S T. F R A N CI S OF A S S I S I C A T HO L I C C HU RC H T W E NT Y - FO U R T H S U ND A Y IN O R D INA R Y T IM E — S E PT EM B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 5 8151 Chimneyrock Boulevard Cordova, TN 38016-5157 (901) 756-1213 - Parish Office (901) 755-2168 - Fax MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Sunday 7:15am, 8:45am, 10:30am, 12:15pm & 5:30pm (September-May) 7:15pm (In Spanish) Holy Days As Announced Weekdays 8:15am & 12:00 Noon RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:00-4:45pm or by appt. FIRST COMMUNION, FIRST RECONCILIATION & CONFIRMATION: Preparation for sacraments is a two-year process. Call Parish Office for information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: September —May; 4 year old-8th grade, 10:15am-11:45am Sunday at St. Francis of Assisi School Call Parish Office for information. Photo courtesy of Lee Arnoult YOUTH MINISTRY: LIFETEEN—High School (9th-12th Grade) 6:30-8:30pm following 5:30pm Mass -Sundays EDGE—Middle School-(7th-8th Grade) YOUTH WEBSITE: OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00pm Closed for lunch 1:00pm-1:30pm NURSERY: Located in Parish Life Center Ages 8 months thru 3 years Saturday, 5:00PM, Sunday 8:45 and 10:30AM CHURCH WEBSITE: “And he asked them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’” —Mark 8:29 PRIESTS: Rev. Robert W. Marshall, Pastor Rev. Robert D. Ballman, Associate Pastor Rev. Mauricio Abeldano, Associate Pastor DEACONS: Bill Davis, Deacon Mick Hovanec, Deacon Chuck Lightcap, Deacon RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Betty Siano, Director of Religious Education Donna Hofer, Religious Education Adm. Asst. PARISH STAFF: Charlene Lane, Bookkeeper Barbara King, Office Mgr./Bulletin Editor Barb Cobb/Toni Blount, Reception/Admin. Chris Bernardini, Building Supervisor Mark Morra, Maintenance LITURGY: Chelsea Negray, Director of Traditional Choir and Handbell Choir Cheryl Scott, Contemporary Choir Director Judy Brewer, Organist Tim Vaziri, Youth Ministry Music YOUTH: Jeff Bogue, Youth Minister Michael Brooks, Youth Minister S t . F r a n c i s BAPTISMS: Call the Church Office (M-F) to make arrangements. Baptism of adults and school O F A S S I S I S c h o o l -age children is scheduled through participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 2100 N. Germantown Pkwy program. Parents wishing to have a child (6 and under) baptized must be registered and active Cordova, TN 38016 parishioners for a minimum of three (3) months prior to the date of baptism and are required (901) 388-7321 Office to attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to setting a date. Classes are held the third Thurs(901) 388-8201 Fax day of each month. Dates and times of classes will be noted in the bulletin. Godparents must meet the requirements of canon law. Mrs. Kathleen Scherer, Principal ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please have someone contact the Parish Office if you are hospitalMrs. Vicki Boyd, Asst. Principal ized or are seriously ill. Due to privacy laws, hospitals do not notify churches when their paMrs. Alicia Brown, Asst. Principal rishioners are admitted. Catholics are encouraged to seek the sacrament in advance of scheduled surgery. For more information, new student applications, or a tour of our school, MATRIMONY: Couples planning to marry must call at least nine (9) months prior to setting date. If either party (even one not Catholic) has had a previous marriage, a date cannot please call (901) 381-2548. be set until the freedom to marry has been established by the Diocesan Tribunal. St. francis of assisi Parents Day Out Program (PDO) Office: (901) 624-0146 PARISH EMAIL: [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE: Information for the bulletin must be submitted no later than 4:45pm on Tuesdays. Announcements must be submitted in writing and accompanied by name and daytime phone number. To submit information, please e-mail information to: [email protected]. September 13, 2015 “I shall walk before the Lord in the lands of the living.” —Psalm 116:9 This Week at St. Francis SUNDAY, September 13th Oktoberfest Sign-ups after all Masses 11:30AM Bible Study Rm. 111 1:15PM Ice Cream Social Rm. 113 1:30PM SFA Sports A/C 2:00PM Social for People with Special Needs Rm.108 Cub Scouts—Bosque Rm. 110 Boy Scouts—Hahn Rm. 111 Cub Scouts—Igharas Rm. 112 3:00PM Scouts-Den 7—Ortiz Rm. 107 4:00PM Webelos II—Operfman Rm. 110 MONDAY, September 14th 8:00AM SBA Freshmen Retreat 3:00PM Sports 7:00PM Ladies Bible Study Monday Night Study Group Berryhill HOA PLC A/C Rm. 112 Library Rm. 111 TUESDAY, September 15th 3:00PM SFA Sports 7:00PM Women’s Cursillo - Rosenfield Spanish Choir Practice Prayer Group A/C Rm. 112 Rm. 110 Chapel WEDNESDAY, September 16th 5:30PM Parish Spaghetti Dinner 7:00PM RCIA Traditional Choir Practice Contemporary Choir Practice Rosary Makers Evangelizacion Class - Gonzalez A/C 108 Rm. 109 Church Rm. 111 Rm. 112 THURSDAY, September 17th 11:30AM-8PM Our Lady of Fatima Statue 10:00AM TOPS 3:00PM SFA Sports 6:30PM Rosary 7:00PM Baptism Class Church Rm. 110 A/C Church Rm. 113 FRIDAY, September 18th GARAGE SALE 9:15AM Career Transition Group 3:00PM SFA Sports Rm. 111 A/C SATURDAY, September 19th 6:45AM Fishers of Men 4:25PM Rosary Rm. 111 Church GARAGE SALE Flowers on the altar this weekend are in honor of Stan and Emelia Miekicki’s 39th Wedding Anniversary. Mass Intentions for the Week SATURDAY, September 12th 8:15 AM JOHN BRANNON by Angie Garbuzinski 5:00PM ROBERT ZIZZO by Bob & Katherine Musolf SUNDAY, September 13th 7:15AM PETE BRAMUCHI by Family 8:45AM PARISH 10:30AM KARIN BRETT by Jerry & Joan Brett 12:15PM BILL POWERS (ANNIV.) 5:30PM PHYLLIS PADUCK by Mike & Denise Yatsula 7:15PM LILIAN GORHAM by Family MONDAY, September 14th 8:15AM JACK MCCUSKER by Stan & Emelia Miekicki 12:00PM HELEN LAVELLE by Vikki & Allen Remkus TUESDAY, September 15th 8:15AM JOE ROSITZ by the Red Hats 12:00PM JIM DOYLE by Pat Crowe WEDNESDAY, September 16th 8:15AM INT/DAVID FINKELSTEIN (B’DAY) by Family 12:00PM STEVEN REID by Fr. Robert Marshall THURSDAY, September 17th 8:15AM HELEN LAVELLE by Pat Crowe 12:00PM INT/SOULS IN PURGATORY by the Lozano Family FRIDAY, September 18th 8:15AM ANDREW BARNETT by Family 12:00PM ANGIE FERACI by Family SATURDAY, September 19th 8:15 AM INT/BEATRIZ INGRAM by the Nolan Family 5:00PM ANTON CONDELLA by Bob & Katherine Musolf SUNDAY, September 20th 7:15AM VINCENT LAGUZZI by the Wakefield Family 8:45AM INT/PAM YATSULA by Mike & Denise Yatsula 10:30AM ERIC GASTON by Jan & Children 12:15PM DORIS BROWN by the Scott Family 5:30PM PHYLLIS PADUCK by Karen & Danny Doyle 7:15PM PARISH Please pray for the repose of the souls of Patrick Howell, husband of Priscilla Howell; and of Thomas Clark Hammond, Jr., son of Tom & Barbara Hammond. Noteworthy…… Parish Ice Cream Social Join your fellow parishioners to celebrate Grandparents’ Day with ice cream in PLC Room 113, following the 12:15pm Mass today, Sunday, Sept. 13. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Fatima Statue to Visit St. Francis of Assisi On Thursday, Sept. 17th, the World Apostolate of Fatima is bringing to our parish the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the USA. This beautiful Image of Our Lady of Fatima was blessed by Pope Paul VI and given to our country by the Bishop of Fatima to carry the important message of Fatima to the United States. This special statue has been traveling throughout our country for almost 50 years. All are invited and encouraged to come see this beautiful Statue of Our Lady of Fatima and hear Our Lady’s message for obtaining peace and putting an end to abortion and the moral corruption that is afflicting our country today. SCHEDULE: 8-10am St. Benedict at Auburndale H. S. 11:30am-8pm St. Francis of Assisi Church SAVE THE DATE! 30th anniversary Mass St. Francis of Assisi Church will celebrate our 30th Anniversary on Sunday, October 4th at the 10:30am Mass. Bishop J. Terry Steib will be the main celebrant. Join us afterwards for a reception in the Parish Life Center. Former pastors and associate pastors have been invited to join us as well. Come help us celebrate this milestone! Baptism Class Diocesan policy requires attendance for parents who are planning to present their child for the Sacrament of Baptism. Our next Baptismal Class in ENGLISH is Thursday, September 17, at 7pm in Room 113 in the Parish Life Center. There is no charge and no registration is required. Both parents should attend. Please refer to guidelines for baptism on the front of this bulletin or on our website: From Father’s Desk……. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Welcome back! Experience has shown that many of our parishioners who have been travelling over the summer return to us on this weekend after Labor Day. As a result, these next few weeks at St. Francis are among the busiest of the year. Today (Sunday), we welcome back the students and teachers in our Parish Religious Education program. We are so grateful to the parents who value their child’s faith formation enough to enroll them in our PRE program. Our classes are held at St. Francis of Assisi School from 10:1511:45am. As parents drop off and pick up their children, traffic will increase on Sunday mornings. Please be careful. We also welcome back our youth groups – LifeTeen and EDGE – on Sunday evening. Jeff Bogue, our new youth minister, has been working hard with our Core Team members to prepare an engaging and faith-filled year for our junior high and senior high school parishioners. We are looking forward to the energy and excitement our young parishioners add to our campus. Our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) returned on Wednesday of this week, welcoming new members into the Catholic faith. And our annual parish festival – Oktoberfest – is fast approaching. This weekend, after all Masses, we are looking for Oktoberfest volunteers. Please consider getting involved in this fun activity. To these regular events, we have some special additions to our calendar this week. This afternoon, St. Francis hosts the Sunday Social for People with Special Needs. This is an opportunity for us to provide an enjoyable and supportive afternoon for a wonderful part of our parish and diocesan family. We are honored to welcome this community to our parish. And on Thursday, September 17th, St. Francis will host the pilgrim virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima. As the name implies, this statue travels from parish-to-parish throughout the country, encouraging the faithful to unite with Our Lady in prayer for peace throughout the world. Our prayers are needed more than ever. Please visit us on Thursday from 11:30am through 8:00pm and unite your prayers with those of our SFA school children and with Catholics worldwide. Finally, Father Rob Ballman will leave on Monday for his annual retreat. Please remember him in your prayers over these next ten days as he spends some quiet time in the presence of the Lord. Once again, welcome back! Pax et bonum, Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults The Rite of Christian Initia- tion of Adults (RCIA) is a process through which adults become full members of the Catholic Church. There are several stages involved in the process beginning with a period of inquiry to find out more about Catholicism. Sessions meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in Room 108 of the Parish Life Center. If you (or someone you know) are interested in learning more about the RCIA, please contact us by phone or email: Call the Parish Office at 901-756-1213 Email the parish at [email protected] A member of the RCIA team will contact you. We look forward to helping you in your journey! Garage Sale Parking Please be aware that traffic will be heavy and parking difficult during the upcoming Countrywood Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday, September 18 & 19. St. Francis of Assisi Extended Care Program is looking for adults or college students to work in our after school program. We are looking for people who have experience and enjoy working with children. The hours are from 2:45pm – 5:45pm two to three times a week or as needed. Please contact Julie Von Bergen, Director of Extended Care/Camp for more information at (636)346-2060. STEWARDSHIP “Give and it shall be given to you. For the measure you use, will be measured back to you.” —Luke 6:38 Offertory for September 6, 2015 Offertory Enriching Our Future Youth $31,383.00 $7,530.00 $19.00 ENRICHING OUR FUTURE III CAMPAIGN Registered Parishioners/Families EOF III Participants Continued use of Envelopes (no formal pledge) Formal Pledges Total Participants in EOF III (36%) Total 2,730 554 437 991 $1,150,821.41 St. Francis Parents Day Out has started school!! We are looking for 3 & 4 year olds to learn, play and grow with us. School Hours: 9:00am-2:30pm Two year olds - Monday—Thursday Three & Four Year Olds - Monday—Friday Director: Mary Prus Phone: 901-624-0146 Office Hours: 8:30am-4:00pm, M-F SFA Parent’s Day Out provides educational opportunities to children regardless of sex, race, color or creed, subject only to availability. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus are sponsors of these upcoming events………. Spaghetti Dinner The Knights of Columbus will hold a spaghetti dinner for the parish on Wednesday, September 16, 5:30-6:45pm, PLC Gym. Please plan to bring the family! $8/adult $5/child $25 maximum per family Countrywood Garage Sale Friday & Saturday, September 18 & 19 The Knights of Columbus still have a few spots left to rent in the front (West) parking garage. $75/spot. Forms are in the parish office. Call Dave Cash at 901-494-5516 with questions. SAVE THE DATE Trivia Night - Saturday, October 3 Watch for details in next week’s bulletin! If you would like to learn more about the knights or would like to be part of our organization, please contact Steve Manzo at 901-489-1144 or Tom Viotti at 865-789-2427. Upcoming Events: Sunday, Sept. 20 Coffee & Donuts Life Teen & EDGE We're looking forward to a great year with Life Teen and EDGE! Life Teen (9th-12th grade): Our fall kickoff tonight, Sunday, September 13th at 6:30pm immediately following the 5:30pm Mass. Come out as we learn more about our victory in Christ! Amazing food (dinner provided), good friends, and an awesome victory party. You don’t want to miss this year’s LifeTeen kickoff! EDGE (7th-8th grade): Our semester kickoff is tonight, Sunday, September 13th at 6:30pm immediately following the 5:30pm Mass with GLOW IN THE DARK GAMES. Wear your brightest colors and come join us for a night of awesome games and awesome food! Dinner will be provided! Oktoberfest Service Hour Opportunity Open to all 8th-12th grade students Volunteers are needed to work the rock wall at our upcoming Oktoberfest. Available shifts: Friday, Sept. 25 - 5-7:30pm & 7:30-10pm Saturday, Sept. 26 - 11am-1pm, 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-10pm To volunteer for a shift or for more information, please contact Jeff Bogue, [email protected]. EDGE (7th and 8th Grade) LIFE TEEN (9th—12th Grade) Contact Jeff Bogue in the Parish Office, 901-756-1213 or Michael Brooks at 901-435-3611 Check us out on: twitter@sfayouth, Instagram: SFA Youth Holiday Craft Fair Coming to St. Francis of Assisi The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary are co-sponsoring a Holiday Craft Fair in conjunction with the Annual Breakfast with Santa on December 5th. If you are interested in reserving a booth, please contact Jeanie at [email protected] or 901754-2146 for more details. NEWS FROM OUR PARISH SCHOOL At the beginning of each year, our eighth grade students are paired with second and third grade students to become “Prayer Partners” throughout the year. Special relationships are formed as these students grow in faith and prepare for their sacraments together. Prayer partners were introduced to each other last week at our annual Prayer Partner Picnic. Please keep these and all children preparing for sacraments in your prayers. Apply now for the 2016-2017 school year! For more information or a tour, please contact Susan Fetz at 381-2548 or [email protected]. ¿Esta usted interesado en ser parte de nuestra familia de la escuela de St. Francis? Estamos aceptando aplicaciones para el ano escolar 2015-2016. Si desea obtener mas informacion de nuestra escuela, aplicaciones para nuevos estudiantes o para visitar la escuela pueden ponerse en contacto con Classes For You at St. Francis CLASES DE PLANIFICACION FAMILIAR NATURAL Ven y aprende con tu pareja como planificar tu familia! (Se require la pareja pero individualmente pueden venir). Para mas detalles, puede recoger las paginas de informacion que se encuentran en las mesas a la entrada de la iglesia. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Games, Tickets, Food Tent and More!! Sign up in the narthex after Masses this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, September 12 & 13 and Saturday & Sunday, September 19 & 20, or you can complete the volunteer form on our website: Please sign up for one or more two-hour shifts, so everyone can work AND enjoy the event! Your help is also requested to assist with set up on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and clean up on Sat. & Sunday. SFA OKTOBERFEST Friday & Saturday, Sept. 25 & 26 St. Francis of Assisi’s Oktoberfest is fast approaching and will be here before we know it. The food and music tents will be present again with brats and live bands. We are always looking for SFA parishioners who would like to assist in helping plan and/or volunteer to help on that weekend. New this year….. Rock climbing wall, dunk tank and picture booth! Arts & Crafts You and your business are invited to participate in the Arts and Crafts event. Arts & Crafts registration forms are located in the parish office, or you can request a form by email: [email protected]. Brat Cooking Contest We invite you and your team to participate in the Brat Cooking Contest. This contest will include a Corn Hole Competition, an Anything But Competition, and the Brat Cooking Competition. Forms are in the parish office. Be a Sponsor! We would like to take this opportunity to invite your business to be a part of our events with a sponsorship. We are approaching our deadline and need to get donations and scholarships registered and placed on our website, brochures/flyers & t-shirts. Forms are in the parish office. Youth Talent Do you have a special talent or does your organization enjoy performing in front of a live group of people? We have had dancers, singers, gymnasts, and jump ropers in the past and are open to many forms of entertainment. Any interested groups or individuals wishing to perform in the Youth Talent Expo are asked to contact Maureen Carrasco at 901270-0858. For more information, visit our website, or call Chris Lomasney at 756-6822 with questions. St. Francis of Assisi Church is pleased to offer its parishioners the following classes: Altar Server Training Saturday, October 3, 9am in the Church 4th graders and above who have received First Holy Communion. Pre-registrations is not required, but parents should accompany children in for onsite registration. Lector Training I Saturday, October 24, 9am-3pm, PLC Room 113 Bring sack lunch. Drinks provided. Registration forms on tables in narthex. Return completed forms to parish office. Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training I Saturday, November 7, 9am-3pm, PLC Room 113 Bring sack lunch. Drinks provided. Registration forms on tables in narthex. Return completed forms to parish office. SFA Athletics - BASKETBALL Registration is NOW OPEN for 5th-8th grade boys and girls basketball. $50. Registration is available through the church office, by mail or online: A printable registration form can be found at If you want to play – don’t delay – register today!! Participants must be attending St. Francis PRE or be a student at St. Francis School. DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 18th! All 5th - 8th grade Boys & Girls are required to have a physical in order to participate in any Parochial Athletic Association (P.A.A.) sport. Forms are available in the Church office, School office or Athletic Director’s office. The SFA Medical form must be on file by October 16th in order to participate in the evaluations. Any questions, call Kareen @ 381-2569. Late registrations will only be accepted if space is available. Basketball Evaluations have been scheduled in the SFA school gym Sunday, October 18 5th grade girls, 2:00-3:00pm 6th grade girls, 3:00-4:00pm Monday, October 19 5th grade boys, 5:30-7:00pm 6th grade boys, 7-8:30pm Tuesday, October 20 7th grade girls, 5:30-7:00pm 8th grade girls, 7:00pm-8:30pm Wednesday, October 21 7th grade boys, 5:30-7:00pm 8th grade boys, 7:00-8:30pm All registered players MUST attend the scheduled evaluation. Good Friends Please join us on Sunday, September 27, 6:30pm in Room 108 for Favorite Team Jersey Night. If you don’t have a jersey, wear your team’s colors! Dinner will be BBQ chicken, Greek salad, buttered corn, redskin parsley potatoes & rolls. Starting with this meeting, our meal price will increase to $10. Dues paid before October 1 are $10, after which time dues will be $12. This is our last meeting before the increase. You can pay dues at the door or mail to Rita Turner. Make checks payable to Good Friends. Current members will be called around Sept. 20 for dinner reservations. Interested non-members should call Tom Viotti at 901-207-3160 to make reservations. Faith Formation for Children Sunday Social for People with Special Needs PRE News: We have about 400 students enrolled in PRE Classes! We still have openings in some grades – please call Yissel Carroll at 435-3616 if you need to register. Confirmation News: Wednesday, September 23 ~ Confirmation Program Overview 7:00pm in the Church All Confirmation Students and Parent(s) are required to attend Sacrament Information Preparation for sacraments is a two-year process. This means in order to receive First Communion and First Reconciliation in 2nd grade, the child must be enrolled in Catholic School or PRE in 1st grade. In order to receive Confirmation in 8th grade, the child must be enrolled in Catholic School or PRE in 7th grade. Attention Homeschooling Families: Children who are homeschooled in all subjects including religion must register each year with the parish religious education office. This ensures that their religious education is being recorded each year in order to receive their sacraments at the traditional time. A fun social gathering for “kids at heart” who have special needs and are ages 21 and up will be held today, Sunday, September 13 from 2:00pm to 4:00 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi in Room 108 of the Parish Life Center. Enjoy music, food and fun! Please invite family and friends whom you think might benefit from this growing ministry. We are also interested in starting a social for kids and teens with special needs. For more information, contact Christine Hughes at [email protected]. Has your child missed receiving his/her sacraments at the traditional time? We can help! We have classes for older students that will prepare them for First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Contact the church office at 901-756-9375. Please pray for the sick and f or those who are serving in the military. LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR COMMUNITY—Please remember these parishioners and friends of St. Francis in your prayers: Audrey Allen, Loretta Ballman, Joshua Beer, Lillian Bernard, John Blount, Theresa Bounds, Bill Bryant, Sallie Bryant, Austin Burch, Conner Buse, Albert Caccamisi, Francis Cagle, David Cargile, Claude Carpenter, Arnoldo Cespedes, Joann Clayborne, Larry Chism, Kelly Crisel, Russell P. DeLassus, Austin Dolan, John Dolan, Carolyn Dominick, David Dominick, Aine Donaghy, Jim Doyle, Stephen Dufrechou, Evelyn Durbin, Jim Gaither, Pam Jeter, Mike Gallagher, Mark Giannini, Eloise Graziosi, Juan Diego Guadalupe, Roberto Guadalupe, Fred Geiger, Amelio Guasco, Ben Gutteridge, Austin Hanner, Garrett Helms, Becky Heslep, Pam Hipp, Jim Holtwick, Holly Hudson, Debra Huttig, Warren Irvine, Wayne Jackson, Aurora Jiminez, Bill Johnson, Janet & John Paul Jones, Dixie Knowlton, Maury Knowlton, Trish Krog, Margaret Kuzio, Michael Kuzio, Pat LaPorte, Don Lear, George Linder, Sam Lobianco, Patricia Macbrohn, Lidia Macias, Agnes Marquette, Caroline Marshall, David Marshall, Carmen Martinez, Daniel Mazeika, Carol McCusker, Andy McDermott, Nitza Melendez, Timothy Merrill, Mitch Morgan, Larry Mix, Maddie Morgan, Maddy Napolitano, Tony Neri, Sandy Nestler, Lan Thi Nguyen, Maria Ocasio, Deacon John & Norma Oates, Blaine Parker, Phillip Perez, III, Sandra Perez, Connie Pirani, Mary Francis Nix, Edna Poletti, Lee Powell, Joe Richardson, Nancy Rivera, Bobbi Rodgers, Bill Rose, Bob Rounsefell, Amira Saba, Jane Sacharczyk, Clara Sanabria, John Schauber, Jason & Mark Schneider, Jason Scott, Jean Scott, Betty Seago, Kay Sentovich, Gary Sheridan, William F. Smith, Jake Speltz, Janet Stains, Jana Stressel, Tracy Tallman, Sally Tanner, Jaison Thomas, Clare Thorpe, Ralph Veth, Anita Ward, Barbara Wasilewska, Kathleen Webster, Lindsey Wells, Pam Wells, Diane Conner White, Breccan Wilson, Jeanette Wilson, Pam Yatsula, George & Jo Yohanek, Christina Zachary, Gerland Thomas Zarend, Katie Zazzara, and Paul Zoccola, Sr. RECENTLY ADDED: EDWARD SMITH. Names will run for one month. Please call the church office at 7561213 to extend. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS IN PRAYER Our sons, daughters and family members are halfway around the world serving our country. Help support our troops in prayer, especially those known personally to our parish: Christopher Anderson, Jeffrey Anderson, Gareth Bowen, Christopher Rusty Bownds, Lt. Col. Chad Carroll, Cpl Steven Carter, Annie Cynkar, Capt. Dennis Fitzgerald, Sgt. Adam Gallick, Aaron Galvez, Cpl. Christopher J. Henderson, Sgt. Israel Hernandez, Staff Sgt. Matthew David Huddleston, Staff Sgt. Richard Hulshof, Sgt. Jonathan Koskey, Spc. Jennifer Kuzio, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Sgt. Sean Lamb, 1Lt Angela Lewis, Spc. Kyler Lunman, William Marshall, Cpl Michael McCaffrey, USMC, Captain Chris McCarver, Sgt. PFC Dale Eric Moore, Sgt. Justin Murrell, James Edward Owens, III, Capt. Tom Petrilak, Daniel Presley, Joseph Presley, Dennis Proctor, Sgt. Ricky Rendon, Spc. Joey Scott, Sr., Sgt. Cody Sedlacek, 1st Lt. Andrew Magpuri Shaffer, Anthony Thompson, 1st Lt. Allison Todd, 2LT Kyle Treece Sgt. Ryan Weiher, Dominique Willis. Bishop’s Appeal Update Thank you to everyone who made a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. At. St Francis, we have met our goal, but some smaller parishes have not and may not. It is not too late to continue showing our support by making a pledge in solidarity with Bishop Steib’s efforts to show love to those who are less fortunate in West Tennessee. Diocesan Goal $2.5 million Current Pledges $2.36 million Please prayerfully consider making a pledge. Praise and Worship—Feel a need to draw closer to the Lord? Then answer the call for Praise and Worship at St/ Ann Bartlett Chapel, 7629 Stage Rd. on Fridays, 10/16, 11/13 and 12/11, 6:30-8:30pm. Faith West Tennessee—Your generosity helps to connect ministries, parishes and schools! Read about local Catholics who put their faith in action in the Faith West Tennessee. For $18/year ($1.50/month) the magazine will help you to explore your faith and to evangelize. If you wish to subscribe, please complete forms on tables in the narthex and return them to the church office. Grief Support Group—An eight week grief support group will begin on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, from 6:30 – 8:00pm, at Methodist Hospice, 6416 Quince Road. Mrs. Reba David, Minister of Consolation, will lead the group. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, you are welcome and invited to attend. For additional information and registration, contact Reba David at 754-7085. Life Chain 2015 is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 4, 2:00-3:00pm on the NW corner of Poplar Ave. and Kirby Parkway with easy parking in the bank lot. Plenty of pro-life signs will be available. Bring the family! In Memphis, Life Chain is 33 miles of sidewalks from the Mississippi River to the county line in Collierville. Join us in prayer to end abortions, for the safety of all unborn children and healing for those impacted by abortion. Please contact Tom Griesmer at 901-413-1271 for more information. Worldwide Marriage Encounter—Find out God’s way for your marriage on an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekend is scheduled for November 6-8 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center in Stanton, TN. For more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at email: [email protected] or 501-312-1119. Walk for the Poor-8th Annual St. Vincent de Paul of Memphis, Inc. Friends of the Poor Walk/Run. Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015, at Christian Brothers High School Tom Nix Stadium. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and the walk/run starts at 10:00 a.m. $25 registration for individuals and $50 for families. Proceeds benefit St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Center Dining Hall. Prepare to Soar with the Eagles St. Benedict at Auburndale High School is accepting applications for the 2016-17 school year. 8th grade visit days are Sept. 18 & 30 and Oct. 1, “Be an Eagle for a Day” Shadow Day is Oct. 9 and family Open House is Nov. 8. There are a limited number of openings for this year. For information visit: or call Mrs. Heath at 260-2873. Studying St. Catherine of Siena—Facilitated at St. Paul’s Book & Gift Store, this eight week study has begun and continues every Tuesday from10-11:30am through September 28. Contact 901-762-2078 or speak to a sales associate in the store. Divorce Hurts—But the Church is here to help! Group session starts Monday, October 5th from 6:008:00pm, St. Louis Catholic Church, Clunan Center, Room A, 203 S. White Station Rd. For more information or to register, please call the Office of Pastoral Life Ministries at 901-373-1237 or email [email protected]. Morning of Reflection for all Ministers to the Sick “Healing the Healers”: Reflections on Emotional and Spiritual Wounds and Healing will be presented by Fr. Ben Bradshaw. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 8151 Chimneyrock Blvd. Saturday, December 5 8:15 Mass in the Chapel Program: 9:00—11:-00am Parish Life Center, Room 113 RSVP by November 20 to Pam Ray, Office of Pastoral Life Ministries, 373-1237 or [email protected] Catholic Diocese of Memphis Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The Diocese of Memphis is accepting resumes for the CFO position to oversee the management, facilitation and operation of all programs and services provided by the Finance Office under authority of the bishop and in accordance to the budget determined by the Diocesan Financial Council. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, budgeting, accounts receivable and payable, bank relationships, relationship with investment advisors and contact point for a variety of day-to-day operational issues for all parishes and other affiliated entities. The CFO works closely with the Finance Council. For qualifications and directions for submitting resumes, please visit and click on the Human Resources Department. COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS 40TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER/DANCE—The Church of the Holy Sprit will celebrate it’s 40th Anniversary with a dinner/dance at 7pm on September 19th at Christian Brothers High School, Heffernan Hall, 5900 Walnut Grove Rd. All past parishioners and friends are invited. Tickets are $35/person before August 31 and $40 thereafter at For more information contact Sharon Donovan at [email protected] or 340-4691. OLS SEMI-ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT - Saturday, September 19, at Our Lady of Sorrows, 3700 Thomas Street. Doors open at 5:30 and play starts at 6:30 p.m. The theme is “Anything Greek” to celebrate the parish pilgrimage to Greece that departs the following week and follows in the footsteps of St. Paul. Brother Ignatius will emcee. Tables cost $90.00 (1-6 players). Additional players are $15.00 each with a limit of eight players per table. There will be door prizes, two rounds of Heads or Tails and a 50-50 game. There will be prizes for first place, second place, last place and the best-decorated table. All proceeds benefit the OLS Youth Group. Any questions call Father Timby at 901-3531530. TRIVIA NIGHT AT ST. PAUL—St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, 1425 E. Shelby Dr., will host Trivia Night on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 7pm. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last place. $15/person. $90/table. Bring your own snacks. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING—Did you know that NFP is a totally moral, healthy, steroid free way to plan your family that works in harmony with God’s design of men and women? Did you know it can also help to strengthen your marriage? Natural Family Planning class series begins Saturday, October 10 at 10am at the Catholic Center, 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr. $75 per couple for all instructions and followups. Pre-register at or call Mary Pat Van Epps at 901-373-1285 if you need more information. SUNDAY SOCIAL FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS—The next monthly Sunday Social for People with Special Needs and Disabilities will be Sunday, October 4, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Brigid Church, 7801 Lowrance Rd. Special blessings and welcome after the 5pm Mass in the church. OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE RETREAT CENTER —Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center is turning 10 years old! Come celebrate with us Saturday, September 19th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Our new statue of Mary will be blessed at 3:00 p.m., followed by a picnic and concert with John Angotti at 3:30. Free hamburgers, hot dogs and cold drinks, or bring your own special treats. Lawn chairs and blankets welcome. No registration necessary, but very helpful. Email Debbie Voyles: [email protected]. CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF MEMPHIS will meet Sat., Oct. 17 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for a morning of reflection on “Interventions in End of Life Care.” Mass honoring St. Luke begins at 8:00 a.m. followed by breakfast and a panel discussion. Led by Dr. Joseph Weems, panelists include Dr. Sergio Acchiardo (nephrologist), Dr. Amado Freire (pulmonary/critical care specialist), Dr. Kodangudi Ramanathan (cardiologist) and Dr. Claudio Tombazzi (gastroenterologist). All are invited to attend. A $10 donation is suggested. MERCY DAY MASS & HALL OF FAME LUNCH—Immaculate Conception Cathedral School will celebrate its annual all-school Mercy Day Mass and Hall of Fame Luncheon on Friday, September 25. Mercy Day activities will begin with the 9:30am with Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, followed at 11am by the Hall of Fame Luncheon in Marian Hall. Luncheon tickets are $25. To purchase tickets, visit For more information, please contact Vicki Sampietro (‘64) at 901-435-5252. NUNS ON THE BUS—Meet “Nuns on the Bus” at The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, 1695 Central Avenue, on Monday, September 14, 7pm. Pope Francis’ radical call is to change our politics, not just our policies. More info: [email protected]. HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS—Get on board! Become a hospice volunteer. Volunteer Training will take place at Baptist Trinity Hospice, 6141 Walnut Grove Rd., Saturday, Sept. 26, 8:30am-4:30pm. Lunch provided. Call Sandra Livesay at 767-6767 for more information. PILGRIMAGES: THE HOLY LAND—Fr. Bill Parham will travel with a group to places where Jesus was born, walked and taught plus many more locations. November 10-20, 2015. $3,790 includes airfare, taxes 2 meals/day plus 3 lunches & hotel. Contact Jeannie, 901-335-4563 or [email protected], for more info. FATIMA, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA AND LOURDES—Join Fr. Dexter Noblefranca for this pilgrimage, April 5-15, 2016. Price from Memphis with two meals included each day is $3,790 plus $148 taxes. There are numerous extra stops such as the Eucharistic Miracle in Santarem, Portugal. Itinerary may be seen on pilgrimages. A $400 deposit will hold your place. Contact Jeannie Presley at 901-335-4563 for info. FATIMA, SPAIN & LOURDES—Join Rev. Jolly Sebastian, M.C.B.S. & 206 Tours on a Pilgrimage to Fatima, Spain & Lourdes, from August 29-September 7, 2016! $3,799/person includes round trip airfare from Memphis (all taxes & surcharges), 8 nights in first- class, four-star hotels. Transfers, sightseeing, daily Mass, and spiritual activities. $400 deposit & balance due 60 days prior to departure. Insurance is $299. Register at or call 800-206-TOUR (8687), ext. 109 (Amanda). Please patronize our advertisers!!! Monday, September 14