Mini Portfolio


Mini Portfolio
hey you!
I am a graphic designer and
semi-professional doodler
from south Louisiana. My
interest in Graphic design
began in 2011 when as a
young crafter, I became a
member of my high school’s
yearbook staff. During my
time at Louisiana Tech
University, I developed many
passions under the design
umbrella such as screen
printing, hand lettering,
typography, and t-shirt
No matter my artistic focus,
I try not to take myself
or others too seriously. I
have learned that nothing I
create will be perfect, that
everything will always be a
work in progress, and that
neither of those things are
bad. I am very hard working
and I’m always on the lookout
for new crafts to learn and
interesting things to make
with my hands. Drop me a line
if you think we can be pals!
adrienne dailey
[email protected]
Ride Ruston
Ride Ruston was a fun project created in an
attempt to get the people of Ruston, Louisiana up
and moving. We wanted them to choose biking on
their commute to work or school to make them
happier and more physically fit without having
to make that much extra time for their workout.
I worked on a team with two other designers to
make this brand easy-going and approachable for
all ages.
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join the conversation on instagram!
Restaurant Cotton
For this project, I paired up with interior design
student Sydne Goldstein and we re-branded
an existing restaurant in a neighboring town.
Essentially, our concept for the design focused on
transition. The restaurant uses local and seasonal
ingredients whenever possible, and our concept is
based on the significance of that and the transition
of these elements between the seasons.
eat local, eat seasonal
Abril Text Light
Abril Text Light Italic
Abril Text Regular
Abril Text Italic
Abril Text Semibold
Abril Text Semibold Italic
Abril Text Bold
Abril Text Bold Italic
Abril Text Extrabold
Abril Text Extrabold Italic
eat local, eat seasonal
The Little Mermaid Poster
This poster of the Little Mermaid was made in my
winter screen printing class. We re-imagined movie
posters in the styles of specific established artists,
and my chosen artist was Zach Hobbs. Known for
his jarring and often collaged pieces, I wanted to
take another look at the movie and put a different
face on it. Thus, the mouth with legs was born.
This piece was a participant in the Annual Masur
Museum of Art in Monroe’s Off The Wall Fundraiser
in 2016 and the Annual Louisiana Tech Student
Show in 2016 and received an honorable mention.
Valentine’s Day Cards
I collaborated with my close friend and fellow letterer Taylor
Hogan to make cards for Valentine’s Day 2016. These cards
are screen printed with white ink on the pink marble and
a split fountain of white and red on the gold marble. The
marble papers are hand duplexed with a back of antique
gold card stock. It was a little scary trying to screen print
on such thin marble paper, but duplexing the paper before
printing solved all of our problems. This project was really
fun and a great self-teaching moment for both of us.
Loud Mouth Brand
Loud Mouth was created as a fun personal
branding in my screen printing class. I chose to
create a little icon and persona for myself rather
than stick to my name without any embellishments.
This project was very fun to work on and play with,
but I don’t know if I would like to be professionally
referred to as “loud mouth.”
Viva La Oxford Comma
& Free Shrugs Shirts
The oxford comma is the final comma in a list of things. It is a stylistic
choice in sentence structure, but many people (including myself) find it
to be essential.
The free shrugs shirt is a screen printed design collaboration of type done
by myself and illustration done by my good friend and amazing artist,
Larry Pleasant. The phrase is a funny spin on the phrase “free hugs.”
Both shirts feature a print that was designed after I saw each phrase set
in really bad type.
Creamos Booklet
I really enjoyed working on this project because it’s
an organization that I really care about and have
spent time with. I have gone on 3 mission trips to
Guatemala and each time we visited safe passage
and its extension of Creamos. I love what they do
and the women that are involved have become
close to my heart.
I made this booklet as a little informational piece
that they can have in their shop and hand out or
mail with purchases.
Louisiana Tech University
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design: May 2016
Taylor Opportunity Program Scholarship Honors Award
Outstanding Student Scholarship 2012-2016
[email protected]
Adobe Creative Cloud
Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Muse
Microsoft Office Suite
Macintosh and Windows operating systems
Screen printing
Wheel throwing
Oral and written communication
talking, baking, knitting,designing
learning, hammocking, making friends
helping others, making lists,
playing cards, eating cheese
AIGA member since 2015
Association of Catholic Tech Students (ACTS) member
since 2012
ACTS retreat team leader 2015 & 2016
American Association of University Women member
since 2016
Guatemala mission trip participant 2013 -2015
Tom Futrell; Asst. Professor Chair of Graphic Design;
(318) 257-2454; [email protected]
Alice Munier: Studio Manager at Papellerie;
(713) 853-6496; [email protected]
Christian Dunn: Asst. Professor of Graphic Design at
Jacksonville State University; (256) 782-5644;
[email protected]
Beehive Outlet
Ruston, Louisiana
Sales Associate, Jewelry Hand Stamper, Ear Piercer
March 2015-May 2016
Responsibilities Include:
Working the register, shoes, clothing, and jewelry
departments. piercing ears, hand stamping jewelry,
helping customers, watching for shoplifting, keeping
work area clean, stocking items, just to name a few.
Houston, Texas
Design/Production Intern
May- July 2015
Responsibilities included: Quality checking and
assembling items, picking up prints, dropping off things
to be trimmed and copied, buying stamps and ribbon,
making direct from client design edits, designing a
monogram, printing addresses on envelopes, taking one
project from design hand off to end production.
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana
Admissions Telerecruiter
October 2012-May 2015
Responsibilities included:
Calling incoming freshmen from a list of students
that provided contact information, encouraging
them to apply for scholarships, reminding them
of upcoming deadlines, and answering
questions about the university.
Dailey’s Fence Company
Crowley, Louisiana
May-August 2014
Responsibilities included: Answering phone calls,
taking fence or gate estimate requests, scheduling
repairs, filing gate operator paperwork,
and customer service
thank you
adrienne dailey
[email protected]