hartford varekai


hartford varekai
October 2005
Issue 24
of charge
Need Help?
Map, Places and Events of Calgary’s Gay
Community in every issue
Calgary’s resource for Business, Tourism,
Events, Bars and Entertainment for the Gay,
Lesbian, Bi and Gay Friendly Community.
IGBO Mid-Year 2005
Celebrating their Silver Anniversary in Calgary
La Fleur
Making Flowers Fabulous!
gaycalgary.com magazine
Established originally in January
1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM
Communications. Named changed to
GayCalgary.com in 1998. Stand alone
company as of January 2004. First Issue
of GayCalgary.com Magazine, November
Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino,
[email protected]
Editor Rob Diaz Marino,
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Copy Editor Jacob Wallace
Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs
Steve Polyak and Dan Dinu
[email protected]
Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Nina Tron,
Stephen Lock, M. Zelda, Jason Clevett,
Jerome Voltero, Darryl A. Aarbo, Alykhan Velji,
Jacob Wallace, Ivan, Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.,
C. Psych. and the Gay and Lesbian Community
of Calgary
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Please forward all inquiries to:
GayCalgary.com Magazine
Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2
Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888)
Gay, Lesbian, and Bilingual?
Letter from the Publisher
8 IGBO Mid-Year 2005
Celebrating their Silver Anniversary in Calgary
12 La Fleur
Making Flowers Fabulous!
Just Ask Nina!
The Dish who dishes advice
Map & Event Listings
Mapping Calgary’s core
Bitter Girl
Gay Legalese
Karma, the Bitch
Adult Film Reviews
Fax (403) 703-0685
E-mail [email protected]
A Couple of Guys
Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year
Q Scopes
Masthead continued on page 4
“Develop new ideas, Virgo!””
Modern Day Witch Hunting
The Vatican Gets It Wrong…Again
Rough Trade Attraction
Press Releases
continued on page 4
gaycalgary.com magazine
continued from page 3
Spymonkey in Cooped
Deliciously Demented Take on Pulp Gothic Romance Novella
Romeo and Juliet
Hearts Break in Spectacular new Production!
Fundraising Photos
Letters to the Publisher
Q Puzzle
“Family Doctor”
The BoyGirls
Cutting Our Own Labour Day Classic
Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month
(unless otherwise stated)
Pajama Tops
Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo,
Barristers and Solicitors
Saddle Up!
Printers North Hill News
The Syringa Tree
Two-Step North
ARGRA brings major Rodeo convention to Calgary
1st World Outgames
Rendez-Vous Montréal 2006
2005 Press
Queer Quest
gaycalgary.com magazine
This Issue Cover Model Robin, photographed
by Steve Polyak.
The opinions expressed in this magazine are
not necessarily those of GayCalgary.com or the
contributors of the magazine.
People photographed or interviewed, writers,
advertisers, contributors and anyone else
involved with this publication are not
necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans
gendered. They can be straight people that
are gay friendly.
Queer in Grade School: How Far Have We Come?
No part of the publication may be reprinted
without the expressed permission of the
Does it Come in Black?
Copyright 2005
Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal)
Events that happened around Calgary
Ad Space Booking Wednesday October 26th
Ad Submission - Friday
October 29th 2005
Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month
(unless otherwise stated)
Stage West brings French farce to Calgary
ATP explores apartheid
Distribution points 150 points in Calgary,
largest distribution points for any Gay
publication in Calgary. Also distributed coast
to coast across Canada in select locations in
Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal,
Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other
places across Canada. Please call us if you
would like to be a distribution point.
Distributed by DLRJ Distributions, Canada
Post and by GayCalgary.com
Ranchers & Rustlers moseys into Jubilations
Copies Printed Monthly, up to 10,000
Local Talent releases First Album
Thank you’s
Continued from page 3
Classifieds Ads
Gay, Lesbian, and Bilingual?
Letter from the Publisher
By Rob Diaz-Marino
At the beginning of this month, Steve and I
snuck off to Montreal for 5 days. Before you
start cheering that we finally took time off,
I should clarify that we were there for the
OutGames 2006 press conference…though
we have to agree that a change of surroundings is still as good as a holiday. Since we
are a sponsor of the event, they stunned us
with their kindness by paying for our flight,
our accommodations, and even most of our
food! Although they kept us pretty busy with
bus tours of the city and breakfast with the
mayor, we still managed to find time to visit
the “Gay Village” on St. Catherine Street.
The shear size and volume of gay businesses along the
stroll were proof of how the gay economy can flourish in
such a liberal city – my god, Ralph Klein would flip! As
our tour guide put it, “We’re French first, Catholic second.” Everywhere you looked people were cruising one
another, couples were blissfully holding hands while popping into gay restaurants, stores, and monstrous clubs
that would put every one of Calgary’s to shame. Montreal
is certainly something the gay Calgarian might envy, but a
concept to work toward in our own city’s future.
We were certainly humbled by the gay publications
available there too – every one on glossy paper, many
exceeding 100 pages! We had the opportunity to speak to
people involved with many other gay publications across
the world. One gay magazine out of Europe charges
12,000 Euro for a full-page ad! Wow, we should really
think about raising our rates a little…
In those five days, Steve and I had many firsts. Our
first time holding hands while walking down the street,
our first time in a gay strip club, and our first time choking down a chicken sandwich that had been purposely
smothered in gravy and peas. Yikes, don’t you be reading
anything nasty into that!
But we weren’t there just to have fun – we were there to
represent Calgary, and indeed we found out the whole of
western Canada! If you want to read more, flip to our article on page 52 where we talk more about the conference.
Bar Banter
Steve and I had to go separate ways on October 1st to
ensure that we covered two major events happening that
night. While Steve went to photograph the Detour Closing
Party, I called dibs on BearBash! I got the opportunity to
meet a lot of new faces from out of town, and even several
people from Calgary’s bear demographic that I’ve seen
around but never had the chance to talk to. Despite my
shy demeanor and awkwardness with the camera while
taking photos, I’m pleased to say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself - I daresay I made some new friends.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Steve was
photographing the Detour Closing Party as they ceremoniously took down the big Detour logo, saying goodbye to
the name and look we’ve known for so long. The Arena
side, having already undergone some renovations and the
installation of a new sound system, will remain open in
Detour’s place. Once the renovations are finished, they
will be adopting the new name “Pulse”, as you can see
from their ad on page 30.
If you’re wondering why Steve and I are looking so
gaycalgary.com magazine
tired this month, the count is in. We photographed at 23
events this month! Phew, that wasn’t so bad, it’s Halloween that we’re dreading!
Happy Anniversary
It’s funny that so many gay businesses have their anniversaries occurring at this time of year. Our Calgary
chapter of Priape celebrated their 2nd anniversary not too
long ago, while on October 19th the Backlot will be celebrating their 9th anniversary (see their ad on page 46)!
November will be a busy month for anniversaries
too, with Metro the Club (ad on page 59) and Twisted
Element’s celebrations planned for the 12th. Detour has
celebrated their anniversary this same day in past years,
so possibly Pulse will follow suit.
And don’t forget, our November edition of
GayCalgary.com Magazine will be our 2nd year, 25th
issue anniversary!! It’s really crept up on us this year!
Naturally we’d be very happy if you feel inclined to write
a letter to the editor, take out a classified, or even book
ad space to convey your congratulations to us and other
businesses in the community.
Events and Announcements
Adult Depot has moved into their new location at 1514B
14th Street SW, just around the corner from Priape! See
their ad on page 7.
The SHARP Foundation’s “Sing-a-long Wizard of Oz” will
be showing October 20th and 22nd. See their sponsored
ad on page 2 for more details.
David McIntyre’s “Watershed Stories,” performed by the
Prairie Pride Chorus (Regina’s GLBT Choir) will be showing on October 15th at the Knox United Church: 506
– 4th Street SW. See their sponsored ad on page 11 for
more details.
Questions or comments about the magazine or other
things happening in the community, please E-mail us at
[email protected]
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Celebrating their Silver Anniversary in Calgary
By Jake Wallace
The International Gay Bowling Organization
(IGBO), provides educational services, communication avenues, and social opportunities to promote the sport of bowling and to
enrich lives of individuals through leagues
and tournaments worldwide. Calgary will be
showing its western hospitality in this “Year
of Celebration!” It is IGBO’s 25th Anniversary,
and as part of Alberta’s Centenary they would
be honoured to have you share in all the fun
and celebration. Whether you are planning on
coming to bowl or to watch and participate in
the fun filled week of festivities, it will be the
place to be.
GayCalgary.com contacted Bill Moore Co-Chair of IGBO’s Mid-year, to find out more. Let’s Bowl (2910 5th Avenue NE) will be hosting this event, just a short walk from
the Westin, their host Hotel. “In 2004 Let’s Bowl initiated
a major renovation program which included installation of
new monitors and seating on all the lanes, a new automated scoring system and renovated lounge/snack bar
area. During the summer of 2005 they plan to continue
with the renovation plans with the complete replacement
of all 30 lanes, thus completing a major upgrade of the
facility,” Moore told us.
gaycalgary.com magazine
“This centre hosts the two gay leagues in Calgary:
Rainbow Riders Bowling League (24, 4-person teams),
and, Sunday Unity Bowling League (12, 4-person teams).
It also hosts Calgary’s annual tournament: Western Cup
XXIII is scheduled to run March 24-27, 2005. Western
Cup XXIV is scheduled to run April 13-16, 2006.” Apollo
Calgary’s website (www.apollocalgary.com) lists more
“The IGBO’s Mid-year prize fund is estimated at
$25,000 based on a compliment of 400 bowlers. Cash
prizes will be awarded for Singles, Doubles, Team, Singles
All-Events and Team All-Events.” Awards will be presented to the top three places in the mentioned categories.
Awards will also be presented for:
Women’s High Game Scratch
Men’s High Game Scratch
Women’s High Series Scratch
Men’s High Series Scratch
Women’s High Game Handicap
Men’s High Game Handicap
Women’s High Series Handicap
Men’s High Series Handicap
IGBO’s official website, www.calgary2005.com, has a
full schedule of all events and times, as follows.
Events listing for IGBO 2005
The Hospitality Suites: November 10th, from 8:00pm
until 2:00am, the bidding cities for Mid-Year 2007 will
play host, and then on the night of Friday November 11th,
from 8:00pm until 2:00am, Calgary’s committee toasts
IGBO’s 25th Anniversary.
Women’s “7 Come 11” Casino: Sponsored by Money
Pennies. On Friday, November 11th, from 7pm until
11pm, join Calgary’s women at the “7 Come 11” Casino!
The casino will be held in conjunction with Calgary’s
Hospitality Night and will feature the games of Blackjack,
Roulette and Poker. There will be a tip bar and everyone
is welcome; women will be admitted free of charge, men
will have to ante up $10. So c’mon down to a fun night of
socializing on the Mezzanine Floor at the host hotel, the
Westin Calgary.
Anniversary Dance: Sponsored by Metro Boyztown.
2005 is IGBO’s 25th Anniversary and Alberta’s Centenary
so to celebrate this “Year of Celebrations”, the Mid-Year
2005 Committee is proud to host an Anniversary Dance
in the Ballroom at the Westin Calgary. Every bowler (and
non-participant) will be granted free admission! Fashioned
after our Western Cup dances, they fully expect over
1,200 party seekers ... so c’mon join in the celebrations,
on Saturday, November 12th.
IGBABE: At 9:00pm on Sunday, November 13th, in
the Westin Calgary Ballroom, Calgary’s very own ‘MeLoDee’ hosts IGBABE. And as a special feature, all IGBABE
contestants will be invited to perform on stage at MetroBoyztown following this event! If you’re interested in
performing, please indicate so on the registration form
and the IGBABE coordinator will contact you prior to the
tournament regarding specific details.
Join and support the SHARP Foundation as it continues
to affects lives of individuals with HIV/AIDS as they offer
support, life change, and hope.
International Gay Bowling Organization
If would like to have your business or non-profit group
reviewed in an up coming issue of GayCalgary.com Magazine or have comment or suggestions of businesses to be
reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6960 or E-mail
us at [email protected].
The bowling schedule will conclude in plenty of time
for everyone to come out and enjoy a memorable blast,
right in the host hotel. For those that forget to bring their
Ropers or just want a break from the high energy at the
Dance, as an alternative, a Games Room will be located
on the same level.
Quilt Display: All 22 panels of the IGBO Quilt will be on
display at the Westin Calgary on Sunday from 10:00am
until 2:00pm. Since the inception of the Quilt, the construction responsibility has been Calgary’s and they are
proud to honour the memory of so many of their bowlers
during this anniversary year. There will also be a memorial service on Sunday at 1:00pm.
Awards Banquet: Cocktail Hour commences at 4:30pm
on Sunday, November 13th in the Westin Calgary Ballroom. Come early and view 25 years of IGBO memories
courtesy Ted Lorenzen, former IGBO photographer. At 6:
00pm, they will roll out our Awards Dinner presentation.
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Making Flowers Fabulous!
By Jason Clevett
It’s Monday morning, and crazy at La Fleur
floral boutique. The phone is ringing, a client
is waiting for his arrangement, and the birds
in the cage in the corner need fresh water.
John Freriksen and Shamus McKinnon, who
along with Joanne Thomson own and operate La Fleur, are having a typical morning for
their successful shop.
gaycalgary.com magazine
“What has happened in a half years time has been fantastic. It was hard starting out because I had to start all
over again. In the past half-year people have really started
to recognize what it is that we do and we have done extraordinarily well already. In a very short time it has been
dramatic, and people really like what we do,” Freriksen
told GayCalgary.com while making a stunning arrangement for a walk in client. McKinnon, taking a break from
the phones, agreed.
“We are growing all the time. It has been really busy
and we are getting a lot of weddings, more than what we
expected. It is really cool. It is a neat facility.”
La Fleur opened in March and has become very successful in a short period time. The upscale flower shop is
located in the trendy Art Central building on 7th avenue.
“The first time I saw this building I was at an event here
and the feeling I got was one that was very inviting and
different. It’s a very artistic building, so we feed off each
other a lot. Being in this building is working really well
because you can share ideas, and it brings a different type
of clientele in the shop as well,” said Freriksen
“There is a lot of potential in this building. There is
double the amount of tenants from when we moved in. It’s
a great location being right off Center Street in the heart
of the theatre and hotel district and right on the C-train
line. There are no common things in this building; it all
has to be independent, local and artistic. It is all art,”
added McKinnon.
While McKinnon is new to the floral industry, Freriksen grew up with it. The Holland born designer has been
working with flowers for over thirty years, taking European designs, as well as his experience working with
the rich and famous in Beverly Hills and owning upscale
shops in the Bow Valley, to create something unique.
“I am very lucky that I grew up in Holland and took
schooling there, so I can show people unusual European
influenced designs. When you take that influence with
other’s ideas, it creates something new again. In 1988 I
moved to Beverly Hills, California where I worked for two
years. I didn’t get a green card so I moved to Canada in
1990 and opened a shop in Canmore, and a shop in the
Banff Springs Hotel. However the Bow Valley took a big
hit in tourism after September 11th, so I closed down the
businesses and took a year off. I wanted to be in the city
and thought that Calgary had a lot of opportunity; it has
been changing over the last 10 to 15 years. There aren’t
a lot of shops that do upscale, different looking arrangements. I love Calgary, I just hate the winters, but the opportunity to do something different is here.”
Freriksen can’t take all of the credit.
“Shamus has been in hairdressing for many years
and worked with people on a close personal basis. His
strength is dealing with the public and taking care of their
needs. He is amazing with people, he can draw people in
from the sidewalk and they will walk out with $150 in arrangements. Joanne has a huge financial background and
is a fantastic lady. She will be out doing the PR work and
getting more clients and handling the books.”
While Freriksen took a traditional path, McKinnon has
undergone a unique route toward owning a flower shop.
“I was in the army for 13 years. During that time I
did hairstyling during the day, it was two very different
worlds. I got tired of the military life and wanted a civilian
life, so I worked for Revenue Canada for awhile and tried
a whole bunch of different things, and decided to do this
when the opportunity came up.
It’s pretty easy to
please people with
flowers compared
to a haircut. If you
screw up a haircut,
you can’t just add
blue and make
it better - if they
don’t like the flower
arrangement you
change it. It’s a lot
quicker to meet
them for personal
satisfaction as
Based on the
phenomenal success in only seven
months, things
look bright for La
Fleur. McKinnon is
hoping to expand
within the Art
Central building
to have more room and “an assembly line conveyer belt
manned by Oompa Loompas” while Freriksen has a more
realistic outlook.
“We have been approached by different people about
opening other locations. At this moment I want to focus
on the shop in the Art Central to get it off the ground, you
can go too fast too soon. In the future I would like to open
one or two more small locations. In Canmore the shop
was 2000 square feet, and the rent for that and the Banff
Springs location was very expensive. I would rather have
a smaller space and work with a couple of people who are
very talented.”
Keeping fresh in an artistic business can be a challenge.
Freriksen continues to look abroad and locally for ideas
to continue to give value and unique arrangements to La
Fleur’s clientele.
“My Grandmother had a saying ‘The day you die is the
day you stop learning.’ I truly believe that you learn every
day and that people need to get their money’s worth for
their flowers.”
La Fleur Floral Boutique
103 100 7th Ave
(403) 266-1708
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Just Ask Nina!
The Dish who dishes advice
By Nina Tron
Dear Nina,
I really don’t know what to do. HELP! Sometimes in life
we think that we’ve met the love of our life, but then it all
goes terribly wrong. That’s how it is with Charlie (not her
name). I thought I would love and be with her forever. But
our one and a half month relationship turned out to be wild
sex and non-stop arguing. It ended badly with her cheating on me and me wanting to be with someone else. I don’t
understand why Charlie wants to be around me since she
doesn’t love or care, and I definitely think that I am average; nothing special so why want me. But I tried to remain
friends with her regardless. I started dating someone just
two weeks later and we have been together for over a year.
I try to be friends with Charlie, but she and my girlfriend
don’t get along. Now there are verbal fights in the bar,
people’s cars have been trashed, and worse is that it makes
all involved look juvenile. This situation is between Charlie,
my girlfriend and me - no one else. Yet, I try to support my
girlfriend, and also understand Charlie’s point of view, but
in the end I get blamed for it all because I don’t stick up for
the right side. I will always care for Charlie but I love my
Girlfriend. What do I do? Or is there any help for me?
- No More Crazy Monkeys!
Dear Monkey’s Lunch,
Sounds to me like you should really ditch the BITCH who
lied and cheated on you!! She stirred up SHIT in your life
while you were together and now she sees you happy with
someone else and, guess what, she can’t have you. But she
can certainly make your life hell AGAIN!! Be thankful you
have what you do in your current relationship, for it is what
most of us desire. After a year you must agree when I say
that you now have the real deal, you lucky girl!
Life is a big game and it sound to me like you and your
current girlfriend have won the lottery in relationships any
ways! Don’t waste time on people who can’t and/or won’t
invest their real emotion or feelings into you. Get real, love
is a fleeting thing much like the air we breathe, so take
what you got and distance yourself from those who resent
the gift you possess. Keep the faith my darling, and remember that crazy feeds crazy, so DON’T FEED THE CRAZY
Yours truly,
Nina Tron
I am here for you, and I look forward to hearing from you
all, I can be reached at:
[email protected]
or Mailed to Ask Nina c/o
GayCalgary.com Magazine,
Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue
SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R
0M2. You can also watch
Nina every Sunday night and
events through out the week
at Twisted Element, 1006
11th Avenue SW.
Other than the question, all
personal information (i.e.
name, address, E-mail) will
remain confidential. GayCalgary.com does reserve the right
to alter questions for brevity and content. Responses are
for entertainment value only.
gaycalgary.com magazine
Events Listing
Find out what’s happening around Calgary
Bathhouse and Sauna’s
Foxwood B&B ●12
See our ad on page 46
1725 - 12 St SW • (403) 244-6693
Accommodation review in GayCalgary.com
Magazine August 2004 - Issue 10
Goliath’s ●6
See our ad on page 57
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
7 Days a Week, Specials on Lockers and Single
Rooms for Students. Valid student ID must be
shown. Student Rates unavailable 8pm to 4am
The Seville Park Place ●40
239 12th Avenue SW • (403) 265-6111
Renovated Bachelor Suites Starting at
$525/month. Right in the heart of the Gay
Westways Guest House ●13
216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758
Accommodation review in GayCalgary.com
Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8
Alykhan Velji
See our ad on page 9
(403) 617-2406
Interior Decorator
Adult Depot
See our ad on page 7
gaycalgary.com magazine
140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777
1514 14th Street SW •(403) 264-7399 ●23
Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals
Adult Source
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
October 2004 - Issue 12
10210 MacLeod Trail S • (403) 271-7848
1536 - 16 Ave NW • (403) 289-4203
2770 - 32 Ave NE • (403) 250-8225
1127 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-6537 ●20
4310 - 17 Ave SE • (403) 273-2701
Calgary’s largest selection of adult DVD, VHS,
toys and magazines.
B&D Emporium Inc. ●14
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
July 2004 - Issue 9
829 17th Ave SW • (403) 265-7789
Adult clothing store and accessories specializing
in fetish, leather, latex, Gothic, punk, and
Bay, the ●29
200 - 8th Ave SW • (403) 262-0345
Brian Mahoney & John McNeill
See our ad on page 18
#10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141
Re/Max Reality Professionals
Cobalt ●45
See our ad on page 42
735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822
Hair & Aesthetics
Courtney Sebree Aarbo ●24
See our ad on page 52
1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 571-5120
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
August 2004 - Issue 10
Barristers & solicitors
Christopher Wittke, AMP
See our ad on page 6
(403) 451-8648 • Toll Free (877) 718-0884
Mortgage Agent
See our ad on page 72
(403) 777-9494 trial code 3500
Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+
Deva Dave Salon ●32
4th Floor,
1304 4th Street SW • (403) 290-1973
Edges Salon & Spa
#7 - 400 Crowfoot Crescent NW
Phone: (403) 375-0000
Our spa’s unique environment, independent of
salon, is a tranquil sanctuary where stresses of
everyday life melt away.
Ho Ho Ho Inc. ●38
2nd Floor,
Scotia Centre Downtown• (403) 398-4685
The Christmas Store
Interactive Male
(403) 261-2100, Trial code 3418 or try 1-900451-3800 ($1.99/min)
Phone chat room for 18+
La Fleur ●41
#103 - 100 7th Avenue SW
(403) 266-1707
Florist Shop
Mary’s Electrolysis ●39
110 815 8th Avenue SW • (403) 234-8704
Permanent Hair Removal
MaxWell Reality - Dale Erickson
(403) 253-5678
MaxWell Real Estate Agent
MFM Communications
(403) 543-6970
Web site hosting and development. Computer
Professional Relaxation Massage
(403) 510-7572
Male to Male massage by appointment only
Hardware and Software.
More Better Buses
(403) 651-1692
Providing unique, comfortable & affordable
transportation. Charter us for: High School
Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and
Sporting Events
RBC Investments - Bob Sokoloski
(403) 969-8588
Rev. Nadene Rogers
See our ad on page 60
(403) 247-0602
Pine Mountain/Java Bear ●42
1406 17th Avenue SW
(403) 228-9693
Coffee, Psychic/Tarot/Tea Leaf readings, Gifts
and more!
Marriage Commissioner
Market Mall •(403) 202-1774
2nd Level , TD Square •(403) 252-9672 ●31
Priape Calgary ●16
See our ad on page 48
1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
May 2004 - Issue 7
Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather
wear, movies and magazines. Gifts.
Thomas Cook Travel
See our ad on page 20
Wade Wiley
(403) 253-8494
Clubs and Bars
BackLot ●3
See our ad on page 46
209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211
Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
March 2004 - Issue 13
gaycalgary.com magazine
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4
See our ad on page 14 and 42
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
February 2004 - Issue 4
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Sunday - Beer Bust 4-8pm. Two Big Beef bones
$5.95. $2.00 Draft (12oz) Canadian.
Wednesday - Free Pool
Thursday - Get Boned. Two Big Beef bones
$5.95. and Wing Night. 20 cents per wing
Friday - Dark Night - “Feel your way around and
come in the Dark”
Toonie Sundays (First and last Sunday of every
month) - $2 Pizza Slices and $2 Draft
Loading Dock ●7
318 - 17 Ave SW, side entrance • (403)
Open 7 days a week, 3-9:30pm
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
November 2003 - Issue 1
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Metro the Club ●8
See our ad on page 6, 55 and 59
213 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-2028
Open 7 days a week, 9pm-close
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
December 2003 - Issue 2
Money-Pennies ●9
See our ad on page 39
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Open Mon-Fri 11:00am-close; Sat & Sun 10:
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
January 2004 - Issue 3
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Pulse (Formerly Detour) /Arena ●5
See our ad on page 30
318 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-8537
Open Thursday-Sunday 10pm-close
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
November 2003 - Issue 1
http://www.detourcalgary.com and http:
Grand Reopening October 15th, 2005
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location in
the Loading Dock area*
The Rekroom ●10
See our ad on page 24
213a - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-4749
Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
December 2003 - Issue 2
Texas Lounge ●6
See our ad on page 57
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 11am-close
Check the GayCalgary.com web site for updated
event calendar information.
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
November 2004 - Issue 13
Tuesdays - Karaoke
Wednesdays - Hi-Ball Specials
Saturdays - Karaoke
Sundays - Beer Specials (selected brands)
Ernestine Movie Matinee: October 9th
- Gothika, October 16th - Sahara, October
23th - Dinosaur, October 30th - Frankenstein,
November 7th - League of Extraordinary
The Twisted Element ●33
1006 11th Ave SW • (403) 802-0230
See our ad on page 9, 11, 14 and 60
7 days a week 4:00pm to close
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
gaycalgary.com magazine
Community Groups and Organizations
Aids Calgary ●2
200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 508-2500
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
March 2004 - Issue 5
Alpine Frontrunners Club Calgary
(403) 660-6125
[email protected]
The AFCC was formed in 1991 after individuals
who participated in the Gay Games in Vancouver
decided they wanted to form a club to promote
health and fitness in the gay community.
The club has a membership of approximately
20. These members are active in Team Calgary
which supports athletes going to the Gay Games.
The AFCC hosts a Pride Run as part of Gay Pride
Week, every June (on Father’s Day). As well, we
send teams to the Banff Mountain Ekiden race
held the Saturday after Canadian Thanksgiving
in October.
AFCC Fun Runs: Tuesdays. Eau Claire YMCA. 200
Barklay Parade SW (4th street and 3rd ave SW)
June thru October, at 6 pm. Outdoors.
Saturdays. 9 am. Eau Claire YMCA.
Brunch follows; location varies.
Join our mailing list: calgaryfrontrunners@c
Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
April 2004 - Issue 6
Schedule and events are changing, please check
website for Fall/Winter activities.
Sundays - Rainbow Riders Bowling League.
“Dust off your balls!” It’s time for another
season of ten pin bowling! Let’s 10 Pin
Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE. Wednesday’s
at 6:30pm. Season is from September to April
League fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental
is $2.00. The start-up date for Rainbow Riders
is Wednesday, September 7, 2005. Practice
time starts at 6:20 PM each night and league
bowling starts promptly at 6:30 PM
Wednesdays - Rainbow Riders Bowling League
at Let’s 10 Pin Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE.
Starting at 6:30pm. League fees are $15.00 per
Night. Shoe rental is $1.25
Sunday and Wednesday’s - The 2005/2006
season for Badminton starts on Sunday,
September 18, 2005.Brand new location! Now
twice a week! First session FREE! Location:
Western Canada High School (641 17th Ave.
SW) Schedule: Sunday afternoons in the MAIN
GYM, 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday
evenings in the AUXILIARY GYM, 6:00 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. Drop-in Fee: $8 for each 2.5 hour
session or Memberships: Yearly memberships
will also be available, prices to be announced.
Fridays - Slow Pitch. at 7:00pm - starts Friday
May 13, 2005. Sunnyside Hillhurst Community
Centre. 1320 - 5 Avenue NW. For more info
send email to [email protected] or
call Don B. at 245-6826
Saturday - League Curling. Details North Hill
Curling Club (1201 - 2 Street N.W.) 2:20 p.m.
and 4:30 p.m. games Round Robin 1
Sundays - Golf. Starting Wednesday May 4,
2005. Tee Time start 5:30. Apollo members
$26.00. Non-members $28.00. First
payment of 4 nights is required to start.
$104.00 for Apollo members or $112.00 non
- members. Pay by visa/cash/cheque. Contact
[email protected] Or by phone 2281952. Confirm your booking with payments by
phone or email every Sunday. Apollo encourages
participation of men and women of all abilities
and skill levels. Come out and meet like-minded
individuals. And of course enjoy the golf season
while we have it.
ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo
See our ad on page 60
Hotline: (403) 541-8140
Non Profit Group review in GayCalgary.com
Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8
IGRA Convention 2005 hosted by ARGRA.
October 21-22, 2005 - Various times.
ARGRA White Hat Dinner & Dance Competition.
October 22 - 7:30 pm. (Runs concurrently with
IGRA Convention 2005). Dance cost is $6 for
members and $9 for non-members. Country
music until 10pm and hot mixed music the rest
of the evening.
ARGRA Christmas Dinner & Dance. December
10 , 2005 - 7:30 pm. Dance cost is $6 for
members and $9 for non-members. Country
music until 10pm and hot mixed music the rest
of the evening
Artists for the Quality of Life
(403) 890-1261
Between Men and Between Men Online
Sean (403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Peer support, sexual health education for gay
or bisexual men, as well as those who may
be uncertain or questioning their sexuality.
Discussions range from personal relationship or
life issues, to sexual health and well-being.
Mondays - Meetings at Money-Pennies from
7pm to 8:30pm
Calgary Humane Society
See our ad on page 50
1323 - 36th Avenue NE
(403) 250-7722
Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals
Calgary Gay Fathers
(403) 777-9499 ext 2090
[email protected]
Peer support group for gay, bisexual and
questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month
Calgary Men’s Chorus
(403) 262-6295
Every Tueday 7:00pm to 9:30pm, Old Y Centre,
223 12th Avenue SW
Canadians for Equal Marriage
We have chapters in Calgary, Edmonton,
Medicine Hat and Red Deer. If you would like
to volunteer contact us at volunteer@equal-
CBCA Sexual and Reproductive Wellness
304, 301 14th Street NW
(403) 283-5580
CBCA offers counselling and educational services
that help people consider their sexual and
reproductive choices in informed and responsible
RU a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited or
queer youth, ages 17-24? RU interested in
helping make Calgary a safer place for people of
diverse sexual orientation? If UR, we are looking
for dynamic volunteers for our Anti-Homophobia
This program is intended to raise awareness
and understanding among students about the
experiences of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, two
spirited, transgendered, queer and questioning
youth. If you are interesting in sharing your
experiences with other youth, and are available
days, please call us at 283-5580 and ask for an
Educator or contact [email protected]..
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Choices provides tailored prevention and
education to Choices is a partnership between
GLCSA and AIDS Calgary. Choices employs a
harm reduction philosophy to educate men and
HIV/AIDS and STDs, so they are able to make
the best decisions for themselves.
Different Strokes
Swim Club.
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
March 2005 - Issue 17
Wednesday - 7:00 to 8:00 PM at YWCA (Fitness
on Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the Eau
Claire YMCA $5.00
Sunday - 6:00 to 7:00 PM YWCA (Fitness on
Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the Eau Claire
YMCA $5.00
Don’t Buy In Project
This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims to
encourage youth to working towards an inclusive
environment in which diversity is embraced in
their schools and community.
Egale Canada
#310, 396 Cooper
Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7
1-888-204-7777 toll free
Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male)
(403) 708-5302 cell phone
[email protected]
GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of
Students and Staff
PF4255 in the Professional Faculties Building,
University of Calgary
(403) 220-6394
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
October 2004 - Issue 12
Egale Canada is the national advocacy and
lobby organization for gay men, lesbians,
bisexuals, trans-identified people and our
families. Membership fees are pay-what-youcan, although pre-authorized monthly donors
are encouraged (and get a free Egale Canada
t-shirt). Egale has several committees that
meet by teleconference on a regular basis;
membership on these is national with members
from every region of Canada.
Gay Prairie Alumni
This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered
alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie
High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s
purpose is twofold: First, social -- to renew old
friendships and make new ones. Second -- to
talk about our common experiences as gay
people at a fundamentalist school. Any other
questions, please feel free to ask.
Girl Friends
Girlsgo Productions
(403) 510-2502
Event production and promotion in Alberta for
women. Check online for fun things to do!
City Singles - Six Minute Dating for Women.
Wednesday, October 19th, 2005. 6:30pm. Latin
Corner, 2116 - 4th Street SW (where the ‘old’
4th Street Rose used to be). We have a private
room in the loft area reserved. A modern way to
meet other single women. It’s SAFE, FUN and
FAST! Our first two parties were a hit! Don’t
be scared and don’t miss out! $35 registration
(includes a drink)
VAMP - Calgary’s Hottest Halloween Party for
Women. Come and dance until your feet hurt
at our 2nd Annual Halloween Dance Party!
Wearing a costume is highly suggested but
not essential. Prizes will be awarded for best
costumes. Saturday, October 29, 2005 (doors
open at 8pm) at the Inglewood Community
Hall, 1740 - 24th Avenue SE. Tickets: $15.00
Members: $10.00
GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community
Services Association ●1
206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre
(403) 234-8973
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
February 2004 - Issue 4
See our ad on page 30
Heading Out
Sean (403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Peer group for men who are looking for an
alternative social activity to the bar. Activities
vary and are fun and entertaining. The group
meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month
from 7 pm to 9 pm.
HIV Peer Support Group
(403) 230-5832
[email protected]
Illusions Calgary
#206, 223 - 12th Ave. S.W.• (403) 2348973
Social group for Calgary and area transgender
community members (cross dressers,
transvestites, drag kings and queens). Illusions
provides a safe, discrete and welcoming
atmosphere, in which transgendered people
can meet others of like mind. Illusions offers
discretion, acceptance, compassion and a safe
place to express your gender. Cross-dressing is
the purpose of the group, but is not mandatory.
Inside Out
206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre• (403)
Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages
15-25. The group aims to let youth know they
are not alone, and to connect them with their
peers. Every Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It
is a funky and safe environment with a variety
of resources and activities.
ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the
Chinook Arch
gaycalgary.com magazine
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
November 2003 - Issue 1 and December 2003
- Issue 2 Crowns for Kids
Shooter Bars - October 6, 12, 20 and 26
“Sarchotic Saturdays” - Drag Show every
Saturday night at the Rekroom. Show starts at
10:00 PM
ISCCA, SA show at Metro on Sunday, October
9th and 23. Shows at 10:30 PM and 12:30 PM
Integrity Calgary
Worship – Every Second Sunday of the month
at 7pm. Meet at St Stephen’s Anglican Church,
1121 - 14 Ave SW. Christian fellowship for gay,
lesbians, bisexuals and our friend and family.
New Directions
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Drop in peer/social support group to provide
support and resources for individuals who
identify as transgendered, transsexual or intersexed. Social support meetings 1st Friday of
every month from 7 pm to 11 pm and peer
support meetings 3rd Friday of every month
from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA.
May 2004 - Issue 7
Pride Rainbow Project
[email protected]
and confirm what dish you would like to bring.
Remember to bring your own refreshments as
Oct. 23 – Dinner at the Eagle. Dinner served
around 6:00PM
The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall
2003 by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church of
Calgary. The Pride Rainbow Project is a project
designed to show support for same-sex marriage
in Canada and elsewhere. It is a fabric rainbow
banner approximately 5 feet wide, and the goal
is to make it 3.2km (2 miles) long, in order to
break the world record (set by a group in Florida
at 1.25 miles)! It contains the 6 colours of the
pride flag: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
and Purple. The project is youth run, but anyone
can help!.
Oct. 25 – Bridge Night at Neil’s . Please
call Neil if you wish to attend. Meet at
MoneyPennies for their Tuesday Special prior
to cards.
Primetimers Calgary
E-mail: [email protected]
Rocky Mountain Bears
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
January - Issue 3
Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social
interaction for its members through a variety of
social, educational and recreational activities. It
is open to all gay and bisexual men over forty
and respects whatever degree of anonymity that
each member desires.
Oct. 26 – Free Pool at the Eagle
Oct. 27 – Ghost River Production of “Sailor
Boy” at the Vertigo Theatre. Tickets $15.00$25.00 WARNING: Nudity and tap dancing!
Reserve tickets at 240-7469
Oct. 29 – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610 – 10
St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM
October 6th - General Meeting at 7:30 PM at
Money Pennies (1742 - 10th Avenue S.W.)
October 29th - Halloween Bear Bar Night Calgary Eagle - 9:00 PM. The Eagle is located at
424A - 8th Avenue S.E
call the exclusive SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you
may leave a voice message for Trudy or Krista)
or leave your name and a contact time/number
with the Gay & Lesbian Community Services
Association at 234-8973.
Speak Sebastian
Radio Show – Every first & third Wednesday
from 9-10pm. Radio for the gay, lesbian,
bisexual, trans gender and kink community.
Listen on CJSW FM 90.9.
Team Calgary
Urban Sex
Radio Show – Every second & forth Wednesday
from 9-10pm. Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual
lesbian trans gendered and straight issues here
in Calgary and around the web. Listen on CJSW
FM 90.9.
Western Leather Federation
Coffee Night – Wed, 8:30pm. At the Calgary
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Oct. 12 – Free Pool at the Eagle
Sharp Foundation
See our ad on page 2
Phone: (403) 272-2912
E-mail: [email protected]
A social group for womyn – Every First Saturday
of the month at 7pm. At The Good Earth Café,
1504 - 11 Ave SW
Oct.14 - Pub Crawl . Meet at The Backlot at
around 6:00 PM to start out the evening. Place
for dinner to be determined at the time.
SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Vigor Calgary
(403) 255-7004
The L Zone
See our ad on page 50
Oct. 15 – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610 – 10
St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM
Pride Calgary
(403) 262-3410
Non-Profit review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
Oct. 22 – Fall Supper at the Old “Y” Doors
open at 5:00PM Dinner at 6:00PM. This will be
a potluck. If you wish to attend please call Ross
A workshop for women that want to be
themselves in a supportive, safe environment. It
is a chance to grow and share their experiences
related to women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten
week period on Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy
or Krista at 585-7437. To participate, please
Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR)
is a committee of professionals dedicated to
increasing the awareness of gay men’s domestic
violence and the services available to them.
Kitty Group
Phone: Nico (403) 605-6597
E-mail: [email protected]
Oct. 11 - Card night at Harvey & Tony’s. We
will meet at MoneyPennies around 6:00PM for
their Tuesday evening dinner special and then
on to cards.
Oct. 19 – Free Pool at the Eagle
gaycalgary.com magazine
Peer social/support group for women providing
an evening of fun, bonding, discussion and
activities. Meets every Friday 7pm to 9pm at
Youth 4 Youth
102, 1212 - 1 St. S.E. • (403) 283-8591
Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender
differences. Youthsafe.net lists the resources,
information and services to help youth find safe
and caring spaces in Alberta.
Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4
See our ad on page 14 and 42
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close
Restaurant review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
December 2003 - Issue 2
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Money-Pennies ●9
See our ad on page 39
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Business review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
April 2004 - Issue 6
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
Timothy’s Coffee ● 27
See our ad on page 5
1610 10th St SW • (403) 244-7750
Restaurant review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
September 2004 - Issue 11
Monday - Saturday: 7am to 11pm
Sunday: 8am to 11pm
Performance, The Nutcracker
December 11
The Nutcracker Brunch
December 14 - 18, Calgary
Performance, The Nutcracker
December 17 & 18
The Nutcracker Brunch
January 27, Edmonton
Edmonton Gala
February 3, Calgary
La Nuit Cartier
February 10 - 11, Calgary
February 17 - 18, Edmonton
Performance, An Evening with Gershwin
February 23 & 24
Adopt A Dancer Reception
February 25 - 27, Edmonton
March 16 - 19, Calgary
Great Chefs in Great Homes
March 24 - 25, Calgary
Performance, Alice in Wonderland
Subscriber Receptions
March 26, Calgary
Mad Hatter Tea Party
March 31 - April 1, Edmonton
Performance, Alice in Wonderland
Subscriber Receptions
May TBA, Calgary
School of Alberta Ballet Year End Show
June 9 & 10, Calgary & Edmonton
House & Garden Show
The Twisted Element ●33
1006 11th Avenue SW • (403) 802-0230
See our ad on page 9, 11, 14 and 60
Restaurant review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
January 2005 - Issue 15
Sunday 11:00am to close
Monday to Saturday 4:00pm to close
GayCalgary.com Internet Terminal Location*
ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects ●36
Phone: (403) 294-7402
Victoria’s Restaurant ●18
306 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-9991
Mon Fri, 11am-close; Weekends 10am-close
Restaurant review in GayCalgary.com Magazine
January 2004 - Issue 3
November 26 – December 28, 2005,
TREASURE ISLAND, Adapted by Michael O’Brien.
Presented in association with Quest Theatre.
Family Holiday Presentation
Theatre and Art
Alberta Ballet
October 14 - 15, Calgary
October 21-22, Edmonton
Performance, Romeo & Juliet
October 29, Calgary
Grave Gala
December 8 - 11, Edmonton
September 20 – October 8, 2005, AMADEUS,
by Peter Shaffer. A Cornerstone Play
October 18 – November 05, 2005, THE
SYRINGA TREE, by Pamela Gien. A Cornerstone
January 24 – March 5, 2006, ENBRIDGE
Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian Film
May 27th - June 2nd, 2005. Check website for
more details
Jubilations Dinner Theatre
1002 - 37th Street SW, at the Westbrook Mall
• (403) 249-7799
Ranchers & Rustlers
September 2 - November 6, 2005
As we gaze off into the sunset we see dust
clouds on the horizon. Soon we hear the thunder
of horse’s hooves upon the prairie grass. Now
we can make out the shapes of the riders as
they approach... It is the cast of Ranchers &
Rustlers riding into our theatre to take us all
back to the old west!
Yes sir folks we invite you all to visit Katie and
Luke at the good old Red Rose Saloon for a
foot stompin’ good time. Miss Annabelle the
sexy saloon singer is sure to bring a smile to
any cowboy’s sour puss. Pierre, the local French
Canadian Sheriff will be on hand to ensure no
cowpokes get out of line and to keep an eye on
Annabelle. Local rancher Hank Miller, his son
Johnny and the ranch’s foreman Sam are always
around and where ever Johnny is you will
always find Mary near by, she’s sweet on him
but he doesn’t see it.
There is trouble out at the Circle M ranch.
Over 50 head of castle have disappeared and
two payrolls have been stolen over the past 6
months! Hank wants the Sheriff to catch the
culprits, Annabelle wants the Sheriff to catch
her, Mary wants Johnny, but Johnny wants
Annabelle, Katie wants Luke to dance, Luke
wants to nap and Sam wants to be a cowboy!
Join us for the return of Ranchers & Rustlers! The
show that has entertained audiences in several
theatres all across Western Canada has returned
to it’s home here at Celebrations/ Jubilations
Dinner theatre. So make sure you all mosey on
over to the Red Rose... you’ll be glad you did.
The Pirates of the North Saskatchewan
November 11 - February 5, 2006
E-yar! Welcome aboard “The Not-so-much”,
one of the oldest, yet newly refurbished vessels
to ever set sail on the prairie seas! Join us as
the illustrious Captain Jack Partridge takes
us down the North Saskatchewan River on a
swashbuckling adventure of love, deceit, and
revenge. Sit back and hear old Jack recall the
tale of the maiden voyage of the ship, and how
his struggle to claim his Father’s 2 million dollar
inheritance, hidden somewhere on the ship,
turns into pirate family battle. Then there’s the
Dreaded Pirate Roberts who is only looking for
a romantic evening on the ship with his bride
to be, Belle Buttercup, until it is interrupted
by Jack’s greedy pirate family in search of
their plunder. Take heed! This be no average
pirate tale: This is a tale of how the course of
true love never did run smooth; how greed can
disassemble a perfectly strong pirate family;
A tale mixed with your favourite classic rock
tunes. This is the tale of the Pirates of the North
New Gallery ●25
516D - 9 Ave SW • (403) 233-2399
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm
One Yellow Rabbit ●35
See our ad on page 55
Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the
Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888
October 25 – November 12, 2005. Cooped
by SpyMonkey. One Yellow Rabbit presents
the return of Euro physical comedy masters
SpyMonkey with Cooped. Created by: Cal
McCrystal and SpyMonkey. Performed by: Aitor
Basauri, Stephan Kreiss, Petra Massey and
Toby Park.
November 22 – 26, 2005. Moving Along by
Simian Theatre. Written and performed by: Chris
Craddock. Directed by: Sophie Lees
QUAB Gallery Inc. ●43
212, 100th 7th Avenue SW • (403) 261-2855
Pumphouse Theatre ●37
2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 2630079
November 4 - 12, 2005, Front Row Centre
Players Present Leader of the Pack, In the Victor
Mitchell Theatre. This hit Broadway musical
retrospective celebrates the life and times of Ellie
Greenwich, whose doo wop sounds skyrocketed
to the top of the sixties charts. The story of
Ellie’s rise to fame and fortune is punctuated
with a virtual Hit Parade of her music: “Chapel
of Love” ,”Da Do Ron Ron” ,”Be My Baby”,
Answers to this month’s
Q-Puzzle on page 41
gaycalgary.com magazine
“Hanky Panky”, “Do Wah Diddy”, “And Then
He Kissed Me” and, of course, the title song,
“Leader of the Pack”.
November 17 - 26, 2005, Sage Theatre
Presents Blowfish, In the Joyce Doolittle Theatre.
What do food, funerals, the Edmonton tornado
and Mila Mulroney have in common? Join the
elegant and debonair caterer Lumiere as he
serves you up a whole new eating experience.
November 29 - December 3, 2005, Hidden
Insanity Theatre Presents Durang! In the Joyce
Doolittle Theatre. The following people are trying
to mess with you: your doctor, your priest, your
politician, your old gym teacher, the waiter, all
funeral parlor attendants, and your mother. In
an evening of short plays by Christopher Durang,
you’ll see them all and laugh with the giddy
paranoia that is “Durang!”
December 7 - 17, 2005, Broad Minds
Productions Presents Goodnight Desdemona,
Good Morning Juliet. In the Joyce Doolittle
Theatre. This co-production with The
Shakespeare Company focuses on Constance,
a grad student and lecturer in Renaissance
drama at Queen’s University who ghost-writes
academic papers for the professor with whom
she’s infatuated. She also deciphers a coded
manuscript which she believes is a lost source
for Shakespeare’s Othello and Romeo and Juliet,
and literally falls into the worlds of these plays
causing each of them to turn from tragedy to
Skew Gallery ●44
1615 10th Avenue SW • (403) 244-4445
727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-8642
Pajama Tops
By Mawby Green & Ed Feilbert
September 7 - November 13, 2005
An utterly mad spoof of the French bedroom
farce. The plot is all fun. A husband plans a
business trip with a “ friend “ for philandering
purpose. His wife secretly invites this same
voluptuous girl to spend the weekend. The
husband is trapped! Out of the blue an old
friend appears, and a policeman with a roving
eye for beautiful women keeps you wondering
what could possibly happen next. There is also a
devilish-looking butler, a maid practicing to be
a coquette, and some wildly artful dodging, all
calculated to keep the audience laughing.
Stride Gallery ●47
1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507
Theatre Junction
Truck Gallery ●46
815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403) 2617702
Vertigo Mystery Theatre ●34
161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708
If you would like to add your business
or non-profit group to the list above,
please call (403) 543-6960 or E-mail
[email protected]. You can add your
information to the GayCalgary.com directory on
the website for free.
GayCalgary.com endeavors to have the
information here as accurate as possible. Events
and listings can change at any time so it is
recommended to check with the establishment
before you head out. Non-Profit groups free
listings. Business receive a listing once an ad
has been placed. The business listing will last
1 year after the last ad is placed unless there
is a GayCalgary.com service located at that
gaycalgary.com magazine
Gay Legalese
Karma, the Bitch
By Darryl Aarbo
Dear GayCalgary Legal Advice,
Your last letter was almost a mirror image of my current
dilemma! The company I work for has hired on someone
that I’ve had personal experience with outside of work,
and he is BAD NEWS. He is a compulsive liar that’s
alarmingly good at getting what he wants. His only real
skill is his mouth, and his ability to manipulate others
into corroborating his outlandish stories. Unfortunately
this gives the false appearance that he’s legit. He’s so far
up my boss’ ass right now, and making good use of the
blind spot to implement things that are already leading
our entire company to utter disaster!! Many of my coworkers have come to see right through his not-so-white
lies. We have tried to warn our boss, but with all the
talking he’s gotten in already, we are not being properly heard. We can only guess what kind of things he’s
said about us to discredit us in order to protect his own
reputation. Now our own jobs are at stake – whether we
get fired because of him, or we have to quit to escape his
serpent tongue. How can we chase this snake out of our
lives without becoming snakes ourselves? Is it reasonable
for us to try and gather irrefutable evidence from his past
and present it to our boss? Or can he only be fired for his
actions in this current job? A lot of us are scared because
we don’t know whether he can come after us if he does get
the boot due to our active efforts. The last thing we want
is for this serpent to turn into a hydra!
Karma, the Bitch.
Dear Karma,
You do not need to be a snake to kill another snake.
The most effective way to kill a snake is to use a mongoose. They are effective little creatures because they are
very fast and extremely smart. To deal with the snake in
your midst then you also want to be fast and smart. You
need evidence and to know what to say to your boss. If
you make even a small a mistake then, like the mongoose,
it will likely be fatal. If you do nothing then the snake
may still get you or you may starve to death. Not much of
a choice really.
Truth is always a defense to any allegation of defamation (slander or libel), but you better be able to prove it if
you get someone fired. If you get someone fired based on
gossip or hearsay then you may get fired or sued yourself.
If you can get proof then you may want to go to your
boss again, but if that evidence is coming from someone’s
ex-boss then how do you know if the information is truthful? Maybe the ex-boss has an axe to grind. Maybe this
person quit to go to the competition. If so, maybe the
ex-boss wants revenge. This person will get their revenge
and you will be left holding the bag. You need to be very
careful - you need to be smart.
As a general rule, your co-worker can only be fired “for
just cause” based upon what he has done at his current
job. This means he can be fired and not given any notice
or severance. On the other hand, your employer can fire
any worker at any time for any reason as long as the employee is given a proper severance package. The only exception is that a person cannot be fired for a discriminatory reason like gender, race or sexual orientation. What
is a “proper severance package” is a whole other story and
would take me too long to answer that here, but if your
co-worker has not been there very long then the severance
gaycalgary.com magazine
package would likely be small unless the person holds a
very senior position - you need to be fast.
In sum, your employer can fire this guy if he screwed
up so badly at another employer that nobody would ever
hire him again, but he would probably have to be given
a severance package. You should be very careful about
how you tip off your employer about him. You do not
want to defame him in any manner. Tell your boss the
truth and make sure it is the truth. Sometimes it is all
in the delivery. For example, you do not want to say that
“Johnny robbed his former employer so you should fire
him”. Instead, you may want to consider saying “I don’t
know for sure, but I heard from Lisa, who used to work
with Johnny, that he stole money from the till. You may
want to look into it”. Your boss can then look into the
matter and call Lisa or his former employer.
The same goes the other way. If your co-worker gets
you fired for idle gossip then you may have a good case
for wrongful dismissal. If someone is telling lies about
you then you may also have a defamation case against
him or her. The best advice is to follow the Golden Rule:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
If someone went to your boss with information about
you then would you not want him or her to have proof?
Would you not want your boss to give you a fair hearing?.
Darryl A. Aarbo
If you wish to send in a letter, please email it to legaladvice
@gaycalgary.com. Darryl A. Aarbo can be directly reached at
Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers & Solicitors, 1138 Kensington
Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 3P3. Visit their website at http:
//www.csalaw.ca. Phone (403) 571-5133. Fax: (403) 571-5134
Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name,
address, E-mail) will remain confidential. GayCalgary.com
Magazine does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and
gaycalgary.com magazine
Adult Film Reviews
By Jerome Voltero
Review | Adult Male
Adult Depot
“Vampire Boys” by Talos
Appropriate isn’t it? I
was a little bit skeptical
about this one at first, but
I was pleased to find they
don’t overdo the vampire
theme to the point of being
cheesy. Naturally, blood
wasn’t the only thing being sucked here, but if it
weren’t for the occasional
neck-biting and dribbling
of cherry syrup – oops, I
mean life fluid – it would
be a regular bondage film.
The guys are all butch and muscular, some were hairy,
some were growly, and all were HOT in my opinion, especially in the kissing scenes. The dialog was brief and to
the point, containing gems such as “You look like crap…
but a sexy piece of crap.” Wow, easy on the Harlequin
romance there buddy! Still, I’d definitely recommend this
one to get you into the Halloween spirit.
“Rumpenstein’s MONSTER” by Over Lord Management
Well this was a first for me – a computer animated
porno! To be honest, I didn’t quite know what to expect.
After skimming through the movie I can tell you this: I’ve
never laughed so hard in my life! Where do I even start?
The guys run around in their ass-less pants, with their
abnormally large dicks hanging out, which seem to bob
up and down of their own accord. The facial expressions
and body movements are so mechanical that it’s hilarious
seeing them wordlessly running around and fornicating to
some truly irksome high-energy techno. When the characters reach their climax, it looks like they’re firing out a
series of eggs at even intervals.
The title “MONSTER” brings attention to the fact that
the human characters get funky with a couple monsters;
namely Frankenstein and two generic water creatures…
oh, and I’d mention the well-hung seagull, but thankfully
it managed to stay out of the action. Well…that’s great if
you’re into that kind of stuff, but the monster characters
are all so humanoid that they wouldn’t appeal to anyone
with an “anthro” or “furry” fetish. The bottom line is, I
wouldn’t recommend this one if you want to get off, but
it’s definitely good for a laugh and an appreciation of how
far computer graphics have come since 2001. I won’t be
surprised if we see it playing at one of the bars this Halloween!
Source Adult Video
“The Haunted House on
Sex Hill” by Arena Entertainment
You guessed it – this
film is a take off from the
reasonably well known
horror film “House on
Haunted Hill”. The plot
goes something like this:
gay boy’s grandmother dies
and wills her estate to gay
boy on the condition that
he spends one full night at
the estate. Gay boy and
husband accept the challenge and shack up. Hot ghost
action ensues. It features a selection of attractive guys
ranging from smooth to moderately furry.
In general, they do a very good job of creating an atmosphere in this film with scenic settings, creepy lighting,
and sinister music. Personally I enjoyed the graveyard
scene with the eerie blue lighting, and cute black guy…
err, ghost. If you want to get into the right frame of mind
for Halloween, this film is just what the doctor ordered!
“Daddy’s Angels” by Pacific Sun Entertainment
Okay, so there are bound to be some people out there
who hate Halloween for whatever reason – maybe your
parent’s wouldn’t let you suck on lollipops to try and
prevent the inevitable. We got one without any ghosts or
monsters just for you.
“Daddy’s Angels” has a collection of furry leather hunks
like Lance Gear and Barry Barrett, in addition to studly
gaycalgary.com magazine
twinks like Cameron Foxx and Brett Dimineo. Latin super-hunk Gauge, I imagine, would appeal to both camps.
One thing that perplexes me a is the hospital scene
where the male patient sits naked in what looks like a
gynecologist’s chair. I guess the doctor diagnoses him
with chronic tight-ass, and introduces a hot beef injection to remedy the problem. Dear lord, what is this world
coming to? In general I’d say this film is just a mishmosh of weakly connected scenes, but the action is still
worth enduring the odd shifts in context. At the very least
it’ll keep your hands busy – but please, shut the drapes
so the trick-or-treaters don’t see!!
Adult Depot
1514B 14th Street SW – (403) 264-7399
140 – 58th Ave SW – (403) 258-2777
[email protected]
Adult Source
10210 Macleod Trail SE – (403) 217-7848
1536 16th Ave NW – (403) 289-4203
2770 32nd Ave NE – (403) 250-8225
1127 17th Ave SW – (403) 244-6537
4310 17th Ave SE – (403) 273-2701
gaycalgary.com magazine
Q Scopes
“Develop new ideas, Virgo!”
Lifestyle | Astrology
By GayCalgary.com Magazine Staff
This will be a horny, energetic, sensual week,
but not without effort. The Sun is sextile to Pluto,
boosting erotic drive and other compulsions. Keep
it clean and you could make cooperative efforts
more efficient. Both planets are quincunx Mars in
Taurus, so practical (or sensual) applications of
that energy will take adjustment. Stubbornness
could mess it all up. Be fierce, but flexible!
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Arguments
come too, too easily, even more than usual.
And you’re probably wrong! Sorry about that. The way to
be right is to keep an open mind and always be willing to
reassess your basic assumptions.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Hello, Nurse!
Neat, hygienic, and efficient suddenly looks
sexy on you. Be adventurous and let your partner help
you pick the right attitude. Think “foreign” and “service.”
French maid? Turkish masseur? Use your imagination!
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Your creative
teamwork will run up against stumbling
blocks you’ve been ignoring. Give or get a massage to help
unlock the problem. An irritating insight from your mate
or colleague will prove helpful.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Doing good in
your community will lead you into a political
conflict, but if you listen carefully and are flexible, you
can probably help resolve it. Look for a new perspective;
familiar answers offer a key, but not the solution itself.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): Everyone else
thinks you’re perfectly adorable, but using
your especially radiant charms on authority figures now
will just make your nose look brown or put it way out of
joint. Keep long-range goals in mind; charm is secondary!
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): September
22): What’s really important in life? Lessons
learned from your family and reinforced by experience
suddenly fall short. A pragmatic philosophy (Karl Marx?
Ayn Rand?) offers you the challenge you need to develop
new ideas.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Your
velvet glove normally conceals an iron fist,
but the steel is visible now, even if you are as smooth and
sweet as ever. The less scared you are to show your real
strength, the less likely you’ll need to use it.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Your
partner is not a villain, but a catalyst for your
internal crisis. Both of you need to discuss money, priorities, and values, but you need to alternate those discussions with some downtime to think on your own!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20):
You’re already friendly and charismatic, but
Mars and the Sun are giving you an extra boost. Work
demands seem to cramp your style, but actually offer a
chance to focus that extra charm to useful effect. Be careful of your upper back!
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19):
Work is light, sociable, and cheerful. Play
seems to take some effort, though. You enjoy that kind of
hurdle, so it’s not necessarily a problem. Accept a challenge to your professionalism as a chance to get creative.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): You
thrive on your struggle against notions of
normalcy. Now you get to appreciate that, without those
conventions, you wouldn’t have any fun. You can change
reality a bit now, but you have to change yourself in the
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Sexy gossip
sends your reputation way up or down. You
can influence the message by being assertively pragmatic
in your response. Actions still speak louder than words.
Think before you act!
gaycalgary.com magazine
Modern Day Witch Hunting
The Vatican Gets It Wrong…Again
By Stephen Lock
I will declare my bias right up front: I am a
‘Recovering Anglican’ who once had strong
Roman Catholic leanings, attended Mass
regularly for several years and semi-regularly
for some years thereafter. I won’t set foot in a
church now except under extreme duress.
For a host of reasons, far too complex to get into here, I
grew to not only distrust the hierarchy of both the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church – and by extension most
organized religious hierarchies – but to perceive what I
have come to call the Church Temporal (as distinct from
the spiritual component of “The Church”; I’m still struggling with that one) as corrupt, out-of-touch, often meanspirited, damaging, and abusive.
The Church, and for the purposes of this column I
mean specifically the Roman Catholic Church, has always
had difficulty with understanding and coming to terms
with sex and sexuality. Little surprise since the hierarchy
is comprised of aging, supposedly celibate males, many of
whom are also likely virgins having entered the priesthood
as youths and young men. What do they understand
of sex and sexuality? Yet they continue to “make-a da
rules”. This saying an allusion to an old joke: following
his sermon on the evils of sex and birth control a priest
was approached by a little old Italian lady. Fixing him
sternly with her eyes she said to him “You no play-a da
game, you no make-a da rules!”
The latest reaction from the Holy See is to launch what
is known as apostolic visitations to 229 American Catholic
seminaries. Investigators have been instructed to search
for “evidence of homosexuality” as well as faculty members who dissent from church teachings.
According to the New York Times, who leaked the story
September 15th, the visitations are in response to the
sexual abuse scandals that have rocked the Church in recent years. Catholics have been waiting for a ruling from
the Vatican of Benedict XVI on whether homosexual men
should be barred from entering the priesthood.
The article indicates the issue of gay seminarians and
priests has been in the spotlight because a 2004 study
commissioned by the church found that about 80 percent
of the young people victimized by priests were boys.
The Church seems to confuse homosexuality with pedophilia. The Church has always confused homosexuality
gaycalgary.com magazine
with pedophilia.
For everyone but a bunch of isolated aging cardinals
and priestly bureaucrats it is understood pedophilia is
quite distinct from the expressions of sexuality exhibited
by men attracted to men. Priests who abuse, or have
abused, prepubescent boys are pedophiles. Some may
also be homosexual, others heterosexual, and others
probably don’t know what the hell they are. Every last
one of them is doubtlessly tormented. Those who have
abused teenage boys under the age of majority, while not
technically pedophile (actually, the term is hebephile), are
still legally child molesters.
It really doesn’t take having a degree in human sexuality to understand homosexuality - the sexual attraction
to the same gender - and sexual attraction to children is
A disproportionate percentage of boys were abused
because, it would seem clear, priests were more likely to
have access to male targets - like altar boys, male students in church-run boarding schools, or junior seminarians - than to girls.
It’s not rocket science. But then the Vatican has never
been very good when it came to science, anyway…
Despite the seeming obviousness that homosexuality
has about as much in common with pedophilia, as being
a boxer does to spousal abuse. Some church officials in
the United States and in Rome, including some bishops
and many conservatives, continue to maintain that the
abuse of minors is attributable to homosexual priests
and have called for seminaries, in the US especially, to be
The New York Times article stated: “Expectation for
such a move rose this year with the election of Pope
Benedict XVI, who has spoken of the need to ’purify‘ the
church.” Uh-huh…and the recent re-introduction of studies around demonic possession and exorcism must be
part of that too.
Let’s keep in mind that the current Holy Father is the
former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a known conservative
and for many years was in absolute control of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a key department
within The Vatican. Under his directorship, the papacy of
Jean Paul II issued charming statements in which homosexuality was called “intrinsically disordered,” “evil,” and a
host of other epithets.
Let’s also keep in mind Benedict XVI was recently
served with legal papers for his role, as cardinal, in actively covering up the sex abuse scandals and protecting
abusive priests. The United States says the pope, as a
head of state (i.e. The Vatican), is immune from such legal
proceedings and cannot be subjected to a subpoena.
Catholic catechism states people with “deep-seated”
homosexual tendencies must live in chastity (actually,
“chastity in continence” i.e. no sex) because “homosexual
acts are intrinsically and objectively disordered” but, then,
so is masturbation apparently.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Both the
Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant
tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in
no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is
an intrinsically and gravely disordered action…”.
However, there are a few reasonable voices still left in
the hierarchy.
The Rev. Donald B. Cozzens, a former seminary rector
who five years ago claimed “the priesthood is, or is becoming, a gay profession” is quoted in the New York Times
article as saying he was concerned the seminary review
would lead the Church to request celibate faculty members and seminarians withdraw from seminary.
“That would be a major mistake from my perspective,”
said Father Cozzens, who teaches in the religious studies department at John Carroll University in Cleveland.
“First, I think it’s unfair, if not unjust, for committed gay
seminarians and faculty who are leading chaste lives. And
secondly, I don’t know how you can really enforce [withdrawal].”
The Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a Jesuit and sociologist who,
under pressure from the Vatican, resigned in May as editor of the Jesuit magazine “America”, is quoted as saying
the church cannot afford to dismiss gay seminarians.
“You could have somebody who’s been in the seminary
for five or six years and is planning to be ordained and the
rector knows they’re a homosexual,” said Father Reese…
“What are they going to do, throw them out? It’s much
healthier if a seminarian can talk about their sexuality
with a spiritual director, but this kind of policy is going to
force it all underground.”
thoughtful men who used their gayness as an expression
of their compassion. Not, I will quickly point out, the
sexuality of their gayness, but rather the internal awareness of their gayness. To my knowledge, they were chaste
and celibate but it was their gayness, that inner awareness we all carry as gay and bisexual men (and lesbian
women…I’ve known one or two lesbian nuns in my day, as
well) that made them good priests.
I am also aware of the devastating psychological damage the Church’s view on homosexuality, whether practiced or not, has had on individuals who, had they been
allowed to serve as the priests they wanted to be, would
have been wonderful additions to any parish or community they were assigned. Instead, they were rejected when
they spoke of their desire to be openly gay celibate priests,
and were mentally and, in my view, spiritually abused until forced to desert their vocation. Some never recovered
and will likely live out the balance of their lives profoundly
damaged, and a loss to us all.
This latest witch hunt is exactly that; a purge. It is
mis-focused window-dressing. If the Vatican was to send
apostolic visitations to root out mentally and emotionally
unstable individuals or actual pedophiles, or establish
better systems to prevent such individuals from entering
seminary, then perhaps that might be something to consider – although on second thought, given the Church’s
history of bungling the psychological care of its own members, to say nothing of its adherents, perhaps not.
Stephen Lock is the Regional Director for Egale Canada and
the Calgary Representative for The Canadians For Equal Marriage
Coalition. He is also the producer and host of a semi-monthly glbt
radio show, Speak Sebastian, airing at 9pm on the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of the month on CJSW FM 90.9.
We are still looking for contributions to the Goliath’s Defence
Fund. Donations can be made by cheque or money order, payable
to “Stephen Lock (trustee).” In the memo section write “to be held
in trust for the Goliath’s Defence Fund” and mail to: The Goliath’s
Defence Fund, c/o The Calgary Eagle, 424-a 8th Ave SE, Calgary
AB T2G 0L7. All proceeds go to defray the legal costs of the man
charged as a found-in.
Celibacy is a difficult vocation to follow and many, both
within the Church and outside it, disagree with enforced
celibacy. Be that as it may, there are many priests who
are homosexual who successfully answer the call to
celibacy, if indeed it is a calling rather than some rule
imposed by the hierarchy for reasons of its own - just as
there are many heterosexual priests who are also successfully celibate.
Over the years I have been acquainted with a few homosexual clerics, both diocesan priests as well as what
is termed ‘religious’, or those in seminary and religious
community. Every one of them were warm, caring, loving,
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Rough Trade Attraction
By Ivan
In the world of gay dating some men are just
happy to look for a masculine or straight looking
guy. But many others want the real thing: a real
straight guy. Straight guys it seems are more
popular than ever in the gay community and
successfully seducing one of them is a top challenge for many.
But why are gay men so obsessed by them? It is easy to
understand. When a gay boy is looking for a straight guy,
you have to remember that he’s actually looking for a kind of
rough trade. The well-read and behaved straight man in his
40’s with his suit and tie is not a gay fantasy. No more than
the sensitive caring straight guy. Actually the image gay men
have of the straight fantasy is quite folkloric. Equally stereotypical is the gay man’s vision of sex with him. For whatever
reason it is, most gay men just want to be on their knees in
front of a straight guy. Go figure. That kind of fantasy will
often include the arrogant looking straight guy drinking his
beer and dreaming about pussies while the fag is taking care
of his dick. Doesn’t that fantasy make you remember a certain Matthew Sheppeard and his two pickup truck driving gay
-bashers and eventual murderers?
But the real reason for this attraction is essentially that
rough trade are not too self aware. Gay men who are masters at self-awareness themselves find this totally different
attitude very refreshing and quite sexy as well. Gay men are
similar in that to young babes who are very much attracted
to arrogant guys and male swagger playfulness. No wonder
boy band followings often include some gay men among the
crowd of screaming teenage girls. In the long run girls will fall
for the sensitive guy. But in the short term or let’s say a one
night stand they will often prefer to get fucked by an arrogant
jerk oozing masculinity. The same is true for gay men who
are attracted to straight guys. Straight men generally like to
brag about having fucked a very good looking girl or marrying a trophy wife. The trophy boy for many gay men is the hot
young swaggering straight jock or...high school dropout nude
General Interest
straight male swagger incarnation. His lyrics about gays as
well as about women have been controversial in the
past and often still are today....But we also know the role
marketing is playing in those games. Moreover some big
names have previously stated their admiration for him: Elton
John for one, also Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys.
Even I totally agree with this. Eminem is clearly a talented
guy. Watching some of his past videos, listening to the beat I
can’t help thinking that he’s one of the most interesting people in pop culture in many years. And obviously the marketing people behind him are just as smart. Watching Eminem
rapping in I just don’t give a... is like watching a blurring line
between homophobia and one of the most popular politically
incorrect gay fantasies. In pop culture today that is precisely
what defines the largest cross-over appeal possible for a
young straight male. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers have also
somewhat played on the element before. And this is obviously what has allowed Eminem to pass from white trash to
white hot.
As Camille Paglia once noted male swagger is erotic (just
ask Britney Spears about Kevin Federline or any Playboy
babe about Colin Farell). If chicks are clearly sensitive to
that, gay men respond to it even more. And straight men at
that game are much better at displaying it than gays. Go to
any gay male dancer club and you will see that the ones being the most successful are almost always the ones playing
on the youth male bravado and arrogance. They high five
each other, drink, make bad jokes, play pool while older gay
men watch and admire them carefully sipping their Perrier.
And not surprisingly most of those dancers will be straight.
This attraction also dates back to childhood. For many gay
men their sexual orientation can be traced back to an unsuccessful male bounding in their youth. When they reach adulthood or their teenage years they start eroticizing the men
they had difficulty being friends with earlier on.
No wonder that hip hop bad boy Eminem has so many
gay fans, be they closet or not. The Detroit born rapper has
been called a kind o new white trash prophet. Actually from
the gay fan’s point of view he’s the erotically charged young
gaycalgary.com magazine
Press Releases
Pride Calgary AGM Announcement
Pride Calgary’s Annual General Meeting is a little late this
year due to unforeseen challenges and so as not to conflict
with the two major conventions within our fine city (IGRA and
IGBO). We are planning to have the AGM within the week of November 21st. In the meantime, Pride Calgary invites you to our
website www.pridecalgary.ca to see the pictures from the 2005
Celebrations, to provide suggestions, let us know what worked
and what needs work. We would also like to know who is interested in being a part of building next year’s Pride Celebrations.
Many positions; small, medium and large commitments to help
build a bigger and better Pride! Let us know who you are; we
know you are OUT there!
Major GLBT Community Building & Outreach Plan
Today the Bi MEN NETWORK announced its most ambitious
community outreach and GLBT community building program
across North America with bi & gay men’s events - 10 “Coming Out” Wednesdays and 10 “QUEST” Sundays this Fall at 80
bi-friendly watering holes - GLBT bars, cafes, clubs, pubs and
taverns - in 80 major North American cities.
COMING OUT WEDNESDAYS is an outreach program for
gay, bi, and bi-curious men. These are set for 5pm to 7 pm
on Wednesdays - October 12th, 19th and 26th - then every
November Wednesday and then December 7th and 14th. The
selected venues do nothing special other than be open and ask
the staff to be as warm and friendly for all newcomers as possible.
QUEST SUNDAYS is a program for bi and gay men who are
looking for a four leaf clover, love, lust, and anything else. This
is set for Sundays 5pm to 7pm as well, on October 16th, 23rd
and 30th - all November Sundays - and then in December the
4th, 11th and 18th.
The Calgary Eagle has been selected as Calgary’s venue for
these events to occur.
10 Years of Robin Hood
His name may be Robin Hood but he looks nothing like the
English bloke who stole from the rich to give to the poor. This
Robin Hood weighs in at 222lbs of muscle, stands 6’4 and owns
the longest running all muscle profile site on the net – Robin
Hoods MuscleMen (www.rhmusclemen.com). October 2005
is the 10th anniversary of this hot muscle profile site. Since
its conception in 1995, it has grown to host over 1900 muscle
men profiles. From all around the world you may contact any
muscle dude. And if you’re muscular yourself you may post
your own profile for complete and free access to the site.
Now yes there are many sites with profiles out there but this
one stands apart by far. It is the only one that maintains and
gaycalgary.com magazine
guarantees that all profiles are muscular, shirtless and show
face & torso. The range of guys is from 5’3” 130lbs all the way
up to 6’7” 265lbs. Now that is a lot of muscle!!
There are also muscle galleries of Robin Hood’s exclusive
models that you won’t find anyplace else along with live webcam of the webmaster and his very own galleries from the past
10 years. So come join in the celebration of one of the longest
running sites on the net - rhmusclemen.com.
Canada’s “Blood-Stained Legacy” of Homophobic Violence: Author Kicks off 14-City Book Tour
On Friday, Douglas Victor Janoff, author of Pink Blood:
Homophobic Violence in Canada, kicks off his Canadian tour in
Victoria. Between Oct. 7 and Oct. 17, Janoff will visit Victoria,
Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg. Full details are available at www.pinkblood.ca.
_Pink Blood_, recently published by the University of Toronto
Press, is the first Canadian book on violence against the gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community. The book analyzes 120 homicides and more than 350 gay-bashings that have
occurred in Canada since 1990.
Friday, October 14, Noon to 1:30 p.m.
University of Calgary
Science Theatres 129
Sponsored by: GLASS
Info: [email protected] and Stephen Lock, [email protected]
Friday, October 14, 2-4 p.m.
Mount Royal College, Calgary
Arts Building (East Wing 1)
Faculty of Arts Lounge EA3001
Info: Lee Easton, [email protected] and Stephen Lock,
[email protected]
Saturday, October 15, 3 p.m.
McNally and Robinson bookstore, Calgary
120 8th Ave SW, Calgary
Info: [email protected] and
[email protected]
HGTV Superstar Challenge
GayCalgary.com’s own fashion and arts writer, Alykhan Velji,
submitted a 5 minute tape of a space he had decorated to the
HGTV Superstar Challenge. Much to his delight, he was chosen as one of the top 10 interior decorators across Canada! He
will be flying to Toronto for a week to tape the reality TV show,
where the finalists compete in front of a panel of 3 judges.
One person is sent home every day, and the winner is given a
chance to host their own interior design television show. Good
luck Aly!!
Spymonkey in Cooped
Deliciously Demented Take on Pulp Gothic Romance Novella
By Jacob Wallace
Review | Theatre
Direct from their starring role in Cirque du
Soleil’s Zumanity, international physical comedy sensation Spymonkey present Cooped,
their deliciously demented take on the pulp
gothic romance, at the Big Secret Theatre
October 25 to November 12. The show thrilled
both audiences and critics upon its opening at
the Edinburgh Fringe 2001. GayCalgary.com
contacted Daiva Jocius of One Yellow Rabbit
to get the scoop on Cooped.
“Cooped toured internationally as the British Council’s
Best Contemporary British Theatre’ until 2003 when the
company took up its 2-year residency as the outrageous
comedy guerillas within Cirque du Soleil’s adult cabaret in
Las Vegas,” said Jocius.
The North American premiere of Cooped is produced in
association with One Yellow Rabbit and follows Spymonkey’s hugely popular run of their show Stiff at the 2002
High Performance Rodeo, of which the Globe & Mail said
“Deliriously funny - credit this young European troupe
with impeccable taste and, what’s even better, a skill to
match the originals.”
After the Calgary run, the show will continue its international tour which will include Arosa Festival Switzerland, Athens, Australia, and the Edinburgh Fringe 2006.
The production is directed by physical comedy writer/
director Cal McCrystal (director of the clowns for Cirque
du Soleil’s Varekai and Zumanity) and designed by longtime collaborator Lucy Bradridge. The new version of
Cooped will feature fifteen minutes of new material.
McCrystal and Bradridge begin by painting a picture
of a misty night. “A young orphan girl arrives at a remote
railway station in the heart of darkest Northumberlandshirehampton to take up her position as confidential secretary to the reclusive Forbes Murdston. Beautiful, fawnlike, swinging, but a hostage to passion, Laura knows now
that life - and love - will never be the same again...”
“She has ignored for as long as she can the unsettling rumors that surround her new employer, his ominous manservant Klaus and the ancient mansion. But
Murdston’s violent mood-swings can only signify one
thing: INSANITY! Her terrible dreams seem to warn of
some impending calamity. If only she could get word to
Inspector Judadench to warn him. In her desperation she
turns to the trusty family lawyer Roger Parchment.”
How can she leave? How can she leave him when she
has grown to love him?
Yes, now she is truly COOPED_! If you are looking for a
good laugh with some great entertainment, then you need
to join Spymonkey in Cooped.
“A carefully crafted brand of lunacy... Made me laugh so
much my throat hurt” The Times (UK)
“Utterly infectious... perfectly paced hybrid of The Pink
Panther and Psycho.” The Independent (England)
“Imagine Mills & Boon rewritten by Monty Python. Or
the Muppets doing a cover of a trashy American soap.
Fling in a fig leaf or three and some brilliantly ditsy clowning and whey-hey! You’re close to being Cooped with
Spymonkey. SEE IT!” The Herald (Scotland)
One Yellow Rabbit presents
October 25 - November 12, 2005
Big Secret Theatre - EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing
Tuesdays through Saturdays @ 8pm
Sundays @ 3pm
(403) 299-8888
gaycalgary.com magazine
Romeo and Juliet
Hearts Break in Spectacular new Production
Review | Theatre
By Jacob Wallace
To celebrate the return to the Jubilee stages,
The Alberta Ballet and The Banff Centre have
joined together to present a spectacular new
full length production. GayCalgary.com contacted The Alberta Ballet to find out more
about this celebration and new Canadian art
creation, that will be hitting Alberta’s Jubilee
stages. “Romeo and Juliet captures the tragic
tale of Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers with
both spectacle and intimacy. This original
work is set to the orchestral genius of Sergei
Prokofiev’s score, which will be performed live
by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and
the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra.”
The production of Romeo and Juliet was choreographed
by Alberta Ballet’s Artistic Director Jean Grand-Maître
and it promises to bring Alberta Ballet into a new era.
“Our company is ready to create a production of this magnitude”, states Grand-Maître, “The dancers and our production crew are technically and artistically ready.” This
is not the first time Grand-Maître has tackled this tragic
tale, it is his favorite classic to choreograph. Grand-Maître
has received much praise for his simple creation of Romeo
and Juliet for the Hartford Ballet. The critic with The Republican American commented that Grand-Maître’s ballet,
“…makes words seem superfluous in the face of movement and music…a production that stunned its audience
with its raw sensuality and emotion.” Grand-Maître was
also responsible for the enormous success of the Franco
rock opera Romeo et Juliette.
“This grand production of Romeo and Juliet would not
be possible with out the exceptional talents of The Banff
Centre”, Grand-Maître adds.
Under the mentorship of some of Canada’s best stage
designers and artisans, participants in The Banff Centre’s
training program in theatre craft have created more than
100 costumes, and one of the most intricate sets to be
“This co-production signals an exceptional partnership
between The Banff Centre and Alberta Ballet,” says the
Centre’s president and CEO, Mary Hofstetter. “By pooling
our resources we have been able to create a splendid new
gaycalgary.com magazine
production which showcases the talents of Alberta
Ballet and The Banff Centre, and provides handson experience for young
artists in a multitude of
disciplines. And of course
we, the audience, will be
treated to a wonderful
made-in-Alberta variation
of this timeless ballet.”
This production features
Alberta born dancers,
Tanya Dobler as Juliet and
Kelley McKinlay as Romeo,
both of whom passionately
breathe life into their characters on stage.
The acclaimed design team for Romeo and Juliet that
will bring renaissance of Verona to Alberta stages includes
Martine Bertrand, Costume Design; Pierre Lavoie, Lighting
Design; Claude Lemelin, Soundtrack Design; and Guillaume Lord, Set Design. Spectacular fight sequences have
been directed by Larissa Yancheck.
Do not miss the opportunity to see one of the pinnacles of 20th century ballet. Romeo and Juliet captures
the tragic tale of Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers with
breathtaking spectacle and heartbreaking intimacy.
Grand-Maître’s production of Romeo and Juliet will be
one of the largest and most extravagant original productions ever mounted in Alberta, marking a new era for
Alberta Ballet and for arts lovers across the Province. Join
in this spectacular celebration and witness the creation of
new Canadian art.
Alberta Ballet presents
Romeo and Juliet
October 14 - 15 at 8 pm
Jubilee Auditorium
Tickets at Ticketmaster, 299-8888
Pictured above Alberta Ballet Artists Tanya Dobler and
Kelly McKinlay. Photo by Trudie Lee
Fundraising Photos
ISCCA Drag Shows at The Rekroom
Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino of GayCalgary.com Magazine
Apollo Curling Meet and
Greet at The Rekroom
ISCCA Barbecue at
The Backlot
gaycalgary.com magazine
Artists for the Quality of Life Cut-a-Thon in Tomkins Park
gaycalgary.com magazine
at the Backlot
Drag Show at Metro
the Club
gaycalgary.com magazine
Apollo Calgary - AGM
Metro Pub Crawl - ISCCA Fundraiser, on location at Metro,
Money-Pennies, Backlot, Rekroom, Calgary Eagle and
gaycalgary.com magazine
Letters to the Publisher
Dear GayCalgary,
This is what came out of the mouth of one of my coworkers who put in a great deal of time and effort volunteering for the AIDS Walk this year. But this year I realized not all things are as they seem. The following are two
paragraphs clipped from AIDS Calgary’s own website:
“All proceeds from the 2005 Calgary AIDS Walk for
Life will go directly to support, prevention and education
programs for those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS in
“AIDS Calgary provides support services for people
infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, and provides HIV
prevention and education for the entire community.”
“Support, prevention and education”? Why doesn’t
“support” include funding of medical supplies for people
who need to buy their AIDS medication on low income, or
for children that are born with the disease? What happened to all that research to find a cure for HIV/AIDS?
The Canadian Heart and Stroke foundation funds heart
and stroke research. The Canadian Cancer Society and
Terry Fox Run fund cancer research. The Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation funds breast cancer research.
The Canadian Diabetes Association funds diabetes research. The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation funds
cystic fibrosis research. So it’s a natural assumption to
think that AIDS Calgary, among other services, would
fund AIDS research…but I guess it’s my own fault for
jumping to that conclusion. I wonder how many people
participated in the AIDS Walk this year with the same
erroneous impression. I can name several. Give me a
survey and I’ll name several hundred.
Now, before I start sounding too harsh here, I must
say that I can still appreciate the value of prevention and
education. Given that HIV/AIDS is a preventable disease,
it makes sense to try heading it off at the pass - an ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. I
understand that AIDS Calgary provides education and
prevention seminars if you go and visit them, but what
about the rest of us who aren’t yet directly “affected or
infected” by HIV/AIDS? What about that “HIV prevention
and education for the entire community”? I’m surprised
that I’ve seen almost nothing from AIDS Calgary that’s
visible to the general public. I’ve seen the “Sucking good
time” poster up in the Backlot…wasn’t that a campaign
from over two years ago? They must have had one lying
around from 2 years ago, and put it up on their own accord. I’ve seen the “How do you know what you know”
campaign up in Goliath’s more recently, which I found
out was actually provided by AIDS Vancouver. VANCOUVER?? It sounded ridiculous to me at first, but if it
weren’t for those posters, there would be nothing recent
from AIDS Calgary to take their place. AIDS Vancouver has enough to worry about in Vancouver – we have
our own chapter right here, yet they are sitting on their
hands! And not that I visit the straight bars too often, but
I doubt I’d see HIV/AIDS posters glaring in my face there
I suppose I’m forgetting about Ellipse Newsletter. Perhaps it doesn’t ring a bell? You’ll probably recognize it as
the little white, blue, and purple pamphlet that’s left on
the floor after people pick up a copy of FFWD or Outlooks.
I’ve never read one myself…maybe it’s filled with all kinds
of vast knowledge about AIDS prevention and education.
Knowing how little visual impact the publication has, I’ll
probably never know – and I’d be a lot more compelled to
read it than the average person!
My bottom line is, why does it feel like the ~$75,000 is
not making enough of a difference? Maybe I don’t see it
because I’m on the outside of the organization, but still,
shouldn’t there be some externally visible signs? Sure,
Ellipse costs money, but not THAT much. It seems to me
like AIDS Calgary has decided to keep to themselves on an
issue that affects everyone –especially the gay community
(not to stereotype). $75,000 would buy TV commercials,
billboards, even airplane banners. Why is it that any
condoms handed out at the doors of our bars and clubs
are paid for out of their own pockets? Why was $75,000
not even able to fund HIV/AIDS awareness posters or
advertising for the last 2 years? If AIDS Calgary, whose
mandate is support, prevention and education, can’t even
seem to bring themselves to talk about HIV/AIDS to the
gay community and the general public then…well, I don’t
gaycalgary.com magazine
even want to think about it. With nobody forcing the facts
on us anymore, we’d all just go back to pretending HIV/
AIDS doesn’t exist, like smokers would with lung cancer
– it’s too unpleasant to think about it, therefore I won’t.
My comments are not meant to criticize or put down
AIDS Calgary, though it scares me a little that so many
people have this preconceived idea of what their money
will be used for there. I remember how mortified I was
when I realized my own error – the image of funding medical supplies for those in need, funding research to find a
cure, and helping children that are born with the disease,
all vanished from my head. Sure, it’s still theoretically
going to a good cause with AIDS Calgary, but the point
is that I gave up my hard-earned money to them for the
wrong reasons. There are organizations out there that do
exactly what I wanted: CANFAR, SHARP Foundation, and
HIV Peer Support Group to name a few. Unfortunately
I hadn’t heard of them until I realized I needed to look
beyond AIDS Calgary.
(The writer of this letter requested that their identity
remain confidential.)
GayCalgary.com asked Executive Director of AIDS
Calgary, Sue Cress, to respond to this letter on AIDS
Calgary’s behalf.
Dear GayCalgary,
Every person, without exception, is affected by HIV and
AIDS. You don’t have to know someone who is infected or
be infected yourself – everyone is living in a society that is
touched by HIV and AIDS.
AIDS Calgary exists because of the need for understanding of HIV/AIDS, what it is like to live with it, and
how to have a safe and healthy life. We focus much of
our effort on a local level, empowering those living with
HIV/AIDS, while providing the Calgary community with
the tools to prevent further HIV transmission, through the
use of advocacy, education and prevention.
There is no doubt that a larger fight to find the cure for
HIV and AIDS is being fought. AIDS Calgary supports this
work and participates in the provincial and federal advocacy initiatives that address access to care and treatment,
and human rights. While we don’t have the capacity to
directly fund research, we partner with other AIDS service
and research organizations.
As with all small not-for-profit organizations, AIDS
Calgary strives to do what we can with what we have.
The support of the Calgary community is fundamental to
our existence. The money raised through events such as
the Calgary AIDS Walk for Life helps us greatly, but we
endeavor to have a bigger impact and wider reach – a goal
that is reliant upon the funds we are able to garner.
gaycalgary.com magazine
With our resource base, we have chosen to focus much
of our work at the local level. Our mission is not to eradicate HIV and AIDS, a fight that is much greater than AIDS
Calgary’s reach, but to reduce the harm associated with
HIV and AIDS. The surest way to stopping the spread is to
empower people to make informed choices.
We do this in as many ways as possible, most frequently
getting hands-on through our outreach activities and programs. For example, our Choices program is targeted at
men who have sex with men. Recent epidemiological data
clearly indicates rising infection rates within the gay community. While the Choices program has been around for
some time, we recognize the urgent need for this program
to be as far-reaching and effective as possible. Choices
currently focuses on providing information and resources
on practicing safer sex and avoiding behaviors/situations
that could put you at risk. We want to make sure that
these crucial messages reach as many men as possible.
On a more broad-reaching basis, we see the need to
educate today’s youth. Our Speakers Network program
goes into schools, businesses and other organizations,
providing factual information on safer sex and first-hand
accounts on living with HIV and AIDS. Our goal is to
reach people when they’re young, sharing lessons that will
last a lifetime and contribute to the long-term decline of
infection rates.
Another large part of our work is to support and assist those living with HIV and AIDS, and to battle misunderstandings and prejudices of HIV issues. We have
programs in place that provide financial support to those
living with HIV and AIDS, as well as crisis counseling,
advocacy and nutritional programs.
AIDS Calgary firmly believes in the need for medical research and breakthroughs. In fact, we dream of a
day when we work ourselves out of a job – when a cure
or vaccine is found and the spread of HIV and AIDS no
longer exists. Until that time, AIDS Calgary is dedicated
to reducing the harm associated with HIV and AIDS, and
empowering lives in a compassionate society.
Terry Mackenzie
Chair of the Board
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Susan Cress
Executive Director
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
Q Puzzle
“Family Doctor”
Fun | Crosswords
By GayCalgary.com Magazine Staff
CLUE: A crossword about TV doctors.
1 Their fruits are acorns
5 Like half of the Odd
9 Drag spikes
14 Russian river
15 Top draft level
16 Aged, to Byron
17 Letters over Mary’s son
18 Home st. of Maupin
19 Spacey’s The ___ Suspects
20 Doctor played by Richard Chamberlain
23 Sculptor Nancy
24 One that plays with
balls at the circus
25 AFL partner
28 Doctor played by B.D.
32 Cruising areas
36 Tongue of Wilde’s land
37 Like sex with a historian?
38 Tin Man slicker
40 Her Poems writer Bogus
41 Sober partner
42 Cho’s I’m the One ___ I
45 Vehicle for a snow
46 Lesbian doctor on ER
49 Old streaker over the
50 Caesar’s post-orgasm
51 DeBeque in South Pacific
56 Lesbian gynecologist on
Mad About You
59 Dampen the pansies
62 “It comes ___ surprise”
63 Lie alongside
64 Lucy’s gal pal
65 Enter
Inspiration for Whitman
White’s A Boy’s Own ___
Suffix with prefer
Bad day for Caesar
1 Telepathic board that
inspired James Merrill
2 Ball’s partner
3 Vibes not from a vibrator
4 More cunning than a
cunning linguist?
5 “Honky ___ Woman”
6 What you use in response
to “Bite me!”
7 Stud handlers?
8 Esera Tuaolo kept runners from getting it
9 Pointing to it is the little
hand’s job
10 Showboat’s “Nobody ___
But Me”
11 URL ending for some
gay studies sites
12 Lost and Delirious director Pool
13 Show with C. Kattan
21 Org. for Clea DuVall
22 Maugham’s Cakes and
25 Street in British Queer
as Folk
26 Cockamamie
27 Looked up Lady Chablis’
dress, e.g.
29 Shakespeare’s dusk
30 Went to bed with
31 United, to Colette
32 Hits hard
33 Loads
34 Ready for anything
35 The Lion King cad
39 E. Lynn Harris’ ___ Way
the Wind Blows
40 Cross-dresser Jeanne
d’Arc, for one (abbr.)
42 Like Billy Douglas of
One Life to Live
43 Sticks it out
44 Relating to high-tech
47 Home state of K. Mattea
48 Money back from Intl.
52 City of The Bird Cage
53 Coming out, for a pansy
54 Screw (up)
55 Rob of Melrose Place
56 Raspberry that isn’t a
57 Where to get off in gay
58 Without a date
59 Craven of Cursed
60 K. Cathcart, e.g.
61 However, to Emily Dick-
Answer key is on page 21
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
The BoyGirls
Local Talent releases First Album
Review | Music
By Rob Diaz-Marino
“They’re here, they’re weird, now deal with
it.” The Boygirls are out to make a statement with their unique brand of hip-hop,
steering straight for the issues that they feel
strongly about and nipping them in the butt.
GayCalgary.com first ran into them at Prance,
the pride youth dance this June. Since then,
the band has launched their first Album entitled But Aren’t We All?, for sale at Megatunes,
Sloth Records and Fameless.
Their group currently consists of 4 members. Lana
Bentley is the group’s rap-artist, Lara White provides
backup vocals, and Cam May helps to augment their vocal
talent by contributing instrumental backup and knowledge of sound production. Recently they added a new
member, Blair Lipkind, who plays bass. In fact, the front
pamphlet of the CD features a cartoon in which they allude to their past search for someone to fill this position.
The burning question seems to be whether or not their
music is just political activism in disguise. According to
the lyrics in their song Ism Prism, “I’m not an activist…I’m
not a passivist…I’m a new school sit-on-my-fat-assifist.”
“Nope [we’re not angry and political]. We’re happy and
observant. Some songs have a really clear political message however; we didn’t form the band to depress people.
You can be thoughtful and entertaining all at the same
time,” commented Bentley.
May and Bentley take credit for writing most of the
group’s current lyrics before White and Lipkind came on
board. Indeed their songs Take Back the Night, SUV, Ism
Prism, and Three Wishes deal with serious themes like
crime, social inequality, homophobia, women’s rights and
safety, and degradation and demoralization in the rap
music industry. While these may sound like fairly heavy
topics, they manage to deal with them in a light-hearted
manner without losing their underlying message.
“We’ve been compared to everybody and everything.
The Philosopher Kings, Lauryn Hill, Moxy Fruvous, the
Arrogant Worms, the list goes on. We might describe
ourselves as ‘Indie-hop’, Indie pop meets hip hop. …We
love bands like Junior/Senior, Bran Van 3000, and Franz
Ferdinand. Cam really digs Peaches, Le Tigre, and anything electronic. Lara’s in to rock and I like anything that
incorporates rap or hip hop.
That being said I dig bands
like Nathan and the Trews.”
Another mandate of the
group is to “keep it ridiculous”. Their song “Poo Poo”
is a clear demonstration of
this. They took a sound clip
of them messing around on
the microphone and overlaid instrumental tracks to
create a really catchy tune.
Too bad it ends so abruptly – I can see it taking off into
a happy-hardcore mix if they’re not careful! In addition,
the hidden clip at the end of Latin Humiliation where Lana
checks her voicemail just totally cracks me up!
“I write about what the things that happen to me in everyday life. The only song with a neat story is Sushi Chef.
Cam and I went for sushi with my friend Catherine who
had just returned from the Pan-Am games. We decided
that we should write a song about her so we went back to
Cam’s house and started working on ideas. We were still
really full from dinner and kept talking about the sushi.
We were so distracted by the sushi that we stopped writing about Catherine and decided to write a tribute to one
of our favorite foods.”
The group will continue to play shows in and around
Calgary to promote sales of this first album, so you can
expect to see them out doing what they love best – having
fun and supporting various social causes around the city.
“I have already been working on material for the next
album so hopefully another CD will be available in the
new year. In terms of becoming big, rich, rock stars, I
do not know if that’s in the cards. Some people measure
success by money, ending up in the tabloids, and awards.
We measure success by longevity and quality so we’ll take
that instead.”
The Boygirls
“But Aren’t We All?”
Available at Megatunes, Sloth Records and Fameless.
gaycalgary.com magazine
Cutting Our Own Labour Day Classic
Thank you’s
By Linda Huston Eckess
The 2ND annual Donnie Peters Memorial
Cut-a-thon, once again, has become the Labour Day Classic that it was always meant to
be. So many people must be thanked, but how
can one just say “THANK YOU!!” When every
single person, sponsor, volunteer, are already
smiling? Heads held high to the warmth from
up above…patting themselves on their own
backs. Touchdown is no longer just a football
term. Cut-a-thon 2005 was an INCREDIBLE
SUCCESS!! And you wanna know why?
Creative Freedom!!
How else could a fundraiser of this magnitude happen
- nevermind be so overwhelmingly successful - without
one single formal face-to-face full-out executive committee
meeting? ‘Cuz everyone is solid to the cause, the project,
and the legacy that DRP put in motion… it had full creative freedom!!
When you have such talent and commitment, with Creative Freedom…..WOW!! You have the Labour Day Classic
to be proud of.
So, where do I begin? How about the kick off… The
Cut-a-thon’s art work you all adore, two years in a row…
Calgary’s, and every ones fave. Scott Clark, put his creative juices on canvas putting the ball in play. Scott, your
Art totally tells the story and sets us apart from the rest.
You give us a great face to go forward with every year.
Community | Spotlight
CityTV, Global, The Calgary Sun’s Page 6, and Outlooks
Special Event Fundraisers for 2005 brought us money,
awareness and the best fun we’ve seen in a long time!
Thank you: Debi Leong and the Midnite Café Reunion,
Roxy and her Cutting Edge Show, Money-Pennies brunch
and Metro for giving us Shooter Bar.
The entertainment in the park was unbelievably incredible this year. DJs Mystare, Gemini and Chris Prinze,
Dawn, Charity, Jamieson Eakin and Live, Rock and Roll,
from Calgary’s DD Davies and Men Without Waists.
Sponsorship abounded this year. Artists for Quality of
Life proudly thanks: AIDS Calgary, Andrea the Hot Dog
Lady, Backlot, Barbie’s Shop, Black Diamond Liquor
Store, Calgary Tower, Culligan Water, Diane’s Best Gourmet Foods, D.I.C.I.B, Discover Dental, DJ Music Services,
4th Street Liquor, Foster Stock, Foxwood Bed & Breakfast, Gilbert Laustsen Jung, H&R Block, Huston Marketing Group, Metro The Club, MoneyPennies, Priape, Red
Rose Florist, The Rek Room, Source Adult Video, Texas
Lounge, The Place for Men, U Frame It, and Victoria’s Restaurant!
On behalf of all volunteers and executive committee,
Not only did we have fun, we produced a direct, high
impact fundraiser; giving right back to where it is needed…feeding those living with HIV/AIDS….giving Quality of
Barb Stein and Uptown 17 BRZ’s support was the first
to take us towards the end zone. Barb, you are simply the
At this time we do not yet have the total we have raised
this year, but it’s WAY over last year. We have high hopes
that next year will be even better.
But, what’s a Cut-a-thon without the dedication and
talents of the hair stylists?
Please share in our celebration on Sunday, October
23rd @ Rek Room from 7pm to 10pm. Artists for Quality
of Life, Celebrates Cut-a-thon 2005, with an Awards Gala
and kicks off Cut-a-thon 2006.
The Salons that made 2005 in the park a roaring
success were, the crème de la crème of Calgary… Affinity, Alta Moda, Ginger Group, Izo Bizo, Kosmetikos, Red
Bloom, Sessions, and The Corner.
Media sponsorship began with the full support of Gay
Calgary Magazine. Your continuous commitment to the
community is an inspiration to us all. The Media was
very kind to us this year. Our heartfelt thanks to: CFCN,
gaycalgary.com magazine
As Always, “Go in Love”,
Linda Huston Eckess
Event Organizer
Pajama Tops
Stage West brings French farce to Calgary
Review | Theatre
By Jason Clevett
The 2005/2006 season for Stage West was
kicked off with Pajama Tops, a comical farce
based on the French play MouMou. It stars
Playboy Playmate, covergirl, and former Growing Pains star, Julie McCullough.
“It’s a comedy, and I have always loved comedy,” McCullough told GayCalgary.com. “Audiences have reacted
very well to it, we’ve had predominantly full houses and
that has been a good thing, as it is more fun to play to
more people.”
The show’s initial focus is on George Charles (Trevor
Leigh) who is planning a trip to Brighton to see his mistress. However, his wife Yvonne (Jill Hayman) has taken
the liberty of inviting “[His] good friend Mr. Lovell” and
wife to spend the weekend. Everything goes crazy from
there. Not only does Charles’ lover Fiona (McCullough)
arrive but, later so does her husband Jack (Michael MacLennan.)
The rest of the plot carries on with such twists and
turns that, it would be a nightmare to write it down, however it all unfolds with comedic results on stage. Patric
Masurkevitch, donned drag for Stage West’s The Last Resort over the summer. Now
he returns to the stage
as the flamboyantly gay
character Leonard Jolly,
who a desperate George
convinces to pretend to be
Mr. Lovell. Masurkevitch is
the focus of the show and
plays his character so overthe-top that one can’t help
but laugh. The show is a
farce, meaning the humor
may not register with everyone – in fact some may
not like the Leonard Jolly
character. However if you
take the show and role as
intended, then you should
have no issues.
While you can see McCullough on stage at night,
during the day you will
likely be able to spot her
around town.
“I’ve had the chance to go out to Banff with the other
actors, went up the lift to the peak and it was an amazing time. The cast and crew went to the zoo and we got to
wash the elephants, it was so exciting. The zoo has invited
me back and I am such an animal person - that is the
most exciting thing I have done so far. I want to go back
and see more of the zoo. I want to see a Moose so bad, the
other actors tell me how big they are, I can’t believe they
are that big! I want to see one in person. I used to think
they were like a deer, I didn’t know they were so much
bigger. 17th Avenue reminds me of Melrose Avenue, with
all the shopping and the cool little cafes,” McCullough
says, before extolling more of Calgary’s virtues.
“I want to see Fort Calgary and Heritage Park. Right
when I got here I saw a program on all the haunted places
in Calgary and I want to see them. My Mom is going to
come up in a couple of weeks, so we will be doing lots
of tourist stuff during the day. You should be a tourist
at every city you go to. Calgary is a lot like Dallas to me,
it looks a lot like Dallas and the fact that you have the
plains surrounding the city. I will be checking out the
Calgary tower. I want to show my mom that indoor park
downtown (Devonian Gardens). That is amazing that you
have this full park with ponds and fish and plants and it’s
McCullough, a vegetarian, is also very passionate about
“I live on three acres that is attached to the Playboy
mansion, which means I have room for my 13 dogs and
nine cats, most of which were rescued animals. The man-
gaycalgary.com magazine
sion has a small zoo as well, with three different species
of monkeys and 100 different species of birds. I live with
Kimberly Heffner, who is Hugh’s separated wife and she
and I both are activists. We love animals and save them
all the time.”
So how is McCullough handling being in a very beef
oriented city?
“It has been great so far, I grew up in Texas and North
Carolina, two states that are big on meat. You adapt, in
Calgary I have found a lot of places that have vegetarian
food. Stage West has so much food on the buffet, there is
something for every taste. That is mostly what I eat and
there are plenty of veggies in the buffet.”
The star speaks the truth; you will want to make sure
you save room. One thing we have discovered in the year
we have been reviewing Stage West, is that not only will
you be entertained, you will also eat well. Highlights of
the buffet this show include: the Grilled Zucchini and Egg
Plant Parmigiana, the Fried Pork Loin Hawaiian and the
Baked New Zealand Kiwi Mussel Parmesan. The special
appetizer of Grilled Jumbo Shrimp with Thai spicy peanut
sauce has a definite kick, but is an excellent way to start
off your evening.
In addition to her stint on Growing Pains, McCullough
has been on shows such as The Golden Girls, Beverly Hills
90210 and The Drew Carey Show. She has found success
away from the stigma of being a playmate.
“It’s fine now, it was more difficult when I was young.
I’m 40 years old now so it is a different ballgame, as I have
done so much work since then. People don’t even bring
up that I was a playmate anymore. It is more difficult for
a younger actress than someone who has been around for
awhile. I’ve been acting now for longer than I did playboy
stuff, so it is a little different. I am an icon in the pinup
world at this point, a ‘vintage playboy bunny.’”
Stage West Dinner Theatre Presents
Pajama Tops
September 7th - November 13th, 2005.
727 - 42 Avenue SE
Phone: (403) 243-6642
gaycalgary.com magazine
Saddle Up!
Ranchers & Rustlers moseys into Jubilations
By Benjamin Hawkcliffe
Review | Theatre
Stampede may be over, but dig out your
jeans and cowboy boots because Jubilations
is taking you back to the wild wild west, with
the energetic country show Ranchers & Rustlers.
Guests are all hanging out at the Red Rose Saloon in
Deadwood, where mystery is afoot – someone has been
rustling cattle and stealing money from the Double-M
Ranch. The ranch’s owner Hank Miller (Joseph Davies) is
up in arms, and hoping that his ranch hand Sam (Tyler
Griffeth) or son Johnny (Trevor Duperron) can solve what
inept sheriff Pierre has thus far, failed to do.
Amidst the drama of the whodunit are two heartwarming love stories – Pierre is in love with the stunningly
beautiful Annabelle (Syreeta Molsberry), but can’t seem
to express it. He has to compete with half the townsfolk,
who also seem to be smitten with Annabelle -and after
seeing her perform, nobody can blame them. As well,
schoolteacher Mary (Brandi Chemerika) is in love with
childhood friend Johnny, making things more complicated. Chemerika, who Jubilations regulars will recognize
from her fantastic portrayal of Rachel in Best of Friends
earlier this year, and Duperron, who has previously been
Harry Potter in Betwitched, and Greg Guy who was in
CSI: Moosejaw spoke to GayCalgary.com about the show.
Ranchers and Rustlers is a departure from recent Jubilations shows – being an entirely original work instead of
based on popular TV or movies.
“It’s much more freeing (being original) as you get the
chance to develop the character as opposed to having to
spend time trying to be just like the original person. It’s
an opportunity to change the character,” said Duperron.
Chemerika disagrees.
“I feel the opposite because this character is so not like
my personality at all, which makes it more difficult. Playing Rachel was easier because it was closer to my personality and it is all right there for you already and you just
copy that. With an original character you have to develop
something yourself. There is less pressure in some ways
because you don’t have a character with a huge following.”
The chemistry between the two on stage comes across
to the audience, in part because as Chimerika explained,
it’s legitimate.
”It’s great for us because when we met we became best
friends in five minutes in our personal lives, which makes
it easier to play characters that are friends.”
The cast is rounded out with saloon owners Luke (Matt
Brennan) and Katie (Amy Neufeld). However, there is
more to Jubilations then just what you see on stage – the
show would not work without the talented additional cast,
who absolutely bust their butts to entertain and serve.
The night we attended we saw a variety of townspeople
including Doc Holiday, Wyatt Herb, Sweeny Todd, an old
fashioned Undertaker, a guy in a hideous orange jumpsuit
that explained he was a square dancer from Moose Jaw,
gaycalgary.com magazine
and a hilarious Asian sidekick named Fong. The effort
that the guys and girls in both the show, and additional
cast, put into their costumes and performances is truly
astounding. It is obvious they love being there and it is a
blast to interact with them.
Jubilation’s kitchen staff does a great job with the menu
for this show. As always, the Prime Rib is a treat, but the
standout for us was “Fishing in the Dark” – a coconut
crusted Tilapia with mango coulis - that was delicious.
For dessert there is a choice of “Deadwood Cheesecake”
or “Mary’s Mousse.” What we found worked for us, was
to order both and take a spoonful of each together, letting it melt in your mouth. Wash everything down with
theme drinks “Sheriff’s Six Shooter in a Dirty Glass” or
“Annabelle’s Saloon Song” – the latter as sweet as the girl
it’s named after.
As for the show itself, vocally everyone puts in strong
performances (the vocals are always live) and the story is
simple, but effective. Even if you are not a country music
fan, you will recognize many of the songs and get your
money’s worth with Ranchers & Rustlers.
Jubilations Dinner Theatre Presents
Ranchers and Rustlers
September 2 – November 6, 2005
1002 - 37th Street SW (Westbrook Mall)
Phone: (403) 249-7799
gaycalgary.com magazine
The Syringa Tree
ATP explores apartheid
By Jason Clevett
Review | Theatre
From October 18th to November 5th, Alberta
Theatre Projects will examine South Africa in
the 1960’s through the skills of the talented
Meg Roe, who assumes the role of 21 different
characters throughout the play. In fact, she
even went to Africa to study this role.
“I don’t know anything about South Africa, and my
partner and I knew we wanted to go on a trip this year.
We felt it was a great opportunity to go, with a purpose,
to a place I had never pictured myself going. We packed
up our bags and went; it came down last minute when we
suddenly got reasonably tickets and we were off.” Roe told
GayCalgary.com. “We flew to Cape Town and drove across
the country, making up our trip as we went along. We did
lots of touristy stuff too, but we tried to talk and listen
to people everywhere we went. We had a few contacts in
Cape Town that lead us to a school in one of the townships, where I saw a school choir. It was an incredible
experience that I don’t think a lot of Canadians get to do;
it was very moving and powerful. It was great research
because I didn’t know many white South Africans and no
black South Africans, so it was a chance to go out and
make those kinds of contacts. ”
Roe portrays Elizabeth Grace - fearless, affectionate and
curious – along with 20 memorable characters from the
beautiful and brutal atmosphere of Johannesburg, during
“Lizzie’s family has black servants who live on the property and the families end
up getting blended because
they are so intimately
connected. The story follows the two families – her
white family and her black
nanny’s family for three
years. It then moves to
the character as an adult
looking back and trying
to come to terms with her
place in South Africa and
what happened there and
her responsibilities. By the
end of the play, the audience pieces it all together
and we walk away asking
questions, rather than the character asking questions of
Roe has the emotionally and physically demanding job
of being the sole performer, portraying all 21 characters
with no props and without ever leaving the stage. Roe,
worked with accent and vocal coach Jane MacFarlane to
transform herself into the various characters of different
descent, age, and dialects.
“It’s insane to be 21 people, all played by one person. It
is a different challenge for me because I have never done
anything like this before. I don’t know how many people
have because it is pretty unusual. Usually when you are
building a play with a group of people you are reacting to
what other people are giving you. In this one, it’s just me
and I have to think about what my reaction would be, to
what I just said.”
The play is written by actor/writer Pamela Gien, who
was born in Johannesburg, South Africa during the
height of the apartheid. The university graduate was both
playwright and performer in the original production of The
Syringa Tree. During its run in New York City in 2001,
it won multiple awards including the prestigious OBIE
award for best play, an award that recognizes achievement in off-Broadway and off-off-Broadway productions.
ATP is no stranger to multi-character plays. In the
2004/2005 season Stones in his Pockets and 2 Pianos, 4
Hands both featured two actors morphing into various
characters of different sex, race, age and dialect. Both of
those shows were highlights of the season and left the
viewer in awe of the actors’ abilities. With just Roe in the
gaycalgary.com magazine
spotlight, the pressure is on, but there is little doubt that
the reaction will be the same – the audience will sit in awe
at the transformation to and from each character, that
this highly acclaimed and talented actress will do. Roe
looks forward to the opportunity to tell the story.
“I’ve never experienced racism in my life ever. I’m white
and from Balzac, I have no concept of it. The harder thing
on a technical level is the accents; I am not familiar with
them because I don’t know many people who sound like
that. On the trip, I had to listen hard and close to a lot
of different people to get a sense of what the rhythm is.
All acting is just imagination and play. I am imagining
what I would feel if I was one of these people, what might
happen, and how might I react? The play is lovely, in that
I don’t have to do a lot of commenting on what’s going
on. I sit in the moment and the audience gets to comment on what is going on. It’s through the eyes of a six
year old - she doesn’t turn and say ‘and that was racism.’
She shows us her life and the audience goes ‘that made
me feel uncomfortable, I wonder why.’ It doesn’t require
me to make any statements on what the racist scene was
in South Africa. I just play the people and everyone can
make their decisions on their own.”
Alberta Theatre Projects
The Syringa Tree
October 18th – November 5th, 2005
215 – 8 Avenue SE
Phone: (403) 294-7402
gaycalgary.com magazine
Two-Step North
ARGRA brings major Rodeo convention to Calgary
By Jason Clevett
From October 20th to 23rd this year, delegates from throughout the United States will
be representing their chapter of the International Gay Rodeo Association in Calgary for
the annual IGRA convention at the Sheraton
Suites Calgary Eau Claire. It’s a new and exciting venture for the Board of Directors that
puts together the incredible Gay Rodeo every
“The rodeo weekend is just that, a rodeo. The convention is a series of meetings that happen every year,
a chance for the member associations of IGRA to get
together in front of the Board of Directors and voice their
opinions on things such as bylaws, rules, growth, animal
safety and health, community outreach, and a time to
review where IGRA is from a financial standpoint,” ARGRA
secretary Pierre Cadieux told GayCalgary.com. “At this
meeting we also elect the new incoming board of directors
– it is two year terms so we vote for half of the board. It’s
combined with the annual general meeting and all rolled
into one. We are expecting over 100 delegates from across
the United States.”
The process of hosting began two years ago, and since
then the board has worked hard to organize both the rodeo events and the convention.
“A delegation representing ARGRA went to the convention two years ago and bid on the 2005 event being held
in Calgary. The 20 conventions up to this point have
never been outside of the US so this is the first truly international gay rodeo convention. Conferences have been
[held] all over the US, places like Cleveland, Ohio, Denver,
Colorado and Long Beach, California. It is a big feat to
host the event. One of the biggest challenges of this is the
fact that you are drawing from the same volunteer base.
Three months ago we held a rodeo and the same board of
directors has to now hold a rodeo and a convention in the
same calendar year - that is two major events. This is a
much easier event to plan than the rodeo; the Hotel does
most of the work and it is a lot easier to organize from a
volunteer and organizational standpoint. I think we have
done a great job of organizing, planning and sharing the
workload but, it is a huge amount of work to throw two
events so close together. We have been planning since the
day we bid - the last year has been intense.”
Community | Spotlight
While the general public won’t be part of the main
convention activities, there are lots of opportunities for us
Calgarians to show our southern neighbors a good time.
“As far as the convention is concerned, a lot of our local membership unfortunately won’t even see that part.
Delegates will be attending the meetings at the hotel and
representing their host association. Where we want our
community to get involved will be Friday night with a pub
crawl, the delegates will be shuffled on buses from bar
to bar, come out to one of the different bars and we will
be there at some point. On Saturday night our regular
monthly dance is at the Victoria Park community hall,
which will now be part of the convention. Before the main
dance is an international dance competition. Dancers
from different divisions of IGRA compete against each other in country and western dancing, partner and line, for
buckles. We will also be having the ’Prairie Pride Dinner
and Dance’ sponsored by Team Money Pennies. This is a
time to socialize. I don’t think you can and not learn a bit
more about IGRA. The goal of the convention is to have an
AGM style meeting and to also learn from one another.”
The Dance competition starts at 7:30pm, with the
dance beginning at 9:00. Tickets for the dance are $7 for
members, $10 for non-members. Dinner tickets, which
include the entire evening, must be purchased by October
14th for $24.95 at Money Pennies or through the ARGRA
Visa ticket line at (403) 938-7329. Cadieux and the rest
of the board are looking forward to giving the delegates a
uniquely Canadian experience.
“I am looking forward to impressing the Americans and
showing off Calgary – explaining that they have to go to
Tim Hortons for coffee. We definitely have been praised at
past conventions that the ARGRA rodeo is one of the best
rodeos on the international circuit. Now we want to step
up and show them we can throw the best darn convention they have seen as well. We have always been seen as
leaders and being different, and we will continue to prove
The International Gay Rodeo Association Convention 2005
Sheraton Suites Calgary Eau Claire
October 20th – 23rd, 2005
gaycalgary.com magazine
1st World Outgames
Rendez-Vous Montréal 2006
By Rob Diaz-Marino and Steve Polyak
Many Calgarians consider Apollo Western Cup
and ARGRA to be the two “biggest” events that
occur in our city, however, next year Canada
will play host to an event that’s probably the
biggest and gayest in world history! The Outgames are the gay equivalent of the Olympics – a
monumental sporting competition that involves
participants from across the entire globe. Canada will be hosting the first ever World Outgames
in the city of Montréal from July 26th to August
5th, 2006.
The Outgames will include many of the sports covered
in both the Summer and Winter Olympics, however many
other additions help to give the competition a gay flavor.
Aerobics, Dragon Boat, Physique, and Water-Polo are only a
few of the sports unique to the Outgames.
GayCalgary.com was the only representative from Western Canada, among only 40 delegates from around the
world, to attend the Montreal Outgames press conference.
Our tickets, accommodations, and food were all paid for,
and our stay was an experience we won’t soon forget.
At the “Breakfast with the Mayor” conference, we hung
out with former Calgarian Mark Tewksbury. The Mayor
of Montréal delivered a speech to the gay media on the
city’s sentiment toward the gay community, and upcoming
games. To paraphrase his words: “In Montréal, we do not
just ‘tolerate’ the gay community – we celebrate it!”
On the last day of our stay, they blocked traffic along
the entire gay stroll on St. Catherine Street to do sporting
demonstrations. They filled an entire park with sand for
gaycalgary.com magazine
Community | Spotlight
the Beach Volleyball, and set up a large plastic-polymer
surface on a stage to demonstrate the Figure Skating. As
we walked along, we saw demonstrations for the Aerobics,
Line Dancing, Wrestling, and Chorus!
As Calgarians, this is a rare chance for us to participate
and attend an event of this magnitude. Montréal is reasonably within reach of us, as compared to the next Outgames
slated to be held in Copenhagen in 2009. GayCalgary.com
would like to sincerely thank the Outgames Commission for
involving us in the making of this landmark event – it will
not only help to unite the GLBT community from around
the globe, but will also be symbolic to the entire world that
we’re no longer just an invisible minority.
1st World Outgames
Rendez-Vous Montréal 2006
Queer Quest
Queer in Grade School: How Far Have We Come?
By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., C. Psych.
I finished high
school in 1974,
and I remember the
extremely negative
view that people had
then of queer individuals. Those who
were falsely or accurately identified
as gay or lesbian, for
example, were routinely ostracized and
denigrated. School was certainly no sanctuary
either – fellow students, teachers, principals,
and counsellors were mostly homophobic and
unsupportive. I remember vividly two guys at
my high school who were gay, and their mannerisms and pride readily identified them to
others. I remember the gawking, the ridicule,
the pushing and shoving into lockers, and the
verbal threats. Behind their backs, they were
described in the most unloving and harsh
Perhaps you can’t blame the average person for holding
such negative views back then. God, it was only in 1969
that homosexual activity between consenting adults became legal and not until 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental
disorder. When two of the most powerful societal forces
– the criminal code of Canada and the mental health
profession – are ready to say you are both a criminal and
mentally ill, respectively, it is no wonder that others held
similar views.
As societal tolerance and acceptance of queer individuals increases, however, we will likely see concomitant
increases in youths disclosing their sexual identities at
school. Such trends are already being witnessed anecdotally. Nonetheless, most queer youth continue to remain
invisible in schools because of several factors, but especially because of ongoing heterosexism and homophobia.
Are schools ready to deal with the increased visibility of
queer youth? Are they ready to assist these teens in increasing their visibility while at the same time providing a
safe environment for them at school? Shockingly, evidence
suggests that most schools are not much further along
on this path compared to when I was in grade school 31
years ago.
While we continue to embrace old stereotypes of how
males and females are supposed to look, talk, and act, we
keep everyone within a prison cell of narrow walls. While
gender-nonconforming lads continue to receive their daily
punishment for being who they are within their schools,
occasionally a crack in the cosmic egg shatters more than
just yolks. Of the 28 random school shootings witnessed
in the U.S. since 1982, for example, every one of the perpetrators was reportedly heterosexual (1). Despite this,
nearly every one of them had been continually teased,
bullied, and beat up as though they were gay, barraged
with the typical homophobic epithets that we all know too
well – until they could take it no longer.
Homophobic insults are frequently levied at young people, regardless of whether they belong to a sexual minority or not. The Canadian Public Health Association Safe
School Study was conducted in fall 2003 and spring 2004
with 2,806 and 2,755 respondents, respectively (2). Seven
schools located in Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia,
New Brunswick, and Ontario were selected using very
strict criteria to ensure student safety and support. The
surveys used included a grades 4 – 7 survey and a grades
8 – 12 survey. There were equal numbers of males and
females in each sample. Nearly one out of five students reported that they rarely or occasionally felt safe, regardless
of their sexual orientation. Homophobic harassment was
common in the seven schools, and one in ten students
stated they had been called a fag, lesbian, etcetera on a
weekly basis. More than a third of the students reported
homophobic harassment on a monthly basis. Of the students surveyed, 3% identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual;
4% reported that they were questioning their orientation;
and 93% said they were heterosexual.
Another Canadian study published in 2003 included
a sample of 3,636 adolescents from 17 high schools in
Toronto, Kingston, and Montreal (3). Gay male, lesbian,
bisexual, or questioning youth comprised approximately
3-4% of the participants. The researchers found that the
sexual minority and questioning youth reported more experiences of victimization by bullying, sexual harassment,
and physical abuse than their heterosexual peers.
The situation in American grade schools is even more
gaycalgary.com magazine
frightening. Some of the best research occurring in the
U.S. is being done by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). They conduct a survey biennially, and have done so since 1999. The 2003 survey was
completed by 1,466 queer youth from across the U.S. (4)
Their key findings were (a) 84% of LGBT students report
experiencing verbal harassment; (b) 91.5% report hearing
homophobic remarks, such as “faggot”, “dyke,” or “that’s
so gay” frequently or often; (c) 82.9% report that faculty
or staff never intervened or intervened only some of the
time when overhearing homophobic remarks; (d) 39.1%
report being physically harassed because of their sexual
orientation; (e) 64.3% report feeling unsafe at their school
because of their sexuality; and (f) those who experienced
frequent harassment had GPAs more than 10% lower
than those who did not. Overall, the authors conclude
that “violence, bias and harassment of LGBT students
continue to be the rule – not the exception – in America’s
schools” (p. 2).
Many of our queer children experience physical assault
because of who they are. A 14-year-old boy in Niagara
Falls, Ontario, made the mistake of telling his best friend
that he was gay. Word spread, and over the next two
years, Christian Hernandez:
_. . . was teased and harassed almost daily. One day,
a group of boys waited for him after school. Their leader
had a knife, and, says Hernandez, “He told me he didn’t
accept faggots, that we brought AIDS into the world.” The
boy then cut Hernandez on the neck, putting him in the
hospital for a week. When Hernandez told his parents the
reason for the attack, his father, who has since moved
back to his native El Salvador, said he would “rather have
a dead son than a queer son.”_(5)
Schools appear to be ambivalent when it comes to dealing with sexual minority youth (6). For example, although
New York City has a very large concentration of sexual
minorities, Peters (7) found that as he approached 56
school districts on the east side of the city to participant
in his school climate study, only six agreed. Representatives from the 50 school districts that refused participation replied that the subject matter was too “provocative”
for them to consider participating (Peters).
The invisibility of sexual minorities in schools has occasionally been perpetuated by banning books containing
non-heterosexual content. The Surrey School Board in
British Columbia banned three books depicting same-sex
families in 1997 (8) and book banning occurred in the
same year by the Calgary, Alberta Public School Board (9)
who claimed two books promoted homosexuality.
Many of us remember the courageous young gay teen,
Marc Hall, who found out that he could not take his
boyfriend to the high school prom in Oshawa, Ontario
in 2002. The fight he went through to simply attend the
prom with his date was unimaginable, and even still we
wait for the Supreme Court of Canada to render its ruling
on whether individual rights supersedes religious doctrine
within publicly funded school systems.
The devaluing of queer youth in schools is contributing significantly to their mental health problems. A future
column will review the research we have available on this
subject. Are schools prepared to deal with the issues that
will arise as more sexual minority students demand recognition, acceptance, and equitable treatment? The answer
is self-evident from the research that has been done to
date. In truth, if schools do not act soon, our legal system
will act for them.
In June 1996, Azmi Jubran, a student in a secondary
school in North Vancouver, filed a complaint with the B.C.
Human Rights Commission. Jamie had been repeatedly
teased by his peers, called all the homophobic pejoratives
one can imagine. Jamie, like many others who are similarly attacked, was not gay. On April 6, 2005, Jamie was
awarded $4,500 in damages, sending a strong message
that if schools do not act, judges will (10).
We have waited long enough for schools to get their
act together and to begin providing safe environments
for queer youth. As John Merrick reminded us in David
Lynch’s 1980 movie, The Elephant Man, “I am not an
animal – I am a human being!” Why are queer youth and
those similarly identified still treated within schools as
gaycalgary.com magazine
though they are not worthy of the same dignity, respect,
and visibility as compared to non-queer youth? In 2005,
grade school personnel should know better.
I encourage you to submit questions that you would like
answered in a future column. I can be reached by confidential email at [email protected].
1 Kimmel, M. S., & Mahler, M. (2003). Adolescent masculinity, homophobia, and violence. American Behaviorist
Scientist, 46, 1439-1458.
2 Totten, M. (2004). CPHA safe school study (Canadian
Public Health Association ). Retrieved July 7, 2005 from
3 Williams, T. Connolly, J., Pepler, D., & Craig, W.
(2003). Questioning and sexual minority adolescents:
High school experiences of bullying, sexual harassment
and physical abuse. Canadian Journal of Community
Mental Health, 22, 47-58.
4 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
(GLSEN). (2003). The 2003 national school climate
survey: The school related experiences of our nation’s
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. Retrieved
June 26, 2005 from www.glsen.org/binarydata/GLSEN_
5 Fisher, J. (1999, February 23). Reaching out: A
report on lesbian, gay & bisexual youth issues in Canada.
Retrieved July 7, 2005 from http://www.egale.ca/printer.
6 Macgillivray, I. K. (2000). Educational equity for gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer/questioning
students: The demands of democracy and social justice
for America’s schools. Education and Urban Society, 32,
7 Peters, A. J. (2003). Isolation or inclusion: Creating
safe spaces for lesbian and gay youth. Families in Society,
84, 331337.
8 Fisher, J. (1999, February 23). Reaching out: A
report on lesbian, gay & bisexual youth issues in Canada.
Retrieved July 7, 2005 from http://www.egale.ca/printer.
9 Ibid
10 B.C. Court of Appeal supports bullied student.
(2005). Retrieved July 7, 2005 from proudparenting.com
website, http://www.proudparenting.com/page.cfm?Sect
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Does it Come in Black?
By Alykhan Velji
Review | Fashion
Walking into Shae Barry’s newly opened
store/studio, entitle Does It Come In Black
(DICIB), I was bombarded with unique clothing in various cuts, textures and styles. Having only seen his pieces on the stages of Calgary Cares, I was pleasantly surprised to note
that there were pieces I could picture myself
wearing. One in particular that jumped out
and said “buy me”, was a sleeveless stretch
cotton shirt, done in a western style with snap
buttons and darting in the front and back,
ensuring a perfect fit! The icing on the cake
was the fab oriental print in a luscious red,
definitely a must buy!! Another fab find were
the men’s jeans. Made with delicious denims
in dark metallic and original blue, boot cut
and fit to make any ass look good!
Beginning his career as a commercial artist, Shae realized this wasn’t the job for him. He then turned to fashion, something that had always interested him when he
was younger. He launched his first label, Phasion in 1985,
two years after his big career change. Having changed the
name to DICIB in 1995, he specializes in custom couture
pieces. Being in his studio, I witnessed a fitting for a wedding dress for one of his clients. Hearing her scream after
she had tried the piece on was not surprising; she looked
stunning in the white dress that was tailor-made with
precise detailing. Everything about the piece was exquisite from the way it hung off her body to the train, and as
Shae likes to put it, he “gives good train!”
Having had over 20 years of experience in the fashion/
beauty industry, it’s no surprise that his talents have
been noted in the media, in print, at events, and even
with numerous awards. He likes to do his own thing and
not conform to the latest trends, creating pieces that will
be timeless. Showing ingenuity in the combination of
choices of fabric he uses in his clothing from high tech to
traditional, is what sets him apart from the rest. His attention to detail with unique sewing techniques, cuts, and
his one-of-a-kind designs makes his work perfect for the
gaycalgary.com magazine
person interested in wearing something avant-garde and
In the future, he wants to start making more ready-towear pieces, and further his men’s collection. Being so
busy doing couture pieces, he hasn’t had the time to focus
on that aspect of the business, as much as he would like.
I see only great things for the future for his label. You
can see that he loves fashion not only in the way he talks
about his work, but also in the quality and care he takes
in making his pieces. The proof is definitely in the puddin’!!
103, 1000 9th Ave. SW
(403) 262-4114
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal)
Events that happened around Calgary
Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino of GayCalgary.com Magazine
Metro Labour Day Weekend Show and
Metro Sunday Night Drag Shows
gaycalgary.com magazine
Out Games Press Conference in Montreal
gaycalgary.com magazine
Timothy’s Customer Appreciation Day
Grand Opening of Russell’s Cobalt
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
BearBash 2005
Twisted 54 Party, Sexy Shorts Contest and Diva-Licious
Drag shows
gaycalgary.com magazine
Detour Hot Chest Contest, Detour Closing Party,
Arena Drag Shows
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine
Classified Ads
Classified Ad Index
Best Wishes
In Memoriam
Lost And Found
Spiritual Services
Arts & Leisure
Body Art
Cafes Lessons
Musicians Wanted
Performing Arts
Bar & Restaurant
Business Opportunity
Hair/skin & Beauty
Help Wanted
Seeking Employment
GayCalgary.com Magazine Classified Ads Form
Deadline for Classified ads is the 25th of every month. Fill out the form below and mail it to, GayCalgary.com Magazine, Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2R 0M2
or Fax it to (403) 703-0685. Please print clearly. All phone numbers listed will be verified. Signature is required for credit card transactions. GayCalgary.com is not responsible for
errors in the ad submission. Any address placed in the classified will not be placed into the GayCalgary.com map or business listing. Please verify your information before sending to
reduce errors. If you have questions, please call us at (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 543-6960.
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Health & Fitness
Beauty Care
Classes & Seminars
Peer Support
Physical Fitness
Merchandise For Sale
Arts & Crafts
Furniture/home Furnishing
Garage Sale
Hi Fi
Musical Instruments
Vehicles For Sale
Professional Services
Animal Care
Computer Services
Funeral Services
Hair Removal
Legal Services
Part Time Cook Required. Please
contact Lori or Michelle at 263-7411
or in person at Money-Pennies, 1742
10th Avenue SW.
Goliath’s and the Texas Lounge is
looking for someone with customer
service experience to work on both the
bath house side and bar side. Training will be provided. 4 shifts a week.
Please drop off a resume at either the
Texas Lounge or Goliath’s or email
[email protected]
Marriage preparation seminar for
same-sex couples. Calgary’s United
Church of Canada providing 10 hour,
small group seminar, November
18/19, 2005. Call: 294-0378
GayCalgary.com Magazine
is looking for writers. Please email
us at [email protected] or
fax to (403) 703-0685 resumes and
writing samples. You can contact us at
(403) 543-6960 or (888) 543-6960.
Real Estate
Business For Sale
Homes Furnished
Homes/condos/lofts For Sale
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. For Rent
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. To Share
Investment Opportunity
Office/business Space
Real Estate Agent
Rooms To Rent
Seeking Accommodation
Classified Ads
302 Employment/Help 308
Dignity Calgary Dignite group for gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered
Catholics and friends. Inaugural
meeting in Calgary on November 11th
at 3pm. See www.dignitycanada.org
Musical Services
Skilled & Technical Service
Under New Management!
Established restaurant and nightclub
in Calgary seeking experienced outgoing, self-motivated individuals for
employment. Servers, line cooks, busers, bartenders, DJs and management
opportunities available. Please apply
online at www.detourcalgary.com or in
person at Victoria’s Restaurant after
Small charter Bus Company is looking
for gay drivers with clean class two,
with air brake, license. Non smoker
non drinker preferred. For casual
work. Experience with a stick is a
bonus. Respond to Canadian Premier
Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian
RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
International Travel
Travel Agencies
Travel Canada
Travel USA
Business Personals
Dating Services
Erotic Massage
Friends Female
Friends Male
Mail Orders
Model & Escort
Phone lines
Professional Services
Xxx Videos/magazines
Employment/Sales 314
GayCalgary.com Magazine
is looking for experienced part time
sales reps in the Calgary, Edmonton
and Vancouver areas. Must be able to
do cold calls and have transportation
or enjoy hitting the pavement. Fax
resumes to 703-0685 or contact us at
(403) 543-6960 or (888) 543-6960.
308 Employment/Sales 314
Join Us
The Metro / Rekroom Rodeo Team
Looking for males/females to join
our Rodeo Team. Must be willing to
volunteer fundraising which in turn
entitles you to full team benefits
including Team Shirts, all entry fee’s
covered and some great team parties
along the way. If interested, please
call David 804-0534 or Eric 383-9109
Looking for an highly motivated
promotion person to acquire business
for a small charter coach/tourism business. All pay would be based on commission. This is a great opportunity to
add to your portfolio or get job experience. Respond to Canadian Premier
Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian
RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
Classifieds continued on next page
gaycalgary.com magazine
Classifieds continued
Employment/Sales 314
Join the Priape Team
Do you have a flair for sales,
Enjoy working within the community,
Hard working and motivated,
Full and PT positions.
1322 17Ave SW
Private housekeeper, 24 years old.
Nice Looking. Will clean nude. Boyish
looks. Justin (403) 471-5036
Legal Services
Same-Sex, Conjugal, Common-Law,
Spouse, Children, Parents Sponsorship; Refugee Claims; Immigration
Appeals; Citizenship; Visitor, Student,
Work Visa / Extensions, Uncontested
Divorces, Agreements, Wills, Translations / Interpretations 50+ Languages, 590-3818 Anwar Rehman, Member
Canadian Society of Immigration
Consultants CSIC ID M041099, Gay
Friendly, CIBS, 200, 2705 Centre Street
North. Visit us online at www.cibs.info
email: [email protected]
Single GWM, early 40’s, general
non-scene. Fit, good shape. Looking
for like-minded normal fun, down
to earth, honest, kind, professional, mature male for long-term
relationship. Hoping to find someone
to be both a life-long partner and
best friend. Is that you? Reply to box
[email protected] or mail to
Box 1001
Personal/Friends 906
44, Male, Brazilian, Masculine
hairy top, HIV-Negative, Foot &
Tickle Fetishist SEEKS 30-40, non-slim
ND/NS, Tattoo & Piercing-Free, caring,
cuddlish, supportive, balanced, mature, masculine, bottom, blond(+),
ticklish Lifetime Partner to build
100% Monogamous Serious Lasting
Marc, Box 3670
2001-970 Rio, Brazil
Personal/General 907
Looking for single female, or female
couple interested in a surrogate dad
for sperm donation. I am 6’3, blonde,
blue eyed, in fantastic health of Irish
- Italian descent. Respond to Canadian
Premier Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
First 25 words for just $10.00 per
issue, plus GST
gaycalgary.com magazine
Discreet Photographer
Personal/Friends 906
Northern Lights B&B
Swimming pool and Antique rooms
TV/VCR (780) 483-1572
[email protected]
Montreal Village B&B
Room only $49/night, TV, Cable,
Telephone, Air, Wi-Fi, Video XXX,
1-888-334-0348. www.gaybed.ca
Bodybuilder: 5’-6” 210lbs very solid,
muscular, dark brown hair shaved
head goatee. 34 y.o. Easy going masculine for an unforgettable moment.
by apt only.
[email protected]
Photographer for clothed or naked
photos for either private or Internet
use. Very discreet. Singles, Couples
or Groups. Either your place, or
mine or where ever they need to be
taken. All photos are taken with a
Hi-Res digital camera. All photos are
burnt to CD for you to take in both
Hi-Res and Web format. Also able
to do VIDEO too! Please men only
and from the ages 18 to 50. E-mail
[email protected] or Reply
to box #1000. I get sometimes
extremely busy so don’t freak if I don’t
get back to you right away.
gaycalgary.com magazine
gaycalgary.com magazine