TeamSpeak Setup - DigitalThemePark


TeamSpeak Setup - DigitalThemePark
TeamSpeak Setup
DigitalThemePark has specific guidelines for the setup of the VoIP application
TeamSpeak 3. Having all DigitalThemePark Citizens with a common environment
reduces technical problems and support thus maximizing your quality time as a citizen.
Requirements: TeamSpeak 3 (latest update) and a headset (mic + earphones)
Allocate 15 minutes
DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak Setup
No part of this handbook may be reproduced, transcribed or translated into any language or transmitted in any form whatsoever
without the prior written consent of DigitalThemePark.
DigitalThemePark uses a voice communication system called TeamSpeak 3. Below are the various links:
TeamSpeak 3 website:
TeamSpeak 3 downloads:
TeamSpeak 3 video tutorials:
TeamSpeak 3 forums:
Note: It is highly recommended to purchase a quality USB headset when
performing VoIP with other players. As an example, the Plantronics Audio 626 is a
good low cost USB headset, shown in the image to the right. USB headsets
contains their own “sound card”, thus you are able the separate the VoIP and ingame battle actions sounds.
In order to connect to the DigitalThemePark VoIP server we
recommend setting up a TeamSpeak Bookmark. This is
accessed by clicking on Bookmarks, Manage Bookmarks.
Alternatively, you can press shortcut Ctrl+B.
Click on Add Bookmark to create a new entry to add the
pertinent DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak server
information. Notice the created “New Server” entry.
Enter the following information:
Label: DigitalThemePark
Nickname: <Your preferred nickname>
Click More to enter additional information.
Phonetic Nickname: < See below >
The Phonetic Nickname is used as text-to-speech when
connecting and changing channel. It is not heard by the
user but other Citizens in TeamSpeak.
If you want to test out your phonetic nickname, back at the main menu, select Self, Set Phonetic
Nickname and you will be able to play, hear, and tweak your nickname.
DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak Setup
No part of this handbook may be reproduced, transcribed or translated into any language or transmitted in any form whatsoever
without the prior written consent of DigitalThemePark.
If this is the only TeamSpeak server you connect to,
we recommend clicking Connect on Startup. When
you launch TeamSpeak, DigitalThemePark will be
Now when you click on Bookmarks you should see
“DigitalThemePark”. Click to connect to the
DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak Server.
Once connected, click once on the Welcome channel. Expand the right-pane in order to see the detailed
channel text and images. You may have to maximize your TeamSpeak window in order to see this. Click
on the “Download Custom Sound Files” link.
Extract and move the downloaded files to:
(x64) C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\sound
(x86) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamSpeak 3 Client\sound
The Whisper function is used to broadcast to sibling TeamSpeak channels. This is used for the game
commanders and leaders, to relay commands and situation reports, or SITREPS, to all sibling channels.
Back in TeamSpeak, have a Citizen hit their Whisper key
to make sure you hear the new whisper_notify.wav radio
“click” sound instead of the default “Pssst”.
There are a few more application settings that need to be
changed. Select Settings, Options.
Click Whisper.
Uncheck: Always show whisper history when
receiving a whisper.
This will stop the annoying popup dialog when you
receive a whisper.
DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak Setup
No part of this handbook may be reproduced, transcribed or translated into any language or transmitted in any form whatsoever
without the prior written consent of DigitalThemePark.
To configure the Whisper List Key, reference our TeamSpeak Whisper Setup document.
In order to hear text-to-speech announcements of Citizens when they connect to TeamSpeak and
change channels, we use the minimalist_tts folder you downloaded earlier.
To configure go to Tools, click on Notifications.
Sound Pack: Minimalist Text to Speech
Click OK. Have another Citizen, leave and enter the
channel. You should hear the phonetic names
TeamSpeak has the capability to only subscribe to
channels you want expand and see members in. The
default is all channels are subscribed with you launch
TeamSpeak. If you only play in the Tactical Battle
Division you may not want to see or expand members in
other Divisions. This feature must be turned on to allow
selected subscribed channels on startup. Select Settings,
Click Application.
Select: Subscribed to current and previously subscribed channels.
The channels you have subscribed to will now survive when restarting TeamSpeak. You can always
toggle subscribing between your selected channels and all channels with “eye” on the toolbar.
Congratulations! Setup of TeamSpeak is now complete.
DigitalThemePark TeamSpeak Setup
No part of this handbook may be reproduced, transcribed or translated into any language or transmitted in any form whatsoever
without the prior written consent of DigitalThemePark.