Our Mission - St. Gabriel School
Our Mission - St. Gabriel School
St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School 5540—106 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6A 1G3 September 2012 Parish and Diocese News/Greetings The parish team at St. Michael Resurrection Parish looks forward to involving St. Gabriel families in the life of the parish. Fr. Mitch the new parish priest looks forward to leading many of our liturgies and celebrations. He looks forward to visiting our classroom throughout the year. If you wish to register for sacramental Preparation during the coming year, you are encouraged to contact the parish at 780-4684071 FOLLOWING OUR & HOPES DREAMS Message from the Administration Here’s to an exciting , new school year full of wonder and awe! Lori and I both look forward to the privilege of working alongside the very dedicated and caring teaching and support staff here at St. Gabriel to teach your children and to encourage them to do their part to make our world a better place. In our daily learning activities, we hope to awaken their senses and stir the hearts to know God’s grace in their lives. We hope to communicate well with our parents and encourage you to get more involved in your children’s learning, both at home and at school. We are thankful to those parents who this year are willing to take an active part in our School Council and the many opportunities of involvement it offers. Your support and involvement is most appreciated. Please note that our newsletters will be once again posted on the school website on the first Friday of every month for your convenience. We would also like to welcome new staff members to St. Gabriel School. Mrs. MacDonald teaching 100 Voices, Ms. Frost teaching EE1 District Program, Ms. Chipeniuk until the return of Ms. Whelan in the new year, and Ms. Reneau teaching grade 6 and music until the return of Mrs. Sech. May our prayers of hope bring Mrs. Sech strength and renewed health in her courageous battle with breast cancer. We also welcome the YMCA childcare to St. Gabriel. The director, Jeremy Jordison, will be available to facilitate tours of the center at our Meet the Teacher Evening to be held on Thursday, September 13th at 6:30! Should you wish to inquire about registration Jeremy can be reached at (780)-469-6163. With all the exciting opportunities for learning that are planned, we are sure that this year will be full of challenging and engaging educational experiences for every child. Together we pray that God will bless us with an abundance of grace to carry our the mission of our school as part of the Catholic community which is to inspire all students to learn and to prepare them to live fully and to serve God in one another. Together with you this is possible. Mrs. Tisa Haesch Principal [email protected] Mrs. Lori McDonough Assistant Principal [email protected] Our Mission St. Gabriel School in harmony with children, parents, staff, parish and community members is committed to fostering spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth in one another. September 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Labour Day No School 5 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 6 First Day of Kindergarten 7 8 14 15 21 22 First Day of 100 Voices 9 10 11 12 Grade 1 Potato Harvest 10:30 16 13 Meet the Staff Night 6:30 pm 17 18 19 20 Gr. 4 In School Field Trip 23 24 25 Cross Country Run 2:00 26 27 Gr. 4 In PD DAY School Field NO SCHOOL Trip First Day of Autumn 28 Opening/St. Gabriel Day Celebration 9:30 Terry Fox Run 10:30 Wear Red & White Day September 2012 29 2012-2013 STAFF LIST Administra on Principal Tisa Haesch Assistant principal Lori McDonough Administra ve Support Nancy Tremblay Clerk/Media Resources Marian Butz‐Gauk Teaching Staff 100 Voices am Julie McDonald Kindergarten Connie MacKney Grade 1A Trent Bryski Grade 2 & French Vivian Coulombe Grade 3 Kris Chipeniuk Grade 4 Lisa Yaworski Grade 5 Rocco Volpe Grade 6 Elise Reneau EE 1 Gail Frost Tech Mentor Lisa Yaworski Learning Coach Lori McDonough Support Staff Melanie Sinclaire Ollie Karpiak Debra Maric Marueen McElha on Paula Payne Marie World Marian Mroczek Mike Demko Elizabeth Ziembiki Custodial Staff BACK TO SCHOOL BLESSING Loving God, we praise and thank you for bringing us together. Bless all who pray, work, learn and enter St. Gabriel School this year. We are gathered in the name of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and so blessed to be a community of learners and friends. On this journey, let us remember that God is with us always. Amen SEPTEMBER 2012 IMPORTANT INFO Student Absences If your son/daughter is going to be absent for any reason, please report the absence at 780-466-0220. Personal Items Students are discouraged from bringing personal items of value (Personal IPOD’s, computer games, trading cards, etc.) to school. Students do so at their own risk. Bus Passes Please send bus pass money to school with your child by the 10th of each month. All cash must be in an envelope or zip lock bag. Cheques are to be made out to St. Gabriel School. Bus Fees: -100 Voices - contact office for information -ECS - Free -Gr. 1-6: $30.00 -Family Plan $24 - (3 or more children) -Annual Passes are available; contact the office for more information Bus passes must be carried at all times as bus drivers will be asking the children to show their passes at random times during the month. If your child’s bus is more than 10 minutes late, please contact Transportation Services at 780-441-6078. Yellow Bus Cancellations The following radio and TV stations will carry announcements with respect to transportation cancellations due to inclement weather conditions. RADIO CHED / CHQT / CISN / JOE FM CFRN 1260 / THE BEAR / CFMG CFCW / CBC / MAGIC 99/ CKER CHFA (CBC FRENCH) / K-97 AM 930 (CJCA) / SHINE FM MIX 96 (96X) TV CITY TV / CFRN / GLOBAL / CBC Edmonton Catholic Schools Transportation Services Transportation Services offers detaile information for parents, teachers and guardians who want to know more about their student’s bus routes. Simply type www.ecsd.net to access the Edmonton Catholic School District main page. Go to “quick Links” and select “Yellow School Bus”. Viewing the left side of this page shows a menu which includes bus fares, route maps and times, as well as the Edmonton Transit System. Agenda Books Please ensure that you check your child’s agenda book every evening as it is a very valuable tool for allowing your child’s teacher to maintain regular communication with you. Teachers may write notes to you in the agenda book or may have the children record important events. Classroom staff will also check your child’s agenda book everyday in case you have written a note. If, for example, your child is not to take the bus on a certain day, writing this in the agenda book will allow the teacher to ensure that your child remembers at the end of the day. Protocol for Parent Concerns Edmonton Catholic Schools recognizes the freedom of all member of the school community (students, staff , parents, and neighbors) to voice their concerns in an appropriate manner to the school personnel. The principle of “First Contact” needs to be followed. This means that the person(s) who has the concern has the responsibility to begin addressing the concern directly with those persons with whom they have the concern before taking their concern elsewhere. If a resolution is not found, then please involve the school administration. This will allow all parties to deal with concerns in a manner which is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. CONDUCT POLICY St. Gabriel School believes in the dignity and well being of each of our community members. We also strongly support and practice the core values (dignity and respect, honesty, loyalty, fairness and personal and communal growth) of the Edmonton Catholic School District. Children are always listened to and when a situation is serious or repeated, we will communicate with parents. SUPERVISION AND PICK UP OF CHILDREN There is daily supervision of students every recess, lunch, in the morning (beginning at 8:15am) before school begins and after school to board the buses. Children left in the school grounds outside these regular supervision times are unsupervised and are the responsibility of their parents. If you are picking your child up during the school day, please inform the office and sign your child out. If someone else, other than yourself, parent/guardian, is picking up your child, please inform such a person to come to the office to sign out the students. SEPTEMBER 2012 IMPORTANT INFO School Hours: 2012-2013 ******************************* Grades 1 – 6 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. Warning Bell Instruction Recess Instruction Lunch Instruction 8:27 a.m. 8:32 to 10:15 a.m. 10:15 to 10:30a.m. 10:30 to 12:00 p.m. 12:05 to 12:45p.m. 12:47 to 3:02 p.m. Thursday: Early dismissal 12:02 pm No school in the afternoon ******************************* 100 Voices (Pre-Kindergarten) Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. AM Class 8:32 am. to 11:25 am. Thursday: No school ******************************* Kindergarten Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. AM Class Friday Envelopes Effective communication between home and school is vital. St. Gabriel School will once again be using “Friday Envelopes” to help facilitate effective communication. Each child will be issued a large, white, reusable envelope and we will make every attempt to send all written communication from the school home in these envelopes every Friday. Of course, in the case of emergencies or totally unforeseen events, we will not wait for the Friday Envelope; we will communicate information to you in a timely manner. We ask that you return the Friday Envelope on the next school day (usually a Monday) so that teachers can receive and look through the envelope for return correspondence from you. To eliminate confusion for parents who think their child might have forgotten the Friday Envelope at school, and to promote good habits, the Friday Envelope will be sent home even if there is no correspondence that week. If a student should lose their Friday Envelope a $3 replacement fee will have to be paid. Cell Phone Policy All staff and students are directed not to use cell phones during the school day. If your child brings a cell phone to school, they will be asked to turn it off and give it to the teacher for safe keeping until the end of the school day. If you need to contact your child, please do so through the office at 780-466-0220. Late Arrivals and Early Departures If students arrive late to school, or need to leave before the end of the day, please be sure to check in with the office so that we can ensure the safety of all our students. 8:32 am to 11:17am Thursday: Newsletter 8:32 to 11:18 am ************************** Office Hours Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In an attempt to cut down on paper and printing we are hoping to go paperless for our newsletter once again this year for families who are able to read our newsletter online. Our monthly calendar will continue to still be sent home with the youngest or only child from each family. The newsletter will always be posted on the last Friday of the month. It is hoped that each family will keep the newsletter on hand as a reminder of upcoming events. If you do not have access to a computer on line please call Nancy in the office to arrange for a paper copy to be sent home. Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. FOLLOWING OUR & HOPES DREAMS Lunch at School All students are invited to remain at school to eat lunch in the lunchroom. Eating lunch at school is a privilege and a convenience for many families. Appropriate behavior on the part of all students is a condition of remaining at school for lunch. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our students for the respectful way they conduct themselves during the lunch break so far this school year. September 20112 IMPORTANT INFO There will will be be no no school school on on There the following following days: days: the Labour Day Day Labour Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Day Remembrance Christmas Vacation Vacation Christmas Faith Dev. Dev. Day Day Faith Family Day Day Family Teachers Convention Convention Teachers Spring Break Break Spring Good Friday Friday Good Easter Monday Monday Easter Prof. Dev. Dev. Day Day Prof. Victoria Day Day Victoria Sept. 33 Sept. Oct.08 Oct.08 Nov. 12 12 Nov. Dec. 24 24 Dec. to Jan. Jan. 44 to Feb. 05 05 Feb. Feb. 20 20 Feb. Feb. 28 28 & & Feb. Mar.01 Mar.01 Mar 25 25 Mar to Mar Mar 29 29 to Mar. 29 29 Mar. April 11 April May 16 16 May May 20 20 May Dismissal times times on on the the Dismissal following Thursdays Thursdays and and following Fridays will will be be switched switched Fridays to accommodate accommodate earlier earlier to dismissal times times before before the the dismissal major breaks: breaks: major Thurs., Dec. Dec. 20, 20, 2011 2011 -- 3:02 3:02 dismissal dismissal Thurs., Fri. Dec. Dec. 21, 21, 2011 2011 –– 12:02 12:02 dismissal dismissal Fri. Thurs., March March 21, 21, 2012 2012 -- 3:02 3:02 dismissal dismissal Thurs., Fri., March March 22, 22, 2012 2012 -- 12:02 12:02 dismissal dismissal Fri., Thurs, June June 27—3:02 27—3:02 dismissal dismissal Thurs, Fri., June June 28, 28, 2012—12:02 2012—12:02 dismissal dismissal Fri., Meet the Staff Thursday, September 13, 2012 This is an important event for parents and teachers to come together to start building a strong home and school partnership. The focus for the evening will be for parents to have an opportunity to meet the staff, to hear about the educational programming at the school, and to learn about the School Council. Outlined below is the format for the evening. 6:30 Welcome and meet the staff and School Council Chair Lana Brennis 6:45 Presentation regarding new on line fees and bus pass purchases 7:00 Classroom Presentation ST. GABRIEL FEAST DAY / SCHOOL OPENING CELEBRATION The staff and students in grades k-6 will celebrate in the school gym. Father Mike Mireau will begin our celebration at 9:30 am on Friday, September 28, 2012. We will be introducing our theme for the 2012—2013 school year, which is “Following Our Hopes & Dreams; We Are Children of the Light”. We invite all parents/ guardians to join us as we celebrate the beginning of a new school year and St. Gabriel Day FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS OUR & Medical Alerts and Dispensing of Medication HOPES DREAMS All parents and guardians are asked to notify your child’s teacher and the school office of any medical alerts such as allergies or asthma. School Board Policy requires that a form be signed by a doctor indicating the nature and dispensing instructions for those students taking medication at school. Unless these forms are filled out by the prescribing doctor, medication will not be administered to your child. Forms are available from the school office. If your child requires an Epi-Pen, inhaler or other medication, it must accompany your child on all fieldtrips. Unfortunately, without the necessary medication, students with medical alerts will not be permitted to attend fieldtrips. SEPTEMBER 2012 St. Gabriel is going outdoors – Come and join us! Sure hope you had a wonderful summer and enjoyed many sunny days outdoors. St. Gabriel’s food garden in front of the school definitely benefited from the hot and wet summer. The sunflowers are huge and are towering over the potato plants, which are ready to be harvested. Do check it out! A BIG thank you to all those families who helped take care of the food garden and beds at the front of the school during the summer! Plans for the fall include: -Harvesting the food garden – happening soon; -Fall weeding of the outdoor courtyard planters and the beds out front of the school; and -Improvement of the beds out front of the school by laying down ground cover under the wood chips on the beds. We need your support with the above activities! Please look for notices in the Friday envelopes/backpacks outlining specific requests for help. For more information contact Jill (780-469-0513 or [email protected]) or Mr. Bryski at [email protected]. St. Gabriel School PAC is fundraising with Mabels Labels.com If you would like to take part in this fundraiser by ordering labels for your child(ren)s clothes, lunchkits, school supplies, etc. Go to the following website: www.stgabrielschool.mabelslabels.com Our fundraiser will run until the end of October 2012, so there is lots of time to take advantage of this promotion. If you have any questions, please contact Lana Brenneis [email protected] or 780-463-1045. SCHOOL PICTURES Individual school pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 04, 2012. Retakes will be done on October 22, 2012. Class pictures will be taken in the spring. More information will follow shortly. SEPTEMBER 2012 On September 28, we along with many schools throughout Alberta, will be participating in a school walk/run to commemorate Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope. We will be asking for donations , 50% will go to the Terry Fox Foundation and 50% to the Run for the Cure, in support of Ms. Sech who is battling breast cancer. Please have your child bring in donations for their homeroom teacher by September 26, 2011. Thanks you for your support and cooperation during this event. We invite all parents/guardians to come out and support our children. CASINO ST. GABRIEL PARENT COUNCIL This year St. Gabriel Parent Advisory Council has a fundraising casino on Monday, October 29 and Tuesday, October 30th. We need volunteers to work various shifts. Please contact Jean Halko to volunteer. E-mail: [email protected] Thanks Jean For organizing this!! The parent council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30. We are having meetings this school year on October 17, November 21, January 16, February 20, April 17 and June 19. All parents are welcome to attend. Babysitting is provided in the school library. This is a great way to have input or to just stay informed about matters of interest regarding the school community. We hope to see you at the meetings this year. Lana Brenneis, Chairperson St. Gabriel School PAC FITNESS FRIDAY’S Every Friday morning following our morning broadcast beginning September 14th the students in Grade 1-6 will gather in he school gym for Fitness Friday’s. Ms. Chipeniuk will lead us in creative movement activities. We are blessed to have her gift of dance shared with our students as we focus on heakth and wellness. Please feel free to join us. Please wear Red and White and bring your Canada Flags on September 28, as we celebrate this great Canadian Hero. Cross Country Running Club Thank you to Ms. Chipeniuk, Ms. Reneau, and Mrs. McDonough who will be ‘running’ our Cross Country Running Club again this year. A note will be coming home soon with interested students in Gr. 4, 5 and 6. The Edmonton Catholic Schools Cross Country Run will take place on Tuesday, September 25. Students The students will be leaing the school at 2:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 2012 GOING GREEN St. Gabriel is continuing to go green. We will be sending the newsletter home via email commencing in October. Also, the newsletter is always posted on our school website www.stgabriel.ecsd.net. Parents and guardians can expect to receive the newsletter on the fifth day of the month. Please return this portion of the newsletter with the email address where you would like to receive the newsletter. If you do not have an email address please contact Nancy Tremblay in the office and we will ensure your child receives a hard copy. Thank you in advance for your support for our going green initiative. _____________________________________________________________ Please return this form by October 10, 2012 I will look at the newsletter on the school website. Please send the St. Gabriel newsletter to the following email address: _______________________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________ Student’s Name Grade Grade one, grade one how does your garden grow? Quite well, thank you very much! Back in June, our pre-grade ones ventured out into our school yard and planted some potatoes. We added some carrots, beets and sunflowers and prayed for a summer of warm sunshine and gentle rains. The good Lord provided just the perfect mix and now we have a bountiful harvest to reap! On Monday, September 10th at 10:30 a.m. we will offer our thanks to God, roll up our sleeves and then do a little digging!* *This date may change if it is raining on September 10th. Many thanks go out to the families who adopted our garden over the summer: The Brenneis family, the Daniele-Aylwin family, the Wylie family, the Davis family, the Skrenek family the Masluk-Dowson family, The Schlender family, the Rowley-Yardley Jones family, and the Franchuk family Message from Father Mike Mireau Are you on Facebook? I am. Most people are these days. Even His Grace, Archbishop Smith, has an account! Many people are on Facebook – addicted to it almost – as we try to make our mark on the world, connect with people, and make as many “friends” as we can. I’m approaching 1300 myself. Only thing is – they aren’t really friends, not in the conventional sense of the word, in that I don’t really know them, at least not the vast majority of them anyway. Sure I’m friend-LY to them, and like them, probably, but are we really FRIENDS, in the true sense of the word? Many in the church are de-crying this trend – that technology, rather than bringing us together, is in many way pulling us apart. How many people, instead of going out and BEING WITH people, or at least calling them on the phone, instead substitute their relationships with a simple click on the “LIKE” button on somebody’s status? This is a concern, to be sure. And those who are raising the red flag on this issue are right for doing so. But – in the church, are we much different? After all, the Gospel tells us to not only be “friends” to one another, we’re called to be brothers and sisters. We’re called to lay down our lives for one another, the way Jesus did for us. How many times have we been to church, surrounded by our “brothers and sisters,” that we didn’t even know, not even their names, and didn’t really care to know them either? And how many Catholics have found church to be unfriendly, unwelcoming – only to find a warmer reception elsewhere? So we’ve got our work cut out for us – both on the internet, and in the church. And I think, this is where Catholic Schools has the greatest potential, to address this issue head on. In our schools, we have the opportunity to build REAL, AUTHENTIC Christian Catholic community. We have the opportunity to teach our young ones to care about their classmates, in a real, direct, and practical way. We can all learn – to love one another the way HE loved us. Of course, doing so will take a lot of work, and it will take the efforts of teachers, parents, clergy, religious, admin, support staff – in fact, it will take EVERYBODY. Which is exactly what Jesus had in mind – for everyone to KNOW everyone, for everyone to LOVE EVERYONE – so that we all know – that God is Love, Amen. Rev. Michael Catfish Mireau District Chaplain Edmonton Catholic Schools (August, 2012)
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