SDR in Terrestrial Systems – Visions, Applications
SDR in Terrestrial Systems – Visions, Applications
E-Gruppen, IDA Center for Software Defined Radio, Aalborg University Teknologisk Institut & IEEE Denmark-Section SDR in Terrestrial Systems – Visions, Applications and Challenges SDR Building Blocks and Some Challenges in Flexible Use of Frequency Resources John Aa. Sørensen, Assoc. Prof. Copenhagen University College of Engineering Overview - Software Defined Radio, ”Setting a Stage”. Example: Commerial Platform for SDR. - SDR building blocks. - Shared Frequency Resource Systems, e.g. IEEE 802.22 (Cognitive Radio). - What fundamental functions are needed? - References and Resources. SDR ”Setting a Stage” Highly Programmable Platform for the handset market. BitWave Release September 2008. BW1102 Soft Transceiver 700 MHz to 3.8 GHz. Supports most wireless standard commercial protocols, addresses the needs of handsets, femtocells, datacards and other mobile wireless devices. This is a package of IP and not a single component. (Lowell, MA, US) Ref. Russell J Cyr, CMO & Co-founder, BitWave Semiconductor Wireless Connectivity Made Simple September 2008 ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. Wireless: Multi-Mode, Multi Band Future How can we bridge the gap? With Programmable Technologies! ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. BitWave’s Softransceiver Platform Frequency: from 700 MHz to 3.8 GHz Modes: GSM, EDGE, WCDMA, HSDPA υ HSUPA ,CDMA2K, 1XRTT, EVDO, iDEN, DECT, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMax, DVB-H, etc. υ υ 11Patent PatentGranted Granted2008 2008 66Additional Patents Filed Additional Patents FiledtotoDate Date ~~100 Claims 100 Claims 6 A Platform for use in Multiple designs Lowers product development costs and supply chain costs, decreases time-tomarket, improves time to revenue Lowers BoM cost for handset and femtocell Enables Multiple products, multiple markets with a single RFIC platform single integrated transceiver RFIC Reduces the cost of developing handset variants, saving : $1-2M per variant. Superior Performance with Flexibility Power, performance and cost all equal to or better than single function ASICs Tunable performance - optimization Reconfigurable in real time Digital CMOS implementation Software control and digital interfaces Programmable for different frequencies and wireless standards Faster time-to-market, de-risks product development, better reliability ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. BW1102 Softransceiver RFIC Block Diagram Switch LNA Notch Filter CNTL CNTL CNTL Mixer ABB VGA filter ADC CNTL CNTL Rx DIGITAL PROCESSING Decimate, Filter, DDC, DCO, I/Q Balance, RSSI, AGC LO 8051 Rx Synth CNTL GPIO FEM & PA Ctrl BBCLK Tx Synth (TPM) Temp Sensor DCXO Finite State Machine CNTL R B x W S C I t r D l i g T R x F RAM Control Block CNTL Switch Peak Det CNTL RF VGA LO Mixer CNTL CNTL BB VGA Low Pass Filter BB Interface CNTL DAC Tx DIGITAL PROCESSING Upsample, Filter, DCO, I/Q Rev. F6 7 ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. BWS Value Proposition for Constituents Consumers Carriers 8 Demand voice, data, multimulti-media and ubiquitous global coverage ,i.e., transparent delivery of high value services Want to Increase ARPU through new services Emerging carriers are utilizing new bands (700 MHz) and new protocols (WiMax (WiMax and WiFi VoIP) VoIP) Proliferation of usage bands and protocols Device OEMs Need to deliver new multimode, flexible handsets quickly that deliver new high value services transparently Baseband Semiconductor Suppliers Having difficulty dealing with a growing multitude of chip variants and the complexity of multiple chips per radio design ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. BWS Advantage Accelerating Time to Market for the OEM RFIC Transceiver Design Today Custom ASIC Design • 2 years • 60 person-years / $15-20m System Spec Analysis – 2 months Functional Block Design – 1 year Layout and Verification – 3 months Tapeout – 2 months Debug / Characterization – 5 months Transceiver Design Using BitWave Softransceiver Configuration Development • 6 months • 2.5 person-years / $500k System Spec Analysis – 2 months Software Coding – 2.5 months Test and Characterization – 1.5 months Softransceiver Chip + Mode files = Greatly Improved Time to Revenue 9 ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. Mobile Device Designs for Multiple Bands and Protocols A Better Way “Diverging Applications driving need for as many as 8 radios and 11 antennas” * How it’s done today * Sudhir Dixit, Research Fellow, Nokia Research Center Helsinki, Finland, July 2006 ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. BW1102 Softransceiver Functionality Applications – υ Femtocells, Handset, Laptops and Gaming Devices 8 Tunable RF Inputs Ref Output 1.2 VDC 1.5 VDC 1.8 VDC 3.3 VDC GPIO VDC LVDS VDC υ – υ Ref Input Loop Filter 1 Loop Filter 2 5 Tunable RF Outputs BWS Interface υ 7x7 PBGA, 144 Balls, 0.5 Spacing Environmental – 11 3G Dig RF v3.09 BWSI 12 Bit parallel interface with SPI control Mechanical – υ 8 RF Inputs 5 RF Outputs 12 GPIO for control 1 PA Power Detect 1 PA Ramp DAC Baseband Interfaces – – υ GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, HSPA, 1xRTT, CDMA2K, EVDO, DECT, 802.11b/g, 802.16d/e, GPS, other FEM Interfaces – – – – – 12 GPIO 1 PA Det. 1 RAMP DAC 700 MHz to 3.8 GHz, continuous coverage Protocols – υ Single Receiver and Single Transmitter Frequency – υ DigRF 3.09 Interface Architecture -30°°C to +85°°C ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. Typical Customization Parameters Mode Mode Performance Performance is is Optimized Optimized per per Application Application per per Standard Standard per per Baseband Baseband υ RECEIVER – – – – – – υ Receiver Type Center Frequency Receiver Gain Analog Domain Filtering Sampling Rate Digital Domain Filtering υ – – – – – – Transmitter Type Digital Domain Filtering DAC Sampling Rate Analog Domain Filtering Center Frequency Transmitter Gain SYSTEM – – – – – 12 TRANSMITTER Baseband Interface Finite State Sequencing and Timing Tx Power Calibration Algorithm DCO & I/Q Balance Algorithm RF Front End Control ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. System Model for Using the Softransceiver 13 ©2008 BitWave Semiconductor Inc. SDR Building Blocks SDR Building Blocks Zero Intermediate Freq. SDR Building Blocks SDR Building Blocks SDR Building Blocks Tuneable architectures offers value in the complete device value chain: - Value to end user, bc. more applications. - Value to carrier, bc. fragmented freq. spectrum can be supported. - Value to handset OEM, bc. support of multiple product families, using one radio. SDR Building Blocks The analog part and A/D is a major challenge: - filters - power amplifiers and - antennas must all be reconfigurable. SDR Building Blocks SDR Building Blocks Ex. of RF Performances of Misc. Protocols Noise Figure: SNRout − SNRin IIP3 ( Third order Intercept Point ): The point at which the power in the third-order product and the fundamental tone intersect, when the amplifier is assumed to be linear. Predict low level intermodulation effects. Different Performance Envelopes for Different Protocols Power amplifier nonlinearities Effective Number of Bits Design Considerations and Tradeoff´s Low IF Zero IF IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard FCC 2002 IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Approx. 30 Km Range. Broad band access BS (base Station) and CPE (customers premises equipment) max. 255. IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Minimum downstream: 1.5 Mbit/sec. UP: 384 kbit/sec. allowing for videoconferencing. Using OFDM. IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Use Geolocation/database of licensed TX´s and Spectrum sensing. IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Use Geolocation/database of licensed TX´s and Spectrum sensing. Analysis and Decisions. IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Use Geolocation/database of licensed TX´s and Spectrum sensing. Analysis and Decisions. Control IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard Spectrum Sensing Function Geolocation IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard For one BS. Superframe control header IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Ran Area Network Standard gi Data transmission. Co ng/ b an exi s te dwi nce d th msg bea . ur con gen pro t co toc ex. ol. not i f. Downstream: Consecutive MAC frames. CBP: Coexistence Beacon Protocol, coordination of several 802.22 nodes. Upstream: Sharing among CPE; using demand-assigned multiple access (DAMA). Spectrum Sensing Sensing antenna 10 m above the ground - omnidirectional - digital TV receiver sensitivity -116 dBm - analog TV receiver sensitivity - 94 dBm - wireless microphones rec. sensitivity – 107 dBm Channel detection time is 2 sec. Prob. of detection 0.9. Prob. of false alarm 0.1. Sensing both at BS and CPE. Final decision in BS. If the WRAN operation on channel N creates interference to an incumbent operation, the following is carried out. The SM (Spectrum Manager) have the following options: 1. Reduce the EIRP of the CPE (Customers Prem. Eq). (EIRP: Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) 2. If the reduction renders the service unstable, disallow the service. 3. Reduce the EIRP of the BS, to eliminate the interference. 4. In many cases initiate a channel move. Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Haykin, 2005 Examples of Challenges in Cognitive Networks Start/stop primary users. Start/stop secondary users. Examples of Challenges in Cognitive Networks What is a spectral hole, and what methods for identification? Multidimensional: frequency, time & space. Examples of Challenges in Cognitive Networks Mixture of continuous dynamics and discrete events. Examples of Challenges in Cognitive Networks Guarantee QoS of the secondary user despite the changing environment and securing the primary user quality. Examples of Challenges in Cognitive Networks How to continuously verify the correct function of the system, and avoid misuse? References [1] Joseph Mitola III; “Cognitive Radio, an Integrated Agent Architecture for Software Defined Radio”, Ph.D. Dissertation, KTH, 8 May 2000. [2] Center for Software Defined Radio, Aalborg University, [3] Mehmood-Ur-Rehman Awan, Muhammad Mahtab Alam; “Design & Implementation of FPGA-based Multi-standard Software Radio Receiver”; MSc Thesis, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University 2007. [4] fredric j harris; ”Multirate Signal Processing for Communications” Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. [5] John A. Kilpatrick; Russell J. Cyr; Erik L. Org; Geoffrey Dawe “New SDR Architecture Enables Ubiquitous Connectivity” RF Design, January 2006. [6] Erik L. Org et al.; “Design Tradeoffs in Making a Tuneable Transceiver Architecture for Multi-Band and Multi-Mode Handsets” SDR Forum Technical Conference 2007, 5 pages. [7] Andreas F. Molisch; “Wireless Communications” John Wiley and Sons, 2005. References [8] Carl R. Stevenson et al; “IEEE 802.22: The First Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard” IEEE Communications Magazine, January 2009, Pages 130 - 138. [9] Simon Haykin; “Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 23, No. 2, February 2005, 201-220. [10] Rahul Tandra; “What is a Spectrum Hole and What Does it Take to Recognize One? Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 2009, 824-848. [11] Andreas F. Molisch et al.; “Propagation Issues for Cognitive Radio”, Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 2009, 787-804. [12] Peyman Setoodeh et al.; “Robust Transient Power Control for Cognitive Radio”; Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 2009, pages 915-939. [13] Jun Ma et al.; “Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio” Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 2009, pages 805 - 823. References [14] Peyman Setoodeh et al.; “Robust Transmit Power Control for Cognitive Radio”, Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 5, May 2009, pages 915-939. [15] Spectrum Policy Task Force, ET Docket No. 02- 135 Federal Communications Commission, 2002 Thanks