Untitled - COTEC Portugal
Untitled - COTEC Portugal
SME INFORMATION GUIDE | Foreword FOREWORD In April 2003, and following an initiative by the then President of Portugal, Mr. Jorge Sampaio, COTEC was set up as a not for profit association by 100 companies established in Portugal. The statutes of COTEC were then written on the basis of three underlying principles: • To promote a culture of innovation as a crucial source of company competitiveness • To foster the practice of innovation by all the agents of the National Innovation System (NIS) • To stimulate both Government and economic agents to join their efforts in approving and implementing strategies favouring the development of new products, new processes, new organisations and new marketing strategies, under two clear conditions: • To challenge both public and private organisations of the NIS to share their knowledge with COTEC and its associate companies; • To accomplish the COTEC mission with a small and competent team and a limited budget (around 2.5 M euro); COTEC must also invest a reasonable amount of management time as well as some lead capital in order to develop sectorial studies financed by COTEC members and some other institutions. Although the membership of COTEC is made up of some of the largest companies operating in Portugal, soon it was detected a strong will of smaller companies to join the project. However, on the one hand such companies were unable to pay the COTEC annual fee and, on the other, COTEC small team was unable to interact fully with a larger membership. This led to the idea of setting up an Innovation Portal, a COTEC Network of Innovative SMEs and also to set up an annual Innovative SME Award. At a recent joint meeting of the Committee that supervises the COTEC Network of Innovative SMEs, which I am honoured to chair, and the Panel of the Innovative SME Award, it was decided to edit a Guide to the SMEs that belong to the network and to include in such a Guide a brief presentation of each company and its main economic and financial indicators. This Guide was supervised by Professor Rogério Carapuça and I hope that it will become a useful tool for sharing the SMEs’ common knowledge and to inform the general public, economic and financial bodies and also public bodies on their contributions to our economy. Belmiro de Azevedo Porto, April 30th 2007 3 SME INFORMATION GUIDE | Index SME INNOVATION NETWORK Alert Life Sciences Computing, S.A. M. Jorge Guimarães, MD. PhD [email protected] Altitude SGPS, SA Gastão Borges Taveira, Eng. [email protected] Ambisig – Sistemas de informação Geográfica, Lda. Vasco Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] Biotecnol - Serviços e Desenvolvimento, SA Pedro Noronha Pissarra, PhD [email protected] Bluepharma – Indústria Farmacêutica, SA 8 10 12 CEI - Companhia de Equipamentos Industriais, Lda. Fernando Sousa, Eng. [email protected] Collab, S.A. Pedro Quintas, Eng. [email protected] Controlvet Segurança Alimentar, S.A. João Rebelo Cotta, Dr. [email protected] CPCHS – Companhia Portuguesa de Computadores Healthcare Solutions, S.A. Alexandre Gomes / Rui Rangel Henriques [email protected] Critical Software, SA Gonçalo Almeida Quadros, PhD [email protected] Dão Sul – Sociedade Vitivinícola, SA Casimiro de Almeida Gomes, Eng. [email protected] DigiUtopikA, Lda. Pedro M. L. Branco, Eng. [email protected] 4 36 Ecoprogresso – Consultores em Ambiente e desenvolvimento, S.A. Ricardo Moita, Dr. [email protected] 38 Edigma.com – Gestão de Projectos Digitais, S.A. 40 Miguel Peixoto de Oliveira, PhD [email protected] 14 16 18 Paulo Barradas Rebelo, Dr. [email protected] Cachapuz - Equipamentos para Pesagem, Lda. Filipe Rodrigues, Dr. [email protected] E-Chiron – Gestão de Aplicações, SA João Ribeiro da Costa, PhD [email protected] Edisoft – Empresa de Serviços e Desenvolvimento de Software, SA Sérgio Parreira de Campos, Dr. [email protected] 42 EID – Empresa de Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Electrónica, S.A. Sérgio Parreira de Campos, Dr. sé[email protected] 44 Enabler – Informática, SA 46 António Pacheco Murta, Eng. [email protected] 20 22 24 Eurotrials Consultores Científicos, S.A. Maria João Queiroz, MD. [email protected] 48 Frulact – Ingredientes para a Indústria de Lacticínios, S.A. João Evangelista Sousa Miranda, Eng. [email protected] 50 Haut de Gamme – Mestre em Mobiliário, Lda. Fernando de Jesus Lourenço 52 [email protected] 26 28 30 ICC – Indústrias e Comércio de Calçado, S.A. Teófilo Ribeiro Leite, Eng. [email protected] 54 iPortalMais – Serviços de Internet e Redes, Lda. Raúl Oliveira, PhD [email protected] 56 ISA – Instrumentação e Sistemas de Automação, Lda. 58 José Basílio Simões, PhD [email protected], [email protected] 32 Janela Digital – Informática e Telecomunicações, SA 60 Abílio Martins, Dr. [email protected] 34 Link Consulting S.A. José Alves Marques, PhD [email protected] 62 5 SME INFORMATION GUIDE | Index M.A.R. Kayaks, Lda. Nuno André Santos [email protected] Microfil – Tecnologias de informação, S.A. Manuel Antunes, Dr. 64 66 [email protected] Mind – Software Multimédia e industrial, S.A. João Bernardo, PhD [email protected] Mobbit Systems, infocomunicação, Lda. Henrique Couto Martins, Dr. [email protected] MobiComp – Computação Móvel, SA Carlos Alves de Oliveira, Eng. [email protected] Movensis – Serviços de Apoio a Comunicações SA Vasco Pinto Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] Multicert – Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S. A. 68 70 Necton – Companhia portuguesa de culturas Marinhas, S.A. Vítor Verdelho Vieira, Dr. [email protected] Newvision – Sistemas Inteligentes para Soluções de Atendimento, Lda. Paulo Carvalho Costa, Eng. [email protected] OutSystems, SA Paulo Rosado, Eng. [email protected] Plasdan Máquinas para Plásticos, Lda. Paulo Silva Araújo, Eng. 72 Primavera Business Software Solutions, S.A. 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 José Dionísio, Eng. [email protected] Quidgest – Consultores de Gestão, Lda. Cristina Marinhas, Dra. [email protected] 6 Skysoft Portugal – Software e Tecnologias de Informação, SA Alberto de Pedro Crespo, Eng. [email protected] 96 Stab Vida – Investigação e Serviços em Ciências Biológicas, Lda. Orfeu Flores, PhD 98 Stap – Reparação, Consolidação e Modificação de Estruturas, SA 100 Vítor Cóias, Eng. [email protected] [email protected] Priberam Informática, S.A. João Prieto, Eng. [email protected] 94 [email protected] Francisco Velez Roxo, Dr. [email protected] Nautilus – Indústria e Comércio de Mobiliário, S.A. Vítor Barbosa, Eng. [email protected] Siscog – Sistemas Cognitivos Lda. João Pavão Martins, PhD [email protected] TEandM – Tecnologia e Engenharia de Materiais, SA 102 Augusto Vaz Serra, Eng. [email protected] Tecmic – Tecnologias de Microelectrónica, SA 104 Fernando Moreira, MSc [email protected] Viatecla Software – Software Solutions and Telecommunications, S.A. Pedro Seabra, Eng. [email protected] 106 Vortal – Comércio Electrónico, Consultoria e Multimédia, S.A. Rui Dias Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] 108 WeDo Consulting - Sistemas de Informação, SA Rui Paiva, Eng. [email protected] 110 Wintouch – Sistemas de Informação, Lda. Carlos Pacheco Veiga, Eng. [email protected] 112 WIT – Software, Consultoria e Software para a Internet Móvel, Lda. Luís de Moura e Silva, PhD [email protected] 114 YDreams, SA António Sousa da Câmara, PhD [email protected] 116 92 7 Addresses of COTEC Portugal: Headquarters Rua de Salazares, 842 4149-002 Oporto | Portugal Phone: Fax: e-mail: Delegation Rua Joshua Benoliel, 6 - 2.º B 1250-133 Lisbon +351 226 192 910 +351 226 192 919 [email protected] Phone: +351 213 183 350 Fax: +351 213 183 359 e-mail:[email protected] C OTEC Portugal is a not for profit association of pri- This presentation tool will be updated with the vate companies. Its main purpose is to promote increasing number of member companies and in innovation as a source of competitiveness in the such a way as to respect the evolution of each indiSector Portuguese Economy. vidual SME. The corresponding profiles were pre- COTEC endorses a ground-breaking network of some of pared by COTEC and validated with the manage- DISTRIBUTION OF THE SMEs the largest companies operating in Portugal (namely ment of each company. Aggregated data was com- INCLUDED IN THE INNOVATIVE NETWORK around 100 companies, equivalent to approximately BY ECONOMIC SECTOR piled by COTEC services. 2006 This SME Information Guide was structured and built up in such a way that it can be a presentation tool for the SME Innovation Award: Primavera BSS companies belonging to the Innovative SME Network. It Special Mention: WeDo Consulting aims to gather useful information for potential clients, Special Mention: EDISOFT entrepreneurs and investors in general. Special Mention for Traditional Sectors: Dão Sul 6 Electronics 1 1 2 Footwear 0 1 1 Construction Engineering and Steel Information Technology 4% 2% 6% TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY innovation market in Portugal expand and prosper. Special Mention: YDreams INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT skills, so that business opportunities can flourish and the Special Mention: Critical Software FURNITURE companies and the SMEs based on innovation and SME Innovation Award: Chipidea FOOTWEAR • to encourage cooperation between COTEC associate 2005 4% skills needed to succeed in today’s changing world, and AGRICULTURE AND FOOD tence, the right market attitude and the value creation 10% companies that reflect, through innovation and compe- 2% and performance. 3 Industrial Equipment ENVRONMENTAL • to promote and gain public recognition for this group of 3 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics Furniture 2% guishing a Portuguese SME for its innovative attitude ENGINNEERING AND STEEL Network are: 2% Público, give annually an award aimed at distin- ELECTRONICS The priorities of COTEC within the scope of such SME 2006-07 Environmental 4% bers), with the support of the daily newspaper CONSTRUCTION and good practices. 2% COTEC and the bank BPI (one of its associate mem- BOAT BUILDING INDUSTRY nally and in alliances through a culture of growth, results 62% COTEC-BPI SME INNOVATION AWARD BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICS companies) based in Portugal but operating internatio- 2005-06 Boat Building Industry 18% of Portuguese GDP) as well as an expanding Innovative SMEs Network (currently consisting of 54 2004-05 Agriculture and Food 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 14 24 COTEC SME Innovation Network Aggregate Indicators Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Investment/ Turnover (%) 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 3 3 34 21 32 54 2006 3,715 (a) 285,921,566 287,965,652 47.2 (d) (b) (c) 11.6 (d) (a) Data provided by 51 companies | (b) Data provided by 50 companies | (c) Data provided by 45 companies | (d) Data provided by 42 companies 8 9 ALERT LIFE SCIENCES COMPUTING, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Belgium Information Technology Healthcare Software Solutions Provider M. Jorge Guimaraes, M.D. Ph.D. jorge.guimarã[email protected] +351 228 328 980/1 +351 228 328 982 [email protected] Rua António Bessa Leite, 1430, 2º, 4150-074 PORTO | PORTUGAL www.alert-online.com 1999 € 1,500,291 Croatia France Holland Italy Luxembourg USA Portugal CEO Statement: “ALERT® is an innovative suite of integrated clinical software solutions with a widely demonstrated capacity to produce true paper-free environments.” Slovakia Spain Switzerland Indonesia ho we are: ALERT Life Sciences Computing, warehouse allows statistical analysis of clinical and suite have been adopted by more than 76 hospitals International Operations and Alliances: ALERT® is S.A., a Portuguese company, is the founding financial information, in order to boost efficiency, and more than 100 primary care centres. ALERT® distributed in Belgium, Luxembourg, member of The ALERT Group of Companies, which reduce costs, identify trends, and minimize errors. software has never been uninstalled. Croatia, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Slovakia, also includes ALERT Life Sciences Computing, Inc. During implementation, ALERT® On-site Facilitators (USA), Innova Auria, S.L. (Spain), and myPartner ensure a smooth and successful transition from a What makes us innovative: ALERT® includes intu- Healthcare, Software Solutions, S.A. (Portugal). paper-based to a paper-free environment. itive features and functionalities that allow for real W Indonesia, and USA. tered in Oporto, Portugal, and began its activity in Who we do it for: ALERT® provides an all-inclusive workers are interconnected through workflow mech- December 1999. suite of clinical software to hospitals and clinical set- anisms, enabling the production of true paper-free tings. It can be implemented throughout an entire environments. ALERT® is increasingly enriched with What we do: Mission: Mission: “Enabling Healthcare healthcare facility or in a single department. The content, and it will provide artificial intelligence in the through Integrated Paperless Clinical Solutions”. The ALERT® suite of products is comprised of: ALERT® near future. ALERT® is available in 6 languages. company’s core business is the development, imple- PAPER FREE HOSPITAL (for entire hospitals com- mentation, and worldwide distribution of the puterization), (Emergency C e r t i f i c a t i on a nd Q ua l i t y Co n t r o l : ALERT® is a ALERT® clinical software. Department Information System), ALERT® OUTPA- proud participant in the IHE (Integrating the TIENT (for Outpatient Units), ALERT® ORIS Healthcare Enterprise) initiatives, under which it ALERT® EDIS How we do it: ALERT® was designed to support (Operating Room Information System), ALERT® has published 3 IHE Integration Statements, and real-time entry of data by healthcare professionals INPATIENT (for Inpatient settings), ALERT® PRIVATE proved interaction with other software solutions using touch screen monitors. The activities of all PRACTICE (for Private Practices), ALERT® PRIMA- using HL7 interfaces. ALERT is undergoing the healthcare professionals are interconnected through RY CARE (for Primary Care Centres), ALERT® certification process for an integrated quality workflow concepts. For security and privacy, REFERRAL (for consultation management and track- and environmental management system (ISO ALERT® provides biometric user identification for ing), and ALERT® WAITING ROOM (for manage- 9001, ISO 14001, EMAS and OHSAS 18001/ NP clinical data access control. The ALERT® Data ment of waiting rooms). Products from the ALERT® 4397). 10 ALERT is Carnegie-Mellon University industrial affiliate. time entry of clinical data. In addition, all healthcare ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S.A is headquar- Holland, Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 33 84 167 2,671,299 2,061,719 0.3 19.4 5,931,791 12,553,570 3,059,468 14,855,483 0.1 27.4 2.4 20.1 Consolidated results for The ALERT Group of Companies Awards: ALERT® was nominated for the 2006 IST Prize. Hospital Distrital de Chaves and Hospital Espírito Santo (Évora) won in 2006 and 2007 the innovation prize for public services by implementing ALERT® Paper-Free Hospital and ALERT® Referral, respectively. 11 ALTITUDE SOFTWARE Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Contact Centre Solutions Provider Gastão Borges Taveira, Eng. [email protected] Phone: Fax: E-mail: Address: +351 214 129 800 +351 214 129 830 [email protected] Alameda Fernão Lopes, nº 16 - 4º 1495-136 Algés www.altitude.com 1995 € 5,237,380 URL: Founded in: Equity Capital: Belgium Dubai France Portugal Spain UK Brazil CEO statement: “Our market space is now truly global. Contact Centres are becoming virtualized and tend to operate seamlessly in multiple locations around the globe as companies seek to optimise costs, skills and quality of service. We are a major driving force behind this trend by providing state of the art technology and optimised processes by our 15 subsidiaries employing 240 people from 20 nationalities.” China Canada India Mexico Israel USA Philippines South Africa ho we are: Altitude Software is a leading inde- organizational Altitude Altitude IP Contact Centre to include all previously sup- Altitude Software has development partnerships with the pendent contact centre vendor, the only pan- Software is known for speeding up changes in ope- ported PBX platforms plus additional support for new leading technology vendors that are complementary to European one ranked by Gartner Group in their rations, being agile in delivering fully functional media. The new Altitude uCI 7.5 release includes a num- our solution such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Siebel, Magic Quadrant. smoothly working processes to their customers, and ber of innovative features that strengthen the contact Cisco, Avaya, Nortel, Alcatel, Siemens, is considered visionary by industry reviews. centre ability to accommodate industry-wide change. Its W efficiency strategies. What we do: The Altitude uCI is a suite of customer inter- IP nature natively supports distributed operations - action management solutions for customer service, help Who we do it for: Altitude Software solutions serve com- including home-based and remote agents – streamlining desks, collections, order desks, proactive marketing, panies that view effective customer relations manage- IT investments and optimizing human resources. sales and service, and business process management. ment as a critical factor for a successful business. The It manages and improves customer relations in every ability to manage and leverage valuable customer infor- Certification and Quality Control: Altitude Software new interaction, in a wide range of contact centres, from mation from across all the organisation’s touch points, performs both internal and external certifications of SMEs to large multi-site organisations. enables companies to increase customer revenues and all product releases. It has been certified by third reduce service costs, while simultaneously providing party labs for integration with Alcatel, Avaya, Cisco, How we do it: Altitude uCI is a cost-effective applica- world-class customer satisfaction. Altitude Software has Ericsson, Microsoft CRM, SAP, Siebel and Siemens. tion suite designed to improve the overall producti- customers in all industries and is especially focused on vity of the contact centre. Since Altitude uCI was the CRM Service Provider industry and on Financial International Operations and Alliances: Altitude Software engineered to integrate easily with enterprise front- Services, Telecommunications, and Services, the early operates directly in 15 countries with fully owned sub- office and back-office systems, Altitude uCI delivers adopters of Contact Centres in industrialized economies. sidiaries and is present in others through partners such significant cost benefits, revenue benefits, and More than 700 companies in nearly 60 countries around as British Telecom, Atos Origin, Siemens Business intangible benefits with a limited upfront investment. the world have purchased 170,000 licenses to use Services, Fujitsu Services, Mellon Technologies and Altitude uCI allows users to achieve return on invest- Altitude Software products, with typical implementations GTL. We employ close to 240 people of which half in our ment within a limited time frame, and provides a suc- ranging from 20 to 2,000 users. What makes us innova- international subsidiaries and our staff is composed of 20 cessful solution to their customer interaction and tive: Continuous commitment towards innovation allows different nationalities. Being platform independent, 12 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 210 216 233 16,600,000 19,280,000 22,391,000 70 71 78 16,979,000 17,331,000 17,429,000 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 27 25 24 Awards: Our product Altitude uCI earned more than 30 top international awards since 1995, the most recent of which were: Call Centre Product of the Year 2007 from Network Computing Magazine(UK) 2006 Product of the Year from Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine(US) 2006 Best Multi Channel Contact Centre Solution from ContactCentreWorld (UK) See http://www.altitude.com/about/awards.cfm, for others. 13 AMBISIG Ambiente e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Developer Vasco Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 213 920 679 +351 213 979 895 [email protected] Av. Infante Santo nº 68-H, 1358-180 Lisboa | Portugal www.ambisig.pt 1994 €100,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Portugal Spain Angola CEO Statement: “Ambisig is a world class one-stop-shop company for eGovernment solutions including Document Management and Workflow, Online and Multi-channel Services, CRM, ERP, GIS, Quality Management and BI systems. Ambisig, as a concerned environment company, is also developing and implementing a line of products aiming at resources preservation. More recently we’ve used our IT knowledge to help financial institutions to solve risk management issues, financial markets integration and real estate fund evaluation.” ho we are: AMBISIG is a Portuguese software tration. We developed a major focus on environmen- Ferconsult, Hidroprojecto, CGD, Ana Aeroportos, Management”. We are also a certified Microsoft Gold Partner, Oracle Partner and Intergraph RSP. house, specialized in eGovernment solutions tal solutions. Within this scope we’ve developed Ministery of Public Works and Transport, and many for public and local administration. Since 1994, we SmartRain, an automatic irrigation system that Town Halls. develop specialized Geographic International Operations and Alliances: Since last Information receives weather forecast information through RDS Systems integrated applications, environment saving water in public parks. SmartRain integrates What makes us Innovative: An earlier adoption of year, AMBISIG is working with several multinational preservation products and tailor-made software, the iCity Solutions family product, concerning intelli- web based solutions, leveraged by ASP.NET consulting companies. We are currently working on being one of the first companies in Portugal to use gent city management providing energy and water technology; Development of a process-oriented several new markets side by side with our partners. ASP.NET technology in all product development savings. product family; Association of geographic dimen- since 2002. 2004 sion to our databases allowing implementation of How we do it: AMBISIG has been developing a tech- more efficient tools on decision support and infor- What we do: Development of eGovernment solutions nical framework allowing the fast and easy deploy- mation analyses; Development of automatic data integrating Document Management, Workflow, ment of innovative applications. With more than 80 acquisition tools for public road inventory. The Online and Multi-channel Services, CRM, ERP, specialized professionals, we’ve developed a high belief in the importance of the environment as a Quality Management, Business Intelligence and level of knowledge of governmental issues and an major opportunity for running and implementing Geographic Information Systems. The integration of accurate view on the public and local administration new business areas. geographic component on our systems, allowed us challenges becoming one of the best and most inno- Agenda XXI and Kyoto inspired us to conceive iCity to develop a geo-referenced market view. This gave vative companies in this sector. line of products where SmartRain is included. Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets(€) 29 1,874,589 1,706,053 Exports/Turnover (%) 5 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 2005 46 1,896,485 2006 46 2,300,639 2,023,687 2,218,955 N/A 2.6 10 6 us the opportunity, to develop solutions for the financial market regarding risk management and real Who we do it for: Public and local administration, Certification and Quality Control: AMBISIG is certi- estate fund evaluation. Our automatic data acquisi- governmental companies, financial institutions and fied under ISO 9001:2000 regarding “Geographic tion solution for public spaces and road inventory is private companies. Among our best customers are Information Systems development and portals, becoming a referenced standard on public adminis- to be found BRISA, Estradas de Portugal, Geographic Portals, Workflow and Document 14 Awards: AMBISIG has received two Honourable Mentions on the “Public Sector Best Practices” Prix for our implementations on “Câmara Municipal da Horta” and “Maiambiente, E.M.” in Portugal. 15 BIOTECNOL Serviços e Desenvolvimento, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Biotechnology Biopharmaceuticals Pedro Noronha Pissarra, PhD [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 220 520 +351 214 220 529 [email protected] Lagoas Park, Edifício 7 2780-920 Porto Salvo-Oeiras www.biotecnol.com 1996 € 139,663 URL Founded in Equity Capital Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Holland USA Italy CEO Statement: “When I arrived in Portugal, there was nothing at the biotechnology level, and only recently biotechnology had its first greenshots. In my opinion, biotechnology is not a science but rather an industry, providing innovative products and high-level employment and stimulating the development of f ast-growing companies, thus being a key driver for any economy’s growth. Creating and developing Biotecnol to what it is today was a fantastic e xperience for me and for my co-workers, and I’m glad to know that we are an acknowledged worldwide reference for the biotech sector in Portugal.” Portugal UK India Australia ho we are: Biotecnol is a biopharmaceutical Biotecnol has established collaborations over several didates. Biotecnol is actually developing three types of company focused on the development of bio- years. This is a valuable asset for Biotecnol to be able to proprietary monoclonal antibody formats against various pharmaceutical products with special emphasis on quickly develop its pipeline of products. Biotecnol leve- cancer targets. Biotecnol applies its antibody technolo- the development of antibody-based therapeutics to rages its business income by establishing in-house part- gies, product development and manufacturing experi- treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer. ner-led programmes. Biotecnol uses its proprietary ence to generate, support and potentially license human expression technology, cell line development capabili- antibody products. W What we do: Biotecnol applies its patented technologies, ties, upstream and downstream processing, analytics product development and manufacturing experience to and QC experience for delivering GMP/GLP compliant Certification and Quality Control: Biotecnol has its generating, supporting and potentially licensing human processes for biomanufacturing. own Quality Manual according to ISO-9001. It is also Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 16 987,500 2005 17 557,001 2006 13 390,326 1,433,454 1,008,112 1,153,811 N/A N/A N/A R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 100 100 100 certified by the Portuguese Ministry of Environment. antibody products. Biotecnol is committed to building value by developing a varied pipeline of antibody pro- Who we do it for: Biotecnol has several internal ducts to address unmet healthcare needs. Biotecnol development programmes in oncology and a strong International Operations and Alliances: Operations also leverages its business income by establishing in- client-based activity with an established track- in Baltimore (USA). Lawyers office in London (United house partner-led programmes. record. Biotecnol collaborates with large-pharma Kingdom) and New York (USA). Corporate Alliances and medium and small size Biotech companies. with IDM Pharma, Inc (USA), Crucell/DSM (Holland), How we do it: Biotecnol has in-house capability for deve- VIB (Belgium), University ofNaples (Italy), Turku loping biopharmaceutical products up to the pre-clinical What makes us innovative: Patented technology in the University (Finland), with Pharmis Group (Portugal), stage. That includes scale-up and transfer of well cha- antibody engineering field adds value to Biotecnol to Peregrine Pharmaceuticals, Inc (USA), IPATIMUP, racterised processes to cGMP facilities with whom support the development of Biotecnol own product can- (Portugal), Digna Biotech, (Spain). 16 2004 Awards: Inovação 2002 Cap Gemini-Ernst & Young Innovation award; Case study at Clarckson University NY (USA), INSEAD (F), Auckland (NZ). 2005 Entrepreneurial and Innovation Distinction award awarded by Nature during Biovision Lyon 2005. 2001 EU award for Bioentrepreneuship. 2005 Medal of Honour & Merit for services to the region awarded by Oeiras City Council. 17 BLUEPHARMA Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Biotechnology Biopharmacy Paulo Barradas Rebelo, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 239 800 300 +351 239 800 333 [email protected] Rua da Bayer, São Martinho do Bispo, 3045-016 Coimbra | Portugal www.bluepharma.pt 2001 € 1,250,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital W France Germany Portugal CEO Statement: “Our mission is to market the highest quality products at competitive prices. It fits the Government’s objective of rationalising expenses in the health sector while simultaneously improving the quality of life. To achieve this, our vision is to be the leading contract manufacturing organisation in Portugal.” UK ho we are: Bluepharma is a Portuguese pharma- which is one of the most up-to-date in Portugal. cal and scientific input. The best example is the recent national and international Research Centres. One suc- ceutical contract manufacturing company which How we do it: Bluepharma supports its operations on recognition of the X-Prot project by the European cessful example is the X-PROT project, which was set acquired the former Bayer plant in February 2001. The one of the most modern R&D laboratories. Bluepharma Regional Portuguese together with AIBILI - Association for Biomedical merging of former organizational standards and tech- provides a full-service to its clients, developing, registe- Government considers the pharmaceutical industry a Research and Innovation on Light and Image and CNC nology with our entrepreneurial and flexible capacities ring and manufacturing medicines. Skills available at strategic sector, which certainly adds value to our inter- - the main biomedical research centre in central has established the basis of our corporate culture. Our the unit are supplemented by protocols with recognized national policy. Portugal (two centres of excellence located in Coimbra). well-designed and advanced facilities allow us to target research centres both at home and abroad. We have the European market with quality, competence and the capacity to package solid dosages from bulk pro- Certification and Quality Control: Bluepharma is the first innovation, providing high standards at competitive duct and have up-to-date equipment and automatic Portuguese company in the health sector to receive prices. We wish to be recognized as a company fully packaging lines for solids with strict in-process controls. Integrated Certification of the following areas: Quality, committed to the values of quality, competence and Adequate procedures ensure GMP compliance in all Environment, Occupational Health and Safety (NP ISO innovation. relevant aspects. 9001/2000; ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001). It was the Innovation Award. The first pharmaceutical enterprise, and the eighth in the What we do: Bluepharma has three main activity areas: Who we do it for: Our clients are the main international industrial sector, located in Portugal to be granted Contract Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Marketing pharmaceutical companies which operate in the gene- EMAS certification, one of the most demanding certifi- Generics, and Research & Development of new medi- rics area. cations in Europe. Quality Control includes 3 laborato- Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2005 2006 78 82 N/A 4,800,611 6,751,073 N/A N/A 0.1 N/A 4,881,352 13.9 6,750,708 34 N/A N/A ries, 2 for physical and chemical analysis and a third for cines. The plant produces non-sterile solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms for the Portuguese market and What makes us innovative: The location of Bluepharma microbiological analysis of raw materials, packaging also for export to more than 20 EU countries. The R&D in Coimbra, a globally recognized scientific centre for materials, semi-finished and finished product in compli- laboratory offers services ranging from galenical and life-sciences, is one of the key-factors in the develop- ance with GLP and GMP. analytical development to design of novel non-based ment of the company. Bluepharma has established technologies for drug delivery. To be more competitive, close partnerships with recognized local and interna- International Operations and Alliances: Over recent Bluepharma is investing in a modern R&D Laboratory, tional Research Centres ensuring a continuous techni- years, Bluepharma has built new partnerships with 18 Human Resources 2004 Awards: APCRI (Portuguese Association of Venture Capital and Development) and IAPMEI Award (2002); X-PROT was nominated by the European Commission and won the "European Regional Innovation Award" (2004). 19 CACHAPUZ – Equipamentos para Pesagem, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Industrial Equipment Weighing Solutions Filipe Rodrigues, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 253 603 480 +351 253 603 485 [email protected] Parque Industrial de Sobreposta, Apartado 2012 4701-952 Braga | Portugal www.cachapuz.com 1950 € 605,397 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal Spain Angola Ivory Coast Mozambique CEO Statement: “Our mission is to contribute to reinforcing the competitiveness of the companies operating in the industrial weighing sector, through the automation of weighing transactions and associated services, while taking into consideration the particulars of each business sector and taking clients’ satisfaction as our ultimate goal. Cachapuz is facing the future with confidence in its chosen direction, anchored on the investigation and implementation of highly technological innovative solutions, to accomplish its corporate goal: ‘To be the most innovative and technology-based automated industrial weighing solutions supplier’.” Tunisia ho we are: A leading Portuguese company in How we do it: With a view to achieving full customer Certification and Quality Control: Cachapuz is a pio- ty in the CEDAO (Economic Community of West African the design, development and manufacture of satisfaction, Cachapuz relies on a highly qualified, neer company in the industry with its quality system States) markets and in the markets of Southern Africa; weighing equipment and in the design and imple- widely experienced team complemented by a con- certificated in 1995. The Cachapuz Quality increasing investment in the Spanish market, becoming mentation of software and automation solutions for tinuous training programme dedicated to studying Management System is in accordance with the an attractive option to Spanish technicians and sales- industrial weighing. Cachapuz is the automated and developing new weighing solutions. requirements of the standard NP EN ISO 9001:2000 men, preferably and directly targeting large Spanish as in Certificate PT 06 1989.0, and covers all the companies, whose high supply standards are determined by their quality and performance requirements. W industrial weighing solutions supplier that provides the highest level of innovation and technology inte- Who we do it for: Companies involved in industrial stages of its activity. The Production Quality gration. weighing, through the automation of weighing tran- Assurance System is also certified according to the sactions and associated services. requirements of Annex II.2.3 of Directive 90/384/CEE What we do: The automation of weighing transac- 2004 and later amendments; and its competence was tions and associated services, complying with the What makes us innovative: The constant focus on recognised as an ISV/Software Solutions provider, in particular specifications of each business sector, innovation, which we see as the only continuos the Microsoft Partner Program, thus becoming a aiming at full customer satisfaction, through a ma- way to provide robust, reliable and technologica- Microsoft Certified Partner (2006). Human Resources nagement-led philosophy of continuous develop- lly evolved solutions in the marketplace, has ment and improvement, supported by highly skilled allowed Cachapuz to become part of the interna- International Operations and Alliances: The goal is to Total Assets (€) personnel. Innovative solutions with a high level of tionally recognised Bilanciai Group, renowned as expand internationally over the next three years: conven- technology-driven concepts adapted to meet the the world’s leading industrial supplier of techno- tional weighing with electronic technology in the PALOP dynamic demands and the management require- logical solutions in the field of weighing and (African Countries with Portuguese as the Official ments of today’s modern industries. process automation. Language) markets, as a way to achieve greater visibili- 20 Turnover (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 65 4,709,173 6,099,567 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 5.6 N/A 2005 64 4,309,870 2006 62 4,923,845 6,002,144 6,781,906 1.6 4 19.7 16 21 CEI Companhia de Equipamentos Industriais, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Industrial Equipment Footwear, Automotive and Stone Processing Industries Fernando Sousa, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 256 202 690 +351 256 831 412 [email protected] Rua dos Açores Nº 278, Zona Industrial Nº 1, 3700-018 S. João da Madeira | Portugal www.ceigroup.net 1995 € 149,639 URL Founded in Equity Capital Czech Republic France Italy Monaco Portugal Spain Turkey UK Cape Verde Tunisia Brazil CEO Statement: “CEI – Companhia de Equipamentos Industriais, Lda. produces industrial equipment for the footwear, automotive and stone processing industries. CEI has developed a number of international R&D (research and development) projects related to new technologies, either on its own or in partnership.” China Indonesia S. Korea Taiwan Mexico USA Thailand Vietnam Australia ho we are: We develop and produce techno- nets for laser beam and ultrasonic plastics welding, and manufactured by CEI in countries such us jects in national, European and overseas develop- logically advanced and innovative equipment robotized centres for plastics or composites trim- Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Indonesia, ment projects for a number of years. in the area of water jet and laser cutting or engra- ming using a CO2 laser beam and robotized sys- Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South ving, and other industrial practices such as welding tems for plastics, composites or glass fibre trimming Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, (the footwear, automotive and stone processing sec- using water jets. Our portfolio also includes several United Arab Emirates, U.S.A. and Vietnam. tors are our main markets). The company is 100% customer-specific projects. For stone processing or Portuguese-owned. for the metal industry, we produce water jet cutting What makes us innovative: Innovation and high techno- machinery. For the tone processing industry, we also logy are a basic feature of our daily activity. Our compa- W What we do: We manufacture machinery for produce diamond blade cutting equipment and an ny develops, produces and trades high-technology footwear, leather goods or car seats. CutterJET, innovative system combining diamond blade and equipment for cutting materials used in the automotive SintexJET or SampleJET are examples of leather- water jet technologies. and footwear industries, aeronautics and stonework (granite, marble). cutting equipment using water jets with computer vision systems and automatic nesting for prototypes How we do it: CEI has several registered industrial and samples, or high-volume productions. Our patents; it has developed more than 140 pieces of Certification and Quality Control: CEI is a business partner machines can also cut eva, rubber, glass fibre, com- equipment with built-in technological solutions for of CTC, APICCAPS, CEVALOR and CTIC, as well as other posite materials, foams, gaskets, among other mate- several needs, mostly using water jet, laser tech- Quality and Technology Centres. Our partner company rials. We also manufacture laser technology nologies other than CAD/CAM, computer vision, ZIPOR develops and manufactures Quality Control machines to cut or to engrave leather or synthetic automatic nesting, robotics and NC controllers. Equipment for physical tests, which is sold worldwide. materials. For the footwear industry, we have developed an innovative Laser Roughing System. For the Who we do it for: Today, more than two hundred com- International Operations and Alliances: CEI has automotive industry, we also provide robotized cabi- panies are using high technology equipment developed taken part in partnerships and R&D investment pro- 22 2004 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 22 2005 26 2,736,066 2,896,750 23 26.1 3,106,732 2,796,884 N/A 33.4 2006 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Awards: CEI has received several GAPI (Institute for the Promotion of Industrial Property) Awards for Innovative Equipment, namely in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. 23 COLLAB, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology IP Multimedia Contact Center solutions Pedro Quintas, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 210 927 840 +351 210 927 841 [email protected] Torre Fernão de Magalhães Av D. João II, Lote 1.17.02 – 9º 1990-084 Lisbon | Portugal www.collab.pt 2003 €50,000 URL Founded in Share Capital France Germany Portugal Spain CEO Statement: “The adoption of standards like SIP and the emergence of new ways of communicating is shattering the Contact Center (CC) industry landscape and value chain. COLLAB’s track record and customer references place us in a good position to take a leading role in the world of the Next Generation CCs.” Slovenia ho we are: COLLAB was founded by expe- Center solution, to continuously anticipate the market´s to explore the value of the video in the CC, such as push rienced call centre technology professionals, needs and exceed our customers’ expectations. of pre-recorded videos and conferencing. W rooted in a vision of the changes in the telecommu- 2. Enables new business models, such as hosted nications arena and its impact on the Contact Center Who we do it for: The four segments we are curren- CC. The CC service, with sophisticated functionali- (CC) world. tly addressing are: ties such as ASR, TTS or video-push, is delivered by a) Contact centre outsourcers, eager to reap the the Network Service Provider (usually a telco) to their What we do: We provide solutions that enrich the benefits of cost reductions and flexibility in capacity corporate customers. Initial investment is very low communication between companies and their cus- and geography (multi-location CC); and costs become variable, in a pay-per-use basis. tomers, taking advantage of the opportunities in a b) 3G mobile operators in Europe and Asia; c) NSP 3. Enables new models for customer service, such changing environment. The main trends we identify - Network Service Providers - who use OneContact as partial outsourcing. The perfect tasks’ split are: That the way people communicate is changing to provide their corporate customers with the CC between the company and the outsourcer can be - videocalls, e-mails, SMS, MMS, file sharing, web infrastructure as a service in a hosted model; achieved, by seamlessly integrating the two CCs. collaboration and presence information are beco- d) Large entreprise Contact Centers. 4. Standards-based, open architecture. Customers traditional telephony, as companies switch to VoIP. What makes us Innovative: One Contact, as an IP- pendent. Lower installation and maintenance costs. Telco operators will eventually evolve into IMS (IP based CC solution, developed several innovations Multimedia Subsystem) architectures. vis-a-vis the previous generation products: International Operations and Alliances: Besides local 1. Full integration of video, e-mail and IM in the contact operations (directly and through partners) in the markets How we do it: We invest in R&D in OneContact, our centre, with single queue management, full call control, pictured above, we have a global partnership with HP for award-winning software-only IP Multimedia Contact and centralized logging, reporting and supervision. Tools the marketing of contact centre solutions. may select best-of-breed components, vendor-inde- ming commonplace. We are witnessing the death of 24 2004 2005 2006 Human Resources N/A N/A N/A Total Assets (€) N/A N/A N/A R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A N/A 41 Turnover (€) Exports/Turnover (%) N/A 0 N/A 3 N/A 26 Awards: Winner of the Siemens IC / APDC (Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications) Innovation Award, open to all players in the ITC industry, Dec ’06. “Best Product 2006” by INTERITIS, the Association of Contact Centre and Speech Technology Providers in Spain, Nov ’06. “Best Technological Innovation” (in partnership with Vodafone Portugal), Troféu Call Center 2006 awarded by IFE, the foremost prize in the Contact Center industry in Portugal, Nov ’06. 25 CONTROLVET Segurança Alimentar S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital W Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics Laboratory Testing, Consultancy, Auditing and Training Services João Rebelo Cotta, Dr. [email protected] +351 232 817 817 +351 232 817 819 [email protected] Zona Industrial de Tondela, ZIM II-Lote 6 3460-070 Tondela | Portugal www.controlvet.pt 1999 €125,000 Portugal CEO Statement: “We are an innovative biotechnology, Iberian company, leader in Portugal, committed to our values, promoting food safety, working with talented people and supported by the best technological solutions. More than testing we care about our customers and their success in the market.” ho we are: ControlVet started its activities in How we do it: We have our corporate values, the who listen to customer needs. ControlVet has two ty of our activities. Soon consultancy services will be certified under ISO 9001-2000. 1999, with 5 workers. We invested strongly in people, the technological resources and the strate- departments involved in the innovation process. our own biotechnology laboratory and our growth gic vision to anticipate the services that the market The R&D department develops the solutions was exponential. We now have more than 70 highly needs. ControlVet is an incubator of talented people requested by the Innovation Department, to International Operations and Alliances: The compa- qualified people, 85% with university degrees. We with an attitude of hardwork, dedication and leader- have new products and services available for the ny’s strategy includes internationalisation. We intend develop a wide range of services to improve food ship. This highly qualified team undergoes an market. We also developed the Controlvet to establish a joint-venture with a Spanish company. safety and the efficiency of our customers´ organisa- intense training programme to guarantee the sus- Webservice, which allows every customer to In the medium term we also intend to expand into tions and technical solutions that respond in tainable growth of ControlVet. The investment in high have his own private area in the ControlVet site. Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. advance to the future needs of companies. tech equipment is fundamental and ControlVet We launched the Food Safety Express Service ControlVet is the leading company in Portugal and already provides a wide range of services with PCR and we are going to launch b-learning training we are now expanding into Spain. In Portugal we technology. programmes to spread technical knowledge among our customers. Last year we also have more than 1.800 companies as customers. At all levels of the food chain, the main companies are Who we do it for: ControlVet has more than 1800 cus- launched ControlVet Applied Research Funding ControlVet customers, assuring the quality of our tomers in Portugal. McDonalds´s, Ibersol, Auchan, for biotechnology projects that can develop new services and our technicians. Modelo/ Continente, Makro, El Corte Ingles are some products or services. ControlVet has a close rela- of ControlVet´s customers in Portugal. ControlVet tionship with Minho and Aveiro Universities and What we do: We develop services to promote food also has some customers in Angola and Mozam- with Biocant. safety, from the farm to the fork. Laboratory control, bique and is going to invest in Spain as a natural consultancy, technical auditing and training are the market. main services that ControlVet provides. ControlVet has Certification and Quality Control: ControlVet laboratory is certified by IPAC under the ISO 17025 a strong R&D department that develops innovative W ha t m ak e s u s In n ov a ti v e : We have a very talen- since 2002. Training services are certified by IQF, services, closely adapted to our customers´ needs. ted, motivated and well trained technical team a government department that validates the quali- 26 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 38 48 55 1,489,010 1,208,081 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 0.3 12 2,041,539 2,744,260 1,565,950 2,415,206 18 25 0.6 2.0 27 CPCHS Companhia Portuguesa de Computadores Healthcare Solutions, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Information Technology Conception, Development and Implementation of IT for the Health Market. Alexandre Gomes / Rui Rangel Henriques [email protected] Portugal Spain +351 7072 27247 +351 222 010 536 [email protected] Rua das Oliveiras, nº 72, 4050 – 448 Oporto | Portugal www.cpchs.pt 2001 €1,992,000 CEO Statement: “The confidence we have in our solution is equivalent to the quality we recognize in our own team. We now have over 90 employees with in-depth knowledge of the health sector. In addition, we have the support of various consultants who work with us in implementing projects. And we know that one of the major factors for success is perfect cooperation with clients’ teams.” Angola ho we are: Companhia Portuguesa de enhance those established with our customers, is of with more than 90 costumers, including all main pu- Certification and Quality Control: CPCHS is in a cer- Computadores - Healthcare Solutions, S.A. major importance. Our products support standard blic and private Portuguese hospitals and has refe- tification process for ISO 9001:2000. works exclusively in the HEALTH market, with a team medical interfaces (e.g., HL7, DICOM). CPCHS has rence partnerships with these same customers, who of more than 140 co-workers. Nowadays, as the established a set of strategic partnerships that privi- allow and guarantee a constant and permanent evo- International Operations and Alliances: since 2007, result of a long investment in this market, we’re con- lege the market development and the innovation of its lution of CPCHS’ solutions. CPCHS is strategically focused on internationalisa- solidating the extensive knowledge acquired in se- solutions: suppliers of the base technological plat- veral projects carried out in this area since 1994. forms - Oracle and Microsoft - with which CPCHS has W hat m akes us Innovative: W tion, mainly on Spain and Angola. R&D is a strategic a partnership agreement to access and support the option for CPCHS, both on technology and soft- What we do: CPCHS’ mission is the development new technologies, staff certification and product certi- ware solutions. and conception of TI and Communication Solutions, fication; entities of the Scientific and Technological largest investment with a permanent annual as well as its implementation, strategic consultation National System (ESCTN) - Univ. Aveiro (IETTA – growth. We want to play an active role in improving and project management, especially focused in the Electronic and Telematic Engineering Institute of health care provided to patients. We are con- Health and Hospital Clinical and Management Aveiro) INESC-Porto, Department of Engineering of cerned with functionalities, high levels of usability, areas. Porto University and Porto School of Management technological evolution, best practices implemen- (logistic Department) - with which CPCHS has partner- tation, effective support to clinical activity, yield of How we do it:: We offer a complete and integrated ships and resorts to when complementary technician- human resources and material and healthcare pro- solution for our customers needs. Notwithstanding technological abilities are required. fessionals’ satisfaction. The participation of R&D activities represent our CPCHS as leader-promoter of the "Tecnovoz" this, the integration and complementarity with other HIS is also a concern. The consolidation of true part- Who we do it for: With an experience of more than 10 National Collaborative R&D Project, in the Speech nerships with significant added value, allowing us to years in IT for the Health Industry, CPCHS counts technology area is an example. 28 2004 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 84 4,600,000 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A N/A N/A 2005 119 6,100,000 N/A N/A N/A 2006 126 7,800,000 N/A N/A N/A 29 CRITICAL SOFTWARE, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Engineering Gonçalo Almeida Quadros, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 239989100 +351 239.989119 [email protected] Parque Industrial de Taveiro, Lote 48 3045-504 Coimbra | Portugal www.criticalsoftware.com 1998 € 1,000,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal USA UK CEO Statement: “Innovation is essential for a company like Critical Software. As a matter of fact, for any technology-based SME company, knowledge and creativity are fundamental challenges that have to be successfully faced if competitiveness is to be maintained and better products and services are to be offered in the market. To cope successfully with such requirements, we need to operate in a dynamic innovation environment, one where challenging and stimulating references are in place, best practices are well understood and top industries, SMEs and universities are involved. COTEC SME Innovation Network is a fantastic opportunity to create the right environment.” ho we are: Critical Software SA is an interna- Who we do it for: Critical Software supports cus- add value to the solutions delivered to our customers Lisbon, Portugal; Southampton, UK; and San Jose in CA, tional systems and software company provi- tomers across several markets including telecoms, and stand out from the competition. USA. Associations with AFCEA, FAC, PEMA, ANJE, ANETIE, ding solutions, services, and technologies for mis- public sector, industry, aerospace, and defence; it sion and business critical information systems. has customers worldwide such as: Siemens, ESA, Certification and Quality Control: The focus on Software NASA, EADS, Astrium, TUV, Terma, Eumetsat, Quality has driven a continuous improvement of the What we do: Critical has developed strong expertise Alcatel Space Industries, ChevronTexaco, VCS, and Software Development Process (SDP), conducted by the in several areas of competence, such as enterprise Honeywell, among many others. internal Quality Management (QM) department. The strong W DANOTEC, CABERNET, ACIC, Associação ProEspaço. Quality foundations have enabled Critical Software to Application Integration & Database, dependability & embedded, ground Segment Software, networking, What makes us innovative: Critical Software’s suc- become a technology and solution provider for renowned HPC – High Performance Computing, MIS – Millwide cess lies in bringing quality and innovation to its cus- customers in the industry, telecoms, and aerospace sectors Information Systems. tomer’s information systems in a timely and cost- such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA), the effective manner. The company has a solid track European Space Agency (ESA), Siemens, or Soporcel. How we do it: Critical brings together the com- record of on-time and on-budget projects and has Quality processes are built over ISO15504 / SPICE) and bined expertise of these areas in order to engineer successfully released technologies and products ISO9001:2000-Tick-IT. solutions for the most complex, demanding, and worldwide in specific niche markets such as multidisciplinary problems. Our solutions cover the dependability and high-performance clustering. The International Operations and Alliances: A global market whole software life-cycle, from planning and analy- company invests a significant amount in R&D focus and a multinational culture have taken Critical Software sis, to design, development, integration, testing (around 12% of its revenues) and works in close into markets worldwide, adapting to the most demanding and maintenance. They are applied across a num- partnership with R&D institutions worldwide. By contexts and better understanding customer needs and ber of sectors. using innovative and pioneering technologies, we business requirements. Offices in Coimbra, Oporto and 30 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 96 147 186 4,450,461 3,528,554 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 41 16 6,117,183 8,607,351 4,588,075 6,446,166 10 N/A 42 59 Awards: Critical Software achieved CMMI-SE/SW Level 3 (2006), Critical's edgeBOX received 2005 IEC Infovision Award, for the best Broadband Appliance (2006). Gonçalo Quadros was awarded the ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2006’ Prize. See others: http://www.critical software.com/ 31 DÃO SUL Sociedade Vitivinícola, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Agriculture and Food Wine Industry Casimiro de Almeida Gomes, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 232 960 140 +351 232 961 203 [email protected] Quinta das Sarzedas - Apartado 28 3430-909 Carregal do Sal | Portugal www.daosul.com 1990 € 2,000,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Portugal CEO Statement: “According to our defined targets at Dão Sul, exports must account for half of our revenue by the end of 2007 and reach as high as to represent 70% of it in 2010, without compromising our operation in the domestic market. We want to be the leading company in the Dão region in partnership with Casa de Santar from 2007 onwards.” Brazil ho we are: Dão Sul produces quality wines. It also How we do it: Besides the commitment to provide cus- project currently underway is the plantation of new vine- by taking part in the major international wine fairs and by invests in appropriate infrastructure, including a tomers with Portuguese wines, winemakers also have to yards with Portuguese grape varieties in Brazil, which will promoting the organisation of several actions by national institutions (ANDOVI, ICEP). restaurant, reception rooms, large and excellent dining be present at tasting events to explain how the wine is allow for the production of high quality wines (LUSOCAS- rooms for groups and wine shop, among other facilities produced and what other processes the wine goes TAS project). in the area of wine tourism. through before reaching the consumer’s table. Certification and Quality Control: Investments in R&D What we do: Dão Sul produces quality wines in a newly Who we do it for: Clients all over the world – particularly were submitted for certification, for fiscal benefits, under designed winery, equipped with the most modern vinifi- the EU countries, Norway, USA, Canada, Brazil, China the SIFIDE (Tax Incentives System to Business R&D). cation equipment, incorporated in structure that also and Japan, among others. Douro Wine Certification granted by the Instituto dos comprises a cellar for staging oak barrels, a cellar for Vinhos do Douro e do Porto. The ISO 9001:2000 and ISO staging bottles, an analytical chemistry laboratory and a What makes us innovative: Dão Sul is well aware of the sensory analysis laboratory. White wines and red wines importance of research and innovation, and has there- are produced every year. Sparkling wines, distilled spirit fore created a department responsible for setting guide- International Operations and Alliances: Innovation pro- wines and the liquor wines of “Quinta de Cabriz” are lines for present and future research and innovation – jects are developed in partnership with entities such as selected in fortunate years. Aware of the importance of microbiology, wine chemistry or vegetable physiology. the Agricultural College and the Innovation Agency. wine tourism, Dão Sul acquired new estates to increase An internal evaluation system is being delineated for Besides our partnerships in Portugal, we have also 14001:2004 certification process is currently in progress. the production (percentage) of certain regional varieties every anomaly. We are also developing kits designed to entered into partnerships in Brazil with Vinibrasil and of greater enological interest, exploit the winery and cel- evaluate a specific wine’s capacity to contain elements Embrapa. For the past 5 years, the commercial activity of lar fully, and achieve the company’s full potential. that negatively affect its aging (KITPRO project). Another Dão Sul has strongly targeted the international market, 32 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 32 38 66 5,802,562 9,268,114 Exports/Turnover (%) 28.9 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 17.5 7,142,255 9,609,737 30.0 30.8 13,057,358 16,309,806 51.9 16.6 Awards: Revista de Vinhos – Company of the Year (2001); Special Mention Traditional Sector SME Innovation Network Award (2006); Revista de Vinhos – Company of the Year (2006); See http://www.daosul.com for others. 33 DigiUtopika Desenvolvimento de Software Unipessoal, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Research & Development Pedro M. L. Branco, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 918 232 931 +351 261 422 318 [email protected] Urbanização Casal Labrusque, Rua do Moinho,Lt 30, Areia Branca 2530 – 065 Lourinhã | Portugal www.utopika.net 2002 €5,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Holland Portugal CEO Statement: “After several years of strong investment in Research and Development activities, DigiUtopikA Lda is now evolving to the next stage of it's strategical plan: the sustainable increase in size, fields of activity and turnover of the company.” ho we are: DigiUtopikA provides solutions, document management system and a scheduling What makes us Innovative: DigiUtopikA´s success lies in Partner in the European Commission R&D Frame services, and technologies for mission and system. Virtual Office is currently being used by bringing quality and innovation to its customer’s informa- Program 6 (MAMMI-Mammography With Molecular several international institutions. tion systems in a timely and cost effective manner. Imaging). Has two on-going projects partially funded by How we do it: The Company has a solid track record Certification and Quality Control: DigiUtopikA develops Economy, within PRIME in the fields of Electronic Security and Commerce. business critical information systems, supporting customers across several markets the European Commission via the Portuguese Ministry of including telecommunications, public sector, industry, aerospace, and defence. of on-time and on-budget projects and has success- its activity based on a quality system that follows ISO fully released technologies and products worldwide 9001:2000 specifications, combining high development and quality service provision, with competitive costs. What we do: DigiUtopikA's most relevant products in specific niche markets such as dependability and are two software suites: HorizoN and Virtual Office. high-performance computing. In the last few years, HorizoN is an in-house developed Software DigiUtopikA's commercial strategy has been International Operations and Alliances: Some strategic Development Kit (SDK) and related tools focused focused on investment in research and development partners: DLR – German Aerospace Center, the on 3D Interactive Visualization with spatial sound; activities in relevant fields like medicine, telecommu- Frauhnofer Institute (Germany), Virtual Angle (The used in systems like flight simulators, Geographic nications, civil protection and navigation systems Netherlands), Information among others. Investigaciones Científicas (Spain). Most relevant pro- Command, Systems (GIS) Communication, visualisation Control or and and the Consejo Superior de jects: LTMS- Long Term Medical Survey Device (ESA – Intelligence (C3I) Systems. The Virtual Office plat- W ho d o w e d o it f or : DigiUtopikA customers Aurora form consists of a set of customised tools include the European Commission, European Applications designed to optimise the financial and technical Space Agency, Galileo Joint Undertaking (GJU), Multifunctional Wireless Communications Router (ESA management of enterprises by optimising proces- European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) Telecom – ARTES 4 Program) and an agreement made ses and reducing decision times by means of de- among many others renowned throughout the with ESA-ESOC. It’s the coordinator of the VASER (Visual dicated modules like a project management tool, a world. Awareness System for Emergency Response) project. 34 Program), in SHADE Difficult (Special 2004 2005 2006 Human Resources N/A N/A N/A Total Assets (€) N/A N/A N/A R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A N/A 41 Turnover (€) Exports/Turnover (%) N/A 0 N/A 3 N/A 26 Hand-held Environments); WICOR Awards: DigiUtopikA Lda. was nominated for the Best Portable Navigation System category in the Telematics Awards 2007 among company's such as TomTom and Microsoft. 35 E-CHIRON Gestão de Aplicações, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Managed Services Provider João Ribeiro da Costa, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 21 412 70 00 +351 412 70 99 [email protected] Alameda Fernão Lopes, nº 16 - 10º 1495-190 Lisbon | Portugal www.echiron.com 2000 € 925,454 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Portugal USA CEO Statement: “I foresee considerable growth in business lines likely to procure outsourcing contracts. If we bear in mind that the IT outsourcing volume in Portugal falls significantly below European and American averages, the enormous potential to be found in this area is clear.” Spain ho we are: Based in Portugal, Chiron was cre- (Integrated Information Systems, Entreprise Content organisations like Abrantina, Santogal, Fundação and CRM specific software), Computer Associates ated in 1996 as a spin-off of UNINOVA, an Management, Document Management, Internet and Calouste Gulbenkian, LUSA, AECOPS, etc., the pu- (E-Chiron has 1500 software licences of Unicenter Intranet Sites, Mathematical models, etc.). blic administration like the Criminal Investigation Service Plus Service Desk), PT PRIME (E-Chiron has Police, the Water Institute, the Environmental its own infrastructure in a PT Data Centre,) and Sun Institute of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, as a direct result of a project developed with NASA Kennedy Space How we do it: Our services cover 4 major lines: Institute, the Heritage Institute, and multinationals Microsystems (understands E-Chiron’s specific Centre. In 2000, Chiron joined forces with Scope & Quality of Services: we provide a wide like BMW, Accenture and Vallstein. hardware needs) and Microsoft. Logoplaste, range of high quality services, based on a flexible a leading Portuguese Industrial Company, to create the first “Application Service case-by-case and What makes us Innovative: Anticipating the expan- Provider” (ASP) in Portugal, named eChiron. Responsibility: stemming from a reliable infrastruc- sion of IT services into the web environment, in 2000, Between 2000 and 2004, eChiron has built a sophis- ture, the application of best practices, clear and Chiron created the first “Application Service ticated IT operation and became a leading Managed detailed SLAs and risk sharing with the customer Provider” (ASP) in Portugal, named eChiron, and Services Provider (MSP) . through financial penalties when SLA’s are not com- developed into a Managed Services Provider to take plied with; Transparency: providing the customer full advantage of market opportunities. approach; Reliability What we do: Two-thirds of eChiron’s turnover comes with real-time access to the information systems that from long-term Managed Services Contracts. MS support the entire operation, through a Customer’s Certification and Quality Control: NP EN ISO contracts range from hosting complex systems (SAP, Portal; 24x365 Central Monitoring System covering 9001:2000 quality certification, granted by APCER Oracle Applications, custom information systems) to all services; Efficiency & effectiveness: providing (Portuguese Certification Association) to E-chiron’s complete outsourcing of an entire company’s IT services from a Shared Infrastructure, relying on a entire business activity. ISO 27001 certification cur- (security management, help-desk, database opera- highly skilled and motivated team, and using a large rently in progress. tion and administration, etc.). MS Contracts are SLA pool of technical resources. International Operations and Alliances: Project with (Service Level Agreement) based and include strict evaluation metrics and indicators. The remaining revenue 36 comes from Software Development Who we do it for: NASA is client number one. We NASA Kennedy Space Centre. Partnerships with serve mainly large Portuguese companies and Oracle (offers strong database technology and ERP Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 55 57 74 3,537,841 4,097,239 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 2.5 4,239,557 4,543,009 4,554,808 5,253,924 2.5 2.2 N/A N/A Awards: SISCO (Administrative Offence Supporting Information System), developed by E-Chiron for DGTTF, received Fernandes Costa’s Award (2005). 37 Ecoprogresso Consultores em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Consultancy on Climate Change Carbon and Energy Ricardo Moita, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 21 798 12 10 +351 21 798 12 19 [email protected] Avenida da Igreja, 42 10.º Dto. 1700 - 239 Lisbon | Portugal www.ecoprogresso.pt/site.asp 2002 €50,010 URL Founded in Share Capital Portugal CEO Statement: “It is extremely exciting to be in the forefront of a totally new and emerging market […] that requires all the energy and commitment of a young, professional and fully motivated team […] Ecoprogresso is market leader in Portugal and has already entered the Brazilian market […] our objective is to be known and develop work world-wide, after all, Climate Change and Energy are global concerns and will be on top of the world’s priorities for the coming decades.” Brazil ho we are: Ecoprogresso is the first and economical expertise in carbon and energy What makes us Innovative: Ecoprogresso is on the Portuguese member of Powernext Carbon, the Portuguese consultancy company to have its projects. This “know how” and “know why” allows it cutting edge of this new carbon industry. Within such European reference exchange for trading carbon core business centred in Carbon and Climate to be permanently attentive to new opportunities, a new and fast paced industry, Ecoprogresso has allowances. It has opened an office in S. Paulo Change. helping clients carry out technical and economic been able to offer quick and effective responses to (Brazil) to work locally in partnership with companies evaluations and assisting them with legislation and its clients’ ever changing needs. The basis for this to create and purchase carbon credits from projects What we do: Ecoprogresso has work in all areas regulations, thereby setting a complete framework success is the strong, flexible, multi-disciplinary, that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. It has related to the new carbon economy namely: for project management. In addition, Ecoprogresso dynamic and highly qualified team. Employees are also recently taken a strategic equity position on European and Portuguese Energy Policy, Carbon created Ecotrade, a service to help and advise offered training courses on carbon and energy SDC – Sair da Casca, SA a leading Portuguese com- and Climate Change Policies; European Emissions Portuguese industrial companies to participate in the issues, at national level and abroad. Parallel to this, pany on Sustainability Development. Tradind Scheme; Voluntary Carbon Management; European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. Ecoprogresso possesses a strong conference cul- W Carbon Asset Management; Carbon Investment ture, participating frequently both as attendees and Projects (CDM and JI) and more generally, Who we do it for: Ecoprogresso has clients in both public Sustainable Development. and private sectors. Since 2002 Ecoprogresso has been speakers. advising the Portuguese Government on international Certification and Quality Control: Ecoprogresso is a How we do it: Ecoprogresso has a vast experience negotiations related to the Kyoto Protocol and its national Carbonfree Company meaning it offsets its carbon in areas relating to climate change, carbon manage- implementation. It has been chosen by the Ministry of emissions annually. ment and energy. It has inherited from its origin, a Environment to support Portuguese European Union very strong experience in dealing and negotiating Presidency on climate change issues during the second International Operations and Alliances: Ecopro- internationally UN. half of 2007. More than one hundred private companies gresso works with Climate Change Capital in target Ecoprogresso aims to transmit this knowledge to its have chosen Ecoprogresso as its business partner. markets, such as Brazil. Climate Change Capital is a clients in order to internalize the new “Carbon varia- Ecoprogresso was selected by reference finance com- leading investment banking group specialising in ble” reducing risks and increasing the return of panies as technical advisor for the first private the commercial opportunities created by the low car- investments. Ecoprogresso holds strong technical Portuguese carbon fund, the Luso Carbon Fund. bon economy. Ecoprogresso is currently the only 38 within the EU and the Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 5 11 19 213,915 574,034 1,031,614 65 ,792 540,730 1,987 ,673 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 39 EDIGMA.COM – Gestão de Projectos Digitais, S.A., Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology DISPLAX® INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS Miguel Peixoto de Oliveira, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 253 265 506 +351 253 265 507 [email protected]) Centro de Negócios Empresariais, Parque Ind. De Adaúfe, Lote C3, 4710-571 Braga | Portugal www.edigma.com 2000 €50,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Austria Czech Republic Denmark Cyprus Greece Holland Italy Portugal Spain Canada Russia USA Turkey CEO Statement: “EDIGMA.COM is a young fledgling company which holds TECHNOLOGY and MARKETING as its distinctive DNA. INNOVATION is more than EDIGMA.COM’s core business, innovation is EDIGMA.COM’s LIFESTYLE.” Israel Mexico UAE Brazil New Zealand Malaysia Colombia Taiwan Peru South Korea South Africa ho we are: EDIGMA.COM is a global player technology in static surfaces, with great acceptance labs in the world creating channels of excellence FUTURE but consequently will represent a signifi- on interactive systems, providing cutting by the retail market, allowing people to browse mul- knowledge. EDIGMA.COM’s lasting quest for cant leap towards INSPIRING THE FUTURE. edge innovative interactive systems. timedia contents on shop windows, hence creating technological innovation corroborates the compa- the “interactive window shopping”. The latest inter- ny’s claim to be TOUCHING THE FUTURE!” WHAT WE DO: DISPLAX® INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS active system presented by EDIGMA.COM is DIS- are a range of new ways of contents displaying and PLAX® INTERACTIVE FLOOR, the most advanced, Who we do it for: Agência da Inovação (AdI), interacting. Using a highly precise and clean realistic and precise body movement detection tech- Vodafone, Rabobank, Bank of Cyprus, BES, TAP, technology, DISPLAX ® INTERACTIVE WINDOW nology that allows amazing interactive environments Tourism of Malaysia, RTP, PT, Claro, Cuatro, La was the first step of EDIGMA.COM into the interac- to be set up. Besides the outstanding precision and Sexta, among others on more than 20 countries tivity world. Unveiled in 2004 it allows anyone to the realistic contents allowed, DISPLAX® INTERAC- spread throughout the world. impersonate Tom Cruise in Minority Report, as this TIVE FLOOR provides also the multitouch concept technology simulates Steven Spielberg’s special applied to body movement, which equals to say that What makes us innovative: EDIGMA.COM has effects in that movie. Technically DISPLAX ® INTER- several persons can interact with the contents at the proven, since the early days, a zealous commitment ACTIVE WINDOW is a transparent interactive dis- same time. towards R&D. The eagerness energy of FUTURELAB is the key to sustain and augment the technical play, where multimedia contents can be browsed by touch, in a very intuitive and attractive way. EDIG- HOW WE DO IT: The main vision for this entrepre- vanguard of DISPLAX® INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS. MA.COM’s R&D lab ontinued to develop new ways neurial technologic nest is that useless technology The focus on R&D is crucial to carry on developing of interactivity and presented DISPLAX® INTERAC- isn’t innovative hence the focus on providing useful- and improving interactive systems to enhance TIVE LCD/DISPLAX® INTERACTIVE PLASMA. This ness to their products. The internal R&D team, today’s interface and create tomorrow’s technology. system allows any flat monitor to become interactive, FUTURELAB, is connected with international EDIGMA.COM’s vision is to establish new trends on by applying DISPLAX® touch technology into the research networks, promoting and benefiting from innovative communication and anticipate future monitor. Another system announced is DISPLAX® human property human machine behaviour. With this posture the INTERACTIVE FOIL, which allows applying the touch exchanges with the most advanced investigation company will not only continue TOUCHING THE 40 resources and intellectual Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Awards: Invited by the President of the Portuguese Republic to serve as counterpart of Portugal skills in technology field (2007); studied as a case-study for the MBA of Instituto de Empresa (Spain) due to its successful growth strategy outside Silicon Valley (2007). Biggest interactive display in Europe, for a TV channel to present the weather (2007); interactive shop window (DISPLAX® INTERACTIVE FOIL) in the world’s biggest shopping center (Dubai) (2006); 1º Prize at COMTEC (technology fair) for DISPLAX ® INTERACTIVE WINDOW (2004). 41 EDISOFT Empresa de Serviços e Desenvolvimento de Software, S. A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Consulting and Software Engineering Solutions Sérgio Parreira de Campos, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 212 945 900 +351 212 945 999 [email protected] Rua Quinta dos Medronheiros - Lazarim, Apartado 382 - Monte de Caparica 2826-801 Caparica | Portugal www.edisoft.pt 1988 € 500,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Belgium France Greece Germany Holland Luxembourg Poland Portugal Spain CEO Statement: “There are half a dozen companies in Galileo, and one of them i s EDISOFT. Perhaps the Government could take a look at EDISOFT’s path. It began in the sea and rapidly conquered Space, an evolution that should also be the country’s own route.” Turkey Canada Morocco Venezuela Bangladesh S. Korea UAE ho we are: EDISOFT is a specialised Who we do it for: EDISOFT has specialised know- Solution Partner level in the Oracle Partner ing international organizations: OREGIN, EARSC, Portuguese software engineering company how and an in-depth understanding of military and Programme. EDISOFT upholds the ISO 9001:2000 GALILEO Services Association, TIPS and NCOIC. that is the national leader in the areas of military civilian customers’ needs, ambitions, specifications, Certification and the IEEE/EIA 12207 – Software EDISOFT’s systems are present in Portugal, Spain, command and control systems, information integra- activities, delivering Lifecycle Processes regulations, the US DoD-STD- France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, tion systems in naval platforms, military logistic sys- advanced software engineering solutions to cus- 2167A and MIL-STD-498 standards, TNL’s HSV-0- Greece, Turkey, Poland, Morocco, Canada, Venezuela, tems, collective security systems and space sys- tomers around the world. 507 Software Development Process (CMM Level 3), South Korea, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Arab Emirates ESA’s PSS-05 Software Engineering Standards and and Malaysia. W and quality standards, tems. What makes us innovative: Using specialised know- the ECSS-E/M/Q Engineering, Management and What we do: EDISOFT offers advanced software how, state-of-the-art technology, open systems, Quality standards. Additionally, EDISOFT was gran- solutions and highly qualified IT consultancy for the commercial off-the-shelf applications and certified ted the Portuguese Ministerial Authorisation to the design, development and integration of critical com- and protocols, Exercise of the Commercial and Industrial Armament mand, control and communications systems, being EDISOFT’s solutions are reliable, robust and cost- Activity and the Portuguese Ministerial Authorisation a reference in the defence industry, in space sys- effective, deliver excellent performance and are to the Exercise of Trading Activities of Military Goods tems and in the collective security field. supplied on time and on budget. EDISOFT’s innova- and Technology, while withholding NATO, EU and tion commitment towards yet uninstalled ambitions National Secret Security Clearances. standardised processes and How we do it: EDISOFT’s professionals have real in- ensures the company’s leadership, reinforces its depth knowledge of the military and civilian software core activities and builds its future in the face of new International Operations and Alliances: EDISOFT’s inter- applications’ markets, providing flexible solutions for challenges. national drive is consolidated through partnerships with systems’ development and integration, as well as Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2005 2006 84 88 111 5,518,627 5,212,866 6,425,380 4,077,059 3,899,470 5,857,429 9.3 8.4 11.5 46.4 51.7 73.2 Indra, NATS, NLR, Thales, Rolls-Royce, Turbomeca, valuable technology consultancy thus offering global Certification and Quality Control: EDISOFT was the Alenia, Airsys, Eurocopter, Alcatel Space Industries, support to business strategy and the implementation first Portuguese company to be recognised with a Toulouse’s Centre d’ Éssais Aéronautique ESA, EDA, of reliable software engineering solutions. CMM Level 2 appraisal and to reach the Certified JRC, EU and EUMETSAT. EDISOFT is part of the follow- 42 Human Resources 2004 Awards: "Information Society Mission" Award (1997), "Netie" Award (1998), "Special Mention in COTEC Innovative SMEs Network" Award (2006). 43 EID Empresa de Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Electrónica, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Austria Electronics and Communications Development and Production of Communication equipment and systems for defence Sérgio Parreira de Campos, Dr. sé[email protected] +351 21 294 8600 +351 21 294 8700 [email protected] Rua Quinta dos Medronheiros-Lazarim P.O Box 327 2826-801 Caparica | Portugal www.eid.pt 1983 €11,000,000 Belgium Germany Holland Portugal Spain UK CEO Statement: “Our mission is to design, manufacture and supply technologically advanced, innovative, reliable, high quality solutions that meet the Customers’ needs in the fields of electronics, communications and information systems and equipment; to keep up with technological evolution through a strong and consistent investment in R&D; to achieve a more and more relevant position in international markets in the company’s fields of expertise; and to be responsible vis-à-vis the environment and the stakeholders - customers, suppliers, partners, shareholders, employees and institutions.” United Arab Emirates Brazil Thailand ho we are: EID is a private company, with a customers’ specific requirements. EID’s ultimate nent attitude of innovation. Business growth and the tional sales is still one of EID’s most important proven record and solid know-how in the goal is to provide full customer satisfaction and so company´s sustainability in the future strongly and strategic goals. Consistently, EID is deve- areas of electronics, communications and informa- we are proud of having developed long lasting rela- depend on the ability to develop and launch in the loping business partnerships worldwide and is tion technology. The company´s main shareholders tionships with our business partners. Facing future market, technologically evolved, innovative products particularly active in exploring new, non-tradi- are EMPORDEF – the Portuguese holding of the challenges with optimism and confidence, we are and solutions. Such a strategy demands a consis- tional markets, either by itself or through Defence Industry – Rohde & Schwarz and Efacec. committed to go on providing Communications for tent and strong investment in R&D, in order to be alliances with local partners. Outstanding Performance. Communications for sure that emerging technologies are incorporated Outstanding Performance. into the development of new products. Another key W What we do: EID designs, manufactures and imple- factor for achieving such a goal is the quality and ments communications equipment and systems, Who we do it for: EID’s main customers are the Armed skills of the company´s human resources. That is the Forces and Defence contractors. Besides the reason why over 50% of EID’s workforce holds uni- How we do it: EID strives to achieve excellence in its Portuguese Army, Navy and Air Force, the following versity degrees in engineering. field of activity. Countless installations and delive- stand out: Royal Navy, Royal Netherlands Navy, ries, both at home and abroad, brought us unques- Spanish, Lithuanian and United Arab Emirates navies; Certifications: EID Quality Management System is tionable prestige, which has resulted in a growing Brazilian Armed Forces; Portuguese Ministry of certified according to ISO 9001:2000, since 2001. access to new markets, both in Europe and in other Foreign Affairs; Lisbon, Setúbal and Leixões Harbour The company and about half of its employees have continents. Export quota is already a significant Authorities; Viana do Castelo, Navantia and HDW ship- NATO Secret clearance. share of the company turnover, thanks to the state- yards; Steyr-Daimler-Puch; Rohde & Schwarz. particularly in the defence and professional markets. I n t e r n a t i o n a l O p e r a t i o n s a n d A l l i a n c e s : The of-the-art technology and innovative character of its products, to their competitiveness and to the com- What makes us Innovative: The demanding market export market represents a major share of the pany´s willingness to supply solutions that meet its where EID develops its business requires a perma- company´s turnover, but the growth of interna- 44 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 136 125 123 9,597,306 23,450,364 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 31 20 11,443,157 9,830,942 18,837,334 20,663,587 5 25 24 53 45 ENABLER Informática S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Retail Business António Pacheco Murta, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 22 607 75 00 +351 22 607 74 01 [email protected] Avenida da Boavista 1223, 4100-130 Oporto | Portugal www.enabler.com 1997 € 51,390 URL Founded in Equity Capital France Germany Italy Portugal CEO Statement: “Information Technology has turned into a critical toolset for the organised retail industry worldwide. Retailing is the third largest industry for Information Technology, after telecommunications and banking. Time and pace, not size, will determine the future success of many organised retailers.” Spain UK Brazil ho we are: Enabler was born out of a planned dedication translates into talented and reliable staff, nologies and the growth of end-to-end solutions. International Operations and Alliances: Enabler’s port- separation of the IS/IT department of whose competence and results-orientated attitude That is why we continuously invest in our working folio includes top retailers in the United Kingdom, Portugal’s leading retailer (Modelo Continente – a enable international retailers to maximise their IT and knowledge in areas such as data warehousing, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hong Kong, USA, division of the Sonae Group). Building on the know- IS operations. RFID, process and commercial optimisation. We Czech Republic, Turkey, Dubai, Kenya, Kuwait, W ledge acquired during a revamping of Modelo are determined to translate complex technologies Portugal, amongst others. Our strategic vision is Continente’s information systems, Enabler was spun Who we do it for: Enabler invests strongly in the so that they can be employed by users to add real based on a partnership approach, working with best of off to become a specialised independent IS services establishment of long-term relationships with cus- bottom-line value. breed solution providers, including Oracle, Sterling company. tomers, allowing a deeper understanding of the Commerce, business, joint deployment of the best solutions and Certification and Quality Control: Enabler has What we do: Enabler is an international IT and busi- increasing value over time. The company’s figures implemented a Quality Management System ness services company that delivers measurable for 2006 reveal that Enabler is strongly orientated based on ISO 9001: 2000 regulation. Internal value to the world’s best-known retailers. The com- towards the international market: 80% of sales and audits are performed quarterly by an internal audit pany works with retailers on their business and IT profits come from clients abroad. Enabler is proud to team with the purpose of identifying improvement transformation programmes to achieve a competi- serve leading international retailers and wholesalers opportunities. Annual external audits ensure tive advantage. Enabler’s knowledge, retail and IT including Sonae Distribution, Tesco, Nisa-Today’s, another degree of system compliance validation experience help retailers reduce risk when deplo- Despar, Galeries Lafayette, Marktkauf (AVA), Esprit, and the identification of further improvement ying critical projects. Monsoon, Arnotts, Dubai Duty Free, Fabio Lucci/Tati, opportunities. Project-based client surveys are Cortefiel, A.S. Watson, amongst others. another valuable source of feedback regarding How we do it: Our passion for our work reflects in the the company and its procedures, and are taken quality of our well-engineered solutions, delivered to What makes us innovative: We see a long-term into consideration on a regular basis by the ma- the highest standard, on time and on budget. Our trend in retailing towards a convergence of tech- nagement team. 46 Sun Microsystems, Blue Martini, Mobicomp, Freeborders, IntelliQ and Profimetrics. Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 220 232 231 20,737,947 17,538,499 54.9 51.1 12,130,828 10,173,436 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2 1 19,106,220 19,409,366 59.2 4 47 EUROTRIALS Consultores Científicos, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital W Biothecnolgy and Pharmaceuticals Clinical Research Services and Scientific Consulting in the Health Sector Maria João Queiroz, MD [email protected] +351 21 382 54 40 +351 21 382 54 52 [email protected] Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, Piso 16, 1070-274 Lisbon | Portugal www.eurotrials.com 1995 €50,000 Portugal CEO Statement: “After its first decade of existence, Eurotrials has established itself as the reference partner for Clinical Research and Scientific Consulting in the Health Sector in the Portuguese speaking countries, and is now expanding its activities to Latin America. Our aim is to consolidate our position in these markets, by continuously providing innovative solutions in our services, and establishing strong and durable partnerships with our clients.” Brazil ho we are: Eurotrials, Scientific Consultants, solutions. Eurotrials is also at the forefront of the Institutions, Universities. Throughout its existence then the company as been conducting clinical SA is a private independent company foun- development of the new concept of translational the company also has established partnerships with research projects in several South-American coun- research in its projects with research institutions. several national and international Universities. These tries and Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. relationships can range from pure commercial rela- The company has Master Agreements with major ded in 1995 in Lisbon, by members of Academia, the Medical Community and the Pharmaceutical providing services in R&D and general How we do it: A team of over 70 professionals, tionship within R&D projects to the establishment of international R&D Companies or Institutions in the consulting in the Health sector. The company is also both in Portugal and Brazil, with complementary partnership sharing of acquired know-how. Biomedicine area, including global CRO’s like present in Brazil since 1998 from where it is curren- competences, assures our capability to cover the tly expanding its activities to other countries in Latin multidisciplinary needs of our services. The com- What makes us Innovative: Promoting an attitude of America. It is also present in projects in Africa, pany invests in an on-going programme of internal innovation in the development of projects. The inno- namely in Angola and Mozambique. and external training and promotes individual ini- vation process is organized around multidisciplinary tiative, both in the creation of new solutions or working groups that cover the main strategic devel- What we do: With a solid record of working with both services to our clients and in the launching of new opment objectives of the company. Constant invest- industry and Academia, the company’s services areas of business. Building strong and durable ment in training and new technological solutions is span from Clinical Research to Epidemiology, relationships with our clients has also been a fac- made. Developing applied, new IT solutions and Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Health eco- tor of our success which is highly recognized and applications is one of Eurotrials major investments. nomics, valued by the market. Human Resources Certification and Quality Control: Eurotrials is certi- Total Assets (€) Industry, Evidence based Medicine, Data Management and Biostatistics, covering the whole PAREXEL and MDS. spectrum of competencies needed to establish the Who we do it for: Pharmaceutical companies, fied under ISO 9001:2000 since 2002 by the Lloyd’s link from basic research to the market. This link re- through their international R&D operations or their Register Quality Assurance with the UKAS. presents a crucial part in the conducting of the inno- delegations in Portugal, National Pharmaceutical vation process that results in the development of companies, Public and private R&D organizations, International Operations and Alliances: Eurotrials new biopharmaceuticals or alternative therapeutic Foundations interested in Health research, Public started its internationalization in 1998 in Brazil. Since 48 2004 Turnover (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 47 2,485,744 1,148,033 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 67 N/A 2005 60 3,048,592 2006 68 3,831,569 1,674,004 2,067,112 N/A N/A 59 69 49 Frulact, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Food Fruit based preparations for food industries João Evangelista Sousa Miranda, Eng. [email protected]; [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 229 287 910 +351 229 287 919 [email protected] Rua do Outeiro, 589 4475-150 Gemunde, Maia | Portugal www.frulact.com 1987 €3,250,000 URL Founded in Share Capital France Portugal Algeria Morocco CEO Statement: “Our success is the success of our Customers. We work in tight partnership to continuously look for differentiated processes and products, trying to anticipate market trends; always with the same objective to offer natural, healthy and high quality products to millions of consumers. We also have a compromise with the environment. We interact with Nature, so we do our utmost to preserve it, choosing environmental managing policies in all our processes. We select the best from what Nature provides, the best manufacturing processes, the best working teams. Everything to give the best to everyone.” 2004 A family owned company that How we do it: Sourcing worldwide, and trying to demanding in terms of Innovation. As an example of started a business idea twenty years ago, and anticipate customer’s needs in order to supply our it, Frulact developed the first preparations with ve- clients with innovative solutions. getables for yogurt application. players of the market. Frulact management still Who we do it for: Our main clients are the multina- Certification and Quality Control: HACCP and NP EN based on the premises of commitment to client’s tional corporations in Food Industry like Danone; ISO 9001:2000. goals and corporate responsibility. Nestlé; Yoplait; Senoble; Lactalis, Novandie, Leche W ho we are: managed to achieve the recognition of its management strategy and client orientation by the main What we do: Frulact produces fruit-preparations in a Pascual, Iparlat, Emmi, Lactogal, Unilever among International Operations and Alliances: Frulact is others . currently present in Portugal, France, Morocco and Algeria with industrial units. In the short term, tailor-made basis for food industry and is one of the top 5 European players. The product portofólio co- What makes us Innovative: Thinking outside the box Eastern Europe will be also targeted for expansion. vers a wide range of food applications, like dairy in a daily base is the challenge that our R&D people Frulact’s main commercial coverage: Portugal, product, ice-creams juices & beverages and also face. Finding the most innovative and effective pro- Spain, France, Morocco, Algeria., Tunisia, Egypt, industrial pastry. ducts solutions in markets that are among the most Iran, Saudit Arabia. 50 Human Resources Turnover (€) 2005 2006 137 131 132 86.7 85.8 85.7 16,008,714 20,114,081 23,231,174 Balance Sheet (€) 15,404,831 17,549,377 23,504,648 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2.0 2.0 2.0 Awards: PME Excelência, from IAPMEI/CGD between 1998 and 2002; Prémio Inovação Agroindustria by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2003; Óscar Exportação 2005, by the Câmara de Comércio e Industria Luso-Francesa in 2005, Honoured mentions entrepeneurship and innovation INSEAD and Ernest & Young / Fortis Bank, both in 2006. 51 Haut de Gamme Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Belgium Furniture France Furniture for the Home and Health Industry Cyprus Fernando João Jesus Lourenço [email protected] Luxembourg Italy +351 231 480 880 +351 231 480 882 [email protected] Z.I. Mira, Lt. 39, 3070-337 Mira | Portugal www.colonial-club.com 1997 €500,000 Portugal CEO Statement: “We place particular emphasis on developing the flexibility of our products in order to meet the most exacting needs of the end consumer.” Spain Sweden China ho we are: Haut de Gamme is a company that new market trends. What sets Haut de Gamme apart ences, thereby responding to the main trend in mo- range furniture and its position as suppliers to specialises in manufacturing the highest qua- from the great majority of companies in the sector is dern day decoration. This translates into a fusion of the luxurious five-star Asian hotel chain ‘Shangri- our major use of subcontractors, personalizing our styles from different eras and sources for use in va- la’ through its wholly-owned Italian subsidiary furniture by virtue of its design through distinct fini- rious types of living areas, with particular focus on based in Milan. What we do: Haut de Gamme has two furniture lines shing, both in conventional terms, via painting, and furniture for social areas, rest areas and working in that stand out for their quality and design: Colonial by means of other techniques based on new tech- the home. Club, aimed at a younger public; and Haut de nologies, particularly laser, applied to glass, metal Gamme – L’Esprit Nouveau, which was born out of a and wood. W lity furniture for the home and hospitality industry. desire to attract a more discerning and wealthier Certification and Quality Control: We would like to highlight the fact that Haut de Gamme will soon clientele. Our range of products is varied, with the Who we do it for: Haut de Gamme provides great begin the process to acquire ISA 9001:2000 certifi- emphasis on modern retro, new Victorian and new flexibility in order to satisfy the end consumer, allo- cation. romantic styles aimed clearly at a contemporary look wing customers to choose the most suitable match of of colours and accessories. sophisticated yet elegant and personal ambiances. I n t e r n a t i o na l O p e r at i o n s a nd A l l i a n c es : Haut de Gamme is a 100% Portuguese owned company What makes us innovative: Innovation is the corner- that is heavily focused on expansion and export How we do it: We focus on furniture that combines stone of our company’s strategy, influencing not only sales. The company innovates at the distribution noble materials such as wood, metal and glass so the engineering of our products, but also the engi- level and by establishing partnerships with sales that we can better respond to market demand. One neering of the process itself. The company innovates companies. An important goal is to move into the of our greatest assets is our permanent feedback on in design terms, by combining different stylistic influ- emerging Chinese market with its top of the 52 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 35 35 42 2,887,879 4,161,856 Exports/Turnover (%) 57.6 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 0.9 2,998,551 2,741,473 56.0 61.4 4,360,684 4.7 4,607,275 5.1 Awards: Various design awards. 53 ICC Indústrias e Comércio de Calçado, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Footwear Production of Professional Footwear Teófilo Ribeiro Leite, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 253 520 660 +351 253 523 424 [email protected] Sol - Pinheiro 4810-781 Guimarães | Portugal www.lavoro.pt 1986 € 1,416,495 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Portugal CEO Statement: “Since it was created 20 years ago, ICC has devoted its entire knowledge, commitment and resources to putting the findings of the latest scientific studies in the field of podology (foot care) into place as well as to complying with any national and community standards and rules on the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Best for you and your feet.” ho we are: Lavoro it's a trade mark of ICC – products. LAVORO is permanently advised by lead- composite (polymer compounds offering rigidity) ty with internal quality standards and regulatory Indústrias e Comércio de Calçado, S.A. spe- ing university podology experts. Currently, LAVORO that allow the combination of each product’s advan- requirements. Several other tests are run in external is developing complete protection and safety equip- tages into a technology that follows the natural institutions, universities and footwear technical labs. ment for fire-fighters, in partnership with Minho movement of the walking foot, and provides the la- The company is certified and accredited by several University. teral stability required to prevent foot sprains. Our international institutes related to safety footwear, such REBOUND CONTROL TOE CAP is totally free of as: SATRA United Kingdom, ITS United Kingdom, PFI Germany, and CSA Canada. cialized in the production of professional footwear. What we do: Specialized in the production of professional footwear for professionals of several sectors, including electronics, transport, hospitals, construc- Who we do it for: Lavoro encourages a close rela- electric conductivity, non magnetic (therefore unde- tion, mineral extraction, agriculture, and military tionship with its customers, and therefore, our com- tectable by metal detectors), and ensures perfect forces. Lavoro offers a wide range of models whose mitments are consistently complied with. We pro- thermal insulation of the most sensitive parts of the Certification and Quality Control: LAVORO has built-in advanced technology, solutions and design mote active and joint cooperation, ensuring the com- foot. LightFlex is produced using non-magnetic alliances with Bata Best, Arco and notified bodies attempt to constantly ensure security. mitment of all the involved parties. Research and materials (consequently, undetectable by metal like Satra, PFI, CSA. development is our number one priority for the per- detectors) and ensure the perfect thermal insulation How we do it: Maintaining a permanent design and fection of our response to our customer’s require- of the most sensitive parts of the foot. TOE BOX is a research department constantly engaged in the ments. non-metallic compound featuring full safety requirements: impact, compression and penetration resis- search for new materials and techniques for the Human Resources tance, according to EN 12568:1998. Turnover (€) mental management of the feet inside footwear: the Certification and Quality Control: LAVORO has its own made in footwear manufacturing. Ten years ago, this layer of cork between the insole and the outsole iso- laboratory and duly accredited technicians. It runs Exports/Turnover (%) department was responsible for the introduction of lates feet from environmental cold and heat. daily tests on produced items (from tests on safety toe the Clima Cork System, for the developments in the Realflex, an innovative technology inspired by the caps and safety insoles to sole resistance, flexion dual density sole technology, and the perfection and natural movement of the foot, uses two types of resistance, anti-slip properties and many other para- comfort of natural products, free from any chemical material, Kevlarcture-resistant ballistic material) and meters), in order to check products for their conformi- footwear manufacturing process, LAVORO has kept What makes us innovative: The CLIMA CORK SYS- its position in the front line of new podology develop- TEM (exclusive patent system) improves the environ- ments, and has kept up-to-date with the progress 54 Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 181 200 212 4,444,110 N/A 11,839,925 4,332,926 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 90.9 0.8 11,973,604 11,636,503 92.0 1,3 91.4 0.6 Awards: 3rd position in National Turnover Ranking. 55 iPortalMais Serviços de Internet e Redes, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital W Information Technology Network Operation Systems, Document Management and Workflow Raúl Oliveira, PhD [email protected] +351 225 106 476 +225 189 722 [email protected] Rua Santos Pousada, n.º 157 - 3.º - sala 14 4000-485 Oporto | Portugal www.iportalmais.pt 2000 € 39,000 France Greece Germany Portugal Spain Angola Algeria CEO Statement: “Today, iPortalMais has partners in several countries covering a population of 480 million inhabitants. The company´s major investment relies on R&D. Our ambitious team gives its full energy to improve products based on working standards. iPortalMais tools transfer knowledge to build more efficient networking business solutions to our partners and their customers.” Cape Verde Mauritania Argentina Mozambique Brazil Singapore Chile Australia ho we are: iPortalMais develops and distri- brand – Kaspersky Labs –, including the develop- sector of activity: Local Public Administration, International Operations and Alliances: iPortalMais butes knowledge through: networking opera- ment of shared products for Internet security. National Public Organizations, Industrial Enterprises, has its products in more than 14 countries in 4 con- ting systems based on Linux, security solutions sup- Health Care Organizations, Small and Large Private tinents. iPortalMais has local presence through dis- ported on Kaspersky Lab software, and document How we do it: iPortalMais develops really affordable Associations and Other Services Enterprises. Main tributors in: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, management solutions, aiming at a simplified and tools and solutions that simplify and speed up the business Mactek, Singapore, Australia, Brazil and Angola. We also cheaper IT use in business and public organiza- installation and configuration of networking opera- Acidados, Peoples Conseil, Megaflop, Decsis. Main have a strategic partnership with Kaspersky Lab for tions. Our main business is to sell our knowledge to ting systems solutions to our partners, as well as Users: Efacec Águas do Douro e Paiva, Mota Engil, security solutions, which is important for our pro- our partners to make sure that they are able, like us, their customers. We introduced three new concepts BRISA, BP, National Administration Institute (INA), ducts, but also for our internationalization through to enjoy all the Linux OS benefits with their cus- in the networking operating systems field: automat- Ministry of Economy of Portugal, Hospital Santo the Kaspersky Lab distribution channel. tomers, without the need for being Linux experts. ic installation, functional configuration and disaster António (Porto), and several Portuguese City and recovery. Our goal is to boost our partners´ busi- Town Halls. partners: Siemens, BULL, What we do: The iPortalMais R&D resulted in two ness and process efficiency, allowing the allocation major products – iPortalDoc and IPBrick – that of limited computer resources and almost no trai- What makes us Innovative: The creation of solutions became the worldwide recognised company’s front ning. that are easy to install, configure and recover. door. Several branches of these products enhanced Providing a high level of integration between Intranet different solutions to deal with full featured communi- Who we do it for: Around 2000 companies (which and Communication services, so the same technolo- cations integration in a secure and intuitive electro- represent a universe of more than 50 thousand users gy can be used end to end in the enterprise. Our nic environment, reaching the organization level with on a daily basis), use iPortalMais Communication national and international partnerships with vendors, networking service for document management and solutions to perform their electronic digital activities, distributors and resellers gives us a major R&D workflow. Our R&D became a solid asset that made and also better organize and manage their business advantage and allows the production of the most possible a venture with a stronger international processes. iPortalMais products reach almost every competitive and up-to-date solutions in the market. 56 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 7 10 13 468,384 752,313 264,835 505,078 14 15 N/A 1 1,152,081 769,586 4 13 57 ISA - Intelligent Sensing Anywhere, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Electronics and Information Technology Telemetry and Remote Management José Basílio Simões, PhD [email protected] [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 239 791 090 +351 239 791 099 [email protected] Rua Carlos Seixas, 9 3030-177 Coimbra | Portugal www.isasensing.com 1990 € 300,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Estonia France Germany Poland Portugal Slovenia CEO Statement: “The company’s strengths are: extensive experience and know-how in the areas of electronics and instrumentation, automation, monitoring and telemanegement; and hardware and software development capacity, allowing us to integrate various pieces of equipment and to build complete solutions tailored to each client’s requirements.” Spain Brazil Turkey Australia Angola ho we are: ISA is a global telemetry company video surveillance system with domotic interface, What makes us innovative: Several competitive advan- those companies; involved in a variety of consortia toge- that is a leader in different market segments, SMAlert – SMS operated Data Collection and Alarm tages, such as: 20-year experience and a record of con- ther with other companies, universities and European Management system). tinuous innovation; ability to quickly implement innovative research laboratories. Agents like: SYNA Gmbh, turnkey and customer-tailored solutions; dedicated R&D EspaceCom in France and ESTA in Turkey. Business How we do it: Based on its know-how and state-of- team with links to several universities and scientific com- Partners like: Vodafone, Orange, Ericsson and Siemens R&D partners like: Univ Coimbra, IST and Univ Minho. providing a broad range of applications for the gas, oil, chemical products, water and sewer networks, industry, environment and domotics sectors. the-art technological expertise in the field of elec- munities; know-how in electronics, instrumentation, What we do: Products and Services in Gas & Oil tronics, software development, telemetry and indus- telemetry, hardware and software (real-time embedded Telemetry (iGas – Telemetry system for LPG tanks; trial control, ISA has developed several globally rec- systems, web applications for MS Windows and Linux); iGasAMR – Remote Automatic Meter Reading sys- ognized products and solutions in the areas of high quality, worldwide recognized products; permanent tem (gas meters); iLoggerOIL – Telemetry system for Remote Management, Automation and Control. innovation; Quality Management System. Data Collection, Analysis, Reporting, Storage and Who we do it for: European Space Agency, worldwide Certification and Quality Control: ISO 9000 certification Remote Maintenance of Gas Infrastructures); nuclear fusion laboratories, multinational industrial and process that will warrant the quality of the entire chain. Environment – Water quality (TeleMet – Telemetry gas companies. Areas of application and main cus- This complete design and manufacture control chain system for alarm management and control); tomers: contributes to meeting deadlines and guarantees our Oil tanks; iGasWeb – Web based application for Gas (Shell/ BUTAGAZ, BP, Repsol, Environment – Air quality (ATMIS – Air Quality and SHVGas/PrimaGaz, Galp, Gascan); Environment – Air, Meteorological Data Collecting and Processing); Water and Sewers (Regional Environment Directions, Industrial Automation (iLogger – Battery-powered EDP, Cimpor, Valorsul, Luságua); Industry Automation International Operations and Alliances: Close link to the telemetry system managed by SMS; Munda – (Local industries for turn-key solutions and export market University of Coimbra and to the local research laborato- SCADA RCW are compatible I/O modules for data for iLogger and Munda products); Video Surveillance ry Instituto Pedro Nunes, establishing a bridge for tech- acquisition and transfer to the company’s ERP); and Domotics (Sonae.com, industries, public and pri- nology transfer; multiple partnerships with other compa- Video Surveillance and Domotics (Look@it – Digital vate service buildings and end customers). nies, including sometimes the acquisition of shares in 58 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 17 25 37 966,865 2,034,705 2,292,163 1,245,788 1,684,615 1,814,286 17 15 17.4 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 69.4 58 69 customers are delivered top quality products. Awards: “Innovation Award” (first prize) “Business Performance Award” (second best) at the European Utility Awards (2006); “IT Internationalization” award by ICEP (Portugal Foreign Trade Institute) and ANETIE (National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises). 59 JANELA DIGITAL Informática e Telecomunicações, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Equity Capital W Information Technology ERP and CRM Software and Real Estate Services Provider Abílio Martins, Dr. [email protected] +351 262 840 007 +351 262 840 468 [email protected] Rua Manuel Matos e Sousa, nº 76 2500-283 Caldas da Rainha | Portugal www.interevo.com 1999 € 254,508 Czech Republic Hungary Poland Portugal Slovakia Argentina CEO Statement: “Enterprise and innovation are the key-words. When these two factors are brought together and encouraged, the results are excellent. The Internet illustrates quite clearly the kind of impact innovation can have on promoting enterprise, and projects such as PT Schools, SAPO classified advertisements, or even Janela Digital are some good examples of that phenomenon.” Spain Brazil UK Chile Mexico ho we are: Janela Digital is an Iberian compa- How we do it: In Portugal, Janela Digital develops software development. Solutions have to meet Meeting Point, SAMI, Telephone Exchanges and Telecommunications Centres. ny, providing leading technological solutions and trades Imoguia SME and Imoguia CRM soft- both clients’ and users’ needs, and keep up with for the real estate sector. It was created in 1999 as ware, as well as SW+HW complementary integrated the development of the technology sector, anti- an Internet “start-up” company and after one year, solutions. The company develops and manages cipating future solutions and the moves of our entered into a partnership with the leading telecom- Casa Sapo (the national real estate portal). Since competitors. munications company in Portugal, PT (Portugal 2004, Janela Digital has been commercialising Telecom). Inmofocus Pyme and Inmofocus CRM software, as Certification and Quality Control: Internal quality well as complementary solutions for sector profes- auditing. What we do: We develop and trade ERP and CRM sionals in Spain. From 2006, Janela Digital has been software solutions, as well as Internet-based real commercialising Interevo, the English version of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l O p e r a t i o n s a n d A l l i a n c e s : Sky- estate advertising solutions. Janela Digital offers: latter. scraping development, focused on countries Kiosks (e.g., Window Kiosk –17” Monitor, and Room expected to have high potential in the future Kiosk – 19” Monitor ), pockets, software (e.g., Imoguia Who we do it for: Our clients portfolio in April 2006 (like Eastern European and Latin American CRM and Imoguia SME), web design (like Imoguia included over 1400 real estate mediation and pro- countries), countries whose experience of con- Messenger, and Web Report), Casa Sapo, and Extras motion companies in the Iberian Peninsula. vergence and real estate market evolution are (like Imoguia SME Branch, and Pocket Imoguia considered similar to the Portuguese and the Software), and Services (Imoguia CRM Training and “A W ha t m ak e s u s i n no v at i v e: For Janela Digital, Spanish markets. Partnerships with: TMN, Technician in Your Company for a day”). innovation is vital in its Web-based activity and in Salão 60 Imobiliário de Lisboa, Barcelona Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 40 76 94 1,902,177 1,879,043 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 1.0 8.0 2,379,616 3,028,284 2,395,380 2,467,554 10.0 14.0 1.0 1.0 Awards: Inovaleiria Award (2003), by ANJE (National Association of Young Entrepreneurs), in the “Research and Development” category. 61 Link Consulting, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Consulting and Engineering Services José Alves Marques, PhD [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 213 100 031 +351 213 100 104 [email protected] Av. Duque de Ávila, 23, 1000-138 Lisbon | Portugal www.link.pt 1999 €1,750,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W value Belgium Portugal Spain Israel Angola CEO Statement: “Link is focused on creating value through innovation and close partnership with its clients and business partners. This approach sets the course of our internationalisation. For the SmartCITIES and Interactive Emotions concepts we are active directly or through partnerships in Europe, USA, Brazil and Israel, actively supporting the internationalisation of our clients in Brazil, Spain, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde.” Cape Verde Marocco Brazil Mozambique S. Tome and Principe ho we are: Link Consulting is a Portuguese phones streamline the relationship of the organisa- Angola, Banque européenne d'investissement, BCI Certification and Quality Control: is certified under company whose main mission is to create tions with their customers and business partners, is Fomento de Moçambique, Governo Regional dos ISO 9001:2000, recognizing its competences. Link is in becoming a reality today. Interactive Emotions – Açores, Câmara Municipal do Funchal e Sonae also certified in Security and Safety in the working Information Technology and Communications. The through technological innovation Through a partnership with Beactive, Information Modelo Continente. place under OHSAS18001/ NP4397. company was created in 1999 as a spin-off of Technology has been used to create and boost up INESC, capitalizing on the knowledge and human communities of people motivated by a theme. What makes us Innovative: The flat hierarchy struc- International Operations and Alliances: Link is pre- assets developed within this important Research & ture of Link is favourable to communication and sent with a subsidiary in Brazil and currently has How we do it: Link Consulting has structured its generation of innovative ideas. As a consequence, activities in Belgium, France, Israel, Spain, Morocco, Services, Solutions and Products offer based on a each year Link launches dozens of R&D projects Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique. What we do: The offer is currently structured around very close collaboration with clients facing complex developed inside the business units. Such pipeline 4 main vectors: SmartCITIES – for improvement in challenges frequently in international operations. keeps feeding competences and refinement of Development Institute. several aspects of the daily life of populations in ideas within business units. Most of the R&D pro- large metropolitan areas, through the interoperation Who we do it for: In its list of customers, Link jects are partially financed by R&D agencies. of a single identification device, with different back- Consulting proudly counts with the majority of the However, to ensure that good projects get end systems, which work standalone up to now. large Portuguese companies, with a special empha- financed, an internal contest is promoted each Internet of Things – Link in conjunction with its clients sis Telecommunications, year. One of the fundamental aspects of innovation has developed integration strategies focused on Transportation, Banking and Insurance, Logistics is the identification of the key drivers that sustain ERP, business processes, SOA, identification and Distribution, as well as several important State the innovation cycles within each business line. devices RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and organizations. Recent examples include Vodafone, R&D projects are done in close synergy with wide position systems to support several value chains in Portugal Telecom, Sonaecom, Vivo, Telefónica, ICEP, research network of partners including private logistic and distribution. Internet of Services – The Carris, Israel Railways, Société des Transports companies, Research Institutes and Universities. “virtual enterprise” concept, where electronic chan- Intercommunaux Bruxellois, INEM, Cimpor, Wyeth, INESC and IST are Link natural and privileged nels such as the Internet, mobile devices and Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Banco de Fomento de partners. 62 on the sectors of Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 180 154 199 8,876,000 8,289,905 11 N/A 9,650,359 12,486,873 9,454,700 11,259,611 12.6 N/A 6 N/A 63 M.A.R. KAYAKS, LDA. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Boat Building Industry Design and Manufacture of Kayaks and Other Boats Nuno André Santos [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 22 928 09 24 +351 22 145 42 11 [email protected] Rua das Alminhas, 4485-060 Canidelo VCD | Portugal www.nelo.eu 1979 € 250,000 URL Founded in Share Capital Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Greece Germany Canada Holland USA Hungary Ireland Italy Mexico Latvia Venezuela Lithuania Norway Poland Portugal Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland South Africa Israel CEO Statement: “As the sport was growing in Portugal the company increased its size. After years of accumulating experience and knowledge, Nelo started its international adventure. Today we are one of the biggest companies in the world and without doubt one of the best producing kayaks and canoes.“ China Japan Singapore South Korea Japan Australia 2004 W ho we are: With over 3 decades of experience CNC machine so that they can be tested in live evolved from decades of experience and still is in kayak designing and production, Nelo is conditions. The boats are made of epoxy resin, being improved, our unique manufacturing process, the world’s best-known boat builder for canoe/kayak glass, carbon and/or kevlar fibres and other deriving from different composite techniques, and racing. materials, by hand lay-up lamination, followed by the use of CAD/CAM technologies in this specific a heat curing cycle in a vacuum that takes 16 industry, allowing us to respond rapidly to athletes’ hours. specific needs. What we do: We design the boats for Olympic and world champions’ use in competition, and manufacture them in advanced composite materials, at Who we do it for: Athletes from all over the world, International Operations and Alliances: Besides all our 5.000 m2 factory located in Vila do Conde, national teams, clubs and canoeing enthusiasts. national teams and our own dealers, we are an offi- Portugal. Products are customized for the specific needs of cial partner of the International Canoe Federation, a the athlete, often including small changes in the contributor to its development programme, were the How we do it: Designing the best kayaks involves boat’s shape. This demand for quick adaptation and official equipment supplier for the previous Olympic boat engineering skills, the use of CAD software flexibility the basis of our innovation needs. Games, and we have already an agreement with Beijing organizing committee to be designated once and several hydrodynamics tests and simulations. Prototypes and matrices are built on our 64 What makes us Innovative: Our own design, which more. Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 35 2005 34 1,744,079 2,027,039 97 95 1,256,968 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 2006 33 2,345,030 2,014,257 2,720,962 1.0 2.3 98 Awards: About two-thirds of the medals won in the 2004 Olympics kayaking events were in Nelo boats. Last year, 13 of the 18 gold medals of the Flat Water World Championships went to athletes using Nelo. These medals are the best proof of our leadership; we take each new victory in major competitions as an award for our work. 65 MICROFIL Tecnologias de Informação, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Integrated Information Management Systems (IIMS). Manuel Antunes, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 256 759 100 +351 256 757200 [email protected] Largo das Praças 46, Apart. 77, 3886- 908 Cortegaça Ovar | Portugal www.microfil.pt 1985 €2,750,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Portugal Canada Angola Mexico CEO Statement: “Our success is the result of a deeply held belief in the evolution of the information society and involvement with all those whom we wish to serve better. The secret of our growth is being a company built up through the efforts and dedication of a team founded on values and competences” Mozambique USA ho we are: Microfil – Tecnologias de What makes us Innovative: Considering the innova- Certifications and quality Control: ISO 9001:1995 To support this strategy Microfil is about to finish Informação, S.A. is a Portuguese company tion of products and the services internal processes since 1998; ISO 9001:2000 since 2002; and the incorporation of two local companies to be pre- acting in the Information Technologies industry. The a strategic commitment; promoting an internal inno- Microsoft Gold Certified Partner since 2002. pared to operate directly in these two markets. company aims to be in the forefront of Innovative vative company culture; investing in R&D activities; Technological Solutions in order to offer Efficiency, investing in the younger generation without overlook- International Operations and Alliances: The inter- Competitiveness and Excellence in products and ing the more experienced one; and investing in the nationalisation strategy of the company is focused services in a global market. intellectual capital of each employee. on the PALOP (African Countries of Official Portuguese Language) markets. Microfil has What we do: We develop and implement Integrated How we d o i t: Bringing added value to any recently implemented a reference project at the Information Management Systems (IIMS). These organisation enabling all digital information Ministry Secretary of the Angola Government in solutions are designed to improve the management, (documents or records generated electronically cooperation with a local partner. Additionally, rationalisation, automation of organisational and and/or analogue documents converted to digital Microfil developed decision support processes. format) to be centralised in a structured, orga- Project (Civil a prototype for the NUIC Identification Personal Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2005 2006 66 73 65 4,849,253 5,015,999 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 10 4,910,119 4,188,329 N/A N/A 5,764,028 10 5,556,814 12 Single nised way, controlling the entire information flow, Number) in Mozambique. This project is similar to W ho we d o it fo r : Governmental departments, thereby significantly improving the efficiency of the Portuguese “Cartão de Cidadão” (Citizen ID medium and large organisations such as indus- the processes of information production, pro- Card), but uses a single ID number. It has been trial companies, health institutions, financial cessing, exchange, capture, dissemination and successfully presented to the local official authori- services and utilities. storage. ties in the beginning of this year. 66 Human Resources 2004 Awards: Aplauso Award 2005 – EGP (Oporto Business School) / Millenium BCP; Aplauso Award 2006 – EGP (Oporto Business School) / Millenium BCP. 67 MIND Software Multimédia e Industrial, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital W Information Technology Interactive Media, Industrial Systems, Information Management, Consultancy João Bernardo, PhD [email protected] +351 218 650 260 +351 218 650 261 [email protected] Rua Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Bloco B, 4º D, 1900-649 Lisbon | Portugal www.mind.pt 1997 € 370,000 Portugal CEO Statement: “MIND represents a clear success story in the ever-challenging mission of converting the results of applied research into reliable, innovative products and services capable of succeeding in today’s competitive IT market. After building and consolidating its leadership position in several Portuguese niche markets, MIND is now embarking on the challenge of internationalization with remarkable success.” ho we are: A dynamic and innovative compa- Who we do it for: We have built a vast assortment of business plan in line with the academic, scientific The first steps are being taken to internationalize ny sponsored by a group of researchers and IT systems to address the most critical design and and professional profile of its sponsors from the very solutions for digitalizing and managing large docu- university lecturers. It was founded entirely upon pri- production needs of footwear manufacturers. outset. This innovation potential has been sustained ment archives. vate domestic capital, and has been tied to the Currently more than 150 Portuguese footwear com- by recruiting highly specialized staff, participating in Novabase Group since 2000. Today it has around 35 panies – together with several dozen others around research and development projects, and maintain- highly specialized staff members divided between the world – have purchased and incorporated MIND ing solid partnerships with the scientific and techno- its two branches in Lisbon and São João da solutions in their production processes. We are suc- logical community. Madeira. cessfully adapting these same solutions for other industrial sectors such as the clothing industry, tech- Certification and Quality Control: MIND is a long-time What we do: Design, develop and market innovative nical textiles, furniture and the automotive sector. partner of Microsoft, and is endorsed as a “Gold products and services in the areas of Interactive We have designed and developed management Certified Partner”. It is in the final stages of imple- Media, Industrial tools for municipal and school libraries, local and menting its Quality Management System aimed at Applications (CAD/CAM), Monitoring and Control central government agencies, and companies with obtaining certification in standard NP EN ISO Systems and IT Consulting. large archives and document centres. Finally, we 9011:2000 at the start of the second half of 2007. Information Management, Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 2006 29 33 33 1,243,647 2,676,381 Exports/Turnover (%) 1.0 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 32.0 1,758,447 2,679,674 1.1 25.0 2,203,855 3,323,185 2.5 24.0 pursue a broader market in the areas of Interactive How we do it: Our creative and innovative approach Media and IT Consulting. is focused on constantly reinventing the best possi- International Operations and Alliances: Following an internationalization strategy based on distribution ble solutions for our target markets. We encourage What makes us Innovative: MIND was founded on agreements with multinational partners, our indus- close customer dialogue, anticipating customer innovation, which is part of the company today, and trial systems have been successfully distributed problems and opportunities, deploying innovative will certainly be part of its future. The company was throughout the worldwide market. MIND solutions strategies and technologies, and offering solutions established in March 1997 as a spin-off of AITEC, can now be found in Brazil, Colombia, USA, with competitive advantages and added value. the Business Incubator Centre of INESC, adopting a Denmark, Romania, Indonesia, China and Taiwan. 68 Awards: Microsoft Software Competition - 2003, Project: “RIOS: Water Resource Surveillance System for the Portuguese Water Institute (INAG)”; ANETIE Award, 2001 – IT Companies, Category: Innovation, Product: ShoeCAD 3D; Portugal Digital 2001 – MIND chosen as one of the 5 most innovative Portuguese IT companies. 69 Mobbit Systems Infocomunicação, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technologies IPTV e Interactive Multimedia Systems Henrique Couto Martins, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 180 140 +351 214 180 141 [email protected] Av. Do Forte nº 8, 2795-503 Carnaxide | Portugal www.mobbit.net 2003 €5,000 URL Founded in Share Capital Portugal CEO Statement: “The wide solutions portfolio enables an expansion of the customer base, together with very good prospects on product cross selling. Also the maturity of our IPTV solutions will make possible the deployment of the Corporate TV concept for the small and medium enterprise segment, at a very low cost.” ho we are: Mobbit Systems is a Software ware platforms together with Open Source support What makes us Innovative: Strong investment in the purpose of jump starting the internationalization House and a Multimedia Solution Developing software solutions, and full development in-house, R&D, taking advantage of recently available hard- process for its main products. As in all its activities, company. With a strong focus on innovative systems, enables a very competitive approach to the market. ware platforms, and the willingness to “prepare” the this process will be well planned, self sustained and but always with a clear business objective, our motto The partnerships with academic institutions enabled prospective customer base for new multimedia solu- with clear business goals. The first markets to be tar- is Business Focused Innovation. Owned by its the access to the most innovative human resources tions are some of the differencing factors that make geted are Brazil, Spain and African Countries of founders, and completely debt free, Mobbit Systems as well as highest-level know-how. Mobbit systems an innovative company. However, Official Portuguese Language. W plans now to invest strongly in the internationaliza- we believe that what really marks the difference is Wh o w e d o i t f or : Although still a recently created our complete independence from third parties. As company, Mobbit Systems already has close to an example, the Insight Software solution is fully What we do: Development and Integration of one hundred customers, most of them users of compatible with the three main operating systems Multimedia Solutions for Communication and Insight IPTV software. Mobbit Systems plans to available on the market – Windows, Mac OS and Marketing. Insight Software, Mobbit Systems flag- deploy, in a large scale, as of the third quarter of Linux. This independence has enabled Mobbit sys- ship product, is a cutting edge IPTV and Corporate 2007, its new solution, Inline, for Point of Sale tems to tailor its offers and solutions to each cus- TV software for medium and large companies. customer management. The Mobbit Systems tomer needs, regardless of its computing and net- Mobbit Systems also developed several interactive customers include some of the most important work environment, or any other special requisites. multimedia devices for outdoor facilities. communication companies in Portugal, as well tion process. as many others: Media Capital, Sic, Portugal International Operations and Alliances: Mobbit How we do it: Mobbit Systems assures the end-to- Telecom, Galileo, Hospital da Luz, Prológica, Systems is establishing contacts with several organ- end control of all developed solutions. Open hard- Refer, Cemusa, JCDecaux. isations with a strong presence outside Portugal with 70 2004 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 9 228,590 208,123 0 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 2005 13 2006 15 404,212 671,293 0 0 178,549 13.4 N/A 18.3 71 MOBICOMP Computação Móvel, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Mobile Computing and Wireless Solutions Carlos Alves de Oliveira, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 253 305 250 +351 253 305 251 [email protected] Rua Peão da Meia Laranja, 43 R/C Dto – Maximinos, 4700-241 Braga | Portugal www.mobicomp.com 2000 € 200,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal Spain UK CEO Statement: “Innovation is the company’s DNA and a key factor to a successful business strategy. Our market leadership is sustained by coming up with innovative products, which provide quality and value added to our customers, and which stand out as the outcome of a long research and development process.” Dubai ho we are: MobiComp is a mobile solutions backup and restore solution in the marketplace. It can subscribe to new services and products – from RSS International Operations and Alliances: MobiComp provider that creates value for mobile operators protect any kind of content held on a mobile device feeds to blogs and Mobile TV. has a track record in partnering for the development and service providers through the protection, sharing from contacts, calendars, text messages, photos, and discovery of mobile contents. Through its videos, music, bookmarks, ring tones and applications Who we do it for: MobiComp’s customers include TMN Gemalto, Nokia, HP, Microsoft, Symbian, Sun MobileKeeper™ family of integrated products, to business files like Microsoft Word and Excel. The (Portuguese mobile market leader and third European Microsystems, Enabler, and OMA. MobiComp provides a comprehensive service that is backup takes place automatically, directly to a secure operator to introduce UMTS services); Vodafone; unmatched in the marketplace, helping operators to web site, so that data can be easily recovered – and Optimus; Al Jawal (Saudi Arabia); Optimus (Portugal); get maximum value from 2.5G and 3G networks by managed - via a simple, secure web interface. Share it: Cellcom (Israel); Esprit (a leading global apparel and providing value-added data services that users find MobileKeeper Sharing & Communities is the perfect accessories retailer); Millenium BCP (the largest pri- genuinely useful and are willing to pay for. tool for the burgeoning trend of mobile social network- vate financial group in Portugal) among others. W of business solutions. Partners include: Ericsson, ing. Users can create, share and download contents What we do: MobiComp creates value for service for personal communities and networks or publish con- What makes us innovative: By using leading edge tech- providers and operators by developing real solutions tents directly to blogs and social networking sites such nology and methodologies, MobiComp is able to imple- to meet the genuine, everyday challenges faced by as Flickr, Blogspot and Hi5. Discover it: MobileKeeper ment advanced mobile solutions on schedule. Due to their customers. Our products forge stronger relation- service discovery includes the latest product in the sound development methodologies, its solutions are ships between operators and users, improving customer suite, the Active Mobile Ticker™ - a zero-click applica- designed for flexibility and low maintenance costs, so management capabilities and increasing customer tion that pushes aggregated, personalised information that they can work now and in the future. These two loyalty and satisfaction. Most importantly, they drive to subscribers via an always-on, scrolling ‘ticker’ that issues are extremely important in mobile computing due usage of sophisticated data services - creating new, runs along the bottom of the screen when the device is to the fast pace of technological change, and the rapid sustainable and scalable revenue streams. in idle mode. It’s a win-win that provides a direct and evolution of industry standards and mobile devices. powerful channel for: Operators to push personalised, How we do it: Protect it: MobileKeeper Backup & high-value contents and services (as well as adverti- Certification and Quality Control: ISO 9001:2000 certi- Restore is the most comprehensive ‘over the air’ mobile sing) directly to customers; Customers to discover and fication. Microsoft certified partner. 72 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 20 26 N/A 1,248,900 N/A 1,388,439 1,573,087 4.3 14.0 1,134,478 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Awards: Prémio de Soluções Empresariais de Mobilidade 2006 (“Mobile Business” Category). Prémio TI Inovação (“Most Innovative Company”) by ANETIE (National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises) in 2000. 73 MOVENSIS Serviços de Apoio a Comunicações, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Mobile Solutions Market Vasco Pinto Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 220 660 +351 214 220 669 [email protected] Edifício Qualidade B2 Av. Prof. dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, n3 - 2A - Porto Salvo 2740-296 Porto Salvo | Portugal www.movensis.com 2000 € 500,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Georgia Portugal Spain CEO Statement: “2006 was a turning point for Movensis. We prepared for the new coming year, 2007, by increasing our operations abroad, namely in Angola, Brazil, Spain and Georgia. We became prepared to support and endorse our services beyond national borders. Our goal is to achieve global positioning in Mobile Solutions for Banking and Financial markets and to promote networking to increase economies of scale. Any company, regardless of its size or business, is a potential client for Movensis.” Angola Marocco Brazil ho we are: Movensis has been focused on nary teams: software development, testing, con- BCP (Major Portuguese Bank), Nestlé, Optimus, International Operations: Movensis currently takes the mobile solutions market since it started sulting services, process re-engineering and tai- Público and Vodafone (Major Portuguese opera- part in partnerships that assure it’s leading com- in September 2000. Movensis is fully committed to lored software solutions. Movensis has implemen- tor). petitive position. Some examples of such partner- developing mobile solutions for its customers. ted a set of platforms using its infrastructure to W ships are: IST (Public University in Lisbon), offer the most sophisticated Mobile Marketing What makes us innovative: Movensis’s competitive Ericsson, Microsoft and Oracle. More recently, What we do: Movensis delivers complex, sophisti- solutions, targeting both mass market users and strengths are based on a combination of human Movensis has established partnerships with other cated state-of-the-art mobile based services and specific controlled groups. These solutions are resources expertise, state-of-the-art technology, Portuguese institutes and universities. solutions (SMS, MMS, WAP, GPRS, PDAs, UMTS provided on an ASP (Application Service Provider) consistent innovation and strong market focus. and Bluetooth technologies). Some of our prod- model basis. Being strongly committed to innovation, Movensis has a dedicated R&D team and has created strong ucts, such as the SMS Bank, SMS Mail and SMS4all are now considered a market reference. Fo r wh om we d o i t: Movensis’s mission is to industry partnerships. Through the implementation SMS Bank is also recognized as one of the most enable the success of our customers through the of unique projects, such as Mobile-TV, M-Value con- successful mobile solutions in the financial market design and implementation of mobile solutions sulting services, SMS Bank, Movipaga, or mass- and is now being extended to support a payment that simplify their business and improve pro- market products such as SMS4all, Movensis covers gateway: Movipaga. Mass Market user solutions fitability. Movensis’s products and services all mobile world solutions. include SMS4all News, SMS4all Fun&Friends, SMS address Business Manager and the newest product - Movensis has customers in 13 countries covering Certification and Quality Control: The company SMS4all Community Edition. all five continents: Assembleia da República encourages its personnel to identify opportunities Portuguesa, BAI (Investment Bank in Angola), to improve internal and external processes. This How we do it: Movensis has developed a wide set BPI (Portuguese Investment Bank), BMCE Bank information is then used to improve Movensis’s of competencies and skills based on multidiscipli- (Bank in Marroco), CP, Clix, Inesting, Millennium global efficiency. 74 real customer needs. Currently, Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 15 16 26 1,487,138 1,573,040 2,535,912 0 1 54 1,473,214 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 1,566,476 28 2,322,365 30 Awards: Optimus Award 2005 for Business Mobility Solutions (“Public Utility Services”category). 75 MULTICERT Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Information Security Industry Francisco Velez Roxo, Dr. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 217 123 010 +351 217 123 011 [email protected] Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa, Cid – Lote 1 1600-546 Lisbon | Portugal www.multicert.com 2002 €2,250,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Portugal CEO Statement: “MULTICERT solutions use emerging and mature technologies (PKI, smartcards, biometrics) that increase data and transaction security and enable strong authentication for public and private e-services, in order to optimize the business performance of our customers. MULTICERT creates value for its customers by innovating and developing secure e-solutions for the genuine everyday challenges that our customers face moving information and processes from the physical World to the IT e-World.” h o w e a r e : MULTICERT – Serviços de Electronic Vote, the company retains an integral part Who we do it for: The widespread potential of MULTI- oped and managed solutions (Citizen Card and Electronic Passport). Certificação Electrónica S.A. is a company of the EMV/CAP Authentication Platform and of the CERT services and solutions is perceived from actual broadly connected to the new information and Electronic PostMark (MDDE) and Electronic Invoice and developing nation-wide projects. Prominent communication technologies, focused in electron- services/solutions. clients include the Portuguese Government, Direcção International Operations and Alliances: MULTICERT Geral do Tesouro, INCM, Ordem dos Advogados, CTT, has not yet defined its internationalization strategy. ic certification and electronic communication / transaction security. Specialized in this area the How we d o it : Our technically skilled and entre- Sindicato dos Bancários de Sul e Ilhas, SIBS, However through a local partner (Safeweb), MULTI- company began its activity in 2002, having CTT preneurial human resources have been suppor- AutoEuropa, PT, among others. CERT has already entered the Brazilian market. (Portuguese Post Office), SIBS (Portuguese ACH ting and developing innovative electronic com- and inter-banking services operator), INCM merce and electronic based business solutions, What makes us Innovative: MULTICERT is a pioneer (Portuguese Mint) and Portugal Telecom as stock- for a long time. As our market is moving fast in the development of new services and solutions holders. MULTICERT is committed to providing towards new Information Security opportunities, needed in a trusted and secure e-information / e- electronic certification services for security in the we are continuously and pro-actively providing transaction environment (MDDE is one of the first electronics business, and to valuating, diffusing new solutions to actual and future demands, and Electronic PostMark services in the World, and is a and stimulating the development of the Digital also extending our existing services and solu- case study of the Universal Postal Union; our Economy, in Portugal and in Europe. tions to provide state of the art functionality, each Electronic Voting platform has already been a case backed by our unrivalled experience and study of several MSc thesis). The constant invest- What we do: MULTICERT range of products and resources. From the innovation experiences we ment in new technologies, involvement in research services goes from the issuance of digital certifi- have successfully achieved in the past, we are programs and collaboration with universities and cates (individual, web server, codesigning and building new solutions based on emerging and research centres contribute to the continuous others) and mature technologies (PKI, smartcards, biome- improvement of our services and solutions. Government. But the company's core lies in its larger trics) that increase data and transaction security projects/solutions. Besides the Portuguese Citizen and enable strong authentication for public and Certification and Quality Control: MULTICERT is Card, the Portuguese Electronic Passport and the private e-services. starting an ISO 27001 certification of two own devel- 76 to PKI Systems for Enterprise Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 16 20 32 1,341,564 1,641,816 1 25 1,505,680 2,514,199 1,833,775 3,422,062 1 25 2 25 Awards: Innovation APDC/Siemens IC Award (2005 – final shortlist with the MDDE Electronic PostMark service). 77 Nautilus – Indústria e Comércio de Mobiliário, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Furniture School Furniture Vitor Barbosa, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 224 507 420 +351 224 507 429 [email protected] Rua Senhora da Livração, nº1250 Foz do Sousa 4404-909 Gondomar | Portugal www.nautilus.pt 1996 €1,650,000 URL Founded in Share Capital Portugal Spain UK CEO Statement: “Nautilus has had annual growth of over 30% since 1999, the year the current management team took over. On the one hand, this has allowed the company to invest in innovation and the research & development of new products, while, on the other, to consolidate the internal market on almost all business fronts and explore external markets. We are currently expanding Nautilus United Kingdom and preparing to open Nautilus Spain, where there exist excellent opportunities, above all in the schools sector.” ho we are: We manufacture furniture for different How we do it: By encouraging our prescribers, com- What makes us innovative: We have launched Uni_Net, Certification and Quality Control: Nautilus was awarded segments of the market: schools, training facili- prised mainly of teachers, and supporting our staff which includes a class management software that ISO 9001 certification in March 2004. We have also esta- ties, auditoria, libraries, kinder-gardens, social centres and partners. We also foster research into new solu- allows teachers to interact with each individual student blished special partnerships with J.P. Sá Couto, Porto and for the designer furniture market. Nautilus specia- tions and technologies. Nautilus already has a trai- or with the entire class, and vice-versa, and we have Editora, Promethean, Decitrel Inovação and Ludomédia. lizes and focuses its core business on the education ning room equipped with new technologies for inno- improved the Interactive School concept to encourage segment, aiming to base its development on intelligent vative teachers. Alongside this, we visit schools students and teachers to create their own content. At International Operations and Alliances: Nautilus is well furniture and providing products based on its interested in using our ideas to demonstrate to both Nautilus there are two main departments: NITEC, positioned to consolidate its position in the UK and Spain Interactive School concept, which comprises both teachers and students the potential for a school Research and Development of New Products, and and to operate in the rest of the EU, United States and hardware and class management software and con- managed with contents rather than with books and NIPE, the Innovation for Education Department, which Canadian markets. tents. to transmit the joy of learning in a more active and surveys the opportunities which lead to an improve- dynamic way. ment in education through new content and new lear- W What we do: Development and conception of integrated ning methods. In this area we have already promoted products/solutions and concepts for education and Who we do it for: We mainly focus on those involved in the International Innovation Meetings for Interactive space solutions for libraries and similar facilities. Our aim the educational system, i.e., teachers, decision-makers, School which will take place at Exponor, included in has been increasingly focused on innovation for export institutions, private and vocational schools, universities Eduk@ - Cidade do Conhecimento. Additionally, a into different markets, using the Interactive School con- and public schools. The most recent examples of institu- nationwide contest will be launched aimed at promo- cept as a lever, a concept which has been fully deve- tions using Interactive Schools are: the Faculty of ting the creation of content in schools throughout the loped in Portugal, by Portuguese, and awarded the Psychology in Lisbon, the Vocational School in Tábua, country. We will also be launching the Itinerant WORLDDIDAC AWARD 2006, the world’s most presti- the Vocational School in Arganil, the kinder-gardens in Interactive School and relaunching the “Dar à Língua” gious education sector award. As a certified company, the Oliveira do Hospital Municipality and primary schools project, to support the Portuguese language in the quality is also a major focus. in Albufeira. Portuguese-speaking communities. 78 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 45 40 40 2,056,000 2,483,000 3,381,000 N/A 7.5 10.9 4,226,000 N/A 4,558,000 5.0 N/A 7.4 Awards: Uni_Net - Worlddidac Award 2006 79 NECTON Companhia Portuguesa de Culturas Marinhas, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Biotechnology; Agriculture and Food Microalgae Biotechnology, Traditional Marine Salt, Marine Biotech R&D. Vítor Verdelho Vieira, Dr. [email protected] Belgium +351 289 703 961 +351 289 703 474 [email protected] Belamandil 8700-152 Olhão | Portugal www.necton.pt 1997 €150,000 Norway Denmark Germany Italy Portugal Brazil CEO Statement: “Our mission is to market innovative products from scientific knowledge in Marine Technologies.” Russia USA Spain Switzerland Japan ho we are: Necton is devoted to the exploita- Who we do it for: In the microalgae market, Necton serve saline microalgae of many genera. Current production Certification and Quality Control: Necton´s products tion of natural resources through marine tech- several hatcheries in Portugal, Spain, Norway and species Nannochloropsis, have Nature & Progres, Certiplanet, Kosher, and Eco- nologies. The main business areas are traditional Ireland; we sell our microalgae product also to aquari- Phaeodactylum, Haematococcus, garantie certification. The company is currently involved sea salt production and microalgae production. ums all over Europe. In the certified hand harvested sea Odontella and Dunaliella. Others may be produced Necton started as a spin-off of the Biotechnology salt market, Necton is in the retail market, serving clients upon request. There is also a wide expertise in College from the Catholic University of Oporto. as Modelo/Continente and Pingo Doce and as well, carotenoids (beta-carotene, astaxantin...), poli-unsatu- Kaufhof in Germany and MIGROS in Switzerland, in the rated fatty acids and phycobiliproteins. What we do: Specialised since 1997 in the produc- gourmet market, Necton have importers in more than 10 In the field of Sea Salt, Necton is the main responsible for tion and processing of compounds from microalgae, countries all over the world. the introducing of the product Flor de Sal in Portugal; our W available are: Porphyridium, main innovation is related with product diferentiation that Necton was able to achieve a leading position in the sector of microalgae applications for aquaculture. What makes us Innovative: Necton is a leading compa- came from the quality, origin and methodology certifica- The company is also involved in the large scale pro- ny in the field of microalgae biotechnology. The available tion and packaging; with the help of the famed por- duction and commercialization of traditional salt and scientific, technological and market knowledge involves tuguese chef, Vitor Sobral, Necton is developing new flower of the ocean, for retail and fine food markets. applications for the Feed, Aquaculture, Agrofood, Health added value salt products designed to be used on spe- Food and Cosmetic Sectors. The company has a large cific applications. How we do it: The company is backed by a strong scale microalgae production technology using photo- Since late 2006, Necton have a R&D department that is R&D effort, either internal or through a cooperation bioreactors that range from the small scale (50 litres plas- being built in the frame of ADI (Portuguese Innovation network with a wide range of partners. The current tic bags) to flat-plate advanced photobioreactors 5000 Agency) NEOTEC program; this department aim to con- staff includes PostDocs and MSc's, and several vi- litres. The proprietary technology of the company makes centrate the R&D effort in a way to bring new products to siting researchers also support the R&D activities. it possible to cultivate freshwater, sea salinity and hyper both biotech and agrofood company activities. 80 in the ISO 9001 and HACCP certification process. Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 20 30 32 750,000 980,000 1,000,000 70 65 62 670,000 N/A 860,000 N/A 1,150,000 N/A Awards: In 2001, Necton won the Slow Food award. In 2003, Necton won the prize “Company of the year” from the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture. In 2006, Necton won an innovation prize “BESInovacao” for a R&D project in the field of renewable energies, biodisel production from microalgae. 81 NEWVISION Sistemas Inteligentes para Soluções de Atendimento, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Queue Management and Self-Service Solutions Paulo Carvalho Costa, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 217 101 660 +351 217 101 620 [email protected] Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa Edificio Empresarial 3, 1600-546 Lisbon | Portugal www.newvision.pt 2000 € 500,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Belgium Greece Germany Italy Norway Portugal Russia Mexico Serbia Angola Cape Verde Morocco Mozambique Tanzania CEO Statement: “Our mission is to lead the introduction of new concepts and technologies into the market by providing innovative, value-added integrated services and solutions and associated services, while responding to the specific specifications of each sector, business and customer. Our ultimate goal is total customer satisfaction in the aim of reaching global market leadership.” Slovakia Spain China Singapore UAE ho we are: NEWVISION is a Portuguese techno- Service Equipment; channel management such as ny can improve its efficiency and competitiveness by ideas and solutions with its partners, which can repre- logy-based company that offers a wide and glo- branches network (face-to-face channel) and equipment being committed towards environmental quality, innova- sent added value for customers. It has partnerships with bal range of solutions and products focused on the pu- network (self-service channel); unified multi-channel tion and competence. companies like: TOBE (Angola), Wincor Nixdorf (net- blic services sector. management, where we can pull unified data from all the W service channels with a global view. What we do: Solutions for several areas of activity such working), Papelaco Cabo Verde Lda., IECISA and Certification and Quality Control: NEWVISION ensures Telefonica (Spain), Q-Matic Norge AS (Norway), ARCUS continuous knowledge upgrading for new products and (Poland), Ibis-Sys Siemens (Serbia) and ISKRA (Russia). as mail delivery, central administration, education, local Who we do it for: Our relationship with our customers is working methods, in order to turn acquired knowledge government, healthcare, transport, utilities, telecommuni- one of the essential reasons for our existence. Our client into the development and production of solutions that, on cations, and leisure. Our development strategy includes portfolio includes: Angola Telecom (Angola), Belgium the basis of their innovating power, functionality and interaction with the public, channel management and DePost (Belgium), Banco Comercial do Atlântico (Cape opportunity, can protect and guarantee a healthy return unified-channel management. Verde), ABN AMRO (UAE), Águas de Canarias (Spain), on a customer’s investment. NEWVISION maintains high Governo de Hidalgo – IBM (Mexico), Hospital S. Pedro service levels in after-sales support; ensures the right How we do it: NEWVISION has technical competences de Logroño (Spain), Posten Norge (Norway), Poste conditions for operating profitability, based on a com- and experienced staff specialized in areas like industrial Italiane (Italy) and Correos y Telégrafos (Spain) and mercial policy of respect, equity and justice for cus- design, mechanics, electronics, firmware, software and Àguas de Moçambique. tomers and suppliers; ensures compliance with the legal requirements relevant for the company’s activity; and is databases, so that our solutions are developed considering all the options required to deliver a better quality What makes us innovative: NEWVISION provides atten- committed to the effective fulfillment of all the points in its final product. We encourage teamwork in order to imple- dance solutions for the global market, and is a technolo- Quality Manual, by involving all staff in the Quality ment projects in harmony with our customers’ needs. gy-based enterprise with the main goal of providing System. Our development strategy includes: interaction with the attendance global systems based on its own line of qua- public, through all the different channels available (web, lity products and designed for several service areas. International Operations and Alliances: Relies on net- call-centres, face-to-face, self-service), through Queue Being a strongly innovative company, at every step of the working with its partners. The company shares common Management System Solutions, Corporate TV, and Self- way, NEWVISION provides an example of how a compa- values such as integrity, honesty and passion for new 82 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 19 30 2,783,826 3,290,762 4,499,546 12 N/A 2006 39 3,379,975 3,586,571 4,560,684 21 22.8 38 20 Awards: Profitability ANETIE (National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises) Awards (2002); Innovation BPN Award (2004); Internationalization Performance AIP (2004). 83 OUTSYSTEMS, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Solutions Paulo Rosado, Eng. Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 153 730 +351 214 153 731 [email protected] Rua Central Park, Ed.6 2ºA 2795-242 Linda-a-Velha | Portugal www.outsystems.com 2001 € 2,317,931 URL Founded in Equity Capital [email protected] Holland Portugal Spain USA CEO Statement: “We focus on speeding up the IT delivery process. We help IT personnel to deliver business applications into the hands of business users much faster, while accepting their feedback as part of a natural organic process. Enterprises need to change fast and operate in real-time. We allow the IT organisations that support them to also operate in real-time.” UK ho we ar e: OutSystems is a multinational of extensibility and customization found in inte- What makes us innovative: The OutSystems Platform needs and Education Partners who deliver high quality software company that provides an agile gration suites or custom development frame- enables enterprises to build, change and operate training in OutSystems technology. Some examples: software platform to build, change and operate works, the OutSystems Platform is helping a applications that integrate with existing systems easily Accenture, Altran-CIS, Arquiconsult, Capgemini, Darwin, enterprise applications that integrate with exis- diverse range of businesses deliver their appli- in order to reach new users. OutSystems reduces the Getronics, Gigsoft, Infosistema, Keep it Simple, Logica ting systems and reach users via web browsers, cations in weeks, instead of months or years. TCO of business applications, provides full control with CMG, Novabase, Roff, Timestamp, VCS-Group, Viadata, centralized management, efficiently aligns IT with the Wedo Consulting and Zero70. W email and mobile interfaces. OutSystems operates directly in the US, UK, Holland, Portugal Wh o w e d o i t f or : The combination of OutSystems business, removes the risk of building business appli- and Spain, having established global partner- all-in-one application delivery platform and agile cations, leverages existing systems and allows com- ships for other regions. methodology provides an innovative approach panies to operate applications with no headaches. for multiple business process integration scenarWhat we do: OutSystems helps IT departments ios. Customers worldwide are reducing the risk Certification and Quality Control: OutSystems pro- become highly effective service organisations of building, and the total cost of ownership of, vides a complete support model, with clear SLAs where applications are deployed in half the time, enterprise examples: and support levels. A complete support certification and constant organizational changes and user Consumer goods (BSH, Compal, Fima-Lever- process is in place to ensure the quality of the feedback can be reflected in hours or days. Iglo); High Tech (SonaeCom, SurfControl); resources providing this support to customers. Applications are created quickly and can be easi- Insurance ly modified during any phase of the project with Group); Life sciences (BMS, Sanofi-Aventis, International Operations and Alliances: OutSystems has very limited risk. Total operation costs are reduced Tercica); Telecommunications (Oi, Oni, Optimus, Solutions Partners that extend our offer with industry spe- by at least 30% when compared with traditional Telefonica); Transport & Infrastructure (ANA, cific solutions; Value Added Resellers who market busi- alternatives. Brisa, REFER); Utilities (EDP, Eneco, E.ON ness solutions that include OutSystems software; Services applications. (Crédito Some Agrícola, Van Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2005 2006 31 60 81 N/A N/A N/A 6.0 30.3 38.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ameyde Benelux, Oxxio). OutSystems has a total of 66 Partners who help customers implement their own busi- H o w w e d o i t : By combining the productivity customers in six countries and operates in 11 ness solutions; Business Consulting Partners who partner offered by visual modelling tools with the level different industries. with our customers to create the best solution for their 84 Human Resources 2004 Awards: Red Herring 100 Europe Award Finalist: 2005, 2006 and 2007; GESVENTURE award, Category "Internationalization", 2003; ANETIE (National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises), "Companies Award" Information Technologies, 2002. 85 PLASDAN Máquinas para Plásticos, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Equity Capital Industrial Equipment Plastic Industry, Project Management, Tooling and Packaging Solutions Paulo Silva Araújo [email protected] +351 244 572 110 +351 244 572 112 [email protected] Rua 52, nº 44 – Trutas, 2430-520 Marinha Grande | Portugal www.plasdan.pt 1989 € 1,247,000 Benelux Denmark Portugal USA Spain CEO Statement: ““The company’s goal is to create added value for the customers through the supply of flexible and cost-effective manufacturing systems in order to maximize productivity in the plastics industry. The key to Plasdan’s success is our development of options aimed at using customers’ existing equipment for new products for which they would normally be forced to invest in new high-cost machines. Therefore, a lot of experience, know-how, engineering and R&D is required. One of the best examples is the multi-component area, where we enable our customers to inject multi-component on their standard machines using our equipment as injection units, rotary tables or C-Frames.” India ho we are: Plasdan has its headquarters in tions, Injection Stretch Blow moulds (PET), Who we do it for: Among others, we supply turnkey I n t e r n a t i on a l O p e r at i o n s a nd A l l i an c es : Plasdan Marinha Grande and is present through own Injection Blow Moulds (PP-PE), Thin and Normal solutions for the automotive, houseware and pa- has signed cooperation protocols with several companies or agents in the Benelux, Germany, wall moulding, and Caps & Closures; 4) Medical ckaging industries. universities and research units. Currently, among Scandinavia, USA and India. We supply the plastics industry: Induo diabetes test strips, containers, industry with turnkey engineering, project manage- speculum, etc. W ment, tooling and multi-component & packaging solutions. others, the company is taking part in the folloWhat makes us innovative: We provide our customers wing projects: Pegasus, Eurotooling, Green- with cost-effective and flexible solutions by investing in moulding, SimeI&DT. How we do it: Our team has developed flexible R&D. Innovation based on our competitive and com- manufacturing solutions for maximum productivi- parative advantages in tooling and mainly multi-com- What we do: Plasdan provides the automotive, ty. In the multi-component area, we turn a stan- ponent technology makes use of our vast experience houseware, packaging, medical, etc. industries dard machine into a multi-shot capable machine & know-how in the tooling business. We also invest with integrated engineering and tool-making through our tools, injection units and rotary strongly in patent registration. expertise: engineering, project management, tables. Plasdan has developed a new stack prototyping, rapid tooling, tool-making, multi-shot mould rotating device. The assembly shaped like Certification and Quality Control: The Company and packaging solutions. Examples of manufac- a letter “C” – and thus referred to as a C-Frame invests in highly qualified technical staff and conti- tured tools: 1) automotive industry: interior (door rotary table - allows interchangeability between nuous training. Plasdan is certified to ISO 9001:2000 panels, venting systems, handles, glove compart- multiple moulding machines, along with the abili- standards and bases its Quality Policy on several ments, etc.) and exterior (bumpers, lighting,etc.) ty to hold any appropriately designed mould. The fundamental parameters, such as efficient manage- parts; 2) houseware industry: kettles, coffee system is currently pending patent. In the pa- ment of human resources and raw materials, a per- machines, vacuum cleaners, lighting parts, etc. ckaging area, we have developed rotary injec- manent commitment to innovation and partnerships 3) packaging industry: Food & Beverage packa- tion-stretch-blow moulds, which can function in with suppliers and clients, with a view to producing ging solutions, Pharmaceutical packaging solu- traditional injection machines. product excellence. 86 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 45 42 42 10,395,931 8,380,124 11,775,811 14,227,145 15,845,283 15,317,603 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 83.5 N/A 86.7 1.8 86.7 1.8 87 Priberam Informática, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Development João Prieto, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 217 817 260 +351 217 817 279 [email protected] Alameda D. Afonso Henriques, 41 – 2.º 1000-123 Lisbon | Portugal www.priberam.pt | www.flip.pt | www.legix.pt 1989 €60,000 URL Founded in Share Capital W Czech Republic Ireland Norway Poland CEO Statement: “With a very strong presence in the field of Natural Language Technology & Law Knowledge Management Systems, Priberam is consolidating its presence in Brazil and has partnerships in the emerging East European markets, the new EU members Poland and the Czech Republic. The company continues its mission, started nearly 18 years ago, of building useful systems to help people be more productive in their tasks.” Portugal USA Angola Brazil Mozambique ho we are: Priberam Informática, founded in How we do it: We develop leading edge technolo- tinuous investment in highly trained human resources, Czech, Norwegian and Polish companies success- 1989, was one of the first spin-offs of the IT gies and products that are sold worldwide directly participation in European and national R&D projects fully used Priberam’s technology to develop tools for industry. Currently Priberam has a multidisciplinary and through business partners namely Microsoft that as well as established connections with the best their languages. In 2007 a stronger presence in the team including software engineers, linguists and licensed Priberam’s linguistic technology to use in its groups in academia, research institutes and compa- Brazilian market will be made effective through the lawyers producing a range of products and services products. nies. Priberam is a CMU-Portugal Industrial and partnership with one of the biggest publishers in Institutional Affiliate participating in the long term col- Brazil. Priberam also has business partners in of proofing tools for the Portuguese language and Who we do it for: A huge number of people use our laboration program between Carnegie Mellon Angola e Mozambique. the market leader in the law-knowledge manage- systems, namely the tens of thousands of Microsoft University and the Portuguese Government. ment systems field in Portugal. customers that use Office on a daily basis, the lea- that made the company the world´s leading supplier ding twenty law firms operating in Portugal and the Certification and Quality Control: Priberam pio- What we do: The company’s core business is the millions of users of the Portuguese Online Dictionary neered the certification of software products and Natural Language Technology development and available on www.priberam.pt/dlpo. was the first Portuguese ISV achieving the Microsoft Law Knowledge Management Systems. Priberam is Gold Certified Partner status. Turnover (€) Exports/Turnover (%) focused on the development of productivity tools, What makes us Innovative: The urge to constantly from proofing tools to law information systems that improve Priberam’s products and services by incorpo- International Operations and Alliances: In 2000 help individuals and organisations achieve more rating state of the art technology, content and features Priberam became one of the few Microsoft linguistic quality and productivity in their work. The main com- in a creative way, making them “the best tools for the tools suppliers. The company is also co-founder of pany products and services are FLiP and LegiX. job”. This goal is accomplished by a strong and con- the Natural Language Understanding Consortium. 88 Human Resources Total Assets (€) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 24 24 25 970,824 1,144,652 1,094,619 18.2 28.1 26.4 640,518 57.9 1,273,254 75.3 1,277,399 68.1 89 PRIMAVERA Business Software Solutions, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology ERP and CRM Software Supply José Dionísio, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 253 309 900 +351 253 309 909 [email protected] Edifício Olympus II Rua Cidade do Porto, nº 79 4704-541 Braga | Portugal www.primaverabss.com/ 1993 € 850,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal Spain Angola Cape Verde Brazil Guinea-Bissau CEO Statement: “With a very strong presence in the PALOP (African Countries with Portuguese as the Official Language) markets, PRIMAVERA BSS is now turning to more demanding markets like Spain. Over the next five years, the company intends to build a global brand supported by competitive software solutions for the building sector, in which it is a leader in Portugal, and for some parts of the manufacturing sector.” Mozambique S. Tome and Principe ho we are: PRIMAVERA BSS develops avant- on the needs of each business, covering the whole developed platforms, which enable digitalisation become in the medium term a reference for all garde solutions that respond in advance to value chain, which allows each company to adopt of business processes, has been one of the com- Portuguese companies involved in international the future needs of companies. PRIMAVERA BSS is the best management practices, based on highly pany’s cornerstones. Through our management expansion and that require a computer solution one of the 500 largest European companies with productive and dynamic organizational mecha- solutions, we seek to place innovation at the for integrated management. greatest growth potential, a ranking promoted by nisms. service of business competitiveness. Constant W Growth Plus. investment in new technologies, involvement in Who we do it for: Around 35,000 companies (repre- research programs and collaboration with univer- What we do: Development and marketing of ma- senting a universe of more than 100,000 users on a sities and research centres contribute to the con- nagement solutions and platforms for the integration daily basis) use PRIMAVERA BSS’s management solu- tinuous improvement of our products. of business processes in a global market, providing tions to organize and manage their business proces- solutions to small, medium and large organizations, ses better. PRIMAVERA BSS’s customers include com- Certification and Quality Control: PRIMAVERA has and to the public sector. panies from various sectors: human resources, commer- been ISO 9001:2000 certified since 2002. cial management, CRM, business intelligence, enterprise How we do it: We encourage entrepreneurs and portals, mobile sales, as well as specific solutions for I n t e r n a t i o na l O p e r a t i o ns a nd A l l i a nc e s : In addi- decision-makers to adopt new working models, sup- the civil construction and public works or industry sec- tion to innovation, our strategy encompasses a ported by technologically advanced solutions that tors. Recent examples: Universidade dos Açores, move towards international expansion. Since enable business management optimisation. PRI- FDO, Reagro, Euro Atlantic Airways, Leirisport, 2005, this has been the company’s main deve- MAVERA BSS offers a vast array of solutions for Uchiyama, Jacquot, Rentilusa. lopment driver, with solid plans for the PALOP organisations to place innovation at the service of Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2005 2006 84 119 117 5,974,509 7,109,382 7,915,692 3.4 6.2 11.0 3,740,939 R&D Invest./Turn. (%). 21.8 4,539,157 18.9 7,613,479 23.6 (African Countries with Portuguese as the Official competitiveness, thus providing a decisive contribu- W h a t m a k e s u s i n n o v a t i v e : The incentive to Language) and entry into the Spanish and tion to business management optimisation. We focus adopt electronic mechanisms based on Web- Brazilian markets. The company also hopes to 90 Human Resources 2004 Awards: COTEC/BPI SME Innovation Award (2006). 91 QUIDGEST Consultores de Gestão, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Engineering Cristina Marinhas, Dra. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 213 870 563 +351 213 870 697 [email protected] Rua D. João V, 2 - 6º Esq 1250-090 Lisbon | Portugal www.quidgest.pt 1988 € 24,939 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal Spain Angola CEO Statement: “At Quidgest, innovation is a permanent commitment. We improve our software creation process on a daily basis. Through higher quality information systems, we are playing an important role in the technological revolution of our time and contributing to a society based on more intelligent and more rational productive structures.” East Timor ho we are: Quidgest is a software engineering Built to change: Quidgest solutions evolve accor- advantages through flexible and exclusive infor- Genio’s automatic generation capabilities. QuidNet company implementing a disruptive strategy ding to the customer’s needs and priorities, without mation systems. is structured to deliver technology and services that for the IT sector, based on the creation and improve- effort. Instead of months, we take days to add new ment of automatic code generation processes. modules and functionalities whenever it is neces- What makes us Innovative: A unique software engine- solutions. Currently, Quidgest already has develop- sary. ering process. Genio Technology is the result of ment poles in Barcelona and East-Timor. W What we do: provide competitive and cost-effective business Quidgest R&D project to identify patterns present in Quidgest develops enterprise solutions, namely for: enterprise resource planning, How we do it: From its early beginnings, the compa- every information system and match these pieces, like a supply chain management, asset management, ny has dedicated its R&D resources towards soft- construction game, to build complex solutions. Genio is customer relationship management, financial ma- ware automatic generation. This led to the creation a strategic tool of the highest importance, either to nagement, human resources, balanced scorecard, of Genio, a highly productive platform that has been Quidgest or to its clients, providing six core benefits: strategic management and health care. used since 1991 for the production of all our informa- speed; integration; user participation; cumulative expe- All these solutions, currently more than 200, are: tion systems. With Genio, Quidgest dramatically rience; continuous improvement; zero errors. Built to make a difference: Exclusive information sys- reduces the time needed to develop software, with tems provided by Quidgest are the key to retain ten times faster implementations. unique competitive advantages reflecting compa- Certification and Quality Control: Quidgest is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. The company is ny’s own core competencies; Wh o we d o i t f or : Quidgest clients are govern- also preparing its Quality System for the ISO Built to fit: Quidgest development method is ment institutions (our solutions are present in all 9001:2000 certification. designed to adapt to companies’ procedures, rather Portuguese ministries), supranational organisa- than forcing their business to adapt to packaged tions and mid- to large- sized companies, aware International Operations and Alliances: Quidgest is software impositions; of the importance of achieving competitive building a worldwide network of partners that share 92 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 25 28 33 1,076,189 927,423 0 47.2 1,138,238 1,654,247 1,060,689 1,697,118 9.9 40.6 8.2 40.6 93 SISCOG Sistemas Cognitivos, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Equity Capital Information Technology Transportation João Pavão Martins, PhD. [email protected] Denmark Finland Holland +351 217 529 100 +351 217 529 101 [email protected] Campo Grande 378 - 3 1700-097 Lisbon || Portugal www.siscog.pt 1986 € 50,000 Norway CEO Statement: “SISCOG aims at creating innovative solutions that meet the needs of its clients on a continuous basis, leading the market for decision-supporting systems for resource planning and management.” Portugal UK ho we are: SISCOG is a software company understands that just a “black box” optimisation Railways), VR (Finnish Railways), and London International Operations and Alliances: In 1993, that provides decision-supporting systems for algorithm is not satisfactory for resource planning Underground. SISCOG became the first Portuguese software com- resource planning and management for transporta- and management as it cannot provide explanations tion companies. SISCOG is specialised in the field of about the decisions placed in the solution, and solu- W h a t m a k e s u s i n n o v a t i v e : The founders of percentage of turnover generated by export sales railways. tions cannot be manipulated in order to be adapted SISCOG had just completed PhDs in artificial intel- has been over 90% of the total. to changing circumstances or ill-represented cons- ligence in the US when they decided to create the W pany to begin exporting. In the last ten years, the What we do: SISCOG develops both products and traints. SISCOG approached the solution to the company. Innovation was therefore one of the dri- projects. SISCOG offers two products, CREWS and problem by providing three integrated operation ving forces behind the company from the very FLEET, that address staff and rolling stock modes: the manual mode, where planners make all start. SISCOG decided to build a product to han- resources, respectively. These products include a decisions; the semi-automatic mode, where the sys- dle the resource-planning problem in transporta- powerful optimizer and cover in an integrated man- tem suggests possible ways of solving the problem, tion companies. Although several companies were ner all the phases of the resource planning cycle, but the planner decides which one is best; and the working on a solution to this problem, SISCOG’s particularly long-term planning, short-term planning, automatic mode where the system does it all by approach was unique. It proposed a decision-sup- real-time dispatching, and control. Integration is itself. This flexibility is one of the key factors separa- porting product, based on a “white box” approach achieved through seamless data flow and a unified ting SISCOG’s solutions from those of the competi- heavily reliant on the use of computer graphics. person-machine interaction. The products are used tion. The use of the product allows full interaction W h o w e d o i t f o r : SISCOG’s clients include system, coupled with a powerful optimizer, pro- major national railways and underground rail vides solutions and accepts suggestions. How we do it: SISCOG has in-depth knowledge of systems resource planning in transportation companies. Railways), NSB (Norwegian State Railways), CP Certification and Quality Control: SISCOG has SISCOG’s addresses one of the most important (Portuguese Railways), Lisbon Underground, implemented ISO 9001:2000 compliant Quality issues companies face today: productivity. SISCOG DSB Systems. 94 Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2005 2006 40 45 53 1,313,237 1,725,475 N/A 0.8 0.8 0.9 2,068,379 93.0 2,570,043 3,184,757 100 100 between the planner and the system where the for the development of systems customized to the needs of specific clients. Human Resources 2004 in S-tog Europe: NS Reizigers (Copenhagen), DSB (Dutch (Danish Awards: Innovative Application Award by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (both in 1997 and in 2003). Computerworld Honours Medal (2006). 95 SKYSOFT PORTUGAL Software e Tecnologias de Informação, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Equity Capital Information Technology Aeronautics, Space, and Telematics Markets Software Alberto de Pedro Crespo, Eng. [email protected] +351 213 829 366 +351 213 866 493 [email protected] Av. D. João II, Lote 1.17.02, Torre Fernão Magalhães - 7º Parque das Nações - 1998-025 – Lisbon | Portugal www.skysoft.pt 1998 € 1,400,000 Europe CEO Statement: “Skysoft Portugal acknowledges that keeping up to date with the progress of cutting-edge technology is the key to the future, and relies on continuous research activities and on a talented, skilled and motivated team to keep its major commitment of offering innovation – through the development and use of value-added technologies – to its clients and partners.” ho we are: Skysoft Portugal is a technology How we do it: Aeronautics: Development of high What makes us innovative: By building new genera- European players, such as AXA Portugal, the and systems provider in the areas of integrity and critical safety systems for modular tion aircraft avionics systems based on modular and European Space Agency, TMN Portugal, SIBS - Aeronautics, Defence, Space and Intelligent avionics, air/ground data-link communication, and standardized components, Skysoft contributed early Sociedade Interbancária de Serviços, Thales Transport Systems. airline operations; On-Board software: Product on to the definition and validation of some of the Avionics, BAE SYSTEMS Avionics, EADS – W development for onboard certifiable software (air- standard avionics computing platforms with compa- Airbus; and plays an important role in both Wha t we do: The Aeronautics, Security and craft, space systems); Security: Research & nies such as BAE SYSTEMS Avionics, Airbus, Thales national and international consortia for break- Defence (ASD) business area works with highly Technology development of security and crisis ma- Avionics, and Smiths Aerospace. through projects. qualified engineering know-how and a strong R&D nagement solutions; Defence: Development and investment orientation, with specific knowledge of supply of engineering solutions for the defence Certification and Quality Control: Skysoft pursued state-of-the-art avionics architectures and asso- industry. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS): Road, and achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2001, from ciated test systems. Mobility, Telematics & Rail, Maritime; Mobility: Location-based Services the internationally-recognized certification body Business Solutions, business with investments on (LBS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), BVQi. In mid-2003, the company improved its R&D, specially in real-time computing, communica- Fleet Management Solutions (FMS); Information and Quality Management System to comply with the new tion protocols, testing techniques, web solutions, Communication Systems: Web Solutions, Business ISO 9001:2000 standards, and obtained the new intelligent transport systems, mobility, telematics, Process Management, Quality Management. certification. Skysoft's Quality Management System business intelligence, business process manage- (QMS) incorporates international industrial software ment, location-based systems, as well as develop- Who we do it for: As a competitive supplier of software- standards like RTCA 178 B and ESA ECSS stan- ment and certification standards. The Space busi- intensive systems, Skysoft assists players such as Airbus dards in its process provisions. ness area includes Satellite Communication Industries, Alcatel Space, BAE SYSTEMS, Thales Systems, Satellite Navigation Systems, Earth Avionics, the European Space Agency, and many oth- International Observation and Scientific Missions. ers, meeting technology development objectives. Cooperates and works with some of the major 96 Operations and Alliances: 2004 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 57 2,551,781 2,104,216 73 N/A 2005 2006 58 63 3,147,329 4,582,342 2,617,619 5,484,087 72 9 75 N/A 97 STAB VIDA Investigação e Serviços em Ciências Biológicas, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Biotechnology Biomedicine Orfeu Flores, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 469 765 +351 214 469 740 [email protected] Av. da República, Estação Agronómica Nacional, Edif. ITQB, 7º piso, apartado 89, 2781-601 Oeiras | Portugal www.stabvida.com 2001 € 150,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal Spain Argentina CEO Statement: “The main advantages of STAB VIDA are: its deep knowledge of the medical and scientific market, its close relations to some of the best national research teams, its capacity to turn ideas into profitable products and services, its highly qualified and motivated team, capable of providing services and providing clients with customised support throughout the entire process.” Italia Brazil Chile Australia USA ho we are: STAB VIDA is a genomics and pro- European research teams, leading two European operates from an established customer base in International Operations and Alliances: Projects and teomics company, with a strong science-to- Consortiums. These European Consortiums have led the life sciences community, governmental insti- R&D commerce focus and backed by PME Capital SA to the creation of a genomics and proteomics unit tutions, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, Infogenmed, UE-hotsolutes, Adl-PYM, Adl-Iberoeka, and Caixa Capital, SA. (Euromics) aimed to the provision of new products and hospitals. With the increasing demand for Adl-Internationalization. and highly qualified services in the areas of molecu- genetic testing in animals, humans, as well as in W What we do: STAB VIDA was created with the intent lar biology. other specialized genetic services, the company of developing new products and services for the life By expanding its sales and marketing efforts and its is well positioned for the future. sciences research and clinical areas. Currently it e-commerce platform, STAB VIDA intends to take provides genetic services including DNA sequen- advantage of the many cross-selling and cross-uti- What makes us Innovative: our capacity to harness cing, oligo synthesis, DNA arrays, genotyping, and lization opportunities that exist in the market and innovation and adopt new technologies in biotech- small genome sequencing, as well as human and rapidly expand internationally. nology through research and development, techno- veterinary genetic testing. logy transfer, and proper commercialization of proWh o w e d o i t f or : STAB VIDA aims to be THE ducts and services in the global market. How we do it: R&D, validation and commercial HOME FOR GENE TECHNOLOGY and earn a exploitation of new products and services to the reputation in Europe for high quality genetic Certification and Quality Control: Patents like PT102282, global market. R&D is performed by STABVIDA’s research and services upon which it can expand PT102305, PCT/PT00/00004, PT102306, PCT/PT00/00005, research team, in an joint effort with national and to additional profitable markets. The company PCT/ES97/00179, PT102773, and PT102872. 98 Consortiums Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) like UE-Hipersolutos, UE- 2004 2005 2006 10 15 15 173,301 302,204 445,609 818,805 995,751 1,108,943 39.4 35.5 40.1 6 15.6 38.6 99 STAP Reparação, Consolidação e Modificação de Estruturas, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Construction Structures Rehabilitation Vítor Cóias, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 213 712 580 +351 213 854 980 [email protected] R. Marquês de Fronteira, 8 - 3º Dtº 1070-296 Lisbon | Portugal www.stap.pt 1980 € 1,555,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal CEO Statement: “We are like surgeons working on structures. In our country, people are much more interested in constructing completely new buildings than in recovering old ones, and soon we started to go against the stream. In total, the company has already completed more than 1300 rehabilitation projects for top customers.“ ho we are: STAP seeks to respond effectively three major areas: recent constructions, ancient con- CTT, Multi Development Corporation S.A., BRISA, Refer, International Operations and Alliances: LESSLOSS to market needs by providing specialised structions, and foundations and underground struc- EP, IPPAR and City Councils. Project, involving a large number of European parti- construction and structural services. The company tures. In order to maintain and strengthen its leader- is strongly focused on knowledge and innovation. ship and to improve its competitiveness, the compa- What makes us Innovative: The search for the best structures (about 47 participants consisting of com- ny makes a constant effort of organisation and spe- solutions requires the ability to innovate, supported panies and R&D units). What we do: Provide high quality structural rehabili- cialisation, with particular attention to technological by the continuous monitoring of the international re- The LICONS Project, in which several European tation services that meet our Clients' needs and developments. novation market and the company's own research companies and research units took part, regarding and development efforts. conservation systems for timber structures. W expectations, using our specialised knowledge cipants, aiming at seismic upgrading of existing effectively and efficiently. STAP upholds an integra- How we do it: With our specialized crews, state of ted approach to structural and foundation problems. the art technology and almost three decades of Certification and Quality Control: Due to the specific When different intervention strategies for rehabilita- experience in solving problems involving the patho- nature of techniques and materials used, STAP ting a building or a structure are possible, finding the logy, restoration of buildings and infrastructure, implements best one and establishing the ensuing corrective STAP is fully qualified to apply the most suitable throughout its projects to ensure the effectiveness of measures require, in each case, a preliminary diag- techniques in each situation. the intervention and the durability of the results. nosis that allows for a complete understanding of the its Quality Management System Since 1996 the company has been making organiza- significance of the problems to be dealt with. Who we do it for: Main clients comprise Industrial Plants, tion and structuring efforts to establish a Quality Resorting to its qualified personnel, advanced Maritime Facilities, Existing Buildings and Structures, Management System (QMS). The QMS obtained its equipment and materials, STAP is then capable of Bridges and Overpasses and Ancient Buildings and APCER certification (1999) for "structure repair, con- applying a wide range of advanced rehabilitation Structures. Main clients are such as Repsol, Petrogal, solidation, and alteration", completing its transition to techniques. Currently, STAP provides services in CIMPOR, EDP, APS, Docapesca, Lisnave, BES, CGD, the NP EN ISO 9001:2000 standard in 2003. 100 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) 2004 2005 76 76 7,073,991 6,891,775 7,726,637 0.3 0.2 11,300,798 10,612,513 Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 0.0 0.7 0.3 2006 72 9,450,761 0.5 101 TEandM Tecnologia e Engenharia de Materiais, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Engineering and Steel Materials Engineering Augusto Vaz Serra, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 239 980 430 +351 239 980 439 [email protected] Parque Industrial de Taveiro, Lotes 41 e 42 3045-504 Taveiro | Portugal www.teandm.pt 2000 €1,250,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Germany Portugal CEO Statement: “TEandM, S.A. provides high performance coatings. Our aim is to ensure client satisfaction and trust, by delivering high standard performance solutions. Developing new solutions, improving existing techniques, ensuring the development of our own personnel and a socially responsible practice, are TEandM’s essential values.” Spain ho we are: We started in the 80’s with sis to research and development, as essential fac- innovative solutions for our clients, based on new are the result of a successful relationship between advanced coatings, developing surface tors in innovation, the engine of economic growth. coating materials and design. Continuous product the TEandM team, technological infrastructures, uni- resistance properties, in order to improve materials This unique know-how is then incorporated into development, performance improvement, and versities and industry. Strategically, one of TEandM’s subject to wear by abrasion, erosion and friction, products for national and international industries. strong commitment to meeting customer demands values is the establishment of agreements and part- are the company’s goals. The development of cus- nerships with companies and national/ international corrosion and oxidation; and to improve electrical, electromagnetic and thermal behaviour, optical Who we do it for: Our team is comprised of qualified tomized products tailored to customers’ needs leads R&D institutions with relevant know-how in materials properties and biocompatibility. We are materials technicians in mechanical and materials engine- to strong partnerships with clients, and allows for the engineering. We also benefit from the international and surface engineering experts. ering with a solid technical, technological and scien- development of a higher quality experience in the network (mainly in Europe and South America) of our tific knowledge of product, production and mainte- joint creation of unique value-added products. associate DURIT Corporation. What we do: Application according to client’s require- nance in different industrial sectors, allowing strong ments – aeronautics industry/ automotive industry technical support to be provided. Furthermore, pre Certification and Quality Control: TEandM has a /electrical industry / electronics industry and others. and post support services are provided to clients, Bureau Veritas certified Quality Management We can comply with customer specifications or covering from component design to the end of the System. Applicable quality standards are: in the improve/develop new and innovative solutions/pro- solutions/products’ life cycle. Clients include ITP aerospace series: EN9100:2003 and AS9100 rev B. ducts. We deliver, via an international network, top (ROLLS-ROYCE), TYCO ELECTRONICS, NESTLE, The scope is: “COATING AND PRODUCTION OF products to more than 10 of the world’s most competi- PARMALAT, SEW EURODRIVE, REPSOL, CEPSA, PARTS AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS FOR tive economies (Germany, Spain, Sweden, France, DANONE, CROWN CORK, GESTAMP, SODECIA, AEROSPACE, MEDICAL AND OTHER INDUSTRIAL England, USA, Canada, Israel, etc.). GENERAL DYNAMICS, GROHE, UNICER, COMPAL, APPLICATIONS” PORTUCEL, SOPORCEL, AUTOEUROPA. 9001:2000. the incorporation of value into products for the diffe- What makes us innovative: Technological leadership International Operations and Alliances: Research & rent industrial sectors, TEandM gives critical empha- is one of our values. It allows for the development of Development: new advanced products and services including also BS EN ISO How we do it: Carrying through a strategy to support 102 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 9 10 9 957,819 988,935 R&D Invest./Turn.. (%) 17.0 4.0 1,053,477 1,400,356 1,303,740 1,360,630 16.2 5.0 17.0 6.0 103 TECMIC Tecnologias de Microelectrónica, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Electronics Fernando Moreira, MSc [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 214 228 800 +351 214 228 809 [email protected] Taguspark Av. Prof. Cavaco Silva, Edifício Ciência II, Nº13 3ºA 2780-920 Porto Salvo | Portugal www.tecmic.pt 1988 € 231,620 URL Founded in Equity Capital Portugal CEO Statement: “Our products are configured to clients’ specific requirements. Other success factors are the investment of one fifth of our revenue in Research and Development and a network of 10 commercial, development or systems integrator partners, allowing for the supply of integrated solutions.” ho we are: Tecmic develops professional How we do it: The entire development cycle (from Who we do it for: Tecmic offers fleet management Box, Tele Atlas. To further this goal, we are current- applications for fleet management and remote the basic idea to final implementation) is performed for: sea and land-based passenger transport (taxis, ly taking part in SENSATION – Advanced SENsor equipment management and access control, allow- entirely in-house, using our own human and techni- buses), goods/va- development for ATtentION, stress, vigilance & ing substantial cost reductions and optimum cal resources. Best practices are applied to the luables/deliveries and for distribution and logistics; sleep/wakefulness monitoring, TECNOVOZ, ma- resource management for many different types of development of hardware and software: controlled land-based transport for security forces like public naging machine through command voice, OIL- companies. Tecmic has been part of the Aitec group and documented development flow; compliance security forces, fire brigades and paramedics; and PRODIESEL, sensor monitoring development for – one of the largest in the IT field - since 1988. with formal or "de-facto" standards (programming land-based transport for product support. oil recycling containers. W land-based transport for languages, operating systems, database manageWhat we do: We provide complete hardware and ment systems, PC-based hardware architectures, What makes us innovative: Through continuous inno- software solutions that allow for substantial reduc- etc.); interconnection between modules or subsys- vation, Tecmic is now the market leader in the solu- tions in operating costs and for resource optimisa- tems based on standard interfaces (physical links or tions it provides. Tecmic provides companies with tion, which translates into greater profit margins and buses, automatic and real-time information on all relevant improved success, empowering companies to thrive between software modules); components sourced in the most adverse market conditions. Tecmic pro- from suppliers who are leaders in their markets and vides integrated products and solutions, systems who provide the best guarantees; major re-use of Certification and Quality Control: Tecmic is currently development, consultancy, engineering, and after modules for the creation of new systems and pro- awaiting ISO 9001:2000 certifification. sales services. Tecmic provides fleet management, ducts, which improves functionality while providing remote equipment and vending machines, monito- the most up-to-date implementation possible; deve- International Operations and Alliances: Motorola – ring of recycling points, waste collection manage- loped modules that are scalable, providing easy Tetra System Application Partner; other partners ment, access control and clock point systems. future upgrades at marginal costs. include VODAFONE, INOV, ZAPP, LINK, Vision- 104 communications protocols, interfaces activities undertaken outside their facilities. Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) 2004 2005 2006 23 23 24 2,276,596 2,385,850 2,046,905 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,105,694 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) N/A 5,064,310 7.0 5,684,825 20.7 105 ViaTecla Soluções Informáticas e Comunicações S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Information Technology High-Availability Business Critical Solutions Development for the Enterprise Market Pedro Seabra, Eng. [email protected] Portugal +351 212 723 500 +351 212 723 509 [email protected] Rua Torcato José Clavine 11-A Piso 01 2800-592 Almada | Portugal www.viatecla.com 1996 €50,000 Spain CEO Statement: “The know-how in developing critical business solutions for customers, deeply understanding the business model, with strong customer-oriented professionals, led ViaTecla to referral solutions in Portugal. Now we are moving into the large international markets, in order to expand globally the brand of our products, like the tourism management suite KEYforTravel Server, leader in Portugal for its concept that disrupts the traditional travel business operating model, delivering new business opportunities.” ho we are: ViaTecla's commitment is to keep a business models. This is possible only due to continuous What makes us Innovative: ViaTecla constantly invests in three competencies, apart from ISV, that support its strong focus on developing agile, critical solu- R&D investment. We face each project as an opportuni- in new technologies, having an internal department focus: Information worker, Integrated e-business tions to support customers' needs by deep under- ty to deliver competitiveness through business manage- full-time focused on investigating, testing, and deplo- Solutions, and Database management. The early standing customers' own business models and ment optimization, offering global solutions covering the ying the new knowledge basis for the operational adopter positioning is a threshold to sign NDA agree- rules, and doing that with a very dedicated, cus- whole value chain. This positioning thus allows each structure. Since 1996 our solutions and platforms ments with international, global software houses, tomer oriented team with only one goal in mind: to organization to adopt the best management practices, strictly rely on Web technology, having installed a granting both new technology awareness, and new get the customer fully satisfied and with the right based on a highly trustworthy and dynamic information strong commitment to be a reference player, with refe- business opportunities, namely “WEBTV/ MSTV”. The tools to carry on its own business. flow, in real time. This implies rigorous planning together rence products world-wide, through continuous company develops also partnerships with main cus- W with the client, understanding its real needs for today and improvement responding to, and inducing market tomers and specific global providers like GDS Galileo, What we do: ViaTecla is focused on developing software tomorrow. ViaTecla Software is focused on the concepts needs. ViaTecla actively establishes partnerships with to incorporate business know-how into the platforms of using Web technology stack, based on a strong know- and logical architectures of the solution, beyond its tech- R&D centres and Universities to improve the team the business. how and understanding of the new Web business mo- nologically advanced components. ViaTecla Software skills. Recently, ViaTecla and Universidade de Évora dels´ challenges. To support this approach, we conti- structures in three main specialized areas, i.e., vertical signed a cooperation protocol. nuously investigate new technologies, and new working projects, software development, and operations. International Operations and Alliances: The strategy of methods for the development and implementation of vertical management solutions and customized platforms Who we do it for: Our main customers are Medium and internationalization is considered the critical engine for built to always give the customer the best answer: value. Large Organizations, including the Public Administration company growth, and includes the presence in Spain Furthermore, our services coverage the endto-end tech- sector, in the most diverse economic sectors (Media; in the short-term, having already business partners to nical business cycle, from conception and implementa- Financial Heavy work in each of those markets locally. Collaboration is tion to maintenance of all operations performed through Industry; Travel Industry). For instance, the two major the keyword for projects and organisations to succeed our solutions. Portuguese tourism groups use our systems to support in today's competitive business environments. completely the whole operation performed through the ViaTecla Software is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Services; Telecommunications; How we do it: ViaTecla has a costumer oriented profes- internet and physical stores. ViaTecla Software´s main having demonstrated a level of technical expertise sional team, with strong technical skills on new Web objective is to develop reliable products and implement and proven capacity to build solutions (ISV) on the technologies, and deep know-how of the emerging Web successful projects. Microsoft technology stack. The company is certified 106 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 20 27 30 916,666 824,708 N/A 10.6 1,543,047 1,883,285 1,038,381 1,553,405 N/A 13.4 N/A 16.7 Awards: GALILEO: Innovation Award (2005, 2006). 107 VORTAL Comércio Electrónico, Consultoria e Multimédia, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital W Information Technology Development and Management of Electronic Markets (emarketplaces) Rui Dias Ferreira, Eng. [email protected] +351 210 325 000 +351 210 325 010 [email protected] Rua Julieta Ferrão n.º 12-12º 1600-131 Lisbon | Portugal www.vortal.biz 2000 €2,500,000 Portugal Spain CEO Statement: “Having grown continuously since 2001 and achieved two billion euros in transactions, Vortal operates Europe’s most dynamic e-purchasing platform for the construction sector through econstroi. We will continue to build our Vision in this way: to be the leader in the electronic marketplaces where we do business, and to be recognised for our innovation, quality, distinction and contribution to our customers’ competitiveness.” ho we are: Vortal is a Portuguese information of whom are university graduates, along with a net- focus on R&D enabled Vortal to file patent applica- nents (Europe, Asia and Africa). Vortal’s business technology company. It has more than 20 work of agents covering all of Portugal and Spain. tions within the United States Patent and platforms and customer service are multilingual Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2006 for its new (English, Portuguese and Spanish) to better han- Who do we do it for: More than 3,300 companies do “Guaranting ™” service, an electronic guarantee of dle requests from other regions. business in our e-marketplaces, including 70 of the payment system brokered by financials institutions What do we do: We develop and operate innovative 100 largest construction companies, major oil com- for improved purchaser/supplier cash manage- multi-sector e-business platforms that enable com- panies and major public transport and infrastructure ment. panies and the public sector to carry out the entire management companies. A significant number of negotiation process and corresponding electronic municipalities and public institutions launch their Certification: Vortal is currently pursuing certification contracting, from requisition to payment. public tenders electronically. in ISO Standard 27001 (Information Security). shareholder companies, including the Mota-Engil, PT and BES Groups. How do we do it: Targeting the construction, indus- What makes us Innovative: Vortal invests 13.5% of International Operations and Alliances: Vortal has trial, energy, utilities, office supply and public sec- company revenues in R&D. We develop innovative partnership agreements with leading international tors, these platforms are used by companies of dif- solutions aimed at complete electronic business consulting firms and leading ERP software manu- ferent sizes, structures and profiles. With a strong integration through our research laboratory on the facturers. Its internationalisation began in 2004 focus on the market and company competitiveness, campus of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa’s opening an office in Galicia – Spain, with a local Vortal identifies and develops new products and Faculty of Science and Technology, and by coo- team. It expanded its scope through a partnership services to enhance the electronic contracting perating with a number of other entities in the with a local partner with customers throughout all process. Vortal has a staff of 70 professionals, 70% National Technical/Scientific System. Its strong Spain. The company has customers on 3 conti- 108 2004 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 36 3,095,020 5,057,134 N/A 9.1 2005 2006 48 60 4,072,237 4,480,438 4,611,617 4,017,412 N/A 11.8 N/A 13.5 109 WeDo Consulting Sistemas de Informação, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Consulting Rui Paiva, Eng. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 210 111 400 +351 210 111 401 customerservices@wedoconsulting Edifício Picoas Plaza, Rua do Viriato, nº13E, núcleo 6, 4º andar, 1050-233 Lisbon | Portugal www.wedoconsulting.com 2000 € 250,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital W France Germany Portugal Spain UK CEO Statement: “Although we are working in an extremely competitive market, we are currently recognized as leaders in Revenue Assurance and our solutions have been selected by several fixed and mobile operators in Europe and Latin America” Malaysia Brazil Egypt ho we are: WeDo Consulting is a consulting support, marketing and sales. Business Intelligence: Customers like Brisa, Via Verde, Açoreana, International Operations and Alliances: International company in Information Systems with compe- consulting, development and implementation of Vodafone, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, Vimpelcom, strategy based on service provision to the telecom- tencies in the areas of Relationship Management, Business Intelligence solutions, with information models Amena, Auna, TeliaSonera, Oi, Telemar, Telefonica, munications market (fixed and mobile telecoms Business Intelligence, Net-business and Corporate (adjusted to the different needs of each company’s busi- Brasil Telecom, Optimus, Novis, and AIS. operators, cable TV, Internet service providers). Solutions, and one of the world’s leading Revenue ness areas) providing managers with information and Assurance solution providers. indicators needed for business knowledge, enabling What makes us innovative: Facing market chal- such as Informatica Corporation, Oracle, Microsoft, suitably based decision-making. Net-business:: design lenges, launching new services enabling customers SAS, Hyperion, and Siebel Systems. What we do: WeDo Consulting can play a crucial and implementation of transactional systems for Internet to differentiate operators; maintaining customer loy- part in the development of your organization. Our and Intranet applications, in their front-end, back-end alty by differentiating initiatives to support customers commitment translates into the value of the services and integration components. Development of e-busi- and providing innovative and quality services on a we provide and what it represents for the construc- ness products, aligned with the specific reality of diffe- continuous basis; controlling the efficiency of opera- tion of our customers’ future business. We focus on rent markets and technologies, to support project and tors, maximizing revenue in order to improve finan- products that meet the particular demands of busi- consulting areas through specific licensing. Corporate cial performance, freeing and channelling funds to ness operation and efficiency, including: Customer solutions: consulting, analysis and support for process the aforementioned initiatives. Knowledge Solution, Commission Management definition, development and implementation of business System, Integrated Collections System, Revenue supporting solutions in areas of process automation, Certification Assurance Integrated Driller, Roaming Management resource management and control, billing, collection, Consulting is an ISO9001: 2000 certified organi- System and iDeal – Alliances Management. revenue assurance and management, with emphasis on zation, and a member of the GSM Association, as the operative capabilities of activities, resources ma- a provider of billing applications and systems. nagement and optimization. Additionally, it is internationally certified on SAS How we do it: Relationship Management: Consulting, WeDo Consulting develops projects with companies and Quality WeDo Management solutions for management of relationships Who we do it for: Market knowledge, consultants’ cation CRM and consequent Certified Soft and contact channels unification – front-office, service, seniority, Advisor (CSA) status. 110 projects accumulated experience. Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) Control: technology. It has obtained Microsoft Certifi- development, and implementation of Relationship Human Resources 2004 2005 2006 227 230 227 20,771,000 24,569,000 25,729,000 14,622,000 17,305,000 21,756,000 R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 24.0 2.0 30.0 1.7 31.0 2.1 Awards: Special Mention – COTEC SME Innovation Network Award (2006); Data Warehousing Institute – Best Practices Award in the category of “Right Time Business Intelligence” (2005). 111 WINTOUCH Sistemas de Informação, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Phone Fax E-mail Address URL Founded in Share Capital Information Technology Retail Software and ERP Solutions Carlos Pacheco Veiga, Eng. [email protected] Portugal Spain Luxembourg +351 253 240 555 +351 253 240 559 [email protected] Rua José António Cruz, 24 4715-343 Braga | Portugal www.wintouch.pt 1999 €44,892 CEO Statement: “A focus on retail and hospitality software, providing simple and intuitive software, as well as 24-hour support to customers, are the reasons for our growth over the years.” Angola Cape Verde Mozambique ho we are: Wintouch is one of the major play- most intuitive solutions to our clients. Our Point-of- ducts”. We strive to use the most up-to-date tech- solutions in these countries, with high growth expec- ers in software development for the Portu- Sale solutions are amongst the most complete and nologies in our products. The recent shift to tations in the markets for which we develop our solu- guese market. Focusing mainly on solutions for the easiest to use, available on the market. The techno- Microsoft.NET platform is a major example of how tions. With the current local resellers as the founda- retail W brand logical effort we put into the development of our we embrace new technology visions. “Simplicity at tion, the main goal is to gradually develop a network “Wintouch” has now become one of the “de facto” products, together with the skills and will of 200+ your fingertips”. The focus on simplicity of use is one of resellers, since we do not intend to promote a standards for these markets. resellers in six countries, result in a strong portfolio of of the most distinguishing attributes of our products. direct local representation of our company, for the solutions. This allows our product users to attend to We aim to supply the easiest to use software on the near future. What we do: Developing solutions for the Retail and the needs of tens of thousands of clients, day in day market, without any concession regarding the com- Hospitality sectors / industries has been our main out. pleteness of the solution. “One market-One solu- and hospitality industries, the tion”. Instead of adapting already made products to activity for the most recent years. Inevitably and gradually, the company has been pushed towards Who we do it for: “Undercolors of Benetton”, “Fuji fulfil the needs of new markets, our vision is always more general purpose markets such as ERPs, thus Films”, ”Sporting Club de Portugal Stadium”, to start from a new foundation for each new solution. enlarging our portfolio with a broader range of solu- “Burger King”, “Pans&Company”, “Escuela de Based on a common set of tools, the building of tions. However, we are still strongly committed to our Hostelería de Leioa”, are some of our 6000+ clients. each new product starts almost from scratch, in traditional markets, which today account for the Ranging from small businesses to some major com- order to fulfil 100% those market requirements. majority of our income. panies, our customer base is now spread over 10 How we do it: “Simplicity and usability above all” different countries, mainly Portugal, Spain, Angola International Operations and Alliances: We now and Mozambique. have solid relations with partners located in our main markets abroad: Spain, Angola and Mozambique. could be the motto for our solutions. With an in-depth knowledge of the markets we target, the key factor What makes us innovative: We could highlight the These companies account for the local representa- for success is the attention we pay to delivering the following reasons: “Technologically updated pro- tion of our brand, promoting and developing our 112 Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 13 18 19 786,996 938,189 827,204 2.6 1.7 2.6 514,101 N/A 551,546 1.4 574,055 4.8 113 WIT SOFTWARE Consultoria e Software para a Internet Móvel, Lda. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Software Development Luís Moura e Silva, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 239 801 030 +351 239 801 039 [email protected] EN1/IC2, Km 185,6, Banhos Secos - Santa Clara 3040-032 Coimbra | Portugal www.wit-software.com 2001 € 5,000 URL Founded in Equity Capital Germany Portugal USA Brazil CEO Statement: “Our mission is to remain focused on the technologies for mobile telecommunications and to gain recognition in the market as a leader in specific software applications. The ultimate goal is to reach the global market through the marketing of innovative products.” Africa ho we are: WIT-Software is a software compa- How we do it: We rely on a team of highly-skilled What makes us innovative: The company’s back- Market), EF-Tecnologias (Banking sector), Alcatel ny that creates mobile applications and ser- people with excellent expertise in mobile technolo- ground is based on strong links to the university. This Portugal (Telecommunications sector), ICS (Chile), vices for telecommunications operators, and pro- gies. Our expertise includes: Mobile Internet means we have built a reputation in R&D activities Numidia (Tunisia) (Content/Application Provider sec- vides technical consulting and software develop- Technologies; SMS and MMS Messaging Platforms; and we have qualified resources for that. We main- tor), Brisa (Motorway operator). ment for any company interested in exploiting the Mobile Multimedia ; Location-based Services (GSM, tain an internal laboratory, where we prototype new mobile Internet business. WIT-Software was founded GPS); Mobile Portals (Web, WAP, PDAs and TV); ideas and technologies in order to gain a time-to- in March 2001 as a spin-off company from the Programming in Palm OS and Pocket PC; SIM Toolkit market advantage and in the innovation aspects of University of Coimbra. Most of our staff have been and Smart Cards; J2ME and Symbian Applications; our solutions. working in software for the telecommunications Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMax; Micro-payments Solutions; industry since 1997. Mobile Content Delivery Platforms; IMS-based solu- Certification and Quality Control: WIT-Software has tions; Voice and Video over IP solutions. obtained ISO 9001:2000 certification granted by W What we do: We develop software products and Bureau Veritas Quality International. services for the mobile consumer market; we pro- Who we do it for: Our major clients include the vide consulting and engineering for EAI and we tar- Telecommunications sector (Vodafone Portugal, International Operations and Alliances: WIT-Software get the development of application servers that com- Vodafone Global, Panasonic USA and Airborne products are used in many markets including seve- plete the VAS mobile infrastructure. Our excellence Entertainment); the Banking sector (Caixa Geral de ral European countries, North Africa and North in these areas has led to strong strategic partner- Depósitos America. Strategic partnerships have been esta- ships with companies like Vodafone Portugal, for (Procter&Gamble); Media & Entertainment (SIC/ blished with the following companies: whom we have been working since 1999. Impresa); and Space (European Space Agency). Entertainment (North-American Mobile Consumer 114 and Banif); the Retail sector Airborne Human Resources Turnover (€) Total Assets (€) Exports/Turnover (%) R&D Invest./Turn. (%) 2004 2005 2006 11 14 15 811,983 791,572 21.8 N/A 771,080 927,649 8.3 11.6 597,028 739,941 31.2 17.0 115 YDREAMS, S.A. Sector Activity Main Activity CEO E-mail Information Technology Technology Solutions António Sousa da Câmara, PhD. [email protected] Phone Fax E-mail Address +351 212 949 683 +351 212 952 380 [email protected] Madan Parque, 2829-516 Caparica | Portugal www.ydreams.com 2000 € 604,717 URL Founded in Equity Capital W Portugal Spain USA Brazil CEO Statement: “In order to be able to compete on a global basis, when we recruit, we look for highly qualified people, with an international vision, who can adapt to an environment where new opportunities are continuously pursued and explored. The process of creating and developing this company has been an ongoing adventure. Today we have innovative products worldwide.” China ho we are: YDreams is a Portuguese techno- close collaboration with clients to develop creative, and have customers in Portugal, Spain, UK, Brazil, Nokia, USA and China. Foundation, Prole Inovação, Siemens, Teatro Aberto, logy solution provider founded by internatio- high-tech solutions for marketing and advertising. nally renowned specialists in several technological YDreams Entertainment develops and publishes areas. fresh, fun-packed mobile entertainment products What makes us innovative: Our innovation derives using the latest hardware and software capabilities from the fact that YDreams is geared towards the Optimus, Portuguese TIM w.e., Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Évora University, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Vodafone. 2004 What we do: YDreams develops pioneering, patent- in mobile devices and networks (games portfolio paradigm of Reality Computing. Reality Computing pending technology that focuses mainly on user and includes several award-winning massively multipla- seeks to integrate the digital universe into the real interface design for a variety of fields ranging from yer, location-based and cross-media titles which are world by creating systems that envelop the user’s ubiquitous computing and interactive media, to aug- currently available around the world through multiple senses and establish new approaches for intera- mented reality and biometric sensors. Over the past partners). YDreams Education and Culture develops cting with technology without the conventional use of six years, YDreams has worked with global corpora- tools which open up exciting possibilities for inter- wires and keyboards. tions such as Adidas, Vodafone and Nokia, and con- acting with culture and knowledge. YDreams Quality Total Assets (€) tinues to operate in markets including advertising, of Life crafts products and services aimed at making Certification and Quality Control: Activity based on mobile gaming, edutainment, life quality. every day life easier for users through the use of YNET (including a “bookmarks” system), and quality R&D Invest./Turn. (%) technology in fields as varied as geographic infor- control is ensured by endogenous and exogenous How we do it: With a team of internationally mation, data-mining, augmented reality and biome- market variables. Companies like BBC, Nokia and renowned specialists in telecommunications, infor- trics, to create practical and intuitive tools. Vodafone require excellence on a consistent basis. information systems and environmental engineering. Who we do it for: YDreams has worked with global International Operations and Alliances: Partners include The company crafts products, services and solu- corporations such as Adidas, Vodafone, Nokia, the BLIP Systems, Dot One SGPS, Endemol, Geodan, tions, which are marketed through the following four BBC and Carat. We stand by old, time-proven stan- Geodan Mobile Solutions, IGP, Image Sensing Systems commercial divisions: YDreams Advertising works in dards in quality, dedication and long-term vision, Inc., JDCecaux, Lagos Sports, Microsoft, NDD Group, mation technology, image processing, geographic 116 Communications Human Resources Turnover (€) 28 1,192,773 1,156,351 Exports/Turnover (%) 9.8 N/A 2005 47 2006 112 1,909,673 2,354,089 19.8 22.4 2,597,172 14.3 9,473,740 7.0 Awards: In 2005, YDreams was distinguished as one of Europe’s emerging companies in the field of telecommunications and selected to be profiled and broadcast on CNBC Europe. In 2006, the company’s CEO, Prof. António Câmara, was awarded the prestigious Pessoa Award. 117 SME INFORMATION GUIDE | Credits Editor COTEC Portugal Associação Empresarial para a Inovação Graphic Design S DESIGN AGÊNCIA DE DESIGN GLOBAL Print Impress 4 Run print 1000 copies Depósito Legal 259157/07 May 2007 118 119