DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 Number 266* COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Thursday 15-12-2005 THIS EDITION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected] The tug NABAT arrived with the barge E 3501 in Rotterdam – Photo : Johan Ritman © PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 1 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Missing cruise ship passenger identified as B.C. woman It's now been learned that the Canadian woman reported missing from a cruise ship in the Bahamas on the weekend is from Victoria. Jill Begora was reported missing by her husband last weekend, as the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Jewel of the Seas pulled into the Bahamian capital of Nassau after visiting the eastern Caribbean island of Antigua. The 59-year-old Begora and her husband retired to Victoria two years ago from Ontario. Fran Pfaff, who was the missing woman's close friend for 30 years, says Begora suffered from depression, but had left for the cruise in good spirits. "She had lots of things going on in her life," she said. "You know, lots of things to look forward to." Pfaff is now waiting as officials investigate whether Begora fell or jumped off the ship. "It doesn't seem that that would be right at this point because she was doing so well. You know I just can't...but on the other hand I can't just see someone falling off a ship." The U.S. Coast Guard and Bahamian naval vessels have called off the search for Begora. When the cruise ship arrived back in Fort Lauderdale, it was search by Coast Guard staff. The investigation has now been turned over to the FBI. Ferry dispute 'takes a bad turn' The industrial dispute which brought tens of thousands of protestors onto the streets of the Republic of Ireland has taken another turn for the worse. The dispute centres on plans to replace about 540 Irish Ferries crew members with cheaper foreign workers. Irish Ferries has told the unions involved that its three ships must resume sailings by Tuesday night. It has threatened to cut a redundancy offer and take one of the vessels out of service if sailings do not restart. On Friday, thousands demonstrated in Dublin and eight other towns and cities in the Republic of Ireland. On Saturday, trade union members staged a demonstration in west Wales in support of the Irish Ferries' workers. Talks resumed on Tuesday to resolve the dispute following the company's ultimatum. The negotiations have been taking place at the Labour Relations Commission in Dublin. None of the company's three ships between Ireland and Britain have sailed since 24 November. The dispute has also paralysed an Ireland-France service involving a fourth Irish Ferries ship. The company is seeking to "reflag" the three Irish Sea ferries to Cyprus. Irish labour laws do not apply on ships under foreign flags. Irish Ferries chief executive Eamonn Rothwell said the main union SIPTU was not "interested in engaging to negotiate a settlement". This was despite the company "being prepared to consider conceding, among other things, the national minimum wage for future contract crews", he said. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 2 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 The dispute began in September when Irish Ferries offered redundancy to a third of its workforce in order to replace them with lower-paid workers from central and eastern Europe. It escalated more than two weeks ago when Irish Ferries crew members on the vessels Isle of Inishmore and the Ulysses barricaded themselves on board. The ships have remained moored in Pembroke Dock and Holyhead respectively while the dispute remains unresolved. Irish Ferries has said it needs to bring in foreign staff to remain competitive. The company added it had been completely open about its plans to bring in new crews as part of a cost-cutting exercise. Fuelling woes in Chinese ports Oil tankers, container ships and bulk carriers are calling at Chinese ports in record numbers, but when it comes to filling up their tanks, owners look elsewhere. China's marine fuel market - dominated by a single supplier barely a year before the country is due to open up its domestic wholesale oil sector under the terms of its WTO entry - remains a bit player in the international bunker fuels trade. This is despite the world's fastest-growing major economy importing more raw materials than ever before, while exports are projected to grow at more than 20 per cent next year. Without a transparent and competitive climate, a reform of inefficient procedures and lower prices, Chinese ports will struggle to vie with Hong Kong and Singapore to sell the millions of tonnes of diesel and fuel oil that power the world's ships. "Shipowners bunker in China only under emergency," said Robert Chandran, president and chief executive of top US marine fuels supplier Chemoil-ITC, half-owned by Japan's Itochu Corp. Industry experts say China has the potential to be the world's top bunker fuel market, but it has to get things right. The Government has not made clear how it would open up the market for bonded bunkers - non-taxable marine fuels taken by global vessels or Chinese ships plying international routes - after end-2006, when the WTO deadline expires. China's bunker market is dominated by Chimbusco, a joint-venture between Chinese major PetroChina and the country's top shipping firm, Cosco Group. It accounts for about 95 per cent of the annual volume of bonded bunkers. The market remains tiny, with a mere annual volume of 2.5-3 million tonnes for the international market deemed a record-high. That is almost a tenth of the volume in Singapore, the world's biggest bunkering port. Chimbusco sold 2.04 million tonnes in the first nine months of 2005, up 33 per cent from the year before. Growth in fuel sales has lagged overall port turnover. Shipping throughput in Shanghai, China's largest port, has almost doubled to 14.65 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) last year, up from 8.61 million TEUs in 2002. Volumes in Hong Kong, the world's largest container port, are at 20.4 million TEUs and Singapore are at 20.1 million TEUs for 2004. Shippers complain about poor transparency in China, where prices are the highest in Asia, averaging at US$30 ($42.24) a tonne more than Singapore levels this year, US$17 above Hong Kong and US$69 over Rotterdam. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 3 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 Chimbusco is perceived as unwilling to share its monopoly and has cornered the Chinese market by owning most of the storage facilities in the best locations. Chimbusco deputy managing director Fu Bin said the firm had not received word from the Government on the WTO market-opening, but it was bracing itself for competition. Greenpeace members board asbestosridden French ship bound for India A lone Greenpeace activist was camped out aboard a decommissioned French aircraft carrier after a larger protest against plans to send the asbestosriddled ship to India for scrapping, the environmental group said. Originally three protesters jumped from small boats to the hull of the 44-year-old Clemenceau, kept in the Mediterranean port of Toulon after being mothballed in 1997, and climbed on to the radar platform at the top of the boat's superstructure. Two of the protesters later left the ship and joined four of their fellow campaigners who had been taken into French police custody earlier Monday. All seven had earlier climbed up a crane in the dockyard, where they unfurled a banner reading: "Asbestos carrier: not here, nor elsewhere". Greenpeace said it organised the stunt to call attention to the carcinogenic danger posed by the vessel and to call on the French government to remove the asbestos itself instead of sending the carrier to India. "It is clear that the government is unable today to manage the decommissioning of its military and merchant ships. We ask that the government start a national strategy of dismantling them that observes international law, human rights and the environment," said the head of Greenpeace France, Pascal Husting. The French government intends to send the Clemenceau to India to be broken down into 22,000 tonnes of scrap metal. Although some of the asbestos insulation has been removed, Greenpeace and an anti-asbestos group, the Jussieu Committee, say the bulk of the 210 tonnes of the dangerous fireproofing remains. "Decontamination is very expensive and so the easiest thing to do is to send it to other countries where labour laws can be easily flouted," said activist Madhumita Dutta of pressure group Corporate Accountability Desk. Dutta said in a statement released in New Delhi that India did not have the proper technology, equipment or procedures in place to handle the decontamination of the Clemenceau. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 4 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 "The workers use the most unsophisticated methods to break the ship down. Even one fibre of asbestos can cause serious medical problems," she said. Almost half of the world's ships end up in India -- which has the world's biggest shipbreaking yard -- for dismantling after their sailing lives are over, according to Greenpeace. India was selected as its destination for the process after a Spanish company which won the original decommissioning tender in 2003 tried to send the ship to Turkey to have its asbestos stripped out, in contravention of EU law. That contract was rescinded and the French defence ministry decided to do some of the decontamination work itself before sending the ship to India. The timing of the Greenpeace protest coincided with a meeting of a World Maritime Organisation working group in Basle on the transport of dangerous waste and a World Trade Organisation meeting in Geneva on Monday. No comment was available from the Ship Decommissioning Industries (SDI), an affiliate of German steel giant Thyssen-Krupp, which is handling the ship decommissioning. The French maritime authority said that over a hundred tonnes of asbestos had been removed already, and "what was not accessible must be treated in India at a specialised site and according to European norms, under direction of the SDI". Up to 100,000 people are set to die in an "epidemic" of asbestos-linked cancers, the French senate said in a report published in October which blamed the state and powerful lobbyists for the failure to ban the substance until 1997. The Clemenceau, which took part in the 1991 Gulf War, was taken out of service when it was superseded by France's new, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle. CASUALTY REPORT Gekapseisde vissersboot: twee slachtoffers geborgen Volgens de Britse kustwacht zijn bij het ongeval met de Z.122 Noordster voor de Britse kust twee bemanningsleden overleden. Eén persoon werd gered. Over een vierde opvarende is er nog geen nieuws. Het Zeebrugse vissersvaartuig kapseisde dinsdagavond op zestien kilometer voor Beachy Head in OostSussex. De oorzaak is nog onbekend. Een 21-jarige bemanningslid van het schip werd gered. Hij zat op de romp van het gekapseisde schip toen de Britse kustwacht woensdagmorgen arriveerde. Hij is overgebracht naar een ziekenhuis in Eastbourne. Twee anderen zijn omgekomen, bevestigt de kustwacht. De Britse marine is intussen met duikers ter plaatse. Het noodsignaal dat het vissersschip uitzond, werd niet onmiddellijk opgevangen. Het duurde tot woensdagmorgen tot een voorbijvarend vrachtschip alarm sloeg. Intussen zijn vier reddingsboten, één marineschip en een helikopter ter plaatse. Zij zoeken verder naar het vermist bemanningslid. De man zit vermoedelijk nog in het schip opgesloten. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 5 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected] Hr.Ms. Pelikaan uit dienst gesteld Op vrijdag 9 december 2005 is het ondersteuningsvaartuig van de Koninklijke Marine in het Caraïbisch Gebied, Hr.Ms. Pelikaan, ceremonieel uit dienst gesteld. Dit gebeurde in aanwezigheid van onder anderen de Commandant der Zeemacht in het Caraïbisch gebied, Commandeur Frank Sijtsma, en de laatste commandant van het schip, luitenant-ter-zee Bob van Hoof. De Pelikaan heeft vanaf 1990 dienst gedaan in het gebied. In 2006 wordt haar aflosser verwacht, die ook weer Pelikaan zal heten. Hr.Ms. Pelikaan heeft de afgelopen 15 jaar een belangrijke rol vervuld bij het transporteren van materieel en (incidenteel) personeel van zowel Koninklijke Marine als Kustwacht voor de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba. Het schip diende herhaaldelijk als platform of transportschip bij verschillende lokale oefeningen zoals Caraïbes, Deux Tricolores, de Deep Divex en de jaarlijkse Hurricane Relief Exercise. Ook werd het bij ernstacties ingezet, zoals na de passage van de orkaan Mitch in 1998. In november van dat jaar vertrok de Pelikaan tot de nok toe beladen met brandstof, medicijnen, Landrovers, rubberboten en mariniers naar Honduras om daar noodhulp te verlenen. Daarnaast bood het schip incidenteel hulp aan individuele schepen in nood, zoals in 2002, toen een Amerikaans zeiljacht ten noorden van Isla de Margarita in moeilijkheden raakte. De Pelikaan leverde toen technische en medische assistentie aan de opvarenden. Fregat Westdiep komt naar huis Het Belgisch fregat Westdiep en zijn 160-tal bemanningsleden meren vrijdag aan op de marinebasis in Zeebrugge na een bijna twee maanden durende operatie Active Endeavour, die de NAVO op de Middellandse Zee voerde in de strijd tegen het terrorisme. Rechts : De F 911 WESTDIEP Foto : Piet Sinke © De Westdiep, een van de twee varende fregatten van de Belgische marine, nam van 17 oktober tot 12 PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 6 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 december deel aan de operatie en praaide meer dan 500 handelsschepen, maar voerde geen controles aan boord uit, aldus dezelfde bron. De operatie Active Endeavour is een van de maatregelen van de NAVO na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 in de Verenigde Staten. De NAVO beroept zich hiervoor op artikel 5, dat bepaalt dat een aanval tegen een van de leden moet beschouwd worden als een aanval tegen allen. De operatie die sinds oktober 2001 van kracht is, heeft als doel de koopvaardij op de Middellandse Zee te controleren om eventuele terroristische activiteiten op het spoor te komen. In een eerste periode beperkte de actie zich tot het oostelijke deel van de Middellandse Zee, maar breidde zich in februari 2003 uit tot de Straat van Gibraltar tussen Spanje en Marokko. De NAVO overweegt nu om Rusland en Oekraïne en de landen van de "meditterane dialoog" bij de operatie te betrekken. De afgelopen twee maanden vuurde de Westdiep in het kader van een militaire opdracht een zee-zeeraket van het type Exocet MM38 af. De raket werd onderschept door twee anti-luchtraketten van het type Evolved Sea Sparrow 2, afgevuurd door het Nederlandse fregat De Zeven Provinciën, die zijn operationele voorbereiding afrondde alvorens het commando te nemen van een multinationale zeemacht met de naam Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150). Die operatie strijdt ook tegen het terrorisme, maar dan ter hoogte van de Hoorn van Afrika. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI > > > > > After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: Reduced fuel consumption. Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. Easy and simple dosing system. WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : [email protected] website : www.westmark.nl Hanjin to Build Container Yard in China PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 7 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 South Korea's top container shipper Hanjin Shipping said Wednesday it is building a container yard on China's east coast to secure a stronghold in a new port under construction in Shanghai. The off-dock container yard is being built at a site near Yangshan port, about 30 kilometers from Shanghai's industrial and logistics complex, it said. The facility is slated for completion in August 2006. ``The growth potential for Shanghai's new port is tremendous," a Hanjin official said. "Almost 30 percent of Hanjin's container cargo is to and from China." China is currently building the new port in its largest commercial city as part of an ambitious plan to make it Northeast Asia's logistics hub. The first phase of work on the new port was completed Saturday. When finished in 2020, the port will handle 20 million TEUs with over 50 berths each year, according to Hanjin Shipping. TEU stands for a 20-foot equivalent unit. Last year, Shanghai emerged as the world's third-largest container port with an annual cargo handling capacity of 14 million TEUs, surpassing that of Pusan, South Korea's key port city. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.workships.nl TOP Tankers Announces Delivery of M/T Edgeless TOP Tankers Inc announced that it has taken delivery of the M/T Edgeless, a 147,048 DWT double-hull Suezmax tanker, built in 1994 by Harland & Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd, of the United Kingdom. The vessel has been financed with the Company's cash reserves and secured bank debt. The M/T Edgeless is the final of four Suezmax deliveries for the fourth quarter of 2005 and will be deployed in the spot market, which currently averages approximately $75,000 per day. FIRST NEWBUILDING FOR HARMS DELIVERED PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 8 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 HARMS is glad that to inform you about the hand-over from their newbuilding PSV "CENTAURUS". She has left the Kleven Yard, Alesund . She sailed to Cuxhaven for fitting out and will leave today in direction Africa for a ten month contract with options. The christening took place on Monday at the Mützelfeld-Yard Cuxhaven. The next newbuilding PSV "CERBERUS" (the second one of three ordered) will join the market mid March and the third one PSV "AEOLUS" during June. They are all from the same type: VS 470 MK II from the Kleven Yard, Norway. Harms Bergung Transport & Heavylift GmbH & Co. KG Johannisbollwerk 20 20459 Hamburg Phone: +49 (40) 31 77 22 0 Fax: +49 (40) 31 77 22 55 www.harms-bergung.de [email protected] Sevan arranges $120 million finance facility for first SSP Sevan Production AS, a subsidiary of Norway's Sevan Marine ASA, has signed a US$120 million senior debt project finance facility for Sevan's first floating oil production, storage and offloading unit, the SSP Piranema. Sevan Marine ASA 's SSP (Sevan Stabilized Platform) is a new, cylinder shaped platform type for floating production, storage and offloading of oil and gas, GE's financial businesses and ANZ, acting as joint Mandated Lead Arrangers for the $120 million facility. The debt facility is structured as a limited recourse financing containing a pre-completion construction financing of up to US$20 million that converts into a ten-year amortizing term loan following delivery of the SSP Piranema to Petrobras. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 9 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 The first SSP is currently under construction at Yantai Raffles in China. The SSP 300 is an FPSO with an oil storage capacity of 300 000 bbls, an oil processing capacity of 30 000 bbls/day and a gas injection capacity of 3.6 million cu.m/day. The unit will carry up to 21 risers and umbilicals. It will work for Petrobras on the Piranema field from mid-2006. The water depth at the field is 1,000m---1,600 m. The contract with Petrobras has a fixed term of 11 years, with 6 x 1 year options and 5 x 1 year mutually agreed. Sevan has signed a contract with Venture Production for the use of one SSP 300, as an FPSO on the Chestnut field in the central North Sea. The water depth at the field is 120 m. The unit will have an oil processing capacity of 30 000 bbls/day and a water injection capacity of 20 000 bbls/day. The unit will carry up to 3 risers and umbilicals. The unit will be delivered from the Yantai Raffles in the first quarter of 2007 and will be installed at the field mid-2007. The contract with Venture Production has a fixed term of 2.5 years, with 4 x 6 months options. Sevan has ordered a third SSP 300 from Yantai Raffles. The SSP will be equipped as an FPSO, with an oil storage capacity of 300 000 bbls. The unit is currently uncommitted. Delivery of Stena Paris Yesterday (Wednesday) Concordia Maritime took delivery of the MR tanker Stena Paris built at Brodosplit Shipyard in Split, Croatia. Stena Paris is the first P-MAX tanker in a series of six vessels built at Brodosplit Shipyard. Stena Paris is on a five year charter to the French oil company TOTAL. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 10 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet [email protected] http://www.multraship.com The HYUNDAI CONTINENTAL seen here arriving at the Hunterston terminal at the Clyde Photo : Tommy Bryceland © The STATENDAM anchored at Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Photo : Tim Lodder © SHIPS THAT SAILED THE SEAS PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 11 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 The 520 ft. long, 58 ft. broad, 33 ft. deep SS MONGOLIA measured 10,000 tons and was powered by 14,000 h.p, the MONGOLIA was launched in 1904, and could accommodate for upwards of 500 saloon passengers. in 1917 the vessel was mined and sunk off Bombay with the loss of 23 lives. AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Helicopter Crashes Off Colombia A U.S. Navy helicopter crashed in the Pacific Ocean off Colombia with three aboard Tuesday, and the Colombian navy joined a search for the missing crew members, U.S. and Colombian officials said. The SH-60B helicopter was within visual range of the frigate USS DeWert when it went down in the eastern Pacific, said Bill Austin, a spokesman for the U.S. Naval Station at Mayport, Fla., where the troops were based. "The helicopter didn't transmit any kind of distress call that we know of," Austin said, adding that the helicopter was conducting normal operations at the time of the crash. He said he did not know how far the helicopter was from the ship when it went down, or whether it had just taken off or was returning. The Colombian navy sent a marine patrol plane to join in the U.S. Navy's search, said Colombian Adm. Jairo Pena, commander of Colombia's Pacific fleet. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 12 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 "We received the report that it feel to the water inexplicably," Pena said, adding that the accident occurred about 5 a.m., but that by Tuesday afternoon, the search still had been fruitless. He said the DeWert is part of a unit that usually carries out anti-drug missions in international waters. "We are searching in a zone about 350 miles from the Colombian coast," Pena said. Colombia is the world's largest cocaine producer and a major supplier of heroin to the United States. The U.S. has been helping the Colombian police and military battle the country's drug gangs and have made several major arrests in recent years. The Pacific coast of Colombia, particularly along the edge of coca-growing Narino state, where the land is penetrated by few roads and bisected by inland waterways, is a popular haven for drug smugglers. Since 2000, the United States has spent $4 billion for "Plan Colombia," a joint U.S.-Colombia anti-drug program that ended in September. The United States provides the Colombian government with training, equipment and other aid under the project. CHC Helicopter wins five-year British search and rescue contract CHC Helicopter Corp. said Tuesday it has won a five-year contract from the United Kingdom Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Vancouver-based CHC will provide commercial search-rescue helicopter services from four bases in Britain, starting July 1, 2007. Financial details were not disclosed. The aircraft to be deployed on the contract are the Sikorsky S-92 and the Agusta Bell AB139. CHC's European Operating Division will operate two S-92s at Stornoway, two S-92s at Sumburgh, two AB139s at Lee-on-Solent and one AB139 at Portland. CHC currently provides search-rescue and emergency helicopter services in Ireland, Africa, Australia and Norway. The company is the world's largest provider of helicopter services to the global offshore oil and gas industry, with aircraft operating in more than 30 countries around the world. 'Schiphol beste luchthaven van de wereld' PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 13 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 Luchthaven Schiphol is uitgeroepen tot het beste vliegveld van de wereld door het Britse reisvakblad Buying Business Travel. Het is voor het eerst dat Schiphol bij de verkiezing van dit blad als beste uit de bus komt. Lezers waarderen de faciliteiten van de luchthaven. Andere genomineerde vliegvelden waren die van Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong en Chicago. Eerder dit jaar is Schiphol al uitgeroepen tot het beste vliegveld van Europa. Het Britse blad voor zakenreizigers Business Traveller kende de Nederlandse luchthaven die prijs sinds 1980 22 keer toe. Schiphol heeft de afgelopen 25 jaar bijna 130 van dergelijke prijzen ontvangen. MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : [email protected] Today’ s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 14 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 PHOTO OF THE DAY De ROTTERDAM arrived in Cadiz Photo : Edwin Bosch © SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: [email protected] PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 15 12/14/2005 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 266 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe”in the subject line. PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 16 12/14/2005
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