2010 NYC Cycling Map
2010 NYC Cycling Map
olum bus Metro North Ludlow n nc ol Li W Woodhull Mickle Westervelt Kingsland Tiemann Lodovick Gunther Wickham Delanoy Bruner arkway Hu gu en ot rkwa y son R iver P a Peartre e Av Hutch in Co-op City Blvd Macdonough Dwight Robertson Kennellworth Ohm Am tr e Driv Park Bayshore H G at G len ting Tie iege non rne rich y es Mulford tc he Mayflower Pilgrim st er Edison Plymouth Hobart Research Library Hutchinso n River P W Hutchinson Greenway 154 St 152 St 160 St iew ore Sh vd Bl n er Av 77 Av 76 Av 72 75 de si ill H rt Av e ld infie Pla Cove Win ches ter n St St Lyma 241 237 St St 219 field ield inf Pla 227 St St 229 3S t 22 C.I. Pkwy Service Rd 219 St 221 St ing Spr 7S t 21 eld gfi Av n St 233 kw St lto ille kv ure kaw Roc 241 23 ay St Br oo La 234 232 St ew sL nci Fra nP is St 6S t 22 St 9 ille Br 23 oo kv 2S t 0P l 5S t 24 St 225 221 y St 221 St ld Springfie 185 St eld gfi St rin St Sp 223 C d so am illi er St 182 Sheridan X Bi jo u rn fe ed R on e pir en tra l Gips C Em ens Dick B 14th B 17 St B 19 St B 22 St enway kwy Gre Shore P Church Av Stric klan d Rd rth No Rd lley WA t rs y hu ng kw tro P S l a tr n e rin rg Newbu lov Se s mer Far 180 23 ar ng NH a Sp ille ev es Ke Pl 178 6S t 8S t 15 22 22 4 St 5S t rn lbu Hi Av 9 11 W Somerset ey isl 15 St 171 St 173 St 135 St 135 Pl 131 St Cargo 180 St 166 St 167 St 130 S t s Leffert 228 Weeks 162 St t 164 S 162 St Parsons Kissena ee wtr Ha 124 S t 118 S t St ncy av Se 218 165 St P t s ill et 160 St 160 St 159 St 156 St 155 St Blvd 152 St d 84 R Lincoln ville ntre Ce ille trev n Lah 169 St 155 St 154 St Blvd Kissena 150 Av 78 Rd an 157 St 154 St Murray 163 St 149 St 146 St 6S t 14 St Pt. ge Coll e ) Av (71 l nta 70 Co Av nti ne n so W Parso ns pw y Ex yc k W Pt lets Wil Cen est For 138 St Rd 67 ne sto llow Ye 69 A v 75 Av Av 63 n Luthera 71 St 64 rR d rbo yH a 72 St 70 St ld Asc on D Dr 65 Pl fie er m m Su 136 St s Oti n ga 69 St e ric re at 156 St t S 2 10 St 49 63 S t au M am tn Pu Union Ha St 46 59 S t 60 S t t s te Ch F Pil aun A urm l Deb'de an Gra ing cey nit E Sa en e St aste les Co ew rn nw art ay an St n ze St t bar Ho 56 St 58 S Ga e ov Gr Tur nbu ll Coha l P ay w in te 3 S 35 2 St 36 St S t 41 St 37 51 St P W alm M oo etto Pu adis dbin C tn on e Je orn am Ha ffer elia W nc so H eir oc n El alse field k C der y Co op Schovert t erDe ae c fe Ce M of atur r nt f W B o Ro erg lfe yc en e 114 St 23 St 43 48 St Howard 138 St St 19 t en sc re C St 34 ay ein w 48 St Pl Page y hb ug illo W Ha rt D St eKa St ock lb an h ho olm pe M G ena Lin rove han de n Ralph Buffalo ak Reynold’s Chann el Beech 1/2 1 1 2 Av ng v 1st A Av A B ade W Be rry yt Av Gold nt Brooklyn Wbu rg St W Navy St Yard Commodore J. Barry Park Bklyn Prince Q B t ee he Liv rm ing A C BOERUM S erhoston rn tat e HILL Navy Flushing Ave Fl Duffield Bridge Lawrence Adams St Av Av Ke nt River East is Lew he Av D Av C Av St Pitt Bridge Pearl Jay St Plaza ss Ke DOWNTOWN Tillary St Sc er the Front St York St Metro Tech m r Wy Water tbu St Amity Sm i ific Bo Pac eru m Pl Clin nro e ton St t ess Mo Hen ry S Will o Hick w s ia S t mb ngr Borough Hall A C lo Ro Myrtle Av Fort Greene Park FORT GREENE - Qn Expwy CLINTON HILL Willoughby Av DeKalb Av sh G gton Av Co F rk Pie rre Mon pont ta Rem gue Gr sen c J o ra aleem on 1 Jay St Cla th 1/2 y Cl y Ta Plymouth Sands St Cadman R an M BKLYN Co lu Ramp South v ion A Divis B D Ora HTS nge Pin eap Cadman ple Plaza Park St B'way Washin mp St Brooklyn Bridge N Park DUMBO 3 SIDE S5 t Ra gB r Waverly Clinton rth Cherry il Vanderb No ur F Pearl Os a Kin ge g sb Taaffe n Classo on Emers en Steub Grand n Ryerso Hall Nic olo si am rl Cumbe St Cyclists Must Use Lowerthe Level of to the lower level of the Ferry Staten Island Side - Enter ramp FerryTerminal Terminalbuilding. to Board The and waiting Exit Ferries. area is by the guardhouse. illi nt Clermo i Adelph y N W Av Pk Wash. N Ba St Carlton Richmond Terrace N Me 3 S N tro t 1 p S ol Gr an t itan S1 d S 2 St St S3 S 4 St St SOUTH Empire Fulton-Ferry State Pk Q C St. George Terminal Ramp N John VINEGAR HILL Up Governors Island East River Park NORTH SIDE S 9S t S 10 St A Offices Parking Su Cli ffolk nto St nS t Lu Essdlow e Nor x folk Cherry Water nt t Av 3rd d 2n ry St tie rys illi er Irvi Pl ity y Bow e Eld rid g Alle e nS t ry we Bo r ov W at Pa rk Av 5th ive rs Un oa dw a Ch Mu l Mo berry tt nt re D B Gr roome an dS t F cey Pl Ashland 1 1/4 MILES 1/2 KILOMETERS L S8 ne Furm 0 Tompkins Square Park lan Henry St Madison er 2 5 USE CAUTION: Narrow pathway De CHINATOWN E Bway ag Pier 11 4 t E 9S St .M t E7 ark s E 6 St St Espla n Av H PA T by Cr os St St tte ye Ce W o ea rth St rl S Z t M J am ay Broad He ste D r Ca nal B N Q Bay ard P East River Av Av 7th Th W om W Bro pso o Gr oste adw n S e ay t e Me n r rce r y wa ad La fa Br o St ch ur Ch nit y Tri oa dw Br State y wa ad Bro State S Br Av 7th Varick S t 6 Av Fr Oce Ca an pod side a t RW 6th 9th 8th Hudson Riv er Greenwa y Ca rol ina US SN Ste ube n nno 1 S Mos El el be Virg inia Clifto n Pk H il LongP l ond We se r Laco nia Hurlbert n Hyla Ne wD orp Be ac h Es pla na de W Ca nal Targee Gordon Ce dar Ta Rhine rge e Wash ington Green wich S t Hudson St d M StP arion Wa aul rd s Va nD StPauls uze r Bay Vic tory O xfo r Howard Berth a Richmond Targee Bri Oder tton Wi lso n He nry Hu Jo Vera sson yc e Lac oni a Ma son Nu ge nt Oly mp ia Pa tter son lan Hy Old Mill ill Titu We s ed Mil to Ro Het n ma t 8th 10t h y bo Le ed s Flin t P Ly Me end n a Rig n Fa dina le Claws a on Am lco n M herst Gray son Hy Du lan rant Bo u Ru ndary dya rd Old f Mo ield Kiswreland ic k G Fre rimsb eb y Colo orn Bad ny en Sum mit Nevada Dalt on Pla tt Am b oy Am Hi ll Ru cres sse t ll Flo ren ce VanBru nt Ed geg De rove troi t Ma Hollson y Rid ge Beebe Fla gg Todt Hill Pla ttsb urg For est Hill Colo nial Da Hill lem vie ere w Willard Wardwell Ch es W hire Gle aldro n Du nw dle ood y by ug R All en Jewe tt an n dt D Le ec Co xing ker rtl to Marianne Livermore oolley Demores t Ay m No ar rthe rn Simo nson Treadwell Sharpe on Fa d be Maprle Ric hm Nichola s W W Sh ale Pie rpo nt Es sex Marsh Ring Richmond Av Drum goole W Drum goole E Wo od row Cro w Sta n ffo She rd ldo n Ra thb un SE nd A Rou te 9 v A Bayonn e Bri dge illo Cambr Tremont w Hawthorne Wood E Will bine ow Willowbrook Hawthorne Stewart Willow brook Collfield Crystal M W uller Farraday Ke lly Me rrym Ro Vas t ckn sa r e K Ne eati hri ng ng De nke r G Fe adsen rnd ale Mulberry Park Mil dre d Wil d Man or om Blo Goller Jen nife r Hillman Renee ArleneOliver Graham Gle n Chelsea Sou th Chels ea Elson Kings Arlene Lenore Amity South Eunice Dwarf Lilac 6A v Villa South Gridley Union DeHart Maple VanPelt VanName Simonson Lake Wright Mornin Granite Housman gstar Pulask i Winant Grandview Mersereau Andros Lockman Harbor Bush Arlington Holland rn Wes te 3A v An nad ale Battery Park 6 o Fr St 4S St t Eds Holton E 134 St Bruckner e Av so n ck Z M arl e J P 10 S avy N Seguine v lton A Wa Gerard Walton Gran d E 132 St 29 St Ja 2A v Tyrellan Weiner Madsen Harlem Ri ver Dr FDR Drive 1 Av 28 St 27 St r 3 Joh n M ai de Pi n W ne Ln al l 20 E1 Fla Su rf Mad 2 Av Crescent St cto 2 E Br Ferry Queuing Parking Cyclists: Access to lower roadway at Jersey St. and Richmond Terr. 2 l TRIBECA W dt St E E8 E 12 St St St N EAST V Q Sara D VILLAGE R Sp EH Roosevelt rin ous W E3 LOWER Park gS ton St R St t Br ivin EAST oo g t onSIDE me Sta JM nto St Gr n Hamilton Z an dS Fish Park t na lan E 5 t 21 STUYVESANT TOWN E4 St Pr SOHO inc eS t Ca City Hall Park 4 6 5 E th an att 24 St Re St St r 23 St rty V 3S nh Marcy Av be F er E2 LIRR Long Island City Ma Havemeyer St Seagirt Walk Bike on east sidewalk 14 4 t ck B Trioka Kreischer Major Deegan Expwy ison Harlem River Drive University Pitt St Ridge St am W ber ar s re Murray n St Ve Pa se E y S Bar rk t clay W R Co rt D Dom. A C W Du R a Re ne ad e St Ch Albany B 3S ee V'Dam 1 2 3 Harrison Li W E Pike St Roebling St girt Sea Jackson PATH Washington Square Park Bl King Charlton St N. Moore Hudson River Park W 1 W 0S t 9 W 8 St W av St er ly SIRTOA Platforrms Mount Loretto 0 nel Watts D'Brs. Vestry Laight Hubert St George Ferry Terminal (SI) 1/2 MILES 1 KILOMETERS Tun Union Square yn Arthur Kill Av r Av ard Rive Ger Le Cedar Undercliff 5A v River Drive Harlem Attorn. St LAWRENCE e S 5 Pl ey Hicksville Gramercy Park Market Clinton St y 4 5 6 D B l ok Cra ig v Major Deegan Expwy Cro mw ell A Harlem River Drive no x Deegan Expwy Major Sedgwick Major Deegan Harlem River Drive A.C. Powe ll t and 2 Catherin Driggs Av Caffr mery Montgo Clinton Suffolk St Ba Su ns et ut Lo cu st W aln r St St 33 35 36 St St St 46 St 49 S t 49 P l 48 S t Hi H mro Gr arm d e Bl en an ee e ck er Rochester Hu tch ins on Riv er Pk wy a oni Lac Pau lding Tenbroeck Pearsall Throop Bouck Wilson Young Fish Seymour Morgan Fenton Laconia us olu SC Harper Secor Dyre Rombouts Merritt Fu Byr rman on Barn es Cruger Holland Wallace Barnes Matthews Bronxwood Radcliff Colden Paulding Hone Lurting Cruger Holland Wallace Barnes Matthews Muliner Bogart mb B B ulla Ca ronxrd Ma rpen Ric tilda ter har dso n Vireo Car pen ter Brush iver nx R Bro Hoe Faile Ly F ver B ull e Ma uck er D c S or lay G t R sey Fr lebe aym on Tr isby d atm an Bos W FBoone arm s Bry a Lon nt gfe llow Bro nxw ood ster Olinville Bronx Pk E Bolton ton M Ho oheg ne an Daly ywell Vy se Southern Sea Min bury Souford the rn Ho Vys e e Rive r Pa rkwa y We b Per H ry De ull cat ur d ern Blv 3 Av te Mon Ext La terey ArthFontain e Hug ur Belm hes o Cli nt nt Cr Pro on oto s Ma pect na pe s Yates Hering De ka lb G Kn ates ox Pa ul Av Villa Vale Ryer ntine Par Webs T k ter iebout Av Was Bath hingto n ga Rev James Polite Da Ke wso Rogers n Be lly Intervale Interv Fo ck ale Kelly x Tiffany Ga Fox rris on Simpson He wit t BainRbochambe ridge au Or lof f Hillm Sa an xon Go uld en Va Br lent B iggs ine Ma ainbr D rion W ecatu eb r st er Av Mo Cre rris sto n B Ba assf th or HoLorill gate d ffm ard A an Hu rthu Be ghes r l m Cam on Beau breleng t m Pros ont p South ect se Co nco ur nd Fult on Fra nk Clin lin ton Bron x Van C Golf ortlandt Cours e wy Giles Aq G ued Da rand uct W vid son Anth ony xpwy Major D Post Mo sholu Pkwy Livingston ajo ad Ba r D way ile y ee Sed ga gwi Ft Independ. nE ck xp Kings br Te r Sedgw ic Webb k Claflin Hea th Wa Mo lton Cre rris Grsaton Topping Clay shin gton Bo st Jack on Fore son st Tinto n Union eegan E Hen ry H udso n Pk wy Fieldsto ne Valles Sylvan Post Waldo Tib College bet t Broadw Fieldston Ter. ay t Pos Gro Iselin sv Goo enor drid ge Fieldston Rd Grey s W tone a Irw ldo in rdale Ti Irw Co bbein Kin rlea tt gs r br M Broidge Bailey Morris 3A v Eagle Cauld well Trin Jacksity Fores on t Tinto n Pros pect Union Av 3 nns Crim Bee mins Cyp kman Po ress Jac wers k Con son cord Wale s Wayne Tryon Kings Colleg e Broadway Delafie ld Liebig Tynda ll Fieldst o Spence ne Huxley r Av olu sh ckstone Rive e Sedgw ick Selwyn Sh e Gra ridan Mo nt r r is Coll Fin ege Tell dlay C er Wlay Par ebste k rA Wa v Elto n Be rge n Cou St 19 21 St rt Utica ng Ki gs Ki n Mo IndepeSycamore ndence Bla Br id g Tr em Da on vid son t Har riso n W rse oncou Grand C Tow nse nd rtlan Melr dt ose Broo k St A Bl vd re Sh o 31 39 St y pw Ex s n N G oll M eorg Je elr e Tr ffer ose S ou so W tarr tma n n Su illou y g De dam hby Ka lb Ha Schenectady s B1 0S B t B 11 B 12 SSt 1 t 3S B B 14 St t 15 St B 1 St ale Pa lisa d Sedgw ick Ph L ela An oring n dre S wS Ne lso n She rma n ris ris Ale xan de r Wi llis dg Bri dy ne St 35 39 St 30 Pl Troy Albany Kingston y wa gh Hi Pkwy Ocean W 3 St W 2 St W 1 St W 5 St W 8 St W 12 St U Aq niver ue sity du ct E 9A v Ge Gra W rard nd Con alton cou rse Rive r Mor Par Can k MRoideral r en rt F .K be Ro 12 St 14 St 3S t St 8 ce 2 29 8 St nt St es Cr 24 St ut bo la al W Brooklyn Rogers Nostrand rd Bedfo Fran klin Ce ntr al Van Sicklen Lake Mc Donald B B ay 4 27 ay 4 3 S Ba Av 4 S t t B y 2 ay 46 B 8 A 47 St Ba ay 4 v St y5 9 0 St St ndenc e Av 10 Av 10 de rc liff Po ph am Un Ger Waltard on Cr Rivoem r well H St 23 21 St 9S t n rno Ve 21 S t t Hoo per He we s Dr ive Riv er Me M Og rriam LK d Blv Plim en d Nels pton on wick Sedg m O mit N gden W els Je An oodyon rom der cres e son t Harlem River Drive v 1A t 1S ISL RO vd 11 S Ma rcy Ro Keadney p RF KB v 3A 2A v ar le m e n gto xin Pa Le AN D rW alk ne OS EV ELT yW ag bb Bl on Pulas k Bridg i e lin Ha g ve m e y He er rb er t Dr Ro be rto Ha rle m pwy Am ste Majo r Dee gan Ex Su R iv er on rk Ma dis v 5A v 1A Av Yo rk Bo Vern 5 St igg Bed Ro s ford eb rry Be Teit elb aum ilt W es tD r EE nd v 2A r nte Ce he yt W nt Ke Wbur g St W rhill derb Pz St E Unde Van W rk Av Utrech 1t 7 Le no x CP am Ad Len ox ell ow .P A.C v 3A Le xin gto n Ma dis on Pa rk Ya nk ee F an D dS R he D a S riv tad e ium (se as on al) to on Ferry Lan E34th Hunter's Point - Fult v 8A Pa ct pe Av 16 Old Ne w Cle me nte Nic St m rda Do rick de Fre ow ell St. N icho las P ark ss gla ou kD ric de Fre We st Ce ntr al Pa rk 5A v Fe rry ) ding - Pier 11 (NYWT e planad iver Es East River Park East R 7A v os Pr 15 Av 14 Sta te Pa rk las ho Broa dwa y Ca brin Ft Wa i shingto n Ha Ft W ven ash ingt on y wa ad Bro St. N ad ste rd nv am en t Co Am Av 12 Riv Pa rk Riv ers ide Le xin gto 3A n v rk Pa D Av 6A v Av icho las ug Jacki Edge St. las e R com Nic Av s ob be ins Ave hola on s P Pa l rk wa y Riv ersid eP ark Bro rvi ce Ri Rd ve rs ide Se 40 S t 38 S t Indepe Fair field A Nethrlington erlan d Johnson Oxford Br ud so n H en ry H Hu dson Driv e He nry Hud son Te ers A ide mtr ak ay nw ree rG Navy Fle et v 5A Av 13 Av B B ay 1 ay 16 15 Ba 8 A 17 St Av Ba y 19v St 19 y 2 St 16 0 B A Av St B ay v 20 ay 2 22 17 Ba Av 3 S St A v t Ba y 2 y2 5S 18 B 6S t Av Ba ay 2 t y2 8S 19 9S t B Av t Ba ay 3 23 y 3 1 S 20 Ba Av 2 S t Av t B y 24 ay 3 34 S 21 5 Ba Ba Av St t A y B y v Pa 2 ay 37 rk B 5 A 38 St wa Ba ay 4 v St y 26 y 4 0 S Av1 St t 14 42 S t Henry Hudson Pkwy Palis ade son H ud k Amt ra 05 rrac e/R t. 5 ve an A Sylv ad Ro er Riv nR dso m n Dr C Av Lewis Gold Bridge Duffield Ne vin s 4A v Av 10 12 Av New Utrech t Av rda v Ma d FDR A Av Pitt Bridge Adams Jay Bo nd v 3A 9A v 11 Av Am 5A v Le xin gto n 3A v v 1A S Cliunffolk ton Pearl Jay Cadman ith t Hoy 2A v Av 8 iso v 7A 6A 5A v Ma d Pa ison rk g v 2A e ysti n Alle m eru Bo urt Co Sm Clin rt Cou 6A v v 12 Av B B ay 1 ay 7 S Ba 5 Av8 St t Ba y 1 y1 0S 1S t t St Ba y8 B 1 Ba ay 1 6 Av y1 3S 4 17 St t Av 7 Av t Irvi n ity an Tom ton pkin s ry Hen Hick s ia 5A v 7A 11 Av 13 Av n ilto righ ste rda Broadway m Co lum bu s MA NH AT TA N Riv ers ide 8A v 5A ers Un iv ett e La fay Chr ry we Bo Furm Hick s mbia Colu Tiffa ny nt Bru Van y la Im Col umb R Dw icha igh rds t v 2A 10 Av 5 Ge Av lsto n Ga t Da ling B hlg Pa atter ren rro y tt v am Surf Man hatt an O Fr Ca cean pod sid ann e o Am v 9A v 6A Broadway v 7A TH PA l ga on ps er at W s rri Fe Co no ve r 1A v 6 Av Rid 3 Av 5 Av ge Rd nial Nar row s Colo 4 Av Rd ore Sh Ca rol ina US SN Ste ube n ste We Bro st En d ad wa y Pk Amtr ak v 10 A 9A v cD ou Ma om Th La f Ce ayet ntr te e 6 Av h urc Ch State P (N ier Y 11 W at - IK er E Ta A xi) nA rmy (NY Ter Wa min ter T al axi) okly Bro Ft H Wain w Virg inia Clifto n Mos el 3A Ca nal Elb e Pa tter son v 11 Av 8A v 10 Av v 7A Varick Hudson enway River Gre Hudson T Br rinity oa dw ay d e 9A Rout S En ) YW (N J ,N rd fo el 11 Pier y Greenway Shore Pkw StPauls Bay Ma StP rion auls Va nD uze r Pk H ill LongP ond We se r J (Seastreak) y Hook,, N t - Sand 34th S E 1 reak) Pier 1 NJ (Seast hlands, tic Hig n a l t A 1astreak) , NJ (Se Pier 1 ighlands thSt - H 34 E Taxi) Pier 11 l (NY Water Termina n Army Brookly g n i Riis Land Wa rd Ox ford n Hyla Hu son Hu d Ferry St Pa rk Greenwich Washington WFC - Battery Pier84 - Pier63 - Pier45 - ken (NYW) ken (N - Hobo ) YW (N rte ibe tL or -P 11 er Pi -B 1 r1 ie -P 78 er Pi Ne wD orp Be ac h ive Riv er Rd er Riv e Av oa dw ay Br Rou te YWT) Park - SSS - Pier 11 - Port Impe Fulton Landing rial (NYW ) W) Pier 7 8- N ewpo rt (NY YW) (NYW) - Colgate - E34th St (N nk Dr Franatra Si WFC - Hobo Wash. B lvd Pier 78 Pier 11 Marin B lvd Blvd Marin 9A Hudson R iver St Huds on St ington Wash n Ave Madis o Pa lisa de Av e Ave Jersey ve Jers T) DO YC (N rry Fe d an Isl en at St Titu s We ed Mil ton Ro Het ma t Laco nia Hurlbert Wi lso n He nry Oly mp ia Pla ttsb urg Bo und ary Ru dya rd Old field Mor Kisw eland ic k G Fre rimsby ebo rn Colo Bad ny en lan Hy Targee Gordon Howard Ce dar R Ta hine rge e O Bri der tton Targee Richmond Mas Holl on y Rid ge Da Hillv lem iew ere Fla gg Hu s Jo Vera son yc e Lac onia Ma son Nu ge nt Beebe Vic tory Berth a Ch esh Wa ire ldr Gle on Du nwo dle od y Rugby Ay ma r No rthe rn ill Todt H Old Mill Hudson Manor Ri v er 9W Av e/ an Sy lv Pk wy Inte rsta te des Palis a Fla Na t Roc tur k B e C ro en ok ter Av e ad Bro ve nA rso de An e Av Be rge nlin e WP NT KE AW Blv d EH WE eri al Im p Po rt Ave Park e Av ork wY Ne ve it A mm Su ve al A ntr Ce ey A NYC Transit Commuter/Regional Rail Ferry Regional Bus 9 Av Laurel Hill Amsterdam St. Nicho Edgecom las b Bradh urst rick D ougla ss wa ll k Ha Atlantic Beach Bridge Fred e ad s Collier ld Deerfie 4th Av W 218th e o Br ad B N R Q W ro Bedford Av er y e Re ea F V B Gold St. dm wa B 9 St mh ers t oo ad hty Mi ll W o Br ug Rd la t t B 24 S ay Beach 1 3 t Holl Ferry Slips 0 Gansevoort Horatio Jane W12 ne Bethu GREENWICH A Bank C VILLAGE E Perry St s Charle W 10 pher St to Chris Manhattan Side - Enter to the right of the lower level of the Ferry Terminal building and proceed to the outside waiting area Wolfe’s Pond Park Mountain Bike Trails Surf St L Barrow Morton Leroy Clarkso n St W Hous ton St PATH 0 Joline 14 n rdw Boa Up Seguine Mansion Hudson River W ce Purdy High Line Park ru view Bay N Staten Island Ferry Connections Parking Lot Surf Staten Island Ferry (NYCDOT) Borough Hall St. George Ferry Terminal lto v Mill su n ot FAR ROCKAWAY t B 34 S t B 35 S Ser v 259 St in Do Neilso n C ch St Richmond County Bank Ballpark Fu 7th A s ale h ich lvd wi 253 St 149 Rd Rosed Bicycles permitted on Boardwalk 5-10am only S er Allen St. Le y xle d Hu woo ge Ed 148 Rd ATLANTIC BEACH Sp Broadway cis r Broad Channel 147 Rd 147 Dr Silver Point Park enw ckn er B y m rise Beech Gre Bru ne trea Sun Av ROSEDALE 8A v Cornaga ha 32 kin eck Ble 29 S ey S an le all el wh Brookville Park 14 y 5A v W Ne ne Fr od 14 Ca k el wo Ca rric Vall ann S Conduit Av St 8 24 ge nn ll N v Ch LIRR Rosedale Ed el Whiteha 7th A Me West ARVERNE W 4 St RFK Bridge Av Roc B B 43 St B 45 St Av Rockaw Lar rd dfo Be t Av O'Donahue Pk Edgemere A B 73 St B 81 St 28 S Av Big n 4A v VALLEY STREAM Merrick Bl M St B 25 ly nel Beach Chan EDGEMERE l St 91 B t 4S B 9 5 St B9 Eldridge St. 21 tral Av Cen 5 St Eldrdge St. wy Av Ro St 46 B1 1 Av Pk her Av cka 44 Cypress ate 128 Fletc St ac Be k Yor New t ern 0 ond n Lily P Ocea Forsyth St. uth P y Ba t So ean Millsthur Ar 26 S wis Av Av Jacob Ri alk is Boardw d San 27 S Le 129 ay Oc ins 27 St dw is 120 121 B 59 St ans Veter e Bridg orial ste B 58 St B 67 St Thursby Am B 64 St SOMERVILLE pk Jay St oa NEPONSIT m To cent Br Sho t y wa an Oce St St BELLE HARBOR 23 e rom nt Fro Chrystie St. tch Av nc rso er Bayswater Park SEASIDE t ron F e r 08 S B1 n 10 B1 sto e nad St on 34 B1 Cr 22 B1 C St ch S A 26 B1 el nn ROCKAWAY PARK ha Murray H ulbert ront F Pearl St Fra St Ca 138 139 141 A Hea Mem n han dC B1 Second Ave Du Av fB do Edgemere Park Holland Bay St. Anns Cross Island Pkwy Rd Av Jacob Riis Park ood Linw me ia Jero Bion port Lam ton ory sing Mallrway Ken No Cres St lvd 202 118 St Bayswat BROAD CHANNEL od go Os Bowery 216 is B Av ervice Park S s pkin Tom Adams St St t 217 S 212 St Lew St 198 t tma l nne Cha Riis Park Pitch and Putt 9 St m) 222 Hills 203 115 116 LAURELTON gfield ot Har Big B 16 9a St er ster ve Hollis 114 Av 114 Rd 115 Av Burnsid Almeda Be StMarks e Monro DanielLow lt rve ste We Brooklyn Bridge St Winche 245 224 St lip Belmont Park Race Track Ba Bayfield Br e 0 Pl er St Av n Pe 18th wy nc 22 vd 8 nd 3 104 John F. Kennedy International Airport sy Dubos Point Wildlife Sanctuary Pk m- Bl 21 Tu Jamaica Bay LIRR Belmont Park a el on kins Par ilroad NRa 7a ld Ont vd He Walk Bike on east sidewalk Carro St ll Ham Marks ilton nt sce e r C stin Au ouis L tra ie ario v 93 A 112 Av 112 Rd on y ay S a Jersey pt. pike Idlewild Park sR d M e rin er bst We Glen En gf 89 Av urn ho T aw A Ma York Brighton Ridgewood Randall xc rin Jeric ) ard Harv Franklin e Lafayett Clinton Tysen rk v 86 A N er ond T Richm r ee St E e Av Hillsid on t s illi W Inwood Country Club U.S.C.G. Heliport onal a (Nati on Are ti a re c e St u Fo Pa St 251 St 243 St 242 St 249 h St ealt 247 onw m Com v 83 A 91 Av re eca Senntario O au Lab Fre 267 St 259 St 257 kwy P eck le N St 264 St 263 Litt v 81 A ck Bay Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge d Roa ar v 80 A FLORAL PARK den 13 Av Ro ces Cross N Sho 3 B 19 Bard t edic od Ben tonwo But ay ldw Fie ls atKil Gre land Mid ch ea xB Fo e rav dg Re rds Giffo (C n St t 233 S 235 Sp Va 21 ncis St ned ice ice P. eph Br. Jos bbo da Ad R a ingham Brentwooyd Coyn Westbur Kissel Hoyt Innis St to Langdale St as v 79 A 87 Av 87 D r 88 Rd ay Ar Bro Kissel Ct ke Hempstead Fra 201 Av BROOKVILLE erv erv en as 10th Hart Lakewood Sharon Metropolitan City Bard Hart Lawrence Oakland Todt Hill La Guardia Manor Elvin Fanning Melba N gl t t 3S St 150 Dr NS SS icl a Gr sh Davis Pelton Fairview Beechwood Mountainview Royal Oak on Sloss Manor S Greenleaf Westcott Clermont Perry Wheeler Maplewood Wilder Pace University 78 Av To Request the Long Island Bicycle Map visit: www.4commute.com Floyd Bennett Field allows visitors to bike the historic runways and hike in the North Forty Natural Area. With a permit, visitors are also allowed to camp in New York City’s only campground, fish and boat in Jamaica Bay. Directions, information and more activities can be found at the following site: www.nps.gov/gate/planyourvisit/. Jamaica Bay Riding Academy Snug Children's Harbor Museum Cultural Ctr Bement Elm NBurgher ay Broadw Rd ve Clo Llewellyn Lowell Meisner Kent Frankfort St t MILES Van Rector Alaska Barker Taylor Dongan Bodine Dubois Kell Gansevoort Suffolk Graves Wellbrook Bradley Roosevelt Warwick od lwo da an d S oo lew n ng rbi reave Ta Co G Tillary St S n LOWER MANHATTAN Mann Pinehurst y Pkw eck le N Litt ou Tp 85 Av BELLEROSE 88 Av Lin 133 Av rric kB 134 lvd Rd 147 Av F.M. Charles Memorial Park bu at B 201 St ide on FLORAL PARK ide al R an ltm Ve Ft. Washington t 254 S Commonwealth D i Un WWII Pillbox tion ay Na Martin Road ille le n 73 Av Unio 1 20 CAMBRIA HEIGHTS Sprin Ken nF 148 (N Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk 2 Av River va ho ton S 230 22 Hills v 92 A d 92 R nport e v Da Hollis lis Joh Cargo Plaza Pl St Bay nS ni St on kev La ow rat glas 27 99 Av 100 Av 137 138 Rd Av 14 149 Rd Ac d 71 R Av 72 Children's Psych. Center aica 202 nt el 136 148 Av JFK Br Ma Dou St e l 0P 21 0 St 21 t 8S 20 Be N ary GLEN OAKS on dock St Springfield Park nd Marcu Inwood Park Market ill dH on hm Ric Exit St 232 dal t 0S St 190 r wy St Queens Farm Museum v nt A mo Elk v 76 A Jam 130 Pl 5D v Av Pk y Ryan Center Historic Hangar Row Silver Lake Park Closes to traffic Friday 4PM reopens Monday 8AM Crafton Woodward 1 Av ilip Ph lon Co nett Ben e ridg Hold lay enPl c Lipsett Bar All s utu Arb Par k 7 n ver 22 217 l Bel St St 198 200 t kS ou 14 267 261 S t Uni QUEENS VILLAGE LIRR Queens Village t ers t 1 wy e LIRR Laurelton 143 Av 144 A 145 61 Douglaston Park Golf Course Av Av 93 t Farm 6S NB Av 45 l 7P 17 7 St 17 16 au E xp r 4D Northern Montefiore Cemetery 178 N Condu it Av 92 1S 9S N h as ll vi ett 171 St t 5S 169 St Av 14 Av HOLLIS v 2A 12 t Rd Av 19 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS LIRR Locust Manor 8S 15 150 St d 0 14 Av Me Av 133 15 Inwoo v 7A Pk w y Southern Nass 130 104 Cross ine sk Va lva 2 10 ea l Floyd Bennett Field BREEZY POINT Kell Carmel Sheraden Ardmore Woolley Cabrini ille 24 to mp Clo ld 20 19 tau Av Garr 129 ROCHDALE 13 n 89 en 1 te Sta t s v 63 A 65 Av Brad Av 116 ST ALBANS vd erric Bl k y le 125 Av s i St t 30 ll Lind Mo Lo Lakeview Ba Av ha Av 115 Turin M St kev st Ha E. t 0S t ale 8 S rd 22 love C 23 gfie St St llis 1 57 Dr BELLAIRE ck Pl en rdo Tioga Av 14 La Ea t St Sprin 217 212 St 209 Hills Ho s Mu tS Av v 82 A Av 113 178 sd te Av 104 er l irk ck 172 t r 5S 16 we Bre St yR ng ar hi 90 rm iba nk Du do t d Blv t Av 111 Fa St 9S Gu 155 St in 153 S Sutph 143 St St 10 96 St 95 St 92 St 91St 84 St 80 St e Sapphir Er A St Bell St p E LI et Rd 60 Use sidewalk St is ew Pl 195 St 195 t 1S t 185 S t 187 S Av 104 9 Av9 Rd 10 10 V.A. Hospital Center Roy Wilkins Southern Queens Park Av 16 1 Park v t 102 S St 101 0 St un v 163 A 218 214 210 is L 19 0 t 16 t 7S St ood 140 5A an ll v on A ers end LIRR St Albans h Foc Av Baisley 34 Pond 1 13 234 t 219 S St nc Fra St 18 3S ur L M Blvd lo St n inde 1 St F St v 5A hi a eh lto oA l 7P 18 7 St 18 St t 7S 17 16 5 6 e Sp Pal 188 183 17 St 9 M Av 133 Av ice 214 St 212 St 210 eania Oc St 207 St 206 St St 171 B 17 17 St W Av 103 f of rh ke Ha n nn ri un Se a pwy Av 60 vi 70 Av r ce Av 100 180 St 149 Inw St 131 Av r 3S y Expw St 199 Pl 196 St 196 194 n 175 t 9 St wy 140 144 11 Cente 23 t 215 S t 09 S is Lew Avo n 7S 15 208 LIRR Hollis D v 11 v 3A och Rockaway P l na vd l Bl Bel St St ncis St erto 10 15 1 Av West y 213 2 rview Clea 202 Fra St 188 184 Edg St l SOUTH JAMAICA h Foc Officer Byrne Park vic Se w Pk le d Mi an l's ae Isl ich s os eM Jo Cr t St St n Pl er 160 rew yB 1 e 58 d R ce wl Av Gatew Canterbury Brooklyn Bridge ry 203 194 t Ken y rre Su Tryo Gu t 5S oo 09 S Fl en Kalver da St St 196 St St St St t 15 rp A 11 1 11 150 A e) E Y Av na India St 56 ts rri W 4th St un 211 St 207 206 St 186 178 4S t 1S v 9A Av 0 Av 85 Visitors Center E l na tio Na Ge 9 St B 21 2 St B 22 Pl y Expwy St 190 t Utopia St 16 16 St 153 St 150 1 Union Gr H Av 08 ilt kwy v 86 A lin ica Jama 10 Av lsid Av v 6A 10 7 Av 10 York College e 149 A v Air Train Lefferts Blvd Station Free Bike Parking 5S ew 200 S 84 Utopia 1 v 89 A s 19 v er v 161 A Spring Creek Park (G.N.R.A.) St t S E 54 St n E 53 St so E 52 ick r n nd He ema l E Co Quentin Pembroke Hooker e rra Bo 21 ll vi 206 189 St 168 F 11 d Exp 133 A v Hil He t INWOOD V Seawall r Decatu Juliette Shor Mu Be t 2S 21 ar Pkwy 172 St Auburndale St ve Old 152 S Road Av r ec na rt ua St Knapp BrighamBragg Coyle Oxford Norfolk er toph Chris ett Lips lon Poil and vel Cle on d Nels nwoo lly od wo de Ho Lin ble d m Ra woorong Elmrmst A ft ach cro son Be orny h bin est Ro fic T ecr ale ci er idg ynd n L Pa est Rd sto nch n Pre Wi mo h n n rde rde Ric rd o f t Of A A Re ods man Wo Seid old Har uine Seg clay Bar lis Hil e Pin e Alvin Arbutus Lake kfield Broo n Colo Fern aba gdon Escan Abin ong Demopolis Armstr ou Cortely d Ridgewoo Getz Bartlett right Wainw Richmond Pompey Lovelace dale Anna e Albe Conference House Park n Hyla h Edit ster Che n gto Irvin a neli Cor Billop Johnston Lemon Creek Pk en Camd m gdo oe Kin kah Tuc ll ette Prandrov A ont Clerm en t Hylan Vail on Nipp ot uen Hug 3rd S Cover layout & design: NYC & Company Cover Photograph: Heidi Wolf Bike Rentals are available at locations listed in red. boy Am Everett orth Ellsw Coney Island Ave. Parade Grounds Map Credit: Thanks to the Cities of Chicago, Illinois; Portland, Oregon; and Calgary and London, Canada for the use of information from their cycling maps. Conference House Mount Loretto Kill hur Art mit Sum Pittsville Biddle House Bedell ig Bet he Cra l Atlantic Pleasant Plains Richmond Valley Nassau Staten Island Station ury Prince's Bay Waterb ld s O wa anna Joh ior zo Excelslay DiRenover Fin Han ting Vail Kea Wolfe's Pond Park Melville Wilbur w Bayvie t Boscombe Lut xwell Ma orth Ellsw ull odh Wo non ale Ver sd een Qu ter Fos 4th S S Bridge Clearmont W. 4 N Bridge Dru Elder Car Traffic Outerbridge Crossing Veterans W dvail Woo Updated versions of the Cycling Map and information about current projects can be found at: nyc.gov/planning or nyc.gov/dot Englewo od Tottenville 1 - Bennett’s Bicycles 517 Jewett Ave / 718-447-8652 2 - The Bike Shop 4026 Hylan Blvd / 718-948-5080 Storer ire Magu © 2010 Edition. First printing 1997. Copyright, Departments of City Planning and Transportation, the City of New York. Sharrotts Sharrott t Disclaimer: The City of New York has published this map to aid cyclists. Cyclists are urged to use facilities that are suitable for their individual cycling skills and to be aware that traffic volumes, during certain times of the day, may be unsuitable for their cycling abilities. This map does not substitute for a roadway map. The City of New York takes no responsibility for users’ safety and in no way warrants the safety or fitness of the suggested routes. Ride carefully! Clay Pit Ponds State Park y Marc Gilroy Vernon ter Fos vard hur Art Kill Forrestal N nan Hee ar Delm Queens Plaza North & 23rd St or Crescent St 1 - Tread Bike Shop 250 Dyckman St / 212-544-7055 2 - Mani’s Bicycle Shop 8 Bennett Ave / 212-927-8501 3 - Victor’s Bike Repair 4125 Broadway / 212-740-5137 4 - Junior Bicycle Shop 1820 Amsterdam Ave / 212-690-6511 5 - Innovation Bike Shop 105 W 106th St / 212-678-7130 6 - Heavy Metal Bike Shop 2016 Third Ave / 212-410-1144 7 - Champion B cycle 896 Amsterdam St. / 212-662-2690 8 - 96th Street Metro Bikes 231 W 96th St / 212-663-7531 9 - Eddie’s Bicycles Shop 490 Amsterdam Ave / 212-580-2011 10 - Bicycle Renaissance 430 Columbus Ave / 212-724-2350 11 - Metro Bicycles 1311 Lexington Ave / 212-427-4450 12 - Larry’s Bikes Plus 1690 2nd Ave / 212-722-2201 13 - Nyce Wheels 1603 York Ave / 212-737-3078 14 - Bicycles Plus NYC 1400 3rd Ave / 212-794-2929 15 - Pedal Pusher Bikes 1306 Second Ave / 212-288-5592 16 - Bike Heaven 348 E 62nd St / 212-230-1919 17 - Master Bike Shop 225 W 77th / 212-580-2355 18 - Liberty Bicycles 846 9th Ave / 212-757-2418 19 - Manhattan Bicycles 791 9th Avenue / 212-262-0111 20 - Bike and Roll (multiple locations) 18 Battery Place (year round) / 212-260-0400 21- Midtown Metro Bicycles 360 W 47th / 212-581-4500 22 - City Bicycles & Hobbies 315 W 38th / 212-563-3373 23 - Conrad’s Bike Shop 25 Tudor City Pl/212-697-6966 24 - Sid’s Bike Shop 235 E 34th St / 212-213-8360 Gold Bl. Crossfield Annadale ns 1 - Tony’s Bicycle 35-01 23rd Ave / 718-278-3355 2 - Bike Stop 37-19 28th Ave / 718-278-2453 3 - Bill’s Cycle 63-24 Roosevelt Ave / 718-335-1906 4 - Grand Bicycle Center 70-13 Grand Ave / 718-779-4691 5 - LIC Cycles 25-11 Queens Plaza North / 718-472-4537 6 - Cigi Bicycle Shop II 91-07 37th Ave / 718-457-1093 7 - Metropolis Bicycles 92-64 Queens Blvd / 718-478-3338 8 - Cigi Bicycle Shop 42-20 111th St / 718-271-1473 9 - Century Bicycle Shop 14-18 150th St / 718-767-2772 10 - Flushing Bicycle Center 45-70 Kissena Blvd / 718-358-0986 11 - Roberts Bicycle 33-13 F Lewis Blvd / 718-353-5432 12 - Peak Mountain Bike Pro Shop 42-42 235th St / 718-225-5119 13 - Spokesman Cycles 80-16 Cooper Ave / 718-366-0450 14 - Spin City Cycle 110-50 Queens Blvd / 718-793-8850 15 - Twin Bicycles 75-20 MetropolitanAve/718-326-7725 16 - Gray’s Bicycle 82-34 Lefferts Blvd / 718-441-9767 17 - Hardware City Ltd. 79-06 Jamaica Ave / 718-296-2000 18 - Arc de Triomphe Bicycles 114-01 Jamaica Ave / 718-846-2099 19 - Belittle Bicycles 169-20 Jamaica Ave / 718-739-3795 20 - Bicycle Barn 107-34 Springfield Blvd/718-479-3119 21 - Laurelton Bicycle Shop 232-20 Merrick Blvd / 718-528-6886 22 - Lightwheels Bike and Boat Rental Olmstead Center / 718-271-3005 23 - Mini Mall 430 Beach 129th St / 718-945-6787 24 - Bicycle Repairman Corp. 40-21A 35th Ave / 718-706-0450 25 - Spokesman Cycles 49-04 Vernon Blvd / 718-433-0450 Woehrle d Grantwoo ee Queens S Goff t St St 162 son or oo n ck r v N Conduit v 158 A Snug ore P Fillm Snug Harbor on t t Park Livingst a Hy Ford Howard Linden RichmondTerrace r t ige t ct n nz e e nu al Be m sp W Be Pro on Scribnenr BenAnn Wayne Henders Botanical net dy Corso Lyons oo ity M Garden Trin tonP Tompkinsville Cromwell t Goodhue h Richmond Terrace New Macormac g Pk i in r Rec. Center e Plgd Ca B P e Arlington n broke nah n stle n a H Ba ton Swa Castleton Stanley Alb yv Gran io Ce iew t Pa n bra Roxbury Leyden lme DeKay Silver L r ake Delafield ry a C Walker Walke Forest r Continental Silver Lake Pk field Pro Wave Dela rtle C B d y a ee th spe Floy on Netherland M rris Mo Di Kinsey xo km er n ct 3S Notre Ora Trossach an ine Wenlock t nge Harvest Dame Forest Stapleton ell c H gh r a lei F Ra gam Academy orest Wemple Pu an Eddy Mathews Forest Wilcox Zoo Egbert Curtis La Monsey Griswold Birch Eld on mb Verrazano Narrows Bridge Whitewood d rid nhurst Amador 1 ve Harris ert Ra Grymes Broa ge Galloway Ludwig Benedict ingsley Silver Lake No bicycle and no lm St. Peter Cem. K Wolkoff o St.John's g h n Golf Course li x l rt O College Hil Ma Univ. Go Ada De Hirsch Cem. Maine Clifton pedestrian access C eth n Garrison love Arlo e als Ed Laurel urs ge Lathrop NoJules Constant Fahy Osgood Co ilt Drake w rth y a a b Keiber ter eld low der Fairw Rice Waters nfi Wil R Van Hills ee Sawyer ard Potter Watchogue tnut ide Metcoff Gr w s L y e a Clove Lake r m o h a berts Prall's s o lfe C Knox Crowell H Alice Austen ary H Park Vict Island StM Sanford Wagner amilton Kemball n House Lander Bird Kirshon Bloo lifto Caswell College C m Fi el field dstone Sanctuary Garibaldi Meucci Coale Cam Walters Ma ego w d Museum Gurdon p Victory s Yon r R n u a y O g Hols s eyn an la Little Clov Auburn Edwa en Akr a e Tio m old Hyl Maryt Johns on Gard rd Cu Narran s S rry Merill Lortel o pe w s N Pierc Ho ry rd Nar Victo Schmidts n Ganno e N oa Ste row Somme tley Mo erb ube s g A Von r n n S e i l Sunnyside Dreyer Narr Sideview n o F Fort Mild S Gannon ows Cl Campus cho orth Breisen Pk Wadsworth Westwood Wil field S on ov od rs N Westwo w e st l re o m s Deer Pk Fo E wb eR d a y r Carnegie ook W Narr d Tillman Coverl Wilson o Hy ws S Ter Spring A lan Grasmere Queen Ocean ar So Boliv ut h lsea Signs Staten Island Tra k Basket Willow Swamp Rome Harold go Brady's W F Gateway National Che Willowbrook College (CUNY) vis d Merriticwell ing Chica Spa Columbus Pk mon h Park Portage W Recreation Area erb rkill Rich Williamson r jo o a T d ac ard M Oakville on Theater (National Park C Brielle Vist Urbaoma wP n lo il a Rupert a na le W Service) New York McC W C a Old Town O lc d ott ldTow Farm ha k y r Cliffw o o n pin verloo nd or ame t R r D Colony K O c e o oc k law m New Vi As kla itloc ch a Cannon hw ber h nd Wh es Fores re Ri ort ry Foc t am h Ra Reid J Bu t Greenbelt rita S rke n oad Bu Lov William T Davis A Recreation tt lt y o r rgh er Tra a il Mc ell Sc t Fai Wildlife Refuge Center ch Be er Ga D M rvie Eastm en inw er s vis Ra rre P Bea w Co rn Ev nton Nug mpia Mo ivitt anAv Alb elvin StNe Shilo erg cy ly Lib tson N h na A t h n k ert O i o a t u la r ha erty me Ro Mc r OW a Qu n Co Dongan Dela ntic een So Qu W Charte este Ric ckl ple K Veig wa Hills C ind inta hm ntr and h y lo re rom yH rd ndi y on S ea well o k Av Rin d Hill Fu e Alta Richmond County llow Vie Elw rne g Ocean Breeze Park mo ood w Country Club ss B South Beach Boardwalk nt Jefferson AvS Do uel nga e We Fresh Kills Pk J a Ste eff ver nH Open Dawn to Dusk Staten stp n Slo Sylvanus L p o e o i l i n H l b r b s a Island Mall t ey N erty ne ull rso Decker Farmhouse Lis Sla augh n High Rock t t Elm er on Moravian n La Tourette Park Mi Grant Park wo dla Hyla con Cem. nd City od and Golf Club o Bealdner Pk n C S.I. m d o d Pla Jef lf Hoffman Island Ge fe G ich Lighthouse ill tinu roa G ax s R ent Hu rson raham ail d reel st H m nte Nug o hen S Island of a R y e ndon p n o r e c r e L e o t B s Jacques Marchais in an Meadow Yuk ilr an y Fo thou StS Clo teele N MiBedford Lin Qu od on Ligh Center of Tibetan Art iste RaOtis croft dla col e Ma r ap n Ro StGeowrgs S n p B C s l J y d urb oe B Oakle Ro e Hem eton StAndre Fr ch l ish ss d New Jacq ank pst op Da Old Mill Rd Richmon ead ues le DorpC ea Ga Vin Center o Re tew dB c dd ing cre ay an Ty ent l Natick Park d t se S ati Na i on All ns on tio EB M Be terlin is Historic Ar nal T ac g roa Ca on ea h Richmondtown WChomas dw N n R Am n e be a Cla eda en on r y wD Swinburn Island o rke rvie P orp The Staten Island Bicycling Thomas w Pe enn Miller Field United Hebrew Cedarview ter Association organizes Saturday Cemetery am Oa Oakwood leh k morning group rides. Meet at the Tys Da Heights A ld Winston Ebb ens Ch de Gu ia rfie l a Miller Field parking lot. a F its m y i l de l i o p K n l a Gary in thur Gurley r n to A g n li Ilyssa Mo Is Oceanview ylan Berry P nt B Ch ntrea H l Cemetery Sleigh Family ha Jume Ho uffalo es l Na t Graveyard p tt S e e r k rto pra in Macon Barlow Leve ton n Bay t s Ibsen Terrace Jus t Howson tin Gib Perkiomen tt r re B de ve y Le ay Alexan Dewe n Te sE Leverett r n Kata an Ain pto a Genesee ter Morris y il e s m a r V wo a ed K South Shore R Ta H e a rth N Ro eg s rlto y o Great Kills rr Great Kills Park a im Golf Course an Ca B Oakwood M llin Katan n Whitehall Ferry Terminal (MN) Grafeton s rlto ea gH ur Beach ig F n Gun e ill t G re an f Kat Laredo o r H n c to d n ills Balsam Charles ee ide yR MemphLaismoka N Gateway National Gr bo rd Wirt ale Recreation Area Bedfo Am Jef Serrell Petrus Rosed o ll ll f G e e e e rr r l rso rav Co n tic to Ard n Eltingville el kda Mon Cas sio en Oa Rossville African re stor Wilson an mo W Cnaus Methodist Church M a c Battery Park y e J V e S e Belf Lor anne McBain Bridge ield rain tte Woodrow 2 e Annadale Pea rl apo Clay Pit Wieland Ram ely Mos lair r Sinc Wate g r Alysia selae Kin ch Rens amona o K R n in er Ionia Edw man n Colly y yso ngto n o all landt och b T n Darlirlton K nsen Ey Am Te Ca Ja Huguenot EnglewoBloomingdale y od Park hirleel S u o Blue Heron Staten nd an No horn Billi Pitney W Ashla Island Pond Park g Hyl ius Kin goole Ferry m e Deis t n u r r u D nd Albo la E y le g E n o k li l o e a mg Whe Goethals Bridge No bicycle/pedestrian access - Path under construction Ilyssa Manhattan 25 - B-Fold 224 E 13th St / 212-529-7247 26 - Busy Bee Bikes 437 East 6th St / 212-228-2347 27 - Toga Bike Shop 110 West End Ave/ 212-799-9625 28 - A Bicycle Shop 163 W. 22nd St / 212-691-6149 29 - 6th Ave Metro Bicycles 546 6th Ave / 212-255-5100 30 - Paragon Sports 867 Broadway / 212-255-8036 31 - 14th Street Metro Bicycles 332 E 14th St / 212-228-4344 32 - Sid’s Bike Shop 151 W 19th St / 212-989-1060 33 - Recycle-a-Bicycle 75 Avenue C / 212-475-1655 34 - Bike Works 106 Ridge St / 212-388-1077 35 - Bicycle Habitat 244 Lafayette St / 212-431-3315 36 - Spokesman Cycles 34 Irving Place / 212-995-0450 37 - Canal St Metro Bicycles 1 Hudson Square/ 212-334-8000 38 - Frank’s Bike Shop 553 Grand St / 212-533-6332 39 - Gotham Bike Shop 116 W Broadway/ 212-732-2453 40 - Manhattan Velo 141 E 17th St / 212-253-6788 41 - NYC Velo 64 2nd Avenue / 212-253-7771 42 - Continuum Cycles 199 Ave B / 212-505-8785 43 - Enoch’s Bike Shop 480 Tenth Ave / 212-582-0620 44 - Landmark Bicycles 136 East 3rd St / 212-674-2343 45 - Chelsea Bicycles 130 W 26th / 646-230-7715 46 - Hudson Urban Bicycles (HUB) 139 Charles St / 212-965-9334 47 - ModSquad Cycles 2119 F. Douglas Blvd. / 212-865-5050 48 - Waterfront Bike Shop 391 West St / 212-969-9729 49 - Harlem Bike Doctors 2001 5th Ave / 917-428-3727 50 - Harlem Bike Doctors II 65 St. Nicholas Ave / 917-518-4187 51 - Central Park Bicycle Shop 315 W 57th Store #6 / 646-722-7083 52 - Eastern Mountain Sports 530 Broadway / 212-966-8730 53 - Al’s Cycle Solutions 693 10th Ave / 212-247-3300 54 - Zen Bikes 134 W 24th St / 212-929-2453 Goff Idaho t 169 165 164 St Par Sutte ea r Arche Wy rt io at S.I. Museum ar Lenev B Utopia le le St be ti Yeild to Pedestrians Manhattan, cont. on Alvers Mallow Bay e is ew vil da Van 134 rd STATEN ISLAND Maguire s 202 St is L on en n w hi SOUTH OZONE PARK v 157 Av Pk t 0S gto 84 St r Fo 156 Av ty er Av 135 A kfo Al d 120 Av 155 Av SR Av 116 A Ec hlan rP Moto hland HOLLISWOOD Chels Dalny nd sl g I Lon Ex nd KILOMETERS Aspen Knolls Jamie Qu Queens Plaza So. 43 Ave o u le eck Bridge Throgs N nc int 160 St min way Aqueduct Race Track s Bay Ambe ire Sapph Ruby Drew Forbell Eldert nt Gra Sheridan Lincoln n Autum k c Hemlo t n Cresce Pine tain LINDENWOOD Rocka St Cros 79 St 149 Av 115 Av All Re tree 49 Av 95 St 88 St Pitkin 1 wy 15 St St s od Haw o lattw Av 134 Linden 155 Av t 144 S 138 134 fert Av nt Av 11 St P 101 80 St Sutter duit 148 St 144 St t 9 S St St 109 166 St Fra Cl St 13 St Av en Lind on Av Mc Rd wy v 77 A W gh Lau Pk 0 Freedom Gary Chambers ld St La Murray 150 Pl in Ma 126 Lef St St 97 QUEENS d Tu Ric Rd or ck v 76 A Av 75 derb JAMAICA CTR tp 120 St 104 102 St 92 t 91 St S 90 84 St 76 St v 107 A 1 Rd 80 Central Library Lib 7 Cunningham Park ll Alley Pond Park Van JAMAICA ESTATES E J Z v 3A FRESH MEADOWS Av 81 Za an 67 Av v 64 A OAKLAND GARDENS Ne Av 69 Av Hig Av 64 Av V Alley Pond Park Ex Is ong ec o hkn ing Horace Hard tle Train Hospital h Park Dr Sout Reade yfie ille St s t 124 S 110 n St Drew Euclid r e Doschnut Chest l Crysta in Founta Logan sy The Rules nn tonv 150 147 St St en ave Av h nn ay 95 ll ba m r t Ki yde8 S t R 3 7S t E 3 S n Brown tse rri Jaffray Irwin Hastings Girard th Falmou Helpful Hints & Tips for Shared Paths Pe Clin na 141 135 rd odh 86 Eldert Euclid 103 151 Av Av 107 P A 82 pwy land Av 58 v 58 A 90 Li y Mountain Bike Trails TRAILHEAD JAMAICA HILLS Su Sa ert Av 51 Av 50Cunningham Park Av 54 L v 69 A 84 LIRR Jamaica Av 103 Lib 81 Av 87 In 109 133 Av at Brooklyn Golf Center Bus Station ore Dinsm Polic e Plaz a gst Lon Blair s nold Rey tiss Pren r ghe Mea rney ck Keaogs Ne Thr e St Ga Av 97 Av Jamaica Bay Canarsie Pier t oin yP awa k c FORT TILDEN Ro Breezy Point Park wn 136 w t 98 S t 97 S Wo 92 Av Av 53 Lit Be t Alley Pond Environmental Center v 48 A Av 69 St. John's University S DOUGLASTON Queensborough Community College v 64 A 73 r 84 D v 88 A v 89 A Av 95 56 Av 43 r lis Av ill HILLCREST d Av No 5 d LITTLE NECK 12 Blvd rthern ol erh k 82 Rd 84 Rd ic RICHMOND HILL Av 94 ay B lvd 76 Av 84 R E tan nt Atla 67 Av UTOPIA Coolidge Hoover 95 v 91 A Jamaica 65 Av thals F rts v 89 A Pec LIRR Bayside Cunningham Park Grand Central Pkwy Av aica 18 Und LIRR Douglaston 23 Caution: Use sidewalk on 40 Av Northern Blvd. H 71 Av Goe 85 Rd opoli Jam v 48 A 165 Av ea ROXBURY d Blv k St Bo se s Ki St Ke Leffe e St. Mary's Cemetery 59 Av Av 78 Maple Grove Cemetery Av Booth Memorial Jewel v 87 Caution: Use sidewalk on Utopia Pkwy. Kissena Park Golf Course POMONOCK 83 A Metr 46 Av G le LIRR nw oo Little Neck BAYSIDE G Kingsborough Community College Roc ce s 141 rE D Pl 96 St 94 St 78 St be Tu kaw Rd 77 AUBURNDALE 45 Av Brooklyn - Queens Greenway Velodrome 36 Av r 45 D v A 46 ern io Ca E 9 nars i E9 3S e E9 2S t 1S t t Berry eans 149 Pl 149 St son St rk 3 85 v 86 A Pk Path switches sides y awa St Par Main St 140 Pa 11 Av Pidgeon e os Av Coolidge 8 16 Dr HOWARD BEACH at iew av Se is Lo lv nt B Poi Oc 149 St t v a GERRITSENSeb Manhattan Beach Park 150 St Parsons Blvd 137 t ge P Colle St 112 S 110 86 St Roc Spring Creek Park aw E 25 North Forty Natural Area Plumb Beach en 147 vd Bl n ingto Prince Farr Pt St 82 o Av 72 77 A v 3A y le Kew Gardens ud Av 84 Ba bb ag Av Av Borough Hall LIRR Myrtle S ck h us Ge r Batchelde n Brow Haring Nostrand E 29 St t E 28 S E 27 St t E 26 S E 24 St E 23 St t E 22 S t E 21 S Ocean Exeter Dover ge Colerid t Beaumon Amherst Walker St kE r ge 126 d R d un eg N ak O Oak v Av 39 LIRR Auburndale 42 Av 43 Av 46 Av v 35 A rth rly Bay 35 A 39 Av LIRR Broadway Beve Crocheron Park Av 33 d 33 R 11 MURRAY HILL LIE Service Rd 73 Av 32 Av 29 Flushing Cemetery es 71 de g Kissena Park Rd 72 d La Acacia Pitkin Cemetery k ar Campground Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk lin R 13th PLUMB BEACH ar an Cl x y lco Wi cent pw Vin x ec d oo llyw Ho ogan L ison Ed Malba 141 St Ulme le ol C R ian 14 80 do ho Pe a ian uis Lo Fresh Creek Park St Av No Av 28 Av 28 45 Av r en All BEACH De sN sto t 136 S 130 St 123 St 122 St n F n ne S Av re re ur Rd 68 Av F A wy STARRETT CITY erry BAY TERRACE Av 23 26 NASSAU Little Neck Bay Av 26 Crocheron Queens College KEW GARDENS HILLS FOREST HILLS GARDENS o Sh SPRING CREEK 6 Willow Lake E Sc ms illia ds tlan Fla Mount Hebron Cemetery St ll 75 St e d for k Mil ntau Motkins an A rrim rd e Be eph Sh sex d Es woo Lin on nd Elt vela Cle hfordck As rwi Wa rome Je rbey ck Ba en eld effi Sh orgia Ge zi Reev 24 Av 24 Rd ysi elt Elm 62 Av 62 Rd OZONE PARK alia nd Va Co 22 108 Thornto we 91 Atl ut rc Norw'd Hale pard d SEhsesex Logan y nle Sta an rtm Wo ne QUEENSBORO HILL 59 Av 21 Av 21 Rd Av 16 en rg Be b at St 32 St E 31 e E arin ison M d tt a M rne t r Bu tua S Bedford W End in Corb W 3rd St rog ere Rev oun Calhincy Qu ton n Swinsmade tingto Brin Hun ff Gra rick Butt is m v n a D lco inso Ba Robsmer Ho rson e Em ite xon Br Br ne Wh 127 St e leg St t 99 S om 82 St Chesn Fo Highlan x Hendri len ic Van S iller 3 ia Livon lin 56 Clearview Park Golf Course 19 Av Ba Bowne Park l 16 Av LIRR Sanfo y rd cla Murray Hill Bar Queens Botanical Garden oth nio n ic ant Loring sev B Bo id Mer 111 t t et n tch ave dh oo Eldert WOODHAVEN Linden nk C 35 Av Ch KEW GARDENS v 95 A Av 97 t Dumon S 57 Rd 57 Av LIRR Forest Hills Metro J Z Spring Creek Park M Av BERGEN v W BEACH A Marine Park land City Is Th e ver n Re ou h l Ca uincy n Q into Sw rson Eme ill St 97 S Cr Fi R 0 7 V m Con a Fr r Av P l v 88 A Blake rd Elde Av a ew nd kla ric t S io Oh E 60 Mayfair E 59 St h May St Basse Uta d r tt E 57 fair ylo w a St G arlo air B ayf an MILL M itm as h s ISLAND W kan Ar nal Natio ce en or Fl tt rtle rus Ba Cy l Campbel m Stadiu Hollywood Merry Hobart Crosby ie p Gilles on Edis dford er Bra yflow Ma itan r Pu Turneur 114 St n ills t M rd Wyona Bradfo nt Vermo EAST NEW YORK y Av ford nie Min r Bur nial Colouls tal Pa ntinen Co w kvie Par an h Ma is v Jar bart Ho by s Cro er 121 St 120 St g ctio sH mon nt Belmo e Sutt r Carnarsie Beach Park e t yc 4 S t RoE 7 3 S t 7 S E 72 St E 71 St E 70 St E 69 St E 68 St E 67 St E 66 St E 65 St E 64 St E 63 E l St il M 61 St E 60 St E 59 St E 58 St E 7 on 5 E ars St t Pe 56 5 S t E 5 S Fl E 36 St E 35 St E 34 St E 33 E t E 29 S t E 28 S t E 27 S t E 26 S E 19 St E 18 St E 17 St t E 16 S t E 14 S E 13 St E 12 St St B7 t B6St B5S St B 4 St B3 St B 2 s hart Ear r te Hun er Boll ay hruw Ely ce Vaneyer Dem Zerega ey Havem Col 116 St 112 St n hi 109 Jun es Ver Wells Ro Ralph E 59 St E 58 St E 57 St M Av sse 85 Rd Lower New York Bay L Av N Av v 69 A Rd G 69 ram U 94 E 56 St E 55 St E 54 St E 53 St E 52 St E 51 St Utica E 49 St E 48 St Schenectady E 46 St E 45 St Troy E 43 St E 42 St Albany E 40 St E 39 St E 38 St E 37 St Brooklyn E 35 St E 34 St NewYork E 32 Stt E 31 S Nostrand L Ke 17 C l E Nostrand E 29 St E 28 St E 27 Stt E 26 S t E 23 S t E 22 S t E 21 S E 19 St E 18 St E 17 St E 16 St E 15 St E 14 St E 13 St E 12 St E 7 St Hubbart d E6S ew nd T ngla on Eds a Betts Hussony Pugsle ns Stephe n Newma 110 St 108 St 105 St t 96 S l 97 P t pr Ln Miller on Fult Rd Ex Fle eter et Park Glen Weldon y McKinle Hill CITYLINE n Blvd 10 Av on Fult 32 Av Roo Little Bay Park Duane Pkwy Flushing Field Bayside fo an 13 rns Forest Park Golf Course Etnaforth Dan d ewoo Ridg WHITESTONE 35 Av Caution: Use sidewalk on Jewel Av 88 Highland am J Park Etna J Av St 93 St E t 92 S n E 91 mse t E e S R 9 t 8 E 88 S St E 87 St E 86 St E 85 St E 84 St t E 83 S E 82 St E 81 St E 80 St E 79 St E 78 St E 77 E Bedford t E 24 S t E 23 S t E 22 S t E 21 S Be E 7 rgen E 7 3 St 2S t Bu y a aic Cross Island LIRR Flushing Main St. Av 67 Ing 10 Av 9 22 Av Fort Totten Powells Cov e Blvd 11 Av 20 Rd Norther 3 Myrtle National Cemetery an PAERDEGAT BASIN Erb en epCr ardee k wSnh Riverside 17 Av 17 Rd 28 Av v 9A polita CYPRESS HILLS ton Arling St 07 St t St E 1 106 5 S t 8 E 10 4 S t 10 E 0 S t 1 E 103 2 S t E E 10 1 S t E 10 0 S E 10 St t E 99 S E 98 E s ith od Sm nwo e l lin G k n Co King's Point Town Park 13 Av v 15 A Melbourne 66 an 81 v 12 A 7 Forest Park Robin kie Jac kw d 36 R Meadow Lake 78 Av l 79 S St Cy 64 P 25 Rd Friends Meeting DOWNTOWN House FLUSHING a ren ee Cypress Hills Cemetery NEW LOTS W Bank ay aw Brooklyn Terminal Market ffee Cha Ind ian 24 Av Willets LIRR Shea Stadium Fr Pitkin n indere Van S ck E 58 St E 57 St E 56 St E 55 St E 54 St E 53 St E 52 St E 51 St Utica E 49 St E 48 St Schenectady E 46 St E 45 St Troy E 43 St E 42 St Albany E 40 St E 39 St E 38 St E 37 St E 29 St E 28 St Rogers t E 26 S E 25 St t E 23 S Ocean Av t E 19 S t E 18 S t E 17 S t E 16 S t E 15 S t E 14 S t E 13 S t E 12 S dr E New ce mer Com Seabury Zereg Castle H Howe Torry lains n 103 St 79 P 78 Av ria ron Jewel er r Do o st Co FOREST HILLS Dr 63 Av 64 Qu e Sa ens B un lvd de rs p oo 11 Av Rd 63 Av 66 7 Av V U.S.T.A National Tennis Center Flushing Meadow Corona Park Queens Museum Co Ridgewood Reservoir ersey New J lyvania Penns ld Sheffie ia Georg a Alabam Williams Hinsdale Snediker Ro sh gh Marlborou An on Baychester Eds ce Gra rs ate W ell nd Blo er Havemey White P so Pl e 13 an d gem n Blv He de Lin at e affe Ch v 4 Av 20 Av t r de REGO PARK rto n n 3A 22 A v 22 Rd College Point Industrial Park us Fl ics 84 a rlto W rm ill nv 69 Av Cook ore Glenm Fl L Lawton Milton arding THROGS H NECK Schurz 9 Av Frank Golden Park vel Al Ca 80 St n Metropolita op r lwe Bu Stone Hopkinson Junius Powell r tophe Chris Stone s Watkinrn Osbo rd Thatfo y wa Rocka r Cheste Bristol on Hopkins Amboy Herzl Strauss Saratoga Legion n Grafto Howard t Tapscot Union New York Av Rogers Flatbu Rugby t E 19 S E 18 St t E 17 S E 16 St E 10 St E 9 St E 8 St E 7 St E 5 St E 4 St St . bouts Rom er Boll lmer Pa eimer DeR e es Mil Powell's Cove Park Rd Bridge Sidewalk D 62 St. John's Cemetery er ds s lan r No oste ll F de Be Wissman 9 Av 18 Av r Er stin Fu 74 Pl a Saratog Howard Patchen Ralph Blvd sant Stuyve Lewis Spencer Garvey Marcus Bedford Franklin Cllaverr E Lake tm Salt Marsh Nature Center Marine Park Golf Course l ne an n Ch vo De St MIDDLE VILLAGE l 71 P St 65 t 62 S X s Classon Irving Grand Cambr St James Av S Au Blvd er unip 70 t 65 S t 64 S ss t D PARK Arts yPerforming and Cultural Center n pso Sam Walk Bike on North Side of ose Do Rd v 60 A Malcolm Throop Tompkin ton Av Island Coney St t E 10 S E 9 St E 8 St E 7 St Fillmore e nd Po tral GLENDALE Use Sidewalk Dewit as MILL BASIN Av O 99 St sh n so rri Ha Av Schuyler Hill EDGEWATER xpw ey Dew 15 Av tle 98 St t 92 S St St St 68 St vet 15 N Av Veterans Av N n ctio Jun 78 76 St J Juniper Valley Park r ipe n Ju e lop ne Pe GEORGETOWN Av M rol Fre St est Humboldt Cen ots wL Ne Linden Pa erd eg at Av L the A D Av Av V wy St 74 70 69 Oli t 63 S 60 For an Morg rt Boga Otto Av 70 ck Hegeman t gu Av K R LIE LEFRAK CITY Rd vice Ser d 80 t Mt 61 St 60 St St St 54 56 Av Lott Av Di on y hle Sc ll nda elt Ra oosev rt ley o R m Br La p Sch s East Chester Bay ley Bark xE 25 Av Av G Xe rang nia er We ll 66 Rd y Libert A Av rra R ce Valley Juniper Av LIRR East NY REMSEN VILLAGE Fa Av 7 G Av 57 o Eli Av 63 L B SOUTH CORONA 75 wi K Av MARINE PARK 56 St F Lutheran Cemetery 70 ort Newp Wyckoff Farmhouse y 54 d lan ide by gh ys os Hi unn r C S HIGHLAND PARK ale Riverd Av itne AC ro on ks ar Cl ont Fairm n to y La ilip Ph 23 Av ea Sh Citi Field 43 Corona 68 Av sh p T Av is Ot ene e Gr rkley r Ba mme So ros Bu 93 St 90 St 89 St 85 St 74 St 81 St 80 St 68 St 58 St 54 St 58 St 61 Cemetery of the Evergreens Y r oh illm W Lott House s pe Ro wen t O Mc ueno g Hu r Bolle er Palm imer e DerR ll ava DeLmbouts Ro wick en Ste este ster tche Eas dg i sbr l Stickbal Bolton Underhill Leland Thieriot Taylor Beach nce re St Law lth onwea Comm le Roseda 94 St 87 St 82 St Newtown Rd t tt Sco r dne Gar t war Ste k Varic rbury Wate Bushwick Lorimer Union cy ar M rd Sandfo Walworth Spencer Skillman Washing Stratford Argyle er Westminst E8 Prospect St Bell ea Dury ndson Amu Seton h Bayc Ely er n Bru kham nther Wic Gu ann Tiem sland Kingkle Mic m llia Wi d Olmstea Pugsley iew dv un So Noble Croes Halleck Pt 81 St n oort derv Van Leonard Manhattan Graham Av ise evo Deb Kingsland Rd pre Coney Island Boardwalk Bicycles permitted 5-10am only n ge h r Wildeeimer DeR He tes tt nse ga rra ck Na nbroe g Te rin le ia Virgin ll Underhi Leland t Thierio Taylor Beach nce StLawre ealth onw Comm Metcalf water Drake Whittierllow Longfe Bryant Faile Coster Manida o Barrett a Casanov 76 St St 75 w ick Var r Porte r Av 62 Cy ork 12 Avd a Yucc k se Rus Br id 4th S 5t n Seto cello ti Mon Hill ock Ely a Corston Fenymour Se Fish on Wils ck Bou rsall Pea xda le Colgate Edge y N to M ns ee Qu Bu th 18 Government Bron Roseda Croes Noble Fteley Metcalf Morrison Stratford Manor Ward n Boynto Elder Wheeler Evergreen Colgate Close nts Hu Tiffan n Worthe Craven Truxton Dupont Barry yt ew 4 n g CANARSIE F to 78 3 S Av Baisley 4 11 Av Hall of Science v 51 A v A 52 Av 54 n Blvd p wn Ex idto n Gra al Somers 8 Av 48 Riis Landing NY Aquarium Ya n nso mli To ight Ha rting Lu e n Ho lding n u Pa oldecliff C d Ra gart Bo wler Fo er Mulin s Matthew Barnese Wallacd Leland Hollan Thieriot Hunt Plains Taylor White Beach Victor ore StLawrence lm ld Amethy Fil rfie r Commonwealth Ga aylo ville uren T el B M an V Noble Harrod Chisholm Ho N y Apollo Hausman Morgan Sutton N Gu Mc kford d Ec onar Le attan nh Ma rd dfo Be in Bergen St. Marks E so Justi v dA 7 w Ne ert E BROADWAY JUNCTION W ury terb Wa e in Pa y isle Ba St. Raymond's Cemetery 9 Rd Ro v 42 A ELMHURST n WEEKSVILLE in Elb Av 50 Myrtle Irv ough Mac Don r Decatu e g Bainbrid y Chaunce Marion r Sumpteugal MacDo l Hul BROOKLYN o 6 Av rom enad e 7 51 Av v 67 A ck Weeksville Heritage Center Louis Armstrong House Museum Av 38 C ine odb M ntr wi NORTH CORONA 37 Av Wh ens Beach The Cyclone Rollercoaster er Brun am h Wick nther Gu yd Bo ey Dign ore od he ff .T Dr zmiro Ka tte Charlo ine N Louis bins Steb Bristow Br dle Kingsland Monitor N Henrlly Russe ie t Humbold ultr Mo ell Jew mond Dia ell ness ew in an he yt Kent Taaffe n Classo on Emers en Steub Grand Ryerson Hall A C re n Edsoce Gra Martha Katonah t 4S 20 E way Park holu Mos s rk Pa rd dfo St Be 199 E King K ll Bra Provost Manhatt nke Ba Gem W ilt Dr st Ea Boa Wo W ils on ch ur Ch Schools and Universities Theaters Bedell Joline W. 4 W. 4 Seaside Park G Z x no Le R Av rn Blvd 6 Caldwe rove BROWNSVILLE tin en Qu JACKSON HEIGHTS Ith Ju aca dg e ry er L Bu J nd tla Ru Sp enc R e Co andolp r COUNTRY unt h ry C CLUB lu Va b Parlhalla s Ra ifal wlin s 5 Av A Ba yP Dr 31 32 Av Northe Av 29 34 Av Que Mt. Olivet Cemetery oo ree Landmarks and Museums Hallister Gaynor 7th S 5th S Use Ped Signal P v ach A BRIGHTON B n Be ghto r BEACH Q Bri Brightwate k al rdw Hampton in Cl 60 Av dw On ar d d Se erdo nk ne Cy ca pr es s erg WINGATE P Av a Woodside 54 Av g in Av sh 59 W sh SHEEPSHEAD BAY BEACH Oriental den P RIDGEWOOD Ev Union Lincoln President Terrace Carroll Park Crown Montgomery s nd tla Fla EAST ELMHURST Astori Av 27 Roose 60 Linden Hill Cemetery Ce ay Av Y MANHATTAN 30 Av 41 Av y d dw Fulton Av H Shore tune pw Maspeth oa Prospect Park Sterling St Johns Lincoln re mo itte Wh Griswold SUNY Maritime College 31 Av 24 Av 45 Av 56 Rd Br Av Y Nep 25 Av Caution: Southbound use sidewalk MASPETH Cross h Beac Tier CITY Bay am ISLAND Fordh s in Hawkllt Caro field Scho e Centr rs Winteey Earl ll Pe old Reyn Pilot Marine y Buckleon Hortchelle en Ro Beld wto 23 Av y ld e Kilro rs Ditma Reville Clason Pt Pk ars Ditm al Pkw rfie City Isla nd erland Bri dge Suth Rodman's Neck NYC Police Dept Firing Range C dv iew 30 Av Ditmars ide Pelham Bay Park Watt Ampere w y dle ton Du rring gton Ha ddin lle Co LaSa Long Island Sound Orchard Beach e Bown to iddle Ferry Point Park 26 Av 21 Av ods nd Ne Be i Su acon ral rf n 32 Av Isla ornell 9 Av Calamus Bor n Gra City Pelham Bay Park erts Rob n Schley Flushing F Bay Centr 48 Av Mt. Zion Cemetery Emmons MCU Park Brooklyn Cyclones Marvin W. 4 W. 4 l mi land Coney Is Pembrook Yield to Pedestrians 6th S ay Boardwalk Airports and Industrial Uses Pool Sites of Interest rd Richa P Av Z F CLASSON POINT Ad m Hunts Point Terminal Market velt LIRR Woodside wn Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk RUGBY e Jerom s Voorhie So un M Holy Cross Cemetery 21 Av X Q N D F CONEY ISLAND Surf Page ark Mermaid t Winan N 1 - Bicycle Doctor 133 Grand St / 718-302-3145 2 - Spokes and Strings 140 Havemeyer St / 718-599-2409 3 - Graham’s Bicycle Discount Center 178 Graham Ave / 718-782-5741 4 - Nelson’s Bicycle Shop 251 Bushwick Ave / 718-821-4811 5 - Recycle-a-Bicycle 35 Pearl St / 718-858-2972 6 - Bay Ridge Bicycle World 8916 Third Avenue / 718-238-1118 7 - Terrific’s Video and Bikes 1547 Broadway / 718-453-1575 8 - Brooklyn Heights Bike 278 Atlantic Ave / 718-625-9633 9 - Bike Shop 514 Court St / 718-797-0326 10 - R&A Cycles 105 5th Ave / 718-636-5242 11 - Bicycle Station 171 Park Ave / 718-638-0300 12 - Dixon’s Bicycle Shop 792 Union St / 718-636-0067 13 - On the Move 400 7th Ave / 718-768-4998 14 - Arnold’s Bicycles 4220 8th Ave / 718-435-8558 15 - Mr. C’s Cycles 4622 7th Ave / 718-438-7283 16 - Weber’s Bicycles 4715 New Utrecht Ave/718-871-4321 17 - Brooklyn Bicycle Center 673 Coney Island Ave / 718-941-9095 18 - Larry’s Cycle Shop 1854 Flatbush Ave / 718-377-3600 19 - Ferrara Cycle Shop 6304 20th Ave / 718-232-6716 20 - Verrazano Bicycle Shop 7308 5th Ave / 718-680-6521 21 - Roy’s Sheepshead Cycle 2679 Coney Island Ave/718-646-9430 22 - Bravo Bike Repair 187 Wilson Ave / 718-602-5150 23 - Fulton Bikes 1580 Fulton St / 718-778-2887 24 - B’s Bikes 262 Driggs Avenue / 718-349-1212 25 - Bespoke Bicycles 64-B Lafayette Ave / 718-643-6816 26 - Affinity Cycles 616 Grand Street / 718-384-5181 27 - Brooklyn Bike and Board 560 Vanderbilt Ave / 347-295-2339 28 - Lit Fuse Cyclery 409 Willoughby Ave / 347-442-1672 29 - King Kog 455 Graham Ave / 347-689-2299 30 - 9th Street Cycles 375 9th St / 718-768-2453 31 - Ride Brooklyn 468 Bergen St / 347-599-1340 32 - Bikes on Myrtle 478 Myrtle Ave/347-788-0478 N ABOUT THIS MAP t Walk Bike Through Plaza Ocea Neptune Veterans E rk e Av Vanderb No. N 8th S Use Ped Signal Bo yn ton Kaiser Playground Grille W. 4 w Oc t SEAGATE autilus N nic e r Spragu cke Nancy He ille ue Sprag shv Na t rd er Sleigh rna ish n F Ba Yetma n ee Brighto od L n t innerto Wo an w S MainS tm on t Ye s n Carterell tler Joh n a tts Bu i Aspinw t achuse Ma cticuMass Conne Craig rlee Sate Pa pect Pros SW Prospect Park e sid P ton Ha y Ft. rkwa a P n a e N Times Square Yield to Pedestrians Cyclists must yield to pedestrians at all times when exiting or entering Prospect Park ark Cros 9th S y Waverl Clinton Plaza Q'nsboro Bridge - Lower Level Broadway rd W. 4 Bay V Polar Maple ss Cypre Laurel Lyme r Lancaste Crawford Av W Canal ville Ross Gervil e head Maguir Arrow n Hampto S 5th St Pedestrians only on south side Queens Joseph P. Addabbo Bridge N Park Circle Calvert Vaux Park l mica Che va GRAVESEND Gravesend Village S en Ard S 5 St Cyclists: Access bridge at Crescent St or 23 St South 5th Place & South 5th Street Walk bike on sidewalk on east side of bridge. Yield to Pedestrians Cyclists on the 2-way protected path should cross with the pedestrian signal. ule Wolf ith red Me path Av e Bo Av V ver Do arlyle C Queensboro Bridge - Queens s Bay Fl at bu sh HOMECREST Lake o OCEAN HILL ck Ne Village N Norton Pelham Bay Park w Willoe r Buh CASTLE HILL Pugsley's Creek Park Ryawa Barretto Point Park 3 58 Av on Johns am Ingrah on Harris n Gratta s e Tham gh McDonou end ves Gra atus Cincinn Randall Caesar leeve Gilders Viele St Theresa Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk e Obrien r enter D Food C E Bay 84 Farragut Av T v Rd Av J Av U Be ns on id h dolp Ran Q E 3 Stt E2S E 1 St West St W 1 St W 2 St W 3 St 58 St Use Sidewalk Williamsburg Bridge Veterans Memorial Bridge Cros N Ha rw ay l stria Indu n nso Joh ass ) Overp rneath BQEcontinues unde Bicycle Path 1st Av & 60th St Jamaica Bay Bridges Marine Parkway Bridge kwy 59 St Harry Delancey Plaza S 4 St Jay Street & Sands Street Queensboro Bridge - Lower Level Bike/Ped path sporadic closures 10pm-5am for bridge painting. Shuttle service for bikes will be provided. Williamsburg Bridge - Brooklyn (Bike ge Brid Cadman Plaza West Tillary Street & Adams Street Sands N 60 St Grand St North Bicycle Path ttan Stair access to Cadman Plaza E N Clinton Street & Delancey Street nha Sands Cadman Plaza East Cyclists: Access to bridge via median on Delancey. Broome St St Ma N M D Colin Av S Drake Park QUEENS Metropolitan 4 Moore t Oak P Seward Bartow-Pell Mansion 6 PELHAM BAY Arnow SCHUYLERVILLE e ett fay La E 177 StC Virgil Homer Lacomb on Patters v 50 Av Myrtle illm 39 A 55 Dr FLATLANDS Quentin Spofford HUNTS POINT all Rand 31 Av New Calvary Cemetery EAST FLATBUSH P Av P 39 Av SUNNYSIDE GARDENS Ex 56 ko Koscius Lafayette en Van Bur Greene BEDFORD n to g n STUYVESANT Lexi Quincy B BATH BEACH Ferry Lines and Terminals Expressways Principal Streets OCEAN PARKWAY dw ay Hill Av I O Ba lea y n Av R Cody Jay N Queensboro Bridge - Manhattan Williamsburg Bridge Delancey St Manhattan Bridge - Brooklyn Adams St Ocean P Willis Avenue Bridge Manhattan Side - 1st Av & E. 127th St. Bronx Side - Willis Av & E. 134th St Williamsburg Bridge - Manhattan Forsyth Street & Canal Street Brooklyn Brooklyn Bridge Bridge- -Brooklyn Brooklyn E 9 St E 8 St E 7 St Centre Street & Brooklyn Bridge ge t w Ro Elk id South Pedestrian Path W Lake Use Stairs St Br rk Pa City Hall Park City Hall t Clermon i Adelph Broadway St n Carlton 27 E1 Broadway Bridge N 25 tta Bicycling permitted on west mall only Soundview SOUNDVIEW Hunts Point Park Riverside Park Lafayette WOODSIDE Linden ust tnut Loc Ches Av N der Ry F Av O oa Glenwood MIDWOOD ria Pedestrian Overpass at 73 St Upper Flu New York Bay Lenox Brooklyn College Grand V s Blvd M Eastern Parkway 2 ca Sene E 197 St E 196 St E 195 St E 194 St Wilkinson St. Raymond's Cemetery LaGuardia Airport Av Av Br Foster 5 Av M Dahill St 2A St ha Mc Donald 34 St E1 35 E1 Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. v N E1 an sh tbu Fla n col Lin Manhattan Side - 3rd Av & E. 128th St. Bronx Side - 3rd Av & Bruckner Blvd Manhattan Side - 218th and Broadway Bronx Side - West 225th Street and Broadway North Bicycle Path M St E 5 St E 4 St E 3 St E 2 St 3 Av pwy v 3A 26 Canal s ma Dit irk k w Ne Av H ton Se an Ex Use Stairs N Willis Avenue Bridge Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. lvd Queens Side - 27th St & Hoyt Av N. t E 136 S Third Avenue Bridge er Walk bike on sidewalk. Broadway Use Stairs ckn N Deeg ton ing Lex Bru Yankee Stadium Major Jerome Macombs Dam Bridge St om ac 30 M N Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. Broadway Bridge Manhattan Bridge - Manhattan N wes rman South She7 St E St East River Bridges Brooklyn Bridge - Manhattan Park 38 Third Avenue Bridge E1 ia B E 3 St E 2 St E1 St tor E 4 St N Madison Avenue Bridge 28 As GWB Upper Level & Route 9W rd S Oxfo nd la S Port S Elliott St E1 evel 19 W 6 St 138 Manhattan Side - St. Nicholas @ W. 155th St or A.C. Powell Bronx Side - Dr. MLK Blvd @ Jerome Av 24 Av .K Ho en yt Ho nedy Av eN yt B r Av idg eS e rc Do Av K W 1 St W 2 St W 3 St W 4 St W 5 St W St Manhattan Side - Madison Av & E. 135th St or 5th Av & E. 138th St Bronx Side - Exterior Av & E. 138th St 5th W 22 er L irs McDonald Dahill Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. 39 N 1 - Arrow Cycle Inc. 4055 White Plains Rd / 718-547-2656 2 - Crosstown Bicycles 33 East 170th St / 718-293-8837 3 - Neighborhood Cycle, Inc. 571 Courtlandt Avenue / 718-665-6031 4 - Castle Hill Bicycle Center 3467 E. Tremont Avenue/718-597-2083 5 - Westchester Bicycle Pro Shop 2611 Westchester Ave / 718-409-1114 Brooklyn Madison Avenue Bridge W1 St to Queens bs Robert F. Kennedy Bridge - Queens sta E 3 St E 2 St 0 St Manhattan Side - Lenox Av & E. 145th St Bronx Side - Cromwell Av & E. 145th St 29 15 Manhattan Side - Lenox Av & E. 145th St Bronx Side - CromwellStadium Av & E. 145th St rt F Ashland E 15 9 St E1 to Manhattan be v t E1 W Bus Terminal Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. s St Edy 5S y Expw Bronx ross bike on sidewalk of bridge. CWalk 5 Ro Na 14 N E 14 Major Deegan N N ter bs nce We wre ille Laarkv P Washington Cemetery W 15 St W 145 Street Bridge Washington Bridge Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. W 179 St Take Hudson Terrace to 9W Bike Route ald t Landing Macombs Dam Bridge W 180 St George Washington Bridge - NJ Av F s he er Rd BLISSVILLE Clarendon Rd ter DITMAS PARK R Snyder Av J t W 16 S t W 17 S N Manhattan Side - Laural Hill Terr & W. 182nd St Bronx Side - Washington Bridge & University Av W 181 St Cabrini Blvd & W. 178th St Ditmas Stillwell E 133 St Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. 17 Z 23 Beverly Cortelyou A Wo ens Clarkson FLATBUSH Lafayette St. Michael's 31 Maria Hernandez W yc Park ko Irv Kn ff ing 'er bo 22 cke r BUSHWICK y Tilden Story Lafayette 5 P d re R Sh o Caution: Walk Bike Narrow sidewalk Roebling Zulette Wellman WESTCHESTER SQUARE Quimby Story y Herman Turnbull kn uc n STEINWAY 20 Astori a Blvd . N. Astori a Blvd . S. 28 47 Av rry Che t Vare k Coo ing h Flus Church Concrete Plant Park 35 Av e EAST WILLIAMSBURG Maple Martense B 19 Ga e Qu - Empire Blvd h urc Albemarle Lewis lyn Midwood Rutland Fenimore Hawthorne r Blvd Bruckne E F t oin np ee Gr 50 Av Walk Bike on Re Bridge Sidewalk vie Calvary w CROWN HEIGHTS PROSPECT LEFFERTS GARDENS Winthrop Parkside uff odr Wo ooke Cr Turner y Hinckle St Children's Museum Lincoln Watson Aldus r e Lo ng wo od Av 24 Que L rk East New Yo 6 PaZere rk g St Raymond Glo er a Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk Bartow M to on B Ov ens er on ing Un ve ion r po Starling rt Wood McGraw Benedict r te Newbold s tche Ellis Wes UNION Gleason PORT Powell Haviland Watson Blackrock Chatterton Gleason 6 p tt Po cke olitan Metrop PARKCHESTER lar Sa COLLEGE POINT 1 Museum of the Moving Image Pacific 5 2 t E172 S Waring Pelham/Split Rock Golf Course Asch Ba Rhinela n ett McDo der ass Seminnolald B e St Pe ter s rlain Gue Archer E 174 St P VAN NEST ad Meaker B Ad am s E1 78 St E1 77 St ce ier MORRIS PARK v NW Av dow Mea M 2 5 t E 165 St E 163 St Br LONGWOOD 43 Av b Willough 4 3 Home E 165 St M Pk rris Mo est nN Va A v G M Medgar Evers College 16 i orr 74 S s rm Fa W Freeman t E 167 St E 15 2 St 2 Pacific PARK SOUTH Ch ok LIRR Nostrand Park E1 72 St Jen ning s 9S s A Skillma t Ma Pros rks pect ton Parade Ca Grounds PROSPECT KENSINGTON u Cortelyo St t W 19 S W 20 St W 21 St W 22 St t W 23 S St W 24 St W 25 W 27 St W 28 St t W 29 S t W 30 S W 31 St t W 32 S W 33 St W 35 St Subway Lines and Stations 43 S Av C Pk t 182 St to the Bronx N Pk Open Space and Cemeteries Sheltered Bike Parking St ke La ro Monroe Madison Putnam Jefferson Hancock Halsey Macon Sterling Lefferts Audubon Center it rm Ke na Min Albemarle a ham Te ra Cla isa Beverly Lou v 2A 4 46 5 S 4 S t 48 7 St t 4 S 5 9S t 51 0 St t 5 S 5 2S t 54 3 S t 55 St t BOROUGH 56 S PARK 5 S t 58 7 St t 59 St St Cr op se y wy Parks With Bike Rental wy Pk Caton n ilto m Ha F G ood enw Gre wy W 37 N stairs W 177 St Sh (NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission) F Pr Wiosp Sh ndsoect Pr erm r 1 os an 18 7 St pec t St ce rra Te eley Se ilt rb nde e Va eev R Seth Low Playground th Historic District Swinburn Island WINDSOR TERRACE St B Q S Av Gates Sterl ing St J oh Linco ns ln Lefferts Homestead Prospect Park Bensonhurst Park signed route) Travel Direction on Bicycle Lane/Route Direction of Bicycle Lane on Two-way Street St W 7 St W 8 St W 9 St W 10 St W 11 Stt S W 12 Bicycle Route, Class 3 9 37 La Guardia 37 4 J E ar 23 Av N W DeKalb Tompkins Park Brooklyn 2 3 Public 4 5 Unio Library Brooklyn Presid n ent Museum Carro ll Zoo Crow n BrooklynMon tg o Botanic mery Garden 30 1 36 St 44 (on-street striped route) ch ea dB n a idl M idg Lower New York Bay y inc o Qu nn PARK SLOPE yR Ba Pedestrian overpass with Stairs 5 6 SSt 7S t 8S t t 3 W 36SS t 6S Washington Bridge Robert F. Kennedy Bridge - Randall's Island W 178 St Gateway National Recreation Area (Natl. Bicycle Lane, Class 2 (two-way unless shown) Hoffman Island da po Ca (on-street Fr Verrazano Narrows Bridge No bicycle and no pedestrian access G 1 Sarfie t ld 61 62 S 63 St t St BENSONHURST ore t Ba Sea Gate 14 George Washington Bridge George Washington Bridge - MN Dyker Beach Park Marsh a Sterlin ll g 12 Av L Inde pend ence (bridge, park or separated on-street path) The Bronx Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. Manhattan Side - 9th Av & W. 207th St Bronx WSide 205- Major St Deegan Expwy & W. 207th St/W. Fordham Rd Bronx Side - Cypress Av & Bruckner Blvd or Bruckner Blvd Serivce Rd & E. 133rd St Kennedy Blvd (Hudson Blvd) Av v 3 ry er tt G artleple Bhip W Hopkins Ellery Park MLK n Stockto Myrtle Ritter rk a sP E1 2 5 E1 73 S t der inelan CO-OP CITY MALBA 21 P Queen Boerum Kibbin Seigel Moore er rim on Lo alt W E 16 9 St xP E1 k S E 1 81 S 80 t St rtow t Francis Lewis Park 20 itm n Devoe Ainslie Powers Hart Pulaski Dea Berg n en S PROSPECT HEIGHTS 34 7 B 3 VILLAGE S y l 28Vernon 27 Av Av Laure Maujer Ten Eyck Stagg Scholes e Meserolse Montro on V G R P 26 C Sagamor e ill Ne Rh Br Crotona rk E Park a Pa n roto Brady Bronx Zoo International Wildlife Conservation Park E1 78 St Els m Ex ere Sr vR d WEST E1 75 FARMS St EAST TREMONT E 17 3 St E 17 2 St Cla rem on E1 71 S t t St P auls E 17 CLAREMONT 0 St Bronx Park w Arno rS Glen Island Park Pelham/Split Rock Golf Course well Still Lydig 5 Walk Bike on Ped. Bridge e Ade ne n va Gi y p Cit Co-o PELHAM GARDENS Pelham Parkway Lydig Hudson River le BAYCHESTER Astor Pelham Pkwy N G E 1 arden 82 St nt E 17 4 St E 15 8 St r te es h c st W E1 8 E 1 1 St 80 St E Tremo Expwy PELHAM PARKWAY tson Co Tillo n PORT MORRIS Cemetery Norman L Carlton Ave from Pacific St to Atlantic Ave Closed for Bridge S Construction Ho N d Highlan e Driv St E 132 St New Jersey Side - West 4th Street & Morningstar Road e dge 7A ley McDon St FDR W 206 St Robert F. Kennedy Bridge - Bronx no stairs on west side rine W 207 St University Heights Bridge Bruckner Blvd W m ha ord WF RFK Bridge Manhattan Side - 2nd Av & E. 124th St or 2nd Av & E. 126th St Margaret k Yor New W 208 St Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. Tweed Courthouse ean Oc N E 134 St B ows Le rke 2S St D M Fu lton Q Ca siden rroll t 38 7 St 40 St St e en al 77 78 S 79 St t 80 St 81 S 82 St t 83 St 8 S 8 4S t 86 5 St t St Dyker Beach Golf Course SHOPS 145 Street Bridge Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. E 126 St Bayview DYKER HEIGHTS G er 64 65 St 66 St 67 S t O S Ba vin t gt y 7 71 0 S Ridon 7 St t ge Av 7 2S 74 3 St t St McKinley Park 6 St B.A.M. Av ony Anth ardy Lm'badel Be ion on wt Divis ardson Ne Rich t 29 Fros ers n so rd With kson Richa Jac an Frost s er Skillmpeth With Mas Jackson Cooper an Skillm a Park Conselye G G Pratt Institute 31 College HuComm. nter s Po int SUNNYSIDE Nassau McGolrick Park 24 Driggs McCarren Park Bayard by Willough CLINTON HILL Cross Bronx Mace Arnow r heste Eastc EASTCHESTER rs Holle Atlantic Ocean University Heights Bridge Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. Major Deegan Expwy 20 25 o E 178 Echo St New York Botanical Garden ord ha E1 m E 1 89 S 88 t St E E 1185 S 84 t St E1 83 S BELMONT E1 t E 18 82 3 St St E1 80 St Allerton 5 Conner E1 32 St D Av S yt Av 38 rne By JJ dge Bri int E1 83 S t E1 82 S t Eastchester Gardens Adee Designates East Coast Greenway Route For detailed information on the route go to greenway.org Garrett Light mers Ham Burke EF FORDHAM M D E t Hope 1 B E 76 St Metro 175 St North Tremont Eden t 5 2 Rosewood Metro North Botanical Garden Fordham Metro University North Fordham 88 S b om nc u D ost Harlem River Bridges Robert F. Kennedy Bridge - Manhattan Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. FORT HAMILTON Fort Hamilton h ac Be th u So Commuter Rail and Stations AirTrain Rail BRIDGES, etc. E 124 St F BAY RIDGE V Bicycle Path, Class 1 or go to: nyc.gov/bikes Robert F. Kennedy Bridge (Formerly Triborough) 4A P y inc Qu Qu inta rd Ocean Breeze Park Ft 16 60 St v Pedestrian overpass with Stairs Fort Wadsworth nd h Foc Bike Shop B D Oakwood Beach Need a Map? Visit a Local Bicycle Shop, Call 311, Centre r Majo a le n McC (for future construction) P e P kwyR r Nar no- za erra A Von Breisen Pk dsw Wa Po ch ea xB Fo Ta rlto n Upp ool Sch orth L il y Be aware of the stopping Ring your bell or call out when passing. limitations of cyclists & skaters. ge Rid Mills ur Arth Scott ent Nug mpia Oly St St FORT GREENE enp Gre Grand 32 DeKalb B 10SPark Lin St terling col Joh n ns 2 Be ack raw ett Pre Green-Wood Cemetery 42 Fort Greene Park 35 PS 1 Contemporary Art Center Paid Newton Creek ge Nature Walk Green Huron India Java Kent 24 Pk G LIRR Hunters Point Av Borde n E1 Metro North Williams Bridge Con Edison RAVENSWOOD r nte nR Huckso a J 7 26 Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum 33 Bro Av ad wa 5 ole ser Me St 11 Myrtle ee P49 Av r ylo n Ta ilso W ss y WILLIAMSBURG e er Ro odn op s R Ho ewe n e H en edg rd P utl a R eyw h n H nc leto Ly idd M Wallabout er ym Cl nt LIRR Flatbush D D ougla S e G ss For Park Circle, see inset Pk ilt a tH Ov ing ton Ridg 20 Divisio 2 S5 S 8 St S 9 St S 10 St S 11 St n 31 Minerva Statue wy 90 91 St St 93 St 92 St 94 95 St 96 St 97 St St R 99 10 St 0 r Olive Ma ge Fin Planned/Proposed Bicycle Path Ebb its 84 S 85 S t t 86 S Pedestrian 87 t St overpass 88 S t with Stairs 89 S t Shore Road Park Bay 76 S 77 S t 78 S t 79 S t t ri rd a rbo Planned/Proposed Route Look before you cross! Cyclists: Walk Bike on W. 178 St. sidewalk. Pathway is closed from 12AM to 6AM. pe Ho d San Miller Field y Ba ins Tys ens pk wD orp nd ryla s Ma t John S m To G Re atew cre ay ati Na on tio Ar nal ea Ne ood Linw ia Bion Lin coln nt Fro Keep Right! Murray HulbertFront Bike-Box turn ...make Straight you more ahead visible when stopped for a left turn. Bay urb a ew Jacq nk ues orpC od din gto n S Be terlin ac g h Jef fers Gra on ham Hu nte r Bed Mi ford dla Ma nd ple Hem ton pst ead me Jero port Lam ory Mall ay w Nor ad Gre ilro ele Ra y adBan N Pedestriania lrOo croft style turn tis R SB “Bike Boxes” lan Hy x Lib erty Reid ton sing Ken d on Mi dl Co and lfa Alice Austen House ton Clif Brady's W F ago ing Chic Pk erb oar d mer Kra 2 24 3 St St 44 Br. WQu ria Main GREENPOINT Milton Noble Oak r e Caly N N 14 N 13 St 1 N 2 St N 11 St 10 S St t Av ns ee Pla n za 43 s Pla N z Av aS 25 Clay Dupont N N 5S N 4 St t 3S t N 1 SOUTH Gra St 1 SIDE S 1 nd Metr S opo S2 t litan S 3 SSt S4 t St Ke W of Ba arren f Bu ltic tler 13 14 15 m 73 S 74 S t t P At Church Avenue path switches to opposite side of street 41 rg Comodore J. Barry Park ScLiving her sto mn BOERUMAState erhor n HILL Patlantic De cific a Be n Wy rgen ck 8 M Sunset Park on yla n iew Hills Na Sla ught ter on t stnu Che rys a M t S Narr ows S H Be nto Ev N erg n Atla ree n n Dongan Delaw tic are Hills C Se romwe aV ll B Do uel nga n low Wil od go Os Grant City ms eR Old Town Bu rgh er Ed ge wa ter Narr ows N Grasmere Taco Urba ma na ad ilro Ra s pkin Tom ur Jefferson Av S Je eaver f on Hu fers b on Ad ll Lis a hm Don’t change directions suddenly. Move to the side of the path when stopping. Ga rre tso n Lib erty rs C o rn e StMarks Monroe DanielLow Fo Fair vie w Cromwell Rec. Center Garibaldi Meucci Re Museum yno an lds Hyl d OldT own Ra rita n Alte r Ste ube n D Se na tor t Pedestrian overpass with Stairs Clifton en urs Co t il ay rb irw eld nde nfi Fa Va ee Gr ov ew ber ry hm Ric on Harris Hill on kins Par es am StJ k rloo Ove ondN Cl Columbus Spa rkill Vista Ch ap in De law a re For est k r Oa Wes W Charte ten ind try yH oll ow ond County ry Club an Left Turn Rome Pie rce ilroad NRa t edic Ben nwood to But ...are shared bike/car areas. Stay alert for merging & turning cars. en Mild son r e Em y rl e v o C Wilson Basket Willow Swamp ond wP Willo Stapleton Laurel Osgood Narr ows N Nar row sS Spring k Merric ell Whitw lt rve ste We Todt Hill Ter Ocean Pro Wave spe ct d Broa R Hills rd ide Metcoff wa alfe Ho Ham ilton Wagner College Cam Ma pus ry Hols man eca Sen ario Ont au Lab Royal Oak Bike Traffic Signals stin Au ouis L St.John's Univ. Arlo go swe a Little ClovOe Tiog Sunnyside Campus Deer Pk Owls Head 67 S Park t Bay 68 Rid St ge 70 S Av t AC 10 11 St 12 St 13 St 14 St 15 St 16 St St St 4 4 3S 45 4 St t 46 St 4 S 48 7 St t St 52 53 S R 49 54 St t 50 St 55 St St 56 St 57 S 58 St t 59 S SUNSET 60 St t PARK 61 St 62 St 63 St St N 72 S ah Hann wan S Gran t Ba yvi ew Ce bra Trossach Grymes Clove Lake ory Park Vict Motley ...help eliminate turning conflicts. P Eddy ortel Look for people in parked cars. Watch taxi on/off duty lights and car tail lights to anticipate driver actions and exiting passengers. Drivers: The Law requires you to look before you open your door! Avenue A 2 2 5S 2 6S t 28 7 St t 29 St 3 S 31 0 St t 32 St 33 St 36 3 S St 35 4 S t St t 3 P 38 7 St St 40 36 St 4 42 1 S St t Brooklyn Army Terminal St. George Ferry Terminal Tompkinsville Lyons Pk Notre Dame Academy Clo ...provide a buffer ve between you and car traffic. Walters Silver Lake Pk Silver Lake Golf Course holm Ox Jersey St. Peter Cem. Silver L ake Lakewood Griswold York Hart Sharon Metropolitan City Bard Hart Lawrence Mathews Whitewood er bst We Glen Oakland DeKay Delafield Forest Benziger Scribner Corson hton Pine Brig Stanley Brighton Ridgewood Randall Kissel Hoyt Castleton S.I. Museum Borough Hall tt Hya Ford nt sce Cre Prospect Botanical Garden Goodhue Playground Penbro ke Parking Protected rrison Harvest Bike Paths Raleigh oo ore Fillm ard Harv Franklin Children's Museum gham Coynin Bard Bement Elm NBurgher Davis Pelton Moody Clinton on Henders x rd Borough Hall F COBBLE G HILL bu R Qu 47 Av Eagle Freeman NORTH SIDE L Flushing Q L.I B D Univ. mm Av Socrates Sculpture Park LONG ISLAND CITY F 44 D r 45 A v l Ash cia Box er Park being developed Queensbridge 40 Av Park 44 A v v Av Astoria Park 30 Av P Strang E2 E 22 2 E 233 St E 22 9 St l E 22 7 St renada P 8 St Seton EG2 E 22 6 St 2 5 9 S E Falls Park E 22 t 229 N St St E 22 4 St EDENWALD E 22 3 St lin E 22 2 St ffe E2 1 St hie E 2 26 S E 22 t Sc 2 0 5 St E2 E 21 St E 2 24 St E 21 9 St 23 ham E 21 8 St St Need E 21 7 St 6 WILLIAMSBRIDGE E 215 St St y E kle am E 21214 St Oa edh 3 St Ne ks E 21 Hic 1St E2 Rd 12 ton E 21 St Bos 1 St e Magenta Burk Bartholdi Haffen Park OLINVILLE Duncan y Riker's Island ASTORIA Rainey Park 36 P Woodlawn Cemetery Hutchinson Field rd nP sto Bo ld nwa Ede MacNeil Park to 26 27 Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk N 54 A USE CAUTION: Narrow pathway Brooklyn Navy Yard Metro Tech R M Columbia St. Esplanade 69th Street Pier Carro ll St M Ham arks ilton C NY Transit Museum gre ss Am ity Wa rr Kan e en Con 51 er ond T Richm e Lafayett Walnut Tysen Brentwood Westbury Kissel Snug Harbor for entry/exit Park Livingston d ar How Linden New Safety Features Don’t Get “Doored!” BayonneBridge Bridge- -New NewJersey Jersey Bayonne Joralesen mon Br 50 A 51 A v v Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk VINEGAR Tillary ro v HUNTERS POINT John HILL Plymouth Water Front York bo 48 A Co Wil W illiamsburg illia l b Williamsburg Scha chaef Landing Schaefer South 10th St F DOWNA TOWN 18 19 St 20 S 21 St t 22 St St N Mixing Zones Staten Island Side - Hooker Place & Morningstar Road Rem gue ms Sands Bklyn Historic Society Brya nt All Weekends Weekdays (except holidays): East Drive: All day except 7am - 9am West Drive: All day except 5pm - 7pm llia sh tbu Fla Hold your bike at all times D 9 Prospect Park Auto-Free Hours Wi ns t 2 5 Ralph DeMarco Park Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk Bridge closed until 2011 38 E LIRR Long Island City ery Evening Rush: 4PM - 7PM Montgom Upper New York Bay B ee B'way Brooklyn Bridge Park Br. No 6 Over the past 3 years, NYCDOT has built over 200 miles of new on- street bike facilities around New York City. These facilities are designed to increase safety for all road users - cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. Many of the new facilities include cutting-edge design features, putting New York at the forefront of transportation planning and design. ttan No 3 Use the service gate nha Governors Island features five miles of car-free biking with outstanding views of Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New York Harbor. Beginning the weekend of June 5th, the Island is open every Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM, and every Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 7 PM. The Island is open through October 10th. For ferry locations and schedules, please visit www.govisland.com. k itloc Wh Walk bike on sidewalk of bridge. 5 raw 38 5 Ora Cadman Pine nge Plaza Clarapple k BKLYN HTS Mon ta Bklyn Heights Promenade on ey Ma Yes d C l if f w o o Bridge . No No (folding bikes allowed) Avoid Rush Hour “Take” The Lane E 125 St Br No 9 3 Morning Rush: 7AM - 10AM to avoid being caught on the inside of a turn. Stay visible by not weaving in and out of traffic. Morningstar Rd n Yes ($15 fee) 6 NO! Bayonne Bridge - Staten Island kly Louis J. Valentino Park Port Liberte 12 9 Do not ride on the sidewalk. Bayonne Bridge 3 N R M Deg oust anc F DUMBO Joralemon or St Terminal EH Del Sum CARROLL mit Pres B GARDENS Un Seown RED 1 Pl Carroident ion a e ll Co br 2 HOOK P l Ve m ing Pre 3 Pl Vi ro me C side na rc Pi sit 4P e 1 arro nt on at l 2 SSt ll Su K eer ion t G l in Va C Di Wolc livan g Coffey 4S 3 S W9 t n off kem ott St t Park H Dy ey an N u Mill ntin elso gton n ke Cen Bu tre Be Lorrsh aine ar Ba d F 9 S Red y G t D Hook Hall GOWANUS eck Park N Hall eck IKEA ed No And call out to other riders before you pass so they know you’re there. Signal! 2 33 Hamilton Fish Park nd Empire Fulton Ferry ParkQ A Brooklyn Battery Tunnel 34 Gra St. Francis College Re Red & Tan 845-356-0877 Shortline 201-529-3666 Suburban 800-222-0492 WChester BeeLine 914-682-2020 Yes ($5 fee) 12 Look over your shoulder and signal with your hands before passing doubleparked cars and other roadway obstructions. Don’t assume that drivers see you. If you are uncomfortable merging, stop and wait until the cars have passed. <Brriiing!> On your left! oo Yes Look, Signal & Look Again! On shared paths, pedestrians always have the right-of-way r Br Yes e Cyclists must yield! ce NJTransit Bus 800-772-2222 t Bemen as well as cars before crossing the street. Bike lanes are travel lanes, don’t stand in them! ne Pier 11 C Picnic Point * Call For Restrictions * Academy 800-442-7272 Bieber 800-243-2374 DeCamp 800-631-1281 Hampton Jitney 212-362-8400 Lakeland 973-366-0600 Snug Pedestrians: Look for cyclists ru Bicycles allowed at all times. (212) 742-1969 Carry your bike on the stairs Ride Right Pass Left! Sp NYWaterTaxi Do not ride against traffic. On your left! n ) 1-800-533-3779 Snug Harbor Cultural Ctr Turning Cyclists must yield to pedestrians crossing with the light. ide YW (N Bicycles allowed at all times. ($1 fee) VILLAGE ag Governors Island Richmond County Bank Ballpark (SI Yankees) YES! Ma or NYWaterways St P 20 Bicycles allowed at all times. ($5 fee) 1-800-262-8743 44EAST E1 EAST SIDE 42 Sq Pk Madison South Do ve Street r Seaport St 26 Tompkins E Bway W t t STUYVESANT E1 4 TOWN 31 al l NY Stock Exchange Governors G Island Terminal JERSEY CITY NO! tte ) arb yH Bicycles allowed at all times. SeaStreak Cyclists must obey all traffic lights and signs. aye YW Governors Island Ferry YES! Laf (N ert Bicycles allowed at all times. CHINATOWN Can 3S 0S Roosevelt LOWER Park nd Pe FINANCIALPace DISTRICT Univ. y Gra S 34th St Terminal 1S Sta Rivin nton g gton Sara D rin ar 4 Varies by train. Call for details. Staten Island Ferry Sp City Hall Battery Maritime Whitehall Building Ferry Terminal Weekday inbound: allowed all times except 6a-10a; Weekday outbound: allowed all times except 4p-7p; Some holiday restrictions Folding bikes at all times Tips for the Subway Municipal Bldg. te NJ Transit me t t E2 41 35 t 9S 40 Cooper Union r 8S t E2 E2 25 Qu Q Mi uee dto ns wn Tu 7 nn el E3 6S t 24 t E 2 Fulton Landing Ellis Island STOP Park Row Lib 1-800-234-PATH ke Pr Battery Park Weekdays: allowed all times except 6:30a-9:30a & 3:30p-6:30p MTA/LI Bus 516-542-0100 ge - lga PATH African Re Dua Burial Site W adene ert 20 ec l en Lib Ble 4S 36 Sq Pk na 39 Union Square ve Ca arr WTC Site Wa oo TRIBECA P E E 555 St 4S t E5 1S t E4 8S t MURRAY E 3 HILL E 3 Baruch College W 23 S E1 E 9 0 St rly New Washington York St Univ. Liberty Island Bike Smart Brid Museum of Jewish Heritage Weekdays to St George: allowed all times except 6a-9a; Weekdays to Tottenville: allowed all times except 4p-7p www.mta.info/bike Look for bikes as well as cars before you cross the street! Pathway is closed from 12AM to 6AM. 1- Liberty State Park P Co SIRR 1-800-USA-RAIL Pedestrians: Stay alert! GW r1 ac Weekdays to GCT: allowed all times except 5a-10a; Weekdays from GCT: allowed all times except 4p-8:15p & on specific trains; Some holiday restrictions $5 Permit Required Groups: 212-499-4398 Av World Financial Center 1- MetroNorth Liberty Landing Marina e c ifi Br Madison Sq Pk 30 New School inc e SOHO 52 37 36 y WFC Liberty Harbor 29 on se Pie $5 Permit Required Groups: 718-558-7498 Amtrak (Helmets are required by law for children 13 years or younger.) Cyclists: Use overpass by onramp off 181 St to access the Hudson River Greenway Ve Colgate 2 1 3 N R Pike Bicycles not allowed except folding Weekday westbound: allowed all times except 6a-10a; Weekday eastbound: allowed all times except 3p-8p; Some holiday restrictions Clarkson W Houst rs B P St W 10 r tophe Chris be PATH St GREENWICH VILLAGE Manhattan Comm College St P LENOX HILL St. James Park 1 Memorial Field WESTCHESTER ing Buss WAKEFIELD E 23 E 23 2 St E 23 1 St 0 St anfo WS 12 Av As St 23 E E 31 S W 30 S t t Q 45 54 V D 28 F 32 14 Empire State Building Penn Station W 2 W 1 St 20 St L 46 48 Ch A C E 18 High St Line Park W am r1 Helmets are like seatbelts; they won’t keep you out of a crash, but they might save your life if you’re in one. Harborside Madison Square Chelsea Garden Park 1 57 6 S NY Public Library Grand Central Dag Terminal Hammarskjold E4 Park 2S t E 7 United E 340 St Morgan Nations 9S Library t Bryant Park 9S t 16 Franklin Grand St omery W 2 3 P V 4 5 St E7 63rd St entry path on north sidewalk West NEW JERSEY el St V F Rockefeller Center D B 22 W 33 W St 30 W St 31 St CHELSEA 22 39 Museum of Modern Art E NQ WR W St DE TIMES SQUARE Bus Terminal Convention Center 43 34 Hudson River Park W Hudson River Park d Tunn Newport Pie 6. Wear a helmet. ? Bayonne Bridge Hollan For detailed information on the route go to greenway.org Bicycles allowed at all times LIRR White front lights, red tail lights and a bell are required by law. Bayonne PATH Newp Pkw\y ort Designates East Coast Greenway Route Gra www.mta.info/bike CLINTON 40 Port Authority Jacob Javits St W B 21 15 E E 662 S 1S t t E5 9S t E W Island Park E 90 St College N R Hall 107 St Hallets Cove Esplanade t Metro North Woodlawn THE BRONX id E2 37 S t E 23 6 E 23 St 5 E2 34 SSt t Beechwood Cemetery MOUNT VERNON Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk Icahn Stadium St Jefferson Park Bridge Open April - November Carl Schurz YORKVILLE Park E7 UPPER EAST SIDE Hunter F 59 W St 58 Carnegie St Q E1 13 2S Asia t Society Frick Collection Zoo W Whitney Museum River St t 5. Use lights at night. N Hoboken South 51 20 St 53 50 Randalls Island Park 16 95 S e r Gracie Mansion 14 3 KB 12 t on Claremont E 17 2 St Park E17 1S t E1 70 St RF Pe Pier de Bri stria dge n Wards HILL E9 E 9 1 St 0S t 6S Br E1 E 1 20 S 19 t St EAST HARLEM St International Center of Photography E 9 6S Jewish Museum CARNEGIE t Metropolitan Museum of Art 4 5 6 NY Historical Society A Lincoln C Center B Fordham D University 02 E8 3 t E1 Guggenheim Museum 11 Museum Delacorte of Natural Theater History UPPER WEST SIDE 19 St Central Park Av E E 1 125 24 St St 6 em E 173 St MELROSE E E 1 198 97 St St BEDFORD E1 96 PARK St E1 E 1 48 St E 14 Wo E 47 S 9 St E 150 S E 1146 S t E 1 rthen ern Legg t 56 v outh y e E 1 45 S t E G S t A t r inn St w 3 13 E 1 44 S t ell 8 xp E 1 43 S t St St. Mary's E E 1 42 S t r n t o 4 Park E1 1S ps ne im in k E 1 40 S t 6 T ust c 6 39 t A ru St B E1 Bru E 1 37 S k ckn E 1 36 S t tra E t 3 er 138 5S Am t St E1 41 MOTT E Tiffany E 1 140 S St Street HAVEN Br 39 Pier v E E St t A 1 E 1 3 32 136 7 S E illis 135 St t St W St North 125 St Museo del Barrio Museum of the E City of New York 105 S Cooper Hewitt t E1 E 1 11 S 10 t St Harlem Meer Conservatory Garden East ery nd S Drivers aren’t looking for you coming at them in the wrong direction. YIELD y 6th St om Montg Bus Pier 79 48 4 Av Bikes on Transit www.mta.info/bike l ker ntg 4. Cyclists must ride in the direction of traffic. YIELD er Hw 10th St e Mo Subway 20 ne Bl'c Av Journal Square Do not lock to trees or subway railings. (Only children 12 years or younger may ride on the sidewalk.) un 51 Lasker Rink 10 7S Studio Museum of Harlem 3 Marcus Garvey Park 2 50 3 B D Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk E1 4 49 27 St 5 Metro 6 t A C Reservoir 5 4 RF r rbo Ha vd Bl rk St rk wa Ne Lock your bike with a U-Lock or heavy chain. You don’t like cars in the bike lane; don’t ride in pedestrian-only areas. W Pier 84 Lincoln Harbor, NJ Newa 18 St St St LINCOLN SQUARE W 60 St St W 88 S W 87 S t 86 t 9 St Children's 1 2 3 St 18 W W HOBOKEN CITY Observ 74 St 65 W 57 John Jay College St 19th t 18th St 3. Cyclists may NOT ride on the sidewalk. W 5 t 4S E 15 1 E 14E 150 SSt 9 St t Hostos Community College we Lock all “quick release” parts. 27 Hudson River Park nT W W 91 S 90 t St W 7 St W 9 Museum 72 70 96 Morningside Park St t 12 w vie Re The new “Bikes in Buildings” law requires certain office building owners to allow bicycle access. Ask your employer, call 311 or go to www.nyc.gov/bikes for more information. 2. Cyclists should yield to pedestrians. People crossing with the light have the right of way. Port Imperial Weehawken, NJ col 110 W 1 W W 10 08 S 10 7 S t 6S t 17W 778 St W W Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk ney You wouldn’t run a red in a car; don’t do it on your bike. W W t MANHATTAN 2 W VALLEY 100 St 8 W Lin 2S W 1 2 3 47 11 7 79th St Rotunda St Columbia University MORNINGSIDE W HEIGHTS 1 GUTTENBERG St St St O WEST NEW YORK St ong t Bu rns ide Bush k Broo th 5 Str W1 B t 3S 14 60 14 St W Tr E Mt Herbert H. Lehman 4 College St McC E 16 8 St E 1 lellan 66 E 16 Bronx St 7 St 80 Museum of the Joyce Arts CONCOURSE Hom e B D Kilmer VILLAGE E 16 Park 5S E 16 Metro t 2 We North E 1 St Melrose E 16 ih 61 6S E 16 er St 4 St E 165 t Borough St Hall E 16 MORRISANIA Franz E 1 0 St E 16 Sigel E 1559 St 3 St Park E 15 8 St E 16 7 1 St E 15 St 6 St Ho Bring Your Bike Inside! Lock your tires to your frame. St BOR N Hudson Park 7 W B D 3 14 ir 84 S B W 1uchana n Clin 82 St ton CONCOURSE Mullaly Park ervo Maps of Westchester County bike trails can be found at: tourism.westchestergov.com/ Hike & Bike-final.pdf rd W3 Nere 5 Feeney Park Metro North Pelham E 2 Ner 39 St eid E 236 St E 235 St E 234 St E 21 0 St Valentine Varian HousePlayground Van Cortl E2 andt 09 St E NORWOOD E 205 St E 207 St E 204 E E 20 St D 205 S E 20 3 St t E 2012 St St Harris Park E VIEW 12th S t er W 2 8 S Sedgwick t Ft. Independence Park Res St W1 No Eve rth lyn 7 St ch FAIR Hoboken North sS Wa St. Nicholas ffith Bicycle maps of routes in New Jersey are available at njcommuter.com ell A C t W1 67 S t W1 66 S t Macombs bs Dam Br Hamilton Grange W Memorial W 145 St B 1 14 W 13 r 1S 5S W 133 W West Harlem t t 13 St 2 W 139 Piers Park 2S 1 S t 38 t St College of the St Cla City of New York ir MANHATTANVILLE W 12 9S Grant's Madison t Tomb La Av Br Sa Schomburg lle Center W Apollo 12 Theater 3S CENTRAL W W E1 t 12 12 HARLEM 32 1S 7S St W t y Ar All Weekends Weekdays: West Drive & 72nd Street Cross Drive: All hours except 8am-10am East Drive north of 72nd St: All hours except 3pm-7pm Center Drive/East Drive south of 72nd St: All hours except 7am-7pm t St HAMILTON HEIGHTS MOUNT EDEN M E Claarcy lliot E 1 rke E 69 E 1 St 68 E 16 St 7 St D B W 168 St Pl M E 23 Devoe Park W Fordha m UNIVERSITY W 18 0 Go 172 ble St t W bb We E 16 NORTH N TWP Central ParkBERGE Auto-Free Hours 5S Access point to Hudson River Greenway ss 14 B D om ac Ha St rd L Grant Riverbank State Pk Ru 15 W HIGHBRIDGE W1 W 1 64 St 63 S t W1 62 S Yankee t Stadium St 4 t Gri bikes in buildings Lock it right! ers Jumel Terrace St 3S t 5S 1. Cyclists must obey all traffic lights and signs. Bow 160 W W 12 STOP St W 176 t 8S br id ge e Ha ll o f Bronx Community College 23 W 229 l nP d mp Metro W HEIGHTS North Burn side Morris Heights wa Ed Edgewater Ferry Terminal NJTransit RIGHT 5 W LEFT High Br (Bridge Closed) Audubon W Terrace W 158 W 15 157 SSt 5 t th For more information visit: nyc.gov/bikes 16 W If you don’t already bike in NYC, we hope that you’ll join the thousands of New Yorkers who bike year round for fun, convenience and as a wonderful way to experience our great City. When you do, we believe you’ll see why Bicycling Magazine named New York City one of the best big cities for cycling and why the League of American Bicyclists has bestowed NYC with the prestigious Union City Bicycle Friendly Communities Award. As more of us choose to make cycling a part of our everyday routine, we will reduce congestion, clean the air, feel healthier and have some fun along the way. So, grab your bike, don’t forget your helmet, and let’s ride! Talk with your hands! High Bridge Park W W 172 S 171 t St Walk Bike on Bridge Sidewalk North Univ.Hts. W E E 241 St ark E 240 St tP d E 239 St n E 238 Stt rtla Co WOODLAWNE 237 S St E 233 Mosholu Golf Course 4 40 S W 197 W 2 W 16 S 215 t St iv. Br Heig hts Metroidge 1 W2 Arthur Ross Nursery n Va er E2 Metro E 43 St North Wakefield Pe 242 St nfield E2 41 E2 St St Ouen 40 Cranford St 2 St E 241 an John Muir Trail Van Cortlandt Mansion Su mm it Alba ny 1 Walk Bike on W MOUNT W as Bridge Sidewalk 175 St HOPE W hin t 1 E1 74 gto W 174 S 75 St ed St rb nB he Clif Feat ford r MORRIS HEIGHTS Bridge Bus Sta 1 W Access point to Hudson River Greenway 38 Front and tail lights are required by law W 17 W 1 9 St 78 G.W. St 3 C 20 15th S Ft Washington Park W 1 W 1 85 S 84 t St 2 0 23 A FORT LEE BORO All of these efforts have given a big boost to cycling. Commuter cycling in New York City increased by 66% over the last two years. This map is one of over 325,000 free bike maps that will be distributed by NYCDOT in 2010 alone. In addition, over the past few years, NYCDOT has distributed thousands of front/back bike light sets and almost 30,000 bicycle helmets. If you must wear headphones when you ride, you may only wear one headphone as requred by law. Br. Little Red Lighthouse Unprecedented Growth in Commuter Cycling Red tail light gton Yeshiva University 23 4S t me Fa Steep Grade ashin A Sherman Creek Park WASHINGTON HEIGHTS ge W t Na Fort Tryon Park Geor The need for secure and convenient places to park bicycles is growing. Throughout NYC, you’ll find more than 8,700 DOT-installed sidewalk bicycle racks. The public bicycle rack has had a major facelift this year to make them a more attractive feature of our sidewalks. We are also constructing dozens of new sleek and attractive bicycle parking shelters at key destinations. In 2009, the City Council passed new legislation, the “Bikes in Buildings” law, which requires commercial building owners to provide cyclists with the opportunity to securely park their bicycles in or close to their workplaces. White front light The Cloisters Museum Access point to Hudson River Greenway at 181 St. EDGEWATER n ma For detailed information on the route go to greenway.org Convenient, Attractive and Secure Bicycle Parking y t i C k r o New Y St en Ard Designates East Coast Greenway Route Bold, pioneering and award-winning bicycle facility designs have come to NYC streets and are shown on this map. Many of New York’s newest facilities, including the Kent Avenue 2-way separated path, the Sands Street separated path to the Manhattan Bridge in Brooklyn, the Pike & Allen bicycle-pedestrian malls, the Grand Street, 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue protected paths and Broadway Boulevard in Manhattan, pioneer new safety features such as parking protected lanes, bicycle traffic signals and bike boxes. Projects like these help New York meet its goal of providing a backbone system of bicycle routes that connect all five boroughs and make New York City’s streets safer and more comfortable for all road users – cyclists, pedestrians and motorists alike. The street is no place to be distracted 8S Av an erm W 2 INWOOD Sh v 07 A t s St U Po gle n Rive rside Br 21 Av an y wa d oa Manhattan College KINGSBRIDGE W hn Jo MARBLE HILL m a v e nA S yso Pa 1 roadway B k Dyc Innovative Designs for Bicycle Friendly Streets ry en Metro North Marble Hill Baker Field Highbridge Park Mountain Bike Trails TRAILHEAD u H H SPUYTEN DUYVIL Inwood Hill Park ds Van Cortlandt Park W 246 St an ha t tan College Ewen Park 230 W St W 23 22 1S 7S t n t so W Henry Hudson Drive Scenic Route on W K ENGLEWO CLIFFS OD Shared bike/vehicle road Daylight hours, April-November Info at: www.njpalisades.org/cycling.htm Night Rider? 3 Bike/Ped Path closed due to construction. Reopening 2010 M W 239 St W 236 St W 235 S t H Hudson Memorial Park FIELDSTON RIVERDALE 6 St 24 W W . steep appoc The rapid expansion of the bicycle network is just one of the ways New York City is working hard to keep the City moving in an environmentally-sustainable manner. The City is also experimenting with bold new street designs and seeking new ways to provide convenient, attractive and secure bicycle parking. ve ng W 247 St very 2S W2 t 31 St Metro North Spuyten Duyvil Riding Stables cL e Wilson Woods Park Metro North Mt. Vernon East no n M Kepler eA W 254 St 24 9S t uldi John Muir Trail me ad t Jero lis W Spa W2 Faraday W 256 S t b m tV Abb ot Oneida Wave Hill Environm. Center 54 S Dirt trail St Ki M Murd Riverdale Park Pa RIDE RESPONSIBLY W 254 is steep W2 In June 2009, NYCDOT completed the City’s unprecedented goal of building 200 bike-lane miles in all five boroughs in just three years, bringing New York’s total bicycle infrastructure to over 620 lane miles citywide. We don’t know of any other city in the country or the world that has added so much to their bicycle network so quickly. W 259 Metro North Mt.Vernon West all Napier WORLD CLASS CYCLING CITY W 263 St NORTH RIVERDALE Metro North Riverdale To access NYS Bicycle Routes see nysdot.gov. St e Ind ep en de nc Net e he Riverd rland Creating a Yonkers Raceway South C ounty T railway Mt. St. Vincent College W2 61 s er nk Riverdale Yo NC Tibbets Brook Park
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