ABS AVIATOR points - American Bonanza Society


ABS AVIATOR points - American Bonanza Society
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The ABS Program is one of the most comprehensive
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Number 5
Published by AmeriCan
Bonanza Society, OrgMb:ed January
By Mike Cox, Mike Bmoker,
Bob Bauers, Kim Caldwell,
Jail Callaghall, Greg Chavez.
Tom Hebda, Bill Somen1ilJe,
Kevi/l Cook, Klalls Pohlschrodfl;
ROtI Lollg, Gelle Marsh, Jallet Lapp,
10/m Fedriu.i, Bradford 11011 Weise,
Mel Volmert
Lee Kuhlke's B36TC .
By Dllke Abernathy
By Clyde Pearch, Halik Hamptoll,
Tom Hall, James Easlbrml,
Dall McClendon, ArI Po/il,
Jim lVi/lOll, Alldy Taylor
10225 2,000 AND COUNTING
By Bob
10203 A36TC/B36TC
By Thomas P. Turner
2,000 and coonlng, page 10225
10233 FORUM
10230 BPPP
b)' Mik~ OUSc/1
by Jon Luy
by Lew Gage
by Gerry Parker
by Charles Dm'i"JolI, M.D.
by /01111 AI/ell, Fa/t:olllll.J'IIrOIlCt!
10238 G.A. NEWS
Send articles/lettets to:
ABS Magazine Publication Office
PO. Box 12888,IMchita, KS 67277
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EDITOR-iN-CHIEF: Naney Johnson. ABS Executh'e Director
ASS MAGAZJ.\'E {JSS:-J 1 ~li-99601 il; published IIII)IIthIy by !he ~ Boaanza
SoeicIy, 1922 Midfield Ro.I.. Wocbiu. KS 67209. The poet of a ynriy sub!rnpllOn
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ASS exists to promote oviation safety and flying enjoyment through
TEL 316-945-1700
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Bonanzas. Borons, Debonairs and Travel Airs throughout the wond.
OFFICE HOURS: M-F 830 am - 5 pm (Centro I TIme)
JON LUY (Area 7)
Committee Choir: Events. Executive
205 Amador Rood, Sutter Creek. CA 95685
phone: 209-267-0167, fax: 209-267-0247
&moil: [email protected]
Committee Choir: Bylows/long-ronge PIon. Media
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, 605 Wood Duck Ln., Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
phone: 252441.s698, fox: 252-441.s853
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&-mati : [email protected]
phone; 219-464-9956
e-mail: [email protected]
Committee ChaIr: HR. Nominating.
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phone: 847-646-a866, fox: 847-646-7768
e-mail: [email protected]
Jun 7-10
Spokone. Washington
Spokane Airways (GEG)
July 12-15 Greeley. Colorado
Harris Aviation (GXY)
Aug 16-19 Nashua. NH
Edmonds Aircraft Service (ASH)
Sep 2G-23
Kalamazoo. MI
Kalamazoo Aircraft (Al.o)
Nov 1-4
Hagerstown, MD
Hagerstown Aircraft (HGR)
Nov 29-Dec 2 Ramona, California
JAMES E. SOK (Area 1)
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phone; 610-530-1759
&-moil: [email protected]
Committee Choir: Endowment
3701 Murvihil Rd , \tIlporoiso, IN 4638J
ASS Service Clinics provide a valuable 'second opinion' about the maintenance stale of your
8eechcraft. You'll follow our highly experienced inspector as he checks your airplane in areas thot
often merit a closer look. Bring your mechanic so you con both learn more oboul your Beechcroft!
On~ 5186 for BonanzoslDebonairs. 5233 tor Boronstrrovel Aus
Cruiseair Aviation (RNM)
Register online at www.bonanza.orgorASSheadquarters316-945-1700.
May 18-20
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Jun 22-24
Tulsa. Oklahoma
Sep 7-9
Manchester, New Hampshire
Sep 28-30
Milwaukee. Wisconsin
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Oct 26-28
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Nov 2-4
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Committee Choir: "Educolion
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phone; 949-583-9500. foX; 949-583-7071
e-mail: [email protected]
• Second and/or finol term
Bonanzos/Borons/Debonoirs/Travel Airs at all locations. Cockpit Companion
course available.Cali the BPPP Registration Office to make arrangements: 970-377-
Executive Director. NANCY JOHNSON
1877 ar fax 970-377-1512 Eligible far 70 ABS Aviator points.
B.J McClanahan. MD
Frank GRoss (cIe<:.)
Russell W. Rink (dec.)
HYJX)Iile llondlY. Jr.. MD
Colvin B Early. MD. PhD
Copl.Jesse F.Adoms USN(R)
Dovld P. Borton
Alden C Sorrios
Fred A. Dnscoll. Jr
EM.Anderson,Jr (dec.) 1981-1983
Donald l. Monday
Harry G Hadler
John E. PlXtoo (dec.)
Chorles R. Gibbs
lee lorson (dec.)
William H. Bush (dec.) 1989-1990
Roy l l_"'ond (dec.)I99Q--I991
James C. Cassell, III
Warren E. Hoffner
John H. Kilbourne
Borne Hiern, MD
Willis Hawkins (dec) 1997-1998
William C. Carter
Tilden O. Richards
Jon Roodfeldl
Harold BasI
Jod: Threadgill
Jodc Hastings,MD
he ABS Technical Committee, chaired by Past President
Craig Bailey. met in Wichita March 21 to kick off a significant investigation that will affect most ABS members. It relates to the Airworthiness Directives (ADs) for
cracks in Beech carry-thru spar webs.
For 3+ years ABS has worked with the FAA, engineering
consultants, AOPA, private vendors and members in response to
announced plans by the FAA to replace the CUITent ADs that permit monitoring of small cracks in the spar web and require repair
if cracks exceed certain lengths or are in certain areas.
The changes wou ld require repairs to all cracks, even if
they are small ones that are being monitored. The FAA told
ABS that if no one scientifically addresses this issue, they will
indeed change the ADs. Beechcraft told us they feel their repair
kit is a sufficient fix, so they won't take further action. That
leaves it to ABS to step forward on behalf of its members.
If you 've been reading ABS News at www.bonanza.org you
know that more than 15 organizations from private industry, the
academic world and even the US aval Academy responded to
a request for proposals (RFP) issued by ABS in late 2006. [n the
end, nine of them submitted complete bid packages.
The Tech Committee, aided by retired Boeing Chief of
Structures Peter Harradine, spent several months reviewing
bids, asking follow-up questions and evaluating bidders'
answers. The winning bid was submitted by J.B. Dwerlkotte
Associates (JBDA) of Wichita, Kansas.
engineering shop at Beech Aircraft.
Also worki ng at JBDA is a retired head
of Beech engineering who is a damagetolerance DER, and an engineer/A&P
who has inspected many spar webs and
installed the Beech doubler on Barons.
JBDA has a 30-year history of
engineering support of light and transport-category aircraft,
including reverse-engineering for structural STCs in Beech
airplanes. Joe is well-known and respected by the FAA decision-makers in the Small Aircraft Directorate.
Besides the experience and expertise JBDA brings to this
project. they were also the low bidder. The reason , Joe pointed out, is because he and his company already know the Beech
structure and have previously done engineering work supporting damage repair to Beech carry-thru spar webs.
Part of the investigation involves instrumented. in-flight
data collection by a professional test pilot. We will lease an
airplane to collect 15 to 40 flight hours of operational data
based on the Model 36 airframe, the model that has the potential to affect the greatest number of ABS members. If the FAA
later requires testing of other configurations, Joe tells us, we
can do so for a reasonable additional expense.
ABS is scheduled to complete the spar-web investigation
and submit our findings to the FAA this year.
About JBDA
As I mentioned, this study calls for ABS to lease a goodcondition Model 36 or A36, SIN E-I through E-21 10. The airplane will receive a standard annual and be thoroughly inspected
by ABS technical consultants before testing to deternline condition and to confirm it does not have existing spar-web cracks. 1t
will have the AD 95-04-03 dye-penetrant test and a squawk list
submitted to the owner at the expense of the ABS Air Safety
Foundation. The seats will be removed, strain gauges temporarily affixed to the structure, and the airplane flown through a series
of normal operations. After data collection, the airplane will be
returned to the owner in the condition as it was upon arrival, after
being reinspected and AD 95-04-03 completed.
How can you help? If you own such an airplane and are
willing to lease it to ABS for about two months this summer,
contact Tom Turner at ABS headquarters.
Company owner Joe Dwerlkotte was one of the two engineers ABS initially consulted for a paperwork review of the
spar-web issue (the other engineer was Peter Harradine). Joe's
firm withdrew from advising ABS before the RFP was
released so JBDA could bid.
Joe is an FAA Designated Engineering Representative
(DER) with expertise in structures and fatigue evaluation. He
began his career in the 1950s working in the carry-thru structures
How you can help
If you'd like to help in another very important way, give
a tax-deductible donation to the ABS Air Safety Foundation
to help restore funds that will be used for this investigation.
If ever there was a cause worth supporting, it's this one!
Spar-web Investigation Team: (Standing) Tom Turner. Joe Dwerlkotte, Bob
Dwerlkotte, Craig Bailey, Art Brock, Jon luy_(Seated) Ben Sorensen. Ron Lessley.
(Team members not pictured: Neil Pobanz, Peter Horradine, Nancy Johnson.)
ABS May 2007
www.bonanza .org
- Jail
Page 10193
Lee Kuhlke
Englewood, Colorado
n 1964 I joined the Air Force to be
near airplanes, the passion of my life
since early boyhood. While stationed
in Bitburg, Germany, I earned a private pilot certificate at the base aero
club in a Cessna 140, 150 and 172.
My first encoumer with a Beechcraft
came while I was on the academic road
to dental school at Northwestern
University, when I stopped to look over a
Musketeer shown to me by a very kind
salesman. He had to know I was not a
real live prospect for any kind of airplane-at least not yet.
After dental school, [ moved on to
graduate school in Iowa where I
acquired an instrument rating in 1977.
In 1979, I added a glider rating and purchased the first of many racing gliders.
Racing has become an addiction of
sons, much to the chagrin of my wife!
By 1982, the time seemed right for
me to become an owner of an aircraft
with an engine. My four-year-old dental
practice was doing well. The economy
was tight and general aviation aircraft
salesmen were offering fabulou s deals.
So I took the bait and bought a Mooney
231, a super rocket and a miser on fuel.
The four seats served our young family
well umil we added a daughter in 1984
and were one seat short. I sold the
Mooney when the backseat squabbles
became louder than the engine!
Every time I talked about getting a
new glider, Amy, my wife of 30 years,
convinced me to "wait until we can buy
a powered plane we can all enjoy."
Birth of a new B36TC
III 2000 I ordered a lIew 836TC alld
was involved with its cOllceptioll, development alld birth. Raytheon sent a new
King Air to fly Amy and me to Wichita
for a factory tour, lunch and a meeting
in the Styling Center to select the paint
and interior colors.
I had decided the colors would be
white with metallic blue and gold
stripes and gray leather interior. Amy
could choose the color for the third
stripe and the accent fabrics. Wrong'
During our tour of the factory, Amy saw
several aircraft in production and formulated her own vision of our new
"The white is too stark," she said.
"Eggshell would be better." The metallic black stripes on an A36, she decided,
was what our airplane needed. Bille was
out, but I could keep the gold stripe.
"Gray leather," she said, "won't look
good with the eggshell exterior. Taupe
brownlblack fabric accents."
The represemative agreed with her
and the proposed eggshell exterior with
black and gold stripes was projected on
an image of the Bonanza for us to
review and select a color for the third
stripe. When other colors were projected, silver appeared as the third stripe.
Black, gold and silver- the University
of Colorado colors!
The representative asked if we had
an -number selected. I jokingly said,
"How about 72CU? Amy graduated in
1972. She got everything else, why not
the N-number, too."
A quick check of the database indicated the number was available and
ncu was born. My cousin, David
Wergin, at the University of Colorado,
was able to arrange for someone to
make decals and we added the CU buffalo logo on the vertical stabilizer.
After delivery, I installed a JPI
EDM-800 graphic engine analyzer, a
great addition. On several occasions, it
has allowed me to continue flying when
original equipment suggested otherwise.
One flight in the panhandle of Texas,
the analog CHT went off the scale.
Knowing that it was connected to one
cylinder (learned at FlightSafety), I
checked the EDM. All was nOlmal. I continued on course and had the meter
replaced. When things go "bump" in the
night, or during !Me, a quick scan of the
EDM puts my mind at ease, and allows me
to tweak the engine to optimal settings.
After 9/1 I, business for the avionics shops was very slow and one made
me an offer I cou Id not refuse: I
installed the new Bendix lHAS 5000
(Integrated Hazard Avoidance System).
This combination of units consists of
ground proximity warning system
(GPWS), Terrain Awareness & Warning
System (TAWS), Flight Information
Service datal ink weather and moving
maps. It has been my best investment.
The traffic avoidance has more than
once alerted me to a possible collision.
The GPWS is a wonderful copilot
to help avoid controlled flight into terrain (CFtT) when flying at night or
IMC. No aircraft equipped with GPWS
has had a CFIT accident (AOPA Pilot,
April 2(07). It is a no-go item for me on
an IFR flight plan.
A.I s'ondard Items for a 2001
Air cond, on ng
Ho1zel 3-b ode Hal Prop
Spec a Ed lion Con' neOla
engine TSI0-52OUS With
telba GAM eclors
Tor s TAS 1OJ. 2 eleelfiC bloc<
Mounto n High EDS oxygen
system (4)
Sase Xheao "s
JR EDM 800 gropr'c eng ne
SnoOln FI AOC 200 fue/oir do'o
Beno x!(jrg 225 outop at
PMA 7000 oudiQlmarker oooe
Gorm n GNS 530
Gorm r GNS A30
KT 76C 'ronsponoer
KJ·525 HSI
KJEA enrod ng a meter
One flight into Ames, Iowa, on a
moonless night, I selected the GPS
Rwy 19 approach. I followed the procedure and thought that I had clicked
on the runway lights. At the FAF, I
did not have the runway. t continued
to the MAP, thinking I must be in
clouds. I then saw red lights and
assumed that the runway lights were
not working.
Suddenly, the GPWS voice said
"500 feet! " This got my attention and I
executed a missed approach . I
rechecked the frequency, turned on the
lights and made an uneventful landing.
We thoroughly enjoy college football and fly 10 many away
games. tt is always fun 10 meel other pilols on Ihe romp before Ihe
game. However. Ihe rivalry can be fierce - and it even exlends 10
the controllers. especially in Nebraska.
Once. when I was handed off 10 Lincoln Approach on on IFR
plan, I announced. -November 72CU. GO BUFFS."The conlroller responded. "Are you ready 10
copy rerouling through Des Moines?" Thalloughl me nol to fool wilh Ihe man, especially on
foolboll day in Lincolnl
KA·285 annunciator panel
KG-I02Ad 'ectano gyrO
HAS 500 In'egro'ed hoZO'o
avo ocoee system
KMD 550 mJI:,funcI on dlSp oy
KGP·56Q g'ound prOXim Iy
worr ~ sYS'em
WX-5000 Siormsccpe
KTA 870 troff C ol'Oldonce system
WR 510 >Swealher data ,nk
The weather upload is the second
most valuable tool. By having
NEXRAD radar and a Stormscope, one
can map significant weather hundreds
of miles away and plot an alternate
route. By "seeing" the weather that far
oU!, a course deviation rarely adds more
than 15 ntinutes to the flight.
Another useful feature of the !HAS
is the graphical METAR weather data.
Each weather-reporting airport will
have a two-color box-upper color for
ceiling, lower for visibility. One can
immediately see if an airport is hard IFR
(red/red) or VFR (bluelblue). It is comforting to know there is a VFR airport
within range if a missed approach is
NnCU now has 600.4 hOllrs. We
have flown it from California to Virginia
to Canada to Texas and points in
between . To remain current, I attend
FlightSafety simulator training in
Wichita semiannually. This is the best
safety tool I have.
This year the ABS Convention & Trade Show is a spectacular triple
anniversary! Join your fellow ABS members to celebrate the
airplanes we love, the company that made them, and the association that represents us all!
Test your memory!
Here's a quiz about each of the three
'Beech-memorabte' years we're celebrating.
1932 - Walter Beech creates Beechcraft
1. U.S. president
a. Herbert Hoover
b. Calvin Coolidge
c. Franklin Roosevelt
2.World's tallest building
a. Empire State Building, New York
b. ManhaHan Building, Chicago
c. Chrysler Building, New York
3. World airspeed record
0.399.9 mph
b. 407 .5 mph
c. 407 .9 mph
4. Oscar-winning movie
a. Grand Hotel
b. Cimarron
c. All Quiet on the Western Front
1947 - The Bonanza hits the market
1. U.S. president
a. Franklin Roosevelt
b. Harry Truman
c. Dwight Eisenhower
2. World's tallest building
a. Woolworth Building, New York
b. Empire State Building, New York
c. Sears Tower. Chicago
3. Warld airspeed record
0.632.3 mph
b. 670.0 mph
c. 679.2 mph
4. Oscar-winning movie
a.The Best Years of Our Lives
b. Casablanco
c. Going My Way
1967 - American Bonanza Society formed
1. U.S. president
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Richard Nixon
c. Gerald Ford
• Arrivals & registration
• 40th Birthday Celebration at
ABS Headquarters
• fal&OJr OatJ8,.U/.fe,./
Wichita ~elcome
• Seminars (all day)
Companion Luncheon
• Trade Show Grand Opening
& Dinner
• fal&OJr OatJ8,.U/.fe,./
~ Nanpilot eompanion Course
• Seminars (all day)
• Trade Show
• Hawker Beechcraft
Factory Tours
• Awards Reception
& Banquet
3. World airspeed recard
0. 2033.0 mph
b. 2052.0 mph
c. 2070.0 rnph
4. Oscar-winning movie
a. ln The Heat of The Night
b.The Sound of Music
c.A Man For All Seasons
~ Optional Evenls not
included in ful/-package
• fal&lIl( OatJ8,.U/.te,.,!
Annual ~embersh i p Meeting
• Seminars (ali day)
• Trade Show
~ Women Pilots Luncheon
• Teledyne Continental Motors
Ice Cream Social
• 8eechcrafl Hangar Party
2. World's tallest building
a. Empire State Building. NewYor!<
b. Sears Tower, Chicago
c. Petronas Tower, Malaysia
Conwentill Reglstratlol
Forms are avallalbe In
tile center of tills Issue,
HoW'd you do?
See pg. 10239 for the answers.
This month's magazine focuses on the A36TCJB36TC factory·
turbocharged Bonanzas. This was an Editorial Calendar item , and the
response by members was phenomenal! You'll see some of these members' write-ups in this issue and more in .June. We hope their comments will highlight the challenges, and dispel some of the myths, about
these high-flying Bonanzas. -Jon Luy. ABS Pres;dent
"How I found
my A36Ie"
Clyde H. Peorch, Howell. Michigan
In 2005 I wondered
whether to upgrade my H35 or
move up to an A36 or A36TC.
Upgrading the H35 would cost
a lot of money and I wouldn't
get the return from my investClyde ?earch's 1980 A36TC.
ment. So I began the search.
Why have IUrbocharging ? Having a TC provides better mission capability in the changing Midwest weather
patterns throughout the year, allowing one to go higher
and have some flexibility with weather, as well as making
trips to higher-elevation airports. We have a son who lives
in Anchorage and we want to make the trip up there.
HolV it meets Ollr bllsiness and family needs: With
club seating and load-carrying ability over our H35,
N3667 A, is used for quick trips around the Midwest.
We're Buckeyes from Ohio so we shoot down to our
hometown in one hour from our base outside Detroit vs.
a five-hour car trip. For business, we 're running all over
the Midwest and as far as western Minnesota, western
New York and occasionally over to Boston and the panhandle of Florida.
Maimenance: I like to panicipate in annuals and
ongoing maintenance. My time is limited, but I feel I have
a beller understanding of all the pans/equipment and operations. My IA Bill Bertrand, owner of Challenger Aviation,
Brighton, Michigan, is also a CFU and owns an A36, so we
fly together and support each other.
I bought the bird knowing the fuel bladders were
leakers. The first time we fueled it up and flew, fuel smell
was everywhere; so we had to R&R the bladders in
January 2006.
Also, I participated in the prebuy and got snookered.
Not on purpose, but I believe by innocent mistake. While
performing five gear extensions and retractions, the
owner's mechanic wanted to save the battery, so he
plugged in an external power source to operate the electrical system. Unknown to either of us, the gear motor
brushes were shot, but the gear worked fine .
It appears the external power source put more than
enough current through the motor to kick it into action.
But when we flew the plane, the motor would only bring
the gear up, not down. I had the plane delivered to me and
the poor guy had to manually extend the gear each time:
nobody would believe him. since it worked fine on jacks.
As soon as we got it home and on jacks without external
power, it repeated the problem: a shot motor.
The interior looked sad, so we had the seats redone
with leather and included lumbar supports for pilot and
copilot. We purchased a carpet kit from Ainex and installed
it during annual-a nice kit with good fit and fini sh.
Operatio/!: N3667 A has been good. Fuel runs
around 16-17 gph and oil use at one quart every 12 or so
hours. No issues or complaints.
Training: I had been flying my H35 for aboUl 10
years and was really comfortable with the Bonanza platform. But I decided with the TC that I should learn the
operating characteristics of an A36TC, so I signed up for
BPPP. I had a ball and learned a bunch from both the
ground school and flying with an A36TC-savvy instructor in a very well-organized and -executed training program. Also met a bunch of wonderful pilots who all were
having fun! I' m planning to attend again.
Unexpected maimenallce: We have had one biggie,
at least for me. I'm mentioning this as a "lesson learned"
for any other A36 pilots, regardless of turbocharging.
Just after takeoff, the left-side passenger window
opened and separated from the plane. Safety wiring of
the emergency handle was not present during the prebuy
and subsequent annual in New York. I was not aware of
the missing safety wires and it was not part of my preflight review.
One day while I was babysitting two grandsons,
ages 3 and 8, I took them to the airport. I needed to taxi
the plane from across the airport to my hangar. Both got
strapped into the rear-facing middle seats.
About a week later, I took off with my son, and as
soon as we lifted off I heard what [ thought was a door
pop open. I looked over my shoulder and saw the left
ABS May 2007
window vibrating violently in the wind. My son attempted to pull it closed, but cou ld not reach it from the copilot seat. I was trying to fly the plane first and make sure
I cleared obstacles.
I may have made a mistake by bringing the gear up.
It accelerated and the window soon let go, ripping the
piano hinge back. Thankfully it didn't catch the tail, but
actually lifted upward and away from the plane. I cancelled my ll'R flight plan and advised departure control I
needed to rerum to the airpon.
At first I could not understand why this happened
until my mechanic and I opened the cover of the right
side on the intact window. 0 safety wire. I figure it was
unlatched by my 3-year-old grandson. Without pushing
out on the window, he lifted up on the latch. When we
tried to close it in flight, we likely opened it a bit funher
in the process and the air caught it. Result: Bye-bye window. ow my preflight review includes checking both of
these windows to ensure they are flush to the fuselage
and latched.
Window repiacelllelll parts: I called Beech for a
replacement window and got "No problem, we have a
window kit in stock and we can ship out next day. The
pan number has been superseded, but this will fit it."
Wrong! First, a window kit does not include all the pans.
What constitutes a window kit? Just the window, with
none of the items necessary to attach it.
Long story short, the window kit and all the parts
needed to support the missing window if purchased from
Raytheon would have totaled well over $5,000. On top of
that, the new window had ears on it that would need to
be trimmed off.
I contacted White Industries and got a salvage window
for $450, including all the hardware. Raytheon wanted
52,300 for one of the two required latch pin parts; the other
one was only listed for about $100. Go figure-Matching
parts, one a left-handed, the other right, and there was a
$2,200 difference in price! The parts folks at Raytheon
were even surprised by their own pricing. I've lost some
confidence in overall price fairness with Beechcraft.
Maybe with the sale we'll see some improvements.
I love the TC and we're looking forward to using it
for many years. My wife says we can't have two
Bonanzas, so the H35 must go. Contact me if you're
looking for a nice V-tail!
"Trustworthy TC"
Honk Ha mpton. Palm Sp rings. C alifornia
I have owned my 1981 A36TC (EA-233) for four
years. It had only 660 TT when purchased and now has
900. It has been through four ann uals since purchased.
The only semi-major work was replacement of the #2
cylinder three years ago. I have never had a maintenance
ABS May 2007
issue with the turbocharger, other than regular lubrication.
I wanted the TC because I frequently fly in mountainous terrain with high airports and MEAs. The TC
also flies more efficiently at nornlal altitudes 8- 12,000',
as it maintains full manifold pressure with ease.
The automatic wastegate control makes the turbo
easy to control and lack of cowl flaps really simplifies flying in the TC. But one does need to be very careful about
mixture control, over-heating and over-cooling. In addition. a long cool-down before shutdown is required to cool
off the turbocharger. My cylinder head temperatures normally run at 275°F/cruise and 375°F/cruise climb. I routinely adjust mixture after every throttle change.
I use Beechcraft specialists Cruiseair Aviation (Dick
Kuch) in Ramona, California, for all my maintenance
and annual work. They are very honest, the best at what
they do and really nice folks!
Every now and then, I long for a newer A36, but for
a turbocharged version I would have to spend an extra
550,000. And, after all, I have the same airframe and it
has been flying fast and solidly for a long, long time.
"How I acquired an A36TC"
Tom Hall. Reno, Nevada
My father was a 25,000t hour captain for Western
Airlines who acquired a 1953 D35 about 15 years ago. Too
many hours in DC-2s and DC-3s without protection took
its toll on Dad's hearing and he told me he was selling his
Bonanza, as he did not feel comfortable flying due to his
diminished hearing. I made an offer and flew the D35
home to Reno with Lew Gage as my instructor.
After flying for about 10 years, I started my in trument training. About halfway through, I decided I needed a better TFR platfornl with an autopilot. In my business, I had an uncertain account receivable that I was
attempting to collect and promised myself that if I ever
collected it, I would upgrade to a newer Bonanza.
In March 2004 I received a check on that account,
and promptly went to eBay, just to see if there were any
aircraft available. And there it was, a beautiful 1981
A36TC. N3813Q.
I happened upon the plane with several days left on
the auction. I plunged into "due diligence" and learned
all I could about 13Q. A title search through AOPA
showed a $2,500,000 lien that had not been released previously by a prior owner. A fresh annual inspection had
just been performed. I obtained a valuation through
As the end of the auction approached, I spent some
time with my CPA who advised that I could use Internal
Revenue Code Section 179 to shelter some of the purchase price. In anticipation of the winning bid, I arranged
a bank loan for my maximum bid amount.
On the final day of the auction, my wife insisted that
we attend a Reno (Nevada) Opera performance. At intermission, I literally ran to my office and-with less than
10 minutes to go in the auction-entered my first bid and
a backup bid.
Luck was with me and I won the auction at the low
reserve price. The sellers were great and delivered the plane
to Reno Stead for the price of gas, plus two full passes to the
2004 Reno Air Races. TrAP was 3,135 hours at delivery.
With the transfer of cash from selling the 035, IRC
179 tax shelter and the fortunate bid through eBay, 1 was
able to acquire 13Q for a little over $10,000 new, out-ofpocket money. I have spent approximately $10,000 since
then for a new windshield and tires, thorough annual
inspections and touch-up paint. As a result, I now have a
beautiful 1981 Bonanza A36TC.
J completed my instrument rating in 13Q and have
attended three BPPP programs. Trips to Cabo San Lucas,
Oregon and Colorado have allowed me to use the new
long legs of this great aircraft. Maintenance has been
easy at Aviation Classics, Reno Stead. No major problems or repairs have been required.
I use the TC for worry-free high-altitude takeoffs
and climbs. Being based next to the high Sierras has
made the TC a very valuable component of my flying.
"The best airplane I have ever owned"
James Eastburn. Oklahoma City. Oklahoma
We purchased N360NE in 2005 from Carolina Aircraft
where it was undergoing an annual inspection. During its
prepurcha<;e inspection, some corrosion was found on the
camshaft. So we decided the best route to take was to have
the TSIO-520UB rebuilt. The engine was removed and
shipped to Western Skyways for the Millennium rebuild
with GAMljectors and Beryl 0 ' Shannon baffling.
Between living in Oklahoma City and Portland,
Oregon, we knew we wanted an airplane that would not
only be fast and carry all of the wife's things, but also
would get us over the Cascade Mountain range along
with the Southwest's bumpy weather. With prior experience in turbo Vikings and T206s, the turbo Bonanza was
first on my list to satisfy all the requirements.
James Easlburn·s 1980A36TC.
I do not think that on the average trip, at average
altitudes, the A36TC is much faster or any more economical that a normally aspirated Bonanza. I do feel that
the turbo adds another 1001 which on a long, high trip
makes the A36TC shine. I look at it as a way to expand
the utility of this already greal aircraft. To expand further
the versatility of 360NE, it has been outfitted with J.L.
Osborne 20-gallon tanks, giving a total fuel load of 120
gallons and a 2oo-pound gross weight increase.
Radio equipment to date is still 1980s' technology
with its Collins Microline, Trimble GPS and RCA
Weather Scout Color Radar mounted in the wing leading
edge. But as with all things, that will change someday.
In my 40-some years of flying, this is without a
doubt the best airplane I have ever owned. And as a
bonus, the fellowship thaI comes with the ownership of
this type of aircraft cannot be beat.
"Why make money in the first place?"
Don McClendon. Burleson. Texas
I purchased my 1980A36TC, N140KB, in July 1999.
J had owned a beautiful Grumman TIger N4542P when
my wife announced the impending birth of our third child.
We would soon have more rear ends than the Tiger had
sealS, and a new plane was the only answer.
I heard aboul an A36TC for sale al my home airpoll,
Ft. Wol1h Spinks, and made arrangements to see it. When
J first saw 140KB, my initial thought was, "Gee, wouldn't it be wonderful if J could really own a plane like this!"
In only a few days, my dream became a reality when the
plane moved into my hangar.
The first long trip we took was to the West Coast to
visil relatives. This trip introduced me to the mysteries of
hot-stalling the TSIO-520UB. Previously each flight
ended in an overnight stay, so all my stallS had been on
a cold engine.
After a difficult restart in El Paso, an airsick child
caused us to make an unplanned stop in Arizona at Gila
Bend, repolled incorrectly in the AFD to have services.
What those services were supposed to be is still a mystery, but they did nOI include a telephone, running water,
fuel , a human presence or even
cell phone coverage.
After several unsuccessful
tries, the big engine caught al
just about the last chance we
had before the battery was
done in, and we left the tumbleweeds and rattlesnakes of
Gila Bend behind us. J began to
ask everybody I could about
hot starts, and eventually developed a method that works.
ABS May 2007
Owning a plane like N 1 40KB is not about how you spend your money,
but about why you both er to make money in the f irst p lace. Unle ss you
make your living with it, owning any airplane is never abo ut inve sti n g,
except for learning how to invest the only true asset anyo n e h a s - t h e
days of your life . - Dan M c Clend on
Don McClendon's 1980 A36TC.
I had the airplane painted in the Bonanza/Jaguar
scheme and the interior refurbished in 200 I. Later additions included the GNS430, Smkefinder, and CD player for
a very comfortable and capable cross-country plane. It is
currently being fitted with Keith Products air conditioning,
making it comfortable at low altitudes as well, and will
result in one of the best-equipped A36TCs around.
The turbocharged engine places the A36TC among
the most capable singles in the sky. I have out-climbed
bumpy clouds to cool air above on almost all summertime flights. I have done mountain mps with high-teens
IFR altitudes on several occasions, and airport elevations
above 8,000' have been no challenge at all. Max gross
weight climbs have always been book rate or better. The
on-board 0 ' keeps everybody adequately supplied. A hot
prop is our only defense against ice, but in Texas it is
rarely needed.
The A36TC is the very best combination of payload,
speed and seating for our family and other uses. Most of
our mps are hops of less that two hours, which is fortunate, as with on ly the 80-gal tanks, the A36TC is a bit
short-legged. Three-hour legs are as much as I will plan
for, but that puts all of Texas and some of the adjoining
states in easy nonstop reach. Either coast is a one-stop
trip, and a leg stretch along the way is usually welcome.
If there is a downside to turbo ownership. it is the
cost. At $35k plus, the price of a factory reman is no
small matter, and with a 1600-hr TBO, you may have the
highest operating cost possible with a modem single.
My purchase in late 2003 of the factory reman cost
over $55,000 installed (including firewall-forward and prop
overhaul). Is it worth it? Well, that depends on how important it is to you to be the owner of a plane such as this.
Quality is rarely cheap.
The new engine has maintained compression and
low oil usage for some 400 hours so far, but the old
engine (first 400 hours of ownership) had used quite a bit
ABS May 2007
of oi l--even after a top overhaul. The mechanic eventually concluded that the oil was passing through the turbo
labyrinth seal rather than the rings and the reman took
care of that.
Like a lot of Bonanza owners, 1 think 1 feel better
not knowing the actual cost of ownership. Owning a
plane like N140KB is not about how you spend your
money, but about why you bother to make money in the
first place. Unless you make your living with it, owning
any airplane is never about investing, except for learning
how to invest the only true asset anyone has- the days of
your life.
I can truthfully say that no day of which I have spent
even a part in the left seat of my Bonanza has been a total
loss. Good times or bad, the privilege of owning and flying a fine aircraft like this adds to the true value of the
one life we are given to live and enjoy. If you don't feel
that, you won't understand it, and no amount of explanation will help.
"Misunderstood and maligned"
Art Pohl. Sonford, Florida
I was really pumped when I got your request to
share any experience, insight or history with the great
TCM TS10-520 engine.
Over the last to or so years I have had five of these
engines: two bolted onto a Brand C 414, two on a 58P,
and now one with my beautiful and reliable 1980
A36TC, N6696Z.
I can 't say enough to praise the often misunderstood
and maligned engine. For me, it has been as reliable as
any engine I have owned (three Bonanzas, one Baron,
one King Air E90 and the 414). It runs smooth and cool
(cylinder head temps never over 385' F, TIT run at or just
below I 550'F, oil temp around I 65'F).
I change the oil 'between 35 and 45 hours (it uses
only about one quart per five hours of use), and it always
looks good. Compressions are 65-70. Whenever I get an
oil change, I also have my mechanic do a compression
check and spark plug inspection and cleaning.
When I bought the plane two years ago through
Carolina Aircraft (great brokers), the engine had about
200 hours on a Victor Black remanufacture. It now has
close to 600 and looks as good as the day I got it. I recently returned from an adventure through the Caribbean,
(arranged through AirJoumey.com) and when San Juan
www.bonanza .org
Art Pohl's t980 A36TC.
approach control asked, "Can you accept 13,000'?" it felt
great to say, "No problem."
I normally fly at 14,000'-16.000' and use a canula
fastened to the side of my headset. It's so easy to just
rotate it down, I don't even know it 's there. I also carry a
mask for flights above 18,000' but rarely need that.
Fuel flows are 15.5-17.5 gph, depending on the
usual host of factors. I am a strong believer in the theory
that fuel is a lot cbeaper than new jugs.
I attended a BPPP session two years ago and Dave
Monti (tbe guy who made the owner-performed maintenance tape for ABS) said the best and easiest way to fly
this engine is to keep the TIT below I 550"F, prop at 2300
rpm and always keep full rich in the climb. I've followed
his advice and the results have been great.
I read all these articles about lean of peak vs. rich of
peak, and I am definitely an ROP guy. U it isn't broken,
don't fix it. Mine isn 't broken and I expect many more
years of safe, reliable enjoyment from my beautiful
Bonanza and TSIO-520UB engine.
get in the plane. Common sense on power settings and
leaning will go a long way toward extending the life of
the turbo.
Guys will say to me that the turbo is a waste at those
altitudes we normally fly, but tbey often are not instrumentrated and have no firsthand knowledge of how mucb better
you feel on the day you need to go to 15,000' to top everything. I don 't push the envelope, but with more than 7,000
hours (all of it private flying), I have seen a lot of interesting situations, haven 't been grounded very often and have
been able to use my plane for business most of the time.
The only unexpected issue so far was the cracks in
the spar web and how much it cost to fix them, and a difficult time getting enough heat to the rear seats. We have
good heat in the front but my passengers are cold if the
OAT goes below IO"F.
We have Beryl D'Shannon tip tanks and we did have
one of the filler spouts let go inside the tank. One call to
D'Shannon and they replaced the tank-fantastic service.
Aying a Bonanza is always such a joy it is really hard
to get non-Bonanza owners to even understand it. The A36
Thave flies TFR approaches as though it were on rails compared 10 the Mooney. The room and visibility are fantastic.
We spend money when it comes to maintenance. We
fly TFR day and night, winter and summer, and I maintain
you cannot scrimp on maintenance or it will get you.
"Mountain climber"
Andy Taylor. Austin. Texos
"Treat it kindly"
Jim Wilton, Brocebridge. Ontario
My Bonanza is an A36TC EA-258 tbatl have owned
for two years. I switched to get a larger cabin and a bit
more carrying capacity. I traded a turbocharged Mooney.
In Ontario, Canada, we have a fairly long winter
season with lots of ice in the clouds. However, the tops
of the clouds are typically 5,000-6,000'. I have always
found that the availability of turbocharging and a heated
prop are wonderful tools in our region.
I caution any pilot who has a turbo to treat it kindly.
Avoid massive changes of power, be gentle when you are
climbing, and don't use every ounce of it every time you
I am a member of a three-person group based in
Austin, Texas, that is proud 10 own a 1979 A36TC
(N6652J). We previously owned a nice 1974 A36, but
after eacb of us had at least one white-knuckle experience in or over the Rockies in Colorado (the climb rate
at 14,000' did not instill confidence), we traded for the
The turbocharger was just the answer. It has good
climb performance right on up through the teens and into
the low 20,000' range. Witb GAMljectors, we can run
lean of peak and burn about 15 gph +i-, with only about
10% loss of airspeed, compared to full power at rich-ofpeak settings.
See page 10205
for stories from
B36TC owners.
Jim Wilton's 1981 A36TC .
ABS May 2007
It's called a Bonanza. but in many wa ys the 36 TC is a completely d ifferent airplane. requiring different p iloting techniques. Nothing can
replace a good c heckout with a CFI who really knows the TCs. Here
are a few operational "differences c hec k' items to acq uaint Bonanza
pilots with the A36TC/B36TC.
Takeoff power
Like other Bonanzas, full throttle is
always appropriate in TCs, even if the
turbo overboosts a little (common on
the first takeoff of the day). Unless taking off over an obstacle, full-rich mixture is proper, regardless of altitude; the
added fuel slows combustion and helps
keep down CHTs. On a short field, you
may need to lean to about 1350"Fn30"C
TIT for best power until you clear the
obstacle. then go to full rich for climb.
anced injection. If it'll run smoothly
LOP, consider this method of keeping
cruise temperatures down .
the approach setup regardless of field
elevation. The 36TC is sluggish in
power if throttle is advanced with the
mixture leaned, and going to full throttle (go-around or missed approach) with
the mixture anywhere lean of full rich
can put TIT well past redline.
The TC is a heavy airplane. With
full fuel (the B36TC has a whopping
102 gallons usable), it is often a threeplace airplane, especially if equipped
with air conditioning. A corollary is that
a loaded TC is not a short-field airplane
like many other Bonanzas.
Mixture for approach/landing
You can descend from altitude with
a power reduction and not even touch
the mixture. I go to full rich as part of
C.G. location
TCs are nose-heavy. With two
aboard and anywhere near full fuel , it
The rcs were designed to outperform the standard A36 at altitude. The airspeeds
charted here are at 16.000 ft. SL- taken from the Cruise Performonce table below
Climb power
Set climb power and it'll stay there
all the way to critical altitude-roughly
19,000' density altitude.
Mixture remains at full rich all the
way to top of climb.
Climb speed
The 36TC has no cowl flaps.
Temperature control in climb usually
requires a higher-than-book indicated
airspeed. I aim for 130 KIAS and adjust
as necessary. I also use the boost pump
on LOW to help keep temperatures
down. On very hot days, some owners
report having to make intermediate
level-offs to cool the cylinders. Like all
Bonanzas, it's much easier to keep the
CHTs cool than it is to cool them down
once they get hot.
Mixture in cruise
Best success usually comes from
running richer than the POH suggests.
Like all Bonanzas, do whatever it takes
to keep the CHTs under control. Unlike
many Bonanzas, it's the unusual TC that
runs well lean of peak, even with balABS May 2007
A36/A36TC/B36TC Cruise Performance
All KTAS using POH maximum cruise power, standard day with mix1ure leaned as indicated .
I 165
159---1- 162
162 _ _1~70
175 -L- 169
~ ~
600o - t ' 168
-174 ---+- 168
180 ~
163 1 171 - - 1651-~1~
0 -'---...liL
183 =:]
167 ~~
155 ~ 63
00~...,-- 149
57_-+-_1,-,,5=2 _+---,-,
9 _ -+- ..:.1:::::
192 _ _ _ 191
N/A _-,--...:.194::..---I
N/A l
25F rich of peak EGT
"" 20C leon of peak EGT
20C rich of peok EGT
Peak TIT or TIT redllne (1 650F/899C)
www.bonanza .org
Page 10203
The 36TCs were designed to
perform well at high altitude.
In on effort to improve harr
dfing. the B36 TC went to a
longer wingspan.
The A36TCs have a 33 '.()
wingspan compared to
the 836TCs that have a
37'-10" wingspan.
will almost cenainly be forward of the
c.g. envelope. Unlike most Bonanzas, in
the TC you want to load passengers and
baggage as far aft as possi ble to balance
the engine and fuel weight. Forward c.g.
also contributes to increased runway
requirement and reduced initial climb
rate compared to other Bonanzas.
Go"around trim
Because it's nose-heavy, if you trim
a TC on final approach, the trim will be
well above the takeoff range, especially
if there's no one in the back seat. It's not
uncommon forthe trim to be at 19 to 21
units "up" on landing. If you need to go
around, it'll take significant forward
pressure on the controls to prevent a
depanure stall after you advance power.
TC pilots need to be well-practiced at
The B36TC's long wing can hold
the airplane aloft in ground effect at a
speed where it may have insufficient
rudder authority to overcome crosswinds or even engine torque. Attempted
soft-field takeoff using the standard
technique sometimes results in drifting
with a crosswind or left as a result of Pfactor if the pilot "pulls" the plane into
ground effect below normal takeoff
speed. Similarly. the long wing can
make the B36TC float excessively on
landing, and lose control in a strong
crosswind if held in ground effect too
long. In extreme crosswinds, B36TC
pilots have been known to hit the
ground with a wingtip.
Page 10204
Engine longevity
The TSIO-520UB has a reputation
for cylinder troubles. In practice, the
record is similar to what we see in 10550s. The 36TC requires more active
pilot involvement to keep down CHTs,
however, and is less tolerant of errors in
engine management. Lack of cowl flaps
makes the management function even
more critical. The bottom end, including
turbo components, rarely causes problems between engine overhauls.
TIT redline
Maximum operating temperature
on the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) is
I650"F (899°C). It's an airplane limitation and I've not seen any data to confirm otherwise.
When leaning at high power settings, you might not reach peak EGT
before TIT redline. The POH recommends leaning to TIT redline, but this
usually results in excessive CHTs and a
www.bonanza .org
richer--{)r if it 'll run smoothly, lean of
peak-setting is typically required.
TIT cool· down
Similarly, the POH calls for allowing the turbo to cool down by idling
(below 1200 rpm) for four minutes
before engine shutdown. This recommendation predates digital engine monitors and probably is excessive.
I've flown upwards of a hundred
turbocharged Bonanzas and have found
at idle, TIT will cool down to around
900"F (480°C) and then-if you continue to idle-begin to rise again .
Consequently, I look for that "lowest"
temperature, which varies a little by airplane, and shut down as soon as I see
that figure. I have noted that exceeding
about 1200 rpm indeed does cause the
temperature to climb. TC pilots get
good at taxiing so they do not have to
power-up to turn into parking position.
ABS May 2007
Beech built 695 36TCs: There were 271 A36TCs in model years
1979·1981 and 424 B36TCs in model years 1982 to 2002.
"We love our 836TC"
Mike Cox. Cosper. Wyoming
We are a sales organization that uses the aircraft to
travel from Nonh Dakota to New Mexico. Previously we
owned a 1978 Piper turbo Arrow but we purchased a
1985 B36TC, N4 I7WC (EA-45 I), in April 2002. A
friend (CRI, corporate pilot) knew the aircraft and the
owner was only 120 miles away.
We opted for a turbocharged aircraft for the obvious
reasons of terrain clearance in the Rockies. The standard
0 ' equipment is used on almost every flight. The TSIO520UB has been good, though it runs hot and upon landing in the summer can run low on oil pressure. We compensate by running higher weight oil in the Slimmer, then
standard multigrade (15-50) in winter.
The JPI-800 engine monitor is a must-have for leaning and engine monitoring. This engine just runs too hot
not to have a monitor that allows very precise mixture
control, far beller than the analog gauges. At cruise, we
typically run TIT of 870-880"C. This is below the
"book" 899"C, and may increase fuel flow by a couple of
gph, but it's acceptable and noticeably lowers the CHT
on all cylinders.
A sad stOlY: During our thorough prebuy inspection,
we did the now infamous spar-web inspection. Our
mechanic found that the previous owner's A&P had done
the inspection and made a logbook entry that this aircraft
had minimal hairline cracks. We would find later that
there were never any cracks. Our A&P suspected that
this entry was made to avoid the costly inspection (and
exposing dye process). Apparently, this is a practice that
allows the aircraft to return to service and requires more
frequent inspection thereafter.
After copious hours of dye and visual inspection, we
never found any cracks in the spar webs or suppons. This
was deduced after two seasoned mechanics spent hours
and hours and nearly drove themselves crazy trying to find
the small cracks noted in the logs. My guys found no evidence of previous dye applications, which was truly puzzling to them. In the end, they did the unprecedented: overriding the previous A&P's entry in the logs We have not
Mike Cox's company owns this 1985 B36TC.
ABS May 2007
found any cracking on subsequent inspections. A lazy, possibly unscrupulous A&P cost us a lot in inspection time!
We recently had a new windshield installed at Harris
Aviation in Greeley, Colorado (at the suooestion
of ABS ,
which was great help). It's wonderful to have a clear
view again and less worry of "wearing" one of the buzzards that flock regularly at the airpons of New Mexico.
We love our B36TC!
Mike 8rooke(s t 986 836Te.
"No big surprises"
Mike Brooker, Mississaugo. Ontario
Here are some impressions of my 1986 B36TC:
I previously owned a PA32-300 and bought the TC
for the occasional need to fly in the ntid-teens without
running out of steam. In that regard, it has proved quite
capable. The downside vs. the Cherokee is its limited
load-carrying ability with full tanks.
There is no question that Beech quality is superior.
My father owned Beechcraft-a V-tail, an 18 and a
Queen Air-which always defined that qual ity, and so
does my Bonanza.
When I purchased the aircraft two years ago, it had
900 hours on it, airframe and engine, with standard
avionics, 0 ' and original paint and interior (which is still
outstanding). I have added a G S530, Avidyne TAS 600.
GTX327 and a PMA 8000. For those times when I go
higher, I use the Precise Flight ponable 0 ' because it is
more convenient (and much cheaper) to refill.
Prior to buying this plane, I noticed that very few
B36TCs made it to TBO. I went into this purchase knowing in all probability I would face an early overhaul. The
compressions were in the low 60s, high 50s. That in
itself was not too bad (especially what I now know from
reading the ABS Magazine). But the gasket on the intake
side of the turbo caused a problem.
I opted for a new engine from RAM. It was a pretty
good experience, both from RAM and my shop. r can't
say enough about RAM's truly rare customer service.
ot cheap, mind you.
The only downside has been the recent ECI issue on
the cylinders, and it could have been worse. They could
have been Superiors with the new AD!
The engine runs very smoothly. Make sure the
thermocouples are the correct type for the JPI monitor;
otherwise you will have some angst to deal with. My
shop overlooked this, and I saw some alarming temperatures. I figured it out, and my shop corrected the oversight, no questions asked.
I have read everything I can about running LOP
RAM categorically states: NO LOP OPERATIONS. I
must admit I am old school when it comes to getting my
head around the LOP theory. I understand it and it does
make sense. But as long as the manufacturer says no. I'm
just too timid to run the engine that way.
I usually run 23 squared in cruise and including
climb to 10 or 12,000'. I see about 18-19 gph at about
75'F ROP. CHTs are in the 330-350'F range. I would
dearly love to find out why these engines rarely see TBO.
I have only put on about 200 hours and the compressions
are mid to high 70s, within 2 psi of installation.
General maintenance has been a non-issue, and the
spar-web problem will come up in about 400 hours. I had
the wing bolts replaced when I bought the aircraft. A
sagging headliner was fixed when the avionics were
installed. The upholstery, while dated, is factory-fresh.
I had a Wolfe airloil separator installed and I still see
some oil on the belly. I think the biggest source comes
after oil changes, a removing the filter every 25 hours
invariably leads to some spillage on the compartment
floor. I tend to keep the level at around 10-11 quarts and
that seems to help some. Other than that, I just haven't
had any big surprises.
I do promise to attend a BPPP and a Service Clinic
to see how much I haven't learned yet. The ABS
Maga zine has given me some very valuable insight to
this fine aircraft.
"Friendly to fly, but pay attention"
Bob Bauers, lafayette. Colorado
Thanks for asking me to brag on my Bonanza that I
purchased in 2000. I have two sons who are also pi lots,
so it has gotten a lot of use. When I began to look for an
airplane, I was lucky to have former ABS President Lee
Larson take me under his wing and introduce me to the
Bonanza family. With my residence in Colorado and a
need to travel west, I decided the 36TC would best fit our
needs, which turned out to be a wise decision.
Going over the mountains is better higher! Lee's
Bob Bouers· 1997 836TC.
training was a plus. The 36TC is friendl y to fly, but you
must pay attention to your turbocharger because you
don't want to overheat it or damage the engine.
We have had no unexpected maintenance issues or
excessive costs, and are fortunate to have several local
shops that take good care of our plane. We use the
Bonanza for many trips, both business and personal, and
it is a functional and comfortable airplane.
Since the majority of our use is in the western half
of the country, the 36TC works very well . We are
extremely happy with our Bonanza.
"A member of our family"
Kim Coldwell. La Ca nado Flintridge, California
My wife Ginger and I are unabashed fans of the
B36TC, having owned one for more than five years.
N36YB handles great, flies high, fast and far, holds a lot
and performs the function of family magic carpet for
most of our travel missions.
Our ownership happened in an offhand way. Our
two children were out of the house, I had just retired and
Ginger gave me the green light to get current after a 30year hiatus. A friend of a friend wanted to sell his 1983
B36TC, so I jumped at the chance to go for a ride. It took
only a few minutes for me to fall in love with its handling, performance and big windows. Ginger and I
bought the TC in July 2001.
BPPP instructor Dan Ramirez checked me out in it.
Dan's job was not only to satisfy insurance requirements,
but to also assure I was safe to fly this high-performance,
high-altitude airplane. Dan signed me off 20 hours later.
At that time I had 130 total hours in my logbook and still
lots to learn. Since then, I have logged almost 1,000
hours in the plane and have enjoyed every hour.
At Dan 's recommendation, I flew VFR for about
200 hours, accumulating experience and judgment about
weather and cross-country flying. I attended the BPPP
mountain flying course and flew round-trip to
Connecticut. After that experience, I was eager to get my
instrument rating and Dan was my CFIl. I continue to
use both Dan and the BPPP to maintain proficiency.
Dan describes the B36TC as "king of the singleengine piston fleet," and I am happy to agree, based on the
smile on my face. It has wonderful control harmony and
flies the pants off a Cessna or Piper for sheer joy of flight.
The most visible difference to other Bonanzas is the
long wingspan (37'-10", same as a Baron 58). It's not as
nimble in roll as a V-tail or A36, but delivers the same handling at FL220 as at sea level. And the long wings hold
102 gallons usable, enabling ranges at high cruise speed of
700-800 run, and 1000 om at 60-65% power settings.
Just make sure you watch your speed on short final
at your destination, because if you are still fast during the
ABS May 2007
We have flown the plane on six transcontinental round trips in five years, plus lots
of nonstop flights up and down the west coast . The B3BTC fits our trip profiles
well. I like to have plenty of glide distance to the best emergency landing sites, so
we fly high over the wilderness. -K;m Caldwell
flare, ground effect from the long wings will float the
plane a ways down the runway. Of course, my passengers ooh! and ahh! about all my landings in N36YB.
The other big difference is the turbocharger. Takeoff
is at 36" MP, and you can climb at full rated pewer and full
rich mixture up to about 20,000'. I have flown up to FL
220, and still saw 75% pewer and about a 400-fpm climb
at that altitude, along with 200+ KTAS in cruise.
Clearly. the plane can fly much higher than its socalled "altitude limitation" of 25,000', but above that altitude the oxygen system has to be a pesitive pressure setup, nO! available from the factory. I agree with those old
hands who suggest, "If you want to fly in the Flight
Levels, get a pressurized airplane."
The airplane offers terrific flexibility for different
missions. A couple of years ago I analyzed our flights'
leg lengths and altitude flown. Half of the flights and
almost all the 600+nm legs were above 12,500' (except
for westbound flights into hefty headwinds). The factory-installed oxygen system with a 76-cubic feet bottle
and six stations comes in handy and works well.
With altitude flexibility, speed and range, we have
flown the plane on six transcontinental round trips in five
years, plus lots of nonstop flights up and down the west
coast and throughout the west to Denver. The B36TC fits
the trip profiles well. I like to have plenty of glide distance
to the best emergency landing sites, so we fly high over
the wilderness.
The turbo affords spectacular flights down the spine
of the Sierras. But my favorite trip is from Los Angeles 10
Ft. Collins, Colorado, well up in the teens or flight levels,
flying over the Mojave, Las Vegas, Zion Canyon, Bryce
Canyon, Arches National Monument, Canyonlands area
and fmally, the Colorado Rockies, with descent staning
from over Rocky Mountain National Park. Gorgeous country, nonslOp. And our new radio stack that includes datalink
weather to complement the SlOrrnscOpe improves weather
decision-making to match the airplane'S capabilities.
When we bought the plane it was 1200 hours into its
second TSI0-520UB, a factory remanufactured engine, and
400 hours since top overhaul with TCM cylinders. 1 ran it to
1900 hours. 300 past TBO, before getting a third engine,
and up to that time still saw compressions mostly> 60180,
and modest oil consumption of a quart every 15-20 hours.
BPPP instructors would remark that the engine ran
smoothly vs. others they had flown. I always operated it
conservatively to avoid the reputed cylinder problems
that occur from operating the engine too hot. Beech left
ABS May 2007
off cowl flaps on the B36TC and did not put an intercooler in the system, so if you want a cool engine, you
fly fast and pour lots of fuel through it.
As a graduate of the Advanced Pilot Seminars in
Ada, Oklahoma, I adopted their practice of staying out of
the "red box" (TIT/EGT management) to keep CHTs
cooler and internal cylinder pressures lower. At high
power, you want to operate much cooler than peak temperature, either considerably rich of peak (RaP) or lean
of peak (LOP).
I am told that some (a minority) of TS10-520UB
engines run smoothly LOP, but alas, not mine. I found it
gO! rough soon after peak. Even at lower cruise pewer
« 60%), it was unacceptably rough past 15°F LOP. Thus,
at 65% pewer and above, I ran at least 1000F Rap TIT,
compared to the POH guidance of operating at peak TIT.
Max crui e speed of 180 KTAS at 12,000' (about 80%
pewer) requires 31" MP and 2400 rpm, which I would
manage at around 175" Rap for CHT control, a fuel flow
of 23 gph-fully 6-gph more than POH guidance. Such a
generous fuel flow limits our range, but the CHTs stay
below 380" at all times and the cylinders stay healthy.
My typical pewer setting is 68% pewer, 28", 2300
rpm and 18 gph, about 100" ROP and 2-4 gph more than
POH guidance. At that pewer setting, I flight plan 170
KTAS at 12,000' and figure about 4.5 hours range with
VFR reserves.
Mechanics who worked on the old engine said we
should keep it, despite being 300 hours past TBO. lt ran
cool, valves weren't burned, compression was good and
oil consumption was modest. In fact, the best thing to recommend its reliability was that, in 1992 with the old
engine, N36YB had flown the Atlantic to France where it
flew for five years and then flew back-and the ferry pilot
is sti ll here to tell about it.
While sold on factory turbocharging, I felt there was
an even better approach: turbonorrnalizing. Tornado
Alley Turbo installed their Whirlwind TCP Conversion
(turbonormalized 10-550B with Millennium cylinders,
cowl flaps and intercooler) and a new Hartzell Super
Scimitar prop. I am very happy with the results. The STC
enables a higher max gross weight (4,042 Ibs vs. the
original 3,850), so we have a new useful load of about
1,380 Ibs in our aircraft. That's full fuel and four adults
plus some baggage flying three miles a minute for 1,000
miles. Not bad.
Moreover, the airplane now flies up to 10 knots
faster, using less fuel. Max cruise, at 80-90" LOP is 17
gph (23 gph before), and I now flight plan 190 KTAS at
12,000', with an extra hour of range. Climb rates are 25%
better and low altitude speeds are faster, too.
My wife reports art cabin heat is much improved,
too ... a real blast of hot air. The TBO is improved to 1,700
hours from the old 1,600. My mechanics think the installation is beautiful, and so do my hangar neighbors at
Whiteman Airport.
Maintenance!annual issues seem normal, but yearly
costs during the last five years have ranged between
$7000 and $15,000. Some of it looks to me to involve
dealing with a 24-year-old airplane, like replacing a
flight director or installing a new fuel bladder or retiring
an 0 ' tank.
Interestingly, I cannot find evidence that the turbocharger systems have incurred any extra maintenance
attention that would balloon the costs. evertheless, owning this airplane is not for people with thin wallets.
Unfortunately, we have just mn afoul of the Superior
Air Parts cylinder recall AD, so N36YB will soon be tlying around with yet again a new set of cylinders.
What would make this perfect airplane even better?
I suppose air conditioning would be nice. But it wasn't
available for 1983 B36TCs out of the factory, nor is a
Beech kit available. And while I think I could get an
aftermarket system installed, I haven't reconciled the
weight and performance penalties. Meanwhile, we use
the strategy originally assumed by the Beech engineers
when they designed the B36TC: Fly high, where you can
fl y fast and be cool.
Turbocharging suits Ginger and me and our flying
missions just fine. The faclOry-designed/installed powerplant worked great, and the new modified job is even better. Both designs allow you to use more of the airspace
where you can get out of the haze, fly above the summer
desert turbulence, catch a monster tail wind and feel less
victimized by density altitude.
The airplane is a delight to fly, and is likely to remain
a member of our family.
"Suits my needs beautifully"
Jon Callaghan, Polo Alto, Cafifom io
I purchased N226SC in 2004 from a family friend in
Jackson, Wyoming. It is a 1984 B36TC with a TCM
Platinum Special Edition engine, TKS, speed brakes,
JPI, Shadin fuel flow. Air-sealed doors and extra soundproofing make thi s the quietest piston plane I've ever sat
in. I added a Ryan 9900B TCAD system as soon as I purchased the plane, but decided 10 stick with the avionics
setup as is (KLN94B), because I had the same system in
my prior aircraft, a Sky lane.
I was looking to move up to a six-place aircraft
because my family was growing. We now have three
Jon Collaghan's 1984 B36TC.
boys under six, and often all of us fly together. In addition to the six seats, turbocharging was a requirement,
since we regularly fly into mountain airstrips such as
Jackson, Eagle, Mammoth and Truckee. I had experienced all these in a normally aspirated plane, and I really believe that turbocharging adds a significant safety
margin when operating in and out of these fields.
The handling characteristics of the Bonanza made
transition from a 2000 Skylane pretty simple. I recall
being amazed at the stabi lity and solid feel of the
Bonanza, both in flight and on the ground. Nothing rattled in this plane when you tax ied. Even better, in the air
it was smooth and handled like a sports car. J fell in love
with Bonanzas instantl y.
Compared to other six-place retracts I considered,
small things were big positives ranging from higher Vie
and the bulletproof gear system to seat configuration and
loading characteristics. [ train monthly with two different CFTIs and do an IPC every six months to stay on top
of the plane.
Business missions are typically just me. They range
from one- to two-hour trips 10 Los Angeles and Las
Vegas, to longer rides to Denver and Portland. Our family flights are to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, which we do
many times a year, and 10 apa, San Diego and lots of
fly-fi shing spots throughout the West.
With kids in the plane, J usually fly around 8,50011,500' (or lower); without kids, I'm up higher, usually
mid to high teens.
I use oxygen for myself at all times over 7,000'. I
figure oxygen is a very inexpensive safety addition to my
flight profile. My home field is a 2,500' runway, so the
B36TC's power and good short-field characteristics were
I recently topped the engine slightly sooner than it
should have needed (around 750 hrs), and engine management is something to pay close attention to with a Bmodel. Cooling can be a problem during climbout when at
full gross on a hot day (a JPI is a very helpful instrument
for watching this trend). Despite this oft-cited weakness of
ABS May 2007
the TC, I've only had to step-climb or shallow-climb two
or three times in about 300 hours of flying .
In cruise, engine management is pretty simple, and
I fly it at 28"/2300 and 19-20 gph. I have spoken at
length to several gurus of the LOP school and have gotten consistent advice that this is not the plane to fly LOP,
even with the TCM "gamis." For me, fuel is an honest 20
gph in cruise, which yields 165 lAS.
I encourage TC owners to consider speed brakes. I
would have a very hard time flying this airplane IFR
without them. It would be hard to baby the engine on a
typical ATC descent from altitude without brakes.
Overall, this aircraft has suited my needs beautifully. It is a complete joy to fly in all conditions. 6SC has
been an extremely reliable, comfortable and powerful
way to travel for business or haul my family and gear to
fun places. The speed, range, payload, quietness and performance of the B36TC are difficult to beat.
"I can't think of a better
single-engine airplane"
Greg Chavez. Boise, Idaho
I moved up to a 1992 B36TC from a Cessna 182
because r needed more cabin room and speed for my
family and business. I was making 600-nm business trips
between Boise and Denver. We live out West where turbocharging is a big benefit for high-density altitudes,
MEAs and ice avoidance.
Shortly after purchasing this airplane, an exhaust
valve blew. The engine had about 1,250 hours. After we
pulled the jug, we notice the crankshaft and piston arm
had been scored due to the piston being attached out of
balance. My mechanic thought the engine probably came
out of the factory this way.
I looked at Tornado Alley's conversion for the B36TC
to turbonormalize it. It seems like a great way to go and
gives you a gross weight increase and an additional 10
knots or so of speed. However, I figured I could buy two
factory-overhauled engines for the same price, which
negated the extra benefit in my mind. So I ordered a factory overhaul from Continental and a JPI engine monitor.
What surprised me most about the factory TSIO520UB was that it came with "tuned injectors." Each
injector is specifically designated for a certain cylinder. I
didn't try runni ng lean of peak unti l about a year ago and
I was surprised at the results. True to what GAMI's data
says, my cylinder head temps came down by about 30'
and fuel flow came down from about 17.5 gph to 15.5
gph at 12,000'. At 28.5"MP/2350 rpm, I lost some power,
but I don't mind losing a few knots for the fuel savings
and cooler cylinder head temperatures.
The #6 cylinder is always the hottest. Running 50' F
ROP at 12,000' on ISA day, my temps would run around
390' F. At 30' F LOP, my #6 is at about 365'F. My other
cyli nders average about 345' F at these power settings. r
understand [ can increase MP and pick up some lost
power, but the engine just seems to purr at these settings.
r love the B36TC. The extra long wings carry more
fuel (102 gallons) than the non-turbo version, and I flight
plan an average fuel burn of 16 gph LOP. I routinely run
4.5-hour legs with ample reserves. The TC has all the
great flying characteristics of the legendary Bonanza in
spite of the extra weight. It is a heavy plane, but it flies
very well"hy the numbers" as an instrument platform.
My biggest surprise was having to invest, unexpectedly, in a new engine and I have heard many rumors
about top overhauls at mid-life. My new engine has less
than 300 hours on it and the cylinders (Continental) are
in good shape. I have been very happy with Avstar in
Puyallup, Washington, for my maintenance and hope to
do an owner-assisted annual with them soon. They highly recommend it.
I do not agree that a turbocharged engine is not
worth the headaches and cost mentality. It is a bit more
Greg Chavez's 1992 B36TC.
ABS May 2007
www.bonanza .org
to maintain and I think an engine monitor should be a
requirement to run one. The benefits to me far outweigh
the slight additional cost it takes to run and maintain a
turbo, especially if you fly out west. With onboard oxygen, getting up into the low to mid-teens is a breeze.
Having the power to climb out of light icing has made it
an easy decision for me on whether to escape ice by
climbing or descending.
I cannot think of a better single-engine piston platfonn to have. The only way I would move out of this plane
is if I could ever justify and afford a single-engine turboprop. But it is quite a leap to pay at least five times what I
paid for my B36TC and bum 3.5 limes more fuel per hour
just to gain pressurization and 70 knots of speed.
As my daughters get older and bigger, I will need
more space and load capability. However, I haven't yet
found the plane that will do all that without jumping into
the twin or single-engine turboprop market.
"I could not be happier"
Tom Hebda, Colorado Springs. Colorado
I had been flying an F33A for many years and really
believed I would never want or own another aircraft. I was
quite familiar with its limitations since I live and fly from
Colorado Springs Meadowlake Airport at 6,780' MSL.
One day in June while traveling to Arizona, I became
frustrated with the marginal capability of the nonnally
aspirated engine. When I couldn't climb out of IMC at
14,000' in the face of light icing and a strong mountain
wave downdraft east of La Veta Pass, I resol ved to start looking for a turbocharged Bonanza. I was fOitunate to receive
lots of advice from the members of the Rocky Mountain
Bonanza Society and the folks at Pearce Aircraft Services.
I enlisted an aircraft broker to find a B36TC to work
out a trade-in sale of my F33A. My only absolute requirement was that it must have a Garmin 530. Not too far away
in Telluride, Colorado, N3199D, a 1994 B36TC, was
found . It was flown for a prebuy inspection to Pearce
Aircraft Services, an outstanding service center for prebuys, maintenance and training requirements. After some
minor negotiating with the seller, it became mine. To this
day, I could not be happier.
Tom Hebdo's 1994 B36TC.
I was thoroughly checked out by Ken Pearce in only
about four hours, but the learning process is continuous
and quite enjoyable. I get my biggest kick out of fi ling for
and flying at FLI80 or FU90. With the Garmin 530, I get
direct routing everywhere, even in the mountainous west.
In discussions with those who are in the know, I
found out that the B36TC has great potential, but there are
some problems with the engine-airframe combination.
Apparently, my aircraft had experienced these problems.
After only 720 hours, the original owner replaced the factory engine with an Ultimate Engine from Mena,
Arkansas, including GAMIjectors and BDS baffles.
I've logged more than 360 hours on the Ultimate
Engine with quite good perfonnance. The CHTs stay well
in the center of the green at all times. TAS is generally 185
knots or greater at FU80 with a fuel flow of around 16
gph. Cylinder compressions are stable and oil consumption
is aboUl one quart in 10 hours.
The B36TC has six passenger seats. As most owners
do, I removed the aft-most seats leaving four seats and
plenty of room for baggage. With air conditioning, backup alternator and oxygen tanks in the wings, my useful
load with full fuel is about 460 pounds and with 70 gallons
of fuel , about 65 1 pounds. So this is really not much more
useful load than I had with my F33A, but the TC has better balance characteristics.
I opted for turbocharging to allow more options in
flying business and personal missions over the mountains. Mountain waves and icing potential give the turbo
a clear advantage over the nonnaLly aspirated engine. I
have had no unexpected or excessive maintenance and
operational issues. The trick is to operate by the book
and fly with gentle adjustments of power and propeller
"Not without problems"
Bill Somerville, Dollos. Texos
I've been flying Bonanzas since 1975. I'm now flying my second B36TC, a 1999 model (N ILIPC). The
first one I owned from 1982-89 (N6444C). Prior to 1982
I flew a 1975 A36 (N4156S).
I enjoy the flexibility of flying in the teens high in the
mountains. I use a cannula, which is much more comfortable than a mask below 18,000'. The benefits really occur
on multihour flights, above the thennals in the summer.
Unfortunately, my present plane has had engine
problems. At about 300 hours I had all of my cyl inders
replaced from running my engine too hot. The POH says
you can lean to redline TIT (899'C). I was running it
50'F rich of redline. [ convinced Continental to cover
about 90% of my maintenance cost. Since then, I've been
running at lOO'F rich of peak at 75% power. That's burning about 22 gph.
ABS May 2007
The story, unfortunately, doesn't end there, Last
summer my engine was diagnosed with a deteriorating
camshaft at about 850 hours. I'm now fl ying with a Ram
rebuilt engine, installed by Arrow Aviation at Dallas
Love Field. No help this time from Continental! This
engine, with its new baffle system, is now running
noticeably cooler. I hope the worst is behind me.
"The best singlelunpressurized piston"
Kevin Cook.. Wilmington. North Carolina
I love my B36TC. I fly A36s and Barons and I
would not trade my B36TC for any other. The comfort of
flying at any altitude up to 25,000' for winds, weather or
turbulence avoidance is wonderful. With its 102 gallons
usable fuel range, I can go nonstop from Wi lmington to
BaSIOn, ausau, Kansas City or New Orleans. On a 95·
day in Miami, I do not have to be as concerned about
density altitude.
There is additional maintenance with a turbocharged
engine. I had a Cessna T21 0 and replaced more cylinders
on it than I have on the B36TC. I feel Beech got it right
with the 1983 and newer 36TCs with respect to cooling.
at having cowl flaps, T think cowl vents that are open
all of the time help. I fill the oxygen tanks myself.
People talk about how expensive Bonanza parts are,
but the ann uals are less than those I had for the T21 0 or
a 201 Mooney. If you are not replacing parts frequently
because they are more reliable, you come out ahead.
At TBO I replaced the engine with a factory new
several years ago. The original engine had a top overhaul
at ntid time. I just replaced #2 and #3 and the turbocharger with 600 hours on the new engine. One of the
cylinders had a leaIdng exhaust valve and one had compression leaIdng around the rings. I have a great mechanic at a small airport in Carthage, orth Carolina.
The longer wingspan of the B36TC offers more stability at altitude. You have the wing of the Baron on a
Bonanza. I do not understand why yo u don 't find more
turbocharged Bonanzas. Piper is selling turbos and
Cessna is selling a lot of T206s and T I 82s.
I feel this is the best single/unpressurized piston avai lable. My next airplane is going to be an Embraer Phenom
100 Jet. I take delivery in April 2009. I want to keep my
Bonanza for our short trips and because my wife and kids
want to learn to fly it.
"Below its potential"
Kio us Pohlschr6der, Dortmund, Germany
I gladly - and with relief - follow your invitation to contribute my own experience with the B36TC. Here are my
complaints about the otherwise excellent design.
• Lousy baffling solution, resulting in high and uneven
ASS May 2007
Ktous Pohlschroder's t989 B36TC.
• No cowl flaps solution for this much-hotter engine.
(The 1966 V35TC had them and had no temperatu re or
cyl inder life problems whatsoever.)
• Unbalanced injection system resulting in unbalanced
Based on the above problems, the otherwise wonderful B36TC remains below its potential in terms of
• Climb performance (To avoid overheating, the vertical rate of this wonderfull y strong engine has to be kept
low and the climb speed high.)
• Cylinder life (Few if any have reached TBO of 1,600
hrs. without cylinder changes or, mostly, major overhaul.)
• Retained market value (The secondhand market for
this model is extremely difficult. Who wants to buy an airplane with that cumbersome engine.)
• Cost efficiency (Already expensive purchase price,
plus excessive maintenance and replacement cost.)
"A wonderful flying machine"
Ron long. Pittsburg. Kansas
Our 1992 B36TC is a wonderful cross-country flying machine as well as a great instrument platform. We
typically flight plan 170 knots block-to-block and that is
pretty accurate for our airplane. The turbo and built-in
oxygen allow for operation up to 25,000' but most of our
higher altitude flights are in the high teens. We don' t use
the altitude capabi lities as much as we could, but that's
more a personal preference. In mid-range temperatures,
you can expect 700 to 1,000 fpm climb with full fue l and
two on board at 120 kts. indicated.
If you are used to the V-tail, the elevator control on
the TC will feel much heavier. The aircraft is heavy with
full fuel 108 gallons (102 usable) and six seats installed.
The bad news is, on our airplane full fuel leaves less than
600 pounds available for passengers and baggage.
If you are on a tight budget, the B36TC is probably
not going to be your best choice. The history of this airplane shows cylinder replacement or cylinder overhaul
about every 400 hours consistently until I installed the
Millennium cylinders. They have performed very well
and accumulated about 500 hrs. before a cracked turbo
housing close to engine TBO prompted the decision to
go ahead and do a major overhaul.
We were able 10 overhaul the cylinders and continue to use them. These cylinders have consistently pro-
www.bonanza .org
vided compressions in the high 60s and low 70s; for a
Continental engine, that's saying a lot. The Continental
cylinders were consistently in the 50s. The firewall-forward overhaul cost was more than $50,000; that included prop and all accessories.
Maintenance cost is higher with any turbocharged
aircraft; simply a lot more SlUff under the cowling. The
annual cost is slightly more expensive than a normally
aspirated aircraft. You will want to watch CHTs, panicularJy in warm weather, and keep the fuel flow high to
help cool the cylinders. In some cases, you will need to
reduce your climb rate to keep the CHT in the green.
The utility of this bird is very good as well. Many
times we have removed the rear seats to carry products to
prospective customers. The large rear doors make it a snap
without destroying the interior. I have flown with my wife
and four children in the plane to visit relatives, and the
plane perfonns flawleSSly.
We upgraded the avionics suite last year with the
installation of the GNS480 WAAS-approved GPS, MX
20 MFD w/ weather and chan view, SL30 nav/com,
remote transponder and GPS steering. The ex isting
equipment included King slaved HSIJflight director,
KFC 150 autopilot, WX 1000 Stomlscope, six-place
intercom and six-place oxygen.
Once you figure out how to operate the GNS480, it is
a great piece of equipment. We can now fly a GPS approach
down to 282' AGL at our home airpon; without WAAS, it is
611' AGL.
Our home base airport is Pittsburg, Kansas, and avionics installation was done by Bevan-Rabell in Wichita. Kent
McIntyre and his team did a great job on the installation.
The only real challenge we threw at them was it all had to
fit in the center stack and they accomplished that objective.
They were really great to work with and I highly recommend them. Most of our aircraft maintenance is done at our
local shop (Mike's Aircmft Repair).
If you like to fly high, breathe a little oxygen and
don't mind the additional expense of the turbocharged
Bonanza, I highly recommend
the B36TC. It's a wonderful
flying machine.
ment platform. While we have only had it for a year and
a half, we have put well over 200 hours on it and have
been all over the country. It has been great!
Ours is a low-time (2,000 IT; 650 SMOH) 1983
model with gill doors and we added the Beryl
D'Shannon baffle kit. We have had no overheating problems whatsoever. That includes plenty of climbs from the
hot California valley floor up to the low flight levels in
mid-summer when temperalUres were cooki ng.
Everything stays well into the green. I don ' t let TIT go
over 1550"1' and try to keep the cylinder temps around
350'F or below.
I am an old pilot, so I still fly ROP. I keep it at least
75' ROP and at cruising levels I am around 16.5 gph at
28" MPI2300 rpm. I am using Aeroshell 100+ and
change it and the filter every 25 hours. Oil consumption
has been quite constant at about I qt. in 12 hours.
We have previously had a number of TSIO-520
engines (Cessna P21 Os and the like) and have always had
good service out of them. So far I think the TSIO-520UB
is on the same track. We have had absolutely no service
problems with it. Treat them right and they will go a long
way. I suspect that those who choose to abuse them may
get different results. We fly it by the book and are careful about cooling, but that is easy with the high approach
flap and gear speeds on the B36TC.
The quality of the Beech can't be matched in most
other production airplanes. We owned a couple of B60
Dukes for five years and loved them as well because of the
outstanding comfort and quality. We also had great service
(over 800 hours) out of them. The B36TC gives us similar
quality and good perfonnance at a much lower operating
cost. To say that we love the bird is an understatement.
When we bought ours, we had the interior completely redone in leather, had it stripped and repainted in
the colors and scheme similar to the 2006 models, and
redid the panel with Garmin 530, MX20, GDL 69a and
SL30, WX500 Stonnscope, KT76C transponder and an
Insight EDM800. That makes for one very comfortable
"The nicest we've
ever flown"
Gene M . Marsh, Rocklin, Co lifom io
Out of the 23 airplanes
my wife and I have owned
over the past 50 years, our
B36TC (N295RJ) is the nicest
single-engine we have ever
flown . It is a great flying airplane and a wonderful instru-
Gene Marsh·s 1983 B36TC.
www.bonanza .org
ABS May 2007
cross-county single. And with
the long wing, it does great at
the higher altitudes where we
think turbo engines belong.
In summary, we think the
B36TC is a short step down
from the Duke-at a comparative bargain price. We plan to
keep it.
Janetlapp's 2001
"I love my plane"
Janet Lapp, Son Diego. California
My B36TC Jaguar Edition has traveled with me
almost 1,000 hours since new in 200 I. Although my first
Bonanza, a 1981 A36, was solid and reliable, this version
has gone higher, faster and farther than I thought possible.
After a top overhaul of three cylinders at 300 hours.
we found out how to fl y our planes (which had nothing
to do with the way our POH, FlightSafety or TCM taught
us). A bunch of us turbo owners pretty much nursed ourselves into engine health, thanks to Turbopilot.com.
which gathered life-saving intelligence and connected us
all around it. We spent hours on the phone and in e-mail
correspondence: and each day discovered new fixes to
our engines. (EDITOR 'S NOTE: The host of turbopi/ot.com has since closed the website.)
First, TCM engineering problems of the era
notwithstanding, we found that if we set fuel flow much
higher than the TCM max recommended range and took
off and climbed well over redline, compared to the recommended 3I.S-34.0 gph, our engines stayed nice and
cool. We learned that the TCM injectors weren' t living
up to their promises, and most of us replaced them with
GAM Is. Virtually all of us replaced the woefully inadequate baming with Beryl D'Shannons, and I added the
GAMl #6 cooling kit (which does a super job).
We now know on a hot day we can' t climb anywhere
near Vx or Vy without burning something up, so we
accept less than 1,000 fpm and fly out around 130 kts.
We monitor our engine analyzers like hawks, and keep
everything at or below I,4S0°F, and download our flight s
to our JPI software. After one additional top OH at 9S0
hours, compressions are all good, oil analyses are clean
and there is no reason this B36TC can't make it to published TBO.
I burn about 17.S- 18gph at 28"/2300 cruise, higher
than the marketing in the POH, but that is a small price
to pay for getting on top of bumps, picking out the best
winds up to 20,000' and riding them for (my record)
groundspeed of 226 kt<. Everything else about this
machine has been amazingly reliable, and has performed
extremely well with never a problem.
I try to fly to most of my speaking engagements
within a I,200-nm range, and anywhere in North America
when several engagements are clustered together. Once a
month, as part of the Flying Doctors of Mercy (www.
ligainternational.org), my B36TC flies medical volunteers
and supplies to our clinics in EI Fuerte and EI Carrizo,
Sinaloa, Mexico.
This year we will join the B20sh flight. With two rear
seats out, Strider, my 3-year-old golden retriever, lounges
in his soft-crate; he started flying at 10 weeks, and now
has over SOO hours. Often I throw a few grandkids in the
back and head off to the mountains or some other remote
place of which their parents wouldn't approve.
Finding a good maintenance station has been a scavenger hunt. During warranty work (2001-2004), my
service was carried out by Raytheon Van Nuys,
California, a quality and service nightmare. Crownair
Aviation in San Diego does mostly competent and reasonably priced work; Cruiseair in Ramona, California,
does competent and expensive work.
Oil analyses are every 25 hours, and inspections
every 50 hours. I upgraded the stock avionics with a
Sandel EFIS 3308, backup electric attitude indicator,
backup HSI , added a DME and ADF, WX-IOO
Stormscope, BF Goodrich Skywatch, added Terrain to
the Garmin 430 and WAAS-upgraded the Garmin 530. I
love my plane.
"My fourth B36TC"
John Fedrizzi, Sun River. Oregon
I'm on my fourth B36TC and have probably seen the
spectrum of issues with the airplane. First and foremost is
the difficulty in keeping cylinder head temperatures in reasonable ranges. On hot days it is extremely difficult or
impossible to do so.
After the first top overhaul of three cylinder s at 300 hours , I found out how to
fly the plane (w hich had nothing to do w ith the w a y our POH, Fl ightSafety o r TCM
taught us) . -,Janet Lapp
ABS May 2007
I picked up my 1991 new at the factory, and it was by
far the most troublesome of the four I've owned. The
engine was replaced at 300 and some hours, the paint was
defective and all landing gear struts required replacement
within only a few hundred hours after leaving the factOlY.
A wing panel needed replacement and the entry door
reworked as well. All was covered under warranty. but the
aircraft was down for excessive periods of time and in the
case of the struts, pans were unavailable for a time.
The extra wingspan of the '8' is quite an improvement in both fuel capacity and high-altitude stability.
I think most people have come to terms with dancing
compression readings; shock cooling is more fully understood than when the TCs were relatively new in the market and is not quite the problem it was once thought to be.
As with any turbocharged airplane, the usefulness is
significantly compromised by the lack of pressurization
and de-ice capability.
"Advantages at a price"
Bradford von Weise, Concord. Massachusetts
I purchased the B36TC after owning an A36 and a
Piper Malibu. I decided to stay with a turbo due to my
positive experience with the ability to climb above cloud
buildups in the summer into smooth air and above the
weather in the winter. I also like the easier power managementthat comes with the turbo. There isn't nearly as
much fiddling with the mixture as you climb.
The higher true airspeeds are an added plus. The ability to pop up to higher altitudes to take advantage of higher eastbound tailwinds, combined with the higher TAS,
really makes the turbo more of a cross-country machine.
The bigger wing on the B36TC combined with the
built-in oxygen was also a consideration. The wing holds
more fuel and is more stable at altitude than the A36. The
ride is also much smoother and bumps are less abrupt.
Something I didn't think about during the purchase
process was the fact that the B36TC is noticeably quieter
than the A36. The turbo really muffles a lot of the
exhaust noise.
But all these benefits don't come cheap. The B36TC
has been more expensive to maintain than my A36, primarily due to the turbo, which blew a seal and had to be overhauled after only 600 hours. Working on the engine is dramatically more complicated as there is a lot of stuff in the
way that has to be removed to do any meaningful work.
Also, the 0 ' system requires maintenance and the
fuel burn is considerably higher. I plan on 22-23 gph at
65% power to keep the cylinder temperatures on the cool
side. I have learned that to get decent engine life out of a
TSIO-520, the engine really does need to be run on the
cool side. I would say that maintenance is about 50%
more than my A36.
If I had to do it all over again, would I buy another
B36TC? I think so. as long as I could afford it again. There
are distinct advantages that come at a price.
Mel Volmert·s 1985 B36TC.
"Love to brag"
Mel Volmert. Springfield, Missouri
We just love to brag about our B36TC. Exactly why
we cannot say. The turbocharging has given us altitude
flexibility that we seldom use. We love the 102-galion
tanks, but seldom fly long enough to use more then 50
gallons. A single-engine aircraft costs less to run then a
twin, but still the hourly cost is significant. The cabin is
comfortable but not wide. The cross-country speed is
good, but we run slow to keep the engine cool. Will the
engine make it to TBO? at likely.
So why do we brag? The plane is dependable longdistance transportation that gives us flexibility, comfort,
range and reasonable speed. Passengers like the large
double doors and the facing seats. Most important, as we
all know, the Bonanza is well built.
Our costs have been up and down the last few years,
but the last year has been the lowest with no major repair.
Our December 2006 annual cost $2,400, including a new
voltage regulator. (We want to keep the shop a secret so
they will have time to work on our plane in the future!)
We assume 19 gph for planning but run 16.5 gph
75°F rich of peak at 2400 rpm resulting in 170 kts. at
8,000' and 187 kts. at high altitude. We have an intercooler system and Precise Flight speed brakes.
Would I recommend this plane to others? Yes.
Would I buy another? Yes. What would be my dream single-engine aircraft? A new B36TC!
EDITOR'S NOTE: Several members melllion removing
seats for grealer IIlilily. See Neil's NOles 011 page 10218
for informatioll 011 legal reqlliremellls for flighl lVilh
seals removed.
NEXT ISSUE: Response to an ABS call for articles on
the A36TCIB36TC has been tremendous. so much so that
space requires some members' comments to be held over.
More owner impressions of this niche Bonanza will be
presented in the June ABS Magazine.
www. bononza .org
ABS May 2007
Answers are marked with initials of the stoff or
advisors who answered it. NP-Neil Pobanz.
AF-Arky Foulk. TT-Tam Turner. R&Ron Gras.
AM-Arthur Miller. SR-Bob Ripley. SA-Bob Andrews
Answers to technical questions are the best information available based
on indications presented by the member asking the question. Actual
inspection of the airplane or system in question may change on initial
direct replacement part for any si ngleengine equipped with a carburetor. This
would only require a logbook entry with
no other approval required. Most homebuilder supply houses sell these, such as
Aircraft Spruce (877-477-7823 or air
craftspruce.com), Chief Aircraft (800477-3408 or chiefaircraft.com) or
Wicks Aircraft (800-221-9425 or wicks
aircrafl.com). -AM
Gyro pressure light
Karl Beutner
Fairfield, California
I wrote to you about my A36's
gyro pressure warning light coming on
at anyth ing below about 1100 rpm. You
confirmed my suspicion that it might
mean the pressure pump was getting
weak. Well , the pressure pump was
replaced and the warning light still
comes on at about 1100 rpm.
As before, the pressure gauge is
reading at the lower end of the green. I
will turn my mechanic loose on this, but
would like to know: (J) Can the sensor
for the warning light be adjusted or does
the sensor fail at times? (2) Could a leak
in the system cause these symptoms and
if so are there common places that leaks
are found? (3) Do you have any other
suggestions as to causes and how to
troubleshoot this problem?
A: The sensor for the warning light is
not intended to be field-adjustable. It
could possibly be done if your sensor is
made by Hobbs. Your mechanic should
be able to identify a Hobbs sensor. Verify
at what pressure the light begins to come
on prior to adjusting. You will want the
light to come on at slightly below the
green arc on the pressure gauge.
Yes, a leak in the system could be
telephone or email suggestion. Aircraft owners. pilots and readers are
advised to physically present airplanes and indications to a qualified
mechanic betore choosing a course of action.
your cause. Possibilities: Line or fitting
loose; pressure relief valve not seating
properly. Another thought: Was the inline filter changed when the new pump
was installed? It is recommended to be
changed when a new pump is installed,
every annual or 200 hrs. (The annual
recommendation is quite conservative;
most get changed about every two
years.) This filter could be panially
plugged and give the symptoms you
If your mechanic needs help troubleshooting this, have himlher give us
a call and we'll attempt to provide
guidance. -AM
ABS credit card, you can get a modest
discount) or Avstat (888-287-8283).
For new old stock, try Arrell (805-6040439). The PfN is 35-105005-11. -AM
Ruddervator slop
Stanley Gory
Kennebunk. Moine
Q: The middle bearing on one of my
N35's ruddervators is showing excessive slop and needs to be replaced, but
we can find no detailed information
about the removal and replacement procedure in our service manual. We'll be
working on the annual with our
A&PfIA, but he is also unsure of the
right procedure, so we're hoping you
Replacement dorsal fairing
Thomas Malone
Ijamsville, Moryklnd
I am having my Baron painted
and need a replacement dorsal fin fairing. It is made out of some sort of plastic and is warped. RAPID wants over
$650 for the pan. Is there somewhere
else I can get it for a better price?
Globe Fiberglass in Lakeland,
Florida (800-899-2707), makes a
Fiberglass replacement for this. Some
people have also had success removing
warps with a hot-air gun.-AM
will be able to give us some guidance.
The first thing I would try is to
replace only the center bushing. This
sometimes will take care of the free
play. If you still need to replace the
bearing, carefully drill out only the four
rivets that hold the bearing captive
between the two bearing suppons [rom
the stabi lizer. Pry the supports far
enough apan to release the bearing.
Install the new bearing and rivet the
supports back together. If you have a
rivet squeezer that will adapt to this
area, I recommend using it to minimize
distonion. -AM
Missing wing bolt cover
John Reiter
Fremont. Calrfornia
Replacing root seals
Todd Ericson
Q: The forward top cover is missing
Henderson. Nevada
on my P35. on the right wing of the
wing bolt. Where can I get a replacement?
I'm Changing out the wing and
ruddervator root seals on my K35. What
is the best way to remove the original
adhesive and the best method to put the
new seals on and adhere them to the
Beech is the only replacement
source I know of. For replacements, try
RAPlD (888-727-4344 - If you use an
A : Root seals should fit over the lip
of the metal. You may have to stan them
at a wide spot in the gap and slide them
into location. DC4 or Vaseline helps.
The old glue comes off best with MEK
or acetone; both will also remove the
paint. You may be able to use
ScotchBrite and not hun the paint.
Using good duct tape as an edge protector of the paint while working is a
thought. Use 3M Weatherstrip cement,
if you need an adhesive. - P
Adding wingtip strobes
O liver Schepelmonn
Tucson, Arizona
Q: [am in the process of purchasing
a '64 Baron B55. The aircraft has a belly
strobe, and a tail strobe (aft pan of the
beacon assembly). I would like to add
wingtip strobes. What is the easiest and
most cost-effective way to do this?
You have two possible methods.
One is to mount a power supply under
each wingtip and add a strobe light
assembly to each wingtip. This method
would only require an 18ga wire from
each power supply to the switch.
The second method would be to
mount a multi-output power supply just
aft of the rear cabi n bulkhead and then
install strobes on the wingtips and the
tail cone, as this power supply will suppon three to four lights. It will require
running a wire from the power supply to
each light and also one to the switch.
The second method is how most
aircraft are set up. Take a look at
www.whelen.com/aviationlindex. htm ;
they have some great recommendations
on system types. - BR
Gear doors hang open
James Calloway
Dolla s. Texas
Q: [just had the annual done on my
B55 and the inboard gear doors are
hanging down about a half-inch. The
shop said they had to re-rig the gear
because gear tension was too high. They
put it up on jacks and checked/adjusted,
test fl ew and the doors almost close, but
there was one and a half turns on the
crank to stop. The shop then adjusted
the microswitch that stops the motor,
put it on jacks and all seemed to be OK.
I test flew today and the doors are hanging down again. What is going on here?
someone familiar with the system. Don't
fly it fast with the doors hanging open.
In Texas, Beaver Aviation (28 1-3766664) or Hammock (972-875-4279) are
known good shops. - P
Wheel placards
Gory Sonders
Tucson, Arizona
Q :[
am seeking new wheel placards
for a 5.00 x 5 nose wheel and 7.00 x 6
mains on my C33A. My wheels are being
stripped and repainted and I need a source
for new torque and safety placards.
Cleveland (800-272-5464 or
[email protected]) will be able to
provide you with new ones. You'll need to
provide them with the wheel pan
numbers. - AM
You should get it checked by
Send your questions to ABS and we'll have
one of the tech advisors respond <absmail.bonanza.org>.
Neil Pobanz, ASS lead technical advisor, is a retired U.S. Army civilian pilot and maintenance manager. He is an A&P and IA with more than 45 years experience.
Glen ·Arky· FoUlk, owner of Delta Strut. has been ABS assistant technical advisor since
Ron Gros retired after 35 years with Beech, completing his career there as head of piston aircraft technical support.
Arthur Miller has won numerous FAA awards as a mechanic. and runs a Beech specialty shop in central Florida.
Bob Ripley retired from Delta Airlines as a manager of line maintenance (Atlanta) and has
run an FBa focusing on Beech maintenance for more than 20 years .
Bob Andrews is a retired Eastern Air line pilot. CFI, mechanic and a Wright Brothers
Award winner. He owns a Beech-only maintenance FBa in Atlanta, Georgia .
Tom Turner is ABS manager of technical services. Holder of a Master's degree in Aviation
Safety, he has specialized in Beech pilot instruction for over 15 years .
Neil's Notes are from ABS Technical Advisor Neil Pobanz unless otherwise noted.
CONTROL BALANCE: While not required by regulation, we
believe the entry in the log should be more than just "controls
balanced." We would like to see listed the method used and
results achieved. I've even taken to putting the results on the
butt rib in ink marker. Maybe this will stop folks from not
doing anything but the logbook entry. (We occasionally still
hear about someone having an inflight vibration, which may
or may not be fro m improper balance.)
CHROME SPINNER: We still know of no approved data to
have spinners chromed. The concern is that the process makes
the underlying metal brittle, causing failure at some point.
FUEL CAP PLACARDS: Capacity and minimum grade of
fuel placards are required. Performance Aero (800-200-3 141)
or Moody Aero Graphics (800-749-2462) have placards. 3M
makes an adhesive remover that should not damage paint.
TCM OIL DTPSTICKS: SILOO-7A (200 1-02-05) is the list of
correct gauge PIN rod to engine and engine location on the aircraft. Especially on the seventh stud engines, some folks have
the wrong dipstick and have the twist wrong, with interference
internally to the engine. Also, 1O-470s in Barons, due to engine
cant, require different dipstick calibration for the left and right
engines and may have the dipstick in the wrong engine.
TIRES : Tires soaked in hydraulic fluid or oil should probably
be changed. If it's wiped off soon enough, it's not a problem.
But sitting in a puddle for an extended time wi ll soften the rubber and sometimes swell it.
ENGINE MOUNTS: Oil and solvent spray should be kept off
of the engine mounts.
GEAR MOTOR BRUSHES: The different motor manuracturers and different voltages use different brushes and different
lengths. We still do not believe in changing brushes in the
field. The quality of the contact between brush and commutator determines a motor's strength (or weakness). Send gear
motors to a quality shop for overhaul at 2,000 hours for highcycle use and 3,000 hours for low-cycle use.
BARON WING LANDING LIGHTS: Knots to U (3 13-5957327) has a 337-approval wing landing light.
DRAINING FUEL: It's imponant to use caution when draining fuel, as we've heard of several shop fires. You need to not
only have the aircraft grounded, but also have a ground
between the receptacle, funnels and aircraft. My shop made up
a cable with multiple legs so one can dangle in the receptacle.
one clip on the funnels and one to the airplane. Plastic funnel
and receptacles need it also. Keep an extra person around and
extra fire extinguishers.
wires to controls and gear doors in good shape and you may not
need static wicks. If you install static wicks, rebalance the controls and treat the magnesium after drilling. Many times the
radio noise that prompts static wick installation is actually in a
crimp at a battery cable on either the ground or positive side.
OWNER-PRODUCED PARTS: As with any field approval,
owner-produced parts should list instructions for continued
airworthiness as part of the aircraft's permanent record.
OIL ON THE PLANE' S BELLY: Even with an air-oil separator, one can have oil due to a corroded separalOf (moisture can
collect in the bottom of the separator and cause pin holes) or
the installation can be in error and not provide proper return to
the engine. Remember the plumber'S rule: " It runs downhill.·'
GEAR DOORS: Some of the one-piece, milled inner gear doors
have developed cracks in the attach brackets and we have heard
Dodson (800-255-0034) was working on a possible repair.
FUEL CELL CONFIGURATIO:--J: One might find either a
baffled main tank or a foam header tank inside the main tank.
Both are still available, but take different pick-up tubes and
screens. The length is the difference.
LUBRICANTS: The lubricants called out by Milspec for items
like flap actuators and cables are still available from Royco.
Many times, Shell distributors carry Royco products, but Royco
Packaging is at 877-645-7732 or raycopackaging.com.
QUICK-DRAIN OIL VALVES: Don't throwaway those AutoValve quick-drain oil valves when they leak. They are identified
by the two prongs on the side to hold them in the open position.
Though long out of production but still seen on many Bonanzas.
they can be resealed with O-ring number AS 3209-1 09 or AS
568- 109. Reinstall with an MS 35769-1 1 crush washer. - BA
TCDS : You can now download FAA Type Certificate Data
Sheets (TCDS) for ABS-type airplanes directly from the
Members Only page of www.bonanza.org. You 'll find links to
TC A-777 (1947 Model 35 through G35), 3A I5 (H35-V35B
and all models 33 and 36, incl uding 36TC), 3A 16 (aU Model
95, 55, 56 and normally aspirated 58s) and A23CE (58P,
58TC). - IT
recently called to say he was ramp-checked and may face violation for flying an A36 with the rear seats removed without
proper documentation.
Here are the rules for flying IVith seats removed:
• Seats are easily removable by the owner/pilot in most
Beech airplanes.
• Seat weights are included in the Aircraft Empty
Condition of the airplane's weight and balance information,
and are part of the aircraft's Equipment List-both of which
must match the current configuration for the airplane to be
legaUy flown.
• Legal operation with one or more seats removed requires
two things:
( I) An entry in the airframe logbook that the seats have
been removed. The airplane OWNER can make this
logbook entry. (You must include your pilot certificate
(2) An updated equipment list and aircraft weight and
balance sheet showing the airplane's new empty weight
and moment. This documentation must be signed by an
• You can legaUy maintain multiple mechanic-endorsed
equipment lists and weight and balance data. Refer to the set
matching the current seat configuration when flying with seats
installed or removed.
• Reinstalling removed seats requires another airframe
logbook entry by the owner. -IT
Last issue. we examined the pnnclples of ReM used by
the airlines and military to achieve cost-effective maintenance. This month we explore how ReM might be
applied to our small airplanes and especially to our
piston Q/rcrafl engines.
or three decades, the airlines and military have been
using Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) to slash
maintenance cost and Improve rehablbty. Most of these
benefits have come from replacing fixed overhaul intervals
with on-condition maintenance.
Unfortunately, RCM has not trickled down to the low end
of the aviation food chain. Most Beech owners dutifully overhaul their engines at TBO, overhaul their prop every five or six
years and pull their wing bolts for inspection every five yearsjust as TCM, Hartzell, McCauley and Raytheon recommend.
Some even replace alternators and vacuum pumps every 500
hours because some mechanic said it was a good idea.
Does any of this make sense? After analyzing reams of
operational data from a number of major air carriers, RCM
researchers concluded that fixed-interval overhaul or replacement rarely improves safety or reliability-and often makes
things worse.
When does TBO make sense?
For fixed TBO to make sense, the component must have a
failure pattern that looks like pattern B in Figure I, where the
component can be expected to operate reliably for some predictable useful life, beyond which the prObability of failure
starts to increase rapidly to unacceptable levels.
Accident Totals (years Since Overhaul)
Accident Totals (Hours Since Overhaul)
11 \:
I-I-- :
- C-
r- .'
:T r-- r
But piston aircraft
engines don't exhibit
this kind of failure pattern. We know these
engines suffer the high- Figure l -Fixed T80 may mak.e sense for
est risk of catastrophic components wllh failure pattern B, but probfailure not when they ably not for those with pattern A and definitely not for those with pattern F.
pass TBO, but rather
when they're fresh out of the TCM factory or field overhaul
shop. Look at the NTSB data for the past five years (Figure 2).
This NTSB data can' t tell us much about the risk of
engine failure beyond TBO, because most engines are euthanized at TBO. What it does show clearly is that engines fail
with disturbing frequency during their first few years and few
hundred hours in service after manufacture, rebuild or overhaul. Obviously, our engines have a failure pattern more like A
or F in Figure I, with a high risk of "infant mortality" failure.
Would you be comfortable taking your family up in a
Bonanza or Debonair with an engine at five hours SMOH? At
night? Over rough terrain or water? In LMC? How about at 10
hours SMOH? Or 25 hours SMOH? (These are not easy
If our engines have a failure pattern like A ("bathtub
curve"), then overhauling at a fixed TBO becomes a twoedged sword. On the one hand, it keeps us out of the presumptive wear-out zone. On the other hand, it puts us right
back inside the infant-mortality window where the data show
clearly that engine failure is disturbingly common.
If our piston engines have a failure pattern like F (as turbine engines do), then overhauling at a fixed TBO makes no
sense at all, because there's no obvious wear-out zone. That's
why the airlines and military overhaul turbine engines strictly
HOI.n since 00IettI0u1
2500-2999 3OO'J or more
- I"....
- "'"
n rl
Years since 0¥efh0uI
Figure 2-SmaU piston airplane accidents in 2001 through 2005 attribuled by the NTSB to engine failure. by hours and years since engine overhaul. (Thanks 10 ASS
member Dr. Nathan Ulrich for this dolo.)
on-condition. (There's very little data suggesting that piston
engines have an obvious wear-out zone either.)
Tough sell
Because we have so little data about piston aircraft
engines operated beyond TBO, it can be di fficult to persuade
mechanics and regulators to adopt on-condition maintenance
where fixed TBO has been the norm . We can 't collect engi ne
failure data unless there are engine failures, and aircraft engine
failures are considered unacceptable because they can cause
inj ury and death. So the maintenance program for an aircraft
engine must be designed without the benefit of data about failures that the program is meant to avoid. RCM researchers call
this "The Resnikoff Conundrum."
The FAA's decades-long opposition to rescinding the "age 60
rule ' for airline pilots is a pertect example of the Resnikoff
Conundrum. Experts in aviation medicine have long agreed that
there is no scientific basis for the FAA's venerable policy of forci ng
airline pilots to retire at 60. The FAA's longstanding argument has
been that it has no safety data showing that allowing airline pilots
to continue flying beyond 60 is safe. Well, duh!
EDITOR'S NOTE: in January 2007 the FAA announced it will
raise airline mandatory retirement to 65, to conform with interna'
tiona I standords. The rule change is expected to be effective within 24 months. See hllp://Www.age60rule.cam/docs/2007
We do know th at fixed-interval overhaul is counterproducti ve for turbine engines, because the airlin es and mil itary
started phasing them out in favor of on-condition maintenance
decades ago. We have tons of data about high-time turbine
engines, and that data makes it crystal clear that fixed-interval
overhaul hurts reliabil ity more than it helps-not to mention
that it increases maintenance cost and downtime.
I think the same is true for piston aircraft engines, but don't
have enough failure data on past-TBO engines to prove it.
Is this the right question?
Do we care whether a piston engine has failure curve A or
F? Perhaps not. A piston engine isn't a single component with a
single dominant failure mode and a well-defined failure pattern.
While dry air pumps (vacuum or pressure) are appliances, not engine parts, the
question frequenlly arises as to how often
they should be replaced. Many mechanics
recommend every 500 hours to minimize the
possibility of in·flight fa ilure.
Here's my take on this issue from an
RCM perspective: Over the past 20 years, I've
seen a lot of dry air pump failures. Times in
service at failure have been all over the map.
I've seen pumps fail without warning at 10
hours, 100 hours, 500 hours and 1,000
hours. When I opened up the failed pumps, I
fou nd in most cases that there was still plen-
Engine failures occur for lots of reasons. A piston engine
is a complex system made up of hundreds of componentscrankcase, crankshaft, camshaft, connecting rods, pi stons, pi ston rings, cylinder barrels, cylinder heads, val ves, valve
guides, rocker arms, pushrods, gears, bearin gs, through-bolts,
magnetos, spark plugs, etc. Each has its own unique fai lure
modes and pattern s. An engine failure can be caused by the
fai lure of any of these parts, and each part has distincti vely different failure characteristics.
To gain insight into how, when and how often piston
engines fai l-and how best to prevent it-we need to analyze
the failure modes and pattern s of each of the engine's critical
component parts, rather than try to lump them all into a single
failure pattern for the engine as a whole.
Consider exhaust valves, for example. We know from
experience they often don' t survive to TBO. We're often able
to catch a potential failure before complete functional failure
occurs (i .e. a "swall owed
valve") by means of an annual
compression test or borescope
If the aircraft is equipped
with a digital engine monitor
and if the pilot knows how to
interpret it, he/she can detect a
potential exhaust valve failure
before the valve fails completely, But if it fails in flight,
it's usually a mayday situation.
Does this mean we should
reduce engine TBO to something less than typical exhaust
va lve li fe or overhaul our
engines every 500 or 1,000 potential failure using compression
tests. borescope inspections and
hours to prevent exhaust valve engine monitor data, we risk. a 10101
fai lures? Of course not!
failure ("swallowed valve").
ty of vane length remaining. I've seen pumps
suddenly eject substanti al quantiti es of
graphite and then continue working fine for
hundreds of hours.
As a result, I've come to believe that dry
air pumps should be treated as "Paffern F'
components with a gradually increasing fail·
ure probability beyond the infant·martality
period, but with no obvious wear-out zone
where the failure probability storts occeleroting. Using RCM principles, this suggests that
fixed·interval retirement or overhaul of these
pumps is not helpful.
At the same time, the P·F interval of a dry
air pump is essentially zero. They fail instanlly
and without warning, and there's no technically feasible method of monitoring their condi·
tion proactively and retiring them an·ccndition.
(In my opinion, the new inspection perts and
'smart sticks' are just marketing gimmicks with
no real value in predicting pump failure.)
Therefore, RCM principles suggest that
the only rational way to maintain a dry air
pump is (1) to have a backup pump (or backup electric instruments), and (2) run the
pumps to failure. Twins always have dual
pumps. In my opinion, any single that flies in
IMC or dark night VMC should have either a
backup air pump or a backup electric attitude
indicator. -Mike Busch
Why not? Repairing a leaky exhaust valve can be done without an engine teardown; it only involves pulling the cylinder.
We've got excellent tools (borescopes and digital engine monitors) that let us detect potential valve failures before complete failure occurs-provided those tools are used properly and regularly.
Failure analysis
Let's examine the critical components of a piston aircraft
engine, how they fail, what consequences those failures have
on engine operation, and what sort of maintenance actions can
deal with those failures effectively and cost-efficiently.
• Crallkshaft. It's hard to think of a more serious piston
engine failure mode than a crankshaft failure. If it fails, the
engine quits. Yet crankshafts are rarely replaced at overhaul.
Lycoming says their crankshafts often remain in service for more
than 14,000 hours and 50 years! TCM hasn't published this sort
of data, but TCM crankshafts probably have similar longevity.
Crankshafts fail in three ways: (I) infant mortality due to
improper material or manufacture; (2) following prop strikes;
and (3) failures secondary to oil starvation and/or bearing failure.
We've seen a rash of infant-mortality crankshaft failures in
recent years. Both TCM and Lycoming have had major recalls
of crankshafts that were either forged from bad steel or were
physically damaged during manufacture. Those failures invariably occurred within the first 200 hours after a newly manufactured crankshaft entered service. If a crankshaft survives the first
200 hours, we can be confident that it was manufactured correctly and should perform reliably for many engine TBOs.
Unreported prop strikes seem to be getting rare because
owners and mechanics are becoming smarter about the high
risk of operating an engine after one. Both TCM and
Lycoming state that any incident causing sudden stoppage
and/or damages the propeller enough that it has to be removed
for repair warrants an engine teardown inspection. This applies
even to prop damage that occurs when the engine isn't run-
ning. Insurance will pay for the teardown and any necessary
repairs, no questions asked, so it's a no-brainer.
That leaves us with failures due to oil starvation and/or
bearing failure. We'll talk aboUl these when we look at oil
pumps and bearings.
• Crankcase. Crankcases are also rarely replaced at major
overhaul, and often provide reliable service for many TBOs. If
the case stays in service long enough, it will eventually crack.
The good news is that case cracks propagate slowly, so a
detailed annual visual inspection is sufficient to detect such
cracks before they pose a threat to safety. Engine failures
caused by case cracks are extremely rare.
• Camshaft alld lifters. The camJlifter interface endures
more pressure and friction than any other moving parts in the
engine. The cam lobes and lifter faces must be hard and
smooth to function and survive. Even tiny corrosion pits
(caused by disuse or acid build-up in the oil) can lead to rapid
destruction (spalling) of the cam and lifters, and the need for a
premature teardown.
Figure 4-A severely spoiled com lobe,This camshaft failure originated from corrosion pitting during on eight-month period of engine disuse.
This is the number one reason that engines fail to make
TBO. This problem mainly affects owner-flown airplanes
because they tend to fly with little regularity and sit un flown
for weeks at a time.
Camshaft and lifter problems seldom cause catastrophic
engine failures. The engine will continue to make power even
with severely spalled cam lobes that have lost a lot of metal ,
although there is some small loss of power. Typically, the
problem is discovered when the oil filter is cut open and found
to be full of metal.
If the oil filter isn't cut open and inspected on a regular
basis, the cam and lifter failure may progress undetected to the
point that ferrous metal circulates through the oil system and
contaminates the engine's bearings. In rare cases, this can
cause catastrophic engine failure. A program of regular oil filter inspection and oil analysis will prevent such failures.
If the engine is flown regularly, the cam and lifters can
remain in pristine condition for thousands of hours. Some overhaul shops routinely replace them with new ones at major overhaul, but other shops use reground cams and lifters.
• Gears. The engine has lots of gears: crankshaft and
camshaft gears, oil pump and fuel pump drive gears, magneto
and accessory drive gears, prop governor drive gears, and
sometimes alternator drive gears. These gears typically have a
very long useful life, and are not usually replaced at major
overhaul unless obvious damage is found. Gears rarely cause
catastrophic engine failures.
• Oil pump. Failure of the oil pump is occasionally
responsible for catastrophic engine failures. If oil pressure is
lost, the engine will seize quickly. The oil pump is very
consisting of two gears in a close-tolerance housino0
and IS usually lfoublefree. When trouble does occur, it
usually starts making metal long before complete failure.
Regular oil filter inspection and oil analysis will normally
detect oil pump problems long before they reach the failure
• Bearings. Bearing failure is responsible for a significant
number of catastrophic engine failures. Under normal circumstances, bearings have a very long useful life. They are always
replaced at major overhaul, but when removed it's quite typical for them to be in excellent (sometimes even pristine) condition with very little measurable wear.
Bearings fail prematurely for three reasons: ( I) they
become contaminated with metal from some other failure; (2)
they become oil-starved when oil pressure is lost; or (3) they
become oil-starved because the bearing shells shift position in
the crankcase saddles to the point where the bearing's oil supply holes become misaligned ("spun bearing").
Contamination failures can be prevented by using a fullfl ow oil filter and inspecting the filter for metal on a regular
basis. So long as the filter is changed before its fil tering capacity is exceeded, particles of wear metals will be caught by the
filter and won't contaminate the bearings. If significant metal
is fou nd in the filter, the aircraft should be grounded until the
source is found and corrected.
Oil-starvation failures are fairly rare. Pilots tend to be welltrained to respond to loss of oil pressure by reducing power and
landing at the first opportunity. Bearings will continue to fu nction properly even with fairly low oil pressure (e.g. 10 psi).
Spun bearings are usually infant-mortality failures that
occur either shortly after an engine is overhauled (assembly
error) or shortly after cylinder replacement. Failures can also
occur after a long period of crankcase fretting (which is
detectable through oil-fi lter inspection and oil analysis), or after
extreme cold-starts without proper preheating. These are usually random failures, unrelated to hours or years since overhaul.
• COllllectillg rods. Connecting-rod fai lure is responsible
for a significant number of catastrophic engine failures. When
a rod fails in night. it often punches a hole in the crankcase and
causes loss of engi ne oi l and subsequent oi l starvation. Rod
fai lures have also been known to result in camshaft breakage
and invariably, a rapid loss of engine power.
Connecting rods usually have a very long useful life and are
not normally replaced at major overhaul. (The rod bearings, like
all bearings, are always replaced at overhaul.) Many rod failures
are infant mortality caused by improper torque of the rod cap
bolts. They can also be caused by failure of the rod bearings;
these are usually random, unrelated to time since overhaul.
• Pistolls alld rillgs. Piston and ring failures can cause catastrophic engine failure , usually involving only partial power
loss but occasionally total power loss. These failures are of two
types: (1) infant mortality due to improper manufacture or
installation; and (2) heat-distress fai lures caused by pre-ignition or destructive detonation events.
Heat-distress failures can be caused by contam inated fue l
or improper engine operation, but are generally unrelated to
hours or years since overhaul. Use of a digital engine monitor
can usually detect pre-ignition or destructive detonation
episodes and allow the pilot to take corrective action before
damage occurs.
• Cylillders. Cylinder failures can cause catastrophic
engine fail ures, usually involving only partial power loss but
occasionally total power loss. A cylinder has a forged steel
barrel mated to an aluntinum alloy head. Cylinder barrels normally wear slowly, and excessive wear is detected at annual
inspection by means of compression tests and borescope
inspections. However, cylinder heads can suffer fatigue failures. and occasionally the head can separate from the barrel,
causing a catastrophic engine failure.
Cylinder head failures can be infant-mortality problems
(due to improper manufacture), or can be age-related. Agerelated failures seldom occur unless the cylinder is operated
for more than two or three TBOs. Nowadays, most major overhauls include new cylinders, so age-related cyli nder failures
have become quite rare.
• Va/I'es {llld I'a/,'e guides. As discussed earlier, it is quite
common for valves and guides (particularly exhaust) to develop problems well short ofTBO. Valve problems can usually be
detected prior to fai lure by means of compression tests,
borescope inspections and surveillance with a digital engine
monitor (provided the pilot knows how to interpret the engine
monitor data). If a valve fails completely, a significant power
loss can occur.
• Rocker arms alld push rods. Rocker arms and pushrods
(which operate the valves) typically have a very long useful
life and are not routinely replaced at major overhaul. (Rocker
arm bushings are always replaced at overhau l.) Rocker arm
failure is quite rare. Pushrod failures are caused by stuck
valves, and can almost always be avoided through repetitive
valve inspections and digital engine monitor use.
• Maglletos. Magneto failure is uncomfortably commonplace. Fortunately, aircraft engines are equipped with dual magnetos for red undancy, and the probability of both magnetos failing simultaneously is extremely remote. Mag checks during prefli ght runup can detect gross magneto failures, but innight mag
checks are far better at detecting subtle or incipient failures.
Digital engine monitors can reliably detect magneto failures in
real time if the pilot knows how to interpret the data.
Magnetos should be disassembled. inspected and serviced
every SOO hours. Doing so drastically reduces the likelihood of
an inflight magneto fa ilure.
The bottom line
The "bottom-end" components of these enginescrankcase, crankshaft, camshaft, bearings, gears, oil pump,
etc.-are very robust. They normally exhibit very long useful
lives that are many times as long as recommended TBOs. Most
of these components (with the notable exception of bearings)
are reused at major overhaul and not replaced on a routine basis.
When these items do fail prematurely, the failures are mostly infant mortality that occur shortly after overhaul, or random
failures that are unrelated to hours or years since overhaul. The
vast majority of random failures can be detected long before
they get bad enough to cause catastrophic engine failure simply
by means of routine oil-filter inspection and laboratory oil
analysis. There seems to be no evidence that these bottom-end
components exhibit any sort of well-defined wear-out zone that
would justify fi xed-interval overhaul or replacement at TBO.
The "top-end" components-pistons, cylinders, valves,
etc.-are considerably less robust. It is not unusual for them to
fail prior to TBO. However, most of these failures can be prevented by regular inspections (compression tests, borescopy,
etc.) and by informed use of digital engine monitors. When
potential fai lures are detected, these top-end components can be
repaired or replaced quite easily without the need for engine
teardown. Once again, the failures are mostly infant monality or
random failures that do not correlate with time since overhaul.
The bOllom Une is that a detailed failure analysis of piston
aircraft engines using RCM principles strongly suggests that
what the airlines and military found to be true about turbine
aircraft engines is also true of piston aircraft engines: The traditional practice of fixed-illten,al overhaul or replacemelll is
A conscientiously appUed program of on-condition maintenance that includes regular oil-filter inspections, oil analysis,
compression tests, borescope inspections and infught digital
engine monitor use can be expected to yield improved reliabiUty and much-reduced maintenance expense and downtime.
Magnetos are an exception. They really need to go
through a fixed-interval major maintenance cycle every 500
hours because we have no effective means of detecting potential failures without disassembly inspection.
Don't they get it?
It would take a lot of work for Beech or TCM to develop
RCM-inspired maintenance programs for our airframes and
engines. Frankly, they have very linle incentive to do this
work. Even if they did, it would probably be an uphill struggle
for them to get FAA approval because there's so Uttle operational data about piston aircraft engines operated beyond current TBO recommendations (because so few of them are). The
Resnikoff Conundrum remains alive and well.
Fonunately, as Pan 91 operators, we don't have to overhaul our engines at the manufacturer's recommended TBO.
There's nothing to prevent us from implementing our own
RCM-inspired maintenance protocols, and to maintain our
engines and airframes on-condition rather than on time.
I've been doing this for decades with my own piston airplanes and have achieved absolutely outstanding dispatch reliability coupled with drastically reduced maintenance expense.
In 20 years of flying and maintaining my current airplane-a
turbocharged piston twin-I've aClually logged more postTBO engine lime than pre-TBO engine time.
Sometimes it's hard to persuade mechanics that it's safe,
sensible and prudent to continue an apparently healthy engine in
service well beyond recommended TBO. A friend recently had
a shop refuse to sign off the annual inspection on his airplane
because the engine was 300 hours past TBO. The shop even
refused to help the owner obtain a ferry permit so he could fly
the airplane to another shop to gel a second opinion! The result
was both emotionally and financially stressful for the owner.
The engine was torn down by a big-name overhaul shop that
found it to be in pristine condition with nothing to suggest that
it couldn't have operated safely for another 1,000 hours.
There's an imponant lesson here: If you believe strongly
in on-condition maintenance and your engine is "mature,"
you'd be wise to explore the subject of on-condition maintenance and pasl-TBO operation with your IA before you
authorize him to do an annual or 100-hour inspection. If you
tind that his maintenance philosophy differs from yours, you
might be wise to choose another IA to do the inspection.
Questions {or Mike BlIsch may be e-mailed to
mike,[email protected]
Mike Busch has flown for more than 40 years and 7,000 hours
and is on A&P/IA. He cofounded AVweb and served as its editor-in-chief for more than seven years. His ·Savvy Owner
Seminars- teach aircraft owners how to obtain better aircraft
maintenance while spending a lot less money. www.savvy
aviator. com
In one information-pocked weekend, Mike Busch (A&P/lA) can
teach you to: Make smarter decisions
about engine overhaul, cylinder replacement and other high·tickel ilems • Communicale
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Jun 2-3 San Francisco CA (CCR)
Jun 23-24 Cincinnati OH (t69)
Jun 3D·Jut I Frederick MO (FDK)
p S-9 Boston MA (OWO)
Page 10223
Please note there are fewer
classes in 2007, so sign up
early to save a spot.
You'll receive a $50 early sign-up
discount if you register at least 45
days before the class storl dote.
If you register early and have to
cancel, your fee will be refunded or
transferred to another class. View
further details and comments from
previous seminar graduates at
Sep 15·16 Atlanta GA (FFC)
Oct 27·28 Albuquerque NM (ABQ)
Nov 3-4 Tulsa OK (IlVS) (ABS Spons<xeif)
_ _ _ _;c
Oe:;:c 1-2 Los Angeles CA (VNY)
(ABS Sponsored)
ABS May 2007
in Plains, Kan sas,
called asking me to do
the same for him.
Professional crop-duster sounds off
Needless to say, I
used the bird for both
ver a period spanning about 48 years, I
of these quick hops.
have been a professional agricultural
Had it not been
pilot, as well as having done a consider- Duke Abernathy (of left) with another og pilot. Duke's Bonanza is for good old NI64B, r
able amount of charter and private flying for in background.
would have had a hard
myself. For about 20 years, I ran my own croptime mak ing th ese
spraying operation. When it became so bureaucratic I couldn't
quick jobs. She never missed a beat, either instruments or
handle it anymore, I sold out and started flying for others.
VFR . The plane has been invaluable, to say nothing of having
Over the last 10 years or so, my Bonanza has made thi s j ob
steadil y increased in value since I purchased it.
much easier.
During the last 50 years, I have flown and owned more than
I flew for an operator in Bruce, Mississippi , for about eight
100 different aircraft, including a number of Beechcraft models,
years, flying the Bonanza back and forth. Bruce is about 450 nm
and accumulated more than 28,000 flying hours. Tcan honestly
from my home in Duncan, Oklahoma, meaning an II -hour drive
say that the Beech is the easiest flying and most dependable airor a two-and-a-half hour flight. Guess which I did ...
craft T have flown and owned. Hal f-kiddi ng, I tell others,
In 2004, the guy I was flying for got out of the business,
"There's more engineering in just the landing gear alone on a
leaving me wi thout a seat. Having been in the business so long,
Beechcraft than the entire airframe on most other aircraft."
I had considerable contacts, and was called to Northern Illinois
Share holV YOllr aircraft colltribllleS to YOllr work life.
to help another operator out of a bind for about two weeks. I
Send an article of nOllllore than 500 Irords and a pholO ofYOll
had hardly gotten the Bonanza on the ground before a fellow
and YOllr Bonanza, Baron or Travel Air 10: Airplanes at Work,
[email protected] - Editor
GARY DAVIS. Songer. KIRK HEISER. Son Rafael. CA. logged 170
TX. logged 130 points by points from two BPPP sessions and three
completing two recognized tormotion AOPA courses.
flying clinics and the Savvy Aviator seminar.
WILLIAM ALTMAN. Wichita Falls. TX. earned
ROBERT WAYNE. Miami. Fl. earned 100 120 points by compteting BPPp, separately
paints by completing BPPP and Ihree AOPA earning a level of FAA WINGS. and taking
online courses.
AOPA's online GPS forVFR Operations course.
JON MITCHELL. Kansas City. MO. completed
Phose 7 of FAA WINGs and six AOPA online
courses. for 100 points.
KENT EWING. Albuquerque. NM. earned 160 BONNIE O'BRIEN. Scottsdale. Al. earned 160
points through on FAA type rating and com- points by completing the Savvy Aviator
pleting BPPP ground and flight training.
course. nine AOPA online and four FAA online
SAM COATS. Eden. NC. earned 100 points by
completing BPPP and three AOPA online JOHN ("JACK") CRONIN. Denver. CO. earned
his FAA WINGS award Phose 19 and comcourses.
pleted the Grayson. TXformalion flying clinic.
CAL BIRDSALL. Houston. TX. amassed 200 for 100 points.
points for two BPPP complelions and six
AOPA seminors.
ALAN BEASON. Shreveport. LA. picked up 100
paints from BPPP ground school. independJOHN WILLIAMS. Jamaioo Plain. MA. oomplet- ently eorning FAA WINGS Phose 10 and comed 10 AOPA online courses for 100 poinls.
pleting three AOPA online programs.
MICHAEL MITCHELL Katy.TX. earned 160 points BRUCE BERNHARDT. Wauconda. IL. earned
by oompleting initial checkout with on ASS 100 points by passing his multiengine rating
Aviator-recognized instructor. his Complex and checkride and taking AOPA's Soy Intentions
High Pertormance endorsements. BPPP train- online course.
ing and two AOPA online programs.
ABS May 2007
www. bononza .org
aeromedical advisor) Kill Devil Hills. NC.
earned 100 points by compleling BPPP and
three AOPA online courses.
ETHAN GIDDINGS. Jenkinville. PA. earned 120
poinls by completing his IFR rating plus King
Schools' Praclicol Risk Management course
and AOPA's SkySpoHer program.
100 paints for completing BPPP and Ihree
AOPA online courses.
LARSON. Lake Bluff. IL. earned 100
paints by completing the Advanced Pilat
Seminors engine management course and
five AOPA online programs.
MARK EBERLY. Carmel. IN. earned his 100
paints with King Schools' Practical Risk
Management for Pilots DVD program. four
AOPA courses and Phose 12 of the FAA
WINGS program.
Page 10224
~ 'JI· --IS 'Ji· ~'! 'I· "'59' ....,..
~i! li. 'dj
'J•. ...,.. ~!! Sf ...,..
On March 10, 2007, at the Tucson Aeroservice Center/Marana Arizona Service
Clinic, I conducted my 2,000th inspection on ABS member Kent Wyatt's 19B9 F33A,
Mr, Wyatt purchased his aircraft and joined ABS in July 2006, This was a well-maintained aircraft with very few discrepancies noted,
To give you a better idea of how many planes this is, if you lined up 2,000
Beechcraft nose to tail, nose to tail, the lineup would extend for more than 10 miles,
have often been asked: Did you work
for the Beechcraft factory? Where did
you get your experience? What
makes you qualified to inspect my airplane? How come you found all these
discrepancies and my mechanic did not?
I guess the answers would be that I
have 55 years of varied aircraft maintenance experience beginning with the B29, KC-97 and B-47. I attended Spanan
School of Aeronautics and their Flight
Engineer Course on DC-6s and DC-7s.
I was an Aircraft Inspector for Douglas
Aircraft and worked as a mechanic for
the CAA and FAA.
Due to the death of my father, I
returned to the Midwest to help my
mother for a couple of months, I turned
down a job with the airlines and instead
decided that Twanted to work on smaller aircraft.
In 1961, I started working for a
Beech distributor, where T got my stan
in Beechcraft maintenance. Fonunately.
T worked for Chet Parks, a service manager who was an exceptionally knowledgeable Bonanza mechanic. I still use
Page 10225
what I learned from Chet to conduct the
Service Clinics.
I next worked for another FBO as
service manager and set up an FAAApproved Repair Station for all model
Beechcraft. In 1966, I went to work for
a corporation where I was a
pi lot/mechanic on the first King Air in
our area. In 1968, I started flying and
maintaining Learjets, which I did for
many years. Along the way. I acquired
an ATP certificate and 8,000+ hours. I
eventual ly ended up working for the
same FBO where I staned in 1961 and
retired as their first chief inspector.
In the spring of 1998, Neil Pobanz
called and asked if I wou ld be interested
in going to Kalamazoo, Michigan,
along with my wife Lois to observe Ed
and Madeline Beers conduct a Service
Clinic. We spent about a day and a half
with them at Kalamazoo Aircraft.
Several months later, Neil asked us
to go to Plainview, Texas, to conduct a
Service Clinic. I told him that I expected more dual than I had received, but he
said to go ahead and do the Clinic solo.
So we went and I winged it! Thanks to
the good people at Hutchison Air
Service, I got through it OK, but it was
quite a learning experience.
One of the things I remember from
this Service Clinic was a member from
Oklahoma City who left his Bonanza
there after the inspection due to a
cracked cylinder and some other discrepancies. He took it in very goodnatured manner; came and told us he
was "moving up." I asked him, "Why do
you figure you are moving up?"
"Well," he said, "I came to the
Service Clinic in a $50,000 Bonanza
and I'm going home in a $200,000
Greyhound bus'"
After this experience. we started
making changes in Service Clinic procedures and are continuing to make
improvements along the way. In the past
we were inspecting eight airplanes per
day, but within the last year have cut it
back to six per day because the airplanes are getting older and it takes
longer. In addition to inspecting the airplane, T try to educate the owner about
his or her aircraft.
Several years ago, we had a question as to how many aircraft I had actually inspected, so Lois took the time to
work up an Excel spreadsheet. We were
surprised at the number of members
whose aircraft I have inspected numerous times. Last year at Associated
Aviation Enterprises at Gig Harbor,
Washington, we had our first member
who attended for the seventh time.
Since then, we have had several other
members whose airplanes I inspected
for the seventh time.
Some rules to remember
In the past, if someone was scheduled for the Service Clinic and did not
show up, ABS would refund their fee ,
Several years ago I asked that this procedure be changed. If you have a
mechanical issue, weather, medical or
fami ly issue and cannot make your
appointment, as long as you call ahead
of time your fee will be refunded. A call
to cancel your time slot should be made
ABS May 2007
the earlier the better, so we can reschedule someone from the standby list.
Those of you who don't call and don't
show, don' t expect a refund of your fee.
If you are intelligent enough to own and
fly your own aircraft. you can surely
operate a telephone.
When you are scheduled for a
Service Clinic, please bring the confumation letter you received from ABS. If
you did not receive a confirmation letter
or e-mail, notify ABS to obtain one. In
the past [ have had members show up
without a confmnation letter on the
wrong day or at the wrong time claiming they had an appointment, but no
paperwork to confirm it. [ have never
turned anyone away, but it sure does put
me in a bind.
Try 10 arrive 30 minutes prior to
your scheduled time slot if at all possible. Check in with my wife. Lois, and
she will have you sign the ABS waiver
form prior to your aircraft being
TCM usually sends a representative
to do a compression check and
borescope of your cylinders and answer
any questions on your engine. This is
not part of what you pay for in the
Service Clinic fee, but a courtesy provided by TCM. They have a representati ve attending most of the Service
Clinics, but there is no way of guaranteeing they will be there.
Over the years I have developed a
routine for inspecting each aircraft. I try
not to deviate from this routine, even
though 1 have lots of distractions. [
highly encourage owners to bring their
mechanic with them if at all possible.
Several years ago I had an owner of a
Baron bring his mechanic with him. His
Baron had been annualed the week
before. It did not take long before I
pointed out several airworthiness issues
on this aircraft.
When I was finished with the
inspection, the mechanic said, "I wou ld
not have signed off on this aircraft if I
had known then what [ know now." He
said that as far as he knew, the only way
he could get this type of training was by
ABS May 2007
Kent Wyan's 1989 f33A IS the 2000th airplane Bob Olson personally inspected at on ABS Sel'lice Clinic.
attending a Service Clinic. No one had
previously shown or explai ned to him
what to look for when inspecting
At a recent Service Clinic at
Windward Aviation in Lantana, Florida,
while inspecting a Baron, 1 found the
left elevator trailing edge cou ld be
moved up and down slightly without the
right one moving. Upon further investigation I found the cotter pin missi ng
from the castle nut on the bolt attaching
both elevator push rods forward rod
ends to the bellcrank. The nut had
backed off the bolt, past the slots in the
castle nut and had very little to go
before it fell off.
The owner was aware of slop in the
left elevator from a walkaround done
the previous week. but no one had
investigated further. I told him, like I
have told many other members,
"Airplalles lalk TO -,"ou- youjusl have TO
be smarr ellough TO /islell." Any time
you find anything that does not seem
normal, investigate and ask questions.
Don 't just keep flying the aircraft!
Several years ago, I found a V-tail
with the colter pin missing and the castle nut about to fall off from the bolt in
the elevator reduction arm, which
attaches the forward end of the short
lower elevator cable. These members
more than got their money's worth by
anending a Service Clinic.
For years we have been hearing
about the "aging aircraft"' issue.
Granted, as the airplane gets older, there
can be issues with wiring, components
that need to be overhauled and possible
corrosion. I have seen a lot of older airwww.bonanza.org
craft at Service Clinics that are well
maintained. 1 think the bigger issue is
that we have way 100 many people out
there Signing off annuals on Bonanzas
and Barons without adequate training,
required maintenance manuals and
I keep telling members to take their
aircraft to people who are knowledgeable on Beechcraft maintenance. A
member recently best summed it up this
way: "If you taxi up to a maintenance
hangar and you see there are no other
Beechcraft around, just keep on going."
Several years ago 1 got an e-mail
from someone at ABS who thought it
would be a good idea if we would recognize those members in the magazine
who had attended a Service Clinic and
left with no squawks. I thought about it
for a minute and replied back, "I have
inspected more than 1,200 airplanes and
1 haven't found that one yet."
Now, after inspecting more than
2,000 Beechcraft, I still haven't found
that airplane, although I have inspected
several that have come very close.
Bob and Hazel Ripley
ABS now has a second Service
Clinic team, Bob and Hazel Ripley from
Griffin, Georgia. Bob retired from Delta
Airlines as manager of line maintenance
in Atlanta and has run an FBO focusing
on Beech maintenance for more than 20
years. Bob has worked with me on
Service Clinics, is very knowledgeable
and will be conducting some of the
future clinics.
Page 10226
You will noNce a new picture of yours truly above. A
couple of ABS conventions ago someone said to
me. "Hey. Lew, you should get a new picture for the
magazine, and it should be one of Carmen: Well,
maybe so, but what you see is what you got. /'1/ be
77 in August and thought I could stave off getting
old with a young picture. Since that did not work, I
decided to 'fess up and bare all. Well, not all, but at
least my ugly mug.
I staned a controversy a few months ago when I wrote an
article regarding the proper (in my opinion) method of leaning
the E-series engine if equipped with the Bendix PS-5C carburetor. As a result of all the e-mails !lying back and forth
between various individuals and me, and various individuals
and other individuals, as well as a few telephone calls and conversations with several members attending the Colorado
Springs convention, I submit the following:
The man who bought the airplane from Mr. Fredette, as he
described it and his operation in the September 2006 issue of
the ABS Magazine (page 9793), approached me at the COS
convention and told me he had attempted to achieve the same
results as Mr. Fredette and had not been able to do so-that is,
to get smooth, acceptable operation while attempting to run
the engine lean of peak (LOP).
I think the question of operating in this LOP mode when
the engine is equipped with a PS-SC carburetor is rather a
moot point, since I and others are running the engine by the
method of about SO"F rich of peak (ROP) and getting as good
as or better results than Mr. Fredette was getting at the somewhat questionable method (my opinion) LOP settings with the
PS-SC carburetor. That is, as opposed to the accepted and perfected system of operating LOP with a set of GAMIjectors and
following GAM!'s procedures.
The photos included in the anicle were taken last October
on a westbound flight from my Wyoming fishing place to
Reno. As I recall, the air temperature was about SO"F, although
I did not make a note of the OAT nor get a picture of the thermometer reading. That one item is from memory, the others
are in the photos.
As may be seen, we are in level !light at 8S00' MSL. The
airspeed is 147 mph/lAS, the rpm is 21S0 (the tach is accurate
to within about 20+/- rpm), and MP is 21" !lowing 9.3 gph fuel
with the throttle position set for the most even distribution of
the fuel mixture.
A ballpark spot to set the throttle without the bar-graph
EGT presentation would be one-half inch of manifold pressure
reduction from wide-open throttle (WOT). This will get the
EGTs quite close to being even; at least it is much closer than
the 200"+1- spread with the throttle at the WOT position or
some position that produces something less than the one-half
inch MP reduction from WOT. With the GEM-type bar-graph
display, the throttle position can be fine-tuned to get the closest possible EGT spread.
An example of this low MP throttle position (more than
about I" of throttle knob movement rearward from WOT)
would be as we are downwind in the pattern with IS" to 17"
MP. At that throttle setting, the front of the engine becomes
much leaner than the rear, resulting in a large EGT spread. All
of that is OK, since it is of short duration and the front cylinders are not running excessively lean. The rear cylinders are
just running too rich for long-term operation, which would
produce fouled spark plugs, soot deposits in the combustion
chambers and dirty oil.
The hottest cylinder head temperature (#4) checked with
the digital EI instrument is 417° F. This measurement in my
airplane is taken at the engine manufacturer's required spot on
the cylinder head at the bottom spark plug. If a reading were
taken at the threaded boss slightly below the spark plug (the
bayonet type sending unit), it would read 377°F to 387°F,
which would lower the maximum indicated allowable CHT
reading to 48So to 49So from the 52soF maximum allowable
spark plug location reading as spelled out in the POH.
The oil pressure is 48 to SO psi (1700 hours on the engine
with Phillips XC oil) and oil temperature is 180"F. The EGTs are
about as close to each other as I can achieve every time.
Sometimes I can get them to within one bar width of the average
column of bars, which would indicate that the spread between the
hottest and coolest EGT would be about 50"F. (See photos)
On February 27, Carmen and I were on a !light from Reno
to Flagstaff, Arizona, for a one-week driving trip around that
beautiful state. We were cruising at 11,500' MSL with 19.2"
MP, 21S0 rpm, 8.6 gph, 138 mph lAS, OAT 2soF, CHT 404°F,
SO-psi oil pressure, 180"F oil temperature and running SO°F+IROP. Again, these results are equal to or better than an LOP
operation (my opinion) unless one had the GAM! fuel injector
installation. Of course, that old E engine was just smooth as
silk and, with the 2S-knot tailwind, we were doing 16S to 170
knots ground speed.
The necessary instrumentation
To get to the above parameters, the engine needs to be
well-instrumented. If taking a bare bones original equipment
airplane and adding the necessary gadgets to improve the oper-
Cruising at 8,500 ft. (above), engine temperatures result as below.
It has taken me about 25 years of modifying my airplane
to get it to the point I am satisfied with things. Well , maybe I
would like to have the TCAS system of traffic alerts that the
new G36 has. I took a ride in one of those and-although I
would rather have my airplane to fly-that TCAS was so much
better than radar flight following. Since I am out of panel
space anyhow, I suppose the TCAS thing is not to be.
By the way, when we arrived in Flagstaff, we used the
services of FBO Wiseman Aviation . The fuel price is reasonable (self-service or full- service), the line service people are as
good as they come and all is overseen by Mr. Wiseman. His
first name is Orville, and if parents name their child Orville, I
think they have pretty well mapped out that kid's future. Mr.
Wiseman runs a first-class operation.
ation of the engine, the first item to add would be a bar-graph
pictorial display of EGT. I think all the ones being offered will
do the auto-lean trick. In fact, some have so many functions
they will do your IRS taxes and compute your alimony payments, should that situation present itself.
The next item would be the fuel flow system and then an
accurate digital CHT instrument. At least, that is the order of
importance and usefulne s I would assign.
Also, one must learn how to make the best use of any
installed equipment. It took me several hundred hours of operation to integrate all of the setup I have in my airplane to the
best advantage, and I am still learning a few things about what
that instrumentation is trying to teU me.
Now, do not feel you must run right out and spend a bundle
on all of these gizmos--{)ne may operate the old E-powered
Bonanzas per the POH and get very satisfactory results. There
are so many things to eliminate any extra cash you might have
when it comes to an airplane that some of those things just have
to wait. However, if one keeps the same airplane for a long time,
all of the stuff can be added without too much pain.
Every once in awhile I will get a question regarding some
modification one of our members wants to make to hislher airplane. "Where can I get the STC to do this or that?" In many
instances, there is no approval required other than the listing of
this modification being in the Type Certificate (TC).
I have had several discussions in this regard with Bill
O'Brien, the FAA's man in DC who either wrote or had a great
deal of input to the FARs that govern maintenance of certified
aircraft. He would travel to Reno each year to do a presentation for the annual IA renewal meeting. He has since retired
and is writing articles for AMT (Aircraft Maintenance
Technician) Magazine.
The A777 TC is unique in that it lists many items that
gained approval by someone other than Beech. They are the
ones that display an asterisk at the item number involved.
According to Mr. O'Brien, this is the only TC he is aware of
that included approvals gained by someone other than the TC
holder. When these items were included in the TC by Beech,
they then became approved as part of the TC by virtue of that
Of course, one must have the necessary data sheets
describing how a modification was accomplished, but the
approval lies in the fact that it is in the TC. Since the A777 TC
is quite an old one, the bulk of these items are no longer of the
desired kind, having been replaced with a more up-to-date sort
of contraption. However, there are still many items in the TC
that would be of use to someone having one of the first 4,865
Bonanza airplanes.
Every owner of one of these 35 through G35 airplanes
should have a copy of the A777 TC in their aircraft paperwork,
and before filing it there, should take a few hours to study the
contents. It just might solve some paperwork or hardware
problem that rears its ugly head in the fu ture.
There is a big difference in the approval the TC grants and
the approval an STC gives. Several years ago, the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) was changed so that the language
pertaining to STC approvals was more clearly defined regarding persons wishing to use those approvals. An STC has
always been defined as property. As such, some person wishing to make use of that property must have the property
owner's permission.
In years past there were many installations of STC items
done by retrieving the necessary parts from a salvage yard or
other sources and the parts installed on the airplane of choice.
A copy of the STC was obtained by one of several means and
the deal was done.
The change of the CFR language strengthened the
req uirement that the STC owner must supply a letter of authorization (LOA) to use the STC data to the person owning the
airplane in question. And the person using the STC must have
thi s LOA in the aircraft paperwork.
The way to think of this is that the STC data (paperwork
in its entirety, not just the first page) describes the property, its
installation and how to make proper use of and maintain it,
while the LOA is the lease form.
When I write an LOA for the oil filter systems I manufactured (no longer in production), and re-kit a salvaged adapter
for a new owner, it is written so the filter system can follow
either the airplane (different engi ne) or the engine (if the
engine were to be sold). The serial numbers of the filter
adapter, airframe and engine are listed in the LOA.
Other STC owners specify different conditions, but there
is supposed to be a document filed in the aircraft folder and
verified by the IA signing the FAA 337 form to the fact that an
LOA has been issued. The purchaser of an STC'd item is only
purchasing the right to use that STC per the terms of the LOA.
At least that is what is supposed to be done.
EDITOR 'S NOTE: You can download TCDS A777, as well
as Ihe TCDS for laler Bonanzas, Debonairs, Travel Airs and
Barons al wWIV.bonanza.org. The link is abolll halfway down
Ihe Members Only page.
I am sure everyone is well aware of the user fees now
under consideration by the federal government for everything
aviation. There has been a great amount of coverage in all the
pilot and aircraft owner publications and, wanted or not,
lntemet messages.
I have heard some say that the proposed legislation is
"dead on arrival" in the committee hearings, while others say
that all of this lunacy will soon become the law of the land. Of
course, we all know that if one simply follows the money distributed by the airline industry and their lobbyist anny, il is
easy to see why these measures are being considered.
There are also those who want airplane owners 10 pay for
the good that general aviation (GA) does for the entire citizenry. We all know Ihere is a lot more accomplished by GA than
the high-priced hamburger trip. Yes, we do take such lrips, but
Ihat keeps us in good flying form , and when I go on one of
those trips, I seldom make use of any federally funded faci lilies, excepl maybe the runways.
I hear people complaining that they are unable to start
training or continue training to learn to fly or achieve a higher
raling or just keep flying as they have been for years due to the
high cost. My slock answer to those folks up until these pieces
of legislation were taken under consideration was, "Well, it is
the exact same price loday as it was 50 years ago, il jusllakes
everything you have."
If this legislation should be approved, I am afraid the answer
wiII be, "Well, it is now more than you have." We will be able 10
join the resl of the world with a vastly bigger federal government
Ihat has a finger in every aspect of our daily lives, as if they do
nol already have a finger on display for our consideration.
ABS Ufe Member Lewis C. Gage has AlP multiengine land with
Boeing 707/720/747 /Airbus-310 ralings. Commercial singleengine land; flight instructor M El/SEL airplanes and instruments:
ground instructor advanced and instrument; flight navigator;
flight engineer; mechanic-airplane and engine: and FAA parts
manufacturing authorization. Flight time : 15,000-p1us hours. Lew
may be contacted 01 2255 Sunrise Dr.. Reno. NV 89509.
Phone/Fax: 775-826-7184. E-mail: [email protected]
ABS is pleased to recognize Ihese new Life Members:
Gregg E Goodall, Breckenridge. TX. Member since 1996; flies a 1986 B36TC
Ermel D Doyle. Bokersfield, CA. Member since 2005: flies a 1979 A36
David ARice, Clarksville. TN . Member since 2003; flies a 1965 S35
Joel TGuth, Moreno Volley, CA. New member; flies a 1988 B36 TC
Page 10229
www.bonanza .org
ABS May 2007
In a previous article (ABS Magazine, February 2007) I covered IFR
departures. Here, Iaddress the management of the en route portion of
an IFR tlight.
Departure and climb - During climb, I use the
autopilot as much as possible to free me to deal with navigation and ATe. I monitor the engine gauges, groundspeed,
course vs. heading and the outside temperature. Using
groundspeed and drift, I can develop an idea of the winds at
altitude and how closely they conform to the forecast winds.
If there is any indication of a serious mechanical problem or critical instrument failure, I terminate the flight at the
nearest suitable airpon. It makes no sense to continue a fli ght
when critical equipment is inoperative or undependable.
Level off - Once I reach assigned cruising altitude, I may
ask for a different altitude if I think more favorable conditions are available. If the outside temperature is near or
below freezing, I watch carefully for signs of icing and stay
prepared to take immediate action. I will have turned on the
pitot heat when taking the runway. If any signs of ice appear,
I immediately turn on the propeller de-icing (if installed) and
the windshield defroster and ask ATC for an immediate
change in altitude or route.
En route weather - GPS equipment, including reasonably priced handheld devices, provides the ability to display both radar pictures and text weather in the cockpit. It
does not make much sense to operate an expensive aircraft in
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) without these
services. However, Flight Watch and flight service stations
are still available over most of the US and can furni sh current
weather conditions and forecasts.
I avoid violent weather. I do not usually try to penetrate
frontal squall Jines and never without onboard radar. In layered conditions with embedded showers, I try to find an altitude between layers in order to visually avoid the showers.
Fonunately, such conditions seldom give rise to the towering, destructive storms that occur mostly in the spring and
summer or in frontal conditions. However, stumbling into a
heavy shower in the clouds or at night can be an anentiongetting experience and I try to avoid that.
Composite radar weather in the cockpit is very useful.
With the information now available, it is possible to avoid
areas of bad weather altogether. If nothing else, I can always
turn aro und or land somewhere to wait it out. This is a big
improvement over depending on ATC to vector me around or
through weather.
Special conditions - If things get out of hand. I
exercise my pilot-in-command authority under FAR 91.3 to
ensure the safety of the flight. I do not exercise this authority without a good reason, however, because ATC may very
well file a violation, especially for altitude excursions. Busy
airspace can be especially demanding. It i my responsibility to listen carefully, ask for the clearance I want, and question and perhaps even refuse ATC instructions that may jeopardize the safety of my flight. This requires situational
awareness at all times.
Ice - Anything more than occasional light rime icing is dangerous in single-engine Bonanzas and Debonairs, as virtually none are properly equipped or certified for flight in icing
conditions. Funher, most piston-driven airplanes that are certified for flight in known-icing conditions cannot be safely
flown for very long in even moderate icing conditions. I stay
away from ice if at all possible.
Destination weather - While en route, I keep track
of the weather at my destination and my alternate. If my destination is trending worse than the forecast , and if it is getting close to minimums, I start thinking about where else I
might go. If I have chosen my alternate properly it should not
go below minimums, although weather is not the only reason
to close an airport. It is always desirable to have a second and
even a third alternate. Again, weather in the cockpit is very
Approach and landing will be covered in a future anicle.
Gerry Parker. a BPPP instructor and a former USAF navigator.
has instructed in single- and twin-engine airplanes for more
than 35 years. In his spore time, he practices accounting and
operates a computer consulting business. He lives in Houston
and can be reached at [email protected].
Established in 1983. the Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program (BPPP) promotes oviation safety and is the most effective model·specific flight training available.
Initial. recurrent and mountain·flying programs are available for Bonanzas, Borons, Travel Airs and Dukes. There is also a ~r:nponlon Clinic for right·seaters. BPPP
has been approved as a recurrent training program by virtually every insurance company in the nalian. See BPPP ClIniC schedule on pg. 10192.
was flying a good friend and Kentuckian like myself a few
years ago. If you have ever spoken with me, you may have
detected a hint of my hillbilly or bluegrass roots (take your
pick) in my speech. Well, this fellow had that accent in spades.
It was VFR, and my friend was looking down and got very
excited as he shouted through the intercom. "Look at that big
tire down there, look at that big tire!" I banked the airplane,
expecting (from 6,000') to see the largest Goodyear advertisement in the state of orth Carolina. But I saw nothing remotely
resembling a tire. "Where are you looking?" I asked.
"Right there," he said as he pointed to a large antenna-type
tower a few thousand feet below. Aha. A cell-phone "tire"!
This month's article is about being tired-or "tarred" for
those of you south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and you folks in
Oklahoma and Texas, too. To remove the regional accent on
the subject, let's just say we are going to talk about fatigue.
In preparing for this month's article, I googled "pilot
fatigue." (When did google become a verb?) I got well over a
million hits on the topic, which seemed a bit mind-boggling
(hey, if google can be a verb, so can boggle)-here for my
review were billions of words about pilots and fatigue. This
must be a pretty HOT topic!
I scanned several pages of papers, speeches and research
on fatigue. Most was related to the commercial flight industry:
NASA research, NTSB reports on accidents and fatigue as a
causative factor, and airline pilots' remarks on the overworked
and overtired in their ranks.
Fatigue has been studied extensively for years, yet we
seem to continue to ignore the simple truth that when a person
in a fatigued state is acting as pilot in command of any flying
machine, that person is guilty of using really poor judgment.
How many of you have flown when you knew you were
fatigued ? How many when you did not get a good eight hours'
sleep the night before? And how many of you flew when you
were disturbed or concerned about some business or personal
prOblem? OK, you can put down your hands.
Dr. Greg Ricca, a neurosurgeon and BPPP instructor, gave
an excellent seminar about hypoxia at the last ABS
Convention. He pointed out that studies done in the I960s had
shown that in young healthy men, the mental impairment of
being at 8.000' altitude for two hours was equal to 30 minutes
exposure to the hypoxic atmosphere at 16,000' altitude. He
noted that air travelers flying from New York to Los Angeles
often complain of jet lag when, in actuality, they have been
hypoxic for five hours and are feeling those aftereffects. When
YOll put hypoxia, dehydration and fatigue together, you have a
pretty deadly cocktail.
Dr. Ricca pointed out that his personal rule for supplemental oxygen in his Baron is to use it when he is flying at
8,000' and above for more than one hour.
Age affects our ability to cope with lack of sleep and
fatigue. Traditionally, physician training 30 and 40 years ago
was based on young interns and residents spending extended
periods of time in sleep deprivation. I certainly could stand the
loss of sleep better in my 20s than in my 50s. In the field of
emergency medicine, I note that many physicians begin to move
away from shift work as they reach their fourth decade of life.
While scanning those millions of references to pilot
fatigue available to me in cyberspace, I noted there certainly is
a lot of concern about airline-pilot fatigue. Government agencies and pilots themselves have been quite vocal about instituting rules and more meaningful guidelines for recognizing
and combating fatigue.
Use self-discipline
When you put hYj:)o)~aJ dehydrafion and fatigue
together. you
deadly cocktail.
As pilots of the private sector, we must set our own rules
and guidelines. There is an anonymous quote that says,
"Freedom is but the opportunity for self-discipline." That certainly is the rule that we must adopt before each and every flight.
Ask yourself: Am I ready to take on a serious task that
will require my full attention and alertness? Business needs,
get-home-itis, partying a little too hard the night before, a sick
child at home-all of these circumstances shade that little
voice within that we should be heeding when we make our
flight preparations.
Pay attention to the voice of reason
BPPP has an amusing but meaningful little skit presented
at the dinner program with each training session. Two instructors si mulate a BPPP instructor and pilot client in the cockpit
while a third instructor portrays that small quiet voice that we
all should have riding in the cockpit with us.
[n the skit, the instructor and client pilot are often alerted
to something bei ng wrong by that little voice they call the
"voice of reason" or VOR - cute, huh?
The change to Daylight Savings Time gives us an abundance of daylight for our trips. Traveling west in a Bonanza or
Baron also affords those extra hours of light. But we must
remember how long we have been in the cockpit and how
much rest we had before the trip. It is easy to talk yourself into
ignoring that little VOR with arguments like, "The weather is
good, I have an autopilot, and I know the route like the back or
my hand ."
Did you ever feel relief when the weather turned bad and
you had an "excuse" not to fly that day? If so, you were probably fatigued and subconsciously were glad that your VOR
provided some extra reinforcement to decide to make that trip
another day.
We need to hear the VOR when on the ground and in reference to our level of fatigue before walking across the ramp
and climbi ng into the cockpit. If we are sensitive and tuned in
to the VOR and it says, "You are too tired! " pay attention. If
you are flying and you note the little hints that fatigue is creeping in- like you forgot to call Center and check in, or like you
thought you heard 030 degrees, or was it 300 degrees - PAY
America is the land of many nice airports and many conveniently placed motels and restaurants. Use them.
Charles S. Davidson. M.D., holds board certification in family
medicine and emergency medicine. He has been an a viation
medicol examiner since 1978 and serves as a senior AME. He
holds a commercial pilot license with multiengine and instrument
rating . He is an active pilot using general aviation for business
and pleasure for 23 years and is also an ASS board member. He
Hies on A36.
This column is inlended as general informal ian only for the ASS
membership; it should not be construed as praviding medical
advice or creating a doctor-patient relationship. Consult your own
doctor tor personal advice or your AME for aeromedical advice.
ABS Platinum Visa®
(alf loday to apply for the ASSPlatinum Visa. You'llger:
• IREE Getaway Mifos Air Travol & Vacation Rowards Program - each
dollar spent earns points toward air travel and vacation rewards.
• IREE $5,000 Personal Identify Thoft ,overage - ,ovo .. 10 thoft
eKpenses incurred if your identity is stolen
• IREE Auto Rontal (ollision (ovorage
• '.EI Zero liability Protection on unauthorized
witlt tlte ABS Platinum Visa
today! Simply cali BOO·222·145B to apply.
located In Wichita, Kansas - hom e of the BeedI Bonanzal
A S"atinu
provides val uable financial support for ABS.
Unique to the ABS Visa -
I~TRUST Card Center.
Parts discount through Beech's RAPID!
ABS Directory assistance
A couple of months back, my
family and I were moving from
Arizona to Denver. As some of you
may know, hangars are really hard to
come by there. I made lots of calls
to people I knew, but still nothing
turned up. Then I thought of the ABS
I went to the online directory and
used the search function to get the email for every ABS member I could
find in the Denver area. I then sent a
nice note asking if someone could
point me in the right direction.
Wow! What great responses I
received! I had maybe 10 people call
me, many more e-mailed me back, and
overall, everyone was extremely helpful and bent over backwards to help. I
found a great hangar, and as a bonus, I
am sharing it with an A36 owned by a
great guy. What a wonderful groupABS!
I look forward to repaying the
favor someday when another ABS
member needs help.
-Eric Toler. Denver, Colorado
Wing-bolt wrenches
Several weeks back, ABS steered
me toward Dick Keyt at Ryan Machine
in Granbury, Texas (8 17-279-7S90), as
a source for wi ng-bolt wrenches. I
bought a set- They are so pretty I hate
to use them! They came in a special
plastic case with die-cut foam to store
When I started my wing-bolt job,
however, I found I was missing an offset 9116" wrench. J called Dick and left
a message on Saturday and received
his call back the following Monday
morning. He apologized for the inconvenience and said he'd fabricate one
right away and mail it to me.
The box arrived on Thursday with
a note apologizing again and explaining that there are apparently several
wing-bolt configurations on the
BaroniBonanzaiKing Air line. He said
to use the wrench, then send it back so
he could have it heat-treated and coated before returning it.
Thanks for letting me know about
fo lks like Dick who still know what
customer service is.
- Bob Parkel. Birmingham. Alabama
Ice advice
After SI years of flying singleengine airplanes, the last 33 in an A36,
the best advice I can give is move at
the first sign of ice-either up or
down-but do not hesitate. MOVE at
once. I have never found ice to be more
than 4,000' thick, and since spraying
my prop for every wi nter flight with
silicone, have never had ice accumu-
late on the propeller. -William J.
Quinn, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Engine preheat follow-up
I am the proud new owner of a
1968 V3SA and a new ABS member.
Thanks for mentioning Tani s preheat
systems in the March article, "The
Whys and Haws of Preheating" by
Mike Busch. lt is a well-informed and
well-written article.
I would like to expand a little on
the statement that our heaters "screw
into the threaded CHT-probe bosses in
each cyl inder head." This is indeed
true of our TAS 100 series of heaters
that can be purchased with built-in
thermocouple probes. However, we
also have several options avai lable to
preheat the cylinders on Continental
engines without using the CHT-probe
bosses. One is the TAS 107 hot bolt
that is approved to replace one of the
baffle mount or rocker cover bolts.
Another option is the TAS76,
which is a heated aluminum block
approved to mount to a cylinder head
baffle ear on engines with split rocker
Yet another option is the TAS76M
heated aluminum block that is
approved to mount on the backside of
the cylinder head baffle ear on engines
with one-piece rocker covers.
Each of these options does a great
job of heating the cylinders without
any interference with engine monitors
that use the CHT bosses for cylinder
head temperature monitoring.
We would like our customers to
know that Tani s preheat systems will
heat all cylinders and are compatible
with all engine monitors.
-Bob Krueger
President. Tanis Aircraft Products
More seats needed
For years I have enjoyed reading
reviews of new aircraft such as the
Raytheon Premier and Cirrus SR22.
As I peruse the performance figures,
my eye always stops at the line showing useful load. Am I mistaken or,
when fueled to capacity, wi ll most of
these new aircraft carry only two
adults and a large briefcase? All those
new glass cockpits, known icing certifications and performance won't do
you much good when all you can carry
is the crew.
I would like to challenge manufacturers to design and certify some
new aircraft with decent full fuel payloads. I can carry my wife, two daughters, plus modest baggage 400 nm with
an IFR reserve in our SO-year-old
Bonanza. This is a stock airplane with
no tip tanks or gross weight increase
I am still looking for something to
replace it.
-Steve Zeller. AlphoreHa. Georgia
If you have information to share with
fellow members, e-mail your letters to
e $3.3 billion sale of Beech
Aircraft and its sister company
Hawker was finalized March 26th.
The Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, a
joint venture of Onex Corporation and
Goldman Sachs that includes a partnership stake for some former officers of
Raytheon Aircraft, ends a relationship
Corporation that began when Olive Ann
Beech sold the company in 1980.
An online letter to customers from
Hawker Beechcraft chairman and CEO
Jim Schuster heralds that, "for the first
time in more than a quarter of a century" Beechcraft and Hawker are owned
by "an independent, private company."
Schuster promises "superior service and
support" and reaffirms owners will
"benefit from [its) passion to design and
build the world's finest aircraft. "
Name-use guidelines
o The new company nome went into effect
3/26/07 and reference should be as Hawker
Beechcroft Corporation on initial use. There is
no hyphen between Hawker and Beechcraft in
the nome.
o All of the former Raytheon Aircraft
Services will now be called Hawker Beechcroft
Services. (Hawker Aircraft Services will
remain.) The facilities will go by: Hawker
Beechcroft Services - Facility location (i.e.
Hawker Beechcraft Services - Tampa).
• Cammon acronyms you will see used by
the company will include HBC for Hawker
Beechcroft Corporation and HBS for Hawker
Beechcraft Services.
o Hawker and Beechcraft product lines will
use only the product brand nome before the
model, not the company nome. For example: It
A new bonner is hung at corporate headquarters following the sale of Beech Aircraft.
will be Beechcraft Bonanza, not Hawker
Beechcraft Bonanza .
o The official names of the aircraft also
include the product name before the model,
followed by the model number - i.e.
Beechcraft Bonanza G36, not the G36
Bonanza; Hawker 850XP, not the 850XP
Hawker. The full official aircraft nome should
be used initially.
o When referring to the Beechcraft product
line, any reference to Beech should be
avoided .
o RAPID will continue to be the nome of
the compony's ports distribution organization;
however it is no longer a port of on acronym
involving the word Raytheon.
An online letter to customers from Hawker Beechcratt charrman
and CEO Jim Schuster promIses ·superior service and support"
and reaffirms owners will "benefit from [its] passIon to design
and build the world's finest aircraft.•
ABS May 2007
www.bonanza .o rg
o A new website is live at www.hawker
o An expanded online newsroom will soan
be available at www.hawkerbeechcraft.
com/newsroom. It will include access to complete company information, press kits,
spokesperson bios, news releases and downloadable photos.
Company Descnption:
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
builds special-mission, trainer and business aircraft - designing, marketing and
supporting aviation products and services worldwide.
The company's headquarters and
major facilities are located in Wichita,
Kansas, with operations in Salina,
Kansas; Little Rock, Arkansas; and
Chester, England, U.K.
HBC has a global network of more
than 100 factory-owned and authorized
setvice centers.
Page 10234
A party-hearty SWBS group enjoyed Mardi Gras in Shreveport. louisiana,
Southwest Bonanza Society
If you could not make it to New
Orleans for Mardi Gras, you should have
come to Shreveport February 17 to try it
there! Saturday was windy and rough for
the morning arrivals; once on the ground
our hosts Ron and "Booger" Smith treated us to one heck of a BBQ of homemade
deer and hog sausage. About 35 intrepid
travelers ate to the popping point, but
hardly dented the mountain of food.
Fueled up on BBQ, most of us headed for the Boardwalk and some shopping
or the casinos to try to break the bank.
Then it was on to the Mardi Gras parade.
For the non-veterans, there were some
"how to catch beads" lessons: Don 't
stand next to a 6'6" guy who can jump;
use a little kid as bait so beads will be
thrown in your direction; and if you still
don't get any beads, head for the stuff that
falls to the ground. We came away with
enough booty to sink a small boat.
The walk to the parade and park
worked up new appetites, so we were
off to a great restaurant to enjoy more
good food and relaxed conversation.
Sunday morning saw everyone
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the airport. As usual , departures were
stretched out while everyone said their
goodbyes and thanks to the Smiths for a
great time, well-spent for us all! Good
times, good friends, good memories.
-Joe alld Dianlle Cathey
Pacific Bonanza Society
The PBS annual whale-petting flyin March 8-1 1 was a huge success for
the fourth consecutive year! Twentyeight planes and 62 people gathered in
Punta ChivalO, Mexico, 10 enjoy the
beautiful Posada de las Flores Resort
overlooking the Sea of Cortez.
The highlight of the trip was reaching over the side of the boat and petting
the whale mothers and young calves.
We had several "newbies" with us
who had never crossed the Mexican border with their planes. They learned it was
neither difficult nor scary. Several said it
was much easier than they expected.
Most of us spent Friday relaxing
and enjoying the sunshine and getting in
synch with the more leisurely Mexican
pace of life. On Saturday we had a 20minute flight to San Ignacio Bay, landed
on the oyster-shell runway and traveled to
the whale sanctuary beach. We motored
out in the pangas to where there were
about 200 whales, dolphins racing with
the boats and seals lazing in the water.
This was my husband and my
fourth trip and this time we brought
along our 7-year-old nephew, Joseph.
Other fami lies brought children from
teenagers to one 4-year-old.
Why the whales voluntarily come to
the boats and seem to enjoy the petting
and attention is a mystery. But when
these 50' creatures roll over on their sides
and look directly at you as you pet them,
it's unlike any other experience.
When a whale broke the spell and
"spouted" (the kids called it "whale
snot"), it sprayed all over the boat, its
occupants and a few camera lenses!
Afterwards, we went to a new restaurant
at Kuyima for the best fish tacos in Baja.
On Sunday the throaty roar of
Bonanza engines was heard as early risers took off, many making a fly-by past
the hotel and rocking their wings as they
headed home. Another trip concluded
safely for all-with more pictures,
memories, stories to tell and new
friends. -Kathie Hackler
PBS members arrived in 28 planes at Punta Chivalo, Mexico, for their annual whole-watching fly-in and to enjoy Posada de las Flores Resort on the Sea of Cortez.
Page 10235
ABS May 2007
Rocky Mountain
Bonanza Society
Members and guests of
RMBS wi ll travel to
Valentine, Nebraska, on June
22-24 to visit the spectacular
iobrara River Valley. This
river of crystal-c lear water
runs through the ranch country
Dakota! ebraska border, providing a canoeing experience
SEBS members in Montgomery. Alabama. on a tour of the Capitol.
through pine-clad hills and
robots, amid showers of sparks, greeted
prairie, where deer, bison, elk, beaver,
us at almost every turn-easy to see
mink, herons and kingfishers abound.
how this extensive facility turns out
There are more than 200 waterfalls
about 1,000 cars every day.
within the Niobrara River Valley that
Dinner fo llowed at The Guest
have been documented by geologists.
where home-style cooking and
The tallest of these is Smith Falls,
Southern hospitality has been the order
which cascades 63' over a sandstone
of the day for almost 40 years.
cliff and will be a part of our trip.
On Saturday, we started with a priLog onto www.rmbs.ws or contact
room-to-room tour of the State
me at rons @schmidtmotors.com to
led by Aroine Irby, whose profesmake reservations or for additional
sional historical knowledge and lifelong
information . - R Oil Schmidt
association with the area brought alive
the Montgomery of yesterday.
Bonanza Society
Our next fly-in is May 31-June 3 to
Almost 40 members of SEBS carne
Bowling Green, Kentucky, with a lunch
together at our fly-in March 22-25 in
stop at Tullahoma, Tennessee, at the
Montgomery, Alabama. The setting was
BonanzalBaron Museum. At Bowling
as good as it gets: Plantation atmosGreen, we will tour the Corvette Factory
phere enhanced by large oaks covered
and Museum and Mammoth Cave. For
with Spanish moss, beautiful magnolia
reservations or more info, contact Steve
trees ready to bloom and warm weather
or Elinor Kline (941-575-2001) or e-mail
with blue skies for the entire four days.
stelik @comcasl.nel. -Jay Wilson
Hosts Pete and Liz Land, long-time
Montgomery residents, shared their
knowledge of the city from our base of
operations at the Marriott Hotel nestled
on 1,600 pristine acres in Prattville.
Friday moming, we headed to Old
Alabama Town, a collection of authentically restored 19th and 20th century
structures along six blocks in the
heart of downtown Montgomery.
Accompanied by three "hi storically
correct" guides, we had a first-class tour
from the cotton gi n to the spinning
wheel and from uptown to the river.
After lunch we met at the billiondollar Hyundai plant for a VIP tour
where smiling workers and welding
ABS May 2007
www.bananza .org
Especially when it
comes to ABS &
Beechcroft history
Additional factors on
pilots, age and skills
defme it as being based on learning and experience.
Further, they suggest it may remain stable and in fact
increase, depending on the rate at which intelligence is
acquired and learned. However, they also theorize that crystallized intelligence may decline with age in conjunction
with the loss of health, employment, relationships and other
life-altering factors .
Last month we shared with you what has been taking
place within the aviation insurance industry related to aging,
• Aviation insurance companies take into consideration the age of aircraft and pilots when they underwrite
insurance for general-aviation owners. This may
include higher rates (premiums), reduced availability of
higher limits and liabi lity insurance and, in some circumstances, difficulty in obtaining coverage.
• Older pilots and owners of aging aircraft can combat the potential impact of underwriting guidelines by
proper care and maintenance of their aircraft, continuous recurrent training
(ABS Aviator; BPPP) and
selecting a knowledgeable
aviation insurance agency.
As I was finishing last
month's article, I carne across
an article titled, "Flying the
Graying Skies: A Question of
Competency vs. Age" by
Joseph 1. Sirven and Daniel
G. Morrow. lt appeared in the
February 27, 2007, issue of
Neurology, published by the
American Academy of
Sirven and Morrow ran a three-year study in which they
conducted simulator flights with test groups varying by age.
Initially the test results indicated younger pilots may have
better pilot skills. However, as the research continued, the
results showed older pilols lVilh backgrounds in lraining
and addilional reCllrrelll lraining had beller lesl reslllt.<.
The results support the theory that if pilots maintain
their skills as they age, there is little or no decline in their
skills over time. In fact, there were some factors that indicate older pilots may increase Iheir skills, provided Ihey
lIIainwin a Iraining regilllen. This is referred to as crystallized intelligence.
The idea is that continuing education in all fields of
endeavor creates an environment where individuals have
great potential for maintaining high skills, and possibly
increasing them. This is certainly true in aviation and substantiated by the research conducted by Sirven and Morrow.
They identified only one set of possible factors that
may cause a reduction in crystallized intelligence: It may
diminish when pilots discontinue or reduce their training
regimen, experience health-related issues or simply reduce
daily activities overall.
In short, the research reinforces the hypothesis that age
alone is not a determining factor when it comes to pilot
skills in older pilots. What Sirven and Morrow found is that
as we get older it is essential that we continue to maintain
our flying currency, training, activities and health.
Conveying your participation
in these activities to aviation
underwriters may help control
cost and may keep your liability insurance limits from
being reduced.
Stay current. participate
in ABS Aviator and BPPP, and
make sure your insurance is in
the hands of professional aviation experts.
U you are not currently
insured in the ABS Aircraft
Insurance Plan, give us a call
at l-800-259-4ABS.
Thanks to all members who have their insurance coverage through the ASS program administered by falcon Insurance Agency.There is
no extra charge to the individual member. and falcon's active sponsorship of ASS programs helps us expand services to all members.
The more members who use Falcon. the more clout the agency has in the aviation insurance industry on our behalf. If you're not port of
the ASS Insurance Program. we urge you to obtain a quote from falcon prior to your next renewal.
more informolion. see ABS NEWS
01 www.bononza.org/news.cfm?id
=311 or conlacl your mechanic.
Airworthiness Direclive 200706-07. effeclive April 19. 2007.
requires owners of Boron 58s and
G58 SIN TH-2097Ihru TH-21 SO wilh
oplional propeller unfealhering
accumulolors 10 inspecllhe left propeller occumulalor oil lube assembly for any chafing. replace Ihe propeller occumulolor oil lube assembly if any chafing is found. and reposilion and secure wilh clamps bolh
Ihe left engine manifold pressure
hose and ils melal idenlificalion
logs 10 ovoid canlae! wilh olher
lubes. hoses. electrical wires. ports.
camponenls and slruclure.
Owners musl complele AD
requiremenls wilhin 50 hours lime
in service after 4/19/2007. For
SRS has received on amendmenllo ils B55 Aluminum Elevalor
STC for "all smoalh skin" elevalors
including Trovel Air D and Emodels
and all 55. 56 and 58 (including
TC and Pl. SRS makes Ihe ports
available (in kil form) 10 Biggs
Avialion. Siebbins. Wesl Coosl
Wings. Hamplon Enlerprises and
Williams Airmolive. Olher repoir
slalions will be added in Ihe fulure
after Ihey have conlacled SRS and
have undergone a screening
process. www.srsovialion .com
Hawker Beechcraft's Overhaul and Repair Services
(Phone 316-676-3204: Fox 316-671-2903)
RAPID is now offering roloble exchanges on Ihe following componenls for Ihe Bonanza. We feellhese prices are very compelilive and. of
course. we only use OEM qualily ports.
I'm slill in Ihe process of procuring flops so we can odd Ihem 10 Ihe
lisl. I welcome your queslions or suggeslions. If Ihere are olher rolable
ilems you feel we need 10 offer for ABS cuslomers. lei me know.
The Bonanza is on importanl port of our legacy and fulure. and we
wanllo provide Ihe very besl service for Ihose cuslomers.
FlJrt Number
Exchange Price
51 .098.33
CilylSlale or CounlrylZip:
Dole of Birth:
Telephone (Home):
Serial # :
Aircraft Model :
Toil # :
Check here 10 allow ABS 10 make your
o home phone number available 10 olher members
o work phone number available 10 olher members.
o e-mail address available 10 olher members.
Domeslic (US. Canada. Mexico)
Foreign (includes oddilional poslage)
US Dollars
• Family (each addilionol person: musl be some household)
Life Membership (one-lime poymenl)
Air Safely Foundalion donolion
525 each
(ASF donalions are volunlary & support safely.educalion & research projecls)
• Name(s) of oddilional family member(s)
o Check (poyoble 10 ABS) o VISA o MaslerCard
Cord Number:
Exp. Dole:
Nome of Cardholder (prinl):
Cardholder Signolure:
ABS May 2007
Page 10238
OIA. ~II\.
7·10 - ABS Service Clinic. Spokane Ainwoys
(GEG). Spokane, WA.
11·13 - Southwest Bonanza Society Fly-in.
Nashville. TN. Opryland Hotel. Contact: Rondy
Taylor 830·625·6155 or [email protected].
11-13 - Midwest Bonanza Society Fly·in.
Rough River State Pork (213). Falls of Rough, KY.
12 - North East Bonanza Group Fty-In. Udvor
Hazy Air & Spoce Museum at Dulles (tAD).
Contact: Alan Witkin B6O·644·1136. or NEBG
[email protected].
1B-20 - BPPP Clinic. Columbus, OH (CMH)
70 A8S AVIATOR points
25·27 - Pacific Bonanza Society Fly-in. Jozz
Jubilee. Sacramento, CA. Contoet: Roy & Zona
Redden [email protected] or zredden@
comcast.net 916-331·9530.
31·June 3 - Southeast Bonanza Society FlyIn . Bowling Green, KY. Corvelle Factory/
Mammoth Cove. (Lunch stop at Tullohomo, TN ot
Banonzo/Boron Museum). Contact: Steve &
Elinor Kline 941·575·2001. [email protected]
or [email protected].
31·June 10 - Australian Bonanza Society FtyIn. Noumeo and lord Howe Islond Sofori..
Contoct: Jock Falon & James McDonald
[email protected].
1·3 - North East Bonanza Group Fly-in. Block
Island (BID), Kentucky. Old Town Inn, Dave Morrison
401 ·466-5958. or info@oldtowninnbLcom.
2·3 - Savvy Avlolor Seminar. San Francisco. CA
30 ABS AVIATOR points
2 - 3rd Annual Beech Day Fly·in & BBQ. Vista
Field (S98). Kennewick. WA Contact: Chep Gountl
509·582·3222, or [email protected].
15·17 - Southwest Bonanza Society Fly·ln.
Polo Duro Canyon. Canyon, TX (AMA). Contact:
Shirley Roberts 817·485·0253 or [email protected]
15·30 • Pacific Bonanza Society Fly-In. Sutler
Creek Gold Mine. Westover, CA. Contact: Dave &
TIlden Richords [email protected]: or 209·
267·0640 or Jon & Polly Luy jdebonoir
22·24 - BPPP Clinic. Tulsa, Oklahoma (RVS)
70 ABS AVIATOR points
22·24 • PacifiC Bonanza Society Fty-in. Sonto
Rosa, CA Contact: Larry & Anita Corrillo Ijeornllo
@msn.com 707·528-9727.
22·24 - Rocky Mountain Bonanza Society FtyIn. Niobrara River rafting. Valentine. NE (KVTN).
Contact: Ran Schmidt [email protected].
Dinner· Runway Fish House. Contact: Steve &
Elinor Kline 941·575·2001. [email protected]
or elij092 [email protected].
11 • North East Bonanza Group Brunch.
NORTH· Basin Harbor, VT (806). Contact: Mike
McNamara 856·768-6730. or mikemcnamara
[email protected]
SOUTH· Hagerstown, MD (HGR). Contact Steve
Oxman [email protected]. ar 41 0·956·3080.
16-19 • ABS Service Clinic. Edmonds Aircrotl
Services (ASH). Nashua, NH.
23-26 • Pacific Bonanza Society Fly-in. Fndoy
Harbor, Victana. BC. Contact Dean & Undo Eldridge
[email protected] 360-659·6641.
1-3 • Cteveland Natianat Air Show
10 - Southwest Bonanza Society Fly·ln.
let's Fly Alaska.Contact: Dale Hemman 866·359·
5-9 • American Bonanza Society 40th
Anniversary Convention. Wichita, KS. Beech.
5 ABS AVtATOR pOints per identified
12·15 • ABS Service Clinic. Harris Aviation
(GXY) Greeley. CO.
14 - North East Bonanza Group Brunch.
NORTH· New Bedford, MA (EWS) .
SOUTH· Tangier Island (TGI). Contact: Mike Butz
[email protected], or 410-299·5444.
23·29· AirVenture 2007. Oshkosh, WI.
5 ABS AVIATOR points per Tent TopiC.
26· 29 · Pacific Bonanza Society Fly·in. Smiley
Creek Resort. Sawtooth City, 10. Contact: Lorry &
Lois Bramhall [email protected], 541·475·3640.
28 - Southeasl Bonanza Society Fty-In.
Cornelio, GA. Habershom County Airport. BBQ
* seminar.
7-9 - BPPP Clinic. Manchester. NH (MHl)
70 ABS AVIATOR points
13-16 • Pacific Bonanza Society Fly·in. Coffee
Creek Dude Ranch. Tnnity Center, CA. Contacl: Russ
& Kathie Hackler [email protected]. or 925·7367339.
14-16- North East Bonanza Group Fty-in.
Provincetown. MA (PVC). Contact: Poul Damiano
[email protected] 860-646-3383.
FOR FURTHER DETAIL and more events,
visil Ihe NEWS AND EVENTS link on Ihe
ABS webslle <www.bononzo.org>.
ABS SERVICE CLINIC & BPPP SCHEDULES ARE ON PAGE 10192. Register for Service Clinics online at www. bananza.org or ABS headquarters
316·945·1700. Contact the BPPP registralian office 10 make arrangements: 970-377-1877 or visil www.bppp.arg.
~~ BRAZILIAN BONANZA SOCIETY www.bonanzoclube.eom
MIDWEST BONANZA SOCIETY www.midwestbonanza.arg
~ ~ NORTH EAST BONANZA GROUP www.nartheastbonanzagroup.com
PACIFIC BONANZA SOCIETY www.pocificbonanzo.org
SOUTHWEST BONANZA SOCIETY, INC. www.southwestbonanzo.com
1932: 1a. Herbert Hoaver·I929·33. 2.0. Empire State Building·1931 ta 1971 . unsealed by World Trode Center.
3b. 407.5 mph·by George Siainforth (Great Briloin) in a Supermorine S.6B seaplane. 4b. Cimarron.
1947: 1b. Harry Truman·1945·53. 2b. Empire Sfale Building, New York. 3b. 670.0 mph·Capfain Charles Yeager, USAF, in Ihe Bell X·1.
4a. The Best Years of Our Lives.
1967: 1a. Lyndon Jahnson·1963·69. 2a. Empire State Building, New York. 3c. 2070.0 mph·Rabert Stephens & Daniel Andre in a lockheed
YF·12A. 4c. A Man For All Seasons
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