WAB Annual Report 2007 - Western Association of Broadcasters
WAB Annual Report 2007 - Western Association of Broadcasters
2006/2007 ANNUAL REPORT 73RD ANNUAL GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING 1. There being a quorum present, President Stan Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:06 am Alberta time. 2. The minutes of the 72nd AGM were accepted as reported. Motion: Moved by Elmer Hildebrand and seconded by Lyndon Friesen THAT the minutes be accepted as reported. Carried. 3. President’s Report I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board of directors and all convention participants for making this a great year and insuring that we delivered another fantastic convention. Our membership support has been outstanding during this past year and I can’t say enough about the great sponsorship support we received from broadcasters and other industries connected to the broadcasting industry. We once again had a great panel discussion designed to focus on the many new challenges facing radio and TV broadcasters in this unregulated world we now operate in. I would personally like to thank Lesa Page of Page Planning on her first full year of keeping the board organized and coordinating all the elements that made our convention the success that it was. I would like to end by saying that I had a great time serving as this year’s President and thank the board for making my job look easy. I would now like to wish the new President all the best in their incoming term and that I will do as much as is required to help in the transition. I would like to personally thank Lyndon Friesen for his work as Past-President of the Western Association of Broadcasters as he leaves the WAB board this year. In conclusion, I invite you all to join us here in beautiful Kananaskis for the 74th Annual WAB Convention! Thanks again and enjoy the rest of your day! 4. Interim Treasurer’s Report David Dekker gave the interim treasurer’s report: David reported that the WAB bank balance is $7,000 less than it was at the same point in the year last year. This is due to new initiatives and new expenses aimed at providing our sponsors with better recognition and increased visibility. Our registration income was less than last year, but that will not have a major impact on our overall incomes. Our hotel and printing expenses are expected to be over budget this year. This year we voted to work with provincial associations such as SAB and BAM to assist their provincial scholarship programs. We will also look at scholarships in Alberta. We anticipate providing or assisting broadcast scholarships in all three provinces over the next few years. Our end financial balance at the end of the 2006-07 fiscal year should be around $60,000 – $70,000. We carry a balance because of possible changes in the convention program year to year. David closed his report by concluding that the key to our financial stability and the outstanding response from our sponsors and membership. Motion: Moved by Vic Dubois and seconded by Menno Friesen THAT the interim Treasurer’s report is accepted. Carried. 5. Special Resolutions (1) Motion: Moved by Dennis Dunlop and seconded by David Wiebe THAT the WAB, in the convention assembled, ratify and endorse all actions of the Board of Directors and Officers of the WAB during the past year. Carried. (2) Motion: Moved by Cam Cowie and seconded by Al Thorgeirson THAT the WAB, in the convention assembled, extend to the Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs and staff, our heartfelt thanks for their efforts in making the convention a success. As well, we express appreciation to the firms and individuals who so kindly assisted and contributed so much to our comfort and pleasure. Carried. 1 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T W E S T E R N A S S O C I AT I O N O F B R O A D C A S T E R S 6. Association Reports The ABA report was not delivered as the ABA is currently not running The SAB report was delivered by Ms. Deborah Gauger The WABE report was delivered by Mr. Stan Schmidt on behalf of President Peter Gillespie The CBSC report was delivered by Mr. Ron Cohen The BAM report was delivered by Mr. Tim Schellenberg 7. Nominations Mr. Lyndon Friesen, Chairman of the Nominations Committee, said that Garry McKenzie and Garth Buchko, current board members from Corus, asked not to be involved on the WAB board this year. Lyndon presented the following nominations, and there was one nomination from the floor: For Manitoba Richard Kroeker Bill Hanson Radio for a two year term TV for a one year term remaining For Alberta Pat McDougall Randy Lemay Neil Shewchuk TV for a two year term Radio for a two year term Radio for a two year term (Nomination from the floor) For Saskatchewan David Dekker Mitch Bozak Radio for a one year term remaining TV for a one year term remaining Associate Director Doug Gunn For a one year term remaining WAB Board Member Bill Hanson noted that Corus has decided to not support regional associations and will support only the CAB, and that is why Garry McKenzie and Garth Buchko will not be on the board next year. Ballots were handed out and there was a vote to elect either Randy Lemay or Neil Shewchuk for the Radio Alberta Board member position. After a vote from members present, the WAB board thanked the floor for the nomination and Randy Lemay was voted as WAB Alberta Radio Board member. Motion: Moved by Elmer Hildebrand and seconded by Menno Friesen THAT nominations cease. Carried. Those nominated are elected by acclamation. 8. Directors Meeting Following a brief Directors Meeting of the newly elected Board the following slate of officers was presented to the membership: 2007-2008 WAB Board of Directors President David Dekker Past President Stan Schmidt Director Bill Hanson Director Randy Lemay Director Mitch Bozak Director Richard Kroeker Director Pat McDougall Treasurer TBA Director Doug Gunn 9. New President’s Address Following a short meeting of the newly elected 2007/08 WAB Board of Directors, David Dekker of the Northwestern Radio Partnership/Rawlco Radio Inc. was introduced as the incoming President. David opened by saying what an honour it was to have his father, Harry Dekker, recognized as WAB Broadcaster of the Year. It had been exactly 25 conventions ago that David had called his father at the WAB convention in Jasper to let him know of the birth of his first grandchild. Harry Dekker was meeting with E.A. Rawlinson and did not need another reason to celebrate at the WAB convention in Jasper as the convention coincided with Harry’s birthday and E.A. Rawlinson’s birthdays and an anniversary. David said that the Western Association of Broadcasters is a wonderful organization and he has come to know a lot of people though the SAB and WAB, and he has learned so much from the people he has met through networking with SAB and WAB. David said he looks forward to another exciting year and reminded everyone to join us for the WAB 74th Annual Convention June 6 – 8, 2008 in Kananaskis, Alberta. There being no further business: Motion: Moved by Bruce Cowie and seconded by Neil Shewchuk that the meeting is adjourned. Carried Meeting adjourned at 9:49 am Alberta time. 1 7 1 - 5 0 0 5 D A L H O U S I E D R I V E N W, S U I T E 8 6 0 , C A L G A R Y, A B T 3 A 5 R 8 • T E L : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 7 1 9 • FA X : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 74 9 • E M A I L : I N F O @ W A B . C A • W W W.W A B . C A 2 GOLD MEDALS / RECOGNITION The Western Association of Broadcasters would like to thank all of our awards nominees and nominators! Thank you for sending in nominations! WAB Convention Overview The WAB would like to extend a warm thank you to our 2007 convention sponsors and delegates! Our convention this year was extremely well attended and fun for everyone. Of special note, our pre-dinner reception was hosted by Barb Cram and gave our Western broadcasters a chance to personally thank Barb for her years of service to the Prairie broadcast community. Barb will be sorely missed, and we would like to thank her for her tireless efforts on behalf of her district. Next year’s WAB convention will be held in Kananaskis, Alberta from June 6 - 8, 2008 — please mark your calendars and plan on joining us for our 74th anniversary! WAB Gold Medal Awards The Gold Medal Awards are presented to WAB member stations for outstanding contribution to Canadian broadcasting industry in the area of community service. They are judged on the following criteria: • Benefit to the community • Magnitude of the effort • Staff support and participation • Sustainability of the initiative/program • Other recognition received Our Radio Gold Medal winner for 2007 is CFMC/Saskatoon for their Breast Cancer Radio Marathon! In summer of 2000, Morning Show Host Lisa Rendall was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, and CFMC committed to a 30 hour radio-thon which has since been extended to 36 hours. This signature event held every October has raised over $305,000 in seven years! In addition to the radio marathon, there is the Shave Your Bosses Head for Breast Cancer — last year raised $65,000, and a Lisa Rendell Golf Classic will all proceeds going to the cause. These important events held by CFMC Saskatoon increase awareness of Breast Cancer and encourage regular check-ups. We are pleased to award CFMC Saskatoon our 2007 Radio Gold Medal Award for their outstanding efforts! Our Television Gold Medal winner for 2007 is Citytv Calgary ”Bras for the Cause“ for breast cancer. This year Citytv Calgary marked their 2nd annual event where women were asked to bring old, used bras and they responded in the thousands! In November 2006, the bra collection was revealed live on Breakfast Television. Citytv Calgary’s partner Cardel Homes donated $1.00 for every bra collected and so far over $178,000 has been raised to support breast cancer research. And over two years, $45,000 has been donated to various shelters in Calgary. The WAB is proud to recognize Citytv Calgary as our 2007 WAB Gold Medal Television winner! 3 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T W E S T E R N A S S O C I AT I O N O F B R O A D C A S T E R S WAB Honourary Life Membership The WAB Honourary Life Membership is awarded to an individual broadcaster who has enhanced and improved the broadcast industry in Western Canada, while making a significant contribution to his or her community or province. The recipient will have demonstrated, by conduct and action, the willingness to work unselfishly in the interest of the broadcasting industry. Barbara Cram, from Regina, Saskatchewan was appointed as Regional Commissioner for the Manitoba/Saskatchewan regions on November 1st, 1998. She has practised law in Saskatchewan for in excess of 18 years, most recently with the law firm Gauley & Co. She has been associated with a broad range of community and interest groups and has been a regular commentator on TV and current affairs programs. She was a member of several organizations including the Consumers Association for Canada, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, the Public Interest Regulatory Centre and the Cable Television Standards Council. Ms. Cram’s term ends on October 31, 2007. Please join us in honouring Barb Cram in her last year with the CRTC as our new WAB Honourary Life Member. We will be pleased to welcome Barb to all future WAB conventions as our guest, which is a small token of our appreciation for Barb’s years of dedication and service to the Prairie broadcasting community. WAB Broadcaster of the Year The WAB Broadcaster of the Year Award is presented to an individual broadcaster who has made a significant contribution to our industry. More specifically, the broadcaster so honoured will have: • Demonstrated extraordinary leadership within his or her field • Developed and maintained a forceful and positive image for broadcasting in general • Acted as a spokesperson for broadcasters outside his or her normal scope of operations The 2007 Western Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster of the Year is Harry Dekker! Over the years, Harry Dekker touched the careers of many well-known Canadian broadcasters including Wally Macht, Terry Spence, George Garrett, Don Whitman and Ron Smith. Harry Dekker was a member of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ “Half Century Club”. He was a past director of the Western Association of Broadcasters, the Saskatchewan Association of Broadcasters, Radio Bureau of Canada, Saskatchewan Country Music Association Hall of Fame Committee and Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers. Harry Dekker, although semi-retired, remained active in broadcasting until his death in March 2004. It was a career that spanned 63 years. Harry Dekker’s career is testament to his great love of radio broadcasting, the wonderful people who make it happen and the community that is home for three generations of Dekkers over the past 85 years. WAB Friend of Broadcasting The WAB Friend of Broadcasting Award was awarded to Bruce and Deirdre Hamstead for their years of service as convention organizers of the Western Association of Broadcasters. We would like to thank Bruce and Deirdre for their personal attention to the WAB, and their tireless efforts to bring a high quality WAB convention to our membership for close to ten years. 1 7 1 - 5 0 0 5 D A L H O U S I E D R I V E N W, S U I T E 8 6 0 , C A L G A R Y, A B T 3 A 5 R 8 • T E L : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 7 1 9 • FA X : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 74 9 • E M A I L : I N F O @ W A B . C A • W W W.W A B . C A 4 2007 CONVENTION PROGRAM SPONSORS Friday, June 8, 2007 Our WAB convention would not be possible without the sponsorship and continued support of our fantastic sponsors! 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Registration 1:50 pm Golf Classic Kananaskis Golf Course — Sponsored by our Gold Sponsors Mt. Lorette and. • CanWest Global Communications Corp. Mt. Kidd Courses • Citytv • CTV Inc. • TELUS 7:30 pm Convention Lobby, Delta Lodge at Kananaskis Welcome Reception, BBQ Dinner and Prize Presentation Gold CanWest Global Communications Corp. Citytv CTV Inc. TELUS Silver ATX Systems Limited BBM Canada DDB Canada Golden West Broadcasting Ltd. Harvard Broadcasting Inc. Jim Pattison Broadcast Group LP Nathanail Captioning Enterprises Newcap Inc. Rawlco Radio Ltd. Bronze Broadcast News Canadian Broadcast Sales Pippin Technical Service Ltd. Target Broadcast Sales Inc. Patron CanWest MediaWorks Corus Entertainment Inc. D.E.M. Allen and Associates Ltd. Harris Broadcast Communications Division imsradio Marketron International Inc. MTS Allstream NBC Universal Rogers Media Sask Tel SOCAN Standard Radio The TDL Group Ltd. Kananaskis Golf Course Tournament Centre Saturday, June 9, 2007 7:30 am - 12:00 noon Registration Convention Lobby, Delta Lodge at Kananaskis 8:00 am - 8:45 am Breakfast & Opening Remarks Rockies Room 8:00 am - 8:30 am CAB Report with Glenn O’Farrell Rockies Room 8:45 am - 9:15 am CRTC Report with Barbara Cram Rockies Room 9:30 am - 11:30 am Panel Discussion “Evolution of Broadcasting… Regulating in an Un-Regulated World” Moderator: Dave Rutherford Gold Room Afternoon Free 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm WAB Reception Hosted by Barbara Cram Convention Foyer 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm President’s Dinner and Awards Banquet Gold/Silver Rooms 10:00 pm - 10:45 pm Entertainment Sean Watson, Master of Magic & Illusion Gold/Silver Rooms Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:00 am - 9:15 am Annual General Meeting 9:15 am - 10:00 am Closing Brunch Gold Room 10:00 am - 11:30 am Dave Chalk “Big Bang Two — This Time, It’s Digital” Gold Room 5 Sinclair/Palliser Rooms 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T W E S T E R N A S S O C I AT I O N O F B R O A D C A S T E R S 2006 / 2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stan Schmidt Lyndon Friesen David Dekker Doug Gunn Garry McKenzie Garth Buchko Mitch Bozak Bill Hanson President Past President Director Director Director Director Director Director 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SAVE THE DATE • JUNE 6—8, 2008 Western Association of Broadcasters • 74th Annual Convention Join us for another exciting convention in beautiful Kananaskis, Alberta! The Delta Lodge at Kananaskis fills up early, so remember to register and make hotel arrangements early. Check your mail for invitations in the New Year. The WAB is proud to announce the inception of our scholarship program for the Prairie provinces. The WAB will offer up to $6,000 each year to broadcast students by supporting current BAM and SAB scholarship initiatives and issuing $1,000 scholarships to NAIT and SAIT in Alberta. We are also happy to report that due to the tremendous continued support of our sponsors and members, we will be keeping membership and registration fees at the same level as last year. Further information regarding our new initiatives this year are available on our website at www.wab.ca. 1 7 1 - 5 0 0 5 D A L H O U S I E D R I V E N W, S U I T E 8 6 0 , C A L G A R Y, A B T 3 A 5 R 8 • T E L : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 7 1 9 • FA X : ( 8 7 7 ) 8 1 4 - 2 74 9 • E M A I L : I N F O @ W A B . C A • W W W.W A B . C A 6 LIFE MEMBERSHIPS / AWARDS WAB Past Presidents 1934 Unknown 1935 Unknown 1936 Unknown 1937 Unknown 1938 Unknown 1939 Unknown 1940 George Chandler 1941 George Chandler 1942 G.R.A. Rice 1943 G.R.A. Rice 1944 G.R.A. Rice 1945 G.R.A. Rice 1946 Unknown 1947 A.M. Bert Cairns 1948 A.M. Bert Cairns 1949 William M. Guild 1950 William M. Guild 1951 Ed Rawlinson 1952 Ed Rawlinson 1953 Gerry Gaetz 1954 Gerry Gaetz 1955 Sid Boyling 1956 Vern Dallin 1957 Bob Buss 1958 Bob Buss 1959 Jack O. Blick 1960 G. Blair Nelson 1961 Norm Botterill 1962 Don Hartford 1963 Don Hartford 1964 Don Hartford 1965 Bill Stovin 1966 A.J. “Red” Hopps 1967 Jack Davidson 1968 G. Blair Nelson 1969 Ted Soskin 1970 Rory MacLennan 1971 Tom Laing 1972 John McColl 1973 Elmer Hildebrand 7 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 George Gallagher Warren Holte Gary Miles Bruce Cowie Lew Roskin Don Brinton Gordon Rawlinson Norm Haines Harv Davidson Ted Eadinger Jim Edwards Peter M. Liba Dennis Fisher Terry Coles John Cochrane Vern Traill Jack Little Bill Gorrie Fred Filthaut Neil Edwards/ David Wiebe David Wiebe Bob Johnson Leon Brin Ron Kizney Doug Shillington Menno Friesen Wally Kirk Monte Graham Mark Olson Dennis Dunlop Don Kille Jim Haskins Lyndon Friesen Stan Schmidt WAB Gold Medals 1985 CHED Edmonton 1986 CKXL Calgary 1987 CJOB Winnipeg 1988 CJCA Edmonton 1989 CKBI Prince Albert 1990 CJGX Yorkton 1991 Golden West Broadcasting 1992 CHAB Moose Jaw 1993 Power 92 Edmonton 1994 Country 105 Calgary 1995 ITV Edmonton 1996 LITE 96 CHFM Calgary 1997 ITV Edmonton 1998 CFQC Saskatoon 1999 RDTV Red Deer 2000 RDTV Red Deer 2001 RDTV Red Deer 2001 CHSM 1260 Steinbach 2002 The Bear 100.3 Edmonton 2002 CKY-TV Winnipeg 2003 CIZL-FM Regina 2003 CFCN-TV Calgary 2004 900CKBI Prince Albert 2004 Global Television Calgary 2005 Golden West Broadcasting 2005 A-Channel Winnipeg 2006 CH Red Deer 2006 Country 105 2007 CFMC Saskatoon 2007 Citytv Calgary Broadcaster of the Year Bert Cairns G.R.A. Rice Jack Davidson (1970) Hal Crittenden Pierre Camu 1978 Elmer Hildebrand 1981 Bruce Cowie 1983 Donald C. Brinton 1985 R.M. (Rory) MacLennan 1988 Blair Nelson 1989 Elmer Hildebrand 1991 Peter Liba 1992 Dr. Charles Allard (In Memoriam) 1992 John McColl(In Memoriam) 1993 Michael McCabe 1995 Ralph Warrington 1996 Alan Anaka 1997 Peter Warren 1999 Jim Bagshaw 2001 Jim Scarrow 2002 Stuart Craig 2004 Elaine Ali 2005 Don Kille 2006 Dave Rutherford 2007 Harry Dekker (In Memoriam) Broadcaster of the Century 1984 Dr. G.R.A. Rice Broadcasters of the Past Decade Peter Liba and Elmer Hildebrand Friends of Broadcasting 1997 Jill Douglas 1998 TELUS Corporation 2000 Doug Allen 2001 Howard Christensen 2002 Frank Palmer 2003 Patrick Grierson 2007 Bruce and Deirdre Hamstead Honourary Life Memberships 1996 Peggy Miller 1996 Vern Dallin 1997 Tony Messner 1998 Alf Petersen 1999 Ed Rawlinson 2000 Norm Botterill 2000 Blair Nelson 2001 Lorne McBride 2001 George Brown 2002 Tom Laing 2002 Ken Johnson 2003 Lew Roskin 2003 Gordon Ferris 2004 Bob Hosie 2005 Jim Adam 2006 Ted Soskin 2007 Charles Allard Orville (Orv) Kope 1982 E.W. Ted Chapman 1982 R.M. Rory Maclennan 1983 George Skinner 1983 John McColl 1986 Jack Soars 1986 Donald Campbell 1989 Robert H. Quinn 1989 Jim Kunkel 1990 Don Brinton 1992 Vern Traill 1993 Bruce Hogle 1993 Jerry Forbes In Memoriam 1995 Bruce Cowie 1995 Art Wallman Robert Lamb Ron Skinner Jack Cennon Peter M. Liba Bob Johnson Wax Williams Mel Stevenson Doug Shillington Terry Strain Elmer Hildebrand Michael McCabe Fred Filthaut Randy Moffat Richard (Red) Hughes Drew Craig Bruce Nelson Barbara Cram 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T W E S T E R N A S S O C I AT I O N O F B R O A D C A S T E R S
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