RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure


RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure
August 18, 2014
Sealed bids will be received in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, 224 East Bryan Street,
Douglas, Georgia, up to October 1, 2014, @ 2:30 P.M., at which time the bids will be publicly
opened and read for the purchase of the following:
“FY15 RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Bid Proposal”
Specifications are available and on file at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Douglas, Georgia.
The City of Douglas reserves the right to accept the lowest, most acceptable bid and reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The City of Douglas reserves the right to waive any technicalities or irregularities so that an award
can be made in the best interest of the city.
Bids are to be F.O.B. P.O Box 470., Douglas, Ga. 31533
The City of Douglas is an equal opportunity employer, including nondiscrimination in
employment of the disabled.
For further information concerning this bid contact Terrell Jacobs, City Manager of City of
Douglas at (912) 389-3401. Technical information for Electric Department should be directed
to Electric Department Director Lamar Hill at (912) 389-3440 or [email protected].
Technical information for Gas, and Water Departments should be directed to
Gas/Water/Waste Water Director Mike Hudson Department (912) 389-3427 or
[email protected].
To obtain the complete Invitation to Bid, please go to our web-site, www.cityofdouglas.com.
Click on “Invitation to Bid” on the left hand side of screen. Once this opens, click on “FY15
RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Bid Proposal” located under “Douglas Bid
Opportunities”. This will open to a page which gives an overview of this Bid request. Scroll
down and click on the attached file “FY15 RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Bid
Proposal” located near the bottom of this screen under “Related Documents”. This will open
the complete Invitation to Bid. Print, complete and submit as directed. Should you have any
problems opening the attachment, please contact Jan Smith at 912-345-3445.
NOTE: Please include three (3) copies of your bid in package
and one (1) electronic copy in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF
SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 @ 2:00 P.M.
October 1, 2014 @ 2:30 P.M.
City Hall, Council Chambers
224 East Bryan Street
Douglas, Ga. 31533
All bids shall be sealed in an
Envelope and plainly marked:
“FY15 RFP Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Bid proposal”
City of Douglas
Attn: Terrell Jacobs
P.O. Box 470
Douglas, GA 31533
Respondents must supply three (3) bound copies of the proposals
and one (1) electronic copy in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.
The City of Douglas reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids submitted
at its discretion.
May be obtained by writing to:
City of Douglas
Attn: Terrell Jacobs
P.O. Box 470
Douglas, GA 31533
Or by contacting
Terrell Jacobs,
City Manager,
@ (912) 389-3401 or
Emailing: [email protected]
Bid Award Letter and a Tabulation will be sent to all responding Bidders after Mayor Board
of Commissioners approval of the RFP that is deemed to be in the best interest of the City
of Douglas, Georgia by way of e-mail, so please make sure that your E-mail address is
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Request for Proposal
Performance Requirements
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
October 1, 2014
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Pre-Bid Requirement .............................................................................................................................................3
Submittal Request ..................................................................................................................................................4
Submittal Procedures .............................................................................................................................................5
Questions ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Completion Date ....................................................................................................................................................5
City of Douglas Profile ..........................................................................................................................................6
7.1 Communication Providers ............................................................................................................................ 6
7.2 Overall City of Douglas Profile: ..................................................................................................................6
7.3 Area Profile for AMI Implementation..........................................................................................................7
7.4 Description for the AMI Implementation .....................................................................................................7
7.5 City of Douglas Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 10
7.6 Respondent Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 10
7.7 Operations .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Exhibit A: Questions and Response Form ................................................................................................................. 122
Exhibit B: Cost Proposal Form .................................................................................................................................. 522
Appendix A: Map of Area for First Phase Implementation ......................................................................................... 53
Appendix B: Meter Locations ................................................................................................................................... 544
Appendix C: NIST Security Standards Compliance .................................................................................................. 555
Appendix D: Compliance with Selected Standards from the NIST Framework ....................................................... 566
Appendix E: Compliance with Remaining Standards Identified by the NIST Framework ....................................... 588
Appendix F: Installed Electric, Gas, and Water Meters ............................................................................................ 633
Appendix G: System-Wide AMI Requirements ........................................................................................................ 644
Appendix H: Prepaid Billing Requirements ................................................................................................................ 66
Appendix I: RFP General Requirements (Legal) ......................................................................................................... 74
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Request for Proposal: Technical Requirements
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
1 Overview
The City of Douglas is soliciting proposals for a System of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). The
format is intended to allow the City to evaluate technology that is available in the market and to gain insight
into the type of system that is the best value and best fit for its application and for our City. The best value
and best fit shall be defined in terms of improving the process for collecting monthly electric, gas and water
utility meter data, for performing subsequent billing, and for enhancing the utility monthly electric, gas and
water utility purveyor’s interface with its customers.
The City of Douglas, Georgia’s mission is to provide the most economical and reliable service available to
its customers. The City of Douglas expects that the AMI system will serve as a vital tool for achieving its
vision as it moves forward. The AMI system is expected to provide information technology which shall:
1) Improve the City of Douglas operational efficiency and reduce cost through remote transmission
and central retrieval of interval data from water meter reads. In addition, the system shall provide
ancillary notifications of high consumption, low consumption, leaks, tampering, and theft of
services; the system shall also provide trending and analysis features for user patterns.
2) Significantly enhance City services such as on demand meter and user data. Remote activations
and deactivations of meters are desirable.
3) Provide the city of Douglas customers with a service web portal and email and text notifications,
thereby empowering the City of Douglas residents and businesses to control utility usage, cost and
advance “Green” initiatives.
The successful respondent(s) will be selected based on the ability to meet the City of Douglas’s vision for
the future.
2 Pre-Bid Requirement
There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on September 17, 2014 at 2:00pm EST., in the Commission
Chambers at City Hall, 224 East Bryan Street, to address the proposed bid specifications for the Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Request. Any vendor wishing to submit a response will need to attend this meeting.
Please review the RFP specifications prior to the meeting and submit any questions you have via email
two weeks prior to the pre-bid date. All submitted questions will be addressed at the pre-bid meeting.
Your attendance and input will be helpful to us in developing a final set of specifications that will best meet
the needs of the City of Douglas, while being fair to the majority of the vendors.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
3 Submittal Request
Along with the RFP is enclosed a series of questions representing the technical requirements in a template
format as Exhibit A. All the questions are mandatory and the attached template must be followed and
completed to submit a response. The response to Exhibit A must list the question followed by the response
to that question. Further, whenever applicable to a question, complete the forms provided and include them
as an attachment to your response. PLEASE KEEP ALL RESPONSES BRIEF AND DIRECTLY
Additional information such as system descriptions, product literature etc. should be placed after the
response to Exhibit A and Exhibit B. The respondent must also provide a table of contents with page
numbers and divider tabs. The required order of material in the response is:
 Exhibit A: Response to questions (use the form provided- complete response to all questions and
do not change question numbers or order)
 Exhibit B: Detailed cost proposal for the AMI system and its components
 Attachment A: Proposed network minimum reporting requirements
 Attachment B: Proposed network “real-time” reporting requirements
 Attachment C: System interfaces
 Attachment D: Implementation time estimates
 Attachment E: Security standards (NIST framework) compliance
 Attachment F: Selected standards compliance from NIST framework
 Attachment G: Remaining standards compliance from NIST framework
 Attachment H: Compliance matrix
 Attachment I: Prepaid Billing Requirements
 Attachment J: Non-Collusion Affidavit
 Additional material: System description, product literature
Proposals received that do not follow the above format and order may be rejected.
Respondents must supply three (3) bound copies of the proposals and one (1) electronic copy in Microsoft
Word or Adobe PDF format. Please clearly mark the package “FY15PROPOSAL FOR ADVANCED
Following a review of the responses, the City of Douglas may:
 Select a vendor for the AMI implementation based upon the response to the RFP,
 Seek other solutions, or
 Defer or cancel AMI implementation plans
Depending upon the total price the City of Douglas may increase or decrease meter numbers, reduce number
of locations with service/disconnect, or other variations as not to exceed the available budget.
All proposals must follow City of Douglas requirements included in Appendix I and provide a completed
non-collusion affidavit.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
4 Submittal Procedures
Respondents must supply their responses by 2:30 pm EST on October 1, 2014.
Please mail the response to:
City of Douglas
Attn: Terrell Jacobs
P.O. Box 470
Douglas, GA 31533
We also ask vendors to submit intent to bid email to Terrell Jacobs at [email protected] by
09/17/2014. Vendors providing the intent to bid will be forwarded answer to any questions or clarifications
to the RFP.
5 Questions
Please forward all technical electric questions to Lamar Hill, Director of the City of Douglas Electric
Department at [email protected] and all technical gas and water questions to Mike Hudson, Director
of the City of Douglas Gas/Water/Waste Water Department at [email protected].
6 Completion Date
October 1, 2014
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7 City of Douglas Profile
The following is a brief description of each community, customers, existing communication providers, and
utility. Additional information on the City of Douglas can be found at www.cityofdouglas.com.
7.1 Communication Providers
Wireline Providers:
 Telephone Company:
o Windstream – 912-384-1072; 800-347-1991
 Cable Television:
o Vyve Broadband / MediaStream – 800-392-2662
 Fiber:
o Windstream
Cellular Companies:
 Alltel (AT&T)– 912-384-0737
 Cellular Depot – 912-383-6864
 Verizon Wireless – 912-383-6503
 Southern Linc Wireless – 866-481-5462
7.2 Overall City of Douglas Profile:
total meters / radio / manual
 Electric Meters:
5806 / 5422 / 384
 Gas Meters:
1794 / 1088 / 706
 Water Meters:
6373 / 3987 / 2386
 Electric & Gas
Electric Distribution System:
 Peaking Turbine Generator
 Number of Substations/Delivery Points – 4 (Pearl, PCC/Coats & Clark/Quality Lube/Bo Jo Ella)
o Voltages (Primary-Primary 12470) (Phase – Ground 7200)
 Meter Reading Routes/Process – (ITRON/MVRS. See geography below)
 SCADA system – voltage/breakers/alarms/ regulators/switches/relays
Current Meter Reading Methodology:
Geography: City of Douglas is divided into four wards which are each divided into ten or twelve routes;
allowing three meter readers approximately one week to read each ward.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
 Coffee County Housing Authority & 10 Apartment Complexes
7.3 Area Profile for AMI Implementation
The vendor must clearly state and demonstrate its ability to implement an AMI system to include
electric, gas and water meters. The technical requirements outlined in Exhibit A include specifications
that are required for gas and water meters, and must be responded to. Further ability to support the gas
and water meters must be demonstrated by providing references to any pilot or system-wide
implementations carried out by the vendor for other utilities. If the vendor currently does not support
an AMI system for gas and water meters, it must be clearly mentioned. In such cases, the vendor must
describe its plans to support gas and water meters within an AMI in the near future and an approximate
timeline within which this will be achieved. The City of Douglas reserves the right to disqualify any
proposals received wherein the vendor does not demonstrate current or planned1 support of gas and
water meters.
7.4 Description for the AMI Implementation
The following sub-sections describe the AMI system required by the City of Douglas for the AMI
7.4.1 AMI Definition
The City of Douglas understands that there is no standard definition or common industry set of
requirements that describe what an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is or is not. Many
definitions describe AMI as an enhanced Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system, with the most
common distinction between AMR and AMI being the network’s ability to support on-demand readings
directly from a meter or other distribution device. Other definitions provide a general statement of
functionality and cost. For example the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA) defines
AMI as a “two-way communication system that can cost-effectively reach every intelligent node and
device in a utility distribution system.”
Vendor must be able to demonstrate support of gas and water meters.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
The City of Douglas has defined AMI with a set of minimum requirements. The minimum requirements
for the AMI electric meters in the first phase of implementation are:
 All AMI meters shall maintain time synchronization for all meters, nodes and other devices
connected to the network.
 All AMI meters shall provide time-stamp capabilities.
 All AMI meters shall be uniquely identified in the network.
 All residential electric AMI meters shall provide a minimum of 60 minute meter reads delivered
 All commercial electric AMI meters shall provide a minimum of 15 minute meter reads delivered
every 15 minutes.
 All industrial electric AMI meters shall provide a minimum of 5 minute meter reads delivered
every 5 minutes.
 All AMI meters shall have the ability to monitor and report voltage, and report the data in a
manner that allows the utility to react to the information.
 All meters shall have remote programming capability.
 All meters shall be capable of two-way communications.
 All meters shall support outage detection, restoration and reporting.
 All residential meters shall have the ability to support remote disconnect and reconnect abilities,
rated at or below 200 amps
 All meters shall have a minimum of 15 days of data storage capability.
 All meters shall provide near real time power quality data to support distribution engineering
analysis, and other distribution system applications.
 Basic Mesh Requirements – Mesh Infrastructure must have multicast capabilities critical for
large-scale public safety and broadband access networks. Mesh nodes have to provide advanced
security, including 802.11i support, 256-bitAES encryption, digital certificates on network
elements, digitally signed firmware files, MAC based access control lists and VLAN based access
control lists.
 Security: Mesh Infrastructure must have multicast capabilities critical for large-scale public
safety and broadband access networks. Mesh nodes have to provide advanced security, including
802.11i support, 256-bitAES encryption, digital certificates on network elements, digitally signed
firmware files, MAC based access control lists and VLAN based access control lists.
 Security and Encryption
o WPA/WPA2 Wireless encryption
o 128 bit / 256 bit end-to-end AES
o MAC address filtering
o Digitally signed firmware files
o Digital certificates on nodes
 Wireless Interface
o IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n ad hoc; 3X3 MIMO with 2 streams (Purchase of software license
required for 802.11n MIMO functionality)
o Transmit power up to 400 mW
o Frequency ranges
 2.412 – 2.483 GHz
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
 4.94 – 4.99 GHz
 5.15 – 5.25 GHz (Indoor use only)
 5.25 – 5.35 GHz
 5.470 – 5.725 GHz
 5.725 – 5.850 GHz
o Receive sensitivity (typical)
 2.4 GHz, DSSS
 1 Mbps: -95 dBm
 11 Mbps: -88 dBm
 2.4 GHz, OFDM
 6 Mbps: -90 dBm
 54 Mbps: -73 dBm
 5 GHz, OFDM
 6 Mbps: -90 dBm
 54 Mbps: -73 dBm
o Ability to configure 5,10, 20 and 40Mhz (MIMO only) channel bandwidth
o Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
o Transmit Power Control (TPC)
 Enclosure
o Three GigE 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports with weatherproof connectors, LED
activity indicator
o IEEE 802.3, 802.3u compliant
o CSMA/CD 10/100 autosense
o Ports 2, 3 PSE Power over Ethernet per 802.3af
o Cast aluminum NEMA-4X/IP66 enclosure
o Six type-N female antenna connectors
o Two weatherproof power connectors: AC and DC
o Three weatherproof Ethernet connectors
o System LEDs (power, status, mesh)
o Weight: 12 lbs (5.4 kg) with bracket and sunshield
o Dimensions: 11.6”L X 8.1”W X 4.1”H
The minimum definition above provides a baseline for what AMI shall entail. Another key function of
AMI will be to provide a foundation (communication and data integration) for broader smart grid and
distribution automation efforts. Given this, it is critical for the vendor to consider the complete range
of utility automation attributes not just what is needed for information exchange at the time of initial
AMI implementation. In addition meter readings are likely to become more “real-time”, and there may
eventually be a need to obtain 15-minute data every 15 minutes for all or a majority of electric meters.
Any AMI implementation must provide the ability to cost-effectively migrate to this “real-time”
information exchange.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.5 City of Douglas Responsibilities
Obtain access to required assets to mount AMI network elements
Complete required AMI retrofit in existing electric meters
Complete installation of network elements as outlined by the respondents design
Complete installation of smart meters and Home Area Network (HAN) devices
Complete installation of network elements
Provide fiber for intermediate and backhaul communications, where available
Identify locations (per respondent instructions) to mount network elements as required
Negotiate and secure lease agreements as required from third party providers for intermediate
or other network layers
7.6 Respondent Responsibilities
Respondent’s responsibilities include:
 Train City of Douglas staff on retrofitting of existing solid state meters
 Train City of Douglas staff on installation of network elements
 Conduct system acceptance testing
 Complete and provide design of AMI network to meet outlined requirements (diagram and
BOM for each network element)
 Provide smart meters, and AMI modules for retrofit (equipped as outlined in this RFP)
 Provide secure Home Area Network (HAN) communications
 Provide secure communications within the mesh network, as well as the local area, intermediate
and regional networks, for AMI functionalities
 Demonstrate ability to support gas and water AMI on same network
 System must be able to upload the readings into Itron MVRS for billing.
 Provide and provision AMI network management system
 Provide training on AMI network management system
 Provide implementation support (trouble shooting, network provisioning, other)
 Secure delivery of meter reading data into appropriate database(s)
 Support interfaces to other utility applications via MultiSpeak
 Record and provide interface and inter-operability specifications that will enable the City of
Douglas to interface other systems with the AMI data in the future
 Provide list of equipment or hardware required to be supplied by utility.
 Detail power requirements for each network element
 Provide ability to use Prepaid Billing Options (See Appendix H) options
 Perform propagation studies as required
7.7 Operations
In addition to providing an infrastructure to support electric meters and interfacing to support gas and
water meters, the vendor must also demonstrate the ability to interface with the various systems used
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
by the City of Douglas. The vendor proposed AMI network management must show the ability to
interface with such systems including the:
1. Billing (Tyler Systems INCODE, version
2. Route Management (MVRS, 8.4)
Additional details such as types of interfaces that will be used to interface to the above systems, as well
any specifications/ requirements that may be imposed and required on the above mentioned application
providers must be clearly described.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Exhibit A: Questions and Response Form
Please use this form template to provide complete responses to the questions listed below. We have also
included a compliance matrix to be completed and included in your response as Attachment H (the
compliance matrix is included in Appendix G). Please indicate any differences of supported features for
retrofitting AMI in the identified smart meters versus purchase of a smart meter equipped with AMI
As indicated in the instructions please submit your response to:
City of Douglas
Attn: Terrell Jacobs
PO Box 470
Douglas, GA 31533
Please return your responses by 2:30 PM EST on October 1, 2014.
Questions and Functionality
1. Please provide vendor name, address, contact, phone, fax, e-mail and web page.
2. Please indicate which item best describes your response:
Provide turnkey solution, including hardware, software, licensing and installation
services. Proposed AMI solution meets most or all required functionality
Provide hardware and/or software. Proposed AMI system(s) will meet some or most
of the required functionality
Other (please describe)
3. Product name(s):
4. Please provide a list and definitions of any acronyms, trademarks or trade names used to describe your
AMI offering:
5. The sub-sections of this question present the technical requirements and specifications that must be
satisfied for the first phase of AMI implementation. For each function, please indicate the compliance
or non-compliance of your proposed AMI solution. In addition, please describe how the
feature/function is met. Please provide details on how to leverage existing hardware and infrastructure
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
5.1. The base features for AMI system required by the City of Douglas during the initial
5.1.1. Must have the ability for authentication of all meters and other devices on the network within
the proposed AMI system
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.2. All meters must have the ability to authenticate valid requests and reject those initiated from
unauthorized systems or devices
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.3. All electric meters/encoders/switches must maintain a clock coordinated with NOAA, WWV,
GPS or equivalent. All devices must maintain a clock within the accuracy of, plus or minus
1 second
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please explain how time is maintained in the system at the different network levels
including the gas and water meters (i.e. is meter interface register coordinated with
GPS, other?).
What is the accuracy (in seconds) of the clock?
What time shift might be expected between meters?
5.1.4. All meters have the ability to read Itron ERT based products
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.5. Must be able to perform remote firmware upgrade for AMI, Demand Response (DR), and
other network devices.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.6. Must be able to perform remote reprogramming (read interval, demand period, other) for
AMI modules.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.7. Must have ability for 60 minute electric interval data that is transferred each hour.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.8. Must have ability to support on-demand electric readings with a communications
performance of at least 98 percent and a response time (request initiation to obtaining
reading) of under 30 seconds
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What success rate do you expect?
What response time will be typical?
5.1.9. Must have ability to support obtaining monthly meter readings (electric, gas, and water)
with at least 99.999 percent of all meters
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.10. Must be able to provide residential smart meters (new meters) with integrated AMI and
service disconnect and reconnect modules (electric)
Meet with existing product. Please list supported meters (chart). Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.11. Must be able to provide AMI communications module for retrofitting existing solid state
electric meters
Meet with existing product. Please list supported meters (chart). Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.1.12. Must be able to provide communications for in-home devices within a HAN
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.2. In addition to standard warranty, offer a cap on meter failure rates for a prolonged period of time
(manufacturing defects, latent firmware bugs, other)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please define what protection is included.
5.3. Other features required within the AMI system include:
5.3.1. Support of water meter reads:
Ability for monthly read data that is transferred monthly
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please describe clearly if the water meters do not support this
Ability for daily read data for electric, gas, and water that is
transferred daily
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please describe clearly if the water meters do not support this
5.3.2. Support of gas meter reads:
Ability for monthly read data that is transferred monthly
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please describe clearly if the water meters do not support this
Ability for daily read data that is transferred daily
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please describe clearly if the water meters do not support this
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Communication to water meters:
Describe how network communicates to water meters
Vendor supports water and other meters through a ZigBee
HAN. Comment:
Water meters are able to communicate with the AMI
network, directly with the host, in the same manner as electric
meters. Comment:
Other. Comment:
Ability to accept Itron ERT readings for water and other meter
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Water Endpoints - General Requirements The water endpoint (i.e., the water meter communication module) shall be readable
by the same AMI system used for communicating with the electric meters.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: For contingency reading, the water endpoint shall also be readable by both
handheld computers and vehicle-mounted mobile collectors.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall be compatible with the widely used MVRS meter reading
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall transmit in the 903 – 926.8MHz frequency range.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall not require a license from the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall be capable of transmitting hourly consumption data every
5 minutes along with a current consumption message transmitted every minute.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall be able to send historical hourly interval data on demand.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall be able to send a specific data read on demand.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: City of Douglas requires a system that gives us the option to choose different
collection methods for different areas of our service territory. The water endpoint
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
must accommodate this requirement. Describe what collection options are
available for the water endpoint.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: City of Douglas requires a water endpoint that is compatible with whichever water
meters the City of Douglas chooses to employ. Water endpoints must be
compatible with several meter types within a single deployment and must be
readable through handhelds, vehicle-mounted mobile collectors, and network no
matter the water meter type.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall provide an automated detection system for encoder
registers from any water meter manufacturer.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall provide a battery life of 20 years.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall enable remote shut-off.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall provide a fully integrated leak sensor.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment: The water endpoint shall provide one-minute resolution for use in meter rightsizing.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.4. Must be able to provide supplemental information from residential meters including:
5.4.1. Ability for outage detection and notification (notification in under 3 minutes) (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Will the definition of outage detection be programmable by the utility?
What definitions can be used by the utility?
How long will it take to determine an outage?
How long will it take to report an outage?
How long will it take to report a restoration notice?
How will media access be controlled in a widespread outage?
5.4.2. Ability to provide restoration notice (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Will the definition of outage restore be programmable by the utility?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
What definitions can be used by the utility?
How long will it take to determine a power restoration?
How long will it take to report a restoration notice?
How will media access be controlled in a widespread restoration?
5.4.3. Ability for high/low voltage alarm (notification within 3 minutes) (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
How long will it take to determine a high/low voltage alarm?
How long will it take to report an alarm?
Will the definition of high/low voltage be programmable by the utility?
What definitions can be used by the utility?
5.4.4. Ability for leak detection alarms for water meters
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
How long will it take to determine a pressure alarm?
How long will it take to report an alarm?
Will the definition of high/low pressure be programmable by the utility?
What definitions can be used by the utility?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
5.4.5. Ability for high/low pressure alarms for gas meters
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
How long will it take to determine a pressure alarm?
How long will it take to report an alarm?
Will the definition of high/low pressure be programmable by the utility?
What definitions can be used by the utility?
5.4.6. Ability for tamper detection alarms and notification (reverse consumption, tilt, and
unexpected consumption / diversion (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please explain what tamper detection is provided.
Please explain the reports and alarms generated by tamper detection.
How are tamper detection alarms reported by the NMS?
5.4.7. Ability for tamper detection (unexpected consumption/ diversion) (gas and water)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please explain what tamper detection is provided.
Please explain the reports and alarms generated by tamper detection.
How are tamper detection alarms reported by the NMS?
5.4.8. Ability to provide momentary outage reports (at minimum report on a daily basis) (electric)
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Is definition of momentary outage fixed? Programmable by utility?
What is the definition or programming parameters?
How often are momentary counts reported?
5.4.9. Ability to use Internet to post information to utility staff (electric, gas, and water)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.4.10. Ability for utility-controlled Load Management (LM) via AMI network (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Is a HAN required? If so what type is required?
5.4.11. Ability for power supplier-controlled Load Management (LM) via AMI network
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Is a HAN required? If so what type is required?
5.4.12. Ability to support of a smart thermostat via the AMI network
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
Is a HAN required? If so what type is required?
5.4.13. Support customer displays and other devices via a HAN.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What HAN does your proposed system support for this? What industry
standards does the HAN comply with and/or is based upon?
What type of devices have you demonstrated in a pilot and/or a system wide
implementation? Please describe the results observed results.
Is there a limit on the number of devices that can be supported on the proposed
HAN system? If so, specify number of devices.
5.4.14. Ability to provide kW demand data (highest 15-minute period for each day) (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Are the meters time-coordinated with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), WWV, Global Positioning System (GPS), or equivalent?
What is the maximum allowable time drift between endpoints such as a meter?
5.4.15. Ability to support a IP based interface to your AMI access point (i.e. connect to a utility
broadband connection)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.4.16. Approval of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and compliance with American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) transient protection (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5. Commercial and Enhanced Residential and Metering:
5.5.1. Ability for remote re-programming to enhanced metering functions.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5.2. Ability for 15 minute reads transferred every 15 minutes for residential electric meters; all
reads must be time correlated as indicated above
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5.3. Ability for 15 minute reads transferred every 15 minute for commercial electric meters; all
reads must be time correlated as indicated above (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What changes in the AMI network are required to support this function?
5.5.4. Ability for 5 minute reads transferred every 5 minutes for commercial and industrial electric
meters; all reads must be time correlated as indicated above
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What changes in the AMI network are required to support this function?
5.5.5. Ability for the utility to control LM devices (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5.6. A Ability for the consumer to override the control of LM devices (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5.7. Ability for the utility document when a consumer uses the override control on an LM
devices (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.5.8. Ability to send and receive MultiSpeak (3 or 4) communications to and from
communication system.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What is the range of applications are currently supported by MultiSpeak? In the future?
5.5.9. Ability to send and receive DNP3 communications to and from communication system.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What is the range of Distribution Automation supported today? In the future?
Is your communication system for DA a unified system that utilizes AMI data to validate
operations? (Yes, or No)
5.5.10. Ability for the utility to monitor reclosers (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
How is the proposed system/ network used to communicate with the reclosers?
5.5.11. Ability for the utility to control devices such as capacitor banks (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
How does the proposed system interface and/or communicate with the capacitor
5.5.12. Ability for the utility to control additional field devices (electric)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please specify, what additional field devices can be supported within your proposed
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
How does the proposed system interface and/or communicate with these field devices?
What is the range of Distribution Automation supported today? In the future?
5.5.13. Ability for customer interaction over Internet. For example, ability for the customer to
view consumption information and select a range of consumption decisions based on the
cost of energy (electric, gas and water)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What additional tools are required to support customer access via the Internet?
Does your software allow for aggregation of customers within a specified service area?
5.5.14. Ability for three-phase meters to report KW and KVAR (electric) demand.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
To what three-phase meters do you interface today?
5.6. Expanded features for industrial and large power metering.
5.6.1. Ability to select features on a per customer basis
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please describer what features can be selected, and those that cannot be.
5.6.2. Ability to interface with SCADA system
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
Describe the proposed interface (standards nomenclature, etc.)
5.6.3. Ability for interactive customer contact system (over Internet)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Please provide a description of the customer contact system and its functionalities.
5.6.4. Compliance with IEEE surge protection
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
5.6.5. Ability for outage detection, notification and restoration notice (notification is under 30
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Will the definition of outage detection be programmable by the utility?
What definitions can be used by the utility?
How long will it take to determine an outage?
How long will it take to report an outage?
How long will it take to determine a restoration notice?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
How long will it take to report a restoration notice?
How will media access be controlled in a widespread outage?
5.6.6. Ability for high/low voltage alarm (notification within 30 seconds)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Will the definition of high/low voltage be programmable by the utility?
What are the threshold(s) for detection?
How long will it take to determine an alarm?
How long will it take to report an alarm?
Which types of electric meter installations are supported (check all that apply):
1Ø, AMI device mounted under glass (retrofit of electromechanical meter)
1Ø, retrofit of existing solid state meters (smart meter)
3Ø, retrofit of existing solid state meters (smart meter)
1Ø, factory installed in solid state meter (smart meter)
3Ø, factory installed in solid state meter (smart meter)
3Ø, field installed in solid state meter (smart meter)
Other (describe)
Electric Meters. For the proposed system, vendor must provide new electric smart meters with the
AMI module installed directly from the manufacturer. Please specify the meter manufacturer(s)
and models proposed.
7.1. General Requirements
7.1.1 The solid-state meter shall be a state-of-the-art measurement device, which
utilizes industrial grade electronic components.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.1.2 The meter shall allow for quick and easy retrofitting with different personality
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.3 The measurement portion shall be housed in the base of the meter (metrology)
and the functionality will be housed in the top module (personality module).
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.4 The calibration shall not be affected by changing the personality module.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.5 The meter shall be available with multifunction registers.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.6 The meter shall be upgradeable to accommodate different types of
communication technologies without the need to return the meter to the
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.7 The solid-state meter shall be qualified as an ANSI Class 0.5 Accuracy meter.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.8 The meter shall typically maintain an accuracy of plus or minus 0.3% or better
throughout its entire operating range.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.9 The meter shall be specified to function accurately throughout the temperature
range of -40°C to +85°C.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.10 The meter must have the capability to accumulate positive energy if inverted in
the socket.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.1.11 The meter shall be available in all of the following Meter Forms (Volts/Service
Class Form Digits/Multiplier):
• 120V 2-wire Class 200 1S 5x1
• 120V 2-wire Class 200 1S 4x10
• 240V 3-wire Class 200 2S 5x1
• 240V 3-wire Class 200 2S 4x10
• 240V 3-wire Class 320 2S 5x1
• 240V 3-wire Class 320 2S 4x10
• 120V 2-wire Class 20 3S 5x1
• 120V 2-wire Class 20 3S 4x10
• 240V 2-wire Class 20 3S 5x1
• 240V 2-wire Class 20 3S 4x10
• 240V 3-wire Class 20 4S 5x1
• 240V 3-wire Class 20 4S 4x10
• 120V 3-wire Class 200 12S 5x1
• 120V 3-wire Class 200 12S 4x10
• 120V 3-wire Class 200 25S 5x1
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
120V 3-wire Class 200 25S 4x10
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.2. Metering Technology
7.2.1 The meter shall utilize the Hall Effect to perform its measurement.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.2.2 This measurement technology shall be housed in the base of the meter.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.2.3 The meter shall be permanently calibrated at the factory.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.3. ANSI Standards
7.3.1 The meter shall meet the following applicable standards:
• ANSI C12.1 - 2008
• ANSI C12.10 - 2004
• ANSI C12.20 – (Class 0.5) – 2010
• ANSI C12.22 compatible metrology message
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.4. Quality and Reliability
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.4.1 The meter manufacturer must be able to provide references for this meter type
installed in the field.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5. Demand Registers
7.5.1 The standard demand meter shall be capable of displaying kWh. The display of
these values must be programmable up to a total of six digits.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.2 The same unit shall be capable of being electronically detected to prevent
measurement of reverse power flow.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.3 The meter shall also be able to meter bi-directional energy. The meter shall have
two registers (delivered and received) for this operation.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.4 The meter display shall have a watt disk emulator that provides both direction
and magnitude of energy registration.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.5.5 This emulator shall consist of three pulses that pulse at the rate of 1 Wh per pulse
in the left-to-right direction in the case of energy being delivered to the premise
and right-to-left direction in the case of energy being delivered from the premise.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.6 The meter shall also be capable of providing kW peak. For the meter versions
with TOU capability, both the date and time shall be capable of being provided
for the highest peak.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.7 The meter shall be capable of either block or rolling demand intervals when
calculating demand.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.8 The meter shall also be capable of doing cumulative, continuous cumulative,
previous interval, and present interval demand.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.5.9 The interval and subinterval lengths for the meter must be programmable.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.6. Load Profile
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.6.1 The mass memory shall include the capabilities for both real and reactive
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.6.2 The mass memory interval length must be programmable and independent of the
demand interval length.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.7. Time-Of-Use Version
7.7.1 The proposed AMI meter must be capable of TOU functionality.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.8. Service Switch
7.8.1 The meter shall contain a service switch that is rated for 30,000 mechanical
cycles “under no load” and 5000 mechanical cycles under full load.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.8.2 The switch ratings shall be 200 amps (FM 1S included).
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.8.3 The service switch shall monitor load side voltage.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.8.4 In addition, the meter shall include a button giving customers or field service
personnel the ability to provide input to the meter. For example, this button could
be used to reconnect power after a remote reconnect requiring manual
intervention command is issued.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9. Voltage Monitoring
7.9.1 The module shall provide Voltage Monitoring in memory.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.2 There module shall have configurable sag and swell limits.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.3 The module shall be configured to store the volt data.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.4 The voltage monitoring shall be independent from load profile.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.5 The meter’s Voltage Monitoring shall support measurement of average voltage
data (line-to-line, or line-to-neutral) up to three phases depending on meter form.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.6 The interval data for each phase shall be compared with the configured
thresholds at each EOI. If it is below or above a configured threshold,
corresponding events are recorded.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.7 Voltage Monitoring shall support the monitoring of instantaneous RMS voltages
during each interval.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.8 The monitoring of instantaneous RMS voltages shall track minimum and
maximum voltages during each interval. At each EOI, they shall be compared
with the configured thresholds. Corresponding events shall be recorded if the
minimum voltage is below a desired threshold or the maximum voltage is above
a desired threshold. The event status shall be flagged in the interval status.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.9 The phases to be monitored shall be selectable and shall be configured when the
meter is programmed.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
May meet with future product. Comment:
7.9.10 The following attributes shall be configurable:
• Interval Length (minutes) can be configured for 5, 10, 15, 30, 60
• Volt Low and High Threshold fields values are based on +\- 20% of
nominal voltage
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Voltage Specifications
7.10.1 All polyphase meters must be auto-ranging in voltage, 120-480V.
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Measurement Functionalities
7.11.1 The meter shall comply with the following measurement functionalities:
• Energy (KWH delivered, received, net, & unidirectional; KVAR delivered
& received; KVAR and kVA lag)
• Demand (Max KW; Max KVA, Instantaneous; Max KVAR)
• Volts (KVA, Watts)
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
Standards Compliance
7.12.1 The meter shall meet all of the following standards:
• ANSI C12.10 - 2004
• ANSI C12.1 - 2008
• ANSI C12.20 - 2010
• ANSI/IEEE C62.41.1-2002
• ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2-2002
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
ANSI/IEEE 62.45 - 2002
ANSI C12.18 - 2006
ANSI C12.19 - 2008
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15.247, Subpart C
Measurement Canada LMB-EG-07
Measurement Canada S-E-06
NEMA SG-AMI -2009 Requirements for Smart Meter Upgradeability
Meet with existing product. Comment:
Does not meet. Comment:
May meet with future product. Comment:
What communication media technologies are used in your proposed last-mile (network that
communicates to meter) solution?
Which of the following communication media technologies are applicable to your proposed
backhaul solution (check all that apply)?
Cellular Data (3G, other)
Fiber (utility provided)
Leased Service (Ethernet, Frame Relay, Other)
Other (List)
Please indicate the supported communication type(s) within your proposed solution :
Two-way (MIU polled)
Two-way (MIU can initiate communication and MIU polled)
Pseudo Two-way (has two-way communication once connection is established)
Please indicate the supported options for communication for gas and water meters:
Communicate within the electric AMI network (similar to other electric meters)
Communicate via HAN
Communicate via the electric meter
Please describe the communication types that you will support for gas and water meters within your
proposed solution (for example, during a system wide implementation).
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Please indicate the media access type/control proposed in your solution (check all that apply):
Meter Device Initiated
Utility Host Initiated
Transmit continuously or every few seconds
Readings supported for electric meters (Check all that apply):
15-Min interval, transferred every 15 minutes
15-Min interval, transferred multiple times during day. Please specify number___
1-Hour interval, transferred hourly
1-Hour interval, transferred multiple times during day. Please specify number___
1-Hour interval, transferred weekly or monthly
Daily kWh, transferred daily
Rolling kWh, transferred daily
When applicable, please describe the changes that will need to be made to your current proposed
network for any option(s) above.
Readings supported for gas and water meters (Check all that apply):
15-Min interval, transferred every 15 minutes
15-Min interval, transferred multiple times during day. Please specify number___
1-Hour interval, transferred hourly
1-Hour interval, transferred multiple times during day. Please specify number___
Daily read, transferred daily
Daily read, transferred monthly
Monthly read transferred monthly
When applicable, please describe the changes that will need to be made to your current proposed
network for any option(s) above.
Please list the recommended number of access points and other network elements that are required
to meet the requirement outlined in questions 1 through 14 above. Please provide the table as
Attachment A to your response (add additional line items as required).
Hardware Required – Pilot
City of Douglas
Access Points (mesh)
Repeaters (mesh)
Base station (point-to-multipoint)
Fiber converters (for access points)
Fiber converters (for base stations)
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Hardware Required (Est. to complete
all meters)
Access Points (mesh)
Repeaters (mesh)
Base station (point-to-multipoint)
Fiber converters (for access points)
Fiber converters (for base stations)
What is your recommended ratio of meters to mesh nodes (access points) to meet base
requirements? To support collection of 15 minute data every 15 minutes?
With your proposed system (number of access points, meters in a mesh, mesh hops, etc.), what
percentage of deployed electric meters (new and existing) can be placed in a mode that transfers 15
minute interval data hourly?
With your proposed system, what percentage of deployed electric meters (new and existing) can be
placed in a mode that transfers 15 minute interval data every 15 minutes?
Please list the recommended number of access points other network elements that are required to
have all meters report 15 minute data every 15 minutes. Please include the completed table as
Attachment B to your response (add additional line items as required).
Table 1: Number of Access Points
Hardware Required – Pilot
Hardware Required (Est. to complete
all meters)
City of Douglas
Access Points (mesh)
Repeaters (mesh)
Base station (point-to-multipoint)
Fiber converters (for access points)
Fiber converters (for base stations)
Access Points (mesh)
Repeaters (mesh)
Base station (point-to-multipoint)
Fiber converters (for access points)
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Fiber converters (for base stations)
Please indicate which distribution system monitoring and other consumer functions your proposed
solution will support (check all that apply).
Capacitor bank control
Customer thermostat control
Load Management (LM)
Momentary outage reports
Outage detection and reporting
Outage restoration reports
Peak demand
Prepayment programs
Remote re-programming (reporting)
Remote firmware upgrades
Service disconnect and reconnect
Tamper detection
Voltage monitoring
Voltage alarms
Other (please describe)
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
For the proposed solution, please indicate which of the following systems will you interface with
(please list vendor, protocols, and supported platform). Include completed table as Attachment C
to your proposal (add additional line items as required):
Table 2: System Interfaces
Home Automation
Load Management
Meter Data
Outage Management
Protocols/ standards
What hardware, software or services will be required to deploy your proposed system? Please be
as specific as possible.
What is the estimated time to implement and test the AMI network? Please use the following tables
and include as Attachment D to your response (add additional line items as required).
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Table 3: Time to Implement—Installation and Unit Testing
Installation and Unit Testing
Access points (mesh)
Repeaters (mesh)
Base station (point-to-multipoint)
Fiber converters (for access points)
Fiber converters (for base stations)
Meter retrofit (single phase)
Meter retrofit (three phase)
Table 4: Time to Implement—First Phase Testing
Testing – First Phase Implementation
AMI network management
Network performance (capacity)
Verify connectivity to each meter
Verify HAN operation (30 locations)
Verify service/disconnect operation
(30 locations)
Verify outage notification alarm (30
Verify outage restoration alarm (30
The firmware on the devices/ components within the proposed system must be remotely
7.1. How long will it take to perform this operation?
7.2. How will a successful, or unsuccessful, upgrade be confirmed?
7.3. What will be the impact of an unsuccessful firmware upgrade (ex. Loss of communication
with the device, possibility of erroneous data, etc.)?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.4. Will any of the devices (network element or meter) within your proposed solution be
unable to support remote reprogramming?
Please describe in detail a customer installation that you had to use a hybrid solution to provide
complete coverage of their territory. Include a description of the customer territory, solution and
applications being utilized
a. What future proofing is provided by this system?
b. What forms of redundant back haul were used to insure close loop communication of the
system should there damage to primary communication back haul?
c. How does your system support communication needs for future applications?
Please describe in detail the all installation specs each type of solutions offered.
a. Installation specs and requirements for collections devices (Pole / Tower mounting
requirements, fusing/lighting protection, data requirement for backhaul to server, voltage
requirements, resources required (bucket truck, lineman, rigger, etc.) and any other spec
that may apply.)
b. Installation specs and requirements for repeater devices. (Pole / Tower mounting
requirements, fusing/lighting protection, voltage requirements resource required (bucket
truck, lineman, rigger, etc.) and any other spec that may apply.)
c. Installations specs for any equipment mounted on customer premise for system for
metering equipment, HAN and DR devices. (Mounting requirements, fusing/lighting
protection, voltage requirements. Resource requirements (meter man, electrician, etc.) and
any other spec that may apply.)
Please describe for the proposed system - What communication services the utility will need to
acquire? At what locations are the services required? Please provide all these details with
Please describe how your proposed system can/will migrate to support basic meter reading, i.e.
hourly data hourly, to 15 minute data transferred every 15 minutes.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Please describe ALL the changes/ modifications that will be needed to support each, including but
not limited to, increased backhaul capacity, local area network capacity and changes within the
mesh network.
How will you prevent loss of data if a given data packet sent from a meter is not received?
7.1. If information is lost, how will it be represented in the database (estimated, blank, and
7.2. What is the impact of loss of data?
7.3. If within your proposed system, gas and water meters will provide consumption data to the
electric meter, please describe the behavior that gas and water meters will exhibit in case
of an electric outage (for example, gas and water meters can detect the inability to transmit
data due to an outage, how long will they be able to store the data, when will they resume
sending the data etc.)
Please describe what other products including in-home devices (air conditioners, water heaters,
smart thermostats etc.) can be integrated with your proposed system?
7.1. Please describe the standards based interfaces used and the proprietary interfaces used.
7.2. Will a Home Area Network (HAN) be required?
7.3. What HANs will be supported?
7.4. Will any or all of the devices be able to communicate information directly over Internet,
for example, on a web portal?
7.5. What HAN’s have you deployed in a pilot and/or a system wide implementation? Please
describe the implementation and results.
7.6. Please provide examples (make/ models) of in-home devices (air conditioners, water
heaters, smart thermostats etc.) that were able to communicate within the HAN using
ZigBee. Please specify the utility for which this system was used.
What are the data storage requirements in a 30 day period for:
Meeting the minimum reporting requirements for the first phase implementation (electric
residential hourly data hourly, commercial electric 15 minute data transferred every 15 minutes
and industrial electric 5 minute data every 5 minutes)?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Meeting the expanded reporting requirements for the full implementation (residential electric
15 minute data every 15 minutes, C&I electric meter 5 minute data every 5 minutes,)?
Please provide a detailed description of your proposed solution including network diagrams and
last mile network.
In addition please provide the following:
7.1. Please provide the following specifics for different network levels within your proposed
system (backhaul, HAN etc.):
7.1.1 Frequency band(s) of operation
7.1.2 Channel bandwidth
7.1.3 Transmission capacity per channel
7.1.4 Number of channels used by the system,
7.1.5 Explanation of how signal security is provided (i.e., type of encryption)
7.2. For the components used within your proposed solution, please provide cut sheets for the
devices at meters, access points, and any other equipment on the system, such as
controller or management devices.
7.3. What access scheme is being used in the proposed solution (timeslot, CDMA, aloha
7.4. Within your system, what limitations exist on the placement of meter/MIU (i.e., not
behind trees or bushes, issues with meters in the basement etc.)?
7.5. What is your company’s largest deployment of this type of data collection network?
7.1.1 What is the highest successful ratio of meters to access points?
7.1.2 How long has this type of system been in use?
7.1.3 Where has it been used in urban and rural environments?
1. What was the observed throughput in each instance?
7.1.4 What limitations were found in the system, and how were these addressed?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
7.1.5 What were the most significant types of interference?
7.1.6 Were customers limited in their ability to operate 900 MHz/ 2.4 GHz devices,
such as wireless phones, in their homes?
7.6. If a radio solution is proposed, does it use licensed and/or unlicensed frequency (ies)?
7.1.1 If licensed frequency (ies) are proposed, please specify the entity holds the
license to the spectrum and what arrangements/ agreements does the vendor
expect to have in place for using the spectrum?
7.7. What is the proposed channel size and spectral bandwidth?
7.1.1 What is the maximum amount available?
7.1.2 Will the total spectral bandwidth be expandable?
7.1.3 What other techniques will be used to increase capacity (e.g., for a system-wide
7.8. Is communications within the proposed regional network - mesh, point-to-multipoint,
7.1.1 Describe the deployment topology including the range between system
components, number of devices (point-to-multipoint area or mesh grid), physical
redundancy, height and locations of towers/antennas.
7.1.2 Describe the maximum transmission speeds and those that will be observed in the
7.1.3 What is the make and model of the proposed devices?
7.9. Within your proposed solution, what are the options for backhaul communications to the
“access point” devices?
7.1.1 Will a single mesh access point communicate with different backhaul media like
WiMAX, other wireless, fiber optics, or is it fixed in configuration?
What RF transmit power levels will be used by each at network device including
at the smart meters, devices within HAN, access points, etc.?
What approximate percentage of the communications traffic (by link) will be
used by AMI, and what will be used by other applications?
7.1.1 What are the key factors in determining capacity?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
How will secure communications be achieved?
7.1.1 What kind of encryption is used?
7.1.2 Which of the security standards does the proposed solution comply with (please
refer to Appendix D. Please also complete Appendix D)?
How will network capacity be expanded when required in the future, for example during a system
wide implementation?
7.1. What network infrastructure changes/ modifications/ upgrades will be needed if the
system were to migrate from hourly reads transferred hourly to 15 minute reads
transferred every 15 minutes?
How long will it take within your proposed solution to do a special read?
Explain the process of electric service disconnect and reconnect within your proposed solution?
7.1. Please also describe how safety will be guaranteed with reconnects
7.2. Please describe if customer interaction is required (allowed) for the reconnect process (i.e.
a reset button on the disconnect that requires the consumer to press to energize after the
utility remotely arms the connect/disconnect switch)
What impact does distributed generation or customer generation have on the operation and
performance of you proposed solution?
The City of Douglas has a potential interest in prepay meters. Does your solution support
prepayments today and/or is this a possibility in the future (See Appendix I)?
7.1. What additional equipment and hardware is required to support prepayment meters? What
are the budgetary prices?
Please describe the proposed solution’s compliance with the standards identified by NIST
Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0.
7.1. Please complete the tables in Appendix C through Appendix E to demonstrate standards
compliance of your solution. Please complete the columns for “Plans/ Work underway on
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
the standard” and “Description of participation in developing the standard”. Include the
completed tables as Attachments
7.2. The NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release
1.0 also lists standards that are currently under review in Appendix C through Appendix
E. How would you handle updates/ changes/ additions resulting from these standards?
7.3. Do you support standard #28, within the NIST’s framework’s standards under review,
“NEMA Smart Grid Standards Publication SG-AMI 1-2009 – Requirements for Smart
Meter Upgradeability” (Appendix D).
Prior to proceeding beyond the first phase of the AMI implementation, the City of Douglas will
require a proof-of-performance test. How would you propose this test be performed?
How does your proposed technology support “Smart Grid” values of reliability, security,
economics, efficiency, environment, and safety?
Please provide detailed actual costs by creating a form to be presented in Exhibit B.
Please provide a project plan for your proposed first phase of the City of Douglas implementation,
as well as capability to leverage existing infrastructure.
Please provide a list of personnel with their qualifications and experience, who will be involved in
the first phase implementation.
How is your organization financed (e.g., venture capital, equity, debt, on-going sale etc.)? Please
provide your latest audited financial statements.
Please provide up to five utility references. Please include utility name, contact, telephone and fax
numbers, e-mail and a brief description of their installation.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Exhibit B: Cost Proposal Form
Provide a cost proposal for both a complete meter change out by vendor and no meter change outs by the vendor.
Also, provide a detailed breakdown of any additional developmental costs that may be incurred in addition to the
actual setup of the AMI and Pre-Paid Systems.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Provide a cost proposal for both a complete meter change out Appendix
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
A: Map of Area for First Phase Implementation
Appendix B: Meter Locations
Ward 4
Ward 3
City of Douglas
Subtotal Total
105 1417
Subtotal Total
224 1606
Ward 1
Ward 2
Subtotal Total
19 1194
Subtotal Total
36 1589
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix C: NIST Security Standards Compliance
AMI-SEC System
IEC 62351 Parts 18
IEEE 1686-2007
NERC CIP 002009
NIST Special
Publication (SP)
800-53, NIST SP
City of Douglas
if yes)
if yes)
Plans/ Work
underway to
comply with
the standard
Description of
participation in
developing the
Advanced metering
infrastructure (AMI) and
SG end-to-end security
Information security for
power system control
Security for intelligent
electronic devices (IEDs)
Cyber security standards
for the bulk power system
Cyber security standards
and guidelines for federal
information systems,
including those for the
bulk power system
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix D: Compliance with Selected Standards from the NIST Framework
135-2008/ISO 16484-5
IEC 60870-6 / TASE.2
IEC 61968/61970
IEEE C37.118
IEEE 1547
Open Automated
Demand Response
(Open ADR)
City of Douglas
is yes)
if yes)
to comply
with the
Description of
in developing
the standard
Building automation
Inter-control center communications
Application level energy
management system interfaces
Phasor measurement unit
Physical and electrical
interconnections between utility and
distributed generation (DG)
Price responsive and direct load
Home Area Network device
communication, measurement, and
Home Area Network (HAN) Device
ZigBee/HomePlug Smart
Communications and Information
Energy Profile
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
NEMA Smart Grid
Standards Publication
SG-AMI 1-2009 –
Requirements for Smart
is yes)
if yes)
to comply
with the
Description of
in developing
the standard
This standard will be used by smart
meter suppliers, utility customers,
and key constituents, such as
regulators, to guide both
development and decision making as
related to smart meter upgradeability
This standard is currently under review by NIST and features in the list of “Additional Standards for Further Review” for inclusion within the NIST framework
(Table 3, NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0)
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix E: Compliance with Remaining Standards Identified by the NIST Framework
ANSI C12.19/MC1219
AEIC Guidelines v2.0
ANSI C12.1
ANSI C12.20
ANSI C12.222008/IEEE
ANSI C12.24 Draft
standard – not yet
City of Douglas
if yes)
if yes)
on the
Description of
in developing
the standard
Revenue metering information
Utility-generated framework and
testing criteria for vendors and
utilities who desire to implement
Standards-based AMI (Standard
AMI) as the choice for Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Performance and safety type
tests for revenue meters
Protocol and optical interface for
measurement devices
Revenue metering accuracy
specification and type tests
End Device Tables
communications over any
A calculation algorithm catalog
actors: Measurement devices,
sensors, MDMS, enterprise
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
ANSI/CEA 709.1-B2002 Control Network
Protocol Specification
ANSI/CEA 709.2-A R2006 Control Network
Power Line (PL)
Chanel Specification
ANSI/CEA 709.3 R2004 Free-Topology
Twisted-Pair Channel
ANSI/CEA709.4:1999 Fiber-Optic
Channel Specification
Enhanced Tunneling
Device Area Network
Protocols Over Internet
Protocol Channels
City of Douglas
CableLabs PacketCable
Security Monitoring and
Automation (SMA)
if yes)
if yes)
on the
Description of
in developing
the standard
This is a general purpose
networking protocol in use for
various applications including
electric meters, street lighting,
home automation and building
This is a specific physical layer
protocol designed for use with
ANSI/CEA 709.1-B-2002.
This is a specific physical layer
protocol designed for use with
ANSI/CEA 709.1-B-2002.
This is a specific physical layer
protocol designed for use with
ANSI/CEA 709.1-B-2002.
This protocol provides a way to
tunnel local operating network
messages through an IP network
using the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), thus providing a
way to create larger
Broad range of services,
including energy management
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
FIXML Financial
Information exchange
Markup Language
IEEE 1588
IETF RFC 791 (IPv4)
IETF RFC 2460 (IPv6)
City of Douglas
if yes)
if yes)
on the
Description of
in developing
the standard
Data exchange for markets
Time Management and Clock
Synchronization across the Smart
Grid, equipment needing
consistent time management
IETF RFC 791: The internet
protocol (IPv4) provides for
transmitting blocks of data called
datagrams from sources to
destinations, where sources and
destinations are hosts identified
by fixed length addresses. The
internet protocol also provides
for fragmentation and reassembly
of long datagrams, if necessary,
for transmission through "small
packet" networks.
IETF RFC 768: User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) - This protocol
provides a procedure for
application programs to send
messages to other programs with
a minimum of protocol
IETF RFC 2460: Internet
Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
ISO/IEC 15045, "A
Residential gateway model
for Home Electronic
Specification for a residential
gateway (RG) that connects
home network domains to
network domains outside the
ISO/IEC 15067-3 "Model
of an energy management
system for the Home
Electronic System.”
A model for energy management
that accommodates a range of
load control strategies.
ISO/IEC 18012,
"Guidelines for Product
ITU Recommendation
G.9960 (G.hn)
OPC-UA Industrial
Open Geospatial
Consortium Geography
Markup Language (GML)
City of Douglas
if yes)
if yes)
on the
Description of
in developing
the standard
Specifies requirements for
product interoperability in the
home and building automation
In-home networking over power
lines, phone lines, and coaxial
Application software integration
within the operations domain; a
candidate for use in an Enterprise
Service Bus.
A secure, high-speed data pipe
from one system to another based
on a tight publish/subscribe
mechanism to provide a plug-nplay interface to another system
with significant internal, highspeed data. Used in a variety of
operations domain applications.
Exchange of location-based
information addressing
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
if yes)
if yes)
on the
Description of
in developing
the standard
geographic data requirements for
many Smart Grid applications.
City of Douglas
US Department of
Transportation’s Federal
Highway Administration’s
Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) Standard
NTCIP 1213, “Electrical
Lighting and Management
Systems (ELMS)
Addresses open protocol remote
monitoring and control of street,
roadway and highway based
electrical assets including
lighting, revenue grade metering,
power quality and safety
equipment including remote
communicating ground fault and
arc fault interrupters.
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix F: Installed Electric, Gas, and Water Meters
Ward 4
Ward 3
City of Douglas
Subtotal Total
105 1417
Subtotal Total
224 1606
Ward 1
Ward 2
Subtotal Total
19 1194
Subtotal Total
36 1589
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix G: System-Wide AMI Requirements
AMI Requirement
Do Not
General Capabilities:
Remote Activation & Deactivation of Meters
Remote Collection of Data (Reads)
Notifications of High Consumption
Notifications of Low Consumption
Notifications of Leaks
Notifications of Tampering
Notifications of Theft of Service
Trending Analysis Features
Web Portal for Customer Access
Meter Capabilities:
Maintain time synchronization
Provide time-stamp capabilities
Uniquely identified on the network
Residential - provide a min of 60 minute meter
reads delivered hourly
Commercial - provide a min of 15 minute meter
reads delivered every 15 minutes
Industrial - provide a min 5 minute meter reads
delivered every 5 minutes
Monitor and report voltage
Remote programming capabilities
Two way communications
Support outage detection, restoration and
Ability to support remote disconnect and
Minimum of 15 day of data storage capabilities
Provide near real time power quality data
Respondent Capabilities:
Train city staff on retrofitting of existing solid state
Train city staff on installation of network elements
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Conduct system acceptance testing
Complete and provide design of AMI network to
meet requirements
Provide smart meters and AMI modules for retrofit
(as outlined in RFP)
Provide secure Home Area Network
Communications (cyber security)
Provide secure communications within the mesh
network, LAN and WAN for AMI functionalities
Demonstrate ability to support gas and water AMI
on same network
System capabilities to upload the readings into
Itron MVRS for billing
Provide and provision AMI network management
Provide training on AMI management system
Provide Implementation support (i.e.
troubleshooting, network provisioning etc.)
Secure delivery of meter reading data into
appropriate databases
Support interfaces to other utility applications via
Provide City with list of required equipment and
hardware to work with AMI
Detail power requirements for each network
Ability to offer and support Prepaid Billing to
Perform propagation studies as required
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix H: Prepaid Billing Requirements
System Overview - Scope of Work
Functional Processes
Account Management
This describes a consumer’s ability to actively monitor their Pre-Paid Billing information.
This describes the information relayed to the consumer. It must be near real-time and include
(but is not limited to) balance, usage and pending disconnects.
Electric Services
The system must have the ability to measure or prorate all electric services offered by The
City of Douglas. The pre- payment balance must decrease daily by the amount of all charges
combined. A monthly reconciliation between the Pre-Pay system and billing system is
This describes the function of the system that will alert consumers of important information
as defined by the Consumer Information above. Alerts must be delivered by Interactive Voice
Response (IVR), In-Home Display Device, email and text. Consumers will have the choice to
choose how their alerts are delivered.
Must have the ability to allow a predefined
Percentage of the amount paid by the consumer which is applied towards the customer’s
outstanding balance.
Consumer Alerts
Debt Recovery
System Interfaces
Payment Vendor Interfaces
The new Pre-Paid Billing System will require interaction with other the City of Douglas
systems, which include but are not limited to:
Available upon request.
The City of Douglas requires that each consultant prepare, in sufficient detail, an Implementation Plan outlining the required
tasks, estimated hours, responsibility, major deliverables, and timing. At a minimum, the RFP response will cover the
following areas:
• Project management.
• Database set-up and configuration.
• Application(s) installation (If any).
• Application set-up (tailoring, configuration, user set-up).
• Interfaces.
• Testing—unit, system, process, and interface.
• Process changes.
• Forms changes and design.
• Reports.
• Training—administrator and end-user.
• System acceptance testing.
• Transition to full operations (cut-over) including parallel processing.
• Period ending reporting.
• Backup and recovery.
• Marketing Assistance
The consultant will be responsible for training the City of Douglas team of eight to ten persons in all aspects of the product.
This training is required to allow the City’s staff to understand system capabilities before set-up and configuration activities
begin. The group will be responsible for performing and documenting system testing, documenting business processes and
procedures, and for training end-users. The consultant will develop an end-user training plan for current and new employees,
preferably computer based. The end-user training should be specific to the exact way the Co-op’s system has been configured
and set up to operate. In addition, a complete installation and operating instruction manual must be included for all aspects of
the software capabilities.
Ongoing Support and Maintenance
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
At a minimum, the proposal must include information and pricing associated with all aspects of ongoing support and
maintenance activities. This proposed support must include: onsite software maintenance, product help desk 24/7, product
fixes, product enhancements, and regular product releases based on a defined ongoing maintenance fee. The consultant should
discuss its upgrade policies and upgrade history of the proposed solution. The consultant must have the ability to connect to
the customer’s system, according the City’s Security Standards, to diagnose and correct problems real-time. The consultant
should also include a trouble-shooting plan during implementation and configuration to ensure the project stays operational 24
hours a day, seven days a week. The consultant should describe the process for the City of Douglas to request future product
enhancements. Installation and operations manual and a troubleshooting plan shall be submitted electronically in PDF format
and also one bound paper copy.
It is imperative for a customer system that the level of complexity, resource constraints, and funding considerations all dictate
a realistic phasing and timeline of activities. For planning purposes, the City has identified a total installation timeframe
spanning up to one to three months for the successful completion of the Pre-Paid Billing Solution implementation activities.
The consultant must review and confirm this timeframe or suggest other optimum timelines that more readily support the
consultant’s solutions and associated resource requirements.
System Requirements –
Successful two‐way integration with operational systems to include but not limited to the following:
Tyler Technologies INCODE Customer Information System (CIS)
o Billing information
o Various rate structures & components
 Base charges
 Energy charges
 Wholesale power cost adjustments
 Various taxes & government imposed fees
 Unmetered equipment such as outdoor lights
o Synchronize/reconcile CIS & Pre-Pay engine balances at specified intervals (hourly
preferred, daily minimum) for applicable charges, payments, adjustments, balances, etc.
o Collect past debt in a convenient & Member acceptable manner
o Support the exchange of payments made on CIS or Prepaid system without the need for
o Support integration to exchange account adjustments made on either system without
o Provide balance and/or disconnect status data to CIS in a periodic & timely manner
SunTrust Bank Financial Information System (FIS)
Advanced Metering Infrastructure System (AMI)
o Automatic remote disconnect/reconnect options
o Support arm‐for reconnect capability
o Adequate communications latency standards to ensure sequence commands to execute
o Validate that commands were executed or exceptions noted & published
Third party vendors involved in the processing of business practices and financial transactions to
include but not limited to:
o Integration with The City of Douglas’s financial institution – SunTrust Bank
o Live agent call center
o SCADA Outage Management System
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Mechanisms for customers to readily monitor account balances via data points of prior usage patterns to
enable customers to gauge current usage to include but not limited to:
 Average Daily Usage, both in terms of kWh and dollars
 Usage Yesterday, both in terms of kWh and dollars
 Usage month to date, both in terms of kWh and dollars
 Usage last month, both in terms of kWh and dollars
Support for multiple types of customer notifications to alert Customers of progressively low balance
points. Methods for delivery of notices to include but not limited to:
 Secure website
 E‐Mail
 Text messaging
 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) generated phone calls
 Smartphone application
 In‐Home Display
Disconnect process must support the following functions:
 Intervention on pending disconnects due to extenuating circumstances
 Effect moratoriums on disconnects based on predetermined rules relating to weather events, time
of day, weekends, holidays, etc.
Capability of allowing a predetermined amount of debit balance resulting from moratorium triggers
referenced above to be repaid within specified parameters on future payments
Ability for authorized employees to make account adjustments – positive or negative
 Payment related transactions
 Apply utility related service charges & fees
 Social assistance payments or vouchers
 Acceptance of full or partial payments on previously charged off accounts
Support multiple levels of Pre-Pay vending capable of handling large volumes of transactions in a timely
manner to include but not limited to:
 In person at utility office – cash, check or credit card
 In person at a designated payment location – Credit, debit, value storage cards, money grams,
cash or check
 Via telephone
 Via text message reload function
 Online via website
 Via designated kiosk locations
Post Payments collected off‐site during routine business hours to utilities bank account and CIS system in
Payments collected off‐site after routine business hours to be posted to CIS near real‐time.
Provisions for generating queries/reports to track metrics related to prepaid functions
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
General Questions
Please address the following as it pertains to your product:
What are the key differentiators of your product?
Please describe the overall architecture of your product.
Customer Notifications: Customers must be immediately notified of potential loss of service due to lack
of pre-paid funding, receipt of payments, and adjustments to pre-paid funding. In addition, customers
must receive periodic notifications of funding balance in total dollars and in terms of estimated time
remaining to deplete funding. Describe in detail all methods available via your proposed solution for
customer communications and interaction.
Describe how you could incorporate payments into the Pre-paid solution on a timely basis – if
you have existing interfaces with any of these service providers, please provide details of the
interface. Describe in detail any additional solutions you have for collection of customer
Allocation of payments to other charges/obligations – Describe in detail how your solution can
allow for a portion of every payment to be applied to non-energy charges – past debts, low
income energy assistance, non-regulated services (appliance repair program),etc.?
If so, can the funds be applied on a specified dollar amount and/or a percentage of each payment?
Returned payments – describe how payments returned for insufficient funds are handled.
Billing: Describe your billing calculation capabilities
Per unit charges – How are the per unit charges set for a customer? How would increases or
decreases to per unit charge be handled?
Monthly charges – Describe how monthly charges are converted into a daily charge or handled
some other way?
One time charges (returned check charges, connect fees) – Describe how one time charges are
allowed and how would we enter this type of charge?
Reconciliation with monthly bill calculated from CIS - do you have a reconciliation and
adjustment process to true up to a bill created from the billing system – if so how does that work?
Reconnect: Describe in detail your existing processes for connecting or re-connecting of
customers – include which metering solutions you currently have automated interfaces with. If
any hardware is needed other than the meter, please describe the hardware and provide expected
costs of the hardware.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Disconnect: Describe in detail your process for disconnecting customers – including the metering
solutions you currently have automated interfaces with. If any hardware is needed other than the
meter, please describe the hardware and provide expected costs of the hardware.
Disconnect calculation: Describe in detail how your solution calculates remaining balance and
how it determines when a customer is approaching zero credit balance and how it determines
when to notify a customer of potential loss of service.
System Capacity and Scalability: Describe the capacity of your proposed solution, and its ability
to grow as additional prepaid accounts are added.
The City of Douglas MultiSpeak web service methods that you support:
CIS Integration: Describe
AMI Integration: Describe
System Hardware: Describe
Data Storage Capability: Describe
System and Data Security: Describe
Weather Emergency Disconnect Inhibit: Describe
Critical Care Customers Disconnect Inhibit: Describe
Rates: Describe
Meter System Compatibility: Describe meter manufacture and models that your system is
compatible with.
AMI System Compatibility: Describe
Training: Describe
Hosting Services: Describe where software applications will reside.
Member Rollout Planning Assistance: Describe
System Access:
Solutions Provider Access: Describe
Utility Employee Access: Describe
Utility Customer Access: Describe
Bidder Performance/Capability
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Describe how many Pre-Pay customer systems your company currently has in service.
How many of your Pre-Pay customers have Tyler/INCODE as a CIS?
Describe how many Pre-Pay meters your company has in service.
Detail and describe all of your software modules and offerings.
Describe any existing “User Groups” that are currently supported and summarize typical meeting
schedules, meeting sites, and practices.
List the City of Douglass, titles, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses and provide brief
biographies of your contact personnel that would be working with the City of Douglas during the
implementation of the Pre-Pay solution and during the ongoing operation of the system after
After initial implementation, will one primary contact be assigned to The City of Douglas’s
account? If so, from which area of the organization?
Solutions Overview/System Design
Provide a complete list of all components and software required for the proposed system,
including but not limited to computer software and hardware, communications equipment.
It is expected that the proposed Pre-Pay solution have an operational life of no less than 15 years.
Describe the expected life cycle of your proposed solution.
Describe in detail physical space requirements for installation of all proposed equipment if
Provide information as to your future plans for this technology, i.e. do you plan, or forecast any
significant technology advancements/changes.
Disaster Recovery
Describe the procedures established for disaster recovery.
With whom do you contract? How many other customers do they have?
How often do you test disaster recovery procedures? When was the site last tested?
Have disaster recovery procedures ever been employed for a real disaster? If so, explain.
How long does it take to activate the site? How long can you stay at the site?
What occurs when you exceed the capacity of the backup site?
What arrangements are made regarding service level agreements in the event of a disaster?
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Vendor – Utility Partnership
A successful Pre-Pay implementation such as the one described herein is considered to be a joint effort
between the vendor and the utility. Describe your corporate strategy in forming a partnership between
your company and a utility such as the City of Douglas.
How is performance measured within your product?
Does the tool have an online tutorial?
Does the tool have tutorial/help features?
Does the tool have online documentation?
Does the tool have interactive help?
The City of Douglas is seeking to reduce both deployment and long-term support costs by
implementing a solution that is configurable and requires minimal custom code development.
Please describe in detail the following:
The extent of functionality that can be tailored to the City of Douglas's requirements without
resorting to the development of customized extensions?
The software tools utilized to facilitate product configuration.
How custom application functionality can be incorporated into the core product.
How the City’s specific configuration and any custom components would be impacted by product
Please provide a summary of your organizations approach to product deployment and a
project schedule that includes an estimated time frame for each of the above phases.
Please provide a description of the system infrastructure requirements for the proposed products
Client and server hardware requirements and recommended specifications.
All third party software requirements including Operating System and Relational Database
Management System.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Please provide a description of the City’s resources required to support both the deployment
and system maintenance and support activities. For each resource list the following:
Resource type, e.g. Project Manager.
Estimated percent of time required for deployment phase and post deployment (support)
Required technical skills, e.g. SQL.
Please provide a brief description of each of all proposed products. Include with the description
the following information.
Number of year’s product has been in development.
Current version number.
Number of major upgrades to product in past two years.
Number of sites in production.
Description of user group activities, e.g. annual meetings.
Does the tool have interactive help?
Prepay ROI
Please provide any information you have on your customer’s ROI from implementing your product.
Do your customer’s generally charge members a fee for the Prepay Service? Any component of this
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Appendix I: RFP General Requirements (Legal)
City of Douglas Agreement for Professional Services
A. Utility
”Utility” shall mean City of Douglas, a municipal Corporation of the State of Georgia.
B. Vendor
”Vendor” shall mean the person, firm, partnership or corporation who has executed this Agreement.
C. Subcontractor
A person, firm, partnership, or corporation having a contract with the Vendor or with a Subcontractor
to any tier for the performance of any part of the work.
This Agreement represents and incorporates the entire understanding of the parties hereto
concerning the statement of work specified, and each party acknowledges that there are no
warranties, representations, covenants or understandings of any kind, manner or description
whatsoever by either party to the other except as expressly set forth and herein above written.
In performing services under this Agreement, Vendor shall operate as and have the status of an
independent contractor and shall not act as or be an agent or employee of the Utility. For this reason,
all of the Vendor’s activities will be at its own risk.
Vendor agrees to perform its consulting services with that standard of care, skill and diligence
normally provided by a professional person in the performance of such consulting services in respect
to work similar to that hereunder. Vendor is hereby given notice that the Utility will be relying on the
accuracy, competence, and completeness of Vendor's services hereunder in utilizing the results of
such services.
Vendor shall protect, hold free and harmless, defend and pay on behalf of the Utility (including its
managers, commissioners and employees) actual and direct liability, penalties, costs, losses,
damage, expense, causes of action, claims, or judgments, (including reasonable attorney's fees)
resulting from injury or death, sustained by any person (including Vendor's employees) or damage to
property of any kind which injury, death, or damage to the extent arises out of or is in any way
connected with Vendor's negligent acts or willful misconduct in its performance of this contract.
Vendor's hold harmless agreement shall apply to any act or omission, willful misconduct or negligence
whether passive or active, on the part of Vendor (its agents or employees); except, that this
agreement shall not be applicable to injury, death, or damage to property or persons arising from the
negligence or the willful misconduct of the Utility, its managers, commissioners, and employees.
In any and all claims against the Utility by any employee of Vendor, the indemnification and
hold-harmless obligation herein shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount
or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Vendor under worker's
compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts, AND VENDOR
The Vendor shall have, and maintain throughout the Contract period, insurance and benefits in the
following minimum requirements:
(a) Workers' compensation insurance, Social Security, Federal Income Tax deductions, and any
other taxes or payroll deductions required by law for, or on behalf, of its employees.
(b) Employer's liability, professional liability, commercial general liability (bodily injury and
property damage) and comprehensive auto-mobile liability (bodily injury and property damage)
insurance, with each policy having maximum limits of not less than $1,000,000.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
(c) Vendor shall provide an endorsement on the Commercial General Liability and Property
Damage policy naming the Utility as additional insured and add a separation of insured clause
or a cross liability endorsement.
The Utility shall have the right at any time to require commercial general liability, automobile liability,
and property damage insurance greater than those required in subsection (b) of this section.
Vendor shall deliver to the Purchasing Department of the Utility, no later than ten (10) days after
award of the Agreement, but in any event prior to execution of the Agreement by the Utility and prior
to commencing work, Certificates of Insurance, identified on their face as the Agreement Number to
which applicable, as evidence that policies providing such coverage and limits of insurance are in full
force and effect, which Certificates shall provide that advance notice will be given in writing to the
Utility prior to cancellation or termination of said policies of insurance, according to state provision.
Such advance notice of cancellation or termination of said policies shall be delivered to the
Purchasing Department of the Utility.
In case of conflict or discrepancies, errors, or omissions among various parts of the Agreement, the
matter shall be submitted immediately by Vendor to the Utility for clarification. Any work affected by
such conflicts, discrepancies, errors or omissions which is performed by Vendor prior to clarification
by the Utility shall be at Vendor's risk.
The Utility shall have a permanent, assignable non-exclusive royalty-free license to use any concept,
product or process, patentable or otherwise, furnished or supplied to the Utility by Vendor, or
otherwise conceived and/or developed by Vendor in the performance of this Agreement. If requested
by the Utility, Vendor agrees to do all things necessary, at the Utility's sole cost and expense, to obtain
patents or copyrights of any processes, products or writings conceived and/or developed or produced
by Vendor in the performance of this Agreement, to the extent that same may be patented or
copyrighted, and further agrees to execute such documents as may be necessary to implement and
carry out the provisions of this paragraph. All materials prepared or developed by Vendor hereunder,
including documents, calculations, maps, sketches, notes, reports, data, models, and samples, shall
become the property of the Utility when prepared, whether delivered to the Utility or not, and shall
together with any materials furnished Vendor by the Utility hereunder, be delivered to the Utility upon
request and, in any event, upon termination of this Agreement.
Each party agrees that he will not divulge to third parties, without the written consent of the other
party, any information which relates to the technical or business activities of the other party obtained
from or through the other party in connection with the performance of this Agreement unless: (i) the
information is known to either party prior to obtaining the same from the other party, (ii) the information
is, at the time of disclosure by either party, then in the public domain; or (iii) the information is obtained
by either party from a third party who did not receive the same, directly or indirectly, from the other
party and who has no obligation of nondisclosure with respect thereto. Each party further agrees that
he will not, without the prior written consent of the other party, disclose to any third party any
information developed or obtained in the performance of this Agreement except to the extent that
such information falls within one of the categories described in (i), (ii), or (iii) above.
If so requested by either party, the other party further agrees to require its employees to execute a
Nondisclosure Agreement prior to performing any services under this Agreement.
Any contract entered into by Vendor with any subcontractor or any person or organization for the
performance of this Agreement or any portion thereof without prior written consent of Utility shall be
void. Consent will not be given to any proposed contract, as mentioned above, which would relieve
Vendor or its surety of their responsibilities under this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Vendor shall promptly give all notices and comply strictly with all laws, codes, ordinances, rules,
orders and regulations applicable to the work. Vendor shall hold the Utility harmless as a result of
any infractions thereof by it or any of its Subcontractors.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
The Utility may, by written notice to the Vendor, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part any time,
either for the Utility's convenience, or for the default of Vendor. Upon such termination, all data,
drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as
may have been accumulated by the Vendor in the exclusive performance of this Agreement shall, in
the manner and to the extent determined by the Utility, become the property of and be delivered to
the Utility.
If the termination is for the convenience of the Utility, an equitable adjustment in the Agreement price
shall be made by Agreement between Vendor and the Utility in the compensation to be paid Vendor
under this Agreement, but no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit or unperformed services.
If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill Agreement obligation, it is determined that the Vendor
had not so failed, the termination shall be deemed to have been effected for the convenience of the
Utility. In such event, adjustment in the Agreement price shall be made as provided in paragraph ii,
The rights and remedies of the Utility provided in this Article are in addition to any other rights and
remedies provided by law or under this Agreement.
The Utility may at any time, by written order, make changes within the Statement of Work of the
Agreement in the services to be performed. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in the
cost of, or time required for performance of any services under this Agreement, an equitable
adjustment shall be made and the Agreement shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim for
adjustment under this Article must be asserted in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt
by the Vendor of the notification of change, unless the Utility grants a further period of time before the
date of final payment under the Agreement.
No services for which an additional cost or fee will be charged by the Vendor shall be furnished
without the prior written authorization of the Utility.
The services performed under this Agreement shall be subject to review by the Utility. This periodic
review shall not relieve the Vendor of responsibility for proper performance of the services.
The Vendor shall, during the life of this contract and for a period of three (3) years following final
settlement and close out of the contract, retain sufficient evidence, which, upon not less than five (5)
business days written notice, and no more frequently than once per calendar year, shall be freely
disclosed to the Utility, its agents, representatives and the Bonneville Power Administration to permit
verification of proper performance of entitlement to payments for work under this contract.
The Vendor shall provide reports submitted in the manner directed by the Utility. The Vendor shall
maintain on file and have available to the Utility, upon not less than five (5) business days written
notice, and no more frequently than once per calendar year, its calculations in legible form for a period
of three (3) years following termination of this Agreement, drawings, specifications, reports and any
other documents prepared by the Vendor in connection with any or all of the services furnished
hereunder shall be the property of the Utility.
Vendor shall invoice referencing this Agreement number and the Work Release Order Number, if any.
Invoices shall be numbered, itemized and supported by proper documentation in accordance with the
provisions of Schedule of Payments. Invoices are to be mailed directly to:
City of Douglas
Attn: Accounts Payable
PO Box 470
Douglas, Ga 31533
Expenses of a personal nature which do not benefit the Utility and which might have been incurred
whether or not the traveler was on official business are not reimbursable. These include
entertainment, alcoholic beverages, clothes laundering or dry cleaning, traffic violations, side trips not
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
related to Utility business, expenses of family or other persons not authorized to receive
reimbursement from the Utility, trip insurance, and personal purchases.
Receipts for hotel/motel accommodations, air travel, and rental car shall be attached to invoices as
documentation of expenditures, regardless of amount. Receipts for taxi, other forms of local travel,
parking fees and other incidental expenses need not be attached unless the amount of the claim
exceeds $35 per item.
Travel should be by the most direct route available, and the mode of transport should be the one that
is most economical and consistent with the purposes of the trip. The traveler should accept the lowest
transportation fares meeting the trip requirements. Indirect routing and stopovers for personal reasons
are to be approved in advance and noted on the Travel Expense Report. Related additional costs are
not reimbursable.
Payment for lodging is at actual cost for reasonable accommodations, which can vary depending on
the location of travel.
Travelers are required to attach an itemized lodging receipt for approved occupancy to the invoice.
Travelers are eligible to receive a per diem meal allowance while conducting official Utility business.
Receipts are not required. Travelers are eligible to receive a meal allowance if the business trip
requires them to be in travel status during their normal mealtime (i.e., breakfast, lunch or dinner).
The per diem meal allowance is considered to be a reimbursement for meal expenses. Per Diem
amounts will be reduced in instances where a traveler does not incur expenses for meals because
they are furnished or included in the registration fee for a meeting or conference. Per Diem meal
allowances are not reduced for meals served on airlines or for continental breakfast served at the
hotel or seminar/conference.
IRS Publication, 1542, Per Diem Rates, will provide per diem rates for travel within the continental
United States, Finance & Administrative Services will maintain a table of the per diem rates, including
tax and tip, which shall establish the maximum reimbursement for single meals.
The Utility Auditor may approve an exception to the per diem meal allowance and allow for the
reimbursement of actual meal expenses under special circumstances. In such cases, receipts will be
required for reimbursement. Reimbursement for tips and gratuities will be limited to 15% of the meal
Contract Finance & Administrative Services for per diem rates for foreign travel.
Communication Expenses:
The cost of business telephone calls is reimbursable, including brief calls (up to 5 minutes) to a
traveler’s home relating to safe arrival, change in travel plans and airport transportation.
Charges for fax machine and Internet are eligible for reimbursement if Utility business requires such
Other Expenses:
Actual costs are reimbursed for necessary baggage handling and other incidental business expenses,
including reasonable and customary tips for valet service and housekeeping.
Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be given by depositing in the U.S. Mail
with registered postage prepaid to the address of the Utility or Vendor, respectively, as set forth herein
and shall be effective on the date of mailing as shown by the postmark or shall be given in writing
served on an officer of the Vendor or on the Contract and
Purchasing Manager of the Utility.
The Utility shall retain title to all Utility furnished property. All Utility property and all property acquired
by the Vendor or its subcontractors are subject to the provisions of this clause. If this contract contains
a provision directing the Vendor or its subcontractor to purchase material or equipment for which the
Utility will reimburse the Vendor or its subcontractors as a direct item of cost under this contract –
Title to material and equipment purchased from a vendor shall pass to and vest in the Utility
upon random delivery of such material and equipment, and
Title to all other material and equipment shall pass to and vest in the Utility upon
(a) Issuance of the material and equipment for use in contract performance; or
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
(b) Commencement of proceedings of the material and equipment or its use in contract
performance; or
(c) Reimbursement of the cost of the material and equipment by the Utility, whichever occurs
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
State of Georgia
County of _________________
I, ________________________________ residing in ___________________________________
(name of affiant)
(name of municipality)
in the County of _____________________________ and State of __________________of full age,
being duly sworn according to law on my oath depose and say that:
I am _______________________________ of the firm of _______________________________
(title or position)
(name of firm)
_________________________________ the bidder making this Proposal for the bid
entitled ______________________________, and that I executed the said proposal with
(title of bid proposal)
full authority to do so that said bidder has not, directly or indirectly entered into any agreement,
participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free, competitive bidding in
connection with the above named project; and that all statements contained in said proposal and in
this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that the ______________________
(name of contracting unit)
relies upon the truth of the statements contained in said Proposal and in the statements contained in
this affidavit in awarding the contract for the said project. I further warrant that no person or selling
agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure such contract upon an agreement or
understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, except bona fide
employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day
________________, 2____
(Type or print name of affiant under signature)
Notary public of _____________________________
My Commission expires _______________
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
If you are providing service, or performing work for The City of Douglas, Georgia, the applicable Georgia Security
and Immigration Compliance documents found here must be completed, signed, notarized and submitted with your
The City of Douglas, Georgia shall comply with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act
OCGA 13-10-90 et. seq.,
In order to insure compliance CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all of the contractor requirements of
the “Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act” of 2006 as codified in O.C.G.A. Sections 13-1090 and 13-10-91 and regulated in Chapter 300-10-1 of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia,
"Public Employers, Their Contractors and Subcontractors Required to Verify New Employee Work
Eligibility Through a Federal Work Authorization Program," accessed at http://www.dol.state.ga.us, as
further set forth below.
Contractor Agreement to Verify the Work Eligibility of its New Hires through the U.S
Department of Homeland Security’s “Employment Eligibility Verification (EEV) / Basic Pilot
Program.” CONTRACTOR agrees to verify the work eligibility of all of CONTRACTOR’S
newly hired employees through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Employment
Eligibility Verification (EEV) / Basic Pilot Program, accessed through the Internet at
https://www.vis-dhs.com/EmployerRegistration, in accordance with the provisions and timeline
found in O.C.G.A. 13-10-91 and Rule 300-10-1-.02 of the Rules and Regulations of the State of
Georgia. As of July 1, 2007, the verification requirement applies to contractors and subcontractors
with five-hundred (500) or more employees.
Contracts Affected by the “Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act.”
CONTRACTOR agrees that the contractor and subcontractor requirements of the “Georgia
Security and Immigration Compliance Act” of 2006 apply to contracts for, or in connection with,
the physical performance of services within the State of Georgia.
Timeline for Application of the Worker Eligibility Verification Requirements to Contractors and
Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR agrees that the following Georgia Security and Immigration
Compliance Act contract compliance dates apply to this contract, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 13-10-91:
On or after July 1, 2007, to public employers, contractors, or subcontractors of 500 or more
On or after July 1, 2008, to public employers, contractors, or subcontractors of 100 or more
employees; and
On, or after July 1, 2009, to all other public employers, their contractors, and subcontractors
The prospective CONTRACTOR must initial one of the sections below:
Contractor has 500 or more employees [CONTRACTOR must register with the Employment
Eligibility Verification/Basic Pilot Program and begin work eligibility verification on July 1,
2007, and execute and send to DEPARTMENT a “Contractor Affidavit and Agreement” attesting
to registration with the EEV / Basic Pilot Program];
Contractor has 100-499 employees [CONTRACTOR must register with the Employment
Eligibility Verification/Basic Pilot Program and begin work eligibility verification by July 1,
Contractor has 99 or fewer employees [CONTRACTOR must begin work eligibility verification
by July
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
In the event that the contractor employs or contracts with any subcontractor in connection with a covered
contract the contractor will secure from the subcontractor attestation of the subcontractor’s compliance with
O.C.G.A. § 13-10-90 et seq. and Georgia Department of Labor Rule 300-10-1-.02 by the subcontractor’s
execution of the subcontractor affidavit shown in Georgia Department of Labor Rule 300-10-1-.02 or a
substantially similar affidavit.
Contractor agrees that, in the event the (insert your company’s name) ________________
____________________________________________ employs or contracts with any sub-contractor in
connection with the covered contract to require “Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act”
Compliance of its Subcontractors Connected with this Contract. CONTRACTOR agrees to require
O.C.G.A. Sections 13-10-90 and 13-10-91 compliance in all written agreements with any subcontractor
employed by CONTRACTOR to provide services connected with this contract, as required pursuant to
O.C.G.A. 13-10-91., that the (insert company’s name) ____________________________
________________________________will secure from each sub-contractor the employee-number
applicable to the sub-contractor.
CONTRACTOR agrees to obtain from any subcontractor that is employed by CONTRACTOR to provide
services connected with this contract, the subcontractor’s indication of the employee-number category
applicable to the subcontractor.
Contractor agrees to provide the City of Douglas with and secure all affidavits from any subcontractor
engaged to perform services under this Contract an executed the “Subcontractor Affidavit,” as required
pursuant to O.C.G.A. 13-10-91 and Rule 300-10-1-.08 of the Rules and Regulations of the State of
Georgia, which rule can be accessed at http://www.dol.state.ga.us.
CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain all records of the subcontractor’s compliance with O.C.G.A. Sections
13-10-90 and 13-10-91 and Chapter 300-10-1 of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. 13 1 0-91, stating
affirmatively that the individual, firm, or corporation which is contracting with The City of Douglas, has registered
with and is participating in a federal work authorization program* [any of the electronic verification of work
authorization programs operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or any equivalent federal
work authorization program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify information
of newly hired employees, pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), P.L. 99-6031], in
accordance with the applicability provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. 13-10-91.
The undersigned further agrees that, should it employ or contract with any subcontractor(s) in connection with the
physical performance of services pursuant to this contract with the City of Douglas, contractor will secure from such
subcontractor(s) similar verification of compliance with O.C.G.A. 13- 10-91 on the Subcontractor Affidavit
provided in Rule 300- 10-01 -.08 or a substantially similar form. Contractor further agrees to maintain records of
such compliance and provide a copy of each such verification to the (name of the public employer) at the time the
subcontractor(s) is retained to perform such service.
EEV / Basic Pilot Program* User Identification Number
BY: Authorized Officer or Agent
(Contractor Name)
Title of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor
Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent
THE __________DAY OF, 20____
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: _____________
*As of the effective date of O.C.G.A. 13-10-91, the applicable federal work authorization program is the "EEV / Basic Pilot
Program" operated by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in
conjunction with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Authority O.C.G.A. 13-10-91
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Contractors shall use the following affidavit form, or an affidavit form that is substantially similar to that provided
below, to document a subcontractor's compliance with the requirements of O.C.G.A. 13-10-91:
By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. 13-10-91, stating
affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services under
a contract with (name of contractor) ________________ ___________________________________________ on
behalf of the City of Douglas has registered with and is participating in a federal work authorization program* [any
of the electronic verification of work authorization programs operated by the United States Department of Homeland
Security or any equivalent federal work authorization program operated by the United States Department of
Homeland Security to verify information of newly hired employees, pursuant to the Immigration Reform and
Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), P.L. 99-6031], in accordance with the applicability provisions and deadlines
established in O.C.G.A. 13-10-91.
EEV / Basic Pilot Program* User Identification Number
BY: Authorized Officer or Agent
(Contractor Name)
Title of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor
Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent
THE __________DAY OF, 20____
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: _____________
*As of the effective date of O.C.G.A. 13-10-91, the applicable federal work authorization program is the "EEV / Basic Pilot
Program" operated by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in
conjunction with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Authority O.C.G.A. 13-10-91
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Each bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable bid security in the amount of 5% pledging that
Bidder will enter into a contract with Owner on terms stated in his Bid and will furnish
Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds as described hereinafter. Should Bidder refuse to
enter into such a contract or fail to furnish bonds, if required, the amount of bid security shall be
forfeited to Owner as liquidated damages, not as penalty.
Owner will have right to retain bid security of Bidders until either:
Form of Agreement has been executed and Performance and Labor and Materials
Payment Bonds, (100% OF BID AMOUNT), have been furnished, or
Specified time has elapsed so that bids may be withdrawn, or
All bids have been rejected.
Procedures for handling bonds:
1. Every bid must have a Bid Bond with the bid response or the bid is rejected.
2. Bid bonds are placed with the original bid response and locked in a secure place while all
bids are being evaluated.
3. Once negotiations are complete and a contractor has been selected, the Governing Body
will have to formally approve the award. The selected contractor must provide the
Payment Bond and Performance Bond both to be (100% OF BID AMOUNT) (usually within
10 days of award and before the Notice to Proceed is issued). These bond document
must be locked in a secure place where you have access to them should you have to “call
the bond”.
4. All bid bonds are returned to the original bidders after the award of the contract by the
Governing Body.
5. Once the project is completed and signed off by the City of Douglas, Georgia Gas
Director the payment and performance bond documents are returned to the contractor.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Please complete the following forms and return with Bid Proposal.
City of Douglas, Georgia Electric Department
City of Douglas, Georgia
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned,
as Principal, and _______________________________________________________________, as
Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Douglas, Georgia Board of Commissioners in the
sum of _____________________________________________Dollars ($________________________)
lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,
we bind ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally,
firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted to the Owner a Bid for construction of the
One (1) New Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as per their Bid Proposal
NOW THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the Bid be accepted, the Principal
shall, within ten days after receipt of conformed Contract Documents, execute a Contract in accordance
with the Bid upon the terms, conditions and prices set forth therein, and in the form and manner required
by the Contract Documents and execute sufficient and satisfactory separate Performance and Payment
Bonds payable to the Owner, each in an amount of 100 percent of the total Contract Price, in form
satisfactory to the Owner, then this obligation shall, upon failure of the Principal to comply with any or all
of the foregoing requirements within the time specified above, immediately pay to the aforesaid Owner,
upon demand, the amount hereof in good and lawful money of the United States of America, not as a
penalty, but as liquidated damages. This bond is given pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions
of O.C.G.A. Section 36-10-1 ET. seq. and all the provisions of the law referring to this character of bond
as set forth in said Sections or as may be hereinafter enacted and these are hereby made a part hereof to
the same extent as if set out herein in full.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal has hereunder affixed its signature and seal, and said Surety
has hereunto caused to be affixed its corporate signature and seal, by its duly authorized officers, on this
____________ day of _______________, 2014.
CONTRACTOR - PRINCIPAL: ____________________________________________
(Please Print)
Address: _______________________________________________
ATTEST: __________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Title: ________________________________________________
Note: Attest for a corporation must be by the corporate secretary; for a partnership by another partner;
for an individual by a notary.
SURETY: ___________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Title: _________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
ATTEST: ____________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Title: __________________________________________________
Note: Surety companies executing bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list
(Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state where the Project is
Resident agent in state in which Work is to be performed:
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
City of Douglas, Georgia Electric Department
City of Douglas, Georgia
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we __________________________,
as Principal
(hereinafter known as "Contractor"), and we, _______________________ , as Surety, are held and firmly
bound unto the City of Douglas, Georgia Board of Commissioners (hereinafter called the "Owner"), in
the penal sum of
_____________________________________ Dollars ($____________________)
lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind
ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these
WHEREAS, said Contractor has entered into a certain Contract Agreement with said Owner, dated
_____________________ , 2014, for One (1) New Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as per
your Bid Proposal (hereinafter called the "Contract"), which Contract Agreement and the Contract
Documents for said Work shall be deemed a part hereof as fully if set out herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if said Contractor and all subcontractors
to whom any portion of the Work provided for in said Contract Agreement is sublet and all assignees of said
Contractor and of such subcontractors shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying them with
labor, products, services, or supplies for or in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Contract
Agreement, or in any amendment or extension of or addition to said Contract Agreement, and for the
payment of reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the claimant in suits on this Bond, then the above
obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
HOWEVER, this Bond is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
Any person, firm or corporation that has furnished labor, products, or
supplies for or in the prosecution of the Work provided for in said Contract
Agreement shall have a direct right of action against the Contractor and
Surety on this Bond, which right of action shall be asserted in proceeding,
instituted in the county in which the Work provided for in said Contract
Agreement is to be performed or in any county in which Contractor or
Surety does business.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Such right of action shall be asserted in proceedings instituted in the name
of the claimant or claimants for its use and benefit against said Contractor
and Surety or either party (but not later than one (1) year after the final
settlement of said Contract Agreement) in which action such claim or
claims shall be adjudicated and judgment rendered thereon.
___________________________, as the agent of each party to receive
and accept service of process or other pleading issued or filed in any
proceeding instituted on this bond and hereby consent that such service
shall be the same as personal service on the Contractor and/or Surety.
In no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of
this Bond, or subject to any suit, action or proceedings thereon that is
instituted later than one (1) year after the final settlement of said
Contractor Agreement.
This Bond is given pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of
O.C.G.A. Section 13-10-1 ET. Seq. and 36-82-100 ET. Seq. hereinafter,
and all the provisions of law referring to this character of Bond as set forth
in said Sections or as may be hereinafter enacted, and these are hereby
made a part hereof to the same extend as if set out here in full.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Contractor has hereunder affixed its signature and seal, and said Surety
has hereunto caused to be affixed its corporate signature and seal, by it duly authorized officers, on this
________ day of ________________________, 2014, executed in six counterparts.
(Please Print)
(Please Print)
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Note: Attestation for a corporation must be by the corporate secretary; for a partnership by
another partner; for an individual by a notary.
(Please Print)
WITNESS: __________________________________
NAME: __________________________________
(Please Print)
TITLE: ___________________________________
Surety companies executing Bond must appear on the Treasury Department's most current
list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the State where
the Project is located.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
City of Douglas, Georgia Electric Department
City of Douglas, Georgia
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, ____________________________, as Principal,
thereinafter known as "Contractor"), and we, _______________________,
as Surety,
do hereby
acknowledge ourselves indebted and firmly bound and held unto the City of Gainesville for use and benefit
($________________) for the payment of which will and truly to be made, in lawful money of the United
States, we do hereby bind ourselves, successors, assigns, heirs and personal representatives.
WHEREAS, the Owner has engaged the said Contractor for the sum of
__________________________Dollars ($_________________) for the
One (1) New Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as per your Bid Proposal as more fully appears
in a written Contract Agreement bearing the date of __________________, 2014, a copy of which Contract
Agreement is by reference hereby made a part hereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall fully and faithfully perform all the undertakings and obligations
under the said Contract Agreement hereinbefore referred to and shall fully indemnify and save harmless
the said Owner from all costs and damage whatsoever which it may suffer by reason of any failure on the
part of said Contractor to do so, and shall fully reimburse and repay the said Owner any and all outlay and
expense which it may incur in making good any such default, and shall correct all defects in products and
workmanship appearing within one (1) year of the completion of all Work, then this obligation shall be null
and void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
And for value received it is hereby stipulated and agreed that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the terms of the said Contract Agreement, or in the Work to be performed hereunder, or the
Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect the obligations under this Contract
Agreement or Bond, and notice is hereby waived any such damage, extension or time, alteration or addition
to the terms of the Contract Agreement or to the Work or to the Contract Documents.
This bond is given pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of O.C.G.A. Section 36-01-1 et. seq. and
36-82-100 et. seq. and all the provisions of the law referring to this character of Bond as set forth in said
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Sections or as may be hereinafter enacted, and these are hereby made a part hereof to the same extent
as if set out herein in full.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Contractor has hereunder affixed its signature and seal, and said Surety
has hereunto caused to be affixed its corporate signature and seal, by it duly authorized officers, on this
________ day of ________________________, 2014, executed in six counterparts.
BY: ______________________________
NAME: ___________________________
(Please Print)
TITLE: ___________________________
(Please Print)
Attestation for a corporation must be by the corporate secretary; for a partnership by
another partner; for an individual by a notary.
SURETY: ________________________________________
BY: _____________________________________________
NAME: __________________________________________
(Please Print)
TITLE: ___________________________________________
(Please Print)
Surety companies executing Bond must appear on the Treasury Department's most current
list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the State where
the Project is located.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
The City of Douglas, Georgia retains the right to reject any or all proposals, or
portions of proposals without further action. Each bidder shall examine all
documents and shall judge all matters relating to the adequacy of such documents.
Once a proposal is submitted, and opened the city shall not accept any request by
any bidder to correct errors or omissions in any proposal submitted.
The City of Douglas, Georgia reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted
for official record purposes and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of
whether that proposal is selected. No copies of proposals will be returned to the
Proposals shall clearly indicate the legal name, address and telephone number of
the bidder. Proposals shall be signed above the typed or printed name and the title
of the signer shall be indicated.
Any inquiries, suggestions or requests concerning Electrical interpretation,
clarification, or additional information pertaining to this shall be emailed to Lamar
Hill @ [email protected].
Any inquiries, suggestions or requests concerning Gas and Water interpretation,
clarification, or additional information pertaining to this shall be emailed to
Michael Hudson at [email protected]. Neither city employee nor its
representative shall be responsible for any oral interpretations. The issuance of a
written addendum is the only official method whereby interpretation, clarification,
or additional information may be given.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
Bid Solvency
Bidders must demonstrate sufficient financial strength, resources and capability to
complete the contract in a satisfactory manner. The contractor shall not commence
work under this contract until all the necessary insurance required under this
paragraph and such insurance has been provided to the City of Douglas, nor shall
the contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until
all has been obtained and approved. All certificates of insurance and policies shall
contain the following clause: “The insurance covered by this certificate will not
be canceled or materially altered unless at least fifteen (15) days prior written
notice has been given to the City of Douglas”
(a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain
during the life of this Contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the
employees to be engaged in work on the project under this Contract
(b) Public Liability, Property Damage, and Automobile Liability Insurance:
The Contractor shall take out, and maintain during the life of the Contract such
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in the following minimum amounts:
(1) Bodily Injury Insurance in an amount not less than
$1,000,000 for bodily injury, including accidental death, to any
one person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an
amount not less than $2,000,000 on account of one accident.
(2) Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than
$1,000,000 for any one damage claim, and in an aggregate
amount up to $2,000,000 during a period of twelve (12) months:
(3) Automobile Liability Insurance:
a. For bodily injury, including accidental death to any one
person in an amount not less than $500,000 and subject to
the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than
$1,000,000 on account of one accident.
b. For property damage in an amount not less than
$500,000 for any one damage claim and in an aggregate
amount up to $1,000,000 during a period of twelve (12)
(c) Builder's Risk Insurance (Fire and Extended Coverage): The Contractor shall
insure all work against loss or damage by fire and against loss or damage covered by
the standard extended coverage insurance endorsement, the amount of the insurance
at all times to be at least equal to the amount paid on account of work and materials.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
The policies shall be in the names of the City of Douglas, Georgia, and the
Contractor as their interest may appear.
(e) Proof of Coverage of Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish the City of
Douglas, Georgia with a certificate showing satisfactory proof of carriage of the
insurance required before commencing work on this contract.
(f) Scope of Insurance: The insurance required under subparagraphs (b) and
(c) Hereof shall provide adequate protection for the Contractor and his
subcontractors, respectively, as well as the City of Douglas, Georgia, against damage
claims which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations
are by the insured or by anyone directly or indirectly employed.
The City of Douglas, Georgia must be included as an “additional insured” on the
insurance certificate, the intent being that coverage will be afforded the City of
Douglas under Contractor’s policies for any claim, demand, suit or action brought
against the City of Douglas, Georgia and arising from or related to the performance
of the contract to which the certificate of insurance is attached. Contractor
covenants, represents and agrees that it has in effect comprehensive general
liability insurance, motor vehicle coverage, and workers’ compensation insurance
as required in RFP CNG-1 and as to which the City of Douglas, Georgia is named
as an additional insured. The comprehensive general liability insurance called for
hereunder and as to which the city is an additional insured shall apply on a primary
and non-contributory basis to any other insurance available to the city with respect
to any loss, claim, demand or action asserted against the city by reason of
contractor’s performance of this contract.
Proposed Construction Payment
 Net (10) ten days – All equipment invoiced when shipped by manufacturer
and received by the City of Douglas.
 Net (30) thirty days – All Project invoices
 *City of Douglas will retain 20% of winning bid until project is completed to
the satisfaction of the City of Douglas, Georgia.
Contractor and City of Douglas, Georgia recognize that time is of the essence of
this contract and that the City of Douglas will suffer financial loss if the work is
not completed within the times specified, plus any extensions thereof allowed. The
parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a
legal or arbitration preceding the actual loss suffered by city if the work is not
completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, City and
Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty),
Contractor shall pay City of Douglas, Georgia $500.00 for each day that expires
after October 01, 2014.
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
The following information must be completed to be in compliance with the
Specifications of this bid. Failure to complete this section of this bid document
shall be grounds for disqualification.
Company Information Page
Company Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________
Rep. Printed Name: _______________________________________________________
(Type or Print Legibly)
Rep. Title: ______________________________________________________________
Tax ID#: __________________________ or SS # ______________________________
City of Douglas
FY15 AMI Request for Proposal—Performance Requirements
References Sheet
This should be three people and phone numbers to whom we may contact to
account for your company’s quality of service.
1. NAME:
PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________________
2. NAME: ______________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________________
3. NAME: ______________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________________
City of Douglas