2015 Congress Guide - World ATM Congress


2015 Congress Guide - World ATM Congress
Congress Guide
Operated by CANSO in association with ATCA
World ATM Congress 2015
10-12 March 2015 | Madrid, Spain
IFEMA, Feria de Madrid
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sponsor Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Congress Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Delegate Conference Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Delegate Conference Speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Free Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Media Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Floor Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Exhibitor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Exhibitor Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Congress Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Transforming the air traffic management (ATM) system is essential for
improving safety, efficiency and the environment around the globe.
Boeing is fully committed and uniquely qualified to help make ATM
transformation a reality. It’s the right time and Boeing is the right partner.
Welcome to World ATM Congress. In three short years, this event has established a
legacy of excellence. Participants representing the entire spectrum of the air traffic management (ATM) community—air navigation service providers (ANSPs), air
traffic controllers, government leaders, airline and airport representatives, engineers,
suppliers, academia, and purchasing decision-makers—will again gather in Madrid.
The 2015 edition is the largest ATM exhibition in the world with 197 organizations
represented. As we go to press, registration continues to outpace previous years
and all indications are that this year will be an even bigger event. World ATM Congress continues to establish itself as a meeting place for the ATM world to manage
relationships and to do business.
Our success has not gone unnoticed. World ATM Congress has been recognized
by the Eventoplus Award as the Best Congress of 2013 for our inaugural edition,
and by EuBEA (European Best Events Awards) as one of the leading congresses in
Europe for the 2014 event. These accomplishments are, in no small part, due to our
organizers’ experience producing the largest show outside of Europe for 60 continuous years. It is also a result of constantly assessing the changing needs of the ATM
community and responding with creative solutions.
The innovations continue in 2015. For the first time, the Conference Delegates’
Theatre will be located on the Exhibition floor. The Conference programme has
been revised to include two all-morning sessions that will minimize overlap with the
open hours of the Exhibition Hall. Delegates will no longer need to choose between
attending programme sessions and conducting business on the Exhibition floor.
2 Welcome
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
The Congress offers an environment that benefits ATM as a whole. Here you will find
opportunities to make connections that not only advance the goals of your organization but of our industry. While you are here, we hope that you take part in as many
facets of the event as you can.
Beyond the Exhibition and the Conference there are many free sessions in which you
can take part. Program and policy updates, research summaries, product presentations, demonstrations, and training will be presented throughout the entire three
days the Exhibition Hall is open at the Frequentis Aviation Arena, the Aireon Spotlight
Stage, ATM Theatre, and afternoons in the Delegates Theatre. EUROCONTROL,
SESAR, NATCA, WiMax, and Ingenav will also present specialized workshops.
As we see you during the week, please give us your thoughts on what you like and
what you would like to see in future years. We know that the decision to join us in
Madrid at World ATM Congress will provide you with many positive opportunities to
advance your personal and professional goals.
Peter F. Dumont
President and CEO
Air Traffic Control Association
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Jeff Poole
Director General
Civil Air Navigation
Services Organization
Welcome 3
Sponsor Recognition
nExhibition Hours
Tuesday 10 March 2015: 10.00 – 19.30
Wednesday 11 March 2015: 10.00 – 18.00
Thursday 12 March 2015: 10.00 – 14.00
• Exhibitors may access Hall 9 at 8.30 each day.
• Delgates may enter Hall 9 at 8.30 on Tuesday and
Wednesday, and 10.00 on Thursday.
• Hall visitors may enter Hall 9 at 10.00 each day.
They may enter before 10.00 only if escorted by a
registered exhibitor.
Welcome Reception
Tuesday 10 March 2015: 18.00 – 19.30
Tuesday 10 March 2015: 9.10 – 13.00
Wednesday 11 March 2015: 9.00 – 13.00
How do I access Wi-Fi at IFEMA?
IFEMA has created Visitor Hot Spots where World ATM
Congress attendees can connect to Wi-Fi for free, for up
to 30 minutes every 3 hours. Once the 30 minutes are
complete, users cannot reconnect for another 3 hours.
Visitor Wi-Fi Hot Spots are located at:
• South Entrance Ground Floor Lobby
• North Entrance Ground Floor Lobby (where Registration
is located)
• Meeting Point (located on La Avenida between Halls
• IFEMA Business Centre (1 hour sign-on availability,
instead of 30 minutes)
Wi-Fi may also be purchased for �10 (includes VAT) for
two hours of consecutive hi-speed wireless Internet access
starting from your first connection. Cards can be purchased
at the Cloakroom.
What if I Need Medical Assistance?
Located on the upper level floor between Halls 7 and 9,
IFEMA offers complimentary emergency medical assistance
for all World ATM Congress attendees. Access it through
La Avenida Area. You can also call them at
+34 91 722 54 00.
Keep Up-to-Date throughout
World ATM Congress
On Twitter: Sign up for an account or log in to your current
account and visit www.twitter.com/WorldATM_
now. Then click “Follow.” When tweeting about
the event, use #WorldATM.
On Facebook: Visit www.facebook.com/
WorldATMCongress and “Like” our page. You
will get World ATM Congress updates in your
newsfeed and we will post updates on the show
and the industry.
On LinkedIn:
Visit www.linkedin.com/groups/World-ATMCongress-4395622 or search for World ATM
Congress and request to join our group.
Platinum Sponsor
More questions and answers about amenities
at IFEMA and in Madrid can be found at www.
NOTE: If arriving by hired car or taxi you may drive
to North entrance where Registration is located.
When arriving by Metro you will be at the South
entrance from where you can ride the ENAVsponsored shuttle or take a 10-minute walk through
the IFEMA to Hall 9.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Where Can I Purchase Food at World
ATM Congress?
Inside the Exhibition, two cafeterias are located at the rear
and will be open during the Congress.
Plaza 2 and Plaza 3 will also have food and beverage
options available for purchase.
Bronze Sponsor
Is There a Cloakroom?
Yes. For a more comfortable visit, a cloakroom service is
available at the IFEMA North Entrance.
RATES: Garment �1,65; Baggage �3,00
4 General Information
Other Sponsors
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Sponsors 5
Special Events During World ATM
World ATM Congress provides an abundance of
informational and networking opportunities. Take advantage
of these additional events only at World ATM Congress.
9 March 2015
CANSO CEO Conference*
*CANSO Members Only
CANSO ATM Dinner & IHS Jane’s ATC Awards
Crystal Gallery Ciebles Palace Madrid
10 March 2015
EUROCONTROL Presentations
SESAR Exchange
WiMax Aviation 2015
Upcoming ATCA and CANSO Events
6–8 May 2015
CANSO Asia-Pacific Conference
Fukuoka, Japan
12–14 May 2015
ATCA Technical Symposium 2015
Atlantic City, NJ
13 Jun 2015
CANSO Africa Conference
Durban, South Africa
14–16 Jun 2015
CANSO Global ATM Summit & 19th AGM
Durban, South Africa
Ingenav Presentation
October 2015
World ATM Congress Exhibition Hall Welcome
ATCA Aviation Cyber Security Day
Washington, DC, USA
11 March 2015
EUROCONTROL Presentations
1–4 November 2015
SESAR Exchange
60th ATCA Annual Conference & Exposition
WiMax Aviation 2015
3-4 November 2015
12 March 2015
Civil/Military Aviation Conference (CMAC)
EUROCONTROL Presentations
Washington, DC, USA
SESAR Exchange
Technical University of Madrid Workshop
12–13 March 2015
CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference
8–10 March 2016
World ATM Congress 2016
Madrid, Spain
16–19 October 2016
61st ATCA Annual Conference & Exposition
Washington, DC, USA
7–9 March 2017
World ATM Congress 2017
Madrid, Spain
15–18 October 2017
62nd ATCA Annual Conference & Exposition
Washington, DC, USA
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Highlights 7
Congress Highlights
Smart Choices in a Challenging Environment
u Tuesday 10 March 2015
09.10 – 09.30
Brief Introductions Peter F. Dumont
President and CEO, Air Traffic Control Association
Jeff Poole
Director General, Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
Ignacio González Sánchez
Director of Air Navigation, ENAIRE
Opening Speech
Ana María Pastor Julián
Minister, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, Spain
09.30 – 10.00
Video Welcome
Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu
President, ICAO Council
Keynote Address
Peter Hartman
Vice Chairman, Air France-KLM
10.00 – 10.30
Networking Break
Delegate Lunch Area
10.30 – 12.00
Session One: SMART CHOICES in an
Interconnected World
Data will be at the very core of everything we do in the
future. Already, operations, safety, and customer relations
functions rely on ever increasing data management. This is
more than just ‘information management as usual’. What will
the data-driven future mean in practice? What do we need
to do now to be ready for that future?
How do we harness the powerful impact of the data revolution in a positive and creative way? Can we share common
standards and platforms, consolidate services, and collaborate horizontally and vertically in order to have a real impact
on the business of delivering ATM?
Just as importantly, how do we ensure robust protection
of critical data and systems from the constantly growing
and changing cyber security threats? What redundancy
and additional capacity will be needed to counter potential
This session will look at the SMART CHOICES we can make
to exploit yet manage and control the data and systems that
will be fundamental to the future of ATM.
• How will predictive data analysis and data sharing impact
operational delivery and efficiency?
• Can data be shared with second-tier service providers for
improved efficiency?
• Will our current risk management, preventative technologies, and industry cooperation be enough?
• How will we address the privacy, border control, and
other regulatory issues?
• Do we need better global governance?
Moderator: Philip Clinch, VP Aircraft Services, SITA
• Kevin L. Hiatt
Senior Vice President, Safety and Flight Operations, IATA
• Soh Poh Theen
Deputy Director-General (ANS), CAAS
• Florian Guillermet
Executive Director, SESAR Joint Undertaking
• Edward L. Bolton Jr.
Assistant Administrator for NextGen,
Federal Aviation Administration
• Jeff Snyder
Vice President Cyber Programs,
Raytheon Company
Delegate Lunch
Delegate Lunch Area
18.00 – 19.30
World ATM Congress Welcome
u Wednesday 11 March 2015
09.00 – 10.15
Session Two: SMART CHOICES for
Building Sustainable ATM Networks
For how long can the current model of ATM continue?
Around the world there is growing need for seamless ATM
delivery that recognises the diverse business requirements
of customers, the diverse cultural requirements of different
parts of the globe, and the new technologies becoming
How do we reconcile these competing priorities to deliver
global harmonisation and customer-focused performance?
How do we do that in an increasingly cut-throat business
environment for our customers and suppliers?
ready? What game-changing social and economic factors
might there be ahead for the ATM industry?
This session will look at these questions from two angles.
First, how can we truly ensure enhanced regional cooperation and regional focus? Secondly, what would ATM look like
if it was completely subject to international market forces?
If things change, it is likely that the economic basis of the industry will change too. What will be the future requirements
of future airlines? What will they be prepared to pay for in
this future world of air travel? What will they not be prepared
to pay for? What will this mean for pricing, business, and
financing models?
• What are the experiences, lessons learned, and recommended best practices to date on regional cooperation?
How can these be blended with diverse cultures and
requirements in different parts of the world while securing
global harmonisation and performance in ATM?
• Is regional cooperation alone enough? What should be
the focus to drive the necessary changes: New technologies? Better regulations? New ATM business models?
• How long can small, high-cost ANSPs survive?
• What structural evolution is likely?
• Are the flow control centres the future hubs of globally
consolidated ATM?
• What changes are needed in current regulatory structures to enable regional cooperation and a market-based
• What role exists for regional network managers?
In short, what SMART CHOICES do we need to make now
to ensure sustainable global and regional ATM networks?
Moderator: Todd Donovan, Vice President of Global
Strategy & Marketing, Air Traffic Management,Thales
Speakers: • Amadou Ousmane Guitteye
Director General, ASECNA
• Ahmed Ibrahim Al Jallaf
Assistant Director General for ANS, GCAA UAE and
Chairman, ICAO Middle East Airspace Enhancement
• Patrik Peters
President & CEO, IFATCA
• Joe Sultana
Director Network Manager, EUROCONTROL
10.15 – 10.45
Networking Break
Delegate Lunch Area
10.45 – 12.00
Session Three: SMART CHOICES in a
Disruptive Future
Even if there are no disruptive technologies on the horizon,
there are a number of other challenges facing our industry.
Economic pressures continue to grow. The industry continues to be slow to take up new technologies. In addition, the
regulatory environment is going to need to react to these
• What can we do now to face the future?
• How can we ensure that regulators and regulations will
be fit for purpose?
• What can we learn from the way we are addressing new
issues such as Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)
and autonomous vehicles?
• What one disruptive influence is most likely to impact us
by 2020?
What SMART CHOICES do we need to make now to
anticipate, prepare, and ensure that the world does not
pass us by?
Moderator: Ed Sims, Chief Executive Officer, Airways New
Speakers: • Richard Deakin
Chief Executive Officer, NATS • Don Thoma
President & CEO, Aireon LLC
• Paul Rinaldi
President, National Air Traffic Controllers Association
• Rob Eagles
Director, Air Traffic Management and Infrastructure, IATA
• Leo Mondale
President, Inmarsat Aviation
Delegate Lunch
Delegate Lunch Area
In a world of disruptive technology, disruptive economic
change, and disruptive competitors, what lies ahead for the
ATM industry? Are there disruptive technologies that can
change ATM overnight? Will competitive threats from outside providers arise, and if so, what do we need to do to be
Information is correct as of 24 February 2015.
8 Programme
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Programme 9
Conference Programme
Delegate ConferenceProgramme
Edward L. Bolton Jr.
Assistant Administrator for NextGen, Federal
Aviation Administration
Delegate ConferenceSpeakers
Keynote Speaker
Peter Hartman
Vice Chairman, Air France-KLM
Peter F. Hartman is currently the Vice
Chairman of Air France-KLM and served
as its CEO until 2013. He was born in
Curaçao. A Dutch national, he studied
mechanical engineering at the Amsterdam
Institute of Technology and earned a
Master’s degree in business economics from Erasmus
University in Rotterdam. In the years between 1973 and
1984, he held multiple national and international positions
within KLM, beginning as a KLM controller in The
Netherlands. In 1984, he was assigned as the Director of
Technical Contract Services and became Senior Vice
President Ground Services in 1989. In this position he
was responsible for the processes at Schiphol Airport.
Mr. Hartman became Senior Vice President Customer
Services in 1990 and was the Executive Vice President
Personnel and Organisation in April 1994. Two years later,
he became the Executive Vice President Engineering and
Maintenance. In April 2007, he was installed as President
and CEO of KLM. Since July 2013 he has been the Vice
Chairman of Air France-KLM. In his spare time he serves
as Director of Constellium N.V., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Texel Airport, as well as a member of the
Supervisory Boards of Air France-KLM, Fokker Technologies Group B.V., and Royal Ten Cate N.V. In addition, he
is a member of the XCOR Space Expeditions Advisory
Board and is Chairman of both Connekt and the Advisory
Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe
Ahmed Ibrahim Al Jallaf
Assistant Director General for ANS, GCAA, UAE
and Chairman, ICAO Middle East Airspace
Enhancement Programme
Ahmed Ibrahim Al Jallaf joined the General
Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) in 1998,
validated as an area Air Traffic Controller in
2000, promoted to an on job Training
Instructor, and was promoted as an ATC
Watch Supervisor in 2006. He was awarded
a Master of Science degree with merit in air safety management from City University, London in 2007. In July 2009, he
joined the Air Navigation & Aerodromes Regulation section
10 Delegate Conference Speakers
of the GCAA as an ATS inspector, which he managed from
December 2010 until March 2011.
Mr. Al Jallaf is currently the Assistant Director General of
the Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP), overseeing the
ATM; communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS);
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM); ANSP training;
quality; and safety management departments at Sheikh
Zayed Air Navigation Centre. He is also the Chairman of the
UAE National Airspace Advisory Committee, Chairman of
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Middle East
ATM Enhancement Program (MAEP) Special Coordination
Meeting, Acting Chairman of the Arab Civil Aviation Commission Air Navigation Committee, and member of many
other national and regional groups.
During his long career within the GCAA, Mr. Al Jallaf was
one of the first UAE nationals to validate as an Air Traffic
Controller and represented the UAE in many regional and
international meetings and conferences.
During his long career within the GCAA, Mr. Al Jallaf was
one of the first UAE nationals to validate as an air traffic
controller and represented the UAE in many regional and
international meetings and conferences.
Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu
President, ICAO Council
Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu is the President
of the ICAO Council. Prior to his presidency,
he was the representative for Nigeria on the
ICAO Council and served as the governing
body’s first Vice President and as Chairman
of its Technical Cooperation and Finance
Committees. He also served as Chairman of the ICAO
Council Working Group on Governance and Efficiency
(WGGE) and as Chairperson of the Steering Committee of
the ICAO Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for
Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI Plan).
Dr. Aliu graduated in 1983 with a Master of Science degree
in aeronautical engineering from the Kiev Institute of Civil
Aviation Engineers and obtained a PhD in 1987. He holds an
aircraft maintenance engineer’s license with multiple ratings
and is an ICAO certified SMS instructor. He holds an IATA
diploma in civil aviation management as well as a graduate
certificate in air and space law from McGill University, Canada.
He has held various positions, including chief airworthiness
surveyor, Director Air Transport Regulation, and Technical
Adviser to the Minister of Aviation. He played an active role
in the formulation of the National Civil Aviation Policy leading
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Edward L. Bolton Jr. is the Assistant
Administrator for the Next Generation Air
Transportation System (NextGen) at the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The
Office of NextGen (ANG) is responsible for
leading the modernization of the National
Airspace System (NAS). Bolton leads a workforce of nearly
1,000 employees, and oversees the $1 billion annual budget
of NextGen.
Mr. Bolton joined the FAA in September 2013 after a career
with the U.S. Air Force, most recently with the rank of Major
General and the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Budget. He was a three-time Commander of Operational
Space Units.
Mr. Bolton is a level three Program Manager and has had
extensive experience managing multi-billion dollar Air Force
space programs. He also served as Director for Defense
Policy at the White House National Security Council, and
was Chief of Systems Engineering and Integration at the
National Reconnaissance Office.
Mr. Bolton has a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical
engineering from the University of New Mexico, a Master
of Science in systems management from the University of
Southern California, and a Master of Science in national
security strategy from the National War College.
Philip Clinch
Vice President of Aircraft Services, SITA
Philip Clinch is the Vice President of the
Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (SITA) aircraft services
covering the Air Force Communications
Complex (AIRCOM) cockpit communications
service and the flight operations applications.
Mr. Clinch took his current position in January 2010, adding
responsibility for the aircraft application services in place of
the airline industry standard ground messaging service he
had been running since 2008. He had earlier run AIRCOM
business management since 2001 and ATC market development since 1995. He began his career with SITA in 1988
in charge of AIRCOM systems and led the airline industry
standardization of the Aircraft Communications Addressing
and Reporting System (ACARS) data link service used today
by 15,000 aircraft.
Mr. Clinch also contributed to ATC data link industry standards for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS), which
is used today in most oceanic airspace and the ICAO VHF
Digital Link (VDL) mandated for use in the Single European
Sky and eventually in the FAA’s NextGen.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Richard Deakin
Chief Executive Officer, NATS
Richard Deakin was appointed Chief
Executive Officer of NATS on 1 March 2010.
He is responsible for the 24/7 service
operation that employs approximately 5,000
staff members and provides air navigation
service in the UK and North Atlantic airspace
for 2.2 million flights per year.
Previously, Mr. Deakin was Senior Vice President of the Air
Systems Division for Thales and a member of the company’s Executive Committee. Based in Paris, his division
recorded a turnover of 1.8 billion and employed 7,000 staff
across the world. He has more than 30 years’ experience of
major programmes in the aerospace and defence industry
sector. His career started as an engineering apprentice at
BAE Systems, where he spent 17 years in a number of roles,
most recently as Vice President Commercial Aerospace,
based at Farnborough.
Moving to TRW aeronautical systems as European operations director, Mr. Deakin ran nine factories in the UK,
France, and Germany, producing high precision aerospace
systems. Before joining Thales in 2004, he spent several
years as group director programmes with GKN Aerospace
Services. A chartered engineer, he holds a first class
honours degree in aeronautical engineering from Kingston
University and a MBA from Cranfield School of Management.
He is also a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and
was awarded an honorary doctorate in engineering from
Kingston University in January 2008.
Todd Donovan
Vice President of Global Strategy & Marketing, Air
Traffic Management, Thales
Todd Donovan has extensive global ATM
experience, with more than 20 years of
technical and leadership roles in the aviation
industry. Currently, he serves as Thales’ Vice
President of Global Strategy for Air Traffic
Management. In this role, he is responsible
for leading the company’s initiatives, investments, and
partnerships in support of increased safety, capacity, and
efficiency of the global aviation system.
Most recently, Mr. Donovan served as Vice President and
General Manager of Thales Aviation Solutions, leading the
U.S. business development and growth strategy for commercial aviation. In this role, he was responsible for creating
and implementing strategy, shaping, and capturing new
business opportunities, fortifying relationships with civil business partners and executing the resulting projects across
the ATM and civil avionics domains. Additionally, he was the
Global Business Development leader for The Link by Thales
and contributed to the company’s global aviation strategy
for SESAR, NextGen, and ICAO Aviation System Block
Upgrades (ASBU) initiatives. He also serves on the Radio
Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) NextGen
Advisory Working Subcommittee.
Prior to this role, Donovan served as Vice President, Air
Traffic Management for the navigation and airport solutions
business line at Thales, where he developed and led the
ATM growth strategy for Thales’ operating units in Germany,
Italy, and the U.S.
Delegate Conference Speakers 11
Delegate Conference Speakers
to commercialization, liberalization, and institution of competition and consumer protection programmes in the Nigerian
air transport industry and led the development of the African
Civil Aviation Policy (AFCAP) under the auspices of the African Union Commission. Since 1998, he has participated in
all sessions of the ICAO Assembly and has chaired numerous international meetings.
Before joining Thales, Donovan was Vice President of Strategy and Development for Saab Sensis Corporation where
he managed the company’s growth strategy, investment in
research, and development and involvement in standards
groups such as RTCA and European Organisation for Civil
Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE).
and as an Officer in the British Royal Air Force. He holds a
Master’s degree in Air Transport Management from City University in London. In addition, he is a graduate of the Royal
Air Force College in Cranwell, England.
Mr. Donovan received a Bachelor of Arts from Dartmouth
College, a Bachelor of Science from Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, and a Master of Business
Administration from Emory University.
Florian Guillermet has been working in the
field of civil aviation for 15 years, with
experience ranging from ATM systems
definition and implementation to network
operations management. Mr Guillermet
studied engineering at École Polytechnique
and the Civil Aviation Engineering School in France (ENAC),
and holds a Master’s degree in aeronautics and airport
Peter F. Dumont
President and CEO, Air Traffic Control Association
Peter F. Dumont is President and Chief
Executive Officer for the Air Traffic Control
Association, serving a membership of nearly
3,000 professionals in all aspects of the ATC/
ATM community, interacting daily with both
government and Fortune 500 executives to
develop strategies and policy for the future of air traffic
control and air traffic management. Mr. Dumont sits on
several Boards of Directors, is Immediate Past President of
the Aero Club of Washington, D.C., and serves as Co-chair
of the Institute Management Council in support of the
Federal Aviation Administration.
Mr. Dumont’s career of more than 30 years in aviation
ranges from entering the industry as a U.S. Navy Air Traffic
Controller, to managing 60 FAA contract towers, to serving
as Chief Operating Officer of Serco North America. Serco
is the third largest ANSP in the world. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in professional aeronautics and a Master’s in
aviation/aerospace management, both from Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University.
Rob Eagles
Director, Air Traffic Management and Infrastructure,
Florian Guillermet
Executive Director, SESAR Joint Undertaking
Mr. Guillermet started his career in the flight planning department of Air France and held different managerial positions
at the French Air Navigation Service Provider, before joining
the European Central Flow Management Unit at EUROCONTROL where he was in charge of various operational and IT
projects. In 2008, he joined the SESAR Joint Undertaking as
Chief Programme Officer to manage the SESAR Programme
for Research and Innovation, and became Deputy Executive
Director Operations and Programme in 2012. Since 1 April
2014 he has led the SESAR Joint Undertaking as Executive
Amadou Ousmane Guitteye
Director General, ASECNA (Agency for Air
Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar)
Amadou Ousmane Guitteye is the Director
General of the Agency for Air Navigation
Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA),
an international public organisation created in
1959 with 18 member states.
Mr. Eagles is an Air Traffic Controller by
profession, specializing in future air traffic management
technologies and concepts. Prior to joining IATA in 2005, he
served as Technical Project Lead at the National Air Traffic
Services (NATS) United Kingdom. In this role he managed
the research and development of a new air traffic controller
toolset for London’s major airports, Heathrow and Gatwick.
Born in Mopti, Mali, Mr. Guitteye graduated
as a civil aviation engineer from Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation
Civile (ENAC) in Toulouse, France, and with various degrees
from the University of Dakar in Senegal. From 1979 to 2005,
he held numerous positions within ASECNA headquarters
and national representations, including Director of Operations, Director of Studies and Strategic Directions, Head of
the Development Department, and the Head of the Maintenance Department. During this period, he also served in Mali
as Director General of Civil Aviation (1990–92) as well as
Technical Advisor to the Minister of Transport and Tourism
(1989–90), the Minister of Transport and Public Works
(1992–95), and the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure
Mr. Eagles’ 20 years of civil and military air traffic management experience includes leadership positions in operations
and training for the London Air Traffic Centre, the Eurocontrol Area Control Centre in Maastricht, the Netherlands,
Mr. Guitteye was then appointed, in 2007, as Regional
Director of the Western and Central African Office of ICAO.
Under the authority of the ICAO Secretary General, his main
mission was to closely liaise with the 24 states of accredi-
Rob Eagles is the International Air Transport
Association (IATA) Director, ATM Infrastructure, headquartered in Montreal. Prior to this
role, he served as the IATA Regional Director
ASIA Pacific.
12 Delegate Conference Speakers
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Kevin L. Hiatt
Senior Vice President, Safety and Flight Operations,
Kevin Hiatt joined IATA in February of 2014
as the Senior Vice President of Safety and
Flight Operations where he is responsible for
six divisions and over 100 team members
worldwide providing safety, data support,
operational, audit, quality, air traffic, and
commercial product information. Previously, he was
President and CEO of the Flight Safety Foundation and
served as Vice President of Safety and Security for World
Airways, Inc. In his role at World Airways, he was responsible for flight, ground, technical operations and administrative
safety, security, and compliance.
Prior to joining World Airways, he served as Captain and
Chief Pilot, International Operations for Delta Air Lines, Inc.
During his 26 years at Delta, he was an integral part of the
safety department, holding the positions of Flight Safety
Coordinator and Manager of Line Operations Safety for eight
years. Before working for Delta, he flew for a regional carrier
in the Midwest, and a corporate aviation department.
He is the recipient of several aviation safety awards, including the Flight Safety Foundation’s President’s Award, the
SAFE Industry’s General Spruance award for outstanding
safety education program, and the Aircraft Firefighting
International Working Group outstanding contribution to
aviation fire safety. Hiatt is a graduate of Purdue University’s
Professional Pilot Aviation Technology program.
Leo Mondale
President, Inmarsat Aviation
Leo Mondale joined Inmarsat in 2004 as
Vice President of Business Development and
Strategy, based in Washington D.C. He now
serves as President of the Aviation Business
unit and is based in Nyon, Switzerland. In his
time with the company, Mondale also
founded and led the Growth Management and Support
organisation of Inmarsat, which included responsibility for
Inmarsat’s product and service development, programme
management, the development of the Global Xpress
programme, and overseeing the establishment of commercial aviation as a specific line of Inmarsat business.
Prior to joining Inmarsat, he held a variety of senior positions
in the satellite and aerospace industries, including Iridium,
Inc., where he was ultimately Chief Financial Officer, as partner in Thaler Associates, Chief Executive Officer of @contact,
LLC, and as President of Arianespace Inc.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of
Minnesota and was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from
The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Ana María Pastor Julián
Minister, Ministry of Transport and Public Works,
Ana María Pastor Julián is Spain’s Minister
of Transport and Public Works, Originally
from Zamora, Spain, Ana M. Pastor received
her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from
the University of Salamanca, where she
would also become a specialist in Family and
Community Medicine. She then went on to complete an
MBA in Business Management before serving a role as a
professor in the Department of Political Science at Carlos lll
University of Madrid. She also holds Master’s degrees in
Public Health and Health Administration Services, as well as
Hospital Management. ln addition to her current position,
Pastor Julián has been very active within the Partido Popular,
having served in various roles including, Member of the
Lower House for Pontevedra, Second Deputy Speaker of
the Lower House of Parliament, Social Parlicipation
Coordinator, Executive Secretary for Social Policy and
Welfare, National Member of Parliament, and Sectoral
Participation and Action Coordinator.
Prior to becoming Spain’s Minister of Transport and Public
Works, Pastor Julián worked as the Managing Director
of the Spanish Civil Service Mutual lnsurance Company
(MUFACE) from 2002–2004. She additionally served as the
Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Culture,
the Presidency, and Home Affairs from 1999 to 2002.
Patrik Peters
ATC Room Supervisor Tactical/Capacity,
Patrik Peters is currently ATC Room
Supervisor Tactical/Capacity for the Operations Room at the EUROCONTROL Maastricht Upper Area Control Center (Northern
Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, and
Luxembourg) he is responsible for the
management of the Air Traffic Controllers working air traffic
in the upper airspace (above 24.500 feet) of the area.
Previously, as training officer, instructor, and examiner, he
was responsible for the coordination of ab initio student and
conversion controller training. He is a fully qualified area
radar controller, holding licenses for the Belgian and
Luxembourg upper airspace.
Mr. Peters started his aviation career in 1990 as Student
Air Traffic Controller in the EUROCONTROL Institute of Air
Navigation Services in Luxembourg (INSTILUX). In parallel,
Mr. Peters got increasingly involved with the EUROCONTROL Guild of Air Traffic Services (EGATS). This professional
association strives to improve safety and efficiency in air
navigation in close cooperation with its members and the
EUROCONTROL agency. He was elected President of
EGATS in 2001 and held this position until 2006, when he
took office as Executive Vice President Europe for International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations
(IFATCA). He served two terms before being elected Deputy
President of IFATCA in 2010. At their annual conference last
year, he was elected President and Chief Executive Officer
of the federation for an initial two-year term.
Delegate Conference Speakers 13
Delegate Conference Speakers
tation and regional organisations to promote ICAO policies,
decisions, and air navigation plans. In 2010, he was elected
by the committee of ministers of ASECNA as Director
General for a six-year term, on the basis of an ambitious
programme for the “renewal of the agency,” which includes
strategic directions for the use of innovative and enabling
Jeff Poole was appointed Director General
of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) on 1 December 2012. In
addition to leading and managing CANSO,
he represents its members as the global
voice of ATM. He is responsible for delivering
the CANSO strategic plan for ATM—Vision 2020, further
expanding CANSO’s worldwide membership, and governing
CANSO’s relationship with its industry peers and
From 2004–2012, Mr. Poole served at the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) as the Director, Government
and Industry Affairs, with a mandate to further develop a
strong, credible, and proactive IATA role in that area and
Director Industry Charges, Fuel, and Taxation. In this role he
was responsible for achieving significant reductions in airport
costs and air navigation charges for IATA member airlines.
Prior to joining IATA, Mr. Poole was at Airbus Toulouse,
where he was responsible for the development of all
business aspects of the Airbus A380 programme. His final
position was Senior Vice President for Procurement Strategy
and Services. His previous positions in the defence industry,
including with BAE Systems, covered commercial, contractual, business development, and strategy of a number of
major defence programmes and businesses in the UK and
internationally. He also has extensive experience of working
with governments and major international institutions working with governments and major international institutions.
Paul Rinaldi
President, National Air Traffic Controllers
Paul Rinaldi became the sixth President of
the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
(NATCA) when he began his first term in
October 2009. In March 2012, Rinaldi was
re-elected by acclamation. Prior to being
elected to the Presidency, Rinaldi served
three years as NATCA’s Executive Vice President, after 16
years as an Air Traffic Controller at Washington-Dulles Tower
During his time at IAD, Mr. Rinaldi was drawn to representing the hard-working men and women in his facility. He was
elected as Vice President of the facility’s local NATCA chapter in 1995 and became the Facility Representative a year
later. Rinaldi’s leadership soon resulted in IAD becoming a
100% NATCA membership facility.
Rinaldi has also served the union as a member of the Eastern Region Labor Relations Team as an arbitration advocate
since 2000, and as an air safety investigator from 1997 to
2006. In 2003, he accepted the challenge to represent the
14 Delegate Conference Speakers
entire NATCA Eastern Region as its Alternate Vice President.
Moreover, he has extensive congressional and media experience which he puts to great use as an outspoken advocate
for air traffic controllers and aviation safety professionals on
the national stage.
In January 2011, Mr. Rinaldi was named to the FAA Management Advisory Council (MAC) where he plays a large role
in the evaluation of important NAS issues.
In addition, he currently holds a position on the NextGen
Advisory Committee (NAC). He also serves as a union
representative on the FAA National Labor Management
Forum, created to improve labour relations within the federal
Ignacio González Sánchez
Director, ENAIRE Air Navigation
Ignacio González Sánchez joined ENAIRE
in 2005, where he held different management
positions and, in March 2012, was appointed
Director of ENAIRE Air Navigation. He is also
the ENAIRE representative of the SW FAB in
the Network Management Board and
currently holds the Chair of the A6 and iTEC Board.
Prior to this appointment as Director, he managed the participation of Aena in different private-public-partnerships in
the transport sector and served as a member of the Board
of Directors of a number of international companies.
Ignacio González holds a Master’s of Science in telecommunication engineering, a general management program (PDG)
degree from IESE, the graduate business school of the
University of Navarra, and an MBA from IE Business School,
Madrid. He has an extensive international background in
the aerospace industry, representing Spain in the European
Space Agency in France, and in the Trade Commission of
Spain in USA and Japan.
Ed Sims
Chief Executive Officer, Airways
Ed Sims joined Airways in July 2011. His
career spans 27 years in the tourism and
aviation industries, encompassing airlines,
tour operators, and air traffic control. Since
graduating from Oxford University in 1985,
he has worked in the European, North
American, and Australasian markets, holding senior
positions within the Tui, Thomas Cook, and Virgin Groups.
Mr. Sims joined Air New Zealand in 2001 and in 2004 was
appointed General Manager of the international fleet. In
2006, he was promoted to Group General Manager, adding
offshore sales and marketing, commercial, airport, and
cargo functions to his remit. His extensive expertise in leadership, innovation, offshore sales and marketing, operations,
and change management supports Airways’ increasing
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Kingdom, and a Master of Science from the Leland Stanford
JNR University in the United States.
Jeff Snyder
Vice President of Cyber Programs, Raytheon
Joe Sultana
Director Network Manager, EUROCONTROL
Over the past 20 years, Jeff Snyder has held
increasingly responsible positions involving
strategic planning, business development,
and operations with a variety of high
technology firms. Prior to joining Raytheon,
he was Vice President of Cyber Programs for
CUBIC Corporation where he formed Cubic Cyber Solutions,
Inc. and led an initial cyber acquisition to launch their cyber
subsidiary. He also served as Vice President of Business
Development at SAIC.
Mr. Snyder is also active on the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA) Cyber Committee,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Cyber Committee, the
CANSO ATM Security Working Group (ASWG), the White
Hat Gala Charity Planning Committee, and the National
­Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NTSAC)
Industrial Internet Subcommittee. He is also a member
of the AFCEA Board of Directors, the AFCEA Mentoring
Continuum, the Dean’s Advisory Board at the University of
­Central Florida College of Engineering and Computer Science, and the President’s Advisory Board at CalPoly.
Mr. Snyder received his Bachelor of Science degree in
chemical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.
He earned his Master’s degree in business administration
from the University of Central Florida. He is a frequent
speaker and panelist at conferences and industry events
focused on cyber and critical infrastructure protection.
Soh Poh Theen
Deputy Director General of Air Navigation Services,
Civil Authority of Singapore
Soh Poh Theen is currently the Deputy
Director General of Air Navigation Services of
the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore,
responsible for air navigation service
Before joining the Civil Aviation Authority of
Singapore, he was Director Air at the Ministry of Transport.
At the Ministry of Transport, he participated in the formulation of various air transport policies and air hub development strategies. In particular, he was part of the team that
planned and implemented the corporatisation of Changi
Mr. Soh started his career in the Republic of Singapore Air
Force in 1984. He has been appointed to various senior command and staff appointments in the Republic of
Singapore Air Force and the Ministry of Defence, including
Commander of the Air Force Systems Brigade, Head of
Joint Plans in the Joint Staff, and Commanding Officer of the
E2C Squadron.
In addition, Mr. Soh was the Director of the National Security Coordination Centre and set up the National Security
Coordination Secretariat in the Prime Minister’s Office to
achieve a whole-of-government approach to emerging
threats. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, politics,
and economics from the University of Oxford in the United
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
In 1975, Joe Sultana graduated with an
engineering degree from the University of
Malta and joined their Air Traffic Services Unit.
In 1982, he was appointed Head of Air Traffic
Services in the Maltese Department of Civil
Aviation. He became Deputy Director of Civil
Aviation in 1984, responsible for the air traffic services
Mr. Sultana joined EUROCONTROL in 1991 as an Airspace
Management Expert coordinating airspace and navigation
projects. From 1998 until December 2002, he was EUROCONTROL’s reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM)
programme manager with successful implementation of
RVSM in 41 states. In 2003, he led the Business Division
Network Capacity. He later led the Airspace, Network Planning, and Navigation Division.
In 2008, Mr. Sultana joined the Central Flow Management
Unit as head of operations. In January 2009 he became
Deputy Director of the Central Flow Management Unit
(CFMU) responsible for network operations and information
In 2011, Mr. Sultana was promoted to Director of the agency as Chief Operating Officer within the directorate network
management. Since July 2013, he has served as Director
Network Manager responsible for fulfilling the role of the
Network Manager established with the Single European Sky.
Don Thoma
President and CEO, Aireon LLC
Don Thoma is the President and CEO of
Aireon LLC, developer of the world’s first
space-based global air traffic surveillance
system. In this role, he is leading the way for
a transformational new system that will
enable optimization of air operations around
the world.
Mr. Thoma previously served as Executive Vice President of
Marketing, at Iridium Communications, Inc. where he was
responsible for strategic marketing, product management,
and corporate communications for the company, as well
as corporate initiatives related to Iridium NEXT—the next
generation of the Iridium satellite constellation.
Prior to joining Iridium, from 2000–2001, Mr. Thoma served
as Vice President of Marketing and Business Development
for ObjectVideo, Inc. From 1992–2000, he held various positions of responsibility for ORBCOMM, ranging from Senior
Director of Transportation to Founder and General Manager
of the Vantage Tracking Solutions Business Unit and Vice
President of Business Development. Prior to ORBCOMM,
from 1988–1990, he was Director of Integration and Launch
Operations for Orbital Sciences Corporation.
Mr. Thoma served as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force Space
Division from 1983–1988. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in
aeronautical engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a Master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the
University of Southern California, and a Master of Business
Administration from the Harvard Business School.
Delegate Conference Speakers 15
Delegate Conference Speakers
Jeff Poole
Director General, Civil Air Navigation Services
presence in the international marketplace and its continued
delivery of a safe and efficient network in New Zealand.
Thursday 12 March 2015
World ATM Congress features an unprecedented amount of free educational initiatives. Leading aviation professionals will be
participating in interactive forums and roundtables. Involved dialogue is encouraged throughout the event.
Presentation Theatres at World ATM Congress 2015
Think Research LTD
Witness the leading edge of aviation professionals in interactive forums. With a wide variety of representation in multiple areas,
the World ATM Congress Presentation Theatres are a must-see.
View full abstracts for each presentation at www.worldatmcongress.org/atm-theatre-agenda.
View full abstracts for each presentation at www.worldatmcongress.org/spotlight-stage.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Airtel ATN
Deploying a Data Link System: Benefits of Ground
Validation Test Systems
Santi Ibarz
Space Based ADS-B, Unlock your ATM Potential
Cyriel Kronenburg
DFS Deutsche
Flugsicherung GmbH
Time for Change—the ATSEP Training
Initiative: Preparing for the new EASA Common
Dr. Thomas Bierwagen
Borealis Alliance
Delivering Free Route Airspace for Northern Europe
Branka Subotic
Human-FactorsConsult GmbH
MasterMAN —Planning Tool for Multi-Airport
Remote Control
Rodney Leitner
Boost Your Airport Capacity
Lionel Bernard-Peyre
EGNOS, European
GNSS Agency,
Aviation Powered By EGNOS
Thierry Racaud,
Gian Gherardo Calini
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Harris Corporation
Delta Airlines
It’s a Long Way from Atlanta: A Fireside Chat
Between Delta and Harris
David Almeida
Mark Hopkins
For a New Data Link Service Provision Model in
Patrick Geurts
Managing Safety in a Changing Environment: The
Successful Transition to Liberalized Towers in Spain
Raquel Martínez Arnáiz
NATS, Lockheed
Martin, Indra, ENAV,
The Challenge and Benefits of a Co-Ordinated
Deployment Across Europe
Andy Dobson, James
Williamson, Ramon
Tarrech, Cristiano
Baldoni, Nicolas
Coflight as a Service—Advantages of Remote Flight Guillaume Ramonet,
Data Processing
Claudio Cannavivi,
Brian Attard,
Philippe Chauffoureaux
IATA, Metron Aviation,
Harris Corporation
Interoperable ATM Now! Partnering for a Seamless
ATM Experience
Rob Eagles, Mike
Sammartino, Shawn
Searidge Technologies,
ENAV, Hungaro Control
Zrt., DSNA
The Remote Reality
Pat Urbanek, Cristiano
Baldoni, Gyula Hangyál,
Bo Redeborn
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Meeting Performance Scheme Targets Through
Deployment of Virtual Centre
Recognising Excellence
Workshop on Centralised Services
Thursday 12 March 2015
Skyguide, Quintiq
What Does it Take to Achieve the Most CostEffective use of ATCOs While Ensuring Passenger
Safety and Employee Satisfaction?
Dr. Lorna Herda,
Sascha Puetz
Searidge Technologies
Picking the Right Remote Tower Partner: Things to
Pat Urbanek,
Kris Rupay
DFS Deutsche
Flugsicherung GmbH
Recent Developments and Future Challenges in
ATM Safety Management
Osman Saafan
COMSOFT Aeronautical Billing (CAB)—A Reliable
Automated Billing Solution for ANSPs and Airport
Florian Schmid
Mitigating the Impact of Severe Weather at Airports
Juhani Polvinen
RETIA a.s.
Multisource Capturing and Analytic Centre
Jiri Kristek,
Vilem Pantucek
Rohde & Schwarz
DFS Deutsche
Flugsicherung GmbH
Undetected Simultaneous Transmissions (USiT)
Occurence Rates—Results from DFS Field Trials
Mathias Erhard,
Klauspeter Hauf
16 Free Education
Daniele Teotino
ATM Theatre
Aireon Spotlight Stage
Demonstrating the Remote Tower Solution: the
RACOON Project
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Technical University of
Hala! SESAR Workshop
Technical University of
ComplexWorld SESAR Workshop
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Free Education 17
Free Education
FreeEducation at World ATM Congress
View full abstracts for each presentation at www.worldatmcongress.org/the-frequentis-aviation-arena.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Sopra Steria Group,
ENAC, Airbus
Shared Virtual Sky—A Shared, Standardised
Interoperability Platform for ATM Verification and
Jean Lingueglia,
Julie Saint-Lot,
Fabrice Candia
ATM-Grade Network Infrastructure
Stefan Galler
COVERGNSS—Continuity and Availability Analysis
of Satellite Based Systems (GNSS)
Víctor Gordo
Operational Transitions: The Ingenav Experience
Max Bezzina
Social Networks in the App Era: The Misuse of
Free and Raw Operational Information and Data
Fernando Marián de
Diego, Gonzalo Martinez
SWIM Enabled Open Architecture for the Advanced Tower Controller Working Position
Günter Graf,
Thomas Fränzl
Xsight Systems Ltd.
3D Tower Simulators—Display Systems Explained
World ATM
Delegate Theatre
Afternoon sessions held in the Delegate Theatre are free to all attendees. Morning program requires registration as a delegate
View full abstracts for each presentation at www.worldatmcongress.org/delegate-theatre.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
US Department of
Energy (DOE),
National Nuclear
Security Administration
Nuclear Smuggling
Detection and
Deterrence Program
Preventing Illicit Movement of Radiological and
Nuclear Material in Commercial Aviation
Laurel Cotton,
Richard Pappas
Exelis Global Aviation
Disrupting the Future of ATM Through Innovation
and Value Creation
Stuart Zerbe,
Dr. Gotthard Boerger
Rohde & Schwarz
Virtual Center: Single Logical Operation Based on
Common IP Technology Platforms
Alexandru Negulescu
Mike Male
BLUE MED FAB: Safety Together—Cooperation in
the FAB Framework
Petros Stratis
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Very Low Level RPAS Operations Coordinated
through SWIM
Frank Suykens
Virtual Centre Application Use Case Study:
Concept of Operation for Multi-Remote Virtual
Tower Operation
Thomas Fränzl
proESTOP: Runway Occupancy Time Estimator
Carlos Barbas
LAIC Aktiengesellschaft
Exploiting the Full Potential of the Flight Plans
George Parobek
Deutsches Zentrum für
Luft- und Raumfahrt
e.V. (DLR)
ADS-B Over Satellite—Global Air Traffic Surveillance from Space
Toni Delovski,
Klaus Werner
Income Generation Through Modern AIM
Joachim Lennarz
Sopra Steria Group,
How to Protect Air Traffic Management Against
Cyber Attacks
Fabien Lecoq,
Maximilian Rield
Guntermann & Drunck
KVM in ATC: Contemporary Deployment by
Means of an Example Given by DFS Deutsche
Flugsicherung GmbH
Hendrik Müller,
Jochen Bauer
Helios Remote Towers: From Paper to Procurement
James Hanson
Performance-based Surveillance
FAA, NATS, Snowflake
SWIM 2.0, 365 Days Later and Beyond: A Year’s
Worth of Information Management Success and
Paul Bosman,
Steve Bradford, Simon
Daykin, Ian Painter
Airways New Zealand
Revenue Management, the Next Step in the
Evolution of Aviation Billing
Mark Figgitt
Wings for History “The Rescue Myth”
Carlos Valle
Thursday 12 March 2015
Infante de Orleans
For full presentation abstracts and updated listings, visit www.worldatmcongress.org/free-education.
Thursday 12 March 2015
ERA a.s.
Alternative Way of WAM System Time
Ing. Vojtéch Stejskal,
Portable Simulation for ATC Training
Antonio Bonilla Delgado
STR-SpeechTech Ltd.
Standardization of Radiotelephony Speech for
Automated Aviation Broadcasts
Dr. Stephen J. Eady,
18 Free Education
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Free Education 19
Free Education
Frequentis Aviation Arena
Free Education
FreeEducation at World ATM Congress
World ATM Congress offers with a breadth of free learning opportunities for all attendees without leaving the Exhibition.
Presenters offer unique perspectives and insight on the latest products and innovations.
The Future ATM Generation Corner
A unique opportunity for young professionals and students to learn more about the basics of air traffic management—air
traffic flow management, the role of communications and surveillance in CNS, the concept of SWIM, and the ATM courses at
EUROCONTROL’s Training Institute.
EUROCONTROL is returning to World ATM Congress 2015 with a stand (#849), a workshop on the liberalisation of air navigation support services, a series of briefings on the latest developments in ATM, and a “Future ATM Generation Corner” specifically dedicated for young professionals and aviation students. The full programme of events follows. A more detailed account is
available at www.eurocontrol.int/wac2015.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Over the three days of the show, EUROCONTROL’s experts will deliver a series of 30-minute briefings on the key developments
shaping today’s and the future ATM system. Visitors will have the unique opportunity to hear the latest on a wide range of topics, ask questions, and network with our experts.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Title of Briefing
RPAS Operations in Europe
Mike Lissone
The Network Manager’s Role in Dealing with Crises and Disruptions
Ken Thomas
AFUAS. Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Service
Patrick Delmouzée
LARA: Local and Sub-Regional Airspace Management Support System
François Cervo
Civil-Military ATM Performance Framework
Goran Redezpovic
FRAMaK: Enhancing Flight Efficiency Through Direct, Cross-Border Route
Options in Core European Airspace
Morten Grandt
Aeronautical Communications: Air-Ground /Ground-Ground
Philippe Sacré
Performance Based Navigation (PBN) & Ground-Based Augmentation System
Lendina Smaja
Surveillance Modernisation and Rationalisation Using ADS-B and WAM
Christos Rekkas
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): CNS Dependencies
Lendina Smaja
EUROCONTROL’s Training Programme
Philippe Sacré
Air Traffic Flow Management
Ken Thomas
Overview of Aeronautical Communications: Air-Ground /Ground-Ground
Philippe Sacré
Q & A Session
Surveillance Modernisation and Rationalisation
Q & A Session
Aeronautical Information Management: Transition from AIS to AIM (SWIM)
Q & A Session
Christos Rekkas
Philippe Sacré
Thursday 12 March 2015
AFUAS: Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Service
Patrick Delmouzée,
The Network Manager’s role in Dealing with Crises and Disruptions
Ken Thomas
ATM Theatre
Creating a Market to Improve ATM Performance and Competitiveness
The fragmentation of European ATM is one of the biggest obstacles to increasing efficiency. EUROCONTROL’s centralised
services proposal is an attempt to consolidate certain ATM services and bring efficiencies to the system. This three-hour
workshop provides an update on the development of centralised services and discusses the advantages and challenges of
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Keynote Speech: Liberalisation of ATM Services
Matthias Finger
EUROCONTROL’s Centralised Services Proposal: Creating a Market for Some
Air Navigation Support Services
Frank Brenner
The Next Key Milestones in the Development of Centralised Services
Herman Baret
A Closer Look at the Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Service (AFUAS)
Patrick Delmouzée
Christos Rekkas
A Closer Look at the Flight Plan and Airport Slot Consistency Service (FAS)
Andy Woollin
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): CNS Dependencies
Lendina Smaja
Q & A Session
FRAMaK: Enhancing Flight Efficiency Through Direct, Cross-Border Route
Options in Core European Airspace
Morten Grandt
FRAMaK: Enhancing Flight Efficiency Through Direct, Cross-Border Route
Options in Core European Airspace
Morten Grandt
Impact of RPAS on ATM
Mike Lissone
Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and Ground Based Augmentation
System (GBAS)
Lendina Smaja
Surveillance Modernisation and Rationalisation Using ADS-B and WAM
20 Free Education
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Free Education 21
SESAR: Recognising Excellence
ATM Theatre
High Performing Aviation for Europe
2015 is an exciting year for SESAR as the newly launched Deployment Manager starts to ramp up its activities and the SESAR
Joint Undertaking prepares a new wave of Research and Innovation projects within the framework of SESAR 2020. The 2015
World ATM Congress will, therefore, be the perfect opportunity for ATM stakeholders to find out more about these exciting
developments and how SESAR is delivering a high performing ATM system for Europe.
Wednesday March 11
Introduction to SESAR Project Awards
Benoit Fonck
Defining Options and Developing a Framework for Airborne ADS-B Performance Evaluation (Project 9.21)
Milan Sopata
SESAR Exchange Theatre
Passenger Oriented Enhanced Metrics (POEM) (Project E.02/06)
Andrew Cook
Stand 580
Developing Airport Safety Support Tools for Pilots, Vehicle Drivers and Controllers (Project 6.7.1)
Christelle Pianetti
The SESAR Exchange Theatre will offer space for participants to hear about some of the technological and operational
innovations in the SESAR pipeline, as well as to hear first hand what the SESAR Deployment Manager has planned*. This
dedicated space also offers participants a chance to meet and speak with those involved in SESAR. Private meetings with
specific SESAR staff are available upon request.
*No registration required; however, due to limitations with seating, participants will be provided seats on a first come, first-served
Tuesday 10 March 2015
10.30–12.00 SESAR: The Story so Far
12.15–13.30 Integrating RPAS Into the European ATM System
14.00–15.30 SESAR: High Performing Aviation in Europe Jointly Organised by the SESAR Joint Undertaking and the
SESAR Deployment Manager
16.00–17.30 Improving Airport Operations with GBAS
ATM Theatre
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Performance Based Navigation
Jeff Woods
Runway Safety
Ric Loewen
Steve Weidner
WiMax Aviation 2015
Conference Level—Room N106
March 10 and 11, 2015, 13:00–17:00
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Madrid is a seminar for all participants to meet, exchange ideas, and develop business and cooperative relationships. The event
will highlight the opportunities, challenges, and strategies involved in operating efficient AeroMACS networks.
10.00–11.45 Towards Global Interoperability
12.00–13.30 Let’s Deliver Tomorrow’s Skies Together—A Session by the SESAR Deployment Manager
14.00–15.30 Smooth, Predictable, Efficient: How SESAR Improves the Flow of Traffic into Major Airports
16.00–17.30 Demonstrating SESAR
Thursday 12 March 2015
10.00–11.30 Resilience and SESAR
12.00–13.30 Let’s Deliver Tomorrow’s Skies Together—A Session by the SESAR Deployment Manager
Topics of discussion will include:
• Future Aeronautical Communications
• AeroMACS Applications
• AeroMACS Integration and Trial Deployments
• Network and Security Considerations for AeroMACS
• Certification for AeroMACS Equipment and Devices
• And more...
The program includes speakers from the following organizations: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC), Airtel ATN,
BOEING, ENRI, EUROCONTROL, FAA, Hitachi, Honeywell, ICAO, JCAB, NASA, SAAB Sensis, Senza Fili Consulting, Siemens,
SITA, Symantec, Thales Communications, and more.
WiMAX Aviation 2015—Madrid will be an interactive seminar. It is open to all participants of the Aviation ecosystem—Membership in the WiMAX Forum is not a requirement to attend.
Demonstrating Extended Arrival Management (E-AMAN)
Rooms N109+N110
The SESAR Joint Undertaking and members DSNA, ENAV, NATS, NORACON, Selex ES, and Thales are joining to demonstrate
how the SESAR Solution of extending arrival management (E-AMAN) to the en-route phase of a flight can significantly reduce
the need for aircraft to be subjected to holding before landing at a busy airport, thereby burning less fuel and generating fewer
emissions. This demonstration session aims to showcase how through cross-border collaboration (XMAN) between ATM actors, innovative solutions for ATM modernisation can be developed. Participation in the session will be granted on a first come,
first served basis.
22 Free Education
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
The Frequentis Aviation Arena
Tuesday 10 March 2015, 13.00–14.00
Operational Transitions: The Ingenav Experience
Ingenav, a consultancy and training company in ATM will be introducing its activities. Max Bezzina, CEO, Ingenav, will share the
experiences and best practices gathered in operational, system, and procedure transitions since it started supporting ANSPs
and ATM system manufacturers in this area in 2011.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Free Education 23
Free Education
civil air navigation services organisation
• Industry suppliers, as Associate Members, play
a full role in CANSO
• Opportunities to influence policy and best
• Representing the views and interests of
• Focus areas: Safety, Operations and Policy
• Access to guides and publications on key
ATM issues
• Global and regional collaboration with
industry stakeholders
• Forums for addressing regional ATM issues;
and safety and operations matters
• Free access and discounts for CANSO
• Airspace - quarterly magazine
• CANSO.org - a one-stop resource for ATM
• ATM News - weekly newsletter
The Names & Faces of Air Traffic Gather at
The Names & Faces of Air Traffic Gather at
The Names & Faces of Air Traffic
ATCA Members are part of the global air traffic
dialogue. Your access to ATCA committees,
publications, and meetings will increase your
awareness of the current aviation landscape
of the global airAirtraffic
and current work
Control Association
access toand
increase your awareness
ATCA Members are part of the global air traffic dialogue.
the access
landscape and
current work
ATC safety,
ATCA committees,
will increase
your awareness
and capacity.
of the current aviation landscape and current
work towards improving ATC safety, efficiency
What you get and
as capacity.
an ATCA Member?
What you get as an ATCA Member
What you get as an ATCA Member
• partnerships. ATCA collaborates with
• ConneCtions. Meet with other industry
Connections. Meet with other industry professionals at networking events throughout the year.
the U.S. Department of Defense, Federal
professionals at networking events
to ATCA Publications
at networking
CANSO, the year.
year.other industry professionalsAviation
Traffic Control
Expert Opinions. Members have exclusive access
and manyincluding:
• expert opinions.
Members havewith the U.S. Department of Defense, Federal Aviation
Headline News, the ATCA Bulletin,
& The Journal of Air Traffic Control
global organizations.
exclusive access
Partnerships. ATCA collaborates with the U.S. Department of other
• reduCed
• Valuable Content.
Daily Headline
academic institutions, and many other global organizations.
significant discounts to all ATCA events
News, the
Bulletin, &get
The significant
to all ATCA events and conferences.
and conferences.
of Air Traffic Control.
CANSO – the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation – is the global voice of air traffic management (ATM)
worldwide. CANSO Members support over 85% of world air traffic. Members share information and develop new
policies, with the ultimate aim of improving air navigation services (ANS) on the ground and in the air. CANSO
represents its Members’ views to a wide range of aviation stakeholders, including the International Civil Aviation
Organization, where it has official Observer status. CANSO has an extensive network of Associate Members drawn
from across the aviation industry.
24 Section of book
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Name of Sectiongg
Letter from the editor
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Section of book 25
Media Partners
The Official
Magazine of
World ATM
IHS Jane’s is the industry-leading source for
global developments in aviation security and
air traffic control. This year’s edition includes
the latest news and analysis covering aviation
security, air traffic control and airspace
management, ramp handling, and terminal
and ground support equipment.
You also receive our informed, nonpartisan
coverage, including: hardcopy and online
editorials, policy issues, market analysis,
finance, new products, and company
Jane’s Airport Review helps you conduct
market research, remain apprised of
technological advances, identify new market
opportunities, find suppliers, and research
competitor products.
26 Media Partners
Gold Media Partners
Air Traffic Management
Established for more than 15 years, Air Traffic Management
is the only magazine and website dedicated to covering the
ATM and the related CNS (communications, navigation, and
surveillance) industries. Our in-depth coverage and unbiased
independent analysis make Air Traffic Management widely
regarded as the most influential and respected magazine
within the air traffic management industry.
Each issue of Air Traffic Management offers hard-hitting,
independent coverage about key aspects of the business.
From the drive toward space-based air traffic management
to the integration of cockpit data link technology or the
development of ground surveillance and precision-landing systems, our authoritative journalists always keep you
informed of changes in this crucial market.
Every issue contains a no-holds-barred interview with a senior ATM or CNS figure and regular news coverage on key
staff changes around the world, the latest technological developments, and all the details of major business contracts.
Air Traffic Technology International
Air Traffic Technology International is the much-respected
annual review serving the industry published each September. The review is in the form of in-depth articles and
case studies, providing an exchange of the latest ideas
and developments within the industry. It is the established
showcase for the latest and most innovative ATC technologies, products, services, simulation, and training. Copies are
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
available globally to directors and senior technical managers responsible for air traffic control and related services.
Copies are also available at all the major shows serving the
industry. Advertising proves to be extremely effective with
our publication with a positive return in the form of leads
generated through our online reader inquiry service. These
continue to be generated for a full year as the publication is
kept as a source of reference and therefore provides great
value for our advertisers. Please visit Stand 141 at World
ATM Congress to see how you can be featured in our 2016
Airspace is CANSO’s flagship magazine, dedicated to the
ATM industry. This quarterly publication covers key ATM
issues through featured articles, interviews, and commentary by the leading thinkers of the industry. Pick up the latest
issue for free at World ATM Congress in Madrid, or download a copy from the CANSO website.
ATC Network
Aviation Week
Aviation Week, a division of Penton, is the largest multimedia information and services provider for the global aviation,
aerospace, and defense industries. Industry professionals
rely on Aviation Week for analysis, marketing, and intelligence information. The product portfolio includes Aviation
Week & Space Technology, AC-U-KWIK, Aircraft Blue Book,
Airportdata.com, Air Charter Guide, Air Transport World,
AviationWeek.com, Aviation Week Intelligence Network,
Business & Commercial Aviation, ShowNews, SpeedNews,
fleet and MRO forecasts, global maintenance, repair and
overhaul (MRO) tradeshows, and aerospace and defense
The Aviation Week Network is a provider of data analysis
and forecasting tools that offer our customers opportunities to generate success with measurable results. Aviation
Week’s core mission is to be essential to this community by
helping individuals and companies capture business, make
informed decisions, and tackle complex problems while
generating revenue. It’s critical to ensure that Aviation Week
delivers with integrity strategic business advantages our
customers deserve and expect from us.
Future Airport
In ATC Network, you can find all the latest ATC industry
news and developments. This information is updated on a
daily basis, as are product showcases, articles, information
on upcoming industry events, and courses. The Tender
Information Service is updated with all the latest published
calls for tender in the ATM Industry worldwide. There is a
who’s who directory where professionals can list their areas
of expertise, achievements, and publications. In addition,
you can find a jobs section and a company and product
database, which is searchable by country and area of
activity. The ATC Network sends out a fortnightly newsletter
to all its subscribers that details all the latest additions to the
community in the previous month.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Global Trade Media (GTM) is an international business-to-business media company with over 60 years of
experience delivering market-leading publications across a
wide range of industry sectors. Each publication is specifically edited for, and read by, a community of qualified senior
managers and executive decision-makers who value the
quality of writing and depth of information every edition
contains. With growing circulations, the titles now reach over
2 million business decision-makers worldwide, who all have
the power to purchase in the markets where they operate.
Media Partners 27
Our expanding portfolio of 51 printed and digital publications includes a blend of controlled circulation and paid
subscription titles serving 16 industry sectors.
International Airport Review
Airport Suppliers
la ops event
Gears up
International Airport Review magazine is the leading
bimonthly technical journal for the airport industry, and is
essential reading for anyone involved in the industry. International Airport Review keeps you informed of the latest
developments and projects within the aviation sector, featuring articles on key topics, including legislation, baggage
handling, ground handling, security, ATC, ARFF, and cargo.
At International Airport Review, we pride ourselves on our
editorial integrity. We attract the leading industry experts
to write about subjects that readers need to know. The
strength of International Airport Review is reflected by our
circulation figures, with an estimated 30,000 readers across
the globe.
The Journal of Air Traffic Control
The Journal of Air Traffic Control is a quarterly magazine
devoted to developments in air traffic control. It contains
articles on current issues involving ATC operations, innovative concepts and applications of technology to ATC, public
policy debates impacting ATC, commentary by noted
aviation experts and policy makers, ATC historical material,
and reviews of books and videos of interest to the aviation
community. The Journal is designed to be of general interest
to all professionals involved in air traffic control and other
aviation disciplines, such as ATC specialists, managers,
engineers, pilots, researchers, and members of the
­academic community.
Silver Media Partners
Airport Industry Review
Airport Industry Review is essential reading material for
decision-makers in the airport and aviation industries,
bringing you the latest news and analysis in a visually
stunning and interactive format. Produced by a team of
experienced editors and contributors, this quarterly magazine offers insights and insider’s views on key issues
affecting the industry and the latest technological developments, including airport design and construction, routes and
destinations, ground operations, passenger and cargo
handling, safety and security considerations, retail operations, and much more.
Airport-Suppliers.com is the global airport industry’s number
one meeting place for operators, vendors, airlines, airfield
managers, ANSPs, air traffic control, contractors, cargo carriers, authorities, ground handlers, OEMs, ramp operators,
consultants, and system integrators. The portal encompasses all aspects of airport equipment, technology, design, and
services. We provide a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with
up-to-date news and press releases when exciting developments occur, with links to the most important airport-related
organisations and governing bodies in the world.
Avionics magazine is the only publication that covers
all segments of the worldwide aviation electronics
industry including commercial transport, business and
general aviation, military, and rotorcraft. Our content
reports in-depth on technical, business, and regulatory developments throughout the global avionics
industry, which serves top avionics and technology
executives throughout the value chain.
Intelligent Aerospace
Intelligent Aerospace is the global community’s go-to,
around-the-clock source for comprehensive, informative, and timely aerospace information on the latest
tools, technologies, trends, opportunities, regulations,
and related issues of vital importance to aerospace
professionals throughout the entire industry. This
includes air traffic control and airport operations,
satellite communications and space technologies,
and civil and military avionics, such as rotorcraft and
unmanned aircraft systems. Influential aerospace engineers, engineering managers, executives, and educators turn to Intelligent Aerospace for up-to-the-minute
coverage of the global aerospace industry. Intelligent
Aerospace’s news coverage touches the complete,
end-to-end transportation loop, delivering in-depth
and insightful information on all aspects involved in the
safe and secure transport of passengers and cargo
from ground to air and back again.
Fast approaching: Ops Conference lands in Los Angeles, CA, April 13-15, 2015.
Join stakeholders from across the aviation value chain for Critical Path: Pivotal Changes in Safety and Operations.
Monday, april 13
Tuesday, april 14
Wednesday, april 15
Attend 2 out of 6 workshops
offering practical skills and insights
needed in Aviation Operations.
Get updated on aircraft tracking,
reducing operational risk,
global ATM harmonization and
interoperability, and more.
See key themes come together
in “The Critical Path – Approach,
Landing and Go-Arounds”.
don’t miss the aviation ops event of the year!
28 Media Partners
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor List
Information is correct as of 24 February 2015.
42 Solutions B.V.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
ACAMS A/S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
AC-B GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Adacel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137
ADPI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
Air Traffic & Navigation Service (ATNS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Air Traffic Management Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Air Traffic Technology International/UKIP Media . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Airbus Defence & Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
Airbus Prosky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
Airports Authority of India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
Airports Council International (ACI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Airtel ATN Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
AirTOpsoft SA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
Airways New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
ALES member of ICZ Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231
All Weather, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241
APAC GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Aprocta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1320
ASC Signal Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
ATC Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
ATIS UHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
AT-One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951
ATRiCS GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Aveillant, LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101
Avibit/Safegate Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
Avitech GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
AZIMUT JSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bayanat Group Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Becker Avionics GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
Beel Technologies, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
Biral—Bristol Industrial & Research Associates, Ltd.. . . . . . 137
Boeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
BRASIL IT+/SOFTEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
C Speed, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
Cadmos microsystems S.r.l.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209A
CANSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
CGH Technologies, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
CGX AERO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478A
Civil/Military Aviation Conference (CMAC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Coastal Environmental Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Cobham Flight Inspection Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348
COFELY-INEO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
COMSOFT GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
Copperchase Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1336
CPI Europe Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1356
CS Communication & Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
CS SOFT a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
Diamond Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342
Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne
(DSNA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
DLR German Aerospace Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951
DLR GfR mbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1202
DSNA Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
DW International Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226
Earth Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209B
EASAT Antennas Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221
Edda Systems AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
Egis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
EIZO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
Electronic Navigation Research Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1328
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University NEXT GEN. . . . . . . 1330
ENAC (Ecole Nationale De L’Aviation Civile). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
ENAIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
ENAV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
Entry Point North. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri). . . . . 127
ERA a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Esterline Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
EUROCONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
everis Aerospace & Defense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
Exel Composites Plc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Exelis Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
FAAMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1326
Federal Aviation Administration Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1302
Federal Aviation Administration (SWIM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Finmeccanica-SELEX-ES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
FIO Museum of Historical Planes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
FREQUENTIS AG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
GECI ESPANOLA SA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
General Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Glarun Technology Co., Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
Gloss s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209A
GMV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880C
GroupEAD Europe S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Harris Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117
Helios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
HENAME, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1253
HFC Human-Factors-Consult GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
HIS Hermieu International Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880B
Honeywell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863
HungaroControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216
DF Nucleo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896
30 Exhibitor List
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor List 31
IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
IHS Jane’s Airport Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
Imtradex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
INDRA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Indra Navia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
INECO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
Infinite Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Innov’ATM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210
Inster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Integra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
Isavia ohf.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Isdefe, e.s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
Japan Air Navigation Systems for Overseas
Association (JANSOA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245
Jotron AS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
Knurr Technical Furniture GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141
L-3 ESSCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239
LAIC Aktiengesellschaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
LEOSPHERE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
LFV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Lockheed Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
LPS SR, š.p. (Letové prevádzkové služby
Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Luciad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Mestella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Micro Nav Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245
MOOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
MOPIENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
Nanjing LES Information Technology Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951
National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) . . . . 1316
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). . . . . 1200
NATS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
NATS SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
Nautel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1304
NAV CANADA (NAVCANatm). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
NEC Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
NedGraphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
NITA, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Northrop Grumman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
NRPL Aero OY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105
NTT Data Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
R.I.S.K. Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
Radiola Aerospace Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Radome Services LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
RAMET a.s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
RETIA, a.s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
RHOTHETA Elektronik GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
Rockwell Collins (ARINC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809
ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
ROMATSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151
SAAB AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Schmid Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
Schneider Electric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892
Searidge Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
SENASA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
Sennheiser Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921
SESAR Joint Undertaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
Shepard Exposition Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Si ATM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
SITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
SITA Bureau Services/Flightyield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
SITTI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
Skyguide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220
Skysoft—ATM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220
Snowflake Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
SOLITEC Software Solutions GesmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Sopra Steria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Southern Avionics Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Spinner GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
STR-Speechtech LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880A
Sunhillo Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
TACO Antenna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
T-CZ, a.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
Technical University of Madrid (UPM/CRIDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1324
Telerad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Terma A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1352
Tern Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Testing Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212
THALES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
The MITRE Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Think Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Thinking Space Systems, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
Thruput Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943
TIRA Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Toshiba Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
TÜBiTAK-BiLGEM/DHMI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478C
UFA, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 882
Ultra Electronics­—Surveillance & Security Systems. . . . . 1332
Osprey Consulting Services Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303
VAISALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Vitrociset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
Plantronics, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
PRS Polish Radome Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
32 Exhibitor List
Name of Sectiongg
WEY Technology AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220
WIDE Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
WiMAX Aviation 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
World ATM Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
World ATM Interview Station. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
42 Solutions B.V.
Bert Brouwer
De Zaale 11
Eindhoven 5612 AJ
+31 40239 0720
[email protected]
42 Solutions are IT experts in civil and military air traffic management. We work for a range of organisations and companies in the aerospace, defence, and security sectors across
Europe and the USA. If you are looking for IT solutions that
are innovative, cost effective, and of high quality you came
to the right company. EUROCONTROL, National Air Forces,
NATO, and FAA will tell you that 42 Solutions is unique.
We can proudly say that we are able to bring together a
unique combination of IT expertise, domain knowledge and
cross-domain knowledge such as safety, security and human factors. We have a range of ready to deploy solutions.
All of these solutions come with customisation to cater for
your specific needs.
ACAMS A/S Henrik Lid Scharff
P.O. Box 150 Oppsal
Olaf Helsets Vei 6
Oslo NO-0619
+47 23 134440
[email protected]
ACAMS supplies advanced solutions for monitoring, control,
and display of airport tower-related systems. Integrated and
cost-effective solutions offer significant improvements in operational safety and controllers’ working conditions. I-TWR:
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
I-Tower solution collects, extracts, displays, and distributes
decision support to the ATC Controller. ATIS: A flexible, user
friendly, and cost effective ATIS/D-ATIS system for a wide
range of requirements. Technical Control & Monitoring:
Gathers status and fault information from ATC subsystems,
processes, and displays the information at technical operator workstations. AFL Control & Monitoring: Effective control
of all airfield lighting systems with unified HMI. Unified HMI
for multiple systems improves efficiency and reduces errors.
ACAMS systems have modular design, allowing custom
configurations with COTS hardware. May be adapted and
integrated to a wide range of equipment. ACAMS is the
world expert on integrating tower solutions with more than
120 installations worldwide.
Jurgen Kammerer
Hauptstr. 30
Markdorf 88677
+49 7544 50950
[email protected]
AC-B, an Indra Company in Germany, offers highly specialised IT services in the area of air traffic communication. For
many years, AC-B has been awarded by the German Air
Navigation Service Provider DFS with the support and maintenance of the German national air traffic communication
network VAN. Recent new developments for DFS are: • A
system for monitoring and surveillance of the GNSS Global
Navigation Satellite System. • The “Central Flight Plan Store”
with all flight plans routed via VAN used for retrieval, evaluation, and recovery. • The “Flight Alerting Service” for IFR
and VFR flights to uncontrolled airfields and all VFR flights
to specific controlled airfields. Additionally, AC-B offers
Exhibitor Information 33
Gail Hanline
9677 Tradeport Drive
Orlando, Florida 32827
United States
+1 407 567 2089
[email protected]
Adacel develops ATC simulation and training products and
real-time air traffic management solutions. Adacel’s Aurora
ATM improves airspace efficiency, enables higher levels of
service to airspace users, and reduces controller workload.
Aurora integrates all surveillance sources providing advanced conflict detection features and automation tools for
the controller. Aurora includes capabilities that are envisaged as part of the aviation system block upgrades. Adacel
also offers an arsenal of ATC simulators and training tools
that allow clients to choose the systems that best suit their
program. Products range from high-definition systems to
smaller, rapidly deployable versions and include a device to
train for ICAO aviation English proficiency.
Nathia Duverneuil
Batiment 641 - Orly Zone sud
Athis mons 91204
+33 1497 51100
[email protected]
ADPI, a subsidiary of the Aéroports de Paris Group, is a
world leader in airport design and ATM consultancy. Based
on a strong safety and economic efficiency culture inherited
from the 50 years’ experience of operations at Paris Charles
de Gaulle and Orly airports, ADPI provides a complete
range of services in: • Audits of ATS organizations • Airport
and ATM capacity studies • Air traffic control towers and
ACC/APP Design • ATM system engineering • Supervision
and transition • Safety and regulatory studies • Project
Recent achievements in 2014 include the new control tower
of Port-au-Prince, Haïti, and a set of complex safety studies
related to the Orly airport’s on-going development. As of
2015, the design of the control towers of Taipei and Mauritius are in progress. Several capacity studies are planned for
Korea, Greece, and Ethiopia, as well as assistance to EASA
certification process in France and Luxembourg.
Air Navigation Services
of the Czech Republic
Tereza Fajtlova
Marketing Officer
Navigacni 787
Jenec 25261
Czech Republic
[email protected]
The Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic (ANS
CR) is the national provider of air navigation services in the
34 Exhibitor Information
Czech Republic and as such, its main role is the provision
of a safe environment for the users of Czech airspace. ANS
CR has been internationally recognized on a number of occasions for its high quality standards, innovative approaches,
and as a pioneer of new air traffic technology. ANS CR has
received such prestigious awards as the Service Provision
Award from Jane’s Airport Review (2001 and 2008) and
recognition from IATA for the high quality of services (2002,
2004, and 2005). ANS CR is also active internationally,
predominantly in the field of ATC training, flight crew training,
and Flight Inspection Services. The main areas of expertise
include: • ATC Training—covering all areas of training for
ANSP staff • Flight crew training • Flight Inspection Services
• ATM Consultancy Provision of ATC service.
Air Traffic & Navigation Service
Faith Ndhlovu
Eastgate Office Park, South Boulevard, Block C
Bruma 2138
South Africa
+27 116071000
[email protected]
Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) State-Owned
Company (SOC) ATNS SOC Limited is responsible for Air
Traffic Management (ATM) as well as Air Traffic Control in
approximately 10% of the world’s airspace. Our services extend beyond air traffic control and filter into the provision of
aeronautical information used for all flight planning purposes
as well as search and rescue coordination activities. ATNS
also serves the ATM community through the deployment
of leading technologies. Our product and service offerings
include: • Flight Procedure Design and Cartography •
Airspace Design • Engineering Services • Training • Upper
Airspace • VSAT/NAFISAT • Centralised Aeronautical
­Database (CAD) • WGS-84 Surveying • Billing and Collection Management.
Air Traffic Control Association
Ken Carlisle
1101 King Street
Suite 300
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States
+1 703 299 2430 ext.310
[email protected]
Established in 1956 by a group of air traffic controllers,
the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) has been dedicated to progress in the science of air traffic control and
the preservation of a safe flight environment. Those in the
aviation community—air traffic controllers, system architects,
manufacturers, suppliers, system operators, and users—join
together to share their collective experience, knowledge,
and efforts in pursuit of common goals. ATCA is unique in
representing the broad spectrum of civil-military cooperation
typical of global flying activities. Its Annual Technical Meetings and Exhibits feature North America’s largest and most
diverse display of aviation-related technology. These events
are attended by thousands of civilian and military members
worldwide. ATCA also is a founding Partner in producing
World ATM Congress.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Air Traffic Management
Michelle Withers
Units 1-4 Gwash Way, Ryhall Road
Stanford PE9 1XP
United Kingdom
+017 8075 5131
[email protected]
Strategy, technology, and management for the world’s most
global industry. Air Traffic Management is the only dedicated publication to serve the information needs of the ATM
and CNS communities. It is widely respected as the only
magazine and news service that details accurately and impartially the latest trends and news of the industry. Air Traffic
Management provides essential reading for those wanting to
keep up-to-date with this fast-moving field.
Air Traffic Technology
International/UKIP Media
Simon Hughes
Abinger House, Church Street
Dorking, Surrey RH4 1DF
United Kingdom
+44 1306 743744
[email protected]
Air Traffic Technology International is the much respected
annual review serving the industry published each September. The review is in the form of in-depth articles and
case studies, providing an exchange of the latest ideas
and developments within the industry. It is the established
showcase for the latest and most innovative ATC technologies, products, services, simulation, and training. Copies are
available globally to directors and senior technical managers
responsible for air traffic control and related services. Copies
are also available at all the major shows serving the industry.
Advertising proves to be extremely effective with our publication with a positive return in the form of leads generated
through our online reader enquiry service. These continue
to be generated for a full year as the publication is kept as
a source of reference and therefore provides great value for
our advertisers. Please visit our booth to see how you can
be featured in our 2016 publication.
Airbus Defence & Space
Sarah Moehrle
Munich 81663
+49 7545 8 9119
[email protected]
Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus Group
formed by combining the business activities of Cassidian,
Astrium, and Airbus Military. The new division is Europe’s
number one defence and space enterprise, the second
­largest space business worldwide, and among the top
ten global defence enterprises. It employs some 38,000
employees generating revenues of approximately �14 billion
per year.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Airbus Prosky
Kara Evanko
1 Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte
Blagnac Cedex 31707
+1 703 234 0863
[email protected]
Airbus ProSky is the air traffic management (ATM) subsidiary
of Airbus, which was founded in 2011 to deliver ATM performance to airlines, airports, ANSPs, and civil aviation authorities worldwide. Airbus ProSky offers innovative products and
services that enhance efficiency, improve sustainability, and
increase capacity. Its airspace design services, air traffic flow
management products, and airport solutions solve the air
traffic challenges of the global aviation community, preparing
our skies today for tomorrow’s passengers.
Airports Authority of India
Anandroa Patruji Gajbe
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport
Delhi 110003
+91 1124642236
[email protected]
AAI manages 125 airports, which include 18 international
airports, 7 customs airports, 78 domestic airports, and
26 civil enclaves at defence airfields. AAI is India’s leading
provider of air navigation services catering to over 2.8 million
square nautical miles of oceanic air-space and 1.04 million
Square NM of continental airspace. AAI bagged JANE’s
Award in 2012 (Best Operational Efficiency for Chennai
Upper Area Harmonization), 2013 (2 Awards for Excellence
in ANSP Management and Strategic Advancement in Air
Transport), and 2014 (Service provision category through
ASIOACG). AAI has joined the world stage for transition
to satellite-based navigation with the operationalization of
GAGAN that will become an enabler for seamless navigation
within APAC region and approach with vertical guidance to
most of the runway ends in the Indian sub-continent. AAI
has provided expert services to other nations in airport construction and development, airspace, and flight procedures
Airports Council International 145
Joanna Kufedijan
P.O. Box 302
800 rue du Square Victoria, Suite 1810
Montreal, Quebec H4Z 1G8
+1 514 373 1232
[email protected]
Airports Council International (ACI), the trade association of
the world’s airports, was founded in 1991 with the objective
of fostering cooperation among its member airports and
other partners in world aviation, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air
Transport Association, and the Civil Air Navigation Services
Organisation (CANSO). In representing the best interests
of airports during key phases of policy development, ACI
makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air
transport system that is safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally sustainable. As of January 2015, ACI accounts
for 590 regular members operating 1,850 airports in 173
Exhibitor Information 35
Exhibitor Information
seminars with regard to AMHS and ATN/AMHS Directory
Services, AMHS publications, and an AMHS conformance
test service (AC-B is a Notified Body acc. EC Regulation
Katy Hughes
2 Harbour Square
Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire
+353 1 2147471
[email protected]
Airtel ATN is an independent supplier of data communication
solutions for the aerospace industry. Airtel ATN has been
active in the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN)
since 1993 and has consistently been an international leader
in the development of Data Link communication solutions
(including ACARS and FANS). Airtel ATN develops and implements Data Link equipment and test services. Engineering services are combined with a range of core technologies
to deliver solutions tailored to customers’ requirements.
Airtel ATN provides a complete range of Data Link products:
• Data Link servers • Network infrastructure and routers
• VDL, Satcom, and ACARS • Mobile VDL test systems
• Aircraft CPDLC test services • Ground Data Link test
systems • Full range of Data Link communications hardware
and software, certification, and testing. Airtel ATN has conducted and continues to take part in many research projects
in conjunction with ESA, SESAR, and NASA.
AirTOpsoft SA
Thierry Salvant
Cours St Michel 95
Brussels 1040
+32 2 7870823
[email protected]
AirTOpsoft is an independent software company developing,
maintaining, and selling AirTOp: the new generation of gateto-gate, airspace, and ground modeller. AirTOp is the only
fast-time simulator on the market capable of simultaneously
simulating airport (airside and terminal) movements, TMA/
TRACON/En Route movements, and ATC controllers, as
well as flow management and 4D trajectory-based operations (SESAR and NextGen concepts). Our customers
consist mainly of ANSPs, airport authorities, research labs,
and consulting companies worldwide. The AirTOp interface
has been specifically designed to reduce the time needed to set up and debug fast-time simulations in order to
achieve faster results and better cost efficiencies. With its
forward-thinking approach, AirTOp allows scenario editing,
simulation execution, debugging, reporting, and simulation
analysis through one single sophisticated interface which
includes highly interactive 2D maps and 3D views.
Airways New Zealand
Daniel Jimenez
100 Willis Street
New Zealand
+64 03 3572832
[email protected]
Airways is a world-leading ANSP providing air traffic control
and air navigation services in New Zealand and delivering
air navigation and air traffic management consultancy and
training services in over 65 countries. Airways has helped
36 Exhibitor Information
some of the world’s fastest growing countries design efficient, future-ready airspace. With a continuous improvement
approach to air safety and operational efficiency, Airways is
renowned globally for leading innovation and development
in the aviation sector. • Achieve lower training costs and
higher trainee success rates with Airways Total Control
simulators • Timely and high quality delivery of aeronautical
information and Performance Based Navigation procedures
for safety and efficiency in difficult terrain with GroupEAD
Asia Pacific • Airways Training provides experienced instructors, cutting-edge technologies, and internationally recognized training programmes • Remove recruitment uncertainty—choose the best candidates every time with SureSelect
• Airways’ flow management tools, Flightyield and CFM,
improve on-time performance, decrease fuel consumption,
and reduce CO2 emissions.
ALES Ltd.—Member of
ICZ Group
Tomas Rendl
Na hrebenech II 1718/10
Prague 14000
Czech Republic
+420 724 429121
[email protected]
ALES, a member of ICZ Group, delivers LETVIS© ATM System, Surveillance Tracker, Surveillance Networking System,
System for Civil Military Coordination and Integration, and
Simulator for Air Traffic Controllers’ Training as solutions
based on our own development, manufacturing, and commissioning of delivered systems. ATM System is scalable
from simple TWR systems up to the system for ACC/APP/
TWR, including Simulator and integrated Voice and Data
Recording for the purpose of Main, Back-up, or Contingency System for ANSP. ALES also designs and manufactures
ATC Consoles. ATC Consoles can be delivered either as a
part of systems supplied by ALES or as specific-purpose
Consoles or Furniture for accommodation of equipment
provided by other manufacturers. ALES in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was founded in 1992, developing and
manufacturing products for ATM and Air Defence in compliance with international and national recommendations and
standards (ICAO, Eurocontrol, and NATO).
All Weather, Inc.
Laura Ball
1165 National Drive
Sacramento, California 95834
United States
+1 916 928 1000
[email protected]
For more than 30 years, AWI has been a leading developer
of accurate and dependable aviation weather information
systems, certified by the FAA and approved by ICAO, WMO,
and Transport Canada. As such, AWI was selected to engineer the next generation air traffic control integrated display
systems (FlexIDS). The power of FlexIDS is reshaping air
traffic management by providing control towers and centers
with critical on-demand information in a fully integrated
and scalable environment. AWI has deployed thousands of
IDS workstations throughout the National Airspace System
(NAS) and around the world, with hundreds more being
installed in the coming years. AWI’s current offerings include
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
aviation weather observing systems (AWOS), low level
wind shear alert systems (LLWAS), ATC integrated display
systems (IDS), automatic terminal information service (ATIS),
electronic flight strips (EFS), and surface traffic management
(STM) systems.
Anhui Sun Create
Electronics Co., Ltd.
Jing Wen
No. 199, Xiangzhang Road, Hi-Tech Industrial
Development Zone
Hefei 230088
+86 551 65391350
[email protected]
Sun Create is an international system integrator and service
provider listed in the Shanghai stock exchange market
(code: 600990), which specializes in integrated solutions
and systems for public security, meteorological surveillance,
and comprehensive air traffic management. With over 60
years of professional experience, Sun Create has successfully undertaken over 70 significant projects in more than 15
Sun Create can provide complete ATM system solutions for
medium and small scale airports, which include the whole
surveillance sensor product line, automatic management
systems, communication systems, aeronautical messaging
handling systems, flight data processing systems, and ATC
training simulator systems, which can make the management procedure much safer and easier.
Susanne Lanzerstorfer
Unterstinkenbrunn 78
Unterstinkenbrunn 2154
+43 6763341165
[email protected]
For more than 20 years, APAC has been providing its clients
with the support that is crucial for their success in the ATM
world. The company has extensive expertise in Single European Sky legislation, and since 2007, it is one of the very
few “qualified entities”. APAC’s experience and its dedication
to provide first-class services is rewarded by our customers’
continued confidence in our services with regards to project,
quality, safety and software safety, testing, training, and configuration management. In the past, we were responsible
for the development of EAD and supported the City Airport
of Mannheim and the special airport of Airbus in Hamburg
in becoming certified ANSPs. Currently, APAC supports its
customers in assessing compliance with the software safety
requirements (ESARR); handles the moving, migration, and
integration of ATM systems; provides safety assessments
for several ATM systems; supports FAB CE; and provides a
variety of SES-related consultancy services.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Alejandra Gil
C/Marques de Pico Velasco 64, 1c
Madrid 28027
+34 913290202
[email protected]
Aprocta is the largest Air Traffic Controllers Association in
Spain. The non-profit organization works to ensure that air
navigation safety standards improve year after year to protect the more than 2 billion passengers that pass through
Spanish air space every year. Founded in 2009, Aprocta
promotes the professional interests of Spanish air traffic
controllers as an independent expert ensuring the legality of
air navigation operations and access to the highest level of
quality training. Aprocta works with its stakeholders all the
while enhancing ATCOs reputation and reaffirming them as
a key part of the aviation sector. In order to further assist our
members, Aprocta provides professional and technical advice that is tailored to the individual as well as a full service
catalogue. Such additional services undoubtedly add value
to Aprocta’s activity and assist the association with fulfilling
its key objective, preserving and promoting excellence in air
traffic control.
ASC Signal Corporation
Susan Wojs
1120 Jupiter Road, Suite 102
Plano, Texas 75074
United States
+1 214 291 7627
[email protected]
ASC Signal is a leading global manufacturer of antennas for
commercial and government satellite communications, as
well as antennas and pedestal systems for air traffic control
and weather radar applications. ASC Signal has over 50
years’ experience in the design and manufacture of communications products. In addition to hardware, ASC Signal
provides solutions-based services such as turn-key system
design, engineering, installation test and maintenance, product integration, and program management. Products offered
include: • Direction Finding (DF) Spinning Antenna System •
L-Band Air Traffic Control Radar Antenna System • S-Band
Air Traffic Control Radar Antenna System • S-Band and
C-Band Weather Radar Antenna/Pedestal System • Complete Range of HF Antennas. Come see us at Booth #955.
ATC Network
Chris Wade
P.O. Box 529
Maastricht 6200 AM
+31 43364 0702
[email protected]
Founded in 1998, the ATC Network was the first dedicated
“free to access” online ATC community for the ATC industry. Originally there was an idea to centralise all information
concerning the ATC industry at one place on the Internet. In
cooperation with many associations and professionals the
community grew and grew. This encouraged the professionals, experts, companies, and associations to actively
partake in the collation and timely publication of the indus-
Exhibitor Information 37
Exhibitor Information
Airtel ATN Limited
Miguel Da Silva
Rue de L’industrie 7
Fontaines 2046
+41 32 8540100
[email protected]
ATIS UHER SA has been a technology leader drawing upon
a long history of success and experience for over 65 years
in the industry of recording. With major markets in the sector
of air traffic control (ATC), airports, ATM, public safety, transportation, utilities, military, and government.
Rolinde Storm
Lilienthalplatz 7
Braunschweig D-38108
+31 88511 3651
[email protected]
Christine Thomas
Am Flughafen 7
Freiburg 79108
+49 7615918680
[email protected]
ATRiCS Advanced Traffic Solutions GmbH offers airport-specific software solutions and consultancy services.
ATRiCS products are used all over the world, wherever
benchmarks are being set in the fields of modern integrated
controller working positions, tower automation, and taxi
operations management. ATRiCS systems are used for
individual route planning and guidance at transport hubs
in Asia and the Middle East alongside with A-CDM applications geared at levering the optimal utilization of existing
infrastructure. ATRiCS supports the introduction of operational traffic systems with a wide portfolio of simulation and
validation tools.
38 Exhibitor Information
Annick Chaplain
300 Science Park, Milton Road
Cambridgeshire CB4 OXL
United Kingdom
+44 1223226290
[email protected]
Anna Hallmer
Malmö 21376
+46 (0)40 6991700
[email protected]
Peter Rudolph, Antje Schmidt
Bahnhofplatz 1
Friedrichshafen 88045
+0049 7541 2820
[email protected]
Nikita Shmeglenko
Naryshkinskaya alley 5/2
Moscow 125167
+7 495 9263769
[email protected]
Avitech GmbH is a systems and service provider for civil and
military AIM data, flight planning, procedure design integration, messaging, and flight briefing solutions. Key components of Avitech’s solutions are the interface between civil
and military AIM, flight plan (OLDI) systems, and networks
including gateways to classified networks to support the
SWIM concept between military/civil. Avitech products
consolidate aeronautical data for PBN, and building uninterrupted electronic connectivity between airports/airbases and
AIS centers through a data originators upstream pPortal.
The company belongs to the Indra Group and has operated
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Established more than 50 years ago, the AZIMUT group
of companies carries out development, production, and
delivery of radio communications, navigation, landing,
surveillance, and air traffic control automation systems on
a turnkey basis to air navigation service providers. They
also develop and implement integrated airport and air traffic
control center equipment and re-equipment projects. The
innovative technology based on the CNS/ATM concept of
International Civil Aviation Organization and the requirements of the Air Track Management Worldwide System, including the Air Trac Control Automation System of NextGen
that satisfy the requirements of EUROCONTROL are under
development in this globally competitive field. At the present
time, equipment development and delivery negotiations are
under way with companies in South Korea, Italy, the USA,
and Sweden. More than 150 airports and ATC centers are
now being supplied with equipment designed and manufactured by the enterprises of AZIMUT.
Bayanat Group Engineering
AviBit/Safegate Group offers a complete range of integrated
intelligent solutions for tower, airside, and gate. Our solutions provide increased safety, efficiency, and environmental
benefits to airports around the world. Safegate Group was
founded in 1973 and has more than 70 partners around the
globe in order to be closer to its customers. AviBit, a leading
provider of next generation ATC solutions that enhance
airspace and airport operations, has been a part of Safegate
Group since 2010. AviBit focuses not only on the design
and development of state of the art software applications
for efficient ATC towers, but also on system integration for
mission critical Air Traffic Control systems.
Avitech GmbH
from Germany and Slovakia for more than 30 years for over
30 civil/military customers on five continents.
Aveillant, a UK-based surveillance company, offers a range
of ground-breaking products based on its innovative 3D
Holographic Radar™ technology. Providing target-centric
surveillance, 3D Holographic Radars™ use a flat-panel
stationary array that provides huge benefits over traditional
rotating radars. This includes an exceptionally high update
rate, 3D coverage providing real-time coverage of targets
in terms of position, elevation and speed, and intelligent
characterisation and identification of returns. These unique
capabilities led to the 3D Holographic Radar’s™ first
application, as a solution to mitigate the impact of “clutter”
caused by wind farms on air traffic control radars. However,
clutter on radar pictures can be caused by many things including waves at sea and road vehicles, and the benefits of
3D Holographic Radar™ are gradually becoming realised by
marine, defence, and airspace industries across the globe.
Avibit/Safegate Group
AT-One is the European ATM research alliance. It combines
the strength of DLR’s Institute of Flight Guidance and NLR’s
Air Transport Division. Both deliver innovative and independent air traffic management research and implementation
support. AT-One’s more than 260 employees provide
customer oriented ATM solutions based on their unique
knowledge and skills and is supported by a complete suite
of research facilities. The alliance operates from Amsterdam, Braunschweig, and Brussels. AT-One is an “Associate
Partner to SESAR JU” and a candidate to participate in the
SESAR 2020 programme.
Aveillant Ltd
Elie Hannouche
Al Wahda Commercial Tower, 3rd Floor
Abu Dhabi 128642
United Arab Emirates
+971 2 6421446
[email protected]
Bayanat Engineering Group has companies established
around the GCC region focusing primarily on the Transport
and IT sector. Our partnerships with the global industry leaders are a verification of the proven success of bringing top
level technology and building a local expertise of excellence
in the region. We offer regional partnership, facilitation, and
engineering services to our customers bringing the best of
two worlds together… Bayanat Engineering Group operates: Bayanat Airports Engineering & Supplies in the UAE,
focusing on terminals, airside, and ATM system integration
having services all civil and military airports in the UAE and
Qatar, Bayanat Engineering Qatar in Doha servicing the IT,
security, and transportation industries, Bayanat Engineering
International in Muscat, and Bayanat Engineering Marco in
Morocco, along with a partnership in the Kingdom of Saudi
Becker Avionics GmbH
Alexander Becker
Baden-Airpack B 106 Rheinmuenster 77836
+49 7229 305367
[email protected]
individual requirements with the highest commitment to
quality and customer satisfaction. Becker Avionics has
been developing, producing, and servicing air traffic control
equipment and ground communications systems worldwide
for over 45 years. As a privately held high-tech company for
over 50 years, Becker Avionics has developed, manufactured, and distributed the latest communication, navigation,
surveillance, and search and rescue equipment for airborne
and ground applications. We have proudly provided world
class products for General Aviation, ATC, law enforcement, military, and OEM organizations including: Airbus,
Airbus Helicopters, Bell Helicopter, BAE Systems (British
Aerospace), ATR, CASA, RUAG, Xi’an Aircraft Company,
AgustaWestland, Pilatus Aircraft, German Air Force, Swiss
Air Force, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Auxiliary Civil
Air Patrol, etc.
Beel Technologies, Inc.
James Groundwater
170-3705 Place de Java
Brossard, QC J4Y0E4
+1 450 444 3008
[email protected]
Beel Technologies, Inc. is a Canadian company with over 20
years of experience designing and manufacturing specialized equipment for ATC customers worldwide. Our core
business is designing and producing performance optimizing test devices for radar systems. ATC professionals in
over 70 countries trust our equipment to continuously verify
azimuth alignment, phase, altitude reference, and integrity of
their SSR systems. The dynamic team and comprehensive
approach that backs our product enables us to assist from
pre-sales phase to the life cycle management ensuring your
needs are met. Our equipment is designed for easy installation, minimal maintenance, and seamless integration with
any secondary radar system.
Biral—Bristol Industrial &
Research Associates, Ltd. Rhian Knight
Unit 8
Harbour Road Trading Estate
Portishead, Bristol, BS207BL
United Kingdom
+44 1275 847787
[email protected]
Biral specialises in the design, manufacture, and supply of
meteorological sensors for industrial, environmental, and
research applications. Our HSS and SWS Visibility and Present Weather sensors provide outstanding levels of accuracy
and performance. Their unmatched reliability and durability
is reflected in their extensive use in critical applications
such as marine navigational aids, wind energy, roadside fog
warning, and airport RVR/METAR systems. The recently
announced BIRAL BTD-300 Thunderstorm detector with its
unique quasi-electrostatic operating principle demonstrates
our commitment to developing quality products to solve
customer measurement needs.
Becker Avionics is a leader in digital avionics technology,
setting the standard in customer-centric, state-of-the-art
ground and airborne solutions. Becker’s focus is on meeting
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 39
Exhibitor Information
try’s latest developments. Our goal is to support companies
through our Business Membership Program in developing
their businesses through networking, industry information,
marketing, and virtual events. As a business member of ATC
Network you will enhance your visibility within the industry,
grow your business, and engage the vibrant community of
tens of thousands of ATC professionals around the globe.
Laura Legra
929 Long Bridge Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22202
United States
+1 703 465 3279
[email protected]
The Boeing Company is working with government, industry,
and airline partners globally to improve the world’s air traffic system. Boeing’s Air Traffic Management team is at the
forefront of creating the infrastructure for a transformational
air traffic management system. This transformational system
relies on precision aircraft trajectories, system-wide information
management architecture, network-enabled operations, and
global interoperability. By applying expertise in the areas of
modeling and simulation, airspace design, systems integration,
and navigation services, the success of a modernized and efficient air traffic management system can be realized. Jeppesen,
a wholly-owned subsidiary, provides comprehensive solutions
to airports, ANSPs, and CAAs around the world. Jeppesen is
recognized as one of the world’s foremost providers of information and business support solutions to the transportation
industry. Its mature, well established, and industry validated
products and services include procedure design capabilities
and airspace and airport modeling (e.g. TAAM).
Eduardo de Lacerda Abreu
Rua IRMA Serafina, 863-6 ANDAR
Campinas 13015-914
+55 6133 272319
[email protected]
David Colangelo
316 Commerce Boulevard
Liverpool, New York 13090
United States
+1 315 415 6818
[email protected]
Federico Lanza
Via Bruno Pontecorvo, 11
Rome 00141
+39 3460046557
[email protected]
civil air navigation services organisation
CANSO—the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation—is
the global voice of air traffic management (ATM) worldwide.
CANSO Members support over 85% of world air traffic.
Members share information and develop new policies,
with the ultimate aim of improving air navigation services
(ANS) on the ground and in the air. CANSO represents its
members’ views to a wide range of aviation stakeholders,
including the International Civil Aviation Organization, where
it has official Observer status. CANSO has an extensive network of Associate Members drawn from across the aviation
Douglas Campbell
600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 800W
Washington, DC 20024
United States
+1 202 554-7774
[email protected]
FNS, and the internationally-acclaimed SaaS ASSET application for your eTOD, eAIP, and digital NOTAM requirements.
Anouk Jasperse-Achterhuis
Transpolis Building, Polaris Avenue 85e
Hoofddorp 2132JH
+31 0235685380
[email protected]
CGH Technologies, Inc.
The Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Brazilian Software Excellence (SOFTEX) is a private not-for-profit entity that
promotes the improvement of competitiveness of the Brazilian
software and IT services industry. The following companies
will take part in this Congress: (1) Saipher ATC—A Brazilian company—specializing in the development of air traffic
management and control solutions. Acting for more than 15
years in the ATC/ATM market, Saipher has developed solutions
to optimize the processes related to the airport operations,
statistics, air traffic flow management (ATFM), and real time
monitoring of traffic situations and planning segments, besides
systems for control towers.
C Speed, LLC
Cadmos microsystems S.r.l.1209A
CGH Technologies, Inc., is an ISO 9001:2008 certified and
CMMI Level 3 Agile software development and enterprise
engineering woman-owned business. Headquartered in
Washington, D.C., the company’s portfolio of AIM/AIS applications is more than 20, including SDAT, AGIS, OE/AAA,
Paul Planzer
1101 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States
+1 703 299 2430 ext. 305
[email protected]
The Civil/Military Aviation Conference (CMAC), organised
by the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA), is the world’s
largest civil/military air traffic management summit, where
senior civil and military leaders from throughout the world
explore plans for civil and military collaboration. It regularly
attracts military commanders and air forces chiefs of staff,
directors of civil aviation, and heads of air navigation service
organisations to focus on the latest developments and
future directions in air traffic control. Historically, CMAC has
attracted more than 300 key decision-makers and other
centres of influence from 50 nations. CMAC will be held 3–4
November 2015 concurrent with ATCA’s Annual Conference
on 1–4 November in Washington, DC, USA.
Coastal Environmental
Systems, Inc.
Karen Fox
820 First Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
United States
+1 206 682 6048
[email protected]
With 33 years of experience, Coastal aviation weather
systems operate on every continent and in every environment. Coastal’s expertise is in making weather monitoring
systems that work anywhere, all the time, are intuitive to
setup and use, and require minimal maintenance. Coastal’s
AWOS measure and report weather data at permanent,
Cobham Flight Inspection
Malcolm Hammans
Bournemouth Int’l Airport, Aviation Park East
Christchurch, Dorset BH23 6NE
United Kingdom
+44 01202409000
[email protected]
Cobham Aviation Services’ flight inspection capability
provides bespoke flight inspection services designed to
deliver assurance by minimising the risk of unsafe landings.
Proven in operations around the globe, Cobham Aviation
Services’ flight inspection capability is relied on by airport
operators and service providers, airport equipment manufacturers, systems integrators, and government regulators;
together with a range of organisations responsible for airport
flight inspection, air traffic management (ATM), navigational
aids, and flight safety. Operating from bases in the United
Kingdom and Germany, our flight inspection capabilities
encompass commissioning, return to service, engineering
flight checks, and periodic flight inspection. Our customers
benefit from a service founded on highly skilled and experienced personnel employing the technology, systems, and
equipment needed to deliver the highest standards of flight
inspection. The team includes pilots, specialist naval inspectors, radar inspectors, and calibration engineers together
with operational support staff.
Muriel Holzer
Wachhausstr. 5a
Karlsruhe 76227
+49 72194970
[email protected]
With 25 years of experience in the ATC domain, COMSOFT
is passionate about forward-thinking surveillance and communication infrastructures that ease the efforts of our customers, helping them to cope with the increasing demands
of their respective skies. We recognise growing traffic numbers and the economic obligations of our customers and
are motivated to provide the answers. Our ideas know no
bounds. We have a portfolio of successful projects showing
we are at the forefront of aviation solutions, adapting our
expertise to the needs of our users. From market-leading
message handling system AIDA-NG, AIM solutions fully in
line with the ICAO roadmap AIS to AIM, to innovative ADS-B
and Multilateration surveillance and integrated ATM automation solutions, we ensure we remain dedicated to the future
of air traffic management.
In 2013, C Speed, LLC was awarded the first contract in
the United Kingdom to install, integrate, and commission
its LightWave radar at Manston, Kent’s International Airport
to integrate with an existing Thales Star 2000 system that
required mitigation for offshore wind farms. Today, LightWave radar remains the only primary radar system in the
world that does not require terrain screening, mitigates wind
turbine clutter in its coverage volume, and is used for air
traffic control. Gracias!
40 Exhibitor Information
mobile, and portable airfields with the flexibility to integrate
any weather sensor. Systems have up to 10 sensor groups
(full/partial) on one or multiple runways. Data is collected
and processed by a server, then displayed anywhere via
Web/LAN, and sent as a voice output for broadcast to
pilots. Data reporting is available in METAR, SPECI, SYNOP,
and local formats. Coastal works closely with customers to
overcome local infrastructure challenges. Coastal provides
installation, technical support, and training. Systems are FAA
and NWS approved and FMH-1/ICAO compliant. Customers include the US Air Force, NAV CANADA, Indonesia,
Poland, Hong Kong, Nigeria, NASA, and the FAA.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 41
Exhibitor Information
Copperchase is dedicated to the provision of high quality
services, systems, and solutions to the air traffic control
(ATC), aviation, and communications sectors. We have
developed a broad range of ATC products and have also
formed strategic alliances with some of the world’s leading
manufacturers. This ensures that we can offer a total systems solution that meets each user’s needs. Copperchase
Air Traffic Systems offer complete end-to-end solutions
which incorporate ATC services design and consultation as
well as installation, maintenance, and support services on
all supplied systems, including products from our alliance
partners. Copperchase specialises in air traffic control data
systems and air traffic engineering systems and services
offering complete turnkey solutions.
CPI Europe Ltd
Robin Stewart
Clive House, 12-18 Queens Road
Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9XB
United Kingdom
+ 44 19322 56932
[email protected]
CPI is the premier supplier and innovator of high power microwave products to the radar industry. CPI will be exhibiting
an example of its successful S Band Solid State Amplifier
along with examples of receiver protectors used in all radar
systems. CPI personnel attending will be able to discuss
your requirements for solid state amplifiers, microwave assemblies, magnetrons, travelling wave tubes, and klystrons
used for ATM.
CS Communication &
Laurent Regulier
22, Avenue Galilee
Le Plessis Robinson 92350
+33 14128 9697
[email protected]
Responding to the challenges of its customers by conception, integration, exploitation, or operational readiness of
innovative turnkey systems, is the CS mission. CS expertise
in mission-critical applications and systems makes it the
partner of choice in sectors with strong growth potential,
notably, defense, air traffic management (ATM), space and
security, aeronautic, energy, and industry areas in France as
well as internationally. CS is active across the entire value
chain for its customers, enabling them to profit from its
differentiation strategy, which leverages the company’s three
main strengths: (1) Its capacity to act as prime contractor
for large, complex, high-stakes projects; (2) Its aptitude for
blending the benefits of different skills in order to offer its
customers integrated responses (“Consulting,” “Design,”
“Build,” and “Run”); (3) Its innovative, expressive will to succeed in strategic projects. Today, customers count on CS,
which is acknowledged by its largest accounts for expertise,
commitment, and the service sense of its co-workers.
42 Exhibitor Information
CS SOFT a.s.
Zuzana Krasnanova
Aviaticka 1039
Prague 16088
Czech Republic
+420 220 372402
[email protected]
The aim of CS SOFT a.s. is to develop the market and maintain state-of-the-art ATM systems combined with full-service
availability to every customer. Our knowledge and core
competencies are based upon more than two decades
of professional aviation programming and implementation
combined with products developed in cooperation with controllers, handling agencies, and emergency service units. We
are now able to support your airport environmental needs,
as CS SOFT develops systems for air traffic control (ATC),
general aviation, and ground transportation.
DF Nucleo
Leonor Cabrera
Avenida de la Industria
Madrid 28760
+34 91807 3999
[email protected]
DF is one of the Spanish companies with the strongest
industrial traditions, with more than a century and a half of
experience, starting with the mining and steel industry and
then the manufacture of capital goods and industrial assembly, to become one of the leading specialists in the implementation of turnkey, energy-related, and industrial projects,
with presence in five continents.
DF Núcleo is an international company belonging to DF
Intelligent Systems. It operates in the field of engineering,
providing “turnkey” solutions for communications and control systems, with specific products for the aviation, maritime,
rail, energy, environmental, security, and defence industries.”
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung
Astrid Kleinwaechter
Am DFS-Campus 10
Langen, Hessen 63225
+49 6103 7071753
[email protected]
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, the German air
navigation service provider, is a state-owned company
under private law with 5,881 employees as of 31 December
2014. DFS ensures the safe and punctual flow of air traffic
over Germany. Around 2,000 air traffic controllers guide up
to 10,000 flights in German airspace every day, and about
3 million movements every year. This makes Germany the
country with the highest traffic volume in Europe. Additional areas of activity include consulting, ATS systems, ATM
simulations, and training.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Olcay Oztanir
+90 22 626 753118
[email protected]
The management of the airports in Turkey and provision
of the air traffic service and its control in Turkish Airspace
is performed by the General Directorate of State Airports
Authority (DHMI). DHMI forms the infrastructure of Turkish
civil aviation sector by its facilities and installations and also
provides air traffic services more than 361 foreign commercial airline companies and passenger terminal services to
approximately 35 million domestic and international passengers who prefer air transport.
Diamond Antenna
Jan Van Gent
59 Porter Road
Littleton, Massachusetts 01460
United States
+32 27571804
[email protected]
Diamond Antenna and Microwave Corporation is a leader in
the design and manufacture of microwave rotary joints and
next generation slip rings used for power and signal transfer
in rotary antenna applications of radar and satcom. Technology enhancements from Diamond include the patented
compressive choke module with unsurpassed channel
isolation and Mode S compliance in air traffic control qualifications as well as Roll-Rings®, which offer maintenance-free
performance in low frequency signals and power transfers.
Diamond is located in Littleton, Massachusetts, in the
­United States.
Direction des Services de
la Navigation Aérienne (DSNA)480
Francois Richard-Bole
Stephane Durand
50 rue Henry Farman
Paris 75720
+33 158094815 (Francois Richard-Bole)
+33 0158097236 (Stephane Durand)
[email protected]
[email protected]
DSNA (Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne) is
the French Air Navigation Service Provider. French controllers handled 2.9 million flights in 2014 with the absolute
record in one day in Europe: 10,141 flights on the 11th July
2014. With five ACCs, 81 control towers, three overseas
regional structures, and 7,500 highly qualified employees,
DSNA offers quality and competitive services to all its
customers. DSNA actively participates in the building of the
Single European Sky.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
DLR German Aerospace
Michael Drews
Lilienthalplatz 7
Braunschweig D-38108
+0531 2952118
[email protected]
DLR is the national aeronautics and space research centre
of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research
and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport, and security is integrated into national and international
cooperative ventures. In addition to its own research, as
Germany’s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility
by the federal government for the planning and implementation of the German space programme. DLR is also the umbrella organisation for the nation’s largest project management agency. DLR has approximately 8,000 employees at
16 locations in Germany: Cologne (headquarters), Augsburg,
Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Goettingen, Hamburg,
Juelich, Lampoldshausen, Neustrelitz, Oberpfaffenhofen,
Stade, Stuttgart, Trauen, and Weilheim. DLR also has offices
in Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, and Washington D.C.
Manuela Landrock
Muenchener Strasse 20
Wessling 82234
+49 8153 281220
[email protected]
DLR GfR, a company of the German Aerospace Center
DLR, provides reliable, safe, and secure aerospace services.
DLR GfR holds an Air Navigation Service Provider Certificate
for communication and navigation services at airports and
has a focus on services for precise landing systems. DLR
GfR also offers a variety of training services related to human factors and satellite-based navigation. In addition, DLR
GfR operates and manages the constellation of Galileo satellites from the Galileo Control Center in Oberpfaffenhofen,
Germany. DLR GfR has implemented a technical infrastructure which satisfies availability requirements of 99,99%, is
certified up to “secret,” and is maintained on a 24/7 basis.
DSNA Services
Isabelle Rossi
7 Avenue Edouard Belin—CS 54005
Toulouse Cedex 4 31055
+33 562174438
[email protected]
ENAC provides ab initio and continuing education for the
executives and main players of the civil aviation world. Since
1959 ENAC research laboratories have offered a favourable
environment for training and research activities, namely
in ATM and aviation. Pilots, controllers, engineers, and
researchers gather on the same campus and work on the
most advanced techniques and academic disciplines. Research and Innovation are key assests to maintain capacities
and competiveness. ENAC has developed strong relations
with the industry and SMEs to boost innovation. ENAC
research road map is driven by the challenges of the coming
years: sustainability, performance, safety and security, and
Exhibitor Information 43
Exhibitor Information
Copperchase Ltd.
Trevor Sweet
Unit 1, Ventura Centre, Ventura Place, Upton
Poole, Dorset BH16 5SW
United Kingdom
+44 1202 774500
[email protected]
Charles Thronberry
Winchfield Lodge, Old Potbridge Road
Winchfield, Hook RG27 8BT
United Kingdom
+44 1183240176
[email protected]
DW International (DWI) is an independent consultancy which
provides technical support in the fields of air navigation, civil
air communications, and air traffic management. The company also develops and maintains bespoke software and
manages websites that support air operations. DWI is the
world’s leading provider of RAIM predictions to airlines, flight
planning companies and ANSPs. The GNSS RAIM/RNP
Prediction Service provides 24/7 availability, global coverage, and all PBN Navigation Specifications. It also supplies
the GNSS Performance Monitoring System for airports and
states allowing ANSPs to follow Annex 10 guidance for the
monitoring and recording of GNSS availability. The system
has been enhanced to include ionospheric monitoring and
can be expanded to include interference detection. DWI
has developed the RNAV Validation Tool to allow procedure
designers to validate their RNAV procedures on a desktop
computer. The tool is used by ANSPs and airlines.
Easat Antennas Ltd
Christopher Mason
Goodwin House, Leek Road
Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire ST1 3NR
United Kingdom
+44 1782 208028
[email protected]
Lars Aalvik
Industriveien 1
Spikkestad 3430
+47 3128 7000
[email protected]
Edda Systems supply advanced ATC simulation systems.
The main product is the eCoach ATC simulator portfolio,
which contains specialized versions for: 1) ATC controller
training (3D tower, radar, and VCS), 2) airspace planning,
including fast-time and real-time simulation facilities, and 3)
ATC system test. In addition to the simulator activities, we
offer specialized consultancy services within the ATC/ATM
44 Exhibitor Information
Ivanna Girard
15 Avenue du Centre—CS 20538—Guyancourt
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 78286
+33 562245600
[email protected]
Egis is an international group offering consulting, engineering, project structuring, and operations services in the
following domains of activity: transport, urban development,
buildings, industry water, environment, energy, mining, and
infrastructures. Working close to its customers, the group is
present in over 100 countries and has extensive experience
in dealing with local contexts. In the ATM sector, Egis is
globally recognized for its expertise and active participation
in innovation on ATM standardization. The group provides
the widest portfolio of consulting and engineering services
to ANSPs and related stakeholders. Our solutions include:
business and regulatory support, master planning, traffic
forecasting, airspace design, procurement support, safety/
surveillance, human factors, and project management and
deployment support. Recent and ongoing projects include:
integration and validation support activities on trajectory
management to Maastricht UAC, safety assessment of the
surveillance chain for the skyguide in compliance with IR
1207, and extensive engineering support provided to DSNA
in France.
EGNOS, the European
Geostationary Navigation
Overlay Service
Easat Antennas Ltd was founded in 1987 as an independent specialist company to design and build antennas and
complete radar systems for air traffic control, coastal surveillance, and military applications. Since then the company, a
subsidiary of Goodwin PLC, has established itself as a market leader in manufacturing high performance radar systems.
Easat radar systems are in service in over 50 countries with
more than 380 installations. Products include: • Primary and
secondary ATC radar systems fixed or transportable.
• Surface movement radar systems. • Coastal and offshore radar for coastal traffic monitoring, port approach,
border and sensitive facilities protection, and oil and gas
Edda Systems AS
domain, defense, and telecom. The company was established in 2005.
Pilar Azcarraga
ATC CENTER crta. de la Base km. 08
Torrejon de Ardoz 28850
+34 91627 8881
[email protected]
EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay
Service, is a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS)
that improves the accuracy and provides integrity to the
GPS signal over most of Europe. EGNOS is specifically
tailored for the aviation sector, making air navigation more
safe and precise than ever, and being the perfect service for
those aerodromes with no ground navigation facilities.
EIZO Corporation
Tanja Splinter
153 Shimokashiwano
Hakusan, Ishikawa 924-8566
+81 76277-6795
[email protected]
With over 45 years of technical expertise, EIZO offers a full
spectrum of products for ATC to provide customers with the
selection of specialized solutions ideally suited for any environment—2K x 2K and 4K x 2K primary control monitors,
tower and auxiliary monitors, recording and streaming solutions, and high-resolution graphics boards. EIZO develops,
manufactures, and quality-control tests every product inhouse at its own factories to improve efficiency and ensure
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
maximum reliability. With successful bonds with numerous
ATC system integrators worldwide, EIZO continues to invest,
grow, and excel in providing the ATC sector with the most
extensive lineup of visual display solutions in the industry.
ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.
Petr Krejcar
Delnicka 469
Pardubice 53003
Czech Republic
+420 466052443
[email protected]
ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o. company was established in 1991
to help create complex solutions responding to customers’
demanding requirements related to the air traffic control and
air defense industries. ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o. also creates
complex solutions in response to customers’ requirements
and demands in radiolocation domain. An experienced
team of professionals ensures problem analysis, realization
studies, project management, development of circuits and
software, electrical and mechanical design and performance tests, and equipment installation. Main activities of
the ­ELDIS Pardubice company are focused on the area of
development and manufacturing of radar technology and
systems for air traffic control.
Electronic Navigation
Research Institute
Akiko Kohmura
7-42-23 Jindaiji-Higashiimachi
Choufu 182-0012
+81 422413174
[email protected]
ENRI (Electronic Navigation Research Institute) is the only
institute in Japan conducting research and development on
air traffic systems consisting of ATM (air traffic management),
CNS (communication, navigation, and surveillance) and is
now involved in the technologies to facilitate air traffic safety,
efficiency, and environmental preservation.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
1328, 1330
Diana Dunham
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114
United States
+1 386 323 8763
[email protected]
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), the world’s
largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and
aerospace, is a nonprofit, independent institution offering
more than 70 baccalaureate, Masters, and Ph.D. degree
programs in its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Aviation,
Business, Engineering, and Security and Intelligence.
Embry-Riddle educates students at residential campuses in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz., through
the Worldwide Campus with more than 150 locations in
the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, as
well as through online programs. The university is a major
research center, seeking solutions to real-world problems in
partnership with the aerospace industry, other universities,
and government agencies. For more information, visit www.
embryriddle.edu. The NextGen Florida Test Bed (FTB) at
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
ERAU is a government-funded facility providing NextGen
prototypes/demonstration solutions that integrates operational improvements and stakeholder input. The FTB brings
together best-in-class government, industry, and academic
global investment resources.
ENAC (Ecole Nationale
De L’Aviation Civile)
Isabelle Rossi
7 Avenue Edouard Belin—CS 54005
Toulouse Cedex 4 31055
+33 562174438
[email protected]
ENAC provides ab initio and continuing education for the
executives and main players of the civil aviation world. Since
1959 ENAC research laboratories have offered a favourable
environment for training and research activities, namely
in ATM and aviation. Pilots, controllers, engineers, and
researchers gather on the same campus and work on the
most advanced techniques and academic disciplines. Research and innovation are key assets to maintain capacities
and competiveness. ENAC has developed strong relations
with the industry and SMEs to boost innovation. The ENAC
research road map is driven by the challenges of the coming
years: sustainability, performance, safety, security, and
Elena Perez
Avenida De Argon, 402
Madrid 28022
+91 296 7524
[email protected]
The Public Corporate Entity ENAIRE is the company designated by the State to provide air transit services in the en
route and approach phases in Spain. Its five control centres
and 22 control towers manage close to 1.8 million flights
a year, which makes it one of the four largest flight navigation managers in Europe. ENAIRE controls an airspace
of 2,190,000 square kilometres, consisting of the Iberian
Peninsula (except Portugal), the Canary Islands, the Balearic
Islands, and part of the North Atlantic, the Western Mediterranean and Western Sahara. ENAIRE performs the national
and international operational coordination of the Spanish air
traffic management network through efficient airspace management, taking into account respect for the environment
and the needs of users.
Giulio Gamaleri
Via Salaria 716
Roma 138
+39 06 81662268
[email protected]
ENAV is the Italian air navigation service provider. The company manages air traffic control in Italian airspace with 41
control towers and four area control centres spread all over
the national territory. ENAV plays a leading role in important
international programmes, projects, and activities such
as SESAR, BLUE MED, 4-FLIGHT/Coflight, deployment
manager, and companies as Aireon and ESSP-EGNOS.
Exhibitor Information 45
Exhibitor Information
DW International Ltd. Entry Point North
Inesa Stockunaite
Box 30
Malmo-Sturup SE-23032
+46 721878609
[email protected]
Entry Point North is one of the largest global ATS academies. The premier training solutions offered to customers
are carried out in accordance with best practice and all
international rules and standards including ICAO and EUROCONTROL. Entry Point North is an independent company
with decades of training experience inherited from each of
the owners: Avinor (Norway), IAA (Ireland),
LFV (Sweden), and Naviair (Denmark). At its modern facilities
in Sweden, Hungary, and Ireland it delivers premium training
and services to aspiring and operational air traffic controllers,
air traffic services, air traffic safety electronics, administrative,
and other related aviation personnel.
Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)127
Angelina Sturdivan
380 New York Street
Redlands, New York 92373
United States
+1 909 793 2853
[email protected]
ESRI’s geographic Information system (GIS) technology has
given clients the power to think and plan geographically for
over 40 years. Used today in more than 350,000 organizations worldwide, GIS helps cities, governments, universities,
and Fortune 500 companies save money, lives, and our
environment. GIS helps you understand and question data
in ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends. So
whether you are transporting ethanol or studying landslides,
you can use GIS to solve problems and make better decisions, because a GIS enables you to look at your valuable
data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.
ESRI supports the implementation of GIS technology on the
desktop, servers, online services, and mobile devices.
ERA a.s.
Veronika Rulcova
Prumyslova 387
Pardubice 53003
Czech Republic
+420 467 004253
[email protected]
ERA a.s. (member of Omnipol Group) is a pioneer and leading supplier of next generation surveillance and flight tracking solutions for the air traffic management, military, security,
and airport operations markets. As one of the developers
46 Exhibitor Information
of the respected technologies of multilateration and ADS-B
and thanks to the company’s traditional products—passive
radiolocators for defensive applications and multilateration
systems for the civil sector—the company has over 100
installations at a series of aerodromes, air traffic control
centres, and military organizations in 50 countries on five
Esterline Belgium
Wies Vanden Berghe
President Kennedypark 35a
Kortrijk 8500
+32 56 23 30 67
[email protected]
Esterline’s main and auxiliary ATC displays have been specifically designed for air traffic control applications. Equipped
with the latest LCD technology, Esterline’s ATC displays
combine performance, low life cycle cost, and user comfort
into an innovative visualization solution for today’s air traffic
control centers, air traffic flow management centers, and
airport/airline centers.
Catherine De Smedt
Rue de la fusee 96
Brussels 1130
+32 2 7293514
[email protected]
and highly reliable ground vehicles supporting aircraft operations on the ground.
generated 2013 sales of $4.8 billion. Collaboration... Optimization... Communication...
Exel Composites Plc
Exelis, Inc.
Merja Pyykko
Uutelanti 24
Mantyharju 57200
[email protected]
Lorely Flores
12975 Worldgate Drive
Herndon, Virginia 20170
United States
+1 571 203 3359
[email protected]
Exelis is a diversified, global aerospace, defense, and
information solutions company. As a leading provider of
critical network solutions for air traffic management, airport
operators, air navigation service providers, and airlines, our
capabilities have you covered from gate to horizon. From
global surveillance, traffic flow management, and integrated
communications, Exelis solutions are in use today at some
of the world’s busiest airports. Headquartered in McLean,
Virginia, Exelis employs approximately 10,000 people and
everis Aerospace & Defense
Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA manages the largest and one of the most complex
airspace systems in the world. To meet increasing demands
and a changing aviation system, the FAA’s Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) was created to
modernize the nation’s airspace. Through a series of new
programs, procedures and technologies, NextGen is transforming the US aviation system into an airspace that is safer
and more efficient. The FAA also works with other U.S. federal and state government agencies, the FAA’s international
counterparts and members of the aviation community to
ensure harmonization of NextGen policies and procedures
at home and abroad.
everis is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT DATA Corporation. everis Aerospace & Defense is a company that belongs
to everis group providing global solutions for critical systems
in the aeronautics, space, defense, security, and emergency
sectors, based on engineering developments and innovative
technologies developed both in-house and by third parties.
Federal Aviation Administration
Steve Blue
6500 South MacArthur Blvd.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73169
United States
+1 405 954 1085
[email protected]
Its very specialized Aeronautics Division is currently working
with SESAR Joint Undertaking under a Framework Contract for the provision of project management services to
its Programme Management Unit (both current SESAR and
challenging SESAR 2020). The company has also delivered consultancy services and in-depth studies for several
customers within the ATM field. It has also been awarded a
framework agreement for the supply of public addressing
systems for the network of AENA airports in Spain. Its capabilities also include the whole lifecycle of RPAS production
(from concept design through to airworthiness certification)
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Mission: We promote aviation safety and efficiency, advocate for our members’ interests, prepare the managers of
today to be the leaders of tomorrow, and support the highest ideals of the Federal Government. Vision: To become
the premier advocacy group for aviation and government
leaders, establishing our influence and expertise within the
U.S. and around the world. Philosophy: We are the men and
women of the FAA Managers Association. We respect our
members’ time, effort and resources. We believe in respect
and compassion for employees entrusted to our leadership.
We value excellence in public service. We embrace the
change that will be brought about by the next generation of
employees and technology. We are committed to achieving
the highest levels of aviation safety and efficiency.
Our actions demonstrate consistency in our ideals, our
relationships, and our treatment of others.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
800 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20591
United States
+1 202-26-7111
[email protected]
Founded in 1960, today EUROCONTROL, the European
Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member States, committed
to building, together with its partners, a Single European
Sky that will deliver the air traffic management performance
required for the 21st century and beyond.
Jose Ignacio Cruz
Avenida de Manoteras, 52
Madrid 28050
+34 91749 0000
[email protected]
Mark Deplasco
888 16th Street, NW, Suite 530
Washington, DC 20006
United States
+1 202 267 4738
[email protected]
The Federal Aviation Administration Academy provides a
full scope of Air navigation service provider related training.
This training includes flight procedures development, flight
inspection, air traffic, technical operations, airports and
aviation English training.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 47
Exhibitor Information
Moreover, ENAV is strongly involved in the work of relevant
organizations as ICAO, European Commission, and CANSO.
Through its own commercial offer the company provides
other services—such as aeronautical consulting, flight
inspection, training, engineering, maintenance, and research
and development—to 23 countries worldwide. ENAV also
established its own company in Malaysia—ENAV Asia Pacific—and has its Representative Offices in Brussels, Tripoli,
and Nairobi.
Michaela Kalina
Innovationsstrasse 1
Vienna 1100
+43 1 811501427
[email protected]
FREQUENTIS—Communication and Information Solutions
for a Safer World. FREQUENTIS AG, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is an international supplier of communication
and information systems in the fields of civilian and military
air traffic management and public safety and transport. The
company is the global market leader in communication
systems for air traffic control and aeronautical information
management. More than 90% of worldwide air passengers
are served by FREQUENTIS customers. FREQUENTIS
reaches back to experience gained from installing more than
25,000 operator positions throughout the world. Customers
in about 120 countries rely on the know-how and experience of FREQUENTIS and its enormous reserves of project
know-how in mission-critical applications built through
numerous international engagements. This ensures to
keep FREQUENTIS’ customers’ operational, financial, and
organisational risks low and their performance expectations
are met.
Sara Ruiz Pérez
Pq. Technologico Bahia de Cadiz, Parcela 29
El Puerto de Santa Maria 11500
+34 956 855957
[email protected]
General Dynamics
Visit us in Stand 109 to learn about the CM-300/350 Series
Version 2 radios, the latest additions to the General Dynamics family of air traffic control radios. These rack-mounted
transmitter and receiver systems are specifically designed to
meet the dynamic mission requirements of air traffic control
centers, commercial airports, and military air stations and
range installations. These UHF and VHF digital radios deliver
more modes and a broader frequency range in a rack
mount, passively cooled chassis. Advanced modes, legacy
48 Exhibitor Information
Glarun Technology Co., Ltd. 1204
Allen Lu
No. 39 Jiang Jun Road, Jiangning District
Nanjing 211106
+86 25 52787071
[email protected]
Glarun Technology Co., Ltd. is a listed company held by
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation with
registered capital of RMB 128,530,783. The company was
listed at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 2013, with
the security code of 600562 and security name Glarun Science. The company has three subsidiaries: Nanjing NRIET
Industrial Co., Ltd., Nanjing Glarun Microwave Element Co.,
Ltd., and Wuhu Glarun Megavolt Electronic Co., Ltd. It is
dedicated in the three sectors of microwave and electronic
products, communication electronic systems, and information system integration in the fields of microwave and information technologies, with the main products including radar
in system and subsystems, high power pulse power packs,
microwave components, microwave ferrite elements, and
mass transit control systems. The company has obtained
156 patents, including 24 for invention, 132 as utility models,
and 59 as software copyright. It has been awarded with 14
provincial and ministry prizes of different categories.
GECI is a worldwide high technology, engineering, E&M support, and consulting group, which has been providing, for
over 30 years, technical and commercial expertise services
to a wide range of customers in the aeronautical, telecommunications, infrastructure, and transportation industries.
GECI is a manufacturer and Turnkey System integrator for
CNS/ATM and contractor for airport infrastructure projects.
Our product portfolio includes: ATM, VHF, ILS, GBAS, AMS,
among others. Our headquarters is in El Puerto de Santa
María, Spain. We are currently working in over 15 countries
providing flexible, custom-designed solutions and services
in South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Jennifer Harrison
400 John Quincy Adams Road
Taunton, Massachusetts 02780
United States
+1 480 441 3905
[email protected]
AM voice interoperability, and VoIP facilitate current and future voice and data requirements. Our remote maintenance
and monitoring tool provides the capability to control and
monitor hundreds of locally or remotely connected devices
from a central monitoring station. Known for their legacy of
quality and dependability, the CM-300 Series radios boast
unprecedented mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) rates.
Marta Jimeno
Isaac Newton, 11 PTM Tres Cantos
Madrid E-28760
+34 918072100
[email protected]
GMV is a privately owned technology business group founded in 1984 and trading on a worldwide scale in the following
sectors: aerospace, defense and security, transport, telecommunications, and IT for public administration and large
corporations. GMV is a trusted supplier to leading aeronautical manufacturers, providers of air navigation services, and
aviation organizations. GMV provides engineering services
and develops state-of-the-art aeronautical systems and
software, while adhering to the highest quality standards.
GMV has pioneered GNSS-based operations in Europe by
providing consultancy and turn-key solutions to ANSPs for
the operational implementation of Performance Based Navigation and precision approach applications in their airspace
and aerodromes. GMV has also developed a state-of-the-art
solution for the ground inspection of conventional navaids,
in particular ILS Cat III and VOR, which allows aerodromes
operators to cut their operational costs.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
GroupEAD Europe S.L.
Antonio Dominguez, Stützeläckerweg 12-14
Frankfurt 60489
+49 6978072892
[email protected]
GroupEAD Europe is a unique AIM Service Provider that
offers a wide range of services in the field of aeronautical
data management and in the evolution from AIS to AIM.
Our knowledge comes from the background of our staff
and from the experience gained as EAD service provider, operating the European AIS Database on behalf of
­EUROCONTROL since 2003. We work 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, which means that you can reach us
any day of the week, at any time, from any part of the world.
With 50 staff coming from 16 different countries, we are able
to understand your needs and provide solutions in your own
language. Guntermann & Drunck
Jochen Bauer
Dortmunder Str. 4a
Wilnsdorf D-57234
+49 2739 8901100
[email protected]
Air traffic control requires permanent concentration. Therefore, KVM technology from G&D offers solutions that allow
operators and computers to be separated, moving the noisy,
distracting computers into dedicated areas and increasing
the efficiency of both man and machine. Access remote
computers in real-time without any loss in quality and performance. For more than 30 years German manufacturers
G&D have been creating high quality products with the most
reliable components and especially focussed on applications in ATC with a dedicated product line. Their KVM
extenders and switches are deployed in various air traffic
control centers around the world. In addition to their efficient
video bandwidth, Guntermann & Drunck’s high quality
devices offer special security features such as redundancy
concepts and preventive monitoring providing the system
safety required in ATC. Numerous ANSPs trust in G&D when
it comes to freeing up space and improving both working
conditions and system availability in ATC environments.
Harris Corporation
Nancye Meyers
1025 West NASA Blvd
Melbourne, Florida 32919
United States
+1 321 729 7022
[email protected]
Harris has been a trusted partner to the global air traffic
control (ATC) community for more than 25 years. With over
14,000 employees—including nearly 6,000 engineers and
scientists, Harris’ vast knowledge of global ATC communications and technologies is unparalleled and ranks it as
a global leader and pioneer in the industry. Serving both
civil and military markets alike, Harris helps air navigation
service providers, controllers, and mission-critical personnel
to manage air traffic safely and securely with dependable,
state-of-the-art communications innovations. Used by more
than 200 customers on six continents, Harris is your source
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
for comprehensive, turnkey communications solutions.
Modernizing worldwide air traffic management—one system
at a time.
Laurette Royer
29 Hercules Way, Aerospace Buolevard-Aeropark
Farnborough, Hampshire GU14GUU
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Part of the Egis group, Helios is an award-winning management and technology consultancy specialising in air
transport, airports, and ATM. We work with a wide range
of organisations globally: ANSPs, regulators, government
agencies, airports, airlines, manufacturing industry, and
investors. We understand all aspects of the ATM business
ranging from the strategic, through the operational to R&D.
Helios is supporting the introduction of performance-based
ATM from technical, operational, institutional, and regulatory
perspectives supporting the necessary changes across the
full ATM value chain. We continue to be at the forefront of
many of the key developments in our industry such as the
Single European Sky, regional cooperation, technical collaborations, remote towers, and combined approach services.
Our success has been recognised through two Queen’s
Awards for Enterprise and we are ISO 9001 certified. Come
and visit the Helios team on stand 335.
Kangsik Cheon
Jungang Innotech #807, 148 Sagimakgol-ro,
Seongnam-si 462-807
+82 31781 0900
[email protected]
HENAME, Inc. is the emerging and promising ILS manufacturer with state-of-the-arts technology. The Mercury Series
ILS is designed to meet changing operating conditions, and
proven to be stable and dependable. About 20 ILSs manufactured by HENAME have been installed worldwide starting
from South Korea through Africa and to the European Union,
mostly on ODM contracts.
Offerings include Localizer (LLZ) systems, Glide Path (GP)
systems, Marker Beacon systems, custom system engineering, and a wide range of precision antenna systems.
HENAME, Inc. is looking for local agencies capable of ILS
distribution and installation. The advantages of Mercury Series ILS include the highest level of performance, low cost of
maintenance, and easy installation. HENAME, Inc. is based
in South Korea and was established in 2006.
HFC Human-Factors-Consult
Rodney Leitner
Koepenicker Str. 325 Haus 40
Berlin 12555
+49 3065763226
[email protected]
HFC specializes in designing and configuring technical
systems and software interfaces in terms of usability, safety,
product experience, and acceptance. With an interdisciplin-
Exhibitor Information 49
Exhibitor Information
HIS Hermieu International
Diana Mounjer
ZI Chicago, Rue de l’Arsenal
+33 3284 1796
[email protected]
HIS Hermieu International Supply is a French company
manufacturer of flightstrip paper, flightstrip roll, and flightstrip
fan-fold finishing, in all sizes, flight progress thermal strip
printer Pegasus 301R/L and flight strip holder. Based in
Verdun-France, HIS has been offering ticketing solutions for
more than 20 years. We cooperate with the biggest printing
engineers, work with specific software editors, and integrate
robotic solutions. Given the long list of users all over the
world, including civil and military aviation organizations’ ATC
and ATM, an important part of the worldwide community
already appreciates our products and services.
and Simulation) is HungaroControl’s research and development centre operating Central Europe’s largest advanced
ATC simulation facility. It provides simulation, training, and
consultancy services for ANSPs, FABs, and other interested
parties. For more information on HungaroControl, please
see www.hungarocontrol.hu and www.crds.hu.
Honeywell is an active participant in both the NextGen and
SESAR programs. We are leading the way in developing
technologies for the modernization of the ATM system. Our
innovative solutions, such as the SmartPath Ground-Based
Augmentation System (GBAS) and our next generation,
RNP enabling Flight Management Systems, increase airport
access and capacity, improve routing efficiency, and reduce
operating costs, making a more intelligent and effective ATM
ecosystem possible today. Honeywell ATM solutions are
available today, meeting the evolving needs of government
agencies, aviation customers, and airline passengers across
the globe. With Honeywell, you’re cleared to land.
Cristiana Contino
Via Flaminia 1068
Rome 189
+39 0633 217401
[email protected]
Julie Curtis
1944E Sky Harbor Circle
Phoenix, Arizona 85034
United States
[email protected]
Zoltan Kiss
Iglo Utca 33-35
Budapest 1185
+36 1 2934514
[email protected]
HungaroControl is the air navigation services provider of
Hungary, and since April 3, 2014, the company has been
responsible for providing air navigation services in the upper
airspace over Kosovo as well. Hungarian Air Navigation
Services Ltd. is an active member of the Central European
Functional Airspace Block (FAB CE), a regional initiator and
cooperating partner of the European Union’s integration
efforts under the Single European Sky, and is currently working on the establishment of a Central European air navigation knowledge centre for the purpose of further improving
air navigation. CRDS (Centre of Research, Development
IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi
IDS is an independent engineering and systems technologies company providing research, innovation, and products
in the electromagnetic and air navigation fields for both civil
and defense applications. Since 1980 IDS has specialized
in providing consulting services for high-tech engineering
projects and in developing integrated software solutions and
measurement systems. IDS is an international company with
around 500 employees with headquarters in Italy and subsidiaries in Australia, UK, Canada, USA, and Brazil. IDS’s Air
Navigation Division develops and supports highly customizable commercial software solutions for both civil and military
customers in the aeronautical fields of communications, navigation, surveillance, and air traffic management. It provides
integrated systems for instrument flight procedure design
and ground validation, a comprehensive suite of applications
for aeronautical information management, navigation aids
performance assessment, radar siting, and electromagnetic
compatibility analysis. IDS has a strong customer focus and
is committed to meeting customer requirements with high
quality innovative solutions.
IHS Jane’s Airport Review
Richard Perry
Sentinel House, 163 Brighton Road
Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2YH
United Kingdom
[email protected]
With a legacy of more than 100 years as Jane’s, IHS Airport
boasts a reputation for reliability, accuracy, and impartiality;
a reputation which attracts a huge global audience of airport,
ATC, and industry professionals.
IHS Jane’s Airport Review guides purchasing decision-makers with impartial, authoritative coverage of global market
developments. Its trusted reporting spans all airport industry
sectors. With the largest independently audited circulation
among global airport titles, there is no better channel for
promoting your product or service to the world’s most senior
airport authorities.
IHS Jane’s magazines, yearbooks, and online platforms
offer an extensive range of airport and security marketing
solutions which can be tailored to meet the demands of
both international and regional objectives, ensuring brand
recognition at every level.
50 Exhibitor Information
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Susanne Lastein
Daimler Strasse 23
Dreieich 63303
+49 6103 4856956
[email protected]
Imtradex Hör-/Sprechsysteme GmbH Founded in 1996,
­Imtradex in Dreieich, located close to Frankfurt/Main, is
one of the leading manufacturers of headsets in Europe
today. Imtradex develops, produces, and distributes hear/
talk-solutions for both common use and special security
requirements. Our performance and company concept is
characterized by innovative production technologies, highest
quality standards, reliability, and flexibility to respond to
specific requirements.
INDRA/Indra Navia553
Luis Ruiz Garcia
Avda de Bruselas, 35 Alcobendas
Madrid 28108
+34 91480 6033
[email protected]
Indra is a leading European IT & defence company with 90
years’ experience in ATM. Indra’s ATC, surveillance radars,
navaids, communications, and airports systems are operational in all continents, in over 140 countries and in more
than 3,000 installations. The extensive product portfolio
of Indra includes forefront technology applications of 4D
trajectory FDP, AIS, VCS, CDM, A-SMGCS, ADS-B, MLAT,
and WAM. Indra Navia has recently joined the Indra Group,
thus broadening the portfolio with NORMARC ILS, NOVA
ASMGCS, and GAREX VCS. Indra provides country-wide
systems on a turnkey basis, having 42,000 employees all
over the world, subsidiaries in 40 countries, investing �20
million per year in R&D and playing a leading role in SESAR.
Irene Thomas
Paseo de la Habana, 138
Madrid 28036
+34 914521200
[email protected]
INECO is a global leader in transport engineering and consultancy. For over 45 years, its expert team of around 2,500
employees has been contributing to the development of
infrastructures in the aviation, railways, roads, urban transport, and ports sectors in more than 40 countries. Thanks to
our technical specialisation, our activity has diversified into
new markets and we have reinforced our presence in those
where we were already established. Our high-level technological capability allows us to offer the most advanced and
cost effective solutions to the projects we work in, both
for private and public sectors. At INECO we are one step
ahead and we plan, design and organise the air space, and
implement new generation air navigation systems to satisfy
the future air traffic demand. We contribute to the technical
development of these tools mainly for the fields of communications, surveillance, navigation, and ATM information
Exhibitor Information 51
Exhibitor Information
ary team that brings together expertise from psychology, engineering, mathematics, and computer sciences, problems
of hardware and software adaptation to humans are solved.
These include user-centered design and the evaluation of
assistance systems and operational concepts. Our customers come from the aerospace, automotive, and railway
industries as well as departments of safety and medical
equipment. The basis of the work at HFC is a high methodological competence—not only in human scientific, and
technical fields, but especially in interdisciplinary collaboration. Thus, the different questions of human-technology design can be handled for all domain applications. They range
from the analysis of safety vulnerabilities over developing
services such as GUI design or user guidance, to long-term
research projects in occupational health and road safety.
Cofely INEO235
Iulia Munteanu
23 rue General Valerie Andre, Innovel Parc Sud
Velizy Villacoublay 78140
+33 139261568
[email protected]
Amine Karray
42 Avenue du General de Croutte
Toulouse 31100
+33 984 398679
[email protected]
As a major player in electrical engineering, information and
communications systems, and related services, Cofely
INEO provides its public and private customers with overall
solutions from design right through to maintenance. With
15,500 employees and 300 facilities in France, Cofely INEO
works on projects for industrial and tertiary sector electrical
installations, energy networks, public lighting, transportation,
telecommunications infrastructures, overall security, energy
production, information systems, and outsourcing. Cofely
INEO is part of GDF SUEZ Energy Services, one of five
Innov’ATM proposes a revolution in ATC systems, by a
suite of innovative products: SkyKeeper suite. Your airport
is bigger than you think, through anticipated and optimized
management of departure and arrival and surface flows,
SkyKeeper increases your airport capacity by 50%.
business lines of GDF SUEZ.
The Infante de Orleans Foundation
(FIO): Museum of Historical
Planes in Flight
Carlos Valle
Cuatro Vientos Air Base, Hangar 3,
28044 Madrid
+34 91 3211857
[email protected]
The Infante de Orleans Foundation was officially established
in December 1989, but its origins date back to 1984, when
within the Aresti Aerobatic Club begins to form an embryonic collection of historic aircraft in flight. The first aircrafts
of this collection were two North American T-6 Texan, which
had been retired by the Air Force two years earlier, in 1982,
plus several Bücker Jungmann 131 acquired at auction. The
purpose for which it was created was reflected in the foundation charter: the recovery, restoration, and maintenance
of Spanish aeronautical heritage and its dissemination. This
is embodied in monthly flight demonstrations conducted
the first Sunday of the month, except January and August
at the Cuatro Vientos aerodrome since the spring of 1990.
This historic airfield, the first in Spain, celebrated its centenary in 2011. A documentary entitled Wings for History: The
Rescue of a Myth will be shown.
Infinite Technologies, Inc.
Seth Steed
2140 E. Bidwell Street
Folsom, California 95630
United States
+1 888 4322533
[email protected]
ITI-RCS supplies advanced composite radome products
and services. Our expertise stems from years of replacement, tracking, and design solutions to aging radome
fleets worldwide. ITI-RCS radomes are currently available
in sizes ranging from 3,1m (10ft) to 23,5m (77ft) for terrestrial-mounted radomes. Our maritime radome sizes range
from 1,4m (4.5ft) to 2,5m (8.2ft).
52 Exhibitor Information
Daniel Aguilera Córdoba
C/ Puerto de Pozazal, 4 Nave 23
Madrid 20831
+34 91380 2022
[email protected]
A flexible system, scalable to any environment.
Workstations, optimized for safety and efficiency.
Inster, member of Grupo CPS, is one of the key players in
the Spanish air navigation and defence industry, delivering a
wide variety of high end technological solutions for its clients.
Its portfolio offers a wide range of systems for communication, navigation, and surveillance for service providers in
many countries. Keypoints: flexibility, vailability, and sharing
goals with our customers.
Stine Danielsen
c/o Integra A/S, Troeroedvej 63B
Vedbaek 2950
[email protected]
Integra provides a broad range of services based on more
than 20 years of practical experience. All services are
tailored to the individual customer and its specific environment and are based on standard concepts and methods to
ensure integrity. These standards are well proven and lead
to cost-effective solutions for the customer. As aviation is
our core business area, some of our services are specifically
related to this sector. However, many of our services are
also provided to other business areas.
Isavia ohf.
Jon Gunnlaugsson
Reykjavik 101
+354 5250500
[email protected]
Applications on one integrated platform.
All of this is possible with NAVCANatm air traffic
management solutions.
We provide integrated tools for tower, terminal and enroute air
traffic management at more than 100 sites and in nearly 1,200
active workstations worldwide. Our leading solution in tower automation,
NAVCANsuite, is developed on an open architecture and provides fast
and reliable access to critical airport, tower and terminal control information.
Integrated flight surveillance, weather and airport data is all accessible at the
touch of a finger, making improved safety and efficiency well within your reach.
Experience the evolution of air traffic management with a system that controllers
and airport operators trust. navcanatm.ca
NAVCANatm and Searidge Technologies will
be exhibiting at the World ATM Congress.
Isavia handles the operation and development of all airports
in Iceland and manages air traffic in the Icelandic control
area which is 5,4 million square kilometres in size and one
of the largest in the world. Our subsidiary Tern Systems
specializes in the development of systems for air traffic management. These include radar, surveillance and flight data
processing, aeronautical messaging handling systems, and
ATC training simulation solutions. Along with Tern we can
offer training, service, and consulting
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Increasing Efficiency, Safety & Security on the Ground
At Searidge, we leverage our deep understanding of the
ATC and airport markets, extensive integration experience,
and market leading intelligent video platforms to solve
our customers’ most pressing surface management
challenges. We offer expertise in areas such as remote
services, surface optimization, apron management,
traffic lighting control, and runway monitoring.
Visit www.searidgetech.com
Natalia Garcillan Ortin
C/Beatriz de Bobadilla n3
Madrid 28040
+34 914115011
[email protected]
Isdefe is a state-owned company that belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Defense, which acts as an in-house technical
services provider to the Spanish Administration. Isdefe´s
main objective is to serve and support the Public Administration. Isdefe has 30 years of experience in consulting and
engineering services to organizations responsible for the
regulation, oversight, and provision of various transportation
services, all in an effort to facilitate the acquisition of new
capabilities, improve safety, and optimize operating procedures. In the transport sector, Isdefe is able to provide life
cycle management services for systems associated with
the provision of transport services and its oversight, security
analysis, as well as to develop solutions in the area of R&D.
Its activities are grouped into three areas of activity: traffic
management, transport centers, and advanced concepts.
Japan Air Navigation Systems for
Overseas Association
Masaaki Saiga
Kaiji Center Building, 4-5 Kojimachi Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0083
+81 35214 1352
[email protected]
Japan Air Navigation Systems for Overseas Association,
known as JANSOA, is a voluntary based non-profit organization founded in July 2013. Our aim is to introduce the
CNS/ATM and airport solutions developed and provided by
major companies in Japan and export them worldwide. All
of our members are leading companies with world-class
advanced technologies who will provide the CNS/ATM and
airport solutions tailored to the needs of individual countries. These companies also have the capability to provide
a consistent maintenance support to ensure uninterrupted
operation of any CNS/ATM and airport systems or devices
exported to any country. JANSOA is confident that you will
be fully satisfied with any of the solutions, products, and
maintenance support provided by our members for your
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
Hideaki Yajima
Nakano Central Park East, 4-10-1 Nakano,
Tokyo 164-8570
+81 3 6832-0987
[email protected]
Founded in 1915. Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC) has been
providing various avionics products based on state-ofthe-art radio technology, such as HF/VHF radio, Terminal
Doppler Weather Radar, Multilateration System, to the government sector. In 2010, JRC developed a very unique Mul-
tilateration System, called “OPTIMUS” (Optically Connected
Multilateration System) in cooperation with the Electronic
Navigation Research Institute (ENRI) in Japan. OPTIMUS
has achieved low cost and very good performance results
in detecting aircrafts and vehicles on the ground even under
multi-path interference and severe weather. JRC’s OPTIMUS is available today, meeting the evolving needs of ATM
service providers across the globe.
Jotron AS
Wendy Barstad
P.O. Box 54, Østbyveien 1
Tjodalyng 3281
+47 3313 9700
[email protected]
Jotron is a leading manufacturer of ground to air communication products and offers a complete range of radio communication equipment, from complex integrated systems to
stand-alone radio solutions for both airport and maritime applications. Jotron radios and recorders are integrated in accordance with ED-137(B) VoIP standard. Ricochet, a Jotron
synchronized recording and replay system is specifically
designed for the air traffic control and communication, navigation, and surveillance markets. Ricochet captures, replays,
and analyses data which is used only when reconstruction
of an incident is required. This flexible system supplies the
best unified recording, guarantying perfect synchronization
of audio, radar, screens, and closed circuit television.
Knurr Technical Furniture
performance in rain world leading advanced radome
engineering consistent and accurate radar performance in
all weather conditions sophisticated electromagnetic test
capabilities complete turnkey solutions from project kick off
to completion comprehensive range of field service options
including installation, onsite technical advisors, and radome
LAIC Aktiengesellschaft
George Parobek
Pilatusstrasse 38, 6002 Luzern
+41 41210 6100
[email protected]
The LAIC Group (LAIC) is an organisation with extensive
experience in providing solutions for the aviation industry since 1985. LAIC’s Aviation division, Ifield Computer
Consultancy Limited (ICC), provides the ATRAK® suite of
solutions. Working with aviation partners, in particular with
air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airports, we
have delivered air traffic control, air traffic management, and
air transport industry with a range of civil aviation authority
and ISO 9001 certified solutions and services for all aspects
of air navigation management. LAIC’s ATRAK® suite of
solutions now centres on its flagship systems, ATRAK-AB®
(aeronautical billing), ATRAK-BPM® (business planning and
modelling), and ATRAK-AIM® (aeronautical information management). ATRAK-AB and ATRAK-BPM systems deliver real
business benefit, have been designed to meet real business
Verena Perr
Mariakirchener Str 38
Arnstorf 94424
+49 8723 28129
[email protected]
Knürr is Emerson’s specialist for ergonomically designed
height adjustable ATC/ATM workstations and display walls.
In particular, the Knürr Technical Furniture business unit, an
Emerson Storage & Solutions company develops, produces,
and globally distributes technical workstation systems for
towers, ATC/ATM control rooms, operation control centers,
and electronics labs, as well as mobile equipment carriers
for the automotive and healthcare/medical technology
Robert Sedgbeer
90 Nemco Way
Ayer, Massachustts 01432
United States
+353 61 367244
[email protected]
L-3 ESSCO ESSCO Radomes ... The choice of CAAs
worldwide ESSCO Radomes protect vital ATC systems
worldwide including Monopulse SSRs, enroute surveillance
radars ASRs, ASDEs, NEXTRAD, TDWR, and more. Here’s
why: 98% transmission efficiency using state-of-the-art
tuning technologies concise electromagnetic performance
projections proprietary hydrophobic coatings for optimum
needs, and allow air navigation service providers to focus on
their core business and maximise the return on their capital
Laurie Berthier
14/16 rue Jean Rostand
Orsay 91400
+33 181870500
[email protected]
Leosphere is a world leader in LiDAR (laser radar) atmospheric remote observations. The company provides highly
accurate wind LIDAR instruments performing real-time
measurements adapted to the airport environment. For instance, the WINDCUBE 400S-AT scanning LIDAR provides
an all-weather 3D wind shear monitoring solution which
retrieves critical information to the air traffic control staff in an
effort to ensure safe take-offs and landings. Leosphere also
provides safety cases for the collection of wake vortex data
which will contribute to implement new distance separation
between the planes in the frame of ATC modernization
Commitment is a BIG word at Frequentis. A
commitment to air safety and those who manage
it. A commitment to innovation and cutting-edge
solutions. A commitment to the responsibility that
comes with a market-leading reputation earned
through decades of successful ATM projects. We
bring you world-beating expertise, a strong user
focus and the experience gained from installing more
than 25,000 operator positions in over 115 countries.
As a result, our solutions meet your performance
and operational objectives while protecting your
investments. That‘s why 80.000+ users rely on our
54 Exhibitor Information
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
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Exhibitor Information
Isdefe, e.s.
Sophia Du Rietz
Vikboplan 11
Norrkoping SE-60179
+46 1119 2000
[email protected]
Sharon Hayden
9231 Corporate Blvd.
Rockville, Maryland 20850
United States
+1 240 888 6237
[email protected]
Lockheed Martin’s kerb-to-cloud aviation solutions more
efficiently manage 60% of the world’s air traffic, 1.3 billion
passengers, and more than 2 million flight movements on
the ground globally.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin
is a global security and aerospace company that employs
approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally
engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture,
integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation’s net sales
for 2014 were $45.6 billion.
Product categories include: • Airfield Operations • Flight
Data Processing Systems • Ground–Ground ATC Data
Networks • Safety Systems/Risk Assessment • Simulators •
Software • Surveillance Systems (including Radar) • Training
Stefan Bellm
Arenberg Science Park, Gaston Geenslaan 11
Leuven B-3001
+32 1623 9591
[email protected]
Micro Nav Ltd
Silke Braham
41-47 Seabourne Road
Bournemouth BH52HU
United Kingdom
+44 1202 764444
[email protected]
Micro Nav Limited, formed in 1988, is a leading specialist
company developing and supplying air traffic control (ATC)
and air defence (AD) simulators and training systems. We
have experience in ATC and AD operations, systems design,
software production, ATC and AD training, and simulator design and development. The core capabilities of the
company are the provision of specialist ATC services; the
development of software for ATC and AD systems; and the
production of high-performance simulators for development
and training applications of both civil and military.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation1245
Fumihiko Hyodo
2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8310
[email protected]
Air navigation service provider LPS of the Slovak Republic, is
a state enterprise providing air navigation services including
air traffic services, aeronautical telecommunication services,
and aeronautical information services, as well as search and
rescue. LPS is mainly responsible for preventing collisions
between aircraft, on the manoeuvering area between aircraft
and obstructions, and expediting and maintaining an orderly
Mitsubishi Electric is a recognized leading manufacturer of
electric and electronic equipment used in a broad range of
fields. “Change for the Better,” the corporate statement of
the Mitsubishi Electric Group, encapsulates all that we stand
for and aspire to a brighter future for society, industry, and
everyday life through innovation. It expresses our commitment to continuously adapt and evolve in the unwavering
pursuit of excellence, and represents the raison d’être
for each and every employee. As we progress toward our
100th anniversary, our company-wide focus is to apply our
technologies to contribute to society and enhance quality
of life around the globe. We’re working to create a brighter
future through innovation and to ensure a more sustainable
world. In order to achieve this goal, we will continue to
Roderick Adjei
Ivanska cesta 93
Bratislava 82307
+421 24857 2114
[email protected]
For more than 60 years, Raytheon innovation has transformed
air traffic management. Our modernized solutions are trusted
by more than 60 countries in over 60% of the world’s airspace,
where they improve safety, create capacity and reduce
environmental impact to support global economic growth.
As the world gets smaller, Raytheon takes you farther.
At Luciad, we are passionate about geospatial software.
Our innovative, principled approach and dedication to
total customer satisfaction have earned us a reputation
for cutting-edge excellence worldwide. Luciad’s real-time
situational awareness geospatial software components are
known for their flexibility, high performance, and accuracy.
They play an invaluable role in safety, aviation, military, and
transport industries. Our international client base includes
the FAA, NATO, Air Navigation Service Providers, MODs,
and system integrators such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin,
and Thales.
LPS SR, š.p. (Letové prevádzkové
služby Slovenskej republiky,
štátny podnik)
56 Exhibitor Information
LFV is a Swedish state enterprise and a leading air navigation service provider at the global ATS arena. LFV is a full
service supplier offering air traffic services to flight inspection of naviaids to airspace and procedure design. We are
known to be solution oriented with strong quality and safety
focus. LFV has extensive experience from international
projects in more than 75 countries. We work together in
partnerships and joint ventures that include GAL, Borealis,
COOPANS, Naviair, and EPN. LFV innovation is an integrated part of LFV’s way of running business. LFV has 40 years
of competence from civil and military integration. LFV is the
world leader in developing Remote tower services.
Lockheed Martin
flow of air traffic. We provide our additional support in
airspace design and optimization, consulting, training, and
safety management system (SMS) in accordance with ICAO
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Connect with us:
© 2015 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved.
“Customer Success Is Our Mission” is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company.
Andy Blyth
Airport Executive Park, President Way, Luton
Bedfordshire LU2 9NY
United Kingdom
+44 1582 483111
[email protected]
Moog Inc. is a US publicly traded company on the New York
Stock Exchange. Moog acquired Fernau Avionics Ltd. in
2009 and integrated its operations with the US NaSS business sector; NaSS is part of Moog Aircraft Group. Moog
Navigation and Surveillance Systems (NaSS) is the world
leader in ground-based navigation systems. Major contracts
include the US Navy, UK MoD, US Air Force, USMC, Saudi
Air Force, Asian and Far East military, and other civil and
military authorities.
Primary NaSS products are ground-based air navigation
equipment for civil and military applications; airport systems
for foreign object debris (FOD) detection, surveillance, and
security; security surveillance systems for public and private
applications; and turnkey systems. Moog’s current product range includes Distance Measuring Equipment (DME),
VHF/UHF Doppler Radio Direction-Finders (DF), Naval DF,
autotriangulation systems, Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
systems, man-portable TACAN systems, mobile and deployable TACAN systems, and Mode S radar transmitters
and Automatic FOD Detection.
Chris Ko
2F., Seg; Bldg 111 Ogeum-ro, Songpa-gu
Seoul 138-828
+82 1043250789
[email protected]
Mopiens provides advanced air navigation system such as
ILS, DVOR, DME, etc. to the world. Mopiens’ Air Navigation
Systems are fully compliant with ICAO Annex 10 requirements and have been developed to the highest standards of
reliability and performance. Our systems have been installed
and operated in airports and en-routes worldwide.
Nanjing LES Information
Technology Co., Ltd
Lie Cai
No. 8 Yongzhi Road, Qinhuai district
Nanjing 210014
+86 25 82285023
[email protected]
Nanjing, as well as Guiyang International Airports Airports in
­ enezuela, Indonesia, and Kenya.
National Aerospace
Laboratory NLR
Rolinde Storm
Anthony Fokkerweg 2
Amsterdam 1059 CM
+31 88511 3651
[email protected]
The National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) is the independent knowledge enterprise in the Netherlands on aerospace.
The overall mission is making air transport and space
exploration safer, more sustainable, and more efficient.
NLR’s multidisciplinary approach focuses on developing
new and cost effective technologies for aviation and space,
from design support to production technology and MRO
(Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul). With its unique expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, NLR is bridging the gap
between research and application. NLR covers the whole
RDT&E (Research Development Test & Evaluation) range,
including all the essential phases in research, from validation,
verification, and qualification to evaluation. By doing so, NLR
contributes to the innovative and competitive strength of
government and industry, in the Netherlands and abroad.
NLR employs a staff of approx. 650 at our offices in Amsterdam and Marknesse in Flevoland province. The company
realizes an annual turnover of approx. 75 million euro.
Liz Hoswell
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80031
United States
+1 303 497 1535
[email protected]
The Aviation Applications Program (AAP) at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research researches, develops,
and transfers advanced weather technologies to support
current and future aviation operations anywhere in the world.
Current research emphases at AAP are in-flight icing, snowfall and freezing precipitation, convective storm nowcasting
and forecasting, atmospheric turbulence, numerical weather
prediction, remote sensing, data assimilation, precipitation physics, ceiling and visibility, oceanic weather, and
verification methods. Development of operational aviation
applications requires a strong connection between the
research and development of technologies and the needs
of aviators. End–user requirements are considered at each
step along the development path. AAP’s work is often
heavily oriented toward real–time operational systems and
this focus leads to an emphasis on algorithm development,
specialized graphical displays, weather technology in the
cockpit, systems engineering, operational demonstrations,
and the associated scientific validations and user–oriented
Emma Lynch
NATS Heathrow House
Bath Road
Cranford, Middlesex TW5 9AT
United Kingdom
+20 87503600
[email protected]
NATS is a leading air navigation services specialist, handling
2.2 million flights in 2013/14, covering the UK and eastern
North Atlantic. NATS provides air traffic control from centres
at Swanwick, Hampshire and Prestwick, Ayrshire. NATS
also provides air traffic control services at 15 UK airports
including Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Birmingham,
Manchester, Edinburgh, and Glasgow; at Gibraltar Airport
and, in a joint venture with Ferrovial, at a number of airport
towers in Spain. Building on its reputation for operational
excellence and innovation, NATS also offers aerodrome,
data, engineering, and consultancy solutions to customers
worldwide, including airports, air traffic service providers,
and governments.
National Air Traffic Controllers
Association (NATCA)
Kelly Richardson
1325 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005
+1 202 2209825
[email protected]
IT control that towers
above the rest
From the ANSP to the controller to the technician,
everyone’s better off with KVM.
For the service provider, KVM adds flexibility to IT
infrastructure. It enables emergency work-arounds,
improves workflows, adds reliability to redundancy
concepts and provides continuous, uninterrupted IT
NATCA represents over 20,000 controllers, engineers, and
other safety-related professionals, with membership from
every state, territory, and possession of the United States.
Certified in 1987, we are one of the strongest and most
influential labor unions in the federal sector, and a direct
affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Highly skilled and fully committed
to ensuring the safety of every flight, our team of safety
professionals is proud to represent not only the interests
of our membership, but the safety interests of the flying
public as well. Safety Above All is the litmus test in which
all decisions are based as we continually strive to improve
and enhance aviation safety maintaining the safest air traffic
control system.
ATCOs enjoy a computer-free environment. Moving the
computers to a central location creates less noise, less
heat and more space to create better working conditions
in the control room. And the system’s more reliable too!
With KVM, technicians can access several systems
from a range of locations - not just their workplace.
Administration is made easier and maintenance too:
the computers are stored centrally so no more crawling
under desks. There’s also more time for maintenance
because ATCOs can be simply switched to a back-up
system whenever it’s required.
For optimum IT system control, improved working
conditions and increased system safety, there’s only
one all-round answer – KVM from G&D.
Nanjing LES Information Technology Corporation (LES) is
a high technology specialist. We are a worldwide market
leader in the design, research and development (R&D),
installation, and integration of large-scale electronics
systems, which focuses in air traffic control (ATC) industry.
More than 200 systems and terminals have been deployed
in national and international airports, such as: Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Urumqi Area Control
Centres (ACCs) Qingdao, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Kunming, and
58 Exhibitor Information
National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR)1200
Exhibitor Information
improve our wide-ranging products, services, and business
activities to help change the planet’s environment for the
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Ian Burns
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, Nova Scotia B3Z 3J4
+1 902 823 3900
[email protected]
Nautel was born out of innovation starting with the invention
of the first solid state Navigation Beacon in 1969. More than
four decades later many of those early systems remain in
service today. Nautel continues to develop world class navigation solutions. Nautel’s integrated North American manufacturing gives Nautel complete control over all aspects of
transmitter design—from our lightweight, corrosion-resistant
racks to amplifier design, and even our environmentally-friendly packaging. Two ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturing facilities, one in Canada and one in the United States,
feature CNC fabrication shops, light electronic assembly,
final assembly, and extensive test facilities. A full inventory of
parts, modules, and subassemblies is available to support
your maintenance needs. With an average of 15 years of
experience perfecting their craft, Nautel’s production staff
provides unparalleled quality and attention to detail. Just
one more reason why Nautel has a reputation for building
the most reliable and dependable transmitters in the world.
Beth Clark
77 Metcalfe St.
Ottawa, Ontario
+1 613 563-7500
[email protected]
Every ANSP has unique airspace and airport demands, but
we all share the common objective of safe, efficient, and
cost-effective service. We can help you meet those goals.
NAVCANatm has a leading line of integrated air traffic management products, applications, and services operationally
deployed at over 80 sites worldwide for safe, efficient, and
cost-effective air traffic management. It is a division of NAV
CANADA, with headquarters based in Ottawa, Ontario,
NEC Corporation
Rafal Eichler
7-1, Shiba 5-Chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8001
+81 337986636
[email protected]
NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and
network technologies that benefit businesses and people
around the world. By providing a combination of products
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60 Exhibitor Information
2/12/15 10:04 AM
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March
and solutions that cross-utilize the company’s experience
and global resources, NEC’s advanced technologies meet
the complex and ever-changing needs of its customers.
NEC brings more than 100 years of expertise in technological innovation to empower people, businesses, and society.
For more than 50 years, NEC has been a leading provider
of air traffic control and airport systems and is continuously
expanding its presence in the global aviation market. NEC’s
product portfolio covers vast areas of airport communications, navigation, surveillance, traffic management, and IT
Andrew Briggs
Laanakkerweg 6
Vianen 4131 PA
+31 347329714
[email protected]
NedGraphics BV is a software company specialising in
Computer Aided Design and Geographical Information Systems for governments and engineering bureaus. Business
Unit Aviation—Originally created in 1995, the company
started development of an aeronautical charting product for
KLM airlines. Customers include airlines, civil, and military
aviation authorities. EUROCONTROL selected smartGlobe
as their high-end (AIP) charting product for the European
Aeronautical Database Project. The smartGlobe aeronautical
charting system allows the generation and maintenance
of charts and aeronautical data using a single source.
MapTrans is a map conversion utility for topography and
hydrography. Our main customer has been EUROCONTROL
in recent years, with the ambitious European-wide aeronautical database system EAD. Our European clients include 13
Civil Aviation Authorities; outside Europe, our clients include
­NAVCANADA, and five Civil Aviation Authorities.
Anastasia Verbitskaya
15 a Vzletnaya Street
St. Petersburg 196210
+7 812 7041813
[email protected]
NITA, LLC, set up in 1990, is now one of the most wellknown Russian companies working in the field of development and serial production of aviation-related equipment
and software. Facilities and equipment in NITA’s possession
as well as highly qualified personnel enable solutions of
tasks of various complexities: • development • science
research • designing • experimental development • production • delivery • introduction • repair and maintenance. Key
lines of business: • solutions for air traffic control centers
• navigation • communication and ADS-B surveillance
solutions (CNS/ATM) • design of buildings and radio and
communication facilities • simulation and training technologies • production and construction of modular objects
(including mobile solutions) • multi-purpose hardware and
software. For the purpose of production, NITA performs:
• science research • experimental design • development
• serial and pilot production • installation and adjustment
work for commissioning • technical support, maintenance,
repair, and upgrade • information protection arrangements •
operator training for maintenance • system integration.
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Northrop Grumman
Emma Meins
Park Air Systems, Ltd., Northfields
Peterborough, PE6 8UE
United Kingdom
+44 1778 345434
[email protected]
The name Park Air has been synonymous with ATC
communications for nearly 50 years and has always been
a name you can trust. Representing the pinnacle of Park
Air expertise, innovation, and industry knowledge within
the civil market is Park Air Sapphire. Our aim when developing this new portfolio has been to optimise the Park Air
experience for our customers. The result is a coherent and
unified collection of systems components, backed up by our
best ever suite of support services. The Park Air Sapphire
portfolio includes everything required for ATC communication systems. All products and services are designed to
ensure ease of purchase, installation, and maintenance. For
defence customers, the Park Air M7 range of radios meets a
comprehensive range of demanding communication needs
in fixed, maritime, and deployable applications. For more
information, please visit the Northrop Grumman stand or our
website, www.northropgrumman.com/parkair.
Sami Lahokoski
Koivupuistontie 34
Vantaa 1510
+358 46870 2233
[email protected]
NRPL Aero works in the field of air traffic control and has
extensive experience in the manufacturing and supply of
PSR and MSSR sensors, radar data distribution, and various equipment for ATC controllers. NRPL Aero specializes
in signal and data processing, microwave devices, software,
antenna systems, pedestals, mechanics, and hardware.
Among our products are PSR, MSSR Mode S and ADS-B
solutions, radar data processing and distribution systems,
air traffic control and management systems, and voice and
data recorders. The company is also involved in the supply
of components and subunits such as RF transmitters and
receivers, signal and data processors, and software or data
processing, and control and monitoring systems. NRPL
Aero has a wide range of experience in delivering turnkey surveillance solutions to our customers in the United
Kingdom, Lithuania, South Korea, Indonesia, Kazakhstan,
Azerbaijan, Mozambique, Russia, Armenia, and Cuba. NRPL
has numerous PSR, MSSR, ADS-B, and RDPS installations
NTT Data Corporation
Mizuki Asaba
Toyosu Center Building, Annex 3-9, Toyosu 3
Koto-Ku 135-8671
+81 5055452289
[email protected]
NTT DATA Corporation has been accumulating expertise
over the entire process, from consulting to system construction and operation. We have done so through the develop-
Exhibitor Information 61
Exhibitor Information
Osprey Consulting Services
Stuart Green
The Forge, London Road, Bentley
Hampshire GU10 5HY
United Kingdom
+44 1420 526085
[email protected]
Osprey is a leading specialist aviation consultancy. Operating out of three UK locations, we have supported airlines,
ANSPs, airports, manufacturers, military authorities, and regulators throughout Europe. We are technically excellent and
have many years of operational experience; our capabilities
Systems Engineering, including: • Safety assurance
• Safety management • Requirements capture and management • OJEU procurement management
Operational Support, including: • Airspace design and
implementation • Wind Farm impact analysis and mitigation
• Operational safety analysis • Audit preparation
• Safeguarding
Performance Improvement, including: • Strategy and policy
development • Business case development • Due diligence,
asset condition assessment, and valuation • Training needs
analysis. Highly responsive to our clients’ requirements,
Osprey is genuinely innovative, informed, and independent.
Plantronics, Inc.
Ed Scheber
345 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, California 95060
United States
+1 831 458 7307
[email protected]
Plantronics is a global leader in audio communications
for businesses and consumers. We have pioneered new
trends in audio technology for more than 50 years, creating
innovative products that allow people to simply communicate. Plantronics is the trusted provider to the aerospace
industry; our lightweight, reliable headsets are the choice
for thousands of commercial pilots and air traffic controllers.
Backed by a worldwide network of services and support,
Plantronics audio devices have earned a sound reputation in
mission-critical applications around the globe. From unified
communication solutions to Bluetooth® headsets, we deliver
uncompromising quality, an ideal experience, and extraordinary service. Plantronics is used by every company in the
62 Exhibitor Information
Fortune 100™, as well as 911 dispatch, Air Traffic Control,
and the New York Stock Exchange. For more information,
please visit www.plantronics.com or call (800) 544-4660.
PRS Polish Radome Services 115
Pawel Marciniak
Senna 142
Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie 70-893
+48 6949 37252
[email protected]
PRS is a service provider with over ten years of experience
in radomes, towers, navigation aids, and telecommunications - mainly in the wireless area. Within PRS, Surveillance
Infrastructure specializes in installation and maintenance of
towers and masts, radomes, and broadcast and cellular applications. We have extensive experience operating with civil,
governmental, and defence organisations worldwide. The
combinations of strong project management allied with access to manufacturing and installation resources allow PRS
to provide the complete surveillance infrastructure solution.
Specialists in: • Radomes for radar • self-supporting steel
towers for radar, broadcast and cellular applications • guyed
masts • radar and cellular antennas • navigation aids.
R.I.S.K. Company
Rahmina Khanaliyeva
59 R. Behbudov Str.
Baku, AZ 1022
[email protected]
Established in 1993, R.I.S.K. Company is one of the leading
IT companies in the Central Asian market providing solutions in IT consultancy, system integration, IT outsourcing,
application development, and Geographical Information
Systems. Automated Aeronautical Solutions development is
one of the fastest growing fields of R.I.S.K. operations.
We follow the intellectual system design concept in the
development of aeronautical applications, which enable us
to analyze the current situation and find out non-obvious
solutions even with the worst aeronautical conditions. All of
our software systems possess common operating environment and data models that ensure their operational compatibility. We provide AIM solutions to support advanced ATM
R.I.S.K. Company regularly extends the package of aeronautical applications, thus contributing to the “gate-to-gate”
concept of modern aviation. Our Aeronautical Software Systems are being used in flight procedures and by air space
designers, ATC services, airport services, AIS, and Divisions
of Aeronautical Cartographers.
Radiola Aerospace Limited
Richard Thompson
Unit 2, Level 1, 15 Marina View, Paremata
Wellington 5026
New Zealand
+64 4238 0113
[email protected]
RETIA, a.s.
Radiola Aerospace provides worldwide civil and military
aviation customers with flight inspection, flight validation,
and leading edge navigation and communications systems.
• Flight inspection services • Flight validation of instrument
flight procedures • Navigation and communications solutions for civil and military aviation customers • Airfield lighting
systems • Project management, installation, and maintenance of aeronautical navigation aids and communication
systems. Our reputation in this safety-critical environment
rests on proven project delivery in more than 50 locations
worldwide company features • Worldwide operation • Multiple regulatory approvals • Rapid response • Latest equipment and aircraft • Highly qualified, expert professionals
• Military and civilian customers.
Radome Services, LLC
Jane Cole
33 Elm Street
Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054
United States
+1 603 670 1280
[email protected]
Radome Services, LLC was founded in 2010 to offer new
choices in the radome field services market. With over 30
years of experience in the industry we provide the knowledge and skills essential to complete your radome and/
or antenna installation, dismantle, maintenance, or repair
programs on time and within budget. We understand both
customer and end-user needs and our ability to work on all
types of radomes, including air supported, composite, and
space frame, is an advantage for our clients. We can also
assist with antenna installs and dismantles. With a wealth
of experience, training, and proficiency working on sites
around the globe, we offer full crews, technicians, and technical advisor services. Radome Services is classified as an
economically disadvantaged woman owned small business
(EDWOSB). Visit us in Booth #131 to learn more about us
and to discuss and how we may be able to help you.
RAMET, a.s.
Marketa Bana
Letecka 1110
Kunovice 68604
Czech Republic
+420 572415251
[email protected]
among market leaders in law enforcement products, in particular radar speed cameras. A high level of flexibility and the
availability of in-house R&D team enables RAMET to provide
customised solutions to company customers.
Barona Arevalo
Prazska 341
Pardubice 530 02
Czech Republic
+420 602 370 916
[email protected]
RETIA is a leading Czech company in the field of source
capturing, recording equipment, and military electronics. In
response to the demanding legislative and quality requirements, RETIA, a.s. has become a renowned developer of
state-of-the-art recording and capturing solutions marketed
as “ReDat.” The ReDat recording and capturing device is
capable of registering voice, operators’ screens, radar data,
operators consoles, radios (digital/analogue), and many
leading communication technologies. ReDat is compliant
with the latest communication protocols such as SIP, RTP,
and UDP—ensuring interoperability with the recommendations of EUROCAE ED137 and ICAO 9896 for voice
recording. With an expertise of over two thousand installations, ReDat provides recording equipment to various clients
including air navigation services, civil aviation authorities,
police, emergency services, railways, and defence. Besides
manufacturing of source capturing and recording devices,
RETIA is devoted to the development, manufacturing, and
modernization of radars, missile systems, C4I systems,
ultra-wide-band detection, and localization systems.
RAMET a.s. is a Czech company founded in 1992, though
its tradition in radar technology products dates back to
1955. It specializes in the development and production of
special antenna systems and antenna mechanical parts, primary and secondary surveillance radars for ATC purposes,
and passive signal monitoring and direction finding systems
(ELINT/ESM/COMINT). To this end, the company possesses
a unique production technology, a far-field antenna range for
antenna measurement, and other state-of-the-art equipment for measurement/testing purposes. RAMET also ranks
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 63
Exhibitor Information
ment of socially embedded, mission-critical IT infrastructures.
Besides, NTT DATA Corporation has 40 years of experience in the aviation domain. This year, we proudly exhibit
our products including flight procedure design software
(PANADES), ATFM, and eTOD solution. We would like to
highlight eTOD with our unique remote-sensing technology
in collaboration with DigitalGlobe providing high resolution
satellite images and photos as a leading company. Moreover,
we are pleased to announce that everis Aerospace & Defense, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of everis that belongs
to NTT DATA group, will be also showcasing its offerings in
the ATM field at the event. everis Aerospace & Defense has
solutions for critical systems in aerospace, space, defense,
security, and emergency sectors. We look forward to seeing
you on site.
Herbert Milde
Dr. Ingeborg Haeckel Str. 2
Murnau 82418
+49 8841 487922
[email protected]
RHOTHETA Elektronik GmbH is building on 20 years of
experience in the design, development, and production
of high-quality direction finders for ATC, VTS, and SAR
applications. In the area of SAR technology, the company
specializes in equipment for professional SAR organizations
active at sea and on land. RHOTHETA Elektronik GmbH
was established on 01.08.1989 in the town of Roding in
Bavaria, Germany. The company initially developed the
RT-1000 direction finder system for ATC and VTS applications, and the RT-1000 received approval from the Deutsche
Flugsicherung in early 1992. This product was very successfully marketed by Becker Flugfunkwerke GmbH, and in
1994 we also started to cooperate with Rohde & Schwarz,
which markets the RT-1000 as the PA030. To date, over
100 systems have been deployed worldwide. The RT-1000
has been enhanced on an ongoing basis, and this direction
finder system is still used worldwide.
Rockwell Collins (ARINC)
Yanko Videv
Pegasus One, Pegasus Place
Gatwick Road
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9AY
United Kingdom
+44 1293 641200
[email protected]
electronic solutions for both commercial and government
applications. Rockwell Collins’ ARINC originated aircraft
data link communications and remains the industry leader
with a VHF data link network that spans the globe. We were
the first CSP to implement multiple VDL frequencies in an
operational environment. A leader in information management, our expertise and support are delivered by a global
workforce that crosses more than 150 countries.
GmbH & Co. KG
Robert Stecher
Muehldorfstr. 15
Munich, Bavaria D-81671
+49 89 49894129-13554
[email protected]
Adriana Ciortoloman
10, Ion Ionescu de la Brad Street, District 1
Bucharest 13813
+40 2083 450
[email protected]
Madrid Rohde & Schwarz provides and showcases a suite
of components for comprehensive system solutions—from
the microphone to the antenna. The world’s first supplier to
offer detection of simultaneous transmissions (DSiT), the
receiver-based digital signal processing now makes it possible to detect multiple parallel radio transmissions. With this
concept, Rohde & Schwarz addresses the ever pressing
needs of ANSPs for sharing air-ground and ground-ground
communication resources between centers to increase
safety and economic efficiency. Our trusted communications
solutions for ATM include: VHF/UHF radios—detection of
simultaneous radio transmissions • IP-based voice communications systems—ATC in the trusted cloud • Mobile ATC
system solutions—Providing turnkey solutions for mobile
ATC operations • Network security and encryption—Protect
high-speed networks from espionage • New generation of
direction finders—One for all state-of-the-art test and measurement for terrestrial air navigation—Stay on course.
Rockwell Collins is a pioneer in the development and
deployment of innovative communication and aviation
Ewa Martensson
Nettovagen 6
Jarfalla 17588
+46 858084331
[email protected]
SAAB serves the global market with world-leading products,
services, and solutions ranging from military defence to civil
security. SAAB has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts, and improves new
technology to meet customers’ changing needs. SAAB has
about 12,500 employees. Annual sales are around SEK 24
billion and research and development corresponds to about
20 percent of annual sales.
Schmid Telecom
Daniel Weideli
Binzstrasse 35
Zurich 8045
+41 444561427
[email protected]
Schmid Telecom is a global leader in network solutions for
voice and data transfer and voice communication systems
used in air traffic control. A company with a long tradition,
Schmid Telecom relies on the innovative spirit of its own
engineers and the legendary quality consciousness of the
Swiss. Our focus on research and development as well as
our lean, well-coordinated company structure enables us
to adapt quickly to the continuously changing needs of the
market and to implement a long-term vision. The knowhow from over 50 countries and the expertise in global and
local technology standards are the foundation of Schmid
Telecom’s customised solutions and guarantee long-term
customer satisfaction worldwide.
Schneider Electric
Alessandra Liberto
Parallelweg West 7
Culemborg 4104AX
+31 345544080
[email protected]
Schneider Electric designs and manufactures a complete
suite of value-added IT solutions for safety critical aviation
weather systems and services. Our advanced, diverse
range of automated weather observation, and forecasting
solutions for civil and military airports include: accurate
real-time weather data and forecasts to help ensure safety
and improve operational planning; flexible, customized products and services tailored to your operations for enhanced
efficiency and greater cost savings; and fulfillment of ICAO/
WMO/SES standards for safety compliance.
64 Exhibitor Information
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Searidge Technologies
Lindsay Hoto
19 Camelot Drive
Ottawa K1V 1C1
+1 613 563 7500
[email protected]
Searidge Technologies is a powerhouse of intelligent and
motivated people that are dedicated to improving the world
of airport surface management with innovative technology.
Leveraging our deep understanding of the ATC and airport
markets, extensive integration experience, and market-leading intelligent video platforms uniquely positions us to solve
our customers’ most pressing surface management challenges such as: remote services, surface optimization, apron
management, traffic lighting control, and runway monitoring.
At the World ATM Congress Stand 826, Searidge will showcase operational examples of how our solutions are being
used around the world to reduce airport delays, increase
efficiency, speed, and overall safety of the airport. You
will also see a demonstration of our modular approach to
remote/contingency operations that highlights advancement,
innovation, integration, and platform independence.
Finmeccanica SELEX ES
Penny McPherson
Via Tiburtina Km 12400
Rome 131
[email protected]
Finmeccanica—Selex ES is an international leader in
electronic and information solutions for defence, aerospace,
space, security, high-integrity surveillance, network management, information security, and mission-essential services.
As a world leader in high technology systems and sensors
with extensive experience across a range of sectors and domains, Finmeccanica—Selex ES is able to meet the diverse
needs of customers who require first class solutions. Within
aerospace and defence electronics the company’s experience includes the design and development of tactical ISTAR
systems, C4I infrastructures, electronic warfare equipment,
and mission critical systems for situational awareness,
self-protection, wide-area surveillance, and information dissemination. Finmeccanica—Selex ES brings similar technologies and skill sets to the security, route management. and
mission-critical service sectors.
Sara Barreiro
Avda de la Hispanidad, 12
Madrid 28042
+34 913019557
[email protected]
SENASA is a state-owned company committed to aviation
safety. It is an expert in the provision of aeronautical services,
including consultancy, technical assistance, maintenance,
and operation of aircraft, at the national and international
levels. SENASA promotes innovation and sustainability, supporting the administrations in the aeronautical aspects and
to the sector in its relations with them.
Exhibitor Information 65
Exhibitor Information
RHOTHETA Elektronik
Gus Skalkos
Am Labor 1 Weidemark
+1 860 326 1623
[email protected]
Sennheiser Air Traffic Control Headsets. Over the last 30
years, Sennheiser has helped to ensure clear communication in both the cockpit and in air traffic control centers. Our
latest product generation of headsets have been optimized
once again to meet the needs of air traffic control operators
worldwide, featuring exceptional acoustic and speech intelligibility performance, supreme wearing comfort, USB PTTs
for digital simulator and voice switch systems, and Sennheiser’s innovative modular ATC headset/PTT portfolio which
results in greater flexibility to meet ATC customer product
demands, and delivery requirements. Our new generations
of ATC headsets are lighter than ever, and offer a comfortable fit even after long hours of operation. Our patented
ActiveGard™ circuit protects the air traffic controllers’ ears
from high frequency acoustic bursts while still allowing for
communications. Sennheiser provides the best audio experience, so air traffic controllers can concentrate on their task,
with safety, security, and comfort.
SESAR Joint Undertaking
Florian Guillermet
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
Brussels B-1000
+32 25078030
[email protected]
A well-functioning and efficient air traffic management (ATM)
system is a vital element for the sustainability of global
aviation. That is why SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic
Management Research) was founded in 2007 in order to
modernise and harmonise ATM systems through the defini-
tion, development, and deployment of innovative technological and operational solutions. Today, SESAR consists of the
SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), a public-private partnership,
which pools together the knowledge and resources of the
entire ATM community in order to research and validate new
technological solutions. These solutions are then handed
over to the SESAR Deployment Manager, comprised of a
group of air navigation service providers, airports, and airlines, whose role is to deliver them into everyday operations
across Europe.
Rahmina Khanaliyeva
59 R. Behbudov Str.
Baku AZ 1022
[email protected]
Francois Bardin
112 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly sur Seine cedex
+33 1 46 41 14 09
[email protected]
SITA is the world’s leading air transport IT and communications specialists. Airlines, airports, governments, air cargo,
aerospace, and international organizations all use SITA’s
IT and communications solutions. They all rely on SITA’s
expertise to help keep the wheels of the industry in motion.
Almost every airline and airport in the world does business
with SITA. Our strategic direction, developments, and
innovations are driven by industry requirements. Owned by
the industry, we’re guided by the expertise and experience
of the SITA Board and SITA Council, comprising industry
members the world over. We provide the broadest portfolio
for the air transport industry, including: • Managed global
communications, infrastructure, and outsourcing services
• Services for airline commercial management, passenger
operations, flight operations, aircraft operations, air-toground communications, airport management and operations, baggage operations, transportation security and
border management, cargo operations, and more.
SITA Bureau Services/
Serena Russo
Chemin DE Joinvile - Cointrin-Geneve
Genene 1216
+39 06 96511570
[email protected]
Flightyield is the new approach to revenue management
for Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) and airlines.
Instead of ANSPs manually collecting overflight fees from
each airline separately, Flightyield provides a single point
of contact to automatically capture, calculate, rate, invoice,
and collect overflight fees from all airlines.
Implementing an effective revenue management system
can deliver significant operational and financial benefits to
ANSPs and their customers. Flightyield is producing results
for the ANSPs that are using it. These ANSPs are reporting
higher returns and lower costs. However, the most important benefit and key value proposition of the Flightyield service is its ability to support the introduction of sophisticated
charging regimes, without increasing costs and complexity.
Flightyield™ is the only aeronautical billing solution endorsed by CANSO. Flightyield features: no upfront investment required, no skilled resources needed anymore, third
generation solution fully on cloud, most advanced disputes
resolution module, fully customizable, daily dashboard, online visibility on collected payments, and powerfull scenarios
Roberto Weger
Via Cadorna 69/73
Vimodrone, 20090
+39 02 2507121
[email protected]
Established in 1946, SITTI has extensive experience in the
field of integrated radio and telephone communications.
Continued research and development together with close
attention to changing requirements in air traffic control and
control room management make SITTI a proactive leader
in technological enhancements to today’s Internet protocol-based world. SITTI is a worldwide primary supplier and
integration company to public and private clients in the
fields of civil and military aviation ATC communications and
strategic service sectors such as fire brigades, railways, police, and other essential service providers. Their vast product
portfolio includes integrated voice communication switching
systems (VCSS), ergonomic operational workstations for
tower and radar ATC environments, as well as associated
ancillary equipment, such as GPS time referencing and
clock display systems, AMHS terminal equipment and VoIP
gateways. Full membership in international standardization
66 Exhibitor Information
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
committees, committed R&D to the most advanced technology, and operation capabilities are strong points of SITTI
Annelise Portner
P.O. Box 796, 1215 Geneve 15
Geneva 1215
+41 22417 4796
[email protected]
As the Swiss air navigation service provider, Skyguide
derives from its profound expertise highly reliable, compliant Swiss-made services to create value for airports, air
navigation service providers, aircraft operators, and other
players in the air navigation service industry. With a pool of
over 300 operational and technical engineers and experts,
we are your preferred business partner to build integrated,
end-to-end and tailored solutions oriented to address your
operational, economic, and environmental concerns. Is your
challenge related to capacity, predictability, or accessibility?
Do you wish to improve cost efficiency, safety performance,
or compliance of your operations? Is your objective to
reduce your environmental footprint? Our services are the
solution to your challenge.
Skysoft ATM
Claude Levacher
Route De Pre Bois 15-17
Geneva 1215
+41 22 4174796
[email protected]
The flexibility of a small private company, supported by a
dynamic ANSP. Leaders in ATM automation and recording
solutions with innovation in the DNA.
Snowflake Software
Cat Shilcock
Alleyn House, 23-27 Carlton Crescent
Southampton SO14 2EU
United Kingdom
+44 2380238232
[email protected]
Snowflake Software provides commercial off-the-shelf
software solutions for the loading and publication of AIM
data, including AIXM, WXXM, FIXM, Digital NOTAMs, and
SOLITEC Software Solutions
Wolfgang Scheucher
Dresdner Strasse 43
Vienna 1200
+43 66488 296866
[email protected]
SOLITEC Software Solutions provides high quality end-toend IT solutions and services for critical corporate procedures across a whole range of industries, but especially in
aviation, transportation, logistics, and public authorities. Our
Aeronautical Data Quality Suite or “ADQsuite” is a package
Exhibitor Information 67
Exhibitor Information
Sennheiser Aviation
Sopra Steria
Lea Jackel
11, Avenue du Marechal Juin
Meudon La Foret 92366
+33 648122364
[email protected]
Sopra Steria, European leader in digital transformation with
35,000 professionals in over 20 countries, provides one of
the most comprehensive portfolios of end-to-end service
offerings in the market: consulting, systems integration,
software development, infrastructure management, and
business process services. Based on 30 years of experience in aerospace and more than 200 dedicated experts,
Sopra Steria plays a key role in ATM, helping its clients to
optimise and secure air traffic. Sopra Steria manages, for
instance, “Shared Virtual Sky,” the first European simulation
interoperability platform helping ATM stakeholders to shape
and validate new concepts and solutions. With more than
20 years of experience and 300 references, Sopra Steria
offers cyber security solutions and services tailored to its
customers’ maturity level supported by the European cyber
security centre based in Toulouse, France. Sopra Steria also
participates in European security research projects within
the Aerospace Valley World Competitiveness Cluster and
within SESAR.
Southern Avionics Company 153
Tara Trevino
P.O. Box 5345
Beaumont, Texas 77726
United States
+1 409 842 1717
[email protected]
For 52 years, Southern Avionics Company has been
providing safe and reliable navigation aids for industrial, civil,
and military users throughout the world. Southern Avionics’
products and services lead the industry as a navigation
solution for both aviation and maritime situations. The first
commercial offshore beacon was invented and installed by
Southern Avionics in 1963. Since then, we have installed
approximately 10,000 offshore and onshore NDBs. Because
of our superior product quality and commitment to customer satisfaction, we remain the most trusted name in radio
beacon navigation.
Spinner GmbH
Ivana De Faveri
Erzgiessereistr. 33
Munich 80335
+49 89126 011104
[email protected]
Spinner GmbH is a leading designer and manufacturer of
high quality RF systems since 1946, in the forefront of mili-
68 Exhibitor Information
tary/aerospace, SatCom and radar markets. Spinner stands
for highest quality RF, fiber and fast ethernet rotary joints,
fully integrated with slip rings and media joints.
STR-Speechtech LTD
AJ Hildebrand
212-1001 Cloverdale Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia V8X 4C9
+1 250 477-0544
[email protected]
STR-SpeechTech (STR) is a leading supplier of superior
quality text-to-speech systems for aviation broadcasting
applications. For over 25 years, STR has been dedicated to
meeting its customers’ needs through its StarCaster® line
of products such as ATIS, VOLMET, and RIS. StarCaster
is easy to use and requires minimal ATC personnel involvement. It has been specifically designed to reduce the
workload of all managers of ATC towers and flight service
stations, who need a reliable method of generating broadcasts that pilots can easily understand. Conforming to ICAO
and WMO standards, StarCaster is trusted for its reliable
performance, simple interfaces, and clear and consistent
broadcasts. StarCaster is available as a dual-language
system—with graphical interfaces and full audio provided in
English paired with French, Portuguese, or Spanish—and
has been installed at more than 200 locations around the
Sunhillo Corporation
Doug Walczak
444 Kelley Drive
West Berlin, New Jersey 08091
United States
+1 856 767 7676
[email protected]
Sunhillo is a leading provider of radar/surveillance data distribution and data communications interoperability technologies. We handle all life-cycle aspects of surveillance data
communications systems, from specification to design and
test, to site production and installation, as well as developing custom solutions. Sunhillo is a preferred supplier to
the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and to civilian and
military aviation authorities around the world. Sunhillo has
two subsidiaries, Sunhillo Technical Services (STS) and Sunhillo Performance Technologies (SPT), which was formerly
Performance Technologies MPS division.
TACO Antenna
Jon Barton
29 Sharp Road
Brantford, Ontario N3T5L8
+44 07765 583491
[email protected]
TACO Antenna manufactures high-quality communication
antennas built for rugged use and reliable performance. Our
products include our combination of omni-directional VHF/
UHF dipole antennas. If you’re looking to save on tower
space and cut down on your installation costs, we have the
answer with the ability to combine up to four radios while
utilizing only one antenna. High gain antenna options are
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
also available including directional point to point. Our wide
range of antennas have been engineered and designed to
meet the demanding requirements of the Environmental
810 Mil Standards supporting defence contractors and air
traffic control (ATC) systems worldwide for land and naval
abroad. Telerad radio systems are operated in more than 60
countries around the world. The quality-management system of the company is ISO 9001:2008-certified. With more
than 60 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of
radio systems, Telerad is recognised as highly reliable and a
provider of innovative, high quality products.
T-CZ, a.s.
Terma A/S
Monika Gregorova
Na Strzi 241/28
Prague 14000
Czech Republic
+420 466034501
[email protected]
T-CZ, a. s. company with offices in Pardubice was founded
in 1997 and developed its activities following up in the area
of active radiolocation on the former activities provided
by the former state company TESLA Pardubice. The
T-CZ company is gradually developed as a Public Limited
Company, a subsidiary company of the holding company
PAMCO INT, a.s. and do not act as “lone player” but
with a strong hinterland group, which includes known
manufacturers of the L-410 airplane through Aircraft
Industries. T-CZ company develops, produces, and supplies
all basic active Airport radar systems, primarily Precision
Approach Radar systems and Surveillance radar systems for
civil as well as military use.
Technical University of
Madrid (UPM/CRIDA)
Rocio Barragan
Pza. Cardenal Cisneros 3—ETSIAE, GINA
Madrid 28040
+34 913363605
[email protected]
The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) is the largest
Spanish technological university. With two recognitions as a
campus of international excellence, more than 35,000 students specializing in engineering, sports sciences, architecture, and fashion design, so ‘we are engineering the future.’
The majority of the greatest personalities in Spanish teaching
and research have attended its lecture halls either as
students and/or professors. The UPM is committed to the
transfer of knowledge generated through its research structures to society, and its transformation into technological
developments applied to the productive sector. The School
of Aeronautics and Space Engineering (ETSIAE) is renowned
for the quality of its teaching and provides its roughly 3,500
students with complete scientific/technological training in
Aerospace. Air Navigation Research Group (GINA), one of
the acclaimed research groups at E
­ TSIAE-UPM is focused
in the field of Air Traffic Management (ATM).
Patrice Torrez
c/ Puerto de Pozazal, 4 Nave 23
Madrid 28031
+34 913802022
[email protected]
Bente Nedergaard
Hovmarken 4
Lystrup DK-8520
+45 87436466
[email protected]
Terma A/S develops and markets high-tech solutions
and products designed for use in extreme mission critical
situations. Terma has over 60 years of experience within the
radar market for surveillance of coasts, ports, wind farms,
airports, and naval radar systems. Terma will showcase
SCANTER 4002 wind farm tolerant ATC radar and wind
farm obstruction lights. Terma will also showcase SCANTER 5502 as a solid state radar sensor, and fully compliant
with international standards e.g., ICAO, EUROCAE ED-116,
EUROCONTROL, and WMO. The SCANTER 5502 radar
system represents state-of-the-art technology in the market.
The flexibility in frequency planning and adjustment of transmitted power means low susceptibility to interference and
a swift integration into A-SMGCS due to open architecture
and processed radar video output. Terma will introduce a
new add-on, the aerodrome traffic awareness feature. The
growing list of references counts an impressive 172 SMR
installations in 41 countries.
Tern Systems
Sif Simonardottir
Hlidasmari 15
Kopavogur 201
[email protected]
Tern Systems specializes in the development of systems for
air traffic management (ATM). These include radar, surveillance, and flight data processing, aeronautical message
handling systems, as well as ATC training simulation
solutions. Tern Systems is a reliable partner for turn-key
solutions, serving airports and ATC centres of all sizes. The
company has cross-functional skills in all areas needed for
successful implementation of ATS projects. Tern prides itself
in being very flexible and responsive to customer needs yet
at the same time rigid enough to deliver world-class oceanic
ATM systems with the resources required for a diversity of
international market demands. Our customer support is
tied directly to our Quality Assurance program in a continuous cycle of improvement. Tern’s dedication to excellence
includes customer support at every stage of a project, from
conception through development and installation to operation of the system by highly qualified support personnel at
Tern Systems.
Telerad is an SME founded in 1950. Its mission is the design, manufacture, commissioning, and marketing of radio
systems for ATC in civil and military fields. The company
addresses the global market with 70% of sales generated
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 69
Exhibitor Information
of software tools and complementary services developed
by SOLITEC Software Solutions to support the exchange of
aeronautical data along the whole data chain from the data
originator to the end user. The SOLITEC team represents a
perfect combination of IT specialist and aeronautical data
domain experts. This guarantees a holistic approach when it
comes to the realization of aviation-related technologies and
concepts such AIXM, ARINC 424, and ADQ.
Katrin Boening
Michaelkirchstr. 17/18
Berlin 10179
+49 30 72619190
[email protected]
Testing Technologies advises and supports test automation
projects worldwide. We provide an extensive portfolio of
approved, ready-to-use software testing tools helping you
to create highly customized test environments. They enable
manufactures as well as ANSPs to ensure the interoperability of VoIP communication equipment in ATM. Whether your
project involves regression testing or generic test automation, our integrated test platform TTworkbench enables you
to build, execute, and analyze complex test scenarios fast
and easy. Choose from a variety of existing plugins, complete test solutions, or implement additional functionalities
via open and standardized APIs. That way, you can create
your own test suites, enhancements, or missing features in
a simple way. Reuse your investments in the future, as our
test bench is based on TTCN-3. This internationally standardized test technology was designed by testers for testers,
with a solid test system architecture designed by software
Charlotte Benn
19-21 Avenue Morane Saulnier
Velizy 78140
+33 647126227
[email protected]
THALES is a global technology leader in the aerospace,
transportation, and defence and security markets. In 2013,
the company generated revenues of $14.2 billion with
65,000 employees in 56 countries. With its 25,000 engineers and researchers, THALES has a unique capability
to design, develop, and deploy equipment, systems, and
services that meet the most complex security requirements.
THALES has an exceptional international footprint, with
operations around the world working with customers and
local partners.
The MITRE Corporation
Diann Barnes
7515 Colshire Drive
McLean, Virginia 22012
United States
+1 703 983 7101
[email protected]
The MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit organization, chartered to work in the public interest, operates the Center
for Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD), a
Federally Funded Research and Development Center
(FFRDC), for the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
For more than 50 years CAASD has provided the FAA, civil
aviation authorities, international airport authorities, airlines,
and other aviation organizations with unbiased technical
aviation expertise. MITRE is uniquely qualified to help clients
integrate operational needs with technical capabilities.
70 Exhibitor Information
Think Research
Conor Mullan
3 Branksome Park House, Bourne Valley Road
Bournemouth, Dorset BH12 1ED
United Kingdom
+44 1202 765 654
[email protected]
Think Research is a successful and independent air traffic management (ATM) and airport consultancy providing
expertise and insight to deliver performance improvement
through concept development, validation, and implementation. Think customers include: government institutions, ATM
service and systems providers, airports, aircraft manufacturers, and renewable energy companies. In 11 years Think
has worked with 25 organisations across three continents,
making them a truly worldwide consultancy. Think experts
use their knowledge of the current and planned evolution of
air transport infrastructure at a national, regional, and global
level to deliver objective advice to clients on all aspects of
ATM and airport operation. Think believes in transparency, simplicity, honesty, and value. Think staff come from a
range of technical and operational backgrounds including
engineers, analysts, air traffic controllers (ATCOs), and pilots.
Think Research—Thoroughly Thought Through.
Thinking Space Systems,
Suzanne Pinchin
Unit 10B The Quadrangle, Abbey Park, Industrial
Romsey, Hampshire 5051 9DL
United Kingdom
+44 01794516633
[email protected]
Thinking Space Systems are a leading furniture supplier to
the worldwide air traffic control (ATC) industry, from commercial and military to private applications. As one of the
only aluminium technical furniture specialists, we can offer
the ultimate in innovative and intelligent console designs that
are flexible and ergonomically suited to reach DDA standards. The Thinking Space free design service offers ATC
clients with a sight line survey, a necessary stage of the site
evaluation for air traffic control towers, as well as 3D renders
to help visualise your project. A full project management
package is also included. Recent projects include Valletta
Airport, Malta; Manchester Airport, England; Seletar Airport,
Singapore; and Grootfontein Airport, Namibia.
Thruput Limited
Neil Dickie
14-15 Londonderry Farm, Keynsham Road,
Bristol BS30 6EL
United Kingdom
+44 117 9328585
[email protected]
Thruput manufactures innovative high-integrity products that
are selected worldwide for their quality, performance, and
reliability. DISPLAYS: 4Kx2K 60Hz displays for ATC, the GF
VT 16 provides optimal image quality, clarity, and anti-reflectivity. RECORDING: True lossless recording of video
(including 4Kx2K) and radar data. SENTINEL is fully scalable
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
from one to unlimited channels with multi-redundant LAN
transport and storage. VIDEO PROCESSING: For up to
4Kx2K resolution MIDAS embeds and combines video,
while VIDEOMAX re-formats or rotates video with perfect
fidelity. RADAR PROCESSING: Hardware that converts
between Serial or LAN radar formats, RADIX can also provide radar data exported directly to a database. CLUTTER
PROCESSING: Hardware logic processing for radar clutter
mitigation that supports a robust safety case. The capabilities include: MIDAS III analogue radar mitigation, and RADIX
digital radar mitigation and infill radar integration. CONSOLE
MANAGEMENT: Console extension and switching systems,
includes 4Kx2K 60Hz main screens and support screens.
Toshiba Corporation
Shinji Fujimura
72-34 Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku
Kawasaki 212-8585
+81 443311770
[email protected]
Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese company established in
1875. We provide customer-oriented solutions to the safety
and reliability of air traffic management to the world. Product
categories include: • PSR (Primary Surveillance Radar)
• SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) Mode S • DVOR
(Doppler VHF omnidirectional radio range) • CVOR
(Conventional VHF omnidirectional radio range) • DME
(Distance Measurement Equipment).
Barbaros Ozlu
41470 Gebze
+90 262 675 36 15
+90 262 648 11 00
[email protected]
UFA, Inc.
UFA, Inc. is a leading provider of air traffic simulation and
voice technologies for civil aviation, military organizations,
and universities worldwide. UFA’s products provide high
fidelity simulation, part task training, and e-learning tools
for all phases of air traffic control, and support training and
testing, as well as R&D environments in both stand alone
and embedded applications. For more than 30 years UFA
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Ultra Electronics—Surveillance
& Security Systems
Stuart Beattie
316 Botley Road
Burridge SO31 1BQ
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Jonna Lehto
Vanha Nurmijarventie 21
Vantaa 1670
+358 407004373
[email protected]
Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial
measurement. Building on 78 years of experience, Vaisala
contributes to a better quality of life by providing a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement
products and services for chosen weather-related and
industrial markets. Aviation organizations, airport operators,
and airport service providers are responsible for passenger
safety, flight schedules, and the overall efficiency of the
airports. Vaisala’s 40 years of expertise in aviation weather
ensures real-time and reliable observation information to all
relevant airport stakeholders under all weather conditions.
Our solutions fulfill both ICAO and WMO regulations. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1,500
professionals worldwide and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki stock exchange.
BiLGEM (Informatics and Information Security Research
Center ) within TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey), mainly conducts research,
developing and implementing scientific and technological
solutions in many fields ranging from information technologies, software technologies, information security, and cyber
security to communications, microelectronics, optoelectronics, and advanced electronics.
Anja Bellmann
80 Blanchard Road, Suite 101
Burlington, Massachusettts 01803
United States
+1 781 3651281
[email protected]
has offered a unique combination of small business responsive and attention meeting, and exceeding its customers’
Federica Morici
Via Tiburtina, 1020
Rome 156
+0039 06 88203193
[email protected]
Vitrociset designs, implements, and manages system and
services by providing technical solutions that guarantee
quality, safety, and reliability as well as high standards
of innovation and operational performance. Vitrociset’s
pursuits hinge on specialized technical services for high-­
level performance systems which encompass designing,
hardware and software development, integration, and
operation. ­Vitrociset’s areas of activity range from defence
and air traffic management systems to satellite technology,
telecommunications, information technology and transport.
Expertise, competence, long-standing experience, and high
standards of security, quality, and innovation are only some
of Vitrociset’s main distinguishing marks which feature the
company worldwide. Vitrociset has put into action a careful
strategy to diversify its offerings and scale up new markets;
this has permitted the company to significantly strengthen
its presence and skills in the field of the PA where it puts
itself in as an extremely qualified and unrivalled competitor
of information and communication technology.
Exhibitor Information 71
Exhibitor Information
Testing Technologies
Gregor Erler
Industriestrasse 11
Rotkreuz 6343
+41 41798 2048
[email protected]
WiMax Aviation 2015
WEY Technology—World Class Control Rooms. In ATC,
quick reaction times can make the difference between life
and death. Information must be available immediately; instructions simple and secure. Compromise is not an option.
WEY offers state-of-the-art solutions based upon world
class products developed, engineered, and manufactured at
WEY’s technology center in Switzerland. The WEY distribution platform switches the broadest variety of data sources
in real time to an unlimited number of workplaces. WEY multifunctional keyboards intuitively manage multiple screens,
workstations, and video walls. Remote solutions remove
workstations from the office area. Video Walls are based
upon crystal-clear LCD or LED technology. In collaboration
with SkySoft-ATM, WEY deploys the SkyRec BlackBox
to simultaneously record keyboard, video, mouse, and
audio signals. ATC workplace environments and incidents
can now be recorded in real time, replayed, and analyzed.
Achieve recording landscapes that are cost-effective, secure,
and efficient. WEY has installed 35,000+ workplaces in 45
WIDE Corporation
Robert Hamdoun
2210 E. Winston Road
Anaheim, California 92806
United States
+1 714 300 0540
[email protected]
company’s international sales and marketing activities are
led by its subsidiaries: USA, the Netherlands, Germany, UK,
Thailand, and an office in Tokyo, Japan.
Established in 1999, WIDE (World Innovative Display
Engineering) Corporation specialises in the development
and production of flat panel displays for the professional
market including medical, traffic management, and defence
applications. The company is based in South Korea with
R&D, manufacturing, and customer support facilities. The
Alessandra Rocha
San Diego, California
United States
+1 858 605 0978
[email protected]
Planning on using Metro de Madrid?
View the map online at
The WiMAX Forum® is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that certifies and promotes the compatibility and
interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon
IEEE Standard 802.16. The WiMAX Forum’s primary goal
is to accelerate the adoption, deployment, and expansion
of WiMAX technologies across the globe while facilitating
roaming agreements, sharing best practices within our
membership, and certifying products. WiMAX Forum Certified® products are interoperable and support broadband
fixed, nomadic, portable, and mobile services. The WiMAX
Forum works closely with service providers and regulators
to ensure that WiMAX Forum Certified systems meet customer and government requirements.
World ATM Congress
Rugger Smith
1101 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
United States
+1 703 299 2430 ext.318
[email protected]
Special Services
Offered by AIM Group
AIM Group is onsite to help you make the most of
your time at the World ATM Congress and in Madrid
with a myriad of services.
Have a problem? Need a special place to eat? Lost
luggage and you need to know where to shop? Go to
AIM Group—your problem solvers in Madrid.
Services for your booth, including:
World ATM Congress combines a large-scale exhibition,
world-class conferences, and social events providing premier networking opportunities and the chance to discover
the latest trends and developments in air traffic control (ATC).
Organized for the industry by the industry, and operated by
CANSO in association with ATCA, World ATM Congress is
backed by the world’s leading air navigation service providers and industry suppliers. AIM Group is here to help. You’ll find
them at the WATM Congress Help Desk
in Hall 9 near the front entrance.
Take a Step Back in the
History of Aviation
The Infante de Orleans Foundation
(FIO), will display a Comper Swift plane
from the 1930s with all original pieces
and in flight condition. A number of
other aviation articles from its collection
will also be on display. FIO is an
aviation museum in Spain that works
towards the historical preservation of
aviation history.
Dont’s miss the chance to see this
piece of history and other artifacts from
FIO’s collection.
Catering—Welcome your guests with a
good cup of coffee or a glass of cava. You
can also offer snacks or tapas. Anything is
possible, including special requests such
as food or drinks from specific parts of the world,
and much more.
Staff—Hostesses for your booth
at the show.
Audio Visual Material—Rental
of any type of AV for your booth or
meeting room at the show.
Lead Retrieval System—If you want to
have statistics and details for those who
visited your booth, let us know. We have
bar code readers for rental to scan their badges
and keep all the valuable information!
Other services to enhance your stay
in Madrid:
Transportation—To and from the
airport, or to and from your hotel
to the Convention Centre or any
restaurant in or outside Madrid.
Restaurant Booking­—Thinking of a
special dinner for your company in
Madrid? We can help you find the best
restaurant and prepare everything for your group!
72 Exhibitor Information
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
Exhibitor Information 73
Exhibitor Information
WEY Technology AG
74 CongressNotes
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015
CongressNotes 75
See you again next year with bleed.pdf
11:51 AM
See you again
next year!
TopSky-ATM solutions
Everywhere it matters, we deliver
Increase air traffic efficiency,
adapt essential new solutions
Provide integrated technology enabling
controllers to focus on their primary roles
Ensure data integrity protection
against cyber threats
Benefit from a complete
range of extended services
Optimise flight profiles with reduced
holding patterns, cutting carbon
emission and fuel consumption
Millions of critical decisions are made every day in aerospace. Thales is
at the heart of it. TopSky-ATM Solutions help to make the skies safer,
greener and more efficient. Our industry-leading initiatives, components,
systems and services are integral to the SESAR programme in Europe
and NextGen in the US. ATM decision makers across
180 nations and an impressive 2 out of every 3 planes
around the world land and take-off with the help of
Thales. Everywhere, together with our customers,
we are making a difference.
World ATM Congress 2016
Operated by CANSO in Association with ATCA
8 - 10 March, 2016 | IFEMA Feria de Madrid
One airport
One process
One partner
Airport performance delivered,
from approach to departure.
Visit us in stand no 836
78 Section of book
World ATM Congress, 10–12 March 2015