I-trade International Business I-business negotiation Intercultural communication 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 1 Business negotiation Negotiating of most two, but even more parties - business partners, represented individually or as a team, with the aim of closing the sale (make a good deal). I-trade Form and content Achieving the goal is affected by both the form and the content of business negotiations and its components. Form and content are sometimes difficult to distinguish, the correct ratio of form and content is difficult to ascertain ( "Form and content is one body") and often varies at a similar outcome. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 2 Components of Business Negotiation I-trade The negotiating parties Subject of negotiation Course (way) of negotiation Circumstances of negotiation 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 3 Partner sides (from the "I" perspective) 1. I or my team, my position in it 2. Customer (partner!) - an individual or team Subject of negotiation Product, merchandise, commodity, service, marketable goods, which mostly one side sells and the other side buys. Course (way) of negotiation Communication method in the context of business negotiations, the methods and means used by partners to achieve a good deal. Circumstances of negotiation Place, time and other circumstances in which a good deal occurs. Good deal Arises when the form and content of a business meeting and its individual components occur at a rate favorable for at least one participant behavior (win-lose), preferably for two or all (win-win). I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 4 1. What do I think is assertiveness? I-trade 2. What do I think is important to make a good deal? 3. What is more important for business meetings, form or content? 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 5 Human personality consists of his: I-trade Intelligence and creativity physical and physiological equipment emotional equipment moral - volitional qualities and character communication skills 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 6 Assertiveness I-trade Assertiveness is not only the ability, skill, means of communication. It is a natural expression of one's personality. Assertiveness is a proper understanding of own personality and its free, but also fair and reasonable application in communications with other personalities in touch with their qualities, abilities and skills. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 7 Assertiveness - stop to manipulation Styleof manipulation related to the type of personality. Characteristic manipulative personality styles: Dictator Wretch authoritative boss, a stern father, pushing through supremacy highlighting the handicaps, presentation feelings of inferiority Arithmetician Ivy Tough Enough I-trade targeted, quickly estimates, "counts" the easiest way to goal pretended addiction, parasitic tendencies, hypochondria rudeness, Savage, shouting Most dedicated, sweetest, kindest Last justice Dad mom Racketeer proclamation of his dedication, love, goodness a man without faults, control, criticism, effort induce feelings of responsibility and guilt „ Mom monkey ", concern for others against their will I am your protection, but you have to serve and obey me (Tomáš Novák, Věra Capponi – Asertivně do života - Shostormova dělení) 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 8 Empathy I-trade Empathy is a person's ability to see, think and experience the matter, the problem situation, the plot from the position of other interested human or humans. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 9 Communication Way of communication between at least two persons in order to facilitate understanding. In this sense, it is always a transfer of information - verbal (speech or in writing) and nonverbal. Communication level is higher, the higher the capacity of processing, transmitting and receiving information, communicating people have. I-trade How to please people? 1. Inquire about the people sincerely. 2. Smile. 3. Remember the names of people and engage them. 4. Be attentive listeners. 5. Talk about everything that is interesting for another. 6. Honestly make partner feel that he is important person. (Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People) 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 10 Negotiation Kind of communication between at least two persons or groups with different goals, which leads either to meet the target of one of the parties or one of the groups of persons or to the solution, which at least partly fulfills the aspirations of both or all of the persons or groups of persons who are involved. In negotiating It's here again, the transmission of information - both verbal (speech or in writing), or nonverbal. I-trade Negotiation result is the better, the more suitable personalities are negotiators, or the higher the ability or skill for negotiation, thus transmitting and receiving information, communicating people have. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 11 Significant elements of a good negotiator Active listening Willingness to listen to the speaker, while expressions of interest for its theme - a nodding, no jumping into speech, eye contact, posture I-trade The technique of asking questions The impetus and motivation to improve his talkative and our active listening Art of clear argumentation If the partner uses the technique of asking questions is a good to answer concisely Nonverbal Communication Assertiveness and empathy 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 12 Communicating without words I-trade Situation - offer of goods, products Person 1: Hello Person 2: Hello Person 1: I have an offer for you - a very interesting product. Person 2: I am not interested your offer at all! Person 1: Believe me, is it worth to look at it. Person 2: O.K., come to show me, but I am not promise anything. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 13 Sincerity I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 14 Handshake: dead fish roll eyes strong grip long shake politician's gesture I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 15 Voltage, greater resistance I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 16 Superiority I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 17 Fear of performances I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 18 Boss gesture I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 19 Hand movements on the face and around: around the mouth rubbing nose touch the ears sniffing ties Sliding glasses I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 20 Lack of interest I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 21 Disagreement I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 22 Thinking, decision making I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 23 Nervousness among strangers, imaginary protection I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 24 Anger, hostility I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 25 Tensions from ignorance of others I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 26 Interpersonal zones Intimate zone (50 cm) - disruption evokes negative feelings Personal zone (50 cm to 1.5 m) - friendly zone I-trade Social zone - zone of gap - the boss, unfamiliar surroundings Public zone - the distance during public appearances Interpersonal distance zones may differ or vary depending on the social environment, ethnicity and cultural traditions, but also the personality of the person 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 27 Ten Commandments of a good negotiator One of the prerequisites for success in negotiations is a healthy self-esteem in a spirit of assertiveness. Empathy is an important tool in negotiations. It is good to customize the image of both the situation and the partner. In active listening, show verbally and nonverbally interest in what a partner says, encourage him (not to overdo !!!). Be prepared for a similar approach from the partner and well argue in replies. Load as much information as possible. Your nonverbal expressions should reassure the credibility of your verbal expression. Nonverbal expressions of partner give you important information about him, his mood and approach to the negotiations. Keep reasonable, but also appropriate interpersonal zone. Keep the steadiest eye contact, handshake should be sufficiently strong and direct. I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 28 Types of Negotiation in Terms of Outcome WIN - WIN Both partners have after completion of negotiations sense of victory and are ready to act again. After subsequent evaluation of individual negotiation the "win" is either confirmed. I-trade WIN - LOSS One of the partners proceed consciously and unconsciously to the concession, concluded disadvantageous agreement ,loses. LOSS - LOSS Both partners try to win, never give up, both lose, or the agreement is not objectively possible to conclude, also losing both. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 29 Phases of business negotiations 1. Preparing a business meeting, a possible pre-negotiation (and correspondence) 2. Opening and beginning of the meeting, a formal introduction, greetings, „small talk" 3. Mapping of the situation, the presentation of opinions 4. The core discussions / negotiations, seeking an agreement, the issue of concessions, resisting to oppositions 5. The conflict of opinions, the crisis escalating conflict 6. Conclusion of negotiations, the end of a business meeting, agreement on a good deal (signing the contract), deferred a decision on the agreement, disagreement I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 30 Preparing a Business Meeting Preparation before negotiations (also by previous negotiation): - postal - representative - references I-trade Formal (organizational) Preparation: WHERE? Place (at home company, at partner, neutral place), who chose, image of negotiators should correspond to the location and partner at the same time WHEN? Time to start negotiations, how long, the time negotiations circumstances Who and how many people? The composition of the negotiating teams, competence and authority members, bilateral or multilateral negotiations Content (material) preparation: professional and information preparation (documents, sources, materials) SWOT analysis Identifying targets, including the determination of the limits of agreement concessions 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 31 Coping with Intercultural Differences I-trade Foreign culture – you need to be familiar with, admitting there are still differences, identify, describe, explain and understand them. Foreign culture should be respected, you should accept differences, should not present own culture as superior. In relation to foreign culture should be taken positive steps, trying to find solutions, to promote mutual understanding, sacrifice little, which in a foreign culture means a lot. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 32 I-trade'+Seven+Dimensions+of+Culture 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 33 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 34 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 35 Some Concerned Definitions Social Interaction The process of mutual impact (response, influence) of an individual and another person or group I-trade Perception Mutual perceptions of people, a process in which people receive information from the environment and processes them to their interpretation (selection of received ideas and their organizations) Interpersonal Perception Registration of manifestations of other individual and creation a "picture" of the personality of another person, which allows an adequate understanding and interpretation of his behavior in his psychological, cultural and social dimensions. It is an eminently subjective process, during which we do not perceive each other, who we really are, but on the basis of recieved information, we create a picture of his personality. Social Communication Tool, a means of social interaction - the process of communicating information and experiences 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 36 Phases of an Interpersonal Perception I-trade Seeing some signs of another person. Categorization of the observed facts and assign characteristics The final interpretation of the expressions of other people. Connecting with own association rules When we are meeting people from other countries and cultures it is very important to have enough information about their culture, to interpret them correctly, thus avoiding mistakes! 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 37 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 38 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 39 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 40 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 41 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 42 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 43 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 44 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 45 I-trade 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 46 Czech Culture, or Who Are We? A Few of Own Observations History of Czechs – frequent incursions of foreign troops from all sides (mixing of nationalities from south, west, east, north). They forced their foreign power models, but often with a short duration. I-trade We often say that we are Slavs (Slavics), but we always add that Western ones. Czech language during its history almost disappeared. The Czech Republic has always been of interest to both - Germans and Russians. Czechs staying in CZ are mostly not very active but abroad they can quickly learn and acquire their skill to develop. Golden Czech hands (technical knowledges and experiences and manual skill). Czechs do not like to manifest themselves, but it is rather cautious than lack of courage. Czechs are quite conservative people. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 47 Czech Cultural Standards (from the German point of view) Standard # 1 Relationship to structures (plans, rules, regulations, norms, and standards), improvisation and flexibility I-trade Do not worry, we'll do it somehow... In the eyes of the Czechs the structures do not organize things, issues, job, but the people, workers. As the higher perceived quality is considered the ability and willingness to improvise. This does not mean rejection of formalities. The rules are taken as a framework, not a destination. Our culture can be seen as re-active, not pro-active. We react, we have a sense of improvisation, of quick solution, of crisis management. NOVÝ, I., SCHROLL-MACHL, S. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 48 Standard # 1 (features) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I-trade Distrust of universal rules, formalized procedures and standards We are not „trained monkeys…“ Ingenuity and improvisation I should be able to cope… Quality When it works, it's good. Perfectionism is just an unnecessary delay… Adaptability and ability to learn I do not only quickly learn, but also adapt quickly… Generosity and effort to be a matter of We overlook unimportant things… 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 49 Standard # 2 Focusing on Social Relations He is not very nice person, sympathetic, I do not know if I will be able to cooperate with him... I-trade Czechs pay primary attention to the sympathies and relationships, rather than to factual content. 1. At beginning of negotiation Czech pays enough time to knowing each other 2. Czechs are moderate in behaviour and do not show emotions but they are important in our communication space 3. Well-known person and good friend is more than a regular customer 4. At the beginning of negotiations, we are reserved, cautious, distrustful 5. WE have a low social handling capability, competence with negative information. We hate conflicts, we want to avoid them. 6. Czech particularism is higher than in the German culture, lower than in Romanesque. We do not act in the same way with everyone. 7. Czechs work more for their boss than to fulfill the task. 8. Czech can accept a lower salary for some irracional reasons, for instance because of the good working team 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 50 Standard # 3 Diffusion Everything is connected… I-trade 1. Diffusion of work and leisure Overall productivity of Czech workers is comparable to the Germans, even higher, but during the work shift is highly variable. 2. Diffusion of rationality and emotionality Emotionality is an important part of life, as well as work. They can not be separated. 3. Diffusion of work roles and personality Every Czech worker has an original idea, own rules, how to fulfill a specific company standard 4. Diffusion of formal and informal structures For Czechs is typical a full development of informal relationships within their work position 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 51 Standard # 4 Strong Communication Context I-trade I keep on saying them something, but it's completely useless, they do not understand… Czech culture puts extra weight on the indirect, implicit communication. A lot of information has to be understood by partner without saying it. Sometimes Czechs do not tell things directly, they use symbols. Even a dose of humor and irony. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 52 Standard # 5 Fluctuating self-esteem and self-confidence I-trade Everything is a problem and can not do anything – versus Nothing is a problem and let’s go for it. Sometimes Czechs have a very low self-esteem, sometimes over-valuate own abilities. Trying to find many various reasons why it is not possible to solve the problem. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 53 Standard # 6 Polychrony of time I-trade Impossible will be finnished tomorrow, miracles in three days… „Cooler“ handling tasks, which to be fulfilled in a certain time period. This does not mean that they are not met at all. Often Czechs leave things to the last minute, then they pay them day and night. Minor delays are normal. 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 54 Cultural differences, which is good to follow in BN Cultural factors influencing the behavior of people from different countries: Personality (individualism versus collectivism) I-trade Interpersonal distance Verbal and nonverbal communication Dress and Appearance Food and dining Time and its understanding Relationships between people within a culture (to the olders, to women ...) Norms and values (honor, morality, propriety) Faith and attitudes Mental process (logical reasoning versus intuitive approach) 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 55 Summary Business negotiation Assertiveness, empathy Communication and manipulation Intercultural dimansions and standards Czechs A way to work with cultural differencies I-trade Assignments (to final presentation): 1. Prepare meeting with Czech customer 2. Describe your cultural differencies 3. Describe your interaciton with Czech culture 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 56 I-trade Czechs are „laughing beasts…“ It might mean „unpredictable“… 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 57 Yes, I agree but… Karolina Kurkova I-trade Petra Nemcova Eva Herzigova 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 58 Yes, I agree but… Paulina Porizkova I-trade Tereza Maxova Simona Krainova 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 59 …we are also nice people. I-trade Tana Kucharova Alena Seredova and… 19.5.2016 International Business Negotiation 60