2 - CareTracker


2 - CareTracker
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Table Of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................... 1
Overview ....................................................................................................... 1
Applications .......................................................................................................... 3
Reports Application........................................................................................... 3
Overview ....................................................................................................... 3
History............................................................................................................... 9
Overview ....................................................................................................... 9
Patient Reports ............................................................................................... 11
Overview ..................................................................................................... 11
Patient Report Fields and Features............................................................. 13
How to Create a New Patient Report .......................................................... 17
Referral Authorizations ................................................................................... 19
Overview ..................................................................................................... 19
Primary Referrals ............................................................................................ 20
Overview ..................................................................................................... 20
Primary Location ............................................................................................. 22
Overview ..................................................................................................... 22
Other Reports-Patient ..................................................................................... 23
Overview ..................................................................................................... 23
Summaries .................................................................................................. 25
Provider .......................................................................................................... 31
Overview ..................................................................................................... 31
Time Tracking ................................................................................................. 32
Overview ..................................................................................................... 32
Other Reports-Productivity.............................................................................. 33
Overview ..................................................................................................... 33
Summaries .................................................................................................. 35
Appointment Lists ........................................................................................... 44
Overview ..................................................................................................... 44
How to Print an Appointment List ................................................................ 46
Appointment Detail.......................................................................................... 48
Overview ..................................................................................................... 48
How to Generate Batch Form Letters.......................................................... 50
Check In.......................................................................................................... 52
Overview ..................................................................................................... 52
Encounter Forms ............................................................................................ 53
Overview ..................................................................................................... 53
How to Print Batch Paper Encounter Forms................................................ 55
Out Guides...................................................................................................... 57
Overview ..................................................................................................... 57
How to Print Out Guides.............................................................................. 59
Export ............................................................................................................. 61
Overview ..................................................................................................... 61
Export ............................................................................................................. 63
Table Of Contents
How to Export Appointment Data ................................................................ 63
Other Reports-Scheduling .............................................................................. 67
Overview ..................................................................................................... 67
Summaries .................................................................................................. 69
Easy Query ..................................................................................................... 78
Overview ..................................................................................................... 78
How to Extract Patient Data ........................................................................ 80
Other Reports-Medical Reports ...................................................................... 85
Overview ..................................................................................................... 85
Summaries .................................................................................................. 87
Month End Reports ......................................................................................... 91
Overview ..................................................................................................... 91
Commonly Run Month End Reports............................................................ 95
Month End Report Summaries .................................................................... 96
Month End Report Fields and Features....................................................... 99
How to Create a New Month End Report .................................................. 107
Other Reports-Financial ................................................................................ 109
Overview ................................................................................................... 109
Summaries ................................................................................................ 112
Audit Reports ................................................................................................ 141
Overview ................................................................................................... 141
Audit Report Summaries ........................................................................... 143
Aged A/R Reports by Patient ........................................................................ 147
Overview ................................................................................................... 147
Aged A/R Reports by Responsible Party ...................................................... 149
Overview ................................................................................................... 149
Financial Class.............................................................................................. 151
Overview ................................................................................................... 151
Financial Transaction .................................................................................... 152
Overview ................................................................................................... 152
Location ........................................................................................................ 153
Overview ................................................................................................... 153
Procedure ..................................................................................................... 154
Overview ................................................................................................... 154
Provider ........................................................................................................ 155
Overview ................................................................................................... 155
Group............................................................................................................ 156
Overview ................................................................................................... 156
Batch............................................................................................................. 157
Overview ................................................................................................... 157
All Statements............................................................................................... 158
Overview ................................................................................................... 158
How to Print All Patient Statements........................................................... 158
Todays Journals............................................................................................ 161
Overview ................................................................................................... 161
Filter Options ............................................................................................. 162
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
How to Run a Journal ................................................................................ 166
Historical Journals......................................................................................... 169
Overview ................................................................................................... 169
Journal Filter Options ................................................................................ 170
How to Run a Journal ................................................................................ 174
Journal Summary.......................................................................................... 177
Overview ................................................................................................... 177
Journal Summary Options ......................................................................... 179
Referrals/Authorizations Expired (Ref/Auth Expired) .................................... 181
Overview ................................................................................................... 181
Financial Rollup Reports ............................................................................... 183
Overview ................................................................................................... 183
Financial Rollup Report Fields................................................................... 184
How to Run a Financial Rollup Report ...................................................... 187
Service Month Financial Rollup Report ......................................................... 190
Overview ................................................................................................... 190
Service Month Financial Rollup Report Fields........................................... 191
How to Run a Service Month Financial Rollup Report............................... 194
Report Folders .............................................................................................. 197
Overview ................................................................................................... 197
How to Create a Report Folder.................................................................. 199
How to Rename a Report Folder............................................................... 201
How to Add/Remove Operators Access .................................................... 202
How to Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder ..................................................... 204
Report Stacker .............................................................................................. 206
Overview ................................................................................................... 206
How to Create a Report Stack................................................................... 208
How to Generate a Report Stack............................................................... 210
How to Add/Remove a Report to a Report Stack ...................................... 212
Published Reports......................................................................................... 214
Overview ................................................................................................... 214
Published Reports' Features ..................................................................... 216
Reports Module
In the Reports Module, you can access any report that needs to be generated
and view previously generated and published reports. Report types that can
be generated include To Do Reports, Patient Reports, Productivity Reports,
Scheduling Reports, Medical Reports, and Financial Reports. When a report is
generated you are often given the option of publishing the report which would
save the report in CareTracker. Accessing published reports is accomplished
in this module in the Published Reports application. Folders can be built to
control who has access to published reports. For each folder, specific
permissions are set by operator to determine who can view the reports that
have been published into that folder. Reports can also be stacked (grouped)
together and generated all at one time. For example, if you run the same
month end reports at the end of every month, you could create a month end
stack and are then able to generate that stack of reports each month instead of
having to generate each report individually.
Within the Reports Module, there are four applications: Reports, Folders,
Stacker, and Published Reports
Some reports generated in the Reports application only use
up to the previous day's data while others include the current
day's data.
Application Summaries:
Reports- All reports that can be generated and printed from CareTracker
including, Month End Reports, are accessible in this application, and there
are six categories of reports; To Do Reports, Patient Reports, Productivity
Reports, Scheduling Reports, Medical Reports, and Financial Reports.
Folders- In this application you can build report folders which allow you to
organize your reports published and archived in the Published Reports
application as well as limit the operators who will have access to particular
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
reports. When a Month End Report, Other Report, Audit Report or Patient
Report is generated, you can select a particular folder for the report to be
published in.
Stacker- When you generate the same reports repetitively, you can create
a report stack or group of reports to generate all at one time instead of
having to generate each report individually. Report stacks are created in
the Report Stacker application of the Reports Module. Along with Month
End Reports, Patient Reports (Patient List, Patient Detail, and Patient Data
Extract) can be added to a report stack. Also, if you have created a
customized Month End or Patient Report that you have saved, that
customized report can be added to a report stack.
Published Reports- Month End Reports, Full Write Off Reports, and Other
Reports are published by default when they are generated and are stored in
this application to be viewed and/or printed.
Reports Module
Reports Application
There are six categories of reports that can be generated from the Reports
application including, To Do Reports, Patient Reports, Productivity Reports,
Scheduling Reports, Medical Reports and Financial Reports. By clicking on
any link, the corresponding report can be generated in CareTracker and in
some cases, can also be published in the Published Reports application.
Many of the reports have filters that can be used to filter the information that is
included in the report you are generating.
Reports generated from the Reports application are group specific. For multigroup practices this means that when a report is generated it will only include
data from the groups to which you have access.
Report Summaries:
To Do Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
History- By clicking this link a report of all To Dos sent and received in
CareTracker can be run. From the report, a response to a To Do can be
saved, a To Do can be transferred, or a To Do can be closed.
Patient Reports
Referrals Authorizations- This report helps you manage soon to be
expiring and expired authorizations for your practice. The report shows the
patient’s name and ID, the authorization number, the referring provider, the
referred to provider, the active from and to dates for the authorization, and
the number of authorized visits remaining.
Primary Referrals- The purpose of this report is to determine the amount
of revenue a practice is generating based upon a patient’s referral source.
The report shows the total amount of charges, payments, and adjustments
for each patient referred by a primary referral source from the patient’s
demographic record. The report can be generated by the primary referral
type (i.e. the yellow pages) or by the referring provider and can include a
list of each patient referred by the referral source or it can provide grand
totals only.
Other Reports- These reports provide you with useful patient information
including lists of patients based on gender and patient status and a patient
list based on status which includes their chart number. When running
patient Other Reports limited filters are available to manipulate the data.
Patient Other Reports will not include the current day's data.
Productivity Reports
Provider- Provider production analysis reports include all CPT codes
entered into the system, a description of the code, the total count for the
code, the fee, the average fee, and the RVU and can be run by clicking on
the Provider link. Specific data to include in a production analysis reports
can be set including a specific service, billing, or referring providers,
procedure class, procedure, location, group, insurance company, insurance
plan, diagnosis, or can be run to only include CPT count, fees, average fee,
and RVU totals
Time Tracking- This report calculates the number of hours an operator has
worked and tracks the type of tasks which the operator has worked. The
Time Tracking report shows the operator’s name, date, the duration of time
spent upon each task, the type of task which was worked on, any notes
linked to a task, and the total amount of hours the operator worked.
Other Reports- These reports provide you with useful practice productivity
information including, patients flagged for holding statements, location
facility numbers, and an operator activity log. When running productivity
Other Reports limited filters are available to manipulate the data.
Productivity Other Reports will not include the current day's data.
Scheduling Reports
Appointment List- A neat, easy to read list of appointments scheduled for
a day can be printed from this link. Appointment lists can be printed for a
specific provider, a specific location or a specific appointment type and can
be sorted alphabetically by patient to pull patient charts or by appointment
Appointment Detail- From this link an abbreviated appointment list can be
generated for all scheduled appointments for a particular date of service.
The filter and sort options are identical to the Appointment List, however,
the report output is streamlined and is often used for the provider’s in a
practice. The Appointment Detail report can also be used to identify any
patients who have canceled or missed appointments. From the
appointment list or canceled/missed appointment list that is generated, form
letters can be generated.
Check In- This report shows the time of each scheduled appointment, the
patient’s name, the resource the appointment is scheduled with, and then
the corresponding check in, take back, and check out time for each
appointment. From the Check In report, you can electronically 'Check In',
'Take Back', and 'Check Out' patients. This report is refreshed periodically
so the clinical staff can easily see whether a patient has checked in and
what time they arrived at the office. This can be a very useful tool in
managing patient flow within your practice.
Encounter Forms (Batch)- From this link, batches of paper encounter
forms for all patients with a scheduled appointment on a particular date of
service can be printed. Each encounter form contains your practice's most
common CPT and ICD-9 codes for the provider to indicate what services
were performed during each patient visit. The encounter forms can be
printed for a specific provider or for a specific location and are often printed
the day before the patient’s visit.
Out Guides- From this link, out guides can be printed and used to mark the
place of charts that have been pulled from your medical records for
Export- From this link you can format and export the appointment data for
all scheduled appointments into several different formats.
Other Reports- These reports provide you with useful scheduling
information to help manage your practice including, active and pending
patient authorizations, location productivity, and provider productivity.
Limited filters are available for these reports. Scheduling Other Reports will
not include the current day's data.
Medical Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Easy Query- Address labels for patients that match criteria you set,
including but not limited to, date of birth, registration date, procedures
received, or diagnosis codes, can be generated by clicking on this link.
There are numerous filter options available for the easy query to help
identify the patients that you are looking for.
PQRI Reports - PQRI establishes a financial incentive for physicians and
other health practitioners to participate in a voluntary quality reporting
program. Eligible professionals who successfully report data for a
designated set of quality measures may earn a bonus payment, subject to a
cap, of 1.5 percent. This incentive is based on all allowable charges for
services provided under Medicare Physician Fee Schedule between July 1
and December 31, 2007. There are 74 Quality Measures being included in
the PQRI program. You can generate a report for each 74 measures using
Financial Reports
Month End Reports- The Month End Reports link is a powerful tool that
will provide you with numerous sorting and filtering options to create month
end reports that are critical for your practice. There are seven different
types of Month End Reports you can choose to run. For each report there
are a variety of saved reports you can choose to generate or modify.
However, you always have the option of creating and saving your own
report using the filter and sorting options that are available. Month End
Reports will not include the current day's data.
Other Reports- These reports provide additional information to help you
manage your practice. The Payment Lag report and the Payer Mix report
are examples of the reports available. Limited filters options are available
for these reports. Financial Other Reports will not include the current day's
Audit Reports- These reports can be used to help support any compliance
plan that has been implemented in your practice. For example, you can
monitor the coding patterns of the providers in your practice and compare
them to national averages in your specialty; you can monitor on a regular
basis the list of operators who have access to CareTracker and you can
also easily identify credit balances that are owed to insurance companies.
Limited filter options are available for these reports and typically a date
range or specific information may be required when generating Audit
Aged A/R By Patient- This report lists the patients that make up your
accounts receivable. The report displays the patient’s ID, the patient’s
name, the insurance plan the balance is outstanding to, the amount of
money that is outstanding and the age of the balance. The report can be
generated for specific financial classes, insurance plans or providers. The
balances can be aged based on the billing date or service date and once
the report has been generated, it can be sorted by any of the columns
identified on the report by clicking on the column heading. This report will
not include the current day's data.
Aged A/R By Responsible Party-This report lists the responsible parties
that make up your accounts receivable. The report displays the responsible
party ID, the responsible party name, the insurance plan the balance is
outstanding to, the amount of money that is outstanding and the age of the
balance. The report can be generated for specific financial classes,
insurance plans or providers. The balances can be aged based on the
billing date or service date and once the report has been generated, it can
be sorted by any of the columns identified on the report by clicking on the
column heading. This report will not include the current day's data.
Financial Class- This report provides a summary of the charges, payments
and adjustments for your group broken down by financial class for a
specific period or service month. This report will not include the current
day's data.
Financial Transactions- This report provides a summary of the charges,
payments and adjustments for you group broken down by financial
transaction for a specific period or service month. This report will not
include the current day's data.
Location- This report provides a summary of the charges, payments and
adjustments for your group broken down by location for a specific period or
service month. This report will not include the current day's data.
Procedure- This report provides a summary of the charges, payments and
adjustments for your group broken down by procedure code for a specific
period or service month. This report will not include the current day's data.
Provider- This report provides a summary of the charges, payments and
adjustments for your group broken down by billing or servicing provider for
a specific period or service month. This report will not include the current
day's data.
Group- This report provides a summary of the charges, payments and
adjustments for your group for a specific period and year. The report can
be generated for all financial transactions or for just unapplied transactions.
This report will not include the current day's data.
Batch- This report provides a summary of the charges payments and
adjustments associated with each batch in your group for a specific period
and year. The report can be generated for all financial transactions or for
just unapplied transactions. This report will not include the current day's
All Statements- From this link, you can print patient statements that have
been generated in CareTracker.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Todays Journals- Running a journal before posting a batch helps you
identify any errors that may have been made while entering financial
transactions into CareTracker. The journal provides a list of transactions
(charges, payments, and adjustments) that are associated with each batch.
From this link any journal that has not been posted may be run. It is highly
recommended that all operators balance the amount of money they have
posted into CareTracker before their batch is posted.
Historical Journals- From this link, a journal can be run for any batch that
has been posted. The journal will provide a list of transactions (charges,
payments, and adjustments) associated with a specific batch.
Journal Summary- A journal summary provides a summary of charges,
payments and adjustments broken out by provider, location, payer, batch
and transaction. The journal summary can be run for a specific batch or
multiple batches (up to 50 batches) or for a specific period.
Ref/Auth Expired- This report shows every patient who has a
referral/authorization saved in CareTracker that will expire within a specified
duration and is useful in helping your practice manage referrals and
Financial Rollup- This report shows charges, payments and adjustments
for a particular period and can be generated by group, by billing or servicing
provider, by location, by financial class, by procedure or procedure class, or
by referring provider. You can filter what information to include or exclude
in the report and once the report has been generated, you can export the
detail of the report into Microsoft Excel. This report will not include the
current day's data.
Service Month Financial Rollup- This report shows charges, payments
and adjustments and can be filtered to include or exclude specific locations,
procedures or procedure classes, billing, servicing or referring providers, or
financial classes. The report is based on service month and once it has
been generated, you can export the detail of the report into Microsoft Excel.
This report will not include the current day's data.
Reports Module
A report of all To Do's sent and received in CareTracker can be run by clicking
on the History link under the To Do section of the Reports application in the
Reports Module. A response to a To Do can be saved, a To Do can be
transferred, or a To Do can be closed from a generated To Do History report.
Responding to, transferring, and closing To Do's from the To Do History report
all function the same as when taking action on a To Do by clicking on the To
Do link under the My Lists section of the Dashboard in the Messages Module.
Several filters can be set when running a To Do History report. Click on the
green plus sign and the following filters will display: Type, Reason, Status,
Operator, Create Date range, Due Date range, Closed Date range, and Age.
Click on the desired filter or filters and click the Go button to generate the To
Do History report.
Use the [Ctrl] or [Shift] keys to select multiple filter values.
When no filters are selected, the To Do History report will default to include all
To Dos with a ‘Type’ of ‘Log’, ‘Support’, ‘Support Hardware’ and ‘Support
Software’ and an ‘Open’ status.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Related Topics: To Do Overview (Messages Module); How to Transfer a To Do (Messages Module);
How to Close a To Do (Messages Module); To Do Overview (Name Bar); Parts of the To Do Screen
(Name Bar); How to Log a To Do (Name Bar); Support Overview (Messages Module); Patient
Overview (Messages Module)
Reports Module
Patient Reports
There are three Patient Reports you can run by clicking on the Patient Reports
link under the Patient Reports heading in the Reports application of the
Reports Module. The reports are: "Patient Data Extract," "Patient Detail," and
"Patient List." There are no specific Patient Reports that you are required to
run in CareTracker, rather the Patient Reports you will run are determined by
the patient information you need to see and your practice's needs.
You have the ability to create stacks of Patient Reports that can be
generated all at one time in the Report Stacker application of the
Reports Module.
For each type of Patient Report, i.e., "Patient List," you have the option of
creating a new report that you can build with specific report options, filters,
group by, and order by options. A new report you create can be saved so that,
next month you can run the report again, and it will be listed in the "Saved"
field drop-down list when you select the type of financial report it is from the
"Financial Report" field drop-down list.
Only the operator who creates a report will be able to delete it
from the list of Saved reports
"Group By" and "Order By" options determine how the Patient Report's
information will be grouped and, within each grouping, how the information will
be ordered. Patient Reports can only be grouped by ‘Parent Company’ but can
be ordered by ‘DOB’, ‘Patient Name’, 'Provider’ or ‘Referring Provider’.
Report options determine the information that displays when the Patient Report
is generated, i.e., cover page. Available report options for Patient Reports
include, report title, header, footer, cover page, and, when a cover page is
included, if your company’s address appears on it. All saved Patient Reports
are set with the default report options, ‘Show Cover Page’ and ‘Show Company
Address on Cover Page’ however, default report options can be removed
and/or additional report options can be added. It is recommended that 'Cover
Page' always remain as a report option or be selected as a report option when
you are creating a new report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Filters are used to narrow the data that will be included on the Patient Report
and are generally very specific. For example, a filter can be set on Patient
Reports so only CPT codes that begin with specific numbers will be included or
a specific provider can be selected so only they will be included. Several of
the filters allow you to select include or exclude options from lists, i.e., provider,
and others require you enter a range of data to include, i.e., encounter date.
Default filters for saved reports can be edited or deleted and/or additional
filters can be added. Filters are considered “and” statements not “or”
statements therefore, all filter options selected must be satisfied for the data to
qualify for the report.
The recommended, default format for Patient Reports to be generated in is
Adobe (PDF). Typically, the report format should not be changed however, a
different format type can be selected from the "Format" field drop-down list.
Available formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), Rich
Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) or Comma Separated
Valued (CSV).
All Patient Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of
the Reports Module where they are accessible to view and print at any time
until they are deleted by the original operator who generated it. Click in the
"Publish" field before generating the report and the report and when the report
has finished generating, it will be saved in the Published Reports application.
You can determine which operators will have access to the published report
by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of the Reports
See: Patient Report Fields and Features, How to Create a New Patient Report
Related Topic: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Patient Reports
Patient Report Fields and Features
Regardless of the type of financial report you are running for a Patient Report
or if you are creating a new Patient Report, the report options, filters, group by,
and order by options you can utilize are the same.
Patient Report
There are three types of reports that can be selected to run for a Patient
Report including, "Patient Data Extract," "Patient Detail," and "Patient List." A
report to run must be selected from the "Patient Report" field drop-down list.
When a report is selected, you can then choose a saved report in CareTracker
to run or you can create a new report.
When a report is selected from the "Patient Report" field drop-down list, a list of
saved reports that are available will display from the "Saved" field drop-down
list. For example, if you select 'Patient Detail' from the "Patient Report" field
drop-down list, all of the saved 'Patient Detail' report options in CareTracker
will be listed in the "Saved" field drop-down list including, 'Patient Detail-Patient
Status Bad Address'. If you are creating a new report, you can select 'New'
from the "Saved" field drop-down list and click on the Show Options button.
Show Options
When you are creating a new report, click on the Show Options button after
you have selected the type of financial report you are creating from the "Patient
Report" field drop-down list.
Group By/Order By
"Group By" and "Order By" options determine how the Patient Report's
information will be grouped and, within each grouping, how the information will
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
be ordered. Patient Reports can only be grouped by ‘Parent Company’ but can
be ordered by ‘DOB’, ‘Patient Name’, 'Provider’ or ‘Referring Provider’.
When a report is generated, "Group By" and "Order By" options can be listed
ascending or descending which you determine by selecting Asc or Desc next
to each "Order By" field.
Report Options
Report options determine the information that displays when the Patient Report
is generated, i.e., cover page. Available report options for Patient Reports
include, report title, header, footer, cover page, and, when a cover page is
included, if your company’s address appears on it. All saved Patient Reports
are set with the default report options, ‘Show Cover Page’ and ‘Show Company
Address on Cover Page’ however, default report options can be removed
and/or additional report options can be added. It is recommended that 'Cover
Page' always remain as a report option or be selected as a report option when
you are creating a new report.
To add a report option, click on the Set button and the Report Options pop-up
window displays. The All Reports section of the Report Options pop-up
window is universal to all Patient Reports, and in this section you can title the
report, denote headers and/or footers, determine which pages headers and
footers appear on if applicable, determine whether or not the report will have a
cover page, and whether or not the company address will appear on the cover
page. It is recommended that 'Show Cover Page' always remain as a report
option for saved reports or be selected as a report option if you are creating a
new report.
When report options have been added or removed, click on the OK button to
apply those changes to the report you are generating. All selected report
options are listed in the "Report Options" field. An option can be removed by
clicking on an option which highlights it in blue and then clicking the Delete
Filters are used to narrow the data that will be included on the Patient Report
and are generally very specific. For example, a filter can be set on Patient
Reports so only CPT codes that begin with specific numbers will be included or
a specific provider can be selected so only they will be included. Several of
the filters allow you to select include or exclude options from lists, i.e., provider,
and others require you enter a range of data to include, i.e., encounter date.
Default filters for saved reports can be edited or deleted and/or additional
filters can be added. Filters are considered “and” statements not “or”
statements therefore, all filter options selected must be satisfied for the data to
qualify for the report.
When the Add button is clicked, the Report Filters pop up window displays,
and in this pop-up you can add report filters. From the “Column” field dropdown list, select the type of filter you need to add. Filter types include,
'Provider', ‘Diagnosis Code’, ‘Registration Date' and ‘Insurance Plan’. When a
type of filter is selected from the "Column" field drop-down list, new fields
display relative to the selected filter where the actual information to include or
exclude is selected. For example, if ‘Provider’ is selected in the "Column" field,
a list of your group’s providers will display, and from this list, you determine the
providers to include or exclude in the report you are generating. Some filter
types require values, e.g., equal to, between, greater than, or less than, be set
to determine the information that is included in the report you are generating,
i.e., 'Registration Date'.
When a filter type has been selected and the information to include or exclude
has been set, click on the Add button, and the Report Filters pop-up window
remains open in order for you to add additional filters if needed. If no more
filters need to be added, click on the Close button. All set filters on the report
you are generating are listed in the "Filters" field.
To edit an existing filter, click on the filter you need to edit which highlights it in
blue and click on the Edit button. When the Edit button is clicked, the Report
filters pop-up window displays with the selected filters information. Edit the
filter as needed, click on the Save button, and then click on the Close button to
close the pop-up.
A filter can be removed by clicking on the filter in the "Filter" box which
highlights it in blue and then clicking on the Delete button.
The recommended, default format for Patient Reports is Adobe (PDF).
Typically, the report format should not be changed however, a different format
type can be selected from the "Format" field drop-down list. Available formats
include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), Rich Text (RTF),
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) or Comma Separated Valued (CSV).
All Patient Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of
the Reports Module where they are accessible to view and print at any time
until they are deleted by the original operator who generated it. Click in the
"Publish" field before generating the report and the report and when the report
has finished generating, it will be saved in the Published Reports application.
If the report you are generating needs to be saved in a specific folder, select
the folder from the "Folder" field drop-down list. Folders and are built in the
Reports Folders application of the Reports Module and who has access to the
folder is also determined in this application. When a report is published into a
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
particular folder, only those with permissions will be able to view it. If a folder
is not selected, the report will be published at the group level.
Generate Report
When all report filters, options, "Group By," and "Order By" options have been
set, click on the Generate Report button, to generate the selected report.
See: How to Create a New Patient Report
Related Topics: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Patient Reports
How to Create a New Patient Report
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Patient Reports link under the Patient Reports section of the
Reports application.
3. Select the type of report you want to create from the "Patient Report" field
drop-down list, i.e. 'Patient Detail'.
4. Leave 'New' selected in the "Saved" field.
5. Click on the Show Options button.
6. When the Show Options button is clicked, the Group By section, Order By
section, Report Options section, and Filters section display. Select 'Parent
Company' from the "Group By" field and determine how you need to order your
report using the "Order By" field drop downs.
7. Click on the Set button next to the "Report Options" field.
8. When the Set button is clicked, the Report Options pop-up window displays.
Select 'Yes' to "Show Cover Page" as a report option. Select any other report
options needed for your report, i.e., title, headers, or footers.
9. Click on the OK button located at the bottom of the Report Options pop-up
window when all of the desired report options have been selected.
10. Click on the Add button next to the "Filters" field to select needed filter
types and filter values to include or exclude on the report you are generating.
11. When the Add button is clicked, the Report Filters pop-up window displays.
From the "Column" field drop-down list, select what type of filter you would like
to have set and when a type of filter is selected, then enter the specific
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
information you would like to include or exclude relative to the filter type you
selected. For example, if you selected 'Provider' from the "Column" field dropdown list, you would then need to click on the provider's to include or exclude
on your Patient Report. Click on the Add button in the Reports Filters pop-up
window to add the filter to your report.
12. Click on the Close button when you have selected all desired filters.
13. Verify that a check mark displays in the "Save Settings" box so the Patient
Report you created will be saved in CareTracker for future use.
14. Click in the "Publish" box so your report will be saved in the Published
Reports application once it has been generated.
15. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within the
Published Reports application, select the folder from the "Folder" field dropdown list. If a folder is not selected, the report will be published at the group
16 Double check your group by fields, order by fields, report options, and filter.
When everything needed is set, click on the Generate Report button and your
Patient Report will begin generating.
17. Click on the Published Reports application to view your report. Note: It
may take several minutes for your report to be published.
18. Click on the name of your report and a File Download pop-up box will
display. Click on the Open button to view your report.
See: Patient Report Fields and Features
Related Topics: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Referral Authorizations
Running a Referral Authorization report helps to manage soon to be expiring
and expired authorizations for your patients and can be run by clicking on the
Referral Authorization link under the Patient Reports section of the Reports
application. A Referral Authorization report shows the patient’s name and ID,
the authorization number, the referring provider, the referred to provider, the
active from and to date for the authorization, and the number of authorized
visits remaining.
A Referral Authorization report can be run for a specific beginning date range,
ending date range, range of number of visits remaining, for a specific referring
provider, a specific referred to provider, or for a specific authorization number.
to search the provider. The report can be
If a provider is not on the list click
sorted by patient name or ID, by the referred by provider or the referred from
provider or by the number of visits remaining. From the Referral Authorization
report, you can click on each patient included on the report and the patient will
be brought into your Name Bar.
Related Topics: Referrals Authorization Overview (Patient Module); How to Add a
Referral/Authorization (Patient Module); Auth Overview (Name Bar); Ref/Auth Expired (Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Primary Referrals
The purpose of the Primary Referrals report is to determine the amount of
revenue a practice is generating based upon a patient’s referral source. The
report shows the total amount of charges, payments, and adjustments for each
patient referred by a primary referral source from the patient’s demographic
record and also the total count of patients for each referral source. The report
can be generated by the primary referral type (i.e. the yellow pages) or by an
actual referring provider and can include a list of each patient referred by the
referral source or it can provide grand totals only.
Report options available when running a Primary Referral report include a
patient registration date range, whether you would like totals only or a list of
patients and the referral types you would like the report to be generated for. To
see a total of the number of referrals from each source you need to click in the
"Show Totals Only" check box. Notice if you click on the ‘Other’ Referral Type
box, the providers listed in the ‘Providers’ drop down list box will be grayed out
and vice versa. Once you have selected the referral type, then you can select
either (All) of the options from that drop down list box or you can click on a
specific referral source to generate the report for. Click on the Generate
button to produce the desired report.
This report can help you determine if the advertisement your practice placed in
the yellow pages was cost effective or it can help you identify the patients a
specific referring provider has referred to your practice.
Related Topics: Referrals Authorization Overview (Patient Module); How to Add a
Referral/Authorization (Patient Module); Auth Overview (Name Bar); Ref/Auth Expired (Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Primary Location
The Primary Location report provides open balance amounts, the total amount
of charges, payments and adjustments, and servicing location broken down by
primary locations for your practice and can be run by clicking on the Primary
Location link under the Patient Reports section of the Reports application. A
patient's primary location (where they are most often seemed) is indicated by
the "Primary Location" field in the Details application of the Patient Module.
Reports Module
Other Reports-Patient
Patient Other Reports provide you with useful patient information and are
accessible by clicking on the Other Reports link under the Patient Reports
heading of the Reports application. A date range is required for most of the
Other Reports, and some require specific filters to include relative to the type of
report you are running, e.g. gender, transaction type, or modifier.
Date parameters are typically entered in MM/DD/YYYY format
however, on several of the Other Reports, you are required to
indicate a year and period to run the report for. The date should be
entered in YYYY/P format.
The Other Reports have a default format that the report should be generated
in. Possible formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) and
Comma Separated Value (CSV). Typically, the report format is not changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down
list if advanced data manipulation is required.
Other Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Other Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Other Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Other Reports only include up to the previous day's data.
The Patient Other Reports are:
Authorization Report with Plan
With Numbers
Chart Number Listing
Patient Consent
Patient Count by Age and
See: Patient Other Report Summaries
Patient Count by Zip Code
Patient Expected Delivery Date
Patient Pharmacy Report
Patients by Insurance Plan
Patients by Status
Reports Module
Other Reports-Patient
Authorization Report with Plan Numbers
The “Authorization Report with Plan Numbers” provides you with a detailed list
of all your patients who have a pending authorization. This report includes the
patient’s account number, authorization number, diagnosis notes linked to the
authorization, procedures notes inked to the authorization, authorization notes
linked to the authorization, patient’s name, insurance plan name, subscriber
number, referring provider, referring provider’s UPIN, referring provider’s
group, provider the patient was referred to, UPIN of the provider the patient
was referred to, group of the provider the patient was referred to, referred to
provider’s insurance number, authorization date from, the authorization’s valid
from and to dates, the number of visits remaining, and/or the authorization
To run the “Authorization Report with Plan Numbers” a type of authorization,
‘All’ or 'Pending’, needs to be selected. When ‘All’ is selected, the
“Authorization Report with Plan Numbers” will include all open, active patient
authorizations. When ‘Pending’ is selected, only authorization with a
‘PENDING’ authorization number will be included in the "Authorization Report
with Plan Numbers.”
The recommended default format for the "Authorization Report with Plan
Numbers" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Chart Number Listings
The "Chart Number Listings" report shows a comprehensive list of chart
numbers for your practice including each patient’s last name, first name,
account number, and status, and is a useful report to have on hand as a quick
reference. The chart number may be the patient’s medical record number if
you file charts numerically in your practice or if you recently converted to
CareTracker the chart number will be the patient’s account number from your
previous practice management system.
Specific patient statuses must be selected in order to generate the "Chart
Number Listing" report, and there are two ways to select statuses to include,
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
either by clicking on the patient status description listed in the "Select Item to
Add to List" field, or by manually entering the patient status description in the
"Enter Status Description" field and clicking on the Add button. All selected
patient status descriptions that will be included in the Chart Number Listing
report you are generating will be listed in the “Status Description Values” box.
To de-select a status, double-click on it in “Status Description Values” box. At
least one status description must be selected to run the "Chart Number Listing"
The recommended default format for the "Chart Number Listing" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patient Consent
The purpose of the "Patient Consent" report is to provide you with a list of
patients with a consent date based on date of service and the corresponding
CPT code (s) for the date of service. This report includes the patient's account
number, the patient's name, the date the patient's consent was entered in
CareTracker, the patient's service date, the CPT code (s) that correspond to
the date of service, and the location where services were rendered.
A range of CPT codes and a date range must be selected in order to generate
the "Patient Consent" report. CPT code parameters can be set by entering the
starting CPT code in the “Enter the CPT Begin” field and entering the ending
CPT code in the "Enter the CPT End” field. Only CPT codes within this CPT
Code range will be included in the.
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter
Beginning CPT Code" field and '99999' in the "Enter the End
CPT Code" field.
A date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only
patient consents given within this date range will be included when the "Patient
Consent" report is run.
The recommended default format for the "Patient Consent" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patient Count by Age and Gender
The "Patient Count by Age and Gender" report provides you with a count of
patients based on age and gender. This report is helpful to practices to
determine their patient population for either marketing purposes or for
negotiating reimbursement contracts with HMOs.
A specific gender and age range must be selected in order to run the "Patient
Count by Age and Gender" report. There are two ways to select a gender,
either by clicking on the gender, i.e., F, M, or U, listed in the "Select Item to
Add to List" box, or by manually entering the gender in the "Enter the Gender"
field and clicking on the Add button. All selected genders to be included in the
"Patient Count by Age and Gender" report will be listed in the "Gender Values"
box. To de-select a gender, double-click on it in the "Gender Values" box. At
least one gender must be selected in order to run the report.
An age range of patients to include in the "Patient Count by Age and Gender"
report can be set by entering the starting age parameter in the “Enter the Begin
Age” field and entering the ending age parameter in the “Enter the End Age”
field. Only patients within this age range will be included in the count this
report will provide you with.
To include all patients, enter 1 in the "Enter the Begin Age"
field and 99.9 in the "Enter the End Age" field.
The recommended default format for the "Patient Count by Age and Gender"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Patient Count by Zip Code
The "Patient Count by Zip Code" report provides you with a count of patients
by zip code for each provider. At least one provider must be selected in order
to generate this report. There are two ways to select a provider to include in
the "Patient Count by Zip Code" report, either by clicking on the provider's ID
number listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by manually enter the
provider's ID number in the "Enter the Provider ID" field and clicking on the
Add button. All selected providers to be included in the "Patient Count by Zip
Code" report will be listed in the "Provider ID Values" box. To de-select a
provider, double-click on their provider ID number in the "Provider ID Values"
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The recommended default format for the "Patient Count by Zip Code" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patient Expected Delivery Date
The "Patient Expected Delivery Date" report provides a comprehensive list of
all patients with an expected delivery date within a specific date range and the
status of their delivery. This report includes the patient's name, expected
delivery date, the primary location at which they were seen, their servicing
provider, their billing provider, any notes attached to their delivery, and the
status of their delivery; open, closed, or transferred. The "Patient Expected
Delivery Date" report is helpful in ensuring all deliveries have been billed out
accordingly and is also helpful in projecting future cash flow.
A location, delivery status, and date range must be selected in order to run the
"Patient Expected Delivery Date" report. There are two ways to select a
location, either by clicking on the location listed in the "Select Item to Add to
List" box, or by manually enter the location in the "Enter the Location" field and
clicking on the Add button. All selected locations to be included in the "Patient
Expected Delivery Date" report will be listed in the "Location Values" box. To
de-select a location, double-click on the location name listed in the "Location
Values" box. At least one location must be selected in order to run the report.
Only one delivery status, 'Open', 'Closed', or 'Transferred' can be selected
when running the "Patient Expected Delivery Date" report. There are two ways
to select a delivery status, either by clicking on one of the three statuses listed
in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by manually entering the status, e.g.,
Open, in the "Enter the Status" field.
A date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only
patient with an expected delivery date within this date range will be included in
the "Patient Expected Delivery Date" report.
The recommended default format for the "Patient Expected Delivery Date"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Patient Pharmacy Report
The "Patient Pharmacy Report" provides a list of all active patients and their
pharmacy information saved in CareTracker. Pharmacy information can either
be entered for the patient in the Other application of the Patient Module or in
the Rx application of the Clinical Module as a provider writes a prescription for
the patient. This report includes patient account ID, patient name, pharmacy
name, address, phone number and fax number. There are no available filters
to set when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Patient Expected Delivery Date"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Patients by Insurance Plan
The "Patients by Insurance Plan" report provides a list of patients with a
particular primary insurance as well as a particular secondary insurance. This
report includes each patient's name, account number, primary insurance, and
secondary insurance.
Several fields need to be selected to generate the Patients by Insurance Plan
report; a beginning date, primary insurance, and secondary insurance. A
beginning date can be entered in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and only
patients with the active primary insurance and secondary insurance you select
after this beginning date will be included in the report.
The primary insurance and secondary insurances you would like to include in
this report need to be entered in the "Enter the Primary Insurance" and "Enter
the Secondary Insurance" fields respectively. Only patients with the active
primary insurance and secondary insurance entered will be included in this
The recommended default format for the "Patients by Insurance Plan" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patients by Status
The "Patients by Status" report shows a count of patients based on the patient
status, age and gender. The patient’s status is indicated in the “Status” field on
their demographic record.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
A specific gender, patient status description, and age range must be selected
in order to run the "Patient by Status" report. There are two ways to select a
gender, either by clicking on the gender, i.e., F, M, or U, listed in the "Select
Item to Add to List" box, or by manually entering the gender in the "Enter the
Gender" field and clicking on the Add button. All selected genders to be
included in the "Patient by Status" report will be listed in the "Gender Values"
box. To de-select a gender, double-click on it in the "Gender Values" box. At
least one gender must be selected in order to run the report.
There are two ways to select a patient status description to include in the
"Patient by Status" report, either by clicking on the status, i.e., 'Active',
'Deceased,' or 'Collections' listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" field, or by
manually entering the patient status description in the "Enter the Patient
Status" field and clicking on the Add button. You can select as many statuses
as necessary. All selected patient status descriptions to be included in the
report will be listed in the "Patient Status Values" field. To de-select a patient
status, double-click on it in the "Patient Status Values" field. At least one
status description must be selected in order to run the report.
An age range of patients to include in the "Patients by Status" report can be set
by entering the starting age parameter in the “Enter the Begin Age” field and
entering the ending age parameter in the “Enter the End Age” field.
The recommended default format for the "Patients by Status Report" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Reports Module
Production analysis reports can be generated in CareTracker by clicking on the
Provider link under the Productivity section of the Reports application.
Production analysis reports include all CPT codes entered into the system, a
description of the code, the total count for the code, the fee, the average fee,
and the RVU. Specific data to include in a production analysis reports can be
set including a specific service, billing, or referring providers, procedure class,
procedure, location, group, insurance company, insurance plan, diagnosis, or
can be run to only include CPT count, fees, average fee, and RVU totals. You
can also set the duration for which to run a production analysis report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Time Tracking
This report calculates the number of hours an operator has worked and tracks
the type of tasks which the operator has worked. The Time Tracking report
shows the operator’s name, date, the duration of time spent upon each task,
the type of task which was worked on, any notes linked to a task, and the total
amount of hours the operator worked.
Several filters can be set when running a Time Tracking report, click on the
green plus sign to drill down into the specific filters. The filters include; start
date, end date, operator, and type. The Time Tracking report can be
summarized by ‘Day’, ‘Week,’ ‘Month’ or ‘No Summary’ and can be grouped by
‘Operator’, ‘Type’, or ‘All’. When all filters have been selected, click on Show
Summary button.
CareTracker operators who wish to track their hours worked and the type of
tasks which they worked on can do so by clicking on the Time Tracking link
under the Management section of the Dashboard in the Messages Module.
Related Topic: Time Tracking Overview (Messages Module); How to Use Time Tracking (Messages
Reports Module
Other Reports-Productivity
Productivity Other Reports provide you with useful practice productivity
information and all eleven productivity Other Reports are accessible by clicking
on the Other Reports link under the Productivity Reports heading of the
Reports application. A date range is required for most of the Other Reports,
and some require specific filters to include relative to the type of report you are
running, e.g. gender, transaction type, or modifier.
Date parameters are typically entered in MM/DD/YYYY format
however, on several of the Other Reports, you are required to
indicate a year and period to run the report for. The date
should be entered in YYYY/P format.
The Other Reports have a default format that the report should be generated
in. Possible formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) and
Comma Separated Value (CSV). Typically, the report format is not changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down
list if advanced data manipulation is required.
Other Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Other Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Other Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The Productivity Other Reports are:
CareTracker Financial
Claim Count by
Company Name and ID
Fee Schedule
Hold Statements
Location Facility
Location Facility
Operator Activity Log
Operator Activity Log
Procedure Class
Mapping Duplicates
Provider Name and Maint
See: Productivity Other Report Summaries
Referrals by Location and
CPT Code
Referrals by Loc and
Patient Prim Insurance
Referring Provider Labels
Referring Provider List
Statement Messages
Top Diagnosis by Parent
Top Insurance Plans
Unmapped Procedure
Visit Count by Zip Code
Reports Module
Other Reports-Productivity
CareTracker's Financial Classes
The "CareTracker's Financial Classes" report shows all financial classes with
their corresponding insurance plans and includes the address and phone
number that corresponds to each insurance plan. There are no available filters
to narrow the information to include in this report.
The recommended default format for the "CareTracker's Financial Classes"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Claims Count by Insurance
The "Claims Count by Insurance" report provides a total count of claims per
month broken down by insurance company for your CareTracker company. In
order to run the "Claims Count by Insurance" report, a date range must be
entered. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter
the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
The recommended default format for the "Claims Count by Insurance" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Company Name and ID
The "Company Name and ID" report provides a list of company ID number,
company name, company type, group ID and group name for each group
within your parent company. There are no filters available to narrow the
information to include when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Company Name and ID" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Fee Schedule
The "Fee Schedule" report will provide you with an Adobe PDF document of
your fee schedule currently setup in CareTracker. This is a useful document to
print and review to see if the fees you are charging need to be raised or lower
based on allowed amounts. There are no filters available to narrow the
information to include when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Fee Schedule" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Hold Statements
The "Hold Statements" report provides a list of patients who have the “Hold
Statements” flag on the Detail application set to ‘Y’ along with an open
balance. The report includes CareTracker ID, patient name, CPT code with
open balance, date of service, amount of open balance, financial class, and
indicates Y for statements on hold.
A specific date range must be selected in order to run the "Hold Statements"
report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter
the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
field. Only patients flagged for having their statements held during this date
range will be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Hold Statements" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Insurance Plan Numbers Report
The "Insurance Plan Numbers" report provides a list of your providers'
insurance plan numbers by group. For each insurance plan it shows each
provider’s name, their CareTracker ID, their provider insurance number and the
corresponding group number if applicable. The report shows each provider for
each group in your CareTracker company along with the group’s tax ID
number. This report is useful to verify your provider numbers in the
CareTracker global database. There are no filters available to narrow the
information to include when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Insurance Plan Numbers Report" is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Location Facility Numbers
The "Location Facility Numbers" report provides a list of each location and the
corresponding facility ID if applicable. This report is useful to verify the facility
ID’s in the CareTracker global database. Facility ID’s are required on all
Medicare and Medicaid inpatient and outpatient hospital claims. There are no
filters available to narrow the information to include when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Location Facility Numbers" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Operator Activity Log
The "Operator Activity Log" report shows the daily activity of an operator within
CareTracker and includes the operator's name, the number of times the
operator logged in, the number of patient records they viewed, the number of
charges they entered, the number of payments they entered, the number of
adjustments entered, the number of adjustment descriptions they entered, the
number of procedure codes they entered, the number of new patients they
added, the number of appointments they scheduled, and the number of patient
searches they performed. This report is alphabetized by operator first name
and does not include the monetary amount of charges, payments, and
adjustments entered.
A specific date range must be selected in order to run the "Operator Activity
Log" report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the
"Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End
Date" field. Only operators and the number of times each operator logged into
CareTracker during this date range will be included in the "Operator Activity
Log Report."
The recommended default format for the Operator Activity Log Report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Operator Activity Log Archive
The "Operator Activity Log Archive" report shows the daily activity of an
operator within CareTracker during a set date range and includes the
operator's name, the number of times the operator logged in, the number of
patient records they viewed, the number of charges they entered, the number
of payments they entered, the number of adjustments entered, the number of
adjustment descriptions they entered, the number of procedure codes they
entered, the number of new patients they added, the number of appointments
they scheduled, and the number of patient searches they performed. This
report is alphabetized by operator first name and does not include the
monetary amount of charges, payments, and adjustments entered.
A specific date range must be selected in order to run the "Operator Activity
Log Archive" report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date
in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
the End Date" field. Only operators and the number of times each operator
logged into CareTracker during this date range will be included in the
"Operator Activity Log Archive" report.
The recommended default format for the "Operator Activity Log Archive" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published
Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder
within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down
list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Procedure Class Mapping Duplicates
The "Procedure Class Mapping Duplicates" report provides a list of all CPT
codes that are mapped to multiple procedure classes in your CareTracker
company and will show each CPT code and the procedure classes it is linked
to. There are no available filters to narrow the information to include in this
The recommended default format for the "Procedure Class Mapping
Duplicates" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Provider Name and Maint ID
The "Provider Name and Maint ID" report provides a list of the providers in
your CareTracker company with their corresponding CareTracker provider ID
numbers and their UPIN number. This is a useful report to run and save as a
reference tool. There are no filters available to narrow the information to
include when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Provider Name and Maint ID" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Referrals by Location and CPT Code
The "Referrals by Location and CPT Code" report provides you with a
breakdown of referrals entered into CareTracker by location and for a specific
CPT code range. For each location, this report shows the referring provider's
name, provider ID, UPIN, specialty, address, phone number, and the total
number of patients they referred.
A date range and a CPT code range must be selected in order to run the
"Referrals by Location and CPT Code" report. Date parameters can be set by
entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only referrals entered into
CareTracker within this date range will be included in the "Referrals by
Location and CPT Code" report. Only dates of service within this date range
which have a referral/authorization linked to them will be included in the
"Referrals by Location and CPT Code" report.
A range of CPT codes can be set by entering the starting CPT code in the
“Enter the CPT Code Begin” field and entering the ending CPT code in the
"Enter the CPT Code End” field. Only CPT codes entered in CareTracker
within this CPT Code range will be included in the "Referrals by Location and
CPT Code" report.
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter the CPT
Code Begin" field and '99999' in the "Enter the CPT Code
End" field.
The recommended default format for the "Referrals by Location and CPT
Code" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Referrals by Loc and Patient Prim Insurance
The "Referrals by Loc and Patient Prim Insurance" report provides you with a
break down by location of the total number of referrals entered into
CareTracker by insurance company. For each location, this report shows the
insurance company's name and the total number of referrals for each
insurance company.
A date range and a CPT code range must be selected in order to run the
"Referrals by Loc and Patient Prim Insurance" report. Date parameters can be
set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering
the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only referrals that have an
Auth Date entered into CareTracker within this date range will be included in
the "Referrals by Loc and Patient Prim Insurance" report.
A range of CPT codes can be set by entering the starting CPT code in the
“Enter the CPT Code Begin” field and entering the ending CPT code in the
"Enter the CPT Code End” field. Only CPT codes entered in CareTracker
within this CPT Code range will be included in the "Referrals by Loc and
Patient Prim Insurance" report.
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter the CPT
Code Begin" field and '99999' in the "Enter the CPT Code
End" field.
The recommended default format for the "Referrals by Loc and Prim
Insurance" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Referring Provider Labels
The "Referring Provider Labels" report provides an Excel spreadsheet of all
referring providers associated with your CareTracker company and includes
each referring provider's name and full address. This is a report to run
because you can mail merge the spreadsheet into Word to create referring
provider address labels.
A service date range needs to be entered in order to generate the "Referring
Provider Labels" report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting
service date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending service
date in the "Enter the End Date" field.
The recommended default format for the "Referring Provider Labels" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Referring Provider List
The "Referring Provider List" provides a list of all referring providers associated
with your CareTracker company and includes each referring provider’s name,
their CareTracker provider ID, UPIN, NPI, specialty, full address, and phone
number. This is a useful report to run as a quick and handy reference for
contacting referring providers and to ensure the validity of the data in the
CareTracker database.
A service date range needs to be entered in order to generate the "Referring
Provider List" report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting
service date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending service
date in the "Enter the End Date" field.
The recommended default format for the "Referring Provider List" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Statement Message
The "Statement Message" report shows an alphabetized list of all statement
messages that can be added on a patient’s statement in CareTracker.
Running this report provides you with a handy and quick reference for when
you need to add a message to a patient's statement. The report contains the
mnemonic and the verbiage for each message in CareTracker’s database.
Statement messages can only be added to specific transactions by clicking on
the Payment link in the Open Item application. When a message is added, it
will print on the patient's statement. There are no report filters available when
running the "Statement Message" report.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Top Diagnosis Codes by Company
The "Top Diagnosis Codes by Company" report provides a list of your
company's most frequently used ICD-9 codes, the diagnosis name, and the
number of times the code was used. A specific date range and the number of
top diagnosis codes to include in the report must be set in order to generate
the report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the
"Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End
Date" field.
The top number of diagnosis codes to include should be entered in the "Enter
the Top N Value" field. For example, if '100' is entered, the report will include
your company’s top 100 diagnosis codes. Any number between 1 and 500 can
be entered in the "Enter the Top N Value" field and 500 is the maximum value
of diagnosis codes that can be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Top Diagnosis Codes by Company"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Top Insurance Plans
The "Top Insurance Plans" report provides a list of insurance plans to which
your patients most commonly subscribe. This report will only pull active
insurance plans from patient Demographics. The top number of insurance
plans to include should be entered in the "Enter the Top N Value" field. For
example, if '100' is entered, the report will include your company’s top 100
insurance plans. Any number between 1 and 500 can be entered in the "Enter
the Top N Value" field and 500 is the maximum value of diagnosis codes that
can be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Top Insurance Plans" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Unmapped Procedure Classes
The "Unmapped Procedure Classes" report provides you with a list of all CPT
codes that are not mapped to a particular procedure class. There are no filters
available when running this report. If your office currently produces a Financial
Roll Up Report or a Service Month Financial Roll Up Report on a monthly
basis, this report should be run prior to running either of the roll up reports to
identify any procedures that may have been entered into your CareTracker
company and not mapped to one of your procedure classes.
The recommended default format for the "Unmapped Procedure Classes"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Visit Count by Zip Code
The “Visit Count by Zip Code” provides you with a count of the total number of
visits entered into CareTracker for a particular zip code. For each zip code
included, this report will provide you with each CPT code entered into
CareTracker for patient’s with this zip code saved as part of their home
address on their demographic. The report will also show the total number of
visits the CPT code was included in.
A zip code, CPT code range, and a fiscal year and period range must be set in
order to generate the “Visit Count by Zip Code” report. Each zip code you
would like to include on the report must be entered in the “Enter the Zip Code”
field and then the Add button must be clicked. There is no limit to the number
of zip codes that can be included.
CPT code range parameters can be set by entering the starting CPT code in
the “Enter the Begin CPT Code” field and entering the ending CPT code in the
"Enter the End CPT Code” field. Only CPT codes within this CPT Code range
will be included in the “Visit Count by Zip Code” report.
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter the CPT
Code Begin" field and '99999' in the "Enter the CPT Code
End" field.
A fiscal period range can be entered by entering the starting period and fiscal
year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period and
fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field.
The recommended default format for the "Visit Count by Zip Code" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Appointment Lists
An appointment list can be generated for all scheduled appointments on a
particular date of service from the Appointment List link under the Scheduling
Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module.
Appointment lists can be filtered to only include a specific location, provider,
appointment type, time, group, appointments created during a specific date
range, and patients created during a specific date range. Patient balances and
complaints can also be selected to be included on the appointment lists.
Regardless of filters set, appointment lists generated from the Appointment
Lists links always show the same information including the, appointment date
and time, the patient's name, chart number, and date of birth, appointment
type, payer (private pay or the name of an insurance company), resource with
which the appointment is scheduled, location, the patient's home and work
phone number, referring provider's name, and any notes that were saved when
booking the appointment. If selected, patient complaints saved when the
appointments were booked and outstanding patient balances will also appear
on the appointment list.
See: How to Print an Appointment List
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Appointment Lists
How to Print an Appointment List
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Appointment List link under the Scheduling Reports heading.
3. When the Appointment List link is clicked, the Order/Filter By screen will
display. Set the needed filters accordingly.
The appointment date range to print an appointment list for defaults to the
current date, however this range can be changed by selecting the needed
dates from the "Appt Date From/To" fields.
To select more than one appointment type from the "Filter by Appt Type"
field, hold down the [Cntrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard as you click on
each appointment type.
Select 'Large' as the "Font Size" to have your appointment list display in
larger print.
If you would need to generate an appointment list for patient's who
cancelled their appointments, select the cancellation reason from the
"Cancel Reason" field drop-down list.
The "Order by" will default to ‘Appointment Time’ if one is not
selected. When you select an order by option from the "Order By"
field drop-down list, i.e., 'Patient Name', typically you will also want to
deselect 'Page Break on Sort Order?' If 'Page Break on Sort Order?'
is not de-selected, each appointment will print on a separate sheet of
4. When all needed filters are set, click on the Go button.
5. When the Go button is clicked, the appointment list matching any filters set
for the selected date displays. To print the appointment list, right click on top of
the appointment list and select 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Appointment Detail
An abbreviated appointment list can be generated for all scheduled
appointments on a particular date of service from the Appointment Detail link
under the Scheduling Reports heading in the Reports application. From this
list, form letters specific to your CareTracker company can be generated to all
patients who are on the list. Letters generated from the Appointment Detail list
must be printed from the Unprinted Correspondence application. This
application can be accessed in the Reports Module by clicking on the
Unprinted Correspondence tab, by clicking on the UPCr button in the Name
Bar, or by clicking on the Unprinted Correspondence link under the Front Office
section of the Dashboard.
Form letters can be generated for individual patients from the
Form Letters application in the Reports Module which is also
accessible via a pop-up window by clicking on the Ltr button in
the Name Bar.
Appointment detail lists can be filtered to only include a specific location,
provider, appointment type, time, group, appointments created during a
specific date range, and patients created during a specific date range. Filters
you select may depend upon the type of form letter you need to generate for
the patients with a scheduled appointment. For example, if your practice has a
'New Patient Info' form letter set up in CareTracker, then you would want to
filter the appointment detail list to only included 'New Patient' appointment
Regardless of filters set, appointment detail lists generated from the
Appointment Details link always show the same information including, the
patient’s name, phone number, appointment date and time, appointment type,
the resource the appointment is scheduled with, the patient's complaint linked
to the appointment, and the operator who scheduled the appointment.
See: How to Generate Batch Form Letters
Related Topics: Unprinted Correspondence Overview (Reports Module); Unprinted Correspondence
Overview (Messages Module); Unprinted Correspondence Overview (Name Bar); Form Letters
Overview (Reports Module); Letters Overview (Name Bar); Letters- Visit Screen Links (Scheduling
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Appointment Detail
How to Generate Batch Form Letters
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Appointment Details link under the Scheduling Reports heading.
3. The Order/Filter By screen displays when the Appointment Details link is
clicked. The “Appt Date From/To” fields will default to the current date.
However, the fields can be changed by either manually entering a date in
MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking on the Calendar function and selecting a
date. Set any additional filters to limit the patients that will be included on the
Appointment Detail list.
The "Order by" will default to ‘Appointment Time’ if one is not
4. When all filters are set, click on the Go button.
5. A list of all the appointments that match any filters you set will display in the
lower frame of the screen. For each appointment, the appointment detail list
shows the patient's name, phone number, the appointment date and time, the
appointment type, the resource the appointment is scheduled with, the
complaint linked to the appointment, and the operator who scheduled the
appointment. Review the list of patients to verify only the patients who need to
have the form letter you are going to batch generate are listed.
6. Select the type of form letter that needs to be generated for all the listed
patients from the "Letter" field drop-down list.
7. When the appropriate type of form letter has been selected, click on the
Build Letters button.
8. When the Build Letters button is clicked, the form letter selected will be
generated in CareTracker for each patient and will be saved in Unprinted
Correspondence until they are printed.
See: How to Print Unprinted Correspondence
Related Topics: Unprinted Correspondence Overview (Reports Module); Unprinted Correspondence
Overview (Messages Module); Unprinted Correspondence Overview (Name Bar); Form Letters
Overview (Reports Module); Letters Overview (Name Bar); Letters- Visit Screen Links (Scheduling
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Check In
The Check In report shows the time of each scheduled appointment, the
patient’s name, the resource the appointment is scheduled with, and then the
corresponding check in, take back, and check out time for each appointment.
When you use the scheduling mini-menu that displays when a patient's name
is left-clicked in the Book application to electronically 'Check In', 'Take Back'
and 'Check Out' patients, the corresponding time of each of those actions is
time stamped in CareTracker and pulls onto the Check In report. Patients can
be automatically checked out when there Visit is entered.
As a co-worker electronically 'Checks In', 'Takes Back,' or 'Checks Out'
patients from the scheduling mini-menu, those times will automatically appear
on the Check In report when the screen refreshes, which occurs every sixty
You can use the Check In report to electronically 'Check In', 'Take Back' and
'Check Out' patients as well. For each listed appointment, there are three
action buttons, In, Bk, and Out. By clicking on the corresponding action
button, the time of the action will be stamped in CareTracker and will appear
on the current Check In report when the screen refreshes.
Check In reports can be filtered to only include a specific location, provider,
appointment type, time, group, appointments created during a specific date
range, and patients created during a specific date range. Patient balances and
complaints can also be selected to appear on the Check In report.
Reports Module
Encounter Forms
Some providers use paper encounter forms to check off CPT and ICD-9 codes
relative to a patient's appointment. Paper encounter forms are printed from
CareTracker based on appointments scheduled in the Book application, and
can be printed either individually or in a batch. By clicking on the Encounter
Forms link under the Scheduling heading in the Reports application you will be
able to print an encounter form for each patient with a scheduled appointment
on a particular date of service. Encounter forms printed by batch can be
filtered to only include a specific location, provider, appointment type, time,
group, appointments created during a specific date range, and patients created
during a specific date range. Procedure and diagnosis codes selected on the
paper encounter form will need to be electronically entered into CareTracker
through the Visit pop-up window or Charge application in the Transactions
The heading on an encounter form contains the patient's pertinent
demographic data - name, chart number, CareTracker ID number, address,
phone number, secondary insurance (if applicable), the payer's name, the
subscriber number and the co-payment amount. The appointment information
that is shown on the encounter form includes the appointment type, the
location, and the provider with whom the appointment is scheduled. If the
appointment is linked to a referral and/or authorization, that data will also print
on the encounter form heading.
There are particular encounter form options that can be set up at the group
level for each group within your company including, balance information,
complaints, appointments, and diagnoses. You can choose whether or not to
have patient outstanding balances print in the lower, right-hand corner of the
encounter form. When you elect to print balance information, you can then
determine whether to only print the patient's balance or to print the total
outstanding balances for all family members linked to the patient. Patient
complaints can be entered in the "Complaint" field of the Book Appointment
pop-up window when an appointment is being scheduled. For each group you
can determine whether or not a complaint linked to an appointment prints in the
top, left-hand corner of the encounter form. If you have multiple groups within
your practice, you can also determine whether or not previous diagnoses and
upcoming appointments for the patient prints on the encounter form for only the
current group from which the form is being printed or for all groups within your
Parent Company.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
For multi-location, single group practices, encounter forms can
be printed to display each location's address instead of the
group address. If your encounter forms require location
addresses, please send a To Do to the Support Department.
See: How To Print Batch Encounter Forms
Related Topics: Instant Paper Encounter Forms Overview (Scheduling Module); How to Print an
Instant Encounter Form (Name Bar); Printing Instant Paper Encounter Forms (Scheduling
Reports Module
Encounter Forms
How to Print Batch Paper Encounter Forms
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Encounter Forms link under the Scheduling Reports heading.
3. When the Encounter Forms link is clicked, the Order/Filter By screen
displays. The current date will display in the "Appt Date From/To" fields, click
on the Go button if this is the date you wish to print encounter forms for, or use
any of the fields as needed to filter the encounter forms to print, and then click
on the Go button.
The "Order by" will default to ‘Appointment Time’ if one is not
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
4. When the Go button is clicked, the encounter forms matching any filters set
for the selected date will display in the bottom frame of your screen. To print
the encounter forms, right click on top of the first encounter form and select
'Print' from the grey pop-up menu.
Related Topics: Instant Paper Encounter Forms Overview (Scheduling Module); Printing Instant
Paper Encounter Forms (Scheduling Module); How to Print an Instant Encounter Form (Name Bar)
Reports Module
Out Guides
Out guides can be used to mark the place of charts pulled for appointments
and can be printed from the Out Guides link under the Scheduling Reports
heading in the Reports application. An out guide displays some of the patient's
basic demographic information including, CareTracker ID number, name, and
DOB, and some of their appointment information including, date, time, type,
and the resource with which the appointment is scheduled. Out guides can be
filtered to only include a specific location, provider, appointment type, time,
group, appointments created during a specific date range, and patients created
during a specific date range.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
From the generated list of out guides, you can display previous or future
appointment out guides by using the Week and Day buttons. Move to a
previous week or day's out guides by clicking on either the <--Week or <--Day
button or move to a future week or day's out guides by clicking on the Day -->
button or the Week -->. When the needed out guides display, right click on top
of the first one and select 'Print' from the grey pop up menu to print them.
See: How to Print Out Guides
Reports Module
Out Guides
How to Print Out Guides
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Out Guides link under the Scheduling Reports heading.
3. When the Out Guides link is clicked, the Order/Filter By screen will display.
The current date will display in the "Appt Date From/To" fields, if this is the
correct date, click on the Go button. Or, if additional filters are needed, use
any of the fields to filter the out guides, and then click on the Go button. .
4. When the Go button is clicked, the out guides matching any filters set for the
selected date will display is the bottom frame of your screen. To print the out
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
guides, right click on top of the first out guide and select 'Print' from the grey
pop-up menu.
5. If needed, use the <--Week, <--Day, Day-->, and Week--> to move to the
corresponding appointment date for which to print out guides.
Reports Module
From the Export link under the Scheduling Reports heading of the Reports
application you can format and export appointment data for all scheduled
appointments. You can format the data to export several ways including,
Phone Confirmation, XLML, Outlook 2000, iCalendar File, Table, and Excel.
When the data is formatted accordingly, it can then be copied and pasted to a
corresponding program.
If you use TeleVox as a separate product out side of CareTracker, you can use
the Export link to export your appointment data to TeleVox. When exporting
appointment data to TeleVox, you must first copy the data from CareTracker
and past it into a text file, i.e. Note Pad. Once the data has been saved as a
text file, it can be exported into Excel.
If you use TeleVox as a separate product out
side of CareTracker, you can export your
appointment data to send to TeleVox.
Appointment data can also be exported the same way
from the Appointment Export link under the Scheduling
section of the Administration Module.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
See: How to Export Appointment Data
Reports Module
How to Export Appointment Data
Appointment data can also be exported the same way
from the Appointment Export link under the Scheduling
section of the Administration Module.
Exporting appointment data is only necessary if you use
TeleVox as a product separate from CareTracker.
1. Click on the Administration Module icon.
2. Click on the Appointment Export link under the Scheduling section of the
3. Choose the date of appointments for which data needs to be exported in the
"Start Date" field.
4. Select the data output you require, e.g. Phone Confirmation or HL7.
5. If needed select a specific provider from the "Providers" field to export
appointment data for.
6. Click on the Go button.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
5. When the appointment data displays, right click on top of it, and select
'Select All' from the grey pop-up menu that displays.
6. All selected data will be highlighted blue. Right click on top of the selected
data, and select 'Copy' from the grey pop-up menu that displays.
7. Open up a text program on your computer, i.e. Notepad or Word Pad.
8. Past the copied appointment data into the text program, i.e. Notepad.
9. Click on the File button located in the grey Notepad tool bar.
10. Select 'Save As' from the File drop-down list and save the file as a .txt file
to your Desktop.
11. Close Notepad.
12. Open Microsoft Excel.
13. Open the appointment export data file you saved to your Desktop.
14. When the file is opened, the Text Import Wizard pop-up window displays
(step 1 of 3). Click on the Next> button.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
15. The Text Import Wizard displays step 2 of 3 when the Next > button is
clicked. Select 'Comma' as the delimiter and click the Next > button again.
16. Step 3 of 3 displays when the Next > button is clicked. Select 'Text' as the
column data format and click on the Finish button.
17. When the Finish button is clicked, the appointment data displays in an
Excel spreadsheet. This file can then be uploaded to TeleVox.
Reports Module
Other Reports-Scheduling
Scheduling Other Reports provide you with useful scheduling information to
help manage your practice. All scheduling Other Reports are accessible by
clicking on the Other Reports link under the Scheduling Reports heading of the
Reports application. A date range or specific information may be required
when generating Other Reports. Extensive filters or other report options are
not available at this time.
Date parameters are typically entered in MM/DD/YYYY format
however, on several of the Other Reports, you are required to
indicate a year and period to run the report for. The date
should be entered in YYYY/P format.
The Other Reports have a default format that the report should be generated
in. Possible formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) and
Comma Separated Value (CSV). Typically, the report format is not changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down
list if advanced data manipulation is required.
Other Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Other Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Other Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
The Scheduling Other Reports are:
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Active Patients With No
Appointment Labels
Appointment Wait Time
Appointment Spreadsheet
Authorization Active
Authorization Pending
Authorization Pending
Cancelled Appointments w/
No Reschedule
Cancelled Appointments
See: Scheduling Other Report Summaries
Days Since Last
Labels By Appointment
Non Patient
Recalls By Diagnosis
Recalls By Provider
Schedule Report Card
Scheduled Productivity
by Loc and Day
Scheduled Productivity
by Location
Scheduled Productivity
by Provider
Reports Module
Other Reports-Scheduling
Active Patient With No Appointment
The "Active Patient With No Appt" report provides you with a list of active
patients without an appointment in a certain time frame. This report includes
the patient's account number, name, address, and the number of days since
their last appointment. To run this report, a date since last appointment must
be entered in the "Date Since Last Appointment" field in MM/DD/YYYY format.
The recommended default format for the "Active Patient With No Appt" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Appointment Labels
The "Appointment Labels" produces a list of all patients with an appointment
scheduled within a specific date range and includes each patient's first name,
last name, and address.
Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter Date End." Only
appointments scheduled within this date range will be included in the
"Appointments Labels" report. A date range must be entered in order to run
this report.
Enter a specific location to generate appointment labels for in the "Enter the
Location Name" field and enter a specific provider to generate appointment
labels for in the "Enter the Provider Name" field. A location and/or a provider
do not need to be entered to generate the "Appointment Labels."
The recommended default format for the "Appointments Labels" is Microsoft
Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published
Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder
within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down
list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Appointment Wait Time Average
The "Appointment Wait Time Average" report provides you with calculated time
averages between check in, take back, and check out time for each patient.
For each scheduled appointment, this report includes patient name, patient
account number, appointment date, appointment time, check in time, take back
time, check out time, elapsed time between check in and take back, elapsed
time between take back and check out, and elapsed time between check in
and check out. At the end of this report the total number of appointments and
an average of elapsed time is also provided. Check in, take back, and check
out times are entered into the system from the Scheduling mini-menu that
displays when you left click on a patient's name in the Book application of the
Scheduling Module. When an operator electronically 'Checks In', 'Takes Back'
and 'Checks Out' a patient using the Scheduling mini-menu, those times are
stamped in CareTracker and it is those times that are used to on the
"Appointment Wait Time Average" report.
An appointment date range must be sent in order to run the "Appointment Wait
Time Average" report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting
appointment date in the "Enter the Appointment Begin Date" field and entering
the ending appointment date in the "Enter the Appointment End Date." Only
appointments scheduled within this date range will be included in the
"Appointment Wait Time Average" report.
The recommended default format for the "Appointment Wait Time Average"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Appointments Spreadsheet
The "Appointments Spreadsheet" report gives a detailed spreadsheet of all
appointments scheduled in CareTracker within a specified date range. For
each appointment, the "Appointments Spreadsheet" gives the provider’s ID
and name with whom the appointment is scheduled, the location ID and name
of the location where the appointment is scheduled, the patient appointment
ID, the patient’s account number, name, and date of birth, the appointment
type name, the appointment type ID, the date on which the appointment is
scheduled, the start time, duration, and any complaint or note attached to the
Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter Date End." Only
appointments scheduled within this date range will be included in the
"Appointments Spreadsheet" report. A date range must be entered in order to
run this report.
The recommended default format for the "Appointments Spreadsheet" is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Authorization Active Spreadsheet
The "Authorization Active Spreadsheet" displays a spreadsheet of the active
authorizations for your practice including, the patient’s name, account number,
chart number, date of birth, each patient’s authorization date, the authorization
number, the from and to date for the authorization, the number of visits
authorized, the number of remaining authorized visits, the referring provider,
and the provider the patient was referred to. This spreadsheet is helpful for
managing the authorizations in your practice. For example, the spreadsheet
will help you identify patients who require a new authorization for their next
The recommended default format for the "Active Authorization Spreadsheet" is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Authorization Pending Report
The "Authorization Pending" report displays all the authorizations pending for
your practice broken down by group and includes the patient's name, account
number, diagnosis notes, procedure notes, authorization notes, authorization
date, number of visits remaining, the referring provider, the provider ID, the
group referred from, the group referred to, and the insurance plan. An
authorization must have 'Pending' saved as the number in order to be included
in the "Authorization Pending Report." There are no filters available when
running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Authorization Pending" report is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Authorization Pending Spreadsheet
The "Authorization Pending Spreadsheet" displays a spreadsheet of all the
authorizations pending for your practice broken down by group and includes
the patient's name, date of birth, gender, chart number, patient status,
authorization date, authorization number, from/to date for the authorization,
number of visits authorized, number of visits remaining, referring provider's ID,
referring provider's name, ID number of provider referred to, name of provider
referred to, insurance plan, and subscriber number. This spreadsheet is
helpful in identify pending authorizations and to identify missing information
and information that needs to be added or edited to a patient's authorization.
An authorization must have 'Pending' saved as the authorization number in
order to be included in the "Authorization Pending Spreadsheet." There are no
filters available when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Authorization Pending Spreadsheet"
is Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Cancelled Appointments With No Reschedule
The "Cancelled Appointments With No Reschedule" report provides a detailed
patient list of all patients who have cancelled an appointment but have never
called back to schedule an appointment of the same appointment type. This
report includes the patient's account ID, name, the date of their appointment
that they cancelled, the appointment type that was cancelled, the reason for
the cancellation, and the resource with which the appointment was scheduled.
A specific appointment type needs to be selected in order to generate the
"Cancelled Appointments With No Reschedule" report. An appointment type to
generate this report for can be selected by double clicking on the appointment
type in the "Select Item to Add to List" box. All selected appointment types to
be included in the report will be listed in the "ID" box field. If you would like to
generate this report for all appointment types that have been cancelled, then
you can simply click on the Select All button. At least one appointment type
must be selected in order to run the report.
The recommended default format for the "Cancelled Appointments With No
Reschedule" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the
"Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report
in the Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report
Cancelled Appointments
The "Cancelled Appointments" report provides a spreadsheet of al
appointments cancelled in CareTracker that were scheduled within a particular
date range. This report includes the patient's account ID, name, appointment
date, appointment time, appointment type that was cancelled, cancellation
reason, and any notes linked to the cancellation. If a patient cancelled multiple
appointments within the set date range, then all cancellations will be included
on this report. This would be useful to see the cancellation history of patients.
A specific appointment type needs to be selected in order to generate the
"Cancelled Appointments " report. An appointment type to generate this report
for can be selected by double clicking on the appointment type in the "Select
Item to Add to List" box. All selected appointment types to be included in the
report will be listed in the "ID" box field. If you would like to generate this report
for all appointment types that have been cancelled, then you can simply click
on the Select All button. At least one appointment type must be selected in
order to run the report.
Date parameters for an appointment date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter the Begin Appointment Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter the End Appointment Date" field. Only appointments
scheduled within this date range that were cancelled will be included in the
"Cancelled Appointments" report.
The recommended default format for the "Cancelled Appointmentst" is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Days Since Last Appointment
The "Days Since Last Appointment" report will calculate the number of days
since a patient’s last appointment compared to a date entered and will include
each patient’s account number, name, the number of days since their last
appointment, and each patient's age. This report is sorted in ascending order
by patient account number.
A date must be entered into the “Days Since Last Appointment field” as well as
a maximum age of patients you wish to qualify for the report in order for the
report to generate. Any patients up to the maximum age you select will be
included in the "Days Since Last Appointment" report.
The recommended default format for the "Days Since Last Appointment" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Labels by Apt Date
The "Labels by Appt Date" report provides you with a Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet of all patients with a specific appointment type within a specific
date range. This report includes the patient's name and address and can be
used to print labels. Some examples of how patient labels could be helpful
would be for appointment reminders, e.g. annual physicals, or if you would like
to send all new patients paperwork prior to their appointment to fill out at home.
A specific appointment type and appointment date range must be selected in
order to run the "Labels by Apt Date" report. There are two ways to select an
appointment type, either by clicking on the appointment type, i.e., Consult,
listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by manually entering an
appointment type in the "Enter the Appointment Type" field and clicking on the
Add button. All selected appointment types to be included in the "Labels by
Apt Date" report will be listed in the "Appt Type Values" box. To de-select an
appointment type, double-click on it in the "Appt Type Values" box. At least
one appointment type must be selected in order to run the report.
Date parameters for an appointment date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter the Begin Appointment Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter the End Appointment Date" field. Only appointments
scheduled within this date range will be included in the "Labels by Apt Date"
The recommended default format for the "Labels by Apt Date" is Adobe (PDF).
Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required
but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If
the report needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate
Report button to begin generating your report.
Non Patient Appointments
The "Non Patient Appointments" report provides a list of appointments that are
scheduled in CareTracker, but do not have a patient attached to them.
Examples of non-patient appointment types are meetings, when a provider is
doing hospital rounds, etc. within a certain date range.
This report includes the appointment date, resource name, location,
appointment time, duration, description, notes and operator name.
To run this report you must enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and
click Generate Report button. The default format for this report is PDF and
you can enter a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you
identify the report in the Published Reports application. If you want the report
published in a specific folder within Published Reports, select the folder from
the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Recalls By Diagnosis Code
The "Recalls By Diagnosis Code" report provides a list of all patients who have
had a particular diagnosis entered into CareTracker who also have an
outstanding recall in the system. This report includes the patient's account ID,
name, recall date, case the recall is linked to if applicable, the appointment
type of the recall, the provider the recall is with, the location the recall is at, and
any notes linked to the recall. This report is helpful in ensuring that patients
with a particular diagnosis are in fact scheduling all of their follow up
appointments as needed. A diagnosis code needs to be selected in order to
generate the "Recalls by Diagnosis Code" report. The diagnosis code you
need to run this report for needs to be entered in the "Enter the Diagnosis
Code" field.
The recommended default format for the "Recalls by Diagnosis Code" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Recalls By Provider
The "Recalls By Provider" report provides a list of all recalls by provider. This
report is helpful in ensuring that patients with a specific provider are scheduling
all of their follow up appointments as needed.
This report includes the patient's account ID, name, recall date, case details,
appointment type, provider name, location, and any notes linked to the recall.
To run this report you must select the provider from the list and click Generate
Report button. The default format for this report is PDF and you can enter a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you identify the
report in the Published Reports application. If you want the report published in
a specific folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list.
Schedule Report Card
The "Schedule Report Card" report provides a snapshot of past, present, and
future months’ appointments and is grouped by servicing provider. This report
provides a comprehensive look at provider’s availability while showing
important information including, availability date, location, the number of hours
the provider is booked for patient appointments, the number of hours the
provider is available for patient appointments, the percentage of patient hours
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
booked, the number of non-patient hours, the total of booked hours (Patient
Appointment Hours plus Non-Patient Hours), the percentage of total booked
hours, the total number of appointments, and the total number of patients with
a scheduled appointment. This report is further broken down into two subcategories, by appointment descriptions and by cancellation/reschedule
reasons. The appointment description subtotal shows all appointment
descriptions and the number of times that appointment type was scheduled
during the date range selected. The cancellation/reschedule subtotal shows
the number and type of any appointments that were cancelled or rescheduled
during the date range selected.
A specific date range must be entered to generate the report. Date parameters
can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and
entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only appointments
scheduled, cancelled or rescheduled within this date range will be included in
the "Schedule Report Card" report.
The recommended default format for the Schedule Report Card report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Scheduled Productivity by Location and Day
The "Scheduled Productivity by Location and Day" report shows the total time
used for appointments and the total time available for patient appointments
broken down by location and by provider for each day the provider was
available for the date range specified. This report is helpful in determining a
provider’s productivity and whether or not they are maximizing their
appointment availability.
A specific date range must be entered in order to generate the report. Date
parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field.
The recommended default format for the "Schedule Productivity by Location
and Day" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Scheduled Productivity by Location
The "Scheduled Productivity by Location" report shows the number of hours of
booked patient appointments and the number of available appointment hours
by location for the date range specified. For each location, the report shows
the number of hours of patient appointments that have been booked, the
maximum number of appointment hours available, the percentage of
appointment hours booked, the number of hours of non-patient appointments
that have been booked, the total number of booked hours (Patient
Appointment Hours plus Non-Patient Hours), the percentage of total booked
appointments, the total number of appointments, and the total number of
unique patients with a scheduled appointment.
A specific date range must be entered in order to generate the report. Date
parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field.
The recommended default format for the "Schedule Productivity by Location"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Scheduled Productivity by Provider
The "Scheduled Productivity by Provider" report shows the number of hours of
booked patient appointments and the number of available appointment hours
by provider for the date range specified. For each provider, the report shows
the number of hours of patient appointments that have been booked, the
maximum number of appointment hours available, the percentage of
appointment hours booked, the number of hours of non-patient appointments
that have been booked, the total number of booked hours (Patient
Appointment Hours plus Non-Patient Hours), the percentage of total booked
appointments, the total number of appointments, and the total number of
unique patients with a scheduled appointment.
A specific date range must be entered in order to generate the report. Date
parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field.
The recommended default format for the "Schedule Productivity by Provider"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Easy Query
Address labels for patients that match criteria you set, including, date of birth,
registration date, procedures received, or diagnosis codes, can be generated
by clicking on the Easy Query link under the Medical Reports section of the
Reports application. Filter option types for an easy query include Demographic
Options, Practice Options, Medial Record Options, and Observation Options.
Within each option type, there are option specific filters you can set to
manipulate the patients to include in your generated data. Data can be
generated to create address labels or the data can be generated so that it can
be extracted to another computer program, e.g. Note Pad.
See: How to Extract Patient Data
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Easy Query
How to Extract Patient Data
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. When the Reports Module opens, click on the Easy Query link listed under
the Medical Reports section of the screen.
3. To set filters for the data you need to extract, click on the plus sign next to
the corresponding data filters you need to set, e.g. Demographic Options.
4. When a plus sign is clicked, fields display in which you can set specific
filters, e.g. "Date of Birth," "Registration Date," and "Date of Service." Set all
needed data filters.
5. When all needed filters are set, click in the "Data Export Only" box.
6. Click on the Generate button.
7. When the Generate button is clicked, all of the data that matches any filters
you set will display in the lower frame of the screen. Right-click on top of the
data and select 'Select All' from the gray pop-menu that displays.
8. Clicking on 'Select All' will highlight all of the data blue. Copy the data
either by right clicking on top of the data and select 'Copy' from the gray popup menu or by holding down the [Cntrl] and [C] keys on your keyboard
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
9. When you have copied the data it needs to be pasted into Notepad which
can be accomplished by clicking on the Start button located in the bottom, lefthand corner of your computer screen and select 'Programs', then select
'Accessories', and then clicking on 'Notepad'.
10. When Notepad opens, paste the data by simultaneously holding down the
[Cntrl] and [V] keys on your keyboard.
11. Save the file you have just created in Notepad.
12. Open up Microsoft Excel.
13. When Excel is open, click on the File button in the gray tool bar and select
'Open' from the drop-down menu.
14. Change the "Files of types" field to 'All Files.
15. Locate the file you just saved to Notepad an double click on it.
16. The Text Import Wizard pop-up window displays when you double click on
the file name. click on the Next > button.
17. The Step 2 of 3 window displays when the Next button is clicked. Deselect 'Tab' from the Delimiters section of the window and select 'Other'. In the
field to the right of 'Other' enter the pipe symbol which can be accomplished by
holding down the [Shift] key on your keyboard and hitting the key on your
keyboard about your [Enter] key and below the [Backspace] key. Click on the
Next> button.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
18. Screen 3 of 3 will display when the Next > button is clicked. Under the
Column Data Format section of this window, click in the Text radial. Click on
the Column 2 'Address Line 1' and click on the Text radial again. Repeat this
for each column heading.
19. When all columns have been formatted as Text, click on the Finish button
and the file will display in Excel. You can now sort/organize the data as
needed. Be sure to save this file in Excel.
Reports Module
Other Reports-Medical Reports
Medical Other Reports provide you with useful medical information about your
patients and are accessible by clicking on the Other Reports link under the
Medical Reports heading of the Reports application. Some Medical Other
Reports require specific filters to include relative to the type of report you are
running, e.g. vaccination name.
The Other Reports have a default format that the report should be generated
in. Possible formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) and
Comma Separated Value (CSV). Typically, the report format is not changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down
list if advanced data manipulation is required.
Other Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Other Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Other Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
Other Reports only include up to the previous day's data.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The Medical Other Reports are:
Immunizations by Lot
Patients by CPT Code
Immunizations Lot Log
SureScripts Detail Report
Immunizations by Patient
SureScripts Summary
See: Medical Other Report Summaries
Reports Module
Other Reports-Medical Reports
Immunizations Lot Log
The “Immunizations Lot Log”provides you with a detailed list of all vaccination
lots you have received and entered into CareTracker. For each lot, this report
includes the display name, the lot number, the date the lot was received, the
name of the vaccination the lot is for, the name of the drug the lot is for, the
manufacturer name, and the expiration date. This report is useful in tracking
all issued lots including lots issued to you by your state or federal government.
A lot status, 'Active'( Y) and/or 'Inactive' (N) needs to be selected in order to
generate the "Immunizations Lot Log". There are two ways to select a status
to include, either by clicking on the status listed in the "Select Item to Add to
List" field, or by manually entering the status in the "Enter Active/Inactive" field
and clicking on the Add button. All selected lot statuses that will be included on
the "Immunizations Lot Log" you are generating will be listed in the
"Active/Inactive Values” box. To de-select a status, double-click on it in
“Active/Inactive Values” box. At least one status must be selected to run the
"Immunizations Lot Log."
The recommended default format for the "Immunizations Lot Log" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Immunizations by Lot Number
The “Immunizations by Lot Number” report provides you with a detailed list of
all your patients who received a vaccination from a particular vaccine lot. This
report includes the lot number, patient name, patient account number, the
name of the vaccination that corresponds to the lot number the report was run
for, the serial number of the vaccine if administered in series to the patient, and
the date the vaccination was administered to each patient. This report will only
produce useful data if you are entering immunizations for patients by lot.
Immunizations are entered into CareTracker in the Immunization application of
the Medical Records Module.
A lot number needs to be entered in the "Enter the Lot Number" field in order to
run the "Immunizations by Lot Number." Again, the data that will be included in
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
this report is dependent upon you entering immunizations by lot and that each
lot is linked to it's corresponding lot number.
The recommended default format for the "Immunizations by Lot Number"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Immunizations by Patient
The “Immunizations by Patient” report provides you with a detailed list of all
patients who received a particular vaccination and you determine the
vaccine(s) to run this report for. This report includes each patient's account
number, name, phone number, the vaccination they received, the serial
number of the vaccine if administered in series to the patient, and the date they
received the vaccine.
A specific vaccination or vaccinations must be selected in order to generate the
"Immunizations by Patient" report. There are two ways to select a vaccination
to include, either by clicking on the vaccine listed in the "Select Item to Add to
List" field, or by manually entering the vaccine in the "Enter the Vaccination"
field and clicking on the Add button. All selected vaccinations that will be
included on the "Immunizations by Patient" report you are generating will be
listed in the “Vaccination Values” box. To de-select a vaccine, double-click on it
in “Vaccination Values” box. At least one vaccination must be selected to run
the "Immunizations by Patient" report.
The recommended default format for the "Immunizations by Patient" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patients by CPT Code Combination
The "Patients by CPT Code Combination" report will provide you with a list of
patients who have had a charge entered in CareTracker for a particular CPT
code(s) with in a set date range. For each patient, this report includes the
account ID, last name, first name, address, date of birth, gender, patient status,
and group prover. This report would be useful to run if your practice was
interested in generating a patient list of patients who had a particular
combination of procedure codes administered during a particular service date
A CPT code, CPT count and a service date range needs to be set in order to
generate the "Patients by CPT Code Combination." A CPT code can be
selected for this report by entering the code in the "Enter the CPT Codes" field
and then clicking on the Add button. Multiple CPT codes can be selected. All
selected CPT codes included in the report you are generating will be listed in
the "CPT Codes Values" box. To de-select a CPT code double-click on it in the
"CPT Codes Values" box. However, at least one CPT code must be selected
in order to run the "Patients by CPT Code Combination." In the "CPT Code
Count" field you need to enter the total number of CPT codes you are selecting
for this report. For example, if you have selected three CPT codes in the "CPT
Codes Values" box, then you would enter '3' in the "CPT Code Count" field.
Date parameters for a service date range can be set by entering the starting
date in the "Enter the Service Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in
the "Enter the Service End Date" field. Only CPT codes linked to charges
within the set service date range will be included in the "Patients by CPT Code
The recommended default format for the "Patients by CPT Code Combination"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
SureScripts Detail Report
The "SureScripts Detail" report shows a summary of the time delay for
prescription transmissions and includes the patient's name who for whom the
prescription was written, a description of the drug prescribed, the provider's
name who wrote the prescription, the pharmacy the prescription was
transmitted to, any message for the pharmacy attached to the prescription, the
create date, the time delay, the delay broken down by hours, and the status of
the prescription. There are no filters available this report.
The recommended default format for the "SureScripts Detail" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
SureScripts Summary Report
The "SureScripts Summary" report shows a summary of the time delay for
prescription transmissions and includes the provider's name who wrote the
prescription, the time delay of transmission broken down by 0-24 hours, 24.148 hours, 48.1 hours- greater. There are no filters available for this report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The recommended default format for the "SureScripts Summary" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Reports Module
Month End Reports
Once a period is closed, you have a number of Month End Reports you can
run by clicking on the Month End Reports link under the Financial Reports
heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module. The reports
available are:"13 Period Roll Up," "All Detail Report," "Analysis Report,"
"Denial," "Detail Aging Report," "Diagnosis," "Financial Detail Report,"
"Financial Summary Cross Tab," "Fiscal Year Over Year," "Full Write Off," and
"Summarized Aging Report." There are no specific Month End Reports that
you are required to run in CareTracker, rather the Month End Reports you will
run are determined by the financial information you need to see and your
practice's needs. You have the ability to create stacks of Month End reports
that can be generated all at one time in the Stacker application of the Reports
You have the ability to create stacks of Month End reports that can be
generated all at one time in the Report Stacker application of the
Reports Module.
Each of type of Month End report has a number of saved reports with set
filters, report options, group by, and order by options you can run for your
group. When a financial report is selected from the "Financial Report" field
drop-down list, all of the corresponding saved reports are available in the
"Saved" field drop-down list. For example, if you selected '13 Period Roll Up'
from the "Financial Report" field drop-down list, all the"13 Period Roll Up"
reports saved in CareTracker will be listed in the "Saved" field drop-down list
including, '13 Period Roll Up-By Billing Provider-Last Period' and '13 Period
Roll Up-By Group-Last Period'. When a saved report is selected, the Month
End Report fields display with the set report options, filters, group by, and order
by options for the report selected. Any default filters for a saved report can be
removed or changed, and additional filters can also be added to the report to
manipulate the data as needed.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
For new CareTracker clients, it is recommended that you run a
'Financial Summary Cross Tab’ report by ‘Fin Xtab Pmts – Billing
Provider by Group – Default’ and add an additional “Group By” option
of ‘Financial Class’ and an “Order By” option of ‘Financial Class
Name.’ This report helps to ensure that payments are being received
by all major payers for all providers in the group”.
For each type of financial report, i.e., "Analysis Report," you have the option of
creating a new report that you can build with specific report options, filters,
group by, and order by options. A new report you create can be saved so that,
next month you can run the report again, and it will be listed in the "Saved"
field drop-down list when you select the type of financial report it is from the
"Financial Report" field drop-down list.
Only the operator who creates a report will be able to delete it
from the list of saved reports
"Group By" and "Order By" options determine how the Month End Report's
information will be grouped and, within each grouping, how the information will
be ordered, and typically the "Group By" and "Order By" fields correspond. For
example, if 'Billing Provider' is selected as the first "Group By" option, 'Billing
Provider Name' would be selected as the first "Order By" option. However, for
reports that include patient detail, additional "Order By" options, i.e., 'Patient
Name' are selected for which a corresponding "Group By" option is not
Report options determine the information that displays when the Month End
Report is generated, i.e., cover page, company address, and whether to
include bar charts or not. Available report options to include are relative to the
type of financial report you are generating however, it is recommended that
'Cover Page' always remain as a report option or be selected as a report option
when you are creating a new report. Default report options set for a saved
report can be removed and/or additional report options can be added.
Filters are used to narrow the data that will be included on the Month End
Report and are generally very specific. For example, a filter can be set on
Month End Reports so only CPT codes that begin with specific numbers will be
included or a specific billing provider can be selected so only they will be
included. Several of the filters allow you to select include or exclude options
from lists, i.e., referring provider, and others require you enter a range of data
to include, i.e., a charge amount greater than a given value. Available filter
options are relative to the type of financial report you are generating. Default
filters for saved reports can be edited or deleted and/or additional filters can be
added. Filters are considered “and” statements not “or” statements therefore,
all filter options selected must be satisfied for the data to qualify for the report.
Each financial report type has a recommended, default format that reports of
that type are generated in. There are seven possible formats reports can be
generated in including, Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel
(XLS), Rich Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) or Comma
Separated Valued (CSV). Typically, the report format should not be changed
however, if needed a different format type can be selected from the "Format"
field drop-down list.
The ‘All Detail Information (Financial)’ report must be formatted in
an Excel spreadsheet.
All Month End Reports should be published in the Published Reports
application of the Reports Module where they are accessible to view and print
at any time until they are deleted by the original operator who generated it.
Publishing Month End Reports is selected as a default option on saved reports
which is indicated with a check mark in the "Publish" field, so when the report
has finished generating it will be available in the Published Reports application.
You can determine which operators will have access to the published report
by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of the Reports
Month End Reports can be run any time after a period is posted.
Charges, payments and adjustments can be entered into
CareTracker for the next period and will not affect the data for the
last period.
Month End Reports are generated based on data from the
previous day. Therefore, if you close your period today, the data
for the Month End reports will not be available until the next
calendar day.
The Month End Reports are:
13 Period Roll Up
All Detail Report
Analysis Report
Detail Aging Report
Financial Detail Report
Financial Summary Cross Tab
Fiscal Year Over Year
Full Write Off
Summarized Aging Report
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
See: Commonly Run Month End Reports, Month End Report Summaries, Month End
Report Fields and Features, How to Create New Month End Report
Related Topic: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Month End Reports
Commonly Run Month End Reports
1. Analysis Reports
By Group – Last Period (Sample Report)
By Provider (Billing or Service) – Last Period (Sample Report)
By Location – Last Period (Sample Report)
By Procedure – Last Period (Sample Report)
By Financial Class – Last Period (Sample Report)
2. Summarized Aging Report
By Financial Class – End Last Period (Sample Report)
No patient names
Aging buckets can be changed
A/R report can be run for a previous date (edit aging options, edit
Target Date)
A "Detail Aging Report" will provide the same report but with patient
names and balances.
3. 13 Month Rollup Report
By Group or Provider – Last Period (Sample Report)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Month End Reports
Month End Report Summaries
Sample reports are available by clicking on the link beneath
each the description of each report. These reports were run
from our training company so the data is a bit skewed, but
the set up and data included in the report is representative of
what the reports would look like when run for your practice.
13 Period Roll Up- This report shows financial information, e.g., charges,
payments, adjustments, units, the number of patients, and the number of
visits over a time frame of 13 periods.
Sample 13 Roll Up Report
All Detail Report-This report shows all details regarding a financial
transaction within CareTracker. All financial transactions associated with
a specific date of service will be listed on a separate line. This report can
only be downloaded into Excel and is not available as an Adobe (PDF)
file. After the file has been saved into Excel, the data should be sorted by
patient and then by date of service. Be sure to save the spreadsheet to
your desktop before making changes.
Sample All Detail Report
Analysis Report- This report shows financial information by period to
date and fiscal year to date, and displays the total amount of charges,
payments, adjustments, patients, visits, and units.
Units represent the number of billed procedures, patients represent the
number of unique patients seen, and visits represent the number of
patient appointments. For example, if a provider only saw one patient
during a month, but that patient had two visits during that month with two
CPT codes selected on each visit’s encounter form, then the following
values will appear on the Analysis Report by Billing Provider:
Units=4 (2 CPT codes billed for 2 visits)
Visits=2 (2 different encounters with 2 different dates of service.
Sample Analysis Report
Denial- This report provides you with a detailed list of all denials posted in
CareTracker. The report is designed to help you analyze denials in your
system, for example, where is the highest percentage of your denials,
front office or back office? What types of denials are the most common,
and are there any changes we can implement to help reduce those
denials? The report also assigns a monetary value to each denial to help
you focus your efforts on decreasing those denials that are most costly to
your practice.
Sample Denial Report
Detail Aging Report- This report shows detail financial information by
age and displays each patient name, insurance plan, and their
outstanding balance broken down into aging buckets, 0-30 days, 31-60
days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and over 120 days.
Sample Detail Aging Report
Diagnosis- This report will allow you to monitor the usage of diagnosis
codes in your practice. On a monthly basis you can generate a list of
diagnosis codes used for the previous period by billing provider. The
report will display all diagnosis codes used by each provider in your group
sorted in order of usage. This will allow you to monitor the severity and
complexity of your practice based on the diagnosis codes that have been
used and to ensure that your providers are using diagnosis codes to the
highest specificity.
Sample Diagnosis Report
Financial Detail Report- This report shows detailed financial information.
All charges, payments, and adjustments related to a specific financial
transaction (date of service), displayed on one line along with the patient's
name, billed CPT codes, diagnoses, dates of service, charges, payments,
adjustments, and RVU information.
Sample Financial Detail Report
Financial Summary Cross Tab- This report shows summary information
for specified chart values. The report displays a column of information
along the left-side of the report and a row of information along the top of
the report and will fill in the chart value specified.
Sample Financial Summary Cross Tab Report
Fiscal Year Over Year- The purpose of this report is to compare the
financial status of your practice from year to year. The report will display
charges, payments, adjustments, units, patients, visits, and RVU data for
each fiscal year specified and will determine the variance from one year
to the next. The filter of “Fiscal Year” should be selected when generating
this report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Sample Fiscal Year Over Year Report
Full Write Off- This report identifies all charges that have been written or
adjusted off completely. The purpose of the report is to identify potential
lost monies for your practice, and help monitor the reasons why
adjustments have been made.
Sample Full Write Off Report
Summarized Aging Report- This report shows summarized aging
information for the selected options.
Sample Summarized Aging Report
See: Commonly Run Month End Reports, Month End Report Fields and Features, How
to Create New Month End Report
Related Topic: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Month End Reports
Month End Report Fields and Features
Regardless of the type of financial report you are running for a Month End
Report or if you are creating a new Month End Report, the report options,
filters, group by, and order by options you can utilize are the same.
Financial Report
There are eleven types of financial reports that can be selected to run for a
Month End Report including, "13 Period Roll Up," "All Detail Report," "Analysis
Report," "Denial Report," "Detail Aging Report," "Diagnosis Report," "Financial
Detail Report," "Financial Summary Cross Tab," "Fiscal Year over Year
Report," "Full Write Off Report," and "Summarized Aging Report." A financial
report to run must be selected from the "Financial Report" field drop-down list.
When a report is selected, you can then choose a saved report in CareTracker
to run or you can create a new report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
When a financial report is selected from the "Financial Report" field drop-down
list, a list of saved reports that are available will display from the "Saved" field
drop-down list. For example, if you select 'All Detail Information' from the
"Financial Report" field drop-down list, all of the saved 'All Detail Information'
report options in CareTracker will be listed in the "Saved" field drop-down list
including, 'All Detail-By Bill Provider-Last Period Only' and 'All Detail-By
Insurance-Last Period Only'. If you are creating a new report, you can select
'New' from the "Saved" field drop-down list and click on the Show Options
Show Options
When you are creating a new report, click on the Show Options button after
you have selected the type of financial report you are creating from the
"Financial Report" field drop-down list.
Group By/Order By
"Group By" and "Order By" options determine how the Month End Report's
information will be grouped and, within each grouping, how the information will
be ordered, and typically the "Group By" and "Order By" fields correspond. For
example, if 'Billing Provider' is selected as the first "Group By" option, 'Billing
Provider Name' would be selected as the first "Order By" option. However, for
reports that include detailed patient information there are times when additional
"Order By" options, i.e., 'Patient Name' are selected for which a corresponding
"Group By" option is not selected.
Typically, default "Group By" and "Order By" options set on saved reports are
not changed. However, there are times when additional "Group By" and/or
"Order By" options are selected to manipulate the data as needed.
When a report is generated, "Group By" and "Order By" options can be listed
ascending or descending which you determine by selecting Asc or Desc next
to each "Order By" field.
Report Options
Report options determine the information that displays when the Month End
Report is generated, i.e., cover page, company address, and whether to
display bar charts or not. There are some report options that are universal to
all Month End Reports, i.e., 'Show Cover Page', and there are report options
that are specific to the type of financial report you have selected, i.e., 'Show
CPT Modifier'. Default report options set for a saved report can be removed
and/or additional report options can be added.
In report options you can also elect to compress or zip a report file as it is
generated. While the compress report option is available for all Month End
reports, it should typically only be used for reports with a Microsoft XLS output.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
To add a report option, click on the Set button and the Report Options pop-up
window displays. The All Reports section of the Report Options pop-up
window is universal to all Month End Reports, and in this section you can give
the report a title, headers, footers, determine which pages headers and footers
appear on if applicable, determine whether or not the report will have a cover
page, and whether or not the company address will appear on the cover page.
It is recommended that 'Show Cover Page' always remain as a report option
for saved reports or be selected as a report option if you are creating a new
The lower half of the Report Options pop-up window, Report Specific, contains
the report options that are specific to the type of financial report you selected
from the "Financial Report" field drop-down list.
A report-specific option can be selected by clicking in the small white check
box to the right of the option, i.e., Show RVU Data or Compress which places a
check mark in the box indicating it will be a selected option for the Month End
Report you are generating. To de-select a report option, click on the check
mark, which removes it from the check box.
When universal or report-specific options have been added or removed, click
on the OK button to apply those changes to the report you are generating. All
selected report options are listed in the "Report Options" field. An option can
be removed by clicking on an option which highlights it in blue and then clicking
the Delete button.
Filters are used to narrow the data that will be included on the Month End
Report and are generally very specific. For example, a filter can be set on
Month End Reports so only CPT codes that begin with specific numbers will be
included or a specific billing provider can be selected so only they will be
included. Several of the filters allow you to select include or exclude options
from lists, i.e., referring provider, and others require you enter a range of data
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
to include, i.e., a charge amount greater than a given value. Available filter
options are relative to the type of financial report you are generating. Filters
are considered “and” statements not “or” statements therefore, all filter options
selected must be satisfied for the data to qualify for the report. Default filters
for saved reports can be edited or deleted and/or additional filters can be
When the Add button is clicked, the Report Filters pop up window displays,
and in this pop-up you can add report filters. From the “Column” field dropdown list, select the type of filter you need to add. Filter types include, 'Billing
Provider', ‘Adjustments’, ‘CPT Code’, ‘Financial Class’, and ‘Insurance Plan.’
When a type of filter is selected from the "Column" field drop-down list, new
fields display relative to the selected filter where the actual information to
include or exclude is selected. For example, if ‘Billing Provider’ is selected in
the "Column" field, a list of your group’s billing providers will display, and from
this list, you determine the billing providers to include or exclude in the report
you are generating. Some filter types require values, e.g., equal to, between,
greater than, or less than, be set to determine the information that is included
in the report you are generating, i.e., 'Patient ID'.
When CPT codes 'In List' is selected as a filter, each CPT code
must be separated by a comma without a space after the comma.
When a filter type has been selected and the information to include or exclude
has been set, click on the Add button, and the Report Filters pop-up window
remains open in order for you to add additional filters if needed. If no more
filters need to be added, click on the Close button. All set filters on the report
you are generating are listed in the "Filters" field.
To edit an existing filter, click on the filter you need to edit which highlights it in
blue and click on the Edit button. When the Edit button is clicked, the Report
filters pop-up window displays with the selected filters information. Edit the
filter as needed, click on the Save button, and then click on the Close button to
close the pop-up.
A filter can be removed by clicking on the filter in the "Filter" box which
highlights it in blue and then clicking on the Delete button.
Each financial report type has a recommended, default format that reports of
that type are generated in. There are 7 possible formats reports can be
generated in including, Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel
(XLS), Rich Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) or Comma
Separated Valued (CSV). Typically, the report format should not be changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" field dropdown list.
All Month End Reports should be published in the Published Reports
application of the Reports Module where they are accessible to view and print
at any time until they are deleted by the original operator who generated it.
Publishing a Month End Report is selected as a default option on saved
reports which is indicated with a check mark in the "Publish" field, so when the
report has finished generating it will be available in the Published Reports
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
If the report you are generating needs to be saved in a specific folder, select
the folder from the "Folder" field drop-down list. Folders and are built in the
Folders application of the Reports Module and who has access to the folder is
also determined in this application. When a report is published into a
particular folder, only those with permissions will be able to view it. If a folder
is not selected, the report will be published at the group level.
Generate Report
When all report filters, options, "Group By," and "Order By" options have been
set, click on the Generate Report button, to generate the selected report.
Show Queue
When Month End Reports are generated, they are sent to the Queue
application of the Messages Module which is a where reports are stored until
they are processed by CareTracker. The size of the report you are generating
determines the time it will take for the report to complete its generation. When
your report has generated, it will be available in the Published Reports
application of the Reports Module.
See: Month End Report Summaries, Commonly Run Month End Reports, How to
Create New Month End Report
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Related Topic: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Month End Reports
How to Create a New Month End Report
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Month End Reports link under the Financial Reports section of
the Reports application.
3. Select the type of financial report you want to create from the "Financial
Report" field drop-down list, i.e. 'All Detail Information' or '13 Period Roll Up',
4. Leave 'New' selected in the "Saved" field.
5. Click on the Show Options button.
6. When the Show Options button is clicked, the Group By section, Order By
section, Report Options section, and Filters section display. Select how you
would like to group and order your report by using the "Group By" and "Order
By" field drop downs.
7. Click on the Set button next to the "Report Options" field.
8. When the Set button is clicked, the Report Options pop-up window displays.
Select 'Yes' to "Show Cover Page" as a report option. Select any other report
options needed for your report, i.e., title, headers, footers, bar charts, or
include RVU data.
A report option for "All Detail," "Detail Aging," and "Financial
Detail" reports is to compress the file when CareTracker
generates the report. This reduces the large size of these
reports. A report can also be zipped (compressed) once it is
in the Published Reports application.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
9. Click on the OK button located at the bottom of the Report Options pop-up
window when all of the desired report options have been selected.
10. Click on the Add button next to the "Filters" field to select needed filter
types and filter values to include or exclude on the report you are generating.
11. When the Add button is clicked, the Report Filters pop-up window displays.
From the "Column" field drop-down list, select what type of filter you would like
to have set and when a type of filter is selected, then enter the specific
information you would like to include or exclude relative to the filter type you
selected. For example, if you selected 'Billing Provider' from the "Column" field
drop-down list, you would then need to click on the provider's to include or
exclude on your Month End Report. Click on the Add button in the Reports
Filters pop-up window to add the filter to your report.
12. Click on the Close button when you have selected all desired filters.
13. Verify that a check mark displays in the "Save Settings" box so the Month
End Report you created will be saved in CareTracker for future use.
14. If this report needs to be published into a particular folder in the Published
Reports application, select the folder from the "Folder" field drop-down list. If a
folder is not selected, the report will be published at the group level.
15. Double check your group by fields, order by fields, report options, and
filter. When everything needed is set, click on the Generate Report button
and your Month End Report will begin generating.
16. Click on the Published Reports application to view your report. Note: It
may take several minutes for your report to be published.
17. Click on the name of your report and a File Download pop-up box will
display. Click on the Open button to view your report.
See: Month End Report Summaries, Commonly Run Month End Reports, Month End
Report Fields and Features
Related Topic: Report Stacker Overview (Reports Module); How to Create a Report Stack (Reports
Module); How to Generate a Report Stack (Reports Module); Report Folders Overview (Reports
Module); How to Create a Report Folder (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports
Module); Published Reports Fields and Features (Reports Module); Open/Close Period Overview
Reports Module
Other Reports-Financial
Financial Other Reports provide additional information to help you manage
your practice. The financial Other Reports are accessible by clicking on the
Other Reports link under the Financial Reports heading of the Reports
application. A date range or specific information may be required when
generating Other Reports. Limited filters options are available for these
Date parameters are typically entered in MM/DD/YYYY format
however, on several of the Other Reports you are required to
indicate a year and period to run the report for. The date
should be entered in YYYY/P format.
The Other Reports have a default format that the report should be generated
in. Possible formats include, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT) and
Comma Separated Value (CSV). Typically, the report format is not changed
however, a different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down
list if advanced data manipulation is required.
Other Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Other Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Other Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The Financial Other Reports are:
Adjustment Tran Report
by Group Fin Class
Denial Report
Adjustment Trans Report
Denials With Balance
Adjustment Tran Report
by Group Provider
EM Codes
Analysis by Provider and
Expected Payment by
Group and Payer
Average Payment by CPT
Expected Payment by
Group and Provider
Average Payment Report
Financial Transaction
Summary by Provider
Bad Debt Report
Full Write Off Report
Billing Provider and
Service Provider
Insurance Summary
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Action Settlement
MRN with CPT and Billing
Bundled Codes
Open Balances by
Modifier Report
CPT Code with Diagnosis
by Provider
Patient Detail with
Charge Lag Report
Payer Mix by Group
Charges by Diag and Ins
Payer Mix by Provider
Charges by Provider and
Service Date
Payment Lag Report
Charges by Provider and
Trans Date
Payment Lag by Service
Collection Detail Extract
Payment Lag by
Transaction Date
Collection Report with
Payment Month Report
Collection Report
Payment Transaction by
Fiscal Year and Period
Collections Summary
Payment Transaction
Collection Pending Report
Payments by Date and
Collection Pending NS
Primary Provider and
Billing Provider
Credit Balance Report by
Ins Plan
Procedure Class Detail
Credit Balance Report by
Procedure Class
Summary Analysis
Credit Card Report
Procedure Code Variance
Credit Debit Report
Reversed Charges by
Service Provider
Credit Debit Report by
Date of Service
Service Provider and
Billing Provider
Day Sheet Detail
Surgical Codes With
Daily AR by Year and
Zero Balance Extract
See: Financial Other Report Summaries
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Other Reports-Financial
Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Fin Class
The "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Fin Class" report will identify all
patients who have had a specific transaction posted on their account for the
date range specified. The report is sorted by group, by financial class and by
patient ID. It will display the patient’s name, date of service, date of the
transaction selected, the CPT code, the amount of the charge, the amount of
any payments, the amount of any adjustments, the balance remaining, the
description of the transaction and the amount associated with that transaction,
the insurance plan name, the batch name the transaction was entered in and
the operator’s ID who entered the transaction.
A specific transaction and a transaction date range must be selected in order
to generate the report. There are two ways to select transactions either by
clicking on the financial transaction listed in the "Select Item to Add to List"
box, or by manually typing the name of the financial transaction in the "Enter
the Financial Transaction to Add" field and clicking on the Add button. All
selected financial transactions that will be included in the report you are
generating will be listed in the "Financial Transactions Values" box. To deselect a transaction, double-click on it in the "Financial Transactions Values"
box. However, at least one transaction type must be selected in order to run
the "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Fin Class."
Date parameters for a transaction date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter Transaction Date End" field. Only transactions that
occurred in CareTracker within this transaction date range will be included in
the "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Fin Class."
The recommended default format for the "Adjustment Transaction Report by
Group Fin Class" is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Adjustment Transaction Report
The "Adjustment Transaction" report will identify all patients who have had a
specific transaction posted on their account for the date range specified. The
report is sorted by financial class and by patient ID. It will display the patient’s
name, date of service, date of the transaction selected, the CPT code, the
amount of the charge, the amount of any payments, the amount of any
adjustments, the balance remaining, the description of the transaction and the
amount associated with that transaction, the insurance plan name, the batch
name the transaction was entered in and the operator’s ID who entered the
A specific transaction and a transaction date range must be selected in order
to generate the report. There are two ways to select transactions either by
clicking on the financial transaction listed in the "Select Item to Add to List"
box, or by manually typing the name of the financial transaction in the "Enter
the Financial Transaction to Add" field and clicking on the Add button. All
selected financial transactions that will be included in the report you are
generating will be listed in the "Financial Transactions Values" box. To deselect a transaction, double-click on it in the "Financial Transactions Values"
box. However, at least one transaction type must be selected in order to run
the "Adjustment Transaction" report.
Date parameters for a transaction date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter Transaction Date End" field. Only transactions that
occurred in CareTracker within this transaction date range will be included in
the "Adjustment Transaction" report.
The recommended default format for the "Adjustment Transaction" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Adjustment Trans Report by Group Provider
The "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Provider" will identify all
patients who have had a specific transaction posted on their account for the
date range specified. The report is sorted by group, by billing provider and by
patient ID. It will display the patient’s name, date of service, date of the
transaction selected, the CPT code, the amount of the charge, the amount of
any payments, the amount of any adjustments, the balance remaining, the
description of the transaction and the amount associated with that transaction,
the insurance plan name, the batch name the transaction was entered in and
the operator’s ID who entered the transaction.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
A specific transaction and a transaction date range must be selected in order
to generate the report. There are two ways to select transactions either by
clicking on the financial transaction listed in the "Select Item to Add to List"
box, or by manually typing the name of the financial transaction in the "Enter
the Financial Transaction to Add" box and clicking on the Add button. All
selected financial transactions that will be included in the report you are
generating will be listed in the "Financial Transactions Values" field. To deselect a transaction, double-click on it in the "Financial Transactions Values"
box. However, at least one transaction type must be selected in order to run
the "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Provider."
Date parameters for a transaction date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter Transaction Date End" field. Only transactions that
occurred in CareTracker within this transaction date range will be included in
the "Adjustment Transaction Report by Group Provider."
The recommended default format for the "Adjustment Transaction Report by
Group Provider" is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Analysis By Provider and Location
The “Analysis By Provider and Location” provides a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet of all charges, payments, and adjustments posted in CareTracker
broken down by provider and then is further broken down by location where
each provider renders services. This report provides the financial totals for
both the last fiscal period and the total for the year up to including the last fiscal
A date range must be entered in order to run the “Analysis By Provider and
Location” report. Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in
the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the
End Date" field. Only financial transactions entered into CareTracker within this
transaction date range will be included in the "Analysis By Provider and
Location" report.
The recommended default format for the "Analysis By Provider" is Microsoft
Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published
Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder
within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down
list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Average Payment by CPT Code
The “Average Payment by CPT Code” report provides a list of average
payments by primary insurance plan and CPT Code. The report is run Period.
This report includes the insurance plan name, CPT code, total amount of
payments made on each CPT code, number of units for each CPT code, and
the average payment amount.
To run this report you must enter start and end period dates in the appropriate
boxes and click Generate Report button. The default format for this report is
PDF and you can enter a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field to
help you identify the report in the Published Reports application. If you want
the report published
in a specific folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list.
Average Payment Report
The “Average Payment Report” provides the average payment by CPT code by
primary insurance plan. This report includes the insurance plan name, CPT
code, the total amount of payments made on each CPT code for the date
range specified, the number of units for each CPT code for the date range
specified, and the average payment amount. The payments included in this
report are only primary insurance payments. Patient payments are not
A fiscal period range needs to be set in order to run the “Average Payment
Report.” Period parameters can be set by entering the starting period and
fiscal year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period
and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field.
The recommended default format for the "Average Payment Report" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Bad Debt Report
The "Bad Debt" report provides a list of patients who have had balances
adjusted off with the adjustment transaction, “Adjustment–Collections” based
on a specific date range. The report is sorted by group, by provider, by
location and by patient ID. The report includes the patient’s name, the CPT
code, the date of service, the amount of the bad debt adjusted off, the
transaction description and the insurance plan name.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
A transaction date range must be entered in order to run the Bad Debt Report.
Date parameters for a transaction date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in
the "Enter the End Date" field. Only transactions that occurred in CareTracker
within this transaction date range will be included in the "Bad Debt" report.
The recommended default format for the "Bad Debt" report is Adobe (PDF).
Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required
but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If
the report needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate
Report button to begin generating your report.
Billing Provider and Service Provider
The "Billing Provider and Service Provider" report provides you with a list of all
billing and servicing providers linked to charges entered into CareTracker for a
particular service date range and the financial details for each charge as well
and is broken down by billing provider. This report includes the patient's
account ID, name, billing provider, service provider, service date, CPT code,
charges, payments, adjustments, units and visits.
A service date range needs to be set in order to generate the "Billing Provider
and Service Provider" report. Date parameters for a date range can be set by
entering the starting date in the "Enter the Date Begin" field and entering the
ending date in the "Enter the Date End" field. Only charges entered in
CareTracker within this service date range will be included the report, and a
date range must be set to run this report.
The recommended default format for the "Billing Provider and Service
Provider" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Action Settlement
The “Blue Cross Action Settlement” provides a list of payments made by Blue
This report includes payer name, billing provider, patient account id, name,
date of service, charges and payments from Blue Cross.
To run this report select the group for which you want to run the report and
enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and click Generate Report button.
The default format for this report is PDF and you can enter a title for the report
in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you identify the report in the
Published Reports application. If you want the report published in a specific
folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields dropdown list.
Bundled Codes Report
The "Bundled Codes" report identifies patients where CPT codes that are
considered bundled into a primary CPT code have been billed on the same day
as the primary CPT code. The report is sorted by financial class and by
diagnosis. It includes the patient's name and ID, the date of service, the CPT
codes, the diagnosis code, if any payments were made and the financial class.
A financial class, the bundled CPT codes, a comparative CPT code (the
primary CPT code, typically a surgical CPT code), a service date range, and a
diagnosis code range must be selected in order to run the "Bundled Codes"
report. There are two ways to select a financial class to include, either by
clicking on the financial class listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by
manually entering the financial class in the "Enter the Financial Class" field and
clicking on the Add button. All selected financial classes that will be included in
the "Bundled Codes" report will be listed in the "Financial Class Values" box.
To de-select a financial class, double-click on it in "Financial Transactions
Values" box. However, at least one financial class must be selected.
CPT codes to include in the report are selected by manually entering the code
in the "Enter the Codes Requested" field and clicking on the Add button. All
selected CPT codes to be included will be listed in the "Codes Requested" box.
The CPT Code you are using as a comparative code must be added to the
"Codes Requested" box and it must also be entered in the "Enter the Code to
Compare" field.
Date parameters for a date range can be set by entering the starting date in
the "Enter the Date Begin" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the
Date End" field. Only charges entered in CareTracker within this date range
will be included the report, and a date range must be set to run this report.
The diagnosis code range can be set by entering the starting ICD-9 code in the
“Enter the Diagnosis Code Begin” field and entering the ending ICD-9 code in
the "Enter the Diagnosis Code End” field. Only charges with this diagnosis
range will be included in the "Bundled Codes" report, and a diagnosis code
range must be set to run this report.
The recommended default format for the "Bundled Codes" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
CPT Code with Diagnosis by Provider
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The "CPT Code with Diagnosis by Provider" report provides you with a list by
billing provider of CPT codes that were billed with a specified diagnosis code or
a range of diagnoses codes. This report includes all CPT codes linked to a
diagnosis code, the diagnosis description, the number of times each diagnosis
code was entered into CareTracker with the corresponding CPT code and the
amount charged for each CPT code.
A range of diagnosis codes, group ID, and a period range must be set in order
to generate the "CPT Code with Diagnosis by Provider" report. Diagnosis code
parameters can be set by entering the starting diagnosis code in the "Enter the
Diagnosis Begin" field and entering the ending diagnosis code in the "Enter the
Diagnosis End" field. Only diagnoses within this diagnosis range will be
included in the "CPT Code with Diagnosis by Provider" report. This report can
be run for one specific diagnosis code, in which case the “Diagnosis Begin”
and "Diagnosis End” fields would have the same value or for a range of
diagnosis codes.
The CareTracker group ID for the group in your practice you wish to generate
this report for must be entered in the “Enter the Group ID” field. You can
obtain all group IDs by running the “Company Name and ID” Productivity Other
A fiscal period range can be entered the starting period and fiscal year in the
“Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period and fiscal year in
the “Enter the Period End” field. Only CPT and ICD-9 codes on charges
entered into CareTracker within the period range will be included in the "CPT
Code with Diagnosis by Provider" report.
The recommended default format for the “CPT Code with Diagnosis by
Provider” report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Charge Lag Report
Effective revenue cycle management begins from the date of an appointment.
The "Charge Lag" report will help you monitor the amount of time it takes for
an appointment to become a charge. This report will compare the date of
service to the date the encounter was created and to the date the encounter
was saved as a charge. Many practices use this report to identify potential
issues in their practices for getting charges posted into the system.
A range of CPT codes and a posting date range must be selected in order to
generate the Charge Lag Report. CPT code parameters can be set by
entering the starting CPT code in the “Enter Beginning CPT Code” field and
entering the ending CPT code in the "Enter the End CPT Code” field. Only
CPT codes within this CPT Code range will be included in the
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter
Beginning CPT Code" field and '99999' in the "Enter the End
CPT Code" field.
A posting date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the
Post Date Begin" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the Post Date
End" field. Only charges posted within this posting date range will be included
the report.
The recommended default format for the "Charge Lag" report is Adobe (PDF).
Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required
but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If
the report needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate
Report button to begin generating your report.
Charges by Diag and Insurance Plan
The "Charges by Diag and Insurance Plan” report provides you with a
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet of all CPT codes that are linked to a specific
diagnosis code and the insurance plan that was billed. This report includes the
patient's name, account number, billing provider, service date, transaction
date, location, diagnosis code, CPT code, CPT code description, charged
amount, and the insurance plan billed.
A diagnosis code and a date range need to be set in order to generate the
"Charges by Diag and Insurance Plan" report. Enter a diagnosis code to
include in the report in the "Enter the Diagnosis Code" field and then click on
the Add button. All selected diagnoses that will be included in the report you
are generating will be listed in the "Diagnosis Code Values" box. To de-select a
diagnosis code, double-click on it in the "Diagnosis Code Values" box.
However, at least one diagnosis code must be selected in order to run the
"Charges by Diag and Insurance Plan" report and you can select up to 254
diagnosis codes to include.
Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the
Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
The recommended default format for the "Charges by Diag and Insurance
Plan" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Charges by Provider and Service Date
The "Charges by Provider and Service Date" report will list all charges for a
specific service date range. The report will be sorted by provider, by patient
name and by date of service. The column headings on the report include:
provider name, account number, patient name, transaction date, service date,
CPT code, charge amount, location of the charge and the insurance plan.
A service date range must be selected to generate the "Charges by Provider
and Service Date" report. Date parameters for a service date range can be set
by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Service Begin Date" field and
entering the ending date in the "Enter the Service End Date" field. Only
charges with a service date within this date range will be included the report.
The recommended default format for the "Charges by Provider and Service
Date" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Charges by Provider and Trans Date
The "Charges by Provider and Trans Date" report will list all charges for a
specific transaction date range. The report will be sorted by provider, by
patient name and by date of service. The column headings on the report
include: provider name, account number, patient name, transaction date,
service date, CPT code, charge amount, location of the charge and the
insurance plan.
A transaction date range must be selected to generate the "Charges by
Provider and Trans Date" report. Date parameters for a transaction date range
can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter Transaction Begin Date"
field and entering the ending date in the "Enter Transaction Date End" field.
Only transactions that occurred within this transaction date range will be
included in the "Charges by Provider and Trans Date" report.
The recommended default format for the "Charges by Provider and Trans
Date" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Collection Detail Extract
The "Collection Detail Extract" provides a, detailed Excel Spreadsheet of all
patients with outstanding balances that have been transferred to the insurance
plan “Collections”. The spreadsheet includes the patient's ID, name,
responsible party name, address, home phone number, DOB, gender,
employer, work phone number, date of service on which there is an
outstanding balance, provider ID, provider's name, diagnosis code, diagnosis
description, CPT code, CPT code description, location ID, location where the
patient was seen, total amount of charges, total amount of payments made,
total amount that was transferred to collections.
A specific transaction date range is required in order to generate the
"Collection Detail Extract." A transaction date range can be set by entering the
starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in
the "Enter the End Date" field. Only transactions within this date range that
have been transferred to “Collections” will be included in the "Collection Detail
The recommended default format for the "Collection Detail Extract" is Microsoft
Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published
Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder
within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down
list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
See: Collection Detail Extract Column Descriptors
Collection Report With Correspondence
The "Collection Report With Correspondence" report provides you with a
comprehensive list of all patients with an open balance who have been sent a
Collections Letter. Possible Collection letters that may have been sent to the
patient include Collections Letter 1, Past Due, Delinquent, Final Notice,
Collection 75, and Collection Payment Plan. Collection letters are generated
for patients from the Collections link under the Billing section of the Dashboard.
For each patient with an open balance who has received a Collections letter,
this report includes their responsible party information, their basic demographic
information, their insurance information, the service date for which they have
an open balance, the location where their services were rendered, the billing
provider, the CPT code for which a balance is open, the CPT code description,
and their diagnosis from that particular date of service. Next, the report
provides you with a detailed list of all financial transactions linked to the date of
service, e.g. charges, payments, adjustments, and transfers and all statement
dates on which statements were generated for the patient. Finally, all
correspondence, e.g. Collection letters that have been sent to the patient are
listed. There are no filters available when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Collection Report With
Correspondence" is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Collections Reportv2
The "Collections Reportv2" provides a comprehensive list of all patients who
have had private pay balances that have been transferred to the insurance
plan “Collections Actual." The report is broken down into five sections for each
patient included in this report: Guarantor Information, i.e., name, address,
phone number, and SSN; Patient Information, i.e., name, address, phone
number, relationship to guarantor, DOB, gender, and marital status; Insurance
Information, i.e., active insurance companies and insurance plans saved on the
patient's demographic record, the policy holder, the subscriber number, the
group number, and member number; balance Information, i.e., service date,
service location, servicing provider, CPT code, CPT code description,
diagnosis code, and diagnosis code description; and Service Detail
information, i.e., each financial transaction linked to the service date on which
the outstanding balance was transferred to collections. There are no available
filters when running this report.
The recommended default format for the "Collections Reportv2" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Collection Summary Extract
The "Collection Summary Extract" provides an Excel Spreadsheet of all
patients with outstanding balances that have been transferred to the insurance
plan “Collections”. The spreadsheet includes the patient's ID, name, address,
home phone number, DOB, gender, employer, work phone number, date of
service on which there is an outstanding balance, provider ID, provider's name,
the outstanding balance that was transferred to collections and the date the
transaction was transferred to collections.
A specific service date range is required in order to generate the "Collection
Summary Extract." A service date range can be set by entering the starting
date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the
"Enter the End Date" field. Only patients who have services within this date
range and have been transferred to "Collections” will be included in the
"Collection Summary Extract."
The recommended default format for the "Collection Summary Extract" is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
See: Collection Summary Extract Column Descriptors
Collections Pending
The "Collections Pending" report provides a list of all patients who have had an
outstanding balance transferred to the insurance plan “Collections Pending."
The report includes the patient's name, account ID, DOB, CPT code, service
date, balance, financial class name and current insurance plan name. The
report is sorted by provider, and includes subtotals by provider of all
outstanding balances transferred to Collections Pending and a grand total.
A group ID and a specific date range is required to generate the "Collections
Pending" report. Enter the group ID in the "Enter the Group ID Number" field.
If you do not know the group's ID, run the "Company Name and ID"
Productivity Other Report first which can be done by clicking on the Other
Reports link under the Productivity section of the Reports application. This
report includes all group IDs.
Date parameters for a date range can be set by entering the starting date in
the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the
End Date" field. Only patients with an outstanding balances and have been
transferred to Collections Pending with dates of service included in that date
range, will be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Collections Pending" report is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Collections Pending NS
The "Collections Pending NS" report provides a list of all patients who have
had an outstanding balance transferred to the insurance plan “Collections
Pending NS." The report includes the patient's name, account ID, DOB, CPT
code, service date, balance, financial class name and current insurance plan
name. The report is sorted by provider, and includes subtotals by provider of all
outstanding balances transferred to Collections Pending NS and a grand total.
A group ID and a specific date range is required to generate the "Collections
Pending NS" report. Enter the group ID in the "Enter the Group ID Number"
field. If you do not know the group's ID, run the "Company Name and ID"
Productivity Other Report first which can be done by clicking on the Other
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports link under the Productivity section of the Reports application. This
report includes all group IDs.
Date parameters for a date range can be set by entering the starting date in
the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the
End Date" field. Only patients with an outstanding balances and have been
transferred to Collections Pending NS with dates of service included in that
date range, will be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Collections Pending NS" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Credit Balance Report by Insurance Plan
The "Credit Balance Report by Insurance Plan" identifies all patients who have
a credit balance outstanding to an insurance plan. The report is sorted by
insurance plan by patient by date of service and includes the following fields:
patient name, account ID, DOB, provider name, CPT code, balance, plan
name and insurance company name. There are no filters available for this
The recommended default format for the "Credit Balance Report by Insurance
Plan" is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Credit Balance Report by Provider
The "Credit Balance Report by Provider" identifies all patients who have a
credit balance. The report is sorted by provider by insurance plan and includes
the following fields: patient name, account ID, DOB, service date, transaction
date, provider name, CPT code, balance, plan name and insurance company
name. There are no filters available for this report.
The recommended default format for the "Credit Balance Report by Provider"
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Credit Card Report
The "Credit Card Report" will identify for you all patients with a private pay
balance who also have a credit card on file in CareTracker. Patient credit
cards are stored in the CC application of the Patient Module. This report
includes the patient's account ID, name, credit card name, the credit card's
expiration date, and the outstanding balance.
If you are not currently set up to store patient credit
cards in CareTracker please send a To Do to Support.
In order to generate the "Credit Card Report" report you are required to set the
number of days for which the patient balances are overdue. This can be done
by entering the days outstanding in the "Enter the Days Outstanding" field.
The recommended default format for the "Credit Card Report" is Adobe (PDF).
Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required
but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If
the report needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate
Report button to begin generating your report.
Credit Debit
The "Credit Debit" report shows all patients who have a credit balance and a
debit balance on the same date of service for the same procedure but with
different payers. The purpose of the report is to identify patients who may
have had payment transactions posted incorrectly, making a net balance of
zero on the transaction but having debit and credit balances therefore keeping
the transactions open. The report includes, the group name, patient ID, patient
name, date of service, insurance plan name with a credit balance, amount of
credit balance, insurance plan name with a debit balance, amount of debit
There are no filters available to narrow the information to include when running
the "Credit Debit" report. The recommended default format for this report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Credit Debit Report by Date of Service
The "Credit Debit Report by Date of Service" provides a list of procedures on
the same date of service for a particular patient for which one procedure
performed as a credit and another procedure performed has a debit. This
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
report includes the patient's account ID, date of service, debit balance, CPT
code with a debit, credit balance, and CPT code with a credit.
There are no filters available to narrow the information to include when running
the "Credit Debit Report by Date of Service" report. The recommended default
format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the
"Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report
in the Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Daily AR by Year and Period
The "Daily AR by Year and Period" report provides you with the total charges,
payments, adjustments, net balance, and total number of procedures for a
particular day, for the month to date, for the year to date, and a grand AR total
for each billing provider.
A transaction date range and a current date need to be selected in order to
generate the "Daily AR by Year and Period" report. A transaction date range
can be set by entering the beginning date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field
and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only
transactions entered within this date range will be included in the "Denial
Report." To select the current date to include on this report enter the date in
MM/DD/YYYY format in the "Enter Current Date" field.
For this reports the fiscal year and period must be
entered in YYYY/P format.
The recommended default format for the "Daily AR Year and Period" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Day Sheet Detail
The "Day Sheet Detail" report shows all financial transactions posted into
CareTracker and includes the posting date, patient ID, patient name, total
amount of charges posted, total amount of payments posted, and total amount
of adjustments posted. A date range must be selected to generate the "Day
Sheet Detail" report. The date range can be set by entering the starting date in
the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the
End Date" field. Only financial transactions posted in CareTracker within his
date range will be included in the "Day Sheet Detail" report.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
Denial Report
The "Denial Report" provides a comprehensive list of all patients who have had
a denial transaction posted to their account during the specified transaction
date range. The report is sorted by provider by location and by patient ID and
includes the following fields: the provider's name, location of the service,
patient ID, patient name, CPT code that was denied, date of service, balance,
denial description, and insurance plan name.
A specific date range must be entered to generate the "Denial Report." A date
range can be set by entering the beginning date in the "Enter the Begin Date"
field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only denial
transactions entered within this date range will be included in the "Denial
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
Denials With Balance
The "Denials With Balance" report provides a comprehensive list of all denials
posted in CareTracker that still have an open balance broken down by billing
provider and insurance company. This report can help you ensure that all
denials are being transferred accordingly or adjusted off accordingly. This
report includes the patient's name, account ID, date of service, CPT code,
billed amount, amount posted, amount adjusted, all transferred amounts, the
payer the amounts were transferred to, the net balance, and the denial
description of the denial that was posted.
A specific service date range must be selected in order to run the "Denials
With Balance" report. A service date range can be set by entering the
beginning date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date
in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only denials entered into CareTracker for
services within this service date range will be included when the "Denials With
Balance" is run.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The recommended default format for the "Denials With Balance" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
EM Codes
The "EM Codes" report provides a bar chart by provider of their utilization of
Evaluation and Management CPT codes for a specified date range. A date
range must be selected to generate the EM Codes report. The date range can
be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and
entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only charges with
E&M CPT codes entered into CareTracker within this date range will be
included in the "EM Codes" report.
The recommended default format for this is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for
the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in
identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report needs
to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder
from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to
begin generating your report.
Expected Payment by Group and Payer
The “Expected Payment by Group and Payer” report provides a detailed list of
payments due by a payer to each group within your company.
This report includes patient name, account Id, group name, billing provider,
service date, CPT code, CPT description, plan name, charges, payments,
adjustments, balance, allowed amount and variance.
To run this report select the group for which you want to run the report and
enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and click Generate Report button.
The default format for this report is PDF and you can enter a title for the report
in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you identify the report in the
Published Reports application.
If you want the report published in a specific folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" drop-down list.
Expected Payment by Group and Provider
The “Expected Payment by Group and Provider” report provides a detailed list
of payments that are due for each provider in a group.
This report includes patient name, account Id, group name, billing provider,
service date, CPT code, CPT description, plan name, charges, payments,
adjustments, balance, allowed amount and variance.
To run this report select the group for which you want to run the report and
enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and click Generate Report button.
The default format for this report is PDF and you can enter a title for the report
in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you identify the report in the
Published Reports application.
If you want the report published in a specific folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" drop-down list.
Financial Transaction Summary by Provider
The "Financial Transaction Summary by Provider" report provides a detailed
list of all financial transactions entered into CareTracker for each billing
provider. For each billing provider, this report includes the billing provider's
name, servicing provider's name, group name, transaction type, e.g. charges,
payments, adjustments, the amount of charges, payments, adjustments,
transfers, the balance, and the grand total.
A specific transaction date range must be selected in order to run the
"Financial Transaction Summary by Provider" report. A transaction date range
can be set by entering the beginning date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field
and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only
transactions entered into CareTracker within this date range will be included
when the "Financial Transaction Summary by Provider" report is run.
The recommended default format for the "Financial Transaction Summary by
Provider" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Full Write Off
The "Full Write Off" report provides you with a list of all charges posted in
CareTracker for which an adjustment of the same amount was also posted.
This report includes the group name, patient’s ID, patient's name, service
date, provider name, charge amount, adjustment amount, adjustment
description, the name of the insurance plan that was originally billed, CPT
code, transaction date and aging date.
A fiscal period range must be set in order to generate the "Full Write Off"
report. This can be done by entering the starting period and fiscal year in the
“Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period and fiscal year in
the “Enter the Period End” field. Only charges posted in CareTracker during
this fiscal period range will be included in the "Full Write Off" report regardless
of when the adjustment was posted into the system.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
The recommended default format for the "Full Write Off" report is Adobe (PDF).
Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required
but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If
the report needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports,
select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate
Report button to begin generating your report.
Insurance Summary Report
The “Insurance Summary Report” provides you with a summary of charges,
payments and adjustments rolled up by insurance plan for a specific fiscal
period or period range. Each insurance plan listed on the report is the original
insurance plan billed for a specific transaction and for each insurance plan this
report includes the charge amount, payment amount, bad debt adjustments,
contractual adjustments, the percentage of bad debt adjustments, and
percentage of contractual adjustments.
A list of bad debt transaction codes is included on the last
page of this report and it is these bad debt transactions that
have been posted in CareTracker that are included on the
"Insurance Summary" report.
A fiscal period range must be set in order to generate the “Insurance
Summary” report. Fiscal period and year parameters can be set by entering
the starting period and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and
entering the ending period and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field.
Only financials tracked under the fiscal year (s) and periods specified will be
included when this report is generated.
The recommended default format for the "Insurance Summary Report" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
MRN with CPT and Billing Provider
The “MRN with CPT and Billing Provider” report provides financial details by
service date and includes the patient’s chart number or Medical Record
Number (MRN). The report is grouped by billing provider and insurance plan.
This report includes patient name, account Id, Medical Record Number (MRN),
group name, billing provider, service, Date of service, location, CPT codes,
CPT description, diagnose codes, original plan name, current plan name,
charges, payments and adjustments.
To run this report select the group and billing provider for which you want to
run the report and enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and click
Generate Report button. The default format for this report is Microsoft Excel
Data (XLS) and you can enter a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field to help you identify the report in the Published Reports application. If you
want the report published in a specific folder within Published Reports, select
the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Open Balances by Modifiers
The "Open Balances by Modifiers" report identifies all CPT codes that have
been appended with a specific modifier that have a remaining balance. The
report is sorted by patient and includes the following fields: patient name and
ID, CPT code, modifier, service date, charge amount, any payments and
adjustments, the remaining balance, the financial class and the insurance plan.
A specific modifier or modifiers and date range must be selected to generate
the "Open Balances by Modifiers" report. Select a modifier to include in the
report by manually entering the modifier in the "Enter the Modifier" field and
clicking on the Add button. All selected modifiers to be included in the report
will be listed in the "Modifiers Values" box. To de-select a modifier, doubleclick on it in the "Modifiers Values" box. However, at least one modifier must
be selected in order to run the report.
A date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter Begin Date"
field and entering the ending date in the "Enter Date End" field. Only
outstanding balances with a service date within this date range will be included
in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Open Balances by Modifiers" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Patient Detail with Charges
The “Patient Detail with Charges” report provides demographic details of
patients with charges for a specific service date.
This report includes patient name, account Id, date of birth, gender, address,
PCP name, group name, billing provider, service location, date, CPT code,
CPT description, insurance plan name and charges details.
To run this report select the group for which you want to run the report and
enter a date range in the appropriate boxes and click Generate Report button.
The default format for this report is Microsoft Excel Data (XLS) and you can
enter a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field to help you identify
the report in the Published Reports application. If you want the report
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
published in a specific folder within Published Reports, select the folder from
the "Folder" drop-down list.
Payer Mix by Group
The "Payer Mix by Group" report shows charges and payments sorted by
group and then by financial class for a specific fiscal year and period. The top
ten financial classes for charges for each group will be displayed in a bar chart
for each group. The fiscal year and a period must be selected in order to run
the "Payer Mix by Group" report.
The recommended default format this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title
for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in
identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report needs
to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder
from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to
begin generating your report.
For this reports the fiscal year and period must be entered in
YYYY/P format.
Payer Mix by Provider
The "Payer Mix by Provider" report shows charges and payments sorted by
provider and by financial class for a specific fiscal year and period. The top ten
financial classes for charges for each provider will be displayed in a bar chart
for each provider. The fiscal year and a period must be selected in order to run
the "Payer Mix by Provider" report.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
For this reports the fiscal year and period must be entered in
YYYY/P format.
Payment Lag Report
The "Payment Lag Report" shows the charges that were generated for a
specific month, the amount of payments made on those charges by month, the
percentage of total payments made by month, and a total of all payments
made. For example, for charges generated in 11/2005 it will show the
payments made on those charges for 11/2005, 12/2005, 01/2006, 02/2006 etc,
up until the last payment was made. The data generated for this report is
based off of the date of service. The only difference between the "Payment
Lag Report" and the "Payment Lag by Service Date" report is the presentation
of the data.
A specific date range must be selected in order to run the "Payment Lag
Report." A date range can be set by entering the beginning date in the "Enter
the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
field. Only charges entered into CareTracker within this date range will be
included when the "Payment Lag Report" is run.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title
for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in
identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report needs
to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder
from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to
begin generating your report.
Payment Lag by Service Date
The "Payment Lag by Service Date" report shows the charges that were
generated for a specific month, the amount of payments made on those
charges by month, the percentage of total payments made by month, and a
total of all payments made. For example, for charges generated in 11/2005 it
will show the payments made on those charges for 11/2005, 12/2005, 01/2006,
02/2006 etc, up until the last payment was made. The data generated for this
report is based off of the date of service. The only difference between the
"Payment Lag by Service Date" report and the "Payment Lag Report" is the
presentation of the data.
A specific date range must be selected in order to run the "Payment Lag by
Service Date" report. A date range can be set by entering the beginning date
in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
the End Date" field. Only charges entered into CareTracker within this date
range will be included when the "Payment Lag by Service Date" report is run.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
Payment Lag by Transaction Date
The "Payment Lag by Transaction Date" report shows the charges that were
generated for a specific month, the amount of payments made on those
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
charges by month, the percentage of total payments made by month, and a
total of all payments made. For example, for charges generated in 11/2005 it
will show the payments made on those charges for 11/2005, 12/2005, 01/2006,
02/2006 etc, up until the last payment was made. The data generated for this
report is based off of the transaction date. The transaction date is typically the
date the charge was entered into CareTracker. However, this date can be
manually changed.
A specific date range must be selected to run the "Payment Lag by
Transaction Date" report. A date range to include can be set by entering the
beginning date in the "Enter the Begin Date" field and entering the ending date
in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only transactions entered into CareTracker
within this date range will be included when the "Payment Lag by Transaction
Date" report is run.
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
Payment Month
The "Payment Month Report" shows all payments and adjustments for a
specific transaction date or range of transaction dates. This report is sorted by
provider with totals for each provider and also includes the charge that the
financial transaction has been applied to. The following fields are available on
the report: the provider’s name and ID, the patient’s account number and
name, service date, transaction date, total amount of charges, payments and
adjustments, CPT code, location, financial transaction description, and
insurance plan name.
A range of CPT codes and a transaction date range must be selected to
generate the "Payment Month Report." CPT codes for the CPT range can be
set by entering the starting CPT code in the “Enter Begin CPT Code” field and
entering the ending CPT code in the "Enter the End CPT Code” field. Only
CPT codes entered in CareTracker within this CPT Code range will be included
in the "Payment Month Report."
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter
Beginning CPT Code" field and '99999' in the "Enter the End
CPT Code" field.
A transaction date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter
the Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
Transaction Date End." Only financial transactions entered in CareTracker
during this transaction date range will be included in the "Payment Month
The recommended default format for the "Payment Month Report" is Microsoft
Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name"
field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published
Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder
within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down
list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Payment Transaction by Fiscal Year and Period
The “Payment Transaction by Fiscal Year and Period” provides a detailed list
of payments paid by each payer to each group within your company.
This report includes patient name, account id, date of service, CPT code,
financial class, transaction description and payment details.
To run this report select the group for which you want to run the report and
enter the fiscal period and year in the appropriate boxes and click Generate
Report button. The default format for this report is Microsoft Excel Data (XLS)
and you can enter a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field to help
you identify the report in the Published Reports application. If you want the
report published in a specific folder within Published Reports, select the folder
from the "Folder" drop-down list..
Payment Transaction Report
The "Payment Transaction Report" identifies all patients who have had a
specific financial transaction posted onto their account during a specific date
range. The report is sorted by financial transaction, i.e. co-pay cash, and by
patient. The following fields are available on the report: patient ID, patient
name, service date, transaction date, CPT code, charges, payments
adjustments, balance, the amount and description of the financial transaction,
the plan name, the batch name the financial transaction is linked to and the
user name who posted the transaction into CareTracker.
A financial transaction and a transaction date range must be selected to
generate the "Payment Transaction Report." There are two ways to select a
financial transaction; either click on the financial transaction listed in the
"Select Item to Add to List" field, or type the name of the financial transaction in
the "Enter the Financial Transaction to Add" field and clicking on the Add
button. All selected financial transactions that will be included in the report will
be listed in the "Financial Transactions Values" box. To de-select a transaction,
double-click on it in "Financial Transactions Values" box. However, at least
one transaction type must be selected in order to run the "Payment
Transaction Report."
A transaction date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter
Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Transaction Date End" field. Only transactions that occurred in CareTracker
within this transaction date range will be included in the "Payment Transaction
The recommended default format for the Payment Transaction Report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Payments by Date and Location
The "Payments by Date and Location" report provides a bar chart of the total
amount of payments entered into CareTracker for a selected date or date
range for each location where services were provided. A transaction date
must be selected to generate the "Payments by Date and Location" report. A
transaction date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter
Transaction Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
Transaction Date End" field. Only transactions that occurred in CareTracker
within this transaction date range will be included in the "Payments by Date
and Location" report
The recommended default format for this report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a
title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not required but is helpful
in identifying the report in the Published Reports application. If the report
needs to be published in a particular folder within Published Reports, select the
folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report
button to begin generating your report.
Primary Provider and Billing Provider
The "Primary Provider and Billing Provider" report provides a list of patients
and their charges for a specified date range sorted by billing provider with their
primary care physician listed as well. The report includes details of each
charge and includes the patient's ID, name, billing provider, primary care
provider, service date, CPT code, total amount of charges, total amount of
payments, total amount of adjustments, number of units and number of visits.
Subtotals by billing provider are also provided.
A specific date range must be entered in order to run the "Primary Provider
and Billing Provider" report. A date range can be set by entering the starting
date in the "Enter the Date Begin" field and entering the ending date in the
"Enter the Date End" field.
The recommended default format for the "Primary Provider and Billing
Provider" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Procedure Class Detail Analysis
The "Procedure Class Detail Analysis" report provides you with the total
charges, payments, adjustments, and units for each procedure class for the
current period and for the fiscal year to date. This report is sorted by provider
and then by each location where the provider renders services. A total of
charges, payments, adjustments and units for the current period and for the
fiscal year to date is also given for each provider including all the locations
where they render services.
A fiscal period range must be set in order to generate the "Procedure Class
Detail Anlaysis" report. This can be done by entering the starting period and
fiscal year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period
and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field. Only financial transactions
entered into CareTracker within the period range will be included in the
"Procedure Class Detail Analysis" report.
The recommended default format for the "Primary Class Detail Analysis" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Procedure Class Summary Analysis
The "Procedure Class Summary Analysis" report provides you a summary of
all financial transaction entered in CareTracker for each procedure class. This
report includes the total charges, payments, adjustments, and cases for each
procedure class for the current month to date and for the year to date.
A fiscal period range must be set in order to generate the "Procedure Class
Summary Analysis" report. This can be done by entering the starting period
and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending
period and fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field. Only financial
transactions entered into CareTracker within the period range will be included
in the "Procedure Class Summary Analysis" report.
The recommended default format for the "Procedure Class Summary Analysis"
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Procedure Code Variance
The “Procedure Code Variance” report shows each patient’s account activity
along with the allowable amount and can be a useful tool for verifying
payments you receive against a payer’s allowed schedule. This report is
sorted by billing provider and includes each patient’s account number, name,
date of service, CPT code, modifiers, charges, payments, the allowable
amount, the insurance plan, the posting date, and the transaction.
Payors need to have an allowed schedule contract linked to
them in CareTracker in order to be included in the "Procedure
Code Variance" report. Please send a To Do to Support to
have an allowed schedule for a specific insurance company
set up.
A specific date range must be entered in order to run the "Procedure Code
Variance" report. A date range can be set by entering the starting date in the
"Enter the Begin" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
field. Only charges posted in CareTracker within this date range will be
included when the report is run.
The recommended default format for the "Procedure Code Variance" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Reversed Charges by Service Provider
The “Reversed Charges by Service Provider” report provides a list of all
charges reversed in CareTracker sorted by servicing provider. For each
provider this report includes any patient account number and name for which a
charge was reversed, the posting date of the reversal, the CPT code that was
reversed, and the charge amount that was reversed.
A specific date range must be entered in order to run the "Reversed Charges
by Service Provider" report. A date range can be set by entering the starting
date in the "Enter the Begin" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
the End Date" field. Only reversed charges posted in CareTracker within this
date range will be included when the report is run.
The recommended default format for the "Reversed Charges by Service
Provider" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Service Provider and Billing Provider
The "Service Provider and Billing Provider" report provides a list of patients
and their charges for a specific transaction date range. The report is sorted by
servicing provider and provides totals by servicing provider. The following
fields are included on the report: the patient's account number, name, servicing
provider, billing provider, service date, CPT code, total amount of charges,
payments and adjustments, number of units, and number of visits.
A specific date range must be entered to generate the "Service Provider and
Billing Provider" report. A date range can be set by entering the starting date
in the "Enter the Date Begin" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter
the Date End" field.
The recommended default format for the Service Provider and Billing Provider
Report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Surgical Codes With Diagnosis
The “Surgical Codes With Diagnosis” report provides you with a count of each
diagnosis linked to each surgical CPT code entered in CareTracker. This
report will show each surgical CPT code, the CPT code’s description, a count
of each diagnosis ever linked to the CPT code, a description of each diagnosis
code, and the charge amount for each CPT code.
A range of CPT codes, a group ID, and a period range must be selected in
order to generate the “Surgical Codes With Diagnosis” report. CPT code
parameters can be set by entering the starting CPT code in the “Enter the CPT
Code Begin” field and entering the ending CPT code in the "Enter the CPT
Code End” field. Only CPT codes within this CPT Code range will be included
in the “Surgical Codes With Diagnosis” report.
To include all CPT codes, enter '10000' in the "Enter the CPT
Code Begin" field and '99999' in the "Enter the CPT Code
End" field.
The CareTracker group ID for the group in your practice you wish to generate
this report for must be entered in the “Enter the Group ID” field. You can
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
obtain all group IDs by running the “Company Name and ID” Productivity Other
A fiscal period range can be entered by entering the starting period and fiscal
year in the “Enter the Period Begin” field and entering the ending period and
fiscal year in the “Enter the Period End” field. Only CPT and ICD-9 codes on
charges entered into CareTracker within the period range will be included in
the "Surgical Codes With Diagnosis" report.
The recommended default format for the “Surgical Codes With Diagnosis”
report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Zero Balance Extract
The “Zero Balance Extract” report provides you with a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet of all transactions entered into CareTracker that resulted in a zero
balance procedure. The spreadsheet includes the patient’s account number,
name, CPT code which resulted in a zero balance, date of service, amount of
charges, amount of payments, amount adjustments, amount of adjustments for
bad debt, amount transferred, total units, insurance plan, and location where
services were rendered.
A date range must be entered in order to run the “Zero Balance Extract” report.
Date parameters can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the
Begin Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date"
field. Only financial transactions entered into CareTracker within this
transaction date range will be included in the "Zero Balance Extract" report.
The recommended default format for the "Zero Balance Extract" report is
Microsoft Excel Data (XLS). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report
Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Reports Module
Audit Reports
The Audit Reports are a series of reports that can be used to help support any
compliance plan that has been implemented in your practice. For example,
you can monitor the coding patterns of the providers in your practice and
compare them to national averages in your specialty; you can monitor on a
regular basis the list of operators who have access to CareTracker and you
can also easily identify credit balances that are owed to insurance companies.
Limited filter options are available for these reports and typically a date range
or specific information may be required when generating Audit Reports.
Date parameters are typically entered in MM/DD/YYYY format
however, a few of the Audit Reports require you to indicate a
year and period. In these instances, the date should be
entered in YYYY/P format.
All Audit Reports have a default format of Adobe (PDF) that the report should
be generated in. Typically, this report format is not changed however, a
different format type can be selected from the "Format" drop-down list if
advanced data manipulation is required and possible formats include, Microsoft
Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), Rich Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data
(XLS), Text (TXT) and Comma Separated Value (CSV).
Audit Reports should be published in the Published Reports application of the
Reports Module. When an Audit Report is published, you can navigate away
from the Reports application, perform other actions in CareTracker, and go
back to the Published Reports application at a later time to review the report.
Reports published in Published Reports are always accessible to view and/or
print until the original operator who generated the report deletes it from the
application. You can determine which operators will have access to the
published report by creating report folders in the Report Folders application of
the Reports Module.
Certain information is always included on the first page of each Audit Report
generated in CareTracker including, report title, objective of the report, date the
report was generated, date range included in the report if applicable, and the
CareTracker logo. Report objectives are typically one or two sentences and
explain the usefulness of the information gained by running the selected report.
The date and the date range in the report header are useful if you print and
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
save paper copies of the reports instead of, or in addition to publishing them in
The Audit Reports are:
Compliance CareTracker
Compliance Credit Balance
Compliance E/M Codes
See: Audit Report Summaries
Compliance Full Adjustment
Compliance Outstanding To Do
Reports Module
Audit Reports
Audit Report Summaries
Compliance CareTracker Operators
The "Compliance CareTracker Operators” report provides you with an
alphabetical list of your practice's employees who are active operators in your
CareTracker company. If you have multiple groups in your company, this list
will show you which groups each operator has access to.
It is recommended that this report be run on a quarterly basis to ensure that all
employees who have been terminated from your office have been removed
from your list of active operators.
The recommended default format for the "Compliance CareTracker Operators"
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Compliance Credit Balance Report
The "Compliance Credit Balance Report" provides you with a detailed list of
credit balances sorted by insurance plan and by patient name. For each credit
balance the report shows the patient’s name, account number, DOB, date of
service, transaction date (payment date that caused the credit balance),
provider's name, CPT code associated with the credit balance, the credit
amount, the insurance plan, and the insurance company. This report is useful
in identifying credit balances that may need to be refunded to your patients or
an insurance company.
Patient credit balances, will be listed under the
insurance plan “Private Pay”
In order to run this report, you must select a number of days for which the
credit has been outstanding. For example, if you wanted to see credit
balances that were ninety days old, you would enter '90' in the "Enter the Days
Outstanding" field.
The recommended default format for the "Compliance Credit Report" is Adobe
(PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is not
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Compliance E/M Codes
The “Compliance E/M Codes” report provides you with a count of all Evaluation
and Management (E/M) CPT codes entered into CareTracker sorted by
provider. The report includes bar graphs for each provider providing a useful
tool to help compare the providers in your practice to any national averages for
coding patterns in your specialty or to compare provider’s coding patterns
within your own practice. Physician coding patterns are monitored by
numerous insurance companies and this report will help you identify and
resolve any aberrant coding patterns.
A date range must be set in order to run the “Compliance E/M Codes” report.
The starting date parameter must be entered in the “Enter the Begin Date” field
and the ending date parameter must be entered in the "Enter the End Date"
field. Only charges entered into CareTracker within this date range where an
E/M CPT code was billed will be included when you run this report.
The recommended default format for the "Compliance E/M Codes" report is
Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field is
not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Compliance Full Adjustment Report
The “Compliance Full Adjustment” report identifies any balance that was
adjusted off completely and never billed out. This report includes the group
name, entity (patient’s) ID, patient name, service date, provider name, amount
of the charge, amount adjusted off, adjustment description code, insurance
plan name, CPT code, transaction date, and aging date.
A period range needs to be set in order to run the “Compliance Full
Adjustment” report. The beginning period to include can be entered in the
“Enter the Period Begin” field and the ending period to include can be entered
in the “Enter the Period End” field. Only private pay balances adjusted off
during this period range will be included in the “Compliance Full Adjustment”
The recommended default format for the "Compliance Full Adjustment" report
is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved Report Name" field
is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the Published Reports
application. If the report needs to be published in a particular folder within
Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder" fields drop-down list.
Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating your report.
Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls
The “Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls” report provides you with a break
down of all To Dos transmitted in your practice by To Do Type and To Do
Reason. For each To Do, this report includes the company ID, company
name, call type, duration average, days outstanding, the To Dos status,
owner’s name, To Do description, subject note, total entries regarding the call,
and the tracking of each entry regarding the call.
This report has been designed as a follow up tool for your office. For example,
if the billing staff in your office have a coding question and they send a To Do
to a provider, this report can ensure that a response was returned and
documented appropriately. Consideration should be given in your practice
regarding consistency when submitting To Dos for specific reasons. For
example, if there is a coding question that is submitted to a provider the To Do
Reason should always be “Coding” and the To Do Type should be “Internal”.
Standards for To Do Reasons and To Do Types should be put in place to
make this follow-up report be effective for your practice.
All LighthouseMD clients who use CareTracker to do their billing are
categorized as ASP customer types. All LighthouseMD clients who use
CareTracker for patient registration and/or appointment scheduling and have
LighthouseMD do their billing are categorized as Full Service customer types.
All selected customer types that will be included in the report you are
generating will be listed in the "Customer Type Values" box. To de-select a
customer type, double-click on it in the "Customer Type Values" box.
However, at least one customer type must be selected in order to run the
“Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls” report.
A reason description for sending a To Do can be selected either by clicking on
the description listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by manually
typing the description in the "Enter the Reason Description" field and clicking
on the Add button. All selected reason descriptions that will be included in the
report you are generating will be listed in the "Reason Description Values" box.
To de-select description, double-click on it in the "Reason Description Values"
box. However, at least one reason description must be selected in order to
run the “Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls” report.
There are two ways to select a To Do status to include in the report either by
clicking on the status listed in the "Select Item to Add to List" box, Open,
Closed, or Closed- Client Review, or by manually typing the customer type in
the "Enter the To Do Status" field and clicking on the Add button. All selected
statuses that will be included in the report you are generating will be listed in
the "To Do Status Values" box. To de-select a status, double-click on it in the
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
"To Do Status Values" box. However, at least one status must be selected in
order to run the “Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls” report.
A type of To Do can be selected either by clicking on the description listed in
the "Select Item to Add to List" box, or by manually typing the description in the
"Enter the To Do Type" field and clicking on the Add button. All selected types
of To Dos that will be included in the report you are generating will be listed in
the "To Do Type Values" box. To de-select a type, double-click on it in the "To
Do Type Values" box. However, at least one reason type of To Do must be
selected in order to run the “Compliance Outstanding To Do Calls” report.
A date range can be set by entering the starting date in the "Enter the Begin
Date" field and entering the ending date in the "Enter the End Date" field. Only
To Dos sent during this date range will be included in the report.
The recommended default format for the "Compliance Outstanding To Do
Calls" report is Adobe (PDF). Entering a title for the report in the "Saved
Report Name" field is not required but is helpful in identifying the report in the
Published Reports application. If the report needs to be published in a
particular folder within Published Reports, select the folder from the "Folder"
fields drop-down list. Click on the Generate Report button to begin generating
your report.
Reports Module
Aged A/R Reports by Patient
Your accounts receivable can be viewed by clicking on the Accounts
Receivable link under the Financial Reports section of the Reports application.
The A/R Report by Patient will list each patient who has a balance and can be
filtered for a specific servicing provider, billing provider, referring provider,
procedure class, location, group, insurance plan, financial class, service date
range, entry date range, balance range, or age. The A/R Report by Patient
displays each patient’s name, insurance plan, total balance due, the A/R
broken out by age, e.g., 0-30 days old, 31-60 days old, 61-90 days old, 91-120
days old, and over 120 days old. The "Age By" field drop-down list determines
how your A/R will be aged, by 'Billing Date' or 'Service Date'.
This report will not include the current day's data.
By clicking on a column heading, that column will re-sort
ascending or descending order.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Related Topics: A/R Overview (Messages Module); Aged A/R Report by Responsible Party (Reports
Reports Module
Aged A/R Reports by Responsible Party
Your accounts receivable can be viewed by clicking on the Accounts
Receivable link under the Financial Reports section of the Reports application.
The A/R Report by Responsible Party will list each responsible party who has a
balance and can be filtered for a specific servicing provider, billing provider,
referring provider, procedure class, location, group, insurance plan, financial
class, service date range, entry date range, balance range, or age. The A/R
Report by Responsible Party displays each responsible party’s name,
insurance plan, total balance due, the A/R broken out by age, e.g., 0-30 days
old, 31-60 days old, 61-90 days old, 91-120 days old, and over 120 days old.
The "Age By" field drop-down list determines how your A/R will be aged, by
'Billing Date' or 'Service Date'.
This report will not include the current day's data.
By clicking on a column heading, that column will re-sort
ascending or descending order.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Related Topics: A/R Overview (Messages Module); Aged A/R Report by Patient (Reports Module)
Reports Module
Financial Class
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by financial class for a specific period or
service month can be viewed by clicking on the Financial Class link under the
Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module.
The Financial Class Financials report can be filtered by period or service
month for a specific period, year, and group. When the report displays, it
shows the group name, the financial class, i.e., Patient, Medicare, Medicaid,
the amount of charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax for each class
and the net total for each financial class. Totals for each column are displayed
as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for may
have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the "Fiscal Period"
field and in the header of the report. This report can still be
generated for a period with a status of 'Not Set Up' by clicking on
the Go button and will include the appropriate financial data for
the selected period.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Financial Transaction
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by financial transactions for a specific
period and year can be viewed by clicking on the Financial Transactions link
under the Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports
Module. The Transaction Financials report can be filtered by period for a
specific period, year, group, and either all transactions or only unapplied
transactions. When the report displays, it shows the group name, the financial
transaction, i.e., Charges, Patient Cash, Patient Check, amount of charges,
payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax for each transaction and the net total
for each transaction. Totals for each column are displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for may
have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the "Fiscal Period"
field and in the header of the report. This report can still be
generated for a period with a status of 'Not Set Up' by clicking on
the Go button and will include the appropriate financial data for the
selected period.
Reports Module
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by locations for a specific period or
service month can be viewed by clicking on the Location link under the
Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module.
The Location Financials report can be filtered by period or service month for a
specific period, year, and group. When the report displays, it shows the group
name, location, i.e., office or hospital, the amount of charges, payments,
adjustments, refunds, and tax for each location and the net total for each
location. Totals for each column are displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for may
have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the "Fiscal Period"
field and in the header of the report. This report can still be
generated for a period with a status of 'Not Set Up' by clicking on
the Go button and will include the appropriate financial data for
the selected period.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by procedure code for a specific period
or service month can be viewed by clicking on the Procedure link under the
Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module.
The Procedure Financials report can be filtered by period or service month for
a specific period, year, and group. When the report displays, it shows the
group name, procedure code and description, the amount of charges,
payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax for each procedure code and the net
total for procedure code. Totals for each column are displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for may
have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the "Fiscal Period"
field and in the header of the report. This report can still be
generated for a period with a status of 'Not Set Up' by clicking on
the Go button and will include the appropriate financial data for
the selected period.
Reports Module
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by billing or servicing provider for a
specific period or service month can be viewed by clicking on the Provider link
under the Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports
Module. The Provider Financials report can be filtered by service provider by
period, service provider by service month, billing provider by period, or billing
provider by service month for a specific period, year, and group. When the
report displays, it shows the group name, the provider's name, the amount of
charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax for each provider and the
net total for each provider. Totals for each column are displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for
may have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the
"Fiscal Period" field and in the header of the report. This
report can still be generated for a period with a status of 'Not
Set Up' by clicking on the Go button and will include the
appropriate financial data for the selected period.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group for a specific period and year can be viewed by
clicking on the Group link under the Financial Reports heading in the Reports
application of the Reports Module. The Group Financials report can be filtered
by period for a specific period, year, group, and transaction (either all
transactions or unapplied transactions). When the report displays, it shows the
group name, the amount of charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax
for each group and the net total for each group. Totals for each column are
displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for
may have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the
"Fiscal Period" field and in the header of the report. This
report can still be generated for a period with a status of 'Not
Set Up' by clicking on the Go button and will include the
appropriate financial data for the selected period.
Reports Module
A summary of the charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and taxes
collected for your group broken down by the batch they were linked to for a
specific period and year can be viewed by clicking on the Batch link under the
Financial Reports heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module.
The Batch Financials report can be filtered by period, year, group, and
transaction (either all transactions or unapplied transactions). When the report
displays, it shows the group name, the batch name, the amount of charges,
payments, adjustments, refunds, and tax for each batch and the net total for
each batch. Totals for each column are displayed as well.
Due to the release of CareTracker's new Open/Close Period
application a previous period you are running this report for
may have a status of 'Not Set Up' which displays in the
"Fiscal Period" field and in the header of the report. This
report can still be generated for a period with a status of 'Not
Set Up' by clicking on the Go button and will include the
appropriate financial data for the selected period.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
All Statements
CareTracker generates and prints patient statements on a weekly basis
however, patients will only receive one statement every 28 days regardless of
the number of services they have had. Patient statements can be printed in
batch by clicking on the All Statements link under the Financial Reports section
of the Reports application. After statements are printed, the status of the batch
needs to be changed to “printed” to indicate they have in fact been printed.
Printing statements from the All Statements link functions the same as printing
statements from the Unprinted Statements link under the Billing section of the
Dashboard. The Unprinted Statements link identifies the batch of patients who
qualify to receive a statement.
A statement will not be generated for a patient if the
patient has an unapplied balance saved on their account
equal to or greater than the current patient balance
How to Print All Patient Statements
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the All Statements link under the Financial Reports section.
3. When the All Statements link is clicked, the Unprinted Statement screen
displays with batch statements for the last month listed under the Batch
Statements section of the screen.
By clicking on the (+) next to the "Options" field, additional fields will
display that can be used to narrow the list of batch statements.
However, the default filters will display the statements batches for
the past month
4. When the list of statement batches displays, click in the white box under the
All column next to each batch of statements that need to be printed. A check
mark in the box will display, indicating it is selected. If all batches listed need
to be printed, click on the All button and a check mark will be placed next to
each statement batch.
5. When all of the statement batches that need to be printed are selected, click
on the Print View button.
6. All patient statements included in each selected statement batch will display
in the lower frame of the screen. Right click on top of the first statement,
selecting 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu, and the statements will print.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
7. When all the statements are printed, select 'Printed' from the "Status" field
drop-down list.
8. Click on the Save button.
Related Topics: Generate Statements Overview (Admin Module); Unprinted Statements (Messages
Module); Form Letters Overview (Reports Module); Statements Overview (Financial Module); How to
Reprint a Patient Statement (Financial Module)
Reports Module
Todays Journals
Journals provide a summary of financial transactions, i.e., charges, payments,
and adjustments and should be run prior to posting a batch to identify any
errors that may have been entered into CareTracker. Typically, each operator
who enters financial transactions into CareTracker, i.e., co-payments or
charges, should run a journal for their batch before they post to review and
audit only the transactions they entered and to identify any mistakes they may
have made.
It is important to identify any errors before a batch is posted. Once a batch has
been posted, the transactions linked to it are locked in the system and must be
reversed to be corrected. Posted errors can only be corrected by reversing the
transaction on the patient's account which occurs in the Edit application of the
Transactions Module. It is highly recommended that you run a journal to make
sure your transactions balance for the day before posting your batch.
CareTracker offers multiple drill-down options which allow you to run a journal
that fits certain criteria. Open batches are easily chosen from the list of filters.
Posted batches are accessible any time so you can always access an old
journal from the Historical Journals link under the Financial Reports section of
the Reports application which alleviates the need to save paper copies of
For a quick "totals only" view of a batch, the Open Batches link
on the Dashboard displays the total amount of payments,
charges and unapplied money entered into that batch. If the total
amount of money collected equals the Payments Match or
Unapplied column, you do not need to run a journal.
See: Todays Journals Filter Options, How to Run Journal
Related Topics: Historical Journals Overview (Reports Module); Historical Journals Filter Options
(Reports Module); How to Run a Historical Journal (Reports Module); Open Batches Overview
(Messages Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a
Batch Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a Batch (Administration Module); Edit Overview
(Transactions Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Todays Journals
Filter Options
CareTracker offers numerous filters for you to utilize when running a journal.
However, journals are typically run by batch.
Drill-down options are available for Groups, Batches, Transactions, Locations,
and Transaction Types. By clicking on the corresponding plus sign (+), you
can select specific information to include from each option. Multiple filters can
be selected to include in the journal. Any option listed can be selected either
by double clicking on it or by highlighting it and clicking on the Add button.
When an option is added it appears on the right hand side of the Today’s
Journal Options screen. Selected options can easily be removed either by
double clicking on them or by clicking on them once and clicking on the
Remove button. If a specific option (s) is not selected from a drill-down, all of
the available options will be included. For example, if a location is not selected
from the Location drill-down, all locations will be included in your journal.
Specific procedure codes to include in your journal can be individually selected
by entering the procedure code in the Search field and clicking on the Add to
List button.
If your practice has multiple groups, select a specific group or groups to run a
journal for from the Group drill-down.
Select the batch or batches you need to run a journal for from the Batches drilldown. This is the most commonly used filter for running journals.
All of the batches, open and posted, that were open at the start of the current
day will be listed in the "Todays Batches" field. The letter O in front of a batch
name indicates an open batch and the letter P in front of a batch name
indicates a posted batch. A batch can be selected to include in the journal you
are running by either double clicking on it or by clicking on it once, which
highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add> button. All selected batches will be
listed in the "Batches" box located on the right-hand side of the screen.
Multiple batches to include in the journal can be selected.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
If you would like to run a journal for specific transaction, e.g. Pat Cash, select
the specific financial transaction by either double clicking on it or by clicking on
it once, which highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add> button.
If you would like to run a journal for a specific procedure code, select the
procedure codes to be included in the journal from the Procedures drill-down.
A specific code can be selected by entering the code in the "Search" field and
clicking the Add to List button. If a partial or incorrect procedure code is
entered, the Procedure Search pop-up window displays listing all the
procedure codes that match what you entered. From this screen you can
search the database again by either code or keyword.
If your practice has multiple locations, and you would like to run journal for a
specific location (s), select the specific location by either double clicking on it or
by clicking on it once, which highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add> button.
Transaction Type
If you would like to run a journal for a specific financial transaction type(s)
select the specific transaction type, i.e. Payments, by either double clicking on
it or by clicking on it once, which highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add>
Sort By
This field allows you to determine how the journal will be sorted by. 'Patient Id'
sorts the journal numerically by CareTracker ID number, 'Entry Date' sorts the
journal in the order the transactions were entered into CareTracker, and 'Last
Name' sorts the journal alphabetically by patient last names.
For balancing purposes, it is recommended that you choose
'Entry Date' from the "Sort By" field drop down list.
Include Transfers
When “Include Transfers” is selected, transfers are included on your journal,
and this option can be selected by clicking in the small white box to the right of
"Include Transfers."
Show Payment Totals
When “Show Payment Totals” is selected, a breakdown of payment totals by
payment type, i.e., cash, check, and credit card, will be included at the end of
your journal. This option can be selected by clicking in the small white box to
the right of "Show Payment Totals." It is recommended that you include
payment totals on your journal to make it easier for you to balance at the end
of the day.
Summary Only
If “Summary Only” is selected, your journal will only be a summary of the
information you selected to include in your journal.
See: How to Run Journal
Related Topics: Historical Journals Overview (Reports Module); Historical Journals Filter Options
(Reports Module); How to Run a Historical Journal (Reports Module); Open Batches Overview
(Messages Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a
Batch Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a Batch (Administration Module); Edit Overview
(Transactions Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Todays Journals
How to Run a Journal
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Todays Journals link listed under the Financial Reports heading
of the Reports application.
3. When the Todays Journal link is clicked, the Todays Journal Options screen
displays from which you can filter the information you need to include in your
journal. All of your group's open batches are listed in the "Todays Batches"
4. Select a batch to include in the journal either by double-clicking on the batch
name or by clicking on the batch which highlights it in blue, and then clicking
the Add> button. All selected batches to include in the journal will be listed in
the box on the right-hand side of the screen and multiple batches can be
selected to include in the journal.
5. Select 'Entry Date' from the "Sort By" field drop-down.
6. Click in the "Show Payment Totals" field.
7. Click on the Create Journal button.
8. When the Create Journal button is clicked, a journal that includes all of the
information you selected is generated and displays on the screen in the "Sort
By" order you selected. Each transaction line included in the journal shows
the patient's CareTracker ID number, the patient's name, service date,
transaction date, transaction, the amount of charges, payments, and
adjustments, the provider, payer, CPT code, modifiers, and diagnosis code.
Use the information provided in the journal to verify the accuracy of financial
transactions you entered, and identify any errors that may have been made.
9. If needed, a copy of the journal can be printed by right clicking on top of it
and selecting 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu. However, posted journals
are always available by clicking on the Historical Journals link under the
Financial Reports section of the Reports application.
10. Once you have balanced your money to your journal, then you can post
your open batch.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
See: Todays Journals Filter Options
Related Topics: Historical Journals Overview (Reports Module); Historical Journals Filter Options
(Reports Module); How to Run a Historical Journal (Reports Module); Open Batches Overview
(Messages Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a
Batch Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a Batch (Administration Module); Edit Overview
(Transactions Module)
Reports Module
Historical Journals
Journals for any batches previously posted in CareTracker prior to the current
day can always be accessed by clicking on the Historical Journal link under the
Financial Reports section of the Reports application.
CareTracker offers multiple drill-down options which allow you to run a journal
that meets certain criteria.
See: Historical Journal Filter Options, How to Run a Historical Journal
Related Topics: Todays Journal Overview (Reports Module); Todays Journal Filter Options (Reports
Module); How to Run a Today Journal (Reports Module); Open Batches Overview (Messages
Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a Batch
Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a Batch (Administration Module); Edit Overview
(Transactions Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Historical Journals
Journal Filter Options
CareTracker offers numerous filters for you to utilize when running an historical
journal which enables you to manipulate the data to include in the journal you
are running. When any of the date fields are used to filter the information to
include on your journal, you can either enter the date manually in
MM/DD/YYYY format or you can use the Calendar function next to the
corresponding date field.
Drill-down options are available for Groups, Batches, Transactions, Location,
and Transaction Types. By clicking on the corresponding plus sign (+), you
can select specific information to include from each drill-down option. Multiple
filters can be selected to include in the journal. Any option listed can be
selected either by double clicking on it or by highlighting it and clicking on the
Add button. When an option is selected it appears on the right hand side of
the Historical Journal Options screen. Selected options can easily be removed
by either double clicking on them or by highlighting them and clicking on the
Remove button. If a specific option (s) is not selected from a drill-down, all of
the available options will be included. For example, if a location is not selected
from the Location drill-down, all locations will be included in your journal.
Specific procedure codes to include in your journal can be individually selected
by entering the procedure code in the Search field and clicking on the Add to
List button.
Transaction Date Range From/To
The "Transaction Date From/To" fields are used to set a specific transaction
date range to include when running your journal, and only transactions entered
into CareTracker during the selected date range will be included when the
historical journal is run. It is recommended that you leave the dates field blank
so all transactions associated with your batch are included.
Date of Service From/To
The "Date of Service From/To" fields are used to set a specific service date
range to include when running your historical journal, and only patients seen by
a provider during the selected date range will be included when the historical
journal is run. It is recommended that you leave the dates field blank so all
transactions associated with your batch are included.
Date of Entry From/To
The "Entry Date From/To" fields are used to set a specific entry date range to
include when running your historical journal, and only patient's whose services
were entered into CareTracker during the selected date range will be included
when the historical journal is run. It is recommended that you leave the dates
field blank so all transactions associated with your batch are included.
Posting Date From/To
The "Posting Date From/To" fields are used to set a specific posting date range
to include when running your historical journal, and only transactions posted in
CareTracker during the selected date range will be included when the historical
journal is run. It is recommended that you leave the dates field blank so all
transactions associated with your batch are included.
Quick Date Range
The “Quick Date Range” fields enables you to select a specific period of time,
i.e., ‘Last Month’, ‘Current Month’, and ‘Third Quarter’, to include in the
historical journal for a transaction, service, entry or posting date range.
If your practice has multiple groups, select a specific group or groups to run a
historical journal for from the Group drill-down.
Select the batch or batches you need to run a historical journal for from the
Batches drill-down. This is the most commonly used filter for running historical
Batches listed in the "Open Batches" field can be selected to be included in the
historical journal by double clicking on it or clicking on it once and then clicking
the Add button. A journal can be run for a posted batch by entering the posted
batch's name in the "Search All Batches" field and clicking on the Search
button. When Search is clicked, all batches that have been created in
CareTracker that match the name you entered will display in a pop-up window,
and by clicking on any batch listed in the pop-up, it will be pulled into the
selected batches field to be included in the historical journal you are running.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
If you would like to run a historical journal for a specific transaction (s), e.g. Pat
Cash, select the specific financial transaction by either double clicking on it or
by clicking on it once, which highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add> button.
Select the specific procedure codes to be included in the historical journal from
the Procedures drill-down. A specific code can be selected by entering the
code in the "Search" field and clicking the Add to List button. If a partial or
incorrect procedure code is entered, the Procedure Search pop-up window
displays listing all the procedure codes that match what you entered. From
this pop-up window you can search the database again by either code or
If your practice has multiple locations, select a specific location (s) to include in
your historical journal from the Locations drill-down.
Transaction Type
If you would like to run your historical journal for a specific transaction type,
select the financial transaction type(s) that you need by either double clicking
on it or by clicking on it once, which highlights it blue, and clicking on the Add>
The current period and year default in the "Period" and "Year" field however, a
different period and/or year can be selected from the "Period" or "Year" field
drop-down lists.
Sort By
This field allows you to determine how the historical journal will be sorted.
'Patient Id' sorts the journal numerically by CareTracker ID number, 'Entry
Date' sorts the journal in the order the transactions were entered into
CareTracker, and 'Last Name' sorts the historical journal alphabetically by
patient last names.
For balancing purposes, it is recommended that
you choose 'Entry Date' from the "Sort By" field
drop down list.
Include Transfers
When “Include Transfers” is selected, transfers are included on your historical
journal. This option can be selected by clicking in the small white box to the
right of "Include Transfers".
Show Payment Totals
When “Show Payment Totals” is selected, a breakdown of payment totals by
payment type, i.e., cash, check, and credit card, will be included in your
historical journal. This option can be selected by clicking in the small white box
to the right of "Show Payment Totals."
Summary Only
If “Summary Only” is selected, your journal will only be a summary of the
information you selected to include in your historical journal.
See: How to Run a Historical Journal
Related Topics: Open Batches Overview (Messages Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open
Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a Batch Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a
Batch (Administration Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Historical Journals
How to Run a Journal
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Historical Journals link listed under the Financial Reports
heading of the Reports application.
3. When the Historical Journals link is clicked, the Historical Journals Options
screen displays from which you can filter the information you need to include in
your journal. Click on the Batches drill-down (the green plus sign to the left of
the word Batches).
4. When you click on the Batches drill-down, a list of all day old or older open
batches for your group will be listed in the "Open Batches" field. To select an
open batch that you need to include in the journal, double-click on the open
batch name or click on the batch which highlights it in blue, and click on the
Add> button.
5. To search for a posted batch to include in your historical journal enter either
the entire batch name or part of the batch name in the "Search All Batches"
field and click the Search button.
6. The Batches pop-up window displays when the Search button is clicked
displaying a list of all batches created for all groups of your parent company
that match what was entered in the "Search All Batches" field. Click on the
batch to include in your historical journal.
7. When a batch is selected, the Batches pop-up window closes and the
selected batch name is pulled into the "Batches" box on the right-hand side of
the screen.
Multiple posted batches to include in the
historical journal can be selected by
following the same search steps.
8. Select how the journal should be sorted, 'Patient Name', 'Entry Date' or
'Patient ID', from the "Sort By" field drop-down list.
9. Click in the "Show Payment Totals" box.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
10. Click on the Create Journal button.
11. When the Create Journal button is clicked, a historical journal that
includes all of the information you selected is generated and displays on the
screen in the "Sort By" order you selected. Each transaction line included in
the journal shows the patient's CareTracker ID number, the patient's name,
service date, transaction date, transaction, the amount of charges, payments,
and adjustments, the provider, payer, CPT code, modifiers, and diagnosis
12. A copy of the historical journal can be printed by right clicking on top of it
and selecting 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu.
See: Historical Journal Filter Options
Related Topics: Open Batches Overview (Messages Module); How to Post a Batch from the Open
Batches Link (Messages Module); Post a Batch Overview (Administration Module); How to Post a
Batch (Administration Module)
Reports Module
Journal Summary
The Journal Summary report can be run to show the total amount of charges,
payments and adjustments for a batch or multiple batches broken down by
provider, location, payer, batch, and transaction by clicking on the Journal
Summary link under the Financial Reports heading in the Reports application
of the Reports Module. When a journal summary is run, you determine the
values to be subtotaled in the report, i.e., providers, locations, payers, batches
or transactions. If you choose to run the Journal Summary broken down by
transaction, the total number of times that transaction occurred displays on the
journal summary.
If you would like a journal summary for a specific period /
year, do not select a specific batch or batches. Once a
batch is selected, the Period drop-down list will be grayed
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
See Also: Journal Summary Options
Reports Module
Journal Summary
Journal Summary Options
All open batches for your group are listed in the “Batches” field and from this
list of open batches, select a specific batch or batches to include in the Journal
Summary. If a batch is selected, the Journal Summary will only include
transactions in that batch and cannot also be run for an entire period. A batch
can be selected either by double clicking on the batch listed in the "Batches"
field or by clicking on the batch, which highlights it in blue, and clicking on the
Add> button. All selected batches will appear in the box on the right-hand
side of the screen.
A Journal Summary can be run for a posted batch by entering the posted
batch's name in the "Search All Batches" field and clicking on the Search
button. When the Search button is clicked, all batches that have been created
in CareTracker that match the name you entered will display in a pop-up
window, and by clicking on any batch listed in the pop-up, it will be pulled into
the selected batches box to be included in your journal.
If your practice has multiple groups, you can select a specific group (s) to run a
Journal Summary for from the Group drill-down.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
When a group or groups are selected, you can then indicate a specific period
and year to run a Journal Summary for. The journal will give you an overall
summary of the total amount of charges, payments, and adjustments for that
particular group or groups for the selected period and year broken out by the
values selected.
To select a group or groups to include in the Journal Summary either double
click on the group's name in the "Group" field or click on the group name,
which will highlight it in blue, and click on the Add> button. All selected groups
to include in the Journal Summary appear in the box on the right-hand side of
the screen.
The current period and year will default in the "Period" and "Year fields
however, a previous period and/or year can be selected from the "Period" and
"Year" field drop-down list. If you have selected a batch or batches to run the
Journal Summary for, the "Period" and "Year" fields will be grayed out. You
cannot indicate a specific period and year to include in the Journal Summary if
you have selected batches, however, if you only selected a specific group or
groups to include, you can indicate a specific period and/or year.
By not selecting a specific batch(es) or group(s) to include
in the Journal Summary all groups will be included for the
indicated period and year.
The values that you can include in the Journal Summary are Providers,
Locations, Payers, Unapplied, Batches, and Transactions, and while all values
default to being included, you can remove a value, by clicking on the check
mark to the left of the value's name.
For each selected value, the Journal Summary will give a break down of the
total amount of charges, payments, and adjustments. For example, if the
Providers value is selected, when the Journal Summary is run it shows the
total amount of charges, payments, and adjustments for each provider for each
group you chose to include in the Journal Summary.
Create Journal Summary
Click on the Create Journal Summary button to create the Journal Summary
for the information you have selected to include.
Reports Module
Referrals/Authorizations Expired (Ref/Auth Expired)
An active referral/authorization saved for a patient in the Ref/Auth application
of the Patient Module should be linked to each of the patient’s appointments.
When the referral/authorization is linked to the patient's appointment, it is also
linked to the patient's visit and charges. When a referral/authorization is linked
to a charge, CareTracker will automatically deduct one visit from the patient’s
total authorized visits. The Expired Referrals/Authorization report can be run in
CareTracker based on patient’s authorization expiration dates. This report is
run by clicking on the Ref/Auth Expired link under the Financial Reports
heading in the Reports application of the Reports Module, and shows each
patient with a referral/authorizations that will expire within a specified duration,
their phone number, the referral/authorization number, the valid from and to
date for the referral/authorization, the referring provider’s name, the referring
provider’s phone number, and the number of visits remaining for their
Listing the referring provider’s name, number, and the number of remaining
visits makes it easy for you to manage referrals/authorizations that are due to
expire. When the patient is in context, you can view all of their scheduled,
upcoming appointments by either clicking on the Info button in the Name Bar
or by going into the History application in the Scheduling Module. For each
patient, you would have to compare the number of remaining authorized visits
with the number or scheduled upcoming patient appointments, and determine if
an additional referral/authorization is needed.
When running the Referral/Authorization Expired report, it is recommended
that the duration of days to include during which a ref/auth will expire be 14 or
30 days giving you time to obtain additional referrals/authorizations. Running
the Referral/Authorization report by 'To Date' as opposed to 'From Date' is also
recommended so the report will be most useful in managing soon to be
expiring referrals/authorizations. For example, if 30 days is selected in the
"Ref/Auth Number of Days to Expire" field and 'To Date' is also selected, the
Expired Referrals/ Authorizations report that is run will show all patients who
have a referral/authorization that will be expiring in the next 30 days.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Related Topics: Ref/Auth Overview (Patient Module); Adding a Referral/Authorization (Patient
Reports Module
Financial Rollup Reports
Financial Rollup Reports provide a breakdown of financial information, e.g. the
amount of services, payments, and adjustments for a specific period. When
you run a Financial Rollup Report, you select the period and year to run the
report for and you can choose how to group the specific information that will be
included when the report is run, i.e., locations, servicing providers, billing
providers, and procedures. Financial Rollup Reports show the period, year,
amount of services, amount of payments, amount of adjustments, number of
patients, number of visits, and number of procedures for each selected group
by option. Financial Rollup Reports cannot be published in the Published
Reports application however, once the report is run in CareTracker the
financial, patient, visit and/or procedure data can be exported to an Excel
spreadsheet or a read only report can be generated.
Financial Rollup Reports are generated based on
data from the previous day.
See: Financial Rollup Report Fields, How to Run a Financial Rollup Report
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Financial Rollup Reports
Financial Rollup Report Fields
'All' defaults in the "Year" field when the Financial Rollup Report link is clicked
however, a specific year to run the report for can be selected from the "Year"
field drop-down list.
From/To Period
The current period defaults in the "From Period" and "To" field when the
Financial Rollup Report link is clicked however, a different from period and/or
to period to include in the report can be selected from the respective dropdown list. Typically, this report is run with the same period selected in both the
"From Period" and "To" field.
From/To Service Date
These fields will typically remain blank when you are running the Financial
Rollup Report because the purpose of this report is to see a rollup of financials
for a specific period. Selecting a service date range will limit the Financial
Rollup Report to only include data within the service date parameters you set
as opposed to including the data for the period you selected in the "From
Period" and "To" field. If needed, a service date range can be set by clicking
on the MDY button next to the "Serv Date From" field and selecting a starting
service date parameter from the Calendar function that displays and clicking on
the MDY button next to the "To" field and selecting an ending service date
parameter from the Calendar function. When a service date range is selected,
only service dates within the range you set during the period (s) you selected
will be included in the Financial Rollup Report.
Page Break
The “Page Break” field default is ‘Y’ so the Financial Rollup Report will break
on each selected group by option. 'N' can be selected from the "Page Break"
field drop-down list so there will not be a page break on each group by option.
Group By Options
The thirteen available group by options for Financial Rollup Reports are
groups, location, transaction date, financial class, type of service, place of
service, procedure, servicing provider, billing provider, referring provider,
procedure class, primary referral and unapplied. "Groups" defaults as the only
selected group by option. However, additional group by options can be
selected by clicking in the corresponding group by option box. Selected group
by options are indicated with a check mark in the box.
Data to Include/Exclude
When running a Financial Rollup Report, you can select the data to include or
exclude. By clicking on the + sign next to the "Year" thirteen new fields come
into view, “Locations,” "Servicing Provider,” “Billing Provider,” “Referring
Provider,” “Type of Service,” “Place of Service, “ “Procedure Class,” “Financial
Class,” “Procedures,” “Group,” “Primary Referral”, “Balance Paid” and "Include
RVU's." Each field defaults with 'All' selected indicating that all of the data
contained within each field will be included in the Financial Rollup Report.
Specific data to include in the report instead of 'All' can be selected from each
field by clicking on the needed data, i.e., a specific billing provider's name in
the "Bill Prov" field. Selected options will be highlighted in blue. Multiple
options can be selected from one field by holding the [Cntrl] key on your
keyboard down and clicking on each option. Only selected data will be
included when the Financial Rollup Report is run.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Only one option can be selected in the "Prim Refer," "Bal Paid," and "Include
RVU's" fields. The drop-down list needs to be used to select an option for the
"Prim Refer" or "Bal Paid" fields. Click in the "Include RVU's" to include RVUs
in the Financial Rollup Report.
When all needed group by options are selected and any specific data to
include is selected, click on the Go button to generate the Financial Rollup
Export Buttons
When the Financial Rollup Report is run, export buttons will be available, that
can be used to export financial, patient, visit, and procedure data. Data can
be exported to an Excel spreadsheet if 'Text' is selected or can be exported to
a read only report if 'Report' is selected. The Excel spreadsheet and the read
only report contain the same information and are setup in the same format.
When the data is exported to a report, the report will display in the bottom
frame of the Financial Rollup screen. This report can be printed but it cannot
be published in the Published Reports application. When the data is exported
to an Excel spreadsheet, a new Microsoft Excel workbook will open containing
the data exported from the Financial Rollup Report. The workbook can then be
saved on your PC and can be manipulated to create the desired report.
$- This button exports the financial data.
Pat- This button exports the patient data.
Vis- This button exports the visit data.
Pro- This button exports the procedure data.
See: How to Run a Financial Rollup Report
Reports Module
Financial Rollup Reports
How to Run a Financial Rollup Report
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Financial Rollup Reports link listed under the Financial Reports
section of the Reports screen.
3. When the Financial Rollup Report Choices screen displays, default filters
are set to run the report for all years, for the current period, to include all filters
and Unapplied money, and to be sorted by groups within your parent company.
If needed, change the year or period range accordingly using each fields dropdown list. Typically, a service date should not be included when running a
Financial Rollup Report however, if necessary a service date range can be set
by using the Calendar functions.
4. Click on the + sign next to the "Year" field to add additional group by
options to the Financial Rollup Report, i.e., location, transaction date, or type of
service, or to select specific data to include, i.e., billing provider, locations,
financial classes, or procedures. A group by option can be selected by clicking
in the check box to the left and as many group by options can be selected as
needed. From each data field, 'All' defaults to being selected however, specific
data from one field to include can be selected by clicking on it, and multiple
options from one field can be selected by holding down the [Cntrl] key as you
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
5. When any additional group by option or data to include/exclude has been
selected, click on the Go button.
6. When the Go button is clicked, CareTracker will take a moment to load the
data, and then the report will be generated and will display in the lower frame
of the screen. Each selected group by option will be displayed in a yellow
heading with each of its available data export buttons. For each group by
option, the Financial Rollup Report shows the name, or the specifics of the
selected group by option, the period, year, amount of services, amount of
payments, amount of adjustments, number of patients, number of visits,
number of procedures, and the totals of each.
7. Select 'Text' to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet or select 'Report' to
export the data to a read only report.
8. Click on the corresponding export button for the data you need to export;
financial, patient, visit, or procedure.
9. When an export button is clicked to export the data to a read only report, the
report will display in the bottom frame of the computer screen. Right click on
top of the report and select 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu to print the
10. When an export button is clicked to export the data to an Excel
spreadsheet a prompt will display asking 'Do you want to open or save this
file?' Click on the Open button if you want to immediately view the report or
click on the Save button to save the spreadsheet to your PC to be viewed at a
later time.
11. When the Open button is clicked, the Microsoft Excel program will open on
your computer displaying the data you exported.
12. Save the workbook to your PC.
See: Financial Rollup Report Fields
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Service Month Financial Rollup Report
Service Month Financial Rollup Reports provide a breakdown of financial
information, e.g. the amount of services, payments, and adjustments by
service month. When you run a Service Month Financial Rollup Report, you
can select the year to run, the periods to include, the service date range to
include, and you can select specific information to include or exclude from the
report. Service Month Financial Rollup Reports show the service month,
service year, amount of services, amount of payments, amount of adjustments,
number of patients, number of visits, and number of procedures for each
service month included in the report. Service Month Financial Rollup Reports
cannot be published in the Published Reports application however, once the
report is run in CareTracker the data can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet
or a read only report can be generated.
See: Service Month Financial Rollup Report Fields, How to Run a Service Month
Financial Rollup Report
Reports Module
Service Month Financial Rollup Report
Service Month Financial Rollup Report Fields
'All' defaults in the "Year" field when the Service Month Financial Rollup Report
link is clicked. A service date range will be set that will limit the service
months included in the report. A specific year to run the report for can be
selected from the "Year" field drop-down list, but then the "Service Date From"
and "To" fields will need to be changed accordingly.
From/To Period
'January' and 'December' default respectively in the "From Period" and "To"
field when the Service Month Financial Rollup Report link is clicked indicating
that every period of the year within the service date range set will be included
in the Service Month Financial Rollup Report. Typically, these period fields are
not changed because you are concerned with service months however, if
necessary a different period can be selected from the "From Period" and/or the
"To" field.
From/To Service Date
'01/01' of the current year and the current date default in the "Service Date
From" and to "Fields." If these fields are not changed, all service months thus
far for the current year will be included in the Service Month Financial Report.
If needed, a service date range can be changed by clicking on the MDY button
next to the "Serv Date From" field and selecting a different starting service date
parameter from the Calendar function that displays and/or clicking on the MDY
button next to the "To" field and selecting an ending service date parameter
from the Calendar function.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Page Break
'Y' defaults in the “Page Break” field however, 'N' can be selected from the
drop-down list.
Data to Include/Exclude
When running a Service Month Financial Rollup Report, you can select the
data to include or exclude. By clicking on the + sign next to the "Year" thirteen
new fields come into view, “Locations,” "Servicing Provider,” “Billing Provider,”
“Referring Provider,” “Type of Service,” “Place of Service, “ “Procedure Class,”
“Financial Class,” “Procedures,” “Group,” “Primary Referral”, “Balance Paid”
and "Include RVU's." Each field defaults with 'All' selected indicating that all of
the data contained within each field will be included in the Service Month
Financial Rollup Report. Specific data to include in the report instead of 'All'
can be selected from each field by clicking on the needed data, i.e., a specific
billing provider's name in the "Bill Prov" field. Selected options will be
highlighted in blue. Multiple options can be selected from one field by holding
the [Cntrl] key on your keyboard down and clicking on each option. Only
selected data will be included when the Service Month Financial Rollup Report
is run.
Only one option can be selected in the "Prim Refer," "Bal Paid," and "Include
RVU's" fields. The drop-down list needs to be used to select an option for the
"Prim Refer" or "Bal Paid" fields. Click in the "Include RVU's" to include RVUs
in the Service Month Financial Rollup Report.
When all needed group by options are selected and any specific data to
include is selected, click on the Go button to generate the Service Month
Financial Rollup Report.
Export Buttons
When the Service Month Financial Rollup Report is run, each group by option
will have export buttons available, that can be used to export financial, patient,
visit, and procedure data. Data can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet if
'Text' is selected or can be exported to a read only report if 'Report' is selected.
The Excel spreadsheet and the read only report contain the same information
and are setup in the same format. When the data is exported to a report, the
report will display in the bottom frame of the Financial Rollup screen. This
report can be printed but it cannot be published in the Published Reports
application. When the data is exported to an Excel spreadsheet, a new
Microsoft Excel workbook will open containing the data exported from the
Financial Rollup Report. The workbook can then be saved on your PC and the
data manipulated into the desired report.
$- This button exports the financial data.
Pat- This button exports the patient data.
Vis- This button exports the visit data.
Pro- This button exports the procedure data.
See: How to Run a Service Month Financial Rollup Report
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Service Month Financial Rollup Report
How to Run a Service Month Financial Rollup Report
1. Click on the Reports Module icon.
2. Click on the Service Month Financial Rollup Reports link listed under the
Financial Reports section of the Reports screen.
3. When the Service Month Financial Rollup Report Choices screen displays,
default filters are set to run the report for all years, for every period of the year,
and for every service date of the year up to yesterday's date. Click on the +
sign next to the "Year" field to select specific information to include or exclude.
From each data field, 'All' defaults to being selected however, specific data
from one field to include can be selected by clicking on it, and multiple options
from one field can be selected by holding down the [Cntrl] key as you click.
4. When any data to include/exclude have been selected, click on the Go
5. When the Go button is clicked, CareTracker will take a moment to load the
data, and then the report will be generated and display in the lower frame of
the screen. The Service Month Financial Rollup Report shows each service
month included, the service year, and for each service month shows the
amount of services, amount of payments, amount of adjustments, number of
patients, number of visits, number of procedures, and the totals of each.
6. Select 'Text' to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet or select 'Report' to
export the data to a read only report.
7. Click on the corresponding export button for the data you need to export;
financial, patient, visit, or procedure.
8. When an export button is clicked to export the data to a read only report, the
report will display in the bottom frame of the computer screen. Right click on
top of the report and select 'Print' from the grey pop-up menu to print the
9. When an export button is clicked to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet
a prompt will display asking 'Do you want to open or save this file?' Click on
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
the Open button if you want to immediately view the report or click on the Save
button to save the spreadsheet to your PC to be viewed at a later time.
10. When the Open button is clicked, the Microsoft Excel program will open on
your computer displaying the data you exported.
11. Save the workbook to your PC.
See: Service Month Financial Rollup Report Fields
Reports Module
Report Folders
Report folders allow you to organize your reports published and archived in the
Published Reports application as well as limit the operators who will have
access to particular reports. For example, a folder could be built for each
provider of your practice and only the corresponding provider would be given
access so that when provider-specific reports are generated, they can be
published in each respective provider's folder in which case the other providers
would not be able to view a particular provider's report. Folders are built in the
Folders application of the Reports Module and their security levels are also set
in this application. When a Month End Report, Other Report, Audit Report or
Patient Report is generated, you can select a particular folder for the report to
be published in.
Folders can either be at the company level or the group level and the level of
the folder is determined when you create the folder. A company level folder
would appear under the company section of the Published Reports application.
Any operator within your parent company with access to Published Reports
and access to the folder you have created would be able to view any report
published into this folder. Company level folders may need to be built for multigroup practices when a company financial or patient report has been created
that operators from various groups need to view.
A group level folder would appear under the corresponding group section of
the Published Reports application. Any operator within that group with access
to Published Reports and access to the folder you have created would be able
to view any report published into the folder.
To save a published report for an indefinite amount of time, reports need to be
archived in the Published Reports application. Though you may not want to
create folders for your reports to be generated into it may be useful for you to
create a report folder that you can store your archived reports in. For example,
you may generate all of your reports at the group level and not into particular
folders it may be helpful for you to create period specific folders that reports
can be archived into. If you create an April 2007 folder, once all of your April
2007 financial reports have been reviewed by the appropriate parties, you
could archive it into the April 2007 folder. This way, your archived reports are
neatly organized making it is easy to go back and access an old report.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
When a folder is not selected for a generated report, the
report will always be listed under the group that you are
generating the report in, but then it can be moved to the
company level.
See: How to Create a Report Folder, How to Rename a Report Folder, How to
Add/Remove Operators Access, How to Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder
Related Topic: Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports Features (Reports
Reports Module
Report Folders
How to Create a Report Folder
1. Click on the Report Folders application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Folders screen displays click on the Add New Folder
3. When the Add New Folder button is clicked a pop-up window displays in
which you can name the folder you are creating in the "Enter New Folder
Name" field. Folder names should be specific. For example, if you are
creating a folder for a particular provider you would typically want to name it
with the providers name or if you were creating a folder for a specific fiscal
period, you would want to name it with that period’s name, e.g. January 2008.
4. Determine whether the folder you are creating is a folder at the company
level or at the group level. A company level folder would be accessible for all
operators of your practice whom you will give access permissions to. A group
level folder would only be accessible for all operators within the group you are
creating the folder and also for whom you will give access permissions to.
5. Click on the OK button.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
6. When the OK button is clicked, the Operator Folder Access pop-up window
displays listing all operators with access to the group in which you are working.
This is the window where you determine the operators who will have access to
the folder you have just created. Click in the check box next to the operator (s)
who you would like to have access to the folder you have just created. Your
name (the person who creates the folder) will be selected by default. Click on
the A button at the top of the list of operators to select all operators of the
group to have access to the folder you have just created.
7. Click on the OK button when all operators have been selected. This folder
will now be available to publish Month End Reports, Other Reports, Audit
Reports and Patient Reports in and will be available in the Published Reports
application only for operators to whom you have given access permission.
See:How to Rename a Report Folder, How to Add/Remove Operators Access, How to
Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder
Related Topic: Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports Features (Reports
Reports Module
Report Folders
How to Rename a Report Folder
1. Click the Report Folders tab under Reports module.
2. In the Report Folders list, click the report you want to rename.
3. Click Rename Folder. The Rename Folder dialog box is displayed.
4. In the Enter New Folder Name box, type the name you want to assign to
the folder.
5. Click OK.
See: How to Create a Report Folder, How to Add/Remove Operators Access, How to
Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder
Related Topic: Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports Features (Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Folders
How to Add/Remove Operators Access
1. Click on the Report Folders application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Folders screen displays, select the folder from the "Report
Folders" field drop-down list to which you need to add or remove an operator.
3. Click on the Security button.
4. When the Security button is clicked, the Operator Folder Access pop-up
window displays. Any current operator with access to the selected folder will
have a check mark next to their name. Select additional operators to have
access to folder clicking in the check box next to the corresponding operator's
name. To remove an operator from having access, click in the check box next
to their name and the check mark will be removed.
5. Click on the OK button when all operator access edits have been made.
See: How to Create a Report Folder, How to Rename a Report Folder, How to
Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder
Related Topic: Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports Features (Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Folders
How to Deactivate/Reactivate a Folder
How to Deactivate a Folder
When a folder is made inactive, it will no longer display in the
Published Reports application. Any reports saved in the
folder when it is made inactive will no longer be accessible in
the Published Reports application until it is re-activated.
Before deactivating a folder you may want to move or
archive any reports saved in the folder if they are reports you
still need to access.
1. Click on the Report Folders application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Folders screen displays, select the folder from the "Report
Folders" field drop-down list that you would like to deactivate.
3. Click on the Mark Inactive button.
4. When the Mark Inactive button is clicked, a pop-up window displays asking
"Are you sure you want to mark the current folder inactive?" Click on the OK
button to continue with the deactivation. Inactive folders will no longer display
in the Published Reports application
Inactive report folders are always accessible in the Report
Folders application by clicking in the "Include Inactive
Folders" check box.
How to Reactivate a Folder
1. Click on the Report Folders application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Folders screen displays, click in the "Include Inactive
Folders" check box.
3. Select the report folder you need to re-activate from the "Report Folders"
field drop-down list.
4. When the report is selected from the "Report Folders" field drop-down list, a
Mark Active button displays. Click on the Mark Active button to reactivate the
5. When the Mark Active button is clicked, a pop-up window displays asking
"Are you sure you want to mark the current folder active?" Click on the OK
button to continue with the re-activation.
See: How to Create a Report Folder, How to Rename a Report Folder, How to
Add/Remove Operators Access
Related Topic: Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports Features (Reports
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Stacker
At the end of each fiscal period practices commonly run the same Month End
Reports to determine how successful their period was. Commonly run Month
End Reports include Analysis Reports by Group, Provider, Location, Procedure
and Financial Class, Summarized Aging Reports by Financial Class, and a 13
Month Period Rollup Report. When you generate the same reports repetitively,
you can create a report stack or group of reports to generate all at one time
instead of having to generate each report individually. Report stacks are
created in the Report Stacker application of the Reports Module. Along with
Month End Reports, Patient Reports (Patient List, Patient Detail, and Patient
Data Extract) can be added to a report stack. Also, if you have created a
customized Month End or Patient Report that you have saved, that customized
report can be added to a report stack.
When you create a report stack, you determine the name of your stack, e.g.
Month End, and you determine the reports that will be included in the stack.
There is no limit to the number of reports that can be included in one report
stack. To add a report to a report stack you need to select the type of report,
'Patient', 'Financial' or 'All', the report type, e.g. 'Analysis', 'Summarized Aging'
or 'Patient List' and the specific saved report to add e.g. 'Analysis by GroupLast Period'. The run sequence of the reports is set in the order you add
reports to your stack. When you generate a report stack you can change the
run sequence of the included reports if you require a particular report to be
published in the Published Reports application prior to the other reports.
Generating report stacks occurs from the Report Stacker application of the
Reports Module. When you generate your report stack you have two choices,
generate immediately or schedule a particular time to generate. By clicking on
the Generate Reports button, the reports included in your report stack will
generate immediately and will be published in the Published Reports
application as they finish generating. By clicking on the Schedule Reports
button, you can set a specific time for your reports to begin generating, e.g.
7:00 p.m. The reports included in your stack will begin generating at the
selected time and will be published in the Published Reports application as
they finish generating.
Reports will not generate between the hours of 12:30 a.m.
EST and 6:00 a.m EST If your reports are in the process of
generating they will stop at 12:30 a.m. EST but will resume
at 6:00 a.m. EST without requiring any additional steps by
See: How to Create a Report Stack, How to Generate a Report Stack, How to
Add/Remove a Report to a Report Stack
Related Topics: Month End Reports Overview (Reports Module); Month End Report Fields and
Features (Reports Module); How to Create a Month End Report (Reports Module); Patient Reports
Overview (Reports Module); Patient Report Fields and Features (Reports Module); How to Create a
Patient Report (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports
Fields and Features (Reports Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Stacker
How to Create a Report Stack
1. Click on the Report Stacker application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Stacker screen displays, click on the Add New List button.
3. In the pop-up window that displays when the Add New List button is
clicked, enter a name for your report stack in the "Enter New List Name" field
and click on the OK button.
4. When the report stack name is selected "Type" and "Report" drop-down lists
display. From the "Type" field drop-down list select the type of reports you
need to include in your report stack, 'All,' 'Patient' or 'Financial'. Selecting 'All'
as the type will allow you to add both patient and financial reports to the report
stack you are creating.
5. From the "Report" field drop-down list select the type of report you need to
add to your report stack. If you have selected 'Patient' or 'Financial' as the type
in the "Type" field you will only be able to add patient specific or financial
specific reports. If 'All' is selected as the type, you will have both financial and
patient reports available from the "Report" field drop-down list.
6. When a report type has been selected from the "Report" field drop-down list
select the saved report of that type to add to your stack from the "Saved
Reports" field drop-down list. The "Saved Reports" list will include all global
reports created in CareTracker and will also include any custom Month End or
Patient Report that your practice has created. For example, if you created a
custom "Analysis by Location" Month End Report and you select 'Analysis
Report' from the "Report" field drop-down list, your custom report would be
listed along with the global analysis reports in the "Saved Reports" list dropdown list.
7. Click on the Add Report button.
9. When the Add Report button is clicked, the report you had selected will
then be listed under the Stacked Reports column along with the report type
and the run sequence. The run sequence determines the order in which the
reports will be generated. The sequence only needs to be changed if there is
particular report you would like generated and published first. Repeat steps 47 until you have added all the reports required for the report stack you are
10. When your report stack has been created you can then generate all
reports included in the stack at one time from the Report Stacker application.
See: How to Generate a Report Stack, How to Add/Remove a Report to a Report Stack
Related Topics: Month End Reports Overview (Reports Module); Month End Report Fields and
Features (Reports Module); How to Create a Month End Report (Reports Module); Patient Reports
Overview (Reports Module); Patient Report Fields and Features (Reports Module); How to Create a
Patient Report (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports
Fields and Features (Reports Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Stacker
How to Generate a Report Stack
1. Click on the Report Stacker application in the Reports Module.
2. Select the report stack you need to generate from the "Report List" field
drop-down list.
3. When a report stack is selected all of the reports included in that stack will
be listed along with the report type and the run sequence.
4. If you need to have the reports generated and published in a particular
order, change the run sequence to the sequential order you need the reports
available to you in.
5. Click on the Generate Reports button if you want to begin generating your
report stack immediately. If you generate your reports immediately they will be
sent to the queue and as they finish, the reports will be available in the
Published Reports application.
5. Click on the Schedule Reports button if you wish to schedule a future time
for the reports to begin generating.
6. When the Schedule Reports button is clicked a pop-up window displays in
which you need to select the hour you would like your reports to begin
7. After you select the time at which you would like your report stack to begin
generating click on the Select button. Your report stack will begin generating
at the selected time and all of your reports will be available in Published
Reports when they have finished generating.
Reports will not generate between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. If your reports are in the process of generating they
will stop at 12:30 a.m. but will resume at 6:00 a.m. without
requiring any additional steps by you.
Report times are eastern standard.
See: How to Create a Report Stack, How to Add/Remove a Report to a Report Stack
Related Topics: Month End Reports Overview (Reports Module); Month End Report Fields and
Features (Reports Module); How to Create a Month End Report (Reports Module); Patient Reports
Overview (Reports Module); Patient Report Fields and Features (Reports Module); How to Create a
Patient Report (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports
Fields and Features (Reports Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Report Stacker
How to Add/Remove a Report to a Report Stack
How to Add a Report to a Report Stack
1. Click on the Report Stacker application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Stacker screen displays select the report stack you need
to add a report to from the "Report List" field drop-down list.
3. All of the reports currently included in the stack will display when the report
stack is selected from the "Report List" field along with the report type and the
print sequence. From the "Type" field drop-down list select the type of report
you need to add to your report stack, 'All,' 'Patient' or 'Financial'. Selecting 'All'
as the type will allow you to add both patient and financial reports to the report
stack you are modifying.
4. From the "Report" field drop-down list select the type of report you need to
add to your report stack. If you have selected 'Patient' or 'Financial' as the type
in the "Type" field you will only be able to add patient specific or financial
specific reports. If 'All' is selected as the type, you will have both financial and
patient reports available from the "Report" field drop-down list.
5. When a report type has been selected from the "Report" field drop-down list
select the saved report of that type to add to your stack from the "Saved
Reports" field drop-down list. The "Saved Reports" list will include all global
reports created in CareTracker and will also include any custom Month End or
Patient report that your practice has created. For example, if you created a
custom "Analysis by Location" Month End Report and you select 'Analysis
Report' from the "Report" field drop-down list, your custom report would be
listed along with the global analysis reports in the "Saved Reports" list dropdown list.
6. Click on the Add Report button.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for all additional reports you need to add to the report
How to Add a Remove a Report from a Report Stack
1. Click on the Report Stacker application in the Reports Module.
2. When the Report Stacker screen displays select the report stack you need
to add a report to from the "Report List" field drop-down list.
3. All of the reports currently included in the stack will display when the report
stack is selected from the "Report List" field along with the report type and the
run sequence. Click on the Remove Report button to remove the report from
the report stack and the report will no longer be included in the stack.
4. Repeat step 3 for each report you need to remove from the report stack.
See: How to Create a Report Stack, How to Generate a Report Stack
Related Topics: Month End Reports Overview (Reports Module); Month End Report Fields and
Features (Reports Module); How to Create a Month End Report (Reports Module); Patient Reports
Overview (Reports Module); Patient Report Fields and Features (Reports Module); How to Create a
Patient Report (Reports Module); Published Reports Overview (Reports Module); Published Reports
Fields and Features (Reports Module)
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Published Reports
The Published Reports application alleviates the need to print and save paper
copies of reports generated in CareTracker, because most reports that are
generated can be published meaning they are always accessible in this
application. When Month End Reports, Other Reports, and Audit Reports are
generated they are published in this application by default. Report folders can
be created to limit the operators who would have access to particular reports
published in the Published Reports application and these folders would either
be group specific or at the company level. For example, a folder could be built
for each provider of your practice so that when provider-specific reports are
generated, they can be published in each respective provider's folder in which
case the other providers would not be able to view a particular provider's
report. Folders are built in the Folders application of the Reports Module and
their security levels are also set in this application.
Generating reports and publishing reports are group specific. For multi-group
practices this means only data for groups you have access to will be included
when you generate a report. When a report is generated, it is saved under the
group you are currently working or in the report folder you select to publish it in.
In the Published Reports application you will be able to see all company level
Published Reports that you have access to and reports that belong to the
current group you are in. You can access reports of all groups you have
access to by clicking All Groups button. You can switch back to view only the
reports that belong to the current group you are in by clicking Current Group
Only button.
In Published Reports, you will also have access to any report that has been
moved to the ‘Company’ level. Moving a report to the ‘Company’ level can be
accomplished by clicking on the Move button. Anyone with access to
Published Reports will be able to see any report at the ‘Company’ level, but
they will only see specific group reports for only the groups to which they have
access. Company level report folders can also be created. This would mean
that while you can see any report moved to the 'Company' level, you may have
restrictions on particular company folders that have been created. Reports can
be moved to folders by using the Move button as well.
For all published reports, Group, Company, and folder specific reports, there
are two types, newly generated reports and archived reports. Once a report is
generated and published it is considered a newly published report and will only
be saved in CareTracker for a set amount of time until it is automatically
removed. To store a report in CareTracker for an indefinite amount of time,
you must archive it which can be accomplished by clicking on the Archive
button next to the report you need to save for an indefinite amount of time.
When archiving a report you can also move the report to a different group,
folder, or to the company level.
From the Published Reports application reports can be opened and reviewed;
they can be printed individually or PDF formatted reports can be printed in
batch all at one time; Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and CSV reports can be
zipped or compressed; reports can be moved to a different group within your
company to which you have access, or reports can be moved to the Company
level so anyone with access to Published Reports regardless of the specific
groups they have access to will be able to access the report.
The Published Reports application shows each report's name, date and time it
was generated, type, and size. Most reports generated in CareTracker are in
Adobe (PDF) format however, reports can also be generated in Microsoft Word
(DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), Rich Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS),
Text (TXT), and Comma Separated Value (CSV).
Published reports operators have access to are limited
based on their role in CareTracker. When an operator
does not have a certain role, those reports they do not
have access to will not be listed when they open
Published Reports.
See: Published Reports' Features
Related Topics: Reports Application Overview
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Reports Module
Published Reports
Published Reports' Features
Show Archived Reports/Show New Reports
The Show Archived Reports button and the Show New Reports button allow
you to view either reports you have archived in CareTracker for an indefinite
amount of time or to view reports you have recently generated. When viewing
newly generated reports, the Show Archived Reports button displays in the
top, left-hand corner of the screen and when viewing saved reports, the Show
New Reports button displays in the top-left hand corner of the screen.
When looking at newly generated or archived reports, there are two levels of
reports, group and company and for each level there may also be report
folders. All reports for any group you have access to will be sorted by group
for both newly generated reports and reports that have been archived. Reports
that have been moved to the company level will be accessible to all employees
with access to the Published Reports application for both newly generated
reports and archived reports. Reports that have been moved to a report folder
will only be accessible for operators who have access to that folder at the
group or company level.
Select All for Printing
All reports generated in Adobe (PDF) format can be printed directly from
Published Reports and you can print reports one at a time or multiple reports at
one time. Reports that can be printed from this application have a check box in
the Print column. In order to print a report, a check mark must be placed in the
report's corresponding check box indicating it is a selected report to print.
Clicking on the Select All for Printing button will place a check mark in all
check boxes indicating the reports will be printed when the Print Selected
Files button is clicked. A maximum of ten PDF formatted reports can be batch
printed at one time when the Print Selected File button is used. You can
individually select reports to print by clicking on the report's corresponding
check box in the Print column which places a check mark in the check box.
Deselect All for Printing
All reports generated in Adobe (PDF) format can be printed directly from
Published Reports and you can print reports one at a time or multiple reports at
one time. Reports that can be printed from this application have a check box in
the Print column. In order to print a report, a check mark must be placed in the
report's corresponding check box in the Print column indicating it is a selected
report to print when the Print Selected Files button is clicked. Clicking on the
Deselect All for Printing button will remove all check marks from the Print
column, de-selecting all previously selected reports. You can individually deselect reports to not print by clicking on the report's corresponding check box in
the Print column which removes the check mark.
Print Selected File
All reports generated in Adobe (PDF) format can be printed directly from
Published Reports and you can print reports one at a time or multiple reports at
one time. Reports that can be printed from this application have a check box in
the Print column. In order to print a report, a check mark must be placed in the
report's corresponding check box in the Print column. When you have
selected the report or reports you need to print which can be done by either
clicking in the check box for each report you need to print or clicking on the
Select All for Printing button to select all reports to print, click on the Print
Selected Files button, and all selected reports will print. A maximum of ten
PDF formatted reports can be batch printed at one time when the Print
Selected File button is used.
All groups for which you have access to will be listed in the Published Reports
application. Any report generate at the group level for a group will be listed
under the group name. When report folders have been set up, drill-down icons
(+) display under each group's name. Each report folder that has been created
for a group will be represented by a drill-down icon along with a "Group" drilldown icon which would display all reports generated at the group level that
were not saved to a particular report folder. By clicking on the drill-down icon,
you can view all of the reports published into the corresponding report folder.
You will only see report folders to which you have been given access. Report
folders and access levels are created in the Report Folders application of the
Reports Module.
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
Anyone with access to Published Reports will have access to a report at the
company level. Reports cannot be generated at the company level, but a
report can be moved from the group level to the company level. If report
folders have been built at the company level then reports can be published into
these folders instead of having to be moved from a group. When report folders
have been set up, drill-down icons (+) displays under the company's name.
Each report folder that has been created for your company will be represented
by a drill-down icon along with a "Company" drill-down icon which would
display all company level reports that were not saved to a particular report
folder. By clicking on the drill-down icon, you can view all of the reports
published into the corresponding report folder. You will only see report folders
to which you have been given access. Report folders and access levels are
created in the Report Folders application of the Reports Module.
The name of each report displays in the Name column. For global reports
saved in CareTracker the name is the type of report that was generated.
When you create a report you have the option to name it using your own
naming convention.
The date and time in the Date/Time column is the date and time the report was
uploaded into the Published Reports application. Depending on the size of the
report you are generating, a report may be available almost immediately after
generating in the Published Reports application while it may take larger reports
several minutes to be available.
The type of the report in the Type column is the format the report was
generated in: Adobe (PDF), Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS),
Rich Text (RTF), Microsoft Excel Data (XLS), Text (TXT), or Comma
Separated Value (CSV). When a DOC, XLS, or CSV report file is zipped,
zipped then appears in the Type column for the corresponding report. The
type of report determines the program needed on your computer in order to
open and review the report. For example, you would need to have a version of
Acrobat Adobe Reader on your computer in order to open up any Adobe (PDF)
The size of the report shows in the Size column and the size determines how
long it will take CareTracker to finish generating a report. Typically, the larger
a report, the longer it takes to generate. DOC, XLS, and CSV reports are
typically larger reports. Using the size of the report in the Size column, you
can determine whether or not it will be necessary to zip (compress) any of
these reports making the file smaller.
The Print column is where you determine which PDF formatted reports will be
included when you click on the Print Selected Files button. In order to print a
report, a check mark must be placed in the report's corresponding check box in
the Print column indicating it is a selected report to print. You can select
reports to print by either clicking on the Select All for Printing button which
will place a check mark in all check boxes indicating the reports will be printed
when the Print Selected Files button is clicked or you can individually select
reports to print by clicking on the report's corresponding check box in the Print
You can de-select reports by print either by clicking on the Deselect All for
Printing button which will remove all check marks from the Print column, deselecting all previously selected reports or you can individually de-select
reports to not print by clicking on the report's corresponding check box in the
Print column which removes the check mark.
Both reports at the group level and the company level can be printed.
Newly published reports will only be saved in CareTracker for a set amount of
time until it is automatically removed. To store a report in CareTracker for an
indefinite amount of time, you must click on the Archive button next to the
corresponding report. When the Archive button is clicked a pop-up window
will display asking if you are sure you want to save the report. Click on the OK
button and the report will be saved. To access all of your group's saved
reports you must click on the Show Archived Reports button. Archived
reports will remain in the Published Reports application until someone in your
practice deletes the report. Both reports at the group level and company level
can be archived and once they are archived, reports can be moved to
particular report folders.
Generating reports and publishing reports are now group specific. For multigroup practices this means only data for groups you have access to will be
included when you generate a report. When a report is generated, it is saved
under the group you are currently working or in the report folder you select to
publish the report in. In the Published Reports application you will be able to
see all Published Reports sorted by group for all groups to which you have
access not just the current group you are working in. For each group you will
be able to see all report folders to which you have access. You will also have
access to any report that has been moved to the ‘Company’ level and any
company level report folders to which you have been given access.
To move a report to either a different group, to the company level, or to a
different report folder, click on the Move button next to the corresponding
CareTracker Training - Reports Module
report you need to move. When the Move button is clicked a pop-up window
will display asking if you are sure you want to move the report. Click on the
OK button, the prompt pop-up window closes, and the Move pop-up window
In the Move pop-up window you must click on the group to which you need to
move the report to or you can select 'Company' if the report needs to be
accessible for all groups within your company. To move the report to a
particular report folder for a group or the company, select the appropriate folder
from the "Folders" field drop-down list. If you need to move the report and
want to archive it at same time, click in the "Move as Archived" field before
clicking on the Select button.
A report can be removed from the Published Reports application by clicking on
the Delete button next to the corresponding report you need to remove. When
the Delete button is clicked a pop-up window will display asking if you are sure
you want to delete the report. Click on the OK button, the prompt pop-up
window closes, and the report is removed from Published Reports. The
capability of deleting reports is based upon your role in CareTracker. Not all
operators who can access Published Reports can delete a report from this
Reports that have been generated and published in any of the following
formats, Microsoft Excel Data, Microsoft Word, and Comma Separated Value
can now be zipped (compressed) in the Published Reports application in
CareTracker. Each report generated in one of these formats will have a Zip
button located to the left of the Archive button. To zip a report, click on the Zip
button next to the corresponding report you need to zip. When the Zip button
is clicked a pop-up window will display asking if you are sure you want to zip
the report. Click on the OK button, the prompt pop-up window closes, and the
report is zipped. The original report generated is removed and is replaced by
the zipped file. Once the file has been zipped, you can click on the file and
save it to your local drive. You will now be able to e-mail the file without any
size limitation.