Convergence Support Deck
Convergence Support Deck
THE BUSINESS MODEL FOR INTEGRATED THINKING IN PM Peter Keeling, CEO Diaceutics a discussion on our business case readiness through the lens of my four favourite movies First…..internal integration Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx/Lx programs…. Rx= Therapy asset Dx= Diagnostic asset Lx= Laboratory service Jessup: You want answers? Lt Kafee: I want the truth! – Jessup: You can't handle the truth! first the good news….. Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs clear R&D shift towards a PM model (Phase 3 Pipelines of top 12 Pharmaco’s) 2010 2014 Total = 213 Total = 208 54% 72% 46% 28% PM non-PM PM non-PM Number of biomarker-associated drugs or drugs that could benefit from PM strategy in the pipeline increased by over half, from 99 in 2010 to 149 in 2014Q2 and constitutes over 70% of the phase 3 pipeline. Source Diaceutics Top 12 Pharma PM Readiness Report 2015 . & an improvement in organizational and commercial readiness between Pharma cos. 2010 2014 Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Diaceutics Top 12 Pharma PM Readiness Report 2015 . st 1 Illustrated by a really competitive PM market which will expose win/lose PM strategies PD-L1 Four Competitor investments in clinical trials across the multiple indications # of studies Competitive rivalry Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Source: Diaceutics PDL1 Competitive Benchmarking Report however Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs The perfect storm… starting with a lack of understanding from the top of Rx and Dx industries …of the financial architecture underpinning PM Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs plus a reinforcing commercial mind-set which has positioned PM as “small business” niche market = price high How should we build our business systems? broad market = optimize access Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Source: National Trends In Spending On And Use Of Oral Oncologics, First Quarter 2006 Through Third Quarter 2011 Rena M. Conti1,*, Adam J. Fein2 and Sumita S. Bhatta3; Health Aff October 2014 vol. 33 no. 10 1721-1727; despite data to the contrary Class contribu on to cost increase in Cancer therapies 2006-11 PM Global Oncology Therapy Sales –$Billion 100% $8 80% $7 US$ Billion 120% 60% $6 40% $5 20% 0% $4 Targeted therapies Hormonal therapies An metabolites Alkyla ng agents -20% $3 -40% $2 $1 $0 2010 2013 Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Source Diaceutics Top 12 Pharma PM Readiness Report 2015 . resulting in a minimization of corporate investment towards building the necessary commercial excellence above immediate asset/brand needs “we learn on projects” Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs which translates for Dxcos to … meaningful shift away from the traditional diagnostic business model of getting someone else to build the market for their tests, DESPITE the implied value in testing Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs and a hesitation by Pharma to lead the transformation of personalized medicine “We are only one stakeholder here and have to be led by the science” Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Only 7 new RX with Cdx launched But 53 Existing Rx labels retrofitted with safety biomarkers by FDA Zelboraf with cobas 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test (both Roche, 2011) Xalkori with ALK BreakAway Test (Pfizer and Abbott, 2011) Perjeta and Kadcyla with HERCEPTEST (Roche and Dako, 2012) Gilotrif with therascreen EGFR RGQ PCR Kit (BMS and QIAGEN, 2013) 16 Mekinist and Tafinlar with THxID BRAF Kit (GSK and bioMerioux, 2013) But since 2010….! the fabric of our world is changing Source Diaceutics Top 12 Pharma PM Readiness Report 2015 . So should we rethink the business model underpinning PM? Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs We need to start by defining what is the economic promise of PM ! Prevention Failures 7% 0% Fraud 10% Unnecessary Services 27% Inflated Prices 14% Excess 25% Inefficient Care Delivery 17% US healthcare system alone wastes $750bn annually Up to $385bn of waste can potentially be addressed by PM, freeing up funds for redistribution and better care standards Source: …and focusing on an interventional shift across the treatment pathways Time to Earliest Intervention Time to Latest Intervention Optimal Maximum Clinical Impact Of PM 2.0 Rx 2nd Line PM 2.0 Outcome Improvement Maximum Clinical Impact Of Current Model Rx 2nd Line Current Rx 1st Line PM 2.0 Current Treatment Path Poor Rx 1st Line Current MDx Intervention Early Disease Stages What integrated targeted Rx and Dx and Lx solutions provide clinical and regulatory confidence to manage patients earlier in the disease state? Resource Use Late Source: Adapted from TS Deisboeck, A New Value-capture Strategy for MDx, with permission To prove this to ourselves we created an interventional disease model for three diseases , Melanoma, Sepsis and Diabetes • Created a direct cost disease model based on US . Several authoritative sources have been used in this model. Including • Epidemiology data 2010-2025 • • • - Mattson Jack – US Melanoma Direct Disease Costs – • Unv San Diego Doru Traian Alexandrescu MD direct costs analysis “Melanoma costs: A dynamic model comparing estimated overall costs of various clinical stages “2009 Dermatology Online Journal 15 (11): 1 • Model is based on 2008 Mid Atlantic Medicare costs • Model includes detailed costs for diagnosis and surveillance (routine follow-up). Accounts for false positive (FP) results of imaging tests • Model accounts for collateral costs such as loss of days of work and income however these have not been included to illustrate direct costs • Model provides detailed breakdown of costs by resource input by stage Undiagnosed Rates -. Diagnostic Accuracy in Malignant Melanoma • Primary reference . Alfred W. Kopf, MD; Medwin Mintzis, MD; Robert S. Bart, MD Arch Dermatol. 1975;111(10):1291-1292 doi:10.1001/archderm.1975.01630220055001. • Diaceutics benchmarks and analysis have been used extensively in designing the direct cost model. • In addition to the base case ( current situation) two alternative scenarios are presented Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © The Melanoma Model Small Print Melanoma US Current Patient - Cost Distributions Current Patient Distribution By Stages;Melanoma US 160000 140000 # of Patients 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © ..we assumed 2 integrated PM scenarios Scenario 1 Marginal Shift 25% of undiagnosed are identified due to better patient self screening tools and awareness programs Investment in development and diffusion of improved diagnostics identify 29%, of stage 1 patients at stage 0,(versus base of 23%) improving overall outcome Targeted 1st line treatments and investment in development and diffusion of improved staging tests (post first line surgery) reduce 2nd line surgery by 25% for stage II and above 3% revenue distribution from Pharma to Dx and Laboratory companies is made to incentivise funding whilst keeping overall disease management costs the same Per patient management cost-all stages remains the same Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © Scenario 2Transformational Shift 70% of undiagnosed are identified due to better patient self screening tools and awareness programs Investment in development and diffusion of improved diagnostics identify 46%, of patients at stage 0, (versus base of 23%) improving overall outcome Targeted 1st line treatments and investment in development and diffusion of improved staging tests (post first line surgery) reduce 2nd line surgery by 72% for stage III and above 3% revenue distribution from Pharma to Dx and Laboratory companies is made to incentise funding whilst keeping overall disease management costs the same Per patient management cost-for stages 0 and 1 increase by 10% Surveillance costs reduced by 20% via access to improved patient self monitoring technology ..resulting in shift of interventions across disease stages Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © % Distribution of Interventions ..and assumed clinical impact More Patients Diagnosed 25% More Patients Rx 1st Line 40% 75% 81% Base Case ( Current situation ) Marginal 22% 72% 21% 71% Transformative 24 Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © Lower % of 2nd L Surgery Lower Number of Deaths ..with significant shift in cost burden $1.1bn Increased costs of chemotherapy $1.3bn $.25bn Decreased cost of 2nd line surgery Increased costs of Dx and Lx $..5bn Base Case Cost Burden Decreased cost of surveillance $..5bn Other ( mixed) Revised Cost Burden $12.6bn $11.5bn Cost shift resulting from transformative scenario Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © Down UP ..and commensurate industry incentive Diaceutics PM 2.0 Disease Model © Dx Revenue Up By 158% Lx Revenue Up By 127% PCP Revenue Up By 70% Surveillance Revenue Down By 21% Rx Revenue Up By 15% Hospital Revenue Down By 26% Payer Revenue Up By 9% Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Doyle Lonnegan: “I put it all on Lucky Dan; half a million dollars to win.” Kid Twist: “To win? I said place! ‘Place hit on Lucky D’ That horse is gonna run second!” Doyle Lonnegan: “There’s been a mistake! Gimme my money back!” The Sting: The delivery of the PM promise no longer lies in technology but in a new industrial model of delivery and frankly that’s a tough sell Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Because there is an absence of creative stewardship towards disease based integration “ … to minimize health care cost increases, genomic approaches must replace existing inefficient technologies and reduce the use of downstream resources. An understanding of the systems and market conditions that affect adoption of genomic technologies is needed to develop economic incentives and devise care pathways that encourage appropriate use. …” Observations from 9 years and 60 Rx/Dx programs Source: Realizing the Opportunities of Genomics in Health Care. Ginsburg GS, JAMA, April 10, 2013—Vol 309, No. 14, 1463-1464 Joe Fox: It wasn't... personal. Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway? Joe Fox: Uh, nothing. Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal. thankyou for listening
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