a voice for women an agent for change
a voice for women an agent for change
ywca southeastern massachusetts 2010 annual report a voice for women an agent for change ywca southeastern massachusetts is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. southeastern massachusetts dear ywca family & making them more affordable to lowincome women in our community. The YWCA is also collaborating with the Women’s Center to provide housing for women referred from their programs. Our partnership also includes “Steps to Stability” a new financial literacy program for women who are homeless or are at-risk for being homeless, with a goal of attaining financial independence. Another year has quickly come and gone and the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts was busily expanding its collaborations, developing new initiatives, building our capacity and raising funds for our building addition. Like many other non-profit organizations, the YWCA faced many challenges this year which led to our strategically thinking and carefully planning and assessing our long and short-term goals, as well as finding new and innovative ways to raise funds, deliver programs and activities on conservative budgets, and more effectively and efficiently offer programs that serve the everchanging and growing needs of our constituents. The YWCA is into the second year of our collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater New Bedford. Girls Exclusive, which is funded by the Women’s Fund of Southeastern Massachusetts, is a program for girls in grades 7-9, focusing on leadership development, community service, building self-esteem and selfworth. This year program locales included the YWCA, Global Learning Charter School and the Boys and Girls Club. This fall the program is operating out of Dennison Memorial. Through their fundraising efforts, Girls Exclusive attended field trips to COCO Key Indoor Water Resort and New York City to sightsee, shop and take in West Side Story. It was an experience that the girls will never forget. In May, the YWCA hosted its first Women of Distinction Awards. It was an aweinspiring day recognizing women that live the YWCA Mission, give back to the community, and are role models and mentors for women and girls. We also presented the Spirit of Leadership Award to a woman under 30 and the Yvonne M. Drayton Award (in honor of the former Executive Director) to a YWCA volunteer. The YWCA now has access to This was a great day and I look forward ten project-based vouchers for its to our next group of honorees. residential programs, A Woman’s Place and Another Woman’s Place. Our advocacy and hallmark program Through this new venture with the New efforts continue to grow. We marched Bedford Housing Authority, five rooms on Capitol Hill to advocate for child care in each residence are now subsidized, and services for survivors of domestic violence, trained community groups in the areas of racial justice and economic advancement, held the Stand Against Racism and worked with the YWCAs of Massachusetts on statewide advocacy efforts. I hope you have enjoyed our communications throughout the year: our quarterly online newsletter, regular email blasts and mailings, website, and Facebook. Our website will be updated soon and will have a new look, so please check us out at www.ywcasema.org. Next year is a big year for the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts. We will celebrate our 100th Anniversary with many special programs and activities. We will also start interior work on our restrooms and kitchen and exterior work on the East Portico at Standish House. This moves us one step closer to breaking ground and building the 12,000 square foot addition that will make Standish House accessible and will bring our YWkids Program and Another Woman’s Place “Under One Roof.” This is a very exciting time to be a part of the YWCA and I hope you will join us as we work towards the elimination of racism and the empowerment of women. As always, thank you, and the Board, Staff, Members and Volunteers for your continued support and dedication. Gail M. Fortes YWCA Executive Director friends, with our financial advisor we have a balanced and healthy portfolio. The annual audit was clean and no findings or management letter was reported. This external audit ensures that we adhere to the highest standards of internal controls. The Finance Committee has been researching options for the final phase of funding for the addition to the Standish House, seeking to guarantee that construction costs will be covered. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I invite you to review the annual report of the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts for the period, July 1 2009 - June 30, 2010. We are pleased to report that fiscal 2010 was a year of continued improvement and progress. Overall, our solid performance for the year reflects the benefits of actions taken to work within our budget and the positive outcomes of goals achieved within our programming and fund-raising objectives. The creation of the annual report provides a time for reflection and assessment of the effectiveness of our fiduciary oversight. Acting on behalf of our membership and responding to changing conditions, the Investment Committee has carefully tracked our investments. Despite the unrest of our recovering economy our financial stability continues to improve; investment returns have risen and working Fundraising continues to be critical to our association’s sustainability and the success of our $4.7 million “Under One Roof - Empowerment, Equity and Leadership for Women.” This year we claimed many successes and some setbacks. For two consecutive years we have secured federal appropriations, and local funding through the City of New Bedford Community Development Block Grant. Response from numerous Philanthropic Foundations has added to our campaign coffers and reflected a great interest in our work and trust in our ability to complete the important project. The most difficult part of our campaign continues to be response from private donors. We have set our goals for the remainder of the 2010 and the coming 2011 year, to include public, private and community funding, and look for your support in this. Hallmark Racial Justice Training. These seminars are designed to infuse a core of understanding of the major forces at work surrounding racism and women’s economic status. Our objective in the upcoming year will be to achieve 100% board participation and completion of the two levels of training. The board continues to be a high performing team. Along with the Executive Director, as a member of the YWCA New England Regional (NER) Council, I have been involved with expanding our policy advocacy efforts and skills regionally. In the coming months, we will be planning a State Lobby Day in Boston. Additionally, our involvement in NER will allow us to influence governance of this regional body as well as our access to its resources. YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts will mark our 100th Anniversary soon. We are planning to chronicle and celebrate our history and accomplishments. In this looking back we will see how integral we have been and continue to be in our community. None of this would have been possible without your support and generous contributions. We thank you. The board of directors continues to track the progress of the Strategic Plan 2008 - 2011 and can report that we have completed over 80 percent of YWCA President our objectives to date. Work will now begin on a new Strategic Plan to take the association through the building and completion of the new addition and lead us in the work of extending our programs throughout our service area. Jan Baptist In alignment with our mission and bylaws, members of the board have participated in the first level of YWCA History to women of distinction Christina Bascom Cecilia M. Felix Pauline M. Garcelon Bernadette Souza Seven of our area’s most dynamic and New Bedford including the Bedford for the past 14 years. She women were honored at the 1st Women’s Fund of Southeastern fostered community initiatives for annual YWCA Southeastern MA and Our Sisters’ School. Her inner-city youth, surrounding selfMassachusetts Women of main focus is raising consciousness esteem, drug prevention and health Distinction awards luncheon on around issues that affect women and and nutrition. She has served in Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at the girls, and empowering women to own numerous volunteer capacities Country Club of New Bedford. “half the sky.” within the community, including the Bright orange gerbera daisies and board of Our Sisters’ School. the scenic backdrop of the country Cecilia M. Felix has been Principal club’s golf course added to the of Holy Family Holy Name School Marlene Tavares is President festivity of this well-attended event. and Director of Religious Education of United Front Development The luncheon raised much-needed for St. Lawrence Martyr Parish for Corporation. She has served the funding and awareness for the vital 20 years. She has dedicated herself New Bedford community for over programs and services at YWCA to serving children and families in 45 years in providing access to Southeastern Massachusetts, need through her tireless community quality low-income housing. She while honoring outstanding women efforts, Catholic education and the has also served on various boards whose lives and accomplishments mission of the church. including the MA Commission reflect the YWCA’s Mission of Against Discrimination, New eliminating racism and empowering Pauline M. Garcelon is a retired New Bedford Coalition Against Housing women. These women are leaders Bedford Police Detective of 34 years. and Employment Discrimination in bringing key issues facing She was the first Cape Verdean and the NAACP. women, girls and people of color to woman to be hired to the department, the forefront, and were saluted for and she was one of three officers that Other special awards included the their exceptional commitment to established the city’s first domestic Spirit of Leadership Award honoring improving the lives of women and violence unit. She helped lay the a young woman for her leadership girls through leadership, advocacy, foundation for the systems and in the community, recognizing and community service, while processes which presently serve to the YWCA’s important initiative to protect victims of domestic violence. empower young women, and the succeeding in their career fields. Yvonne M. Drayton Award named Bernadette Souza has been Christina Bascom is a for YWCA Southeastern MA past “professional volunteer” for Associate Executive Director of the Executive Director of 17 years, various organizations in Marion Boys & Girls Club of Greater New honoring a YWCA volunteer for awards Marlene Tavares their service to the organization. Marie-Frances Rivera Poverty and the Soup Kitchen. She is a member of the New Bedford Art Marie-Frances Rivera is a Museum, and is a political activist. Program Manager at SMILES Mentoring Program. She has been These women are trail blazers in instrumental in increasing mentor our businesses, homes, schools involvement at SMILES. She and communities. Honoring these actively serves with the Women’s women reminds us of the tenacious Fund of Southeastern MA and and courageous visionaries of the the Fall River Women’s Union. past, celebrates the women who She is Assistant Treasurer on the are changing the way we live today, YWCA Board of Directors and and nurtures and inspires the young serves in various capacities as a women who will shape our tomorrow. board member, including efforts to increase participation of women under 30 within the YWCA. Jean Kellaway served on the YWCA Board of Directors for 15 years, as well as several other committees including Nominating, Membership, and Racial Justice. She has been a YWCA New England Regional Representative and has participated in most fundraising events. She has advocated for women’s issues with the YWCA on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill. Jean is an active member of First Unitarian Church, volunteers with the Coalition for Social Justice and the Coalition Against Jean Kellaway persimmon spotlight July 09: Cape Verdean Recognition Day Parade Summer 09: Girls Giving & Growing August 09: YWkids Visit the New Bedford Fire Fighters August 09: Girls Giving & Growing Meet Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, Sen. Mark Montigny, Rep. Antonio Cabral & City Councillor Jane Gonsalves Summer 09: YWkids School Age Program Sept. 09: Sizzlin’ Salsa Dance Party September 09: Under One Roof Event Oct. 09: Week Without Violence year in review Fall 09: Teen Talk November 09: 98th Annual Meeting Winter 09: ENCOREplus Spring 10: Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill February 10: Red Dress Fashion March 10: Sweet Indulgence Show & Silent Auction May 10: Women of Distinction Awards ywca under one roof Today... the Levi Standish House stands as a magnificent piece of its city’s history that houses the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts. Tomorrow... the Levi Standish House will remain a stately part of that history, the community and the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts, as it grows and expands through the construction of an impressive building addition that will house the YWkids School Age Program, a teen center, a woman’s resource center, multi-purpose rooms, and woman’s residential housing. The YWCA is asking you to support the necessary funding to accomplish this lofty, but attainable goal of bringing all of its important programs and services Under One Roof. capital campaign YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts Under One Roof $4.7 Million Capital Campaign Sources of Funds Funds Raised to Date Public Funding (Federal, State and City) $910,000 Private Funding (Individual, Corporate and Foundation) $610,000 Subtotal $1,520,000 Funds Pending in 2010 Commercial Loan Public Funding (Federal and State) $1,000,000 $550,000 Private Funding$205,000 Subtotal $1,755,000 TOTAL $3,275,000 Balance to Raise$1,425,000 Funding Goal for 2010 and 2011 Public Funding (Federal and Municipal) Private Funding (Major Gifts) Two $100,000 Grants $200,000 Four $50,000 Grants $200,000 Four $25,000 Grants $100,000 Ten $10,000 Grants$100,000 Ten $5,000 Grants $50,000 Thirty $1,000 Grants $30,000 $675,000 $680,000 Community Funding$70,000 Under One Roof 2011 $25,000 200 Recognition Bricks ($100) $20,000 50 Businesses ($500) $25,000 Subtotal$1,425,000 donors Annual Appeal Anonymous Donor Bev Baccelli & Liz DiCarlo Margarit Baptista Peter & Avis Britto Lee V. Charlton Donna Cordeiro-Tobin Dr. Susan Costa Jan daSilva Karen M. Dixon Governor’s Councillor Carole Fiola Gail Fortes Lucille Goodine Chancellor Jean F. MacCormack Jennifer L. Prouty Laurie Robertson-Lorant Dr. Marlene Roderiques Susan L. Perry Sue & Calvin Siegal J. Chrisann Taras Marge Waite Anonymous Donor Lisa Ann Yates (2009) Eusie Zane Capital Campaign pledge donors BankFive Jan Baptist Tammy Beckman Loretta Blake Honorable Bettina Borders & Dr. Victor Mailey Christine Coelho Jan daSilva Yolanda Dennis Janice Fauteux Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ford Gail Fortes Councillor Jane L. Gonsalves Henry H. Crapo Charitable Foundation Johanna Hood Annamarie Lopes Athena M. G. Mota Linda Rose Standard Times Publishing Waring-Sullivan Funeral Services Marcia Williams gifts Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Joel & Lisa Alvord Howard & Margo Baptista Evelyn Baum Kathleen Billings & Hal Oringer Ellen Christie Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Rainy Day Fund Jan daSilva Anthony David Yvonne Drayton Kathryn Duff Joyce Eisenberg Fiber Optic Center, Inc. Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation Raymond & Mary Harrington Kate Harrison-Beauregard Highland Street Foundation John Keith & Shelly Hoon Michelle Keith Nancy Kurtz Kenneth Lipman Carolee Matsumoto New Bedford Chamber of Commerce Patrick Carney Foundation Irma Small The 1772 Foundation, Inc. under one roof gifts/sponsors Kathy Aisenberg Anne Converse Photography Anne Whiting Real Estate Bunny’s Bouquets Cardoza’s Wine & Spirits Hodgson, Pratt & Associates Monaghan Printing Moore & Isherwood Communications, Inc. Rockland Trust Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum Patrick Carney Foundation Vantage in Philanthropy Neal Weiss Women’s Fund of Southeastern MA Women’s Fund Philanthropy Fund Margaret Xifaras, Esq. advocacy Economic Advancement volunteers Pam Pollock grantors/foundations City of New Bedford United Way of Greater New Bedford Racial Justice volunteers Pam Pollock donors Target grantors/foundations Comcast Foundation Island Foundation United Way of Greater New Bedford Leadership Development of Young Women interns Rosita Maeks-Anderson SueAnne Delorey Kiah Murphy Mayor’s Youth Council grantors/foundations Invest In Kids adult services Medical Transportation Program donors Joseph Andrade Elsie Baptista Loretta Barlow Rita Baron Cecile Begnoche Rose Ann Carella Judith Cormier Joseph Dias Josefina Distrajo Marie Dos Reis Irene Gomes Sandra Gracia Julia Grant Cecilia LaPalme Lena LeBlanc Gertrude LeBoeuf Constance & Louis Panagakos Anna Perry Margaret Pina Doris Pineault Muriel Provencal Alice Rogers Deonilda Rosa Bessie Sullivan Gertrude Sylvia Betty Tomko grantors/foundations Coastline Elderly Services Tufts HealthPlan Foundation Widowed Persons Program volunteers Mary Gaughan Jean Julien Irene LeFavor Joyce Lopes Armand Malenfant Raymond Marshall Dorothy Martin Marion Oliver Joan Pingley Jacqueline Ponte Special thanks to the individuals, businesses and foundations which enable the YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts to advance its mission through their generous financial support. This list reflects donations received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. We apologize for misspelling or omitting the name of anyone who made a gift during the fiscal year. Hanifa Rose Evelyn Sebastiao Ethel Souza Judith Viera donors Claire Akucewicz Joanne Almeida Thelma C. Alves John Alves Jr. Carolyn Anuszcyk John Araujo Annette M. Audet Rosella J. Bagana Irene R. Bergeron Donna M. Berry Gertrude Bissonnette Delores Boudreau Kathleen Braz Hal Brown Oldemiro M. Canto George E. Carter Claire Caya Ann Chandanais Lucille A. Connolly Muriel M. Copeland Pearl J. Corbett Pauline Cormier Violanda Corrao Russell W. Costa Alice Cournoyer Olivia M. Couto Jeanne I. Croteau Alice Crowley Eva M. Cruz Thelma D’Agostino Jeanette E. Desroches Wilfred R. Dessert Joan C. Dion Margaret Ann Domingos Jeannette L. Doyle Janet J. Dugas Linda Duhaime Jeanne L. Duggan Susanne Dupont Beverly Dupont Glenda Durante David Enos Roselle E. Fecteau Jo Ann Ferreira Edward Figueira Leonora Francis Arthur R. Freitas Vivian Frysinger Argemiro Garcia Mary M. Gaughan Janet L. Gauthier Janice M. Gauvin Bernadette Gavin John Gonet Antonio B. Gracia, Jr. Joanne E. Greaves Josephine Gwozdz Rosemary Herman Jan E. Holm Elizabeth A. Horsfall Irene Isherwood Beatrice Jackson Beatrice Jasmin Wanda Jaworski Marjorie E. Josephson Jean Julien Constance Keavy Martin Muriel Knowles Anna M. Lally Rita Y. Landry W. Kenneth Langill Jr. Pauline D. Laursen Therese R. Lavallee Irene LeFavor Doris Levine Barbara A. Lewis Arthur J. Lomba Jean Lopes Luiz G. Lopes Lillian E. Lovegrove Beverly Lussier Anna B. Maglio Armand Malenfant Barbara A. Marcotte James D. Marshall Elaine Marshall Jennifer M. L. Marszalek Dolores Martin Elizabeth P. Matathia Francis L. Mathieu Doris McCarthy Thomas L. McGarr Louise C. Medeiros Doloris Mello-Santos Therese G. Menard Susan Mendes Frances Mills Mary Louise Moniz H. Bridget Morrison William L. Murray Diane M. Nadeau Arlene Newman Patricia A. Noone Marcella O’Connor Marion Oliver Constance Panagakos Beverly Perreira Antoinette Perry Diane M. Pigeon Joan Pingley Jacqueline I. Ponte Pauline T. Prudhomme Elsie Raphael Dorothy P. Rapoza Brenda Rapoza Gertrude Reed Annette Y. Richard Joseph S. Ringuette, Jr. Rita Robillard Lillian Rodrigues Linda Rose Hanifa Rose Arline Ross Ruth Ryzner Dorothy L. Saladino Angela Sampaio Evelyn Sebastiao Mary May Sharples Stephen Shoesmith, Sr. Theresa Silvia Barbara Snigier Arthur Soares Marjorie Soucy Dolores Souza Ethel Souza Evelyn Souza Claire A. St. Gelais Cecilia M. Sykes Donald E. Sylvia, Jr. Elizabeth A. Thompson Joyce E. Tillett Margaret A. Tomkiewicz Judith Viera Patricia G. Villa Loretta A. VonHacht Betty Wadsworth Patricia Lee Wetzel Joan Yotides Carol Zaslona grantors/foundations Coastline Elderly Services Anonymous Donor wellness for women and girls ENCOREplus volunteers Jenny Fortes Rebueca Nunez Idalina Pacheco donors Francis Cosgrove The Cottage Fine Ladies Apparel Fabulous Foundations by Nancy The Glass Slipper Fran O’Connel Dora Smithfield Maryanne Stebenne, Pottery Artist UMASS Dartmouth Women’s Resource Center The Woman In You grantors/foundations Avon Foundation Breast Care Fund donors Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation of MA Central Massachusetts Area Health Education Center Coastline Elderly Services CVS Caremark Charitable Trust Massachusetts Department of Public Health Mathematica Policy Research Susan G. Komen Fund for the Cure Tufts HealthPlan Foundation United Way of Greater New Bedford residential services A Woman’s Place & Another Woman’s Place volunteers United Way Day of Caring donors John & Jackie Beauregard Paul & Catherine Bourassa James Brousseau ABC Quilters, Dartmouth Council on Aging Gail Fortes Argemiro Garcia David Gonsalves Mali Lim Bridget Morrison Dorothy Lopes Beverly Perreira Dr. Eleanor Pontes Kevin Rezendes Doreen Rose Candy Royster Barbara Silva Beverly Souza Valerie Tecci Natalie Waldie grantors/foundations Kenneth T. and Mildred S. Gammons Charitable Foundation New Bedford Housing Authority United Way of Greater New Bedford youth services YWkids School Age Program donors Patricia Burns Yolanda Dennis Gail Fortes Gene Fortes Gifts to Give, Inc. Adam Jussaume Alan & Lisa Katz New Bedford Fire Department Lena Pires, New Bedford Global Learning Charter School Kent Silva Nancy Sullivan Target Robert Unger grantors/foundations Caturano and Company Foundation Department of Education New Bedford Cultural Council New Bedford Day Nursey Fund Office of Early Education & Care PACE United Way of Greater New Bedford Girls Exclusive grantors/foundations Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Women’s Action Fund - Giving Circle Matching Gift Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusett - Women’s Fund Philanthropy Initiative Teen Talk grantors/foundations Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Women’s Fund Philanthropy Initiative Invest In Kids New Bedford Cultural Council Girls Giving & Growing grantors/foundations Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Women’s Action Fund - Giving Circle Matching Gift New Bedford Cultural Council New Bedford Day Nursery Fund United Way Summer Fund DJ Eric Lopes New Bedford City Council New Bedford Credit Union Salsa y Control Dance Company Johnny & Felicita Giraldo The Sky Room UMASS Dartmouth Office of Equal Opportunity, Diversity & Outreach donors A & A Jewelers AMC Theaters Bon Appetite Cafe Arpeggio Cafe Funchal Cafe Mimo Celia’s Restaurant Cold Stone Creamery Churrascaria Novo Mundo El Caribe El Chivo Freestone’s City Grill Giammalvo’s Market Jewelry Express Longhorn Steakhouse Mermaid Seafood Restaurant & Grill Monster Mini-Golf No Problemo Taqueira Panera Bread Peking Garden Buffet Royal II Stop & Shop Style Lab Sunrise Bakery The Symposium Family Dining Tilia’s Cafe & Restaurant Week Without Violence volunteers Sizzlin’ Salsa Dance Party volunteers - committee Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority Dr. Portia Bonner Nancy Hawes Kerri Quinlan-Zhou Tom Quirke Fran Pimental Jerry Pinto - Safe Zones Captain Timothy Sheehan Dr. George Smith UMASS Dartmouth Women’s Resource Center volunteers Red Dress Fashion Show & Silent Auction volunteers - committee Carolina Africano Courtney Duarte-Souto Valentina Martinez Shawnai Matos Rita Ribeiro Marie-Frances Rivera Kathleen Stykowski Marline Cupidson Rosita Maeks-Anderson SueAnne Delorey sponsors Brian Mello Music/Flamenco Soul Bufftree Building Company Nicole Almeida Ashley Bendiksen Christine Coelho Fern Gonsalves Councillor Jane L. Gonsalves Mali Lim Victoria Moniz Ine Ogagan Renate Oliver Gale Williams Eusie Zane volunteers Marline Cupidson Rosita Maeks-Anderson sponsors BankFive BMC HealthNet Plan Litman Architecture Sylvia Group of Insurance Agencies Vantage In Philanthropy donors Airport Grille Anne Whiting Real Estate Arthur Moniz Gallery Aubertine Lopes Funeral Home Autumn Glen of Dartmouth Azaria Tanning Spa, Inc. Benjy’s Jewelers Best Buy Black Bass Boston Bruins Boston Celtics Boston Red Sox Café Europa Café Funchal Caravela Restaurant Century House Chiropractic USA at Faunce Corner Cobblestones Restaurant Coelho’s Liquors Councillor Debora Coelho Melissa Costa Costa Brothers Masonry, Inc. Creative Color & Hair Design Councillor Kathy Dehner DRE Designs Dr. Joseph J. Dowling Family Chiropractic Center, Inc. Folia Fresca Grille Andrew T. Gallagher Councillor Jane L. Gonsalves Hawthorn Florist & Gift shop Howland Place Fitness Joseph Abboud Joseph’s Hair Design JTJ Productions Longhorn Steakhouse Mayor Scott Lang Monaghan Printing Company Councillor Linda Morad Morency Floors New England Patriots Joshua Oliveira Old Westport Beer and Wine PACE/Youthbuild Panera Bread Paw Sox Phyliss’ Touch of Class Pontes Family Pires Family Providence Bruins Salon 187 Councillor John Saunders Sid Wainer and Son Slumber Parties by Athena Southcoast Hospitals Group Therapeuatic Massage of Dartmouth Trio Truesdale Cardiology Associates, Inc. Vinny T’s Restaurant Tangles Hair Design Vantage Realty Group Waterfront Grille Westport Rivers Winery Sweet Indulgence volunteers Becky Botelho, Candi’s Corner Melissa Costa, Mary Kay Joan Davignon, Reiki Joan Estrella, Reiki Aimee Fernandes, Mary Kay Brenda Gomes & Team, The Polished Look Madeline Gregory, Healing Heart Massage LaBaron Hairdressing Academy Melissa Leite, Mary Kay Pauline Miller & Lilly Miller, Pauline’s Palm & Card Reading Grace Naumowicz, Reiki Trudy Radcliffe, Reiki Judith Rego, Reiki Susan J. Sylvia, Shanti Yoga and Wellness Pat Stinson, Reiki donors Artisan Kitchen Chocolate com Pimenta Dunkin Donuts Stephanie Matson, Anjali Yoga & Wellness New Bedford Public School Committee Panera Bread Shipyard Gallery Sigma Iota Alpha Women of Distinction volunteers - committee Nicole Almeida Jan Baptist Yolanda Dennis Diane Gilbert Councillor Jane L. Gonsalves Mali Lim Jacqueline Bonfiglio-Naja Ine Ogagan Pam Pollock sponsors Amerprise Financial Bristol County Women’s Journal Jacqueline’s Advances Skin Care Therapy Women’s Fund of Southeastern MA donors Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford G & G Designs Councillor Jane Gonsalves Greater NB Regional Vocational Technical High School - Visual Design Students Holy Family - Holy Name School How On Earth, The Store Nails by Sarah New Bedford Antiques at Wamsutta Place Our Sisters’ School So Very Vintage Moira Tierney, Esq. The Cottage The Women In You United Front Homes General Operations volunteers Carolina Africano, Esq. Nicole Almeida Jan Baptist Tammy Beckman Marline Cupidson Yolanda Dennis Dr. Darrel Hoagland Mali Lim Victoria Moniz Ine Ogagan Lena Pires Jacquelyn Ramos Brandi Rezendes Rita Ribeiro Marie-Frances Rivera Mihai Tripp Neal Weiss Marcia Williams donors Brewer Banners Catherine Bourassa Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts-Rainy Day Fund Gail Fortes Mattapoisett Women’s Club Athena M. G. Mota and Gregory M. W. Mota Symphony Shop grantors/foundations Enable Hope Foundation Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation Island Foundation Olive Higgins Prouty Foundation income/expenses YWCA Southeastern MA FY 2010 auditited figures completed 10/20/10 by Hodgson, Pratt and Associates FY2010 FY2009 $ Change REVENUE Contributions, Gifts, Legacies, Bequests & Special Events Grants 78,170 121,006 -42,836 484,642 333,086 151,556 Program Service Fees 464,714 385,783 78,931 Investment Revenue 23,431 -39,800 16,369 Other Revenue 8,875 15,992 7,117 1,059,832 816,067 243,765 Admnistration (Management & General) 127,757 155,823 -28,066 Fundraising 101,818 100,120 1,698 Total Program Services 671,647 710,719 -39,072 TOTAL EXPENSES 901,122 966,662 -65,440 EXCESS (Deficit) 158,610 -150,595 8,015 TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES balance sheet YWCA Southeastern MA FY 2010 audit completed 10/20/10 by Hodgson, Pratt and Associates BALANCE SHEET 2010 2009 $ Change ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 145,259 21,423 123,836 Accounts Receivable 53,312 46,639 6,673 Total Current Assets 198,571 68,062 130,509 Pledges Receivables 25,291 29,691 -4,400 Endowment 165,940 147,887 18,053 Prepaid Assets 6,934 1,591 5,343 1,072,114 -17,264 1,451,586 1,319,345 132,241 Accounts Payable 59,939 82,249 -22,310 Accrued Expenses 23,570 28,658 -5,088 Line of credit 88,726 88,056 670 Other current liabilities 1,644 1,285 359 Total Current Liabilities 173,879 200,248 -26,369 Long Term Liabilities 396,000 396,000 0 Total Liabilities 569,879 596,248 -26,369 Equity 881,707 723,097 158,610 1,451,586 1,319,345 132,241 Fixed Assets, net of accumulated depreciation 1,054,850 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY testimonials widowed persons program “I became a widow in July 2005, and was saved from despair by the comfort and understanding of the group. My health was compromised as I lost several pounds and all hope of a normal life again, only among these compassionate people who had experienced similar grief, could I slowly begin to heal my mind and body. I was offered literature on the grieving process while I attended every meeting at the center and the YWCA under the direction of Joan Yotides. It was very important to feel a sense of friendship and bonding of people who knew my profound sadness. In time, I found a friend in the group to share a closer relationship. We still attend regular meetings to share hope that life can once again have joy out of the darkness of times. I will never know how I would have survived without the guidance of the group. There is only praise and thanks for my renewed life.” --Mrs. M.A. Domingos residential services wellness for women & girls “YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts runs a “I attended a YWCA ENCOREplus health presentation in a Fall River church. The residential program that accepts women from information was very helpful about annual mammograms and exams. Later on, all walks of life. In the past year, the YWCA I had my physical. The physician told me that since I was over 70 years old, and has been in partnership with The Women’s according to the new guidelines, I did not need a yearly mammogram and that I Center of New Bedford and the New Bedford could now go every other year. I knew that at the presentation we were told that Housing Authority to assist low-income women mammograms should be done annually and I asked for a physical exam. The with affordable housing. Without the worries physician proceeded with a clincal breast exam, at which time he said that a mass of being able to have a roof over their heads, was felt, and he was sending me for a mammogram. I was diagnosed with an many of the women in our residential program early stage of breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy, and did not need chemotherapy are able to focus on other issues such as or radiation. I was then told if I had waited another year for a mammogram the sobriety, work, school and rekindling family diagnosis might have been quite different. Without this program, I would not have relationships. As a staff of the residential known that I needed an annual exam and mammogram.” -- “Mrs. V” age 71 program I was so pleased to have kept contact medical transportation services with several residents. Many have stopped by “It eases the worries of people who have no other means of transportation as to say thank you or just to let you know that to how they would get to their important medical appointments. I could never they are still moving forward and they haven’t afford to pay for a cab to get there.” --Mrs. Baptista forgot the services that have been so helpful to them. Others have made generous donations “With the medical center located in Dartmouth it creates a hardship in keeping all to let other women know that they have been in the appointments. I truly appreciate what you have done for me.” --Mrs. Rosa similar situations and to pay it forward.” youth services Girls Exclusive achieved their goal of going to New York City for shopping and a show. They saw West Side Story and really enjoyed it. The girls felt empowered by deciding on a common goal, researching the costs, and raising funds to make it happen. Teen Talk had a visit from Miss Black Teen USA, who spoke to them about positive self image and achieving their goals. The girls enjoyed Teen Talk so much that many of them signed up for Girls Giving and Growing. “My daughter absolutely loves this program. I have seen such a change in her since the beginning. She’s motivated and actually wants to be out and about with you guys rather than sitting in the house. I would like to get her involved in more of your programs.” --Gloria “I love Girls Giving and Growing because it’s all girls. I can be silly and have fun and not have to worry about the boys making fun of me.” --Mariah, age 10 “If it wasn’t for Girls Giving and Growing, I would be home doing nothing. My mom doesn’t have much money for me to do things and here I get to do everything. I even got to go to Water Country for the first time!” --Jessica, age 12 “I got to meet Lt. Governor Tim Murray. That was so cool! He listened to what I had to say about healthcare and community centers. It made me want to get more involved with politics.” --Krystal, age 11 YWkids School Age Program offers stability during many different situations the family may face. One mom enrolled her daughters when she and her husband separated and she needed childcare while she was working. The girls’ father was in the military and was deployed to Iraq. Staff at YWkids helped the girls deal with the sadness and anxiety they were experiencing by listening and having students draw pictures and send letters to the father. When he returned to the U.S., the family reunited and no longer qualified for subsidized child care. However, each summer, the girls enroll in the YWkids program during the summer because they enjoyed it and mom appreciated how much we had helped them out in a time of need. ywca board of directors ywca staff President Jan Baptist Vice President Tammy Beckman Treasurer Marcia Williams Assistant Treasurer Marie-Frances Rivera Clerk Lena Pires Carolina Africano, Esq. Nicole Almeida Yolanda Dennis Mali Lim Victoria Moniz Ine Ogagan Rita Ribeiro Ex-Officio Gail M. Fortes Gail M. Fortes Catherine Bourassa Athena M. G. Mota Executive Director Director of Programs and Services Director of Advocacy and Communications administrative services: Lisa Calvano Director of Finance Linda Larsen Office Manager Annamarie LopesAdministrative Assistant Linda RoseReceptionist Jack Davis Facilities Manager Dave PiresCustodian Domingo Quinones Custodian youth services: Kathryn Nunes Coordinator of Teen and Support Services Lucinda ColÓn Girls Exclusive Assistant Shawneen Fyock YWkids Site Coodinator Natasha Iraheta Kindergarten Coordinator Karina Andrade YWkids Group Leader DeAnn Gyukeri YWkids Group Leader Iris Ruiz YWkids Group Leader Beatrize Valerius YWkids Group Leader Shirley Houtman YWkids Clerical Support wellness for women and girls: Ana Silva Outreach Specialist Valentina Martinez Outreach Specialist adult services: Joan Yotides Widowed Persons Director women’s collaborative project: Candy RoysterResident Assistant 20 South Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 For info on our programs & services, please call: 508-999-3255 or go to: www.ywcasema.org
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