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VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Number 287 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Tuesday 11-12-2007 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Nijverheidsweg 21 3161 GJ RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected] The TOISA VIGILANT seen in the Gulf of Mexico Photo : Roland de Vos © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 1 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] DO YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : [email protected] EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Above seen the 1986 built tug EUROPE (ex-NETTUNO SECONDO S.) of GIGILINIS Salvage & Towage with port of registry as Thessaloniki with Chief Pilot Jesmond Mifsud towing the disabled 2003 built container ship INGA H on charter with IRISL & registered in Monrovia, Liberia with Pilot Joseph Micallef onboard assisted by local tugs LIENI with Capt. Emmanuel Borg @ the helm & WENZINA with Capt. Mark Muscat @ the helm while approaching to the Malta Freeport Terminal inside Marsaxlokk Harbour yesterday Saturday 8th December 2007. Photo’s : Lawrence Dalli - Malta Ship Photos © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 2 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Storm waves in Kerry causes severe damage to lifeboat station The stormy weather has caused up to ten thousand euro worth of damage to a lifeboat station in Kerry. A freak wave hit the boathouse of Ballybunion Sea and Cliff Rescue in the early hours of this morning. The almost five foot wave blew the doors off their hinges and water flooded the building, damaging essential equipment. Spokesperson Omar Fitzell says this is a considerable blow to what is a voluntary service: "We're looking at a large cost for the service to start paying out in the next couple of months, in months that we're trying to buy a new boat for next year and that money now is going to have to go into repurchasing the equipment we've just lost." Fugro bestelt twee nieuwe schepen Bodemonderzoeker Fugro heeft twee nieuwe schepen besteld bij de scheepswerf Bergen Yards (BMV) in Noorwegen. De totale opdrachtsom bedraagt 150 miljoen euro. Dat heeft Fugro maandag bekendgemaakt. De twee schepen zullen worden ingezet voor bodemonderzoek op zee. Het contract voorziet in een optie voor de levering van een derde schip. Fugro kondigde maandag ook de overname aan van een geologisch adviesbureau in de Verenigde Staten, William Lettis & Associates. De omzet van dit bedrijf bedraagt in 2007 ruim 15 miljoen dollar. De onderneming heeft 75 werknemers in dienst. The FURENAS seen near the South Hook berth, the Berth 1 of the new South Hook LNG terminal, Milford Haven is due on stream by the Spring 2008. It will accept LNG tankers of the new Q-Flex design and upto the size of the planned Q-Max size. Photo : Dan Cross © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 3 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 KLYNE TUGS LTD HAVE BECOME PART OF THE JP KNIGHT GROUP Britain’s oldest tug & barge company J P Knight has announced in a joint statement that the J P Knight Group has acquired a majority interest in Klyne Tugs Ltd, the current provider of Emergency Towing Vessels (ETVs) to the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA). There will be no change to the Klyne organisation that will remain an entirely autonomous subsidiary of J P Knight (Caledonian) Ltd under the new holding company JP Knight (Anglian) Ltd. The deal includes all of Klyne Tugs marine activities, with the founder and proprietor of the Klyne Group Mr Roger Klyne retaining a 10 percent stake in the new holding company. Klyne Tugs are contracted by the MCA to provide Emergency Towing Vessels at four strategic locations around the UK coast until September 2011. The current ETV fleet of four tugs include; the purpose built offshore tugs Anglian Monarch on station in the Straits of Dover, in joint operation with the French Maritime Authorities, the Anglian Princess on station in the western approaches at Falmouth and the Anglian Sovereign based in Lerwick to cover the east coast and sea areas of northern Scotland. The powerful salvage tug Anglian Prince is currently based off the north west coast of Scotland at Stornoway. An additional anchor-handling tug the Anglian Earl, which also meets the ETV criteria, is regularly employed on towage and salvage work and relieves any of the regular ETVs on station when necessary. On making the announcement Mr Richard Knight, Managing Director of the JP Knight Group, said; “As a company JP Knight is fulfilling a long held dream to own vessels of the calibre of those employed in the Klyne fleet. We have greatly admired Roger Klyne’s faith in investing in vessels of such demonstrable capability. In the distant past JP Knight had strong links with Lowestoft, having several well-known tugs built in local yards and are keen to rekindle their connections with the area. The combined Group will now offer ETV services, deep sea and coastal towage, salvage, ship handling and river transportation from offices in Chatham, Invergordon, Lowestoft and Paranam in South America.” On signing the deal Mr Roger Klyne, Chairman of the Klyne Group, stated; “It gives me considerable satisfaction to be able to hand over a strong company, that is the culmination my life’s work, to another well respected British family firm. I must take this opportunity to thank most sincerely all of the Klyne Tugs staff that have supported me and contributed enormously to the success we have enjoyed. Special thanks are due to our Managing Director Carl Beare who has worked alongside me tirelessly to make Klyne Tugs a company we can all be proud of.” Peter Cardy, Chief Executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency commented on the new arrangements: “Klyne Tugs have provided exceptional service since the commencement of the contract. There will be plenty of opportunity to build on this service with the combined resources of JP Knight and Klyne. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency look forward to working with the new arrangements which will continue to provide four Emergency Towing Vessels at strategic locations in UK waters.” Since Klyne Tugs took over the current fulltime contract in 1999, a number of awards and commendations have been made to the Captains and crews of the ETVs for their bravery and skill. The tug masters have many years of experience in the ocean towing and salvage sector and several have remained loyal to the company for over a decade. Several masters who now command the ETVs came to the company with vast experience and during their service have been involved in a host of spectacular salvage and rescue operations. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 4 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 The Panamax tanker CHEMTRANS STAR seen in Pajaritos/MX at the Pemex Terminal, a lot of headache for the Engine guys as all cooling water inlets were clogged thereafter! Capt. Hans Gerstner © USCG seeks pilot's merchant mariner license Coast Guard Sector San Francisco has requested Capt. John J. Cota to voluntarily deposit his Federal Merchant Marine Officer's license with the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard believes he is not physically competent to maintain the license. Capt. Cota was the ship's pilot, operating under the authority of a State of California pilot's license, at the time of the incident. Voluntary deposit is an administrative procedure used in cases where there is evidence of mental or physical incompetence. The mariner deposits his license with the Coast Guard on condition that the Coast Guard will not return it until the Coast Guard receives satisfactory evidence that the mariner is considered fit for full duty without qualification, and the mariner initiates action to regain his credentials. This gives the Coast Guard an assurance that the mariner is not working as a vessel pilot or officer. If Capain Cota refuses to voluntarily deposit his Federal Merchant Marine Officer's license, the Coast Guard has the option to charge Capt. Cota with incompetence and request a hearing before an administrative law judge to seek suspension or revocation of his license. Source : MarineLog South Korea declares spill disaster The South Korean government has declared a state of disaster in the western coastal area of the country. The declaration was made Saturday evening, after spilled crude oil from the 269,000 dwt (146,000 gt) single hulled tanker Hebei Spirit began spreading to the western coastal area of South Chungcheong province, which is dotted with national parks and fish farms. As of 5.00 p.m. Saturday, 17 kilometers of the province’s coastline had been covered by an oil slick which has been pushed by tides and the wind, with the oil still leaking from the tanker, officials said. The Hong Kong-registered tanker, which was waiting to enter port, was reportedly struck by an an 11,800-ton barge on Friday morning, causing about 10,500 tons of oil to leak into waters about 8.3 kilometers northwest off Taean county, about 110 kilometers southwest of Seoul. A crane being carried by the barge hit the tanker, puncturing three holes in the vessel. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 5 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 The 1993-built Hebei Spirit (ex-Almare, ex-Apollo Ohshima) is registered to the Hebei Spirit Shipping Co., Hong Kong. Its manager is HOSCO, (Hebei Ocean Shipping Co.), of Haigang Qu, Qinhuangdao Hebei, and which is the manager, ISM manager or registered owner of some 28 ships, the Hebei Spirit being the newest and largest. Earlier Saturday, the Korean Coast Guard dispatched some 103 ships and five aircraft to the area and built a 4.2 km oil fence along the southwestern shore to contain the oil, officials said. The spill is the largest in Korea’s history, about twice the size of a leak of 5,035 tons in 1995, the country’s worst oil spill before Friday’s accident. The disaster is expected to hurt tourism businesses and oyster and abalone farming in the ecologically pristine Taean county. Some 5,650 hectares of fish farms operate there. Camilla doopt cruiseschip Queen Victoria Camilla, de echtgenote van de Britse prins Charles, heeft gisteren het nieuwe cruiseschip Queen Victoria ingezegend in de haven van Southampton. De nieuwe aanwinst van de Britse rederij Cunard vaart uit aan de zijde van de Queen Mary 2, het langste en duurste cruiseschip van de wereld, en de Queen Elizabeth 2. De derde "Queen" is 300 meter lang en heeft plaats voor ongeveer 2.000 passagiers. Naast een bibliotheek met 6.000 boeken beschikt het schip ook over een theaterzaal met privéloges. Vandaag (dinsdag) vaart de Queen Victoria voor de eerste keer uit. De trip gaat naar de kerstmarkten in Noord-Europa. De eerste aanloop haven word ROTTERDAM waar de QUEEN VICTORIA Woensdag morgen (12 december) om 06:30 uur (onder voorbehoud ) zal worden beloods en een 2,5 - 3 uur later ( rond 09:00 – 09:30 uur ) af zal meren aan de Wilhelmina kade, Op 18 december arriveert het schip in Hamburg. In januari vaart het schip in Southampton uit voor een wereldreis van 107 dagen langs 39 havens tussen Sydney en Dubai. De QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 welke ook naar Rotterdam komt Woensdag, zal onder voorbehoud worden beloodst om 04:00 uur op Maaspilot station en zal een 2,5 tot 3 uur later afmeren aan pier 5 in de Waalhaven. Barge Removed from Reef The barge that ran aground in Hagåtña Bay was removed and steps are now being taken to repair damage. The Coast Guard said the barge was removed at 6:15 p.m. yesterday, safely and with minimal damage to the reef. According to Department of Agriculture fisheries biologist Brent Tibbatts, both the reef and the barge will be assessed and then repairs will be looked at. Two tugboats were used to pull the barge from the reef during the high tide yesterday evening. The barge was then assessed by the U.S. Coast Guard for seaworthiness and moved into Apra Harbor, where Tibbatts said it will most likely undergo repairs. The cause of the grounding is still being investigated by the Coast Guard, Hirschberg said.Reef assessment The reef will also have sustained physical damage, but luckily there were no chemical spills or pollution, Tibbatts said. Source: Pacific Daily News. Source : MarineLink Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 6 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Tangerine Dream A ship carrying 1,400 tons of tangerines departed South Korea on Sunday (09 Dec) heading for North Korea to help promote peace and reconciliation between the two Korean states, local officials said. They said that the tangerines grown by local farmers have been loaded onto a 3,500-ton ship, which will set sail for the North on Sunday afternoon. With crews including three South Koreans, the Panama-registered ship will arrive at Nampo, a western port city of North Korea, Tuesday, they said. Source : ShipTalk Tientallen immigranten verdronken voor Turkse kust Minstens 48 mensen zijn verdronken nadat zaterdag een boot met illegale immigranten was omgeslagen in de Egeïsche Zee, heeft het Turkse persbureau Dogan gemeld. Zes drenkelingen zijn gered. De Turkse kustwacht zei maandag van de overlevenden gehoord te hebben dat er 85 mensen aan boord waren. De hoop dat er nog overlevenden gevonden worden neemt met het uur af. De vijftien meter lange boot zonk in de buurt van de Turkse havenstad Izmir. Twee van de overlevenden waren Palestijnen, maar de nationaliteit van de overige opvarenden was onbekend. Harde wind en hoge golven bemoeilijkten het reddingswerk. Ook in de buurt van het Griekse eiland Chios werd gezocht naar slachtoffers. Bron : Nieuws.nl The SKALVA (former PALEISGRACHT) seen at Calcasieu pilot station (Louisiana, USA). Photo ; Crew Jo Calluna © MOL CUTS CAPACITY ON ASIA-USEC TRADE JAPANESE carrier Mitsui OSK Lines says it will make additional winter capacity cuts on the trade between Asia and the US East Coast via the Panama Canal. Late last month, MOL announced that it would be withdrawing more capacity to the US West Coast and earlier than in previous years in the face of an unprecedented rise in operating costs – particularly for fuel. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 7 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Now MOL's latest announcement will see it reduce a further 13% of capacity to the US East Coast. MOL says that it, APL, HMM, and CMA CGM have decided to skip some sailings in their ESX deployment from mid-December to the end of March. A statement says: “MOL remains committed to providing customers with premium global container shipping services. However, it did not rule out future additional network adjustments to minimize the impact of dramatically higher costs on their respective businesses.” Source : Maritime Global Net Veertig bootvluchtelingen verdrinken voor Senegalese kust Ongeveer veertig Afrikanen die in een boot van Senegal naar de Canarische Eilanden wilden varen, zijn verdronken tijdens de overtocht. Dat heeft de Senegalese politie maandag gemeld. In de boot, die vanuit het zuiden van Senegal vertrokken was, zaten 130 vluchtelingen. Zaterdag, twaalf dagen na het vertrek, strandde het schip ten noorden van de hoofdstad Dakar met negentig personen aan boord. Een zeventigtal gestranden slaagden er in te ontsnappen voor de politie ter plaatse was. (TIP) CASUALTY REPORTING Tel: +31 115 645000 - www.multraship.com Man loses leg on tug A crewman on board a tug off the coast of Christchurch is lucky to be alive after having his leg amputated in a freak accident. Maritime New Zealand has launched a safety probe into the incident on Saturday afternoon in which a steel cable snapped and struck the crewman, severing one leg and leaving the other with severe lacerations. A Westpac rescue helicopter paramedic said that without swift work by crew members to stem the bleeding with a tourniquet, the man would have died. "We spent a bit of time on deck stabilising him because he had a very, very large bleed. If we hadn't stemmed the bleeding in his artery, then he would be dead," he said. The injured man did not want to be identified or say anything. He is in a satisfactory condition in Christchurch Hospital. He had been working on the tugboat assisting with the laying of pipes as part of the Christchurch City Council's $87 million ocean outfall project, linking the oxidation ponds in Bromley to a point 3km out to sea off the South Brighton coast. Source : Press.co.nz Samco tanker involved in collision in Red Sea, but no spill or injuries reported. The 300,000–dwt VLCC Samco Europe (built 2007) has been involved in a collision with a boxship in the Red Sea, but no injuries or pollution has been reported. The incident took place overnight on 7/8 December 22 nautical miles from the Bab El Mandeb strait and also involved the 6,350–teu MSC Prestige (built 2006), listed as owned by MOL and chartered by MSC. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 8 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 The rebuild MTS TAKTOW arrived in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Jan Oosterboer © Cargo ship collision in harbour A cargo ship hit the side of the St Helier yacht basin in Jersey while trying to berth in strong winds. The Condor Ferries' operated Commodore Goodwill ship had arrived from Portsmouth carrying 12 trucks. St Helier Harbour Master, Captain Howard Le Cornu, said no damage was found on the cargo ship during an initial inspection. A Condor Ferries spokesman said the ship later headed to Guernsey for a further inspection. The ship was towed out of Jersey harbour by the tug Duke of Normandy. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected] Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 9 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 South African Subs Starving Personnel and money shortages have forced the South African navy to sideline one of its two new Type 209/1400 class submarines. This despite the fact that one of them (SAS Manthatisi) distinguished itself during recent exercises with a NATO/South African task force. The sub avoided efforts by surface ships and aircraft to detect it, and proceeded to "destroy" several NATO ships. Because of money and personnel shortages, only one of these subs can operate, with the other one basically just sitting in port with a skeleton crew. South Africa only received its first Type 209 sub last year. The second one entered service earlier this year, and third one arrives next Spring. The German built Type 209 is one of the more widely used diesel-electric subs in the world. The South African boats displace 1,300 tons, are 183 feet long, have eight torpedo tubes and carry 14 torpedoes and a crew of 36. The South African Navy needs $1.2 million each year to operate each Type 209 boat. The government has not been providing enough money to cover all those costs. To make matters worse, the expanding oil industry, and high tech sectors of the economy, have been tempting experienced officers and NCOs to leave the submarine service. Currently, an experienced submarine petty officer earns about $13,400 a year. Civilian jobs offer two or three times that. The navy needs about a hundred submarine sailors to provide full time crews for the two boats it has in service. Another fifty qualified sailors will be needed for the third boat, when it arrives in about six months. There have been suggestions that the third boat be sold off before it is accepted, and that one of the two boats now in service be put into storage. Officially, the navy refuses to consider either of these options. But unless the government comes up with a lot more money, to pay submarine sailors sufficient bonuses, maintaining crews, or the boats, will be impossible. Other nations, including the United States, have had to offer large bonuses to submarine sailors, to prevent poaching by better paying civilian employers. There are 59 Type 209 boats in service, in a dozen different navies. South Africa had previously operated 860 ton French Daphne class boats. The Type 209 boats cost South Africa $285 million eac. Source : Strategy Pages SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : [email protected] www.disamaritime.com Ketelaarstraat 5c B-2340 Beerse Belgium Tel : + 32 (0) 14 62 04 11 Fax : + 32 (0) 14 61 16 88 Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 10 [email protected] www.disacivil.com 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Seen in the Port of Barcelona in between towing jobs is the tug MONTORIOL. Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND © Korea's Hanjin opens its largest shipyard in Subic Bay SOUTH Korea's Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction Corp has completed the first phase of its largest shipyard project in Subic Bay in the Philippines. The first phase includes a dry dock, hull-making facilities, a four-storey administration building, a three-storey production and design building, field offices and training centre. 'We will promote the yard as a global shipbuilding base,' the company said, The US$1.68 billion facility is Hanjin's first outside Korea and was set up after space limitations at its main Busan shipyard prevented it taking advantage of a sharp increase in demand for newbuildings. Work on the Philippine facility started in March 2006 after Hanjin signed a 50-year lease with the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority for a 350-hectare seafront property at Subic's Redondo Peninsula. Employing a small army of 5,000 construction workers, the initial phase of the yard was completed in just 13 months and fabrication work was immediately started for its first order of six 4,300 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units) container ships for Greece's Dioryx Maritime Corp. By the time the yard comes into full production in 2016, it will be the world's fourth largest. It will have two massive dry docks, the larger of which will have a capacity of 700,000 tonnes, a length of 480m and width of 135m. This makes it capable of building very large crude carriers (VLCCs) and liquefied natural gas carriers. Each of its dry docks will be serviced by two 600 tonne Goliath cranes. And the quay length will be 3.3km. In terms of production, the yard will be able to build on average up to 50 medium-size 4,300 TEU container vessels a year. Although construction work is still going on, the yard already has a brimming order book for 35 newbuildings worth US$3 billion. The orders are for VLCCs, Cape-size bulk carriers and mid-size container ships. The orders also include eight 12,800 TEU Post-Panamax container carriers, considered to be the largest in the world. Source : businesstimes Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 11 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Vroon’s POOL EXPRESS seen fitting out at the Damen yard in Galati (Rumania) Photo : Huib Lievense © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 12 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.workships.nl The TOR MINERVA seen enroute Rotterdam Photo : Piet Sinke © Maersk en MSC stoppen samenwerking op Canada Maersk Line en MSC wisselen vanaf 1 januari geen slots meer uit tussen Noord-Europa en de Canadese haven Montreal. Voor MSC is dat aanleiding om het vaarschema van de Canadalijn aan te passen. MSC vaart nog tot het eind van deze maand met drie schepen op Montreal. In Europa wordt geladen in Antwerpen en Liverpool. Maersk gebruikte deze dienst onder de naam TA5. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 13 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 De eigen TA4-loop van de Denen verbindt Bremerhaven, Rotterdam en Le Havre met Montreal. Omdat Bremerhaven en Le Havre belangrijke havens zijn in het netwerk van MSC, zal de Zwitserse rederij beide vanaf 1 januari rechtstreeks aanlopen. De nieuwe Europese rotatie wordt dan: Antwerpen, Bremerhaven, Le Havre en Liverpool. Om het vaarschema te kunnen uitbreiden zonder aan de wekelijkse frequentie te komen, is de inzet van een vierde schip in de dienst nodig. Het is nog niet duidelijk welk schip de huidige vloot van drie eenheden van 2.700 tot 3.000 teu komt versterken. Het ziet er voorlopig naar uit dat Maersk geen wijzigingen aanbrengt in zijn TA4-dienst. Die wordt uitgevoerd met drie zusterschepen met een capaciteit van elk ruim 2.900 teu. Bron : Nieuwsblad Transport The PRIMROSE ACE seen arriving in Zeebrugge Photo : Henk Claeys © Acergy awarded major offshore contract in Angola The firm of Acergy SA has been awarded a US$670 million contract for engineering procurement, fabrication and installation of the export line, rigid in-field pipelines, riser, manifolds and control umbilicals in water depths from 20 to 1,200 metres offshore from Angola. Fabrication will be undertaken at the Sonamet yard in Lobito. Offshore installation is scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of 2008, using the ACERGY POLARIS and the POLAR QUEEN. In other Angolan news members of EWATA (Europe West Africa Trade Agreement) have agreed on an emergency terminal congestion surcharge of €170 / Y120 per TEU at the port of Lobito to recover costs resulting from off dock stacking of empty containers. This has come about due to heavy congestion in the port of Lobito which has resulted in a ban on stacking of empty containers inside the port. EWATA says the surcharge, which comes into effect on 1 January 2008, will be cancelled once the situation is back to normal. Member lines of EWATA are CSAV, Delmas, Hapag Lloyd, Libra, Maersk Line, NileDutch, OT Africa Line and Safmarine. Source : ports.co.za Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 14 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 TUI AG and RCL to Launch JV TUI AG and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. announced today they will launch a new joint venture serving the German cruise market. The new company, TUI Cruises, will begin service with one ship, in early 2009, and grow quickly with two newbuilds planned for 2011 and 2012. Sales and marketing will commence earlier in Spring 2008. Both partners will hold a 50 percent interest in the joint venture, which is subject to regulatory and board approvals before completion. The first ship to operate under the TUI Cruises brand will undergo renovations before entering service. Once deployed, it will not only enhance the German cruise market, but also meet the sophisticated needs of Germanspeaking customers seeking a contemporary/premium cruise experience. The onboard product will be custom-tailored to German tastes, and encompass food, entertainment and amenities. German will be the language used onboard as well. Source : MarineLink The MULTRATUG 7 seen outward bound from Rotterdam Photo : Piet Sinke © Essar Shipping to acquire 6 Chinese vessels Indian conglomerate Essar announced to acquire six Chinese shipping vessels for $390 dollars. Essar Shipping and Logistics Ltd has contracted STX (Dalian) Ship Building Company of China for acquiring six modern mini cape bulk carriers and has the option of checking three more such vessels. Eassar Shipping which already has a fleet of 28 vessels with a capacity of 1.5 million DWT said, "the vessels are expected to be delivered in seven months, beginning July 2011. Source : Times of India Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 15 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 The BBC WESER seen moored in Veracruz Photo : Rob Hazelbag © New cruise terminal at Southampton Associated British Ports and Carnival UK have signed a 20-year contract that will see a fourth cruise terminal built at the Port of Southampton. ABP will invest £19M ($38M) in the new terminal, which will be built at Ocean Dock opposite the site of the old Ocean Terminal. The agreement will also give Carnival UK priority use of the port’s Queen Elizabeth II and Mayflower terminals. “The signing of this contract is spectacular news for the Port of Southampton,” said Doug Morrison, port director for ABP. “We are delighted to be building the new terminal as it not only strengthens our close relationship with Carnival but also demonstrates our faith in the future of this trade.” Southampton has seen 245 cruise calls and more than 800,000 passengers during 2007. Source : Lloyds / Fairplay daily news Looking for further information regarding 3 former Belgian seagoing coalbarges In the late sixties and early seventies 3 (fourth was an option) seagoing coalbarges where build at the (no longer existing) yard of Boele at Temse. They where to be pushed by the tugs SEA HORSE (now demolished) and SEA LION (no Canadian AVANTAGE). The idea was to transport coal from/to Poland to/from (I think) Zeebrugge although one of them was also sighted at the Terneuzen-Ghent canal). The project seemed to be unsuccesful and around 1972 or 1973 the barges disappeared from the river Scheldt and the vessels where reported to be sold to Israel or Egypt (Egret Shipping) and all got SEA prefixes (SEA CAT, SEA LEOPARD). One of them was involved in the capsizing/sinking of the Bugsier 27 at Brunsbuttel in the early seventies. After that they got the DO MAR names. In the meanwhile 2 of them where used as offshore salmon factories and one as a concrete blender for the Statfjord platforms at Stavanger. The bargenames where NIEUWPOORT (GATO DO MAR, now MCCLEARY'S SPIRIT and rebuild into a doublehull fullbarge), ZEEBRUGGE (now CAVALLO DO MAR) and HEIJST (now LEOPARDO DO MAR). Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 16 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 I'm looking for photographs and/or information especially from their "SEA" and "DO MAR" period. For what where they used, owners anything to complete the story. Besides that I would like to find out the current whereabouts of CAVALLO and LEOPARO. CAVALLO DO MAR left Rotterdam in November 2005 for Quatar after being painted green (Deme livery) and having a large crane installed. Who's her current owner, what's her current purpose etc. LEOPARDO was used as a detoxication factory at St. Nazaire but was up for sale due to new legal regulations. After a drydocking at St. Nazaire she was towed to Venice by Susanne A (when?). Who's her current owner, what's her current purpose etc. Anybody who is having answers on the above questions , please contact : Wim Kosten at [email protected] Biglifts TRAMPER seen moored in Onne ( Nigeria) Photo : Eric Peute © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 17 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 MOVEMENTS The mv”Geonaut”, seen moored alongside at the “Coal Jetty”, Schoonhoven Photo : Paul van Buren / Technical Ship Support bv © The tug THOR seen assisting the MSC MICHAELA in Barbours Cut (Houston). Photo : Elmer Fillekes © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 18 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 OLDIE – FROM THE SHOEBOX The lifeboat GEBROEDERS LUDEN which served for years at the lifeboatstations Oostmahorn and Lauwersoog Photo : Pim Korver FILM+VIDEO © MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.eu Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : [email protected] Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 19 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 1000 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. The pilot tender MERCURY with in the background SWATH PERSEUS seen off Hoek van Holland Photo : Piet Sinke © Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 20 12/10/2007 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2007 – 287 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Distribution : daily 3500+ copies worldwide Page 21 12/10/2007
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