Catholic TV - St. Michael Broadcasting
Catholic TV - St. Michael Broadcasting
ST. MICHAEL BROADCASTING, INC. P.O. BOX 131202 St. Paul, MN 55113-0011 612-724-2265 Catholic TV Web address: Twin Cities, MN Retreats for Men! Fr. James Kubicki, S.J. Demontreville Retreat Center, Lake Elmo, Aug 11-14 Call 414-486-1152 or email [email protected] Miles Christi--- Spiritual Exercises Men 16+ Aug. 26-28 Franciscan retreat Center, Prior Lake Email [email protected], or call 248-596-9677 Board of Advisors Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., President Emeritus, Catholic Views Broadcasts Fr. Paul La Fontaine, Spiritual Advisor, St. Paul Seminary Msgr. Matthew Odong, Rector, Sacred Heart Seminary, Uganda August 2016, A.D. Dear Friends and Family of St. Michael Broadcasting, We here reprint the 2012 article Evolution and the Catholic Faith by Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J. Evolution is a theory but not an established fact, because the origins of human life are not now observable, since, according to the theory, life arose from inert matter millions or billions of years ago. If evolution were a fact, it would be scientifically testable, but it is not testable. In 1996, Pope John Paul II gave an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in which he said that: “new knowledge leads to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis.” It is not altogether clear what the Pope meant exactly by the comment to the scientists, who were meeting to discuss evolution and the origin of man. A scientific theory is composed of various hypotheses. Hypotheses and theories are working models, not established fact. They are conditional, that is, if all the assumptions are correct, then the theory is valid until such time as contrary evidence might show them to be false. Evolution is a theory in this sense: it is certainly not an established fact, because the origins of human life are not now observable, since, according to the theory, life arose from inert matter millions or billions of years ago. If evolution were a fact, it would be scientifically testable, but it is not testable. So evolution is not scientific in the sense that certain results of the physical sciences are observable, testable and, therefore, “scientific.” It is more correct to say, as many do today, that evolution is a philosophical theory, or metaphysical “faith” in the idea that biological evolution took place. John Paul II’s statement about evolution suggests that he was much more favorable towards the theory of evolution than was his predecessor Pius XII, notably in his Encyclical Letter, Humani Generis (1950). If you wish to compare the two popes on evolution, I strongly urge you to get a copy of Humani Generis and study it carefully. Back in 1950, in a Letter that merits being called “prophetic,” Pius XII put his finger on most of the problems that are plaguing the Church and the world today. In his remarks to the scientists, John Paul II did not define a doctrine concerning faith or morals in that he did not speak to the whole Church, but just to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences; he did not insist on his opinion, again and again. Papal infallibility and the Ordinary Magisterium were not involved, so Catholics are not bound to follow his opinion in this highly speculative area of science. If Pope John Paul II favored theistic evolution (which seems to be implied in his words) as opposed to the direct creation of Adam from the dust of the earth, the probability of his opinion on this scientific theory depends on the factual evidence that supports it. An important book of evolution is Dr. Michael Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. The evidence adduced by Behe from biochemistry against evolution is very convincing and, in my opinion, is a dagger in the heart of evolution—whether naturalistic or theistic. Why did the major media in the United States give so much prominence to a minor statement of the Pope to a few scientists? They twisted his words to give the impression that the Pope has endorsed evolution as they understand it, namely: the material universe spontaneously produced the first form of life, from which all living beings have developed, including man. This means that man is a part of nature and not directly created by God. It results in a rejection of creation, the historical value of the Bible, Adam and Eve, the Fall and original sin, the need for redemption, the Incarnation, the divinity of Christ, the Church and the sacraments. In short, it leads logically to the denial of the Catholic faith. Obviously, that is not what the Pope meant. Modern thinking in the social and physical sciences, in philosophy and theology, is shot through with atheistic evolutionism. It is taught as a fact in public schools, as well as in most Catholic schools. Secular humanism, communism and liberalism, are based on it. There is little hope for true human advancement, for the “civilization of love,” as long as evolutionism, which diminishes man as made in the image of God, marches on unchallenged. Thanks to Dr. Behe, and many other researchers, the days of evolutionism may be numbered. Thank you Fr. Baker! Please continue to support your station through prayer, word-of-mouth, offering to volunteer or a financial contribution. Blessed summer to you! Michael Bird, president and volunteer Special Programs this month include Cosmic Origins: Does Science Point to an Intelligent God? : Latin Mass on 16.1: Monday-Saturday 12, 5 and 10 pm.; Sunday, 5 & 10 pm. For movies, see page 4. Channel 16.3 Schedule, below (Repeats at midnight, 6 am and noon the next day.) August 06:00PM 06:30Pm Sunday Padre Pio Answering the Master's Call 07:00PM 07:30PM 08:00PM 08:30PM 09:00PM 09:30PM 10:00PM The Fathers of Mercy: Following Jesus In the Footsteps of the Nazarene Meditation on the Assumption St. Maximillian Kolbe (HM Television) Facing Single Motherhood Losing My Religion Monday Christ in the City Tuesday Christ in the City Wednesday Christ in the City Thursday Christ in the City Friday Christ in the City Saturday The Joy of Music G.K. Chesterton G.K. Chesterton G.K. Chesterton G.K. Chesterton G.K. Chesterton Changing Tracks Catholic Parents OnLine Unveiling the Apocalypse Changing Tracks A Tour of St. Peter's Square (Cath. Courses) Gay Equality / Call to Battle Catholic Morality and the Catechism (Msgr. Smith) St. Teresa Benedicta) Catechism Series (Fr. Groeschel) Interview with Anthony Esolen Bishop Sheen: Life is Worth Living Eve to Mary: The True Dignity of the Woman Part 1 and 2 Right Reason With Dr. Charles Rice The Making of the Missal 10:30PM 11:00PM 11:30PM Finding the Fullness of Faith CIA: Global Warming (Michael Voris) The One True Faith: (Michael Voris) The Pyschological Importance of Fatherhood Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Servant of All St. Stories by Mary's Dowry Productions St. Clare of Assisi Friday Night Family Film 10 Myths about Pornography Saturday Night Cinema The Perpetual Virginity of Mary How to Save Your Marriage Before You Meet Your Spouse: Jason Everet Footsteps of the Nazarene: People of the Cross The Life of St. Germaine The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius The Ultimate Catholic Q & A Changing Tracks Hope in the Lord (Fr. Groeschel) Cosmic Origins: Does Science Point to an Intelligent God? The Fallout from the Sexual Revolution Lumen Christi Sacred Places Central USA 12:00 AM 12:30 AM 1:00 AM 1:30 AM 2:00 AM 2:30 AM 3:00 AM 3:30 4:00 AM 4:30 AM 5:00 AM 5:30 AM 6:00 AM 6:30 AM 6:50 AM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM August 2016 - Generic EWTN SUNDAY MONDAY FIELDS AND FAITH LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART YOU'RE AMAZING THE CATHOLIC WITH JUSTIN FATICA CHURCH: BUILDER OF CIVILIZATION RISE AND FALL OF SUNDAY NIGHT ANCIENT ISRAEL PRIME VOICE OF THE BRIDEGROOM, THE A CHRISTOLOGICAL BECOMING CATHOLIC CATHERINE OF CATHOLIC LIVES SIENA: MYSTIC & <AUSTRALIA> REFORMER EWTN LIVE (ENCORE) THE DOMESTIC CHURCH THE GLORY OF THE PAPACY THE CHURCH: GOD'S EWTN BOOKMARK PLAN LIFE IS WORTH GRANDPARENTS LIVING ANGELUS WITH POPE FRANCIS ANGELUS ST. LUKE'SWITH GOSPEL, EWTN RELIGIOUS SEASON IV CATALOGUE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY EWTN LIVE (ENCORE) WORLD OVER LIVE, THE (ENCORE) EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY VOCATION BOOM EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY LAMB'S SUPPER EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY DEFENDING LIFE EWTN PRESENTS OCTAVA DIES THE CHURCH UNIVERSAL MANY FACES OF MARY ST. LUKE'S GOSPEL, SEASON IV SHEPHERDS SPEAK 11:00 AM ANSWERING THE MASTER'S CALL CATHOLIC COMPASS LIVING RIGHT WITH DR. RAY CHURCH AND THE POOR JOY OF MUSIC APOSTOLATE FOR FAMILY CONSECRATION CHAPLET OF ST. MICHAEL FAITH VIRTUE, FREEDOM AND FAITH LIGHT FROM LIGHT TWELVE PROMISES OF THE SACRED HEART EWTN ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS THE CHOICES WE FACE CATHOLICS COME HOME PAPAL AUDIENCE LITANY OF LORETO DAILY MASS DAILY MASS THE HOLY LAND ROSARY LITANY OF LORETO SUNDAY MASS (LIVE) DAILY MASS SUNDAY NIGHT PRIME LITANY OF THE HOLY LITANY OF ST. NAME JOSEPH DAILY MASS DAILY MASS LITANY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD DAILY MASS LIFE ON THE ROCK ENCORE EWTN LIVE (ENCORE) WORLD OVER LIVE, THE (ENCORE) THRESHOLD OF HOPE (ENCORE) MY CATHOLIC FAMILY MY TIME WITH JESUS WHERE GOD WEEPS MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE CLASSICS AT HOME WITH JIM AND JOY (ENCORE) B THE BEST OF MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE CLASSICS CATHOLIC CLASSICS: LIVING THE SCRIPTURES EWTN RELIGIOUS CATALOGUE CATHOLIC CLASSICS: TRUTH IN THE HEART MOTHER ANGELICA PRESENTSVIEW FOR AT HOME WITH JIM CATHOLIC WOMEN AND JOY (ENCORE) A WOMEN OF GRACE 10:00 AM 10:30 AM SATURDAY LIFE ON THE ROCK ENCORE EWTN NEWS EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY NIGHTLY WHERE GOD WEEPS CONVERSATIONS THE WORLD OVER WITHLADY RAYMOND OUR IN EWTN GALLERY SCRIPTURE AND TRADITION ANGELUS FROM THE KNOWING MARY EWTN RELIGIOUS SYMBOLON GROTTO IN THROUGH THE BIBLE CATALOGUE NAZARTHE SUPER SAINTS SAVORING OUR PAPAL AUDIENCE WEB OF FAITH 2.0 THE HOLY ROSARY FROM LOURDES LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART EWTN BOOKMARK FRIDAY JOURNEY HOME, THE MOTHER ANGELICA (ENCORE) LIVE CLASSICS THE HOLY ROSARY FROM LOURDES SUNDAY MASS (ENCORE) THE HOLY ROSARY WITH MOTHER ANGELICA DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART IN CONCERT AT HOME WITH JIM AND JOY (LIVE) A 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM 2:30 PM 2:45 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM THE BEST OF THE JOURNEY HOME LIVING RIGHT WITH DR. RAY THRESHOLD OF HOPE G. K. CHESTERTON: APOSTLE OF COMMON OF SENSE CHAPLET DIVINE MERCY IN SONG AT HOME WITH JIM AND JOY (LIVE) B JOURNEY HOME, THE EWTN RELIGIOUS CATALOGUE (ENCORE) MANY FACES OF MARY SUPER SAINTS EWTN ON LOCATION STATIONS OF THE CROSS CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY IN SONG CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY REFLECTIONS WITH FR. LEO CLIFFORD THE HOLY ROSARY THE INTERNATIONAL ROSARY LITANY OF LORETO GRAB YOUR WE ARE CATHOLIC CATECHISM WITH FR. CONNOR SHEPHERDS SPEAK THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET FOR KIDS THE CHURCH RISE AND FALL OF UNIVERSAL ANCIENT ISRAEL LORD HAVE MERCY EWTN BOOKMARK LITANY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD THE DONUT MAN LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART ROAMIN' CATHOLIC MY TIME WITH JESUS ABCATHOLIC ANIMATED STORIES FROM THE BIBLE SAVORING OUR FAITH VOCATION BOOM THE WAY OF THE CROSS FOR KIDS GRANDPARENTS SUPER SAINTS EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY THE CHOICES WE FACE EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY WORLD OVER LIVE, THE (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) SUNDAY NIGHT PRIME JOURNEY HOME, THE MOTHER ANGELICA (LIVE) LIVE CLASSICS SYMBOLON EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY 5:00 PM LIGHT FROM LIGHT 5:30 PM VATICANO 6:00 PM ROSARY FOR LIFE LITANY OF THE HOLY PAPAL AUDIENCE NAME CAT CHAT THE FRIAR G. K. CHESTERTON: APOSTLE OF COMMON SENSE CONVERSATIONS THE WORLD OVER WITH RAYMOND EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY EWTN GALLERY WEB OF FAITH 2.0 VOICE OF THE BRIDEGROOM, THE A CHRISTOLOGICAL EWTN BOOKMARK EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY CHURCH AND THE POOR EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE CLASSICS EWTN LIVE WORLD OVER, THE (LIVE) LIFE ON THE ROCK EWTN CINEMA LIFE IS WORTH LIVING HEROIC MEDIA 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM CATHOLIC COMPASS WORLD OVER LIVE, THE (ENCORE) EWTN NEWS EWTN NEWS EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY NIGHTLY NIGHTLY THE HOLY ROSARY WITH MOTHER ANGELICA THRESHOLD OF HOPE (ENCORE) 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 11:30 PM YOU'RE AMAZING THE CHURCH WITH JUSTIN FATICA UNIVERSAL CROSSING THE GOAL LORD HAVE MERCY LIVING RIGHT WITH DR. RAY LIFE ON THE ROCK ENCORE VIRTUE, FREEDOM AND FAITH GRAB YOUR CATHOLIC VIEW FOR DEFENDING LIFE CATECHISM WITH FR. WOMEN CONNOR WOMEN OF GRACE VOICE OF THE EWTN PRESENTS BRIDEGROOM, THE A CHRISTOLOGICAL DAILY MASS (ENCORE) SUNDAY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) 10:30 PM 11:00 PM EWTN RELIGIOUS CATALOGUE VATICANO EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) DAILY MASS (ENCORE) August 2016 Movie Schedule, Ch. 16.3 TV - St. Michael Broadcasting Date(s) Friday Saturday August 5, 6 The Joe Louis Story August 12, 13 The Green Promise The Man Who Walked Alone August 19, 20 Charlie Chaplin Festival The Navy Way August 26, 27 Fog Island The Scarlet Pimpernel ))) Reception Tips The Panthers Claw ((( For antenna info, visit:,,, or Is it possible to receive Channel 16 if you have cable? Yes! You may need these items: Antenna (UHF) outdoor is better than indoor (cost: $5-$100 indoor, $45-$130 outdoor) A-B Switch (cost: $5-$18), or (for satellite/broadcast reception) a satellite/antenna diplexer ($20 at Radio Shack). RG-6 Coaxial cable 3’ -25’ (cost: $6-$30 depending on length). Converter box, if you have an analog TV (Cost: $50-$60). Indoor amp: e.g., Winegard HD A-0200, or Outdoor pre-amp: e.g., Winegard AP 8275, or AP 8700, or Winegard LNA 200. Instructions for a digital TV: Plug cable TV cable into one side of the A-B switch and the antenna coax cable into the other. Connect the short coax cable (3’-6’) to “Out to TV” and plug other end of the coax cable into “Cable/Antenna IN” on the back of TV. Make sure your cable channels work. If they don’t, flip the switch on the A-B switch. They should now work. After they work, flip the A-B switch so that it is in the antenna reception mode. Next, go into MENU on channel changer. Go to “external inputs” and click to “cable off,” or “antenna,” or “standard.” Then go to “Channels” and press “scan” or “auto program. You should now be able to receive channel 16. To go back and forth between cable and antenna reception, go to the MENU and switch between cable and antenna reception, and flip the switch on the A-B switch. Main point: If your A-B switch is set to receive a cable signal, your TV must be set to receive a cable signal; if your A-B switch is set to receive an antenna signal, your TV must be set to receive an antenna signal. Instructions for an analog TV: Plug cable TV cable into “A” side of A-B switch. Connect coax cable to “Out to TV” on the A-B switch. Plug other end of the coax cable into “Cable/Antenna IN” on the back of TV. Make sure your cable channels work. If they don’t, flip the switch on the A-B switch. Once cable is coming in, flip switch on the A-B switch. You should now receive no cable channels. Plug antenna into converter box, and coax cable from output on the converter box into “B” side of A-B switch. Set TV to Channel 3 and PUT THIS TV CHANNEL CHANGER/Remote ASIDE. Get channel changer for converter box. Go to MENU and scan for channels. 16 should come in. To go back to cable reception, flip the A-B switch. When you want to go back to antenna reception, set the channel to 3 using the TV channel changer, flip the A-B switch, and then control channels using the converter box channel changer. Main point: If your A-B switch is set to receive a cable signal, your TV must be set to receive a cable signal; If you’re a-B switch is set to receive an antenna signal, your TV must be set to the receive an antenna signal mode. Other helpful suggestions: Regarding antennas, outdoor is better than indoor. Higher up in the house, such as rooftop or attic (even higher in a room), is usually better than lower (basement). We broadcast from the top of the IDS, so you want the most unobstructed shot (e.g. near a window, no trees) between your antenna and the IDS that you can get. Stucco houses (enclosed in wire mesh), thick or multiple walls and basements impair your ability to receive Channel 16. The best indoor antenna we have found is the Antennas Direct Clearstream C2V cost $77.00 through Solid, or $99.00 at Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Cost of the base, through Solid Signal is an additional $15.00. You may need to buy a short length of RG-6 coax cable at the same time. has good prices and online antenna advice. Another possibility is the Winegard FV HD-30 available at 651-251-5700, 2300 West Highway 13, Burnsville, MN 55337, cost $40.00. We found many of the above listed components at Radio Shack, Best Buy and Wal-Mart, though Wal-Mart doesn’t have A-B switches. Possibly check the Yellow Pages under Television-Service & Parts for a smaller retailer near you. We are told Plaza TV, East Lake TV and Golden Valley TV might have these components, but there are many others. A good outdoor antenna is the Winegard HD 7697. For outdoor antenna sales and installation locally, you might call: for west metro, (Hutchinson, St. Bonifacius, Waconia) Duane at Electronic Servicing 320-327-2742; St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, Rick Nichols 952-941-9067; St. Paul: Robert Paul Installation 651-271-6819; Stillwater area: Johnny’s TV, 651-439-5965; Elk River: Minnesota Electronics, 320-251-2951; LeSeuer: Butch Ward TV, 507-665-6900; Cannon Falls: GS Antenna 507-775-2548; Faribault: De Grood TV: 507-332-7495. We are not recommending these businesses; we just know they sell and install. Instructions for an older (analog) TV with no cable: You need an antenna (see “Other helpful suggestions” above) and a converter box. Aim your antenna at the IDS. Set TV to channel 3. Put that channel changer aside. Using the converter box channel changer, go to the menu and scan for channels.