
Village of Bellerose
Minutes of
January 20, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee Joseph Juliano
Deputy Mayor John Tweedy
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 1 resident
Village Attorney Richard Handler
The Mayor called the Public Hearing to order at 7:05PM. He introduced Jeff Clarke of Cablevision. Mr. Clarke
spoke about the present Cablevision contract, and the new contract. This is the third agreement to be signed
with the Village of Bellerose. The proposed contract is for fifteen years. It is the same contract offered to
Stewart Manor, South Floral Park and Floral Park. The first two have already agreed to and signed with
Cablevision. The latter is scheduled to sign in the near future. Rates and channels are the same for all four
Cablevision must follow Village code, and obtain permits as necessary to do work within the Village. The
Village receives approximately $13,000.00- $14,000.00 annually as a result of the Franchise agreement. There
is a grant of $10,000.00 for the Village for signing. Free internet and basic TV will be available to the Village
Hall and Fire Department.
The Resolution for accepting the agreement will be put on hold until the Village Attorney reviews the
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:17PM.
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Village of Bellerose
Minutes of
January 20, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee Joseph Juliano
Deputy Mayor John Tweedy
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 11 residents
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:37PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber
asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
He then asked if there were any recording devices in the room. There were none.
The Mayor spoke about the Cablevision Franchise agreement, and the Public Hearing which took place earlier
today. He stated the contract was up for renewal, and the Attorney had one revision to it. Resolution 15-0120-4 (Attached hereto) was passed with the following vote:
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
On motion by Trustee Juliano seconded by Trustee Moore the Minutes of the December 15, 2014 regular
Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy
Mayor Tweedy were unanimously approved. These were:
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General Fund Bills
December 14-30, 2014
January 13, 2015
January 1-19, 2015
$ 26,177.54
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tweedy and unanimously approved the following
bill was approved.
Permit Fund Bills
November 26, 2014
Treasurer's Report: December2014
General Fund Petty Cash Revenues Expenses -
Capital Fund RevenuesExpenses-
We hereby amend the adopted budget of the 2014/15 fiscal year to reflect the receipt of Consolidated
Highway Aid (CHIPS) State Aid in the fall of 2014. The following revenues were for reimbursement of street
work performed. The 2014/15 Budget was adopted on April 28, 2014. The following Revenue and
Expenditure line items are to be amended.
A/C Description
State Aid-CHIPS
Account Description
Street Maintenance-Contract.
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On a motion by Deputy Mayor Tweedy, seconded by Trustee Juliano the budget amendment was passed with
the following roll call:
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Village Attorney's Report
Village Attorney Handler spoke regarding:
• The Village is on the cusp of a settlement regarding taxes on the Car Wash property. This is an
important matter, and we hope to have it settled in the next few months.
Village has submitted an answer to the second Brandt Fair Housing Claim (HUD 2). Mr. Brandt is
claiming the Village issued him a series of violations that were not given on fact, but were issued as
Brandt Article 78 Supreme Court decision Appeal is still pending before the Appellate Division.
• Attorney Handler brought Resolution #15-1-20-3 (Attached hereto) forward. This resolution is in
relation to a Tax Certiorari at 248-30/32 Jericho Turnpike. The resolution was passed unanimously the
Board of Trustees
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber spoke regarding the following:
The Mayor spoke in regard to HUD 1 & HUD 2 reporting associated legal expenses of $8,000 and
$5,000 respectively. He inquired of the Village Attorney if HUD 1 and HUD 2 had public record status.
After being advised that since FOIA applied, they were, and the Mayor then read verbatim from the
portion of HUD 2 which alleged harassment by him against the complainant and his family. The Mayor
stated the charges were baseless and that a full answer to the entire HUD 2 complaint had been sent
to HUD.
Following the Mayor's report, Deputy Mayor Tweedy introduced Resolution 15-1-20-1 (Attached hereto),
which provides for timely payment of utilities and Resolution 15-1-20-2 (Attached hereto), which provides for
a formal annual observance of Arbor Day. Both resolutions passed by roll call unanimously.
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun didn't have much to report. He stated with the winter weather, the potholes in the
Village are getting worse.
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Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following report:
December 2014
• 11 parking violations issued
• 0 moving violations issued
• 0 accident
0 aided
The Mayor then added that the Code Enforcer for the Village of Bellerose issued 38 parking violations in the
month of December. He stated that December does not have as many summonses issued due to the fact that
the daytime parking restrictions are lifted during the holidays.
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ reported the following:
• On Sunday, January 18, 2015 the EOC was activated. There was a need for ambulances due to the ice.
• There has been one (1) call since the last meeting. The call was at 247-40 Jericho Tpke. The call was
on December 26, 2014 at 2:14PM. Seventeen (17) members responded. In the past year, the
department has responded 7X to this address.
Engine 107 is out for repairs. We are hoping to get it back in service as soon as possible.
In January, the department inducted one new member, Anna Christ. She is the first female member in
the department.
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan spoke on the following:
• The Village is waiting for additional information from HUD regarding the $70,000.00 Community
Development block grant. Applications can be requested by residents through the Village Hall.
Information regarding this will also be put on the Village website.
Trustee Juliano
Trustee Juliano reported the following:
• He is continuing to follow up on the BFD Ventilation System. Architect Bob Bee has forwarded
specs to the subcontractor. Once the materials are received, the Village will be notified and will
begin the repair.
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The Mayor announced the following:
All Department heads are to submit their budgets for the 2015/2016 year. A date for a budget work session
must be decided upon.
VILLAGE ELECTION-To be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The first day that individuals may sign independent nominating petitions was December 30, 2014. First day to
file independent nominating petition is February 3, 2015. Last day to file petition is February 10, 2015 at
A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 7:00PM.
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 8:00PM
Bellerose Village Court Session-Wednesday, February 11, 2014 at 6:00PM
JWCB-Friday, January 30, 2015 -Paint Night, 7:00PM
JBBDC Meeting -Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 1:00PM
Tentative Assessment Roll due February 1, 2015
Tax Grievance Day, Tuesday, February 17, 2015 from 4-8PM
Village Office will be closed on Monday, February 16, 2015, President's Day
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM, on motion by Deputy Mayor Tweedy, seconded by Trustee
Juliano and unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:50PM.
Mary Kelly of 40 Superior Road stated that the West gate at the LIRR station was closed, but it is open again.
George Braun questioned why there was a budget transfer in regards to the CHIPS money received.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion, Trustee
Hagan, seconded by Trustee Moore closed the public meeting at 8:54PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
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RESOLUTION # 15-1-20-1
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose receives several recurrent bills on a monthly basis for
essential services generally known as utilities; and
WHEREAS, sound fiscal management suggests that such bills be paid by the due date in
order to avoid late charges or even an interruption of services; and
WHEREAS, such costs are regular, predictable, and relate solely to Village properties and
Village accounts;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized
to pay such bills from the Village account(s) when due and without awaiting prior Board of Trustee
approval, so long as notations of such payments are provided to the Board of Trustees in writing in
due course.
On motion by Trustee
was adopted, with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy- AYE
Trustee Juliano-AYE
seconded by Trustee
the Resolution
Trustee Hagan- AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
I, SuzanneTangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the
above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on January
20, 2015.
SuzanneTangredi, Village
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RESOLUTION # 15-1-20-2
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose is a Tree City USA nominee, in recognition of the
Village's commitment to tree preservation and the environment; and
WHEREAS, the State of New York has designated the last Friday of every April as Arbor Day
in celebration of trees and their invaluable contribution to a community's health and aesthetic;
WHEREAS, Bellerose Village wishes to join other Tree City USA communities in
acknowledging this important day by formally planting a tree during a ceremony marking the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Friday, April 24, 2015, and each year
thereafter on the last Friday in April shall be designated Arbor Day in the Village of Bellerose with
ceremonial plantings continuing on an annual basis.
On motion by Deputy Mayor Tweedy, seconded by Trustee Juliano, the Resolution was
adopted with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Juliano -AYE
Trustee Hagan - AYE
Trustee Moore -AYE
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the above
Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on January 20, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village
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RESOLUTION# 15-1-20-3
WHEREAS, RS Squared commenced tax certiorari proceedings against the Village of
Bellerose for the period beginning tax year 2008/09 through
overpayments and excessive assessments respecting the premises at
seeking refunds for
248-30/32 Jericho
Turnpike, Bellerose Village, New York (Tax Parcel Number: 32-31- 13A&B); and
WHEREAS, the Village assessment is currently $56,700 equating to an equalized property
value of $536,931, while the recently settled Nassau County assessment assigns a value of
$335,647, a 47.5% variance; and
WHEREAS, the Petitioner further sought a Village assessment reduction to $40,000, which
would place the premises at par with the Nassau County assessment; and
WHEREAS, recognizing that the premises may have been over assessed since 2008/09, but
only to the limited extent herein agreed, and for purposes of avoiding the further expense and
inconvenience of litigation, the Village of Bellerose agrees to settle the subject proceeding as
The assessment shall be reduced to $46,777 establishing a new equalized value of
$442,964, which assessment shall remain fixed through Village tax year 2017/18, unless
improvements to the premises are made; and
Petitioner shall receive a lump sum refund of $3,500 by check payable to Schroder &
Strom, LLP in full satisfaction of all claims, without interest.
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On motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Trustee Moore, the Resolution was
adopted with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Trustee Juliano- AYE
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore- AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the
above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on
January 20, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village
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RESOLUTION# 15-1-20-4
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose (hereinafter "Village) has requisite authority to grant franchises
permitting and regulating the use of its streets, rights of way, and public grounds; and
WHEREAS, Cablevision Systems Long Island Corporation (hereafter "Franchisee") having previously
secured permission of the Village to use such streets, rights of way and public grounds under a franchise
agreement that has petitioned the Village for a renewal of such franchise, and
WHEREAS, the Village has approved after consideration a full public proceeding affording due process,
the financial condition , and technical ability of franchisee: and
WHEREAS, during said public hearing and proceeding, various proposals of the parties for constructing,
maintaining, improving and operating the communications System described in a previously submitted
proposed franchise renewal agreement were considered and found adequate and feasible; it is
RESOLVED, that the Honorable Henry J. Schreiber, Mayor of said Village be and hereby is authorized to
execute the previously submitted subject to modification of 60 day waiting period clause proposed
franchise renewal agreement on behalf of said Village.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Mayor Tweedy, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the above
Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on January
20, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer
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Village Of Bellerose
Minutes of
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
February 17, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee Joseph Juliano
Deputy Mayor John Tweedy
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 5 residents
Absent & Excused
Village Attorney Richard Handler
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:00PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber asked for a
moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
He then asked if there were any recording devices in the room. There were none.
The first part of the meeting was the Public Hearing for the introduction of Local Law #1 of the Year 2015.
The Mayor spoke about Local Law 1 of Year 2015. This is a local law to amend Chapter 192 of the Code of the Village of
Bellerose-Taxation by adding a new Section 17A-3 thereof to authorize an override of the tax cap levy limit established
in General Municipal Law §3-c. (Attached hereto) The Mayor opened up the public hearing to public comment. There
were no comments from the public.
On motion by Deputy Mayor Tweedy, seconded by Trustee Hagan, Local Law 1 of Year 2015 was passed with the
following vote:
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Mayor Schreiber then ended the public hearing and began the regular board meeting at approximately 8:10PM.
On motion by Trustee Moore seconded by Trustee Juliano the Minutes of the January 20, 2015 Public Hearing/ regular
Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
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Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy Mayor
Tweedy were unanimously approved. These were:
General Fund Bills
January 21-31, 2015
February 1-17, 2015
$ 4,934.53
$ 126,595.83
Capital Fund Bills
February 16, 2015
Treasurer's Report: January 2015
General Fund Petty Cash Revenues Expenses -
There was no report available, but once the Accountant provides it, it will be sent to the Board of Trustees.
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber spoke regarding the following:
The Mayor spoke regarding the authorization of emergency repairs to Fire Truck 107. Hendrickson Fire
Equipment quoted the repair at $20,227.49, and this amount was approved by the Board of Trustees through
phone calls and emails of February 5, 2015.
The following roll call was taken for formal approval of the repair to Fire Truck 107:
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun spoke regarding the following:
A draft specification of the Speed Table for Hudson Road has been created.
There has been a gas main leak and a water main leak this past week. Oddly enough, the piping of both of these
is running through the catch basins. Can't be sure, but the leaks may be related to the catch basin cleanings.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo was not present, so Mayor Schreiber read the police report:
January 2015
7 parking violations issued
9 moving violations issued
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2 accidents
2 aided
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ was not present, but Deputy Commissioner Braun read the report from Commissioner Christ:
BFD training continues on Tuesday evenings at 8PM.
Engine 107 is still out for repairs. We hope to have it returned to service by the end of the week.
FPFD will continue on automatic mutual aid until 107 returns to service.
BFD will host the Battalion Delegates at the firehouse, tomorrow, 02/18/15. There will representatives from 10
local departments.
There have been 5 calls since the last meeting.
1.) On February 3, 2015 at 10:47PM to a Natural gas leak at Massachusetts and Hudson. 7 members
2.) On February 5, 2015 at 8:50AM to a Motor Vehicle/Bus accident at 250-70 Jericho (near Dollar
Tree). 10 members responded.
3.) On February 8, 2015 at 8:31PM to an automatic alarm to 247-40 Jericho Tpke, (dentist). 17
members responded.
4.) On February 11, 2015 at 3:30PM to a CO Alarm on Boston Road. The alarm was faulty, and FPFD
mutual aid responded.
5.) On February 17, 2015 at 12:30PM to a CO Alarm on Huron Road. 7 members responded.
Historian Alan Woodruff spoke regarding the following:
• The plaque application needs to have a "Permission Letter" attached which needs to be on letterhead. It needs
to be signed by the Mayor or a designated Trustee.
• The application also requires the Designation Letter regarding the buildings being listed on the national register.
Hoping to print a Diner Calendar as a fundraiser for 2015.
Student Research Poster/State Archives offers a contest for students regarding state and local history. A poster
for this contest has been hung in the lobby of Village Hall
Memberships for the Historic Programs have been or need to be paid.
Trustee Moore
Trustee Moore reported the following:
The Village is back to only two (2) employees in the DPW department for the winter months.
Due to the severe winter weather, the Village roads are taking a beating, and will need repairs when spring
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan spoke on the following:
• The Village will be having a Public Hearing at the March 16, 2015 Board Meeting regarding participation in HUD
Community Development block grant program.
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Trustee Juliano
Trustee Juliano reported the following:
He is continuing to follow up with Bob Bee, the Architect regarding the Firehouse Ventilation System. The
subcontractor is awaiting the relay which will be set on the door. It will go off when the doors are open.
This piece is expected to arrive next week. Once installation is complete, we would like to close out the
project of the Ventilation System.
Deputy Mayor Tweedy
Deputy Mayor Tweedy spoke on the following:
The Village has had a lot of snow in the past few weeks. Many residents have complimented the Village
and the Board for taking great measures to get the streets plowed. It is much appreciated.
The Mayor announced the following:
A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:00PM.
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:30PM
Bellerose Village Court Session-Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB-Blood Drive-Saturday, March 7, 2015
JBBDC Meeting -Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-No meeting
VILLAGE ELECTION-To be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 12Noon to 9PM.
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM, on motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Hagan and
unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:40PM.
Howard Tripmacher asked why the Village does not do any of the plowing, considering we have some equipment.
Mayor Schreiber explained that due to the timing of the storm events, the part time maintenance staff was not available
and therefore total reliance on the contractor was necessary.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion, Trustee Moore,
seconded by Deputy Mayor Tweedy closed the public meeting at 8:50PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
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A local law to amend Chapter 192 of the Code of the Village of Bellerose-Taxation by adding a new Section 17A-3
thereof to authorize an override of the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law§3-c.
BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Bellerose as follows:
Add a new BVC §192-71A-3 - Tax Cap Override, as follows:
Section 1.
Legislative Intent
It is the intent of this local law to authorize the Village of Bellerose, if necessary to adopt a budget for
the fiscal year commencing Junel, 2015 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the "tax levy limit" as defined
by General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 2.
This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-c, which expressly
authorizes a local government's governing body to override the property tax cap for the upcoming fiscal year by the
adoption of a local law approved by a vote of sixty (60%) percent of said governing body.
Section 3.
Tax Levy Limit Override
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellerose, County of Nassau, is hereby authorized to adopt a budget
for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2015 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the amounts otherwise
prescribed in General Municipal Law §3-c.
Section 4.
If a court that determines any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or the
application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstances is invalid or unconstitutional, the Court's order
or judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this local law, but shall be confined in its operation to
the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or in its application to the person, individual, firm
or corporation or circumstances, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered.
Section 5.
Effective Date.
This local law shall take effect immediately upon adoption, subject to filing with the Secretary of State.
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50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
March 16, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee Joseph Juliano
Deputy Mayor John Tweedy
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 6 residents
Absent & Excused
Trustee Kenneth Moore
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber asked for a
moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders. He then asked if there were any recording devices
in the room. There were none.
Trustee Hagan opened the Public Hearing to enable the Board of Trustees to hear public comment prior to the
submission of the Village's application for Community Development Block Grant Funds, 41st Program Year. The Village
received $50,000.00 in funding last year. We are applying for $70,000.00 in funds this year. A brief overview of the
program was read regarding income guidelines and the how to apply through the Village for an application for the
program. The Mayor opened up the public hearing to public comment. There were no comments from the public.
On motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Trustee Juliano and passed unanimously the Board voted to submit an
Trustee Juliano-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Deputy Mayor Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Moore-Absent
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Mayor Schreiber then ended the public hearing and opened the regular board meeting at approximately 7:37PM.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy Mayor
Tweedy were unanimously approved. These were:
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General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
February 18-28, 2015
March 1-15, 2015
Capital Fund
$ 5,493.94
$ 101,260.72
BillsfFire Dept. Equipment Grant) to be paid in the period
March 3, 2015
Treasurer's Report: January 2015
General Fund Petty Cash Revenues Expenses -
Village Attorney's Report
Village Attorney Handler discussed the following:
• Tax Certiorari has been approved and payment has been issued to one property.
• The two (2) HUD complaints against the Village have had responses prepared and submitted in a timely manner.
• The Board of Trustees will be advised of any decision regarding the Brandt matter that is before the Appellate
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber spoke regarding the following:
• The Village Sanitation Contract is up, and needs to be put out for bid. Mr. Handler has put together a new
contract, and it needs to be approved before it can go to bid. Upon motion by Deputy Tweedy and seconded by
Trustee Hagan, the contract was approved unanimously and will be sent out for bids.
• Expenses for snow removal this year are over $53,000.00
• Working on the budget for 2015/2016. We plan not to exceed the state tax cap. The budget should be available
for review early next month.
Highway/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun spoke regarding the following:
The snow/sleet/rain/salt and sand have turned the Village streets into an obstacle course.
The salt/sand is running into the catch basins which were just recently cleaned.
There was an incident on Ontario Road where there was a utility box that was retaining water.
The budget for street repair this year will need to be substantial.
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Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo was not present, so Mayor Schreiber read the police report:
February 2015
13 parking violations issued
3 moving violations issued
3 accidents
3 aided
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
January 2015 - 43 tickets
February 2015 -44 tickets
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke regarding the following:
He thanked Trustee Juliano for his work in getting the Ventilation System at the Firehouse rectified.
Last week there was a fire in Floral Park at 37 Crocus Ave. There was a frayed extension cord under the
carpeting. No one was hurt, but there was severe damage to the home.
There have been a number of gas house explosions in the area. Most of these have been in vacant homes, or
houses under construction.
Engine 107 is still out for repairs. It is going out for a pump test, and we hope to have it returned to the Village
soon. In the next BFD budget, we are going to put in for a regular maintenance program for the department
There have been three (3) calls in the Village since the last meeting. The first one was on February 18th at
4:38PM, at 14 Commonwealth. A pipe burst and there was flooding. 5 members responded. On March 2nd
there were 2 calls for an odor of gas, apparently there was a methane gas smell coming from the sewer. One
was at 249- 02 Jericho Turnpike at 6:38PM. The other was at 84 Hudson Road, at 6:43 PM.
Historian Alan Woodruff spoke regarding the following:
He has submitted reimbursement paperwork for Historical Society Memberships.
The oldest house in Hempstead, which was once located on Superior Road in Bellerose Village has since been
placed in Bethpage Restoration Village and has recently burned. However, it is being restored and made into a
doctor's office of an earlier era.
Trustee Haean
Trustee Hagan spoke on the following:
• Gov. Cuomo has spoken about a property tax freeze check for 2014. Some residents have not received one.
They can call 518-453-8146 for more info on this.
The Village is trying to obtain more information for the 2015 tax year.
Information has been received in most homes regarding the S.T.O.P. (Stop Throwing Out Pollutants) Program. If
you need to get rid of certain items refer to this pamphlet regarding dates and locations for the S.T.O.P. Program
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Trustee Juliano
Trustee Juliano reported the following:
• Work on the firehouse ventilation system was completed at the end of February.
• Commissioner Christ advised me of a circuit breaker in the firehouse that had tripped, shutting off power to an
outlet that keeps fire truck batteries charged. They thought it may be in relation to the newly installed
ventilator system. Bob Bee from H2M confirmed that the system was on a separate breaker and could not be
the cause of the tripping. Hopefully this was an isolated occurrence.
Christ advised me that there was water dripping from a light fixture in the Firehouse. Architect
Bob Bee was notified and we are waiting for a report from the contractor who was here on March 13th.
Deputy Mayor Tweedy
Deputy Mayor Tweedy spoke on the following:
The long winter appears to be ending.
Friday -April 24, 2015-Village Arbor Day Celebration. We will be planting a tree in the Village.
Mayor Announcements:
The Mayor announced the following:
A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 7:00PM.
Annual Organizational Meeting, Monday April 6, 2015 at 7:30PM
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7:30PM
Bellerose Village Court Session-Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB-Friday, April 17, 2015, supermarket Bingo at 7:00PM; Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 7:00PM,
School Budget Presentation; Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7:00PM, General Meeting
JBBDC Meeting -Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 1:00PM
VILLAGE ELECTION-To be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 12Noon to 9PM.
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM, on motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Trustee Juliano and
unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:30PM.
Joseph Saccente of Hudson Road asked what the difference between parking violations and parking tickets were.
Mayor Schreiber stated that NC 3rd Precinct gives us a list of activity in the Village. In addition, a resident requested that
we provide the number of tickets written by the Code Enforcer.
Andrea Dapolito asked when the Village street sweeper would be going out. Streets are very sandy, and we need to get
them cleaned.
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After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion, Trustee Juliano,
seconded by Deputy Mayor Tweedy closed the public meeting at 8:35PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meting 3.16.15
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APRIL 6, 2015
The Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Bellerose was
held on April 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall, 50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Joseph Juliano
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Clerk/Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Audience: 8 Residents
Absent & Excused:
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Mayor Schreiber opened the meeting at 7:32PM by leading all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Schreiber swore Justice George J. Cappiello into office. Then, Justice Cappiello swore in
John Tweedy and Joseph Juliano as Trustees, and Henry J. Schreiber as Mayor. Congratulations
to all. Oaths of Office and Affidavits of Eligibility were signed and filed with the Village Clerk.
The Mayor announced the following appointments (appended hereto).
Motion to accept the Mayor's appointments was made by Trustee Moore, seconded by Trustee
Juliano and unanimously approved.
Mayor Schreiber made the following designations:
The following shall be depositories for the funds of the Inc. Village of Bellerose for the official
years beginning April 1, 2015, and in concurrence with the provisions of the law, any two of the
following are hereby authorized to jointly sign checks on funds of the Village of Bellerose;
Village Clerk-Treasurer, Mayor and Deputy Mayor
TD Bank
Chase Bank
State Bank of LI
- Floral Park Branch
- Floral Park Branch or Stewart Manor Branch
- New Hyde Park Branch
The official newspaper of the Village of Bellerose shall be The Gateway.
BOT Annual Organizational Mtg 04.06.15
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The Board of Trustees will meet on the third Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted.
Additional meetings will be called as needed. The meetings will be held in the Village Hall, 50
Superior Road, at 7:30 PM, unless otherwise posted. The schedule of meetings of the official
year April 2015 through March 31, 2016 is as follows:
May 18
July 20
September 21
November 16
January 19-Tuesday
March 14
April 20
June 15
August TBA
October 19
December 21
February 16-Tuesday
April 4, 2016 (Annual Organizational Meeting)
As per Mayor Schreiber, these scheduled meeting dates are to be posted on the Bulletin Board
and on the Village website.
The following people are to be bonded for the sums indicated:
Hon. George J. Cappiello
Suzanne Tangredi
Manny Esteves
John Guidal
Rosaleen Shea
Court Clerk
$ 4,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 4,000
Officials and employees of the Inc. Village of Bellerose shall be authorized to attend municipallyrelated meetings, conferences or schools, and to have such expenditures paid by the Village of
Bellerose, and to expend Village funds up to the amount set aside as prescribed in the current
budget, and in the event it is deemed appropriate to attend other meetings, conferences,
schools, or Village functions, which exceed the amount set aside in the budget, then further
approval for said expenditures would be first obtained from the Board of Trustees.
Payment of $.55 per mile is approved for persons using their personally owned automobiles for
Village business outside the Inc. Village of Bellerose with the prior approval of the Mayor, or of
the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
A $2.00 additional penalty charge shall be imposed for the mandated notice of unpaid taxes.
The Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility
services, postage, freight and express charges and all such claims shall be presented at the next
regular meeting for audit and the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same shall be
jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Tweedy proposed the following Resolution for adoption:
BOT Annual Organizational Mtg 04.06.15
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BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, THAT all the recommendations and procedural policies and
designations hereinabove set forth are hereby approved as indicated. Trustee Juliano, seconded
the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
The Mayor appointed Trustee Juliano as Deputy Mayor for the term ending April 2016. He then
thanked Trustee Tweedy for his service as Deputy Mayor for the last four (4) years.
Motion to close the Annual Organizational Meeting and open the Business Meeting was made
by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano at 7:50PM, and unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following period were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Moore
seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano were unanimously approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period March 19-31, 2015 totaling $41,989.13
On motion by Deputy Mayor Juliano, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, the proposal from Fidele
Construction to waterproof the foundation wall by the exterior landing in the firehouse at a cost
of $890.00 was unanimously approved.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano the contract from Pappas
and Co. to continue accounting services for the Village of Bellerose with a small increase in fees
was unanimously approved.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, and unanimously approved, the
budget transfers (Attached hereto) were approved. These transfers are a result of actual
expenditures incurred within the Village's regular operations for the specific line items charged.
On motion, by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Moore and unanimously approved, the
business meeting was closed at 8:00, and the public meeting was opened.
Deanne Loos of Ontario Road congratulated all the newly installed members of the Board, and
thanked them for their service. She asked about the park, and what time it is supposed to be
closed. She stated that last night it was open late, and could be a liability for the Village. She
also asked about police enforcement in the Village, and parking on the sidewalk. The Mayor
stated we will reiterate to the park closer, that it needs to be closed at dusk, and ask for more
police enforcement in the Village.
Mayor Schreiber thanked the residents for coming out to vote, and stated it is truly an honor to
serve with the members of the Board in this great Village.
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Budget Transfers
April 6, 2015
We hereby amend the adopted budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year to reflect the following
budget transfers. These transfers are a result of actual expenditures incurred within the
Village's regular operations for the specific line items charged. Budget money is being
transferred from those codes that contain ample budget money to allow for the appropriate
expenditures in those codes that have a shortfall. The 14-15 Budget was adopted on April 28,
Expenditures to:
Village Justice-Contr.
Central Comm. - Contr.
On Street Parking-Equip
Street Maintenance-Contr.
Snow Removal-Contr.
$ 1,500.00
$ 48,700.00
Expenditures from:
Board of Trustees-Contr.
Unallocated Insurance
Judgements & Claims
$ 48,700.00
BOT Annual Organizational Mtg 04.06.15
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50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
June 15, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 29 residents
The Mayor opened the meeting at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber
asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
On motion by Trustee Moore seconded by Trustee Tweedy the Minutes of the May 18, 2015 Regular
Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved with one correction in the spelling of Deputy
Mayor Juliano's last name.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Deputy Mayor Juliano
seconded by Trustee Hagan, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
May 19-31, 2015
June 5, 2015
May 1-18, 2015
Treasurer's Report:
$ 103,777.51
$ 15,435.47
May 2015
General Fund Petty Cash Revenues Expenses -
The numbers for the Treasurer's Report are not available, as the Accountant will be in next week. She is
getting ready to close out the fiscal year with regard to Revenues and Expenses.
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Village Attorney's Report
Village Attorney Handler discussed the following:
There were seven (7) tax certiorari matters in court this week. We are hopeful to resolve them
The Brandt Appeal should be subject to dismissal. Mr. Brandt has filed for an enlargement of time.
The Mayor stated that Attorney Handler and the Board of Trustees have responded to the court's
demands in a timely manner.
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
The bid specs for the speed table on Hudson Road were advertised in the Gateway. We did not receive
any requests from contractors. We sent the specs to two (2) contractors, but have not heard back from
them. Plan is to get the speed table in ASAP but within budget.
The Storm Water Grant is in progress. There was money available with DASNY for this grant. Mr. Puglisi
was able to seek those funds, and filled out paperwork and did the groundwork to get it going. The
monies need to be laid out first, so cash reserves needed to be used. George Braun identified and
oversaw the work. Deputy Clerk Rosaleen Shea filled out the claim forms and prepared the paperwork
for the Grant. She engaged in many phone calls to make sure everything was done right. We will be
receiving $65,000.00. We still have $35,000.00 to complete the remainder of the work needed.
The Village will be entering into a contract with UTI to have a security system installed in and around
Village Hall. The monies for this system were received from a Grant through the Court System. ( See
attached resolution)
The Village is looking into a Village Law regarding bamboo. It will be reviewed, and we will have a public
hearing on this matter.
A Mayor's message is scheduled to go out sometime in the near future. It will include more info on the
bamboo law.
The Mayor then introduced the owner of the Sonic Car Wash on Jericho Turnpike. Mr. Eric Petzold is
looking to change the ice cream shop in the car wash to a restaurant type store to serve cheesesteaks
and other items, in addition to a smaller selection of ice cream flavors.
An extensive
conversation/explanation entailed regarding this change of use. The Board will be meeting at a work
session later this month to discuss the possibility of this change and review the original agreement
between the Village of Bellerose, and the Car Wash.
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun stated that no work has been done.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo was not available, so Mayor Schreiber read the following police report:
May 2015
15 parking violations issued
2 moving violations issued
1 accidents
0 aided
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
May 2015-73 Tickets
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Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
Memorial Day Parade went very well. It was well attended.
This Thursday, June 18, 2015 is the parade at St. Gregory's to kick off the parish festival.
At the meeting with WAWNC, they promised a survey of the hydrant rentals by September.
There has been one (1) call since the last Meeting. On Sunday, June 14th at 10:40AM, the call was to
Radio Shack on Jericho Turnpike for an automatic alarm.
Thank you to the Board of Trustees for having the flag pole in front of the Fire house painted.
Trustee Moore stated a resident asked for a new curb near his house since it was removed for a tree
The flag pole in front of the fire house is set to be repainted by Walter Dreyer.
Trustee Tweedy spoke on the following:
The Tree Board had its first meeting on May 19, 2014. The Minutes of the meeting have been sent
to the Village Clerk, (attached hereto) The next meeting of the Tree Board will take place on
Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
Mr. Sipala will be replacing 6 of the trees that were planted last fall, in the fall of this year.
Walter Dreyer has sent in a proposal for the trimming of various trees in the Village, and Trustee
Tweedy has reviewed it and added additional items to it.
The Mayor announced the following:
A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 7:00PM.
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Monday, July 20, 2015 at 7:30PM
Bellerose Village Court Session-Wednesday, June 17, 2015 and July 29, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB-No Meeting
JBBDDC Meeting -Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-No Meeting
Concert Under the Stars- June 5, 2015 at 6:30PM
Village Office Closed-Friday July 3, 2015-Independence Day
The business meeting was adjourned at 9:22PM, on motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Deputy
Mayor Juliano and unanimously approved.
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The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 9:22PM.
Mr. Saccente of Hudson Road asked what the plan for the Speed table was. The Mayor reiterated
what he had said earlier about waiting for bids to come in.
Mrs. Dapolito asked about the effect of putting flags into the side of trees. Does it harm the tree?
Trustee Tweedy stated it does damage the tree.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Trustee Hagan, seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano closed the public meeting at 9:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 05.18.15
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RESOLUTION # 15-6-15
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose has received an award often thousand ($10,000) dollars for security
under the 2014-2015 Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP) Grant: and
WHEREAS, the initial proposal for installation of security cameras submitted by Unlimited Technology,
Inc. on March 9, 2015, contained terms, conditions and provisions, which required negotiation and
modification; and
WHEREAS, Unlimited Technology, Inc. revised its proposal, wherein the terms have been significantly
modified to accommodate the Village's projects, scope and service responsibility requirements; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bellerose shall enter into an agreement with
Unlimited Technology, Inc. to supply the security technology and apparatus for video surveillance in
the sum of Six Thousand Dollars and One Cent ($6,000.01) as provided in the revised proposal dated
March 9, 2015, forwarded June 4, 2015, a copy of which is on file with the Village Clerk.
ON MOTION by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Juliano, the Resolution was adopted with the
following vote:
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Moore -
Trustee Hagan - AYE
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano - AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the above
Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on June 15, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer
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Minutes of Bellerose Village Tree Board Meeting of May 19, 2015
Attendance: John Tweedy, Jennifer Olis, Kelly Carey, Howard Tripmacher,
Mike Maxwell, no members of the public
Start: 7:30 PM
Reviewed revised (December 2014) Chapter 197 of the BV Code: Trees
and Plants
Kelly volunteered to take minutes of the meeting
Appointed John as Chairperson of the Tree Board
Approved the distribution of a flyer to spread the word about the Tree
Board and Chapter 197. Jennifer volunteered to do a draft of the flyer.
John will try to get Chapter 197 featured on the Village website
Set bimonthly meetings to be 3rd Tuesday of the month. The next three
meetings are: July 21, September 15 and November 1 7
Tree City application expected to be officially approved soon. Will publicize
in the Gateway and Newsday
Budget for fiscal year 2016 is $30,000
Of the 40 trees planted last year, 6 need to be replaced. Committee will
look into our guarantee
Committee will look into who is in charge of the Jericho Tpke. median trees
that need to be replaced
Goals for 2015 - trimming of existing trees and planting new trees where
needed. Also, need to consider maintenance of the parks at the western
ends of Huron, Hudson, Ontario, Michigan and Superior Road.
All decisions of the Board were made by unanimous vote of all the
members present.
End: 8:47 PM
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50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
July 20, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee John Tweedy
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 20 residents
Absent & Excused:
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee Kenneth Moore
The Mayor opened the meeting at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber
asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, the Public Hearing regarding Local Law 2
of the Year 2015 was opened at 7:35PM. This local law is to amend Chapter 165 of the Bellerose Village
Code (BVC), by adding a new Article IX thereof to regulate the planting and maintenance of Bamboo.
An at length discussion took place between the Mayor, Board of Trustees, Village Attorney and several
residents regarding bamboo and its damaging effects. The Mayor wanted to table this law until next
month when all trustees were present. He doesn't feel this law will solve the problem of bamboo in the
Village. It can be a neighbor to neighbor problem. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 8:22PM,
seconded by Trustee Hagan and unanimously approved.
The regular Board of Trustees was opened at 8:22PM. Trustee Tweedy made a motion to move forward
to pass Local Law 2 of the Year 2015-Bamboo. Trustee Hagan seconded the proposal, as long as the law
can be adjusted. Local Law 2 of the year 2015 (Attached hereto) was passed with the following vote:
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore-Absent& Excused
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano- Absent & Excused
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
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On motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Trustee Tweedy the Minutes of the June 15, 2015 Regular
Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by
Trustee Hagan, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
June 16-30, 2015
July 1-19 2015
$ 23,900.84
$ 50,808.28
Capital Fund Bills to be paid in the period
June 16-30, 2015
Treasurer's Report:
$ 36,975.69
May 2015
The numbers for the Treasurer's Report were not available, as the accountant's schedule has not been
coinciding with the receipt of the bank statements. We will work on getting these two to coincide, so
that we may have a timely report for the Village.
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
Congratulations to Village Clerk Treasurer-Tangredi who has completed a 3 year course at Cornell
University for Municipal Clerk Certification.
The Village has received a reimbursement from DASNY for $65,000.00 for Storm drain cleaning and
catch basin repair. Thank you to George Braun for his diligent work on this project.
Summer Camp took place in the Village from July 6, 2015 through July 17, 2015 from 9:30AM to
11:30AM weekdays. Thanks to Recreation Commissioner Morfessis for his work on this project.
Speed Table scheduled for Hudson Road is still in the plans. The most recent quote we received
to do the work was $39,000.00. We do plan on getting it done, but it must be at the right price.
• The Village litigation matters are still awaiting decision.
We received a JCAP grant for surveillance cameras for the Courtroom, Village Hall and Park. This
system is scheduled to be installed shortly.
The Storm Water Report has been completed and filed with the State.
Had a meeting with Congresswoman Rice. Requested a flag that has been flown over the Capital to
be put in the back of Village Hall along with the wall of heroes. She will be coming to VH on August
14, 2015 at 2:30PM for the flag presentation.
Television show "Falling Waters" is interested in using Hudson Road for a location shoot. They have
met with the Mayor, and the BFD regarding production and special effects. Bellerose Village Fire
Department Commissioner Christ stated that the Department had reviewed the project and felt
comfortable with the proposal. Members of the Department will be present for the planned special
effects. There was discussion of some residents' objections to the project although it was
acknowledged that most residents seemed to have a positive response. Trustee Tweedy suggested
some additions and changes to the "Application of Permission...for the Purpose of Movie Making
etc." which will be used for this project. The Mayor stated that he would discuss this with the entire
BOT before a final decision for approval/disapproval is made.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 2
Fat Ernie's aka Sonic Car Wash/Ice Cream Shop began work without applying for permits. Work was
stopped. They were cited appropriately for doing unpermitted work and have subsequently
submitted building applications. They are now hoping to sell sandwiches and food, in addition to
the ice cream. We have met with them at the June 15, 2015 BOT meeting and at the June 23, 2015
BOT-Work Session regarding what we want from them, and the concerns of the adjacent property
After much discussion, Resolution# 15-07-20 (Attached hereto) was passed regarding
Smoke-N-Coffee, Inc. and the modification of the Special Use Permit.
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun stated that no work has been done in the Village. He is waiting for a monetary
amount from the Mayor so that he can prepare to get some work done on the streets and catch basins.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo was not available, so Mayor Schreiber read the following police report:
June 2015
13 parking violations issued
1moving violations issued
2 accidents
0 aided
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
• June 2015-123 Tickets
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
• The BFD is participating in a class with the LIRR. Last week there was a training class here.
Tomorrow we are going to Fire Academy.
have been two (2) calls since the last Meeting. On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 there was a
call to 36 Massachusetts for a tree down. 14 members responded. The second call took place on
June 30, 2015 at 3:00AM to 248-32 Jericho Turnpike/Schrafel Paper. 14 members responded
along with the owner.
Superintendent Moore was absent and excused, therefore the Mayor stated that the DPW department
has been making repairs to signs around the Village.
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Trustee Hagan thanked the Fire Commissioner for having the department drills moved off Superior
Road. She also thanked Trustee Tweedy and Attorney Handler for their work in getting the Village to be
a Tree City. She also spoke regarding the Residential Rehabilitation program. She stated that there were
still monies available if any resident wanted to apply. This program is an excellent source for assisting
with work on their homes.
Mayor Announcements:
The Mayor announced the following:
• A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 7:00PM
Tree Board Meeting -Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 7:30PM
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Monday, August 17, 2015 at 7:30PM(Depending on
the business at hand)
Bellerose Village Court Session-Wednesday, July 29, 2015 and August 19, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB-No Meeting
JBBDDC Meeting -August 4, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-No Meeting
The business meeting was adjourned at 9:34PM, on motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by
Trustee Tweedy and unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 9:34PM.
Ann Marie Byrnes of Huron Road asked that the fines given to businesses on Jericho for dumping
the dumpsters after hours could be on an escalating scale. Many nights the dumpsters are emptied
between the hours of 2-6AM and it can be very noisy to residents who border those Jericho
Mary Kelly of Superior Road feels the Board of Trustees jumped the gun on passing the Bamboo
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Trustee Hagan motioned to close the public meeting. Trustee Tweedy seconded the motion which
passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 9:43PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
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RESOLUTION #15-07-20
WHEREAS, Smoke-n-Coffee, Inc. has sought a modification of the Special Use Permit, issued by
the Board of Trustees on January 28, 2008; and
WHEREAS, an informal hearing was held before the Board of Trustees regarding the nature,
extent and details of that application at its June 15, 2015 meeting, as well as at a special work session
held on June 23, 2015, wherein adjacent property owners contributed; and
WHEREAS, after due investigation, consideration and deliberation, the Board of Trustees:
HEREBY RESOLVES, that the Application of Smoke-n-Coffee, Inc. for a modification of its Special
Use Permit pursuant to BVC §210-18(G), to alter and operate a restaurant in the Business-Apartment
District, is hereby approved, subject to the Findings and Decision dated July 20, 2015, a copy of which
is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
ON MOTION BY Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Hagan, the Resolution was adopted with
the following vote:
Mayor Henry Schreiber-AYE
Trustee Margaret Hagan-AYE
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano-Absent
Trustee Kenneth Moore-Absent
Trustee John Tweedy-AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the above
Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on July, 20, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk/Treasurer
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 5
In the Matter of the Application of
Smoke -n- Coffee, Inc.,
for a modification of a Special Permit under
BVC §210-1 8(G) to Alter and Operate a
Restaurant in the Business-Apartment District.
An information hearing was held by the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Bellerose,
Nassau County, New York at the Village Hall, 52 Superior Road, on June 1 5, 201 5 at 7:30 p.m.,
as part of a regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting and a public work session was held
on June 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., regarding the above captioned matter.
Henry J. Schreiber, Mayor
Margaret Hagan, Trustee
Kenneth Moore, Trustee
John Tweedy, Trustee
Joseph Juliano, Trustee
Also Present: Eric Petzold and Nancy Snyder, individually
and as Officers of Smoke & Coffee, Inc., Applicants
Emilio Susa, Architect
Richard G. Handler, Village Attorney
Richard Belziti, Building Inspector
Members of the public
Thereafter, the Board of Trustees following its deliberations on June 15, 2015 and June 23, 2015,
and after hearing public comment and having considered all of the relevant evidence, the Board,
at its regular meeting on July 20, 2015 on motion duly made and seconded, by a vote of 3 in
favor, 0 opposed and 2 absent, voted to approve the application subject to the Stipulations and
Restrictions as herein set forth.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 6
The principal characteristics of the premises have not changed since the initial
Special Use Permit was granted. The subject premises is located at 249-24 Jericho Turnpike,
Bellerose Village, New York, and centrally located within the Apartment and Business District,
adjacent to a two-story office building to the west and two (2) one-story storefronts to the east.
The entire parcel fronts along Jericho Turnpike to the north with five (5) single-family
homesteads lying fully within the Resident District to the south. Over the past several years the
Jericho Turnpike corridor has seen considerable development improvement and vitality on both
sides of Jericho Turnpike.
The applicant has been operating Ultra Sonic Car Wash and an Ice Cream Parlor
Shop at the premises pursuant to a Special Use Permit, granted by the Board of Trustees on
January 28, 2008.
The Applicant commenced modifications to the Ice Cream Parlor to create a
restaurant entitled Fat Ernie’s Cheesesteaks. The Applicant was issued a Cease and Decease
Order (Stop Work Order) on May 20, 2015, as well as Summons # A00168 for Violation of
Electrical Work Without Permit (BVC §95-5); Summons # A00169 for a Violation of Plumbing
Work Without a Permit (BVC §68-34); Summons # A001 70 for a Violation of Construction
Work Without a Permit (BVC §68-16) and Summons # A00171 for a Violation of Signage
Without a permit (BVC §174-4), all on June 17, 2015. the Summonses are to be heard before the
Village Justice Court on July 29, 2015.
Upon issuance of this Findings and Decision, the Applicant remains subject to
Architectural Review Committee and compliance with all Building Permit(s), as necessary
pursuant to the determination of the Building Inspector.
The Board of Trustees considers the proposed restaurant to be an improvement of
the premises. The Trustees see the project as a further stimulus to the Village Business District.
The Board of Trustees considered the need for a referral to the Zoning Board of
Appeals pursuant to BVC §210-18(8), which requires restaurants to have “sit down food service
only”. The Board of Trustees recognizes that it is the primary arbiter of this Code and interprets
this provision as not prohibiting takeout service where a genuine sit down restaurant operation is
the primary or greater component of the business operation. The Board of Trustees
acknowledges that modem eating and food preparation habits have changed over the years, to a
point where even sit down restaurants must now offer a take-out component to meet demands.
The fact that this restaurant provides for thirty (30) seats demonstrates that a significant portion
of its business is attributable to sit down food consumption. This operation is not a “take out
operation” where only a handful of token seats may exist and the primary focus would be off
premises consumption. Consequently, variance relief shall not be required.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 7
Based on the above, the Board of Trustees approves the application of Smoke -n- Coffee, Inc. for
a modification of a Special Use Permit to alter the existing structure to conduct a Restaurant
entitled Fat Ernie’s Cheesesteaks, per the approved plans and renderings to be submitted to the
Architectural Review Committee and the closing of all Building Permits.
Regarding Odors: The Applicant and Board are mindful that smells and
particulate matter, etc., could constitute a public nuisance and be disturbing, especially to
surrounding neighbors. As such, the Applicant shall take all reasonable steps to install
appropriate filters, fan systems, particulate traps, etc., to minimize odor and particulates. Any
roof venting system, if installed, is to be fitted with filtering equipment to remove particulate
emissions and odors, and shall be located at the southerly end of the building, as per Stipulation
#7 below. The parties expressly acknowledge these corrective measures are material factors to
the Board’s approval and shall remain subject to further modification and enforcement to
ameliorate these conditions. The Applicant understands that addressing a continuing problem
may require additional capital expenditure to install the highest quality systems.
Parking: The Applicant shall maintain a minimum of seven (7) parking spaces for
the restaurant use. During hours when the Ultra Sonic Car Wash operation is closed, the car
wash area shall be used as a parking area for employees. During such times, even as employees
are coming and going, the car wash parking area shall be chained off with signage stating: No
Customer Parking.
New signage shall be erected along the south side curb of Jericho Turnpike, in
front of the restaurant, between the car wash driveways. It shall prohibit street parking, to onehalf (1/2) hour between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Such signage shall be purchased
and installed at the Applicant’s expense, subject to Board approval.
Eve Pollution: The premises in and around the restaurant operation shall be
regularly swept, hosed down (as necessary) and kept free of insects, vermin, trash and debris.
Intercom: No outdoor intercom shall be permitted. The indoor intercom shall be
kept to a level which avoids sound penetrating outside of the restaurant premises.
Garbage: All discarded food items, leftovers, trash, etc., shall be disposed of in
accordance with Department of Health regulations. They shall be stored in a five (5) cubic yard
dumpster which will remain closed at all times. Dumpster pick-up shall occur as frequently as
every other day, with no pick-up prior to 7:30 a.m. The Dumpster shall be kept clean and
sanitized. Dumpster retrieval shall be picked up by the carter at the west end of the premises,
along Jericho Turnpike. The dumpster shall be located and maintained in an area and manner
that causes the least disruption to the residential properties to the south, and shall be screened
and enclosed subject to Architectural Review Committee approval. Refrigerated containers shall
be located only within the building.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 8
Recvclables: All recyclable materials shall be stored outside of public view and
disposed of according to law.
Noise: All exterior walls are to be insulated and meet a decibel rating of not more
than seventy (70dB) emanating from the building, to be measured at the residential side at the
southerly fence line. All rooftop units including filtering, heating and air conditioning
equipment shall be screened and installed or fitted with noise reduction blankets and/or
Seating: Eighteen (18) seats shall be allotted in the interior space, while twelve
(12) seats shall be allotted around tables at the exterior. Depending upon the season, the
Applicant may reallocate the seating arrangements, but providing for up to thirty (30) seats in
Menu: A combined cheesesteak oriented restaurant and ice cream parlor shall be
conducted at all times.
Smoke Discharge: No open flame shall be used in the food preparation. The
Applicant will cook with high-grade cooking apparatus and ingredients. A chrome plated grill
shall be used, as well as custom fryers, all designed to reduce the cooking (smoke) impact.
Hours of Restaurant/Ice Cream Operation: Weekdays: (Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Weekends: (Saturday and Sunday)
5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Management: A manager shall be present on the site at all times. A telephone
number to contact the owner/operator shall be available at Village Hall, in the event of an
Walk-up Window: No walk-up window shall be permitted. This restriction is
subject to future review.
Signage: Signs shall be posted and rules shall be enforced prohibiting radio or
stereo transmissions which are audible beyond the land boundaries of the premises. The
Applicant shall obtain Sign Permits for all signs to be erected and shall apply for Architectural
Review Committee approval, as required.
Grease Trap: The Applicant shall remain in full compliance with all Department
of Health requirements and display all required Certificates at all times.
Supply Deliveries: Deliveries of food stuffs shall be made during business hours
Food Delivery: The Applicant shall not provide any food delivery services to
1 7.
homes or businesses.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 9
Modifications: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to modify Stipulations at
any time. Further, the Applicant may come before the Board of Trustees to seek modifications
from time to time. In considering such requests, the Board shall measure the business need, the
impact of the site upon the community and the desirability of having increased business volume.
Documentation: The Applicant shall submit a Lease between Fat Ernie’s
Cheesesteaks Corp. (the operator) and Smoke-N-Coffee Realty, Inc. (the property owner). Upon
the Assignment of Lease or the entry into a Lease with another operator, subsequent Board of
Trustees review shall be required. Further Fat Ernie’s Cheesesteaks, Corp. shall provide a copy
of its Certificate of Incorporation and Filing Receipt.
Permits: Applicant shall secure all necessary permits from the Bellerose Village
Building Department prior to alteration and construction of the restaurant and approvals from the
Architectural Review Committee, as required.
Site Plan/Floor Plan: Applicant shall submit a final Site/Floor Plan showing the
complete particulars of lighting, seating, etc. prior to the issuance of a Building Permit which
shall be subject to further Board of Trustees approval without a public hearing.
Operator shall use “Green Products and environmentally friendly products”
whenever feasible in connection with the service of food products.
Unless modified herein, the terms and Stipulations, Covenants and Restrictions of
the Special Use Permit adopted January 28, 2008 are hereby continued.
Any further expansion shall also require Board of Appeals approval which shall
meet the unnecessary hardship standard.
No vehicles will be permitted to stand in the sidewalk or on public streets while
picking up restaurant “to go” orders.
No other business activity shall be performed within the restaurant premises,
except as may be further approved by the Board of Trustees.
The Special Use Permit shall be valid until such time that the premises or business
is sold or transferred. In such event, the Special Use Permit may be extended after public
hearing and subject to the Transferee’s express acceptance of the Stipulations, Covenants and
Restrictions herein whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Board of Trustees.
A failure to conduct operations shall be subject to a revocation of the Special Use Permit.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 10
The Board finds that the present matter is an Unlisted Action pursuant to the State
Environmental Quality Review Act. In accordance with the documentation, testimony and plans,
the Board of Trustees finds that the approval of this application will not result in a significant
adverse environmental impact. For the reasons above stated, the Board hereby adopts a negative
declaration for this project and finds that an environmental impact statement is not required.
This approval is conditioned upon full compliance with the initial Stipulations and
Restrictions and the additional terms that are now modified or added. The Board of Trustees
expressly reserves the right to suspend, modify or revoke this approval at any time for failure to
comply with one (1) or more of such Stipulations, Covenants or Restrictions following due
public hearing and written notice to the operator upon at least ten (10) days’ notice. This
provision is not intended to limit other rights of enforcement, including code violations or
equitable relief.
Accordingly, the application of Smoke -n- Coffee, Inc., seeking approval for the
operation, alteration and construction of a Restaurant known as “Fat Ernie’s Cheesesteaks” by a
modification of the Special Use Permit is hereby approved. On poll of the Board of Trustees, the
following vote was taken to approve the modification on July 20, 2015:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Margaret Hagan- AYE
Trustee John Tweedy - AYE
Trustee Kenneth Moore- Absent & Excused
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano- Absent & Excused
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herein under set my hand and affixed the seal of the
Village of Bellerose, New York this 20th day of July, 201 5.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 11
A local law to amend Chapter 165 of the Bellerose Village Code (BVC), by adding a new Article IX thereof
to regulate the planting and maintenance of Bamboo.
BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Bellerose as follows:
Add a new BVC §165-52 entitled Regulation of Bamboo as follows:
Section 1.
and Intent:
(1) The Board of Trustees finds that the unregulated planting and maintenance of bamboo
threatens indigenous trees, plants and grasses and that regulation is necessary to protect private and
public property from its damaging effects.
Section 2.
Regulation - BVC 5165-52(A):
(A) It shall be unlawful from the effective date hereof for an owner or tenant of property, anywhere
within the Village of Bellerose to plant running bamboo (as herein defined) into the ground, or with
respect to existing bamboo to cause, permit, cultivate or allow such bamboo to be maintained in such a
manner that it migrates onto any adjoining property, including any public property and rights-of-way
held by the Village. An owner, tenant or occupier of property, upon ten (10) days Notice from the
Village, by First Class Mail, of the occurrence of bamboo migration upon adjacent property which is
originating from their property, shall take immediate and appropriate measures to prevent such
bamboo from migrating onto adjacent property, by installing a barrier sufficiently deep and
impenetrable to prevent migration, or by providing for its complete removal.
(B) All bamboo which migrates onto adjacent properties shall be deemed a public nuisance and no
property owner shall have any vested or non-conforming right to continue maintenance of such
bamboo, whether or not it pre-existed the adoption of this regulation. Any property owner who fails to
prevent migration of bamboo onto an adjoining property shall be guilty of trespass, and the fact that the
offending bamboo pre-existed the adoption of this regulation shall not constitute a defense.
(C) In determining whether or not a barrier installed to prevent the migration of bamboo is sufficiently
deep to prevent future migration onto an adjacent owner's property, a barrier less than four (4) feet in
depth, unless not possible due to the level of ground water intrusion, shall be presumed to be
insufficient to prevent such migration.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 12
Section 3.
(D) "Running Bamboo" is defined as any tropical or semi-tropical grasses with mompodial (leptomorph)
rhizome (root) systems, including, but not limited, to the following plant genera: Arundinaria,
Chimonobambusa, Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Sasa, Sasaella and Semiarundinaria.
Section 4.
(E)(1) In the event that bamboo growing on an owner's or tenant's property invades or grows upon an
adjoining or neighboring property owned or held on behalf of the Village of Bellerose, the Village shall
notify the bamboo property owner that said owner or tenant has planted, caused, or permitted such
bamboo to grow on his/her property, and that said owner or tenant shall be responsible for the removal
of such bamboo from Village property. This notice shall be sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt
Requested, and by First Class Mail to the latest address of said owner or tenant on file with the Village
Clerk. A copy of the notice shall also be left in a conspicuous location on said owner's or tenant's
property in the Village of Bellerose.
(2) In the event that the property owner or tenant does not obtain a permit for the removal of said
bamboo from the Village property and fails to remove the same within thirty (30) days from the date the
Village first deposited the notice as provided in Subsection (E)(1) above, then the Village, at its
discretion, may remove or arrange for the removal of such bamboo from the Village property and install
a barrier to prevent further migration. Said owner who caused or allowed such bamboo to migrate,
shall be liable to the Village for all of the Village's costs in mitigating the bamboo from Village property
and restoring the ground. Such costs shall be assessed against the property of the bamboo property
owner as a tax payable by such bamboo property owner, if such costs remain unpaid more than Thirty
(30) Days after demand for payment. Removal is to be made in accordance with a plan approved by the
Building Inspector.
(3) In the event that the Village is compelled to undertake the removal or to contract for the removal of
bamboo, as provided for in Subsection (E)(2) above, neither the Village nor its employees shall have any
liability for damages or other claims to the bamboo property owner by reason of the removal or
installation of a barrier. In the event such removal entails or causes damage to the flora or other
property of a person other than the bamboo property owner, the bamboo property owner in violation
of this section shall be responsible for such damages.
BOT Meeting 07.20.15
Page 13
Section 4.
Violation and Penalties - CVA §152-14(D):
(F) A violation hereof shall result in penalties as prescribed under Chapter 1 of the Code. A second or
subsequent violation shall result in a minimum fine of between Five Hundred ($500) Dollars and One
Thousand ($1,000) Dollars. The continuance of such offense for each day after a violation is served, shall
be deemed a separate offense.
Section 5.
Effective Date.
This local law shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption, subject to filing with the Secretary of
B0T Meeting 07.20.15
Page 14
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
August 17, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Trustee John Tweedy
Village Attorney Richard Handler (arrived at 7:40)
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 17 residents
Absent & Excused:
Trustee Margaret Hagan
The Mayor opened the meeting at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Schreiber
asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
On motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by Trustee Moore the Minutes of the July 20, 2015 Regular
Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Mayor Schreiber seconded by
Trustee Moore, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
July 21-31, 2015
August 1-17 2015
$ 127,956.13
($52,000.00 is for payment to a Residential Rehabilitation contractor, which is completely reimbursed
from Nassau County.)
Treasurer's Report: July 2015
General FundPetty CashRevenuesExpenses-
BOT Meeting 08.17.15
$ 1,671,915.36
$ 116,039.70
Page 1
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
Budget Transfers (Attached hereto.) All of the budget transfers were read aloud, and approved
by the entire of Board of Trustees.
The Mayor discussed the leak in the roof in Village Hall. We have received several different
quotes to fix, replace and repair the roof. We will look at all of them, and see if we can get this
repair done on an emergency basis.
There will be a television pilot filming taking place in the Village this week. The company will be
on Hudson Road to film. The BOT has agreed to allow this to take place, and hopes that this will
not create a disruption in the Village.
Hiehwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Commissioner Braun stated the Village has received money from the Grant for Catch Basin repair. The
apron in front of 6 Huron Road was supposed to be taken care of, and it is still in need of repair. The
Village roads are still in need of repair. We need to book these contractors, as they are very busy.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following police report:
July 2015
9 parking violations issued
• 3 moving violations issued
• 1 accident
0 aided
Commissioner Tamparo also said there were two (2) incidents in the evening in the Village, and we had
the presence of six (6) police cars. He felt this was a great response by NCPD.
Mayor Schreiber stated the following:
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
July 2015-47 Tickets
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
The BFD responded to one (1) call since last month. The call was on Saturday, August 15, 2015
at 3:00AM for an automatic alarm at 249-12 Jericho Turnpike. 8 members responded. The Fire
Department is prepared for the Falling Water television shoot which will take place on
Wednesday. The air explosion is scheduled to take place between 2:00PM and 8:00PM.
Historian Report
Historian Alan Woodruff spoke about a Walking Tour of the Village. He is planning on having this event
take place on Saturday, October 3, 2015 or Sunday, October 4, 2015. More information will follow.
BOT Meeting 08.17.15
Page 2
Superintendent of Maintenance
Superintendent Moore spoke about the DPW department, and how they have been out looking at and
marking sidewalks for repair this year.
Beautification Committee
No one from the Committee was present, but the Mayor thanked them for the beautiful plantings done
on the Turnpike.
Trustee Moore
Trustee Moore stated the Village roof needs to be fixed. We also need to look at the Air Conditioning
System in the Village, as it will need to be refurbished in the future. The sign for the new Oral Surgeon
in the Village went up. We wish him well in his new location. Trustee Moore also mentioned a possible
upgrade to the phone system in Village Hall.
Trustee Tweedy
Trustee Tweedy spoke regarding the Village Tree Board. He stated the last Tree Board Meeting was held
on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7:30PM.
We expect to be delivering a Flyer to all residents this week that outlines the new code section: Chapter
197 Trees and Plants, passed last December.
We have made an extensive list of trees to be trimmed and Dreyer's Tree Service is in the process of
trimming them now. We expect the work to be completed this week.
Dreyer will also be removing one additional tree at 33 Massachusetts, which has become infested with
insects. He has also committed to removing the stumps at 13 Ontario and 36 Massachusetts before the
end of August.
Some Tree Board members expect to go through the Village with Mike Sipala (who supplied and
guaranteed the trees) in late August and review the status of the trees that were newly planted last
November. Some six to ten trees appear to be in trouble. Others are doing well.
I have also passed out notices to the homeowners of houses that have new trees in front, asking them
to voluntarily water their new trees twice a week since we have had such a hot dry August.
Trustee Tweedy also mentioned some needed changes to Zoning Law 210-18. There need to be some
minor changes made. Attorney Handler will draft a formal revision. The Board of Trustees will review,
and hopefully schedule a Public Hearing in September to pass a revised law.
The Mayor announced the following:
A.R.C. Meeting - Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 7:00PM
Next Regular Board of Trustees Meeting-Monday, September 21, 2015 at 7:30PM
Tree Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7:30PM
Bellerose Village Court Session-Wednesday, August 19, 2016 and September 16, 2015 at
BOT Meeting 08.17.15
Page 3
Mayor Announcements (continued):
JWCB-Village Garage Sale, September 19, 2015
JBBDDC Meeting -September 1, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-Tuesday, September 15,2015 Meeting & Luncheon at 1:00PM
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:12PM, on motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by
Trustee Juliano and unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:12PM.
Andrea Dapolito of Hudson Road asked what is going on regarding the Speed Table on Hudson
Road. She stated it has been almost a year since the Board of Trustees approved the installation.
Would it be possible to reach out to another jurisdiction, and see who installed theirs?
Dawn Sullivan of Hudson Road asked if the Village was being paid for the filming in the Village, and
how much. She also stated she was upset because she has seen drug paraphernalia on the streets
in the Village. Mayor Schreiber reported that compensation to the Village will be $3000.00 per day
for 4 days.
Aleida Oberstein, also of Hudson Road, stated she sent an email to the Mayor and Board of
Trustees regarding the work going on in her home, and the possible disruption due to the filming in
the Village. She was very disappointed that no one from the Board has been in touch with her. The
Mayor apologized, and said that the film company has been made aware of the her situation, and
she as well as any workers from her home, will have full access to her home and the block. The film
company has issued placards for all vehicles on the block. If she needs more, to please let us know.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Mayor Schreiber motioned to close the public meeting. Trustee Moore seconded the motion which
passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:29PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 08.17.15
Page 4
Budget Transfers
MAY 3L 2015
We hereby amend the adopted budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year to reflect the following budget transfers These transfers are
a result of actual expenditures incurred within the Village's regular operations for the specific line items charged Budget money
is being transferred from those codes that contain ample budget money to allow for the appropriate expenditures in those codes
that have a shortfall The 14-15 Budget was adopted on Apnl 28. 2014
A/C #
A1410 4
A3410 4
A3410 44
A8160 4
A8170 4
A/C Description
Village Justice - P/R
Accounting Services
Village Clerk - P/R
Deputy Village Clerk - P/R
Village Clerk - Contractual
Law - Contractual
Engineer - Contractual
Buildings - Contractual
Buildings - Utilities
Buildings - Maintenance
Central Comm. - Contr
Municipal Associations
On Street Parking - Equip
Fire Protection - Contract
Fire Protection - Hydrants
Snow Removal - Contr
Refuse & Garbage
Street Cleaning - Contract
1 00
250 00
1 00
11.000 00
Account No
Account Description
A1990 4
Judgments & Claims
Contingent Account
Refuse - Leaf Dumping
NYS Retirement
(19.000 00)
(10.450 00)
(2,000 00)
2.800 00
1.000 00
300 00
15.100 00
5,400 00
450 00
700 00
Approved above budget transfers on
• *— <
MAY 31, 2015
We hereby amend the adopted budget of the 2014-15 fiscal year to reflect the expenditures for the Fire House Renovation
that exceeded the original budget of $500,000 The balance of this project is being funded with Appropriated Fund Balance
and will be used as an Interfund Transfer to the Capital Fund for the close-out of this project
The 2014-15 Budget was adopted on April 28,2014 The following Revenue and Expenditure line items are to be amended
A/C Description
Appropriated Fund Bal
Account No.
Account Description
Interfund Transfer - Capital
Approved above amendment on:
MAY 31, 2015
We hereby amend the adopted budget of the 2014-15 fiscal year to reflect the receipt of a Storm Water Grant
applied for and earned as of May 31, 2015. The following revenues were for reimbursement of storm sewer work performed
The 2014-15 Budget was adopted on April 28,2014 The following Revenue and Expenditure line items are to be amended
A/C #
A/C Description
State Aid -Other
Account No.
Account Description
Storms Sewers - Contractual
Approved above amendment on:
The lotal Storm Water Grant was approved for S1 00,000 Expenditures prior to 5/31/15 total S65.635 and the funding was applied for DASNY
has confirmed to the Village that the receivable established at 5/31/15 will be received on 7/16/15 The remaining $34,365 will be a revenue of
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
September 21, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 16 residents
The Mayor opened the Public Hearing at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then asked
for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
At the Public Hearing a change to §210-18 Permitted Uses was discussed. Attorney Handler stated the
change has been submitted to the Nassau County Planning Commission for approval.
The Mayor stated the Board of Trustees will hold off voting on this change until it is accepted by the NC
Planning Commission. The vote will hopefully take place at the October Board of Trustees Meeting.
The Public Hearing closed at 7:38PM.
The Mayor opened the regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:38PM. On motion by Deputy Mayor
Juliano seconded by Trustee Moore the Minutes of the August 17, 2015 Regular Board of Trustees
Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by
Trustee Hagan, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
August 18-31, 2015
September 1-20 2015
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
$ 147,750.42
Page 1
($1,600.00 is for payment to a Residential Rehabilitation contractor, which is completely reimbursed
from Nassau County.)
Treasurer's Report:
General FundPetty CashRevenuesExpenses-
August 2015
$ 1,526,810.02
$ 122,683.72
Mavor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
• He wanted to commend BFD on their response to a call last week at 10:43PM. The homeowner
was asleep, and the Fire Department responded to an automatic alarm alerting them to a
potentially fatal situation.
• The BFD's 9/11 Ceremony was very nice, and was well attended. Thank you to the Fire
Department members and the residents. On September 3, 2015, Congresswoman Kathleen Rice
presented the Village with a flag that had been flown over the US Capital. On September 11,
2015 that flag and the flag in front of the Fire House were flown at half-staff. After being taken
down, the flag will be mounted in the back of the Board room along with the wall of heroes.
• The JWCB sponsored the Village Garage Sale this past weekend. This event was well attended,
and is a major fundraiser for the JWCB.
Mayor has authorized a Dog Walk to take place on Sunday, September 27, 2015 from
11:00AM to 1:00PM. All proceeds will be donated to Ruff House Rescue, who will be on site
with some dogs and cats who are looking for adoptive families. The project managers of this
Village event are Linda Schreiber and Jennifer Olis. In addition, thanks to Dylan Gammarato and
Joseph Zuccalmaglio for their help with this event.
cameras for the building are going to be installed through a Justice Court Grant. (JCAP)
We are planning to upgrade the Village phone system.
The roof on Village Hall has had a terrible leak for the past few months is going to be replaced.
The money for this is not in the budget, but it is an emergency repair.
The windows in Village Hall need to be replaced.
Sidewalk repair will be starting mid-month.
We need to rebuild four (4) storm drains. We still have Grant money to cover this expense.
Street work repair has begun.
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Highway/Public Works Commissioner Braun stated
• As previously stated by Mayor Schreiber, the street work has been started.
• Catch basin repairs will also be completed, but will probably be tied in with the sidewalk repairs.
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 2
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following police report:
July 2015
11 parking violations issued
• 3 moving violations issued
• 2 accidents
• 2 aided
Mayor Schreiber stated the following:
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
August 2015-64 Tickets
There was a burglary on Hudson Road. An entry was made through an open window, and an
l-pad was stolen.
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ was not available, so George Braun spoke on his behalf about the following:
• The BFD responded to three (3) calls since last month. On August 25, 2015 at 10:11PM an auto
leak of Transmission fluid in Foodtown parking lot. 22 members responded. On September 14,
2015 at 10:56PM to an automatic alarm for food on the stove at 53 Hudson Road. The
homeowner was asleep, and the conditions were very smoky. The Department was about to
use forcible entry when the homeowner opened the door. She and her pets were ok, and
refused medical attention. 15 members responded. And on September 21, 2015 at 4:15PM
there was an automatic alarm call to the apartment above the dental office on Jericho and
Massachusetts. The landlord has been advised that the sensor needs a replacement. 9
members responded.
The BFD begins a 4 night structural firefighting course at Bethpage Fire Academy on October 6th.
Scenarios include Garden apartments, single family homes, warehouse, and multi-story tower
Historian Report
Historian Alan Woodruff was not present, but left the following information:
SPLIA walking tour of Bellerose Village will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from
1:00PM- 3:00PM.
Helen Marsh is still making the news. Bellerose Village was featured in the LI Home section of
Newsday on Friday, September 11, 2015. The article entitled was entitled "Garden Suburbs"
and spoke of the formation of Bellerose Village and other early suburbs.
He is putting together a fundraiser calendar which will be featuring Long Island Diners. Looking
to do a 16 month calendar beginning in September 2016.
Renewal of Memberships for Nassau County Historical Society $25.00 and Floral Park Historical
Society $10.00.
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 3
of Maintenance
Trustee Moore stated we are looking for a seasonal worker for leaf pick up season. Hours are 9:00AM1:00PM.
Beautification Committee
No members of the Beautification Committee were present, but the Mayor commented that the
Turnpike looks beautiful, and the plantings give the Village a true sense of character.
Trustee Moore
Trustee Moore asked that if any members of the Board are going to send out letters to please notify the
rest of the Board so that we understand what information people are referring to.
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan spoke about the Residential Rehabilitation program. She stated that there are still
monies out there that have not been used. If you think you may qualify, please submit a letter
requesting an application, and we will forward it to Nassau County.
Trustee Juliano
Trustee Juliano stated he was approached by Chief McManaman regarding an automatic sensor light
that does not go off. He has been in touch with Bob Bee from H2M and Fidel from Fidele Construction,
and the problem should be fixed and is still under warranty.
Trustee Tweedy
Trustee Tweedy Reported the following
Tree Pruning and Trimming: Extensive tree pruning and trimming work throughout the Village
has been completed this summer, plus the removal of four diseased or dead trees (including the
one at 36 Massachusetts, which broke during a June storm)
Trees Planted: This week we expect to look at last November's tree planting with our supplier
Sipala Landscaping and determine which trees they must replace under our guarantee.
Tree Board: The Tree Board will be meeting next week on September 29th. The Board expects to
work to plan the approximate number, types and locations of the trees to be planted this fall. In
response to the flyer distributed in August we have received several requests for new Street
trees to be planted in front of residents homes. We will be looking at those requests in
conjunction with an overall plan.
The Mayor announced the following:
Community Dog Walk, Sunday September 27, 2015 at 11:00AM
A.R.C meeting Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Next Regular Board Meeting, Monday, October 19, 2015 at 7:30PM
Tree Board Meeting, Tuesday September 29, 2015 at 7:30PM
COURT session, Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB - Opening Tea, September 24, 2015 /Meeting-October 15, 2015/District
Meeting-October 18, 2015/Oktoberfest-October 23, 2015
JBBDC Meeting- October 6, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting-October 13, 2015 at 1:00P _
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 4
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:42PM, on motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Trustee
Tweedy and unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:42PM.
Andrea Dapolito asked how we could have more diligent communication regarding what is going on
in the Village. Could we get an email system for Village notifications?
Deanne Loos asked if the Walk-Up window at Fat Ernie's has been approved. The Mayor stated not
at this time.
Keri Perge of Huron Road stated the blocks seem very dark at night. Can the Village ask for more
police presence in the area?
Tom Oelkers of Pennsylvania had some concerns about heights of
Stated he lives on a corner, and the bushes provide some privacy.
bushes/trees in the Village.
An extensive discussion regarding pedestrian visibility issues from trees and bushes took place.
Mary Kelly of Superior Road stated the LIRR has been in the back again recently. No bamboo has
been found.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Trustee Moore motioned to close the public meeting. Trustee Hagan seconded the motion which
passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 9:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 5
RESOLUTION # 1 5-09-2 1BFD
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose has agreed to allow Universal Network TV, LLC, to
film “Falling Waters” within the Incorporated Village of Bellerose (Village); and
WHEREAS, such location for filming “Falling Waters” within the Village of Bellerose is
at Hudson Road between Remsen Lane and Pennsylvania Boulevard and the schedule is for four
days, August 17, 18, 19, 20, 2015; and
WHEREAS, the Village permit fee for 4 days at $3,000 per day totals $12,000 and the
Village permit fee for the Food Truck is one-time fee of $100 and the total fee charge for the
Village is $12,100; and
WHEREAS, the Bellerose Fire Department has agreed to provide special stand-by
services for safety protection for a special effects event at 79 Hudson Road on August 19, 2015
for a fee of $2,000 payable to the Bellerose Fire Department;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated
Village of Bellerose hereby authorizes this agreement and authorizes acceptance of a $50,000
deposit from “Falling Waters”. Upon completion of the agreement a deduction of $12,100.00 is
deducted from the deposit and a refund of $37,900.00 was refunded to “Falling Waters”. A
separate payment of $2000.00 intended for the safety protection fee which was made payable to
the Village of Bellerose is authorized to be paid to the Bellerose Fire Department.
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 6
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Hagan, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Moore - AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano -AYE
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
Trustee Hagan- AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the
above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on
September 21, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 7
RESOLUTION # 15-9-21-01(at
Resolution establishing standard workdays for elected and appointed officials
for report to the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bellerose, Location Code 40042, hereby establishes and
recognizes that a standard work day for elected and appointed officials, and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, said officials will report these standard work days to the New
York State and Local Employees Retirement System based on the time keeping system records or the
record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the Clerk of the Village.
THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that as of April 1, 2015 the standard work day for all elected
officials is 6 hours per day and the standard work day for appointed officials shall be 6 or 7.5 hours per
day, as indicated by title on the accompanying Resolution # 15-9-21-0 1(b).
ON MOTION by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Moore, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Hagan - AYE
Trustee Juliano - AYE
Trustee Moore - AYE
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify that the above
Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held on September 21, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 8
RESOLUTION # 15-9-21-01(b)
A Resolution for the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bellerose, Location Code 40042, hereby establishes the
following standard work days for the indicated elected and appointed officials by title for the period
commencing April 1, 201 5, and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local
Employees Retirement System based on the time keeping system records or the record of activities
maintained and submitted by these officials to the Clerk of this body:
Work Day
6 hours
Joseph Juliano
7.5 hours
Begin and End Dates
Record of
Activity Days per Mont
04/01/15 -03-31-17
Suzanne Tangredi
04/01/15 -03/31/17
7.5 hours
Rosaleen Shea
Time Keeping
Time Keeping
System _
6 hours
Richard G. Handler
Deputy Mayor/Trustee
Village Clerk/
Court Clerk/
Deputy Clerk
Village Attorney
ON MOTION by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Hagan, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
Trustee Hagan - AYE
- Abstain
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
Trustee Moore - AYE
Trustee Juliano
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 9
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, of the State of New York, do
hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with the original resolution passed by such board at a
legally convened meeting held on the 2 1 51 day of September, 2015, on file as part of the minutes of such
meeting, and that same is a true copy thereof and the whole of such original.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Village of
Bellerose on this 21st day of September, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk- Treasurer
Affidavit of Posting: I, Suzanne Tangredi, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the posting
of the Resolution began on September 22, 20 1 5 and continued for at least 30 days. That the Resolution
was available to the public on the:
Employer’s website at:
BOT Meeting 09.21.15
Page 10
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
OCTOBER 19, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 41 residents
The Mayor opened the regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:31PM. He led all in the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
On motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano the Minutes of the September 21,
2015 Public Hearing/Regular Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by
Trustee Hagan, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
September 20-30, 2015
October 1-19, 2015
$ 12,887.90
$ 53,877.37
Treasurer's Report: September 2015
General FundPetty CashRevenuesExpenses-
B0T Meeting 10.19.15
$ 1,388,329.01
$ 183,181.46
Page 1
Attorney Report
Attorney Handler discussed the following:
The Public Hearing which took place last month to change §210-18 Permitted Uses was
submitted to the Nassau County Planning Commission for review. Nassau County has decided
that it is a matter for local concern.
The Brandt Fair Housing Retaliation Claim has been dismissed. The Village has acted
The Brandt Denial of Waiver has had a motion filed for an enlargement of time. It has been 19
months in the process, and this is the 5th Application for extension.
On motion by Trustee Tweedy, seconded by Trustee Moore, Local Law 3 -A change to §210-18
Permitted Uses was unanimously approved. The following roll call was taken:
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano-AYE
Trustee Moore- AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Mayor Schreiber- Aye
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
The Snow Removal was out for bid. The Village received 2 bids. One from Perimeter Building
Services, LLC (formerly Manor Construction) and one from Con-Kel. Perimeter came in lower,
and an 8 hour minimum has been removed from the contract.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, and passed unanimously the
snow contract will be awarded to Perimeter Building Services, LLC with the following roll call:
Trustee Moore-AYE
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Mayor Schreiber- AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano- AYE
Fat Ernie's has requested a change of hours to his establishment. By extending his hours, he will
be able to serve lunch as well as dinner. The Board has the power to modify the store hours.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano and passed unanimously,
the Board will allow Fat Ernie to extend his hours from 5PM-10PM to 11AM-9PM.
The following roll call was taken:
Trustee Moore-AYE
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Mayor Schreiber- AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano- AYE
With regard to the Police report, the Village was advised of the attempted break-ins. A
Swiftreach 911message was sent out to the residents to take precautions. An apprehension was
made. Thanks to Nassau County 3rd Precinct, they were able to match fingerprints and a stolen
phone had a tracking device which led them to the home of the suspect. NCPD has restored
peace and tranquility to our Village.
Resolution #15-10-19-1 (Attached hereto)regarding the Village Election in March.
BOT Meeting 10.19.15
Page 2
The Village put out a bid for a Speed Calming Device for Hudson Road several months ago. We
received a couple of ridiculously priced proposals. Thanks to the hard work of Andrea Dapolito
who contacted several paving companies, and Dawn Sullivan who found a contractor willing to
do the work cost efficiently, we have made some progress on this project. We have met with
the contractor, and reviewed the proposal. We have worked on the fine points, and timing of
the project. The contractor, Roadwork Ahead has satisfied the concerns of the BOT. Installation
of the Speed Calming Device will take place in front of 77 Hudson Road.
On motion by Mayor Schreiber, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, and passed unanimously the
Speed Calming Device Contract will be awarded to Roadwork Ahead with the following roll call:
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE (with reservations)
Deputy Mayor Juliano- AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Mayor Schreiber- AYE
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Highway/Public Works Commissioner Braun stated
• Street grading has been taking place in the Village
• We have repaired/replaced 5 catch basins
• Bills have been submitted and need to be signed off.
• Thanks to DASNY for the Grant money which the Village
receiving to do some of this
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following police report:
September 2015
• 2 Burglary/Arrest
• 0 parking violations issued
• 1 moving violations issued
• 5 accidents
• 0 aided
Mayor Schreiber stated the following:
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
• September 2015-54 Tickets
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
The BFD continues a 4 night structural firefighting course at Bethpage Fire Academy.
Last week on the way home from the Fire Academy, the right front tire blew out. The driver
managed to safely get the rig onto the shoulder to have it towed. The blowout caused some
damage to the vehicle, which should be covered under insurance.
There have been two (2) calls since the last meeting. On 9/21/15 at 4:12 PM there was a call
from an automatic alarm to Jericho & Massachusetts for food on the stove. 10 members
responded. The second call was on Sunday 10/11/15 at 6:45AM for smoke at Foodtown. 9
members responded.
BOT Meeting 10.19.15
Page 3
Historian Report
Historian Alan Woodruff was not present. On October 3, 2015 the SPLIA (Society for the Preservation of
Long Island Antiquities) along with Historian Woodruff held a walking tour in Bellerose Village.
Superintendent of Maintenance
Trustee Moore stated we are looking for a seasonal worker for leaf pick up season. Hours are 9:00AM1:00PM.
Trustee Moore
Trustee Moore stated the Village should think about exploring the possibility of solar panels. It has the
potential to be a large money saver for the Village.
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan agreed that the use of solar panels should be considered.
Trustee Juliano
Deputy Mayor Juliano said solar energy is a good idea and should be explored.
In the BFD a light fixture has had a new motion sensor and lightbulb put in and is now working properly.
This repair has been covered under the warranty.
Trustee Tweedy
Trustee Tweedy stated that solar energy is good for the environment and warrants looking into.
He stated several trees were planted last November. Ten trees were replaced last week. The Tree
Board met on September 29, 2015. They are working on finalizing locations for the new trees this year.
An RFP has been put out for trees and their planting.
Deputy Mayor Juliano announced the following:
JWCB Halloween Parade, Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 3:30PM
A.R.C meeting Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Next Regular Board Meeting, Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:30PM
Tree Board Meeting, Tuesday November 17, 2015 at 7:30PM
COURT session, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6:00PM
JWCB - Ladies Night, Friday, November 18, 2015 at 6:00PM
JBBDC Meeting- Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting -November 10, 2015 at 1:00PM
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:33PM, on motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Deputy
Mayor Juliano and unanimously approved.
The Mayor opened the Public Meeting at 8:33PM.
BOT Meeting 10.19.15
Page 4
Mayor Schreiber made the following statement at the opening of the Public Meeting.
"Trustee Tweedy and I have had several conversations over the applicability of the Code regarding
hedges and bushes along driveways and at corners.
We have had disagreements which we could not reconcile.
Trustee Tweedy has chosen to act under his authority as a Trustee which is provided in the Code and has
caused the issuance of 45 Violation Notices with the possibility of summonses for non-compliance.
In deference to Trustee Tweedy and his insistence on proceeding, I have instructed the office staff to
provide basic clerical assistance to him, but I want to make it clear that I consider the issue to be his
cause and that I do not endorse his actions.
Therefore all questions and comments concerning the hedges and bushes matter should be directed to
Trustee Tweedy."
Several residents of the Village addressed Trustee Tweedy and the Board regarding the violations
notices that they recently received in regard to hedges and shrubs.
Other residents voiced some concerns regarding violations of flag poles on Village trees. It was noted
that these were attached to trees with screws or nails in violation of Chapter 197 of the Village Code.
Dawn Sullivan thanked the Mayor and Board for their time in getting the Speed Table for Hudson Road.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Trustee Moore motioned to close the public meeting. Deputy Mayor Juliano seconded the motion
which passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 9:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 10.19.15
Page 5
RESOLUTION # 15-10-19-1
I, Henry J. Schreiber, move the adoption of the following Resolution:
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellerose at their regular meeting of October 19, 2015
designated the Village Election to take place on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, between the hours of
12 Noon and 9:00PM, in the Village Hall, 50 Superior Road, in said Village, and that the
following offices are to be filled for the following terms:
2 Years
2 Years
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano, and passed unanimously.
Roll call vote: Deputy Mayor Juliano - AYE
Trustee Moore - AYE
Trustee Hagan - AYE
Trustee Tweedy - AYE
Mayor Schreiber - AYE
BOT Meeting 10.19.15
Page 6
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
NOVEMBER 16, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 14 residents
Absent and Excused
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Attorney Richard Handler
The Mayor opened the regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
Mayor Schreiber then took a few minutes to make a statement regarding the issue recently covered by
the media, of a resident flying American flags on Village street trees. He stressed that the question was
not an American flag issue; it was an issue of mounting brackets on Village trees and he considers the
matter closed.
On motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano the Minutes of the October 19, 2015
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting and October 30, 2015 Special Board of Trustees Meeting were
unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by
Trustee Hagan, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
November 2, 2015
November 1-13, 2015
November 16, 2015
$ 3,775.00
$ 170,363.52
The Mayor then stated he would like to approve the bill from Roadwork Ahead Inc., in the amount of
$19,900.00 for the installation of the Speed Table on Hudson Road. On motion by Trustee Tweedy,
seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano, the bill for Roadwork Ahead Inc., was unanimously approved for
Mayor Schreiber thanked Mr. Saccente, Ms. Dapolito, and Ms. Sullivan for all the help they provided to
the Village to get this project completed. They were able to find a contractor who was willing to do the
job for the right amount of money and it was completed on schedule.
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 1
Treasurer's Report: October 2015
General FundPetty CashRevenuesExpenses-
$ 1,345,793.04
$ 116,929.16
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the following:
• At a Special Board of Trustees Meeting held in October, a moratorium was passed on BVC 124la (2-3). The Mayor is referring this law to the Code Committee for review and
recommendations. At present, he is looking to add 2 more people to the committee.
• A possible filming will take place in the Village on Huron Road. A permit has not yet been
received, but we are told it will be for one day only.
• Village sidewalks are being worked on. The homeowner at 76 Huron Road is looking to have her
sidewalk repaired, using the Village contractor at her own expense.
• Maintenance has been picking up leaves, and will continue to do so through December 4th.
On motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano, the attached budget transfer from
A/C# A7140.1 Playgrounds-P/R to Account # A7140.4 Playgrounds-Contractual in the amount of
$1,000.00 was unanimously approved. (Attached hereto)
Highwav/Public Works Commissioner Report
Highway/Public Works Commissioner Braun stated
• He has prepared the paperwork for the CHIPS reimbursement and the Storm Water Grant.
• The new catch basin that was installed on Ontario and Massachusetts will be checked tomorrow
to see if it needs filling in.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following police report:
parking violations issued
moving violations issued
Mayor Schreiber stated the following:
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
• October 2015-48 Tickets
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 2
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
• The BFD completed four (4) weeks at the Fire Academy with Floral Park.
• We have two (2) new members.
The department is having physicals tomorrow.
There have been no calls this month, but the department participated in the Halloween Parade.
Turkey Raffle will be drawn tomorrow evening.
Historian Report
Alan Woodruff spoke about the walking tour which took place in October. There was a small profit
made with which he purchased the book, Garden of Eden. The Village is mentioned in the book. When
he finishes reading it he will bring to Village Hall so that residents may have the opportunity to look at it.
Superintendent of Maintenance
Mayor Schreiber stated we have hired two (2) part-time temps for leaf season.
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan thanked the residents of Hudson Road for their help in getting the speed table installed.
Trustee Tweedy
Report of Trustee Tweedy - November 16, 2015
Tree Planting-In October our last year's tree contractor, Sipala Landscaping, replaced 10 trees that were
either dead or not doing well. These were trees that were planted in November 2014.
Last week Sipala Landscaping planted 30 trees along the Village streets as planned by the Tree Board for
this year. These are a mix of Red Maple, London Plane, Pin Oak, Linden and Sweetgum along the streets
as well as two Kousa Dogwoods for the center mall on Commonwealth and one Kousa Dogwood for the
empty square in front of Surber Realty.
For 2014 and 2015 we have planted a total of 70 trees in the Village, which after a few years growth,
should start to fill in some of the locations taken out by Sandy and other natural occurrences.
Mayor Schreiber announced the following:
A.R.C Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Next Regular Board Meeting, Monday, December 21, 2015 at 7:30PM
Tree Board Meeting, Tuesday November 17, 2016 at 7:30PM
COURT session, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6:00PM and Wednesday December 16, 2105
at 6:00PM
Village Tree Lighting, Friday, December 4, 2015 at 7:00PM
JWCB -Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 9:00AM/Holiday Party, December
18, 2015 at 7:00PM
JBBDC Meeting- December 1, 2015 at 6:00PM
Women's Club Meeting -No Meeting
Village Hall Closed-Thursday, November 26, 2015 for Thanksgiving and Friday, November 27,
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:17PM, on motion by Deputy Mayor Juliano, seconded by
Mayor Schreiber and unanimously approved.
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 3
Ann Marie Byrnes spoke on behalf of the JWCB and thanked the Mayorand Board ofTrustees for their
support for the Halloween Parade and Dance Party. The kids had a great time. Thanks to the DJ who
donated his service. "It was small town America at its best!"
Alice Cody stated the Village looks beautiful, and she has never seen the leaves on the trees look so
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Deputy Mayor Juliano motioned to close the public meeting. Trustee Tweedy seconded the motion
which passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:22PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 4
WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose currently owns seven
which have served the Village well over the years, but are outdated and can no longer be
repaired without excessive unreasonable expense to the Village; and
WHEREAS, a reasonable search has been conducted to find suitable telephone
apparatus to meet the needs of the staff and residents of the Village of Bellerose; and
WHEREAS, Black N Gold Telecom, Inc. has committed to the Village to the installation of
seven Panasonic telephones within the Village;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees authorizes the retirement of
the seven
NORTEL/NORSTAR telephones and the installation of the new Panasonic telephones.
On motion by Deputy Mayor Juliano, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber-AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore -Absent
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify
that the above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held
on November 16, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk/Treasurer
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 5
Budget Transfers
May 31, 2015
We hereby amend the adopted budget for the 2015-16 fiscal year to reflect the following budget transfers. These transfers are
a result of actual expenditures incurred within the Village's regular operations for the specific line items charged. Budget money
is being transferred from those codes that contain ample budget money to allow for the appropriate expenditures in those codes
that have a shortfall. The 15-16 Budget was adopted on April 20, 2015.
A/C Description
Account No.
Account Description
Play grounds-Contractual
Approved above budget transfers on November 16, 2015.
BOT Meeting 11.16.15
Page 6
50 Superior Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001
DECEMBER 21, 2015
In Attendance:
Mayor Henry J. Schreiber
Deputy Mayor Joseph Juliano
Trustee John Tweedy
Trustee Margaret Hagan
Trustee Kenneth Moore
Village Attorney Richard Handler
Village Clerk Treasurer Suzanne Tangredi
Audience: 9 residents
The Mayor opened the regular Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:30PM. He led all in the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then asked for a moment of silence for all the Armed Forces and First Responders.
On motion by Trustee Hagan seconded by Deputy Mayor Juliano the Minutes of the November 16, 2015
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.
Bills to be paid for the following periods were reviewed and on motion by Trustee Tweedy seconded by
Trustee Moore, the bills were approved. These were:
General Fund Bills to be paid in the period
November 17-30, 2015
December 7, 2015
December 1-15, 2015
December 16-21, 2015
$ 42,772.56
$ 2,402.15
$ 82,746.67
Treasurer's Report: November 2015
General FundPetty CashRevenuesExpenses-
BOT Meeting 12.21.15
$ 1,120,824.97
$ 253,512.90
Page 1
Mayor's Report
Mayor Schreiber discussed the accomplishments of the Village Board during this past year. These
Fire house upgrade and completion
Roof on Village Hall
Video surveillance system
Phone system upgrade
All storm drains have been cleaned, and where necessary have been repaired.
71 new trees have been planted around the Village, and extensive tree trimming has taken place
Speed table installation on Hudson Road
11 snow storms weathered last winter
An extensive repair to the fire engine to replace the pump and maintain efficiency
Maintaining a Village cash reserve in excess of 20%
Tax increase under the state cap
Leaf cleaning/ Road repair/Sidewalk repair
Mayor Schreiber thanked the Board of Trustees for helping him to run a frugal, efficient government.
He stated that the Board continues to work hard, and some things scheduled to be done are:
New windows on Village Hall
• Fencing to block entry to the rear of the building
The possibility of hiring an additional Code Enforcer.
The Mayor also stated he has been speaking with Commissioner Christ, the Village Attorney and the
Trustees in regard to providing the qualified Village firefighters with an additional tax reduction similar
to the one provided by the County. A public hearing is scheduled for the January 19, 2016 at 7:30PM to
look at Local Law 1 of the year 2016, to amend Chapter 192 of the BVC, Sections §198-93 and §192-24
thereof, by amending the definition of Tax Exemption by removing the limitation which provides for only
a very minimal partial exemption.
The Mayor then wished everyone a happy, healthy holiday season. He wished everyone a Merry
Attorney Report
Attorney Handler reported the following:
• There are a series of ongoing tax certiorari matters that are close to being settled.
• In regard to the Brandt Litigation, an appeal has been pending for 15 months. There are many
motions pending, and we are awaiting decisions from the courts.
Attorney Handler then wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Police Commissioner Report
Police Commissioner Tamparo read the following police report:
• 8 parking violations issued
• 3 moving violations issued
• 0 accidents
• 0 aided
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Mayor Schreiber stated the following:
Parking tickets issued by Code Enforcement Officer
November 2015-64 Tickets
Fire Department Report
Commissioner Christ spoke about the following:
• There have been three (3) calls since the last meeting. On 11/20/15, the siren went off due to
the wire being cut by PSEGLI during tree trimming. 10 members responded. On 12/02/15 at
1:50PM, a smoke alarm was set off by construction being done at 8 Boston Road. 11 members
responded. On 12/09/15 at 7:21PM, an automatic alarm on the 2nd floor apartment of 247-40
Jericho Tpke. 11 members responded.
On December 4, 2015 the BFD participated in the Village Tree lighting.
The department completed their annual physicals, and ISO Inspection.
The CPR refresher course has been completed.
• Training on blood borne pathogens will take place tomorrow.
• Flags have been put on the fire hydrants to ensure "no snow" this winter.
Recreation Report
Commissioner Morfessis was not in attendance, but the Mayor commented on how nice the Village Tree
Lighting was. The children seemed to enjoy the "Elf' who was there doing some face painting.
of Maintenance
Trustee Moore stated leaf pick up is over.
Trustee Hagan
Trustee Hagan spoke about:
• The Residential Rehabilitation program still has monies available for anyone who may qualify.
• She presented a Caricature to BFD Commissioner Christ that was received by her husband from
the family of a past Chief. Commissioner Christ said they would hang it in the Fire House.
Trustee Juliano
Trustee Juliano discussed the following:
• Commissioner Christ contacted him about seepage in the FD stairwell. Bob Bee from H2M was
called, and Fidele construction was called back in. The exterior repair was done going down 8
feet, and the interior will be fixed as well. All of this work has been completed as part of the
• He attended the holiday party hosted by Senator Jack Martins. He spoke with the Senator, and
some other Trustees, as well as Assistant Chief de Armas about the possibility of receiving some
funding for the Fire Department.
Trustee Tweedy
Trustee Tweedy stated that the Village completed a limited tree pruning in early December. The tree
locations were determined using the list of requests maintained in Village Hall as well as observations of
members of the Tree Board.
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Mayor Schreiber announced the following:
A.R.C Meeting Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Next Regular Board Meeting and Public Hearing, Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 7:30PM
Tree Board Meeting, Tuesday January 26, 2016 at 7:30PM
• COURT session, Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 6:00PM
• JWCB -Lemon Auction, Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 7:30PM
• JBBDC Meeting- January 5, 2016 at 6:00PM
• Women's Club Meeting -Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 1:00PM
Village Hall Hours:
• Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015 9:00AM-12:00PM
• Christmas Day- December 25, 2015-CLOSED
• New Year's Eve, December 31, 2015 9:00AM-12:00PM
• New Year's Day, January 1, 2016-CLOSED
The business meeting was adjourned at 8:24PM, on motion by Trustee Hagan, seconded by Trustee
Tweedy and unanimously approved.
Howard Tripmacher asked if anyone on the Board has looked into changing lighting fixtures in the
Village to LED. The Mayor answered that we have not, but will look into it in the next year.
Mr. Tripmacher stated that there may be rebates available for this kind of change.
Joe Saccente stated that most LED lights come with a 20-year warranty.
After all those who wished to be heard, having been heard and there being no further discussion,
Deputy Mayor Juliano motioned to close the public meeting. Trustee Hagan seconded the motion
which passed unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:27PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Tangredi
Village Clerk-Treasurer
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WHEREAS, the Village of Bellerose currently owns a computer printer (HP Officejet
6500) which has served the Bellerose Fire Department well over the years, but is damaged and
can no longer be repaired without excessive unreasonable expense to the Village; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees authorizes the retirement of
the HP Officejet 6500.
On motion by Deputy Mayor Juliano, seconded by Trustee Tweedy, the Resolution was adopted
with the following vote:
Mayor Schreiber -AYE
Deputy Mayor Juliano-AYE
Trustee Hagan-AYE
Trustee Moore-AYE
Trustee Tweedy-AYE
I, Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk-Treasurer of the Inc. Village of Bellerose, hereby certify
that the above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at a Public Meeting held
on December 21, 2015.
Suzanne Tangredi, Village Clerk/Treasurer
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