Lokahi Pacific


Lokahi Pacific
Lokahi Pacific
1935 Main Street, Suite 204 ~ Wailuku, HI 96793
Telephone: 808-242-5761 ~ Fax: 808-244-2057 ~ Website: www.lokahipacific.org
Page 1
Wailuku Pono Center
Staff Workday
Page 2
Residential Lending
HR Tip of the Month
Featured Employee
Aloha Kakou!
Cuts to Mental Health
Page 3
Commercial Kitchen
Fact of the Week
Page 4
Happy Holidays from Staff
Page 5
Affordable Pampering
Page 6
Wailuku Union Church
Thank you letter!
Visit Lokahi Pacific’s vided the equipment as well as
Weinberg Pono Center to rent either for manning the machine.
their Training Room which seats up
Deanie Hasegawa,
to 30 people and their Conference Some “cleaned” the commercial
Administrative Assistant
Room which seats a maximum of 10
Catered Food
people. Please call the Weinberg
If you’re looking for someone who Pono Center at 442-3028 so one of
can cater your next company event our friendly staff members can assist
or private party, call Catering From you.
Soup to Nuts; they can customize a
Staff Workday
menu to fit your budget and accomBy: Vanessa Medeiros,
modate your desires.
Development Manager
Call or Email Ralph or Daniel;
575-2126 or [email protected]
kitchen. This is what I volunRestaurant
teered for and I could see that it
was not going to be like cleaning
Looking for a nice place to eat with
your kitchen at home. Everything
affordable prices? Stop by Café O
in the commercial kitchen is ‘big’.
Lei in Wailuku. Have lunch, dinner
Big ovens, big grills, big burners,
or experience their full-service bar.
big refers, just a big, greasy mess.
The friendly staff will greet you with
The crew settled in and took on
a smile and give you the VIP treatthe various pieces of equipment.
ment! New Café hours of operation
‘Eau de oven cleaner’ soon filled
Wailuku Pono Center
Mon. to Wed. - 10am - 3pm,
I have always marveled at how
much Lokahi Pacific does in the
Thurs. to Sat. - 10am - 8pm
community with a small staff. On
For more information please call November 11th, I got to experience
just how much they do “hands on”.
A mighty band of employees came
together to clean, clean and clean the
Pono Center.
Jeffrey Ellison - Chairman
Lynn DeCoite - Vice Chairman
Kevin Johns - Secretary
Cindi Pojas Smith - Treasurer
George Maioho
Meeting Rooms Available
John Enriques
If you’re looking for a facility to
Paul Turner
hold your next company party or if
Viola Mundrick-Wichman
you’re looking for a place to hold
your next great event?
December 2008
Look no
Some “cleaned” the grounds dutifully picking up opala, removing the air. Missy shined up the rice
weeds, digging up rocks and wash- pot. Moki and Robin were up to
ing down the sidewalks and parking their elbows in the sink scrubbing
the trays, burners and racks.
Deanie and Veni tackled the ovens and would not stop until they
were like new. The rest of us
wiped down the refers and mixer,
scrubbed down the stove and
work table and even got down and
cleaned the floor drains. Removing and replacing the burners were
a challenge. It was like a sauna
lot in the hot sun.
Kamaile M. Sombelon
Executive Director
Some “cleaned” the latrines (aka
restrooms) then stripped and waxed
the floors. Might seem easy, but
stripping and waxing floors are a
daunting task and a lot of hurry up
and wait—for the floor to dry. Mahalo to Kristi’s dad, Clarence Castillo of Kahului Janitorial, who pro- and a weight room, but four hours
Page 1
later the kitchen was as clean as the As recipients of a RH 523 Grant tion or an application, call 242- favorites sports are basketball,
soccer, volleyball, fishing, and
from RD USDA, Lokahi Pacific 5761.
day it first opened.
recently did some zip lines. The
encourages Molokai residents,
Weary and worn from our labors, we earning very low- and low-income
HR Tip of the Month
favorite movie she could watch
were all treated to pizza, pasta, sand- households to apply (other restricBy: Deanna Kramer,
over and over is The Sweetest
wiches and cupcakes for lunch. UmAccounting Assistant
Thing. A couple of her favorite
tions may apply).
TV shows are Criminal Minds and
Teamwork is a common term you
Individualized Financial
Big Brother. It was hard to decide
hear often in the workplace. In
Management Counseling
a favorite meal, but shoyu chicken
order to achieve teamwork the
is on the top of her list; however,
employees need to work together
there was no problem in picking
and be considered one unit, and not
In November 2008, while attending work for individual glory. We’ve out her favorite dessert, it’s the
the Maui Native Hawaiian Cham- all heard the saying there is no ‘I’ chocolate soufflé at Longhi’s or
ber of Commerce Business Fest, I in team, but together the team can Roy’s.
was able to attend a session on achieve great results. Sports teams Melissa is a great asset to Lokahi
Identity Theft. Throughout my work on this principle; one person Pacific and is always happy to
employment history as a Credit may be outstanding, but they won’t help her co-workers.
m-good! Variety is certainly the Counselor, Loan Processor, and be able to win the game individuAloha Kakou!
spice of life. In my short lifetime, I Manager of Education and Coun- ally, they will need the rest of their
By: Deanna Kramer,
have had the great fortune in doing a seling Services, I thought the infor- team mates to achieve the win. For
Accounting Assistant
variety of things—some fun, some mation that I’d receive at this example in basketball; 5 people
challenging—but always a learning workshop would have been redun- take the court, and one person can
Lokahi Pacific extends a big welexperience. For example, I once dant. Surprisingly enough, I was score a lot of points, but you won’t
win the game with one person, all 5 come to two new members of our
climbed to the top of a water tank in
are required to play in order to win ohana; Vanessa Medeiros is our
Upper Waiehu and got to look into
new Development Manager, and
the tank. I have also done some quickly the problem of identity the game.
Sally Handley is our new Loan
roofing as a Habitat for Humanity
Each of us brings our strengths to Officer.
volunteer. With this event, I get to According to Detective Loo, identhe team, and working together
add “commercial kitchen cleaner” to tity theft is very real on Maui and
towards a common goal is easier
my repertoire of experiences and continues to increase. Here are
than working individually. To be a
with such a great staff, I’m looking some tips that could help you prowealth
successful team player, we need to
forward to the next challenge.
tect your identity:
communicate with each other. We
and expertise
1. Turn off your computer when it need to listen to know what our
Residential Lending
is not in use. This will prevent
to ask questions and discuss how
hackers from gaining access to
By: Patience Kahula,
your personal information some- our role will help the team. We
Residential Loan Manager
times stored and/or transmitted on have all heard the saying; “many affordable housing for the resihands make light work” and this is
your computer.
Lokahi Leilani Subdivision
a perfect example of teamwork. dents of Maui.
After a few delays, the Lokahi 2. Use a post office box instead of We need to help our team (co- Sally also brings
having mail sent to your home.
Leilani Subdivision is ready for
workers) by sharing our knowledge a much needed
development! In December 2008, This prevents mail thieves from and strengths so together as a team expertise
seven (7) families got another step intercepting and responding to your we can succeed.
knowledge to our
closer to fulfilling their dream of pre-approved credit card offers and
proFeatured Employee
other pieces of mail containing
becoming proud new owners of a 3grams.
By: Deanna Kramer,
bedroom, 2-bath home in Kihei, account numbers or other personal
Pacific adminisinformation.
Maui. Applicants, who satisfied all
Accounting Assistant
ters several busieligibility requirements, were invited
3. Stop using the last 4-digits of Melissa Razo is one of our employ- ness
to attend a lot-selection meeting.
programs to supyour social security number or
Ground-breaking and site-work will
phone number as your pin codes. Melissa is responsible for the day port and promote economic develcommence in January 2009 with
These 4-digits are the first numbers to day housing operations. She opment.
house construction to follow. Final
thieves will use to withdrawal
assists our tenants with their appliCuts to Mental Health
occupancy is scheduled for the Fall
money from your ATM card.
cations, certifications, updates, and
of 2009.
other housing issues. This past
By: Cindy Texeira,
4. Monitor your credit reports once
summer Melissa took her certificaMutual Self-Help Program ~
Housing Administrator
a quarter. With the rapid increase
tion test from HUD and is an offiParticipants needed!
of Identity Theft cases, frequent
cial Certified Occupancy Special- On Friday, December 5, 2008, the
monitoring is advised and can
Self-Help Housing is defined as a
ist; so she knows her stuff, well at Maui News ran an article regarding
group of families and individuals promptly assist you in addressing least all the federal rules and regu- cuts to Mental Health Programs. This is
identity theft.
working together (under
lations for the housing department. possibly the worst news ever. We,
the guidance of a construction superLokahi Pacific, rely on Mental Health
For more information about PurMelissa is a St Anthony High Case Management to assist us when
visor) to build their own homes.
chasing an Affordable Home
School alumnus, and also gradu- issues arise with our tenants. They
Families complete their homes at the
through Lokahi Pacific; Mutual
ated from Oregon State University. make sure our tenants are taking their
same time and no one moves in until
Self-Help Housing; Financial ManShe enjoys all sports, both partici- medication which is crucial in mainall the homes are completed. Your
agement Counseling and Identity
pating and watching; some of her taining their independence. When we
labor becomes your down payment.
Theft; or to request more informaPage 2
have problems with late rents, bad behavior, isolation, we can count on Case Management to take control of the situation
and make things right again. I understand
that there needs to be budget cuts but
reducing Case Management from 16
hours per month per client to 3.5 hours a
month is absurd. In addition, these highly
trained Case Managers will not be able to
survive with the cut in hours and will
move on to find a secure job. We have
contact with Case Management on a daily
basis. I have seen them come to care for
our tenants/ their clients on their days off
and in the evenings to help them get back
on track. It takes a special kind of person
to do what they do. We need to do all we
can to help preserve Mental Health Case
Please contact our State House Representatives:
Angus McKelvey at (808) 586-6160,
Fax (808)
email [email protected]
Mele Carroll at (808) 586-6790, Fax
(808) 586-6779,
[email protected]
J. Kalani English at (808) 587-7225,
Fax (808) 587-7225, fax (808)587-7230,
email [email protected]
Shan Tsutsui at (808)586-7344,
Fax (808)
email [email protected].
Maui County Council Members:
G. Riki Hokama at 270-7768,
email [email protected]
Danny A. Mateo at 270-7678,
email [email protected]
Michelle Anderson at 270-7108, email
[email protected]
Gladys Baisa at 270-7939,
email [email protected]
Jo Anne Johnson at 270-5504,
email [email protected]
Bill Kauakea Medeiros at 270-7426,
email [email protected]
Michael Molina at 270-5507, email
[email protected]
Joseph Pontanilla at 270-5501,
Michael Victorino at 270-7760,
[email protected]
With the help of her devoted friend and Eric Wilson, of Maui Food Technology
Commercial Kitchen
husband Victor, Lorelei has created and recently became a tenant of our incubaBy: Mokihana Kahula,
Commercial Kitchen Coordinator developed her own recipes, such as tor office and a user of our commercial
Well, the end of the year has arrived, and
looking back on these past months, I
must say that it’s been a very exciting
and fulfilling year! We welcomed (5)
new users to our commercial kitchen
facility in the last two to three months.
These motivated and determined entrepreneurs understand the commitment
and determination that goes with being
self-employed. We try to encourage
these new small businesses to take their
time preparing for these ventures by
attending business classes that can help
with appropriate planning and management. We have been fortunate to have
classes and counseling available to our
clients through MEO’s Core Four
Program, Hawaii Network Small
Business Development Center and the
Maui County Business Resource
Center and SCORE. With the assistance of these reputable professionals,
and the constant support of our E. D. and
the “Lokahi Team”, these entrepreneurs
have become more confident and appreciative in realizing their potential to make
their dreams a reality! Judi Shelton, of
Aunty Judi’s Gluten-Free Kitchen, up
until 25 years ago, endured maladies she
did not understand. Her face would get
puffy and she would break out in a skin
rash thinking it was due to sun sensitivity. Her energy level was very low and
she displayed “horrible” mood swings
and suffered frequent irregularity. When
her shiatsu practitioner diagnosed her
with wheat allergies, Judi removed
wheat products completely from her diet,
with miraculous results within a few
weeks! Being a Special Ed. Teacher for
20 years and a swim instructor with
Maui Aquatics for 8 years, Judi is now
able to work on another one of her passions - helping others that suffer the way
she did. In May of 2008, Judi came to us
with a concern and a dream, and now her
product is available to anyone else that
may experience similar symptoms, or
children that have “failure to thrive”
syndrome. Imagine being able to enjoy a
sandwich, bagels or stuffing without
agonizing about glutinous side effects!
Her products are currently available at
Alive and Well Health Store in Kahului off of Hana Highway near the airport,
or you can do special orders by calling:
280-3275, or e-mail:
[email protected] . Lorelei Mannoia,
The Cookie Lady of Hawaii, has
worked hard and long to establish and
value the title chosen for her business.
Brownie Madness, Peanut Butter
Brownie Madness, Raspberry Filled
Shortbread, Pineapple Mango, and
much more. She tests her products for
taste and texture according to “Lorelei
standards”, and perfects her recipes as
needed before introducing them to the
public. She currently displays her product at the Hawaii Liquor Super Store,
located at the Maui Marketplace on
Dairy Road in Kahului. If you’re in
Kihei, look for her at Cut the Cheese
Shop at the Azeka Marketplace, and if
you are at the Maui Mall during the
week while the Farmer’s Market is going
on, look for her display, stop by, talk
story, and sample one of her products. To
order a specialty basket, favors for a
party, or other creative ideas, you can
contact her at: 442-2591, or e-mail her at:
[email protected] .
Her website: thecookieladyofhawaii.com , is presently being updated,
and will be available soon.
Lori Steer, of Maui Macaroons &
More is a zany little “dudette” who is
innovative and creative with her product,
and definitely promises to introduce
more of her original ideas into other
products, hence, the “More”. If you’ve
missed her at a Wailuku Town First
Friday Event, then you may have seen
her products at the Lava Java Internet
Café in Kihei, or Pizza in Paradise on
Wakea in Kahului. She also participated
in the Aloha Craft Fair held at the Maui
Mall on November 29th. She does specialty orders including baskets, exclusive
gifts and party favors. To place an order,
you can contact her at: 344-5465, or on
her website: mauimacaroons.com.
Easter Estives, of Easter’s Garden reveals the essence of lavender in her Lemonade, herbal teas and biscottis. As her
business name suggests, Easter uses
products right out of her garden! She has
refined the process so that the flavor hints
the presence of lavender, but does not
overpower the senses. Her biscotti toppings are zesty drippings of an exotic
icing that only she can create! If you
enjoy the pampering and relaxation at
any resort hotel spa on Maui, then keep a
look out for Easter’s exotic fare. She is
currently working on future products that
will enhance your physical and spiritual
health. It will be an added enjoyment to
your experience! To contact her, call:
276-4039, or e-mail her at:
[email protected] .
kitchen, not as a chef or food preparer,
but as a Food Scientist. Eric attended
and graduated from Cal Poly Tech
University in May 2008, with a Bachelor of Brisbane, Australia to Study
Abroad in Global Marketing. If you
have an idea of a product that you
would like to market, but have no clue
about labeling, nutritional value, or
what the shelf life of that product would
be, then Eric is the man to see. You
may contact him at 442-3064, or e-mail
[email protected] .
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of
these companies for whatever occasion,
event or craving that may come up
unexpectedly! I’m sure you won’t be
disappointed. May your Holiday Season be as joyful and memorable as
ever, and the friendship and love of
family and friends be forever abounding. Until next year, A hui Hou!
By: Kevin R. Carney, (B)
Vice President, Hawaii
EAH, Inc.
***Lack of Affordable Housing
Cited as Primary Cause of
Family Homelessness
Of 25 cities surveyed, percent that
cited the following conditions as
causes of family homelessness in
their cities.
Lack of Affordable Housing 72%
Low-Paying Jobs
Domestic Violence
Source: Abt Associates, Inc. (2008,
December). The U.S. Conference of
Mayors Hunger and Homelessness
Survey. Washington, DC: U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Page 3
Front Row (From L to R): Kristine Au, Robyn Delima, Sally Handley, Vanessa Medeiros, Elaine Javier, Cindy Texeira
Second Row (From L to R): Deanie Hasegawa, Patience Kahula, Mokihana Kahula, Veni Tatofi, Kamaile Sombelon,
Jasmine Waskey, Melissa Natividad
Third Row (From L to R): Dutch Vianueva, Melissa Razo, Deanna Kramer, Wyatt Brown, Rosemarie Lightfoot.
Missing in Photo: Michele Pagaduan, Marlene Peralta & Mimi Ganaden-Nebres
Page 4
Affordable Pampering
By: Lynn Arnise, Massage Therapist
$40 =
I recently held a garage sale, at my home in Wailuku. As I watched the eager shoppers dig through boxes of
items, clinging to old purses, candle holders, clothes, etc. and as they slowly approached me, I noticed the addition and subtraction going on in their heads. Rather than bargaining, they slid things back into boxes, or returned them to my tables. They were contemplating if 50 cents was too much to spend, if they had 4 more garage sales to attend, or Portuguese bean soup to buy at the St. Joe church bazaar. They needed that extra 50
cents. Wise shoppers Or Worried?
My daughter called later that evening to see how I did. “Mom this isn’t the “90s you know, I hope you
sold things for more than 10 cents!” teasing. Shay was recently hired at a designer bag store where each bag
has a name, its own shelf, and cost 4 months rent. She went on to tell me about her week and a story about a
young 30ish local lady who came into her store 3 days in a row to try on the same 2 designer bags. On the 3rd
day, she turned to my daughter and said, “which bag do you think makes me look younger? Because this bag
will be my last purchase until I retire.” Humm…. Wise shopper or worried…
My lessoned learned: VALUE YOUR EXPERIENCE, both shoppers knew their budgets. They were going to spend their money, but savoring the experience and walking away with an outcome that produced no
doubt, was the struggle. How do I translate this lesson as I begin to grow a Therapeutic massage business
where cost, value, and experience are under a magnifying glass? I literally feel these tough economic times
under my fingers. Payroll checks bouncing, hotel layoffs, confusion about the future…
Will massage for Food…help?
My associates and I have teamed up with the Maui Food Bank to offer $40 per Massage with 1 bag of nonperishable food 1 day each month during 2009. Come and take advantage of a win-win experience, where
we can both walk away with an outcome we can value. Thanks for reading…Lynn Arnise, Licensed Massage Therapist, 62 North Market St. Suite 308, Weinberg Pono Center, Wailuku, Maui, HI. 96793 By appointment only, 808-205-1513 or email [email protected] gift certificates available. MAT#8670
Page 5
Page 6
Lokahi Pacific
December 2008
1935 Main Street, Suite #204
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793
Telephone: (808) 242242-5761
Fax: (808) 244244-2057
Website: www.lokahipacific.org
Our Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life, both economically
and socially, of residents of Maui County and
other rural Hawaii communities.
Page 7

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