' , · r , ,., ., • ,,, ' ·
r·, . ·
' .. spiritual body isar. immortal, [undy·~ 'heavenly, or glorious body'boforo w,e to discern· who gave the draught of
\'.101'\Fift:J;l .t}Y~·~ ~+~~~rHftGH, PA. ing] body (1 Cot. XV.) Man being c~n 1:1ce Him as he is, i~ the v~ry b,e~~ fishes; and,said :~ 1;''It' is the Lord."
-;r ;.; ·
a. sinner, condemned to death and kmd of proof that He.is not and has He recognized himuot by the natural
C. '()l~~s*Lt, ~di tp~Ai\g;?u blishez:. unable to release himself, .Tesus be~: not been, since His resurrection: 'like eye hut by·the ey~.o! faith, and when
1 .: :::: ':; '.REOUL,AR. CONl"R'tilu'"rp' R.· 8.
. came his ransom, giving llis l1je
that is,in the for~ of a servant:.• i they were coma. to, shore: "none.·of
1·· 1
ransomforours.' We were redeemed;.' It'Jesusafterhis'resurrection'was them dare ask'him,,who art thou,
·.:), JW.r·¥; 'J;i.rroN~·~~ :. .' :· ~,.~·· /·~·:~~~:r. ,Mien. from death, or justified to life· "by a glorious spiritual" po<;ly, how::; :W.a~' knowing (feQling: sure from the mir.:!B' VM.A.NN,.. ·.'. · ~·· ~.)!!~Y)·~E, P.A. the precious blood [death] ofCbrist.J~:·it that the disciples never '·saw :.~i~ 1 acle for they, saw. not theprir:t of the
·. ).·,.·'·•· ·,·W·••. ·J(~IT.~, ·, ... ; - 1D~ .M~~,L~~···~· Y. We see then that .Jef!UB ,laid asid~' glorious body·? Why' d.id hP.' appear ,nai.Js.). that ~t 'Yu~.the Lord,".' (John
f'I·~·.P·.JO,~:If~•., .. - .1 1~., ~W~Gn, PA. the.forrn ofGotl an~ took tho .fo.rrn.dj to them ns ~he.h~d ARn~ ·~efore1 his ·x~l).: TP,us. d1~; ~esus ap:pear .to
•• :ALLEl{,:~ .. · • · 1I(lij¥O,YK, N.Y. man, so tlu~t ~I.o might pay, O'lfr PPP,; . .dfath?
, ·.. . . . , .
, , ! Ins. dl!~C1ples a~ .dlfl'erent t~mes, to
.! "In no CII.Mh'll"~ll the,F..dltor be'resr:,nslble for all al:ty J~~ us-dte for .us.
; . '' l ''·' ,". w....-If Jesus had .appeared 't9 ma~e of,the,m.wltn~ssesof Hls res,ur. to'l:t!":."~d~~~"":a4n%~~~e~~eor:f.':~pr:d~~ l': 1 Tlnrdly, notice that when he; had, ,~hem and shown his. glory, ·.they l:ectwn, seemmgly, he, was present
. artlcleaaelected fro~ otb"r pedodlc,(Lio< 11
di~d "ev,en tht( d?ath. of' th~.cro~~;~1': )would probably.' . have,,, been: 86 .t)?:~.u~seend'!rif!.~ rrostofthose forty
·•'·•TERMS, : 60 ·cENTS ;P¢~\\vEAR .i) the purpo~o or pbJ~ct m; talcmg ,our, :.a.lurmed as to be .,un~ble, .to receive ~~~s;.appe~rmg_~t;t dl 1 perhaps, not
" ~,!)lJllAdvanc~lboludet~~~.{t;l,,' i rorm Wfl.S accomphshed,and the~~f·}lllStructionBj .besides,,if, ~hey 1 ;had m~~e{,b~,n ~eve~.tnn~s.(J()hn ~x:2~~
,...........,._.'All commuo.lca~!<IP·'~'I.I,lOUI"·' .. ,~~~ ·. ed~. ' IS no_ renwr. '~hY. fie shou)d.l~ay!" w~:·~g.,,ocne..forth sayl.~g tlw Lord.ll.f.9.SE).• an,d .Xf~.,l~~). \:,, ),, ''.'.~~;'·~·!1~·····:, ~ ......:·.' ., ..
~~~-.:. .
.. ~OJ~~~~atarfi:;: ~~r.m. of.;C£\•h'r•-r;imt·\il~M·liie·drect, ... lA:'l~pp~ttred·to·mHn•glorY';·th~y;)'yVOUld •'-·~ct.-=:.tW~~~I).\lld.,.:.theN'!;>4bo..
• •
r or<lero, etc., m~e payable to tb, E<lltor. · . we ~lmm that Ho IS uot now a man hav.o been. accused .of telhng gho~t for Hts!a'PP,ea:r1ng 111 flO many· d10'er~~~:B.EASON FOR
l glonfie.d, that He has no.t been a storus.
Remember· tl)n.t the Qbject entform8t;_,: .,r,•., , I. ,,. ,. '
.>f. '1 .r~· 1 •• ,, •...
_ _ THE, .. PE ...
man s!nce "the man Chnst Jesus of Jesus appearingto them .wal;l,~Q
W.-I.\Jresume•it was .. to•'guard
-' ·•.Y·~·•·• · , DIALOGUE. '
. : ga':e lumself a ransom for all."· ! convince them that ..','H;e whp:·, was agains.t.theirideathat he was a fleshy
·, ~~ . · t' · . ~It:•
. ' cla1m that these two natures-dt- dead is alive forevermore·'' that·they body bv'appearing·in various·forms
. . ~we'.have
ues toner.
smce v't.n.
e and hu man-nre sep ar~t ~ an d ,U11·ght
· ' '' Ben1g
· · l)ndmmuaoulousways,comingmto
~ · ... ·
had a talklStosome
..go 1rqr tl1 as. ".'U!i!-nesses._..:
W ., an 1 1m e, en e uow o ma e t k th h
· 1 1·y 1 ft h
d' · · ' · ·· h.··. · "
· ·'
., ·n: few~{
uiries.'. T want ou to· ive a e e uman, so a so ~e e t .e questiOn of expe 1ency-:-:-,w .qh ~~~ll and vanishmg from theu sight. He
· d s, your Yreasonsg 10r
·' aJi!:q1.ew wc:;>r
r · · human when He resumed the d1• could he best appear to 1them t e not only showed that He had underroo m·
. h
· .·
. · ' ·. •
, believing that J ~sus is now present.' .vme.
m wh1~ . way woul.d .• h~sl ,obJ.ect ·m !Sone .a chan.ge smce de~th, but:He
W atehman.-I am ·glad to .. talk · Jesus was put to death in the flesh appeanng · be. best nccomphsped, 1 Illustrated ·hls own teachmg to NICo. ·
but quickened [made alive] by the H
"fl ·
f fi , d
th t.
f th
with yo~ ,upon so interesting a .sub- spirit. Let us look at this ex pres- · e ~o'VU appear as a . ame o · r~, 1 . e~.us,
a . every one orn ? : .o
joct, !1-nd;,.shall try to answer your sion, ''made alive by the spirit." To as. t?e a11bel of the;}~ord.- (also:rl1' sp~r~t :~that;. born of· tho spmt. ts
quene~. .Ypu are aware, I presume, what kind of life? Was it the life spmtu~! ody) h~d; appe~f~~ -.,tq spmt) .1 c~n ;1,· ~o. · and come hke
that I and all the writers for the
Moses 11;1 the burmng bu~h,, 'Ihus the 1 wm~:' •: :J!hou ~ canst ~ot te!l
WATCH TowElt believe that Jesus of t~e flesh t~l':t was. quu.k~ned? Jesus rntght have appeared·:to' •and whenceot; cometh· and' wh1ther •lt
has come the second time a.nd is now NJ 0 • lt wasN~pudltuul hfTe.l Llsl~n; ,talked with the disciples, or he ~ight go.eth,;so.:is .everyone that is born of
.. the world, and ·for this
. rea-. •. esus
" (J
1at whiCh h. ave appearec.1 m
· g 1ory as tli e· ange 1 th e •.sp1l
b te 11fsth teo
lln•h emus
. lln•h
. :··· So..d1'd•. J esus go ah·d
son our 'paper ·is alsl) called the lS orn
e J""" ls fO<N . • osns as did to Daniel, or as he afterward did come. ",. But . some doubted "-some
"Herald of Christ's Presence " If I afl mho.ntwbas btornk. of ah.woman andt· was to John and to Saul of Tarsus. • · i i • : wanted. to thrust their hand into his
. . ·
· es
us a mg uman na ure)
'd · d
t' h · 'fi
· · · th
und~~stnfnd your questwn, you 'Yan t and that which is horn of the spirit
If he had so appeared, they. would Sl 'etan... tpu ''' t .ellr ~gerJs mtotl e
me. tv-re resh your memory bnefly .
. 't · J
t H'
doubtless also have had "great· fear prm O!l. Ghe: nat S·j and1 esus lUB
on the reasons for so believing.
. 18 Bpt!:b·
~s.t~~suthrrcc ;on and quaking" and would have fallen appears, I whether ·it-iw{upth(! I same
orn o
lC splrl '
db r
b d tb tlh db . .
"fi d.
. .-bJ.x.ac y. h t Jcourse a c UIB· was not flesh but spirit. He is called tot 1e grodund e1or~ · 1hm an · "bek a
e~n crud1 e 'tor oko
tl n:n~ lel1ove
t a
7sus .1as
been "the first-born from the dead, and come as head md en; or e !J.ohuld do, 1 eld,.'fii now n~ nor .oes 1 .tma c
sptrttua y present w1th ·lus church
" . k
db th
. 't ;,
as angels a
one and as · a had any 1 erence, m· any case 1 was
during all the Gospel Age, asHe said: wS im~llebe {h e spm ·
b done witbAbraham(Gen.xviii.)when' not his: body, for1 he had been'' quick1
"Lo, I am with ·you alwa1,s even
t'ofl dWI h e Wl uij 'Y 0 }1·a11l'k e he appeared as a man.' This last he of'the 1spirit!'-a: spiritual·bodyunto the 'end of. the world. ' [age]. sa lS eN wt .en wthe al'Yka e In ft8 t e- saw to be the best way and he 'did ','sown a natural·body raised a spiritIn what sense is he now present ns nehs~. hI'~ tlnk fe 1 · eness 0 mWen apnear as a man But notice he did ual body,?' and none of the •various
w 10 ::~.9 oo
or a purpose.
b d' · ' h' h h
I:Ie .11ns not . ;:1?ways b een, an d what
have that likeness now but when not appe~r to thhem .as he 11a done J01'1ns;
Thw .1c
e lppe~e,r
are t 11e proo1s
"we see Him as He is ~e shall be before H1s deat . Fust he appeared wthe1 ~... :-'· oh ~·b h?dywerc on Y vde thoJ
W.-Let us for a moment then l'k
H' ,
t' fi d b n
to Mary astbe gardner and she·"saw e J"""'' w IC
1 or covere
droiJ the idea of time and of His now 1 to Cilm' t~n 7 ~ sa b18d1e -:- e 1 te Jesus standina and knew not that it ~lorious spiritual body, just as angela
. un o u1s s g,orwus o y.
present, an d sec 11ow He wlll
was Jesus." "After
that he appeared a d o.ft en use d th esamo 11uman1o.rm
be in llis day, whether that day be
"Nor doth it y.et appear,
in another jonn unto two of them" as to vml ·themselves' .when apprarmg
· ·
now· or' a thousand years ·'hence.
How great we shall be made,
they went to· Emmaus (Luke xxiv: to mortals. ' · ·:
First, come back ·2,000 years to the
Bl~wlhnllbe 'i~~
to con·
time when JeHus ''being in the form
es a : e · 1 e our ea.·
.Jesus, until he revealed Himself in fuse someis,that'Jesusate and drank
of God, thought it not robbery to be · · Q.-I see then that you under- breaking ofbread. Then he. vanished with th.e disciples and said, "Handlo
equal with God" (when he was in stand the text, "Put to death in the from their sight: . .!
· ''' '·
me,'for·a• spiritha~h •not fleE'h' and
glory.) Sec Him lay aside the glory flesh, :quickened by the spirit"· as
Again, some had given up all'hope bones as ye sM me ·have." How do
which he had with the Father before being of the same import 118 the .OnA'
being any longer fishers of ll!en ·you ·explain' this? ' l .
the· world was, and heing rich for which speaking of the death and nnd had gone again to 'their 'nets. ·•iW,.:._IV·does n.ot need to be exour sakes become poor. See Him resurrection of the Saints, says:· "It They had· 'toiled all ·night~ and plained 1 I away. ''Jesus affirms just
take upon'Him the form of a servant is sown a natural body, it is raised a .caugh.t: ~1othiug. 'In· the morning what :we:have claimed, viz.: ··'l'hat.
for the .suffering of death." Notice spiritual body;" and "as we now hear Jesus is on the shore within spenking U1~ body they saw and handled nnd
now tho difference between bodily tho image of the earthly, we shnll distance hut they "knew· not•that 'it whicb,·;u.to with· them was ·not his
· ,:. •. '· · • · : ·
'( •:
':HEBALD OF Cll:BIS'l''S l'll..~SENCE.
l'k \
spiritual body for tho spirit hath not
flesh and bones. Look back to the
time when the Lord and two angels
appeared to Abraham (Gen. 18.)
Jesus had not then left ''the form of
God" and taken the form of a servant
He was a spiritual body then, and it
had not flesh and bones butne then
used the human form as a veil. He
ate and. drank and talked and could
ha_ve SlUd to ~brn.ham "Handle me,
thls body wluch you see is 'flesh
and bones.'"
quickeneth; the flesh profiteth noth- Lord has come, would unquestionab- and oppress mankind will all be overing."
ly be, the evidences or proofs of Jlis turned and that the kingdom of
Q.-It does not seem as though presence.) Evidently the presence God will assume control and that
much benefit would result to us by is one not recognized by the natural the blessing and restitution come
merely gratifying our desire to see eve; but by the eye of faith, else through the new kingdom. The
him, and I temember he said before there could be no disagreement be- work of demolishing human empire
going: "It is expedient for you that tween the servants lis to the fact of is beginning. The power that will
I go away." "Unless I go away the His presence. (Matt. xxiv, 44:49.) overthrow them is now at work.
comforter cannot come."Would this
Jesus tells us to beware, that false The people are already organizing
involve the thought that when he teachers will arise saying, "I.. o~,.. here their forces under the name of Comcomes again the comforter will be or lo, there, believe them not, 1 will munists, Socialista, Nihilists, etc.
not come in any such seen manner, 'l'rue, there have always been ComW.-No, the reason the comfort of but as the lightning" which cannot munists, but their work of organizathe Holy Spirit could not come was, be seen (electricity, unseen,can go six tion and activity are within recent
that all were sinners and God could to ten times around the earth in one years, in 1875-G, scarcely any one
not recognize and comfort sinners. second.) So,shall the Son of Man be knew the meaning of commun·ist and
Q.-Now .w~th regard to Jesus They must first be justified by Jesus' in His day." (Lukexvii, 24.) As the nihil·ist. Now they are household
second, commg does not this text death. Afterward being ju.st·ified by lightning when present frequently words.
(Acts i:ll)teach that when he comes his death, we have peace with God. sendsforllt'ligltt which may be seen by
Another prophetic proof is that
he will be seen by his watchincr disci· We become His children, and to those awake, so Jesus intimates that of the 1335 days(yrs.)ofDaniel to the
plea? Will he not appear in tl~e flesh such, He sends the spirit of adoption in His days of presence light will time Jesus was due to be presentto provethat he has come?
whereby we cry ~bba, (our) Father." shine.
''the harvest," or end of this ageW.-No, I think not. There is Before this spirit could be sent to Q.-'fhat seems a beautiful thought during which harvest time, Daniel
not a word about the disciple or any Jesus must not only clie, but He taken in connection with the won- was told that he should stand in his
any one else seeing him. It merely must also ascend to the Father's derful amount of spiritual light and lot, or be resurrected wxth his class,
tells u~ that he will come as he went. presence and present the evidence of truth which has shone on us and to the Prophets. 'fhe angel adds by
llow (lid he go? With trumpet blasts our purchase as typified by the us during the verylems you claim way of comment: ''.Blessed is he
and shouts or wails of the people of High Priest's going into the holy as being the days o the presence of that waiteth (remains alive) until
C!~rth? No, but quietly and unseen place and sprinkling the blood. The the Son of Man-since 1875.
(the 1335 days) 1874. Those days
0 ~ the worlcl.
As he said before he coming out of the holyplace(heaven)
W.-Now we will glance hurried- surely end there, but what blessing
<hed, "Yet a little while and the by our high priest does not undo the ly at some of the evidences that we did any of us who live realize? We
world seeth. me no more." And work of j-ustification. W c are still are nO'w in "the days of the Son of are blessed by the ''Bright shin·ing of
the worl~ d1d not see him after his justified, and shall be forever; still Man." I will not attempt to prove the prese-nt one." ('l'he literal ren~
resurrectwn. During the forty days sons and shall always be such, and the points of time. You can get dering of last clause of 2 'fhes., 2:8.)
he was sel?om seen, showing himself consequently always possess the them in full detail in Bro. Paton's Jesus is the l·ightning is present, uno~ly to !us disciples. Did he go spirit as a comforter. It if~ the spirit new book, "Day Dawn," which you seen, and is causing bright light of
~ld peahng thunder. flashing light- of Christ. "Let the Spirit of Christ should Lyall means reacl.
truth to shine into our minds. Wonmngs and rending rocks? No, quiet- dwell in you richly."
Q.-I have followed you so far, derfully bright, and sweet, and prely, unknown of the world,,he ''asQ.-If I understand you aright and can agree with your po~ition cious, indeed, has been this light, on
cended up where he was 'before.'' your view is, that though it was ex- fully, but when you come to prove the ~resence of the Son of Man, st>pWhenever h~ comes he will come in pedient that Jesus go from the world that Jesus is now present and ask me aratm~ between wheat and tares and
the same qmet manner, unknown of and present the proof of our ransom to believe it without any sight evi- preparmg his c_haste Virgin for gloth~ world. We know from other before the Holy Spirit, could come dence, I am afraid Ihavenotstrong ry. He is making up His jewels,
scr~ptures that his church will not to us, yet the continuance of the enougn faith to believe it.
finishing the work by selecting those
be lll darkness.
Spirits comforting presence is not
W.-I have not asked you to be- who are al·ive and remain, that we
.Q.-I see that there isnothi,_ng in dependent on his absence, for one~ lieve it, Bro. Q. I never ask any may be caught up,together with
·th,s text to teach that wlien: he sllould given, it will never be withdraw.l'l' one to believe, I simply give the evJ ~hose w4h slbt!p in J1im, to meet hhn
come he would be·' seen, qut does it from those who abide in HiJU.
idence; If it iB as strong to them as m the air.
not see~ reasonable to suppose
W.-Yes, but let us not leave our to me they cannot help believin ~ 'tt.
As Jesus saH1 to His disciples at
that he wtllso appear? 0
subject: We seem to agreethen that Now, you seem to think that if we the first advent, ''Blessed are your
. W.--:-'~'here is no question as to so fnr as we can see, there would be had a little sight it would help mat- eyes und your ~urs, etc, for I say unlns ab1hty to appear now us then; nothing to be gained by Jesus' ap- ters. Let mo remind you of u word to you mnny prop~etsand righteous
bu~ before calling your attention to pearing in the flesh to us at his from Peter.
He was writing of po;·sons have desired to see these
scnp~ures which seem to teach that second coming. But another point, things he had seen when on the thmgsand have not seen them "-So
he. Wlll be p~esent unseen, let mere- if he should so appear, whatsatisfac- mount of transfiguration; but when the angel said to Daniel-Blesseu
mmd you that while it was necessary tion would or could it give any of us. he has finished the narrative of the are they who will live to 1874, for
t~at h~ s~wuld then appear to make It would not be:Hirn we would see, things seen, he adds: "But we have they shall ~~e,. (not with natural
h1s dtsc~ples eye-witnesses of his for He is not flesh and if Jesus should a more sure word of Prophecy where- eye, but by fmth) and hear (not with
re~urrectwn, no such necessity now so appear to me I should prny·ns did unto ye do well that ye take heed." natural ear but through the sur& word
ex1sts. He comes now not to call Moses,-Lord that I might see thy (2 Pet. i, 19.) And so I think now, of Prophec.y) and know (but not by
out a ~eople to believe on Him; but Glory-that I might see thee really, the prophecies are more convincing w~rluly w1sdom to which these
to gl~nfy a people already separated not an appearance, but thyself, thy to me than if Jesus were to appear tlnngs ure hi~, but by the Spirit of
b.y h~s ~all then issued; to glorify glorious body, as Saul and John saw as a man before me. Nay, more, I G?d freelY,, g1ven unt.~ us "that we
h1~ VJrgm church and make her His thee, as thou art. Oh no, I never should say to such an one begone, im- mtght know -(1 Cor., u, 11 and 12,)
·Imdc; "to make up His jewels."
could be satisfied with seeing an ap· poster; My Lord left word that if s~e, hear and know things which in
Thomas, who doubted and must pearance of Jesus; I want to ste any so appear I was to ''believe it t1mespnstGodhnd·notmadeknown.
see the print of the nails before he Him as he is. ''I shall be satisfied not," and "go not after them nor fol- Yes, truly blessed, we have found itcould believe, lived not in the Gospel when I awake in thy likeness," not low them," "for as tlte liglltning (not
:•To be living is sublime."
A~e. but in. the Jewish, not among by His appearing in our likeness.
as~ ma!l--:-so shall tho Son of Man
Agam we have f?unu the wo~d to
spmtual clnldren of.God, but in the
Remember too that he tells us be m I-hs day."
teacn that the Jewxsh age was glVen
Heshly house (until Pentecost). ·He about the time of his presence, before
'l'he "Jubilee Oycles" prove that the u.s a pattern, or shadow, or illustrawas used to seeing things after the we" are made like Him.'' He says great jubilee or ''tirnes of re&titution bon of. the Gospel age, and we have
flesh, and had not his eye of faith the world will not' know of it but of all things" was due to begin in f~und 1t so. 'l'he latter being on a
fet.open~d. Yet in Jesus words to will go on eating, planting, building, 1875.
It is a clear, strong argu- h1gher .Pla?e than the former, but
fhomas 1t would seem that he had marrying, etc., and "know not" of ment based upon both ''the Law" otherw1se 1ts exact counterpart. It
expected even more from him. Jesus his (parottsia) presence. Matt. xxiv. and the Prophets; No one has ever was 1840! years from the beginning
said to him: . "Because thou hast 37-39. Luke xvii. 26.
yet been able to overthrow it. I be- of the age to their ltavest when Jesus
seen me thou hast believed; happy
Not only does Jesus intimate.that lieve that no one can overthrow it, nor was present in the flesh to that fleshthose who ·see not and believe." (John his coming and presence will be un- even show a weak point in it, because ly house. And it was 1841! years
xxi:29. Diaglott).
known to the world, but that many it is of the Lord. Now, remembering from the commencement of our Goa. Would we consider it expedient ofHisservants·will besoasleep,and this, turn to Acts iii, 21, and hear pel age at Pentecost (A. D., 33,) to
i~r an earthly teacher after trainin"g overcharged with the things of this Peter under inspiration, say: 'l'he ~he commencement of our "ltavest"
lus class up, up, up to the higher world, that the day of the Lord (His heavens shall receive Jesus unt·il the m the autumn of 1874, when our
branches of learning to complete presence) will be upon them as a times of restitution of all things. ''sure word. of prophecy" announces
their studies by giving them a three snare, and some will "begin to smite Now, is it not clear that if the resti- him as ugam present, but now on the
months course in the alphabet. But their fellow servants, saying: My tution times began in 1875, the heav- higher pl~ne, a spiritual body unthis would be no more unreasonable Lord (the Bridegroom) delayeth His ens do no longer retain Him. He· ~een, renpmg, or harvesting the ~:~pir­
than to suppose that our education coming" while the ones smitten ev- is here present?
1tual house. To the fleshly house
in the school of faith, and growth idently are taking the opposite
Q,-'l'hat is strong, surelv; but, the harvest work was on the fleshly
in grace and knowledge under our ground, viz: that the bridegroom does are there any evidences that the res· plane and the chief reaper, Jesus
~aster's instructions, should be fin- not delay, but is present. "Blessed is titution work began in 1875?
and the other reapers, His disciples,
1shed by:illustrations in .the jleslt; that servant whom his Lord when he
W.-Yes; we understand that be- were seen. Now there are under
''Having begun in the Spirit are (ako) has come shalt find, giv- fore the human family are restored reap?,rs, also, l?.t:t they a~e. ''the anye now made perfect by the flesh?" ing meat in due seal3on to the house- or even begin to be blessed the present ~els, [Matt xm] als_o spmtual bod(Gal. iii:3.) "It is the spirit that hold of faith. ('l'hemeatdue when the kingdoms of earth which now bind 1es unseen, and so Wlth the afterpart
Senntb Page.)
wards such modern doctrines as evo· enough to awaken apprehension for for if they had been of us they no
our institutions and for the social doubt would have continued with
Laid on Thine alter, 0 my Lord divine,
Says Rev. Dr. Kittredge (Congre• fabric itself."-Bible ·Banner.
us; but they went out from us. that
Accept this gift to·dny, for Jesus sake. gationalist) of Chicago: "It matWhat is true of Christiane in gen· they might be made manifest, that
I have no jewels to adorn Thy shrine, ters not in what direction you look; eral is true of us who l;lold some ad· they were not all of us." But ''you
Norany world·famedsacrificetomake. sin is on the increase, but the church vanced light on God's word and have an anointing from the Holy
But here I bring, within my t.rembling is losing ground in her conflict with plan, viz: "Every man's work shall one. You all know it," (1 Jno., ii,
sin; she has almost ceased to bo felt be tried of what sort it is." ·
19-20.) Tho Holy Spirit has rcThis will of mine-a thing t.hat seem· as a power. If a maiority of our
Should we expect to be exempted vealcd to us through the word tho
eth small
; o Lord, can'st under· church organizations were
And Thou
to·day to from tno fire (trial) that. is to try presence of t 11e B ri d egroom and we
stand .
become extinct, the world would all? No, rather if we have the most heard his voice and opened the door
How, when I yield Thee this, I yield hardly know it.- World's Ori.sis.
advanced light we should expect to of faith and He came in to-us and
mine all.
Professor Von Oosterzee, the well- be the first and most seve1·ely tried. s~pped with us, and caused us to
HiddenthereinThyscarchinggazecan'st known evangelical teacher of Hol- And we have been; and are now s1t down to. meat (truth), and himsee
land, said recently· that a wave of being, so tried.
self has been·our teacher and served
Strufigles of passions, visions of de- infidelity is steadily advancing over
Your faith could not perhaps be us, (Rev. iii: 20, Luke xii; 37.) And
Protestant Europe which the most. tried by the same Hrors of infidelity, our faith does not stand in the wisAll tbb~~ ~lave, or am, or fain would favored country will not escape. etc. Your knowledge of the plan dom of men but in .the power and
Dee!? loves, fond hopes, and longings "They have had it in Germany, and of the ages and tho work of restitu· word of God. (1 Cor. ii: 5.) And still
· now we have it in Holland. They tion of all things renders powerless beloved, there may be other trials
mfinite ·
It hath been w'et with tears, and dimmed arc beginning to get it in Scotland. the a1;rows of i7~fidelity, as. also your for you.
with sighs,
In twenty years they will have it to knowledge of the conditwn of the ''Think not the victory won,
Cleni~1:in~~ my grasp till beauty hath the full, and all their theology will dead protects you against the pesti· ~or lay thine armor ~own,
Now, from Thy footstool, where it van- not save them."-Messiah's Herald. lence of "spiritualism." But for all Tht~e arduous wor.k Will not be d~,ne
quished lies, ·
'rho Christian Advocate (New York) this God is not without means of Till thou hast gamed thy crown.
Theprayer ascendeth-"May Thy will writes: "The Congregationalist has proving and· sifting us~ Our trial, "Oh, watch and,figh~ and, pray,
' be done 1"
received answers from twenty-nine which we hope is now almost over, The b.attle ne er giVe 0 er;
· · ter~, to a cucu
· ·l ar sen t ou t rnak • 1.las anson
· 1y f rum t h e teac.h Renew
It boldly
. An<J, help
Take it, 0 Father, ere my courage fail; ~m~s
And mer~e it so in 'rhine own will, mg mqmry as to the observance of lngs scattered amongst us 'by some
· thate en,
Sabbath in New England. All tes- who walked with us and with whom THE CONCLUSIVE ARGUMENT.
If in some desperate hour my cries pre- tify to degeneracy and deplore re- we took sweet council together, who,
Andv:rY:ou give back my gift, it may suits. Desecration has increased, denying the redemption ann forgive· · I have read that Benjamin Frank·
have been
· ·
and morality also decreases. Re- ness of sins through Jesus Christ, lin tried t6 convince tlie farmers of
So changed, so purified, so fair have ligion is losing its authority and the have claimed it as possible for every his day that plaster enriched the
state of the community is becori1ing man to pa.y his own penalty and climb soil. All his rhilosophical arguSo one with Thee, so filled. with peace worse.''
his way up, and win for himself otor- mentsfailed to convince the farmers;
I may ~;:l':r.~ow or feel it as mine own;
The N. Y. Hemld quotes tho vet- nal life. . Thus denying' that the so he took plaster and formed it in·
But, !laining back my will, may find it eran editor of the Observer as saying: Lord bou!Jht them, thus seeming to to a sentence by the roadside. The
"A great spiritual drought is pre- fulfill to some extent, 2 .Pet, ii: 1, wheat coming up through those let-New York Observer.
vailing, such as has not been known and thus have'brought upon thorn- ters was about twice as rank and
in the present century. We do not selves by . laying· aside Ghrist's green as the other. wheat, and the
remember the time," says Dr. Prime, robe of righteousness-tho wedding farmers could road for months in
''when revivals of religion were so garment-and appearing in their letters of living green the
In the October number (1879) of few and far between; when so few own ':filthy rags," the destruction of sentence:' This· has been plasterthe WATCH TowER in tho article accessions to tho churches were re· their litJht.
ed. Arguments, and culture, and
headed "The Day of the Lo~~"-and ported, and 'Yhen the church seem·.,, "Light. is flown f01; the rigl~t· fine,. sermons : qannot convince
in the November num'ber'''ni·article ed so much In danger of receding cons," but ''there are none right. sinners;·. they. wa11t · to read · in
headed: ''-Babylon is Fallen,". we beforl' the world." ''A somber but eous, no, not one,". except us covered pulpit'and'pew, in"our'.utter separgave expression to our view of the true picture," says the Herald.
by Christ's righteousness as with a ation ti·om the world, in our conten"time of trouble"· and endeavored to
Rev. Dr. Cuyler in the Evangelist, gar!nent. "Blessed are they whose tedness of mind and victorious joy,
prove scripturally that it began with in a mournful article, asserts that iniquities are forgiven, whose· sins tho clean~ cut truth: This has been
the church and would first result in Presbyterinaism is on the decline; are covered." Blessed is the rr..an redeemed . and. sanctified ,bu the lloly
the complete overthrow of the nom- in 1875 there were 70,500 members li> whom the Lord imputeth right- Ghost. Ah I · brother, . si~?ter, the
inal church, Protestant and Catholic, ndJed to the churches; in 1877 there eousness. These· are the righteous pierced hand of Je.sus can pull out
by· infidelit.y and spiritualism, and were 63,700 added; but in 1878 there for whom _light ·was sown in· God's the tl~rone, of. depravity frqm our
afterward, it w.ould reach and over· were only 53,000 additions, while in word. Should we wonder if these heart, and open there a running
throw national governments. Many 1879 only 49,000 were added-the brethren who have thus laid aside stream. of .i9Y which will .flow' on
were inclined; to make light of our real increase being only 7,000 and the imputed righteousness of Christ through our pain, or poverty, or lonestatements, etc., and expressed them- pt:rhaps not ·even that. What is should be deprived .of the light liness, or persecution, or trial, like a
s.el ves' as believing that the trouble true of the Presbyterian, is true, he which was intended' only for "the cooling river .through a desert' of
upon the nations was the only thing says, of all the other evangelical path oj the just,"-those justificdby sand. It is grand to live in a state
to be, looked. for by us. Our ·views bodies.-Montreal Witness.
faith in the mnsom, and not by their where hallelujahs form the normal
then expressed are confirmed in us
Rev. Dr. B. F. Campbell, of East own works. · ·
. . .
breathing, of the soul. . It is the joy
daily, and' 'we, are more than ever Boston, in' a lect..ure on "The Dang· · Such has been the result; these of unwavering faith and .repose in
convinced,·. of· their truth; that era of the Republic," said: ''The who once rejoiced in the light of the~lood pf Jesua.-Advocateof Iloliaround us in the nominal church, world as a whole is undoubtedly ''The sure word of Prophecy which n&s.
"a ; thousand ·shall fall'· at (our) growing more intelligent, but not shows us the presence of our Lord as Via. ELYRIAAND OLlilVELAND,
side and. ten thousand at (our) moral. Mf>ral power is on the de· tho "Bridegroom,"· "R.oaper" ·and
.i OHIO.
right hand;" that . Infidelity's cline in New Er'lgln.nd. The pendu- "King," that proves to us that the
"arrows'!· and'· spiritualisms "pes- lum of religious belief has swung "times oi restitution ofall thiugs beI purpose visiting .brother and
tilence,'.' will for a short time sweep away from· the rigid orthodoxy of gan in 1874," and that consequently sister Paton at Almont, Mich., and
through the church-''and who shall Puritan times, has already passed "the heavens'' which were to receive the ot~er friondp in that vicinity
be able tostand?"---·"They who have the center, and is on its way to a Him unLil that time, now no longer during August, and shall stop enmade the most Hi~h their habitation heartless Nihilism."-East Boston receive him, but that He. is pr:esent, route.at Elyria, on the 9th and 10th,
and . who: have Hts truth for· their Advocate.·
and that soon when the separation and at Cleveland ·on tho 22d, and be
shield and buckler." Psa. xci;
·Rev. Henry Morgan says: ''The ;of wheat and tares is complete, ''we in Bro. Paton's charge from· 14th
We clip the following extracts to cause of Boston's religious decline is shall be changed to His .glorious to 16th inst.. Elyria meetings are in
show our readers that the storm has Liberalism. It has broken down likeness and see Him as He· is.: All, charge of Sister Avis Hamlin. Those
already begun, and that others are the Sabbath; paralized the arm· of all this light they have lost, andhave at Cleveland are under Bro. Caleb
noticing the fulfillment who never the law; opened Sunday theaters, now reached tJ10 condition of outer· Davies' control.. May tho Lord dinoticed tho prophecies:- ·
concerts, excursions; emptied the darkness, the 'condition of darkness rE1ct tp His own prai&e and to our
An annonymous writer in the churches; killed the public con· on the subject of the 'Lord's. presence mutual profit. My dear wife accom·
North American Review affirms that science; sown the seeds of distrust; that the world and a worldly church panics me on this short trip.
tho thinking minds of to-day are sown to tho wind, and we are now have alwn.ys occupied. The paraYour servant and editor of. your
"drifting away from the religious reaping the whirlwind."- Boston ble says "there shall be wailing and paper.
C. '1', RUSSELL.
belief and dogmatic theology of the Herald.
gnashing of teeth," meaning, we sup. ' .
''It is man's relation to his God
past," and that ''the wave of skepTho Church Union quotes a circu· pose, that such shall go through the
ticism affects the orthodox church la.r issued by most of the ministers time of trou blc upon tho world:
that must adjust and determine his
itself." He says: . "The great body of Baltimore, which urges all to
With pain and sorrow . we part relations to· his fellow-creatures.
of orthodox religious doctrines prayer, and speaks of the forcres of company, but rejoice to know that 'l'he symmetrical position .. of the
known as systematic theology . . . evil, general corruption, Sabbath- many who followed them in a mea.s- points in· the circumference arises
is about to go to wreck with the my- breaking, the thickening snares for ure and were sorely tried. ·are now from· their common relation to. a
thology of Greece and the belief in the youn~, and adds: "The grow· able to discern between .tight and common center.. , Set· a.~~ an 'right
witchcraft." He also marks "the ing skepticism, as well as the in- ''outel' darkness." · ''They .went out with God, and he will certainly. be!
temporizing attitude of theology to· tens~ly secular spirit of the age, are from us, but they were not of' us; sot right with his neighbors.''
"TO cOMMUNICATE FORGET knowledge and truth and that cer- ers can see a little but cannot see (E. D.) Matt. 21:19. That Christ
tain responsibilities come with them, afar off. They can only sP.e ''the used the fig tree to represent the de-
"But to do good und to communicate
forget not, for with such sacrifices God
is well pleat~ed.'' Heb. xiii:lO:
· h
Our Heavenly Father is very rtc ,
I)osscssing all things,· lacking not h ing, yet if we may judge from his
dealings with his earthly creatures,
his pleasure bas been not so much in
the possetsing of these great riches
as in the usin!!~ of them for the goo d
and ble~sin00' of his creatures.
"Hi~ providence is kind and large,
Both man and bensthisbountyshare;
The whole creation is his churge,
But su.ints are his peculiar care."
So also as we become more and
more like him-"partakers of the
Divine nature"-benevolence, kindness and love will become more and
more characteristic of us. Few perhaps of the "little flock" have been
made stewards of this world's goods.
It may be because there are few who
ould use and not abuse the trust,
but euch as have it should esteem it
a privilege to be imitators of our benevo.leut. He~venly Father; · not
wastmg 1t, .neither hoarding it, but
estee~tng 1t ~ere.ly as an agent for
blessmg a~d domg good unto all
men, especially to the household of
faith." And we should be anxious
and careful to use whatever God hus
put into our hands, and to be faithful Whether Over a few things or
many things, remembering that the
man with but one dollar may be as
really a miser or a philanthropist as
he who has a million.
What we should endeavor to possess is true benevolence and breadth
of mind, charity, love. "Let the
same mind be in you which was also
in Christ Jesus our Lord," and it
will lead you to regard arid 1treat
with tenderness and loving kindness,
even those with whom you differ.
Let us remember in this connection,
too, that, "If any man have not the
spirit of Christ, he is none of His."
The ·spirit or mind of Christ is a
meek and quiet and charitable spir·
it. It "vaunteth not itself, is not
easily puffed up." Its fruits are the
. opposite of the depmved fleshly nature, viz.: love, peace, long suffering,
gentleness, goodness, ·meekness, etc.
"If we live in the spirit let us also
walk in the spirit" and ''not be desirous uf vain glory, provoking one
another, envying one another," but
displaying the spirit of our Father
in heaven, "and we shall be the children of the Highest, for He i>~ kind
unto the unthankful and to the evil
''Be ye therefore merciful as your
Father also is merciful.
But if it is a joy and privilege to
bo God's stewards to a greater or less
degree in earthly goods, how much
more blessed is i" to be permitted to
dispense the spiritual blessings and
thus to be "Stewards of the mani·
fold grace of God." Do we appreciate the fact that each disciple of
Christ is· o. steward, some to a greater, some to a lesa extent; some with
many talents, some with few, yet
"To'every man (in Christ) is given
a measure of the spirit to profit
withal"-to make use of. What use
are vou making of the talents given
to vou? Before saying to us, have
you rule over two cities, five cities
or many things, He will ask us to
give an account of our stewardship.
He will not expect me to give an account of your 11tewardship, nor you
to give an account of mine. To the
Ma!!ter each servant will give an account and stand or fall.
But while it is true that we each
have been given special blessings of
we had rather provoke you to love
than fear. If we possess the spirit
of Christ, love, we shall esteem it a
great privilege to be permitted to
carry to others that which has done
so much good, which has removed
the clouds from our minds .and
hrought us into the clear sunshine
of God's
love, revealing to us the
g randeur of our Heavenly Father's
character, the beauties and harmonics of his word, and the "exceeding
riches of his grace in his loving
kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."
If it has set our hearts to ringing in
melodious harmony with the heavenly ·music, ''bringing glad tidings
of great joy ~uMch shall be to all peaple," may it not produce the same
eil'ect upon others? Would that the
story filled each of our hearts, that
as a flame of fire it would consume
all dross from our own hearts and
set fire to all with whom we come
in contact. Like the widow's cruse
of oil, our treasure will fill to overflowing all the earthen vessels ready
to receive it. Oh that every word of
the beautiful song-"I love to tell
the story"-could be the emphatic
and truly heartfelt expression of all
the readers of.the WA·rcH 'fowEa:
"I love to tell the story,
'Tis pleasant to repent,
What seems each time I tell it,
More wouderfally sweet.
r love to tell the story,
It diu so much for me,
And that is just the reason
1 tell it now to thee.''
· Again, if we would ''tlo good and
communicate," how should we tell
the story? . 'fell it simply, tell it
plainly; be entirely swallowed up
with the grandeur of your theme:
Lose sight of yourself and what, you
have learned and let it be all ''of
Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his
love." Too many take pleasure in
telling the story only as they can
make battle with it. They delight
in using the truth as a knock-dowt
argument. 'l'his is an element of
the old nature which, not yet dead,
asserts its right to fight what it
terms the Lord's battles or the spir·
itual warfare. A sad mistake; ~e
not deceived intodeveloping an element of the carnal nature in direct
{)pposition to the fruits of the spirit
-meekness, ge:ntleness, patie:nce, love.
'l'ruly we are told that "the word
of God is the sword of the spirit,'~
but remember it is not our sword.
'fhe spirit does its own smiting and
in its own way, but to us it says,
"Put up thy sword." The command
to tts is, Be li ~ht bearers. "Let your
light so shine'' by showing forth the
fruits of the Spirit, that men may
flee your good fruits and glorify your
Father in .hea~en. The word .is n
l~mp, by tts hght put on Chnst's
nghteousner:~.s, !md truth ns a garment, then lift 1t up to others that
they may see your clean robes and
be led to desire the same. Then let
tne Spirit use hi.s sword upon others
as he may see fit to humble them,
strip them of pride, and bring them
to the rock that is higher than they.
We should not become discour·
aged ifthere are but few who love
light rather than darkness. We
should remember that the God of
this world has succeeded ln darkening the minds of many that they
cannot appreciate the light of truth;
that we are as it were, surrounded
by men and women blinded totally
or partially by sin and ignorance.
Some, totltlly blind, can see and appreciate none of the good news; oth-
prcsont evil world (age) and are los- struction of the Jewish nation seems
ing much pleasure nnd joy because evident. This event occurred about
they cannot see afar oft', how that, the time Christ rode into Jerusalem
r: ) a t w h'tc h t'tme l1e pro"In· the ages to come, God Wl'1] s h ow ( verses 2, o,
forth the exceeding riches of h'1s nounce(1 t 1te curse (L u l(e 19 :30, 41,
· 1s
· f ur t!1er ev1'den t w1ten
grace in his loving kin d ness t owan1 41) . 'rl ns
us (who are) in Christ Jesus. (Eph. we notice the parable given in Luke
· p 1an t h nt 13: G, 9. '1'11e tluee years h e came
ii:7) · and how it is hts
· see1nng
frm't, l'k
both ' Jew and Gentile s.h a11 o1>t am
1 ·e1y re f'ers , t o th e
· t' s nums
· · t ry· d urmg
mercy through your mercy. R om. t'tme of Clnts
· 11 t'tme h e con f'1ned h'tmse If'. a 1xi:tll. Surely as it wou ld a·fl'ore1 wh tc
· l1 peop1e
"reat pleasure to strength en an d mos t en t'ue 1y t o th e J ew1s
"'heal physical sight, much more (M at.
t 10:5. G)
omemay say 1towshould we rejoice to lead those who ever that Christ's ministry was 3!
are blind spiritually to the Spirit's years and this would not apply, but
eye-salve-theword-thatthey may while it was 3! yearf\ from the haprejoice with us in singing:
tism of Christ until His crucifixion
"0 the prospect, it is so transportmg, it seems there was no special work
Sa~ionr hMten our gathering we pray." dono until abont the passover, which
Of muny it is as true to-day as when was about six months after his haputtered: "Eyes have they but they tism, and so commencing in A. D.
see not, ears but they hear not." 30 would end inA. D. 33,timeparable
God shows us through the lamp that was given according to the year in
this age ends the probation of none the margin of .your Bible. The
except Lhose who do see and hear dresser of the vineyard says let it
clearly and plainly; that because alone this year, which, of course
of Jesus' ransom there is to be an would make it four and extend favor
age of Restitution. '"fhen the eyes one year beyond the crucifixion,
of the blind shall be opened and the but I do not think it was allowed to
ears of the deaf shall be unstopped." remain another year, for the latter
"Then ''all shall come to the know 1- part of the chapter shows that ·J ernedge of the truth" and "the knowl- salem was left desolate and as he
edge of the Lord shall fill the whole came searching fruitand found none
earth" and none shall say to his we know• from the connection in
neighbor, "know thou the Lord," Matt '>1·19 it was at th t
'nt 't
·· ~ · '
a POl l
for all shall know him, from the withered.
Some however have
least to the greatest of them.
thou~?"ht it unreasonable to suppose
In presenting the good news of that the fig tree represents the Jews,
the kingdom and the deep things of for Mark 11:13 intorms us, that the
God, we should seek to follow Jesus' time of figs was not yet, which of
example, that is, while we at all course imp1ie& that the time for the
times hold up Christ'srighteousness Jews to bear fruit was not then, and
to all men and thereby be to them if so why should Christ curse them 7
"living epistles," we should seek to , But I ~hink the objection vanishes
show "the deep things of God" to when we remember that they were
those who seem to have the spirit only a typical people and ttl at the
of God. (1 Cor., ii: 9-16.) .
time they will bear fruit is after the
Knowing this, that spiritual or fullness of the Gentiles have come in.
deep things cannot be discerned ex- [Rom. 11:25-27].
cept by thosehavingthe spirit. "He
lt is also necessary to bear in mind
that ltath an ear let ltim htmr," saith that the curse did not seal their
the Spirit. 'l'his must be our meth- et~rnal doom, lor blindness· only
od, therefore, when we find any Ontl happened to tnem for a time, says
without an ear to hear, leave off tell- Paul, and the same thought is intiing sucli an one. You cannot give mated by Christ when he left, their
him an ear; God will do that in his house desolate,(Lu_ke ·13:35) for they
''due t·imc/' Waste not valuable are yet to say: "Blessed is he that
time and energy. Leave them in cometp. in the name of the Lord.''
love and sympathy with God, and This being true we find .how'approput no obstacle in their way.
priate is. the rendering given in the
Whenever you meet what seems .IJ;mphatic Diaglott, viz.: " Oursed
to be "an Israelite in deed, in whom to tlte age." And 'til:! true that during
there is no guile," expect in such a the Gospel age; as a nation, 1tht:y
oue to find "an ear to hear." Com- have borne no truit, but when the
mune with him first on Spiritual bride is taken out from the Gentiles
things familiar to you both, that he they will receive favor. [Acts 15:14,
may come to recognize you as led of 16.j We find that the cursed fig
the same spirit-a fdlow member ot tree is to bud again according to
"the body of Christ," and an heir of Christ's own words in aparableg1ven
the same glory. '!'hen present to in connection with the signs ot His
such the d~::eper things of God and coming in Matt. 24:32, 3~, and if the
your corn!llunion, instead of being curse pronounced on it at the first
a battle of words, will be profitable advent shows us the blinding of the
nnd _blessed to bo~h.. 'l'o fully ap- Jews, does not its putting forth
preCJate the meamng of our t~::xt, we leaves reveal to us the fact that they
tshould do good and communicate are in a titir way to bear fruit 'l :::; 0
until we feet it. It is with such sac- we understand it at least, and as
rifices God is well pleased. It does there are unmistakable signs among
not amount to a sacrifice to merely the Jew~> to-uny as a people, we regive a dollar, or a moment, or an cognize Christ's words and know
t10ur for which we luwe no other "that summer is nigh." And not
use. G-ive until you can feel it and only do we recognize that the restorthen you may expect to feel in your ation of the Jews is at hand but
heart that "with such sacrifices God also that the kingdom of Gou is nigh.
is well pleased."
[Luke H:29, 31). And as the kingdom of God is due at some time ·to
be set up, we rejoice and lift up our
heads because our redemption is
And seeing a single fig tree by the nigh. [verse 28]. ]'or the setting up
road he went to it but findmg noth- of the kmgdom implies nothing
ing on it except leaves, he said,'' May less than the resurrection ot the
no fruit grow on thee to the age," dead in Christ and change of the
and the fig tree instantly withered. living, and knowing that the restor-
a.tion of the J ewe takes place in the
midst of great trouble and during
the pruning out of the seven last
plagues according · to the type,
(Micah. 7:14 to end], and having the
promise that we are to be counted
worthy to escape all these things,
[Luke 21:34, 36,] we patiently wait
for our gathering together unto
The redemption we understand to
be · the redemption of tho body,
[Rom. 8:23,] being caught away to
meet Christ,and so to be forever with
Him. This same idea seems to be
brought out in Cant. 2:10, 13, when
Christ addresses the Church, tlaying:
"Rise up my love, my fair one, and
come away * * the fig tree puteth forth the green figs; * * Arise
my love, my fair one, and come
We here find tho fig tree maintained again and like Christ's words
it is connected with our redemption.
Surely we who recognize the signs
ofthe times in' connection with t.he
prophetic measures, liave great reason for rejoicing in hope of . our
s p~edy' deliverance, and may we also
give thanks to our Heavenly ll'ather
forthelightshiningon our path. May
the truth have the designed effect,
viz.: to sanctify •us, separate us from
the · world, make us holy, for
" without holiness no man·ehall see
the Lord,'' [Heb. 12:14). While in
the presence of Ghri<Jt we wait for our
gathering together unto Him, and
may the trial of our faith, being
much more precious than of gold
that perisheth, be found to the
praise of His glory, whom having
not seen we love, in whom, though
now we see· him not, yet believing,
we rejoice * *. receiving 1the end
of our faiLh, won the salvation of
our souls, {1 Pet. 1:7, IJ). So here
we find that we are not to see Christ
until our salvation, ·when we shall be
like Him and sec Him as He . i<J,
(1: John 3:2), and then and not until
then will faith end, and we will not
longer need signs, not even that of
the fig tree, but until then we expect
to watch by faith.
A. n·..r.
Growth·in knowledge of truth is
not. only the privilege but also the
duty:of the Christian; so the education of .the saints will not be complete until they have laid off the
flesh, and been made like Christ.
. Then we ought to understand
more fully the deep things of God
now than at· any other time in the
past; aud eo we should comprehend
more., clearly what it is to suffer
with Christ, as well as the g~ory
which is to follow ..
Suffering with Christ involves
more than a simple separation from
the •world' we must be dead to the
world, then we shall not love the
world or worldly things.
" Wherefore if ye be dead with
Christ 'from the rudiments of the
world,,why; as though living in the
world. are yo subject to ordinances;
after the' commandments and ordinances· of men? Touch not, taste
not, handle not the unclean thing.
Col. 2:20, 22.
The conscience must be purged
from dead works to serve the living
God, (Heb. 9:14). For I through the
law am dead to the law, that I might
live unto God (Gal. 2:11J). It is a
faitl1ful saying : · "For if we be dead
with Him we shall also reign with
Him," (2 Tim. 2:11. Yea, doubtless
and I count all things but loss for
the . excellency . of the knpwledge
of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom.
I have suffered the loss of all things,
and do count them as vile refuse
that I may win Christ and he found
in him; not having mine own righteousness, which is ofthe law,but that
which is through the faith of Christ
that I may know him and the power
of hi!! resurrection, and t1.e fellow~
ship of his sufferings, being made
conformable unto His death; if by
any means I may attain unto .tho
resurrection of the dead, (Phil. 3:8,
11). Always bearing abont in the
body the dying of the Lord Jesus,
that the lite also of Jesus might be
made manifest in our body. For
we which live are. always delivered
unto death for Jesus sake, that the
life also of Jesu~ might be made
manifest in our mortal flesh. (2 Cor.
4:10, 11.)
These passages seem to teach more
than a crucifixion of the fleahsimply;
i.e. an actual giving ot' ourselves, as
did our head, for the purpose of completing the sacrifice for the world;
to fill up that which is behind of the
sufferings of Christ.
He · gave
His flesh for the life of /the
world (John 6:51).
Hereby per·
ceive we love, because he laid down
His life for us, and we ought to lay
down our 'lives for the brethren,
[1 Jno. 3:16]. · ·
If we are !'!till under the death
penalty entailed upon us by Adam,
how we can be counted as dead, cru·
cified 'with Christ, I can not conceive;
but if He redeemed us from that
penalty, by His death, I can see how
we can give ourselves 'a voluntary
sacrifice for the world in Him. He
could give Himself because of His
own righteousness; His body can do
it only by having His righteousness
imputed to them. 'l'here were two
sacrifices for atonement underthclaw
Lev. 16; one for the p1·iesthood or
high priests house, and the other for
the people. Jesus, our high priest,
gave himself a propitiation for our
sins (1 John, 2:2) or his house, whose
are we, if we hold fast the confidence
and the rqjoicing of the hope firm
unto the end, Heb. 3:G.
·Then again Christ, our passover is
sacrificed for us [the church of the
first-b"rn.] Cor. 5:7. Whom God has
set forth to be a mercyscat, by his
own blood, through the faith; for an
exhibition of His righteousness in
passing by the sins formerly com·
mitted, during tho forbearance of
God; and for an exhibition of His
righteousness at the present time, in
order that he may be righteous while
justifying him who is tho fait.h of
J esns [Itom. 3:25, 26]. [Diaglott.]
So faith in Christ, or the law of the
Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath
made us free from the law of sin and
death [Rom. 8:2.]
If the death of Christ releases us
from the Adamic penalty, then why
do we die? To complete the sacrifice.
Presenting our bodies a living sacri·
fice, holy,acccptablo unto God, which
is our reasonable service, [Rom. 12.]
Dead with him. Not on~y dead
to the world, to tho law, to sin, to
the flesh, but really dead with Him.
Baptized into his death; for if we
have been planted together in the
likeness of His death, we shall
also be in the likeness of his resur·
rection. Knowing this, thatour old
man is crucified with hirn, that. the
body of sin might be destroyed, that
henceforth we should not servo sin;
forth he that is dead is freed from
sin. Now if we be dead with Him,
we believe that we shall also live
with Him, [H.om. 6]. The completion
of the individual sufferings of the
head was his laying off the flesh; so
with the body.
The atonement was for the purpose of cleansing. That Jesus gave
himself for the church-the church
or' the first-born-that they mi~ht
be parLakcrs with Him in malnng
atonement for the world, seems to be
clearly taught in Numbers 8. 'fake
the Levites from among the childre~
of Israel and cleanse them. ,
And Aaron shall offer the Leviteti
before the Lord for an offering of the
children of Israel, that they may
execute the service of the Lord.: And
the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks; and
thou shalt offer the one for a sin
offering and the other for a burnt
oil'ering unto the Lord, to make an
atonement for the Lcvites.
Thus shalt tholl separate the Levites from among the children of
Is.rael; .and the : Levites shall be
mine. For they are wholly given
unto me from among the children
of Israel ; Instead of the first-born of
all the children .. of Ismel have I
taken them unto me. • For all the
first-born of the children of :Israel
are mine. And I have given· the.
Levi tea as a gift to Aaron and to his
sons among. the .children of Israel to
do the service of the ..children ·of
Israel in the tabernacle of the congrcgation, and to make atonement for
the,children of Israel. •.
Do r;10~ .thefirat-born represent the
church?. And has not God ch<?sen
them .out from among_ the natwns
and giVen them to Chnst for a purpose'! lly virtue of Jesus having
given Himself a propitiation for our
sins; and as our passover .having
be.:m slain for us, our sins go beforehand to judgment. · We are first on
tl'1al, and do not come into Judg·
mont [trial] with the world. We cs·
cape the things that are coming upon
Him, crucifi~Jd the flesh with the
affections and lusts; completed the
sacrifice, we shall be exalted with .Him
t~the f1~1'0ne, as kings and priests, to
reign over, judge and bless the nationa. When . the sacrifice for the
world shall have been completed, the
ransom fully · paid, and the ·perfected
Christ exercises authority,, not an·
other individual will die on account
of Adam's transgression; norindeed
for mere sins of the flesh, but for sins
against the knowledge of the truth.
n. w. K.
'-LNo other scripture or type shows
so fully perhaps, the intimate rela·
tionship between J,sus, the head, and
" the little flock " as members of His
body as this. [Lev. 16.] 'The head
was a sacrifice. and the body follows
in His lootsteps. The Head died for
all the ho'USehold of faith the body fills
up the measure of tho. sufferings of
Christ, and dies jor all·~ the people"
not of the household. We may learn
hotter to appreciate the apostle's expression concerning tho prophets
when he says that ''.they s:pake beforo pf the sufferings ofChnst [head
and body] and of.: the·. glory that
should follow. Have patience, brethron, until the sufferings arc full then
we shall have the glory .. "For if we
sufl'er with Him we shall also be
glorified together."·'' If we suffer we
shall also reign with Him." And as
when the suffering of death was ac·
complished for "His ho'USe" by. the
head they were recognized. by . the
li1athcr no. longer •as enemie.! .'and
aliens, but! as son's, were ;given the
spirit of adoption, [at Pentecost] so
and filled up the Father will recognize all the wo1·ldas frcofrom Adam's
transgression and justified to life,
and the groat work of the millennia!
age, "Restitution," will begin when the
sufferings are complete for the world
God will send the spirit upon them
as he did upon the church when ita
redemption was finished ·as it is
written. It shall come to pass in the
last days saith the Lord l will pour
out my spirit upon all flesh." 'l'he
first installment or "early rain''
came upon us at Pentecost, the
promise will be completed when we
are· glorified. ..
But, another point shown by this
atone_ment type is, tnat all believers
constitute a parr of the hou86hold,
they are represented by the Lcvites
and are a. part of "the church of the
first-born." Though apparently none
except the willing living sacrifices"The J-'ord's Goat," those who suffer
and shall reign, are counted over·
comers-His bride-the members of
his'body. 'l'ypified by·the priests all
other members of the household will
be ·wonderfully blest hut will lose
much.· It· rejoices us however to
think that many who through fear
of death (afraid of the scofis of the
world;'n.fraid though longing to cru·
cify themselves,) and therefore subject ·to ''bondage. '!'hat these· dear
loved ones will not be sufl'ered to
have part with the world, but during
the time of trouble "the rod and Btaff"
of our" shepherd will lead them
through· great tribulation to our
Father's house and family. ·ThuA
they may become palm bearers ev~n
though' thev are not part of the "ht·
tle flock'' of crown wearers. It is the
Lord's plan; and marvelous in our
eyes. How wonderfully good our
Father i8 and howl-lis plan 'shows
it. "Lot me love Thee more and
more.'']-EnrroR. ·
__._ _ ____
.,. · ' - .. ,.. 1 ·'
In ordinary times it is the privi·
log9 and duty of the children of God
to shine as "the light of the world."
As in nature, the energies of every
thing that is germinated are directed
to· the building up and perfecting its
own organizations, and thereby ful·
filling its own mission in the realms
of animated· creations; So in the
spiritual sphere of E:xistence, the
great business of "the begotten
again" is to grow, develope and mo.ture, and in the accomplishment of
those processes to shine r.s ''the li~hts
of the world." That which shmee
commands the observation and refleets its own l~ht · upon all its sur·
roundings, and is as a·· consequence
as "a city act upon a hill," it cannot
be hid. • · This is tho duty the christian owes to tno world, the filling of
the perfect development of his charactor a sa.son of God. It is not teaching, instruction. · His knowledge
is imperfect and only gained by the
slow process of his spiritual diE!ci·.
plino a':! it displaces his natural ideas
and 'makes revealed truth comprehensiblo to him. ''The natural man
receiveth not the things of the spirit
of God ; . for they are foolishness to
him:· neither can he know thorn because they are spiritually discerned,"and disciplincalone makes them
compreh1:msible to the "begotten
again."· All that christians can do
for the world, is to shine before it,
that is illumine and illustrate by
theil· luminous conduct, the principlea their profession recognizes. .
When the Father sends teachers•
into tho world they speak to'-'lt by·
inspiration, as: in the case of the
Prophets, the Son· of God and His
Apostles. But·the revelation being
completed for the preliminary age take an angel's word unless it could discussions, expressions that would and lov·ing, to be borne out::md provof the Gospel, the Father is pleas- he sustained as in harmony with the have been thought blasphemous a ed by his dealings with his creatures.
ed to complete the education of His Bible. If any .man be used of the few years since. The divine Law- This Brother, while not alone in his
sons before He seads them forth as Spirit as a special vessel he need not giver'and Creatorisunceremonious- unrest and disquiet, is comparativeteachers of His truth, for every one tell anyone 'of it. It will manifest ly summoned before the tribunal of ly alone in his utterances. Others
whom He sends forth gives utter- itself through his exposition of "the our lower human courts, and His think, but seldom speak, and the
ance to no uncertain sound. Hence word."]
character and acts are submitted to above utterances seem to indicate
at present we are left under the guida summary judgment. If He treats either a bolder or a larger heart than
ance of tl1e Hol v Ghost to be led into THE LimENESS AND THE DIF- His creatures as many believers in the majority of his colleagues pos·
all truth. Weare not at liberty to re}.y
the Bible think He does, He is af- sess.
upon human wisdom, learning or
(The following is an extract from an firmed to be worse than a devil. If
When we read such heart throbs
capacity to discover the meaning of ed 1torial in Zion's .Jlerald (Bo'!ton) the He permits them to enter upon such how we wish we could give some of
the revelation "thich was given to leading organ of the M E. church of a life as our!:', the character and cir- the consolations of the "sure word
us by the power of the Holy Ghost. New l!:ngll\nd.]
cum stances of their birth lu.rgt-ly de.: of .prophecy.". How we ,wish for
Nor is there any promise that the
That faculty of our moral nature ciding their moral conditions in spite opportunity to sing to them ''The
Holy Ghost will "endow any of us by which we .judge of the quality of themselves, and then condemns Song of Moses and the Lamb," and to
with power from on high'' to speak of our own acts and the acts of oth- them, after a life of frightful temp- show to them that only the few-that
by inspiration before the blessed era, and which we call conscience, tntion, with small or no fail,' oppor- have''cometothe knowledge of truth"
Lord our living head is manifested was given to us of God. Its judg tunities for moral recovery, to a fear- and have "been made partakers of
in His glory. These being the nor- ment is immediate and decisive ful and hopeless retribution in a life the Holy Ghost" (the church), only
-1 mal conditions of christian life. It when occasion occurs. We cannot to come, He is, as these modern re- these have yet had their trialtlor.
may become our duty when abnor- avoid it. 'fhe character, the law, ligious philosophers say, simply a judgment, and that it is a blessed
mal conditions supervene, as we and the acts of our Creator are pass- monster. , . Our own moral natures' truth, and eventually will be "glad
think they do at presel)t, to lift up ed upon before thispersonal tribu- rise up involuntarily within us, it is tidings ofgreatjoy to all }Jeople, that
our voice of warning when those nal in our heart. we cannot avoid urged, and repel such an idea of the God hath appointed a auy (age) in
who would be recognized as the doing this. God knows we must infinite Creator and Father of the the which He will judge (Put on
faithful teachers of the household form these judgments, for he has universe.
trial by giving them the clear knowlseek to impress the household.with given to us this moral nature. We
Now, .while a reverent and Chris- edge of the truth) the.world in rightthe idea that they have been there- cannot call that right, because it is tian believer would hesitate to u.se. eousness by that man> whom He
cipients of a divine preparation to a divine act, which really shocks our such langu~;~ge as this, every one may! hath afore ordained-Jesus Christ,"
be its leader and teacher in these conscience;.. The fact of its being safely affirm that some time: and the new man-the ~'anointed Salast days. When you read such ut- found in the Bible, if it is abhorrent somewhere every act of· God, to viour"-head and body. ("Know
terances as this-"! felt and knew to our moral sense, cannot give it every intelligent soul, will b~:~ made ye not that the saints shall judge tlte
that it was a baptism for the work,!', any different tthical coloring to us. to appear, as it rel:.ttes to the in eli- world?" If they could but see what is
stop and ask yourselves whether you It is·wrong there and ev6 rywhere- vidual or universe, absolutely right~ meant by Peter in Acts iii:21. ("The
recollect any utterances of the re- to us. God has given us this faculty, eons. We may not be able to ad- heavens must retain (Jt<sus)until the
vealed woru that leads to the expec- in order that we should make these just all the questions involved, here times of restitution of all things.")
t~tion that the Holy Ghost's func- judgments. We cannot help them. and now, but some time God will and that the very objectof Hiscomttons are to be supplemented by hu- We are not responsible for them. justify himself before the moral ing is to glorify His Bride and "the
man agency? No, my Bret~re~,,the 'l'hey flash out there decisions in- ~:~ense He has Himself created with- Virgins, her companions that follow
in us. ··It is just as safe and proper, her," and then through them to
agency that follows the ..mvisible voluntarily to us.
agency of the Holy Ghost IS that of
In accordance with this common also, to.say that at some point in the ''bless all the families of earth" and
th~ manifested ~ord an? His ~ride. law of our natures, men freely ex- history of every soul, God's econo- "restore all things"-restore poor fallI_t IS true that prwr to His mamfes~a- press their judgments in reference my over him and all other souls will en humanity to its original human
bon He may_, an~ undoubtedly ~s, to the divine government over us, be made to appear us the reign of perfect'lless which God dt'clared "very
per~onally ?Irec.tmg}he .all: gels m an':l especially in regard to the sa~c· infinite and unqualified love. God good," freeing them from all the evils
theu gathermg work,.but·It Il:l man- tiona revealed in the Bible as·follo~- expects this judgment at the hand.' of Adam's transgrf!ssion and placing
ifest that His._pres~nce an~ fi;Ction ing a persistent breach of the law of of every person, for Be has given to them again where it is possible for
now are kept m th1s, the hmits of God. 'fhey judge of the divine con- all this wonderful faculty of sitting them to keep n perfect law. Oh,
t~~ Holy Ghost's sphere of invisi- duct towards themselves, as they upon His own nets, and He has re- would that they could see that this
.. .
would of their own towards their vealed Him~:~elf both as holy and as "time [these years] of restitution of
As. long as we are 111 the flesh. we children. 'fhey would not justify a God oflove; not simply merciful all things,which God hath spoken by
ar? hable to be led astray,. and ~e themselves in an exacting, persi~- and forgiving, but essential love it- the mouth of all the holy Prophets
tl~mk our br?ther errs egreg10usly1n ent, absolutely strict demand of self.
since the world begun," is the magJus extraord111ary efforts to be recog- entire obedience at the hand of the
'Ve cannot look back upon the ic key which unloclts God's ·goodnized .as a special, missionary of the latter, but would be l<inient, forgiv- history of the race, or even read the ness, love, mercy, and justiee and
Lor~ 111 ~,hese. last, days. , I~ seems ing, patient; ·forbeai:ing, hopeful·and Bible, or gather up the results of our discloses to our enraptured vision
po~s1ble, the elect. may decetvethem7 helpful.until'the last This is· what own observation, and feel that,judg- not only "the exceeding riches of
selves as .well as, others. 1
,, . , . ·,,, their moral· nature e~ricts of· them ed by our standard, the government His grace and loving kindness toward
. I, wi~h th~ ,brethren ~oy.ld; ,take towards their childten. Have. they of the world has seemed exactly just us in Chn'st Jesus," but tT1at it also
the1r Conc<;>rqan~e. and. find: u~de.r not a right:to• demand the· same at to individuals und nations. We gives us a glimpse of ''the depth of
thehead of. Holy;Ghost.'Yhat ISJU.di- the: ··hand; of the· Great• Heavenly cannot reconcile divine impartiality, the riches, both of the knowledae
cated, of. Him, and. h~v111g ,studiCd Father?' 1 No human mind could en- with thespecialfavorshown to some and wisdom of God," that we migl1t
each. passage where;His offic~s· and dure•the' thought of the absolute peoples and some individuals. * * comprehend with all saints the
ser,VlC~s are 1 spoken of, ask, th~m~ and· eternal ruin-the protrnctr,l';
Amid all these conflicting moral height and depth, ·length and
selves. If ,there. be)eft. any poss1ble conscious, exquisite, and hopeless elements, we readily hold our faith breadth, and l.:·now the J.OVE of God
avenue, thro~gh :.'thwh .the .man suffering of thousands upon.thous- in both the divine wisdom and love. which passeth knowledge."· ·
agency, can supplem11nt H1swork? a'nds of intelligent immortals.; the 'l'he Judge of all flesh will do right.
But why is it that souls e:Xprer>sI could say more, on: this suuject. moral sense of no saved .person·'could And God is love. It becomes us, ing such , longings for truth as the
"A word to the .wise is sufficient." , enjoy, it. is affirmed,· ·the bliss of t1wrefore! to be both .modest a!1d above, are unwilling [generally] to
• ,. • •
1 ! , 1: ·,:, o. n. s·rAcY. heaven to know that related and reverent m our expre8SJOns of opm- hear or investigate our sweet story'?
, [Remurks1 by, the. Editor: We pre- heretof~re greatly ·.·beloved friends ion in reference to ~ivine acts too~- A las, they are bound! Creeds made
sume thnt Bro. S..:_JWOUld not wish were enduring the unmitigated woes cur on the other. side of the va~l. hy fallible men in the Fifteenth to
us to understand him as ignoring the of au unlimited ·wretchedness · Our We only see now m part. God w11l Seventeenth centuries, who, thou'gh
fact that God always has, and. per- ethical natures must be of th'~·same be true to Himself and to our puri- honest, had much of the error, tradihaps.always w.ill use, special agents character as that of our Creator for fled moral sense. Let us not dare tion and darlmes~:~ of old Papacy
·for.. 11pecial ·.work, as for ,instance God has given us ours. He w~uld summarily to exp.re~s, i!1 our ignor- clinging to them, 'rhese are the
Abraham,·Moses, Samson and. Paul, not bestow upon ·us a moral sense nnce and mo:al mf.Irmity, a JUdg- shackles and chains which. bind
the "chostJn vessel." 'l'hese were used which would· apprehend that to be ment upon I-lls possible government men's consniences and preve1it the
as, long as.they kept humble-"kept right which• is in ·itself wrong, ari'd hereafter, beyond the sure 1oord of reception of truth, or so dilute and
their body., under,'~ , but if· even . a conversely, He knows .that all His prophecy.
mix it with error as to destroy much
Moses, allowed , pride to overcome acts .and threatenings must pa~s in REMARKS nv Tin~ EDITOR:
of its power and ahriost all of its
him, he. would :cease to be the,leader review before our ·own inward np- .'l'he above is evidently the ex pres- beauty. Oh, that christians could
of. the Lord's hosts. :l
~ prehensions of justice and righteous- aion of a noble, honest heart, yenrn· realize the liberty whCreunto they
, If we rightly understand ,Bro. S., n·ess. ''Can. He ·expect that we will ing and longing for the bright light are called, nnd thnt they would 11ot
he, wishes: to, guard us against the believe in reference to Himself that, of truth to prove to him what the be held in bondnge to any man nor to
danger. of receiving men's teachings that which shocks' beyond express- scriptures claim, that "God is love," any 1vritten C?'eed, nor to any preconor, expositions 'of ''the :word" because ion our moral apprehension·, is right. and "His mercy endureth forever." ceived opinions of their own (an untbey, have had a vision or dream.
simply; because·He has ordained,!t.? We are glad to think that this broth- wr£tten creed.) · Let us put down no
We heartily endorse, this. senti- : We present· the question qUit~ er is one of many who are beginning stakes, saying; thus far will I believe
mcnt.' ·."To 1tbe Law and to the tes; boldly and without qualification',ii1 to awake to the fact that there must and no .farther, but 'realize that
timony,if they speak not according •order ·that· any 'suggestion· that' is be something in God'e plan which the Lord is our shepherd and that
to'.these it is because there is no light :made' may· cover;· if possible, th'e they have not yet seen, which will he will lead His shetp day by day
ini tpem," Ino I matter· .if they had .a !strongest• aspect of the case. We harmonize His·word m1d show its nnd arrange ways by which things
thousand,; visions.··; l We should. not ihear,. in these·,days, in onr religioul:l claim, that God is just and merciful· hoth 'lltW and oltl shall be brought
expected is ncar at hand. Not only ole. (Asia whn.t these symbolize, sec -·''Just and true are thy ways, thou
nn.tuml Is mel but ns Pa.ulsnyl': "Tho first n.rticlc in W A'I'CH Tow 1m J ann· King of Nations."
whole creation groaneth n.n1l trn.vail- nry 1:-380.) Tho trouble with tho
Again, as we sing our song we say
oih together in pain until now," and mass of Christians is that they arc ''Who shnll not fear Thee, 0, Lord,
''waiteth for the manifestation of the in bondage to this beast and image. and glorifv thy name for thou only
Sons of God." (H.om viii:l!J and 22.)
The second company never get, the art holy ?'r and our christian
brethAll are now passing through a dark Victm·!l over thorn and apparently ren holJ up their hands in horror
night of experience with sin, tuoe anrl do not recognize their true character saying, "That's almost universaldenth ,· all crPation is sick; they until they arc overthrown by the ism I" "According to orthodox begroan in pain and soon ihey shall he judgment.'! of the "day of wrath," lief nine out of every ten shallnol.,
delivered. Soon the ''Grc:it Physi- when the "Beast and false prophet either in this life, or herenftcr glorcian"-''thc li:lijah"-"Thc Sun of nrc cast i11f,o the lake of fire," they ify God's name." But we reply:
righteousness (the Christ, head and st.ill worship them and it is not until "There is one Mediator between God
<Continued from Seconc1 Page.)
body) shall arise with healiug in his their power i:; gone that they recog- and mn.n, the man Christ Jesus, who
of the harvest. As Jesus give up tho wings."
ni1.c their overthrow as of God und gave himself a ransom for all men, t,o
Nominal church at the close of his
"Now the world is fnll of Anffmin~r,
say "True and righteous are his be testified in due time." When in
3~ years ministry because they
SottiHla of woo fall on my enrH,
judgments: for he hath judged the the millonnial age, God'R due time for
''knew not the time of their visiiaSights of wretehc!lnc~>s nn<l sorrow
great lmrlot." (Rev. xix: 2.) Not testifying it to the world-to every
Lion, so here too, at the parallel
Viii my eyes with pitying tears.
thCf;o arc the Victors, but they who man-sha1l have come, we believo
'Tis tho earth's dark ni"'ht
weetling, now H•:tn<
• 1 o u'• fr ee w 111'] e '1'110 B ens t that almost all will fear and glorify
""-' . po1'nt of t 1' mc, 1878, ,v 0 bcl 1-cve. tl1c
"' of
Wrong and evil triumph
1 ·
• ·~· Nomrnn.l church to have hecn given
I enn wait,, for just before me
am .mage me ru mg an ens avmg Him and love Him, too. What they
up;· and the "spewing out of His
Beams tho morning's roReate f!:low." n.ll who profess the name of Christ lack is knowledge:
mouth" [Rev. iii] to lmvc begun.
Q ,,
with.thcirman-madc crceds,n.nd are
ro. ., w1lOll . c s 1Ht ap- I 1'
c·· I' 1 't
"If all t.he world my Saviour kmHv,
lloUse "VaS
. I1 fl.1m 111
,ore mg I over
As tile Jc •vt'sll
"c]lO,Vll pear we s1w.11 appear wit
'I'l ) 0( s 101'1 age. 1 Then nil the world would love Him too.' 1
some special favor for 3~ years, the glory." ·we will not be here when r Secondly. . Iis scmflC ,occl:lrsl >oflatter half or their covenant week so the ''Sun'' rises. True we arc now wrc the pounng out o t le vm s o
Who but ourselves, believes the
we oxpcc~..i>PJC favor to continue in the dawn, but there is quite n. wrath for the angels arc seen with next clause? "All nations shall
with the .om'inal Gospel church for while between first dnwn of day and tiH~ "seven vials .full" (vls.
come and worship before 'fhee."
3~ years. !or··.~l,lntil the autumn of the Sun rise, and that is what Peter
.Hfl we proceed to ana yzo t lCsong, Not, those who think that all but n.
1881. A ~ w~~h the Jew, a period of means. "We have a more sure word I think you will recognize it n.s the very few are gone to hell torment
• :13
years 0 1!'"'-ro·
1 very
1. 1 ·
u followe·u these 7 oproplccy-asatgltJHadarc
'II of Ucstitution'11which1 we forever. Not those, either, who be"
years of favor, so we understand place i.mtil tho day dawn and the smg.
, lcln too you lwi sec flOW lieve that all are annihilated except
there "Vill
be upon ehristendo1n, so da.y sta1· ar1sc
· 111
· your 1JCarts. , .Tesus none1 who lOW 11to 1the < ccrees
· · ob ·or- t.hc saints. Nor yet, those who be1JO< oxy' so ca ec ' can smg
C alle·l, a }lOriod of 33 ye"rs of tr·ot1.- .
· 1ore<1 anc1 c 11nmcc
t 10. a.yl sta1·1e ng 1t ntH
· 11Jyt1Jell'crec
· It emg
d lieve in a partial restitution,and that
7 IS
l 11e-1nal<I'ng ,v 1'ti1 tl1c r>rccclli'ng
s .ar. , II. .c mus t· come lii'Rt
1 · s, the living nations only are to come
years the 40 years of trouble or to us before we shine with Him as unt.il t.hcy get t 10 VIctory over~ Jcm. and worship God in tho next n.gtJ.
"I)ay of ,Vr"ti
tJ 1c "tl te sun. , A. Ill1, <ear
"I saw1 a.1'sea as it were
1 B ro. Q., d o you
•• 1" cndi' 11 g ,v 1'tl 1when
1 f of1glass"11 No, none of these can or do sing th iR
times of the Gentiles in 1nl4,
. very tl· ung
. now Sea· sym >o Jzcs
not see t I1at t. Ins
f 1 poop1co t 1to twor
1 <'
· song. Only we, can sing it in fullt,he kingdom of God [soon to be set l>emg
f u IIi1 11 011? 'l'o a 11 w110 recog- as 1tI'were
o· g ass,1 s lOWS t Ja
t ICir
a "Hestitution of all things which God
or exalted to power] will have mze
. J esns as 1Jrcsent It
. IS
· a 10Untmn
coli< ILIOn ISt enai
y recogmzel
y hath spoken by the mouth of all the
broken in pieces and consumed all
t 11ose w110 s mH. on or a ove 1em.
of joy tO rcaf lZC in 11 llll f,hc SUl'O 'J'j 10 V'1ctors, we ancl a 11 w h o can holy prophets." Jlivcn the Sodomearthly kingdoms.
forerunuer o our own g1ory with ·
1. 1'
b 1 ites of whom no remnant was left
Q.- Wonderfully clear all this Him, and the great millcnnial clay smg t liS song, wo ue love to e t lC when ''fire came down from heaven
seems an~ how conn.cctcd; my loss of restitution for tho world.
Victors. We see the sea (people) nnd dest1·oyed them all." "All nations
has been m not havi~g a ~horough
Q.-I must confess Bro. W., that mingled with fire, [judgments.] We shall come and worship before
kn<?wledgc of th~se tune 1evuz.,.. 1:ecs of ·your ho)le iR t.hP. granclef!t to whioh believe that this fire [trouble] has 'J'hee.'' "Thy-judgments [righteous
1 .)
I 1l 1u"t
been rnmglin""' or coming among the acts] are made manifest." We can
WI 11 Cl 1 Jv ou spelL'·
mortals could aspire.
them up~ and make th?m my own
W.--We could not a~ pil-e to tJuch people since 1873, and that it is to sec in the unfolding of the great
that, ~s 1 au! s~ys my fmth may n?t things. God has crowded these ox- continue until1!:>14. 'Though pity- plan that God's dealings are all
stand m ~he w1sdom. of men but m cceding great and precious promwcs ing them we cannot stop to weep for righteous, and just, and we can make
- I
theJlOWcr ofGod-H1s word (1 Cor
tl • 'f our hearts arc filled with joy by the it manijest to all who are not so
.. ·
' · upon us; nne1 W111 1e
urge m~ 1 unfolding before us of tho Word and
blinded by traditions of men that
11. 5.
interested in this great hope, you
W.-1 am glad to hear you say so. should make it yours, by persona\ plan of Llod, and our mouths are the word of God is made to them of
In no other way can you fully make invcsti~ation of the proofs, ancJ roc- Iillcd with the song of Restitution none effect.
thc!n your~, or have 111 them su~h a ommend to you the "Dny Dawn," saying: ''Great and marvellous arc ",Judge not tho Lord by feeble sensc
basiS for f:uth .. H.emcm be~. ~s I cter yet let me suggest that the very ob- t.hy wori'R T.r,nl <ind A I mighty; just
Bnt trust Him for His f{rar:e;
says the, '~or~ IS to. b~ a .l.tmp to ject of our heavcJJl.Y Father in giving n1;d t.ruo o.ro thy wnya thou Kin~ of
IIo·hitlClJ IL smil111g f<lcu.' 1
our feet, . a hght shmmg m a dark ustheseexceedinggreatand precious Nnlionu." Who hut tboso. soomg,
place u?tll. th~ Jay dawn a,~1d tl~e promises, is "that by. t~wse ye mi~ht thL\l thoro in is to bon "1't:..!l1l11tio11 of
Yco, dour brcihre.n and elstcta, WlJ
day-stat :mse 1~ your ho~rts.
It 1s be partakers of the Dwtne nature., ( 2 nil tliingB" cnn any o.r th!~k God's hnvo lo somo extent nt lcl18t gottoh
?VIdent ~hen th.tt no pcnod of walk- Peter 2:4.) If we have put on Christ., wnys with tho Nnt1ona JUSt and tho victory ovor tho DoMt and hi11
mg by stght comes to us here. We lot us walk in Him, and walk not true ?11 Look back to tho elnughtcr imago, etc. The· song in oms and
sha]~ need the l~mp all the. war, after our own will, but according to of grcnt nnti~~s-'l'ho A.morilcs, wo aro singing it. l3ut you an}'
for we walk by faith, not by s1ght. the will of our head, Christ .Jesus.
Amclckitca, lhl1los, .Tobuzttca, etc., whoro nro our "IInrpa ofOod"-\V"o
Q.-It speaks elsewhere of the
without ovor giving_ t.hcm a chnnco hnvcn 'l goL tho hntJIB yet?· Yes~ wo
''Sun of Highteousncss arising with
- - -••----·-··-to know IJirn, whom to know is life hn.vo · iLia cnllod "Tho word of Ood' 1
healing in his wings." When sunrise "HAVING THE HARPS OF GOD." otcnliLI. Consider thcao dealings of nnd Joniah,Jereminh, Daniel, David,
has come we do not need lamps.
God and none cnn do more than try Job, 1\Ioaea nnd nil tho Prophccioa
Docs not this seem to indicate that
And I saw as it were a sen of ~laRA, inn fcohlo way to oxcuuo God's acwc shall reach a condition whether mingled wit.h fire: And them that. had Lt'on by onyint•, th.nt thoao. wo. ro wic.kGcl aro but (lt~-i~ga t~ our harp J thoy
only· rcljtlln:· koymg up nud U1uy
gotten U10 victory over the beast, and
by sight or not, where there will be over his image, [Omit: ''mul over his people 1 ' forgetting tiHlt ·wtclteuncss wiU prot uco tho uwr:etc~L harmony
no need of the light of "the lamp?" mark"] m11lover t.he nnmh('rof hhw:unc, clln o nly o:.risL where thoro is lnw to this ''Song of :Mosca 'nnd tho
Docs not this involve the thought of st.and on tho Rea of glnsR having t.hc nnd n knowlcdgo of good.
Lamb," for ns Po tor says Gocl hntu
faith giving place to si~rht?
harps of God.
\Vho con let lfo tnorc thnn attempt upokon of tho rcolilution hy tho
\V.- I think not. It is not we
And they sing he song of Moses tho nn o.1 mwo for tho doutruCtiou of mouth of nil Lhoso holy I)rophotd.
Rervant of God, nnd the song of tho
'f II'
but the Jews who see the ·'Sun of Lamb, saying-Great nnd marvellous are fJodolll 1 .whon J csua anyu t.hnt,t
18 (Acto iii, 21.)
righteousness arise with healing in t.hy workR J.ord God Almighty; jnst.mul u~·ighty \vorks (!on~ nmOIJ~.thoJo\~A
'l'hon tuno u~l your hnrps, dearly
his wings;" and they are told in true nrc t.hy wnys t.hou KinJ.( of Na.t.ions hnd Leon Jono 1ll Sod om· ' It would
connection with it to "remember the [margin] who shall not fear thee 0 Lord hn vo rcmnincd until this. day." beloved, nnd am?. o.loud our glad.
· ) 0 11 nrt
and glorify thy name, for thou alone '
ld · t b 0 ' a'ong of"Jubiloo.' .. Sing to yourdont
L aw 0 f l\I oses. , (l\"".taIac ]11· lV.
. oxholy 'l Fo1· all nations shall "ome [llfntt. xi, 23.]
t cou no
the con trnry, we, with .1 csus our head and worship he foro thee ; for thy jnd~- euucd·~-0 od don 'L want na to oxcus~ frionds who Jovo God, doapito whnt
sooma lo them his injuatico .. nut if
will constitute that "Sun of right- ments [ri~hteous acts] are made mani- Him.
they will not honr sing to tho world.
cousncss," as Jesus said (Matt. fest." Rev. xv: 2:4.
"God isllin own inlerprolor
It.will.hc n. "How of promise" to
xiii:43.) speaking of the ''ha,-veBt" or
The question has oftr.n been asked:
And ho will mako it plain'end of this age, when the wheat t>f who sing this song nncl when? 'l'hc if. wo will only let IIiri1, .and not them •.vhen thoy go further down
the church should be completely most commonly rer.civcd answer bind ·ourudvc:J wilh crcod8 ao that into t.ho tirno of lroublo. And if
separated from the tares of the same: perhaps bas been: This is the 8ec- wo dLlru nol bcliovo whnt Ilia, word you cu.nnot do this sing it loudly in
''Then shall the righteous shine forth ond or grcn.t company who come 11.7J tolls u 11 , when wo l'Oild thnt :thoso your own honrL It will joy and
as the Sun in the kingdom of their through the great tribulation and unmo Sodomilca nrc to ho rcatorod- comfort bring you, to think of nur
they sing thiA song dnr£n[! the time bro\ight bnck to ''t!LeirJormer.estaw" I<'nLhcr's Jovo and rcalizo thnt "His
It is the same thought that is ex- of trouble. We think this incorrect ltnd under tho now c:ovonLmLgtvon to mercy _cndurolli forovor." . (l'll.l313.)
pressed in Rev. xxi:24 of the New and wish to express a diiTcrenl.vicw. Itmwl "nu dau•rltlcru" for· inulruc- It will open nncl warm your hcnrL
.Tcrusalem shining and the Nations
First. Itcannothcthesccond com- tion in tho no~t ngo. [JC:tck. :xvi, nnd onrich it wit.h luvc1 hoth for yvur
walking in tho light of it. Yes it is pn.ny because these have gotten the .fiH33.] Only 10e, who aco thcao l•{,tllclrnnd for thoao who uro U10ob·
a grand thought, that the day so long. Victory over the Beast and Imngc, bco.ulicll of God 'a plnn, cnn truly any jccts of His cnro nnd lovo.
out of the great trcnsnre-honsc of
His word ns men.t in dne M<LSan for
the honschold of faith. Let us rcmember that it is as much mtr work
to follow as it is the Spirit's work to
lead us into all truth. "Then shall
we know if we follow on to know the
Lord," I:Hos. vi :3.]
"Stand fast,
therefore, in the libc1·ty whcrowit.h
Christ hath made you free, and he
not again entangled with the YOim
world they will become dead Lo the of the Paschal Lamb, these will be therefore do not overcome it. Rut
Jesus, who Lecamc: thesurety for nil
world. lllt~teud of of cf(pccting are~- de~;;trovcd. (Ex. xii, 2'2-23.)
H.elititntion signifies the restoring titution of the flc~h they agree to
Wu "see then, that the only .ones helicvers, will not suffertb.c Divine
of a thing which was lo~:~t. ~ou crucify the flesh.
Why do they who do not reach t.hc b·irth [rcsurrec- 11aturc begun in tht'm to hccmuc t•xmi:~ht giw!. a person anyth_mg, make this covenant'? lkcatuw of Lion] alllOIIg :dl who .a~·c begutlen tinet.
whether he had once possm;smllt or the joy set before them in Uod's lHU-t and scaled l1y ihe Hpn·1t are those
Oh, how great nml loving is the
not; but it wonld be quite improper of tho covenant, wllieh i~, that if who relwuncu the "hh•od of the cov- plau of God. How grand Lhe pros·
to call it 7'e8ltrring unlt~ss helltul once they thus rUe with .Jesu~:~ to all earth· e11anl'' a11d witlHlmw thcmselve~; peel of restitutiou for the worhl, to
pns~:~cs~e(l and then loo:L it. 'L'he ly "interests they Hhall he joiut- fmn1 iLB proiedio11, they si1~ against tht· likeness of l'l·rrt•ct Eurthlv man.
human family onee pos;:wssed a l?er- heil·~:~ with him to a hcavenlv in- light, knowledge, :uHl agamst tho But how much gmntler our l;upe of
feet mental, moral ami physwal heritancc. If with .Him we- give Spirit':; direction and leatliug thert! being olc\·ated from this to the ''w.·w
nature ns represented in the per:;on up aud crucify the !t-u·man naturt>, we foro it iH eallctl "The sin again:;t tho C'l'earion." Who would not lay usidt!
of Adam their hca(l. Beautiful and shall be made partakers with l1 im Holy Glw;-;t which hath never forgiv- every weight, aud run with patim1ct·
mnjcstic in form, God-like in the of the ll·i·vine nature. 'l'hm;e who do ness."
for the prize of our high calliug in
mental aud tr.oral qu;tlities of his not enter this covenant to crucify
Asitle ft·om these, the entire housc- Christ JesllS.
nein" (in Oml'H image) an(l com· tile lmman nature retain it; and will holtl of faith heing hf'g(>tten of the
Corresponden l s' Questions.
miss'ionetl to he the King or Uod be raised nnd restored to hum au Spirit arc all, children of Got!; and
over all <~a•·thly creatures .C':ln our perfection.
Another thought is arc all ultiumtcly to reach his like
Bro. R.-In what seuse do you
like11ess let him have tlom:mwn over that now is the the time to r.:ntl'cr and rw~;s. "He who begun the good work consider Christ our substitute 'l
the hensts foul, fish;" etc.) he die with Him. It cannot he done in us will complete ·it." But there will Since you believe that when the ;J/.
stands bef:ne lUi the pictnre of in the next uge. lPor there is no he a dill'crencn in our positions ac- Saints :1re mad?.immortn.l tht>y 9i.ve'I.P.,'
hm111m Jletject'ion. He paHses the il_1- deatli there, neither sorrow nor suf- eording to tlw way in whieh we "run up then llm;h hie us Clll'lst gav'~p
:;pectiun of the great JehflVah andts fering-for the former things are the raee sot before us." All who his, they needeJ no substitute. Ami
prououucetl a "very g<~od" man. passed away. 'l'his is the age of sin run will ultimately reach the end of since the sinner will die the seeo11tl
llc was not n Uod-no 1t haJ not and evil ant! erueifying; the next the meo, hut the Jlr'ize, of onr high denth it cannot he that he has a
been Uod'ts purpose to make anotlwr will he for Glory and Hcstitution. call-i11g 'in OM·ist .Jesus will be ob- substit.ut£•.
God, but a 'man: "Let us malw man [Rev. xxi, 4.] 'J'me, tl10 1·estored taineil only hy those who ''so run
Aus.-I Hcldum l~~.~kl_1e word f,,..ubin our image." We should not sup- family may come to the fountain that th.ey may obtain." 'J'hiR rn'ize is st,itute now because~-~~· not occur
pose that to be mcutally an<.l moml~y and drink of the river of watur or to Lc the Bride of Christ, to be made in ou~; li:nglish ti~Bl~~t ~lll of the
in God's image mean:~ that we wtll lite freely, have an ahuntl:mt supply ouc with Him, nnd therefore, to "Sit HiLle, I prl'ier to us~;·tli'e· ,il,]e words
have the su111C mental and mom! ol'thcir life, yet it will be 1lill'e1·ent with Him in His throne" and to 1ln?"c/tase and rwnsom~~l1 menu ex·
capacity; but, our justi_ce, mc~·cy, from having immomlity as a foun· ''inherit all things."
actly the same tldng. All men wert'
lovt), truth, and powers ot .rel_tsmnn_g, tai n of life, ·•sprinying ·up in vou" so
111 what way, do we hecome over- sinners through Adam's disubedideciding etc., while lmllted m thnt you will never thirst, neitlwr comers :tnd gain the victory, and encc.
'l'he seeds of sin and its
cnpacity are the same in kind, ns the nee1l come to that river to roli·esh win the prize of l.•cing pnrt of the rcf'ult death had been sown in our
justice, love etc., of Uod, so that he yourself or to continue JJintd i fo.
Bride'? By presenting our bodies race und we daily became more
can ::my to us: " Come let us 1·eason
So it is written, ''If we sui I'm· a li vil1~ s:wrificP, by crucifying our weak and sinful. All must die, ami
[death]withHim,'Weshall:dsoreign Jle~:~hly will antl natmc, hecominp; the process-'·dy·inythou shalt die"
But heforcAdam hadeverlcamed with Ilim." "It' 1ve be dead with dr~ad, ·so that onr own will, will is in progress. 'l'here is no way l1y
to usc his pow.:rs fully, t~in entered, Him 'We shall live with Him." "If neither he known nor done hy nR, but. which we can lcecp ours(•lves alive,
and death followed, degrading and wesuiler with Him, 1ve shall he glo- in everytlti11g we must ~cek to know much le>s malce oHrsel,ves al·i·ve when
destroying hy its various agencies of rifled together.'' \Vhen ?-answer and do the will of Cln·ist. Whrn we become entirely <lend. We ean
~:~ickness uuJ viee the once noble -"Being made conformable unto dead, you will twek to l'nt, (\rink, never justily oursd ves to life consefor'nt and the perfection of his iu- His death; If by any nwans T might tulk antl he clothed, not as the world quent.ly can IH~ver live again .
. tclle~tualnnd moral faculties.
attain unto t[w [chief or first] rNnn·- might dictnte, nor yom own tastes
At this juncture JeE>us steps inWe have seon that God fores:tw rection fromamongtlwdcad."l>iag." 1lesit't', but aeeording to tltc hf'st in· Docs !w fjet asidl) the Father's lrw
, .. ·.the·Qcoessilly· of.thi~-'>"lt::tt:.r.y of evil l'hH. Hi, 10. li'rom thu lll<tlj~eliL ,W,; f<JI"nla~i<>ll \'OU can ololain of the will whicl~;tllii.h'C3Qdt<t~fett-!\H·th(}·Binful
. over man, that he' migh l learn for- enter into this covenant of <ll~ath' 9f Oo'<l eh;1Ct'rrlthg you. 'l'J1is is· a race ti.J death?. No, but recognizing
. ever the lesson, .that siu uud death and life-=-suffering and glory with hard 'work and it involves much dent}! .. 'us the righteous penally of
1 go hand in hand and both arc his God, we begin the work of crneify~ pain to the old nature to be. thus sin;
he pnhl that penalty for us .
. enemies; while o\1edience to God ing the lmman nature nntl God be-: cruf'ified antl ignorecl. It is so dif- Being, "witlJOut sin," "holy," ''un·
n.nd ·life and hap pines!! are indisolu~ gins also at the same time to doveF fieult a task that we never could nc- defiled," he was not liable to tho
bly connected, and that Ood is his op in us the divine. nature by im· ~!omplish it unaided. But we hear penalty of sin 7 tleath. He hi1d a
true and Lest friend. We see Uod; parting to us the Holy SpjMt. 0!'1ce ·tho voice of I lim that sait.h: "My perfect right to continu6 his earthly
·the loving lPather permitting evil entered into, the covenant or agree;: grace is suflicient. for thee." "Reek life forever; but instead lw gn:vc it ,
for man's good and taking atlvan· m'ent. ia ·,}nalternblo tho mnttcr,is and yo shall fin(l." . "This if~ the for i. c. instead of ours that hnd
tage ofita presence to prove to man fixed and seuled. "Who ~lath nlao !victory that ovcrcometh the world, been forfeited. So that i10-iv God can
Hia un;ut.erable ·character,:· the ox- sealed ua, nnd given tho unrnest of 1evcu yolll' faith." According to our give back perfect naturnllife to tho
ceeding sinfulness· of am,"· ·the the Spirit in our hcJtrlll." [2 Co~. i, faith in (Joel we draw snpplirs of whole ri1cc, and he declan•s that he
Jwtic4 0 (. Ilia Laws, Th~. boundlea· 22.] Wo can.11e11tr have fH\rt·wtth stren<rth. We clesirc to overcome, will do so in His "due timl·.' 'l'hus
OeBII. of .fihs
'''!'he exceeding tho World in lho reuli I llliou lH!CIIllUO Iwe Re~k his g"fnC~, WC fi Jltl'it nnrJ ·as, did JeS:ps make hituseJf ''a propiti~t;
riches of Ilia grace,n 110~ "the ~reaL by our covennnt wo hllVO u. nlJnn- ,we become ;laily ·more filled •with tion-[satisfaction] for 011r sins, aud
Lovo wherewith He. loved. us, _by ~oned.tlltl lnmwn .nnluro; the quell· tho new cz.iv£ne nature the vic·ory not. for ours only, but also for the
Tftdeeming us from all sin through t!on Wlth us no~v rs, lllu~ll wo con· ,bver the old nature becomes more sins of .the whole world, so.' that, ns
Jesus Christ. We have seen too, tmu.o to de~elope om 11 ew rultlll:e :em1y. '!'his is the first compnny, death passed upon ull the human
how that as through one ma~'s dis-:- [~hlCh n?w IB but an_ eml' 11/0 couch· :the bride-the body. Like their m\'e through Adam, li1e is to be rc·
obedience· the · muny were· made t!on] unt1l nt ~ur birth [resurrec- !lwul, Jcsns th<·y have been willing stored to all in "the times of n stitnainners, so. by the obedie~cu ol. on~ ,t,IO~ ~r trnnsln.tiO,~l]_ wo com~ f<?rt! 1 SIIC~·ifices.
tion of nil things," because Jt>sus
shall t.he many be made ngh~ous~
apt.ntual bod 1,~ 8 bl~o unto Clmllt 6
'l'llc secon<l ,n· grrn.~ company nrc Christ "g"JLYC himself a mnsom for all
(just) (Rom. xi:x.) and that ~n .Uta glorious b.ody.
/of the household nlso. 'l'hey have men:"
due time. God. intends to. brmg all
Who w1ll develope, th 18 h1gher mack t.he covPnant· to die, lnit poor
.J csus informs His church of t.he
mco· back to the condition of per- nntnre-mnn.v or few of those who frail hmnanity shrih)(s from hecom- purchase anu tells them that soon
feet manhood where th~y will·again enter the covenant? We nnswer: ing a "spC'cldc1l Lird," a. tlp:got for all will be restored, hut oflers to nd·
be •'very good.". 'l'his is. restitution, All. of theni, except lhoao '~,ho open- 1h iH world's Rlwcrs ·al)d',·.rid iculc. ~~!t .thc:m tq .th\) Spirftual. pl~me of
the reatoring. to mankm~ of the ly I~nore tho vuluo of. tho blooc.l, of '!'ht•y Ioyc the favor of:qo~~''rir~c1;·t'l;e hfe 1f they \~1.11. now freely .!!.lye up.
j)ower; qlialitiu, and thmga lost the covonni~t whercw.Jth tlle:r were Javor ol man also. '!'hey 'rCSQ'flH\ the natural )tfe.,.,-muke a sncnhee ol
through the first Adnm. .
. Bnnctified," t. e. ~l\t naule nnd 1gno~o themscl vt~H frmn pr<•suim)tliih1s'ili'fls! it: 'l'.l1ey cqnld"not ofl'er a sac1-ijice of
We next inquire who w1ll be re- the valuo of Chnst's denth-na t~ICir :mel eonr;olo. thcmselves\~h~t''they their natural life until it. wns pm·
stored and answer all of ·Adnm's ra~om. or purchnao and '~o behove 1aro fnr bettor than mn11Y 1 otl10rs. chnsed for)hem, 'because they wt·rc
fe.milfexcep~"'l'heBride" .of Christ, tlua will be n amnll numht.r.
'They have not the power or li1ith to alrcady.dtJ.ad, Jesus purchnsed our'"l'he Virgins her companwn~a fo~So to speo.k, J C!lllB en tor!! tho COV· I:ty hold of God 'H promi!lcd assist- lives, then h;\mls them to 11s saying:
low h~r" and· the Jew who commtL ennnt for us, He ngrees to gunmn- a 1ie<•. ''H11w t•an yc~ l11die'11e \Vho re- Do what yo\' '.wish witldhcru-her"
tho unpnrdon.abl6 sin, sinning wil- tee tllnt our pnrt of the contmct eeive honor one of another n11d seek is the grQn~ Pr}z~l,. if you cnwify
fully,' a(ter that they ha.ve received shall be fulfilled.
All such Renlrd not.~. tl,w honor that CC\meth from yomselves, . .A.I}d we do so gladly
the knowledge of the truth, nnd who oneaar~ selr~p!trt, from the world nn~ Ootf · only." . (Mntt. v :44.) 'l'hus for the .prize 1wt hefoJ·c us in tlw
count the blood of the .r.ovenant ~lealL ~vtth (lltlcrently; even.ns our 1:1 "throngh fenr ol' death they nre all Gospel-li'or yfj were bought with a
wherewith they wore 81\nctified an 18 a different hope nnd cnlhng from tlwil· lil'eLime subject to bondage;" price, evt·n the preeious blood or
unholy thing.
[Reb. x, 26-29.] the world's. w~ have been begotten th<'RO will be freed from their borld- Chri~t.
Theae three classes have made a cov· o! <?od, nre now 1.11 our. embryo con ttgo. soon; they arc to go into the . What about the si.nner who will
enant with God by which they re~ dttlon; and nll will ultmu.tely come time of trouble bn "delivered over <he the second dPath? \Vc answe~·,
nounced their rights to· the benefits to birth in His likcnes!:! who nbide to Rntnn (the a:lversnry) for the de- the fact that hetl}es the second death
of.rutitution a\ld the perfect 1\eshly und~r the blood of the cov<:nnnt, E~trnetion of tho flesh (which they on account of ·his O'Wn sins iH clear
~ondition'. 'l'hey declare that they but 1f any of th~se members of "tho wonl1l ,.ot willingly erncify) that the.. proof that he must have been
will take Up theil" cross and follow ho\~Behold of f1\lth'' .~o _forti! from. spirit. mny be savccl." ;l'hey l<~_ve 'rttrf~OJY)ed from tl1cjirsl ~]ea.th which
Inlltend of living with 1lhe Lhe:r hou:~e upon winch IS thu blood t1 11' present. world, to sor.nc rxt~nt, wn~ ~he resnltM Adams sm.