computer input and the semantic organization of
computer input and the semantic organization of
Inform. Star. Rctr. Vol. 3, pp. 35-I IS. Pergamon Press 1967. Printed in Great Britain COMPUTER INPUT AND THE SEMANTIC ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS-I G. Scientific Management M. DYSON Ltd., 49 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire Summary-Analyses of the language used by chemists and biochemists have been made and a classification of vocabularies suggested. There are three main types of vocabulary involved-(i) a basic vocabulary common to the majority of experimental scientific disciplines, (ii) taxonomic vocabularies for each subdiscipline, which are essentially the names of forms and systems of matter, and (iii) specific vocabularies embodying the so-called “jargon” or specialized terms of each sub-discipline. Examples of each are given and their interactions and uses discussed; suggestions are made for the formation of a general scheme of scientific word-lists for computer use. INTRODUCTION chemical information, taken from original communications either directly or through abstracts, is placed in a large computer store, there are certain desirable sequels which should follow from the manipulation of the tapes comprising such a store: WHEN (1) They should be capable of producing an informative abstract in tolerably good English, as a print-out. (2) They should be capable of generating an index or series of indexes (author, subject, formula, etc.) from the stored material. (3) It should be part of the basic concept of such a store that it can be continually updated, and that it may be searched according to a very wide variety of search patterns. To achieve these ends it is necessary to have an accurate knowledge of the words actually used by the chemist; a knowledge of their semantic patterns; and a set of algorithms for conducting effective searches. It appears that the language of scientists in their various sub-disciplines forms a system of interlocking vocabularies which has a definite structure (see pages 43-l 15). Any such system must be capable of continual growth and must be so constructed that growth within the various vocabularies can be controlled by the several user-groups concerned with a minimum of centralized coordination, although the latter must, inevitably, exist. As planned below each unit of vocabulary is capable of holding a theoretical total of 26,000 words, although in practice this figure is reduced to about 10,000 because of the numerical differences of distribution of words starting with different letters of the alphabet. Twenty such vocabularies would give a total coverage of 200,000 words which should more than suffice for all needs. These vocabularies would be independent of the taxonomic descriptors used for chemical entities such as elements and compounds, and for biological systems, which are dealt with independently. 35 36 c. M. DYsor.4 2. EXPERIMENT I In the first experiment the words in the issue subject index of a single issue of Chemical Abstracts were sorted into these groups: (1) General chemical terms (excluding the names of substances, and such words as are considered more appropriate to the common vocabularies of other disciplines). (2) Names of substances (3) Terms from the vocabularies of other disciplines. Each is discussed befow. 2.11. Gene& c~e~icu~ terms (Table Cj. This vocabulary was augmented by some words (about 8 per cent of the total) which experience shows to be part of the chemist’s general vocabulary. In all, there are about 2.500 words in this vocabulary. 2.12. Vucabdary C. (See appendix) represents a basic word-Iist used, not only by chemists but by the majority of experimental scientists. Each concept is labelled by an initial “C” (the vocabulary-distinguishing initial) + its own initial letter+ a 3-digit number. Thus, “CS127” = “skim”. The relation of this vocabulary to others planned is shown in the Scheme I below; this scheme indicates the various vocabularies that are required, and the extent to which they are cited in this paper. V~CAB~L.~RIE~ DISCUSSED WITH TABLE Initial - A B C D E P, P5? G H I K L M N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z DISTINGUISHING INITIALS I. Title of vocabulary Notes Common. Table A. Specific. Tabfe B. Animal names and related words Biochemical and physiological chemical terms General scientific (chemical) terms Drug and related names from CBAC Chemical element roots Prefixes Suffixes Geological and mineralogical names Chemical engineering terms Common. Sample only in Table G. Atypical-see text. Management, business and legal terms Greek fetters Analytical chemical terms Micro-organisms Counting series (numbers) Preparative and chemical apparatus Physics terms Common. Table J. General. Table K. Specific. Not shown. Taxonomic. Not shown. General. Table N. General. Not shown. Common. Not shown. Registry numbers-trivial names Registry numbers-systematic names Some common chemicals Taxonomic. Not shown. Taxonomic. Not shown. Common. Table T. Vegetable words and related names Common. Proper names (persons, countries) General. Not shown. Semantic indicators Genera). Table Z. Common. Table C. Sample only in Table D. General. Table E. Table V. I _ The Tabies referred to above are to be found in the anoendix (extent Table Z). 2. Vocabularies marked ‘taxonomic’ are treated by methods different from those described in this section (see p. 38). Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I 37 2.13. Of the 2500 words contained in vocabulary C, those beginning with S are most frequent (342). This implies that if the vocabulary is expanded to three times its present size it would still be accommodated by the 5-digit codes up to CS999. The procedure for adding a new word is to give it the next available code using its initial letter and to place it in its proper alphabetical place. Thus, if the word “sheaf” had to be added to the C-vocabulary it would receive the code CS343 and be inserted thus: CS084 CSO85 CS343 CS086 sharp shave sheqf’ shear. . . .etc. 2.14. The semantic modifications of a given concept, when not entered in the vocabulary itself, are catalogued by using a basic concept with signs and affixes from Tables F, and F,. Thus, only “saturate” (CS018) appears in vocabulary C; the following modifications are coded by the signs shown in: saturate CS018 saturates CSO18-102 saturater CS018A35 saturated CSO18-24 saturating CSOlSn59 saturation CSOlSn61 saturability CSOlSh3 unsaturated 11l-CSO18-24 supersaturation 99-CSOlSn61 (for fuller details see Tables F, and F2) Thus, the main concept of “saturate” appears throughout as CS018 which could serve as a general search point-the abnormal condition of “supersaturation” could be searched for using 99-CS018 without releasing a flood of irrelevant information. An additional illustration of the use of affixes is afforded by the use of “de-” in such words as: decarbonate 21-E017-16 decarbonize 21-E017-71 degrease 21-CG055 dehair 21-CHO03 deink 21-c1050 dehydrate 21-CH073 dehydrogenate 21-E040-16 “Compose” and “decompose”, however, do not show an exact antithetical relation, and both are cited in the vocabulary C. 2.15. Care must be taken in the formation of modified concept codes that the word with and without the affix really does embody the same concept, or retrieval will be inexact; thus, “dislocate” cannot be made from “dis-” and “locate”, since although the “locate” portions have an identical philological root, conceptually, “dislocate” has acquired a special meaning and is not the true antithesis of “locate”. Thus, the common root must be 38 G. M. f)VBN pragmatically common ad xxot just a ~~j~c~iogi~al tie, as, for example in “‘dynamic’“, ‘~dyriamoJ9, and “dynamite*‘, the a~know~~d~~d common ~~i~olog~~~lroot of which is too remote for the use of a common code. Gross “misconception” such as forrniag “coincide’” from “coin” and ‘-fide”, or “hoilyhock” from “hoify” and ‘“hock” are unlikely to occur, 2.16. ~~~~~~~~~~~. Words, spelfed identi~~~~~, but having different meanings may owe the iatter to a common root used in differing grammatical senses. Thus “search” can be used as a noun and a -+erb, Both may be represented by the same concept code-CSO4g, and d~~e~~~ti~~tedby the use of a role indicator from Table 2, as in CSO4SZN the norm and CSO4SZV the verb. Other groups of homo~y~is arise when quite different concepts are signified ‘by a single word, as in: ground (earth) CGQ76 ground ~~ornrnj~~~~d~ CC077 ground (basis of ~y~othesis~ CC%79 ground (machined) Cc3063 Irr such cases a separate concept number is required for each meaning, unless a distinction has aheady been made by assignment of the meanings to cM‘erent vocabularies: orange (coiour) orange (fruit) The names of chemical CO037 VQoO9 ~&stances fall into the foUowing groups: (I] UtI%ial ~IU~AC-~~~ systematic f9ames, such as ““2-chforo-4,4-dirnethyidecane”~ where the constitution is fully revealed by the name, (2) S~l~is~stemafic names such as “2-butyX~4-ethylmesityIene”, where the full structure is revealed in terms of a limited number of non-systematic stems-in Ibe example, “mesitylene” is such a stem. Such names are often classed as “systern~ti~~~~and, in&cd, become so when the trivia1 portion is accepted as an ofI%% stem name. (3) Nonsystematic names, such as ~~~~~oroglu~ino~~ for 1,3,S_trihydroxybeazene; “styphnic acid” for 2,4,6-trinitro-l,J-dihydroxybenzcnc; used of substances of known structure. (4) ~o~s~sternati~ names of substances of unique identity, but of u~~n~~~ structure, such as “‘abrin” named from &PUS~~~~~~~~~~~~ the seeds of which are its source, It is dear that with the march of progress, names of substances in class (4) will fast be turning into names in class (3), Thus, kheilin, originally is&ted from a plant known as “khella” was, for a time, of unknown constitution. It has now been characterized as 5,8-dimethoxy-2-meth~l~‘,5’-~uro-6,7-chromoxre (I) with the linear code representation shown befow the formula. OCH,: Computer Input and the Semantic Organi~tion of Scientific Terms-I 39 The names which have been, at one time or another given to this substance are: 5,8-dimethoxy-2-methyI-4’,5’-fura-6,7-chromone 5,8-dimethoxy-2-methyl-6,7-furanochromone 4,9-dimethoxy-7-methyl-5-oxofuro[3.2-g]-l,Zchromene 4,9-dimethoxy-7-methyl-5-oxofuro[3.2-g][lJbenzopyran 4,9-dimethoxy-7-methyl-5-oxo-l,S-dioxabenz[f]indene Khellin Visammin, Kelamin, Kelicor, Kelicorin, Keloid, Khelfren, Norkel, Simeskellina, Vasokellina, Visnagalin, Visnagen, Methafrone, Eskel, Amicardine, Ammicardine, Viscardan, Corafurone, Cardio-Khellin, Benecardin, Ammivisnagen, Lynamine, Coronin, Ammipuran, Ammivin. The first five names are systematic, but based on differing systems; the last group are traae names used in selling to the medical profession. Since neither the structural formula, nor the linear cipher or systematic names are suitable for oral communication, it is little wonder that the bulk of medical and pharmaceutical users of this drug prefer the older official pharmacopoeia1 name ‘khellin’. Nevertheless, all the cited names appear somewhere in the literature of the subject and constitute a very difficult problem in relation to computer input. A useful start in cataloguing and correlating such names was made in the “Merck Index”[l], but this refers mainly to drugs; the work was further advanced by the publication of a “Handbook of Commercial Organic Chemical Names”[2]. The former covers some 10,000 compounds and the latter 6300, which is about one-sixth of the trivial or nonsystematic names existing. The initiation by the Chemical Abstracts Service of a Registry of all individual chemical substances is an immense step forward towards the rationalization of what may be called the taxonomic language of chemists. In this system each distinct structure receives a unique number, which may have up to seven digits, by which it can be designated throughout any system of information storage and retrieval. In the “Handbook” referred to above, Registry numbers have been given to all entries of individual compounds; this has been continued throughout “Chemical and Biological Activities”[3] and in due time the system will be extended to all known structures. There is, therefore, no difficulty in organizing the taxonomic language of chemical compounds, since each will have a unique registration number, independent of the names by which it has been called. There is also a number of common chemical substances (water, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, alcohol, acetone, etc.) which are widely used by all kinds of scientists and technicians; to refer to them by their registration numbers would be inconvenient and pedantic, and they have been, therefore, compiled in Table 22-“Some Common Chemicals” together with their registry numbers, where these are known; such names will probably be stored as text. 2.3. Vocabularies of other sub-disciplines Just as vocabulary C-the common words used by chemists (in contradistinction to their taxonomic language) is really the basis of the common language of scientists generally, so each sub-discipline has a set of commonly used terms which would often be used by the chemist. The chemist continually refers to plants and animals and to simple animal and vegetable processes, to simple geological forms, to the names of minerals, etc. 40 G. M. DYSON In Tables A and V are set out basic vocabularies for animal and vegetable systems which contain the terms most likely to be used by scientists of non-biological sub-disciplines. They are, in essence, an expansion of the vocabularies obtained by taking the specific animal and vegetable entries from the index of Experiment I. No doubt the biologist and botanist would expand them further to obtain a common vocabulary most useful to his own sub-discipline, and each would need, in addition, two additional vocabularies, one a specialized vocabulary of biological and botanical terms, and a taxonomic vocabulary of animal and plant names. In Table G is gathered together, without any additions, the geological and mineralogical terms shown in Table C; these would be incorporated into the common vocabulary of this sub-discipline under their existing C-codes. It is of no importance which table in Scheme I is the first repository of a concept; the construction of a new vocabulary would involve the inclusion of such terms under their original codes. Thus, if a full mineralogical vocabulary was being compiled the term “hard”, already in the common chemical vocabulary would be incorporated under its code CH013; so, also, would “crystal-CCZlO”, “twinCT134” etc. This would mean a centralized list of common vocabularies would have to be maintained, somewhat similar to the “Codes for Periodical Titles, [ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 329-S-1, 1964 & Supplements]“; within this limited central control each sub-discipline would be free to expand its vocabularies in any way desired. Reference has already been made to the major project of the Chemical Abstracts Service in calling the roll of all individual chemical compounds and attaching a unique reference to each; it is probable that the taxonomic problems of descriptive biology, botany and mineralogy could be simplified by a similar system. 3. EXPERIMENT II In this experiment an examination was made of a list of terms found in the literature of chemical engineering, a sub-discipline derived from chemistry, engineering and industry. This word-list, for use in the storage and retrieval of chemical engineering information, shows in classified form the principal terms used by chemical engineers as the basis of their specialized literature. The list contains about 1600 words; these were compared with the existing Table C of general scientific terms, and 1432 were found to be in this list; of the remaining 168 words (shewn in Table H) 47 were business and management terms such as “appraisal”, “insurance”, “capital” and so on, and of the residual 121 the bulk has a direct engineering connotation, as in “flange”, “ram”, “gasket” and “locomotive”. Thus, it was found that the specialized vocabulary of at least one sub-discipline is almost wholly contained in the general vocabularies of the more fundamental disciplines. This fact, of course, does not make the main list any less valuable-since its value lies in the fact that it is a selection of chemical engineering terms of indexing importance, from a vast array of concepts. 4. EXPERIMENT 111 The entries of the semi-annual cumulative index of Chemical (CBAC) were classified into the following vocabularies: and Biological Activities (1) A specialized vocabulary of biochemical and physiological chemical terms (excluding names of substances). Table B. (2) A list of drug and chemical names (non-systematic). Table D. (3) Systematic official chemical names were not listed, as they would normally be identified by their C.A. Registry Numbers. Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I 41 Table B was augmented by a few (less than 2 per cent) terms not occurring as CBAC entries but known to the author as essential concepts in the sub-discipIine, Table B constitutes the specialized vocabulary of this field; it contains 1150 entries pius 63 transfer from Table C, making 1213 in all; it could, if necessary be expanded to about 7500 terms without altering the 5-digit code system. In general use, vocabularies B and C would be used together; the comparatively small apparent overlap between these vocabularies is due to the fact that a very high proportion of the terms of Table C would have been eliminated as “non-indexing” by the KWIC program used for making the CBAC index. Table D constitutes a sample of the vocabulary of nonsystematic names referred to above; each has been provided in CBAC with a C.A. registry number, so that once an identity has been established between this number and the structure there can be no difficulty in referring uniquely to such structure. As a sample Table D shows up many of the difficulties associated with trivial names-different substances with almost identical names-pseudosystematic names, looking like systematic chemical names but proving on inspection to have no meaning-a vast proliferation of acronyms, sometimes with several quite different substances attached to a single acronym (see also footnotes to Table D). A complete set of such names would contain some fifty times the number of entries in this sample; these and their Registry Numbers would cor,stitute vocabulary R (see Scheme I). 4.1. ~ocabuiary ofproper nfmes This would comprise the names of persons and places where a capital initial letter would be called for in the text, as with Grignard (reaction), Pauli (principle), Boyle’s (law) or the names of countries. The test as to whether the name should be included in this vocabulary would be whether the names stands for some entity other than the person referred to; thus, “ampere” would not be found only in the vocabulary X, nor would “faraday” or “coulomb”. These words describe units which exists independently of the inventor, and would be found in the appropriate common vocabulary: they could, of course also be found as “Ampitre”, “Faraday”, and “Coulomb” in vocabulary X, where they would refer not to the units but to the individuals. 4.2. Vocd~zrlury Z This contains a few role indicators which clarify the meaning and preserve the simple syntax of sentences. TABLE ZA ZJ ZN ZNS ZNO ZNP ZND ZNA ZV An example 2. SEMANTIC INDICATORS adverbial adjectival noun noun (subject) noun (object) noun (possessive) noun (dative) noun (ablative) verb of the use of these would be in the combination: “The use of surgery to remove cysts from the cranium” CU103ZN,‘BS112ZNP/CR074V/B105-102ZNC/BC096ZNA of homonymous groups G. M. Dyson 42 4.3. Associarions In the final analysis of a vocabulary such as C, there must be a very small residue of association between all the words of the group or they would not be in the same list: but the association is very remote. Other groups of concepts within the same vocabulary are more actively associated; for example: adulterate analyse assay assess calibrate component control crude detect determine pure sophisticate CA040 CA085 CA130 CA132 cc007 CC123 cc159 cc205 CD049 CD061 CP196 CS172 are all related to the subdivision of analytical chemistry, and could be tied together by a suitable program. The development of vocabularies of the type described in this paper as a basis for index entry composition and programmed information retrieval will be the subject of a further communication. REFERENCES [I] P. G. STECHER, Editor: The Merck index of chemicals and Drugs, 7th Edn. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., U.S.A. (1960). [2] CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE: SOCMA handbook, commercial organic chemical names, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (1965). APPENDIX TABLE A. ANIMAL A AA001 AA002 AA003 AA004 AA005 AA006 AA007 AA008 AA009 AA010 AA01 1 AA012 AA01 3 AA014 AA015 abalone addax adder albacore albatross algae alligator alpaca ameba amphibian anaconda anchovy annehd anopheles ant AA016 AA017 AA018 AA019 AA020 AA021 AA022 AA023 AA024 AA025 NAMES ape aphid arachnid armadillo ascaris asp ass avian avocet aye-aye B ABOOI ABOO AB003 baboon badger bandar AND RELATED TERMS AB004 AB005 AB006 AB007 AB008 AB009 ABOIO ABOll AB012 AB013 AB014 ABOlS ABO16 ABOI7 bandicoot barbel barracuda bass bat beaver beccaficio beche-de-mer (see Sea slug) bee beetle bird bitch bittern bivalve blatella Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE AB018 AB019 AB020 AB021 AB022 AB023 AB024 AB025 AB026 AB027 AB028 AB029 AB030 AB031 AB032 AB033 blight blindworm blowfly blubber boaconstrictor boar bollworm bongo bonito bream brill bristle bufo bug bull burbot AC001 AC002 AC003 AC004 AC005 AC006 AC007 AC008 AC009 AC010 AC01 1 AC012 AC013 AC014 AC015 AC016 AC017 AC018 AC019 AC020 AC021 AC022 AC023 AC024 AC025 AC026 AC027 AC028 AC029 AC030 AC03 1 AC032 AC033 AC034 AC035 C cachalot caddis calf camel camelopard cantharides capercailzie capon capsid capybara carapace carnivore carp cassowary castor (beaver) cat catfish cattle cavy cayman cecropia centipede cetacean chameleon chamois cheetah chick chiff-chaff child chinchilla chrysalis chub cicada clam claw A. ANIMAL NAMES AND BBLATED AC036 AC037 AC038 AC039 AC040 AC041 AC042 AC043 AC044 AC045 AC046 AC047 AC048 AC049 AC050 AC051 AC052 AC053 AC054 AC055 AC056 AC057 AC058 AC059 AC060 AC06 1 AC062 AC063 AC064 AC065 AC066 AC067 AC068 AC069 AC070 AC07 1 coaita coalmouse coaltit coati cob cobra cobweb cochineal cockatoo cockerel cockroach cocoon cod Colorado beetle colt comb conch condor coral cormorant cow cowrie coyote coypu crab crane crayfish crocodile crop crow crustacean ctenoid cuckoo cuttle cutworm cygnet D ADO01 ADO02 ADO03 ADO04 ADO05 ADO06 ADO07 ADO08 ADO09 ADO10 ADO1 1 AD012 ADO1 3 AD014 AD015 dab date dachsund dalmatian deer desman diptera ditylenchus doe dog dogfish dolphin donkey dorado dormouse T’EmS-continued ADO1 6 ADO17 ADO1 8 ADO19 ADO20 ADO21 ADO22 dorsal dory dotterel dromedary drosophila duck dugong E AEOOl AEO02 AEO03 AEO04 AEO05 AEO06 AEO07 AEO08 AEOO9 CEO19 AEOlO eagle earthworm earwig echidna echinoderm echinus edentate eel eelworm egg egger AEOl 1 egret AE012 eider AEO13 eland AE014 elephant AE015 elytron AE016 emu AE017 entameba AE018 enzootic AE019 ephemera AE020 erioischia brassicae AE021 ermine AE022 ewe F falcon fasciola hepat ica AFO03 fauna AFOO4 feather AFOOS feline AFO06 ferret CF039 fish AFO07 flamingo AFO08 flounder AFO09 fly AFOlO fowl AFOll fox AF012 frog (see also ‘rana’) AFOOl AFO02 G. 44 TABLE G AGO01 AGO02 AGO03 AGO04 AGO05 AGO06 AGO07 AGO08 AGO09 AGO10 AGO1 1 AGO12 AGO1 3 AGO14 AGO15 AGO1 6 AGO 17 AGO18 AGO19 AGO20 AGO21 AGO22 AGO23 AGO24 AGO25 AGO26 AGO27 AGO28 AGO29 gamete gander gannet gastropod gazelle gecko gemsbok gentle genus gilamonster gilt gipsy moth giraffe gnat goat goose gopher grasshopper grayling grebe grilse grouse grub grysbok gudgeon guillemot guineapig gull gurnet H AH001 AH002 AH003 AH004 AH005 AH006 AH007 AH008 AH009 AH010 CH032 haddock hake halibut hamster hare hart hatch hawk hedgehog heifer helminth AH01 1 AH012 AH01 3 AH014 AH01 5 AH016 AH017 AH01 8 AH019 hemiptera herd herring hibernate hippopotamus hog hoof hornet horse DYSON M. A. ANIMAL NAMES AND RELATED AH020 CH068 hound human AH02 1 hyena AH022 hymenoptera AH023 hyrax I Al001 A1002 AI003 A1004 AI005 AI006 A1007 AI008 A1009 ibis iguana infusoria insect instar (larva) inyala isopod ivory izard TERMS-continued AL013 AL014 AL015 AL016 AL017 ALOI 8 AL019 AL020 AL02 1 AL022 AL023 AL024 AL025 AL026 AL027 AL028 lice limpet ling linsang lion lizard llama loach lobster locust lorikeet loris Iorb louse (see lice) lute lucilia cuprina lynx AM001 A MOO2 AM003 A MOO4 A MOO5 A MOO6 AM007 AM008 CM015 ___ macacus macaw mackerel maggot magpie mallard malleus (duck) mammal man AM009 AM010 AM01 1 AM012 AM013 AM014 AM01 5 AM01 6 A MOI 7 AM018 AM01 9 A MO20 A MO2 I AM022 AM023 AM024 AM025 AM026 A MO27 A MO28 A MO29 A MO30 AM03 I AM032 manatee mandible mangabey marabou mare marmoset marmot marsupial marten martin melanogaster menhaden merganser midge millepede mink minnow mite moa mocassin mole mollusc moose mosquito M J AJOOI AJOO2 AJ003 AJ004 AJ005 AJOOh AJ007 jacana jachal jaguar jararaca jay jellyfish jerboa AK001 AK002 AK003 AK004 AK005 AK007 AK008 kangaroo katydid kermes kid kinkajou kite kiwi koala AL001 AL002 AL003 AL004 AL005 AL006 AL007 AL008 AL009 AL010 AL01 1 .4LOI 2 Iacerta viridis lamb lamprey lapwing lark larva leech lemming lemur leopard lepidoptera leveret (snake) K AK006 L 45 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE A. ANIMAL AM033 AM034 AM035 AM036 AM036 AM037 AM038 AM039 AM040 AM041 moth moult mouse mullet murex muscida musk musquash mussel myriapod N AN001 AN002 AN003 AN004 AN005 CNO18 AN006 AN007 AN008 nacre nagor narwhal nautilis nekton nematode nest nutria nylghau A0001 A0002 A0003 A0004 A0005 A0006 A0007 A0008 A0009 A0010 A001 1 A0012 A001 3 A0014 A001 5 A0016 A0017 A001 8 0 ocelot octopus onager ophidium opossum orangoutang orfe oriole ornithology ortolan osprey ostrich otter ounce ouzel owl ox oyster APO01 APO02 APO03 APO04 APO05 APO06 APO07 P paca pachyderm panda panthe. paracentrotus lividus parakeet paramecium NAMES CPO16 APO08 APO09 APO10 APO11 APO12 APO13 APO14 APO15 APO16 APO17 APO18 APO19 APO20 APO2 1 APO22 APO23 APO24 APO25 APO26 APO27 APO28 APO29 APO30 APO3 1 APO32 APO33 APO34 APO35 APO36 APO37 APO38 APO39 APO40 APO41 APO42 APO43 APO44 APO45 APO46 APO47 APO48 APO49 APO50 APO51 APO52 APO53 APO54 APO55 APO56 APO57 APO58 AND RELATED parasite parrot partridge passerine paw peacock pearl peccary peepul pekan pekin duck pelican pen penguin perch peregrine peewit phalanger phalarope pheasant pichiciago pickerel pig pigeon pike pilchard pinnothere pipistrelle pipit plaice plankton plasmodium platyrhynchus plover pochard poe bird polecat pollack POlYP pompano porcupine porpoise potto poult primate procellarian propolis protozoa pseudomonas ptarmigan puffin pullet TERMS-conlinued APO59 APO60 APO61 puma pupa python AQOOl AW2 AQO03 AQO04 AQOO5 AQO06 quadruped quagga quahog quail queen (bee etc.) quetzal AR001 AR002 AR003 AR004 AR005 AR006 AR007 AR008 AR009 AR010 AR011 AR012 AR01 3 AR014 AR01 5 AR01 6 AR017 AR018 AR0 I9 AR020 AR021 CR 128 AR022 AR023 AR024 AR025 AR026 AR027 rabbit racoon ram rana esculenta rana mactodon rana pipiens rat rate1 rattlesnake raven ray red mite red scale reebok reindeer remora reptile rhea rhinoceros roach robin rodent roe rook rorqual rotifer rudd russell’s viper AS001 AS002 AS003 AS004 AS005 AS006 AS007 S sable saiga salamander salangane salmon sambur sanderling Q R 46 G. M. TABLE AS008 AS009 AS010 AS01 1 AS01 2 AS01 3 AS014 AS01 5 AS016 AS017 AS018 AS019 AS020 AS021 AS022 AS023 AS024 AS025 AS026 AS027 AS028 AS029 AS030 AS031 AS032 AS033 AS034 AS035 AS036 AS037 AS038 AS075 AS039 AS040 AS041 AS042 AS043 AS044 AS045 AS046 AS047 AS048 AS049 AS050 AS051 AS052 AS053 AS054 AS055 AS056 AS057 AS058 AS059 sapajou sardine scad scale (pests) scallop schistosome scorpion sculpin seal sea snake sea slug sea urchin seer fish selachian serotine serpent serpula shag sheatfish sheep sheldrake shelduck shellfish shrike shrimp siamang silkworm simian siskin skink skua skunk sloth slug smelt smew smolt snail snake snipe snook snout sockeye sole sora sow sparrow spawn spermwhale spermaceti spider sprat squacco A. ANIMAL DYSON NAMES AND RELATED AS060 AS06 1 AS062 AS063 AS064 AS065 AS066 AS067 AS068 AS069 AS070 AS071 AS072 AS073 AS074 squid squirrel stag starling steenbok steppe lemming steer stickleback stingray stoat stork sturgeon swallow swarm (bees etc.) swine T AT001 AT002 AT003 AT004 AT005 AT006 AT007 AT008 AT009 AT010 AT01 1 AT01 2 AT01 3 AT014 AT01 5 AT016 AT01 7 AT018 AT019 AT020 AT021 AT022 AT023 AT024 AT025 AT026 AT027 AT028 AT029 AT030 AT03 1 AT032 AT033 AT034 CT1 20 tadpole taenia (sp.) takin talon tamandua tanager tapir tarantula tarpon tarsier teal teledu tenth teredo termite tern terrapin testudo thar thrip thrush thylacine tick tiger tinamou tit toad tope torpedo tortoise toucan tragopan trematode trepang trout mws-continued AT035 AT036 AT037 AT038 AT039 tsetse tuna = tunny turbot turkey turtle U AU001 AU002 AU003 udder ungulate urchin (sea) AVOOl AVO02 AVO03 AVO04 AVO05 AV006 AV007 vermin vicuna viper vireo vixen vole vulture V W AWOOl AWOO AWOO AWOO AWOO AWOiI6 AW007 AWOO AW009 AWOI 0 wallaby walrus wasp weasel weever weevil whale whelk whimbrel whipworm AWOll whiting AWOI 2 widgeon AWOI 3 wildebeest AW014 winkle AW015 wolf A WOl6 woodchuck AW017 worm CW043 woman AW018 AW019 wrasse wren x Y AYOOI AY002 yaffle yak AZ001 AZ002 zebra zebu Z Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRY AND A BAOOI BA002 BAO03 BA004 BAOOS BAOO6 BA007 BAOO8 BAO09 BAOlO BAOll BA012 BAO13 BA014 BA015 BA016 BAO88 BA017 BAOl8 BAOl9 BA020 BA021 BA022 BA023 BA024 BA025 BA026 BA027 BA028 BA029 BA030 BA03 I BA032 BA033 BA034 BA035 BA036 BA037 BA038 BA039 BA040 BA041 BA042 BA043 BA044 BA045 BA046 BA047 BAO48 BA049 BA050 abdomen abort abscess abstain abuse acaris ache acne addict adipocere adipose adjuvant administer adrenergic adrenocarticotropic afferent agenic agglutinate agricultural akinesia albuminuria alimentary allay allele alleviate alopecia alternaria alveolus amber ameliorate amenorrhea amnesia amnion ampoule anabolic anatomy anchylosis ancyclostoma aneurism angina angiospasm ani (muscle) anodyne anoxia antibody antigen antihuman anti-inflammatory antimutagenic antiphlogistic antispasmodic PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY-A BA05 1 antrum BA052 anus BA053 anxiety BA054 aorta BAO55 apathy aperient BA056 BA057 aphrodisiac BA058 apical BA059 apnea BA080 appendix BA060 appetite BA061 apposition BA062 arch BA063 arrhythmia BA064 artery BA065 arthritis BA066 ascites BA067 asepsis BA068 asphyxia BA069 asthenia BA070 asthma BA071 astigmatism BA072 astringent BA073 ataraxia BA074 ataxia BA075 atheroma BA076 atherosclerosis BA077 atresia BA078 atrium BA079 atrophy BA080 auditor BA08 1 aurelia BA082 auricle BA083 auscultation BA084 autonomic BA085 autopsy BA086 autotrophic BA087 axoplasm BBOOl BBO02 BBO03 BBOO4 BBOOS BB006 BB007 BBOO8 BBOO9 BBOlO BBOll BB012 BBO13 B babesia baby bacteriopause bacteriophage bacteriostatic baroacceptor barrier (bl. br.) basal basilar basophilic benign beriberi bilateral SPECIALIZED 138014 BBOl5 BBO16 BBO17 BB018 BBO19 BB020 BB021 BB022 BB023 BB024 BB025 BB026 BB027 BB033 BB028 BB029 BB030 BB03 1 BB032 VOCABULARY bilharzia biology biopsy blastoderm blastula blister born botalli duct bovine bowel brachi brachycardia braxy breast bronchus bundle bunion buoyant bursa buttock C cachexia cadaver canal canine capsula adiposa carbuncle carcass cardiac cardiogram caries BCOl 1 carotid BCOl2 carpet (biol.) BCOl3 castrate BC014 catalepsis BC015 cataract (ophth.) BCO16 catarrh BC017 catatonia BCOl8 cathartic BC019 catheter BC020 caudal BC021 cauterize BC022 caval BC023 cecum BC024 ceserian BC025 cephalothorax BC026 cerebellum BC027 cerebrum BC028 cerebrospinal BC029 cerumen BC030 cervix BC03 1 chang cells BCOOl BCOO2 BCO03 BCOO4 BCOOS BCO06 BCO07 BCOO8 BCO09 BCOlO 47 G. M. DYSON 48 TABLE B, BIOCf$EhflSTFtY BCO32 BC033 BC034 BCO3S BC036 BCO37 BC038 BCO39 BC040 BC04 1 BC043 3CO43 BCO44 817045 BC046 BCO47 BC048 BC049 BCO50 BCOS I BC052 BCO53 BCO54 BC055 BC056 BCO57 BCO58 BC059 RC060 BC061 BC067 BCO63 BCO64 BC06.5 BC066 BC067 BC068 BC069 BCO70 BC071 WI072 BC073 BCO74 BC075 BC076 BC077 BcO78 3CO79 Be080 BC08 f BC082 X083 BC084 chemoreccptor chemoreflex chemosterilant chemotactic chest chilblain chlorogenic chloruplast chlorosis chloruresis cholera cholcretic cholinergic chord chorionic chorismic chromosome chromotropic chronic chyle thyme cicatrix cilium circadian cirrhosis cistcrna cistron clavicle cleft clinical clitoris clonic coccidiosis coccyx cochlta coeliac cofactor cal ic coliphage colitis collapse AND PHYSIOLOGICAL BCU85 BC086 BC087 BCO8X BC089 BC090 CC 175 CHEMCSTRY--A SPECIALIZED contagious contracepti1.e convolute copulate cord corn cornea SC09 1 corpse BC092 cough BC093 cnxsackie BC094 CR-gene Bf095 cramp BC096 cranium BCO97 cremaster fntusc.) BC098 cretin BC099 crisis BC 100 cryptococcosis BC IO1 CSF (cerebra-sp. fluid) cushing’s syndrome BC102 BC IO3 cutaneous BC IO4 cyanosis BCl05 cyst BC I Oh cystacanth BC107 cysticercoid BC 108 cytokinesis Bc’109 cytopathic I) BDOOi BD002 BD003 BD004 BDOOS BOO06 BD007 BD008 BD009 BDOIO BD01 1 BDOI 3 3DOI 3 BD014 CD033 daughter (cells) DBAG tumor deaf death decapitate decidual defecate defense ciefercns (vas) degranulate delirium deliver deltoid de novn dental BDols BDOl6 BDO I7 CD060 depilate depot derange diabetes cangenital BDO I 8 congest conscious constipate BD019 BDOZO diagnose diapause diaphoretic BDOZ I diaphragm (biol.) cdiadus colon colony cokWmy con13 comb competence concussion vWAEWLARY---ca~ti~~~~ BD022 CD066 -BDO23 BD024 BDO25 BD026 BDOZf BDO28 BD029 BD030 BD03 1 BD032 BD033 BD034 diaphyseal diarrhea CD109 diastereoisomer diastole diathermy diathesis diatom diauxic diestrus difazin digastric diptheria Jiploid distend diuresis BD035 BD036 BD037 EfD038 BD039 BD040 BD041 BD042 CD I53 divcrticulat dizziness doggy wool dorsal dropsy drowse drunk duodenum dysentery BD043 BDO44 BD045 BD046 BD047 dysfunction dyspepsia dysphasia dyspnea dystrophy BE001 BE007 BE003 ear ecdysis BE004 ectopic BE005 BE006 t?SZetXi E BE007 EEOO8 BE009 BE010 BE01 1 CEO42 BE012 BE0 I3 BE0 I 4 BE01 5 BE0 I6 BE0 I7 ctX0dfXm EEG (electroencephalogram) cfferenl elbow eledoisin embolism emesis embryo EMK-path emotion emphysema encephalitis encephalomyelitis encephalomyocarditis Computer Input and the Semantic Organization TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRY BE018 CEO57 endemic endocrine CEO58 __I_. BE019 BE020 BE021 BE022 BE023 CEO71 BE024 BE025 BE026 BE027 BE028 BE029 BE030 BE031 BE032 BE033 BE034 BE035 BE036 BE037 endometrium endoplasm endotheIium endotoxin enema enteral enteritis enterotoxin enucleate enuresis eosinophil ependyma epidermis epidermophyton epididymus epigastrium epiglottis epilepsy epiphysis epithelium EPP (end plate potential) ergastoplasm ERPF (renal blood flow) eructate erysipelas erythema erythrina erythrophore erythropoiesis esophagus etiology eustachian euthyroid evacuate excise (cut out) exophthalmic exorbital extensor eye BE038 BE039 BE040 BE041 BE042 BE043 BE044 BE045 BE046 BE047 BE048 BE049 BE050 BE051 CE127 BE052 BE053 CE146 --- F BFOOl fallopian BFO02 fascicule BFO03 fatal BFO04 fear BFOO5 febrifuge BF006 febrile AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY-A of Scientific Terms-I SPECIALIZED BFO07 BFOOS BF009 CF022 feces female femur fetus BFOSO fever BFOI I FFA (free fatty acids) BF012 fibroblast CF024 fibroma BF013 fibrosarcoma BF014 fibrosis BF015 fibrositis BF016 fibula BF017 fist&a BFOl8 flaccid BF019 flagellum BF020 flank BF02 1 flatulent BF022 flesh BF023 fluke BF024 flush BF025 flutter BF026 follicle BF027 foment BF028 fore (limb) BF029 foreign (body) BF030 frambesia BF03 1 friend BF032 fundus G BGOOl BG002 BG003 BGO04 BGOOS BGO06 BGO07 BG008 BG009 BGOlO BGOI 1 BG012 BGO13 BG014 BGOI 5 BGO16 BG017 BG018 BGOl9 BG020 gall gallbladder gamete gangrene gastrocnemius gastrointestine gastrula geniculate genital genome gestate GFH (glomerular filtrn. rate) GH (growth horm.) ghost gill gingivitis glandular glaucoma glia glioblastoma VOCABULARY-continued BG021 BG022 BG023 BG024 BG025 BG026 BG027 BG028 BG029 BG030 BG031 BG032 BG033 BG034 BG035 BG036 BG037 BG038 86039 glioma-26 gliorosein globus pallidus glomerulus glossopharyngeal glucocorticoid gluconeogenesis glycogenesis glycosuria gnaw goiter gonad gonorrhea graafian granuloma gray (matter) groin gumma gust (taste) BHOOl BH002 BHO03 BH004 BH005 BH006 BH007 BH008 BH009 BHOlO BHOll BHO12 BHOI 3 BH014 BHOl5 BH016 CH036 CH037 -- H hackle halitosis hallucination halophilic hand hapten headache hear HED cell heal heidenhain pouch hela cell hematology hematoma hematuria hemophilus hemopoeitic hemorrhage BH017 CH039 henle’s loop hepatic BHOIX hepatocyte BHO19 hepatopancreas BH020 hepatotoxic BH021 herbivore CH042 heredity BH022 hermaphrodite BH023 hernia BH024 herpes BH025 heterologous BH026 HGH (human growth hormone) 49 G. 50 TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRY BH027 BH028 BH029 BH030 BH03 1 BH032 BH033 BH034 BH035 BH036 BH037 BH038 BH039 CH059 BHO40 BHO41 BH042 BH043 BH044 CHO71 BHO45 BH046 BH047 BH048 BH049 BH050 BH05 1 BH052 BH053 BH054 BH055 BHO56 BH057 BHOSS CH079 BH059 BH060 BH06 1 BH062 CH08 1 BHO63 AND PHYSIOLOGICAL HHG (human hypophyseal gonadotropin) hibernate hind (back) hip hippocampus hippus hirsute histogram hoarse homeostasis hood hook hormodendrum hormone HSV (herpes complex virus) humerus humor hump hunger hyaline hydropenia hyepatocell hymen hypertonia hypertrophy hyphas hypnosis hypocapnia hypodermic hypoferremia hypokalemia hypophagia hypophysis hypoplasia hypotensive hypothalamus hypothermia hypotonic hypovolemia hypoxia hysteria M. DYSON CHEMISTRY- B1033 ill imago immature immobile implant inbred incapacity incisor incubate inebriate infant infarct infertile infest infiltrate inflow influenza infundibular ingest injury innervate innominate inoculate inotropic inspire (breathe) instil instinct insufflate intake integl;ment intelligence intestine involuntary ischemia itch BJOO1 BJ002 BJO03 BJ004 BJ005 jaundice jaw jejunum jugular juvenile BKOOl BKO02 CK007 BK003 BKO04 BKOO5 kala-azar kaliuresis kidney knockdown kwashiorkor kyphosis BI004 BIOOS BIO06 BIO07 BIO08 BIO09 BlOlO BIOI 1 I31012 B1013 CIO35 CEO36 ..___ Bl014 B1015 BI016 BI017 Bl018 B1019 B1020 I31021 CIO52 -__ B1022 B1023 I31024 IS1025 B1026 B1027 B1028 B1029 B1030 B103 I Cl071 B1032 Cl085 *I A SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY-COfZtinUd BLOOI BLO02 BLO03 BLO04 BLOOS BL006 BI.XKl7 CL029 BLO08 BLO09 BLOlO BLOl2 BLOl3 BLOi4 BLOl5 BLOl6 BLOl7 BLOl8 BLOl9 BL020 BL02l BL022 BL023 BL024 CL075 BL025 BL026 BL027 BL028 BL029 BL030 BL031 BL032 BL033 BL034 BL035 BL036 CL098 BL037 BL038 BL039 leg lens leprosy leptic lesion lethargy leucosis levator ani leydig cell lick lingual lipemia lipogenesis lipoic lipophile litter littoral (cells) liver LM(TK) cells LM cells lobe lobule locomotor lordosis louping ill lumbago lumbar lumen lupus lutea (Corp.) lymph lymphocyte lysosyme lysozyme BMOOl BM002 BM003 BM004 BMOOS BM~6 M macrophage macroscopic malaise malaria male malform BLOl1 K 1 I31001 BIOOl Cl004 BI003 iatrogenic IC (PNA-immunocarrier) idiopathic idiot L lacerate fat operon lacrima lactogenic lame langherans lathyrism laxative Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE B. BIOCWE~TRY BMOO7 BMOOS CM014 BMOO9 BMOlO BMOf.1 BM012 BMOI 3 BM014 BMOl5 BM016 BM037 BMOl8 BM019 BM020 BM021 CM050 BM022 BM023 BM024 BM025 BM026 BM027 BM028 BM029 BM030 BM031 BM032 CM059 BM033 BM034 BM035 BM036 BM037 BM038 BM039 BM040 BMO41 BMO42 BM043 BMO44 BMO45 BM046 BMO47 BMO48 BM049 BMOSO BM05 1 BM052 BM0.53 AND PHYSIOLOCXCAL malignant malnutrition mamma mange mania marrow (bone) masculine mastitis mastocytoma mate maxilla maze MBP (mean blood pressure) MCR (metabolic clearance rate) meal measles medicine medium @act.) medulla megaloblast meianocyte melanophore mellitus (diab.) mengo rnenjn~t~s menopause menses menstruate mental MEPP merozygotes mesangial mesencephalic mesenchyme mesentery mesocecum metacercaria metachromasia metamorphic metaphysics metaplasia metastasis metathetelic mete&us meticulous microaseus micromere microphone ~crosporon micturition BMO54 BM055 BM056 BM057 CIiBMISTRY-A BMO59 BMO60 BMO61 BM062 BMO63 BM064 BMO65 BM066 BMO67 BM068 BM069 BM070 BM071 BM072 BM073 BMO74 BM075 BM076 BM077 BM078 BM079 BM080 BM081 BM082 BM083 BM084 midbrain mimetic molar (dent.) mongolian monster mouth morning morphogenesis mother motoneuron moult MSP2 (a phage) mucosa mulier canals mumps MS tumor mutagen mutant muzzle myasthenia mycoplasma mydriasis myelitis myenteric myocardium myometrium myope myosis myotonia myxedema myxovirus BNoOl BNO02 BNO03 BNOO4 BNOOS BNO06 BNO07 CNOf4 BNoO8 BNOO9 CN019 BNOlO CN022 BNOI 1 BN012 BNO13 BN014 BNOI 5 BNO16 N nagana nasal nasopharynx natriuresis nausea navel navicula necrosis negro neonatal neoplasm nephrectomy nephritis neuraxis neuroiepsis neurotomy neurotropic neutrop~ia Newcastle disease BM058 SPECIALIZED 51 VOCABULARY-&?ontinued BN017 BNOI 8 BNOl9 BN020 BNoZl BNO22 BN023 BN024 BNO25 BN026 BN027 BN028 BN029 BN030 BN031 I3N032 BN033 nictate nigremia nipple nocardia nocturnal normoblast no~otensive nose nostril nuclear (bial.) numb nuptial NWS virus nyetalopia nymph nystagmus NZB mice 0 BOO01 BOO02 BOO03 I30004 Bt3005 coo1 1 BOO06 BOO07 BOO08 BOO09 BOO10 BOO11 BOO12 BOO13 BOO14 BOO15 BOO16 BOO17 BOO18 BOO19 BOO20 BOO21 BOO22 BOO23 BOO24 BOO25 CD043 BOO26 BOO27 BOO28 BOO29 BOO30 BOO31 OAAD obex oblongata occipital octapfoid ocular oculomotor offspring olfactory olivo-cochbar omentum oncogenic onkoran onychophora oocyte oogenesis oogonia oomycetes oophorectomy oothecae ophiostoma ophthalmic oppress opsonin oral orchitis organ organelle oriental orosomucoid osteoclast osteogenic osteoporosis G. M. DYSON 52 TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRY BOO32 BOO33 BOO34 BOO35 BOO36 BOO37 osteosarcoma otcase oviduct ovine ovipost oxaluria P BP001 BP002 BP003 BP004 BP005 BP006 BP007 BP008 BP009 BP010 BP01 1 BP012 BP01 3 BPOi4 BP01 5 BP01 6 BP01 7 BP018 BP019 pacemaker pachydextrin pacific pain palate paleopallium pallid palm (hand) palpitation pancreas pandemic papilla papovavirus parabiosis paradigm paralytsis paranoia parasympathetic parasympathomimetic BP020 parathyroid BP021 paratyphoid BP022 paraventricular BP023 parenchyma BP024 parent BP025 parenteral BP026 paresis BP027 paresthesia CPOI 7 parietal .____ BP028 parkinsonism BP029 parotid BP030 paroxysm BP031 pars recta BP032 parturient BP033 patella BP034 pathogen BP035 pathology BP036 PCA (passive cutaneous anaphylaxis) BP037 peck BP038 pectoris BP039 pedal BP040 pedriatic AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY-A BP041 pellagra BP042 pellicularia BP043 pelvis BP044 pemphigus BP045 pendular BP046 penis BP047 pericardium BP048 perineum BP049 periportal BP050 peristalsis BP05 1 peritoneum BP052 perspire BP053 pertussis BP054 petite BP055 phagocyte BP056 pharate (pupa) BP057 pharmacology BP058 pharmacodynamic BP059 pharynx phlebitis BP060 BP06 1 phlebothrombosis BP062 phlegm BP063 phlei BP064 phrenic BP065 phthisis BP066 pi&a BP067 picornavirus BP068 piloerection BP069 pilomotor BP070 pincer (crust.) BP071 pineal BP072 pinna BP073 pinocytosis BP074 piscidia BP075 pituitary BP076 placenta BP077 plague BP078 plantar BP079 plaque BP080 plasma (biol.) BP08 1 plasmacytoma BP082 plate (end-plate) BP083 pleura BP084 plexus BP085 plica BP086 Plug BP087 plum BP088 pneumonia BP089 poikilothermic BP090 poliomyelitis BP09 1 polycephalunl BP092 polyda~tylia BP093 polydipsia SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY-COnfit?Uedd BP094 BP095 BP096 BP091 BP098 BP099 BP100 BP101 BP102 BP103 BP104 BP105 BPI06 BP107 BP108 BP109 BP1 10 BP111 BP112 BP113 BP1 14 BP1 15 BP116 BP117 BP1 18 BP119 BP120 BP121 BP122 BP123 BP124 BP125 BP126 BP127 BP128 BP129 BP130 BP131 BP132 BP133 BP134 BP1 35 BP136 BP137 BP1 38 BP139 BP140 BP141 BP142 BP143 BP144 BP145 polyploid polyporic polysome pons pontine ponto-geniculooccipital porcine porta-caval portal posthumus postmortem posture pouch Pox PR-8 (a virus) precocious prepuce prepyriform presbyopia pressor proecdysis profuse progeny progestate proglottid prognosis prolapse proliferate prophylactic prophylaxis prosenchyma prostate prosthetic prostrate protoplasm protoplast protopterdus prototheca protozoa provoke pruritis pseudopod psittacosis psoas psoralea psoriasis psyche ptomaine ptosis puberty puccinia puerperal Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE 53 B. BIGCHEMIsTRY AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY-A SPECIALIZEDVOCABULARY-confinued BP146 BP147 BP148 BP149 BP1 50 BP151 BP152 BP1 53 BP154 BP155 BP156 BP157 BP158 BP1 59 pulcherrimic pullalaria pulmonary pulse punctate pupil (eye) purpura Pus putamen putrid pyaemia pycnosis pylorus pyrexia Q BQOOl QT-segments BQ002 quadricorda BQOO3 quadrigemina BQm quinsy R RA-mice rabies radicicola radiology rage ramus (descendens) rash recessive recrudesce recruit rectum BROI 1 reticulocyte BR012 reticuio-endothelial BROI 3 reticulum BR014 rectus (muscle) BR015 recumbent BR016 recuperate BR017 redergram BROl8 refractory (biol.) BRO19 regimen BR020 relapse BR021 remission CR075 renal BR022 renchaw-celis BR023 renomedu~lary BR024 renotrophic BR025 reovirus BR026 repetition BR027 replete BR028 resuscitate BROOl BR002 BR003 BRO04 BRO05 BRO06 BRO07 BRO08 BRO09 BROlO CR046 BR029 reticulocyte BR030 reticula-endothelial BR03 1 reticula-sarcoma BR032 retina BR033 retract BR034 retrograde BR035 revive BR036 rhesus BR037 rheumatic BR038 rhinencephalon BR039 rhinovirus BR040 rhodostoma BRO41 RHR (respiratory heart-rateresponse) BR042 RHS (reticulohistocyte-system) BR043 rib BR044 ribosome CR1 14 rickets BR045 rickettsia BR046 rigor BR047 Riley-virus BR048 roseola BR049 RPF (renal plasma flow) BR050 rubetla CR1 39 rumen S BSOOl BSO02 BSO03 BSO04 BSO05 BSO06 BS007 BS008 BS009 BSOlO BSOl I BS012 BS013 BS014 BSO15 BS016 BS017 BSOI8 BS019 BS020 BS021 BS022 sac saculus-rotundus sacrum saliva saluretic sarcoidosis sarcoma-l 80 sarcoma-37 sarcoma-Ml sarcomere sarcoplasmic sarcosome sartorius (muscle} scab scabies scald scapular scar schizophrenia sciatic sclerosis scorbutic BS023 BS024 BS025 BS026 BS027 BS028 BS029 BS030 BS031 BS032 BS033 BS034 BS035 BS036 es071 BS037 BS038 BS039 BSO40 85041 BS042 BS043 BS044 BS045 BS046 BSO47 BS048 BS049 BS050 BS05 1 BS052 BSO53 BS054 BS055 BS056 BS057 BS058 BS059 BS060 BS06 1 BS062 BS063 BS064 BS065 BS066 BS067 BS068 BS069 BS070 BS071 BS072 scrofitla scrotum scurvy sebotropic sebum sedate seize semen sensorimotor sepsis septicemia septum serologic seromucoid serum shake (see tremor) shiver shock (biol.) shoulder shunt shuttle sialadenotrophic sialogogue Siamese sick sickle (cell) simian simplex sincipi-occipital sindbis-virus sinew sinistrotorsion sinoaortic sinoatrial sinus SK-poliovirus skull sleep slough smegma sniff snore soleus (muscle) somatic somatotropic somite somnolence soporific sore spastic spay speech 54 G. M. DYSON TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRYAND PHYSIOLoGlCAL CHEMISTRY-A SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY-continued BS073 BS074 BS075 BS076 BS077 BS078 BS079 BS080 BSO8 1 BS082 BS083 BS084 cs222 ____ sperm (seed) spermatocyte spermatozoon spheroplast spherocytosis sphincter spicule splanchnic spleen spleenectomy splenomegaly spongiosa sputum BS085 BS086 BS087 BS088 BS089 BS090 BS091 BS092 BS093 BS094 CS265 squamous SSA (standard specific activity) staircase stasis steatorrhea stenocoriasis sternum stertorous stillbirth sting stomach BS095 BS096 BS097 BS098 BS099 BSlOO BSlOl BS102 BS103 BS104 BS105 BS106 BS107 BS108 BS109 BSllO BSlll BS112 BS113 BS114 BS115 BS116 BS117 BS118 BSll9 BS120 BS121 stomatitis strabismus strain (med.) strain (bact.) striate stroke stroma strongyloides STRR cells stump stupor sturm subclavian sudanophilia suffocate suis surae (muscles) surgery surra suture SV-40-virus sycosis symbiosis sympathetic sympatholytic sympathomimetic symptom BS122 BS123 BS124 BS125 BS126 BS127 synapse synchronise syncytial syndrome synergy systole BTOOl BTO02 BTO03 BTO04 BTO05 BT006 BT007 BT008 BT009 BTOlO BTOll BTOJ 2 BT013 BT014 BT015 BT016 BT017 BT018 BT019 BT020 BT021 BT022 BT023 BT024 BT025 BT026 BT027 BT028 BT029 BT030 CT059 tabes tachyarrhythmia tachycardia tachyphylaxis tail tarsus tectum telencephalic tendon tenella teratogenesis teratology terga testis tetanus thalamus thalassemia thallus thermogenesis thigh thorax thought THP (thrombohemorrhagic phenom.) throat thrombus thrombocyte thrombocytopenia thymectomy thymocyte thymus thyroid BT03 1 BT032 BT033 BT034 BT035 CT078 tibia TK-cells toe tolerogenic tongue tooth BT036 BT037 BT038 BT039 BT040 torso trabecular trachea trachoma trait T BT041 BT042 CT107 transfuse transude trauma BT043 BT044 BT045 BT046 BT047 BT048 BT049 BT050 CT126 tremor triceps tridactylus trigger triphasic trunk tularemia tumefaciens tumor BT05 1 BT052 BT053 BT054 BT055 BT056 turbatrix turbinate twitch tympanum typhoid typhus U BUOOl BU002 BU003 BU004 BUOOS BU006 BU007 BU008 BUOO9 BUOlO BUOll cuo14 ulcer ulna umbilical unilateral uremia ureolysis ureter urethra ursinus urticaria uterotrophic uterus BU012 uvula V cvoo5 vagina BVOOl BV002 BV003 cvo12 vagus varicocele variola vascular BV004 BV005 BV006 CVO18 vas-deferens vasa-vasorum vasculature vein BV007 BV008 BVOO9 cvo22 vena-cava venereal veno-occlusive venous BVOIO BVOll ventral ventricle 55 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE B. BIOCHEMISTRY BV012 BV013 BV014 BV015 BV016 CV028 cvo30 BV017 BV018 BV019 cvO44 BV020 BV021 BV022 BV023 AND PHYSIOLOOICAL ventromedial ventrolateral vermiform verruca vesicle vertebra vertigo vestibular viable villus virus viscera vision visna-virus vitamer BV024 BV025 BV026 BV027 BV028 CHEMISTRY-A SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY-COhWPd BWO08 wink CW053 wound vivipara vocal voluntary vomit vulva BWO09 wrist X BXOOl xenopus BY001 BY002 yaws yoshida-sarcoma BZOOl BZO02 zona-arcuata zygote W BWOOl wakeful BWO02 walk BWO03 walker-256carcinoma BWO04 wall (biol.) BWOOS west BWO06 whitlow BWO07 wing Y Z (1) This vocabulary was prepared by taking the indexing words from the KWIK dividing them into the following categories: index of CBAC and (a) Words relating to micro-organisms which are placed in vocabulary M. (b) Proper names, which are placed in vocabulary X. (c) Substances named by regular systematic organic nomenclature (CA/IUPAC system) which will have normal Registry Numbers. (d) Substances named by trivial or non-systematic names which are placed in vocabularies D and R. (e) Names of animal and vegetable organisms or parts, which are placed in vocabularies A and V respectively. (f) The residue which constitutes this vocabulary. (2) It is not suggested that this vocabulary is complete; it merely gives the words that were used in the particular sub-discipline in the year 1965; it probably represents 75 per cent of the total vocabulary of the sub-discipline. TABLE c. GENERAL CA001 CA002 CA003 CA004 CA005 CA006 CA007 CA008 CA009 CA010 A Abandon aberrate abbreviate ability able abnormal abrade abridge absolute absorption CA01 1 CA012 CA013 CA014 CA01 5 CA01 6 CA017 abstract abundant abut accelerate accept access accident CHEMICAL CA01 8 CA019 CA020 CA021 CA165 CA022 CA023 CA024 CA025 CA026 CA027 CA028 CA029 CA030 CA031 CA032 CA033 CA034 WORDS (EXCLUDING account accrete accumulate accurate acetylenic acid acoustic acquire acrid act actual acyl adapt add additive address adequate adhere COMPOUND CA035 CA036 CA037 CA038 CA039 CA040 CA041 CA042 CA043 CA044 CA045 CA046 CA047 CA048 CA049 CA050 CA05 1 CA052 NAMES) adiabatic adjacent adjust adrenal adsorption adulterate advance adventitious adverse aerate aerobic aerosol affect affinity after age agent aggregate 56 G. M. DYSON TABLE CA053 CA054 CA158 CA162 CA055 CA056 CA057 CA058 CA059 CA060 CA061 CA062 CA063 CA064 CA065 CA066 CA067 CA068 CA069 CA070 CA071 CA072 CA073 CA074 CA075 CA I59 CA076 CA077 CA078 CA079 CA080 CA08 1 CA082 CA083 CA084 CA085 CA1 60 CA086 CA087 CA088 CA089 CA090 CA09 I CA092 CA093 CA094 CA095 CA096 CA097 CA098 CA099 CA1 00 CA101 c. GENERAL agitate agree agriculture aim air alcohol (gen.) aldehyde (gen.) aldol (gen.) alert alicyclic aliphatic aliquot alkali (gen.) alkaloid alkane alkyd alkyl align allelotropy allergy allow alloy alter alternate altitude ambient amalgam amide (gen.) amine (gem) ammine (gen.) amorphous ampere amphibole amplitude analeptic analgesia analog analyse anaphylaxis androgen anemia anesthetic angle angstrom anhydride anhydrite anil animal anion anistropy anneal annihilate annul CHEMICAL WORDS CA102 CA161 CA103 CA104 CA105 CA 106 CA107 CA108 CA163 CA 109 CA1 10 CA 11 I CA 166 CA 1I2 CA1 13 CA1 14 CA1 15 CA116 CA117 CA I1 8 CA1 19 CA 120 CA121 CA 122 CA 123 CA1 24 CA164 CA 125 CA 126 CA127 CA 128 CA1 29 CA1 30 CA131 CA 132 CA133 CA 134 CA1 35 CA136 CA1 37 CA138 CA1 39 CA140 CA141 CA142 CA 143 CA 144 CA145 CA146 CA147 CA148 CA149 CA150 (EXCLUDING COMPOUND annular anode antagonise anterior anthelmintic anthracite antibiotic antidote aperture apparatus apparent appear appendix (dot.) appliance aqueous aralkyl arbitrary arc area arene arise aroma aromatic (Bz. sense) arouse arrest artificial aryl asbestos ascend ash asphalt aspirate assay assemble assess assimilate associate atmosphere atom attach attack attend attenuate attract attribute augment austenite authentic autoclave autograph automat autoxidize auxin (gen.) NAMES)-continued CA151 CA1 52 CA1 53 CA154 CA155 CA156 CA157 avail average aviation avid avoid axis azeotrope B CBOOI CB002 CB003 CB004 CB005 CBO06 CB007 CB008 CB009 CBOlO CBOI 1 CB012 CBO13 CB014 CBO15 CB016 CBOI 7 CB018 CB019 CB020 CB021 CB022 CB023 CB024 CB025 CB026 CB027 CB028 CB029 CB030 CB03 1 CB032 CB033 CB034 CB035 CB036 CB037 CB038 CB039 CB040 CB041 CB042 CB043 CB044 Babbitt bacillus back (rear) bacterium bagasse bake balance (instn.) ball balsam band bar bark barrier barytes baryon basalt base bast bath batch battery bauxite bead bean bearing beat bed beef beer begin behave behaviour behind bell belong below bend beneficial bentonite beryl best betaine (gem) better bevel CBO45 CB046 CB047 CB048 C3049 CB050 CBOSI CBO52 CB053 CB054 CB055 CBI 15 CBO56 CBo5;7 CBO58 CB059 CB060 CB061 CBO62 CBO63 CB064 CB065 CB066 CB067 CBO68 CBll6 CBO69 CBll7 CB070 CB071 CB072 CB073 CBO74 CBO75 CBO76 CBi I& CB077 CB078 CBO79 CBO80 CBO8 I CBO82 CR083 CB084 CB085 CB086 C8087 CBO88 CBf159 CB090 CB09 I CB092 CB093 bias bibliography bile binary bind biology biotite bird birth bite bitter bifumen black (edor) bladder blade blanch blank blast bleach bleed btend btende block blood bloom blow blue boat boil bond (them.) boat: book border bore bottfo bottom bound box brain branch brandy brass braze bread break breakdown breath breed brei brick bridge bright brilliant CBo94 CBO95 CB096 CB097 CBO98 CBW9 brine bring briquet brittle broad broil CBf OO bronchus CBlOt bronze CB 102 brown CB103 brush CB104 bubble CB105 buffer CB106 build CB187 bulk CB108 bung CB109 burette CElllO burn CBl 11 burst CBll2 bnfter CB113 bypass CBl14 byproduct CC001 CC002 Cc003 Cc004 CC005 CC006 CC007 CC008 CC009 CCOlO CCOl I CC012 cc013 CC01 4 CC015 CC0 16 CC017 CC018 cCOr9 CC020 CC021 CC022 CC023 CC024 CC025 CC026 CC027 CC028 CC029 CC030 C cable cage calamirie c&&e calcite calculate calibrate calorie camera can cancer candle cane caouf~~o~c cap capacity (elec.) capacity (vol.) capillary capsule carbohydrate carcinoma care carry cascade case caseous cast cafabo~~sm catalyse category CC232 CC03 I CC032 CC033 CC034 CC035 Cc036 CC037 CC038 CC039 CC040 CCO4I CC042 CC@43 CC044 CC045 CC046 CC23 1 CC047 CC048 CC049 CC050 CC05 f CC233 CC052 CC334 cc053 cc054 CC055 CC056 CC057 CC058 CC059 CCOSO CC061 CC062 CC063 CC064 CC065 CC066 CC067 CC068 CC069 CC070 CC071 CC072 CC073 CC074 CC075 CC076 CC077 CC078 CC079 cathode cation cattle caulk cause caustic caution cavity cease ceil cement centre centrifuge ceramic certain cessation chain chair chalcogen ckafk chamber chamfer change charcoal charge @ad) charge (elec.> &eck cheese chetate chemistry chill china (@ram.) chop chroman (gen.1 chromatin chromatography chromo~hore cinnabar cipher circIe circuit circutate clad clarify class clathrate clay clean cfear cieave clinker clock close G. M. DYSON 58 TABLE CC080 CC235 CC08 1 CC082 CC083 CC084 CC236 CC085 CC086 CC087 CC088 CC089 cc090 cc09 1 CC092 cc093 cc094 cc095 CC096 cc097 CC098 cc099 cc100 cc101 cc102 cc103 cc104 cc105 CC106 cc107 CC108 cc109 CCI IO cc111 cc1 12 cc113 cc1 14 cc115 CC116 cc117 CC248 CC118 cc1 19 cc120 cc121 cc122 CC123 cc124 CC125 CC126 CC127 CC128 c. GENERAL clot cloth cloud clump coagulate coal coalesce coarse coat coaxial cock (valve) cocoa code coefficient coercive coffee cognac cohere coil coin coincide coir coke cold collagen collect collide colloid colophony color column combine combust commission common communicate compact (dense) compare compartment compatible compensate (non leg.) compete complement complete complex comply component compose compound compress comprise computer CHEMICAL WORDS CC129 cc130 cc131 CC1 32 cc133 cc1 34 cc135 CC136 cc137 CC138 cc139 cc140 cc141 CC142 cc143 cc144 cc145 CC237 CC146 cc147 CC148 CC238 cc149 CC239 cc150 cc151 CC152 cc153 CC240 cc154 cc155 CC156 cc157 CC158 cc159 CC160 CC161 CC162 CC163 CC24 1 CC164 CC165 CC166 CC167 CC168 CC169 cc170 cc171 CC172 cc173 cc174 CC242 cc175 (EXCLUDING COMPOUND concentrate concept concrete condense conduct cone configure conform confuse congener conglomerate conjugate connect conserve consistent consolidate constant (invariant) constant (num.) constituent constrain constrict construct consume consumption contact contain contaminate content contingent continue contract (draw in) contradict contrary contribute control convect convenient convert convex convey convulse cook cool coordinate copal copolymer COPY cord core cork corn (wheat) corn (maize) cornea ivmEs)-conrinued CC176 cc177 CC178 cc179 CC180 CC181 CC182 CC183 CC184 CC185 CC243 CC186 CC187 CC188 CC189 cc190 cc244 cc191 CC245 CC192 cc193 cc194 cc195 CC196 cc197 CC198 cc199 cc200 cc20 1 cc202 CC203 CC204 CC205 CC249 CC206 CC207 CC208 CC209 cc210 cc21 1 cc212 CC213 CC214 CC215 CC216 CC217 CC218 CC219 cc220 cc221 cc222 CC223 CC224 corona corpus correct correlate correspond corrode cortex corundum cosmetic cosmic cost cotton coulomb count couple covalent cover crack (them.) crack (mech.) cream crease create creep creosote cretaceous crimp cristobalite critical crop cross crown crucial crude crush cryobiology cryogenic cryolite cryotron crystal crystallography cube (geom.) cullet culture (bact.) cumulate cupel cupola cuprammonium cupric curd cure (heal) curie (unit) current curve Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE C. GENERAL CC225 CC226 CC227 CC228 CC246 CC247 CC229 CC230 cuticle cut cycle cyclotron cylinder (geom.) cylinder (gas.) cytoplasm cytostatic CD001 CD002 CD1 54 CD003 CD004 CD155 CD005 CD006 CD007 CD008 CD009 CD010 CD011 CD012 CD01 3 CD1 56 CD014 CD015 CD01 6 CD 157 CD01 7 CD018 CD019 CD020 CD021 CD022 CD023 CD024 CD025 CD026 CD027 CD028 CD158 CD029 CD030 CD03 1 CD032 CD033 CD034 CD035 CD036 CD037 CD038 D daily dairy damage dammar damp danger dark data date day decarburise decay deck decline decompose decrease deduce deep defect defend deficiency define deflagrate deflect deform degas degenerate degrade degree delay delete deleterious deliver demand denature denote dense dental dentifrice depend deplete deposit (sediment) depress CHEMICAL WORDS CD039 CD040 CD041 CD042 CD043 CD044 CD045 CD046 CD047 CD048 CD049 CD050 CD05 1 CD052 CD053 CD054 CD055 CD1 59 CD056 CD057 CD058 CD059 CD060 CD061 CD062 CD063 CDL 60 CD064 CD065 CD066 CD067 CD068 CD069 CD070 CD071 CD072 CD073 CD074 CD075 CD076 CD077 CD078 CD079 CD080 CD161 CD081 CD082 CD083 CD084 CD085 CD086 CD087 CD088 (BXCLUDINO COMPOUND deprive derive dermis desert desiccate design desorb destroy detach detail detect detergent deteriorate determine detonate deuteron develop deviate device devitrify devoid dew diabetes diagram dialyse diamagnetic diameter diamond diaphragm (mech.) diarrhea diastase (gen.) diatomite diazotype dichroic dielectric diesel diet different diffract diffuse digest digital dilate diluent dimension diminish diode dip dipole direct dirt disc discharge NAMES)-Cmdu&?d CD089 CD090 CD091 CD092 CD093 CD094 CD095 CD096 CD097 CD098 CD099 CD1 00 CD101 CD 102 CD103 CD104 CD105 CD106 CD107 CD108 CD 109 CD1 10 CD1 11 CD1 12 CD1 I3 CD1 14 CD1 15 CD1 16 CD1 17 CD1 18 CD1 19 CD120 CD121 CD122 CD123 CD124 CD1 25 CD126 CD127 CD128 CD129 CD1 30 CD131 CD132 CD133 CD134 CD135 CD162 CD1 36 CD137 CD138 CD139 CD140 discolor discrete discriminate disease dish disinfect disintegrate dislocate dispense disperse displace dispose dissociate dissolve distance distil distinct distort distribute disturb diuresis diverge divert divide document dolerite dolomite domain domestic dominant donor dope dormant dose dot double dough down (dirn.) down (mat.) draft (mech.) draft (plan) drag drain draw drift drill drink drive drop (drip) drought drug drum dry 59 G. M. DYSON 60 TABLE C. GENERAL CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING COMPOUND NAMES)-COnti~llled CD141 CD142 CD143 CD144 CD145 CD146 CD163 CD164 CD147 CD148 CD149 CD150 CD151 CD152 CD153 dual duct (mech.) duct (biol.) ductile dunite duplicate durable duration dust dwarf dye dynamic dynamite dynamo dysentery CEO01 CEO02 CEO03 CEO04 CEO05 CEO06 CEO07 CEO08 CEO09 CEO10 CEO1 1 CEO12 CEO1 3 CEO14 CEO15 CEO1 6 CEO17 CEO18 CEO19 CEO20 CEO21 CEO22 CEO23 CEO24 CEO25 CEO26 CEO27 CEO28 CEO29 CEO30 CEO3 1 CEO32 CEO33 CEO34 CEO35 CEO36 E each earth earthquake earthenware eat ebonite echo ecology eddy edema edge edible edit effect efficiency effloresce effluent efflux egg either eject elaborate elastomer electric electrode electrofax electron electrophilic electrophoresis electroplate electrostatic electrum element elevate eliminate elongate CEO37 CEO38 CEO39 CEO40 CEO4 I CEO42 CEO43 CEO44 CEO45 CEO46 CEO47 CE153 CEO48 CEO49 CEO50 CEO5 I CEO52 CEO53 CEO54 CEO55 CEO56 CEO57 CEO58 CEO59 CEO60 CEO6 1 CEO62 CEO63 CEO64 CEO65 CEO66 CEO67 CEO68 CEO69 CEO70 CEO7 1 CEO72 CEO73 CEO74 CEO75 CEO76 CEO77 CEO78 CEO79 CEO80 CEO8 1 CEO82 CEO83 CEO84 CEO85 CEO86 CEO87 CE147 elucidate elute emanate emboss embrittle embryo emerald emerge emery EMF emit emphatic empty emulsify enamel enamine enantiomorph encaustic encephalograph encyclopedia end endocrine endometrium endosperm endure energy engage engine enhance enlarge en01 enough enrich ensile enter enteritis enthalpy entire entropy entry enumerate environment enzyme epitaxial epoxide EPR equal equilibrium equine equip equivalent eradicate erect CEO88 CEO89 CEO90 CEO9 1 CEO92 CEO93 CEO94 CEO95 CEO96 CE152 CEO97 CE148 CEO98 CEO99 CElOO CElOl CE102 CE103 CE149 CEl04 CE105 CE106 CE107 CE108 CE109 CEl IO CElll CE112 CE113 CEI 14 CE115 CEl16 CE117 CEl18 CEl19 CE120 CE121 CE122 CE123 CE124 CE125 CE126 CE127 CE128 CEl29 CE130 CE150 CE131 CE132 CE133 CE134 CE135 CE136 erg ergot erode error erythrocyte escape eskimo ESR essence establish ester estimate estrogen etch ether eudiometer eutectic evacuate evaluate evaporate even ever evert evoke evolve exact exalt examine example excavate excel except excess exchange excite exclude excrete exercise exert exhaust exhibit exist exophthalmic expand expect expel experiment explode exponent expose express expulsion exsiccate CE137 CE138 CE139 GE140 GE151 CEMl CEf42 CEf43 CEl44 CE145 CEI46 extend exterior external extinct extinguish extra extract CFOOI f%&ric CFOO2 CFOO3 CFOO4 CFOOS CFO06 CFlll CFOW CFOM CFI 12 CFO09 CFOlO CFOI 1 CFOf2 CFO13 CFOI4 GFOl5 CF016 CF017 CFOlB CFO19 CFQ20 CFU2 I CF022 CF023 CF024 CF025 CFO26 CFQ27 CFOB CF029 CF030 CF03 1 CF032 CFO33 CFO34 CFO35 CF036 CFO37 CF038 CF113 face facet facile factor (math.) fade fail fah fallout fan faraday farina fast fat fatiguz fauit (non-geol.) feed feedback feel felspar felt ferment fertile ferus frbrc fibroma fiducial field figure filament fill film filter fin find fine finger finish fire ~re~~~~f first ~XWt%W eXt&c: exude eye F CFO39 CFO40 CEO41 CFO42 CF043 CFO44 CFO45 CFO46 CFO47 CFO48 CFl14 CFO49 CFO5Q CFOSI CF052 CFO.53 CF054 CFOSS CFO56 CF057 CFOS8 CFO59 CFO60 CF061 CF062 CFO63 CFO64 CFWS CF066 CF067 CF068 CF069 CFO70 CFW I CFO72 CF073 CF074 CF075 CF076 CFO77 CFO78 CFO79 CFO80 CF115 CF081 CFO82 CT%83 CFO84 CFO85 CFO86 CFO87 CFO88 CFO89 fish fission fit fix flake flame flare flash flat flavor flaw f&X Bigtt ~~~~*~~t~~~~ Aoccufate flock flood floor Aoret Rot&ion flutir ffow fluctuate fhtid fluoresce CFIl6 CF090 CF091 CFO92 CFl17 CFo93 CF094 CFO95 CF096 CF118 CF097 CFO98 CFO99 CF100 CFIOI. CF102 CF103 CF104 CFlO5 CFIO6 CFlO7 CFli9 CF109 CFl10 Freon frequent fresh friable friction frir front frost froth frozen fruit FSH fuef f&t fumarolc fume function fundament fungus funnel fur furnace furnish fuse (rn~~t) fuse1 CGOOf CG002 CGO03 CGO04 CGOO5 CG006 CGoO7 CGOO8 CGOO9 CC010 CG071 CGOJ 1 CC012 CGOf 3 CGOI4 CG072 CGOl5 CG073 CC016 CGO17 CGDB CGO19 CGOZO CC021 CG022 CG023 G gabbro gahnite gain galaxy galena gall ga~~ota~nin galvanic g&anise ganglion gap garnet gas gaso&e gastric gauge gauss gauze gear gel gem gene generate geometry germ get CF1 08 fhmpaf Aux By (now?) foam focus fodder fog foil fold food foot forhiif force forensic forest form formula fortran foul found fraction fracture fragile fragment fragrant frame free freeze 62 G. M. TABLE C. GENERAL CG024 CG025 CG026 CG027 CG028 CG029 CG030 CG03 1 CG074 CG032 CG033 CG034 CG035 CG036 CG037 CG038 CG039 CG040 CG041 CG075 CG042 CG043 CG044 CG045 CC046 CG047 CG048 CG049 C’G050 CG051 CG052 CG053 CG054 CG055 CG056 CG057 CG058 CG059 CG060 CG061 CG062 CG063 CG076 CG077 CG079 CG064 CG065 CG066 CG078 CG067 CG068 CG069 CG070 giant give glacial gland (mech.) glass glaze globule gloss glow glue glycemia glycidol glycol (gen.) glycoside gneiss go goniometer good gout grade gradient graft grain gram granite granule graph graphite grass grate gravel gravity gravure grease great green grey grid grind groove gross ground (math.) ground (earth) ground (milled) ground (logic) group grow guano guard gum gut guttapercha gypsum CHEMICAL WORDS CHOOI CHO02 CHO03 CHO04 CHO05 CHO06 CHO07 CHOOS CHO09 CHOIO CHOI 1 CH012 CH013 CH014 CH015 CH016 CHOI 7 CH018 CH019 CH020 CH083 CH021 CH022 CH023 CH024 CH025 CH026 CH027 CH028 CH084 CH029 CH030 CH03 1 CH032 CH033 CH034 CH035 CH036 CH037 CH038 CH039 CH040 CHO41 CH042 CH043 CH044 CH045 CH048 CH049 CHOSO CHOS 1 CH052 DYSON (EXCLUDING H habit had hair half halflife halide halo halogen ham hand handbook hapten hard hardboard harmonic hashish hastelloy have hay hazard haze head (hydrostatic) heal health heart hearth heat heath heavy height hela helicon helix helminth hematite heme hemoglobin hemopoietic hemorrhage hemp hepatic herb here heredity heterogeneous heterosphere hide high hinder hinge histone history COMPOUND NAMES)-continued CH053 CH085 CH054 CH055 CH056 CH057 CH058 CH059 CH060 CH061 CH086 CH062 CH063 CH064 CH065 CH066 CH067 CH068 CH069 CH070 CH07 1 CH072 CH073 CH074 CH075 CH076 C-HO77 CH087 CH078 CH079 CHOSO CH081 CH082 hit hold hole homogeneous homolog honey horizontal hormone horn hornblende horticultural host hot hour house how hue human humid humus hyaline hybrid hydrate hydraulic hydrol hydrophobe hygrometer hygroscopic hypo (photog.) hypotensive hypothesis hypoxia hysteresis CIOOl CIOOZ CIO03 c1004 CIOOS CIO06 CIO07 CIOOS C1009 Cl010 CIOI I c1012 CIO13 CI014 CI094 CIOI 5 CIO16 C1017 ice I ideal identical idiopathic TDP igneous ignite ileum illite ilIum~nate ilmenite image imide imine immerse immune impact impair Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE CIO18 CIOI 9 C1095 CIO20 CI021 CI022 CI023 CI024 CIO25 CI026 CI096 CI027 CI028 CI029 C1030 CI03 1 CI032 CI033 CI034 CI035 CI036 CI037 CI038 CI039 CIo40 CIO41 CI042 CI043 CI097 CI044 CIO45 CI046 CI047 Cl048 CI049 CIO50 CIO5 1 CIO52 CI098 CIO53 CIO54 CIO55 CIO56 CI057 CIO58 CI059 CIO60 C1061 Cl062 Cl063 CI064 CIO65 Cl066 c. GENERAL impel impregnate impress improve impulse in incident include incoloy inconel incorporate increase indelible index indicate induce industrial industry inert infant infarct infect inferior infinite inflame influx inform infuse ingredient inhale inherit inhibit initial inject injure ink inner innervate input insert insipid instant instead instruct instrument insulate integer integrate intense intent intercalate interface interfere CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING CI067 CI099 CI068 CI069 C1070 CI071 CI072 CI073 CI074 CIO75 CI076 CI077 CI078 CI079 CIO80 CIO81 CI082 CI083 CIO84 CIOSS CI086 CI087 CI088 CI099 CIlOO CIO90 CI091 CI092 CI093 intermediate intermittent internal interstice interval intestine into intolerance intoxicate intrinsic intrude invent invert involute ion iris (instr.) irradiate irritant isceon ischemia isinglass island isolate isomer isotactic isotope isotropic issue it CJOOl CJO02 CJO03 CJO04 CJO05 CJO06 CJO07 CJO08 CJO09 CJOIO CJOll CJO12 CJO13 CJO14 CJO15 J jack jacket jade jar jasper jelly jet (mech.) jet (min.) join joule journal (lit.) juice junction jupiter jut CKOOl CKO02 CKO03 CK004 K kaolin kava keep kerosine COMPOUND (cpd.) 63 NAMES)-continued CKOOS CKO06 CKO07 CKO08 CK009 CKOlO ketone (gen.) key kidney kieserite kill kiln CKOl 1 kinase CK012 kind CKO13 kinetic CK014 Kipp’s CKO15 kitchen CKO16 kyanite L CL001 CL002 CL003 CL004 CL005 CL006 CL007 CL008 CL009 CL010 CL100 CL01 1 CL012 CL01 3 CL014 CL015 CL016 CL017 CL018 CL019 CL020 CL021 CL022 CL023 CL024 CL025 CL026 CL027 CL028 CL029 CL030 CL03 1 CL032 CL033 CL034 CL035 CL036 CL037 CL038 laboratory label labile lacquer lachrymator lactam lactim lactone ladder lag (delay) lag (insuln.) lagoon lake lamellum lamina lamp land lanthanon lard large laser last latent lateral laterite latex lattice lava law (sci.) laxative layer leach lead (verb) leaf leak learn least leather lecture 64 G. M. DYSON TABLE c. GENERAL CL039 CL040 CL041 CL042 CL043 CL044 CL045 CL046 CL047 CL048 CL049 CL050 CL051 CL052 CL053 CL054 CL055 CL056 CL057 CL058 CL059 CL060 CL06 1 CL062 CL063 CL064 CL065 CL103 CL066 CL067 CL068 CL069 CL070 CL071 CL101 CL072 CL102 CL073 CL074 CL075 CL076 CL077 CL078 CL079 CL080 CL081 CL082 CL083 CL084 CL085 CL086 CL087 CL088 left leg length lens (instr.) let lethal leukemia leukocyte level lever levigate liable liberate library lichen lid lie life lifetime lift (move) ligand light lightning lignite like limb lime limestone limit line link linter lip lipid liquefy liquid literature lithograph live liver livestock lixiviate load loam locate lock lode logarithm long longitude look loop loose CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING CL089 CL090 CL091 CL092 CL093 CL094 CL095 CL096 CL097 CL098 CL099 lose low lubricate luminesce luminophore luminous lunar lung lute lymph lysozyme CM001 CM002 CM143 CM003 CM004 CM005 CM006 CM007 CM008 CM009 CM010 CM01 1 CM012 CM013 CM014 CM015 CM016 CM017 CM01 8 CM019 CM020 CM021 CM144 CM022 CM023 CM024 CM025 CM026 CM027 CM028 CM029 CM030 CM03 1 CM032 CM033 CM034 CM035 CM036 CM145 CM037 macerate machine macroscopic made magma magnesite magnet magnetite magneto main make malachite malleable malt mamma man manifest (clear) manner mamometer mantle manual manufacture map margarine margin marine mark (label) market marl marrow (bone) marrow (veg.) martensite maser mash mask mass massif master mat match M COMPOUND NAMES)-CoTItiPZued CM038 CM039 CM040 CM041 CM042 CM043 CM044 CM045 CM046 CM146 CM047 CM048 CM049 CM050 CM051 CM052 CM053 CM054 CM147 CM055 CM056 CM057 CM058 CM1 50 CM059 CM150 CM060 CM061 CM148 CM062 CM063 CM064 CM065 CM066 CM067 CM068 CM069 CM070 CM07 1 CM072 CM073 CM074 CM075 CM076 CM077 CM078 CM079 CM080 CM081 CM082 CM083 CM084 CM085 material mathematics matrix matte matter mature may maximum meadow mean measure meat mechanic medicine medium (meat meiosis meliorate mellow melt meet membrane memory mendel meniscus mental mer mercaptan mercerize mesh mesomerism meson messenger metabolite metal metallurgy meteor meter metrology mica micelle microbe microscope microsome microtome middle migrate mildew milk mill mineral miniature minimum minus Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE c. GENERAL CM086 CM087 CM088 CM089 CM090 CM149 CM091 CM092 CM093 CM094 CM095 CM096 CM097 CM098 CM099 CM100 CM101 CM102 CM103 CM104 CM105 CM106 CM107 CM108 CM109 CM1 10 CM 111 CM1 12 CM 113 CM114 CM1 15 CM1 16 CM1 17 CM118 CM1 19 CM120 CM121 CM122 CM123 CM124 CM125 CM126 CM127 CM128 CM 129 CM130 CM131 CM1 32 CM133 CM 134 CM 135 CM 136 CM 137 minute (small) minute (time) mint (coin) mirror miscible mist mite mitochondria mitosis mix mobile mode model moderate modify modulate mohole moist molasses mold molecule molten molybdenite moment monazite monitor monograph montan montmorillonite moon moraine mordant morphology mortal mortar mosaic most motor mottle mould mountain month move mucilage mucous muffle multiple municipal muon muscle muscovite mushroom mustard CHEMICAL WORDS CM138 CM1 39 CM140 CM141 CM142 (EXCLUDING must mycelium mycobacterium myelin mylar N nail name naphtha narcotic narrow nascent native natron nature near CNOl 1 nebula CN012 neck CNO13 necessary CN014 necrosis CN015 need CN064 needle CN016 negative CN017 neither CNOI 8 nematode CNOl9 neoplasm CN020 nepheline CN021 nephelometer CN022 nephritis CN023 nerve CN024 net (price) CN025 net (reticulum) CN026 neuron CN027 neutral CN028 neutrino CN029 neutron CN030 never CN031 new CN032 next CN033 night CN034 nil CN035 nimonic CN036 nitrile CN037 nitroprusside CN038 NMR CN039 no CN040 noble CN041 node CN042 nodule CN043 noise CN044 nomenclature CN045 nominal CNOOl CNO02 CNO03 CNO04 CNOO5 CNO06 CNO07 CNO08 CNOO9 CNOlO COMPOUND NAMES)-Continued CN046 CN047 CN048 CN049 CNOSO CNOSl CN052 CN053 CN054 CN055 CN056 CN057 CN058 CN059 CN060 CN065 CN061 CN062 CN063 none nor (= and not) norm notation notch novelty now noxious nozzle nuclear nucleon nucleophile nucleoprotein nucleoside nucleotide nucleus (atomic) number nutrient nylon COO01 COO02 COO03 COO04 COO05 COO06 COO07 COO08 COO09 COO10 COO1 1 COO12 COO13 coo14 coo15 COO16 COO17 COO18 COO19 COO20 COO21 COO22 COO64 COO23 COO24 COO25 COO26 COO27 COO28 COO29 COO30 COO3 1 0 oak oat obese obey object (noun) oblige obstruct occlude occur ocher ocular odd odor of off offensive often oil oilseed ointment old olefin oleum olivine omit one once onyx opal opaque open operate 65 G. M. DYWN 66 TABLE c. GENERAL COO32 COO33 COO34 COO35 COO36 COO37 COO38 COO39 COO40 COO41 COO42 COO43 COO44 COO45 COO46 COO47 COO48 COO49 COO50 COO5 1 COO52 COO65 COO67 COOS3 COOS4 COO55 COO56 COOS7 COO58 COO59 COO60 COO61 COO62 COO63 COO66 opium optic optimum or oral orange (color) orbit orchard order (rank) ordinary ore organ (biol.) organic (them.) orient orifice origin orpiment oscillate osmosis ossify out outlet outside oval ovary oven over overt overlap overtone ovomucoid ovum oxide oxime ozone CPOOl CPO02 CPO03 CPO04 CPOO5 CPO06 CPOO7 CPOOX CPO09 CPOlO VP01 1 CPO12 CPOI 3 CP014 CPOlS CPOI 6 P pace pack pad paint pair pale pan paper parabola para-H parachor paradox paraffin parallel parameter parasite CHEMICAL WORDS CPO17 CP018 CP019 CPO20 CPO21 CPO22 CP023 CP024 CP02.5 CP026 CP027 CP028 CP029 CPO30 CP03 1 CP032 CP033 CP034 CPO35 CP036 CP037 CP038 CP039 CPO40 CPO41 CP042 CP043 CP044 CPO45 CP046 047 CP048 CP049 CPO50 CP05 1 CP052 CP053 CP054 CPOSS CP056 CP057 CPO58 CP210 CPO59 CPO60 CPO61 CP062 CP063 CP064 CPO65 CP066 CP067 CPO68 (EXCLUDING parietal parity part particle partition pass passive paste pastry patent path pattern pay peak peanut peat pectin peel pegmatite pellet pelt pendulum penetrate peptide percentage percolate perfect perforate perform perfume perfuse periclase peridot period periphery perlite permalloy permanent permeate permute pernicious perovskite perpendicular persist person perturb pest petroleum pH phage phagocyte pharmacy phase (physical) COMPOUND NAMES)--continued CP069 CPO70 CPO71 072 CP073 CP074 CPO75 CP076 CP077 CP078 CPO79 CPO80 CPO81 CPO82 CP083 CP084 CPO85 CP211 CP086 CPO87 CP088 CP089 CPO90 CP091 GPO92 CP093 CP094 CP095 CPO96 CP097 CP098 CP099 CPl 00 CPlOl CPlO2 CP103 CP104 CP105 CP106 CP107 CP108 CP109 CPl 10 CPI 11 CPl I2 CPl I3 CPI 14 CPl15 CPI 16 CPI 17 CP2 12 CPI 18 phene phenomenon phlogopite phonon phosphor phosphore~ence photograph photon physical physics physiology pickle picture piece piezo pigment pile pin pink pion pipe pipette pitch pitchblende pK place plagioclase plane planet plant (them.) plasma (physics) plaster plastic plate platform (petrothem.) piexiglas plot plug plumbago (min.) ply PMR pneumatic podzol point poison pole (elec.) pole (phys.) poliovirus polish pollen pollute pond Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE CP119 CPl20 CP121 CP122 CP123 CP124 CPl25 CP126 CP127 CP128 CP129 CPl30 CP131 CP132 CP133 CP134 CP135 CP136 CPl37 CP213 CP138 CP139 CP140 CP141 CP142 CP143 CP144 CP145 CP146 CP147 CP148 CP149 CPI 50 CPl5 1 CPI 52 CPl53 CP154 CPl55 CP156 CP157 CP158 CP159 CP160 CP161 CP162 CP163 CP164 CP165 CP166 CP167 CP168 CP169 CP170 C. GENERAL pool popular populate porcelain pore pork porphyry portion position positron possible posterior pot potash potent potentiometer pottery pound (wt.) pound (beat) pour powder power pozzolana precede precession precipitate precise precursor predict predominate prefer pregnant prehnite prepare preponderate preserve press (math.) presume prevent primary primer primitive print prism probable probe problem process procure produce profile profound program CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING COMPOUND CPl71 progress CP172 project CP173 prolong CP174 promote CP175 proof CP176 propagate CP177 propel CP178 property (character) CP179 proportion CP180 prospect (geol.) CP181 . protamine CP182 protect CP183 protein CP184 protolytic CP185 proton CP186 prototropic CP187 protract CP188 protrude CP189 proximate CP190 pull CP191 pulp CP192 pulse CP214 pulverise CP193 pump CP194 puncture CP195 pungent CP196 pure CP197 purple CP198 purpose CP199 put CP200 putty CP201 PVC CP202 pycnometer CP203 pyramid CP204 pyresis CP205 pyrites CP206 pyrogen CP207 pyrolysis CP208 pyrophoric CP209 pyroxene Q CQOOl CQO02 CQO03 CQO04 CQOl5 CQOO5 CQOO6 CQO07 CQOO8 CQOO9 CQOlO quadruple quadrupole qualify quality quantity quantum quark quarter quartz quaternary quench NAMES)-Continued CQOl 1 CQO12 CQO13 CQ014 CR001 CR002 CR003 CR004 CR145 CR005 CR006 CR007 CR008 CR009 CR010 CR01 1 CR012 CR01 3 CR014 CR015 CR016 CR017 CR018 CR019 CR020 CR021 CR150 CR146 CR022 CR023 CR024 CR025 CR026 CR027 CR028 CR029 CR030 CR151 CR03 1 CR032 CR033 CR034 CR035 CR036 CR037 CR038 CR039 CR040 CR041 CR042 CR043 quiescent quinoid quinone (gen.) quotient R race racemic radiate radical (them.) radioactive radiograph radius raffinate rainbow raise rake ramie rancid random range rapid rare rare-earth rate rather ratio ration rational raw ray rayon RDX react (chemically) reagent real realgar rear rearrangement reason rebound recede receive recent receptor reciprocal reclaim reclamation recognize recoil reconcile record recover 67 68 G. M. TABLE CR044 CR045 CR046 CR147 CR047 CR048 CR049 CR050 CR05 1 CR148 CR052 CR053 CR054 CR055 CR056 CR057 CR058 CR059 CR060 CR061 CR062 CR063 CR064 CR065 CR066 CR067 CR068 CR069 CR070 CR071 CR072 CR073 CR074 CR075 CR076 CR077 CR078 CR079 CR080 CR08 1 CR082 CR083 CR084 CR085 CR086 CR087 CR088 CR089 CR090 CR09 1 CR092 CR093 CR094 C. GENERAL recrystallize rectify (distil) rectum recuperate recur recycle red redox reduce refer refine reflect reflex reflux reform refract refractory (met.) refrigerate regenerate region regress regular reinforce reject relate relax relay release reliable relieve remain remote remove renal renew repair repeat repel repetition replace replica report repository repress reproduce require reserve reservoir residue resin resist resolve resonance CHEMICAL WORDS CR095 CR096 CR097 CR098 CR099 CR100 DYSON (EXCLUDING resorption respire respond rest restrain restore CR101 restrict CR102 resume CR103 retain CR104 retard CR105 reticular CR106 retina CR107 retort CR150 retrieve CR108 reverberate CR 109 reverse CR1 10 review CR 152 revolve CR 111 rheology CR1 12 rhythm CR113 rice CR1 14 rickets CR1 15 right CR116 rigid CR117 rim CR118 rind CR119 ring CR 149 rinse CR120 ripen CR121 river CR122 road CR123 roast CR 124 rochelle CR125 rock CR1 26 rocket CR127 rod CR1 28 rodent CR/29 roll (move) CR130 root (base) CR131 rosin CR132 rot CR133 rotate CR 134 rough CR1 35 round CR136 rubber CR137 ruby CR138 rule CR 139 rumen CR140 run (expt.) CR141 rupture CR142 rust CR143 rutile CR144 rye COMPOUND NAMES)-----Co~iliI?N~f~ S csooI saccharometer CSOO2 safe csoo3 sag sagger csoo4 sag0 csoo.5 CSO06 salt saltpeter csoo7 CS328 salvage CSOOS same sample csoo9 sand Csolo CSOl 1 sandstone sanitary cso12 CSOl3 sap sapogenin (‘so14 CS329 saporify saponin cso15 CSO16 sapphire CSOI 7 satisfy CSO18 saturate CSOl9 satellite sauce cso20 cso2 1 sausage (X3.30 save saw cso22 scale (measure} cso23 CS024 scale (boiler) scan cso25 CSO26 scarce scarlet cso.27 CS028 scatter scent cso29 schedule cso30 cso3 1 scheelite schiff-base cs032 schist cso33 scintilla cso34 scission cso35 CS036 sclerometer scorch c’s331 score (groome) cso37 CS038 scramble scrap cso39 scrape cso40 scratch cso41 screen cso42 screw cso43 scrub cso44 CS332 scum SZW-\y cso45 CSO46 sea seal (opn.) cso47 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLEc. GENERAL CS048 cso49 cso50 cso51 cs333 cso52 cso53 cso54 cso55 CS056 cso57 CSO58 cso59 cso60 csO61 CSO62 CSO63 CS064 CS065 CSO66 CS067 CSO68 CS069 cso70 cso7 1 CS072 es073 cso74 cso75 CS076 cso77 CS078 cso79 CSO80 CSO81 CSO82 CS083 CS084 CSO85 CSO86 CS087 CSO88 CSO89 cso90 cso9 1 cs334 CS092 cso93 cso94 cso95 CS096 cso97 CS098 search season second secrete section sector secure sediment see segment segregate seismic select selenite self semolina sense separate sepia sequel sequence sequester series serrate serum serpentine set settle (stand) sever severe sewage sex shadow shake shale shape share sharp shave shear sheath shed sheet shell shellac shield shift ship shock (mech.) short shot shred shrink ~HER~~CAL WORDS cm99 CSloo CSlOI cs102 cs103 cs335 cs104 cs105 CS106 cs107 CS108 cs109 CSllO CSllI CS112 cs113 cs114 cs115 CS116 cs117 CS118 cs119 cs120 cs121 cs122 cs123 cs124 CS125 CS126 CS127 CS128 CS129 cs130 cs131 CS132 cs133 cs134 cs135 CS136 cs137 CSl38 cs139 CS336 cs140 cs141 CS142 cs143 cs144 cs145 CS146 cs147 cs337 CS148 (~xcLuDm~3 shut siccative side siderite sieve sift sign significant silage silence silk siloxane (gen.) similar simple simulate since sine single singlet sinister (left) sink (electron) sinter sinus (curve) siphon site size (extent) size (glue) skeleton skein skim skin sky slag slake slate slaughter slide slight slime slip slit slope slot slow sludge slug slurry small smalt smear smell smelt smoke COMPOUND NA~)~O~~i~~e~ cs149 cs150 CSl51 CS152 cs153 cs154 cs155 CS156 cs157 CS158 cs159 CS160 CS161 CS162 CS163 CS164 CS165 CS166 CS167 CS168 CS169 cs170 cs171 CS172 cs173 CS174 csi75 CS176 CS177 CS178 cs179 CS180 CS181 CS182 CS183 CS184 CS185 CS186 CS187 CSl88 CS189 CS338 cs190 cs191 cs192 cs193 cs194 cs195 CS196 cs197 CS198 cs199 smooth snow so soak soap soda soft soil (earth) soil (dirty) sol solar solder sole (only) solenoid solid solitary soluble solve solvent some sonic soon soot sophisticated (adult.) sophisticate (complex) sorption sort (kind) sort (separate) sound sour source soy space span spangle spare spark spasm spatula species specific specimen spectrum (opt.) spectroscope speed speiss spell spelter spend sphalerite sphene sphere (geom.) 69 G. M. DYSON 70 TABLE c. GENERAL cs200 cs201 cs202 CS203 CS204 CS205 CS206 CS207 CS208 CS209 cs210 cs211 cs212 CS213 cs214 cs21.5 CS216 CS217 CS218 CS219 CS220 cs221 cs222 CS223 CS224 cs225 CS226 CS227 CS228 CS229 cs230 CS23 1 CS232 CS233 CS234 CS235 CS236 CS237 CS238 CS239 CS240 cs241 CS242 CS243 CS244 CS245 CS246 CS247 CS248 CS249 cs250 cs251 cs252 spherulife spice spike spin spindle spine spine1 spiral spirit splinter split spoil spontaneous sponge spoon spore spot spout spray spread spring sprout spufum square squeeze stable stuck stage stain stale stalk stand standard sfannum staple (crop.) starch stark starve state (condition) static station steady steam steel steep (soak) stellar stem (non-bof.) stencil step steppe sfepwise stereoscope sferic CHEMICAL WORDS CS253 CS254 CS255 CS256 CS257 CS258 CS259 cs339 CS260 CS261 CS262 CS263 CS240 CS264 CS265 CS266 CS267 CS268 CS269 CS270 CS27 1 CS272 CS273 CS274 CS275 CS276 CS277 CS278 CS279 CS280 CS28 1 CS282 CS283 CS284 CS285 CS286 CS287 CS288 CS289 cs343 CS290 CS29 1 CS292 es293 CS294 cs295 CS296 cs297 CS298 cs299 cs300 cs301 cs302 (EXCLUDING sterile sfernutate steroid sterol stibium stibnite stick stiff still (pot) still (yet) stimulus stir stock stoichiomefric stomach stone stop store straight strain (mech.) stratum streak stream sf rengfh stress stretch strict strike string strip strong structure (them.) strut student stuff style subject sublime submerge substance substitute substrate subtract such sugar (gen.) sulfamic (gen.) sulfanilic (pen.) sulfonic (gen.) sulfolane (pen.) sultam stiltone summer superior COMPOUND NAMES)-CO?&tit?d cs303 cs341 cs304 cs305 CS306 cs307 CS308 cs309 cs310 cs311 CS312 cs313 cs314 cs315 CS316 cs317 CS318 cs319 cs320 CS321 CS322 CS323 CS342 CS324 CS325 CS326 cs327 supernatanf SUPPlY support suppress surface surfactant surplus survey survive susceptible suspend sustain sweat sweet swell swim switch (elec.) sydnone (pen.) syenite symbol symmetry syndet synergism syneresis synthesis syrup system CT001 CT002 CT003 CT004 CT005 CT137 CT006 CT007 CT008 CT009 CT010 CT01 1 CT012 CT013 CT014 CT015 CT016 CT017 CT018 CT019 CT020 CT02 1 CT022 CT023 T table tablet tack tactile tag taint take talc taltow fame tandem tan tank tap tapioca tar target tarnish tartar taste tautomer fax taxonomy teach Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE CT024 CT025 CT026 CT027 CT028 CT138 CT029 CT030 CT031 CT032 CT033 CT034 CT035 CT036 CT037 CT038 CT039 CT040 CT041 CT042 CT139 CT043 CT044 CT045 CT046 CT047 CT048 CT049 CT050 CT051 CT052 CT053 CT054 CT055 CT056 CT057 CT058 CT059 CT060 CT061 CT062 CT063 CT064 CT065 CT066 CT067 CT068 CT069 CT070 CT071 CT072 CT073 CT074 C. GENERAL tear (rupture) tear (secretion) technology teeth telomer temper temperature template temporal tender tense term terminal (elec.) ternary terpene terrestrial tertiary test text textile texture that theory therapeutic therm (unit) thermal thermite thermostat thick thin thiol (gen.) thixotropic thread threshold through thrust thymus thyroid tide tile timber time tincture tip tire tissue titanon titrate titrimetry to together toilet tolerate CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING CT075 CT076 CT077 CT078 CT079 CT140 CT080 CT081 CT082 CT083 CT084 CT085 CT086 CT141 CT087 CT088 CT089 CT090 CT091 CT092 CT093 CT094 CT095 CT096 CT097 CT098 CT099 CT100 CT101 CT102 CT103 CT104 CT105 CT106 CT 107 CT108 CT109 CT 110 CT1 I 1 CT142 CT1 12 CT1 13 CT1 14 CT1 15 CT1 16 CT1 17 CT1 18 CT1 19 CT120 CT1 21 CT 122 CT123 CT124 71 COMPOUND NAMi?S)---continued tomato tone tool tooth topaz top topic topography torque torsion total touch tough tower toxic trace (sm. quantity) track traction trajectory tranquil transcribe transfer transform transient transistor transit translate translucent transmit transparent transport transverse trap (rock) trap (app.) trauma tray treat tremor trend trial trichina tridymite triode triplet triterpene triton trivial trouble trout trypan trypanosome tube tuberculin CT1 25 CT126 CT127 CT128 CT129 CT130 CT131 CT132 CT133 CT134 CT135 CT136 tubule tumor tunnel turbid turbine turbulent turn (rotate) turpentine tween twin twist tyre CUOOI CUO02 CUO17 CUO03 CUO04 CUO05 CUO06 CUO07 CUO08 CUO09 CUOlO CUOI 1 CUOl2 CUO13 CUO14 CUO15 CU016 ultrasonic under undulate uniform union (joining) unit upset uptake urea (gen.) ureide urethan (gen.) urine uranic (gen.) use uterus utilise UV CVOOl CVO02 CVO03 CVOO4 CVOOS CVO06 CVO07 CVOOS CVO60 CVO09 CVOlO vacancy vaccine vacuole vacuum vagina valence valid value valve vapor variable varnish vascular Vaseline vat vector vegetable vehicle {paint) vein velocity U V CVOl1 CV012 CVO13 CV014 CVO15 CVOl6 CV017 CVO18 CVO19 G. M. DYSON 72 TABLE c. GENERAL cvo20 Venetian cvo21 venom cvo22 venous CV023 vent CV06 1 ventilate cvo24 venturi cvo25 verify CV026 vermiculite CV027 vermilion CV028 vertebra CV029 vertex CV062 vertical cvo30 vertigo cvo3 1 very cvo32 vesicate cvo33 vessel cvo34 vetch cvo35 veterinary CV036 vibrate cvo37 vinegar CV038 vinyl (gen.) cvo39 violet (color) cvo40 viral cvO41 virial virtual cvo42 cvo43 virulence cvo44 virus viscid cvo45 viscose CV063 CV046 viscosity visible cvO47 visual CV064 CV048 vital vitreous cvo49 cvo50 vitrify vitriol cvo51 cvo52 \.itro cvo53 void (space) cvo54 volatile cvo55 volcano CV056 volt cvo57 volume CV065 vortex CV058 vulcanize cvo59 vulnerable CHEMICAL WORDS (EXCLUDING CO~MPOUND w CWOOl CW057 CWO02 CW058 CWO03 CW059 CWO04 CWOOS CWO06 CWO07 CWO08 CWO09 CWOIO CWOll CW012 CW013 CW014 CWO15 CW016 CW017 CW018 CW019 CWO20 CWO21 CW022 CW023 CW024 CWO60 CW025 CW026 CW027 CW028 CW029 CWO30 CW031 CW033 CWO33 CW034 CW035 CW036 CW037 CW038 CW039 CWO40 wait wall want ware warm warp wash waste watch water wave wax way weak wear weather web wedge weed week weight weld well (not ill) well (hole) wet what wheat wheel when where whey whisker whisky white who whole why wide wild wilt wind wine wire with NAMES)-continued CW041 CW042 CW043 CW044 CW045 CW046 CW047 CW048 CW049 CW061 CWO50 CW051 CW052 CW053 CW054 CW055 CW056 withdraw without woman wolfram wood wool word work world worm (mech.) worst worsted wort wound wrap wrinkle write CXOOl CXO02 CXO03 CXO04 xerography X-ray xylem xylene CYOOl CYOOZ CYO03 CYO04 CYO05 CYO06 CYO07 CYO08 CYO09 yard yarn year yeast yellow yet yield yoke young CZOOl CZOO? CZO03 CZO04 CZOO5 CZO06 CZO07 CZO08 zatfre zeolite zero zincite zincon zircon zone zymogen X Y Z (1) Additions can be made to any part of the vocabulary by using the next number to the highest alread> used, and placing the entry alphabetically; thus, if the word “yeti” had to be added to the Y-section, its number would be CYOlO and the entry “CYOIO yeti” would be placed between “yet” and “yield” (see above). (2) Words spelled identically, used as different parts of speech, but concept-related, as in “sweat” can be used as noun or verb) are distinguished by the semantic indicators of Table 2. (3) Words spelled identically but not concept-related meaning “empty void (negative)“. space” is CVO53: “void” (which need separate entries for each meaning. Thus, “void” = “avoid” or “nullify” would need a new entry ‘TV060 Computer Input and the Semantic Organi~tion TABLE A DA001 DA002 DA003 DA004 DA005 DA006 DA007 DA008 DA009 DA010 DA01 1 DA012 DA013 DA014 DA01 5 DA016 DA017 DA018 DA01 9 DA020 DA02 1 DA022 DA023 DA024 DA025 DA026 DA027 DA028 DA029 DA030 DA03 1 DA032 DA033 DA034 DA035 DA036 DA037 DA038 DA039 DA040 DA041 DA042 DA043 DA044 DA045 DA046 DA047 DA048 DA049 DA050 DA051 DA052 aceclidine acetabuton acenocoumarin aceperinaphthane acetazolimide acethropan ACH acriflavine actin-F actin-G actinin-a actinin-l[r actinomycin actomeromyosin actomyosin adiphenin adonitol aflatoxin-B, aflatoxin-B 2 aflatoxin-Gr agmantine AH AHA AIB AIC ajmaline ALA alaphen albaspidin alderlan alderlin aleudrine alupent amantadine AMCHA AMD amethocaine amethopterin amidephrine amifotransferase aminazine amitriptyline amizyl AMP ampicillin amprolium amytal ANADP anatruxonium ancillin angiotensin anileridine D. DRUG AND RELATED DA053 DA054 DA055 DA056 DA057 DA058 DAOS9 DA060 DA06 1 DA062 DA063 DA064 DA065 DA066 DA067 DA068 DA069 DA070 DA07 1 DA072 DA073 DA074 DA075 DA076 DA077 DA078 DA079 DA080 DA081 DA082 DA083 DA084 NAMES FROM ANIT ANP-235 ANS antazoline antergan antimycin-A antipyrine AOE AP-752 APADP AP-DR apholate apyrase AQD-12 aramine asafetida asarone ASP ATCASE atebrin ATEE-esterase ATLOX-G3300 ATP aurantin-1 aurantin-3 aurantin-5 aurantin-6 aurovertin AUU avidin AY-6-2022 AY-9944 B BA bacilysin bacitracin bacteriocin BADE BAL BANOL BAPA DBO09 BAPN DBOlO BAPNA DB011 BAPSF DBOl2 BAQD-10 DB013 barbital DB014 BAS DE015 BCG DB016 BCNU DBO17 BDH DBOl8 BDU DB019 belladona DBOOI DBO02 DBO03 DBOO4 DBOOS DE006 DBO07 of Scientific Terms-I CBAC DB020 DB021 DB022 DB023 DB024 DB025 DB026 DB027 DB028 DB029 bemigride benactyzine benadryl benzapyrine benzarone benzazocin benzmalacene benzquinamide benzthiazide benzhydroflumethazide DB030 betamethasone DB03 1 betasan DB032 betazole DB033 bethanchol DB034 bethanidine DB035 bezoar DB036 BGG DB037 bhang DB038 BHC DB039 BHDB DB040 bidrin DB041 binapacryl DB042 bismoxolane DB043 bithionol DB044 BKLS DB045 BM DB046 BNA DB047 BOL-148 DB048 BP- 1184 DB049 BPF DB050 bradykinin DB05 1 bretylium DB052 BRIJ-35 DB053 BSP DB054 BUDR DB055 bufalin DB056 bufotenine DBOS7 bunamidine DB058 busulfan DC001 DC002 DC003 DC004 DC005 DC006 DC007 DC008 DC009 DC010 DC01 1 C CA-7 camazulene canavanine caramiphen carbachol carbaryl carbutamide cardenolide cardiazol carisoprodol carnitine 73 G. M. DYSON 74 TABLE D. DRUG DC012 cathepsin DC013 catron DC014 CBG DC015 CC-25 DC016 CCH DC017 CDM DC018 CDP DC019 CDRP DC020 cecekin DC021 centrophenoxine DC022 cephaloridin(e) DC023 cephalosporin DC024 cephalothrin DC025 ceramide DC026 ceruloplasmin DC027 CET-HCI DC028 cetavlon DC029 cetrimide DC030 CH,-GMS DC03 1 chalone DC032 CHE DC033 chenodeoxychloic acid DC034 chitodextrin DC035 chloracizin DC036 chlorambucil DC037 chloramine-T DC038 chlorazanil DC039 chlordane DC040 chlordiazepoxide DC041 chlorfenvinphos DC042 chlorisondamine DC043 chlormadinone DC044 chlormerodin DC045 chloromethiazole DC046 chlorophos DC047 chloroquine DC048 chlorothiazide DC049 chlorothinol DC050 chlorotrianisen DC051 chlorpheniramine DC052 chlorphentermine DC053 chlorpromazine DC054 chlorpropamide DC055 chlorprothixene DC056 chlortetracycline DC057 chlorthalidone DC058 cholestyramine DC059 chondroitin DC060 chondromucoprotein DC061 chromomycin DC062 chrysarobin DC063 chymotrypsin AND RELATED DC064 DC065 DC066 DC067 DC068 DC069 DC070 DC071 DC072 DC073 DC074 DC075 DC076 DC077 DC078 DC079 DC080 DC081 DC082 DC083 DC084 DC085 DC086 DC087 DC088 DC089 DC090 DC091 DC092 DC093 DC094 DC095 DC096 DC097 DC098 DC099 DC100 DC101 DC102 DC103 DC104 DC105 DC106 DC107 DC108 DC109 DC1 10 DC1 11 DC112 DC113 DC114 DC115 DC116 NAMES CI-501 CI-583 CIBA-32 CIBA-190 CIBA-1906 cinchophen cinerin-I cinerin-II cinnarizine cinobufagin ciodrin citrazinic acid citrulline CL-l 182C CL-43064 CL-47301 CL-47470 CL-91 1-c CL-912-C clomiphene clopamide clorexolone cloxacillin CMB CMC CMP CMS COA cobalamin cobamic acid cobefrine cobinic acid cobyric acid cocarboxylase colamin colicin colistin concanavalin-B convallotoxin convicine coproporphyrin coramine corazole corbadrine cordycepine cortisone cortol coumestrol CP CPA CPIB CPT CPZ FROM CBAC-continued DC1 17 DC1 18 DC119 DC120 DC121 DC122 DC123 DC124 DC1 25 DC126 DC127 DC128 DC129 DC130 DC 13 1 DC132 DC1 33 DC134 DC135 DC136 DC137 DC138 DC139 DC 140 DC141 crotalin cryogenine CT-3113 CTAC CTB (= CTAB) CTP CU-1 curcubitacin curvin curvulic acid cyanein cycloguanil cyclopal cycocel cycrimine cygon cymarin cypionic acid cyproheptadine cystaldimine cystamin cystaphos cystathion cysteamine cytoxan DDOOl DDO02 DD003 DDO04 DDOOS DDO06 DD007 DDO08 DD009 DDOlO DDOll DDOl2 DDO13 DD014 DD015 DD016 DDO17 DD018 DD019 DD020 DDOZI DD022 DD023 DD024 DD025 DD026 D DA DA-808 DAA DAB DAB-6 DADDS DADG DAE DAHP DAMP DA0 DAP DAPSONE DAT DATP dannomycin DBC-coenzyme DBCC DBT DCA DCDP DCDT DC1 DCIP DCM DCMP Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE DD027 DD028 DD029 DD030 DD031 DD032 DD033 DD034 DD035 DD036 DD037 DD038 DD039 DD040 DD041 DD042 DD043 DD044 DDO45 DD046 DD047 DD048 DD049 DDOSO DD051 DD052 DD053 DD054 DD055 DD056 DD057 DD058 DD059 DD060 DD061 DD062 DD063 DD064 DD065 DD066 DD067 DD068 DD069 DD070 DD071 DD072 DD073 DD074 DD075 DD076 DD077 DD078 D. DRUG DCMU DCTP DCVC DDAC DDC DDD DDE DDS DDT DEAE-cellulose deaminase deazo-6-mercapto purine decamethonium decholin deferrioxamine degranol dehydrase deipramine demethylimipramine demeton-0 demeton-S depreton deptropine DES desaspidin deslanoside desmol DET dethiobiotin devincan dexacortisyl dexamethasone dexamphetamine dexoxadrol dextromethorphan dextromoramide dextromycin DFB DFGGA DFOA DFP 2-DG DGA DGE DGGE DGH DGIH 2-DGL DGMP DGTP DHA DHA AND RELATED DD079 DD080 DD081 DD082 DD083 DD084 DD085 DD086 DD087 DD088 DD089 DD090 DD091 DD092 DD093 DD094 DD095 DD096 DD097 DD098 DD099 DDlOO DDlOl DDlO2 DD103 DD104 DD105 DD106 DD107 DD108 DDl09 DDl 10 DDl 11 DDl12 DDl13 DDl14 DD115 DDl16 DDI 17 DD118 DD 119 DD120 DD121 DD122 DD123 DD124 DD125 DD126 DD127 DDl28 DD129 DD130 NAMES FROM DHEA DHFR DHM DHMP DHSM DHT DHT diamox dianabol diaphorase diathiazanine diazepam diazinon diazoxon dibazol dibenamine dibenzyline dibozane dibucaine dichloromethotrexate dichlorphenamide dichloros dichol dicloxacillin dicumarol dicusat dicynone-141-MD dihydrone dilantin dimedrol dimefox dimercaprol dimethoate dimetilan dimetridazole dinactin dinex dinocap diparalene dipenine diphacinon diphenhydramine diplacin diprazine dipterex dipyridamole diquat disipal distal distamycin disulfiram DIT CBAC-continued DD131 DD132 DD133 DD134 DD135 DD136 DD137 DD138 DD139 DD140 DD141 DD142 DD143 DD144 DD145 DD146 DD147 DD148 DD149 DD 150 DD151 DD152 DD153 DD154 DDl55 DD156 DD157 DD158 DDI 59 DD160 DD161 DDI 62 DD 163 DD164 DD 165 DD166 DD167 DD168 DD169 DD170 DD171 DD172 DD173 DD174 DD175 DD176 DD177 DD178 DD179 DD 180 DD181 DD182 DD183 dithranol ditilin ditran dixyrazin djenkolic acid DKA DMAB DMAE DMBA DMDT DMHP DMI DMO DMP DMPH DMPP DMSO DMT DN-o-TB DN-PP DNase DNCB DNFB DNP DNS DOB DOC DOCA dolantin DOP DOPA dopamine doxapram doxepin doxergan 2,4-DP DPA DPE DPEA DPI 2,3-DPMC DPN DPNH DT DTBN DTMA DTP DTPA DTTP duazomycin DX dyflos dyphylline 7s G. M. DYSON 76 TABLE D. DRUG DE001 DE002 DE003 DE004 DE005 DE006 DE007 DE008 DE009 DE010 DE01 1 DE01 2 DE013 DE014 DE01 5 DE01 6 DE01 7 DE018 DE01 9 DE020 DE021 DE022 DE023 DE024 DE024 DE025 DE026 DE027 DE028 DE029 DE030 DE03 1 DE032 DE033 DE034 DE035 DE036 DE037 DE038 DE039 DE040 DE041 DE042 DE043 DE044 DE045 DE046 DE047 DE048 DE049 DE050 DE05 1 E EACA echitamine ecmolin ecothiophate EDDHA edetic acid erdrophonium EED EGF EGTA elastase elatericin elaterin embellin embichin endosulfan endoxan enniatin enovid ENT-503 11 ENT-50787 ENT-50790 ENT-50791 ENT-50852 ENT-50588 ENU epiestriol equol eradex ergocornine ergoline erychroside erythroidine erythromycin escin esidrex estradiol ETA etaperazine ethacrynic acid ethambutol ethaverine ethidium ethionine ethoxyquin ethoxazolamide ethyphen etianic acid etonitazene eucerin eupatorin eupaverine AND RELATED DE052 DE053 DE054 DE055 NAMES FROM Evans-blue EX-45 10 EX-4513 EX-5004 F DFOOl DFO02 DFO03 DF004 DFO05 DFO06 DFO07 DFO08 DFO09 DFOlO DFOll DF012 DF013 DF014 DF015 DFO16 DF017 DFO18 DF019 DF020 DF021 DF022 DF023 DF024 DF025 DF026 DF027 DF028 DF029 DF030 DF03 1 DF032 DF033 DF034 DF035 DF036 DF037 DF038 DF039 DF040 DF041 DF042 DF043 DF044 DF045 DF046 fagarine famoxon famphur FDNB FDP fencamfamin ferredoxin ferrihemachrome ferritin ferrocytochrome FGR FH-1500 FI-5 fibrinogen fibrinolysin fibrogen FIGLU filicin iilixic acid FLA-8 FLA-IO FLA-11 FLA-21 FLA-22 FLA-23 flavaspidic acid fluferramic acid flumethazide fluocinnolone fluothane fluoxymestrone fluphenazine FM FM, FM, FMN formazan formycin fouadin FPA fructokinase frusemide FSH fuchsin fucose fumagillin CBAC-continued DF047 DF048 DF049 DGOOl DGO02 DGO03 DGO04 DGOOS DG006 DG007 DG008 DGO09 DGOIO DGOll DG012 DG013 DG014 DGOl5 DG016 DG017 DG018 DG019 DG020 DG021 DG022 DG023 DG024 DG025 DG026 DG027 DG028 DG029 DG030 DG031 DG032 DG033 DG034 DG035 DG036 DG037 DG038 DG039 DG040 DG041 DG042 DG043 DG044 DG045 DC046 DG047 DG048 fumigatin furosemid(e) fusidic acid G GA GABA GABOB GAG galantamine gamaquil GD GDP GDPM GED gefarnil Geigy-13005 gentiobiose gestagen gilutensin girinimbine gitaloxigenin gitaloxin gitoxir. gliotoxin globin glucagon glucan glucitol glucochloralose glucokinase glucopyranoside glycoaldehyde glycyrrhetic acid glycyrrhizin GMP GMS GOBAB GOT gougerotin GPD GPT gramicidin-J granugenol griseofulvin GSH GSSG GTN GTP guanethidine guanosine guerin guthion Computer Input and the Semantic Organization TABLE D. DRUG AND RELATED H DHOOl DHOOZ DHOO3 DHOO4 DHOO5 DHOO6 DHOO7 DHOOS DHOO9 DHOIO to DH031 DH032 DH033 DH034 DHO35 DH036 DH037 DH038 DH039 DHO40 DHO41 DHO42 DH043 DHO44 DHO45 DHO46 DH047 DH048 DH049 DH050 DH051 DH052 DH053 DH054 DHO55 DHO56 DH057 DH058 DH059 DHO60 DHO61 DH062 DH063 DH064 DH065 DH066 DH067 DH068 DH069 HAD hadacidin haloperidol halothane haloxon halquinol hamycin harmaline HBB HC-3, 1715, 1717, 1718,4030-4037, 4130,4133, 5059, 5080, 508 1, 5084, 5085, 5087 HCG HEDTA hedulin heliotrine helletrin hematin heme hemagglutin hematoporhpyri~ hemicholinium hemoglobin heptachlor heptaminol herqueinone hesperidin heteron~um hex heaxchlorophene hexadimethrine hexafluorenium hexamethonium hexestrol hexobarbital hexocyclium hexokinase HEAA hirudin histaldine HMA HMB HMD HN, HO-AFF holocarboxylase holothurin homatropin HPA HPC NAMES FROM of Scientific Terms-I 77 CBAC-cuntin~e~ DH070 DH071 DH072 DHO73 DH074 DH075 DH076 DH077 DH078 DH079 DH080 DHO8 I DH082 DH083 DH084 DHOSS HPP HPT-909 HRS-1654 HSF-PG HT HTA HTOH HTP HVA hyaluronic acid hydergin hydrallazine hydr~hloroth~azide hydroxame hydroxyzine hyodeoxycholic acid DIOOl DIOO2 DIO03 D1004 DIOOS DIOO6 DIOO7 DIOO8 DIO09 I)1010 DIOl I DI012 DIO13 DIOt4 DI015 DI016 DI017 DI018 DI019 I31020 DI021 I31022 Cl1023 D1024 DIO25 DI026 DI027 D1028 D1029 DI030 D1031 DI032 D1033 DI034 DI035 I IA IAA IAD iberin IST ibufenac ICD ICDR ICH-0 ICH-S ichthyol ICi-33828 ICSH IDP IDPN IOU IEMIF IGA IGG IGM Ha TIIa+a IIIb-& Ilfb-a IMA IMET imidan IMP imuran inactin INAN inderal indican indocyanine DI036 DI037 DI038 DI039 DI040 D104 1 D1042 DI043 DI044 DIO45 DIO46 DI047 DIO48 DI049 DI050 DIOS I DIO52 DI053 DI054 DI055 DI056 DI057 DIO58 DI059 indomethacin indopan INH INPEA inproquon insidon intensain ionol ionox- 100 IPC ipomeamarone iprazid IPTT isoprenaline isopro~erono1 isopsoralen isosystox isoxsuprine isozyme ITP ITSC IUDR IVA ivorine DJOOt DJOOZ DJOO3 DJOO4 $ jasmoIin-II JB-5 16 JB-835 jestryt DKOOl DKOO2 DKOO3 DK004 DKOOS DKOO6 DKOO7 DKOO8 DKOO9 DKOlO DKOI I DKOl2 DKO13 DK014 kallidin kallikrein kanamycin karathane kasugamycin KDP-glucanate ketthane kephrine kepone khellin kinin kojibiose KS-1675 KTS DLOOl DLO02 DL003 DLOO4 DLOOS I. LABA lachesine LADH tagosin laminarin K G. M. DYSON 78 TABLE D. DRUG DL006 DLoo7 DLOO8 DL009 DLOlO DLOll DL012 DL013 DL014 DLO15 DL016 DL017 DL018 DL019 DLOZO DL021 DL022 DL023 DL024 DL025 DL026 DL027 DLO28 DL029 DLO30 DL03 1 DL032 DL033 DL034 DL035 DL036 DL037 DL028 DL029 DL030 DL03 1 DL032 DL033 DL034 DLO35 DL036 DL037 DL038 DL039 DL040 DL041 DL042 DL043 DL044 DL045 DL046 DL047 DLo48 lanatonin lanatoside-A lanhtoside-B lanolin lanosterol lanthionine largactil LAS LAS-DX LAS-N LAS-U lasiocarpine lasix lavendulin LGM LDH LDH, LDH, Lee-influenza virus Leimyotinic acid lepidine leptazol leucocidin leucovorin levallorphan Ievansucrase levarterenol levomepromazine levomycetin levopromazin LFK LH librium lichenin licocaine lignocaine lincomycin lithocholic acid LMWD LNPF toretin LPE LPS LSD LSD-25 LSD-525 LTH LTP luciferin lumazine lupinane lutidine LV, AND RELATED NAMES FROM DL049 LV2 DL050 LV, DL05 1 lyase DLOS2 LYS DL053 lyxoflavin M DMOOl DMO02 DMO03 DM004 DMOOS DM006 DMO07 DMO08 DMO09 DMOlO DMOl 1 DM012 DM013 DM014 DM015 DM016 DMO17 DMOl8 DMOIQ DM020 DM021 DM022 DM023 DM024 DM025 DM026 DM027 DM028 DM029 DM030 DM031 DM032 DM033 DM034 DM035 DM036 DM037 DM038 DM039 DM040 DM041 DM042 DM043 DM044 DM045 DM046 MA MA-L MA-1050 MAB macrolide macusine-B madribon MADU MAE mahanimbine majeptil malathion mannan MAD MAP margaspidin marplan marrubium marsilid marzine maxipen MC MCADP MCE MCH MCN-A-343 MCPA MCT MDAP MDH ME ME, ME-C,, ME-DAB MEA mebenazine mebubarbityl mebutamate mecamylamine mechlorethamine meclizine medrol MEE mefenamic acid megacin megaterium CBAC-continlted DM047 DM048 DM049 DM0.50 DM05 1 DMOSZ DM053 DM054 DM05.5 DM056 DM057 DM058 DM059 DM060 DM061 DM062 DM063 DM064 DM065 DM066 DM067 DM068 DM069 DM070 DM071 DM072 DM073 DM074 DM075 DM076 DM077 DM078 DM079 DM080 DM08 1 DM082 DM083 DM084 DM085 DM086 DM087 DM088 DM089 DMO90 DM091 DM092 DM093 DM094 DM095 DM096 DM097 DM098 DM099 megestrol MEK melanotropin melatonin melibiose melphalan membanazine menadiol menadione menazone mepacrine mepazine meperidine mephenesin mephenoxalone mepyramine MER-25 MER-29 meralluride merbromin mercamine meromyosin mersalyl merthiolate 2-MES-MAB mesantoin mesaquinone mesocaine mestranol metandienonium metanephrine metaraminol metepa metformin methacholine methadone methamphetamine methandrioi methan~ostenolone methaqualone metharbital methasone methenamine methanolone methetharamide methicillin methimazole methioplegium methixene methohexitai methohexitone methophenazine methopirapone Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE DM 100 DMlOl DM102 DM103 DM104 DM105 DM 106 DM107 DM108 DM109 DMI 10 DMlll DMl12 DM 113 DMl14 DM 115 DM116 DM117 DM118 DM119 DM 120 DM 121 DM122 DM 123 DM 124 DM125 DM126 DM127 DM128 DM129 DM130 DM131 DM132 DM133 DM134 DM135 DM136 DM137 DM138 DM 139 DM 140 DM141 DM142 DM143 DM144 DM145 DM146 DM147 DM148 DM149 DM150 DM151 DM152 D. DRUQ methotrexate methotrimeprazine methoxamine methscopolamine methycholanthrene methycillin methycobalamin methymycin methysergide metin metopirone metothyrine metrazol(e) metypyrone mevinphos mexamine MGK-264 MH-11 MHA MHMB micoren mimosine mina mingin mipafox mirex MIT mitomen MJ-1998 MJ-1999 MKMB MMH MMN MMP MMS MMT MNDP MNU MO-91 1 mollisin molsin monactin morestan morin morphanthridine morphazinamide MP MPI MRL-41 MRNA MS-2 MSH MTT AND RELATED DM153 DM154 DM155 DM156 DMl57 DM158 DMl59 DM160 DM161 DM 162 DM163 DM 164 DM165 DM166 DM167 DM168 DM169 NAMES FROM MTX muramic acid murine murnac murryamine muscinol mutomycin MX mycoheptin mycosamin mycostatin myelosan myleran myrcene myristoleic acid mytolon MZA N DNOOl B-NA DNO02 NA DNO03 NA-17 Na,EDTA (See EDTA) Na,EDTA (See EDTA) DNO04 NAA DNO05 NAAD DNO06 NABA DNO07 NAD DNO08 NADase DNO09 NADH DNOlO NADHl DNOll NADI DN012 NADP DN013 NADPH DN014 NADPHI DNO15 nafcillin DN016 nagarse DN017 naja DN018 NALED DN019 nalidixic acid DN020 nalline DN021 naltropine DN022 NAMN DN023 namoxyric acid DN024 NANA DN025 naphazoline DN026 naphthyridin DN027 nardil DN028 naringin DN029 natulan DN030 NBP CBAC-continued DN03 1 DN032 DN033 DN034 DN035 DN036 DN037 DN038 DN039 DN040 DN041 DN042 DN043 DN044 DN045 DN046 DN047 DN048 DN049 DN050 DNOS 1 DN052 DN053 DN054 DN055 DN056 DN057 DN058 DN059 DN060 DN061 DN062 DN063 DN064 DN065 DN066 DN067 DN068 DN069 DN070 DN071 DN072 DN073 DN074 DN075 DN076 DN077 DN078 DN079 DNOSO DN081 DN082 DN083 NCTC-5928 NCTC-6718 NDMA NEFA neguvon NEM nembutal neopyrithiamine neostigmine neotetrazolium nephron nerolidol nethalide neuraminidase NGF NH nicarbazin nicotelen NIF nigrosin NIH-BZGH nikethamide Nile blue nivaline NMN NMNG NMU nogalamycin nonactin nonbenzothiodiazine NOSHA NOSHPA novadral novalgin novatropine noveril novobiocin novocaine novurit nozinan NP-10 NP-27 NPSH NPX NQO NSC-521778 NSC-53306 NSC-56654 NSC-57155 NSC-63878 NSC-740 NSC-77213 NSD-1015 80 G. TABLE D. DRUG DN084 DN085 DN086 DN087 DN088 DN089 DN090 NSD-105.5 NTPP nucleoprotein nupercaine NUT nylidrin nystalin DO001 DO002 DO003 DO004 DO005 DO006 DO007 DO008 DO009 DO010 DO01 1 DO01 2 DO013 DO014 DO01 5 DO016 DO017 DO018 DO019 DO020 DO021 DO022 DO023 DO024 DO025 DO026 DO027 DO028 DO029 DO030 0 OA-119 OA-121 OAAD OCA-3 OCT Octopamine OH-DOC OHCS oleandrin oleandrigenin oligomycin olivomycin OMPA operon orbenin orciprenaline orinase ofisul orphenadrine orsellinic acid orziprenaline OSM ovalbumin oxacillin oxandrolone oxazepam oxazepine oxymetazoline oxyphenbutazone oxyphenomium DPWl DPO02 DPO03 DPO04 DPOO5 DPO06 DPO07 DPO08 DPO09 DPOlO DPOI 1 DP012 PA-114 PABA pachystene PAH PAM PAMPA pamoic acid panax pancreozymin panfuranmethylol pantoic acid panwarfarin P AND M. DYSON RELATED DP013 DP014 DPOlS DP016 DP017 DP018 DP019 DP020 DP02 1 DP022 DP023 DP024 DP025 DP026 DPO27 DP028 DP029 DP030 DP03 1 DP032 DP033 DP034 DP035 DP036 DP037 DP038 DP039 DP040 DPO41 DP042 DP043 DP044 DP045 DP046 DP047 DP048 DP049 DP050 DPOS 1 DP052 DP053 DP054 DPO55 DP056 DP057 DP058 DP059 DP060 DP061 DP062 DP063 DP064 DP065 NAMES FROM paracetamol paraglyamine parametadione paramethasone paramyon paranoxon parathion parathormone paredrine parethoxycaine pargyline parillin parnate paron~omycin parpanit parthion PAS pasaden patulin PB PBI PCCH PCMB PCO, PCPA PD PDA PE PEA PEG-1000 pempidene pentalysine pentamethazene pentamethonium pentamidine pentamine pentazocine pentetrazole pentitol pentobarbital pentolinium pergonal permease perocan perphenazine persantin perthane pertofran pethidine PETN PF-3 PF-2 1 PF-Dil. CBAC-confbzlred DP066 DP067 DPO68 DP069 DP070 DP071 DP072 DP073 DP074 DP075 DP076 DP077 DPOJ8 DP079 DP080 DP08 1 DP082 DP083 DP084 DPO85 DP086 DP087 DP088 DP089 DP090 DP091 DP092 DP093 DP094 DP095 DP096 DP097 DP098 DP099 DPlOO DPlOl DP102 DP103 DP104 DPIOS DP106 DP107 DPlO8 DP109 DPllO DPlll DP112 DP113 DP114 DP115 DP116 DP117 DP118 PG PGA PGAase PGE, PGE, PGE, PGF,a PGF,a PGI PHA phelypressin phemamide phenacone phenamine phenazocine phenazoline phencarbamide phencyclidine phendimetrazine phenelzine phenergan phenethicillin phenfluoramine phenformin phenglutarimide phenicazone phenidate phenindione pheniprazine pheneticillin phenmetrazine phenobarbital phenothiazine phenotype phenprobamate phenprocoumon phentanyl phentermine phentolamine phenygan PHI PHIX-74 phleomycin phloracetophenone phloraspidinol phloretin pholedrine phorate phosdrin phosfon phosphacol phosphamidon PHPLA Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientitic Terms-I TABLE DP 119 DP120 DP121 DP122 DP123 DP124 DP125 DP126 DP127 DP128 DP129 DPl30 DP131 DP132 DP133 DP 134 DP135 DP136 DP137 DP138 DP139 DP140 DP141 DP142 DP143 DP144 DP145 DP146 DP147 DP148 DP149 DP150 DP151 DP152 DP153 DP154 DP155 DP156 DP157 DP158 DP159 DPl60 DP161 DP162 DP163 DP164 DP165 DP 166 DP167 DP168 DP169 DP170 DP17 1 D. DRUG phthivazide phyllalbinic acid physal(a)emin physarum physostigmine phytanic acid phytase PI PI-50 PIAA pial picrotoxin PIF PIH PI1 pilocarpine pimaricin pipacetate pipenzolate piperoxan pipradol piridol pitocin pituitrin PL-15 plasmalogen plastocyanin pleocidin PLP PLV-2 plyene PMC PMN PMNG PMP PMS PMTS PN PNHE PNU polcillin polymixin polyoxin polyperase ponalide porphobilibogen PP-ribose-P PR-ATP PPLO pralidoxime PRD premarin prenylamine AND RELATED DP172 DP173 DP174 DP175 DP176 DP177 DP178 DP179 DP180 DP181 DP182 DP183 DP184 DP185 DP186 DP187 DP188 DP189 DP190 DP191 DP192 DP193 DP194 DP195 DP196 DP197 DP198 DP199 DP200 DP201 DP202 DP203 DP204 DP205 DP206 DP207 DP208 DP209 DP210 DP211 DP212 DP213 DP214 DP215 DP216 DP217 DP218 DP219 DP220 DP221 DP222 DP223 DP224 NAMGS FROM prephenic acid primaquine primidone primbolan primordium primycin priscol pristinamycin probenacid procaine procamide procarboxypeptidase prochlorperasmc procyclidine prodenia proflavine proguanil prolan prolixin-G prolixinS prolothan-A prolothan-G promazine promedol promethazine PRON pronase pronethalol propadrine propamidine propanidid propantheline propenzolate properdin prophage propillicin propiomazine propitocaine propoxyphene propanolol propyromazine prostaglandin-E,F,a prostaglandin-E,F,a prostaglandin E3 prostigmin(e) prothiadene prothipendyl protoaphin protohem protriptyline pseudotropine PSF psicofuranine 81 CBAC-continued DP225 DP226 DP227 DP228 DP229 DP230 DP231 DP232 DP233 DP234 DP235 DP236 DP237 DP238 DP239 DP240 DP241 DP242 DP243 DP244 DP245 DP246 DP247 DP248 DP249 DP250 DP251 DP252 DP253 psilocin psilocybin psoralen PSP psychosine PT, PTC PTE PTH PTI PTU PVP pyocin PYR pyramidon pyrazinamide pyribenzamine pyridoxal pyridrole pyrilamine pyrimethamine pyrine pyrithiamine pyrolan pyrophos pyrrolizidine pyrrolnitrin pyrvinium PZA DQOOl DQO02 DQO03 DQ004 DQOO5 DQO06 DQO07 QRS-complex quebrachamine quillaioside quinacillin quinacrine quinethazone QZ-2 Q R RA-8 RABEN-11 RAL rametin RAN-methyl01 rapanone rastinon RC-167 RD-802 redul DROl 1 renex-690 DRO12 resibufogecin DRO13 resochin DROOl DRO02 DRO03 DR004 DRO05 DRO06 DRO07 DRO08 DRO09 DROlO 82 6. M. DYSON TABLE D. DRUG DR014 DR015 DR016 DR017 DR018 DR019 DRO20 DRO21 DR022 DR023 DR024 DR025 DR026 DR027 DR028 DR029 DR030 DR031 DR032 DR033 DR034 DRO35 DRO36 DR037 DROSS DR039 DR040 DR041 DR042 DR043 DR044 DR045 DR046 DR047 DR048 DR049 DROSO DR051 retinoic acid retrorsine RF RHO RHO2 rhodanase rhodopsin RI ribazole ribulose rifamide rifamycin R-II rimifon ristocetin ritalin RNA RO-4-1284 RO-4-4602 RO-4-6861 RO-5-1025 RO-5-2092 RO-5-2180 RO-S-5345 romilar ronnel rotenone RP-11783 RPU-6-2 RSH RU-1 RU-2 rubazonic acid rubeanic acid ruelene RV RVR RY DSOOl DS002 DSO03 DSO04 DSOO5 DSO06 DSO07 DSO08 DSOO9 DSOlO DSO 11 DSOl2 DSOl3 S salvarsan salyrgan San-chi sarcolysin sarin sarkomycin saxitonin SC-1 2937 SCH scopamycin scopine scopolamine SD-25 AND RELATED DS014 DSOl5 DS016 DS017 DSO18 DS019 DS020 DS021 DS022 DS023 DS024 DS025 DS026 DS027 DSO28 DS029 DS030 DS03 1 DS032 DS033 DS034 DS035 DS036 DS037 DSO38 DS039 DS040 DS04 1 DSO42 DS043 DS044 DS04.5 DS046 DS047 DS048 DS049 DSO50 DSOS 1 DS052 DS053 DS054 DS05.5 DS056 DS057 DS058 DSO59 DS060 DS061 DS062 DS063 DS064 DS065 DS066 NAMES FROM SD-9129 SD-8447 SDMH secobarbital secretin securinine sedoheptulose sedotussin segontin separam-AP-30 separam-NP-10 serosal serotonin (SERP), (SERPJx serpasil sesamex sevin shikimic acid shin-1 sialoglycoprotein sialoprotein siderophilin si~acarbamate silubrin simazine simetone sinigrin sinomenine SKF-371 SKF-525a SKF-6874 SKF-8542 SKF-70463a SMB-513 SMB-514 soladulcidin solanin solcoseryl soman somatotropin sovocaine spermidine spheroidene sphingosine spinulosin splenin splenocytin sporidesmin SQ-4909 SQ-10269 SQ-10643 SQ-10648 CBAC-contfizued DS057 DS058 DS0.59 DS060 DS061 DS062 DS063 DS064 DS065 DS066 DS067 DS068 DS069 DS070 DS071 DS072 DS073 DS074 DS075 DS076 DS077 DS078 DS079 DSO80 DSO8 1 DS082 DS083 DS084 DS085 DS086 DS087 DS088 DS089 DS090 DS09 1 DS092 DS093 DS094 DS095 DS096 DS097 DS098 DS099 DSIOO DSlOl DSlO:! DS103 DS104 DSlOS DS106 DS107 SQ-11220 SQ-17383 SQ-17390 SQ-17416 SQ-17447 SRNA SRS ST-fi-NA ST-T stigmasten stigmasterol stilbamidine stovaine straubdiaphorase streptonigrin streptothricin srreptovitacin-A strophalloside strophanthin-K strophanthin-8 strophanthin-g strophanthin-a strospeside styramate styryt-430 SW-I su-3 SU-4885 SU-6026 SU-6097 SU-8743 su-9055 SU-10465 SU-10603 SU-12054 SU-13320 SU-13572 subtosan sulfadiazine suifadimethoxine sulfadimezine suifaethoxypyridazine sulfaethylthiadiazole sulfaisoxazole sulfamethazine sulfamethoxydiazine sulfamethoxypyridazine sulfamethyldiazine sulfaphenazole sulfaphenylpyrazoIe sulfapyridine Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE D. DRUG DSlO8 DS 109 sulfaquinoxaline sulfasomidin DSl 10 sulfathiazole DSll 1 sulfatide DS 112 sulfisomidine DS113 sulfisoxazoie DSl14 sulthiam DSI 15 supinine DSl16 suramin DS117 surgetan DS 118 suxamethonium DS119 SV DS120 sympathin DS I 2 1 synephrine DSI 22 synkavit DS 123 synthalin DS124 synthase DS 125 synthetase DS 126 syrosingopine DSI 27 syston DTOOI DTO02 DTO03 DTO04 DTOO5 DTO06 DT007 DTO08 DTO09 DTOlO DTOll DTO12 DT013 DT014 DTO15 DT016 DT017 DT018 DTOI9 DT020 DTOZ 1 DT022 DT023 DT024 DT025 DT026 DTO27 DT028 DT029 DT030 DT031 T tabun TACE tacrine TAME tanoic acid tapazole tartrazine TATD TBD-43 TBG TBI TBP TBPA TCA TD-227 TD, TD, TD, TDE TDP TDPRH TDR TDS teepol telocinobufagin telodrin TEM tenaphthoxalene tenuazonic acid teoquil TEPA AND RELATED DT032 DT033 DT034 DT035 DM36 DT037 DT038 DT039 DTO40 DT041 DT042 DT043 DT044 DT045 DT046 DT047 DT048 DT049 DTOSO DT051 DT052 DT053 DT054 DT055 DT056 DT057 DT058 DT059 DT060 DT061 DT062 DT063 DT064 DTO65 DTO66 DT067 DT068 DT069 DT070 DTO71 DT072 DT073 DT074 DT075 DT076 DT077 DT078 DT079 DTOSO DT081 DT082 DT083 DT084 NAMES FROM TEPP terebenthene terizidone terramycin tessalon tetrac tetracaine tetradifon tetramic acid THA thalidomide THAM thanite theraplix thevetin thiabendazole thiambutasine thiaminase thiazide thibon thiethylperazene thiogel thiopental thiopentone thioproperazine thioredoxin thioTEPA thiphen thomapyrine thorotrast thozalinone thromboplastin thyreodin thyr~lcitonin TIBA TLCK TLCM TM TMB-4 TMN TMPD TMPDS TOCP TOED tolazoline tolbutamide toluamide tomatin tonephin topostasin toxaphene TP TP-1 CBAC-continued DT085 DT086 DT087 DT088 DT089 DTO90 DT091 DT092 DT093 DT094 DT095 DT096 DT097 DTO98 DT099 DTlOO DTlOl DT102 DT103 DT104 DTIOS DT106 DT107 DT108 DT109 DTllO DTlll DT112 DTI13 DT114 DT115 DT116 DTl17 DT118 DTI 19 DT120 DT121 DT122 DT123 DT124 DT125 DT126 DT127 DT128 DT129 DT130 DT131 DT132 DT133 DT134 DT135 DT136 DT137 TP-9 TPCK TPD TPI TPN TPNH TPP TQ-OA-119 TQ-OH-121 TR TR-7 tramazoline transamine transferrin transketolase tranylcypromine trasentin trasylol tremorine trenimon tretamine TRF TRIAC triacetin triamcinoline triamterene TRIAP trichlorphon trichomycin tricuran trifluoperazine triflupromazine trilafon trimecane trimeprazine trimeprimine trimetaphan trimethidinium trimipramide trinactin trional trioxazine trioxine triparanol triperidol TRIS trithion TRNA trolnitrate tropenzil troxonium TSH TSPA 83 G. 84 TABLE D. DRUG DT138 DT139 DT140 DT141 DT142 DT143 DT144 DT145 DT146 DT147 DT148 DT149 DTl50 TT-418 TTFD tubazid tubercidin tubocurarine TUC-U-12927 tussukal tylosin TYMU TYR-DAPH TYR-RNA tyrocidin TZCA DUO01 DUO02 DUO03 DUO04 DUO05 DUO06 DUO07 DUO08 DUO09 DUO10 DUO1 1 DUO12 DUO13 DUO14 DUO1 5 DUO1 6 DUO1 7 DUO18 DUO19 UAC UAU ubichromenol UC UDMH UDP UDPG UDPGAL UDPX UG uluronic acid UML-491 UMP unithiol urecholine uredepa ureotelesin urobilinogen urocanic acid U AND M. DYSON RELATED DUO20 DUO21 DUO22 NAMES FROM urokinase usnic acid UTP V DVOOl DVO02 DVO03 DV004 DVO05 DV006 DV007 DV008 DV009 DVOlO DVOll DV012 DV013 DV014 DV015 DV016 DV017 DV018 DV019 DV020 DV021 DV022 DV023 DV024 DV025 DV026 DV027 DV028 DV029 vagophemanil VAL-5 valinomycin Valium valone vancomycin vanilmandelic acid varidase vasopressin vasotocin venucarin verbenone vernamycin Verona1 Victoria blue vikasol vinblastin vincaleucoblastine vincristine viologen viomycin virion VLB VM VMA vofocaine VPW VR-8 VTK CBAC-continued DV030 DV031 VUFB VX-2 DWOOl DWO02 DW003 DWO04 DWO05 DW006 DW007 DW008 DW009 DWOlO DWOll DW012 WGL WIN-18 WIN-501 WIN-502 WIN-31 11 WIN-5501 WIN-5502 WIN-5503 WIN-5512 WL-8008 WP WR-1339 DXOOI DX002 DX003 DX004 DXO05 DX006 DXO07 DX008 DXO09 DXOlO X, Y, Z xanthoaphin-FB XC-1 1 XE-64 xenalamine xenaldial XIX xyiobioside xylocaine xylocholine xylopyranose DYOOl DY002 yomesan YPC DZOOl DZ002 DZ003 zectran zimophos zymosan W (1) The names in this table may be Registered Trade names; the absence of a specific marking does not infer that the name is not proprietary. (2) This table represents the substances experimented with over a six-month publication period in 336 journals devoted to biochemical subjects. For the vast majority of these substances a Registry Number exists and would be used to characterize them in coded computer tapes. Nevertheless, attention is drawn to the difficulty of quickly ascertaining the structure of a compound designated by one of the above names, unless tables exist linking trivial names, systematic names and registry numbers. (3) Attention is also drawn to the confusion which has followed the unrestrained use of acronyms; apart from the difficulty of ascertaining the nomenclatural equivalent of the acronym, several cases exist where the same acronym is used for quite different meanings, as, for example: DHT for (a) dihydrotachysterol and (b) diazonium-la-tetrazole Whilst it is conceded that the identification of experimental substances is most conveniently done by a simple letter/figure code, the entries at the beginning of the series DD of the table above indicate the complete loss of meaning attaching to the use of acronyms for any persons not immediately concerned with the narrow field in which they originated. The problem is almost insoluble; the systematic names of many of the substances are far too cumbrous for anyone to use, except in exact documentation, while trivial names cannot be multiplied indefinitely, or if so multiplied lose their significance by a growing similarity. (4) The same substance may be designated in the above table by more than one name; there is at present no simple way of ascertaining that this is so. Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE EOOl EO02 EO03 EO04 EOOS EO06 EO07 EO08 EO09 EOlO EOll E012 E013 E014 E015 E016 E017 E018 E019 E020 E021 E022 E023 E024 E025 E026 E027 E028 E029 E030 E031 E032 E033 E034 E035 actinaluminamericantimony argon arsenic astatbarberkelberyllbismuth boron bromcadmcalccaliforncarbon cerceschlorchromcobalt copper curdeuterdysproseinsteinerbeuropfermfluorfrancgadolingallgerman- E. ROOTS OF THE CHEMICAL E036 E037 E038 E039 EO40 E041 EO42 E043 EO44 EO45 E046 E047 E048 E049 E050 EOS1 E052 E053 E054 E055 E056 E057 E058 E059 E060 E061 E062 E063 E064 E065 E066 E067 E068 E069 E070 ELEMENTS _ E071 E072 E073 E074 EO75 E076 E077 E078 E079 E080 E081 E082 E083 E084 E085 E086 E087 E088 E089 E090 E091 E092 E093 E094 E095 E096 E097 E098 E099 El00 El01 El02 El03 El04 gold hafnhelholmhydrogen indiodiridiron krypton lanthanum lead lithlutetmagnes manganese mendelevmercury molybdenum neodymneon neptunnickel niobnitrogen nobelosmoxygen palladphosphorus platinum plutonpolonpotasspraseodym- 85 promethprotoactinradradon rhenrhodrubidruthensamarscandselensilicon silver sodstrontsulfur tantalum technettellurterbthallthorthultin titantrittungsten uranvanadxenon ytterbyttrzinc zircon- (1) The name of an element can be cited from those entries in Table E which end in a hyphen by adding a hyphen and the appropriate suffix code, as in EO64-68 = palladium; a salt or compound can be named by hyphenating the various codes: E023-E017-16 = copper carbonate. TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a- abadafteralloamphiananaanteantiapoaquaauto- a-symmetric ab-normal ad-join after-birth allotinnamic amphi-biology an-osmic ana-phylaxis ante-natal anti-sepsis apo-cyanine (names) auto-generative F1. PREFIXES 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 biocircumciscocountercryptocytodedesdextrodisendoepi- bio-degrade circum-ambulate &-acid co-polymer countercurrent cryptocyanine cyto-plasm de-hydrogenate des-oxydextro-rotatory dis-continue endo-toxin epi-mer G. M. DYSON 86 TABLE 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5.5 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 erythroetioexogeogemglycohemihemoheterohistohomohydro hyperhypoiimininfrainterintraisolevolignolipolysomacromesometamicromultimutamyomyxoneoneurononnornovooligoorthooxyparaperperi- erythro-elastic etio-cholanic exo-cyclic geo-chemical gem-dimethyl glyco-protein hemi-acetal hemo-lysis hetero-atom h&o-chemical homo-~aph hydro-dynamic hyper-glycemic hypo-calcic i & rational improbable in-attentive infra-red inter-leave intra-muscular iso-propyl levo-tartaric I&no-cellulose lipo-protein lyso-lecithin macro-molecule meso-tartaric meta-genesis micro-wave multi-facetted muta-rotation myo-globulin myxo-virus neo-natal neuro-surgery non-starter nor-methylnovo-biocin oligo-saccharide ortho-xylene oxy-aceticpara-thyroid per-chlorate peri-substituted F,. PREFIX&--continued 71 phago72 pheno73 photo74 phyto75 pneumo76 poly77 post78 pre79 pro80 proto81 pseudo82 psycho83 pyro84 quasi85 radio86 re87 ribo88 seco89 sedo90 semi91 sesqui92 spectro93 sphingo94 spiro95 stereo96 strepto97 sub98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 sulfsupersuprasymsyntakaterethreothrombothyrotranstropoultraunvasovisco- phago-stimulation pheno-copy photo-micrography phyto-chemistry pneumo-gastric poly-mer post-operative pre-treat pro-glottis proto-lysis pseudo-tropic psycho-motor pyro-phosphoric quasi-equilibrium radio-chemistry re-distribute ribo-saccharic seco-cholestane sedo-heptulose semi-conductor sesqui-carbonate spectra-chemical sphingo-lipid Spiro-linkage stereo-isomer strepto-kinase sub-clavian sulf-ate super-conductor supra-optic sym-trinitrosyn-tactic taka-diastase tere-phthalic threo-aspartic thrombo-kinetic thyro-toxicosis trans-acid tropo-myos~n ultrasonic un-treated vaso-constriction visco-static (1) In each case the prefix is given with an instance of its use. (2) The prefix is considered as a graph only, without independent conceptual significance. Thus, searching for “muscular” (CM134 13) and/or “intramuscular” (46~CM134 13) would be feasible; but a search under “intra” (4k) would have ‘no meaning. This allbws a prefix (or suffix) to be used with several different meanings without confusion, as, for example, when “meta” is used with “genesis” (WCG020 105) giving “metagenesis”, and when “meta” is used structurally, as in “meta-position” (54-CP127). (3) The sign $: is used to duplicate the terminal letter of a stem when cited with an atlix: dupiicating the first fetter with a prefix and the last fetter with a suffix, as in “irrational” (i~rational)(41 &CRlSO) or in “propellant” (CP177C 12). (4) When the code number for a prefix is attached to a code number for a vocabulary word, the hyphen is retained. (See above). fomputer Inputand the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE 1 2 Zble -ability : 5 6 7 8 9 fQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 -WXOUS -ade -age -al -amic -an -ante -ane -ant -ar -ary -ase -ate -ation -atory -b -tic -tide -cte -KY -d -der -din -e -eal -ectomy -ed -emia -en -ence -ene -er -es -WXXXf?. -est -f -fication -fY -&en -graph -i -ial -ian -ible -iC -i&e -ice -ide -id&e -ies Q. SUFFIXES vacuum+vacua CVoOah 1 taxdtaxable CTO21-2 tax--+taxability CTOZI-3 sebumAsebaceous BSO27A4 block--*blockade CBO66-5 store-+storage CS268 a6 torsion~torsionai CTO83-7 acyl+acylamic CA028-8 medium~med~an CM051A9 clear*learance CCO75-10 undeca-undecane NB I I A 11 propei~propelhutt CPi77 J1 12 molecule~molar CM105&,_13 station+stationary CS240-14 tyrosine-*tyrosinase 60184nf5 barbituric+barbiturate 67527Af6 prepare-preparation cFl5 1 A 17 respireArespiratory CR096 a 18 thorax--*thoracic BT021 A20 trypanosome+trypanocide CT122A21 corpus+corpuscle CC177-22 frequent~frequen~ CFO9On23 mat-mated BMOl5-24 remain-remainder CRO72-25 ~oninjpeonidin 132376~26 primary+prime CPl57A27 linedlineal CLO67-28 appendix-tappendectomy BA089h29 mix+mixed CM09430 hemoglobin~hemoglobinemia CH035-31 eat-aten CEOO5-32 depend-dependence CD03S-33 hexjhexene I 10543-34 mixAmixer CM094-35 wax-waxes CWOOP-36 ~uminous~~umi~es~nc~ ~~~3~ IowAIowest CLOPO-38 relieve+relief CR071h39 electric-+etectrification CEO24&% electric+electrify CEO24A41 carcinoma+carcinogen CCO21h42 pole+polarograph CP113 A 13-82-43 uterusduteri CUO14A44 different-tdifferential CD074-45 Mendel+Mendelian XM-46 flex-+flexible CFO49-47 titanAtitanic E095-48 complex+complicate CC 12IA49 seien+ide EOgI-5 1 p~roJ~py~olidi~e viscosity-tviscosities X09977A52 CVO46A 53 Ef 88 G. M. TABLE 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 -iferous -ify -ile -in -ine -ing -inous -ion -is -ism -ist -ite -ition -ity -ium -ive -ize -1arity -less -let -1ing -fY -lyse -ment -meter -metry -ness -0 -0ic -oid -0in -01 -0le -0logy -0ma -on -one -0nium -0nous -or -0ra -0se -0sis -0us -0xy -0yl -pth -ry -S -se -sis -sive -sion Fz. DYSON SUFFIXES-COnti/rUd metal-->metalliferous CM066 & 54 pureApurify CP196n55 contract-+contractile CC155-56 adrenalkadrenalin CA038-57 boron+borine E012h58 boredboring CB075 A59 term--tcoterminous 17-CT034-60 tensedtension CT033 a61 eiectrolyse+electrolysis CE025&76 A62 metabolite+metabolism CM065A63 biology sbiologist CB050n64 meteor+meteorite CM068-65 add+addition CA030-66 electric+electricity CE024-67 pallad Gum E064-68 extractt+extractive CE142-69 energy-energize CEO61 A70 clear--+clarity CCO75‘$~71 stain+stainless CS228-72 plate +pIatelet CPlOl-73 cod- Ncodling AC048-74 open .openly COO30-75 hydrate-thydrolyse CH073h8 l-76 establish- *establishment CE152-77 voltt+voltmeter CVO56-78 calorie+calorimetry CCOO8a79 hard +hardness CHOI 3-80 nitrate+nitrato E060,&16n81 propane +propanoic acid 74986a82/CA022 fibree*fibroid CF023 ~83 aceticctacetoin 641792.84 xyleneixylenol CXO04 n 85 veratric--tveratrole 93072/&86 bacterium >bacteriology CBOO4. $87 lipid- l lipoma CLO7l,i88 emulsifyy+emulsion CE049A89 propane tpropanone 74986 ~90 pyridine+pyridonium 110861A91 phosphoruslphosphorous E065&92 abstract+abstractor CA01 l-93 corpus tcorpora CC1 77 Q-94 hex-thexose NB6 A95 acid pacidosis CA022-96 vanad-wanadous E099-97 acetrc-->acetoxy 64179 G>98 valeric+valeroyl 1095G:,$,,99 deep tdepth CD015:1100 mamma tmammary CM014-101 cat *cats AC016-102 invert- .inverse C1078 n 103 emphatic-•emphasis CE153h104 respond rresponsive CR097 n 105 expand bexpansion CE128a106 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization TABLE 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 F,. of Scientific Terms-I 89 SUFFIXES-COnfinued advanceAadvantage CAO4lhl07 soluble-+solute CS165AlO8 growdgrowth CG065-109 catalyse-atalytic CCO29hllO attenddattention CA139 n 111 induce-*inductive CI03 1 A 112 furnish-+furniture CFl ISAl 13 safedsafety CSOO2-114 actdactuate CA026- 115 addAadduct CA030- 116 tubedtubular CT123 A 117 data-datum CD006 A 118 moistAmoisture CM102-119 solid+solidus CS163-120 revolve+revolution CR152n121 leaf&leaves CL033 A 122 olive-wood VOOO4-123 carbon+carboxyl E017A 124 sweatdsweaty CS314-125 hex+hexyl NB6 A 126 undec+undecyne NB 11 A 127 -tage -te -th -tic -tion -tive -ture -ty -uate -uct -ular -urn -ure -us -ution -ves -wood -xyl -Y -Yl -yne (See also footnotes (1) and (3) to Table F,) (1) In some cases the suffix has an independent conceptual significance; thus the “-oses” could be sorted, for in generic terms, by searching for -95 or n95. (2) The sign n is used to delete some of the terminal letters of a stem; thus, a plain delta, A, deletes the last letter, while if more letters are to be removed the number of such is placed within the delta: there are many examples in the Table. TABLE G. COMMON GEOLOGICAL A CA108 anthracite B CBO03 CBOOS CBOll CB030 CB042 CB043 barytes basalt bauxite beryl biotite blende AND MINERAL TERMS D CD064 CD1 17 CD1 18 CD148 CFO18 CF067 H diamond dolerite dolomite dunite CH034 CH062 hematite hornblende F CIO06 CIOO9 CIOl 1 igneous illite ilmenite felspar fluorspar I J G C cc003 cc005 CC046 CC066 CC072 cc200 CC208 calamine calcite chalk cinnabar clay cretaceous cryolite CGOOl CGO02 CGOO5 CGOl 1 CG012 CG040 CG049 CG077 gabbro gahnite galena garnet gem gneiss granite gypsum CJO03 CJO07 CJO09 jade jasper jets CKOOl CKO08 CK020 kaolin kieserite kyanite K DYZWN G. M. 90 TABLE G. COMMON t CL023 CL026 Iaterite CL065 CL103 CL079 CL082 lime limestone loam lode CM005 CM007 CM01 f CM027 CM035 CM071 CM082 CM108 CM1 10 CM1 14 CM136 M magnesite magnetite malachite marl massif mica mineral molybdenite monazite montmor~lionite muscovite GEOLOGICAL AND MINERAL COO42 ore CS03 1 scheelite COO48 CS033 CSO60 CS072 CSO8 1 CS103 CS134 CS199 CS200 CS202 CS208 CS260 CS267 CS272 C‘S322 schist selenite serpentine shale siderite slate sphalerite sphene spheruhte spine1 stibnite stone stratum syenife CT007 CT105 CT1 13 T talc trap tr~dynlite CV026 CVO27 V vermiculite vermilion orpiment lava N CN007 CN008 native natron COO23 COO27 COO28 0 olivine onyx opat TERMS-mttimed P CP035 CP048 CPO49 CPOSO CP071 CPO91 CP094 CPI 27 WI52 CP206 CP210 pegmatite periclase peridot perovskite phlogopite pitchblende plagiociase porphyry prehnite pyrites pyroxene Q CQOO8 quartz CR028 CR147 CR1 53 R realgar ruby rutile s CSOlO CSOl 1 sandstone CS016 sapphire sand w CWO46 wolfram (1) This list consists only of those words from Table C which fall into the geological or mineral field. It is in no sense to be considered as either a basic or a specialized vocabulary for these fields. (2) It is clear that the language used in geology and mineralogy can be divided into (a) a basic vocabulary of common terms, of which Table G would form a part; (b) a vocabulary of special terms and (c) a taxonomic ?ocabulary of mineral names. TABLE HA001 HA002 HA003 HA004 HA005 HA006 HA007 HA008 HA009 W. RESIDUE OF CHEMICAL A administration n agglomerate airborne alternator amortize appraise attrition automobile axle ENGINEERKiG IN VOCABULARY HBOIO HBOl I HB012 boost cake blush I-K001 IX002 HCO03 JCOlO BOD HCO04 carbolic B HE001 HI3002 HBOO3 HBO04 HBOO5 HBO06 HBO07 HBO08 FIB009 TERMS r;OT baffle bag bale bin blow burn-out C barrel blister buoyancy (me&.) calender canister capital C Computer Input and the Semantic eruption TAX.E H. RESIDUE OF Cfi?ZMICAL ENaERING HCOOS HCOO6 NC007 WC008 HCOO9 HCOIO HCOI 1 HCO12 HCOI 3 HC014 HCOKS Hi3016 HCQ17 HCO18 HCOl9 HC020 WC021 WC022 JCO49 JCOS7 -- carboy carton cardboard case ‘CelIophane’ cement (stick) &ha& (verb) channel chimney chart ~he~~orpti~n chip climate clutch (mech.1 caaltar collapse (struct.) comment comminute commit (Ieg.) compensate (Ieg.) NC023 NC024 JCO95 HC025 WC026 HCQ27 NC028 HC029 WC030 HCO3 1 conduit congeal contract (leg.) corrugate crate crater crevice crumb cure (harden) cyclone HDOQI ND002 JD037 HDO03 HDO04 HDOb5 HD006 D deliver demufsify depreciate die (mech. j dow~~omer dress (mill) duty JEO03 -HE001 JEO04 .---HE002 JEOS9 E economic economiser (app.) educate encapsulate expend HFOOI HFO02 JFOIS F factor feedstock finance TERhiS NOT W HFO03 HFOO4 HFOOJ HFO06 HFO07 HF008 RF009 HFOIO HFOI I HF012 flange flex (elec.) flight (screw) flue Rush &ix (elec.) f&x (Row) forecast frigate fuse (e&e.) AGOG HGOOZ HGO03 HGOO4 G g3ngue gasket grit gyrate VmA3ULARY home hopper hose hum~ta~t HIGH HI002 HI003 Jf053 ;I061 indoor inlet instal insure I JIO79 JI080 interest inventory invest 5 HJOOl HJO02 jointin~~ompound journal (mech.) K HKOO1 kettle HKOOZ kibble HKO03 Kraft (paper) L JLOOl JLOtX3 MLOOl JLOf7 JLO19 JIB49 l&our faw (legal) layout iegagal legislate hcence C---cc?n~intrtd HI.,002 HLO03 Lift @pp.) locomotive HMO01 JMOO4 &Z% HMO02 HMO03 HM~ M make-up rna~~t~a~~ manage matt median missife N HNOal navy JN016 netback HNO02 nib H HHOOI HHOO2 HHO03 HHO04 91 of Scientific Terms-I JOOOS JOOlO HOOOl HO002 HO003 HO004 NC%05 JO029 0 obsolescence offer on-hoe outdoor outflow output overhaul overhead P paddle pallet parison payback JPO60 person HP004 ‘Perspex’ HPOOS pilot HP006 piston HP007 pit HP008 ptan HP009 &me (math.) HWfO plunger price JP079 HP001 HP002 HP003 JP114 JPOSO JI -_- prime profit Q HMO1 HRO02 HRO03 R rait ram ~~u~ger) ream (mach.) 92 G. TABLE H. RESIDUE JR024 reimburse FIR004 JR053 ___ JR056 .__ residence-time reward risk HR005 HRO06 roof rope HSOOl JSO03 HS002 HSO03 S sack sale sandwich seam or CHEMICAL M.DYSON ENGINEERI~~G HSOO4 HMO5 HSO06 HSO07 HSOOS JS103 - TERMS NOT tbi WCABIJLARY seep silo sketch sparge stack (smake) statistic statute -JSO50 HS009 HSOlO HSOl1 JS104 street structure (bdg.) submerse supervise HSOJ 2 syndiotactic (1) ibis vocabulary is to be used in conjunction words used by the chemical engineer. with the C-vocabulary c--continued HTOOl JTO05 T tail (gas) tariff HIT002 JT073 _.__~ HT003 thinner trade-name turn (math.) V HVOOI vane W HWOOI warehouse which contains the bulk of the (2) Examination of the residual vocabulary above shows that there arc very few true chemical engineering terms restricted to that sub-discipline, largely on account of its hybrid nature. The words cited above are largely borrowed from management and commercial vocabulary (J), or are purely engineering terms such as flange, flux, gasket, hose, piston, ram, etc. (3) The vocabulary illustrates the value of inter-disciplinary correlation of vocabularies; vocabularies 5, 11 and 15 existed when vocabulary 10 was compiled; had a set of engineering vocabularies existed, the need for a new set of terms could have been almost entirely eliminated. A JAOOl CA001 CA002 JA002 JA003 CA004 abacus abandon JAO04 JAOOS JAOO6 JAOO7 CA01 5 .~___ CA016 JAOOS abroad abrogate abutter academic accept access accessary JAOO9 JAOlO JAOl 1 JA012 CA01 8 ____-..- accessory accident accommodate account (a/c) account (rept.) JAO13 CA019 _~ JAOl4 abbreviate abeyance abridge ability CA020 JAOl5 J A0 16 CA024_ _. accumulate achieve JA017 JA018 CA027 JA019 JA020 JAOZI JAOZ’ CA029 CA032 JAG3 acquit act (leg.) actual actuarial actuate JA024 HA001 acknowledge acquire XL&y acumen adapt address adduce adjunct administer fA031 JA032 JA033 JA034 CA05 1 JA035 JA036 JA037 CA162 JAO38 JAO39 5.4040 JA04l JAO42 CA07 t afhdavit affirm affix agenda agent agree aggravate agronomic aim alarm alien allege allocate allottee allow CA074 alternate amortize applicant admit advance advertise accredit accrete JA025 JA026 JA027 JA028 JA029 advise HA005 ____JA043 JA044 JA045 JA046 JA047 accrue JA030 advocate JAO4g advice amount announce annuity annul anomaly Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE JA049 JAOSO JAOSl HA006 apply JAO52 JA053 JA054 JAOSS JA056 JA057 JA058 JA059 CA131 JA060 CA132 JA061 JA062 JA063 JA064 CA134 JA065 CA137 JA066 CA139 JA067 JA068 JA069 JA070 JA07 1 CA148 JA072 CA151 appreciate (inc. in value) apprise approach approve arbitrate architect archive article (assn.) assemble assent assess asset assign assignee assize associate assure attach attache attend attest attorney auctioneer audit authority automat autonomy avail CA152 JA073 average award appoint apportion appraise B JBOOl JB002 JB003 JBO04 JBO05 JBO06 JBO07 JBOOS JBOO9 JBOlO JBOI 1 JB012 JB013 back (support) bail (security) bailee bailiff balance (a/c’s) ballast bank bankrupt bar (leg.) bargain barratry barrister barter J. MANAGEMENT, JB014 CB020 JB015 JB016 JB017 JB018 JB019 JB020 JB02 1 JB022 JB023 JB024 JB025 JB026 JB027 JB028 JB029 JB030 JB03 1 JB032 JB033 CB085 JB034 JB035 JB036 JB037 JB038 CB106 CB107 JB039 JB040 JB041 JB042 JB043 JB044 JCOOl CC006 HCO02 JCO02 JCO03 JCOO4 JCO05 JCOO6 JCO07 JCOO8 JCOO9 JCOlO JCOll JC012 BUSINESS AND LEGAL basic (fundamental) batch bear (stocks) bearer beneficiary bid bill (act) bill (a/c) bill (leg.) bill (exch.) bipartite black (TU) blank (form) board (dirs.) bond (leg.) bond (excise) bonus bourse boycott brand breach (contract) break bribe brief (leg.) broadcast broker budget build bulk bull (stock) bullion bureau (office) business bye-law byproduct C cable calculate calendar call (stock) campaign cancel candidate canteen canvass capable capacity (ability) capital caption car mRm-continued JC013 JC014 JC015 JCO16 JC017 JCO18 JCO19 cc034 CC036 card (index) career cartel carton case (leg.) case (contnr.) catch cause caution CC038 JCO20 JCO21 JC022 cc041 JC023 cc044 cease censor censure census centre century certain certify cesser chair champerty chance change channel character charge (leg.) charter chattel cheap check (confirm) cheque chief circumstance city civic civil claim clear JC024 JC025 JC026 JC027 JC028 cc05 1 JC029 JCO30 JC03 1 JC032 JC032 JC034 cc053 JC035 JC036 JC037 JC038 JC039 JCO40 JCO41 cc075 JC042 JC043 JC044 cc090 JC045 cc097 JC046 cc103 client clip closure (mtg.) code codicil coin collateral collect JC047 JC048 cc111 .- collusion commission (cash) commission (board) JC049 commit 93 G. 94 TABLE J. MANAGEMENT, JCO50 JCOS 1 cc1 12 committee commodity common JCO52 cc113 commune communicate JCO53 JC054 JCO55 JC056 JC057 JC058 JC059 JCO60 cc119 commute compact @greet.) company compel compensate competent compile complaint complement cc120 complete cc121 complex JCO61 JC062 JC063 CC127 complicate complicit comply comprise CC128 computer JC064 CC129 concede concentrate JC065 JCO66 JC067 JCO68 JC069 JCO70 JC071 JC072 cc133 concern concession conciliate concise conclude condemn condition (leg.) condition (state) conduct JCO%JC074 JC075 JC076 JC077 CC136 confer confide confirm confiscate conflict conform cc137 __JC078 JC079 cc141 confuse JCO80 JCO81 JC082 CC142 _~ connexion conscientious consensus conserve JC083 JC084 consider consign congress conjecture connect M. DYSON BUSINESS AND cc143 consistent cc144 consolidate JC085 JCO86 cc147 consortium constitute constrain LEGAL CC238 construct JC087 JCO88 JC089 cc150 consul consult consume contact JCO90 JC091 JC092 cc153 contango contempt contend content JC093 JC094 CC240 context continent contingent cc154 continue JC095 cc157 contract contrary JC096 CC158 contravene contribute cc159 control CC161 ___ JC097 JC098 CC162 .- convenient convention converse (opp.) convert CC241 convey JC099 JClOO JClOl JC102 JC103 cc170 JC104 JC105 CC178 convict convoy cooperate coordinate copartner copy copyright corner (mrkt.) correct cc179 correlate CC180 correspond CC243 cost JC106 JC107 CC183 council counsel count JC108 JC109 JCllO JClll counterfeit counterfoil countermand countersign TERMS-continued JC112 JCl13 JC114 JC115 JC116 JC117 JC118 JC119 CC194 country county coup coupon course court covenant cover (ins.) create JC120 JC121 JC122 CC201 credence credit crime crop CC212 cube JC123 JC124 CC21 5 culpable cultivate cumulate JC125 JC126 CC226 current custody cut CD001 daily CD1 ___ 55 CD007 danger JDOOl CD008 datum day JDO02 JDO03 JDO04 JDO05 JDO06 JDO07 CD01 2 deal debenture debt decimal decipher declare decline JDO08 JDO09 CD01 4 decode decree deduce JDOlO JD012 JDOl3 CD016 deduct deed (leg.) default defeasance defect JD014 JDOl5 CD01 8 JDO16 JDO17 JDOI 8 CD026 defend deficit define defraud defunct de-jure delay D JDOl 1 date 95 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE JD019 CD027 JD020 CD158 delegate delate delimit deliver J. MANAGEME~, BUSZNESS AND LEGAL JD053 JD054 JDO55 JD056 CD074 dictate dictionary dictograph differ different CD077 CD078 JD057 CD081 JD058 JD059 CD058 JDO60 JIB061 JD062 JD063 JD064 CD089 -- digest digit dilapidate diminish diploma diplomacy direct (control) directory disable disagree disburse discard discharge JD065 JD066 JD067 JD068 JD069 JD070 CD091 discipline disclaim disclose discount discover discreet discriminate JD07 1 JD072 JD073 JD074 JD075 JD076 CD099 CD100 discuss dishonest dismiss disorder dispatch dispel displace dispose dispossess disprove dispute disqualify disregard disrepair disrepute dissent dissidence dissipate dissociate dissolve distance CD029 JD021 JD022 JD023 JD024 JDO25 JD026 JD027 JD028 JD029 JD030 CD035 JD03 1 JD032 JD033 JD034 JD035 JD036 JD037 JD038 JD039 JD040 JDO41 JD042 JD043 JD044 CD044 demand demesne demise demission demit demolish demonstrate demurrage demurrer deny department depend deponent deport deposit deposition depository depot depreciate depth depute derate derelict derogate describe deserve design JD045 JD046 CD046 JD047 CD047 CD048 desk destine destroy destruction detach detail JD048 CD049 JD049 CD052 detain detect deter determine JDOSO JD051 CD055 detract detriment develop CD056 device JD077 JD078 JD079 JD080 JDO81 JD082 JD083 JD084 JD085 JD086 JD087 JD088 CD103 CD058 devoid CD105 distinct CD061 diagram CD106 distort JD052 diary JD089 distrain ‘mws-continued JDO90 CD107 distress distribute JD091 district CD 108 disturb JD092 CD 112 JD093 JD094 JD095 JD096 CD1 13 diverse divide dividend division dock docket document JD097 CD1 16 CD 117 JD098 JD099 JDlOO JDlOl CD132 -A JD102 JD103 JD104 JD105 JDI 06 JD 107 CD147 JD108 JD109 JDllO dollar domain domestic domicile dominate down draft (bank) draw drawback drop (let faI1) due dump duplicate duration dust dutiable duty dwell E JEOOI JEO02 JEO03 CEO13 %%? CEO14 each ease economic edit educate effect JEOOS JEO06 JEO07 JEO08 JEOO9 JEOlO effort elaborate elect elicit em embargo embassy embody empire emphatic employ JEOl 1 JE012 JEO13 CEl53 JEO14 G. 96 TABLE J. MANAGEMENT, M. DYSON BUSINESS AND LEGAL TERMS-continued F CEO48 empty CEllO exact JEOI 5 JEO16 CEO56 enable CEl12 examine CFOOl fabric JE048 CEl16 exceed except JEO17 JEO18 JE019 JE020 JE02 1 CEO62 endeavour endorse endow enforce enfranchise engage JE049 CE117 excerpt excess JFOOl JFO02 JF003 JFO04 CElll facile fact factor (agent) factory fail JFO05 JF006 CFOll fallacy false fast (speed) JE022 JE023 CEO65 engross enhance enlarge enact end CEO67 enough JE024 JE025 JE026 CEO70 ensue ensure entail enter JE027 CEO73 enterprise entire JE028 JE029 JE030 JE031 JE032 JE033 JE034 CEO82 entitle entity entrance entrust envelope envoy equable equal JE035 JE036 JE037 CE147 equity equivalent erase erect JE038 CEO9 1 erratum error CEO93 escape JE039 JE040 CEO96 CE118 exchange JE050 CE 120 excise exclude JE05 1 JE052 JE053 CE122 excuse execute exempt exercise CE125 exhibit CE126 exist JE054 JE055 CE128 exit ex officio expand JE056 CE129 ex parte expect JE057 JE058 JE059 JE060 CEI 50 expedient expedite expend experience experiment CF026 field CF027 figure JF013 CF029 file (papers) fill JF014 JF015 CF033 final finance find fine (mulct) CF036 finish JF016 CF037 finite tire JF017 JF018 CF041 firm (Co.) first (of exch.) fit CF042 fix JF019 JF020 JF021 JF022 JF023 JF024 JF025 JF026 JF027 CF078 follow force (compel) foreclose forego foreign foresee foreman forfeit form (paper) form (make) extract JF028 CF079 formal formula extradite extrapolate extreme JF029 JF030 JF031 forthwith fortuitous forward expert expire explain explicit explore export express escheat escrow essence JE067 JE068 CE135 express (fast) expropriate expulsion JE069 CEl37 extant extend CE152 establish JE041 CE148 estate estimate JE070 CEI 38 extent exterior estop estreat ethic evade evict CE139 -.CE140 external JE042 JE043 JE044 JE045 JE046 JE047 CE109 CE141 -__ CE142 extra JE071 JE072 CE143 evolve fault favour feasible fee felon fence (boundary) few fiducial CF034 JE061 JE062 JE063 JE064 JE065 JE066 CE134 evidence CF014 JFO07 J F008 JF009 JFOIO JFOll JF012 CF025 (say) extinct Computer Input and the Semantic Organization TABLE 1. MANAGEMENT, BUS[NESS AND LEGAL TERMS-continued JGOI 9 JG020 guess guide JHOOl CHOOl habeas habit CH004 half JHO02 JHO03 CH013 halt halve hard freight frequent JHO04 JHO05 CH023 harness head (leader) health JF038 CF099 frontier fruit JH006 CH028 heart (centre) heavy JF039 CF103 frustrate function JF040 JF041 fund further JHO07 JHO08 JHO09 JHOlO CH048 heir help hemisphere hence high JHOll CH052 -- hive history CH085 hold JH012 JHO13 JH014 CH080 home honorarium humane hypothesis JF032 CF082 found fraction CF083 fracture CF084 fragile JF033 JF034 JF035 CF088 franc franchise fraud free JF036 CF089 freedom freeze JF037 CF090 G JGOOl JG002 JG003 JG004 JG005 JGO06 CG020 gain gang garnish (leg.) gather gauge (assess) general generate JGO07 JGO08 JGO09 CG021 generic genuine geography geometry JGOlO JGOll CG023 germane gesture get JGO12 CG038 godown go CG040 good JGO13 JGO14 JGO15 CG048 ~._- goodwill govern grant graph JGO16 JG017 JG018 CG062 gratis gratuity gross (144) gross (v. net) CG064 group CG065 grow of Scientific Terms-I H corpus JIO16 JI017 JI018 JI019 JIO20 JI021 JI022 JI023 JI024 CI095 imperial impersonal implement implicit import importance impose impound impracticable impress JI025 JI026 CIO21 improbable improvise impulse JI027 JI028 JI029 CI023 incentive incept incessant incident JIO30 CI024 incline (metaph.) include JI03 1 CI096 income incorporate CI027 increase JI032 JI033 CI029 indent indenture index JI034 CI03 1 indict induce cIo33 industry I CIOO2 ideal JI035 CI035 inevitable infant (leg.) CIO03 identical JIOOl JIO02 JIO03 JIO04 JIOOS JIO06 CI012 identify idle ill illegible illicit illustrate image JI036 JI037 J1038 JI039 CI041 infer inflate inflict influence influx CI042 inform JIO07 JIOO8 JIO09 JIOlO JIOll CIOl5 imaginary imitate immediate imminent immobile immune JIO40 JIO41 JI042 JI043 CI046 infringe ingenuity ingoing inhabit inhibit CIO47 initial C1049 injure JI044 CI053 inquire insert JI045 51046 JIO47 inset inside insist CI016 impact JI012 JI013 51014 JIO15 impartial impeach imperative imperfect 97 G. 98 M. DYSON I’ABLE J. MANAGE~~ENT, BUSINESS AND LEcAL TERMS--cotttittued JIO48 JI049 51050 Cl055 inspect instal instance instant J105 I JI052 C1057 instigate institute instruct Cl058 instrument JI053 31054 JI055 JI056 JI057 JIO58 J1059 51060 C1063 insure intact intangible integral integrity intelligence intend intense intent 51061 31062 JI063 J IO64 31065 J1066 JI067 JIO68 JI069 JIO70 JIO71 C1070 interest (divi.) interest (share) interest (attn.) interim interior intermediate (between) intern internal international interpret interrogate interval 51072 JI073 JI074 51075 JI076 51077 51078 c1077 intervene interview intestate intractable introduce intuition invalid (not valid) invent JI079 JIO80 JIO81 51082 JI083 JI084 JI085 JI086 JIOY7 CIO92 inventory imest in\,estignte invite in\okc in\ olve IOU irrelevant island issue JIOY8 J1099 issue (heir) issue (cap.) .J JJOOl 55002 53003 CJO09 jargon jeopardy job join CJOI 1 journal 55004 55005 55006 55007 55008 35009 JJOlO journey judge judiciary junior jurisdiction jury justice (paper) JLO16 JL017 JLOl8 JL019 J LO20 CL041 legacy legal legend (printg.) legislate legitimate length JLO21 JL022 J LO23 CL043 less lesson lessor let (leave) J LO44 J LO45 CL047 let (premises) letter level CL048 lever K JKOOI CK003 keen keep J LO46 CL050 levy liable J K002 CK006 keg key (solution) JK003 CKOI? key (lock) kind (sort) JL047 JL048 J LO49 JLO50 JLO51 CL056 libel liberal licence license lien life JK004 knock (disparage) J LO52 CL060 lift (math.) light (not heavy) CL063 like (similar) label CL066 limit JLOOl J LOO2 CL010 labour lack lag CL067 line (course) JL053 CL068 liner (ship) link JLO03 J LOO4 JLO05 J LOO6 CL019 land (area) land (goods) language lapse large JLO54 JLOSS J LO56 JL057 CL078 list (roll) literal litigate little load J LOO7 CL02 1 last (continue) last (end) J LO58 J LO59 J LO60 CL081 loan lobby local lock JLO61 JLO62 JL063 CL084 locker logistics long (time) long (matter) L CL002 CL021 latent JLOO8. J LOO9 JLOlO JLOI I CL032 law (leg.) lawyer lay (not Prof.) lay-off lead (direct) JLOI? CL035 league Icarn J LO64CL.089 loophole lose JLO13 CL036 lease Icnst JLOl4JL015 leave (abandon) ledger J LO65 J LO66 CL090 lot (auct.) lot (much) low JLO67. lump (sum) Computer Input and the Semantic Organization TABLE J. MANAGEMENT, CM002 -- M machine JMO02 JMO03 CM009 JMOO4 JMOOS CM010 JMO06 JMO07 JMO08 JMO09 JMOlO JMOI 1 CM01 7 JM012 JM013 CM021 magazine (journal) magistrate mail (corres.) main (principal) maintain major make manage mandamus mandate manifest (ship) manifesto manifold manner manor manual manufacture JM014 CM144 CM023 CM024 JMOlS JM016 CM026 JM017 CM036 CM037 CM038 many map margin marine mark (coin) mark (trade) market marque master (empl.) match material (matter) JM018 CM042 CM043 CM045 material (relev.) matter mature maximum CM047 CM051 measure medium (aver.) JM019 JM020 JM021 JM022 JM023 JM024 CM077 member memorial merit message method metre middle JMOOl CM083 miniature CM084 minimum JM025 minor BUSINESS of Scientific Terms-I 99 AND LEGALTERMS-continrred CM088 JM026 JM027 CM087 mint (coin) minute (record) minute (time) minute (small) JM028 JM029 JM030 JM03 1 JM032 JM033 JM034 JM035 JM036 JM037 CM097 CM098 _JM038 CM099 JM039 JM040 CM 111 JM041 JM042 CM121 ..- misadventure ~sdcmeanour misfeasance mishap mislead misnomer misplace misprision miss (fail) mistake model moderate modern modify modus money monograph month morning most JM043 CM127 CM131 CM1 32 JM044 motion (proposn.) move multiple municipal mutiny N CN002 CNO05 name narrow JNOOl CNO07 CNO09 JNO02 JNO03 CNOIO CNO13 JNO04 CN015 _._I_ CN016 _JNO05 JNO06 CN017 -___ CN024 nation native nature nautical naval near necessary necessity need negative neglect negotiate neither net (retie.) JNO07 JN016 CN030 -___ net (v. gross) netback never CN03 1 ....I__ new JNOO8 news CN032 next CN033 night CN034 nil CN039 no CN045 nominal CN046 none CN047 nor north JNO09 JNOIO nothing JNOll note (heed) JN012 note (memo) notice JN013 JN014 notify novelty CN051 CN052 JN015 CNO61 nucleus (group) number 0 JO001 COO05 JO002 COO06 50003 50004 JO005 co007 __-JO006 JO007 JO008 co009 coo12 -__ 50009 JO010 JO01 1 JO012 JO013 30014 COO24 COO26 JO015 coo30 -_ oath object (thing) object (oppose) oblige obscure observe obsolescence obstruct obviate occasion occupy occur odd offence (leg.) offer office (duty) office (place) offset often omit once onerous G. ht. DYSON 100 TABLE J. COO3 I operate JO016 JO017 JO018 JO019 COO34 opinion opportunity oppose opt optimum COO36 oral JO020 COO41 order (command) ordinary JO021 JO022 COO4.5 JO023 organic (living) organize orient (arrange) orient (east) COO47 origin JO024 JO025 JO026 COO67 orthodox outline outright outside JO027 JO028 JO029 owe own overhead P CPOOl pace CPO02 pack CPOO5 pair JPOOl JPO02 JPO03 JPO04 JPOO5 JPO06 JPO07 CP018 pallett panel (group) panic paper (report) par paragraph parcel parity CP019 part JPO08 JPO09 CP026 particular passport patent CP027 path (det.) CP028 pattern JPOlO CP029 pause pay (settle) JPOll JPl14 JP012 JP013 JPO14 JPOI 5 pay (wages) payback pecuniary peg pen penal MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS AND JPO16 JPO17 JPO18 JP019 JPOZO JP021 JP022 CPO43 pencil pend pension people per percept peremptory perfect CPO45 perform CPO50 period JP023 CPO54 perjure permanent JP024 JP025 JP026 CPO59 permit perpetual perplex persist CPO60 person JP027 JP028 JP029 JPO30 JP03 1 CPO70 persuade pertain petition petty phase phenomenon (time) JP032 JP033 CP082 phrase pick (select) piece J PO34 JP035 JP036 CPO93 pier pilfer piracy place JP037 JP038 JP039 J PO40 CPO95 plain plaintiff plan plane (aero.) plane (flat) JPO41 J PO42 JP043 J PO44 JP045 J PO46 CP107 Cl’1 I i platform plausible pledge plenary plenty plough-back PJY (fold) point (debate) CP113 pole J PO47 JP048 JP049 JPO50 JP05 1 polemic police policy politic poll LEGAL TERMS-coiitinued CP212 pollute CPl19 ., CP120 popular JP052 JP053 CP126 port (place) port (carry) portion pool (share) CP127 position JP054 CP129 possession possible JPO55 JP056 JP057 JP058 JP059 CP139 post (job) post-obit postpone postscript potential power J PO60 JPO61 JP062 JP063 CP144 practicable pragmatic preamble precious precision CP145 precursor CP147 predominate J PO64 CP148 prefabricate prefer JP065 JPO66 JP067 JPO68 JP069 CP151 prejudice premature premise premises (bdgs.) premium prepare J PO70 CP152 prepay preponderate JP071 JP072 JP073 J PO74 CP153 prepossess prerogative presence present (now) preserve JPO75 JP076 CP155 preside press (news) presume JP077 CP156 pretend prevent JP078 JP079 JPO80 CPl59 previous price prime primitive JPOS 1 principal Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE J. MANAGBhlEm, JP082 CP160 principle print JP083 JP084 JPO85 JP086 CP162 JP087 JPO88 CP163 CP164 JP089 CPI 65 CP166 CP167 JPO90 CP168 JP091 CP170 CP171 JP092 CP172 JP093 JP094 CP174 JPO95 CP175 JP096 JP097 JP098 CP179 prior (previous) private privilege prize probable probate probation probe problem proceed process procure produce profess profile profit program progress prohibit project promise promissory promote prompt proof propaganda proper property (possesns.) proportion JP099 JPlOO JPlOl CP182 propose prosecute prospect (view) protect JP102 JP103 JP104 JP105 JP106 JP107 CP189 protest prove provide province proviso provoke proximate JP108 JP109 JPllO proxy public punctual punitive purpose JPl 11 CP198 BUSINESS AND LEGAL JP112 JP113 purse purvey JQOOl CQO03 CQO04 qua qualify quality CQOOS CQO07 54002 JQO03 JQO04 JQOOS JQO06 JQO07 quantity quarter quay question quick (rate) quittance quorum quote JR001 CR009 CR014 CR01 5 CR018 JR002 CR020 radical (change) raise range rapid rate ratify ratio CR021 CR1 50 JR003 JR004 JR005 JR006 CR027 ration rational re (concerng.) react (gem.) ready real (estate) real (actual) JR007 CR1 5 1 JR008 JR009 CR032 ream reason rebate recall recede JR010 CR033 JR01 1 CR036 JR012 CR039 JR01 3 JR014 CR041 CR042 JR015 receipt receive recess (vacn.) reciprocal reckon recognise recommend recompense reconcile record recourse Q R TERMS-COnfinued CR043 recover JR016 CR047 rectify (correct) recur JR01 7 JR01 8 CR148 JR019 CR052 JR020 JR021 CR060 CR061 JR022 CR062 JR023 CR063 redeem reduce refer referee refine refund refuse regenerate region register regress regret regular JR024 CR065 CR066 CR067 reimburse reject relate relax CR069 JR025 JR026 CR072 JR027 JR028 JR029 JR030 JR03 1 CR074 JR032 CR076 release relief rely remain remedy remember remind remit remnant remove render renew JR033 CR077 JR034 CR078 rent repair reparation repeat CR08 1 JR035 CR083 JR036 JR037 CR087 replace reply report represent repute require CR088 reserve JR038 CR090 reside residue JR039 resign 101 G. M. DxsoN 102 TABLE J. MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS AND CR092 _..---_ _CR093 -_- _ resist resolve CSOOQ -.. -. sample CSO27 satisfy JR040 JR041 JR042 JR043 CR097 CR098 _--_ resort resource respect respite respond rest (remainder) CSO18 saturate JSOO5 CSO23 --- _. SL%VC csox _.__.... CSO30 scarce JR044 CRlOO CR099 ._~ rest (stop) restore restrain tS034 CSO46 -, -- scrap sea JS006 .,CSO48 -. - -. seal {dot.) search CR101.I_ restrict __II JR045 result CR01 2 resume _Ix-.^I.“II”.” LEGAL scale schedule CSO4Q ___.. I season CSOSO second ---_^ JSO07 secret JSOO% secretary CS233 section JRO46 CR103 __ .^. retail retain CR104 __-_--l JKO47 CR1 50 ___^.I retard retire retrieve CSQs2 (J5053 sector secure JR048 JR049 JR050 CR1 09 ___-I return reveal revenue reverse CSO55 JS009 CSOSP see seize select CR1 IO _.l.l__ JR05 1 JR052 JR053 CR1 -.-.-_ 15 JR054 JR055 JR056 JR057 CR122 _-_” -JR058 CR138 ~I review C’S061 __-_ JSOIO JSOI 1 JSOlZ JSO13 CS063 _ __- _.... self sell senate send senior sense JS014 CSO64 __ _-._ CSO67 __-- sentence separate sequence CSO63 ~._-- _ JSOI 5 JSO16 JSO17 JSOl8 JSOl9 CS076 __“__* series serious serve session settle (decide) several severe CR140 --.“_ JR059 JR060 revise revoke reward right ring (group) rise risk rival road roll (list) rule run (carry on) run (bank) rush JSOOI GO02 -JS002 JSOO3 JSO04 CS328 -.-.--_ CSOO8 _“.___ S sack safe (secure) salary sale satient salvage same CSO83 _-._ I share (divide) JSO20 share (stock) CSO%_4 sharp IGO2 I CSOE ---“_ shelve shift (work) CSO93 ship CS09S _-_._ short TERMS-cmlimed ShOW JSO22 CSOQ9 _-.. _ shut sick JS023 CSlOl ,. ” side JSO24 sight CSlO4 sign JSO25 signal CS 13 i simple CSI -_. 12- simulate CSI 15 JSO26 CS122 singte singular site JSO27 JSO28 CS144 ._--.- sketch skill small social society soft solicitor JSO3i solution (answer) 55032 CS I 6% some CSI70 ss?on --^I CSl75 _~.-.___ sort (kind) JS029 JSOJO CSlSS _ _-- sound (prospect) 38033 -CSI-179 -_. source CSlSl -CS184 _.^__ .. space spare JSO34 JSO35 JS036 CSl%Q speak special specie specific CS338 - _55037 JS038 CS w-- 192 specimen spectrum (metaph.) speech speed CS196 spend JSO3Q sphere (field) CS210 __ ~~__I split CS211 spoil _._____-I_ JS040 CS212 -- spokesman spontaneous 5504 1 CSZIQ ~_.-- spot (cash) spread 35042 JS043 staE stagger Computer Input and the Semantic Or~n~t~on TABLE r. hfiiN~f3EMNT, BUSINESS AND CS229 stale JSO44 JSO45 CS234 JS046 JSO47 JSO48 CS240 stamp staple (pin) staple (crop) start (begin) state (say) state (country) station statistic status statute stencil step JS103 JSO49 JSOSO JSOSI CS248 JSO52 JS053 JSO54 JSO55 JS0.56 CS261 __JSO57 JSOS8 JSO59 CS267 -CS268 stereotype sterling stet steward stiff still (yet) stipend stipulate stock stop store JSO60 CS270 -...- stow strain JSO61 CS273 ~JSO62 CS274 _W strategy stream CS275 CS276 CSUI CS278 stress stretch strict strike CS28 1 CS284 strong student stuff CS285 CS286 __-I CS287 JS063 JS064 JSO6.5 55066 JS067 JSO68 JS069 JSO70 8 street strength style subject (topic) subject (put under) submit subordinate subpoena subscribe subside subsidiary subsidy of scientific Terms-I 103 r,EffA~TERMS-Co?hwd JS071 CS343 subsist substance JTOO2 CT006 tactics take JS072 CS292 subtle subtract JTOO3 CT013 talk tap JS073 55074 55075 38076 JS077 JSO78 JS079 JSOSO JSO81 JS082 JSO83 JSO84 JSO85 JS086 JS087 CS302 suburb succeed success sudden sue suffer suffice suggest suit (law) suit (agree) sum summary (quick) summary (gist) summon superintendant superior JTOO4 JTOOS ST006 CT021 JTOO7 JTOO8 CT026 JTOO9 JTOIO tape tariff task tax team technical technology telecommunication telegram telegraph telephone teleprinter teletype telex tell teller temperate temporary tenable tenant tend tendency tender (soft) tender (offer) tenure term (word) term (time) terminal (transport) terminate territory test testate testify testimonial text JS088 55104 JSO89 cs341 CS304 supersede supervise supplant JSO90 CS305 JSO91 JS092 JS093 55094 CS308 JSO95 JSO96 JS097 CS309 CS310 suppose suppress supreme surcharge sure surety surplus surrender surround surtax survey survive JSO98 CS3 12 JS099 CS3 13 JSlOO JSlOl JS 102 CS327 suspect suspend suspicion sustain swear switch (alter) syndicate system CT001 JTOOl table (display) tabular supply support T JTOl 1 JTO12 JTO13 JTO14 JTOl5 JT016 JTO17 JTO18 ST019 JTO20 JTO21 JT022 JT023 CT032 JT024 JT02.5 CT034 JT026 JT027 JT028 JT029 CT240 _lJTO30 JTO31 JT032 CT041 JT033 CT044 -- thank theory JT034 CT050 thesis thin JT035 3TO36 JT037 JT038 JT039 JTO40 thing think though thought threat ticket 104 G. M. DY.SON TABLE J. MANAGEMENT,BUSINESSAND LEGAL TERMS-continued CT063 time JTO41 JT042 JT043 CT074 title (land) titular token tolerate JT044 JTO45 CT077 to11 ton too1 JT046 JT047 JT048 CT084 top topic tort total CT085 touch JT049 JT050 CT089 tour trace (track) track (path) JT05 1 JT073 JT052 JT053 JT054 JT055 JT056 CT093 trade tradename traffic train (sequence) train (rail) train (educate) transact transcribe CT094 transfer CT095 transform CT096 transient CT099 translate CT101 transmit CT103 transport JT057 JT0.58 JT059 CT109 trans-ship travel treasure treat JTO60 JT061 JT062 JT063 JT064 JT065 CT119 trespass trial tribune trick trip (journey) tropic trouble JT066 JT067 JT068 truck true trust try CV048 vital turn JVO15 JV016 JVO17 CV057 vitiate vocation void (null) volume JVO18 vote JWOOl JWO02 JWoO3 JWO04 JWO05 JWO06 JWO07 CWO05 wage waggon war ward warden warn warrant waste CWO06 watch CWOlO way JT069 JT070 JT071 JT072 type (print) type (kind) JUOOl JUO02 JUO03 JUO04 JUO05 cuOO3 ultimatum unearned unanimous undercut underwrite uniform JUOO6 cuoo5 union (trade) unit JUO07 JUOO8 JUO09 JUOlO cuo13 universe update urgent usage use JUOll JU012 JUO13 user (leg.) usual utter U cvoo1 vacancy JVOOl JVOOZ cvoo7 vacate vague valid CVO08 -__ JVO03 CVOlO value JVO04 JVOO5 JVOO6 JVO07 JVOO8 JVO09 cvo3 1 variety \,ault vehicle (truck) verbal verdict versatile very JVOlO JVOll JVO12 JV013 cvo42 vessel (ship) veto view (opinion) vindicate virtual cvo47 visible JV014 visit \.an \,ariable W CWOI 1 weak JWO08 CWO13 wealth weather CWO17 week J WOO9 JWOIO JWOll JWO12 JWO13 JWO14 JWO15 JW016 CW047 weigh wilful will (document) win wish withold within withstand word CW048 work CW049 world JW017 JWO18 CW056 worth wreck write JWO19 kvrong CYOOI x, Y, z yard CYO09 young JYOOl your CZO03 zero (1) This vocabulary consists of the common words used in business and management matters; the jargon “diversification” and so on, would be found words, such as “contango”, “cash-against-documents”, in the special vocabulary of this subject. (2) The considerable overlap between vocabularies C and J is to be noted, and indicates the scientific basis of management. Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE Number KOI K02 K03 K04 KOS KO6 K07 K08 K09 KlO Kll K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21 K22 K23 K24 K. GREEK Sign A 6 ;; :; I ‘ :;: MNP V 9 < 0 0 17rr p P .Z us 7 z: @Z :$ Q0J LETTERS Name alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi 105 G. M. DYSON 106 TABLE Cardinal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 30 40 100 132 NA Cardinal one two three four live six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen twenty twentyone twentytwo thirty forty hundred hundred & thirtytwo u. COUN~G NB monoditritetrapentahexaheptaoctanonadecaundecadodecatridecatetradecapentadecahexadecaheptadecaeicosaheneicosadocosatriacontatetracontahectadotriaconta- SERIES (NUMBERS) NC unibiterquaterquinquesexiseptenioctoninovenideceniand so on ND . .. bistristetrakispentakishexakisand so on NE Ordinal ~_____ first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth twentieth twentyfirst twentysecond thirtieth fortieth hundredth hundred and thirtysecond (1) The method of specifying a number is by citing N followed by the Ietter referring to the type of series required, and the arabic numeral; thus NE17 = seventeenth; NB15 = pentadeca-. Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE A VA00 1 VA002 VA003 VA004 VA005 VA006 VA007 VA008 VA009 VA010 VA01 1 VA01 2 VA013 VA014 VA01 5 VA01 6 VA017 VA01 8 VA019 VA020 VA021 VA022 VA023 VA024 VA025 VA026 VA027 VA028 VA029 VA030 VA03 1 VA032 VA033 VA034 VA035 acacia acanthus acinous aconite acorn adiantum agar agave alder alfalfa alligator (pear) allium aloe amanita anchusa anemone angelica aniseed aphylous apod apple apricot aquilegia araucaria areca areolus arnica artichoke asparagus aspen aspidistra auricula avocado axon azalea B balm banana banksia baobab basil batata bay bdellium bean beech beet VBOl 1 belladonna VBOI 2 bergamot VB013 bergamot (citr.) VBOOl VBO02 VB003 VBO04 VBOOS VBO06 VBO07 VBOO8 VB026 VBO09 VBOlO V. PLANT NAMES AND BOTANICAL VB014 VB015 VB016 VB017 VB018 VB019 VB020 VB021 VB022 VB023 VB014 VBO15 VB016 VB017 VBOl8 VB019 VB020 VB021 VB022 VB023 VB024 VB025 VB026 berry betel betony biennial bifid bifurcate bilberry bindweed bine bipinnate birch blossom bole botany bougainvillea bramble broccoli bud bugloss bulb bulrush burdock bush VCOOl VCO02 VCO03 VCO04 VCO05 VCO06 VCO07 VCO08 VCO09 VCOlO VCOl 1 VCO12 VCO13 VC014 VCO15 VCO16 VCO17 VCO18 VC019 VCO20 VCO21 VC022 VC023 VC024 VC025 VC026 VC027 VC084 C cabbage cacao cactus calabar bean calabash calceolaria calyx cambium camellia camomile campanula campion camwood candytuft cantaloup Canterbury bell caper capsicum caraway cardamom cardoon carline carnation carrot carpel carrageen cascara cassava TERMS VC028 VC029 vco30 vco3 1 VC032 vco33 vco34 vco3.5 VC036 VC087 VC085 vco37 VC038 vco39 vco40 vco41 VC042 vcO43 vcO44 vco45 VC046 vco47 VC048 vco49 vcoso vco51 VC052 vco53 vco54 vco55 VC056 vco57 VC058 vco59 VCO60 VC061 VC062 VC063 VC064 VCO65 VCO66 VC067 VCO68 VC069 vco70 vco7 1 VC072 vco73 vco74 vco75 VC076 vco77 VC078 cassia casuarina castor catalpa catechu catkin cauliflower cayenne ceanothus chestnut chicory chive chrysanthemum cider cinchona cineraria cinnamon cinquefoil cistus citrus clematis clone clove coca cockle coconut coffee cola cole colocynth coltsfoot columbine conifer convolvulus copra corraline coreopsis coriander corm corymb cosmo costmary cotyledon cowslip crabapple cranberry cress crocus crop croton cryptomeria cube 107 G. M. 108 TABLE VC079 VCO80 VC08 1 VC086 VC082 VC083 cucumber curcubite curcuma currant cyclamen cupressus D VDOOI VD002 VDO03 VDO04 VDOOS VDO06 VDO07 VD008 VDOO9 VDOlO VDOll VD012 VD013 VD014 VDO15 VDO16 VD017 VDO18 VDOl9 daffodil dahlia daisy damson dandelion daphne deodar deutzia diadelphic dichotomy digitalis dioecious dock dodder douglas-fir dracena drupe dulse durra VEOOl VE002 VE003 VEO04 CEO59 ebony edelweiss elder endive endosperm VE005 VEO06 T;‘EO07 VEO08 VE009 VEOlO VEOl 1 VE012 VEO13 epitaxial escallonia eschscholtzia esparto etiolate eucalyptus eupatorium euphorbia evergreen VFOOl VFO02 VFO03 VFO04 VFO05 VFo06 VFO07 VFOOS fennel fenugreek fern fescue feverfew fig filbert finnochio E F V. PLANT NAMES AND DYSON BOTANICAL VF009 VFOlO VFOll VF012 CF056 fir flageolet flax fleabane floret VFO13 VF014 VFO15 VFOI 6 VFO17 VF018 VFOl9 VF020 VF021 VF022 CF105 __- flower flustra forsythia fraxinella freesia fritillary frond fruticose fuchsia fucus fungus VF023 furze VGOOl VGOOZ VG003 VG004 VGO05 VG006 VG007 VG008 VG009 VGOlO VGOll VG012 VGO13 VG014 VG015 VG016 VGOl7 VGOl8 VGOl9 VG020 VG021 VG022 VG023 VG024 VG025 VG026 VG027 VG028 galega gardenia gemma genista gentian geranium germander germinate geum gherkin ginger ginko ginseng gladiolus gloxinia glume godetia gooseberry gorse granadilla grape grapefruit groundsel guava guayule guelder-rose gymnosperm gypsophila VHOOl VHO02 VH003 H hashish hawthorn heath (erica) G TERMS-CO~lti~llled VH004 VHOOS VH006 VH007 VH008 VH009 VHOlO CH040 heather helianthus heliotrope hemlock (plant) hemlock (tree) hemp (plant) henna herb VHOl 1 hevea hibiscus hilum holly hollyhock hop horehound horseraddish hoya huckleberry hyacinth (bulb) hyacinth (water) hydrangea hyssop VH012 VHOl3 VH014 VHOl5 VH016 VHO17 VHOl8 VH019 VH020 VII021 VH022 VH023 VH024 I VI001 VI002 VI003 VI004 VI005 i beris ipomoe iris ivy ixia VJOOI VJO02 VJO03 VJO04 VJO05 VJO06 VJO07 VJO08 jaborandi jalap japonica jargonelle jarrah jasmin jequirity jonquil VKOOI VK002 VK003 VK004 kale kauri kino kola J K L VLOOl VLO02 VLO03 VLO04 labiate laburnum larch laudanum Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE v. PLANT VLOOS VLO06 VLOO~ VLOO8 VLO09 VLOlO VLOl 1 VLO12 VLO13 CL053 VL014 VLOl5 VLO16 VLO17 VLOIS VL019 VLO~O VL021 VL022 VL023 VL024 VI_025 VL026 VL027 VL028 VL029 laurel laurustinus lavender leaf leek legume lemon lentil lettuce lichen lignaloe lilac lily lime (citr.) lime (til.) ling linseed liquorice litchi lobelia loganberry Ioquat lotus lupin lychnis lycopodium M VMOOI VMO02 VMO03 VMO04 VMOO5 VMOO6 VMO07 VMOO8 VMO09 VMOlO VMOll VM012 VM013 VM014 VM015 VM016 VM017 VMOl8 VM019 VM020 VM021 VM022 VM023 VM024 macadamia mace madder madia magnofia mahogany maize mallow mandarin mandrake mango mangold mangosteen maniac manna maple marigold marjoram marram marrow mast mastic mate melilotus NAMES AND BOTANICAL TERMS-continued VM025 VM026 CM079 VM027 VM028 VM029 VM030 VM031 VM032 VM033 VM034 VM035 VM036 VM037 VM038 VM039 CM 136 CM 137 VM040 VM041 VM042 melon mesembryanthemum mildew milfoil millet mint mistletoe montbretia morel morello moschatel moss mulberry mullein mung (bean) muscadine mushroom mustard myosotis myrrh myrtle VNOOl VNO02 VNO03 VNOO4 VNOOS VN006 VN007 N narcissus nard naseberry nasturtium navy bean nectarine nenuphar VN008 ne181inuphar) VNO09 nettle VNOlO nopal VNOll nut VN012 nutmeg VN013 nyctitropic VOOOl V0002 VOOO3 VOO04 VOOOS VOO06 VOO07 VOOO8 VOO09 VOOlO VOOll VO012 0 okra oleander olibanum olive omphalodes onion opoponax orach orange orchid orchis origanum VOOI 3 VOOl4 VP001 VP002 VP003 VP004 VP005 VP006 VP007 VP008 VP009 VP010 VP01 1 VP012 VP013 VP014 VP015 CPO78 CP03 1 VP016 VP017 VP0 18 VP019 VP020 VP02 1 VP022 VP023 VP024 VP025 VP026 VP027 VP028 VP029 VP030 VP031 VP032 VP033 VP034 VP035 VP036 VP037 VP038 VP039 VP040 VP041 VP042 VP043 VP044 VP045 orris osmunda P padouk palm palmyra pampas panicle pansy papaver paprika papyrus pareira parsley parsnip passiflora pawpaw (= papaya) pea peach peanut pear pecan peduncle pelargonium pellitory pennyroyal pentstemon peony pepper (= piper) peppermint perrenial perfoliate pericarp periwinkle persimmon petal petiole petunia phanerogam phaseolus phloem phlox phormium phylum physalis pilose pimento pimpernel pine pink 109 110 G. TABLE VP046 VP047 VP048 VP049 VP050 VP05 1 VP052 VP053 VP054 VP055 VP056 VP057 VP058 VP059 VP060 VP061 VP062 VP063 VP064 VP065 VP066 VP067 VP068 VP069 v PO70 VP071 VP072 VP073 VP074 VP075 VP076 VP077 pinnate pinnule pip piper (see Pepper) pistachio pistil plane plantain plum plumbago plumufe pod poinsettia pollen polyanthus pome pomegranate pomelo poplar POPPY potato primrose primula pruinose prune prunella pulsatilla pulse pumpkin purslane pyracantha pyrethrum pyrus Q VQOO1 quebracho VQOO2 quince VROOl VR002 VR003 VRO04 VROO5 VR006 VRO07 VR008 VR009 VROlO VROll VROl? VR013 VR014 V. R raceme rachis radish raffia (-L raphia) ramie ramose rampion ramson ranunculus rape raspberry rata rattan rauwolfia PLANT NAMES M. AND DYZON BOTANICAL VR015 VR016 VR017 VROl8 VR019 VR020 VR021 VR022 VR023 VR024 VR025 VR026 VR027 VR028 VR029 VR030 VR03 I VR032 CR144 VR033 reed rhatany rhizome rhododendron rhubarb ribes rice ricinus rocambole rocket root (plant) rosacae rose rosemary rowan rudbeckia rue (- ruta) rugosa rye rye-grass VSOOI WOO2 vsO03 vsoo4 vsoo5 VSO06 vsO07 VSOO8 vsoo9 VSOlO VSOl1 vso12 vso13 vso14 VSOIS VSO16 vso17 vsois vso19 vso20 vso21 vso22 VS023 VS024 vso25 VS026 VSO27 VS028 VS029 vso30 s&lower saffron sage sainfoin salicifolia salep salpiglossis salsify salvia samphire sandalwood sandarac santonica sapan sapodilla sargasso sarmentous sarsaparilla sassafras savin savory saxatile saxifrage scabious scallion scammony scape schizanthus scion scorzonera S TERMS--cO~tiftl&‘d vso3 I VS032 vso33 vso34 vso35 VS036 vso37 VSO38 vso39 vso40 vsO41 vso42 vso43 vso44 vso45 VS046 vso47 VS048 vso49 vso50 vso5 1 vso52 vso53 vso54 VSOSS VSO56 vso57 VSO58 vso59 VSO60 VSO61 VS062 VS063 VS064 VSO65 VSO66 VSO67 VSO68 VSO69 vso70 vso7 1 VS072 vso73 vso74 vso75 VS076 vso77 VS078 vso79 VSO80 VS08 1 VSO82 VSO83 seed senna sepal sequoia seringa serradilla sesame sessile shaddock shallot shamrock shea shoot shrub sisal sissoo sloe smilax sola solanum soldanella sorb sorrel soursop spadix spathe sphagnum spikenard spinach spiraea spruce spurge squash squill stalk stamen stem (bot.) stephanotis stigma stipe stolen storax stramonium strawberry strophanthus style (bot.) styrax sumach sunflower Swede sycamore syringa 111 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-l TABLE v. PLANT VT001 VT002 VT003 VT004 VT005 VT006 VT007 VT008 VT009 VT010 VT01 1 VT012 VT013 VT014 VT015 VT016 VT017 VT018 VT019 VT020 VT021 VT-022 CT075 VT023 VT024 VT025 VT026 VT027 T tagetes tamarind tamarisk tangerine tanghin tansy taraxacum tare tar0 tarragon tea teak teasel thalictrum thistle thyme ti tiglium timothy toadstool tobacco tolu tomato tomentum torment:] tous-les-mois tragacanth tree AND NAMES BOTANICAL VT028 VT029 VT030 VT03 1 VT032 VT033 VT034 VT035 VT036 VT037 VT038 trefoil trehala tropaeolum truffle tuber tuberose tulip tung turmeric turnip twayblade vu001 U umbel upas vu002 TERMS--CT ztinued VV012 VV013 vine viola violet VW001 VW002 CW024 VW003 VW004 VW005 VW006 walnut wattle wheat willow willow-herb wistaria wormwood LVOll W x Y V VVOOl VW02 VW03 VW04 VW05 VW06 VW-I7 cvo34 VVO08 VW09 VVOlO VYOOl VYO02 VYO03 VYO04 VYOOS valerian vanillr. varec Venus-fly-trap verbena Veronica vervain vetch vi Jurnum - icia vinca yam yarrow yew ylang-ylang yucca Z VZOOl VZO02 VZO03 VZO04 zea zeodary zingiber (see ginger) zinnia zucchini (1) This is not a specialized vocabulary for botany, but a collection of common words and terms for the use of the experimental scientist ARother sub-disciplines. (2) The terms of this vocabulary need, m addition, a specialized botanical vocabulary, which would be very difficult to compile, owing tc the confusion in the formal nomenclature of plants. The code-numbers of such a vocabulary would offer a sensible solution of many of the present taxonomic problems, such as the hebe/veronica, knifophia/tritoma and similar equivalences. TABLE 'I-. SOME COMMON 83329 64179 67641 98862 74862 107028 A abietic acid acenaphthene acetic acid acetone acetophenone acetylene ACH acridine acrolein 79137 73245 124049 56417 72480 CHEMICALS, acrylic acid ACTH adamantane adenine adipic acid alanine albumin aldosterol aldrin alizarin MAINLY ORGANIC 97596 50715 10063 300629 allantoin allene allethrin alloxan ammonia androstane aniline anisole annulene anorexine 112 G. TABLE 120127 50817 56848 50782 56655 51558 T. 92875 71432 119619 114249 58855 115173 barbituric acid behenic acid benzacridine benzidine benzol benzoin benzophenone bilirubin biliverdin biotin borax bromal brucine C 58082 76222 105602 133062 86748 116325 cacodyl cadaverine caffeine calomel cantharidine camphor caprolactam capsaicin captan carane carbanil carbanilide carbazide carbazole carbodiimide b-carotene casein catechin DYSON SOME COMMON CHEMICALS, anthracene apomorphine arecoline arabin arachidic acid arachidonic acid ascorbic acid asparagine aspartic acid aspirin ATP atropine azelaic acid azepine ariridine azulene B 67527 112856 M. 120809 94417 75876 56757 67663 76062 81254 57885 123411 118105 140103 77929 76573 64868 50237 91645 57001 60275 95487 108394 106445 98829 108805 99876 65463 71307 MAINLY ORGANIC-corrtinuer~ catechol cellulose cephalin cetraric acid chalcone charcoal chaulmoogric acid chimyl chitin chloral chloramphenicol chloroform chlorophyll chloropicrin cholanic acid cholic acid cholestane cholesterol choline chrysene cinchonine cinnamic acid citric acid cocaine codeine colchicine coniine cortisol courmarin creatine creatinine o-cresol 35621 71636 123911 60106 E 112798 111148 299423 51434 112867 57476 elaidin elastin ellagic acid emetine enanthic acid eosin ephedrine epinephrine epinine ergosterol erucic acid erythritol erythrose eserine estrane euglobulin F 106285 102545 m-cresol p-cresol cumene cumic acid cumulene curare cyanamide cyanuric acid p-cymene cysteine cystine cytidine cytochrome cytosine digitonin digitoxigenin digitoxin digoxigenin digoxin dioxan dithizone dulcitol 59303 50000 64186 75694 69670 110167 110009 98011 farnesene ferrite ferritin ferrocene fibrin fluorescein fluoranthrene folic acid formaldehyde formalin formic acid fortisan freon-l 1 fructose fumaric acid furan furfural G 91178 119904 D decalin dianisidine dextran dextrin dieldrin 59234 149917 galactose gallic acid gelatin gelsemine geranic acid germane 113 Computer Input and the Semantic Organization of Scientific Terms-I TABLE T. SOME COMMON CHEMICALS, 77065 56860 110941 70188 56815 107222 90051 113008 73405 130507 90200 I 16052 116041 68940 95136 120729 58639 87898 gibberellic acid globulin d-glucose glucuronic acid glutamic acid glutaric acid glutathione gluten glycerol glycine glycogen glyoxal glyoxime gonadotropin gonane guaiacol guanidine guanine guanylic acid gulonic acid H H-acid halothane harmine hematin heparin heroin hippuric acid histamine histidine humic acid a-humulene b-humulene hydantoin hydrazine hydrindane hyperon hypoxanthine I indan indene indigo indole indophenol indoxyl inosine inositol insulin interferon inulin 75478 54853 78795 MAINLY iodoform isoniazid isoprcne ORGANKZ-COntkUed 29788 1 methadon 74828 59518 J jasmone K keratin kojic acid kynurenin 50215 143077 61905 123762 138863 58899 60333 127402 82586 L lactic acid lauric acid lecethin leucine levulinic acid lignin lime limonene l&lane linoleic acid linolenic acid litharge litmus luminol lutein (= xanthophyll) lychnose lysergic acid lysine lysol M 110167 97676 141822 108781 99821 57534 88051 108678 78853 maleic acid malic acid malonic acid malvidin mannite marrubiin meconic acid melamine melanin mellitic acid p-menthane meprobamate merocyanine mescaline mesidine mesitylene methacrolein 57272 110918 methane methemaglobin methionine metrazol mevalonic acid minium mitomycin morphine morpholine muscarine myosin N 92240 91203 su25013 59676 naphthacene naphthalene neomycin-A niacin nialamid nicotine ninhydrin nucleic acid 0 112801 144627 50566 57103 79834 123637 61336 76755 134010 octulose oleic acid orcinol ornithine erotic acid ouabain oxalic acid oxazepine oxaxolidine oxetane oxytocin ozone P palmitic acid pantothenic acid papain paraconic acid paraldehyde penicillin-G pentalen pentothal peonidin (Cl.) pepsin perimidine ‘Perspex’ perylene 114 G. M. DYSO,~ TABLE 99832 62442 85018 66717 92820 103731 50066 108736 75445 88993 109068 88891 79549 111160 76095 110850 110894 75987 50248 57830 74986 107197 99503 91189 120730 81549 110601 110861 120809 78661 T. SOME a-phellandrene phenacetin phenalene phenanthrene phenanthridine o-phenanthroline phenazepine phenazine phenetole phenobarbitone phlorizin phloroglucinol phorone phosgene phthalic acid phthalocyanine phycocyanine phytane a-picoline picric acid j?-pimaric acid pimelic acid pinacol piperazine piperidine pitressin pivalic acid pleiadene podocarpic acid podophyllin porphyrin precipitin prednisolone pregnane prehnitene progesterone prolactin proline propane proparyyl ale. protocatechuic acid pteridine purine puromycin purpurin putrescine pyran pyridine pyrimidine pyrindene pyrocatechol pyrogallol COMMON CHEMICALS, 109977 pyrole pyruvic MAINLY ORGANIC-confitiued 57501 acid 121573 sucrose sulfamic acid sulfanilic acid Q 117395 91634 77952 56542 130950 123319 91225 1065 14 quercetin quinaldine quinazoline quinic acid quinidine quinine quinol quinoline quinolizine quinone R 50555 108643 8 1889 141220 76824 153184 raffinose renin rennin reserpine resorcinol rhamnose rhodamine ribitol ricinoleic acid rosaniline rutin S 87730 81072 69727 10797 1 111206 57567 83465 83341 110441 90301 111024 57114 103300 56531 100425 110156 saccharic acid saccharin salicylic acid sanidine sarcosine sebacic acid semicarbazide serine sialic acid 8-sitosterol skatole sorbic acid sparteine squalene stearic acid stilbene (trans.) stilbestrol strychnine styrene suberic acid succinic acid T SU29494 SU29494 133379 107357 58220 60548 58559 59438 110021 97778 80682 50895 65714 89838 51489 118967 148038 119937 108883 53598 99207 110883 73223 60184 tannic acid tannin tartaric acid taurine ‘Teflon’ testosterone tetracycline tetrazole thebaine thenoic acid theophylline thiamine thiazepine thiazine thiazole thienyl thiepin thiophene thiuram-E thiuret threonine thrombin thujene thymidine thymine thymol thyroxine TNT B-totopherol o-tolidine toluene tolylene tosy1 TPN trasylol trehalose triazole trioxane tropane trypsin tryptamine tryptophan TSH TSP TUFF tyramine tyrosine Computer Input and the Semantic Organization II5 of Scientific Terms-I TABLE T. SOME COMMON CHEMICALS, MAINLY ORGANIC-continued 93356 66228 57136 51796 69932 58968 U ubiquinone UDP umbelliferone uracil urea urethan uric acid uridine 109524 72184 121335 93072 64028 V valeric acid valine vanillin veratric acid versene 68268 79801 59438 83885 65236 35063 vitamin-A vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin-B, vitamin-B, vltamm-B,, . . 50817 vitamin-C vitamin-D vitamin-D, vitamin-D, vitamin-E vitamin-K, vitamin-K, vitamin-K, vitamin-K, vitamin-PP vitellin 50146 67970 59029 84800 84811 58275 83705 98920 W 81812 Warfarin X 127402 108383 95476 106423 58866 xanthic acid xanthophyll xazepine xylan m-xylene o-xylene p-xylene xylose xyluioSe Y 146485 yohimbine (1) This vocabulary is in no sense complete, and represents only those substances sorted from the material of the first experiment. A comprehensive vocabulary of substances referred to by trivial names would be of the order of 50,000 entries. (2) Only substances which do not reveal their structure by their name have been included; truly systematic names would be placed in vocabulary S. (3) The numbers attached to the names are the CA. registry numbers taken from the SOCMA handbook; undoubtedly, many unnumbered entries in the above vocabulary will have received C.A. registry numbers by now, but no published list of these appears yet to be available. Ideally, there should be a registry number for every distinct compound, thus taking care of the whole of the taxonomic language of the chemical discipline. (4) When a substance has more than one trivial name, as in “ascorbic acid” and “vitamin C”, it will be noted that the same number is used; the numbers characterise structures, not names.
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