LSAMP and Bridge to the Doctorate Updates
LSAMP and Bridge to the Doctorate Updates
NSF/LSAMP UPDATES Tasha R. Inniss, Ph.D. LSAMP Program Director & Co-Lead (EHR/HRD) National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence Conference, Indianapolis, IN October 25, 2015 LSMCE Conference Quotes “Accelerating Diverse Talent Along the STEM Pipeline” (Conference title) - Dr. Kim Nguyen (Opening Remarks Welcome) “Accelerating Diverse Talent = Celebrating Diverse Talent”- Dr. Mary Howard-Hamilton (Opening Keynote) “We must create an environment that empowers all students.”- Dr. Mary Howard-Hamilton “The best publicity strategy is excellence.”Mr. Jamaal Abdul-Alim (Lunch Keynote) NSF Overview $7.3 billion FY 2015 estimation 11,000 awards funded 94% funds research, education and related activities 48,100 proposals All S&E disciplines funded 1,826 Funds research into STEM education 320,900 214 Nobel Prize winners NSF-funded Institutions NSF-supported researchers Other than the FY 2015 estimation, numbers shown are based on FY 2014 activities. Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan Priority Areas P-12 STEM education Undergraduate education Graduate education Broadening participation Public engagement Coordination and evaluation Strategic objectives for Federal investment Undergraduate Education Improve STEM education at 2-year colleges and transfer to 4year colleges Support the development of university-industry partnerships to provide relevant and authentic experiences Address high failure rates in introductory undergraduate mathematics Graduate Education Recognize and provide financial support to students of high potential Provide opportunities for fellows’ preparation in areas critical to the Nation Broadening Participation Be more responsive to rapidly changing demographics Invest in efforts to create campus climates that are effective for improving success for students from underrepresented groups FY 2016 Request ( INCLUDES (INCLUSION ACROSS THE NATION OF COMMUNITIES OF LEARNERS THAT HAVE BEEN UNDERREPRESENTED FOR DIVERSITY IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE) is one of the new activities described in the FY2016 NSF Budget Request. INCLUDES [is] a comprehensive national initiative using a collective impact approach to increase the preparation, participation, advancement, and contributions of all scientists and engineering students, including those who have been traditionally underserved and/or underrepresented in all fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Goal “The long-term goal of NSF INCLUDES is to fund new research, models, and partnerships that lead to demonstrable progress – moving the needle – in meeting the challenge of broadening participation in science and engineering. With special attention to the cross-cutting areas of inclusion, relevance, scalability, and sustainability, NSF will support a new set of NSF strategic investments to expand the culture of diversity in science and engineering across all sectors. “ NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Mission: To enable excellence in U.S. STEM education at all levels and in all settings in order to support the development of a diverse and well-prepared workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians, and educators. Shifts in EHR Investments, 2006-Present 100% 3.84% 4.75% 4.40% 4.21% 3.76% 90% 80% 70% 56.03% 65.27% Percent 60% 50% 51.45% 86.91% NonInvestment Activities Education and Training 81.76% 40% 30% 20% 39.77% 44.78% 30.33% 10% 0% 9.25% 2006 13.49% 2010 2012 2014 2015* Year * 2015 is the only figure represented by an estimate. All other figures are actuals. Research and Development EHR Goals Prepare the next generation of STEM professionals and attract/retain more Americans to STEM careers Develop a robust research community that can conduct rigorous research and evaluation to support excellence in STEM education Increase the technological, scientific and quantitative literacy of all Americans Broaden participation and close achievement gaps in all STEM fields. Directorate for Education and Human Resources: Divisional Framework Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) Division of Graduate Education (DGE) EHR Programs of Interest Directorate-Wide: EHR Core Research (NSF 15-509) Division of Undergraduate Education Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE:EHR; NSF 15- 585) NSF Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM; NSF 15-581) Division of Graduate Education Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP; NSF 15-597) NSF Research Traineeship Program (NRT; NSF 16-503) Division of Human Resource Development LSAMP (NSF 15-594) PAESMEM (NSF 15-551) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) Mission: To grow the innovative and competitive U.S. STEM workforce that is vital for sustaining and advancing the Nation's prosperity by supporting the broader participation and success of individuals currently underrepresented in STEM and the institutions that serve them. Programs: ADVANCE, AGEP, CREST, HBCU-UP, LSAMP, TCUP PAESMEM and PAESMT (administered on behalf of the White House) Source: U.S. Department of Education STEM homepage, Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program The LSAMP program assists universities and colleges in their efforts to significantly increase the numbers of students matriculating into and successfully completing high quality degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Particular emphasis is placed on transforming undergraduate STEM education through innovative, evidence-based recruitment and retention strategies, and relevant educational experiences in support of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in STEM disciplines: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders. The LSAMP Program priorities are to: Increase individual student retention and progression to baccalaureate degrees for underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, Enable successful transfer of underrepresented students from 2-year to 4year institutions in STEM programs, Increase access to high quality undergraduate research experiences, and Facilitate seamless transition of underrepresented students into STEM graduate programs. LSAMP Solicitation (NSF 15-594) Please read the entire solicitation carefully. Alliances (of different institutional types) will no longer be referred to as “new”, “mid-level” or “senior”; An alliance that has been receiving NSF LSAMP funding should indicate the number of years it has been in existence (e.g. 20year State X LSAMP). Broadening Participation Research in STEM Education (BPR) is no longer a funding track in LSAMP. Alliances funded 10+ years are required to incorporate an education/social science research study as part of the proposed activities. Bridge to the Baccalaureate (B2B) Alliances are now allowed to include other institutional types in their alliances, though the majority of the partners must be community colleges or 2-year institutions. For Alliances, budget conditions based on the number of underrepresented students graduated or the number who transfer to 4-year degree STEM programs have been removed. The maximum budget for Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) has increased to $1,075,000 (which includes increase of fellowship amount to $32,000/year). New funding track: Pre-Alliance Planning Grants LSAMP Alliance Award Types Alliances (different institutional types) Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) Activity Multi-institutional partnerships that implement comprehensive, evidencebased, innovative, and sustained strategies to support students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups at the baccalaureate level 5-year projects focused on undergraduate recruitment and retention activities Eligible only to existing alliances funded more than 10 consecutive years to host a BD activity at one of its alliance institutions 2-year projects focused on providing post-baccalaureate fellowship support to a cohort of 12 LSAMP students for the first two years of their STEM graduate studies Bridge to the Baccalaureate (B2B) Alliances Pre-Alliance Planning Grants Partnerships between primarily 2-year institutions with a community college as lead institution 3-year projects focused on activities that provide effective educational preparation of community college students for successful transfer to 4year institutions in STEM. Up to 18-month projects that undertake planning activities necessary to form new alliances or regional outreach and knowledgediffusion centers of excellence Other Funding Opportunities (required to speak with LSAMP Program Director prior to submission) Proposals for Conferences Should include: rationale for organizing, draft agenda, list of invitees, expected outcomes Max of $150,000 EAGER Proposals Research studies related to knowledge-building areas of interest to LSAMP Supplements to Existing Awards whose end dates are beyond fiscal year 2016 Read the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) for additional guidance; NSF 15-1 LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) Became an LSAMP activity in February 2003 Goal: To increase the quantity and quality of graduate students from underrepresented populations in STEM disciplines, with emphasis on Ph.D. program entry and completion BD Fellows selected must be former active participants of a NSF LSAMP-supported program (“certified”). Cohort of 12 students per year is required for participation at a graduate institutional site chosen by the respective LSAMP Alliance Statistics on BD Computer Biological/ Engineeringand Engineering Mathematics Life Related Information Sciences Technologies Sciences Physical Sciences Year Total Male Female 2004 122 58 64 16 5 35 0 1 19 2005 232 105 127 34 13 45 3 17 22 2006 226 115 111 43 9 51 1 12 33 2007 214 88 126 33 5 49 0 22 34 2008 162 75 87 42 1 28 1 7 29 2009 240 114 125 58 11 43 1 20 28 2010 139 72 66 16 6 35 3 13 15 2011 211 114 97 47 6 64 1 13 29 2012 181 96 83 51 8 53 1 12 39 2013 89 44 45 28 1 30 1 1 25 2014 125 58 67 35 5 48 0 8 14 Total 1941 939 998 403 70 481 12 126 287 Data from the LSAMP-BD Annual Survey BD News from Around the Nation California State University LSAMP o o 12 cohorts Out of 128 in first 10 cohorts, 41 are currently enrolled in STEM doctoral programs & 23 have earned a Ph.D. Mississippi LSAMP (BD at Jackson State) o o o 12 cohorts Out of 94 in first 8 cohorts, 31 are completing their dissertations & 32 have earned a Ph.D. 94% of BD Fellows from all cohorts earned MS degrees in 2 years Oklahoma LSAMP o o 7 cohorts Out of all the cohorts, 11 are completing Ph.D. requirements, 5 will earn STEM doctoral degrees May 2016, and 7 have earned a Ph.D. Imagine the Possibilities… At the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC): • From 2001-2006, 11 underrepresented students earned STEM PhDs; • Between 2011-2014, the number of completed PhDs rose to 22. UIC BD Class of 2015 Diana Gutierrez- Bioengineering Crystal Guzman- Earth and Environmental Sciences Ikenna Madueke- Physiology and Biophysics Liliana Marquez- Biological Sciences David Weed- Civil and Materials Engineering Address inquiries about LSAMP to: [email protected] LSAMP Program Page: Useful Resources NSF: NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG): NSF 15-1 Funding Opportunities: EHR Divisional Programs: Award Information: FastLane: Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development:; And FAQs: NSF 13-127 Data Management Plan: LSAMP Team Thank you! A. James Hicks: [email protected] LSAMP Program Director and Co-Lead Tasha R. Inniss: [email protected] LSAMP Program Director and Co-Lead Martha James: [email protected] LSAMP Program Director Maurice Dues: [email protected] Program Specialist Al Wilson: [email protected] Program Analyst