June 2015 - Houston Sail and Power Squadron
June 2015 - Houston Sail and Power Squadron
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF HOUSTON SAIL AND POWER SQUADRON HOUSTON SAIL AND POWER SQUADRON ‘Where the Cowboys Ride the Sea’ ‘Where the Cowboys Ride the Sea’ June 2015 Vol. LXVIII Boating Field Trip By Lt/C Bob Stevenson, JN On May 9th we held our latest Boating Field Trip to give new boaters an opportunity to practice on the water what they have learned or will be learning in the classroom. We had two completely different training experiences on this trip. Robert Campbell took the four-member Papesh family out on his center console skiff. They stayed in Clear Lake, because the weather made the water in Galveston Bay a bit rough (near small craft warning velocity), and their objective was to give the family confidence in handling a power boat. Robert supervised the family that did all the work the entire day. This started with getting the boat out of storage, then included getting it off the trailer and into the water. At the end of the day, the family got the boat back onto the trailer and back to the storage unit. One notable incident occurred when the screws holding the captain’s bench in place gave way under the stress put on by the two people hanging onto it as the boat accelerated. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Robert will be reinstalling the bench with a stronger method of holding it in place. No. 6 Poop Sheet June 2015 June 3 Board of Directors Meeting – Home Port June 13 HSPS General Meeting – Home Port – Luau VSC – Endeavour Marina June 20 ABC3 – Home Port June 21 Happy Father’s Day, HSPS! June 27 Practical On-the-Water Training – Lakewood Yacht Club July 1 Board of Directors Meeting – Home Port July 4 HSPS General Meeting – Houston Yacht Club VSC – Wallisville Public Boat Ramp July 11 ABC3 – Wallisville USACOE Project Office Seminar “Paddle Smart” – Home Port July 13 Seminar “Using VHF and VHF/DSC Marine Radio” – Home Port July 18 ABC3 – Home Port Seminar “Trailering” – Lake Conroe Area Seminar “Knots, Bends and Hitches” – Magnolia July 25 Seminars “How to Use a Chart”, “Tides and Currents” and “Basic Weather and Forecasting” – Home Port Practical On-the-Water Training – Lakewood Yacht Club (Continued on Page 7) COMMANDER'S CORNER Bay Neigh Official Monthly Publication of United States Power Squadrons Houston Sail and Power Squadron District 21 Editor Lt Jana Wesson, AP June 2015 Bay Neigh .. Assistant Editor --- Home Port 6910 Bellaire Blvd #15 Houston, Texas 77074 www.uspshouston.org Bridge Commander .......................................... Lt/C Chris Leavitt, JN Executive Officer ............................................................ TBD Educational Officer ................. Lt/C Robert W. Stevenson, JN Administrative Officer ..................... Lt/C Larry Behrmann, SN Secretary ........................................P/C Claire McDonald, SN Treasurer .............................................. Lt/C Kathy Fussell, P Immediate Past Cdr ................................ P/C Red Wilson, AP Cdr Chris Leavitt, JN If you weren’t there you missed it! Coffee with the Commander – really an opportunity to be with other boaters who have the same interests and share about whatever – was a lot of fun. As we all know boating is fun, and being with other boaters we know and like is almost as much fun. I have to admit the event had a down side; we had no orange marmalade for the scones, and we had leftovers – need more people to attend. So if you missed this one, there will be another in September. Watch for the time and place on the Squadron Facebook page, in your email, Sail Angle, and the Bay Neigh. Oh yes, the Facebook page is ‘Houston Sail and Power Squadron’. It seems that both coffee and alcohol stimulate conversation. So there were some interesting ideas that came from the conversations: 1) The young people in the Squadron (age 14 to 23) will be having an Icebreaker at the home of Kyli Doucette (Kathy Fussell’s Granddaughter) in the next few weeks. The idea is to get together and organize another fun event to be for the fall. The icebreaker will feature pizza. So, if you have children or grandchildren eligible for Apprentice Membership (14 to 23), they are invited. 2) Sometime over the summer we will be having a Marlinspike seminar at our house in Magnolia. I’m knot sure how that came about, but I’m sure it’s the right tack. I have a lot of experience teaching Cub Scouts how to be Knotty. If we have enough time, I can teach almost anyone (except Mike Mankins – a former Squadron Member) how to splice both three strand rope and the main brace. 3) The Squadron usually goes to the Houston Yacht Club for the 4th of July. It is a lot of fun, fireworks, and excellent Prime Rib. This year, there is discussion of having a Squadron fleet review, where as many boats from the Squadron drive by the Commander’s boat and wave at him. (If we do this, please wave with all four fingers extended…it makes better pictures.) Then we go to the club for the Prime Rib, and watch fireworks after sunset. 4) It did not come as a complete surprise, but our Squadron will be hosting the District 21 Conference Oct 22, 23, and 24. According to the conference manual (and yes, there is a Conference Manual), it is an educational conference. The three areas where the classes will be focused are Boat Operator Certification, USPS Organization Software (DB2000 and Coop Charting Reporting), and topics that are or should be of interest to a number of folks. In this last group, we expect to have a 2 hour seminar on how to claim USPS activities as an expense on your IRS – 1040. For example, I attended the Coffee w/ the Commander, it was 99 miles round trip. At $0.35 per mile, I should be able to claim a $35 deduction for each trip to home port that is part of my duties. And that is just the beginning. That is two or three trips a month. The idea is to provide education that is useful to ourselves. Squadron’s 1st Lieutenants Asst. Educational Officer. ........... P/C Robert Leatherwood, S Asst. Secretary ............................................................... TBD Asst. Treasurer .................... P/Lt/C Phyllis W. Stendebach, P Executive Committee All Bridge Officers… William E. Blan, S Bill Fussell, S Gabe Ireton, P Robert Leatherwood, S Scott McDonald, SN Carl A. Stendebach, JN Phyllis W. Stendebach, P Jana Wesson, AP Red Wilson, AP Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and publication herein does not imply endorsement by USPS or HSPS. PRAYER O Lord, Our Heavenly Father, accept our intercessions for all members of the United States Power Squadrons. Let the light which shineth in every man illuminate a bright path of guidance for his neighbor. Help us to spread the teachings and high precepts we hold to all men everywhere. Give the spirit of governance and of a sound mind to all in places of authority. Bless all who labor in the interest of the Squadrons that we may lay sound foundation-stones for the years before us. We ask these things in Thy Name. Do stop by and check out my new boat on our Squadron Facebook Page. The Squadron is trying to communicate, the primary ways of communication – the Bay Neigh and Sail Angle will continue as the primary approach, but the Facebook page will also be of value. It is a good way to communicate events that have a short time frame. Or just to update everyone on good news. See you at the June 13 Luau! I have a new cookbook ‘101 ways to make Spam taste like food’. Nautical Thought for the Day – “Boarding – The knowledgeable sailor does not ‘get on’ a boat or ‘climb in’ a boat – he boards a boat. And the prudent individual does not ‘stay behind’, ‘keep off’, or ‘say the hell w/it’ – he remains ashore!” Amen Rev. John Osgood Hart Past USPS Chaplain Page 2 June 2015 Focus on Boating Education Lt/C Bob Stevenson, JN 832-570-3663 [email protected] On May 9, we held our latest Boating Field Trip to give new boaters an opportunity to practice on the water what they have learned or will be learning in the classroom. See the article on Page 1 of this issue. Spring semester courses have wrapped-up with all students passing who have had their exams graded, thanks to great efforts on the parts of both students and instructors. Our ABC3 classes continue to generate interest and attendance at our multiple locations. So far we have had 70 people sign up and pay to attend in 2015. A special, friendly get-together was held at the Galveston Bay Sail and Power Squadron building on Lakewood Yacht Club on May 11. They hosted people from the Houston Safe Boating Council, who hosted people from the National Safe Boating Council and local organizations interested in safe boating education, so that we all could share our thinking and experiences. That included representatives of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and HSPS. Only time will tell if or how that meeting translates into action that impacts anything, but hopes are high. At a minimum we got to know one another, which makes it easier to discuss other activities. The Seminar plan for 2015 is still being developed. We have most of the needed instructors lined-up for both Home Port and the Living Savior Lutheran Church in Montgomery, but still need a few more up north. We would like to present Anchoring, Paddle Smart and Basic Weather up there. If you will help, please let me know. Ready Set Wear It! is a national event held annually, and HSPS supports it. The participants have generated a new world record for the number of people wearing a life jacket – annually. This time, we had 15 participants, who included ABC3 students as well as members of HSPS. Here are a couple of photos: Contact me to join the fun! Page 3 June 2015 May 2015 Executive Committee Meeting Houston Sail and Power Squadron Executive Department: Cdr Chris Leavitt, JN • Cooperative Charting o Planning for the Joint (Galveston/Houston) CoCh event Aug. 7and 8 at Tiki Island • Vessel Safety Check o May 23 – The location is changed to the Alexander Deussen Park, 12303 Sonnier St., Houston. This is the Harris County Park at Lake Houston, west side of the dam. We were going to April Plaza Marina on Lake Conroe. o April 25 – The Freedom Boat Club’s vessels were checked after a late start due to thunderstorms, deluging, etc., at the Endeavour Marina on Clear Lake. Five vessels were checked inside the storage area. Seth Charna checked two other boats outside when the weather permitted. The checks were conducted between 1000 and 1330. Mary Ann received some of our safety literature to distribute. Endeavour Marina would like us to have a booth at the June 13 National Marina Day which is on our schedule. It should be better trafficked than last year. • Public Relations: o The Face Book page is up to 18 likes, mostly within in the Squadron, all but one are from Houston. Notices of ABC3 and VSC events have been provided to publications within the area. Gabe Ireton is keeping the page up-todate. All members are encouraged to “think Facebook” Education Department: Lt/C Robert W. Stevenson, JN • ABC3 classes o To date in 2015 62 people have paid to attend ABC3 classes. o Only one student showed up at the May 2nd class at Texas Marine Conroe, although two others paid and gave no warning of not attending, and there were three others who might have attended. o The next class is at Home Port on May 16th. We will participate in the National Safe Boating Council event called Ready Set Wear It! • Spring Courses o All students have received their exams. • Fall Courses – Tentative plans are being made to offer the following courses: o Seamanship at Home Port o Piloting – two sessions, one at Home Port on Thursday evenings and one condensed session someplace up north on weekends. o Sail at Home Port o Advanced Piloting at Home Port o Marine Electrical Systems o Weather • Seminars o We will support the free Hurricanes and Boats seminar being planned by the Commander. o A set of seminars is being planned for Home Port and another set will be offered at Living Savior Lutheran Church in Montgomery. These seminars will be given some time after May 30. HSPS instructors have been identified for the seminars at Home Port and about half of the seminars up north have committed HSPS instructors. Sea Scouts are being asked to be co-instructors, because most of the seminars include material that the Sea Scouts are supposed to learn, and the best way to learn is to teach. • Field Trips o There will be a trip on May 9th. o No further trips are planned until the fall. Administrative Department: • Dinner Meetings o Home Port this month. o BBQ from Pappas at Home Port o "Houston's Port and Ship Channel History as Told by Street Names" courtesy of the Houston Maritime Museum lecture series. RSVP – Kathy Benkenstein o Cost is $15 per person. o Also, we will be voting on our annual budget. Page 4 June 2015 May 2015 Executive Committee Meeting (Continued from Page 4) Treasurer's Department: Lt/C Kathy Fussell, P • Financial Reports o March – End of year ready to present o April – Delayed as budget has not yet been approved • Galveston Bay OTW income sharing check (#1417) was sent in November but has not yet been cashed. Also there was no proceed sharing from the chili cook-off this past February. Claire McDonald will investigate. Secretary's Department: Lt/C Claire McDonald, SN • Squadron Newsletter – May Bay Neigh has been posted and will be mailed by May 9. • Roster Updates – The hard copy rosters will be mailed out immediately following the May dinner meeting. This year’s mailing will cost $165.00 to mail out which begs the annual question, do we want to continue the tradition next year of producing a hardcopy roster which is obsolete before it ever gets mailed? A short discussion ensued. • The updated May online roster update has been posted. Commander's Department: Cdr Chris Leavitt, JN • Attended the Memorial Service for Life Member George Simpson. Other USPS members preset included Don Lipke (HSPS and Herman Willi (APS – formerly of HSPS) • Attended Opening Day at HYC. Other HSPS members in attendance were Cathy Leavitt and Claire & Scott McDonald. • VDS Project is running into problems getting the black to stick to the orange. • Scout Fair 2015, April 18. Had Scott’s boat and the simulator – no electricity for most of the event. Improved the contact w/a new Sea Scout Ship in Bellaire. • Safe Boating Week, May 13-22. Hurricanes and Boats Seminar – only one Sea Scout Ship is looking into locations for this. Contacted and requested a status update, but no reply. • Sea School in Oct/Nov – Just not happening. • Wyndham Contract approved by District Commander and signed and returned to Wyndham 5/5/15. • Rolf Hogfeldt’s address was provided to National 4/7/15. • Kyli Doucette had agreed to help organized an icebreaker for the young people in the Squadron. She is thinking about a pizza party event. It is hoped that this will pull youth into our program. Unfinished Business • The electricians worked all day at Home Port on May 2 to replace the breaker box with appropriately rated breakers. They also installed an electrical cutout line on the upstairs unit, which did not have a breaker attached to the unit as required. They discovered that the wiring was not in a conduit from the upstairs unit to the power supply. Replacing that wiring, attaching the upstairs a/c and heater unit wiring to the new breaker box, and labeling the breakers in the new box will require a second visit. That second visit is being planned prior to the dinner meeting on May 13th. • Budget will need to be voted on by the membership. New Business • With assistance from Phyllis Stendebach, replacement wireless network hardware and software was located and installed in the donated, used computer in the Rice classroom. That resolved the connectivity issue that has been a longstanding problem and was preventing wireless use of the new projector (which had been attached to the ceiling). • Google Ad Words for HSPS have been edited. When a Google search is done for "Houston Sail and Power Squadron" the results are shown and on the right hand side of the page is an ad for the organization with a google map, address, phone number, and description of the type of organization. This ad was created a couple of years ago, but not checked again until recently. The phone number has been changed from Robert Campbell's to Bob Stevenson's. The ad is managed and edited by Bob Stevenson, using his e-mail address. He cannot remember if there was any cost to establish the ad, but he knows that no invoice has been received from Google since it was established. Like the website administration, when he is no longer doing such things for the Squadron, someone else will have to take responsibility for this. There does not appear to be a list of things like this that must be assigned to people so that when the administrator moves on it is recognized that a new administrator is needed and the necessary information is available for the new administrator to take over. Such a list should be created and maintained by the Squadron Commander or Admin Officer. Page 5 June 2015 May 2015 Executive Committee Meeting (Continued from Page 5) New Business • Proposed Future Events o Coffee with the Commander is scheduled for HomePort at 9AM on Saturday, May 23rd. Claire McDonald will send out a SailAngle evite. The session is intended to be conversational and informational for members. Member benefits and opportunities will be highlighted. o Everyone is excited about the prospect of the 20th Annual Colorado River Fishing Tournament in Matagorda. Bob Leatherwood will contact hosts Gary and Julie Bleisch to determine the best weekend in August to schedule the event. o Claire McDonald volunteered to coordinate the traditional 4th of July Rendezvous at HYC. The possibility of organizing a fleet review was discussed and got good traction. The following was not discussed as part of the “official” agenda. It is provided to help de-mystify changes noted by the membership • From USPS HQ: The approval process is finally completed and a new set of basic requirements for all USPS web sites, regardless of where hosted, has been established. These requirements indicate the change in direction USPS is taking to develop Brand Name. The United States Power Squadron will, if this effort is successful, result in a brand name in the boating community as recognizable as is BoatUS. One of the steps to make this happen is a common title when opening a USPS Squadron or District web site. No longer will the visitor be met with one of 450 different Squadron names, with a subtitle indicating a unit of the United States Power Squadrons. Some are “Power Squadrons” and others are “Sail and Power Squadrons”. The new basic requirements will eliminate this confusion by greeting the visitor with the name “United States Power Squadrons®”. The individual unit will also be present, but as a member of the national organization. o The Squadron website was updated to match the recently released guidelines from the IT Committee. o There is a likely change coming to either the Branding Manual or the website. The Branding Manual included a new tag line that says, "Come for the boating education...Stay for the Friends". The IT Committee put out guidelines for every website, saying the tag line ends in "Friendship". Lt/C Larry Behrmann, SN Receives Certificate of Educational Achievement Page 6 June 2015 Boating Field Trip (Continued from Page 1) Dan and Holly Huston took out a mixed group of boaters. Ken Williams is an ABC3 student who plans to take Seamanship in the fall. He learned about channel markers and about how difficult it is to take a hand held compass bearing on something in a choppy sea. Jesse Cancelmo is a Seamanship student who owns a boat very similar to the 42 foot long Grand Banks trawler owned by the Hustons, and who was able to expand his knowledge about piloting as well as learn about the experiences of a boat owner similar to himself. Tom Simons is a JN who also learned some things about boating on this trip. He now knows how to find safe harbor in the event high winds suddenly come up while he is out on Galveston Bay and can’t safely return to Clear Lake to dock. Tom and Jesse learned that it is much more difficult to get a visual bearing fix in choppy seas than it sounds in the classroom, and what to do to help establish where they are. The boat was able to safely handle the chop, although going up and down the ladders and across the flying bridge deck was exciting. Yours truly landed in Ken’s lap twice. As we approached the dock, a distress call was heard on Channel 16, “Man overboard”. The woman calling provided information to the Coast Guard, saying they were 2 miles off Kemah. The Coast Guard asked how many people were still on the boat, and the answer was eight. The Coast Guard person then asked a couple of times if everyone on board was wearing a life jacket, and finally the answer was that they were getting them out now. When the Coast Guard person asked for the GPS coordinates, there was just silence on the net. Preventing this sort of thing is why we teach ABC3, the courses, and seminars like Partner in Command. It is why Texas Parks and Wildlife insists that we show the video they made called It Never Happens. Are you being safe on the water? You can watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZJXEPh6PA. One of First Mate Holly Huston’s jobs is always to help undock and dock by getting the boat’s lines off and back on again in time and without any issues. She does an outstanding job, and received (1) help from the riders and (2) applause from Dan and the riders for the great job she did under windy conditions. Page 7 June 2015 Sanding and Painting Can Cause a Toxic Mess By Lt. Bill Hempel Senior Feature Writer Marketing/Public Relations Committee United States Power Squadrons® Of all the boat maintenance chores, the prep work of sanding and painting bugs me the most. It always seems that the chips and dust stick better to my skin than they originally did to my hull. We may also be creating an environmental mess. Most marine paints are made with toxic chemicals designed to leach out and prevent bottom growth on the hull. When concentrated amounts of these materials are ground and chipped off the hull, there is the potential for environmental harm. In addition to the paint; solvents, thinners, and brush cleaners contain cancer-causing agents and have a tendency to compromise water quality, damaging marine life and the underwater environment. Inhalation and absorption through skin can result in health problems. I recently read a fact sheet published by the Rhode Island Sea Grant Advisory Service. I thought I would share with you some steps to take to minimize compromising the environment. 1. In a Marina area, ask the Manager if there is a designated sanding and painting area to confine the waste products. 2. Work under cover to minimize the wind blowing dust and paint into the open air. 3. Use environmentally friendly tools, such as vacuum sanders and grinders, to collect and trap dust. 4. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth to prevent inhalation. 5. A hat and long sleeves will minimize potential skin and scalp problems. 6. Immediately following your work, clean up all debris, sanding dust and paint chips 7. Use a drop cloth under the hull to catch dust, chips and paint drops. 8. After sanding or grinding over a paved area, do not attempt to hose the debris away. 9. Buy varnishes, solvents, and thinners in sizes that you will use within one year. 10. Use water-based paints and solvents. 11. Even though they are more expensive, switch to longer lasting, harder or non-toxic antifouling paints at your next haul out. 12. Mix your paints, solvents, and reducers as far from the water’s edge as possible. 13. Remember that you can save money by recycling your own solvents and thinners. 14. If you have small quantities of unusable solvents, dispose of them by brushing them on a board and letting them evaporate. 15. Thoroughly dry all paint cans before attempting to dispose of them in the trash. 16. If in doubt about proper disposal practices, check with your Marina Manager or your local municipality. These few simple tips will help you play an important role in protecting our marine environment and potentially your own health. For many more tips on boating safety and maintenance, take a class from the United States Power Squadrons®. Contact your local unit or their national web site at www.usps.org. The members of the United States Power Squadrons® always remind us: “Boating is fun…we’ll show you how!” Page 8 June 2015 ALOHA! Please join us at Home Port for the LUAU! We’ll have a tropical feast. Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt, your best grass skirt, and a big “Don Ho” smile! Please bring a dessert, side or salad to share. It will be a fabulous evening! We hope to see you there! What: June Dinner Meeting When: Saturday, June 13, 2015 6:00-7:00 Social time 7:00 Dinner Served Where: HSPS Home Port, 6910 Bellaire Blvd #15. Menu: Tropical delights provided Sides, salads and desserts provided by you Drinks: Cool tropical drinks (with umbrellas!), Beer, Soft Drinks Cost: $10.00/person RSVP anytime before the Luau: Respond to the SailAngle e-vite or Chris Leavitt at [email protected] or Kathy Benkenstein at [email protected] Page 9 June 2015 Houston Sail and Power Squadron Fourth of July Rendezvous at the Houston Yacht Club You are invited to join Houston Sail and Power Squadron for a fun holiday at the historic Houston Yacht Club. You can participate in the HYC activities planned. You can also lounge around the pool or go boating on Galveston Bay. The whole place will be jumping with 4th of July activities, including the Cardboard Boat Race, cookouts, a prime rib buffet dinner, and fireworks. The food is great and the prices are very reasonable. If you plan to come to the rendezvous, an RSVP is required by June 26th. What’s old is new! We’re planning an HSPS Fleet Review. All we need is you, your boat and crew. Let’s get lots of boats to join in and we can revive this fun! If you plan to bring your boat please contact Scott McDonald at 713-303-8049 or [email protected] for information. Schedule of Events Saturday, July 4: (Times may change. Stay tuned.) • 1600 – Fleet review • 1700 - Happy Hour • 1730 – Cardboard Boat Race • 1800 – Dinner • Dusk (about 2100) - Fireworks Directions HYC is about 30 minutes from downtown Houston. Take I-45 South to 610 East (toward Pasadena); exit 225 East (Toward La Porte); then 146 South (toward La Porte); Go about 4-5 miles - turn left on Shoreacres Blvd. Follow designated blue signs to HYC. Check in at the front desk when you arrive for a guest card. Scott & Claire McDonald are hosts. HYC is at 3620 Miramar, Shoreacres, TX 77571 YOU at HYC on July 4th! For RSVP and Additional Information Contact: Claire McDonald Email: [email protected] Phone: 713-303-8048 (Claire) Page 10 Uncle Sam wants June 2015 Page 11 June 2015 Houston Sail and Power Squadron 6910 Bellaire Blvd #15 Houston, Texas 77074 Bay Neigh Articles If you have a story or experience that would be of interest to our members, please E-Mail pictures and stories to Jana Wesson at [email protected] June Birthdays Catherine M. Leavitt Diogo Barros Jason K. Dobranic George H. Crowl Jr. JoLee P. Haddock Collin Samson Glenna R. Sullivan Daniel C. Huston New Coast Guard Mobile App for Boating Safety 6/5 6/6 6/6 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/27 6/29 Launched just before National Safe Boating Week last month, this new phone app is like having the Coast Guard in your pocket. You can download the free app at http://www.uscg.mil/mobile/.
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