PRAY THE LoRD oF THE HaRVEST - St Joseph`s Young Priests
PRAY THE LoRD oF THE HaRVEST - St Joseph`s Young Priests
TheS\"af Sr. fosnpH's YouNc PnrEsrs Socrnry SAINT JOSEPH'SYOUNC PRIESTSSOCIETY23 MERRION SQUARE,DUBLIN 2. TELEPHONE:DUBLIN 676 2593 SPRING2OO9 .P R AY T H E LoR D o F T H E H a R V E S T, In a PastoralLetter on the Yearof Vocatiotr for AlI, Most RevJohnMcAreavbvBishopof bromore,writesriot only on whai all of ds cando aboutvocationin the broaderseirse, beingca-lled to holinessand to play our part in the Churchby the way we live our livtes; but alsowhat we candoabout vocationto priesthoodand religiouslife. Beginning.inthe home At contirmatiorr thisvearI met a srandmotherwho toid me that shehad stood ' l mi ehtqeta l o r a l l h e rg r.rndchi l dl en. vocationy6t'shesaidl Peopleiikelier,who love the Church.theEuchaiistand the sacraments, arewilling to encourage children andyoungmerr,partiiuJarly in the-ir own fanrilv.toionsidertheoriesihood.Ihis On th evo c at ion of t heor da i n e n d ri e s l . b ri n g sh o mePopeJohriP aulII' sstatement BishopMcAreaveysays: that'everyvocaiionpasses throughtheheart of the farriily'. ArchbishopMicha-el Nearv "Theoriginsof a callto thepriesthoodare madethis point on ReekSundaythis yeai': complexand uniqueto eachperson.Fora 'WhenGod callsa man to the aitarhe won't youngmarrthefiist hint of a calito follow interveneas drarnaticall'n' ashe did to Paulon Jesusasa priestin the line of the apostlescan the Roadto Damascus, 6ut will r,r'hisper beginasa nigqlingquestion, an attraction ttt throughthefamilvand peoplewho riurtured prayer,a lovefol theMassor a desireto him fiorntheday"ofhisbaptismwhenthe servethesick. Regardless of how it begins, rvholeChristianadverrture began.' the final criterionof a vocationis the oie we find in chapter21 of St]ohn'sGospel.Here Encouragement and.informat ion JesusasksSimonPeter; A nr ar lwno r s t r y r r l gt o d e c t c t eo n t n e w a y o t "Sirnonsoriof John, do you love me?'and in response to Simon's life to u'hich Goit is callins him needs 'Yes,Lord;you know that I iove vor1,he information, guidance and encouragement. 'p".0 *u larnbs'.Thevocaiionto the sa1is, He rvill need to knorv what the wav ahead priesthoodis a vocationto pastoralcharitlr will denr ando f h i n r a n d h o r v i o s o a b o u t lealr r ingm or e a b o u t t h e p r i e s t h o o d .T h i s Cod'scallcomesto a rvider.rngeof peoplc. support can be obtainedfrom a careers C urre n {l iyn S t P at r ic k ' s _ C o l l eMgai ,y n o o L h leacher,a local pricst or VocatiorrDirector;as thereareseminarians lvho formerlvr.l'orked well as from relevrnt noticesarrd websites. in fanning,medicine,informatiorriechnologv " leta i lrn a nagenr ent , hi rrg Leac a e,ro n a u ti c a l To take the first step of saving, 'I arn joei ,n e rya n d eng i n e e r ing, hor t ic r . r lt ur interestedin the priesthocid'takes courage law co n stn rctioir , andt lr er n i l i ta i ' y . and y oung pe o p l er r e e ds r r p p o r t . l n a r e c e n t \hhatsortof person? The lrislr phras'efor a candidatefol the p i iesthoodis.ib ha r sa ga irt( lit er alll;t he in.rkirrgsof a priest). IIr practice,.r'c,rnd idate for the-priestlioodrreedsa strong f.rith, a r erageab ility ,rrrdth e qu al it iest hat w ould nrake'hinra g-oodhusbandand father. Who,- me? T I r e rcact ionof l ma rrto th r-f hor r phllh. r l d ili t; i.rii',gi,'r t" tn.p'i.'iti""a s ur v ey nm ong r r e w l yo r d a i n e dA m e r i c a n pr ies t ! ,78 pei c e n t i a i d t h e y n e r e i n i t i a l l y invited by a priest to considel the priesthood. Pr ies t 'hiv e in i m p o r t a r r tr o l e t o p l a y i n encouraging.rnd fosh,rirrgvocations.Thel do t his m aiir ly b y t l r ej o 1i v i t h w h i c h t h e v ' live their own piiesthood. The1,6;111 alsoput the question, 'Have vou evel consideredthe prieithood?' After the erperierrccs of recerrt vears,priests have becom^ehesitant about doir r s [ his but I h o p e t h a t t h e v w i l ] f i n d a r : a i n t he c onv ic t ior tr h a t o r r eo f l h e 'r o l e so f a u a " s [ o r ic t o help his p c o p l e f i n d t h e i r p e r s o r r a' l vocatlon. mielit be doubt and uncertaintlu,even fear. He may lvell lecognisein hims'elf the hesitation of Petef who responded to Jesus u'ith the r,r,ords,'Leave r"nefor I ar-ua sinful Teachers,youth leaders,parents ol friends man'; holvever he shonld also take comfort c an als o lr elp , r v o u n g r n a r rt o c o n s i d e rt h e ilom the reply of Jesus:'Do uot be afraid. pricstlroodrt a-vocaii.rrr.Tc.rclrelsin uur Ftorrtnorl on it is peoplet ou r,rill be Catholicschoolshave an impoltant role to c a tchirrg'(Lk 5:8 ).'Stll.rul"ss t at enr entt hat plau ir r ens ur i n gt h a t r r o p r $ i l i s d e p r i r e c lo f 'rr e hol-dthis tre.rsrire irr pots of e.trtherrr,r,are, ihe-opportunitr:tobe irrfbnirudabout the s o t hat the in ure rrsitvo f ihe por v eris Lod' ' priesiliood, religious life arrd the other and not ouL own' (2 tor 4:7)'isa reassulance vocations and to reflect on the vocatior-rthat that God can l,r,orkin and through us a1l, Gocl has gir,,enthem. The Church at everli despite our rveaknesses. level has a dutv to nurture a senseof vocaiionin its voungpeople. Of course, whenall is'saidanddone,a vocationto the priesthoodis a call from God and,notwithstanding iheimportance of s!pport fromothers;a person's response to this'callmustbe freelyhade ". Thefull tcrt of Bishop McAreaaey's pnstornl, ruhichdealsuith nll aocation,'Pray tlrcLordof tlrcHnraest' is noailnble t'romVeritns. t. The Holv Father;PopeBerredictXVI in receir,ingmembersof the Congregationfor the Clergv at the Vaticanon 16 March,explained that he had decjdedto call a special'Year for Priests'that lvill run from 19June2009to 19 June2010.Thevearnill mark "the 150th auttivetsaryoi the deathof the saintlr''Cur6 d'Ars', JeanMarie Vianrrey,a true exan.rple of a r r , r \ l o r, ) l t l r . ,s o r v i r pn f C h r i s t 'sf l o ck ". BenedictXVI stressedto the Congregationfor the Clergv the needto "have cale for the fomratiouof candidatesto the priesthood", a formation that must maiutaiu "conrmunion r'r'ithunbrokenecclesialTradition,rvithor-rt pausingor being tempteclb1'discontinuitrr hr this context,it is importautto encourage r r r i o\t\' r '" ,\npai .r l l r |i rr"'r l l r r r ,r r r r r ,'c pnpr .r tin rrr "'b l,' r correctreadingof the textsof \atican CouncilII interpretedin the light of all the Church's " he said. doctlinalinheritarrce l r i r . s l sr r r r r shl p " r r r r 's l r r ti d e r r t i t i .r [.laen d rccognisable- fol their judgenrerrtof faith, personalvirtuesand attile- in the fieldsof culturcand of charityrvhichhavcahvavsbeen , r l l h e l r e , r l ,t , i t l r t ,r l i s *i o no f t h eC hu r ch". "Tl.recentralitvof Christ leadsto .r correct valuationof piiesth,mitristrrir'r'ithout l hich therervouldLrcno Eucharist, no mission,uot even thc Cirurch. lt is necessarytheu, to ensure of trr'$.lris;rtiorrs th,t['rrerr'sLlrrcttrr'('r' arc not plannedfor a tiurein r'r'hich it l'illbe possibleto'do rvithout'ordainednritristrriou ihe l..rsi'trl .rlrrlrolrcrrusinterptet.rtitrn t'i the promotrouof the laitr',because this tvould lav t l r ei o t r n d . r t i o rirr.r r . rI L r l i h edr i l u i i o r ri r r priestlvministrriand anv supposed'solutions' n'ould,in fact,dlantaticallvco uc de rr'iththe r c . r lc a u . e so i t h c p l t , b l e n r c* t r r r tr r tl r ,r fl e cl i n '; the ministlr,". LIFEIS ABOUTCHOIGES 56amus McConville,Cashel provincial Life is like a road.Therearelong and shortroads;smoothand irresident,with the rockyroads;crookedandstraightpaths.ln our life manyroads presidentof the comeour wav aswe tourneytfuodehlife. Thereareroadsthat SocietvMarie io marriaqe,or mavbeto a leadto a life 6f sineldblessddness, Hoganand George religiousvocation.lherearealsoroadsthatlead to fahe and Dee,vice-president poverty the There on other. forfrrneon onehand,or isolationand of the Socilety, at the roads areroadsto happinessasthereareroa-dsto sadness, CashelCon{ressat towardsvictory and iubilation,and roadsleadingto defeatand the FelsPoiit Hotel disappointmeit.Eveiy schoolteacherknowsthis- and mostof Traleeon 21March. theif studentsknow i[ too! Which is one reasonwhy the TeachersBranchof Saint]oseph's YoungPriestsSociety(shownbelowat its 74thagmon Apiil2T) providesfreebookmarksfor studentt carryingiPrayer for GuidanceaskingtheHoly Spirit for the'wisddmto discernthe path of life you"wishmeio follow'. Thebookmarkscomein iracketsof fiftv. If you area schoolteadrer,careersadvisoror schoolchaplain,iristlift the telephoneand askfor them. TelDublin6762593or Emailyour requestwith your nameand addressto: [email protected] MostRevMichael NearyArchbishop of Tulamwith Frs Todd Nolan and Austin Ferguswho were the concelebrants of the Holy Eucharist at the Tuam Provincial Congress of the SociStvat Knock on Safurday 18April. AINP, SDB'DD' Rt RevJOSEPH (BishoPof Dibrugarh) - INDIA ASSAM 001Blttl$. ?fStYittGARH-286 March 17,2009 Bridget KellY General Secretary St ioi"pt't Young PriestsSo-ciety zi fuf-"*io" Squaie, Dublin 2 Ireland Picturedat the cathedralof StsPatrickand PhelimCavanon the occasionof theArmaghProvincialCongress.Most RevLeo O'ReillyBishopof Kihiore with MarieHoganpresidentof the Societvand (L to R) Fr Noel Boylan,Mssiliain McEntesart, FrsTomMannion and Andrew Tully, Canoi P I Corrigan,B'rSerin Kelly OFM Cap,F.r|o_hnnyCusackand Pat Denningvicepresidentbfthe Society. Fr fohn HarrisOPwasthe main speaker at at the Dublin ProvincialCongress St Pahick'sColleeeDrumcoridraon 7 March. Fr Harrisis Regentof Studiesfor Irish DominicanFriirs at St Saviour'sPriory, Dominick Street,Dubliru a community homefor Dominicanstudents. Dear Bridget KellY, Bishop's House' Cordial greetingsto you from Dibrugaih! oJI am h"appyto thank,you on behalf meonJanuary if Fiiltfii"-i"gu *lio*ut ordainedby with vour him accompanving for ih*t.! ;;.^i0b1;. support and PraYers' , 1-,_r,Magaztne" a page.from The New Leader iiro hapPeneq what about "n.rot" information yo:,l grve *iff *ni.n by me on Pegu Hemanto Fr of th; Srdiriation il;i"; |anuaiY 24,2009' you a very happy feast i", *" t"t" this chance to wish of St JosePh' i Yours affectionately in Chrisl'-.. il"llpii of Dibrugarh et"a sdb"Bishop Linkardstown, Tinryland, Carlow. 17April2009 Dear Editor, IdidtheTrocaireFastonthedayofourCongressinDublin and raised€592. FiT'"ffiim:lf ,',$it'i:;Tfi ?,i:$l:in$'fr note iir the Sheaftor me' God bless,]osieKellY' Fr Hemanto Pegu with his parents on the dav of his ordination2fI-anuarv 2009. Promoter for theDiocese of Kilmore,spokeattheArmagh FatherSean Mawn,Vocations to thethemeofProvincial Congress on 14March.Thefollowingis anextractfromhisaddress 5HE RE I AM LOR D' GLENFARNE, my home parish in Co Leitrim, had a notable tradition of having many native priesisand religious.From 19601969we had six ordinations in the community. The first time I can remember something about ihe notion of priesthood making an impact on me was inI967.I was then sevenyearsof age.I had made my first Communion. That year we had two men from the parish ordainedpriests.In thosedays ordinationsusually took place in the seminaries. The main liturgical celebrationin the parish was the newlv ordained priest's Flrst Mass that was celebratedin his home church. I remember attending my cousin's First Mass, and receiving his blessing.I was in awe watching the people go forward to the altar rails and kneel for the new priest's blessing.I think the idea of my becoming a priest was sown then. My motives were not of the purest kind. I think what appealedto me most was the great fuss that was made of the two new priests,and how everybody in the communitywas so proud of them. Lateron of course there were other factors of inspiration and influence, iike our local priest,other prieststhat I got to know, and people like yourselveswho often inspired me, and on occasionssomeone would say I think you might becomea priest someday. While I resistedthe notion of becoming a priest during my teen years,realisticallyit was always thereat the back of my mind. During my leaving cert year,I was greatly impressedby Fr Sei{n Casey,the then VocationDirector for the Holy Ghost Fathers. Fr Sednwas giving the studentsin St Patrick'sCollegeCavana retreat. His talks were most irrspiring and with his guidance and encouragementI felt I should 'try out' my vocatton. I went to Maynooth in September1972.Therewere many occasionsduring my time in ihe seminary,when I pondered and reflectedif priesthoodwas my calling in life. This would happen especiallywhen someoneI knew or someoneI looked up to decided to leave.I remember often sitting in one of the churches or indeed at EucharisticAdoration praying for clarity and looking for answers.While I may not have used the exactwords of Samuel "Here I am lord, I cometo do Your will ", or the words of the priest EIi "SpeakLord your servantis listening ", the desire and disposition was similar. Bishops,Religious Superiors,Priestsand People were concerned at the apparent fall off in numbers for priesthood and religious life. Let me quote from Reality Magazine of lune lJuly 1972: 'To say that there is no more exciting and rewarding life than that of a priest seemsto fly in the face of facts. Few enough young men choosethat life todav. Indeed priests have hit the headlines by giving up their priesthood to fuifil themselveselsewhere. Modern society offers a wide choiceof useful jobs, in politics, science,industry, educatiory social services;so much so that some priests feel the need to prove themselvesuseful citizens by concentratingcompletelyon practicalsocialwork'. The article continues:'vet the priest offers to humanitv a special service out on its own which cinnot be done without.'Whit he offers is what the redeemerof the human race offers: it is the priests calling to make available in 1972the healing and saving activity of Christ who aloneis the true priest of mankind'. The sameapplies in2009,perhapseven more so. Sixty (approx) first yearsenteredMaynooth in7972; this was considereda small class.TodayMaynooth has in total approximatelysixty students. So what about the future? Will we continue to have Priestsand ReligiousLife? ... ... DUB L I N CO NF E RE NG E Last year,BishopLeo O'Reilly and Msgr StephenRossetti addresseda conferencein Dublin on a number of issuesrelated to priesthood.What is of particularinterestto this gathering today is that both spokeon the challengefor priestsof the new evangelisation, presentingit as a challengefor peopleas well as priests.What this meansis, as well as promoting vocationsto the priesthood and religious life more effectively,we should promote the baptismalvocationof all people.To quote BishopLeo: "it is only in the context of a more vibrant living out of the baptismal vocationof all churchmembersthat we can hope to nourish vocationsto priesthoodand religiouslife ". ... ... The Yearof Vocation has given us an opportunity to look at all vocations.In particular,I feel it has helped to createa new urgencyto pray for vocations.This is essential.Diocesesand Religious Communities that have experienceda revival in vocations emphasisethe importance of prayer in this regard. W H Y AM IAPR IES T? While I was ordained four months before we heard of Pope |ohn Paul II,I think it is very worthwhile to reflect on his decision to becomea priest. He says: "At a certain point in my life, I became convincedthat Christ was saying to me,'Come follow me', what I heard in my heart was no human voice, Christ was calling me to serve him as a priest ". I think TohnPaul's words are echoedin the lives of all who are calledto the priesthood. At a certain point in my own life I felt that Christ was calling me to the priesthood.On the 11JuneISTS,Iwasordained a priest with three others for the dioceseof Kilmore, in the Cathedral of Sts Patrick and Felim in Cavan. Now it is almost 31 years later. I continue to find my vocation challenging yet rewarding. While I have experiencedloneliness, disappointment, frustration and pain of varying kinds, for the most part I do feel l live a happy and fulfilled life. No one could have envisaged in1978, the enormous changesthat have taken place in Ireland and the Church since then, not least in the area of vocations to priesthood and religious life. Yet I think it is important to keep in mind that in the 1970s, To quote Pope John Paul: "The church should daily take up the persuasiveand demanding invitation of Jesusto 'pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest'. I know that praying for vocationsis a centralpart of your mission. We are grateful for that. All of us priests recognisethat if we didn't have the support of our families, communities, and the inspiration and example of so many people like yourselves our vocationto the priesthoodwould not be realised.Like the priest EIi, who was initrumental in guiding and advising Samuelhow to respond to God's call, I am sure many of you likewise have actedjike Eli, in guiding, praying, advising ind supporting many priests on their journey to ordination. May God confirm all of you in your vocations,may the Holy Spirit inspire and guide you in your work and may all our piuy"tr be united i,rlth those of-Mary our mother, as we ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up once again in the people of God, worthy ministers for our altal ardent but gently proclaimers of the Gospel. - Listento 'HereI am Lord' on YouTubeat wzow, Gd) Most Rev Edward Hiiboro Kussala,Bishopof Tombure,Sudan photographed who attendedthe with someof thecongregation episcopalordinationat celebratioiof his first Holy Massfollow*ing"his Yambio,Sudarr,by His EminenceGabrielCardinalZubier Wako, Presidentoi the SudanCatholicBishopsConference. VOCATIONALBRANCHES BuncranaKitsyMcLaughlin,Arurie Treasa McGrorry DeriisMclarighlin Civil ServiceSadieCorcoran, Dunne CaheraehMarv Lyndr,EileenCotter, Mary OYDonovan, SeiinCollins,John InsuranceBranchGraceO Doherty, Murphy,AnthonyCoakley Marv McCormack LicehsedTradeMrs Fitzgerald,S6amus CarrigalineJoSullivan,Billy Cotter, Rogers,JohnNealon,CarmelOShea, MargaretFooth WiliiamMeagher,MichaelWalsh,Fr CastlebarCanonPaddyCurranP P, Iohn Durure5l NoreenO'Donoghue, JbhnBourke LocalAuthorities, Dublin Kitty CastlepollardBrigidDaly,Patrick Masterson, ChristonKeupart,Nancy Murphy,ArureHanrahan Motor TradeDesmondKeegan,Paddy Brady,Philip O'Reilly,PeierReilly,john King O'Neill Castletown-KilpatrickBridgetQuinn LOCALBRANCHES Christthe Kin[, Tumer'sCiossPhyl Mauric6 AbbeyfealeIly Hamett, BeeSheehan Barry KathleeriO'Mahony, Ardee RoseBaylon Noonan,Mgt Long,Martin Norberg, Keane, MaureenMurphy,Sr Teresa Ardfield / Ratf,barry ComeliusDaly, RichardO'Sullivan KathleenNooiran,Mai Twomey,Eileen Ardlea May Fanning SextoruAnne O'Leary,Michael Glennon,SheilaFles6, Armagh PeggyMcElroy,RoseCorr JackLeahy Blarney EiieenReilly,Elizabeth ClaregalwaySednWalsh O'Sullivan.GardaPJ McCann CleenishJamesMartio Sr Teresa Ballinascreen S6amusDonnelly McGovem,Molly McGinness,Anthony (BranchTreasurer), AnnieWoods, Ferguson,JoeKeianey, John McGuinnestPatrickMcMahon,Tessie MargaretBradley,PeterFlanagan, Johriiy McGladri,JoeO'Kane,"Dominic McGrath,ThomasMcGurn,Fr Patrick Mary Arur Kelly,MaryO'Kane,DanMcAuley, Stewart,SeiinGallagheq, VeraMcKenna,Mary Quinn, Brigid Kelly,MaggieJaneMcBrien,Kathleen Maguire,DenisStewart,Mary McGladePatrickBoyle,Alice McMurray,TerryFerguson,Mary Mallaghan,NellieMcNamee,Patrick Howe, EileenMcGourty,Eileen McKerma,JosieBrunton BallinloughKathleen O'Flynn,Paddy McBrien McCauliffe Churchtown Marv Crowiev BallybrickenEvelynO'Reilly ClonteadAnn Kiely,HarurahDempsey BallymenaMary Madden,Margaret CooleySheilaMcKeown McAleer CurraheenRoadNoreenHayes, BallymunOur Lady of VictoriesGerry K McDonald DroghedaBrydaO'Donoghue Moran DunbovneEileenConnell Ballyphehane ThomasMulhare, Dundaik SheilaScully,EthelCampbell M Bennett BallvroanLouisSheehv EdenderryMargaretO'Neill EnniskeaneBilly O'Brien Baniry HannahDuggair,Sheita Spillane,Mary Cremin,EileenCremin Errigal CarmelO Kane Biyside MauiaQuinn,NoraCrennan FahanEvelynCraig 'Blickrock,Cork SheilaO'Leary,Carrie GlendermottKathleenMcCaffertv Kelly,Matt Twomey,JuliaMcSweeney, GoleenSiobhiiinO'Driscoll,Fredi Allen,Mary Desmond,DonalCogginq Mr O'Halloran,KalhleenMoynihan, Fr Noian.tiam O'Driscoll.Kathlee-n Mgt. McKenn4Mr. Keily Gei Lees BorrisoleighJosieKent O'Neill,MichaelCoughlary Fr.JohnNgbapia Bakiri,newly ordainedfor the Dioceseof Tombura/Yamhioin Uganda.He writes "DearFriends,I am writing thisbrief informalletterto thank youmostsincerely from my heartfor the assistance in theform of moneythatyougaaeme to throughmy diocese aidmy seminary I enclose a formation. souaenir of my ordinationon theFeast of thelmmaculate Conception, sothatyou will remember mein ylur prayefs." MargaretNevillg Con Lucey,]ohn O'Leary DonalOSullivan, Daniel Cogghi,PatriciaMcCarthy,Sadie O'D6novan,Nell Coughlin Graignamanagh. Harry O'Shea GreystonesEllenCoughlan Kilkenny St Canice'sWilliamBrerman Kilkishen Fr ConorMcNamar4 ChristinaDillon, ChrissieO'Sullivan Killester Bill O'Leary Knockninny Mary McGovery Peter Maguire,Ki*rleen Curry,Peti:r Mailow,TomKelly,CatherineMartiry PaulMartin,Brigiit McGovem,Jim McCusker,SdamusCurry Mary Fraine, DickieMazuire,SeiinReillv Elizabeth McManus,-Thomas McManut Arura FeenevPatrickMcKenna Leighiin Mai Dunne Mahera FrancesKielt Eddie McGuckin,EmmeitKing,foey ChambertAnnieCrilly,Eddie ConveryElizabethMrilholland,Mary McGuckin,Breige McKelvey Mallow Mary t{ealy,SheilaO'sullivan, PaddvO'Mailev Mariiro R6isinLambert,Margaret Filgate,CarmelKeenan.TomShiels, MaJorieHayes,Phil Dole,Phyllis Lowry MelmountRosemary McGuigan Mountnugent& Ballinacree Betty Flprn, ConnieMcEnroe,Bridget Fox,NoelCoyle,PeggyMcEnteggart (n6eLynch) BarryMirphy, Kieirian SheridarlChrisGargan,]dhn Nulty, Miriam Lacey,JoeGaffney,Masie Kellett, TommyHennessy/PatLord Mount Merri6n VincentGallagher KCSG,KCHS Our Lady Crowned,Mayfield Mary McCarthy,Tim ShannonjFrances O'Connoi Our Lady of the Rosary,Limerick S6amusFlanagan PortadownloeRaffertv PortmarnockLiam O'lleill, Mrs Pat O'Brien RathkeeleChristyJones RathminesMarie Lewes,Vivian Murrav,Marv McCambridee Rochf6rdbrihgeFr MichaeiOrBrien, Gariin Nolan,MichaelHickey,Maria Swords.Kevin Grennan SkibbereenMoyna O Driscoll, Kitty O'Driscoll,Marv Griffin Steelstown,Oui Ladvof Lourdes EthnaDeenv EddieGorman St Anthony's Branch.Clontarf Michael Hallinan, t'1 tvtcGeouglr" lohn Boyle St )ohn the Baptist, Clontarf Nuala Langley,Letitia Keamey St foseph! Dundalk VeraBrowne St Kevin's,HarringtonStreetFr Jack McArdle,KaiherineHarrington,Paddy Mcloughlin,CarolErrity,Pltrick O'Brien,Mary CurraryEithneMolloy St Luke's,TwinbrookPeggyAgnew, TommyWalsh St Maiy! LimerickDerekSmith St Patrick's,Kilkenny Peadar Flanagan, NoeleenFlood StsPe-ter & Paul,AthloneMichael Hanlev,Conor McCarrick Swaniinbar JamesPrior,Mary Fraine, BenMcGovein,MichaelMclviorrow, ThomasMcGovem TemplemoreNellieKelly,Denis O'Doherty,JoeO'Toole ThomastownJulia Stapleton,Kitty Delahuntv Toumafulla Nora Collins,John O'Keefe,JackieLong Trillick MargaretMicann, John Maguire,KalhieenMcCann,Kathleen McMulkin, Annie Keenan,Sr Angela Donnelly,GrettaMcCusker, Julie Gallagher, JohnTummon,Patricia McCarney, PaulMaguire,Sarah McNabb Tinrvland.SusanNolan,Chrissie O'Brien,BredaO'Brien ACKNOWTEDGMENTS Anonymous Donations: €50, €50, €47 The Sheaf- ISSN 18106572
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