
dario agazzi
1 English translation from Italian by Dario Agazzi.
“The man who can't count on 1 million readers shouldn't even begin to write”, he declared.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe in Goethe by Arno Schmidt
The list of the complete works by Luca Ferri is organized in 4 capitols:
1: early literary works (alphabetical order);
1 bis: unpublished literary works (alphabetical order);
1 ter: published (or partially published) literary works;
1 appendix: fragments;
2: short films (alphabetical order)2;
2 bis: films (alphabetical order)3;
3: published photos;
4: press.
Symbols and abbreviations:
? = unknown data
aft. = afterword
art. = article
b/w = black and white
collaborat. = collaboration
c. = capital/s
ded. = dedication
descr. = description
digit. = digital
col. = color
Eng. = English
epigr. = epigraph
exp. = experimental
fig. = figure
I.F. = in fieri
illustr. = illustration/s
numerat. = numeration
pap. = paperback
phot. = photo/s
pr. = prose
p. = page
pp. = pages
pref. = preface
present. = presentation
rev. = revision
scr. = screenplay
s.l. = small letters
theatr. = theatrical
typ. = typed
vers. = verses
2 Short film: if less than 60 minutes.
3 Film = from 60 minutes.
Luca and Samantha Ferri
Frazione Olera, 82 – I-24022 Alzano Lombardo (Bg), Italy
Cicorivolta Edizioni
Joker Edizioni
Via Crosa della Maccarina, 28/B – I-15067 Novi Ligure (Al), Italy
Lab80 film/ Laboratorio 80
Via Pignolo, 123 – I-24121 Bergamo, Italy
Pulcino Elefante Edizioni
Via Pinamonte 12 – I-23875 Osnago (Lc), Italy
Biographical note
Luca Ferri during a visit in Cinecittà, photographed by Claudio Cristini, Rome, January 2013
Luca Ferri (born on 1976 in Bergamo, Italy)
He works with words and pictures.
Among his films: Magog [o epifania del barbagianni] (produced by Lab80 Film, Bergamo,
screened during the 48th Pesaro Film Festival 2012, Italy); Ecce Ubu (produced by Lab80 Film,
Bergamo); Kaputt/Katastrophe (from Dario Agazzi's tape, 2012); Habitat [Piavoli] (with Claudio
Casazza, on the famous italian director, 2013).
Among his books: Ode alle quaglie (experimental novel, Cicorivolta Edizioni, 2010); fiori di broca
(experimental novel, Cicorivolta Edizioni, 2011); Scacciagatti [o epifania di barbagianni] (absurd
pièce, Joker Edizioni, 2012).
Early literary works
Cappa caballo4, typ.5 55 pp., pr., 2003
Poemetto galeoto, typ., 76 pp., poem, free vers., 2007
Sposa (La), typ., poetry, 22 free vers., with dedication “To my grandmother Margherita6”, 2000
4 On 12.7.2011, the Author changed the title of the novel, which is now Mimmuzzo il merluzzo. However the novel
should be indicated with a double title: Cappa caballo ovvero Mimmuzzo il merluzzo.
5 Typed on A4 papers.
6 Margherita is not the name of the Author's grandmother.
1 bis.
Unpublished literary works
Aforisma un titolo sbagliato ed una epifania di barbagianni, typ., pr., 8 pp., 2012
Analitica agazziana, essay on the composer Dario Agazzi, typ., pr., 28 pp., with 3 phot. as
appendix (1. T.W.Adorno; 2. fresco by Taddeo di Bartolo in S.Giminiano with a damned
"sotomitto" [sodomite]; 3. Igor Stravinskij), 2012
Appendice a jesper: jesper [o epifania di barbagianni], typ., theatr. pièce7., pr., 15 pp., with a
ded.: “lauta8 regalia ad Anna Accame, Felice Accame, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno” (“sumptuous
gift to...”), 2012
Carillon [o epifania di barbagianni], typ., theatr. pièce, 6 pp., with a ded.: “Omaggio ai due
D.A.”, 2011
Cipiglio di zeta che si stacca dal vocabolario (Il)9, typ., pr., 10 pp., 2010
Cipiglio di zeta nella tribù dei negri blu (Il), typ., pr., 10 pp., 2010
Cipigliosa zeta nelle villettin giallo limone (La), typ., pr., 10 pp., 2010
Dossier Abacuc, typ., pr., on the film10, 16 pp., 2012
Dossier Curzio e Marzio, typ., pr., on the film11, 12 pp., 2013
Dossier Ecce Ubu, typ., pr., on the film12, 12 pp., 2012
Dossier Habitat [Piavoli], typ., pr., on the film13, 10 pp., 2013
Dossier Kaputt/Katastrophe, typ., pr., on the film14, 11 pp., 2012
Joseppo15 [o Joseppo bello gesto], typ., pr., 91 pp., with epigr.: “del porcos non se buta proppio
nigotta e certo non si inventa.16”, 2010
Joseppo di nuovo [o con rettorica de piano sequenza], typ., pr., 22 pp., with epigr.: “Del 17 porcos
non se buta proppio nigotta”, 2010
Joseppo d'accapo18, typ., pr., 38 pp., with epigr.: “del porcos”, 2010
Palmizie [o epifania di barbagianni], typ., theatr. pièce, pr., 11 pp., 2011
7 The Author uses the word “pece” to indicate a theatrical work. This word does not exist.
8 The “l” of “lauta” (= sumptuous) is written in s.l.., as written.
9 The three short stories with “zeta” as a main character are edited by 2 authors: “Ferri tuca” (sic.:“t” in s.l.), pen
name sometimes used by the Author, and “Galli zar” (sic.: “z” in s.l.), apocryphal pseudonym of Miss Sara Galli,
who illustrated the mentioned short stories. The huge amount of drawings are preserved by Luca and Samantha Ferri
(please go to the address indicated in the “Introduction”).
10 Please go to the section 2bis.
11 As above.
12 As above.
13 As above.
14 As above.
15 These three novellas (“Joseppo” as title) are very freely based (as the Author declared) on our score Joseph for
double bass (2009-10), Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen, Berlin, 2012. We wrote the pref. for these novellas.
16 In s.l. The sentence is completely untranslatable.
17 “Del” was written with “D” in c.
18 Sic.
Paolo, un monologo [o epifania di barbagianni]19, typ., theatr. pièce., pr., 12 pp., 2012
19 These work is freely based on the bizarre composer Paolo Castaldi (1930-).
1 ter.
Published (or partially published) literary works
fiori di broca, typ., pr., 121 pp. (the book has been printed with s.l.), with a “sezionario” (sort of
index) and a pref. by Dario Agazzi, 11 pp., pap., 8°, Cicorivolta Edizioni, 2011
Jetée di Chris Marker (La), art. on the director, published on the “Quaderno n°2 del Collage de
'Pathaphysique, 140 E.P.”, 1 p., 8°, 2012
Maestro Giobelino, vecchio catarroso e un condominio di defunti [o epifania di barbagianni],
typ., theatr. pièce, pr., 12 pp., with a ded.: “lauta 20 regalia a Sara Galli, Dario Agazzi, Theodor
Wiesengrund Adorno”, extract of the pièce published on “Quaderno n°1 del Collage de
'Pataphysique, 139 E.P.”, 2 pp., 8°, 2012
Magog [o epifania del barbagianni] – Synopsis, present. text of the film, 1 p., with phot. and Eng.
translation (short version) published on the “Catalogo della 48a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo
Cinema”, edited by Pedro Armocida, Fondazione Pesaro Nuovo Cinema Onlus, 2012
Ode alle quaglie, typ., pr., 117 pp., with a pref. by Dario Agazzi, 3 pp., pap., 8°, Cicorivolta
Edizioni, 2010
Scacciagatti, o elezione del gran satrapo [o epifania di barbagianni], typ., theatr. pièce, pr., 3
pp., with an aft. by Dario Agazzi, 1 p., pap., 8°, Edizioni Joker, 2012
Suicidio di Amerigo Vezzi (Il), typ. free vers., in collaborat. with Gianni Ghezzi, without numerat.
of pp., with an illustr. by Adamo Calabrese, 8°, Edizioni Pulcino Elefante, 2003
30 personaggi Tonici21 in previsione dell'Estate22, typ., pr., in collaborat. with Pietro Nespoli,
without numeration of pp., with illustr., 24°, Lubrina Editore, 2002
20 Please go to the note number 8.
21 Sic.: “T” in c.
22 Sic.: “E” in c.
Appendix: fragments
Abacuc23, scr. of the film, typ., pr., 15 pp., with a ded.: “omaggio 24 a Guy Maddin, Ennio Flaiano e
Dario Agazzi”, 2012
Cul de sac25, scr. of the film, typ., pr., 15 pp., with a ded.: “omaggio 26 a Guy Maddin, Ennio Flaiano
e Dario Agazzi”, 2012
Note for the mechanical ballet Joseph: Distillato by Dario Agazzi, critical art., typ., 1 p., 2011
[On the Picture], critical art., typ., 3 pp., 2011
Umanta, typ., theatr. pièce, pr., 3 pp., with a descr. of the scenario, 2009
Sic., without “h”.
The “o” of “omaggio” (= homage) was written in s.l., as indicated.
Rev. of the previous work.
Please go to the note number 20.
Short films27
27 The first screenings of the most part of these short films have not be found.
Anna vs Oliva, in collaborat. with Michela Facchinetti28, Italy 2004, col., 4'45
Screenings ?
Di nuovo Giggi e il Rattan29, Hungary 2011, col., 8'51
• 28.11.2011, Caffè letterario di Nembro (Bergamo)
educere movere billiardo30, U.S.A. 2004, col., 13'47
Screenings ?
Ergonomia culanda, in collaborat. with Michela Facchinetti, Germany 2005, col., 6'15
Screenings ?
Fiori di Broca31, Italy 2005, col. ?
Screenings ?
Giggi e il Rattan32, Italy 2011, col. ?
Kaputt/Katastrophe33, in collaborat. with Simone Marchi (editing), Italy, 2012, col., 15'40
• 28.11.2012 – Cinema Astra, Trento
• 31.12.2012 – Vecchie segherie (Cineclub Canudo), Bisceglie
• 26.01.2013 – Sala Trevi (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia), Rome
• 22.05.2013 – Il barcaiolo (Associazione Dinamo Culturale), Lecco
4, ? 2002, ?, ?
Screenings ?
Scano Boa, Italy 2005, col., ?
Screenings ?
Visione di P (La), in collaborat. with Michela Facchinetti, Italy 2004, b/w, 3'35
Screenings ?
28 Miss Facchinetti used the pseudonym “Michela Facchiro”. We prefer to indicate her real name.
29 With our soundtrack: Broca da un romanzo di Luca Ferri, graphic notation (2007) – www.suisa.ch
30 Sic.: title written with s.l. The film was mistakenly indicated by the Author with this title: “movere educere
31 Actor: Dario Bacis; voice: Lello Cassinotti.
32 With our soundtrack: Giggi e il rattan for 2 electric toy organs (2011) – www.suisa.ch
33 The Author likes to indicate this film as “didactic”. It is based on our piece Kaputt/Katastropfe for harmonium and
speaker on tape (2012) – www.suisa.ch.
2 bis.
Abacuc, Italy 2014, b/w, I.F.
Curzio e Marzio, picaresque work in 2 acts for tape by Dario Agazzi, cinematografata filmed by
Luca Ferri with only an actor: Dario Bacis, Italy 2013, col., I.F.
Dodo animale inetto al, Italy 2005, col., 120'; exp. film, 90 scenes, realized in a year and half.
Dodo in alphabetical order34: Simone Facchinetti, Michela Facchinetti35, Luca Ferri, Annamaria
Materazzini, Marinella Tasca, Vittorio Turla, Gabriele Rigamonti36
Idea: Luca Ferri
Development: Luca Ferri, Michela Facchinetti
Phot., filming and editing: Gabriele Rigamonti, Luca Ferri
Supervision: studiocharlie
Graphic: studiocharlie and &1 lab
Production: Dodo37
• 13.04.2005 – Auditorium Piazza della Libertà Bergamo
• Winner of BEST VIDEO AWARD - PROG:ME - Programação de Mídia Eletrônica - Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, July 2005
• Official selection - eKsperim[E]nto Festival of Film, Video and New Media 2005, Manila,
Philippine Islands, September 2005
• 10èmes Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin - Espace de consultation: Documentaires
expérimental. Centre Culturel Suedois. Paris, France, October 2005
• Videoformes XXI manifestation internationale d'art video et noveaux medias. Videotheque
Ephemere. Clermont Ferrand, France, March 2006
Press: Catalogue / Passeggiata effimera
Ecce Ubu, Italy 2012, col., 60'
Direction: Luca Ferri
Editing: Alberto Valtellina
Music: Dario Agazzi38
Actor: Dario Bacis
Production and distribution: Lab80
• from 06.07.2012 to 01.09.2012, loop-screening at Ars Bookshop, Bergamo
• from 06.10.2012 to 07.10.2012, loop-screening at Villa Tittoni (Desio), during the exhibition
of contemporary art “Inutilitart”
• 26.01.2013 – Sala Trevi (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia), Rome
• 22.05.2013 – “Il barcaiolo” (Associazione Dinamo Culturale), Lecco
Habitat [Piavoli], Italia 2013, col., 60'
Direction: Claudio Casazza e Luca Ferri
Photography: Luca Ferri e Claudio Casazza
Editing: Claudio Casazza
Production: Claudio Casazza
Music: Luigi Nono and Dario Agazzi39
34 This is the list of the actors.
35 Please go to note number 28.
36 Mr. Rigamonti used the pseudonym “_riga”. We prefer to indicate his real name.
37 Please go the note number 29.
38 With our soundtrack: Lentamente for piano (or harpsichord) and an introductive voice (2008-11). – www.suisa.ch
39 The music by Luigi Nono (1924-90) used in this film is based on some fragments form La lontananza nostalgica
utopica futura. Madrigale per più 'caminantes' con Gidon Kremer for violin and eight tracks on tape (1988). The
Distribution: Nomadica
Patrii lidi, Italy 2008, col., ?
Direction, subject, scr.: Luca Ferri and Marco Cortinovis
Phot. and filming: Gabriele Rigamonti40, studiocharlie
Editing: Andrea Zanoli
Actors (in order of appearance): Agostino Buzzetti, Luca Ferri, Marco Cortinovis, Lydia Rossi
Voice in certain situations: Lello Cassinotti
Photographer: Agostino Buzzetti
Graphic: studiocharlie
Production: Lab 80 Film
• 04.04.2008 – Auditorium Piazza della Libertà, Bergamo
Magog [o epifania del barbagianni], Italy 2011, col., 66'06
Direction: Samantha Angeloni, Luca Ferri
Scr.: Luca Ferri
Phot.: Samantha Angeloni, Luca Ferri
Photographer: Claudio Cristini
Editing: Alberto Valtellina
Music41: Dario Agazzi
Sound: Sonia de Girolamo, Sonia Bombardieri, Adriano Salvia, Simone Marchi
Production and distribution: Lab80
• 06.12.2011 – Auditorium Piazza della Libertà, Bergamo
• 19.05.2012 – La Mandragola, Milan
• 28.06.2012 – 48° Pesaro Film Festival
• 12.10.2012 – Odradek Bookshop, Milan
• 31.12.2012 – Vecchie segherie (Cineclub Canudo), Bisceglie
• 18.02.2013 – Cineforum del Circo d'unità proletaria, Milan
music of the undersigned is a fragment form the score 16/50 for harmonium (2007-11). - www.suisa.ch
40 Please go to note number 36.
41 With our soundtrack: Ping Pong for toy organ and telephone on tape (2010). - www.suisa.ch
Published photos
G. Macola, C. Poli, S. Spagnolo: complesso residenziale, commerciale e terziario (1991-2004),
Via Corridoni, Bergamo, Area Ex Fob, digit. phot., col., 21,7cm X 14,7cm, Ark n°7, with the
newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo, 2012
Iconemi.it, online magazine, Bergamo University - Centre for Studies “Lelio Pagani”, Quaderni 22,
by Fulvio Adobati, Maria Claudia Peretti, Marina Zambianchi, digit. phot, col., fig. 4 at p. 7,
“Magog02. Stezzano.42 Una stanchezza metafisica nel pomeriggio dove la geometria umana non
regolarizza il senso vago di un'attesa. //Ubu al cubo.”, October 2012
42 The caption was published with a comma, after the word “Stezzano”, followed by c. letter.
43 Chronological order.
Dnews 15 aprile 2009, Né musica, né teatro, né narrazioni ecco il vero intreccio di voci e suoni; by
Serena Valietti
L'Eco di Bergamo 15 aprile 2009, Musica e letteratura s'incrociano sul palco; by Andrea
L'Eco di Bergamo 20 aprile 2009, La circunvuallazione di Broca è quasi teatro futurista.
Minimalismo, però massimalista; by Andrea Frambrosi
L'Eco di Bergamo 29 luglio 2010, Ode alle quaglie fra arte e teatro; by Andrea Frambrosi
L'Eco di Bergamo 6 dicembre 2011, Il film Magog [o epifania del barbagianni]44. Dall'edilizia di
periferia all'antropologia; by Andrea Frambrosi
Corriere della Sera 28 giugno 2012, Il cinema di Ferri “La mia Bergamasca luogo dell'assurdo”;
by Daniela Morandi
Sentieriselvaggi.it 1 luglio 2012, Pesaro 48 – "Magog [o epifania del barbagianni] 45", di Luca Ferri
(Cinema documentario – L’Italia allo specchio); by Tonino de Pace
Rapporto Confidenziale – Rivista digitale di cultura cinematografica, ISSN 2235-1329,
Lugano, march-april 2013, Preambolo patafisico sul cinema di Luca Ferri con la scansione di 9
rotorilievi di Duchamp; by Giuseppe Spina and Giulia Mazzone (Nomadica)46
Ondacinema – webzine sul mondo del cinema, review on Magog [o epifania del barbagianni];
by Claudio Zito
44 In the article the title was mistakenly written with brackets, and not with square brackets.
45 As above.
46 Our score Lentamente (please go to the note number 38), which has been used as soundrack for Ecce Ubu, is
published in this article about the mentioned film, as a facsimile.
Draft: 08.12.2012
Revision: 27.06.2013