USAVA Teamspeak - US Airways Virtual


USAVA Teamspeak - US Airways Virtual
 TeamSpeak Handbook For TeamSpeak 2 18 December, 2009 Original Author: Brett Alfano, Director of Phoenix Operations Edited and Released By: Marcus Smallegan, Vice President of Public Relations US Airways Virtual Airlines is in no way affiliated with US Airways Group, its subsidiaries or affiliates. We are a group of Flight Simulator enthusiasts. 1.0 Introduction US Airways Virtual Airlines is pleased to offer the TeamSpeak communications software to our pilots. This program is designed to enable voice communications utilizing VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and by using a microphone, you will be able to talk with your fellow USAVA pilots and staff. More and more, TeamSpeak is being used by a large portion of our pilot base, so feel free to utilize the information in this guide to get the program up and running on your Microsoft Windows-­‐based computer. If you utilize MacOS on an Apple, you can still connect to our server by using the free program TeamSpeex. Support is not currently offered for this program, but you may contact either Brett Alfano or Marcus Smallegan for details on the operations of this program. 2.0 Downloading and Installing the TeamSpeak Client Before you can begin using the TeamSpeak software, you will need to download and install the client by navigating to the following website: You can download the client software through either Site 1 or 2. Once you have downloaded the .exe file, run it and install the TeamSpeak software to your computer. 2.0 Utilizing the TeamSpeak software Once you have finished installing the client software, you should have a TeamSpeak icon on your desktop. (If you don’t, just look in the Start Menu under programs) Double click (or select in the menu) on the icon to open TeamSpeak to begin your experience. You should see the following screen once the program has opened: Go to the “Connection” menu and select “Connect:” You will now have to add the server information for our TeamSpeak itself. Right click on the Server button and select Add Server. (You only have to do this the first time you use Teamspeak. After the server is added and you are registered, logging in is a 2 step process) You can label the server whatever you wish to. After you create the server, you will need to enter the above server information in the appropriate fields. Label: Whatever you want (I chose USA but you can choose anything) Server Address: Nickname: USAXXXX (followed by pilot number and fist and lat name) I use USA6752 Brett Alfano because that is my pilots’ id. **Make sure you select anonymous. Once you have done that, click connect and it will take you into the server. (See the following screenshot) Notice you are in the Lobby. From here you can select another channel to join. Once you sign in, an admin will grant you permission to register with the server. Once you have been given permission to register with the server (You will hear an audible message and see text in the bottom frame) select self from the menu and click on Register with Server. Here you will select a User Name and Password. The User Name can be but does not have to be the same as your nickname. Only Server Administrators (select staff members) can enable registration, but if there is none available at the time, you will still have full functionality. After registering you may be required to log out and log back in. This does not always happen but it does sometimes. After you register you will now notice an “R” next to your name. This means you are a registered member not Unregistered and you no longer need to log in anonymously. Mine above has an “R” an “SA” and a “CA” because I am Registered, a Server Admin and a Channel Admin. Ok, now that you’re set up and registered, logging in to the server in the future is a breeze. Simply launch the application, click on Connection >Connect Then the server information you already entered is there. Make sure you have selected “Registered” not “Anonymous” and the User Name and Password you created when you registered to the server should be there. Simply click Connect at the bottom and viola, you are in TeamSpeak. One other thing, I recommend you set up “Push to talk” it’s easy and no one will hear any heavy breathing or background noise. To set up push to talk Select Settings > Sound Input/Output Settings from the menu. At the following dialogue box, select the “Push to Talk” radio button then click on the “Set” button. A dialogue message will appear telling you to push a key. Whatever key you select (Note: I selected the * key on the number pad) will be the key you push to transmit. Click Close at the bottom and you’re all done.