Agenda and Board Packet - Truckee Sanitary District
Agenda and Board Packet - Truckee Sanitary District
TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 12304 JOERGER DRIVE TRUCKEE, CA 96161 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2016 A G E N D A 5:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting – Review administrative and general payables for June of 2016 6:00 p.m. President call the regular meeting to order: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FINANCIAL REPORT: a. Fund & Cash Report b. Payment of Bills - Consideration and possible action 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 19, 2016 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The public can address the Board on any matter not on the agenda 6. T-TSA REPORT: Consider report and possible action on direction to representative 7. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-106: 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, consideration and possible action on the resolution requesting collection of charges on the tax roll and adopting a report of charges 8. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-107: 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, consideration and possible action on the resolution adopting a report on delinquent charges and authorizing their collection on the tax roll 9. APPROPRIATION LIMITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-108: Consideration and possible action on the resolution establishing Appropriation Limits for fiscal year 2016-2017 10. FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 ANNUAL BUDGET - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-109: A resolution adopting the Operating and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the Truckee Sanitary District 11. WAGE SCALE – Cost of Living Adjustment: Consideration and possible action of revised wage scale Truckee Sanitary District Board of Directors Regular Meeting June 16, 2016 Agenda Page Two 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - PURCHASE OF NEW EXTERIOR DOORS : Consideration and possible action on the purchase of new exterior doors for the Administration Building SURPLUS ASSET DISPOSITION POLICY - RESOLUTION 2016-110: Consideration and possible action on the resolution establishing a Surplus Asset Disposition Policy GENERAL LIABILITY PACKAGE & EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE: Consideration and possible action on general liability insurance renewal for plan year July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 BANKING AND SERVICE - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-111: Consideration and possible action on a resolution to approve setting up banking and treasury services with Wells Fargo STAFF REPORTS: Information Only - Engineering, Operations & Maintenance, Finance, and Administration MANAGER’S REPORT: Information Only CASA ANNUAL CONFERENCE : Consideration and possible action on Board special travel needs and attendance at the California Association of Sanitation Agencies 2016 Annual Conference, August 9 through August 12, 2016, in Monterey, CA DIRECTORS' COMMENTS: Information Only C E R T I F I C A T I O N This agenda has been posted in the District’s office, website, and the Nevada County Government Center, and mailed to the Directors and interested parties on Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary NOTE: Items may not be taken in the order listed. Documents and materials relating to open session agenda items that are provided to the Truckee Sanitary District (District) Board of Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting will be available for public inspection at the District’s office, 12304 Joerger Dr., Truckee, CA, during normal business hours. The public is welcome to make copies at their own cost. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Liz Coombs at (530) 587-3804 or (530) 587-1340 (fax). Requests must be made as early as possible, and at least one-full business day before the start of the meeting. TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: FINANCIAL REPORT: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The financial reports will be available at the Board meeting. ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: FINANCIAL REPORT: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve payment of bills SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The bill list reports will be available at the Board meeting. ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve minutes SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : Blake Tresan, General Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Liz Coombs, Acting Exec Assistant/Admin Supv TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting – Review administrative and general payables for May of 2016 President call the regular meeting to order: President Gilmore called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District (District) to order at 6:00 p.m. President Gilmore requested that the Board Members set their iPads to Airplane Mode. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS PRESENT: Anderson, Gilmore, Smart, Sweet, Van Gundy DIRECTORS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Tresan (General Manager), Wright (Operations & Maintenance), Brown (District Engineering), Rea (Finance/Accounting), Reeve (Finance /Accounting), Coombs (Administration) OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Brown, Mike Buffham & Charles Pratt (Maintenance Temporary Seasonal Laborers) CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Mr. O.R. Butterfield FINANCIAL REPORT: a. Fund & Cash Report: Mr. Tresan reviewed the Fund & Cash Reports with the Board. b. Payment of Bills: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Sweet to approve the bills and payroll for the month of May in the amount of $654,858.44. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Anderson to approve the minutes of April 21, 2016. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is the time set aside for the public to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. There were no public comments. PERSONNEL UPDATE: - Introduction of New Employees Mr. Tresan introduced Ms. June C. Reeve (Finance/Accounting Department), Mr. Matt Brown, Mike Buffham & Charles Pratt (Maintenance Temporary Seasonal Laborers) to the Board; each approached the Board and gave a summary about themselves. T-TSA REPORT: Mr. Butterfield reviewed the T-TSA May 11, 2016 Board Meeting with the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-105: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Van Gundy to adopt Resolution No. 2016-105, a resolution of appreciation to Ms. Rebecca L. Ruby. AYES: Anderson, Gilmore, Smart, Sweet, Van Gundy. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION PASSED. PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Mr. Tresan stated that it was his pleasure to announce that staff member, Mr. Kyle Vickers, met the objectives of the Professional Achievement Awards program by obtaining his CWEA Grade II Certification. The Board congratulated Mr. Vickers for his outstanding accomplishment. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Anderson to set a Public Hearing on June 16, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., or soon thereafter, at the TSD’s Administration Building, 12304 Joerger Drive, for consideration and possible action on a resolution requesting collection of charges on the county tax roll, adopting a report of charges, and authorizing their collection on the tax roll. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: A MOTION was made by Director Van Gundy and SECONDED by Director Smart to set a Public Hearing on June 16, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., or soon thereafter, at the TSD’s Administration Building, 12304 Joerger Drive, for consideration and possible action on a resolution adopting a report on delinquent charges and authorizing their collection on the County tax roll. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DENTAL, LIFE, AND AD&D INSURANCE RENEWAL: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Anderson to approve the MetLife Dental insurance renewal with a 1% premium increase effective July 1, 2016; and to approve MetLife Life and AD&D insurance renewal with no increase in premium. The current life insurance and AD&D employee benefit is $200.000. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE RENEWAL: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Sweet to approve the Workers' Compensation Renewal with CSRMA (California Sanitation Risk Management Authority). MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRELIMINARY FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 BUDGET & WAGE SCALE: Mr. Tresan reviewed the Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 2016/2017 with the Board. ANNUAL AUDIT ENGAGEMENT LETTER: A MOTION was made by Director Smart and SECONDED by Director Sweet to accept the annual audit engagement letter submitted by Damore, Hamric & Schneider, Inc. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. STAFF REPORTS: Mr. Brown provided a brief update to the Board on the status of the following issues: Code Book Update Land Surveying project for TSD properties Paving Project 2016 Administration Building Exterior Door Replacement Airport Meter Panel Relocation Northstar - Discharge Meter Location Town of Truckee 2016 Projects Truckee Donner PUD 2016 Projects Railyard Project Wastewater Flow Data Solar Energy Product 111 Mr. Wright provided a brief update to the Board on the status of the following issues: 112 Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report for April 2016 113 Maintenance Department Workload 114 Completed Repair of Floor and Installation of New Flooring in Lisa Sniders' Office 115 Installed Affeldt Memorial Plaque on Bridge 116 Picked up Six New Fleet Vehicles 117 Demonstrations on Combination Sewer Cleaners 118 Ms. Rea provided a brief update to the Board on the status of the following issues: 119 Finance Staff Training 120 Preliminary Budget 121 Possible Changing of Bank Account from Bank of America to Wells Fargo 122 End of Year Audit Preparation 123 Ms. Coombs provided a brief update to the Board on the status of the following issues: 124 Increase in Sewer Permit Issuance 125 Affeldt Memorial Bridge Dedication scheduled for June 23, 2016 126 Staff Training 3 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Tresan reported to the Board on the following items: Appreciation of Rebecca Ruby years of service to the District April 2016 Monthly Report Koff & Associates Study Status of Sewer Rate Study Joerger Drive - 1998 Paving Agreement with the Town of Truckee CASA Collection System Work Group Truckee Day - June 4, 2016 T-TSA Bill Stuffer DIRECTORS' COMMENTS: President Gilmore inquired about an iPad incident he had. Mr. Tresan explained that the incident likely resulted from changes in iPad procedures being implemented by IT. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:51p.m. Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary DATE OF APPROVAL: ________________________ 4 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: PUBLIC COMMENTS: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The public can address the Board on any matter not on the agenda ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: T-TSA REPORT: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider report and possible action on direction to representative SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : Blake Tresan, General Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: TAHOE-TRUCKEE SANITATION AGENCY A Public Agency 13720 Butterfield Drive TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 96161 (530) 587-2525 •FAX (530) 587-5840 Directors OR. Butterfield Dale Cox Erik Henrikson S. Lane Lewis Jon Northrop General Manager LaRue Griffin BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: May 25, 2016 Time: 11 :00 AM Place: Board Room, Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency, 13720 Butterfield Drive, Truckee, California All or portions of this meeting will be conducted by teleconferencing in accordance with Government Code section 54953(b). The following is the teleconferencing location: 3413 Punta Alta, Unit N, Laguna Woods, CA 92637. This location is accessible to the public, and members of the public may listen to the meeting and address the Board of Directors from this teleconference location. AGENDA Please Note: Members of the public will have the opportunity to directly address the Agency Board of Directors concerning any item listed on the Agenda below before or during consideration of that item. In order to better accommodate members of the public, some Agenda items will be heard at the specified time or soon thereafter. Agenda items without specific times may be rearranged to accommodate the Board' s schedule. I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call II. Business 1. Public Comment - Discussion items only, no action to be taken. Any person may address the Board at this time upon any subject within the jurisdiction of TahoeTruckee Sanitation Agency; however, any matter that requires action will be referred to Staff for a report and action at a subsequent Board meeting. Please note there is a five (5) minute limit per person. 2. Closed Session. 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator - Government Code Section 54957.6 a. Agency Negotiator: General Manager b. Employees: All Employee Titles Regular Meeting Notice - Agenda May 25, 2016 Page2 III. Adjournment. Posted and Mailed, 05/20/16 LaRue Griffin Secretary to the Board Items may not be taken in the order listed. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disabilityrelated modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, then please contact Cindy Tohlen at 530-5872525 or 530-587-5840 (fax). Requests must be made as early as possible, and at least one-full business day before the start of the meeting. Documents and material relating to an open session agenda item that are provided to the T-TSA Board of Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting will be available for public inspection and copying at the Agency's office located at 13720 Butterfield Drive, Truckee, CA. TAHOE-TRUCKEE SANITATION AGENCY A Public Agency 13720 Butterfield Drive TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 96161 (530) 587-2525 • FAX (530) 587-5840 Directors 0. R. Butterfield Dale Cox Erik Henrikson S. Lane Lewis Jon Northrop General Manager LaRue Griffin BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING NOTICE Date: June 8, 2016 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Board Room, Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency, 13720 Butterfield Drive, Truckee, California AGENDA Please Note: Members of the public will have the opportunity to directly address the Agency Board of Directors concerning any item listed on the Agenda below before or during consideration of that item. In order to better accommodate members of the public, some Agenda items will be heard at the specified time or soon thereafter. Agenda items without specific times may be rearranged to accommodate the Board' s schedule. I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call II. Business 1. Public Comment - Discussion items only, no action to be taken. Any person may address the Board at this time upon any subject within the jurisdiction of TahoeTruckee Sanitation Agency; however, any matter that requires action will be referred to Staff for a report and action at a subsequent Board meeting. Please note there is a five (5) minute limit per person. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting on May 11 , 2016 and the special Board meeting on May 25, 2016. 3. Approval of General Fund warrants. 4. Receive and file financial statements, status of investments and Teichert mining report. 5. Approval to ratify the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Annual Truckee Running Festival. Regular Meeting Notice - Agenda June 8, 2016 Page 2 6. Approval of the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Truckee Marathon and Half Marathon. 7. Approval of Resolution 02-2016 authorizing investment of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund. 8. Approval to award bid for the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. 9. Approval of Consultant Agreement with Bay Area Consultants, Inc. for inspection services in connection with the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. 10. Discussion of Truckee River Interceptor (TRI) MH 81 to MH83 Improvements project. 11. Discussion of State Route 89/Fanny Bridge Community Revitalization ProjectRelated TRI Relocation Agreement. 12. Discussion of soil aquifer treatment process. 13. Approval of Agency staff Table of Organization and revised Salary Schedule. 14. Operations, Maintenance, Engineering and IT Reports. 15 . General Manager Report. 16. Comments from the Board of Directors - Reports, Announcements and Questions for clarification only. 17. Closed Session. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. a. Consideration of initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4). Cases: 2 11. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. a. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Case: 1 111. Public Employee - Govt. Code, § 54957: Performance evaluation of General Manager. Regular Meeting Notice - Agenda June8, 2016 Page 3 18. Adjournment. Posted and Mailed, 06/03/ 16 LaRue Griffin Secretary to the Board Items may not be taken in the order listed. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disabilityrelated modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, then please contact Cindy Tohlen at 530-5872525 or 530-587-5840 (fax). Requests must be made as earl y as possible, and at least one-full business day before the start of the meeting. Documents and material relating to an open session agenda item that are provided to the T-TSA Board of Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting wi ll be available for public inspection and copying at the Agency's office located at 13720 Butterfield Drive, Truckee, CA. TAHOJE-TRUCKJEJE SANITATION AGENCY A Public Agency 13 72.0 Butterfield Drive TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 96161 (530) 587-2.52.5 • FAX (530) 587-5840 Directors 0.1(. Buttrrfidd Dale Cox Erik Henrikmn S. Lane LeivL~ Jon Nortlm>/> General Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Lali11e Ciriffi11 April 13, 2016 I. CALL TO ORDER: President Butterfield called the regular meeting of the Tahoe-Tmckee Sanitation Agency Board of Directors to order at 9:00 AM. Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance followed. Directors Present: 0. R. Butterfield, TSD Dale Cox, SVPSD Erik Henrikson, TCPUD S. Lane Lewis, NTPUD Jon Northrop, ASCWD Staff Present: LaRue Griffin, General Manager Cindy Tohlen, Administrative Secretary Vince Wildeman, Maintenance Superintendent Dave Robe1ison, Operations Superintendent Tom Rinne, Senior Engineer Michael Peak, Chief Plant Operator Richard P. Shanahan, Agency Counsel Others: Terri Svetich, S' Concepts Richard Svetich, S' Concepts Brad Memeo, CH2M Hill Carol Meagher, KidZone Museum IL BUSINESS: 1. Public Co1m11ent: None. 2. Informative presentation by KidZone Museum. Ms. Carol Meagher, Executive Director ofKidZone, provided fill infonnative video about Kidzone with the Board. Ms. Meagher said that she has been with the KidZone for approximately eleven years and their enrollment has gone from 5,000 visitors a year to approximately 23,000 visitors per year during her tenure. She reported that they currently have a planning committee working on a new building. Ms. Meagher provided KidZone Museum brochures to the Board members. NORTH TAHOE• TAHOE CITY• ALPINE SPRINGS• SQUAW VALLEY •TRUCKEE Regular Meeting Minutes April 13, 2016 Page 2 3. Approval of Minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting of March 9, 2016. MOTION by Director Cox, SECOND by Director Lewis to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled Board meeting of March 9, 2016; unanimously approved. 4. Approval of General Fund warrants. MOTION by Director Lewis, SECOND by Director Cox to approve the General Fund warrants; imanimously approved. 5. Receive and file financial statements, status of investments and Teichert Mining report. Received and filed. 6. Discussion of 2016 Clarifier Painting project. Mr. Griffin reported the project was included in Upgrade and Rehabilitation Budget Fund approved for fiscal year 2015-2016. The allocated budget amount was $500,000. He stated the engineer's estimate for the project is $365,000. He repo1ted that the project has been advertised, bids are scheduled to be opened on April 28, 2016 and a recommendation to the Board will be made at the May 11, 2016 meeting. 7. Approval of Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. Mr. Griffin reported the agreement was tabled at the last Board meeting pending further research to determine the existence of any contracts or agreements between TTSA and the Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) that identifies responsibilities for work over the TRI. Mr. Griffin informed the Board that staff was not able to fmd any documents. He stated that moving forward, staff will continue to monitor and evaluate projects over the TRI and recommended we approve the agreement to have HDR Engineering assist in the evaluations. President Butterfield asked what services HDR Engineering would provide to the Agency. Mr. Griffin stated they would assist with load calculations over the TRI similar to the scope of services they are currently providing for the Fanny Bridge project. l\10TION by Director Henrikson, SECOND by Director Northrop to approve Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., with a not to exceed limit of $50,000; unanimously approved. 8. Discussion ofTrnckee River Interceptor (TRI) M 81 to MH83 Improvements project. Mr. Griffin repmted that CH2M Hill has submitted a 60% design plan set which staff has reviewed and returned to CH2M Hill for their revision. He said t11at staff has directed CH2M Hill to pursue an alternative alignment within the highway to Regular Meeting Minutes April 13, 2016 Page 3 minimize the tempora1y construction easement (TCE) boundaries on the adjacent property owner. Mr. Griffin said that once CH2M Hill has reviewed our comments, they will submit the alternative to Caltrans for its approval. Director Lewis asked if T-TSA had CalTrans approval. Mr. Griffin responded that we do not, however, there have been discussions and Caltrans is aware of the potential alignment. Director Cox asked if this would affect the current schedule. Mr. Griffin responded that T-TSA is proceeding on schedule with th~ original design of remove and replace and that the Caltrans review will not affect the schedule. President Butterfield asked if T-TSA would locate and install the bypass pumping system on Mr. Heiser's property. Mr. Memeo responded that the pumps will be placed upstream of the property and the pipe will be placed within the Caltrans rightof-way. President Butterfield asked if this has been approved and Mr. Memeo responded that he has received verbal confinnation from Caltrans, however, they have not seen the plans yet. He stated that CH2M Hill is in the process of finalizing the 60% design which will be submitted to Ca!Trans by the end of the month. He said that they have also developed a pros and cons comparison of the various alternatives so Caltrans and T-TSA can understand the benefits of each alternative. Director Cox stated that he is concerned of the potential project cost increases by placing the sewer within the highway as it would include additional pipe installation. Mr. Griffin agreed with Director Cox and said that an estimated constrnction cost increase would be 25%. He added the percentage is an approximate only and would require fwiher evaluation to determine an actual amount. Mr. Shanahan stated staff had pursued this alternative to minimize the TCE area on Mr. Heiser' property. Staff had been discussing the TCE with Mr. Heiser which led to Mr. Heiser's letter and the potential of an alternative alig=ent. Mr. Shanahan said the need for reaching an agreement with Mr. Heiser depends on whether or not we need a new TCE on the Heiser property. He added that T-TSA does not need Mr. Heiser's permission to work within the existing easement, however, it's the additional TCE that triggers complications. Mr. Memeo added that the existing 10-foot easement is not wide enough for the construction phase. Director Cox reconnnended that staff pursue additional staging areas for contractor use. Mr. Griffin stated Caltrans has indicated they would provide additional areas along tl1e highway for staging. Director Cox asked if CH2M Hill would have a monetaiy proposal prepared for this alternative in the highway at the next Board meeting. Mr: Memeo responded that they could. Regular Meeting Minutes April 13,2016 Page 4 9. Discussion of State Route 89/Fanny Bridge Community Revitalization ProjectRelated TRI Relocation Agreement. Mr. Griffin reported that all paiiies to the agreement have agreed to the indemnification and insurance provisions. The agreement is final, except for the preparation of some exhibits. Mr. Shanahan said that since our last meeting, he has coordinated with the attorneys from North Tahoe PUD, Tahoe City PUD, and CFL Highway Division, and that they are in agreement with the latest form of the contract. He added that the T-TSA Board has already approved the agreement. I 0. Discussion of soil aquifer treatment process. Mr. Svetich provided a brief update on the soil aquffer treatment process. He said that we have gone through the winter and were optimistic that we could adjust and control the nitrogen in Well #31 to 2 milligrains per liter as summer approached. He rep01ied that we have implemented a strategy in order to comply with the sunnner limitations where BNR is basically performing all the treatment. He said that our values went up to 6.56 at this period and we want them down during the summer period so we can comply with the discharge requirements. He added that this is great progress in our understanding on how to make the field work, however, we did not accomplish the fact that we could keep BNR partially on line during the summer period at this juncture. Mr. Svetich said that they put a lot of eff01i into this and have achieved some goals but have not achieved the ultimate goal. We cai1 call the previous work as Phase I and can continue to monitor through the sununer to see how the field responds to the BNR water assuming T-TSA wants to continue down this road. Director Lewis stated that we need to keep experimenting to see what we can do to get back to how it functioned in the past. Mr. Svetich said that we had the field working quite hai·d, removing a lot of nitrogen, but not getting down to the level that were required in the new constraints. Ms. Svetich said that he can provide a comprehensive presentation of the recent efforts ifthe Board is interested. He added that T-TSA staff has provided a lot of assistance. 11. Operations, Maintenance, Engineering and IT Rep01is. Mr. Peak rep01ied that effluent waste discharge requirements were met for the month of March 2016, with tlu·ee-quaiters of all prima1y ai1d activated sludge process units in service to treat the influent waste streain. He said that staff continued to provide a nutrient iich substrate to the plant effluent to rehabilitate the SAT process through the month ofMai·ch. He said that the regulat01y Process Hazard Analysis for the chlorine facility was revalidated this month. Mr. Peak thanked Dave Robertson (who is Regular Meeting Minutes April 13, 2016 Page 5 retiring) for everything he has done for T-TSA and for being the boss and person that he was to him. Mr. Robe1ison said how satisfying it has been and how grateful he is for the opportunity to serve T-TSA and our communities with the most precious conunodity (water). As this is his last Board meeting, Mr. Robertson said how ve1y grateful and honored he is to have worked with the Board and employees ofT-TSA. Mr. Wildeman reported that the Maintenance Department continued to suppo1i all depmiments. He said that their major projects over the past month included rebuilds of an elutriation pump, caustic pump and pressure vacuum regulator, rotor and stator replacements for a filter press feed pump, and completion of the upgrade project to replace all plant smnplers with new Hach smnplers throughout the plant. Mr. Wildeman said that he has greatly appreciated working with Dave Robertson. Mr. Rinne added that he appreciated working with Dave and that he has been a mentor and a friend and will hopefully continue to be. 12. General Manager Report: Mr. Griffin provided a brief update on the status of various ongoing projects, none of which required bom·d action at time. Mr. Griffin armounced that Cindy Tohlen was planning on retiring after working at TTSA for 34 years. Ms. Tohlen said that it has been a pleasure and that she will become a stay at home grandmother to her future granddaughter. Director Northrop said that she would be missed. Ms. Tohlen responded thank you, that she appreciated working here, and that much like Dave, Director Butterfield hired her for T-TSA's first plant expansion. 13. Comments from the Board of Directors - Reports, Announcements and Questions for clarification only. Director Cox commented that he was concerned that KidZone would request use of Agency property. Director Northrop stated that the histo1ical response for previous requests has been no. 14. Closed Session: The board went into closed session with legal counsel and Mr. Griffin at 10:20 AM pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) for consideration of initiation of litigation, Govermnent Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) for anticipated litigation, and Government Code Section 54957.6 for conference with labor Negotiator. The meeting was reopened at 11 :30 AM. Nothing to rep01i from closed session. Regular Meeting Minutes April 13, 2016 Page 6 III. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :31 AM. }. ~\!(\I )y'l , ~\0\,__,...,-- LaRue Griffin ,j Secretary to the Board Approved: ~.:, J\ 1 \ \lo T-TSA Interoffice Memo Date: Jlllle 3, 2016 To: TTSA Board of Directors From: LaRue Griffin, General Manager RE: Board Report - Regular Board Meeting Jlllle 8, 2016 ~ 1. Approval to ratify the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Annual Truckee Running Festival. Big Blue Adventure, LLC has organized its Annual Truckee Running Festival and requested to enter into a License Agreement with T-TSA to access T-TSA property. Access was requested to allow event staff to place an aid station for participating runners. Due to the event occurring prior to the meeting and historical Board approval of the agreement, the agreement has been signed by the General Manager. Ratification of the agreement is required by the Board of Directors. Management recommends approving to ratifj; the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Annual Truckee Running Festival. 2. Approval of the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Truckee Marathon and Half Marathon. Big Blue Adventure, LLC has organized a Truckee Marathon and Half Marathon event and requests to enter into a License Agreement with T-TSA to access T-TSA property. Access is requested to allow event staff to place an aid station for participating runners. The event is scheduled for September 25, 2016. Management recommends approving the License Agreement with Big Blue Adventure, LLC for the Truckee Marathon and Half Marathon. 3. Approval of Resolution 02-2016 authorizing investment of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund. Local Agency Investment Fund is established in the State Treasury for the deposit of money of a local agency for purposes of investment by the State Treasurer. T-TSA performs deposits and withdrawals of money for the purpose of investment in the best interests of the Agency. The resolution is required to update Agency officers authorized to order the deposit or withdrawal of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund. Management recommends approving Resolution 02-2016 authorizing investment o,f monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund. 4. Approval to award bid for the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. The project consists of surface preparation and coating of the rake arm mechanism, steel supports, miscellaneous steel, and piping for primary clarifier no. 1 and chemical clarifier no. 1. Work also includes the handling, containment, testing, and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials and wastes in connection with the surface preparation and coating work. An addendum was issued postponing the bid date to June 2. A recommendation for award will be presented to the Board at the meeting. Management recommends awarding the bid for the 2016 Clarifier Painting project per staff recommendations. 5. Approval of Consultant Agreement with Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. for inspection services in connection with the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. provide inspection and technical services for coating and liner projects. T-TSA has contracted with them in the past for inspection services to ensure compliance with specifications and industry standards. Staff requests their services for the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. Costs shall be based on time and materials with a not to exceed amount of$31,966. Management recommends approving Consultant Agreement with Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. for inspection services in connection with the 2016 Clarifier Painting project. 6. Discussion of Truckee River Interceptor (TRI) MH 81 to MH83 Improvements project. CH2M Hill has continued their work on the TRI project. CH2M Hill will be at the Board meeting for discussion and provide an update to the project. No action required 7. Discussion of State Route 89/Fanny Bridge Community Revitalization Project-Related TRI Relocation Agreement. The agreement has been signed by all parties. An update to the project and easement acquisition will be provided as the meeting. No action required 8. Discussion of soil aquifer treatment process. Richard Svetich of S3 Concepts and staff have been working together to address the soil aquifer treatment (SAT) process. Richard Svetich and staff will provide a discussion of the SAT at the Board meeting. No action is required 9. Approval of Agency staff Table of Organization and revised Salary Schedule. The Table of Organization and Salary Schedule has been revised to reflect current positions and salaries for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Salaries have been increased to reflect a Cost-of-Living (COLA) increase of2.2% per the CPI California index as negotiated between T-TSA and staff. Management recommends approving Agency staff Table of Organization and revised Salary Schedule. TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-106: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt Resolution No. 2016-106 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: N/A ALTERNATIVES: BUDGET INFORMATION: DEPT. MGR. : Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-106 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING COLLECTION OF CHARGES ON THE TAX ROLL AND ADOPTING A REPORT ON CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 5473, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, the Truckee Sanitary District Board (hereinafter ADistrict@) requests the Counties of Nevada and Placer to collect on the County tax rolls certain charges which have been imposed pursuant to adopted Ordinance 1-2008 which established semi-annual service charges and connection fees by 2/3 vote of the members of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, the Counties have required as a condition of the collection of said charges that the District warrant the legality of said charges and defend and indemnify the Counties from any challenge to the legality thereof; and WHEREAS, a written report (AReport@) was prepared and filed on May 19, 2016, with the Secretary of the District containing a description of each parcel of real property receiving sanitary sewer service and the amount of the service charge for each parcel for the Fiscal Year 2016-17 computed in conformity with the charges prescribed by Ordinance 1-2008; and WHEREAS, a notice of the filing of the Report and of the time and place of hearing, June 16, 2016, at 6:00 P.M., or soon thereafter, at the Board of Directors meeting room of Truckee Sanitary District, has been printed and published in a newspaper of general circulation within the Truckee Sanitary Districtarea pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District held said public hearing on said written report at the time and place specified in said notice, considered all objections and protests. Any protests made, either written or oral, do not constitute a majority of the separate parcels of property described in the report; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF THE TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT: 1. The Board of Directors, based upon the findings herein above set forth, herebyadopts the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Report in full as revised, changed, reduced, or modified by the Board of Directors and requests the Auditor-Controller of Nevada and Placer Counties to attach for collection on the Countytax rolls those taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges, contained in said report. 2. The District warrants and represents that the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges imposed by the District and being requested to be collected by Nevada and Placer Counties comply with all requirementsof state law, including but not limited to Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution (Proposition 218). 3. Said charges shall thereafter constitute a lien upon, and be included on a bill for taxes levied against, said parcels and shall be collected together with and not separately from taxes for Truckee Sanitary District, and the levy, collection and enforcement of general taxes shall be applicable to all such charges as more particularly set fourth in Sections 5473.5, 5473.6, 5473.7, and 5473.8 of the Health and Safety Code. 4. The District releases and discharges the Counties, and their officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expenses, damages, causes of action, and judgments, in any manner arising out of the collection by the Counties of the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges contained in the Report on behalf of District. 5. The District agrees to and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Counties, their officers, agents and employees (the AIndemnified Parties@) from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs and 1 of 2 expenses, damages, causes of action, and judgments, in any manner arising out of the collection by Counties of the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges contained in the Report and requested to be collected by Counties for District, or in any manner arising out of District=s establishment and impositionof the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges. District agrees that, in the event a judgment is entered in a court of law against any of the Indemnified Parties as a result of the collection of the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges contained in the Report, the County may offset the amount of the judgment from any other monies collected by County on behalf of District, including property taxes. 6. The District agrees that its officers, agents and employees willcooperate with the Counties in answering questions referred to District by Counties from any person concerning the District=s taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges, and that District will not refer such persons to County officers and employees for response. 7. The District agrees to pay such reasonable and ordinary charges as the Counties may prescribe to recoup their costs in placing on the tax rolls and collecting the taxes, assessments, fees and charges contained in the Report, as provided by Government Code sections 29304 and51800. 8. The President of the Board of Directors signed the continuous Standard Form Tax Collection Services Contract between the District and the County of Nevada on June 19, 1997. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District at the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors on this 16th day of June, 2016, at Truckee, California by the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Jerry Gilmore, President of the Board of Directors Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2016-106, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District, County of Nevada, on June 16, 2016. Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary 2 of 2 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 2016-107: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt Resolution No. 2016-107 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: N/A ALTERNATIVES: BUDGET INFORMATION: DEPT. MGR. : Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager ITEMS TO ADD I DEDUCT FROM COUNTY LIST: 06/30/16 Year End 06/08/16 Total from Accts w/Debit Balances Report 4,844. 16 1,200.49 276.65 60.74 7,489.89 ADD: 17 -200-08-00-0 18-580-20-00-0 18-740-17-00-0 19-0 90-11-00-0 Michael Silver Lorenzo Islas Truckee Crossroads Shopping Center - Summit Swirl Wergland House LLC LESS: 18-800-07 -00-0 19-030-12-00-0 19-090-02-00-N 19-090-02-00-P 19-420-75-00-0 California State Parks Sierra Pacific Power Co/NV Energy Union Pacific Rail Road (JAX) Union Pacific Rail Road (Diego's) US Forest Service TOTAL: (3,111.15) (57.46) (1,080.56) (143.55) (451.44) 9,027.77 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT Accounts With Debit Balances - Account Summary Printed 6/8/2016@ 8:11:01 AM Page 1 PN Owner Name 18-800-07-00-0 CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS 2 19-030-12-00-0 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER CO OBA NV ENERGY 3 19-090-02-00-N UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 19-090-02-00-P UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 19-420-75-00-0 US FOREST SERVICE Tenant Name Bill To Owner Owner ROBERT CAREY Tenant Owner Owne 1 080.56 $143.55 $451.44 Total: ~I_ _ _ _$_4,_84_4_.1__,61 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT - Misc AR Data Accounts With Outstanding Fees Batch: 258 Off Date: 06/08/2016 Page: 1 8:09: 13 AM, 6/8/2016 SILVER, MICHAEL 17 -200-08-00-0 Receipt Notes Ace 1/14/2016 Count 1/14/2016 Count 01 31010 12391 99 11011 01 32090 Outstanding Fees For Account: $_1_,2_0_0_.4~91 . . _ I_ _ _ _ ISLAS, LORENZO 18-580-20-00-0 Description Notes Dep Amt 11450 100.00 12101 .50 101.50 2/3/2016 OFEE $25.15 $25.15 01 32090 Outstanding Fees For Account: l._____ _ _ _$;_2_7_6_.6_.51 TRUCKEE CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER 18-740-17-00-0 Date Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Notes Dep Paid $250.00 12/3/2015 Count Suite C Summit Swirl 12/3/2015 Count Suite C Summit Swirl $50.00 3/8/2016 UFEE 5/10/2016 OFEE 10% Late Fee $5.22 $5.22 $5.52 $5.52 01 3209 Outstanding Fees For Account: . . _ I_ _ _ _ $_6_0_.7~41 _ TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT - Misc AR Data J' · - ·1 ,~- Accounts With Outstanding Fees i Batch 258 [Cut Of.f Date: 06/08/.2016 Pag::._2___ . __ _ 8:09:13 AM, 6/8/2016 L. ··- 19-090-11-00-0 WERGLAND HOUSE LLC WERGLAND HOUSE Description Notes 11829 9/29/15 Count Wer land House 9/29/15 Count Wergland House 500.00 1/6/2016 3/3/2016 OFEE PMT $726.35 $500.00 $726 35 ($500 00) 1238 01 32090 99 11011 Outstanding Fees For Account: ' - - 1_ _ _ _;$_7..:...,4_8_9_.8__,9! TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-107 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT ADOPTING A REPORT ON DELINQUENT CHARGES AND AUTHORIZING THEIR COLLECTION ON THE TAX ROLL PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 5473, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, The Board has heretofore adopted Ordinance 1-2008 which established semi-annual service charges and connection fees by 2/3 vote of the members of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, The Board has heretofore elected, on May19, 2016, to collect on the tax roll, in the same manner, by the same person, and at the same time, together with its taxes, any unpaid charges, together with penalties thereon, for fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, A written report was prepared and filed on May 17, 2016, with the Secretary of the District containing a description of each parcel of real property receiving sewage service whose service charges and/or connection charges are delinquent, and of the amount of delinquent charges for each parcel for said fiscal year, together with penalties thereon; and WHEREAS, A notice of the filing of said report and of the time and place of hearing thereon, to wit, June 16, 2016, at 6:00 P.M., or soon thereafter, at the Board of Directors meeting room of Truckee Sanitary District, has been printed and published in a newspaper of general circulation within the Truckee Sanitary District area pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code and was mailed to each affected property owner on May 17, 2016; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District held said public hearing on said written report at the time and place specified in said notice, considered all objections and protests. Any protests made, either written or oral, do not constitute a majority of the separate parcels of property described in the report; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors also finds that some delinquent service charges and connection fees for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, unpaid on the date that said written report was submitted and filed with the Secretary of the Board of Directors, have been paid; and that said report should be revised to update said report for the current status of all such delinquent charges. WHEREAS, to the best of the District's knowledge, the taxes, assessments, fees and/or charges imposed by the District and being requested to be collected by Placer and Nevada Counties comply with all applicable requirements of state law, including but not limited to Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution (proposition 218). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Board of Directors, based upon the findings hereinabove set forth, herebyadopts said written report as revised and directs that copies of said written report be filed with the Auditors of Nevada and Placer Counties with a statement endorsed thereon that the same has been adopted by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District. 2. The Board of Directors requests the Auditors of Nevada or Placer Counties to enter the amounts of the unpaid charges, together with penalties thereon, against the respective parcels of land shown on said report as revised, as they appear on the current assessment roll pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 5473.4. 1 of 2 3. Said charges, including penalties, shall thereafterconstitute a lien upon, and be included on a bill for taxes levied against, said parcels, shall be collected together with and not separately from taxes for Truckee Sanitary District, and the levy, collection and enforcement of general taxes shall be applicable to such charges all as more particularly set fourth in Sections 5473.5, 5473.6, 5473.7, and 5473.8 of the Health and Safety Code. 4. Upon reasonable written notice by Counties of any claim or challenge, the District agrees to defend with counsel of its choice, indemnifyand hold harmless Placer and/or Nevada County, the Board of Supervisors, officers, officials, agents and employees (collectively "theCounty"), against the payment of any liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, including attorneys fees and court costs, not due to the County's own active negligence or willful misconduct, which the County may incur in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties in placing these delinquent sewer charges onto the County roll and tax bills for the District. 5. The District agrees that its officers, agents and employees willcooperate with the County in answering questions referred to District by County from any person concerning the District's taxes, assessments fees and/or charges, and that District will not refer such persons to County officers and employees for response. 6. The District agrees to pay such reasonable and ordinary charges as the County may prescribe to recoup its costs in placing on the tax rolls and collecting the taxes, assessments, fees and charges, as provided by Government Code sections 29304 and 51800. 7. The President of the Board of Directors signed the continuous Standard Form Tax Collection Services Contract between the District and the County of Nevada on June 19, 1997. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District at the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors on this 16th day of June, 2016, at Truckee, California by the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Jerry Gilmore, President of the Board of Directors Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2016-107 duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District, County of Nevada, on June 16, 2016. Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary 2 of 2 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 APPROPRIATION LIMITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 - RESOLUTION NO. AGENDA ITEM NO. : 2016-108: RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt Resolution 2016-108 as presented SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: This resolution is required annually, as part of adopting the final budget for FY17. The appropriations limitation calculation is based upon data provided by the California Department of Finance. The calculation procedure follows California Constitution Article VIII(B), applicable to agencies that receive ad valorem property tax revenue. The District does not receive any tax proceeds subject to limitations. ALTERNATIVES: BUDGET INFORMATION: DEPT. MGR. : Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS LIMITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California elected to approve Article XIIIB of the California Constitution which sets annual appropriations limits for governmentalagencies, adjusted for the change in the cost of living and the change in population; and WHEREAS, Article XIIIB, Section 8(e)(2) provides for an entity of local government to determine the change in the cost of living by either the percentage change in the California per capita personal income from the preceding year or the percentage change in the local assessment roll from the preceding year for the jurisdiction due to the addition of local nonresidential new construction; and WHEREAS, each entity of local government shall select its change in the cost of living pursuant to this paragraph annually by a recorded vote of the entity’s governing body; and WHEREAS, the method prescribed by the Legislature shall be used in determining the change in population, which numbers are provided by the State of California Department of Finance on May 1; and WHEREAS, the California Legislature has enactedGovernment Code Section 7901 which implements Article XIIIB of the Constitution and sets forth procedures for calculating appropriations limits; and WHEREAS, Truckee Sanitary District (TSD) receives revenue from service charges, connection fees, and property taxes. Government Code Section 7901 states that proceeds of taxes shall not include proceeds from regulatory licenses, user charges, or user fees except to the extent that such proceeds exceed the cost reasonably borne by such an entity in providing the service; and WHEREAS, The proceeds from service charges and connection fees do not exceed the actual cost of providing wastewater collection and transportation services; and WHEREAS, TSD is required by Government Code Section 7910 to establish appropriations limits for Fiscal Year 2016-17 by resolution at a regularly scheduled and noticed meeting; and WHEREAS, a report has been prepared and filed with the Secretary of the District which contains the documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit and was made available to the public for inspection for 15 days prior to the public meeting on the resolution. 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That TSD shall use the per capita personal income from the preceding year and the population change for Nevada County as provided by the State of California, Department of Finance; and 2. The Appropriations Limit for TSD’s Fiscal Year 2016-17, adjusted for the change in the cost of living and the change in population is $3,320,744.70. 3. The Fiscal Year 2016-17 budgeted appropriations of proceeds of taxes do not exceed the appropriations limit. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Truckee Sanitary District Board of Directors on June 16, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Jerry Gilmore, President of the Board of Directors Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2016-109, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of Truckee Sanitary District, County of Nevada, on June 16, 2016. Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary 2 of 2 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 ANNUAL BUDGET - RESOLUTION NO. 2016AGENDA ITEM NO. : 109: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 2016-109 as presented SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The Annual Budget for FY17 is attached for the Board's consideration. ALTERNATIVES: BUDGET INFORMATION: Adoption of Resolution 2016-109 will establish the annual capital and operating budget for FY17. DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL BUDGET Committed to Protecting Truckee’s Public Health and Environment Since 1906 Adopted June 16, 2016 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL BUDGET Board of Directors: Jerry Gilmore, President Brian K. Smart, Vice President Dennis Anderson Ron Sweet Nelson Van Gundy District Budget Workgroup: Blake R. Tresan, PE, General Manager Susan Griffith, Finance & Accounting Manager Rebecca Ruby, Administrative Services Manager Raymond Brown, PE, District Engineer Lee Wright, Operations and Maintenance Superintendent Howie Johnson, Accounting Tech III Kara Raymer, Accounting Tech III Angie Rea, Accounting Tech III District Administrative Office: 12304 Joerger Drive Truckee, California 96161 Telephone: (530) 587-3804 Fax: (530) 587-1340 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Resolution 2016-109 Adopting The FY17 Annual Budget II. Budget Memorandum from General Manager Tables 1. Annual Budget – All Funds - FY17 2. Operating Budget – Fund 1 - FY17 - Comparison to FY16 Budget and Projected Actuals 3. Staffing Plan - FY17 4. Outside Services Budget Detail - FY17 5. Computer Hardware & Software Budget Detail - FY17 6. Training & Travel Budget Detail - FY17 7. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan - FY17 thru FY21 8. Capital Improvement Detail - FY17 9. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Schedule 10. Fund Balance - FY17 Appendices A. Operating Budget Detail – By General Ledger Code and Department B. MVI & SAD 5 Fund Transfer Memorandum C. Allocation of Fund 4 Monies to Capital Improvement Project for the FY17 Budget D. 20-Year Fund Balance Forecast Memorandum & Accompanying Tables/Charts TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-109 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEARS 2017 FOR THE TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT WHEREAS, the staff of the Truckee Sanitary District have developed an annual operating and capital budget (Annual Budget) for fiscal year 2017; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors have reviewed the Annual Budget for fiscal year 2017; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that, with necessary Board action, there will be sufficient District revenues and financial reserves to meet the District’s financial obligations over the next fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District does hereby adopt the Annual Budget for fiscal year 2017. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District at a regular meeting of the Board, held on the 16th day of June, 2016, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Jerry Gilmore, President of the Board of Directors ATTEST: Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary 1 MEMORANDUM Date: June 16, 2016 To: Board of Directors From: Blake R. Tresan, General Manager Subject: FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL BUDGET The purpose of this memorandum is to present the annual budget for the Truckee Sanitary District for fiscal year 2017 (FY17). The budget provides a map, from a financial perspective, of how the District intends to conduct business in the upcoming year. The budget projects all District revenues and expenditures and is used as a tool to monitor and track District activities over the year. The budget is broken up into two categories: operations and capital. Additionally, the budget examines changes in District reserves in its six funds. This year’s budget was developed, consistent with previous years, with the goal of enabling the District to provide its customers with the highest level of service consistent with the prudent management of public funds. The budget is summarized in Table 1 and supporting documentation is provided in subsequent tables and appendices. This budget was prepared as a group effort and the work of Rebecca Ruby, Lee Wright, Raymond Brown, Susan Griffith, Howie Johnson, Angie Rea, and Kara Raymer should be acknowledged and commended. Of course, every employee of the District deserves recognition for their hard work and continued success at protecting our community’s environment and public health. FY17 Budget Highlights FY17 Operating Budget • Operating revenues in FY17 are anticipated to increase 4% over the FY16 budget to $7.9 million. o Revenues from user fees in FY17 are anticipated to increase 2% over the current year to $2.68 million. This increase represents approximately 140 new connections. User fees represent 34% of total operating revenues. o Revenues from property taxes in FY17 are anticipated to increase 4% over the current year to $5.04 million. Property taxes represent 64% of total operating revenues. • Operating expenses in FY17 are anticipated to increase 7% over FY16 budget and 19% over FY16 projected actual operating expenses to $7.5 million. • Net operating revenues for FY17 are estimated to be $0.47 million of which $0.32 million are projected to be transferred to Fund 5 to cover capital expenditures. 2 • • Capital expenditures in FY17 are estimated to be $1.1 million. Approximately two-thirds of the capital expenditures are for vehicle replacements. Total District reserves in FY17 are estimated to decrease by approximately $0.5 million to roughly $15.0 million. FY17 Budget Details A detailed description of the annual budget for FY17 is provided below. Operating Budget – Fund 1 The majority of the District’s day-to-day financial activity is tracked through its operating budget. Funds associated with the operating budget are maintained in the General Fund or Fund 1. In FY17, staff is anticipating moderate increases in Fund 1 operating revenues and expenditures over the current year (Table 2). Operating Revenues Overall, operating revenues are projected to be 4% higher than last year’s budget or 3% above projected actuals. This increase in revenue is primarily attributable to increased user fees and property taxes resulting from residential and commercial development and rising real estate prices. For FY17, staff is anticipating approximately 140 new connections or equivalent dwelling units (EDU’s) resulting in roughly a 1% increase in user fees. No change in user fee rates have been assumed. Staff is estimating a 3.0% increase in property tax revenues over FY16. Operating Expenditures Operating expenses in the FY17 budget are 7% higher than the FY16 budget or 19% above FY16 projected actuals. The increase in operating expenditures is primarily due to increased staffing and associated benefit costs, as well as higher IT and outside services costs. Salaries & Wages: According to the staffing plan, a total of approximately 40 Full-TimeEquivalents (FTE’s) will be employed by the District during the coming year (Table 3). This is an increase of over 4 FTE’s over last year. The higher FTE count is a result of splitting the Administrative Services Manager position into two new positions, hiring a new person in the Finance and Accounting Department to assist with the purchase order and accounts payable process, and hiring an additional administrative technician and a field maintenance worker. A 2% Cost of living adjustment has been assumed in the budget. Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefit costs in FY17, including medical premiums and pension payments, are anticipated to increase 16% over the FY16 Budget. Medical premium rates are anticipated to increase 4.5% in FY17. Despite the modest increase in premiums, District medical costs are anticipated to rise 14% due to the increased 3 number of employees. Pension rates are anticipated to increase 18% in FY17 due to more conservative actuarial assumptions made by CalPERS. Staff will be looking at reducing the long-term cost of the pension plan by early payoff of the District’s unfunded actuarial liability. Retiree Health: The cost of funding retiree health benefits for existing and retired TSD employees is estimated to increase 5% over the FY16 budget. This increase assumes funding 100% of the annual required contribution (ARC) to the District’s retiree benefit trust fund while at the same time paying existing retiree medical premiums. This payment plan results in rapidly achieving a nearly fully funded retiree benefit health trust fund status so that the District should only have to pay the ARC in the near future. Outside Services: Staff anticipates a 14% increase in outside service costs in FY17 over the FY16 budget. Services to be provided in this category can be seen in Table 4 and include the human resources assistance, the annual financial audit, safety, geotechnical, surveying, and other general engineering services. Additionally, monies have been budgeted to outside services for the hiring and retention of the seasonal labor pool. Information Technology: Information technology costs for both hardware and software are anticipated to increase 15% in FY17 (Table 5). These increased IT costs are due to server upgrades, the development and deployment software and mobile devices for field staff, as well as new Board agenda and minutes software. Training: A final expenditure category to note is staff training (Table 6). Due to the large number of retirements in the past year, the training budget has been increased over previous years with the goal of ensuring all new and existing hires have the proper technical, administrative, and supervisory skills as well as providing the opportunity for employees to network with their peers both locally and beyond. Overall, operating revenues are anticipated to exceed expenditures by $472,000 in FY17. Of this total, $320,000 will be transferred to Fund 5 to help cover capital expenditures and $152,000 will remain in Fund 1 to ensure 7 months of cash reserves are available at the beginning of the following fiscal year as defined in the District’s Reserve Fund Policy. A detailed operating budget broken down by general ledger account numbers and departments can be seen in Appendix A. Capital Budget – Funds 4 & 5 Capital items are defined as items with costs that exceed $5,000 and have a lifetime of greater than one year. Capital Budget Revenues 4 The District receives revenues to fund capital expenditures from connection fees, interest earnings, and transfers from Fund 1 net operating revenues. In FY17, connection fees from an estimated 200 new EDU’s are anticipated to generate $172,000 in revenue. Interest earnings are anticipated to generate less than $20,000 because the majority of the District’s cash reserves are kept in LAIF and LAIF assets have yielded well less than 1% interest over the past several years. Approximately $320,000 will be transferred to Fund 5 from Fund 1 to help cover capital expenditures. Capital Budget Expenditures Staff has developed a detailed 5-year capital improvement plan that includes approximately $1 million in capital expenditures for FY17 (Table 7). Significant capital expenditures projected for FY17 include $736,000 in vehicle replacements, $100,000 in computer system upgrades, $75,000 in easement acquisitions, $50,000 in manhole rehabilitation, and $70,000 in improvement to the Corporation Yard. A brief description of each capital project can be seen in Table 8. A detailed schedule of proposed vehicle and equipment replacements can be seen in Table 9. Significant vehicle and equipment replacement costs include replacement of a 20-year old dump truck estimated at $140,000 and a 17-year old combination cleaning vacuum truck estimated at $450,000. Fund Balances The District estimates it will start FY17 with approximately $15.5 million in cash reserves. These reserves are held in six funds as described below. Table 10 shows the changes in fund reserves anticipated during the upcoming year. Overall, it is estimated that the District will end the year with $15.0 million in cash reserves, a decrease of approximately $500,000. Fund 1 – General Fund Monies in Fund 1 or the General Fund are used for the day-to-day operations of the District. Revenue sources for Fund 1 consist primarily of user fees and property taxes. Expenditures include employee salaries and wages, benefits, and operating expenses. Because the District receives user fees and property taxes from Nevada and Placer County according to the Teeter payment schedule, with distributions only in January, May, & July, the District has adopted a reserve fund policy that sets a minimum target balance at the beginning of each fiscal year with sufficient monies in Fund 1 to operate for approximately seven months. Fund 2 – The Martis Valley Interceptor (MVI) Fund Monies in Fund 2 or the MVI Fund are restricted for use on the Martis Valley Interceptor, the approximately 2-mile long outfall pipeline that runs from Hwy 267 and Truckee Airport Road to the T-TSA interceptor. This fund originated at the time the Lahontan subdivision was developed. The District performs approximately $25,000 of maintenance work on the MVI each year. These monies are originally drawn from the 5 General Fund and later allocated from Fund 2. The method for determining this allocation can be seen in Appendix B. Fund 4 - Capital Reserve Fund The Capital Reserve Fund is a restricted fund for use only on projects that increase the capacity of the sewer system. Revenue sources for this fund come from connection fees and interest earnings. Expenditures include capital sewer projects that increase capacity or improve existing pipelines with unconnected services. A memorandum outlining the transfer of funds from Fund 4 for capital projects can be seen in Appendix C. The District’s reserve fund policy for this fund sets a minimum target balance at the beginning of each fiscal year of 60% of the projected Fund 4 expenditures for the next five years. Fund 5 - Major Capital Improvements Reserve Fund Fund 5 or the Major Capital Improvements Reserve Fund is a board designated fund for use on capital improvements (items with a cost of greater than $5,000 and a lifetime of one year or more). This fund has no revenue source other than interest earnings and the transfer of any net revenues from the General Fund. The District’s reserve fund policy for this fund sets a minimum target balance at the beginning of each fiscal year of 60% of the projected Fund 5 expenditures for the next five years. Fund 6 - Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund The Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund is a board designated fund for use in the event of emergencies. Monies cannot be withdrawn from this fund without Board approval. According to the District’s reserve fund policy, $3 million is to be maintained in this fund. No withdrawals are anticipated in the upcoming year. Fund 10 - SAD 5 Trust Fund The SAD 5 Trust Fund is a restricted fund for use on sewer-related activities in the SAD 5 (Armstrong Tract) area only. This fund was originally created with excess monies from the creation of Sewer Assessment District 5. This fund has no revenue source other than interest earnings. The District performs approximately $40,000 of maintenance work on the SAD 5 assets each year. These monies are originally drawn from the General Fund and later allocated from Fund 10. The method for determining this allocation can be seen in Appendix B. 20-Year Fund Balance Forecast Staff has included in this year’s budget a forecast of fund balances over a 20-year period (Appendix D). The 20-year forecast shows reserve funds in relation to reserve fund targets as set forth in the District’s Reserve Fund Policy. Two scenarios are analyzed: 1) reserve funds assuming no change in User Fee Rates, and 2) reserve funds assuming User Fee Rates are adjusted per the recommendation of the District’s 6 consultant, HDR Engineering that performed a sewer rate study. Conclusion The FY17 Budget provides a financial plan for the District to continue delivering its customers the highest level of service consistent with the prudent management of public funds. Overall, capital and operating expenditures in the upcoming year are anticipated to slightly exceed revenues resulting in a moderate reduction in cash reserves from $15.5 to $15.0 million. Overall, the District’s financial situation remains strong, with no debt and adequate cash reserves. As always, staff will do its best to keep the Board updated on the budget as the year progresses and welcomes the Board’s input on budget-related items. 7 TABLE 1 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL BUDGET - ALL FUNDS - FY 2017 FUND AMOUNT UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Fund 1 - General Fund REVENUE User Fees & Penalties Inspection & Cancellation Fees Maintenance Income - Work Orders Tax Revenue - Ad Valorem Interest Earned Rents & Leases Miscellaneous Income TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Salaries & Wages Fringe Benefits - Active Employees Payroll Burden Retiree Health/OPEB Liability Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Utilities & Phone Services Ad Valorem & Sewer Svc Billing Fees to Counties Supplies - Operating & Safety Fuel Expense - Unleaded & Diesel Outside Services Legal Fees Travel/Training & EE Relations Info Tech & Office Expenses Dues, Subscriptions & Memberships Uniforms, Linen & Safety Boots Environmental Permits & Fees LAFCO Expenses Printing & Publications Miscellaneous (Prior Yr Credits, Bank Fees, Other) EXPENDITURE SUBTOTAL $2,681,000 $45,000 $25,000 $5,039,000 $19,000 $4,000 $89,000 $7,902,000 GENERAL FUND NET INCOME (LOSS) $3,329,000 $1,795,000 $333,000 $468,000 $155,000 $240,000 $146,000 $95,000 $105,000 $70,000 $357,000 $50,000 $100,000 $177,000 $36,000 $22,000 $11,000 $7,000 $15,000 $9,000 $7,520,000 $90,000 $7,430,000 ($320,000) $152,000 BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Transfers from Fund 1 FUND 5 NET INCOME (LOSS) $15,200 ($1,062,600) $320,000 ($727,000) Cost Allocations to Funds 2, 4, 5 & 10 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Transfer to Fund 5 Fund 6 - Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Transfers FUND 6 NET INCOME (LOSS) RESTRICTED FUNDS Fund 2 - Martis Valley Interceptor Fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Transfers FUND 2 NET INCOME (LOSS) \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 ($29,000) $0 ($28,500) 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 1 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL BUDGET - ALL FUNDS - FY 2017 FUND AMOUNT Fund 4 - Capital Reserve Fund REVENUE Connection Fees Interest TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Transfers FUND 4 NET INCOME (LOSS) Fund 10 - SAD 5 Trust Fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Transfers FUND 10 NET INCOME (LOSS) TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURE - ALL FUNDS NET INCOME (LOSS) - ALL FUNDS $172,000 $9,000 $181,000 ($48,400) $0 $133,000 $1,800 ($42,000) ($40,000) $8,100,500 ($8,612,000) ($511,500) APPROVED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2016 Blake R. Tresan, Secretary to the Board \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 2 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND 1 - OPERATING BUDGET - FY17 COMPARISON TO FY16 BUDGET AND ACTUALS REVENUE User Fees & Penalties Inspection & Cancellation Fees Maintenance Income - Work Orders Tax Revenue - Ad Valorem Interest Earned Rents & Leases Miscellaneous Income TOTAL REVENUE APPROVED BUDGET PROJECTED ACTUALS BUDGET FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2017 Budget to FY 2016 Budget $ % FY 2017 Budget to FY 2016 Actuals $ % $2,641,000 $45,000 $35,000 $4,840,000 $12,000 $4,000 $53,000 $7,630,000 $2,655,000 $45,000 $3,000 $4,892,000 $19,000 $4,000 $49,000 $7,667,000 $2,681,000 $45,000 $25,000 $5,039,000 $19,000 $4,000 $89,000 $7,902,000 $40,000 $0 ($10,000) $199,000 $7,000 $0 $36,000 $272,000 102% 100% 71% 104% 158% 100% 168% 104% $26,000 $0 $22,000 $147,000 $0 $0 $40,000 $235,000 101% 100% 833% 103% 100% 100% 182% 103% $3,243,000 $1,551,000 $314,000 $445,000 $155,000 $238,000 $142,000 $95,000 $50,000 $82,000 $313,000 $50,000 $82,000 $154,000 $31,000 $19,000 $9,000 $9,000 $10,000 $10,000 $7,002,000 $2,921,000 $1,429,000 $260,000 $439,000 $138,000 $212,000 $129,000 $143,000 $35,000 $56,000 $213,000 $44,000 $54,000 $133,000 $40,000 $16,000 $11,000 $10,000 $20,000 $7,000 $6,310,000 $3,329,000 $1,795,000 $333,000 $468,000 $155,000 $240,000 $146,000 $95,000 $105,000 $70,000 $357,000 $50,000 $100,000 $177,000 $36,000 $22,000 $11,000 $7,000 $15,000 $9,000 $7,520,000 $86,000 $244,000 $19,000 $23,000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $0 $55,000 ($12,000) $44,000 $0 $18,000 $23,000 $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 ($2,000) $5,000 ($1,000) $518,000 103% 116% 106% 105% 100% 101% 103% 100% 210% 85% 114% 100% 122% 115% 116% 116% 122% 78% 150% 90% 107% $408,000 $366,000 $73,000 $29,000 $17,000 $28,000 $17,000 ($48,000) $70,000 $14,000 $144,000 $6,000 $46,000 $44,000 ($4,000) $6,000 $0 ($3,000) ($5,000) $2,000 $1,210,000 114% 126% 128% 107% 112% 113% 113% 66% 300% 125% 168% 114% 185% 133% 90% 138% 100% 70% 75% 129% 119% EXPENDITURES Salaries & Wages Fringe Benefits - Active Employees Payroll Burden Retiree Health/OPEB Liability Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Utilities & Phone Services Ad Valorem & Sewer Svc Billing Fees to Counties Operating Supplies Fuel Expense - Unleaded & Diesel Outside Services Legal Fees Travel/Training/Mtgs: Gen-Safety-EE Relations Info Tech & Office Expenses Dues, Subscriptions & Memberships Uniforms, Linen & Safety Boots Environmental Permits & Fees LAFCO Expenses Printing & Publications Miscellaneous (Prior Yr Credits, Bank Fees, Other) EXPENDITURE SUBTOTAL Cost Allocations to: Funds 2, 4, 5 & 10 Fund 2 share 1.21% of Dept 1000 Fund 10 share 1.76% of Dept 1000 Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund ($26,000) ($38,000) ($18,000) ($22,000) ($33,000) ($22,000) ($29,000) ($42,000) ($19,000) Total Cost Allocations ($82,000) ($77,000) ($90,000) TOTAL EXPENDITURES Total Income (Loss) Transfer to Fund 5 GENERAL FUND NET INCOME (LOSS) $6,920,000 $6,233,000 $7,430,000 $402,000 $308,000 $899,833 $534,167 $320,000 $152,000 \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsxT 2 Board Format Yr-Yr 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 3 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT STAFFING PLAN - FY 2017 FY 2012 FY 2013 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT Budget FY FY FY 2014 2015 2016 * Projected FY 2016 Budget FY 2017 DEPARTMENT 1000 - Operations & Maintenance 1300 - Building & Grounds 2000 - Lift Stations 4000 - Engineering 5000 - Equipment Maintenance 6000 - Administration 6500 - Accounting & Finance TOTAL FTE 15 1 3 7 2 9 14.56 1 3 6.85 1.83 9 15.66 1 2.67 6.34 1 8.92 15.48 1 2.58 6.09 1 9.66 37 36.24 35.59 35.81 14.64 1 3 7.25 1 10.25 37.14 15 1 2.63 8.92 1 3.92 3.33 35.79 16.33 1 3 9.81 1 5 4 40.14 * During FY 2016 TSD re-organized the reporting structure of several positions. For this table, the new reporting structure is reported as if it had been in effect for the entire 2016 fiscal year. During FY 2016: 2 Admin Tech 2 FTE were transferred from 6000-Administration to 4000-Engineering (eff. 11/30/15) 1 Admin Tech 2 FTE was transferred from 6000-Administration to 1000-Operations & Maintenance (eff. 11/30/15) 3 FTE transferred from 6000-Administration to new 6500-Accounting & Finance department (eff. 2/5/16) 6000-Administration: Administration Manager retired: position split into Executive Assistant/Admin Supervisor & HR/Risk Mangement positions Budget FY 2017 Engr includes IT Coordinator & Asst Engr hired in March/April 2017 (.66 FTE), & summer intern (.15 FTE) Operations includes 2 Temp summer CSML, and assumes 1 hired full time (1.33 FTE total) Z:\USERS\Howie\Budget\FY 16-17\Staff-Budget FY 2016-17.xlsx 6/6/2016 3:26 PM TABLE 4 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND 1- GENERAL FUND - FY17 OUTSIDE SERVICES BUDGET DETAIL Department Description (GL 42050) 1000-Operations & Maintenance Misc Testing/Compaction KWA Safety Air test and Seal Summer Labor Amount 2,000 10,000 6,000 87,000 105,000 1300-Buildings & Grounds Boiler Maintenance CA Security Alarm Fire Protection - Overhead Fire Fuel Pump Calibration Window Cleaning Admin Building Interior Cleaning 1,000 2,500 1,200 600 2,000 7,000 14,300 2000-Lift Stations Electrical Contractor - Inspection Corrosion Contractor - Inspection Schussing Sierra Controls - SCADA/Telemetry Assistance Arc Fault Analysis 4000-Engineering CMMS (Lucity) Assistance Engineering (Design, Planning, CEQA, Code, etc.) Geotechnical Services IT Support Sierra Controls - DAIMS Assistance Surveying Services Hydraulic Model Consultant Residential Sewer service survey Summer Intern WEST consulting (Dump Closure) Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund 2,500 3,000 5,000 6,000 16,500 5,000 30,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 15,000 2,500 10,000 4,500 1,500 88,500 6000-Administration Answering Service Fund 6 - Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund Flex-Plan/Navia Benefits HR Assistance Records Retention/Electronic Records Mgmt 2,000 2,700 7,300 40,000 20,000 72,000 6500-Finance & Fund 2 - Martis Valley Interceptor Fund Audit Rate Study HDR Sewer Rate Study Total Comp/Misc 26,000 20,000 15,000 61,000 Fund 4 - Capital Reserve Fund Total Outside Services \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 357,000 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 5 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND 1 - GENERAL FUND - FY17 COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, IT SUPPORT BUDGET DETAIL Category Description (GL 41020 & 41030) Hardware upgrade/purchase - 01-4000-41030 5 Workstations 5 Mobile Tablets/Accessories Backup Server - Redundancy Printer - File Labels KLM Switch, Server Room UPS Battery/Replacements Misc Hardware Expense Laptop - General Use Data Center Improvements-New Server Room WiFi access points-Field locations Contingency Amount 8,500 3,500 8,000 800 800 1,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 Total Hardware 10,000 40,600 Software Expense - 01-4000-41020 Annual Maintenance Autocad Map ClearSCADA Citrix Server (SCADA) Dell Sonic Wall content filter ESRI Granite Lucity InfoSewer JCG SuiteOne Suite Agenda Microsoft Licensing-Software Assurance ParcelQuest PC TopKat-Gasboy Springbrook Symantec-SB Endpoint Protection Symantec Backup Exe WebEx/Sierra Controls LogMeIn/Sierra Controls Domain Name renewal Website Hosting (12 months) Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund Win911/Mobile VantagePoint (Telemetry) 900 4,000 1,000 200 11,000 5,400 14,600 1,000 4,800 1,600 5,000 200 14,500 1,000 200 500 500 200 900 1,000 4,000 4,100 Contingency Fund 6 - Emergency Contingency Reserve Fund Software upgrade/purchase Adobe Acrobat Pro/Standard Calendar Creator Crystal Reports Diskkeeper Lucity Mobile Fund 2 - Martis Valley Interceptor Fund Microsoft Office Mobile Data Management Snagit WordPerfect Suite Windows Server Licenses (Springbrook) Fund 4 - Capital Reserve Fund Contingency 7,000 83,600 3,000 100 1,500 500 7,500 200 5,700 2,100 100 400 1,200 3,000 3,000 28,300 Total Software & IT Support 111,900 Total Hardware, Software & IT Support Expense 153,000 Fund 10 - SAD 5 Trust Fund \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 6 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND 1 - GENERAL FUND - FY17 TRAVEL AND TRAINING BUDGET DETAIL Department Description (GL 41090) 1000-Operations & Maintenance CWEA Annual Conference CWEA Northern Regional Conference CWEA Safety Day CWEA Awards Banquet CWEA Certification Prep Classes Competent Trench Training Supervisor Safety Seminar MSA SAR Certification Class Meetings & Travel 1300-Building & Grounds CWEA Safety Day CWEA Awards Banquet Amount 3,200 2,600 600 300 200 600 400 1,400 2,500 11,800 100 100 200 2000-Lift Stations CWEA Annual Conference CWEA Northern Regional Conference CWEA Safety Day CWEA Certification Prep classes Basic electricity class Jensen pump class Flygt pump class Competent Trench Training Arc Fault Training Meetings & Travel 700 700 100 100 3,000 500 800 400 4,000 1,000 11,300 CWEA Annual Conference CWEA Safety Day CASA Conference CSDA Conference Lucity Conference ESRI Conference Meetings & Travel 700 200 2,000 2,000 3,500 2,000 500 10,900 4000-Engineering 5000-Equipment & Fleet Workshop safety class Meetings & Travel 300 300 600 6000-Administration CASA Annual Conference CASA Winter Conference CalPERS Conference Leadership Training - Mgt/Supervisory NTT Leadership Various on-site training & webinars HR Training Board Exec Training Meetings & Travel 6500-Finance & Accounting CSFMO Conference Springbrook Training/Conference Crystal Reports seminar GFOA Webinar training APA Payroll Webinars/reference materials APA Payroll Conference/certification 6,000 6,000 2,000 3,000 900 2,000 2,500 1,500 1,200 25,100 4,000 4,000 1,600 1,600 1,000 3,000 15,200 Total \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 75,100 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 7 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FY 2017 & 5-YEAR IMPROVEMENT PLAN CAPITAL PROJECT FY 2017 Collection System Infrastructure Projects Easement Acquisition $75,000 Emergency measure Alder Creek $5,000 FY 2018 $75,000 Donner Lake Lift Station Siding Replacement $10,000 $10,000 Donner Creek Bypass System $10,000 $10,000 Donner Lake Sub Station Plumbing Replacement $10,000 Foxmead/River Park LS Upgrade $10,000 Town Paving Manhole Adjustment $15,000 Manhole Rehabilitation $50,000 FY 2020 $15,000 375,000 $ 85,000 $10,000 $ 30,000 $ 520,000 $75,000 $75,000 $500,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $50,000 $15,000 $50,000 $150,000 $15,000 $150,000 Drywell Cathodic Protection Upgrade $10,000 Donner Lake Sub Station Electrical Upgrade $30,000 $150,000 Telemetry Hardware Upgrade @ sites $50,000 Converion of Telemetry phone lines to Radio $60,000 Extending Laterals to Committed Donner Lake Lots $185,000 $325,000 $50,000 $12,000 $10,000 $12,000 5 YEAR TOTAL $ $75,000 $250,000 Emergency measures for Sub Glen/Hunt (Backup tanks or generators) Collection System Infrastructure Projects Subtotal FY 2021 $80,000 $10,000 Flow Meter Upgrades (TDL, TC, A) Pipeline Rehabiliation FY 2019 $430,000 $615,000 $ 30,000 $ 260,000 $ 60,000 $ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ 50,000 $ 450,000 $ 10,000 $30,000 $ 60,000 $50,000 $ 100,000 $ 60,000 $100,000 $ 100,000 $765,000 $ 2,320,000 $ $ $ 100,000 24,000 10,000 $ $ $ $ 40,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 $ $ $ $ 23,000 100,000 80,000 50,000 $ $ $ 100,000 30,000 40,000 $ $ $ 1,379,402 15,000 300,000 $ $ 60,000 21,000 $ 42,000 $ 2,454,402 Other Capital Projects Engineering Corporation Yard Slurry Seal Corporation Yard Overhead Door Replacement Corporation Yard Security System Upgrade Virtual Server upgrade-Admin Building Admin Building Network upgrade Admin Campus Fiber upgrade Server Room Upgrade Aerial Photography Administration Building expansion 3rd Fuel Storage tank Admin Complex Bypass Hose Replacement (6 inch) Hand held/Truck radio upgrade $50,000 $40,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $23,000 $100,000 $80,000 $50,000 $100,000 $30,000 Administration Building Boiler Replacement $40,000 SCADA Software Upgrade Vehicle and Equipment Vehicle & Equipment Replacement (see schedule) New Portable Hydraulic Drive Unit $736,000 $138,790 $15,000 $15,425 $15,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $15,000 $21,000 $15,000 $15,000 $42,000 Electronic Document Management System Other Capital Projects Subtotal $292,432 $300,000 New Water hauling truck Administration Future Equipment Replacement - Administration Customer Information/Accounting System Project $196,756 $926,000 $473,790 $30,425 $591,756 $432,432 $1,111,000 $798,790 $460,425 $1,206,756 $1,197,432 $ 4,774,402 $48,400 $110,000 $156,200 $237,600 $359,600 $ 911,800 EXPENDITURES BY FUNDING SOURCE Fund 4 - Capital Reserves (44% of Collection System Infrastructure Projects to Future Service) Fund 5 - Capital Improvements (56% of Collection System Infrastructure Projects to Current Service) FUND SOURCE ANNUAL TOTALS \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx $1,062,600 $688,800 $304,200 $969,200 $837,800 $ 3,862,600 $1,111,000 $798,800 $460,400 $1,206,800 $1,197,400 $ 4,774,400 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 8 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR FY17 Capital Project Collection System Infrastructure Projects Easement Acquisition Fund 1 - General Fund Purchase of easements on private properties to ensure access to District facilities. Emergency Measure Alder Creek Review contingency planning and design a method to contain a spill in the event of a station failure. Donner Lake Lift Station Siding Replacement Replace aging siding on Lift Station along Donner Lake. Donner Creek Bypass System Donner Lake Sub Station Plumbing Replacement Evaluate and design a mechanism to bypass the line (CT03-A09 to CT06-A31) in Donner Creek in the event of a break. Replace guide rails, check valves, and stand pipes on the sub stations at Donner Lake. Foxmead/River Park LS Upgrade Consolidation of three lift stations located within 300 feet of each other into a single station. Town Paving Project - Manhole Adjustments Adjustment of manhole frame and covers. Typically done by Town paving contractor and reimbursed to Town. Manhole Rehabilitation MH rehabilitation via cementatious or other lining method. Flow Meter Upgrades Upgrade the existing flow metering sites. The existing sites have issues that result in inconsistent and sometimes inaccurate data. Emergency Measures for Sub Glen/Hunt Evaluate and design control measures to mitigate a spill in the event of a station failure. Pipe Rehabilitation Pipeline rehabilitation via cured-in-place liners. Drywell Cathodic Protection Upgrade Evaluate/test and replace as required the cathodic protection on the steel drywell tanks at Donner Lake. Donner Lake Sub Station Electrical Upgrade Bulk replacement of all starters/overloads and aging electrical equipment at the Donner Lake Sub Stations. Telemetry Hardware Upgrade Replace aged microcontrollers and input/output modules on all remote lift stations. Conversion of Telemetry phone lines to Radio Evaluate and implement hardware to provide a store and forward protocol or additional repeater to reduce the Districts dependence on the leased phone circuit. Extending Laterals to Committed Donner Lake Lots To provide sewer lateral to the committed SAD 4 parcels that paid for lateral extensions that were not installed. Other Capital Projects SCADA Software Upgrade The routine upgrade of SCADA software. Replacement software will be determined at that time. Corp Yard Slurry Seal Slurry seal the corp yard parking lot to extend the useful life of the surface. Virtual Server Upgrade - Admin Building Rack-mounted server and associated storage array to accommodate the District's server and data storage. Aerial Photography Update current aerial map in conjunction with other Public Entities to update the District's Map Book. Corporation Yard Overhead Door Replacement Replace aging overhead doors. Server Room Update Add Mechanical Cooling and other improvements to facilitate the District's server room. Corporation Yard Security System Upgrade Install a digital camera system with recording technology, and additional cameras as required. Admin Building Network Upgrade Replace existing network routers/switches and cabling to increase network speed and reliability. Admin Campus Fiber Upgrade Admin Building Expansion Replace aging fiber optic communication wire between buildings to increase the reliability of the District's network. Evaluate the needs of the District and if determined design space to accommodate the needs. 3rd Fuel Storage tank Admin Complex Add additional fuel storage capacity to meet on site fuel supply with contingency. Bypass Hose Replacement (6 Inch) Replace the aged bypass hose that is used for emergency contingencies. Hand held/Truck Radio Upgrade Replace aged voice radio system for all vehicles and portable radios. Admin Building Boiler Upgrade Replace aging boiler in admin building. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement See detailed schedule TABLE 8. Customer Information/Accounting System Project Complete implementation of new customer information system. Estimated cost in FY 2013-14 includes off-theshelf software applications, custom design work, and training. Electronic Document Management System Purchase & implement system to electronically archive documents. Includes consultant, hardware, & implementation costs. This project is continued from FY 2012-13. Future Equipment Replacement - Administration Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 9 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FLEET AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE Unit No Description Purchase Year Purchase Price Est Life 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 U-15 U-15 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup 2002 20,520 15 28,000 32,200 U-29 U-29 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup 2002 20,520 15 28,000 32,200 U-06 U-06 Ford F350 1 Ton Pickup 1999 23,492 15 35,000 40,250 U-02 U-02 GMC 1 Ton Pickup-Utility Body w/Crane 2005 45,530 12 55,000 63,250 U-25 U-25 Mack Dumptruck 1996 79,009 20 140,000 U-19 U-19 Volvo/Vactor Vacuum Cleaning Truck 1999 308,040 17 450,000 U-28 U-28 Ford Expedition 2003 26,521 15 30,790 35,409 U-11 U-11 Ford Expedition 2003 26,521 15 35,000 40,250 U-12 U-12 Ford Expedition 2003 26,521 15 35,000 40,250 U-17 U-17 Ford F350 Cab/Chassis Truck & Utility Body 2000 33,601 15 38,000 Sani Hut Toilet Trailer 1999 2,199 20 2,683 SE-06 T-7 Crafco EZ Pour 50 (crack fill trailer) 2004 10,976 15 12,742 U-38 U-38 Chevy Silverado 1/2 ton Pick-Up 2010 23,626 10 27,170 U-34 U-34 2008 Chevy Silverado 2008 31,689 12 36,443 U-04 U-04 Chevrolet One Ton PU 2008 31,904 12 36,690 U-24 U-24 CAT 426B Backhoe/Loader 1995 75,211 25 96,453 SE-08 Forklift - TOYOTA 2001 23,824 20 27,397 U-31 U-31 Holder Tractor w/Zaugg Snowblower 2006 93,800 15 107,870 U-26 U-26 Chevy Flatbed 2006 63,208 15 73,382 U-39 U-39 Ford F-550 4x4 Cab & Chassis 2011 75,847 10 83,782 C-1 Compressor - Ingersol/Rand 160 CFM 2007 11,775 15 T-5 Shoring Trailer - Brite 1992 1,823 30 2,457 U-16 U-16 Ford F450, Dump Bed & Crane 1997 60,000 25 76,946 U-05 U-05 GMC C-5500 Utility Truck 2007 76,901 15 89,280 U-33 U-33 GMC 5500 4x4 Truck w/PipeHunter Jet Rodder 2007 116,064 15 134,746 Pump - Godwin 6" PUMP 1998 27,292 25 31,386 Generator - Caterpillar-150kw 1983 27,500 40 31,625 Pump - Godwin 3" PUMP 1998 29,149 25 37,382 U-37 U-37 GMC C5500 5-yd Dump Truck 2009 63,659 15 73,208 U-40 U-40 Chevy C3500 TV VAN 4x4 Chasis 2012 200,863 12 226,338 P-8 G-06 P-9 T-2 13,541 Bypass Trailer/Hose Reel System 2005 50,625 20 61,772 U-10 U-10 Caterpillar 938G Loader w/12 ft Blade 2005 162,488 20 198,266 U-49 U-49 Midsize SUV 2016 36,800 12 U-03 U-03 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup 2016 25,000 12 28,750 U-08 U-08 GMC 1/2 Ton Pickup 2016 25,000 12 28,750 U-09 U-09 GMC 1/2 Ton Pickup 2016 25,000 12 28,750 U-27 U-27 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup 2016 25,000 14 28,750 U-14 U-14 Ford F-150 1/2 Ton Pickup W/ Camper Shell 2016 28,000 15 32,200 U-07 U-07 Chevy Tahoe 2016 36,000 12 U-20 U-20 CAT BACKHOE/Loader #430-D 2006 92,891 20 T-8 42,320 41,400 113,345 Bypass Trailer/Hose Reel System (Martis Camp) 2007 46,666 20 U-36 U-36 CAT Small Loader 2008 71,530 20 U-35 U-35 CAT Mini Excavator 2008 59,807 20 72,976 U-41 U-41 Volvo Vactor 2013 395,301 15 458,932 U-43 U-43 Ford F550 TV Box Truck 2014 250,000 15 cy Conting Generator - Caterpillar - 75kw 1999 35,000 40 G-11 Generator Onan 20DNAF/Glenshire Gen Shed/Sulfide 1999 20,000 40 G-13 Generator - Caterpillar - 60KW 2002 26,293 40 G-15 Generator - Caterpillar (100 kW) 2005 60,000 40 T-1 Trailmax Trailer/Equipment Trailer 2001 17,087 30 53 Vehicles/Equipment Items 3,159,437 Total \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 56,941 82,260 287,500 736,000 138,790 15,425 196,756 292,432 316,970 100,392 299,546 260,039 113,345 99,261 802,768 455,400 115,909 6/2/2016 5:01 PM TABLE 10 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND BALANCE - FY17 FUND AMOUNT UNRESTRICTED FUND 1-GENERAL BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE 4,334,167 152,000 4,486,167 BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS 5-MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS RESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE 4,922,381 (727,000) 4,195,381 6-CONTINGENCY RESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE ENDING BALANCE UNRESTRICTED & BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS RESTRICTED FUNDS 2-MARTIS VALLEY INTECEPTOR BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE 4-CAPITAL RESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE 10-SAD 5 TRUST BEGINNING BALANCE NET INCOME (LOSS) ENDING BALANCE 3,000,000 3,000,000 11,681,548 131,000 (29,000) 102,000 2,709,360 133,000 2,842,360 488,905 (40,000) 448,905 ENDING BALANCE RESTRICTED FUNDS 3,393,265 ALL FUNDS BEGINNING BALANCE Fund 5 - Major Improvement Reserve Fund ENDING BALANCE 15,585,813 (511,000) 15,074,813 \\fileserv2\data\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 6/2/2016 5:01 PM APPENDIX A TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT FUND 1 - GENERAL FUND - FY 2017 Budgeted Expenditures by Category & Department 1000 Account Salaries & Wages 40100 Salaries & Wages 40105 Directors' Fees Fringe Benefits - Active Employees 40110 Accrued Benefits 40300 Retirement Contrib-EE Classic 40301 Retirement Contrib-ER Classic 40302 Retirement Contrib-ER Pepra 40305 Retirement Contrib-ER UAL 40401 Med Ins Prem-Active Employees 40402 Med Deduct Reimb-Active Empl 40403 Med Out-of-Pocket-Active Empl 40404 Dental Ins Prem-Active Emplyee 40405 Vision Exam Reimb-Active Empl 40406 Glasses/Contct Reimb-Actve Emp 40407 Eye Surgery Reimb-Active Empl 40420 Life Ins Prem-Active Employees 40440 Misc Wellness Expense 40625 Safety/Achievement Award 40630 Taxable Benefits 40610 Car & Phone Allowance 40430 Directors' 457 Deferred Comp Payroll Burden 40200 Social Security Tax 40210 Medicare Tax 40221 Workers' Comp Ins Retiree Health/OPEB 40500 OPEB Annual Required Contrib 40501 Med Ins Prem-Retired Empl/Dir 40502 Dental Ins Prem-Ret Emp/Dir 40503 Vision Exam Reimb-Ret Emp/Dir Glasses Reimb-Retired Emp/Dir 40504 Med Ded Reimb-Retired Empl/Dir 40505 1300 O&M Department 4000 2000 Bldg & Grounds Lift Stations Engineering 5000 6000 Equip & Fleet Administration Utilities & Phone Services 44060 Mobile Phones/Data Plns/Pagers 44010 Electricity & Water 44020 Natural Gas 44030 Solid Waste Disposal 44040 Wastewater Treatment Fees 44050 Propane 44070 Telephone Expense 44080 Internet Service 59,900 295,500 871,400 85,800 428,100 31,300 367,400 11,000 85,600 117,800 12,900 91,600 278,800 10,000 2,500 24,400 1,100 2,000 1,500 11,700 4,000 2,800 - 2,200 5,100 7,100 4,600 8,300 500 900 600 400 500 700 300 100 - 2,000 8,700 11,900 9,400 18,900 58,500 2,500 1,500 5,300 700 1,000 2,200 500 300 - 10,000 62,300 85,800 9,800 67,200 179,500 8,000 1,500 15,100 1,500 3,200 1,000 8,000 600 1,700 - 1,000 6,600 5,600 25,400 500 1,000 2,000 400 700 700 300 100 - 10,000 22,000 30,200 11,100 35,100 143,300 3,000 2,500 10,900 1,500 2,000 500 3,700 17,500 1,600 7,200 1,200 4,000 18,700 25,700 8,100 26,200 79,600 3,000 1,000 6,600 1,500 1,000 500 2,900 500 400 74,500 17,400 45,300 3,800 900 2,300 18,500 4,300 11,300 54,500 12,800 12,100 5,400 1,300 3,300 27,400 6,400 1,700 23,000 5,400 1,200 90,400 4,500 22,400 66,200 6,500 32,500 213,000 4,500 - 27,900 100,000 12,000 65,000 8,000 500 30,000 6,000 7,000 1,000 1,500 65,000 4,000 1,000 2,000 12,000 Supplies - Operating & Safety 42010 Operating Supplies/Equip/Furniture 42020 Operating Supplies-Safety 12,000 18,000 Fuel Expense 42000 Fuel Expense-Unleaded & Diesel 37,000 105,000 4,000 1,000 14,300 Travel/Training/Mtgs: Gen-Safety-EE Relations 41090 Training-General 41100 Training-Safety 41110 Meetings & Travel Expense 41120 Employee Relations 41125 Public Education & Outreach 200 - Uniforms, Linen & Safety Boots 40615 Uniform Allowance 40620 Boot Allowance 42030 Uniforms 42040 Linen Service Environmental Permits & Fees 42060 Environmental Permits & Fees 27,000 - 16,000 - 13,000 13,000 - 7,000 - 16,500 88,500 72,000 61,000 600 - 40,600 111,900 6,000 300 1,500 1,500 200 25,000 3,300 3,300 4,500 300 200 100 800 700 500 2,000 1,400 1,000 300 200 300 2,000 500 500 7,000 1,000 2,500 Z:\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\Budget Workbook-FY 2017 (BOD 2016 presentation format) .xlsx 15,200 - 1,000 - 7,000 2,389,800 180,600 655,700 Page 1 of 1 1,765,000 221,600 35,500 35,500 21,900 7,200 5,800 6,900 2,000 7,000 7,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 100,100 75,100 20,000 5,000 10,900 10,900 - - 357,300 357,300 176,500 40,600 111,900 24,000 400 Printing & Publications 41050 Printing & Publication Expense TOTAL EXPENDITURES 25,100 20,000 5,000 70,000 70,000 50,000 50,000 24,000 LAFCO Expenses 41150 LAFCO Expenses Misc-Current YR 45000 Other Expense 41080 Bank Fees & Charges 105,000 84,000 21,000 5,000 1,000 10,900 - 145,900 8,800 65,500 30,000 6,000 7,000 3,000 22,000 3,600 95,000 95,000 18,000 - 11,300 - 467,900 250,400 213,000 4,500 - 95,000 50,000 11,800 - 332,800 207,100 48,500 77,200 2,000 1,000 Info Tech & Office Expenses 41030 Computer Hardware Expense 41020 Software Expense 41010 Office Supplies Dues, Subscriptions & Memberships 41040 Dues/Subscriptions/Memberships 100 10,000 3,600 Legal Fees 41060 Legal Fees 1,794,900 40,200 202,400 278,500 57,900 249,200 773,400 27,500 10,900 64,900 7,100 10,400 3,500 29,900 23,700 7,000 7,200 1,200 240,000 125,000 37,000 65,000 8,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 2,200 3,328,800 3,297,500 31,300 155,000 155,000 155,000 Ad Valorem & Sewer Svc Billing Fees to Counties 41070 Billing Expense Outside Services 42050 Outside Services-General Total 1,189,400 Liability Insurance 41000 General Liability Insurance Repairs & Maintenance 43020 Collection System R & M 43040 Buildings & Grounds R & M 43030 Vehicle & Equipment R & M 43010 Office Equipment R & M 47409 Truckee Regional Park Landfill 6500 Finance 4,000 - 100 5,000 9,100 4,100 5,000 1,500,900 805,000 7,518,300 6/6/20168:21 AM APPENDIX B MEMORANDUM _A/~ DATE: May 4, 2016 TO: Blake R. Tresan, General Manager FROM: Raymond P. Brown, District CC: Susan Griffith, Accounting Supervisor SUBJECT: ALLOCATION OF SAD 5 & MVI FUNDS FOR THE FY 2016-17 BUDGET c:;~/( -r[)' Engineer~ A significant portion of the sanitary sewer infrastructure in the Truckee Sanitary District was installed with funding from sewer assessment districts. In most cases, all the monies collected through the assessment districts were used in the initial installation of the sewer facilities. Two areas where monies remain from the initial assessments are Sewer Assessment District 5 (SAD 5) and the Martis Valley Interceptor (MVI). The remaining assessment monies from these areas is currently retained in restricted funds, called the SAD 5 Fund and MVI Fund, respectively. According to the District's legal counsel, the monies in these funds can be used to pay for ongoing operations and maintenance work within their respective areas. The purpose of this memorandum is to estimate the amount of money that should be allocated from the SAD 5 and MVI Funds for the FY 2016-17 budget. For the purpose of this analysis, it is assumed that the cost of operating and maintaining sewer facilities is roughly proportional to its size. To determine the amount of money that should be allocated from the SAD 5 and MVI funds for the FY 2016-17 budget, staff has estimated the fraction of infrastructure in the SAD 5 and MVI to the District as a whole. A summary of this data can be seen in Table 1, below. It can be seen that SAD 5 contains approximately 1.80% of the District's assets and the MVI contains 1.24%. Therefore, it is recommended that 1.80% and 1.24% of the total Collection Systems (TSO Department 1000) operating budget be allocated from the SAD 5 and MVI funds in FY 2016-17, respectively, to cover these costs. Table 1 Comparison of Sewer Facilities in SAD 5 & MVI to District Totals Parameter Number of Pipe Segments Length of Pipe Segments, ft Inch Diameter Mile District Totals 4,490* SAD 5 Facilities 84 % in SAD 5 1.87 MVI Facilities 34 % in MVI 0.76 1, 188,425* 21,978 1.85 9,493 0.80 1518* 25.5 1.68 33.3 2.17 Average *Number includes only "TSO Active" pipes. Z:\HOME\ENGINEERING\BUDGET\FY 16-17\SADS & MVI Memo1617.doc 1.80 1.24 APPENDIX C MEMORANDUM DATE: May 4, 2016 TO: Blake R. Tresan, General Manager FROM: Raymond P. Brown, District Engineer CC: Susan Griffith, Accounting Supervisor SUBJECT: ALLOCATION OF FUND 4 MONIES TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE FY 2016-17 BUDGET (7t/J3 The Truckee Sanitary District is the public agency responsible for the collection and conveyance of wastewater in the greater Truckee area. The District owns, operates, and maintains a complex sewer collection system consisting of pipes, manholes, pump stations, meters, laterals, and other appurtenances. Every year, the District performs capital improvement projects to replace or upgrade aging, damaged, or deteriorated infrastructure. Funding for capital improvement projects comes from one of two fund sources (Fund 4 and 5) as described in Table 1 below. Fund 1, which is used for operations, is also included in the table for clarity. Table 1 Fund Primary Source of Funds Allowable Projects Fund 1 User Fees and Property Taxes Used for Operations & Administration Fund 4 Connection Fees Fund 5 Fund 1 Net Revenue Can only be used on capital improvement projects that increase capacity Can be used on any capital improvement projects Based on previous budget discussions with a public finance consulting firm and the District's legal counsel, it was determined that a portion of the cost to perform capital improvement projects associated with the collection system that have an estimated life of greater than 20 years could come from Fund 4. Allocation of costs to Fund 4 would be proportional to the fraction of unconnected equivalent dwelling units (EDU) in the District. Z:\HOME\ENGINEERING\BUDGET\FY 16-17\Fund4Memo1617.doc The number of currently connected and projected buildout EDUs in the District are summarized in Table 2. It can be seen that only 57% of the EDUs the District anticipates serving at buildout are currently connected. Table 2 Area District Total Currently Connected EDUs Projected Buildout EDUs Percent Connected Percent Unconnected 16579 28,933 57 43 Therefore, it is recommended that for the FY 2016-17 Budget, capital improvement projects associated with the sewer collection system be funded by a mixture of 57% from Fund 5 and 43% from Fund 4. This ratio will be updated on an annual basis as more parcels connect to the sewer system. When the District reaches buildout, no Fund 4 monies will be used for capital improvement projects. Z:\HOME\ENGINEERING\BUDGET\FY 16-17\Fund4Memo1617.doc APPENDIX D MEMORANDUM DATE: May 19, 2016 TO: FILE FROM: Blake Tresan, General Manager SUBJECT: 20-YEAR FUND BALANCE FORECAST A 20-year fund balance forecast was developed by TSD staff. The forecast uses a number of key assumptions about major revenue sources and expenditures categories, including user fees, property tax, salaries and wages, benefits, and capital expenditures (Table 1). It can be seen in Table 1 that staff ran the 20-year forecast on two scenarios, including: 1) no change in existing user fee rates, and 2) adjusting user fee rates as recommended in the Sewer Rate Study performed by HDR. Using the assumptions listed in Table 1, each of the District’s six funds was analyzed on year-byyear basis for revenues, expenditures and subsequent changes in fund balances. A detailed table of the year-to-year analysis for the baseline scenario can be seen in Table 2A and 2B for the scenarios above, respectively. The results of the analysis can be seen in Figure 1 which also shows the target reserve fund balances as defined by the District’s Reserve Fund Policy. It can be seen that without adjusting rates, District reserves quickly fall below the target levels. By adjusting user fee rates as recommended in the Sewer Rate Study, reserves remain at or above the minimum target level for the next 15 years. TABLE 1 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT 20-YEAR FORECAST ASSUMPTIONS ITEM Units Value REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS Property Tax Users (# of EDUs) Connection Fees Interest Earned % Year over Year % Year over Year % Year over Year ROI 3.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.75% EXPENSE ASSUMPTIONS Salaries Benefits OPEB O&M Capital Expenditures % Year over Year % Year over Year % Year over Year % Year over Year % Completed 3.00% 5.00% 5.00% 3.00% 100.00% SCENARIOS A - No Change in User Fee Rates B - Adjust User Fee Rates per 2016 HDR Sewer Rate Study Years 1-5 % Years 6-10 % Years 11-20 % RESERVE FUND POLICY Fund 1 Target Fund 4 Target Fund 5 Target Fund 6 Target Z:\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\20 Year Forecast FY 2016-17.xlsx 8 0 4.5 7 Months of Operating Expenses 60% of 5-year rolling Fund 4 Expenses 60% of 5-year rolling Fund 5 Expenses $3,000,000 5/5/2016 5:31 PM TABLE 2 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT 20 YEAR FORECAST - ALL FUNDS WITH NO USER FEE INCREASE FUND BUDGET FY 2015-16 PROJECTED ACTUALS FY 2015-16 Forecast BUDGET FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 FY 2033-34 FY 2034-35 FY 2035-36 UNRESTRICTED FUND 1-GENERAL Beginning Balance Revenue User Fees Inspection & Maintenance Tax Revenue Interest Earned & Other Total Revenues Expenditures Salaries & Wages Payroll Benefits/Burden Retiree Health/OPEB Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures Cost Allocations (Funds 2, 4, 5 & 10) Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Before Transfer Transfers (Fund 5) Net Gain (Loss) in Fund After Transfer Ending Balance (Operating Reserve) 3,800,000 3,800,000 4,341,750 4,495,750 4,672,843 4,845,940 5,025,997 5,109,302 5,073,708 4,911,585 4,612,007 4,169,251 3,572,398 2,810,428 1,873,324 749,873 (571,938) (2,103,418) (3,857,972) (5,850,004) (8,094,213) (10,604,098) 2,641,000 80,000 4,840,000 69,000 7,630,000 2,654,795 44,650 4,892,223 74,700 7,666,368 2,681,300 70,000 5,039,000 111,700 7,902,000 2,708,000 71,000 5,190,000 151,500 8,120,500 2,735,000 72,000 5,346,000 155,700 8,308,700 2,762,000 73,000 5,506,000 159,900 8,500,900 2,790,000 74,000 5,671,000 164,300 8,699,300 2,818,000 75,000 5,841,000 168,000 8,902,000 2,846,000 76,000 6,016,000 171,000 9,109,000 2,874,000 77,000 6,196,000 173,000 9,320,000 2,903,000 78,000 6,382,000 174,200 9,537,200 2,932,000 79,000 6,573,000 174,400 9,758,400 2,961,000 80,000 6,770,000 173,500 9,984,500 2,991,000 81,000 6,973,000 171,500 10,216,500 3,021,000 82,000 7,182,000 168,200 10,453,200 3,051,000 83,000 7,397,000 163,800 10,694,800 3,082,000 84,000 7,619,000 158,000 10,943,000 3,113,000 85,000 7,848,000 150,700 11,196,700 3,144,000 86,000 8,083,000 141,900 11,454,900 3,175,000 87,000 8,325,000 131,300 11,718,300 3,207,000 88,000 8,575,000 119,100 11,989,100 3,239,000 89,000 8,832,000 105,000 12,265,000 (3,243,000) (1,865,000) (445,000) (1,449,000) (7,002,000) 82,000 710,000 (401,800) (2,921,000) (1,689,000) (439,000) (1,261,000) (6,310,000) 77,000 1,433,368 (892,250) (3,369,000) (2,086,000) (495,000) (1,581,000) (7,531,000) 90,000 461,000 (307,000) 4,108,000 4,341,750 4,495,750 (3,470,000) (2,190,000) (509,850) (1,628,000) (7,797,850) 73,213 395,863 (218,770) 177,093 4,672,843 (3,574,000) (2,300,000) (535,000) (1,677,000) (8,086,000) 75,411 298,111 (125,015) 173,097 4,845,940 (3,681,000) (2,415,000) (562,000) (1,727,000) (8,385,000) 77,674 193,574 (13,518) 180,057 5,025,997 (3,791,000) (2,536,000) (590,000) (1,779,000) (8,696,000) 80,006 83,306 83,306 5,109,302 (3,905,000) (2,663,000) (620,000) (1,832,000) (9,020,000) 82,406 (35,594) (35,594) 5,073,708 (4,022,000) (2,796,000) (651,000) (1,887,000) (9,356,000) 84,877 (162,123) (162,123) 4,911,585 (4,143,000) (2,936,000) (684,000) (1,944,000) (9,707,000) 87,422 (299,578) (299,578) 4,612,007 (4,267,000) (3,083,000) (718,000) (2,002,000) (10,070,000) 90,044 (442,756) (442,756) 4,169,251 (4,395,000) (3,237,000) (754,000) (2,062,000) (10,448,000) 92,747 (596,853) (596,853) 3,572,398 (4,527,000) (3,399,000) (792,000) (2,124,000) (10,842,000) 95,530 (761,970) (761,970) 2,810,428 (4,663,000) (3,569,000) (832,000) (2,188,000) (11,252,000) 98,396 (937,104) (937,104) 1,873,324 (4,803,000) (3,747,000) (874,000) (2,254,000) (11,678,000) 101,348 (1,123,452) (1,123,452) 749,873 (4,947,000) (3,934,000) (918,000) (2,322,000) (12,121,000) 104,390 (1,321,810) (1,321,810) (571,938) (5,095,000) (4,131,000) (964,000) (2,392,000) (12,582,000) 107,520 (1,531,480) (1,531,480) (2,103,418) (5,248,000) (4,338,000) (1,012,000) (2,464,000) (13,062,000) 110,745 (1,754,555) (1,754,555) (3,857,972) (5,405,000) (4,555,000) (1,063,000) (2,538,000) (13,561,000) 114,069 (1,992,031) (1,992,031) (5,850,004) (5,567,000) (4,783,000) (1,116,000) (2,614,000) (14,080,000) 117,490 (2,244,210) (2,244,210) (8,094,213) (5,734,000) (5,022,000) (1,172,000) (2,692,000) (14,620,000) 121,016 (2,509,884) (2,509,884) (10,604,098) (5,906,000) (5,273,000) (1,231,000) (2,773,000) (15,183,000) 124,645 (2,793,355) (2,793,355) (13,397,453) 4,672,843 4,845,940 5,025,997 5,213,597 5,408,155 5,611,421 5,821,641 6,040,564 6,268,774 6,506,269 6,753,047 7,009,689 7,276,780 7,554,899 7,844,043 8,144,797 8,457,741 8,784,040 8,784,040 4,174,798 31,300 (688,800) 218,770 (438,730) 3,736,068 3,736,068 28,000 (304,200) 125,015 (151,185) 3,584,883 3,584,883 26,900 (969,200) 13,518 (928,782) 2,656,101 2,656,101 19,900 (837,800) (817,900) 1,838,201 1,838,201 13,800 (474,000) (460,200) 1,378,001 1,378,001 10,300 (517,000) (506,700) 871,301 871,301 6,500 (568,000) (561,500) 309,801 309,801 2,300 (624,000) (621,700) (311,899) (311,899) (2,300) (683,000) (685,300) (997,199) (997,199) (7,500) (747,000) (754,500) (1,751,699) (1,751,699) (13,100) (818,000) (831,100) (2,582,799) (2,582,799) (19,400) (893,000) (912,400) (3,495,199) (3,495,199) (26,200) (978,000) (1,004,200) (4,499,399) (4,499,399) (33,700) (1,061,000) (1,094,700) (5,594,099) (5,594,099) (1,155,000) (1,155,000) (6,749,099) (6,749,099) (1,258,000) (1,258,000) (8,007,099) (8,007,099) (1,358,000) (1,358,000) (9,365,099) (9,365,099) (1,475,000) (1,475,000) (10,840,099) (10,840,099) (1,603,000) (1,603,000) (12,443,099) 7/12 of next fiscal year's fully loaded exp BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS 5-MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS RESERVE Beginning Balance 4,372,300 Revenues (Interest Income) 5,800 Expenditures (Capital Projects) (870,300) Transfers from Fund 1 401,800 Net Gain (Loss) in Fund (462,700) Ending Balance 3,910,000 60% of next 5 yrs of proj exp 6-CONTINGENCY RESERVE Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance RESTRICTED FUNDS 2-MARTIS VALLEY INTECEPTOR Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance 4-CAPITAL RESERVE Beginning Balance Connection Fees Interest Total Revenue Expenditures (Capital Projects) Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance 60% of next 5 yrs of proj exp 10-SAD 5 TRUST Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance TOTAL ENDING BALANCE, ALL FUNDS 4,512,300 10,248 (500,000) 892,250 402,498 4,914,798 4,914,798 15,200 (1,062,600) 307,000 (740,000) 4,174,798 1,964,400 1,861,320 2,019,600 1,812,480 1,719,600 1,883,400 2,064,000 2,259,000 2,471,400 2,698,200 2,943,000 3,207,000 3,486,000 3,784,200 4,109,400 4,455,144 4,822,188 5,218,979 5,642,497 6,093,897 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 151,500 300 (25,700) 152,300 343 (22,000) 130,600 500 (29,000) 102,100 800 (29,828) 73,100 500 (30,723) 42,900 300 (31,645) 11,600 100 (11,700) - - - - - (25,400) 126,100 (21,657) 130,600 (28,500) 102,100 (29,028) 73,100 (30,223) 42,900 (31,345) 11,600 (11,600) - - - - - - 2,606,300 150,800 4,300 155,100 (164,500) (9,400) 2,596,900 2,639,200 171,960 6,200 178,160 (108,000) 2,709,360 172,000 9,000 181,000 (48,400) 2,842,000 173,700 21,300 195,000 (110,000) 2,927,000 175,400 22,000 197,400 (156,200) 2,968,200 177,200 22,300 199,500 (237,600) 2,930,100 179,000 22,000 201,000 (359,600) 2,771,500 180,800 20,800 201,600 (199,000) 2,774,100 182,600 20,800 203,400 (227,000) 2,750,500 184,400 20,600 205,000 (260,000) 2,695,500 186,200 20,200 206,400 (296,000) 2,605,900 188,100 19,500 207,600 (333,000) 2,480,500 190,000 18,600 208,600 (372,000) 2,317,100 191,900 17,400 209,300 (418,000) 2,108,400 193,800 15,800 209,600 (464,000) 1,854,000 195,700 13,900 209,600 (517,000) 1,546,600 197,700 11,600 209,300 (568,000) 1,187,900 199,700 8,900 208,600 (624,000) 70,160 2,709,360 132,600 2,841,960 85,000 2,927,000 41,200 2,968,200 (38,100) 2,930,100 (158,600) 2,771,500 2,600 2,774,100 (23,600) 2,750,500 (55,000) 2,695,500 (89,600) 2,605,900 (125,400) 2,480,500 (163,400) 2,317,100 (208,700) 2,108,400 (254,400) 1,854,000 (307,400) 1,546,600 (358,700) 1,187,900 637,440 707,640 769,920 804,960 789,000 892,800 1,007,400 1,129,800 1,262,400 1,403,400 1,554,600 1,714,800 1,882,800 2,058,600 2,247,000 520,700 1,205 (33,000) 488,905 1,800 (42,000) 448,705 3,400 (43,400) 408,705 3,100 (44,700) 367,105 2,800 (46,029) 323,876 2,400 (47,411) 278,865 2,100 (48,833) 232,132 1,700 (50,297) 183,535 1,400 (51,806) 133,129 1,000 (53,360) 80,770 600 (54,961) 26,408 200 (26,608) - - - - (31,795) 488,905 (40,200) 448,705 (40,000) 408,705 (41,600) 367,105 (43,229) 323,876 (45,011) 278,865 (46,733) 232,132 (48,597) 183,535 (50,406) 133,129 (52,360) 80,770 (54,361) 26,408 (26,408) - - - - - 520,300 800 (37,400) (36,900) 483,400 14,294,000 15,585,000 Z:\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\20 Year Forecast FY 2016-17.xlsx 15,063,000 14,818,000 14,809,000 13,948,000 12,998,000 12,458,000 11,717,000 10,750,000 9,544,000 8,082,000 6,376,000 4,399,000 2,109,000 (525,000) (3,510,000) (415,400) 772,500 2,444,136 - (6,835,000) 772,500 201,700 5,800 207,500 (685,000) (477,500) 295,000 2,650,395 - (10,562,000) 295,000 203,700 2,200 205,900 (744,000) (538,100) (243,100) 2,870,634 - (14,702,000) (243,100) 205,700 (1,800) 203,900 (810,000) (849,200) 207,800 (6,400) 201,400 (882,000) (606,100) (849,200) (680,600) (1,529,800) 3,104,605 - (19,293,000) 3,352,974 - (24,370,000) 5/5/2016 5:31 PM TABLE 2B TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT 20 YEAR FORECAST - WITH PROPOSED HDR USER FEE INCREASE ALL FUNDS BUDGET FUND FY 2015-16 PROJECTED ACTUALS FY 2015-16 Forecast BUDGET FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 FY 2033-34 FY 2034-35 FY 2035-36 UNRESTRICTED FUND 1-GENERAL Beginning Balance 3,800,000 Revenue User Fees 2,641,000 Inspection & Maintenance 80,000 Tax Revenue 4,840,000 Interest Earned Other Interest Earned & Other 69,000 Total Revenues 7,630,000 Expenditures Salaries & Wages (3,243,000) Payroll Benefits/Burden (1,865,000) Retiree Health/OPEB (445,000) Operations & Maintenance (1,449,000) Total Expenditures (7,002,000) Cost Allocations (Funds 2, 4, 5 & 10) 82,000 Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Before Transfer 710,000 Transfers (Fund 5) (401,800) Net Gain (Loss) in Fund After Transfer Ending Balance (Operating Reserve) 4,108,000 7/12 of next fiscal year's fully loaded exp BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS 5-MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS RESERVE Beginning Balance 4,372,300 Revenues (Interest Income) 5,800 Expenditures (Capital Projects) (870,300) Transfers from Fund 1 401,800 Net Gain (Loss) in Fund (462,700) Ending Balance 3,910,000 60% of next 5 yrs of proj exp 6-CONTINGENCY RESERVE Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance RESTRICTED FUNDS 2-MARTIS VALLEY INTECEPTOR Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance 4-CAPITAL RESERVE Beginning Balance Connection Fees Interest Total Revenue Expenditures (Capital Projects) Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance 60% of next 5 yrs of proj exp 10-SAD 5 TRUST Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Transfers Net Gain (Loss) in Fund Ending Balance TOTAL ENDING BALANCE, ALL FUNDS 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,800,000 4,341,750 4,495,750 4,672,843 4,845,940 5,025,997 5,213,597 5,408,155 5,611,421 5,821,641 6,040,564 6,268,774 6,506,269 6,753,047 7,009,689 7,276,780 7,554,899 7,844,043 8,144,797 8,457,741 8,784,040 2,654,795 44,650 4,892,223 74,700 7,666,368 2,681,300 70,000 5,039,000 12,000 92,500 111,700 7,902,000 2,925,000 71,000 5,190,000 56,200 95,300 151,500 8,337,500 3,191,000 72,000 5,346,000 57,500 98,200 155,700 8,764,700 3,481,000 73,000 5,506,000 58,800 101,100 159,900 9,219,900 3,797,000 74,000 5,671,000 60,200 104,100 164,300 9,706,300 4,142,000 75,000 5,841,000 61,600 107,200 168,800 10,226,800 4,183,000 76,000 6,016,000 63,100 110,400 173,500 10,448,500 4,225,000 77,000 6,196,000 64,600 113,700 178,300 10,676,300 4,267,000 78,000 6,382,000 66,200 117,100 183,300 10,910,300 4,310,000 79,000 6,573,000 67,800 120,600 188,400 11,150,400 4,353,000 80,000 6,770,000 69,500 124,200 193,700 11,396,700 4,594,000 81,000 6,973,000 71,300 127,900 199,200 11,847,200 4,849,000 82,000 7,182,000 73,100 131,700 204,800 12,317,800 5,118,000 83,000 7,397,000 75,100 135,700 210,800 12,808,800 5,402,000 84,000 7,619,000 77,100 139,800 216,900 13,321,900 5,702,000 85,000 7,848,000 79,200 144,000 223,200 13,858,200 6,018,000 86,000 8,083,000 81,300 148,300 229,600 14,416,600 6,352,000 87,000 8,325,000 83,600 152,700 236,300 15,000,300 6,704,000 88,000 8,575,000 85,900 157,300 243,200 15,610,200 7,076,000 89,000 8,832,000 88,400 162,000 250,400 16,247,400 (2,921,000) (1,689,000) (439,000) (1,261,000) (6,310,000) 77,000 1,433,368 (892,250) (3,369,000) (2,086,000) (495,000) (1,581,000) (7,531,000) 90,000 461,000 (307,000) 4,341,750 4,495,750 4,506,038 (3,470,000) (2,190,000) (509,850) (1,628,000) (7,797,850) 73,213 612,863 (435,770) 177,093 4,672,843 4,672,843 (3,574,000) (2,300,000) (535,000) (1,677,000) (8,086,000) 75,411 754,111 (581,015) 173,097 4,845,940 4,845,940 (3,681,000) (2,415,000) (562,000) (1,727,000) (8,385,000) 77,674 912,574 (732,518) 180,057 5,025,997 5,025,997 (3,791,000) (2,536,000) (590,000) (1,779,000) (8,696,000) 80,006 1,090,306 (902,706) 187,600 5,213,597 5,213,597 (3,905,000) (2,663,000) (620,000) (1,832,000) (9,020,000) 82,406 1,289,206 (1,094,647) 194,559 5,408,155 5,408,155 (4,022,000) (2,796,000) (651,000) (1,887,000) (9,356,000) 84,877 1,177,377 (974,111) 203,265 5,611,421 5,611,421 (4,143,000) (2,936,000) (684,000) (1,944,000) (9,707,000) 87,422 1,056,722 (846,502) 210,220 5,821,641 5,821,641 (4,267,000) (3,083,000) (718,000) (2,002,000) (10,070,000) 90,044 930,344 (711,421) 218,923 6,040,564 6,040,564 (4,395,000) (3,237,000) (754,000) (2,062,000) (10,448,000) 92,747 795,147 (566,937) 228,210 6,268,774 6,268,774 (4,527,000) (3,399,000) (792,000) (2,124,000) (10,842,000) 95,530 650,230 (412,735) 237,495 6,506,269 6,506,269 (4,663,000) (3,569,000) (832,000) (2,188,000) (11,252,000) 98,396 693,596 (446,818) 246,778 6,753,047 6,753,047 (4,803,000) (3,747,000) (874,000) (2,254,000) (11,678,000) 101,348 741,148 (484,506) 256,643 7,009,689 7,009,689 (4,947,000) (3,934,000) (918,000) (2,322,000) (12,121,000) 104,390 792,190 (525,099) 267,091 7,276,780 7,276,780 (5,095,000) (4,131,000) (964,000) (2,392,000) (12,582,000) 107,520 847,420 (569,301) 278,119 7,554,899 7,554,899 (5,248,000) (4,338,000) (1,012,000) (2,464,000) (13,062,000) 110,745 906,945 (617,801) 289,145 7,844,043 7,844,043 (5,405,000) (4,555,000) (1,063,000) (2,538,000) (13,561,000) 114,069 969,669 (668,915) 300,754 8,144,797 8,144,797 (5,567,000) (4,783,000) (1,116,000) (2,614,000) (14,080,000) 117,490 1,037,790 (724,847) 312,944 8,457,741 8,457,741 (5,734,000) (5,022,000) (1,172,000) (2,692,000) (14,620,000) 121,016 1,111,216 (784,916) 326,300 8,784,040 8,784,040 (5,906,000) (5,273,000) (1,231,000) (2,773,000) (15,183,000) 124,645 1,189,045 (836,956) 352,089 9,136,129 9,136,129 4,512,300 10,248 (218,700) 892,250 683,798 5,196,098 5,196,098 15,200 (1,062,600) 307,000 (740,000) 4,456,098 4,456,098 33,400 (688,800) 435,770 (219,630) 4,236,468 4,236,468 31,800 (304,200) 581,015 308,615 4,545,083 4,545,083 34,100 (969,200) 732,518 (202,582) 4,342,501 4,342,501 32,600 (837,800) 902,706 97,506 4,440,006 4,440,006 33,300 (474,000) 1,094,647 653,947 5,093,953 5,093,953 38,200 (517,000) 974,111 495,311 5,589,265 5,589,265 41,900 (568,000) 846,502 320,402 5,909,667 5,909,667 44,300 (624,000) 711,421 131,721 6,041,388 6,041,388 45,300 (683,000) 566,937 (70,763) 5,970,625 5,970,625 44,800 (747,000) 412,735 (289,465) 5,681,160 5,681,160 42,600 (818,000) 446,818 (328,582) 5,352,578 5,352,578 40,100 (893,000) 484,506 (368,394) 4,984,184 4,984,184 37,400 (978,000) 525,099 (415,501) 4,568,683 4,568,683 34,300 (1,061,000) 569,301 (457,399) 4,111,284 4,111,284 (1,155,000) 617,801 (537,199) 3,574,085 3,574,085 (1,258,000) 668,915 (589,085) 2,985,000 2,985,000 (1,358,000) 724,847 (633,153) 2,351,846 2,351,846 (1,475,000) 784,916 (690,084) 1,661,762 1,661,762 (1,603,000) 836,956 (766,044) 895,719 1,964,400 1,861,320 2,019,600 1,812,480 1,719,600 1,883,400 2,064,000 2,259,000 2,471,400 2,698,200 2,943,000 3,207,000 3,486,000 3,784,200 4,109,400 4,455,144 4,822,188 5,218,979 5,642,497 6,093,897 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,049,900 199,700 7,900 207,600 (624,000) 151,500 300 (25,700) 152,300 343 (22,000) 130,600 500 (29,000) 102,100 800 (29,828) 73,100 500 (30,723) 42,900 300 (31,645) 11,600 100 (11,700) - - - - - (25,400) 126,100 (21,657) 130,600 (28,500) 102,100 (29,028) 73,100 (30,223) 42,900 (31,345) 11,600 (11,600) - - - - - - 2,606,300 150,800 4,300 155,100 (164,500) (9,400) 2,596,900 2,639,200 171,960 6,200 178,160 (232,300) 2,585,060 172,000 9,000 181,000 (48,400) 2,717,700 173,700 20,400 194,100 (110,000) 2,801,800 175,400 21,000 196,400 (156,200) 2,842,000 177,200 21,300 198,500 (237,600) 2,802,900 179,000 21,000 200,000 (359,600) 2,643,300 180,800 19,800 200,600 (199,000) 2,644,900 182,600 19,800 202,400 (227,000) 2,620,300 184,400 19,700 204,100 (260,000) 2,564,400 186,200 19,200 205,400 (296,000) 2,473,800 188,100 18,600 206,700 (333,000) 2,347,500 190,000 17,600 207,600 (372,000) 2,183,100 191,900 16,400 208,300 (418,000) 1,973,400 193,800 14,800 208,600 (464,000) 1,718,000 195,700 12,900 208,600 (517,000) 1,409,600 197,700 10,600 208,300 (568,000) (54,140) 2,585,060 132,600 2,717,660 84,100 2,801,800 40,200 2,842,000 (39,100) 2,802,900 (159,600) 2,643,300 1,600 2,644,900 (24,600) 2,620,300 (55,900) 2,564,400 (90,600) 2,473,800 (126,300) 2,347,500 (164,400) 2,183,100 (209,700) 1,973,400 (255,400) 1,718,000 (308,400) 1,409,600 (359,700) 1,049,900 637,440 707,640 769,920 804,960 789,000 892,800 1,007,400 1,129,800 1,262,400 1,403,400 1,554,600 1,714,800 1,882,800 2,058,600 2,247,000 520,700 1,205 (33,000) 488,905 1,800 (42,000) 448,705 3,400 (43,400) 408,705 3,100 (44,700) 367,105 2,800 (46,029) 323,876 2,400 (47,411) 278,865 2,100 (48,833) 232,132 1,700 (50,297) 183,535 1,400 (51,806) 133,129 1,000 (53,360) 80,770 600 (54,961) 26,408 200 (26,608) - - - - (31,795) 488,905 (40,200) 448,705 (40,000) 408,705 (41,600) 367,105 (43,229) 323,876 (45,011) 278,865 (46,733) 232,132 (48,597) 183,535 (50,406) 133,129 (52,360) 80,770 (54,361) 26,408 (26,408) - - - - - 520,300 800 (37,400) (36,900) 483,400 14,294,000 15,742,000 15,220,000 Z:\HOME\ACCOUNTING\Budgets\FY2016-17 Budget\Working versions\20 Year Forecast FY 2016-17.xlsx 15,193,000 15,643,000 15,507,000 15,576,000 16,379,000 17,005,000 17,429,000 17,637,000 17,613,000 17,371,000 17,079,000 16,712,000 16,255,000 15,716,000 (416,400) 633,500 2,444,136 - 15,052,000 633,500 201,700 4,800 206,500 (685,000) (478,500) 155,000 2,650,395 - 14,285,000 155,000 203,700 1,200 204,900 (744,000) (539,100) (384,100) 2,870,634 - 13,425,000 (384,100) 205,700 (2,900) 202,800 (810,000) (991,300) 207,800 (7,400) 200,400 (882,000) (607,200) (991,300) (681,600) (1,672,900) 3,104,605 - 12,455,000 3,352,974 - 11,359,000 5/5/2016 Figure 1 20 Year Reserve Fund Forecast 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 - FY 18 FY19 FY 20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 FY30 FY31 FY32 (5,000,000) (10,000,000) (15,000,000) (20,000,000) (25,000,000) Target Reserve Fund 1 Target Reserve Fund 5 Projected Reserves - No Increase Target Reserve Fund 4 Target Reserve Fund 6 Projected Reserves-HDR Study FY33 FY34 FY35 FY36 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 WAGE SCALE – Cost of Living Adjustment: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve attached revised wage scale incorporating a 2% cost-of-living-adjustment and addition of three new "acting" positions as presented. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: A revised wage scale is attached for the Board's consideration. The revised wage scale includes a 2.0% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), three new "acting" positions, and the removal of the Administrative Service Manager position. The three new acting positions are as follows: Acting Finance Director Acting Human Resources/Risk Management Specialist Acting Executive Assistant/Administrative Supervisor ALTERNATIVES: Modify or reject proposed wage scale BUDGET INFORMATION: The 2% COLA has been incorporated into the FY17 Annual Budget DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT MONTHLY WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE PAY PERIOD BEGINNING JUNE 10, 2016 STEP 1 POSITION: ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 3 ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN 1 ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN 2 ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER/DISTRICT ENGINEER ASSOCIATE ENGINEER BUIILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WORKER COLLECTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE LABORER COLLECTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR COLLECTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 COLLECTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 COLLECTION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 DISTRICT ENGINEER FIELD INSPECTOR 1 FIELD INSPECTOR 2 FLEET AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC GENERAL MANAGER/CHIEF ENGINEER GIS/IT SPECIALIST IT COORDINATOR LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SENIOR ENGINEER STEP 2 8,779.51 4,513.11 5,135.68 5,731.09 4,513.11 5,135.68 7,811.75 12,135.90 8,756.40 3,890.72 4,324.02 7,654.84 4,917.49 5,606.97 6,394.55 11,558.00 5,724.30 6,394.55 6,263.48 9,171.38 4,714.55 5,364.91 5,986.90 4,714.55 5,364.91 8,160.43 12,677.58 9,147.24 4,064.39 4,517.02 7,996.52 5,136.98 5,857.23 6,679.97 12,073.89 5,979.81 6,679.97 6,543.05 9,580.75 4,924.99 5,604.38 6,254.13 4,924.99 5,604.38 8,524.68 13,243.45 9,555.53 4,245.80 4,718.64 8,353.45 5,366.27 6,118.67 6,978.14 12,612.81 6,246.72 6,978.14 6,835.10 7,175.18 7,175.18 7,327.77 5,479.71 6,121.32 9,650.63 9,404.52 7,495.45 7,495.45 7,654.84 5,724.30 6,394.55 10,081.39 9,824.30 7,830.01 7,830.01 7,996.52 5,979.81 6,679.97 10,531.37 10,262.81 8,179.50 8,179.50 8,353.45 6,246.72 6,978.14 11,001.44 10,720.89 2% COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT (excludes interns and seasonal laborers) STEP 5 10,008.39 5,144.82 5,854.53 6,533.29 5,144.82 5,854.53 8,905.18 13,834.58 9,982.05 4,435.31 4,929.26 8,726.31 5,605.80 6,391.78 7,289.61 13,175.79 6,525.54 7,289.61 7,140.18 15,282.45 8,544.60 8,544.60 8,726.31 6,525.54 7,289.61 11,492.50 11,199.42 6,732.71 11,492.65 5,653.68 10.50 to 13.00 per hour 18.00 to 22.00 per hour APPROVED BY TSD'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON JUNE 16, 2016; EFFECTIVE PAY PERIOD BEGINNING JUNE 10, 2016 BLAKE TRESAN, P.E., GENERAL MANAGER/CHIEF ENGINEER STEP 4 8,404.38 4,320.27 4,915.47 5,486.22 4,320.27 4,916.24 7,477.97 11,617.35 8,382.25 3,724.48 4,139.26 7,327.79 4,707.37 5,367.39 6,121.32 11,064.14 5,479.71 6,121.32 5,995.85 ACTING POSITIONS: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR FINANCE DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES/RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST POSITIONS OUTSIDE DISTRICT'S REGULAR WAGE SCALE: SEASONAL INTERN 1 SEASONAL INTERN 2 STEP 3 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PURCHASE OF NEW EXTERIOR AGENDA ITEM NO. : DOORS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to issue a Purchase Order to purchase new doors and enter into a Contractor’s Agreement for the installation of the doors for a not to exceed price of $24,000. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The Administration Building was constructed in 1994. The original exterior wooden doors are showing signs of age and the interior locking system does comply with current building codes which require panic hardware for the maximum occupancy of the building. Additionally, the IT/GIS office does not have a door frame. Management has determined the office should be upgraded with a door replicating the other office doors within the building. Staff sought three bids for the project. Three contractors submitted cost estimates to staff. • Good Construction (Furnish Tahoe Truckee Lumber doors) -$22,586.63 • TEDCO (Creative Doors & Moulding, LLC for doors) - $27,264.00 • California Craftsman –Exterior Solutions (Marvin Doors)-$47,000.54 Staff recommends authorizing the General Manager to issue a Purchase Order to purchase new doors and enter into a Contractor’s Agreement for the installation of the doors for a not to exceed price of $24,000. This amount includes roughly a $1500 contingency to cover unknowns that may occur during installation. ALTERNATIVES: Continue to use existing doors. BUDGET INFORMATION: FY 15/16 Budget included $30,000 for Admin Building Exterior Door Replacement DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Raymond Brown, District Engineer TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 SURPLUS ASSET DISPOSITION POLICY - RESOLUTION 2016-110: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt Resolution 2016-110 as presented SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: Staff is seeking adoption of a Surplus Asset Disposition Policy. A copy of the resolution and the policy are attached for Board review. ALTERNATIVES: Amend or reject the proposed resolution and policy. BUDGET INFORMATION: Adoption of the Surplus Asset Disposition Policy will have no material budgetary impact. DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION 2016-110 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SURPLUS ASSET DISPOSITION POLICY WHEREAS, the Truckee Sanitary District (District) is a public agency responsible for the collection and conveyance of wastewater in the greater Truckee area; and WHEREAS, the District owns physical assets required to perform its day-to-day functions; and WHEREAS, as these assets age or as technology changes the assets may become no longer of value to the District; and WHEREAS, to avoid accumulation of surplus assets, District staff has developed a Surplus Asset Disposition Policy as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed Exhibit A and found it to be consistent with the effective delivery of services by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLIVED that the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District does hereby adopt the Surplus Asset Disposition Policy dated June 16, 2016. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Director of the Truckee Sanitary District at the regular meeting of the Board held on this 16th day of June, 2016, at Truckee, California by the following roll call votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Blake R. Tresan Board Secretary Jerry Gilmore President of the Board of Directors EXHIBIT A TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT SURPLUS ASSET DISPOSITION POLICY (Adopted by Resolution 2016-110 on June 16, 2016) 1. All assets valued at or greater than $1,000 must go to the Board for approval before being declared surplus. 2. Assets valued under $1,000 may be declared surplus at the discretion of the General Manager. 3. The General Manager has the authority to determine the value of the District’s assets for the purpose of this policy. 4. The General Manager has the discretion to determine the best method for disposal of surplus assets. a. Whenever possible, the General Manager will arrange to sell the assets in the manner most advantageous to the District. b. If costs or other considerations make the sale of an item of surplus property impractical or disadvantageous (i.e. if the cost to sell an item is greater than the proceeds from the sale) the General Manager may elect to donate, recycle, or dispose of an asset. 5. Board Members, the General Manager and any District employee who assists the General Manager in declaring an asset surplus or determining an asset’s value are prohibited from purchasing or otherwise acquiring surplus assets. All other District employees may purchase or obtain surplus assets in the same manner as the general public. TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 GENERAL LIABILITY PACKAGE & EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of General Liability Package & Earthquake Insurance renewal as presented SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The District maintains insurance policies that protect the District from accidents and claims against its employees and property. The policies and their annual premiums are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Property - $14,236.00 Commercial Crime - $1,250.00 Commercial General Liability - $45,721.00 Public Officials and Management Liability - $8,367.00 Business Auto - $26,402.00 Commercial Excess Liability - $17,420.00 Privacy 101 - $1302.38 Earthquake - $22,176.80 Items 1 through 7 are provided by Water Plus/Alteris. The privacy policy is new and would cover the associated costs of a breach of our security network. The Earthquake Insurance is provided by Mt. Hawley Insurance Co. Both companies are brokered through a local representative, LP Insurance Services. With premium and brokerage fees of $714.50, the total cost of the insurance premiums for FY 16/17 is $138,288.68 which is $177.50 less than the cost for the previous year. Staff is seeking a motion from the Board to approve the expenditure of $138,288.68 to renew the general liability package and earthquake insurance. ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: The 2016/2017 preliminary budget includes $155,000 for the costs of our general liability renewal. DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Blake Tresan, General Manager INSURANCE PROPOSAL Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE 7/1/2016 PRESENTED BY: LP Insurance Services, Inc. PROGRAM MANAGER Alteris Insurance Services, Inc. Agency License No. 3537131 PREMIUM SUMMARY NOTE: This proposal is prepared from information supplied to us on the application submitted by your insurance broker. It may or may not contain all terms requested on the application. Proposed coverages are provided by the Alteris WaterPlus policy forms and are subject to the terms, exclusions, conditions and limitations of those policy forms. Actual policies should be reviewed for specific details. Specimen policies are available from your insurance broker. PAGE COVERAGE SECTION PREMIUM SECTION 1. PROPERTY (Property, Equipment Breakdown & Mobile Equipment) $ 14,236.00 SECTION 2. COMMERCIAL CRIME $ 1,250.00 SECTION 3. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY $ 45,721.00 11 SECTION 4. PUBLIC OFFICIALS & MANAGEMENT LIABILITY (Wrongful Acts, Employment Practices & Employee Benefit Plans) $ 8,367.00 12 SECTION 5. BUSINESS AUTO $ 26,402.00 13 SECTION 6. COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY $ 17,420.00 TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM (excludes state-imposed taxes, surcharges, and fees) $ 113,396.00 TERRORISM PREMIUM $ 599.00 FULLY EARNED POLICY FEE $ 100.00 STATE-IMPOSED TAXES, SURCHARGES, AND FEES $ N/A TOTAL AMOUNT DUE* *Payment is due in accordance with the producer agreement. $ 114,095.00 3-7 8 9-10 NOTES: Please provide a completed TRIA form at binding. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 2 of 13 SECTION 1. PROPERTY* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: Special Causes of Loss Proprietary Integrated LIMITS: Blanket Property: (Real Property & Business Personal Property) Blanket Coverage Extension: A separate blanket limit that applies to the following coverages: Business Income, Extended Business Income, Commandeered Property, Civil Authority, Extra Expense, Tenant Leasehold Interest, Electronic Data, Preservation of Property. Equipment Breakdown / Boiler & Machinery: Mobile Equipment(Scheduled): Mobile Equipment (unscheduled, maximum $10,000 any one item): Mobile Equipment (borrowed, rented & leased): Earthquake: (earth movement excluded) Flood Zone AE: Flood Zone X: (shaded/unshaded) DEDUCTIBLES: $5,000 Property $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $19,466,004 $2,000,000 Included $156,802 $97,000 $100,000 N/A N/A N/A Mobile Equipment Equipment Breakdown (aboveground & less than 50 feet belowground) Equipment Breakdown (greater than 50 feet belowground) Earthquake (earth movement excluded) Flood Zone X (per occurrence) Flood Zone AE* (per occurrence) Flood Zone AE* (per damaged structure / per occurrence) Named Storm Wind/Hail* (per occurrence) Named Storm Wind/Hail* (per damaged structure / per occurrence) *the greater of the deductibles will be applied POLICY HIGHLIGHTS: Blanket Policy Limits Blanket Coverage Extension Limits No Coinsurance Penalty Equipment Breakdown Broad Definition of Covered Property Proprietary Coverage Extensions VALUATION: Replacement Cost: Real Property & Business Personal Property Actual Cash Value: Mobile Equipment Actual Loss Sustained: Loss of Income & Expenses Market Price: Fine Arts INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 3 of 13 SPECIAL COVERAGES: New Locations Or Newly Constructed Property: Pays up to $1,000,000 for your new real property while being built on or off described premises as well as real property you acquire, lease or operate at locations other than the described premises; and business personal property located at new premises. Utility Services – Direct Damage, Business Income & Expense: Pays up to $250,000 for covered property damaged by an interruption in utility service to the described premises. The interruption in utility service must result from direct physical loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss and does not apply to loss or damage to electronic data, including destruction or corruption of electronic data. Separate limits apply to Direct Damage and Business Income/Expense Expense. Pollution Remediation Expenses: Pays up to $100,000 or $250,000 for remediation expenses resulting from a Covered Causes of Loss or Specified Cause of Loss occurring during the policy period and reported within 180 days. Covered Causes of Loss means risks of direct physical loss unless the loss is excluded or limited by the Property Coverage Form. Specified Cause of Loss means the following: fire; lightning; explosion; windstorm or hail; smoke; aircraft or vehicles; riot or civil commotion; vandalism; leakage from fire extinguishing equipment; sinkhole collapse; volcanic action; falling objects; weight of snow; ice or sleet; water damage; and equipment breakdown. SCADA Upgrades: Pays up to $100,000 to upgrade your scheduled SCADA system after direct physical loss from a Covered Cause of Loss. The upgrade is in addition to its replacement cost. SCADA means the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system used in water and wastewater treatment and distribution to monitor leaks, waterflow, water analysis, and other measurable items necessary to maintain operations. Contract Penalties: Pays up to $100,000 for contract penalties you are required to pay due to your failure to deliver your product according to contract terms solely as a result of direct physical loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss to Covered Property. Contamination: Pays up to $100,000 for loss or damage to covered property because of contamination as a result of a Covered Cause of Loss. Contamination means direct damage to real property and business personal property caused by contact or mixture with ammonia, chlorine, or any chemical used in the water and / or wastewater treatment process. Property In Transit: Pays up to $100,000 for direct physical loss or damage to covered property while in transit more than 1000 feet from the described premises. Shipments by mail must be registered for covered to apply. Electronic data processing property and fine arts are excluded. Unintentional Errors: Pays up to $100,000 for any unintentional error or omission you make in determining or reporting values or in describing the covered property or covered locations. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 4 of 13 KEY DEFINITIONS Real Property: The buildings, items or structures described in the Declarations that you own or that you have leased or rented from others in which you have an insurable interest. This includes: Aboveground piping; Aboveground and belowground penstock; Additions under construction; Alterations and repairs to the buildings or structures; Buildings; Business personal property owned by you that is used to maintain or service the real property or structure or its premises, including fire-extinguishing equipment; outdoor furniture, floor coverings and appliances used for refrigerating, ventilating, cooking, dishwashing or laundering; Completed additions; Exterior signs, meaning neon, automatic, mechanical, electric or other signs either attached to the outside of a building or structure, or standing free in the open; Fixtures, including outdoor fixtures; Glass which is part of a building or structure; Light standards; Materials, equipment, supplies and temporary structures you own or for which you are responsible, on the premises or in the open (including property inside vehicles) within 1000 feet of the premises, used for making additions, alterations or repairs to buildings or structures at the premises; Paved surfaces such as sidewalks, patios or parking lots; Permanently installed machinery and equipment; Permanent storage tanks; Solar panels; Submersible pumps, pump motors and engines; Underground piping located on or within 1000 feet of premises described in the Declarations; Underground vaults and machinery. Business Personal Property: The property you own that is used in your business including: Furniture and fixtures; Machinery and equipment; Computer equipment; Communication equipment; Labor materials or services furnished or arranged by you on personal property of others; Stock; Your use interest as tenant in improvements and betterments. Leased personal property for which you have a contractual responsibility to insure. Pollution Conditions: The discharge, dispersal, release, seepage, migration, or escape of any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals, minerals, chemical elements and waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 5 of 13 KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Remediation Expenses: Expenses incurred for or in connection with the investigation, monitoring, removal, disposal, treatment, or neutralization of pollution conditions to the extent required by: (1) Federal, state or local laws, regulations or statutes, or any subsequent amendments thereof enacted to address pollution conditions; and (2) a legally executed state voluntary program governing the cleanup of “pollution conditions. Outdoor Property: Fixed or permanent structures that are outside covered real property including but not limited to: Historical markers or flagpoles; Sirens, antennas, towers, satellite dishes, or similar structures and their associated equipment; Exterior signs not located at a premises; Fences or retaining walls; Storage sheds, garages, pavilions or other similar buildings or structures not located at a premises; Dumpsters, concrete trash containers, or permanent recycling bins; Hydrants; or Electric utility power transmission and distribution lines and related equipment owned by the insured. Equipment Breakdown: Direct damage to mechanical, electrical or pressure systems as follows: Mechanical breakdown including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force; Artificially generated electrical current, including electrical arcing, that disturbs electrical devices, appliances or wires; Explosion of steam boilers, steam piping, steam engines or steam turbines owned or leased by you, or operated under your control; Loss or damage to steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines; or Loss or damage to hot water boilers or other water heating equipment; If covered electrical equipment requires drying out as a result of a flood, we will pay for the direct expenses for such drying out. None of the following are covered objects as respects to equipment breakdown: a. Insulating or refractory material; b. Buried vessel or piping; c. Sewer piping, piping forming a part of a fire protection system or water piping other than: (1) Feed water piping between any boiler and its feed pump or injector; (2) Boiler condensate return piping; or (3) Water piping forming a part of refrigerating and air conditioning vessels and piping used for cooling, humidifying or space heating purposes; d. Structure, foundation, cabinet or compartment containing the object; e. Power shovel, dragline, excavator, vehicle, aircraft, floating vessel or structure, penstock, draft tube or well-casing; f. Conveyor, crane, elevator, escalator or hoist, but not excluding any electrical machine or electrical apparatus mounted on or used with this equipment; and g. Felt, wire, screen, die, extrusion, late, swing hammer, grinding disc, cutting blade, cable chain, belt, rope, clutch late, brake pad, non-metallic part or any part or tool subject to frequent, periodic replacement. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 6 of 13 PROPERTY SUBLIMITS: Coverage Accounts Receivable Valuable Papers and Records Contamination Tools and Equipment Owned by Your Employees Personal Effects and Property of Others Outdoor Property (unscheduled) New Locations or Newly Constructed Property Business Personal Property at New Locations Utility Services - Direct Damage Utility Services – Business Income and Extra Expense Dependent Business Premises Property at Other Locations Pollution Remediation Expense (specified cause of loss) Pollution Remediation Expense (covered cause of loss) Contract Penalties SCADA Upgrades Property in Transit Backup/Overflow of Water from Sewer, Drain, Sump Fine Arts Limited Coverage for “Fungus”, Wet Rot or Dry Rot Trees, Shrubs & Plants (maximum $1,000 any one item) Indoor and Outdoor Signs (unscheduled) Arson Reward Fire Department Service Charge Non-Owned Detached Trailers Cost of Inventory or Adjustment Patterns, Dies, Molds, Forms Fire Protection Devices Debris Removal Ordinance or Law Provision Limit $500,000 $500,000 $100,000 $5,000 $5,000 $25,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 25% of scheduled limit 25% of scheduled limit NOTES: Premium is calculated from attached property schedule; review property schedule for coverage and limit adequacy. Earthquake and Flood Coverages are Excluded. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 7 of 13 SECTION 2. COMMERCIAL CRIME* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: Proprietary Integrated RATING BASIS: On file with underwriter Non auditable LIMITS: EMPLOYEE THEFT FORGERY OR ALTERATION $250,000 $250,000 INSIDE THE PREMISES Theft of Money and Securities $250,000 INSIDE THE PREMISES Robbery or Safe Burglary or Other Property OUTSIDE THE PREMISES COMPUTER FRAUD FUNDS TRANSFER FRAUD MONEY ORDERS & COUNTERFEIT PAPER CURRENCY $5,000 $250,000 $100,000 $25,000 $100,000 DEDUCTIBLE: $1,000 each claim DESIGNATED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN(S): POLICY HIGHLIGHTS: Separate Limits Apply to Each Coverage Coverage Extended to Directors and Authorized Volunteers Faithful Performance NOTES: INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 8 of 13 SECTION 3. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: Occurrence Proprietary RATING BASIS: On file with underwriter Non auditable LIMITS: Per Occurrence General Aggregate Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Personal & Advertising Injury Aggregate Damage to Premises Rented to You Medical Payments $1,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $10,000 DEDUCTIBLE: None POLICY HIGHLIGHTS: Duty to Defend Broad Definition of Insured Fellow Employee Per Location Aggregate Blanket Additional Insured Endorsement OPTIONAL COVERAGES INCLUDED IN QUOTE: INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 9 of 13 SPECIAL COVERAGES: Water & Wastewater Testing Errors & Omissions: Coverage is provided for damages arising out of an act, error or omission which arises from your water or wastewater testing. Failure To Supply: Coverage is provided for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the failure of any insured to adequately supply water. Waterborne Asbestos: Coverage is provided for bodily injury or property damage from waterborne asbestos arising out of potable water which is provided by you to others. Contractual Liability - Railroads: Coverage is provided for any contract or agreement that indemnifies a railroad for bodily injury or property damage arising out of construction or demolition operations, within 50 feet of any railroad property and affecting any railroad bridge or trestle, tracks, road-beds, tunnel, underpass or crossing. Pollution: Coverage is provided for bodily injury or property damage which occurs or takes place as a result of your operations and arises out of the following: Potable water which you supply to others; Chemicals you use in your water or wastewater treatment process; Natural gas or propane gas you use in your water or wastewater treatment process; Urgent response for the protection of property, human life, health or safety conducted away from premises owned by or rented to or regularly occupied by you; Your application of pesticide or herbicide chemicals if such application meets all standards of any statute, ordinance, regulation or license requirement of any federal, state or local government; Smoke drift from controlled or prescribed burning that has been authorized and permitted by an appropriate regulatory agency. Fuels, lubricants or other operating fluids needed to perform the normal electrical, hydraulic or mechanical functions necessary for the operation of mobile equipment or its parts Escape or back-up of sewage or waste water from any sewage treatment facility or fixed conduit or piping that you own, operate, lease, control or for which you have the right of way, but only if property damage occurs away from land you own or lease. Sudden and accidental events that are neither expected nor intended by an Insured. However, no coverage is provided under this exception for petroleum underground storage tanks. NOTES: INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 10 of 13 SECTION 4. PUBLIC OFFICIALS & MANAGEMENT LIABILITY* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: Occurrence DEFENSE COSTS: Outside the Limits of Liability LIMITS: Wrongful Acts $1,000,000 per act Employment Practices (including third party discrimination) $1,000,000 per offense Employee Benefit Plans $1,000,000 per offense Injunctive Relief $5,000 per act $3,000,000 aggregate limit SPECIAL COVERAGES: Inverse Condemnation - No RATING BASIS On file with underwriter Non auditable DEDUCTIBLE $5,000 each claim including expenses RETROACTIVE DATE: POLICY HIGHLIGHTS: Duty To Defend Broad Definition of Named Insured including Past and Future Employees Outside Directorship Punitive Damages are Covered Where Insurable by Law No Intentional Acts, Assault & Battery or Bodily Injury Exclusions NOTES: INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 11 of 13 SECTION 5. BUSINESS AUTO* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: ISO Business Auto PORTFOLIO: Symbol Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury & Property Damage (each accident) Hired Auto Liability Non-Owned Auto Liability “No-Fault” or Statutory Personal Injury Protection (each person) Medical Payments Uninsured / Underinsured Motorists Hired Physical Damage Owned Physical Damage – Comprehensive Owned Physical Damage – Collision Limit 1 $1,000,000 8 9 No Coverage 2 2 8 2 2 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 N/A $5,000 $1,000,000 $50,000 ACV ACV DEDUCTIBLE: Liability: None Comprehensive: $500 Collision: $500 NOTES: Please refer to the provided Auto Proposal / Schedule for per unit coverage. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 12 of 13 SECTION 6. COMMERCIAL EXCESS LIABILITY* *IS THIS SECTION INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL? Yes CARRIER: Allied World Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating FORM: Proprietary Following Form LIMITS: $5,000,000/$5,000,000 RATING BASIS: On file with underwriter Non auditable SCHEDULED UNDERLYING POLICIES: Commercial General Liability - Yes Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability - Yes Public Officials & Management Liability - Yes Wrongful Acts - Yes Employment Practices - Yes Employee Benefit Plans - Yes Owned Auto Liability - Yes Employer’s Liability (minimum underlying limit requirement of $500,000 / $500,000 / $500,000) - No Other: NOTABLE EXCLUSION: Workers’ Compensation NOTES: Employers’ Liability subject to Allied World security requirements. Please provide an updated WC Dec. page for EL consideration in the Excess. INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 13 of 13 IL U 001 09 03 CALIFORNIA UNINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE SELECTION/REJECTION Applicant/Named Insured: Truckee Sanitary District Company: Allied World Assurance Company, Inc. California law permits you to make certain decisions regarding Uninsured Motorists Coverage. This document describes this coverage and the options available. You should read this document carefully and contact us or your agent if you have any questions regarding Uninsured Motorists Coverage and your options with respect to this coverage. This document includes general descriptions of coverage. However, no coverage is provided by this document. You should read your policy and review your Declarations Page(s) and/or Schedule(s) for complete information on the coverages you are provided. A. Mandatory Offer Of Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage Please indicate your choices by initialing next to the appropriate item(s) below. 1. Selection Of Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage (Initials) I select Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage at limits equal to the limits of my Bodily Injury Liability Coverage (split limits) or Combined Single Limit for Liability Coverage. 2. Rejection Of Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage The California Insurance Code requires that we provide you with the following information: "The California Insurance Code requires an insurer to provide uninsured motorists coverage in each bodily injury liability insurance policy it issues covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle. Those provisions also permit the insurer and the applicant to delete the coverage completely or to delete the coverage when a motor vehicle is operated by a natural person or persons designated by name. Uninsured motorists coverage insures the insured, his or her heirs, or legal representatives for all sums within the limits established by law, which the person or persons are legally entitled to recover as damages for bodily injury, including any resulting sickness, disease, or death, to the insured from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle not owned or operated by the insured or a resident of the same household. An uninsured motor vehicle includes an underinsured motor vehicle as defined in subdivision (p) of Section 11580.2 of the Insurance Code". IL U 001 09 03 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 1 of 4 (Initials) I reject Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage entirely. I delete Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage only with respect to the following individuals: (Name of Excluded Driver(s)) 3. Lower Limit(s) For Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage The California Insurance Code requires that we provide you with the following information: "The California Insurance Code requires an insurer to provide uninsured motorists coverage in each bodily injury liability insurance policy it issues covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle. Those provisions also permit the insurer and the applicant to agree to provide the coverage in an amount less than that required by subdivision (m) of Section 11580.2 of the Insurance Code but not less than the financial responsibility requirements. Uninsured motorists coverage insures the insured, his or her heirs, or legal representatives for all sums within the limits established by law, which the person or persons are legally entitled to recover as damages for bodily injury, including any resulting sickness, disease, or death, to the insured from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle not owned or operated by the insured or a resident of the same household. An uninsured motor vehicle includes an underinsured motor vehicle as defined in subdivision (p) of Section 11580.2 of the Insurance Code". Page 2 of 4 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 IL U 001 09 03 (Initials) I reject Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage at limits equal to my Bodily Injury Liability Coverage (split limits) or Combined Single Limit for Liability Coverage and I select the following lower limits. (Choose one): (Initials) Split Limits OR Combined Single Limit (Initials) $ 15,000/30,000 $ 30,000 20,000/40,000 40,000 25,000/50,000 50,000 30,000/60,000 60,000 50,000/100,000 100,000 100,000/300,000 250,000 250,000/500,000 300,000 500,000/1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 $ (Other) $ (Other) B. Mandatory Offer Of Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage Uninsured Motorists Coverage may also include Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage. Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage provides insurance protection to an insured for compensatory damages for injury to or destruction of a covered auto caused by an automobile accident which an insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or operator of certain types of uninsured motor vehicles. However, Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage is available only: 1. If you have not rejected Bodily Injury Uninsured Motorists Coverage; and 2. For autos for which you have not purchased Collision Coverage. IL U 001 09 03 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 3 of 4 Please indicate your choices by initialing next to the appropriate item(s) below. (Initials) I select Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage at a limit of $3,500 for each accident for the following vehicle(s): (Specify Year/Make/Model) (Initials) I reject Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage entirely. I delete Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Coverage only with respect to the following individuals: (Name of Excluded Driver(s)) Applicant's/Named Insured's Signature Page 4 of 4 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Date IL U 001 09 03 RLI' RLI Underwriting Services California License# 0366921 Burns & Wilcox June 06, 2016 RENEWAL OF POLICY Re: Truckee Sanitary District MQE0303042 Confirming our Authorization We are pleased to provide a property quotation on your submission Please review carefully. Coverages, terms and conditions offered herein may be more restrictive than those requested in your application. This quote will expire on 7/1/2016 Participating Insurers: Mt. Hawley Insurance Company, A+ Non-Admitted Renaissance Re Syndicate 1458 at Lloyd's 85% 15% The insurance afforded by this policy is provided by separate insurers, hereinafter referred to as "the Company" The liability of these insurers 1s several and not joint and is specifically set out above. Limit(s): $5,000,000 per occurrence for all coverages combined subject to an annual aggregate of $5,000,000 for the Peril of Earthquake. Coverages: Building; Ordinance or Law Combined Limit $100,000 sublimit for Ordinance or Law Combined Limit Perils: Earthquake only. Locations: Per Schedule of Locations Received 6/6/2016 With a total insurable value of $15,345,228 Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 1 of 3 Proposed Policy Term: From 7/1/2016 to 7/1/2017 Deductibles: 5.00% of total values at risk Per Building (including time element if applicable) at the time of loss subject to a minimum of $50,000 for Earthquake Total Premium and Fees: Premium: $21 ,000 Inspection Fee: 0 Minimum Earned Premium: 25.00% CIGA Fee: $0 PCA Fee: $150 Commission : 7.5% $350 $634.50 $42.30 Valuation: Physical Damage at Replacement Cost $22, 176.80 TOTAL Coinsurance: N/A for Physical Damage Policy Form(s) and Endorsements (Available Upon Request): Earthquake Policy and applicable forms BROKERAGE FEE CASLATAX CA FILING FEE Please sign and return CA Diligent effort form with bind request Special Conditions: 45 day notice of Cancellation, except 10 days for non-payment of premium. Based on 100% values all coverages. The following property is NOT COVERED: Underground Property Pipeline, Bridges & Tunnels: including the Truckee bridge Sewer Crossing Representation (s): It has been represented and confirmed to us that: There is an All Rrsk underlying policy in place. There is no loss or damage from covered perils in the last five years. These representations are important and are relied upon by us in our underwriting determinations. Any inaccuracy in this information could be considered misrepresentation. Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 2 of 3 Comments: This quote is valid until 7/1/2016 and may not be bound without written confirmation received in our office prior to the effective date of coverage. This is being quoted on behalf of non-admitted carriers and you are responsible for the payment of all taxes and fees and the filing of all required documents in connection with this insurance placement. You must, upon binding, indicate the home state in which the first named insured maintains its principal place of business or, if applicable, principal residence, if different than the state indicated in the first named insured's mailing address. Please note that mid term change requests must be confirmed and agreed to by the underwriter Any agreed changes are underwritten individually and are not necessarily bound by an 'account rate'. Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 3 of 3 RLI' RLI Underwriting Services California License# 0366921 Burns & Wilcox June 06, 2016 RENEWAL OF POLICY Re: Truckee Sanitary District MQE0303042 Confirming our Authorization We are pleased to provide a property quotation on your submission Please review carefully. Coverages, terms and conditions offered herein may be more restrictive than those requested in your application. This quote will expire on 7/1/2016 Participating Insurers: Mt. Hawley Insurance Company, A+ Non-Admitted Renaissance Re Syndicate 1458 at Lloyd's 85% 15% The insurance afforded by this policy is provided by separate insurers, hereinafter referred to as "the Company" The liability of these insurers 1s several and not joint and is specifically set out above. Limit(s): $5,000,000 per occurrence for all coverages combined subject to an annual aggregate of $5,000,000 for the Peril of Earthquake. Coverages: Building; Ordinance or Law Combined Limit $100,000 sublimit for Ordinance or Law Combined Limit Perils: Earthquake only. Locations: Per Schedule of Locations Received 6/6/2016 With a total insurable value of $15,345,228 Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 1 of 3 Proposed Policy Term: From 71112016 to 71112017 Deductibles: 5.00% of total values at risk Per Building (including time element if applicable) at the time of loss subject to a minimum of $50,000 for Earthquake Total Premium and Fees: Premium $21,000 CIGA Fee $0 Inspection Fee: $0 PCA Fee $150 Commission: 16.50% Minimum Earned Premium: 25.00% Valuation: Physical Damage at Replacement Cost Coinsurance: NIA for Physical Damage Policy Form(s) and Endorsements (Available Upon Request): Earthquake Policy and applicable forms Special Conditions: 45 day notice of Cancellation, except 10 days for non-payment of premium. Based on 100% values all coverages. The following property is NOT COVERED Underground Property Pipeline, Bridges & Tunnels, including the Truckee bridge Sewer Crossing Representation(s): It has been represented and confirmed to us that: There is an All Risk underlying policy in place. There is no loss or damage from covered penis in the last five years. These representations are important and are relied upon by us in our underwriting determinations. Any inaccuracy in this information could be considered misrepresentation. Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 2 of 3 Comments: This quote is valid until 7/1/2016 and may not be bound without written confirmation received in our office prior to the effective date of coverage. This is being quoted on behalf of non-admitted carriers and you are responsible for the payment of all taxes and fees and the filing of all required documents in connection with this insurance placement. You must, upon binding, indicate the home state in which the first named insured maintains its principal place of business or, if applicable, principal residence, if different than the state indicated in the first named insured's mailing address. Please note that mid term change requests must be confirmed and agreed to by the underwriter Any agreed changes are underwritten individually and are not necessarily bound by an 'account rate'. Truckee Sanitary District, Quote ID: 1534626, Submission ID: 2414685 Page 3 of 3 OPTIONAL COVERAGE. PRIVACY 101* T YES £ NO *THIS SECTION IS INCLUDED IF MARKED WITH A “YES”. CARRIER: Allied World National Assurance Company or affiliate A XV (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating Issued on Surplus Lines / Nonadmitted Paper FORM: Proprietary claims made policy. Defense inside the limits. A policy aggregate applies to all coverages. Coverage A an B have separate aggregate limits applicable to their respective coverage parts. Coverage C and D share an aggregate limit for their respective coverage parts. LIMITS: Privacy & Network Security Coverage: $1,000,000 Protects against any actual or alleged act, error, misstatement, misleading statement, omission, neglect or breach of duty committed by an Insured or Third Party Contractor, which results in a breach of the Insured’s Network Security, the consequences of which are: 1. unauthorized access to, use of or tampering with a third party’s Network; 2. the inability of an authorized third party to gain access to the Insured’s services; 3. denial or disruption of Internet service to an authorized third party; 4. Identity Theft or credit/debit card fraud; 5. the transmission of Malicious Code; or 6. the unauthorized release of a third party’s confidential and proprietary business. Notification & Credit Monitoring Costs Coverage: $1,000,000 Provides reimbursement to the Named Insured for the costs incurred by the Named Insured for notification to, and for credit monitoring of, any persons residing in the United States, including Employees, arising from a Privacy Wrongful Act, which takes place during the Policy Period. Data Forensic Coverage: T 2.50% Covers the reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Named Insured to retain a qualified forensics firm to investigate, examine and analyze the Named Insured’s Network, to find the cause, source and extent of a Data Breach. Crisis Management Coverage: T 2.50% Means the following amounts when incurred during, or within ninety (90) days prior to, a Material Event: 1. amounts for which the Named Insured becomes legally liable for those services performed by a public relations firm, crisis management firm or law firm selected by the Named Insured and approved in advance in writing by the Insurer, to minimize potential harm to the Named Insured arising from a Material Event, including, without limitation, maintaining and restoring public confidence in the Named Insured, and providing advice to the Named Insured or any of its directors, officers, partners or Employees; and 2. amounts for which the Named Insured becomes legally liable for the reasonable and necessary printing, advertising, mailing of materials, or travel by directors, officers, partners, Employees or the firm rendering services as referenced above. Crisis Management Expenses shall not include compensation, fees, benefits, overhead, or the charges or expenses of any Insured or any Third Party Contractor. RETENTION: $2,500 each claim including loss adjustment expenses TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,262.00 annual premium $40.38 surplus lines taxes and stamping fee $1,302.38 100% premium, taxes, and stamping fees due upon binding NOTES: Proposal is subject to signed D-1 from insured and completion of SLA-2 from broker. Combined Tax/Stamping fee: 3.20% Retroactive Date: 7/1/2012 INSURED: Truckee Sanitary District EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2016 DISCLAIMER: Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Your issued policy may contain limits, exclusions, and limitations that are not detailed in this proposal. Page 1 of 1 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 BANKING AND SERVICE RESOLUTION NO. 2016-111: AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: To approve Resolution No. 2016-111 as presented SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: TSD currently has accounts with Bank of America (“BofA”) for banking and credit card services. Service levels from BofA have steadily eroded (examples: lack of timely responses, lack of local business relationships, switching credit card account numbers without prior notification). This lack of service, coupled with potential disinterest on the part of BofA in contracting with small government agencies has prompted TSD to proactively research alternative banking solutions. TSD recommends switching to Wells Fargo for banking services including checking accounts, credit cards, ACH processing, and remote deposit banking. Checking Accounts: Documents attached for review to initiate checking account services (4 accounts) with Wells Fargo include: Bank Resolution; Proposal pricing for monthly checking account charges; Wells Fargo monthly bank service charges are estimated to be approximately $300 which is comparable to current BofA charges; Draft letter to Wells Fargo requesting establishment of four checking accounts; IRS employer identification number letter (required by Wells Fargo); Not included is a Signer ID form which Staff will be forwarding independently. Process: Once Wells Fargo receives the TSD letter including IRS employer identification and completed signer ID forms, they will pre-print the application and forward to TSD for signature; once Wells Fargo receives the signed application, they can proceed with setting up the bank accounts. Credit Cards: Currently TSD has one BofA Visa for staff and one for the Board of Directors. They are shared among respective departments. A third visa is for the General Manager’s use only. The Finance Department is manually managing limits and asking staff to halt purchasing when the cards reach the maximum. TSD is proposing to move its credit card services to Wells Fargo with a line of credit of $50,000 to cover all credit card users and having all Staff have their own named credit card. The administrator of the credit cards will be Susan Griffith, who will have online access to increase/decrease/close down credit cards as directed by the General Manager. Documents attached for review to initiate credit cards services with Wells Fargo include: Bank Resolution – (same as above); Bank credit card application - TSD proposes enrolling in the optional $50 annual rewards program to receive monthly rebates; Draft letter to Wells Fargo which lists board members and employees with their initial credit card limits. Two directors are required to sign this letter and application and both are initially excluded from receiving a credit card. Once the credit cards are in place, new forms/application will be sent to Wells Fargo to get credit cards for the remaining two board directors. Miscellaneous Banking Services: Automated Clearing House ("ACH") deposits – a one time setup fee of $375 will be charged; Remote digital scanner for remote deposits – includes a one time charge of $450; ACH payments and deposits monthly costs are included in the Wells Fargo proposal attached. ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Susan Griffith, Acting Finance & Accounting Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 2016 – 111 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGING BANKING SERVICES FROM BANK OF AMERICA TO WELLS FARGO WHEREAS, Bank of America is Truckee Sanitary District’s current provider for banking and treasury services; and WHEREAS, Wells Fargo submitted a proposal with recommendations for current banking and service needs that best represents modern banking security, technology, and customer service; and WHEREAS, Wells Fargo requires a one-time appropriation to be transferred to cover new account establishment; and WHEREAS, the Wells Fargo bank account application includes a maximum of seven bank signers and Truckee Sanitary District has nine bank signers, Truckee Sanitary District will execute a Wells Fargo addendum adding the last two bank signers once the bank accounts are in place; and WHEREAS, the Wells Fargo credit card application requires two officers’ signatures indicating that the cardholders are authorized to indebt Truckee Sanitary District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District does hereby approve setting up banking and treasury services with Wells Fargo and authorizes the General Manager to sign the Wells Fargo letter to create new banking services, and once established, terminate banking services with Bank of America. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Sanitary District at a regular meeting of the Board, held on the 16th day of June, 2016, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Blake R. Tresan, Board Secretary Jerry Gilmore, President of the Board of Directors BLAKER. TRESAN, P.E. General Manager Chief Engineer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dennis E. Anderson Jerry Gilmore Brian Kent Smart Ron Sweet Nelson Van Gundy TRUCKEE SAHITARY DISTRICT A PUBLIC AGENCY 12304 Joerger Dr. •Truckee, California 96161-3312 Telephone (530) 587-3804 •Fax (530) 587-1340 June 16, 2016 Dennis Loo Vice President - Senior Regional Industry Specialist Wells Fargo Bank 1510 Arden Way, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95815 RE: Wells Fargo Checking Accounts Dear Mr. Loo, Truckee Sanitary District is formally requesting the establishment of four checking accounts as follows: General Accounts Payable Payroll Inspection Maintenance The authorized signers for all of the accounts will be as follows: Ron Sweet, Board Member Brian Kent Smart, Board Member Dennis E. Anderson, Board Member Blake R. Tresan, General Manager, Chief Engineer Susan Griffith, Acting Finance Director Lee Wright, Operations and Maintenance Superintendent Raymond Brown, District Engineer Our Federal Tax ID is 94-6003151. Dennis Loo Wells Fargo Page 2 Enclosed is a copy of our IRS Tax ID certification letter as well as the signed resolution selecting Wells Fargo for our banking partnership. Please feel free to contact me should you need any further information. Sincerely, Blake R. Tresan, P .E. General Manager-Chief Engineer Enclosures ~<ii\\ ~t/h~JI IRS Internal Department of the Treasury Revenue Senlce OGDEN tf~~ ~ UT 84201-0038 In reply refer to: 0458577177 May 27, 2016 LTR 147C 0 94-6003151 000000 00 00004904 BODC: TE TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT 12304 JOERGER DR TRUCKEE CA 96161-3386 094906 Employer identification number: 94-6003151 Dear Taxpayer: We received your request of May 18, 2016, asking us to verify your employer identification number and name. Your employer identification number CEIN> is 94-6003151. Please keep this letter in your permanent records. Enter your name and EIN on all federal business tax returns and on related correspondence. You can get any of the forms or publications mentioned in this letter by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM Cl-800-829-3676) or visiting our website at If you have questions, you can call us toll free at 1-800-829-0115. If you prefer, you can write to us at the address at the top of the first page of this letter. When you write, include this letter and provide in the spaces below, your telephone number with the hours we can reach you. Keep a copy of this letter for your records. Telephone number C 0458577177 May 27, 2016 LTR 147C 0 000000 00 94-6003151 00004905 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT 12304 JOERGER DR TRUCKEE CA 96161-3386 Sincerely yours, Dwayne Wilson Department Manager, Accounts Mngmt. Enclosures: Copy of this letter BLAKER. TRESAN, P.E. General Manager Chief Engineer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dennis E. Anderson Jerry Gilmore Brian Kent Smart Ron Sweet Nelson Van Gundy TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT A PUBLIC AGENCY 12304 Joerger Dr. • Truckee, California 96161-3312 Telephone (530) 587-3804 •Fax (530) 587-1340 June 16, 2016 Dennis Loo Vice President - Senior Regional Industry Specialist Wells Fargo Bank 1510 Arden Way, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95815 RE: Wells Fargo Credit Cards Dear Mr. Loo, Truckee Sanitary District is formally requesting the establishment of company-wide credit cards through Wells Fargo Bank. All cardholders listed below are authorized to indebt the organization: 1. Dennis Anderson, $500; 2. Jerry Gilmore, $500; 3. Nelson Van Gundy, $500; 4. Blake Tresan, $15,000; 5. Susan Griffith, $5,000; 6. Raymond Brown, $5,000; 7. Lee Wright, $5,000; 8. Sarah Bergeron, $1,000 9. Michael Donchez, $1,000; 10. Kyle Vickers, $500; 11. Morgan Walters, $500; 12. Steve Golder, $500; 13. Bret Miracle, $500; 14. Michael White, $500; 15. Steven Murphy, $500 16. Lisa Snider, $500; 17. Arnold Studer, $500; 18. Lonnie Hall, $500; 19. JoAnne Stumpf, $500; Dennis Loo Wells Fargo Page 2 20. Rene Lopez, $1,000; 21. John Raber, $1,000; 22. Eric Sundale, $1,000; 23. Michael Acuff, $500; 24. Kellen Babb, $500; 25. Jeremy Bourque, $500; 26. Cleveland Brooks, $500; 27. Ryan Clifton, $500; 28. Kurt Harrigan, $500; 29. Matthew Ruge, $500; 30. Matthew Shillander, $500; 31. Myles Vickers, $500 32. Kara Raymer, $500 33. Angeline Rea, $500; 34. June Reeve, $500; 35. Elizabeth Coombs, $1,000 36. Annette Wolfe, $500 37. Elizabeth Carstens, $1,000 Total credit card limits equal $50,000 for which we are requesting a Wells Fargo credit line of $50,000. Enclosed please find the credit card application. We are pleased to start a banking relationship with Wells Fargo Bank. Sincerely, Ron Sweet Board Member Enclosure Brian K. Smart Board Member II Wells Fargo• Business Elite Card - Application For Public Sector Entities • Important Public Entity Information (please print In black Ink) Thank you for your Interest In the Wells Fargo Business Ellte Card program offered by Wells Fargo Bank. NA Please complete the requested Information below (you may be required to submit nnanclal statements). Business Information Publ<Ent N.lme II Busin!!SAs Doi I sI I I A MI IE I Addr!!S(lloP.O.Box) I 112 I 3 I 01 41 DI RI 11 VI El I JI 01 EI RI GI El RI City Stat• I Tl RI 111 Cl Kl EIEI PhoMNumbH I 5 I 81 31 71 a a 41 Gn>11A11n11illlmnllf $1 71 Lcl.A..J FaxNuriltr 15 13 10 S I 31 npCod• ~ Bl l I Bl ll Tu!ayrrlDlmNl 01 SJ Si 11-1 11 31 41 01 I 9 I :4 I Bl DI DI 31 15 I l E-moHAddlfSS I 3 I 2I 4 I I 1 I 21 O I D•btptrGJpha rtappllcab~) I S G I R I I I E I EI I I I I H I @ I I RI U I C I K I EI E IS I A I N I Countrylnwl>lchyourbuslnt11bhNdq11irtmd,ffnotUJ. I OJ R I G I Embossed Public Entity Name(Ashshoukh!!""nthtotcfdQ~ 23charatterffmk.lndudlngspa<,.) .___.___.__,___.___._,___,___._..I IT IP Ju le IK IF IF I Is In IN 11 IT In IP Iv I Nature of Public Entity (please select only one): 0 PubllcUtlity Dlmprovfmenll D fed"'I D Publk Education lnnhtlon D ConverRlon Authority• [JI Othtt(p!..,•d'5Cllbf)_cPL.a;JB..,1l.... C,,,AG..,F.,N,,.cyL-_ _ _ __ D loQI (dty, town, county) O TypeofProducts/Servkes: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ip Ir Is IT IP D Pl..,. chl!CI: f your buslMss provldt1 fo~ '""'"" uchan!lf, money transftt, or ash baa on ch"ks;or ff your buslnt11 Sflls, illu"' or exchangfl tra,.~r's ch"kl, money ordm, or nortd value gift cards tot.anng mort than $1000forany pfl!On ptrday. i@§i¥n&~IU'l.f"''''·'· Rnandal lnnhllllon N.lmo o I •I o • I' ' I •I a o 12 I o i J Unrtnrkttd lrrmtment Ba~n" $~1~-~~~~21~5~1-3~1-0~1~4~10~ Other Types of Relationships with Wells Fargo: D OtpOSkory 0 lfndlng [i Olhfr(pltastdtscrtbe) In fll'OCd" S n' yifllna up d>etJrloQ acr.ouot5 Requested Card Information Nurrbtt of GJrds Reqllflttd (Jfd~ l~• Reql/'5ltd I [ii 3 I 7 I $1 I s Jo Io 10 Jo I Consolidated- On• biD "'11 to the Publlc Ent~y. D lndMdual-Bil Serd toand paij by Heh Qrdho!dtr. D Crodlt i"'eq...ntd h Offi $100,000- payment In full requirtd ,.ch mont~ Company Contact (Admm1strator) Compa!ly (pf non with authority to rtqllfltaddi11onal oecit linfl,new card holden, and changfl 1• any of your actounts). f1llt Ham<, last N.lme I SI U I s I A I NI GI RI i 1 F I F I ' I TIH I Ph on' Numbtr Fuffuml>ff JS I 31 01 II 51 SJ 01-1 PSCCP16854 XFC ~ 11 1 71 5J 31 01 I SJ SJ 21-1 SJ 7 JS I 71 Page 1of4 0000001 II II Wells Fargo Business Elite Card - Public Sector (continued) Documentat1on (NOTE: before signing and submitting this application please follow and review the Information below. Authorization documentation must be provided for all requests). For requests of S20 000 or LESS. please proylde· • A letter from your legal counsel indicating the individual authorized to contract. •Other Information that may be requested (dependent on credit evaluation): •Three years audited financial statements. •Additional documentation as outlined by individual states or local statutes. • II For requests GREATER than $20.QQQ. please provjde· •A letter from your legal counsel or a certified resolution as to the authority of signer to enter into the contractual agreement contemplated by this appfication. •A formal document showing that the signing entity has the authority to issue debt and that when issued It w!!I be valid and enforceable. • if applicable, schedule of agencies that will participate in the program.The schedule will indicate that the signing entity will have liability for all scheduled agencies and cardholders. •Three years audited financial statements may also be requested. •Additional documentation may be required as outlined by individual states or local statutes. Disclosures Yes, I understand our Wells Fargo Business Elite Card program will be subject to Corporate Uablllty rules, payment in full required each month.I accept on behalfofthe Public Entity named above ("Applicanti your offer to apply for a Wells Fargo Business Elite Card. I accept the terms and conditions of the Customer Agreement that will be provided to Applicant upon approval of this Application. Please read carefully: By signing below, I certify that I am an Authorized Officer, authorized to submit this application on behalf of the Public Entity and that all information and documents provided in connection with this application, including federal and state income tax returns (if any), are true, correct.and complete.I further certify that this credit request ls for my business only, and that all proceeds will be used solely for business or commercial purposes. I authorize Wells Fargo Bank, NA ("Bank") to obtain balance and payoff information on all accounts requiring payoff as a condition of approving this application and to obtain business reports from and to report credit Information to others. including the internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities, about the Public Entity, and if accepted, from time to time thereafter. I agree to notify Bank promptly of any mate1ial change in such Information. I acknowledge that 0) this appUcation is subject to final approval of the Appficant, and that (II) additional information may be required in order for the Bank to make a final credit decision. I agree to pay Bank's costs and attorney's fees in enforcing the Customer Agreement. If approved, I agree to accepttheactual credit amount granted which may be less than the preferred amount.if the actual credit granted is less than the preferred amount, individual credit lines will be reduced proportionately. I further agree that a facsimile of my signature or use of any feature of Wells Fargo Business Elite Card may be used as evidence of the foregoing authorizations, acceptances and agreements. Telephone Monitoring and Contacting You: From time to time Bank may monitor and record telephone calls regarding your Account to assure the quality of our service. You agree, in order for Bank to service the Account or to collect any amounts you may owe, that we may from time to time make calls and send text messages to you, using prerecorded/artificial voice messages and/or through the use of an automatic dialing device, at any telephone number associated with your account. Including mobile telephone numbers that could result in charges to you. You also expressly consent to Bank sending email messages regarding your Account to your email address. New Account identification Requirements: To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, US.Federal law requires financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record Information that identifies each person (Individuals and businesses) who opens an account. What this means for you:When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents. Authorizing Officer #1 !person authorized to Issue debt) Rot Himt.IJ~ Nimf I RIO 1N IA I L1D1 I S1W1 E1 E1 Tl C.untry of Citizenshipr othetthan u .~ Ofli<t Phone Numbu I DI I I RI El Cl Tl Q R Are you or any guarantor on this application a Regulation O Insider ofany depository lnstltutlon1 DYes 'XNo (A Regulation 0 insider includes a Director. Executive Officer, or Prindpal Shareholder of any bank, thrift or othtr depository institution or a company owned or controlled by such a Director; Executive Officer ar Prindpal Shareholder {"Related Interest"]}. If yes, then fist Institution Name and Oty,State of Institution. lnstitutionNamf City and Sute of Institution Authorizing Officer #2 (person authorized to Issue debt, lfrequlred by public entity) Rot Name,IJ~ Nimf IBIRIJ IAINI ISIMIAIRIII Ofllce Phont Number 1513101 Cow1try of Olzenshlp I other than U.S. 1518171-131814101 I DJ I I RI E I CJ T I 0 I RJ Are you or any guarantor on this application a Regulation O Insider ofany depository Institution1 DYes Cii:No (A Regulation 0 insider includes a Director. Executive Officer. or Prindpal Shareholder ofany bank, thrift or other depository institution or a company owned or canttalled by such a Director, Executive Officer or Principal Shareholder {"Relared lnreresr"]J. If yes, then list Institution Name and City, State of Institution. lnnitution Name CityandStateoflnstltutlon II PSCCP26541 XFC Page 2 of4 0000001 II II Wells Fargo Business Elite Card - Public Sector (continued) • If you answer YES to the following question, we will contact you for additional cardholder enrollment. Gil YES, I am requesting cards for more than 5 cardholders. Signatures (requued) Sign•ture, Authorizing Officer #1 Date Signature, Authorizing Officer #2 Date II Banker Information (required) BinkerEmpio'IHl.0.1 Wds faf20 Banktr f~ •pt>li!!blf) (FIBI Name, IJst Name) StOltName StottSt...tAddms 1 5I I 1I 0I I A I RI D1 EI NI d V'{Jlj 'rj 1S1U1l1 T1 § 1310101 lmt ~Zlp~Codf-'----- I SI A I Ci RI A I MI E I Ni TI 0 I AUi 9151811151 PhontNumbtr Fu Number i§l@b§§i@IMiiii&ih.JFHMAAQFIFWIAfiEIA MAC! M The individual listed as first c.irdho!der will be designated as the hokier of the"primary account"The primary account will receive the points earned by each card enrolled in the optional Business Card Rewards5 program. 11 Am tlame, IJst Name I DIE I NI NI I IS I I AINI OfliCf Phon• Number Is I 3 I oI Si a1 71 -I 31 Billn Addms I a 1t 2 I 3 1 Ot 4 ! 9 El RI S 1 EI N 1 Homt Phon• Number !ll g 1 J i O i Ei R r Gi E 1 Rt DI RI I IV I El Maxin11m 1111nth!y sptndlng &nit (rrln. SlOO) ~IT~1R~1_U~1_C~1~~~§~E~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~l~I~ *Spending Control Type: O Driving D Ma int D Const, fuel, and Ma!nt D T&E D F. M, T&E Seedefinitionsbelow. D Off.admin D Restrictions 0 WkdayRestr. 0 STL -$250 ~ D STl -$500 I 91 6111611 I $~1~~~1_5~1_0~1~01 0 STl -$1000 12ABI Name, !JU Name GI Offi<• Phone Numbtr I I LI ~4 ol R I e HomtPhontNumbfr I 1 !P1011518111-131810141 BHl!n9Add1t1s 11 1 21 ~ 01 41 I J I 01 Ej R1 G1 E1 R1 Sbtt City ~Dp_Codf _ _ _ __ Main11m monthly spmding linit (rtin. SSOO) $._I_,___.___,_1_5_.1_0_,1_o_,I *Spending Control Type: See definitions below. 0 Driving 0 Off.adm!n D Maint D Comt, fuel, and Ma int D Restrictions D Wkday Restr. O T&E OF,M,T&E D STl - $250 D STl - $500 D STl -$1000 ll Am Name, list Name Otlic•Pho .. Numbtr =Ho~me_Ph_on_•N_umbe==r- - - - - - - - - - - I 51 31 01 BHRn Addttss 11121310141 l.llOIEIRIGIEIRI IDIRll IVIEI ~1r ........1~R~l......._.LJ~l~C~luK.........IE_.1.E__._1-'-.L--'--'---'--'-.....__.___.___._..___.__.___,_1__.1.__~1_. *Spending Control Type: D Driving D Maint 0 Cons~ fuel, and Maint. D T&E D F. M,T&E Seedefinitiombe!ow. D Off.admin 0 Restrictions 0 WkdayRestr. D STL - $250 D STl - $SOO II Page 3 of 4 XFC ~ I 916111611 I $~1__.___.__ 1~s.........n~1~0.__,1 D STL -$1000 0000001 Pl<i<e5end WIU!lm!i •ppli<ltion ind nO<!SSary pipe<WOrlt to: Wells Fargo Bank, Business Direct, MAC #54101-07A, P.O. Box 29701,Phoenlx,AZ 85038-9701 OR Fax: 1-866-814-7729. II II Wells Fargo Business Elite Card - Public Sector (continued) • I B1 L I A I K I E I Offia Phono NurR>er II Homo Phan• NurR>er 5!8171-131810!4! I 51 31 01 81\fin Addrtn I 11 2 13 I 0 I 4 I I JI 01 El RIG IE IR I I DI RI I IVIE I .!!!!.....__ ITIRIU!CIKIEIEI •spending Control Type: D Driving See definitions below. D Off.admin I D Maint. D Const, fuel, and Maint. D Restrictions D Wkday Restr. _ _ _ _ __ ~Zlp_Codt LCl.A.J I O T&E §6111611 Maximim monthly sptnd"IOIJ init (nin. $500) $1 I 11 51 al al a I OF,M,T&E D STL - $250 D STL -$500 D STL -$1000 IS Rm Name, Wt Name I Si U I S I A I NI I GI R I I IF I FI I I TI HI ""Ho'-"mo'-'-P=hon=•=Nu""mbtr"'------------- Off'Kf!fhoneNumb!r 151301 1518171-131810141 BlllngAddrtss I 1I2 I 3I0 I 4 I I J I 01 E I R I G I E I R I DI RI I !VI El ~ ITIRIUICIKIEIEI *Spending Control Type: D Driving See definitions below. D Off.admin I D Ma!nt. D Const. fuel, and Maint. D Restrictions D Wkday Restr. _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ Zl~peodt MaximJm monlll!y sp<n~ng lnil (nin. $500) I O T&E OF,M,T&E D STL - $250 D STL - $500 D STL - $1000 * Spending Control Type: (Choose one spending type from the selection if required) If no spending control is applied, cardholder has access to all types of purchases. Driving - limits cardholder spending to only driving expenses. Maintenance (Maint.) - limits cardholder spending to driving and maintenance expenses. Construction, Fuel, and Maintenance (Const, Fuel, and Ma int.) · limits card holder spending relating only to construction. Travel and Entertainment (T & E) · allows expenses relating only to travel and entertainment. Fuel, Maintenance, Travel and Expenses (F;M,T & E) - limits cardholder spending to fuel, maintenance, and entertainment needs. Office Administration (Off. Admin) · allows an office manager to handle various business needs, travel and entertainment expenses. Restrictions - restricts spending at merchant types that cardholder is not authorized to make. Workday Restriction (Wkday Restr.J• restricts spending to standard business hours. Single Transaction Max Limits (ffi) - restricts cardholder spending to $250, $500 or $1000 per transaction. Additional Benefits: DI'. Wells Fargo Business Card Rewards11 Program. $50 annual program fee per company. Enroll in the rewards program and select one of the following options: D Rewards points - earn points and redeem for merchandise, gift cards, cash back, air travel, and more. !)ii Cash back only - earn 1% cash rewards on purchases which will be automatically credited every quarter. No cap on cash back earned •• D Automatic Payment. Complete this section if customer wishes to set up automatic payments. Monthly Payment Options: D Minimum Payment: See the Customer Agreement for details. Monthly balance must be paid in full for companies with Business Elite Card credit lines over $100,000. D Full Payment: 100% of balance shown on statement. Business Checking Account# Transit Routing# II Page 4of 4 XFC 0000001 o 2011 Wells Fargo Bank.N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. BBG3613(1().11) II • Truckee Sanitary District Wells Fargo Treasury Management Proposal Pricing as of May 2016 Monthly Volume Service Description BALANCE & COMPENSATION INFORMATION RECOUPMENT MONTHLY 0.12750 150 20.00000 0.20000 5.00000 5.00000 0.75000 4 31 4 1 2 8.00000 1.00000 0.20000 0.12000 1 3 6 11 2.50000 15.00000 0.20000 1.05000 0 0 79 0 0.20000 0.05000 0.20000 5.00000 40.00000 0.25000 0.25000 3 2 29 3 12 81 0.60 0.10 5.80 15.00 40.00 3.00 20.25 84.75 Subtotal INFORMATION SERVICES CEO BASIC BANKING - MONTHLY BASE CEO BASIC BANKING ADDL ACCT-MO BASE CEO BASIC BANKING - BOOK TRANSFER DESKTOP DEPOSIT MONTHLY BASE 0.00 0.00 15.80 0.00 15.80 Subtotal GENERAL ACH SERVICES ELECTRONIC CREDITS POSTED ACH ORIGINATED -ADDENDA REC ACH RECEIVED ITEM ACH PAYMENTS ONLINE BATCH RELEASE ACH PAYMENTS BASE FEE ACH PAYMENTS ONE DAY ITEM ACH PAYMENTS TWO DAY ITEM 8.00 3.00 1.20 1.32 13.52 Subtotal PAPER DISBURSEMENT SERVICES CEO IMAGE VIEW< 90 DAYS - ITEM STOP PAYMENT- ONLINE DOA CHECKS PAID CEO SEARCH 80.00 6.20 20.00 5.00 1.50 112.70 Subtotal DEPOSITORY SERVICES RETURN ITEM REDEPOSITED BRANCH/STORE/NIGHT DROP DEPOSIT DEPOSITED CHECKS DESKTOP DEPOSIT-NON WFARGO DEP ITEM 19.13 * 19.13 Subtotal GENERAL ACCOUNT SERVICES ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE-CHEXSTOR DEBITS POSTED ODA STATEMENT - PAPER CLIENT ANALYSIS STATEMENT-PAPER DESKTOP DEPOSIT CREDIT POSTED Activity Charges 20.00000 10.00000 0.00000 25.00000 1 3 3 20.00 30.00 0.00 25.00 75.00 Subtotal 320.90 Total Monthly Activity Charges Customer Proposal Report Summary Position $ $ Total Monthly Activity Charges Available Balance Earnings Credit Rate Earnings Allowance Balance Required to Offset Services $ $ $ !Estimated Net Position (Shortfall) Setup Charges ACH PAYMENTS SET UP FEE Total Setup Charges 375.00000 Balances and ECR may also be applied against Balance Based Setup Charges. The above pricing estimate is based on certain assumptions drawn from projected volume, scope of services and/or other information you have provided. The pricing is subject to change if the actual volume and/or scope of services differ from the assumptions upon which the pricing estimate was based. •Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. will allocate a fee to recover the cost of deposit insurance premiums. The Recoupment Fee is assessed on the Average Ledger Balance in your interest bearing and non-interest bearing accounts. Customer Proposal Report 320.90 148,169.44 0.20% 25.17 1,889, 139.92 (295.73)1 375.00 375.00 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: STAFF REPORTS: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: Information Only - Engineering, Operations & Maintenance, Finance, and Administration ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: MANAGER’S REPORT: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: Information Only ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : Blake Tresan, General Manager MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager To: TSD Board of Directors From: Blake Tresan, General Manger Subject: May 2016 Monthly Staff Report MAY HIGHLIGHTS There were zero (0) sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) in May. Three seasonal laborers were hired. The Construction Crew repaired 4 manholes and 2 services laterals. The cleaning crew cleaned 251 pipe segments. They are at 37% of their annual cleaning goal or 88% for this date. The TV crew televised 11 sewer mains. They are at 10% of their annual mainline televising goal or 24% for this date. The TV crew televised 81 laterals. They are at 24% of their annual lateral televising goal or 57% for this date. Members of the Management and Supervisory Team participated in a Manager/Supervisor workshop by CEO on May 9. March sewer flows averaged 1.53 MGD. The solar system generated 6.1 MWhr of net electricity in May. All Field staff attended an AC pipe handling training course. Twenty one (21) sewer permits were issued in May bringing the total to-date to 44, which is 70% of last year’s level (44 vs 61). Fourty (40) ordinance tests were performed in May. Ordinance tests to-date are up 25% over last year (149 vs 119). ANTICIPATED HIGHLIGHTS FOR NEXT TWO MONTHS Dedication Ceremony for the Doc Affeldt Bridge on June 23. Bid Manhole Rehabilitation Project 2016. Submit pre-application to Town for TSD property lot line adjustments. Complete recruitment for and retain up to three (3) Administrative Technicians. Staff will man a booth at the Truckee Day event on June 4. Finalize draft FY 2016-17 Budget and CIP. Complete organizational and limited classification and compensation study by Koff & Associates HR/RM Specialist, Liz Carstens, will be attending the annual Society for Human Resource Management conference in Washington, D.C. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Hired three seasonal laborers. Participated in Management/Supervisory training on May 9. Participated in kick-off meeting for CASA’s new Collection Systems Workgroup. Met with Managers regarding development of FY17 Budget and CIP. Worked with Koff & Associates on limited organizational, classification, and compensation study Worked with HDR Engineering on Sewer Rate Study Met with Executive Coach on effective communication and leadership Held regular weekly meetings with GM staff members. Held regular monthly meeting with all TSD employees. Met with the Board Finance Committee to go over accounts payable. Performed the regular monthly bank reconciliation process. Addressed personnel issues as needed Administration Completed training with Rebecca for Executive Assistant / Administrative Supervisor Position Relocated into Rebecca’s old office Attended Webinar – “Must Have Communications Protocols for Board Members and Staff” Performed various administrative duties and customer service Annette Wolf continued training on Purchase Order procedures Issued 19 Residential Sewer Permits: o 2 Cambridge o 2 Glenshire/Devonshire o 4 Grays Crossing o 1 Donner Lake o 1 Lahontan o 5 Martis Camp o 1 Shaffer’s Mill o 2 Tahoe Donner o 1 Wintercreek Issued 1 Commercial Sewer Permit: o 1 Schaffer’s Mill - Schaffer’s Mill Spa in the Rocks Issued 5 Preliminary Sewer Lateral Inspection Agreement: o 1 Gray’s Crossing o 2 Lahontan o 2 Martis Camp Contacted owners/agents regarding 1 expired Preliminary Sewer Lateral Inspection Agreements Issued 1 Pool Permit o 1 Martis Camp Issued 1 Extension to a Sewer Permit o 1 Martis Camp Human Resources Training with Rebecca for HR/Risk Management Specialist position Attended Leadership Training with Creating Effective Organizations Coordinated renewals for Dental, Life, and AD&D and general liability insurance policies Initiated annual performance evaluation process Processed workers’ comp claims Processed Rebecca Ruby’s retirement Coordinated Admin retirement luncheon for Rebecca Ruby Collaborated with HRC in Admin Tech recruitment process Collaborated with Tahoe Staff in Seasonal Laborer recruitment Coordinated Engineering Summer Internship recruitment Performed various administrative duties and customer service FINANCE & ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT REPORT Susan Griffith attended the Government Finance Officers Association Training Conference in Toronto. Completed the normal accounts receivable, billings, payables, payroll, customer refund, and general ledger processes. Staff worked with the General Manager to prepare for final FY17 budget. Trained new employees on orientation, purchasing, software, and TSD practices. Prepared accounts files for July County user and delinquent user fee billing processes. Staff attended a presentation at the Truckee Area Manager’s meeting which explained property tax revenues and projected FY 2015-16 revenues. Relocated offices & welcomed new employee, June Reeve, to the department. OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT The Maintenance Department closed 25 Work Orders and addressed 1 Sanitary Sewer Request in May. The one SSR was an odor complaint, and not TSD related. General The District is required to report any Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO’s) to the State Water Resources Control Board per Order 2006-0003. TSD had 0 SSO’s to report in May. The Maintenance Dept. hired three Temporary Seasonal Laborers through “Tahoe Staff” for the summer season, rounding out our field crews to 4 workers per crew. Most field crews attended the CWEA Safety Day in Kings Beach on May 4th. We received six new service vehicles and traded in the existing ones. 9 employees attended a 2 day PACP Certification class at TSD, which is a pipe condition assessment program used in televising sewer lines. The maintenance department started the new DOT daily vehicle inspection program for all vehicles over 10,000 lbs. GVWR. Construction Crew The Construction crew closed 11 work orders in May. The crew: Repaired 4 manholes that were leaking. Repaired 2 service laterals. Re-installed 3 chimney seals in Lahontan from a re-paving project last fall. Rebuilt 7 manholes from the cone to grade. Did 3 manhole entries to remove roots. Cleaning Crew The Cleaning crews closed 8 cleaning, and 3 Vactor Maintenance work orders in May including the following: Cleaned 61,200 feet of mainlines in 251 pipe segments (see attached map), averaging 4,080 feet per day. The month consisted of frequent and routine cleaning, and easement work in Lahontan and Martis Camp. The crews also cleaned and flagged for the TV crew at various locations. Overall, we are at 36.1% of our goal of cleaning 3,061 pipe segments per year, which is 90% to date. CCTV Crew The CCTV crews closed 3 work orders in May, their numbers are as follows: Using the Lamp II camera equipment, the crew televised 2,900 feet of mainlines, in 11 mainline segments (see attached map), averaging 485 feet per day. The Lamp truck televised 1,920 feet in 81 service laterals in Tahoe Donner. The crew used the Lamp II truck for USA locating in the Tahoe Donner Water Line Project area, and also did some cable repairs to the TV equipment Overall, we are at 10% of our goal of televising 1,206 mainline pipe segments per year, which is 24.5% for this date, and laterals are at 23.7% to date. Vehicle Maintenance Fleet Maintenance work for May included: Serviced, oil change, filters and lube on 4 vehicles. Removed TSD stickers, numbers, and radios for trade-in on 6 vehicles, prepped 6 new vehicles: installing radios, TSD signs, tools boxes, etc. Replaced water pump on TSD corp. yard generator. Miscellaneous repairs on small equipment, and vactors. Assisted construction crew on some maintenance work orders. Building and Grounds Lonnie has activated and tuned up the irrigation systems at the TSD Corp Yard and has been doing some landscape maintenance, and has been keeping up with his duties at all District buildings. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REPORT Wastewater Flow Summary Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Average Sewer Sheds Tahoe Donner Donner Lake Martis Valley Glenshire Other TSD System Dates Current Solar Year May 2016 Solar Year to Datea Solar Bank w/ PUD District Average Daily Flow - MGD 2013 2014 2015 1.75 1.45 1.43 1.79 1.66 1.54 1.72 1.48 1.27 1.40 1.25 1.12 1.36 1.20 1.17 1.53 1.42 1.38 1.96 1.77 1.70 1.76 1.65 1.53 1.39 1.26 1.22 1.24 1.16 1.12 1.23 1.18 1.16 1.56 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.42 1.35 2016 1.78 1.80 2.03 1.53 1.34 1.70 Average Daily Flow by Sewer Shed MGD .53 .34 .21 .21 .05 1.34 Solar Power Produced (MWh) Energy Consumed (MWh) Net Electricity Production or (Use) MWh 19.7 13.6 6.1 54.6 41.3 13.3 13.3 13.0 37.6 +5.4 +22.3 Previous Solar Year May 2015 18.4 2015 Solar Year 59.9 a”Solar Year” runs from March thru February Capital Improvement Projects CIP Projects o Manholes are being identified to be included in the 2016 Manhole Rehabilitation project. o The land surveying project is moving forward with the locating of boundary corners. Mr. Sullivan is moving forward with a pre-application for the Lot Line Adjustment, and pre-application for the Certificate of Compliance. o Staff has researched replacing the Admin Building exterior doors and is recommending a replacement in kind with required panic hardware. Staff is also recommending adding an interior door to an existing office. Engineering Department The District Code Book has had the initial review by staff for a code book update in 2016. CATT provided a suggestion to modify the 2 way cleanout detail, which staff is reviewing. Staff is working with Airport District and Town of Truckee to relocate the Airport meter. Public Agency Coordination: TSD staff is coordinating with other local agencies on the following items: Railyard Development Project: o The Railyard project continues to move forward. The District received the railroad main line bore plans. The District also received the plans for the UPRR new maintenance building. TDPUD continues with the waterline project located on Kitzbuhel and Northwoods in Tahoe Donner. The Town of Truckee continues with the installation of Brickeltown Phase II, awarded to Q&D, The first phase of construction was primarily night work, and switched to day work on May 23. The Town of Truckee West River Widening project was awarded to Q&D and the pre-construction meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2016. This project is planned to work the opposite shift as the Brickeltown Phase II project. Inspections Department Performed residential and commercial inspections, USA locates, FOG inspections, and plan checking. Lift Stations Department In addition to preventative maintenance the lift station staff: Pulled pump at Lahontan 2 to remove debris Pulled pump at Lahontan 1 to remove debris Painted no parking stripes on lift stations around Donner Lake Information Technology Deployed new iPads to the Board of Directors. Performed physical repairs and operating system upgrades on several servers. Performed troubleshooting on the District mail server. Performed phone system configuration and Administrator training. Wrote a Microsoft Access macro to convert Gasboy fueling records for the new vehicles to be imported in to Lucity. Commercial Inspection Administration: New Projects in Plan Check: None Final of Projects: APN: 18-570-22 – TTUSD Track and Field Restrooms APN: 080-061-07 – Schaffer’s Mill 3A Close out of Projects: None Final of Tenant Improvements: None Dedications: Lift Station in Schaffer’s Mill 3A received from Recorder’s Office Warranty Releases: None Residential Inspection Administration: There were 21 permits opened in the month of May. Through the same date last year, 61 permit(s) had been issued. There was 9 Intent-to-Serve form submitted for TSD approval in May. We received 19 new permit applications from the Town of Truckee. There were 40 ordinance tests performed in May. Through the same date last year, 119 test(s) had been performed. Year 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Sewer Permits & Ordinance Test Summary Sewer Permits Ordinance Tests Total Issued Through May Total Performed Through May 44 149 211 61 482 119 216 55 526 131 188 47 497 132 123 28 402 116 103 21 461 95 85 17 317 102 72 14 335 63 93 33 221 53 196 42 246 80 409 281 327 372 483 569 339 370 329 432 10.0 January February March April May June July August 13.6 16.6 19.8 20.0 19.7 17.8 19.8 20.2 22.5 19.5 21.5 19.3 19.7 23.3 24.1 22.6 21.5 20.721.9 19.7 19.6 22.0 23.7 21.722.9 20.9 21.1 21 22.2 20.6 22.3 19.5 18.9 21.4 23.0 18.5 18.419.7 25.0 15.6 14.9 14.6 14.5 13.6 16.2 20.7 20.4 19.8 19.6 21.8 18.8 20.8 18.0 18.0 14.9 16.6 17.1 18.5 16.1 17.7 15.416.5 15.0 15.5 15.4 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.8 20.0 11.3 12.1 14 13.1 15.0 7.9 9.8 8.3 8.7 7.6 8.9 9.5 MWh Truckee Sanitary District Solar Power Production Created June 1, 2016 30.0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5.0 0.0 September October November December TSD Solar Production vs TSD Energy Use Past 13 Months Solar Power Produced Current Solar Year Bank: 13.3 MWhr Power Consumed 25.0 21.9 20.8 20.7 20.6 19.7 19.6 20.0 19.7 18.4 18.8 17.8 17.2 16.5 16.0 15.0 15.0 14.5 13.0 12.3 MWH 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.1 15.6 16.1 14.8 12.9 13.6 11.9 10.1 8.9 10.0 7.6 5.0 0.0 March April May June July August September October NovemberDecember January February March April May Solar year runs from March through February Month Created June 2, 2016 Mainline Cleaning Footage 120,000 2012 2013 2014 100,000 2015 2016 Feet per Month 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I \ .--- ~ I I \ ! l k ) I\ I ?f.7 1 CCTV Inspection Main Footage 70,000 2012 2013 2014 60,000 2015 2016 Feet per Month 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TV Main May 2016 .. ~-~ -~~ -, _____ CCTV Lateral Inspections 200 180 160 Laterals per Month 140 120 2014 100 2015 2016 80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TV Lateral May 2016 d ..-.:--·~.-- k -~-=---.::..-.:::--· c re _~--=-/ d e r --=---=-. : . A~ -.:.:-=-=~ ./r-. .::-=---~. ·->-- - .,. - _,..._,,:_-;-· - I / / / I / J _r....,,,- YEAR-TO-DATE PRODUCTION REPORT 6/7/2016 2:33 PM As of 6/7/2016 - 43.30% of Year TELEVISION INSPECTION - MAIN LINES Pipeline TV'ing Frequency Annual Target No. of Pipes Pipeline Length, LF Routine 4,278 1,115,313 1,182 278,828 124 Total 4,302 1,120,051 1,206 283,566 124 No. Pipes CCTV'd LF Pipe Length CCTV'd, LF % of Target No. LF 36,595 10.5 13.1 36,595 10.3 12.9 23.8 29.8 Above/Below for Date: Note: Goal for pipes on "routine" frequency is to CCTV every 4 years. TELEVISION INSPECTION - LATERALS Number of Laterals Laterals Total Annual Target 11,634 Laterals CCTV'd % of Target 184 776 23.7 Above/Below for Date: 54.8 Note: Target goal is to CCTV all laterals once every 15 years. HYDRO CLEANING - MAIN LINES Pipeline Cleaning Frequency No. of Pipes Pipeline Length, LF Annual 51 12,235 51 12,235 28 6,841 54.9 55.9 Bi-Weekly 24 3,873 624 100,685 238 38,144 38.1 37.9 Monthly 36 9,545 432 114,534 220 59,401 50.9 51.9 N/A 3,907 1,010,738 1,302 336,913 4 1,431 0.3 0.4 Routine 3,907 1,010,738 1,302 336,913 368 96,095 28.3 28.5 137 32,859 274 65,718 165 38,680 60.2 58.9 93 28,520 372 114,082 131 38,827 35.2 34.0 4,251 1,098,298 3,061 745,223 1,215 297,674 39.7 39.9 92.0 92.3 Six Months Three Months Total Annual Target No. LF Pipes Cleaned Pipe Length Cleaned, LF Above/Below For Date: Note: Goal for pipes on "Routine" list is to clean every 3 years. \\cmms2\public\GBAMastr\Reports\Work\_tsd TV YTD Report2.rpt Page 1 of 1 % of Target No. LF YearlyTotals (Year to Date 2016) 483 Sewer Permits 409 327 May 31, 2016 194 2004 2005 2006 2007 188 93 72 85 103 2008 2009 2010 2011 2010 2011 216 211 123 44 2012 2013 2014 2015 60 55 50 45 Number of Permits 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 Yearly Totals (Year to Date 2016) 569 497 461 Ordinance Tests 482 402 372 May 31, 2016 526 281 335 317 246 221 149 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Number of Tests 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 PLACER LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION Jim Holmes, Chair (County); Gray Allen (District); Bill Kirby (City); Stan Nader (City); E. Howard Rudd (Public); Ron Treabess (District); Robert Weygandt (County). Alternate Commissioners: Jim Gray (Public); Jack Duran (County); Vacant (City); Sue Daniels (District) REGULAR HEARING AGENDA June 8, 2016--4:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors' Chambers County Administrative Building 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603 1. Flag Salute 2. Call to Order and Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda (Action item) 4. New Commission Members: The newly selected Special District members and City Member (if available) will be sworn in. 5. Appreciation of Service - Commissioner Allen: The Chairman will present a plaque of appreciation to outgoing Commissioner Allen 6. Approval of Minutes: From the May 11, 2016 Commission hearing. (Action Item) 7. Public Comment: This is the time when persons may address the Commission on items not on the agenda. Please limit comments to three (3) minutes as the Commission is not permitted to take any action on items presented as public comment. 8. City of Lincoln- Village 1 Annexation: The Commission will be asked to consider a the proposal for annexation of the Village 1 area into the City of Lincoln and detachment of the CEQA territory from County Service Area 28 Zone 76 (Placer County Fire) District. determination; Responsible agency under CEQA Guidelines section 15096. (Action item) 9. Approval of Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Final Budget (Action item) The Commission will be presented with the Final Budget for FY 2016-2017, and asked to approve the proposed work plan. (Action item) 10. Executive Officer Reports: CALAFCO update, Fall Conference Legislative Committee update Proposal Status Next Hearing: July 13, 2016 (Note: will be held at the Planning Commission Chambers, Dewitt Center, Community Development Resource Agency) 11. Commissioner Reports: 12. Adjournment: For further information or to provide written comments on any item on the agenda, please contact the Placer LAFCO. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Placer LAFCO office at 110 Maple Street, Auburn, CA 95603 during normal business hours. Phone: (530) 889-4097. Placer LAFCO is committed to ensuring that persons with disabil.ities are provided the resources to participate in its meetings. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the Clerk to the Commission at least two business days prior to the meeting date. Please join the truckee sanitary district at the ROBERT “DOC” AFFELDT Pedestrian BRIDGE DEDICATION CEREMONY Robert “Doc” Affeldt TSD Board Member 1967-2015 JUNE 23, 2016 at 11:00 AM At the bridge across the truckee river Connecting east river street to the regional park Drinks and snacks to follow ceremony TA KOE! TRUCKEE I COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Craig Lundin, Chair May 25, 2016 Walter Auerbach Marilyn Disbrow Geoff Edelstein Nancy Giska Steve Gross David Hansen Brad Koch Mr. Blake Tresan, P.E., General Manager Truckee Sanitary District 12304 Joerger Drive Truckee, CA 96161-3312 Lauren OBrien Robert Richards Kathryn Rohlf Michael Sabarese Hannah Sullivan Dear Mr. Tresan: CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Jim Porter We are so grateful for the generosity you've shown our community, and for choosing Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation (TICF) as your partner in giving back. I truly believe that collective givmgequa s grea er 1 pact.- FOUNDERS Shirley and David Allen Alpine Meadows Alpine Winter Foundation Anonym ous Julie Bradley and Zeke Cornell Booth Creek Ski Holdings Polly ond Tom Bredt Linda and David Brown Cindy Darneal Quinn Delaney and Wayne Jordan East West Partners Kathleen Eagon and James Duffy Stuart Feigin The FHK Companies The Gelso Families John ond Judi Gingerich Ernie and Tom Grossman The Hackstock Family Patricia Hellman Gibbs ond Richard Gibbs William Hewlett Fred and Barbara llfeld John Jorgenson lahonton, LLC low Office of Porter Simon Brian Marsh Bill and Christney McGlashan Azad Mciver Luise and Roger Menges Julie Motamedi and Don With your $500.00 donation to TTCF's Truckee Day Fund on April 06, 2016, you have already made a huge difference in the lives of all the people who love Tahoe as much as you do. This year, you have helped drive over $1.5 million in grantmaking and scholarships as well as TICF campaigns that channel even more resources into our local nonprofit community. By partnering with our foundation, you join your neighbors to cultivate a caring, creative and more vibrant community. Our investment in Tahoe's youth , families and culture as well as our natural spaces and wildlife is what keeps this region so special. We would love to stay connected and share the stories of our collective impact. Please sign up for our monthly e-newsletter at to read about the grantees, scholarship recipients and community projects that you are supporting. Again , thank you so much for being a part of our mission. !'~n I Northstar-<1t-Tahoe Jim and Marianne Parte r Porter's Ski and Sport Craig and Aliso n Poulsen Gladys "Sandy" Poulsen Resort at Squaw Creek Dave and Holly Rippey The Rock Garden & TNT Materials Scott and Pally Ryan Ryan Group Architects Squaw Valley USA Sugar Bowl Ski Resort Teichert Foundation Truckee Tahoe lumber Co. Jim and Ginger Walsh Betsy and Tom Watson John Weaver Louise and Richard Wiesner Please note, you did not receive anything of value in exchange for your gift, and consequently you are entitled to the maximum charitable deduction allowed by law. As a reminder, TTCF has exclusive legal control over assets contributed, as required by the Internal Revenue Code. We suggest this letter be retained to support your 2016 charitable tax deduction. Tax# 68-0416404 Queen of Hearts Women's Fund PO BOX 366, TRUCKEE, CA 96160 ~ community house GIVEBACK TAHOE I 530.587.1776 I TTCF.NET I @TTCFGIVES Tahoe SO 2016 TSD Board Meeting Schedule Jan 2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 21 Regular Board Meeting February 18 Regular Board Meeting Ju12016 SMTWTFS I 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 March Feb 2016 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 11• 17 Regular Board Meeting April 21 Regular Board Meeting May Aug2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 Regular Board Meeting Mar2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 16 Regular Board Meeting July 21 Regular Board Meeting Sep2016 S M T W T F S I 2 3 45678910 11 12 13 14 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August Apr 2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 18 Regular Board Meeting September 15 Regular Board Meeting October Oct 2016 S M T W T F S I 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 20 Regular Board Meeting May 2016 SMTWTFS 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161718 . 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 17 Regular Board Meeting December 15 Regular Board Meeting Jun 2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Nov 2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 19 13 14 15 16 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec2016 SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 11 /20/2015 2016 TSD Holiday Schedule January 1 New Tuar's Day February 15 President's Day March 25 Good Friday May 30 Memorial Day July 4 Independence Day September 5 Labor Day November 11 Veterans Day 24 Thanksgiving Holiday 25 Thanksgiving Holiday December 26 Christmas (observed) One Floating Holiday Taken by each employee, as desired within the calendar year, for cultural, religious, or personal reaons Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 11/20/2015 TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES MIKE ACUFF MAINTENANCE LABORER DATE OF HIRE: 2015 KELLEN BABB MAINTENANCE LABORER DATE OF HIRE: 2008 SARAH BERGERON SENIOR ENGINEER DATE OF HIRE: 2006 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES JEREMY BOURQUE MAINTENANCE LABORER DATE OF HIRE: 2008 HERB BROOKS MAINTENANCE WORKER II DATE OF HIRE: 2000 RAYMOND BROWN DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE OF HIRE: 2002 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES LIZ CARSTENS ACTING HR/RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST DATE OF HIRE: 2015 RYAN CLIFTON MAINTENANCE WORKER II DATE OF HIRE: 2006 LIZ COOMBS ACTING EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/ADMIN SUPERVISOR DATE OF HIRE: 2005 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES MIKE DONCHEZ LIFT STATION SUPERVISOR DATE OF HIRE: 1999 STEVE GOLDER FIELD INSPECTOR II DATE OF HIRE: 1992 SUSAN GRIFFITH ACTING FINANCE & ACCOUNTING MANAGER DATE OF HIRE: 2005 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES LONNIE HALL MAINTENANCE LABORER DATE OF HIRE: 1994 KURT HARRIGAN MAINTENANCE WORKER II DATE OF HIRE: 2000 RENÉ LOPEZ MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR DATE OF HIRE: 2008 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES BRET MIRACLE FIELD INSPECTOR II DATE OF HIRE: 2006 STEVE MURPHY IT/GIS SPECIALIST DATE OF HIRE: 2015 JOHN RABER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR DATE OF HIRE: 1984 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES KARA RAYMER ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN III DATE OF HIRE: 2000 ANGIE REA ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN III DATE OF HIRE: 2016 JUNE REEVE ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN II DATE OF HIRE: 2016 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES MATT RUGE MAINTENANCE WORKER II DATE OF HIRE: 1996 MATT SHILLANDER MAINTENANCE LABORER DATE OF HIRE: 2016 LISA SNIDER ADMIN TECHNICIAN II DATE OF HIRE: 2004 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ARNOLD STUDER FLEET & HEAVY EQUIP MECH DATE OF HIRE: 2014 JOANNE STUMPF ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN II DATE OF HIRE: 2002 ERIC SUNDALE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR DATE OF HIRE: 1999 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES BLAKE TRESAN GENERAL MANAGER DATE OF HIRE: 2002 KYLE VICKERS LIFT STATION WORKER I DATE OF HIRE: 2012 MYLES VICKERS MAINTENANCE WORKER I DATE OF HIRE: 2014 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES MORGAN WALTERS LIFT STATION WORKER I DATE OF HIRE: 2014 MIKE WHITE FIELD INSPECTOR II DATE OF HIRE: 1988 ANNETTE WOLFE ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN I DATE OF HIRE: 2016 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES LEE WRIGHT O&M SUPERINTENDENT DATE OF HIRE: 1990 \\\s1stream\TSD\susxrmzd.jw5.doc TSD ORGANIZATION CHART June 2016 Board of Directors Dennis E. Anderson Jerry Gilmore Brian Kent Smart Ron Sweet Nelson Van Gundy Legal Counsel Ruthann Ziegler General Manager/Chief Engineer Blake Tresan, P.E. District Engineer Raymond Brown, P.E. O & M Superintendent Lee Wright Senior Engineer Sarah Bergeron, P.E. Administrative Technician Lisa Snider - II Lift Station Maintenance Supervisor Mike Donchez Fleet & Heavy Equipment Mechanic Arnold Studer Lift Station Maintenance Worker Kyle Vickers - I Morgan Walters - I Building & Grounds Collection System Maintenance Laborer Lonnie Hall Administrative Technician JoAnne Stumpf - II Unfilled Unfilled Field Inspector Steve Golder - II Bret Miracle - II Mike White - II GIS/IT Specialist Steve Murphy 04/26/2016 Collection System Maintenance Supervisor Rene’ Lopez John Raber Eric Sundale Collection System Maintenance Worker Mike Acuff - Laborer Kellen Babb - Laborer Jeremy Bourque - Laborer Herb Brooks - II Ryan Clifton - II Kurt Harrigan - II Matt Ruge – II Matt Shillander - Laborer Myles Vickers – I Unfilled (2) Acting Executive Assistant Liz Coombs Acting Finance & Acct Manager Susan Griffith Accounting Technician Kara Raymer- III Angie Rea – III June Reeve - II Acting Admin Supervisor Liz Coombs Administrative Technician Annette Wolfe -I Unfilled Acting HR/Risk Management Liz Carstens TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: CASA ANNUAL CONFERENCE MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve conference attendance and special travel requirements as deemed appropriate SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The 2016 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Annual Conference will be held August 10-12, 2016 in Monterey, California. CSRMA will be hosting a pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of August 9. Copies of both programs are attached. If Board Members attending the conference have any special travel requirements, they should seek prior Board Approval. ALTERNATIVES: BUDGET INFORMATION: Conference attendance at CASA has been budgeted for in the FY17 Annual Budget. DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: Blake Tresan, General Manager Blake Tresan, General Manager PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CSRMA Training Seminar Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CASA Board of Directors Meeting 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch On Your Own 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Associates Meeting 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions 1. Ethics Training for Public Officials Brad Hogin, Attorney, Woodruff Spradlin John Bakker, Attorney, Meyers Nave 2. Tour The Pure Water Monterey Program Contact: Monterey Regional WPCA, Cheryl Franzen at [email protected] about the tour 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Communications Workgroup Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CSRMA Board Meeting 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Federal Legislative Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Icebreaker Reception In Celebration of CSRMA’s 30th Anniversary Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:30 a.m.– 9:00 a.m. CSRMA Board of Directors Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Utility Leadership Committee Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Opening Session Keynote: Joe Whitworth, President, The Freshwater Trust and Author of Quantified - Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy Fit for Purpose: Taking Recycled Water to the Next Level Pure Water Monterey, Paul Sciuto, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency San Diego Water Supply Augmentation Project, Brent Eidson, City of San Diego Annual Business Session • Dues Resolution • Introduction of Board of Directors Slate • FY 2017 Budget 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Conference Luncheon – Offsite Memory Garden State Historic Park 1:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Afternoon Session 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. • Announcement of the 2016 CASA Awards of Excellence Winners • Surviving the Retirement Wave: Lessons Learned in Growing Our Successors, Dr. Frank Benest, Consultant This interactive session will explore the impacts of the “retirement wave” and strategies for attracting, retaining and growing talent. Dr. Benest will focus on the need to develop “soft” people skills as well as technical competencies and provide suggestions for public agencies on how to get started in growing our successors. • Education Foundation Scholarship Recipient Interview with Veteran Wastewater Professional Reception Friday, August 12, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. State Legislative Committee Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. All American Breakfast 9:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Closing Session • • • • • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. General Election Outlook State Legislative Report – Dillon, Gauger Washington D.C. Update Introduction of new CASA Board Members Passing of the Gavel and Closing Remarks Attorneys Meeting CSRMA Risk Management Seminar August 9, 2016 Tuesday at CASA Monterey, California 2016 CSRMA Seminar: SB 885: Addressing Professional Liability Exposures in Construction Physical Demands of Jobs and Risk of Employee Injury The Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA) of 2000 When You Say an Employee is Trained, You Mean...? PLEASE NOTE SEMINAR DATE AND START TIME 11:30-12:30pm Buffet Lunch Tuesday, 9 August 2016 12:30-1:00pm SB 885: Addressing Professional Liability Exposures in Construction An overview of the major professional liability areas in Construction and their impact on Project Owners. In addition, we will review recent legislation in this area and discuss both contractual and risk management techniques to minimize the exposure to the Project Owner. ~ Jim Castle, Sr. Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Alliant Americas 1:10-2:00pm Physical Demands of Jobs and Risk of Employee Injury How much do your employees need to lift, push, pull or carry? Is it in your job descriptions? Is it accurate? If pressed, could you identify what those limits are based on? If not, your agency may be at risk of basing employment decisions on bad data. If the limits are accurate and based in reality, are they the “right” limits to protect your employees, especially as they get older? Or, are there better ways of accomplishing the tasks that reduce the risk of injury? The answers to these questions all begin with a physical demands assessment. ~ Don Freeman, Occumetric 2:10-3:00pm Is Your Agency Interested in "FREE" Money...The Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA) of 2000 This informative session will describe how the Vallejo Sanitation & Flood Control District worked with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to have their Local Hazard Mitigation Plan approved by FEMA. This allowed them to apply for and receive a Mitigation Grant for at least $2,000,000 to design and construct a storm wall around their treatment facility. Attendees will learn what is entailed in establishing an integrated, innovative and resilient hazard mitigation and climate adaptation plan. ~ Zoeanne Tafolla, Breath of Life Consulting Services 3:10-4:00pm When You Say An Employee is Trained, You Mean...? The news is filled daily with stories of accidents caused by human (operator) error. Accident investigations overwhelmingly show human error to blame. High performing professional organizations recognize this and have developed many error reduction systems. They all start with being able to quantitatively determine if an employee is competent at performing a specific task or operating a piece of equipment. Without a quantitative determination of competence, who determines WHAT GOOD LOOKS LIKE (WGLL) when an employee completes a task or operates equipment? Does "good" mean nothing bad happened (this time) regardless of how it was done? Does "good" mean something different to different supervisors and managers? Or does "good" look like the job was performed in accordance with established SOPs, which, if clear and accurate, will help ensure safe, consistent and reproducible results, regardless of the employee performing the task or operating the equipment. This is called Competency Based Training. - David Patzer, CSRMA Risk Control Advisor TRUCKEE SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY TITLE: DIRECTORS' COMMENTS: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. : RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: Information Only ALTERNATIVES: N/A BUDGET INFORMATION: N/A DEPT. MGR. : MANAGER’S APPROVAL: