Issue #12 - Fuglymaniacs
Issue #12 - Fuglymaniacs
12 J u l yl - 5 , 2 0 0 8 rffiffiffiffiffi1ffii revrews: GodForbid,Heartof Sun,JudasPriest,Kreator,Saint,Sodom for more reviews, interviews and links to hear theseand other bands: www.myspace. com/th Ibu||etin emeta rnetalbands:get in touch for demo/albumreviewsandpossibleinterviews guythetitlehedidn't whenwetoldanother if it was hearusandasked "Killor blood". called Andfromthatdayit didn't haveanylyrics I likealbumswitha lot of songs,especially if it'sfaststuff,like21 untilwe recorded it for the album.Whenwe didit liveandon the Lucifers'"ln the Nameof...."Thereare some 17 tracksof demoweimprovised. Sothereisn'tthatmuchmeaning those behind blastingdeathlthrash/grind/whatever: fast, thrashing,blasting words. You'dbesurprised screamgrowling. howditferent the songscan I havenoideawhoor whatdoesthekilling in "Killing at will" be,though.Onesongwill startwith explosive ragescreaming sinceI wrotethemusic,cameup withthetitlebutnottherestof the andblasting, thenthe nextonewill startwithfrenzieddemolition lyrics.Erikis utterlyresponsible for whoor what'srunning around furygrowlingand faster blasting.But seriously,it's hard to knocking people of in thoselyrics.Andaccording to himalllyricson believethat thereis actuallysomehints of melodyamidthe the albumarementto be interpreted by the listener of course, chaosstormhowling,includingsomeguitarsoloing.Truthbe buttheyaregenerally reflections mightdo (andsome of whatpeople told, it's blastingattackafter blastingattackthroughoutthe are already doing)whenthoughts, frustration andwordsaboutour wholealbum.Someof the riffingcan sounddeathor thrashor sickworldturnsintoaction. joy of blasting, blackmetal.Nice,pleasant butdistinctive. Thisis far from beinga blur, as the songsstandfine on their own. Howdo you knowwhena ritf is goodfor yourband?Haveyou Definitely of interest,if you like blastingspeed.Bandmember evercomeup with riffs that you likea lot, butthatyou cannot Lindhdecidedto get in touchwith his morepatientside and useforthisband? responded thus. Personally it'sjusta feelingI get.Usually I writea riffandworkon it fora while,maybel'll putit together withsomeotherriffto seehow ii.'rrt*orf is a goat holdingan open book and in the theyworktogether. AndwhenI feelthatthismightbe something to background thereis wargoingon.Whenyoulookat theartwork, continue working on l'llmakedamnsurethatl'llremember whatI've whatdoesit sayto you? beendoing. Toomanysongideashavefoundthemselfin thedrain Thefirstthingthecover"says"to me personally is: Thisis notthe justbecause I'veforgotten whatthehellI wasdoingthelasttimeI coverI wanted, butat thisstageI can'tbebothered. Thestorybehind wasworking onthatparticular one.Andjustasmanysongshavemet thatstatement is asfollows. Wehada complete lay-out whenwewent thesamefatebecause I'verealized wasa thatthe songI thought in to thestudio to record thealbum. Sleeve, booklet, masterpiece oneday,thenextdaysuckworsethantheentireVenom wasmadefroma P. Grsn,painting the sameguywhodid lotsof backcatalog puttogether. gotenough Andwhenyou've rifffora tune albumarta fewyearsago.SomeHypocrisy albums andat leastone youplayit abouta milliontimesuntilyougeta feelfor whichparts DimmuBorgirfor example. Andafterbeingroyallyscrewed by two workandwhichpartsdeserve to be takenout thebackandshot, labels(that doesn'tdeserveto be mentioned in any form of alternatively rearranged of course or rewritten. Duringthatprocess publication) wesigned withPulverised Thebigmanhimself, youstumble Records. on riffsthatyoulikebutarejustnotsuitedfor Lucifers thebossof thelabel,likedthecoverwebrought to thetableandwe andthat'swhythedevilinvented sideprojects. agreed to useit.Butforsomereason heallof a sudden his changed mind.The coverart wasn'tgoodenoughand he wantedto get Wouldyou say that "HateWill Prevail,""HopeFades,"and somebody elseto redotheentirelay-out. Afterpondering a whileover "Despair" yourstateof mindor theopposite? represent whya coverthatonedaywasgreat, thenextdayturned in to crap,we It'sneither a description of usnoris it theopposite. Weareallmoreor agreedto hissuggestion. So we checked outsomenewartistsand lessfilledwithdespair andconvinced andthat thathatewillprevail decided to go withtheguysthat,amongst madethealbumart hopeisjusta feeling others, thatyoueventually realizes isa fading sensation. for LengTch'es"Theprocess Andaftera fewweeks ButI don'tthinkweareanydifferent of elimination". ihananybody elsethathaseyes the artistpitched an ideato us thatwe likedandthenhe started to seewithanda mindwithaverage Theworldis a thinking capability. working onit. shittyplaceandit's not gettingany betterandour lyricsis just a Thanks to ourluckwiththeprevious labelsweweresigned reflection of thatfact. Alsoourmusicis of theangrysortso it'sonly to thealbumwasat thisstageovertwoyearsoldandstillunreleased.logical thatourlyricsareof thesamenature. AndsincethehailSatanSo afterwaiting almostanother 6 months forthenewcoverit finally stuffsnotourbagweturnto thesunounding hatred forinspiration. arrivedandhadbasically nothing to do withtheideathe artisthad pitched. Thiswasa completely different coverandin my personal Whatwerethe first metalalbumsyou got intowhenyou were opinion notverygood.Sowewentfroma coolP.Grsncoverto a cool young?Do you still likethosealbums?Howdid you get into ideainvolving a picture of an oldreligious familyandsomecheepto metal,througha friendor a brother? endupwitha horned hamster reading infrontof a shittywar-scenario.Prettystandard stuff...I thinkthe firstmetalalbumI boughtwas Wehavenolyricstouching onthesubject ofwar,that'sBoltThrowers Maidens "Powerslave" "Ridethelightning", or maybe can'tremember. thing. I do remember the firstCD I boughtand thatwas Slayers"Hell But now it had beenaboutthreeyearssincethe albumwas awaits". ButbeforeI bought I listened to themusicI hadeverything recorded andwaiting another 6 months fora newcover didn't feellike copiedontocassette fromfriendsthatboughtthe actualalbum, an option. Sothat'swhythere's an evilrodent thatlikesto studyon Nothing original on thosetapeseither, andso somePriest, Sabbath thecoverofourdebut album. on,Before themetaldaysit wasZZTopandBruce allthe Springsteen way.Butin themideiqhties I moved to a newtownandgotintometal What is your perspective on songslilre"Kill or Blood"and thank toa friend of mine "Killingat Will"?Whatdidyouhavein mindhere? Andofcourse I stilllisten to theclassics andI would saythatalmost Killor bloodwasoneof thefirstsongswritten forthebandthatin everyalbumhas agedgracefully exceptthe Manowar's thosedayswerecalledGridlocked lt waswrittenby our original painfully clearto me nowadays thatthoseflatulent always bastards drummer BJ andwasmeantto be nothing morethana grind-tunehaveandstillsucks. Andof course nottomention Venom. ln mybook "Killforblood" clocking in undera minute. lt wasoriginally but youcan'tclaimtobethemostevilshitontheplanet, called takeit allbackby it wasjustanimage claming evil andthenclaiming thebetheultimate it justhappened withtherapid again.I suspect to occurcoincidently disappearing of zeroson themembers Suchantics bankaccounts. combined withthefactthattheirmusicis shitputsthemontopof the listofoverrated inneedof a swiftmercy killing. bands sound;the othermajorelements of the soundis thetraditional, Swedish, melodicriffsandsolos.Theresultscomein realfast:it doesn'ttake longto seethat the albumgetsbetterwith each listen,practically embedding itselfin thelisteners' mind. Peter(bass)explainsa bit aboutthe band in this interview. In addition, he saysthatthissummer theywill release the follow-upwith some interesting new elements, including making the band'ssound"muchmorebrutal,darkerandfaster." Since,in reality, thebandis fastwiththeirblastbeats, Peteradds, "Well,the musicis alreadyprettyfast,but we wantedto do the musicmoretechnical, in our butstillkeepsomeof themelodies concept, butthe melodies we havenowis notthat"happy"ason theolderalbums, theyalsohavesomeEgyptic vibes,littlein the direction of deathmetalbandNile."www.coldexistence se Whatis a metalbandor a metalalbumthatyou likethatpeople wouldbesurprised thatyoulike?! Welllet'sopenthecloset andlettheskeletons out.I don'tthinkpeople areespecially listento surprised overthefactthatmetalmusicians morethanjusttheextreme stuff.In my caseI'mtakingsomeheat overthefactthatI likethefirstAvantasia-album. Andmaybeeven I'mto moreembarrassing, thefirstRhapsody album.Butnowadays oldto careandtryto uphold someimageof beingmoremetalthana mutated steelmill.My hat'sof to thosewhoeat,breathandsleep metalbutI personally Leonard needsomeBeatles, Cohenor Eddie How has the album been receivedin your country? pretty goodin Sweden, TheEssence havebeenreceived Meduza thenit'supto the HiMauriciol onceina while. Goodmusicisgoodmusic, butcouldbeenbetter if thedistribution in in Europe hadbeingbetter, individual todealwiththeclassification. the rest of Europeand USA the albumget.skillerreviews. Whatareyourthreefavoritefoodsfromwhereyou live?What We havesigneda newrecorddealwiththeUS labelOpenGrave Records for ournextalbum"Sombre release datewillbe in Gates" thesefoodslike?Whatkindof drinksgo withthem? hardto namea favorite. July 2008.Afterthat we have someplansfor a Europetour. Wellif wearejusttalking Falun thenit'spretty Andthat'snotbecause there'to muchto chosefrom.Onthecontrary Whichcamefirst: basically Youhavea songcalled"TheColdExistence." markon themapof foodsconsists of ourFalukorv, Faluns justa sausage I don'tthinkthatwehaveso the bandnameor the song?Doyouthinkthatthis is bestsong withnotthatmuchflavor. whichis thinly on the album to call it the name of the band? I likeGravlax of Sweden. manydishes thatis typical Butthebandis is a DAMN oldsong..hehe! dill, Well,TheColdExistence (youseason thefishwithsalt,blackpepper, sliced, cold"gravad" personal is thetitletrack album even older. My favourite song on that sugarandverylittlewaterandyoulet it sit for a coupleof days) "The music Essence" to create because on that track the band starts mustard, sugar, water, witha coldsaucemadeof Served salmon. more harder,fasterand less of that A kindof thick in the right direction, vinegar andmoredill.ThenI wouldsay Pannbiff. melodies. Ournewalbumwillbe muchmoredark Andyou Gothenburgstyle unions. andfinelychopped hamburger madewithmustard jam, and brutal andlingonberry of fried,slicedunions eatit witha sickamount Andon the meatballs. ThenI'lljusthaveto go withthe Swedish Yoursongsin generalhavesomeniceguitarsolosandriffing. question isalways beer,sweetbeer. ofdrinks theanswer World"is just oneexample of the coolsolos.Wereany "Cynical studio? in the composed these solos of Anylastcomments? songs at all in our like have solos well we not a band that to Haha, are idea I've no moment At the in theLucifers. Thanx a lotfortheinterest the on nice melodies some honest. case we try to build be In that to for about is in the states got planned Tobbe currently since whatwe as and guitars in our songs some solos instead. But sure, we have this all over scattered members are the And the rest of months. three And recording. roombefore oftenwecreatethesolosin ourrehearsal country ofours. oblong '08sincethis livewe tryto playthemas on therecording, bestthatway sounds I doubtthattherewillbe a newalbumoutin at all(aslooksto bethe andif it isn'tpromoted onewasjustreleased that you thinkthat life is on our Yourlyricscan givethe impression in remaining caserightnow)| don'tthinkwe'reinterested playing fit intowhatyou do with metal does potential meaningless. How a to releasing label.Butwhoknowsl'mno stranger current you your winters cancreatefeelingsof long life? Do think that making we're not like lt's onthenetforfreedownloading. newalbum depression? So anyway. anymoney He lifeingeneral. about thoughts cameoutfromthesingers it andif theylikeit gettheirassto a gig Thelyrics download whynotletpeople guy, but the world today is kinda or is not kinda depressed Checkus out on andmaybebuya t-shirt. here canmakeyoudepressed, thewinter Ofcourse it'llbe depressed..hehe. happens of importance lf anything myspace.coml2llucifers. people in year I think half the outside. darkandcold THE overis almost Havea goodone,friends.Lindh 2l Lucifers there. mentioned better feel countries tropical END-------of thePast,"the part thaton "Shadows mentioned Hasanybody soundsa bit like "l feelthis sorrowit's buildingup inside..." Hetfield? release James is a well-rounded by TheColdExistence "TheEssence" to tryclean blastingand guttural Ooohyeah!Wasjusta thingwe didforfun,wewanted coveringseveralfields:the thrash/death, basically, vocals of thePastis thebandsfirst Shadows in thatsong,actually growlingterritoriesis a major area emphasized, "Damn, just this song'friendly songever..haha! Andweall saidthatwhilerecording providing of the band'smemorable, thefoundation pretty sounds like the mighty James Hetfield"Cool...Eeeeh? muchdormant andnothing muchisgoingon,although I amstill activein doingas muchpromotion In Renewed as I canfor'Devils Whenplayingin frontof an audience, it's prettyeasyto feedotf Birth'. As of rightnow,wearejustwaiting In Renewed forthe'Devils the energyof the crowd.But how do you get in the right Birth'cassette taperelease fromCanada's which TotalDeath Records probably mentality to recordin thestudio? should is a seethelightof dayanytime now.Thisrelease Well, recording in studiois anotherthing then playinglive, limited edition version andwillbe released in 150hand-numbered TO geta goodresultyoumuststayalert.Themostimportant is to copies, whicha brandnewartwork by French artistK. anda new rehearsal thematerial logobylegendary overandoveragainbefore entering thestudio. Raspatul logomaster Christophe Szpajdel. Because whenyouhavebeenin thestudio forsomehours, WhenAyimpassed andstart that away,it wasa unanimous decision to getdizzyin yourheadyoualsostartto forgetyoursongs..haha.Raspatul willnotfinda replacement fora singer spot.Ayimwasthe lmportantto get a good nights sleep and eat proper. singer pointless sincetheveryfirstdayandit wastotally forusto get another singer, andwhichalsoexplains whyRaspatul is no longer ls "Observation" aboutextraterrestrials asa liveband, or is it aboutsomething active butrather a studio bandaswespeak. else?Eitherway,it's prettycreepy,likea horrormovie.Wasit inspired by movie?! "Devilsin Renewed a Birth"is theonlycd I haveheard.Howmany AlsoObservation is DAMNoldandthelyricsarebadin it if youask cdshaveyoureleased andwhataretheycalled? me.At thattimebackin 99 whenwe wrotethatsongwe thought it We havereleased 2 otherofficial CDsin ourdiscography, namely wouldbecooltowriteaboutaliens orsomething likethat,i don'thave 'Menghitung Ajal'and 'ThePerfect RealmOf Jharkyannarkh'. But a better answer on whatyouarehearing that lyric..hahahaha! on 'Devils In Renewed Birth' isjusta collection of all the songson 'Menghitung Ajal'and'ThePerfect RealmOf Doyouthinkthatthe musicyou playhasan age:do youthink Jharkyannarkh'. Tworeasons whywehavedecided to compile allthe thattwentyyearsfromnow,likein 2028,yourmusicwill sound songswe haverecorded intoa CD;bothourprevious were releases silly to you? DoesSlayer's"ShowNo Mercy"or Metallica's released on CD-Rformat, dueto thefactthatwe do nothavethe "Kill'em All" sound immature to you nowadays? financial capabilities to release themin professional andso CDformat No,i thinkbothSlayer andMetallica Inspiring many I feltthatwe did notgivethemthejustice arecoolbands. Andthe theydeserved. bandstoday.Old metal is often betterthen all this new otherreason wasthatsinceAyimhadleftus in thisway,wefeltthat 'Devils grindcore/hardcore newmetal shit. by releasing In Renewed Birth'wouldbe theperfect wayto All genreshavean age,but metalas SlayerandMetallica never retain theRaspatul legacy as it was,andthatwouldbeto haveit in a disappear Asournewalbum willbemoreinspired fromoldbands like professional CDformat. Obituary, Morbid angel and Slayer. Thelegendary JamesMurphy in to handle wasbrought the mastering for 'DevilsIn Renewed gaveall our Birth',whoactually Last job withthe comments? songsa muchfresher sound.Jamesdid an amazing Check outournewalbum"Sombre in mastering whenit willbe relased Gates" andwecouldnotbemuchhappier withthefinaloutcome of July2008. Andhopetoseeyouontourin Europe laterthisyear. theproduction. Cheerz Peter/The ColdExistence WhatwasAyimlikeasa person? THEEND Whendidyoumeethim? - Ayimwasprobably Calvin Raspatul theperson I wasclosest to in t h eb a n dl.k n e wR a s p a tbual c ki n 1 9 9 9w h e nl w a s p l a y i nwgi t h another bandcalledDeviant, andso I am notoneof the original members in Raspatul. Ayimwasreallya quietperson and by nature unless hewaswitha groupof goodfriends, or elsehewouldbejust inthebackground. AyimandI talktoeachothera lotallthe Calvin(guitarring) hereexplainsthe importantinfo aboutthe byhimself be the most bandRaspatul. "Devilsin Renewed Birth"is the albumCalvinis time,and the timesI had with him will definitely timesof mylife.lf anyone knewAyimin person, hewas talkingabout.Thisalbumhasa coolunderground feelthattakes unforgettable its cue from classicthrashand death.The riffingis compact, likea clownandwouldoftencrackjokes.Butat thesametime,and elseI would say,hewould havea weirdattitude whenever instant-impact, tightstuff.Thevocalsaregrowled, with likeanyone scowled, he was in a bad mood. But sad to say, the last few months before a slighttouchof that vomit-feeling. Fun!And the drumming passed Ayim personal away, all of us were very busy with our own soundsorganic, hardhitting,andin-your-face, not clickyat all. wasduring our Thecd hasa quotefrom Jeff Becerrafrom Possessed saying livesandtheonlytimewherewe couldgettogether I didn'tget to talkto Ayimso muchlikebeforeand thatRaspatul "havea uniquesoundthatis alltheirown,butyet rehearsals. sometimes hewouldmissourrehearsal sessions because of hisshift in thetruestveinof underground metal". workhours. Thereyougo.Jeffknows.Nowwedo. Ayimis definitely oneof thebestMetal in ourscene singers Note:Raspatul's vocalistAyim died in 2005in a motorcycle here and anyone who had heard him sing live attest can to that.He gives accident. Calvin anupdate onthebandhere. usedto saythathe is theleastimportant person in thebandbuthe wassowrong. Notonlywashea greatsinger, healsohada greatear Whatis thecurrent situation withtheband? - Hi Mauricio, senseforsongarrangements. Ayimis truly CalvinRaspatul it's a greatpleasure doingthis forgoodriffsanda strong asa fellow bandmate andmostimportantly, asa friend. interview forMetalBulletin! Well,thecurrent is missed situation of Raspatul Butthefactis thatno one Howdidyougetintometalin yourcountry?Didyouhavefriends Bandcamehereto playin Singapore, follows actually whenmostgigsareheldindoors. thisban,especially intometalor wasit yourparents? Theclosest andmostserious encounter thatwe hadwas It's reallystrange because I got in Metalwithoutanyoneelse's country Malaysia. A fewyears ago,therewasan influence andI justdecided to explore thisformof musicby myself. fromourneighboring where thinkthat issuewiththeBlackMetalmovement happening in Malaysia Beingin Singapore whereit'sa country thatmostpeople Metal a number of people fromtheMalaysian Metalmusicdoesnotexist;therereallywasn'tanyonearoundmy therewerereportedly thelslamic holybookcalledthequran. Thereweren't intoMetalat all.Backthen,therewasn'tCDformat scenedefiling circleof friends yet,so I wouldgo hunting happened the onwhatreally butbecause ofthisincident, for Metalcassette tapesat anywhere manydetails government in the Metal Malaysian wenton a raidto trackdownthepeople available andtherewereonlya fewshopsthatsoldExtreme scene andtheyhadblacklisted a bigamount of bands thatwere Theurgeto buyMetal anaddiction Metal stuff. cassette tapeswasdefinitely anti-religious or were involvedin the quran-defiling or most considered andbackthen,I justwanted to getholdof themostextreme Forquitea while,the entireMalaysian Metalscenewas at the cover incident. brutalstuffavailable and sometimes by just looking justbuyitl Butit wasa greatlesson without formeas I got stagnant muchgigshappening in thecountry or theyhadto I would artworks, really genres holdgigsin a verydiscreet manner. Butnow,things aresortof tounderstand thedifferent of Metalveryquickly. will my backto normal againandI believe thatincidents likethisusually to support My parents wereabsolutely thelastpeople do anything shocked tidedownaftera while.Thegovernment can'tpossibly formof music. Infact,whenI wasyoung, theyweretotally Metal scene. andconfused astowhyI waslistening to thisformof musicthatthey muchaboutit,orsomuchasto wipeouttheentire to kickmeoutof the couldnotunderstand andtheyeventhreatened givenuponit and For"Breaking" Ayimsaysthathe hatesgod.Whatabouttherest house, believe it ornot.Butnow,theyhaveentirely phasein mylife.Thereare of theband? theyknowthatMetalis notjusta growing question, mostof the earlierin theprevious whyI amstillso muchintoMetal LikeI havementioned whocannot understand stillpeople just topics that Ayim or themanmusic, speaks about are usually anti-religious aboutthe at myageandallI cansayis thatMetalis not not too made theories religions. I am lot of behind everything organized a it my way of seeing it's also a lifestyle and also changes but howHisham sureabout feelsaboutreligion, butI personally or Fadzlly inperspective. things havemyownexperiences withreligions I wasbornintoa so-called years,I haverealised christian familyand sincemy teenage the Whatareyourplansfor 2008and2009? behind religion. I do believe thatreligions arejusta formof 2008is prettymucha verybusyyearfor me andnowthatwe are hypocrisy reliance in theirlives, whena person feelsemptyor unfulfilled halfway 2008,timereallyfliesman.Therehadbeen mental almost through for thatbypraying plansforRaspatul spiritual andthinking andwe spokeabout andthustheyseeksomething to record somenewmaterial you your feel makes them what want committed sins, it had or confessing Records label Sombre 2008.Our Obskure thisduringJanuary in a certain way.I haveno interest in discussing aboutreligion for probably a better interests in wanting showed us to recordnewmaterial in another higher being thatcansaveor heal I donotbelieve Therewasno promise on ourside,butthisis because vinylor a CDrelease. that muchlessprayforwhattheywant.Everything lieswiththe themmiraculously, something thatwe wouldliketo do, but the problem is allfromthehardworkthatwe or haveachieved aroundour lives.I am verymuchbusywithPulverisedwewantto achieve schedule hadachieved so far areall and havedone.Do youthinkwhatRaspatul ( Records Notto thinkthatwe areevena bigbandor anything, doingthe label frompraying? andcurrently is just butit'sjustsheerhardworkthatcounts. Records full-time. lt'sjustinsanesometimes thatPulverised just partner lotof we have a Roy me, and by my and beinghandle Hisham andFadzlly haveotherbands? of workthat DoCalvin, theamount bandsunderourroster, so youcanimagine playin someproject BothHisham bandsfromtimeto andFadzlly needs tobedone. withright goalto getsomenew time,andI am nottoosurewhichbandstheyareplaying 2009wouldbea morerealistic Maybe I Records, beingreallybusywithPulverised band, now.Asforme,besides willstayas a studio I guess. SinceRaspatul material recorded finishingup my new band'salbumcalled plansrightnowand the singerspotwillbe am also currently so thereare already is basically an all-star bandof somesorts, Obliterhate instead. Also,therewillbe somebig Obliterhate. fromanother country someone production guys (Nightingale, Of Sanity,exDan ex-Edge with like Swano of side the forsureeither in theartwork andeven names ex-Obituary), Bloodbath) on vocals, JamesMurphy(ex-Testament, things. (Sigh, (ex-Dying Fetus)on drums, MiraiKawashima ErikSayenga (Dragonlord, exRamirez and Derrick on keyboards etc,) in your Necrophagia) Do you have problems(with the government, Testament) on bass.I myselfwillhandleall the rhythmandlead of themusicyouplay? countrybecause a guestguitarsoloand withJamesMurphy alsocontributing thatweplayandit's guitars, aboutthemusic Sofar,therehadbeennoissues guitar done isalmost well. The new album as doing a solo in sucha way.In DanSwano probably we aretoosmallto getnoticed because release signed 2009 pretty hopefully late 2008 or early it should for a and be we are we havea musicscenehere, eventhough Singapore, pageandno Records. We onlyhavea Myspace an underPulverised loudmusicisjustloudmusic; Andto mostpeople, muchleftalone. yet, at: website so check us out official Black probably to a playing equivalent loud is really band alternative music different between so I thinkthecontrasts Metalbandplaying, or Anyothercomments? genrescouldbe blurred out,to peoplewhodo not understand with forconducting thisinterview to MetalBulletin thanks musicso much.Onlyin the early90's,therewasa ban As always, analyse you questions I hope great and the I hada timeanswering andtheHenryRollins Raspatul, aftertheBuzzcocks imposed on slamdancing readers willenjoytheinterview as well.Do getin touchwithme at TypeO Negative & Katatonia, I loveeverything thattheyhaveever [email protected] andI willdefinitely replyall sensible emails. done,I alsoenjoySigurRosan lslandic popband.Great depressive Cheersand havea niceone!Raspatul Domain: music todrinkwinetoandjustwander of inyourthoughts. Raspatulofficial THEEND Whatareyourguitarstunedto? Theguitars is tunedin C anditsthesameinallthesongs. Deathmetal is morebassy andevenmoredowntuned. I likea rawandcoldsound, I cantsaythatwegotthaton thealbum, whatI like,I also butthat's The albumby Vanmaktcalled"Vredskapta Md,rkersagor" is, wanta soundwhere youasa listener canhearallthetonesandwhat basically, a blasting, blasting, blastingblackmetalexposition, weplay.I hatealbums whereI can'thearwhattheyr playing. mixedwith somebriefpauses,somestop.start, combatguitar shredding, as wellthe melodicbit for dynamics and variety, Whenyoulistento thecd,areyoupleased withhowfastit is?Do Someof the moredistinguishing characteristiLs of the bandare youwantto playfasteron thenextone? its abilityto have that constantfireblastingspeedmode on I likethe songs,but l'm not reallypleased withthesound.But,it throughout andmakeit easyto getinto,so thatit is notonebig sounds greatif youthinkaboutthatI haverecorded andmixedit by trainwreckblur of hyperblasting. The guitarhas a sharp,crisp myself andonlywitha usualProToolsLEandnootherplug-ins and sound.The vocals are by far mostly blackmetalendless s00n. screaming, notscreechy, withenoughgutturalness to to appeal Ournextalbumwillbe muchfaster, andyesitsimportant a broadvarietyof peopleintodeathandblackmetal, withspeedsincewe lovefastmusicandhavea drummer thatcant Bandmember Gorgoth answered. playslowlive.So we madethedecision to makeallthenewsongs faster sothattheywontsound wierdlivecause hecantplayslow.We Howhasyouralbumbeenreceived in yourcountry?Haveyou willgrindtheassesof allotherBMbandsonournextrecord, thatsa been surprisedby the responsein other places?Are you promisel motivated to writeanother album? I actually wassurprised abouthowgoodresponse wegotin Sweden, Whatis it thatyou do in yourbandthatyouthoughtotherblack youknow, wegota lotof goodBlackmetal in thiscountry bands andI metalbandswerenotdoing? thought themarket wasoverfilledButwesoldout2 timesandhave Wehavea lotof doomy partsthatotherbands andgloomy donthave, beencontacted foralotof gigsandso on.Unfortunately, we hadto fuckin hell,we areVanmakt, allotherBlackmetal bands cankissour cancel a tourin Sweden thisautumn dueto thatourdrummer Graal asses, causewe kicktheirs. I mean,everyone is talking aboutbeing hadanoperation "true"butnooneis, everyone hasa strictlinethattheyfollow, but Sure,it feelskindaweirdwhenpeople fromThailand, South Vanmakt dontgivea crap,wedowhatwewantto whenwewantto. America andsoonwrites andlovesus.Butat thesametimewehad Nofuckin justhonest bullshit, & Hellish music filled withrealHatred! a hunch since thedemowassopopular A new albumis writtenand done,we havestarted ls yourmusicontheradioin yourcountry? rehearsing thenewsongsandas it looksof things wewillrecord this Well,notreally. Wehavebeenplayed onsomelocalstations butyou album thissummer andhopefully release it thisAutumn/Winter. know,we don'thaveanymetalstations in Sweden. Theradioover heresucksl Whatfeelingdo riffshaveto havein orderto be goodfor your music? Racismhasoftenbeenassociated withblackmetal,Doyousee Well,I actually wrote1B Songsto the "Vredskapta Morkersagor"yourselves as apolitical, moreantireligious What thananything? album andthenwedecided whichto usetogether. Sure,wechanged is youropinionof bandsthatuseblackmetalto promote racism? process someriffin therecording andsoon.I thinkthatit'simportant A realSatanist don'tcareabout"race", A realSatanist don'tpromote to haveriffsthatfitstogether andthatis aggressive. Butat thesame anything thatis relatedto racism. Thosebandsthatspreadthis timeI thinkit'sgoodto havea gloomy riffin themiddle of a songand stupidity should bebanned andkilled. getit moredynamic. Thefeeling l'mlooking forin mysongwriting is Personally I don'tcareaboutpolitics andsoon.Sure,I vote Aggresive, Hatefull musicwithan essence of Despair. I wantthe andtryto findoutwhatto votefor,buttheyneverdo whattheysay music toreflect measa person andmybelieves. thattheywilldoanyway, sonowadays I don'tgivea fuck. Howdidyougetintometal, a friendor a brother, etc.? Howdo youviewyourlyricsin relation to bandslikeVenom and Mydadhasalways listened to Hardrock likeBlackSabbath, AC/DC Mercyful Fate? andsoon,so I havelistened to thatkindof music allmylife.I guessI I don'tknow,I don'tlikeanyof thosebandsso I haveno idea,The started to listento MetalwhenI waslike10-12yearsor something,onlythingthatI cansayisthatI mean everywordthatiswritten inour andthenit wasPantera, Sepultura andsoonandthatlaterongrowed lyrics. intomoreaggressive andmorebrutal music likeEntombed when"Left HandPath" wasreleased, DAMN thatalbum isgood. Lastcomments? Thanks for thisinterview andyourinterest in Vanmakt. I thinkthat Whatis somemusicthatyoulikethatpeoplewouldbesurprised everyone should checkourmyspace andwebsite andbuyouralbum. thatyoulike?! A newsonghasbeenuploaded on myspace fromournewpromo, "Brethren of Love"i Of Lucifer" checkit outandseehowthenewshitsoundsl youwouldwritea "Ballade Nofucking way!Noroomforthatcrapin SW.Maybe A newalbum Hahahahaha!!!! and youearsin late20081THEEND we'llwritea songabouthowweloveto hate. willmassacre feel Suicidal Winds'thrash/death is playedwithsucha genuine andit comesacrosson theiralbum"ChaosRising"in a solid way.Thecombination of German thrashandclassicdeathmetal, withvarietyanddifferent album, moodsresultsin a play-it-again Emil(guitar) tooka breakfrom playingguitarto answersome questions guitar. aboutplaying HowdoesThomas(drummering) Winds? contribute to Suicidal Whatdoesthatbringto thesoundof theband? Hehaswritten somelyricslatelyandthatis really a goodthing!I also think thathisplaying stileistotally unique andI can't sayanydrummer gotideaswhenwe put whosmashes theskinslikehedo.Healways together songsandsomeof themaregreat!| alsowantyouto listen andcompare himon ourlatest us albumandon theminilp "Crush withfire"from2002. goodprogression! That's ls yourmusicplayedontheradioin yourcountry? Tv? Howdo PeterandEmilworktogether to writesongs?DoesPeter Nope, getplayed. Onlytrendfuckers justtakecareof guitarsolos?Aretheothermembers of theband involved in writingsongs? Whois LenaGoreguts? Aretheyfriends andDanielDesecrator? writing. Noonein theband of Suicidal MeandPeterdon'treallyworktogether Winds?| takeit thatLenalikesGoreguts andDaniel onour likesDesecrator? withsomeriffswe'vewritten does.Oftenwecometo rehearsal Bytheway,I amtheleadguitarist Hahaha, ownandthenputthemtogether. is anartist Lenais mygirlfriend. Daniel Shetookthephotos. player. He'sa rhythm don'tdosolos. andPeter fromChile.A verygoodone. He madethe coverof BESTIAL MOCKERYs latest album himtodooursaswell. andsowewanted Whocameup withthe songtitle"SlowlyWe Frost"?Who'sthe Obituary fanin theband? Thealbumhasa hiddentrackat the end.Wasthisyourideaor Fredrik cameupwiththattitleandme andPeterlikedit rightaway. yourrecordcompany's? to Whydoesonehaveto wait7 minutes better hearit?Whatis thesongitself? Mathias didn'tcarefor it buthe didn'tcomeup withanything OBITUARY It wasourdemented likea mixbetween thought thatintrosounded s0...I really froman lt is actually a bassline ideaaltogether. FROST andCELTIC sothat'swhythattitlecameup.Wehada good oldSwedish whichwas 70sfilmcalled"Themanwhoquitsmoking" laughI cantellyou.Justimagine thefiveof usfrosting... genius Welikethatgroove madebythelatemaster TageDanielsson. and Wewanted by Mathias in Swedish mostof themarewritten Aboutthelyrics, and youtowaitfor7 minutes fallasleep sothatyouwould intoEnglish. Hefindsthisto bea goodwayof writing thenshityourpants thentranslated whenthatthingjuststarts! Thatwastheidea. I tongue. in hisnative himself a lotdeeper lyrics sincehecanexpress Peter Thomas. also and Fredwritessometimes writesometimes, You guys lovethe classicgods like Venom,Sodom,Mercyful at Fate, Death etc.? Your music has a real down-n-dirty Rising" on"Chaos He'sgotnowriting doanything anymore. doesn't a l l h. eh eh e too.Wouldyousaythatyouwantthatsame thrash/death feeling, feeling in thesongs? What Welovethatoldschool Howmuchtouringdidyou do in 2007for "ChaosRising"? wecan'twrite feelto themusicandhonestly areyourtouringplansfor 2008? comeout.We songsin anyotherway.Thisis justthewaythesongs will don'treally forthisalbumyetbutwe hopefully Wehaven't doneanytouring wejustare, tryto beoldschool, lastyear in Germany soon.Wedidplaythetrack"Thanatophobia" of songs Sometimes a couple to likeit.Wealsoplayed andtheyseemed though arecrazy it seemsthatthe Germanmetallisteners theydo aboutthrashing/death played I think and there we last time it in from Gothenburg metallike yoursthat has that classic ofourlabel feeling. welllive.Wehopetodosomeminitourthisyearonbehalf Howhasit beenthecaseforyourband? aboutthat. Roysaidsomething Pulverised. is thateithertheyloveour kindof My impression of Germans powermetalcrapthatis popular they love that metal or oldschool Winds?ls thisa now.Youknowdragons bandsbesidesSuicidal Doyou playin different andshit.Andthoseboringguitarheroes full-time bandor a project? playing arefun... Germans notes/second. onemillion l don'tknowwhereyougotthatfrombutallof noproject, It'sdefinitely nowand Whichoneswerethe first metalbandsthatyou reallygot into, whois to bemarried Thomas except usplayin otherbands just got son. a whoalso thatyou listenedto a lot? Haveyou hada chanceto hearthe very "new"Sodomre-recordings whichis on ice andalsosomething I playin ILLNATURED of "ln the Signof Evil"andwhatdo to youthink? Similar bandcalledNESTUNES. 8-bittribute a Nintendo different: buta lot better.Fredrik, I grewup on KISSand ALICECOOPER fromyourcountry thebandMINIBOSSES and I stilllovethem' andMathias Especially Me,Fredrik haveAXISPOWERS. of "ln PeterandMathias the70sera.AndyesI haveheardthere-recordings whichis really thesignof evil"andit didn't ETERNAL asthe also havea projectcalledDOOMED forme.Justasuseless doanything and DIMMU andheavy. depressing of "StayHungry" SISTERre-recording TWISTED "Witching "Stormblist" Weontheotherhandhavea track, BORGIRs future you the in think Do Death." of whichis that Youhavewrittena "Ballade minilp "ln thesignof Sodom" Metal", on thetribute hereis of ltaly,andeverything doingonetrack We livein Lecce,in thesouth-east album re-recorded byusandfiveotherbands classic metal, whichlisten extreme Thereis notsomuchpeople complicated. Headbangers, Getthat! willbeoutsoononHell's but is hardto find thereare a few goodbands,goodmusicians, people. from2005, is reallychanged Nothing andmotivated Whatis thenameof thecityor townyou livein? ls therea good serious whenwestarted thisband, metalscene? Therearea lot Weliveonthewestcoastin a towncalledUddevalla. the conceptfor the album?lt's a bit likea horror asfarasgigsgo. Whatinspired hailing fromhere.Butnorealscene exists of bands movie, witha storyline! fromthe80'sandthefirsts especially a movie? I likedtheoldhorrormovies, Whatinspired thesonglyricsto "FreddyFlesheater"? "Stillness' thisconcept. YourbassplayerFred?ls it humanfleshor just 90's.Butonlythepainof minehasinspired Yourneighbor? in whichthe victims Blade"is a concept on a seriesof murders, chicken or cowflesh? mankind, andtheyare to human thatbelong thebaseness Hewrote represent about. Hahaha, YesFredis thenecrophiliac thatthissong_is partof theirmurderer, intohisdeepest whowilldescend flesh integrating it'shuman kindof stuff.Ofcourse, that.Helikesthatdisgusting finding them.At theendof executions abyss, hisillsandexecuting thathegrills. "soulblighter" thathisvictims willbe freefromhumanimperfection personified murder, arethesongs' and after the His thoughts, before Anylastcomments? by sonorous supported Thanks forthisinteresting interview! Really a goodone.Bytheway lyrics.In eachsongthere'san introduction happens. in thisintroduction it canbe heardhowthemurder wehavebeenrecording effects, wejustgothomefromthestudio today where weapon is used,thechoiceof each a different from In eachexecution two newtracksfor an upcoming split7" withTHRONEUM Everylittledetailhasa precise Poland. lt willbe released soon.Thenewtracksarein the"Chaos weaponhas a precisemeaning. "Chaos the placewherethe executions the steps,the victirns, onvinyl meaning. willbe released veinandsurely kills! Rising" Rising" withtheriffs,Thisproject get happen. The effects are combined sonorous thethird by thewayin 500copies. GreatlWearealsotryingto parts, precise andit willendwith "Wrath will developed in a number of Filip be The Polish bastard full-lenght of God"released on vinyl. really executor's suicide. andhisrip-off labelAgonia destroyed thatrelease Checkourmyspace deserves a goodprint.Well,thanxandcheers! and Incantation forupdates MaxSchito'svocalsarebrutal,likeSuffocation, lmmolation. Doesyourthroathurtto be makingthosesounds?! T H EE N D Howdoeshe do it for a longtime,do you havevocalexercises andtechniques? Blade withtheStillness I'ma guitarplayerfirst,I became a stnger practice project. exercises, lt with and breathing wasn't easy but First Dark is name and "The Stillness' Blade the of the band I likeso in"growl. now.I prefer the"breathe seems easier is the nameof the gameandthe gameis all about everything Chapter" younamed, theyhaveamazing singersl keeping it hyperfastand blasting and guttural. The muchthebands quality, wheregood,repetitive speed/blasting hasthattrance-like justhasto bewillingto Howdid you get intometalin yourtown?Didyou havefriends blasting Thelistener cansoundnumbing. let the blastinggameplayitselfout because the blastinggood intometalor wasit yourparents? with it bymyself I discovered theband,justmessing WelistenMetalfromwewerechildren, timesdo rollouta loton here.Inaddition, Testament andmanymore.I was Megadeth, with conventions' norms,has thesecreepy bandslikelronMaiden, rules'regulations' justin casemusical anditswickedness. by HeavyMetalwithitssoundimpact frenzywas bewitched interludes of horrorandviolence, metal,but we don't gutturaldeath We listena lot of bands,especially extreme not interesting enough.This is brutal,blasting, justfyi. despise many outside thiskind. otherbands metal, Max,guitarrring saysit'stime. andgrrrrrrwwwling, Haveyoutouredforthealbum? Turin,Rome, Yes,we dida fewmini-tours in allourCountry: Milan, Havemetallers in yourcountryreceived thealbumwell? Lecce,Bari,Taranto..we Palermo, alsodid manysingle Wearesogladfortheverygoodreviews in ltalyandin alltheworld. Messina, 2007"with likethemain-stage Festival of "Salento Summer from many concerts, We'vehad highvoteson magazines and webzines of MaxCavalera, countries. Themetallisteners likesourmusicandtheyappreciatedSoulfly thedarkmeaning behind thealbum. Whatareyourplansfortherestof 2008and2009? evenmore. play we arewriting Wehavemanynewsongs,andactually your to Whatmotivates crazydrummer, AntonioDonadeo, attheendof Hopefully, wewillenterinstudio to record thenewalbum Doeshepractice sofuriously?! everyday? other of 2009.Alsowe wantto organize Yes,hedoesit almost hehasa greatpassion 2008,or at the beginning everyday.Fortunately wearestilldoingpromotion because He'salways tours,in ltalybutevenoutside, forhisinstrument, alsowithmanyotherkindsof music. forourdebut We'llseel album. trying todohisbestpushing usonhighlevels LikeI saidbefore, we havemanynewsongsandwehopeto record everything, fortheendof'stimeto assess Whatwasthe metalscenein yourtown whenyou formedthe thenewalbum lt will aspossible. sowecanproduce thenextonemoreprofessional band?Howis it different now? and be moretechnical and faster,but withthe sameinfluences atmospheres of theprevious one.Obviously, thenextalbumwillbe thecontinuation (Misanthropic Elevation)". of"Thefirsdarkchapter Howdoyoucombine thespeedwithmelodyandvariety? We liketo be various, alternating brutalparts,glacialriffs,dark melodies andmorbid Allperfectly combined, tryingnot atmospheres. tobemonotonous. Canpeoplehearsample of yourmusicon yourwebsite? Sure,they can listentwo songsand watchsome videoson www., Whenwasthealbumrecorded? Itwasrecorded between October andNovember of 2005,andit came outonlyon November 2007fortheCanadian LabelObskure Sombre Records. for a We havewaitso longbecause we weresearching goodcontract. Thislabelisprofessional, tosign that'swhywedecided forthem, denying otheroffers. The intro"Dawnof the Creation" workswell into the song " Needless "Phophecy Priest here, to say,thisis a goodstartclassic but, to my surprise,the cd stallsfor much of the entire firstcd untilyougetto "Persecution," whichis thelastsong.As the youarereminded second cdstarts with"Solitude/Exile" whyRobhas thebestpipesin thebusiness, Hecarries thissongby himself, the "Alone" musicis slowbuthe excels. is another midtempo songbut blends wellalltheelements, I would saythatthehighlight of thiscdis thesong"TheCalmbefore theStorm/Nostradamus." lt shreds double leadguitars witha touchof midtempo doublebassdrumsalmost taking you back to Painkillerlicks but not quite., Overall, Nostradamus is slow,andtoolong.Themusic dragsasthe storyunfolds butthegoodssongsarefewandfarbetween. Thereis no shredding here,no headbanging moshpitanthems and it disappoints willgetlittleplayforthesimple reason thatit takes over a t hr and a half to listen to it. Itcouldof beena good11songcdandperfect I will forthecollection. sayI amlooking forward to seethemlivewithHeaven andHell,but mostof all,I getto seethemighty TESTAMENT at thetopof their gamel Juanl [by Heard thenewJudasPriestalbumyet?Doyoulikeit? l'msorry...but ldidn'tlisten Priest isa historic theirnewalbum. Judas fromthe Saint:CrimeSceneEarth (ArmorRecords) band, werespect them,butto behonest I prefer otherbands One song of this band is namedis "Everlasting God" and oldschool. demonstrates whattheyare: "Youaretheeverlasting God/ Youare theonewebringourpraise to/ Youaretheeverlasting God/ Youare Lastcomments? yousomuchforthisspaceyougaveus! theonewesingourpraise Wewanttothank toi Youcreated theoceans andrain/ You plain. and created thedesert .." Our official sites are: people which In this traditional, hard rock/metal, are you BOs-like Thanksto the interested likea in hearing music fora god?Theysound aboutrocking support usandourmusiclSeeyouonnextmassacre. very rockband, heresounds buttheyarerocking fora god.Themusic THEEND.-..... traditional, therhythms are"comfortable" because thebandgivestheir listeners whatthebandthinks thattheirlisteners want:riffsandsongs somewhere betweenclassicrock,hard rock and some metal Records) Heartof Sun:Heartof Sun (Nightmare moments, progrock/metal that Thisbandplaysa sortof keyboardy, midpaced By theway,in the abovesong,theydo notpresent any The album. to aninstrumental oftencangivethesensation of listening evidence view:theydeclare a god of theirmythological Christian notaggressive at all,more vocals singing, aresortof high,breathy created the worldandthinkthatsimplysayingit makesit a fact likegentle, softsinging. www.saintsite,com feelto them,astheyseem Thelyrics havea "philosophical" of lifeandother withquestions to be concerned aboutthemeaning funny/comical matterslike that.The lyricshavean anti-science perspectives, fyi. believers' leaning anda sortofdisguised Those Therearesomespacey, techno,hippiemoments. music. a bitlikeyogamusic orelevator moments sound Thisis Thisbanddoesnot"rockout"andtheydon't"jam." progrock/metal. wanting to hear People forthemorefanatic definitely like memorable, metal, willnotfindthathereandwillmostly energetic prog prog listeners, total listeners, the bored, while the especially be haveheremorethanenough to becontent. should Records, www. Nightmarecom REVIEWS DVD Nostradamus JudasPriest: albumtitle dateof thenewJudasPriest WhenI learned therelease "Nostradamus" thatif youpremyattention. Notto mention it caught plusa ticketto digi-pack edition thecd it camewitha special ordered I wasin.I masters" tour.So,of course catchthemliveonthe"metal received the cd and the packagewas greatthe art, the layout thecdandfoundaZcd everything lookgreatuptothispoint.lopened long is this thing?" set. My first thoughtwas, " 9 revrews God Forbid:Beneaththe Scars of Glory and Proqression (Centurv Media) into a pretty Through constant touringthe bandhas developed on this thisis thecasepresented efficient thrashing unit,or certainly thrash, is a definite energized dvd.Theconcert dvd(13songs) double correct. Thewholebandis up to sounding thrilled to be doingthings it'sfunto watchthecrazycrowdgetintoit. The thetask, Visually, reviews): Julv2-9(notincludinq kindof Plavlist, workis donein sucha waythatit nevergetsboring, camera (2005) Priest: Retribution Judas Angel of functions good for the show setting in a way.Theintimate veryactive, [ likeALLsongs] (1982) fun Venom: Black Metal oftheconcert. rightinthemiddle well,putting theviewer [fun, album] (1990) Raging Romance bang Secrecy: soundverymuchin thethrash Thesongs themselves [solidpower/thrash/hm] (2002)[excellent death/thrash] Desolation Diabolical soundborderlineCentinex: thrashmode.Live,themainvocals(ByronDavis) stuff!] (1999) Projector (Dallas andDoc DarkTranquillity: growling, intelligible, whrlethetwoguitars somewhat [great (2004) bm] solid Apocalyptic EndinWhite Thetightness, l.C.E.: provide as wellas theclear,vocals. Coyle) backing, [solid, (91)[thrashfolk!] Earth TheWayward Sonsof Mother Theonlypossible Skyclad: harmoniously. andmelody arecombined energy dm] (1991) Testimony of the Ancients Pestilence: long. 70 minutes lt's is thatshowcouldhavebeenlonger. [melodic complaint power metal] fun (2002) fun, Evil. Dragonslayer Dream I Personally, cool. would have been shows Or maybetwodifferent [fun, bm] violent Lies!(2007)[fast, Reign inBlood: EndAllSpiritual prefer ina dvd,instead ofjustone. multiple shows (2000) [awesome Gothenburg-style] Sindustries aboutthe band,I Gardenian: Dvdnumber two has a documentary metal] funheavy License to Kill(1987) [catchy, I preferlotsof musicandnotso Malice: don'tlikedocumentaries, usually good!] yetdoomy; (2005) Fallout to watch,however, Slumber. is worthwhile muchtalk.This documentary [upbeat, great ('1979) songs!] in East Priest: the Judas Unleashed their aboutthe bandand it hassomethingsof interest because [all power metal] (2000) [catchy Legacy TheFourth comical, Kamelot: In addition, trajectory. theseguyssaysomeof thecraziest, punk] (2007) crusty Aleto England Extinction of Mankind: etc. videos, greatstuff. likesixmusic There segments, areadditional [raw, (2005) [good, hm] melodic LastDaysof Utopia to their Domain: releasethat will be interesting An entertaining grind/death] Truth: Extreme Conditions..,(1992)[solid theband,should Brutal listeners andonethat,if youhavenotseenor heard (2005)[good metal] heavy/power Ray:Majestic andgivethema Gamma at leastbe on yourlistof bandsto investigate metal] (1999) melodic InFlames. Colony placetostart. Thisisa wonderful chance, [good lronMaiden: Brave NewWorld(2000)[wonderful] (SPV) shredding] thrashy, Wages of Sin(2002) ArchEnemy: Kreator: At thePulseof Kapitulation [melodic, Priest: Eye DVD Judas Electric is here The fire. audience is on I enjoyKreator a lot.Onhere,Kreator [sogood!] DVD LiveApocalypse the ArchEnemy: whichmakes thebandevencrazier, thrash crazyandthismakes [sogood!] p/hm] (1998)[good Nightfall inMiddle-Earth Guardian: getcrazierer. Thisis from1990.Thereare14songshere. Blind audience ('05)[good!] Descends A Darkness Resurrection: until Demonic thrash thrash, lt'sthrash, Theyshould haveplayed 666songs!! prog] (07) [good Heights: TheShadow Cabinet concept Wuthering homeThereis alsoa mini-movie thegoatscomemarching (1996) NoneSoVile in casethatinterests Cryptopsy: fromComaof Souls, storylineforsomevideos lyavll Mission X (2005) from1990 U.D.O.: you.Inaddition, aboutthisconcert thereis a documentary [good!] yay!] (2007) wereto see Nile:lthyphallic listeners Kreator in EastBerlin talking abouthowhungry [double Link(1993) TheMissing You Rage: of theconcert. cool.Plus,thereis a cd version thisbandPretty [catchy!] (1986; 1987) theGates/Eyes of Horror Beyond shouldtry playing the dvd and the cd at the sametime.Why?! Possessed: [!] hm!] justthekindof person Katagory V:TheRising Anger(2006) [solid you're Because todothatsortofthing. good!] (1984 compilation Motorhead: NoRemorse of God"t to"Enemy OK,so,let'shavethefollow-up ) [very (1996) [fun!] Despair Napalm Death. Fear,Emptiness, good!] (SPV) (1988)[darn Mindcrime Operation Queensryche: PartI Sodom:Lordsof Depravitv, (1985/1980) Visions Devastation/Morbid Bestial ljustbought Sepultura. I knowthisisold,from2005, butit'snewto mebecause [!] (2006) Death: Campaign Smear on the band's Napalm documentary it! Dvd t has a long,informative [goshl] upll horns Evil(1987) I enjoy Dio:Dream Dvd 2 is live stuff,Personally, beginnings and history. lhappy (1993) Moon a Funeral Agent Darkthrone. Under Mania, IntheSignof Evil,Persecution tremendously Sodom's [snappy!] (1989) [sweet!] Extreme Aggression Orange, Better OffDeadandTapping theVeinandit'scoolheara bit Kreator: (1979) Motorhead: Overkill ofthatmaterial onhere. [classic] live2cd] why Rage:FromtheCradleto theStage(2005) whoexplain withformermembers Thishasinterviews [solid, (2007)[strong, bm] blasting A Dream'sFuneral etc.Pretty BlackHorizons. FrankBlackfire, theyleftor werekicked: GraveViolator, (2005) Lionheart whyFrankleft Saxon: interesting, in caseyouwanted to know,forexample, [strong] Kreator, etc. Sodom andjoined from: At anyrate,thisis goodandit lookslikert washardwork Musicon ipodfor exercise/qym (1989) Agent Orange putting herefromSodom's Sodom: it together. By theway,thereis footage [tighttrash] (2002)[fun,fun,fun] pit Callenish Flesh_Power-Dominion Circle: in Sofia, Bulgaria concert andit'squitea sightto seethegigantic (1998) hm/pm] Vainglory Opera by the Edguy: theygetgoing.Thesekidsdo wantto rock,damn!Another [catchy BallstotheWall(1983) ofthrash Accept: is a goodeducation onthebeginnings way:thedocumentary [verygoodhm] bm] at Dusk(1997) Anthems totheWelkin withpeoplefromother Emperor: in Germany andhasinterviews/comments [great pm] (2000)[verygoodsympho Dawnof Victory etc.,and Rhapsody: Corpse, Hypocrisy, Cannibal bands, likeKreator, Motorhead, grind] (1992)[awesome Banished Napalm Death: Utopia abouttheentireMotorhead/Venom-crazy thisallhasa wayof talking earlydays.Thisrelease covers to lookslikepart2 of this by mauricio(exceptwhere noted otherwise). tothepresent. history iscoming outthisyearandwilldocument [inter/re/views theoutcastzine@i] l0