c··~...._~_.........._ ................. tion, we partnered with


c··~...._~_.........._ ................. tion, we partnered with
1935 Main Street, Suite 204 - Wailuku, H1 96793
Teteplzone: 808-242-5761 - Fax: 808-244-2057 - Website: www.tokalzipacijic.org
October 2009
45 days. We are also progressing with the securing
Page 1
of funding for the PUnOn Deck, In the Works and on
ana Leo 0 Maui Prethe Horizon with Development f--~~--'---''-------\
'-"~:'1l: school and it is great to
Featured Employee
By: Vanessa Medeiros.
see the amount of support
Development Manager
for this facility. In addiPage 2
c··~...._~_.........._ ................. tion, we partnered with
HR Tip of the Month
It is amazing, simply amazRCAC to apply for both
Neighborworks - Chicago
ing, theI scope and. brea~th soon after with families mov- HUD NSP 2 funds as well
of deve opment projects lor
in by Summer of 2010. as HUD SHOP funds and
Lokahi Pacific. These pro- mg
are continuing to seek
Updates on Hale Lokahi Elua jects include not only afother funding sources for
One Year Anniversary of the fordable housing-for sale
our various projects and
Native Maui Koa Tree
activities. How exciting is
and rental-but also community facilities.
Page 3
c that!!!
On Deck, In the Works
and On the Horizon
with Development
As of the time of this w r i t - O f course none of this is
ing, we have a little over
possible without dedicated
Through a rePono Center Updates
units and 3-4 community
organization scheduled for
NIl Chicago!
October the Development
facilities "on deck", "in the
Page 4
works" or "on the hori~on:-- The County Council ap- Depart~ent is being
Tru!y Local, Truly Green
For me personally, thIS IS proved the grant of lease for blessed with staff that will
to coordinate
where the action is, the op- the Honokowai Rentals. We h I
New Businesses Soon to
portunity to really make an anticipate redleabsle of HOME tr::k a~~ process the var:
impact m our commumty and Affor a e Housmg ied activities related to
"Business Accounting
by provldmg affordable Funds to help us move development with funding
Requires a Professional"
housing, and I mean truly quickly with the design and (grant writing) and grants
affordable housing-at planning.
The pace of
Boys & Girls Club of
. ke d ,managemen .
th at Waiehu Mauka has pIC
rents or saIes pnces
families can comfOltably up and the 201H apPlication,1 Featured Employee
afford. As for the commu- and the State and HUD EnviBy: Deanna Kramer.
facilities, well if romnental Assessments exBOARD OF DIRECTORS
"variety is the spice of pected to be completed by
HR Department
Jeffrey Ellison - Chairman
life", then community fa- year's end. The USDA SelfR 0 s e _
Lynn DeCoite - Vice Chainnan cilities bring the right Help Housing program has
mar I e
Kevin Johns - Secretary
amount of seasoning to life also made good strides in fiCindi Pojas Smith - Treasurer here at Lokahi Pacific. nalizing design and cost eleis our 62
George Maioho
Here's a taste of our recent ments that is sure to be a
Mar k e t
John Enriques
family pleaser. Our Home\P 0 n 0
Paul Turner
Construction has started on ownership Department has
Viola Mundrick-Wichman
the Kenolio Leilani Subdi- secured the first group of
vision. InfrastlUcture work families; we anticipate hear- Rosemarie oversees our
is anticipated to be com- ing from USDA on the re- Business Incubators, ComKamaile M. Sombelon
pleted by December and lease of fundmg soon and are mercia] Kitchen users,
Executive Director
house construction to begin plan.n.mg to .meet WIth the other economic developfamlhes wlthm the next 30New Babies in the
Lokahi Pacific Family
Page 1
ment training programs, pendent upon you and how ica, Chicago Training Insti- provide First-Time Homeand excels in grant writing. much time you want to de- tute. With different train- buyer Education Classes,
Rosemarie was born and vote to keeping your life ing focuses, we all came Individualized Financial
balanced. It's easy to say away with a wealth of Management Appointments
raised in Pittsburgh; she has
five children and seven "what happens at home knowledge that Neighbor- and Loan Packaging serstays at home" or "what works never fails to pro- vices to Depm1ment of Hagrandchildren. Being that
Rosemarie was
happens at work stays at vide. My week's worth of waiian Home Land Lessees
born m Pittswork", but easier said than classes included a refresher or potential beneficiaries on
burgh she is a -.--t-J.... done. Think of your ideal course in Credit Counseling Molokai. Interested appliday at home; a day with no for Maximum Results and cants should contact Lokahi
demands or responsibilities, Implementing a Foreclo- Pacific.
fan, and rarely
what would you do with sure Progranl. Throughout ,misses watching a game.
yourself? What would you the week's training courses,
Updates on Hale
Besides being a die hard
accomplish? Now think of numerous discussions surLokahiElua
football fan, Rosemarie en-'
d your ideal day at work. rounded the current status L JOYs coo mg, rea mg, an
watchin' the Food Net- Would you accompltsh and of our world's economy
By: Cindy Texeira,
a~d Its drastlc turns. Also, HOl/sing Administrator
work. ~he is also a fan of complete all your tasks?
I d
dO' . .
WIth foreclosure cases conactIOn movIes; n epen - rgamzatlOn IS necessary
ence Day, with the BOUlne to separate and balance ~tant y on ~ e nse: t e n~e On September 24, 2009,
Identity Trilogy being her work and life. Know your or on-gomg trammg .e- Lokahi Pacific contracted
favorite. Her favorite res- strengths and weaknesses, comes necessary to ass~st Nelson Contracting, Inc., to
mdlvlduals facmg financtal
taurants are SaIgon Cafe or and seek self Improvement d'ffi 1
fit work on Hale Lokahi Eula's
Dragon Dragon.
Rose- to address the weaknesses II Ichudt . 1 rom I r- units 20 and 25, With
d h b d Ri h'd
d h'
oug e emp oyees to aymane an us an
c m an t IS WI Improve your f~
, b'
f Maintenance employee
0 IS, evelY01le IS emg a ,
have IIve on am lor
perlonnance at orne an lecte,
uymg a ome ur- D utc h' s gm'd ance an d
years, and are members of work. Know that you can-,
h II
Wailuku Union Church,
not possibly do everything ~ng t ese c a engl~g tlmes, knowledge of the project,
, . by yourself at either place. IS not as easy as It :"as a the required material was
utll- Tak e responsl'b'I'
' .
I Ity and ac- few ,years ago
. ' but It IS also purc hase d and del'lVere d to
Izmg our deve opment prob'1'
not ImpOSSIble. Nowadays
grams, Rosemarie will be co~nta I Ity or a your keeping your home durin~ the site. As of this date, all
' you WIt, h t he actlons, and then be pre.,
happy to assIst
these touch economIc
tlmes th e ex t·'·
el101 waII s andwm. .
pared for the next asslgn.
process, come VISIt her at
h h
may be more of the chal- dows are 10 place. Installament, w et er at wor or
62 Market Pono Center.
h ome, Kn ow your 1"Imlta- lenge,
tion of the closet doors , tub
_ _ _ _- - - - - - HR Tip of the Month
----------By: Deanna Kramer,
HR Department
tions and don't over extend If you are preparing to buy
your very first home or just
and remember to save some trymg to adjust your houseof your self to keep bal- hold budget due to reduced
salaries, call Lokahi Pacific
to inquire about the various
Balancing home life with
Neighborworks services that may be availwork life is sometimes a
able to assist you.
struggle; as there is usually
Iyourself at work or home,
some ongoing minor conflict or drama at one or the
other. Sometimes the home
situation can seep into the
workplace and the work
place drama can be carried
home, but isn't it nice when
By: Patience Kahu/a,
Homeownership Manager
In August
NelghborWorks- 2 0 0 9 ,
K a rna i 1 e
Sombelon, Rosemane
LIghtfoot and I were foOOeverything goes smoothly? nate enough to attend the
The balancing act is de- Neighborworks of Amer-
Page 2
surround, some electrical
work and touch up painting
will complete unit 20, The
interior work in unit 25 is
1 k'
10 progress.
e a~e 00 109
d t
0 ge 109
units occupied,
One Year Anniversary
of the Native Maui Koa
In August 2009, the .Department of Hawallan L ~_-'
Home Lands approved Lo- It has been one year since
kahi Pacific's NAHASDA
we relocated the Native
ro- Maui Koa Tree to Hale 0
posa.l Grant approval will Mana'o Lana Hou II. It was
allow Lokahi Pacific to
rescued from the lot where September 18, 2009 at 8am ess of much needed buildthe Safe House now sits on weighing
ing improvements inside
out from the addition
Wells Street. We are happy in at 7lbs
of potted plants and roof
to report the Koa tree is 60zs and
repairs to new chairs and
doing really well and is 20 inches.
wall paintings for our trainhappy at it's new home. Her par-.
ing room. All is well and
See before and after pic- ents
progressing positively'
Veni (pm1
, Homeownership Department.) & Sione Tatofi. Ana
is the youngest out of three.
She has an older brother
Tatofi and an older
' sister named Lu'isa.
Pono Center Updates!
By: Rosemarie Lightfoot
Pomo Center Mal1ager
Pono Center's quarterly
update is pretty favorable.
We have eight out of nine
business incubator offices
r - - - - - - - - - - - , filled as of September I,,New Babies in the
Each small business is
Lokahi Pacific Family unique. They range from
---'----' food catering and disability
advocacy to property many CongratulatIOns
" a
agement an
un erwater
~~; to Ryan (Grounds exploring. Wow; what a
\~ Maintenance) and mix! The Virtual Office
~J Colleen Cowley program is still in its baby
In the birth of stages. Inqumes are picking
up, and there is anticipated
their son
for the next quarter.
Our Commercial Kitchen's
Jam e s
usage has increased treKawaikamendously in the last couhena Cowpie of months. Due to various summer festivals,
ley on Sepweekly swap meet particitember 24,
-"""",*"pants, and County Fair food
booths, our kitchen has
Also we want been pretty busy! The train. ~'
' ' ' , <. olrll
. g!
~ , . to welcome a In con,erence room renta s
h Ih
b b are steady with regular,
ea t y a y weekly users scheduled on
girl named Ana Alungama- our calendar through Delie Hikulangi Tatofi bam cember. We are in the proc-
conditions for members of
the community and generally governed by members
of the community. We actually got a chance to go on
a field trip to an old commercial kitchen sight transfomled into a soap-making
factory. It was awesome to
NTI Chicago!
women) actually make the
By: Rosemarie Lightfoot soap from scratch, let it
P0l10 Cel1ter Manager
harden, cut it, wrap it and
recently ship it - all from that work~gW.,iWorv attended the placet These women were
Neighborworks all coming from a life crisis
. .
Training InstItute
situatIOn 0 some sort an
Workshops held in Chi- all participants in a procago, Illinois from August gram that provides basic
16th _nnd This was a great tutoring, financial educaexperience for me since it tion, computer classes,
was my very first work- manufacturing skills, and a
related training trip! Maile, career in manufacturing
Patience and I, stayed at the program. One of the guidbeautiful
in ing principles of CED emdowntown Chicago. The phasis here is on training
classes were held in three and career development for
different hotels: Swissotel, community residents which
Hilton, and Palmer House. I will create better jobs and
had to take a shuttle to the increase income. A measHilton each morning to at- ure of its success is that
tend mine. My first two- labor force has increased in
C · ·
day course was on ommu- skill and productIve capacnity Ecol1omic Develop- ity. The second two-day
ment Principles, Practices course,
& Strategies. It sounds like Faith-Based Illstitutiolls ill
a mouthful, and It was! I Community Development,
really wanted to understand is basically being able to
what community develop- effectively bring faithment entailed since Lokahi based institutions & comPacific is a CDC. What is munity development agencommunity economic de- cies together in pm1nership
velopment (CED)? Com- for revitalization and Inobimunity - people living in lization. The 2 nd field trip
the same geographic area or was to a faith-based CDC
sharing common character- in a low-income area where
istics or interests. Eco- an independent and assisted
nomic - relating to material living facility was formed
D out of an ab andone d hOSpl.
goods and resources. ----"=
velopment - process of tal. It's awesome to see the
change for the better. So, transformation that can take
CED is the process that place when groups work
seeks to improve economic together for a common
Page 3
good! New jobs were created and also filled by community residents which, of
course, had a major economic impact on the community. All in all, I learned
a great deal about conmmnity development and how
it's supposed to work for
the community. 1 was very
much enlightened ~y our
tnp. It was a success.
TruI Green
ergy to produce 100% of
their electric needs and watel' heating needs, natural
energyefficient upgrades. Pacific
Biodiesel, a local company,
supplements the biodiesel
made from their fryer
which is used by all their
vehicles for fuel. In line
with. keeping it green and
keepmg It local, the recent
remodel mcludes reusmg
lumber and other matenals
from the prevIOus setup and
the use of local produce for
By Mimi Ganaden Nebres their new menu.
Maui Land & Pineapple Next to learning to speak
Co. for their canning:'
and write Chinese, reading
and understanding the everNew Businesses soon to changing Internal Revenue
Code is the most difficult
. 0 t b 2009
thing in the world. I have
pemng coer
an accounting degree and
Located at 95 E. Lipoa even took a CPA. prep
Street, Kihei: VALLEY course in college, but I alISLE LIQUORS, INC,
ways had a seasoned acFor all your beverage countant at my side during
needs, Valley Isle Liquors my 22 years of small busIhas them all. Please check ne.ss ownership. Some may
them out as soon as they thmk I wlmped out and
are open.
wasted my money all those
years. I feel my accountant
0 penmg
. Novem b er 2009 actually saved me more
The company continues to Located at the fonner money than he charged me
grow its presence while Suda's Store on South Ki- in fees.
Co. began staying true to being "Made h e i
R 0 a d : Operating a small business
as Fish and
in Maui." In 2008, BevMo, KIYOTA OKAZUYA
can be like living in a large
"'"o::;':;;o,:~::'o::o••• Brewing
a California compa~y, Featuring local kine grinds, cardboard box. You are so
signed an agreement With manJ'u and more. If you involved in putting out the
C o. 1994 and has been suc _ M
. B
d h d
cessful as th e on Iy b rewpu b .aUl rewmg o. to IS. find yourselves down in Ires an t e ay to ay opon the island. In 2005, tnbute three packaged ml- South Kihei Road or hun- erations that you can't
Inc., a crobrews:
. CoCoNut Por- gry for local food , please be sneak a peek outside your
Arna kua H0 Id lngs,
privately held domestic TeR, Big Swell IPA and sure to stop by and try their box. It's very difficu t to
corporation co-owned by
aNa food.
stand back and look at your
business as an impartial
, , - - - - - - - - - - - - , observer. This is where
Melanie Oxley, acquired
"Business Accounting
your accountant comes in.
Maui Brewing Co. and saw
Requires a Professional"
Your accountant is the closthe need to expand to a 25balTel full production brewBy: Tom Maydew
est financial advisor for
ery and canning facility in
your small business. They
Reme~ber the last. time do your books each year
Lahaina. So in 2006 Maui
33 you tned to. do repaIrS on and know how your busiBrewing Co. came to Lo- B'ki . BI d L
your car engme only to find ness is perfonning. They
kahi Pacific for loan assis- 1m. ~nr:' ~ger to
tance and was granted a stores m a I mUla.
out halfway through the Job see the trends and are inloan to purchase much To date, Maui Brewing Co. you were in way over your vested in your success. Afneeded machinery and has proven to be one of Lo- head? Those towing fees tel' all, if you don't survive,
kahi Pacific's successful can really add. up: not to they just lost a valuable
loan recipients garnering m~ntlOn the nbbmg you client.
As a recipient of the 2008 top awards for their local will. take from yo~ me"Business with Green Pro- . b
fi chamc. The same thmg can So how do you find an acgram" award, Maui Brew- mthl~ro rews as we bas or happen if you try to do your countant? First, it is impor.
ell' commitment to e en11
'bl own business accounting tant to understand the field
mg Co. contmues to Im- .
. b .
vlronmenta y responsl e
. f
b d
I bl
We have a saying at the 0 accountmg IS very roa .
prove their usmess. Re- b '
y usmg recyc a e pac agY
h Id
centIy, th e 7-BalTe II Brew- " d '
. Small Business Develop- our accountant s ou
mg, . onatmg spent gram
pub at the Kahana Gateway fi
ment Center that goes ave smal
usmess ac.
rom eel' pro uctlOn to
. .
Shoppmg Center underwent I I
I "friends don't let friends do countmg expenence an
oca ranc ers or catt e
. ",.
an extensIve green reno- fi d"
their own business account- expe Ise an wor pnmar11'mg so Iar en- .ee. .
. th'IS aspect 0 f th e m.
h utId Izmg
I'1y m
"eqUIpment pure ase rom
Page 4
dustry. Next, find someone changes.
Ask questions. are ultimately responsible del' how she could serve the
that is nonnal and who is Talk about any upcommg for the infOlmation on your fruit to the kids; and then
concemed with your long expansions or the purchase tax return and are the one she remembered an old recdefending the figures in an ipe her mother had passed
telm success. Ask your of major business assets.
'11 audit.
on to her. I was given a
banker, attorney, or other A
t t
taste test and it was GOOD.
small business owners for
goo accou? an . WI
k proVide you With tnnely To be successful in a small I
re fierra Is. Th IS Isn t a tas
. . .
even ate t e grapes, an I
fi I '
d and accurate mfonnatlOn. I busmess you have to know d ' rk
or ettmg your mgers 0 recommend you tum in your numbers. Get profes- k 0; tIe. g~apes. T lOse
~ell wa~kmg throngh the your infonnation on a quar- sional help by hiring a con- 1 s were m or a treat!
e ow ages.
terly basis, especially if you cemed, experienced ac- Next I had an opportunity
Once you get some refer- have employees. Don't start countant for your business. to observe the kids enjoyrals, make an appointment a new business and wait a And remember, don't mess ing the facilities, a pool tawith a couple of possibili- full year to consult with with the IRS. They have a ble, computer center, and a
ties and see who fits the your accountant. If you long memory, ultimate ping-pong table. I was very
best. Are they accessible, were operating your busi- power, and no sense of hu- impressed with their good
manners and sportsman like
friendly, professional, and ness improperly the delay mol'.
conduct; everyone got
caring? Do they have the could prove to be a fatal 7' M d '
1 om
ay ew IS a usmess I
h h
an .
It tIt'
tl a ong Wit eac ot er and
COllSll an I, ramer lor
While the CeItIfied. PublIc
Be sure you d emand a b aI- 1da I10 St a te U'nzverslty
. wanted to be at the center.
deSignatIOn ance sh eet and 'Income Srna II B
D eve Iop- They were courteous when
. ,
. . s a emen e
IS e
0 men
en er aca ed at I spoke to the group. and
If everythmg else IS m
h t'
b k 1651 Al . R' k D' . they presented Lokahl With
. d
you eac nne your 00 s
IC -en
rive m
d f h nk
I b eIleve It emonpace
. d
a car 0 t a s.
h are service by your ac- Pocatello.
He can be
strates .excefi Id
ence d mh t
A goo d mcome
. trammg
.. up our next
Id e
reac1Ie d at 208-232- 4921 . L'Isa IS
. '11'mg
.d d
statement WI ave qnartergeneratIOn by mstl
self-wOlth and polite mane care y cO~SII ere a~ a to-date, year-to-date, and
reqUirement. h a so pr~ er percentages comparing
Donation to Boys &
ners in her kids at the Boys
an accounftant t at pracBlic~s your perfonnance from this Girls Club Of Makawao & Girls club. She uses her
as part 0 a "roup.
USIh fi
• • • 0
By.' UT.yatt BJ'olvn.
resources shrewdly and .efr r . .
ness actiVIties
can 0 ft en year to t e Igures rom ast
d' year. Banks need these fiController
feclively. Lokahl PaCific
reqUire expertise m au. It- nancial statements in order
made a wise investment in
mg or succeSSIOn p lannmg to qualify your business for In August, Lokahi Pacific Lisa and her organization.
that could come from
. . an- a loan. And "
If you deCide
pUiC hase d a fl at screen TV She and her staff are mak. a difference
. our comother accountant wlthm the to sell your busmess,
any fior the Boys & G'IfIs CIub mg
potential buyers will need of Makawao with money munity.
What should you expect to have the financial state- raised for our Charitable """'__
from your accountant in ments and IRS retums to Giving Fund. The local
tenns of perfonnance? determine the relative Carpenter's Union installed
the gift at the recreation
They should provide time worth of your finn.
center and on September
each accounting period to
There are often gray areas
meet with you face-to-face
30, 2009 I visited the cento discuss the financial ac- when it comes to interpret- tel'.
ing the IRS Code. While I
tivities of. your business. don't want any of you to I was greeted by Lisa RodDon't turn m your .mfo:ma- pay a nickel more taxes rigues, the director of the
lion and merely pI.ck It up than you should, you have organization. She was in
from the receptlOmst when to understand some ac- the Snack Shack preparing
It IS ready. It IS completely countants take a very ag- a delicious fruit snack for
wlthm r~ason to expect 15 gressive stance in dealing the kids. The fruit was doto. 20 mmutes to SIt down with
a areas. Can we nated from the Hawaii
With your accountant to agree
;ome moderation? Food Bank. The food donalook at the trends, look
e busmess
ownel,. tion prompted Lisa to pon- _"-","
pro bl ems, an d d ISCUSS
Page 5
October 2009
1935 Main Street. Suite #204
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793
Telephone: (808) 242-5761
fax: (808) 244-2057
Website: www.lokahipacificorg
Our Missioll Statemellt
To improve the quality of life, both ecollomically
aud socially, of residellts of Maui COUllty aud
other I'ural Hawaii