FALL WINTER 2012/2013
FALL WINTER 2012/2013
FALL WINTER 2012/2013 1979 BORN WITH POCKETS KangaROOS. Eine große Erfolgsstory mit einer kleinen Tasche. Seit 1979. Die Erfolgsstory von KangaROOS beginnt 1979 in den USA. Der Architekt, Joggingpionier und leidenschaftliche Basketballer Bob Gamm entwickelt innovative Laufschuhe mit einer kleinen Tasche: als Antwort auf die stete Frage, wohin mit dem Schlüssel beim Running. Der Rest ist Geschichte! KangaROOS hebt sich von Anfang an von anderen Brands ab. Die Modelle sind jung, schick, sportlich. Optisch visionär und technisch revolutionär. Stets ausgestattet mit der einzigartigen kleinen und praktischen Tasche und dem Känguru-Logo - Sympathieträger und unverwechselbares Markenzeichen. Seit 1979. KangaROOS. A big success story with a small pocket. Since 1979. KangaROOS‘ success story began in 1979 in the United States. The architect, jogging pioneer and passionate basketball player Bob Gamm developed innovative running shoes with a small pocket, a solution to the ever-present problem of where to put keys while running. The rest is history! KangaROOS has always stood out from other brands. Their styles are young, smart, athletic. Visually visionary, and technically revolutionary. Always equipped with the unique and practical little pocket and the kangaroo logo – a likeable and distinctive trademark. Since 1979. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK and tell us WHAT‘S IN YOURS! www.facebook.com/KangaROOSredandblack KANGAROOS ENTERS EUROPE Bernd Hummel starts as licencee for KangaROOS. NASA AND PATENTED “DYNACOIL” Opening of the KangaROOS laboratory in USA – 10,000 sqm devoted to athletic shoe testing. After consultation with NASA engineers, Dynacoil – a 3 dimensional woven-coil fabric is born. PAYTON FOUNDATION KangaROOS support the Payton Foundation in memory of one of the greatest NFL players of all time, Walter “Sweetness” Payton. WWF KANGAROOS Rick “The Dog Faced Gremlin” Steiner of the World Wrestling Federation wears KangaROOS. KANGAROOS SPONSORS NFL LEGEND WALTER “SWEETNESS” PAYTON 1979 1981 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 USA OLYMPIC RUNNERS US Olympic runners John Walker and Ray Flynn wear KangaROOS, as do various athletes from motor racing, tennis and aerobics. EXPANSION KangaROOS developed new collections: apparel, bags, watches. Sales reach 21 countries in Europe as well as throughout the Americas. 1990 1991 2001 2008 2009 2011 TODAY KANGAROOS IN THE NBA AND MLB MLB superstars Ozzie Smith, Vince Coleman and Ron Darling, and basketball’s Clyde “The Glide” Drexler wear the brand. FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS KangaROOS became a top 5 sports shoe brand in the USA. BORN IN THE USA USA was in the midst of a fitness craze. American architect Robert Gamm had a revelation – frustrated with where to keep his coins and keys whilst running, he developed a pair of shoes with a small pocket. EUROPEAN DOMINATION KANGAROOS TODAY KangaROOS launches in Asia and now sells product in over 60 countries worldwide. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KangaROOS celebrates their 30th anniversary. PATTA X KANGAROOS ROOS jumps back in the game 7 Combat Suede COMBAT 47072-502 COMBAT SUEDE 47072-441 COMBAT SUEDE 47072-301 COMBAT SUEDE Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Black / Charcoal Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Navy / Royal Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Chocolate / Cognac Sizes: 36 – 47 47072-880 COMBAT SUEDE 47072-671 COMBAT SUEDE 47072-666 COMBAT SUEDE Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Olive / Green Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Bordeaux / Orange Sizes: 36 – 42 Fabric: Leather-Textil-Synthetic Colourway: Dark Purble / Lila Sizes: 36 – 42 8 Combat 71490-470 COMBAT 71490-770 COMBAT 71490-680 COMBAT Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Royal Blue Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Neonyellow Sizes: 36 – 42 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Magenta Sizes: 36 – 42 71490-500 COMBAT 71490-600 COMBAT 71490-400 COMBAT Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Black Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Red Sizes: 36 – 47 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Navy Sizes: 36 – 47 71490-830 COMBAT Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Olive Sizes: 36 – 47 11 Coil R-1 COIL R-1 47041-204 COIL R-1 LEA COMBO * 47041-506 COIL R-1 LEA COMBO * 47051-000 COIL R-1 LEA * Fabric: Nappa & Suede Colourway: Grey / Navy Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Nappa & Suede Colourway: Black / Red Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: White Sizes: 40 – 47 47051-500 COIL R-1 LEA * 47051-640 COIL R-1 LEA * 47051-400 COIL R-1 LEA * Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Bordeaux Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 47079-800 COIL R-1 CLASSIC 47079-605 COIL R-1 CLASSIC 47079-450 COIL R-1 CLASSIC Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Green / White Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Red / Black Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Nylon & Suede Colourway: Royal / Black Sizes: 41 – 47 * MADE IN EUROPE 12 Rage, Coilybrid & Divebomb 13 Dynacoil CUSHIONING SYSTEM DYNACOIL ist ein Schockdämpfungs- und Energie-Recycling-System. DYNACOIL is a shock absorption and energy-recycling system. The Das Basismaterial wurde für das Apollo-Raumfahrtprogramm von dem base material was developed by NASA Aerospace Research for the NASA Aerospace-Forschungszentrum entwickelt und von KangaROOS Apollo space program and was redesigned by for use in athletic shoes in Zusammenarbeit mit anerkannten Forschern der Orthopädie und by KangaROOS, in cooperation with recognized orthopedic and biomechanics researchers. 47058-142 RAGE 47058-806 RAGE 47058-460 RAGE Biomechanik zum Gebrauch von Sportschuhen umkonstruiert. Fabric: Leather-Textile Colourway: Cream / Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Leather-Textile Colourway: Green / Red Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Leather-Textile Colourway: Navy / Red Sizes: 40 – 47 DYNACOIL ist ein Röhrengewebe von ineinandergreifenden, federn- DYNACOIL is a tubular fabric of interlocking, resilient nylon thread, den Nylonfäden – sehr leicht, ultrastabil mit Memory-Funktion, welche very light and extremely stable. Its memory function ensures that after das Gewebe bei jeder Entlastung in die Ursprungsform zurückversetzt. each release the fabric returns to the original shape. The fabric is filled Das Gewebe wird mit dem weichen Polyurethan-Schaum des Fersen- with soft polyurethane foam at the heel, to considerably reduce impact elements ausgeschäumt, um die Stoßbelastung auf Sprung-, Knie- load on the ankles, knees, and hips as well as the spine and vertebrae. und Hüftgelenke sowie Bandscheiben und Wirbelsäule erheblich zu reduzieren. 47080-506 COILYBRID SUEDE * 47080-880 COILYBRID SUEDE * 47080-246 COILYBRID SUEDE * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Black / Red Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Olive / Green Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Grey / Royal Sizes: 41 – 47 DYNACOIL CUSHIONING SYSTEM 47081-667 DIVEBOMB SUEDE * 47081-880 DIVEBOMB SUEDE * 47081-441 DIVEBOMB SUEDE * Fabric: Nylon/Suede Colourway: Bordeaux / Red Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Nylon/Suede Colourway: Olive / Green Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Nylon/Suede Colourway: Navy / Royal Sizes: 41 – 47 * MADE IN EUROPE 15 Full Court & Skywalker SKY WALKER 47063-000 FULL-COURT-MID-NAPPA * 47063-500 FULL-COURT-MID-NAPPA * 47064-230 FULL-COURT-MID-NUBUCK * Fabric: Nappa Colourway: White Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nubuck Colourway: Dark Grey Sizes: 40 – 47 71624-006 FULL-COURT-MID 71624-004 FULL-COURT-MID Fabric: Full Grain & Suede Colourway: White / Red Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Full Grain & Suede Colourway: White / Navy Sizes: 41 – 47 43001-910 SKYWALKER-III-EDITION 47005-000 SKYWALKER-III-CANVAS 43001-0-990 SKYWALKER-III-EDITION Fabric: Canvas & Leather Colourway: Silver Sizes: 37 – 42 Fabric: Canvas & Leather Colourway: White Sizes: 37 – 46 Fabric: Canvas & Leather Colourway: Gold Sizes: 37 – 42 * MADE IN EUROPE 17 Coilybrid & Skywalker Hybrid 47034-360 COILYBRID * 47034-302 COILYBRID * 47034-500 COILYBRID * Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Cognac Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Chocolate Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 47027-500 SKYWALKER-III-HYBRID * 47027-400 SKYWALKER-III-HYBRID * 47027-340 SKYWALKER-III-HYBRID * Fabric: Tumbled Nappa Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Tumbled Nappa Colourway: Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Tumbled Nappa Colourway: Dark Brown Sizes: 40 – 47 SKYWALKER HYBRID * MADE IN EUROPE 19 ATM ATM 47082-580 ATM * 47082-406 ATM * 47082-134 ATM * Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Black / Green Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Navy / Red Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Nappa Colourway: Wheat / Chocolate Sizes: 40 – 46 * MADE IN EUROPE Seit über 70 Jahren ist Vibram der Weltmarktführer für For more than 70 years, Vibram has been the world leistungsstarke Gummisohlen in den Bereichen Outdoor, leader in high performance rubber soles, targeted Arbeit, Freizeit, Mode, Reha und Orthopädie. towards the outdoor, work, recreation, fashion, repair and orthopedic markets. Das Vintage-Design der Sohle Vibram® Gloxinia zeichnet sich vor allem durch die gleichmäßigen Profil- The vintage design of Vibram® Gloxinia is characterized rillen in der Mitte der Sohle aus, die Wasser mit jedem by regular central grooves, which channel out water Schritt nach außen verdrängen. An der Ferse und im with each step. The heel and toe areas feature close, Bereich der Zehen ist das Profil verstärkt und die reinforced grooves to reduce abrasion and improve grip Profilrillen eng, wodurch ein Abtragen reduziert wird during each step’s strike and release. und die Trittsicherheit bei jedem Schritt und bei jedem Abrollen verbessert ist. The sole is made of Vibram® Morflex, an expanded Die Sohle besteht aus Vibram® Morflex, einer kom- with wide surface contact designs, Morflex pakten Gummimischung, die speziell dazu entwickelt Compound ensures both good grip and durability. rubber compound created to be lightweight. When used wurde, optimale Leichtigkeit bei maximaler Trittsicherheit zu garantieren. Beim Einsatz auf unterschiedlichen Oberflächen überzeugt die Morflex Gummimischung mit bestem Grip und Haltbarkeit. SOHLE/SOLE: VIBRAM® GLOXINIA VORTEILE/ADVANTAGES: LEICHTES DESIGN & ABSOLUTER KOMFORT/LIGHTNESS & COMFORT 21 Classic CLASSIC 47074-360 CLASSIC-LOW * 47074-630 CLASSIC-LOW * 47074-400 CLASSIC-LOW * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Cognac Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Redbrown Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Navy Sizes: 41 – 47 47075-360 CLASSIC-MID * 47075-630 CLASSIC-MID * 47075-500 CLASSIC-MID * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Cognac Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Redbrown Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Black Sizes: 41 – 47 * MADE IN EUROPE 23 Breeze BREEZE 47090-400 BREEZE-HIGH * 47090-640 BREEZE-HIGH * 47090-830 BREEZE-HIGH * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Navy Sizes: 36 – 46 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Bordeaux Sizes: 36 – 46 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Olive Sizes: 36 – 46 47088-390 BREEZE-LOW * 47088-500 BREEZE-LOW * 47088-645 BREEZE-LOW * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Cinnamon Sizes: 36 – 46 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black Sizes: 36 – 46 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Violette Sizes: 36 – 46 47089-437 BREEZE-COMBO * 47089-520 BREEZE-COMBO * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Navy / Cognac Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black / Grey Sizes: 40 – 46 * MADE IN EUROPE Secret 25 Secret SECRET 47077-502 SECRET-HIGH * 47077-335 SECRET-HIGH * 47077-406 SECRET-HIGH * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black / Charcoal Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Cognac / Chocolate Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Navy / Red Sizes: 40 – 47 Made in Europe Made in Europe Made in Europe 47078-382 SECRET-LOW * 47078-141 SECRET-LOW * 47078-506 SECRET-LOW * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Chocolate / Green Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Sand / Royal Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black / Red Sizes: 40 – 47 Made in Europe Made in Europe Made in Europe * MADE IN EUROPE 27 St. Moritz ST. MORITZ 47073-506 ST. MORITZ-FUR * 47073-303 ST. MORITZ-FUR * 47073-437 ST. MORITZ-FUR * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Black / Red Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Chocolate / Brown Sizes: 40 – 46 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Navy / Cognac Sizes: 40 – 46 43013-503 ST. MORITZ-LEO * 43013-437 ST. MORITZ-LEO * 43013-134 ST. MORITZ-LEO * Fabric: Nubuc Colourway: Black / Chocolate Sizes: 36 – 42 Fabric: Nubuc Colourway: Navy / Cognac Sizes: 36 – 42 Fabric: Nubuc Colourway: Wheat / Chocolate Sizes: 36 – 42 * MADE IN EUROPE 29 Majesty, Lord Mid & Sovereign MAJESTY 47021-344 MAJESTY * 47021-335 MAJESTY * 47065-400 MAJESTY DENIM Fabric: Tumbled Leather Colourway: Dark Brown & Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Tumbled Leather Colourway: Cognac & Chocolate Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Denim & Full Grain Colourway: Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 47021-500 MAJESTY * 47024-0-530 LORD-MID * 47024-0-663 LORD-MID * Fabric: Tumbled Leather Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Black / Whiskey / Offwhite Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Bordeaux / Wine / Offwhite Sizes: 40 – 47 47076-502 SOVEREIGN * 47076-335 SOVEREIGN * 47076-437 SOVEREIGN * Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black / Charcoal Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Cognac / Chocolate Sizes: 41 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Navy / Cognac Sizes: 41 – 47 * MADE IN EUROPE 31 Diving Duck DIVING DUCK 43012-0-500 H DIVING-DUCK-MID 43012-0-463 H DIVING-DUCK-MID Fabric: Cordura® & Leather Colourway: Black Sizes: 36 – 41 Fabric: Cordura® & Leather Colourway: Navy / Bordeaux Sizes: 36 – 41 43011-0-500 H DIVING-DUCK-HI 43011-0-463 H DIVING-DUCK-HI Fabric: Cordura®, Leather & Fur Colourway: Black Sizes: 36 – 41 Fabric: Cordura®, Leather & Fur Colourway: Navy / Bordeaux Sizes: 36 – 41 33 Chieftain & Prince CHIEFTAIN 47025-0-400 H CHIEFTAIN * 47025-0-640 H CHIEFTAIN * 47025-0-630 H CHIEFTAIN * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Navy Sizes: 38 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Bordeaux Sizes: 38 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Redbrown Sizes: 38 – 47 47026-0-230 H PRINCE * 47026-0-400 H PRINCE * 47050-0-500 H PRINCE-SUEDE * Fabric: Leather Colourway: Dark Grey Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Leather Colourway: Navy Sizes: 40 – 47 Fabric: Suede Colourway: Black Sizes: 40 – 47 * MADE IN EUROPE 34 Hoodies MEN T2378-210 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE T2378-490 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Light Grey Melange Sizes: S – XL Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Eclipse Sizes: S – XL T2378-808 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE T2378-659 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Alga Sizes: S – XL Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Cherry Sizes: S – XL T0659-660 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE T0659-474 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Piggy Sizes: XS – L Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Angel Blue Sizes: XS – L T2378-500 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Black Sizes: S – XL WOMEN T0659-750 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Orange Sizes: XS – L T0659-820 ROOS AMERICAN HOODIE Fabric: Cotton Sweat Colourway: Sulphur Sizes: XS – L ALL COLOURS ALSO AVAILABLE AS T-SHIRT Tel: +49 63 31 7 10 70 [email protected] www.kangaroos.de LIKE US ON FACEBOOK and tell us WHAT‘S IN YOURS! www.facebook.com/KangaROOSredandblack © 2012 Bernd Hummel GmbH. „KangaROOS®, ROOS® and the kangaroo device are registered trade marks owned by and used under licence from Asco Group Limited“ KangaROOS - Bernd Hummel GmbH
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